An informational, literary, educational, and training magazine of Muslim Community, USA

The Ahmadiyya October-November 2008

Special Edition: Historic First Visit of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V aba to USA USA aba Scenes from historic first visit of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V to USA October - November 2008 1 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

An educational and spiritual monthly publication

OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE AHMADIYYA tltablt of QContenti MOVEMENT IN , USA 2 Al-Qur'an October-November 2008 3 Al-Hadith 4 Sayings of the Promised Messiah"' Patron Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar 5 English Rendering of the Friday Sermon Delivered by Hadhrat Ameer Jama'at USA Khalifatul Masih y•h• on June 20, 2008 at Harrisburg, PA

Editor-in-Chief Dr. Naseer Ahmad 10 Synopsis of the Friday Sermon Delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih y•h• on September 12, 2008 at Baitul Futuh, London Editor Dr. Karimullah Zirvi 15 Address To Lajna lmaillah USA by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih v•~ at the Occasion of60thJalsa Salana USA in Harrisburg, PA Editorial Advisor Muhammad Zafrullah 23 Closing Address by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih y•b• at the Occasion of60thJalsa Salana USA in Harrisburg, PA Hanjra 34 The True Islamic Jihad: Address by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih v•t Cover: LatifAhmed Photos: Kalim Bhatti at the Reception in His Honor at Tysons' Hilton , Mclean, VA

40 60th Jalsa Salana USA Held at Harrisburg, PA from June 20- 28, 2008 : A Brief Report

52 Hadhrat Adam"' to Hadhrat Ahmad"'-Khilafat from Inception to Perfection: Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar, Ameer Jama'at USA Masjid Baitur Rehman 55 Divine Acceptance of the Prayers of the Khulafa: 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905 Maulana Shamshad Ahmad Nasir

Phone: 301-879-0110 Fax: 301-879-0115 62 The First Century of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya-Our Services and Editor: [email protected] Sacrifices: Anwar Mahmood Khan Tel. and Fax: 201-794-8122 69 Reinforcing Our Ties with Khilafat Through Mutual Brotherhood: Nasir Malik 75 Cultivating a Personal Bond with the Khalifah: Faheem Younus Qureshi

Acronyms for salutations used in this publication 80 Introduction of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community: Falahuddin Shams saw: sallallahu alaihi wasallam (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) 85 A Message of Peace--A Timeless Pact for Interfaith as: alaihissalam Harmony: Maulana Azhar Haneef (Peace be upon him) 92 The Sun (of Islam) Shall Rise in the West-A Prophecy Fulfille, ra: radhi allahu 'anhu Through the Messiah and His Khulafa: Maulana Daud A. Hanif (May Allah be pleased with him/her) rh: rahimahullahu ta'ala 106 The Hand of God is Over the Hand of the Khalifah-A Century of (May Allah shower mercy on him/her) Evidence and Experience: Dr. Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad aba: ayyada hullah ta'ala binasrihil aziz 112 60th Jalsa Salana USA 2008: Lajna lmaillah USA Jalsa (May Allah strengthen him with His mighty help) Report: Asma Siddiqui swt: subhana wa ta'ala (Holy and Exalted) 113 Lajna lmaillah's Pledge of Allegiance to the Institution of Khilafat: Dr. Shanaz Butt, Sadr Lajna lmaillah USA

117 Devotion of Khilafat-We Hear and We Obey: Saliha Malik The AJunadiyya Gazette USA is published by the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Inc., at the local address: 122 Establishment of Khilafat as a Source of Spiritual Guidance For Mankind: Dhiya Tahira Bakr

The World Processing Lab 126 Fruits of Ahmadiyyat (1): Sira AJunad P.O. Box 226, Chauncey, OH 45719 129 Fruits of Ahmadiyyat (2): Laeeqa S. Ahmad Periodicals Postage Paid at Chauncey, 133 ljtema Report From Lajna lmaillah, USA: Postmaster: Send address changes to Atiya Chaudhry and Sabiha Syeda The Ahmadiyya Gazette 136 Poem: The Promise of Khilafat: Amjad Mahmood Khan P.O. Box 226, Chauncey, OH 45719-0226 137 Poem: Eid 2008: Hadayatullah Hubsch, Germany

143 2008 USA Annual Convention Media Coverage: Harris R. Zafar October - November 2008 2 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


0 ye who believe! seek help with patience and Prayer; surely, Allah is with the steadfast. And say not of those who are· killed in the cause of Allah that they are dead; nay they are living; only you perceive not. And We will try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives, and fruits; but give glad tidings to the patient. Who, when a misfortune overtakes them, say, 'Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.' (2: 154-157)


The verse (2: 154) contains a golden principle of success. first, a Muslim should patiently persevere in his endeavors, never relaxing his efforts to achieve his object and never losing heart, at the same time avoiding what is harmful, and sticking fast to all that is good. Secondly, he should pray to God for success; for He alone is the Source of all good. The word Sabr(patient perseverence) precedes the word Salat(Prayer) in the verse in order to emphasize the importance of observing the laws of God which are sometimes flouted in ignorance. Ordinarily, Prayer can be effective only when it is accompanied by the use of all the necessary means created by God for the attainment of an object. The verse (2: 155) comprises a great psychological truth which is calculated to excercise tremendous influence on the life and progress of a people. A people, who do not properly honor their martyrs and do not take steps to remove the fear of death from their hearts, seal their own fate. This verse (2: 156) constitutes a fitting sequel to the preceding one. should be prepared not only to lay down their lives in the cause of Islam but should also be prepared to suffer all sort of afflictions which will be imposed on them as a trial. Oc1ober - November 2008 3 Ahmadiyya Gazelle USA


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Hadhrat Jabir bin 'Abdullahn relates that one day the Holy Prophet'"w met him

11 and asked: "0 Jabir! Why do you look worried and sad today? He said: 'O Messenger wof Allah! My father was martyred and he has left behind a big loan and a big family.' The Holy Prophet"w said: 'Should I not give you glad tiding about what your father was bestowed by God Almighty?' He said: 'Yes, Messenger"w of Allah. You must tell me.' The Holy Prophet'"w said: 'God Almighty has always talked from behind the curtain. However, He raised your father and talked with him directly. He told him to ask Him anything he wished and He would give it to him.' Your father responded: 'O my Lord! I wish that You give me life again and send me back to the world so that I can be martyred again in Your cause.' At this, the Lord of Honour and Glory said: "This can not be done because I have made the Law that I will not make anyone alive after death and send him back to the world.'"

{Tirmidhi abwbattafsir tafsir surah al-e-Imran) October - November 2008 4 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

SAYIN6SOF THE PROMISED MESSIAHAS Opponents Destined to be Humiliated

It is worth bearing in mind that God Almighty will not leave this Jama'at of His without furnishing proof of its truth. He has Himself said, as mentioned in Brahin-e­ Ahmadiyya: 'A Warner came into the world and the world did not accept him, but God will accept him and will establish his truth with powerful assaults'. Those who have rejected me, or are eager to reject me, are destined to be humiliated and brought low. They do not reflect that if all this had been human imposture, I would have been ruined long ago, for God Al­ mighty has such enmity with an impostor as He has not with anyone else in the world. They do not consider how a liar could possess such steadfastness and courage. They do not realize that only he can speak so splendidly and majestically who enjoys the support of the Unseen and only such a one can have the courage to stand up alone against the whole world. Be on the look out, for the days are coming, indeed they are near, when the enemy will be dis­ graced and friends will be most cheerful. Blessings Upon Those Who Accept

Who is my friend? It is he who has accepted me before seeing any sign and has offered his life, property and honor in such a manner as if he had witnessed thousands of signs This is my Jama'at. These are my friends who found me alone and helped me, and found me sor­ rowful and consoled me, and being unacquainted honored me like a friend. May God Al­ mighty have mercy on them. If anyone accepts the truth only after witnessing signs, what is that to me and what reward will he obtain and what honor would he find in the presence of the Lord of Honor? Those alone have accepted me in reality who observed me with a dis­ cerning eye and weighed my words with intelligence and considered my circumstances, and listened to me, and reflected and, on that basis, God opened their hearts to me and they joined me. He alone is with me who gives up his own pleasure for my pleasure, and makes me an arbiter in whatever he does, and walks along my path, and is wholly devoted to me, and has discarded his own self I am compelled to affirm with a sigh that those who seek clear signs will not be honored by my Lord God with praiseworthy titles and honorable ranks which will be bestowed upon the righteous ones who recognized the hidden secrets and who smelled the fragrance of the servant [of God] who was hidden under His mantle. For exam­ ple, what merit can be claimed by the one who offers his salutation to a prince whom he ob­ serves in his pomp and glory, surrounded by his men? Deserving of merit is the one who en­ counters him in the guise of a beggar and recognizes him. It is not within my power to be­ stow such insight upon anyone for it is only the One Who bestows it. Those whom He holds dear, He invests with the discernment of faith. These are the things through which those who are inclined' towards guidance are guided and the same things become the cause of more crookedness for those whose hearts are crooked.

(A 'ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Roohani Khaza 'in, vol. 5, pp. 349-350) October - November 2008 5 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA Friday Sermon Delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih vaba on 20th June, 2008 at US Annual Convention In Harrisburg, PA Shermeen Butt

Hazooraba delivered today's Friday Sermon from , USA. The USA 60th Jalsa Salana commenced with Hazoor'saba sermon. Hazooraba said for a long time it was the wish of the US Jama 'at as well as Hazoor'saba wish for him to visit USA. The Jalsa Salana that takes place in all the countries of the world was started by the Promised Messiahas 35 through Divine permission and it is blessed by the prayers of the Promised Messiah • Al­ though the first ever Jalsa that the Promised Messiahas held was only attended by seventy five people but these people were trained by the Promised Messiahas and they had a special bond with Allah, they were highly developed in their faith. The light of their belief and cer­ tainty of belief had absorbed Divine Grace and Allah had greatly blessed their endeavors. They were ardent devotees of the Promised Messiahas and had spent that first Jalsa gathered around their beloved Messiah in a . Their spiritual insight at the time would have given them a perception that this Jalsa was going to extend from the four walls of a mosque to a ground and not just a ground in Qadian rather in grounds around most countries of the world and the Jalsa Salana would not suffice on small grounds rather it would expand to acres and acres of ground.

Hazooraba said Jama' ats around the world are now purchasing land encompassing huge acreage. Hazoor3ba said the USA Jama'at had also bought some land and built a beauti­ ful mosque there (Baitur Rahman) and held Jalsa there for some years. Later, venues were hired to hold the Jalsa Salana just as the venue from where Hazooraba delivered today's ser­ mon and where the current Jalsa is being held. Hazooraba said now USA Jama' at is also looking for land to purchase. All this makes one ponder and indeed convinces one that the Divine promises made to the Promised Messiahas were true. Hazoor said this is the same USA where the early Ahmadi missionaries were imprisoned and were not allowed to do Tabligh. Later Allah removed the impediments and today the Jama'at is looking at purchas­ ing land in the region of a hundred or two hundred acres. However, Hazooraba said, we should be mindful that our objective is not to purchase large areas of land or to increase the attendance at Jalsa. The Promised Messiahas did not wish the Jalsa to project self-acclaim, rather he wished to make a Jama'at of people who excelled in taqwa (righteousness), to make an army of people who honored the dues of mankind. Hazooraba said we should be mindful that once we have joined the community of the Promised Messiahas we cannot come into the sphere of peace and security with out making any effort. We need to understand our obligations and just as more and more time is elapsing from the life-time of the Promised Messiahas our endeavors and striving need to be that much more. Each parent will have to October - November 2008 6 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA check their practices to present a good model for their children. In the Western countries in particular but all over the world in general, in this age of materialism, if the parents do not seek Divine nearness, they would be excluding themselves and their children from the sphere of peace and security. People would be uttering Allah's name but their practices would be negating their utterances.

Hazooraba said the Promised Messiahas explained that the objective of the Jalsa is that the regular and frequent gathering would turn people to the Hereafter and would inculcate humility and honesty. Hazooraba said many of us would have read or heard the Promised Messiah'sas words in this respect but worldly matters create remoteness. It is human nature to forget, moreover, Satan has declared that he would lead people astray. This is the reason Allah commanded the Holy Prophet5aw to continue to admonish so that people are given new ways to protect themselves from Satan and this is the task for which the Promised Messiahas was sent and this is also the task of Khilafat so that there are people who act on 'And obey Allah and the Messenger' (3:133).

Hazooraba said the first thing the Promised Messiahas cites in the extract is taqwa and taqwa is cleansing the 'vessel' of Nafs-e-Ammara (the self that incites to evil) and piety is the food that is served in this vessel and it takes one to Divine nearness. Allah states in the Holy Qur'an: 'And as for those who strive in Our path - We will surely, guide them in Our ways. And, verily, Allah is with those who do good.' (Surah Al- 'Ankabut verse 70). Hazoor said when a person enhances in fear and love of God, God teaches him/her ways and means to cleanse the 'vessel'. Hazooraba said in the West these days there are so many different de­ tergents and cleaning agents for dish washing, to get rid of the grease and even to kill the bacteria and get rid of odors. Housewives take particular care to wash dishes which have been used for eggs or fish. When we take such care to wash dishes, dishes that are likely to break in our life-time or if they do not break we certainly cannot take them with us when we die, yet we take such care of these dishes. However, the vessel of our heart, which we are commanded to cleanse with Taqwa and which will be of avail after we have passed away from this world, we tend to ignore. Moreover the 'piety' of this vessel would be of advantage to our future generation as well. Our next generations will continue to endeavor and strive for the pleasure of Allah. Hazooraba said food does not go off in a vessel that has been cleansed with Taqwa, rather it strengthens the body with an everlasting strength, the doors to Allah's Grace continue to open and a person comes out of the pits of Naj'i-e-Ammara into a strong refuge.

The Holy Qur'an cites commandments about Taqwa and temperance more than any other commandments and the reason for this is that Taqwa strengthens one in the prevention of evil. Taqwa is an amulet of security for man and a righteous person is saved from many absurd and dangerous conflicts which others are embroiled in. Hazooraba said rather than be simply impressed by the eloquence of these words of wisdom we are required to search our hearts and we need to strive in the way that Allah has taught us. Hazooraba said we are so for­ tunate and need to be extremely grateful to Allah that not only has He called us onto His path but in this age He has facilitated clearing of these ways for us through the true and ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) that is, the Promised October - November 2008 7 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Messiahas who has left us signs and directions along the way and has illuminated the dark­ ness of the way. Referring to the earlier extract of the Promised Messiahas. Hazooraba said how do we become active in Taqwa, how do we cleanse the vessel of Nafs-e-Ammara? The Promised Messiahas said by being gentle. He said that if one of his co-religionist brother used harsh tone with him, it would be a pity if he responded in the same manner. What he should do is be patient and fervently and passionately pray for the brother rather than criticize him for the brother would be spiritually ill. One cannot be a true believer unless one's heart is tender and gentle. To respond to evil with good is a sign of goodness and to suppress one's anger is an act of extreme bravery. Hazooraba said there are people in the community who crush their egotism, respond to evil with good and pray for each other in Salat and indeed this is how it should be. However, there are others who do the opposite. Hazooraba said how can it be that a believer prays for his brother, forgives his excesses and still has hatred?

Hazooraba said in this instance a matter that has come to his attention earlier and also during his current visit was that there were three types of Ahmadis in USA. Those of sub­ continental origin including both old and new Ahmadis, then there are African American Ahmadis, who are increasing in numbers as well as in sincerity by the grace of Allah and some of whom are active members of the administration (Nizaam) of the Jama 'at. Then there are the white Americans who are also increasing in piety though their numbers are not huge. Hazooraba said he did not see the unity that should be seen among the Pakistani Ahmadis and the African American Ahmadis on every level. He heard complaints from both sides. If the words of the Promised Messiahas are reflected on, it does not behoove that after joining his community the people of Pakistani origin should discriminate against the African American Ahmadis. They need to adopt those humble ways that the Promised Messiahas adopted and which pleased Allah so much that He revealed a revelation: 'He is pleased with your humble ways' (Tadhkirah p. 845)

Hazooraba said as the Pakistani Ahmadis have been in the community longer, it is their obligation to blend and absorb those who are new and to foster brotherhood and to look up to the model of the Ansars of Medina and the migrants of Mecca from early Islam who truly made great sacrifices for each other . Hazooraba said if we are to attract the world to us we have to abandon hatred and malice and have to look after each other. What does being active in religious expedition mean? There is no greater expedition than to bring the whole world under the banner of the Holy Propheeaw. If we had mutual discord how could we ever do Tabligh? How would our tasks be blessed? Hazooraba whether one is of Asian origin or is an African American or a white American, if one has not brought about a pure change in oneself and is not continually striving towards it, then we are straying away from our real objective. Hazooraba said a few days ago he was most pleased to see a family that came for Mulaqat. Hazooraba said seeing them spontaneously stirred up emotions of glorification of Allah. The family constituted of African Americans, white Americans and they also had a Pakistani daughter-in-law. Hazoor said this is the true picture of Ahmadiyyat and Islam be­ cause Ahmadiyyat has come to join hearts. The advent of the Promised Messiahas took place to make man recognize the true God and to establish love among mankind. Hazooraba said if this is not the viewpoint then it is pointless to claim to be an adherent of Khilafat. It is up to the Pakistani and the African Ahmadis to close this gulf. Each one of us should have the words of the farewell sermon of the Holy Prophetsaw in our view in which he enjoined that all October - November 2008 8 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA men were equal and no race or creed had any superiority over another and the only prefer­ ence was due to Taqwa.

Hazooraba said the African American brothers and sisters should remember that if the consider that they are being discriminated against even then they should not think that they are less than anyone. If they have a connection with Allah, the Holy Prophetsaw, the Promised Messiah35 and Klzilafat, then no force on this emth can diminish them and no one worldly power can take this station from them. They should change their minority into a majority and set high standards of Taqwa for the Pakistanis. Complaining does not solve the problem; the problem will be solved by corning together. To the office-holders, Hazooraba said that Prom­ ised Messiahas enjoined that one is 'waited on' only when one serves first. If an Ahmadi comes to the office-holders they should reassure him regardless of the person's ethnic back­ ground. If they are busy they should make alternative time for the person and if they cannot give their time then they should excuse themselves from holding the office. Hazooraba said despite heavy engagements he makes time to listen to the grievances of people so that mu­ tual love is fostered. Hazooraba said if the office-holders were staunch his task would be halved.

Another matter that concerned Hazooraba in the American society was the marriage break-up. Hazooraba said both parities tend to deceive each other, at times the man's family oppresses the woman. Usually it is the men who are unfair, raising the matter of like or dis­ like after marriage. Hazooraba said this matter should be resolved before hand. Once marriage takes place then decency dictates that one is committed to it. Hazooraba said these matters are of great concern for the parents, for the Jama' at and for him. As far as the matter of prefer­ ence is considered, Hazooraba said the benchmark should be faith. It is not that compatibility should not be considered, however, even in compatibility the main aspect should be of relig­ ion. Addressing the young women Hazooraba said they should try and excel in faith so that no one can allege that they are weak of faith and that is why it is not possible to continue. Ha­ zooraba said making a connection with Allah also has its own blessings. Hazooraba said this is a significant problem all over the world but it is more prevalent in USA. He said he does not know whose fault it is initia11y but towards the ends usually it is the man and his family who are in the wrong. Where children are involved harassment is caused through emotional hurt although the Holy Qur'an makes very specific and clear commandments in this respect. At times the children are taken away form the mother and when Hazooraba has the matter inves­ tigated lies are written to him. Hazooraba said people can deceive him but no one can deceive Allah. Hazooraba said all this is borne out of a lack of Taqwa and this is on the increase which concerns Hazooraba. Hazooraba said one office-holder told him to tell the young women that these are the types of young men we have in the Jama' at if they wanted to make do. Ha­ zooraba said his message to the office-holders is to make un-biased decisions. Also this re­ mark is a badzani (negative conjecture, thinking ill) on the Ahmadi young men as well as a badzani on Allah that He cannot reform. Hazooraba said he has observed great changes through prayers and counsel. He said how could he tell the young women that there was no solution to this that they should bear up or that he should declare about the young men that they are not worthy of reformation. Hazooraba said having observed the sincerity among the young men he cannot believe the comment the office-holder made to him. These young men October - November 2008 9 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA are replete with sincerity. Hazooraba said the office-holders should not pass on the burden to Hazooraba and the young men and women should self-examine and whoever is in the wrong should reform themselves and try and create a beautiful society. Attention should be given to gentleness, good deeds and worship of God, which are all the building blocks of Taqwa. If each Ahmadi was to understand this reality a revolutionary change could be brought about in the true sense of the word. However, it is essential to endeavor and strive. Good deeds need to be put in practice. Hazooraba said there is a long list of Tarbiyyati matters that he shall ad­ dress in his forthcoming speeches.

Hazooraba prayed that may Allah enable the attendees of the Jalsa to bring about a pure change in themselves and may they be able to fulfill the objective which one pledges to after coming into the Bai'at of the Promised Messiahras. May Allah enable each person to do this. ******* HAJJ

Hadhrat Abu Hurairahra relates: The Holy Prophetsaw addressed us and said: "O ye people! Allah has prescribed the Pilgrimage for you, so mind that you perform it. A man asked: 'Messengersa of Allah, is it prescribed every year?' The Holy Prophetsaw kept silent till the man had repeated his question three times. Then the Holy Prophetsaw observed: 'Had I said yes, it would have become obligatory every year and you would not have power to do so; then he added: 'Leave to me what I do not express for you because a some people before you used to ask a lot of questions and they were ruined due to disobeying matters told by their Prophets. Thus when I direct you to do something carry out my direction as far as it is within your power and when I forbid you anything then leave it altogether.' "

(Muslim kitabul Hajj bab faradul hajj marratafil 'umr)

Hadhrat 'Abis bin Rabi 'ahra relates: "I saw Hadhrat 'Umar bin Al­ Khattab kissing the Black Stone and I heard him say: 'I know well thou art but a piece of rock and hast no power to confer a benefit or to do harm. Had I not seen the Holy Prophetsaw kiss you I would never have kissed you.' "

(Bukhari kitabul Hajj bah ma dhikrafil Hajril aswad) October - November 2008 JO Ahmadiyya Gazette USA Synopsis of the Friday Sermon Delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih vaba on 12th September, 2008 at Baitul Futuh Mosque, London, UK Shermeen Butt

Hazooraba cited verse 154 to 157 of Surah Al-Baqarah - the translation reads:

"O ye who believe, seek help with patience and Prayer; surely, Allah is with the steadfast. And say not of those who are killed in the cause of Allah that they are dead; nay they are living, only you perceive not. And We will try you with something of fear and hun­ ger, and loss of wealth and lives, and fruits; but give glad tidings to the patient, Who, when a misfortune overtakes them, say, 'Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return. "

Hazooraba said he cited the above verses with reference to the recent martyrdoms. In­ deed, these verses speak of prayer and patience, the station of the martyrs, the reason for tri­ als and tribulations, focus on being content with Allah's will and being a recipient of His blessings. These are the aspects that signify a true believer. In the first verse Allah states that the sign of a believer is that he/she is not perturbed when difficulties befall. At each difficult time their attention is turned to God and the initial reaction of a believer is to be patient and pray and seek help from Allah. Hazoo~ba said Allah has alerted the believers that there will be difficult times but the demonstration of the strength of faith is in bearing up with patience, not showing any anxiety, not complaining to Allah and not to tum to people to redress the situation rather only tum to Allah and seek His help and stay resolutely firm on the task that has been entrusted to believers. That is, establish Unity of God, take the message of the Prophetasaw of God and also the message of the Imam of the age. For this, it may be that the believers have to sacrifice their wealth and lives and endure spiritual persecution; that is, re­ striction on saying the Shahadah, restriction on saying Salat, abusive remarks about the per­ son of the Promised Messiahas etc. Having alerted the believers Allah states that once they go through the trials and tribulations of persecution with prayer and patience He will always be with them. As for those who give their lives for the cause of faith Allah says they hold a high station in Allah's sight. The enemy tries to eliminate them so that he may weaken the Com­ munity but it should be remembered that Allah is with us. He is the Lord of the cosmos and the killing of one person or a few persons in the cause of faith does not bring about the de­ cline of communities. Attaining Allah's pleasure in fact results in infusing life in many more believers. It injects life in faith and rather than be scared many more rise determined. If the opponents deem they have weakened us then they better listen that one person's death has infused that spirit in us, has granted us that insight of sacrifice that we are ready with re­ newed vigor and passion. Following the martyrdom of Dr. Abdul Mannan Siddiqi, Hazooraba October - November 2008 11 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA said many have verbally as well as in writing expressed to him that wherever there is need, wherever Ahmadi blood is required; give them the opportunity to offer their blood. This has come to pass, Hazooraba said, because those who turn to Allah and are content whatever the circumstances, have no fear of death. A martyr becomes a source of faith-inspiring legacy for such believers while his own status in Paradise continues to be elevated. Allah has clearly declared that one who gives life in the way of Allah is not dead. He instantly acquires a high station in Paradise. Hazooraba said the elevated station is not attained immediately after death by all, a deceased person has to go through an intermediary state, but martyrs attain the high station at once.

A Hadith relates that the Holy Prophet5aw said that for Allah a martyr has six distinc­ tions: he is forgiven the moment the first drop of his blood spills, he sees his station in Para­ dise, he is given refuge from the torment of the grave, he is brought in peace from restless­ ness, he wears a crown of dignity on his head with jewels that put any worldly gems to shame and he is given the right of mediation for seventy relations.

Commenting on the word 'living' (Ahyaa) in verse 155 Hazooraba said it also means for which reprisal is taken. Allah states that if people imagine that by taking a life they have earned great reward they should remember that the one who lost his life has attained Divine nearness because of the martyrdom and the martyrdom does not go unrequited. God Himself takes revenge of every single drop of blood spilled by a martyr. Citing 4:94 Hazooraba said despite reading Allah's Book, despite claiming to be Muslim they [our opponents] are court­ ing Allah's displeasure. Hazooraba related the Hadith where the Holy Prophetsaw was censori­ ous of a companion who had killed a disbeliever despite his verbal assertion of Shahdah say­ ing that the companion had not looked into the heart of the man and therefore had no right to judge his faith. Indeed the Holy Prophet5aw said 'whoever declares that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and rejects all that is worshiped except Allah, his life and property become worthy of esteem. The rest of his accountability is with Allah. Hazooraba said the so­ called religious leaders incite Muslims and allege that we [Ahmadis] assert the first half of the Kalima, that there is none worthy of worship except Allah but we (God forbid) deny the latter half that Muhammad is Allah's Prophet therefore it is obligatory to kill us. Hazooraba remarked, have they looked into our hearts? Hazooraba said the mullah does not even have a fraction of the insight and perception of the status of Khatamun Nabiyyin (Seal of all the prophets) that the Promised Messiahas had and yet they say that it is obligatory to kill us.

Hazooraba read a few excerpts from the noble writings of the Promised Messiahas ex­ alting the lofty station of the Holy Prophetsaw and said that even so these mischievous people say that we do not accept him as the last law-bearing Prophet. They broadcast in the media what neither Allah allows nor His Prophet; yet they carry out the oppression in their name. Addressing these people Hazooraba said there is still time, they should desist from their mis­ chief-making and persecution of Ahmadis. Otherwise they should remember that just as the sign of 'I give them the rein; surely, My plan is mighty' (7: 184) manifested yesterday it can also manifest today and it will. Do not consider Allah's respite as your triumph. The Imam of the age, who has been sent in complete subservience of the Holy Prophet5aw and has been given the status of a prophet in subordination of the Holy Prophetsaw. We are being patient October - November 2008 12 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA until Allah's decree comes. Allah has indeed declared that He shall try with fear, hunger, loss of life and loss of wealth. Those who face these trials with steadfastness join the ranks of those who have Allah's glad-tidings. These trials become a source of spiritual develop­ ment as well as communal advancement. Hazooraba said they oppose us because of our ac­ ceptance of the Promised Messiahas. The pain they inflict on us, the loss of property, the dear martyrs giving their lives, all this is for accepting the Promised Messiahas. If we show reso­ lute steadfastness we will be the recipients of the Divine Promise repeatedly made to the Promised Messiahas through revelation:

'Verily We have granted thee a clear victory,' (48:2).

Hazooraba said trials come in the lives of nations to exhibit Allah's Power and His Signs. These martyrdoms and persecution that the Community is going through in parts of the world have a resonance of the sound of 'clear victory'. The joy of the enemy is but tem­ porary. Martyrdom of all Ahmadis has borne fruits and will Insha Allah continue to do so. We have witnessed the spectacle of the chastisement of the enemy in the past, similarly to­ day Allah's words reassure us; ' ... But Allah seized them for their sins, and they had no pro­ tector against Allah.' (40:22). Today, it is the very same Living God Who shall bring them to their end, God of true promises Who will fulfill the promises to the Promised Messiahas just as He has been fulfilling them in the past. Our task is to stay firm on faith and never let the excellences of those brothers die out who have sacrificed their lives.

Hazooraba said he would briefly speak about the two recent martyrs. One of them was our very dear brother Dr. Abdul Mannan Siddiqi. He was the first martyr after 27th May 2008 and the great martyr gave his life as a testimony that our faith is just as resolute in the second century of the Ahmadiyya Khilafat as it was in the first century and beyond and we are just as ready and willing to sacrifice our loves. This martyr was only 46 years old and with his young martyrdom he has generated a spirit in the youth as if giving them a message that loss of life notwithstanding, no dishonor should be brought on the Bai'at of the Prom­ ised Messiahas and one should be ever prepared for every sacrifice for the Khilafat-e­ Ahmadiyya. Hazooraba said he had a charming temperament. Hazooraba knew him personally from earlier on. His father, Abdul Rahman Siddiqi Sahib, was an acquaintance of Ha­ zoor' saba father and would come and visit. He served as Ameer of Mirpur Khas region for forty years. After the partition of India when he arrived in Pakistan, Hadhrat Musleh Mau'oodra instructed him to settle in the Mirpur Khas region which he promptly followed. Abdul Mannan was born after eleven years of marriage. In 1988 he went to USA for further/ post graduate medical studies and later started work there. However, his father wrote him to return to Pakistan saying the purpose of his education was to serve the poor and the needy of the area. He immediately returned to Pakistan and started serving there. Dr. Abdul Mannan Siddiqi's maternal grandfather was Hashmatullah Khan Sahib, a companion of the Promised Messiahas. He is survived by his mother who is a very pious and affectionate lady and had served Lajna for many years. Despite her old age and illness she has accepted the martyrdom of her son with great steadfastness. Hazooraba said prayers should be made that she is con­ stantly granted steadfastness. Dr. Abdul Mannan served the Community in several capacities and was currently the Ameer of Mirpur Khas region. He took over the hospital after his fa­ ther passed away. He would personally organize a medical camp in the [remote] Tharparker October - November 2008 13 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA region where he would personally visit and heal thousands of people. At his martyrdom peo­ ple came from far and wide to pay respects. Allah had granted this servant of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) the power of healing. He was known in the entire province of Sindh. He was a very popular person who was most keen on Tabligh. Hazooraba said in the last five years Hazooraba observed the frequency with which he would request Hazoor'saba prayers for Tabligh work. One reason of people harboring enmity for him was his Tabligh work. He would fearlessly do Tabligh to feudal lords. By taking his life the enemy imagines he has taken away a source of Tabligh, but the foolish do not realize that by sacrificing his life Dr. Abdul Mannan will generate several more Abdul Mannans to rise. He was married in his family to Amtul Shafi Sahiba who is an American citizen. They have two children, a daughter 18 and a son 13. Amtul Sahafi Sahiba is the Sadr Lajna of Mirpur Khas region

Hazooraba said as he mentioned earlier, he had an old connection with him, as did his father with Hazoor's father. His maternal grandfather Dr. Hashmatllah Khan was the physi­ cian of Hadhrat Musleh Mau'oodra, it was thus an old family connection. Dr. Mannan was one of those people who do not ever appear perturbed no matter what. There was great en­ mity around but he organized the region's affairs superbly. He did not ever use his personal connection to further any personal matter, rather he used it to further the cause of the Com­ munity. Hazooraba said what greatly endeared him to Hazooraba was his ever smiling face. Hazooraba added it is not just his opinion, everyone has expressed this feeling. He was utterly humble with no presumptions about his high education, ownership of a hospital, presidency of the region etc. Hazooraba said an Ahmadi from Sindh has summed up his personality rather well that he was the 'Ameer of Da 'ieen-e-ilallah (summoners to Allah) in Sindh'. Ha­ zooraba said not only did he treat his needy patients free of charge; he also gave them some financial help. While feudal lords and land owners came to pay their respects on his passing away so did poor men and women paying emotional tributes to Dr. Sahib. He had a very strong and sincere connection with Khilafat. Hazooraba said in his opinion Dr. Sahib was an embodiment of a devotee of Khilafat and was among the best of Hazoor' saba partners. Ha­ zooraba said he had great confidence in him in terms of executing any Jama'at work. He had received threats for some time now but he kept doing his task, he was one of the finest work­ ers of the Community, may Allah elevate his station in Paradise. May Allah also grant stead­ fastness to his wife, she has demonstrated exemplary steadfastness and has been supportive to her mother-in-law as well as her children. Despite being born and bred in the USA she supported her husband with complete sincerity. May Allah grant her a long life and may she experience the delights of her children.

Next Hazoor read out some tributes paid by people outside the Community. These included the MQM leader Altaf Hussein, the President of the Pakistan Medical Association Mirpur Khas and a few other organizations. Hazooraba said the so-called religious leaders would not understand the tributes paid to Dr. Sahib.

The other recent martyr was Saith Muhammad Yusuf Sahib. He was the Ameer of Nawabshah region. He served the Community most sincerely and has been the Ameer of the region since 1993. He was a sociable, compassionate person who was very popular and al­ ways preceded in saying Salaam. He took great care and attention to all the needs of October - November 2008 14 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Waaqfeen-e-Zindagi (life devotees), he was a Moosi and had a large mosque built in Nawab­ shah. He was a heart patient and lived on the first floor. As there is no arrangements like lifts or chairlifts etc. in Pakistan he had improvised a pulley system that enabled him to go up and down the stairs so that he could accomplish his Jama' at work. He was seventy years old and is survived by his wife and four children, three sons and a daughter. May Allah elevate his station in Paradise

In addition Hazooraba said he also wanted to appeal for prayers for two people who have been injured. One of them is Sheikh Saeed Ahmad Sahib who was shot and severely injured at his shop in Karachi on the eve of Ramadan. The other is Arif Sahib, an Ahmadi guard who was with Dr. Abdul Mannan Siddiqi. He too is severely injured. Both of these pa­ tients are in a critical condition. May Allah grant them healing with His grace.

These so-called Muslims tend to become very swift in Ramadan in order to earn re­ wards. They do not know what ending Allah cites for people like them. May Allah keep us and the nation protected from such enemies of humanity. Pray abundantly during these days, may Allah keep everyone in His protection. ******* Hadhrat 'Uqbah bin 'Ami{a relates that the Holy Prophet'aw went to the graves of the martyrs of the Battle of Uhud eight years after the battle and prayed as if he was saying farewell to the living and the dead. Then he ascended the pulpit and said: "I am going ahead of you, and I am witness over you and our meeting shall be at the Reservoir in the Heaven (Haude-Kauther). I am looking right now at the place where I will be standing. I am not worried that you will start associating partners with Allah. However, with regards to the world, I am worried about you that you may try to compete with each other for gaining the world." Hadhrat Uqbahra says this was his last opportunity of looking at the Holy Prophetsaw.

Another narration is: "I am worried that you will compete with each other for gaining the world. Consequently, you will fight each other, which will cause your destruction like the people before you were destroyed by doing so."

According to another narration the Holy Prophetsaw said: "I am going ahead of you so that I could do good for you and I am witness over you. By God! I am looking at the Reservoir in the Heaven where I will stand. I have been given the keys to the treasures of the world or the keys of the whole world. By God! I am not worried that you will become pagans after I depart. Rather, I am worried that you will compete with each other for worldly things." (Muslim kitabul Fada'il bah athbat haud nabiyyinasa, Bukhari kitabul maghazi bah ghazwah Uhud, Kitabul jana 'iz babussalat 'alashshahid) October - November 2008 15 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA ADDRESS TO LAJNA IMA'ILLAH USA BY HADHRAT KHALIFATUL MASIH vaba AT THE OCCASION OF 60th JALSA SALANAUSA DELIVERED ON JUNE 21, 2008 IN HARRISBURG, PA

Transcribed by Rabia Malik

Today, Allah the Almighty is fulfilling your desire to see me standing before you and directly addressing Lajna Imaillah America. In this connection, I had received many letters from you and I too wanted to address you directly. Alhamdolillah that He granted me this op­ portunity today. Allah the Almighty has conferred many favors on the Jama'at Ahmadiyya. He has made all inventions of the age for the service of the servants of the Promised Messiahas. The Promised Messiahas has himself said that all these modem inventions have been provided by Allah Almighty in support of the Messiah. Amongst these inventions and befitting the time, an outstanding invention is one that transmits its voice and pictures from one place to another in seconds, that is to say the satellite television system. Words are inadequate to thank Allah the Almighty for bestowing these favors through his special grace upon the Ahmadiyya commu­ nity. Programs in different languages on the message of Islam and Ahmadiyyat, Tarbiyyat or training and reformation of the Jama' at as well as sermons and speeches that rank as guidance of the Jama' at are being received instantaneously throughout the world . There was a time when a speaker had to shout loudly until well into the time of the second Khalifah Hadhrat Musleh Mau'oodra. Audio facility was not available in Qadian, when the facility became avail­ able Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih nra announced that now that he was audible from the men's area, he no longer felt a need to deliver a speech to the ladies separately unless he had to say some­ thing specific and important to them. Nevertheless, he reserved the matter for consideration. In view of the importance of the ladies as well as the strong demand made by them, the necessity of a separate address to the ladies remained and this practice continues to date. In any case, a large number of members of the Jama'at comprises ladies and hence it is a right of Ahmadi la­ dies that the Khalifah of the time address them directly. Through MTA, the Jama'at has be­ come so aware of these traditions that the newcomers who are resolute in obedience try to adopt each and every tradition of Ahmadiyyat.

As you know, a few weeks ago, I was on a tour to Africa. During the Jalsa Salana of Nigeria, the agenda drafted in accord with this tradition required that on the second day of the Jalsa, the Khalifah of the time address the Lajna or perhaps this had been mentioned in their program. Anyway, due to the arrival of some dignitaries and some change in the program at the eleventh hour, the organizers dropped this program and I did not go to the ladies. This change upset a large number of Lajna. They said that they had not gathered there to see the face of Sadr October - November 2008 16 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Lajna or other office bearers or the Ameer but had come for the Khalifah and if he was not com­ ing, then they were returning. Yet others said that they would not eat. The administration con­ trolled the situation with great difficulty and apologized to them. I hope that your Sadr Lajna must have taken a sigh of relief that this episode is not repeating here. Anyway, such an attitude from any Ahmadi, whether a man or woman is obviously wrong. Hailing from new Jama'ats, the standard of Taribiyyat is not high; moreover some tribes are a bit more emotional than oth­ ers and flare into the anger. However, one thing is certain and it is that for the sake of Allah the Almighty, the love for Khilafat is not only deeply rooted in their hearts but is flourishing. May Allah always increase their sincerity and fidelity. However, I was talking about the importance of the speech to the Lajna. Indeed, a direct speech to ladies is highly important. Firstly, because more than 50% of the Jama 'at comprises ladies and secondly because women constitute that class, rather I would say that institution, in whose lap the future of every Jama'at and every na­ tion develops and prospers. Once Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih ura said "if you reform 50% of the women, Islam will have the victory." Thus, this is the importance of a woman and this is her status. Indeed, this must cause every Ahmadi woman and every Ahmadi girl to realize her importance and her re­ sponsibilities. Realizing this importance, women of the past offered many sacrifices. History records countless incidents. Sometimes, the standard of worship observed by females was much higher than that observed by males. Women's financial sacrifices were a lot higher than those of men. Women's sacrifices of their feelings and emotions were higher too. The sacrifice of­ fered by women for their children was also higher than that by men and for that matter their sacrifice of lives was no less than that of men. In fact, men who demonstrated great examples of bravery and valor were in fact the product of the upbringing of such woman who sent their chil­ dren to the battlefield for the defense of Islam saying if you do not give up your life then re­ member that you will no longer be mine. In short, no matter which field you look at, it was the women who not only caused a revolution but also became the source of bringing about a com­ plete change in the destiny of man. It is a bogus allegation against Islam, that Islam does not give women an equal status. Islam defines limits and specifies that this is the task of man and this is the work of a woman. But as for sin and virtue and reward for good work and punishment for evil deeds, what has been specified for men; has also been specified for women. In fact, being in charge of the training ground, that is to say her husband's home and her home and as a guardian of his wealth and his progeny, Islam has bestowed a very high status to a woman through the glad tidings that the paradise lies under the feet of mothers. We are told that by providing good education to your children and that includes boys and girls, you can make them inheritors of the heavens and make them invaluable persons for your family, the Jama'at and also your nation. You too will receive the glad tidings of a heavenly abode and make your children worthy of it. On the other hand, by providing poor training to your children, you will not only earn a bad name in this world but will become the recipient of Allah's wrath in the hereafter. Hence Hadhrat Musleh Mau' oodra was informed by Allah Almighty that the transformation of 50% of women will lead to the triumph of Islam. You should always observe this important fact. Being an Ahmadi Mus­ lim the foremost purpose of every Ahmadi woman should be to be ready for all kinds of sacri­ fices and strive for the victory of Islam. Lajna and Nasirat take the pledge in every Ijtema and at every meeting. Most of you who live in this country by the Grace of Allah are well-educated. October - November 2008 17 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

You are mature in your thinking. I hope that when you repeat your pledge you reflect over the words it contains. Lajna affirm that they shall always be ready to sacrifice their lives, property, time and children for the cause of the faith and the community, shall always adhere to truth and shall always be ready to make every sacrifice for the perpetuation of the Ahmadiyya Khilafat. Similarly, Nasirat repeat the pledge that they shall always keep themselves ready to serve Is­ lam, their nation and their country and shall always adhere to truth. Nasirat should not think that they are little girls and their responsibilities are less than those of Lajna. Although you are young in age, the same responsibilities of Lajna are going to be vested in you.

Therefore, prepare for this objective, so that when these responsibilities fall on you to­ morrow, you are equipped to discharge them better than your predecessors. Time passes quickly, so understand your responsibilities in this age. Lajna should reflect on the last sen­ tence of their pledge. This is a very great responsibility placed on Ahmadi women that they will always be ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of Khilafat. The Holy Qur'an tells us what Khilafat is and how it will be established? In the system of Khilafat followed by the Holy Prophetsaw, the choice was apparently made by the people but in fact it was made by God. Be­ fore the Holy Prophetsaw, there was Khilafat following the other prophets but such Khulafa came in the person of prophets, directly appointed by God Almighty. After the Holy Prophetsaw, there was Khilafate Rashida, the rightly guided Khilafat, which was followed by a series of Mu­ jadideen or reformers and that was somewhat like a Khilafat. Then God Almighty commis­ sioned the Promised Messiahas who appeared in accordance with the prophecy of Hadhrat Mu­ hammadsaw as his faithful servant to reestablish his Shariah. After the demise of the Promised Messiahas, in accordance with the Promise of Allah, the system of everlasting Khilafat started. After these introductory comments, I would like to say that the system of Khilafat will now re­ main forever and this is not conditional on our sacrifices. The pledge you make, is not under­ taken with a view that were you not to offer sacrifices, Khilafat would be in danger. By the Grace of Allah Almighty, Ahmadi yya Khilafat is not in danger. The meaning of sacrifice for perpetuating Khilafat is that each Ahmadi woman and man, boy or girl pledges that he or she would offer every kind of sacrifice. They would render themselves worthy to witness that this promise is fulfilled and continues to be fulfilled in themselves and also amongst their future generations.

Allah the Almighty has promised those people who are strong in their belief and do righteous deeds that if they develop these two characteristics, they would be blessed with boun­ ties as were the people before them. So, therefore, when an Ahmadi woman or girl pledges that she will offer every sacrifice for perpetuating Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, she pledges that she will continue to attain greater progress and that she will endeavor her best to perform all those deeds which God Almighty commanded her to do and to scale higher values in them. When an Ahmadi woman makes this pledge, she also pledges that by reforming her personal actions and continuing to improve herself, she will fulfill this responsibility in a better manner because she is also responsible for her children's training. Where she will pay attention to their secular needs and education, she will also pay attention to their religious and spiritual education so that they too become worthy and deserving of this reward and blessing as promised by Almighty Al­ lah in respect of those who adhere to Khilafat. So an Ahmadi lady must understand her respon­ sibilities in this context because the virtuous deeds of an Ahmadi woman are not confined to herself but transferred from one generation to another. In this way, a believing woman becomes a guarantor for the faith in her generation and for the propagation of Islam. Thus, every woman October - November 2008 18 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA has to strive for it. Allah the Almighty has described the signs of true believers in the Holy Qur'an as follows: "And those when they are reminded of the signs of their Lord fall not blind or deaf thereat." In this verse no distinction has been made between believing men and believing women. Who other than the Jama'at Ahmadiyya can claim in this age that having believed in the Prom­ ised Messiahas, we have those pious changes that have been ordained by Allah Almighty and his Prophet Muhammad saw. How can it be that on the one hand we should be reminded of the com­ mandments of God and His Messenger and we should pretend that we have not heard them; or having seen the signs, we should act as if we have not seen them? Every Ahmadi, rather every pious person, who reflects will see that the sun rises daily with a new sign of support for the Ahmadiyya Jama'at. We observed the promises made by the Promised Messiahas being fulfilled with fresh glory. There are many amongst you who write to me saying how they saw their prob­ lems being resolved or how they saw the incidents of acceptance of prayers. All these things draw their attention to the fact that having witnessed Allah's treatment of them, they increased further in their faith. Therefore, advise your children, do not view the commandments of your Lord in a cursory manner. The showoff splendor and indulgences of this world should not cause you to become deaf and dumb thereat. Allah does not care for those who are led astray and who are lost in the world and continue to be lost. Women who do not give much importance to relig­ ion do not realize in the beginning how far back they are being immersed into this world's luxu­ ries. If all of sudden they do realize it or per chance any mishap happens and opens their eyes, then there is nothing left for them other than anxiety and sorrow. God forbid, if any Ahmadi ever falls into such darkness, there is nothing that can be said about the attack of Satan. The freedom of the west has destroyed many homes. This is why we are advised that all that glitters is not gold. We should always remember that the bounties of the world are no doubt made for our benefit but we should learn how to use them properly. Allah the Almighty has not forbidden us to earn a living. But there is a need to give precedence to faith over the world. A woman should always remember that her primary duty is the upbringing of her children. If this responsibility is not being discharged and money is being earned just to fulfill personal desires, this is disliked by God. Children are the biggest invest­ ment of the parents. In this society, Satan lurks in every corner. It is a devil who proclaimed be­ fore God that he would cause Allah's creation to go astray. That he would not only lead them astray but that God would witness that a majority of the people would follow Satan. You can witness this scenario in all parts of the world, where firstly people deny the existence of Allah; secondly although they profess that they believe in God, yet in practice they have all but forgot­ ten God. Books are being written today to deny the existence of God and these books are sell­ ing like hot cakes. So this is the time when every step should be taken with great care. It is a time to remember your pledge. We should discharge our trust. The biggest trust for a woman is her progeny and to safeguard herself from committing a breach of this trust requires a great sac­ rifice. Indeed, in this regard man is just as responsible as woman. If men are not discharging their responsibility, would it be right to violate this trust? No wise woman would say yes to this. In this connection, one thing should be clear that providing secular education is not the only re­ sponsibility of Ahmadi women. Indeed, the religious education of children also holds the same importance. It is a great responsibility to bring a child nearer to its Creator. Some mothers state with great pride that they work and so do their husbands and that their children are studying in good colleges and schools, and that all of this is done for the children. But I regret to say that October - November 2008 19 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA their link with the Jama'at is weak, where their children's attendance is poor because their par­ ents return very tired and are unable to go to mosque. If indeed, the mosque is far away, the par­ ents should at least exchange religious knowledge with their children at home and make ar­ rangements for prayers and recitation of the Holy Qur' an and explain its meanings at home. In those homes where this practice is observed, the parents are bringing up, by and large, a well trained generation that has a strong connection with the Jama' at. By the grace of Allah, save perhaps a few exceptions, the majority is getting support from MTA. However, there is still a group, though a minority that is negligent or not fully aware of its importance. Though they are few in number, it should nevertheless be alarming for us. If I receive a single letter about this, I begin to worry. As it is stated in the Holy Qur'an, "Kill not your children for fear of poverty, it is We who provide for them and for you; surely, killing of them is a great sin." It also means that sometimes parents are so engrossed in earning money that they forget their children are being affected due to this. If necessity dictates that in a poor country the parents have to work, then this of course is permitted but I have seen some families in western countries who forget their obligations and responsibilities and are only busy earning more and more. When parents return home late at night, it indeed affects their children. Some men and women might be thinking, now that I am counseling you, that I am not aware of the harsh reality that America has also been stricken by economic decline for some time. Every­ day food has become more expensive. Then, there are taxes, rent and expenses for other neces­ sities of life. So it is important for both husband and wife to work. Then it is alright - if this really is the situation for a family, then they can work. Nevertheless, we must consider this in­ struction of the Holy Qur'an which says that to deprive your children of their right by not pay­ ing proper attention to their religious and secular education should be a matter of serious con­ cern for their parents. For an Ahmadi, one's financial adversity should not be a matter of such anxiety for one as to result in the lack of proper education and training for one's children. As I have said, the greatest investment is your children; and to protect and employ this investment in the best way, the most important thing is to create their bond with the Jama'at and to bind their relation with Allah Almighty. Many families visit me - my heart is filled with the praise of Allah Almighty, when I see well educated women with professional skills who sometimes do not work just because their children need their attention. These women are nei­ ther selfish, nor follow their own desires but their sole purpose is to protect their next genera­ tion. They pay full attention to their secular education and their religious education as well. They teach them the do's and don't's in western society. When these children enter the adult­ hood, they become a source of earning a good name for their families and become useful per­ sons for the Jama' at as well. Seeing these children, the heart is filled with gratitude to Allah the Almighty for despite living in this environment and in this age, such wonderful young boys and girls have been granted to the Promised Messiahas by Allah the Almighty. Then, there is a weakness that is generally found and which is that such matters are discussed at home that are against the dignity and respect of Jama' at. Some well-educated families think that they are highly educated and enlightened and their western culture has enlightened their thoughts and has granted them a license to be critical. Therefore, it is their right that if they see something bad in the Jama' at or in any office bearer, they should express it. Fine, it is a very good thing that members of the Jama'at have a passion and wish to remove the weaknesses in the Jama'at and in its office bearers. The Jama' at of the Promised Messiahas should be seen to be function­ ing according to his desires; however, we have also been taught some ways of reformation by October - November 2008 20 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Allah the Almighty. If you wish to reform an office bearer, then tell him that this or that is wrong or tell his superior officer or inform the Khalifah of the time. If you have done this thing, then you have no right thereafter to discuss it in front of your children or to spread it from one place to another. The commandment of God and His messenger is that you must obey your of­ fice bearer unless his order is contrary to the commandment of God. Some people profess that they are very obedient and that they have always submitted but they forget that despite such claims of obedience, they speak against an office bearer in front of their children. When they do this, they are not only moving the children away from the office bearer but are distancing them­ selves from the administration of the Jama' at; in this way, they are ruining the religion of the children. Although, in this evil, the men play a significant role but as a guardian and caretaker of the home, a woman should stand firm on such occasions and urge that matters that influence the children at home should not be discussed in children's presence. If examples for courage and honor for the Jama' at are displayed strictly by women, then the men will be inclined auto­ matically towards reformation or at least they will refrain from talking like this in front of their children.

