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Todajr l'1ilqlr€st€r, tornmorow the urorld? , . : ' r,i "

l,adyfest's beginnings were in the us Northwest town of olyrnpia, inspired by both riot grrrl and the diy festivals of thd early 90s. and the creativity of ioniemporary women performers in the town. Since then the name has embrac€d krcations as far apart as Gliasgow and Jakarta, art as diverse as hardcore punh and glass melting.,. and it shows no sgn oitratting. Just what is it that's so catching? And, as rnany have asked, why is lt necessaryi t I Because all-boy gig after all-boy gig can be an intensely alienating experience for girls. lt teaches us ' far more than words ever could - that playing ln bands is Just not something that I girls I do. Women performers are still judged more on their looks than artistic merit. Women's art ls still ghettoised and trivialised, from film to spoken word to vlsual art to t comedy, labelled as'women's art'and therefore of 'minority interest'(yeah only slo/o of the population...). : and certainly not of interest to men. You could say that Ladyfest is part of tlle problern, in that it is gender-specific and operates apart from the main/malestream. But boys are wekome and encouraged to atrend. And radyfest ain't no ghetto, because it,s simply a great place to be, vhere peformers, paneli$s, artists, facilitators and fest€oers alike enJoy an attitude&ee, respectfu! &rcphere. lt's about more tlran just being 'induded', it's about belngtle, f€stivd. fYodrs!rcps and panels facititate skills and ideai ,activist, sharlng altowirq the tabeE of 'artisf, .'p:rtcme;(, to be demystilied, and recognising that we ale alt arti*s ad acfivl# and so mrrch rnore. ille are all active and creadve ln our own ways. The prhdfles and practrce of 'doing it !€uxsetr' lnstead of simply buying and consuming our culture, art and politks are an important aspe€t of I-aovreii. Britlsh consurner culture encourag€s us (especialty girls) to be passfue, isolated and silent. We hope that Ladyfest will brlng like-minded individuals together, in tlre Northwest and beyond, and provide opportunities for ietworking and. further plottiqg. Ttuougti the oryanising process we have akeady made links with amazingly inspiring people and groups on our ddorstep that previously we never knew existed, or didn't realise were so vital and relevant tb us. lnstead of sitting in our bedroorns wondering if everyone else is cmzy or if it's Just us, we now feel part of a growing cornmunity of women who believe in the power of building zlltematives.

Manchester is a huge city in rnore wa)rs than one, unrelentingly diverse and full of contradictlons. lt would be impossibte for us to channel all of that into ei four day festival. A lot of things didn't happen that we wanled to happen, a lot of people dro.gred out,.. but we don't have time for bltterness. we're too busy'having fun, uuitoing on oir weaknesses and planning for the future

Programme contributors: Amanda McKinnoa, Ciare Tebbutt,

Doroth.v Garnb'rell, El'a Gnatiuk, Heena Patel, Hume-v Saeed,

lona Tanguay. {b"u (,cie , .Io Tunter. John W Stewart, Karen Rubins,

Lorna Miller. Marion Dauson, Sophie Cooper


AI our panel dscussbns wil be opened aut to the floor, so come with ques{bns and oFinions at he rcady!

WorFn Conf,lcl and Redd.ncc @,.gender expression, and bodies can be liberated without making a ferocious mobilization against imperialiel war and racism an integral pad of our struggle." Leslie Feinber! Did rve really fight for women:s rights in Afghanistan? How does war impact on women's lives and h6n are they organidng ryainst it? This panel will discuss the cunent 'uar on teror' from a feminist perspeciive afld address how feminism is connected to other polilical rnolements. Pat Sanchez (chair) hails from Littleborough near . and iE a veteran peace campaigner, intemational aid uorker and rnember of CND Kosar Saira Nzeribe founder of pcently set-up ne\i, group Muslim Feminist Network UK, u/hioh aim$ lo identiry, consider and develop. anti{iscriminatory thinking / ideology / practices nationally and intemationally .concerning issues of gender, transgender, sexuality and other human rights issues, Part of boycott-Maiks & dpencers group, which exists in suPport of the Palestinian people's struggle agairct and pickets outside Marks g Spencers in Manchester every Saturday. The Global Ullotnen'8 Stri*e calls on all wsmen to 'stop the world and change it, say no lo war - invest in gari$ not killing.r They seek to highlight the hidden struggle of women ln iorn regions to keep 'arar families and communities alive, and the struggle of women ailum seekers in Europe. Names of strikers joining us today tbcl http:lArornenstrike8m.serverlOl.com Adl Kuntsrnan is a feminist soholar and co-founder of the group Checkpoint Watch, a group of lsraeli women monitoring the human rights of Palestinians at army and border poticJ ctiectpoints. http:/llww. arnbosile.com Moss lr*emational wornan of mystery Moss has been involved with direct ac{ion for two years, on bth antLwarandecologftal bsues. lf shegaveusthedefailselevrouHhayetokill usfirsfl Sneistne'eOitoiof the feminist roes of a nerv altettdive $ide b i4anctHer calbd Shortcuts. She lives in a sguat. She says'lts gred! You should do ill'. llsa Klyoen is a Jrylese tunsni* stgag€d ir rplFvi*nt drySgle with the tnternational golidarity ilotercnt, a P?lec{inbnled mottemer{ of Pabstinian ano lntbmltional activists working to raise arargtess d OE stn€gle for Palestinian freedom and an end to lsraeli icupation. http:lrtt'rw.p*offi rity.org

Trans lnclsglon Ae a gender.specific festival here lo shor,vcase and celebrate the talento brings women-bom-women policies 9t ryor.n91,. laOVtest to the debating- table. Held by some women-only 6paces, euch as Michigan Womyn's Music Festival and Mancheater's. pankhurst Oentre, whlt is the reasoning behind such policies? ls there still mom for such segregation, or have we moved on to embrace the fluidity of gender and identity? What is the connection / overlap with drag? This panel will address the policy, ryhat juslifications ther€ may be for it, and whether feminist politics should be breaking away from gender binaries Mlchelle Green (chair) is a Manchester based writer/ranter who tnvels as ofien as she can, performirq lvherever they'll have her. Universe willing, you shoirld be abie 1o find a copy of her zine here at Ladyfest. Roz Kaveny A reviewer and publishe/s reader who writes on genre fictlon and populal culture. She is a civil iibedies, free speech and trans activist whose political career extends from GLF to Ferninists against Censorship, the Genderand Sexuality Alliance and Libefi. Jenny Roberts Published Crime Writer (Needle Point and Breaking Point) and the founder of Libertas Women's Bookshop in York. She was born a boy in Bridlington in 1944 and assumed her real gender in Manchester nine years ago. Her web site is www.jennyroberts.net Glare Tebbutt Glare is a Ladyfest organiser with an interest in queer theory and transgender issuss. Scott Clouder is a 27 year old female to male transsexual. He previously identified as a butch lesbian before he realised that there were other options that he was better-suited t0. He identilie€ his sexuality as 'erm, whatevel and his gender a$ 'comfortable, thank you very much'.

