Natural, Historic, and Cultural Resources
Town of Palmer Master Plan | 2021 DRAFT Natural, Historic, and Cultural Resources Natural, Historic, and Cultural Resources The natural environment, inclusive of air, water, soil, and vegetation (and the interactions among them), is an important aspect of a community’s function. It holds tremendous value by contributing to human health and well-being in various manners inclu4ding, but certainly not limited to, the provision of food, respite from urban environments, recreational opportunities, and hazard mitigation (e.g., flood storage). A community’s cultural identity is influenced by its history. This history is manifested in its historic resources, such as buildings, sites, landmarks, or districts, which tell the story of a how the community came to be, including the persons or events that shaped its development. A community’s cultural identity is also embodied in the manners by which its diverse inhabitants interact and for what purposes. These interactions are shaped by local organizations and facilities providing programs and activities that bring people together for a common purpose (e.g., arts, entertainment, education, religion, and charitable giving). Together, natural, historic, and cultural resources play important roles in defining a community’s values and sense of place. Increasing development and intensive human activities, however, can cause them irreparable harm. Accordingly, this Element not only highlights and characterizes the natural, historic, and cultural resources in the Town of Palmer, it also identifies strategies for their protection and enhancement. Baseline Conditions Analyses Natural Resources The Town of Palmer enjoys a diverse range of natural resources, including prime farmland soils, wildlife habitats, and water resources.
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