E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 No. 83 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was The question was taken; and the consciousness of its people by cen- called to order by the Speaker. Speaker announced that the ayes ap- soring social media and preemptively peared to have it. arresting those who would raise ques- f Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. tions, pick quarrels, and provoke trou- PRAYER Speaker, I object to the vote on the ble. We will always remember. ground that a quorum is not present The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick We will remember the art students and make the point of order that a J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: who sculpted the ‘‘Goddess of Democ- quorum is not present. God of the universe, thank You for racy,’’ a defining image of the The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, giving us another day. Tiananmen Square protests, inspired rule XX, further proceedings on this Quicken our spirits so that we will by the Statue of Liberty. We will re- question will be postponed. know the blessings of living together in member the Tank Man, who single- The point of no quorum is considered handedly stopped Chinese tanks in unity and peace. We have our personal withdrawn. aspirations and ideas of what is best. their tracks. We will remember the Grant that we might know the satis- f hundreds, perhaps thousands—there faction from sharing our common con- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE has never been an official counting—of those who died that day. cerns and experiencing the joy of mu- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman tual accomplishment. The spirit of the protesters lives on from Washington State (Mr. KILMER) in these stories of heroism. That spirit Bless the Members of the people’s come forward and lead the House in the House with success in bringing fruition lives on in all those around the world Pledge of Allegiance. who value freedom and human rights. to all efforts to work toward common Mr. KILMER led the Pledge of Alle- solutions to the issues facing our Na- We will always remember the stu- giance as follows: dents of Tiananmen Square. And to the tion, solutions which seem so distant I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the in these days. Chinese people who yearn for freedom, United States of America, and to the Repub- do not give up hope. One day, you too During the days of the coming week, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, may the American people be able to indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. will breathe free. communicate their hopes for the ef- f f forts of their Congressmen and ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER IN MEMORY OF PUYALLUP TRIBAL -women. May they understand, as well, CHAIRMAN HERMAN DILLON, SR. The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- that a unified nation is equally the (Mr. KILMER asked and was given work of each of us where we live. tain up to five requests for 1-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. permission to address the House for 1 May we be men and women who live minute.) f without excuse, and may all that is Mr. KILMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise done this day be for Your greater honor WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER today to honor the life of a historic and glory. THE STUDENTS OF TIANANMEN leader for the Puyallup Tribe, for the Amen. SQUARE State of Washington, and for our Na- f (Mr. ROTHFUS asked and was given tion. The longtime Puyallup tribal permission to address the House for 1 chairman, Herman Dillon, Sr., passed THE JOURNAL minute and to revise and extend his re- away last week at the age of 82. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- marks.) Chairman Dillon led a life dedicated ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, on June to ensuring that the tribe and our re- ceedings and announces to the House 4, we mark the 25th anniversary of the gion can continue to thrive for genera- his approval thereof. massacre of peaceful protesters in tions to come. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Tiananmen Square in the People’s Re- Chairman Dillon began a long career nal stands approved. public of China. These protesters were of service first by joining the U.S. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. merely calling for democracy, an end Naval Reserve. And during the Korean Speaker, pursuant to clause 1, rule I, I to the dictatorship of the Communist war, he was drafted into the Army and demand a vote on agreeing to the Party, and an end to government cor- spent 2 years honorably serving our Speaker’s approval of the Journal. ruption. country in Pusan, Korea. The SPEAKER. The question is on The Chinese Government has tried to Elected to the Puyallup Tribal Coun- the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. remove Tiananmen Square from the cil in 1971, Chairman Dillon played an

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MY7.000 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 instrumental role in seeing through a Mr. Speaker, I am a scientist, but IN MEMORY OF MAYA ANGELOU number of historic achievements, in- that doesn’t uniquely qualify me to de- (Ms. LEE of California asked and was cluding the Puyallup Indian Land bate climate change. As Members of given permission to address the House Claims Settlement, the Washington Congress, we rely on the expertise of for 1 minute and to revise and extend State Gaming Compact, and key eco- others to inform our decisionmaking. her remarks.) nomic decisions that led to the Puy- And I agree with the overwhelming Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, allup Tribe becoming the third largest consensus among scientists: the cli- it is with a sense of sadness, yet grati- employer in Pierce County, Wash- mate is changing largely as a result of tude, that I rise to honor the life and ington. human activities, and we can and must the memory of a great, phenomenal Mr. Speaker, Chairman Dillon and act now—not because I am, myself, a warrior woman, Dr. Maya Angelou. I his wife, Darlene, also served their scientist, but because of peer-reviewed offer my condolences to Dr. Angelou’s community as foster parents, opening reports, like the IPCC and the National friends and family, including her son their hearts and homes to support Climate Assessment. Guy Johnson, who is both a friend and many children in need. Less than a year ago, in a speech an- constituent, as they celebrate and The tribe and our entire region are nouncing his Climate Action Plan, mourn her spirit-filled life. stronger and more prosperous as a re- President Obama said that he would di- I will forever cherish the private mo- sult of his vision and unwavering ef- rect ‘‘the Environmental Protection ments I had the privilege to share with forts to build a brighter future. He will Agency to put an end to the limitless Maya. One I recall was when, years be sorely missed by the tribe, by our dumping of carbon pollution.’’ This ago, she invited me to her beautiful region, and by me. coming Monday, the President will home, where we talked in her living f make good on his promise when the room as sisters about our lives, our THE PRESIDENT HAS FAILED EPA proposes the first-ever limits on struggles, our passions for improving VETERANS carbon pollution from existing power the human condition. I confided in her (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina plants, which are responsible for about about the many challenges I faced after asked and was given permission to ad- 40 percent of U.S. carbon pollution. voting against the authorization to use dress the House for 1 minute and to re- We, as a country, have already been military force. She encouraged me, and vise and extend his remarks.) forced to endure the costs of unlimited the affirmation she gave to me during Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. carbon pollution as more frequent and those trying times will always be with Speaker, the President’s failure to pro- intense extremes continue to cost us in me. vide lifesaving services to our veterans lives and dollars. While the draft car- I tell you, Dr. Angelou lived life to is a tragedy. Complaints of delays, pre- bon pollution rules have yet to be re- its fullest, and she shared with the ventable illnesses, and deaths have leased, of this I am sure: no matter the world the essence of a purposeful life. I plagued the Veterans Administration perceived cost of action, the costs of will hold her words, ‘‘be certain that for years. inaction will be far greater. you do not die without having done The President promised corrections something wonderful for humanity,’’ while campaigning for the White House f close to my heart, knowing that she in 2008, yet the failures have acceler- was one of humanity’s greatest gifts. ated, with more scandal, neglect, and RESTORING TRUST WITH OUR While the world grieves in Dr. Maya incompetence. It is shameful that the VETERANS THROUGH VA AC- Angelou’s passing, we can take comfort President finally discussed this issue COUNTABILITY in the fact that her words and her leg- acy live on in generations of people after claiming to have recently heard (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania who have been touched, challenged, about it in the news. asked and was given permission to ad- This week, I joined others asking for and inspired by her work. We will miss dress the House for 1 minute and to re- the President to remove VA Secretary her tremendously, but Dr. Maya vise and extend his remarks.) Eric Shinseki and appoint a new Sec- Angelou’s legacy and her spirit will Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. retary who can get the job done and live on forever. Mr. Speaker, disclosures of abuse and give our veterans the health care they neglect at our VA hospitals have been f have earned and deserve for ensuring absolutely intolerable. This week’s re- FLOODING IN SERBIA, BOSNIA, our freedom. I appreciate Keven Cohen, ‘‘The lease of the interim report from the VA AND CROATIA Point’’ talk show host, for promoting inspector general highlights the ur- (Mr. PERRY asked and was given veterans. American Legion Commander gency in identifying the full scope of permission to address the House for 1 Dan Dellinger recently said, ‘‘This isn’t these tragic and potentially deliberate minute and to revise and extend his re- personal. VA needs a fundamental shift abuses and the need to hold officials at marks.) in leadership if it is to defeat its sys- all levels to account for these failures. Mr. PERRY. Mr. Speaker, I rise tematic lack of accountability.’’ As a Since elected, I have remained in today to extend my sincere condo- Legionnaire myself, I couldn’t agree close contact with the VA hospitals lences to the people of Serbia, Bosnia, more. The best way forward is to serving the Fifth District of Pennsyl- and Croatia affected by severe flooding change course to restore faith for our vania, and I want to thank the com- in recent weeks. The epic flooding is veterans, military families, and the mitted public servants who work so the worst the region has seen in 120 American people. very hard to provide the best possible years. Making matters worse, there are In conclusion, God bless our troops, care and support to our veterans in reports that landmines from the most and we will never forget September the those facilities in this region of the recent Balkan war are being shifted 11th in the global war on terrorism. country. due to the landslides, only adding to Last week, the House, with bipar- f the dangers of people and rescuers in tisan support, passed H.R. 4031, the VA the affected areas. EPA CARBON POLLUTION Management and Accountability Act, Having experienced flooding that dis- STANDARDS and I am a proud cosponsor of that bill. places families myself and, more im- (Mr. HOLT asked and was given per- While I am glad the House came to- portantly, having served in the region mission to address the House for 1 gether to pass this important reform, I during my military career, the people minute and to revise and extend his re- encourage the Senate to do the same. of the Balkans hold a special place in marks.) So much more must be done to correct my heart. My thoughts and prayers are Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, yesterday, these specific abuses and impose ac- with them, and I wish them Godspeed. Speaker BOEHNER said he was not countability and trust across the VA f qualified to debate the science of cli- system moving forward. mate change, but he was confident that Mr. Speaker, the brave men and 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF D-DAY all plans to deal with climate change women who have served our country in (Ms. KUSTER asked and was given would hurt jobs and our economy. uniform deserve nothing less. permission to address the House for 1

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.002 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5029 minute and to revise and extend her re- PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION consisting of the text of Rules Committee marks.) OF H.R. 4745, TRANSPORTATION, Print 113-45. That amendment in the nature Ms. KUSTER. Mr. Speaker, this year, HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOP- of a substitute shall be considered as read. All points of order against that amendment we celebrate the 70th anniversary of D- MENT, AND RELATED AGENCIES in the nature of a substitute are waived. Day and the brave Americans of our APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2015; PRO- (c) No amendment to the amendment in Armed Forces who served our country VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF the nature of a substitute made in order as with great courage and patriotism. H.R. 4681, INTELLIGENCE AU- original text shall be in order except those Today I stand before you to honor their THORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL printed in the report of the Committee on heroic sacrifice. YEARS 2014 AND 2015; AND FOR Rules accompanying this resolution and OTHER PURPOSES amendments en bloc described in subsection As a fighter pilot in World War II, my (f). father flew 63 missions in a P–47 Thun- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, by (d) Each amendment printed in the report derbolt. He provided air cover while my direction of the Committee on Rules, I of the Committee on Rules shall be consid- father-in-law stormed the beaches of call up House Resolution 604 and ask ered only in the order printed in the report, Normandy on D-Day. In a dogfight dur- for its immediate consideration. may be offered only by a Member designated ing the Battle of the Bulge, my father The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in was shot down by the Germans. He lows: the report equally divided and controlled by spent the next 6 months in a German H. RES. 604 the proponent and an opponent, shall not be POW camp behind enemy lines until Resolved, That at any time after adoption subject to amendment, and shall not be sub- being liberated by Allied forces on D- of this resolution the Speaker may, pursuant ject to a demand for division of the question Day. to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the in the House or in the Committee of the But it was through my father’s sto- House resolved into the Committee of the Whole. Whole House on the state of the Union for ries that I came to understand the (e) All points of order against amendments consideration of the bill (H.R. 4745) making printed in the report of the Committee on courage, resilience, and sacrifice of appropriations for the Departments of Trans- Rules or amendments en bloc described in veterans and military families all portation, and Housing and Urban Develop- subsection (f) are waived. across our great Nation. And this is the ment, and related agencies for the fiscal year (f) It shall be in order at any time for the reason that I am deeply committed to ending September 30, 2015, and for other pur- chair of the Permanent Select Committee on easing the transition for veterans back poses. The first reading of the bill shall be Intelligence or his designee to offer amend- to civilian life, expanding their job op- dispensed with. All points of order against ments en bloc consisting of amendments portunities, strengthening their health consideration of the bill are waived. General printed in the report of the Committee on debate shall be confined to the bill and shall Rules not earlier disposed of. Amendments care benefits, and improving mental not exceed one hour equally divided and con- en bloc offered pursuant to this subsection health services for the dedicated men trolled by the chair and ranking minority shall be considered as read, shall be debat- and women who have worn the uniform member of the Committee on Appropria- able for 20 minutes equally divided and con- of the United States. tions. After general debate the bill shall be trolled by the chair and ranking minority D-Day is a reminder of the great sac- considered for amendment under the five- member of the Permanent Select Committee rifice borne by our servicemen and minute rule. Points of order against provi- on Intelligence or their designees, shall not -women and their families. sions in the bill for failure to comply with be subject to amendment, and shall not be clause 2 of rule XXI are waived. During con- subject to a demand for division of the ques- sideration of the bill for amendment, the tion in the House or in the Committee of the f chair of the Committee of the Whole may ac- Whole. cord priority in recognition on the basis of (g) At the conclusion of consideration of b 0915 whether the Member offering an amendment the bill for amendment the Committee shall has caused it to be printed in the portion of rise and report the bill to the House with the Congressional Record designated for that such amendments as may have been adopted. HONORING JEANNE MANFORD purpose in clause 8 of rule XVIII. Amend- Any Member may demand a separate vote in ments so printed shall be considered as read. the House on any amendment adopted in the (Mr. CROWLEY asked and was given Committee of the Whole to the bill or to the permission to address the House for 1 When the committee rises and reports the bill back to the House with a recommenda- amendment in the nature of a substitute minute and to revise and extend his re- tion that the bill do pass, the previous ques- made in order as original text. The previous marks.) tion shall be considered as ordered on the question shall be considered as ordered on Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to bill and amendments thereto to final passage the bill and amendments thereto to final honor a real American hero—Queens’ without intervening motion except one mo- passage without intervening motion except own Jeanne Manford. In 1972, Jeanne’s tion to recommit with or without instruc- one motion to recommit with or without in- openly gay son, Morty Manford, was tions. structions. SEC. 2. (a) At any time after adoption of SEC. 3. On any legislative day during the beaten during a gay rights protest. this resolution the Speaker may, pursuant to period from June 2, 2014, through June 6, That year, Jeanne marched with Morty clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House 2014— in one of New York’s earliest Pride pa- resolved into the Committee of the Whole (a) the Journal of the proceedings of the rades. House on the state of the Union for consider- previous day shall be considered as approved; She carried a now-famous sign that ation of the bill (H.R. 4681) to authorize ap- and propriations for fiscal years 2014 and 2015 for (b) the Chair may at any time declare the read, ‘‘Parents of Gays Unite in Sup- House adjourned to meet at a date and time, port for Our Children.’’ intelligence and intelligence-related activi- ties of the United States Government, the within the limits of clause 4, section 5, arti- The phrase sparked Jeanne to found Community Management Account, and the cle I of the Constitution, to be announced by the organization Parents, Family and Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and the Chair in declaring the adjournment. SEC. 4. The Speaker may appoint Members Friends of Lesbians and Gays, now Disability System, and for other purposes. to perform the duties of the Chair for the du- known as PFLAG. Our Queens chapter The first reading of the bill shall be dis- ration of the period addressed by section 3 of pensed with. All points of order against con- was cofounded by Jeanne and Council- this resolution as though under clause 8(a) of sideration of the bill are waived. General de- man Danny Dromm, who founded the rule I. bate shall be confined to the bill and amend- Queens Pride Parade. SEC. 5. The Committee on Appropriations Today, I introduce a resolution hon- ments specified in this resolution and shall may, at any time before 5 p.m. on Wednes- not exceed one hour equally divided and con- oring Jeanne, and this Sunday, I will day, June 4, 2014, file privileged reports to trolled by the chair and ranking minority accompany measures making appropriations march in the Queens Pride Parade, re- member of the Permanent Select Committee membering that my neighbor, Jeanne for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015. on Intelligence. After general debate the bill SEC. 6. House Resolution 567 is amended by Manford, opened doors that led to shall be considered for amendment under the adding the following: progress we have seen these last few five-minute rule. ‘‘SEC. 7. TRAVEL. (b) In lieu of the amendment in the nature decades. I will march with the pride of ‘‘Clauses 8(a), (b), and (c) of rule X of the of a substitute recommended by the Perma- knowing I live in a nation where his- Rules of the House of Representatives shall nent Select Committee on Intelligence now apply to the Select Committee.’’. tory moves us toward accepting all printed in the bill, it shall be in order to con- people as equals, regardless of race, re- sider as an original bill for the purpose of The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. POE ligion, sexual orientation or gender amendment under the five-minute rule an of Texas). The gentleman from Utah is identity. Thank you, Jeanne. amendment in the nature of a substitute recognized for 1 hour.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.003 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, once AMERICAN for the purpose of debate only, I yield again, we are considering a rule that AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION, the customary 30 minutes to the gen- combines two bills together under one Washington, DC, May 20, 2014. tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. single rule. That rule provides an open Hon. HAROLD ROGERS, Chair, Committee on Appropriations, House of MCGOVERN), pending which I yield my- rule for the Transportation, Housing Representatives, Washington, DC. self such time as I may consume. Dur- and Urban Development appropriations Hon. NITA LOWEY, ing consideration of this resolution, all bill, or T–HUD, and a structured rule Ranking Member, Committee on Appropriations, time yielded is for the purpose of de- for the Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015 Intel- House of Representatives, Washington, DC. bate only. ligence Authorization Act. DEAR CHAIRMAN ROGERS AND RANKING MEMBER LOWEY: AAA opposes Section 125 of GENERAL LEAVE T–HUD is an appropriate acronym, the Transportation, Housing and Urban De- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. Speaker, because that is how we velopment (THUD) Appropriations Bill for ask unanimous consent that all Mem- can describe this House’s action on the Fiscal Year 2015 that would increase the cur- bers have 5 legislative days with which bill last year. The Appropriations Com- rent federal truck size and weight limits. to revise and extend their remarks. mittee tried to come up with a bill that This section carves out special interest ex- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there funds our Transportation, Housing and emptions from federal truck size and weight regulations for Idaho, Mississippi and Wis- objection to the request of the gen- Urban Development programs, but it tleman from Utah? consin. We urge you to remove Section 125 was so woefully inadequate that it from the bill. There was no objection. never made it to the House floor. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I Study after study has shown that increas- Although the T–HUD bill may be $1.2 ing truck size or weight increases wear and am happy to be with you here today. It tear on roads and dramatically impacts seems as if only a few hours ago we billion above last year’s enacted levels, bridges. At a time when the federal Highway were all here together—because it was due to a reduction in offsets caused by Trust Fund and many state budgets across only a few hours ago. a decline in Federal Housing Adminis- the country are nearly tapped out, we cannot Mr. Speaker, this resolution before tration receipts, the program level in afford to allow bigger trucks to run up the us today provides a structured rule for this bill is actually $1.8 billion below cost of maintaining infrastructure. consideration of H.R. 4681, the Intel- last year’s level. We also are concerned with the safety im- ligence Authorization Act for Fiscal pact of allowing heavier trucks on the na- On the transportation side, this bill tion’s roadways. According to NHTSA, fa- Years 2014 and 2015, and it makes in provides no funding for high-speed rail, talities in crashes involving large trucks in- order a number of amendments for con- and it cuts $200 million from Amtrak’s creased four percent from 3,781 in 2011 to sideration. In addition, this combined capital funding. And if that weren’t 3,921 in 2012. Of these fatalities in 2012, 73 per- resolution provides for an open rule for bad enough, I want to highlight one cent were occupants of other vehicles, 10 per- the consideration of H.R. 4745, the particularly egregious rider in the T– cent were non-occupants, and 18 percent were occupants of large trucks. Transportation, Housing and Urban De- HUD bill, a rider that would exempt velopment, and Related Agencies Ap- Congress has recognized the importance of Wisconsin, Mississippi, and Idaho from a stronger national freight program and propriations Act of 2015. Federal truck weight limits on their work is underway to establish a robust na- This resolution provides for 1 hour of interstates. tional freight strategy. Considering changes general debate on each of these bills Mr. Speaker, there have been no re- to truck size and weight limits outside the equally divided and controlled by the context of this national discussion, and the chairman and ranking minority mem- views by highway safety experts or two-year truck size and weight study re- ber of the appropriate committees of cost-benefit analysis on the effect of quired by MAP–21, is premature. jurisdiction. increased size and weight limits on Thank you for consideration of AAA’s The intention of the Rules Com- these roads and bridges, yet the major- views on this important safety issue. Sincerely, mittee was to provide ample oppor- ity decided to go forward with these ex- traneous riders anyway. AVERY ASH, tunity to debate issues related to our Director, Federal Relations. intelligence community. The intel- I would remind my colleagues that in ligence community has done very good the last surface transportation reau- OWNER-OPERATOR bipartisan work on this bill, which is thorization bill, Congressman LOU INDEPENDENT DRIVERS ASSOCIATION, being brought forward under regular BARLETTA offered an amendment that May 20, 2014. order. And while the committee was required DOT to conduct a comprehen- Hon. HAROLD ROGERS, able to work with some Members to Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, House sive study on the impact of increasing of Representatives, Washington, DC. modify their amendments so they truck size and weight on road safety Hon. NITA M. LOWEY, would comply with House rules and be and infrastructure costs. It passed with Ranking Member, Committee on Appropriations, made in order, some amendments were strong bipartisan support, and the De- House of Representatives, Washington, DC. still subject to a point of order or were partment of Transportation is cur- DEAR CHAIRMAN ROGERS AND RANKING already debated and voted on last week rently in the process of completing the MEMBER LOWEY: On behalf of our nation’s during the USA FREEDOM Act. Some study, which should be finished by the small business trucking professionals, the amendments were simply not possible fall of this year. Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Asso- ciation (OOIDA) writes in opposition to lan- to debate on the floor in open session Mr. BARLETTA sent a letter to the guage in the FY2015 Transportation and due to the national security implica- Rules Committee before last night’s Housing and Urban Development Appropria- tions. meeting requesting that a point of tions Bill that allows trucks weighing up to The net result is that this rule makes order against this rider be made avail- 129,000 pounds on Interstate Highways in in order a total of 11 amendments to Idaho. able. I support Mr. BARLETTA’s request, the intelligence bill, four Republican, Not only is the expansion of existing and I wish the Rules Committee would six Democrat, and one bipartisan weight limits on these roads outside of the not have protected this provision. We amendment. So the process is inclu- highway reauthorization process, but this should not be raising truck size and provision comes as the Department of Trans- sive, the rule is fair, and will provide a weights in a State-by-State patchwork portation is conducting a Congressionally- wide ranging debate on a topic of inter- approach before DOT even has a chance mandated study on truck size and weight est to all Americans. to finish its study, especially when the provisions nationally. This study should be Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of highway trust fund is expected to run allowed to continue without Congress pass- my time. ing legislation, such as the Idaho provision, out of money this summer and our Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I want which would put heavier trucks on Inter- roads and our bridges are already in to thank the gentleman for Utah for state Highway System miles where they cur- horrible disrepair. yielding me the customary 30 minutes. rently are not permitted. I will insert letters from AAA, the Current federal Interstate System weight I yield myself such time as I may limits were put in place to halt an ‘‘arms consume. Owner-Operator Independent Drivers race’’ between states attempting to garner (Mr. MCGOVERN asked and was Association, law enforcement officers, favor with major shippers as a way to attract given permission to revise and extend first responders, and road safety groups business. Today’s generally uniform limits his remarks.) all opposing this rider. focus attention on the national nature of our

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.005 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5031 Interstate System. The Idaho provision, a our already deteriorating highway infra- b 0930 state-wide allowance of trucks on currently structure, the additional strain to our aging The NIE described how such events designated Interstate Highway miles above and deficient bridges and the costs associ- the existing Interstate weight cap, would be ated with cleaning up crashes. These are ad- contribute or can even drive social and a step backwards from this sensible ap- ditional costs that would be borne by all lev- political instability, which might proach. els of government and ultimately by the tax- threaten our national security inter- While proponents of this provision argue payers. ests. Given the acceleration of extreme that Idaho is at a disadvantage compared to The current proposals to allow bigger weather and climate change over the neighboring states with higher weight limits trucks have not been the subject of congres- last decade or so, I would think that we on Interstate highways, it is critical to re- sional hearings. We question the appro- would want to encourage our intel- member that those states operated these priateness of making changes such as these heavier-weight vehicles on their Interstate ligence agencies to analyze the na- that affect public safety in a funding bill tional security implications of climate system prior to the passage of federal legis- without full and open public debate. lation in 1991 that froze maximum weights change, whether that is how storm Representing law enforcement and first re- on longer-combination vehicles. Idaho’s surges and rising sea levels and tem- sponders across the country, we are united in state government could have enacted legisla- opposing bigger trucks. Not only do these peratures might affect our Navy, or tion prior to the 1991 freeze setting an Inter- trucks endanger the traveling public, but how competition over resources might state weight allowance equal to its neigh- they also put at risk law enforcement offi- affect the opening of the Arctic or boring states, but it did not. Additionally, cers and first responders. Please oppose any water wars in the Middle East and neighboring states also have strict permit- provisions that would increase the size or ting requirements for these heavier weight northern Africa—but no. weight of trucks. loads, requirements that are absent from the Instead, this bill continues the Re- Thank you, provision included in the THUD bill. publican foolishness of pretending that While Idaho conducted a pilot study re- MAT HODAPP, climate change does not exist. Some of garding use of heavier weight trucks, it is Chairman, National my Republicans colleagues would rath- Troopers Coalition. important to note that none of those trucks er stick their heads in the stand. That DON LUNDY, BS, in the study operated on Idaho Interstate is not the way to run a government, System roads. Federal studies that have ex- NREMT–P, President, National Mr. Speaker. amined operations of heavier vehicles on Over 30 amendments were submitted Interstate System roads, including the ini- Association of Emer- tial work completed for the on-going MAP–21 gency Management to the Rules Committee for consider- truck size and weight study, show significant Technicians. ation, and I wish that all of them were infrastructure and safety concerns with big- AARON D. KENNARD, made in order under this rule. It ger and heavier trucks. These are facts that Executive Director, doesn’t take long to debate 30-some- OOIDA members and other small business National Sheriffs’ thing amendments. I believe that the truckers know full well given that the high- Association. House is fully capable of handling such way is their workplace. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, this a debate. Further, while proponents of bigger and rule, as I noted earlier, also covers de- After all, we should be pretty rested heavier trucks argue that the entire truck- 1 ing industry is supportive of a weight in- bate on H.R. 4681, the Fiscal Years 2014 after a 5 ⁄2-day break at the beginning crease, the overwhelming majority of drivers and 2015 Intelligence Authorization of this week and a 9-day recess starting and motor carriers do not see a benefit from Act. tomorrow. Surely, we could use the 21⁄2 increasing truck size and weights. Heavier The intelligence authorization bill is days when we are in Washington to ac- weights may lead to cost savings for shippers one of the many important pieces of tually debate the intelligence bill. and receivers; however, for the small busi- legislation that comes before the House Several of these amendments dealt ness truckers that make up more than 90 every year—or nearly every year. Last with highly controversial aspects of percent of the trucking industry, heavier drone strikes, many of which have trucks only mean higher fuel, repair, and year, for fiscal year 2014, the bill was equipment costs. marked up in committee, but the ma- killed or wounded innocent civilians. I Bearing in mind that that MAP–21 study jority never seemed to be able to find was glad to see that the U.S. did not has yet to be completed, we urge the Appro- the time to bring it to the House floor, carry out any drone strikes for the past priations Committee to remove this lan- which is why today we are dealing with month in Pakistan, where our use of guage from the FY2015 Transportation Ap- a 2-year authorization for both the cur- drones has contributed to tensions be- propriations Bill. Should you have any ques- rent fiscal year, FY 2014, and the com- tween our two nations. tions, please contact Ryan Bowley in our ing fiscal year, FY 2015. Our colleague and a member of the Washington Office. Intelligence Committee, the gentle- Sincerely, Now, a great deal has happened since woman from Illinois (Ms. SCHA- TODD SPENCER, the fiscal year 2013 intelligence bill was Executive Vice President. approved in December of 2012—every- KOWSKY), submitted an amendment to thing from Edward Snowden to the se- ban so-called signature strikes against NATIONAL TROOPERS COALITION, quester, from extreme weather events unknown targets. NAEMT, AND NATIONAL SHERIFFS’ Her amendment modestly calls for to drone strikes that also killed inno- ASSOCIATION. the U.S. Government to know, with cent civilians, from new technologies May 29, 2014. near-certainty, that at least one indi- and cyber sabotage to protecting our DEAR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, We are writ- vidual who is a known target will be ing on behalf of the nation’s law enforcement human assets on the ground in dan- present before the strike is launched. I officers and first responders to express our gerous regions. While the underlying am outraged that her amendment was opposition to any truck size or weight in- bill attempts to deal with these and not made in order under this rule. creases. We understand that proposals to other issues in a bipartisan manner, allow heavier trucks and thaw the freeze on Other amendments, including bipar- longer combination vehicles are being con- some of the choices it makes weaken tisan amendments, dealt with increas- sidered as part of annual appropriations leg- rather than strengthen our ability to ing the transparency of decision- islation. We urge you to reject these pro- accurately assess potential and real making and reporting from drone posals. threats to our security. strikes; others would have simply Bigger trucks would add new dangers to One particularly troubling example is our roads. Allowing heavier or longer trucks banned their use. the bill’s failure to strengthen the in- The U.S. is increasingly dependent on would threaten the safety of motorists as telligence community’s ability to ana- well as law enforcement officers and first re- the use of unmanned weaponized aerial sponders because heavier and longer trucks lyze and assess how climate change af- vehicles to deliver deadly force against would be more difficult to control, take fects our national security. Over a dec- individuals and groups residing or oper- longer to stop, and increase crash severity. ade ago, the National Intelligence Esti- ating in other countries. Studies conducted by the U.S. Department of mate—or NIE—noted with grave con- As we wind down the war in Afghani- Transportation have found that trucks with cern how extreme weather and environ- stan, we need to take a hard look at multiple trailers and trucks that are heavier mental changes were adversely affect- how we should pursue the so-called are associated with higher crash rates. (2000 ing global food security, as well as in- global war on terror, especially the use US DOT Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Study; 2013 US DOT ‘‘Desk Scan’’) creased refugee and IDP populations of drone strikes and operations outside Bigger trucks also would impose a huge due to droughts, floods, and other ex- the boundaries of international law en- economic cost in terms of further damage to treme weather events. forcement.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:21 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MY7.007 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 I regret that all of the amendments have been planning to Libya and several So before the House grants any new brought before the Rules Committee other countries next week, presumably as authorities to the select committee, I dealing with drone strikes were not part of the Committee’s ongoing investiga- would be grateful for some assurance made in order, as each dealt with a dif- tion into the attack in Benghazi in 2012. The from my chairman that this new au- only congressional travelers on this ferent facet of the policy and each de- itinerary are you and your Republican staff- thority will not be misused in the high- served to be debated by this House. er. No Democratic Members are listed on the ly partisan manner demonstrated by I would also like to say a word about itinerary, and you have not contacted me or Chairman ISSA at the Oversight Com- the McCollum amendment, which was my staff about this trip. According to this mittee. also denied by the Rules Committee. itinerary, you are planning to leave this Mr. SESSIONS. Will the gentleman Our intelligence agencies should never Sunday, which means Democratic participa- yield? ever use humanitarian work or workers tion at this late date is impossible. Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield to the gen- as a cover for covert operations or a Your 2011 memo also says that the ‘‘pur- tleman from Texas. pose must be very specific for each country.’’ means to gather intelligence. Mr. SESSIONS. I thank the gen- Whether we are talking about a vac- Yet, your itinerary states only that the Libya portion of the trip is ‘‘TBD,’’ although tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. cination campaign to protect children it may include a ‘‘visit’’ to the embassy and MCGOVERN) for yielding to me, and I from polio or the delivery of food to a ‘‘working lunch.’’ Your itinerary does not appreciate him bringing this issue up, desperate refugees, leave such plots identify a single U.S. government official, as he did in the Rules Committee at and machinations to the movies. Keep Libyan official, or other individual the Com- the time of the hearing. them out of U.S. policy and covert op- mittee plans to interview or speak with dur- I want to assure the gentleman and erations. ing this delegation. each of the Members of this body that Your 2011 memo also says that the only ex- They endanger all humanitarian the gentleman who will be the new workers and place obstacles in the way ception to conducting bipartisan inter- national delegations is ‘‘in rare cir- chairman of the committee, the gen- of carrying out urgent and essential cumstances and at the sole discretion of the tleman from South Carolina (Mr. global health and humanitarian work Chairman.’’ However, you have not identified GOWDY), has every intent to make sure in places where too many dangers al- any such circumstances in this case that that his work, the assignments that ready exist. would justify excluding Democratic Mem- will be given as they move forward, in- Mr. Speaker, before I reserve my bers. Moreover, I have obtained other docu- cluding travel, will be done on a fair time, I also want to point out that this ments showing that you have been planning basis. this delegation for more than a week, so rule contains a provision which makes Mr. GOWDY is aware of and knows the there are no exigencies that would have pro- a change in the procedures for the spe- sensitive nature of not only the inves- cial Select Committee on Benghazi, hibited you from consulting with Democrats. Although you claim that your investiga- tigation, but also how this will be han- which was established by the House tion of the Benghazi attacks is bipartisan, dled; and Mr. GOWDY, I assure you, is just a few weeks ago. The new provi- your efforts to secretly plan an official trip very prepared to match and to meet sion allows the chairman of the new se- to Libya—and then deliberately exclude the Members that Ms. PELOSI has put lect committee to authorize foreign Democrats from joining—is part of an unfor- on the committee, and I think that you travel as part of the investigation. tunate pattern of partisanship that under- will see that the Members who will Mr. Speaker, the Congress has al- mines the credibility of this investigation. Last October, Rep. Jason Chaffetz under- serve as a result of the Speaker ap- ready conducted seven investigations pointing them will serve with honor of the Benghazi matter—seven. Many took exactly the same partisan maneuver when he traveled to Libya—at your direc- and distinction and will work well and of us have argued that an additional tion—and excluded Democratic Members fairly together. eighth inquiry is not necessary, but from that trip. At that time, my staff ob- I thank the gentleman for asking the since the House insists on proceeding, tained a last-minute copy of his itinerary question. we would like to make sure that some that listed the Committee activity in Libya Mr. MCGOVERN. I thank the gen- of the partisan abuses that marked the as ‘‘TBD’’ and failed to identify any officials tleman for his answer and for his reas- previous inquiries will not be repeated to be interviewed. We now know that Rep. Chaffetz met personally with General Carter surances, and we will certainly be by the new select committee, particu- watching. In our opinion, fairness larly with regard to foreign travel. Ham, the Commander of AFRICOM, as well as Gregory Hicks, the Deputy Chief of Mis- means consultation with the Demo- Mr. CUMMINGS has often protested the sion, who was then called before the Com- crats and not leaving us out of the partisan abuses of foreign travel at the mittee to testify. loop. Committee on Oversight and Govern- The problem with these actions is that Again, I would point out to my col- ment Reform, and I insert in the they effectively deny Democratic Members leagues that the inquiries into the RECORD a letter from Mr. CUMMINGS to the ability to effectively investigate this in- Benghazi situation thus far have been Mr. ISSA, asking him to delay a Repub- cident. Since your secret delegation appears to violate your own directive to the Com- highly partisan, and the Oversight lican-only delegation to Libya, so that Committee, in particular, I think, has Democrats could join the delegation as mittee, I request that you postpone it until such time as Democratic Members are given been run in an inappropriate manner. well. an adequate opportunity to join. So I appreciate the gentleman’s as- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COM- Sincerely, surances, and we will watch and hope MITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOV- ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS, that what the gentleman just said will ERNMENT REFORM, Ranking Member. actually occur. Washington, DC, September 20, 2013. Mr. MCGOVERN. In October of 2012, With that, I reserve the balance of Hon. DARRELL E. ISSA, Chairman, Committee on Oversight and Govern- Oversight Committee Republicans went my time. ment Reform, House of Representatives, on a delegation to Libya, but they did Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I Washington, DC. not inform Democratic members until reserve the balance of my time. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I am writing to re- 24 hours before they departed. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield quest that you immediately postpone your In September 2013, Oversight Com- 3 minutes to the gentleman from Mis- upcoming delegation to Libya and several mittee Republicans planned a second sissippi (Mr. THOMPSON), the distin- other countries until you come into compli- delegation to Libya without contacting guished ranking member of the Com- ance with your own Committee directives, stop your partisan efforts to deliberately ex- Democratic members at all. Ranking mittee on Homeland Security. clude Democrats from this trip, and provide Member CUMMINGS requested that the Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. adequate notice to allow Democratic Mem- trip be postponed to allow Democrats Speaker, I rise in opposition to this bers to join this delegation at a later date. to join, but his request was denied. rule that allows for consideration of On April 6, 2011, upon becoming Chairman This is no way to conduct a serious H.R. 4681, the Intelligence Authoriza- of the Committee, you issued a memorandum investigation, and this is one of the tion Act for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015. to all Committee Members entitled ‘‘Rules reasons why so many people on our I am troubled that just 11 amend- for Committee-Authorized Foreign Travel.’’ side of the aisle have called foul over ments were allowed under the rule and According to that memorandum, ‘‘All dele- gations must be bipartisan.’’ the way the House Republican leader- many solid amendments that would en- Earlier today, however, I obtained a copy ship is dealing with this important hance oversight and transparency were of an itinerary for a trip you apparently issue. blocked, particularly an amendment by

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.007 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5033 Representative GABBARD to expand the The guiding principle in the adju- FISA reforms recently passed by this authority and oversight of the intel- dication process is the concept of the House—and none of the reforms in- ligence community by the Privacy and whole person, where information is cluded in this bill—would have hap- Civil Liberties Oversight Board. brought to bear to give a picture of an pened if that information had not been With respect to the underlying bill, I individual. The prospect that we would leaked because we would not have would like to discuss a number of pro- empower a computer to render judg- known about the abuses being carried visions that deserve to be highlighted. ment of a person’s integrity, character, on in our name by various intelligence The bill sets the stage for potentially and loyalty to our Nation is troubling. agencies. significant reforms to government con- In the coming weeks, I will be intro- Mr. Speaker, I respect those men and tract employees’ ability to access clas- ducing a comprehensive security clear- women who serve our Nation in our in- sified information that warrant ance reform bill that, among other telligence agencies, but I don’t respect thoughtful consideration by the House things, addresses known weaknesses in a culture that intentionally keeps the and further clarification. the current system, establishes expec- American people and the Congress in Specifically, H.R. 4681 directs the Di- tations for continuous evaluation pro- the dark about the extent and nature rector of National Intelligence to en- grams, and demands proper perform- of our intelligence operations. sure that elements of the intelligence ance from investigative service pro- More reforms are still needed; more community engage in continuous eval- viders. transparency is still needed. I believe uation of its employees to detect be- It also would greatly expand the re- we can be safe and protect the Amer- haviors that may result in unauthor- sources and responsibilities of the Pub- ican people without sacrificing the lib- ized disclosures. lic Interest Declassification Board. A erties that we all treasure. The bill also directs a cost-benefit well-resourced and robust board is es- With that, I yield back the balance of analysis of replacing the standard peri- sential to increasing accountability of my time. odic reinvestigation process with auto- the intelligence community. I am mated continuous evaluation pro- b 0945 pleased that the underlying bill will grams. While I agree that there are renew the authorization of the board. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I weaknesses in the current security Before I yield back, Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may con- clearance process that warrant reform, would note that, while I am pleased sume. it is important that, before wholesale that the bill authorizes intelligence op- I am actually pleased to stand before changes are made, Congress expresses erations within DHS, I am disturbed the House today in support of this rule its expectations about the scope of that, in advance of today’s vote, mem- as well as the underlying pieces of the such programs, establishes metrics for bers of the Homeland Security Com- legislation, H.R. 4681 about intelligence evaluating their efficacy, and ensures mittee staff were not granted access to and H.R. 4745 called the T-HUD bill. that due process protections for im- the classified annex of this legislation, From the testimony that we received pacted individuals are available. as it is relevant to the committee’s in the Rules Committee on these meas- We have an obligation to 5.2 million ures, it appears that both of these Americans whose livelihoods depend on oversight jurisdiction. I would hope that, as this bill moves measures have enjoyed bipartisan co- maintaining their security clearances operation in their formation and from to ensure that agencies that establish through the legislative process, the stovepipes that exist within this Cham- their respective committee processes. these programs do so in a manner that One of the toughest responsibilities guards against abuses, including tar- ber that hinder critical information- sharing and oversight can be overcome that a Member of the Congress has is geting and retaliation by supervisors, to help prioritize the Federal expendi- as well as improper or excessive inva- for the benefit of the American people. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I tures of resources that we take from sions of privacy. the American people. Sometimes, wor- The urge to adopt continuous evalua- reserve the balance of my time. Mr. MCGOVERN. May I inquire of the thy projects and programs have to be tion in response to high-profile inci- trimmed to meet budget requirements dents involving individuals with access gentleman if he has any additional speakers? and prioritization. While there are to classified information who violated some spending choices—which I dis- the terms of their oath is understand- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. I am ready to close whenever you are. agree—contained in H.R. 4745, overall, able. However, the adoption of contin- it is still a balanced measure which uous evaluation does not absolve the Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself the balance of my time. will provide for American infrastruc- intelligence community of its obliga- ture so essential for the economic tions to bolster the protection of its I urge my colleagues to oppose this rule for all of the reasons I stated ear- growth and jobs, and maintains dis- classified holdings. cipline by adhering to the top-line Regrettably, Mr. Speaker, H.R. 4681 lier, but, Mr. Speaker, I want to close funding levels arrived at through that may send the wrong message to agen- with one final thought: this intel- 2-year budget agreement that was cies, as it does not include language to ligence bill includes several provisions passed by Congress. The $52 billion for direct agencies to raise the bar on ac- regarding the use of contractors, secu- transportation provided in these agen- cess controls, thereby giving the im- rity clearance reform, strengthening cies is $7.8 billion below the President’s pression that our concern is principally investigations by the inspector gen- request and still actually $1.8 billion about employees’ actions and behav- eral, and so on. We need to recognize that these re- less than the 2014 enacted level. iors. Members have a chance, under the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The forms were not initiated by us. They open rule of this resolution provided, time of the gentleman has expired. are a result of the massive release of to argue for changes in the Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield an addi- leaked information that brought very tional 2 minutes to the gentleman. serious matters about actual and po- prioritization. I am pleased that one of Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. I ap- tential abuses by our intelligence agen- the things this bill recognizes is that preciate the gentleman yielding. cies on how they monitor and maintain States are different. Those of us who I also have concerns, Mr. Speaker, data on ordinary law-abiding citizens. live in the wide-open West have been about the bill’s view of the future of se- This leaked information caused able to use transportation to help the curity clearance investigations and ad- alarm throughout our society, by our desert blossom. We should not try to judications and the degree to which it constituents, by our press, and by restrict every State to the same stand- sets the stage for computers and algo- Members of Congress—and rightfully ards with a one-size-fits-all approach. rithms to replace humans in the proc- so. It caused alarm among some of our The committee was very wise in what ess. closest international allies—and right- they actually did. Specifically, it direct the DNI to con- fully so. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE duct a cost-benefit analysis on reduc- So while we may hold different views The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- ing or eliminating the manual process about the individual who confiscated tleman will suspend. for security clearance investigations and leaked the information, let us all The Chair would ask occupants of the and adjudications. recognize that none of the NSA and gallery to cease audible conversation.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.008 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, Included in the legislation is $15.7 bil- bill also fully funds the President’s request for switching gears to the intelligence re- lion in total budgetary resources for veterans’ housing vouchers at $75 million. authorization measure, every Member the Federal Aviation Administration COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT of the House takes seriously our re- (FAA), which is $7.3 million below the The bill contains $6.2 billion for Community sponsibility to preserve individual lib- fiscal year 2014 enacted level and $446 Planning and Development programs—a re- erty and freedoms under the Constitu- million above the request. duction of $383 million below the fiscal year tion. This will provide full funding for all 2014 enacted level. We also have a constitutional obliga- air traffic control personnel, including The Community Development Block Grant tion to provide for the common de- 14,800 air traffic controllers, 7,300 safe- formula program is funded at $3 billion—effec- fense, because without a strong na- ty inspectors, and operational support tively equal to last year’s level. tional defense, which includes the in- personnel. HOME Investment Partnerships Program is dispensable work of the defense intel- The bill also fully funds the FAA’s funded at $700 million, a reduction of $300 ligence agencies, personal freedoms are Next Generation Air Transportation million below the fiscal year 2014 enacted also at risk. The question is achieving Systems (NextGen) at $852.4 million, level. and maintaining a balance in deciding and funds Contract Towers at $140 mil- Homeless assistance grants are funded at how to best preserve inalienable con- lion. $2.1 billion—the same as the previous year’s stitutional rights against possible in- These investments will help ease fu- level—which is sufficient for all current grants cursions by technologists, whether in- ture congestion and help reduce delays to be continued. advertent or intentional, as our Nation for travelers in U.S. airspace. My thanks to the House Rules Committee deals with the very real threats both at The Bush Intercontinental Airport for making my amendment in order under the home and abroad. and William P. Hobby Airport will ben- rule for H.R. 4681, the Intelligence Authoriza- Technology gives us wonderful tools, efit from funding provided under this tion Act for Fiscal Year 2014. but it can also be a fertile ground for bill: nearly 40 million passengers trav- The Jackson Lee Amendment is simple and abuse of privacy. We have a responsi- eled through Bush Intercontinental one that the majority of the House can sup- bility as Members of Congress to exer- Airport (IAH) and an additional 10 mil- port. cise oversight in U.S. intelligence lion traveled through William P. Hobby The Jackson Lee Amendment requires the agencies, and that can be difficult (HOU); more than 650 daily departures Director of the Office of National Intelligence since much cannot be debated in open occur at IAH; IAH is the 11th busiest to conduct an assessment of the reliance of forums with any degree of specificity airport in the U.S. for total passenger intelligence activities on contractors to support without bringing great harm to the na- traffic; IAH has 12 all-cargo airlines Government activities, including an assess- tional security. That is why we have handles more than 419,205 metric tons ment of contractors performing intelligence ac- the expertise of standing committees. of cargo in 2012. Not only do they understand these tivities, which would include intelligence anal- The funds being sent back to states will re- ysis. issues, it saves time by allocating the pair critical transportation infrastructure that is proper amount of time to the discus- I want to thank the Permanent Select Com- vital to local, state and the national economy. mittee on Intelligence for including my amend- sion of these issues in advance. And Further the bill provides for funding for our ment in an en bloc for consideration during the from the testimony received in the Nation’s housing and urban development pro- debate on amendments, which will take place Rules Committee, I believe that Chair- grams that fund block grants, special housing later. man ROGERS and Ranking Member programs that serve our Nation’s elderly, I will speak more on the Jackson Lee RUPPERSBERGER have demonstrated a young, disabled, and veterans. Amendment when it comes before the House strong bipartisan commitment on this The legislation includes a total of $40.3 bil- for consideration under an en bloc amendment issue. lion for the Department of Housing and Urban to H.R. 4681. Provisions of this bill are aimed at Development, a decrease of $769 million bolstering personal and individual pri- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I below the fiscal year 2014 enacted level and vacy. Passage of H.R. 4681, when you yield back the balance of my time, and $2 billion below the Administration’s request. I move the previous question on the combine it with the passage last week The bill does not contain funding for any resolution. of the U.S. FREEDOM Act, is a good new, unauthorized ‘‘sustainable,’’ ‘‘livable,’’ or step towards enhancing our U.S. intel- The previous question was ordered. ‘‘green’’ community development programs. ligence capability as well as congres- Affordable safe housing is vital to the well- The resolution was agreed to. sional oversight on these issues. being of elderly, low-wage workers, the unem- A motion to reconsider was laid on It is a good bill. It is a fair rule. I ployed, under-employed, disabled persons and the table. urge its adoption. our Nation’s veterans. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I f rise to speak on the Rule for H.R. 4681, In 2012, Texas ranked second among the 50 states among states with workers earning the ‘‘Intelligence Authorization Act for INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION at or below the federal minimum wage. Fiscal Years 2014,’’ and H.R. 4745, the ACT FOR FISCAL YEARS 2014 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Sta- ‘‘Transportation, Housing and Urban AND 2015 Development and Related Agencies Ap- tistics, of the 6.1 million workers paid hourly GENERAL LEAVE propriations Act of 2015. rates in Texas in 2012, 282,000 earned ex- H.R. 4681 is a bill authorizing appro- actly the prevailing federal minimum wage of Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. priations for our nation’s intelligence $7.25 per hour, while 170,000 earned less. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that agencies for Fiscal Year 2014 through In the State of Texas the percentage of per- all Members may have 5 legislative Fiscal Year 2015. The bill provides sons living in poverty makes the funds pro- days to revise and extend their re- funds for the conduct of intelligence vided for housing and mass transit systems in- marks and include extraneous material and intelligence-related activities. cluding light rail critical: 34% of children live in on the bill, H.R. 4681. H.R. 4745 makes appropriations for poverty; 21% of adults (19–64) live in poverty; The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. the Departments of Transportation, and 17% of elderly live in poverty. BISHOP of Utah). Is there objection to and Housing and Urban Development, The funds provided will make it possible for the request of the gentleman from and related agencies for the fiscal year low wage workers to have affordable options Michigan? ending September 30, 2015. for travel as well as support access to afford- There was no objection. Our nation is long past due for a able housing. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Transportation and Housing and Urban SECTION 8 AND PUBLIC HOUSING ant to House Resolution 604 and rule Development Appropriations bill. This Included in the bill is $26.3 billion for Public XVIII, the Chair declares the House in bill is about jobs—jobs—jobs. and Indian Housing. This is an increase of the Committee of the Whole House on Unfortunately, H.R. 4745’s $17.1. bil- $6.2 million above the fiscal year 2014 en- the state of the Union for the consider- lion in discretionary appropriations for acted level and $1.2 billion below the re- ation of the bill, H.R. 4681. the Department of Transportation for quested level. This funding will provide for The Chair appoints the gentleman fiscal year 2015, is $727.3 million below continued assistance to all families and indi- from Texas (Mr. POE) to preside over the funding for fiscal year 2014. viduals currently served by this program. The the Committee of the Whole.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.010 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5035 b 0951 ute that better enable the community committee at least takes as non- IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE to conduct its important mission and partisan a view of national security as Accordingly, the House resolved strengthen oversight mechanisms is humanly possible. It is an honor to itself into the Committee of the Whole where needed. work with someone who is also inter- House on the state of the Union for the Mr. Chairman, we find ourselves in a ested in governing and in making consideration of the bill (H.R. 4681) to very interesting time in history. Al progress on an issue so important to authorize appropriations for fiscal Qaeda has metastasized into dangerous our Nation’s future. years 2014 and 2015 for intelligence and affiliates, safe havens have emerged in I would like to thank the Chair and intelligence-related activities of the Syria, parts of Libya, Yemen, Somalia, urge Member support of H.R. 4681, and United States Government, the Com- and the tribal areas of Pakistan. Al I reserve the balance of my time. munity Management Account, and the Qaeda is also regaining a foothold in Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair, I Central Intelligence Agency Retire- northeast Afghanistan just as the yield myself such time as I may con- ment and Disability System, and for President announced a complete with- sume. other purposes, with Mr. POE of Texas drawal of U.S. military forces and the Chairman ROGERS, I thank you for in the chair. counterterrorism capability that your comments. I also have the same The Clerk read the title of the bill. comes with it by the end of 2016. comments for you. The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the Uneven leadership in recent years When we took the leadership of this bill is considered read the first time. has emboldened adversaries like Russia committee, we knew that the stakes The gentleman from Michigan (Mr. and China, who are increasing their were so high and that we had to work ROGERS) and the gentleman from Mary- military and intelligence spending and together on behalf of the people of the land (Mr. RUPPERSBERGER) each will working to change the international United States of America. We came to- control 30 minutes. order, as we speak, to the detriment of gether with Republicans, Democrats, The Chair recognizes the gentleman U.S. interests. Russia occupies 20 per- liberals, conservatives, moderates, all from Michigan. cent of the nation of Georgia, invaded realizing that we had to . Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- and occupied Crimea, threatens inva- Because of your leadership, because of man, I yield myself such time as I sion of eastern Ukraine. China is bul- your focus, we have been able to pass might consume. lying its neighbors and expanding FISA, and hopefully we will be able to The Intelligence Authorization Act is claims in the South and East China pass these bills today. the annual blueprint for the work of Seas through which 40 percent of world We are going to miss you, but you the intelligence community and Amer- trade travels. will always be there as my friend, and ica’s military intelligence efforts. The At the same time, North Korea con- I will always respect you as a great bill sets the priorities for our critical tinues its belligerent behavior, and American who cares about the United intelligence efforts and the legal Iran is maneuvering to preserve its ca- States. Thank you. framework of guidance and oversight pability to develop a nuclear weapon. A Now, we need to pass this Intel- for those efforts. nuclear Iran would threaten Israel with ligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Since the ranking member and I have annihilation and send the Middle East Years 2014 and 2015 to ensure rigorous assumed the leadership of this com- into a dangerous nuclear arms race. oversight and accountability over all mittee, we passed three intelligence We rightly demand that our intel- U.S. intelligence agencies and all U.S. authorization bills in a bipartisan fash- ligence agencies provide policymakers intelligence activities. This is so im- ion and hope to continue the tradition with the best and most timely informa- portant. and trend with H.R. 4681. Passing a tion possible on all these and other We cannot go back to the days when yearly intelligence authorization bill is threats. We ask them to track terror- we give the intelligence agencies a the primary method by which Congress ists wherever they train, plan, blank check to spend as they see fit. exerts its budgetary and oversight au- fundraise. We ask them to stop dev- We must have oversight. Remember, thority over the intelligence commu- astating cyber attacks that are steal- Congress specifically amended the Na- nity. ing American prosperity and American tional Security Act of 1947 to replace As most of the intelligence budget in- jobs. We ask them to track nuclear and blanket intelligence appropriations volves highly classified programs, the missile threats. And we demand that with specific authorization. bulk of this committee’s recommenda- they get it right every time. Now we Why did we do this? To ensure that tions each year are found in the classi- are asking them do it with fewer re- our intelligence agencies spend money fied annex to the bill which have been sources and with what can be described only on programs of which Congress is available for Members to review. as confusing direction from our Com- informed and approves. So today we Among other initiatives, the bill in- mander in Chief. need to make sure we maintain this creases funding to address insider The dedication of men and women of means of critical oversight by passing threats and improve personnel security the intelligence community who volun- the bill. programs. teer to serve in some of the most dif- The Intelligence Authorization Act At an unclassified level, I can report ficult places on Earth are some of the for 2014 and 2015 is in four parts: the that the annex for fiscal year 2014 au- finest patriots I have ever had the unclassified legislative text; the un- thorizes funding that is slightly below privilege to meet. And within budget classified report; the classified annex, the President’s budget request level. constraints and unclear policy guid- which explains our intent for the clas- Its funding levels are in line with the ance from the White House, this bill sified aspects of the bill; and the classi- levels appropriated by the enacted ap- ensures that they have resources and fied schedule of authorizations for both propriations act for the National Intel- authorities necessary to keep our Na- fiscal years. We have been encouraging ligence Program and with the National tion and our people safe and accom- all Members to review all parts of the Defense Authorization Act for the Mili- plish their mission. bill, and I am pleased to say that they tary Intelligence Program. As this is the last authorization act I have come to the Intelligence Commit- For fiscal year 2015, the bill increases will advance as chairman of the Intel- tee’s SCIF, classified spaces, to do so. the President’s budget request by less ligence Committee, I want to publicly The budget for fiscal year 2014 is than 1 percent and stays within the Bi- thank my ranking member, my friend, slightly below the President’s budget partisan Budget Act funding caps. The DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER. I can’t tell request, while the budget for fiscal modest increase reflects the commit- what you a privilege it has been to year 2015 is less than 1 percent above tee’s concern that the President’s re- have a partner like DUTCH in working the President’s budget request. quest does not properly fund a number through some very difficult issues at a of important initiatives and leaves sev- very difficult time in our Nation’s his- b 1000 eral unacceptable shortfalls. tory. We both, we made cuts to certain The legislative provisions that the National security policy should not areas and added money in other areas committee and Congress consider each be partisan, and we have done every- in a responsible, well thought-out way, year are comprised of changes to stat- thing in our power to ensure that this and a fiscally prudent way.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.011 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5036 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 Since Chairman ROGERS and I as- of living up to our constitutional obli- rors, and innocent lives have been lost sumed leadership of the committee, we gations, ensuring America’s intel- as a result. reduced the Intelligence Committee’s ligence agencies have the resources We need to recognize that each mis- budget by 20 percent, but this year’s necessary to keep Americans safe. take we make in these situations kill- bill acknowledges the need to right the Passing the intelligence authoriza- ing innocent people spawns more nu- ship after the storm of sequestration. tion is also vital to our important re- merous and more determined adver- The bill sets the priorities of our in- sponsibility of providing oversight to saries, undermining our mission there telligence professionals and their agen- the current administration. in the first place. cies, and it allocates resources to crit- This legislation ensures Congress, How we are perceived abroad mat- ical national security programs, in- and not the executive branch, is con- ters. Even if some of the strikes re- cluding those that detect, prevent, and trolling how taxpayer money is being ported as mistakes are not mistaken, disrupt potential terrorist attacks. spent on intelligence activities and the fact is that the rest of the world Let me also mention some specifics. doing so in the most efficient and effec- perceives our activities as killing inno- The bill continues to emphasize the tive way possible. cent civilians and painting all adult value of our satellites; scales back the We must remember that we have not male Muslims in these regions as our intelligence community’s use of con- defeated the threat of terrorism. The enemies. tractors; pushes for further improve- terrorists we face today are not a back- I understand the targeted use, but I ments in the continuous evaluation of yard gang; they are sophisticated and think that we cannot kill our way out insider threats; provides critical for- have access to the most modern of of this problem and our way to victory. ward-looking funding for Navy air- technologies. Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- borne intelligence surveillance recon- Over the last 2 years, we have seen man, I yield myself such time as I may naissance to maintain military intel- the number of worldwide deaths from consume. ligence capabilities during the transi- terrorism attacks double from 10,000 in Mr. Chairman, I just want to thank tion to newer, more capable aircraft; 2012 to 20,000 in 2013. the gentlelady from Illinois for her and invests in both the recruitment The fact that we in America are able strong and passionate position that she and retention of the best and the to sleep soundly at night is a credit to takes on some of the counterterrorism brightest for our cyber workforce, par- the men and women who serve our strategy issues that are very well de- ticularly within the FBI. Our younger country selflessly. We must continue bated and certainly well discussed and generation, we must educate them and to provide these brave men and women well overseen in the spaces where ap- have them work in this area. every tool possible as they continue to propriate and under the appropriate We have spent months poring over provide for our safety. form and function to do that because this bill and its specific authorizations That is why I encourage all my col- they are significant. There is no aspect in great detail—in our committee leagues to join me in supporting this of that counterterrorism strategy that spaces, at the agencies, and in the legislation. isn’t reviewed both in policy leading up remotest corners of the Earth where Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- to the daily and monthly counter- our intelligence professionals operate— man, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- strategy meetings that happen in the and then I can say this is a very good woman from Illinois, JAN SCHAKOWSKY, appropriate agencies and departments bill, and I am proud to support it. my good friend and a member of our and as a part of regular oversight of Many of the amendments on the floor committee, who has been very thought- these particular programs. today also promise to make a great bill ful and has allowed us to do the things But I do think it is important to un- even better. that we needed to do. derstand something: that all of the For the sake of keeping the country Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Chairman, I focus seems to be on the type of a and its allies safe, and for the sake of thank the ranking member for yield- weapon system that we have used or rigorously overseeing even the most ing. decided to use or may be using to fight classified intelligence programs, I urge I want to begin by saying that I real- what is a large and growing threat to my colleagues to pass this bill today. I reserve the balance of my time. ly appreciate the way in which our the United States of America. Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. committee operates and has come to I think it was interesting that in the Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gen- present this authorization bill to the Boko Haram case of the 300 girls, it tleman from North Carolina (Mr. floor, but I do want to raise some con- caught the world’s attention, that you PITTENGER). cerns. could have a group that would be so di- Mr. PITTENGER. Mr. Chairman, I One of the most controversial issues abolical that they would kidnap 300 thank Chairman ROGERS for this oppor- surrounding our national security is girls and sell them into slavery or force tunity to speak. I just really want to the use of the drone program. A num- them into marriage and do other un- commend you for your exceptional ber of us tried to introduce some speakable things. Yes, that is right, leadership as a Member of this body amendments that would be considered that is who these groups are. This is and for your service on behalf of the se- on the floor of the House so that we, the same group that has threatened the curity of our Nation. along with the American people, could United States of America with ter- Over the past year, it has really been have a conversation about that. These rorist attacks. It is an al Qaeda affil- a privilege to get to know you and amendments were not made in order. iate. We have watched them cut off the work with you on several initiatives. I And I want to express what my amend- heads of other human beings for the am just grateful for the way that you ment would have done. purposes of intimidation, we have handle the people’s business, look for- It would have prohibited elements of watched them cut off hands, we have ward to working with you more, and the intelligence community from en- watched them shoot little girls who get also congratulate you on your future gaging in so-called signature strikes. on buses to try to go and get an edu- endeavors. That is, lethal strikes in which the tar- cation. The legislation before us today pro- get is not specifically identified but We need to understand what threat vides the intelligence community the whose so-called pattern of life fits the faces the United States of America. Be- authorization needed to protect and de- profile, or signature, of a terrorist. cause our intelligence services have fend the United States and supports In these situations, we don’t know been so good and so aggressive, we critical national security programs, the identity of the target. Instead, we haven’t had an attack here in the same such as those protecting Americans draw conclusions from surveillance 9/11 fashion—and some of that, by the against terrorism and cyber attacks. about whether someone is affiliated way, was just sheer luck preparing for As Members of Congress, we took an with a terrorist organization, or en- the opportunity to catch them. oath to the Constitution, which sets gaged in terrorist conduct. The stakes We need to step back and make sure forth our duty to provide for the de- are high, and inevitably mistakes will we are understanding what we are try- fense of the United States. be made. There are reports from human ing to accomplish here and how we try Passing the yearly Intelligence Au- rights organizations in past years that to accomplish it. I think disparaging thorization Act is a critical component we have already made several grave er- the very men and women who I know

