I. Rlaodesia· Guerrillas covet army control SALISBURY, RbodeIia (AP) -Tbt IMder 01 ud boIIow " RN 1r d n black ..,.uIaI bued ill )loam- Smltb ~ the wbite mIDortty govemment 01 Iiqae lAId lIonday lila foreel Ibould be ..... RbochsIa a tnabway Britilb cobs)' caDed NflflCP military COII&nJl 01 RbodeIIa UDder tile II apoeecI ~ by bIact natiaaa1lltl • traulUonal gonmmeDt leadlq to black Both Smith ud !be prlliden~ r1 flve nearby NEW YORK (AP) - Fallure by !be NAACP to majority rule. black natiolll have aid they accept die Idea ra1ae fl.8 mI11ioa by the eDd 01 !be week for band RoilerUluaabe, wbo c:IalmI to Nmmand IOIIIe pIIbed by Brttaill ud the United State. J In a MI8Ii'sippi court cue would bne "lie fIl­ 10,GlO guerrtDu 01 !be 1Ju:Ibabwe People'. Army aeWnc up aD IDtertm I~ to prep.,.. feet 01 bankruptcy" for the c:i'IIl rtpta or­ (ZIPA), aJd ill an Intentew n u.au, tile RbodeIIa for majority rule. ganization, an oIfi~ said Mallday. capital 01 Zambia: But they have dIaqreed GIl wbetber the iD- A blllT)'-UP effort by the NeMP to ralIe the ''1bere ImIIt be a diaiDt,qration 01 PrIme t«jm admInIatratlon abouId be shared equally bond money II still far Ibort 01 the goal, IIId IiIDIIter Ian Smitb's milItarY power. OUr r.ee. by Rhodelia'. 271,I11III wbItea and 1.4 mI.IIion Natbaniel Jonel, cblef cOUDleI for the IDUIt man in to replace !be aettIer forces In ZIm- blacks, u SmItb propoeed, or whether It IboWd organisation, said oftJcIaII are "bopIuc for IIIIDI babwe, or _ the propcIMII would be • Ibam be UDder a black majority. development'! In the courts that lftUld '"' Ibem more time. . White merchants In Port GIbIoa, Mill., woo • ,1.2 mUllon Judgment apiDIt !be NAACP lut week, and state.law requirel125 per cent bond - $1.1 mUllan In tIIlI cue - tor appeal. TIle NAACR mlllt post It by Friday. NAACP spokeamen said !be organisation baa railed "r.o,OOII, aome 01 It In pIed&eI. WIWIm PeM, the organization's dIredor 01 bnDchea, aaid the pledges had to be tumed illto bard cub to pay the bonel. @1976 Student PubliCations, Inc. Tuesday, September 28, 1976, V~ . 109, No. 63 Iowa CIty, Iowa 52242 London • LONDON (AP) - TIle Britilb pound, ooce the Oa BaaC!her 'pria.sC!ltedu'e stablest currency In the world, at more than 2~ cents Monday to cloee at '1.8810, an an.ume low against the American dollar. A foreign "chance dealer said Britiab money baa embarked 011 ". steady, unstoppable deacent to bell." Dance company stumbles on finances The closing compared to '1.7013 .t the end 01 trading Friday. That was alIo a record cloU1c low. , By Tlftl SACCO Iowa City ill Marcb, this month In Bloomington, Ind. dancers from Europe. Tbe paiCl. has aper1enced. Until Monday, the hiltoric low - meaning the Featurel Editor Yesselman cited three Other performance dates were uniOll could not be .ppeaIed In _ To .ttract !be .lIention 01 . And if • auffidlDt number 01 low at any Urne during the trading day - was reasons for dlab.ndlnB tbe set for low. City, Ames, time for the ABT to booor tour culturally minded prlv.te Tlylor danctn refuIt to.ccept $1. 7010, reglatered on June 3. Tbat was four days The P.ul taylor Dance troupe that TIme magulne Cleveland, Denver. HOUItoo, commltmentl, and !be tbreat c:orporatiOl1l no may willi to tile eootractl oftered to them, before a group of U.S. and other foreign banka Company Ii New York Clty, called "one of the moe\ sue­ New Orleans and ~pollJ, 01. strike by the dancen forced JUbaIdbe tile company. could • new troape 01 dancen ltepped In with B $U·bJllion credit en.blln( wfIJch Is acbecfuled (0 perform c:easfuI In modem dance." where '17,000 WII spent the ABT to abandon Its The T.ylor comp.ny I. be I'tI8dy for the troupe In Britain to buy up pounds to stop the slide. at Hancher Auditorium nest - An .ccumulated deficit. promoting the Oct. ~ per­ Itinerary. schedWed to beIIn ita sprinc JaDUII')'? spring, baa diIbanded as of - A lack of operating funds. fonnancea at the Unlveralty of TIle ART also WN notified tour In Callfornla nat January. In addItlOII to tile cancellation Sept. 20. - Cancellation of a IICbeduled MInnesota. that the N.tIonal Endowment of Wockenfuslsald be II CCJIIftdent of the ABT and the nebWouI Law suit The breakup 01 the troupe is six-week tour Ii South AmerIca. Cancellation of the ART tour the Arts would not matcb lat that the company wID receive .tandinC of the Paul Taylor for "an Indefinite period of The financ:1al1t'Oe1 pIapetng follo.ed months 01 frultlell year', sublldy r1 '160,00II for JUffictent subaidy In time to Dance Company, the fifth WASHINGTON (AP) - Newspaper coJumnilt time," according to a prell die P.ul Taylor Dance ecm­ negotiations between the ballet tr.vel expeIIIe moaey for thiI reorganise for the Itart of the Haocher...on hal IUfterecI • Jack Anderson fUed a ~ mUllon clAmqe IUIt releaae iIIued by Taylor last piny Ire sh.red by the and UJe American Guild 01 year's tour. tour. number 01 other IetbacU thiI Monday accusing former PresIdent Richard M. week. American BaUet Tbe.tre Mualcal ArtIsts, whlcb is the James WockenfUu, director But Iince the troupe has been year. Nixon and 19 subordinates 01 conductIDC a Robert YeJlelman, general (ART), wblcb was forced to union that represents the of Hancher Auditorium, aatd tile diIbanded, contracts wW have PIaniIt Gina Baduluer, no concentrated five-year "'m~1gn to deatroy An­ manager of the company, said cancel Ita four-week faD Ioor of dancers. The unIOII oppoee. tile T.ylor company ... disbanded to be renegotiated with the wu IChedDled to perform In derson's credibility and take aw.y hill First Monday In New York that the eigbt AmerIcan cllin becaUJe ABT's frequent practice of for two reuons: dancers before tile toll!' can April u part 01 tile concert Amendment rlgbts as a newalnan. troupe baf "every hope 01 of unioo and financlallethaw, bumping Amerlcln dancers - To cancel the contrlcts 01 start, and Wile dllputea could aeries, died Jut month. The Lawyers for Anderson said the IUIt Is the first fulfUlIng the 1977 spring tour," The ART troupe had been from their starring roles and the troupe'. current dancerllO embroil the T.ylor troupe In the Hancher Cultur.1 Affain of its kind. which Includes a two-day stop In acbeduled to open Ita 1m tour subltltutlng more famous guest that u1arieI do not have to be same lliary standoff the ART CommItt. bu hired _aell The civil damage IUIt, ftIed In U.S. Diltrict pIanIJt Dana Vfftd 10 replace Court, cites 17 separate allegations 01 bar __ Bacbauer. ment, investigation, or surveU!ance by the White In Iddltion, Jama lAvIne, House briestigatlve unit known as the PlUmbers IIlUIical dIttct« 01 theN.,. or the CIA. 'Ford: rll get' tough York Metropolitan Opera, will The suit said the campaign Included a tenatlve plan by Watergate figures G. Gordon LIddy and not accompany celloilt LYM and E. Howard Hunt to murder Anderson with an By TIl. " ..oclatel' P,.. .. crease In the number 01 poor Harrell In April. Rep1aclna exotic polson and a comprebensive I\II'velllance Americans living below the offl· l.e'rine at die plano wID be Paul by CIA agents who ' allegedly followed the Jimmy Carter blamed Re­ clal poverty Income level 01 $5,- Scben.ly, who recently won !be columnist, his wife and chlldren leven days a publican policies Monday for 500 "means that we are on our Avery Fllher .w.rd. The week for several months In 1972. creating "a clua ... called the way to creating • dlfferent kind Fisher award ill .warded an­ , New Poor" as be ended a Pa· of Other AmerIca, a cluI that nually to )'OWIIlOIoiata IIlec:ted cIfIc COIIt campalgn swing and bu been called the New Poor." by a committee. The award Energy beaded east. President Ford, Flying Into WubIngton on a Includel '1,00II and concert meanwblle, returned bome ralny nlcbt, Ford clOied out bI.I d.te. .t the New York W~GTON (AP) - The nation', depen­ from a for.y Into Carter', home first extended campaign trip Pbllannonlc and six other ba1Ja dence on foreign fuels continued to Increue thiI turf, tile Deep South, where be aInce the prealdentla1 race offl· In the . year with oU imports up 16.7 per cent In the first promilld • po.t-election clally began after Labor Day, Persons wbo purch.aed six months, the Federal Energy Admlnistratlon CI'1IIIde against crime. having campaigned from New licketa by mail for the canceled says. ]n Portland, Ore., Carter pre­ Orlw\l .croII the Gulf Coat ABT performance. .bould The findings, In FEA'. latest monthly dictably Riled on newly ..... and at MiamI, Fla., where be receive refunda by Oct. 11, statistics, coillclded with publIsbed reportl...J de­ IeaJed Cellllll Bureau figures !lUtlined bI.I plana for a .tepped­ ac:cordlna to Wockenfua. nied by the State Department - that Saudi IbowIng that 2.5 mIIJIon more up puab against crime before a The mail onSer refundI wID be Arabia was threatening a new oU embargo If the Americans aIIpped below the convention of more than 2,00II proceaecl 011 the bull r1 the U.s. Congress adopts legislation unfavorable to 8O"emment'. oIflclal poverty pollee officers. bca offIc:e'. rec:ardI. It II not the A{ab economic boycott of wee!. line lat year, raIIiDg tile total He declared tba t ". top prI. neceasary for mall order Before the Arab nations Interrupted oil Ibip­ to 25.' mIIJIon. ority 01 the first 100 days, be­ purcbasers to return tbelr ments In 1973, the United States imported about "Mr. Nixon and Mr. Ford ginning with Inauguration Day tickets to the bca aIfIce. 3S per cen~ of Its petroleum. The Import level wu have made tbeae people poorer for the Ford admlniltr.tioa 1boae who purcbued tl.cbta I 2 t trtee ...... reUrellMlll ~r. 10 In bca about the same in earlY 1975. In the 1liiie w.y that Mr. Ifoo. next January, wID be tile rany­ Pr S 0.II2II F.... per Ford apeke tbe c:blWrft for penon .t the oIfIce may But oU imports lncreaJed to more than 31 per ver. made people poorer In tile log of America behind federal ...... If .... ddWna ...... ".. ~ a u.rt time before eta.... bI. campalp trip. obtalll cub refuDdI by retur- cent of U.S. petroleum demand In the fIrIt baIf of 18301 - by denying them the antl-crlme \egiIlation." a.kr II ...... a MIaIIJ ....1IMN aM \ AuocIaIed PI_ nIng thelr til:ketl to HaDcher. this year, the FEA say •. chance to work," the Demo­ For the two vice prealdentla1 Tltkets whlcb are retumed by cratic preIicIentla1 contender candldatel, Democr.t Walter Dole arrived In DllnoiI to be­ their national protec:tIOII." no oIfIclal pGIidan on the .. mail abouId Include the par­ NeUber nor biI but its memberI will and adcIraI. told an .udlence .t • COIDIDU­ F. Mondale and Republican Bob gin an effort to abore up what Ford any 01 Ject, vote c:huer'. name aidea espIaIned what be meant tbia week on lnWal rwoIutiona Duee ...... IIUbKrlberI wID Hearst nity center. Dole, the camp.lgn scene GOP strategilts ..y II saggtna He said the 10.7 per cent In- returned to the Mldweat. IUpport for tile Ford-Dole ticket by national protec:tlon. 011 gun control, some 01 them receive • pro rata refund 01 die OAKLAND, CalIf. (AP) - In her first ap­ ill farm areas 01 that alate, DIM The President said notbiDg contro,eralal. oriei!Ial aerIeI purcbue price. pearance as a government wItnea, Pallicla and Pennsylv.nl., Mond.le, about gun control ill bIIlpeeCb Carter ~Jped by boat In AD othen wID receive • refund Hearst testified before a graud jury Monday who took Monday off from to the police organllatiOll. It bu Portland'. deepwater harbor. 01 the II1IOUIIt paid per tk:Iret. about ber kidnaping by the Symbloneae Liber­ campalgnma to work .t bII ation Anny and was followed illto tile doled home In Wuhincton, wu head­ chambers by her f9f[nel' lover. Steven Weed. Ing for 1lliDoiI, Wilconlin and Hearst and Weed, who bave not _ IICh PeMsylvanla. 'Ford contribution spending other since she wu abducted fnm the Berkeley Ford's speech to the inter­ apartment they shared 011 Feb. 4, 1974, did DOt national Aaaoclation 01 CbIefs 01 meet on Monday. Pollce continued the can· subject of new investi'gation Hearst testWed for 2~ baurI IIId was aervatlve line die PreIident bad bustled Into a waiting room Ia'OIII the baDway eapoued ill bII trlve!I tbrougb NEW YORK (AP) - Former Water'l.te reported Investlption. moments before Weed armed to teItily. die South. Ford aid bIIlktft wID be to ProIecutor Lean J.wonki said Monday tbat be F ord'.1peda1 COIIIIIel, PhilIp BucbeII, said be jaB career crIIIlina1I and "vlo­ found DO'caue far ac:tioa ill hiIIlnvestl&aUon InID wu certaln the PI wldent wu DOt andIr iIma­ lent and street.wiIe" YOlllll 01- maritime union contrlbutlOlll to Gerald Ford'. t1gation becauae "lila C'ID1I"~ fiDaIIceI .were Auto talk' fenders, to Impoee "strict and CCJIIIfeIIIonal campap carried 011 by people 01 InteIritY IIId the ac­ counta 01 thole campalll' commItteeI were (AP) - Some modeIt pr'" hal more stringent penaltieI to J.wonkl.'a 1Ut'CeIIOI', Qarlea Ruff, reportedl)' been made ill contract taIb between the Unlted stamp out the dnat 01 political II tryIDc 10 detennlne wbetber Ford made aIIdIted every: y,..