Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

OMB No. 1124-0002; Expires July 31, 2023 u.s. Department of Justice Supplemental Statement

Washington, dc 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended

For 6 Month Period Ending June 30, 2021 (Insert date)


l. (a) Name of Registrant (b) Registration Number

JETRO New York 1643

(c) Primary Business Address 565 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor New York, NY 10017

2. Has there been a change in the information previously furnished in connection with the following? (a) If an individual: (1) Residence address(es) Yes □ No □ (2) Citizenship Yes □ No □ (3) Occupation Yes □ No □ (b) If an organization: (1) Name Yes □ No 0 (2) Ownership or control Yes □ No H (3) Branch offices Yes □ No 0 (c) Explain fully all changes, if any, indicated in Items (a) and (b) above.

IF THE REGISTRANT IS AN INDIVIDUAL, OMIT RESPONSES TO ITEMS 3, 4, 5, AND 6. 3. If the registrant previously filed an Exhibit C!, state whether any changes therein have occurred during this 6 month reporting period. Yes □ No S

If yes, has the registrant filed an updated Exhibit C? Yes □ No □ If no, please file the updated Exhibit C.

1 Ike Exhibit C, for which no primed form is provided, consists ul'a true cupy of I he charier, articles of incorporation, assotianon, and by laws of a registrant lhat is an organization. (A waiver of the requirement to file an Exhibit C may be obtained for good cause upon written application to the Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U,S Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20530.)

FORM NSD-2 Revised 05/20

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(PAGE 2)

4. (a) Have any persons become partners, officers, directors or similar officials during this 6 month reporting period? Yes H No □ If yes, furnish the following information: Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed Please see Attachment A

(b) Have any persons ceased acting as partners, officers, directors or similar officials of the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 0 No □ If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position Date Ceased Please see attachment A

5. (a) Has any person named in Item 4(a) rendered services directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal? Yes 0 No □ If yes, identify each such person and describe the service rendered. Name Foreign Principal(s) Represented Services Please refer to attachment A

(b) During this 6 month reporting period, has the registrant hired as employees or in any other capacity, any persons who rendered or will render services to the registrant directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal(s) in other than a clerical or secretarial, or in a related or similar capacity? Yes 0 No □

Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed Please refer to Attachment A

(c) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their employment or connection with the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 0 No □ If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Date Terminated Please refer to Attachment A

(d) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with any foreign principal during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 0 No □ If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Foreign Principal Date Terminated Please refer to Attachment A

6. Have short form registration statements been previously filed by all of the persons named in Items 5(a) and 5(b) of the supplemental statement or submitted with this filing? Yes 0 No □ If no, list names of persons who have not previously filed the required statement or are not submitting a short form with this filing.

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(PAGE 3)


7. Has the registrant's connection with any foreign principal(s) ended during this 6 month reporting period? Yes □ No 0 If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date of Termination

8. Has the registrant added any new foreign principal(s)2 during this 6 month reporting period? Yes □ No S

If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date Added

9. In addition to those named in Items 7 and 8, if any, list the foreign principal(s) whom the registrant continued to represent during the 6 month reporting period. Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Tokyo, Japan Kanagawa Prefectural Government, Japan

10. (a) Has the registrant filed Exhibits A and B for the newly added foreign principal(s), if any, listed in Item 8? Exhibit A3 Yes □ No 0 N/A □ Exhibit B4 Yes □ No □ N/A □ If no, please file the required exhibit.

(b) Have there been any changes in the Exhibits A and B previously filed for any foreign principal(s) whom the registrant represented during this 6 month period? Yes Q No □ If yes, has the registrant filed an amendment to these exhibits? Yes □ No □ If no, please file the required amendment.

2 The term "foreign principal" includes, in addition to those defined in Section 1(b) of the Act, an individual organization any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign government, foreign political party, foreign organization or foreign individual (See Rule 100(a) (9)). A registrant who represents more than one foreign principal is required to list in the statements he files under the Act only those principals for whom he is not entitled to claim exemption under Section 3 of the Act (See Rule 208,) 3 The Exhibit A, which is filed on Form NSD-3, sets forth the information required to be disclosed concerning each foreign principal 4 The Exhibit B, which is filed on Form NSD-4, sets forth the information concerning the agreement or understanding between the registrant and the foreign principal

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11. During this 6 month reporting period, has the registrant engaged in any activities for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes 0 No □

If yes, identify each foreign principal and describe in full detail all activities and services:

Foreign Principal Activities/Services Please see attachment B

12. During this 6 month reporting period, has the registrant, on behalf of any foreign principal, engaged in political activity5 * as defined below? Yes 0 No □

If yes, identify each foreign principal and describe in full detail all such political activity, indicating, among other things, the relations, interests and policies sought to be influenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose. If the registrant arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures, social media, internet postings, or media broadcasts, give details as to dates, places of delivery, names of speakers and subject matter. The response must include, but not be limited to, activities involving lobbying, promotion, perception management, public relations, economic development, and preparation and dissemination of informational materials. Set forth below a general description of the registrant's political activities. Please refer to attachment C

Set forth below in the required detail the registrant's political activities. Foreign Principal Date Contact Method Purpose

13. In addition to the above described activities, if any, has the registrant engaged in activity or rendered any services on its own behalf which benefits the registrant's foreign principal(s)? Yes □ No 0

If yes, describe fully.

Foreign Principal Activities/Services

5 "Political activity," as defined in Section l(o) of the Act, means any activity that the person engaging in believes will, or that the person intends to, in any way influence any agency or official of the Government of the United States or any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting or changing the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or with reference to political or public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party

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(PAGE 1)


14. (a) RECEIPTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, has the registrant received from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal, any contributions, income or money either as compensation or otherwise? Yes H No □

If no, please explain why no monies were received.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies.6 Foreign Principal Date Received From Whom Purpose Amount Subtotal Please see attachment D

$8,132,469 Total

(b) RECEIPTS - FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN During this 6 month reporting period, has the registrant received, as part of a fundraising campaign7, any money on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ No 0 If yes, has the registrant previously filed an Exhibit D8 to its registration? Yes □ No □

If yes, indicate the date the Exhibit D was filed. Date __ ___

If no, please file the required Exhibit D.

(c) RECEIPTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, has the registraint received any thing of value9 other than money from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal? Yes □ No E!

If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date Received From Whom Purpose Thing of Value

6, 7 A registrant is required to file an Exhibit D if he/she collects or receives contributions, loans, moneys, or other things of value fora foreign principal, as part of a fundraising campaign (See Rule 201(e)). 8 An Exhibit D, for which no printed form is provided, sets forth an account of money collected or received as a result of a fundraising campaign and transmitted for a foreign principal, 9 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like.

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(PAGE 6)

15. (a) DISBURSEMENTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, has the registrant disbursed or expended monies in connection with activity on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement or transmitted monies to any such foreign principal? Yes 0 No □

If no, explain why no disbursements were made.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies, including monies transmitted, if any, to each foreign principal.