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.014 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5037 spent hours and months and years in posed with my colleague WALTER JONES nantly black institutions that educate preparation for any counterterrorism was not made in order. This amend- future generations of intelligence ex- strategy that we engage in, and do it in ment would have required an annual perts through advanced language train- a way that is so responsible—I think public report on the total number of ci- ing, study abroad, and cultural immer- Americans would be so proud if they vilian and combatant casualties caused sion programs. had the opportunity to sit down and by drone strikes. By publicly reporting To remain globally secure, we must talk with these people about how they on the use of drones, we would provide have human assets on the ground who get to where they are. additional accountability and trans- can blend in easily abroad, especially But I will tell you, aspects of that parency, helping to ensure the legit- in Africa and the Middle East. Over- counterterrorism strategy—some have imacy of the actions that we take over- coming cultural, language, and edu- been referenced—are the most seas. The report would also provide a cational barriers is critical to achiev- impactful, disruptive activity we have counterpoint to the inflated estimates ing this goal. I ask that my colleagues been able to do to stop attacks against of civilian casualties frequently seen in support this commonsense amendment. the United States and our allies over- the news, in part due to active efforts Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- seas. of our enemies to mislead. man, I continue to reserve the balance So I just again caution in this vacu- I plan to continue working with my of my time. um of safety and relative security that colleagues on the committee to provide Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- so many have given us, we should be greater transparency, but this is a very man, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- cautious about what we are asking simple method of doing so. In sum, it lady from Texas, SHEILA JACKSON LEE, changes to do—and what that would would simply require that there be an a great Member of Congress. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Let me thank mean for exposure of, say, U.S. pilots annual accounting of how many com- the ranking member for yielding and, or U.S. Special Forces—that we have batants are killed and how many non- as well, the chairperson, and let me not had to do for some length of time combatants are killed. It would also collectively add my appreciation for and still accomplish the mission. By have required that the administration the way, I can clearly say that any ref- the two leaders of this committee. or the DNI define those terms so we un- They have committed themselves, erence to some mass civilian casualties derstand who is being defined as a com- or collateral damage is absolutely without question, to the security of batant or noncombatant. this Nation. I thank them for their col- false, it is false, it is a false narrative The President has set a high stand- for those who seek to stop an effort laboration. ard for the use of drones, that they not Mr. ROGERS, I thank you for the work that we know, in fact, is degrading the be used unless there is a near certainty ability for attacks against the United that you have done for the Nation and, there will be no civilian casualties. States. certainly, for the commitment that This is a way of holding us accountable I reserve the balance of my time. you have made to the very important Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- to meet that very high standard. It is business of this committee. man, I yield 3 minutes to the gen- also, I think, all the more important Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, let me thank tleman from California, Mr. ADAM when we consider that, while we may you for your friendship as well and for SCHIFF, a valued member of our Intel- be the first Nation to use drones in this the continued collaboration on an issue ligence Committee, who has worked capacity, we will not be the last, and of great concern to me, but I will speak closely with me and our committee on the standard that we set or fail to set generally about this legislation and very important issues. will be one that may be emulated by will, again, acknowledge some of the Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Chairman, I thank others around the world. issues that you have looked at and con- the gentleman for yielding. I support this bill. I wish we had the sidered and have even included in this I rise in support of the Intelligence opportunity on the floor to vote on this legislation as it comes forward. Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2014 amendment, but I look forward to Mr. Chairman, I agree that detecting and 2015. working with the committee in the and disrupting and preventing a na- This bill provides the resources and years that follow to incorporate this tional security crisis is of paramount support the intelligence community provision and others to improve trans- responsibility for this committee and needs to accomplish their mission parency and accountability. many others, including the committee while enhancing oversight in several Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- that I serve on, the Committee on important respects. I want to commend man, I continue to reserve the balance Homeland Security. For that reason, I the bipartisan leadership of Chairman of my time. have interfaced with this committee on ROGERS and Ranking Member RUP- Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- a number of issues. PERSBERGER on this bill. I congratulate man, I yield 2 minutes to the gentle- I am very glad to note, in particular, them on, again, advancing an Intel- woman from Illinois (Ms. KELLY), a that the issue of dealing with the ex- ligence Authorization Act. I also want great Member of Congress. pansive use that has been used, which I to acknowledge my colleague from Ne- Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Mr. Chair- will talk about in the en bloc amend- vada, Dr. HECK, for his work with me man, I thank the chairman and rank- ment, is clearly something that we on the Technical and Tactical Sub- ing member for their hard work on this should have considered, and in this bill, committee. Chairman HECK did a fabu- important legislation. it did. lous job supporting investments in Every day, America faces threats to It got its hand around the enormous technology and capacity that will pay our national security. Some threats use of outside contractors in the intel- dividends in years to come. are evolving, like cyber attacks on our ligence business, and it emphasized re- In addition to funding our intel- infrastructure. Some are emerging, cruitment and training. That is posi- ligence priority, the bill includes im- like the radicals of Boko Haram. And tive. There are young, bright persons portant new provisions to improve some are right in front of us demand- who I know are willing to serve their greater oversight of the NSA and other ing direct action. country, and this legislation has com- IC elements. It creates an independent Because we face a diverse array of mitted itself to doing that. inspector general within the NSA who threats, our security depends on an in- Now, particularly with this legisla- will be fully empowered to investigate telligence community that is equally tion, I also want to appreciate the col- abuse, waste, and fraud. The bill also diverse. In a 2011 address to Morehouse laboration between the Judiciary Com- requires an annual report to the Intel- College, CIA Director Leon Panetta mittee and this committee on the USA ligence Committees on violations of stated that we need an intelligence FREEDOM Act, and I want to say to law and executive order, including Ex- community with a workforce that re- America that we have corralled the ecutive Order 12333. This provision flects the world it engages. megadata collection. We have done it fixes a blind spot under current law in a bipartisan manner, and we will do and improves the Intelligence Commit- b 1015 more and do better. tee’s capacity for oversight. My amendment helps the intelligence So it is with appreciation for this While I support the bill, I was dis- community meet its strategic diversity legislation and in thanking the com- appointed that an amendment I pro- goals by providing grants to predomi- mittee for working with my staff on

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.015 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 my amendment that I ask my col- cutting off support for those groups so des- the Nation had 3,738,026 Federal agency em- leagues to support this legislation. ignated. ployees working for the: Office of the Director Mr. Chair, I rise to speak on H.R. 4681, the In 2013, Ansar al-Dine, Boko Haram, and of National Intelligence Scattered Castles; De- Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal year Jama’atu Ansarul Muslimina Bi Biladis-Sudan partment of Defense; Joint Personnel Adju- 2014. were added to the list of FTOs. dication System; Office of Personnel Manage- I want to thank the Permanent Select Com- FTOs are legally defined under Section 219 ment; and Central Verification System (CVS). mittee on Intelligence for including my amend- of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which In addition to surveying these agencies a ment in an en bloc. states the group must be: a foreign organiza- special data call was made to the seven intel- My amendment to H.R. 4681 is simple and tion; engage in terrorist activity or retain the ligence community agencies with delegated will be an important addition to the legislation, capacity and intent to engage in terrorist activ- authority to conduct investigations or adjudica- which I believe can be supported by every ity or terrorism; and participating in terrorist tions to fulfill specific reporting requirements member of this Committee. activity or terrorism that threatens the security directed by the fiscal year 2010 Intelligence My amendment seeks greater transparency of the United States or its citizens. Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010. These to Congress on the people who the Nation re- United States’ National security encom- agencies were the: Central Intelligence Agen- lies upon to perform certain types of work re- passes national defense, foreign relations, or cy; Defense Intelligence Agency; Federal Bu- quired of the Intelligence Community. economic interest. reau of Investigation; National Geospatial-In- The Jackson Lee amendment requires the The unauthorized intelligence disclosures telligence Agency; National Reconnaissance Director of the Office of National Intelligence last year impacted U.S. national security. Office; National Security Agency; and Depart- to conduct an assessment of the reliance of The intelligence breach came as a result of ment of State. intelligence activities on contractors to support a government contractor making public sen- In 2013, the total number of persons with a Government objectives, including an assess- sitive information is still resonating both inter- Confidential, Secret or Top Secret security ment of contractors performing intelligence ac- nationally and within the United States, where clearance totaled 5,150,379 individuals—of tivities, which would include intelligence anal- an important debate on privacy and civil lib- this number 3,738,026 were government ysis. erties is still ongoing. agency personnel, 1,056,309 were contractors The amendment would seek information on But also around the world the con- and 356,044 were categorized as other. the skills necessary to perform intelligence re- sequences of the unauthorized release of Between January and October 1, 2013 there lated work and whether Federal employees international activity by intelligence agencies is were 777,168 security clearances approved— had these skills. The amendment would also still playing out. 152,490 were government agency employees seek statistics on contractors preforming intel- The timing of the release of information on and 131,209 were contractors with an addi- ligence related work for agencies under the the non-U.S. activity of our intelligence agen- tional 12,785 designated as other. purview of the Office of the Director of Na- cies caused tremendous tension in our rela- Congress must have the ability to make de- tional Intelligence. tions with allies at a time when the United cisions regarding how intelligence agencies fill Something is very wrong when the process States was working to form a global response positions that require security clearances be- for screening and vetting government contrac- to the use of chemical weapons against civil- cause it has implications for the appropriations tors does not identify someone who would ians in Syria. process. have access to—as well as the ability to col- In addition to frustrating our efforts to form The Information Security Oversight Office of lect and remove sensitive information from a strong global response to the use of chem- the National Archives 2012 Report to the government computers and publicly disclose ical weapons in Syria it also caused economic President focuses on the classification prac- that information. harm to U.S. companies internationally. tices of intelligence agencies. If each person working in an intelligence Congress is not able to fully investigate the The report addresses the power of ‘‘original role within the government decided to act on circumstances that resulted in last year’s intel- classification authorities’’ also called ‘‘original their own thoughts for their own purposes on ligence breach because the person with many classifiers,’’ which are individuals designated whether they would or would not keep their of the answers to questions many of us have with Top Secret original classification authority oath to defend and protect our Nation’s se- is now living in Russia. to classify information. crets then there would be chaos. However, we can look prospectively on how Only original classifiers are authorized to Our Nation suffers harm in ways we can the work of the Intelligence Community under determine what information, if disclosed with- see, as well as ways that we cannot see when the direction of the Office of the Director of out authorization, would be expected to cause unauthorized disclosures regarding intelligence National Intelligence should fill positions that damage to national security. resources occur. require security clearances. The original classification authority process It harms our ability to work with other na- The intelligence work by contractors and comes before all other aspects of the security tions who rely on our ability to keep secret the Federal employees is critical to the protection classification system. In 2004, the total num- information they share with our Nation’s intel- of the United States and our interest both do- ber of original classifications was 351,150 and ligence agencies. mestically and around the world. We should in 2012 the number was 74,477. If our global assets and allies cease to trust approach the work of the intelligence commu- The cost of government security classifica- our ability to keep their work with our intel- nity as we do when considering the work of tion in 2005 was $7.66 billion and in 2011 the ligence, national defense or diplomatic agen- the Department of Defense. total was $11.36 billion. cies secret then they will not cooperate with The work that our Intelligence professionals The amount expended in 2011 included: us in our efforts to defend our Nation and our perform is critical, and a defense in depth ap- 5.65 billion for protection maintenance; 1.53 interest around the world. proach is necessary to assure that no matter billion for security management oversight and Reckless disclosures make us vulnerable to the challenge or the circumstances there will planning; 502.51 million for professional edu- our Nation’s enemies who could make be well trained professionals in place to do cation, training and awareness; 352.4 million changes to how they hide information because what must be done to defend and protect the for classification management; and 52.76 mil- the disclosure of national secrets reveals nation. lion for declassification. means and methods. The Office of the Director of National Intel- These costs cited are not all encompassing, The world is a dangerous place—we have ligence 2013 Report on Security Clearance but were generated by 41 executive branch seen within the last 18 months—a bombing Determinations provides information on the agencies including the Department of De- during the Boston Marathon, the rise in sec- number of persons with security clearance lev- fense. tarian violence in Syria that included incidents els of Confidential, Secret, or Top Secret and The funds expended do not include activity involving the use of nerve gas; and Boko had access to classified information as well as by the Central Intelligence Agency, the De- Haram which kidnapped nearly 300 girls from those who were favorably adjudicated but did fense Intelligence Agency, Office of the Direc- their school in northern Nigeria. not have access to classified information. tor for National Intelligence, the National According to the United States Department I would like to acknowledge the work of the Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the National of State Country Report on Terrorism 2013, Special Security Directorate (SSD) of the Of- Reconnaissance Office, and the National Se- published in April of this year indicates that fice of the National Counterintelligence Execu- curity Agency. there are 53 Foreign Terrorist Organizations tive for compiling and processing the data for The focus on training is critical in the work (FTOs). this report. of the Intelligence Community and it is impor- Designation of FTOs is important to our Na- The 2013 Report on Security Clearance De- tant that this is a high priority for the agencies tion’s fight against terrorism and is effective in terminations states that by October 1, 2013 represented in the National Archive report.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.016 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5039 The work by the Intelligence Community to that bill, but I do appreciate the will- had another point of view, and then we address classification in an evenhanded way ingness of the ranking member to work resolved those issues. can help create and maintain a firm basis for with me and also of the chairman to Each of us has worked even harder to classification of information that is sustainable listen to many of us in this body who find common ground on behalf of the can go a long way in addressing questions re- would like that opportunity to make American people to protect us from garding what secrets are critical to our nation’s the case that Lee Hamilton made for terrorist attacks and other issues that national security and what the public has a transparency. are out there that relate to national right to know. Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- security. I thank my colleagues on the Intelligence man, I continue to reserve the balance I yield back the balance of my time. Committee for their hard work in bringing this of my time. Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- bill before the full House for consideration. I Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- man, I yield myself the balance of my ask that members of the Congress vote in man, I yield myself such time as I may time. favor of this bipartisan en bloc amendment to consume. I thank the ranking member for his H.R. 4681. I thank the gentleman from Vermont work. Let the American public understand Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- (Mr. WELCH) for his diligent work in what happens. There are so many as- man, I continue to reserve the balance the area of transparency on behalf of persions thrown at the members who of my time. the American people. Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- As we have seen in this last year, serve on the Intelligence and on other committees who must do their work in man, may I inquire as to how much trust in the intelligence community by secret, and certainly, the staff fights time I have remaining? the citizens it serves is incredibly im- through and works through all of these The CHAIR. The gentleman from portant. difficult issues. Maryland has 17 minutes remaining. As the ranking member of the House Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- There is plenty of oversight hap- Intelligence Committee, we take seri- man, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- pening. It might not be on the front ously the responsibility to provide to tleman from Vermont, Mr. PETER page of the newspaper. We call that the public as much information as pos- WELCH, my good friend and a great ‘‘disaster day’’ in the business of trying sible while protecting sensitive sources Member of Congress. to protect American secrets. Mr. WELCH. I thank the gentleman. and methods. When the ranking member and I first When classification permits, the I thank you for your good work. took over the committee, we re- budget of the intelligence community Mr. ROGERS, I thank you for your instituted all of the regular oversight good work, and we are going to miss has been released. In other cases, the patterns: counterintelligence matters, you. Your leadership on the Intel Com- American people rely on our com- covert action matters, regular counter- mittee has been of great benefit to this mittee and on all of their Representa- terrorism strategy updates, and re- institution. Thank you. tives, like Representative WELCH, to views. Mr. Chairman, I have been working review the budget of the intelligence Again, every piece of that strategy with a number of my colleagues, par- community on their behalf. that is implemented is reviewed by the ticularly with CYNTHIA LUMMIS of Wyo- I look forward to working with Rep- committee, and it is certainly read and ming, on a question that we think is resentative WELCH to continue to find reviewed by me, personally, and, I quite important to the security status ways to increase the trust of the Amer- know, by others on the committee as of our country, and that is more trans- ican people in the intelligence commu- well. parency in the budget. nity as it relates to transparency. There is a tremendous amount of ef- This is debated because, by defini- I reserve the balance of my time. fort and energy applied to trying to get tion, if it is intelligence activity, it is Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- this right, to making sure that two ‘‘secret,’’ but on the other hand, the man, I continue to reserve the balance things happen—one, that they are com- whole point of having transparency in of my time for the purpose of closing. porting with the law. They want to do budgets is so the rules of account- Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- that despite what you might read in ability apply across the board. We have man, I yield myself such time as I may the newspaper. They want to do that. 16 different intelligence-gathering consume. They, too, have taken an oath to the agencies, and in all cases, the topline For the sake of rigorous oversight Constitution of the United States of budget is absolutely secret. and accountability over all U.S. intel- America, and they believe that fol- The 9/11 Commission that was a bi- ligence agencies and all U.S. intel- lowing the law is the right way to do partisan commission of respected na- ligence activities, I urge my colleagues it. They want Congress’ support for tional security credentialed people— to vote for this important, bipartisan what they are doing, and they want the Lee Hamilton and the Governor of New bill. I also urge my colleagues to sup- American people’s support for what Jersey, Governor Kean—recommended port this bill for the sake of our brave they are doing—because it is so dif- that this topline number in the intel- intelligence professionals, who, like ficult and so hard to come to the right ligence agency budgets be transparent. our military, work day and night, often conclusions in a very murky and dan- Why? So that there is a basis for tax- in the most austere of places, to keep gerous world—so that oversight does payers and for all of us to start to us safe and our allies safe; and for the happen. It happens regularly. evaluate whether we are getting our sake of all of us—not just in America, I want to thank all of the members of money’s worth, whether there is dupli- but around the world—who benefit both parties for rigorous debate behind cation in efforts, whether one agency is from the work of our intelligence agen- those closed doors. There is no lovefest stumbling into another, whether there cies, I urge my colleagues to vote for when those doors close and a ‘‘let’s just is coordination, whether there is co- this bill. It is a solid bill that we do what we have to do to get to tomor- operation. should be proud to support. row.’’ The same reasons that we would have Finally, once again, Mr. Chairman, The debates are real and vigorous, the food stamp budget subject to rigid let me thank you for your leadership, and we have different philosophies on review and accountability applies as our relationship, and your commit- how we move forward on some of these well to our security. In fact, it is enor- ment to the people of the United States intelligence matters and collection mously important that this country be of America. You served in the military, matters and on how we balance privacy getting its money’s worth. and you served in the FBI. We are and civil liberties and security. All of The principle of transparency would going to miss you. that happens. not in any way compromise, in the Thank you also to every member on Sometimes, we find members who view of many respected intelligence the Intelligence Committee. We have just don’t agree, but what we do in that leaders like Lee Hamilton, the intel- had many debates, many hard negotia- space is understand and try to get and ligence gathering and the effort and re- tions, and many tough struggles, but at make sure that we have all of the re- sponsibility to keep us secure. all times, whether or not one member sources and all of the policies and all of So I was disappointed that we were or another agreed or disagreed, we re- the authorities our intelligence serv- not allowed to have an amendment on spected the fact that another member ices need to be impactful to save the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:09 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MY7.011 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5040 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 United States and to, yes, maybe even When they come home from doing well at night, knowing that very brave save 300 girls or to, yes, maybe even hard things, when they lose their col- men and women will do the work that allow for girls in a place like Afghani- leagues—and they do—they are not so many would not be interested in stan to get an education. That part looking for a ticker tape parade in New doing. needs to be right, too. York City. They know that is not going With that, Mr. Chairman, I yield Nuclear proliferation—we have a to happen. back the balance of my time. cyber world that is the single largest What they do want to understand is Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Chair, I rise today in sup- national security threat to this coun- that, when they turn around, the port of H.R. 4681, the ‘‘Intelligence Authoriza- try that we are not prepared to handle, American population and the American tion Act for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015’’. and there are a lot of sidebar discus- citizens are standing with them. Even sions that have nothing to do with the though Americans can’t give them the As Chairman of the Committee on Home- fact that nation-states are stealing our ‘‘attaboy,’’ we can. Those of us who do land on Security, I understand the importance intellectual property—nation-states this work, we can. of this legislation. H.R. 4681 enhances the na- like China. So I will tell them, on this floor tional security of the United States and is a You have, according to public re- today, on behalf of a grateful Nation, vital tool for Congressional oversight of the ac- ports, countries like Iran that are thank you for your service. Stop read- tivities of the Intelligence Community. It is crit- probing financial institutions right ing the newspaper. Keep doing your ical that our intelligence agencies have all of here in the United States and are try- job. It will mean the difference of lives the resources and authorities they need to ac- ing to do destructive attacks. saved around the world. complish the important responsibility of keep- According to public reports, North We have so many challenges, and I ing Americans safe. I commend Chairman Korea even attacked a bank in South only say this—and I wasn’t planning to ROGERS and Ranking Member RUPPERS- Korea some months ago. You see China say this, Mr. Chairman—that someone BERGER for their tireless work on these issues rising up in its influence in the South came on this floor and said: I don’t and the exhaustive process of drafting a bipar- and East China Seas. You see potential mind the intelligence people, but I tisan authorization. conflict between Vietnam, Japan, and don’t like their culture. H.R. 4681 authorizes Federal intelligence, China. intelligence-related, and information sharing b 1030 These are serious, serious matters. activities, including those of the Department of Because they are so far away, I think These are people who are willing to Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and sometimes we forget, and we come to risk their lives for that flag that Analysis (I&A). I&A is an element of the De- talk about things that are important— stands in the well of this House. They partment of Homeland Security (DHS) as well in how we move forward in the intel- were willing to give their lives for the as the Intelligence Community, and its activi- ligence business and how we empower Constitution they stuck up their hand ties support missions in both. As such, I&A oc- them to do the work of the United to support. cupies the unique role as a central conduit for States. Is that the culture we don’t like and analysis and information sharing among stake- At the same time, this recent year of, appreciate anymore in America? holders which include the intelligence agen- I think, aspersion to the men and There have been some bumps in the cies, components of the DHS, other Federal women who serve in these capacities is road, but we ought to applaud these partners, and State, local, tribal, and territorial disheartening. This isn’t a new thing. people. We ought to sing their praises. entities. In this role, I&A supports and collabo- George Washington used the intel- We ought to thank them every single rates with State and local partners through the ligence business to try to win the war day that they are away from their fam- National Network of Fusion Centers, and pro- against the British. ilies, in dangerous places, and risking vides analytic support to the DHS compo- Ben Franklin is credited with the their lives to collect that one piece of nents. first covert action programs by trying information that maybe saves the girls Consistent with our jurisdiction, the Com- to influence British and Tory opinion of Boko Haram or maybe saves the mittee on Homeland Security has conducted during the first years of the war. John girls who get on their bus today in the extensive oversight over these programs and Jay created the first counterintel- United States of America. missions, to include the July 2013 release of ligence unit to try to fight back I hope we shake ourselves out of this a report on ‘‘The National Network of Fusion against what the British were doing in notion that we can just continue to Centers.’’ beat them and disparage them and call spying against the Americans. While I support the overall purpose of the them everything but great patriots and Jefferson and Madison had secret bill, I am concerned that the effort includes expect them to get up every day and do funds that they took, by the way, provisions that seek to limit the support I&A the job that they need to do to protect which we would no longer approve or provides DHS, its component agencies, and to this country. support today—secret funds—in order the 78 fusion centers around the nation. I be- This bill, I think, actually does that. to do covert action-type activities in lieve this risks depriving the Homeland Secu- We give them clear guidance. We invest the earliest days of the founding of our rity Enterprise of valuable information and ex- in technology that we need to make Nation. pertise at a time when we know the threats to We need to stop for a minute and sure that we keep up with our adver- the homeland persist. think about what is at stake. I think saries around the world who, by the the future and safety and security of way, are trying to beat us and take ad- As the bill moves through the process and the United States is at stake, and we vantage of us—places like space, places negotiations begin with the Senate, I will con- have somehow, over the last year, de- like cyber, places like HUMINT intel- tinue to work to ensure that these issues are cided that our intelligence services are ligence, and what they believe is a per- addressed and that State and local law en- the problem. ceived weakness to deal with a rising forcement, and other first responders, receive No. I have bad news. Actually, I have tide of terrorists who want to kill the support they need from the Department of good news: they are part of the solu- Americans here at home. Homeland Security. tion. If you don’t want troops engaged This is an important bill because it is Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chair, I rise in support in many countries, then you want to bipartisan. A lot of these issues that of my amendment to the Intelligence Author- support your intelligence services, and are talked about have been fought in ization Act for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015. you want them to be the best in the the bowels of this House, basically. Under Section 307 of this Act, the Chief In- world. And we worked through it and we have formation Officer of the Intelligence Commu- If you don’t want to have to engage come to an agreement that this is the nity, along with the respective Chief Informa- in the withdrawal of certain diplomatic right direction, in a bipartisan way, tion Officers of each element that comprise and economic and trade arrangements that will serve to protect the United the IC, are required to conduct an inventory of around the world, then you want the States. all existing software licenses—both used and best intelligence services that you can So, Mr. Chair, I urge all Members to unused—and then assess the actions that possibly get. Here is the good news: we strongly support this bill. Give them could be carried out to achieve the greatest have them. We just need to stand be- the tools, give Congress the oversight, possible economies of scale and cost-savings hind them. and give America the ability to sleep in software procurement and usage.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.018 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5041 My commonsense amendment simply en- TITLE III—GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. sures that when those assessments are car- Subtitle A—General Matters In this Act: ried out, the CIOs will examine leading soft- Sec. 301. Increase in employee compensation (1) CONGRESSIONAL INTELLIGENCE COMMIT- and benefits authorized by law. TEES.—The term ‘‘congressional intelligence ware license management practices. committees’’ means— By adopting Connolly #12, Congress will en- Sec. 302. Restriction on conduct of intelligence activities. (A) the Select Committee on Intelligence of the sure that when the IC examines potential ac- Sec. 303. Specific authorization of funding for Senate; and tions to enhance software license manage- High Performance Computing (B) the Permanent Select Committee on Intel- ment and save taxpayer dollars, four leading Center 2. ligence of the House of Representatives. practices will be included in the analysis. Sec. 304. Clarification of exemption from Free- (2) INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY.—The term ‘‘in- The management practices contained in my dom of Information Act of identi- telligence community’’ has the meaning given ties of employees submitting com- that term in section 3(4) of the National Security amendment are derived from a recent report Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003(4)). issued by the U.S. Government Accountability plaints to the Inspector General of TITLE I—INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES Office on May 22, 2014, entitled, ‘‘Federal the Intelligence Community. Sec. 305. Functional managers for the intel- SEC. 101. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. Software Licenses: Better Management Need- ligence community. ed to Achieve Significant Savings Govern- Funds are hereby authorized to be appro- Sec. 306. Annual assessment of intelligence com- priated for fiscal years 2014 and 2015 for the ment-Wide.’’ munity performance by function. conduct of the intelligence and intelligence-re- Sec. 307. Software licensing. GAO consulted with software license man- lated activities of the following elements of the Sec. 308. Plans to respond to unauthorized pub- agement experts from the public and private United States Government: lic disclosures of covert actions. sectors, prior to concluding that Federal agen- Sec. 309. Auditability. (1) The Office of the Director of National In- cies are generally not following best practices Sec. 310. Public Interest Declassification Board. telligence. that could achieve significant cost-savings. Sec. 311. Official representation items in sup- (2) The Central Intelligence Agency. These best practices include increasing the port of the Coast Guard Attache´ (3) The Department of Defense. (4) The Defense Intelligence Agency. centralization of the management of software Program. Sec. 312. Declassification review of certain (5) The National Security Agency. licenses; increasing the regular tracking and (6) The Department of the Army, the Depart- maintaining of comprehensive inventories of items collected during the mission that killed Osama bin Laden on ment of the Navy, and the Department of the software licenses using automated discovery May 1, 2011. Air Force. and inventory tools and metrics; analyzing Sec. 313. Merger of the Foreign Counterintel- (7) The Coast Guard. software license data to inform investment de- ligence Program and the General (8) The Department of State. cisions; and providing appropriate personnel Defense Intelligence Program. (9) The Department of the Treasury. (10) The Department of Energy. with sufficient software licenses management Subtitle B—Reporting (11) The Department of Justice. training. Sec. 321. Annual report on violations of law or (12) The Federal Bureau of Investigation. I urge all my colleagues to support my executive order. (13) The Drug Enforcement Administration. straightforward amendment that will enhance Sec. 322. Submittal to Congress by heads of ele- (14) The National Reconnaissance Office. the IC’s ability to spend taxpayer dollars in the ments of intelligence community (15) The National Geospatial-Intelligence of plans for orderly shutdown in most effective and efficient manner possible Agency. event of absence of appropria- (16) The Department of Homeland Security. when procuring and managing software li- tions. censes. Sec. 323. Reports on chemical weapons in Syria. SEC. 102. CLASSIFIED SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZA- TIONS. The CHAIR. All time for general de- Sec. 324. Reports to the intelligence community (a) SPECIFICATIONS OF AMOUNTS AND PER- bate has expired. on penetrations of networks and SONNEL LEVELS.— information systems of certain Pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be (1) FISCAL YEAR 2014.—The amounts author- considered for amendment under the 5- contractors. Sec. 325. Report on electronic waste. ized to be appropriated under section 101 and, minute rule. Sec. 326. Promoting STEM education to meet subject to section 103, the authorized personnel In lieu of the amendment in the na- the future workforce needs of the ceilings as of September 30, 2014, for the conduct ture of a substitute recommended by intelligence community. of the intelligence activities of the elements list- the Permanent Select Committee on Sec. 327. Assessment of security of domestic oil ed in paragraphs (1) through (16) of section 101, Intelligence, printed in the bill, it shall refineries and related rail trans- are those specified in the classified Schedule of portation infrastructure. Authorizations for fiscal year 2014 prepared to be in order to consider as an original accompany the bill H.R. 4681 of the One Hun- bill for the purpose of amendment Sec. 328. Repeal or modification of certain re- porting requirements. dred Thirteenth Congress. under the 5-minute rule an amendment TITLE IV—MATTERS RELATING TO ELE- (2) FISCAL YEAR 2015.—The amounts author- in the nature of a substitute consisting MENTS OF THE INTELLIGENCE COMMU- ized to be appropriated under section 101 and, of the text of Rules Committee Print NITY subject to section 103, the authorized personnel ceilings as of September 30, 2015, for the conduct 113–45. That amendment in the nature Sec. 401. Gifts, devises, and bequests to the Cen- of a substitute shall be considered as of the intelligence activities of the elements list- tral Intelligence Agency. ed in paragraphs (1) through (16) of section 101, read. Sec. 402. Inspector General of the National Se- are those specified in the classified Schedule of curity Agency. The text of the amendment in the na- Authorizations for fiscal year 2015 prepared to ture of a substitute is as follows: TITLE V—SECURITY CLEARANCE REFORM accompany the bill H.R. 4681 of the One Hun- H. R. 4681 Sec. 501. Continuous evaluation and sharing of dred Thirteenth Congress. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of derogatory information regarding (b) AVAILABILITY OF CLASSIFIED SCHEDULE OF Representatives of the United States of America personnel with access to classified AUTHORIZATIONS.— in Congress assembled, information. (1) AVAILABILITY.—The classified Schedules of Sec. 502. Requirements for intelligence commu- Authorizations referred to in subsection (a) SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. nity contractors. shall be made available to the Committee on Ap- (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as Sec. 503. Technology improvements to security propriations of the Senate, the Committee on the ‘‘Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal clearance processing. Appropriations of the House of Representatives, Years 2014 and 2015’’. Sec. 504. Report on reciprocity of security clear- and to the President. ABLE OF ONTENTS (b) T C .—The table of con- ances. (2) DISTRIBUTION BY THE PRESIDENT.—Subject tents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 505. Improving the periodic reinvestigation to paragraph (3), the President shall provide for Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. process. suitable distribution of the classified Schedules Sec. 2. Definitions. Sec. 506. Appropriate committees of Congress of Authorizations, or of appropriate portions of defined. TITLE I—INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES the Schedules, within the executive branch. TITLE VI—TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS IMITS ON DISCLOSURE.—The President Sec. 101. Authorization of appropriations. (3) L shall not publicly disclose the classified Sched- Sec. 102. Classified Schedule of Authorizations. Sec. 601. Technical amendments to the Central ules of Authorizations or any portion of such Sec. 103. Personnel ceiling adjustments. Intelligence Agency Act of 1949. Sec. 602. Technical amendments to the National Schedules except— Sec. 104. Intelligence Community Management Security Act of 1947 relating to (A) as provided in section 601(a) of the Imple- Account. the past elimination of certain po- menting Recommendations of the 9/11 Commis- TITLE II—CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEN- sitions. sion Act of 2007 (50 U.S.C. 3306(a)); CY RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SYS- Sec. 603. Technical amendments to the Intel- (B) to the extent necessary to implement the TEM ligence Authorization Act for Fis- budget; or Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations. cal Year 2013. (C) as otherwise required by law.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.013 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5042 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 SEC. 103. PERSONNEL CEILING ADJUSTMENTS. research and development shall remain avail- lish within the intelligence community one or (a) AUTHORITY FOR INCREASES.—The Director able until September 30, 2016. more positions of manager of an intelligence of National Intelligence may authorize employ- (2) AUTHORIZATION OF PERSONNEL.— function. Any position so established may be ment of civilian personnel in excess of the num- (A) FISCAL YEAR 2014.—In addition to the per- known as the ‘Functional Manager’ of the intel- ber authorized for fiscal year 2014 or 2015 by the sonnel authorized by subsection (b) for elements ligence function concerned. classified Schedules of Authorizations referred of the Intelligence Community Management Ac- ‘‘(b) PERSONNEL.—The Director shall des- to in section 102(a) if the Director of National count as of September 30, 2014, there are author- ignate individuals to serve as manager of intel- Intelligence determines that such action is nec- ized such additional personnel for the Commu- ligence functions established under subsection essary to the performance of important intel- nity Management Account as of that date as are (a) from among officers and employees of ele- ligence functions, except that the number of per- specified in the classified Schedule of Author- ments of the intelligence community. sonnel employed in excess of the number author- izations referred to in section 102(a). ‘‘(c) DUTIES.—Each manager of an intel- ized under such section may not, for any ele- (B) FISCAL YEAR 2015.—In addition to the per- ligence function established under subsection ment of the intelligence community, exceed 3 sonnel authorized by subsection (b) for elements (a) shall have the duties as follows: percent of the number of civilian personnel au- of the Intelligence Community Management Ac- ‘‘(1) To act as principal advisor to the Direc- thorized under the Schedule for such element count as of September 30, 2015, there are author- tor on the intelligence function. during the fiscal year covered by such Schedule. ized such additional personnel for the Commu- ‘‘(2) To carry out such other responsibilities (b) TREATMENT OF CERTAIN PERSONNEL.—The nity Management Account as of that date as are with respect to the intelligence function as the Director of National Intelligence shall establish specified in the classified Schedule of Author- Director may specify for purposes of this sec- guidelines that govern, for each element of the izations referred to in section 102(a). tion.’’. (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS AMENDMENT.—The intelligence community, the treatment under the TITLE II—CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEN- personnel levels authorized under section 102(a), table of contents in the first section of the Na- CY RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SYS- tional Security Act of 1947 is amended by insert- including any exemption from such personnel TEM levels, of employment or assignment in— ing after the item relating to section 103I the fol- (1) a student program, trainee program, or SEC. 201. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. lowing new item: similar program; There is authorized to be appropriated for the ‘‘Sec. 103J. Functional managers for the intel- (2) a reserve corps or as a reemployed annu- Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Dis- ligence community.’’. itant; or ability Fund $514,000,000 for each of fiscal years SEC. 306. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT OF INTEL- (3) details, joint duty, or long term, full-time 2014 and 2015. LIGENCE COMMUNITY PERFORM- training. TITLE III—GENERAL PROVISIONS ANCE BY FUNCTION. (c) NOTICE TO CONGRESSIONAL INTELLIGENCE (a) ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS REQUIRED.—Title V Subtitle A—General Matters COMMITTEES.—The Director of National Intel- of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. ligence shall notify the congressional intel- SEC. 301. INCREASE IN EMPLOYEE COMPENSA- 3091 et seq.) is amended by inserting after sec- ligence committees in writing at least 15 days TION AND BENEFITS AUTHORIZED tion 506I the following new section: BY LAW. prior to each exercise of an authority described ‘‘SEC. 506J. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT OF INTEL- in subsection (a). Appropriations authorized by this Act for sal- LIGENCE COMMUNITY PERFORM- ary, pay, retirement, and other benefits for Fed- SEC. 104. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY MANAGE- ANCE BY FUNCTION. MENT ACCOUNT. eral employees may be increased by such addi- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than April 1, (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— tional or supplemental amounts as may be nec- 2016, and each year thereafter, the Director of (1) FISCAL YEAR 2014.—There is authorized to essary for increases in such compensation or National Intelligence shall, in consultation with be appropriated for the Intelligence Community benefits authorized by law. the Functional Managers, submit to the con- Management Account of the Director of Na- SEC. 302. RESTRICTION ON CONDUCT OF INTEL- gressional intelligence committees a report on tional Intelligence for fiscal year 2014 the sum of LIGENCE ACTIVITIES. covered intelligence functions during the pre- $528,229,000. Within such amount, funds identi- The authorization of appropriations by this ceding year. fied in the classified Schedule of Authorizations Act shall not be deemed to constitute authority ‘‘(b) ELEMENTS.—Each report under sub- referred to in section 102(a) for advanced re- for the conduct of any intelligence activity section (a) shall include for each covered intel- search and development shall remain available which is not otherwise authorized by the Con- ligence function for the year covered by such re- until September 30, 2015. stitution or the laws of the United States. port the following: (2) FISCAL YEAR 2015.—There is authorized to SEC. 303. SPECIFIC AUTHORIZATION OF FUNDING ‘‘(1) An identification of the capabilities, pro- be appropriated for the Intelligence Community FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COM- grams, and activities of such intelligence func- Management Account of the Director of Na- PUTING CENTER 2. tion, regardless of the element of the intelligence tional Intelligence for fiscal year 2015 the sum of Funds appropriated for the construction of community that carried out such capabilities, $505,476,000. Within such amount, funds identi- the High Performance Computing Center 2 programs, and activities. fied in the classified Schedule of Authorizations (HPCC 2), as described in the table entitled Con- ‘‘(2) A description of the investment and allo- referred to in section 102(a) for advanced re- solidated Cryptologic Program (CCP) in the cation of resources for such intelligence func- search and development shall remain available classified annex to accompany the Consolidated tion, including an analysis of the allocation of until September 30, 2016. and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, resources within the context of the National In- (b) AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL LEVELS.—The ele- 2013 (Public Law 113–6; 127 Stat. 198), in excess telligence Strategy, priorities for recipients of re- ments within the Intelligence Community Man- of the amount specified for such activity in the sources, and areas of risk. agement Account of the Director of National In- tables in the classified annex prepared to accom- ‘‘(3) A description and assessment of the per- telligence are authorized 855 positions as of Sep- pany the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fis- formance of such intelligence function. ‘‘(4) An identification of any issues related to tember 30, 2014, and 777 positions as of Sep- cal Year 2013 (Public Law 112–277; 126 Stat. the application of technical interoperability tember 30, 2015. Personnel serving in such ele- 2468) shall be specifically authorized by Con- standards in the capabilities, programs, and ac- ments may be permanent employees of the Office gress for the purposes of section 504 of the Na- tional Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3094). tivities of such intelligence function. of the Director of National Intelligence or per- ‘‘(5) An identification of the operational over- sonnel detailed from other elements of the SEC. 304. CLARIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM lap or need for de-confliction, if any, within United States Government. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT OF such intelligence function. (c) CLASSIFIED AUTHORIZATIONS.— IDENTITIES OF EMPLOYEES SUBMIT- ‘‘(6) A description of any efforts to integrate TING COMPLAINTS TO THE INSPEC- (1) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— such intelligence function with other intel- (A) FISCAL YEAR 2014.—In addition to TOR GENERAL OF THE INTEL- ligence disciplines as part of an integrated intel- amounts authorized to be appropriated for the LIGENCE COMMUNITY. Section 103H(g)(3)(A) of the National Security ligence enterprise. Intelligence Community Management Account ‘‘(7) A description of any efforts to establish by subsection (a), there are authorized to be ap- Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3033(g)(3)(A)) is amended by striking ‘‘undertaken;’’ and inserting ‘‘un- consistency in tradecraft and training within propriated for the Community Management Ac- such intelligence function. count for fiscal year 2014 such additional dertaken, and this provision shall qualify as a withholding statute pursuant to subsection ‘‘(8) A description and assessment of develop- amounts as are specified in the classified Sched- ments in technology that bear on the future of ule of Authorizations referred to in section (b)(3) of section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the ‘Freedom of Informa- such intelligence function. 102(a). Such additional amounts for advanced ‘‘(9) Such other matters relating to such intel- tion Act’);’’. research and development shall remain avail- ligence function as the Director may specify for able until September 30, 2015. SEC. 305. FUNCTIONAL MANAGERS FOR THE IN- purposes of this section. TELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. (B) FISCAL YEAR 2015.—In addition to ‘‘(c) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: amounts authorized to be appropriated for the (a) FUNCTIONAL MANAGERS AUTHORIZED.— ‘‘(1) The term ‘covered intelligence functions’ Intelligence Community Management Account Title I of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 means each intelligence function for which a by subsection (a), there are authorized to be ap- U.S.C. 3021 et seq.) is amended by inserting after Functional Manager has been established under propriated for the Community Management Ac- section 103I the following new section: section 103J during the year covered by a report count for fiscal year 2014 such additional ‘‘SEC. 103J. FUNCTIONAL MANAGERS FOR THE IN- under this section. amounts as are specified in the classified Sched- TELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. ‘‘(2) The term ‘Functional Manager’ means ule of Authorizations referred to in section ‘‘(a) FUNCTIONAL MANAGERS AUTHORIZED.— the manager of an intelligence function estab- 102(a). Such additional amounts for advanced The Director of National Intelligence may estab- lished under section 103J.’’.

