1 Ed Balls Star Striker 10 2 Rachel Reeves Star Striker 6 3 Jim

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1 Ed Balls Star Striker 10 2 Rachel Reeves Star Striker 6 3 Jim MP’s League Table Position Politician Pool category Current Points Total 1 Ed Balls Star Striker 10 2 Rachel Reeves Star Striker 6 3 Jim Murphy Position Player 5 T4 Andy Burnham Star Striker 3 T4 Vernon Coaker Position Player 3 T6 Chuka Umunna Star Striker 1 T6 Emily Thornberry Dark Horse 1 T6 Jonathan Reynolds Dark Horse 1 T9 Harriet Harman Star Striker 0 T9 Douglas Alexander Star Striker 0 T9 Yvette Cooper Star Striker 0 T9 Sadiq Khan Position Player 0 T9 Maria Eagle Position Player 0 T9 Mary Creagh Position Player 0 T9 Caroline Flint Position Player 0 T9 Liz Kendall Position Player 0 T9 Ivan Lewis Position Player 0 T9 Margaret Curran Position Player 0 T9 Gloria de Piero Position Player 0 T9 Stella Creasy Position Player 0 T9 Chris Leslie Position Player 0 T9 Jon Cruddas Position Player 0 T9 Emma Reynolds Position Player 0 T9 Chris Bryant Position Player 0 T9 Luciana Berger Position Player 0 T9 John Denham Dark Horse 0 T9 Rosie Winterton Dark Horse 0 T9 Liam Byrne Dark Horse 0 T9 Stephen Twigg Dark Horse 0 T9 Michael Dugher Dark Horse 0 T9 Rushanara Ali Dark Horse 0 T9 David Hanson Dark Horse 0 T9 Diana Johnson Dark Horse 0 T9 Toby Perkins Dark Horse 0 T9 Lisa Nandy Dark Horse 0 T9 Diane Abbott Dark Horse 0 T9 Jamie Reed Dark Horse 0 T9 Stephen Timms Dark Horse 0 T9 Gregg McClymont Dark Horse 0 Position Politician Pool category Current Points Total T9 Tom Watson Dark Horse 0 T9 Jack Dromey Dark Horse 0 T9 Dan Jarvis Dark Horse 0 T9 Tom Greatrex Dark Horse 0 T9 Debbie Abrahams Dark Horse 0 T9 Simon Danczuk Dark Horse 0 T9 Anne Begg Dark Horse 0 T9 Margaret Hodge Dark Horse 0 T9 Tessa Jowell Dark Horse 0 T9 Roberta Blackman-Wood Dark Horse 0 T9 Kate Green Dark Horse 0 T9 Seema Malhotra Dark Horse 0 T9 David Lammy Dark Horse 0 53 Hilary Benn Position Player -1 54 Angela Eagle Position Player -2 T55 Tristram Hunt Star Striker -3 T55 Owen Smith Position Player -3.
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