Feminism - Past. Present and Futur-q ls feminism really dead? What is there left to fight for and what shape do€s this fight take in 20G? This panel will look at the diflerent'waves' of feminisrn throughout the years, the impact of Riot Gml and the position wamen are in now. Oonsidering achievenEnts, tte onping need for radicalism, and vvh€lher it's time for feminism to gd queer. Kristin Aune (chair) Part-tinE lecturer in ufirnen's sttEfi€s at the University of Weotminster. Kisiin is also a freehnce wifer ard fns ndtisH a book on single women and the church. She l€s been irwofi,ed in sefiing up a thriving yolng ('Third Wave') ferninist grqlp in , Catherine Redfern eatherine Redfem ls founder and editor of the *crcful UK feminist website The F-Word, www.thefword.org.uk . She rnoderates UK Feminist Action, co'founded London Third Wave, and is involved in various other leminist groups and actions. Ellzabeth Carola has been involved in feminism since the 1Hs when she was active in anti porn movements ahd In Women Against Violence Against Women. Cf,rrie Hamllton Carie ie a teacher, res€archer and activist, focusing cn Spain and Latin America. She has been active in various women's/iesbian groups in Toronto, Montreal, Madrid and London. Her current activism is focused mostly on higher educatioh - around lvomen's issues and the anti-privitisation of HE. She ha6 also just got involved in Women Speak Out Loncion Claud Gunningham Claud Cunningham !s the promcter of Biack Angel a lesbian & gay multicultural RnB club night. She also manages bands and is a freelance event organiser. ln her spare time she presents the breakfast show for Radio Hulme. Tbc: a riot gnrl telis alll

Women. Race and ldentity Misrepresentation of, and attacks on asylum seekers, The rise of the BNP. Cultures accused of being baclqvard. All this brings into light questions of cultural and racial identity in this country. What does it mean for women living within or between cultures, and how is this affected by the rhetoric of the war on tenor? This panel will explore the insighis of women of diverse racial and cultural identities living in Britain, providing a forum for stereotypes to be broken down and women's voices to be heard. universi$' where she srra Ahmed (chair) is directof of the lnsiitute fof womens stdres. at Lancasler researching the. politics of emotion' teaches oourse6 on genaer,-;'al saxua6n. She is cunently within political rhetoric to create dislinctions examining how pain, nat", f# Oitgu.t, in6 love work "n"t" in the UK, as iivell as in narratives of between 'us' and 'them in Ail; to a"yrrm and tenorisrn reconciliation in Austsalh.' wqman from a large Ashn community in Nazla ldfi€3 is a politically rctive British Muslim Pakistani abroad and agtively 6uPpods.the currant stough. she has taken p",t ;;;;i;ii.i o"*or here and antiwar movement. she is bisexual and from an orthodox Jewish Rachel de sllver is s, a single parent and a performer. in her time. believes that she baclgrourd, having been u"rr.,-*".ii"rigious uery non, religious l*:h" "nd local government and was brought up in is spiritual but her Gd 11g;;; rot"to-n"i She works ii Mancheter. She is passionate about most things! She was a promoter-for the seminal gay indie Farzena Fiaz A professi"".i who DJs. "ttJ.*tltusician abroad. Fa'::il:e is a founder of Al Fatiha' an club vaselinerctub v and ntt Oi'i Ji .tter london and producer and has uorked for gvery major British TV organisation for gay Mugimslsl; i";is" a TV news Channel and a felv foreign ones. that aims to curb the rise of the far right in The Anti Nazl League .r" .-J.tO based mass organisation They're keeping us in suspens€ gir fi, in't."gr', pffiguno., ;;;#;6ta and c6unier-mobilisations' about which riprlsentitive we're gonna meet todayl

Llmltations of Ladvlest in a formula or constantly inspiring? This Four years of Ladyfests and where is the festival novr/? stuck rooks at.where.the festival can go next. panet of past organisers, *;;;i-;#. r1vr"1 virgins ..na us what was right and what wssn't lt's your chance to talk about f.Uh"lt Manchester, g* some tipi, tetl okay, we cantake it-... pig, _ youth Records, sings in the wotlderful Lesbo ir"iii ieo"il {chair) Runs club Tape Ctubltrk 'Homocrime'club night in London' lrene was one ol lhe organi6es tours and gigs fotthcoming a Maslers in Women's Studies Ladyfest Lond$ organiser",;J-h;;tso"no'ih. jusicompleteo and illuslralion' and is a longtime pro' Andy Roberts fs tfe gui*arti in ll"*ltt" $otks'in bookselling Brislol, and Amsterdam as well as choice campabner, Linus # pqFd J in Lordon, f,n"of"ufier, orggtised a t*nlar dten, rc"gfTF PnO f€dival' in 1994' :. housemate The msg read: "lets organise tieena Pate| "nOOrE bored S.;d"6M"y iibOa fC"* tCed her ,n" jtr* 2 ask them + they will do it:- 13 months a LqDyFEST tF," h t ancifi r"rd},," t-hdp, need good and not so good experiences organising later, Heera b kien to telt .;frel ,,1lo ri*ei iloui 1tu "ilt acting secretary of h.er housing co'op and her very fir$ (dd ,ra'Ue #'#tfi nrg" sc"p event. She'is best in cuny, crocheting' spraypaint' riding tikes cod

Sexuatltv and lCentitv ide*9;1'^"Ii1iii1!:f if;is r ore issues to do with sexualitv.and :jT:*, g: ts vour iaentrtv.raq*ry !: ;t15"*;':;:#;f#[ffiiloiri*itingi from "J:1,o,Ti:::{ff':g1,ffher diseertation on this subject) of the gay communry H*IJ;;A;;; g"{mi. Ungttbe-bnwtng up a dialogue iri" olriG.n. wrr iih to pusn the boundaries and open -{^ 'O;;;i;i;;i; peofie' of att senbersandsexuaf?es' Max 20 (ytpaea t,

i i Seff t{arm Awarcness L^ L'^^1, rka i-u Treatedastaboo,attention-seekif€ofpdhologrthisworkshopaimgto.b'1eakt!:ignoran@andsilence with her self-harm hstory J"i"liircr"s Jr;**" Fadtild;-by irea c1irfogev, a.gnrl activista dealing 6;;,qffi"",".tdrt phgt"fiphy, fri; rrrks.ri, wlt create a spac€ to address the mvths, talk about look at fun and credive ways of expressing our elgeriencs and ",rdoffer o"f, ohl# supp'ort' We'tl also of 'femininity' ing"r,;rd th" in $fiich self-harming'relatee to cultural constructs for guys to pick up' Max 20 people ' wanen orty- but"oy" p,ete wil b;; iifiii anA panp;1,eg available

Sim DJ, this workshop wilt show you the basics"how to cue Ld by Farzans, club v promoter and world wide Bring your own records and cDs along, as vour recor6, choose your ;il s"t th" kio" dancing. i*tOins O.ls'*iil n.ue ine chance""G to play on Saturday eveningl Wunei uz$. 10 paof,e max sa tum up eaty!

