Polizia di Stato Questura di

Right to a temporary stay permit and free medical treatment during pregnancy and six months after the baby’s birth

Dear friend, Choosing to have a baby is one of the most delicate moments in our life, not only for a woman, being primarily responsible for procreation, but also for the couple as a whole and for the family too. It is a path full of hopes and feelings, sometimes conflicting: the parents-to-be, and above all mothers, must deeply change their lifestyle and devote more attention to their physical health and psychophysical wellness during pregnancy and over the first months after the baby’s birth. Pregnancy is not a pathology but rather a physiological condition which deserves legal as well as medical safeguards. As a matter of fact, the right to procreate freely and independently must fully be granted along with all the inalienable rights recognized to everyone by the Italian Constitution and, since 1950, by the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. After long and troubled legislative activity, the T.U. no. 151 [Consolidation Act of the provisions on maternity’s and paternity’s safeguard and support] was passed in in 2001: it safeguards maternity as to the biological aspects of the woman’s health, introduces a new concept of safeguard of maternity focusing its attention on the baby, and finally acknowledges the social value of maternity and the right to paternity, thus restoring an active and participating role to the father. The opportunities and safeguards granted by T.U.

no. 151/2001 apply to all women, Italian or foreign nationals, without discrimination. They perfectly harmonize with the provisions envisaged by Legislative Decree no. 286 dated 25.07.98 [Consolidation Act of the provisions relating to immigration and rules on the condition of foreign nationals] .Section 19, subse. 2 letter d) clearly establishes that deportation cannot be applied to pregnant women or within six months of their baby’s birth. By decision of the Constitutional Court no. 376 dated 2000, deportation is temporarily suspended for the same period of time even for their husbands. With this aim, the Questura (Police Headquarters) of Como and the ATS (Local Health Administration) of Como (Como Via Croce Rossa 1, Cantù Via Domea 4, Via del Rampanone 1, Via Felice Villa, Via Verdi 2, Olgiate Comasco Via Roma 61) have combined their efforts and developed a project which is addressed to foreign pregnant women and new mothers illegally staying in Italy, offering them an easier way to apply for a stay permit. If you are pregnant, foreign national and you are illegally staying in Italy you have the right to apply for and to be granted a temporary stay permit for medical treatment (as per joint provisions of se.28 D.P.R. no.394/99 and se.19, subse.2, letter d) of Legislative Decree no.286/98). If you live within the , you can address directly to the Ufficio Immigrazione (Immigration Office) of the Questura (Police Headquarters) of Como , viale Roosevelt n. 7 or ask for an appoiment on the web site: www.cupa-project.it


Comune di Prot. n. 0007059 del 21-05-2018 arrivo Cat. 11 Cl. 2

Don’t forget to bring along the following documents required to issue the stay permit:

- Medical certificate attesting to the month of your pregnancy and due date; - 2 passport-sized photographs; - Valid passport plus copy of the page bearing personal details; - € 16 marca da bollo (revenue stamp); - Host’s Dichiarazione di ospitalità (Declaration of hospitality). - Payment of 40.00 euros at the post office (with logo Sportello Amico ) on already filled postal account nr. 67422402

You will be immediately issued with a paper stay permit for “medical treatment/pregnancy”, valid only in Italy and expiring six months after the delivery date. Remember that even the baby’s father – provided that you are married and live together - could be issued with a similar permit valid for the same period of time; the same right belongs to the natural father who formally recognizes his child. The relationship of marriage must be demonstrated with documents translated and legalized by the Italian Consulate in the country of origin . When holding the temporary stay permit you may apply for the tessera sanitaria (health service card) of the National Health Service at the ATS (Health Service District) of the area where you live: in this way you will enjoy the same rights as the Italian women and get free medical treatment and examinations according to the stage of your pregnancy, as foreseen by law. Finally, it is important for you to know that a stay permit issued for medical treatment enables you to apply later for its conversion into a permit for family reasons (as per joint provisions of se. 28 and 30 Legislative Decree no.286/98) . This permit can be issued “ to the foreign family member legally staying in Italy and meeting the requirements set down for family reunion with the Italian national, or with an EU national living in Italy, or with a third country national legally staying in

Italy”. Check carefully the expiry date of your permit for medical treatment, since you are entitled to apply for said conversion not later than one year after its expiry date. To obtain a pregnancy certificate, please contact one of ASST Lariana's Consultants (CONSULTORIO) – bringing your passport with you (if you have one).

CONSULTORIO DI CANTU’ Viale Madonna 10 tel. 031/706595 – 031/7073033 [email protected] CONSULTORIO DI COMO Via Gramsci 4 tel. 031/370347/8 [email protected] CONSULTORIO DI COMO Via Castelnuovo 1 tel. 031/370683 consultorio.como.1@ asst-lariana.it CONSULTORIO DI PONTE LAMBRO Via Verdi 2 tel. 031/6337935 [email protected] CONSULTORIO DI Via Trieste 5 tel. 031/883011 [email protected] CONSULTORIO DI MARIANO COMENSE Via Villa 5 tel. 031/755222 [email protected] CONSULTORIO DI OLGIATE COMASCO Via Roma 61 tel. 031/999471 [email protected]

We hope that the information we gave you will ease you the way for integration in Italy and make your pregnancy and future maternity more pleasant, but at the same time help you establish a more conscious and positive relationship with the Italian institutions.

Comune di Tavernerio Prot. n. 0007059 del 21-05-2018 arrivo Cat. 11 Cl. 2