-." Auto Workers and the .truck Ford Mot« Co., terroriIm," and to create • new penona1 ute r1 wUon poUUcal contributllllll. BucbeII aid Uae IIJDI rec:ardI ..... evmtaed and "the dam could break.t any time,". unlGa councU 011 crime beaded by "] have no Idea what Cbuck baa or wbat hill In 1m by IiO agenU 01 the Fednl Barau 01 purpoee Is," JaWCIrUJ told reporten. Be added. ICIIIfCe said MOIIday. Atty. Gen. EchranI H. Lni wltb lDveItiption dartn8 JIr'OClIII"rp to c:GI6m Bargainers beld • auhMrunlltee __ 011 • a talk of cInelopiaa • five-year "Ruff II • COIIICIentioGs man." Ford' ••ppoiIItmeIIt_ 'rice .. eaidIat." RidIMl group life iDlurance Monday IDCII'IIInc aDd a plan for crime control and DacrItin& biI OWl! ilmltlptioD Into what be NIsan. formal maiD table IIIIioa for about an bOla" ill crImlna1 jutIce. indicated was the tame malW, Jawonkl aid, "NotbIDg we fOUDd called for fartber actioa. Jawonti'. diIrioIare ,... the ftrIt tbat tile tile afterooon belen receaIIIg beck lllto lab­ ''1be ~ crtmJna1l1a one­ recorda b.a ...... tile "There II DO CICIIIDedion wWI W.","." bad dIIrtIIc commiUeea. man crime w.n," the W...... I11' ...taoa PreIIdent lAId. "Be CGIIIIIIita J.1nII'IkI *-I be ,... ('lll!lmentiDC 011 It "as tile ftrIt meetID& 01 !be IuD bIrpiDIIII Be alIo aid be upiIed tbat reportI 01 teama from both IkIeI IInce laIt 'lbancIay. between 110 and • per cent r1 an new ...... reportIlIId aid be didn't Imow "If was ..tOOl c:rm-." there Ja aD iJIveIUpUoa aDd PreIideat Ford'a lUclIa probe IbcIaId CIIDI lIP ... IlIaD .1DIIIdII Ford said too many politi­ adivtUeI are iII,oI,ed." before !be NOftIIIber eIecUOII - • IltutioD ciani UDder_lima .. pabIic COlI­ Ruff bit ...... , rec:ardI 01 the Seafaren wIUch BucbaI called "dtplonbIe." Weather cern .bout crime. Mlami ,... latematiaaal UDion and II repIIl'1edIJ cheekiDI Jawanki aid, flU ..l*4hbC bu tined ap.1t die Jut stop 011 Ford'. flrIt ma­ aDeptiOlll tbat cootrIhutiOIII fnIm tbat IIIIiaa IIIIDI to there woaJd be ample time after tile AD ript. MGadaJ wu bed IIIOUIb wUbaut the jor campalll' trip. and the MarlDe f:n&lNen Benel!rlal .u.datioll eledIoD 10 deal wWIlt IIIIIIII tbere III01D1C1*c dreary weather. We tblDt we (ud you) art durIDa Ford'. COIIII'I imal C'M1I"ipa were dl­ JUre the ..tate 01 Hmttptlalll mtolved." entitl.d to ,om. decent mateorolOlleal ID five appearIIICeI Sanday ill verted to Ford'. peI'ICIIIal ... Tbt recorda date to 11M. • pbellomelll. Some IIIJI, for iDI&aDce. In filet, we Mlmllippi, Ford .... ,. They .Uegedly nr.t paued throUib JIW\ftkI. .. to paN":IP ... boat, •.". demand lUll. Today. FurtbmDort, IbcIaIb .., peatedly aga1IIIl can eoatrol ~ c.wnm...... In Ford', )llrNpn 1UPt ADd 1be Power," aIao WIll .... If be be iii the .... we IbIIIt It ImpenIIft lilt tbroqb fIrearmI reglltraUoa. diItrIct. tIIcJICbl Ford'. pardOII 01 NImI WIll a ftJId . tomorrow be WInIIII'. Lit IDdIa IUDmIr becID Be told • crowd ill BIIoIl tbat White 80aIe ebIef 01 ataff lUdIard a..y IIid ,.....,.Ip .... ,.. .JIaImJ c.rtIr IDd oilier .IJ. So I8Itb tIit weadler ltd. eftl')' AmerIcan IbouId line there were DO pIanI to aU the eurreat Waterpae DImoc:ratI. 'tile rtpt to 111ft IInumI for ...-cutar If !be PreIIdeDt II tile target 01 tile "Not 10 far u 1'DI .CiGllCawd," be replied. I OOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau Sudden death for hotel raiders 01« DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) - rooftopalo see the bodies before sent more than 12,000 Syrian and ..id they belonged 10 AI Thousands of Syrians pressed police removed them. troops Into Lebanon last June to Fatah, the biggest PaIelUnill around the gallows Monday to The government aid one enforce a cease-fire but Uley guerrUla 8I'OUP· Tbet I ~ tbeJ see the bodies of three pro-Pal­ guerrilla and four hostages eventually joined with Leba­ had been trained In ~ tbIdI estinian guerrillas hanged by were kUied and 34 hostages nese ChrIstian militiamen fight­ supports radical Arab. the government In retribution were wounded during the even­ Ing the Palestinians and their izatloM and hal denuced !be for a bloody raid on a Damascus hour siege and battle. The three BY DAVI! HE leftist Moslem aDlea. Syrian role In lAbanGa. stiff Writer hotel. captured guerrillaa were The swift penalty - and the But In Beirut, Ii IIdII Clad In white tunics, the b0d­ executed just 24 hours after the decision to make a pubUc spec­ for the Pa1e.tIne UberiUon ~. ies were left dangling In nooses takeover . • tacle of It - underlinfd Syria 'a ganization (PLO), Ibe IIIIIIreIII Plaintiffs In for six hours In a public square The guerrillas, who called determination to crush any Pal­ group headed by YuIr ArIfI~ to.ve Old B facing the Semiramis Hotel, themselves the "Black June" estinian attempts to take the denied that any PLQ memben .lteIIIpttoget where four terrorists held some group, apparenUy were protest­ dispute with Assad to the Syrian were responsible. Armt IlIo Relents to a1 90 hostages Sunday until an as­ Ing Syrla'a military Inter­ homeland. headl AI Fatah, "bleb la ,ct& 10 bUY the Old sault by Syrian troops. Syrians vention In the Lebanese civil "We wtll never go easy on sldered leu radical tIwI Me .....trUCtun climbed onto balconies and war. President Hafez Assad such crimes," Assad said Sun­ guerrilla units. -rile suit Is r day night. The Syrian government WI 'f\IeICIay to .1 Before they were executed, the four hostages who died &II­ • group of Epstein's deadline the three captured guerrillu day were killed by the \emr. tIIemselves Cities snag on services; went on Syrian state television Ists. pefenae CoI1ll meet with till ('he regenb . drawing nearer die Old Bric GIANT BOOK SALE tbWest 8y DAVE HEMlNGWAY worry about a thing." ClInton Staff Writer Harry Epstein, also a co- meeting resolves nothing !be owner, has maintained that the Fantastic Savings-. regents store has had the money to pay l1/li1. 8y DAVE HEMINGWAY vote for a contract that would City would widen Melrose The new program calls for Epstein's Books must vacate the rent. He said the money has WI'de Selectl· on ~overl· ng The Staff Writer allow olher people to get to use Avenue in the next ten years If affinnatlve action In hiring Its Clinton Street Mall location been withheld because oral services without paying for University Heights was an­ handicapped and Viet Nam Friday uniess Iowa City and the commitments made by the city Met· . The Iowa City and University them (like Iowa City resident­ nexed because the two lane veterans. bookstore reach an agreement with Epstein's have not been . any a egorles Heights City Councils met s) ." street recently was repaved. The current program set a before then to cancel a 9(kIay honored. Monday to dIIcusa their dif­ University Heights councilors She said she was certain goal for employment of 5.7 per eviction notice 'served in July. The modular maD was con- Al A t p . t s . I $2 fering views on how University said that they should be allowed commercial areas of the type cent minority members and 33 Iowa City filed suit against structed In late lm'as a tern- SO r rm pecla .95 each Heights should receive public to use services such as the the Univer.slty Heights council per cent females In the city's Epstein's In July to collect a porary location for businesses WAY NE R ' S services from Iowa City. In library and recreational objected to would not be allowed ' total work force by July 1, 1977. back-rent debt owed by the displaced by urban renewal more than an hour of facUities as other communities because under the city's new The proposed program in- business which amounted to de mol i t ion. E pst e in's discussion, they found that outside of Iowa City do. comprehensive plan, com­ cludes seml-annual reports on about $6,500. The debt is now previously had two locations at JEWELRY neither city has changed Its However, University Heights mercial strip zoning would be the status ~ employment by approximately SS,OOO . 109 S. ClInton St. and 125 S. position since they met last Councilor Tom Breese said, " As eliminated. Little University department broken. down Into City Atty. John Hayek said he Dubuque St., both of which were year. I read the first proposal (by Heights land remains un­ male, female and minority had discussed making some demolished for urban renewal. 114 E. Washington Iowa City currently provides Iowa City), it requests all of our derdeveloped. categories. sort of agreement whereby the Epstein claims he was ~::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::~::=~ University Heights with water money, leaving the University Iowa City Counllor Max According to an Iowa City store would not be evicted, but promised the city would provide r and sewage services, police and Heights City Council and city Selzer volunteered to meet with employment report, dated Sept. no final agreement had been warehouse space comparable to fire protection, garbage staff with no money to operate the UniveJ,'Slty Heights council, 22, women make up 30.3 per reached yet. the space which had ~n collection and mass transit with. assisted by Iowa City Manager cent of the city's work force and Hayek said the pas~ several available to him at the other services. "ff that was the case," Breese Neal Berlin, to continue minorities members make up 4 I weeks he had been trYIng to get locations. of the Acareer In law­ University Heights Is a town continued, "we would have no negotiations to get a new con­ per cent work force. In touch ~th Epstein's at- However, the written contract of about 1,200 people reason to continue as a separate tract. Morgan said the minority torney, William Bartley, to between Epstein's and the city surrounded by Iowa City. entity or a separate city." The council also discussed a members make up 1.7 per cent discuss the agreement. Monday does not include such Wlmoullaw SChOOla The cost of providing services Such a contract, University draft of the city's proposed of the Johnson County Hayek was told Bartley would provisions, and states that aD to University Heights amounts Heights Councilor John terHaar Affirmative Action Program population. She said that try to get In contact with him previous oral and written What can you do With only a bachelor's deg ree? to abouUI67 ,000 (1975 estimate) said, would be the same as a (AAP). . although the Iowa City per- early this week. agreemenls between the two Now there is a way to bridge the gap between an BMually, yet Iowa City at "de facto. BMexatlon." The proposed plan does not centage of mir!orIty members . Glenn Epstein, co-o~er of parties were either in­ un de rgra duate educatIOn an d a challenging. respon­ present Is paid only about Iowa City and University reflect a change In the basic was slightly higher It was not the establishment, said Bar- corpora ted In the contract or sible career. The lawyer's ASS istant is able to do SI04,OOO for its services. Heights voted down con­ policy of providing equal above 2 per cent. tley's office told him "not to dropped. work traditionally done bY lawyers. 1 The contract betweep the solidation with Iowa City in employment opportunity, ac­ Councilor Rpbert Vevera said I Three mon ths of in tensive training can give you cities for the services expires at 1965. cording to a memo from Human the sk ills-the courses are taught by lawyers. You that he objected to the idea of . Poll·ce Beat choose one of the seven .courses offered-choose the end of 1977 and as yet no new University Heights councilors Relations Director Candy hiring quotas of minority and the city in wh ic h you want to work . contract proposal has been said that they had received Morgan. However, Morgan women to satisf,y equal 0p- Since 1970, The Instit ute for Paralegal Training agreed upon. almost no indication from their continued, It updates the portunity guidelines. 8y VALERIE McCANN gain admission by Jumping , through an open window. He has placed more than 1600 graduates in law firms\ University Heights made a constituents that they wanted coverage to reflect the current "When you have a quota to Staff Writer banks, and corporations in over 75 cities. . proposal to receive selected their community to be BMexed status of local, state and federal sa tisfy there Is a tendency to • bought a ticket after being told If you are a sen ior of high academiC standing and services from Iowa City last by Iowa City. law and union contracts. accept someone who may not be No arrests were made Sunday to do so or leave. are interested in a career as a lawyer's ASSistant. May. • University Heights Councilor The new program uses policy as qualified," Vevera said. night at the Leon Russell A non-student was found in we'd like to meet you . concert, but a number of in­ possession of presctiption drugs However, the Io~a City W. Stanley Good said that some statements rather than Morpn said that minorities cidents during and after the and a juvenile was found In Contact your placemen t oHice for an Interview with council has rejected such a University Heights residents definitive rules to give con­ and women are not hired on a our representative. proposal, saying it would be fear becoming a part of Iowa sideration to varying depart­ quota system. concert were reported by possession of marijuana, ac­ Campus Security and Iowa City unfair to allow University City because It might mean mental needs. " As I see it," Morgan said, cording to Campus Security. We wil l visit yo ur cam pus on Heights to pay only for the Melrose Avenue would be "The primary purpose of this "my job is to beat the bushes to police. Both were told to leave the A femal~ made an anonymous premises; no charges were TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12 services they wanted while widened into ~ four lane street. progrlllll is to Increase 0p­ make sure we have 8S many call to Iowa City police at 10 :30 , Iowa City residents must pay disrupting the residential at­ portunities for minority per­ possi~e applicants for a job as filed .' . lor all services. Iowa City's mosphere of the city. He said sons, women, and disad­ possible.' ' p.m. Sunday and said, .. An the Sgt. Michael Young of proposed contract would cost University Heights residents vantaged persons until such Final decision on the hiring of people are going to die. There is Campus Security called the University Heights $206,000 also want to keep their own time as real equal employment an individual lies with the city a bomb In the Field House that event a "clean concert," saying The Institute for BMually. zoning power to prevent opportunity exists for all manager and department head. Is going to go off at 10 :45." the Field House was left Paralegal Training "I have to say that I don't use commercial development in the people," the memo states. Police believed the call to be "a relatively free of litter and prank, and no action was taken . bottles. "The Hancher usher 235 Soulh 17th Slreel. Philadelphia. Pennlylv.nll 19103 the library and I don't know area. 1215) 732-6600 why I have to pay for it," Iowa Iowa City Mayor Mary Three out-of-town non­ people did a good job of trying to Operaled by Para-Legal. Inc city Councilor Robert Vevera Neuhauser said that it would be Ervin celebrates eightieth students were found sleeping In hold down misconduct," he said. "But I still do. I just can't "highly unlikely" that Iowa Daum, Burge, and Currier said . CHARLOTI'E, N.C. (AP) - "I don 't feel a day older than I was lounges, but left after warnings yesterday," former U.S. Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. said Monday as he from Campus Security. No celebrated his IKIth birthday. charges were filed . ~e North Carolina Democrat who became well known as Another non-student from chall'man of the Senate Watergate committee observed his bir­ Marion, Iowa, was found by thday b~ doing what he has done since he retired nearly two years Campus Security In the North ago - letting around the country making speeches. Gym during the concert, after Editor's note "I don't see any difference In being 80 and 79," Ervin said. he apparenUy had attempted to The Postscripts column Is an Information forum of The You can almost watch Dal/y Iowan and is intended as a public service for its readers. Political advertisements and services or events charging admission or fees are not suitable material. Chicago Bear, Football Because of space and time limitations, the DI will publish our only BMouncements of university- or student-Griented events from Jour su·.te. that are considered to be of general Interest. Submissions remodeling must be typed, doublwpaced, on 8'" x 11 paper ,(regular is complete size) . Postscripts will not be taken over the phone. The deadline for -submissions Is noon of the day prior to publication (noon Thuraday for weekend Postscripts). Boundary 'waters ~- . . \ The Minnesota Boundary Waters are being threatened by commercial development. Persons interested In helping the VISIt the new comer's "Friends of the Boundary Waters" save the mlUion-acre wUdertM!SS should contact the IowaPIRG office, located In at the old location the Union, by Wednelday morning. CEA Tuesday & Wednesday Citizens for Environmental Action has moved to the first Door of Center Ea.t. New hours are: 9-11 a.m. Monday September 28 & 29 through Friday and 1M' p.m. Tuesdays and FrIdays. Regular meetings are 7:11 p.m. the flrst and third Tuelday of the • month and are open to the public:. Japanese film °/ A Cat, Two Wom.n and One Man, directed ·by ShIro 10 IC0 off tobacco Toyoda, will be shown at 4 p.m. today II) Room 70, Physics Building. Link , RESERVE MOW! Walter wants to give away a couch that he says "needs a Soldier Field is Ihat !lea r. BUT , it's just a couple of minutes 1116 BEARS GAMES wal k ... a few short bl pcks .. . and the teams wa nt you 20%· off everything else little work, maybe." To find out where Walter and his couch 'M CHICAGO: there in person. Up front in a reserved seat of your own . .. are, Write LInk at 111 Jeffel'lOll BuDding, Iowa City 52242, or not missing one bit of exc iting league action when the caD 363-LINK. - Oct. 3 WASHING10N Bears clash with theil divis ional rivals . - Oct. 31 Comple'. package Incl\fd •• : MINNESOTA - Deluxe lUest loom - I night - Reserved seat at football / Free Pipe - Nov. 1 game - J delicious dinner -I cocktail - 1 breakfast - Free OAKLAND parking at Essex Inn and Ascot House . - Nov. 14 $150 Savinelli Autograph GREEN BA~ TII.r. will NO m.etln, lor all tho .. who fupport the U,lIted • Oec. 12 Chic.o', new IUllry hotel: ESSEX INN Stop in and register Farm Work.r. at 7:30 p.m. today In Center Eut. DENVER ASCOT HOUSE McCORMICK INN On MIChlf.n Avenue 2lrd and Ihe Like belween Ih .nd IIlh SI. YOU", Llle" Coli.,. F.llow.h", will meet at 1:30 p.m. Ch IC'lo. llilnol. Ch ic.ao.lllino l. today at the Cofteehouae, corner of Church and Dubuque. '39.96- '34.96- 'Per person, 2 InI loom. Plus tax Ind Irltuily. Add $10 for Sludenu' Internattonal Meditation Socl.ty will IpOIISOI' ARISIC>C:A4T sinai. occupancy. Addltlonll nights $15 per person dbl . ace. Mon 9:34).9 IntroduCtory lecture. at 12: 30 and 7:11p.m. Wednelday In the It McColmlck Inn Ind $10 pel p.lSon, dbf. oce. at ESsex Inn, Tues-Slt 9:30·~ Public Ubr~ Auditorium. INNS OF Ascot House. Dial Toll Fr .. 800-621-8101 13 S, Dubuque , tn IIlinoia onty, 312-791-1901 collect 338·8873 TIl. HfGltII Int.rdl.olpllnary AlloclGtion wwtll meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednelday In ~ Union Purdue RoGm. WHY NOT GET A GROUP TOGETHER aa .a '. '. Old Brick plaintiffs BUSY? Try Wee Wash It urge reconsideration QUICK SER VICE

By DAVE HEMlNGWAY last convened In Johnson officer, Adrian Anderton, pWI Wash, Dry SId Writer County DIItrict Court nnlr- to meet with rqents atatr and Fol~ ...... 22' lb. !!day. member Robert McMurray 226 S. Clinton • Plaintiffs the diacuII the In suit aeeklng Monday the plaintiffs con- Monday to proposal. ' to .ve Old BrIck are going to sldered a proposal by the Last week, Andenon came to ...... ttempt to get the state Board of defendants In the cue, the Firat the plaintiffs with a finn offer to Relents to alter their contract Presbyterian Church Corp., to rent space In Old Brick for DI Classified Ad Blank 10 buy the Old Brick site so that settle the cue out of court. ",000 a year. write ad below utin! one word fler blank the structure won't be rued. The proposal calls for the Dykstra laid Nolan and nie suit II recessed until next following conditions to be met: Anderson will suggest that 1 ...... 2 ...... 1 ...... Tuelday to allow the p\aintlffa, -The plaintiffs would have to Andenon move Into Old Brick 5 ...... 6 ...... 7 ...... 1 ...... • group of seven people calling get the regents to alter their In themselves the Old Brick contract so that they would buy from his current locaUon 9 ...... 10 ...... 11 ...... 12 ...... Defense Committee, a chance to tl\e land with the sanctuary. MacLean Hall. 13 ...... 1...... 15 ...... 16 ...... meet with the regents. -The regents would then pay Anderson II aIIo the director 17 ...... , ... 11 ...... 19 ...... , .. . 20 ...... Il'he regents' contract to buy the Presbyterian Church Corp., of the Division of HIatortc Dutch treat 21 ...... 22 ...... 23 ...... 2...... which owns the land and Pre'servaUon of the State Iht Old Brick site, on the ,nor­ lD German lUliform. Tbe movie, beIq lIImed 111 25 ...... 26 ...... , . . . 27 . .. , . . , .. . .. 28 ...... tbwest corner of Market and structure, tile balance of the HIstorical Board. RGbert RedfenI rlpt, relaxel from hll role al a U.s. Army coIGaellD tile .hootiDI of "A Bridge Ambem, HoIIaad, I, basedoa. pjeee by ConeII•• 29 ...... •... 30 ...... 11 ...... 12 ...... (linton streets, provides that '140,000 purchue price (the Dykstra sa1d the pJalnUffi Ryan describing tile Sept. a1rborDe opera­ the building be razed before the Too Far" by be.towill, aD aatograpb Ollb extra 1'" I'riIIt ...... , ...... pIIone ....., .... regents have already paid have not agreed to pay the legal tion, called "Market GardeD," Ileal' AnlIIem • relents take possession of the ,U,OOO). fees for the defendants, as N."e ..... , ...... Phone ••• ...... 1IDd. -The plaintiffs would pay for propoaed by defenae attorneys 1be transaction wu to have legal elJ)en8e and other ex- Monda Address ...... Clty ...... occw-ed August 1; however, It \lenses caused by delay In the UI ~ent Willard Boyd Is Zip ...... ".. halted when the Old Brick regents' contract. . among thole who have testified O(f-ca.Dlpus senate seat Dial 353-6201 , To tip... colt multiply the number of words (lndudlng address I)eIenIe CommIttee Wed a suit Plaintiff Robert Dykstra, a UI In the Old Brict! cue. Boyd said , _king to permanently halt the and/or phone number) times the ipproprYIe rat~ Ili;-en below. history professor, said the he penonaUy would favor the Cote ...... ,....., 04 __) • (I'Ite per WUfII)...... bRad 1. bIII1dIng's demolition. plaintiffs' attorney, John Nolan, retention of Old Brick and Iald woldt, rus. The trial began Sept. 16 and and State H1stodc Preservation ' In court that If Anderson wanted to be officially filled 1 - 3 dlY' .....26 .Sc per word 10 dl'fS ..•...... 3k per word to move his offices Into Old 5 d~ ...... JOe per word 30 dlys ...... 1Oc per word By ROGER THUROW low. City In trying to get good legislative and budgeting and CA C V 0 t est0 f un d Brick, It "would lID two tbInp." Send completed ad b).nk with The Daly Iowan "It would get mathematics off Staff Writer housing at a moderate price," auditing committeel, whlcb check or money order. or stop 111 Con .....aIIIoM Cettt.r my back" (for wanting more Birch said. "I'd like to see the deal with the majority of In our offices: C*Mf C...... MadIIon space In MacLean Hall) &lid ' Bob Birch, 83, is the top senale work with the ad­ minority concerns. Iowa SlM2 group's travel costs "make everybody happy." candidate to fill the vacant off­ minIStration and City COWICU in Various UI profelllOl'S have campus UI Student Senate seat order to provide the students By S.P . FOWLER testified about the architectural and II expected to receive of­ with more housing." Staff Writer value of Old Brick and flclal appointment to the In the area of student suggested posaible uaea for position tonight when the senate awareness, Birch said the U1 presents a NEW Collection CI' For only the th4:~ time in its history the Collegiate Associations thi" building. TbeIe have in­ meets at 6 p.m. In the Union students should be informed of Council (CAC) Mdriday night granted an academic organlzatlon'~ cluded using Old Brick as a Purdue Room •• what the senate does and where enchanting Little People request for travel and hotel expenses. lecture haU, a faculty dining Birch Wed his petition for the its money goes. "Lack of by . CAC granted a $332 request from the Black American Law area and housing for the seat Thursday afternoon after awareness is a real problem, Student Association to- send five representatives to a regional counseling services. petitioning opened that mor­ and by informing students of Royal Doulton conference this weekend in Indianapolis, Ind. The money is to be However, all those who have ning. The position became what it does the senate could \lied for rental of a motor vehicle and for hotel accommodations. recommended Old Brick be available when CIrole Blair, also promote its own Image." CAC does not ordinarily grant such requests, but the law saved for such purposes have A4, resigned from senate Sept. Birch said he learned of many student association asked that an exception be made because of admitted under cross 21 to devote more time to her student concerns when he the "crucial" role UI representatives could play at the c0n­ examination that they did not stUdies and other student circulated his petition to obtain ~ ~~ ference. consider the costs of renovating goverrunent work. the Ilecessary 250 signatures. ~i "It's a viable way to get minority students Interested In coming Old Brick when they made their Blair's resignation was the He said that extension of the \I~I 10 Iowa's law school," said Mary Robinson, L2, vice president of recommendations. seventh In the 21-member Cambus system was a popular ~~--"- the 888OClation. "We have a problem getting minority students to I Defense attorney Donald Hoy senate this fan . In addition to issue . . come here and a M;hoollike Iowa has to put forth a personal ef­ has cited $150,000 as the price Blair's seat, two other off­ Birch said he had been in­ fort." estimated for renovating Old campus senators and four volved In student goverrunent at CAC Treasurer Geoff King, A3, explained the decision by Brick. dormitory representatives have hi4 junior college and was saying, "The only exceptions we make are ones we feel dlrecUy Dykstra saId that a Des resigned. anxious to become associated benefit the student body of the particular college that II Involved Moines architect, William Birch; a transfer student with the senate this fall . or the university as a whole. It's a very difficult decision for CAC Wagner, toured Old Brick frOm North Iowa Area Com­ Dianna Mosley, AI, Is another Iornake, and we are very wary of establishing fWlding precedents Monday and "gave the building munity College in Mason City, new senator. She first assumed like these, which could draIn our funds quickly." CAC's hesitance a good bill of health." sald his prime efforts as a new the minority representative 10 establish such precedents was reflected in the 5-4 vote, KIng "At least he said the thing is senator will be directed at off­ seat at the last meeting. In an said. not falling apart as other people campus housing and student effort to provide the greatest The only other time. CAC has funded similar re.quests were last have suggested," Dykstra said. awareness of senate's ac­ input for her minority con­ spring, when It allocated such funds to the OrganiUUon of Women ~. said that Wagner tlviUes. stltuehts, Mosley salll she will v Law Students and Staff, and this semseter, when CAC funded its would Probably be called to "There is a real problem in work with the senate',s own expenses to each of this year's state Board of Regents We've added a number of new testify when the case recon- figurines to our fascinating meetings. venes. I Royal Doulton collection of these world famed little people. I- Exquisitely modelled and 9103 20% off Pipes meticulously hand painted , Tuesday & Wednesday Sept 28 & 29 they are truly collector's Items ... can add colorful, , ' conversation-making touches . to almost any room. Come In Visit and be spellbound by Royal the Doulton's little people ... but III be careful , they're habit New I~ 1ft forming I Comer's .~ M 9:30-9 Tlklng Till"" &'Y T-S 9:30-5 13 S. Dubuque 223 Washington 338-8873 i 351-5888 Ginsberg's J.ewelers Iowa CIty Cedar Rapids DesMoInes Sycamore Mall Downtown Sou1h Ridge Mall