It is an immense grace of God that Ahmadi women are not lagging behind men as far as taking full part in the work of the Jama'at is concerned. In fact, I feel that in America, women are ahead in some ways. Whatever task they start, they do it with zeal and zest. Lajna lmaillah of America rank among some of the better Lajna lmaillah of the world. Therefore, those who are sitting before me should not think that their position is worrying, nor should the Lajna of the world or any other Ahmadi for that matter should think that American women are in a bad state. The matter I am discussing here is with reference to a few exceptions. I am speaking about the time when there is a danger of the attack by Satan or the environment is such that there is no way out or sometimes the self also puts man in doubt; perhaps, there is an element of those who rarely participate in the programs of the Jama'at. At any rate, those who understand and com­ prehend the reason for the advent of the Promised Messiahas should increase in their faith and continue to assess themselves for that is also the command of Allah the Almighty. The Holy Qur'an says "And keep on exhorting, for verily exhortation benefits those who believe." Thus, these matters draw the attention of those who are weak and also remind the majority, who by the grace of Allah are generally in a good condition, of the need to scale greater heights. Be­ cause as I have stated that this matter related to the Ahmadi woman is not confined to herself, the spiritual life of the future generation relies on it as well. The state of affair in the home will determine the character of the future generation. It has normally been observed that if the envi­ ronment is wholesome, then those who are growing up will tread on the ways of good works. If the environment is materialistic, then the inclination will be towards materialistic deeds. Some­ times evil habits develop in children of good people and they become far removed from the Ja­ ma'at; however, this is not common. Therefore, it should be remembered that if there is an ex­ ceptional case like this, instead of pointing fingers towards them, one should pray that Allah Al­ mighty showers His Mercy on them. This is the purpose of the life of an Ahmadi. One should prepare for one's life in the hereafter and remain concerned for others as well. If this thinking develops in you, where you will be constantly analyzing yourself, you will also be helpful to others with prayers - this is the unity and oneness of the Jama' at for which the Promised Mes­ siahas came. The institution of Khilafat continues to maintain it, this is the blessing that distin­ guishes you from others. So always remember that by trying to maintain this oneness, you will create a paradise in this world for yourself and for your future generation. By bringing back October - November 2008 21 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA those removed from you, or withdrawn from you, into the Nizam-e-Jama'at - the adminis­ trative system of the Jama'at - we have to create the means of paradise for them. Guide the world to the right path that leads them to paradise. In this entire task, ladies can play an ac­ tive role. If you understand this aspect, then the two paradises described in the Holy Qur' an, that is to say the paradise in this world and the paradise in the hereafter will be acquired by you for yourselves, the future generation and also the world. Regarding the Tarbiyyat or training of children and in particular that of the girls, its importance was felt by me as a result of a question of an office bearer when I emphasized observing Purdah by the ladies and the grown up girls; this office bearer who was a man, not any of the Lajna office bearers, said that perhaps Lajna is also making an effort but there was a difficulty being encountered with dress and veil. I remember responding that if you in­ still modesty and chastity from childhood, your effort once the child grows up will be fruit­ ful; if you do not do it from the childhood, it will be fruitless. The Holy Prophet8aw said that modesty and chastity are a part of the faith. A feeling should be created in girls that they are Ahmadi Muslims; it should be explained why they are Ahmadis and what was the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiahas. An Ahmadi has taken a pledge to fulfill that purpose; there should be a difference between you and other hu­ man beings and between you and ordinary Muslims. Despite the clear instructions of the Holy Prophetsaw, other Muslims have not believed in the Promised Messiahas while you be­ lieve in the Promised Messiahas and abide by the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and follow in the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammadsaw. So understand this difference, understand your significance, protect your chastity and modesty. So if these matters are inculcated in the minds of the girls, then they will have such a feeling. If up to the age of 10 or 12 years, you go around the markets and parades with your girls dressed in jeans and blouses then the con­ cept of chastity and sanctity will fly out of the window. Then, if you force them when they reach the age of 13 or 14 years, their reaction will be like the reaction of those around them. If there is an absence of the concept of chastity amongst the girls, it is the fault of the par­ ents. Therefore, remember this essential point which is to instill chastity and modesty right from the outset. After 5 or 6 years of age, make them wear a long shirt or long skirt over their jeans, remind them about the importance of chastity; then, when they mature, they will pay attention to the veil and Hijaab, they will avoid friendship with boys in their schools and colleges; otherwise, you will see and regret, for it will be a bit pointless at that time. Training and reformation is the greatest responsibility of a mother, especially an Ahmadi mother. This is why a woman has been granted the right of leading towards paradise. Sometime, men af­ fectionately take the side of their daughters unnecessarily; such men should remember that such pampering is not affection, it is like throwing your children into a pit of destruction. On such occasions, mothers should stand up and say that they cannot allow their young genera­ tion to be destroyed by such coddling. There are some young married girls, who having got married in Pakistan and having gotten accustomed to wearing the veil in Pakistan not only discard the veil upon their arrival here but also wear jeans, blouses and skimpy scarves on their heads. Men play a key role in promoting this attitude. To these ladies, I say that in other worldly matters you manage to have your way with men but why do you not have any sense of honor when it comes to matters of faith? Thus, always remember that in this pledge of of­ fering every form of sacrifice, the foremost is to offer the sacrifice of Jihad of the self. If in October - November 2008 22 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA petty matters, you will indulge in worldly concerns, then the capacity to offer sacrifices will also diminish. Thus, for the sake of yourselves and your children, give due importance to every command of Allah the Almighty. Do not read those commandments like the deaf and blind.

Nobody should think that I want to keep my fellow nationals in higher positions. No. If this thought exists in any mind then it should be removed. My beloved are those who are the beloved of the Promised Messiahas, the Holy Prophetsaw and Allah the Almighty; those who understand their status, whether they are Pakistani or African American or European. When I draw the attention of Pakistani ladies, it is because their forefathers accepted the Promised Messiahas and sacrificed everything for his sake. They should not become such that they cannot stand next to the newcomers. I am aware that newcomers have reached such standards that have left some of the earlier ones far behind. It is also an obligation for true believers, fixed by Allah the Almighty, that they should take others with them. Therefore, try and help one another and join each other because the progress of the Jama' at depends on this help and cooperation.

Certain number of attendees here belong to Waqifeene Nau girls. They should re­ member that they have a role to play. There should be a difference between them and an or­ dinary child. They are among those who, realizing the sacrifices of their parents and their pledge at the age of maturity, have devoted themselves to earning the pleasure of the Khali­ fah of the time and that of Allah the Almighty. Some among you will be pressed directly into the service of the Jama'at. Although, there is a percentage that will not be required to di­ rectly serve the Jama' at in any department, however, in view of your pledge, you have to be mindful that you have to have a comprehensive understanding of the teachings of the Holy Qur' an. Try to acquire a thorough understanding of the Jama' at' s literature as far as possi­ ble. Make yourself exemplary for others in your practical life, in your discourse and in your moral values and bring such a revolutionary change within yourself that it becomes an in­ strument for bringing about a change in future generations. Always remember that your worldly desires should never stand before the commandments of God and His Prophetsaw. You should be exemplary in your connection with Khilafat and in obedience, in your speech and in all matters.

With these few words, I conclude with the prayer that Allah enable you to protect your faith and perform good and virtuous deeds. May both elderly women and young girls bring about such changes among themselves that they not only elevate the dignity of the Jama 'at but also spread the message of Ahmadiyyat that was given to us by the Muhammadan Mes­ siah to this nation so that these people who are critical of Islam and of the Holy Prophetsaw, seeing the beauty of it, gather under the banner and standard of the Holy Prophet8aw.

May Allah enable you to do that. Now we shall offer silent prayer, please join in the silent prayer ******* October - November 2008 23 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


Transcribed by Hammad Malik

After recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah., Hazooraba said: Alhamdolillah, that with my ad­ dress today, the Jalsa Salana America will come to a close. In view of the Khilafat Centenary, this Jalsa holds a great importance. Hopefully, its atmosphere will have created an effect and, according to one's ability and faculties, spread various kinds of blessings on every member of the Jama' at. As I always say and also stated to you previously in my sermon in yesterday's ad­ dress also, the purpose of the Jalsa that the Promised Messiahas had told us was to improve spiritually, religiously, educationally and morally. So, in this regard, the Jalsa of each Jama'at of every country has an importance. And this Jalsa too is held for the same purpose. If that be the sole purpose, then what is the need to say that this Jalsa is significant merely because of the Khilafat Jubilee? In this connection, I would firstly say that for some time, every country has been preparing its program for Khilafat Jubilee that culminates in the special programs of the Jalsa Salana in which the bounties of God Almighty are recounted with reference to Khilafat-e­ Ahmadiyya. The old, the young and the children have been getting ready with zeal especially for this purpose. Thus, this preparation was carried out with particular feelings, namely that of the completion of 100 years of Khilafat, and that we will try to bring about a change in our spiritual, religious, educational and moral conditions which shall be even better than before. There were speeches that we used to hear. However, we did not act accordingly and if we did try to act on them, then after a few days we used to forget what had been said. Worldly pursuits took precedence over admonitions. To do good works, our feet were stuck where they were or if for a moment we did step forward, no real progress would be seen and our stepping forward could not be described as revolutionary. Thus, in view of these past matters, if this Khilafat Ju­ bilee Jalsa has stirred your feelings, your emotions and your person, then congratulations to you for you have understood the purpose of the Khilafat Jubilee Jalsa and of my coming here. And now with a renewed pledge and a new determination to improve in spiritual and moral val­ ues, you have entered in the new century. I accepted this pledge from you on the 27th of May. However, now that we have stepped into the new century, we need to move swiftly. Revolu­ tionary changes in the world cannot be made at a snail's pace. Revolutionary changes require a complete transformation within you. A hundred years ago, your ancestors brought about a revo­ lutionary change within themselves which despite opposition created a revolutionary transfor­ mation all around them. What was that change that they brought about within themselves and in their surroundings? Was it a revolution of bloodshed? Was it some Jihad that spread terror in October - November 2008 24 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA the area? No. It was a revolution, the most excellent examples of which they had found in the life of the Holy Prophetsaw. It was a revolution whose practical examples they had found in the 35 life of Hadhrat Masih Mau'ood , the Messiah of Muhammadsaw. Now, to bring about this revolution, what was the practical example set by the master and the servant? Their practical example was to give up their lives for Allah the Almighty and to bow before Him. So our eld­ ers adopted these examples and we can see its fruit in the expansion of Ahmadiyyat in some 200 countries. They did not possess the resources that Allah the Almighty has endowed us to­ day; despite this, they created a revolution and ranked amongst those fortunate ones about whom the Promised Messiah35 said the following pleasing words: "It is proven from past prac­ tice that the companions of the prophets are those who are weak and poor people. Many big people are bereft of this fortune as all kinds of thoughts come in their hearts; they consider themselves to be free in such matters because of their ego and hidden arrogance as well as their high opinion of themselves. They consider it below their dignity and decorum to sit where the poor and sincere and dear ones of God gather." Hadhrat Masih Mau'oodas says "I see hundreds of people who have entered our Jama' at and who barely have any clothes on them and hardly have a sheet or pajama. They have no property at all but one is amazed and astonished at their endless sincerity, love and fidelity as well as the high resolve that emanates from them from time to time or the effects of which can be seen from their faces. They are so firm in their faith and so convinced about their belief and so loyal and sincere in their truth and steadfastness that were these wealthy and rich people who find pleasure in worldly pur­ suits to come to know of that bliss, they would be ready to give up everything for it. Today, there would be many amongst you who are the descendants of the companions of the Prom­ ised Messiah3 5; there would be some who are the children of these companions who have just been described as having brought about a change within themselves after accepting the Mes­ siah of Muhammadsaw and whose favors are being enjoyed by their descendants. Therefore, instead of being immersed in worldly matters, in the improved conditions that exist in these western countries, every Ahmadi should try to acquire high position in the domain of spiritual and moral progress so that the continuity of the process of bringing about a change through prayers that had been started by your elders does not come to a halt.

We should continue to improve in good works. It is indeed a favor of God Almighty on you - Ahmadis living here - that besides granting you admittance to the servitude of the Mes­ siah of Muhammadsaw, He has also granted you prosperity. The Promised Messiah35 has said that if materialistic people come to know of that bliss, they would give up all their wealth for it. How unfortunate it is that despite possessing both kinds of favors, some of us do not hold them in high regard. Following my African tour, I stated that it was after a lot of sacrifice that the majority of the African Ahmadis had participated in the Jalsa. The participants from the neighboring countries in the Jalsas of Ghana and Nigeria had in reality nothing, neither money for the fares nor clothes. Despite the heat, they spent the three days of the Jalsa in the same clothes. On the one hand, one is surprised to observe that they are trying to improve in sincerity, fidelity and spirituality and on the other hand, one is filled with pride and admira­ tion. These are the people who are scaling new heights; these are the people who have derived benefit from the Jalsa. Therefore, if you have come here in view of the importance of the Ju­ bilee Jalsa, then resolve and make a pledge calling Allah the Almighty to witness to make whatever favors you have acquired by participating in the Jalsa a part and parcel of your life. God alone knows the unseen; I know not nor can I know what grace has been found by men, women, old and young from this Jalsa but I hope and pray that all participants will have tried October - November 2008 25 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA their best to achieve the expectations of the Promised Messiahas under this spiritual environ­ ment. No man is free from weaknesses and shortcomings and sometimes falls into the trap of Satan, that is why a constant and consistent effort is required. The Jalsa is a means of fur­ thering this endeavor. The addresses made by the speakers and my own speech and sermon are no more than an effort to remind about spiritual and moral values and to raise their stan­ dards. The speakers' words or for that matter my own words cannot influence the hearts of the people unless everyone personally seeks help from Allah and prepares his heart - even prophets cannot do this work. Hadhrat Masih Mau' oodas says "I know well that it is not pos­ sible for me to put these matters into someone's heart nor do I have any instrument through which I can insert my words into anyone's heart. This is not unique to me; this is what had happened with all Prophets. Innaka la tahdi mun ahbabta - You cannot guide whom you like This has been said to the Prophet Muharnrnadsaw. Therefore, who else can guide any­ one by his own will? Our work is to advise and to convey the message. We have found this Jama' at making great progress in sincerity and love. The sincerity, love and passion for faith shown by the Jama' at is such that observing the same sometimes we are surprised and amazed and even the enemy is amazed." He further says, "Nevertheless, there are thousands of people who have increased in their love and sincerity but because of old habits and human weakness, they sometimes get so involved in worldly matters such that their religion is ne­ glected." So if you wish to make the impact of this Jalsa permanent, then everyone should bow before Allah the Almighty and try to bring about a change in their hearts. These speeches, this atmosphere and the special significance that it has because it is the Khilafat Jubilee Jalsa are just a wakeup call to draw your attention to personally seek the help of Al­ lah. Then, by the Grace of Allah, we will move swiftly towards acquiring higher moral and spiritual grades until Allah the Almighty creates a permanent realization. Even a good speaker can only make you say Subhanallah or wonderful; and even my words will also be no more than temporary advice. May it so happen that personal weaknesses and Satanic on­ slaughts do not prevent one from fulfilling the expectations that the Promised Messiahas had of the members of this Jama'at. This condition will only arise when we bow before God and, as I said, seek His help.

Continue to repeat everything good that you hear here and make it an integral part of your lives. We should always remember the expectations that the Promised Messiahas had of us. He says "As long as one does not give up one's earlier life and does not feel that the de­ sire of the self that incites to evil has been extinguished and that God's greatness has not yet settled in one's heart, one cannot be considered a believer. Unless the believers are granted a special distinction, how can the promises related to them be fulfilled? Allah's Promise is that He will found such a community that will gain supremacy in every field. God Almighty will bestow all kinds of favors but what is required is that each person purifies himself. Yes, Al­ lah forgives weaknesses. Whosoever is weak and raises his hand for somebody to grasp and lift him up will be lifted up. But a believer should not sit idle in this condition as God is not happy at this. All efforts should be made to please God." He further adds, "Our Jama'at should be such that it does not depend on mere words but should fulfill the true purpose of the pledge. They should bring about a change within themselves. Mere proposition cannot make Allah the Almighty happy. If there is no change within you, then you are no different October - November 2008 26 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA from others." So these are the expectations that the Promised Messiahas had of us, a part of which I have mentioned. May this Khilafat Jubilee Jalsa awaken the feelings of those who joined the Jama 'at of the Promised Messiahas.

In every Ahmadi, a consciousness to bring about a change has developed. As I said, this consciousness and attention is beneficial when everyone resolves and pledges before God to remain consistent with great determination and promises that he or she will shun all evils and weaknesses that are sinful. However, this cannot be possible without Allah's Grace. Giving up your former life requires a great transformation. It calls for great determi­ nation. Therefore, the Promised Messiahas did not confer an ordinary responsibility but a co­ lossal task. Hence, this work and the desire to spend the day and night in fear and righteous­ ness cannot allow any other thought to come to our mind. Overcoming the self that incites to evil and recognizing the greatness of Allah the Almighty means passing through the self that reproves to attain the state of the soul at rest. Who can attain this state merely through his knowledge and effort? Indeed, it requires one to carry the yoke of unity of Allah the Al­ mighty on one's neck. This cannot be achieved without handing oneself to God Almighty. The Promised Messiahas has indicated the establishment of such Jama'at that enjoys suprem­ acy over others. The Promised Messiahas draws our attention towards the purification of our hearts and this is why he has said that do not sit idly but place your foot on every rung of the ladder and keep climbing upwards. When everyone attains this condition, the promises will be fulfilled. The Jama'at that attains superiority will emerge distinct from the others. What is that superiority that Allah the Almighty wants to give to the Jama' at of the Promised Messi­ ahas? The superiority is the blessing of Khilafat. The blessings of Khilafat are such a bounty that today the Muslim Ummah desperately feels the need for it. Columns in the papers in the Muslim countries are filled with the fact that the survival of the Muslim Ummah is related to Khilafat and that all Muslim countries should try collectively to establish it. But they do not know that the bounty of Khilafat is God given and cannot be obtained by human efforts. In this age, if any Jama' at has been promised the establishment of Khilafat, then it is the Ja­ ma'at of the Promised Messiahas. Therefore, after having made an oath of allegiance to the Promised Messiahas, it is the responsibility of every Ahmadi today to stand up to defend this bounty and attend to those matters that are conditional to it. The Promised Messiahas has made the purification of the self a precondition for its supremacy. Furthermore, the purifica­ tion of the self is obtained by strengthening faith and performing good deeds. Allah the Al­ mighty says in the Holy Qur'an

Qad aflaha mann zakkaha - he indeed truly prospers who purifies it. However, any Ahmadi who performs the Bai'at at the hands of the Promised Messia­ has with a purpose in view cannot attain that purpose without purifying himself, without strengthening his faith and without performing good deeds which had been ordained by God to a pure soul - those deeds that lead to purification and to salvation from the temptations of the self that incites to evil. When this condition is attained by the people, Allah's Promise of the bounties of Khilafat will be for them. The Promised Messiahas said that mere words and knowledge will bring you nothing if you are not mindful of your deeds. Whether someone is able to counter an opponent in a debate or can prove the death of Jesus Christas or can deliver a solid speech on a knowledgeable subject, such knowledge is hollow if it does not bring any practical benefit to man. If a scholar's arrogance prevents him from accepting the Promised Messiahas, that knowledge of his will lead to an abyss of darkness. If any knowledge pre­ vents from obedience to Khilafat, then such knowledge deprives one from bounty of Allah October - November 2008 27 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA the Almighty and leaves one bereft of the blessings of Khilafat. The history of Ahmadiyyat bears testimony to the fact that those who considered themselves to be scholars 94 years ago, their condition after the split from Khilafat is pitiable today. Therefore, to become the recipi­ ent of this bounty, it is necessary to purify the self; it is necessary to act upon the command­ ments of Allah the Almighty; it is necessary to fulfill those conditions that must be fulfilled by those to whom the promise of Khilafat has been made and who have been mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. The Ayate Istikhlafis frequently referred to in the Ahmadiyya Jama'at; for some years now we have been hearing part of it on MT A from time to time. It is highlighted with reference to the Khilafat Jubilee in every Jama'at periodical and in every function. But is it enough that we read about it and those who have the habit of reflecting, seeing the bene­ fits of Khilafat being showered on the Ahmadiyya Jama'at, should simply be pleased upon seeing its practical fulfillment? If that be so, then remember that was not the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiaha8, nor was it the purpose of the establishment of Khilafat, nor is it the purpose of those who have claimed to be closely connected to Khilafat, nor in­ deed should it be so. Who are the real beneficiaries, the ones who truly value this bounty? Details of this subject are given in Surah Al-Nur but the brief condition of the true benefici­ aries of this bounty, referred to in the above mentioned verse, is that they should be absolute in faith and perform good deeds. And as a result, Allah the Almighty will strengthen them; He will improve their spiritual, religious and practical conditions because a believer does not come to a standstill at any one spot. Marching under the banner of Khilafat, you will attain success. The prayers of the Jama'at and the Khalifah will bring about a change, peace and security in exchange for fear. As a result of the blessings of Khilafat, the Jama'at will be­ come a solid foundation; whoever confronts it will be smashed to pieces. When we look at the hundred years history of the Ahmadiyya Jama'at today, we find this Promise of God Al­ mighty being fulfilled in a glorious manner. I do not have time to repeat the full account of our history - neither of the various plots hatched against the Jama' at, nor of the attacks launched on it, not to mention the internal and external attempts that were made to weaken the Jama' at, I already mentioned this briefly on the 27th of May function.

Everyone of you is a witness to the fact that the Ahmadiyya Jama' at is making dy­ namic progress; even the opponents have to admit that this Jama'at enjoys the physical sup­ port of Allah the Almighty. Your spiritual and moral progress is entirely dependent on Khilafat. You should inculcate this principle in your future generations. So assess yourself, reminding yourselves that you have to strengthen yourselves, your faith and pay greater at­ tention to the performance of good deeds so that you continue to be the recipient of Allah's bounty promised by Allah the Almighty. By absorbing the grace of Allah, always continue to exchange your fears for security and peace. Continue to be those upon whom Allah the Almighty looks with love. Always create means for survival for yourself and for your chil­ dren. Remember, our survival does not depend upon the luxuries of the world but on the hap­ piness of Allah the Almighty and on endeavoring to become the dwellers of paradise in the hereafter. What is faith and what are righteous deeds? In this connection, the Promised Mes­ siahas expounds the meanings of a verse of Surah Al-Baqarah, "Give glad tidings to those who believe and do good works that for them are gardens beneath which flow streams; whenever they are given a portion of fruit there from, they will say this is what was given us before; and gifts mutually resembling will be brought to them. And they will have therein mates perfectly pure and therein they will abide." Hadhrat Masih Mau'oodas says in this verse God Almighty has described faith as a garden beneath which streams flow and has thus October - November 2008 28 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA indicated that faith is related to righteous action as a garden is related to the water of a river or a stream; as a garden cannot flourish without water, faith cannot survive without righteous action. If there is faith but no righteous action, then faith is in vain and if there are actions but not faith, the actions are mere show or display. The reality of the Islamic paradise is that it is a reflection of the faith and actions of a person in this life and is not something that a person will be bestowed upon from outside. He says that for a person, paradise is developed inside him and everyone's paradise is his faith and his righteous actions, the delights of which begins to be tasted in this very life and one perceives the hidden gardens and streams of faith and righteous actions which will become concretely manifest in the hereafter. God's holy teaching instructs us that pure and perfect and firm faith in God, His attributes and His designs, is a beautiful garden of fruit trees and righteous actions are the streams. Then he says "God Almighty has mentioned good deeds along with faith in the Holy Qur'an; the A 'mal-e- Saleha are those in which there is not an iota of disorder.

Remember that the actions of the human beings are under constant threat from thieves. Who are these thieves? They are ostentation i.e. when a person does something to show off; ujub or self-pride i.e. to feel elated at one's own doings and also various types of wicked deeds and sins which one commits. By these, one's actions are completely ruined. A 'mal-e-Saleha are those in which there is no thought of injustice, self-praise, showing off, arrogance or usurping the rights of others. As good deeds lead to salvation in the hereafter, so is the person protected in this life. If there is one person in the household performing good deeds, the entire household is saved. Remember that until you perform good deeds, mere be­ lief is useless." In another place, the Promised Messiahas says, "Good deeds are not accord­ ing to your whim and determination i.e. good deeds are not those done according to one's own liking. A'mal-e-Saleh is not to be interpreted on one's own. In fact, good deeds are those in which there is no disorder of any sort. The word Saleh is an anonym of Fasaad, dis­ order. For example, just as food is wholesome when it is neither raw nor burnt nor stale nor substandard, it should be such that it is assimilated quickly; likewise, it is necessary that there should be no disorder in good deeds i.e. they should be sanctioned by Allah the Al­ mighty and sanctioned by the traditions of the Holy Prophetsaw. Moreover, there should be no laziness nor self-praise nor showing off nor should it be whimsical determination. When a deed is like that, it is called a good deed, like a philosopher's stone." So these are the words of the Promised Messiahas. These various excerpts that I have presented are meant to clarify the meanings of faith and righteous deeds as explained by the Promised Messiahas.

Do not think that just because we have believed in the Promised Messiahas, there is no more to be had. God Almighty says to the believers of Hadhrat Muhammadsaw, "Say, you have not believed yet but rather say we have accepted Islam." There is a lot to be done for strengthening the faith. Therefore, in view of this commandment of Allah, it should make us concerned and cautious. We should search such matters as strengthen the faith and that in­ spire us to attain every higher standards of faith. Allah the Almighty has described various characteristics of those who have complete faith and of those who improve their faith. If all of us examine ourselves, then the condition of our faith would emerge automatically. If there is any weakness, then our attention will be drawn towards it. Thus, while referring to the Promise of Allah the Almighty, whenever we ask anything from Him, He will question whether we are following His commandments. "So they should hearken to Me and believe in October - November 2008 29 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Me" - there Allah the Almighty has addressed His servants, those who need to take steps to improve their belief.

I shall now present some of the characteristics of true believers that are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah says "who believe in the unseen and observe prayers and spend out of what we have provided for them." That is, they believe in Allah the Almighty and make it such a belief that increases irfan - roughly translated as comprehen­ sive knowledge. Moreover, they observe prayers with full attention to the five daily prayers and as far as possible in congregation; and this is what is meant by observing prayer as in­ structed by Allah the Almighty. Allah the Almighty says in another verse, "watch over prayers and the middle prayer and stand before Allah submissively." This is about watching over the prayer and in particular the prayer that arrives in the middle of things that come be­ tween God and the servant because of worldly needs. Thus, work, trade or other pursuits make us neglect the prayers. This is something that again weakens the faith. We need to pay greater attention to this in this age, when prayers are going to be ignored because of occupa­ tion and preferences. God, who is the Knower of unseen, knew what would happen in the latter days and what would the priorities of the people be. This is why, our attention has been drawn towards the Jumu 'ah Prayer in Surah Jumu 'ah. The reference to the Friday prayer does not mean that one should come to offer the Friday prayer and that there is no need to attend the other prayers. Such an interpretation would contradict the commandment to which I have referred before. Safeguarding prayers is an important commandment. The purpose of describing it here is that at the time of the Promised Messiah as, man would become so en­ grossed in materialism and would be so afraid of incurring a loss in his trade that he would neglect the Jumu 'ah Prayer which is an important form of worship and to which Allah and the Holy Prophetsaw gave special importance. As many people as possible should gather in a central place to offer prayers in which the sermon bears a special significance.

Allah the Almighty says that in these latter days, those who apparently believe will forget the importance of the Friday congregational prayer; trade and worldly affairs would become more important to them. Allah the Almighty says that the grace and bounties that Allah has are far more beneficial than your worldly pursuits and trades, for you do not derive merely material benefit from them but benefit in the hereafter as well. Allah says your pro­ gress in the belief and the unseen, i.e., ghaib, leads to the nearness of Allah. In order to strengthen faith, Allah the Almighty has drawn our attention towards worship so that the aakhareen - the believers living in the latter days - can be beneficiaries of such bounties. Drawing our attention towards the Friday prayers, Allah the Almighty tells us that by ne­ glecting the prayers, your condition will worsen so that you will even find the observance of prayer in one day of the week, namely Friday, a burden and gradually you will distance yourself from worship. Thus, you will forget the purpose of joining the Jama 'at of the Prom­ ised Messiahas. And as for the bounty of Khilafat that you mention with great pride, it will be taken away from you. So every Ahmadi should remember that materialism should never draw him away from the observance of prayers. After belief in Almighty Allah, prayer is the guarantor of our survival. That is why I emphasize this time and again everywhere that if we attain this fundamental objective with sincerity and loyalty then you will become true benefi­ ciaries of divine favors and make our lives, both here and in the hereafter, excellent. It is nar­ rated in a Hadith that the Holy Propheeaw said "the five daily prayers and the Friday Prayer to the next Friday Prayer and the observance of Ramadan to the observance of the next October - November 2008 30 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Ramadan atone for all defaults in between so long as capital sins are shunned." Thus, this Hadith makes it clear that these obligatory acts atone for major faults; therefore, those who think that it is enough to observe the Eid prayer each year should remember that Eid Prayer is the shield for the Friday Prayer and the Friday Prayer is the protector for the five daily prayers and each prayer is the guardian of the next prayer and atones for major sins. Allah says in the Holy Qur' an "if you keep away from the more grievous of the things which are forbidden you, we will remove from you your minor evils and admit you to a place of great honor." Now this verse has additionally clarified that we will be protected from the major evils through the five daily Prayers, the Friday Prayer and Ramadan. There are many people in the world who do not commit any of the major sins; however, it should not be thought that since those who do not observe the Prayer do not commit major sins, what is the difference between those who observe Prayer and those who do not. Allah the Almighty says that when you try to shun major sins, Allah will keep you away from minor faults. We will be among those who try to become truly Allah's and will be among those in whom the love of Allah continues to grow and the love of the world begins to diminish. And as a result, you will rank among those who have been bestowed His blessings. Those faults and shortcomings which seem difficult to get rid of will become easier to overcome because of such worship and as a result you will continue to increase in love for Allah. It is not possible that love for Allah and sin go hand in hand, nor can the Gracious One and Satan get along together. The Promised Messiahas said that sin is a poison that appears when man is bereft of obedience to God, of absolute love for God and of His loving divine remembrance. Just as when a tree is sprouted and is unable to absorb water, it begins to wither and its greenery is destroyed; the same is the condition of man whose heart has been uprooted from the love of God. Thus, just like desiccation, sin overcomes him. Allah the Almighty has also said at another place, "prayers restrain one from inde­ cency and manifest evil." In this materialistic age and in the western culture where man has made progress in every field, has reached other planets and has discovered many unfathomed secrets of nature, he has also crossed all bounds of indecency and invented means and instru­ ments of moral depravity, obscenity and filth; though man is the most conscious of beings, yet he is worse than animals in such indecencies. The naked display of indecencies on TV channels and its open show on the internet are because people have forgotten God Almighty and have neglected His worship. So therefore when an Ahmadi enters the new century of Khilafat, he pledges that he will bring about pure changes in himself and the best of pure changes is through worship and the fear of God - the fear that incorporates the love and af­ fection of God. Thus, to attain the highest standard of worship and the fear and love of God within oneself, the most important way is through the observance of and understanding of the meaning of prayers. If that is not the case, then as the Promised Messiahas has said, man becomes like a dry twig, his heart withers, the freshness of beliefs and deeds is terminated and then such a man who is apparently one of the believers, due to his distance from God, is lost in the indecency in which the world is immersed. May Allah preserve every Ahmadi from this. Then he says that in order to strengthen the faith, it is necessary to spend in the way of Allah. Alhamdolillah, by the Grace of Allah, the Ahmadiyya Jama'at in the of America is advancing in this field. When I launched the scheme of the Tahir Heart Insti­ tute in Rabwah, the American Jama'at contributed more than 60% of it. May Allah grant an October - November 2008 31 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA excellent reward to those who made sacrifices for this. It was really a grand purpose. This excellent institute, the Tahir Heart Institute, established in Rabwah, is serving mankind, par­ ticularly the needy and deserving. It is one of the leading state of the art institutes in Paki­ stan. Likewise, in the sacrifice made for the building of the , then there are other funds, in short, the American Jama'at is one of the advancing and progressive Jama'ats in the domain of financial sacrifices. I recall that ten years ago, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh reminded you extensively about it. Referring to it today, I praise Allah the Almighty for hav­ ing blessed the Promised Messiahas with such a Jama'at that responds immediately and posi­ tively to the call of the Khalifah of the time. So today, therefore, just as you caused a change in yourself in financial sacrifices, I draw your attention towards the observance of prayers, worship and other righteous deeds and urge you to try to march forward towards betterment. I hope and pray that Allah the Almighty will enrich you with the blessings of this Jalsa and that you will make progress in your spiritual conditions. For the strengthening of your faith, you will keep the commandment of Allah in front of you in which Allah the Almighty says "and as for those who believe they are the foremost in their love for Allah." The love of Al­ lah will never let drive you away from worship. You will always rank among the believers about whom God Almighty says that when they are called to determine a matter, there re­ sponse is "we hear and we obey." It is not that we will accept those matters which are in ac­ cord with our wishes and reject those that go against our desires. I hope those among you who have shown such an attitude will bring about a positive change for the sake of strength­ ening their faith. I have highlighted some signs of the believers, may Allah enable you to ponder over their intricacies and continue to enlighten your faith so that you keep on receiv­ ing divine bounties and grace.

Allah the Almighty has promised Khilafat to those who progress in their beliefs and to the ones who perform good deeds as well. What are the good deeds and why are they inte­ gral to belief? In this connection, you have already heard the explanation of the Promised Messiahas. Amongst the deeds that have been mentioned by the Promised Messiaha5, I elabo­ rate further so that everyone can assess themselves because these are such matters that can consume their righteous deeds. And as I had said in my Khilafat Jubilee address, the worship of such people confers no benefit to them. The Promised Messiahas says that righteous deeds are those in which there is no cruelty. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah the Almighty has presented several examples of cruelty, some of which I present here. In connection with matters related to ladies when marriage ends on the rocks and divorce is considered, do not delay the matter beyond the waiting period. There are only two options, either terminate it finally in divorce or bring about reconciliation in an appropriate manner and put a stop to that matter. Also, do not end the matter just to cause difficulties or to aggravate the situation; if you do this, it will be cruelty. If you do this, you may believe that you are only causing difficulty for the woman but this will be a grave mistake on your part. Allah the Almighty says "and whoso does that surely wrongs his own soul." You are thinking that by causing difficulty and aggravation, you are only disturbing her. But do you not know that by inviting Allah's displeasure, you are causing cruelty to yourself. Thus, if indeed they have the fear of God, men should pay attention to discharging the rights of women. Then Allah the Almighty says at another place that those who usurp the rights of others by eloquent speeches also commit cruelty. And Al­ lah the Almighty punishes the cruel and the oppressors because of their transgression. Allah the Almighty has advised the believers to perform good deeds; therefore, those who engage October - November 2008 32 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA in such conduct that is against the commandments of God will be counted amongst the ty­ rants. So each Ahmadi should assess himself. Complaints are received about cruelty in the relationships between husband and wife; neither do they comply with the administration of the Jama' at nor do they listen to the Khalifah of the time, then when they are punished be­ cause of these cruelties, they say that they have been treated unfairly, although in reality they have been unfair to themselves. This issue is so alarming sometimes; therefore I am repeat­ ing it here. Then in lending and borrowing and in big ticket business transactions, people usurp the rights of each other. They think that they have made a fool of the other party. They fail to understand that according to Allah the Almighty, they are only ingesting fire by de­ stroying the peace in the society by earning the displeasure of Allah the Almighty. Thus, be­ ing in such a condition, they belong neither to the faith nor to the world. In this connection, every Ahmadi should continue to assess himself. If on the one hand, we shout slogans of peace and security, how can we on the other hand become the destroyer of peace in society? Instead of spreading peace, how can we cause people agony and pain?

Then the Promised Messiahas says that one should stay away from self-pride and con­ ceit because it is such a disease where a person is so self-centered that he pays no importance to the opinion of others nor does he pay any respect or reverence to the others. It is a thing that leads to arrogance. When this disease occurs in society, it prevents one from discharging the rights of the others and as a result it paves the way for other disorders. Allah the Al­ mighty says in the Holy Qur'an "and tum not the cheek away from men in pride and nor walk in the earth haughtily, surely Allah loves not any arrogant boaster." Thus, it is clear that the boaster and the proud are arrogant and that is something greatly disliked by Allah the Al­ mighty. The Holy Prophet5aw said that do not disdain the least bit even though it be in greet­ ing your brother with a cheerful face. In another narrative, the Holy Prophet8aw said the more one is humble and hospitable, the higher will Allah the Almighty raise his status. So, the real purpose of a believer is to obtain the pleasure and reward of Allah the Almighty. And that is only possible when one is free of self-pride and arrogance. The petty matters that lead to dis­ putes in our society are because of the conceit and arrogance. Every Ahmadi should keep in mind that on the one hand we express our uniqueness in the sense that we are those people who have been rewarded by Allah the Almighty but on the other hand if we have basic weaknesses in ourselves, how can we persuade others that this a reward? So if we begin to rectify such basic moral defects, we will be able to reform major weaknesses and continue to receive the bounties of Allah the Almighty and will earn the right to become the best part of the society. There is a list in the Holy Qur'an about good and bad deeds or dos and don'ts; Allah the Almighty has clearly explained both good and bad deeds. One thing should be clear about good deeds - good deeds are those that are performed at the correct and appropri­ ate time. For example, speaking the truth is a good work and Allah the Almighty has issued instruction about it and has equated the liar to one who commits shirk - one who associates partners with Allah. However, if you come to know about somebody's weakness, it is wrong to publicize it even if it is true and based on fact, but the one who publicizes it will be a sin­ ner. If there is a weakness in someone and it is mentioned to him in the presence of the oth­ ers, saying I am only trying to make you understand, even if it be true and it was mentioned in view of reformation, its mention at an inappropriate time and place will nevertheless make it cease to be a good deed. If you come to know of someone's weakness, whether it is of a common man or an office bearer, if you want to reform that evil then explain it to that person October - November 2008 33 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA separately and keep the evil secret, only then will it be a good deed.

There are many films being shown nowadays about theft, robbery, violence, etc. The script writers and film makers give the impression that if they show such scenes where the villains meet a sorry end, people will learn a good lesson. But in reality, children and elders do not learn from the ending, rather they learn ways and methods of committing evil, theft, murders, robberies and terrorism, thereby destroying the peace of the society and destroying homes. Now voices are starting to be raised about this thing that this is wrong; instead of ref­ ormation, one sees that the crimes are on the increase. However, Islam taught us fourteen hundred years ago that evil should not be publicized; to stop evil, counsel wisely but in pri­ vate. So evil in society starts from little things. Therefore, it is every Ahmadi' s task to create an atmosphere where instead of increasing malice, an environment of love and affection should arise. Be sensitive to each other's feelings. Allah the Almighty says "everyone has a goal which dominates him, vie, then, with one another in good works."

This is to say that everyone has a purpose, therefore, always keep this commandment in mind. It means that you must keep an eye on your weak brothers in respect of those good deeds that you have attained and try to make your other brothers a part of it and take them along with you. If you find weaknesses in anybody, instead of making it public, try and re­ form them with sympathy and compassion and by doing this, you would be attempting to create a pure and peaceful society. This pure society is that which a Muslim has been or­ dered to establish and to establish the same God Almighty has sent the Promised Messiah as. Thus, every Ahmadi should try to establish a pure society. This condition can not arise until compassion arises in every Ahmadi's heart. Unless everyone treats the other like his own kinsmen; unless the walls of race, color and nationality are made to fall; unless Asians, Whites and African-Americans consider themselves as Ahmadis, as human beings, equal to each other and do their utmost to discharge the rights of the others; and unless such a condi­ tion prevails in everyone, we will not be truly fulfilling our pledge, namely that we have a true bond with Khilafat because it is only Khilafat, that by fulfilling the requirements of jus­ tice, establishes love, affection and peace. It leads to a beautiful society that treads upon the ways of God and the Messengersaw. Hence, if in this Khilafat Jubilee year, you have renewed your pledge of allegiance, then also try to raise your faith and good deeds to a very high level. Allah enable you to do this, may Allah enable you to reap all the blessings of this Jalsa, may He enable you and your descendants to act on the commands of Allah the Al­ mighty and the Messengersaw, may Allah bless the Ahmadiyya Jama'at of America both col­ lectively and individually and may He make you inheritors of the supplications of the Prom­ ised Messiaha5, may Allah be your Protector and Helper - now and along your journey, and may you always enjoy the benefits of the Jalsa and may I always receive good news from you. Ameen.

Now we shall offer silent prayer, please join me. ****** October - November 2008 34 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA The True Islamic Jihad An Address Delivered By Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih yaba At Khilafat Centenary Celebration Reception/Dinner On June 23rd 2008 At Tysons' Hilton, McLean, USA

Transcribed by Ruqayya Rehmatullah

All distinguished guests present here, Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Bara­ katohu, peace and blessings of Allah be upon you all.

Our local administration has requested me to give our distinguished guests a brief in­ troduction to the teachings of Islam. In particular, with reference to an important subject to­ wards which the attention of the world is focused and as a result of which the non-Muslim world believes that Islam is the religion of extremism and terror. Indeed, some people de­ clare that through terrorism, Islam is destroying their peace of the world. It is most unfortu­ nate that there is a group that has a clear understanding of the teachings of Islam but are fan­ ning the flame of this erroneous concept. Indeed some educated non-Muslims have con­ nected the concept of life after death and heaven and hell to Muslim extremists, terrorists and suicide bombers. So, the result is that the fatalist desire to enter paradise has awakened the peculiar concept of Jihad and of dying in the name of Allah, which has caused them to take up the sword and cause mayhem.

These groups today are in reality the byproduct of this teaching and concept. In any case, while I admit that the acts committed by certain ignorant and over-enthusiastic Mus­ lims have no doubt given a totally wrong impression of the teachings of Islam, I must also point out that the literature that has been written against Islam without the proper under­ standing of Islamic teachings has presented an erroneous concept about Islamic Jihad. Not only that, but also this literature that is in great circulation denies the very existence of God and considers religion and God to be responsible for this disorder and chaos.

Be that as it may, it is a topic to which justice cannot be done in such a short time. However, I will try to present the true teachings of Islam, as they have been expounded by the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community who we consider as the Promised Messi­ ahas, according to his understanding of the Holy Qura'n, the traditions of the Holy Prophet5aw and the history of Islam. October - November 2008 35 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

First of all, I will explain the true concept of Jihad in the words of the Messiah of the time. It has been one hundred years since the founder of the Ahmadiyya Community passed away. Therefore, no one can say that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community having made up a fanciful reply in response to the wrong impression created in the world today is now present­ ing something new. On the contrary, they are the very same teachings that are set out in the Holy Qur'an. The Promised Messiahas says the prevailing practice found amongst Muslims of attacking people of other religions and which they call Jihad, is not a lawful war for it is clearly against the commandment of God and the Prophet5aw, and constitutes a grave sin. What do the words lawful Jihad used by the founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community mean? In order to understand this, we have to very briefly glance at the conditions existing in that part of an area where the founder of Islam, the Holy Prophet5aw proclaimed his Divine mission and invited people to Islam. Remember those people were illiterate and uncivilized. Animosities were born out of ridiculous and petty matters, over which they would continue to kill each other for years. The sacred house, The Ka'bah, in Mecca, that Prophet Abraha­ mas had built in the name and for the worship of the one true God contained, by that time, no less than 360 idols for worship. The Meccans were certainly not ready to accept any God in the place of those idols.

When the Holy Prophet5aw made his claim and invited the Arabs towards the one and only God, the intelligent amongst them, some of whom were his relatives, poor people and slaves, embraced Islam. When this movement grew the disbelievers of Mecca increased their suspicion. Cruelty reached such highs that the believers were made to lie on the burning sands of Arabia while burning hot stones were placed on their chests. They were whipped. Their limbs were tied to camels and the camels were then driven in opposite directions, ren­ dering their bodies apart. The Holy Prophet5aw and his group of believers were banished to a valley and an embargo was placed on them. Neither food nor water was allowed to be deliv­ ered to them. His companions used to say that they would die in any case, so why not go down fighting. After all, these Muslims too came from among those who were ready to kill and cause bloodshed over the most trivial of matters, but when anyone said permit us to fight, the Holy Prophet5aw would say that he had not been commanded by Allah the Almighty to fight.

At last, the Holy Prophet5aw allowed some oppressed ones to migrate and then after some time he too migrated to Medina. By that time, there were some inhabitants of that town who had become Muslims. On his arrival, a large number of people embraced Islam in Me­ dina. The Holy Prophet5aw entered into a covenant with other tribes and faiths and amongst them there were also Jews. He established a state in which all subjects were granted free­ dom. If any one was punished for some crime, that punishment was given according to their own religious jurisprudence. Never the less, the subjects of the state, all of them had equal rights. Despite all of this, the allegation leveled against the Holy Prophet5aw is that, (God for­ bid) he spread terror. The question is that when it is known that the Muslims were in such a condition of helplessness and were being so cruelly oppressed, why is such an allegation be­ ing made against the Prophet and the Muslims?

I have briefly mentioned the conditions which prevailed at the time. Even in such conditions when the Muslims migrated to Medina and began to live in a relative peace, there also the Meccans hounded, pursued, and attacked them. The first battle was known as the October - November 2008 36 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Battle of Badr. At the time, it was such a condition that they had little resources, nor equip­ ment for battle. Whereas confronting them was a fully equipped army. These circumstances are not hidden from any one and are recorded in history. What could those unskilled and in­ experienced people have done? Some of them were only teenagers, however, when the en­ emy wanted to annihilate the Muslims, Allah the Almighty instructed them to fight back, so the following verse of the Holy Qur'an was revealed and according to historians, it is the first commandment that deals with fighting. But, I invite you to look at its beauty and the purpose for which the permission to fight was granted. It says "permission to fight is given to those against whom war is waged because they have been wronged. Allah, indeed, has the power to help them. Those who have been driven out from their homes unjustly only because they said our Lord is Allah and if Allah did not repel some men by means of others they would surely have pulled down cloisters, churches, synagogues, and mosques where in the name of Allah is often commemorated. Allah will surely help one who helps Him. Allah is indeed Powerful, Mighty" [Chapter 22, v. 40-41].

God says that if permission had not been given for defense then the peace of society would have been destroyed. Even today, any sane person irrespective of his or her religion would say that the rationale is indeed valid. The first reason is that if someone is attacked, he has the right to defend himself. Secondly, if as a result of tyranny, people are forced to mi­ grate or they are driven out of their homes unjustly and even then they are hounded and are not allowed to live in peace in a state governed by them, then it is quite reasonable that they be allowed to retaliate for the injury caused to them. Thirdly, oppressors do not confine themselves to their first targets. Indeed, their greed does and will continue to increase. Not caring about who belongs to what religion, they will try to segregate everyone. So, enough is enough. Thus it becomes important to nip this evil in the bud. In order to arrest the cruelty contained thereby. So, this permission for war was for defense and for security. Then draw­ ing attention to the people with whom you are allowed to fight, Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an "and fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight against you, but do not transgress surely Allah loves not the transgressors" {Chapter 2, v. 191]. So it is clearly expressed here that the commandment of Jihad was only against those people who fought in matters of faith and wanted to convert them by the sword as had happened in Mecca, where the disbelievers of Mecca had attacked and tried to end Islam.

Now, the allegation that the Islamic concept of paradise has made Muslims become belligerent and has incited them to do Jihad is also unjust. In the words that I have just quoted, Allah the Almighty has clearly said that He does not like transgressors. If Allah does not like a person, there can be no question of him entering paradise.

What are the standards of dealing with transgression? This also is a unique teaching. Unless one believes in Allah the Almighty and unless one has this fear in ones heart, one cannot reach high standards. Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur' an, "O ye who believe be steadfast in the cause of Allah bearing witness in equity and let not peoples' enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just that is nearer to righteousness and fear Allah. Allah is aware of what you do" {Chapter 5, v. 9]. This verse tells us if you are a true believer, then acting on the commandments of God Almighty you must be just and steadfast in them. October - November 2008 37 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

What are the requirements of justice? Firstly, make your deeds in accordance with the teachings of Islam and become a role model for others. Can a terrorist be a role model or an example for others? In his age, it is not only non-Muslims but also a majority of Muslims who do not like terrorist or suicide bombers. So it is only good deeds which will attract oth­ ers and not evil deeds. Also in this verse, amongst the many good deeds that a Muslim has been asked to do, one good deed towards which our attention has been drawn with regards to the enemy, I have briefly mentioned the conditions that prevailed before the migration and then those that existed after it. Now in that context, consider this commandment whose teachings are meant for the establishment of justice. If there are wars, they should conform to the law. For example, it is commanded that if you take prisoners, treat them kindly. Then, if the enemy lays down their arms, justice demands and more over, it is necessary for the es­ tablishment of peace, that hostilities should cease immediately. By contrast, in this civilized age, if two parties are meeting and you are ending the war between them, then at the last mo­ ment one party strikes so much terror into the hearts of the others by non-stop bombardment, the stronger party then will be able to force the weaker party to agree to all the conditions they impose. Allah the Almighty guides the Muslims declaring "if they incline towards peace, you should also incline towards it and put your trust in Allah, surely it is He who is All Hearing, All Knowing". [Chapter 8, v. 62]

So, the teaching is that if the enemy is inclined towards peace, then you should also be inclined towards it. The teaching is to put your trust in Allah, because it may well be that the enemy is extending his hand only to regain his strength and is not doing so with good in­ tentions but despite this, you are ordered to extend your hand in peace and place your trust in Allah and withdraw from war immediately. You are not allowed to give precedence to mili­ tary strategy, hence during the Treaty of Hudaybiyya, despite the insistence of the compan­ ions and despite having the upper hand, the Holy Prophetsaw agreed to the conditions of the disbelievers of Mecca. Even the invasion of Mecca was because the disbelievers had violated a treaty. But despite the fact that the Muslims were now the victors, who so ever did not raise arms against them was allowed to live in peace as disbelievers, even the bittersweet enemies were forgiven. These facts are not hidden, they have been witnessed by history. Alas, in spite of all of this, some western media and politicians have not refrained from making Islam, the Qur'an and the Holy Prophetsaw their targets. The cartoons depicting the Holy Prophet saw in certain newspapers and the statements made by an MP of Holland, who made a film also tar­ geted the Holy Qur'an and the Holy Prophetsaw.

The Muslims consider any Prophet, peace be upon them all, mentioned in any reli­ gious book as a true Prophet. Therefore, no Muslim and for that matter, no Ahmadi Muslim who believes in the Promised Messiahas of this age can be expected to resort to slander. We have been taught in the Holy Qur'an that as Prophets of God, all the Prophets are equal. Fur­ thermore, God says I have sent Prophets to all people, therefore we accept any Prophet with­ out hesitation who was sent to any nation that claims the Prophet came amongst them. Inci­ dentally, according to us, this is the only way to maintain the peace in the world at the mo­ ment. The feelings and sentiments of every religion and people should be respected. I have already told you in what situation and in what conditions war has been permitted. But the question is are such religious wars permitted in this age, and if not, what is the significance of Jihad? And what is the interpretation of Jihad according to Ahmadis? October - November 2008 38 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

This, I want to say in passing, that the wars of the last few centuries were mainly po­ litical and geographical in nature and rarely waged because of religion. Moreover, in the last century, two world wars were fought in which the Muslims played no major role. They were exclusively because of political interests. Before accusing Islam of being a religion of terror­ ism, justice requires that those who make allegations should also consider the cause of the wars in questions. In any case, I want to briefly present the definition of Jihad, as given by the founder of Ahmadiyya Community and to say how one can engage in this present age.

In the developed world of our time, everybody has the right to practice, to preach and to profess his faith. In other words, the conditions for war that I had mentioned do not exist, then what is the uproar about Jihad? I therefore want to explain the kind of Jihad our com­ munity believes in, in the present age. More than a hundred years ago, in response to an ob­ jection related to Jihad, the founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community stated that a critic has mentioned the Jihad found in Islam and thinks that the Qur'an incites to Holy War un­ conditionally. There cannot be a bigger fabrication. The Qur'an only permits fighting against those who prevent the people of God from believing and entering His religion and from abiding by God's commandments and from worshipping Him. God permits fighting against those who fight Muslims without reason and who drive believers from their homes and from their lands and who force God's creation to enter into their religion and who want to annihi­ late the religion of Islam and prevent persons from becoming Muslims. Then the Promised Messiah assays "Islam says the fact of the matter is that the government (he is mentioning the British Government) does not interfere with the religion of Islam and religious customs, nor does it use the sword to promote their religion, according to the teachings of the Holy Qur'an, it is unlawful to fight against such a government because it does not engage in any religious war".

The founder of the Ahmadiyya Community also declares that some wild and savage Muslims named the cruel shedding of blood Jihad and they know not that to confront a just ruler is rebellion and not Jihad. Moreover, a person who makes a covenant of peace and who commits war instead of doing a good deed and who punishes the innocent is a tyrant and a victorious general. So, this is the true Islamic teaching explained to us by the Messiah of Muhammadsaw of this present age who has established peace on a strong footing and was to enrich the world with an atmosphere of love and affection. Suicide attacks are carried out to inflict wounds on soldiers of another army. But, in reality, it is the innocent who are killed. This is wrong. It is the responsibility of the government. Any act committed by a person who is not part of an army, is not Jihad, but rebellion. The question I raised was the significance of Jihad and the response is that in this age, the Jihad accepted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the reformation of the self. This is not a recent idea. It was mentioned 1400 years ago by the founder of Islamsaw upon his return from a battle, when he said that we are moving from a minor Jihad to a greater Jihad and the greater Jihad is the Jihad of reforming ones self and that is never ending and forever. The state of war does not last forever. True Jihad is the reformation of the evils which are born in the times of relative peace and com­ fort. Serving mankind is a real Jihad. In the 120 years of our history, there is testimony to it. We are engaged in this Jihad. Whereas we are trying to bring mankind nearer to his Creator, our schools and hospitals, our plans for water wells and pumps in countries of Africa, Asia, and other poor countries and in far flung areas of the world are continuing. We are also help­ ing those affected by natural disasters. Guiding us in this direction, the founder of the October - November 2008 39 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community says, "That at this time, I specifically instruct my Jama'at in this community that accepts me as the Promised Messiah that they should always stay away from foul efforts. God has sent me as the Promised Messiah and has clothed me with the garment of the Messiah, son of Mary. I therefore admonish you to refrain from evil and be truly compassionate towards mankind. Cleanse your hearts of malice and spite for you will become like angels through this habit. It is a filthy and unholy religion that is devoid of sympathy for humanity and polluted is the path riddled with rancor based on selfish desires. Be compassionate towards all for the sake of God, so that you may be shown mercy in the heavens. Come and I will teach you a way that will cause your light to prevail over all other lights. Abandon all lowly spites and jealousies. Be compassionate to mankind and lose your­ self in God.

I have come to you with an order, Jihad with the sword has ended from this time for­ ward, but the Jihad of purifying your souls must continue. I do not say of this on my own ac­ cord. This is indeed, the Will of God. According to the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him, when the Messiah comes, he will put an end to religious war. Accord­ ingly, I command those who have joined my ranks to refrain from such thoughts, to purify their hearts, to foster sympathy and to be compassionate towards the suffering. They should spread peace on earth because that will cause their faith to spread in return." (British Gov­ ernment and Jihad')

So, if we are engaged in such a Jihad without hindrance it is because of this spiritual system we are linked as a chain. The leadership or bridge is in the hand of Khilafat or the succession of the Messiah of Muhammad saw. The attachment that members of the community have with Khilafat compels them to follow the teachings that had been brought by the Mes­ siah of Muhammadsaw and that teaching is to honor and discharge the rights we owe to God Almighty and His creations, to pull down the walls of hatred and spread the fragrance of love and affection. Though, through the excerpts that I have read before all of you sitting be­ fore me, you who are educated, now that I have made you aware to some extent of the true message of Islam, you should decide for yourselves, whether Islam teaches terrorism or peace and security. It is neither right nor fair to condemn a religion merely because of the ac­ tions of a group or a few individuals. So, I request you to speak out for justice in your re­ spective circles, so that an atmosphere of love and peace is created for each of you. Your country is also among those who enjoy a political and social superiority. Therefore, more justice is required from you.