Radhal Practical. Femlnlst Self t]efence Caiblynhasbeenrunning"ffi'Khopsforthepastfewyear9,aspartofasmallcollec.tive and aim6 to be.a v'ery basic introduction to based in London. The *"tks;ld-;;i ;k rpproit*o hours, AiiSdJ. *b;.i you don't have to be particutarlv strong or fit or hive anv ;tdils;rud,.. practising dilferent verbal & physical previous experience. we'n spenU ;me timl.tatking.l well as .hctics. your diy skill'ehare self-defence wear comiy layered rr v"ri. interest& in setting up wvn "i"ft"r. generally in how to create more safe space/ more fi;p, * ;, off6r aovice in to" to'oo thls, and iolidanty within our own communfties Wamen only. Corilr and co- Effi ry Jeremy Dennle ($Yw alleg€d'org'u$rd), cartooni$ta 6'td"t;? snrarr press cornix conre*ion, Gaption (www ca$jon'srg)' this- Don't worry if ;nt"t*p Ai" to,, thru4h the ctation 9t co.1ic..a.rt' nert to *rr. oir ",fr10 Eun*, trqe '&n't draws'can happily sit'n' sketch ;;.t *"d" a carioon n*sresspiece for the Ladyfest Comix Wa$l iffi *t * her wo* in the cave of cunix queens exhibition /U-,;tt*;"r* "**oingTirlrc are firited spaces for this workshop {15 max)' so meke sure yan fum uP eeif-

Herbagdn LE fy-Ja-n", a qualified medical herbalist, this workshoP will give advi€ andin.formaiononcommonherbs'Janewillalsobesho'lingyouhowt0 mafe uiefuf products and alternatives, such as tobacco substitutes, hair tonic and cystitis tea mix. Nlwelepne.

Global Wornen'a Strike ffiffi;''' & girts in over 60 countries have taken part in a Global wor"n strike. lt stirteo {dtn lntemational women's Day but quickly around the globe stop the bil;; " n"twotr for taking action together 19 priorities' The Strike points lo US vrortOrF+s#Ip anO ctrange its economic ,)l.r : . l a,t . :::. -: ...,.,:., ,. +':Oitli[i''i'spett''on the military eadt plitical and military domiiatOn of t19 wprlcl and 16s $gOO econornic, rid of theworldls uy tne ui iron".- on" tenth of the global military budgdvwuld'get r;;;;;'th;-tritr pipe vrater? strikers will sho"r a half hoqr extreme poverty. why is ttreie money to plpe oit b.ut ru* to mct discussion' ffi;;;ilt S;;igi" nrst ir".erora WomenigStrike in 9 countries followed by AllWelcome.

Body lrnaoc and Self €qteern fe€lings to\'lardsour.bodies' including our This facltitated discussion uffr 0". chance to talk about our look into hor-we rebel, develop our o\iln ruhs and relationship to food, our gil; wr grr alT. activiet, waitress,, care worker' practicirg become people of otir own"ir" oesiil. "no i*t"a by Tara Valentlne, il"i.'i iriJpitt*t''ano Enec* o* wrvw'rectayry;1glll www'queeruption'com 'iii"t iii. rim up on",ti"t time as late comerc wont be admittedl

Kldz Comlx ffp"- *mic artists suzy Varty will-be showing kids of all rbititi"t hov, to imagine ct{aracters, draw faces and emotion' construct bodies,.and mct of all have funl For 7-12 year olds. Max 15 Pofi-

Draq Kinos OiH,ffi-=wc, strap w yr ta' *ur p sox lr ja q sb' ' nd C"rU V6" pass as one of fore bqF? With Us'.qaa' Jtd be mucn i'aaige*ng frornioet sel rom c4 wtto qH 3$ oerforminiiE pa-rt of the 'All Mouth No Troueers' n[ht' 'Ai;;i;;;r;- h;r 2r wode Tum up eadv with cos&nn trvw can!

Androovnous lsland The- ainn of thi$ workshop is to us€ drama exeJcises' space vuhere eoitective group work and improvisation to c'eale I po\tver anOrogynican be explored in a fictional corrrtext where e4s! workshop ir"qdtitd- and gender as we know itdoes.nd Jlg *ii b" run by Joey Hateley' a queer-feminist perforyarye ' o it or*o o<.nilatov t?"t*f-T::'ilil* #iffJf; ffilF&#l["=al,litt#;' ;;;tffi 1. -sg::- rno6t 0f 3ffi:ffi'' Tfl1"1ffiru?H.ffi1;ffiuarl'iir;";;;;;*ises io ne accessibre, riberating and all ftrnl Allwelcome. Max 20 PeoPle

Drwffnlno Drumm€rsareinshortsupplyandfemaledrummersevenshorter.LouiseHanmanisbestknownasiead ehe is abo drummer for punk-pop trio 3 Minute screamer of sunday nignt's i;aliners Hamingo so but by6lan9er fron both'sides of the Mersey and Margin and her €xpleive nu" *any,1 LJft. ilihi" *nisnop streitsnow"tyf" you'mp'es"i the b€sics and top tips from the trade' Women anlY. Max 10 PoPle



Fler ecleck wdlig and perftrnarpe come wifr ter to Ladyfest Manchester in her current incarnalion as The Lesbran Queen. She lE be€n tanl4hsnS ari{ences witr h* unique blend of poetic perversion. humour, mayhem and songs for 'The yers. She ire patmed al manyevenb includrng Cheltenham Liierature Festival' and'SM Pnde' She also jroani the infrmom fetsh wenl Club Lash. Rosie has produced collectrons of poelry, short slories as well as widely read esjays


Prcsenting Ttc [dancunian Mallardl Sheer biioody-minded panto uith songs including The Adventures of the Froaen Embryos. Angeh Fbb lle With my Washing and Charcoal Brnkette lo lhe Head, plus finger puppets and idiosyncratic gestures. A nobone enlertainmenl and no mistake The Mancunian Mallard is a novice novelrst, a sonic arlist and a makerldesigner, of cosfumes ln the pasl she was forced lo write scripts for money.

MICHETLE GREEN Micheile has performed at numerous events and locations across Canada and the UK (most recenlly with Lychee Lounge's Lounge on lhe Mezz al Manchestels Grcen Roorn), and began writing her own malerial four years ago She has had her poetry published in several anthologies. andhersllort story'prairie Dyke is included rn crmus Books'recenl City Secrels anthoiogy. Mrchelle is currentf working on several collabomtive projects as well as a on+woman show


.irclyn s a Marcheslei based lesbran comic poet wrth a lwe of *ords and a $udg€ aginsl lhe DSS. Her performance BOelry gans tqrcs sudl as love, war, and sliding down the slairs in an all-wealher s@ing bag.


Quibilah Montsho is a powerful new voice in poelry. Born in Brilain of Canbbean and Engiish herilage, she works as a writer and poet in Manch€sler. Quibilah says what sh€ sees and her voice is oflen one of social commenlary bolh domestic and worldwide. She lells taies of vrolence against women, racisrn and mental health as well as war and death.