The UniverSity of Iowa

Center for New Performing Arts Bicentennial booty and Museum of Art 'Offlclally It'. cal\ecl a casket, bul It' ...t 10 .• tudded "'Ut .ymboll'of America. At ceDter I. a present IIMrIIId al tIIat lOUad •• Tbl. I. tbe Royal CrowD palatla& of ladepe_ace HaU, wItII tile WhIte ber.y orDameDlal cilina bOI whlcll Queen HOIiM OD eltller .Ide, ~lgIIt are tile arm. of Ehabetll U preM.ted to Presldeat Ford wbe. Georle m wbo wu KiDI of E8IIad wileD tile IIIe mited tile Wblte HOUMla July. It I. literally U.S. w.llldepeadeace, ()ppoIIte ud DOt lD the pilote I. tile PrelkleDtial seal. QuIte Bicealelllllal. Maria Jimena Lasansky and Rumsfeld warns of missile gap Gcwt Mwicians

WASHINGTON (AP) - Defense Secretary "Current trends Indicate that by' the early perfonning an original dance/chamber music Donald Rumsfeld said Monday that the Russians 1_ all or most of the Soviets' emtiDg ICBMs are puahlng ahead with an Wlprecedented could be replaced with the new generation of concert in honor of her parents mluiIe program which wiD give them more mislUea," Rumafeld saki. nuclear striking power than they need '!.merely He aIao estimated that aD or most of the . to deter nuclear war." current Soviet submarlne-launcbed mIaIIIea Aiked at a news conference why the RII8IIans could be replaced by more advanced we8pona by were embarked on such a program, Rumsfeid the late 1Il0l. aid, "They are clwly striving not to be III the Ioilng aide In event thOle weaporll are \lied." The United States hal been converting most of Rulnlfeld gave newsmen a situation rundown Ita ICBMs and IUbmarlne-laWlChed mIaaiIeI to on SovIet mIIaIIe development since he made his multiple warheads for • Dumber of yam. annual report to eongre. In January. Rumafeld aid that the RusaIana 10 fir have IThat report refIe<1ed no 1IIl'priaes, althougb deployed 170 of the new generation lCBMa, In­ IIIWImen were told thlt the lnItallation of new cluding the 8817 with four warbeada, the 8819 IIIiIIIIea armed with mtIltiple warheads has with six warheads and the giant SS11 whIcb bas Friday, October 1: 1976 ,8:00 P.M. ~ aheld 'Iat a little faster deplClJ1Dtlll rate ben tested with up to eliht warheadl, IhIn anticipated In January." Hancher Auditorium He notad that the fO SSlIl 10 far pIacad In a.m.r.1d reportId thlt the ~ now have AdmWion Free ~ than 1,too lnterconUnental ranee mIaIilea combat readII*I haft oaly IiDIIe warbelda,lNt indicated IntelUltnce ellperts tllpecl lb, In Iaad buea and more tban 110 In 1UbmIrIneI. Main Floor Seating Only ". eotnparaI with 1,004 U.S. Jand.bued RuaIIana to deploy the multiple warbead ftI"IIGn IIliIIOea and III In IUbmartne Iaiancbina tubeI. "In the I11III', Ib... ,,, Pale 4-'I1Ie Dally Iowaa-lowa (,'lty, lo"a-'l'uHday, tIep&ember 18, I'"

, mE DAILY IOWU o Iowa Preu AsaocIatlon Newspaper of the Year Tuesday, September 28, 1976, Vol. 109, No. 63 ©1976 Student PUblications, Inc.

PtAJl~ by SIUdenI PubIIc*ioN, Inc. 111 CornmurkIIIonI Cent • • kMa CItY, low. &22"2 dilly 'JICIIIC /JtIUnI~, Sundayt. 19 IIoIdayt end uliwrllty ~aIIkInI. s-.d a.. poIIagI pIIid at the poll oIIICI II !owl CIty under III ~ 01 Corv'" of Mildl 2, 1878.1OpInIona.JIInMId on thettp.gll"" ClPlnon. of tilt IIgned IUIIOII, end 1liiY rIOI -..MY tit tIIOII 01 The DIIti Iow.n. The great- steeple chase ends

By BEAU SALISBURY in bowls of soggy Wheatles. Ah, what of a remarkably shameless COlllCience, I tunnoU and despair and sodden eyebrows can tell you what that chapter will be. Once again, by almost sheer accident, Old Brick has caused, First of all, Old Brick will not become a our society has stumbled upon a turnin& But no more - maybe. For the Old Brick tecture or reading hall, as one sometimes point, a cross in the roads of civilization, question Is In the hands of the court, and distinguished professor of English one might say. These are the times that though justice Is alow and often slUy and sll8gested It might. Though one is smitten make men shiver and women quake (or not nearly as dexterous as It once was, It Is with the image of a novelist or poet readin& perhaps It's men quaking and women usually final. Moreover, the supporters of aloud her-his works in the great chamber, shivering - these days, what with unisex Old Brick have hinted recently that some the audience transfixed by her·hil and all, it's hard to tell a quake from a sort of settlement Is in the works - booming voice, it is not to be. For 00e shiver). although in whose works is not known . It thing, almost no noveUst or poet alive ((I In any case, goose pimples are at a could be that the settlement will be found dead) has a booming voice ; for another, premium; those that can't procure goose In the complete work'll of Henry James, In the a udience a t these sorts of things ~ pimples are breaking out in duck pimples which case not only will it be es:tremely transfixed not by the wonderous U!e ci and chicken pimples, much to the con· difficult to find the settlement, but it wUl language, but by numerous fifths mJ&B sternatlon of most and cries of "Fowl!" be nearly impOssIble to decipher once it's consumed beforehand. No, that Idea won't from a few grumblers. found. Greater things than the fate of Old work.. Neither will another idea advanced I speak, of course, of the imminent (and Brick have been lost in the syntactical by yet another UI faculty member. one would hope, final) fate of Old Brick. morass of Henry James - just last year, (Ublqultous souls, faculty members.) ThIs Few things in the history of news (or for e~mple, several Ph.D. candidates Idea, thought up by a semi-famous history journalism, for that matter) have had the disappeared there, never to be heard from professor (all on his own, I hear), was III tenacity or the potential for boredom of again. But spring hopes inferno, a major make Old Brick into a dining hall roc \be Old Brick. Just when one hopes (nay, poet once shouted in the midst of a drunken faculty. How the mind ~ggles at such a prays) that the Old Brick question Is brawl between Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot notion . Where once grl!tt and near-great finlshed, that the eyesore will either come over who was the better speller, and souls were fed, now would be fed the The November que,stion down with the next sunrise or be allowed to though it be the fall of an etection year, stomachs of great and near-great minds. stand and impress future generations with there is still room for optimism. (Not much With a little bit of linagination, some type the nearly total lack of aesthetic judgment room, assuredly, but in Iowa City in the of plan could be enacted so that lucky grad Politically, this past week has produced some of the most of their statements beca\Ule it was merely a repeat of things in the 19709, the slippery critter Slides back fall, any room at all is nothing to sneeze at students and selected honors studenta interesting and at the same time confusing events of the already said. The only basis to judge the debaters was on how into a perverse limbo. Maybe it'll be torn - it might collapse.) could come in to watch the professors eat. entire presidential campaign. they looked and acted. down and maybe it won't. Meanwhile, But I stray from my subject, though not A raw learning experience indeed. Nothing The week began with Playboy magazine's release of a Their major problem was that they were not at ease. hundreds of inches of newsprint are spent as far as I'd like to. The last chapter of Old better to teach young minds to cut the "candid" interview with Jimmy carter, was followed by Neither wanted to become television casualties, as Richard on Old Brick, and thousands of readers Brick is nigh, and through the wonders of mustard. I'm afraid that the idea is hall· Thursday night's debates and ended with the revelation that Nixon was in 1960. Except for the occasion~l jabs at each doze off, their weary heads coming to rest modern technology and with the assistance baked, though. Just one starving student· Ford possibly "personally enriched" himself with campaign other and an occasional Carter smile, their concern for their observer could bring the whole deal to an funds as a congressman from Michigan. image helped make most of the debate extremefy boring. untimely and embarrassing finale. What is most interesting about last week is the ensuing The fonnat of the debates - one candidate answering a What will happen to Old Brick is both speculation over what effect these events will have on the question and the other responding - didn't allow much room • simple and daring in its conception. The UI voters in November. for innovation or spontaneity. So Americans got an hour and will buy Old Brick - and leave it standing. It is difficult to detennine how Americans will accept a half package of last week's rhetoric. Yes, I know that OUr beloved Sandy has Carter's Playboy remarks, because of the numerous possible As a result, neither candidate could come out of the debate said the UI can not afford to renovate the reactions. Many people may take ' offense at Carter's with a clear victory. To change the fonnat into more of a structure, but that's part of the beauty' of statements, espedally what he said about having "com­ discussion would make the confrontation more infonnative thl.s plan. The UI is not going to renovate mitted adultery" in his heart and that he has looked upon for the American people and give vote~s in November more it; the UI will leave it as it is, and Old Brick many women with lust. of a basis on which to make a choice. will become - you guessed It - a dor· If Carter doesn't get some Americans' votes he may make Finally, the end of the week saw more rumors encircling mltory. Gone forever will be the days of IUP for it with votes from those who may ' have been ap­ Washington . This time Jerry Ford was the target. planned temporary housing In the lounges, prehensive about his fervent religious beliefs. Some people Ford was supposed to be the honest AIl·American type. fOf the space In Old Brick will surely ac· have been uncomfortable with Carter's religion, believing he Who would have suspected the man who said he wanted to commodate 500 or 600 students on as may be too honest or too puritanical. bring honesty into goverrunent to have a skeleton in his pennanent a basis as one could possibly Carter also told Playboy he would never get into the same closet? desire, and the UI won't need to spend a "frame of mind" as fonner presidents Nixon and Johnson. In That skeleton is the allegation that Ford used campaign cent. Oh, the stained glass windows will the interview he called them liars and cheats who distorted contributions from the Mariner's Union to increase his probably need to be removed and sold w the truth. . personal wealth while he was a Michigan congressman. pay for the outhouse on the parking lot, but No one, or at least not many, will dispute his statement According to reports, the FBI has now undertaken an in­ students are a notoriously crafty lot - about Nixon . However, many Democrats in Texas and vestigation of the financial records of Ford's congreSSional they'll think of something awfully clever w throughout the United States will dispute Carter's inclusion campaigns. do with the holes In the walls. Once this of L.B.J. in the same category as Nixon. The most disturbing aspect of the FBI investigation is that comes to pass, each year some 500 lucky Some Texas Democrats have already said this will hurt Ford's personal integrity is called into questioo even if he is students will be able to find sanctuary, not Carter in Texas. This should no. drastically affect the margin not found guilty. Although Jerry Ford is not a great leader, to mention a pew to call their own . with which Carter wins Texas in November. Americans thought he was at least honest. Of course, the name of the place will The next major event of the week occurred Thursday night, Last week may prove to be the most interesting section of need to be changed. Old Brick is a fine as over 100 million Americans watched the debates between the entire campaign -Carter is too honest, the debates are a enough appellation for a crumbling ex· Ford and Carter. Their reactions as to who won, no doubt, bore, and the possibllity that Mr. Good-guy is not so good. church, but a donn needs a name with will vary. Some will claim a Carter victory while others will One can, among other things, categorize this week as con­ class: something to go along side of Burge say Ford won. fusing, because no one knows w'hat effect all of this will have and Daum. And, naturaUy, the UI has . The most important aspect of the debate is not whose in November. found such a name. It will name the pllce rhetoric won or lost votes but the kind of image the can­ after the man who knows more about didates presented, Nothing could be learned from the content TOM MAPP housing than anyone else on campus; the ever seen. almost new donnitory will be called Shan No sad violins Steve Lombardi. president of ARH, House. Years from now, studen ... will be started the ball rolling but was asked to able to look at Shan HoUJe and remember for Wheel wright wletters give up the gavel to someone else. So he the man who brought planning to what hid gave it to his vice president, Vince formerly known only luck of the dr.". To the Edltor: True heroes are far and few between in organizations depend on to Inform people Morinello. Steve's vice president wanted to hurry things along, so he proposed this society; we should remember the oneI Would Bomeone please tell Dick of what's going