PS63CH17-Norton ARI 18 November 2011 11:41

Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) and : Implications for Understanding and Treatment of Reading Disabilities

Elizabeth S. Norton and Maryanne Wolf

Center for Reading and Language Research, Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts 02155; email: [email protected], [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012. 63:427–52 Keywords First published online as a Review in Advance on , neuroimaging, multicomponential view of reading August 11, 2011 by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. The Annual Review of Psychology is online at Abstract Fluent reading depends on a complex set of cognitive processes that This article’s doi: must work together in perfect concert. Rapid automatized naming 10.1146/annurev-psych-120710-100431

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from (RAN) tasks provide insight into this system, acting as a microcosm Copyright c 2012 by Annual Reviews. of the processes involved in reading. In this review, we examine both All rights reserved RAN and reading fluency and how each has shaped our understanding 0066-4308/12/0110-0427$20.00 of reading disabilities. We explore the research that led to our current understanding of the relationships between RAN and reading and what makes RAN unique as a cognitive measure. We explore how the auto- maticity that supports RAN affects reading across development, read- ing abilities, and languages, and the biological bases of these processes. Finally, we bring these converging areas of knowledge together by ex- amining what the collective studies of RAN and reading fluency con- tribute to our goals of creating optimal assessments and interventions that help every child become a fluent, comprehending reader.

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Contents Prediction of Reading from INTRODUCTION AND RAN Through Primary OVERVIEW...... 428 School and Beyond ...... 439 A BRIEF HISTORY OF CROSS-LINGUISTIC RESEARCH ON READING STUDIES OF RAN DISABILITIES, RAN, AND ANDFLUENCY...... 440 FLUENCY...... 431 Shallow ...... 440 Early Research on Reading Nonalphabetic Orthographies. . 441 Difficulties...... 431 CONTRIBUTIONS OF Development of RAN Tasks . . . 431 NEUROSCIENCE AND Toward a Multicomponential GENETICS TO View of Reading and UNDERSTANDING RAN ...... 432 ANDFLUENCY...... 442 DEFINING THE RAN TASKS. . 433 Functional Brain Networks in Basic Structure of RAN Tasks. . 433 Reading and Dyslexia ...... 442 Published Standardized Timing of Brain Processes in Measures of RAN ...... 434 Reading and Dyslexia ...... 443 Subcomponents of the Brain Structure and RANTask...... 435 Connectivity Differences RAN Differentiated from inDyslexia...... 444 SimilarTasks...... 436 Genetics of RAN and Fluency. . 445 Independence of RAN and IMPLICATIONS OF RAN AND . . . . 437 FLUENCY FOR CHARACTERISTICS AND IDENTIFYING READING PREDICTIVE VALUE DIFFICULTIES, OF RAN ACROSS INSTRUCTION, AND DEVELOPMENT...... 438 INTERVENTION...... 445 Prediction in Kindergarteners Identification and Assessment . . 445 andPrereaders...... 439 Interventions for Fluency ...... 446 CONCLUSION...... 447 by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from INTRODUCTION AND via an e-reader on a busy train. Perhaps the OVERVIEW most remarkable thing about reading is that children develop reading skills seemingly in Reading has been compared to rocket science spite of nature. Reading began so recently in and to conducting a symphony, yet we expect the evolutionary history of our species that we children to have mastered this deeply sophisti- have no innate biological processes devoted cated set of skills by the age of seven. specifically to reading. has become so deep-rooted in our culture that Rather, children are born with a rich we often take for granted the complex cognitive neural architecture in place to support the abilities that are required to read effortlessly acquisition of oral language, which provides in so many contexts, from sharing a Dr. Seuss the pre-eminent platform for written language. story with a child to enjoying a favorite novel Certain brain areas are activated in response

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to the sounds and structure of language from term “fluency” has been used to describe the infancy (Minagawa-Kawai et al. 2011, Pena˜ speed and quality of oral reading, often empha- et al. 2003). In sharp contrast, each child sizing prosody, yet this definition does not en- must develop reading skills using brain areas compass all the goals of reading or reflect the that have evolved for other purposes, such as fact that most of our reading is done silently language, vision, and (see Dehaene rather than aloud. We conceptualize fluency in 2009). Psychologist Steven Pinker (1997) a more comprehensive way. In this review, we famously noted that children are born “wired” examine reading fluency in the sense of what has for language, “but print is an optional accessory been called “fluent comprehension”: a manner that must be painstakingly bolted on.” Indeed, of reading in which all sublexical units, words, to be a successful reader, one must rapidly inte- and connected text and all the perceptual, lin- grate a vast circuit of brain areas with both great guistic, and cognitive processes involved in each accuracy and remarkable speed. This “reading level are processed accurately and automatically circuit” is composed of neural systems that so that sufficient time and resources can be al- support every level of language—phonology, located to comprehension and deeper thought morphology, syntax, and semantics—as well (Wolf & Katzir-Cohen 2001). as visual and orthographic processes, working This is a figure-ground shift from concep- , attention, motor movements, and tualizing fluency based largely on rapid word higher-level comprehension and cognition. identification. How did we arrive at this more As our reading abilities develop, each of encompassing conceptualization of fluency, and these components works smoothly with both why is it important that educators and re- accuracy and speed; the reader develops what searchers view reading in this way? This multi- is called automaticity. As a cognitive process componential view of reading is based largely becomes automatic, it demands less conscious on our understanding of the reading circuit effort. Although at first the child experiences a in the brain. Additional research from many laborious and slow process to decode a simple sources, including longitudinal, intervention, word or sentence, most adult readers can’t help and cross-linguistic studies, supports this mul- but instantaneously, effortlessly read almost ticomponential model of reading. However, any word they perceive. The development of many current approaches to reading instruc- automaticity at all the lower levels of reading tion, as well as methods for identifying children represents the great apex of development that who are having reading difficulties or for pro- provides us with the bridge to true reading with viding intervention struggling readers, do not by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. its capacity to direct cognitive resources to the reflect this more comprehensive view. If our deepest levels of thought and comprehension. goal is to have children develop fluent compre- When a child begins learning to read, many hension, then our instruction, assessment, and

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from assume that to accurately decode each word intervention must reflect these ideas. of a simple story aloud represents reading. In A closely related aspect of our study that reality, simply to translate printed words into has contributed greatly, albeit unexpectedly, to a stream of speech is but the beginning step, our understanding of reading fluency involves however necessary, of reading. Indeed, even the what is called rapid automatized naming, initial comprehension that comes next is but a or RAN (Denckla & Rudel 1976b). The second necessary step. Essentially, one must be seemingly simple task of naming a series of able to comprehend the meaning of a text in familiar items as quickly as possible appears order to go beyond what is on the page: mak- to invoke a microcosm of the later developing, ing connections to existing knowledge, analyz- more elaborated reading circuit. Our ability to ing the writer’s argument, and predicting the understand the multicomponential structure of next twist in the story. It is here that the way RAN, therefore, has helped us to reconceptu- we define successful reading is important. The alize the later development of reading fluency, • Understanding RAN and Reading Fluency 429 PS63CH17-Norton ARI 18 November 2011 11:41

not as the simple consequence of accurate difficulty learning to read despite adequate word recognition processes, but as an equally instruction, intelligence, and effort (Lyon et al. complex circuitry of multiple components, 2003). There is no single test and no absolute all of which contribute to the overall reading criteria for diagnosing dyslexia. This is in fluency and comprehension of text. part due to the fact that there are so many To be sure, the precise relationship be- processes in reading that can break down to tween RAN and reading continues to elude re- cause reading failure. Inaccuracy at any level of searchers, many of whom have sought to study language or processing or a lack of automaticity and single out individual components of RAN, in connecting any of these circuits can lead to such as visual or phonological processes. We poor reading. More than 100 years of research have taken a different view, in which RAN is into developmental reading difficulties has conceptualized as a microcosm or mini-circuit yet to reveal anything resembling one single of the later-developing reading circuitry. There explanation for all the symptoms of dyslexia, is an extensive body of research (described in yet such pursuits continue unabated today. this review) that leads us and other researchers Given the multicomponential nature of to consider RAN tasks as one of the best, per- reading, we begin with the premise that dyslexia haps universal, predictors of reading fluency is not a simple thing. Taking the view that across all known orthographies (Georgiou et al. dyslexia is a heterogeneous disorder reflecting 2008b, Tan et al. 2005). Within this view, RAN difficulty with reading due to any number of tasks and reading are seen to require many of sources is essential for successfully identifying the same processes, from eye saccades to work- and remediating reading disabilities in children. ing memory to the connecting of orthographic For too many years, schools have waited for and phonological representations. Equally im- children to “grow up a bit” so that the reading portantly, RAN tasks depend on automaticity troubles will disappear with time, or interven- within and across each individual component tion has been provided that was insensitive to in the naming circuit. It is within this context the individual child’s profile of strengths and that Eden, Perfetti, and their colleagues refer weaknesses. These two mindsets can be deeply to RAN as one of the universal processes that detrimental because the consequences of hav- predict the young child’s later ability to connect ing unremediated reading difficulties can be se- and automatize whole sequences of letters and vere and life-long. Children with dyslexia not words with their linguistic information, regard- only show poorer academic performance, but less of (Tan et al. 2005). We con- also socioemotional and behavioral effects such by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. sider the ability to automate both the individual as lower self-esteem and higher rates of entry linguistic and perceptual components and the in to the juvenile justice system (Grigorenko connections among them in visually presented 2006, Humphrey & Mullins 2002, Svensson

