Ten Weeks' Detention • Reviewsof E Ex-Student' and Friend Released from Detention in South Africa · "Housekeeping" and John Paul

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Ten Weeks' Detention • Reviewsof E Ex-Student' and Friend Released from Detention in South Africa · ,aE.'IC•.•.WA:liOllT11l'1lll~ Cl1.IDE FllMo.llr\".... IWKIGHSTRIIT-­ EDL\1l'RGH TUDENT Td:lll·??H•I 20p CONTENTS AGM THURS 26NOV1987 NEVVS 7.30 pm, • One person's experience in South Africa 30 Nov. • AGM motions • Bastard Landlords' campaign George • Library cut's again! LETTERS Square ~ • Your views make the news Theatre ~ IVIUSIC • Edwyn Collins ~ review and interview Be There! 0 • Feature on the golden days of ~c. Secretary to the University.Alex Currie in dominant mood at the Presidents' Ball. Orange Juice, Aztec Camera and Joseph K THE CE\TRE FOLD FILIVI Ten Weeks' Detention • Reviewsof e Ex-student' and friend released from detention in South Africa · "Housekeeping" and John Paul. a coloured South of the Consulate, his lawyers - back at the largely black Univer­ by Tom Bradby • " Best Seller" African has been released after who went into action without sity of Durban and Westerville ten weeks of detention without any prompting and people and where he is studying to be a and, acording to Gordon, they trial, solitary confinement , tor­ organisations in England. social worker. were then "Shoved about and ture and brutality. He put the reason for his • Feature on "Nd' He was detained at the same searched - and the whole place was rqnsacked." early release down to the South John Gordon will be speak­ time as his white friend John Definition" at the They were taken to the African government's anxious­ ing about his time in South Gordon, an ex-Edinburgh Uni­ Traverse maximum security section of a ness to avoid adverse publicity, versity student, for inerroga­ Africa and his detention at prison, kept in solitary confine­ "it was against their interests," • Giacomo Manzu tion. Crosswinds in Tollcross at 8 exhib ment. interrogated and tor­ he said, "to let my detention go pm on Thursday 26th John Gordon was released tured. on too lorig." after seven days and was able November (admission free) No reason was given for their FEATURES to publicise h is friend's deten­ He was not allowed to see and will be writing for News tion. He said that the release deten.tion but he said that they John Paul either during on after Focus on the same subject next • Student gambling were detained for interrogation was due to pressure from out­ his release: John Paul is now week. about various "organsiatio ns • The "Wimpy" side applied by several groups and individuals, including and people." revealed! He added that their main Nigel Griffiths MP, Edinburgh • A retrospective look target Was John Paul and that University Anti-Apartheid Soci­ at the Fringe they seemed to be interested in Housing Benefit Poll Results ety, Amnesty International, the "anyone whose sentiments Students Christian Movement by Neil Rafferty SPORT and, in particular, various seem to be vaguely anti-apar­ theid." be over the new threshold they church groups. Over a quarter of Edinburgh will still lose £7.25 per week in Police tried to extract a con­ University students will lose out benefit. This will mean a yearly "The South African," he said, fession from Gordon, accusing by £250 or more when the Gov­ loss of nearly £300. "is very aware of his public him of "subverting the youth", ernment reforms the Housing The 10 per cent of students in image" and is worried that "encouraging the youth to Benefit system in the spring. private accommodation who adverse publicity migh.,. high­ sabotage" and "encouraging The figure comes from the pay between £30 and £35 in rent ten the demand for sanctions in terrorist activity." long-awaited results of the mat­ will face a loss of around £400. this country. He said that "everyone in Those in University accommo­ Gordon's trip to South Africa detention is accused of par­ riculation poll on housing dation during the summer vaca­ was sponsored by the Anglican ticipating in ANC activities benefit conducted during tion will also suffer. Church and he worked there for because they're so paranoid Freshers' Week which were The results of the poll have a Community Organisation in ,delayed by "computer prob­ about the ANC." been sent to Nigel Griffiths, MP Wentworth - a poor coloured lems". He was unable to make much for Edinburgh South,_ and to Lib­ area in Durban. From the poll it was disco­ of a confession because, he eral Whip Jim Wallace for their The organisation is involved vered that 36 per cent of stu­ said, he "didn't ' know very use in Westminster. in organising social events and dents live in private rented much." Cheow Lay-Wee described • Hockey and another educational activities which accommodation, of which 73 the impending Government aim at making youths aware of They were detained under per cent pay over £23 per week. report on that ever· measures as "worrying" and