Pictured above: An original oil painting on canvas by Emma Connolly entitled ‘The Council Chamber’ - where it now proudly hangs (as seen on the front cover) Law Society of Ireland Annual Report and Accounts Blackhall Place, Dublin 7, tel 01 672 4800, fax 01 672 4801 DX: 79 Dublin E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.lawsociety.ie 2005/2006 Contents On the cover: the Law Society Council meeting, photographed in the Council Chamber of the Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7, on Friday 1 September 2006 2 Committees of the Law Society of Ireland MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF IRELAND 4 Report of the president 7 Law Society personnel 8 Report of the director general STANDING COMMITTEES 12 Complaints and Client Relations Committee 13 Co-ordination Committee 13 Education Committee 14 Finance Committee 18 Money Laundering Reporting Committee 18 Professional Indemnity Insurance Committee 18 Regulation of Practice Committee NON-STANDING COMMITTEES 21 Arbitration and Mediation Committee 22 Business Law Committee 23 Conveyancing Committee 23 Corporate and Public Sector Committee law society of ireland annual report and accounts 2005/2006 24 Criminal Law Committee 24 Curriculum Development Unit 25 Employment and Equality Law Committee Sinead Behan, Donald P Binchy, Past President Owen M Binchy, James Cahill, Past President 26 EU and International Affairs Committee Geraldine M Clarke, Andrew J Cody, Helene Coffey, Anne Colley, Paul E Connellan, 27 Family Law and Civil Legal Aid Committee John E Costello, Orla Coyne,