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from serial tasks the major reason why RAN consis- et al. 2001). tently predicts later reading. Our potential to ameliorate these outcomes, The advancement of our knowledge of both on the other hand, is significant. Research RAN and reading fluency has led us to a point shows that accurate early identification and where we have the capacity to make great im- appropriate targeted intervention improve provements in our ability to identify children reading ability as well as the other poten- with reading difficulties early on and to provide tial negative effects associated with dyslexia appropriate, effective intervention. Many (Foorman et al. 1997, Vellutino et al. 1998). children develop accurate decoding with basic Thus, it has become crucial to identify dyslexia instruction and then achieve automaticity with early and to characterize the precise strengths time and practice. However, approximately and vulnerabilities of each child individually so 10% of children in the United States have that targeted intervention can be provided to developmental dyslexia, defined as unexpected develop accuracy and then automaticity of each

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aspect of the reading system. If risk for reading difficulties, Orton developed a theory in which difficulties can be determined very early, the inappropriate cerebral dominance accounted chances to improve reading skills are greater. for the reversed letters and words sometimes RAN tasks have proven of great potential be- seen in children with reading difficulties (Orton cause children can perform RAN tasks, naming 1925). Orton made several important obser- familiar objects or colors, well before they are vations that influence our understanding and able to read and because RAN is correlated with treatment of dyslexia today: he noted that many reading ability in kindergarten and beyond. of the struggling readers he saw had average or Indeed, research on longitudinal predictors above-average intellectual abilities; that per- of reading has repeatedly shown that RAN is haps as many as 10% of children might suffer one of the strongest predictors of later reading from reading difficulties; and that reading diffi- ability, and particularly for reading fluency. culties were not likely due to a single brain ab- normality. The latter conclusion was based on the premise that the very complexity of reading A BRIEF HISTORY OF RESEARCH would require the integration of several brain ON READING DISABILITIES, areas (Orton 1925, 1939). The next major ad- RAN, AND FLUENCY vances in our understanding of reading disabil- ities would come from two separate theories of Early Research on Reading Difficulties the core deficit(s) in dyslexia: rapid automatized Reading difficulties can be classified into two naming ability and phonological awareness. main types: developmental and acquired. De- velopmental dyslexia affects a person begin- ning in childhood and makes learning to read Development of RAN Tasks and developing reading skills difficult. On the In the 1960s, neurologist Norman Geschwind other hand, acquired reading difficulties, usu- studied various cases of individuals with alexia ally called alexia, often result from a brain to determine both what kind of brain damage trauma such as an injury or . Although led to their reading difficulties and exactly what today we recognize these as unique disorders aspects of reading were affected. Based in part that have different causes, symptoms, and opti- on the foundation of Dejerine’s earlier findings mal treatments, this was not always the case. as well as Wernicke’s notions of connections The first medical reports of people with un- among cerebral areas, Geschwind’s (1965) pa- expected and specific difficulties with reading per “Disconnexion Syndromes in Animals and by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. were published in Europe in the late 1800s Man” conceptualized the core deficit in alexia (for a review of this history, see Hallahan & as a disconnection between the visual and ver- Mercer 2002). Physicians including Jules De- bal processes in the brain. In so doing, like

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from jerine and Adolf Kussmaul described patients Wernicke before him, Geschwind emphasized who suffered brain injury with subsequent dif- the importance of connectivity among brain re- ficulty with reading despite intact language and gions, particularly “association areas,” such as vision: thus the first term for the condition— the angular gyrus, which act as a switchboard “word-blindness.” John Hinshelwood and W. or relay station for different brain regions. Pringle Morgan were among the first to de- Geschwind also reported the case of a pa- scribe “congenital word blindness,” that is, dif- tient with alexia who also experienced great ficulty reading beginning in childhood and not difficulty with naming colors despite the abil- due to injury (Hallahan & Mercer 2002). ity to perceive colors accurately (Geschwind & Subsequent significant work on develop- Fusillo 1966). Geschwind was interested in the mental dyslexia was undertaken by Samuel slow and effortful processing required for this Orton, a neurologist in the United States. individual to come up with the names of colors, After studying many children with reading and he devised a timed test of color naming. • Understanding RAN and Reading Fluency 431 PS63CH17-Norton ARI 18 November 2011 11:41

This measure was based on an array of 50 col- development, but elementary school children ored squares arranged in a grid with five rows, were faster to name letters and numbers, which where each of five familiar colors was repeated were learned later but enjoyed a greater degree in random order. Geschwind suggested that the of automaticity. They were thoughtful in the deficit in color naming displayed by this patient design of these tasks, for example, including might also be due to loss of visual-auditory con- both the letters “p” and “d,” which if not fully nections. He further speculated that “congen- automatized were easy to confuse with their ital dyslexia,” what we now call developmental mirror-reversed counterparts. They also kept dyslexia, might be due to an impairment in the the design and procedure of naming left-to- visual-auditory pathways of the brain, especially right across rows, which parallels the motoric in the angular gyrus. Geschwind also suggested and visual processes in reading. These early that “it is conceivable that even the age of attain- studies showed that performance on RAN tasks ment of color naming might be a significant clue differentiated children with reading difficulties to the age at which reading can be acquired” from typical readers of the same age and (1965, p. 283). Unlike many of the other theo- from children with other, nonlanguage-based ries of developmental dyslexia, which focused learning disabilities (Denckla & Rudel 1976a). on the surface level, this idea suggested that In a separate line of research investigating a there might be a deeper, more abstract ability possible speech-motor encoding deficit in boys that supported reading. Geschwind didn’t be- with dyslexia, Spring & Capps (1974) had also lieve that color naming was an aspect of reading, found similar group differences in serial object, but rather that the neural processes supporting color, and digit naming. rapid serial color naming might be similar to those involved in reading. Neurologist Martha Denckla then explored Toward a Multicomponential View the idea of a relationship between naming and of Reading and Reading Disability reading, testing boys with reading difficulties Also in the early 1970s, notions of reading flu- on a speeded naming task. As her mentor ency were developing in parallel. LaBerge & Geschwind had done with patients, Denckla Samuels (1974) proposed a model of reading used an array of 50 colored squares arranged in that was one of the first to emphasize what we five rows. Though color-naming ability wasn’t now know as “fluency”: the idea that successful considered to be generally impaired in chil- reading depends on not only accuracy but au- dren with dyslexia, in studying color naming tomaticity of multiple cognitive and linguistic by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. in a large group of kindergarteners, Denckla processes, requiring minimal conscious effort. (1972) discovered five boys who had dyslexia Similar ideas were presented by Perfetti (1986) and were particularly slow and inconsistent in in his verbal efficiency theory of reading, where

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from serial color naming for their age, despite typical he noted that reading comprehension was asso- intelligence and color vision. ciated with accuracy as well as speed of single- Together with Rita Rudel, Denckla created word identification. three other versions of the speeded serial Another more widely known line of research naming test, using objects, letters, and num- was unfolding regarding another possible core bers as stimuli. They coined the term “rapid deficit in dyslexia: difficulty with phonological automatized naming” to describe these tasks awareness (PA), which involves the explicit abil- that were designed to measure the speed of ity to identify and manipulate the sound units naming familiar items (1976b). They found that comprise words. Isabelle Liberman pro- that RAN latencies were not related to how moted the idea that reading development de- early certain stimuli were learned, but instead pends on an explicit awareness of the sounds how “automatized” the naming process was; of language and that perhaps the greatest chal- object names were learned much earlier in lenge facing young readers is learning to match

