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August 2 2020.Pdf CatholicThe TIMES The Diocese of Columbus’ News Source August 2, 2020 • 18TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME • Volume 69:37 Inside this issue Parish bicentennial: The staff and parishioners at Danville St. Luke Church are celebrating the parish’s 200th anniversary. Bishop Robert Brennan will preside at a special Mass there on Saturday, Aug. 15, Page 3 Priests assist patients: Several priests in the diocese share their experiences with COVID-19 patients and those who care for them in medical facilities during the pandemic, Page 9 Scholar-athlete winner : Lindsey Bair of Columbus Bishop Ready High School was named the top female scholar-athlete in central Ohio by The Columbus Dispatch, becoming the second member of her family to receive the award, Page 19 COVID-19 PANDEMIC ALTERS SEMINARIANS’ SUMMER ASSIGNMENTS Pages 10-11 Catholic Times 2 August 2, 2020 Bishop Robert J. Brennan Official announcement of clergy assignments Let’s give thanks for law enforcement officers, The Diocese of Columbus has re- leased additional clergy assignments first responders who serve our communities for 2020-21. The acts of violence directed at the image and likeness of God. Jesus These appointments were effective law enforcement, including the trag- puts it more directly, “You must love July 14 unless otherwise noted. ic death of Police Officer Anthony your neighbor as yourself.” Racism, Dia in Toledo on the Fourth of July, pre-judgment, prejudice, violence and Father Nicholas Droll, from the shooting of Franklin County sher- destruction run counter to this com- Administrator, Our Lady of Sorrows iff’s deputies on July 21, and many mand, and Christ’s teachings must be Church, West Portsmouth; Holy other instances throughout our nation at the very cornerstone of our efforts Trinity Church, Pond Creek; and Our are stark reminders to everyone of the for effective and lasting reforms. Lady of Lourdes Church, Otway, The reality of violence is far too to canon law studies outside the risks our police officers and first re- diocese. sponders make every day for the pub- prevalent in our community. Some Father Brett Garland, from lic’s safety and well-being. recent local statistics reported by The Parochial Vicar, St. Mary Magda- In the midst of so much hostility Columbus Dispatch sadly demonstrate lene Church, Columbus; St. Agnes and violence these days, it is all the this reality. The city of Columbus saw Church, Columbus; and St. Aloysius more essential for us to consider with 104 homicides in 2019, an average of Church, Columbus, to Parochial Vic- gratitude their courageous and gener- two a week. Of these, 80 percent were ar, St. Mary Church, Delaware and ous service. We cannot understate nor the result of gunshots. More than half pastoral care of the Spanish-speaking ignore the horrific murder of George (58 of the 104) of those killed were community in the Delaware area. Floyd by a police officer in Minne- African American men. More than 70 Confirming the announcement apolis on Memorial Day, nor the baf- percent were between the ages of 18 of the Provincial of the Dominican fling inaction of other officers who ments, as in every level of govern- and 35. Our combined energies to ad- Fathers and Brothers, Father Elias stood by. Neither can we understate ment, media and business. dress, reduce and end all hatred and Henritzy, OP, from service outside or ignore the challenges that all first It is undoubtedly true that racism violence are not only imperative, but the diocese to Chaplain, Mohun responders ace in our communities sadly exists within our society in should be a high priority for all peo- HealthCare Center, Columbus, effec- while working each day to keep us ways both subtle and stark. The kill- ple. tive immediately. safe – every single person. ing of George Floyd openly exposed Equally important on this path is a Confirming the appointment of the In my recent travels, I can honest- these deep wounds to all of us. We genuine and sincere commitment to Superior Delegate of the Society of ly say I have not encountered a sin- must be mindful that these wounds listen to one another. We must contin- the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines), gle officer who does not condemn in date back generations. Horrible inci- ually strive to understand the wounds Father Andrzej Kozminski, SAC, the strongest terms this violent killing dents, such as George Floyd’s death, and burdens carried by our brothers from service outside the diocese and the great injury this act has done the shootings at the Emanuel Afri- and sisters. It is through this listening to Parochial Vicar, St. Christopher to our communities throughout the can Methodist Episcopal Church in and empathy – with gratitude, respect, Church, Columbus, effective