Born in Wanrnglon, Jo's a treelance performer, poet and playwnghl who r uns.a variely of communily workshops and euents Jo fias produced work

ALL l{uU+H hc r t Kot> €r) or her d$n 'Big' anthology which has been described as poht$al, pe€1ical and lust plain pottyl Stre s cunentiy darehpng he, one act stage play Salurd'ay Slreel, a shorl radio drama Summer Siorms and has jusi completed working in col*orabr rrttr Hel6n Thomas lo produce an innovative lhealre experience - The Pearly Gales Slam 1o warburlon@blintemel com

LOUISE WALLWEIN perfomanqe poet [1lunlan and piayrvrEhl with considerable experience rn performance and cornmunity prqecls. Winner '1998 of Manchestet Poetry pnze Fesliual for Low Flyrng Aircrafl a one women shotv perfomed on the wings of i world rar 2 aeroplane. Tv credrls and rnlernatrnal performance and residencies. current pqect skid lg0

SAL TOM CAT Sal Tom Cal feels she stumbled into the world of spoken word by freak acodenti Cunently she is thinkrng about her beard, having preiendrng fights, to be a dog crursing boys, the thnlt of takrng nsks drrly sex transfaggotry rummagrng in brns, her lit{le brother, and conyesalions with children , .


wtotLtE gnxreRnruo unnieru gucgEs Lancaslet's Quirkiest Funnywoman' Marian Hughes and multi-tahnled singerlsongwntedwriler/perfo'mer Mollie Baxter will enlertain and impress with 2 skelcles fiom lheir exte*sive mmedic reperlcire

CHARLOTTE COOPER Chatlotle is a zine-monkey, homqourno and all round gal She wrote a dirly noud called'Cterrt' that was sezed by Canada Customs for being too obscene. www.Charlotte0ooper.net

HEATHER TAYLOR darkly A comic, moving and unashamedly honesl poet, Heather Taylor engages her audience with giimpses of a world coioured by the vast Canadian prahies of her home She tiptoes through tales of reffrecks, vegans, and welfare moms as lhoroughly as she moves. through the stories ol men and women tllat are often left unspoken. ll ls here thai Heather creales snapshols of lile tha{ as fuli of love as they are of fear Heather noiv lives in London and has performed rn several evenls includtng Ladyfesl Amslerdam and Borders Poelry Caf6 with New Blood, She is also a published au.ihor www. heatherlaylor.co rik

,COURTESAN. SAMANTHA TAYLOR & TANTA VAN SCMLKWYK present An exploralion of woman'g wor& & voice, ins$redby the life& texts of Veronica Franco - a 17th cenlury Venetran poe! Courtesan Usrng rmages & text, poetry pholography, g- & vome & bodil Sam & Tania questron aspects of fgmale sexuality & physrcality i They also have Pholo ano poelrv booklets for sale They jusl got back from LadyJest &sld and ttcre is an accom6nying i: pholo exhibition at 1l Bordello's Art &rge, Welsh Back, Bnstol until Septenser 2*. I



t F-ILFI inthestudio


Bunnygirl and Kgtftte (Misster Dean and Miss Teen/ 2000 / Australia / 16 min). MlssteiDen describes her work as 'short queer dirty tales, which are like live-action comic books (with naughty bits)'. You have been warnedl

Fenced Out {Fierce Youth / USA / 60 min) A documentary about the struggle of a group of queer kids of colour to save the Christopher Street Pier from demolition by the Hudson River Park Trust

Women ln History {Erin Donovan l2OO2 IUSA / 17 mrnl Produced by The women in History Reclamation Prolect (wlHproject@yahoo com) With more iass than Michael Moore, intrepid reporter Martha goes to the streets looking for a few heroines missing from US history books.

What are we doing tonight? (Marie Verme ien I 2002/ Belgium / 7 min; A group of women spend a night graffiti-ing over sexist advertisements in their town. No billboard is too high, everything is possibJe.

Quaidaqualityquestionquicklyquicklyquiet (Lenka Clayton / Ut(Germany /10min) With just two five minute shorts dnd a bit of technoiogy, George W's speech is rearranged into alpnaOetical order, making him sound even stupider than before. . and you thought that wasn't possible. Didn't you?

Venezuela - a 274 Century Revolution (Global Women's Strike 12003 / 60min) A film documenting the first anniversary of the popular uprising, with interviews from Venezuelan women. 'We are not scared of any golpista.' ln Spanish with English subtitles.

Step Up and Be Vocal (Uta Busch + Sandra Ortmann l2AA1 /Germany / 60 min) Queer punk and poetry in San Francisco. With Lynn Breedlove, Matt Wobensmith, Jody Bleyle, The Psychic Sluts, wendy-o Matik, Laura Litter, Mia d'Bruzzi, Anna Joy. ln English with German subtitles.

She's Real - Worse Than Queer (Lucy Thane I 1997 I USA / 50 min) More queer punk and women in punk, including Team Dresch and Tammy Rae Carland Makes you jump up, start a band, fuck shit up and kiss your best friendl Punk Pretty (Jackie Joice / USA I2OOA 130 min) r A feminist punk documentary featuring the bands Foxy, Sugarpuss, All or Nothing, HC, : UXA and spoken word artists, local activists, tattoo artists and deejays' a , Don't Need You (Kerri Koch I 2!0O1 IUSA / 40 min) i o{ Follo*r the movers and shakers of Riot Grrrl and the monumental eve-nfs !fr!s i movement from 1990 to the present. lncluding footage of Bratmobile, Bikini Kill, and ,Heavens with Allison Wolfe and Kathieen Hanna. l: to Betsy, and interviews ; I sunony t I Some cabareUvaudeville style shorts by Katy Etheridge (UK / 9 min)

F . tVteat Pie and Mash (Helen Foot 12001 / / 3 min) girl twins *;.An eerie dance piece evoking the symbiotic and fracturing relationship of two I tinOing their own identity. . aUsent Wearer (Helen Foot t2OO3lEngland / 15 min) l Unedited footage of a live art 'happening'- this dance piece was filmed at the preview of the i'Absent Wearerexhibition at Essex University. A sensual and creepy look at skins, fashion : and changing form, i. !r.Ee Muy Practical (lfs very practical) (Kathryn Williamson / USA / 4 min) i puntic performance piece which raises questions of art-as-activity and documenting public reactions to spectacle. Also provokes questions of Western appropriation or presence in i'" 'othe/ cultures i i, gitch (Nosheen Khwaja/ compteted 1997 + re-edited 2003 / Scotland / 4 min) I An anthropomorphic take on the need for possession & control and commentary on the [ 'male pornographic gaze'. Comes across like a troubling hgme video of a pet pomh and I Oegs the question of with whom, what and where the power to control lies and whether it 1-F can be reclaimed/subverted. I Uot Bothered (Becky Goldberg t 2AO2 tUSA / 40 min) I R r"r""nU and empoweiing look into the pornography industry and feminist community to see I how they intertwine within the politics and poetics cf female sexuality- I www.ieministpornography.com I F tteeU + Want (Micki Poklar + Daniela Crocetti / USA / 35 min) I i"i"ri"*i *in'*"r"n about their sexual frantasies and desires, mixed with short films I expressing some of them. . . I I pnio""" Slipped (Keri Oakie/2002/USA/15 min) i Restless schoolboys have dirty, dirty daydreams. . a genderspoiler school-boy porno I ntm I I I I t I I l--I X'J, $ EI, rI