Foreign Principal Date Recipient Purpose Amount Subtotal Please see Attachment E

$9,490,868. Total

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(PAGE 7) (b) DISBURSEMENTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, has the registrant disposed of anything of value10 other than money in furtherance of or in connection with activities on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ No 0

If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date Recipient Purpose Thing of Value

(c) DISBURSEMENTS-PQLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS During this 6 month reporting period, has the registrant (or any short form registrant) from its own funds and on its own behalf either directly or through any other person, made any contributions of money or other things of value11 in connection with an election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for political office?

Yes □ No 0

If yes, furnish the following information:

Date Donor Political Organization/Candidate Method Amount/Thing of Value

10, 11 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like

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16. (a) During this 6 month reporting period, has the registrant prepared, disseminated or caused to be disseminated any 12 informational materials? Yes [SI No □

(b) If yes, identity each such foreign principal for which informational materials were disseminated and respond to the remaining items in this section. Japan External Trade Organization, JETRO, Tokyo, Japan Kanagawa Prefectural Government, Japan

17. During this 6 month reporting period, has a budget been established or specified sum of money allocated to finance the registrant's activities in preparing or disseminating informational materials? Yes □ No Q If yes, identify each such foreign principal, and specify the period of time and the amount. Foreign Principal Period of Time Amount

18. During this 6 month reporting period, has the registrant's activities in preparing, disseminating or causing the dissemination of informational materials included the use of any of the following: □ Magazine or newspaper □ Advertising campaigns 0 Press releases □ Pamphlets or other publications □ Lectures or speeches □ Radio or TV broadcasts 0 Motion picture films 0 Letters or telegrams 0 Email 0 Website URL(S): □ Social media websites URL(s):______□ Other (specify)

19. During this 6 month reporting period, has the registrant prepared, disseminated, or caused to be disseminated informational materials among any of the following groups: 0 Public officials □ Newspapers □ Libraries 0 Legislators □ Editors □ Educational institutions 0 Government agencies 0 Civic groups or associations □ Nationality groups

□ Other (specify)

20. Indicate the language used in the informational materials: 0 English D Other (specify)

21. Has the registrant filed with the FARA Unit, U.S. Department of Justice a copy of each item of such informational materials prepared, disseminated or caused to be disseminated during this 6 month reporting period? Yes [x] No □

If no, please please file the required informational materials.

22. Has the registrant labeled each item of such informational materials with the statement required by Section 4(b) of the Act? Yes 0 No □ 12

12 The term informational materials includes any oral, visual, graphic, written, or pictorial information or matter of any kind, including that published by means of advertising, books, periodicals, newspapers, lectures, broadcasts, motion pictures, or any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise Informational materials disseminated by an agent of a foreign principal as part of an activity in itself exempt from registration, or an activity which by itself would not require registration, need not be filed pursuant to Section 4(b) of the Act.

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(PAGE 9)


In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746, and subject to the penalties of 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 22 U.S.C. § 618, the undersigned swears or affirms under penalty of perjury that he/she has read the information set forth in this statement filed pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, 22 U.S.C. §611 et seq., that he/she is familiar with the contents thereof, and that such contents are in their entirety true and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge and belief.

Date Printed Name Signature13 7f>oXl ktnicfc ot*____ ■>] /}'

13 This statement shall be signed by the individual agent, if the registrant is an individual, or by a majority of those partners, officers, directors or persons performing similar functions, if the registrant is an organization, except that the organization can, by power of attorney, authorize one or more individuals to execute this statement on its behalf.

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Attachment A 1/1/2021-6/30/2021 JETRO New York (Reg. #1643)

Response to Item 4(a) The following individuals have ceased acting as officials of the registrant during the six month period ending June 30, 2021

Name Position Date Connection Ended O Tasaki Director, Public Affairs 2/12/2021 Hiroyuki Suzuki Director, Agriculture & Livestock 3/23/2021 Kotohumi Inaba Trainee, Public Affairs 3/26/2021 Kengo Wakabayashi Director, Pension and Welfare 6/16/2021 Haruki Gunji Director, General Affairs 6/23/2021 Shunsuke Sakado Director, Public Affairs 6/30/2021

Response to Item 4(b), 5(a) & 5 (c) The following individual has become an official of the registrant during the six-month period ending June 30 2021

Name: Fumihiko Watahiki Resident Address: New York, NY 10016 Citizenship: Japanese Position: Trainee, Public Affairs Date Assumed: January 13, 2021 Description of Service: As a Trainee in the Public Affairs Department he is being trained to learn about JETRO’s various Public Affairs programs in the United States, including promotion of trade and direct investment in Japan.

Name: Ryota Hiromoto Resident Address: New York, NY 10017 Citizenship: Japanese Position: Director, Public Affairs Date Assumed: January 29, 2021 Description of Service: As Director in the Public Affairs Department he oversees the activities of the New York office on behalf of JETRO Tokyo and promotes mutually beneficial trade and economic relations between the US and Japan. His activities may include provision of information and material relating to the Japanese economy and business.

Name: YumiAkazawa Resident Address: New York, NY 10036 Citizenship: Japanese Position: Trainee, Intellectual Property Department Date Assumed: February 2, 2021 Description of Service: As a Trainee in the Intellectual Property department, she oversees the activities of the IP Department on behalf of JETRO Tokyo and promotes mutually beneficial trade and economic relations between the US and Japan. Her activities may include provision of information and material relating to the Japanese economy and business.

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Name: Mariko Ohde Resident Address: New York, NY 10022 Citizenship: Japanese Position: Director, Information Technology Date Assumed: February 20, 2021 Description of Service: As a Director in the Information Technology Department, she oversees the activities of the IT Department on behalf of JETRO Tokyo and promotes mutually beneficial trade and economic relations between the US and Japan. Her activities may include provision of information and material relating to the Japanese economy and business.

Name: Yuri Fujita(Professional name) / Yuri Nagamatsu (legal name) Resident Address: New York, NY 10017 Citizenship: Japanese Position: Director, General Affairs Date Assumed: June 21 2021 Description of Service: As a Director, in the General Affairs department, she oversees the activities of the General Affairs Division on behalf of JETRO Tokyo and promotes mutually beneficial trade and economic relations between the US and Japan. Her activities may include provision of information and material relating to the Japanese economy and business.

Response to Item 5(b) The following individuals (who have filed a short-form registration statement) left their respective positions during the six-month period ending June 30, 2021.