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(b) TABLE OF CONTENTS AMENDMENT.—The ‘‘Sec. 109. Software licensing.’’. (B) make publicly available any information table of contents in the first section of the Na- SEC. 308. PLANS TO RESPOND TO UNAUTHORIZED declassified as a result of the declassification re- tional Security Act of 1947 is amended by insert- PUBLIC DISCLOSURES OF COVERT view required under paragraph (1); and ing after the item relating to section 506I the fol- ACTIONS. (2) report to the congressional intelligence lowing new item: Section 503 of the National Security Act of committees— ‘‘Sec. 506J. Annual assessment of intelligence 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3093) is amended by adding at (A) the results of the declassification review community performance by func- the end the following new subsection: required under paragraph (1); and tion.’’. ‘‘(h) For each type of activity undertaken as (B) a justification for not declassifying any part of a covert action, the President shall es- information required to be included in such de- SEC. 307. SOFTWARE LICENSING. tablish in writing a plan to respond to the un- classification review that remains classified. (a) IN GENERAL.—Title I of the National Secu- authorized public disclosure of that type of ac- SEC. 313. MERGER OF THE FOREIGN COUNTER- rity Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3021 et seq.) is amend- tivity.’’. INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM AND THE ed by inserting after section 108 the following SEC. 309. AUDITABILITY. GENERAL DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE new section: PROGRAM. (a) IN GENERAL.—Title V of the National Se- ‘‘SEC. 109. SOFTWARE LICENSING. curity Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3091 et seq.) is Notwithstanding any other provision of law, ‘‘(a) REQUIREMENT FOR INVENTORIES OF SOFT- amended by adding at the end the following the Director of National Intelligence shall carry WARE LICENSES.—The chief information officer new section: out the merger of the Foreign Counterintel- ligence Program into the General Defense Intel- of each element of the intelligence community, ‘‘SEC. 509. AUDITABILITY OF CERTAIN ELEMENTS in consultation with the Chief Information Offi- OF THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. ligence Program as directed in the classified annex to this Act. The merger shall go into ef- cer of the Intelligence Community, shall bienni- ‘‘(a) REQUIREMENT FOR ANNUAL AUDITS.—The ally— head of each covered entity shall ensure that fect no earlier than 30 days after written notifi- ‘‘(1) conduct an inventory of all existing soft- there is a full financial audit of such covered cation of the merger is provided to the congres- ware licenses of such element, including utilized entity each year beginning with fiscal year 2014. sional intelligence committees. and unutilized licenses; Such audits may be conducted by an internal or Subtitle B—Reporting ‘‘(2) assess the actions that could be carried external independent accounting or auditing or- SEC. 321. ANNUAL REPORT ON VIOLATIONS OF out by such element to achieve the greatest pos- ganization. LAW OR EXECUTIVE ORDER. sible economies of scale and associated cost sav- ‘‘(b) REQUIREMENT FOR UNQUALIFIED OPIN- (a) IN GENERAL.—Title V of the National Se- ings in software procurement and usage; and ION.—Beginning as early as practicable, but in curity Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3091 et seq.), as ‘‘(3) submit to the Chief Information Officer of no event later than the audit required under amended by section 309, is further amended by the Intelligence Community each inventory re- subsection (a) for fiscal year 2016, the head of adding at the end the following: quired by paragraph (1) and each assessment re- each covered entity shall take all reasonable ‘‘SEC. 510. ANNUAL REPORT ON VIOLATIONS OF quired by paragraph (2). steps necessary to ensure that each audit re- LAW OR EXECUTIVE ORDER. ‘‘(b) INVENTORIES BY THE CHIEF INFORMATION quired under subsection (a) contains an un- ‘‘(a) ANNUAL REPORTS REQUIRED.—The Direc- OFFICER OF THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY.— qualified opinion on the financial statements of tor of National Intelligence shall annually sub- The Chief Information Officer of the Intel- such covered entity for the fiscal year covered mit to the congressional intelligence committees ligence Community, based on the inventories by such audit. a report on violations of law or executive order and assessments required by subsection (a), ‘‘(c) REPORTS TO CONGRESS.—The chief finan- by personnel of an element of the intelligence shall biennially— cial officer of each covered entity shall provide community that were identified during the pre- ‘‘(1) compile an inventory of all existing soft- to the congressional intelligence committees an vious calendar year. ware licenses of the intelligence community, in- annual audit report from an accounting or au- ‘‘(b) ELEMENTS.—Each report required under cluding utilized and unutilized licenses; and diting organization on each audit of the covered subsection (a) shall include a description of, ‘‘(2) assess the actions that could be carried entity conducted pursuant to subsection (a). and any action taken in response to, any viola- ‘‘(d) COVERED ENTITY DEFINED.—In this sec- out by the intelligence community to achieve the tion of law or executive order (including Execu- tion, the term ‘covered entity’ means the Office greatest possible economies of scale and associ- tive Order 12333 (50 U.S.C. 3001 note)) by per- of the Director of National Intelligence, the ated cost savings in software procurement and sonnel of an element of the intelligence commu- Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intel- usage. nity in the course of such employment that, dur- ligence Agency, the National Security Agency, ‘‘(c) REPORTS TO CONGRESS.—The Chief Infor- ing the previous calendar year, was determined the National Reconnaissance Office, and the mation Officer of the Intelligence Community by the director, head, general counsel, or in- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.’’. shall submit to the congressional intelligence spector general of any element of the intel- (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS AMENDMENT.—The committees a copy of each inventory compiled ligence community to have occurred.’’. table of contents in the first section of the Na- under subsection (b)(1).’’. (b) INITIAL REPORT.—The first report required tional Security Act of 1947 is amended by insert- under section 510 of the National Security Act of (b) INITIAL INVENTORY.— ing after the item relating to section 508 the fol- 1947, as added by subsection (a), shall be sub- (1) INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY ELEMENTS.— lowing new item: mitted not later than one year after the date of (A) DATE.—Not later than 120 days after the ‘‘Sec. 509. Auditability of certain elements of the enactment of this Act. date of the enactment of this Act, the chief in- the intelligence community.’’. (c) TABLE OF CONTENTS AMENDMENT.—The formation officer of each element of the intel- table of sections in the first section of the Na- ligence community shall complete the initial in- SEC. 310. PUBLIC INTEREST DECLASSIFICATION BOARD. tional Security Act of 1947, as amended by sec- ventory, assessment, and submission required tion 309 of this Act, is further amended by add- under section 109(a) of the National Security Section 710(b) of the Public Interest Declas- ing after the section relating to section 509, as Act of 1947, as added by subsection (a) of this sification Act of 2000 (Public Law 106–567; 50 added by such section 309, the following new section. U.S.C. 3161 note) is amended by striking ‘‘2014.’’ and inserting ‘‘2018.’’. item: (B) BASIS.—The initial inventory conducted for each element of the intelligence community SEC. 311. OFFICIAL REPRESENTATION ITEMS IN ‘‘Sec. 510. Annual report on violations of law or under section 109(a)(1) of the National Security SUPPORT OF THE COAST GUARD executive order.’’. ATTACHE´ PROGRAM. Act of 1947, as added by subsection (a) of this SEC. 322. SUBMITTAL TO CONGRESS BY HEADS OF Notwithstanding any other limitation on the section, shall be based on the inventory of soft- ELEMENTS OF INTELLIGENCE COM- amount of funds that may be used for official MUNITY OF PLANS FOR ORDERLY ware licenses conducted pursuant to section 305 representation items, the Secretary of Homeland SHUTDOWN IN EVENT OF ABSENCE of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Security may use funds made available to the OF APPROPRIATIONS. Year 2013 (Public Law 112–277; 126 Stat. 2472) Secretary through the National Intelligence Pro- (a) IN GENERAL.—Whenever the head of an for such element. gram for necessary expenses for intelligence applicable agency submits a plan to the Director (2) CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER OF THE INTEL- analysis and operations coordination activities of the Office of Management and Budget in ac- LIGENCE COMMUNITY.—Not later than 180 days for official representation items in support of cordance with section 124 of Office of Manage- after the date of the enactment of this Act, the the Coast Guard Attache´ Program. ment and Budget Circular A–11, pertaining to Chief Information Officer of the Intelligence agency operations in the absence of appropria- Community shall complete the initial compila- SEC. 312. DECLASSIFICATION REVIEW OF CER- TAIN ITEMS COLLECTED DURING tions, or any successor circular of the Office tion and assessment required under section THE MISSION THAT KILLED OSAMA that requires the head of an applicable agency 109(b) of the National Security Act of 1947, as BIN LADEN ON MAY 1, 2011. to submit to the Director a plan for an orderly added by subsection (a). Not later than 120 days after the date of the shutdown in the event of the absence of appro- (c) TABLE OF CONTENTS AMENDMENTS.—The enactment of this Act, the Director of National priations, such head shall submit a copy of such table of contents in the first section of the Na- Intelligence shall— plan to the following: tional Security Act of 1947 is amended— (1) in the manner described in the classified (1) The congressional intelligence committees. (1) by striking the second item relating to sec- annex to this Act— (2) The Subcommittee on Defense of the Com- tion 104 (relating to Annual national security (A) complete a declassification review of docu- mittee on Appropriations of the Senate. strategy report); and ments collected in Abbottabad, Pakistan, during (3) The Subcommittee on Defense of the Com- (2) by inserting after the item relating to sec- the mission that killed Osama bin Laden on mittee on Appropriations of the House of Rep- tion 108 the following new item: May 1, 2011; and resentatives.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A30MY7.014 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5044 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 (4) In the case of a plan for an element of the gram of such element that has been potentially authorized access by government personnel to intelligence community that is within the De- compromised due to such penetration. networks or information systems owned or oper- partment of Defense, to— (2) ACCESS TO EQUIPMENT AND INFORMATION ated by a contractor that processes or stores (A) the Committee on Armed Services of the BY INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY PERSONNEL.—The government data. Senate; and procedures established pursuant to subsection SEC. 325. REPORT ON ELECTRONIC WASTE. (B) the Committee on Armed Services of the (a) shall— (a) REPORT.—Not later than 90 days after the House of Representatives. (A) include mechanisms for intelligence com- date of the enactment of this Act, the Director (b) HEAD OF AN APPLICABLE AGENCY DE- munity personnel to, upon request, obtain ac- of National Intelligence shall submit to the con- FINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘head of an cess to equipment or information of a cleared in- gressional intelligence committees a report on applicable agency’’ includes the following: telligence contractor necessary to conduct foren- the extent to which the intelligence community (1) The Director of National Intelligence. sic analysis in addition to any analysis con- has implemented the recommendations of the In- (2) The Director of the Central Intelligence ducted by such contractor; spector General of the Intelligence Community Agency. (B) provide that a cleared intelligence con- contained in the report entitled ‘‘Study of Intel- (3) Each head of each element of the intel- tractor is only required to provide access to ligence Community Electronic Waste Disposal ligence community that is within the Depart- equipment or information as described in sub- Practices’’ issued in May 2013. Such report shall ment of Defense. paragraph (A) to determine whether information include an assessment of the extent to which the created by or for an element of the intelligence SEC. 323. REPORTS ON CHEMICAL WEAPONS IN policies, standards, and guidelines of the intel- SYRIA. community in connection with any intelligence ligence community governing the proper dis- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 30 days after community program was successfully exfiltrated posal of electronic waste are applicable to cov- the date of the enactment of this Act, the Direc- from a network or information system of such ered commercial electronic waste that may con- tor of National Intelligence shall submit to Con- contractor and, if so, what information was tain classified information. gress a report on the Syrian chemical weapons exfiltrated; and program. (C) provide for the reasonable protection of (b) FORM.—The report required under sub- (b) ELEMENTS.—The report required under trade secrets, commercial or financial informa- section (a) shall be submitted in unclassified subsection (a) shall include the following ele- tion, and information that can be used to iden- form, but may include a classified annex. ments: tify a specific person (other than the name of (c) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (1) A comprehensive assessment of chemical the suspected perpetrator of the penetration). (1) COVERED COMMERCIAL ELECTRONIC weapon stockpiles in Syria, including names, (3) LIMITATION ON DISSEMINATION OF CERTAIN WASTE.—The term ‘‘covered commercial elec- types, and quantities of chemical weapons INFORMATION.—The procedures established pur- tronic waste’’ means electronic waste of a com- agents, types of munitions, and location and suant to subsection (a) shall prohibit the dis- mercial entity that contracts with an element of form of storage, production, and research and semination outside the intelligence community the intelligence community. development facilities. of information obtained or derived through such (2) ELECTRONIC WASTE.—The term ‘‘electronic (2) A listing of key personnel associated with procedures that is not created by or for the in- waste’’ includes any obsolete, broken, or irrep- the Syrian chemical weapons program. telligence community except— arable electronic device, including a television, (3) An assessment of undeclared chemical (A) with the approval of the contractor pro- copier, facsimile machine, tablet, telephone, weapons stockpiles, munitions, and facilities. viding such information; computer, computer monitor, laptop, printer, (4) An assessment of how these stockpiles, pre- (B) to the congressional intelligence commit- scanner, and associated electrical wiring. cursors, and delivery systems were obtained. tees or the Subcommittees on Defense of the SEC. 326. PROMOTING STEM EDUCATION TO MEET (5) A description of key intelligence gaps re- Committees on Appropriations of the House of THE FUTURE WORKFORCE NEEDS OF lated to the Syrian chemical weapons program. Representatives and the Senate for such commit- THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. (6) An assessment of any denial and deception tees and such Subcommittees to perform over- (a) REPORT.—Not later than 180 days after the efforts on the part of the Syrian regime related sight; or date of the enactment of this Act, the Director to its chemical weapons program. (C) to law enforcement agencies to investigate of National Intelligence shall submit to the Sec- (c) PROGRESS REPORTS.—Every 90 days until a penetration reported under this section. retary of Education and the congressional intel- the date that is 18 months after the date of the (d) ISSUANCE OF PROCEDURES AND ESTABLISH- ligence committees a report describing the an- enactment of this Act, the Director of National MENT OF CRITERIA.— ticipated hiring needs of the intelligence commu- Intelligence shall submit to Congress a progress (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days after nity in the fields of science, technology, engi- report providing any material updates to the re- the date of the enactment of this Act, the Direc- neering, and mathematics, including cybersecu- port required under subsection (a). tor of National Intelligence shall establish the rity and computer literacy. The report shall— SEC. 324. REPORTS TO THE INTELLIGENCE COM- procedures required under subsection (a) and (1) describe the extent to which competitions, MUNITY ON PENETRATIONS OF NET- the criteria required under subsection (b). challenges, or internships at elements of the in- WORKS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (2) APPLICABILITY DATE.—The requirements of telligence community that do not involve access OF CERTAIN CONTRACTORS. this section shall apply on the date on which to classified information may be utilized to pro- (a) PROCEDURES FOR REPORTING PENETRA- the Director of National Intelligence establishes mote education in the fields of science, tech- TIONS.—The Director of National Intelligence the procedures required under this section. nology, engineering, and mathematics, includ- shall establish procedures that require each (e) COORDINATION WITH THE SECRETARY OF ing cybersecurity and computer literacy, within cleared intelligence contractor to report to an DEFENSE TO PREVENT DUPLICATE REPORTING.— high schools or institutions of higher education element of the intelligence community des- Not later than 180 days after the date of the en- in the United States; ignated by the Director for purposes of such actment of this Act, the Director of National In- (2) include cost estimates for carrying out procedures when a network or information sys- telligence and the Secretary of Defense shall es- such competitions, challenges, or internships; tem of such contractor that meets the criteria es- tablish procedures to permit a contractor that is and tablished pursuant to subsection (b) is success- a cleared intelligence contractor and a cleared (3) include strategies for conducting expedited fully penetrated. defense contractor under section 941 of the Na- security clearance investigations and adjudica- (b) NETWORKS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS tional Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal tions for students at institutions of higher edu- SUBJECT TO REPORTING.—The Director of Na- Year 2013 (Public Law 112–239; 10 U.S.C. 2224 cation for purposes of offering internships at tional Intelligence shall, in consultation with note) to submit a single report that satisfies the elements of the intelligence community. appropriate officials, establish criteria for cov- requirements of this section and such section 941 ered networks to be subject to the procedures for for an incident of penetration of network or in- (b) CONSIDERATION OF EXISTING PROGRAMS.— reporting system penetrations under subsection formation system. In developing the report under subsection (a), (a). (f) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: the Director shall take into consideration exist- (c) PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS.— (1) CLEARED INTELLIGENCE CONTRACTOR.—The ing programs of the intelligence community, in- (1) RAPID REPORTING.—The procedures estab- term ‘‘cleared intelligence contractor’’ means a cluding the education programs of the National lished pursuant to subsection (a) shall require private entity granted clearance by the Director Security Agency and the Information Assurance each cleared intelligence contractor to rapidly of National Intelligence or the head of an ele- Scholarship Program of the Department of De- report to an element of the intelligence commu- ment of the intelligence community to access, re- fense, as appropriate. nity designated pursuant to subsection (a) of ceive, or store classified information for the pur- (c) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: each successful penetration of the network or pose of bidding for a contract or conducting ac- (1) HIGH SCHOOL.—The term ‘‘high school’’ information systems of such contractor that tivities in support of any program of an element mean a school that awards a secondary school meet the criteria established pursuant to sub- of the intelligence community. diploma. section (b). Each such report shall include the (2) COVERED NETWORK.—The term ‘‘covered (2) INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION.—The following: network’’ means a network or information sys- term ‘‘institution of higher education’’ has the (A) A description of the technique or method tem of a cleared intelligence contractor that meaning given the term in section 101(a) of the used in such penetration. contains or processes information created by or Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. (B) A sample of the malicious software, if dis- for an element of the intelligence community 1001(a)). covered and isolated by the contractor, involved with respect to which such contractor is re- (3) SECONDARY SCHOOL.—The term ‘‘secondary in such penetration. quired to apply enhanced protection. school’’ has the meaning given the term in sec- (C) A summary of information created by or (g) SAVINGS CLAUSES.—Nothing in this section tion 9101 of the Elementary and Secondary Edu- for such element in connection with any pro- shall be construed to alter or limit any otherwise cation Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).

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SEC. 327. ASSESSMENT OF SECURITY OF DOMES- (c) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—The National surviving family members of deceased Agency TIC OIL REFINERIES AND RELATED Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3001 et seq.) is employees or that otherwise provide support for RAIL TRANSPORTATION INFRA- amended— the welfare, education, or recreation of Agency STRUCTURE. (1) in the table of contents in the first section, employees, former Agency employees, or their (a) ASSESSMENT.—The Under Secretary of by striking the item relating to section 114 and family members. Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis inserting the following new item: ‘‘(2) In this subsection, the term ‘fundraising’ shall conduct an intelligence assessment of the means the raising of funds through the active security of domestic oil refineries and related ‘‘Sec. 114. Annual report on hiring and reten- tion of minority employees.’’; participation in the promotion, production, or rail transportation infrastructure. presentation of an event designed to raise funds (b) SUBMISSION.—Not later than 180 days after (2) in section 114 (50 U.S.C. 3050)— and does not include the direct solicitation of the date of the enactment of this Act, the Under (A) by amending the heading to read as fol- money by any other means.’’. Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence lows: ‘‘ANNUAL REPORT ON HIRING AND RETEN- and Analysis shall submit to the congressional TION OF MINORITY EMPLOYEES’’; SEC. 402. INSPECTOR GENERAL OF THE NA- TIONAL SECURITY AGENCY. intelligence committees— (B) by striking ‘‘(a) ANNUAL REPORT ON HIR- (1) the results of the assessment required ING AND RETENTION OF MINORITY EMPLOYEES.— (a) ELEVATION OF INSPECTOR GENERAL STA- under subsection (a); and ’’; TUS.—The Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 (2) any recommendations with respect to intel- (C) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through U.S.C. App.) is amended— ligence sharing or intelligence collection to im- (5) as subsections (a) through (e), respectively; (1) in section 8G(a)(2), by striking ‘‘the Na- prove the security of domestic oil refineries and (D) in subsection (b) (as so redesignated)— tional Security Agency,’’; and related rail transportation infrastructure to pro- (i) by redesignating subparagraphs (A) (2) in section 12— (A) in paragraph (1), by inserting ‘‘the Na- tect the communities surrounding such refin- through (C) as paragraphs (1) through (3), re- tional Security Agency,’’ after ‘‘the Federal eries or such infrastructure from potential harm spectively; and Emergency Management Agency,’’; and that the Under Secretary considers appropriate. (ii) in paragraph (2) (as so redesignated)— (I) by redesignating clauses (i) and (ii) as sub- (B) in paragraph (2), by inserting ‘‘the Na- SEC. 328. REPEAL OR MODIFICATION OF CERTAIN tional Security Agency,’’ after ‘‘the National REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. paragraphs (A) and (B), respectively; and Aeronautics and Space Administration,’’. (a) REPEAL OF REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.— (II) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) (b) DATE OF APPOINTMENT.—Not later than 90 (1) THREAT OF ATTACK ON THE UNITED STATES (as so redesignated), by striking ‘‘clauses (i) and days after the date of the enactment of this Act, USING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.—Section (ii)’’ and inserting ‘‘subparagraphs (A) and 114 of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 (B)’’; the President shall nominate a person for ap- U.S.C. 3050) is amended by striking subsection (E) in subsection (d) (as redesignated by sub- pointment, by and with the advice and consent (b). paragraph (C) of this paragraph), by striking of the Senate, as Inspector General of the Na- (2) TREATY ON CONVENTIONAL ARMED FORCES ‘‘subsection’’ and inserting ‘‘section’’; and tional Security Agency under section 3(a) of the IN EUROPE.—Section 2(5)(E) of the Senate reso- (F) in subsection (e) (as redesignated by sub- Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) lution advising and consenting to ratification of paragraph (C) of this paragraph)— consistent with the amendments made by sub- the Document Agreed Among the States Parties (i) by redesignating subparagraphs (A) section (a). to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in through (C) as paragraphs (1) through (3), re- (c) TRANSITION RULE.—An individual serving Europe (CFE) of November 19, 1990, adopted at spectively; and as Inspector General of the National Security Vienna May 31, 1996 (Treaty Doc. 105-5) (com- (ii) by striking ‘‘subsection,’’ and inserting Agency on the date of the enactment of this Act monly referred to as the ‘‘CFE Flank Docu- ‘‘section’’; and pursuant to an appointment made under section ment’’), 105th Congress, agreed to May 14, 1997, (3) in section 507 (50 U.S.C. 3106)— 8G of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. is repealed. (A) in subsection (a)— App.)— (b) MODIFICATION OF REPORTING REQUIRE- (i) by striking ‘‘(1) The date’’ and inserting (1) may continue so serving until the Presi- MENTS.— ‘‘The date’’; dent makes an appointment under section 3(a) (1) INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEES.— (ii) by striking ‘‘subsection (c)(1)(A)’’ and in- of such Act with respect to the National Secu- Section 410(b) of the Intelligence Authorization serting ‘‘subsection (c)(1)’’; rity Agency consistent with the amendments Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (50 U.S.C. 3309) is (iii) by striking paragraph (2); and made by subsection (a); and amended to read as follows: (iv) by redesignating subparagraphs (A) (2) shall, while serving under paragraph (1), ‘‘(b) NOTIFICATION OF ESTABLISHMENT OF AD- through (F) as paragraphs (1) through (6), re- remain subject to the provisions of section 8G of VISORY COMMITTEE.—The Director of National spectively; such Act that, immediately before the date of Intelligence and the Director of the Central In- (B) in subsection (c)(1)— the enactment of this Act, applied with respect telligence Agency shall each notify the congres- (i) by striking ‘‘(A) Except’’ and inserting to the Inspector General of the National Secu- sional intelligence committees each time each ‘‘Except’’; and rity Agency and suffer no reduction in pay. such Director creates an advisory committee. (ii) by striking subparagraph (B); and (d) SPECIAL PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE NA- Each notification shall include— (C) in subsection (d)(1)— TIONAL SECURITY AGENCY.—The Inspector Gen- ‘‘(1) a description of such advisory committee, (i) in subparagraph (A)— eral Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended by including the subject matter of such committee; (I) by striking ‘‘subsection (a)(1)’’ and insert- inserting after section 8J the following new sec- ‘‘(2) a list of members of such advisory com- ing ‘‘subsection (a)’’; and tion: mittee; and (II) by inserting ‘‘and’’ after ‘‘March 1;’’; ‘‘SEC. 8K. SPECIAL PROVISIONS CONCERNING ‘‘(3) in the case of an advisory committee cre- (ii) by striking subparagraph (B); and THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY. ated by the Director of National Intelligence, (iii) by redesignating subparagraph (C) as ‘‘(a) GENERAL COUNSEL TO THE INSPECTOR the reasons for a determination by the Director subparagraph (B). GENERAL.— under section 4(b)(3) of the Federal Advisory ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—There is a General Counsel Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) that an advisory TITLE IV—MATTERS RELATING TO ELE- to the Inspector General of the National Secu- committee cannot comply with the requirements MENTS OF THE INTELLIGENCE COMMU- rity Agency, who shall be appointed by the In- of such Act.’’. NITY spector General of the National Security Agen- (2) INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION SHARING.—Sec- SEC. 401. GIFTS, DEVISES, AND BEQUESTS TO THE cy. tion 102A(g)(4) of the National Security Act of CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. ‘‘(2) DUTIES.—The General Counsel to the In- 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3024(g)(4)) is amended to read as Section 12 of the Central Intelligence Agency spector General of the National Security Agency follows: Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C. 3512) is amended— shall— ‘‘(4) The Director of National Intelligence (1) by striking the section heading and insert- ‘‘(A) serve as the chief legal officer of the Of- shall, in a timely manner, report to Congress ing ‘‘GIFTS, DEVISES, AND BEQUESTS’’; fice of the Inspector General of the National Se- any statute, regulation, policy, or practice that (2) in subsection (a)(2)— curity Agency; the Director believes impedes the ability of the (A) by inserting ‘‘by the Director as a gift to ‘‘(B) provide legal services only to the Inspec- Director to fully and effectively ensure max- the Agency’’ after ‘‘accepted’’; and tor General of the National Security Agency; imum availability of access to intelligence infor- (B) by striking ‘‘this section’’ and inserting ‘‘(C) prescribe professional rules of ethics and mation within the intelligence community con- ‘‘this subsection’’; responsibilities for employees and officers of, sistent with the protection of the national secu- (3) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘this sec- and contractors to, the National Security Agen- rity of the United States.’’. tion,’’ and inserting ‘‘subsection (a),’’; cy; (3) INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY BUSINESS SYSTEM (4) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘this sec- ‘‘(D) perform such functions as the Inspector TRANSFORMATION.—Section 506D(j) of the Na- tion,’’ and inserting ‘‘subsection (a),’’; General may prescribe; and tional Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3100(j)) is (5) in subsection (d), by striking ‘‘this section’’ ‘‘(E) serve at the discretion of the Inspector amended in the matter preceding paragraph (1) and inserting ‘‘subsection (a)’’; General. by striking ‘‘2015’’ and inserting ‘‘2014’’. (6) by redesignating subsection (f) as sub- ‘‘(3) OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL.—There (4) ACTIVITIES OF PRIVACY AND CIVIL LIB- section (g); and is an Office of the General Counsel to the In- ERTIES OFFICERS.—Section 1062(f)(1) of the Intel- (7) by inserting after subsection (e) the fol- spector General of the National Security Agen- ligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of lowing: cy. The Inspector General may appoint to the 2004 (42 U.S.C. 2000ee–1(f)(1)) is amended in the ‘‘(f)(1) The Director may engage in fund- Office to serve as staff of the General Counsel matter preceding subparagraph (A) by striking raising in an official capacity for the benefit of such legal counsel as the Inspector General con- ‘‘quarterly’’ and inserting ‘‘semiannually’’. nonprofit organizations that provide support to siders appropriate.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A30MY7.014 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014

‘‘(b) TESTIMONY.— such individual employee of such a contractor (5) the establishment of an authoritative cen- ‘‘(1) AUTHORITY TO COMPEL.—The Inspector for a security clearance.’’. tral repository of personnel security information General of the National Security Agency is au- SEC. 502. REQUIREMENTS FOR INTELLIGENCE that is accessible electronically at multiple levels thorized to require by subpoena the attendance COMMUNITY CONTRACTORS. of classification and eliminates technical bar- and testimony of former employees of the Na- (a) REQUIREMENTS.—Section 102A of the Na- riers to rapid access to information necessary for tional Security Agency or contractors, former tional Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3024) is eligibility determinations and reciprocal recogni- contractors, or former detailees to the National amended by adding at the end the following tion thereof; Security Agency as necessary in the perform- new subsection: (6) using digitally processed fingerprints, as a ance of functions assigned to the Inspector Gen- ‘‘(x) REQUIREMENTS FOR INTELLIGENCE COM- substitute for ink or paper prints, to reduce eral by this Act. MUNITY CONTRACTORS.—The Director of Na- error rates and improve portability of data; ‘‘(2) REFUSAL TO OBEY.—A subpoena issued tional Intelligence, in consultation with the (7) expanding the use of technology to im- under this subsection, in the case of contumacy head of each department of the Federal Govern- prove an applicant’s ability to discover the sta- or refusal to obey, shall be enforceable by order ment that contains an element of the intel- tus of a pending security clearance application of any appropriate United States district court. ligence community and the Director of the Cen- or reinvestigation; and ‘‘(3) NOTIFICATION.—The Inspector General tral Intelligence Agency, shall— (8) using government and publicly available shall notify the Attorney General 7 days before ‘‘(1) ensure that— commercial data sources, including social media, issuing any subpoena under this section. ‘‘(A) any contractor to an element of the intel- that provide independent information pertinent ‘‘(c) PROHIBITIONS ON INVESTIGATIONS FOR NA- ligence community with access to a classified to adjudication guidelines to improve quality TIONAL SECURITY REASONS.— network or classified information develops and and timeliness, and reduce costs, of investiga- ‘‘(1) EVALUATIONS OF PROHIBITIONS.—Not operates a security plan that is consistent with tions and reinvestigations. later than 7 days after the date on which the standards established by the Director of Na- (c) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 6 Inspector General of the National Security tional Intelligence for intelligence community months after the date of the enactment of this Agency receives notice or a statement under sec- networks; and Act, the Director of National Intelligence shall tion 8G(d)(2)(C) of the reasons the Secretary of ‘‘(B) each contract awarded by an element of submit to the appropriate committees of Con- Defense is prohibiting the Inspector General the intelligence community includes provisions gress a report on the analysis required by sub- from initiating, carrying out, or completing any requiring the contractor comply with such plan section (a). audit or investigation, the Inspector General and such standards; SEC. 504. REPORT ON RECIPROCITY OF SECURITY shall submit to the Permanent Select Committee ‘‘(2) conduct periodic assessments of each se- CLEARANCES. on Intelligence and the Committee on Armed curity plan required under paragraph (1)(A) to The head of the entity selected pursuant to Services of the House of Representatives and the ensure such security plan complies with the re- section 3001(b) of the Intelligence Reform and Select Committee on Intelligence and the Com- quirements of such paragraph; and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (50 U.S.C. mittee on Armed Services of the Senate an eval- ‘‘(3) ensure that the insider threat detection 3341(b)) shall submit to the appropriate commit- uation of such notice or such statement. capabilities and insider threat policies of the in- tees of Congress a report each year through 2017 ‘‘(2) INCLUSION IN SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT.—The telligence community apply to facilities of con- that describes for the preceding year— Inspector General shall include in the semi- tractors with access to a classified network.’’. (1) the periods of time required by authorized annual report prepared by the Inspector Gen- (b) APPLICABILITY.—The amendment made by adjudicative agencies for accepting background eral in accordance with section 5(a) a descrip- subsection (a) shall apply with respect to con- investigations and determinations completed by tion of the instances in which the Secretary of tracts entered into or renewed after the date of an authorized investigative entity or authorized Defense prohibited the Inspector General from the enactment of this Act. adjudicative agency; initiating, carrying out, or completing any audit SEC. 503. TECHNOLOGY IMPROVEMENTS TO SE- (2) the total number of cases in which a back- or investigation during the period covered by CURITY CLEARANCE PROCESSING. ground investigation or determination completed such report.’’. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Director of National In- by an authorized investigative entity or author- TITLE V—SECURITY CLEARANCE REFORM telligence, in consultation with the Secretary of ized adjudicative agency is accepted by another agency; SEC. 501. CONTINUOUS EVALUATION AND SHAR- Defense and the Director of the Office of Per- ING OF DEROGATORY INFORMATION sonnel Management, shall conduct an analysis (3) the total number of cases in which a back- REGARDING PERSONNEL WITH AC- of the relative costs and benefits of potential im- ground investigation or determination completed CESS TO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. provements to the process for investigating per- by an authorized investigative entity or author- Section 102A(j) of the National Security Act of sons who are proposed for access to classified ized adjudicative agency is not accepted by an- 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3024(j)) is amended— information and adjudicating whether such per- other agency; and (1) in the heading, by striking ‘‘SENSITIVE sons satisfy the criteria for obtaining and re- (4) such other information or recommenda- COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION’’ and inserting taining access to such information. tions as the head of the entity selected pursuant ‘‘CLASSIFIED INFORMATION’’; (b) CONTENTS OF ANALYSIS.—In conducting to such section 3001(b) considers appropriate. (2) in paragraph (3), by striking ‘‘; and’’ and the analysis required by subsection (a), the Di- SEC. 505. IMPROVING THE PERIODIC REINVES- inserting a semicolon; rector of National Intelligence shall evaluate the TIGATION PROCESS. (3) in paragraph (4), by striking the period costs and benefits associated with— (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days and inserting a semicolon; and (1) the elimination of manual processes in se- after the date of the enactment of this Act, and (4) by adding at the end the following new curity clearance investigations and adjudica- annually thereafter until December 31, 2017, the paragraphs: tions, if possible, and automating and inte- Director of National Intelligence, in consulta- ‘‘(5) ensure that the background of each em- grating the elements of the investigation proc- tion with the Secretary of Defense and the Di- ployee or officer of an element of the intel- ess, including— rector of the Office of Personnel Management, ligence community, each contractor to an ele- (A) the clearance application process; shall transmit to the appropriate committees of ment of the intelligence community, and each (B) case management; Congress a strategic plan for updating the proc- individual employee of such a contractor who (C) adjudication management; ess for periodic reinvestigations consistent with has been determined to be eligible for access to (D) investigation methods for the collection, a continuous evaluation program. classified information is monitored on a con- analysis, storage, retrieval, and transfer of data (b) CONTENTS.—The plan required by sub- tinual basis under standards developed by the and records; and section (a) shall include— Director, including with respect to the fre- (E) records management for access and eligi- (1) an analysis of the costs and benefits asso- quency of evaluation, during the period of eligi- bility determinations; ciated with conducting periodic reinvestigations; bility of such employee or officer of an element (2) the elimination or reduction, if possible, of (2) an analysis of the costs and benefits asso- of the intelligence community, such contractor, the use of databases and information sources ciated with replacing some or all periodic re- or such individual employee to such a con- that cannot be accessed and processed automati- investigations with a program of continuous tractor to determine whether such employee or cally electronically, or modification of such evaluation; officer of an element of the intelligence commu- databases and information sources, to enable (3) a determination of how many risk-based nity, such contractor, and such individual em- electronic access and processing; and ad hoc periodic reinvestigations are nec- ployee of such a contractor continues to meet (3) the use of government-developed and com- essary on an annual basis for each component the requirements for eligibility for access to clas- mercial technology for continuous monitoring of the Federal Government with employees with sified information; and and evaluation of government and commercial security clearances; ‘‘(6) develop procedures to require information data sources that can identify and flag informa- (4) an analysis of the potential benefits of ex- sharing between elements of the intelligence tion pertinent to adjudication guidelines and panding the Government’s use of continuous community concerning potentially derogatory eligibility determinations; evaluation tools as a means of improving the ef- security information regarding an employee or (4) the standardization of forms used for rou- fectiveness and efficiency of procedures for con- officer of an element of the intelligence commu- tine reporting required of cleared personnel firming the eligibility of personnel for continued nity, a contractor to an element of the intel- (such as travel, foreign contacts, and financial access to classified information; and ligence community, or an individual employee of disclosures) and use of continuous monitoring (5) an analysis of how many personnel with such a contractor that may impact the eligibility technology to access databases containing such out-of-scope background investigations are em- of such employee or officer of an element of the reportable information to independently obtain ployed by, or contracted or detailed to, each ele- intelligence community, such contractor, or and analyze reportable data and events; ment of the intelligence community.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A30MY7.014 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5047 (c) PERIODIC REINVESTIGATIONS DEFINED.—In and 11 printed in part A of House Re- ‘‘(C) analyzing software license data to in- this section, the term ‘‘periodic reinvestigations’’ port No. 113–465, offered by Mr. MCKEON form investment decisions; and has the meaning given that term in section of California: ‘‘(D) providing appropriate personnel with 3001(a) of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism sufficient software licenses management Prevention Act of 2004 (50 U.S.C. 3341(a)). AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. ROGERS OF training. MICHIGAN SEC. 506. APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CON- AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MR. KILMER OF GRESS DEFINED. Page 9, line 17, strike ‘‘2014’’ and insert WASHINGTON In this title, the term ‘‘appropriate committees ‘‘2015’’. Page 17, line 19, strike ‘‘; and’’ and insert a of Congress’’ means— Page 24, strike lines 1 through 9 and insert semicolon. (1) the congressional intelligence committees; the following: Page 17, line 23, strike the period and in- (2) the Committee on Armed Services and the ‘‘(b) ELEMENTS.—Each report required sert ‘‘; and’’. Committee on Homeland Security and Govern- under subsection (a) shall, consistent with Page 17, after line 23, insert the following: mental Affairs of the Senate; and the need to preserve ongoing criminal inves- ‘‘(3) based on the assessment required (3) the Committee on Armed Services and the tigations, include a description of, and any under paragraph (2), make such rec- Committee on Homeland Security of the House action taken in response to, any violation of ommendations with respect to software pro- of Representatives. law or executive order (including Executive curement and usage to the Director of Na- TITLE VI—TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS Order 12333 (50 U.S.C. 3001 note)) relating to tional Intelligence as the Chief Information intelligence activities committed by per- Officer considers appropriate. SEC. 601. TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS TO THE CEN- sonnel of an element of the intelligence com- Page 18, line 2, strike the quotation mark TRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ACT OF 1949. munity in the course of the employment of and the second period. Page 18, after line 2, insert the following: Section 21 of the Central Intelligence Agency such personnel that, during the previous cal- ‘‘(d) IMPLEMENTATION OF RECOMMENDA- Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C. 3521) is amended— endar year, was— ‘‘(1) determined by the director, head, or TIONS.—Not later than 180 days after the date (1) in subsection (b)(1)(D), by striking ‘‘section on which the Director of National Intel- (a)’’ and inserting ‘‘subsection (a)’’; and general counsel of any element of the intel- ligence community to have occurred; ligence receives recommendations from the (2) in subsection (c)(2)(E), by striking ‘‘pro- Chief Information Officer of the Intelligence vider.’’ and inserting ‘‘provider’’. ‘‘(2) referred to the Department of Justice for possible criminal prosecution; or Community in accordance with subsection SEC. 602. TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS TO THE NA- (b)(3), the Director of National Intelligence TIONAL SECURITY ACT OF 1947 RE- ‘‘(3) substantiated by the inspector general of any element of the intelligence commu- shall, to the extent practicable, issue guide- LATING TO THE PAST ELIMINATION lines for the intelligence community on soft- OF CERTAIN POSITIONS. nity.’’. ware procurement and usage based on such Page 24, after line 13, insert the following: Section 101(a) of the National Security Act of recommendations.’’. 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3021(a)) is amended— (c) GUIDELINES.—Not later than 180 days (1) in paragraph (5), by striking the semicolon after the date of the enactment of this Act, AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MR. ROGERS OF and inserting ‘‘; and’’; the Director of National Intelligence, in con- MICHIGAN (2) by striking paragraphs (6) and (7); sultation with the head of each element of After section 309, insert the following new (3) by redesignating paragraph (8) as para- the intelligence community, shall— section: graph (6); and (1) issue guidelines to carry out section 510 SEC. 310. RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN FORMER (4) in paragraph (6) (as so redesignated), by of the National Security Act of 1947, as added INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS AND EM- striking ‘‘the Chairman of the Munitions Board, by subsection (a) of this section; and PLOYEES. and the Chairman of the Research and Develop- (2) submit such guidelines to the congres- (a) RESTRICTION.—Title III of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3071 et seq.) is ment Board,’’. sional intelligence committees. amended by inserting after section 303 the Page 24, line 14, redesignate subsection (c) SEC. 603. TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS TO THE IN- following new section: TELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION ACT as subsection (d). FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013. Page 24, before line 20 insert the following: ‘‘SEC. 304. RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN FORMER INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS AND EM- (a) AMENDMENTS.—Section 506 of the Intel- (e) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in PLOYEES. ligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 this section or the amendments made by this ‘‘(a) NEGOTIATIONS.—A covered employee (Public Law 112–277; 126 Stat. 2478) is amend- section shall be construed to alter any re- shall notify the element of the intelligence ed— quirement existing on the date of the enact- community employing such employee not (1) by striking ‘‘Section 606(5)’’ and inserting ment of this Act to submit a report under later than 3 business days after the com- ‘‘Paragraph (5) of section 605’’; and any provision of law. mencement of any negotiation for future em- (2) by inserting ‘‘, as redesignated by section Page 43, line 11, strike ‘‘the date of the en- ployment or compensation between such cov- 310(a)(4)(B) of this Act,’’ before ‘‘is amended’’. actment of this Act’’ and insert ‘‘the date of ered employee and a covered entity. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made the resignation, reassignment, or removal of ‘‘(b) SEPARATION.—A covered employee by subsection (a) shall take effect as if included the Inspector General of the National Secu- may not commence employment with or be in the enactment of the Intelligence Authoriza- rity Agency appointed pursuant to section contracted by a covered entity— tion Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (Public Law 112– 8G of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 ‘‘(1) for a period of one year following the 277). U.S.C. App.) as in effect before the date of termination of the service or employment of The CHAIR. No amendment to the the enactment of this Act and serving on such covered employee by an element of the amendment in the nature of a sub- such date’’. intelligence community; and stitute made in order as original text Page 45, line 9, insert before ‘‘the National ‘‘(2) for a period of two years following Security’’ the following: ‘‘the Office of the such termination with respect to any matter shall be in order except those printed Inspector General of’’. that was a part of the official responsibility in House Report 113–465 and amend- AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MR. CONNOLLY of such covered employee during the final ments en bloc described in section 2(f) OF VIRGINIA year of the service or employment of such of House Resolution 604. covered employee by an element of the intel- Page 17, line 7, strike ‘‘usage; and’’ and in- ligence community. Each amendment shall be considered sert ‘‘usage, including—’’. only in the order printed in the report, ‘‘(c) ANNUAL REPORTING.— Page 17, after line 7, insert the following: ‘‘(1) REPORTING REQUIRED.—Each former may be offered only by a Member des- ‘‘(A) increasing the centralization of the covered employee who was a covered em- ignated in the report, shall be consid- management of software licenses; ployee at the time of separation from an ele- ered read, shall be debatable for the ‘‘(B) increasing the regular tracking and ment of the intelligence community shall time specified in the report equally di- maintaining of comprehensive inventories of annually report in writing to the element of vided and controlled by the proponent software licenses using automated discovery the intelligence community that most re- and an opponent, shall not be subject and inventory tools and metrics; cently previously employed such covered em- ‘‘(C) analyzing software license data to in- to amendment, and shall not be subject ployee any payment received in the pre- form investment decisions; and ceding year from a foreign government or a to a demand for division of the ques- ‘‘(D) providing appropriate personnel with covered entity. tion. sufficient software licenses management ‘‘(2) APPLICABILITY.—The requirement to AMENDMENTS EN BLOC NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. training; and submit a report under paragraph (1) for each ROGERS OF MICHIGAN Page 17, line 23, strike ‘‘usage.’’ and insert former covered employee shall terminate on Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- ‘‘usage, including—’’. the date that is 5 years after the date on man, pursuant to House Resolution 604, Page 17, after line 23, insert the following: which such former covered employee was ‘‘(A) increasing the centralization of the most recently employed by an element of the I offer amendments en bloc. management of software licenses; The CHAIR. The Clerk will designate intelligence community. ‘‘(B) increasing the regular tracking and ‘‘(d) DETERMINATION OF FOREIGN GOVERN- the amendments en bloc. maintaining of comprehensive inventories of MENTS POSING A SIGNIFICANT COUNTERINTEL- Amendments en bloc No. 1 consisting software licenses using automated discovery LIGENCE THREAT.—The Director of National of amendment Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, and inventory tools and metrics; Intelligence shall annually—

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:42 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MY7.014 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 ‘‘(1) determine which foreign governments (1) in subsection (c)(1), by inserting ‘‘and gan (Mr. ROGERS) and the gentleman pose a significant counterintelligence threat Predominantly Black Institutions’’ after from Maryland (Mr. RUPPERSBERGER) to the United States; and ‘‘universities’’; and each will control 10 minutes. ‘‘(2) submit to the congressional intel- (2) in subsection (g)— The Chair recognizes the gentleman ligence committees a list of such foreign (A) by redesignating paragraph (4) as para- governments. from Michigan. graph (5); and Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- ‘‘(e) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (B) by inserting after paragraph (3) the fol- ‘‘(1) COVERED EMPLOYEE.—The term ‘cov- lowing new paragraph: man, I yield myself such time as I may ered employee’ means— ‘‘(4) PREDOMINANTLY BLACK INSTITUTION.— consume. ‘‘(A) an employee of an element of the in- The term ‘Predominantly Black Institution’ Mr. Chairman, I urge the committee telligence community with access to sen- has the meaning given the term in section to adopt the amendments en bloc, all of sitive compartmented information occu- 318 of the Higher education Act of 1965 (20 which have been examined by both the pying a position— U.S.C. 1059e).’’. majority and the minority. I believe ‘‘(i) classified at GS-15 of the General AMENDMENT NO. 8 OFFERED BY MR. CARNEY OF these amendments to be noncontrover- Schedule (chapter 53 of title 5, United States DELAWARE Code); or sial, and intended to enhance the un- ‘‘(ii) as a senior civilian officer of the intel- At the end of subtitle B of title III, add the derlying bill. ligence community (as defined in Intel- following new section: The manager’s amendment is in- ligence Community Directive No. 610 or any SEC. ll. REPORT ON DECLASSIFICATION PROC- tended to make minor technical modi- successor directive); and ESS. fications to clarify two provisions that Not later than 180 days after the date of ‘‘(B) a person who during the preceding 12- the enactment of this Act, the Director of were added in markup. month period was an officer or employee of National Intelligence shall submit to Con- I have an amendment that would re- the Congress (as defined in section 109(13) of gress a report describing— quire employees at senior level in the the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (5 (1) how to improve the declassification intelligence community to endure a U.S.C. App.)) with access to sensitive com- partmented information. process across the intelligence community; ‘‘cooling off’’ period before being em- and ‘‘(2) COVERED ENTITY.—The term ‘covered ployed by a company that is owned or entity’ means— (2) what steps the intelligence community controlled by a foreign government ‘‘(A) any person acting on behalf or under can take, or what legislation may be nec- that poses a high counterintelligence the supervision of a designated foreign gov- essary, to enable the National Declassifica- threat. It would also make them sub- tion Center to better accomplish the mis- ernment; or ject to reporting procedures. ‘‘(B) any entity owned or controlled by a sions assigned to the Center by Executive Order 13526. This amendment stems from my con- designated foreign government. cern that some senior level employees AMENDMENT NO. 10 OFFERED BY MS. JACKSON ‘‘(3) DESIGNATED FOREIGN GOVERNMENT.— in the intelligence community retire or The term ‘designated foreign government’ LEE OF TEXAS means a government that the Director of Na- At the end of subtitle B of title III, add the otherwise separate from the U.S. Gov- tional Intelligence determines poses a sig- following new section: ernment and take employment with nificant counterintelligence threat to the SEC. ll. DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTEL- foreign companies or foreign-controlled United States under subsection (d).’’. LIGENCE STUDY ON THE USE OF companies after holding positions (b) EFFECTIVE DATE OF NEGOTIATION PERIOD CONTRACTORS IN THE CONDUCT OF where they likely learned very sen- NOTICE.—The requirement under section INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES. sitive information that would be of The Director of National Intelligence shall 304(a) of the National Security Act of 1947, as value to those particular companies or added by subsection (a) of this section, shall conduct an assessment of the reliance of in- take effect on the date that is 30 days after telligence activities on contractors to sup- governments. the date of the enactment of this Act. port Government activities, including an as- It is not intended to be punitive pro- (c) APPLICABILITY OF SEPARATION PERIOD.— sessment of— hibition on post-intelligence commu- The requirement under section 304(b) of the (1) contractors performing intelligence ac- nity employment but rather to estab- National Security Act of 1947, as added by tivities (including intelligence analysis); and lish a procedure to establish that suffi- subsection (a) of this section, shall not apply (2) the skills performed by contractors and cient time has lapsed to avoid conflicts to a covered employee that has entered into the availability of Federal employees to per- of interest or the appearance of impro- an employment agreement on or before the form those skills. priety. date of the enactment of this Act. AMENDMENT NO. 11 OFFERED BY MR. KEATING OF (d) FIRST REPORTING REQUIREMENT.—The Mr. CARNEY has an amendment that MASSACHUSETTS first report required to be submitted by each would provide the Congress with a use- former covered employee under section 304(c) At the end of subtitle B of title III, add the ful report on ways to improve the de- following new section: of the National Security Act of 1947, as added classification process across the intel- SEC. ll. ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFICACY OF by subsection (a) of this section, shall be ligence community. The intelligence submitted not later than one year after the MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING TO FACILITATE INTELLIGENCE- community has declassified a massive date of the enactment of this Act. SHARING. IRST DESIGNATION REQUIREMENT.—The amount of documents. Increased trans- (e) F Not later than 90 days after the date of the Director of National Intelligence shall sub- parency through an improved declas- enactment of this Act, the Under Secretary mit to the congressional intelligence com- sification process will help rebuild the of Homeland Security for Intelligence and mittees the initial list of foreign govern- Analysis, in consultation with the Director confidence of the American people in ments under section 304(d) of the National of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and their intelligence agencies. Security Act of 1947, as added by subsection the Program Manager of the Information Mr. CONNOLLY has an amendment (a) of this section, not later than 30 days Sharing Environment, shall submit to the that will add several best practices to after the date of the enactment of this Act. congressional intelligence committees, the (f) TABLE OF CONTENTS AMENDMENTS.—The the assessment our bill requires for in- table of contents in the first section of such Committee on Homeland Security of the telligence community software li- Act is amended— House of Representatives, and the Com- censes. This amendment is all the more (1) by striking the second item relating to mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- important in light of current efforts to section 302 (Under Secretaries and Assistant mental Affairs of the Senate an assessment of the efficacy of the memoranda of under- improve intelligence community infor- Secretaries) and the items relating to sec- mation technology systems. Wise man- tions 304, 305, and 306; and standing signed between Federal, State, (2) by inserting after the item relating to local, tribal, and territorial agencies to fa- agement of software licenses can help section 303 the following new item: cilitate intelligence-sharing within and sepa- save the taxpayers’ dollars while mak- rate from the Joint Terrorism Task Force. ‘‘Sec. 304. Restrictions on certain former in- ing sure our intelligence officers have Such assessment shall include— telligence officers and employ- the tools they need to do their job. (1) any language within such memoranda ees.’’. Ms. JACKSON LEE has an amendment of understanding that prohibited or may be that will help us identify ways to im- AMENDMENT NO. 5 OFFERED BY MS. KELLY OF construed to prohibit intelligence-sharing ILLINOIS between Federal, State, local, tribal, and prove the support contractors offer to At the end of subtitle A of title III, add territorial agencies; and the intelligence community. It may the following new section: (2) any recommendations for memoranda help us find ways to make the most of SEC. ll. INCLUSION OF PREDOMINANTLY of understanding to better facilitate intel- scarce resources, all the while ensuring BLACK INSTITUTIONS IN INTEL- ligence-sharing between Federal, State, that contractors do not perform inher- LIGENCE OFFICER TRAINING PRO- local, tribal, and territorial agencies. GRAM. ently governmental functions. Section 1024 of the National Security Act The CHAIR. Pursuant to House Reso- Mr. KEATING has an amendment con- of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3224) is amended— lution 604, the gentleman from Michi- cerning intelligence sharing between

