Semantic Web — Interoperability, Usability, Applicability 0 (0) 1 1 IOS Press

Semantic Search on the Web

Bettina Fazzinga a and Thomas Lukasiewicz b technology for interpreting Web search a Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e queries and resources relative to one or more under- Sistemistica, Università della Calabria, Italy lying ontologies, describing some background domain E-mail: [email protected] knowledge, in particular, by connecting the Web re- b Computing Laboratory, University of Oxford, UK sources to semantic annotations, or by extracting se- E-mail: [email protected] mantic knowledge from Web resources. Such a search usually also aims at allowing for more complex Web search queries whose evaluation involves reasoning over the Web. Another common use of the notion of semantic search on the Web is the one as search in the Abstract. Web search is a key technology of the Web, since large datasets of the Semantic Web as a future substi- it is the primary way to access content on the Web. Cur- tute of the current Web. This second use is closely re- rent standard Web search is essentially based on a combi- nation of textual keyword search with an importance rank- lated to the first one, since the above semantic annota- ing of the documents depending on the link structure of the tion of Web resources, or alternatively the extraction of Web. For this reason, it has many limitations, and there are a semantic knowledge from Web resources, actually cor- plethora of research activities towards more intelligent forms responds to producing a , which may of search on the Web, called semantic search on the Web, be encoded using Semantic Web technology. That is, or also Semantic Web search. In this paper, we give a brief the latter semantic search on the Web can essentially overview of existing such approaches, including own ones, be considered as a subproblem of the former one. and sketch some possible future directions of research. Another closely related use is the one as natural lan- Keywords: semantic search on the Web, Semantic Web guage search on the Web, where search queries are for- search, Web search, Semantic Web, ontologies. mulated in (written or even spoken) natural language. Many approaches try to translate such queries into for- mal queries in a structured query language, which are 1. Introduction generally available in the above semantic search in the context of the Semantic Web. The answers to such nat- Web search is a key technology of the Web, which ural language queries may be Web resources as usual, is essentially based on a combination of textual key- or they may also be structured or natural language re- word search with an importance ranking of the doc- sults, towards more informative results, e.g., by show- uments depending on the link structure of the Web. ing structured information extracted from the resulting For this reason, it has many limitations, and there are Web pages, and by additionally connecting the search a plethora of research activities towards more intelli- result with Wikipedia articles. This is another mean- gent Web search, called semantic search on the Web, ing of semantic search, which is actually already a or also Semantic Web search, which is currently one of very simple form of question answering. the hottest research topics in both the Semantic Web Frequently, the notion of semantic search also cov- and Web search (see [13] and [1], respectively). ers some other (often less) semantic ideas and con- There is no unique definition of the notion of seman- cepts. For example, faceted search allows for explor- tic search on the Web. However, the most common use ing results according to a collection of predefined is the one as an improved form of search on the Web, categories, called facets. Closely related is clustered where meaning and structure are extracted from both search, where such facets are not predefined. A further the user’s Web search queries and different forms of example is the suggestion of related searches, such as Web content, and exploited during the Web search pro- the completion and correction of Web search queries, cess. Such semantic search is often achieved by using which are well-known from standard Web search en-

1570-0844/0-1900/$17.00 c 0 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved 2 B. Fazzinga and T. Lukasiewicz / Semantic Search on the Web gines. A similar example is full-text similarity search, lows user to pose queries by first choosing an ontology where blocks of text ranging from phrases to full doc- from a drop-down list and next choosing classes and uments, rather than few keywords, are submitted. properties from another list. Finally, the system builds In this paper, we discuss especially the two initial a conjunctive query, issues the query to the KB, and interpretations of the notion of semantic search on the presents the results in a tabular form. Web, which both refer to the context of the Seman- Subsequent approaches are [9,5], which mainly fo- tic Web, as well as their generalizations towards nat- cus on RDF. Swoogle [9] is a crawler-based system for ural language search on the Web. The rest of this pa- discovering, indexing, and querying RDF documents. per is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe Swoogle mainly provides a search for Semantic Web some representative approaches to semantic search on documents and terms (i.e., the URIs of classes and the Web. Section 3 sketches our own such approach. properties). It allows users to specify queries contain- In Section 4, we conclude and describe our vision for ing conditions on the document-level (i.e., the future of semantic search on the Web. queries asking for documents having .rdf as the file extension), and it also allows users to search for Se- mantic Web documents using RDF/XML as the syntax 2. Overview of Existing Approaches language. Retrieved documents are ranked according to a ranking algorithm measuring the documents’ im- State-of-the-art approaches to semantic search on portance on the Semantic Web. the Web can be classified as follows: The Corese system presented in [5] is an ontology- based for the Semantic Web, which re- 1. approaches based on structured query languages, trieves Web resources annotated in RDF(S) by using a such as [5,9,12,14]; query language based on RDF(S). Corese is able to ap- 2. approaches