I now end this subject with the prayer that Muslims and Non-Muslims carry the fear of their Creator in their hearts so that they can have good feelings for His creation. Allah help us all. I am grateful to you for having taken part in this function and for having encour­ aged us in our endeavors.

Thank you very much. Thank you. ****** October - November 2008 40 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA 60th JALSA SALANA, USA Held at Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex & Expo Center Harrisburg PA On June 20-22, 2008

Habibullah S. Bajwa and Kalimullah Khan

Hazoor's Arrival rived, a crowd of nearly precious time Hazooraba in USA 2000 men, women, and spared some time for Mu­ children filled with antici­ laqat. 1 The 60 h Jalsa pation crested into a daz­ Salana, USA was a special, zling display of love for the Harrisburg Jalsa Site significant and memorable Khalifat All of them wel­ event. At this occasion comed Hazooraba with slo- On June 19, 2008 evening Hazooraba moved to Hadhrat Mirza Masroor gans as he came out of his Ahmad Khalifatul Masih car. Hazooraba responded the Jalsa Site located at the yaba honored the US soil Pennsylvania Farm Show with waving his hands. Im­ with his blessed visit. It was Complex and Expo Center mediately after his arrival the first time that Hadhrat Hazooraba led Maghrib and Harrisburg. His visit was Khalifatul Masih yaba vis- important to see Afsaran, /sha Prayers at Baitur Rah­ ited USA after a long and Naib Afsaran, Nazimeen man Mosque. anxious waiting. His visit and Muavaneen Jalsa at the was of historical signifi­ Mulaqat Program Jalsa Gah to examine the cance at a time when Ja­ final preparation and to ma'at Ahmadiyya Interna­ Although Hazoor' Saba meet the volunteers of Jalsa tional is celebrating its Cen­ stay at USA for eight days Salana. His presence not tennial programs. was short but his schedule only motivated the workers was extremely busy. From but it also offered them an Hazooraba arrival June 17-19, 2008 Hazooraba opportunity of shaking in USA was on the evening remained busy in individual hands and to converse di­ of June 16, 2008. He and family Mulaqat of USA rectly with him on pertinent reached Baitur Rahman Jama'at members and some matters and seek his guid­ Mosque at 10:30 PM. dignitaries. The Ambassa­ ance. All volunteers en­ where a large number of dors of Sierra Leone and joyed dinner with Ha­ men women and children Benin met him on June 17, zooraba. from the Washington Met­ 2008 forenoon. Malik ropolitan and surrounding Mubarak Ahmad Nazim Jalsa Site areas were present to re­ Mulaqat along with his Preparation ceive their beloved Imam. team was assigned to ar­ They were very excited and range the Mulaqat program. Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar full of zeal to welcome their Even at Harrisburg out of Sahib, Ameer Jama'at spiritual leader. As he ar- his very busy schedule and Ahmadiyya USA, ap­ pointed Wasim Haider as October - November 2008 41 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Afsar Jalsa Salana, Shahid program with photos of ence rooms. The venue for Saeed Malik as Afsar Jalsa speakers, introduction of the main Jalsa Gah, both Gah and Dr. Faheem the Ahmadiyya Muslim for men and women, was in Younus Qureshi as Afsar Community, the claim of the bigger halls situated a Khidmat-e-Khalq well in the Promised Messiahas walking distance apart. Ar­ advance. They set up teams with his photo, a note of rangements for direct TV of Naib Afsran, Nazimeen Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih transmission of Jalsa pro­ and Muavineen for the yaba with his photo and con­ ceedings for the combined preparation of Jalsa Salana tact names with phone session were in place via and discharging the respon­ numbers were printed. The MTA. sibilities of various Nazam­ brochure also had photos of ats. The designated area of Minaratul Masih and the Physical the Farm Show Complex Khilafat Centennial beauti­ Arrangements and Expo Center was cov­ ful banner. ered with colorful painting, The physical ar­ banners and flags for beau­ Registration: rangements for Jalsa Gah tifying the landscape, re­ started a couple of months earlier. In both the men and ception, transportation, ac­ All members of the women's Jalsa Gah tall commodation, security and Jama' at were required to colored curtains were set Langar Khana areas. Quo­ register on line for Jalsa us­ up. Various offices, stalls tations of the Promised ing Internet. Identity Cards and Langar Khana were Messiah' sas writings were with a barcode and mag­ built for the smooth running displayed on beautiful ban­ netic strip with appropriate of the Jalsa event. For the ners. information was set up to convenience of guests and be scanned at Jalsa Salana. participants of Jalsa, of­ Program It helped with the security fices for Registration, Infor­ check up. Registration Under the direct su­ mation, Accommodation, booths were set up on both pervision and guidance of Reception, Media & Press men and ladies sides. respected Ameer Sahib and Hazri Nigrani were at USA Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar Jalsa Gah the Jalsa Site. Similarly a program committee com­ desks for Transportation prising of Dr. Zaheer Ba­ This year Jalsa ar­ and Humanity First and jwa, Maulana Azhar Haneef rangements were made at stalls and offices for Exhi­ and Mirza N aseer Ehsan Pennsylvania Farm Show bition, Books, Tea and Lan­ Ahmad deliberated and Complex and Expo Center gar Khana, Rishta Nata, chalked out a program for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadi­ the Jalsa. The topics and that is 2 hours drive from yya Khidmate Khalq Office, speakers were carefully se­ Baitur Rahman Mosque First Aid/ Homeopathy lected and approved. Re­ . Hotels required were inside the main J alsa spected Ameer Sahib ap­ for accommodating guests Gah. proved a separate program were at convenience loca­ exclusively for Lajna Jalsa tion from the Jalsa Gah. MTA set up its stu­ proceedings with Hazooraba. The Jalsa facility, with its dio and equipments at the prime location and central back of the stage. The stage A beautiful bro­ air conditioning, offers two was beautifully decorated chure containing the J alsa big halls and a few confer- with vases of flowers. The October - November 2008 42 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA background screen exhib­ zooraba added that the piv­ Khalifatullah, Khalifatur ited the large Centennial otal point for holding such a Rasul and Khalifatul Masih Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya oval gathering 1s to develop was presented in a beautiful shaped logo. A small sized righteousness, brotherhood and appreciable manner. A same logo was on the left and deep love in all mem­ comprehensive summariz­ hand side. A picture of bers. Analyzing Ahmadi ing these Divine Favors to Minaratul Masih was on living in the USA Hazooraba the Prophets of Allah was the right hand side of the said that American presented at the entrance. A screen. Ahmadis are of three cate­ site map was also dis­ gories- American, Afro­ played. The Exhibition was Flag Hoisting America and from Inda-Pak according to a historical Ceremony sub-continent. All of them timeline of Prophets and must develop sincerity, Successors from Hadhrat Following the tradi­ brotherhood, unity and Adam35 to Hadhrat Khali­ tion of Jama'at Ahmadiyya spiritual love for each other. fatul Masih yaba. There Hazooraba performed the He urged all members to were over 175 exhibits set Flag Hoisting ceremony on develop exemplary Islamic up on a professional pattern Friday June 20, 2008 at brotherhood as was devel­ of display. The magnificent 1:30 PM and led silent oped among Muslims at the theme of this exhibition had prayer. time of the Holy Prophetsaw. never been attempted be­ Jumu'ah and Asr Continuing his Sermon Ha­ fore. zooraba said that with right­ Prayers eousness Afro-American A separate digital electronic section consist­ The lunch was Ahmadis can change their minority to majority. ing of a panel TV and pro­ served before Jumu 'ah and jection stand was set up to Asr Prayers. Hazooraba de­ Through righteousness the problems of marriages and play high definition movies livered the Friday Sermon and video on Khilafat-e­ and led Jumu 'ah and Asr divorces could also be re­ solved. He reminded all of­ Ahmadiyya and related top­ Prayer. In his Sermon Ha­ ics. The Exhibition covered zooraba referred to the first fice holders to fulfill their responsibilities and con­ an area of 1,000 Sq.ft. A Jalsa Salana of Jama'at large number of tour guides Ahmadiyya in which the sider these matters seri­ ously. were available for quick participants were only 75. tours. Hazooraba said that from Exhibition such a humble beginning it Hadhrat Khalifatul was destined to spread The theme of this Masih yaba was pleased to these Jalsa Salanas thro­ year's exhibition was "The see such a unique exhibi­ ughout the globe. Now, by Favors of God on Mankind tion. He was interested to the grace of Allah many Ja­ Through His Messengers." visit all areas of the exhibi­ ma 'ats are purchasing hun­ tion but due to his precious dreds of acres of plots for All Messengers of time a brief introduction their Jalsa Salana needs. Allah starting from Hadhrat was presented to him. Jalsa Salana held in differ­ Adamas mentioned in the ent countries are in accor­ Holy Qur'an were included The mayor of Harris­ dance with the fulfillment in the exhibition. Favors of burg spent 45 minutes to of prophecies and exhibit Allah in all dimensions see the exhibition. He re­ the truthfulness of the were duly researched and quested the genealogical 35 chart of Hadhrat Ibrahimas Promised Messiah • Ha- presented. Special favor to October - November 2008 43 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA that culminates in the com­ ma'at and Majlis Ansarul­ reminded boys of the ing of the Holy Prophetsaw lah were set up. Stalls for age 15 and above to fill for display in his own of­ The Muslim Sunrise, CDs up their Waqfe Nau Re­ fice. Maulana Abdul Majid set up close to the main dedication Form and to Tahir of London liked the Book Stall area. Khawas mention their selected exhibition so much that he Ahmad Bhatti with his team profession. Hazooraba wanted to have the entire set up the bookstall and told them that the Ja­ exhibition shipped to UK as made the necessary ar­ ma' at expects that it would serve the needs of rangements. Waqfeen should adopt the Markaz suitably. Dr. all type of professions. Fazal Ahmad was the Special Events Hazooraba checked the Nazim of the exhibition number of Waqfeen Nau _During Jalsa Salana who along with his devo­ boys familiar with the all auxiliaries of the Ja­ tees spent months in its Urdu language. At the ma'at held their meetings. preparation. Dr. Ahmad is end Hazoor gave gifts Ahmadiyya Medical Asso­ also in-charge of Exhibi­ of a special bag bearing ciation, Lawyer Associa­ tions and Historian of Ja­ the Khilafat Centennial tion, Scientists Association ma'at Ahmadiyya USA. logo to all Waqfeen and Engineers and Archi­ Nau. All Waqfeen, of­ tecture Association held Accommodation fice holders and volun­ their professional meetings teers had group photos Like previous years to discuss their achieve­ with Hazooraba. the Jama'at reserved hotels ments and future planning. in Harrisburg close to Jalsa Humanity First USA held b) After the Bustane Nau site. Mostly the Ahmadis of its meeting at a lunch on program, Ameen cere­ USA Jama'ats reserved Saturday June 21, 2008. On mony for boys was held. their rooms in hotels close the same evening a recep­ A large number of boys to the Jalsa site. Nazamat tion for guests was ar­ who have completed Accommodation arranged ranged. reading Holy Qur'an rooms for Ahmadi dignitar­ participated in the cere­ ies arriving from different Bustane Waqfe Nau mony. countries. Guests from Program with Huzur USA and abroad who c) On Saturday June 21st reached before J alsa were a) On Friday June 20th evening Bustane Waqfe accommodated in Ahmadi evening Bustane Waqfe Nau Program for girls houses. A large number of Nau Program for boys was arranged. In that Khidmate Khalq Volunteers was arranged with Ha­ program 152 girls par­ arrived on Saturday and zoor. The program ticipated. The same pat­ Sunday, June 14 and 15, started with recitation of tern of program was 2008 for security arrange­ the Holy Qur'an with its adopted as that of the ment. All of them were ac­ English and Urdu trans­ boys. Hazooraba re­ commodated in Ahmadi lation followed by a minded girls above 15 homes close to Baitur Rah­ poem of the Promised to fill up Waqfe Nau Re­ man Mosque. Messiahas with English dedication Form. All translation. 210 Waq­ Waqfat received bags Book Stall feen Nau boys attended from Hazooraba and had this program. Hazooraba a group photo with him. Bookstalls of the Ja- October - November 2008 44 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA d) On Saturday June 21st around 200 (men and Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih evening after Bustane women) on both days. yaba and Jama'at Ahma- Waqfe Nau Program, the diyya for organizing Na­ On Saturday Mau­ Ameen ceremony for tional Conference at Har­ girls took place in which lana Zafarullah Hanjra led risburg which is a great young girls who have Tahajjud and Fajr prayers pride for them. The con­ completed the reading and delivered Darsul qur'an ference is to establish Holy Qur'an partici­ and Maulana Inamul Haq peace and brotherhood pated. Kausar led prayers and de­ from a community of 180 livered Darsul Hadith on countries dedicated to Dinner for Guests Sunday. achieve such a wonderful goal. He offered a procla­ On the evening of Opening Session mation from himself and June 21st a Tablighi dinner citizens of Harrisburg. He was arranged by the Na­ (June 20, 2008) offered honorary Citizen­ tional Tabligh Department Presided over by ship of Harrisburg to of USA. All guests who at­ Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih tended Jalsa and Ahmadi Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar, Ameer, Jamaa't V, Hadhrat Mirza Mas­ dignitaries from USA out­ roor Ahmadaba. side were invitees. After Ahmadiyya USA dinner a Q/A session was b) Mr. Patric Curvin, GM The session started held. Guests = 300 Ahmadi of the Expo and Confer­ with recitation from the dignitaries = 200 ence Center was the sec­ Holy Qur'an rendered by ond speaker. He wel­ Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhry Khilafat Mushaira comed members and Sahib followed by its Eng­ prayed for the success of After the above men­ lish translation by Abdur the conference. He said tioned dinner a Mushaira Raqib Wali Sahib. on Khilafat was held with that he was impressed and the collaboration of Hu­ Bilal Raja Sahib recited appreciated the zeal and manity First and MAAIA a poem of the Promised attitude of dedication and (Mid-Atlantic Association Messiahas in his melodious courtesy of the youths. voice. The English transla­ for Literature Apprecia­ Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar tion). 15 poets presented tion of the poem was read out by Ali Murtza Sahib. Ameer USA was the first their poems. Atten­ speaker. The topic of his dance=150 Address of speech was "Hadhrat Adamas to Hadhrat Ahmacl'.s -Khilafat Tahajjud and Salat Distinguished Guests from Inception to Perfec­ Arrangements Two guest speakers tion". He recited a Qur' anic During Jalsa Salana expressed their views about verse from Surah Al-Nur (24:56) mentioning establish­ Congregational Salatul Jalsa and Jama'at Ahmadi­ Tahajjud on Saturday and yya. ment of Khilafat among the Sunday and daily prayer believers. He welcomed a). The first speaker was members in attending the were offered at the Jalsa Mayor Steven Reed Gah. The attendance at special Jalsa Salana honored Mayor of Harrisburg. by the presence of Hadhrat Tahajjud and Fajr time was The mayor welcomed October - November 2008 45 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Khalifatul Masih yaba. speech. The speaker recited read by Nasarulla Ahmad verse 56 of Surah Al-Noor. Sahib. He explained the Elaborating on its meaning words Khalifatullah and he told that the verse clearly Anwer Mahmud Khan Khalifatur Rasool. With tells that Allah accepts the was the first speaker of the Qur' anic verses he elabo­ prayers of the Khalifah of session. His topic was "The rated on the difference of the time. Maulana told that First Century of Khilafate­ Khalifatulla (representative there are two aspects of ac­ Ahmadiyya - Our Services of Allah) and Khalifatur­ ceptance of prayers related and Sacrifices". The spea­ Rasool (representative of to individual members and ker discussing his topic em­ His Prophets). He said that community. All Ahmadis phasized that each of us Hadhrat Adamas was Khali­ young or old are witness to must have a close relation l atullah and his Khilafat this fact. The relationship with the Khalifatul Masih. was full of blessing and had with Khilafat becomes The speaker stepwise elabo­ more spiritual and material­ strong and develops by rated the blessing of Khila­ istic benefits for mankind writing letters. He men­ Jat during the period of as compared to bloodshed tioned miraculous incidents each Khalifatul Masih. Dur­ that scared angels. Elabo­ occurred during the Khila­ ing the last hundred years rating on the meanings of Jat of all Khalifatul Masih. all Khalifatul Masih lau­ the verse, the Ameer Sahib The speaker narrated mira­ nched various schemes and clearly mentioned Khilafat cles of acceptance of Khu­ all of them exhibited won­ in general and Khilafat-e­ lafa at the time of great trial derful results. Jama'at Ah­ Ahmadiyya in particular. and extreme difficult time. madiyya progressed with About Khalifatur Rasool he He mentioned difficult peri­ tremendous speed. At the added that Khilafat is a sec­ ods of 1934, 1953, 1974 time of the Promised Mes­ ond manifestation of the and 1984. Each time the siahas the Jama'at was in 12 prophethood. He quoted whole world witnessed the countries of the world. It reference from the writings established in 18 countries 35 miracles of acceptance of of the Promised Messiah • prayers. during Khalifatul Masih ra, With Qura'nic verses he ex­ in 75 countries during Ilnd plained the spiritual aspects June 21, 2008- Khilafat, in 91 countries and lasting benefits of Morning Session during 11Ird Khilafat and in Khilafat. About Khilafat-e­ 175 countries during IVth Ahmadiyya, he said that it is Presided by Khilafat. Now by the Grace a continuation of the Khila­ Munum Naeem Sahib of Allah Jama'at Ahmadi­ fat of the Holy Prophetsaw Na'ib Ameer Jama'at yya has been established in and will continue as 190 countries of the world. prophet-hood of the Holy USA It is only through His boun­ Prophetsaw is till the Day of Recitation of the ties and the blessings of the Resurrection. Holy Qura'n was done by Khilafat. Concluding his speech the speaker said that Maulana Shamshad Zainul Abideen Sahib and Ahmad Nasir was the sec­ the English translation was the progress of the Jama' at ond speaker of the session. read out by Omer Sharif Sa­ requires sacrifice, steadfast­ "Divine Acceptance of hib. Syed Mashhood Ahm­ ness and supplication from Ja­ Khalifa 's Prayers-Miracles ad Sahib recited a poem of each member of the ma'at of Prayers through Khila­ the Promised Messiahas and and each of us must f at" was the topic of his its English translation was fulfill our responsibility. October • November 2008 46 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Nasir Mahmood Malik and trust, compassion and of a Personal Bond with the was the second speaker and forgiveness, thankfulness Khalifah. " The speaker said his topic was: "Reinforcing and appreciation, caring that the company of the Our Ties with Khilafat and sharing, compromise righteous is like the lap of a through mutual brother­ and reconsolidation and last mother where one feels hood. " The speaker recited but not least passion and comfort and peace. Refer­ the verse 56 of Surah Al­ prayer. Concluding his ring to Hadhrat Ch. Mu­ Nur. Allah says that He will speech the speaker said that hammad Zafarulla Khan, establish Khilafat if we be­ in the sight of Allah all hu­ the speaker said that he had lieve in Him and do good man beings are equal only initiated at the hands of the deeds. The question arises righteous people are re­ Promised MessiahaS. had that how can we stay with spected. He quoted the 3rd close attachment with four Khilafat. We can stay by condition of Initiation Khalifatul Masih and suc­ truly believing in the be­ which is incumbent to take ceeded in all fields. Culti­ nevolence of Khilafat and care of fellow beings. vating personal bond and doing good deeds. Mutual relation with the Khalifah is brotherhood is most impor­ George P. Hartwick a great blessing, he said. tant for attachment with Commissioner of Loudon His prayers are miracu­ Khilafat, the speaker added. County was invited to lously accepted. Writing For developing brotherhood speak after the second letters and sharing our suc­ we must bring our hearts speaker of the session. The cess and failure develops a together physically and commissioner welcomed all bondage of love with him. emotionally. Mutual help members of the Jama'at to The Khalifatul Masih not and support develops broth­ their Annual Convention. only prays for his family erhood. Analyzing brother­ He welcomed the Khali­ and members of the Ja­ hood, the speaker said, it is fatul-Masih yaba whose arri­ ma'at but also for the whole an association for a specific val is a great honor for him. of humanity. A personal purpose and that is to His visit is important in bond and link with him achieve the pleasure of Al­ conveying the message of brings spirituality and com­ lah. It should be exhibited peace and love as the slo­ fort for all members. The in our daily life. Glorious gan "Love for All Hatred speaker also referred to the examples of brotherhood for None" is impressive for speech Hazooraba delivered can be seen at the time of those who suspected Mus­ on May 27, 2008 and urged Holy Prophet8aw. It is also lims with fear after 9/11. members to fulfill their demonstrated at the time of He briefly described the pledge of that day. To the Promised Messiahas. history of Ahmadiyyat and achieve the pleasure of Al­ The speaker quoted exam­ described that Ahmadis be­ lah we must transfer love ples of sacrifice due to Is­ lieve in Jihad of pen and and blessing of Khilafat to lamic brotherhood and em­ are against terrorism and next generation and this phasized that it must be violence in the name of re­ process should continue, continued. We must not ligion. They also believe in the speaker said in his con­ hurt the feelings of other. It a revolution by peaceful cluding words. should be reflected from means, he added. our action. The mutual Munum Naeem Sahib Faheem Younus Qure­ briefly described the activi­ brotherhood needs mutual shi was the third speaker. love and affection, respect ties and achievements of His topic was: "Cultivation Humanity First during the October - November 2008 47 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

wa1tmg period of Ha­ more than men. The sacri­ sometime office holders zoor' Saba address to the La­ fice of life of women is and dignitaries are under jna Jalsa Session. nevertheless less than men. discussion at home and at It happened in the past and public places, it must be June 21, 2008 is happening now by the avoided. It leaves an ad­ Morning Session in Grace of Allah. Islam pro­ verse effect on children. vided high status to women Mentioning the issue of Ladies and assigned some duties Purdah Hazooraba said that After recitation from and responsibilities. Good it should be started at the the Holy Qur'an and Poem, education and training of very early age of 5 to avoid Hazoor distributed Educa­ children provide them a complication. tional Awards. Six Gold unique opportunity. The Addressing Waqfate Medals were given to bril­ foremost purpose of every Nau girls, he said that they liant students and three stu­ woman is to offer all type must realize their responsi­ dents were honored with of sacrifice. Hazooraba re­ bilities. They should ac­ recognition. For Essay writ­ ferred to the pledge of May quire a thorough under­ ing competition Lajna and 27, 2008 and pointed out standing of Jama'at litera­ Nasirat who achieved first that they pledged to be ture and make themselves positions were awarded. ready to sacrifice for the Hazoor' Saba address was in Khilafat. Hazooraba men­ exemplary. They must fol­ low the teachings of the English and started at 12:35 tioned the era of Khilafat-e­ Holy Qur'an and the teach­ PM. Hazooraba said that Al­ Rashida and a chain of Mu­ ing of the Holy Prophet5aw. lah blessed this Jama' at jadadins till the advent of The address ended at 1:40 with His favor and all in­ the Promised Messiahas was PM. vention of the modern age to re-establish Shariah and like Satellite station and the system of Khilafat. Now MTA Interviews: MT A are special favors of the Khilafat is everlasting Allah for the Promised Hazooraba added. He men­ In the main Jalsa Messiahas. Hazooraba men- tioned the high status of Gah (Men) two large TV tioning his tour of Africa women in Islam who are screens were hanging to said that love for Khilafat is responsible for secular, reli­ display live programs and flourishing from the hearts gious and spiritual educa­ interviews of elites and all members of the Jama'at. tion and training of the chil­ scholars. The trained team Hazooraba said that the di­ dren. A believing woman of MT A conducted these rect speech of the Khali­ becomes the guarantor of interviews. The interviews fatul Masih in Lajna is im­ transferring her good nature were displayed during inter­ portant due to two factors: to the next generation. Ha­ vals of main programs. zooraba asked Lajna to at­ a) Ladies are more than tach their children to Ja­ June 21, 2008 50 % of population and ma'at activities and pass on Afternoon Session: b) They constitute the fu­ the bounties and blessings ture of every nation of Allah to their next gen­ Presided by Continuing his ad­ eration. He appreciated the Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar dress Hazooraba said that la­ mothers who for the train­ Ameer Jama' at USA dies offer many services to ing of their children quit Jama'at. Their financial their professional jobs. Ha­ The session stared contributions are sometimes zooraba pointed out that with recitation from the October - November 2008 48 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Holy Qur'an by Maulana Ahmad. The name Muham­ superior to Moses. This was Zafar Sarwar Sahib and mad was Jalali meaning for religious freedom and English translation by Ab­ that the Majesty of the Holy freedom of conscious. He dul Karim Sahib. Kaleem Prophet5aw was exhibited wanted to establish peace Bhatti Sahib recited a Poem during his life time whereas and harmony and not dis­ of the Promised Messiahas the second name Ahmad turb the peace in the soci­ and Hasan Hakim Sahib exhibiting Divine mercy ety. The Holy Prophetsaw read its English translation. and beneficence was des­ taught Muslims not to hurt tined at the time of the the feelings of other people. Falahuddin Shams Promised Messiahas. Jihad Every single human being was the first speaker of this was allowed in certain con­ is respectable. We should session. His topic was: "An ditions. The Promised Mes­ open our hearts and let eve­ Introduction to Ahmadiy­ siahas clearly mentioned it ryone enter into it. The yat. " The speaker stated in his books. The Promised message of peace of Islam the status of the religious Messiahas was supposed to is for all humanity. It is the world and the Muslims as a establish peace in the teaching of Islam not to in­ nation in particular. He said world. The speaker quoted terfere in the religions of that before the advent of the some writings of the Prom­ others and let them free to Promised Messiahas, the po­ ised Messiahas. worship according to their litical condition of Muslims belief. Islam protects the had deteriorated. In 1835 Maulana Azhar rights of all people belong­ the Promised Messiahas was Hanif was the last speaker ing to different religions. It born and it was a Divine of the afternoon session. invites to establish peace in plan for the re-establish­ His topic was: "A Message whole the world and never ment of Islam. Before his of Peace-A Timeless Pact ever encouraged to disturb claim as reformer he chal­ for Interfaith Harmony." the peace. The Holy Proph­ lenged all religious scholars The speaker started his et5aw strictly prohibited from to compete with him in reli­ speech with two words As­ such an action, the said in gious debates. The Muslims salamo Alaikum which his concluding words. had the belief in the new means 'May peace be upon arrival of Jesusas. Christian you'. The speaker said that Guest Speakers missionaries had reached the Holy Prophet5aw was different countries for the sent as Mercy to all man­ Ameer Sahib invited propagation of Christianity. kind. In Medina where the the following guest speak­ Many missionaries reached Muslims were living to­ ers: India. The main mission of gether with members of 1. Ms. Suhan, State the Promised Messiahas was other religion, once a dis­ House of Representa­ for the renascence of Islam. pute developed between a tive was requested to Most people at that time in­ Muslim and Jew. Both were speak on "The impor­ declaring the supremacy of cluding Muslims were as­ tance of Government in tonished to learn that the their prophets. Although the Establishing Peace". In deceased body of Islam Holy Qur' an announced the brief time she high­ would be given life. The Holy Prophetsaw superior to lighted some salient fea­ Holy Prophetsaw had two all prophets, yet he asked tures that help in estab­ names, Muhammad and Muslims not to declare him lishing peace. October - November 2008 49 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

2. Dr. Ms. Yuonne Mil­ June 22, 2008 his Khulafa. Thus the paw was the second prophecy of the Holy guest who represented Morning Session Prophet5aw was fulfilled. Dr. Edmond Professor The speaker mentioned that at HACC. She spoke on Presided by translation of the Holy "The Importance of Yousuf Latif Qur' an in English started Education in Establish­ during the lifetime of the ing Peace". The session started Promised Messiahas and with recitation of the Holy was completed after him by 3. Ahmad Salim, repre­ Qur' an by Hafiz Habibullah Hadhrat Maulvi Sher Al{a. sentative of the Church Ahmad Sahib and Bilal Ab­ Similarly the Promised of the Latter Days dus Salam Sahib offered its Messiahas started the Eng­ Saints of NJ was the 3rd English translation. A poem lish magazine Review of speaker, who expressed of the Promised Messiahas Religion and extended the love for humanity and was recited by Asadullah circle of its readers. The Ja­ told that his church Chaudhry Sahib followed ma'at Ahmadi yya pro­ helped affected humans by its English translation by gressed continually and during natural disasters. Ahmad Nooruddin Sahib. gained mentionable a~hi~­ 4. Abbas Faiz President Daud Ahmad Hanif, vements. He quoted mc1- Amnesty International Missionary lncharge and dents about the progress South Asian Region Na'ib Ameer was first and victory of Islam at the talked on "The Viola­ speaker of the session and time of Khalifatul Masih Y\ IY\ IIY\ IVrh and yaba. In tion of Human Rights in his topic was: "The Sun (of Bangladesh". He men­ Islam) Shall Rise in the his concluding words the tioned the miserable West-A Prophecy Fulfilled speaker reminded all mem­ conditions in Bangla­ through the Messiah and bers to ponder over the desh through which his Khulafa. " The speaker pledge made with Hadhrat Ahmadi Muslim passed. said that his topic is a Khalifatul Masih yaba and prophecy of the Holy Pro- act upon it whole heartedly. After the guest speakers saw h phet Mu h amma d w o Sahibzada Mirza Ameer Sahib announced forecasted the victory of Is­ that Hazooraba will Maghfoor Ahmad was the lam in the latter days at the award gold medals to second speaker of the ses­ time of the Promised Mes­ talented students of sion. His topic was: "The siahas. With the publication Hand of God is over the USA and recognition of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya in for those who received Hand of the Khalifah-A 1880 by the Promised Mes­ Century of Evidence and remarkable achieve­ siahas the foundation for the ments. Ameer Sahib re­ Experience". The speaker victory of Islam over all said that every Ahmadi is a quested all guests, dig­ other religions was set up. nitaries from other witness that the Hand of He challenged all religious God is always on the hand countries, National Am­ denominations to compete ila and Presidents of dif­ of Khilafat and Allah Him­ with him for superiority of self establishes the Khali­ ferent chapters of USA Islam. Many people joined to proceed for dinner. fah. The whole century of Ahmadiyyat in the East and Khilafat is a clear proof of West during the lifetime of this fact. At the demise of the Promised Messiahas and the Promised Messiahas the October - November 2008 50 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA opponents forecasted the col­ Qura'n by Hafiz Mubarik ally, religiously and mor­ lapse of the Jama'at but Al­ Ahmad Kukoya. Bashir ally as described by the lah established Khilafat and Asad Sahib read English Promised Messiahas. Ha­ all Ahmadis were initiated at translation. Mansoor Rafiq zooraba said that if by re­ the hand of Hadhrat Khali­ Ahmad recited a poem of membering and never for­ fatul Masih r8. Allah helped the Promised Messiahas and getting this pledge after the the Jama' at and it succeeded J alal Abdul Latif presented Jalsa as you enter the new and progressed in all turbu­ its English translation. century you deserve con­ lences and trials. He men­ gratulation. A revolutionary tioned the difficult periods Dr. Khalil Malik, Na­ change and a complete during each Khilafat and fa­ tional Secretary Education transformation is needed in vor and blessing of Allah on USA announced for the all persons. A revolutionary His Khalifah and the Ja­ award distribution cere­ change is needed that re­ ma'at. The speaker referred mony. Gold medals and flected from the life of the to 1934, 1953, 1974 and certificates were distributed Holy Prophet5aw and from 1984 when opposition to the among the brilliant students the life of the Promised Jama'at utilized their re­ for their remarkable educa­ Messiahas. Hazooraba men- sources to destroy Jama'at tional achievements. Cer­ tioning his tour of Africa Ahmadiyya. But each time, tificates were also given to pointed out the love and the speaker said, Allah exhib­ the members of auxiliaries­ dedication of African ited His Power and Signs and Ansar, Khuddanm and Atfal Ahmadis for Khilafat and established peace and tran­ who achieved first position the Jama' at. Hazooraba ad­ quility of heart through His in the Essay competition. vised to seek Allah's help Khalifah. Thus each day wit­ On the basis of an­ to achieve these goals. nessed and counted unlimited nual performance various Hazooraba said that bounties of Allah upon His Majalis of Majlis Khudda­ Khalifah and his Jama'at. with the blessing of Khila­ mul Ahmadiyya USA were fat Jama' at Ahmadiyya Such signs proved that the honored with certificates. design and plan of Allah is stands on a firm foundation Alm-e-ln 'ami was given to and no opposition would always fulfilled and no Majlis Oshkosh that was worldly power can ever stop stop its speedy growth. The the best Majlis during spiritual and moral progress it. The speaker urged all 2006-07. members of the Jama'at to is linked with Khilafat, in­ develop love and a close Hazooraba address­ culcate this in the next gen­ bond with the Khilafat and ing the audience said we eration, Hazooraba added. inculcate it in the children should thank Allah Who Hazooraba appreciated the and whole family. made us able to see a suc­ US Jama' at in financial sac­ cessful 100 years of Khila­ rifices and reminded to take Closing Session of Jalsa fat-e-Ahmadiyya. It was a care of all family affairs in­ Salana blessing of Allah that at the cluding marriages and di­ Jubilee Khilafat Jalsa of vorce. The session ended at Presided by Hadhrat USA Jama'at the Khalifatul 2: 13 PM with concluding Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Masih was also present. Dua led by Hazoo~ba. After that Hazooraba announced Khalifatul Masih vaba Hazooraba said that the attendance of Jalsa true happiness would be USA. It was 9,574, whereas The session started with achieved only if everyone last year the attendance was the recitation of the Holy pledges to improve spiritu- 4,500. October - November 2008 51 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

eight days only but Ha­ In his address, Ha­ Reception/Dinner with zoor' saba schedule was ex­ zooraba clearly mentioned Hazooraba tremely busy. It was blessing the true teaching of Islam of Allah that the visit was with particular reference to A reception was ar­ successful and Hazooraba was ranged on the evening of terrorism. He cited quota­ pleased with our humble ser­ June 23, 2008 at Hilton Ho­ tions from the Holy Qur'an, vices. Alhamdolillah. tel Tysons Comer VA. It incidents from life of the started with recitation of the Holy Prophet5aw and quota­ Holy Qura'n by Hafiz tions from the writings of ******* Mubarik Ahmad Kukoya the Promised Messiahas. He Hadhrat Anasra relates and the English read by Fa­ clarified the true meaning that the Holy Prophetsaw said: lahuddin Shams. Falahud­ of Jihad according to Is­ "Whosoever possesses the din Shams welcomed guests lamic teaching and the following three things, will who spared time for the re­ practice and traditions of experience the sweetness of ception during week day. the Holy Prophet5aw. He the Faith: Isiah Leggett Montgomery said that Islam does not al­ County Executive, a con­ low anybody to kill inno­ That God Almighty gressman, professors, am­ cents and the distorted con­ and His Messenger is more bassadors, retired general, cept of Jihad has no justifi­ dear to him than anything judges and many learned cation in Islam. He con­ else, and that he loves dignitaries attended that re­ demned the false allegation someone, only for the sake of ception. Ambassador of attributed to Islam and its God Almighty, and that, Gambia and Cape Worthy Holy Foundersaw and asked when, by the grace of God, and official representatives the learned audience that he escapes infidelity, he from Mali, Benin, Nigeria, conclusion thorough re­ dislikes returning to it, as Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and search needed to be done on much as he dislikes being put Sierra Leone attended the any sensitive issue. The ad­ into fire." function. dress concluded with silent prayer and the audience en­ (Bukhari kitabul Iman bah Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar joyed dinner with Ha­ halawatul Iman) Ameer Jamaa't Ahmadiyya zooraba. Attendance of the Hadhrat Anasra relates USA presented a brief in­ reception = 282. that a rustic asked the Holy troduction of Hadhrat Mirza Prophetsaw: "When will the Masroor Ahmadaba who Dr. Hazoor's Departure Judgement be? He countered Zafar said is not only his with: 'What preparation have saint but a saint and reli­ On Tuesday, June 24, 2008 morning Hazooraba you made for it?' The man gious leaders of millions of said: 'The love of Allah and Ahmadis throughout the left for Canada in a char­ tered plane. The members His Messenger,' The Holy globe. He stated that Ha­ Prophetsaw said: 'You will be zooraba dedicated his life for of the team who came from with those whom you love.' " the services of humanity London, dignitaries and se­ from a very early age. He lected members of the US (Bukhari kitabul adab bab requested Hazooraba to ad- Jama 'at accompanied Ha­ 'alamatul hub fillah) dress the audience. zooraba. Although the visit was short consisting of ******* October - November 2008 52 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA Hadhrat Adamas to Hadhrat Ahmadas: Khilafat from Inception to Perfection


Transcribed by: Hammad Malik

After Tawwuz, bis­ yaba to us with His own to bestow His blessings on millah and recitation of Grace to open the hearts of mankind. And not withstand­ Ayat Istikhlaf (Chapter 24 everybody. Khalifatul Ma­ ing whatever negatives like verse 56), Ameer Sahib sih'saba presence here ex­ bloodshed occurred because said, "This is the first por­ emplifies and seals the fact of his coming, the fact re­ tion of Ayat Istikhlaf from that Khilafat is among us mains that mankind as a Surah Al-Nur and this is a and we need to thank Allah whole received a huge verse that we have heard for that. But the idea of amount of benefit and a huge and recited very frequently Khilafat is very wide when amount of improvement be­ for some time now in com­ we look at the larger con­ cause of the appearance of memoration of Khilafat-e­ text. And I would like to Hadhrat Adam as. Ahmadiyya 's I 00 year cen­ start with Hadhrat Adam35 tenary. And I would like to where in Surah Al-Baqarah As far as we can tell, move on to the subject of it states that Allah decided human history starts roughly the start of Khilafat with to create Adarn35 and with around the same time; and as Hadhrat Adamas and the that creation He taught him far as we can tell, there never pinnacle of Khilafat with names and Allah goes on to has been progress of the kind Rasoolullasaw The verse that say that he was a Khalifah. that we see among us even in I just recited talks about Allah decided to create a this day and age. So the con­ true believers coming to­ Khalifah on earth and then cept of Khilafat is more than gether and receiving the the incident of the angels just having a person being blessing of Khilafat. At this asking or begging the ques­ appointed as a Khalifah, it moment, I want to con­ tion that this would result in carries with it the concept gratulate everybody - all of bloodshed happened. and the exhibition of spiritual you who have come to­ blessings from Allah. But it gether today, here at this And Allah says He also carries with it a lot of moment, the Khilafat has knows what they don't material blessings and pro­ been bestowed on you by know and so on. But the gress for mankind as well. that very virtue. important thing is that Al­ And Khilafat thus is a much lah did not create Adam35 wider concept. Khilafat thus Not only that, Allah for the sake of bloodshed. is Allah's blessing to man­ has sent Khalifatul Masih He created Adamas in order kind. This is what Khilafat October - November 2008 53 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA stands for. There were sub­ Khatamun Nabiyyeen, you een ". sequent Khulafa from Allah are not just a messenger of and every prophet that Allah - you are Khatamun He combined the came after that - after Nabiyyeen; it is an answer whole thing, the spiritual Adamas - was a Khalifah in that even though you don't progeny part of it was ex­ his own right. But the pin­ have physical progeny hibited in its final and in its nacle of that Khilafat was among the people around strongest form in the com­ Rasoolullahsaw. With him you, you have a lot of spiri­ ing of Hadhrat Masih the Khilafat reached a to­ tual progeny. And it is Mau' oodas. And that is the tally different height in the something which will keep reason we feel we own the spiritual context and even on coming for times to Ayat (verse) of Khatamun in the material context. The come. There were Sahaba Nabiyyeen, not our oppo­ world changed in so many (companions) of Rasoolul­ nents who make much issue ways starting from that lahsaw who certainly quali­ out of the fact that their per­ time, not only spiritually fied that way at that time, ceptions are that by claim­ but also in a material fash­ they were the progeny in a ing Masih Mau' oodsaw as ion. spiritual sense of Rasoolul­ being a prophet we are vio­ lahsaw and we are very fa­ lating the Khatamun Nabiy­ And I have to bring miliar with those examples. yeen aspect of Rasoolul­ lahsaw. up the material for only one reason - somebody who I need not go into all does not believe in the the details. But there were And I wish to sub­ spirituality that I and you other individuals over the mit that actually we are re­ and all of us feel cannot un­ centuries who would also inforcing it and that the derstand that. And you have qualify for that. We have Ayat Khatamun Nabiyyeen to refer to the fact that there again read about those indi­ is truly meant in its ultimate was a material aspect to it viduals in history. But the and best form for Masih because that is what the hu­ biggest, the most sophisti­ Mau' oodas and as Ahmadis man eye can see, it cannot cated, the most powerful, we are the inheritors of that. see things which are totally the most lasting example of It's difficult to prove the spiritual. About Rasoolul­ his spiritual progeny was idea and I wanted to just lahsaw, the premiere thing Hadhrat Masih Mau' oodas say something about it that that stands out is the verse because it was predicted the Khilafat is something in Surah Al-Ahzab where that he would come as a that brings much material Allah says that he is not the Messiah and the Mahdi. blessings with it and you father of any man among And he came and he is the have to understand that in you but he is a Rasool one who was given the title the Qur' an Allah talks (Prophet) of Allah and he is of a prophet - of Nabi - by about the ships riding on Khatamun Nabiyyeen. And Allahswt and therefore he the ocean, it talks about the we need to ponder over this stands unique in there. And animals which are provided verse in its totality; whereas he is the only person who to man for his sustenance, the first portion talks about fulfills when you combine to carry their burden and as offspring, the second por­ that Allah Ta'ala said" a source of food. When you tion is an answer to that look around people have Wa la kir Rasoolul­ developed ships of all kinds portion. So when Allah lahi wa Khataman Nabiyy- Ta' ala says that you are to which they lay a claim October - November 2008 54 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA that this is my design, that century, there have been this is my invention. There enormous changes in the HADITH are people who have cre­ world that we have seen ated breeds of animals around ourselves - every­ Hadhrat Nu'man bin which are better in produc­ thing from technology in Bashirra relates that the ing the food sources and are computers, in telecommuni­ Holy Prophetsaw said: disease resistant. So they cations recently and the im­ "The case of those who claim that we did this; provements in locomotion observe the limits set while the Qur' anic concept and the kind, they have is that none of this happens happened at an enormous by Allah and those who without Allah's will and speed starting in the middle are careless about them His command; and it is He of the 19th century and it is like passengers on a who inspires the hearts of continues to this day. And I ship who cast lots to man to carry out these submit that it is a blessing determine who should things and He inspires eve­ of the Khilafat of Hadhrat 85 occupy the upper deck rybody. Masih Mau' ood that the world is getting this benefit. and who should be on Allah's mercy is not And when I talk about that the lower deck and restricted just to believers part, the only way it can be disposed of themselves or those who are heeding understood is that if we try accordingly. Those who the message. His punish­ to get to the gist that when were on the lower deck ment is for those who op­ something is accomplished passed through those of pose the message but His by human endeavor, it blessings are for all man­ doesn't happen because of the upper deck when­ kind and His mercy is for the human endeavor, it hap­ ever they had to fetch all mankind and this is uni­ pens because God has water. So they said to versally accepted aspect of willed so. And God is the the occupants of the life. So with Khilafat the one who gives you the abil­ upper deck, 'If we were benefits which flow to man­ ity to make the effort and to to bore a hole through kind and which seem to be produce the results and then accomplished by virtue of lets them grow. I have tried our part, we would not the labors and the intellect to share with everyone the then have to trouble of individuals whether they thoughts that I have on the you.' Now, if the occu­ are believers or not, they Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya and pants of the upper deck are not happening just be­ Khilafat in general with Ra­ were to leave the others soolullah88w, the fact that cause these people thought to carry out their design of those things or they the coming of Khilafat re­ struggled for them, rather quires people to come to­ they would all perish they are happening because gether and then on top of together; but if they there is a divine inspiration that Allah's blessing. And were to stop them from behind it. God has chosen in this day and age that is in carrymg it out they that such things should hap­ the form of Khilafat-e­ would all be saved.' " pen on earth and He makes Khamisa and Hadhrat them happen, and with the Khalifatul Masih yaba who (Bukhari kitabal shirkah coming of Promised Messi­ is among us very gra­ bab hal yaqra 'fil qismah ahas starting in the 19th ciously. wal istiham fih) October - November 2008 55 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA DIVINE ACCEPTANCE OF THE PRAYERS OF THE KHULAFA Imam Shamshad A. Nasir Los Angeles,

The greatest of the individual and the other re­ Hadhrat Khalifatul Ma­ signs mentioned in support lates to the community as a sih yaba has reminded mem­ of Khilafat comes in Su rah whole. The Khalifah of the bers of the Jama'at repeat­ Al-Nur, verse 56, where Al­ time is the spiritual father edly that all material, moral lah the Almighty promises of the Community. Every and spiritual benefits and that through the blessings day, hundreds of letters are progress are dependent on of Khilafat He will trans­ written to him requesting establishing and maintaining form all fears into peace prayers from Ahmadis in a sincere, unbreakable rela­ and security. The portion difficulty and distress. Al­ tionship with the Khalifah. of this verse that I have just lah the Exalted blesses the Members are encouraged to recited has a deep connec­ Khalifah' s prayers with His write regularly to the Khali­ tion with the divine accep­ acceptance -- there are mil­ fah to have a strong connec­ tance of the Khalifah' s lions of Ahmadis all over tion with Khilafat so that prayers. It is through the the world who are wit­ they may become recipients prayers of the Khalifah of nesses to the truth of this of these Divine blessings, in­ the time that deep dark statement. cluding the Divine accep­ fears vanish and the bright tance of the Khalifah' s light of peace and security All of you who are prayers. It should also be dawns upon the believers. present here now, whether kept in mind that the spiritual In this regard, Hadhrat you have come from the success of Ahmadiyyat does Musleh Mau'oodra says: East or the West, from near not depend on the righteous­ or far, you are all living tes­ ness of the Khalifah - which "When Allah Ta'ala taments to the fact that the is expected - but on the appoints a person to the Khalifah' s prayers have righteousness of each mem­ rank of Khalifah, He raises been accepted in your favor ber of the Jama'at. That is the level of acceptance of by Allah not just once, but the foundation upon which the Khalifah' s prayers. If over and over again. the House of God that is the the Khalifah's prayers are Some of you have Khilafat will stand until the not accepted, Khilafat be­ Day of Judgment. comes a mockery to the been blessed with protec­ Majesty and selection of tion from legal trials, others Therefore, strengthen God." have been blessed with your ties with the Khalifah children, many of have and safeguard the institution [Mansabe-Khilafat, p.32] been miraculously healed of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyyat! from disease, and many There are two aspects others have been relieved of of the acceptance of I will now present be­ difficulties in business or fore you some incidents prayers. One relates to the job-related challenges. October - November 2008 56 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA which relate to the Ahmadi­ successfully dealt with the Then in West Africa there yya Community, and also enemies of Khilafat in their will be the learned ones." some events which affected malicious attempts to nations as a result of the ac­ weaken the Jama'at. On (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat Vol. cepted prayers of the Khu­ one occasion he said: 4, p/ 356) lafa. How wondrously has "My Lord answers my God fulfilled this promise Upon the demise of supplications even before I about West Africa. Not the Promised MessiahaS. the pray. Clashing with me is only have hundreds of thou­ Jama 'at unanimously fighting with God. Leave sands of people from elected Hadhrat Alhajj aside such statements and Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leo­ Maulvi Hakim Nooruddinra repent." ne, the Gambia, Senegal, as Khalifatul Masih I. (February 1, 1912, Badr Benin, Ivory Coast, Guinea Qadian, pp. 3-4) Bisao, Burkina Faso and The opponents of other countries entered the Ahmadiyyat anticipated the fold of Islam-Ahmadiyyat, destruction of the Jama'at The fears, trials and difficulties the community but so too have their tribal and thought its members and paramount chiefs, would all scatter. The ene­ experienced were changed into times of peace and se­ Imams, members of parlia­ mies of Ahmadiyyat hoped ment, government minis­ that the end of this commu­ curity through Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Awwal'sra ters, political leaders and nity was imminent when heads of State. the Jama'at elected what heartfelt prayers. Through the opponents considered to God-given wisdom and un­ As Ahmadis we are all be an old man whose only shakeable confidence, the familiar with the Promised talent was that he could First Khalifah confronted Messiah's prophecy where­ read and teach the Holy all challenges faced by the in Allah promised him that: Qur'an. Jama'at, and we are all wit­ "Kings shall seek blessings nesses to the history and from thy gannents." One Subsequently, some success of Ahmadiyyat of the great signs of the ful­ elders of the Jama'at ut­ from that time onward. fillment of this prophecy tered similar objectionable That is how, from its in­ came in the person of Sir statements about the Khali­ fancy, Khilafat-e-Ahma­ Alhaj F.M. Singateh, a fah which made many of diyya faced the storms of well-known West-African the members of the commu­ opposition and is ever­ who accepted Ahmadiyyat nity uneasy. increasing in its progress. in 1963 and eventually be­ During his last illness, came the Governor-General Upon hearing such ne­ Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih of the Gambia from 1966 farious talk, Hadhrat Ira prayed fervently for the until 1970. Maulvi Hakim Nooruddin success and progress of the Sahib, Khalifatul Masih Ira In 1966, under the Jama'at. On February 8th, Khilafat of Hadhrat Mirza suffered greatly. He spoke 1914 he said: on this subject on many oc­ Nasir Ahmadrh, His Excel­ casions. Through his an­ "God has promised lency Mr. Singateh re­ guished prayers to Allah, he me that five-hundred­ quested a portion of a gar­ made the institution of thousand Christians will ac­ ment of the Promised Mes­ Khilfaat even stronger and cept Ahmadiyyat in Africa. siahas so that he may seek blessings from it. Truly, the October - November 2008 57 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA promise of God to Khali­ They held public hrik-e-Jadid program in re­ fatul Masih A wwaira and meetings in Qadian and ar­ sponse to the opponent's the sign of the Divine ac­ rogantly boasted that "They scheme to destroy Ahmadi­ ceptance of prayers of the would reduce Qadian to yyat. Today, we are all wit­ Khulafa have been fulfilled nothing, they would bring nesses to the fruits of Te­ in our lifetime! down the Minaratul Masih hrik-e-Jadid in 190 coun­ and would wipe out the tries of the world. Hadhrat Mirza Bashi­ name of Ahmadiyyat from ruddin Mahmud Ahmadra, Qadian." Once Ataullah Just like the battle of who was the Second Khali­ Shah Bokhari, a notorious Badr was won in a tent, fah of the Jama'at Ahmadi­ leader of Majlis-e-Ahrar, where the Holy Prophet8aw yya, was himself a Sign of speaking to a crowd said, was praying for the defeat the acceptance of prayers of of his enemies and so it Hadhrat Masih Mau'oodas. "O People, now happened. Similarly, Hadh­ From the very beginning of Qadianiyat is at its last bre­ rat Khalifatul Masih Ura his Khilafat he faced both ath. Its corpse will be car­ (won this battle against the internal and external oppo­ ried on my shoulders and it Majlis-e-Ahrar in Baitud sition, but with the help of has been decided in Heaven Dua, and wiped away all Allah and through long sup­ that very soon the castle of traces of those bitter oppo­ plications, he turned these Qadianiyat will be torn to nents of Ahmadiyyat. oppositions into manifesta­ pieces." tions of progress, peace and When Hadhrat Mirza tranquility for the members It was under these Nasir Ahmadrh was blessed of the Jama' at. conditions that Hadhrat with the mantle of Khilafat, Khalifatul Masih ura fer­ he beseeched Allah for a In this regard, he vently prayed for the defeat sign of the acceptance of said in reference to himself: of these opponents. He his prayers. He was the gave a sermon and reas­ person in whose favor "For you is a person sured the Jama'at to not be Hadhrat Musleh Mau' oodra, who cares, loves, considers frightened by the disorder said: your trials and pains as his created by Majlis-e-Ahrar. own, and prays for you to "Allah had told me Almighty Allah... He is Based on his prayers that He would bless me concerned about you, ag­ and unwavering faith in Al­ with a son who would be ... grieved for you and seeks lah, he stated that: Helper of the faith." Allah's Mercy for you." "God will grant me Hadhrat Musleh Mau­ (Barakat-e-Khilafat) and my Jama'at victory. I , oodra also predicted: see the enemy losing There was an intense ground and the earth slip­ "I give the good news storm of hostility against ping out from under their to the person whom Allah Jama'at-e-Ahmadiyya in feet." will make the third Khali­ the year 1934. There was a fah that if he stands up, community called Majlis-e­ Allah heard the heart­ having firm faith in Allah, Ahrar who staunchly op­ felt prayers of Hadhrat then even if the govern­ posed Ahmadiyyat and stri­ Khalifatul Masih ura and ments of the world oppose ved relentlessly to crush it. helped him launch the Te- him, they would be torn to October - November 2008 58 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

shreds." Masih IIYh himself said: ~4f .d ji ~4SJ ~ CS.;-o

[Khilafat-e-Haqqa /slami­ "I give you the exam­ ~ ~ ]_,;a i) v,IJ' (>,>A ;:-U ~) yya, p. 18] ple of 1974, when it was said that a Question-and­ The year 197 4 ~ame Answer session will be held as a great trial for the Ja­ and you must give answers ~IJ I>° CSJ+O ~ .d ji ~ lb.:. ma'at. At the instigation of on the spot. So, naturally, it the Government of the time, was a severe trial and a ma­ ~u -4 J,i~, .t:..;-o ~ ,~ Ahmadis in Pakistan be­ jor responsibility. The came the targets of looting - J - whole night I prayed to ~lit "of CSjJA oaf J~ ~I CS~ and murder. Enemies burnt God. I did not sleep even our mosques, copies of the for a minute. I kept on pray­ IL' ' · ~,: ts u.LII rill Holy Qur'an and the books U' J .)A'J • f . :.;r- ing. At the time of Azan for , ,. of Hadhrat Masih Ma'uoo­ Fajr Prayer, I heard a very CS~. li~f CS.,.:,.~ .. , CS. .ill, o:~ . das. Ahmadi yya businesses lovely voice say: 'Extend were destroyed, factories your house; we are suffi­ 0 Allah! For my sake have were set on fire, many cient for you against the Ahmadis were martyred, You shown a multitude of mockers. Also, take care of Signs. and many more suffered our guests. They will in­ great personal sacrifices. You hearken with Mercy all crease in number... Cer­ my supplications. Hadhrat Khalifatul tainly, they have made By Your Mercy are mine Masih IIYh was called to plans of mockery, but we enemies lay vanquished. Lahore to give a statement are sufficient against And it is You Who has before the Government's them'." granted all my desires. investigative tribunal, and He said "They ques­ A mob of shameless thugs he was later cross-examined tioned me for fifty-two chased me with evil in their for 11 days in the closed hours and ten minutes and I hearts, session of the National As­ found angels standing by but You caught them up in sembly of Pakistan in Is­ my side for fifty-two hours their own web of malice lamabad. and ten minutes." and turned their evil de­ signs against them. It was a incredibly dif­ (Daily Al-Fazl Holy is my Lord Who de­ ficult time for the Jama' at 25th May 2000 P. 13) stroys and humiliates my and Hazoorrh. Hadhrat enemies. Khalifatul Masih IIIrh con­ See! . . . Marvel! . . . soled the members and con­ How inspiring, how majes­ Now, let me remind sistently supplicated during tic was the acceptance of you of what happened in the nights. He stood in the the prayers of the Khalifatul the case of the Sahiwal face of opposition and per­ Masih. And how miracu­ Mosque following the issu­ secution like a solid rock, lously God changed the Ja­ ance of the infamous Ordi­ and through steadfastness ma'at's fear into tranquil­ nance by General Ziaul and prayers he successfully ity, and how disgraced was Haq. Some of our young weathered the bitter trials of the end of the one who im­ men at the time, including the State's persecution. posed that fear on the Ja­ our Waqf-e-Zindagee Mis­ Hadhrat Khalifatul ma'at. sionary Ilyas Munir Sahib, October - November 2008 59 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA were detained on false fatul Masih IVrh against the They were taking all meas­ charges and persecuted for Mullahs of Pakistan and ures to ensure that the almost ten years. General Ziaul Haq in par­ Ahmadis of Pakistan would ticular, who put into effect be wiped out forever. The The punishment of Ordinance Twenty in April, General himself declared death by hanging was pro­ 1984, under martial law. that like cancer, there can nounced against them. The be no cure, but only the whole Jama'at was greatly It was designed to complete obliteration of all concerned about the fate of amend their own Constitu­ Ahmadis. The Mullahs and these four innocent people. tion to prohibit the High Officials were all in­ Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Ahmadis from indulging in volved in this scheme of IVn upon learning of this anti-Islamic activities. oppression and were ensur­ news said: These included the follow­ ing that no stone was left ing: Ahmadis could not re­ "When I learned that unturned in persecuting fer to themselves as Ahmadis. General Ziaul Haq has ex­ "Muslims," could not call tended the death penalty to the "Adhan", nor call their After the Ordinance all the innocents, I began to places of worship "Mas­ went into effect, Ahmadis pray with great fervor and I jids" or use Islamic expres­ were persecuted in large saw in a vision that Byas sions like "Assalamu Alai­ numbers all over Pakistan, Munir was sitting next to kum." How ironic that an me in the open air and at starting a trend that has now ordinance to prohibit un­ extended to many other that very time I told every­ Islamic acts was itself to­ Muslim countries such as one and wrote in my letters tally un-Islamic. repeatedly that: Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh and Indonesia. The final section of " ... the world may turn the ordinance stated that Hadhrat Khalifatul Ma­ whichever direction it may, any Ahmadi who calls or but the neck of Byas Munir sih 1yrh had warned General refers to his faith as Islam, Zia: would never be placed in a or propagates his faith as noose." Islam, or does anything "Mend your ways and And so it happened. whatsoever which outrages your attitude. Cease this Allah, the Exalted, blessed the religious sensitivities of persecution or you will face the prayers of our Khalifah Muslims, shall be punished the wrath of God." with acceptance, and Byas with imprisonment for up to Munir Sahib, the Mission­ three years and shall also be But instead of desist­ ary of Jama'at-e-Ahma­ subject to a fine without ing from persecuting diyya along with others any limit. Ahmadis, General Zia in­ creased his persecution. were finally released in Dictator General Ziaul March 1994. Haq sent a message via the In response, Hadhrat Another incident Embassy of Pakistan to be Khalifatul Masih IVn is­ which defines how God lis­ read at the Worldwide sued a Mubahila challenge tens to His servants and ac­ Khatm-e-Nabuwwat Con­ in 1988 to General Zia and cepts the prayers of the ference in which he de­ some prominent Maulvis of Khalifah was demonstrated clared Ahmadiyyat to be a Pakistan, and in one of his by the Mubahila challenge cancer, and that the Gov­ addresses Khalifatul Masih issued by Hadhrat Khali- ernment of Pakistan had de­ 1vn directly told to General cided to remove this cancer. Zia: October - November 2008 60 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