Name Position Date Connection Ended

O Tasaki Director, Public Affairs 2/12/2021 Hiroyuki Suzuki Director, Agriculture & Livestock 3/23/2021 Kotohumi Inaba Trainee, Public Affairs 3/26/2021 Kengo Wakabayashi Director, Pension and Welfare 6/16/2021 Haruki Gunji Director, General Affairs 6/23/2021 Shunsuke Sakado Director, Public Affairs 6/30/2021

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|ShortForm Registration Information Sheet Section A (Attachment) June 30 2021

Last Name: First Name Registration Remarks Termination Role Date Date Akazawa Yumiko 2/2/2021 Still with JETRO New York Trainee, Intellectual Property Ara Takahiro 11/7/2019 Still with JETRO New York Director, Agriculture and Fishery Cook Gerald 1/4/2016 Still with JETRO New York Business Development Rep, Public Affairs Fujita Yuri 6/22/2021 Still with JETRO New York Director, General Affairs Furujo Tatsuya 1/16/2020 Still with JETRO New York Director, General Affairs Gunji Haruki 7/12/2014 As reported in our supplemental statement for the 6 month period ending June 30, 2021 6/23/2021 Director, General Affairs Hiramoto Ryota 1/29/2021 Still with JETRO New York Director, Public Affairs Inaba Kotohumi 10/1/2019 As reported in our supplemental statement for the 6 month period ending June 30, 2021 3/26/2021 Trainee, Public Affairs Ishihara Tetsuya 7/8/2020 Still with JETRO New York Director, Intellecutal Property Iso be Shinichi 6/4/2019 Still with JETRO New York Director, Research and Information Services Ito Sadanori 8/26/2019 Still with JETRO New York Director, Industrial Research Kashiba Sakura 9/3/2015 Still with JETRO New York Researcher, Research and Information Services Kawamoto Kenichi 7/31/2020 Still with JETRO New York President Machii Hiroaki 8/20/2019 Still with JETRO New York Director, Trade Insurance Miyano Keita 10/19/2020 Still with JETRO New York Director, Research and Information Services Nakajima Daiki 3/1/2011 Still with JETRO New York Business Development Rep, Public Affairs Nota Masayuki 11/4/2020 Still with JETRO New York Executive Director, General Affairs Niikura Yukari 9/10/2018 Still with JETRO New York Project Coordinator, Public Affairs Ohara Noriko 8/8/2014 Still with JETRO New York Researcher, Research and Information Services Ohde Mariko 2/20/2021 Still with JETRO New York Director, Intellecutal Property Sakado Shunsuke 8/21/2017 As reported in our supplemental statement for the 6 month period ending June 30, 2021 6/30/2021 Director, Public Affairs Shartzer Andrew 1/17/2017 Still with JETRO New York Business Development Rep, Public Affairs Suga Mikiro 11/18/2019 Still with JETRO New York Director, Health and Welfare Suzuki Hiroyuki 4/9/2018 As reported in our supplemental statement for the 6 month period ending June 30, 2021 3/23/2021 Director, Agriculture and Livestock Suzuki Hitoshi 4/3/2019 Still with JETRO New York Director, Kanagawa Prefecture Takeda Shinjiro 8/15/2019 Still with JETRO New York Director, Industrial Research Tani Hayato 12/12/2019 Still with JETRO New York Director, Trade Insurance Tanaka Yumiko 1/27/2006 Still with JETRO New York Project Coordinator, Public Affairs Tasaki O 10/16/2015 As reported in our supplemental statement for the 6 month period ending June 30, 2021 2/12/2021 Director, Public Affairs Wakabayashi Kengo 6/25/2018 As reported in our supplemental statement for the 6 month period ending June 30, 2021 6/16/2021 Director, Pension & Welfare Watahiki Fumihiko 1/13/2021 Still with JETRO New York Trainee, Public Affairs Watanabe Takayuki 11/25/2019 Still with JETRO New York Executive Director, Public Affairs Yoneyama Hiroshi 9/14/2020 Still with JETRO New York Excutive Director, Research & Information Services Yoshida Natsue 9/3/2019 Still with JETRO New York Researcher, Research and Information Services

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JETRO New York (Reg. #1643)

Attachment B

Response to Item 11

Japan External Trade Organization ((JETRO). Tokyo, Japan:

The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), established by a special law in Japan, is a non-profit,

Japanese-government supported organization dedicated to promoting mutually beneficial trade and economic relations between Japan and other countries.

In the United States, JETRO currently maintains offices in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Los

Angeles, Houston, and Atlanta. These offices provide information relating to the Japanese economy and business as well as U.S.-Japan economic and trade relations and engage in various activities to promote trade and direct investment between Japan and the United States. JETRO offices in the United States are believed to serve similar functions as those of the United States Trade Center (of the United States

Department of Commerce) established in Japan.

As the New York-based office of JETRO, JETRO New York provides to public officials, corporations, associations, individuals and any other interested parties information and materials relating to various aspects of Japanese economy and business as well as U.S.-Japanese economic and trade relations.

JETRO New York also monitors the development of U.S. economic and market conditions for JETRO.

Kanagawa Prefectural Government

JETRO New York also serves as a branch office of the Kanagawa Prefectural Government. As such,

JETRO New York engages, to a limited extent, in activities to promote mutually beneficial economic and business relations between the United States and the Kanagawa Prefectural Government. As Part of such activities, JETRO New York provides information and materials relating to the Kanagawa

Prefectural Government. It also monitors U.S. economic and market conditions for the Kanagawa

Prefectural Government.

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Attachment C (1/1/2021 to 6/30/2021) JETRO New York (REG. # 1643) Response to Item 12:

Date/2021 Activities Location Speaker/Organizer(including non-JETRO speakers

Jan-21 1/4/2021 Ian Bremmer on 2021's Top Risks Eurasia Group, 15th FI Ian Bremmer 149 Fifth Ave. New York NY 10010

1/5/2021 CSIS Trustee Chair Partners Briefing Online N/A

1/6/2021 Seminars by JETRO US expatriates Web Mikiro Suga, and Tsubasa Hashimoto

1/6/2021 JCCI New Year Special Webinar. Int'l Law in the Biden Online Jose Alvarez, New York University Administration hppts://

1/7/2021 Jiji Top Seminar Online Shinsuke Sugiyama, Embassy of Japan

1/11—14 JP Morgan Healthcare Conference Online Jamie Dimon (Chairman, CEO) JPMorgan Chase & Co.

1/11-14 CES 2021 Online

1/12/2021 JCCI Board of Directors Meeting Online Masaaki Maeda,Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New York, Inc.

1/12/2021 CSIS Taiwan and Indo-Pacific Regional Security Architecture Online Yasuhiro Matsuda, Univ. of Tokyo, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia; Rory Medcalf, Conference- Day 1 National Security College, Australian National Univ.; Randy Schriver, Defense for Indo- Pacific Security Affairs; Lai l-chung, The Prospect Foundataion; Ami Bera, House Foreign Affairs Sub committee on Asia, the Pacific, and Nonproliferation.