social problems like alcoholism what is known as 'Section 29' After the Government reforms popular game known added that housing benefit was drug abuse and-which makes which meant, he said, that "you the housing benefit system the as shinty! have very few rights and you're new threshold amount will be " the only way to survive for them a target for the police - not even given them." The only raised to between £22 and £23, some students" as " Edinburgh making youths aware of what contact he was allowed was to therefore 27 per cent of those in rents are high". He stated finally BACK PAGE apartheid is. see a doctor, a visit he needed private flats will be excluded that the cut in housing beneift • Vox Pop on ELISA Both Gordon and John Paul because of various torture from benefit and the remaining could mean some students will • The Presidents' Ball were arrested by police at the techniques that we used on percentage will suffer from face increased debt offices of the on August him. reduced contributions. homelessness. exposed Seventh. Gordon was eventually Of those in private accommo­ A full analysis of the figures Police were waiting for them released after a week because dation, one-third pay over £25 will be given in Student next PUBLISHED BY EUSPB when. they. arrived at the office of the. pressure and hard work per week and although they will week. NEVVS THURS 26 NOV 1987 GRADUATE ENGJNEERS .,' . ~ •. j ~ A.1 ~.~ > .I' \'~ '.- :rt. ~ \ \.\~ f Presenting·. ~~~~~ ~ ~\' ~ a carrot that will 11~~~~ ¥r , take two days to digest It will, however, leave you feeling satisfied. As the leading European Information Technology company we annually recruit over 90 graduates into our Manufacturing Operations Division. Of these, around 70% will come from engineering or closely related disciplines. And it's at you that we're targetting our residential Insight Conferences. The Conferences work like this: we bring you into ICL for two days. Here you'll have the chance to find out more about us and have all your questions answered. You'll be meeting graduate employees, engineers and managers - people who arrived at ICL via the same career path as you and can anticipate your questions, doubts and fears. Before long, you'll be able to decide whether or not there is a career for you in manufacturing at ICL We'll tell you about our commitment to the training and development of young people. We'll tell you about one of the most advanced manufacturing environments to be found anywhere in Europe. Above all, we'll explain why ICL is a £1 billion company and the most powerful European force in the global marketplace. To apply for a place on one of these Conferences, (to be held in Stoke­ on-Trent and Stevenage in early January 1988) telephone or write for an Insight application form to: Peter Sherratt, Training and Development, ICL, Westflelds, West Avenue, Kidsgrove, Stok&-<>n-Trent, Staffs. ST71TL. Tel: (0782) 771000. We should be talking to each other ICL NEVVS THURS 26 NOV 1987 Foreign .Less Library News MARCH! by Cathy Milton Musical demo against cuts After the by Graeme Wilson Riots A musical -demonstration is demonstrate both their con- being organised outside the tinued opposition to any ban Nairobi University has been Scottish Office•next.Wedneday system, and the desire that the shut down by the Kenyan gov­ at 1.00 pm. EUSA asks all stu­ present scheme be revamped to ernment amid accusations of dents worried about cuts to give students a better deal. student involvement with the come along. forces of apartheid and follow- It 1s hoped that all the Umver- ing riots on campus. This action hopes to firstly sity's musical clubs, which have Several hundred students had highlight the position of Aber­ each recei~e_d a letter, will ~ previously battled with deen University students who able to pai:i1c1pate. ~n top ofth1_s paramilitary troops in protest at stand to suffer from the prop­ the organisers, Edinburgh Uni- the arrest of five elected student osed closure of six departments. versity Students' Association leaders after they attempted to (EUSA) are confident of the sup- attend an international meeting Secondly, the students w ill port of MPs at the demo. in Cuba. However, in a statement, Pres­ ident Daniel Arap Moi asserted that the recent unrest Finance demonstrated student involve­ ment with white South Africa, saying "the university students blacklisted grouped themselves with Boers by Ian Robertson and want to destroy the black man". He did not refer to the The Students' Representative arrested students. Council has refused o allow the This remark regarding finance Society to affiliate to "Boers" (South African the Students' Association. Afrikaaners) was apparently a This highly unusual move reference to an alleged plot to was taken by a vote of 16-14 topple four African govern­ and means that the society will :·· ments with the object of protect- have to pay to usefomr parts of - ·.
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