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the phonemes of speech with the graphemes ization of reading disabilities. By studying large that represent them in print (Liberman 1971). samples of children with reading disabilities in This work was extended to show that chil- the United States and Canada, they found that dren with reading difficulties had trouble with phonological awareness and RAN contributed phonological awareness (e.g., Bradley & Bryant separately to reading ability. In an attempt to 1978, Wagner & Torgesen 1987). show the importance of both sets of processes, The field generally now agrees that PA is Wolf & Bowers (1999) proposed the double a crucial precursor to reading acquisition in deficit hypothesis (DDH) as a way to show how alphabetic languages and that many, if not children can be characterized in various sub- most, children with dyslexia have PA deficits groups according to their performances on each (Morris et al. 1998, Natl. Inst. Child Health set of processes. According to this hypothesis, Human Dev. 2000). Though the exact nature of a deficit in either phonological awareness or the deficit continues to be specified with some naming speed (as measured by RAN tasks) can debate about differences across writing systems cause reading difficulties, with RAN deficits in- with more regular orthographies, the fact that dicating weakness in one or more of the un- phonological deficits can cause reading diffi- derlying fluency-related processes, not simply a culty has been extensively researched and well naming speed deficit. In addition, these deficits accepted. Indeed, many of the most studied and can co-occur, and children with a double deficit successful reading instruction and intervention in PA and RAN characterize the most severely programs are centered around this approach. impaired readers. Wolf and Bowers developed The fact that a deficit in phonological aware- the DDH as a first step toward a multidi- ness can cause dyslexia does not mean, how- mensional understanding of reading difficulties, ever, that a phonological deficit is the single intending it to promote further research and and universal cause of dyslexia, a view espoused discussion on the variety of impairments that by many researchers and clinicians. Many chil- can cause developmental dyslexia. Researchers dren have difficulty reading despite intact PA around the world have taken up this challenge; and decoding skills. As a result, those children both the DDH and the relationship between with a reading difficulty not due to phono- rapid naming and reading have been studied logical awareness and decoding are less likely extensively over the past decade. These studies to be identified as having a reading disability have suggested that 60% to 75% of individu- on traditional single-word decoding tests. Fur- als with reading or learning disabilities exhibit ther and more importantly, they will be less RAN deficits (Katzir et al. 2008, Waber et al. by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. likely to benefit from standard instruction or 2004, Wolf et al. 2002). intervention that focuses only on phonological deficits. Beginning with research from Orton to

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from Geschwind, and continuing with the increas- DEFINING THE RAN TASKS ingly expanding research from neuroimaging, Basic Structure of RAN Tasks we know that the reading circuit is intrinsi- cally complex and that a lack of accuracy or Most RAN tasks appear very similar to the automaticity at one of any number of levels original tasks developed nearly 40 years ago by can cause reading difficulties. Any single-deficit Denckla and Rudel. These tasks have been de- view, however important individually, is at odds scribed in the literature using slightly different with a multicomponential conceptualization of terms, such as rapid serial naming, serial visual reading. naming, continuous rapid naming, rapid nam- An understanding of the complexity of the ing, and naming speed. In this review, we use reading circuit and its multiple processes un- “RAN” to mean generally any rapid automa- dergirds the efforts by Wolf & Bowers (1999) tized naming task or process. Essentially, a task to move beyond a unidimensional conceptual- falls into the broader category of a RAN task • Understanding RAN and Reading Fluency 433 PS63CH17-Norton ARI 18 November 2011 11:41

if it involves timed naming of familiar stimuli standard score and percentile rank, which presented repeatedly in random order, in left- provides information about how the child to-right serial fashion. In some uses of the RAN performed relative to others of the same age or task, self-corrections and errors are noted for grade level. Self-corrections and errors can be the purposes of qualitative observations, but the noted for qualitative interpretation but do not key dependent variable is the total time taken factor into the scores. This is not to say that to name the items. It is crucial that the items to these do not affect the score at all, as errors be named, whether objects, colors, letters, or and corrections are often related to a lack of numbers, are sufficiently familiar to the exami- fluency and, as a result, increase the time it nee. For this reason, as in Denckla and Rudel’s takes to complete the task. original studies, most rapid naming tests begin with practice or pretest trials asking examinees RAN-RAS Tests. The published RAN-RAS to name each of the stimulus items individu- Tests include the four classic subtests used in ally to ensure that they are named accurately in Denckla and Rudel’s original RAN measures: isolation. objects, colors, numbers, and letters, as well as two RAS subtests. Each of the RAN-RAS subtests has 50 items arranged in 5 rows of 10 Published Standardized items each. The five different token items for Measures of RAN each subtest are pseudorandomized, with no The two most widely used standardized tests item appearing consecutively on the same line of RAN in the United States are the Rapid Au- (Figure 1). Age- or grade level–based standard tomatized Naming-Rapid Alternating Stimulus scores and percentiles are calculated based on (RAN-RAS) Tests developed by Denckla and the total naming time (latency) for each sub- expanded by Wolf & Denckla (2005; published test. Norms are available for individuals age 5 by Pro-Ed), and the rapid naming subtests of through 18. the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Pro- The RAN-RAS tests are unique in their in- cessing (CTOPP), by Wagner and colleagues clusion of rapid alternating stimulus, or RAS (1999; published by Pro-Ed). The CTOPP subtests. The RAS was first developed in the uses a briefer format that is considered by 1980s by Wolf as a way to incorporate pro- its authors to measure phonological retrieval. cesses involved in switching and disengaging at- Both of these measures are standardized and tention to rapid-naming tests (Wolf 1986). The RAS is structured analogously to the RAN, with by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. normed on large, nationally representative samples in the United States and have been two or three types of items repeated alternately used in many research studies. A child’s raw throughout the card, reflecting the demands of score on these tests can be used to derive a shifting attention and processing between sets

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from of different stimuli. The RAN-RAS Tests in- clude a two-set RAS composed of alternating letters and numbers and a three-set RAS with alternating letters, numbers, and colors.

CTOPP rapid-naming subtests. The au- thors of the CTOPP conceptualize rapid nam- ing as one of three subcomponents of phono- logical processing, along with phonological awareness and phonological memory (Wagner Figure 1 et al. 1999). (This view differs from the theoret- Rapid automatized naming (RAN) letters stimulus card, in the same format ical viewpoint of the authors of the RAN-RAS used by Denckla & Rudel (1976b) and Wolf & Denckla (2005). Tests and our viewpoint in this review.) The

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CTOPP rapid naming subtests measure rapid Literacy Skills (DIBELS) contains several object, color, digit, and letter naming. The test “fluency” subtests, including letter-naming is normed for individuals ages 5 through 24. fluency, but this test uses all the upper and For each subtest, there are six token items, and lowercase letters in one array and scores the the task is divided into two parts, with the items number of letters correctly identified in one arranged in two arrays on separate pages. Each minute, a procedure that differs significantly of the two arrays includes 4 rows of 9 items, for from classic RAN tasks. a total of 72 items. The examiner determines a score by adding the total number of seconds to complete both arrays, and this raw score can be Subcomponents of the RAN Task used to determine age- and grade level–based Like reading, performing a RAN task requires percentiles and standard scores. The CTOPP a synchronization and integration across a raw scores can also be used to derive composite wide range of processes. Wolf and colleagues scores based on multiple subtests. (Wolf & Bowers 1999, Wolf & Denckla 2005) enumerated seven related processes that are Differences. Though the RAN-RAS Tests involved in rapid naming: and CTOPP rapid naming subtests share many similarities, the two measures differ slightly (a) attentional processes to the stimulus; in their format, reflecting different theoretical (b) bihemispheric visual processes responsible viewpoints in the field about the relationship for initial feature detection, visual discrimina- of rapid naming to other cognitive processes. tion, and pattern identification; (c) integration The RAN-RAS tests treat rapid naming as a of visual features and pattern information with cognitive ability that includes phonology but stored orthographic representations; (d) inte- also other linguistic and visual processes; fur- gration of visual and orthographic informa- thermore, the collective processes underlying tion with stored phonological representations; RAN are conceptualized as contributing inde- (e) access and retrieval of phonological labels; pendent variance to the prediction of reading (f) activation and integration of semantic and skills, particularly reading fluency. In contrast, conceptual information with all other input; the CTOPP was designed on the basis of a and (g) motoric activation leading to articula- model of overall phonological processing that tion. (Wolf & Denckla 2005, p. 2) includes phonological awareness, phonological memory, and rapid naming as related subcom- Several factors, such as the exact items to by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. ponents. These theoretical differences and evi- be named and the precise number of rows and dence for a model where naming speed is sepa- columns, have varied between the many exper- rate from phonological processes are discussed iments that have investigated RAN. Even with