1/12/2021 ERA Entrepreneurs Roundtable 149 Online D'Arcy Coolican, Partner at Andreessen Horowitz

1/13/2021 Rieti, International Economic Policy Challenges for the Online Adam Posen, Peterson Institute for Int'l Economics Biden Administration 2021https://www.rieti.go.ip/en/events/20211401/handout.html

1/14/2021 Nippon Club WEB Gallery "Good Luck Charms of Edo" Online Yoshitaka Kimura, Sukeroku Virtual Opening Reception & New Year's Party for Seniors

1/15/2021 JCCI, Nippon Club, The Japanese-AmericanAssoc. Of NY. Online Ambassador, Kanji Yamanouchi, Consulate General of Japan in New York The 2021 New Year's Celebration

1/15/2021 Venezuelan Interim President Juan Guaido and Civil Society Council of the Amercas Juan Guaido Leaders on 2021 Goals 680 Park Ave. NY 10065

1/19/2021 How Innovation and Creativity Drive American Senator Thom Tillis and Andrei lancu, USPTO Director Competitiveness; by GIPC, ITA, and ITO Webinar

1/19/2021 US-Japan Council Japanese Americas & Japan: Legacies Online Glen S. Fukushima, Center for American Progress Interview with Glen S. Fukushima withglen-s-fukushima/

1/20/2021 Future of Cities Outlook 2021 Startup Slam Online

1/20/2021 Global Edtech Startup Awards Finals 2020 Online https://www.eventbrighte.eom/e/the-global-etech-startup-awards-gesawards

1/21/2021 60th IPG Seminar by JETRO New York Webinar Joseph Casino, Michael Kasdan, Thomas Landman from Wiggin and Dana LLP

1/21/2021 CSIS Online Event: Biden's Blueprint on Beijing Onlne Scott Kennedy, Daniel H. Rosen, and John Holden from CSIS approach-chinas-economy

1/21/2021 JTB USA Open Networking Event Online N/A

1/22/2021 Jiji Top Seminar Online Ken Kotani, Nihon University, College of Risk Management

1/26/2021 CSIS Asoa Forcast 2021 Online Jude Blanchette, Richard M Rossow, Sue Mi Terry. Victor D. Cha, Bonnie Glaser, Scott Kennedy, William A. Reinsch,Stephanie Segai of CSIS; Gregory Poling, Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative

1/26/2021 RIETI Global Intelligence Series. Considerations on How Online Andre Andonian, McKinsey & Company, Inc. Japan Can Unlock Its Full Potential in a Rapidly Evolving World

1/27/2021 Japan Sociey "From Abenomics to Suganomics: Japan's Online Yoshihiro Hyakutome,SMBC Americas; Kathy Matsui, Goldman Sachs; Heizo Takenaka, Economic Outlook" Tokyo Univ.,Keio Univ., Japanese Government Abe Administration. outlook

1/27/2021 The Geopolitics of Sustainability Eurasia Group, 15th FI Rohitesh Dhawan 149 Fifth Ave. New York NY 10010

1/27/2021 A Conversation with US Ambassador Todd Chapman Council of the Amercas Todd Chapman, 680 Park Ave. NY 10065

1/27/2021 Al for You and I Online Professor Bjorn Schuller

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1/27/2021 Inno on the Road: Startups to Watch Hampton Roads Online Ulrich Thienel, CEO ReAlta Power Growth...Through a Downturn

1/28/2021 Commercialization of MIT Technology: Innovation, Tech Online Lauren C. Foster, Associate Director at the MIT TLO https://www.eventbrite.eom/e/ Transfer and Licences commercialization-of-mit-technology-innovation-tech-transfer-licensing-

1/28/2021 Founders Event pitch contest Online Waimin Higa, Raef

1/28/2021 ERA Global-lbaraki Prefecture Bootcamp Program Online Final Event event

1/28-2/2 Online Business Consultants for Flour Online Ms. Aya Ota, President of Bio Arts NYC , Inc.

1/29/2021 Technology Trends of the Future Online Oliver Buechse https://www.eventbrite.eom/e/technology-trends-of-the-future Feb-21 2/2/2021 Jiji Top Seminar Online Ke Long, Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research

2/3/2021 US Visa webinar Reina Boaz, RBI Partners

2/3/2021 RIETI BBL, Global Intelligence Series , Online David Atkinson, Konishi, Decorative Arts and Crafts Co., ltd. Improving Productivity in Japan https://www.rieti.go.ip/en/eents/bbl/21020401.html

2/4/2021 RIET IBBL Global Intelligence Series: Multi-Risk Governance Online Hideaki Shiroyama, University of Tokyo Int'l and Domestic Response to Emerging and Reemerging https://www.rieti.go.ip/en/events/bbl/21020501.html Infectious Diseases

2/4/2021 BRAVO Leadership Concersation: Mauricio Claver-Carone Council of the Amercas Mauricio Claver-Carone 680 ParkAve. NY 10065

2/9/2021 ERA Entrepreneurs Roundtable 150 with Brian Cohen, NY Online Brian Cohen, NY Venture Partners, and NY Angels Angels and NY Venture Partners 194/event/entrepreneurs roundtable-150-online/

2/9/2021 CJEB TSE Introduces a Brand New Playing Field for Online Ryota Kimurs, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. New York Office Japanese Companies, by Columbus Business School iapanese-companies

2/9/2021 MARSH X Corporate Communication Strategic Studies Online Satoru Murase, Mayer Brown; and Satoru Hiraga, Marsh Broker Japan, Inc. Institute Online Forum

2/10/2021 Nishiura Asahi, JCCI, NC presents: Overview and steps to Online Noriya Ishikawa, and Azusa Saito from Nishimura & Asahi be taken in preparation for enforcement of the CPRA in California and howto deal with breach incidents

2/10/2021 US-Japan Council Remembering the Ehime Maru Onlne Stephen Dryer, Chong, Mishimoto, Sia, Nakamura & Goya LLC; Nate Gyotoku, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii; Neil Sheehan, Sheehan Group-Paacific (SGP)

2/11/2021 OIST Founation COVID-19 Science Update Online Dr. Mary Collins, Dr. Hiroko Ishikawa, Dr. Amy Shen, Dr. Matthias Wolf, of Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University https://groups.oist.ip/giving/event/webinar-covid+H52

2/11/2021 RIETI, Global Intelligence Series, Sustainable Dev. Goals and Online Junji Nakagawa, Chuo Gakin University Voluntary Sustainability Standards https://www.rieti.go.ip/en/events/21021201/info.html

2/11/2021 PPAC Quarterly Meeting by USPTO Online Julie Mar-Spinola, PPAC; Drew Hirshfield,Acting Under Sec of Commerce for Intellectual The US Patent and Trademark Office Property; Jeff Sears , Jennifer Camacho, Jeremiah Chan Subcommittee Chairs; Robin Evans, Robert Bah, and Valencia Martin Deputy Commissioners; et. al.