for naive users, where no familiarity proximately search the Semantic Web. Approximation with ad-hoc query languages is required. In turn, is provided by employing inference rules and by com- these approaches can be divided into: puting the semantic distance of classes or properties in – keyword-based approaches, such as [3,11,15, the ontology hierarchies. Specifically, Corese retrieves 19], where queries consist of lists of keywords; Web resources whose annotations are specializations – natural-language-based approaches, such as of the query, and it also retrieves those resources whose [4,8,16,10], where users can express queries annotations refer to concepts and relations that are hi- by means of the natural language. erarchically close enough to those of the query. A more recent approach is [14], where the NAGA In the following, we give an overview of the main semantic search engine is presented, which provides approaches belonging to the above categories. a graph-based query language to query the under- lying KB represented as a graph. The KB is built 2.1. Approaches Based on Structured Languages automatically by a tool for from Web sources, which extends the approach pro- SHOE [12] is one of the first attempt to semantically posed in [18]. The nodes and edges in the knowledge query the Web. SHOE provides the following: a tool graph represent entities and relationships between en- for annotating Web pages, allowing users to add SHOE tities, respectively. The NAGA query language extends markup to a page by selecting ontologies, classes, and SPARQL [20], allowing complex graph queries with properties from a list; a , which searches regular expressions over relationships on edge labels. for Web pages with SHOE markup and stores the in- Answers to a query are subgraphs of the knowledge formation in a knowledge base (KB); an inference en- graph matching the query graph and are ranked using gine, which provides new markups by means of in- a specific scoring model for weighted labeled graphs. ference rules (basically, Horn clauses); several query tools, which allow users to pose structured queries 2.2. Keyword-Based Approaches against an ontology. One of the query tools allows users to draw a graph in which nodes represent con- As one of the first approaches, [11] focuses on aug- stant or variable instances and arcs represent relations. menting the results of traditional keyword search with To answer the query, the system retrieves subgraphs data retrieved from the Semantic Web. Query process- matching on the user graph. The SHOE search tool al- ing can be summarized as follows: when a user query B. Fazzinga and T. Lukasiewicz / Semantic Search on the Web 3 is issued, query terms (keywords) are mapped to Se- elements, thus the set of these subgraphs represents all mantic Web nodes: in the case of multiple matching, the possible relationships among user keywords that some heuristics (for instance, taking into account the could not be explicitly specified by the user. Hence, user profile, etc.) are employed to find the right one. these subgraphs correspond to the different queries that Once nodes matching the search terms are found, the the user may be interested in. Finally, formal queries approach uses some heuristics to choose what part of are generated by translating the subgraphs according the Semantic Web graph around these nodes, has to to a proper language, and evaluated against the KB. be returned as a result (i.e., the first N triples, where Falcons [3] is a keyword-based search engine for N is some threshold). Moreover, [11] proposes an ap- the Semantic Web, allowing concept and object search. proach to improve traditional keyword search by dis- is carried out by searching the classes ambiguating the meaning of the terms in the query. To and properties that match the query terms in the on- this end, an additional link next to each search result tology selected by the user, and, furthermore, recom- is added, so that, if the user clicks on this link, only mending other ontologies on the basis of a combina- Web documents having a content semantically similar tion of the TF-IDF technique and the popularity of to the document reachable from that link are shown. ontologies. Object search is performed in a similar More recent approaches for naive users based on way: besides returning the objects that match the query keyword search are [15,19,3]. SemSearch [15] pro- terms, the system also recommends other types of ob- vides a Google-like query interface allowing users to jects that the user is likely to be interested in. specify queries without requiring any knowledge about ontologies or specific languages. User queries con- 2.3. Natural-Language-Based Approaches sist of two or more keywords, whose semantic mean- ing is taken into account to reformulate the queries Some of the most recent approaches focusing on themselves according to a formal query language syn- natural language queries are [4,8]. In [4], the ORA- tax. Keywords are assigned a semantic meaning by KEL system is presented, where, before being eval- matching them against a collection of classes, proper- uated, queries are first translated into a logical form, ties, and instances in semantic data repositories. Since and then reformulated according to a target language, each keyword can match a class, a property, or an in- i.e., the language of the underlying KB. The transla- stance, several combinations of semantic matchings of tion from the logical form to the target language is de- the keywords are considered. For instance, it can be scribed declaratively by a Prolog program. The overall the case that every keyword matches a class, or that approach is independent from the specific target lan- the first keyword matches a class, while the second guage, since changing the ontology language only re- matches a property, and so on. All the combinations quires a declarative description of the transformation of matchings are taken into account in the reformula- as a Prolog program, but no further change to the un- tion process, and each combination leads to a distin- derlying system. The system relies on a specific kind guished formal query, obtained from a pre-determined of user, called lexicon engineer, who specifies how nat- set of query templates. After the reformulation, formal ural language expressions can be mapped onto predi- queries