"We have a Wali - a You put all our ene­ wider and more far­ Protector and a Guardian - mies into the pit of death; reaching, it will be totally and when our Guardian You raised our Minarets. unsuccessful in its attempts comes to our aid, no one Opposing me, all these peo­ to destroy Jama'at Ahmadi­ will be able to save you. ple were defeated; yya. We will survive and The destiny of God will It was You who caused triumph in the face of all scatter you into pieces. them to die. our enemies as long as we Your name will be stricken The mischievous ones suf­ have complete trust in God from the remembrance of fered the consequences of and remain righteous and Honor and you will be re­ their own evils; faithful to the Khalifah. membered only in humilia­ And they could not stop the tion and disgrace." fulfillment of our purpose. The person of Hadhrat They are in mourning and Khalifatul Masih yaba was We have all seen the We are joyous; destined to become the result of this challenge. Al­ Holy is My Lord Who de­ flowering fruit of the tree of lah the Omnipotent an­ stroyed and humiliated my that man of Persia. He was swered the prayers of the enemies. named Masroor which was Khalifah and the world wit­ actually a name given to the nessed the decisive and mi­ Let our enemies and Promised Messiahas in a raculous destruction of opponents - be they mur­ revelation. On December General Zia in the mid-air derous or vitriolic - let 7th, 1907, he received the explosion of his plane - an them learn from these les­ revelation: explosion so intense and sons of history and be devastating that nothing re­ "lnnee ma'aka warned thereby. Let them yaa Masroor ! mained of General Zia to be remember the Divine Help buried except for his false which God has always be­ I am with you, 0 Masroor, teeth. Yes, truly, it was the stowed upon Jama'at first ever instance of a and I am with your loved Ahmadiyya and let them ones." Janazah performed over a reflect well upon the Divine denture! How beautifully Punishments whereby God Who can doubt that the Promised Messiahas has chastised the foolish we are witnessing the Help says: and abolished from the of Allah at every step of the L}:ii ~ ~ _d_j1 l.)*'6 ~~ Earth the unrepentant ene­ Khilafat of Hadhrat Khali­ • mies of His Khalifah, His fatul Masih yaba. Each day L p a-i-,1 ,d.l fi L jlA.J. Khilafat and His Commu­ we witness scenes of such nity of the righteous. help descending upon L fa ~"' I',! L .,-a Ji ~IL Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Let it be known this Ahmadaba. L }.A ~ _d .fl jf Jt ,d.,-C ~ time again that if any oppo­ • sition comes from any Remember the sad­ L )~ ~ ul L 1 jf 0.,,>'~ country - be it Pakistan, ness experienced by the Ja­ Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri LJI.../A~ ~dj .c""ui..J ma'at upon the death of Lanka, the Middle East - Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih from wherever it originates, (> .3Ll, i.)*'6~ L Ju. ri'-6 lJWj 1vm... and remember how let them remember that -. ~ ' ., our opponents did celebrate cs. .)~I• cs.;.a..-: ·1 •cs .ill. u: ~_ even if future opposition is at that time. And yet, let us October - November 2008 61 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA remember what comforting blessings of the prayers of believer remain ready to lay words came from Hadhrat Hazooraba that oil was in­ down their life for its protec­ Khalifatul Masih immedi­ deed recently discovered. tion. ately upon being bestowed Hazoor's advice to "Make the mantle of Khilafat: Good Use of Oil" became May God be yours and the headline to the above may you become His. "I have only one re­ mentioned newspaper arti­ Ameen." quest from the members of cle. the Jama' at and that is to Let me conclude my keep praying, keep praying, My dear Brothers, Sis­ speech with a quote from keep praying ... May Allah ters and Children of the Ja­ Hazrat Khalifatul Masih yaba: strengthen this caravan and ma'at. help its march towards Remember our Lord is glory." (Ameen) If we desire to in­ He Who is true in His prom­ crease our physical, moral ises. Even today He has His And so, by the Grace and spiritual success, then Guiding hands upon this be­ of God and by His Mercy we should increase our loved Jama'at of Masih through the prayers of the righteousness, and bow Mau'oodas. Khalifatul Masih yaba, a down before Allah in tear­ He shall never abandon us! new wave of life ran ful supplications, and strive He shall never abandon us! through the members of the with glad hearts in every He shall never abandon us! entire world-wide Jama'at. moment to strengthen our love for and obedience to Even today, He is ful­ During his Khilafat, the Khalifah and the institu­ filling the promises He made Hazooraba has traveled to tion of Khilafat. with the Promised Messiahas. many countries and through He fulfilled them in the pre­ the MTA we all see his Now I will read before vious Khilafats. tours and addresses and the you a very important mes­ reception that he receives at sage from August of 194 7, I ask you to continue to all these events. where Hadhrat Musleh pray and continue to bow Mau'oodra gave the Jama'at down before Allah and keep Recently, when Ha­ the following advice: asking for His blessings and zoor3ba traveled to Ghana, do not let go of this strong he met with the Head of "May Allah, the Ex­ handle that knows no break­ State at his Presidential pal­ alted, be your Guardian and ing. If you do this, then there ace. As reported in the Ac­ Helper and may He make is none who can harm you in cra "Daily Graphic" news­ your steps firm and save the least. 1 paper on April 17 h, 2008, you from stumbling, and the President remembered may the flag of Ahmadiyyat May Allah, the Exalted, that Hazooraba, during his never be lowered. enable you all to do this. previous visit in 2004, had Ameen! stated that he was optimis­ May the voice of ls­ tic about the discovery of lam never weaken. ******* oil in Ghana. The President May Khilafat remain said that it was through the alive forever and may every October - November 2008 62 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA THE FIRST CENTURY OF KHILAFAT - OUR SERVICES AND SACRIFICES

Anwar Mahmood Khan, Los Angeles, USA.

Let me take you to a Our second Khalifah gave a Why am I sharing journey to remote places in glowing tribute to Hafiz Sa­ these instances with you? I the distant past. Visualize hib, saying that he proved, am doing so simply to illus­ this: It is , the with his exemplary con­ trate the overwhelming re­ year is 1938, a man walks duct, what it really means sponses the members of the into and af­ to offer a life time of ser­ Jama' at had to the initia­ ter a brief introduction con­ vice for the Jama' at as a tives and schemes of the veys the message of missionary and to hold on Khulufah over the last ten Ahmadyyat, the true Islam. to this promise of service decades. And this is the The Chief or Sultan listens with great steadfastness. subject of my talk today: to it and gets extremely an­ (Friday Sermon, Dec. 7, Our sacrifices and services gry; so much so, that he 1923). Let's go to a place during the first century of asks the attendant to throw closer to us: we notice a Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. The this man out. The attendant man sitting behind bars in a topic suggests a review of literally picks up the man Philadelphia jail, holding a all the initiatives, schemes and throws him out of the book in his hand and and projects launched by second floor window onto preaching to the jail in­ the Khulufa of Jama' at the street. The man loses mates. He is Hadhrat Mufti Ahmadiyya and to examine his consciousness and sev­ Mohammad Sadiqra, first how Jama' at members re­ enteen of his bones are bro­ missionary to the United sponded to these calls. ken. He is lying down for States. about 30 minutes or so until Before we embark someone calls an ambu­ Or look further to a on a journey into the history lance and rushes him to the remote area behind the Iron of the last century, let me nearby hospital. The man Curtain, where the Soviet present to you three note­ stays in the hospital and re­ Union has captured our worthy features of the first covers after 10 weeks. He very dear and revered century of Khilafat: was our revered Maulana Maulvi Zahoor Hussain, Ghulam Hussain Ayaz, the who was imprisoned and The Qur' anic verse first missionary to Singa­ subjected to two years of commonly referred to as pore. brutal torture that left him "the verse of Khilafat" de­ psychologically scarred. lineates two functions of Let's now proceed to Hazoota stated that Maulvi the Khalifah: the tiny island of Mauritius, Zahoor Hussain demon­ where we learn that a 32 strates the kind of dutiful, 1. the strengthening of year-old Sahabi, Maulvi industrious people Allah faith and its expansion Obaidullah, is martyred. has given me. and 2. turning a state of fear October - November 2008 63 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

among the people into a ma'at to all the calls from scheme. I spent only two state of tranquility. The the Khalifatul Masih of the hours with the members century-long history of time were incredible. The and the Jama'at offered Ahmadiyyat demon­ swiftness of the responses £28,000 in pledges and a strates that for all tribu­ is truly mind-boggling. For few thousands in cash. I lations and turmoil, the example, on March 14, opened a new account greatest weapons used 1944, Hadhrat Khalifatul called the Nusrat Jehan Re­ and recommended by Masih ura appealed to serve Fund. the Khulufa, are prayers members for real estate do­ and supplications. Simi­ nations to the Jama'at for This response was larly, for all aspects of the cause of Islam. Look at not restricted to the collec­ expansion and strength­ the swift response of the tion of funds; doctors and ening of the faith, the members of the Jama'at: by teachers offered their life­ principal weapon was 10 PM the same day, real long service in this cause in sacrifices fortified with estate worth $40 Lalch Ru­ the same manner, Alham­ prayers and supplica­ pees was presented to him dolillah. Having these fea­ tions. by hundreds of Ahmadis. tures as the backdrop, let This level of obedience re­ me now present to you se­ Each and every ini­ quires a spiritual transfor­ lect schemes from the life tiative launched by any mation that is brought about of each Khalifah and how Khalifatul Masih was a tre­ by spiritual leadership. In the Jama' at reacted to these mendous success. The secu­ the time of the third Khali­ schemes. lar sun shined on our planet fah, he announced the Nus­ 36,500 times in the last 100 rat Jehan Scheme in Lon­ We begin with Hadhrat years; we also find that don. On July 12, 1970, he Khalifatul Masih Ira. In his there was not a single day related the following in his era, 1908-1914, the most when the dawn of a new sermon: important requirement of day brought forth new ad­ the time was to define the vancements on the path of When I came to role of Khilafat, the scope progress for Jama'at London, I told the members of its functions and main­ Aalamgeer, as had been of the Jama'at that I have tain the unity of its organi­ promised by God to Holy come to know the desire of zation. In this regard, the Prophetsaw: Wa la[ aakhito Allah that we should spend entire Jama'at followed the khiarullaka minal oola; i.e., £100,000 in these six Afri­ Khalifah to the letter. For that your next day would be can countries. In this re­ the few who raised ques­ better than the day just gard, I need 200 dedicated tions about the role of the passed. Allah bestowed and sincere Ahmadis from Khalifah vis-a-vis the office success upon success every UK Jama'ats who would of Anjuman Ahmadiyya, day of the century in spite donate £200 each, and the Hazoor stayed firm and ad­ of all the odds and opposi­ rest should donate £36 monished them to renew tions that were leveled each, out of which £12 their covenant of Bai'at at against the Jama' at. should be given immedi­ his hand, to which they re­ ately. Before I depart from sponded positively. How­ The response made London, twelve days hence, ever, during the second by the members of the Ja- I need £10,000 in this Khilafat, they turned away. October - November 2008 64 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

In the history of tural organizations were from the postal service Ahmadiyyat, the year 1909 formed. Among the present of the region revealed is considered Yaum ul schemes of financial contri­ that they received Rs. Furqan, or the most deci­ butions, the first scheme 1500 per day in assis­ sive day. On this day was that of Wassiyyat, the tance. Even the British Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih second was Tehrik-e-Jadid, government stayed ra was revealed the instruc­ and the third was Waqf-e­ away and made no tion to recite Surah Al­ Jadid. Tehrik-e-Jadid was moves to prevent the Buruj at Fajr Prayers. initiated in 1934, by Ahrar from holding When he recited the verse, Hadhrat Musleh Mau'oodra. their rallies. (Address The 1930s was the era on December 27, 1943). lnnallazeen Faatanul Mo­ when the Jama'at was fac­ mineenana wal mominate, ing extreme opposition. Hu­ Hazoor"1 gave a se­ zoor3 describe this period ries of khutbaat to launch all the worshippers began to as follows: this great scheme known as weep and Allah turned their Tehrik-e-Jadid, and stated: hearts towards the Khalifah. "This scheme began at a time when it appeared Towards the end of On this day, Hazoor"1 that all the powers of 1934, the Jama'at really asked a select few to retake the world have joined awakened, and pre­ the covenant of Bai'at. hands to destroy Ja­ sented such outstanding This set the tone for the en­ ma'at Ahmadiyya. On examples of sacrifices tire Jama'at, which was one side, Majlis-e­ whose parallel cannot completely moved and Ahrar decided to anni­ be found among the filled with reverence for the hilate the Jama' at and world's greatest nations. Khalifah. Hadhrat Khali­ would not sit until they Historians will record fatul Masih ra launched two were able to erase its how their example of schemes, the first one was existence. On the other sacrifice for the nation to create a Daruz Zoafa for side, those people who has no match in the re­ the rehabilitation of the were considered our cent annals of history, weak and elderly. Nawab friends but had deep and the results manifest Mohammad Ali Khanra do­ jealousies took advan­ in and of themselves the nated a parcel of land next tage of the situation and great success of the to Bahishti Maqbarah on began to fund the Ahrar scheme. (Al Faz/, Nov­ which 22 homes could be with thousands of ru­ ember 15, 1938). built. Hazoor"1 also estab­ pees. Above all of this lished a Madrassa that was the country of In­ Now let us take a evolved into Jamia dia, who supported this look at the fruits of Tehrik­ Ahmadiyya in the second effort. When one of our e-Jadid today, as this is one Khilafat. delegations went to of the two schemes that are meet the Governor of still underway. The second period Punjab, they were told: of Khilafat began in 1914 "you do not have any D Opponents have burned and lasted for 51 years. idea of the power of the and destroyed 123 of During this period, struc- Ahrar". Information mosques in Pakistan, 7 October - November 2008 65 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

in Indonesia, and 13 in Ahmadi women for sup­ those intellectual pursuits Bangladesh. In con­ porting the mosques in that were initiated by trast, Allah has be­ London and Holland. They Hadhrat Fazl-e-Omarra. stowed us with 15,055 readily donated, and we This fund would systema­ mosques across the were able to build the Fazl tize the vast ocean of world. Mosque in London and the knowledge Hadhrat Khali­ D The Jama'at has estab­ Mubarak Mosque in The fatul Masihra had left be­ lished 1,857 Mission Hague, Holland. hind and encourage Ja­ Houses around the ma'at members to pursue world. Hadhrat Khalifatul the avenues of research that D We have translated the Masih Illrh were demarkated by Holy Qur'an into 64 Hadhrat Musleh Mau' ood ra. languages. It is interesting to There was an astounding D Eight printing presses note that on July 24, 1945, response from the mem­ are in operation in Af­ Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih bers: instead of the re­ rica besides those oper­ ura foretold that a new era quested 25 Lakhs, 34 Lakhs ating in London, Rab­ of astounding progress will were collected in this vein. wah, and Qadian. begin in 1965, and it is this Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih D In Burkina Faso we op­ year when Hadhrat Mirza IIIrh, commenting on this erate a Radio Station Nasir Ahmadrh took the of­ success, said: (FM 107.1), which is fice of Khalifatul Masih on now based at three lo­ November 9. This era be­ Our hearts are filled cations including the gan a new round of with the praises of our Leo and Dori regions Waqifeen who would come Lord by watching the of the country. forward and work in the development of the tree disciplines of teaching and of the Fazl-e-Omar In December 1957, medicine. Of the 81 Foundation. This is Al­ Hazoorra launched the schemes that were launched lah's blessings that He scheme of Waqf-e-Jadid to by our third Khalifah, I will protected the tree of the provide religious and spiri­ present here just five major foundation scheme tual training within the vil­ ones that opened totally against all outside at­ lages and remote locations new avenues of progress. tacks and enabled it to of Pakistan. The sacrifice The first such scheme was reach to its ripe age to demanded was very mini­ the Fazl-e-Omar Founda­ bear fruits. Now the mal; only Rs. 6 per person, tion scheme. Chaudhry Mu­ time to collect funds in per year. In 1985, Hadhrat hammad Zafrulla Khanra this scheme is over, and Khalifatul Masih IVrh made under the instructions of a new era of protecting this scheme global and Hazaor Aqdasr\ announced and nurturing this tree members around the world on December 19, 1965, that begins so that it contin­ began donating to this fund. the Jama' at should initiate ues to grow and remain The scope of its use was a fund in the memory of fruitful." (May 25, broadened to include Bang­ Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih 1969). ladesh, India and Africa. Ilra and raise 25 Lakh ru­ Besides these two schemes, pees. The purpose of this Under this scheme, appeals were made to fund would be to undertake the biography of Hadhrat October - November 2008 66 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Fazle Omara in five vol­ schools and 37 medical Khalifatul Masih IIIrh stated umes has been printed, and centers in 12 African coun­ that the next century of the Khilafat Library in Rab­ tries. Ahmadiyyat would be the wah was established in century of phenomenal vic­ 1970. At the moment, this The third scheme of tories for the Jama' at. library has 130,000 books Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih and all Jama' at records are nrh that I would like to pre­ The very first scheme being systematically pre­ sent is the Centennial Jubi­ launched by our fourth served. Additionally, an lee scheme of Jama'at. Khalifah was the Dawat international contest en­ This scheme was launched Illallah scheme. Under this courages students to write at the 1973 Jalsa Salana in scheme, all the members of research papers on various Rabwah. This was a scheme the Jama' at were advised to religious subjects. Ahmadi of financial sacrifices along participate in one-to-one writers have produced 27 with the spiritual exercises Tabligh in every city and such research papers and to prepare oneself for the every village where Ahma­ they have won Rs. 50,000 welcome of the first century dis live. Jama'at Aalam­ in these winnings. Sarae of Ahmadi yyat. The sche­ geer respo-nded to this call Fazl-e-Omar in Rabwah me launched demanded 2.5 and hundreds of thousands was established in 1974. million rupees over the Ahma-dis were enrolled in course of 15 years. Ja­ this scheme that literally The second revolu­ ma'at members offered 5.3 revolutionized the progress tionary scheme initiated by million rupees in this of our Jama'at. Ahmadis the third Khalifah is known scheme, surpassing previ­ were so engrossed in win­ as the Nusrat Jehan ous records. What an as­ ning their Tabligh targets Scheme. The main thrust of tounding success this that they use to write to the scheme was to construct scheme achieved; this spirit each other please pray that new schools and hospitals of sacrifice can only be our Tabligh target is ful­ in eight African countries found in the members of filled. In the first six with an investment of Jama' at Aalamgeer. months of his Khilafat, he £100,000. The manpower launched two schemes of had to come from Waqifeen Now I would at­ financial sacrifices. The who would dedicate their tempt to cover the schemes first one, initiated in the fol­ services initially for three (and Jama'at's response) lowing of Khalifatul Masih years. These waqifeen that occurred in the era of I' sra Darul Zoafa scheme, would be practicing physi­ our fourth Khalifah (1982- was called the Buitul Hamd cians and schoolteachers 2003 ). Hadhrat Khalifatul Scheme; this called for 100 who would go to these Masih ryrh once stated that homes to be built for the countries and start new this era of Khilafat is a rep­ poor and needy in Rabwah. schools and hospitals. The lica of the era of Hadhrat Alhamdolillah, 87 homes in scheme had a target of 51 Masih-e-Mau'aodas and Rabwah and 37 homes in Lakh rupees but the mem­ events would occur that Qadian have been built un­ bers of the Jama' at donated would resemble the ones der this scheme. 625 fami­ 53 Lakhs, Alhamdolillah. which occurred a century lies have been helped to Under this scheme, the Ja­ ago. It is also interesting to build their homes on their ma'at is running 505 note that in 1967, Hadhrat properties. The second October - November 2008 67 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA scheme was to raise US $ as the Waqfe Nau scheme. Ahmadis to arrange mar­ 2.5 million to construct five Initially, 5,000 Waqifeen riage expenses for the poor major mosques in the USA, were requested, and the Ja­ Ahmadis around the world. including mosques in Los ma'at has exceeded both Our present Khalifahaba has Angeles, , Wash­ the original time limit of the made this an ongoing ington, D.C., Chicago and scheme and its limit on scheme. Detroit. Alhamdolillah, all numbers, by enrolling these have been success­ 37,000 children in this great Hadhrat Khalifatul fully built. scheme. When this scheme Masih yaba, in the first five was launched Hazooth said: years of his Khilafat, initi­ He also launched ated 35 schemes that cover initiatives to build two cen­ "In the next one hun­ both monetary sacrifices ters in Europe and Germany dred years, Islam will and sacrifices for human in May, 1984; the Baitur spread at an unprece­ welfare and personal en­ Rahman Mosque in the U. dented pace and we richment. He has been tour­ S. in July, 1989; mosques in would need servants of ing the worldwide missions Belgium and the U.K.; a Islam who are well and attending Jalsa Salanas building extension in Hol­ trained to guide these in various countries. By land; and mosques and mis­ newcomers to Islam. and large, in every trip he sion houses in Canada. Of We need Waqifeen in addresses the Jalsa Salana the 16 financial schemes every walk of life, and of that country, and encour­ initiated by Hadhrat Khali­ from every country. ages mosque-building in fatul Masih IV1"'\ nine were Ahmadis are, by the each of them. Fifteen related to building mosques Grace of Allah, making mosques in the U.K., 28 and mission houses. The lot of financial contribu­ mosques in Germany, 13 Syedna Bilal Fund and tions, but one gift that mosques in Ghana, and sev­ Maryam Shaadi Fund are was left was the gift of eral additional mosques in examples of financial sche­ the future. God directed East African countries, mes that were launched for my attention to inform show his commitment to the uplift of poor and the you about this vein of building mosques around needy in the Jama'at. Of sacrifices; that in the the world. One of the first course, we cannot forget the next two years you financial schemes he initi­ greatest gift of all, in the should pledge that ated was for funds to sup­ form of the satellite chan­ whatever child Allah port the construction of the nel, MT A International, will bestow upon you, Tahir Heart Institute. Ha­ which has literally revolu­ you would make his or zooraba launched the scheme tionized the entire land­ her offering to Allah the to raise US $3.5 million. scape and culture of the Exalted." (April 13, By the Grace of Allah, the members of the Jama'at. 1987). U.S. was able to exceed this amount and collected close The date April 3, The last scheme ini­ to US $4.0 million, Alham­ 1987, must be remembered tiated by our fourth Khali­ dolillah. as the day when a new im­ fah was the Maryam Shaadi petus for a new generation Fund. This scheme collects The second major of Waqifeen was launched donations from affluent scheme was the reminder to October - November 2008 68 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA join the Wassiyyat scheme. He set a target for each Ja­ AHADITH ma'at with time constraints. Hadhrat 'A'ishahra relates that when the Holy Masha Allah, within one Prophetsaw left for the battle of Badr and reached a place year against the target of called Harratil Wabarah, he met a man who was famous for 15,000 new Moosian, his courage and bravery. The Companionsra of the Holy 16,000 members joined the Prophet5aw were very much delighted to see the man. The man Wassiyyat program within said to the Holy Prophet5aw, "I would like to fight as your one year. subordinate along with you. The Holy Prophetsaw asked him, 'Do you believe in Allah and His Messenger?' He said, 'No.' After presenting all The Holy Prophet5a told him to leave as he did not want to get these schemes, I would like help from an infidel. to share a certificate of splendid performance for Hadhrat 'A'ishahra relates that after hearing the the members of Jama' at response of the Holy Prophet5a to his request, the man left. from the Khulafa. Hadhrat However, when the army reached a place called Shajarah, the Khalifatul Masih ffa said: man came again to the Holy Prophet5aw and offered his services to fight in the battle. The Holy Prophetsaw again told "Allah has bestowed him that he did not want help from an infidel. So the man left. me with those hearts However, he came again at the place called Baida' and that are willing to do repeated his request. The Holy Prophet5aw again asked him: any sacrifice at my sin­ 'Do you believe in Allah and His Messenger?' He replied: gle call. If I tell them to 'Yes.' The Holy Prophet5a said: 'Now you can come along jump in the depths of with us.' 11 the ocean, they are ready to jump; if I ask (Muslim kitabaljihad bab karahtal isti'anahfil ghazwah bikafirin) them to roll down or Hadhrat Sa 'dra relates that on the "Conquest of drop themselves from Mecca", the Holy Prophet5aw forgave everyone except four the mountain tops they people. To inform everyone, the Holy Prophet5aw announced would do so; if I ask the names of these people. One of them, Ibn Abi Sarah, hid them to dive into burn­ himself with Hadhrat 'Uthmanra. When the Holy Prophet5aw ing flames, they are took the initiation, Hadhrat 'Uthmanra brought Ibn Abi Sarah ready and willing to do with him to the Holy Prophetsaw and requested him to take the so." initiation of Ibn Abi Sarah. The Holy Prophetsaw raised his (Al-Fazal, February 18, eyes three times and looked towards Ibn Abi Sarah. Each 1958). time, he looked at him in such a manner as if he did not want to take his initiation. When Hadhrat 'Uthmanrarequested the May Allah give third time, the Holy Prophet5aw took Ibn Abi Sarah's initiation. strength to our beloved Then, addressing the Companionsra the Holy Prophetsaw said: /mamaba and may He allow "None of you were wise and intelligent enough to kill Ibn Abi us to continue to strive in Sarah when I was hesitating to take his initiation. The the cause of Islam under Companionsra said: 'O Messenger5aw of Allah! We did not Hazoor' s profound guid­ know what was in your mind. If you had indicated with your ance. Ameen. eyes, we would have killed him.' The Holy Prophet5aw said: 'It is not proper for a Prophet to have eyes that are deceiving.' 11 ( Abu Dawud kitabal jihad bab fil asir yuqtal wa la ya 'rad 'alaihil islam) October - November 2008 69 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA REINFORCING OUR TIES WITH KHILAFAT THROUGH MUTUAL BROTHERHOOD Nasir M. Malik

A hundred years benevolence of Khilafat bent upon us to stay to­ ago, when Khilafat-e­ and gether and nourish our Ahmadiyya was first estab­ brotherhood. We can do lished, our community was (2) we do good deeds. As this by collectively holding relatively small and ho­ we believe that our suc­ fast to Khilafat, the rope of mogenous, and the chal­ cess and salvation are Allah. And we can do this lenge back then was to es­ inextricably tied to by counting on and holding tablish the concept and Khilafat, it is imperative on to each other. Allah structure of Khilafat in light that we reinforce our brought us together through of aya-e-istakhlaf This ties with it through our common faith as a favor verse contains a conditional good deeds. There are and now we must bring our promise of Allah that those many ways to do so. hearts together physically Muslims who believe in One of them is through and emotionally. Khilafat and do good deeds, nurturing mutual broth­ Allah will bless them with erhood. The words, 'be not di­ Khilafat. Today, we see vided', imply that we must that Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya Allah says: cultivate our brotherhood so is soundly established and that we have the strength we believe that according to And hold fast, all to­ and confidence to collec­ the prophecies of Hadhrat gether, by the rope of Allah tively stay attached to Masih-e-Mau' ood0 s, this and be not divided; and re­ Khilafat. Holding fast im­ blessed institution is here to member the favor of Allah plies that nothing should stay and flourish till the end which He bestowed upon weaken our grip - our at­ of times. you when you were ene­ tachment to Khilafat. mies and He united your So, today the ques­ hearts in love, so that by Holding fast, all to­ tion is not whether Khilafat His Grace you became as gether, by the rope of Allah will stay, rather it is how to brothers; and you were on is a wonderful metaphor. stay with Khilafat. The an­ the brink of a pit of fire and Imagine if you have to hold swer to this question is also He saved you from it. (Al­ on to a rope for your dear contained in aya-e­ Imran, 3:104) life; how reassuring would istakhlaf This verse im­ it be to know that your plies that we can stay at­ Thus our coming to­ brothers are around you to tached to Khilafat only if: gether as brothers in faith is help and support in case merely Allah's grace and your grip weakens or slips. (1) we truly believe in the favor and now it is incum- Through our Bai'at to October - November 2008 70 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Hadhrat Masih-e-Mau' oodas divided over complex is­ their tribal pride, animosity, and his Khulafa, Allah has sues, the cultivation of Is­ jealousy, and hatred into an saved us from the fire of lamic brotherhood is critical unprecedented and remark­ hatred and ignorance. Hav­ to our success; especially able brotherhood that con­ ing been saved once, we here in the United States sisted of mutual love, re­ must help and support each because of its socio­ spect, compassion and self­ other to not wander back to economic history and diver­ sacrifice. Consider how that pit. Otherwise, Allah sity. selflessly and passionately warns that: the Medinite Muslims As the humble fol­ served the Meccan Muslims And be not like lowers of the Imam of this at the time of migration. those who became divided age, we have to be the They offered virtually eve­ and who disagreed among agents of change, the true rything they had to accom­ themselves after clear ambassadors of Islam. If modate and comfort their proofs had come to them. we wish to win over and immigrant Muslim brothers. And it is they for whom save mankind from perva­ That was Islamic brother­ there shall be a great pun­ sive and growing polariza­ hood. ishment. (Al-Imran, 3: 106) tion, a pit of fire, we must So, while we all believe in demonstrate the bliss and We find another Khilafat, any action or inac­ blessing of Islamic brother­ wonderful display of broth­ tion of ours that undermines hood in our community, a erhood and self-sacrifice our brotherhood can not be brotherhood that prevails after the Battle of Uhud. considered a good deed and over all contentions and After that fierce battle, thus can hinder our attach­ considerations. seven companions of the ment to Khilafat. To sus­ Holy Propheea laid fatally Now, what exactly wounded in the desert bat­ tain and reinforce our ties is brotherhood? The word with Khilafat, we must tlefield, aching for a sip of brotherhood means an asso­ water. A water-bearer came evaluate our lifestyle and ciation for a particular pur­ see if it helps or hurts our to them with a small pose. By the Grace of Al­ amount of water barely mutual brotherhood. Now, lah, we are all brothers in let us consider how we can enough for a single soul. faith and we are all united He offered it to one of cultivate our mutual broth­ in the purpose of winning erhood. them, but he told him to the pleasure of Allah take it to his Muslim through Khilafat. To achi­ brother who might need it Today, by the Grace eve this purpose, we must of Allah, our community more. This second com­ live Islamic brotherhood in panion said the same and has spread globally and has our daily lives. a very diverse membership. sent the water-bearer to the Therefore, it is a challenge In early Islamic his­ third one, and so on. The to develop and nurture Is­ tory, we find glorious ex­ last companion directed the lamic brotherhood, a broth­ amples of magnificent water-bearer to the first erhood that transcends all change and true brother­ saying that he needed it the diversity and boundaries. hood. Through the love of most. By the time the wa­ At this centennial milestone Allah and His Khalifah, the ter-bearer returned to the of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, Holy Prophetsaw, the early first companion, he had al­ when the world is bitterly Muslim Arabs converted ready passed away. So, he October - November 2008 71 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA went to the second one who However, while we is nurtured by magnanim­ also had passed away. And, have a unique spirit of ity, selfless sacrifice, cour­ so he went to all of them brotherhood as a commu­ tesy, masking others' faults, one by one but they all died nity, we have a long way to and above all patience and thirsty thinking that their go individually. It is pain­ prayers. Conversely, broth­ brother needed the water ful to observe the interper­ erhood chokes on petty more. That was Islamic sonal tension and rancor be­ mindedness, jealousy, back­ brotherhood. tween members in daily biting, pride, prejudice, life. Advertently or inad­ sense of entitlement, superi­ These heroic acts vertently, we end up hurting ority or inferiority com­ were not exclusive to early each others' feelings for a plexes, festering resent­ Islam. We see exemplary variety of reasons. And ment, uncontrolled anger, displays of brotherhood and rather than clearing matters finger pointing, and exces­ self-sacrifice for a larger up quickly and moving on sive suspicion. cause in our own commu­ by forgiving and forgetting, nity. For example, at the we dwell on such hurt feel­ Let us review some time of migration of ings and draw away from Islamic principles that we Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih each other. We are nice need to practice and re­ 11'0 to Pakistan, Derweshan­ and warm to strangers but member when our emotions e-Qadian selflessly stayed cold, terse and even scorn­ tend to get the best of us. back in Qadian to protect ful to one another. But, Al­ The biggest hurdle for the community's interests lah describes the true com­ brotherhood is pride or a and sacred sites. Then, at panions of the Holy Proph­ complex. Allah categori­ the time of migration of et'0w as just the opposite: cally declares: Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih They are hard against the 0 "O mankind, We have IV' to London, the Ahma­ disbelievers but tender created you from a male dis of London enthusiasti­ among themselves. (Al­ and a female; and We have cally and selflessly wel­ Fath, 48:30) 0 made you into tribes and comed and served Hazoor' . sub-tribes that you may rec­ Then, every year for over a Imagine how much ognize one another. Verily, century, the Ahmadis of Istighfar and work we need the most honorable among Qadian, Rabwah, London, do to live up to this descrip­ you, in the sight of Allah, is and many other countries tion. he who is the most right­ around the globe have de­ eous among you. Surely, veloped a unique culture of To cultivate Islamic Allah is the All-Knowing, brotherhood by welcoming brotherhood, we must re­ the All-Aware." (Al­ and hosting their brothers flect upon what strengthens Hujurat, 49: 14) from all over the world dur­ it and what strains it. This verse implies ing Jalsa Salanas. We see Brotherhood feeds on mu­ that Allah has created us as the rich and the poor alike tual love and affection, re­ equals. If we label or rank sacrificing their time, job, spect and trust, compassion each other, we do it only to family, and comfort for the and forgiveness, thankful­ our own detriment. Other­ comfort of the guests of ness and appreciation, car­ wise, in the sight of Allah it Hadhrat Masih-e-Mau'­ ing and sharing, compro­ is only our righteousness ood08. mise and reconciliation. It that counts and it is only October - November 2008 72 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Allah Who is the judge of fire consumes straw. So, brotherhood, it is how we that. we must be mindful of our deal with them and live instinctive reactions to oth­ through them. In his Farewell Ad­ ers' successes and accom­ dress, the Holy Prophet5aw plishments, lest we bum It is reported that said: All mankind is from away our own good deeds. once Hadhrat Abu Bakrra Adam and Eve. An Arab and Hadhrat Umarra got has no superiority over a Warning against back­ into an argument and in the non-Arab, nor does a non­ biting, the Holy Prophetsaw heat of the moment said Arab have any superiority said: Backbiting is worse some harsh words to each over an Arab; also a white than killing or it is like rel­ other. Hadhrat Abu Bakrra has no superiority over a ishing the flesh of your realized it first and apolo­ black, nor does a black dead brother. How often do gized to Hadhrat Umarm; have any superiority over a we mindlessly indulge in however, Hadhrat Umar'a white except by piety and backbiting? How often do remained upset. So, Hadh­ good action. Learn that we stop ourselves and oth­ rat Abu Bakrra went to the every Muslim is the brother ers from slipping into such Holy Prophet5a and narrated of another Muslim and that gossip? the whole incident. The all Muslims constitute one Holy Prophetsaw said three brotherhood. Instead of backbit­ times that may Allah cover ing, we should be covering up and overlook your fault. Another hurdle for up one an others' faults. In the meantime, Hadhrat brotherhood is lack of trust. Hadhrat Masih-e-Mau' oodas Umarra also felt bad and The Holy Prophet5aw said: invoked Allah's attribute of went to Hadhrat Abu Bak­ Communities are built on Al-Sattar and said: "Just as r' sra house to apologize. trust, meaning mutual trust God overlooks our short­ However, not finding him is the basis and foundation comings and does not catch there, he also went to the of brotherhood. So, we us immediate! y or humiliate Holy Prophetsaw_ When Ha.­ must earn mutual trust. us, we also should not be dhrat Abu Bakrra saw him quick in talking about oth­ coming and noticed that the Next, regarding the ers in respect of things that Holy Prophet5a was dis­ importance of gratefulness, might cause them humilia­ pleased with Hadhrat the Holy Propheeaw said: tion." (Malfoozat, Vol 1, p Umarra, he knelt before the One who is not thankful to 298) Holy Prophetsaw and swear­ people, is not thankful to ing by Allah insisted that it Allah. So, we must appre­ Another problem is was he who was at fault not ciate and be grateful to one how to manage our differ­ Umar. another for whatever little ences. Our spirit of broth­ one does for the other. erhood, our devotion to the This incident speaks noble cause of Islam, and volumes about the humility, Then, warning agai­ our attachment to Khilafat compassion and straight­ nst jealousy, the Holy should enable us to rise forwardness of the compan­ Prophet5aw said: Beware of above our differences. It is ions of the Holy Prophetsaw. the fire of jealousy for it not our differences or dis­ It is a perfect application of consumes good deeds like agreements that affect our the Qur' anic injunction: October - November 2008 73 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

"If you differ in any­ though he were a warm difficult to remember and thing among yourselves, re­ friend. But none is granted practice these Islamic prin­ fer it to Allah and His Mes­ it save those who are stead­ ciples, especially when we senger." (4:60). fast; and none is granted it feel hurt. And at times, it save those who possess a seems that it will take a It also teaches us the large share of good. And if miracle to live Islamic classic lesson of brother­ Satan incites thee, then seek brotherhood. But, my dear hood that we should be the refuge in Allah." (41:35- brothers, miracles do hap­ first to apologize regardless 37) pen; they happened fifteen of who is at fault. Actually, hundred years ago, they Hadhrat Masih-e-Mau' oodas Thus if we respond happened one hundred said: to a hurtful act with a kind years ago and they will hap­ gesture, the irate will be­ "Sacchay ho kar jhooton ki pen now, if only we yearn come a warm friend. And for them. Insha Allah. ta rah tazallul ikhtiar karo ", Allah knows that it is not That is be apologetic easy to respond with such My dear brothers, as if you are wrong even if magnanimity unless we in­ listen to the Imam of this you are right. crease our patience and tol­ age, Hadhrat Masih-e­ erance. Naturally, in tense Mau' oodas, who said: Sometimes our friends situations, Satan incites us and advisors play a nega­ to get even, but that is the "I have come with tive role during our con­ time to seek Allah's protec­ only two points: One, you flicts. Allah says: Surely tion and not let our physical should firmly believe in the all believers are brothers. self prevail over our moral Oneness of God and two, So make peace between and spiritual selves. you should inculcate mutual brothers. (49: 11) love and sympathy. You Despite our dis­ should live the kind of life Instead of fanning agreements, Islam does not that will be no less than a our differences, if our allow us to sever ties with miracle. This is the change friends were to be the one another. The Holy that the Companions of the peace-makers, we would Propheea said: It is not per­ Holy Propheeaw had ef­ have a better chance to missible for a Muslim to fected in their lives." overcome our differences sever relations with another and preserve our brother­ Muslim brother for more Kuntum a'da-an fa-allafa hood. than three days. baina qoloobikum The Holy Qur'an We know that some (You were enemies, then teaches us another beautiful brothers are difficult to in­ He brought your hearts to­ way to cope with the chal­ teract with. So, Islam gether). lenges to our brotherhood. teaches us to patiently pray You should remem­ Allah says: for them. The Holy Proph­ ber that this bringing of the eeaw said: YOU should love "Repel evil with that hearts close to one another one another and pray for is a miracle. Beware that which is best. And lo, he one another. between whom and thyself unless you like for your was enmity will become as No doubt it is very brother what you like for yourself, you cannot be a October - November 2008 74 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA member of my Jama'at. because the time has come let us pray: Such a person is undergo­ that we should abstain from ing a trial and his end is not petty matters and become "Our Lord, let not our going to be good. preoccupied with important hearts become perverse after and magnificent goals." Thou hast guided us; and be­ (Malfoozat, Vol II, p 48) stow on us mercy from Thy­ (Malfoozat, vol 1, pp 266- self; surely, Thou alone art So, we should note 268) the Bestower." (3:9) that any word or deed that may hurt our brotherhood My dear brothers, ****** cannot be a good deed and by following these golden cannot reinforce our ties to Islamic principles, we must HADITH Khilafat; rather it is a trial improve our mutual rela­ with no good end. If we tionship and foster an ambi­ Hadhrat 'Abdur Rahman have a righteous and fearful ance of Islamic brotherhood bin Abi Quradra relates that, heart, our conscience in our daily lives; other­ one day, the Holy Prophetsaw should tell us when we are wise, God forbid our attach­ was performing ablution approaching such a trial and ment to Khilafat, our salva­ when the Companions of the that is the time to seek Al­ tion may be at risk. Broth­ Holy Prophe~w started to rub lah's forgiveness and pro­ erhood means a community the Holy Prophet'ssaw tection; and that is the time that is linked together like a ablution water on their hands to lose our vain and fleeting chain and it is as strong as and faces. The Holy Pro­ argument and win the last­ its weakest link. Brother­ phetsaw asked them, "Why are ing and precious pleasure of hood is picking up those you doing so?" The Com­ Allah. who are down and support­ panions replied, "We are ing those who are weak. doing so for the love of God Discussing the 10th May Allah enable us to Almighty and His Mess­ Condition of Bai 'at, strengthen the fabric of our enger." The Holy Prophetsaw Hadhrat Khaifatul Masih brotherhood so we can rein­ said: "If you really love God yaba referenced this advice force our ties with Khilafat Almighty and His Messe­ of Hadhrat Masih-e-Mau­ and collectively hold fast to nger, and deeply desire that ' oodas: "Develop bro­ this rope of Allah. God Almighty and His Mess­ therhood and love among enger love you, you should My dear brothers, yourselves and give up vi­ do the following: Always tell let us keep our sights high, ciousness and dissension. the truth, when something is our feet firmly planted on Totally abstain from any entrusted to you return it, and the ground, our arms kind of insult and ridicule always treat your neighbour around each other, and fo­ because they distance you well. from truth and lead you far cus on the Mission of away. Treat each other Hadhrat Masih-e-Mau' oodas (Mishkat bab alshafqatah with respect. Everyone and the cause of Khilafat. warrahmata 'alal khalq should give priority to the It will be a travesty, after bahawalah baihaqi fl sha 'bal comfort of his brother ...... having been saved from the Iman) Get rid of every kind of dis­ pit of fire once by the Grace pute, hostility and animos­ and Mercy of Allah, even if ****** ity from among yourselves one of us slides back. So, October - November 2008 75 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA CULTIVATING A PERSONAL BOND WITH THE KHALIFAH Faheem Younus Qureshi

Transcribed by: Hammad Malik

Tashahud, Tawwuz, (one of the earlier speakers) Who is the Khalifatul Tasmi'a, recitation of was mentioning miracles, I Masih? A man came to Chapter 48 verse 19: was getting goose bumps Prophet Muhammadsaw, because what I was going to who was the most perfect of talk about was a miracle to­ the men and the best of all day and we never spoke to the prophets, saying, "Ya each other about our sub­ Rasoolullahsaw, my elder jects before. brother sits at the mosque An average American all day and all night, keeps chooses to spend 4 hours So we end up devel­ on reciting his prayers and every day watching televi­ oping a bond and depend­ nawafil and does not go out sion. During that time, we ency on these messages. to earn money." Hazootaw are bombarded with TV Cultivating a personal bond said "How do you know 0 commercials showing us a with the Khalifah ba takes that the money that you drug going down our us into a very different, earn is in fact not the result esophagus, soothing our very spiritual, very unique of his prayers?" heart bum or a product dimension. On the surface, promising to make us rich cultivating a bond may not My dear brothers, overnight or a cream prom­ look objective and on the much of what we are ising us to keep us young surface it may not even blessed with is also the re­ and healthy forever. We look dramatic. But unless sult of someone's prayers. watch an estimated 20 thou­ people believe in the need The difference is that this sand such commercials and value of these bonds, someone is not a brother, he every year and most of us why would a father sit with is our spiritual father, he is start looking at these im­ his sons spending some our spiritual head of the ages as objective facts. We time and why would a family; the difference is strongly believe m those member of the Jama'at go that he does not pray for messages, forgetting the through the pain of cultivat­ only his family but prays fine line that says - drama­ ing a relationship or why for all of you; in fact, he tization, individual results would a human being care prays for all of humanity. may vary - that is usually enough to start developing And the difference is that something at the bottom. a relationship with Allahswr he is divinely appointed and And we almost start finding which appears to be the ul­ this personal relationship of these images miraculous. timate relationship that we a Muslim, an Ahmadi with When Nasir Malik Sahib are all striving for? his Khalifah brings him into October - November 2008 76 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA the ultimate company of the ian to spend his vacation. take that relationship to the righteous, it makes him the At that time, Hadhrat Khali­ next level. So he starts do­ beneficiary of abundant fatul Masih Ira was recuper­ ing an Istikhara. Three days prayers and above all, it ating from an injury, so he go by and he sees a dream serves as a compass to es­ would spend all afternoon in which he does not re­ tablish that relationship sitting in the company of member everything but he which a believer must es­ Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih relates that someone stand­ tablish with his Creator. ra and someone would be ing at the foot end of his And if you ask me, the giving Hadhrat Khalifatul bed says something to him; Khalifatul Masih is a mira­ Masihra a light massage, the last phrase of that state­ cle. In order to illustrate sometimes his feet or the ment was "then go to Eng­ that phenomenon, let me back. As it turns out, one land." So that is what he share with you the example day there was no one left in looked at as a sign from Al­ of a 14 year old boy who the room and this 18 year lah Ta 'ala. received a letter in 1906 by old found himself to be the Hakeem Maulvi Nuruddin only one. So he hesitantly As this boy was leav­ sahibra. The letter said that stepped forward and put his ing for England, Hadhrat you are now 14 and you hands on the back of Khalifatul Masih ra came must go and perform Bai'at Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih to him and gave him some at the hand of Hadhrat Ma­ ra and started rubbing. In a specific instructions - most sih Mau'oodas. As it turns few minutes, Hazoo{a went of them revolved around out, one of this boy's to sleep. As he tried to remembering, memonzmg friends had threatened him move out of the room, and reciting certain prayers; that if you ever did this Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih one of them specifically Bai'at, it will be the end of ra grabbed his hand - he said "keep writing letters to our friendship. So what did was not asleep. He looked me and we will pray for this boy do? He went at him and said: you." The boy leaves and in ahead, did his Bai'at and a short time, the news wrote a letter proactively to "O dear one! We have reaches him that Hadhrat this friend that well, seems prayed for you and we have Khalifatul Masih ya has like our friendship is now prayed for you a lot." A few passed away. While in Eng­ over because I have done days later, this boy decided land, his relationship now my Bai'at. The implied that he must go to England transcends to Hadhrat message was that this new for higher studies, so he Khalifatul Masih Ir and relationship that I have came to Hazoo{a and asked over the next 52 years that forged now is nearer and for his advice. Hadhrat relationship matures and dearer to me than any other Khalifatul Masih ra showed then he goes on to develop relationship. Four years him the path to Allah that relationship with the pass by, this boy is now a Ta'ala, he said why don't third and the fourth Khu­ graduate, and understanding you do an lstikhara? So at lafa. So imagine this young Hadhrat Masih Mau' ood' sas the age of 18, this young boy who had the good luck saying that people of my boy is now in a journey, he to do his Bai'at at the hands community should come has already cultivated a re­ of Hadhrat Masih Mau' oo­ and spend some time in my lationship with the Khali­ das and then forge a rela­ company, he went to Qad- fah, and is now about to tionship with the first four October - November 2008 77 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Khulafa of Ahmadiyyat. eyes when they talk about umphs; share with him your Khalifatul Masih. If that successes and your failures Who was this boy? does not give you an an­ and ask for his prayers. We Was he smart? Was he ac­ swer, then go talk to the re­ all invest so much time try­ complished? Did he know spected missionaries of Ja­ ing to be part of these social what this relationship had ma'at-e-Ahmadiyya and ask networks, I ask you to try to offer? Was he not busy? them what is it that makes and be a part of the network We all know this man by you sacrifice your whole of Allah's appointee; we all the name of Hadhrat life for the love of Khali­ spend so much time plan­ Chaudhry Zafrulla Khanra. fatul Masih. If that is not ning these vacations to But the question is that de­ good enough, then I will parks with waterfalls, I in­ spite all his worldly accom­ ask you to go talk to the vite you this time to plan a plishments, what was it that thousands of Zafrulla vacation to the site where kept bringing him back to Khans of Ahmadiyyat to­ Allah Ta'ala's revelation, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih? day. All those converts who the water of His revelation, Perhaps he was aware of are sitting around, ask them is falling. And you will see what Hadhrat Y aqub Ali what is it brother that that very quickly that bond Irfanta had said that when makes you give up your will start affecting every mail comes, Hadhrat Khali­ name, that makes you give other relationship in your fatul Masih ya, even before up your life, your family, life. Try skipping 30 min­ opening the letters, would your friends, all your rela­ utes of those commercial hold them in his hands and tionships; in fact, it makes bombardments every eve­ would pray on each and you give up the way you ning and you will develop every letter. And perhaps he define life. And invariably this bond with the Khalifah. knew that the power of they will give you three an­ Allah Ta'ala says in the prayer is an objective phe­ swers or a combination of Holy Qur'an: nomenon - it is not drama­ that - I do it for the com­ tization. Perhaps he knew pany of the righteous; I do "Surely, the life of that the company of Khali­ it because of the prayers of this world is nothing but an fatul Masih was a miracle. Khalifatul Masih vaba; and I illusion." Now, a hundred years do it because I know that So let us free our­ later, we have an abundance this is a compass for me to selves from these illusions of such pious souls who reach Allah Ta' ala. So I re­ which are thrown at us as have cultivated that bond quest you to start that jour­ facts. And by God my with the Khalifah. You saw ney by writing a letter. brothers, I tell you there is that yesterday, you will see Hadhrat Masih Mau' oodas no dramatization as com­ it today. I ask all those pi­ in his book, "Victory of Is­ pared to the facts in our TV ous souls to be my partners, lam", says that sometimes a ads and I assure you when not my addressees because thousand letters come in a you try to establish this re­ we have to transfer this love month. We all spend so lationship, your results will to our generations. But if much time writing emails not vary - you will witness there is a skeptic, I ask you every day, I encourage you miracles. My fear is that we to go and talk to these eld­ to write a letter to your live in a society that en­ ers and ask them what is it spiritual father and share courages rugged individual­ that brings tears to their with him your trials and tri- ism. We are given messages October - November 2008 78 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA everyday that you don't time of Khalifatul Masih I'a miracle of our times, hap­ need anyone, you don't and be that 14 year old boy. pening right in front of our need anything and then we The reason is because hind­ eyes and if you did not see wonder why we struggle sight is 20/20, because it is that miracle happening yes­ with family values being very easy to see a miracle terday at the Friday sermon, eroded, we wonder why we that happened in the past. It then you will see it today. I have broken relationships in is very easy to look at the cannot emphasize the point the form of 58% divorce history books. But I ask enough, Khalifatul Masih rate and we wonder why in you, weren't there thou­ yaba is the miracle of our certain communities up to sands and thousands of peo­ times. All those blessed 80% of our children are be­ ple at that time who did not ones among us who will ing raised without a father cultivate that bond, who did recognize this miracle, his­ and we wonder why 2 out not go and spend their vaca­ tory books will remember of 3 Americans don't even tions in the company of them as radhi allah ta'ala bother to go to a place of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masihas? unhu. Khalifatul Masih yaba worship once in a month. Why don't we find their is the living proof of Al­ Remember Hadhrat Masih names in the history books? lah's fulfillment, Allah's Mau' oodas said that a weak My brothers, the reason is promise to our Jama'at and believer is like an infant history does not record the once again I must say that and the company of Allah's people who fail to see a he is the living miracle hap­ appointee is like a mother's miracle happening in front pening right in front of our lap; it will be very danger­ of their eyes. It is very easy eyes. ous for him to think that he to glorify anything that hap­ In his historic speech does not need that com­ pened in the past. And this 1 pany, he will be subjecting brings me to the translation on May 27 \ 2008 Hazoor'a himself to grave danger. of the verse I recited in the said that he had been reas­ And Hazoo~ said "near­ beginning, where the per­ sured a long time ago that ness to Allah is indeed in fect believers of Hadhrat Allah will send such men nearness to his servants." Muhammadsaw knew that who shall help him achieve there was a miracle happen­ the task. It was revealed to People say that I wish ing right in front of their Hadhrat Masih Mau' oodas I was born at the time of eyes, where Allah says: in 1882: "such people shall master Prophet Muham­ come to your help upon madsaw and I would have "Surely Allah was whom Allah would descend been the Abu Huraira'a, well pleased with the be­ revelation from the heav­ never leaving his doorstep. lievers when they were ens." Who has the courage And people think and wish swearing allegiance to thee to think that we are those that they were born at the under the tree and He knew people? But at the same time of Hadhrat Masih what was in their hearts and time, I think it is absolutely Mau' oodas and wish that He sent down tranquility on fair for me to pray for all of Allah had given them the them and He rewarded you that may Allah make courage to sacrifice every­ them with a victory at most of you - dozens, hun­ thing like Hakeem Nurud­ hand." dreds, thousands of you - din'a did. And people think among those people upon and wish that perhaps they My brothers, Khali­ whom Allah would descend could have been born at the fatul Masih yaba is the revelation, who will be the October - November 2008 79 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA blessed ones to take this mission to the next phase as Manners of Eating, Halal Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih yaba said. And I would and Haram humbly request that you pray for this brother of Hadhrat Nu'man bin Bashirra relates that he heard the yours as well. When I was Holy Prophetsaw say: "Lawful and unlawful matters are listening to that speech, the clearly defined and in between them are certain matters only thing that kept on go­ which are doubtful. Most people do not know these doubtful ing through my head over matters. Those who save themselves from the doubtful and over again was, are we (matters), safeguard their belief and honour. The one who going to be the ones? Be­ does not safeguard himself from the dubious matters runs cause surely enough, when the risk that he does something unlawful and thus commits Hazooraba says there are sin. The analogy of such a person is that of a shepherd who people around - he says Al­ lets his flock graze close to a prohibited area. It is just lah has reassured me that possible that his animals may enter the prohibited area. All there are people who will kings have an area where none is permitted. Remember, the be sent for my help - and prohibited area of God Almighty is His 'Forbidden Things'. those people are you and Hearken! There is a piece of flesh in the human body, as us, there is nobody else, long as it is good and healthy, the whole body is good and there is no other hope. healthy. However, when it becomes bad or sick, the whole body becomes sick and useless. Remember! This piece of May we be the blessed flesh is the heart of a human being." ones to recognize the mira­ cle of our times by cultivat­ (Bukhari kitabal Iman bab fadl istabriddinah, Muslim kitabal ing this personal bond with buyu' bab akhadhal halal) the Khalifah and may culti­ Hadhrat 'A' ishahra relates that the Companions of the vating this relationship take Holy Prophetsaw said to the Holy Prophet58w: "Some people us all to the ultimate goal of who have just come from the disbelievers, bring us meat and every Muslim, every human we do not know whether or not they recited the Name of being, which is a direct re­ Allah (bismillah) while slaughtering the animal." The Holy lationship with Allahswr. Prophetsaw said, "Recite Allah's Name (bismillah) and eat Wa aakhiru da'wana (happily), II unil hamdu Zillah rabbil (Bukhari kitabattauhid bab assawalallah ta'ala wal aalameen. isti'adhah bih) ******* Hadhrat 'Urwah bin Zubai~ relates that the HUMANITY Companions of the Holy Prophetsaw asked the Holy Prophetsaw: "Villagers (Bedouin) bring us meat and we do FIRST not know whether they did or did not recite the name of NEEDS Allah (bismillah) while slaughtering the animal. What should we do?" The Holy Prophet58 replied, "Recite Allah's VOLUNTEERS name (bismillah) and eat it." AND FUNDS (Muwatta' Imam Malik kitab al-dhaba'ih attasmiyyah ******* 'aladhdhabiahah) October - November 2008 80 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA INTRODUCTION OF AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY

Falahud Din Shams

19th Century of Islam. He wrote a book which we behold His coun­ Condition of Islam Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya and tenance, has been bestowed declared that the only living upon me through this great religion is Islam and the Prophet. The ray of this sun In the 19th century, Is­ only living Prophet is of guidance falls like sun­ lam was a helpless religion. Prophet Muhammadsaw. He shine upon me and I con­ It was being attacked by all challenged all religious tinue illumined only so long other faiths is such a man­ scholars of all faiths to de­ as I am adjusted towards ner that it was an obvious bate him. it." degradation. Even some of the educated scholars of Is­ His announcement [Haqiqatul Wahi, (Qadian, lam were being converted was unique because he Magazine Press 1907); to Christianity. There was stated that he has received Now published in Roohani no one to defend Islam and revelation from God and Khazai'n (London, 1984), it was reflecting in the gen­ that he is the Messiah and Vol. 22, pp. 115-116]. eral helplessness and de­ Mahdi that people were pressed feelings among the waiting for over the centu­ He openly and Muslim masses. This pa­ ries. His argument was that clearly declared that his thetic situation was not lim­ it is only a living religion status in the eyes of God ited to a particular area. The and a living prophet by fol­ was only achieved by fol­ same situation existed with lowing which one can re­ lowing the Holy Prophet the Muslims of British In­ ceive revelation and even Muhammadsaw. He states dia, in the Middle East or achieve the status of a this in the following quote: any other region of the prophet. Since other relig­ world. Even many Muslims ions cannot and have not "It would not have been thought that the end of Is­ produced any person who possible for me to have lam was near and there is receives revelation, there­ attained this grace if I had nothing that can change this fore, their religion cannot not followed the footsteps phenomenon. be a living one. of my lord and master, the pride of all the prophets, Founder of He announced this the best of mankind, Mu­ Ahmadiyya very argument in the fol­ hammad, the chosen one, lowing words: peace and blessings of Al­ Community lah be on him. Whatever I "The recognition of have achieved, I have In 1835, a person was the Living God we have achieved by following born by the name of Mirza achieved through this Per­ him, and I know from Ghulam Ahmad in the vil­ fect Prophet and through verified reliable experi­ lage of Qadian. God was to his light. The honor of con­ ence that no man can appoint him in the defense verse with God, through reach God and obtain a October - November 2008 81 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

deeper understanding of New Testament or in the Message of the His ways without follow­ Hadith of the Holy Prophet Founder ing that Prophet, may Muhammadsaw were ful­ peace and blessings of Al­ filled in his person. It is remarkable to note lah be on him." that this claim and this voice Hadhrat Ahmadas the was raised in the small vil­ (Roohani Khaza'in, Vol. Promised Messiah restored lage of Qadian. There was no 22: Haqeeqatul Wahi, pp. dignity to the status of Je­ post office, no bus stop, no 64-65) sus. The Scripture says that train station, telegraph or anyone who hangeth on the telephone service. Amaz­ Belief about Jesus tree is an accursed of God. ingly, this voice was heard Because of his claim When someone is accursed, throughout the world even in of being the znct Messiah, it means that he becomes the United States of America. the question arose as to the an enemy of God and God Guests started arriving to belief among Christians becomes his enemy. That is visit him from all over the and Muslims about Jesus the reason Satan is referred world. This was the fulfill­ son of Mary corning back to as accursed. He refuted ment of the prophecy to the world. any thought that he was in "wherever the carcass is, ea­ any way insulting Jesus. In­ gles shall gather together". In The founder of the stead he was describing the a short time Qadian was full Ahmadiyya Community an­ real status of Jesusas, a of life and activity. Young nounced that Jesus did not prophet who taught wor­ people started to devote their die on the cross because it ship of one God and ful­ lives and became missionar­ would have been a dis­ filled his mission of preach­ ies. It was an unheard con­ graceful death. Since Jesus ing to the lost sheep of the cept of Muslim missionaries son of Mary was a pure and house of Israel. He stated to go anywhere to challenge innocent prophet of God, his real feelings about Je­ other faiths. They were tak­ He saved him from the sus: ing the trains; on the deck of death on the cross. He ex­ the ships even walking to far "In the Mosaic dispen­ plained that the real mis­ away lands of Africa, Middle sation the son of Mary was sion of Jesus was to preach East, Europe and even Amer­ the Promised Messiah and the lost sheep of the house ica. They were giving the in the Islamic Dispensation of Israel who were scat­ glad tidings that the Messiah, I am the Promised Messiah; tered in many countries. He the Prince of peace, had so I honor greatly the one established by arguments come and peace is at hand for whose name I bear. Anyone and reasoning from the gos­ mankind. pels as well as from the his­ who asserts that I do not tory that Jesus traveled to hold Jesus son of Mary in Community other countries and eventu­ high esteem is a mischief­ Established ally settled in Kashmir In­ maker and a liar. I honor dia. He also announced that not only Jesus son of Mary Officially the Ahmadi­ the tomb of Jesus is in Siri­ but also his four brothers, yya Community was estab­ nagar Kashmir on Khanyar as they were all sons of the lished in March 1989. Street. He announced that same mother. I also regard Hadhrat Ahmadas announced Jesus would not be corning his two real sisters as holy, his purpose and mission in down from the skies. for they are all the children the following words: of the holy Mary." Hadhrat Ahmadas claimed "God Almighty has and proved that all the [Kashti-e-Nuh, Roohani raised me, a humble servant, prophecies whether in the Khaza'in, vol. 19, pp. 17-18] in this age so that the Islamic October - November 2008 82 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA teachings may be published mony. When the Holy and fighting." and propagated to all na­ Prophet declared God's tions and all countries and message, his first thirteen [Majmu 'ah Ishtiharat, vol. 3, thus leave no excuse for years of life in Mecca was a pp. 364-366] them. For this purpose God reflection of the name Highlights of Beliefs has provided me with hun­ Ahmad. He was persecuted; dreds of heavenly signs, the Meccans punished his Emphasizing where it knowledge about the hidden followers in diverse ways. says in the Holy Qur'an things, sciences, facts and I His response was of peace "there is no compulsion in have been provided with and harmony and showed religion", he explained that hundreds of logical argu­ patience and perseverance. Jihad of the sword is applica­ ments. God Almighty has His life in Medina of ten ble, as a defensive measure provided for me the means years was the reflection of in very strictly defined condi­ and methods of publicizing his name Muhammad when tions and those conditions do the religion, the arguments he defeated his enemies and not exist today. Therefore, and proofs to an extent that finally became victorious our interaction with other no other nation in the his­ and God established his faiths has to be through dis­ tory was equipped with majestic attribute. cussions, dialogue and ex­ these blessings. All of the change of ideas. Instead, he The attribute of the hidden opportunities that declared a Jihad of the pen name Ahmad was also to be have been provided to me against all religions and revived in the latter days were not given to any one forces who were trying to de­ according to the prophecies. of them. It is the blessings stroy Islam. of Allah and he gives it to This reason for choosing whomever He chooses." the name of the community He also taught the was clearly stated by its Community to show patience (Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, p. founder: in face of persecution. Just as 575) Jesus was put on the cross for "There was a proph­ preaching peace and humil­ Name of the ecy that the name Ahmad ity, the followers of the 2"d would be manifested again Community Messiah faced the same cir­ in the latter days and that a cumstances. They showed person would appear The name of the com­ humility, perseverance and munity "Ahmadiyya" was through whom the qualities patience and in tum prayed chosen by its founder for a of beauty, which character­ for their enemies. Whether it very specific reason. Many ized Ahmad, would be be in Pakistan, Bangladesh or people may think that the manifested, and all fighting Indonesia, the example of would come to an end. For name is used because the this characteristic of Ahmadi­ name of its founder was this reason, it has been con­ yya Community is manifestly Ahmad but it is the farthest sidered appropriate that the clear. from the truth. name of this sect should be the Ahmadiyya Sect, so that Holy Prophet Muham­ Success of the everyone hearing this name Founder mad had two names: Mu­ should realize that this sect hammad and Ahmad. The has come into being for the The Founder of the name Muhammad reflected spread of peace and har­ Community was successful his majestic attributes and mony and that it would single handedly to defend ls­ Ahmad referred to his at­ have nothing to do with war lam and restore its dignity. tributes of peace and har- Upon his passing away one October - November 2008 83 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA of the Indian Muslim lead­ According to this would gather all humanity ers Maulana Abul Kalam verse of the Holy Qur'an, under one banner and estab­ Azad wrote the following God establishes Khilafat in lish paradise on earth. that is a testament to his the community because He success. Referring to the considers it to be consisting The progress of the literature produced by of believers and people who Community is under the sys­ Hadhrat Ahmadas, he wrote: do good works. No other tem of Khilafat, which is of community has Khilafat love and authority. Every "This service ren­ among them based on the member of the Community dered by Mirza Sahib will revelation received by a has access and contact with place the coming genera­ prophet. Under this system the Khalifah and is voluntar­ tions under the debt of the Khalifah is elected ily obedient to him. No army, gratitude in that he fulfilled through voting procedures no police is kept to enforce his duty of the defense of but it is not a position that this relationship. It is based Islam by joining the front anyone desires. No one runs on love for anyone to choose rank of those engaged in for this position or runs a if they so wish. It is under Jihad by the pen and he left campaign. If anyone does this system that the Commu­ behind him as a memorial that, it disqualifies him just nity makes financial sacri­ such literature as will last on this basis. So there is no fices in the way of God and so long as Muslims have payback after one is ele­ all its work is done without blood flowing in their veins cted. The voters discharge any aid from any govern­ and the urge to support Is­ their trust given to them by ment. lam remains their promi­ God. It is not a favor to one nent national characteris­ they are voting for. If they Throughout the last 100 tic." Vakeel, Amritsar May vote for someone not de­ years, not a single terrorist 1908 serving in their opm1on, has evolved from this Com­ then they are answerable to munity, in any part of the znd Manifestation God for their mistreatment world, because of its teach­ of the trust. ings of peace and humility. In 1908, when On the other hand, it has pro­ Hadhrat Ahmadas passed System of Love and duced a person like Chau­ away, another phenomena Authority dhry Zafrulla Khanra who took place that the world became the President of the had only experienced at the It is through this sys­ General Assembly of United passing away of other great tem of Khilafat that the Nations and also Chief Jus­ prophets m history. The Ahmadiyya Community is tice of the International Court system of Khilafat was es­ established m 190 coun­ of Justice in Hague, like Dr. tablished in Ahmadiyya tries. It is established across Abdus Salam who was the Community. God has prom­ geographical, racial and na­ first Muslim to receive the ised in the Holy Qur'an: tional boundaries. It is giv­ Nobel Prize in Physics and ing the message to humans thousands of other leaders in "Allah has promised of love and invites them to their respective fields. to those among you who be one community under believe and do good works one religion and one pro­ How to Recognize the that He will surely make phet, the Holy Prophet Mu­ True Messiah? them Successors in the hammad. All the pro­ earth, as He made Succes­ phecies in Islam and Chris­ Jesusas gave instructions sors from among those be­ tianity point to the Messiah as to how you will know fore them". (24:56) m the latter days who when the true claimant October - November 2008 84 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA showed up in the latter broken. will create restlessness in days. Jesus clearly ex­ their hearts; that the day plained that false prophets It is the decree of the of the glory of the Cross would be known by their All-Knowing God that the had passed away and the fruits. "Beware of false Community of the Prom­ world had taken another prophets, which come to ised Messiah will grow and tum but Jesus, son of you in sheep's clothing, but flourish until the whole Mary, had still not come inwardly they are ravening world is brought together down from the sky. Then wolves. Ye shall know under one banner. Just as all the wise people will them by their fruits. Do the world physically is get­ discard this belief and the men gather grapes of ting closer God has planned third century from today thorns, or figs of thistles? that all of humanity will be will not have completed Even so every good tree brought together spiritually when all those who had bringeth forth good fruit; as well. been waiting for Jesus, but a corrupt tree bringeth Hadhrat Ahmad, the both Muslims and Chris­ forth evil fruit. A good tree Promised Messiahas has tians will despair of his cannot bring forth evil fruit; summed up the future of coming and entertaining neither can a corrupt tree this Community, a hundred misgivings shall give up bring forth good fruit. years ago, in the following their belief and there will Every tree that bringeth not words: be only one Faith in the forth good fruit is hewn­ world and one preceptor. down and cast into the fire. "O mankind! Hearken; I came only to sow the (Matthew 7:15-19) this is the prophecy of seed. That seed has been God Who made the Heav­ sown by my hands. It will If every prophet in the ens and the Earth. He will now grow and blossom future were to be false, spread this Movement in forth and none dare retard there would not have been all the countries and will its growth. " any need to set such a stan­ give it supremacy over all dard. (The Promised Mes­ through reason and argu­ siah in Tazkira-tush­ Invitation to all ments. Remember, no one Shahadatain) will descend from heaven. We invite everyone to All our opponents who We hope and pray come and taste this fruit and are living at present will that the day will come soon you will find that it will die and not one of them when all of humanity give you life and a spiritual will see Jesus, son of would get together under uplift. By following the Mary, descend from the one banner and we would Messiah of the latter days, sky and then their chil­ have not just one country you could achieve the spiri­ dren who survive them but the whole world as 'one tual status so much so that will also pass away and nation under God' and they every morning of your life none of them will see Je­ would sing the same slo­ would bear witness that you sus, son of Mary, coming gan: "Love for all, hatred spent the night righteously down from the heaven. for none". and every evening of your Generations of their pos­ life would bear witness that terity will also perish and And our last words you spent the day in fear of they too will not see the always are: All praise be­ God, making sure that none son of Mary descending longs to Allah, the Lord of of His commandments were from heaven. Then God all the worlds. October - November 2008 85 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA A MESSAGE OF PEACE -A TIMELESS PACT FOR INTERFAITH HARMONY Maulana Azhar Haneef Transcribed by Hammad Malik

To all of those who are messenger of Allah, the that the Holy Prophet of Is­ here with us today, I begin Prophet Muhammad saw, lam wanted to create between with a very simple but very wished all of us to move in. those who are of the body of important message; it is As they began discussing, Islam and those of the faith summed up in two words - the Muslim said, "I swear of Judaism. It is stated that "Assalamu Alaikum," may by that Being i.e., God Al­ the Jew proceeded after be­ peace be upon you. This uni­ mighty, who chose Muham­ ing slapped to the Holy versal greeting and this uni­ madsaw over other people Prophet of Islamsaw to lodge a versal prayer of every Mus­ and granted him excellence complaint. The Messengersaw lim 1s what permeates the over others." In response summoned the Muslim to message that I wish to deliver the Jew retorted, "I swear corroborate the report and today. It goes back 1400 by that Being who granted then said, "Do not give me years, in the time of the Holy excellence to Mosesas over preference over Moses." Prophet of Islam Prophet all people and chose him." Muhammadsaw. You can say What a wonderful re­ that one of the first interfaith The response of the sponse! Surely, to that Mus­ dialogs between a Muslim Muslim was to slap the lim and many in this audi­ and a Jew happened during Jew. Now, perhaps some­ ence, it was an unexpected his lifetime when he had es­ one listening to this account reply in fact but this was the tablished the Islamic state in may say that this shows the standard of the Prophet of Medina. roots of the conflict be­ Islam'ssaw religious freedom tween the Muslims and the and freedom of conscience Unfortunately, the ex­ Jews - centuries of deep­ for all subjects under the change quickly escalated out seated animosity and en­ government in that first Mus­ of control and these two - the mity that boils over the lim state established in Me­ Muslim and the Jew - began slightest provocation and dina. Our current Khalifah, quarrelling. Now you may that threatens the peace and Hadhrat Mirza Masroor think that this is one of those stability in the Middle East Ahmadsaba commenting on typical instances that you even today. Even as I this episode in the history of come to the conference about speak, all of us are quite Islam says, despite the interfaith and here comes the aware of the realities of this Qur'anic testimony that joke about the Rabbi, the conflict. But further reading Prophet Muhammadsaw in­ Imam and the Priest; how­ of this tradition that I began deed had excellence over all ever, this is history, this actu­ quoting in fact gives a the other Prophets, he did not ally happened and it speaks vastly different impression tolerate a contest over proph­ volumes to the direction the of the interfaith relations ets that could have polluted October - November 2008 86 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA the atmosphere. After hear­ article about a Palestinian ments of embracing all hu­ ing what the Jew had said, who was lamenting the manity as one family when he only reproached the struggles of those in Pales­ they are thinking of their Muslim not to involve tine and he made a very own members in their own prophets in their quarrels. beautiful expression of churches going forth in the His stance being that it was what he felt was the solu­ lands where Muslims live well and good that the Mus­ tion to this; he said in this and they cannot build lim considered him, i.e. the expression, I wanted to in­ churches, cannot preach, Prophet Muhammadsaw, vite my friends into my cannot sell or give away Bi­ most excellent among the home but my house was bles out of restrictions and prophets which is backed much too small, so I started prohibitions and that seems up by God's testimony to extending the walls of my to speak against the mes­ this effect in the Holy house and soon the whole sage which the Prophet of Qur'an; yet, and this is the world became my home Islamsaw was giving to the most important point of this and all her inhabitants be­ Jew and to that Muslim. initial episode of a dialog came my friends. But if we think again about between a Muslim and a the early history of Islam, Jew, the feelings of a per­ This expression, time­ we see that this messenger son in their realm could not less as it is now as it was Muhammadsaw was not like be hurt because of some­ then, speaks to the message the Muslims of this day and thing that was said about of true Islam that every sin­ age who govern their states his prophet - the Holy gle human being has value, with intolerance and the at­ Prophet5aw would not allow has worth and what we titude of not allowing oth­ this. If one was to hold him need to do is open the doors ers to preach and profess in respect, one had to hold to our hearts and let every and practice their faith. other prophets in respect as single human being in so well. they may experience what We know there was a we call our inner peace and group that came from Na­ So these were the stan­ they too may be at peace. jran who were Christians dards of justice and free­ This is the real message of and they sat down again in dom of expression of the Islam for all of humanity. I an interfaith dialog. His att­ Holy Prophet of Islamsaw find it so strange that nowa­ itude towards them was one which he had established to days we look across the At­ of deferential respect; he look over the feelings of lantic Ocean to the Middle listened cool and calm and those of his own members East, you see all this fight­ collected to their point of as well as others. He was a mg and turmoil and you view and all he wished to man of God, sent as a say, the Muslims and the do was to be given a chance mercy for all mankind and Jews are both part of the to express his views - that he wanted to ensure one Abrahamic family, why is it was the essence of the dia­ thing that all Muslims for that they still cannot get log. At the end of the day, all times to come were along in peace and brother­ neither side could agree pushing back the walls of hood. Again, those who are with the other so he allowed their houses and inviting in sitting in the audience who them to leave and go their the house of Israel. I recall may be Christian, may be own way. And in whose once that I was reading this wondering about my com- hands did he leave the mat­ ter? Not in his hands, not in October - November 2008 87 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA his army's hands nor in his whether they were in cities, dressed all of the followers government's hands; he in mountains or in woods. who were there. It was in says this matter is in the They were free to worship this time that he delivered Hand of God; He will judge in accordance to their relig­ the address and it was the you and judge me. At that ion and to safeguard their epitome of the entire teach­ point, something very freedom of worship was ings of the spirit of Islam. strange happened. The Pro­ also the responsibility of phet of Islamsaw noticed that the Muslims. What a char­ What did it express? It they were leaving with the ter of human rights and tol­ expressed the unity and understanding that they had erance of religions! But equality of humankind, it to go for their prayer ser­ again we have gone so far talked about the sanctity of vice and were looking for a past this era that quite often human life and the impor­ church. those who are non-Muslims tance of establishing the may not see this any longer; rights for the weakest He stopped them and this example or this attitude amongst us especially talk­ said, "Wait! My mosque is or these policies are not ing about those who are op­ a house of God; you are present in the so-called pressed and weak and the free to come and worship Muslim countries so natu­ women. And lastly, it God as you please in this rally the response is where talked about his particular house of God, no need to go do we find such a place concern about peace for the anywhere else." Where are where we could go to prac­ entire humankind. What I these Muslims, you say, tice our faith in a Muslim found most striking was not nowadays? Where are those country and not be accosted what he said but what he who have this attitude and or arrested or be forced to wanted us as Muslims to this understanding of life leave that land. say to the whole world. I like this Messenger of quote, his final words were: peace - Muhammadsaw? It Throughout his en­ "What I have said to you, is in this respect that even tire life, Hadhrat Muham­ you should communicate to when he sent forth his gov­ madsaw' the messenger of the ends of the earth. For ernors to the other lands, he Allah, was a man of peace. may be those who have not would tell them "Do not in­ As his last days on this heard me may benefit by it terfere in the religion of earth approached, God be­ more than those who have others, nor in their prac­ gan to tell him that soon he heard it. It is truly in this tice." In fact, to that same would leave. And so he spirit of carrying the mes­ group of Najran, he issued took a band of his followers sage of the messenger that a letter of immunity. And and went for his final pil­ all of us sitting in this room this is what he said: "The grimage to the House of who claim to be Muslims people of Najran are pro­ God in Mecca. Now in Is­ are emissaries of peace. tected in their boundaries." lam, this is known as the Have we passed along the Furthermore, it was the time when he gives a very message, not just by our duty of the Muslims to pro­ important sermon called the mouths but by our actions, tect their churches, their Farewell Sermon. On that by our attitudes, by our in­ places of worship and their last day of the pilgrimage tentions and by our exam­ inns, no matter how far off season he stood in the ples amongst those who are they were located and plains of Arafat and ad- Muslim and non-Muslim October - November 2008 88 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA alike? This is what he no intent or desire of his what should we aspire to be wanted to know from us - own to come before man­ and ask others to under­ have we delivered the kind but God wished him to stand us to be. goods? come forth and to reveal the true face of Prophet Mu­ Unfortunately, the 1 In the time remain­ hammadsaw and the true next day May 26 \ as God ing, I bring you to the title face of Islam. And his had willed, he passed on. of this speech - the Mes­ whole life was dedicated to And that book which origi­ sage of Peace, a Timeless this task up till his final nally was addressed to peo­ 1 Pact for Interfaith Har­ breath on May 26 h 1908. ple in Lahore in India at the mony. Why I spent so much time to resolve the conflict time speaking about the God had been tell­ between Hindus and Mus­ Prophet Muhammadsaw, was ing him as well, your days lims primarily was never because we need to know are few now. It's as if the read out by him. But about that the foundation of eve­ doctor is telling him, you one month later, the com­ rything we do is linked ei­ have hours, may be days, munity arranged a special ther to the Holy Qur' an or may be weeks to live. I conference to read out this to the life of Prophet Mu­ pose the question to every treatise to all of the people hammadsaw. And if not so, Muslim sitting in this audi­ in Lahore once again so you can know they do not ence, if God told you to­ they would have the benefit meet the yardstick to meas­ night you have one day left of his final word. I was sur­ ure what is Islam and who to live what would you do? prised to see, and I want to is a Muslim. What would you say to assure you that it was not your best friends? What by purpose or choice or I say this especially would you write to human­ plan, the date when that to those today who are our ity? What would be your conference took place was guests, who may be con­ message? Because that exactly 100 years ago from fused by my statement say­ would be the last thing you today, June 21 si, 1908. It is ing all the violence in the say and last impressions are with great humility I stand Middle East, all the intoler­ deep as they enter the hearts before you and great honor ance, all the bloodshed and and the minds of the people and in the final few minutes that is against Muslim to who listen. that I have left at my dis­ Muslim, let us not even go Hadhrat Ahmadas spent posal, I wish to share with to Muslim vs. non-Muslim, that last night, May 25th you in his own words, the and you want me to believe 1908, writing a book. It words of Hadhrat Mirza that this is the message of would be the last words he Ghulam Ahmadas of Qad­ peace? But I say we must would ever write on this ian, this message of peace go back to the origins of the earth; and the title of the for mankind which he knew message and look at the real book was "the Message of would be a source of bridg­ life of the messenger to Peace." And in that final ing the gaps, creating path­ know what is and is not that hour before he left us, he ways, breaking down the message. It is in this sense wanted us to reflect in what walls and making us one that our previous speaker do we truly stand for and humanity, one community mentioned Mirza Ghulam what is our real message and one people on this earth Ahmadas of Qadian. He had and purpose on this earth, living truly in brotherhood, October - November 2008 89 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA in friendship and in peace. blood, from one Creator Holy Qur'an says we should He says in his words: and to Him we are all going be lbadur Rehman, i.e. those "Notwithstanding the hun­ to return, or at least back who reflect the attribute of dreds of differences be­ into this earth if we believe Ar-Rehman - the most Gra­ tween us, Muslims and Hin­ in nothing else. He then cious and Compassionate and dus alike share one thing in says, "My countrymen, a loving God who has not common, we all believe in religion which does not in­ looked at our deeds or our God, the Creator and Mas­ culcate universal compas­ actions, He has looked at our ter of the universe. Also, we sion is no religion at all. needs and said whether you belong to the same denomi­ Similarly, a human being are an atheist, whether you nation of God's species - without the faculty of com­ are a believer, you are a Jew human beings - and are re­ passion is no human at all. or a Muslim, a Hindu, a ferred to as humans. Fur­ Christian, I will provide for thermore, as inhabitants of Our God has never you whether you are in the this same country, we are discriminated between one East or West, the North or neutral neighbors. people and another. This is South; all of you are my illustrated by the fact that creation. This requires that all the potentials and the ca­ we all become friends to pabilities that have been And He is saying to us, each other with purity of granted to the Indian people "O believers, be like this heart and sincerity of inten­ have also been granted to God, compassionate to all tions." Now this again is a the races inhabiting Arabia, humankind irrespective of timeless message, it wasn't Persia, Syria, China, Japan, their caste, creed, color or limited to India in 1908, it Europe and America. The continent." That is a wonder­ applies nowadays in 2008 earth created by God pro­ ful message but how many of to America and the entire vides a common fore for all us again are taking that mes­ world. In America, we are people alike and His sun sage home every single day living in one land, under and moon and many stars with every single thought and one government, we are are a source of radiance and every single deed. This is the part of one human family provide many other benefits message of Islam brought to and the majority says that to all people. Likewise, all us by the Holy Prophet Mu­ we are one nation under people benefit from the ele­ hammadsaw and again re- God, we believe in God. ments created by God, such minded in 1908, on the door­ Call God Allah, Jehovah, as air, water, fire and earth step of death, by our beloved Jesus, whatever else, we be­ and from other products founder, Hadhrat Mirza Ghu­ lieve it's the same one God. created by Him like grain, lam Ahmadas. This is a won­ This is the message it be­ fruit and healing agents etc. derful book and there are so gins that unites us and helps many principles on creating us to see what is common These attributes of unity and harmony in it. I amongst us. The thing that God teach us the lesson that wish I had days to read them is quite often so difficult to we too should behave mag­ out but of course if I take see in our dialogs, in our nanimously and kindly to­ days, you will probably go debates, in our discussions wards our fellow human be­ away and you won't hear it is what is right in front of ings and should not be petty anyway but what I would our eyes. We are flesh and of heart and illiberal. The suggest to all the friends who October - November 2008 90 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

are here today, please be this to say in 1908 - "Many highly essential that Hindus our guest, welcome into our a calamities are befalling and the Muslims should home, understand this is the world. There are earth­ come to terms with each just a glimpse of our spirit, quakes; there are famines, other and if either of the we would love to share with over and above the earth­ two parties is guilty of such you the full course meal but quakes and famines we excesses as obstruct the we have limited time right continue to be plagued by path of peace, they are bet­ now. the bubonic pestilence. ter advised to desist from Moreover, the Divine Reve­ pursuing that course. Other­ Come again and lations which God has con­ wise, the entire blame of again, we wish to unite at veyed to me further confirm the sin of mutual enmity length with you in this spirit that if people do not mend will be borne by the fault­ of peace. I'll conclude with their evil ways and prac­ ing party. the words of Hadhrat tices and do not repent their Ahmadas with the actual sins, the world will be fur­ This is why Buddha message he gave about ther visited by other severe himself had to say that the these times. He says "In calamities; one misery will tongue, like a sharp knife, precarious times such as not end before another fol­ kills without drawing these," - do we not all lows. Eventually people blood. Age old experience agree that these are precari­ will reach the end of their and repeated trials have es­ ous times. Do we not agree tether and wonder what is tablished without question when we look at the world happening to them." that to insult and abuse the at our own peoples, whether prophets and messengers of we are looking at Muslim to People are saying different countries and peo­ Muslim, Jew to Jew or this now - is this global ples is such a deadly poison Christian to Christian or warning, what is going on? which not only destroys the Hindu to Hindu and say Why all this weather pat­ body but also kills the soul . wny -are--they doing this - tern, earthquakes -,tsunamis, thereby ruining the worldly committing these atrocities storms, floods? Every sin­ prospects as well as the in the name of God, in the gle continent every single spiritual." name of faith? And we see people are suffering and wars and conflicts and the struggling and they all are What he means is hatemongering , going on saying the same thing , why that God loves His Messen­ and it must pain all of us to us? Why now? Why is this gers as we love our chil­ feel that I belong to this happening? And here is the dren. He protects them, He group but this group does­ voice of God telling us it's helps them and if He sees n't somehow represent who from our own hands. Peace that they are being af­ I am. That is the precarious has its own results and lack fronted, attacked, insulted times such that at any mo­ thereof produces its own and abused, sooner or later ment, it's like a match in calamities. He says "They even the Merciful God the hay factory, if you light will be pushed to the edge comes and shows mankind it you had better run and of their senses by calamity the fallacy and the foolish­ run fast because you may upon calamity; so take heed ness of its ways. This we be caught up in the blaze. my countrymen before such believe, as we have seen re­ evil days confront you. It is Hadhrat Ahmadas had cently in the last 10 years, October - November 2008 91 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA after 9-11, such an outpour­ what the UN has finally This is the message ing of attacks against the agreed to do and all of us in again that even Martin Lu­ character of Prophet Mu­ this room should vote our ther King gave "Either we hammadsaw and against the vote of thanks and our sup­ will learn to live together as very faith of Islam. And the port for such resolutions. brothers or perish together world wants Muslims to be as fools." And I don't see at peace? He says "How 1. They noted with deep fools here, I see friends. can you be at peace with concern the intensifica­ And I hope and pray that someone who abuses your tion of the campaign of whoever is in this room, we mother or your father? So defamation of religions can push back these walls, much more so it would be and the ethnic and reli­ we can bring others into for those who are dear to gious profiling of the these gatherings, into this us - the prophets of God." Muslim minorities in spirit and help them under­ the aftermath of the stand surely what Islam This is one of the tragic events of Septem­ stands for, who we are as a essences or principles that ber 11, 2001. people and let them em­ he mentions. And it was brace us for the beauty and very good that in 2003, the 2. The resolution deplores blessings that reside inside. UN finally passed a resolu­ the use of the print, au­ May Allah make it so and tion. But I am sure most of dio, video and elec­ may He bring true peace for us never heard about this tronic media including all of us, Ameen. resolution because many the internet and any people criticized it that it is other means to incite biased towards the Mus­ the acts of violence, ******* lims, it doesn't include and xenophobia or related embrace all the people who intolerance and dis­ are really suffering - the crimination towards Is­ non-Muslims, Christians, lam or any other relig­ SERVE Hindus, Jews, etc. And ion. therefore, the Muslims are HUMANITY just trying to blow their Exactly what Prophet own trumpet and advocate Muhammadsaw said, "Treat their own cause. But the the other man with respect THROUGH resolution was an important that you would want to be one; it was in a sense a cor­ treated with yourself." This ollary of what Hadhrat is the voice of Leviticus Ahmadas had said in 1908. I "Love thy neighbor as thy­ HUMANITY will read out just a few self." This is the voice of points of this; my time in Mathew "Blessed are the FIRST fact is up, I am going in peace makers who want not overtime but in a hundred peace just for themselves years of blessings of this but for all mankind, for Jama'at, I hope you can they shall be the children of ****** give me just one or two God." more minutes to read out October - November 2008 92 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

THE SUN (OF ISLAM) SHALL RISE IN THE WEST A Prophecy Fulfilled Through the Messiah and His Khulafa

Maulana Daud Hanif -Missionary in Charge

The topic of my guidance and the Religion Mahdi, a second mani­ speech is taken from a of truth, that He may cause festation of Hadhrat Muha­ prophecy of our beloved it to prevail over all reli­ mmadsaw predicted in the master, the most truthful gions, even if those who Holy Qur'an: and trustworthy, Hadhrat associate partners with God , • ,. • I Muha-mmadsaw about the hate it. (61:10) ,. J'!.:.!'.tqlJ • -~i- ,. • ·'I, -A4-!,, ~ ~~, .J progress of Islam m the latter days. It was made Most commentators of fifteen centuries ago when the Holy Qur' an including no one could imagine such Imam Muhammad Ibn Jarir And He will raise him a phenomenon in the latter Tabari and Sheikh Ismail among others of them who days. The Prophetsaw said: Haqqi (Ruh Albayan) and have not yet joined them. "The final victory would Imam Muhammad Arrazi He is the Mighty, the Wise. not be established until the Fakhruddin have written in (62:4) sun rises from the west. On their commentaries of the its rise from the west all Holy Qur'an that, this­ Explaining about the people will believe." ultimate triumph of Islam­ victory of Islam, the will take place in the time Promised Messiahas has Bukhari of the Promised Messiah, written that, "This is a great when all the various prophecy of the Holy Qur­ It explains the final religions would have ' an. The research scho-lars phase of the Victory of appeared and would make are agreed that this will be Islam m the latter day their utmost endeavors to fulfilled through Masih mentioned in the Holy propagate their own Mau'oodas. That 1s why Qur'an: teachings. none of those Auliya and

I , , ,_' - Abdal i.e., the Seers and !~IL '(J· ,, l'.'.•f "J.11 , , This great task L>..i.+' ,. .jJJJ.) U,.U,.) L> , ~ highly spiritual friends of commenced in 1880 when Allah who appeared before Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam me have declared to be the Ahmadas undertook the recipient of this prophecy writing of Braheen-e­ nor any one of them have Ahmadiyya and his claimed that this verse has appointment in 1890 as the been revealed about him. He it is Who has sent Promised Messiah and His Messenger with the But when my time came I October - November 2008 93 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA was vouchsafed with a and shall partake of the that he was standing in a revelation and I was told blessings of Islam. pulpit in London and was that this verse is about you delivering an eloquent and and through your efforts It began unfolding well-reasoned address in and in your very time the right from the very start of English in support of the supremacy of Islam over the ministry of the truth of Islam. Thereafter he other religions will be Promised Messiahas. The saw that he had caught established". Promised Messiahas was not several birds that were fully conversant with perched among the bran­ (Tiryaqul Qoluoob, P. 47) English language but he ches of small trees and had received many revelations white feathers. They resem­ To achieve this goal in English, which were an God gave him the weapon bled partridges. He interpr­ indication that Islam was eted this to mean that of the pen and use of the now about to be propagated tongue and not the sword or though he himself would in English-speaking coun­ not be able to visit London gun and he used this tries. One of these reve­ weapon extensively under his wntmgs would be lations was: 'I will give you published in England and the guidance of God. He a large party of Islam'; wrote letters and books, ad­ the other countries of which also indicated that Europe and that many dressed all religions and all God Almighty would people, held debates deliv­ righteous people would establish large Muslim accept the truth. ered lectures, and invited communities in the West. the opponents to prayer The task commenced very When he published duals to establish the truth early in his ministry. In the this vision he observed: and superiority of Islam, late 1880's he addressed and that he had been com­ about twelve thousand "So far the western missioned by God. Thus he letters to the leaders of all countries have not shown used all methods of com­ nations, heads and rulers much attachment to munications with the peo­ through registered mail. religious verities. It would ple. Among these were His seem that God Almighty had bestowed all the under­ Due to time constrains Royal Highness, the Prince tanding of religion upon I would be very brief in my of Wales, Mr. W. E. Asia and all the under­ presentation of the accom­ Gladstone the Prime standing of worldly matters plishments of the Promised minister of Britain and on Europe and America. All Messiah35 and Khulafa-e­ Prince Bismarck, inviting the prophets from first to Ahmadiyyat them to the study of the principles and teachings of last have appeared in Asia The rising of the sun Islam and its acceptance. and the excellences of from the West, as predicted sainthood have also been by the Holy Prophet of (/zala Auham page 102). bestowed on the people of Islamsaw means that Wes­ Asia. It would now appear tern countries, which have Message Reaches that God Almighty desires for centuries been in the London to look upon the people of darkness of non-belief and the West with mercy." Some time before error, shall be illuminated 1891 the Promised Mess­ (/zala Auham, pp. by the sun of righteousness, iahas had seen in a vision 516-516). October - November 2008 94 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Hadhrat Ahmad'sas America & Europe are welfare, so that their fair vision was fulfilled first preparing to enter our faces may shine with through his writings which Community". heavenly effulgence in the reached the West during his next life. We beseech God lifetime and some West­ In 1893, he wrote a for their well being in this erners joined his fold. In book entitled 'Aaina Kama­ world and the next. Oh 1892 during Jalsa Salana at late Islam' (The Mirror of God! Guide them and help Qadian, he discussed with Islam's Excellences) and them with Thy power, so his disciples the issue of once again he issued a that they may have faith in spreading the true message notice specifically praying Thy Book and Prophet, and of Islam among Europeans for the English speaking embrace Thy religion in and Americans, and later people to accept Islam. He multitudes! Ameen! Ameen! initiated several advertise­ concluded with the ments for publication in the following prayer: The Time of Western media~ instituted a Appearance committee also for carry "O 'Gracious God! out these tasks and sent Guide the tender hearts of The Promised Messiahas letters to thousands of all the nations, so that they had appeared at the time of eminent Westerners invit­ may have faith in Thy the real combat of Islam ing them to study Islam. chosen Prophet Muhamm­ with the other religions. All ad5aw, and in Thy Holy the religions joined their Many outstanding Qur'an, and that they may forces against Islam. Araya, men, like Alexander Webb follow the commandments Hindu, Christian and even (an American journalist and contained therein, so that Muslim scholars in India diplomat), F.L. Anderson of they may thus benefit from and abroad opposed New York, who later on the peace and the true Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam was named Hasan and Dr. happiness which are Ahmadas very bitterly. A. George Baker of Phila­ especially enjoyed by true delphia, a lady named Muslims in both the worlds, A famous American Elizabeth of England acce­ and may obtain absolution evangelist, John Henry Ba­ pted Islam Ahmadiyyat and eternal life which is not rrows, was invited to visit through corresponding with only procurable in the next India in 1897. He made a him directly. There were world, but is also enjoyed stormy tour and delivered several others who were in by the truthfal and honest lectures at many places and correspondence with him people, even in this world. said: from England, America and Guide, especially, the Russia. English nation, who have "I might sketch the not yet availed themselves movement in Mussalman Hadhrat Masih Mau­ of the sunshine of truth, and land which has been , ood has written in Bra­ whose civilized, prudent touched with the radiance heen-e- Ahmadiyya, Vol 5 and merciful empire has, by of the Cross the Lebanon page 107 that in these obliging us through and Persian mountains, as countries people are being kindness and friendly trea­ well as the waters of the attracted to our Community tment, exceedingly encou­ Bosphorus, and which is a on their own. He wrote, "It raged us to try our utmost sure harbinger of the day appears that people of for their numerous acts of when Cairo and Damascus October - November 2008 95 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA and Teheran will be the schemes of disbelief-not and his cohorts/partners servants of Jesus and when with any sword or gun, but that, 'Jesusas whom you even the solitudes of Arabia by infuzing light upon the praise, is 'dead and buried' shall be pierced and Christ eager souls and by like all other human beings. m the person of his descending a light upon the And the Jesusas who was disciples shall enter the Ka purified hearts. What I am foretold to return, is I. 'bah of Mecca and the saying now will be fully Accept me, therefore, if you whole truth shall at last be understood at that time" are fortunate ones'. With there spoken. This is eternal this scheme he frustrated life that they might know (Tabligh-e-Risalat, P. 9) Lefroy so much that the Thee. The only true God latter had no recourse to get and Jesus Christ whom thou Another great priest away with. Hence, from hast sent. leader of Christianity on the India to Europe, he defeated attack was Lefroy. He left all priests by this scheme. (Barrows Lectures 1896- the West together with a 97, 'Christianity, The World large party of priests, (Newspaper Vakil, Wide Religion', by John having vowed to convert Amritsar, June 1908; Henry Barrows, p, 42) the entire India to Chris­ Newspaper Millat, Lahore. tianity in a short time. January 7, 1911) The Promised Messiahas was the only defender of How Hadhrat Mirza Thus the tables were Islam at that time. He Sahibas countered the on­ turned completely. The challenged all the oppo­ slaught of Christians has priests were put to flight nents of Islam in 1897 m been described by Maulana and chased to their home the following words, Abul Kalam Azad in the lands and were defeated "The time is nigh that following words: there too. all creeds will perish except Islam. All weapons will be "This service of Mirza The Promised Messiahas broken, except the heavenly Sahib will keep the future availed every opportunity to weapon of Islam which will generations ever indebted, convey the message of God be neither broken nor that he discharged the duty to people. So in 1897, on blunted untill it totally of defending Islam by being the occasion of the shatters the weapons of the in the front line of those Diamond Jubilee of Queen forces of Antichrist.. The who were engaged in the Victoria, he wrote a booklet time is nigh that the true battle of pen. And he left entitled,' Tohfa-e-Qaiseriya' faith in the Unity of God, such literature as his legacy (Gift for the Empress) and which is perceived even by that it will remain alive as sent it to Her Majesty thr­ the dwellers of the barren long as there is fresh blood ough the Viceroy of India, wastes and those unaquia­ in the veins of Muslims and inviting her to Islam in a nited with any teachings, as long as the passion to most appropriate manner. will spread in all countries defend the honour of Islam He also suggested to the of the world. No artificial remains the hallmark of Queen to hold an interfaith atonement, nor any false their national character ..... conference so that the god will remain that day. A At that moment Maulvi British public could be single stroke of the Hand of Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani informed of the true God will destroy all the stood up and told Lefroy teachings of Islam. October - November 2008 96 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Review of Religions both in Britain and in the Ghulam Ahmad, for he will United States of America. create such a volume of On December 28, literature against Christiani­ 1892 after consultation with The Crescent of Liver­ ty as will destroy the members the Promised pool wrote about its one authority of the Bible Messiahas decided to pub­ issue in 1903: altogether." lish a magazine cont-aining comprehensive and beauti­ "This issue of the On 9 December 1902 ful teachings of Islam in Review of Religions is full the Rev John Hugh Smyth English language for the of interesting articles. It Piggott, pastor of a church benefit of Europe & contains a very learned of London announced that America. So ultimately the refutation of the objections he was the Messiah and son publication of the Review of that the ignorant Christians of God who had descended Religions began in 1902 are in the habit of raising from heaven according to with the Grace of God. against the Holy Prophet of His promise. He said: "I am Islamsaw, peace be on him. the same Jesus Christ who Explaining the pur­ We have not so far come died on the cross and then pose of his advent he said: across anything so well after resurrection ascended written on this subject as to heaven." "As my community this article." knows, God's real purpose When the news of his Mr. Muhammad Alex­ in sending me is to remove claim reached India, Dr ander Russell Webb, the all the misconceptions and Mufti Muhammad Sadiq first American Muslim, misleading teachings of Sahibra, a disciple of the wrote: Christianity and to bring Promised Messiahas, imme­ people from all over the diately wrote to Mr. Piggott "I am sure this journal world to the true religion. inviting him to accept the will prove a powerful To achieve the above true Messiah who had instrument for directing mentioned purpose, also appeared at Qadian. Mr. religious thinking into called 'the breaking of the Piggott ignored this letter certain channels. I believe Cross' in the traditions of and continued to proclaim that in the long run this the Holy Prophet5aw, an his own Godhead. journal will be the means of English magazine, the removing the barriers which Review of Religions, has The Promised Messiahas have been erected by been started. It has been then issued a challenge to ignorance in the way of published in many areas of Mr. Piggott and announced truth." America and Europe and it that if Mr. Piggott accepted has begun to influence The Church Family, the challenge God would many hearts. Its popularity an organ of the Anglican humiliate him and demo­ exceeds expectations and Church wrote: nstrate that his claim was people eagerly await each false. issue." "We should make no attempt to refute the The Sunday Circle Of This journal was literature published under 14 February reproduced the welcomed and appreciated the auspices of Mirza challenge in the following terms: October - November 2008 97 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

"Then follows the living in adultery and was affected by the fearless terrible warning of Mirza defrocked by the Church. earnestness with which he Ghulam Ahmad. The continued to spread the jealousy of God, he says, Message Reaches truth in the pursuance of his has been roused on account America purpose. Without a doubt of the insult offered to His God Almighty had chosen sacred name and to His In the USA, the mess­ him for this great enterprise messengers by the haughty age of Islam reached thro­ which he fulfilled comp­ assertion of a man who ugh literature. Mr. Alex­ letely. I am sure that he will calls himself God and the ander Russell Webb of enjoy the companionship of Lord of earth and heaven, Hudson City, New York the saints and prophets m and my True Holy Perfect State a journalist and an heaven." and Mighty God has editor of a daily paper in commanded me to warn , was deeply In short, during the him of the punishment that interested in religion, and very life time of the awaits him. If he does not being dissatisfied with Promised Messiahas the repent of this irreverent Christianity had begun a victory of Islam was es­ claim he shall be soon research into other faiths in tablished in the East as well annihilated, even in my his keenness to discover the as in the West through lifetime, with sore torment true religion. He came conclusive and incontro­ proceeding from God and across an announcement of vertible proofs and argum­ not from the hands of man. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam ents. About the conversion This warning of punishment Ahmadas and started corres­ of people through the is from the God of earth ponding with him. system of Bai'at (Pledge) he himself has then written and heaven. His jealousy Through this corres­ shall consume the pretend­ that as prophesied in pondence he was convinced Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya 25 er, so that no one may of the truth of Islam and defile the earth again with years earlier that the accepted it as his faith. On converts to his community such false and arrogant learning of the death of the claims." will be two parties. One Promised Messiahas, he party will be from among End of Piggott wrote a letter of condolence the old Muslims. Those to Mufti Muhammad who have joined my fold up Piggott made no Sadiqra in which he obser­ to date are about three response to this challenge, ved: hundred thousand. but became completely "Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam silent and never thereafter The second party will Ahmadas accomplished a repeated his claim of be from among other great undertaking and divinity. He retreated to his Nations that is to say from conveyed the light of truth country hide out in Hindus, and Sikh and from to hundreds of hearts, Somerset and was forgotten the Christians of Europe which it could not have by everyone. Yet, he was and America who will emb­ reached otherwise. More overtaken by divine wrath race Islam and are pra­ than twenty years ago I and the latter part of his life ctically keep embracing it. started my correspondence brought ruinous disgrace with him and ever since upon him. It was (Braheen-e- Ahmadiyya then I have been deeply Vol 5 page 82) established that he was October - November 2008 98 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Alexander Dowie Allah will decide between is that the death of either of us and He will destroy the us should not be compassed A man named Dowie liar while the truthful shall by human hands but should was one of the wealthy live; so that the people be brought about by illness Christians of America and a might distinguish between or by lightning or snakebite proud priest. He had about the liar and the truthful. All or by the attack of a wild one hundred thousand disputes will then come to beast. He said, "I grant Mr. followers who obeyed him an end. And by Allah I Dowie a period of three like Jesus's servant and swear that I am the months to make up his slaves. And he had a great Promised Messiah who was mind to comply with my fame among his own people to come in the last age and request and I pray that God and outside so that he was in the days of open error be with those who are true. widely known all over the and sin. Surely, Christ is world. He was against dead and the religion of The method I Islam and its Prophet and Trinity is quite false and propose is that Mr. Dowie was working and praying thou art only an imposter in should come into the field for the destruction of all thy claim to prophethood. against me with the Muslims. When it came to And there is no prophet but permission of his false god. the notice of the Promised the one who bears the Seal I am an old man of more Messiahas. of Mohammad after our than Sixty-six years of age. Prophet, may peace and the I suffer from diabetes, He wrote to him saying: blessings of Allah be upon dysentery, migraine, and him. And there is no Book deficiency of blood. I real­ "Thy claim is a false after the Qur' an which is ize, however, that my life one and thou art a liar, a the best of all the previous depends not upon the fabricator hankering after scriptures. And there is no condition of my health but the dead body of this world. law after the Law of upon the command of my And Christ is no more than Mohammadsaw. God. If the false god of Mr. a prophet. Thou art only a Dowie possesses any power mean imposter misleading If Mr. Dowie is true he will certainly permit him others. So fear thou the One m his claim and Jesus is to come forth against me. If who sees thy lies. And, indeed god, this matter can instead of the destruction of verily, I call thee to the be determined by the death all the Muslims Mr. Dow­ religion of Islam and truth of only one person; there is ie's purpose can be served and penitence towards no need of destroying the by my death alone, he will Allah, the Honorable and Muslims of all countries. have established a great the Powerful. And if thou But if Mr. Dowie does not sign, m consequence of tum away and dost not respond to this notice and which millions of people accept the call to truth, let offers a prayer according to will acknowledge the son of us have a Mubahila and his boasts and then is Mary as god and will also pray to Allah that His curse removed from this world believe in Dowie as his may come down upon him before my death. This apostle". who has left the truth and would be a sign for all the [Review of Religions, claimed the prophethood people of America. Urdu, Vol. 1, No. 9, PP. and apostleship in a 342-81 deceitful manner. Surely, The only condition October - November 2008 99 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