2/11/2021 Japan Innovation at Venture Cafe Cambridge Online Shaheen Hakimi, Dir. of Venture cafe Cambridge;Kikuyo Miyazaki, Consul,Consulate General of Japan in Boston;Jessey Leclair, Japan Desk of Cambridge innovation Center https://www.linkedin.eom/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6765492896197165056

2/11/2021 Hyogo-Kobe Health Tech/Digital Health business expansion Webinar Dr. Rysusuke Miki, MD, MPH; Mr MasanoriNagamin; Mr. Masashi Kiyomine, Dr. Nick Hird; Mr Bobby lyama

2/12/2021 University of Maryland, Cracking the Code on Climate Online hppts:// function Change Economic Scenarios

2/12/2021 Jiji Top Seminar Online Sotaro Mine, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

2/15-17/2021 Leahy Institute of Advanced Patent Studies Online Gary Hoffman, President; David Kappos, Advisory Board; Andy Baluch Amicus Committee; 6th Annual Converence by Naples Roundtable Senator Patrick Leahy; Andrei lancu, USPTO

2/16/2021 CSIS Confronting Chinese State Capitalism Online Barry Naughton, Univ. of CA San Diego; Andrew Batson, Gavekai Dragononics; Wendy Leutert, Indiana Univ.; Meg Rithire, Harvard Univ.; Carolyn Bartholomew, US-China Economic and Security Review Commission; Rob Atkinson, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation; Daniel Crosby,King & Spalding; Arthur Kroebere, GavekalDragonomics

2/16/2021 US-Japan Council Japanese Americans & Japan: Legacies- Online USIC Japan, Board of Councilors Interview with Kathy Matsui interview-with-kathy-matsui-virtual-event/

2/16/2021 Online Promotion for Online Timothy Sullivan, International Sake Sommelier

2/17/2021 CIEB The Future of Finance and Empowering the Retail Online Oki Matsumoto, Monex Group, Inc. Investor. finance-san-empowering-the-retail-investor/

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

2/17/2021 RIETI Global Intelligence Series. Policy Trends Related to Online Tatsuo Okawa, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry the Application of Mobile Payments in China -From https://www.rieti.go.ip/en/events/21021801/info.html restaurant DX to SME credit ratings

2/17/2021 61st IPG Seminar by JETRO New York Webinar Jitsuro Morishita, Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP Tokyo JAPAN

2/18/2021 Aichi-Nagoya Startup Consortium—JETRO Nagoya Online WiTricity; Tom Okada

2/18/2021 PASONA 2021 Networking Event for New Japanese Expats Online Kensuke Okutani, Pasona N A, Inc. in the U.S.

2/18/2021 RIETI Global Intelligence Series. Evaluation of China's Online Sasaki Nobuo, Patent Strategy Design Institute Co., Ltd. Innovation Power: Seen in patent macro-data https://www/rieti.go.ip/en/events/21021901/info.html

2/22/2021 Consulate General of Japan New York Brings You Online N/A Experience Shochu Online Seminar

2/23/2021 Japan Club Board of Directors Meeting Online N/A

2/23/2021 Consulate General of Japan Emperor's Birthday Online Online N/A Reception, February 23

2/23/2021 Chiba Global Healthcare Business Forum 2021 online Online Devin Basinger (HI meeting) JETRO Chiba https://www.ietro.go.ip/ietro/iapan/chiba/info/cghbf2021

2/23/2021 Japan-Colombia Business Virtual Fair Embassy of Japan Marta Lucia Ramirez Bogota, Colombia

2/24/2021 Jiji Top Seminar Online Keiji Itaka, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ. Dept, of Biofunction Research

2/24/2021 JTB Business Travel United Airlines-Return To Travel Online Aaron McMillan and Tom Akamatsu of United Airlines

2/24/2021 Nishimura & Asahi NY Legal Forum Keeping Japanese Online N/A Companies Out of US Courts: How to Prevent Japanese Parent Companies From Being Dragged Into US Litigation Involving Their Us Subsidiaries

2/24/2021 Women in Tech: Japanese & Int'l Trailblazers Online Dr.Noriko Arai, Yuka Kojima, Sara Hooker, Catherine Kobayashi Japan Society NYC SocietyNYC

2/24/2021 Activity of California Air Resources Board Online Analisa Bevan, Assist Div. Chief; Sustainable Transportation and Communities Division

2/24/2021 Possibility of mRNA Online Dr. Keiji Idaka

2/25/2021 Combating COVID-19: Japan's Response & Efforts Online Tomoya Saito, Dir. Center for Emergency reparedness and Response National Institute of Japan Society Business and Policy Program Infectious Diseases; Haruka Sakamoto,Assitant Pro, Dept, of Health Policy and Management Keio University; James Gannon Ex.Dir.JCIE/USA

2/25/2021 CISCO Webex Live Webinar: Employee experience and Online Josh Bersin, Josh Bersin Academy engagement with Josh Bersin

2/25/2021 Japan Sociey Combating COVID-19: Japan's Response and Online Tomoya Saito, Center for Emergency Preparedness and Response National Institute of Efforts Infectious Diseases; Haruka Sakamoto, Keio University

2/26/2021 Seminars by J PM A-WEST Webinar Mikiro Suga

2/26/2021 US Patent Litigation Strategies for Transfer Webinar Jeannine Yoo Sano and Eric Krause of Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider by NEDO Silicon Valley

March-21 3/1/21 Jiji Press Online Networking Event Online Kanji Yamanouchi, Ambassador, Consulate General of Japan

3/1/21 Thinking about Future Innovation Activities: Toward JETRO San Fra ncisco Hiroshi Menjo, et. al. Behavior Change in Silicon Valley vol.l online seminar

3/1 -5/2021 CERA Week 2021 Virtual Seminar Hon. Jennifer Granholm, Sec. of Energy, US Dept of Energy Bill Gates, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Breakthrough Energy Hon. Lisa Murkowski, US Senator

3/2/21 Japan Society Inside the White House: US-Japan Relations Online Toshihiro Nakayama, Keio Univ. and Japan Institute of Int'l Affairs; Mireya Solis, The under President Biden Brookings Institution, Demetri Sevastopulo, Financial Times /event/inside-the-white-house-us-japan-relations-under-president-biden

3/2/21 USPTO IP Attache Program: Structure, Goals, and the Current Webinar Piers Blewett, Schwegman Lundbert & Worssner P.A.; Dominic Keating, USPTO Situation in China. By Intellectual Property Owners Assoc.

3/3/21 CSIS 2021 US-Japan Security Seminar Online Kenihchiro Sasae and Tetsuo Kotani, Japan Institute of Int'l Affairs ; Mireya Solis, Brookings Institute

3/3/21 2021 Women's Entrepreneurship Symposseum (WES) Webinar by USPTO Cara Duckwork and Elizabeth Dougherty, USPTO; Wynn Coggins, US Dept of Commerce; Coke Kickoff Morgan Stewart, Deputy Undersecretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property; Jennifer Camacho, PPAC and USPTO; Kimberly Meckwood, Click & Carry, Inc.

