Concerto Copenhagen

BBC Proms 2009: Handel's David Fanning enjoys arias filled with imagination and dramatic truth in Han- del's comic . Rating: * * * * * By David Fanning Published: 11:47AM BST 20 Jul 2009 A few years ago in Copenhagen I had a Handel epiphany. After so many bad experiences and near-misses with his , his dramatic genius at last dawned on me. That was all thanks to the stunning musicianship of conductor Lars Ulrik Mortensen and his Concerto Copenhagen, plus counter-tenor delivering the star quality that Handel factored in and without which his operas are doomed to fail. What the artists delivered then in Julius Caesar they repeated now for Prom 4 in Parteno- pe - supposedly a comic opera, but in fact poised rather precariously between pathos and bathos. Their overriding achievement was to elevate what might easily register as cliche ('No rose without a thorn, no pleasure without pain', and so on) into something that felt like the hig- hest wisdom. And they did so with the same blend of skill, intelligence and sheer love for the music, triumphing even over the absence of costumes and scenery that would have gi- ven the rather routine-sounding Battle Music of Act Two its dramatic point. Near the outset it seemed that Scholl himself might actually be upstaged by the more ringing tone of his counter-tenor colleague Christophe Dumaux. But he was evidently kee- ping himself back for an aria of torment that had the audience on the edge of its seats and for one of pure heartbreak that had them in the palm of his hand. Alongside him, and in equally fine voice, were soprano Inger Dam-Jensen in the title role, and mezzo Tuva Semmingsen as the lover he has wronged but whose trust and heart he ultimately regains. Every singer brought imagination and dramatic truth to their arias, as well as the more ob- vious trappings of virtuosity, and Mortensen and his players proved that the more spiritual energy you put into this music, the more it energizes in return. As a result, the three acts, each an hour or more long, flew by. The Decca DVD of the Copenhagen production featuring these artists will be out in Sep- tember. If it captures anything like the magic of this concert performance, it will be unmis- sable.

The Telegraph, 20. Juli 2009