on. We think that your reading each article of the Constitution of we are fortunate enough to have inf1Jcted Wheelwright to stop crying In his soup? propoaed policy to discontinue printing upon us whUe we can. notices of the regular meetings of ARH to approve the wording. Now Steve's Today was the second time In a year that V.P. decided to start calling on people Of course, there are a few bugs yet to be the DI printed an article (Sept. 20) abou t university organizations Is Ill-considered. The Postscripts column is the only way from the floor. Someone shouted, "Let's worked out (given Iowa City hoUling Robert Altman's "rlp«f" of the Na.h viii, not read it," since everyone had a copy. So standards, probably more than a few). For theme from Richard. Shucks, Dick; I'd feel many university groups can publicize thejr meetings and attract new members. they voted on this and that and one or two one thing, there undoubtedly are bats in real bad, too, If somebody had stolen a "poin ... " of order and such and finally got the belfry of Shan House. But I wouldn't terrific Idea from me, but the point Is - no (Besides which some groups don't meet at back to the issue. worry about it. If the administration ooe hal. From either you or me. You the same place or time every week). We feel that many people might be In the meantime, from countless areas ~ ' t have a plan to take care of tblt continue to say that the script you helped of the room, litUe order·monsters ap­ poulblllty. it'll just wing It. After all, It'. write wu about the "life and soul of unaware of a group's meeting without the peared shouting, "Point of order, point of worked In the past, hasn't It? country music." WeD, now, If you had seen reminder In Postacripts - or even be unaware of which groups exist. You could order." In the meantime, Steve's V.P. was . Namvlll. (did you?), you would know that ignoring people who wanted the floor and the movie hal very little to do with country run the weekly Compendium column desperately trying to find someone ,ho music. Na.hvllle deals with America again, listing the regular meetings of Courts too ' easy on narcotics offenders~ ' would call the question . today: Its poli.tics, i... morail, Ita people. university groups, saving some space but Well, anyway, by the time that plan was MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) - Judicial singer said. Benainger also cited U.S. 80vernrnenl Na.hvlll, deals with the Ute and soul of this still providing the service to your readers. railroaded through, everyone had handling of narcotics cases "makes a President Ford, addressing the ame requesta to Mel.lco, Turkey and countrill country, forgotten the lut question. So someone mockery of the serious concern of the convention earHer In the day, lIid he In Southeut Asia to help curtail heroin aad Tell you what - If Wheelwright would Milt, Miller took up the chant, "Call the previous public about hard drug abuse," the head of would give "~priority" If elected to new , cocaine producing and Imll8Bling Into tilt spend his tune and money writing a new Science Fiction League of Iowa Students quesUon," etc., etc ... the federal brug Enforceme~t federal anticrime legislation. He IlUlde It United state•. script about country mualc Ins&e~ of , Coaigned bi repreaentativea of UI Folk By the time one article came up, I was Administration .said Mooday. clear he would repeat put recom· "But we are unwilling to admiJiister seeking our pity, he could Put together a . ready to speak. If I had been given enough Courts are allowing thousands of nar· mendatlons for mandatory minimum anything more than a .lap on the wt In damned /lood movie, Why not live a try, Dance Club and Chrl.Uan Science time I might have been able to. But what cotlcs offenders to go free on low bond and sentences for certain federal crime', revi· our own court lyatem," he Mid. "How can GUliri Dick? We'll all love you for It. Organization. . with Steve's V. P.'s gavel and his short jail terms, DEA Administrator Peter slon of the federal criminal code and an we uk these /lovernmenta ICI continue to Thurs dedication to getting the meeting over Bensinger told the InternatIonal Increase In the number of federal judie" .top the flow of heroin from coming into and ... The ~ Joh" E. Burnt ARH gathering with, I, along with several other people, AssocIation of Chiefs of Police. Bensinger llid the banclUna of drug the Unlted Statel when we .... unwWlna to 332E1liI Music wu left nearly ipeechlea. He said a third of the almOlt .,000 per­ cues hal created "a morale problem for put the people who deal In It behind bin I. Soli Iowa City the law enforcement officers who find that for any IIInlflcant period of time?" a parliamentary joke The more it went on, the more II1ckening sons convicted on federal narcotics Bostc it became. charges laIt year got probation. And of the crImInala they have worked 10 hard to BenI1n8er told the law officer. the DEA 1977 New Postscript8 To the Editor: So Jleft. , those sentenced to prilon on heroin or arrest are back out on the streets before would attempt to work men c1oee1y wItb J have now been thrOugh one of the m,*t No, I was not running out on my cocaine charsea, "one out of three they have a chance to complete their local ..ene .. and would continue effOl1l Chamber Mia dllpstlng experlencee of my life. On responalbtUty to the donna. No one In my recei\!ed prilOO terms of three years or paperwork." to Improve COGpeI'ItlOII wltb other fedlnl I Chemb.r Mill policy a disserVice? Wedneaday, Sept. 22, t adually ut through mind, can have a responsibility to such an lea," Benaln&er took note of overcrowded ..e~ln , ' I\I1II. (aDd -lIIh - even attempted to take part orpnbaUon If It'. run 10 much like a "That means that of the S,IIO indlvtduail prison', but 1I1d. "U JudI- w.nt to hold The DEA ... created In a 1m mtr8er m Mon·F,,; 1-3 To the Editor: In). meeting of the Aaaoclated ResIdence joke ... brought Into federal cow1I and convicted hearing' on treatment condition. In .veral federal drug ..enclu and baI • HaI\a (ARH). It was not only awfu1 u a • of narcotic charges Iut year, over 2,000 correctional fadUtIM, they can certainly aince been beIIeIed with Inlernal coaOIeII 'MIt daily DI POitIcrlpta column II a caDed "gathen.. of mInda" but aIIo wu Were back on the .treeta lmmedilltely or do JIIIt that. bat the wely of the public atenJminI tam !be kI1a1U11 of .....,. feature that local and unlveralty one of the moet poorly run meetlnp I've eUalble to return within • year," Ben· should not be compromlaecl." ID tbeIr pliOI'll"'" r Etlflineers rouse tradition OOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau Corn monument returns

By VALERIE SULLIVAN To continue tradltioo all the way, will not be burned thiI year, but Staff WrUer Petnelka said this year's moownent Will dismantled after the parade, Petrzelka be buDt In the form of the 1921 UI com explained. Petrzelka said it would ]be aeven-loot com "scarecrow" which monument - an obeUsk, a statue probably be less the monwnentalstructure once graced the Pentacrest on resembling the shape of the Washington of past years and more a twcH>y.four and Homecoming eve will be back this year, monument. Petnelka said he had seen chicken wire affair. The engineering lIthough this time the statue will be In the many statues like that In the past. But department is also thinking of placing an I«Dl 01 an obelisk and It will probably Rosalind Jenkins, Homecoming council ad to solicit free corn, be said. trlvel. director, said she remembers seeing only "These aren't the days wilen you're Art Petrzelka, E3, business manaRer of the tall scarecrows in front of Old capitol burning com for fuel," be explaiDed. tile HOllllleye Ene'n"r, elEplalned that this facing Madison Street. ,w·the engineering department will be Actually, Jenkins said, that statue may Petrzelka, who went "the whole route of renatltutlng one of the department'. long­ have been a Boilermaker in view of the student activism" in the past, said he will atandIng Homecoming traditions: the com long-standing tradition that dictated Iowa believes the corn monument be more Q. Where can you hear In tbe than jllSt a physical moownent. O.teh Wa, monument, a slx- to l~foot tribute to the play the Purdue Boilermakers for the Chick Corea? Laundromat & Dry Cleaners Corn State which is made of corn, Homecoming game. Tradition was Petrzelka said he went from wearing a Chuck Mangione? STONE aaturally, and takes the shape of anything black armband in high school, to peaceful changed, she remembers, about two years Flora Purim? 1216-% W_ 5th St. Coralville from the year's Homecoming theme to the ago, "when Iowa discovered It was always resistance in Washington, D.C., to peace CELLAR opposing team. getting beat." marshall during the Lansing, Mich., riots A. at at the ~I monwnent, in the past placed In The first corn monwnent was erected in In 1972. His own activism stopped, he said, 052 WMhers 021 Dryers , ~~~:~~~~~r:.!! /rOOt orold Capitol or at the intersection of oAiways Anended -Carpeted 1914 by members of the hydraulic during the swnmer of 1972. This occurred Valentino's oSoft Watu of,ee Parking Iowa Avenue and Clinton Street, was engineering class; it became a project of when Petrzelka was soliciting bail for HOOVER OAlf CondItIoned traditionally burned by enthusiastic UI the entire engineering student body after people "ripe for jailing," and a man with a HOUSE .tudents alter the pep rally on 1919. A shortage of materials caused a strong Spanish accent suggested to him Great Food! Homecoming eve. reduction in the size of the monwnent that "Americans should learn to take care Tradition ,was discontinued in the late during the war years. of themselves." '6011, however, when not-so-enthusiastlc UI The monument was moved from the The com monwnent, he explained, is .tudents who were more concerned with Iowa.cunton intersection following World perhaps suggestive of that change. Open events outside the university, took to War II because, a 1965 Daily Iowan article "Anyone who can't work on a project 11 am - Midnight vandalizing the structure. notes, "the heat from the blazing corn was with other people, to coordinate efforts. 115 E. College Ave. In the spirit of tradition which this year's so Intense it threatened both the asphalt in communicate ~oals and ideas and transfer Homecoming is all about, the structure the street and, on one occasion, actually them into something concrete, might as 351-9409 !rill be revived, Petrzelka explained. damaged the front windows of stores well not be in college," he said. The corn Because of the fear of vandaUsm and the across the street." "In addition," a library monument, if nothing else, communicates hl&h cost of guarding the statue, however, assistant was quoted as saying, "many school spirit, he said. Mule West Branch Petrtelka said the ' monument will people complained when it was burned Petnelka said the engineering depart­ CROSSWORD PUZZLE probably be placed on wheels to travel ment would welcome help from any other that it was a waste of corn, particularly the Fuel EdIted by WILL WING with the Homecoming candidates during during the war years." colleges or students interested in helping Piano Ihe Friday evening para!le. Because of city ordinances the structure to construct the monwnent. AcaOSS 48 Stevens It Fashionable M Of shallow 11 Traffic sound 1 Give-whirl By Jane water J2 Land properties: Tues . to Fri. 6-8;30 4 LI nden tree, in 14 At the right time Abbr. Spain 18 Previously 11 And - IPlaywrights polish their·acts 8 Secrete .1 Pistrlbuted 20 Part of U,S.S.R. U Uppity one .. Elepha\lt boy 22 Blrd·in·hand This Menu Offered 14 Repute By MARK GORANSON Playwrights Workshop has only program that awards a Master Students In the workshop also t2 Old coin of value Tues.-Thurs. 15 Greek mountain Greece 24 Kind of Staff Writer seven graduates. "We haven't of Fine Arts degree. "We are a are able to serve as interns on 1. Sculling pieces 5:30-8:00 professional school, jllSt like t3 National bird sandwich been around long enough to the professional production of a 17 Continue If Tell it like - 27 Pear-shaped OnJy in the Take 12 would-be have any famous alwnni, but law or medicine, in that our goal play. This year students will be 18 Sm111 sandpiper " Partner of rave ill5trument STONE CELLAR playwrights. two full time in­ we have had some extremely is to build poUshed and creative working at the Tyrone Guthrie 11 At reduced If Butter 2t Bunny prices structors and an old, locked-up talented students," Brownstein playwrights," Brownstein Theatre in Minneapolis, New IU bstitutes Ie Sleep Lobster Tail Clinton Street Mall 21 Carps over t7 Have a snack 11 Parts of narems room in MacLean Hall for their said. explained. York's Lincoin Center, and the details Prime Rib stage. aJ¥l what have you got? Each year more than 50 The Iowa Playwrights Mark Taper Forum in Los 18 Wilson and 32 Waller 23 Stone-Age McKinley; Abbr. Stuffed Pork Chops The University of Iowa 's students apply for entrance into Workshop is unique because It is Angeles. Craig Implnk, who Implement J3 Kind of gun Playwrights Workshop. the workshop. They must the only American college graduated from the 21 Did a Spitz act M Sharif Oven Fried Chicken 18 Cash- Prof. Oscar Brownstein, head submit a play and another program that deals solely with Playwrights Workshop, is 28 Different DOWN A Good 28 City in Sweden I Senseleu 41 Sour cherry j director, describes the sample of their own creative playwrighting. A student is currently aiding the director of Hamburger u_ 2 Sculpture piece 42 Files simply told to write a play. It is 32 to Eternity" workshop as a "peculiar type of writing, along with a resume J776 on Broadway. 