W J" I I I I I I I I lrI rc[,Iil The cave of comic Queens is the largest exhibition of women's comic art in tlris country. Ever. Itts a few artists dway from being the largest i-n the world. We're only just starting to reali_se the enormity of this. A few tentative emails at the start of the year put me j-n touch with some amazing artists in the uK, air of whom were excited about the idea. why? Because coraics are just SO oVerfooked, as an art form, as.,a narrative form; andu because they are completely male domlnated. Walk into any comie bookshop and look on the shelvesandintheracks,howmanywomenartistscanyou find? You'd never guess the .weafth of talent there is in this ccuntry alone' The wonderful- Camilla and I teamed up soon afler the comics cogs started whirring, as she had been thinking along the same lines for visual_ art at Ladyfest Brlstol. B.etween us {9 have contacted over 2OO artists and the sheer amount of enthusiam and support we have received has been astoundj-ng. And even then weive only scratched .the surface, there are so many more women comic artists out Lhere, this j-s just the beginning...

Corn-i-x, as zlnes, are a radi cal medium, and all the exhibiting artists are connected to the self publishing tradition that is so much a part of Ladyfest. Cave of Comic Queens is an opportunity for women's comi-c art to be showcased and appreciated in its own right and show that not all comix have to be about superheroes. . !

(there are some greal feminist boy artists. too... check out Howard Cruse, Daniel Clowes and the Hernandez l brothers to name a few,..) j

Check ouL Jeremy Dennls/ s comix workshop and the Coml-x, Zines and Self Publishing Panel- over the weekend.. Where can you find a friendly, supportive feminist space at university?

The Institlte lbr lVomen's Studies at Lancaster llniverslty is n lively feminlst commrnrfu, *ffir bi{ngs together strdents and staffintcrestcd in debatlng feminist issues, and ln reflecting oa .. questions ofpower and dilference,

The Institnte offers m nccess cerllllcate in Women's Shrdies, a B^{hons) ln Wbmen's Studig ss tell as MA and PhD programmes.

Bursaries are available for mature students for the BA(hons; in \tomen's Studies. for the academic year starttng 2004. ' Students *-iro do Women's Studies ma,v be interested in exploring

The impact of the womeh's movement and the emergance of newfeminisms

Feminist pedotn at cq an andflm

Il'amen's ll'rting ' Recgnt developmafis ittfeminist theory qrd resarch -

Feminist citiqtes of colonialism awt glabal capimlisn :'.-- ,',..' ''-/ \ ,st The politics of ,sexua! violence a . ,./\., Y ri' ,' r ,. 1" 1 i The impact of technologies on women's lirtes i' ,i > ! / ./a\v\ ) L)-I i ' ./ffi I ..\ /&v, /' v r How femfuinitv and ntasculinity are conslructed '\. .&8// I '\ .{x\// I \N: Reprcsentations of woien s bodies in the media and in health )

Qrteer theow and politics i € I Students twicallv go on to work in the follovrng arcas: social work. research. equal opportunities add diversig training, lav', secontlan'school teaching, the media, the voluntary sector including Women's Aid and Women's Development NGOs, local gov'erunent and politics, managemelt, lectueships in further and higher education.

Interested in finding out more? If so, contact Sandra kving for rnore details: Institute for Women's Studies, Lancaster Unil'ersitl', LAl 4yL, [email protected], tel. 01524,fax01524 592400, http:/lw"r,u*'.lancs.ac.ul/users/tstudieVindex.html BfiI*D$ FRIDAY:

LOLITA STORM Lolita Storm are lrom Brighton they enjoy making electro hardcore, fused with fucked up numety rhyme punk pop vocais. lmagine Atari teenage riot and gravy train in a cat fight with shampoo! The EP'Stucfio 666' is being released this summer on 555 Records, distributed by Cargo. www.lolitastorm.co uk VALERIE are fearless performers, embarassing the likes of shaggy- haired musos throughout Manchester since 1066; proving that musicianship is mythological, but that style, rhythm and humour are everything Thetr sense of irony is well tuned but that doesn't mean thet're not sincere, They mix Huggy Bear, casio kepoards, Mark E Smith, pink rabbit costumes, drumming stl.lnding-up, teenage lust, a dash of hip-hop and leave you with a big grin on your face (unless you're square)

BABAYAGA Baba Yaga is renowrcd for eating children an'd lives in a clearing in the woods in a hut with bright yeilow chicken legs. Baba Y4a sleeps on her enormous oven, whjch is sometirnes used to cook childen - but 6n't let that put you ofi! Baba Yaga are lovely bunch of Yorkshire ladies plalng quirky, anamhist polyrhythmic pop.

THE ELECTROLUVS Electronic duo from Ayreshire and Edinburgh - inspired by girll boy pop, spiky analogue noise and soanng choruses. They formed back in 1999... www, geocities. com/xsaticrecords/eleciroluvs

BERNADETTE LA HENGST Raunchy electronica from Ladyfest Hamburg organiser. Political, poetic, pop, be-bop, fuil of kicking and thrilling sticking earworms. Since 1998 Bemadette La Hengst has also her own booking agency for female musicians, she works as a joumalist, a political activist, and as a music producer. www. ladyfesthamburg. org ALICE AND THE SERIAL NUMBERS One woman and her machine friends,.. Carefully'crafted harmony breathes on top of relentless beats techno/human orchestra, First off, Alice, soul of the band, writer and pedormer. Then, the Serial Numbers, machines and instruments. Alice pedorms with laptop computer and midi controllers. Alice's VJ couldn't make it but with luck we'll have snagged a poi artist to entertain while you boogie.

CARO SNATCH Caro Snatch is the alias of Caroiine Churchill, Tyneside,s one-woman electronic avalanche. A swirl of activity behind a canon of technology, Churchill emits a star,k electro soundtrack around which her eene echo of a voice utters multi-lingual poems. www,soundat45rpm,org

LESBO PIG Lock up your daughters because Lesbo Pig are here and they want to fuck you with their mind-boggling 2 minute lofi yet catchy tunes about pubic hair, phoney homos, Catford and Valerie Solanos. At Ladyfest Bristol they were greeted by an army of fans with banners screaming 'We love lesbo pig' The future of these revolutionary queers is as sure as expensive gay-pride beer

NO PROBLEMS DISCO postpunk Angular fuz with sweet vocals and dark rumbling guitars, the baby of the Leeds Manifssta gang's girl-friendly jam sessions.

Plus cheers and banter from the MDICAL CHEERLEADERS Holly and Seleena have ben wowing the crowds at Ladyfest benefits for over a year. What would we be today without their imparted wisdom on the likes of ass-kissing and inde boys?