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MY7.009 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5049 Federal, State, and local entities, ciencies in the intelligence commu- I would like to thank the House Per- which has been a critical tool to pre- nity’s use of software. In fact, we just manent Select Committee on Intel- vent terrorist attacks on American don’t need to find them, we need to fix ligence for their efforts to include the soil. Joint terrorism task forces pool them. Finding and fixing inefficiencies Jackson Lee amendment in the en bloc talent, skills, and knowledge from translates into saving taxpayer dollars, amendments and thank them for work- across the law enforcement and intel- which is something we must always ing with my staff in a very cooperative ligence communities into a single enti- strive to do. manner. ty that can respond with the flexibility I agree with Ms. ROBIN KELLY that The Jackson Lee amendment seeks and speed to stop impending threats. we need to increase the diversity of our greater transparency to Congress on Even so, we must always look for intelligence workforce by adding pre- the people the Nation relies upon to ways to improve intelligence-sharing dominantly black institutions to ongo- perform certain types of work for the relationships. This amendment re- ing intelligence community programs intelligence community. quires a study of the efficacy of the currently designed for Historically The Jackson Lee amendment re- memoranda of understanding signed Black Colleges. Diversity is a good quires the Director of the Office of Na- between Federal, State, local, tribal, thing in its own right, and it will cre- tional Intelligence to conduct an as- and territorial agencies. The study will ate even greater opportunities for in- sessment of the reliance of intelligence help identify any obstacles to intel- telligence collection. activities on contractors to support ligence sharing between agencies and I agree with Mr. CARNEY that we government objectives, including an find improvements to existing intel- must reduce our declassification back- assessment of contractors performing ligence-sharing relationships. log. As The New York Times reported intelligence activities, which would in- Ms. KELLY has an amendment to ex- just this week, even material that clude intelligence analysis. pand a grant program by the Director should be automatically declassified This complements the underlying of National Intelligence to include pre- isn’t. So we need the Director of Na- bill, because the underlying bill has de- dominantly black institutions. To suc- tional Intelligence to look across the termined to assess the utilization and ceed in their mission, the intelligence intelligence community and figure out reduce the number of private contrac- agencies need our Nation’s top talent, how to improve the declassification tors. and that means they must make full process so that more national security In a Time article dated Monday, July use of our Nation’s diverse population. information can be made available to 19, 2010, a comment says: These grants will help provide study the American people now. Explosion of contractors in the intel- programs in foreign languages such as I also agree with Ms. SHEILA JACKSON ligence community. Farsi, Pashto, Middle Eastern, South LEE that we need to get a handle on And that has been the case. Asian, and African dialects. Foreign how we are employing our contractors. It is important that we recognize language skills are critical for intel- We need to know whether they are that contractors can be useful. But like ligence officers, as we all know. doing the type of work that should be the President stated publicly on Au- Mr. KILMER has an amendment that will require the intelligence commu- done by U.S. Government employees. gust 26, 2013: Let me be clear, however, that con- nity Chief Information Officer to make It is important that we have so many ex- tractors perform a very valuable serv- recommendations to the Director of traordinarily capable folks in our military ice, and our companies are among the and our government who can do this—and National Intelligence based on the soft- probably do it cheaper. ware licensing assessment required by very best in the world. But there needs section 307 of the bill. It will also re- to be a clear line between what we ex- Well, I agree with the President and quire the DNI to issue guidelines to im- pect from our employees, who owe 100 this committee. plement those recommendations. These percent of their loyalty to the govern- I also take note of an article that recommendations and guidelines will ment, and what we expect from our cites NSA contractors using LinkedIn help the IC implement the results of contractors, whose patriotism is with- profiles to cash in on national security. I believe that with the work that we the important assessment that this bill out question, but whose loyalty is also will require regarding software licens- to the company that employs them. are doing here in this legislation, along ing. Finally, I agree with Mr. KEATING, with my amendment, we will get our I will, therefore, support the amend- Mr. ROONEY, and Mr. HANNA that we hands around the idea of outsourcing ment. need to take a close look at the memo- our intelligence work and develop a With that, Mr. Chairman, I ask Mem- randa of agreement between the Fed- pathway of excellence, as we have in bers to support the en bloc amendment, eral Government and the State, local, the past. and I reserve the balance of my time. tribal, and territorial governments to We will utilize our veterans, we will Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair, I make sure they are written clearly utilize military personnel, we will uti- yield myself such time as I may con- enough and well enough to ensure the lize young persons who are interested sume. free flow of intelligence, while still in this as a career, and we will have the I support all these amendments. making sure to protect sources and finest intelligence staffing that we I agree with Chairman ROGERS that methods. have ever had, as we have had in the it is very troubling when senior U.S. Intelligence is critical, particularly past. officials who know our most sensitive in the midst of a domestic crisis. And I ask my colleagues to support this secrets leave the Federal Government for it to be useful, it must get to those amendment. I again thank the chair- and immediately go to work for a com- who need it. man and ranking member for including pany that is owned by a foreign coun- In addition to the manager’s amend- this in the en bloc amendments. I try that poses a significant counter- ment, which makes technical and clari- think we are on a pathway of greater intelligence threat to us. fying changes to the bill, I support all success in securing this Nation. I do have some concerns that this re- these amendments. Mr. Chair, I support H.R. 4681, the ‘‘Intel- striction might be seen as singling out I reserve the balance of my time. ligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years our intelligence professionals, since it Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- 2014,’’ a bill Authorizing appropriations for our does not apply to every senior official man, I reserve the balance of my time. nation’s intelligence agencies for Fiscal Year in the government with a top secret Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair, I 2014 through Fiscal Year 2015. The bill pro- clearance. I would be in favor of a yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman vides funds for the conduct of intelligence and waiver procedure for when the risks are from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE). intelligence-related activities. low. For example, for someone who Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Mr. My thanks to the House Rules Committee wants to teach English at a State-fund- Chair, let me again thank the ranking for making my amendment in order under the ed university in his or her retirement. member and the chairman. Let me also rule for H.R. 4681. But on the whole, I agree with Mr. acknowledge the very fine men and I appreciate the work of the House Perma- ROGERS and support this provision. women that work in our intelligence nent Select Committee on Intelligence efforts I also agree with Mr. CONNOLLY and community in the United States and to include the Jackson Lee Amendment in the Mr. KILMER that we need to find effi- around the world. En Bloc.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.022 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5050 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 My amendment is simple and makes an im- his angriest comments for the contractor- in taking back ground from the contractors, portant contribution to the bill. driven bureaucracy that allowed a Nigerian and I hope it can move faster than the next The Jackson Lee Amendment seeks greater would-be suicide bomber—as alleged by a re- would-be suicide bomber. sulting federal indictment—to board a transparency to Congress on the people the Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- Northwest flight from Amsterdam to man, I yield back the balance of my nation relies upon to perform certain types of in December. In spite of the billions and bil- work for the Intelligence Community. lions of dollars we’ve showered on contrac- time. The Jackson Lee Amendment requires the tors, consultants and corporate contracts Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- Director of the Office of National Intelligence since 9/11, no one managed to disseminate a man, I yield back the balance of my to conduct an assessment of the reliance of warning from the Nigerian’s father that his time. intelligence activities on contractors to support son had reportedly become a terrorist. The Acting CHAIR (Mr. WOMACK). The raw numbers in the Post tell the story. Government objectives, including an assess- The question is on the amendments en Since 9/11, America’s intelligence budget has bloc offered by the gentleman from ment of contractors performing intelligence ac- more than doubled, to $75 billion. The num- tivities, which would include intelligence anal- ber of people working at the Defense Intel- Michigan (Mr. ROGERS). ysis. ligence Agency has gone from 7,500 to 16,500. The en bloc amendments were agreed The Office of the Director of National Intel- The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces have to. ligence (ODNI) 2013 Report on Security Clear- trebled in number, rising from 35 to io6. Per- AMENDMENT NO. 6 OFFERED BY MR. FRANKS OF ance Determinations said that on October 1, sonnel at the National Security Agency has ARIZONA 2013, the total number of persons with a Con- doubled. There are 854,000 people with top-se- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order cret security clearances, including contrac- fidential, Secret or Top Secrete security clear- to consider amendment No. 6 printed in tors—almost 11⁄2 times the population of ance totaled 5,150,379 individual. House Report 113–465. Washington. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. Mr. Chair- According to the ODNI 3,738,026 were gov- then, that the Nigerian slipped through the ernment agency personnel, 1,056,309 were cracks: there are so many more cracks now. man, I have an amendment at the desk. contractors and 356,044 were categorized as But we shouldn’t reduce the problem to The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will other. our having become a country saddled with a designate the amendment. Between January and October 1, 2013 there bureaucratic Frankenstein of timeservers The text of the amendment is as fol- were 777,168 security clearances approved— and people cashing in on 9/11. Recently I’ve lows: been giving talks at government agencies 152,490 were government agency employees At the end of subtitle B of title III, add the working on counterterrorism. With almost following new section: and 131,209 were contractors with an addi- no exceptions, I’ve found my audiences, in- tional 12,785 designated as other. SEC. ll. REPORT ON FOREIGN MAN-MADE ELEC- cluding contractors, better informed, more TROMAGNETIC PULSE WEAPONS. The cost of government security classifica- dedicated and better educated than the gen- (a) REPORT.—Not later than 180 days after eration I served with in the CIA. (As I’ve said tion in 2oo5 was $7.66 billion and in 2011 the the date of the enactment of this Act, the elsewhere, if I were applying to the CIA total was $11.36 billion. Director of National Intelligence shall sub- today, I wonder whether I’d make it in.) The The amount expended included: 5.65 billion mit to the congressional intelligence com- problem is that I came away from these for protection maintenance; 1.53 billion for se- mittees and the Committees on Armed Serv- talks with the impression that the post-9/11 ices of the House of Representatives and the curity management oversight and planning; workforce is bored and even adrift—at least Senate a report on the threat posed by man- 502.51 million for professional education, train- in the sense that there are too many people made electromagnetic pulse weapons to ing and awareness; 352.4 million for classifica- chasing too little hard intelligence. United States interests through 2025, includ- tion management; 52.76 million for declas- It’s a tooth-to-tail problem. CIA Director ing threats from foreign countries and for- Leon Panetta has gone on the record as say- sification. eign non-State actors. ing there are only a couple hundred al-Qaeda The assessment provided for through the (b) FORM.—The report required under sub- dead-enders in the mountains between Jackson Lee amendment would shed light on section (a) shall be submitted in unclassified Paldstan and Afghanistan, most of whom are form, but may include a classified annex. the work that our federal agency Intelligence dormant, hiding in caves. With a prey so professionals and the role contractors play in small and elusive and a bureaucracy so The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to protecting our nation. Washington-bound, it shouldn’t come as a House Resolution 604, the gentleman President Obama stated publicly on August surprise that we’re tripping over ourselves. from Arizona (Mr. FRANKS) and a Mem- 6, 2013 that it is important that we have so Nor should it come as a surprise that more ber opposed each will control 5 min- many ’extraordinarily capable folks in our mili- money and more contractors aren’t a prob- utes. tary and our government who can do this, and lem of diminishing returns but rather one of The Chair recognizes the gentleman probably do it cheaper.’ adding to the risk. It would be considerably different if we from Arizona. I agree. could put this new workforce in the field— Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. Mr. Chair- That is why I introduced H.R. 4110, the for instance, in Afghanistan, a country that man, I thank Chairman ROGERS. I be- HERO Transition from Battlespace to Work- demands years and years of on-the-ground lieve he has exhibited the best of the place Act of 2014. experience for a young American intel- House of Representatives and has ren- This legislation addresses the problem of ligence officer to understand it. But our dered this country magnificent service, underemployed veterans in obtaining positions bases there are already overflowing with both to our national security and to that take maximum advantage of their skills combat forces, and anyhow, it’s too dan- the stability of this Nation. I thank gerous for Americans to get outside the wire and experience. him deeply for it, and also for the time For some time I have worked to make sure to meet Afghans. Not unlike in Washington, they’re stuck behind desks and forced to to speak on this amendment. that transparency, accountability and oversight look at the country from a distance. b 1045 were firmly established to guide the work of in- No one intended to create a monster bu- telligence agencies, including introducing leg- reaucracy after 9/11—Washington has always Mr. Chairman, the Intelligence Au- islation such as H.R. 2434. thrown money and people at a problem rath- thorization Act of 2015 is a critical I thank my colleagues on the Intelligence er than good ideas. But now someone has to milestone toward protecting Ameri- Committee for their hard work in bringing this seriously calculate the damage the outsourc- cans at home and those who serve our bill before the full House for consideration. I ing of intelligence is causing. The story I interests and Nation overseas. keep hearing over and over is that the bright However, it does not currently ad- ask my Colleagues in the House to vote for young people who came to Washington to this en bloc. fight terrorism—civil servants and contrac- dress one of the critical concerns, and that is the threat of a manmade nu- [From Time, Jul. 19, 2010] tors alike—have become disillusioned, and they will soon turn away from idealism and clear or electromagnetic pulse, or TIME TO TAME WASHINGTON’S INTELLIGENCE begin to transform their jobs into com- EMP, weapon. BEAST fortable careers. In the case of the contrac- My amendment would task the Direc- (By Robert Baer) tors, it means more contracts and more con- tor of National Intelligence to report I asked a former colleague who retired tractors. It’s all the worse because there are to the Congress on the threat posed by from the CIA not long ago what he thought now contractors writing their own contracts. manmade electromagnetic pulse weap- about the Washington Post article Monday, For Washington to retake control of intel- July 19, on the explosion of contractors in ligence, it needs to remember that intel- ons to the United States interests the intelligence community. ‘‘It’s a horror,’’ ligence is inherently a governmental func- through 2025, including those threats he said, ‘‘my tax money blowing around tion, no different from the courts, the police from foreign countries and foreign Washington like confetti.’’ But he reserved or legislation. I wish Washington good luck nonstate actors.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MY7.019 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5051 Mr. Chairman, it is important to disinvites our enemies to try to exploit of government service young people note that my amendment does not task it against us. I pray it happens just with the interest and aptitude for cy- another Federal agency with the re- that way. bersecurity. sponsibility of determining our vulner- Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- The bill authorizes provisions to re- abilities to EMP and GMD and the po- ance of my time. duce the risk of information leaks, as tential dangers these threats represent Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- well, and unauthorized disclosures of to our civilization. man, I claim the time in opposition, al- classified information by insiders, These studies have already been fi- though I do not oppose the amendment. while maintaining appropriate levels of nalized, and their conclusions provide The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- trust in our personnel. We cannot af- our Nation’s leaders and industry offi- tion, the gentleman from Maryland is ford a repeat of last year’s breach of cials with the clarity they need to recognized for 5 minutes. classified information. move forward toward protecting our There was no objection. Mr. Chairman, continued focus is grid. Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- needed to ensure that we, of course, are In fact, Mr. Chairman, there have man, I yield myself such time as I may supporting the efforts of those patri- now been nearly a dozen Federal Gov- consume. otic Americans who proudly serve our ernment reports and studies on the Mr. FRANKS, a leader in the bipar- Nation in the intelligence community, dangers, threats, and vulnerabilities tisan House Electromagnetic Pulse while properly safeguarding the pri- the U.S. electric grid faces from EMP Caucus, has brought attention to the vacy and civil liberties that our citi- and GMD, including reports from the serious threats posed by electro- zens hold dear. EMP Commission, Department of magnetic pulses, whether from a solar To that end, we must fully absorb the Homeland Security, Department of De- storm or a nuclear-armed enemy that lessons learned over the past decade fense, Department of Energy, the Fed- could harm our critical infrastructure. after passage of the landmark Intel- eral Energy Regulatory Commission, Given what we know about our Na- ligence Reform and Terrorism Preven- the National Academy of Sciences, and tion’s critical infrastructure vulnera- tion Act and the changes it brought to the U.S. national laboratories. All of bilities, I support this amendment’s the IC. them come to similar conclusions. The purpose, to gain even more information The Acting CHAIR. The time of the U.S. electric grid is dangerously vul- that can better protect our utilities, fi- gentleman has expired. nerable to EMP and GMD. nancial systems, medical facilities, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. I yield the Further, many warn that, given the networks, and other infrastructure. gentleman an additional 1 minute. Nation’s current lack of preparedness, Therefore, I support this amendment, Mr. LANGEVIN. I certainly look for- a nuclear or natural EMP event is po- and I urge my colleagues to do the ward to working with my committee tentially a cataclysmic threat that same. colleagues to continue this tradition of would be a top national priority for our Mr. Chairman, I yield 2 minutes to rigorous, responsible, and bipartisan national security and homeland secu- the gentleman from Rhode Island (Mr. oversight. The work that we do is crit- rity. LANGEVIN), one of the key members of ical to our national security. In 2008, the congressionally author- our committee and one of the experts Again, I thank Chairman ROGERS and ized EMP Commission stated that Rus- in the area of cybersecurity. Ranking Member RUPPERSBERGER, as sian scientists had proliferated knowl- (Mr. LANGEVIN asked and was given well as my colleagues on the com- edge of a specifically designed EMP permission to revise and extend his re- mittee; and in particular, I want to weapon to North Korea. There may marks.) thank the staff for the hard work that Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Chairman, I rise also exist a form of mobile EMP de- they have done in bringing this bill to in support of H.R. 4681, the Intelligence vices that can take out our electric the floor on both sides of the aisle. Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2014 substations. Their work is critical as well. and 2015. As The Wall Street Journal reported I thank my colleagues. recently, taking out just a few of these I am going to keep my remarks brief, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- substations simultaneously could po- but I first wanted to thank Chairman man, I yield back the balance of my tentially cause a nationwide blackout. ROGERS and Ranking Member RUP- time. Our military understands this threat PERSBERGER for bringing this bill to The Acting CHAIR. The question is very well, Mr. Chairman, and has pro- the floor in a bipartisan way. The bill on the amendment offered by the gen- tected many of our critical defense as- before us really is indicative of how the tleman from Arizona (Mr. FRANKS). sets. We, as a Nation, have spent bil- committee is run in a bipartisan way The amendment was agreed to. lions of dollars, in fact, over the years, under Chairman ROGERS’ leadership. hardening our nuclear triad, our mis- In particular, I do want to commend AMENDMENT NO. 7 OFFERED BY MR. POE OF TEXAS sile defense capabilities and numerous Chairman ROGERS for his years of serv- other critical elements of our national ice on the Intelligence Committee and The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order security apparatus against the effects wish him the best in his retirement at to consider amendment No. 7 printed in of electromagnetic pulse, particularly the end of this year. He clearly made a House Report 113–465. the type of electromagnetic pulse that difference. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Chairman, I might be generated against us by an Mr. Chairman, this is a balanced have an amendment at the desk. enemy. measure and really critical to pro- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will However, our civilian grid, which the tecting our Nation’s security. I have designate the amendment. Defense Department relies upon for been pleased to work with the chair- The text of the amendment is as fol- nearly 99 percent of its electricity man and ranking member on several lows: needs, is completely vulnerable to the provisions included in the bill. At the end of subtitle B of title III, add the same kind of danger. This bill makes critical investments following: This constitutes, in my opinion, Mr. in technical and tactical intelligence, SEC. l. REPORT ON UNITED STATES COUNTER- Chairman, an invitation on the part of as well as in our human capabilities. TERRORISM STRATEGY TO DISRUPT, DISMANTLE, AND DEFEAT AL-QAEDA, certain of our enemies to use the asym- In particular, in order to support and ITS AFFILIATED GROUPS, ASSOCI- metric capability of an EMP weapon develop the long-term health of our ATED GROUPS, AND ADHERENTS. against us, and there is now evidence most important intelligence resource— (a) REPORT.— that such strategy is being considered human talent—this bill requires the (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days by certain of those enemies. Director of National Intelligence to after the date of the enactment of this Act, Mr. Chairman, the time is right for create a plan to promote cybersecurity the Director of National Intelligence shall this action, and our efforts today may and computer literacy among high submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a comprehensive report on the gain us no note in the annals of his- school and university students. United States counterterrorism strategy to tory, but my hope is that they will ul- As cyber threats grow in quantity disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al-Qaeda, its timately lead to a time when this and sophistication, we must do more to affiliated groups, associated groups, and ad- country mitigates this threat and train and recruit into the noble calling herents.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.027 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5052 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 (2) COORDINATION.—The report required by more importantly, for his work on the And that’s just the way it is. paragraph (1) shall be prepared in coordina- Intelligence Committee for so many Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- tion with the Secretary of State, the Sec- years and, prior to that, your work ance of my time. retary of the Treasury, the Attorney Gen- with the FBI. Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- eral, and the Secretary of Defense, and the man, I claim the time in opposition, al- head of any other department or agency of As a former judge, I got to see a lot the United States Government that has re- of FBI agents come and testify in though I am not opposed to the amend- sponsibility for activities directed at com- Texas, and they have a wonderful rep- ment. bating al-Qaeda, its affiliated groups, associ- utation. You also have that reputation, The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- ated groups, and adherents. and thank you for your service in law tion, the gentleman from Maryland is (3) ELEMENTS.—The report required by enforcement and in the House. recognized for 5 minutes. paragraph (1) shall include the following: I also want to thank the ranking There was no objection. (A) A definition of— member for his support, generally, for Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. I yield my- (i) al-Qaeda core, including a list of which this amendment. self as much time as I may consume. known individuals constitute al-Qaeda core; This amendment requires the Direc- I support this amendment because (ii) an affiliated group of al-Qaeda, includ- the time is right to step back and take ing a list of which known groups constitute tor of National Intelligence, in coordi- nation with relevant agencies, to stock of where we are and how we are an affiliate group of al-Qaeda; doing in our fight against terrorism. (iii) an associated group of al-Qaeda, in- produce a strategy to defeat al Qaeda cluding a list of which known groups con- and its affiliates. The threat is not going away, but it is stitute an associated group of al-Qaeda; The amendment requires that the rapidly changing. (iv) an adherent of al-Qaeda, including a President clearly define groups like The Director of the FBI, Jim Comey, list of which known groups constitute an ad- core al Qaeda and al Qaeda affiliates recently said that the terrorism threat herent of al-Qaeda; and and other terms the administration is very much alive and growing in new (v) a group aligned with al-Qaeda, includ- and more dangerous places around the ing a description of what actions a group uses to define this enemy of America. Al Qaeda continues to threaten the world. It even surprised him, when he takes or statements it makes that qualify it started, just how virulent and dis- as a group aligned with al-Qaeda. security of the United States and our (B) An assessment of the relationship be- allies, both here at home and abroad. persed the terrorist threat had become. From Pakistan to Yemen, Afghani- tween all identified al-Qaeda affiliated Our intelligence services and our mili- stan to Syria, north Africa to Iraq, the groups, associated groups, and adherents tary have scored some real gains threat from al Qaeda is waning in some with al-Qaeda core. against al Qaeda, but al Qaeda in Af- areas, but growing in others. Unless we (C) An assessment of the strengthening or ghanistan and Pakistan is still able to weakening of al-Qaeda, its affiliated groups, approach this dangerous problem holis- provide technical, tactical, and stra- associated groups, and adherents, from Janu- tically and precisely, we risk just tegic direction to its affiliates ary 1, 2010, to the present, including a de- squeezing the balloon, suppressing ter- throughout the world. scription of the metrics that are used to as- rorism in one area, only to see it grow sess strengthening or weakening and an as- Al Qaeda has gone from on the verge sessment of the relative increase or decrease of strategic defeat to a serious and in another. So I think it is a good idea to sit in violent attacks attributed to such enti- growing threat, depending on who you down and take a comprehensive look at ties. ask in our intelligence services or even the problem today, to make sure that (D) An assessment of whether or not an in- the administration. Today, al Qaeda dividual can be a member of al-Qaeda core if we are confronting it in the precisely controls more territory than it ever such individual is not located in Afghanistan right way, to make sure that we are has. The fight against al Qaeda is far or Pakistan. measuring our effectiveness correctly, from over, and it will continue to grow. (E) An assessment of whether or not an in- and to make sure that we have the As chairman of the House Foreign dividual can be a member of al-Qaeda core as right and most current legal authori- well as a member of an al-Qaeda affiliated Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, ties. group, associated group, or adherent. Nonproliferation, and Trade, I have Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- (F) A definition of defeat of core al-Qaeda. held over a dozen bipartisan hearings (G) An assessment of the extent or coordi- ance of my time. focusing on this very topic. Once again, The Acting CHAIR. The question is nation, command, and control between core I want to thank the chairman and al-Qaeda, its affiliated groups, associated on the amendment offered by the gen- ranking member for including this groups, and adherents, specifically address- tleman from Texas (Mr. POE). ing each such entity. TNT Subcommittee in some of the The amendment was agreed to. (H) An assessment of the effectiveness of work we have been doing together on AMENDMENT NO. 9 OFFERED BY MR. GALLEGO counterterrorism operations against core al- the very issue of intelligence. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order Qaeda, its affiliated groups, associated During these 12 hearings in our sub- to consider amendment No. 9 printed in groups, and adherents, and whether such op- committee, we have yet to find a wit- erations have had a sustained impact on the House Report 113–465. ness who can articulate or even agree Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Chairman, I have capabilities and effectiveness of core al- with the administration’s counterter- Qaeda, its affiliated groups, associated an amendment at the desk. groups, and adherents. rorism strategy or what it is or de- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will (4) FORM.—The report required by para- scribe how the administration really designate the amendment. graph (1) shall be submitted in unclassified views al Qaeda and its threat. This The text of the amendment is as fol- form, but may include a classified annex. seems to be a problem. This needs to be lows: (b) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS clarified, so that all of us know exactly At the end of subtitle B of title III, add the DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘appro- what our strategy is nationwide and following new section: priate committees of Congress’’ means— worldwide. SEC. ll. REPORT ON RETRAINING VETERANS IN (1) the Permanent Select Committee on In- So this amendment is necessary, so CYBERSECURITY. telligence, the Committee on Foreign Af- we can all get on the same page in the Not later than 180 days after the date of fairs, and the Committee on Armed Services the enactment of this Act, the Director of of the House of Representatives; and hymnal with a clear strategy to defeat al Qaeda, so we understand what al National Intelligence, in consultation with (2) the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Committee on Foreign Relations, and Qaeda is really doing today in 2014. Veterans Affairs, and the Secretary of Home- the Committee on Armed Services of the This is a constantly changing move- land Security, shall submit to Congress rec- Senate. ment, and al Qaeda today isn’t the ommendations for retraining veterans and The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to same as the al Qaeda in 2001. retired members of elements of the intel- House Resolution 604, the gentleman We need to have a clear under- ligence community in cybersecurity. from Texas (Mr. POE) and a Member op- standing of who we are fighting and The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to posed each will control 5 minutes. how we are going to defeat the al House Resolution 604, the gentleman The Chair recognizes the gentleman Qaeda terrorists. Drone strikes and from Texas (Mr. GALLEGO) and a Mem- from Texas. target raids are not a strategy; they ber opposed each will control 5 min- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Chairman, I are tactics. Therefore, I support this utes. would like to thank Chairman ROGERS amendment, and I urge support by the The Chair recognizes the gentleman for supporting this amendment but, committee and the whole House. from Texas.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MY7.017 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5053 Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Chairman, I market. And I want to thank the gen- I thank my colleague from Texas would like to begin by thanking Chair- tleman for offering the amendment for (Mr. GALLEGO) for his amendment. He man ROGERS and the ranking member promoting this. The amendment does, represents the area of Texas that is for an opportunity to work on this again, highlight the sheer level of close to the border. He understands the issue with them, and I certainly wish threat we face from cyber crime, cyber threat and why we need intelligence to Chairman ROGERS well in his future en- terrorists, cyber espionage. We are deal with national security. deavors. being overwhelmed. Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Chairman, many Mr. Chairman, this amendment helps When you look at China, Russia, of our servicemembers have made the us find ways to ensure that our vet- Iran, and now organized crime groups ultimate sacrifice. There are 4,423 that erans and other former public servants who are approaching nation-state capa- have died in Operation Iraqi Freedom; can continue their service to our coun- bility, it is as bad as I have ever seen 66 in Operation New Dawn; and, as of try on cybersecurity, a critical na- it. And, again, 85 percent of the net- yesterday, 2,320 have died in Operation tional security need that will only works across America are not pro- Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, grow in importance over the next sev- tected by the government because they where I just returned from this week. eral years. are private sector networks. The gov- But many of the thousands upon thou- While Congress is well aware of the ernment, itself, is about 15 percent of sands of our troops who did make it challenges that we face in cybersecu- those networks. home to see their mothers, fathers, rity, it is important to understand that We need to find a pathway, A, to at- spouses, and kids are alive today be- cyber attacks are not only aimed at tract the talent that the gentleman cause actionable intelligence helped them achieve their missions more safe- the government, where they challenge from Texas (Mr. GALLEGO) is talking ty. our national security and endanger our about; and, B, we need to allow these While there has been a lot of criti- private sector folks to protect them- troops, but these attacks also target cism about intelligence collection—and selves by gaining information, sharing our Nation’s economic advantages, our we have had a very robust debate on core advantages, when they steal pro- information the government has that these issues—I think it is important prietary information and intellectual could protect those networks from that we concentrate on the fact that property from American firms that cyber catastrophe. intelligence is so critical to the lives of lead the Nation and lead the world in It is happening each and every day. our men and women in uniform. And it innovation. The next generation of cyber warriors really does help them come back home are there. And I think this amendment b 1100 today safe with their families because will go a long way to recruit the right of the work of our numerous intel- In fact, for the private sector, it is talent in the right place to help us ligence agencies who have provided the important to know that an IP theft in meet this growing threat of the future information they need to stay alive. the U.S. costs companies upwards of prosperity, safety, and the security of Mr. Chairman, I also want to do a $250 billion a year, and global cyber the United States. shout-out to the Air Force ISR Agency crime costs $338 billion. And when you With that, I yield back the balance of in San Antonio, in Bexar County. I factor in downtime, either way, that is my time. know that they do critical work to pro- a lot of money. And we spent up to—no Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Chairman, I yield tect and defend our liberty each and kidding—$1 trillion fixing these prob- 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman from every day. lems. Maryland (Mr. RUPPERSBERGER). Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- These highlight an important point, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair- ance of my time. that if these attacks on American com- man, I support this amendment, and I The Acting CHAIR. The question is panies are so bad, just use your imagi- urge my colleagues to do the same. on the amendment offered by the gen- nation to figure the threat of foreign- As I said in the opening hearing on tleman from Texas (Mr. GALLEGO). based cyber attacks on the Department worldwide threats, ‘‘education is the The amendment was agreed to. of Defense or other critical intelligence keystone of security and prosperity in The Acting CHAIR. The question is agencies. And there is no better group the 21st century.’’ on the amendment in the nature of a of people than our veterans and our re- The cyber threats we face are grave, substitute, as amended. tired members of the intelligence com- and we need to train the best, the The amendment was agreed to. munity who could be ready to assist in brightest, and the most dedicated—like The Acting CHAIR. Under the rule, cybersecurity. our veterans and our retired intel- the Committee rises. Accordingly, the Committee rose; This amendment allows us to do ev- ligence professionals—to be our next and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. POE erything we can to support our vet- generation of cyber defenders. We call of Texas) having assumed the chair, erans who are looking for jobs along them cyber warriors. Mr. WOMACK, Acting Chair of the Com- with those retired members of the in- Every day, we hear about cyber at- mittee of the Whole House on the state telligence community who have al- tacks in the news. Early last year, for of the Union, reported that that Com- example, our financial sector suffered a ready demonstrated their commitment mittee, having had under consideration to public service. wide-scale network denial of service at- the bill (H.R. 4681) to authorize appro- Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance tack that proved difficult and very priations for fiscal years 2014 and 2015 of my time. costly to mitigate. The retail giant, for intelligence and intelligence-re- Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- Target, is another recent example of lated activities of the United States man, while I do not oppose the amend- our vulnerability to cyber attacks. And Government, the Community Manage- ment, I ask unanimous consent to con- today, The Washington Post stated ment Account, and the Central Intel- trol the time in opposition. that Iranian hackers are targeting ligence Agency Retirement and Dis- The Acting CHAIR. Is there objection U.S.A. officials through social net- ability System, and for other purposes, to the request of the gentleman from works. and, pursuant to House Resolution 604, Michigan? We need to pass cybersecurity legis- he reported the bill back to the House There was no objection. lation like CISPA, and we need to do with an amendment adopted in the The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman far more to expand our bench of cyber Committee of the Whole. from Michigan is recognized for 5 min- professionals and innovators. We need The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under utes. to invest in early education in science, the rule, the previous question is or- Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Chair- technology, engineering, and math. dered. man, I yield myself such time as I may And we equally need to leverage the ex- Is a separate vote demanded on any consume. perience and wisdom of our veterans amendment to the amendment re- Our Nation owes a debt of gratitude and former intelligence professionals. ported from the Committee of the to its veterans and to the retired mem- Our adversaries are making heavy in- Whole? bers of the intelligence community. We vestments in cyber education. We must If not, the question is on the amend- should look for as many ways as pos- do the same. For this reason, I support ment in the nature of a substitute, as sible to help them succeed in the job this amendment. amended.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.032 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 The amendment was agreed to. cyber attacks have severely under- than our military might. Our national The SPEAKER pro tempore. The mined our national security and con- security and position as a global leader question is on the engrossment and tinue to threaten our economy. in innovation and competitiveness de- third reading of the bill. Not only are the Chinese hacking pends on it. The bill was ordered to be engrossed into our state secrets, but they are Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to and read a third time, and was read the stealing our trade secrets, which costs support this amendment. third time. us jobs, and especially jobs of the fu- I yield back the balance of my time. MOTION TO RECOMMIT ture. China’s conduct is reprehensible Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speak- and unacceptable for a major trading Speaker, I rise in opposition to the mo- er, I have a motion to recommit at the partner. In response, my amendment tion to recommit. desk. requires the heads of the intelligence The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the agencies to prioritize efforts to un- tleman is recognized for 5 minutes. gentleman opposed to the bill? cover, stop, and prevent future at- Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Mr. BISHOP of New York. In its cur- tempts to steal U.S. military tech- Speaker, I thank the gentleman for his rent form, I am. nology and intellectual property. interest. This is exciting news. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The intelligence agencies are also re- The bill is not crafted correctly, and Clerk will report the motion to recom- quired to notify businesses and Inter- it opens us up to exposing classified in- mit. net providers when network breaches formation to corporations that may be The Clerk read as follows: occur, collaborate with Federal agen- foreign-owned and operated by the very Mr. Bishop of New York moves to recom- cies to protect critical infrastructure, counterintelligence threat we seek to mit the bill, H.R. 4681, to the Permanent Se- and assist law enforcement, as well as push back on. But thank you for this lect Committee on Intelligence with instruc- our international partners in appre- effort. tions to report the same back to the House hending, halting, and punishing those We should reject this. We should in- forthwith with the following amendment: who infiltrate our systems. clude resounding support for the At the end of subtitle A of title III, add the The need for this amendment is following new section: CISPA bill that carefully drafted lan- clear. Growing evidence reveals exten- SEC. ll. PROTECTING UNITED STATES MILI- guage to make sure that there is a TARY TECHNOLOGY AND INDUS- sive activity on the part of the People’s cyber-sharing relationship, both be- TRIAL COMPETITIVENESS FROM Liberation Army to conduct cyber, eco- tween the government when it comes CHINESE AND OTHER STATE-SPON- nomic, and industrial espionage. Their to malicious code and the private sec- SORED COMPUTER THEFT. hacking knows no bounds in the pur- The head of each element of the intel- tor who, remember, is all by itself out ligence community shall— suit of state and trade secrets alike. there getting attacked by nation-states (1) prioritize efforts to uncover and foil at- We have uncovered the traces and and large organized criminal groups tempts to steal United States military tech- telltale signs of hacking into Federal trying to steal their information. nology, and the intellectual property of systems and U.S. corporations, like If you think about even the last United States corporations, by State-spon- Alcoa, U.S. Steel, energy companies month or so that General Alexander sored computer hackers from China and like SolarPowerAG, and even nuclear was the Director of the National Secu- other foreign countries; power providers like Westinghouse rity Agency, just in that last bit of (2) consistent with existing law, imme- Electric Company. time he was there, the military sites, diately inform corporations and internet This month, the Justice Department providers of any computer breaches and the the government sites were hit 41 mil- steps necessary to combat further intrusion; indicted five members of the Chinese lion times by people trying to cause de- (3) coordinate with other Federal agencies military for stealing trade secrets in struction or break in and steal some- to protect critical United States infrastruc- order to prosper from American inge- thing. Again, this is as serious a prob- ture, including the electrical grid, nuclear nuity and innovation to undercut our lem as you can imagine, Mr. Speaker, power plants, oil and gas pipelines, financial global competitiveness. that we are not prepared to handle. services, and air traffic safety, from repeated These are not isolated incidents. The So that CISPA bill that I think you computer hacking attacks; and frequency of these attacks has in- tried to get here—I mean, part of this (4) assist the Department of Justice and creased over time, costing our economy bill is the redundancy department of other law enforcement agencies, including thousands of jobs and up to $100 billion by supporting the international efforts of redundancy. The second part is just not United States allies, in efforts to punish and annually. Not only are the Chinese and drafted correctly, and we would love to sanction individuals and governments that their partners in cyber crime refusing help you get to the right place. perpetrate economic espionage and identity to acknowledge evidence we have un- This bill, I think, causes a little more theft. covered, but they refuse to negotiate harm than I think you realized without Mr. BISHOP of New York (during the steps both of our nations could pursue carefully considering how you con- reading). Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous to end this threat. struct a cyber-sharing malicious code consent to dispense with the reading. No one single action will stop the relationship between the government The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Chinese from trying to infiltrate Amer- and the private sector. It needs to hap- objection to the request of the gen- ican computer networks, but collabora- pen. This way, it just exposes, again, tleman from New York? tion between our intelligence agencies, the information to counterintelligence Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. law enforcement, and the private sec- groups that we don’t want to have it. Speaker, I object. tor can strengthen our defenses, deter So I would strongly urge the rejec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Objec- cyber espionage from being launched tion of the motion to recommit. But I tion is heard. on foreign shores, and protect our jobs. want to thank the gentleman. I look The Clerk will read. My amendment is not the only step forward to working in the next few The Clerk continued to read. we can take, but it is an important ad- months with the gentleman to make The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- dition to this bill. The United States sure that we put in place a fighting tleman from New York is recognized deserves better for supporting the chance, a fighting chance for the 85 for 5 minutes. rights of nations like China to trade in percent of those private sector net- Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speak- the global marketplace, to be treated works that are getting absolutely rav- er, this is the final amendment to the with respect, and to participate in the aged every single day by cyber bill, which will not kill the bill or send community of nations. We must send attackers, by people who are trying to it back to committee. If adopted, the the message to China and our rivals disrupt activities. bill will immediately proceed to final that this Congress stands ready to de- passage, as amended. fend our national security and our b 1115 Mr. Speaker, my amendment re- economy, and we must send a message There are public reports that Iran is sponds to the increasing threat of Chi- assuring future generations of Ameri- probing our financial institutions. nese and other state-sponsored com- cans that protecting jobs here at home Think about the idea if they were able puter hacking of our national infra- will always be our priority and that or successful to go in and take down a structure of computer networks. These our economic might is more important financial institution that has trillions

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.035 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5055 of dollars every single day in global Langevin Napolitano Schrader Stivers Valadao Wilson (SC) transactions, destroy data, manipulate Larsen (WA) Negrete McLeod Schwartz Stockman Wagner Wittman Larson (CT) Nolan Scott (VA) Stutzman Walden Wolf data, and you don’t know who owes Lee (CA) O’Rourke Scott, David Terry Walorski Womack whom what. Imagine the economic ca- Levin Owens Serrano Thompson (PA) Weber (TX) Woodall tastrophe that happens. Lipinski Pallone Sewell (AL) Thornberry Webster (FL) Yoder Loebsack Pascrell Tiberi Wenstrup Well, guess what? This is not Orwell- Shea-Porter Yoho Lofgren Pastor (AZ) Sherman Tipton Westmoreland Young (AK) Turner Whitfield ian. It is not next year, it is not 6 Lowenthal Payne Sinema Young (IN) months from now, and it is not 10 years Lowey Pelosi Sires Upton Williams Lujan Grisham Perlmutter from now. It is happening today, and Smith (WA) NOT VOTING—28 (NM) Peters (CA) Speier every nation on the face of the Earth is Luja´ n, Ben Ray Peters (MI) Swalwell (CA) Benishek Gabbard Palazzo (NM) Peterson trying to get this capability—including Takano Campbell Green, Al Rangel Lynch Pingree (ME) Capito Hartzler al Qaeda. They are advertising to try Thompson (CA) Ros-Lehtinen Maffei Pocan Chaffetz Hastings (FL) Thompson (MS) Shuster to find the right people to develop a ca- Maloney, Polis Clay Lankford Tierney Slaughter pability for a cyberattack to disrupt, Carolyn Price (NC) Cleaver Lewis Titus Walberg to destroy, and to cause chaos. Maloney, Sean Quigley Clyburn McCarthy (NY) Waters Matheson Rahall Tonko Cramer Miller, Gary Yarmuth This is as important an issue as I can Matsui Richmond Tsongas Dingell Miller, George think of, Mr. Speaker, that I hope we McCollum Roybal-Allard Van Hollen Fattah Neal find some resolution on. Again, I have McDermott Ruiz Vargas Veasey to strongly oppose this motion to re- McGovern Ruppersberger McIntyre Rush Vela b 1145 commit for the drafting errors I find in McNerney Ryan (OH) Vela´ zquez Messrs. GRIFFITH of Virginia and the bill. But I look forward to working Meeks Sa´ nchez, Linda Visclosky MCHENRY changed their vote from with the gentleman on the CISPA bill Meng T. Walz Wasserman ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ that is in the Senate and passed by this Michaud Sanchez, Loretta Moore Sarbanes Schultz So the motion to recommit was re- House in a huge bipartisan way so that Moran Schakowsky Waxman jected. we can bring relief and security to the Murphy (FL) Schiff Welch Nadler Schneider Wilson (FL) The result of the vote was announced future prosperity of the United States as above recorded. of America. NAYS—220 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The With that, I yield back the balance Aderholt Gerlach McKinley question is on the passage of the bill. my time. Amash Gibbs McMorris The question was taken; and the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Amodei Gibson Rodgers Speaker pro tempore announced that objection, the previous question is or- Bachmann Gingrey (GA) Meadows Bachus Gohmert Meehan the ayes appeared to have it. dered on the motion to recommit. Barletta Goodlatte Messer RECORDED VOTE There was no objection. Barr Gosar Mica Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Speak- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Barton Gowdy Miller (FL) Bentivolio Granger Miller (MI) er, I demand a recorded vote. question is on the motion to recommit. Bilirakis Graves (GA) Mullin A recorded vote was ordered. The question was taken; and the Bishop (UT) Graves (MO) Mulvaney The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Speaker pro tempore announced that Black Griffin (AR) Murphy (PA) Blackburn Griffith (VA) Neugebauer 5-minute vote. the noes appeared to have it. Boustany Grimm Noem The vote was taken by electronic de- Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speak- Brady (TX) Guthrie Nugent vice, and there were—ayes 345, noes 59, er, on that I demand the yeas and nays. Bridenstine Hall Nunes Brooks (AL) Hanna Nunnelee not voting 27, as follows: The yeas and nays were ordered. Brooks (IN) Harper Olson [Roll No. 271] The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Broun (GA) Harris Paulsen AYES—345 ant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule XX, Buchanan Hastings (WA) Pearce Bucshon Heck (NV) Perry Aderholt Chabot Farr this 15-minute vote on the motion to Burgess Hensarling Petri Amodei Chu Fincher recommit will be followed by 5-minute Byrne Herrera Beutler Pittenger Bachmann Cicilline Fitzpatrick votes on passage of the bill, if ordered, Calvert Holding Pitts Bachus Clarke (NY) Fleischmann and agreeing to the Speaker’s approval Camp Hudson Poe (TX) Barber Coble Fleming Cantor Huelskamp Pompeo Barletta Coffman Flores of the Journal, if ordered. Carter Huizenga (MI) Posey Barr Cole Forbes The vote was taken by electronic de- Cassidy Hultgren Price (GA) Barrow (GA) Collins (GA) Fortenberry vice, and there were—yeas 183, nays Chabot Hunter Reed Beatty Collins (NY) Foster Coble Hurt Reichert Becerra Conaway Foxx 220, not voting 28, as follows: Coffman Issa Renacci Bera (CA) Connolly Frankel (FL) [Roll No. 270] Cole Jenkins Ribble Bilirakis Cook Franks (AZ) Collins (GA) Johnson (OH) Rice (SC) Bishop (GA) Cooper Frelinghuysen YEAS—183 Collins (NY) Johnson, Sam Rigell Bishop (NY) Costa Fudge Barber Conyers Garcia Conaway Jolly Roby Bishop (UT) Cotton Gabbard Barrow (GA) Cooper Grayson Cook Jones Roe (TN) Black Courtney Gallego Bass Costa Green, Gene Cotton Jordan Rogers (AL) Blackburn Crawford Garamendi Beatty Courtney Grijalva Crawford Joyce Rogers (KY) Bonamici Crenshaw Garcia Becerra Crowley Gutie´rrez Crenshaw Kelly (PA) Rogers (MI) Boustany Crowley Gardner Bera (CA) Cuellar Hahn Culberson King (IA) Rohrabacher Brady (PA) Cuellar Garrett Bishop (GA) Cummings Hanabusa Daines King (NY) Rokita Brady (TX) Culberson Gerlach Bishop (NY) Davis (CA) Heck (WA) Davis, Rodney Kingston Rooney Braley (IA) Cummings Gibbs Blumenauer Davis, Danny Higgins Denham Kinzinger (IL) Roskam Bridenstine Daines Gingrey (GA) Bonamici DeFazio Himes Dent Kline Ross Brooks (AL) Davis (CA) Goodlatte Brady (PA) DeGette Hinojosa DeSantis Labrador Rothfus Brooks (IN) Davis, Danny Gowdy Braley (IA) Delaney Holt DesJarlais LaMalfa Royce Brown (FL) Davis, Rodney Granger Brown (FL) DeLauro Honda Diaz-Balart Lamborn Runyan Brownley (CA) DeGette Graves (GA) Brownley (CA) DelBene Horsford Duffy Lance Ryan (WI) Buchanan Delaney Graves (MO) Bustos Deutch Hoyer Duncan (SC) Latham Salmon Bucshon DeLauro Grayson Butterfield Doggett Huffman Duncan (TN) Latta Sanford Bustos Denham Green, Gene Capps Doyle Israel Ellmers LoBiondo Scalise Butterfield Dent Griffin (AR) Capuano Duckworth Jackson Lee Farenthold Long Schock Byrne DeSantis Griffith (VA) Ca´ rdenas Edwards Jeffries Fincher Lucas Schweikert Calvert DesJarlais Grimm Carney Ellison Johnson (GA) Fitzpatrick Luetkemeyer Scott, Austin Camp Deutch Guthrie Carson (IN) Engel Johnson, E. B. Fleischmann Lummis Sensenbrenner Cantor Diaz-Balart Hahn Cartwright Enyart Kaptur Fleming Marchant Sessions Capps Duckworth Hall Castor (FL) Eshoo Keating Flores Marino Shimkus Ca´ rdenas Duffy Hanabusa Castro (TX) Esty Kelly (IL) Forbes Massie Simpson Carney Edwards Hanna Chu Farr Kennedy Fortenberry McAllister Smith (MO) Carson (IN) Ellmers Harper Cicilline Foster Kildee Foxx McCarthy (CA) Smith (NE) Carter Engel Harris Clark (MA) Frankel (FL) Kilmer Franks (AZ) McCaul Smith (NJ) Cartwright Enyart Hastings (WA) Clarke (NY) Fudge Kind Frelinghuysen McClintock Smith (TX) Cassidy Eshoo Heck (NV) Cohen Gallego Kirkpatrick Gardner McHenry Southerland Castor (FL) Esty Heck (WA) Connolly Garamendi Kuster Garrett McKeon Stewart Castro (TX) Farenthold Hensarling