35 Passed out I RebelHous son 44 Like some coins Soup and Salad animl\l" because it is jointly and three letters of recom· then critiqued and the author The Playwrights Workshop's 38 One of I of Dav(d or steaks 45 Even Bar sponsored by the UI Writers mendation to a seleotive may repair or change any rough first original production of the shooting trio 4 Blrds·of·a. rCll/ttI' ...·, Pon, .... Avollable / Workshop and the University conunittee thilt accepts only edges that the critic has season will be David Lougher's 37 Layer of blue felther policy 41 Red dye Theatre. four ne'w students. discovered. Nas!, on Oct. 14-17. The series eggs • "00 15 I say. II Go - tor 31 Youth org. not IS-" 52 Removes creases Nightly SpeCials Founded in 1971, the The workshop is a three-year "A playwright will reVise his will include four other works by 51 Irishman script as many times as it takes ;=;P::;P::;P:;:;::iiil40 Without • fish.eating bird ill students through Dec. 12. = exception 7 Birdlife of a 54 Notlon: Prefix Tuesday 5:30-8 pm to make it fit together "I try to give my students 43 Commits region 51 Patricia of films correctly," Brownstein said. advice on all aspects of ... Endeavored I Milquetoast se Wise Stuffed Pork THE A new program recently was playwrightlng," Brownstein " 47 George Michael, et al . 17 1949 aUiance Chop Dinner BAlLI' IOWAN the showman I Occasionally 1"T'~1 r lIttroouced to the workshop. It explained wI.\h a laugh. "The '1 Twice $3.75 involves two professional p\aywrighting field is tough and playwrights from New York success and money are rare. I Wed. 5:30-8 pm Iowa Press Association who work with and advise the tell them that if they are serious Prime Rib Dinner Newspaper of the Year students. Participating in the they should not get married. If $5.50 project this term are Rosilyn they get married, not to have Drexler and Robert Anderson. kids; and if they have kids, to Thurs. 5:30-8 pm ~dito< Bob Jones Anderson is known popularly abandon them right away." Chicken Dinner MIM9Ing Editor Mia Karar "Learning by doing ," is ,...... Pel., G,oss (Cly,. K Pllnck Jensen. Randy Knope' (UrnverSlly.Ednors. for his plays Tea and Sympathy $2.75 Mary Schnack . linda Schuppener Dave Hem'ngway. e.. Johnson. and 1 Never Sang Ifor My Brownstein's description of the R C Brandau D.ve DeW,l1e Father . workshop. Ft."," Tim Sacco Edlror. Larry Pe~ Assoc'ate. Val8l1e Sullivan Friday Night Only Sporta Sieve Tr.ey Ed"or Just,n Tolan AssOCla/., Roger Thurow 5:30-9 pm fdhori., Pege RhOnda Dickey Eel/rol. W,nslon Batday Assoclare , Copy o.k Be.u Salisbury Chef, Dave Cole. Nancy Gilliland, Ginny Vial Pond Raised Catfish ~og'lIPhy Lawrlf1(;e Frank DrrectOf Com Franco. Art Land. Mary Locke Girls Go-Go Contest Oven Fried Chicken Contributing Editor Tom Outnlan Salad Bar Ub.. rt.n. Margaret Ryan. Sue Stuekoljuelgen Every Tuesday Night Art OINC1or JoM Bernite $3.75 Admlnlllrtlion Willam Casey PuOlI$h8f. Peter Verslege

Why not purchase a season ticket to the entire , . Chamber Music Series? • AMERICAN BALLET I, THEATRE CANCELLED • All patrons who purchased tickets by mail­ -Dance Series subscriptions or individual per­ formances of the ballet--will receive refund checks on the basis of Hancher Box Office mail order records. It will not be neccessary Pharoah Sanders gained prominence beginning in the early 60's, when his ex­ for mail order purchasers to return their tic­ periences with such jazz illuminaries as kets to the box office. John Coltrane, Miles Davis, and Sonny Patrons who purchased tickets across the Fortune gave him the background and counter at Hancher 'Box Office may obtain perspective to develop his own style of cash refunds by returning their tickets to the expression. His tenor saxophone playing Guarneri String Quartet box office during regular hours beginning has been described as " ... sensuous, Thursday, October 7 - 8 pm mesmerizing .. ,curling upward peace­ IInd ... The Waverly Con90rt/FrldIlY, November 12, 1976 Tuesday, September 28. If p~eferred, such . Music from Mllrlboro/Friday. Februllry 4, 1977 ably like incense" though also capable of tickets may bemailedtotheboxoffice.to­ " ... a tempest' of cries and emphatic I SoUsU ell ZagrebfThursday, Mllrch 3, 1977 gether with the name and address to whom Boston Symphony Chamber P1ayersrruesday, May 3, screeches that hint at' a lurking discord in the refund check is to be mailed. 1977 . the universe." Chamber M_ Sertet deket pile. IncIud" .. of 11M above concar1I. Hancher Auditorium officials greatly regret Cham_ M_ SerIa. prien lludlll'lta S,12.50/nonlludenta $20.00 aVIIIebIe at Hancher Box 0IIIce. 353-6255. Houn: 11.5:30 pm the loss of this program and the in­ Mon·FrI; 1-3 pm Sun. convenience this is causing our patrons. IMU Main Lounge Fri. Oct. ~, 8 pm Hancher Auditorium ,, ' Tickets Available at the IMU Box Office Hancher Auditorium 1 1=. , . Pa,e-'-1'IIe Dilly lown-Iowa euy, IOWI-1'11eldly, September 21, lr7. Leon lit a cigar and 5,000 cheered

By LARRY PERL has written a nwnber of out. and walked over to the three speakers. Now he playa ~ the Assoc. Featw'e8 Editor standing songs throughout his vocalists. He came back leading crowd, contorting his race as he career, his and Mary's singing one of them by the hand, and hits high notes, or chomping Two grand pianos faced, and piano playing are superior left her looking a litUe nervous down on an Imaginary bit after touching each other in the to their songwrltlng. at center stage. She prompUy an especially bllstering lead. center of the Field HoUle stage ThIrdly, many of the songs, gave the audience a lesson in Although rather tedious In Sunday night. Leon and Mary even the best of them had the how to sing. It was a good spots, it was rair fun . As one Russell's back·up band same familiar stock ending lesson. observer put It, "They might positioned itself in a wide which has been overworked by So were the other two lessons. have a ways to go, but they were semicircle ' around the countless bands to the point Leon led them out to center preatty good." perimeters of tlle stage. Then where this type of finale stage one at a time and they too All in all, it was your usual four women and a man wallted becomes tame. displayed their vocal talents. concert (apprOximately 5,000 on. The first three women Either Leon or Mary would Up close, Leon looked fairly persons showed up). There was positioned themselves to the left sum up a song with the out in the woods himself. Near a II ttle smoking in the Field of the semicircle, leaned into predictable "Ooooh, yeah, oh the end of the show, Mary tried House, not the least of which their respective microphones wow babeee" soul style vocals, to get him to dance with her. came from the musicians on and broke into a raucous-sweet whereupon the drummer would Leon tried, he reaUy did, but stage. The usual thing. "What ho I gospel harmony, while the hit an equally predictable was just a bit too mellow. He Scene from back-up band powered Its way thundering drumroll, the lead almost fell off the stage and Hmry IV, Part I through a frenzied, expectant guItarist would hold a note for Mary had to pull him back. al the Sludio The.trt, ::iitm September 30 and rock 'n' roll prelude. , 20 seconds and the entire band Finding his way back to the The would crash down on cue from piano, he said 8ofUy, "You've October I, 2 at 8:00 p.m., fourth woman was Mary BULL MARKEt October rd at 3:00 p.m. Russell, all the rage in a Leon. been so good to us, and we're banana-yellow jumpsuit, furry tir!ld." There was a terribly Is featuring Admission is fifty ct'nls for all ; puUover bat and goggle-Uke lengthy pause as Leon im­ a mere pittance . Tickets are available provised on the pia'1o. Then he This week only at the Hancher box office . sunglasses. She seated herself ' 1 prithee. do attend." at the left piano, fingers poised r-..1IIIiiii looked up slyly. "There must be Wed - Sat professionally above the something we could do for you." keyboard, and waited. The band immediately Iaun· An incredible com- : Shoulders sllghUy stooped, ched into an uptempo number. the man in the brown suit and Finally, Leon tipped his hat to edy act that you l cowboy bat stopped at center the audience and it was over. must see to believe! ~ stage, smiled, cocked hts gray Firefall was incredibly more head and surveyed the crowd, rock 'n' roll than their Hancher NORM L,,"I ,'I'" 11. '01" - accepting the applause with Auditorium appearance last obvious pleasure. The man, to December. Their members hail "Grinny" I"" C "I.. /.. II" AI, no one's surprise and fom the likes of the Byrds and ~ The Off Broodwoy Muslcol ftt· everyone's hysterical delight, Those things aside, the show the Flying Burrito Brothers, so was Leon Russell. was wonderful. Mary's splendid one might expect a basically CARLIN With a sUght nod, he sat down voice was a nice surprise and country band. No cover charge on JA L at the right piano. His eyes met Leon is legendary for his Not so. As a matter of fact, gravelly vocals and the bouncy their lead guitarist has a style Wednesday Flrefall's lead guitarist Jock Bartiey delivers one of maDY Mary's for a moment and AllY W LI bUsteriDg, rock-infused leads In the Field House Sunday night. suddenly there was total boogie rhythm and blues of hts where each note is piayed 5,000 fans showed up for the Leon and Mary Russell·Flrefali silence. Then he leaned back keyboard. I'll take hts original distinctly. The immediate VVednesday Night "This Masquerade" over comparison would be to Johnny I lYING IN PA I concert. The OWly Iowan/Oem Franco with a flourish and, God help us . Drink Special: , all, he lit a cigar and'lald It on 's top 40 reno Winter or . Tickets ore ovaIkble at !he Hanoher Box There were also some very I - the edge of the piano. TI)e dition any time, and hts tribute ~ Tequila Sunrise 75¢ l Offloe. They ore Sl.5D for s!udenls, $3.00 audience went wild. When hts to Jagger's and Richards' pretty soft songs, mo~t\y for non-s1udents. Corn costs to barge up "Jwnpin' Jack Flash" (which provided by songwriter­ fingers pressed the keyboard. : corner C.C.\l,lH II .. ,I .. into "Rainbow in Your Eyes,'! preceded the only encore) Is acoustic guitarist Rick Roberts, AMES, Iowa (AP) - Iowa shipping costs when corn Is damn near as good as the whose short hair and white ~ Washington & Gilbert fanners, many already plagued loaded to an eight and one·half he and Mary were the only' people in the Field' House sitting! Stones' original. Other stan· chino slacks made him look a with drought related problems, draft Instead of nine feet is 3.3 douts included "Bluebird," bit out of place with the rock In' October 7· 8:00 pm October 10'- 5:00 pm cents per bushel. down ... received more bad news Mon· "Lady Blue" and "A Song for roll. But he strwnmed along October 9- 10:30 pm Oc1cbef 12-'6 a:oo pm day in word of higher barge If the water level becomes so WlIen fans up front stood for ********* Flrefall's opening set, irate You," where Leon was at hts quite amicably with the loudest rates and possible Isolated box low that barges must load £0 an * of Firefall's rock, even singing ****** members of the audience wbo' best. car shortages. eight foot draft, the cost would -DInners ore ovolkble on these dates couldn't see repeatedly yelled, There were also sQme heavy lead vocals on some of the "If there Is, no relief on the be 5.8 cents per bushel higher comments from Leon. louder songs. than for a nine-foot draft, he "Sit down; sit down." But the For Information river there may be spot short· "Remember one thing," he Firefall has two hit singles, ages of rail cars as higher barge said. mark of a really exceptional announced in a reflective "Uvin' Ain't Iivin' II and "You Hancher Box Office IJb;j-o~~bbl The economists said they band Is that everyone stands, as costs shift some eastern iowa moment, "each person you Are the Woman," along with an grain to rail if farmers sell didn't expect any general box· the audience did for all two hours of Leon and Mary meet Is a reflection of some part underground favorite, large amounts of grain at car shortage this harvest sea­ of your personality. If you meet "Mexico." They seem to have harvest this fall," two Iowa son, but that local shortages Russell's engaging show, even when things admittedly got someone who's lying ... (\ong, made a decision to go largely State University economists could occur as a result of the theatrical pause) ... you JIlight toward rock and are really higher barge rates. bogged down a bit toward the said. be lying. If you meet someone hitting the commercial big C. Phillip Bawnel and Robert They said barge rates are not middle. There were three problems. who's right, you might be time. N. Weisner said barge oper· regulated, hence some carriers right." Then he got back the Their performance and stage ators on the MissisSippi River raise them during periods of First, Leon and Mary didn't get to up from their pianos much until piano. presence Sunday night came off ar~ooping with low water levels peak demand for grain trans­ much better than it did last 1 by carrying less grain in each portation. the end of the show, which made The best song of the set was things a bit sedentary. ' "Out in the Woods." Halfway December. No longer does the vrssel, forcing shipping costs Weisner said the barge situ· lead guitarist play to his upward. atlon Is causing lower corn Second, one song tended to through it, Le,!>n finally tore "By the end of last week, prices in southeast Iowa. He run into another. While Leon himself away from his piano most barge firms were loading noted that corn Is southeast for an eight and one-half foot Iowa Is selling for about the draft, although a few were same as in north central Iowa starting to load for an eight and when usually it Is 8 to 10 cents TONIGHT one-quarter foot draftt they per bushel higher because of said. easier access to major markets 9 pm Bawnel said the increase in via barges.