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from below. deviations from the traditional RAN, the strong relationship with reading seems to be preserved Other criterion-based measures of nam- as long as the factors that underlie the theo- ing speed. Several other psychoeducational retical link between RAN and reading are in- assessment tests include RAN subtests, tact, including naming in a serial, left-to-right such as the Kaufman Test of Educational fashion, and sufficient familiarity of items to be Achievement-II, Clinical Evaluation of named. For example, an “alternate” version of Language Fundamentals-4, and Process As- the RAN used in the Colorado Learning Dis- sessment of the Learner; however, in most abilities Research Project contained 13 rows of cases, the RAN measures are not fully normed, 5 items each, with some consecutively repeated and only criterion scores are given (e.g., per- items, and in which examinees are instructed formance is categorized only as normal versus to name as many items as possible in 15 sec- nonnormal). The Dynamic Indicators of Basic onds. This RAN task showed relationships to • Understanding RAN and Reading Fluency 435 PS63CH17-Norton ARI 18 November 2011 11:41

reading ability similar to those of a traditional changes in time to name each row of stimuli RAN task and actually predicted more of the on a standard 50-item RAN task (as in Denckla variance in reading ability than did traditional & Rudel 1976b and the published RAN-RAS RAN in slower namers and children whose tests, Wolf & Denckla 2005). This allowed naming ability was influenced by attention is- them to examine various factors related to initi- sues (Compton et al. 2002). ating the task (e.g., retrieval of item names) ver- In order to investigate which aspects of sus continuously operating processes (such as rapid naming might drive the relationship with executive functioning or sustaining item names reading, researchers have broken down the in working memory). They found that individ- RAN task into component parts. At the sur- uals who were slower namers overall tended to face level, one can consider the amount of time take longer to name subsequent rows, whereas taken to articulate each item’s name versus the row time was more stable in faster namers. The amount of time taken for processing between time for the first row was also slower in the items (often called pause time). Several studies overall slower namers. Children with dyslexia have found that articulation time itself is not were slower to name the first row of stimuli strongly associated with reading in the same than were slightly younger typically develop- manner as are overall RAN scores (Clarke et al. ing readers, suggesting that the slow naming 2005, Cutting & Denckla 2001, Georgiou et al. times seen in dyslexia might be related to au- 2006, Neuhaus et al. 2001, Obregon 1994). In- tomaticity of retrieval or a difficulty sustaining stead, it seems that the interitem processing or processes needed for retrieval. pause time may reflect the components of RAN that drive their close association with reading. In considering pause and articulation times, RAN Differentiated Neuhaus and colleagues (2001) found that the from Similar Tasks two were not strongly related to each other and Single-item naming. It has been thought that that pause time, especially on the RAN letters timed single-item naming and serial naming task, predicted both single-word reading and would be closely related. However, the added reading comprehension in first- and second- demands of serial naming in RAN render it graders. Georgiou and colleagues (2006) found quite different from single-item naming. Across that pause times at the end of kindergarten were several studies, single-item and serial naming significantly correlated with reading accuracy have been found to be only moderately cor- and fluency in first grade. In contrast, Clarke related, with correlation coefficients of about by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. and colleagues (2005) found that pause time 0.5 (see Logan et al. 2009). The added de- was not correlated with reading single words mands associated with the continuous, serial or nonwords, though their sample was small nature of RAN make it a better predictor of

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from (n = 30), and their RAN measure included reading than is single-item naming (Bowers & many more different token items (10 digits Swanson 1991, Meyer et al. 1998). Logan and 25 different letters) than are typically used. and colleagues showed that single-item nam- Although these findings give us some insight as ing does explain any variance in reading beyond to how the component parts of RAN relate to that of PA and RAN and may even be a sup- reading, the overall RAN time is much easier pressor of serial naming (Logan et al. 2009). to measure than pause time and shows similar Further, in their longitudinal analysis from patterns of correlation with reading outcomes kindergarten through second grade, single- (Georgiou et al. 2006). item naming and serial naming speed grew at Another dimension of the RAN that has different rates as children got older, supporting been considered in research is the differences the notion that RAN is not a simple permuta- between each row of stimuli. Berninger and tion of single-item naming, nor are both gov- colleagues (Amtmann et al. 2007) examined erned by an underlying system (as considered in

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the global processing speed model of explaining of speed and fluency), these results underscore RAN, below). the ideas of Wolf & Bowers (1999) that RAN builds on the existing architecture for more Stroop tasks. Some characteristics of RAN general speeded processing. The slow nam- tasks bear resemblance to the classic Stroop ing speed observed in many individuals with color-word interference task developed in the dyslexia might occur at a level higher than sim- 1930s, in which participants name the color of ple processing speed; for example, it may occur the ink rather than the name of a printed color in the connections between visual and speech word. The Stroop task is designed to take ad- circuits in the brain. vantage of the relatively greater automaticity for word reading than color naming, requiring the examinee to inhibit reading the word and in- Independence of RAN and stead attend to naming the color. Studies of the Phonological Awareness Stroop task in relation to reading show several A crucial question for our understanding of patterns of association similar to the RAN and reading is the relationship between RAN and reading (MacLeod 1991). The RAN has been phonological awareness. These two constructs studied more extensively in relation to reading, have been perhaps the most widely studied and however, because it removes the extra executive consistently implicated in predicting reading function demands of the Stroop task. ability. Some controversy has existed in the field regarding whether rapid naming should General processing speed. Researchers in- be considered a subskill related to phonological cluding Kail & Hall (1994) have argued that processing or whether RAN is a separate RAN should be considered one facet of general process and should be so considered. A major or global processing speed. Global processing argument that has been made for including speed deficits have been associated with other RAN as a part of a larger phonological con- developmental difficulties, including general struct is that rapid naming tasks depend on the learning disabilities and attention deficit hy- retrieval of phonological codes (e.g., Torgesen peractivity disorder (Willcutt et al. 2005). The et al. 1997). To subsume rapid naming tasks majority of studies using alphanumeric RAN under phonological processing for this reason (that is, rapid naming of letters or numbers) find alone would, however, be inaccurate. Consider that processing speed does not account for the tests of vocabulary, where an examinee is RAN–reading relationship (though see Catts asked to name or provide information about by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. et al. 2002, who found that nonalphanumeric a word. These responses require retrieval of RAN did not account for variance in reading phonological information just as rapid naming beyond the contribution of general process- does, yet a vocabulary task would never be

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from ing speed). In a large study using structural considered a subcomponent of phonology. equation modeling, Powell et al. (2007) found At least three areas of research provide that although children with slower RAN had evidence against considering RAN as a subset slightly slower global processing speed than did of phonology. These notions are each reviewed matched peers, RAN made a significant contri- in an earlier paper (Wolf et al. 2000), so we bution to reading after processing speed was summarize previous findings focusing on more controlled for. Similarly, Cutting & Denckla recent data that add to these discussions. (2001) found that in a path analysis, RAN First, RAN and phonological processing are and other reading-related skills contributed not strongly correlated. A comprehensive to the understanding of word reading after meta-analysis of the relationship of PA and general processing speed was controlled for. RAN confirms that these two abilities are only Although general processing speed certainly af- moderately correlated, with an overall corre- fects both RAN and reading (especially in terms lation coefficient of r = 0.38 (Swanson et al. • Understanding RAN and Reading Fluency 437 PS63CH17-Norton ARI 18 November 2011 11:41

2003), and that these load on separate factors underpinnings of these abilities. Though in an exploratory factor analysis. Based on data research has yet to directly compare RAN with from the norming of the Comprehensive Test phonological tasks, functional brain imaging of Phonological Processing (Wagner et al. studies of the two tasks show some shared 1999), the rapid naming components of the test regions, as would be expected with their similar were moderately correlated with phonological task demands, yet also separate areas of process- awareness and phonological memory, r = 0.46 ing. These studies are discussed further in the and 0.45, respectively, for children ages 5–6; section titled Contributions of Neuroscience r = 0.38 and 0.38 for ages 7–24. By com- and Genetics to Understanding RAN and parison, the other aspects of phonological Fluency. processing, PA and phonological memory, were strongly correlated at r = 0.88 for ages 5–6 and r = 0.85 for ages 7–24. CHARACTERISTICS AND Second, regression and structural equation PREDICTIVE VALUE OF RAN models consistently report that RAN and PA ACROSS DEVELOPMENT account for unique variance in reading ability RAN and phonological processing tasks are (e.g., Cutting & Denckla 2001, Katzir et al. valuable tools because both are excellent pre- 2006). Models that treated RAN as a sepa- dictors of reading ability that can be assessed rate latent variable from phonological aware- before children learn to read and thus can be ness and memory provided a better fit to the used as early indicators of risk for reading diffi- data, and confirmatory factor analysis studies culties. Published measures of RAN are normed suggest that different underlying factors sup- to provide standard scores and percentile ranks port RAN and PA (Powell et al. 2007). These for children beginning at age 5 years. Impor- relationships may change somewhat with age; tantly, most 5-year-old children in the United Wagner and colleagues (1997) found that RAN States are very familiar with the common ob- contributed to the variance in reading skill af- jects and colors presented on rapid naming ter PA was controlled for only until third grade tests, yet many are still learning the numbers (although measures in subsequent grades in and . As a result, 5- and 6-year-olds their longitudinal study controlled for ear- often name the color and object stimuli more lier reading ability, which depends on RAN). quickly than letters and numbers. With more Furthermore, RAN varies independently from practice and exposure to letters and numbers, several potential sources of covariance with the alphanumeric stimuli become much more by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. phonology. In a recent review, Kirby and col- automatic. At this point, alphanumeric stimuli leagues (2010) point out that RAN retains its re- are named faster and alphanumeric RAN be- lationship with reading even after a host of pos- comes more strongly associated with reading

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from sible explanatory factors have been accounted ability (Meyer et al. 1998, Wolf et al. 1986). for. These include verbal and nonverbal IQ, These differences underscore the importance prior reading ability, attention deficit disor- of considering alphanumeric RAN separately der, socioeconomic status, articulation rate, from nonalphanumeric RAN stimuli. It is also speed of processing, phonological short-term important to consider the predictive ability of memory, morphological awareness, and ortho- RAN across groups, as research suggests that its graphic processing (see Kirby et al. 2010 for predictive value may be different for poor than references). for typical readers. The study design and type Third, genetic and neuroimaging studies of reading outcome may affect these findings, as find different biological bases for RAN and research studies have found that RAN–reading PA abilities. In the past decade, substantial relationships are stronger in poor than in typ- advancements have occurred in this area, ical readers (Frijters et al. 2011, Meyer et al. allowing us to identify the genetic and neural 1998, Scarborough 1998).