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.037 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 Herrera Beutler McKinley Ryan (WI) Clyburn Lankford Rangel minute and to revise and extend his re- Higgins McMorris Sa´ nchez, Linda Cramer Lewis Ros-Lehtinen Himes Rodgers T. Dingell McCarthy (NY) Shuster marks.) Hinojosa McNerney Sanchez, Loretta Fattah Miller, Gary Slaughter Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. Speaker, we are Holding Meadows Sarbanes Green, Al Miller, George Walberg in the midst of a dental health crisis in Horsford Meehan Scalise Hartzler Neal Waters this country. In 2010, 181 million Amer- Hoyer Meeks Schiff Hastings (FL) Palazzo Yarmuth Hudson Meng Schneider icans didn’t see a dentist. More than 50 Huizenga (MI) Messer Schock b 1153 percent of Americans over the age of 30 Hultgren Mica Schrader Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New suffer from some form of periodontal Hunter Michaud Schwartz York changed her vote from ‘‘aye’’ to disease, and estimates suggest that 25 Hurt Miller (FL) Schweikert Israel Miller (MI) Scott (VA) ‘‘no.’’ percent of children under the age of 5 Issa Moran Scott, Austin So the bill was passed. already have cavities. Jackson Lee Mullin Scott, David The result of the vote was announced It is time to take action. This is why Jeffries Murphy (FL) Serrano as above recorded. the American Dental Association last Jenkins Murphy (PA) Sessions Johnson (GA) Napolitano Sewell (AL) A motion to reconsider was laid on year launched Action for Dental Johnson (OH) Negrete McLeod Shea-Porter the table. Health: Dentists Making a Difference, Johnson, E. B. Neugebauer Sherman Stated for: a nationwide, community-based move- Johnson, Sam Noem Shimkus Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, on Friday, Jolly Nolan Simpson ment focused on delivering care now to Jordan Nugent Sinema May 30, 2014, I was unable to vote due to my people already suffering from dental Joyce Nunes Sires duties and responsibilities in my daughter’s disease, strengthening and growing the Kaptur Nunnelee Smith (MO) wedding rehearsal and ceremony on the 30th Keating Olson public-private safety net to provide Smith (NE) and 31st. Had I been present, I would have Kelly (IL) Owens Smith (NJ) more care for more Americans, and Kelly (PA) Pallone Smith (TX) voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 271. bringing dental health education and Kennedy Pascrell Smith (WA) PERSONAL EXPLANATION disease prevention into underserved Kildee Pastor (AZ) Southerland Kilmer Paulsen Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, communities. Stewart Kind Payne Stivers today I missed the following votes: I urge all of my colleagues to read King (IA) Pearce Stutzman Democratic Motion to Recommit H.R. 4681. the Action for Dental Health One Year King (NY) Pelosi Terry Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ Kinzinger (IL) Perlmutter Report to Congress to learn more about Thompson (CA) Kirkpatrick Peters (CA) on this bill. this movement and its progress. Thompson (MS) Kline Peters (MI) H.R. 4681—Intelligence Authorization Act Thompson (PA) Kuster Peterson f Thornberry for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015. Had I been LaMalfa Petri Tiberi HONORING REBECCA MARTIN Lamborn Pingree (ME) present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on this bill. Tipton Lance Pittenger f Titus (Mr. BARROW of Georgia asked and Langevin Pitts was given permission to address the Larsen (WA) Poe (TX) Tonko THE JOURNAL Tsongas House for 1 minute and to revise and Larson (CT) Pompeo The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Latham Price (GA) Turner extend his remarks.) Upton MEADOWS). The unfinished business is Latta Price (NC) Mr. BARROW of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Levin Quigley Valadao the question on agreeing to the Speak- Van Hollen er, I rise today to honor Rebecca Mar- Lipinski Rahall er’s approval of the Journal, which the Vargas tin, the principal of Screven County El- LoBiondo Reed Chair will put de novo. Loebsack Reichert Veasey ementary School, who is retiring after Vela The question is on the Speaker’s ap- Long Renacci more than 30 years as an educator. Lowenthal Ribble Visclosky proval of the Journal. Lowey Rice (SC) Wagner Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Educators are the unsung heros in Walden Lucas Richmond nal stands approved. the fight for a better life for all of us. Luetkemeyer Rigell Walorski Ms. Martin started her teaching career Lujan Grisham Roby Walz f (NM) Roe (TN) Wasserman in 1981 and then went on to teach 18 Luja´ n, Ben Ray Rogers (AL) Schultz AUTHORIZING THE CLERK TO years in the Screven County School (NM) Rogers (KY) Waxman MAKE CORRECTIONS IN EN- System. Since becoming a principal in Lynch Rogers (MI) Webster (FL) GROSSMENT OF H.R. 4681, INTEL- 1999, she has overseen a school system Maffei Rohrabacher Wenstrup Maloney, Sean Rokita Westmoreland LIGENCE AUTHORIZATION ACT that has taught thousands of students Marchant Rooney Whitfield FOR FISCAL YEARS 2014 AND 2015 who have received too many awards to Marino Roskam Williams Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. be mentioned here, all as a direct re- Matheson Ross Wilson (FL) Matsui Rothfus Wilson (SC) Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that sult of her leadership and dedication to McAllister Roybal-Allard Wittman in the engrossment of the bill, H.R. our children. McCarthy (CA) Royce Wolf 4681, the Clerk be authorized to make While I know the students and teach- McCaul Ruiz Womack ers of Screven County Elementary McCollum Runyan Woodall such technical and conforming changes McHenry Ruppersberger Yoder as necessary to reflect the actions of School will miss Ms. Martin’s spirit McIntyre Rush Young (AK) the House. and dedication and she will miss seeing McKeon Ryan (OH) Young (IN) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there them as much as she is used to, she can NOES—59 objection to the request of the gen- be sure that her teaching and leader- Amash Gosar Mulvaney tleman from Michigan? ship have had a profound impact upon Barton Grijalva Nadler There was no objection. her students and her fellow teachers Bass Gutie´rrez O’Rourke f wherever they go. Bentivolio Holt Perry I congratulate Ms. Martin on her re- Blumenauer Honda Pocan ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY, JUNE tirement. I wish her; her husband, Dr. Broun (GA) Huelskamp Polis 2, 2014 Burgess Huffman Posey Charles Martin; their two children; and Capuano Jones Salmon Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. their six grandchildren all the good Clark (MA) Kingston Sanford Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Cohen Labrador Schakowsky things to come in the next step of their Conyers Lee (CA) Sensenbrenner when the House adjourns today, it ad- journey together. journ to meet at noon on Monday, June DeFazio Lofgren Speier f DelBene Lummis Stockman 2, 2014. Doggett Maloney, Swalwell (CA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there b 1200 Doyle Carolyn Takano Duncan (SC) Massie Tierney objection to the request of the gen- THE GIs ON D-DAY—1944 Duncan (TN) McClintock Vela´ zquez tleman from Michigan? Ellison McDermott Weber (TX) There was no objection. (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was Gibson McGovern Welch f given permission to address the House Gohmert Moore Yoho for 1 minute and to revise and extend NOT VOTING—27 ACTION FOR DENTAL HEALTH his remarks.) Benishek Capito Clay (Mr. SIMPSON asked and was given Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, it Campbell Chaffetz Cleaver permission to address the House for 1 was 70 years ago. The sky was gray, the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MY7.012 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5057 rain pelted the teenage Americans as ducted between 1945 and 1962 in the U.S. and In the meantime, more than 75 percent of they were part of the greatest amphib- over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. the Atomic Veterans have died. These Americans were placed in very haz- ious attack in world history. SEEKING RECOGNITION ardous, extremely dangerous areas and were In 1982, there were over 850 Atomic Vet- It was June 6, 1944—D-Day. The constantly exposed to the unknown factors erans in Kansas. Today there are only 100 rough seas of the English Channel of radiation in the performance of their du- left. tossed GIs about in the landing craft as ties. They were assigned to these duties with In 2003, Thornton, along with fellow vet- they came under intense brutal fire no formal training, knowledge of the hazards eran Larry Halloran, began working toward from the enemy on the French shore. and with very little or no safety gear. They were America’s atomic guinea pigs getting recognition and a special medal for In spite of high casualties on the the Atomic Veterans. beaches, they moved forward. They and kept away from the public. And still today the U.S. government re- ‘‘These veterans had no idea how the radi- climbed the unbelievable cliffs, and the mains reluctant to acknowledge the health ation would affect them. . . . None of us troops were successful in driving the problems created by the atomic testing, knew. We were 18 and 19 years old, following enemy from the French coast. which left the servicemen with hidden orders and serving our country. We’re dying Their success allowed more Ameri- wounds—not from bullets or shrapnel, but by the thousands and still no recognition. cans to follow in future waves and later from radiation. It’s a disgrace. We can’t let their deaths be ‘‘Thousands of veterans have died while in vain,’’ Thornton said. days and later weeks. The allied countries of Great Britain, New My dad, Sergeant Virgil Poe, was one they begged for medical help. The govern- ment has never admitted that subjecting Zealand, and Australia enacted the Atomic of them who came later. The GIs—they them to atomic radiation causes all different Veterans Medal Act of 2007, in which a came, they liberated, and some went kinds of cancer,’’ said Gary Thornton of Queen-authorized special medal to honor home. The others lie in graves atop the Leon, Kan., who has been working hard to their Atomic Veterans who served with the cliffs of Normandy, France. Their bring honor and remembrance to our na- United States, was authorized. Their medals crosses and Stars of David glisten in tion’s forgotten veterans. came with full monetary and medical com- the sun where 9,000 Americans are bur- Thornton, a 27-year veteran of the U.S. pensation. Still, the U.S. government remains silent. ied. Navy, was assigned duty aboard the U.S.S. Engage, a minesweeper. Thornton, along Because of the sacrifices made by the We appreciate and remember all of with his fellow crew members, were ‘‘volun- Atomic Veterans, the U.S. has the safest nu- them for giving up their youth so we teered’’ to participate in a top-secret clear generating power plants, nuclear air- could have a future. project. craft carriers and Trident submarines. And that’s just the way it is. They were also instructed to sign a docu- Strides were also made in medical tech- nology—including x-rays, MRIs and f ment stating that whatever they ‘‘witnessed, saw, or heard would not be revealed for 20 sonograms. ATOMIC VETERANS SERVICE years under the penalty of execution and/or Thornton also credits the nuclear test re- MEDAL ACT life imprisonment.’’ This was called the sults with helping to end the Korean War, Atomic Secrets Act and no entries were ‘‘MacArthur had three atomic bombs in (Mr. MCGOVERN asked and was made in the service jackets, medical records Korea and when Korea found out, they given permission to address the House or orders of these soldiers. backed off,’’ he added, ‘‘President Kennedy for 1 minute and to revise and extend Because of the sworn secrecy, it’s as if the also had the upper hand in Cuba because of his remarks.) testing never happened. the bomb.’’ Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I rise Thornton has been telling anyone who will KANSAS EFFORTS listen that most of the Atomic Veterans today to introduce the bipartisan In 2004, former state Rep. Everett Johnson, have experienced severe health problems, as Atomic Veterans Service Medal Act. of Augusta, and an Atomic Veteran who was well as their children and grandchildren. Between 1945 and 1962, about 225,000 In order to be compensated, a veteran must diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease several members of our Armed Forces partici- be certified by a VA doctor, which means the years ago, helped get a resolution adopted to pated in hundreds of nuclear weapons veteran must have proof of their assignment recognize and honor Kansas Atomic Vet- tests. These GIs became known as the or participation. Due to the Atomic Secrets erans, which led to then-Kansas Gov. Kath- Atomic Veterans. They were placed in Act, it’s impossible to attain the needed cer- leen Sebelius presenting a Certificate of Rec- tification. ognition to each known Atomic Veteran in extremely dangerous areas and con- Kansas. stantly exposed to radiation in per- The Atomic Secrets Act was finally lifted in 1996—not 20 years, but 51 years after being ‘‘We couldn’t have done it without Everett formance of their duties. Sworn to se- imposed. The veterans who were left were al- Johnson and Governor Sebelius. . . . Kansas crecy, they could not even speak of lowed to discuss their experiences. is the only state to do this,’’ Thornton said. their service. ‘‘Because so much emphasis was put on the A day of celebration was held in Topeka, Thankfully, Presidents Bill Clinton severity of breaking the 20 year imposed but more than 50 percent of the state’s and George W. Bush recognized their threat, there are older survivors that are Atomic Veterans were too ill or too old to attend the special event. valiant service and acted to provide still afraid to say anything for the fear of being punished,’’ Thornton said. ‘‘It’s a na- In 2007, the Kansas Legislature adopted specialized care and compensation for resolution HCR 5018, introduced by Kansas their harrowing duty. tional disgrace. I just can’t stand to see any more of these people die without the recogni- Rep. Ed Trimmer, of Winfield, and co-spon- One of my constituents, Joe tion they deserve. . . . They’re not even sored by Rep. David Crum, of Augusta, en- Mondello from Shrewsbury, Massachu- mentioned in our history books.’’ couraging the President of the United States setts, is an atomic veteran, and very The government has never researched or Congress to honor our nation’s Atomic Vet- proud of his service to our country. sought out these veterans. Thousands have erans with a special Atomic Veterans Serv- Like me, he believes it is past time for died from multiple cancers or related ill- ice Medal. There has been no official action or des- the Defense Department to honor with nesses and were not granted any medical as- sistance. ignation number for the bill in Washington, a medal the unique service carried out but Kansas Congressman Todd Tiahrt’s office SMALL STEPS by the atomic veterans. and other sponsors are routing the bill for More than 75 percent of atomic vet- In 1988, the government finally conceded to introduction to the House of Representa- erans have passed away, never having allow treatment for six types of cancer, only tives. provided that the veteran could prove they received this recognition. I call on this were part of the atomic testing—nearly im- FUNDRAISING PROJECT House to act swiftly on the passage of possible to do because of the secrecy act. During a legislative session last year, this bill. The Department of Defense has instituted Trimmer and Crum co-sponsored legislation [From Leavenworth Times, May 8, 2009] a program that works to confirm veteran to name a portion of Highway 400 in honor of participation in U.S. atmospheric nuclear the Atomic Veterans. The legislation passed ATOMIC VETERANS STILL FIGHTING FOR tests from 1945 to 1962, and the occupation unanimously in both the House and Senate RECOGNITION FROM U.S. GOVERNMENT forces of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. and was signed by Sebelius in April 2008. (By Belinda Larsen) If the veteran is a confirmed participant of Trimmer led the fundraising efforts for the Approximately 225,000 American service- these events, the Nuclear Test Personnel Re- purchase of the Kansas Department of Trans- men participated in atmospheric nuclear view (NTPR) may provide either an actual or portation highway signs. More than $1,400 tests conducted between 1945 and 1962 in the estimated radiation dose received by the vet- was raised through private donations. U.S. and over the Atlantic and Pacific eran. The information then can be used to In a ceremony on May 22, the highway Oceans. assist with VA claims. Sadly, it takes a long signs will be revealed. Legislators, state and About 225,000 American servicemen partici- time for claims to be reviewed and only a few county officials, veterans and their families pated in atmospheric nuclear tests con- thousand have been approved. will gather at 10 a.m. at the Bluestem High

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:42 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.043 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5058 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 School auditorium in Leon to honor our tacted the independent journalist Paul Ja- system as quickly and as humanly pos- Country’s forgotten veterans. cobs and urged him to investigate the Ne- sible. The Congress has given the VA The new highway signs are a step in the vada Test Site (NTS). In the winter of 1955, all the money they need, all the au- right direction, but Thornton continues his Jacobs picked up a hitchhiker on the way to appeal for national recognition. Las Vegas. It was James Gates. The two thority they need, to do their job to ‘‘Please help us by writing, e-mailing or quickly became friends, and Gates provided make sure these men and women who calling our congressmen and spreading the Jacobs with documents, contracts, and pri- have served our Nation and defended word to friends in other states to do the vate meetings with others at the test site. our freedom get access to the best med- same,’’ he said. ‘‘We need your help to bring After several years of research, Jacobs ex- ical care in the world. these treasured veterans out from the dark posed the atrocity in a series of stories and I want to make sure the VA under- where our government has seen fit to put the documentary Paul Jacobs and the Nu- stands that the Congress is going to them, into the sunlight with honor and dig- clear Gang, which helped bring worldwide at- continue to do everything that needs nity and receive a medal. An $8 medal would tention to the NTS. And while Gates took be a small price tag for what these Atomic solace in the fact that the U.S. passed the to be done to ensure those veterans are Veterans—America’s Forgotten Veterans— Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1963, he was de- taken care of. have endured for 60 years.’’ nied military retirement and service-con- f nected disability as a result of his whistle- [From Huffington Post, Mar. 15, 2014] blowing. KEEP GUNS OUT OF THE HANDS OF CRIMINALS JUSTICE FOR THE ATOMIC VETERANS Like many atomic veterans, Gates began (by Vincent Intondi) to suffer numerous illnesses, struggled to (Ms. FRANKEL of Florida asked and sustain a career, and became homeless. Be- In 1955 the U.S. detonated a nuclear weap- was given permission to address the ginning in the 1970s, Gates’ teeth began to House for 1 minute and to revise and on. Men nearby huddled in fear, praying for fall out. He suffered from heart failure, a col- their lives. Some died instantly. Others lost lapsed lung, and a burst appendix. Even with extend her remarks.) their sight or had the skin ripped off their his health declining, Gates joined thousands Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speak- bodies. However, these were not enemies of of other atomic veterans and demanded the er, once again, Americans are heart- the U.S. They were Americans. From 1945 to government provide adequate medical insur- broken by a gun violence tragedy. 1963, the United States conducted hundreds ance. He participated in civil disobedience at Since the mass shooting last Friday of nuclear weapons tests in which they used the Nevada Test Site and joined radiation in Santa Barbara, more than 160 others thousands of GIs as human guinea pigs. The victims in rallies and conferences through- GIs, who became known as the ‘‘atomic vet- have lost their lives at the hands of a out the country. After years of activism, gun, including an 18-month-old baby erans,’’ were exposed to nuclear fallout, and Gates was finally granted a date for a hear- many suffered fatal diseases. For years the ing on his case before the U.S. Court of Ap- who was shot in front of his mother in plight of the atomic veterans and the federal peals in Washington, D.C. He died on March my hometown of West Palm Beach. government’s reluctance to formally ac- 20, 2004—two and a half months before his This mother will never see her child go knowledge these acts went largely unnoticed scheduled appearance. to school, graduate from college, walk by the mainstream media. However, begin- In response to the atomic veterans, on Jan- down the aisle, or hear him say ‘‘I love ning in the 1970s, atomic veterans, led large- uary 15, 1994, President Clinton set up the ly by African Americans Acie Byrd and you, Mom.’’ Too many lives have been Advisory Committee on Human Radiation taken and too many communities have James Gates, joined together to demand jus- Experiments (ACHRE), which held 16 meet- tice. ings from 1994 through 1995, at which Byrd been torn apart. Acie Byrd is perhaps best known as the and other atomic veterans testified. Clinton I applaud the House vote yesterday skipper of John F. Kennedy’s famed PT–109. went even further when, in the fall of 1995, he to invest funds to help the States im- However, following a hydrogen bomb test in officially apologized for the treatment of prove submissions to the national the Pacific, Byrd lost most light sensation in atomic veterans. However, the apology went background electric system. With that his eyes from the radiation exposure. Yet, unnoticed in the mainstream media, since it said, we must do much more to expand over the years, Byrd managed to keep track came on the same day that the O.J. Simpson background checks and strengthen of hundreds of victims of the nuclear tests. verdict was announced. Perhaps 20 years As founder of the Atomic Veterans Associa- mental health intervention and re- later we can give them the respect and honor search. tion and leader of the Alliance of Atomic that is so long overdue, and instead of spend- Veterans, Byrd has often been at the fore- ing billions to modernize our nuclear arse- From California to Florida, Amer- front of ensuring that the federal govern- nal, we can eliminate them once and for all. ican families are counting on us—the ment adequately compensates atomic vet- f Congress—to keep guns out of the erans. hands of criminals and keep our chil- James Gates was born in Chicago’s South GENERAL ERIC SHINSEKI dren safe. Side in 1935. Upon returning from Korea in 1954, Gates was reassigned to Camp Desert (Mr. CULBERSON asked and was f given permission to address the House Rock, Nev. In an interview with Nancy RESIGNATION OF ERIC SHINSEKI Hogan for her article ‘‘Shielded From Liabil- for 1 minute and to revise and extend ity,’’ Gates explained that when he arrived his remarks.) (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given in Las Vegas, ‘‘they took his identification, Mr. CULBERSON. Mr. Speaker, I permission to address the House for 1 told him he would be constructing roads and want to thank General Eric Shinseki minute and to revise and extend his re- air fields, and to keep quiet about what he for his service to the Nation, as an marks.) would see.’’ Then the nuclear bomb tests Army general, as Secretary of the VA, Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, with began. Gates, only a half-mile away, was also the resignation of Mr. Shinseki from told he was in no danger. In reality, he was and I am glad that he made the right being used as a human guinea pig. Gates saw decision today in accepting responsi- the VA Administration, he did the hon- his fellow soldiers die, carcasses of dead bility for these terrible systemic prob- orable thing as a great veteran, but not jackrabbits scattered on the ground, and one lems that we have seen throughout the a great administrator. A general has to morning he awoke from unconsciousness VA that the inspector general has con- know what his lieutenants are up to, only to find the flesh torn form his left arm firmed extend throughout the entire and if he is not getting results he has and leg. ‘‘There is no reckoning it. No reck- system of veterans being forced to wait to demand and get action. oning why the government would hurt its for health care. It is an absolutely un- Now, as we move forward, we can’t own people. I mean, I’ve got no teeth, no en- let this story today—the resignation or ergy, no breath...I’ve got very little left, not acceptable situation, and General even hope...Some of the men were put in Shinseki has done the right thing by the speculation about who will be the what they called the ‘monkey cage.’ The accepting responsibility as the man in next Director—be the story. It still monkey cage was close to the bomb site and charge. I urge him and the mid-level needs to be focused on what is hap- the bomb killed all those men. I mean we and upper-level leadership of the VA to pening at the regional offices, what is were a half-mile from each shot...Each time do the right thing as well and accept happening with veterans health being we’d see a bomb go off they’d have a priest responsibility. delivered to them, what is happening there... Racism has a lot to do with all this, We need to see these veterans given with the Veterans Benefits Administra- racism and the feeling that the government access to health care immediately. tion getting through the backlog of doesn’t care,’’ Gates recalled. As the nuclear tests continued, chemist Every one of them is on a waiting list cases and having them seen, having and Nobel laureate Linus Pauling became that has kept them from access to doc- their claims finished for a change. convinced that the government was carrying tors, and they need to immediately be We have much to do, so do not get, out human experimentation. Pauling con- put into a private hospital in the VA Mr. Speaker, diverted by today’s news

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:42 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MY7.025 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5059 or upcoming speculation on that. There STOP TRYING TO TAKE CARE OF When you are born you get a birth are still many people at the mid-level THE WHOLE WORLD AND PUT certificate and when you die you are management, regional directors, and THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST going to get a death certificate, and the regional centers that need to be (Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee asked that dash in between is what you have held accountable and get immediate re- and was given permission to address done to make this a better place. sults now and not way into the future the House for 1 minute and to revise I have served on the Veteran Affairs’ after much more backlogs. and extend his remarks.) Committee for 22 years, and I know Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. Mr. that my colleagues in the House and in f Speaker, you can never satisfy the gov- the Senate talk a good talk. We talk ernment’s appetite for money or land. about what we want to do for veterans. RESIGNATION OF ERIC SHINSEKI They always want more. But this Na- But talking and walking and rolling, I (Mr. DEFAZIO asked and was given tion’s national debt has now reached know for a fact that not until we had a permission to address the House for 1 an astounding $17.6 trillion. The only Democratic House, a Democratic Sen- minute.) reason more people are not upset about ate, and a Democratic President, we Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, for that figure is that nobody can humanly got the largest funding in the history years, I have struggled with the VA bu- comprehend a figure like $17.6 trillion. of the United States for the veterans. reaucracy in my region. There are at- Basically, what it means is that this This Secretary opened up the system tempts to downgrade the Roseburg Nation is in the shape of Detroit. The so that all the Vietnam veterans could Hospital. We are still fighting over ade- only difference is Detroit can’t print come in without proving one by one. So quate status and staffing. It took 6 money. This Nation keeps printing it is a lot of work that we have got to years after I got funding for a critical more money, more money, and more do—not what we have got to do, not new VA clinic in Eugene for them to money. That is going to speed up in the just the VA, but what we have to do to break ground so we can get expanded years ahead if we don’t get much more make sure that we have the kind of services in staffing. Day in and day out fiscal conservatism at the Federal service the veterans deserve. level. my staff and I have to push the VA to CORRINE BROWN GRATEFUL FOR THE SERVICE Anyone who wants to draw Social Se- get our veterans the benefits they have OF VA SECRETARY SHINSEKI curity, our Federal pension, or our earned and the services they deserve. HE IS A TRUE AMERICAN HERO military pension that will buy very Now we find that these problems WASHINGTON, DC.—Congresswoman Corrine much in future years should demand Brown released the following statement were systemic and nationwide. It is much more fiscal responsibility from right that General Shinseki has re- today: our Federal Government. As a senior member of the House Veterans’ signed, but that is just the beginning of What we mainly need to do, Mr. Affairs Committee, I am disappointed in the the housecleaning and the reform we Speaker, we need to stop trying to take resignation of VA Secretary Shinseki. While need in the Veterans Administration to care of the whole world and start tak- he felt he would have been a distraction see that they become an organization ing care of our own country and put- going forward to resolve the issues brought that is totally oriented toward serving ting the American people first once to light by Phoenix, I feel Secretary Shinseki was the person most capable of fix- our veterans and getting them the again. services they have earned and they de- ing these issues. I am grateful for his service f serve. Veterans shouldn’t have to fight, both as a soldier and a veteran. HONORING TYLER FAZZARI Since being sworn in as the seventh Sec- they shouldn’t have to wait in line. We retary of Veterans Affairs in 2009, Secretary can do better, and we must. (Mr. ISRAEL asked and was given Shinseki has brought reform and a new way permission to address the House for 1 of thinking to the VA. As a former Chief of f minute and to revise and extend his re- Staff of the Army, Secretary Shinseki knew marks.) what the young men and women protecting TRIBUTE TO ADMIRAL ROBERT Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to our freedoms overseas were going though and PAPP, JR., AND COMMANDANT honor Tyler Fazzari. Tyler is 10 years wanted to make sure they did not have to PAUL F. ZUKUNFT old. He lives in Port Washington, and fight a bureaucracy to get the services they earned. (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was he is giving back to our community in The young men and women coming back given permission to address the House a major way. and the veterans from previous wars shared for 1 minute and to revise and extend Last week, I visited Nassau Suffolk more than battlefield wounds when they re- her remarks.) Services for Autism, and I literally ran turned home, they shared a difficulty in get- ting care and benefits for their signature Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, into Tyler in a corridor. I learned that he gave that school $800 donated by his wounds. For the Vietnam veterans, it was ex- today, I rise to congratulate the serv- posure to Agent Orange; for veterans of Iraq ice of retiring Admiral Robert Papp, friends for his own birthday. He has a friend with autism, and he wanted to and Afghanistan, it was Traumatic Brain In- Jr., the Commandant of the Coast jury. Guard, and to acknowledge the coming do something about it. Secretary Shinseki made the decision in Tyler told me that he formed an or- on board, if you will, of Commandant 2009 to establish service connection for Viet- ganization called BirthdayBack. It in- Paul F. Zukunft; to thank them for nam Veterans with three specific illnesses spires other kids to raise money for that, based on the latest scientific evidence, their collective service and to acknowl- their birthdays in lieu of gifts and give have been associated with exposure to the edge Admiral Robert Papp, Jr., for his to charity. herbicides referred to as Agent Orange—Par- commitment to a rising and excelling Tyler is an entrepreneur, but he is kinson’s disease, ischemic heart disease, and United States Coast Guard. also a philanthropist. And at age 10, he B-cell leukemias. This was the right thing to do for Vietnam In every hearing that the Coast gives me great hope for the future of Guard appears before us, as a member Veterans and, thanks to this decision, Vet- our country and great hope that if erans who served in Vietnam during the war of the Homeland Security Committee enough of us are inspired by Tyler we and a ranking member on Border Secu- and who have one of the ‘‘presumptive’’ ill- will find a cure for autism. nesses do not have to face another hurdle rity and Maritime Security, I acknowl- Thank you, Tyler. and prove an association between their ill- edge that sight of Coast Guard heli- f ness and their military service. Thanks to copters rescuing thousands during Hur- this quick and decisive action VA has grant- ricane Katrina, plucking them out of RESIGNATION OF VA SECRETARY ed more than 160,000 retroactive claims asso- the raging waters and saving lives. SHINSEKI ciated with these three presumptive condi- Many people don’t remember 1,000 died. (Ms. BROWN of Florida asked and tions, and awarded more than $4.5 billion in Today, that ceremony is occurring. I was given permission to address the retroactive benefits, with an average retro- pay tribute to them, and I hope that active benefit payment of nearly $27,000. House for 1 minute and to revise and Under Secretary Shinseki, the VA continues many of us will have the opportunity extend her remarks.) to expand and improve its mental health pro- to congratulate both of them. Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, grams, adding more than 3800 mental health Thank you for your service to this I rise today to thank Secretary professionals to its clinical staff. As part of Nation. You are remembered. Shinseki for his service. VA’s 2012 hiring initiative, VA has hired 1,600

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.044 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 mental health clinicians for newly created Ukraine can rise to be one of the Maya Angelou was active until the positions and 800 Peer Specialists and Peer greatest nations on the European con- end of those 86 years. When she died, Apprentices. tinent. Her time is now. she was the Reynolds Professor of Since 2009, Congress has increased the American Studies at Wake Forest Uni- mental health care budget by 42 percent and f versity in North Carolina. VA has treated 1.4 million Veterans with b 1215 specialty mental health services in fiscal I will have some words later in these year 2013 (FY13) alone. Under Secretary VETERANS TIMELY ACCESS TO remarks to say about that, since I vis- Shinseki’s leadership, the VA has expanded HEALTH CARE ACT ited her there, and it was a most mem- access to mental health services with longer (Mr. DENHAM asked and was given orable time for me. clinic hours, telehealth capability to deliver permission to address the House for 1 Carol Neubauer of Southern Women services, and standards that mandate rapid minute and to revise and extend his re- Writers writes, I think, intelligently, access to mental health services. of Maya, saying: In July 2010, VA published a historic marks.) change to its rules, streamlining the process Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise Angelou has been recognized not only as a and paperwork needed by combat Veterans today to discuss a new bill that has spokesperson for Blacks and women, but also to pursue a claim for disability pay for just been introduced, the Veterans for all people who are committed to raising PTSD. Timely Access to Health Care Act. Our the moral standards of living in the United States. After Secretary Shinseki made it easier for veterans have waited too long. those claiming Agent Orange and PTSD inju- If you have served our country and if That is just how broad was Maya’s ries, the claims backlog had major increases. you have gone to the VA center, we mission. I am very grateful that she With his work to have overtime and sharing was recognized as I believe she should of records, the claims backlog has been re- need to make sure you have got access to timely care. Whether it is primary have been. duced by more than 50% in the past 14 Well before she died, President Clin- months. The VA has shown an unwavering care or urgent care, if it is beyond 7 commitment to improving the delivery of days, you can go see a new doctor, and ton gave Maya Angelou the National benefits to Veterans. With input from all of if it is beyond 14 days for specialty Medal of Arts, and then, President it veteran partners, the VA created and is care, you can go see a new doctor at Obama gave her the Presidential Medal implementing a comprehensive plan to end the VA’s expense. of Freedom. Some of us in the House the Veterans disability benefits claims back- We owe our veterans nothing less are trying to give her, posthumously, log. the Congressional Gold Medal. When Secretary Shinseki took office, he than to make sure that they have got world-class health care and that they It seems as if there are not enough set a goal of ending Veterans homelessness honors that one can come forward with by 2015. The VA, along with local, state, and have it immediately. for a woman with so many talents and federal partners has decreased the number of f homeless Veterans on a given night by 24 with so great a love for humanity, who percent since 2010 and are continuing to MAYA ANGELOU kept pouring it out, so that we could work to keep bringing this number down. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under partake as well, but I think we learn The VA provides quality and timely the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- most from her life by understanding healthcare and benefits to our veterans. We uary 3, 2013, the gentlewoman from the how hard was her early life and how have a duty to make sure that all those who District of Columbia (Ms. NORTON) is she rose. have defended this country when called upon It is interesting that, at President receive the care they have earned through recognized for 60 minutes as the des- their service. The VA is better for Secretary ignee of the minority leader. Clinton’s inauguration, those lines Shinseki’s service to our veterans. Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I come to ‘‘And Still I Rise,’’ which are from the poem she wrote for his inauguration, f the floor this afternoon to say a few words in tribute to the great Maya are best remembered—perhaps most re- CONGRATULATIONS TO THE Angelou, who just this week died at 86 membered—than President Clinton’s PEOPLE OF UKRAINE years of age. Mine will be one of, truly, words themselves at his own inaugura- (Ms. KAPTUR asked and was given millions of tributes that have begun. tion. permission to address the House for 1 President Obama said of Maya that Yes, she rose. She rose from the bot- minute.) she helped generations of Americans tom of society. She worked in places Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise ‘‘find their rainbows amidst the clouds many of us couldn’t conceive of. She today to congratulate the people of and that she inspired the rest of us to was a shake dancer in nightclubs. She Ukraine on conducting free and fair be our best selves.’’ I think many was a fry cook. She worked in ham- elections that the world watched close- would agree with that. burger joints. She worked as a dinner ly. As a beloved friend of mine from Attorney General Holder named one cook in a creole restaurant. Ukraine wrote me: of his daughters ‘‘Maya’’ after Maya Let me say, as someone who tasted These elections were amazing. People were Angelou. We have a charter school here Maya Angelou’s cooking, she was a standing in long lines with the purpose to in the District of Columbia named for master cook. She once worked in a me- vote. And we did it. We do hope that we will her. She visited that school. That is chanic’s shop, taking the paint off of start to live in a new way. Ukrainians de- the kind of woman she was. cars with her hands, not with an in- serve much better in life and in leaders. It is almost impossible to describe strument. Thank you. this life, all 86 years of it. She drew She was married, and she had a son. With a nearly 60 percent turnout, and from it all that you can draw from one Through all of the traditional phases of despite the fearful invasion by Russia life. a woman’s life, she managed to do of Ukraine’s eastern provinces, the Yes, we know her, perhaps, best as a many things. election proceeded on schedule and poet and as a writer and as, some In San Francisco, she sang at the without major disruption. This is a liv- would say, an autobiographer because Purple Onion Cabaret. She toured with ing testament to the future and the most of her writing comes from her ‘‘Porgy and Bess.’’ In the 1950s, Maya hopes the Ukrainian people invested in own life in successive memoirs, in suc- Angelou was in the Harlem Writers their new government. cessive autobiographies, but much of Guild. That is where she first met The people of our region send heart- her fame came when she was middle Jimmy Baldwin, the great African felt congratulations to the incoming age and beyond. American writer. Ukrainian President Petro Until that time, she embarked on a That friendship was very important Poroshenko. A successful businessman far-flung career wherever it would take for the inspiration it gave her to write in his own Nation, he now holds a his- her, dancer—yes, dancer—singer, com- her own first autobiography. Don’t toric opportunity to lead Ukraine to poser, actress. She was Hollywood’s think there could have been a civil write a new era of stability, prosperity, first Black female director, but she was rights struggle without Maya Angelou. and democratic reform. It will be a most devoted to the printed word as an Indeed, she worked directly with Dr. major undertaking. May the hopes of essayist, as a playwright, as a poet; and King, and she was the northern coordi- the Ukrainian people for a better life that came out of her own love of books, nator for the Southern Christian Lead- be realized in our time. of words. ership Conference.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:29 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MY7.024 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5061 This woman who wrote about Black She was the first Black woman to Real power is like electricity. We can’t see people, even as she wrote about all peo- have a screenplay. It was called ‘‘Geor- it. You can plug it into an electrical outlet, ple, would, of course, find her way to gia, Georgia.’’ It was produced in 1972, those two little holes in the wall, and light Africa, to Cairo—with her son—and to and she was honored with an Emmy be- up this room. You can light up a surgery. Or, you can electrocute a person strapped in a Ghana and, indeed, to working in Afri- cause of her, as it was said, ‘‘search of chair. Power makes no demands. It says, ‘‘If ca as a freelance writer, but it all clear messages with easily digested you’re intelligent, you will use me intel- began, perhaps, out of the experience meanings.’’ ligently. If you’re not, you will use me with at that time in her life that she had a She even adapted that first biog- deception.’’ It’s up to you. life to write about. raphy, ‘‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Maya said: It took her a long time to decide to Sings,’’ for a television movie that had You use power according to how you ac- put all of these first memories into an the same name. She wrote poetry for a knowledge it inside of yourself. autobiography, but when she did, it be- film called ‘‘Poetic Justice,’’ and she She is telling us that your execution came the most memorable of her played a role in that film. She played a of power is a statement about yourself. books. ‘‘I Know Why the Caged Bird role in another television film. That ought to make all of us stop and Sings’’ is one of six memoirs. It was What a life. think: What I am saying or doing, in As you read of this life, much of very controversial. the name of what power I have, to be which we may not have known about, Even though it is read to this very taken as meaning who I am. you see that it is not her life as a fa- day and taught in schools, it was con- She hinted, really, as to how she got mous woman, but her life as a woman troversial because she told the truth the power within herself to rise and to that Maya is able to write about and about her early life when she was raped make something of herself. She said get us to want to read. by her mother’s boyfriend when she she was in San Francisco with her I had an unusual experience, oh, was about 7 years of age, about the mother, and she wanted to be a con- about 15 years ago. Essence magazine trauma that that induced, about the 5 ductor on one of those wonderful took me to Winston-Salem, North years when she was mute and couldn’t streetcars in San Francisco. Carolina, to Maya’s home, for Maya speak—wouldn’t speak—perhaps could And here I am quoting Maya: speak, but wouldn’t speak. and me to have what they called a fly- During that time, she immersed her- on-the-wall conversation. They wanted So I went down to the streetcar offices, and the people just laughed at me. They self in books of every variety—in the us to talk about Black women embrac- wouldn’t even give me an application. I came great classics and Black authors. She ing their own power. back home crying. My mother asked me, read. She did not speak. She took Now, how do you talk about that? ‘‘Why do you think they didn’t give you an words in from great authors. She did With a great woman like Maya application?’’ I said, ‘‘Because I’m a Negro.’’ not give her own words until she was Angelou, you find a way to talk about She asked, ‘‘Do you want the job?’’ I said, ready to speak. A teacher brought that. Let me quote from some of what ‘‘Yes.’’ She said, ‘‘Go get it. I will give you words out of her, and not until then did Maya Angelou said during that fly-on- the money every morning. You get down she speak. the-wall conversation. there before the secretaries are there. Take Remember, this is about finding yourself a good book. Now, when lunchtime ‘‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.’’ comes, don’t leave until they leave. But That is the memoir that is most re- power from within, and that was the when they leave, you go and give yourself a membered and most praised. ‘‘Gather theme throughout this conversation. good lunch. But be back before the secre- Together in My Name’’ is a memoir Maya Angelou said: taries, if you really want the job.’’ that begins when she is 17 and, at 17, a A powerful sense of self involves humility, Three days later, said Maya Angelou, ‘‘I new mother. but never modesty. Modesty is a learned af- was so sorry I had made that commitment, ‘‘Singin’ and Swingin’ and Gettin’ fectation that is very dangerous, but humil- but I couldn’t take it back. Those people did Merry Like Christmas’’ is another of ity comes from within. everything but spit on me. I took Tolstoy, I took Gorky—the heavy Russian writers—and her memoirs, which tells of her tour in Hear the power of those words. She goes on to say: I sat there. The secretaries would bump up Europe and in Africa with ‘‘Porgy and against my legs as they were leaving. They Bess.’’ Someone went before me, and I am here to stood over me. They called me every name Then there was ‘‘The Heart of a try to make a path for someone who is yet to you could imagine. Woman.’’ That was the description of come. Finally, I got an application. Within a Maya’s acting and writing career in b 1230 month, I had a job. I was the first Black con- New York and of her work in civil ductor on the streetcars of San Francisco. It Somehow good attracts good and, in turn, cost me the Earth, but I got the job.’’ rights. you do get some external power. If you start Then there was her book ‘‘All God’s with the power inside you, you won’t abuse That is Maya Angelou, not reading, Children Need Traveling Shoes,’’ which external power when you get it. Be prayerful just recalling. I tell you, if you could told of her travels to west Africa and of that your use of it will be constructive rath- tell that story to every kid in this her decision to return, this time, with- er than destructive. Be careful and diligent country who has no mother or father, out the son who had gone with her to and watchful that you don’t abuse power to who was left in poverty and hears the Africa. the detriment of others who have less. television talk about the income gap Do you notice the theme in these This is off the top of Maya Angelou’s and how miserable things are in the books? The material, every bit of it, is head, you understand, these pearls of Congress and the world, if that story taken from Maya’s own life and per- wisdom for which she became so well could be told to that kid, I know of no sonal experiences. It has been said that known, because she was a deep woman story that could inspire such a child as a writer writes best when she writes and deeply wise. that story, because it was a real story. what she knows, and Maya Angelou At one point in the conversation, I It was real life. It was the life of Maya knew she knew best about her own rich said that the difference between Maya Angelou. life. and me is that, though she may not My friend Maya needed every single This woman, who as a child spent speak for people in some formal sense, one of her 86 years to live such a rich years mute, unable to speak, became my God, she speaks to them. And they life—to come from utter poverty and prolific and widely read. Her poetry, listen. I believe that profoundly. And abuse to become the Nation’s renais- much of it, was substantive and about her life proved it profoundly. sance woman, writer, poet, actor, danc- social justice. There were poems about Later on in the conversation, when er, screenwriter, professor, and civil love. There were poems about Black we were talking about how people re- rights activist. And I am here to at- people. There were poems about rebel- late to one another, Maya said: test, on top of all that talent, a master, lions and about the 1960s—the modern In some cases, people say they want magnificent cook extraordinaire. civil rights rebellion. change. What they really want is exchange. Maya found her voice early in life, She was nominated for a Pulitzer Now, that is not necessarily progress. and then she kept singing, kept speak- Prize for a book of poems titled ‘‘Just Maya believed in giving without asking ing, kept telling. She found it, to be Give Me a Cool Drink of Water ’fore I in return. sure, after being molested as a child Die.’’ She said: and immersing herself in books, as if to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:54 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.052 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 find words, as if to find her voice, as if, My thoughts go out to the friends Homeland Security, transmitting a report she thought that, if she read, fer- and family of this remarkable commu- pursuant to the Federal Vacancies Reform tilizing her own mind she would find nity leader, Rabbi Haim Asa. I join the Act of 1998; to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. her own voice. And she did. Jewish community and everyone who 5835. A letter from the Acting General When she found that voice, it was one had the pleasure of knowing Rabbi Asa Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban of those voices that carried. Was there in honoring and remembering him. My Development, transmitting a report pursu- ever a performance like hearing Maya condolences go out to his family. ant to the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of Angelou read her own poetry? That Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance 1998; to the Committee on Oversight and voice carried across lines that typi- of my time. Government Reform. cally divide people, using her poetry, 5836. A letter from the Assistant General f using her writing. And it was poetry Counsel, General Law, Ethics, and Regula- LEAVE OF ABSENCE tion, Department of the Treasury, transmit- and writing and essays that spoke to ting two reports pursuant to the Federal Va- Presidents and to poor people alike. By unanimous consent, leave of ab- cancies Reform Act of 1998; to the Com- This woman had range. Maya’s life sence was granted to: mittee on Oversight and Government Re- experience was so full that it kept feed- Mr. CLYBURN (at the request of Ms. form. 5837. A letter from the President, Inter- ing memoirs. It took six of them to tell PELOSI) for today on account of a fu- it all. Prolific until the very end, Maya American Foundation, transmitting the neral. Foundation’s annual report for FY 2013 pre- Angelou lived to become a seer, the Na- Mr. FATTAH (at the request of Ms. tion’s wise woman and, I would imag- pared in accordance with Title II of the Noti- PELOSI) for today. fication and Federal Employee Antidiscrimi- ine, never to be forgotten. Mr. LEWIS (at the request of Ms. nation and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance PELOSI) for May 29 and today. Act), Public Law 107-174; to the Committee of my time. on Oversight and Government Reform. f f 5838. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED ment of the Interior, transmitting a report HONORING THE LIFE OF RABBI to Congress on a gift of land in San Diego HAIM ASA Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, County, California, from the Mohave Desert The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under reported and found truly enrolled bills Land Trust, pursuant to Public Law 93-632; the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- of the House of the following titles, to the Committee on Natural Resources. 5839. A letter from the Principal Deputy uary 3, 2013, the Chair recognizes the which were thereupon signed by the Speaker: Assistant Attorney General, Department of gentleman from California (Mr. ROYCE) Justice, transmitting the Department’s re- for 30 minutes. H.R. 1726. An act to award a Congressional port on the Paul Coverdell National Forensic Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise Gold Medal to the 65th Infantry Regiment, Science Improvement Grants Program, man- today to honor the life of my neighbor known as the Borinqueneers. aged by the Office of Justice Programs’ Na- and friend, Rabbi Haim Asa, who H.R. 3080. An act to provide for improve- tional Institute of Justice, pursuant to Pub- passed away at the age of 83 on May 28, ments to the rivers and harbors of the United lic Law 90-351, section 2806(b); to the Com- States, to provide for the conservation and mittee on the Judiciary. 2014. His presence in the Jewish com- development of water and related resources, 5840. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, munity of Orange County and beyond and for other purposes. Department of Homeland Security, transmit- will be greatly missed. H.R. 3658. An act to grant the Congres- ting the Department’s final rule — Regu- Rabbi Asa’s contributions as a spir- sional Gold Medal, collectively, to the Monu- lated Navigation Area; Arthur Kill, NY and itual leader since the mid 1960s and as ments Men, in recognition of their heroic NJ [Docket No.: USCG-2011-0727] (RIN: 1625- Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Beth Tikvah role in the preservation, protection, and res- AA11) received May 5, 2014, pursuant to 5 in Fullerton have had a strong and titution of monuments, works of art, and ar- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on positive impact on the community. His tifacts of cultural importance during and fol- Transportation and Infrastructure. lowing World War II. 5841. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- life story is full of remarkable accom- cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- f plishments. mitting the Department’s final rule — Modi- As a Holocaust refugee from Bul- ADJOURNMENT fication of Area Navigation (RNAV) Route Q- garia, he fought in Israel’s War of Inde- 20, TX [Docket No.: FAA-2013-0951; Airspace pendence. Rabbi Asa was also known Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I move Docket No. 13-ASW-22] (RIN: 2120-AA66) re- for cofounding the Congregation that the House do now adjourn. ceived May 12, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Emanu-El in Buenos Aires, rescuing a The motion was agreed to; accord- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- Romanian refugee from Turkish au- ingly (at 12 o’clock and 42 minutes tation and Infrastructure. 5842. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- thorities, and saving a Jewish univer- p.m.), under its previous order, the House adjourned until Monday, June 2, cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- sity student from Argentine authori- mitting the Department’s final rule — Rev- ties. 2014, at noon. ocation of Class E Airspace; Kwigillingock, His involvement in every local, re- f AK [Docket No.: FAA-2013-1008; Airspace gional, and national cause concerning Docket No. 13-AAL-8] received May 12, 2014, EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, the welfare of the State of Israel and pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- ETC. its people is well known. He was instru- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- mental in the development of many of Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive ture. communications were taken from the 5843. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- the Jewish organizations, including cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- Jewish Federation & Family Services, Speaker’s table and referred as follows: mitting the Department’s final rule — Modi- that serve the Jewish community 5831. A letter from the Under Secretary, fication of Navigation (RNAV) Route T-265, today. Department of Defense, transmitting the De- IL [Docket No.: FAA-2013-0952; Airspace Additionally, Rabbi Asa contributed partment’s report on the amount of pur- Docket No. 13-AGL-18] (RIN: 2120: 2120-AA66) to building the Holocaust memorial chases from foreign entities in FY 2013; to received May 12, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. called Garden of the Righteous. It the Committee on Armed Services. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- 5832. A letter from the Chairman and Presi- stands to educate people on the Holo- tation and Infrastructure. dent, Export-Import Bank, transmitting a 5844. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- caust in order to prevent a historic report on transactions involving U.S. exports cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- tragedy from repeating itself. to Cargolux Airlines International S.A. mitting the Department’s final rule — I know that Rabbi Asa has touched (Cargolux) Luxembourg City, Luxembourg; Amendment of VOR Federal Airways V-35 thousands of lives over the years. Many to the Committee on Financial Services. and V-25; Eastern United States [Docket No.: in the community share my apprecia- 5833. A letter from the Director, Defense FAA-2013-0961; Airspace Docket No. 13-AEA- tion for his work to bring people to- Security Cooperation Agency, transmitting 13] (RIN: 2120-AA66) received May 12, 2014, gether, always done with humor and Transmittal No. 13-56, Notice of Proposed pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- insight. We feel a sense of deep loss. Issuance of Letter of Offer and Acceptance, mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Ex- ture. His achievements have left a perma- port Control Act, as amended; to the Com- 5845. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- nent mark on the community and will mittee on Foreign Affairs. cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- inspire the lives of countless others for 5834. A letter from the Associate General mitting the Department’s final rule — Modi- years to come. Counsel for General Law, Department of fication of Class E Airspace; Sitka, AK

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:58 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30MY7.054 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5063 [Docket No.: FAA-2013-0921; Airspace Docket poses; to the Committee on Ways and Means, frastructure, improving the understanding of No. 13-AAL-4] received May 12, 2014, pursuant and in addition to the Committee on Edu- violence, strengthening firearm prohibitions to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on cation and the Workforce, for a period to be and protections for at-risk individuals, and Transportation and Infrastructure. subsequently determined by the Speaker, in improving and expanding the reporting of 5846. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- each case for consideration of such provi- mental health records to the National In- cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the stant Criminal Background Check System; mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- committee concerned. to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in worthiness Directives; The Boeing Company By Mr. GRAYSON: addition to the Committee on Energy and Airplanes [Docket No.: FAA-2013-0425; Direc- H.R. 4776. A bill to prohibit an institution Commerce, for a period to be subsequently torate Identifier 2012-NM-224-AD; Amend- of higher education that participates in a determined by the Speaker, in each case for ment 39-17815; AD 2014-07-01] (RIN: 2120-AA64) boycott of the Israeli government, economy, consideration of such provisions as fall with- received May 12, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. or academia from receiving funds from the in the jurisdiction of the committee con- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- U.S. federal government; to the Committee cerned. tation and Infrastructure. on Education and the Workforce. By Mr. CICILLINE (for himself, Mr. 5847. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- By Mr. BURGESS: GRIJALVA, Ms. CLARKE of New York, cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- H.R. 4777. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- and Mr. RANGEL): mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- enue Code of 1986 to modify rules relating to H.R. 4784. A bill to incentivize State re- worthiness Directives; The Boeing Company health savings accounts; to the Committee porting systems that allow mental health Airplanes [Docket No.: FAA-2013-0690; Direc- on Ways and Means, and in addition to the professionals to submit information on cer- torate Identifier 2013-NM-088-AD; Amend- Committees on the Judiciary, and Energy tain individuals deemed dangerous for pur- ment 39-17835; AD 2014-08-11] (RIN: 2120-AA64) and Commerce, for a period to be subse- poses of prohibiting firearm possession by received May 12, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. quently determined by the Speaker, in each such individuals, and for other purposes; to 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- case for consideration of such provisions as the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addi- tation and Infrastructure. fall within the jurisdiction of the committee tion to the Committee on Energy and Com- 5848. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- concerned. merce, for a period to be subsequently deter- cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- By Mr. MCGOVERN (for himself, Mr. mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- JONES, and Ms. BORDALLO): sideration of such provisions as fall within worthiness Directives; The Boeing Company H.R. 4778. A bill to authorize the award of the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. Airplanes [Docket No.: FAA-2013-0837; Direc- a military service medal to members of the By Mr. DAINES (for himself and Mrs. torate Identifier 2013-NM-112-AD; Amend- Armed Forces who were exposed to ionizing KIRKPATRICK): ment 39-17832; AD 2014-08-08] (RIN: 2120-AA64) radiation as a result of participation in the H.R. 4785. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- received May 12, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. testing of nuclear weapons or under other enue Code of 1986 to extend and improve the 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- circumstances; to the Committee on Armed Indian coal production tax credit; to the tation and Infrastructure. Services. Committee on Ways and Means. 5849. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- By Mr. DENHAM: By Mr. DELANEY (for himself and Mr. cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- H.R. 4779. A bill to amend title 38, United COLE): mitting the Department’s final rule — Quali- States Code, to ensure that veterans who ex- H.R. 4786. A bill to establish the Commis- fication, Service, and Use of Crewmembers perience extended waiting times for appoint- sion on Long Term Social Security Solvency, and Aircraft Dispatchers [Docket No.: FAA- ments at medical facilities of the Depart- and for other purposes; to the Committee on 2008-0677; Amdt. No. 11-56] (RIN: 2120-AJ00) ment of Veterans Affairs may receive care at Ways and Means, and in addition to the Com- received May 15, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. non-Department facilities; to the Committee mittee on Rules, for a period to be subse- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- on Veterans’ Affairs. quently determined by the Speaker, in each tation and Infrastructure. By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska (for himself, case for consideration of such provisions as 5850. A letter from the Assistant Director Mr. LOEBSACK, Mr. BRALEY of Iowa, fall within the jurisdiction of the committee for Legislative Affairs, Consumer Financial and Mr. KING of Iowa): concerned. H.R. 4780. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Protection Bureau, transmitting the Om- By Mr. DUFFY: Social Security Act to provide for a five-year budsman’s Mid-year Report on Student Loan H.R. 4787. A bill to amend the Bank Hold- extension of the rural community hospital Complaints; jointly to the Committees on ing Company Act of 1956 to reduce compli- demonstration program; to the Committee Financial Services and Education and the ance burdens on certain banking entities; to on Ways and Means. Workforce. the Committee on Financial Services. By Ms. JENKINS (for herself and Mr. By Mr. DUFFY: f CLEAVER): H.R. 4788. A bill to provide regulatory re- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON H.R. 4781. A bill to amend title XVIII of the lief for mid-sized financial institutions, and Social Security Act to provide payment PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS for other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- under part A of the Medicare Program on a nancial Services, and in addition to the Com- Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of reasonable cost basis for anesthesia services mittee on Agriculture, for a period to be sub- committees were delivered to the Clerk furnished by an anesthesiologist in certain sequently determined by the Speaker, in for printing and reference to the proper rural hospitals in the same manner as pay- each case for consideration of such provi- calendar, as follows: ments are provided for anesthesia services sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the furnished by anesthesiologist assistants and committee concerned. Mr. SHUSTER: Committee on Transpor- certified registered nurse anesthetists in By Mr. FINCHER: tation and Infrastructure. H.R. 3676. A bill to such hospitals; to the Committee on Ways H.R. 4789. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- establish a prohibition on certain cell phone and Means. enue Code of 1986 to make the deduction for voice communications during passenger By Mr. SCHRADER (for himself, Mr. State and local general sales taxes perma- flights, and for other purposes (Rept. 113– LANGEVIN, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, nent; to the Committee on Ways and Means. 466). Referred to the Committee of the Whole Mr. HECK of Washington, and Mr. By Mr. HASTINGS of Florida (for him- House on the state of the Union. VEASEY): self and Mr. DENHAM): f H.R. 4782. A bill to establish a pilot grant H.R. 4790. A bill to amend title 23, United program to support career and technical edu- States Code, to encourage and facilitate ef- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS cation exploration programs in middle forts by States and other transportation Under clause 2 of rule XII, public schools and high schools; to the Committee rights-of-way managers to adopt integrated bills and resolutions of the following on Education and the Workforce. vegetation management practices, including titles were introduced and severally re- By Mr. THOMPSON of California (for enhancing plantings of native forbs and himself, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. PERL- grasses that provide habitats and forage for ferred, as follows: MUTTER, Ms. SPEIER, Ms. ESTY, Mr. Monarch butterflies and other native polli- By Mr. MESSER (for himself, Mr. WAXMAN, Mr. FATTAH, Ms. MATSUI, nators and honey bees, and for other pur- KLINE, Mr. ROE of Tennessee, Mr. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, Mrs. CAPPS, poses; to the Committee on Transportation PETRI, Mr. WILSON of South Carolina, Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New and Infrastructure. Mr. HUNTER, Mr. THOMPSON of Penn- York, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Ms. By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of sylvania, Mr. WALBERG, Mr. SALMON, DEGETTE, Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. New York: Mr. GUTHRIE, Mr. DESJARLAIS, Mr. CICILLINE, Mr. TIERNEY, Mr. CROW- H.R. 4791. A bill to amend section 1333 of ROKITA, Mr. BUCSHON, Mrs. BROOKS of LEY, Ms. LEE of California, Ms. SHEA- the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Indiana, Mr. HUDSON, and Mr. PORTER, Mr. THOMPSON of Mis- Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 to ensure BYRNE): sissippi, Mrs. MCCARTHY of New that multifamily housing mortgage pur- H.R. 4775. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- York, Mrs. LOWEY, Mr. YARMUTH, and chases by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that enue Code of 1986 to exempt certain edu- Ms. CLARKE of New York): are credited toward fulfillment of such en- cational institutions from the employer H.R. 4783. A bill to protect individuals by terprises multifamily special affordable health insurance mandate, and for other pur- strengthening the Nation’s mental health in- housing goal increase or preserve the number