3/6/21 Fellowship for Japan TOGETHER FOR 3.11 Online N/A

3/7/21 Hokuhokukai Memorial Ceremony for the Victims of the Online N/A Great East Japan Earthquake

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3/8-3/11/2021 Online Business Meetings for Fisheries Products Online N/A

3/9/21 "Economic Rulemaking in the Asia-Pacific Region" Webinar John J. Hamre, CSIS; Nouhiko Sasaki, JETRO; Michael Green, CSIS

3/9/21 CSIS Economic Rulemaking in the Asia-Pacific Region Online Fluong Le Thu, Australian Strategic Policy Institute; Shujiro Urata, Waseda University; Matthew Goodman and Scott Kennedy of CSIS https://www.csis.orR/events/economic-rulemakinR-asia-pacific-region

3/9/21 JCCI Board of Directors Meeting Online Masaaki Maeda, Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of NY

3/11/21 CSIS SAM NUNN National Security Leadership Prize Online Sam Nunn, CSIS Bpard of Trustees; Michele Flournoy, WestExec Advisors hppts:// ip-prize

3/12/21 BOSAI-TECH Global Business Matching in Japan Online https://rbc2020.sendai-bosai-tech.ip/

3/12/21 Webinar: Labor law trend in US Online Hirohisa Naito, Moses & Singer LLP; Tania Mistretta and Anna Broccolo, Jackson Lewis P.C. https://www.ietro.RQ.ip/world/covid-19/us/video

3/15-16 loT Techologies Summit Online Dan Purvis, Velentium; Christopher Gates, Velentium; Jared Weiner, VDC Resesarch; Chuck Byers,loT Consortium; Sourabh Dhillon, Xidas loT; Martin Garner, lnsights;David Lafferty, Scientific Technical Services

3/15-3/18 Online Business Meetings for Fisheries Products Online N/A

3/16/21 PASONA N A The latest Trend: 2021 employment in the US Online Sho Sakakibra, FIR Lings, Inc.; Akiko Komura, Pasona N A, Inc.

3/16/21 Thinking about Future Innovation Activities: Toward JETRO San Fra ncisco Michi Kaifu, Behavior Change in Silicon Valley vol.3 online seminar

3/16-18/21 YoungStartup Ventures West Summit Virtual Platform Brella

3/16-20/21 SXSW Online

3/16/21 62nd IPG Seminar by JETRO New York Webinar Kenji Kainuma, JETRO Sao Paulo; Yoshinari Ohyama, NEDO Silicon Valley

3/17-19/21 IDB Invest 2021 Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors Inter-American Develop Mauricio J. Claver-Carone, ment Bank,1300 NY Ave NW, Washington DC

3/17 and 3/25 Maryland Kanagawa Virtual Educational Exchange Online Hitoshi Suzuki, Kanagawa Division JETRO NY; Masahiko Okada, FHigh School and 6/3 Education Div. Kanagawa Prefectural Gov.; Mary E. Nitsch, Int'l Programs Maryland Dept, of Commerce; Tooko Hoogenboom, Japanese Area Coordina­ tor, Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County.; Seiichi Kudo, Association of Kanagawa Private Junior/Senior Fligh Schools.

3/18/21 US-Japan Discussion Group Meeting, Economic Recovery Online Paul Sheard, Kennedy School, Flarvard Univ. and the Post-Covid World

3/22/21 CSIS Online Event: China's New Legislative Agenda: Online Bonnie Glaser, German Marshall Fund of the US Unpacking China's "Two Meetings" Scott Kennedy and Jude Blanchette of CSIS

3/22/21 JCCI 56th Appeal of Conscience Foundation 56th Annual Online N/A Appeal of Conscience Awards Virtual Event

3/22/21 RIETI-ANU Symposium Towards an Asia-Pacific Digital Online Wendy Cutler, Asia Society Policy Institute; Yiping Fluang, Peking Univ.; Bilahari Kausikan, Economy Governance Regime National Univ. of Singapore; Deborah Elms, Asian Trade Center; Peter Lovelock, Technology Research Project Corp.; Joshua Meltzer, Brookings Institute, Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria, APEC

3/22/21 SelectUSA-Innovation in US Sciences Industry Online Rebecca Cunningham, VP for Research, University of Michigan

3/23/21 Flealth Science and Technology@MIT Online Sheryl Greenberg, MIT Corporate Relations; Ernest Fraenkel, Broad Institute; David Gifford, MIT; J Christopher Love, Ragon Institute of MGFI, MIT and Flarvard; Allison Ackerman, Resolute Bio; Michael Schrader, Vaxess; Rhie-young Lim, LifeCanvas Technologies; Udayan Umapathi, Volta Labs; Zen Chu, MIT Flacking Medicine; Ron Weiss, MIT Synthetic Biological Engineering; Manolis Kellis, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab Institute Member, Broad Institute of MIT and Flarvard.

3/23/21 Thinking about Future Innovation Activities: Toward JETRO San Fra ncisco Klaus Wehage, et. al. Behavior Change in Silicon Valley vol.4 online seminar

3/23/21 Prospects for US-Japan-Brazil Cooperation in a Shifting Japan Assoc, of Latin Teji Flayashi, International Political Environment America and the Carrib bean, Tokyo, Japan

3/23/21 Pasona N A Executive Discussion Series 3, HRBP and Job- Online Flirofumi Udagawa, Workday, Inc. Type Employment Kenji Furushiro, Pasona N A, Inc.

3/23/21 CIEB Marking the 10th Anniversary Of the 2011 Great Onlne Governor Masao Uchibori, Fukushima Prefecture; Naomi Hirose ,Tokyo Electire Power Co. East Japan Earthquake earthquake

3/23/21 RIETI China's Medium-and-Log-Term Economic Outlook: Online Meng Jianjun, and C.H.Kwan of Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry Aiming for both Fairness and Efficiency

3/24/21 JTB Business Travel SKYTEAM-Air France & KLM-Return to Online Irene Gercama, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines; Caoline de Graaf, Air France Japan

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3/24/21 University of Maryland The OFR; Constructive Thoughts for Online Hilary Allen, American Univ. Washington College of Law; Greg Feldberg; Yale Shool of a New Environment Management; Kathryn Judge, Columbia Law School

3/24/21 Japan Society Corporate Member Networking Session Online Joshua W. Walker, Japan Society

3/24/21 Consulate of Japan NY, About Infrastructure Project in NYC Online Nicole Gelinas, Manhattan Institute; Christopher Ward, BRAVO; Richard Geddes Cornell Univ.

3/24/21 Future Projects on Infrastructure in NY Consulate General of Nicole Gelinas, Japan, 299 Park Ave. NY, NY 10171

3/24/21 Webinar: Infrastructure Project in NYC Online Nicole Gelinas; Christopher 0. Ward; Prof. Richard Geddes

3/24/21 2021 International IP Index Launch, by US Chamber of Virtual Event David Hirschmann, GIPC; Meir Pugatch, Pugatch Consilium; Laurie Self, Qualcomm; Daren Commerce Tang, WIPO; Laurie Hill, Genentech; Claudio Vilar Furtado, INPI; Patrick Kilbride, GIPC

3/24-3/25 Digital Transformation Virtual Summit 2021 Online Hitoshi Suzuki, Kanagawa Pref., JETRO NY; Chyo Kobayashi, Washington Core; Yoshiyuki Sankai, CYBERDYNE Inc.