GIRLS ON TOP Whether it be smack, gay sex, plastic surgery, suicide or fetishism, Gids 0n Top tum taboo.into a humorous mix of glam, cabaret, punk and rock 'n' roll. They are a four piece from London likely to explode on stagel www.girlzontop.co.uk Js+ L

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5 rt a) "reL* a, ,C o .rS, lc t € O, € d iC lo, A t g iJ 7 9 e b LL 1..- rj.l t.vr \- -9.,;,o s/ lbE \-c 4Fo i i.iJ. F ,(a 46 a d LA iiEB fn eE_,; lv) :. zt )^K*ru GERTRUDE Distorted orclestral punk all girl band from Lon&n. They fonred arcxrd 1996 when two girls set out to form an all girl punk band' a fuly DIY ethic they play lucked up, juzy punky music with in face lyrics, and messed up song structures. www.gertruderock.com

LITTLE GIRL W|TH CHERRIES Dense instrumental rock three piece from Nottingham' Mixing rhythms and interesting time signatures, into a captivating sound want to dance to. This band concentrate on making noise in the ot ROCKI www, geocities. com/l ittlegirlwithchenies

NUDES A young French band, whose music is based on improvisation, coping over like a Portishead with riot gnrl vocals and Bjork-like idiosyncracies. Taking a leaf out bl Sonic Youth's book, Lo-fi, intense, chilled (without being dulll) and super super cool.

MUSIC FOR ONE Music lor one embmes the moment. Every scnap of created live, using miscellaneous items io create rhythms delicate guitar melodies float over the top; creating an and unique performance combined with punk spirit, www.musicforone.com

AOUTE COUCH A Manchester quartet comprising of a female double act double bass and guitar, Essentially avoiding categonsation sets consist of song oriented perlormance art pieces that range the satirical to the disturbed

ITHACA ART ENSEMBLE Name a great band from the North East in the last 10 years and a fair bet that Rosie will have been involved' Pussycat Month ol Birthdays and Linear Nigra are just three of the bands can put her name to, making us so excited we're nearly ourselves about her new solo project. KAVOLCHY One night Professor Utonium was in his lab attempting to create the perfect riot grrl bands, using the following ingredients: Babes in ToylaM; 17, Bikini Kill... But one ingredient was accidentally added to the concoction: chemlcal X , and so Kavolchy werc bom. Using their ultm super powers, Gema!, Vicki, Laurq Gary will rid ths world of the forces of evil: misogynistic nu-metal and bland boy indie-rock.

MRS PILGRIM One woman and a Cello. The cello is looped live to create a phantorn band; making complex, often expenmental and sometirnes random rhythms, coupled with soft, dreamy vocals. The thumbling bass sounds and soothing shimmers

MAC WATT One girl, one boy, and lots ol instrument swapping from Leeds, Featuring double bass, flute and a couple of accotdions. Mostly their sound is pretty minimalist, and always captivailng. There's something inesistibly cute and lovable about this band - who needs guitars to rock out when you've got an accordion?l


FLAMINGO 50 Raw, garage, melodic punk from Liverpool. Performances are energy fuelled and excitingi with awe inspiring star jumps. ln the summer of 1999 they all joined the University band society, which had a free rehearsal room, and started practicing. They started playng gigs in the city, and it went on from there. www.flamingo50.co.uk

RED VINYL FUR A Manchester four piece producing lush, layered, energetic guitar mixed with sweet, powerful vocal harmonies. They choose to surprise and excite audiences with an intoxicating mixture of passionate vocals, razor-sharp guitar hooks and determined rhythms. www.redvinylfur.com WE START FIRES We Start Fires are at alt-ind+PoP four-piece fr',om t'e l,lorfr East of England. They nnke glitery music for al! to enisy TtreV strap on guitars in order to change their fives and Yours! www. wesiartfires.co. uk

EARL and sweet-as-sugar vocals 1o create l,4anchester pop kids mixrng slinky keyboards chunky flffs therr nslry disco sound

LINUS as agitators on the early London not Linus a;'e a nervy-pop post-punky band who first surfaced :organisers lhe BM Nancee gn tr.*n. in the earlyg0s, of the P1AO festival,-the Girlygig,*and cunentiy on FO go* which was home tc manV zines and the riot grnl newsletter They nut their website - shows, DJ nighis, and zine meets in London, and recentiy inauguraled lock at carloons, hear music, and say www.linusland.io ul< - where you can read a bunch of stutf, hi

ZERO PRETTIES They don't get much fresher than Zero Pretties, We dragged them screaming from their mothers' breasts and appropriated ihe sound to sitlsfy our nostalgtc cravings for old-skool riot grnl. All girl five-piece from tulanchester, who will never go home again Have you ever wondered what Bikini Kill would have sounded like if Kathleen Hanna had grown up listening tc nu-metal? www.zeropretties tk

DELTA SAINT Manehester sud-expenmental-punk lor the road movie life Female harmonies, screeching guitars and everything {rom trumpets and pianos to castanels and electro buz gets used to make the DeltaSaint sound. A love of road movies, soundtracks and {uzed up guitar pop is what fuels Delta Sarnt's collective tanks, www,deltasaint co uk Plus performance from drag boy band THE SISSY BOYZ. The Sissyboyz frorn Brcrrw1 Germany, have been on tour for 9 months in Southeast Asia where fans pelted them daily with knickers and lollipops. They flew back to Europe in a sulk, since their manager got them lrcoked on crack and won't give them"any more till they cover the complete works of the BeeGee in 6 languages. Despite all this trauma, the pnnces of pop came over tonight to play just for you, because hey, it's all about the fans.

lona Tanguay, Gertrude guitarist, vocalist, clarinettist and bass player 'Ladyfest means a lot to me as I see it as a way of empowering female musicians who are often marginalised in the mainstream music scene as well as in the smaller altemative punk and indie scenes. lt is about putting female performers and musicians on centre stage and saying "lets rock'. What has bmome apparent to me in the last few years when we have seen Laffest , Ladyfest London, our own Frockoffl, Glasgow's Frock On! and now Ladyfest Manchester is that we have all created a cool, wornen orientated network and scene, Many of the artists involved in these events have been extremely innovative and talented. For me it is impodant that we try and aim to have acts that rock and prasent an altemative to the mainstream. I think it is brilliant that so many young, talented acts are appearing right now. I think its important that boys and men are included in the scene as long as they are sensitive to the aims of Ladyfest, lt is important lor guys to see that girls can rock and are equally good, (often better!) at promoting and organising events. I feel that we have moved on since riotgnrl, which was very cool and inspired by the diy punk ethic. For bands like Huggy Bear and Mambo Taxi, the fact that they were out there doing it came first and musicianship second, Now it seems that girls in bands want to get really good at their instruments and show the boys a thing or too. Boys seem really keen to work alongside female musicians and, I really do feel that old stereotpes are shifting.. The music scene has for too long been a boy's network, but not any more. I'm really looking foruard to playing at Ladyfest Manchester.' fiFTERflOI'RS

These qle tfie club nights... YEAH!