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:54 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L30MY7.000 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5064 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 30, 2014 of dwelling units affordable to low-income tims of the historic flooding in the Western to providing for the common defense and families; to the Committee on Financial Balkans; to the Committee on Foreign Af- general welfare of the United States) and Services. fairs. Clause 18 (relating to the power to make all By Mr. MEADOWS (for himself, Mrs. By Ms. LEE of California (for herself, laws necessary and proper for carrying out BLACKBURN, Mr. DUNCAN of South Mr. ENGEL, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. the powers vested in Congress). Carolina, Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. HEN- FALEOMAVAEGA, Ms. BROWN of Flor- By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: SARLING, Mrs. ELLMERS, Mr. ida, Ms. WILSON of Florida, Mr. H.R. 4780. FARENTHOLD, Mr. STUTZMAN, Mrs. SABLAN, Mr. LEWIS, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Congress has the power to enact this legis- LUMMIS, Mr. HUELSKAMP, Ms. JEN- Ms. MOORE, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. CON- lation pursuant to the following: KINS, Mr. COLLINS of Georgia, Mr. YERS, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mrs. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 PRICE of Georgia, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. CHRISTENSEN, Mr. RUSH, Ms. NORTON, By Ms. JENKINS: SCHWEIKERT, Mr. GINGREY of Georgia, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. H.R. 4781. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. PIERLUISI, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- FINCHER, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. WEST- CLARKE of New York, Ms. WATERS, lation pursuant to the following: MORELAND, Mr. DESJARLAIS, Mr. Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. PAYNE, Article I, Section 8: BISHOP of Utah, Mrs. BLACK, Mr. CAR- Ms. MENG, Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ, Mr. GRI- The Congress shall have Power To lay and TER, Mr. BRADY of Texas, Mr. BARR, JALVA, Mr. DEUTCH, Mr. SIRES, Mr. collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, Mr. ROSS, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. WOMACK, HASTINGS of Florida, Mr. AL GREEN of to pay the Debts and provide for the common Mr. GOWDY, Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. Texas, Ms. MCCOLLUM, and Mrs. Defense and general Welfare of the United PEARCE, Mr. COBLE, Mr. KING of Iowa, LOWEY): States. Mr. POMPEO, Mr. FLEISCHMANN, Mr. H. Res. 610. A resolution recognizing the By Mr. SCHRADER: PERRY, Mr. SCALISE, Mrs. BACHMANN, significance of National Caribbean American H.R. 4782. Mr. BENTIVOLIO, Mr. DESANTIS, Mr. Heritage Month; to the Committee on Over- Congress has the power to enact this legis- MARCHANT, Mr. STOCKMAN, Mr. BOU- sight and Government Reform. lation pursuant to the following: STANY, Mr. NUGENT, Mr. SENSEN- Article 1, Section 8 f BRENNER, and Mr. JORDAN): By Mr. THOMPSON of California: H.R. 4792. A bill to amend title 5, United CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY H.R. 4783. States Code, to provide that agencies may STATEMENT Congress has the power to enact this legis- not deduct labor organization dues from the lation pursuant to the following: pay of Federal employees, and for other pur- Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of ARTICLE I, SECTION 8, CLAUSE 6 poses; to the Committee on Oversight and the Rules of the House of Representa- The Congress shall have Power...to make Government Reform. tives, the following statements are sub- all Laws which shall be necessary and proper By Mr. MURPHY of Florida (for him- mitted regarding the specific powers for carrying into Execution the foregoing self and Mr. MESSER): granted to Congress in the Constitu- Powers, and all other Powers vested by this H.R. 4793. A bill to amend title 38, United Constitution in the Government of the States Code, to include the cost of applying tion to enact the accompanying bill or joint resolution. United States, or in any Department or Offi- to an institution of higher learning as part cer thereof. of the benefits provided under the Post-9/11 By Mr. MESSER: By Mr. CICILLINE: Educational Assistance Program; to the H.R. 4775. H.R. 4784. Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. SALMON: lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4794. A bill to prohibit the National Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, which em- Article 1 Section 8 Science Foundation from providing financial powers Congress, in part, to ‘‘lay and collect By Mr. DAINES: support for travel to Antarctica by writers Taxes’’ and ‘‘provide for the common H.R. 4785. and artists; to the Committee on Science, Defence and general Welfare of the United Congress has the power to enact this legis- Space, and Technology. States . . .’’ The bill will exempt certain By Mr. SCALISE (for himself, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: educational institutions from taxes imposed Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Con- KINZINGER of Illinois, Mr. MCKINLEY, by public Law 111–148, as amended. Congress stitution of the United States Mr. OLSON, Mr. BARTON, Mr. WHIT- has the power to repeal such taxes and pro- By Mr. DELANEY: FIELD, Mr. HALL, Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. vide for the general welfare of those who H.R. 4786. LATTA, Mr. PITTS, Mr. POMPEO, and have been and will be harmed by their impo- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. BILIRAKIS): H.R. 4795. A bill to promote new manufac- sition. lation pursuant to the following: turing in the United States by providing for By Mr. GRAYSON: Article 1, Section 8 greater transparency and timeliness in ob- H.R. 4776. By Mr. DUFFY: taining necessary permits, and for other pur- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4787. poses; to the Committee on Energy and Com- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- merce. Article I, Clause 8, of the Constitution of lation pursuant to the following: By Mrs. CAPPS (for herself, Mr. the United States. Article IV, Section III, Clause II HONDA, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of Cali- By Mr. BURGESS: ‘‘The Congress shall have Power to dispose fornia, Ms. LOFGREN, Ms. ESHOO, Ms. H.R. 4777. of and make all needful Rules and Regula- BROWNLEY of California, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- tions respecting the Territory or other Prop- SWALWELL of California, Mr. RUIZ, lation pursuant to the following: erty belonging to the United States; and Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. SHERMAN, Ms. Article I, Section VIII Clause I—The Con- nothing in this Constitution shall be so con- HAHN, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Ms. CHU, Mr. gress shall have power to lay and collect strued as to Prejudice any Claims of the COSTA, Mrs. NEGRETE MCLEOD, Ms. taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the United States, or of any particular State.’’ SPEIER, Mr. CA´ RDENAS, Mr. WAXMAN, debts and provide for the common defense By Mr. DUFFY: Mr. VARGAS, Ms. MATSUI, Mr. MCNER- and general welfare of the United States; but H.R. 4788. NEY, Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Cali- all duties, imposts and excises shall be uni- Congress has the power to enact this legis- fornia, Mr. FARR, Mrs. DAVIS of Cali- form throughout the United States.’’ In addi- lation pursuant to the following: fornia, Ms. WATERS, Mr. BERA of Cali- tion, Congress has the authority to enact Article IV, Section III, Clause II fornia, Mr. PETERS of California, Ms. this legislation pursuant to Article I, Sec- ‘‘The Congress shall have Power to dispose LEE of California, Mr. HUFFMAN, Ms. tion VIII, Clause 1 which states, ‘‘To regu- of and make all needful Rules and Regula- PELOSI, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mr. late commerce with foreign nations, and tions respecting the Territory or other Prop- SCHIFF, Mr. THOMPSON of California, among the several states, and with the In- erty belonging to the United States; and Mr. CALVERT, Mr. ROHRABACHER, Mr. dian tribes.’’ nothing in this Constitution shall be so con- GARAMENDI, Mr. BECERRA, Ms. BASS, By Mr. MCGOVERN: strued as to Prejudice any Claims of the Mr. TAKANO, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of H.R. 4778. United States, or of any particular State.’’ California, Mr. LAMALFA, Mr. HUN- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. FINCHER: TER, and Mr. VALADAO): lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4789. H. Res. 608. A resolution condemning the Article I, Section 8, Clause 1; Article I, Congress has the power to enact this legis- senseless rampage and mass shooting that Section 8, Clause 14; and Article I, Section 8, lation pursuant to the following: took place in Isla Vista, California, on Fri- Clause 18 Article I, Section 8 day May 23, 2014; to the Committee on Over- By Mr. DENHAM: By Mr. HASTINGS of Florida: sight and Government Reform. H.R. 4779. H.R. 4790. By Mr. HASTINGS of Florida (for him- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- self and Mr. ADERHOLT): lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H. Res. 609. A resolution expressing condo- Article I, Section 8, of the United States Article I, Section 8, among other relevant lences and support for assistance to the vic- Constitution, specifically Clause 1 (relating provisions

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:54 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L30MY7.100 H30MYPT1 dlhill on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5065

By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of H.R. 1998: Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. H.R. 4526: Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Ms. NORTON, New York: H.R. 2038: Mr. CONYERS. Mr. RANGEL, and Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. H.R. 4791. H.R. 2041: Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. H.R. 4531: Mr. FORBES. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2143: Mr. PETERS of Michigan. H.R. 4567: Ms. DELBENE. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2178: Mr. THOMPSON of California. H.R. 4577: Mr. FORBES. H.R. 2179: Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United H.R. 4582: Mr. COHEN. Texas. States Constitution H.R. 4589: Ms. DELBENE. By Mr. MEADOWS: H.R. 2291: Mr. SWALWELL of California. H.R. 4629: Ms. KELLY of Illinois. H.R. 4792. H.R. 2415: Mr. TIERNEY. H.R. 4631: Mr. MCKEON. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2453: Mr. MCKEON. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2697: Mr. CARTWRIGHT and Mr. PERL- H.R. 4643: Mr. COHEN and Ms. WILSON of Congress has the power to enact this legis- MUTTER. Florida. lation pursuant to the authority enumerated H.R. 2807: Mr. STIVERS. H.R. 4644: Ms. TITUS, Mr. SEAN PATRICK in clause 3 of Section 8 of Article 1 of the H.R. 2825: Mr. TIERNEY. MALONEY of New York, Mr. MORAN, Ms. United States Constitution. H.R. 2835: Mr. KIND. SHEA-PORTER, Ms. FRANKEL of Florida, Mr. By Mr. MURPHY of Florida: H.R. 2852: Ms. TITUS and Ms. DELBENE. GRIJALVA, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. HUFFMAN, Mr. H.R. 4793. H.R. 2969: Mr. LATHAM. HIGGINS, Mr. VEASEY, and Mr. SERRANO. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2997: Mr. WITTMAN. H.R. 4645: Mr. WELCH and Mr. HUFFMAN. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3022: Mr. VAN HOLLEN and Mr. H.R. 4653: Mr. SARBANES and Mr. Article I Section 8 of the Constitution of KINZINGER of Illinois. BRIDENSTINE. the United States. H.R. 3116: Mr. PASCRELL. H.R. 4664: Mr. SMITH of Washington, Mr. By Mr. SALMON: H.R. 3118: Mr. TIERNEY. KILMER, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. O’ROURKE, H.R. 4794. H.R. 3488: Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, and Ms. SPEIER. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Ms. BONAMICI, and Ms. EDWARDS. H.R. 4667: Ms. CASTOR of Florida. H.R. 3505: Mr. STIVERS. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4695: Mr. PAULSEN. H.R. 3560: Mr. FARR. Article I, Section 9, Clause 7—‘‘No money H.R. 4716: Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. H.R. 3717: Mrs. BLACK. shall be dawn from the Treasury but in Con- H.R. 4717: Ms. DELBENE. H.R. 3722: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. sequence of Appropriations made by Law; H.R. 4718: Mr. DENHAM. and a regular Statement and Account of the H.R. 3723: Mr. VALADAO and Mr. BENISHEK. H.R. 3728: Mr. WELCH, Mr. COURTNEY, and H.R. 4719: Mr. GIBSON. Receipts and Expenditures of all public H.R. 4741: Mr. HECK of Nevada. Money shall be published from time to Ms. DELBENE. H.R. 4749: Mr. COTTON. time.’’ H.R. 3852: Mr. HONDA. H.R. 4765: Mr. VEASEY. By Mr. SCALISE: H.R. 3858: Mr. HUNTER, Mr. ENYART, and H. Con. Res. 97: Mr. FORTENBERRY. H.R. 4795. Mr. JONES. H. Con. Res. 98: Mr. GARDNER and Mr. SAM Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3877: Mr. MICHAUD. JOHNSON of Texas. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3902: Ms. DELBENE. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United H.R. 3954: Mr. ENYART. H. Res. 30: Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. States Constitution. H.R. 3970: Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. WELCH, and H. Res. 153: Mr. GRIFFITH of Virginia. Ms. DELAURO. H. Res. 169: Mr. COHEN. f H.R. 3991: Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois. H. Res. 519: Mr. COHEN. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 4026: Ms. HAHN, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mrs. H. Res. 522: Mr. YOUNG of Indiana. MCCARTHY of New York, and Mr. SIRES. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H. Res. 525: Mr. MEEKS, Mr. JOHNSON of H.R. 4045: Mr. SARBANES. Georgia, Mr. PERLMUTTER, Mr. HECK of were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 4068: Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Washington, and Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. H.R. 4158: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey and Mr. tions, as follows: H. Res. 526: Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. MCKEON. H.R. 104: Mr. POE of Texas. H. Res. 538: Mr. LYNCH. H.R. 4162: Ms. KUSTER. H.R. 318: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. H. Res. 564: Mr. CLAY, Mr. RANGEL, and Ms. H.R. 4187: Mr. BUCHANAN and Mr. NUNES. H.R. 630: Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. MCCOLLUM. H.R. 4213: Mr. POMPEO. H.R. 855: Mr. LUCAS. H. Res. 598: Mr. RANGEL. H.R. 920: Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. H.R. 4262: Mr. ROSS and Mr. PITTENGER. H. Res. 601: Mr. RANGEL, Mr. ROONEY, Mr. H.R. 935: Mr. CRENSHAW. H.R. 4306: Mr. O’ROURKE. BRIDENSTINE, Mr. HARPER, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. H.R. 949: Mrs. BEATTY. H.R. 4351: Mr. STIVERS, Ms. SCHWARTZ, and GRIMM, Mr. GRIFFITH of Virginia, Mr. BROUN H.R. 956: Mr. LATHAM, Mr. MATHESON, and Mr. FLORES. of Georgia, Mr. HULTGREN, Mr. HUDSON, Mr. Mr. QUIGLEY. H.R. 4372: Mr. QUIGLEY and Mr. DEFAZIO. LATTA, Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania, Mr. H.R. 1175: Mr. TIERNEY. H.R. 4383: Mr. KING of New York. MEADOWS, Mr. PEARCE, Mr. HUIZENGA of H.R. 1226: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. H.R. 4411: Mr. HUNTER, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. Michigan, Mr. MARINO, Mr. FORBES, and Mr. H.R. 1250: Ms. KUSTER. LARSON of Connecticut, Mr. GALLEGO, Mr. MCCLINTOCK. H.R. 1324: Mr. CARNEY. CARSON of Indiana, Mr. TIBERI, Mr. CREN- H.R. 1431: Mr. HONDA and Mr. QUIGLEY. SHAW, Mr. STUTZMAN, Ms. CLARK of Massa- H. Res. 606: Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. VARGAS, H.R. 1462: Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. chusetts, Mr. TERRY, Mr. SMITH of Nebraska, and Mr. SIRES. H.R. 1518: Ms. GRANGER. Mr. LEVIN, Mr. PERLMUTTER, Mr. LOEBSACK, H.R. 1554: Mr. FOSTER. Mr. OWENS, Mr. HUFFMAN, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mrs. f H.R. 1563: Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. NOEM, Mr. NUGENT, Mr. PRICE of North Caro- H.R. 1601: Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. lina, Mr. BUCSHON, Mr. OLSON, Ms. DELAURO, H.R. 1738: Mr. RICHMOND. and Mr. FATTAH. DISCHARGE PETITIONS— H.R. 1739: Ms. SHEA-PORTER. H.R. 4423: Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS H.R. 1801: Mr. DELANEY and Mr. TIERNEY. H.R. 4426: Mr. KEATING and Mr. MCNERNEY. The following Member added his H.R. 1830: Mr. COBLE and Ms. MICHELLE H.R. 4427: Mr. TIBERI. name to the following discharge peti- LUJAN GRISHAM of New Mexico. H.R. 4447: Mr. NUGENT. H.R. 1837: Mr. ENGEL. H.R. 4450: Mr. AMODEI and Mr. LATTA. tion: H.R. 1840: Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts, Mr. H.R. 4510: Mr. BARR, Mr. NEAL, and Mr. Petition 9 by Mr. GARCIA on the bill (H.R. TIERNEY, and Mr. KEATING. ENGEL. 15): Daniel Lipinski.

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Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 No. 83 Senate The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was The assistant legislative clerk read Mr. REED thereupon assumed the called to order by the Honorable JACK the following letter: chair as Acting President pro tempore. REED, a Senator from the State of U.S. SENATE, f Rhode Island. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Washington, DC, May 30, 2104. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, f To the Senate: JUNE 2, 2014, AT 2 P.M. Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby pore. Under the previous order, the PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE appoint the Honorable JACK REED, a Senator Senate stands adjourned until 2 p.m. on The PRESIDING OFFICER. The from the State of Rhode Island, to perform Monday, June 2, 2014. clerk will please read a communication the duties of the Chair. Thereupon, the Senate, at 2:00 and 31 to the Senate from the President pro PATRICK J. LEAHY, seconds p.m., adjourned until Monday, President pro tempore. tempore (Mr. LEAHY). June 2, 2014, at 2 p.m.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:50 May 30, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30MY6.000 S30MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with SENATE May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E879 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

RECOGNIZING SAMUEL lege, Ms. El-Assar traveled to Mexico in Sep- The vast majority of veterans will tell you HICKENLOOPER, TYLER JOHN- tember 2013 where she will be teaching until that they have received the quality of care that SON, AND ALEXANDER MAURITS May 2015. they have earned and deserve at VA health The Fulbright Program, sponsored by the centers. But anything less than 100 percent HON. JOHN A. BOEHNER U.S. Department of State, is supported by the satisfaction for our veterans is not good OF OHIO United States, participating foreign govern- enough. That’s why we must swiftly and deci- ments and the private sector. Established by sively investigate these alarming reports of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congress in 1946, the Program’s purpose is to mismanagement at the Department of Vet- Friday, May 30, 2014 ‘‘build mutual understanding between the peo- erans Affairs. I will do anything and everything Mr. BOEHNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ple of the United States and the rest of the I can to live up to that standard. But I will not recognize Samuel Hickenlooper, Tyler John- world.’’ Fulbright awardees are selected for lump truly dedicated, hard-working public serv- son, and Alexander Maurits for designing the academic excellence, professional achieve- ants together with those who have failed in 8th District of Ohio’s winning application for ments or demonstrated leadership in their their fundamental obligation to serve and care the 2014 Congressional Science, Technology, fields. for our veterans. I will not throw the baby out Engineering, and Math (STEM) Competition, I commend Ms. El-Assar for her commit- with the bathwater—and I do not believe ‘‘The House App Contest.’’ The three Ross ment to education, and I thank her for rep- America’s veterans want us to do that either. High School students developed a mobile app resenting the United States through the Ful- f called, ‘‘The Cryptographer,’’ which allows bright Program in Mexico. COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, users to teach themselves various types of f AND RELATED AGENCIES APPRO- digital encryption and decryption. Their entry PRIATIONS ACT, 2015 was selected from many submitted throughout H.R. 4031 the 8th District of Ohio. Entries were reviewed SPEECH OF by an independent panel of judges and evalu- HON. XAVIER BECERRA ated based on innovation, appeal, production OF CALIFORNIA HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY quality, and presentation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This year marked the first year of the Con- Friday, May 30, 2014 gressional STEM Competition. Established by Thursday, May 29, 2014 this House in 2013, the competition is a na- Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, I voted against The House in Committee of the Whole tionwide event that engages students’ cre- H.R. 4031, a bill named the ‘‘Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability House on the state of the Union had under ativity and encourages their participation in consideration the bill (H.R. 4660) making ap- STEM education fields. Our first competition in Act of 2014’’, because I don’t throw babies out propriations for the Departments of Com- the 8th District could not have been a success with the bathwater. merce and Justice, Science, and Related without this year’s judges: Dr. James Kiper; Let me explain. When our fellow Americans Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- Dr. Cathy Bishop-Clark; Mike Stahr; and Kurt put on our country’s uniform in service to our tember 30, 2015, and for other purposes: Johnson. I would like to thank them for their nation, we owe it to them to repay that serv- Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. service throughout this year’s competition, and ice. When these Americans retire the uniform, Mr. Chair, I rise in opposition to the amend- for their continued dedication to STEM edu- as veterans they deserve everything a grateful ment offered by the gentleman from Texas. cation. nation can offer—our love, respect, gratitude As a longtime supporter of the Census Bu- Education in the STEM fields is critical to and, just as importantly, the care and attention reau’s work and the American Community preparing America’s students to enter a com- they may now need upon coming home. Survey, I urge the Committee to keep this sur- petitive global economy. STEM fields are the Reports that the Department of Veterans Af- vey as current law provides. future of job creation in this country, and I ap- fairs failed to provide many of our veterans the The ACS is a vital resource for all of us in preciate how competitions and opportunities, care and service they have earned are more Congress, the federal agencies, and private such as the Congressional STEM Competition, than disturbing, and if true, warrant decisive businesses. encourage our young people to take on tech- action. With facts in hand, our government The accurate, timely data collected through nical challenges that will help them develop must be prepared to move swiftly to right the this survey is the basis for over $415 billion al- proficiency in these areas. As I’ve said before, wrong and hold people accountable. located by the federal government to states we can’t have a strong economy without pre- H.R. 4031 is a bill which is being portrayed and localities—over two-thirds of all federal paring the next generation to fill the jobs and as a fix to the troubling reports of mismanage- grant funding. drive the innovations that will keep America ment and mistreatment at VA facilities. It is Accurate data ensures that these federal competitive. hardly that. H.R. 4031 would go well beyond dollars go where they are needed—and where Again, congratulations to this year’s winners giving the Secretary of Veterans Affairs the Congress intended. This amendment would and thank you to all who participated in this authority to fire personnel in this particular undermine the accuracy of the ACS and de- year’s competition. I look forward to seeing case of potential mismanagement. This bill prive our agencies of this vital information. what innovations next year’s Congressional makes permanent and reactionary changes to But it’s not just government. The U.S. STEM Competition will bring. longstanding rules governing the hiring and fir- Chamber of Commerce and its members know f ing of people holding positions of public re- the value of census data. The Chamber stated sponsibility. It would paint responsible, hard- that ‘‘ACS data points are critical for business RECOGNIZING MS. ALIA EL-ASSAR working public servants with the same brush decision-making and long range planning.’’ as those who may have recklessly mis- Businesses from restaurants, to retailers, to HON. DANIEL WEBSTER managed VA services. developers know that accurate information OF FLORIDA If H.R. 4031 became law, the Secretary of about our population is critical for their mar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Veterans Affairs could hire or fire someone keting and expansion activity. This amend- based on a whim. It would forever and irrep- ment would remove a crucial recourse that Friday, May 30, 2014 arably damage our ability to hire and retain helps businesses expand and create jobs. Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is the best and brightest based on merit and ex- What’s more, we know what would happen my privilege to recognize one of my constitu- perience. This bill would bring back the dark if this amendment passes. ents, Ms. Alia El-Assar, for her reception of an days when hiring and firing decisions within In 2003, the Census Bureau tested a vol- English Teaching Assistantship through the our federal workforce were driven by political untary ACS to disastrous results. Response Fulbright Program. A student at Rollins Col- influence and patronage. rates plummeted by at least 20 percent, and

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E880 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 in 2012, the Bureau estimated that a voluntary ers, Lt Col Warren. This incidence is generally local attractions, and 86 attended seven-week survey maintaining the current reliability would regarded by Civil Rights historians as a sem- sessions of Adventures in Learning on sub- cost taxpayers an additional $120 million each inal moment in the drive toward full integration jects such as A History of the Early Christian year. of the Armed Forces and later as a model for Church, The Civil War, Going Green, The War A voluntary response survey would espe- civil disobedience of the Civil Rights Move- of 1812 and other Lesser Known Wars, Up In cially undermine our information about rural ment. Space and Under the Sea, and other topics. areas and low-income households. The Cen- For seven decades, Lt Col Warren was a Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join sus Project estimates that with the change living legend as a proud American, a deco- me in recognizing the Shepherd Center of An- proposed by this amendment, the Bureau rated veteran, and as both a member and rep- nandale-Springfield for the services which en- could not publish data for up to 40 percent of resentative of the valiant Tuskegee Airmen. able older adults in our community to age in all counties in the country. Even in retirement James continued his self- place and enjoy their golden years with dignity Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to look be- less service, tirelessly promoting the accom- and independence. I thank the many volun- yond the quick headline or talking point, and plishments of the Tuskegee Airmen and all Af- teers and sponsors who generously dedicate truly understand the importance of the Amer- rican American participation in armed conflicts their time, efforts and resources to the welfare ican Community Survey. across the globe and sharing his infectious of our neighbors. The value of their contribu- For policymakers, for researchers, for busi- passion for flight with the next generation of tions cannot be overstated and are deserving nesses—this data set helps answer our most Vacaville youth. of our highest praise. pressing questions. The challenges he faced, fought for, and f This misguided amendment will undermine overcame are a true inspiration. the ACS and deprive all Americans of this I invite my colleagues to join me as I offer IN RECOGNITION OF WORLD WAR critically important information. my condolences to his loving family, Xanthia, II VETERAN ANGELO ‘‘ABE’’ BARONE FOR RECEIPT OF THE f his wife of 61 years, and sons, James, Stew- art and Dwayne and daughter, Sharron. He FRENCH LEGION OF HONOR HONORING LIEUTENANT COLONEL will be greatly missed. His legacy will live on MEDAL JAMES WARREN as a source of inspiration for generations to come. HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT HON. JOHN GARAMENDI I wish Lieutenant Colonel James Warren OF PENNSYLVANIA OF CALIFORNIA ‘‘high flight.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Friday, May 30, 2014 Friday, May 30, 2014 RECOGNIZING THE 10TH ANNIVER- Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, it brings me SARY OF THE SHEPHERD’S CEN- today to honor Mr. Angelo ‘‘Abe’’ Barone, a sadness and honor to pay final tribute to Lieu- TER OF ANNANDALE-SPRING- native of Pottsville, Pennsylvania, for his out- tenant Colonel James Warren, USAF (Re- FIELD standing military service during World War II. tired). He died Saturday, May 17, 2014, of Mr. Barone served as a machine gunner with- cancer in Vacaville, California. He was 90. HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY in the U.S. Army’s 80th Division in the Euro- James served 35 years in the United States pean theater. He bravely fought in seven bat- OF VIRGINIA tles, including the Battle of Normandy, and Air Force during World War II, Korea and Viet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nam as a Tuskegee Airman, the first African helped in liberating France from Nazi occupa- American aviators in the United States Armed Friday, May 30, 2014 tion. On September 5, 1944, Mr. Barone was Forces. During his distinguished career, Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- injured in combat and captured the following James flew over 12,000 hours and 173 com- ognize the 10th anniversary of the Shepherd’s day by German forces. He was held as a pris- bat missions. He was the first navigator to Center of Annandale-Springfield (SCAS) and oner of war for eight months. bring home a group of American POWs from to thank its volunteers for their many contribu- In recognition of his heroic service on North Vietnam aboard ‘‘Homecoming One,’’ tions to the Northern Virginia community. Es- French soil, Mr. Barone was named a Cheva- and flew the Apollo 14 crew from splashdown tablished in 2004 by a coalition of religious in- lier of the French Legion of Honor by France. near American Samoa back to the Manned stitutions, foundations and non-profits, SCAS Mr. Barone received the medal from Consul Space Center in Houston, Texas. Throughout is a non-profit interfaith organization that pro- General of France Olivier Serot Alme´ras at a this extensive career James was awarded nu- vides services to help older adults continue liv- ceremony at the French Embassy in Wash- merous medals for his exceptional service, in- ing independently. SCAS also offers programs ington, DC on May 8, 2014. He was one of 15 cluding the Distinguished Flying Cross with that supply opportunities for enrichment, learn- veterans to receive the honor. The Legion of two Oak Leaf Clusters, three Meritorious Serv- ing, and socialization. Services are available Honor, created in 1802 by Napoleon Bona- ice Medals, the Air Medal with eleven Oak free of charge to anyone age 50 or older who parte, is the highest military distinction offered Leaf Clusters and the Air Force Commenda- resides in the local community. by France. I ask my colleagues to join me in thanking tion Medal. The services and programs offered by this James Warren was a man of humble begin- extraordinary organization help to ensure that Mr. Barone for his courageous service during nings, born on August 16, 1923, into the ra- our seniors stay connected to the community the Second World War. And I extend my sin- cially segregated world of Gurley, Alabama. through promotion of active lifestyles, ongoing cere congratulations to Mr. Barone for his hav- His mother worked hard to save enough social integration, and availability of resources ing been designated a Chevalier of the French money to buy him a bus ticket to Highland for older residents to use their experience, Legion of Honor. Park, Illinois, when he was 15 years old. training, and skills in significant roles in soci- f After graduating from high school, he en- ety. SCAS volunteers provide transportation IN MEMORY OF DR. MAYA listed in the aviation cadet program, arriving at for seniors who need rides to medical appoint- ANGELOU Tuskegee Army Air Field, Alabama in Novem- ments and other essential activities, ‘‘Handy ber of 1942. Soon after in March of 1943, Helper’’ services for seniors who need help HON. AL GREEN James was commissioned as a Second Lieu- with basic household tasks, and ‘‘Friendly OF TEXAS tenant in the Army Air Force, later graduating Calls’’ to home-bound seniors. Social and en- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from Hondo Navigation School in August of richment programs include bi-monthly lunch- 1944 and assigned to the 477th Bombardment eons featuring musical programs or guest Friday, May 30, 2014 Group, Medium. speakers, day trips to local areas of interest, Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I Unfortunately despite his extensive military and educational seminars. would like to honor the memory of an excep- accomplishments, James’ biggest battles were Last year, SCAS volunteers, board mem- tional individual whom I had the distinct pleas- to break down the barriers of segregation. In bers and staff devoted approximately 2800 ure to meet—a great artist and compassionate 1945, James and his fellow African American hours of their time to serve our seniors. Driv- intellectual, Dr. Maya Angelou. With extraor- members of the 477th attempted to integrate ers provided 253 rides for local seniors, taking dinary compassion, Dr. Angelou used her art an all-white Officers’ Club at Freeman Army them mostly to medical appointments. More to portray communities, conditions, and indi- Air Field. The incident led to the arrest of 102 than 225 lunches were served at six Lunch N’ viduals that were often overlooked by main- officers, including one of its instrumental lead- Life programs. 63 seniors enjoyed day trips to stream society.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E881 Dr. Angelou’s wisdom and eloquence in- consideration the bill (H.R. 4660) making ap- more than $1.7 million. The county was reim- spired countless people around the world to propriations for the Departments of Com- bursed through the State Criminal Alien As- better understand themselves and their neigh- merce and Justice, Science, and Related sistance Program—not the full amount, mind Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- you, but about $130,000. Unfortunately, the bors. Dr. Angelou was also an influence and tember 30, 2015, and for other purposes: friend to many leaders throughout her life; an President’s budget proposal would entirely unyielding advocate for tolerance, equality, Mr. BARLETTA. Madam Chair, I speak zero out that funding, leaving localities like justice, and integrity in the face of intractable today in support of H.R. 4660, the Depart- Luzerne County stuck with the whole bill for intolerance. ments of Commerce and Justice, Science, and locking up illegal immigrants who had broken Mr. Speaker, we bid farewell to a singular Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2015. the law. Let us remember that these are illegal voice and world renowned poet. However, we Though we are not voting on a perfect piece immigrants who would not be around to break can all find solace in the certainty that Dr. of legislation, which rarely is the case, I will the law in our communities if the Federal Gov- Angelou’s timeless works and example will in- enthusiastically support this measure because ernment were doing its job enforcing our bor- spire generations to come. Her spirit will con- I believe it accomplishes a number of goals ders and immigration laws in the first place. tinue to animate her words and her life will re- that are very important to me and my constitu- Also at my request, this CJS bill restores that main a testament to the power of persever- ents back home in the 11th District of Penn- funding, and in fact increases it by $30 million, ance. sylvania. to a total of $210 million. This is by no means As was highlighted in a recent lengthy story f a full reimbursement, but it is an improvement, in the New York Times, my home town of Ha- and it is certainly better than the President’s WILLARD HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC zleton is just like many cities of its size across proposal to defund the program altogether. EDUCATION AWARD the country—it is home to a persistent and Madam Chair, the CJS appropriations bill growing heroin problem. And just recently, also places greater emphasis on programs HON. BILLY LONG Pennsylvania’s attorney general teamed up that protect women from violence and exploi- with a variety of law enforcement agencies to OF MISSOURI tation. It contains $425.5 million for Violence run Operation Rising Star, which was aimed at Against Women Prevention and Prosecution IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cracking down on the illegal drug trade. That’s programs, representing an increase above ex- Friday, May 30, 2014 why I am pleased that the bill recognizes the isting funding and an amount above the Presi- Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- recent surge in heroin use, overdose deaths, dent’s request. We will also build on efforts to ognize the Willard Public School District on and trafficking, and encourages the Drug En- combat sex trafficking by providing a landmark being named one of the Nation’s Best Com- forcement Agency to increase its use of task increase in Victims of Trafficking grants of four munities for Music Education by the National forces to address the increasing heroin epi- times the President’s requested amount. All Association of Music Merchants (NAMM). demic. U.S. Attorneys will have to participate in an Chris Church has served as the band direc- And, Madam Chair, as we all know, where anti-trafficking task force, and the Department tor for 32 years at Willard High School. Out of there are illegal drugs, there will be gangs. of Justice will be required to continue col- 1,200 students who attend Willard High I’ve been working closely on a bipartisan ap- lecting evidence of ’honor violence’ against School, more than 500 are involved in band, proach to gangs in my district, with Demo- women in this country. choir or both, with more still involved in other cratic State Senator John Yudichak, through a There are a great many items to be pleased fine arts programs such as visual arts and the- program called ‘‘Operation Gang-Up,’’ which with in this funding bill, Madam Chair. I have ater. seeks to educate parents, educators, students, mentioned but a few of them, but there are Willard was one of three schools from Mis- and communities about the dangers of gangs, many others with which I agree—increased souri to be honored. While other school dis- warning signs of gang activity, and prevention emphasis on STEM Education, the continued tricts’ music programs are hit with cutbacks, techniques. At my request this bill, in addition prohibition against the transfer or release of music education funding has been protected to funding the FBI’s Safe Streets Task Forces Guantanamo Bay detainees to the United at Willard. and the National Gang Intelligence Center, al- States, dedication to Lyme Disease research, I would also like to take this opportunity to locates $10 million for regional task forces. In and youth mentoring programs. say thank you to the teachers, students, ad- this way, Federal, State, and local law en- The bill contains $51.2 billion in funding by ministrators and the community of Willard for forcement agencies can continue to do the im- prioritizing programs and spending, and saves the support they have provided. portant work of attacking gangs where they more than $398 million over the enacted fiscal I am honored to recognize Willard Public live and grow, and protect our children and year 2014 level. School District on their efforts which led to the neighborhoods. I urge passage of the bill. community being named one of the Nation’s And speaking of protecting our neighbor- f Best Communities for Music Education by the hoods and public safety, I think it’s worth not- RECOGNIZING THE 30TH ANNIVER- NAMM foundation. ing that this bill calls on the Department of SARY OF OUR DAILY BREAD f Justice to investigate discretionary enforce- ment decisions of the Department of Home- PERSONAL EXPLANATION land Security. This is particularly relevant HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY OF VIRGINIA given the recent news that the Immigration IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ROBERT HURT and Customs Enforcement Agency had re- Friday, May 30, 2014 OF VIRGINIA leased more than 36,000 illegal immigrant in- mates who had been found guilty of a total of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- almost 88,000 crimes. Those crimes included ognize the 30th Anniversary of Our Daily Friday, May 30, 2014 116 homicides, 43 counts of voluntary man- Bread. Our Daily Bread (ODB) is a non-profit Mr. HURT. Mr. Speaker, I was not present slaughter, and one classified as ’homicide-will- organization whose primary focus is combat- for rollcall vote No. 254. Had I been present, ful kill-public official-gun.’ We should know ting hunger and poverty in Fairfax County, Vir- I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ more about why dangerous criminals have ginia. f been released into our neighborhoods. The organization began in 1984 as a tem- Reforming immigration laws has been the porary homeless shelter that rotated among COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, center of a lot of talk in Washington these several churches in the area. As permanent AND RELATED AGENCIES APPRO- days, and most of that has to do with the mil- organizations and programs developed to as- PRIATIONS ACT, 2015 lions of illegal immigrants who are already sist the homeless in Fairfax County, ODB rec- present. One part of that discussion that is ognized a need that was going unmet—serv- SPEECH OF usually left out is how local governments must ing those families who, while not homeless, HON. LOU BARLETTA deal with illegal immigrants who are arrested were in financial crisis and in danger of ‘‘falling OF PENNSYLVANIA and incarcerated in local jails and prisons. through the cracks.’’ ODB’s leadership ob- Just this March, the Times Leader news- served that many people work hard but live IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES paper of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania reported paycheck-to-paycheck. Any kind of unex- Wednesday, May 28, 2014 that my home county, Luzerne County, pected expense, such as a car repair, rent The House in Committee of the Whole housed 184 illegal immigrants in the county’s hike, or medical cost can throw them into a fi- House on the state of the Union had under correctional facility last year, costing taxpayers nancial crisis.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E882 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 Today, the families ODB helps are likely to IN RECOGNITION OF JENA IRENE accomplishments and wishing them ongoing be members of the working poor, the elderly, ASCIUTTO, , success as they continue to pursue their disabled, and those who unexpectedly found AND FOR THEIR dreams. themselves in crisis due to job loss, debt, or OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCES f health issues. ON ’S THIR- More than half of those served are children. TEENTH SEASON CONGRATULATING MR. PAUL W. ODB’s programs offer the temporary assist- FERGUSON ON HIS SELECTION ance families need to recover from a crisis, HON. GARY C. PETERS AS PRESIDENT OF BALL STATE stay in their homes, and maintain their self- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN sufficiency. ODB strives to prevent homeless- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ness with a three-tiered approach; providing HON. LUKE MESSER food assistance, financial assistance, and, ulti- Friday, May 30, 2014 OF INDIANA mately, financial literacy training. ODB also Mr. PETERS of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES provides back-to-school supplies for low-in- rise with pride to recognize three outstanding Friday, May 30, 2014 come school children and holiday assistance. students, with Michigan roots, whose vocal tal- These programs meet the short-term food and Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ent earned them spots in the coveted finals of congratulate Paul W. Ferguson on being se- financial needs that often accompany job loss American Idol for its thirteenth season. and ill health, while also educating clients lected as the 15th President of Ball State Uni- For more than a decade, teens from across versity. about ways to prepare for such financial crises America have been using the stage of this in the future and return to self-sufficiency. Mr. Ferguson has had a long and distin- great competition to share their musical gifts guished career as an educator and college ad- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me with people across our country. American Idol in commending Our Daily Bread for 30 years ministrator. He was an Assistant Professor of has been the proving ground for many young Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Univer- of service to and in thanking the staff, volun- vocal artists who have gone on to make ca- teers, community partners, financial supporters sity of Louisiana, Monroe (ULM), where he reers in the extremely competitive music in- was instrumental in establishing the first un- and sponsors for contributing their time, en- dustry. This year, Jena Irene Asciutto of Farm- ergy, and resources to this worthwhile organi- dergraduate toxicology program in the South. ington Hills, Malaya Watson of Southfield and zation. After working as Senior Toxicologist for Sam Woolf, originally of West Bloomfield, Unocal Corporation in Los Angeles, he re- f have demonstrated the incredible talent that turned to Louisiana and served as an award HONORING JOE GLIK FOR HIS exists amongst the youth of Michigan’s Four- winning Professor and Head of the Division of YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE teenth Congressional District and the Greater Pharmacology and Toxicology at ULM. Paul TO SOUTHWESTERN ILLINOIS Detroit area. would go on to hold many leadership positions Paying homage to the incredible vocal talent there, as well as at the University of Nevada, HON. WILLIAM L. ENYART of Detroit’s past, Malaya Watson began her Las Vegas, and the Edwardsville campus of OF ILLINOIS journey on American Idol by singing Ain’t No Southern Illinois University (SIUE). During his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Way from , the Queen of Soul. time at SIUE, the university received national As the daughter of a professional guitar play- Friday, May 30, 2014 recognition for its academic innovation, culture er, an active member of Detroit’s Mosaic of assessment and commitment to continuous Mr. ENYART. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Youth Theater, and a tuba player in her high quality improvement. ask my colleagues to join me in honoring Joe school marching band, it is clear that Malaya’s In 2011, Mr. Ferguson became the 19th Glik and in recognizing his many years of passion for music began at a young age and President of the University of Maine. President community service and leadership in south- is a significant part of her life. Having made it Ferguson demonstrated an ability to accom- western Illinois. to the final eight contestants, Malaya is one of plish high quality results with a student-cen- Joe Glik is Chairman of the Board and ‘‘pa- the youngest finalists in American Idol history. tered approach to leading while at Maine. triarch’’ of Glik’s, a family owned retail busi- Sam Woolf, who spent his early years grow- Their loss will be Ball State’s gain. ness started by Joe’s grandfather out of his ing up in West Bloomfield, comes from a fam- I ask the entire 6th Congressional District to horsedrawn wagon in 1897 and now employ- ily with a long history of musical talent. Sam’s join me in welcoming Paul and his wife, ing over 500 people, with 62 stores in 9 great-grandfather, Sammy Woolf, was a well- Grace, to Indiana, and congratulating him on states. known bandleader in Detroit, and his uncle, being selected as Ball State’s next President. The Glik’s business model is for the stores Randall Woolf, is a composer. Sam’s great- We wish you the best of luck in this next ad- to be connected to the communities where uncle was a particularly prominent musician in venture! they do business and Joe Glik has led by ex- ample through his leadership and community Greater Detroit’s Jewish community. With his f involvement in the Tri-City area of Illinois he top-five finish in this year’s American Idol com- INTRODUCTION OF RESPONSIBLE calls home. The Glik family was a long-time petition, Sam has undoubtedly made his fam- GSE AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN- supporter of St. Elizabeth Hospital (now, Gate- ily, the community of West Bloomfield and his VESTMENT ACT OF 2014 way Regional Medical Center) in Granite City, current neighbors in Bradenton, Florida proud. Illinois and Joe served as chairman of the For Jena Irene Asciutto, this year’s Amer- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY hospital building fund and president of its lay ican Idol competition has been a magical ride—one that took her all the way to the fi- OF NEW YORK board. In 1993, the hospital recognized Joe’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES support and contributions to the hospital and nale. It is clear that Jena Irene’s love and pas- Friday, May 30, 2014 his community by awarding him the De La sion for music began long before her Amer- Roche Award. ican Idol debut. From age 12 to 16, Jena Irene Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, Joe Glik’s community service has also in- was an active member of the band Infinity I rise today to introduce the Responsible GSE volved the Tri-Cities Area United Way, where Hour and has been an annual participant in Affordable Housing Investment Act of 2014. he served as the Annual Fund Chairman and her school’s Coffee House talent show. As This bill would take away an incentive for President of the Board of Directors. He has she prepares to graduate from North Farm- the Government Sponsored Enterprises been recognized for his community and busi- ington High School, Jena Irene’s outstanding (GSEs)—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—to ness leadership by being named a Distin- performances on American Idol have brought make investments that would lead to a de- guished Business Alumni from the Washington great pride to her family, her friends and to crease in affordable multifamily housing units. University School of Business. many across the State of Michigan and our In particular, the bill would curtail Fannie and While Joe Glik still serves as Glik’s Board Nation. Freddie’s ability to invest in future deals—like Chairman, the company is actually now in its Mr. Speaker, again, it is a pleasure to rise in the case of Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper 4th generation of Glik family leadership and and recognize the outstanding talent of Jena Village in my district—that do not result in an looking forward to passing the torch to the 5th Irene Asciutto, Malaya Watson and Sam increase in, or preservation of, affordable generation, with the headquarters remaining in Woolf, who have inspired aspiring young vo- housing. Granite City. calists from across the country to hone their Since 1992, the GSEs have been required Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me vocal talents and pursue their dreams. I join to meet certain affordable housing goals each in wishing Joe Glik well and thanking him for their family, friends, and many in the Greater year. ‘‘Housing goals credit’’ is awarded nu- a lifetime of community service. Detroit community in expressing pride of their merically based on the types of transactions

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E883 that they enter into. The GSEs, in turn, make and Ariana Goddard. Hunter broke the Mis- Governor’s Commission for the Future of decisions about their investments based on souri all-time high male score with 296 points. Higher Education in Virginia, a member of the whether these investments would be eligible Brice finished 5th in the high school male divi- Virginia Business-Higher Education Council for such housing goals credit. sion with a score of 287 and Ariana finished and former Trustee of the George Mason Uni- In 2007, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in- 3rd in the female division with 286 points. versity Foundation. His leadership activities vested in a $22 billion commercial mortgage- I want to take this opportunity to say thank also include having served on the board of backed securities (CMBS) transaction that you to the team’s head coach, Kaycia Wool- The Greater Washington Board of Trade, as contained the debt on the Stuyvesant Town/ sey, the assistant coach, David Woolsey, and chairman of the Governor’s Regional Eco- Peter Cooper Village project. The deal was athletic director, Jeff Kabance for their dedica- nomic Development Advisory Council for one of the largest CMBS deals ever; Fannie tion and leadership. Northern Virginia, as a director of the Air & Mae and Freddie Mac’s participation as senior I am honored to recognize the Sarcoxie Space Heritage Council, member of the North- debt holders of $3 billion was critical. High School Archery Team for winning their ern Virginia Transportation Alliance, chairman At the time of the deal it was clear that the second straight state championship. of the Arlington County, Virginia, Planning Stuyvesant Town property was overlever- f Commission and chairman of the Fairfax aged—the debt on the property was larger County, Virginia, Engineering Standards Re- than the rental income it was receiving. After 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF NORTHERN view Committee. For his service, he has re- the transaction closed, over the course of sev- VIRGINIA FAMILY SERVICE ceived numerous accolades, including the eral years, the new owners of the property en- George Mason University Mason Medal and gaged in aggressive tactics to convert afford- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY ‘‘Northern Virginian of the Year’’ by New Do- able units to market rate so that they could in- OF VIRGINIA minion magazine. crease their rental income—yet the GSEs re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me ceived affordable housing goals credit for this Friday, May 30, 2014 in commending NVFS for 90 years of service investment. The investment on the part of the to our region’s most vulnerable families and GSEs secured completion of the deal and the Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today congratulating this year’s deserving honorees. GSEs were incentivized to make it because of to recognize the 90th anniversary of Northern I also thank the staff, volunteers, sponsors, the housing goals credit they received. Virginia Family Service and to commend the and community partners for their dedication The GSEs should be incentivized to invest 2014 Community Champion and Legends of and ongoing support of NVFS. in projects that actually do increase or pre- Northern Virginia honorees. Since its founding f serve affordable housing. That is what my bill by community volunteers in 1924, NVFS has will do. It will require the Federal Housing Fi- addressed the growing needs of communities INTRODUCING A RESOLUTION TO nance Agency to rewrite its rules for distrib- throughout our region. NVFS works to improve EXPRESS CONDOLENCES AND uting housing goals credit so that Freddie and the lives of its clients through a variety of pro- SUPPORT FOR ASSISTANCE TO Fannie cannot receive credit for investments grams in five mission initiatives: housing, child THE VICTIMS OF THE HISTORIC like the one they made in the Stuyvesant and family enrichment, health access, emer- FLOODING IN THE WESTERN Town project. It would also require the GSEs gency assistance, and workforce development. BALKANS to use the same underwriting standards for in- Today, more than 36,000 individuals and fami- vestments in the secondary market that they lies receive assistance each year. HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS do for their direct investments which are much In 2013, NVFS led a coalition of nonprofits OF FLORIDA stricter. That way, the GSEs won’t invest in that trained volunteers to help the public learn IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the secondary market in projects where the about and sign up for health insurance cov- rental income is insufficient to cover the pay- erage through the Affordable Care Act. In just Friday, May 30, 2014 ments on the debt on the property. a few months, these volunteers held more Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. Speaker, this bill addresses a critical than 2000 enrollment sessions with clients. rise today to introduce a resolution to express component of GSE decision-making when it The Community Champion Award is a rec- condolences and support for assistance to the comes to their investments: whether or not ognition given each year to someone who has victims of the historic flooding in the Western they will receive housing goals credit. It does made immeasurable contributions to children Balkans, which began on May 13, 2014. The not prohibit them from making investments, it and families in Northern Virginia. This year, record rainfall caused widespread flooding in merely says that if those investments do not this award will be presented to Lauren E. Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Cro- lead to an increase or a preservation of afford- Peterson. Following her family’s philosophy of atia, and the Republic of Serbia, leading to able housing, the GSEs cannot receive credit giving back to the communities in which it thousands of landslides, massive destruction, for them. lives and works, Ms. Peterson has consistently and loss of life. f been involved with major charities in the To date, the flooding has claimed over 40 Washington Metropolitan area. She was a lives and impacted over 500,000 people CONGRATULATING SARCOXIE HIGH Member of the Northern Virginia Family Serv- across the region, particularly in western Ser- SCHOOL ARCHERY TEAM ice Board of Directors for 12 years. Her cur- bia and eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. The rent charitable activities include: Vice Chair, equivalent of three months of rain fell during HON. BILLY LONG Life with Cancer Board; Secretary, Wash- the course of three days, making this the OF MISSOURI ington International Horse Show; Board Mem- worst flooding event seen in Serbia and Bos- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ber, Teach for America; Board member, Char- nia and Herzegovina since recordkeeping Friday, May 30, 2014 ity Works; Board Member, Inova Foundation; began 120 years ago. Tens of thousands Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Committee Member, Inova Cancer Services; across the region remain displaced or home- ognize the Sarcoxie High School Archery and Committee Member, Rainbow Therapeutic less and, according to the Red Cross, many Team for winning their second state cham- Riding. lack access to clean water and electricity. pionship in a row. Sarcoxie started their arch- Sidney O. Dewberry will be honored as a The Bosnian Foreign Ministry has reported ery program last year, winning a state cham- Legend of Northern Virginia for decades of that the flooding has rendered 100,000 build- pionship their first year in existence. As a leadership in commercial, civic, charitable, and ings unusable, and that 500,000 people have team, this year they shot a score of 3396, academic endeavors in the Washington D.C. evacuated or fled their homes amidst the on- breaking the record they set last year by 57 region. In 1956, Mr. Dewberry founded a plan- going state of emergency. points. ning, engineering, and surveying firm that On May 27, 2014, the Government of Ser- Sarcoxie’s archery team competed against bears his name and is widely known as an in- bia declared three days of national mourning, 81 other schools. They competed in a field of dustry leader in the greater Washington metro- having described the situation in the country over 1,300 archers with 51,000 arrows shot politan area. He is a founding member and as ‘‘catastrophic.’’ It estimates that at least during the competition. Sarcoxie is a Class 2 former chairman of the Engineers & Surveyors 25,000 people have evacuated, particularly in school that competes in the high school divi- Institute, and the George Mason University the town and municipality of Obrenovac, and sion against all high schools in Missouri, re- Urban Systems Engineering Institute, now that the flooding has caused over 100,000,000 gardless of size or enrollment. known as the Civil Engineering Institute. He is Euros ($140,000,000) in damage to the I would also like to recognize the individual Rector Emeritus of the George Mason Univer- Kolubara coal mine that supplies the Kostolac performances by Hunter Berry, Brice Dobbs sity Board of Visitors, a past member of the power plant. Efforts continue to protect the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E884 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 Kostolac power plant and the Nikola Tesla HONORING MASTER SERGEANT held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba or construct power plant, which provides half of the na- KEININGHAM any facility in the U.S. to house any detainee tion’s electricity, from the waters of the over- held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Roll No. 254 flooded Sava River. HON. BILL FLORES No—Amendment 742 by Rep. Blackburn Furthermore, an estimated 100,000 land- OF TEXAS (A053) to reduce by 1 percent each amount made available by the bill, except funding for mines remaining from the Balkan conflicts of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the 1990s have been lost or dislodged due to the FBI, fees and expenses for witnesses, Friday, May 30, 2014 landslides, causing great concern for public public safety officer benefits, and the US safety. Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Trustee System Fund. Roll No. 255 In response, the United States Government honor retired United States Marine Corps Cor- No—Amendment 744 by Rep. Blackburn has provided assistance through the Office of poral and United States Air Force (USAF) (A055) to prohibit the use of fluids for oper- U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) to Master Sergeant Jack Keiningham who ation, renovation, or construction at Thomson the Serbian Red Cross, as well as from the passed away on September 30, 2007. Correctional Facility in Illinois. Roll No. 256 Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy Master Sergeant Keiningham knew from an Yes—Amendment 745 by Rep. Bonamici and Public Affairs. Additionally, U.S. Embassy early age that he wanted to join the military (A056) to prohibit the use of funds to prevent funds have been used to purchase sandbags and serve our country. On July 2, 1942, he a State from implementing its own State laws and other material assistance, with Embassy enlisted and served in F Company, 2nd Bat- that authorize the use, distribution, posses- volunteers dedicating their time to filling hun- talion, 6th Marines, 2nd Division, where he sion, or cultivation of industrial hemp, as de- dreds of sandbags in suburbs threatened by was quickly promoted to the rank of Corporal. fined in section 7606 of the Agricultural Act of Sava River flooding. The United States Gov- Master Sergeant Keiningham courageously 2014. Roll No. 257 Yes—Amendment 748 by Rep. Rohr- ernment has further provided OFDA assist- fought and served our nation during World abacher (A059) to prohibit the use of funds to ance to Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as War II, where he was wounded in the Battle prevent certain States from implementing their boats, food, and supplies through the U.S. of Saipan. During his service, he was highly own State laws that authorize the use, dis- Agency for International Development (USAID) awarded and decorated with the Navy Cross, tribution, possession, or cultivation of medical and Department of Defense. Silver Star, Purple Heart, Navy Presidential Unit Citation with Two Stars, Marine Good marijuana. Roll No. 258 Mr. Speaker, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Conduct Medal, American Defense Service No—Amendment 750 by Rep. George Hold- Republic of Croatia, and the Republic of Ser- Medal, American Campaign Medal, Marine ing (A061) to prohibit the use of funds to bia share an increasing commitment to core Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal with Three transfer or temporarily assign employees to democratic values, reconciliation, and Euro- Stars, and the Marine WWII Victory Medal for the Office of the Pardon Attorney for the pur- pean integration. The United States expresses his bravery in the call of duty. pose of screening clemency applications. Roll deep sympathy to all those affected by the After an honorable discharge from the Ma- No. 259 flooding in the Western Balkans for the terrible rine Corps due to the injuries he received dur- Yes—Amendment 754 by Rep. Massie loss of life and massive destruction, as well as ing the Battle of Saipan, he enlisted in the (A065) to prohibit the use of funds in con- a continued desire to provide essential assist- United States Air Force (USAF) where he travention of section 7606 of the Agricultural ance along with that of other nations and or- earned the rank of Technical Sergeant. While Act of 2014 by the Department of Justice of ganizations to help their countries recover in the Air Force, he was awarded the USAF the Drug Enforcement Administration. Roll No. from this tragedy. Outstanding Unit Ribbon, two USAF Good 260 Conduct Medals, the Vietnam Service Medal, No—Amendment 756 by Rep. Southerland f the USAF Longevity Service Ribbon with 4 (A067) to prohibit the use of funds to develop, INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION: Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters, and the USAF approve, or implement a new limited access TO MAKE PERMANENT THE Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon. privilege program that are not already devel- STATE AND LOCAL SALES TAX After retiring from active duty, he continued oped, approved, or implemented for any fish- DEDUCTION his service in the Air Force Reserve as a ery under the jurisdiction of the South Atlantic, Technical Sergeant and retired with the rank Mid-Atlantic, New England, or Gulf of Mexico of Master Sergeant. On September 30, 2007, Fishery Management Council. Roll No. 261 HON. STEPHEN LEE FINCHER Master Sergeant Jack Keiningham was laid to Yes—Amendment 759 by Ellison (A070) to OF TENNESSEE rest. He will forever be remembered as an prohibit use of funds to enter into a contract with any person whose disclosures of a pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American hero who dedicated his life in serv- ice to our country. ceeding with a disposition outlined in the Fed- Friday, May 30, 2014 America thanks him and his family for their eral Awardee Performance and Integrity Infor- mation System include the term ‘‘Fair Labor Mr. FINCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to service and sacrifice for our country. Standards Act’’. Roll No. 262 introduce my bill to make the state and local As I close, I ask everyone to continue pray- Yes—Amendment 763 by Grayson (A074) sales tax deduction permanent. Simply put this ing for our country during these difficult times to prohibit the use of funds to compel a jour- is a matter of fairness. The families of Ten- and for our military men and women who pro- nalist or a reporter to testify about information nessee shouldn’t pay more in federal taxes tect us from external threats and our first re- or sources that the journalist or reporter states because our state chooses to have a sales tax sponders who protect us from internal threats in a motion to quash the subpoena that he instead of an income tax. This is just not equi- right here at home. has obtained as a journalist or reporter and table. By making this deduction permanent we God bless our military men and women, and that he regards as confidential. Roll No. 263 can bring certainty to families in Tennessee, God bless the United States of America. No—Amendment 767 by Rep. Duffy (A078) bring certainty to the tax code, and give fami- f to prohibit the use of funds to relinquish the lies the time they need to plan their budgets. PERSONAL EXPLANATION responsibility of the NTIA with respect to Inter- Mr. Speaker, in 2011, over 556,000 Ten- net domain name system functions, including nessee filers claimed the deduction for state HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN responsibility with respect to the authoritative and local sales tax and reduced their taxable root zone file and the Internet Assigned Num- income by $1.23 billion. These families de- OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bers Authority functions. Roll No. 264 serve fair treatment and certainty in the tax No—Amendment 768 by Rep. Garrett code. Friday, May 30, 2014 (A079) to prohibit the use of funds by the De- My legislation will give these families the fair Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I would have partment of Justice to enforce the Fair Hous- treatment they deserve, by malcing the state voted on the following votes had I been in at- ing Act in a manner that relies upon an allega- and local sales tax deductions a permanent tendance, on H.R. 4660, Commerce Justice, tion of liability under C.F.R. 100.500. Roll No. part of the federal tax code. Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations 265 Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues in the Act, 2015. No—Amendment 770 by Rep. Steve King House to support me in passing my legislation Yes—Amendment 738 by Rep. James (A081) to prohibit use of funds in contraven- to make permanent the state and local sales Moran (A049) to strike sections 528 and 529 tion of section 642(a) of the Illegal Immigration tax deductions in order to ensure American which prohibit the use of funds to be used to Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of families are treated fairly by the tax code. transfer or release any detainee who is or was 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1373(a)). Roll No. 266