3/25/21 Jiji Top Webinar Online Naoyuki Iwashita, Kyoto University

3/25/21 PwC Pulse Survey Webcast Online N/A

3/25/21 COACH A Developing a Leadership of Global Standard Online N/A

3/26/21 Connecticut Investment Webinar Online Ned Lamont, Connectiut Governor; Setsuo Ohmori, Consulate of Japan in Boston; Kenichi Kawamoto, JETRO NY; David Campbell, AdvanceCT

3/26/21 IP Strategies for Business Protection Webinar Steven Levitan and Ted R. Essex of Hogan Lovells US LLP by NEDO Silcon Valley

3/29/21 Mayer Brown, Can Japanese Companies Ignore Asian Hate Online N/A Crime

3/29/21 CSIS Global Networks 2030 Online Ken Watanabe, Ministry of International Affairs and Communications; Diane Rinaldo, Open RAN Policy Coalition; Jonathan Hillman, CSIS https://www.csis.orR/events/Rlobal-networks-2030

3/30/21 UNDP and Kanagawa Prefectural Government Meeting Online Achim Steiner, United Nations Development Programme; Yui Kuroiwa, Governor Kanagawa Prefectural Government; Hitoshi Suzuki, Kanagawa Division, JETRO NY

3/30-3/31 TXF Americas 2021: Export & Project Finance Trade and Export Carlos Pio, et. al. Finance, 1270 Ave. of the Americas, suite 703 New York, NY 10017 April 2021 4/5/2021 2021 Spring Meetings of IMF/WBG Int'l Monetary Fund and Kristalina Georgieva, World Bank Group 1818 H St., NW Washington DC20433

4/5/2021 BWC Annual Meeting 2021, Achieving an Equitable Global The Bretton Woods David Malpass, Recovery Committee,1701 KSt.NW Washington DC 20006

4/5/2021 CSIS Strtegic Japan: The Future of Japan-China Relations Online Rumi Aoyama, Waseda Univ.; Masafumi lida, National Institute for Defense Studies; Asei Ito, University of Tokyo; Ichiro Inoue, Kwansei Gakuin University. https://www.csis.orR/events/strateRic-iapan-future-iapan-china-relations

4/6/2021 OIST Spaces of Innovation: Smart Cities & Innovation Parks Online Takehiko Nagumo, Smart City Institute Japan; Yusuke Mori, Tsukuba City; Ali Ganjehlou. from Tsukuba to Okinawa Okinawa Institute of Science and Tehnology Graduate University https://Rroups.oist.ip/RivinR/event/spaces-innovation-smart-cities-innovation-parks- tsukuba-okinawa

4/6/2021 CSIS Online Event: Towards a Better China Strategy Online Ryan Hass, Brookings Institution; Jude Blanchette, CSIS https://www.csis.orR/events/towards-better-china-strateRV

4/6/2021 ERA Entrepreneurs Roundtable 152 with Laconia Capital Online Jeffrey Silverman and Geri Kirilova, Laconia Capital Group Group

4/7/2021 Jiji Top Seminar Online Hisashi Kuboyama, Federation of Small Businesses

4/9/2021 INES Study Group Meeting Webinar Shigeaki Okamoto, Akihisa Harada, Takero Doi, Takuma Sugawara, Kazumasa Oguro, Ichiro Umeda

4/13/2021 CIEB, Is Korea Following in Japan's Footsteps? Online Randll S. Jones, Columbia Business School and Korea Economic Institute of America

4/14/2021 Nippon Club JCCI presents Panel Discussion 2021 Online Mitsuru Claire Chino, Itochu Int'l. Gerald Curtis, Columbia Univ.: Max Hata, Ernst & YoungLLP; Hiroshi Kurihara, Mitsubishi UFJ Ginancial Group; Kazutami Yamazaki, Washington Watch https://

4/14/2021 Virtual Lecture at Long Island University Online Daiki Nakajima, JETRO New York

4/15/2021 63rd IPG Seminar by JETRO New York Webinar Robert Green Stern, Yugo Nagashima, John Covert, Deborah Sterling of Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C,; York Eggleston, Slingshot IP, LLC

4/15/2021 Nippon Club "Antique CHABAKO-Boxes for Tea Utensils- Online Masahiro Miyake, Ebiya Antique Store; Nakazawa, Omotesenka School; Yuko Nishikawa,

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Ebiya Style" Virtual Opening Reception Special Exhivition Nishikawa-Style School Traditional Japanese Dance

4/16/2021 CSIS My Vision for the Japan US Alliance Online John J. Hamre, CSIS; H.E. Yoshihide Suga, Prime Minister of Japan

4/19/2021 64th IPG Seminar by JETRO New York Webinar Tomonori Taniguchi, Professor Senshu University

4/20/2021 ERA Global-KGAP+ Program Final Online Event Online N/A

4/20/2021 JCCI Fragomen/JCCI/NC Presents US Immigration Law Online Shintaro Araki and Conrad Ohashi, Fragomen, Del Ray, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP; Policy in the Biden Administration

4/20/2021 Japan Club Board Directors Meeting Online N/A

4/20/2021 Jiji Top Seminar: US venture funding trends and the silicon Online Michi Kaifu Valley economy (JIJI Press USA)

4/20-4/22 Collision 2021-Tech conference Online

4/22/2021 U.S.-Japan Healthcare Connection Online Takahide Akiyama, Japan Sociey of Norther California hppts://www.

4/23/2021 Global Patent Prosecution: Time is Money Webinar Michael J. Riesen of Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP; Ryoichi Inagaki, Japan Patent Office by NEDO Silicon Valley

4/28/2021 JCCI Board of Directors Meeting Online Masaaki Maeda, JCCI

4/28/2021 US-Japan Council, "Remembering Irene: A Memorial Online Tribute"

4/28/2021 Greek Tech Talks #08 Biotech, Healthcare & Life Sciences Online Vangelis Vergetis, Intelligencia, ai.; Fay Christodoulou, Miroculus; Kimon Angeglidi, Panel Stealth Startup; Effie Albanis, Neurogene; Evangelos Pappas, RTsafe; Afroditi Konidari, Tendertec; Steven Stavrou, Sr. Biotech & Lifesciences Strategy Advisor; Lina Ntokou, talks-08-biotech-healthcare-life-sciences Women in STEM.