to I t I 'II.. ~ . '. , I 1"- l f f t \ l f II Midnight !HE tonight FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE .25¢ AIRLINER GRANFALLON FAST SERVICE Special 16 DZ. OLY SPECIAL .SOt Draws -Tues. Nights­ MICH VII 25¢ NEW DANCER /fA great place to spend a little time" Seven ox. bottle FREE of Mlchelob Popc"rn ~

BURGE~ PALACE . 121 Iowa iVlaue ' . in A Damsel in Distress

I featuring" A FOllY Day in London town" o o Keep this University Script by P.G, WodehouH tA Directed by Geo'le Stevens y of Iowa, large collector's Glass (limited edition) Jean The Young Vic performing "The Taming of the Shrew" f when you purchase a Renoir's Friday, October 8-8 pm f large drink for only I ,HE Jose Ferrer In "Pieces of a Ufe," a portrolt of George I; 59c Orwell t E L Us . Thu~y , February 3·8 pm I V E "Sherlock Homes" Sarvrdoy, February 12·8 pm Sunday, October 3,8 p.m. Get One W.hile They Last! COR Students $5.50, 54.50, $3.50 C 1heal~ Ser'es prices begin 01 56.00 for SllJdenll. Non·students $7.00, $6.00, $5.00 __._---.:.-..... P·o S1 O . 50 for nonSlVdenll "'I Honcher bo~ office hours: M.f, 11·5:::\0 pm/Sun., 1·:\ pm Some patrons may find portIone of thie preMn.. • t (::\5:l-62~5) tion offensive. Tickel~ Ival I.ble at HInCher BOk om~ 3~l-6l~~ 7 pm Tues 1=1 Hancher Auditorium 1=1 Hancher Auditorium MISCELLANEOUS PERSONALS Alston skips PERSONALS A ·Z HELP WANTED

IlACIWtIl·IlACIWIE· MACRAMI • jjiiiiii...... iiiiiiiiliiiiiii .. AD40AS "speed" iOOlbaM shoes. $18 ~ out at 64 \ Jute, coItOll COld. bNdt. meI8I rings. c.I- al Wilson·s. Just barely used. IIze 11 l'l. cutt .. j.wetry.ndlllOff.9I1tr10aftJ.413 My SouIhem W., . Only $13. Call Pele. at 338-6788 Ot' 351· The DAILY IOWAN LOS ANGELES (AP) - Wal­ KlrkwoodAYI,. 338-3818. 11-8 ' n....1un cI¥ 01 c...... &: the 0181 . tar Allton, manager of the Lot lIMn'. IN 1*1, but1hel w-us1hel ----...... ------needs a carrier for the STORAGE ITORAGE much mer. to lo0Io Ioowwd to. MARXISM-LENINISM (political, history foHowing Angela Dodim tile put 23 Minl·ww.nou .. unit • • • Ilizlt. Monthly I _ IOU, etc.) books In Engish trom Sovtet Uniorl area: seasons and dean of major r.,.... Iow •• S25permonth.USIOr.AI. That Dwnn Va.. and other sodaiiSl countries from 1960- • S. Clnton, E. 8enton, E. league baseball pllota, an­ P!w 337·3506, . 11-8 ...... _____ ..... 75, Hours 9 a,m,' 9 p,m" 1237 Seccno Prentiss, S. Dubuque, nounced Moodily be will retire Avenue, Cedar Raptds or call Jon. 364- INOIAN "p.lr, G.."atont UOHT haulng. reuonable ral88. 337· 5849, 10-1 KIrkwood. Lakeside Manor. TYPING at tile end of thJa 1eUOII. luppln =Cfty , H4I Mil. 351· 9216; 643-2316, 10-21 THE MOST IMPORTANT Call the Orculatlon Dept There w.. no Immediate en­ 8412. 1~ ---"'-' ----___ ICING size walarbed . Frame and ------PlANOTuningSeMce · 0lIII337·38201or walerbed. reasonable, 337-5411 . 9,30 between 8 • 1 1 a.m. or nouncement as to hIa aucceuor, IlIAIIIIEO Ifud ..t wi_: 00 you hev'l/I an appollllment Reaaonabll ral88. 10-21 PART-TIME JOB IN IOWA. although coach Tom LaSorda Inltr.1I you 'd Ike to share willi OIIIerl? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiif FOUR Heil AMT ·' speakers, $950, after 3:00. 353-6203. bls been mentioned At. you InI"elllld In a child car. co-op? Yamaha CA-600 amplifier. $260, Sony • promlnenUy. Cd Uriled Mlnilllriel. Mond.y or Tues­ MAKE SURE YOU DON 'T 50-1000 decoder, $50 Or allOt' $1 ,200, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill That'. thI jobofthl newriinuteman. day mornings, 338-5461 . ask for Pat , 10-4 64+2535. eveningS. 9-29 Peter O'Malley, president of DENY YOURSELF TIlE RIGHT WAITERS, waitresses, Iry cookS • Full Ot' AmIrlCa'. first mirWman, they DI'OtIIdl IIIIIICAI. ... help ctaIIIa tOt _. !be Dodgers, aald the 84-yearold TO VOTE ON NOV . 2 · parl·time, dey Ot' nighlllhtn avaolable . No TYPe _Translat • Proofread. English September 28,7:30 p.m, Em",. Goldman experience necessary. Neat appearance e . your COWItty and your Oomrraanity- Alston would remain In the C*lclor WcrntrI, cal 337·2111 tor more REGISTER TO VOTE! SPORTING GOODS requlJed. Apply In pe!1Of1 811he Hamburg German, Fmach, ltaian, Span.sh: Por· Iftaiil See how you can join them. Men Dodaers' organization In anoth­ InIoImaIIon. i-28 LORADA Cn.EK, OEM. Inn Dairy Queen, 206 I st Avenue, tugue.. Reasonable - ProfesSIonal. women 17-34 yean old can Ieam 1IlIIIi1ilOl. er capacity. CoraMn.. 10-21 351·5819 10-20 ~ RED ROlE CANDIDATE ------~~~ 1kiIII. Peopie rMth prior niBtary MrVic:c up "ThIs afternoon Walter Al­ OLD CLOTHES FOR JOHNSON SURFBC?ARD: walsuil ; new ~estwO E Monday through Wednesday, 1973 VEGA GT Wagon. 35.000 miles, 5652 after 4 p.m. 10-28 lOBO. 10-8 tournament In their initial aeason of competition at the 01. Washington , Diat 351-1229, 9·28 9 a.m. 10 6 p,m., Very clean, $1 .500 Ot' bast ollar, 354· MUSICAL Nelt weekend the women's golf team will be In action at (319) 366-7721 2890 after 6 or on weekend, 9·29 NEEO cheap pllce 10 /lve, kllcheA !\EWlNG • Wedding gowns and brides- INSTRUMENTS fllcillies, lemal. gred. 351-1280. 9-2V the regional tournament at the University of Kansas. maids' dresses. ten years' experience, BOB BAXTER 1869 CHRYSLER . tnspected, excellenl 338-0446, 10-19 GIBSON ES 17,5. e.cellent condition. 12 " Only quality men and women ' condition, hardtop, clean, make after, OWN room, new Iwo·bedroom apart- to 15 years old, 645·2448, 10-4 !feed app'" . 338-9541. 9·30 ment, 565, Weill Branch, 643·2349.10-8 SAVE on Kodak film processlng at lasting '7' PA1VATE apanm8l'lt tree . Exchange tOt' ------lm27Plre, ssions. 4 South Linn , 3(30~5' GIBSON Heritage. $700 new. case l~. :' .n egwt opportunll)/ cornpMI)/ 1870 GTO . Power brakes. steering; au· chores wilh horses. mOl'nlngs and even- ROOMMATE Share two-bedroom tow- Field Hockey 4 eluded. only 5300. 338'7465. !~~~!!!!!!M!!I!IF!!!!!!!!!!!~ tomatlc, dark green. excellent condition, Ings Call 629·5154 , 10-4 nhouse, own room, carpeted. air. pool, afternoons. 9.30 ,.. , 35+1536 10-4 $105 plus lights, 351·2925 9-2V The UI women', field hockey team tied Nebraska In the I TWO bedroom. unfurniShed aperlment MISCELLANEOUS first game, but lost by a I-G sccke In the second game last . MUST sal Aims 125 watt guitar amp" 1868 AMBASSADOR. ctean , air, au · near hOSPItals. bus. Heal. water paid. SHARE one bedroom apanment with Saturday. A·Z 5300 and 4 12·inch speakers, 5200; both tOOlatlC, cheap runnong, 61.000 mItes $225. 337·9864. 9·30 grad. $82,50. close In. 338·4544. 9·28 one yew old, 338-8327, 9·30 TYPIST WANTED 338-9541 9-28 Nebraska took the lead In the first game on a goal by Peg TWO bedroom apartmenl ' Air cond,tton· FEMALE · Own roam, two bedroom Conradt which came 23 minutes Into the first half. Iowa's ..NOLT A SRT-MC. hardly used, $200, I I Work Study • 15 hrs. lng, carpeted, mce location, 337·7666: ap.rtmanl, air, fumiShed. SevI ... 351· Ask for Mary . Lawrence. 353·6210 ,10-4 GIBSON SJ flat·top guitar. $275. 385- Carla Seltzer engineered I goal eight minute. Into the _one! 351 ·0340 1~ 3038, i-30 4939 or 258-4223, 10-5 AUTO SERVICE half In order to tie the game at I-I. Neither team was Ible to Typist, 50 wpm, '0 be- DUAL 1218IUrlllable with Shure "l9 1ED SOURCE of Sound . Top'quahty portable MUST laave towa City and need male to NEW Wesl Branch apanmenl Own room, score after that point and the game ended.at I-I. Carlridge, Best oller, 338·1714. Ellen, 9- disco syslem operaUld )ar continuous come Photo- r.. lease single suite apanmenl. $145 In­ Transportation, 597,50, 643-2092, 9·28 The UI team tolaled 8:59 In penetration time (time spent of 29 music, CaM 351 -ji668 after 6 p,m, 11 ·2 Composition . per- VOLKSWAGEN Repair SaMce. Solon - ctuding an utililies. furniShed . air condi· offense within ~ yarde' of oppponenta' goal) while allowing 5'1t years tactory trained 644·3666 or tionlng. IndOOr pool and sauna, Contact WANTED: German speaking temal. FOR sale . PIon_ SA·7100 amp. ike ferators. Hours 7:'30- 644·3661 11·8 Mayflower Aparlments. 1110 N, graduate, belullful two bedroom apart. only 3:M for Nebraska. U the game would have been a new 338-8696, 10-1 10:30 pm Sunday thru F==liii~~rn!f:O;;:==:y. Dubuque. 338-9700, '0-1 ment. $95, 338-4070, 10-1 tournament, Iowa would have been declared the winner by STEREO . Two CS9VA speaketUo State II the 2. Pitt (2) s.o.o 1'72 428 points .s PiU, Oklaboma, 80ItGn College, Southem Cal the help build our confidence In w1nnIn8 clGle, touah games. We verInu top cbalJenpr. 3. Okla (3) 3.().0 112 UCLA, Nebrllka, Georgia IIld IIld Tel88 Tech. JIlIIIt ItIll play with emoUon becauae that'. wbat we bave . Ohio Stlte'. 22-211011 to MIl- 4 UCLA s.o.o .. Maryland all moved up one po- Arkansas fen from the rating' New 80lnc for III." aouri dropped the Buckey. . sition eacb. via a 9-3 lou to Tulaa IIld Comer's Both teama have 2-1 recorda .nd CommInp said, "USC from aecond place to eighth. 5. Nebraska ~1 Il11O R .11M Illinois dropped out by 100:ftft to o will give" the complete challenge. , Mlcblgan, which crulhed II. Georgia s.o.o 597 oun··· ..e out the Top Ten Baylor 34-19. U'I! M 9:30·9 Navy 7~14, received 56 cl 81 7. Maryland 3.().0 411 were Kansas, Idle last weekend, Meanwhile, Millourl's vic. T-S 9:30-5 flrst.place ballota IIld 1,2011 of a 8. Ohio St. 2-1~ 428 :~ : . po.:e' ~~r: tory over Ohio State vaulted the possible 1,220 points from a na· 9. Kanaaa 3.().0 315 trounced Vanderbilt 42-14. Tigerl back Into the Top 13 S. .Dubuque (JI Soccer Uomride panel of sports wrltera 10. Alabama 2-1~ 325 Twenty. Notre Dame and IIld brOlldculerl. The Wolve- 11. Lou I ' an. St. 2. 0 The Second Ten conalats of Florida also re.ppeared alter 338-8873 The UI Soccer Club maintained Its unbeaten record In rlnes were second on four bal· 1 284 Louislan. State, Missouri , two-week absences, the irish by forcing a 2-2 dr.w qaInIt a strong UNJ team Sunday at lots and third on one. 12. Milaourl 2-1~ 222 Southern California, North .mashlng Northwestern 48-0 Cedar Falla. Trailing ~2 at halftime, the UI club turned Its Pitt, a 21.7 winner over 13. Southem Cal 2-1~ 156 Carolina, BOlton College, Mis- while the Gatora downed game around IIld drew even throuah goals acored by Cyrus Temple, conected two flrstPlace .14. N. carolina ~ 133 alasippl, Tel88 Tech, Notre Mlsalaalppl State 34-30. V.varl. 'l'I1e outstanding player on the UI team WII freshman $ Cash to do your thing John New\In'lIld good perfonnancea were recorded by MIke' votes and 972 points for II!COnd 15. BOlton Col , 2..0.0 114 G If UNI Volko IIld IUch MIlIch. ';l'hiI reault wu particularly pleasing place,whlledefendlngtwo-time 18. Milalaslppl 3-1~ 14 0 ers sweep at $ Cash for your organization In that five repJarI were miIalng from the Uneup. Nelt national champion Oklahoma 17 . Teus Tech 2..0.0 59 $ Cash for yourself Sunday UI bOlts Lorll College on the Rec Building field. received the other three first. 18. Notre Dame 2-1~ 32 By a Staff Writer strOkes with • one-overiNl!' 289 • place votes and 912 points for 19. Florida 2-1~ 21 mder what Coach Chuck VocilerOUl apectatora (. . . and quiet ones too) will be The UI golf team won the 16- welcome. third after a 24-9 triumph over Zwiener described II "very Plasma Donors urgently needed' Florida State. 20. l·U 21 team University of Northem good conditions." Then came' fourth.place points fonowing a victory Iowa (UNI) Invitational at »12 "It WII good for us, and I Men and Women 18 - 61 earn as Cedar Falls last weekend by UCLA with 888 pointe for a ~7 over South Carolina IIld No. 7 think It helped III out," Zwlener two strokes. Hawkeye Soccer rout rl ~ Foree; No.5 Ne- Maryland, a 42-28 victor over IIld u he closed his 11th aeuon much as S52 per month while Iowa finished with 1,195, here. foUowed by Southern IllInois­ helping others The Hawkeye Soccer Club's "A" teamacoreda 7~ victory Ali: Knockout in 5 Edwardavl1le, Westem IllInois, Completing the scoring for this weekend over the OrIon Soccer Club In Moline, Ill. ChrIs Wisconsin.Whltewater, Bemidji Iowa were Nigel Burch with a For more information call 351-0148 bet­ Andino, David Halle, MIke Mond, MIke David and Peur NEW VORK (AP) - "I've been waltln' for a showdown," IIYS Stlte, UNI and Iowa Stlte. 