BNY Mellon United States

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Created before Nov 2016 Last update: Apr 13 2021

About BNY Mellon The of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon) is an American banking and company. BNY Mellon was formed in 2007 as a result of the merger of The Bank of New York and Mellon Financial Corporation. It is the oldest banking corporation in the United States, tracing its origins to the establishment of the Bank of New York in 1784. BNY Mellon provides corporate banking, investment banking and private equity services.


Headquarters 1 Wall Street 10286 New York United States

CEO/chair Thomas P. Gibbons CEO

Supervisor Federal Reserve

Annual Annual report 2020 reports CSR report 2019

Ownership listed on NASDAQ OMX & NSE BNY Mellon's shareholder structure can be accessed here.

Complaints BNY Mellon does not operate a complaints channel for individuals or communities who might have been affected by its and . grievances


Voluntary standards BNY Mellon has committed itself to the following voluntary standards: Banking Environment Initiative Business for Social Responsibility Carbon Disclosure Project Dow Jones Sustainability Indices Global Reporting Initiative

Investment policies BNY Mellon's webpage on corporate social responsibility can be accessed here. Although BNY Mellon hasn't signed up to the Equator Principles the bank states in 2017 CSR report: "The guidelines we require our lending professionals to follow are consistent with the Equator Principles."

Environmental sustainability policy statement Aug 12 2019 | BNY Mellon

Human rights statement May 14 2019 | BNY Mellon

Anti-money laundering policy Mar 31 2019 | BNY Mellon

Modern slavery act statement Feb 11 2019 | BNY Mellon Supplier code of conduct Nov 19 2018 | BNY Mellon

Code of conduct Sep 30 2018 | BNY Mellon Good moves

Related Dodgy Deals

BNY Mellon has been linked to the following "Dodgy Deals", e.g. as a current or past financier or through an expression of interest. Find out more about dodgy deals here. See the project or company profile for more details on the nature of the bank's link to the Dodgy Deal.


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Navigator Company Portugal active Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Mills

Klabin Brazil active Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Mills

Marfrig Brazil active Beef Industry | Commodities Trading

RWE Germany on record Biomass Electric Power Generation | Coal Electric Power Generation | Coal Mining | Commodities Trading | Nuclear Electric Power Generation | Solar Electric Power Generation | Wind Electric Power Generation

National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) India on record Coal Electric Power Generation | Coal Mining | Hydroelectric Power Generation | Wind Electric Power Generation Eldorado Brasil Brazil on record Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Mills

Minerva Foods Brazil on record Agriculture for Biofuels | Agriculture for Food Crops | Beef Industry