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E885 No—Amendment 771 by Rep. Meadows RECOGNIZING WALNUT GROVE Three lives tragically cut short. One young (A082)—At the end of the bill (before the short HIGH SCHOOL LADY TIGERS BAS- boy left to face life alone without his parents. title), insert the following: SEC.—. None of the KETBALL One moment of poor judgment by an inatten- funds made available by this Act ***. Roll No. tive third party—nothing, absolutely nothing in 267 HON. BILLY LONG that text could’ve been worth the cost of three Yes—Motion to Recommit with Instructions. OF MISSOURI lives not yet fully lived. No—Final Passage. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, today I rise to honor the lives Friday, May 30, 2014 of Alex and Maritza Alvarez, to commend the f courage of a young boy, Alex Alvarez Jr., who Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- still I’m sure struggles to make sense of the IN RECOGNITION OF THE SAC- ognize the Walnut Grove High School Lady Ti- loss he has suffered, and urge the residents of RAMENTO HOUSING ALLIANCE’S gers Basketball Team for winning the Missouri the 23rd District of Texas and our entire Na- 25TH ANNIVERSARY Class 1 Girls State Championship. tion not to text and drive. The Lady Tigers clinched back-to-back state championships after defeating North Andrew f HON. DORIS O. MATSUI with an impressive final score of 84–49. Mem- OF CALIFORNIA bers of the team include Heather Harman, RECOGNIZING THE 20TH ANNIVER- Lexi Harman, Madisyn Freeze, Karsyn Hejna, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SARY OF THE NOVA-ANNANDALE Miranda Allison, Megan Shuler, Audree Crain, SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Friday, May 30, 2014 Ellen Hayter, Raylie Hejna, Shelby Harman, Carrigan Comstock, Mikayla Louderbaugh, Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY recognize the Sacramento Housing Alliance as and Katelynn Garoutte. Through their hard work and discipline on they celebrate the 25th anniversary of their OF VIRGINIA and off the court, the Lady Tigers developed founding. As supporters of this organization IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES into a truly great championship team. The gather to celebrate, I ask all my colleagues to Lady Tigers ended the season 28–4. Friday, May 30, 2014 join me in recognizing the Sacramento Hous- I also want to commend Head Coach Rory Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to com- ing Alliance for their incredible service to the Henry for a job well-done on developing such Sacramento region. memorate the 20th anniversary of the NOVA- a strong basketball program. Annandale Symphony Orchestra. The Orches- For 25 years, the Sacramento Housing Alli- I am proud to recognize the school and the tra was originally formed in 1994 as a collabo- ance, along with its community partners, have players on their victory, and applaud the hard rative arrangement between the Northern Vir- addressed a variety of issues surrounding af- work that has brought them so much success. ginia Community College (NOVA) Annandale fordable housing, homelessness, environ- I urge my colleagues to join me in congratu- Campus and the Reunion Music Society. Led mental justice, regional equity, land use, hun- lating the Walnut Grove Lady Tigers as they by award-winning Music Director Christopher ger and community empowerment. Founded in celebrate their Class 1 Girls State Champion- Johnston since 1996, the NOVA-Annandale 1989, the Sacramento Housing Alliance pro- ship. Symphony Orchestra has performed a wide vides advocacy, education, leadership devel- f opment and civic engagement to homeless range of music embracing different cultures and low-income communities throughout the IN REMEMBERANCE OF ALEX AND and heritages and is the ‘‘Orchestra-in-Resi- Sacramento metropolitan region. MARITZA ALVAREZ AND OLGA A. dence’’ at the Richard J. Ernst Community The Sacramento Housing Alliance has VALDEZ Cultural Center on the Northern Virginia Com- achieved a number of accomplishments that munity College’s Annandale Campus. have benefitted thousands of individuals. In HON. PETE P. GALLEGO Over the years, the orchestra has grown in 2001, their efforts led to Sacramento County’s OF TEXAS size, repertoire, and prominence in the greater adoption of the landmark Inclusionary Housing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Northern Virginia community. The Orchestra is composed of members of the community, as Ordinance, which required affordable housing Friday, May 30, 2014 in new housing developments be made avail- well as NOVA students for whom the ensem- Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, this week able to individuals and families with low-in- ble is a laboratory for the orchestral repertoire. marks the second anniversary of the passing comes. In 2012, the Sacramento Housing Alli- The Orchestra performs a wide variety of of three constituents of the 23rd District of ance collaborated with other community-based music from around the world, demonstrating Texas who died in a tragic accident on May organizations to host the region’s first Home- its versatility and its goals of presenting com- 26, 2012—Alex Alvarez, his wife, Maritza Al- less Employment Summit, where over 100 positions of little-known composers and offer- varez and her mother, Olga A. Valdez. I rise businesses and community partners partici- ing programs of seldom-heard music rep- today to speak in their honor. resenting a range of cultures. pated and led to many homeless individuals I honor their lives. Like all of us, they sought Throughout its two decade history, the or- getting jobs. Additionally, the Sacramento a better life. They worked hard to achieve suc- chestra has performed on and off campus, Housing Alliance recently launched its Afford- cess. Like many of us, they were parents who premiered numerous works, created scholar- able Housing Campaign, which addresses cur- longed to see their son and grandson grad- ships, provided opportunities for young solo- rent housing issues, such as the dissolution of uate from high school, go off to college, get ists, and generated unique multi-cultural redevelopment agencies in California, the lack married, and generally succeed at life. events designed to reach diverse audiences. It of affordable housing options, and rising family Unfortunately, they got none of the above. is most unusual for a community college to homelessness. Most recently, in 2013, the Their deaths were caused by a person who maintain a full symphony orchestra, and the Sacramento Housing Alliance has taken part was texting and driving. Poor judgment orchestra’s quality and enduring place in the in the Sacramento Coalition for Shared Pros- caused a terrible tragedy. The lone survivor of Northern Virginia community are now widely perity, which seeks a comprehensive Commu- this horrific car accident was Alex and recognized. nity Benefits Agreement for the Sacramento Maritza’s young son, Alex Jr. Entertainment and Sports Complex, to help Alex and Maritza were hard workers. Alex At the orchestra’s anniversary concert this ensure that good jobs, affordable housing, and was a native son of the border, having been year, the symphony orchestra will perform a environmentally sound developments are born in Eagle Pass, Texas. He worked in the concert entitled ‘‘Scotland and the Sea.’’ In- available for everyone in the community. IT department of the Fort Duncan Regional cluded in the program is the debut of a sym- Mr. Speaker, as they gather for their 25th Medical Center. phonic work by students of the Fairfax Acad- anniversary and awards celebration, I am Maritza was also a native daughter of the emy for Communications and the Arts. pleased to honor the Sacramento Housing Alli- border region. She was born in Piedras Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me ance and its members for their longstanding Negras, Coahuila, Mexico, the sister city to in congratulating the NOVA-Annandale Sym- commitment and service to the entire Sac- Eagle Pass. She worked in Eagle Pass as a phony Orchestra on the occasion of its 20th ramento region. I ask my colleagues to join dental assistant. Anniversary and in thanking the musicians, me in wishing them continued success in cre- Olga A. Valdez was born in San Luis Potosı´, volunteers and supporters for their efforts to ating positive, lasting change throughout the Mexico. She was a devoted grandmother, preserve and enrich the music and culture of Sacramento region. mother, and sister. Northern Virginia.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E886 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 PERSONAL EXPLANATION The club changed its name to AAA Northern speak out on behalf of the economic and so- California, Nevada & Utah, or AAA in 2008. cial justice issues that are vital to creating op- HON. AL GREEN However, it still legally retains the California portunity and ensuring fairness in our society. OF TEXAS State Automobile Association name. I offer my best wishes to Bob and his wife, In 2013, the insurance company changed its IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Moe and look forward to the next chapter in name to CSAA Insurance Group, a AAA In- advancing the causes they devote their lives Friday, May 30, 2014 surer. In 2014 the California State Automobile to. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I Association or the CSAA Insurance Group, a f missed the following votes: AAA insurer, celebrates 100 years of sup- 1. Pompeo amendment to H.R. 4660. Had I porting the insurance needs of AAA members. COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ on this The CSAA employs more than 3,500 Ameri- AND RELATED AGENCIES APPRO- amendment. cans and sells AAA-branded insurance in 23 PRIATIONS ACT, 2015 2. McNerney amendment to H.R. 4660. Had States and Washington DC. The CSAA Insur- I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on ance Group, one of the Nation’s most long- SPEECH OF this amendment. standing property and casualty insurance com- HON. FRANK R. WOLF 3. Bridenstine amendment to H.R. 4660. panies, provides auto and home insurance to OF VIRGINIA Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ nearly 2.4 million Americans. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on this amendment. I ask my colleagues to join me in congratu- 4. King (IA) amendment to H.R. 4660. Had lating CSAA Insurance Group on its 100th an- Wednesday, May 28, 2014 I been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ on niversary of providing quality insurance to AAA The House in Committee of the Whole this amendment. members. Their history of providing quality House on the state of the Union had under 5. Cohen amendment No. 1 to H.R. 4660. service and security for their members has consideration the bill (H.R. 4660) making ap- Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ benefited us all. I look forward to a rich future propriations for the Departments of Com- on this amendment. of continued success by CSAA. merce and Justice, Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- 6. Cohen amendment No. 2 to H.R. 4660. f tember 30, 2015, and for other purposes: Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on this amendment. TRIBUTE TO BOB KING Mr. WOLF. Madam Chair, I want to again recognize and thank all of the staff members f HON. SANDER M. LEVIN who worked on this bill, including the Appro- HONORING THE CALIFORNIA OF MICHIGAN priations Committee staff members as well as STATE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION the associate staff who work in the personal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES offices of the members of our subcommittee. HON. GEORGE MILLER Friday, May 30, 2014 They have all worked hard to help us hold OF CALIFORNIA Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nine hearings in just over a month and then IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mark the distinguished career of Bob King as prepare this bill for markup, the earliest it has the United Auto Workers (UAW) assembles for been advanced by the House in many years. Friday, May 30, 2014 their 36th Constitutional Convention next I would like to again thank the majority staff Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. week. Bob King—as an individual, as a 44- for their hard work, including the subcommit- Speaker, I rise today to honor the AAA North- year Member of the UAW and its President tee’s clerk, Mike Ringler, as well as Leslie ern California, Nevada and Utah, formerly since 2010—vividly represents the proud and Albright, Jeff Ashford, Diana Simpson, Colin known as the California State Automobile As- historic tradition of the UAW. Like his union, Samples and Taylor Kelly. I also want to thank sociation, (CSAA) upon its 100th anniversary he has devoted his life to the rights to work- Bob Bonner and Matt Smith on the minority of supporting the insurance needs of AAA ers, to the fundamental belief in collective bar- staff. They worked together to produce an ex- members. The club is one of the largest motor gaining, to the strength of diversity, and to the cellent bipartisan bill that the committee clubs in the American Automobile Association cause of economic justice and civil and human should be proud of. (AAA) National Federation, serving members rights for all. I also want to recognize my personal office across Northern California, Nevada, and Utah. Bob King combines in his leadership a gen- staff, especially Tom Culligan, Elyse Bauer The club has a long history of having done erous spirit—a kindness—and a tenacious de- Anderson and Dan Scandling. so, tracing its roots to a 1900 meeting of car termination. At his core, he is an organizer in In addition to serving as my office’s legisla- buffs in San Francisco’s Cliff House. Recog- the finest tradition knowing that workers are tive director, Tom Culligan has served as my nizing the need for better roads, given the stronger when their voices are united. He lis- associate staff to the Commerce-Justice- dearth of paved roads, signage, and con- tens broadly, and acts decisively, always with Science (CJS) Appropriations subcommittee sistent traffic laws across the region, those car the best interest of workers at the UAW and since 2008, while I served both as ranking owners formed the Automobile Club of Cali- throughout the U.S. and around the world at member and, more recently, as chairman. fornia (ACC) to deal with barriers that hin- the forefront of his efforts. Tom has been my senior policy adviser on key dered acceptance of the auto throughout the Bob King started his career in his twenties issues this subcommittee has prioritized in re- state. The club’s efforts began to pay off in at Ford Motor Co.’s Detroit Parts Depot and cent years, including counterterrorism, cyber- 1905, when the legislature passed a set of began his electrical apprenticeship in 1972. security and space exploration policy, and I uniform regulations governing the use of motor He joined Local 600 where he later served as have appreciated his strategic focus and vehicles on California highways. This legisla- President. He served three terms as Regional knowledge of these issues. He has also man- tion facilitated safe and efficient movement, as Director and three terms as a Vice President. aged many of my oversight investigations drivers were able to follow a consistent legal He took the lead as the National Organizing while I have chaired this subcommittee, aimed structure. Director and participated in many successful at keeping our country safe and competitive, In 1907, ACC merged into the newly found- negotiations. He has also played a leading as well as preventing waste and abuse at fed- ed California State Automobile Association, role on the international stage bringing to- eral agencies. The bill, report and oversight which formally affiliated with the AAA in that gether the efforts of workers around the globe hearings over the last several years reflect this same year. The new club’s focus was ‘‘Good in common cause. focus and I appreciate Tom’s work on these Roads and Just Legislation.’’ From serving his country in the U.S. Army, issues. CSAA sent teams of cartographers to sur- to serving the workers of the UAW, Bob King Elyse is on her fourth tour of duty in my of- vey California’s roads for the production of is a unique individual who is smart, thoughtful fice. She is my top staffer for my work on the maps, with the first ones produced in 1909. and results-oriented. It has been a privilege to State & Foreign Operations subcommittee as The organization also helped post thousands work alongside of him on so many policy well as the congressional Tom Lantos Human of porcelain on steel traffic signs throughout issues. Mr. Speaker, next week, Bob King will Rights Commission, which I co-chair. Many of the State and continued to do so until the oversee the transition of leadership at the those issues run parallel to the work in the State of California took over the task in the UAW, and while he no longer will serve as the CJS bill. Elyse’s knowledge of Congress and early 1950s. President, I am confident that he will continue world affairs is a huge asset. She also is a CSAA began to offer automobile insurance to serve—and work on behalf of the rights of gifted writer whose words always make me in 1913 and homeowner’s insurance in 1974. workers. I also know that he will continue to sound better.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E887 Dan has served as my chief of staff and Community Association located in Fairfax THE SEEING EYE OF MORRISTOWN press secretary for the last 14 years and has County, Virginia, for earning the 2013 Commu- 85TH ANNIVERSARY been an invaluable manager of my office and nity Association of the Year Award (Very adviser on many issues, including on this bill. Large category) from the Washington Metro- HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN Dan has been an outstanding leader of my politan Chapter of the Community Associa- OF NEW JERSEY staff and has helped me ensure that balance tions Institute. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES my responsibilities to the 10th District as well Friday, May 30, 2014 as this subcommittee. He has planned trips The Penderbrook Community Association and travelled with me around the world—in- (PCA) consists of 1,776 single family homes, Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, on al- cluding to China, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan and townhomes, and condominiums located in the most any day of the year, if you were to find yourself in the middle of Morristown, New Jer- Egypt—to conduct oversight on U.S. national heart of the Fair Oaks area about 20 miles security and human rights policies. This would sey, you would be almost certain to see a re- west of Washington, DC, and it is home to markable partnership being developed. You not have been possible without Dan’s hard over 4,000 residents. The PCA is a Master work, guidance and support over the years. might notice a well-behaved, bright-eyed Association, which unites seven separate land young dog wearing a special vest as it navi- f bays with exceptional amenities including a fit- gates, with a trainer, the crosswalks and side- RECOGNIZING BOB LAPP ness center, swimming pool complex, golf walks of the bustling Morristown Green. This course, tennis courts, basketball courts, club- dog is being trained to join a long line of dogs HON. JAMES B. RENACCI house, boardroom facility, and tot lots. The as- that have provided a ‘‘seeing eye’’ to thou- sands of Americans under the tutelage of The OF OHIO sociation amenities serve as a hub for a wide variety of community events that offer some- Seeing Eye, a remarkable organization that is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES marking its 85th Anniversary this year. thing for everyone who calls Penderbrook Friday, May 30, 2014 In 1927, Morris Franlc, a young blind man, home. Mr. RENACCI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in read an article about dogs being trained as recognition of Bob Lapp for his nearly 40 In addition to the topnotch amenities, PCA guides for blinded veterans of World War I. years of service to The Timken Company. emphasizes frequent and robust communica- Mr. Frank decided to reach out to the author and dog trainer Dorothy Harrison Eustis for Since joining the company in 1975, he has tions with residents. The PCA employs an help. Ms. Eustis, who was in Switzerland at served in a number of unique positions, rang- interactive website for instant correspondence, the time, agreed to help Mr. Frank if he could ing from supervising general accounting to in- a weekly email newsletter to inform residents come to Switzerland. vestor relations and public affairs. As the out- of local issues, meetings, and events, and an He made the trip and a year later Mr. Frank going Vice President for Government Affairs onsite office to manage day-to-day operations returned to New York City with his dog, and Community Relations, he leaves behind a and provide immediate assistance to resi- ‘‘Buddy.’’ Buddy and Mr. Frank captured the legacy of trustworthiness, honesty, and reli- dents. Resident input and involvement is solic- attention of many reporters as the two proved ability that made him an asset to not only The ited, encouraged, appreciated, and recog- the ability of a guide dog and his master. This Timken Company, but to Northeast Ohio. I nized. Open lines of communication also are partnership among Ms. Eustis, Mr. Frank, and consider Bob a friend and I am grateful for his utilized in an ongoing effort to solicit associa- Buddy would launch an effort that would counsel throughout my time in office. I know I change the world for people who could not can always count on Bob to provide me with tion volunteers for various committees and projects. Volunteerism leads to true commu- see. accurate, relevant information about an issue, In 1929, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, who putting aside politics and getting to the heart nity ownership, fosters friendships, and moti- trained the first dog, returned to America, and of good policy. vates neighbors to serve the common good. with the help of Morris Frank, E.S. Humphrey, Born and raised in Coshocton, Ohio, Bob is The PCA prides itself as an association that and Willi Ebeling, founded The Seeing Eye, a graduate of two great Ohio schools, earning gives back to the community. The clubhouse Inc. on January 29, in Nashville, Tennessee. his bachelor’s degree from Miami University hosts the annual Fairfax County Police Foun- Two years later, The Seeing Eye moved its and his master’s degree from the University of headquarters to Whippany, New Jersey, and Akron. An active member of our local commu- dation Santa’s Ride Banquet, biannual blood drives, and serves as a Fairfax County elec- has remained in the area since then. nity, Bob has served on the board of several A few years after settling into their new organizations including the Ohio Manufactur- tion polling facility. The PCA annually donates headquarters, the organization decided to cre- ers Association, Stark County Government use of the facilities to the Special Olympics for ate a way to reach students, graduates, and Leadership Academy, and the Ohio Steel event practice, and the Penderbrook Club- other interes-ted people in order to share in- Council. He also has chaired the Ohio Pros- house is an official collection site for Toys-for- spirational stories and updates on new devel- perity Project, an organization that educates Tots. opments and programs. In 1935, the Seeing and informs Ohioans about public policy Each year the Washington Metropolitan Eye pubfished the first issue of the Guide issues and elections. Chapter of the Community Associations Insti- magazine, which is published quarterly even Bob’s retirement will allow him to spend today. more time with his family, especially Kaci and tute honors communities that demonstrate ex- On December 8, 1941, the day after the at- his six-month-old granddaughter, Kyli. cellence in all facets of association operation tacks on Pearl Harbor, the Board of Trustees I’d like to thank Bob for his years of hard and governance, and which best represent passed a resolution, ‘‘to supply Seeing Eye work and wish him nothing but the best in re- common-interest community living. There are dogs, without charge, to eligible members of tirement. four categories: Very Large (1,000+ units), the armed forces who lose their sight in the f Large (500–999 units), Medium (150–499 line of duty.’’ Since then, these American he- units) and Small (1–49 units). roes have been given priority over all other RECOGNIZING THE PENDERBROOK applicants. COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION FOR The Penderbrook Community Association The first women’s donnitory opened in 1950, EARNING THE 2013 COMMUNITY was selected based upon a review of the com- allowing women to become students at the ASSOCIATION OF THE YEAR munity’s governance, board procedures, finan- Seeing Eye. Within the first year of the new AWARD FROM THE WASHINGTON cial management, committee structure, crime dormitory opening, one third of the students METROPOLITAN CHAPTER COM- prevention efforts, community communica- were female. MUNITY ASSOCIATIONS INSTI- tions, and insurance preparedness. In 1952, Warner Brothers brought the inspi- TUTE ration story of The Seeing Eye to moviegoers Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me everywhere with the release of the motion pic- in congratulating the Penderbrook Community HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY ture called, ‘‘The Seeing Eye.’’ The Seeing Association for earning this honor and in OF VIRGINIA Eye’s story would inspire other moviemakers thanking the volunteers and Board Members IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through the years. who devote countless hours toward the ulti- In 1966, Walt Disney filmed the movie, ‘‘Atta Friday, May 30, 2014 mate goal of creating an ideal home and serv- girl, Kelly!’’ on the Seeing Eye campus. Jim Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- ing our entire community. Kutsch, the current president of the organiza- ognize and congratulate the Penderbrook tion, watched this film as a young child. Years

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E888 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 later, after losing his vision to a chemical ex- Lexie Vaught, Kylee Moore, Kylie Vaught, Unity in 1964. Since 1981, she held the Rey- plosion, he remembered that movie and was Justeen Mahan, Shelby Roder, Riley Israel, nolds Professorship of American Studies at determined to work toward his first Seeing Eye Emma Lander, Karen Belin, Loni Johnson, Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, dog. Jim is the first Seeing Eye graduate to Jalee Johnson, Addie Reel, Hailey Powell, North Carolina. serve as president of the organization. Jenna Scroggins, Madison Fulp, and Tabitha Dr. Maya Angelou once said: ‘‘I have cre- Twenty years later, Walt Disney Studios re- Bishop. ated myself. I have taught myself so much.’’ turned to the story of The Seeing Eye for an- Through their hard work and excellence on Dr. Angelou defied simple labels. She was other film, ‘‘Loves Leads the Way.’’ This 1986 and off the court, the Lady Pirates developed a walking list of careers and passions. In addi- picture depicted the story of Morris Frank and into a truly great championship team. The tion to authoring books, she was an actress, Buddy. Lady Pirates ended the season 30–1, remain- director, playwright, composer, singer and From the beginning, the work of The Seeing ing undefeated in their Class 2 division. dancer. Eye has captured the attention of countless I also want to commend Head Coach Jer- And if that was not enough she was the first Americans, including several who called the emy Mullins and Assistant Coach Billy Redus female and first black streetcar conductor in White House home. In 1930, President Her- for a job well-done on developing such a San Francisco. bert Hoover met with Morris Franlc to learn strong basketball program. In November 2013 Dr. Angelou stole the more about his work. In 1948, Mr. Frank and The Crane community is justifiably proud of show at the National Book Awards in New his third dog (named Buddy III), visited Presi- this extraordinary group of young and talented York when she was presented an award for dent Harry Truman at the White House. In student-athletes. I urge my colleagues to join Outstanding Service to the American Literary 1972, First lady Pat Nixon visited The Seeing me in congratulating the Crane Lady Pirates Community. Eye at its headquarters in Morristown. And in as they celebrate their Class 2 Girls State She was introduced that night by her friend, 1990, President George H.W. Bush named Championship. the famed author Toni Morrison, who said of Dr. Maya Angelou: ‘‘Suffering energized and The Seeing Eye the 138th ‘‘Point of Light’’ in f honor of its corps of volunteers. strengthened her, and her creative impulse One year later, The Seeing Eye marked TRIBUTE TO DR. MAYA ANGELOU, struck like bolts of lightning.’’ several significant milestones, including MENTOR, TEACHER, SOCIAL AC- Mr. Speaker, today we lost one of the ‘‘great matching its 10,000th dog with a student and TIVIST, MOTHER, SISTER, souls’’ which Dr. Angelou often wrote about. I hope it is a comfort to her family that so hiring its first full-time veterinarian, Dr. Dolores WOMAN OF LIGHT many around the world mourn with them at Holle. this sad time. But through our sadness, we The Seeing Eye, Inc. has continuously dedi- HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE draw strength from the enduring power of her cated itself to the goals of increasing inde- OF TEXAS own words: ‘‘Just like hopes springing high, pendence and dignity of those who are blind, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES still I’ll rise.’’ providing the best guide dogs possible, edu- Friday, May 30, 2014 On a personal note, who can imagine a cating the public, providing ongoing assistants child who silenced herself for five years be- to both graduates and dogs, and to practice fi- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay tribute and remember one of the most re- cause of a brutal experience in her young life? duciary responsibility. That silence could have ruined her life or The Seeing Eye Inc. is ever dedicated to markable figures of the 20th Century and an example of a life well lived for those coming been a rebirth of her life. their growing conununity through their contin- It was a rebirth. of age in the 21st Century. uous care of each individual, both human and Just like a butterfly she was reborn and Dr. Maya Angelou died this morning at her canine. As the graduates continue on with throughout her life she gave us the gift of her home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She their dog guides, The Seeing Eye, Inc. will en- genius. sure that help is always provided, as needed. was 86 years old. So instead of saying good-bye, I say, as Dr. The Seeing Eye, Inc. promises successor I first met Dr. Maya Angelou when I was a Maya Angelou said on January 20, 1993, at dogs to graduates, as well as sends trainers student at Yale University. the inauguration of President Clinton, in her to homes across the U.S. and Canada to help No matter how busy she was—and she was remarkable poem, ‘‘A Rock, A River, A Tree’’: always in demand—Maya Angelou always had with any training-related problem. This remark- Here on the pulse of this new day able organization not only raises and trains time to share with you; as a mentor, a teach- You may have the grace to look up and out er, a social activist, a mother, a sister, a the dogs, but also provides the best research And into your sister’s eyes, into and care for canine health and development. woman of light. Your brother’s face, your country She had a knack of making you feel better As The Seeing Eye marks its 85th Anniver- And say simply sary, it continues to commit itself to providing about yourself and life’s possibilities. Very simply I thank God for her voice, her survival and the best guide dogs, with excellent health and With hope training, and to sustaining excellence in their her spirit and for teaching little girls—with long Good morning. hair, short hair, curly hair, afros or straight field while always seeking improvement. The So long my friend. We will never forget you employees, volunteers, students, graduates, hair—the beauty of all people. Dr. Maya Angelou epitomized what it is to or all you did to make our world a better and guide dogs, look forward to the chal- place. lenges and excitement of the future. be a great American who came from a unique f Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues and different background. to join me in congratulating The Seeing Eye Dr. Maya Angelou was an American origi- HONORABLE GARY GIARDINA as it celebrates its 85th Anniversary. nal, a phenomenal writer, woman of insight, eloquence, and artistry who gave voice to the f HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. rawness and loftiness of our history and our OF NEW JERSEY CONGRATULATING CRANE HIGH humanity. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SCHOOL LADY PIRATES BASKET- From the struggles of her youth, through her BALL work in the civil rights movement, to her suc- Friday, May 30, 2014 cess as an author and her time as the Poet Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. BILLY LONG Laureate of the United States, Maya Angelou recognize the Honorable Gary F. Giardina OF MISSOURI embodied personal, moral, and artistic cour- who, after 36 years of service to the people of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES age. Clifton as a member of the Clifton Police Dr. Maya Angelou reminded us of the beau- Force, is being honored for his retirement on Friday, May 30, 2014 ty of diversity and the importance of the black Sunday, June 1, 2014. A life-long resident of Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- experience. She wrote of the cry for freedom, the City of Clifton, Gary Giardina devoted 36 ognize the Crane High School Lady Pirates the experience of womanhood. years to the community that raised him, most Basketball Team for winning the Missouri Her story is the story of America. In the notably serving 4 years as Clifton’s 9th Police Class 2 Girls State Championship. early 1960s, Dr. Angelou moved to Cairo, Chief. I am extremely proud to represent such The Lady Pirates clinched back to back Egypt, where she became the associate editor a noble and committed individual in the 9th state championships after defeating the Sky- of a magazine, The Arab Observer. Congressional District, and I am extremely line Lady Tigers with a final score of 67–52. Dr. Maya Angelou went on to help Malcolm grateful for the service Chief Giardina has Members of the team include Allie Hagler, X establish the Organization of Afro-American contributed to our community.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E889 Chief Giardina’s passion for public service IN RECOGNITION OF JOHN L. cago delayed my flight to Washington, DC began in his teenage years, when he began ‘‘JACK’’ STITZER, RECIPIENT OF until late that night. Had I been present, I training in 1978 through the Comprehensive THE FRENCH LEGION OF HONOR would have voted in favor of H. Res. 599 (Roll Employment and Training Act. His extraor- MEDAL No. 241) and in favor of H.R. 503 (Roll No. dinary work ethic and enthusiasm for public 242). service earned him a permanent spot in the HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT f Clifton Police Department a few short years OF PENNSYLVANIA COMMENDING LOCAL 2014 HIGH later. Not long after his appointment to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SCHOOL GRADUATES FOR THEIR force, his success was dampened by a trau- Friday, May 30, 2014 DECISION TO ENLIST IN THE matic injury when he was run over by a vehi- UNITED STATES ARMY AND OUR cle traveling on Route 3. Doctors concluded Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise COMMUNITY SALUTES OF that the damage would render his entire right today to recognize John L. ‘‘Jack’’ Stitzer, who NORTHERN VIRGINIA FOR arm permanently useless. However, his prog- was honored on May 8 as a Chevalier (Knight) HOSTING THE FOURTH ANNUAL nosis could not stop his passion for public of the Legion of Honor at the French Embassy HIGH SCHOOL ENLISTEE REC- service; he was determined to return to the in Washington, DC by Olivier Serot Almeras, OGNITION CEREMONY police force. He was finally able to return to the Consul General of France. Napoleon Bo- the force after enduring a long brutal battle naparte created the Legion of Honor in 1802 through physical therapy. While life continued when he was first consul of France. Those HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY to present obstacles for then-officer Giardina who qualify for this award aided in the libera- OF VIRGINIA his resilience persisted, even through lay-offs, tion of France during World War II. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES demotions, and even brushes with death until Mr. Stitzer, resident of Gordon, Pennsyl- Friday, May 30, 2014 vania, entered the U.S. Army on May 24, 1988, when he was finally recognized for his Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- incredible tenacity and was appointed to the 1943, and served with the 159th Engineer Combat Battalion. He was stationed in the ognize 50 graduating seniors in my community Narcotics and Patrol Division and promoted to for their record of academic and athletic ac- Sergeant. United States, unaware his unit was preparing to leave for the D-Day invasion in Normandy. complishment and for their admirable decision Over the next decade his skill as a leader Mr. Stitzer served in the Third Army, which to enlist in the United States Army. I also ex- would earn the respect of his fellow officers was commanded by General George S. Pat- press my appreciation to Our Community Sa- and propel him to the rank of Lieutenant ton. Mr. Stitzer remained in Normandy for a lutes of Northern Virginia for providing this op- where he would assume command of the few weeks before his unit of engineers trav- portunity to be among the first to say to each Community Policing Division in 1997. He was elled up the coast to clean the mines off the of these young men and women: ‘‘Thank you.’’ then given the rank of Captain and assigned beaches, and ultimately fought as infantry. He I have had the privilege of working with Our to Field Operations in 2002. As head of the and his unit travelled from Brest to Luxem- Community Salutes of Northern Virginia since Field Operations Bureau, he was responsible bourg and were stationed there until the Battle its inception in 2011. That year my office was for the Patrol, Traffic, and Communications Di- of the Bulge, where Mr. Stitzer was wounded. contacted by one of the founding parents who visions which collectively made up the largest Mr. Stitzer aided in the relief of the 101st upon learning that her son and other students component of officers in the department until Airborne Division, which defended the Belgian at his school who had decided to enlist would he would reach the pinnacle of his career town of Bastogne against the Nazis by cin- not receive any recognition during graduation, when he was appointed as the Chief of Police dering the roads for the tanks throughout the joined with other parents to organize the first in 2010. day and night. He also witnessed the libera- enlistee recognition ceremony of its kind in the region. The first ceremony recognized a total During Chief Giardina’s long career he was tion of the Buchenwald concentration camp in of 9 students. This year, we will recognize 129 also able to continue his education and eam Germany. young men and women who have chosen to a Masters of Administrative Science degree Mr. Stitzer was also honored on May 26, serve our country in uniform. from Fairleigh Dickinson University, and a 2014 as the grand marshal of the Gordon Me- morial Day parade. Mr. Stitzer has received With graduation season upon us, thousands Baccalaureate degree from Jersey City State of young people in my community, and mil- College of Criminal Justice. Chief Giardina is the Good Conduct Medal, Distinguished Unit Badge, American Service Ribbon, Eastern lions across the nation, are preparing for the also a National and State Certified Public next chapter in their lives. Some will pursue Manager. He has always been a strong be- Theater Offensive Ribbon with five Battle Stars, the Purple Heart and World War II Vic- higher education or vocational training, others liever in open communication and cooperation, will seek to enter the workforce immediately, not only within the department but also with tory Medal. He served in Scotland, England, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Hol- and many will answer the call to serve their other City, County, State, and Federal Depart- community and their country. ments. Chief Giardina has always said, ‘‘There land and Czechoslovakia until he was dis- charged on December 19, 1945. The United States of America has distin- are no unimportant jobs or people in this guished itself from other nations through the agency. Evetyone plays an essential role in Mr. Stitzer and his wife live in Gordon, Pennsylvania, and have three children. After entrepreneurship and spirit of our people, the success of this Police Department’’. This type knowledge that we can achieve any goal if we leadership is what has made Clifton, New Jer- his service in World War II, he ran his father’s lumber yard and hardware store, and also was set our minds to it, our inherent compassion sey a safe and welcoming place to live. a salesman for Ajax Building Materials for 20 and generosity, our fierce patriotism, and the As Co-Chair of the Congressional Law En- years. extraordinary sacrifices and dedication to forcement Caucus, I have been honored to I ask my colleagues to join me in thanking country exhibited by the members of our work first-hand with him on a long list of public Mr. Stitzer for his outstanding service for our Armed Forces. The young men and women safety issues in my district. Chief Gary country, and for risking his life during World from our community who will be enlisting pos- Giardina has always exemplified the virtues War II to fight in France. He serves as a role sess an abundance of each of these qualities. that merit all of his accomplishments. He has model and inspiration to all, and I offer my sin- I join with their families and friends in con- been a leader, a mentor, and friend to many cere congratulations to him on this momen- gratulating and commending the following of us and I am honored to have worked with tous occasion. graduates on their enlistment in the United a man of such integrity. f States Army: Matthew Ainslie, Daniel Alt, Chardai Adora The job of a United States Congressman in- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Anderson, Gustabo Arguera Granados, volves much that is rewarding, yet nothing RaJhan Jubar Atkinson, David Barber, Dustin compares to recognizing and commemorating HON. RON KIND Barnes, Luke Battle, Anthony Boothby, Na- the achievements of individuals such as Chief thaniel Macques Bradford, Andrew Brown, Gary F. Giardina. OF WISCONSIN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lam Hoai Bui, Jamie Nicole Cabling, Matthew Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join our col- Carrero, Thomas James Cleary, Gloria leagues, Chief Giardina’s coworkers, family Friday, May 30, 2014 Cruces-Johansson, Caleb Downing, Oscar and friends, all those whose lives he has Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to Gonzalez, Daniel Hemmingson, Kyle Hodges, touched, and me, in recognizing the career of have my votes recorded on the House floor on Mitchell Henry Johnson, Romulo Grame Chief Gary F. Giardina. Wednesday, May 28, 2014. Weather in Chi- Jovero, Nershon Kamara, Hunter McConchie,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E890 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 Adam Moore, Christian Josue Morales, recipient of the President’s ‘‘E Star’’ Award for of the sea caused others in the landing crafts Lisdeth Morales, Paul Nosegbe, Julius Osei Exports. to become violently seasick. Finally, the Rang- Nyanin, Andrez Obando, Jacob Olave, Alex- Ocean Spray Cranberries has played a piv- ers reached the eastern side of the Pointe, ander Parada, Lisa Vianey Perez, Richard otal role in forwarding U.S. exports abroad their new designated landing spot. It was now Reese, Edward Robinson, Adriana Roca, through its innovative, multi-tiered marketing 7:10 am The battle had just begun, and the Ivonne Aracely Rojas-Telleria, Elijah Jeremiah strategies. The team at Ocean Spray Cran- odds were stacking up against Rudder’s suc- Scott, Javil Glendon Zanniek Seaton, Billy berries has worked extensively with non-profits cess. Gene Sims, Gregory Sorbara, Peter Jordan to expand U.S. agricultural exports. In this The Rangers were miserable, cold, wet and Stefanov, Philip Suarez, Samuel Crawford way, Ocean Spray Cranberries has been a seasick; some bleeding from injury but none Taylor, Avery Tillman, Mark Tull, Elliot Wood, leader in the global promotion of exports in wavered. Their mission: to conquer the cliffs at Stephen Wooldrige, Edwin Xicotencatl, Clem- American agriculture and serves as a model Pointe-du-Hoc and find the big German guns. ent Yeboah. for other domestic exporters. Their achieve- The guns could reap havoc on later landings. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me ments have also enabled Ocean Spray Cran- No longer was the weather their only in applauding the courage and dedication of berries to employ many Americans, including enemy. As the first shoe print was made in the these graduates and in assuring them and many Massachusetts cranberry growers, pro- wet sand of Normandy, the Rangers came their families that the full support and re- viding valid solutions to the issue of national under brutal fire from atop the cliffs as the sources of the U.S. Congress and the Amer- unemployment. Ocean Spray has long been enemy chunked grenades down at them. The ican people will be behind them on every step vital to the Commonwealth’s community and men had to resist the urge to take out the ma- of their journey in defense our nation’s free- region’s economy. chine guns because the primary mission was dom. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to recognize to climb. Fifteen men were already lost in the f Ocean Spray Cranberries for receiving the crossing of the beach. Divided into three units, President’s ‘‘E Star’’ Award for Exports. I ask Lt. Col. Rudder prepared to lead the Provi- HONORING THE 60TH ANNIVER- that my colleagues join me in offering con- sional Rangers, task force A of 250 men up SARY OF JOE AND FLO HALL gratulations. the cliffs. They moved quickly with precision f and expertise. They shifted through the chaos HON. RANDY K. WEBER, SR. that ensued around them all while operating OF TEXAS TEXAN COL. RUDDER’S BOYS OF soaking wet equipment. (The ropes attached IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PONTE-DU-HOC to the grappling hooks were heavy with water Friday, May 30, 2014 and thus could not reach the top of the cliffs Mr. WEBER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, it gives HON. TED POE when launched from a mortar.) OF TEXAS The Rangers used rope ladders, a few dry me great pleasure to rise today to congratu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grappling hooks and steel ladders to scale the late Joe and Flo Hall, of Lake Jackson, Texas, cliffs. Their machine guns were clogged with on the celebration of their 60th Anniversary Friday, May 30, 2014 mud. Amidst enemy fire and malfunctioning this month. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, it was rain- equipment, the Rangers were flung back and Mr. Joe Hall married Ms. Flo Broussard on ing as the English Channel churned and May 1, 1954. Though they both grew up in the forth climbing the wet ropes. tossed the Americans in the landing craft. The While some Rangers provided cover on the Lake Jackson area, they did not go on their sun was coming up over the horizon, but no beach, amazingly, the first ones to the top, first date until after Joe returned from World one could see it through the gray clouds. conquered the cliff in 10 minutes. They in turn War II, serving our country in the United Thousands of teenage liberators stared into provided covering fire for the ones still on the States Army. It was true love. the distance to see the high cliffs of Nor- After they were wed, their marriage was beach. mandy, France. It was D-Day, June 6, 1944— As soon as the Rangers pulled themselves blessed with three adopted children that they 70 years ago. over the cliff, snipers immediately fired. Fortu- raised while living throughout the United Expecting to land on Omaha Beach at 6:30 nately, the heaving bombing the Americans States. Now that they have settled back in am ahead of other Allied Forces, Texan Lt. had done to the island in the days beforehand Lake Jackson, Texas, they get to spend well- Col. James Earl Rudder led the United States had created large craters in earth. This al- deserved time with their six grandchildren, Army Rangers’ 2nd Ranger Battalion into what lowed the Rangers to hide themselves from great-grandchild, and the many children that seemed like an impossible feat. the enemy fire. are lovingly entrusted to their care by friends. As the treacherous weather conjured crash- Within half an hour, the remaining task Mr. Speaker, 60 years is a long time, and this ing waves five to six feet tall, a shifting wind forces had made it up the tall cliffs. Rudder, truly is a Diamond Anniversary. To share tossed the Rangers off course. The mist, bleeding from two gunshot wounds, never let these many years with the love of your life is clouds and smoke obscured the navigation, his focus waver or his determination grow a tremendous blessing. making it hard to locate Pointe-du-Hoc from a weary. He discovered quickly that the Ger- Mr. Speaker, the institution of marriage pro- mile out at sea. Their landing was delayed by mans had left wooden decoys in the gun vides the strength that holds our communities forty minutes. Already, the mission seemed casements. Exhausted, wounded and bewil- together. Maintaining a marriage requires sac- doomed. This navigational error meant two dered, Rudder kept pushing the Rangers in- rifice, understanding, patience and sometimes things: They would have to sail parallel to the land. They had to find the big guns. Around forgiveness by both husband and wife. Mark- coast facing intense enemy fire. It gave the 8:00 am small patrols were sent south to lo- ing the 60th anniversary of a marriage is a enemy time to recover and prepare for the cate the missing guns. By 9:00 am, their sec- very special occasion for not only the couple, next assault. ond goal completed. Now, they had to take but also for the family, friends and community For almost half an hour, the Rangers rode them out. they have touched. along the coast as bullets were flying all The Rangers had located the missing guns Mr. Speaker, Joe and Flo’s lives and love around them. Some Rangers were hit by 600 yards south of the Pointe. The Nazis had have been a model of excellence and are an enemy fire. But bleeding or not, still they hidden the guns back from the beach to pro- inspiration to us all. I ask my colleagues to pushed forward. tect them from Allied air strikes and naval join me in celebrating 60 years of happiness They battled the wind as the pelting rain bombardment. and wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hall all the best in blurred their vision and soaked their climbing Rudders’ Rangers took out the emplace- the future. equipment. They were exhausted and tense. ments using thermite grenades and eliminated f The landing crafts that brought the GIs to the enemy protecting them. IN RECOGNITION OF OCEAN SPRAY shore were beginning to take on water, pre- The mission though completed in spite of CRANBERRIES senting yet another obstacle for Rudder’s the horrific obstacles was not without cost. Rangers. Water began to leak in through the Rudder’s Rangers had over 50 percent cas- HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING front ramp of the landing crafts, so the Rang- ualties. Some Rangers gave their lives that ers ripped up the floorboards and used their summer morning conquering the cliffs. OF MASSACHUSETTS As American blood was shed on the French IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES helmets to bail out the alarming amount of water rushing in all while the Nazis fired down beaches and cliffs, General Rudder had se- Friday, May 30, 2014 at them atop the cliffs. cured the beachhead for later Allied Forces Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to One of the landing crafts sunk from the coming ashore. This paved the way to even- congratulate Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc., weather and enemy fire. The brutal conditions tual victory.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E891 In the months leading up to the Normandy FIT FOR LIFE INTRODUCTION degree in elementary education and her mas- Invasion, Rudder’s elite group of Army Rang- ter’s degree in educational administration, both ers underwent rigorous training in preparation HON. MARCIA L. FUDGE from the University of Iowa. for the part that they would play for the inva- OF OHIO Mary Ellen was selected for this award by a sion named Overlord at Normandy. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES committee of Iowa central office administra- tors. Mary Ellen has proven that she is a lead- Colonel Rudder put his 2nd Ranger Bat- Friday, May 30, 2014 er at her school and throughout the Cedar talion through hell in order to prepare them for Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, May is Health Rapids community. I’m proud to call her a their mission at Pointe du Hoc. He made them and Fitness Month, a critical time to encour- constituent, and congratulate her on all of her march in full gear for over 20 miles. He had age our communities to live healthier lives. It success. them train in hand to hand combat, climb rope is also an appropriate time to highlight an f ladders without safety harnesses and endure issue that, in recent years, has greatly im- difficult amphibious training. pacted the physical and economic health of COMMENDING LOCAL 2014 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES FOR THEIR The success that the Rangers had on D- our country. DECISION TO ENLIST IN THE Day was a direct result of Rudder’s intense Nearly one third of all children in this coun- UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AND personal involvement with their training. The try are overweight or obese—a rate that has OUR COMMUNITY SALUTES OF amount of effort and dedication he put forth tripled over the past fifty years. Largely due to obesity and obesity-related diseases, this is NORTHERN VIRGINIA FOR into the training is why the troops were able to HOSTING THE FOURTH ANNUAL manage the chaos and complete their mission. the first generation of Americans that are likely to be less healthy and have shorter life HIGH SCHOOL ENLISTEE REC- Rudder made sure that every man was pre- OGNITION CEREMONY pared to do the impossible. expectancies than their parents. Though this is a nationwide epidemic, child- James Earl Rudder was born in the small hood obesity disproportionately affects low-in- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Texas town of Eden, about 45 miles southeast come and minority populations. Earlier this OF VIRGINIA of San Angelo, in 1910. After graduating from year, scientists touted some significant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES high school, he played football for two years at progress in the fight against childhood obesity Friday, May 30, 2014 Tarleton State. He then transferred to Texas among the youngest children, however, Afri- A&M in 1930. He graduated in 1932 with a de- can American and Hispanic Children experi- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- gree in education. After graduation he joined enced a smaller reduction in obesity rates and ognize 13 graduating seniors in my community the US Army Reserves as a second lieuten- remain three and five times more likely than for their record of academic and athletic ac- ant. Caucasian children to be obese. complishment and for their admirable decision to enlist in the United States Air Force. I also In 1937, he married Margaret Williamson To address this troubling epidemic, I intro- duced the Fit for Life Act of 2014, which in- express my appreciation to Our Community (who graduated from the University of Texas), Salutes of Northern Virginia for providing this and together they had five children. In 1941, creases access to healthy foods, expands pre- vention and treatment options for low-income opportunity to be among the first to say to he was doing what he loved, coaching foot- children, and increases opportunities for phys- each of these young men and women: ‘‘Thank ball, when duty called. ical activity for our youth. Further, this critical you.’’ These brave men who cracked the Nazi grip legislation supports mobile healthy food pro- I have had the privilege of working with Our on Europe began with the liberation of France grams, broadens access to healthy foods for Community Salutes of Northern Virginia since 70 years ago. From there, the Rangers went children in child care, increases coverage for its inception in 2011. That year my office was on to fight in the Battle of the Bulge and U.S. obesity prevention and treatment options for contacted by one of the founding parents who forces on to Germany. Nothing like it had ever low-income children, and expands opportuni- upon learning that her son and other students been done before in history. Over 150,000 Al- ties to take part in joint use agreements, open- at his school who had decided to enlist would lied soldiers hit the beaches during the assault ing existing facilities in low-income areas to not receive any recognition during graduation, landings on the 6th of June. By the 4th of community use. joined with other parents to organize the first July, over 1 million joined in the invasion force This country cannot afford for our children to enlistee recognition ceremony of its kind in the through Normandy. It was a miraculous feat continue to feed into the cycle of obesity. We region. The first ceremony recognized a total of 9 students. This year, we will recognize 129 for 1944. must begin to aggressively combat this epi- demic before it puts more of our children at young men and women who have chosen to Colonel Rudder received many military hon- risk. serve our country in uniform. ors including the second highest award, the I encourage my colleagues to stand with me With graduation season upon us, thousands Distinguished Service Cross. He was a full in this fight and cosponsor the Fit for Life Act. of young people in my community, and mil- Colonel by the end of the war and was pro- f lions across the Nation, are preparing for the moted to Brigadier General of the U.S. Army next chapter in their lives. Some will pursue Reserves in 1954 and Major General in 1957. HONORING IOWA CENTRAL OFFICE higher education or vocational training, others ADMINISTRATOR OF THE YEAR After the war, Rudder returned to Texas. He will seek to enter the workforce immediately, MARY ELLEN MASKE remained a highly successful and distin- and many will answer the call to serve their guished Texan until his death. community and their country. HON. BRUCE L. BRALEY The United States of America has distin- He served as Mayor of Brady for 6 years, OF IOWA guished itself from other nations through the visited the White House frequently—advising IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES entrepreneurship and spirit of our people, the Lyndon Baines Johnson on many military knowledge that we can achieve any goal if we issues and was hired to clean up the corrup- Friday, May 30, 2014 set our minds to it, our inherent compassion tion going on in the General Land Office. Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise and generosity, our fierce patriotism, and the Col. Rudder became president of Texas today to congratulate Mary Ellen Maske on extraordinary sacrifices and dedication to A&M University in 1959 and president of the being selected as the Iowa Central Office Ad- country exhibited by the members of our entire A&M system in 1965, holding both posi- ministrator of the Year. Mary Ellen serves as Armed Forces. The young men and women tions until his death in 1970. the deputy superintendent of the Cedar Rap- from our community who will be enlisting pos- ids Community Schools in my district. Mary sess an abundance of each of these qualities. The boys of D-Day came; they liberated; Ellen was selected because of her leadership I join with their families and friends in con- and some went home. Over 9,000 other GIs in establishing Professional Learning Commu- gratulating and commending the following are buried at the top of the cliffs of Normandy nities and her efforts to create school-commu- graduates on their enlistment in the United France. As we reflect on those Rangers on D- nity partnerships for parents and students in States Air Force: Day, 70 years ago, and the Texan who led the community. Joshua Gragg, Jaren Gregory, Erin Harmon, them into battle, Lt. Col. James Earl Rudder, Mary Ellen began her career as an elemen- Skylar Johnson, Calvin Kim, Alan Menacho, we once again marvel at the lives of those we tary school teacher in Iowa City. She also pre- Joshua Mims, Patrick Moon, Christopher call the Greatest Generation of Americans. viously served as an executive administrator in Pidgeon, Shaun Reardon, Cassidy Smith, Car- And that’s just the way it is. Cedar Rapids. She received her bachelor’s los Soto-Flores, and Jackson Sullivan.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E892 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me on an understanding with the United States mote peace, social justice, and global safety in applauding the courage and dedication of Trade Representative, Ambassador Froman, through nuclear disarmament. these graduates and in assuring them and that he would work very closely with Chairman Carol first voiced concerns about nuclear their families that the full support and re- Camp and me to conclude a strong and ambi- weapons testing in the 1960s and imagine her sources of the U.S. Congress and the Amer- tious agreement and would keep us informed surprise when she found hundreds of other ican people will be behind them on every step about these negotiations in detail so that we women who shared her passion that some- of their journey in defense of our Nation’s free- may advise the Administration. I take that thing must be done. dom. commitment very seriously, and it is only with She co-founded Women for Peace, based in f this specific understanding that I am not offer- Portland, OR, which served as a model for ing this amendment tonight. grassroots groups around the country, each COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, Again, I note that the current state of our working to promote the first nuclear test ban AND RELATED AGENCIES APPRO- negotiations shows the urgent need for TPA. treaty. PRIATIONS ACT, 2015 Negotiating trade agreements with a strong In 1963, Carol traveled to Japan and took Congressional mandate is vital to ensuring the one thousand white roses that she exchanged SPEECH OF best agreements possible. That’s why I joined for one thousand peace cranes to honor the HON. DEVIN NUNES in introducing H.R. 3830, the Bipartisan Con- nuclear disarmament work of Women Strike OF CALIFORNIA gressional Trade Priorities Act, earlier this for Peace. year. This legislation gives our negotiators IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Throughout her life, Carol survived many maximum leverage to get the best deal pos- tragedies. Yet she always persevered and Wednesday, May 28, 2014 sible in our trade negotiations and is key to overcame difficult circumstances to continue The House in Committee of the Whole unlocking new markets and creating U.S. jobs. her work. House on the state of the Union had under f For 35 years, Carol lived abroad with her consideration the bill (H.R. 4660) making ap- husband and raised two children. In the midst propriations for the Departments of Com- RECOGNIZING OZARK HIGH of this, she sought to improve human rights for merce and Justice, Science, and Related SCHOOL JUNIOR ROTC DRILL some of the world’s poorest citizens. Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- TEAMS tember 30, 2015, and for other purposes: Today she is still an active leader with the Mr. NUNES. Madam Chair, the United Portland Chapter of the Women’s International States has a strong history of negotiating high- HON. BILLY LONG League for Peace and Freedom and the Or- standard trade agreements that grow our ex- OF MISSOURI egon Physicians for Social Responsibility. ports and create jobs. Already, international IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It is a great honor to recognize Carol. She trade supports more than 4.4 million jobs in Friday, May 30, 2014 remains a dedicated leader and mentor in our California and 38 million jobs nationwide. We community and her vision for a safer world is Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- are in the midst of negotiating significant trade one we will continue to aspire towards. ognize the Ozark High School Junior ROTC agreements with partners in the Asia-Pacific, Drill Teams for being named national cham- Europe, and elsewhere. But because Trade f pions at the 2014 U.S. Army JROTC National Promotion Authority is not in place, we are ne- Drill Championships. RECOGNIZING ABILITYONE gotiating with one hand tied behind our back. Ozark High School represents the 3rd Bri- PROGRAM As a result, some of our negotiating part- gade of the Army Cadet Command, which is ners are seeking to lower the standards of our comprised of teams from 10 states. The 3rd trade agreements by excluding key products HON. TOM COLE Brigade consists of 119 Army JROTC pro- from full tariff elimination. In the Trans-Pacific OF OKLAHOMA grams, and Ozark was one of just six honored Partnership negotiations, countries such as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to compete in the 2014 National Drill Cham- Japan and Canada are seeking to exclude pionship. Friday, May 30, 2014 critical agriculture products from full tariff elimi- nation. I am deeply concerned about this de- The Ozark Unarmed Team placed first over- Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to rec- velopment for several reasons. all in their division with a total score of 3,833 ognize an AbilityOne program. Located at Tin- First, such exclusions from full tariff elimi- points. The Ozark Armed Team placed second ker Air Force Base, the program has resulted nation would harm U.S. exporters and put overall with a score of 3,690 points. The in the employment of more than 1,300 people them at a significant disadvantage, denying Ozark Rifle Team won their third consecutive with disabilities around the state of Oklahoma. them valuable market access and leading to a National Championship. The AbilityOne Program buys products and ripple effect as other countries seek to exclude Of the 1700 plus schools that have JROTC, services from participating community-based their sensitive products from liberalization. In there is only one school, one city and one nonprofit agencies that are dedicated to train- fact, just yesterday, key agriculture groups state that can claim two National Champion- ing and employing individuals with disabilities. called on the Administration to conclude TPP ship teams in the same year. In doing so, the program affords Americans without Japan if it continues to resist opening I would also like to take this opportunity to with disabilities opportunities to acquire job its agriculture market. say thank you to the instructors of the JROTC skills and training, earn wages and benefits, Second, allowing exclusions in TPP would program and the family members of the stu- and gain greater independence. This program make it harder to reach good outcomes in fu- dents who support them. provides vital assistance to a segment of the ture negotiations. Already, EU negotiators, I am honored to recognize the Ozark High population that has one of the highest levels empowered by Japan’s intransience, argue School JROTC for their National Champi of unemployment in our country. that they should be able to exclude products onships this year and wish them continued Since 1996, the Dale Rogers Training Cen- in the TTIP negotiations. And the Chinese are success in the future. ter, with the assistance of Professional Con- doing the same in negotiations to expand the f tract Services, Inc. (PCSI) has improved the information technology agreement in the WTO. quality of life, helped remove barriers to inde- CAROL URNER Madam Chair, I had intended to introduce pendent living. The benefits to those that par- an amendment today that would ensure that ticipate in the program cannot be overstated. the United States concludes only high stand- HON. EARL BLUMENAUER The opportunity to work, be independent, and ard agreements by prohibiting the Administra- OF OREGON participate in community life enhances partici- tion from negotiating or entering into a trade IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pant’s lives and provides an avenue for them agreement that excludes any product from full to contribute society. tariff elimination. Friday, May 30, 2014 Mr. Speaker, for these reasons I would like Such an amendment would ensure that we Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I am to thank all the people involved with the continue to secure maximum market access proud to join with my colleagues to honor AbilityOne program, and PCSI for their impor- for our job-creating exporters. However, I de- Carol Urner, a community leader in Portland, tant work to Oklahomans of all ages and abili- cided not to introduce this amendment based Oregon who has worked for decades to pro- ties reach their full potential.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E893

OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL PERSONAL EXPLANATION also want to thank Chairman WOLF and Rank- DEBT ing Member FATTAH for working with us on this HON. AL GREEN important amendment. OF TEXAS West Coast fishermen are in a tough spot, HON. MIKE COFFMAN and in a very unique spot. Unlike other re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF COLORADO gions of the country where fishermen had their Friday, May 30, 2014 buyouts funded by taxpayers, our fishermen IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I took on the loan willingly and knowing they Friday, May 30, 2014 missed the following votes: would have to pay it back. And they are pay- 1. Moran Amendment to H.R. 4660. Had I ing it back—but at an interest rate that is two Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on points above prime and therefore costing them 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- this amendment. 5 percent of their landings. fice, the national debt was 2. Blackburn Amendment No. 14 to H.R. Representative HUFFMAN, Representative $10,626,877,048,913.08. 4660. Had I been present, I would have voted HERRERA BEUTLER, and I are working to legis- Today, it is $17,490,047,622,577.60. We’ve ‘‘no’’ on this amendment. latively refinance this loan. In fact, today, that added $6,863,170,573,664.60 to our debt in 5 3. Blackburn Amendment No. 15 to H.R. refinance bill passed out of the House Com- years. This is over $6.8 trillion in debt our na- 4660. Had I been present, I would have voted mittee on Natural Resources and it has al- tion, our economy, and our children could ‘‘no’’ on this amendment. ready passed the Senate Committee. But it’s have avoided with a balanced budget amend- 4. Bonamici Amendment to H.R. 4660. Had going to take some time to implement. ment. I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on West Coast fishermen are facing increased this amendment. observer costs. We are transitioning to elec- f 5. Rohrabacher Amendment to H.R. 4660. tronic monitoring, but that’s going to take Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ time—too much time in my opinion. But until RECOGNIZING THE AMERICAN RED on this amendment. electronic monitoring is adopted by the Coun- CROSS 6. Holding Amendment to H.R. 4660. Had I cil and NOAA, fishermen will have to pay for been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ on this 100 percent observer coverage—which can be amendment. as high as $350–$450 per day. HON. TOM REED 7. Massie Amendment to H.R. 4660. Had I And now, fishermen are bearing an addi- OF NEW YORK been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on tional cost—$2.4 million this year to help pay for the management of the fishery—known as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES this amendment. 8. Southerland Amendment to H.R. 4660. the ‘‘cost recovery fee.’’ West Coast fishermen Friday, May 30, 2014 Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ are willing to pay this fee. They knew the fee on this amendment. was coming. But, right now, with the mounting Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- 9. Ellison Amendment to H.R. 4660. Had I costs of the buyback loan, the observer costs, ognize the tremendously positive impact the been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on and pending trailing amendments that will American Red Cross has on my congressional this amendment. make the fishery more economically viable— district. 10. Grayson Amendment to H.R. 4660. Had this additional financial burden is too much. Earlier this month, my constituents in the I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on This amendment would provide one year of Southern Tier and Finger Lakes regions of this amendment. relief to West Coast fishermen. It would mean New York endured disastrous levels of flood- 11. Duffy Amendment to H.R. 4660. Had I the difference for many fishermen of selling ing. Upon finding their homes severely dam- been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ on this their boats and trying to find a different liveli- aged, hundreds of people sought refuge at amendment. hood in already distressed coastal commu- local Red Cross shelters. 12. Garrett Amendment to H.R. 4660. Had nities, or staying in business. I had the opportunity to visit the areas in I been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ on This amendment is bipartisan. It does not Yates County hit hardest by the storm and this amendment. score. And it might not seem like a lot of was humbled by the outpouring of care and 13. King (IA) Amendment to H.R. 4660. Had money to people in this body, but it’s a huge support provided by the Red Cross. As it has I been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ on deal for my fishermen, their families, and small done countless times in the past, the Red this amendment. businesses that depend on the fleet to make Cross responded immediately to provide crit- 14. Meadows Amendment to H.R. 4660. a living. I urge my colleagues to adopt this ical resources and assistance to our friends, Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ amendment. families, and neighbors who were affected by on this amendment. f the damaging floods. With the help of the Red 15. Democratic Motion to Recommit H.R. PERSONAL EXPLANATION Cross, these communities were able to pull to- 4660. Had I been present, I would have voted gether to support each other and overcome ‘‘yes’’ on this measure. the challenges caused by the flooding. 16. Final Passage of H.R. 4660. Had I been HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO Since its founding in 1881, the Red Cross present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on this bill. OF WEST VIRGINIA has consistently provided excellent care and f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, May 30, 2014 relief to those who need it most. Throughout COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, wars, famines, and natural disasters, the staff AND RELATED AGENCIES APPRO- Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, due to a family and volunteers from the Red Cross put them- PRIATIONS ACT, 2015 obligation, I was absent for rollcall votes on selves on the front lines to help the victims of May 29 and May 30, 2014. Had I been these tragedies through their times of need. SPEECH OF present I would have voted as follows: Each year, the American Red Cross responds Rollcall Vote 243—Pompeo Amendment— to over 70,000 catastrophes all over the world, HON. PETER A. DeFAZIO Eliminates all funding for the Economic Devel- providing emergency relief to those impacted. OF OREGON opment Administration and transfers the sav- In addition to providing temporary housing, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ings to the Spending Reduction Account— warm meals, medical assistance, and emer- Thursday, May 29, 2014 ‘‘no.’’ gency blood supplies, the Red Cross deploys The House in Committee of the Whole Rollcall Vote 244—McNerney Amendment— mobile response units to help ease suffering Increases funding for the COPS program by during disasters. House on the state of the Union had under consideration the bill (H.R. 4660) making ap- $3 million (intended for the Technology Grant I thank the staff and volunteers of the Amer- propriations for the Departments of Com- Program), reduces the Census Bureau by the ican Red Cross for serving as ‘‘real heroes’’ in merce and Justice, Science, and Related same amount—‘‘aye.’’ our community, our country, and throughout Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- Rollcall Vote 245—Brindenstine Amend- the world. I commend their dedication to en- tember 30, 2015, and for other purposes: ment—Increases funding for NOAA—Oper- suring the safety and well-being of each per- Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Chair, I want to thank my ations, Research, and Facilities by $12 million son in need, especially in New York’s 23rd colleague from California, Representative (intended for weather research), reduces the Congressional District. HUFFMAN for his leadership on this issue. I Census Bureau by the same amount—‘‘aye.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 Rollcall Vote 246—King Amendment—Di- prove, or implement a new limited access I would be remiss if I did not mention the ef- rects $5 million within DOJ—General Adminis- privilege program (catch shares) that are not forts and leadership of Chairman Pham Dung, tration—Salaries and Expenses towards inves- already developed, approved, or implemented Vice Chair Bui Thanh Ha, retired Vice Chair tigating the actions of DHS regarding the dis- for any fishery under the jurisdiction of the Nguyen Thanh Xuan, as well as Director cretionary release of criminal aliens—‘‘aye.’’ South Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic, New England, or Hoang Thi Thao, and the entire staff of the Rollcall Vote 247—Cohen Amendment—In- Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council— Committee on Religious Affairs. creases funding for DOJ—Administrative Re- ‘‘no.’’ I am grateful to H.E. President Nguyen Sinh view and Appeals by $2 million, reduces Bu- Rollcall Vote 262—Ellison Amendment— Hung, Vice President Madam Tong Thi Phong, reau of Prisons—Salaries and Expenses by Prohibits funds from being used to award con- Vice President Madam Nguyen Thi Doan of the same amount—‘‘no.’’ tracts to contractors who have violated the the National Assembly, as well as Vice Chair- Rollcall Vote 248—Cohen Amendment—In- Fair Labor Standards Act—‘‘aye.’’ man Ha Huy Thong of the Foreign Committee creases funding for the Legal Services Cor- Rollcall Vote 263—Grayson Amendment— and all other Members of the National Assem- poration by $15 million, reduces DEA—Sala- Prohibits funds from being used to compel a bly. ries and Expenses by $18 million—‘‘no.’’ journalist or reporter to testify about informa- I thank Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh as Rollcall Vote 249—Thompson Amend- tion or sources that they regard to be con- well as any and all associated with the For- ment—Increases funding for grants to improve fidential—‘‘no.’’ eign Ministry. records in the National Instant Criminal Back- Rollcall Vote 264—Duffy Amendment—Pro- I also express my deepest appreciation to ground Check System by $19.5 million, re- hibits funds from being used to relinquish the Ambassador Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Dr. Luan duces funding from various other accounts by NTIA’s responsibility with respect to internet Thuy Duong, and Mr. An Nguyen at the Em- the same amount—‘‘no.’’ domain name system functions, including re- bassy of Vietnam in the United States for their Rollcall Vote 250—Polis Amendment—Re- sponsibility with respect to the authoritative tireless efforts. duces DEA—Salaries and Expenses by $35 root zone file and the Internet Assigned Num- million, and transfers the savings to the bers Authority functions—‘‘aye.’’ I also thank officers of The Church of Jesus Spending Reduction Account—‘‘no.’’ Rollcall Vote 265—Garrett Amendment— Christ of Latter-day Saints, including The First Rollcall Vote 251—Cicilline Amendment—In- Prohibits funds from being used by the DOJ to Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve, the creases funding for State and Local Law En- pursue litigation using the ‘‘disparate impact’’ Asia Area Presidency, as well as local leaders forcement Assistance by $8.5 million, reduces legal theory—‘‘aye.’’ in Vietnam. In particular, I thank members of NASA—Construction by the same amount— Rollcall Vote 266—King (IA) Amendment— The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day ‘‘aye.’’ Prohibits funds from DOJ—Office of Justice Saints in Vietnam and abroad. Rollcall Vote 252—Smith (TX) Amend- Programs—State and Local Law Enforcement I thank all those who have participated in ment—Redirects $15.35 million within NSF— Assistance from being used in contravention this marvelous work and glory—those named Research from the Directorate for Social, Be- of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immi- in addition to all those who have added their havioral, and Economic Sciences to the Phys- grant Responsibility Act of 1996—‘‘aye.’’ efforts and prayers to ours, including those ical Sciences Directorates—‘‘aye.’’ Rollcall Vote 267—Meadows Amendment— who have gone before us. Rollcall Vote 253—Scott (GA) Amend- Prohibits funds from being used to enter into May 30, 2014, the official day of recognition, ment—Eliminates all funding for the Legal a trade agreement that establishes a limit on is a special occasion, a sacred occasion. Viet- Services Corporation and transfers the sav- greenhouse gas emissions—‘‘aye.’’ nam is a multi-religious society with approxi- ings to the Spending Reduction Account— Rollcall Vote 268—Motion to Recommit H.R mately 25,000 places of worship and about 24 ‘‘no.’’ 4660—‘‘no.’’ million followers of various faiths. In my official Rollcall Vote 254—Moran Amendment— Rollcall Vote 269—Passage of H.R. 4660— capacity as former Chairman and current Strikes Sections 528 and 529 which prohibits Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs’ funds from being used to transfer detainees to Agencies Appropriations Act, 2015—‘‘yea.’’ Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, I have the U.S. or construct, acquire or modify any Rollcall Vote 270—Motion to Recommit H.R. attended religious services in diverse houses facility in the U.S. to house detainees—‘‘no.’’ 4681—‘‘no.’’ of worship in Vietnam, and did so unan- Rollcall Vote 255—Blackburn Amendment— Rollcall Vote 271—Passage of H.R. 4681— nounced. Always, I found Vietnam to be a Reduces spending by 1% across the board— National Intelligence Authorization Act, 2015— place favorable for religious activities and I ‘‘no.’’ ‘‘yea.’’ thank Vietnam for encouraging and protecting Rollcall Vote 256—Blackburn Amendment— f the rights of individuals, families, and con- Prohibits funds from being used for operation, gregations to practice their religions and con- renovation, or construction at Thomson Cor- COMMENDING THE SOCIALIST RE- tribute as good parents and good citizens rectional Facility in Illinois—‘‘aye.’’ PUBLIC OF VIETNAM FOR OFFI- under the law. Rollcall Vote 257—Bonamici Amendment— CIAL RECOGNITION OF THE IN- I am very proud of the Socialist Republic of Prohibits funds from being used by DOJ to TERIM REPRESENTATIVE COM- Vietnam for the work it does to protect activi- prevent a state from implementing its own MITTEE OF THE CHURCH OF ties of religious groups, including those of my state laws to authorize the use, distribution, JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY faith. I consider the followers of The Church of possession, or cultivation of industrial hemp— SAINTS IN VIETNAM Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Vietnam ‘‘no.’’ my brothers and sisters. I feel the same about Rollcall Vote 258—Rohrabacher Amend- HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA the leaders and officials of Vietnam. With mu- ment—Prohibits funds from being used by OF AMERICAN SAMOA tual understanding, respect and trust, we have walked together to this day of recognition. We DOJ to prevent states from implementing their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES own state laws that authorize the use, distribu- have walked together with faith in every foot- tion, possession, or cultivation of medical Friday, May 30, 2014 step. And, as we journey forward, I am con- marijuana—‘‘no.’’ Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, I rise fident we will do so side by side. Rollcall Vote 259—Holding Amendment— today to express my deepest appreciation to When President Brigham Young led the fol- Prohibits funds from being used to transfer or the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for officially lowers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- temporarily assign employees to the Office of recognizing the Interim Representative Com- ter-day Saints into the Salt Lake valley in the Pardon Attorney for the purpose of screen- mittee of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- 1847, he declared: ‘‘This is the right place. ing clemency applications—‘‘aye.’’ day Saints in Vietnam, of which I am a mem- Drive on.’’ To members of The Church of Rollcall Vote 260—Massie Amendment— ber. I thank the Politburo, Prime Minister Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to govern- Prohibits funds from being used by DOJ or Nguyen Tan Dung, President Truong Tan ment and party officials in Vietnam, to friends DEA in contravention of sec. 7606 of the Agri- Sang, the Fatherland Front, the National As- and family, I echo Brigham Young’s words. cultural Act of 2014 regarding industrial hemp sembly, Foreign Ministry, Public Security, and Drive on knowing that May 30, 2014 will for- research—‘‘no.’’ any and all government agencies, especially evermore be one of the best days of my life, Rollcall Vote 261—Southerland Amend- the Committee on Religious Affairs, for sparing and I am sure many others will always cherish ment—Prohibits funds from being develop, ap- no effort to bring this day about. this day, too.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E895 COMMENDING LOCAL 2014 HIGH Sohrab Ali Shojanezhad, Travis Nathaniel IN SUPPORT OF THE HIGHWAYS SCHOOL GRADUATES FOR THEIR Sievert, Luis Enrique Sosa Lopez, Michael BETTER THE ECONOMY AND EN- DECISION TO ENLIST IN THE Such, Phillip Suh, Sean Sullivan, Carl VIRONMENT ACT OF 2014 UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Tchatchouang, Destinee Tenakoun, Brandon AND OUR COMMUNITY SALUTES Thien, Taylor Trahan, Marvin Ventura, George HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA FOR Vera, Damon Villamar, Mark Walker, Andrew OF FLORIDA HOSTING THE FOURTH ANNUAL Webster, Winfield Wilson. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me HIGH SCHOOL ENLISTEE REC- Friday, May 30, 2014 OGNITION CEREMONY in applauding the courage and dedication of these graduates and in assuring them and Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY their families that the full support and re- rise today to introduce the Highways Bettering the Economy and Environment Act with my OF VIRGINIA sources of the U.S. Congress and the Amer- ican people will be behind them on every step Co-Chairman of the Congressional Pollinator IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of their journey in defense our Nation’s free- Protection Caucus, Representative JEFF Friday, May 30, 2014 dom. DENHAM. This bi-partisan bill provides much- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- f needed aid for the birds, bats, bees and but- ognize 60 graduating seniors in my community terflies that pollinate our food. for their record of academic and athletic ac- IN RECOGNITION OF MR. ALAN The Highways BEE Act seeks no new mon- complishment and for their admirable decision EHRGOTT ies and involves a limited federal role. to enlist in the United States Marine Corps. I This bill provides for existing authorities and also express my appreciation to Our Commu- HON. DORIS O. MATSUI finding sources to incorporate integrated vege- nity Salutes of Northern Virginia for providing OF CALIFORNIA tation management practices along America’s this opportunity to be among the first to say to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES highways, which includes things like reduced each of these young men and women: ‘‘Thank Friday, May 30, 2014 mowing and replacing invasive plant species with native forbs and grasses. This kind of you.’’ Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to roadside vegetation management provides I have had the privilege of working with Our recognize Mr. Alan Ehrgott for his twenty-five much-needed habitat for pollinators and other Community Salutes of Northern Virginia since years of service with the American River Con- its inception in 2011. That year my office was servancy. As his family, friends and col- small nesting animals. The Association of American State Highway contacted by one of the founding parents who leagues gather to celebrate his outstanding and Transportation Officials Vegetation Man- upon learning that her son and other students career and ongoing contributions to the com- agement Guidelines advances integrated at his school who had decided to enlist would munity, I ask my colleagues to join me in trib- vegetation management principles and rec- not receive any recognition during graduation, ute to Mr. Ehrgott’s many years of service. joined with other parents to organize the first With its beginnings in April of 1989, the ommendations consistent with the objectives enlistee recognition ceremony of its kind in the American River Conservancy, then known as of this legislation. A number of states, includ- region. The first ceremony recognized a total the American River Land Trust, was founded ing Minnesota are already doing this and re- of 9 students. This year, we will recognize 129 by Mr. Ehrgott and several other community porting maintenance cost savings of 20 to 25 young men and women who have chosen to leaders and members with the aim of acquir- percent from reduced mowing alone. serve our country in uniform. ing and conserving land along the American Mr. Speaker, there are around 17 million With graduation season upon us, thousands River for future generations. As Executive Di- acres of land where significant reductions in of young people in my community, and mil- rector, the American River Conservancy has mowing and maintenance can reduce costs for lions across the Nation, are preparing for the thrived under Mr. Ehrgott’s leadership and his cash-strapped states. The millions of acres of next chapter in their lives. Some will pursue love of nature. Located in the historic Kane agriculture and wildlife ecosystems adjacent to higher education or vocational training, others House in the Marshall Gold Discovery State these roadways will benefit from the increased will seek to enter the workforce immediately, Park in Coloma, the American River Conser- pollinator habitat resulting from integrated and many will answer the call to serve their vancy has completed over 78 land conserva- vegetation management practices. community and their country. tion projects protecting 13,709 acres of high- To understand how worried we should be The United States of America has distin- quality wildlife habitat, recreational lands and about declining pollinator populations, consider guished itself from other nations through the native fisheries in the Upper American River that rising global food prices have been the entrepreneurship and spirit of our people, the and Upper Cosumnes River watersheds. Mr primary topic of discussion at recent G–20 knowledge that we can achieve any goal if we Ehrgott’s vision led to the existence of the 25- meetings. This is the first time that agriculture set our minds to it, our inherent compassion mile network of trails known as the South Fork has had the top spot at a meeting and is indic- and generosity, our fierce patriotism, and the American River Trail System. These projects ative of how serious the issue is. Food prices extraordinary sacrifices and dedication to were made possible through $76 million in have already led to global riots overseas and country exhibited by the members of our funds that Mr. Ehrgott was successful in se- a declining pollinator population will only make Armed Forces. The young men and women curing. the situation worse. Seventy-five percent of all from our community who will be enlisting pos- In 2010, Mr. Ehrgott was instrumental in the flowering plant species rely on creatures like sess an abundance of each of these qualities. acquisition of the 272-acre Gold Hill Ranch birds, bats, bees and butterflies for fertilization. I join with their families and friends in con- which has a rich cultural history starting with One out of every three bites of food that we gratulating and commending the following the local Nisenan tribe. The site is most well eat, as well as $20 billion of products in the graduates on their enlistment in the United known for being one of the first permanent United States alone, derive from pollinators. States Marine Corps: Japanese settlements in North America from If we don’t solve these problems soon, we Steven Lawrence Allen, Jovina Argueta, the period of 1869–1871 when it was known won’t have any bees. Without bees, we won’t Coty Brown, Daniel Bukari, Khizer Butt, Jose as the Wakamatsu Tea and Silk Colony Farm. have any food. The benefit to cost balance in Cajar, Patrick Casey, Michael Conroy, Adam With Mr. Ehrgott leading the way, the Amer- the case of this bill is an easy choice. Crews, Jason Crites, Michael Daughtry, Hun- ican River Conservancy hopes to preserve f ter Day, Christopher Dullea, Jordan Dunmore, and celebrate the legacy of farming that has PERSONAL EXPLANATION Zachary Frye, Ernesto Garcia, Nina Garrido, occurred on the site. Zachary Gingras, Flor Gudiel, Junior Guzman Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to pay tribute to HON. GARY C. PETERS Melendez, Demetrius Higgins, Garrett Mr Alan Ehrgott, who has served the Sac- OF MICHIGAN Humberson, Michael Irwin, Jake Kinder, Brian ramento community and the surrounding envi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Knauf, Matthew Levesque, Ariel Jeffrey ronment for more than two decades. His con- Magalong, Phillip Mauel, Zachary McCall, tinued service has greatly contributed to the Friday, May 30, 2014 Lukas McKennedy, Blake TW Mendenhall, community and ensured the continued enjoy- Mr. PETERS of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, on Sergio Miranda Henruquez, Duncan ment of the American River. I ask my col- Wednesday, May 28, 2014, I was not present Mungovan, John Munies, Robin Murray, Alex leagues to join me in recognizing this man for 2 votes. Had I been present for rollcall No. Naupari, Rory Nelson, Omer Nezam, Kevin whose persistence and leadership has helped 241, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Had I been Nidell, Sanjar Omuraliev, John Peters, Siam to preserve one of Northern California’s many present for rollcall No. 242, I would have voted Putipong, Jaycee Quispe, Hithem Shaw, natural treasures for years to come. ‘‘yea.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 IN RECOGNITION OF DISTIN- CONGRATULATING REPUBLIC HIGH I am pleased to say that the FY15 CJS bill GUISHED ALUMNI OF PIUS X ON SCHOOL TIGERS BASKETBALL contains the highest levels of funding for com- THE OCCASION OF THE SCHOOL’S bating human trafficking, ever. This is a testa- 11TH ANNUAL AWARDS HON. BILLY LONG ment to the hard work and experience of Con- OF MISSOURI gressman MEEHAN who, among others, knows IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES just how vital these resources are for traf- HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT ficking victims. I appreciate his continued ef- Friday, May 30, 2014 OF PENNSYLVANIA forts to raise awareness in Congress and to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- advocate for these important resources. ognize the Republic High School Tigers Bas- f Friday, May 30, 2014 ketball Team for winning the Missouri Class 4 COMMENDING LOCAL 2014 HIGH Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise State Championship. SCHOOL GRADUATES FOR THEIR today to honor Augustine Pullo, Alfred The Tigers clinched the title with a thrilling DECISION TO ENLIST IN THE DeRenzis, and Father Edward Quinnan for finish, making a three pointer with only seven UNITED STATES NAVY AND OUR their contributions to their profession, commu- seconds left for a final score of 45–42. Mem- COMMUNITY SALUTES OF nity, and faith after graduation from Pius X in bers of the team include Dylan Bekemeier, NORTHERN VIRGINIA FOR Bangor, Pennsylvania. They have been recog- Brock Yocum, Chase Hoffmann, Josh Vaughn, HOSTING THE FOURTH ANNUAL nized by their beloved school. Dillen Ramsey, Dakota Fortner, Canyon Smith, Jordan Kerr, Cole Hurst, Cody Geiger, HIGH SCHOOL ENLISTEE REC- Augustine Pullo, Class of 1973, had a pas- OGNITION CEREMONY sion for music that started early. He continued Tim Brazeal, and Cory Lafferty. Through their hard work and determination his musical endeavors and earned a degree at on and off the court, the Tigers developed into East Stroudsburg University. For 17 years, he HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY a truly great championship team, earning back OF VIRGINIA worked as a top manager at a McDonald’s. to back state titles. The Tigers ended the sea- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Later, he established three successful busi- son 27–4, remaining undefeated in their dis- nesses in the Northampton County’s Slate Friday, May 30, 2014 trict. The Tigers were also the Central Ozark Belt. A posthumous award recognized his Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- Conference Champions for the 2013–2014 dedication to his community and to his school. ognize 6 graduating seniors in my community season. Alfred DeRenzis, Class of 1963, was once I also want to commend Head Coach for their record of academic and athletic ac- complishment and for their admirable decision Student Council President and was active in Trevyor Fisher for a job well-done on devel- to enlist in the United States Navy. I also ex- clubs and sports. He left Pius to earn a dental oping such a strong basketball program. degree, become faculty at the University of The team, with the help of its coaches and press my appreciation to Our Community Sa- lutes of Northern Virginia for providing this op- Maryland School for Dental Medicine, and the support of their families and community, portunity to be among the first to say to each later a stockbroker. Today, he participates in persevered through the turmoil of the season model airplane competitions. He kept a sec- of these young men and women: ‘‘Thank you.’’ and the trials of the state championships. To- I have had the privilege of working with Our ond residence in his hometown of Roseto and gether, they grew as individuals and as a maintains ties to Slate Belt community. Community Salutes of Northern Virginia since team, and their successes show what can be its inception in 2011. That year my office was Father Edward Quinnan, Class of 1974, was achieved through hard work, dedication, and contacted by one of the founding parents who a member of the honor society while in school belief. upon learning that her son and other students and was active in many clubs. After Pius, he The Republic community is justifiably proud at his school who had decided to enlist would studied biology and chemistry before grad- of this extraordinary group of young and tal- not receive any recognition during graduation, uating from the Jesuit School of Theology in ented student-athletes. I urge my colleagues joined with other parents to organize the first Berkeley, CA, and becoming an Assistant Pro- to join me in congratulating the Republic Ti- enlistee recognition ceremony of its kind in the fessor in Counseling at Loyola University in gers as they celebrate their consecutive Class region. The first ceremony recognized a total Chicago. He currently provides retreat pro- 4 Boys State Championships. of 9 students. This year, we will recognize 129 grams and finds it ‘‘life-giving.’’ f young men and women who have chosen to I add my congratulations to the honors be- TRIBUTE TO REP. PATRICK serve our country in uniform. stowed from Pius X Junior/Senior High MEEHAN With graduation season upon us, thousands School. I applaud the dedication to profession, of young people in my community, and mil- community, and country. lions across the nation, are preparing for the HON. FRANK R. WOLF next chapter in their lives. Some will pursue f OF VIRGINIA higher education or vocational training, others IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will seek to enter the workforce immediately, PERSONAL EXPLANATION Friday, May 30, 2014 and many will answer the call to serve their Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I want to recognize community and their country. The United States of America has distin- HON. AL GREEN my colleague, Rep. PATRICK MEEHAN of Penn- guished itself from other nations through the sylvania, for his work on behalf of victims of OF TEXAS entrepreneurship and spirit of our people, the domestic violence, sexual trafficking and ad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES knowledge that we can achieve any goal if we diction. The legislation approved by the House set our minds to it, our inherent compassion Friday, May 30, 2014 today includes significant funding and reflects and generosity, our fierce patriotism, and the Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, his advocacy for these issues in Congress. extraordinary sacrifices and dedication to Congressman MEEHAN has been a leader today I missed the following votes: country exhibited by the members of our throughout this process and I have appre- 1. Thompson (CA) Amendment to H.R. Armed Forces. The young men and women ciated his input on how to make this bill as 4660. Had I been present, I would have voted from our community who will be enlisting pos- strong as well possible to deal with domestic ‘‘yes’’ on this amendment. sess an abundance of each of these qualities. violence, trafficking and addiction. It is my un- 2. Polis Amendment to H.R. 4660. Had I I join with their families and friends in con- derstanding that just last week, Mr. MEEHAN gratulating and commending the following been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ on this hosted a summit on human trafficking, bring- amendment. graduates on their enlistment in the United ing together local and Federal law enforce- States Navy: 3. Cicilline Amendment to H.R. 4660. Had I ment and victims’ advocacy organizations to Teresa Bailey, Sullivan Stansfield, Kevin been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ on this address the crisis. He has also long been a Quintanilla, Yeagwang Kim, Ryan amendment. voice for the victims of domestic violence and Kokotkiewicz, and Saurav Bhandari. 4. Smith (TX) Amendment to H.R. 4660. has been among the strongest advocates for Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ funding for programs authorized by the Vio- in applauding the courage and dedication of on this amendment. lence Against Women Act. He has also fought these graduates and in assuring them and 5. Austin Scott Amendment to H.R. 4660. for our veterans, and his leadership helped their families that the full support and re- Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ ensure higher funding for veterans’ treatment sources of the U.S. Congress and the Amer- on this amendment. courts. ican people will be behind them on every step

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E897 of their journey in defense our nation’s free- IN RECOGNITION OF Mr. Ide passed away in December of 1852 dom. PREECLAMPSIA AWARENESS with only a wooden grave marker that dis- MONTH appeared shortly thereafter. It is thanks to a f local man, David Freeman that Mr. Ide’s HON. JAIME HERRERA BEUTLER gravestones have been corrected after he col- RECOGNIZING THE DEDICATED OF WASHINGTON lected funding from various organizations and SERVICE OF SERGEANT CHRIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES did much of the labor himself. HUFFMAN, PENSACOLA POLICE In just over a week, on June 7th, 2014, the DEPARTMENT Friday, May 30, 2014 new gravesite for Mr. William Brown Ide will Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER. Mr. Speaker, I be unveiled. I would like to thank Mr. Freeman rise today to recognize Preeclampsia Aware- for his work to ensure that important historical HON. JEFF MILLER ness Month and the importance of addressing figures like William Brown Ide are remem- maternal and infant health. bered, as is the history of the great state of OF FLORIDA Preeclampsia is a serious and far too com- California. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mon complication of pregnancy and is one of f the leading causes of maternal deaths, illness, Friday, May 30, 2014 COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, and premature birth. According to the AND RELATED AGENCIES APPRO- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, on be- Preeclampsia Foundation, the disease affects PRIATIONS ACT, 2015 half of the United States Congress, I am hum- approximately 1 in 12 women, and if untreated can lead to seizure, stroke, organ failure or bled to recognize Sergeant Chris Huffman SPEECH OF death. The good news is that early diagnosis upon the occasion of his retirement from the is possible through simple screenings and HON. BRAD SHERMAN Pensacola Police Department on May 31, good prenatal care can predict or delay many OF CALIFORNIA 2014. For more than three decades, Sergeant adverse outcomes of preeclampsia. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Huffman dedicated his life to protecting and However, too many people are unaware of Thursday, May 29, 2014 defending the lives of those around him, and this potentially fatal condition. The main indi- I join citizens throughout Florida’s Gulf Coast cator of preeclampsia is high blood pressure. and across the Nation in extending my deep- The House in Committee of the Whole Additional symptoms of preeclampsia are House on the State of the Union had under est appreciation for his faithful service. common to pregnancy such as headaches, consideration the bill (H.R. 4660) making ap- The proud son of a father who was Chief of abdominal pain, shortness of breath, vomiting, propriations for the Departments of Com- Police of the Piqua Police Department in confusion, heightened state of anxiety or vis- merce and Justice, Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- Piqua, Ohio, Sergeant Huffman followed in his ual disturbances such as oversensitivity to light or blurred vision. That is why I support tember 30, 2015, and for other purposes: father’s footsteps in pursuit of a law enforce- the Preeclampsia Foundation’s efforts to edu- Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Chair, with regard to my ment career. Sergeant Huffman served as a cate women and their families to know the votes on the Commerce, Justice, Science, and police officer in Troy, Ohio, from 1979 until symptoms, respond to warning signs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act: 1984 when he joined the Pensacola Police seek prenatal care. I voted for and helped pass the Grayson Department. So much more needs to be understood amendment, confident that as the bill pro- Sergeant Huffman performed various roles about this condition—why it occurs, how to ceeds, a sophisticated, nuanced, and bal- while at the Pensacola Police Department, in- cure it, and its long-term effect on a woman anced reporter shield provision will be inserted in lieu of the current text of the amendment. cluding Community Relations; SWAT; K–9 and her child’s health. Research has dem- The rules and traditions of the House require Unit with his partner Isia; TAC, Uniform Patrol; onstrated a possible direct link to the placenta. that amendments to appropriations bills of- and DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Edu- I understand that starting this year, the Na- tional Institute of Child Health and Human De- fered on the floor conform to strict rules that cation) Officer at N.B. Cook and Scenic preclude balanced and detailed formulation. Heights elementary schools, Episcopal Day velopment at NIH will embark on a new effort to understand diseases and conditions related The Conference Committee will have the lati- School, Montessori, and Sacred Heart to the placenta, and it is my hope that it leads tude needed to insert a balanced reporter schools. In 1999, he was promoted to ser- to new discovery for preeclampsia and other shield provision and I will urge such an ap- geant, and in 2002, he was honored as the conditions of pregnancy. proach. Florida DARE Officer of the Year. Together we must do all we can to eliminate Additionally, I voted for final passage with Throughout the course of his career, Ser- preventable maternal and infant death and dis- the assumption that certain problematic provi- sions would be removed in Conference Com- geant Huffman was an inspiration to our Na- ability. I am hopeful for the promise of our re- search efforts, and I am grateful for the work mittee. tion’s youth and his fellow officers. There is no I am pleased that we can move forward with of clinicians around this country and organiza- question that he made a significant impact in the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related tions like the Preeclampsia Foundation who the lives of many, and the Northwest Florida Agencies Appropriations Act and expect that work so hard tirelessly to advance maternal community was blessed by his unwavering upon passage in the Senate, the Conference and infant health and well-being. commitment to service. While Sergeant Committee will improve the bill. f Huffman’s retirement will signal the end of his f career with the Pensacola Police Department, HONORING DAVID FREEMAN AND RECOGNIZING COLONEL DIRON J. it is merely the beginning of the lasting legacy PROCLAIMING WILLIAM B. IDE that he leaves behind. CRUZ ON HIS RETIREMENT FROM DAY THE GUAM ARMY NATIONAL On June 1, Sergeant Huffman will kick off GUARD his retirement and embark on his next journey HON. DOUG LaMALFA with a 60 day, 3,785 mile bike ride to help OF CALIFORNIA HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO raise awareness and support for multiple scle- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF GUAM rosis research. Friday, May 30, 2014 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Friday, May 30, 2014 Congress, it gives me great honor to recog- recognize William Brown Ide, the leader of the Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today nize Police Sergeant Chris Huffman for his 1846 Bear Flag Revolt, and the only President to recognize COL Diron J. Cruz on his retire- years of service and his passion for bettering of the California Republic. After California’s ment from the Guam Army National Guard. the lives of others. My wife Vicki joins me in annexation into the United States, Mr. Ide COL Cruz is the second son of Antonio thanking Sergeant Chris Huffman for his dedi- served as a Probate and County Judge, Pre- Babauta Cruz and Guadalupe Santiago Cruz cation to the Northwest Florida community and siding Judge of the Court of Sessions, County of Malesso, Guam. He was born in Tamuning, wishing him; his wife of 32 years, Darla; and Recorder, County Auditor, County Clerk, Guam and graduated from Father Duenas Me- their two daughters, Courtney and Kelsey, all County Treasurer, Deputy County Surveyor morial School in 1980. COL Cruz is the father the best. and Deputy Sheriff of Colusi County. of two daughters, Lenika and Nozomi.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 COL Cruz earned his commission in the talion fire support officer, 3rd Battalion, 187th from 2001 to 2008. COL Cruz has served as United States Army as a second lieutenant of Infantry during Operations Desert Shield and the chief of staff of the Guam Army National Field Artillery from the University of Guam Desert Storm, and commander, Headquarters Guam since his return in 2008. ROTC Program in 1984. In addition to his and Headquarters Battery, division Artillery. COL Cruz was a respected leader in the Bachelor of Arts in Business Management He then served his last regular Army assign- from the University of Guam, COL Cruz also ment as Operations Advisor to the 479th Field Guam National Guard. As Chief of Staff, he holds a Master of Arts in Strategic Studies Artillery Brigade in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania undertook efforts to ensure the continued from the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, from 1993 to 1994. professionalization of enlisted and officers in PA. In 1985, COL Cruz completed the Field In 1994, COL Cruz left the Army and moved the Guam National Guard. Further, he worked Artillery Officers Basic at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma to Cincinnati, Ohio and worked as a territory to ensure that staff collaborated as a truly and then advanced courses in 1988. sales manager for International Paper Co. until Joint staff to push forward critical initiatives As a newly commissioned officer, his first March 1996. He then returned to Guam and like a flying mission for the Guam Air National assignments included battalion ammunition of- worked as general manager of Guam Freight Guard; protection of critical force structure to ficer, service battery executive officer, howitzer Forwarders and then as operations manager support the rebalance and establishment of a platoon leader and nuclear weapons officer for Flowco Sales and Service Co. light utility helicopter flying mission on Guam. with 1st Battalion, 36th Field Artillery in Augs- In 1999, COL Cruz joined the Guam Army burg, Germany from 1985 to 1988. He then National Guard and began serving as oper- On behalf of the people of Guam, I com- served with the 101st Airborne Division (Air ations officer of 1st Battalion, 294th Infantry mend COL Cruz for his service to Guam and Assault) from 1989 to 1993. During his time in and Guam National Guard training officer and the United States. I further congratulate and the 101st Airborne Division, COL Cruz’s duties domestic operations officer. He then served in offer my sincerest appreciation to him on his included targeting officer for 3rd Brigade, bat- different positions in both Hawaii and Virginia retirement.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE Friday, May 30, 2014 Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action Committee Meetings The Senate met at 2 p.m. in pro forma session, No committee meetings were held. and adjourned at 2:00:31 p.m. until 2 p.m. on Mon- day, June 2, 2014. h House of Representatives Pursuant to the rule, an amendment in the nature Chamber Action of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Com- Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 21 pub- mittee Print 113–45 shall be considered as an origi- lic bills, H.R. 4775–4795; and 3 resolutions, H. nal bill for the purpose of amendment under the Res. 608–610 were introduced. Pages H5063–64 five-minute rule, in lieu of the amendment in the Additional Cosponsors: Page H5065 nature of a substitute recommended by the Perma- nent Select Committee on Intelligence now printed Report Filed: A report was filed today as follows: in the bill. Pages H5029, H5041 H.R. 3676, to establish a prohibition on certain Agreed to: cell phone voice communications during passenger Rogers (MI) en bloc amendment that consists of flights, and for other purposes (H. Rept. 113–466). the following amendments printed in H. Rept. Page H5063 113–465: Rogers (MI) amendment (No. 1) that Journal: The House agreed to the Speaker’s approval makes technical and clarifying changes to Sections of the Journal by voice vote. Pages H5027, H5056 104 and 402 of the reported bill and modifies Sec- Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years tion 321 to ensure that the report on violations of 2014 and 2015: The House passed H.R. 4681, to law and executive order does not impact ongoing authorize appropriations for fiscal years 2014 and criminal investigations; Connolly amendment (No. 2015 for intelligence and intelligence-related activi- 2) that ensures the inclusion of leading software li- ties of the United States Government, the Commu- cense management practices in the assessments con- nity Management Account, and the Central Intel- ducted by the Chief Information Officers of each ele- ligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, ment of the Intelligence Community; Kilmer by a recorded vote of 345 ayes to 59 noes, Roll No. amendment (No. 3) that requires the Chief Informa- 271. Pages H5034–56 tion Officer of the Office of the Director of National Rejected the Bishop (NY) motion to recommit Intelligence to make recommendations to the Direc- the bill to the Permanent Select Committee on In- tor of National Intelligence (DNI) on software pro- telligence with instructions to report the same back curement and usage; Rogers (MI) amendment (No. to the House forthwith with an amendment, by a 4) that prohibits senior Intelligence Community ci- yea-and-nay vote of 183 yeas to 220 nays, Roll No. vilian employees and senior legislative staff with ac- 270. Pages H5054–55 cess to sensitive compartmented information from D583

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:27 May 31, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4627 Sfmt 4627 E:\CR\FM\D30MY4.REC D30MYPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D584 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST May 30, 2014 immediately working for a company owned or con- members of the intelligence community in cyberse- trolled by a foreign government that poses a signifi- curity. Pages H5052–54 cant counterintelligence threat to the United States Agreed that the Clerk be authorized to make after they leave Federal employment; Kelly (IL) technical and conforming changes to reflect the ac- amendment (No. 5) that allows the Director of Na- tions of the House. Page H5056 tional Intelligence to provide grants to historically H. Res. 604, the rule providing for consideration black colleges and universities and predominantly of the bills (H.R. 4745) and (H.R. 4681), was black institutions for the purpose of offering ad- agreed to by voice vote after the previous question vanced foreign language programs deemed in the was ordered without objection. Pages H5029–34 immediate interest of the intelligence community; Meeting Hour: Agreed that when the House ad- Carney amendment (No. 8) that requires the Direc- journs today, it adjourn to meet at 12 noon on Mon- tor of National Intelligence to issue a report to Con- day, June 2nd. Page H5051 gress on how to improve the declassification process across the intelligence community and what steps Quorum Calls—Votes: One yea-and-nay vote and the intelligence community can take to enable the one recorded vote developed during the proceedings National Declassification Center to better accomplish of today and appear on pages H5055 and the missions assigned to it by Executive Order H5055–56. There were no quorum calls. 13526; Jackson Lee amendment (No. 10) that re- Adjournment: The House met at 9 a.m. and ad- quires the Director of National Intelligence to con- journed at 12:42 p.m. duct an assessment and report to Congress on the re- liance of intelligence activities on civilian contractors to support Government activities; and Keating Committee Meetings amendment (No. 11) that requires the Under Sec- MISCELLANEOUS MEASURE retary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Defense Analysis, in consultation with the Federal Bureau of held a markup on Defense Appropriations Bill FY Investigation and Project Manager of Information 2015. The bill was ordered reported, without Sharing Environment, to submit an intelligence as- amendment. sessment of the efficacy of the MOUs signed be- tween Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OVERSIGHT: agencies to facilitate intelligence sharing; STATUS OF LOAN PROGRAMS Pages H5047–50 Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Franks (AZ) amendment (No. 6 printed in H. Oversight and Investigations held a hearing entitled Rept. 113–465) that requires a report from the DNI ‘‘Department of Energy Oversight: Status of Loan on the threat posed by manmade electromagnetic Programs’’. Testimony was heard from Peter David- pulse weapons to United States interests through son, Executive Director, Loan Programs Office, De- 2025, including threats from foreign countries and partment of Energy; Ricky R. Hass, Deputy Inspec- foreign non-State actors; Pages H5050–51 tor General, Audits and Inspections, Department of Poe (TX) amendment (No. 7 printed in H. Rept. Energy; and Frank Rusco, Director, Energy and 113–465) that requires the DNI to submit to the Science Issues, Government Accountability Office. appropriate committees of Congress a comprehensive strategy to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al-Qaeda, TIANANMEN 25 YEARS LATER: SIX its affiliated groups, associated groups, and adher- LEADERS WHO WERE THERE ents. The amendment also requests that the report Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Africa, include the Administration’s definitions of al-Qaeda Global Health, Global Human Rights, and Inter- core, affiliated groups, associated groups, and adher- national Organizations held a hearing entitled ents; and Pages H5051–52 ‘‘Tiananmen 25 Years Later: Six Leaders Who Were Gallego amendment (No. 9 printed in H. Rept. There’’. Testimony was heard from public witnesses. 113–465) that requires the Director of National In- telligence—in consultation with the Secretary of De- MISCELLANEOUS MEASURE fense, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and Secretary of Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on West- Homeland Security—to submit recommendations to ern Hemisphere held a markup on H.R. 4640, the Congress for retraining (a) veterans and (b) retired ‘‘Western Hemisphere Drug Policy Commission Act

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of 2014’’. The bill was ordered reported to the Full COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR MONDAY, Committee, as amended. JUNE 2, 2014 PENALTIES (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Committee on the Judiciary: Over-Criminalization Task Force held a hearing on discussing penalties. Testi- Senate mony was heard from public witnesses. No meetings/hearings scheduled. Joint Meetings House No joint committee meetings were held. No hearings are scheduled.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 p.m., Monday, June 2 12 p.m., Monday, June 2

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Monday: After the transaction of any Program for Monday: The House will meet in pro morning business (not to extend beyond 5:30 p.m.), Sen- forma session at 12 noon. ate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Keith M. Harper, of Maryland, for the rank of Ambassador during his tenure of service as United States Representative to the UN Human Rights Council.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Fincher, Stephen Lee, Tenn., E884 Matsui, Doris O., Calif., E885, E895 Flores, Bill, Tex., E884 Messer, Luke, Ind., E882 Barletta, Lou, Pa., E881 Frelinghuysen, Rodney P., N.J., E887 Miller, George, Calif., E886 Becerra, Xavier, Calif., E879 Fudge, Marcia L., Ohio, E891 Miller, Jeff, Fla., E897 Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E892 Gallego, Pete P., Tex., E885 Nunes, Devin, Calif., E892 Boehner, John A., Ohio, E879 Garamendi, John, Calif., E880 Bordallo, Madeleine Z., Guam, E897 Green, Al, Tex., E880, E886, E893, E896 Pascrell, Bill, Jr., N.J., E888 Braley, Bruce L., Iowa, E891 Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E883, E895 Peters, Gary C., Mich., E882, E895 Capito, Shelley Moore, W.Va., E893 Herrera Beutler, Jaime, Wash., E897 Poe, Ted, Tex., E890 Cartwright, Matt, Pa., E880, E889, E896 Hurt, Robert, Va., E881 Reed, Tom, N.Y., E893 Coffman, Mike, Colo., E893 Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E888 Renacci, James B., Ohio, E887 Cole, Tom, Okla., E892 Keating, William R., Mass., E890 Sherman, Brad, Calif., E897 Connolly, Gerald E., Va., E880, E881, E883, E885, E887, Kind, Ron, Wisc., E889 Waxman, Henry A., Calif., E884 E889, E891, E895, E896 LaMalfa, Doug, Calif., E897 Weber, Randy K. Jr., Tex., E890 DeFazio, Peter A., Ore., E893 Levin, Sander M., Mich., E886 Webster, Daniel, Fla., E879 Enyart, William L., Ill., E882 Long, Billy, Mo., E881, E883, E885, E888, E892, E896 Faleomavaega, Eni F.H., American Samoa, E894 Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E879, E882 Wolf, Frank R., Va., E886, E896

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