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Prediction in Kindergarteners outcomes, a more meta-view is important here: and Prereaders Even by putting together these best predictors of reading at kindergarten, the best statistical Several longitudinal studies have examined models only accounted for about half of the early predictors of later reading abilities. variance of second-grade reading ability. Understanding these factors is extremely im- There is additional evidence that RAN portant because our ability to understand which may be an important factor in determining measures predict later reading scores directly risk for dyslexia in young children. In a informs our ability to identify reading difficul- longitudinal study in Finland, children who ties as early as possible. The overarching goal is were identified as having dyslexia at the end of to use this information to inform what would be second grade were slower for an object RAN the most effective intervention for a particular task in previous testing at age 3.5 (Torppa profile. To date, our ability to correctly identify et al. 2010). In addition, RAN appears to which children will go on to have dyslexia based differentiate between English children with on kindergarten data has been insufficient, lack- and without a history of dyslexia (Raschle et al. ing both sensitivity and specificity. 2011). Again, a meta-view of these comparative Although different studies have used dif- performances is important. Scores on a number ferent assessments, the measures that most of other variables, including expressive and consistently predict future reading difficulty receptive language and phonological variables, in English are phonological processing/ did not differ significantly between the groups, awareness, letter-name knowledge, and RAN whereas RAN did. Overall, these studies (Pennington & Lefly 2001, Scarborough 1998, suggest that RAN is one of the best predictors Schatschneider et al. 2004). In perhaps the of later reading abilities, yet we are still far largest study of kindergarten prediction of later from being able to predict reading from our reading abilities, Schatschneider and colleagues current behavioral assessments. (2004) assessed typically developing children at four points throughout kindergarten and fol- lowed them through second grade. Measures of Prediction of Reading from RAN RAN objects and PA in the fall of kindergarten Through Primary School and Beyond showed similar correlations with second-grade Given these close relationships between RAN outcomes on untimed passage comprehension and reading early in the school years, does (both r = 0.36). However, as seen in earlier RAN continue to predict reading scores as chil-

by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. work (Bowers & Swanson 1991), RAN was dren become older and more proficient readers? more highly correlated (r = 0.55) than PA (r This issue has been much debated in the liter- = 0.35) to timed measures of single-word and ature (e.g., Torgesen et al. 1997). nonword reading in second grade. The authors This relationship can vary depending on Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from also performed dominance analysis to see the ability of the readers being studied. which variables contributed more substantially Scarborough (1998) found that second-grade to explaining variance in the outcomes. Here, RAN scores significantly predicted eighth- RAN letters scores in the fall and spring of grade reading and scores, and the pre- kindergarten was a more dominant predictor dictive value of RAN was much stronger in than was PA of word reading efficiency at poor readers than in typical readers. Meyer the end of first grade and second grade. This and colleagues (1998) found that the relation- suggests that RAN may have a stronger impact ships between RAN and reading were strong on timed reading measures; unfortunately, and lasting, but only in poor readers. Among no timed measures of comprehension or text poor readers, RAN scores in third grade signif- fluency were included. Despite the impor- icantly predicted untimed single word-reading tance of RAN and PA in predicting reading in fifth grade and eighth grade, accounting for • Understanding RAN and Reading Fluency 439 PS63CH17-Norton ARI 18 November 2011 11:41

as much as 18% of variance in eighth-grade Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. word reading after SES and IQ were controlled Research findings in these languages follow the for, and 14% when third-grade reading ability general patterns of what we know about RAN was controlled for. Phonological awareness and in English: that RAN predicts reading, both nonword reading, on the other hand, were not concurrently and longitudinally, in typically significant predictors. Looking at the broadest developing and reading-impaired populations lens, RAN was strongly related to decoding, but (e.g., Georgiou et al. 2008a,b; Ramus et al. it did not predict untimed reading comprehen- 2011; Tan et al. 2005; Vaessen et al. 2010; sion measures in the later grades in typical or Ziegler et al. 2003). Studying the subcom- disabled readers. Unfortunately, the outcome ponents of reading across languages helps us measures in these studies did not include any to understand what factors are universal and timed reading or fluency tasks, which have been which are language- or -specific shown to be more closely related to RAN by factors in the reading system. We know most researchers. from imaging studies that the reading circuit How does RAN change into adolescence shifts accordingly to accommodate different and beyond? Published tests of RAN con- emphases in different orthographies. That said, tain norms for people through the late teens we should be better able to understand dyslexia to early twenties (age 18 for the RAN-RAS when we know what types of deficits account and age 22 for the CTOPP, described previ- for reading failure across various languages. ously). Differences in RAN ability persist be- tween young adults with and without dyslexia through age 25 (Vukovic et al. 2004). Van den Shallow Orthographies Bos and his Dutch colleagues (2002) studied Much of the research regarding reading is how RAN changes with age and its relation- conducted in English, although English is sub- ship with reading. Their cross-sectional study stantially different from many other languages. included groups of Dutch children ages 8, 10, Alphabetic languages can be considered as 12, and 16, and a group of adults ages 36 to 65. falling along a continuum based on the com- They found that the developmental trajectory plexity of the mapping between sounds and of alphanumeric RAN reached an asymptote af- letters, or phonology and orthography. The ter age 16 but that RAN latencies for colors and orthography of English is considered very deep objects continued to decrease through adoles- or opaque because the correspondences from cence and adulthood. The correlations between phonemes to graphemes are not consistent. by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. alphanumeric RAN and reading are also signif- On the other hand, many other alphabetic icant through adulthood, at r = 0.53 in adults. languages such as German, Spanish, and Greek The adults were considered a single group; it is have what is called a shallow or transparent

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from unclear whether there are slight differences in orthography, where grapheme-phoneme cor- RAN or its relationship with reading associated respondences are highly predictable. As a result, with aging. learning sound-to-letter correspondences and decoding is more straightforward in these orthographically shallow languages. Because CROSS-LINGUISTIC STUDIES there are fewer rules to learn, children who OF RAN AND FLUENCY speak these languages usually master accurate RAN and its relationship to reading have decoding by the end of first grade (Seymour now been studied in many of the world’s et al. 2003), whereas children learning deep languages. This growing list includes, to our orthographies take longer at a proportion knowledge, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Finnish, based on the opacity of the language. French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Several recent studies have compared the Italian, Korean, Japanese, Norwegian, Persian, effects of orthographic depth on reading

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processes (Vaessen et al. 2010, Ziegler et al. readers differently depending on the orthogra- 2003). Overall, it appears that PA is important phy of their language. Cross-linguistic research early in reading acquisition but that as children suggests that similar proportions of RAN, PA, essentially reach ceiling in their ability to de- and double-deficits exist in other European code words accurately, a shift occurs in which languages (Ramus et al. under review) and the relationship between RAN and reading be- in Hebrew (Shany & Share 2011), which is comes much stronger. The orthographic depth consistent with the double-deficit hypothesis. of the language dictates when this shift from Again, these findings underscore that a variety reliance on phonology to fluency-related skills of deficits can cause reading difficulties but that occurs; children reading more transparent lan- these factors interact depending on language. guages shift away from phonology earlier in schooling (Vaessen et al. 2010). A current project that has exciting poten- tial to answer more questions in this area is Nonalphabetic Orthographies the NeuroDys consortium project in Europe. Whereas English is considered a rather deep This group is studying the longitudinal course orthography, nonalphabetic languages, such of reading and dyslexia across six languages in as Chinese and Japanese orthographies, are eight countries, using a large sample of about composed of thousands of characters that are 2,000 children with and without dyslexia. The essentially unrelated or much less related to first set of results from their research suggest phonemes. At the syllable level, Chinese words that orthographic complexity affects the rela- share many similar syllables, with each syllable tionship of PA and reading ability but that the represented by many different characters (Tan relationship of RAN and reading is essentially et al. 2005). Phonological decoding plays a consistent across languages (Ramus et al. 2011). much more minor role in reading standard The measures that are used to define reading Chinese and Japanese, although somewhat ability are also important. Across languages, PA more phonologically based systems (e.g., was a stronger predictor than RAN for untimed Chinese Pin-yin, Japanese Kana) do exist word-reading measures, but RAN was stronger for introducing children to reading in these than PA for timed reading. A study by Georgiou languages. As one would expect, phonological and colleagues (2008b) corroborates these find- awareness is a weaker predictor of timed read- ings. They studied typically developing chil- ing in Chinese; in a regression model, PA did dren who spoke English, Greek, and Chinese not account for significant variance in timed by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. and found that the relationships between RAN single-word reading when RAN was controlled and reading fluency were similar across lan- for (Tan et al. 2005). One might imagine that guages. Similar to now extensive findings in the orthographic knowledge accounts for much of