The challenge of the turned against him. His * He elevated Voliva to Promised Messiahas was wife and children deserted great power; Voliva given great publicity in the him and he was charged ruined him. American Press, in some with diverse illicit and * He drew about him organs of which its immoral practices. On 9 thousands who wors­ substance was published March 1907 he died a hipped him; he died almost verbatim, among miserable death. The deserted by all save a them the Literary Digest of prophecy of the Promised handful of the faithful". 20th June 1903, Dowie Messiah was truly and gave no reply to Ahmad's completely fulfilled. The Sunday Herald challenge. The newspapers of Boston wrote a detailed and people of America About thirty news­ article on June 23, 1907 impressed upon him to papers gave coverage to the under the heading: Great Is answer the challenge of fulfillment of the Prophe­ Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Mirza Sahib so at last Mr. cy. The coverage of some Messiah: "FORETOLD Dowie announced in the of these papers is as PATHETIC END OF Leaves of Healing of follows: DOWIE AND NOW December 1903: PREDICTS PLAGUE, The Herald of Boston, FLOOD AND EARTH­ "In India, there is a in its issue of 23 June 1907, QUAKE." Mohammedan Messiah observed: who keeps on writing to me In short, the Promised that Jesus Christ lies buried 'Dowie died a Messiahas spent every in Kashmir. People ask me miserable death with Zion moment of his life in con­ why do I not send him the city tom and frayed by veying the Message of God necessary reply. Do you internal dissensions.' to mankind. He wrote over think that I should answer eighty voluminous books in such gnats and flies? If I The Chicago Evening Arabic, Persian and Urdu were to put my foot on American summarized Dr. languages expounding the them I would trample them Dowie' s life-story in the teachings of the Holy to death. The fact is that I following words: Qur' an and by the grace of merely give them a chance God during his very life­ to fly away and survive." "Gigantic success and time people from Twelve tragic failure punctuated his countries namely India, From that moment life. Here are some remar­ Afghanistan, Burma, Sri on Dowie's progressive kable works and reversals Lanka, Bengal,Australia, decline in all his affairs that marked Dowie' s England, USA,Arabia, began. In 1905 he suffered career: Syria, Kenya and Libya a severe stroke of paralysis joined his fold. and was directed by his * He built a creed; he was physician to move to a excommunicated. During the First warmer climate. He was * He built a city; he was Khilafat taken to Mexico and later to expelled from it. Jamaica. The affairs of Zion * He amassed a fortune of The rays of the sun of were handed over to a millions; he was re­ Islam continued penetrating nominee of his who soon duced to virtual poverty. into the noble hearts in the October - November 2008 100 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

UK during the first succ­ Chairman and other mem­ many European countries essor of the Promised bers of the organizing including Italy and met Messiahas through his Committee invited Hadhrat with the Prime Minister, writings. Mirza Bashirud Din Mah­ Mr. Mussolini and con­ mud Ahmad, Khalifatul veyed him the message of The first represent­ Masih nra to the famous Islam Ahmadiyyat. He ative of Islam Ahmadiyyat Whembley International wanted to meet the pope who reached the UK in the Religions Conference held and convey to him the West was a young Sahabi in London, UK. Before pro­ message of Islam but the Hadhrat Chaudhry Muha­ ceeding to UK for parti­ Pontiff had closed the door mmad Zafrulla Khanra. He cipation in the con-ference of meetings. However, Haz­ arrived in London, UK in Hazoor wrote a book oor was interviewed by the 1911 for higher studies with named, Ahmadiyyat, The widely circulated news the prayers of Hadhrat True Islam. It was trans­ paper "La-Tribune" The Khalifatul Masih 1ra. lated in English then a gist interview was published Therafter Hadhrat Khawaja was prepared for present­ and thus the message of Kamalud Din Sahib went ation in the conference Islam conveyed to the and established in Woking. which was read by Hadhrat Pontiff and his followers in Chaudhry Fateh Muha­ Chaudhry Sir Muhammad Italy through this news­ mmad Sial Sahib was then Zafrulla Khanra in the paper. sent to England by Hadhrat presence of Hadhrat Khali­ Khalifatul Masih r-a. He fatul Messiah ura on During his stay in the arrived there on July 1913 September 23, 1924. This UK he laid the foundation and worked in Woking for excellent presentation exce­ stone of the Fazl Mosque, some time. He did the lled all presentations. It was London on October 20, opening of the Woking applauded by all and 1924. On this occasion his mosque and delivered the especially by the elite and message in brief was, "May first lecture. After the the priests. The press gave God make this mosque demise of Hadhrat Khalifa­ wide coverage to the tour as serve as a spiritual sun for tul Masih ya he was dir­ well as the lecture and thus conveying the spiritual rays ected to move to London. the message of Islam of Hadhrat Muhammad He moved there imme­ reached to a very wide Mustafa Khataman-Nabi­ diately and established the range of UK population yyeen, and Hadhrat Ahmad first Ahmadiyya Muslim fulfilling the vision of the Masih Mau'ooda5, the Mission there. During the Promised Messiahas for the Prophet of Allah - a Boruz first Khilafat represent­ second time. Hazoor visited and a deputy of Muha­ atives from six more many places and people of mmadsaw in this country and countries of the world importance during his stay the other countries, Ameen. joined Ahmadiyya Islam by in UK, held meetings and the Grace of Allah. press conference and He also established a conveyed the message of department at Head Quar­ During the Second Islam personally. ters called Tahrik-e-Jadeed Khilafat Anjuman Ahmadiyya for It is worthy of note permanent Tabligh needs in In 1924, Dr. Sir Thomas that before reaching the UK the whole world and also W. Arnold, the Vice Hazoora passed through established a missionary October - November 2008 101 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA training institution as Jamia period. During his Khilafat 1970 in Nigeria, Ghana, Ahmadiyya in Rabwah, the "Deliverance of Jesus Liberia, Gambia and Sierra Pakistan. A network of from The Cross" Con­ Leone. missionaries was spread ference was held from June through out the world. 2 to June 4, 1978 in Lon­ These facilities were Translation of the Holy don,. He addressed this increased greatly and by the Qur' an in five languages conference and established end of 1980 there were 21 (Urdu, Dutch, Swahili, the superiority of Islam. hospitals, 35 secondary German and English) were This conference held in schools, and more than 100 made and published and their own land in the West primary and middle schools 353 Mosques were built proved once again the serving in these countries. during the second Khilafat. falsity of Christian atone­ Educational and medical ment and served as the last services were mostly All missionaries of nail in the coffin of provided to the remote Ahmadiyyat through out the Christianity. regions of the respective world remained actively countries. Ahm-adi teachers busy in conveying the On May 24, 1970, at and doctors worked closely message of Islam on the the Fazl Mosque, London, with the local people and one hand and challenged all UK Hadhrat Khalifatul established strong ties of opposite forces and proved Masih IIIrh announced the international brotherhood. there falshood. In this Nusrat Jahan Scheme in the connnection, the case of following words: "In Foreign Tours Rev. Billy Graham of USA Gambia, God Almighty is cited as an example. He forcefully inspired me that He visited Europe had great claims of curing this is the time when I seven times and traveled to the sick by Christianty so should spend at least Canada also during his Maulana Sheikh Mubarak 100,000 Pounds in West Khilafat and kept on Ahmad Sahib challenged African countries. If I do vindicating Islam in the him in 1960 to prove the so, God Almighty will bless West. As a result of the verosity of Christianity the scheme and will tours of Hazooih, the through the acceptance of produce excellent results." message of Islam Ahma­ prayer but the defender of diyyat, the true Islam (Al-Fazl, July 15, 1970) Christianty ran away from reached to millions of the challenge. The new scheme Europeans. Part of the was called 'Nusrat Jahan European tours included During the Third Scheme'. Ahmadi teachers numerous press conferences Khilafat and doctors were urged to in which he addressed the volunteer themselves for media representatives and The message of service in African count­ dignitaries of all countries. Islam spread in the West ries. The response of the with greater speed during community was over­ Translations of the the Khilafat of Hadhrat whelming. Soon after the Holy Qur'an Khalifatul Masih IIIrh. I work commenced and would like to mention only schools and hospitals star­ During the third a few salient features of this ted to be established in Khilafat, translations of the October - November 2008 102 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Holy Qur'an in four more and a Bearer of glad of his body could be languages - Danish, Espe­ tidings, and a Warner, And recovered by the mour­ ranto, Indonesian and as a Summoner unto Allah ners. Yoruba- were published by His command, and as a and 335 more mosques light-giving Sun. (33:46-47) Under his dynamic were built. Among these leadership Islam has and mosques the mosque in Therefore from this continues progressing leaps Copenhagen, Denmark was point on the representative and bounds. He toured the built solely from the of the Prophetsaw kept on world tirelessly to convey contributions of Ahmadi illumining the whole world the message of God to ladies. from the London Mosque. mankind. He made special tours to Europe, West and During the Fourth God granted him the East African, Asia and the Americas. He met with Khilafat vision and ability to launch Muslim Television Ahma­ heads of states, held press diyya (MTA) International conferences, addressed pub­ The sun of Islam lic meetings and answered began shining brighter in Broadcasting system. Whi­ ch provides true Islamic questions and challenged the west during the time of opponents for spiritual con­ the fourth Khilafat. Hadhrat teaching 24 hours daily in seven languages and is tests to prove the super­ Khalifatul Masih IV, iority of Islam. He had a Hadhrat Mirza Tahir accessible for every home and person internationally craving to win people for Ahmadrh soon after being God so he launched several elected as Khalifah had to whose doors and windows are open to receive the light schemes to achieve the migrate to the UK in 1984 goal. and thus London became of this sun. Pakistan's then his residence and head­ dictator the notorious Pope John Paul II quarters of Jamaat Ahma­ General Ziaul Haq wanted diyya Worldwide. Thus the to shut the doors of Ahma­ Ahmadiyya servants sun of Islam began shining diyyat through his infamous of Islam have always been permanently from the ordinance 20 making all projecting Islam from the Western soil. It is very acts of worship of Ahmadis ordinary to the top most interesting that the Holy as criminal acts and people through out the Prophetsaw who has been punishable under the cruel world and managed to mentioned in the following law, but God frustrated and reach the Pope to establish verse of the Holy Qur'an devastated not only his the superiory of Islam. For designs but annihilated the example, the Ameer and ,J, .~fl perpetrator of these laws as Missionary Incharge of the J',~Li , ;,11i.u·fJ d,, ~ t~~ri'-t,l"! . , a result of the prayer duel Ahmadiyya Muslim Mision of the fourth Khalifah of of the Gambia presented a Ahmadiyya Islam within copy of the Holy Qur'an to two months i.e., on August Pope John Paul II in Polish, 17, 1988 when Ziaul Haq his own language on Feb along with five generals 19, 1992 on his arrival in 0 Prophet ! truly We and the American Amba­ the Gambia. The Pontiff have sent thee as a Witness ssador was blown out of the acknowledge the gift and sky by God and no particle dared not to oppose it. October - November 2008 103 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

And in 1997, the ure of office alone,13,291 from God that is granted to Missionary of the Ahma­ mosques were built or their a few and it is a gift to be diyya Muslim Community Imams along with the called revelation. I have no presented the Pope with an worshipers became Ahma­ hesitation in asserting that English translation of the dis. (11472 mosques in all you are the recipient of that Holy Qur' an in St. Louis were with their Imams). revelation that is given to USA. few, a very few w horn He Mosques by Ladies chooses. I can safely say Waqfe Nau that you are indeed the Ahmadi women like prince of the learned of the The Waqfe Nau men are fully engaged in world of Islam today and I Scheme, a personal fore­ the service of Islam. salute you." sight of his for the future Besides conveying the needs of Islam launched in message to non-Muslim 1987 and has 3400 devotees women in their respective Translations of the by now. areas, they are also Holy Qur'an contributing their wealth Daee Ilallah: and all that belongs to them Translations of the for the cause of Islam. Holy Qur'an during his 21 He initiated a scheme Their special feature is that years Khilafat have been called Daee Ilallah. It is a they are spending their made in 57 different lang­ call made to every Ahmadi ornaments for the cons­ uages for the benefit of all for becoming a caller to truction of mosques in people, especially the Allah voluntarily for the Europe. So far four mos­ Westerners. establishment of the super­ ques in London, Holland, iority of Islam. Copenhagen, and Berlin Services Through the were built with their excl­ Medical Field International Bai'at usive contributions. Scheme: Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Service Through Ahmadrh was a great scho­ The International Literary Works lar in homeopathic medi­ Bai'at Scheme was also cine. Throughout his life initiated by him to exhibit Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Hazoorh helped hund-reds the annual progress of Ahmadrh was a great writer of thousands of the sick converts from all nations of as well. He has written over with various remedies and the world. It presents a 20 books. The masterpiece provided relief to the spectrum of mill-ions among his books is 'The suffering humanity. He joining the fold thro-ugh Revelation, Rationality, delivered a series of MTA. Knowledge and Truth'. lectures free of cost on About this book a member homeopathic medicines and Building of Mosques of the British Parliament thus provided extremely Mr. Tom Cox during his valuable literature for an The building of speech at our UK Jalsa inexpensive way of curing Mosques in Europe and said: "This sort of know­ all diseases. These lectures America scheme has pro­ ledge of the scriptures have been compiled and gressed greatly. It is cannot be acquired by just printed in a book form and amazing that during his ten- simple studies. This is a gift have been now translated October - November 2008 104 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA and published into English to me that it is an indication from the Jama'ats intern­ for the West as well as the from God that the sun of ational operational head­ East. It is a permanent trea­ Islam will never set again quarters at United King­ sure of knowledge for on the West, as well, rather, dom. mankind. will remain shining till it conquers the hearts of all Within the brief Humanity First for the Westerners. period of a century Jama'at the Service of Ahmadiyya has already Mankind After assuming the won millions of people responsibilities of Khilafat, from all countries of the It was started under Hazooraba commenced his world and according to the his guidance. Since 1992 it visits to different countries prophecy of God through has been serving disaster of the world from Ghana, the Promised Messiahas struck and socially dis­ West Africa inviting man­ within the next two cen­ advantaged individuals and kind to the beautiful turies, all mankind will bow families in the poorer message of Islam. He has down before its Maker and communities of the world visited some European will be invoking Durood and during storms like countries, East Africa and upon Hadhrat Muha­ tsunamis etc. These Canada for the same mmadsaw. lnsha Allah. services have been rendered purpose. The work of Islam in Turkey, Pakistan, Japan His message to man­ under his guidance is being and Iran, Africa and Latin kind has been that their carried out throughout the America, in the USA, salvation lies in their world. The final victory of Indonesia, Bangladesh, and acceptance of Islam. In Islam will be brought about Eastern Europe. 2006 he addressed the USA by God himself. lnsha Progress of Islam Jama'at Annual Conven­ Allah. The sun of Islam that During Hadhrat tion directly from the UK has risen from the West through the MT A. In his during the lifetime of the Khalifatul Masih address he directed the Promised Messiahas, and V'saba Khilafat members to form teams since then has been rising under the leadership of higher and higher every day In 2003, the world Afro-American brothers and will continue to shine saw the sun of Islam rising and guide all America to brighter and brighter till the from London, the heart of God. This year we have whole world shines like the the West. Hadhrat Mirza been honoured through his day at its zenith. To see that Masroor Ahmadaba was blessed visit and through shine we all Ahmadi bro­ elected on its soil as the the Friday sermon he thers and sisters need to fifth Khalifah of the delivered here in Harris­ hold fast to our most ser­ Promised Messiahas in burg. May Allah keep him ious pledge that we took whom the second manifes­ under His own protection, with Hazooraba on May 27, tation of Hadhrat Muha­ Ameen. 2008 and which is the mmadsaw has been fulfilled guaranteed way of achie­ in the latter days. The world The work of Islam ving success. To refresh the saw through the MTA, the under his guidance is being memory of all audience I unique scene on the world carried out through out the would like to read that horizon for the first time in world. Islamic literature is pledge and conclude my its history, a Muslim Kha­ now being produced and presentation with it. lifah being elected. It seems disseminated in the world October - November 2008 105 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

The new pledge taken by Hadhrat Ameerul Mom­ AHADITH mineen on May 27, 2008 reads: Hadhrat Anasra relates that a funeral procession "Today, on the comp­ passed by us, some Companions of the Holy Prophetsaw letion of one hundred years praised the person who had died, upon which the Holy of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, Prophetsaw said: "It has become incumbent. Then another we pledge on the oath of funeral procession passed by and people spoke ill of the Allah the Exalted that we person who had died. Upon this the Holy Prophetsaw said: 'It shall continue to try our has become incumbent.' Hadhrat 'Umar bin Al-Khattabra utmost till the last breath of inquired from the Holy Prophetsaw: 'What has become our lives to propagate Islam incumbent?' He answered: 'The one you praised, Paradise and Ahmadiyyat and to became incumbent for him, and the one you spoke ill of, the convey to the comers of the Fire became incumbent for him. You are the witnesses of earth the name of the Holy Allah upon the earth.' " Prophet Muhammad saw; and for the completion of this (Bukhari kitabuijana'iz bab thana' annas 'ala! mayyit) objective and this obliga­ tion we shall devote our Hadhrat Jabirra relates that we were in the company lives for the sake of God of the Holy Prophetsaw when a funeral procession passed by. and His messenger, and we Seeing it the Holy Prophetsaw stood up. When we walked shall offer the greatest towards the coffin to help carry it, we discovered that it was possible sacrifices to keep a funeral of a Jew. We said: "Messenger5a of Allah! This is the flag of Islam high in the funeral procession of a Jew. He observed, 'Death is a each and every country. matter of grief and awe, therefore, when you see a funeral We also pledge that we passing by you should stand up.' " shall exert our best to safeguard and strengthen (Abu Dawud kitabuljana'iz bab al-qiyam liljanazah) the institution of Khilafat till our deaths. And we shall Hadhrat 'Abdur Rahman bin Abi Lailara relates that exhort our coming gener­ Hadhrat Sahl bin Hanif'"a and Hadhrat Qais bin Sa'd bin ations to stay attached with 'Abadahra were in Qadisiyyah, when a funeral procession Khilafat for ever to receive passed by them. Seeing the funeral procession, both stood the its blessings, so that up. People told them that it was the funeral procession of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya re­ someone (a non-Muslim) from this area. Hearing this, both mains safeguarded to the of them said: "A funeral procession passed by the Holy Last Day, and the preaching Prophetsaw, seeing that he stood up. Someone said to the of Islam constantly remains Holy Prophetsaw that it was a funeral cortege of a Jew. The active, and that the banner Holy Prophetsaw replied: 'Is he not a human being?' " of the holy Prophet Muhammadsaw flies higher (Nasai kitabuljana 'iz bab al-qiyam lijanazah ahlishshirk) than all other flags! 0, our Lord God grant us the ability to fulfill our pledge. Ameen". ******* October - November 2008 106 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


Dr. Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad

Every Ahmadi, man Messiahas wrote in his the Divine Promise, which or woman, young or old, by book, The Will: is mentioned in Braheen-e­ birth or converted, will af­ Ahmadjyya. That promise firm and witness to the truth "In short, He mani­ has not reference to me but of the fact that the hand of fests His powers in two refers to you. God Al­ God lies over the hand of ways, at a time when on the mighty has said that He Khilafat. In reality, there's death of a Prophet, difficul­ would make my community no need for me to stand ties arise and his enemies supreme over the others till here and argue the truth of rise up in opposition and the Day of Judgment." On this statement: Each one of imagine that his mission May 27th, 1908, Qadian be­ us present here and every would now fail and his came the site of this Second Ahmadi anywhere has ex­ Community would be de­ Manifestation. That day, perienced and observed Al­ stroyed and the members of 1200 companions of the lah's special protection and the Community become Promised Messiah took the favors for Khilafat-e-Ahm­ prey to anxiety and are as­ covenant of Bai'at at the adiyya. sailed by despair, then God hand of Hadhrat Maulvi Almighty manifests His Nooruddin, Khalifatul Ma­ Just over one hundred power once more and ral­ sih Ira. The whole Jama'at years ago, when the Prom­ lies the Community and followed to unite at his ised Messiahas passed away, saves it from disintegration. hand. his followers were left in a He who remains steadfast state of disbelief and in­ throughout, witnesses this It is reported that tense grief. The opponents miracle as happened at the when a non-Ahmadi Ahl-e­ of Ahmadiyat were antici­ time of the death of the Hadith scholar in district pating the collapse of the Holy Prophet5aw." Gujrat heard that the Prom­ movement and the end of ised Messiahas had passed his mission. However, in Ahmadis were also away, he said to a few their moment of grief and consoled and encouraged Ahmadis, "Now your com­ apprehension, the words of when he wrote, "When I munity is in a predicament. their beloved Master re­ depart God will send this The Holy Prophet5aw has sounded in their ears, as he Second Manifestation to said that there is Khilafat had advised them to be you and it will remain with after every Nabuwwat. But steadfast. The Promised you forever according to there will be no Khilafat October - November 2008 107 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA among you because many Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Hadhrat Khallifatul Masih of you have a western edu­ Ira had to face internal and ira, Hadhrat Mirza Bashi­ cation and will not opt for it external opposition. He re­ ruddin Mahmood Ahmadra [Khilafat]." The next day sponded to all challenges was elected Khalifatul Ma­ when the Jama'at received with an unwavering belief sih II. All but 50 of the the telegram that the Khali­ in the word of God. In one Ahmadis present in Qadian fah had been elected, that of his speeches, he said, took the covenant of Bai'at same Maulvi Sahib replied, at his hand. It became im­ "Nooruddin is a scholarly "I have God's Prom­ mediately evident that this person. So he established ises that He would lend me very well educated group Khilafat in the community. His support." led by Maulvi Muhammad We shall see whether it Ali, which included mem­ continues." In another speech he bers of Sadr Anjuman and delivered, he stated, "God were supposed "pillars of But Khilafat was not Almighty of His Grace Jama'at," did not truly about fulfilling a personal saved you from disintegra­ comprehend the institution desire; it was about fulfill­ tion after the death of the of Khilafat. They were bent ing the prophecy of the Promised Messiahas by unit­ upon causing discord in the Holy Prophet8aw. That ing you at my hand. Then Jama' at. Their self pro­ Maulvi and others like him appreciate this Di vine claimed enlightened minds did not realize that neither bounty." Then he said, "Be were holding them back Hadhrat Maulvi Nooruddra warned [that] my supplica­ from taking an oath of alle­ nor any other person could tions are heard in Heaven. giance to a 25 year old man ever have maneuvered to My Lord fulfills my pur­ whom God had chosen to become a Khalifah. It is Al­ pose even before my sup­ be the Khalifatul Momi­ lah who establishes the plications. To fight me is to neen. They were presump­ Khilafat, it is Allah who fight God." tuous enough to believe that protects it, and it is Allah because of their status in who supports it. Six years of his the Community, the mem­ Khilafat testify to his claim bers of the Jama'at would Hadhrat Khalifatul that he indeed was a recipi­ follow them. In their na­ Masih ya said, "It is not for ent of God's special favors. ivete, they underestimated man to make anyone a He established the Khila­ the righteousness of the fol­ Khalifah. It is God's own fat-e-Ahmadiyya as had lowers of the Promised business. If I have been been envisioned and fore­ Messiahas. They presumed made Khalifah, this is told by the Promised Messi­ that even after reading Al­ God's doing in accordance ahas. Under his Khilafat, the Wassiyat (the Will), the Ja­ with His design." Since Jama'at progressed to new ma'at would not embrace May 27, 1908, the history levels, dashing the hopes of the institution of Khilafat. of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya is the enemies of Ahmadiyyat This group left Qadian and replete with undeniable evi­ that the movement would assumed that Khilafat dence of God's special fa­ fade away after the demise would soon become a foot­ vors for his Second Mani­ of the Promised Messiah as. note in history. festation. From the early days of his Khilafat, After the death of As they were leaving October - November 2008 108 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Qadian, one of the group's ma'at, but within a year has and Khalifatul Masih prominent members, in a God pulled the Jama'at out Ura. One speaker bragged "O despicable show of arro­ from under these difficult flock of Messiah's sheep, gance, pointed to the build­ times under the leadership so far you have not faced ings of the Jama'at, saying of His Khalifah and the your match. Now what you that they would soon be whole community was are up against is Majlis Ah­ haunted houses. From the united. rar and it will cut you point of view of these men, down.' they were simply mocking Each day of Khilafat - a young and inexperienced e-Ahmadiyya is an attesta­ Another speaker threa­ man who had just been cho­ tion of its Divine purpose in tened, "We will destroy sen to lead the Jama' at; but umtmg not only the Qadianis and throw the rub­ in fact, they had dared to Ahmaddiya community, but ble of Minaratul Masih into challenge the divine design also the larger world. In the river Bias. We will of Khilafat. Hadhrat Khali­ December 1929, the Party eradicate Ahmadidyyat fatul Masih ura, Hazrat of Ahrar was founded in completely in and around Musleh Maud, received a India, a political religious Qadian." In addition, revelation in response to party funded and supported throughout this period the this early opposition at the by the Congress party­ Ahrar party had the support beginning of his Khilafat. which was in favor of an of the government of Pun­ God foretold that "He will undivided India- and its jab, which schemed against shatter them." Muslim allies to work the Jama'at even at the ex­ against the interests of the pense of maintaining law This prophecy was majority Muslim populace. and order. strikingly fulfilled within a But soon they turned all few years. The dissident their attention to opposing During this time, group who named them­ Ahmadiyyat in order to ex­ Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih selves "Ahmadiyya Anju­ ploit mainstream Muslims' ura exhorted his followers man lshat-e-Islam" was re­ prejudices for their own po­ to display the high morals duced to insignificance in litical gain. Moreover, they and patience expected of a their numbers and activi­ were also fearful of the or­ believer against these ad­ ties. On the other hand, the ganization of the Jama' at versities. He also cautioned Ahmaddiya Jama'at flour­ under Khalifatul Masih Ura. the government officials to ished in a way that was pos­ Starting in 1930, their anti­ be fair and just and refrain sible only if God's hand Ahmaidyya agitation pro­ from being a party in the was guiding the way. When gressively increased, culmi­ persecution of Ahmadis. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih nating in 1934 with a large However, the situation con­ ura was elected, the treasury gathering of members of tinued to get worse. In May of the Jama'at had almost the Ahrar in the middle of 1935, Hadhrat Khalifatul no funds because the oppo­ Qadian. Masih nra delivered this nents of Khilafat had taken warning: all the treasury's money At this event, the with them to Lahore. They speakers delivered foul "I say to the oppo­ also continued to create dis­ speeches slandering and be­ nents and their supporters cord and turmoil in the Ja- rating the Promised Messia- that even if you join your October - November 2008 109 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA forces, and plan and scheme to be wrong. In fact, during by my side and about to day and night and bring on a time when enemies were help me." all your resources to de­ boasting of having elimi­ stroy Ahmadiyyat, remem­ nated Ahmadi yyat from the This was a grave time ber that you will be humili­ subcontinent, Hadhrat for Ahmadiyyat. The Gov­ ated and disgraced and you Khalifatul Masih Ura estab­ ernor of Punjab had prohib­ will be annihilated. And lished the Tehrik-e-Jadid ited Hadhrat Khallfatul Ma­ God will make me and my scheme. Tehrik-e-Jadjd is sih nra from public speak­ Community triumphant. particularly significant be­ ing and delivering any writ­ Because the path that God cause the Jama'at's sacri­ ten statements. The superin­ has chosen for me leads to fices in funding this scheme tendent of police came to victory. He has granted me led to the establishment of Rabwah to inform Hadhrat the knowledge and has en­ missionaries and mosques Musleh Mau'oodra of this abled me to adopt the around the world. Instead of action. After receiving this means to succeed. On the being eliminated, Ahmadiy­ notice, Hazoor said to him, other hand the ground is yat was growing stronger. " You have come alone to slipping from under our see me and did not fear in enemies. And I am seeing About 20 years later in approaching me, because that defeat is closing in on 1953, six years after the you believe that your gov­ them." creation of Pakistan, the ernment is behind you and Ahrar parties, working with being a government official And only a month other religious groups and it will protect you. "So later, the truth of these the support of the Punjab shouldn't I, who have been words became apparent as government, started another appointed Khalifah by God, the Ahrar party suddenly anti-Ahmadi yyat campaign. believe that that he will pro­ lost all its influence among Ahmadis were killed; their tect me?" the Muslims of the subcon­ properties looted and burnt. tinent The party had allied The daily Al-Fazl was It is true that your themselves with the Sikhs banned from publishing. governor has authority over and Hindus, refusing to in­ Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih me, but my God has power tervene after Sikhs demol­ nra then addressed the J a­ over your governor. The ished a local Masjid in Pun­ maa 't, saying: governor has done what he jab. When the national wanted to do with me. Now movement against Ahmadi­ "Brothers, [the] Al-Fazl let my God show His pow­ yyat was at its peak, Ataul­ [has been] banned for one erful hand." lah Shah Bukhari, the year. So pray and seek help leader of the Ahrar had from Allah. Insha Allah we A few weeks later, the boasted, will be victorious. Have governor was forced out you ever seen in the last and the new governor re­ "There were many forty years that God has scinded this prohibition. people who rose to confront abandoned me? Would he Martial law was imposed Mirzaiyyat but it was God's forsake me now? The and peace and order was Will that it will be de­ whole world could leave restored and the agitation stroyed by my hand." me, but He would Insha Al­ against Ahmadis was que­ lah never desert me. He is lled. But he was proven October - November 2008 110 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Twenty years later in proudly declared that he was overthrown by the 1974, the Jama'at, under had solved 90 years of is­ army chief he had himself the guidance of Khalifatul sues with Ahmadiyyat. And appointed and imprisoned Masih IIt\ was faced with while he was being con­ on a drummed up murder another crisis. A well­ gratulated for his role in the charge. One night in 1979, orchestrated anti-Ahmad­ "demise of Ahrnadiyyat," the long hands of Divine iyya movement started in he was unaware of the fact power reached for his neck Pakistan, again with the that he was not fighting just and the whole world woke tacit approval of the gov­ with Hadhrat Mirza Nasir up to the news that Mr. ernment of Mr. Bhutto. Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Bhutto had been hanged. From one end of the coun­ nrr\ instead he was actually try to the other end, fighting God. When he After overthrowing Ahmadis were brutally summoned Hadhrat Khali­ Mr. Bhutto, General Zia be­ murdered; their properties fatul Masih IIIr11 to come came a virtual dictator. He and businesses were de­ before the national assem­ made an alliance with reli­ stroyed and burnt. Mr. bly, he was in fact challeng­ gious parties and persecu­ Bhutto had had the opportu­ ing God Almighty, the pro­ tion of Ahmadis reached an nity to see the organization tector of Khilafat. Hadhrat entirely different level. He of the Jama 'at under the Khalifatul Masih IIIr 11 said, enacted the infamous ordi­ Khalifah and developed nance of 1984, which pro­ fears of its challenge to his "Soon after my elec­ hibited Ahmadis from using authority. And as Hadhrat tion to Khilafat, I received a any tenninology relating to Khalifatul Masih IVrh him­ revelation: Islam. This made it impos­ self pointed out in Ian sible for Hadhrat Khalifatul Adamson's book, Man of "O, Daud we have Masih IVr11 to discharge his God, Bhutto also had made Thee a Vicegerent in duties while living in Paki­ wanted to establish a Khila­ the earth." stan. The situation was such fat in Saudi Arabia. But to that Khalifatul Masih IVrh achieve that goal he would This was an assurance had no choice but to leave have to destroy Khilafat-e­ from God that He is with Rabwah for London. That Ahmadiyya. So he decided me." God has always stood journey was evidence in it­ to propose legislation in the by His loved ones and has self of Di vine protection. Pakistan Assembly to de­ listened to the prayers of his Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih clare Ahmadis as non­ Khalifah. Hadhrat Khali­ IVr11 had warned Zia earlier Muslims. fatul Masih IIIrh once noted to "cease persecution or that during 1974, "there you will face the wrath of After a secret session were some nights I prayed God." But Zia was too in­ of the National assembly throughout without a mo­ toxicated with his own where the members listened ment of sleep." power, declaring, "We will to Khalifatul Masih III"11 ex­ preserve in our efforts to plain the truth about God responded to ensure that the cancer of Ahmadiyyat and their be­ those prayers and within Ahmadiyyat is extermi­ liefs, the government of three years, the man who nated." Hadhrat Khalifatul Pakistan declared Ahmadis thought himself to be the Masih IVr11 issued a Muba­ non-Muslims. Mr. Bhutto leader of Pakistan for life hila challenge to General October - November 2008 111 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Zia, but he remained unde­ Indeed the hand of God Ahmadi before us has and terred in his pursuit of the is over the hand of Khilafat. is still sacrificing every­ persecution of Ahmadis. Today, Ahmadis have every thing they have for the love This sealed his fate. Out of reason to be joyous and to of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. the gathering storm that celebrate the hundred years every non-Ahmadi thought of Khilafat, the fulfillment Hadhrat Khalifatul would wipe out Khilafat-e­ of the prophecy of the Holy Masih Illrh once said that Ahmadiyya, a thunderbolt Prophet5aw and the Promised Khilafat and Jama' at are of lightning struck. Yet the Messiahas. We are blessed two names for the same en­ target was the enemy of that Allah has chosen us to tity. They are inseparable. Ahmadiyat. General Zia accept the Messiahas and to God never abandons his and his cronies were liter­ execute His Will in estab­ servants, He never holds ally evaporated in the air lishing Khilafat among us. back His Mercy. He runs to after a fire engulfed his The followers of the Prom­ us when we walk to Him. It plane a couple of weeks af­ ised Messiahas have seen 1s us, the servant, who ter Khalifatul Masih IV' srh the blessings of Khilafat in abandons Him, disobeys challenge. a steady stream over the last Him, and walks away from hundred years. Hundreds of Him. The Promised Messia­ After each crisis, the millions of Muslims watch has has said that the Second Jama'at Ahmadiyya boun­ in sheer jealousy over our Manifestation will remam ced back stronger. Every unity and their discord, our with us forever, but we attempt to undermine the progress and their regres­ must keep up our side of institution of Khilafat was sion, our belief and their the bargain as well. We will foiled by God Almighty. doubts, our Godly ap­ have to follow the teachings The election of Hadhrat pointed Khalifah and their of the Promised Messiahas. Khalifatul Masih yr\ which self prescribed Mullahs. We have to respect his was beamed live across the wishes for who he wanted world, was indeed a spiri­ But it is also a time of us to become. We must tual experience and revival reflection and a moment for make ourselves and our for every Ahmadi. In an in­ contemplation. We cannot generation worthy of the stant, tens of millions of be content with one hun­ continued blessings of people felt and displayed dred years of blessings. We Khilafat for hundreds of intense love, loyalty, kin­ must shine on for hundreds years. There 1s just one ship and faith for their of years of continued Di­ question we all have to ask newly elected Khalifah. vine favors. We should not ourselves. Can we do it? This could not have hap­ just remember what our fa­ pened without Allah's fa­ thers taught us about the vors for His newly ap­ importance of Khilafat, but ******* pointed Khalifah. The we must realize how to in­ Offer spread of Ahmadiyyat and still the love of Khilafat in the success of various our children and in the gen­ Prayers schemes of Hadhrat Khali­ erations to come. It is not a fatul Masih yrh are explicit task to be taken lightly and In signs of Divine approval it is not a responsibility to and support. be ignored. Many an Congregation October - November 2008 112 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

60th Jalsa Salana USA, 2008 Lajna Imaillah-USA Jalsa Salana Report Asma Siddiqui, National Publication Secretary

Alhamdolillah! The 60th to Lajna are: Pledge of Allegiance to the Jalsa Salana Jama'at Ahma­ Institution of Khilafat, and • Reflect on Lajna and diyya USA was successfully testimonies shared by 3 La­ Nasirat Pledge held from June 20th-22°ct, jna members under the title; 2008 at the Pennsylvania • Sacrifice and strive vic­ Fruits of Khilafat-e-Ahmad­ Farm Show Complex and tory of Islam iyya. About 20 Ahmadi Sis­ Expo Center in Harrisburg, • Always be ready to sac­ ters who had recently signed Pennsylvania, USA. By the rifice for the sake of the Bai'at were warmly wel­ Grace of Allah, Hadhrat Khilafat comed to the stage where Khalifatul Masih yaba hon­ • Nasirat must fully equip they each received a gift ored us with his presence. themselves to take over from Hadhrat Sayyeda Lajna Imaillah USA are responsibilities Amatus Subooh Sahiba, Wife grateful for the opportunity • Lajna are guarantors of of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih to be a part of this blessed future generations and yaba who chaired this session. event. This year, guests came their primary goal from all across the USA and should be proper up­ In addition, the National the world. Approximately bringing of children Sadr organized special meet­ 5000 Lajna and children par­ • Refrain yourselves from ings for Lajna and Nasirat to ticipated and contributed in talking against Jama' at gain maximum benefit from making the Jalsa successful. officials meeting with Hadhrat Sayye­ Various booths were set up to • Give up worldly desires da Amatus Subooh Sahiba. provide information and as­ • Constantly analyze your She addressed Lajna, Nasirat sistance to our guests (Book­ actions and prayer for and Waqfe Nau at Masjid stall, Fundraising, Handi­ one another Baitur Rahman before the crafts, Humanity first, Waqfe • Instill modesty and Jalsa. In a special meeting nau, Rishta Nata, First Aid, chastity from childhood held on Friday evening dur­ ing Jalsa Salana, Hadhrat Registration, Information, • Those who are distant, Sayyeda Amatus Subooh Sa­ Security, etc). draw them closer to cre­ hiba met with old and new ate means for paradise The Jalsa proceedings sisters who had accepted • Jihad of self began on Friday, with Ahmadiyyat. This meeting speeches being relayed from The afternoon Lajna was well attended and well the men's side. On Saturday session included several received. morning, Lajna had the privi­ highlights that were spiritu­ lege of being addressed by ally motivating. Speech By the Grace of Allah Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih topics included, Establish­ and the cooperation of all the participants, the Jalsa was a yaba. Hazoor gave spiritually ment of Khilafat As a Sour­ uplifting advice to Lajna ce of Spiritual Guidance for success. May Allah reward Imaillah USA and spoke in Mankind, Devotion to all the participants and vol­ English language. The salient Khilafat: We Hear and We unteers, whose hard work made this Jalsa possible, points of Hazoor' Saba address Obey, Lajna Imaillah 's Ameen October - November 2008 113 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA Lajna Imaillah's Pledge of Allegiance to the Institution of Khilafat

Dr. Shanaz Butt, Sadr, Lajna Imaillah-USA

I bear witness that Qur'an: ference between you and there is no God but Allah, others (who have not joined the One without any part­ the Jama'at)." ner. And I bear witness that Muhammadsaws is His ser- We have gathered vant and His messenger. here today as a body of Muslim women who owe I affirm that I shall deep gratitude to our Holy A ' r 0 •..LlJt of.ii !P.I~ Prophet8aw for changing the always be ready to sacrifice .J.J, , ,-~ my life, property, time and conditions of women for­ children for the cause of the And remember Al­ ever; as a daughter, as a faith and the community. I lah's favor upon you and wife and as a mother. shall always adhere to the the covenant which He About -1500 years ago, truth and shall always be made with you, when you women were provided not prepared to make every sac­ said, 'We hear and we only equal rights to men but rifice for the perpetuation obey. ' And fear Allah. in many cases, a higher of the Ahmadiyya Khilafat Surely Allah knows well status than men in terms of (/nsha Allah). what is in the minds. (5:8). treatment, respect and dig­ nity. The best compliment Assalamo Alaikum that women could ever re­ Wa Rahmatullahe Wa The Holy Prophet8aw said: ceive was bestowed upon Baraakatohu to all of you. us by the Master Prophet8aw My topic today is Lajna when he said: Imaillah 's Pledge of Alle­ Make an oath only in giance to the Institution of the name of Allah - adhere Al -jannatu tahta aqdaamil Khilafat. to the truth and fulfill your ummahaati------pledges strictly. I just recited the La­ Paradise lies under the feet jna pledge. How many of The Promised Messiahas of mothers. us just repeat the pledge has written, "The members like a parrot? How many of of my Jama' at should not This Hadith pro­ us really pay attention to be pleased with the mere vides a high compliment as the meaning, the promise, verbal expression of faith; well as a high responsibility the oath and our loyalty and they should act in complete on mothers in that mothers commitment to the pledge? accordance with their have such a high status that How many of us translate pledge. If you do not bring if you serve your mother in that verbal pledge into hon­ about a change in your a manner that is pleasing to orable actions? Allah re­ heart, then it will be correct Allah, your service will be­ minds us in the Holy to say that there is no dif- come worthy of paradise. October - November 2008 114 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Mothers have the responsi­ 0 Prophet! when be­ ing of the future generation bility of training their chil­ lieving women come to of Muslims. It is only by dren to become worthy of thee, taking the oath of alle­ the reformation of women paradise which should be giance at thy hands that that we can hope for the found in their own personal they will not associate any­ reformation of a society and examples. thing with Allah, and that Hazoor said that Islam they will not steal, and will would definitely succeed if However, this status not commit adultery, nor you are able to reform 50% does not come free. We kill their children, nor bring of women. have to earn this status. forth a scandalous charge Muslim women and par­ which they themselves have Hazoor said to women ticularly Ahmadi women deliberately forged, nor dis­ in 1922, "be virtuous and has a huge responsibility to obey thee in what is right, your children will become fulfill before we can claim then accept their allegiance virtuous'. Therefore, Lajna the respect, dignity and and ask Allah to forgive Imaillah was established to status afforded to us by Al­ them. Verily, Allah is Most remind us of our high status lah and the Holy Prophet5aw. Forgiving, Merciful. and to make us mothers un­ In order to be deserving of (60:13) der whose feet our children these rights, it is essential find paradise. Lajna was that we show continuous It is interesting to not established to inspire improvement in our moral note that 1500 years ago, each other to become com­ and spiritual development. women were instructed to petitive in our material It is so important for wom­ avoid the same social ills ways. When we begin to en to fulfill their obligations and moral weaknesses that compete with each other re­ that Allah gave specific in­ are not only present today garding what we wear, structions regarding the but becoming more and where we live in, or what conditions under which a more prevalent in the 21st car we drive, we are pre­ women's Bai'at (oath of al­ century! senting a poor example to legiance) could be ac­ our children and fellow La­ cepted. Allah says to the Thus, our pledge or jna members. We need to Holy Prophet8aw: oath of allegiance to Khila­ guard ourselves against this f at has no significance of blind pride that drives us to we do not make every effort seek material superiority to reform ourselves and re­ and we need to remember form others around us. that this life is temporary Think about why Lajna and that we are in this Imaillah was organized? world to prepare ourselves We are an auxiliary which for the next world. In this was established in 1922 by regard, the Holy Qur'an , ,,,. , . says: y, ~ ... _... •t' .. ••, , .... ''• , .. .-. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih " ~.J.3, u-H~, ~ ~, , II, Hadhrat Mirza Bashirud j" • t'• .... )_,ill ~ ,• la ·,o·J Din Mahmood Ahmadra. ill!

He believed that women ..J~ L, '-' • .,J e laa1l' ..... -·~t..:!I .- •l:.~1! play a very important role l.,,- ., ~ Q.A.U ~ ;..;.....,j in the society, in the com­ j , J, .I,~ 0 : ·- t ~ !:. ~ rP ·' ult ! I ill! munity and in the upbring- ~ ;~ u, October - November 2008 115 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

0 ye who believe! Fear Lajna Imaillah was es­ Thus it is important Allah, and let every soul tablished to undertake this for us to realize that when look to what it sends forth type of Jihad. When we we recite the pledge, we are for the morrow. And fear recite the pledge, we make pledging to sacrifice our­ Allah; verily Allah is Well a solemn promise to Allah, selves for the sake of Is­ Aware of what you do. to the Holy Prophet5aw, to lam - we are pledging to (59:19) Promised Messiahas and to undertake a personal Jihad our Khalifah that we will for the sake of Islam. This This verse points to protect Islam, we will make Jihad addresses all aspects several many important as­ sacrifices, we will raise of our lives; whether it is pects of the basic teachings good children and we will intellectual, social, material, of Islam. The verse talks continue to perpetuate Is­ moral or spiritual. No mat­ about believers, account­ lam and Ahmadiyyat. Our ter how educated our Lajna ability, striving, fear of Al­ Jihad is to raise a nation members are, no matter lah and our effort both in with high moral values, and what kind of job offers they this world as well as in the create a healthy society that receive, no matter what next. Such a small verse, provides a true example of their social status is, we but such huge responsibili­ an Ahmadi society. must remember that our ties which will take more personal Jihad begins from than a life time to achieve. On May 27, 2008, inside - inside ourselves That is why it is of high ur­ many of us had the bless­ and inside our homes. gency that Lajna take their ings of listening to Ha­ pledge of allegiance very zoor' saba address and at the We all know that seriously. conclusion of his speech, making a verbal pledge and Ahmadis worldwide be­ putting the pledge into ac­ In a sermon to La­ came one body and one tual practice are not the jna Tanzania in 2005, Ha­ spirit as we stood up and same. However, it becomes zooraba said that the status recited the Khilafat Oath much easier when we real­ of a woman who trains her after Hadhrat Mirza Mas­ ize that what we consider to children well is very high in roor Ahmadaba. In this oath, be a sacrifice is really a re­ the sight of Allah. Ha­ we promised to spread the ward, a gift from Allah to zooraba said that it is equiva­ message of Islam to the all Ahmadi Muslims. lent to giving up one's life ends of the earth. We prom­ Sometimes, no most of the for the sake of Allah. By ised to continue to dedicate time, we feel that the pres­ paying attention to the prac­ our lives at all times for the sures of our daily life are so tice of Islamic values, you sake of Allah and the Holy demanding that it is impos­ will automatically instill the Prophetsaw, and we prom­ sible to take out the extra same in your children. ised to make every sacrifice time to learn about Islam Mothers need to train them­ that is needed of us to keep and attend Lajna meetings. selves in order to train their the flag of Islam flying We feel that we are already children. The younger gen­ high. We also pledged that sacrificing enough and can­ eration will only be at­ we will continue to make not do more. We find a tached to the Jama'at and all efforts to safeguard and dozen reasons why we can­ to Khilafat, if they observe strengthen the institution of not attend Lajna meetings their parents doing like­ Khilafat and we would ad­ or why we cannot volunteer wise. vise our children to remain to help with Lajna activities October - November 2008 116 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA or follow the directives of and we are blessed to be rifice for the perpetuation Khalifah-e-Waqt. However, called Ahmadi Muslims. of the Ahmadiyya Khilafat we should realize that the We are blessed to be given (lnsha Allah). physical act of attending the opportunity to be a part meetings and spending time of Lajna Imaillah- The Let us pray that may with other Ahmaddiya maid servants of Allah. La­ Allah enable all members women and children not jna lmaillah was created of Lajna Imaillah around only improves our own solely for us and, it is up to the world hold on tightly to knowledge but also pro­ us to fulfill the goals and the Rope of Allah, to the vides us with lessons on objectives of this esteemed Rope of Ahmadiyyat and to building relationships and auxiliary. Hadhrat Masih the Institution of Khilafat, dealing with all kinds of Mau'oodas also said, 'do not Insha Allah. people. It is in these gather­ wear Islam as an outer robe, ings that you can actually but practice its teachings ******* put your knowledge of ls­ and you will be trans­ Hadhrat Abu Musa lam to practice. Our obedi­ formed'. It is only through Al-Ash' ari ra relates that ence to the directives and the sacrifice of our capabili­ the Holy Prophet'8 said: over the past 2 years, Lajna ties, wealth and time in the has received several direc­ service of Islam that we can "The case of the one tives: Purdah, Salat, stay­ reach salvation. In closing, who remembers his ing quiet, learning the my dear sisters, let us re­ Lord and the one who Khilafat Centenary Cele­ flect once again on the does not remember his bration prayers, fasting, and promise that the Lajna Lord is like that of a Wasiyyat to name a few. Pledge seeks from each and living and the dead." Those of you who have every one of us. obeyed these directives will According to the ;, ·6~ J tli, ~! J! ~ ~i •• .M find that they have im­ narration mentioned in proved and simplified their 'Muslim', the example lives and are finding it eas­ • ier to follow Islam and '