are exactly evaluated, and this yields results cates in the KB, i.e., how verbs, adjectives, and rela- that are semantically related to all the user keywords. tional nouns can be mapped onto corresponding rela- In [19], a similar approach to [15], keyword queries tions specified in the domain ontology. are translated into conjunctive queries to be evaluated The system presented in [8] supports (i) Semantic against an underlying KB. Here, the structure of the Web search over ontologies and (ii) semantic search formal queries that are eventually evaluated does not over non-Semantic Web documents. As regards the conform to pre-determined templates. Formal queries first kind of search, answers to a natural language are built exploiting a graph-based technique to find the query are retrieved by exploiting a previous system, connections between the entities in the user queries. called PowerAqua [17], which works in the follow- Specifically, query translation consists of the follow- ing way: first, the user query is translated from natu- ing three steps. First, the keywords in the user query ral language into a structured format, called linguis- are mapped onto ontology elements. Then, relations tic triple; second, the terms of the linguistic triple are among these ontology elements are examined, and mapped to semantically relevant ontology entities. Fi- subgraphs of the KB are extracted. Each subgraph rep- nally, the ontological entities that best represent the resents a set of relations connecting all the considered user query are selected and returned. PowerAqua ex- 4 B. Fazzinga and T. Lukasiewicz / Semantic Search on the Web tends the AquaLog system proposed in [16], which such a KB can be considered as an ontological in- works in the presence of a single ontology only, to the dex over the Web, against which ontological Web case of multiple ontologies. The second kind of search search queries can be answered. This allows for an- in [8], namely, the semantic search over non-Semantic swering Web search queries in a much more precise Web documents, is accomplished by extending the sys- way, taking into account the meaning of Web search tem proposed in [2]. Specifically, this relies on a new queries and pages, and it also allows for more com- approach for annotating documents, consisting of the plex ontology-based Web search queries that involve following steps: (i) extracting the textual representa- reasoning over the Web, which are also much closer tion of semantic entities, (ii) searching this textual rep- to complex natural language search queries than cur- resentation in Web documents, and (iii) generating an rent Boolean keyword-based search queries. annotation linking the semantic entities to each of the Query processing is based on new techniques (i) for documents containing their textual representation. Fur- pre-compiling the ontological knowledge using stan- thermore, [8] deals with the problem of knowledge in- dard ontology reasoning techniques and (ii) for trans- completeness, by switching to the traditional keyword lating complex ontology-based Web queries into (se- search when no ontology satisfies the query. quences of) standard Web queries that are answered The most recent approach belonging to the category by standard Web search. That is, essential parts of on- of natural-language-based approaches is the newest tological search on the Web are actually reduced to version of Google [10]. Besides being a widely used state-of-the-art search engines. As important advan- keyword search engine, Google is now evolving to a tages, this approach can immediately be applied to the natural-language-based search engine. In fact, it has whole existing Web, and it can be done with existing been recently augmented with a new functionality, Web search technology (and so does not require com- which provides more precise answers to queries: in- pletely new technologies). Such a line of research aims stead of returning Web page links as query results, at adding ontology-based structure and semantics (and Google now tries to build query answers, collecting in- thus in a sense also intelligence) to current search en- formation from several Web pages. As an example, the gines for the existing Web by combining existing Web simple query “barack obama date of birth” gets the an- pages and queries with ontological knowledge. swer “4 August, 1961 ”. Next to the answer, the link The ontological knowledge and annotations that are Show sources is shown, that leads to the Web pages underlying our semantic search on the Web can be from which the answer has been obtained. classified according to its origin and contents. As for the origin, they may be either (a) explicitly defined by 3. The FGGL Approach experts, or (b) automatically extracted from the Web, eventually coming along with existing pieces of on- We now describe our approach to semantic search tological knowledge and annotations (e.g., from exist- on the Web presented in [7], which is based on a struc- ing ontologies or ontology fragments, and/or from ex- tured query language that allows to formulate complex isting annotations of Web pages in or ontology-based (conjunctive) search queries. RDFa). In the latter case, generating, maintaining, and More specifically, an ontologically enriched Web updating the ontological knowledge and annotations is along with complex ontology-based search on the Web done automatically and much less cost-intensive than are achieved on top of the existing Web and using in the former case. As for the contents, (a) the onto- existing Web search engines. Intuitively, rather than logical knowledge and annotations may either describe being interpreted in a keyword-based syntactic fash- fully general knowledge (such as the knowledge en- ion, the pieces of data on existing Web pages are coded in Wikipedia) for general ontology-based search connected to (and via) some ontological KB (in a on the Web, or (b) they may describe some specific lightweight ontology language) and then interpreted knowledge (such as biomedical knowledge) for ver- relative to this KB. That is, the pieces of data on tical ontology-based search on the Web. The former Web pages are connected to (and via) a much more results into a general ontology-based interface to the precise semantic and contextual meaning. 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