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from field, they reported that the correlation of RAN the variance in Chinese reading ability because with fluency measures was stronger than its cor- of the many characters that must be learned and relation with reading accuracy measures. recognized. However, RAN is strongly corre- Patterns of fluency and naming speed are lated with reading in Chinese and accounts for also similar in poor readers across languages. additional variance after writing (orthographic) Overall, children who are poor readers in ability is controlled for. In several cases, cor- shallow orthographies do exhibit lower phono- relations reported between RAN and reading logical awareness scores than those of both in Chinese and Japanese are even greater than age-matched and younger reading-matched those reported in Swanson and colleagues’ peers (Landerl et al. 1997, Ziegler et al. 2003). (2003) meta-analysis of English (Georgiou et al. However, there is also evidence that, as in 2008a, Kobayashi et al. 2005, Tan et al. 2005). English, multiple deficits can cause dyslexia and This may reflect the powerful contribution of that difficulties with PA versus RAN will affect visual processes also measured within RAN • Understanding RAN and Reading Fluency 441 PS63CH17-Norton ARI 18 November 2011 11:41

to reading the logosyllabaries of China and IFG has been implicated in a wide variety of Japan. reading and language-related functions, from Underscoring the fact that some factors may semantic search to working memory. The be language specific and others may be more temporoparietal aspect of the reading circuit general, McBride-Chang and colleagues (2011) includes areas of posterior temporal cortex as studied Chinese-English bilinguals who had well as the angular gyrus and supramarginal reading difficulties in one language or in both. gyrus. These regions are classic “association Individuals who had difficulty reading both areas” as described by Geschwind, responsible Chinese and English were significantly slower for the integration of information across visual namers than were peers who struggled in just and auditory modalities. The occipitotemporal one of their languages or who were typical region includes the fusiform gyrus and inferior readers. Furthermore, this effect was stable temporal gyrus and is most often implicated in in children who were followed longitudinally orthographic processing. from ages 5 through 9. Overall, the differences In people with dyslexia relative to controls, in RAN across languages and orthographies are the most consistent finding is an underrecruit- small in comparison with the many similarities. ment (hypoactivation) of left temporoparietal We have seen no evidence of a language and left occipitotemporal areas (Maisog et al. in which RAN has not been shown to be 2008, Richlan et al. 2009). Functional brain dif- important for reading. ferences in both of these areas are thought to be related to the etiology of dyslexia, rather than absolute level of reading ability, because CONTRIBUTIONS OF younger children matched for ability to dyslexic NEUROSCIENCE AND readers do not show hypoactivation of these GENETICS TO areas (Hoeft et al. 2007). In addition to these UNDERSTANDING RAN areas of the reading circuit that show reduced AND FLUENCY activation in dyslexia, many individual studies Perhaps the greatest advances in our under- have identified areas of the right frontal and standing of reading disabilities over the past temporal lobes that show greater activation in decade have come from neuroimaging studies. people with dyslexia relative to controls. These Developments in magnetic resonance imaging are thought to represent compensatory mecha- (MRI) technology have progressed such that nisms or effortful processing, as they are some- it can be used easily with children to address times engaged in younger relative to older typ- by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. questions about the brain structures and ically developing readers (Hoeft et al. 2007). associated functions involved in reading. In Several studies have reported cerebellar differ- addition, recent genetic and twin studies have ences associated with dyslexia, but these have

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from produced results that give first-time insights to varied widely and were not significant in meta- the biological mechanisms that underlie brain analyses of imaging studies (Maisog et al. 2008, and behavioral differences in dyslexia. Richlan et al. 2009). The tasks used in nearly all brain imaging studies to date have focused on accuracy Functional Brain Networks rather than fluency. One recent study to focus in Reading and Dyslexia on fluency had typical adult readers read Brain activation for reading-related tasks sentences presented at rates slower than, equal has been consistently found in three main to, and faster than their normal reading speed areas of the left hemisphere: the inferior (Benjamin & Gaab 2011). As compared to frontal gyrus (IFG), temporoparietal area, and a letter-reading baseline task, the posterior occipitotemporal area (see meta-analyses by middle temporal gyrus was engaged at all read- Maisog et al. 2008, Richlan et al. 2009). The ing speeds, whereas areas of the left IFG and

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occipitotemporal region were more active at several posterior areas in the occipital and both slow and fast, but not normal, speeds. parietal regions bilaterally more than did the These findings suggest that when the auto- group with dyslexia (shown in red, Figure 2b), maticity of normal reading is disrupted, activa- whereas the adults with dyslexia (shown in blue) tion in reading-related regions changes, consis- showed greater activity than did controls in a tent with a multicomponential view of fluency. variety of bilateral temporal, motor, and left Several important questions remain to supramarginal gyrus (part of the temporopari- be answered, including whether readers with etal area). These results suggest that readers different subtypes of dyslexia use different areas with dyslexia are employing a more distributed of the brain in reading and how activation for network that may represent compensatory timed reading might differ from untimed accu- mechanisms for performing RAN tasks. racy measures. However, we are starting to gain some insight into the brain processes that sup- port RAN. There is some evidence that phono- Timing of Brain Processes logical and RAN or fluency abilities may have in Reading and Dyslexia separate neural substrates. Eden and colleagues Functional MRI studies have provided us with (Turkeltaub et al. 2003) examined correlations a clearer picture of what happens in the brain between activation for an fMRI implicit reading while we read, but what do we know at this task and behavioral measures of RAN, phono- juncture about the timing aspect of reading that logical awareness, and working memory. They is so important for fluency? Electroencephalog- found that patterns of correlations with brain raphy (EEG) allows us to examine the precise activation were spatially distinct for each task, timing of neural processes, which can comple- suggesting that each of these processes may ment information obtained about the location tap separate aspects of the reading network. of processes determined by fMRI. EEG records To our knowledge, the brain basis of RAN the electrical activity of the brain from the scalp, tasks has been examined in only two studies. so researchers can present stimuli and analyze Misra and colleagues (2004) and Christodoulou the response, called an event-related potential and colleagues (2011, Lymberis et al. 2009) had (ERP), to each type of stimulus. From EEG re- adults name stimuli, as in a traditional RAN task search we know that different aspects of words (5 × 10 matrix), on a screen during fMRI scan- are processed along a timeline. For example, ning. Both studies found that for letter naming initial visual processing occurs within the first contrasted with fixation, the RAN task engaged 50 milliseconds after a word is presented. by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. the left inferior frontal gyrus, left posterior mid- Word-specific orthographic processing begins dle frontal gyrus, and bilateral inferior occipi- around 150 msec and executive and attention tal areas (Figure 2a). Misra et al. (2004) found processes at about 200 msec, with phonological

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from additional activation in left parietal and right processes between 150 and 300 msec, followed frontal areas, although their statistical thresh- by semantic and comprehension processes olds were much more liberal. These areas are (Wolf 2007). Ongoing debate, however, con- consistent with areas involved in the reading cerns whether phonological processing occurs network as well as for tasks that require eye well before other linguistic processes, perhaps saccades. in an interactive mode with orthographic pro- Christodoulou and colleagues (2011, cesses. As we have noted, a lack of automaticity Lymberis et al. 2009) also compared in-scanner in any one of these areas can cause a delay that RAN performances of typical adult readers leads to less time available for comprehension. and adults with dyslexia who were matched on Indeed, research finds that individuals with age and IQ. The adults with dyslexia had lower dyslexia show later peak responses for several standardized RAN scores and lower in-scanner of these different components during word performance. The typical controls engaged reading (see Shaul 2008 for a review). Not • Understanding RAN and Reading Fluency 443 PS63CH17-Norton ARI 18 November 2011 11:41