Thursdrg [ight C@TS ASS| ot Sofa Central.Princess Slreet l0-7' Ok'Xtt+yt"ce and Funbogs" ak.a, Zoe from Hooker* Stnfr,4"E"!'fl"*-"'d riot grrrl.wi+ho dash'n3}'t fnP .,", ,r-tnffi\ the.Rat anc: lhls Frlam N;gnr \- l{apg( . Tleatre Space, Zion Centre irf'.^:, ' Fusion*'Bhangra= fun'*$ ll-12'Foizano of clubV' Asian beats* * 12- ? DJs f rom Blend- Bhangra, R'n' B, hip hop' oll good stu(f " - ' " gatudqs Nisht Theqtre Space, Zion Cantre I I -l? Scary nol Scored's DJ Gin Granny ploying indie-pop-trash' l?-l DJPineapple a.ka. Charlie of ClubDisaster' | -2 Pussy Whipped DJs' Aanif estd club night- riol grrrl ond more ln-between bonds: Farzana's'Fresh oul o{ the workshap ppilsDJing

Sundag Nighr As ils a Sundoy, tlvre no domn late licence-onywhera! (Ulhf We lhought Aanchester was kool) So the only solulion wa could muiter uF was having yel ANOTHER prty at Sophie's house. ( /\Y house moles ore well up for this idea mainly because they rule)The address is qrk' 60 Conyngham Road, V i ct or ia ? just look on tha moP Dring yr own bxze and don't eat my food..

DJ Hysterical Aarion DJ Posho Sopho of S+oke DJbig record collector Paula Amarrba Mcltinror'r of Bis tadyfeot lf it wasn,t for powerful girls in rnusic I doubt that I would have had the confidence to be itr a band. I didn't like going on stage or speakitrg to clas$ at school. After seeing girls like Kathleen Hatrtra and Coritt Tucker it gave tile so much itrspirations to sing atrd to write lyrics about subjects that had tneatring' watching these girls on-stage was just fascinating, atrd to se€ the youttg girls that they ilspired made it seern so rewarding' I saw how important female musicians are, and now that 'riot gnl' isn't in the media people think that we dor.r't care anynlore. This isn't true. the feelings and opinions have trever left. we just need more female musicians getting into the spotlight and using their farne and power to get the rnessage across. When I read that MsDynamite is apparently the new spoheslady amongst the youth it made lne evell more determined to etrcourage a new generation to pick up instruments' Ladyfest does this. lt elcourages aud educates everyone (boys and girls) on issues that are still extremely apparetrt yet get ignored. Wotnen have so trruch talent itt rnusic but never get ihe credit" tr{then I played Reading festival one'year and I was the only fernale on the rnain stage playing - it showed how fucked up our t music scette is c 9 ,:r-'-'\'\,^>

9n a erisis?

To U'cDYFeST i\tANctleStsR ro SWee tuK Soi\€ oN.e €L se< I f usT Pop IT u*j TH6 BoY.g TAFE'oUToNE Yov'D LtKe! THE tD€A 15 s6F Ea?vE ro t ieRVr STUFF Tf{gy',\J E" NoT tl€AR.b BeFoR€r You cAN PUT ANlTfll N 6 Yo$ U K€ or'l TH F Co tvr P I i 6;6-[l{gs' tF YotJ PUToN SeME i_ollu sTUFF FoR PEoPt€TbH€Ac, ?LEASE P\.l( A{RACICUS'T'NG S SruF} Foou( You (F You wAMt! o

We've done our lgst to make your Ladlfest run as smoothlr as Fssible, but if you your stay in Manchester - perhaps had a fall find -vourself in trouble during !'ou've a place to sta.v... mal'h out tiittt )'our girlfriend or !'ou're lost or stranded without Libran open mindedness! Simply .vou plain just need a chat. a cup of tea and some ringittit riumber 07709129042 and experienced fairy godmother Sophie rvill do her best to sort lou out. youth club taPe club label,distro, bands,communt N-t lvww. !outhclubtapeclub . coru md its sister ss vidqo

v g'9-..v.,--'' .) ,feature -.' telgtt]s,-' _dgcgmentaries, por t rai and shorts rlompilations so t.ar. . . EEElE6Gcion, emaiLt i ffi*fo-r hosting gg:f community "S*--"""""t"rtE"t1 r.r u, i; collectiw new band members screenings .a9..Yrell as l!1ms-'' o1.i! reslll deo@hotmait . \.\\ t!!E' our.club night held on the first uP comino releases video portrait of erase brrat ' paradise island videos, Merrion Centre. Leeds, and scr'eenino bvenFts mff-1 *''fiRr rr&,tun^q' .,, ' A-osrE' L(){4oS I | 7o whlsaro N ! v7U^{), CQT'S AS 5 ak 9q F a ( E'\rTRA tr:l:::tt sL d:, gisfface & fu nbaAst, lect roc ri iu qwt), pu l' tt'ieLrv^o h t t A, pio 9 r lqri, 'r P0 Itpy\n -"Tqyh F{< e L i Fni 05 Srpt €to/ul.eked purt LoUN q E .t{EeTt116 THEa,TRE

12.o O

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F l?,?o- lT: oQ. I ?:ro -l+:30 I fcrrinllh; I Dj ing i i3.. oo PQrtr lnrtrt t3'.oe - l1:oo -19:0, wor[5f,1sp 8r fttlcc Comix't'.0, Ccdicnl,. I l7'?,o -15 oo rr. tth I tq.h€l Qrc.qli(4[, pqrntst llttbclism 5e r enny t r{:eo ser€ t D€rrni r I teQevtce F- It:95- {6.19 F 19:oo-FrtM h 15: oo woken, rqce E ei4errticy [livpiiga,'d ! l5:30 Frhel l9'.zo -9rlrn g kncr{ |4ac N*!t i ft'-t ovt 3c + lb' is .l g ttlLrl J W hirlo tb o - Filrn t Mrs Pilg Frrn f oo t.,l--r o # 11: ll:oc - B t'[L,rol"hy I Filrr. F 1 ] I d 17,$511f.aga H lB:oo *i It \w&i;ffi|r, f,rrkt.- film thd t4tk g Evrrepr h e I Ir- iG----- t i1:oo q:oo-frhn € Alute Covclt Rnczuel4- o ,2-ltt- (Qrrtvrg l! t1:t51v1rr S ic ?volu+ron 6r t 0ne ZO, o" Zo:oorftl/lt 20:go vP 5k€? dhd .s N \rd es b8 Ybcal --s -Fil7tr Zl:.0O l:oo o/s zo,95Litilc req,l CI U€'s - uttCh cfus77'11 toqveer rl € Ua4h 3 .t,5O -Flbr.r _9 zl|7o - . t, v4 K I U rt'qe I ffi Plcbty Qe " I z2r 1o -Filn t Don'[, J L'.'ts (airlf I 6ggd onte * Yov. L\: oo ?1: oo - oo:go i d1 Qin Qraru I f ffi 00:oo - ol.oo + dj Pin eafp le, I tltoo t F i'"ilr*liir.a L Surr0? Sept € {o/u,sehqhd lals

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Av l.: oo P''Mwy/ &L Z1:oo 5"tw^l Dawr,r llose - Gcrtrvlewumtner La&yW {or rnez i* a,, {orww of fervlale' talp'nt an'd, w t>*now juag'wwnfultbarnlxwgraundrttldpfe-tttal"e*try out a*'A'noWfullry WIL pmet oftl4^ei'4' drunt+ Br,tt vtnwof ln@v ihg' tt+at tfu # mea*w d'id.dl,y q wat if, y ow a"idt fi,144"1 t* gort na, ba w W tl1pt tnob of ffi "o lcni,c'le'r u, la anrhe*er

c&pstauat& Ttlw 4adtile.'/J'lancA"at"n a tat caate Tltanchtxtsr,', fiaeatinttt W Aiar1, dzts, 3i5 Stae$a.t'Xnad,,9h,{.ne, r, o I <@' fr ,4A i \.,--- ,rya I / '4;#/ i Forty Winks...