Saliba Malik, Lajna Tarbiyyat Secretary

and has quickened the earth death. We will be spiritu­ after its death. Surely, in ally revived. My dear sis­ '.,~, ~, . , '.,: .. ~ . w" . , , that is a Sign for a people ters, we want that water of ..:u, t ~..) i.!u..u "' y.A,J who would listen to the the Imam of this age, the truth. " 16: 66 Promised Messiah as, to 0 yt.:.,jt cJf wash over us and give us Our Lord, let not Hazooeba pointed out, life. We want it to rinse us our hearts become perverse how surprising! 'The sig­ clean and revive us out of after Thou hast guided us; nificance of 'water' to re­ our laziness, our fixed opin­ and bestow on us mercy vive the dead earth ties in ions and the shackles of so­ from Thyself; surely, Thou with those who listen.' This ciety and habit. We want to alone art the Bestower. (3: water is of course the spiri­ take those words into our 9) tual water. Indeed the clear­ hearts and let them rumi­ est and purest of all spiri­ nate there until the fresh­ The subject of my tual waters was brought by ness and the truth of them speech this morning is De­ the Holy Propheeaws_ Such affects our actions. This is votion to Khilafat: we hear is the life-infusing quality what is meant by the words and we obey. I will address of the Holy Qur'an. And "We hear and we obey" three aspects within this the advent of the true and topic, which affect us dee­ ardent devotee of the Holy "I address directly the ply, and which Hazooraba Propheeaws, has caused this whole Jama'at every Fri­ has especially asked us to water to flow again - for day." Hazooraba says, evaluate, namely Prayer, those who listen. "However, only those bene­ finding faults and our ob­ fit from this and only those servance of Purdah. A Discourse on Signs are closer to the Khalifah of (Ayahs) of Allah 12/28/07 In the Holy Qur'an it the time, who bring about a says: 'Listen, ye good peo­ positive change in them ple I am the water, indeed, selves after listening to my ~ti ~ ~~' ~ Jjit (!Jlj has come down from the words ... You should leave heavens in time'. this Jalsa with this determi­ nation that, according to the A poem by Promised wishes of the Promised Messiahas Messiahas and according to the oath of Bai'at that you Allah promises if we have made with the Prom­ "And Allah has sent listen to this water we will ised MessiaaS. you will down water from the sky be quickened after our mold yourselves according October - November 2008 118 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA to the true Islamic teach­ manner that weeds suppress says: ings." the growth of a field. It is our task to make the roots ~r.~:-..;,ih ,;,-,=- uFI ~~t bj Address to the USA, 9/3/06 of this worship so strong Jo-!<; :. it,j "The love the Khali­ that it safeguards us from fah has for the people in his all evil." Surely, Prayer re­ strains one from indecency community and the love Salat, 2/15/08 they have for him is un­ and manifest evil. 29:46 matched." The true observance of Salat engages every fiber "If observance of "This two way love," of our being - our words, Salat is not bringing about a he says, "Will be the foun­ revolutionary change in our our mindfulness our body . " H aba 1 · dation of firm establishment bows down. Our hearts 11ves azoor exp ams, of eternal Khilafat. This melts in anguish and rest­ "then we ought to be con­ love is so deeply rooted in lessness, our soul flows to­ cerned." the hearts of the Jama'at wards Allah. In such a members that no storm can prayer we meet with Allah 58th Jalsa of the Nigerian uproot it." from whom nothing is hid­ Jama'at, 5/2/08 den. In deep humility we Institution of Khilafat, Because the Promised 11/02/07 beseech His help and seek forgiveness from Him Who Messiahas informs us that: Prayer created the Heavens and the "A time comes when He Earth and for Whom noth­ who listens speaks and re­ As Allah has prom­ ing is impossible. It is our sponds to the supplicant. ised Khilafat to those who humble prayer that moves This is the situation in the safeguard their prayers, Ha- Allah's Grace and gives us Salat. The worshipper falls zooraba has 1ai "d great em- the experience of Him. This into prostration before God phasis on it in this centen­ is the earthly paradise. Almighty and submits his ary year especially. He has difficulties and his needs to spoken most eloquently Promised Messiahas Him. The result of true and about it in many of the Fri­ tells us that the true prayer: real Salat is that soon the day sermons and made time comes when God Al­ "(It) is a magnetic clear to us that all other mighty responds to the sup­ force, which attracts the failings and difficulties plicant and comforts him mercy of Allah. It amounts could be resolved by the with His words. Can such to a death, but in the end, it heartfelt observance of an experience be possible raises the dead to life. It is a prayer. He says: without the true observance hurricane; but in the end be­ of Salat?" "Observe each Salat at comes a lifeboat. All af­ its prescribed time. The five fairs, which have gone Essence of Islam Vol II daily prayers are the mile­ wrong are straightened by stone from where the spiri­ it. Every poison is turned Finding Faults tual journey begins. If one into a panacea through it. is negligent with Salat, vir­ (Lecture Sialkot) My dear sisters, as we tues are suppressed in the strive towards Allah, Satan In the Holy Qur' an, it October - November 2008 119 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA leaves thorns in our path ... CEO Indra Nooyi of­ member the love that no One, which damages our fers practical advice on this storm can uproot? That tree progress immeasurably is matter: 'What ever any is watered by the Imam of the finding faults with others. body says or does, assume age: Many succumb to this with­ positive intent. You will be out realizing it. amazed at how your whole "May God keep this approach to a problem tree evergreen and may none "In fact" Hazooraba changes. When you assume of us become the dry leaf says, "even if a person does negative intent you become which becomes disassociated have a failing others should angry and defensive.' with the tree." not pursue it. The Holy Prophet8aw said that Allah This problem intensi­ Institution of Khilafat, will save the face of that fies when ladies gather to­ 11/02/07 person from fire on the Day gether in groups to find of Judgment who safe­ faults with the Jama'at - a It is up to each and guards his brother's honor. special concern our Khali­ every one of us to protect the Hazooraba said man com­ l ah has asked us to exam­ integrity of this Jama'at for mits untold sins and if Al­ ine. (ref. Hazoor' Saba letter the sake of our own spiritual lah was to hold us to ac­ Jan 3rd 2008) Do we expect progress and for the sake of count for them we would be the situation will improve our children. Our Jamaa 't is destroyed, therefore, we by such gossip? If we are our Noah's Ark. Without it should safeguard each an observer, it is very easy we are lost in the deluge. other's honor for we do not to criticize. Our opinion Purdah know if our deeds alone are about things changes dra­ worthy of saving us from matically if we are the ones We will also protect the the torment of Fire." responsible for the task. integrity of our Jama'at Surely the solution lies in through our observance of The Social Ills of Jeal­ becoming a dedicated par­ Purdah. Hazoor' Saba clarity ousy, 5/26/06 ticipant in the affairs of Ja­ and his expectations from us ma 't: on this subject are unequivo­ And he reminds us of cal: the ways of sisterhood: "The truly loyal look after the interest of the Ja­ "Surely, an Ahmadi "Cleanse your hearts ma'at and its well-being is woman," he says, "in whose of ill wills. Instead of find­ their foremost concern". heart the seed of spirituality ing faults in others, look for Khalifatul Masih IVrh has been sown that keeps her in the fold of Ahmadiyyat, goodness in them. Instead Khutba 2/10/89 of arrogance, show kind­ who is a picture of faithful­ ness and be gentle with My dear sisters, when ness, who knows about offer­ each other. Instead of in­ we find faults our hearts are ing sacrifices for the sake of dulging in idle gossip and filled with disturbance and her faith, who is deeply in back biting in your meet­ rancor and we are not love with Khilafat-e-Ahma­ ings, you should convene united. Where any of us see diyya, when she is admon­ meetings where Allah's shortcomings in the affairs ished, she does not treat it name is glorified." of Jama'at, let us be those like the deaf and the blind. If who offer help and bright she is a true Ahmadi, it is ex­ Address to USA, 9/3/06 solutions our selves. Re- pected that like all true October - November 2008 120 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Ahmadis she will try her challenges in keeping Al­ "O our Lord, let not utmost to act upon the ad­ lah's Will whatever it may our hearts become perverse vice she is given." be, He comes to our aid. after Thou hast guided us, But first He requires us to and bestow upon us Mercy Address to Lajna UK, show our true devotion and from Thyself, surely thou 11/19/06 courage. Hadhrat Musleh art the best of Bes towers." Mau' oodrz captures this 3:9 "Therefore, instead of point most eloquently: becoming the victim of any May Allah enable us complex, like a brave "Most people wish to be those who pray the Ahmadi Muslim woman true prayer, so that all our ' that the power of their ene­ with your practice and with mies should break of itself shortcomings, our obstacles y~ur arguments, convey but it cannot break withou~ and difficulties that keep us this message to your friends their using the weapon of from the true practice of our and in your society that this self - sacrifice. . .. .If he faith, may be removed. En­ Qur'anic teaching of Pur­ makes up his mind boldly able us to be those listeners dah is to safeguard your to meet the difficulties he for whom the spiritual wa~ chastity. It is there to re­ may be saved. He need only ter of our Messiah pene­ store your lost honor. It is take heart and make bold to trates deep. Enable us to be not an imprisonment." enter the struggle, and what the green leaves on the tree appears to him to be a thick of Khilafat, who always re­ Address to UK Lajna, spond to his call. 11/19/06 jungle of difficulties will tum out to be a garden, the We have witnessed "So today, it behooves seeming "Hell" assuming the torch of the Olympics every Ahmadi woman that the form of a veritable being passed so carefully instead of being afraid of "Heaven." from person to person aro­ the people while the seeds Commentary by Hadhrat und the globe. My dear sis­ of hatred for Islam are be­ ters, we too have a torch ... a ing sown in the world Musleh Mau'oodra on 5:24 ' of the Holy Qur'an sacred torch we have to while Islam is under attack protect and pass on to our from all sides, you should My dear sisters, children. This torch is the cry out loud and proclaim light of Allah, handed to us throughout the world that these are a few ways to show our devotion and love in this day and age from the no matter how many hur­ Promised Messiahas to the dles it may place in our that we did profess to Allah and His Messenger. The be­ Khulafa. We are all paths it can not wipe away torchbearers. these beautiful teachings lievers partake of the bless­ from our faces, from our ings of Khilafat by holding In closing, may these hearts, or from our actions." firm to their faith and prac­ inspiring words of Khali­ tices, united under him. fatul Masih IVrh stir our Address to UK Lajna, hearts into action, he says: 11/19/06 "Thus march forward In the matter of Pur­ cheerfully with joy and dah, it is important to re­ happiness, with purpose member to put your trust in and faith and do not let that Allah. When we face great October - November 2008 121 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA light that God has kindled in my heart and whose GOD HAS UNLIMITED flame is burning in thou­ sands of other hearts, do not WONDROUS POWERS let it be put out! Let it not be put out! I ask you in the 0 ye people, fear God and make true peace name of the One and with Him and put on the garments of righteousness. Unique God that you must Let every mischief depart from you. God has not let it be put out and look after and protect this sacred unlimited wondrous powers. He has limitless mercy Trust. I swear by God, the and grace. He it is Who can dry up a terrible flood Master of Honor and Glory, in an instant. He it is Who can cast away fatal ca­ if you remain loyal trustees lamities with a single stroke of His hand. But these and protectors of this light wonderful powers of His are manifested only to then God would illumine those who become wholly His. Only those witness and spread this light into the hearts of others, light these extraordinary manifestations who, for His that would engulf the whole sake, bring about a holy change in themselves and earth turning all darkness fall down prostrate at His threshold; who become into brightness." pure like the drop of water which develops into a pearl; and who, being melted by the heat of love Khalifatul Masih IVrh and sincerity and devotion, begin to flow towards Khutba 8/12/83 Him. He takes care of them in misfortunes and de­ livers them in a wonderful manner from the con­ ******* spiracies and designs of their enemies and safe­ HADITH guards them against situations of ignominy. He be­ comes their guardian and their ally and helps them Hadhrat 'Abdullah bin in their difficulties when no human being can ren­ 'Abbasra relates that some­ one asked the Holy der them any help and His hosts descend in their Prophetsaw: "Whose comp­ support. any is better? The Holy Prophetsaw said: 'Whose How grateful should we be that our God is company reminds you of Beneficent and Powerful! Will you then desert such God Almighty, whose talk a Dear One? Will you transgress His limits for the increases your knowledge, sake of Your unholy selves? and whose deeds remind you about the Day of Judgement.' " It is better for us to die seeking His pleasure than to continue living impure lives. (At-Targhib wa't-Tarhib - At-Targhibfi majala­ (Ayyamus Sulh, Ruhani Khaza'in, vol. 14. PP. 341.342) situl 'ulama', p 76/1) ******* ******* October - November 2008 122 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


Dhiya Tahira Bakr, National Tabligh Secretary

"All that is noble and create a system of order: Man attempts to solve good in man is not due to Rules are established as the problem by establishing man's conquest of nature laws to keep peace. But, justice through laws. The but to his conquest of self, just as man can prosper, he best example that I can inspired by faith in God" can go astray. think of, is the American Constitution. It was written (Synopsis of Religious From the time of in 1787 and in 1789 it took Preaching, A.U. Kaleem. Prophet Abraham (peace be effect. The US Constitution 1998, pg.146). upon him) and today, man has 27 amendments. The continues to stray so far first 10 amendments collec­ To progress produc­ from God and His com­ tively are called the Bill of tively in life a system of or­ mandments that the signs Rights. They were created der is necessary. Allah, our are blatant. As a result, we specifically to spell out the God, the Most Perfect, the are still plagued with geno­ rights of individuals such as Originator of all things, cre­ cide, suicide, and homicide. freedom of religion, speech, ated systems such as the We have legalized homo­ to bear arms, and be justly universe and man. The or­ sexuality and games of tried for transgressions. In derly movement of the sun, chance. There is still op­ addition, America's forefa­ moon and stars comprise press10n, persecution and thers, George Washington components of a universal shirk (idol worshiping). All and others felt a need to end system. Their orderly of this is a contradiction to the troubling times and movement produces an ef­ the purpose of man's crea­ bring peace and order by fect that allows the subjects tion. We must be reminded forming a new national of Allah, such as man to of Surah Al-lnfitar (82: 7- government. This govern­ prosper. When Allah de­ 9): Allah exclaims, "Oh ment was to be strong creed the sun to rise and set, man! What has made thee enough to gain obedience at the clouds to send down arrogant in relation to thy home and respect abroad rain and then awaken the Noble Lord: The One Who (International Information earth to bring forth vegeta­ created you and perfectly Programs. tion then man prospers. proportioned you and fash­ gov. 2004). ioned you with justice. This Man is the most so­ He did at every stage and in However, despite man­ phisticated, intelligent and every form in which He made laws, it doesn't ap­ conscientious creation of compounded and fashioned pear that we are capable of Allah. These qualities have you". So what is our prob­ maintaining and sustaining allowed man the ability to lem? What can we do? order, justice or peace. October - November 2008 123 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Allah is aware of of Khalifat is examplified man's weaknesses. He is We are that commu­ by the following definition All Knowing, Compassion­ nity, the Ahmadi Muslims. of order extrapolated from ate, Merciful and Gracious. The Promised Messiahas the Random House diction­ Therefore, Allah creates a created 10 conditions unlike ary: system designed to guide the 10 Bill of Rights, these man in conduct, justice and conditions were established 1. It is a system of ar­ interactions. The system of to help man develop his in­ rangement or classifi­ Khalifat was being estab­ ner self. Those who believe, cation of persons lished when Allah revealed accept and practice these 2. It is an authoritative to the Holy Prophet Mu­ conditions is called to take communication sys­ hammadsaw Surah Al-Nisa Bai'at. The Promised Mes­ tem to direct perform­ verse 60: "O ye who be­ siah as said, "To take Bai'at ance lieve, obey Allah and His means handing over your 3. It is a state of effective Messenger and those who life to Almighty Allah operation are in authority among you. (Conditions of Bai'at and 4. It is a state of effi­ And if you differ in any­ Responsibilities of an ciency or neatness thing refer it to Allah and Ahmadi. Mirza Masroor 5. It is a state of public His Messenger if you are Ahmadaba, 2004, p. 4). The peace through confor­ believers in Allah and the seventh condition of Bai'at mity to rules and laws Last Day. That is best and states: That he/she shall most commendable in the give up pride and vanity Islam views the end". Are we experiencing and shall pass all his/her "ideal" state as an universal the signs of the end, the lat­ life in humbleness, cheer­ federation or confederation ter days: one disaster after fulness, forbearance and of autonomous states, asso­ the other i.e. earthquakes, meekness (Conditions of ciated together for uphold­ tsunamis, hurricanes, wars Bai'at, Lajna Imaillah­ ing freedom of conscience, and rumor of war? The USA, 2004). This is the Ji­ maintenance of peace and Holy Prophet Muhammad had: when man struggles to promotion of human wel­ Mustafasaw said, "Verily, reform and then transform fare throughout the God will appoint for this himself so he becomes world" (Islam, It's meaning Ummah/community in the rightly guided in all affairs. for modem man. Muham­ beginning of every century mad Zafrulla Khanra, 1980 those who will restore for Every prophet and his pg. 158). This is not differ­ it, its' faith" successor known as a ent from man-made law but Khalifah attempts to protect supportive. However, the (Synopsis of Religious man in his secular and spiri­ goals of this Islamic state Preaching, 1998 p.108). tual affairs by serving as a are executed by di vine conduit for Allah to teach power and intervention In 1889, 100 years af­ man obedience to His Di­ through the institution of ter the American Constitu­ vine Commandments which Khalifat under the direction tion, Hadhrat Mirza Ghu­ if followed ensures man a of a Khalifah (Head) and lam Ahmad, the Promised clear path to a righteous and elected council. The first Messiahas formed a spiritual peaceful life in this world order of business is to bring community. and the next. The structure about change in oneself by October - November 2008 124 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA way of the first and fore­ through his nose, even extends His power and calls most intervention which is while being lowered alive man to order and therefore prayer. Our Khalifah when in the ground from the to obedience and discipline. addressing us tell us to seek waist down and then stoned We continue to be re­ the pleasure of Allah and to death (Ayesha Magazine minded of such things as in change oneself. They fur­ Vol. 37, Spring 2007 pg. Surah Al-Shams. How the ther remind us that we have 29-31). human soul in comparison accepted the Promised Mes­ to the universe, can attain a siah, Hadhrat Mirza Ghu­ Man cannot create similar luster, order and lam Ahmadas who stated: complete submission to peace. Surah Al-Shams, when we have gathered at a anything. The essence of (91: 8-11): And by the soul Jalsa Salana, make the our being is only truly in­ and its' perfection; And, He matters we hear part of our fluenced by its' maker. Man (Allah) revealed to it (the lives. can create laws, set conse­ soul) the ways of evil quences for disobedience (Fujoor) and the ways of The fifth Khalifah re­ and a period of time to re­ righteousness (Taqwa); cently reminded us of the form. But man cannot cre­ Man indeed, prospers who attribute, Al-Jabbar (the ate the heart and spirit of purifies it (the soul); And Subduer). When it is used man, his consciousness nor man is ruined who corrupts for Allah, it denotes one his ability and capacity for it. who fulfills the need of the love. That is Allah doing people and reforms. How­ and His decree which Our current Khalifah ever, when Al-Jabbar is brings us back to the first (Hadhrat Mirza Masroor used for something other two chapters in the Holy Ahmadaba explains: Prayer than Allah, it signifies the Qur'an: Surah Al-Fatiah (Salat) is the primary rebellious and those who which tells us who is the source of purifying the self. break the law, the haughty Master and what path to Prayer must be safe (Khutbah, May 8, 2008). take. Then Surah Al­ guarded at all cost. Like the These people use the Sub­ Baqarah which delineates soldier who would never duer to oppress. Take the the laws regarding worship, surrender his best weapon life of Abdul Latif: He one matters of diet, investment, in a battlefield, Salat must day read one of the writings inheritance, marriage, trans­ not be surrendered. It is the of the Promised Messiahas gression, and others. most excellent weapon for a and then believed in him believer whole-heartedly. So much Islam has a perfect so, that when Abdul Latif constitution. It is the Holy (Khutba, Feb. 15, 2008). was asked by the govern­ Qur' an which contains Our battlefields are ment of Afghanistan to re­ revelations from Allah that the social ills that cause a nounce his acceptance of provide direction on how to disintegration of the family the Promised MessiahaS. reform ourselves, live in and increase promiscuity. Abdul Latif refused. He peace and build a nation fit Our battlefields are those continued to proclaim his to lead the world under the evils that create a rescue belief even while being direction of a Khalifah: mission for lost souls. dragged through the streets of Kabul by a rope pierced Through Khilafat, Allah History reveals the October - November 2008 125 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA truth and shows the life of ditions: Ahmadiyyat has equilibrium, while react­ every Khalifah demonstrat­ brought us together in ing to them, you must not ing sacrifices and the pro­ peace from our previous be­ forget that Allah is motion of peace. Our past liefs about God to know watching you ... , pg. 24 Khalifah Uthmanra gave his that there is only one God wealth to family and the for us all. Under the guid­ • If you claim to be among needy. He fought in various ance of Khilafat, Ahmadiy­ those who fulfill the obli­ wars to subdue (use the at­ yat will continue to bring gation of Taqwa, true Is­ tribute, Al-Jabbar) against mankind to recognize and lam and submission to transgression but he refused worship God properly. God is such that we col­ to fight a revolt against lectively hold fast to the him, lead by fellow Mus­ Today, with the de­ rope of Allah ... , p. 125 lims. This opened a path for cline of morality and our the rebels to surround his common resources such as In conclusion: We house. While Hadhrat Uth­ gasoline, food, health care, Ahmadi Muslims are cele­ manra read the Holy Qur'an, and even spiritual nourish­ brating 100 years of Khila­ the rebels assassinated him ment becoming unattain­ fat, so our gift to humanity in this month, June 17, 656 able: the world is crying out should be to establish A.D. for change, order, justice Khilafat as a source of and peace. Our cry must be spiritual guidance for man­ (A book of religious knowl­ in prayer for the help of Al­ kind. Rekindle their faith edge. Waheed Ahmad, lah. and belief in God. Give 1988 pg.150-151). them the image of Khilafat Ahmadi Muslims be­ and let our Ahmadi com­ Now it is the time to lieve that Khilafat is for the munity be the model of bring this world the institu­ good of man kind. From the peace personified. tion of Khilafat. The first Fourth Khalifah (Hadhrat order of business is to bring Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh) writ­ about change in oneself by ******* ings, The Gulf Crisis and Hadhrat Sahl bin way of the first and fore­ The New World Order: A Hunaifa relates that the most intervention which is plea was made: prayer. Holy Prophetsaw said: • ... accept that one, who Our mission is to reju­ was sent by God. He has "He who supplicates venate the teachings of the ability to lead you ... Allah sincerely for mar­ God/Allah and bring man­ pg. 37. tyrdom is raised by kind to recognize Allah properly so we are rightly Him to the station of a • ... fulfill the demands of guided in all of our affairs. martyr even if he sho­ Taqwa which means Look at us. We are black, uld die in his bed." that at any time in your white and the in-between life when external shades; Some of us were (Muslim kitabaljihad bah forces which are likely Jew, Hindu, Christian, athe­ istihbab talbashshahadah fi to disturb your state of ists and agnostic; Regard­ sabilillah) equilibrium, while re­ less of socioeconomic con- acting to them, you ******* October - November 2008 126 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA FRUITS OF AHMADIYYAT

(1) SiraAhmad Brooklyn/Staten Island, NY

We stand shoulder to shoulder. We are one in faith. We proclaim with full hearts .... Love for All.

God is Love. We should be delighted to praise Allah's name. We must be thankful for the gift of life and the abundant blessings He has given us.

We were created by design. The most perfect of fashioners, has in His perfect way, or­ ganized everything according to His divine will and plan.

The world was designed for us to live in and laws are in the Holy Qur'an for us to fol­ low and quench our thirst for righteousness. Look to Allah and commit your love to Allah and let us follow in the footsteps of our Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Remember, our Prophet has advised,

"If you love Allah, follow me then will Allah love you and forgive you your sins." (Holy Qur'an 3:32)

God intends for our lives to be a continual journey towards Him. Let the light of Allah be in our eyes and hearts so that we can recognize only the beauty of Allah and let go of the distracting beauty of this world.

This is my story of how Allah has guided me towards the beauty of Islam.

My father was a pastor at an Evangelical Church and I was brought up in that church. He used to tell me "let prayers be the foundation that you build your life on." I was baptized at age 13 and from then on, I pledged that I would serve God for the rest of my life. I made this pledge because I wanted to be like my father - a humble and kind man with many beau­ tiful qualities. There was always love flowing from him and people loved him. He was a man of righteousness and when I told him that I wanted to be like him, he replied "no, you have to be the way God wants you to be." October - November 2008 127 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

I stayed in the Church for all my adult life and performed numerous tasks within the Church. I married at age eighteen and stayed married for 17 V2 years. In the last two years of my marriage I had to separate myself from my husband because of a clash between our ide­ ologies. I wanted to follow the way of God, the God of Abraham, but he wanted to follow a different route. It was a difficult two years but towards the end of my marriage I had a vi­ sion.

At first I saw all these stars which descended upon my home covering all of it. I then saw the ocean and in the middle of the sea I saw a dot which resembled a cloud. Soon the cloud started to form into a shape and I noticed the face of a man wearing a turban. This man was calling me towards him. When I saw the man I realized he was a holy person because when he called me in the dream I prostrated in the Sajda position (although I did not know it was Sajda until after I joined Islam) and began to pray. The dream left me with a feeling of beauty and happiness. When I got up from prayer the man began to wave goodbye. I saw his face very clearly in the dream.

At the time of this dream I was living in Trinidad. Eventually, I moved to America to live with my sister. The day I was leaving my home country, I felt so sad and was crying in front of my mirror. I prayed "Oh God of Abraham please don't leave me at this time." When I finished the prayer, I clearly heard a voice say to me "As of today, your name is Sira" It sounded like a soft sound, almost like a song. And when I heard that voice, I was over­ whelmed with happiness and kept repeating "my name is Sira." I didn't question where the voice came from, but I immediately believed that this is my new name.

My initial exposure to Islam and Ahmadiyyat came during a subway ride in New York. I was reading my Bible when a man sitting nearby started speaking with me about religion. He told me that he was the follower of the new Christ. He then showed me a picture of the Promised Messiahas. When I saw the Messiah's photo I was shocked and amazed. I replied "Oh my God! I saw this man calling me to him in a dream two years ago in Trinidad."

The man, my current husband, then told me something strange. "As from today, your name is Sira." I was shocked again. I was convinced that the man in the photo was the Prom­ ised Messiahas because I saw the picture in my dream and because this new stranger repeated the same soothing words to me that I heard two years ago when I was leaving Trinidad.

I then took to reading, praying and educating myself as to the true religion of God. I kept thinking about what I had experienced and wondered what was happening to me. But I soon realized that this had to be the Will of God. I called the man and he sent me a copy of "Where Did Jesus Die." As I read I became enlightened because the book exposed many of the contradictions in Christianity.

I kept studying and one night received another vision. I had a dream that I was dressed in a Shalwar Kamis and that I was standing on top of a mountain. There were lots of houses on the surrounding hills and mountains and there was a river running though the town. I felt that on one side of the river there were good people and on the other side there were bad October - November 2008 128 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA people and became convinced that the river was separating the good from the bad. Then there was a woman who came and said "don't be afraid, I will cross you over to where the good people are." She then took me to the good side and I saw that the houses were made of mud. I did not know what a Sha/war Kamis was prior to this dream, and since it was such a strange dream I wanted to share it with the man.

The next day I called the man to share my dream with him. However, the number that he gave me was disconnected. At that point I thought I would never see him again. Soon af­ ter I went to the park and sat on a bench to pray. I said, "Oh God of Abraham, please let me see that man again so that I can share with him my dream and continue to study Islam." The following Monday, after the prayer, I happened to be in the subway station when all of a sudden I saw the man. I asked him, "What are you doing here?" The man responded, "Allah put in my heart that I should be here." We talked about the book. I told him that I prayed to God for guidance and then related my most recent dream to him. I described every detail and his reply was "Madam, God has given you a vision of the pious city of Rabwah." He then gave me more books about Islam and Ahmadiyyat. Eventually the man and I got married and I fully entered the fold of Ahmadiyyat.

Prayer is the foundation of my life. Prayer transforms me from a religious person to a righteous person. My fervent prayers introduced me to Islam and through Islam I am intro­ duced to a new level of prayer. Islam illuminates my righteousness and makes me feel com­ plete. It allows me to see all the beautiful qualities of God. It makes me feel secure, peaceful, and close to the Almighty. I can face any trail and tribulation because Allah is the essence of my life.

Now there is nothing in life that I desire. All my happiness is in Allah. There was a time when my eyes used to shed tears of grief, but now they have become a fountain of joy all for the sake of Allah.

I pray until I feel myself transform - things become so real, not knowing that they are really visions. Prayer brings you so close to Allah. The best thing in life is to be a spiritual person. To become a spiritual person means to transform into a creature that only cares to please Allah.

This is the point that I have reached in my life. Nothing bothers me in life because all I need is my Lord. My father once told me that I would be transformed into a spiritual person and Alhamdulillah that is what Allah has done to me. My husband tells me "I don't think you are of this world because when you speak you sound like a creature from another world." My life is no longer mine, my life, my prayers, and my death all belong to Allah. Islam has brought out the qualities of Allah in me. ******* October - November 2008 129 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA FRUITS OF AHMADIYYAT (2)

Laeeqa S. Ahmad, National Secretary Tarbiyyat (For New Ahmadis), Zion, IL Islam, Change, and Mentorship

What if you received a knock at your door informing you that your husband of one year had been murdered? What if at 23 you found yourself a young bride, then a widow, and a new Ahmadi, all in a two-year span? What if on top of all of this you were miles away from home in a strange town? To add to this, what if you were caring for a six year old son? I want to address this distinguished and diverse group of sisters today on how Ahmadi­ yyat/Islam changed my life and the important role that Lajna members played in helping me stay the course of Islam. I'll also explain the importance of role models and mentors, and how vital both are to the new member and the future of Ahmadiyyat. I will achieve this by using my life as an example on how Islam and sisters filled with the love of God helped me change my life. This was a very emotional and trying time in my life. I could have easily left the Ja­ ma'at and went back to my hometown, Gary, Indiana where there was crime, poverty and worst of all no Jama'at. My now deceased husband had opened a door for me by introduc­ ing me to the greatest of all gifts that is the one true faith. Also going back to Gary Indiana meant having to deal with my father and his views of what Islam should be. He was from the Nation of Islam and had a very narrow and hard approach to how Islam should be practiced. Through Ahmadiyyat I learned the softer more compassionate side of Islam and I was not about to have that taken from me. The change brought about through the true Islam was so profound that my heart and mind would not let me. I had been awakened after years of spiri­ tual sleep. It was as if Allah had taken control of my course. This time in my life I found comfort in this verse of the Holy Qur' an:

- , !:~1- JI' -~1 -. - __ i,- ·-~i1- ~ ~ , :.,-0 .:,-, Y---"' ?--- ~ ;:u.µt o ~· ~ • 9fj..A1.ll_j .Ii e _.,.,,,,,. !J d • ... -;: ~ t:i! l.,PI.Ji .. ;;ti ,n C •• ti"tl...... if IJJ 6 ~J ~J (i!_j October - November 2008 130 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

And We will try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and fruits; but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. Who so, when a misfor­ tune overtakes them; say, "Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.' Holy Qur'an, 2:156-157

During this period is where my mentors (who were filled with an awesome spirit of Islam) came to play a very important role in my life. Now, for one to change, and progress, one has to be given help and guidance along the way, and that help came through a group of Ahmadi sisters whom (I call "soldiers of Allah"). They were kind, loving, considerate, and compassionate. I was young, with no sense of who I was, and what I was capable of achiev­ ing in Ahmadiyyat. These mentors and guides displayed such an extraordinary gift for some­ thing I yearned for but didn't have, and that was the spiritual guidance. Allah is Great! He knew what I needed at that time, and He was guiding the ship through this unfortunate time. As I became better acquainted with the sisters in the Waukegan, area, now known as Zion Jama' at, more of them became involved in helping me learn Islam. It was definitely a step-by-step process. This is where I learned to develop patience and steadfastness. Through the encouragement and guidance of these mentors I became so engrossed in my new religion that I learned all my prayers in Arabic and English, and willing to take it a step further. I learned the importance of attending our gatherings, I became a regular fixture at Jumu 'ahs, Eids, and Annual Jalsas.

Thereafter, as many as 5 sisters would invite me to there home for tea, learning Islam and raising my self-esteem. I desperately needed these relationships since my family was so far away. These things helped me to move forward to learning the basic tenets of Islam. I de­ veloped a passion for prayer, as Allah told us we could establish a relationship with Him through prayer and learn to develop His Attributes within ourselves.

One thing that really helped me grow in my new faith was our local Jama'at commit­ ment to helping the community, through serving the poor, the elderly, and the youth. I not only witness this on a local scale, but also nationally. This gave me the opportunity to work as I learned. I remember many sleepless nights because our president had this certain amount of high energy, and love for Islam, she always reminded us, "There no time to sleep", we must work for Allah. That is what we did for half my Muslim life. These things helped me to move forward to learn the finer points of Islam. One of the most valuable sayings I re­ member hearing is "prayer is the key". I not only heard this numerous times, but saw it in practice time and time again. Seeing this part of Islam in practice helped me see and develop along these same lines. Back then we were trailblazers and revolutionaries and were seen as betrayers to our families and friends. We had an "us"- against- the- world mentality that made us very close.

Today's new members face a paradox because on one hand Islam is more accepted, Burqas, and head coverings are more common and not seen as all that strange, and Muslim names are very common especially among African Americans. There are a lot less obstacles than it was 31 years ago. However, at the same time new converts are finding it harder and harder to remain in the fold due to the many western influences and pressures, and constant attacks on Islam in the media. Many find themselves defending their religion before they've had time to be grounded in their faith. October - November 2008 131 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

As I look back now, I see how vitally important it was to have older sisters who not only understood what their role was to a new convert, but actually knew how to put into practice.

As the National Secretary for New Ahmadis, I have been dealing with and communi­ cating with new converts all over the country. I see first hand the need for mentoring and close relationships during new members first months in a new religion. I have had numerous conversations with them and one subject always comes up and that is the need for a mentor or friend who understands what it is like to embark upon something new and exciting but at the same time quite scary. I implore all Lajna members to take a great interest in training of new Ahmadis and realize how vital it is to help change and mold our new sisters into ser­ vants of Allah. The future of Ahmadiyyat in America will be greatly affected by how we deal with them, because what goes in today will come out tomorrow.

As defined in religious terminology: A mentor's role is to take the lead in supporting the new member through an ongoing, one-on-one relationship. The mentor will serve as a religious role model and friend, and offer support to the new convert as she confronts obsta­ cles in society. It has been written that a new member is teachable, vulnerable, and change­ able. This must always be kept in mind when new members enter the fold. In my case as a 23-year-old new convert, all three applied to me. Their vulnerability means that there is no guarantee that she will stay and prosper under Ahmadiyyat. New converts need someone­ not something-to help them. In order for most new converts to survive today, they'll need to be taught to know and apply the Commandments of Allah or they might be deceived and drawn away from the faith.

In closing, after 31 years I still see myself as vulnerable, teachable and changeable. Vulnerable to the pitfalls of becoming slack, lazy or even materialistic and filled with self­ doubt. I am still learning about this vast and comprehensive religion called Islam: some days I feel I'm back at square one. So, I'm still very teachable.

And lastly, I am constantly changing, growing and developing my spiritual self. Go­ ing all the way back to that young 23-year-old widow far from home, there have always been righteous sisters in my life who's modeled the best behavior. As a young Ahmadi, I was taught to serve and obey Khilafat, say my prayers and trust only in Allah. This is also where I learned to serve humanity. These true facts were written in all our literature, but the new members need to see it practiced consistently for it to take hold.

Islam changed me in many profound ways and I am forever grateful that Allah sent helpers and guides to keep me on that very narrow path. As a young woman I had no idea what lay ahead for me, but I give all praises to Allah that my training prepared me for what would come 10, 20, and even 30 years down the road. Over that time span I have dealt with many tragic and difficult times. I lost a 16-year old son, I was a widowed a second time, and I lost both parents and other family members. Because of my spiritual development and un­ shakable faith, I have been able to understand the purpose of life and the meaning of death. October - November 2008 132 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

I want you to ask yourself one question? If a 23 year old new Ahmadi widow with a 6-year old son, miles from home, came into your Lajna today, right now, would she be ac­ cepted, would she be welcomed, could she get the training and the mentorship that is truly needed to sustain herself to stay the course of Ahmadiyyat. If your answer is no, or I don't know, then you must do everything within your capacity to make your Lajna new member friendly and a place where she can grow and strengthen her faith. The future of Islam in America will rest with spreading the message of Islam and spiritual training of the new Ahmadis. Due to 9/11 fewer Muslim are being let into this country, immigration, as we knew it, is a thing of the past so we must make sure that the moral training of our new mem­ bers is a top priority if Ahmadiyyat is to take hold in this country. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. Ameen ******* THE PURPOSE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE JAMA' AT

The purpose of God Almighty in setting up this Jama'at is that the true understanding of God, which has disappeared from the world, and true right­ eousness and purity, which are not to be found in this age, might be re­ established. Arrogance 'is rife throughout the world. The divines are caught in the pride and vanity of their learning. You find that the condition of the mendi­ cants belies their objectives. They are wholly unconcerned with self­ improvement, and all the disciplines which they have devised are error and in­ novation. They are only words and form and have no spiritual reality. Their ex­ ercises and devotion have a different form altogether like meaningless repeti­ tions which cannot be traced back to the Holy Prophet5aw. I find that they pay no attention to inner purification, nor can their artificial disciplines purify their hearts, nor can they acquire the light of true understanding through them. This age has become empty of true righteousness and purity. The way of the Holy Prophet5aw, which is the means of purification, has been discarded. Now God Almighty desires that the time of Prophethood should be revived in this age and the same righteousness and purity should be reestablished. Thus, the purpose of God Almighty in setting up this Jama' at is that through it the lost un­ derstanding might be re-established in the world.

(Taqrirein. pp. 21.22) ******* October - November 2008 133 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA IJTEMA REPORT FROM LAJNA IMAILLAH, USA Atia Chaudhry and Sabiha Syeda

By the sheer Grace The Mid North The Central Regional of Allah, Jama'at Ahmadi­ Regional ljtema ljtema yya has been blessed to wit­ ness 2008 as the historic The Mid North Re­ The Central Re­ year marking I 00 years of gional Ijtema was held on gional ljtema was held on Khilafat. Alhamdolillah, August 2nd 2008 at Masjid August 9th at Masjid Baitul Lajna and Nasirat USA Baitul Hadi, Central Jersey. Rahman, Maryland. This have embraced this momen­ This region is made up of 4 region consists of 8 Ma­ tous year by actively at­ Majalis: North Jersey, Cen­ jalis: Baltimore, Silver tending and participating in tral Jersey, Willingboro and Spring, Laurel, Potomac, programs and events held in Philadelphia. Their theme Virginia South, Virginia their respective regions. was "Obedience to Khila­ North, Washington DC and This year, Lajna USA opted fat". This one day Ijtema York/Harriburgh. The to organize several regional revolved around Surah Al­ theme of this ijtema was ijtema' at revolving around Nur, verses 52-57. These "Love of Khilafat". Their the central theme "Khila­ verses repeatedly stress theme was presented fat." Each region presented obedience and the promise through interactive work­ the central theme of Khila­ of Khilafat. While Lajna shops where Lajna ex­ fat in their own unique way and Nasirat held many pressed their feelings about to create exceptional pro­ workshops on identical top­ Hazoor' saba visit to the grams resulting in a wide ics, the sessions were con­ United States and the im­ panorama of topics, formats ducted separately at an age pact of the Lajna pledge on and experiences across the appropriate level. The top­ their daily lives. This one country. These ljtema'at ics of presentations in­ day Ijtema consisted of were made exciting as well cluded, "Defining Khilafat, many inspiring workshops as informative through in­ Complete Submission and that enabled the Lajna teractive workshops, panel Obedience to Khilafat, members to re-energize discussions, quizzes, gam­ Khilafat-e-Rashideen and their faith and come closer es, speeches, creative art Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya". to Khilafat. Lajna also en­ work, Meena Bazaars and All presentations included joyed a fun and exciting many other activities. All interactive discussions. Na­ game of jeopardy about regions beautifully deco­ sirat also participated in a Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya and rated their mosques and quiz and had a recreational Khilafat-e-Rashideen. This centers to project their arts and crafts project about game allowed lajna to share gratitude and excitement on Hazoor' Saba visit to various their knowledge about the completion of the 100 countries. Khilafat and learn new facts years of Khilafat. they may not have known. October - November 2008 134 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

The Nasirat participated si­ The Midwest Regional ticipated. multaneously in their pro­ ljtema gram which was based on The Southwest the same topics. Through­ The Midwest Re­ Regional Ijtema out the day, Lajna enjoyed gion enjoyed a 3 day Ijtema delicious food from Meena held on the weekend of Au­ The Southwest Re­ Bazaar (fundraising) such gust 8-10th and was held at gional Ijtema was held on as Samosa's, Naan Kabaab, Masjid Baitul Jaamay, Chi­ August 9th in Los Angeles. and Dahi Barya. cago. This region consists The South West Region of 3 regions, comprising 18 consists of the following 7 Sadr Lajna USA, Majalis: East Mid-West Majalis: San Diego, Los Dr. Shanaz Butt Sahiba was (Columbus, Cleveland, Angeles East, Los Angeles able to attend the Mid NE Dayton, Pittsburgh, Indiana, West, LA Inland Empire, and Central regional Ijte­ Toledo and Detroit), South Phoenix, Tucson and Las ma 'at where she addressed Mid-West (Denver, Ala­ Vegas. The topic of their lajna in a presentation ti­ bama/, St. Louis, ijtema was "Devotion to tled, "Perpetuating the Tulsa, Kansas) and West Khilafat". Their Ijtema had Ahmadiyya Khilafat." This Mid-West (Chicago East, a number of different ac­ was an interactive discus­ Chicago West, Zion, Mil­ tivities. They enjoyed Holy sion on how we personally waukee, Osh Kosh, St. Qur' an memorization com­ perpetuate Khilafat by our Paul). The topic of their petitions, Nasirat banner actions as Lajna members, Ijtema was "We Hear and and Tirana, and Bait Bazi wives, mothers and daugh­ We Obey". On their first competition which is al­ ters. Sadr Sahiba brought to day they conducted two ways a very joyful event. our attention that there were workshops, one on the topic Their main program in­ disturbing pictures of mem­ of "We hear and we obey" cluded workshops on our bers from all over the world and the other on "Khilafat". role as mother, daughter, on social networking web­ On the second day, they wife and sister and our re­ sites which are being used continued their presenta­ sponsibilities and obliga­ as fuel for those who op­ tions on Khilafat as well as tions towards Khilafat. pose Ahmadiyyat. Sadr Sa­ other topics such as Rishta These workshops were con­ hiba 's presentation sparked Nata. They enjoyed games ducted by the different Ma­ an interesting eye-opening that created a fun and excit­ jalis. During lunch, they discussion and many ing atmosphere. The Lajna had food fundraisers, book­ women shared their views also participated in creative stalls and something unique on how Lajna should pay handicraft projects and to their Ijtema, a documen­ attention and make every Meena Bazaar. The third tary about Khilafat centen­ effort to remedy this prob­ day was directed to work­ ary which they played on a lem. Sadr Sahiba reminded shops and personal testimo­ projector while enjoying us of our obligation to per­ nies from Moosian which lunch. petuate the Ahmadiyya brought about a very mov­ Khilafat through improved ing and emotional experi­ The Upstate Region moral training of our selves ence. Also on the last day, ljtema and therefore, our children. Nasirat presented their ban­ ners and Tiranas; a festive The Upstate Region en­ event for all those who par- joyed a 3 day Ijtema held October - November 2008 135 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA on the weekend of August Green". The Majalis also 22nd-24th. This region is participated in a Handicraft HADITH made up of 7 Majalis: competition in which each Hartford, Boston, Fitch­ Majlis made two Khilafat Hadhrat Abu Hura­ burg, Albany, Rochester, themed quilt squares. The irahra relates that the Syracuse and Buffalo. The winning majlis would have Holy Prophetsaw said: Theme of their ijtema was the reward of displaying the "Seven will be shel­ "Celebrating 100 years of final quilt in their mosque. tered under the shade of Khilafat". To prepare for their auspicious event, their Alhamdolillah, thus Allah's mercy on the Mission House underwent far, seven regions out of 11 Day on which there will many physical changes to regions have had the oppor­ be no other shade beautify it even more. Al­ tunity to participate in these beside the shade of His hamdolillah, the Ijtema be­ unique regional proceed­ mercy: A just ruler; a gan each day with Tahajjud ings. In this exciting year youth who has been prayers followed by Dar's of Khilafat Centenary Cele­ and yoga exercises. Both brations, Lajna from across brought up m the Lajna and Nasirat partici­ USA have benefited greatly worship of Allah the pated in Tilawat, Poem and through these events which Exalted; the one whose Speech Competitions. Thr­ have served to rekindle heart is ever suspended oughout the three days, La­ their feelings about the im­ m the mosque; two jna enjoyed workshops not portance of Khilafat and its persons who love each only on Khilafat but on impact in their lives. It has other subjects such as Salat, also provided a possibility other for the sake of Purdah, environmental con­ for Lajna and Nasirat to get Allah, they get together cerns and marriage. Lajna together, make new friends for His sake and part enjoyed a Khilafat-themed and share their thoughts and for his sake; the one message relay game and re­ concerns. By the Grace of who 1s seduced by a viewed the Khilafat Centen­ Allah, the input received ary Celebrations prayers in has been very positive and woman possessing bea­ an engaging and fun man­ Lajna Imaillah-VSA is uty and prestige and ner. Different Majalis from grateful to all the regional declines, saying: 'I fear this region gave presenta­ Sadrs and local Sadrs who Alla-h'; the one who tions on individual Khulafa. planned and organized spends secretly m The Nasirat also benefited these events. May Allah charity, so that his left from workshops on Khilafat reward all the participants and Salat. The Nasirat who made these regional hand does not know played games and partici­ ljtema 'at a source of excite­ what his right hand pated in arts and crafts ac­ ment, fun and learning for spends; and the one tivities. Lajna and Nasirat all those who attended. who remembers Allah were gifted with pencils im­ in solitude so that his printed "Khilafat Zinda­ ******* eyes become flooded bad - Ijtema 2008" and re­ useable shopping bags PAY with tears.' " stamped with "Lajna Go ZAKAT ( Muslim kitabuzzakat fad[ akhfa' asadqah) October - November 2008 136 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

"The Promise of Khilafat" Amjad Mahmood Khan, Los Angeles, CA

Not of gold; not of fame; Not from man; not from claim; Not for all; not for one; Not unkept; not undone.

A Promise.

H you believe; if you achieve -­ In Allah's will; by virtuous deed, The dark will fade; the light will shine; The guides will rise; Islam sublime.

It is: The Promise.

Empty mosques, Qur'ans on shelves; Violent feuding among themselves. Whither justice, whither peace? Deaths increase; when will they cease?

They need: The Promise

In Turkey, they tried; in India, too -­ Khilafat movements; Islam anew! But their guise took face; political ploys. A godless agenda; nothing but noise.

They lost: The Promise.

A century goes by -- Khilafat still lives. Th.rough fear and doubt -- Allah still gives. Lahoris, Ahraris; Bhutto and Zia -- All made silent by Allah's Khulafa.

We have: The Promise.

London awakens, the 27th of May -­ Thousands convene; an unforgettable day. Masroor speaks, and millions pray -- The world seeks the truth he conveys.

We guard: The Promise October - November 2008 137 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Eid2008 ~ ~ Hadayatullah Hubsch, Germany ~ ~ Eidisadayofjoy, ~ ~ As fasting we have passed, ~ 1-.. The body is no more a toy, 1-., ~ Reward will ever last, ~ I " Eid is a day of sorrow, I " ~ As Ramadhan has gone, ~ I-.. We're looking for tomorrow, 1-.. ~ When new bliss will be won, ~ 1-.. We begged for Allah's favours, 1-.. ~ We moaned and cried and sighed, ~ I " Life now is filled with flavours I -.. ~ Of mercy, grace and light, ~ I -.. Dark sides of our soul, I -.. ~ Again turned into white, ~ I -.. Forgiveness filled the hole, I -.. ~ --~~- ~ We learned, not to despair, ~ Allah will give or take, But love will fill the air ~ For our Prophet's sake, ~

~ We longed for understanding, ~ I " Beseeched the Friend to heal, ~ Now our heads we're bending, ~ I -.. Pray, our faults conceal, I -..

~ And grant peace to the hearts, ~ 1-.. Open Thy garden's door, 1-.. And guide all our parts, ~ ~--~~ ~ ~ With gratitude and humble ~ I -., We tried to sacrifice, I " ~ Forgive so that we don't stumble, ~ I -.. Surely, Lord, Thou suffice. I -., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ October - November 2008 138 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA Moderation Dr. Mujeeb R. Malik and Balance Elected Fellow of in Life American Physical Society

Hadhrat Anas bin Ma­ and likra relates that the Holy Prophetsaw said: "Three American Society of virtues are part of belief: When a Muslim becomes Mechanical Engineering angry, anger does not lead him to falsehood; when he By the Grace of God, Dr. Mujeeb R. Malik, is happy, the happiness Northern Virginia, has been elected Fellow of the does not make him abandon American Physical Society (APS). The society has the truth; when he gains power and authority he made this recognition for his, "Pioneering contribu­ does not take more than tions to the understanding of the breakdown of what is his right." cross flow vortices in three-dimensional boundary layers, attachment-line and hypersonic boundary (Al Muajjamus Saghir lil­ layer instability including real gas effects, and de­ Tibrani bah min ismuhu veloping physics-based methods for the prediction Ahmad, p 61/1) of laminar-turbulent transition". Hadhrat Abu- Hurairara relates that the Holy Dr. Mujeeb Malik's contributions are spread Prophetsaw said: "Religion over fifty refereed journal articles and over one is easy but the one who hundred papers in the proceedings of conferences overburdens and overwhe­ and symposia in the USA and in countries outside lms religion cannot succeed the USA. in his effort. Therefore, be moderate and adopt the He is currently the Head of Computational path middle path nearest to Aero-Sciences Branch at NASA Langley Research perfect. Give glad tidings to the people that they should Center, where he leads research in advanced com­ gain strength by asking for putational methods development for the analysis Allah's help in the morning, and design of aerospace vehicles. He is also a Fel­ evening and in the latter low of American Society of Mechanical Engineers. part of the night." Dr. Mujeeb Malik is son of the late Malik ( Bukhari kitabal Iman bab Saifur Rehman and Amatul Rashid Shaukat. May addin yusran) God Almighty bless his achievements and grant him many more such prestigious achievements. ******* Ameen 0 r'I 0 TALENT SCHOLASHIP AWARDS- 2008 I~ ~ ,,::

~ <:l- <,:, .... N 8 Khilafat Centenary fNova Southeastern ·- Oo Ahmad Khalid IScholarshie IM. Akram Khalid ~rk Univ., Florida IBsioo I s2,soo Khllafat Centenary Kinza Taiaba Ahmad IScholarshl Malik Mubeen Ahmad Seattle Univ of Washin ton IBSc Pre med I ~12,soo Khllafat Centenary New Univ. of .Southern Muhivuddin Bahri IScholarshle Chairul Bahri Orleans California IArchitechture I $2,500 Khllafat Centenary Fahad Mubarik Malik IScholarshie IMalik Mansur Ahmad loallas IEmorv Univ. IBS-Chem I $21500 Khllafat Centenary Saba Hafeez Khan IScholarship Abdul Khan Austin UT at Austin BS-Eng $2,500 Dr. Abdus Salam I~ Hashmi Sultana IScholarshle Mahmud Farukuee Rrnoklvn Adelohi Univ MSW _$~000 Dr. Abdus Salam Ronald Hubbs IScholarshie IRonald Hubbs ILA-East Is. Baylo Univ. IMS-Oriental Medicine i $]1000 Dr. Abdus Salam Nudrat A Qureshi IScholarship M. TufiQ Qureshi Harrisbura Penn State Univ !Education I. s2,ooo Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad Univ. of Illinois at Tahir WaQar Bokhari IScholarship Khalid Masood Bokhari Chicago E Chicaao IBE-Elect Eng I $2,000 Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad Chicago BS $2,000 Mohammed Arslan Khalid I Scholarshio Abdul Razzaq Khalid East Unic of Illinois ;:i,.. ;:,- Mirza Muzaffar Ahmad Fordham College at Umair Mahmood Khan IScholars hip Khalid M. Khan Brooklyn Lincoln Center BS $1,000 l ~- Mirza Muzaffar Ahmad s::, Ataurraheem Ahmad Chaudhry IScholarshio Mushtaq A Chaudhry VA Beach Univ. of Maryland BA $1,000 as::, Mirza Muzaffar Ahmad Central The College of New N $1,000 (I) Baria Hafeez IScholarshle Abdul Haveez Jersey Jersey BS Bioloav ~ Mirza Muzaffar Ahmad c:: Nauman Bin Riaz IScholarship M. Riaz Gonda! --~ilingboro Mercer Comm. Coll BA- Business adm $1,000 ~ October - November 2008 140 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


August 31, 2008


I write to congratulate you on Hazur's approval of your election as Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiya USA for the next two years.

With the Grace of Allah you are performing a wonderful t;ask in providing leadership and guidance to our young men. It is refreshing to see how Khuddam are maturing into good Ahmadies. The· struggle of young parents to balance work, family involvement and Jamat work is one of your challenges, and how to lead them on this path.

Hazur has also asked us to maintain arid enhance the involvement of Young Ahmadies inJamat work and affairs. It createsc:Lhond and support system, and brings Divine Help. This does not remove the periodic issues of dealing with family needs.

May Allah Help, Guide and Protect all our Khuddam and you in your pivotal role in the Tanzeem. Ameen

Ahsanullah Zafar

UIIQO o-1 1IGpc a-t, SilYw Spriag MD 20P0.1 .--:l01•17Ml10 re: lOl-1179-GlU .-...lllli7>'• 1.... ,n,,,.Jllam October - November 2008 141 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

In the name ofAllah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Mentor-Mentee Program

• Are you unsure of your career choice? • Do you want to learn more about a particular career or profession? • Want to be a Journalist, Police Officer, Doctor, Lawyer or another professional and need to talk to someone who can guide you through the realities of the profession? • Do you want to start a business and need advise? • Do you want to know how to successfully balance professional and Jammat responsibilities?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, the MKA Mentor-Mentee program is for you. This program will introduce you to an Ahmadi brother with a successful track record in your area of interest. The mentors will provide guidance to you for the next few months with frequent follow-ups and regular discussions.

If you're either interested in being a mentor or want to be mentored, please fill out the form at:

Comments and Questions? [email protected] or call 425-273-3332

Department ofSanat-o-Tijarat (Career Development), MKA, USA October - November 2008 142 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Ahmadiyya Networking Pages By Tuseef Chaudhry, Mohtamim Sanat-0-Tijarat (Career Development), MKA USA

The Networking Pages are traditionally used to look up your local businesses.

However, the Ahmadiyya Networking Pages has a broader goal. An initiative established

by the Sanat-0-Tijarat Department (Career Development), the Ahmadiyya Networking

Pages advertises not only Ahmadi-owned businesses, but also Ahmadi employees who

may be working in very diverse fields. For example, we have representatives from the

travel industry, education field, military personnel, and law enforcement. We also

recently added an "International Ahmadi Businesses" section which represents businesses

from as far away as Indonesia and Dubai.

One purpose of this initiative is to support one another economically; however we

also hope to create an environment of networking. If one is interested in learning how to

be an Associate Broker or what the etiquettes of testifying in court are, they can use the

Ahmadiyya Networking Pages to find such brothers, who can give

friendly and knowledgeable advice.

Our goal for this year is to populate the Networking Pages with an additional 400

names. We will then publish the Networking Pages into a Directory in time for Jalsa

Salana 2009. Please help us out by filling out the form online at our website. You can

check out the Networking Pages and other Sanat-0-Tijarat services by going to

Department ofSanat-o-Tijarat, MKA, USA


• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention

11th June, 2008 - Paxton Herald AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY

• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention

17th June, 2008 - Patriot News triot-Ntws

Speakers lined 11p for Al1111adiyya Muslh11s' co11ve11tio11 by MARY WARNE~ OfThe Patriot-News Tuesday Jw1e 17, 2008, 10:42 AM

Spe,akers from education, government, religion and ci\'ic groups will be on the roster when Ahmadiyya Muslims, holding a national convention in Harrisburg this weekend, sponsor a public discussion about peace.

Main speakers for the event, set for 3:30 to 6 p.m. Saturday at the State Farm Show Complex are: - State Rep. Sue Helm, R-Susquehanna Twp. - Alvin Parker of the Seneca Indian nation. - Yvonne Milspaw, English and humanities professor at Harrisburg Area Community College. - Abbas Faiz, South Asia researcher at Amnesty International.

Organizers said these guests \>\rill speak during the dinner part of the event: - Rev. Brenda Alton, pastor of Kingdom Embassy Inc. in Hanisburg. - Deacon Charles Clark, ecumenical director for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg. - Stan Lawson, president of the NAACP of Greater Han'isburg. - Nirmal Singh, a leader in the midstate's Sikh conununity.

Ahmadiyya Muslims -- a sect that believes a I\'1essiah promised by the Prophet Muhammad came to India in the late 19th century -- issued a public invitation last month to the peace symposium and a meal of Indian and Italian food.

In recent years, as many as 7,000 C".S. members of the sel't have gathered for conventions held near \Vashington, D.C. This year, their new worldwide leader, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, will travel from London to the convention for his first U.S. appearance. and organizers are expecting 10,000 people to attend. Most Muslims in the U.S. are Sunnis, who do not accept the Alunadiyya's Messianic daims. The closest Ahmadiyya mosque is in York, but plans are under way to build one in Silver Spring T\vp.

For information, call 202-380-2083. AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY

• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention

19th June, 2008 -The Philadelphia Inquirer

mrir lPftilabrlpfiia ]luquirrr

Comments on Muslims misinterpreted, legislator says

By Mano F C.att£1n1aP1 INQUIRER STAFF 1/R!"'."ER

HARRISBURG - A Pittsburgh--area lav,maker who made inflammatory comments from the House noor about how Muslims do not believe in Jesus Christ defended the remarks today and insisted that they were taken out of context.