298, Rosa deBuhr 303, Mark ween 10:30 • 5:30 Monday thru Friday GrOll each lCared one loa) for the Hawkeyea, while Luke van Muhammad All. "I'm the kind of guy who has to be under Iowa sophomore Jullus Boros Lemon 308 and Kevin Burich der Kar scored. twice. A lood defensive. effort by goeUe pressure." captured medalist honors by six 317. 810 RESOURCES 318 E. Bloomi"gton Eduardo Henriquez IIld fullbacks Steve ROIl, David Flan· All will get his showdown and preuure Tueaday night in a ders, DIck Narvison and Peter Bruck stopped the OrIon club sports showcase, Vankee Stadium, and he will rise to the oc­ from acorIng. Rich Larew and Joe Quetach, both playing Cllion again. ba1fback poeitiolll, contributed to the overall BUcceIII of the . "It won,t go more than five," says the man who surprised Major Standings Hawkeyea this weekend. The "A" team will tr.vel to George Foreffilll In AfrIca IIld came back from the brink of Muscatine next Sunday to face Muacatlne Community defeat against Joe Frazier In Manlla-and who won the last AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE HOW THE CAR College. round, the round he needed to win his aecond fight agalnat E;a.t Ea.t 'lbe Hawkeye "B" team defeated West HIgh's soccer team Norton. , W L Pet. GB W L Pet. GB FOR PEOPLE·WHOTHINK x·N.V. 94 61 .806 x·Phila 98 60 .615 ~21n a game played last Saturday. Wayne FeU and David ThIs corner thinks the fight will go more than five but leu than PRO IEL IS YOU FROM Halle scored three goals each (or the Hawkeyes. GoaUe 10 and that All will win. U an e:uel round Is needed, make It Baltimore 86 70 .551 8J,1 Pitts 88 89 .581 8'" Cleveland 79 74 .516 14 New York 84 71 .542 11'" Lance SalIabury put in a good performance II did the enUre eight. 79 78 .503 18 PEOPLE WHO DON'1 Hawkeye defense. Allis hitting harder than he bas at any time In hII career, he BOlton St. Louis 71 84 .458 24'" Detroit 89 85 .448 241h Chicago 71 86 .452 25'" Volvo has thought of many things to proteci yuu takes a tremendous punch and no one knows better how to MUw'kee 85 90 .419 29 Montreal 53 102 .343 42'" from the thoughtless acts of others. bandle preBSUre flghtera. Wilt Wet' Like 1&..10 square inches of tinted gla!>.\ to help Sailing Allis 34, an age when I! fighter suddenly can come up empty. KIll City 811 87 .571 x.(:Jncl 99 57 .835 you see trouble comin)!. But pride has carried All a long way and It will playa key role In Oakland 14 71 .542 Los Ang 811 67 .571 10 • Like 4-wheel power·as.~isted disc hrakes. Rack carrying him put Norton, a man who outpointed him In 1m and MInnesota 81 76 .516 Houston ' 77 80 .490 22'" The VI sailors were bUsy this weekend with regattas In emberassed him by breaking his jaw. and pinion steering. And a suspension that pm\'iues WiIcolllln.{)ebkoeh IIld Lakeland-Mentor, Ohio. Iowa's California 72 85 .4511 San Fran 72 811 .456 28 "He knows I can reach him and hurt him," says Norton. "J'm 30 stability during a drastic evasive maneuver. took the T~as 72 85 .459 San Diego 69 8'1 .442 IIiIorI second at Osbkoeh, while IlDors placed alxth . going to make him quit." , Atlanta 69 88 .439 3OJ,l For further proteclion. Volvo give, you energy· at Lakeland. Chicago 84 92 .410 Norton, a former Fruler I!Ip8ITing partner, moves In and x-cllnched division title x-cllncbed division title absorbing front and rear ends. And a steel passenger In the Oahkoeh regaUi Noire Dame won with 25 points and cage which has supported se\ en tons withollt u throws hooks In a style similar to that rl Smokln' Joe. But he Tuetday'. Game. Iowa, In Its best IbOWUIg of the fall season, placed second rue.day', Ga mel buckling. with 40 points. Other team acorea were W\aconaln 44, Purdue doesn't put on u much pressure and the hook is less violent. . Teus (Perry 14-14) at Min· However, he has a good left jab-All thinks It's Norton's best nesota (Singer 12-9) San Francisco (Knepper ~2) Stop by. LeI u PUI you in. ::;L;.~~~= 45, Wlaconaln.oahkoeb 41, IIld MarqueUe 53. Milwaukee (Colborn 9-14 and at Atlanta (LaCorte 9-10), n the prolective custody of .... 'lbe low point "A" skipper wu Paul Maklelakl from Notre punch-and equals All with his 5-foot-3 height and 5-lnch reach. "I see a possible Norton win;" says EddIe Futch, who wu In Haas ~1) at Baltimore (Gar· Chicago (R. Reuschel 13-11) a Volvo today. Dame with 13 points. He bad a borrowed crew. Jay KIley WII Norton's corner and frazier's comer when they banded All his land 19-7 and May 14-10), t-n at Pittsburgh (Med1ch 7·11), n the low point "B" skipper IIld hiI crew was Tom Roles; they New Vork (Figueroa 19-9) at Montreal (Keener ~1) at New VOLVO had 12 points and were also from Notre Dame. only two defeats. "I know he knows how to do it. I taugbt him York (LaUch 8-13 or Apodaca 3- iii ,.'.IfoCH,¥. Of' ,UtU,, :~ 0_1'0 ••,00" how. It all dependa on tactics." Boston (Kreuger 1·1), n ''''' _It ••,." .~ , . Iowa's "A" skipper Ron Kem and crew Jodie Haeusa1er Kansas City (Leonard 17-9) at 7), n ALLEN IMPORTS placed third with 21 points. Iowa'. "B" skipper Gary AU says there will be no dancing, that he will fight Norton the Oakland (Blue 17·12), n Philadelphia (Carlton 19-6) at Lehnertz and crew Mary Howard placed second with 19 way Foreman did when he knocked Norton down and stopped Only games scheduled St. Louis (Rasmussen 5-12), n 1024 1st Ave NE Cedar Rapids 363·2611 poIDts. Lehnertz toot flrat In the first three race., but wu him In the second J'OWId. dIaquaWied In the fourth ~~. The Oshkoeh regatta wu sailed on Lake Winnebago with winds from 1~15 miles per hour. Zuni Wedding The Lakeland regaUi WII sailed on Lake Erie and Iowa placed mtb out of nine teams. Toledo captured first with 51 Bands of Silver, points. (Q)[fl) ~[M)@ ~~[fl)®ooo Turquoise or Low point HAlO skipper Pllul MUchie and crew Phyllis Crosstown Players and with the 01 sports staff Coral James of Toledo bad 17 points. OhIo Wea1eYIll took the low IMU Programming presents poIot "B" wit!) 22 points; their skipper WII Steve PoUch IIld $30 crew GordIce Brown. your slle avillible Iowa's "A" skipper Ian Lynch IIld crew PhIl Vincent The ultimate nightmare of the since rated teams from both the The placed fourth with 48 points and Zan Bockea WII Iowa's "B" Do lIy Iowan sports staff bas Top Ten and Bottom Ten will skipper. She placed aeventh with 52 points. occurred. Five teama beat the meet each other. Remember to oddsmakers while the circle the winner and predict a tiebreaker actua1ly ended In a score for the tiebreaker game. FANfASTICKS Davis Cup tie. That's rlgbt, by going with Send your entry (one entry per the favorites, tbe average person) through the campus or reader missed at leut four If U.S. Mail to On the Line, The ROME (AP) - AdrIano PanaUl, winner of the ItaliIIl and not five games. Needle81 to say, Datry Iowan, 201 Com· c...., ... """ ...... ,."...... A Dinner-Theatre event: $6.00 FrenclI open titles earlier this year, nudged Italy Into the ...... -~ -...... nobody picked them all rlgbt; In munications Center, by .... ,....,...... cat ... OoIr "'-'-'1 ..... __ Where: Main Lounge·IMU Davia Cup tennis fIna1 when he beat Australian veteran John fact, the winner wu chOlen Thursday noon, or else drop It . '(our scor. Cln mHn mort When: October 5 & 6, 6:30 p.m. Newcombe In a delayed singles match on Monday. - from a group of five who each off personally in Room 111 , thin YelIrs 01 coli. _k. 'lbe final score wu 5-7, U, 6-4, 6-2, giving Italy the 3-2 ad­ WhV nOl O.t Ih. bllt missed two games. SInce none Communications Center. pr~rll i on IVllllbl.? vantage It needed to meet ChIle In the final In December. of these five Individuals ______Tuition $125 plus 120 depoIlt Tickets are available through October I OIile advanced earUer when the Soviet Union defaulted for for mat'rial, InclUCIII 21 cl .. at IMU Ticket Office 11 a.m.·3 p.m. predicted a tie, nor were they hours, VOluminous mattrl.I • • political reuolll. wrong, or right, on the Iowa' at Southern Cal profession,l staff, trill run The fIna) match had been called becaUse of darkneal on tiebreaker, a winner wu pulled Oklahoma at Iowa State eKlm plus counseling, e"trl Sunday with the score tied at 5-7, U, 2-2. But It WII all Pill­ help, m,ke·up classes. f1llClble Tickets go on sale TODAY from the depths of a aboeboz. Teus AiM at IllInois scheduling lOCI many othlf I aUl'. when play reaumed Monday, and be needed only one The drawing picked Jack Alabama at Georgia fealures. hour to claim the victory. Glnnever, 630 S. Governor, as LouisIana State at Florida I C,U or wrlt.1IOW Newcombe, 32, winner of three Wimbledon titles, played the winner and a saiNIck of hla Wake Forest .t Michigan m·m·367' well, but lacked the UIIltIc toucb he diIolayed In the 2J,1 hours favorite brew ii' awaiting him at MInnesota at Wuhlngton '15 Olker"Ut. No. 10 ~ ccmpetIUon on Sunday. The lou left him ~2 l8llnat Italy lowl City. IOWI 522. Ted McLaugbJln'1 FIrst Avenue North . carolina at Milaourl CII.... ln In the aemlflnala. Annex. ThOle who remained In Columbia at Pennsylvania margin IOWA lowe City & PanaUl, II, served superbly, but he took a decisive the shoebox were Mignon tiebreaker • ~~T.~ 'DIs MoI_ with tremendous service returns which lICOred repeatedly, Guthrie, Larry Hylton, Horat UCLA at Ohio State forcing Newcombe to stay at the baaeIIne IIld re1lnqulab the Badorties IIld Steven Tollman. initiative. This week, up.ets aside, Name ______should be very challenging . Addresal...-_____ Gdery""ffib8iQ OFFICIAL NOnCE We are the only gallery In the world specializing In BEFORE THE IOWA STATE COMMERCE ORIGINAL ART foROM ANIMATED FILMS COMMISSION Levrs DI sney - Wa rners' MGM· TV -Othel'S for anywhere Storyboards, conceptuals, pencils, bkgs., eels $10 and up. Bank cards welcome. Layaway. TO THE CmzENS OF JOHNSON COUNTY NoIIce II hereby given that a petition lor franchlle jo 1feCt, maintain and ® on earth. Gallery Hours : Tuesday thru Sat., 10 - 6. operate an electric tranemIIeion lne u provided lor In Chapltr 489, Code of Iowa, 1975, hal been flied by Benton County Electric CoaperaIIYe M­ jeans. shirts. jackets 429 GL.Oranty Building Cedar Rapids IOCillion, VInIon, IOWI, and l1li the IIid petition II1II lOI1h the following : (319) 363-6136 . u the muImum voltage; ItIrUng poinll, IOUIeI and tIm1InI of the prop- ...... 0Md Mne; (12,500 \lOll U~nd three-phaee wye connected neutrlf mufti. AT THE FOOT OF 11'1: MOl.MAN grounded.) Beginning lithe NoI1htut comtr, SeoIIon EighI (8), Townthip EIghty. ~ Preen.. er. (81) North. Range EIght (8) Will of the fifth (5ch) P.M., JoIInlOl'l County, Iowl, Ihenct ICfOM road North 10 North margin of road. IOUth • WO!T!IOIIook 'B:&. Broebts Ine of SecIIon FIve (5) HId TOWIIIhIp and Range, thence Will on North .margln of road, South 1111 of SecIIone FIve (5) and SIx (6) on county road The Exception Ini The Rule lor Two (2) mil • . Wi telev QJjecIIona 10 tile granting of IUCh Docket i-183M muellle In writing and carul tiled In~, WItIthll CommiIIIon, no llIIflllln 20daylallerlhe date held WEDNESDAY SEPT. 29th of IIOOnd p(IbIc:aIIon of fill noIIoe, till being the ...... of two conteOUIIve Tues plJbIr;IIIonI. / 'lb .McBrlde AudItorIum IOWA STATE COMMERCE COMMISSION Leal! pick • Maurice V.,. Noetrand, Chairman .Donation at the door Flid H. Moore, CommiaIIoIIIt' Dole Mary F. HoiIIad, CommiMioner deI'S ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY ~I· l'" s)lw: ATTUT: Th IpGI iIGNd by the comer Clnton & Washington IJId Fru """ltlan Wlekw 'ii'M-