Sept. 1. nation. By far, the vast majority of Charleston, South Carolina, or other and encouragement – that we can be- Father Daniel Millisor, in resi- these men and women, our neighbors innumerable thoughtless, brutal and gin to embrace Christ’s healing power dence, St. Agatha Church, Colum- and relatives, care about their commu- horrific events of the past continue to and not give in to the impulse to tear bus. nities, want to serve with honor and rub these wounds raw. The truth is, as apart all that is good and right in our Father Eduardo Velazquez, respect and are willing each day to Bishop James Griffin said in his 1998 society. MSP, to Administrator, St. Agnes Church, Columbus, continuing as make the ultimate sacrifice to protect letter on racism, only through honesty In these turbulent times, I want to and defend the citizens entrusted to express my deepest appreciation to all administrator, St. Stephen the Martyr with ourselves and only with that hon- Church, Columbus. their care. esty can we see all of the places where law enforcement officers and first re- Every human being and every hu- sponders in the 23 counties that com- Father Joseph T. Yokum, to we can grow in terms of our attitudes Pastor, Our Lady of Sorrows Church, man institution is always in need of and awareness. prise the Diocese of Columbus. It is self-examination, reflection and re- my hope that together, we can find the West Portsmouth; Holy Trinity Any reform, however, should nev- Church, Pond Creek; and Our Lady form. This is fundamental to the hu- er place first responders or the com- pathway to seek the common good man condition and the very hallmark and allow it to inspire in us a sincere of Lourdes Church, Otway, con- munities they serve under greater risk tinuing as Pastor, St. Mary Church, of our system of governance. Humbly, for harm. As brothers and sisters in commitment to devote our time and energy to end violence and hatred in Portsmouth; Holy Redeemer Church, I must say that we have seen the need the faith, we are taught that the path Portsmouth; St. Peter in Chains for reform in our Church and we will to authentic reform begins with a pro- all of its ugly forms and, in doing so, Church, Wheelersburg; and St. Mon- always need to be vigilant. So, too, do found respect for the dignity of every to build up the lives of one another ica Church, New Boston. we see this need in our police depart- human person, as we are all created in and of our communities. Front Page photo: Bishop Robert J. Brennan: President & Publisher Doug Bean: Editor ([email protected]) SUMMER Tim Puet: Reporter ([email protected]) ASSIGNMENTS K. Colston-Woodruff: Graphic Designer Seminarian Jake Asuncion helps Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 out at the St. Vincent de Paul Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved. thrift store in Columbus. He and Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 his fellow diocesan seminarians newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is Subscriptions: (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 have assisted various social ser- published weekly 45 times per year with exception of every other ([email protected]) week in June, July and August and the week following Christmas. vice agencies this summer. Subscription rate: $25 per year, or call and make arrangements Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus CT photo by Ken Snow with your parish. Postage Paid at Columbus OH 43218. OH 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. August 2, 2020 Catholic Times 3 Danville St. Luke Church celebrates bicentennial By Tim Puet located in adjacent buildings across Catholic Times Reporter U.S. Route 62 from the church. Both groups were started in the mid-1990s, mainly through the efforts of Father This is a big year for Danville St. Snoke and his colleagues in the min- Luke Church. The parish is celebrat- isterial association. Though separate, ing its 200th anniversary, and the the organizations work together in church building is 125 years old. Pa- many ways. rishioners are disappointed that the Sanctuary provides a central location coronavirus pandemic is preventing for social service programs in eastern them from honoring those events as Knox County, such as home-delivered much as they would like, but the dou- meals (which are continuing during ble milestone is being marked by an the pandemic), immunization clinics, anniversary Mass to be celebrated by the Women, Infants and Children pro- Bishop Robert Brennan on Saturday, gram, legal aid, tax preparation, the Aug. 15. high-school equivalency diploma pro- Distancing restrictions will limit at- gram, and senior citizens and veterans tendance in the church for the Mass to assistance.
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