surprisingly, the peak of each of the ERP scores. On the other hand, a separate set of components involved in rapid naming was anatomical predictors related to the size and delayed in adults with dyslexia relative to symmetry of the planum temporale (part of controls (Breznitz 2005). the temporoparietal area implicated in success- Because EEG systems are relatively inex- ful reading) has been related to word reading pensive and portable as compared to MRI, EEG and comprehension. However, conflicting re- research regarding early indicators of reading sults as to the lateralization of the asymmetry disability is especially promising. In particular, have arisen from postmortem anatomy studies the mismatch negativity (MMN) ERP compo- and in vivo MRI studies (Leonard et al. 2006). nent, which is a preattentive response to a dif- It may be the case that extreme asymmetries of ference within a series of auditory stimuli, has the planum temporale in either direction may been studied as a possible correlate of automatic induce risk for dyslexia. Pernet and colleagues language processing. The MMN response is (2009) also found that structural volumes either a significant predictor of reading outcomes, much larger or smaller than those of controls even better than a combination of behavioral were associated with atypical reading. In their assessments in children (Maurer et al. 2009), sample, 100% of adults could be accurately clas- and differs among infants with and without a sified as typical or dyslexic on the basis of the family history of reading disability (Leppanen¨ volumes of the right cerebellar declive and left et al. 2002). Recently, we found that the MMN lentiform nucleus (part of the basal ganglia). response in children was significantly corre- Their findings also suggested that the concept lated with RAN, timed single-word reading, of a U-shaped curve, in which extreme values and timed connected text reading, but not with on either the high or low end can cause a dis- PA or untimed reading (Norton et al. 2011), order, could also help explain the conflicting suggesting that it might reflect processes im- findings of asymmetry noted above. In partic- portant for the rapid processing of stimuli nec- ular, smaller volumes of the cerebellar declive essary for fluent reading. Further research in were associated with more severe phonologi- this area has great potential to help us under- cal deficits. Although the precise role of the stand the relationship between automaticity of cerebellum relating to PA is not entirely clear, language processing and reading fluency. notable research has implicated the lentiform nucleus in the automaticity for automatic, se- rial processing of language, such as is required Brain Structure and Connectivity for rapid naming (Smits-Bandstra & De Nil by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. Differences in Dyslexia 2007). Although anatomical differences relat- Researchers have also used structural MRI to ing to RAN have been less studied, a few dif- look for an anatomical basis of reading and lan- ferences have been reported, including greater

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from guage disorders. In a series of studies, Leonard, rightward asymmetry of pars triangularis of left Eckert, Berninger, and colleagues (e.g., Eckert IFG and right cerebellum associated with lower et al. 2003, Leonard et al. 2006) have exam- RAN scores (Eckert et al. 2003). ined the brain structure differences associated Because RAN and fluency depend on the with RAN, single-word reading, and reading speed and integration of multiple processes comprehension. Children with dyslexia showed throughout the brain, the extent and quality of smaller volumes of the pars triangularis area white matter pathways may play a substantial of the IFG bilaterally as well as an area of the role in helping us to understand the biologi- right cerebellum. On the basis of these anatom- cal basis of fluency-related processes. A newer ical markers, more than 80% of the subjects type of MRI scan, called diffusion tensor imag- could be correctly classified as dyslexic or typ- ing (DTI), has allowed researchers to look at ical readers. These anatomical measurements white matter pathways of the brain. Studies sug- were also significantly correlated with RAN gest that white matter differences exist between

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typical and dyslexic readers in reading-related measures, diagnostic criteria, and methods regions including IFG, temporoparietal, and used, but the concordance of dyslexia is con- occipitotemporal areas (Rimrodt et al. 2010); sistently reported to be higher in monozygotic white matter characteristics in these areas than in dizygotic twins (Scerri & Schulte-Korne¨ were also correlated with speeded word-reading 2010). Several studies have examined the rela- ability. tionship between RAN and PA and whether Furthermore, one of the first and most they are based on shared or unique genetic striking insights into the fluency circuits in the factors. Several researchers have reported that brain came from research on a rare genetic there is a set of common genetic influences that brain malformation known as periventricular affect PA, RAN, and reading (that is, they are all nodular heterotopia (PNH), in which neurons affected by some common genes) but that there migrate into the ventricles of the brain to form are also separate genetic influences on PA and nodules in various areas both posterior and RAN (Byrne et al. 2005, Compton et al. 2001, anterior. Subjects with PNH all demonstrate Petrill et al. 2006). specific deficits in reading fluency despite At least nine major candidate genes for intact IQ and single-word reading ability and susceptibility to dyslexia have been identified, despite great diversity in where the nodules located on eight different chromosomes (Scerri formed across individuals (Chang et al. 2007). &Schulte-Korne¨ 2010). Most of these are In people with PNH, RAN letters and numbers related to neuronal migration and axon growth were strongly correlated (r = 0.78 and 0.91, in utero (Galaburda et al. 2006). Indeed, the respectively) with a DTI measure of white importance of neuronal migration for dyslexia matter quality called fractional anisotropy (FA). is echoed in findings of PNH as well as in DTI scans also revealed that white matter tracts Galaburda’s and Geschwind’s earlier studies were disorganized around areas where nodules of postmortem brains that showed abnormal occurred in each individual. This unique disor- migration, especially between cortical layers. der provides further evidence that reading can It will be essential in future research to link be disrupted at the fluency level only and that findings from structural and functional MRI, the connectivity of various regions in the brain DTI, EEG, and genetics, to learn how biology may play a strong part in determining fluency. and behavior interact to affect reading ability. Researchers including Hoeft, Gaab, and Gabrieli have begun work in this area. Genetics of RAN and Fluency by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. Although researchers have long recognized that dyslexia is heritable, the leap from genes to be- IMPLICATIONS OF RAN havior in a process that is not genetically dic- AND FLUENCY FOR

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from tated (like vision or language) is likely to be IDENTIFYING READING extraordinarily complex. Our relatively recent DIFFICULTIES, INSTRUCTION, ability to compare genetic samples from twins AND INTERVENTION or groups of different reading abilities and to Identification and Assessment scan the genome for markers associated with behavioral variables allows us another window Although the relationships between rapid into the processes of the reading circuit and un- naming ability and reading abilities have been derlying causes of dyslexia. studied extensively, there remains insufficient Heritability estimates for dyslexia range understanding of its clinical uses among widely, from 0.3 to 0.7 (a trait that was 100% some practitioners. It is our assessment that determined by genetics would measure 1.0). RAN tasks can be best used by educators The precise level of heritability is difficult and psychologists as part of a clinical assess- to ascertain because of the different reading ment to identify risk for reading and learning • Understanding RAN and Reading Fluency 445 PS63CH17-Norton ARI 18 November 2011 11:41

difficulties and as a measure of the development prove reading fluency, and whether one can and efficiency of processes related to word improve RAN ability, is much more difficult. retrieval and reading fluency (Wolf & Denckla First, the RAN task itself is a surface indica- 2005). tor of the efficiency of the underlying processes RAN tasks take only a few minutes to ad- shared by naming and reading. There have been minister and require only modest training to no large-scale, well-controlled studies that have administer and score. It is essential that RAN tried to explicitly train naming speed. Here, a and other fluency measures be included in psy- gap in the literature is not a bad thing—most choeducational assessment batteries. For early researchers would agree that training students screening for potential reading difficulties, we on a RAN task would not be the optimal way presented evidence from multiple longitudinal to improve their reading fluency. RAN seems studies that show that RAN is one of the most to be related to individual developmental pro- robust early indicators of potential reading dif- cesses; RAN times improve with age, but indi- ficulties, along with phonological skills and viduals seem to be relatively consistent in their letter name and sound knowledge. Using pub- overall naming ability across time, relative to lished normed measures, examiners can deter- peers. In terms of assessment, we would expect mine how a child’s RAN ability compares with to see raw scores for RAN change as children what is typical for a given age or grade. A second develop and become more automatic, but an in- important reason for assessing RAN and other dividual’s standard score based on age would be fluency issues is that speed and automaticity are more consistent. Our own studies have shown essential components of what it means to be that although our best interventions can im- a good reader, yet we tend to measure read- prove most reading and language variables, the ing too often only in terms of accuracy. Myriad RAN changes little from pre- to posttreatment, studies have shown that one can be an accu- indicating that RAN taps a more basic index of rate reader without being a fluent reader (see processing. Breznitz 2006). Often, children who have an How, then, do we promote reading flu- “invisible” speed deficit are not identified until ency and provide intervention for students who later in school, and they may start to suffer the struggle with this skill? How do we train this negative effects of having a reading difficulty, system that seems inherently untrainable? One such as poorer academic performance in other technique that has been widely used as a pur- subjects. For this reason, fluency measures that ported way to improve fluency is repeated read- take into account speed and comprehension ing. In this technique, a student reads a passage by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. should be included in reading assessments. multiple times, with increasing speed. After re- peated reading, students show some generaliz- ible increases in speed and accuracy of decoding

