New /Spelljammer Feats:

Living Helm - Through the incorporation of special materials and enchantments in a Warforged's body structure, they gain the ability to magically propel their body at great speeds, and even to extend their awareness and blend with a vehicle they are physically in contact with in the manner of a spelljamming helm. The method by which they do so may take two forms:

1) If the Warforged has spellcasting ability, they may use their ability like a standard Minor Helm, gaining one point of tactical speed for every three levels of the spellcasting class (counted from the point they can actually cast spells in the case of classes like Rangers, Bards, Paladins, etc. who do not gain those abilities at first level.)

If the Warforged has spellcasting ability and is also using a properly mounted normal Helm, even the more specialty types like Bardic, Blessed, or Gadget helms if their class is of the appropriate type, they can increase the efficiency of that helm, gaining +50% to the to speed and lift capacity, effectively turning a Minor Helm into a Major Helm and a Major Helm into a Grand Helm. Combined with the fact that Warforged do not consume air, water, or food, this makes them among the most highly sought after crewmembers imaginable, easily able to command double wages even without the Living Helm feat, and five times as much or more with it on a ship that's expecting trouble, or to a merchantman who wants to tow extra cargo.

Furnace and Psynetic helms operate by means too magically different to operate in conjuction with without the appropriate Advanced Living Helm feat, and Wreckboat Helms are too weak (a Warforged Living Helm can still use thier spelljamming ability to fly a wreckbat with one mounted as their own simply supplants it, but there is a 3% chance per SR they achieve of destroying the Wreckboat Helm, checked at the end of each session of tactical speed. Cruising speed is much less stressful as the energy flows more smoothly and imposes no further checks.) Lifejammer Helms can be affected only if the Warforged is the one using their life energy to power the Lifejammer, although they do get a saving throw (FORT or WILL, whichever is better) to avoid taking damage while still providing motive force. If a seperate helmsman is attempting to pilot the lifejammer with the Warforged Living Helm providing power, the Warforged may allow it or attempt to interfere as with any other type of helm.

2) Alternately, a Warforged with this feat may use the ability to interfere with a mounted helm by entering a similar piloting trance state and pitting their Pilot (Spelljamming) skill against the active helmsman's Will, bringing the helm down and making it unresponsive as if the ship had two mounted helms on successful attempt. Such an attempt made on a ship without an active helmsman automatically succeeds, but the Warforged cannot actually pilot a ship with a mounted helm unless seated in it.

If this feat is not taken at first level, the Warforged character must first accquire a spelljamming helm to be dismantled and used for parts; unlike the creation of a Lifejammer only a single Warforged may be upgraded with this feat from any one Helm. This can be as simple as getting in touch with a Mercane salesman visiting Sharn if the funds are available, or one scavenged from a wreck or a defeated foe. If a Major Helm is used in this process, the Warforged automatically gains Improved Living Helm (Major) as a bonus feat at the same time, similarly if a Bardic, Blessed, Gadget, Jinxed, or Ki Helm is canniballized then the appropriate Improved form for that ability will manifest. Despite the high price of spelljamming helms, the value of a Warforged with this feat makes it quite possible for a character with a few spellcasting levels under his skidplate to have a successful merchant or mercenary company pay for the expense, in return for a contract specifying 1d4+1 years' service. Finally, Profession (Sky Pilot) becomes a class skill regardless of what actual class(es) the Warforged takes, and may be used untrained. Improved Living Helm (Bardic, Blessed, Gadget, Jinx, Ki, or Psynetic): A Warforged with Bardic Music, Paladin Holy Smiting, Artificer Infusion, Hexblade Unluck, the Ki-fueled abilities of a Monk or Ninja, or even the various psionic manifestations may take the appropriate form of this feat and use their full level in the relevant character class to calculate their Spelljammer Rating, rather than counting from the level at which spellcasting abilities are gained (or not at all, for Monk, Ninja, or psionic characters) even if they are acting in conjuction with a normal spellcaster-use Helm or a different (normally unusable) type of specialty Helm. When combining their ability with a specialty Helm of the approprate type, it will function as a Grand Helm. Forge Helms may only be used by many dwarves acting in synchrony, thus far there aren't enough Warforged in wildspace to attempt manning even the smallest Forge helm to see if they could operate it. Furnace Helms have their own special rules, see below. Prerequisites: Ability to use the relevant class special feature, Living Helm feat, four ranks in Profession (Sky Pilot).

Improved Living Helm (Furnace): If the warforged has no spellcasting ability or has already exhausted it (or doesn't want to exhaust it to power travel, since even a few seconds of helm activation will drain all ability for that day) they can drain the magic from a carried or worn magical item (including magical armor, otherwise unusable to a Warforged) to gain a tactical speed of 1 or one day's wildspace or flow travel per +1 of weapon or armor; other magical items perform as if a spellcaster of the required level to create them were using a Minor Helm. Scrolls can provide power for only four hours, while wands or staves can do so for four hours per charge drained. Unlike a real Furnace helm or a Furnace Golem, no actual heat is involved and the items are not physically destroyed, so the Warforged is not barred from entering the Phlogiston. The Warforged also gains the ability to greatly increase the efficiency of Furnace helms, doubling their speed and lifting capacity. Prerequisites: Living Helm feat, four ranks in Profession(Sky Pilot).

Improved Living Helm (Major): The warforged is able to act as a Major Helm, or if in conjuction with another type of mounted helm as a Grand Helm. Prerequisites: Living Helm feat, four ranks in Profession (Sky Pilot).

These feats may be taken by any character with both the "Construct" type and an Intelligence score of three or higher, not only Warforged. Such beings are few and far between, but can be found here and there.