Nonetheless. Rep. Daryl Metcalfe's comments continued to draw rebukes. including from Gov. Rendell and a leader of a national Muslim group at the center of the controversy who called what he said a form of "extremism."

At issue are remarks Metcalfe made yesterday in opposing a resolution recognizing the Ahrnadiyya Muslim Community, a religious organization founded in 1889 that is holding its 60th annual national convention in Harrisburg this weekend.

"The Muslims do not recognize Jesus Christ as God. and I will be voting negative." said Metcalfe (R.. Butler). one of the legislature's leading conservative voices, said yesterday from the House floor.

Metcalfe spent much of today conducting interviews in an attempt to fully explain his earlier words, and the media seized on them.

Metcalfe said he rose to oppose the resolution based on a passage 1n it that equated the group's spiritual leader. Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. with w1111am Penn and his desire to "gain love and friendship by a Kind. just and peaceable life and to establish a society that was godly, virtuous and exemplary for all of humanity."

''William Penn and the founding fathers believed that Jesus Christ is God, and Muslims do not," Metcalfe said today. "I just stated what was factual. You won't find a Muslim in the world that would say Jesus is God."

Metcalfe. 45. of Cranberry Township. north of Pittsburgh. was first elected to the House in 1998. He has gained notoriety in recent years for his staunch conservative stand on issue<, in Harrisburg, induding becoming the legislature's most vocal anti-immigration advocate.

Metcalfe also said he challenged the resolution because most lawmakers were told about it only hours earlier and asked to cast a vote without the chance "to do due diligence."

"Nobody knew what this group was." he said.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community claims a membership of tens of millions 111 189 countries worldwide.

In themselves, Metcalfe's comments were "a form of extremism.'' said Ahsan Zafar. the group's president. Yet. he tried to play down the remarks as an estimated 10,000 group members travel from all parts of the nation to Harrisburg a three-day national convention that starts tomorrow.

Asked about the noor remarks at an unrelated news conference. Rendell said he hadn't heard of them

When told what Metcalfe said, Rendell, who is Jewish, responded: ''I don't think I have agreed w1th an;1hmg Rep. Metcalfe said in the last three or four years, and that statement doesri't change an~1hing."

''I don't agree ....1th the statement .. and I don't think many people take much of what Rep. Metcalfe says seriously." he added.

Passage of such "non-controversial" resolutions is typically perfunctory, without so much as a word of debate.

After Metcalfe's objections. the House postponed a vote on the resolution and sent it bacK to the State Government committee.

Bill Patton. a spokesman for House speaker Dennis O'Brien (R., Phila.) who dratted the resolution. said its future remains unclear. The House, which isn't returning to Harrisburg until Monday, could vote on it in coming days, but it would be after the national convention. Despite the criticism. Metcalfe isn't offeling any apologies

"I believe any American that is a Muslim has the same rights as anyone. We enioy the same rights. and my right is to not vote on something that conflicts with my beliefs,'' he said. "I think anybooy who is going to attack me because I have an objection to this are the intolerant ones." AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY

• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention

20th June, 2008 - Herald News

HERAlDNEWSYOUR YOICE. YOUR CHOICE. Members of a Clifton mosque travel to view leader HI .. By Herald Nev,>s He-aid News I 06/20/08

l·.llembers of a Clifton mosque will travel 150 miles to Harrisburg, Pa., today for the first opportunity to view the leader of their sect of Islam in the United States.

Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the London-based leader of the Ahmadiyya wing of Islam, will lead Friday prayers at the annual conference for the religion. About 250 people from the Masjid Baitul Wahid mosque, on Crooks Avenue in Clifton, intend to travel to Pennsylvania for the event, according to Ammar Khokhar, a member from Totowa.

This year, believers are celebrating a century of the religion's Khilafah system, a method of selecting prophets to serve as spiritual leaders of the religion. ''It has an additional importance for us," said Khokhar, about the 60th annual convention in the United States.

Ahmad is the fifth Khilafah. He was elected through a delegate system of individuals representing the 190 nations where Ahmadiy•ya adherents reside.

The majority of Muslims believe that Muhammad was Islam's last prophet. In at least four Muslim nations, Ahmadiyya have been persecuted and labeled outcasts because of their beliefs. The sect, whose motto is "love for all, hatred for none," emphasizes peace and interfaith tolerance.

Several thousand worshippers were expected to attend the conference, according to Zaki Kauser, a spokesman. It concludes Sunday.

PLEASE NOTE: In the news item published in daily "Herald News' under the title "They Celebrate Peace" which was reproduced in the September 2008 issue of the Gazette, the reporter has intermixed the term caliph and prophet while writing report of the event he attended. Sometimes while writing about the caliph he has used the term prophet which is not correct. Caliph is not a prophet. AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY

• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention

20th June, 2008 - Patriot News


• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention

SICftLead~lwants to-~r

an liv- "'I t\lm.k.this was an oppor· tunity .. the.• gentlemen could · have .taken to look at the · • between our said. spokesman for O'Brien, said the speaker "believes there was some misunderstanding on the i noor ofthe intent of!us reso­ lution'' gd it could be voted ,~ was simply rec• · praising this "long history of eligious toler­ ance." Pldton said. The· Muslims said they got welcome citations from · O'Brien. Rep, Ron Buxton, D­ Harrisbu.rg, &i>. John Perzel. R·Philadelphia. and Gov. F.d Rendell, who praised the community's "truly moderate and genuinely peaceful mes­ sage."

MARY WAlf&! 255-8267 or mw11~riot· AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY

• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention

20th June, 2008 - Intelligencer Journal AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY

• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention

P.alifa.:Leaderin Harrisburg

love of God, above any worldly relations. (The Khalifa) is the beloved, and you're yearning to see him. Then! ls an excite­ ment. a joy you feel (to be able to meet him)." Today's session begins with prayers given by Ahmad in the men's section. The women and children also have their own special ~ and will be able to view the Khalifa on a large screen: Ahmad's speech will . . Js. be .telecast over an ~ · ClOm-,. . " ".. MTATViUtional satellite station. ,_.,,,n;,...,. =· 0.. ·:· a.m. Sunday.·· ~.,.~ . 'llcibCiruvef~Joomal seen at alisltzm.o,t: ··· · Khalifa of Islam Mirza Ma&­ From 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday, roor Ahmad during an intel'­ there will be a MUSiims for Peace Conference at the Fann view Thursday following bis Show Complex, 2300 N. Cam­ tour cl. the Fann Show com:. eron St., Harrisburg. plex. "We're inviting the com· munity to join us to say they sit at a meal and talk peace and will stand up for peace," 7..aki harmony. We've ha

20th June, 2008 - Chicago Tribune

I CHICAGO TR1BU"'1E. • 11£'!"A0....:_!i:Cl~ON 2 • f'RH)A'f. JU"4C: 20_, 2008 NS Religion

·We're a missionary group. Ou!' mission is to pmvide a mor-dl foundation and to build a sense of community.' -Hasan Hakeem, Atvnadl Mu~ltm

n-o.,,w~byD.....i~ Haun ..._., (wt) and Abu Bakr, ot the Ahnudfyya lslamlc Cofflffll.lnlty Zion, will join thousands of other Ahmadi Musllms In Pennsytnni. tMs WNkeftd. Holding firm to their faith tJwir bi:-l1ersai; 11.,1,,.tkal, imd Aml'rll'an r\hmadls makv 1he Baptist. Thus, thl;')' be­ In Ametica, Ahmadi Muslims th£> Alunad.ia have bu~n l're· the sacred t.rek by kccPVll: lieve Ahmad fulfillod the quently pe,rset"ut.ed by maln· their beliPl's to L"lemselves. pmm.ised rerurn of both the worship freely, but in otbcr pa,ts of stl"t-.un Musli.Jus. particU· More rocenU~ Abmadls Mess.lab and the MahdL larly in Pakistan. have come under penecu- Ahmadisconsldt•r prosely­ the world. they are often [Wl'Sl)l'Uted Following anti·Ahmadi rJ· 1lon In Indonesia. members tbing a bas.le tenet of the ols. the Pakistan i:eneral as­ sam:·We•ve always made for faith, memhru"s sald, a hPltef Kttnosha home of Rama, s.embly In l974 vott.od kl PX· good punching bap,.. sa.ld that drovt> Ra.uaa to the Rtn>et eventually cren.hnc a fleda;­ oornmunicetn th«> soct and NaM>r Shama. an Ahmadi corner all those l'Nn OMO llng communiry hR5ffl In rAr· bar adhen-nts fmm !fating born in Paklstan who now and that inspire, many of his In theflerydaysofthll'clvil north s.uburban Zion lha1 "Muslun" as thelr rtUgton hvcs tn north suburban Lake proteaas to prleon mlDistn· rights movement, Hasan Ha· numben roughly 250 today. on pernmcnt documenlJ. Fon:N.taud &S~t."dUuralThe today. Haluicm and Bakr are keemmet a Muslim preacher "It WH sort of llke a sen.all That !i31tltl rwr. the fourth Muslim Sunrtse. an Atunadi chaplalns In jail mlntstrles an a lltreet corner ·,;ho 'NOuld Mecca for people interested Kha.lifa ~aped to London. ITUlg;:IZinH. in La.Iv> County and Kt-110- changeblslife in L!ilam." he said. ThoWialld.s of Abnl.'ld!s also Adherents consider Ah­ WI. Ali Raz.aa was a charu.mat· This weekend. Hakreul fleet leavlng 1:1, J-cmrumt in Pa., mrul human, not d\'\tlne. Out Their oommunitY ln Zion ic man with a grayiJlj beard and thuU81Uld11 nr nthPr Ah­ kistan that toduy might mun­ they be-Hew that, like Jesus, bcalledamtsslon house, not and a gift of H,ab who madet madi Musllrns wm gather ln bcr 1 miUion. In ~XiJL', lhl' re­ hr c0ime to reform reUgtoua a mosque. though memben Hakeem. then an Wl5leedy Harrlsburg, Pa., to celebmte ligion contl.nuud. to attract tPachlugs, rehtrning them to hope to build a fllO::klue to0n. 19-yeaJ"-Old who was raised a a century of splritual sucC"t's­ converts. particularly tn thf'ir true essence. Ahmad There is no mmarer, no Baptist and had a dlf'ferent son. or Kha/1/trt, wtth. the Ghana and oilif'r W('st Airi­ al'iO appearedatatimewhen dome. no gia.ut t>rd,YlJr rur: name. yearn to learn more turbaned llldlan Mu.sllm can nati.ons.. the faithful were rraumented coverifuz the Door or a large obout the L91amlc fuith they consider a prophet and Today the mweinent and under Coreb:n domina· prayer hall Muharnmad Ali had re­ the Messiah. The fifth KhaU­ dabnsas many as 15m!.llion lion. And like Jesus, he wa11 lnslead. thoy gather in a cently shed hlsgtvea nanw to r.a.. who Uva m exue in Lon. AhmatliB worltlwide nnd a~ perseculied. small. nondescript home in a join the Nation of Islam. Ha· don, 1& jn &nru;ylvania fur many as 15.000 In Ameriea, '"It's a drwstic c:han~. our suburban neighborhood, keem aoon follo'N\ld suit, re­ the three-day rest. which bc­ lncllMilng more than 1.000 m mterpretaUon," said Abu where thP.y worship and namUlg himself afler the M:111.!1 Friday. the Chic.ago area. About one­ IlakL a program ma.naeer rabe money for a $5,llXI an· grand&on of lslam's Prophe1 Named for tlK"lr 19th Cen­ third of them are African­ with YourhBulld Lake col~ scholarship. Muhrunmad butdidn'tjoln tury foundrr--Hodhral Mir· American and other mn­ County who c:on\•ertOO more They·are big on c:oanmunity the Natkln. RHaa preached :ui Ghularn Ahmad. who \~11.!!I; Uu! re!>t an> imm.l· tban 30 s110. "We be­ acttvtsm.a holdover from the about 11 8'.lct cal.led Ahmadly pr«1ch('(I that he wn.s a grant, and desc('ndanls of lieve 1K' was the Messiah, ctvil rights day~. ya, a ratth born ln India, prophet or Gcd-thP. Ahma­ lmmlJuants, ac:cordlng to'-""" Just like Jesus Christ." "'Wt!'t-e- a missionary under llSSllult ln Pakistan dls bellew the Quran is the 'tlmates by ~rnbers. And while most Muslum voup," e.oid Hakct.•m, the and popular IIDOJ'll many AI· revealed word o(God and cel- In America, the group wor· bel~ Jew will return at commW1ity'5 preo;ldent. rk:an•Amsrkans newly Pm· 1Jbrate major Muslim holi­ i;h1pi;i freely but ~ shunned the end of dayi, and many b&­ "Ow- m.laslon is to provide a bracing Jalaln. days. by most Muslim nrwaniza· lieve a hidden Mahdi. or moral foundation and to 0 "l wai:. ue..-ei- attracted to But lhitir OOliof lhat Ah· Uons. Saudi Arabian author­ guided ono, will also appMr, bulld a n( cornmunlt}l. • theB1ackMU8llms," Hakeem mad wu the scwnd Mcssi­ ltiM bar Ahmndls from the AhmBdb beliew. Ahmad't said. referrin&: to the Nation llh-thry bell"vc J..-.;w, Hnjj, thP pilgrimage to MPC· app,>Clnm,c:P Pmbndied Jesus· ~ l&lam. Instead, he and Christ WIJ$ the 11Mit-l!lf!f9 c.a that Muslims are required rcturn-sunUarto the Cluia-­ other new Ahmadi converts them apart from ~her Mu~­ to mnkr ORCE' in thelr lif~ U t Um beliPf that Elijah re-. (';l]Jtvrrged rPgularly on 1ht• llm ~"h;, Othl"r Musllms see they are able, but many turnert In tho person of John AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY

• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention

20th June, 2008 - Reuters

REUTERS ~7' THOMSON REUTERS You are here: l-lome >News> Artide Worldwide Muslim Leader Visits US to Engage 10,000+ Followers Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:10pm EDT

HARRISBURG, Pa., June 20 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Several thousands greeted the head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community as he arrived to the US last Monday. Ten thousand more American followers are expected to converge in Harrisburg this weekend {June 20-22), starting on Friday, as His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad presides over the 60th Annual Convention of the US branch. The visit is part of his world tour in celebration of 100 years of spiritual leadership (i.e. Khilafat) in this d~tnamic Musli.'tl Community. The key message of His Holiness, referred to as the 'Khalifa,' is to promote peace ,:;hrcugh a unified leadership in Islam.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has a worldwide membership exceeding tens of millions in over 189 countries. It was founded in 1889 by his Holiness Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, who claimed to be the spiritual second advent cf Christ and the Promised Reformer awaited by the Muslims. The institution of Khilafat was started in 1908 immediately after his demise. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the only Muslim organization to lay claL~ to a divinely elected Khalifa. His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad is the fi.fth Khalifa - elected in 2003 - and currently resides in London. He has received international press for his non-violent stand against bigotry and persecution.

(see Times of London, June 14, here)

In response to opposition by honorable Pennsylvania State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe in recognizing the Ahmadiyya Convention on grounds that "the Muslim.s do not recognize Jesus Christ as God,n it should be noted that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community reveres Christ as a righteous Prophet of God who, according to their holy book the Quran, solely preached the unity of God.

The Khalifa will preside over the 60th USA Convention at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex and Expo Center (2300 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg). Highlights include (1) a special 'Muslims for Peace' event for guests on Saturday {June 21) at 3:30 PM and (2) a historic concluding address by the Khalifa with dignitaries, guests, and members on Sunday (June 22 at 11:45 AM; see Sunday program details online at

SOURCE Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Harris Zafar of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, +1-503-888-8123, [email protected] AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY

• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention 'Message of love' Speakers urge faith with tolerance

BY LAM 81£HCKLE OfThtPalriot~ . As a~ at York CoUege, ~ary Boldt of York is tlways open to educational experienc­ es; 'When. one of her students. an ~hmadfyya Mw!im, lnvjt· ed her to hl.s·eect's convention and peace• conference at tM state Fann Show CocnpJex, ahe brooght the whole. family.,.ln· dud1ilg her 4-year,dd ·twtu. The family', so active ln their church. she tnought this would be lhe perfect opportunity to start teaching them about l'e"' spect for other faiths, she said. "It's wonderful to hear a mes­ sage of love," Boldt said. "Not just tolerance, but lovini,: and embracing one a not her.'' AltAn Zafar, tire national president of Utt A.lundtffl la Ute About 10,000 people were ex- United States, Uld Abtudls' reJectlo1ttf vlolentJl..«flr... =:u~:u~,~~s~~ tti;:i"!i- • of ,...... 4lscauloa la-,,ortof tllt faltfl..,._. nity's 60th annual U.S. conven- ·t1atll the llltJect of~lfOIINI tbe wodtt · · tion. .._..-·-·-· ··-· ···---:- . Saturday's highlight was the Mu,Ums fur Pea« Conference, 0 'l'M .. ,.~t· A~yya ;!Jresse, 41Uing the·~. where the group reached out to ~ lJbl.York,but ~are the community in an effort to under way to build one fn Silver increase understanding about Si,rlng 'Iwp. About 75 Ahmadi· =.t~:=1:1::Ahmacl's final words were toad its place in the Muslim world. yya families live in the mld­ to a con(e.rence aimed at endln,: Followers of Ahmadiyya be­ state, leaders say. tension between "Hindus ·•na lieve the Messiah promised by The conferen~. which saw Muslims in India. the prophet Mohammed came the sect's worldwide leader The words spoke to the uni• to ltidia in the 19th century to Mirza Mutoor Ahmad come to versallty of human beings and clarify teachings and bring ls· the U.S. ftom his base in Lon­ the need to respect the bellefs Jam back to its roots. don for the first time. concludes of all, Haneef said. Most MU5lims in the U.S. are today. "Those words are not Umlted S11nnia, who do not accept the Maulana Azhar Haneef, who ' Messianic claims. delivered one of the keynote ad- Nease set PEACE on Back Page AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY

• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention

25th June, 2008- The Gazette Gazette.Net Maryland Community Newspapers Online

W ednes-day. June 25, 2008 Muslim leader visits Silver Spring

People and Place$ I Amber Parcher E-mail this article I Print this article The world leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslims, Mirza :\'Iasroor Ahmad. the Khalifa of Islam. made his first vi<,it to the United States last week. stopping June 16 at the Bain1r-Rehman Mosque. 15000 Good Hope Road in Silver Spring. The visit was part of his world tour celebrating the Ahmadiyya Muslin1 community's 100 year celebration of the instin1tion of Khilafat. or having a spiritual leader.

The mosque in Silver Spring is the U.S. national headqua1ters for Ahmadiyya Muslims.

According to its Web site, the Ahmadiyya Muslim commtmity is one of the largest in the world, spawung six continents and tens of millions of people. The community works on social projects, educational and health instin1tes and other nonprofit endeavors. It was created more than a cenrury ago to "rejuvenate Islamic moral and spiritual values," according to the Web site.

His visit came on the same year leaders of the Buddhist and Roman Catholic faiths visited America, wluch served to bolster interreligious dialogue, said Anees Ahmad, a press secretary for the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in Silver Spring.

Ahtnad said the visit drew 1,500 to 2,000 people. He said the Khalifa inspected the mosque and gathering place and greeted the supporters.

"There couldn't have been anything better. It was perfect," he said. AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY

• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention

2id June, 2008 - York Daily Record

\orl,. l>,tih Ht~ord ydtcom \( I r \ \ • \ 1, ',

Muslim leader visits area The assembly concluded Sunday with his address, encouraging the congregants to rely on God, do good works, seek educational progress The convention was his first trip to and to obey the teachings of the k/Jaltfa the U.S. (spiritual leader).

By MELISSA NANN BURKE "A believer does not come to a standstill at any one spot,'' he said. "I urge you to march forward Daily Record/Sunday News toward betterment." Article Last Updated: 06/23i2008 06:05:03 AM EDT About 80 Ahmadi families from the York­ The highlight of Lutaf Salim's week stopped by Lancaster-Harrisburg area attend the Noor the information desk where he volunteered at Mosque on South George Street in York. the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex over the weekend. As hosts, they played myriad roles to keep the convention running smoothly - everything from It was a white-bearded man who wore a tall, security detail to parking attendant to airport ivory turban and arrived with an entourage of shuttle driver. Salim, who once managed hotels, security personnel and reverent followers. coordinated the housing of 400 families in nearby college dorms. The man, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, put out a hand to shake Salim's. He was in awe. "It's an annual thing, but this year was so special because not only were we celebrating the "Any time when we get closer to him, to hear centennial leadership of the k/11Jafat but we him speak, it is a great blessing to us," Salim, 54, were able to host it,'' said Saleem Muhaimin, 55, of Gettysburg recalled Sunday. "We believe he is of Springettsbury Township, who attended the receiving direct direction from Allah. And he's Jalsa with his family. "Many of the members felt directly appointed by Allah." reJuvenated. Their spirit is Just recharged."

Ahmad is the spiritual leader of the minority Ahmadis in the midstate recently purchased Ahmadiyya Muslim movement, and this past farmland in the Mechanicsburg area, where they weekend marked his first trip to the U.S. plan the region's second Ahmadi mosque, Muhaimin said. Toe occasion was the three-day, national ia/sa (convention) of nearty 9,600 Ahmadis at the Leaders estimate that Ahmadis number in the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg. tens of millions worldwide, with 12,000 to 15,000 living in the U.S. In some parts of the world, their Unlike most Muslims, Ahmadis believe beliefs have made Ahmadis the target of Muhammad was not the final prophet sent to persecution and protests by groups that believe guide mankind, although the most important they're non-Muslims. because he delivered the final word of God. Salim, who left Pakistan in 1976 because of the Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who founded the persecution there, said: "We are very fortunate movement in 19th-century India, is regarded by that we live in the United States, a very Ahmadis as the promised Messiah. (Many welcoming country where they respect our mainstream Muslims regard this as religion. We are thankful for that." blasphemous.) ON THE WEB Ahmad, who lives in London, is on a world tour -- The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community celebratlng the movement's 100 years of spiritual leadership. or k/Jilafat . Ahmadis refer to him as huzoor, which means "his reverence" in Urdu. --- Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya USA: AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY

• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention

25th June, 2008 - Centre View aCarmE¥mi ClilllllOIJ. Allr ()ab. Fair ..... • Oat Hm Message of Peace Ahmadlyya Muslim Community's worldwide leader sets the record straight.

By Bonnie Hobbs We

In March 2007, many local residents gathered at Walney Road and Eagle Chase Circle in Chantilly for the groundbreaking ceremony for a mosque to serve the Northern Virginia chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community (AMC). The site plan has since bet:n approved, although building has not yet begun. Yet the 400 local members were among some 6,000 in the Washington Metropolitan PhOro by Steve Hibbard/Centre View area with reason to rejoice this week. That's because their worldwide leader, His His Holiness, Hirza Hasroor Hollllf:SS, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, came to the U.S. for the 60th annual convention as Ahmad, worldwide leader of the Ahmadiyya Huslim part of his world tour celebrating 100 years of spiritual leadership within the AMC. Community. on Monday night at the McLean HIiton, he addressed his followers and made sure all those listening knew the sharp and distinct differences between AMC and radical, warring Muslims. He also stressed that people who are terrorists are not living by the guidelines of Islam. "He's dedicated his life to the promotion of humanity and peace," said Dr. Ahsan Ullah Zafar, AMC's amlr, or national president. "I'm introducing my saint and the saint of tens of millions of Ahmadles around the world who admire, respect and look up to him." AHMADIYYA MUSLIMS have some 68 chapters in the U.S., including two in Virginia and are a sect of Islam whost: motto is "Love for all, hatred for none." Some 20 million people In nearly 190 countries are in the AMC and believe that there Is no PhO!o by Sieve Hibbard/Centre View justification for violence and terrorism. Instead, they advocate peace, tolerance, Mirza Masroor Ahmad greets love and understanding among followers of different faiths. well-wishers after his speech Monday night at the Mclean Ahmad Is the fifth and current Khalifa, or worldwide supreme leader of AMC, and Hilton. lives in London with his wife, two children and two grandchildren. And those who came to hear him speak Monday night included representatives of several countries - including someone from the Vatican, three retired Air Force generals and various dignitaries from the governments of both Fairfax and Montgomery County - where AMC's national headquarters are, in Silver Spring. "Peace and blessings upon you all," said Ahmad in greeting to the crowd. "Many people believe that Islam is a religion of extremism and death." But he called this an "erroneous concept" and said Ahmadlyya Muslims aren't connected to the extremists. He also noted that Muslims who believe they'll be rewarded for terronsts acts by receiving virgins In paradise have "awakened a peculiar concept of Jihad and dying in the name of Allah. These groups who try to convert people by the sword are a byproduct of this teaching and concept. And these acts of ignorant and over­ enthusiastic Muslims gave a false impression of Islam." AHMAD THEN said hf: would try to present the true teachings of Islam, as presented by the founder of the AMC and the teachings set out in the holy Quran. "The true concept of Jihad Is not a lawful war, for it is clearly against the commandments of God and Is a sin," he said. 'The Holy Prophet established a state in which all people were granted freedom and had equal rights." 'The holy Quran tells us, 'Be always just - that is nearer to righteousness."' continued Ahmad. "Be in accordance with the teachings of Islam and be a role model for others. It is only good deeds that will attract others, and not evil deeds done by terrorists. Islamic teachings are meant for the establishment of justice. Put your trust in Allah and extend your hand In peace." Acting in this manner, he said, is the only way to maintain peace in the world. "The feelings 11nd beliefs of every religion should be respected," he said. "The wars of the AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY

• United States ofAmerica Press Department 2008 USA Annual Convention

last few centuries were mainly political and geographical in nature. The founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community defines Jihad in the present age as the cruel shedding of blood. But true Jihad is about reforming one's self and purifying one's soul." Ahmad explained that such a Jihad "only permits war against those who prevent them from worshipping and following God, and does not engage In any religious war. Serving mankind Is the real Jihad - bringing mankind nearer to its Creator and helping people in need throughout the world." Therefore, he advised all those present Monday night to "refrain from evil and be truly compassionate to mankind so that you may be shown mercy in the heavens. The true message of Islam - which teaches peace and security - is to cleanse your heart, lose yourself In God and spread peace on earth." "Pull down the walls of hatred and spread love and affection," concluded Ahmad. "Speak out for justice so an atmosphere of love and peace is created."


Thursday, September 4, 2008 ------0 inion

In chaotic world, a host of celebrations The whole world is in chaos. The majority celebrating Centenary Khilafat Jubilee all of the people are suffering in one way or an­ over the world. In spite of severe reliJ:tious other. All this is due to lack of true righteous- persecution of the community, the An­ ness and lack of absolute justice. God madiyya community has made significant Almighty has given me the opportunity to re- progress in spreading the message of peace side in and to travel to different countries throughout the world. of the world. I have seen different govern­ According to the teachings of the Islam, ments come and go. the true leader of a nation is the one who Nowadays in the United States, the con­ serves them. The Ahmadiyya community is test for the election of the next president is holding annual conventions in different entering its final stages, after spending mil­ countries of the world, and Hazrat Mirza lions of dollars and close to two years of Masroor Ahmad is participating in these deliberations. In this process many voters conventions. are changing their opinion like a pingpong More than one thousand dignitaries and ball. other guests, including the prime minister of I wonder what is haJ?pening to the Canada, Stephen Harper, and mayors of dif­ world. Whatever situation is in the world, ferent cities attended the opening ceremony including in the Muslim world, was proph­ of the Baitun Nur Mosque. I also had the op­ esized in detail by the Holy Prophet of Is­ portunity to attend the opening ceremony of lam (peace and blessings of God be upon the mosque. him) and are mentioned in his traditions. Amatul Latif Ziroi, Fair Lawn This year, the Ahmadiyya Community is NAT 10 July 23. 2008 Two conventions: One Jewish and one Muslim

By Rabbi Allen H. Podet

HUC in Cincy 40 years later That dining room was where our beloved resident director, more accurately I needed to get to Cincinnati to do some research at my alma mater, Hebrew our housemother, Hadie Schiff, would don her housecoat and lead us in suppos­ Union College. So I was delighted when the Central Conference of American Rab- edly "illicit" night raids on the pantry to goniff midnight ice cream. She was by bis decided to hold our convention there. turns counselor, advisor, the rabbi's rabbi, surrogate mother, and charged with Quickly I invented a seminar-session on "Current Research in Jewish Aca- the hopeless task of putting, in a mere five years, some sort of polish on us young demia," convinced the CCAR to put it on the printed program, and used that to boeotian clods. I was worried once about a date with one of the local Cincinnati persuade my dean that it was important for me to go and chair this thing. girls. She inspected me, announced that my outfit needed a scarf, and gave me How I was looking forward to seeing the old place again! After all, I had mis- the one she had kept from her beloved deceased husband. spent the better part of six golden years there. Golden in retrospect, anyway. One dark night, one of our number explained over ice cream that he had, in Forget Thomas Wolfe, "You Can't Go Home Again." He was not the first. It fact, finally gotten into what he considered serious trouble. The college might well was the Jews who said it first, with the story of how Adam and Eve left Eden: get a complaint call from the police. He expected that the college president, Dr. There is no going back. Nelson Glueck, would call him on the carpet tomorrow to tell him that his career Happily unaware, Valerie Jill and I arranged quarters in the dorm, through the in the rabbinate was finished. kind courtesy of President David Ellenson, Dean Kenneth Ehrlich, and Judy Greer. "Don't worry," said Hadie. "I knew Nelson when he was a jerky young trouble- And we arrived to find the place silent and bone empty: not a student in sight. maker just like you. I'll take care of it." It seems a lot has changed in the 40-odd years since I was there. At that time, And so she did. But that, and the room itself, are now ancient history. Tout cela, almost all of us-men only, ours is an androcratic tradition-were single and lived c' est au passe. A scholarship fund has been established in Hadie's memory. for half a decade in the dorm. Our meals were served there by uniformed staff who The very first striking innovation that impresses the ancient returning alumnus asked if we wanted "fillah fish"? They were careful always to have milk on the is the security. Guards are on duty 24/7, all buildings are locked down both by table when meat was served, and we were careful always to avoid drinking it. day and by night, one carries at all times around one's neck a radio pass that one Our quarters were comfortable enough for students. Our laundry was done swipes across a receiver to enter any building. by Edgar the Ripper in the basement; he had a machine for tearing buttons off of "Is all this security necessary?" I asked. shirts. And we had maid service. (We were all boys; you have a choice of having "It began after the attack on the Jewish Center in LA," I heard from students. mice or providing for maid service.) "Did you see," said a member of the staff, "there is a huge mosque just up the That arrangement led to our being a tight-knit group, a family of sorts that street from us, and the words' American' and 'Jewish' are prominently displayed lived together intimately by day and night. When we pulled frequent, desperate here, since this place is also the home of the American Jewish Archives. We need "all-nighters" before a quiz, it was more often than not a community effort and that security." It is costing them - us, in fact- a huge amount despite receiving a no one got any sleep. Few had cars, and fewer needed them. We forged, we band local grant, and it encourages a fortress mentality, but I suppose the administra- of brothers, iron relationships that have endured over time and space. tors know what they are doing. The administration has taken over the dorm now. The last dozen students were An administrator said the shift began after 9 / 11, and there is no truth to the moved out last year, and now all students, many of whom are married, seek their proximity to the mosque being a factor, no connection to the LA tragedy. own quarters in town, and feed themselves except for a light lunch. The dining Over the next few days I met with some old school chums, now elevated to room itself is gone, all the quondam living quarters are now offices. The result high rank. I learned that the student body, some 120 souls over five class years, is has been to create a commuter school, which involves a mood very different from on average older than we were. what was. There is for one thing a large number of returning students, people undertak- Photo: The khalifa with Rabbi Allen Pode!. The khalifa amounts to the worldwide Islamic Ahmadi pope. July 23. 2008 NAT 11 ing the rabbinate as a second career. There is also a large body of older graduate by Dr. Gary Zola. students, directed by Dr. Sam Greengus. There are many more than formerly, and And always with the ubiquitous super-security. The HUC campus is in a good at least a third of them are Christian scholars, now as always a generally serious, part of town, directly across Clifton Avenue from the University of Cincinnati, sober lot. protected by a well-lighted and utilized park, in a middle- to upper-middle-class Tuition alone, before housing and food, is about $16,000 per year. We students area. One would think we were at risk in LA or Manhattan, but that is probably in antiquity had been able to take out long-term payment plans, guaranteed by my naivete speaking. Perhaps times have changed that much here, where ques­ our insurance policies, and to pay off our debt over 20 years. That system is gone, tions of security never even entered our minds. On the other hand, perhaps some because the school could not tie up those funds for so long. There are still some people are simply paranoid. grants and loans available. Philosophically, the College has never really resolved the question of whether Senior students, now as before, are required to serve small congregations on it is primarily an academic institution or a training ground for rabbis, mostly con­ a biweekly or triweekly or monthly basis, a service for which congregations paid gregational rabbis. The funding comes principally from congregational sources, last year $1,800 for the High Holy Days plus $500 per visit thereafter - monthly which obviously have certain professional interests at heart; but the academic or biweekly-plus expenses. The funds thus earned are given to the student as an credibility of the whole institution rests on different considerations. internship fee. Transportation is normally by air and rented car, and some of the And although there is a faculty tendency to pile more and more study on the tiny congregations are in or Colorado. The same service from our New York students, there is always the concern that the kind of students that the College school costs somewhat more, and the financial burden to a small congregation at wants to attract could just as readily and honorably serve God and mankind as a great distance can call for real sacrifice from the members. doctors or lawyers or other professionals. Five to six years postgraduate training, If one can get a biweekly, with 18 visits plus the HHD, it can help a student at a highly intensive level and including summer internships, is about the very with up to $10,800 in an academic year, tax free. Some students, now as before, max that can be demanded realistically of a student today. can get teaching jobs in town, but that means time away from studies. A majority There is much to envy in the changes at HUC, yet still in all, although I am of rabbinical students are eligible for scholarships for perhaps three-fourths of the delighted with most of the changes, I miss the mood that once prevailed. I am tuition. One does what one has to in order to survive. grateful that I went through when I did. But I rather suspect that in time, today's The academic program is considerably more polished than in our time. Every graduates, when they return years hence and see the changes time has wrought student is required to take summer internships, one of which provides 400 hours since they left this place, will feel the same way. of recognized clinical pastoral education (CPE) training. With another 1,200 hours - not too difficult to arrange - he or she can become CPE certified, which allows one to serve as a hospital or institutional chaplain or to practice as a therapist. A Buffalo Jew in a Muslim's Court Another required summer must be devoted to work with youth as a camp counselor, or in equivalent service. I did not know what to expect when I received an invitation to attend the Na­ The daily services on campus, conducted by students, use the new Mishkan tional Convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community as their honored guest T'fila prayer book and employ mostly new and beautiful Bonya Shur melodies, (presumably at their expense). They would fly me to Harrisburg, and I would be instantly recognizable by their characteristic power and drama. The congregations free to wander and see everything going on. will get used to them, but it may take half a generation. Four of us, the so-called VIPs, met at the plane: Father John Paul Boyer, the The academic offerings are vast and stunning. Instead of a few occasional Reverend Mr. Arthur Davis, the Reverend Ms. Regina Young, and myself. We courses in Akkadian and Ugaritic as we had (and which we had to talk the pro­ were an Episcopal priest who is the official theologian to the bishop, the Protestant fessor into doing, unpaid), there are 10 of the former and four of the latter on the chaplain in charge of prisons and state correctional institutions, a Black woman fixed course list. There are exactly 40 regular courses in Bible alone, exclusive of minister prominent in civic and Black community affairs, and a rabbi. Cute ar­ Apocrypha. Obviously they are not all taught at the same time. One appreciates rangement: 2 Whites and 2 Blacks, a mix of religions and genders. It was a first the richness of the diet. for all of us but the priest. Instead of our hopeless "Jewish Religious Thought" courses that plowed re­ When we arrived, we were hustled without a pause to the conference. I was lentlessly through Maimonides' obsolete neo-Platonic cosmology ("The earth is still in my traveling grubbies. John Paul, mindful of his position, is superficially the fixed and unmoving center of a series of concentric spheres," etc.), there are stiff at first, and never out of uniform. John Paul and I connected instantly, like now ten serious courses in theology at the 400 level and above, apart from the two magnets. I was able to make a mistake foolishly attempting a Latin pun, and offerings in philosophy proper. I bought the Theology 401 syllabus and found the he was able to correct me on the spot: a basis of sorts for a friendship between a selections eximious and acutely chosen. And engrossing, mirabile dictu. These proper theologian and an interested if incompetent tyronic. are lucky students indeed. Upon arrival we were instantly fed. Instantly, and constantly. This society is The increasingly pro-conservative or pro-traditional tendency of modem Re­ hospitable to a fault. And the fact that this group is culturally tied by its history to form Judaism is very much in evidence. The student service I attended attracted India/ Pakistan rather than to the Near East means that the enormous, Lucullan 12 students (out of 120), mostly women, all wearing kippot, most with tallit as hospitality that was lavished on us ran to marvelous Indian food rather than the well. The service, reasonably, was all in Hebrew apart from the sermon, which customary tired hummus and falafel. was given in a friendly, open, nonformulary manner. The Harrisburg Exhibition Hall was completely filled with 10,000 Muslim del­ Trope (traditional chanting of Bible and Haftarah) is a required course now. egates and attendees. The main room would take about 10 minutes to cross, one Those who wish may opt to learn the special festival tropes as well. I miss that, side to the other. Almost everyone had removed their shoes, which were stacked and we should have had it. It would have been useful, even if it would have been around the edges of the room. politically incorrect for our times. No women! The whole room was men and boys. In two days the only woman Courses in Yiddish are available, at least on paper. At the moment no one is I saw was a young media reporter, thoughtlessly attired in slacks. Yet somewhere available to teach the course. It is not, apparently, required, at least as yet. Still, in this great and vast complex there was a complete parallel program going on the classic Reformers must be spinning in their graves. for the women! The physical facilities are excellent. The "smart" classrooms, notably the one in The first session that I attended was the Annual Conference of the Islamic Ah­ the Archives that the rabbinic program uses, allow the simultaneous use of three madiyya Medical Association. Picture an enormous chamber, apart from the great screens, have facilities at each seat for laptop central connection and also a console hall, filled with many hundreds of MDs from all over the country and beyond, for intercommunication. The built-in remote instruction cameras are automatic, peacefully electing next year's officers. Everyone, I learned, has to vote. If you triggered by the student from his or her console. Not since the U.S. Naval Chap­ don't vote for a candidate, then you propose a name for whom you would vote. lain School in Newport have I seen such advanced technology for student use. Total participation, no one overlooked, is a principle that was to surface again. Certainly not at my college, which is part of SUNY. The main chamber, to which we returned, was decorated with many flags, the The Klau Library at HUC is one of the largest and best ordered Jewish librar­ Israeli flag - surprise! - prominent among them. The main activities were visiting ies in the world, second only to the Israel National Library and a lot better orga­ a museum-quality display of the history and world status of Ahmadiyya Islam nized. It is being totally tom apart and rebuilt, but the organization of the job is that went on for blocks, and speeches. such that any book is even now promptly available. The holdings are nearly all Oh, the speeches! There were, I think, no less than 50 speeches, most in Eng­ online or soon will be, and the finished product will be one of the great academic lish but several in Arabic. Plus poems, plus songs in the wailing style of Arabic resources in the Jewish world. I am delighted to have access to it, courtesy of its poetry. There was some Urdu, for the people from Pakistan. Not much Hebrew director, Dr. David Gilner, and his senior librarian cum reference librarian, Dr. that I was aware of. Daniel Rettburg. Of the 50, at least 45 dealt principally with the desire for and pursuit of peace; Just as the dorm has been gutted and rebuilt, the Archives building is completely the true nature of Jihad as it should be, that is, an internal struggle to root out remodeled. Out of a once-dusty resource, we have a spacious, open-feeling and hatred from the soul; and the meaning of the everywhere-prominent Ahmadi inviting facility with advanced technology, housing over 15 million document motto: "Love for all, hatred for none." I repeat: This conference was for the 10,000 pages. Administration of such a resource is a daunting job, efficiently handled c,mtinued 011 page NAT 20 versal religious truths, and his task, which he enjoined on his followers, was to lead people back to the true and original meaning of Islam. The com­ munity he founded in 1889 Photos (1-r): Current Kha~fa, head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim today numbers an estimated Community, Mirza Masroor Ahmad.; Rabbi AHen Podet and Rev. Stan Brat­ 100 million people worldwide, ton. with under 20,000 in the U.S., His voice is very soft, even with 30,000 in the UK, and well over Podet amplification, and all that great 100,000 in Ghana. It is, in fact, hall is straining to catch each the largest organized Islamic Continued from page NAT 11 word. community in the world, ac­ Muslims attending, it was not He speaks about the power tive in 190 countries. geared to impress a handful of of prayer, how derided and There is a substantial group "VIP" visitors. neglected it is in our time, and in Israel, which centers in Almost all heads were cov­ how solid faith is the root and Kababir, a village incorporated ered. By luck, I had brought my engine of all good action. His within Haifa on the coast, at red cowboy hat, so I was not message is tied to peace and Mount Carmel near the Baha'i bareheaded. acceptance. He has no unkind religious community and the Throughout the sessions, word for any religion that pro­ university. three SO-foot TV camera booms motes peace. He specifically Although the Ahmadi com­ snaked around the crowd, celebrates the truth of Juda­ munity springs from Sunni Is­ twisting about in the air like ism and other religions. His lam, Sunnis have persecuted some creature in a sci-fi mov­ speech is 80 minutes long, I them relentlessly. In Pakistan ie, and images of the speaker find it tedious and repetitive by law they may not even call of the moment alternated with and I cannot suppose I am the themselves Muslims, but must crowd shots on a 7-yard by only one to find it so, but it say "Ahmadis." Because their 9-yard screen. About a third summarizes much Ahmadiyya teachings of peace and Jove are of the speakers were Black. In belief. I suppose that when one interpreted as being critical of all that crowd, there was one is the khalifa, not many people how some other Sunnis teach blond man. will criticize your speeches for Islam, they have faced violence The high point of the confer­ you. and death. ence was the last speech on the Frequently he is interrupted Their claim to follow the last day, by the current world by what amounts to an "Amen Masih Ahmad is certainly not leader of Ahmadiyya Islam, Comer," in the style of some heretical or blasphemous in Hadhrat (Honorable) Mirza Baptist churches. A listener, classical Islam. On the contrary, Masroor Ahmad, born 1950, overcome with fervor, will sud­ the use of the term, for example the fifth successor or khalifa denly shout out Naarey takbeer, regarding Isa bin Maryam, Je­ (caliph) to the Masih (Messiah) "The Chant of Greatness." And sus son of Mary. does not imply himself. The Messiah, Hadhrat the people will all respond with divinity. Nonetheless, such a Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, 1835- the chant: Allahu akbar, "God is claim suggests that they speak 1908, originally from the small greater." with transcendent authority, town of Qadian, northern In­ The Ahmadiyya communi­ and that can amount to a chal­ dia in the Punjab, founded the ty, named for Mirzah Ghulam lenge to the regime, and it can community in 1889. Ahmad, is a development from get you killed. Killed, no doubt, The current fifth khalifa Sunni Islam, which includes in the name of the peaceful, lov- ' looks much older than his 58 85% of the world's Muslims, ing clerics of the regime. the modern world, a faith that years; to my eyes he was more as opposed to Shi'ite Islam. The Ahmadis are well can work in peace and love like 80. He is dressed all in Ahmad himself claimed to known to the Network of Re­ with other faiths. nitid white, up to his gleam­ be the Messiah and Mahdi or ligious Communities, the um­ In an era when religious ing white high turban, with "guided one" promised in the brella organization of religious commitment, for some people, a long snow-white beard and Qur'an, whose advent was the groups. They represent, in is still expressed by suicide the deepest, most piercing dark beginning of what would ulti­ some ways, the most humane bombing, we need to know brown eyes. His eyes, indeed, mately lead to a golden era of and progressive understanding more about communities like are his most striking and elo­ universal religion that stressed of Islam. Their teachings envi­ this one. quent feature. He is a man who peace and love. sion a constructive and beauti­ Your comments, please? projects a charismatic duende. Ahmad perceived that Is- ful conception of an Islam for [email protected]. Press Release

APPNA Strongly Condemns Killing of Dr. Manan Siddiqi in Pakistan

Dr. Mahmood Alam, the President of APPNA.

The Association of Physicians of Pakistani-descent of North America (APPNA) expresses its utmost concern over the recent killings of members of a religious minority group in Pakistan. APPNA strongly condemns the killing of Dr. Abdul Manan Siddiqi on September 8, 2008 in Mirpur Khas, Pakistan. APPNA believes that killing of as innocent human being for any reason is against the principles of humanity, contrary to the teachings of Islam and in utter violation of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

While denouncing this act of ignorance and hatred, APPNA urges Government of Pakistan to investigate this murder and bring perpetrators to the justice. APPNA also urges print and electronic media of Pakistan, public or private, to play positive role in protecting the rights of all Pakistani citizens alike and promote the message of religious freedom and harmony. Furthermore, APPNA urges media not to become a tool for extremist views of any kind.

Denial of fundamental civil rights and lack of religious tolerance will lead the nation to further anarchy and not towards peace and prosperity. The Buffalo News : City & Region Saturday, September 13, 2008 Make us your homepage!

OB-linked doctor slain in Pakistan

Led sect persecuted by traditionalists By Jay TokaszNEWS STAFF REPORTER Updated: 09/12/08 8:15 AM Dr. Abdul Mannan Siddiqi, who studied at the UB Medical School from 1991 to 1992, was killed in Pakistan Monday. It is speculated that his murder was religiously motivated.

A Pakistani physician who did part of his medical residency in Buffalo was killed Monday in what some groups called a religiously motivated attack. Dr. Abdul Mannan Siddiqi, a resident in family medicine and later internal medicine at the University at Buffalo Medical School from 1991 to 1992, was shot by multiple assailants after completing rounds at the hospital he operated in Mirpur Khas, about 135 miles northeast of Karachi, according to Pakistan media reports. UB records show he had left the program before completing his residency. Siddiqi, 48, was a leader in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, a sect that has long been a persecuted minority in Pakistan, where most residents adhere to traditional Islam. The day before the attack was the 34th anniversary of a Pakistani government edict declaring that Ahmadis could not refer to themselves as Muslims. In commemoration, a popular television channel in Pakistan aired a special program featuring a fundamentalist Muslim religious leader who repeatedly called for killing Ahmadis, according to the Asian Human Rights Commission, which issued an urgent appeal. Siddiqi's assassination was followed by the shooting Tuesday of another Ahmadi leader in Nawabshah, northwest of Mirpur Khas. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan also condemned the killings and called for an end to "hate-preaching through the media." While Ahmadis follow the main tenets of Islam, they also believe in a promised messiah who lived in the Punjab region of India from 1835 to 1908 and founded the faith. The theological differences have made them a target of violence by some radical Muslims. Siddiqi was the 93rd Ahmadi in Pakistan killed since 1984; 15 of them were medical doctors, according to the Asian Human Rights Commission. Siddiqi left Buffalo in 1993 and practiced medicine in Baltimore before returning to Pakistan in 1995 after the death of his father, said Zaki Kauser, a spokesman for the U. S. national office of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. "He visited off and on. Buffalo was the first place he came to in the United States, so he called it home," Kauser said. Siddiqi returned to Pakistan to run the hospital founded by his father, who also was a doctor. He often provided free medical care to those who could not afford to pay, according to Abid Khan, Ahmadi international spokesman. "The murder of Dr. Abdul Mannan Siddiqi is a grave tragedy. He was a true servant of mankind and lived his life according to the Ahmadiyya mono, 'Love for All, Hatred for None,' "Khan said. "His death was simply due to his being a peace-loving member of the Ahmadiyya Community." Three other people, including a Siddiqi bodyguard, were injured in the attack. Siddiqi left a wife, son and daughter. In honor of Siddiqi, the local Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, which consists of about 80 members, will pray individually at 1 :30 p. m. today. [email protected] Former Baltimore Doctor Killed

Last Update: 9/12 8: 10 pm

Pictured to the left, Pakistan born Mannan Siddiqi came to the U.S. to become a doctor.

But after returning home to help those he left behind, he met a violent end.

"On the morning of Sept. 8th, four gunmen came into the hospital, he died at scene."

Zaki Kauser is the spokesman for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. He says the former Franklin Square doctor was killed because of his religion.

Dr. Siddiqi was a leader in the Ahmadiyya reformist movement--a sect in the lslamamic faith.

"In 197 4 the government labeled us as non Muslims. Any Ahmadiyya who claims to be a Muslim ... will be punished," says Kauser ..

According to the Ahmadiyya's, that punishment has equaled imprisonment and murder in their home country.

The Ahmadiyya's say they are under attack because they believe a later day messiah has already come. They are a non-violent group that does not believe in the traditional jihad.

They want to spread the word about what is happening to their people to the American public.

"We just want to let people know that his death will not go in vain. We will speak out against atrocities and make sure this doesn't happen again." Yonkers Tribune

September 10, 2008 American Doctor Murdered in Pakistan Written By Hezi Aris

YONKERS, NY -- Dr. Abdul Mannan Siddiqui, an American doctor, was murdered in Fazl-i­ Umar Medical Centre, the hospital he founded, in Mirpurkas, situated in the Sindh Province of Pakistan. Allegations are rife that Siddiqui was murdered for abiding by the tenets of the minority Islamic sect known as Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) to which he belonged. Death threats are claimed to have increased upon his life days before the targeted murder of him. Since 1974, after a 21 day national debate to garner political clout over the majority of people in Pakistan's divergent tribes, and under the aegis of then Prime Minister Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto, it was declared that the sect did not abide by Islamic Law and would not be considered following the dictates of the Koran, the Holy Book. The meeting took place under executive session and the proceedings were then sealed for 20 years.

Powered by Qumana Ten years later, in 1984, then Prime Minister and General Al Haq Zia expanded the tyranny over followers of the Ahmadiyya Muslim sect admonishing them that should they utter, or write anything that mentions the name or Allah, even colloquial greetings, were subject to three years imprisonment with no option for bail. The persecution of the AMC community continues to this day, with the murder of Dr. Siddiqui another example of these wanton acts of violence against a sect that is looked upon with jealousy. The sect has thrived despite the persecution, nurturing a learned populace, successful and businesspeople Dr. Mannan Siddiqui murder cames just days after the thirty-fourth anniversary of the passage of the Second Amendment to Pakistan's Constitution, which declares members of the AMC to be non-Muslim. One day prior to Dr. Siddiqui's death, Geo TV, the most viewed television channel in Pakistan, aired a special program celebrating this Amendment and incitingreligious hatred and intolerance toward AMC.

Dr. Siddiqui, 48, is survived by his wife, son and daughter. He served the AMC in Pakistan as the Regional President in Mirpurkhas, Sindh. A selfless humanitarian, Dr. Siddiqui often provided free medical treatment to those who could not afford it. RESPONSE FROM A CHRISTIAN PRIEST

From: John-Paul Boyer [email protected] To: Dr Nasir Khan [email protected] Sent: Fri 09/12/08 5:25 PM Subject: Fwd: On the death of Dr Siddiqi, etc. Dear Nasir,

I was deeply saddened to read· in this morning's paper of the murder of Dr Siddiqi (and of the other gentleman) in Pakistan. And then, this afternoon, finally catching up on my e-mail, to read the fuller account from London via the Network.

This is a most terrible thing, as I need not tell you. I did want you to knoe -- both you and your family personally, but also the Buffalo Ahmadiyya Community in general -- of our solidarity with you (singular and plural) at this time. The "our'' includes me personally, of course, but also Bishop Michael and our Episcopal Diocese of Western New York as a whole. I was able to reach Bishop Michael (Garrison) before he left to celebrate the Holy Eucharist at noon today at St Paul's Cathedral. He wanted me to assure you and your Community of our concern and of our prayers, and he told me he would explicitly mention this, in prayer, as he offered today's Mass. Mother Frieda Van Baalen Webb and Mother Linda Malia -- both of whom you know, of course, and have so kindly entertained in your home -- also wanted me to let you know that they, and I, would be praying, in spiritual solidarity with your Community, at the indicated hour of 1:30 p.m. today.

Of course, as you and I both know, Allah Most High sees all, and knows all; and all things come to balance in 'His sight, and no good deed is overlooked or lost or for naught, and no injustice but is not, in the fullness of God's good time, brought to a just judgement. Dr Siddiqi seems to have been a most admirable man, giving of himself in the true spirit of Islam, for the good of others. Any death of this sort, done allegedly in the Name of God*, is a horrible mockery of God's nature as reve·aled in both the Holy Bible and the Holy Qur'an; but the Lord of the Worlds knows who are truly His, and acts and rewards accordingly. This, to my mind, is true martyrdom (and not that martyrdom, falsely so-called, which is caused whilst dying in the very act of killing innocents), when one suffers for no other reason than the doing of what is right; and the martyrs for truth and goodness and compassion and caring shall not lose their crown.

The Ahmadiyya Community certainly is no stranger to 'this kind of martyrdom (93 people lost since 1984 is no small thing). I am reminded of what our Lord Jesus said: there shall come a time when whoever kills you [his followers] will think that he does God service ... But he also said that those who witness even unto death ("in the way of God") will not lose their reward. And one of the early Christian "Fathers" of the Church said, also, that "the blood of the martyrs is [the] seed [of the Church, of the spiritual community]. I think that your Community knows this also, and only too well.

So, again, know that we stand with you spiritually in this and in all such matters, and that our prayers are with you, and for the repose of Dr Siddiqi and the other gentleman. May t.heir rest ~e in P~radise the Blest. And may the Lord of the Worlds bring all the peoples of this broken and bleeding world into unity and peace. And may killing in the Name of God -- from any source - cease!

Again, with thanks for the kindness and the ~ospitality ~hich I have so often personally rece'.~ed from the Ahmadiyya Community, and from you especially, I am, With love for all and hatred for none ,

Yours in spiritual brotherhood,

FATHER JOHN PAUL+ Father John Paul Boyer, M.Div., M.A.(Oxon.), Bishop's Theologian, Ecumenical & Inter-Faith Officer, The Episcopal Diocese of Western New York