Many kind friends of ladyfest have offered up their very own floors fo1 ygu guys to s"tay i on. lf you arrive at the venie and are still stuck with nowhere to staff ilelse g*U oia 6n ; i the organisers or call Humey on 07930 32N12, to see if there are any places left - chances are you'lI be in luck. If not, or you've cash in yer pocket and prefer dossing in comfort ftoringl) check out these places (il they turn out to be crap thougtr, don't blame us...)

The moot convenient offer we have found is staying at Manchester Metropolitan University's Cavmdish Halls of Residerrce, Cavendish Street, Manchester, M15 6BG, Self Catering. Rates: €13.50 per Person per night. Bed Linen provided. Tel: 0161 24i 35n. Dstanee from Venue: 0.64 milee (1.(B km)

The Ibis Hotel on Chailes St {neai t9 tlre Rdtro Bar for those of you who know Manchester) has weekend offers. Friday, Saturday and Sunday night costs €39.95 for a rdom. Thursday night, is EAS per room. lvfaximum 2 adults per roofiL Ibis CharlesStreet, Charles St, Manchester, M1 7DG. Tel:0161 272ffi: Web: http: //www.ibishotel.com Distance from Venue: 1.07 miles (1.72 km).

Manchester Youth Hostel Association, Potato Wharf, Castlefield, Manchester, IvX3 4NB. 0870n059ffi Email: [email protected] Web Site: http:/ /wiw.yha.org.uk : Distance from Venue: 1,13 rniles (1.S2 km)

Lancashire County Cricket Club Old Traffford Lodge Rooms fromf14 per night inclusive of continental breakfast. All Old Trafford Lodge prices are charged per room, not per person, and include continental breaKast, f"r to two aduls and two children. foi Standard Rooms: €54.00 "p per room per night (Monday - Thursday) 444.00 per room per night (Friday - Sunday) Tel:0161 8743333 Web: http: / /www.lccc.co. uk Dstance from Venue: 1..66 miles (2.67 km)

TheSummer Village. from €13.50 per person per nighti TeL 087O7125ffi2 Web: http://www.thesummervillage.com Email:. [email protected]. Dstance from Zion Arts: (approx 1.5 km!) t Stand to attentionn all those still worth a mention.,. Our organisation \las unplanned and often felt very chaotic. No. rve_didn't.have elected-committees or co-ordinators as such. but we got there in the endl So there' eYeryone People did vaning amounts of rmrk according to abilitl' and interest and of ever.*hing.-. ftts is jut a vague summary of lhe main organisers and'lvhat the.r involved inlnames in atphabetical order). Too man-v people have helped us list and think should bb, sory'= mention them all herq,. so if -r-ou're not on the 1'ou much appreciated. La$fest loves please kno$. that -rour $ork is iery -vou.

Annie [email protected] res{rued our ailing *'ebsite from i press the depths ofp*^-n uOt'.rt hell. She aiso organised after hours' did t *a pulti"in..- maa" $.onderful barurers and prol'ided a free taxi service. t Clare aner*-'[email protected] uk organised spoken''uord' perlbrmancc and hmding ifeena h"ensy@,m,rrea1box.com is responsible tbr the tvhole shocking aflbir. She.".*it"O us lot and *orked on funds' budgeting' catering, hospitalit,v, volunteers and u''hatel'er else needed doingi Humey hume--v-saeeclf-diotmail.com created xorkshops' panels' comic art exhibit, publicitv. programme, benefits and tons more' Jo emotrouiercrisis@1'ahoo co'uk clid zines, bands, benefits, lilm' programme, publicit-v and r'lorkshops LJ oxleet"-glriseup.net Wamabe straight-edge I'egan bol Did bands and benefits and reminded us ol our DIY ethic i; Lisa is our nrerchandise guru. \1."\\1\'.geocities'com/icrecream-amber panels and Ma rion thelovellmariongvahoo. co. uli did zines' progranrme' l stalls, I Paula s*eetladr'[email protected] is Cat's Ass queen' Red red-chidgel'@'ahoo,com did fi lm. Sarah tiot-fun.4.ttounuit..ont norked like a mutha on bands, beneilts and the verue. beneltts sophie dharmanatrixa;hotmail.com lrork€d on tlte programme and and u'as el'en'one's fai* godmother.

We couldn't have done it without... and Atti B:TF|:1] Atl a1 the squaL Alan and Bearos (CD).,Asr. Andy Raulngs amicus-\{SF'-tu9::l:M:' I il;;.ii; c;irr's"*i cut-. liomirriquJ. Farida Laarr. Fi- Fred Atdous (.1r11,*1?Il T:li o'r"*.. Isi. Jane charfi;ld tfood)' Jurnifet c.'ry: j:"1) *": *11::l'::-t: D"tiiPl;.; cuiu;i.Hur*r t"gti5 fi';;;-;;7i;;:-d iiitp^"i"t. Karol arr al lid]'f€:t-.Pristil' 91"*::',3.1t;11 I ilitio"mta.t ;;;; FemSoc. Lisa Fairclough' Loma. lv{iller, L"',"" f? 1it::fll:.JflH"; il;*-v#. ..ltr?*i.", lrria; Noss. Nu1,s Ja-mes (l9so). \ran Crossfolk. ):.L:n '*:*T1:T: ffiA #;;i*ar};". p*r Cogk, peer'Bqrthu*. Ru;u"t Houss Radrel Kal'an. Rac*rel Lindlery. L,ugosi. Sally Fildes-lr{oss. Sandra Ortrnann and the The Sissyboyz, Scary No1 Scared. Sepeedah Saldr. Slag Toby Hadoke, $:esley Communitv Fumiture Project. Liricom Grocery, V.d\'L.. .{\YONE w-ho put on or trarefits, distributed fl1,ers. spread the r.vord, gave us mfire-\, sent us zine6 (esper-ially those rvho dcnated), lart floor, agreed to play','*row artr'do a rrorkshop or panel fbr nothing volunteere( gar,e us advice or helped out other wa1'... you are all incredible and we coul&r't have dcne it rvithout 1'ou. ffiHsatrffi ffiSffiE 6-'42 September 20G3 l-ondon, UK


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