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from Interventions for Fluency (see Meyer & Felton 1999 for a review). How- A question that naturally follows from these ever, these results and the entire approach of re- findings is, can we train children to improve peated reading measures yield changes in speed their RAN ability and thus impact their read- that may not be related to improvements in our ing skills? Children with phonological weak- sine qua non of reading, fluent comprehension. nesses who receive high-quality phonological Whereas we know that fluent comprehension interventions tend to improve both their PA depends on accuracy and automaticity at every skills and decoding ability (Torgesen 2004). level of language, few intervention programs A host of well-designed, structured, multisen- reflect this. There are numerous programs de- sory phonology programs exist, and they are signed to address phonological decoding skills, indeed effective in remediating phonological but few programs explicitly address multiple deficits. However, the question of how to im- components of language, such as orthography,

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morphology, syntax, and semantics, with the and also on vocabulary measures, both post- goal of improving fluent comprehension. treatment and at one-year follow-up. These Few random-assignment treatment-control results highlight the importance of explicitly studies examine the effects of different read- addressing the multiple levels of language ing intervention programs. One such study, and multiple cognitive processes involved in led by Lovett, Morris, and Wolf, examined reading. the impact of intervention on 279 students The present review of the fluency research with reading difficulties (Morris et al. 2011). highlights the need for multicomponential Students were randomly assigned to one of interventions, such as PHAST, RAVE-O, four different intervention programs designed and Language!, especially for students with to contrast different types of instruction: RAN or double deficits whose weaknesses are (a) study skills and math instruction (no not adequately addressed by a phonological reading instruction), (b)PHAB+ study skills, decoding program. As we better understand a phonological program plus study skills each child’s ability, we can better tailor in- instruction, (c) PHAST, a multicomponential struction to benefit each child. Children whose word-identification strategy and phonological teachers were trained in individualizing literacy program, or (d )PHAB+RAVE-O, a multi- instruction (including more emphasis at the componential program designed to address subword and word levels versus connected each level of reading (Wolf et al. 2009) and a text comprehension) during first grade had phonology program. Students were matched better literacy outcomes than those of matched for IQ, race, and socioeconomic status among classrooms without individualized instruction groups, and each group received 70 hours of (Connor et al. 2009). Ultimately, our goal small-group instruction. should be to understand the abilities of all Results showed that children who received children and to provide the types of instruction multicomponential interventions (PHAST or that best addresses their needs. PHAB+RAVE-O) had significantly greater growth than did other intervention groups on timed and untimed word and nonword CONCLUSION reading and passage comprehension. The The field of reading research has come a long multicomponential groups also maintained way toward understanding the complex set of these levels of growth at follow-up one year skills that allow fluent comprehension of text. after intervention. In terms of fluency, which Research across the globe studying individuals’ by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. is notoriously difficult to improve, children in brains and whole classrooms’ development has the multicomponential groups again outper- shown that RAN is deeply linked with read- formed the other interventions, with only the ing processes. Slowly but surely, the field is

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from RAVE-O group gaining more than six stan- moving from narrow, polarized views on the dard score points on the Gray Oral Reading best ways to teach reading and conceptualize Quotient (Morris et al. 2011). In sum, the two dyslexia to multicomponential frameworks for multicomponential interventions significantly assessment and intervention. Even the long- improved children’s reading accuracy and flu- held ideal that fluency is mostly reflected in the ent comprehension relative to closely matched quality of prosody in oral reading is changing programs that included phonology-only or (Kuhn et al. 2010), so that fluency is understood general academic instruction, and RAVE-O, as the crux of when many processes at multiple which targeted the most components, had levels integrate seamlessly to promote the com- the best results for fluent comprehension prehension of text. • Understanding RAN and Reading Fluency 447 PS63CH17-Norton ARI 18 November 2011 11:41

SUMMARY POINTS 1. Rapid automatized naming (RAN) measures act as a microcosm of the reading system, providing an index of one’s abilities to integrate multiple neural processes. 2. RAN and phonological awareness are both robust early predictors of reading ability, and one or both are often impaired in people with dyslexia. Longitudinal, cross-linguistic, genetic, and neuroimaging studies suggest that these two crucial reading-related pro- cesses should be considered distinct constructs rather than subcomponents of a single construct. 3. It is advantageous to conceptualize fluent reading as a complex ability that depends on automaticity across all levels of cognitive and linguistic processing that are involved in reading, allowing time and thought to be devoted to comprehension. 4. Successful intervention for reading disabilities depends on accurate assessment of a child’s profile in terms of both accuracy and speed across all levels of reading, from the subword to connected text. Multicomponential intervention programs that target phonology as well as multiple levels of language show the greatest promise in improving reading fluency.

FUTURE ISSUES 1. To better understand RAN and fluency as behavioral predictors and outcome measures, based on longitudinal studies incorporating brain imaging and/or genetics (such work is underway among the Neurodys consortium in Europe and by our colleagues Nadine Gaab and John Gabrieli in Boston). 2. To determine the most appropriate instruction and intervention techniques for certain profiles of readers or subtypes of dyslexia, especially those with fluency and naming deficits who may not benefit from traditional phonologically based interventions. 3. To research how reading in new and electronic media (e.g., on the Internet or from an e-reader) affects automaticity and fluent comprehension. by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only.

DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The authors are unaware of any affiliation, funding, or financial holdings that might be perceived Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from as affecting the objectivity of this review.

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Figure 2 fMRI brain activations for a RAN letters task from Christodoulou et al. (2011). (a) Whole-brain activations for RAN letters >visual fixation. N = 18 typical adults. Activations significant at height threshold of p < 0.05, FWE (family-wise error) corrected, k > 10 voxels. (b) Whole brain differences for RAN letters >visual fixation in typical adult readers (N = 9) versus adults with dyslexia (N = 9). Activations significant at height threshold of p < 0.05, FDR (false discovery rate) corrected, k > 10 voxels. by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from • Understanding RAN and Reading Fluency C-1 PS63-FrontMatter ARI 10 November 2011 9:52

Annual Review of Psychology Volume 63, 2012 Contents

Prefatory Working Memory: Theories, Models, and Controversies Alan Baddeley pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp1 Developmental Psychobiology Learning to See Words Brian A. Wandell, Andreas M. Rauschecker, and Jason D. Yeatman ppppppppppppppppppppp31 Memory Remembering in Conversations: The Social Sharing and Reshaping of William Hirst and Gerald Echterhoff pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp55 Judgment and Decision Making Experimental Philosophy Joshua Knobe, Wesley Buckwalter, Shaun Nichols, Philip Robbins, Hagop Sarkissian, and Tamler Sommers pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp81 Brain Imaging/Cognitive Neuroscience Distributed Representations in Memory: Insights from Functional by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. Brain Imaging Jesse Rissman and Anthony D. Wagner ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp101 Neuroscience of Learning Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from Fear Extinction as a Model for Translational Neuroscience: Ten Years of Progress Mohammed R. Milad and Gregory J. Quirk ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp129 Comparative Psychology The Evolutionary Origins of Friendship Robert M. Seyfarth and Dorothy L. Cheney ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp153 Emotional, Social, and Personality Development Religion, Morality, Evolution Paul Bloom pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp179

vi PS63-FrontMatter ARI 10 November 2011 9:52

Adulthood and Aging Consequences of Age-Related Cognitive Declines Timothy Salthouse pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp201 Development in Societal Context Child Development in the Context of Disaster, War, and Terrorism: Pathways of Risk and Resilience Ann S. Masten and Angela J. Narayan ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp227 Social Development, Social Personality, Social Motivation, Social Emotion Social Functionality of Human Emotion Paula M. Niedenthal and Markus Brauer pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp259 Social Neuroscience Mechanisms of Social Cognition Chris D. Frith and Uta Frith pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp287 Personality Processes Personality Processes: Mechanisms by Which Personality Traits “Get Outside the Skin” Sarah E. Hampson pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp315 Work Attitudes Job Attitudes Timothy A. Judge and John D. Kammeyer-Mueller ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp341 The Individual Experience of Unemployment Connie R. Wanberg ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp369 Job/Work Analysis by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. The Rise and Fall of Job Analysis and the Future of Work Analysis Juan I. Sanchez and Edward L. Levine ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp397 Education of Special Populations Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) and Reading Fluency: Implications for Understanding and Treatment of Reading Disabilities Elizabeth S. Norton and Maryanne Wolf ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp427 Human Abilities Intelligence Ian J. Deary ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp453 Research Methodology Decoding Patterns of Human Brain Activity Frank Tong and Michael S. Pratte pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp483

Contents vii PS63-FrontMatter ARI 10 November 2011 9:52

Human Intracranial Recordings and Cognitive Neuroscience Roy Mukamel and Itzhak Fried ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp511 Sources of Method Bias in Social Science Research and Recommendations on How to Control It Philip M. Podsakoff, Scott B. MacKenzie, and Nathan P. Podsakoff pppppppppppppppppppp539 Neuroscience Methods Neuroethics: The Ethical, Legal, and Societal Impact of Neuroscience Martha J. Farah pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp571


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 53–63 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp593 Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 53–63 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp598


An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Psychology articles may be found at by Tufts University on 03/05/12. For personal use only. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2012.63:427-452. Downloaded from

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