4/29/2021 ERA Winter 2021 Online Demo Day Online N/A

4/29/2021 US-China Trade War and its Implications for Japan and the Online David E. Weinstein, National Bureau of Economic Research/Japan Project and Columbia Univ. Global Economy / Nippon Club Sponsored May-21 5/4/2021 Jiji Top Semina Online Kenji Kushia, Stanford University

5/4/2021 51st Washington Conference on the Americas Council of the Amercas Kamala D. Harris, 680 ParkAve. NY 10065

5/4/2021 Webinar DX in Silicon Valley Online Kenji Kushida, Stanford University

5/4/2021 Jiji Top Seminar: The essence of Silicon Valley-style DX and Online Kenji Kushida value creation (Jiji Press USA)

5/6/2021 Of Climate and Global Finance Eurasia Group, 15th FI Mark Carney, 149 Fifth Ave. New York NY 10010

5/6/2021 PPAC Quarterly Meeting by USPTO Online Julie Mar-Spinola and Steven Caltrider of PPAC; Drew Hirshfeld, Acting Under Sec. of Commerce for Intellectual Property; Jeff Sears, PPAC; Andrew Faile, Acting Commissioner for Patents; Stefanos Karmis, Patent Quality Assurance; Martin Rater, Patent Statistician;

5/6/2021 Connecticut Investment Webinar Online Kenichi Kawamoto, President,JETRO NY; Stsuo Omori, Consul-General of Japan Boston; CT Governor Ned Lamont; David Campbell, Advance CT; et. al.

5/6/2021 Michael Best, Reince Prebus & Steve Israel 2020 Elections Online Reince Priebus and Steve Israel, Michael Best Strategies Conversation

5/11/2021 ERA Entrepreneurs Roundtable 153 Online Online Jean Sini, Partech Ventures


5/13/2021 Incentivizing Innovation for Healthy Aging and Economic Webinar John Beard, David Galiagher, Anthony Gooch, Akihisa Harada, Michael Hodin Growth in Super-Aging Japan Motoshige Itoh, Seiji Kihara, Melissa Gong Mitchell, Yumiko Murakami Takuma Inamura, Kazumasa Oguro, Mikiro Suga, Hirotaka Unami

5/14/2021 Meet Top Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Webinar Drew Hirshfeld, Acting Under Sec. of Commerce for Intellectual Property; Margaret Wu, Islanders Inventors, by USPTO Retired Scientific Advisor, Ming-Jun Li and Pushkar Tandon of Corning Incorp.; Alice Min Soo Chun,Solight Design andSEEUS95, Inc.; Yiran Yang, Candidate in Medical Engineering;

5/17/2021 65th IPG Seminar by JETRO New York Webinar Tomonori Taniguchi, Professor, Senshu University

5/17/2021 CSIS Sam Nunn: Statesman of the Nuclear Age Online Sam Nunn, CSIS, Former Senator; Frank L. Jones Author

5/17-5/20 RSA Conference USA 2021 Online

5/18/2021 OIST Foundation The Future of Women in Science & Launch Online Mary Collins and Afshan Jamshaid, Okinawa Institute Science and Technology Graduate Univ.; of the Rita R. Colwell Impact Fund for the Advancement of Rita R. Colwell,Univ. of Maryland and John Hopkins Univ.; Nina Harano, Columbia Univ.; Women in Science Yuko Kakazu, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Hawaii hppts://groups.oist.ip/giving/event /online-future-women-science

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5/18/2021 Virtual Pitch Fest-Beyond Silicon Valley- Tech for Online Ms. Laila Partridge , STANLEY + Techstars Transportation and Manufacturing

5/18/2021 Webinar Regulation for chemical products in US Online Kanji Tamamushi, EJKK https://www/

5/18 and 5/19 2021 BioNJ BioPartnering Virtual Conference Online Hitoshi Suzuki Kanagawa Division, JETRO NY; Timothy Westfall, Global Head REPROCELL USA Inc.; Manabu Seo, Elixirgen Scientific, Inc.; Tom Church Gastec International Corporation

5/19/2021 US-Japan Discussion Group Online Keiko Honda, Columbia University

5/19/2021 US-Japan Plealthcare Connection: The Digital Online Jack Moorman, US-Japan Medtech Frontiers; Shawn Ring, AVODAHMED; Nicholas, Casana; Transfomation of Healthcare Jon Gasson, CereVuMedical; Liz Asai, Digital Diagnostics; Adam Saltman, HEALTH; Ghaffari, Epicore Biosystems; Ozcan Cikmaz and Beth Rogozinski, Migraine.Al: 2021-agenda/ Daniel Burnett, Respirix; Ran Ma, Siren Care; Sam Hansen, TheraB Medical; Fumi Ikeno, Japan Biodesign at Stanford Univ.; John Thomas, Japan Society of Northern California.

5/20/2021 CSIS The Role of Human Capital in U.S.-China Competition Online Andy Kim, House Foreign Affairs and House Armed Services Committees; Ryan Hass, Brookings Institution; Yingyi Ma, Syracuse Univ.; Kaiser Kuo, Sinica Podcast

5/20/2021 Lecture at Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Webinar Mikiro Suga

5/20/2021 Disruption of Patent Practices-AI Changes our Future Webinar Jay Yonamine, Global Patents, Google; Tatsuo Nakamura, VALUENEX; George Koomullil, by NEDO Silicon Valley Relecura; Yoshiyuki Osabe, Patent Information Research Laboratory JAPIO

5/23/2021 RIETI The Geopolitics of Biden's Green Deal Online Takemori Shumpei, RIETI and Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd. https://www.rieti.go.ip/en/events/21052401/info.html

5/24/2021 Johns Hopkins SAIS New York Alumni Club Virtual Event: Oline N/A The Emerging Biden Foreign Policy: China to the Fore

5/25/2021 CSIS Countering Asian and Asian American Discrimination as Onlinr Jason Chung, Colonel Jenny McGee, Nilmini Rubin ofProject on Prosperity and Development; a Dimension of Foreign Policy Jessica Lee, Quincy Institute dimension-foreign-policy

5/25/2021 University of Maryland Permanent Instability: Climate Risk Online Hewson Baltzell, Helios Exchange; Alessandro Cocco, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; to the Financial System Julie Pullen, Jupiter Intelligence , and Columbia University

5/26/2021 Nippon Club Annual Meeting Online N/A

5/26/2021 IACE Travel Social Meeting for Different Industries & Online N/A Travel to Japan Seminar

5/26/2021 66th IPG Seminar by JETRO New York Webinar John Flock, Daniel Shanley, and Andrew Kasnevich of Huton Andrews Kurth LLP

5/27/2021 Webinar: Trend of oil business in US Online Makoto Uemura, JETRO Chicago

5/27/2021 Mayer Brown US Action Against Products Manufactured in Online Satoru Murase and Sydney H. Mitzer of Mayer Brown Violation of Forced Labor Laws: What Japanese- Corpora­ tions Should Do manufactured-in-violation-of-forced-labor-laws-what-iapanese-cororations-should-do

5/27/2021 PASONA N A Webinar Talk with Executive Series 4, Online Naoki Sugimoto, Honda Innovations, Inc.; Kenji Furushiro , Pasona N A, Inc. Honda Innovations, Inc.

5/28/2021 Japan Club Spring Music & Talk Webinar. OMOFUKUNI Online Shinyong, Singer-Songwriter, A Singer-Songwriter, Shinyong Jun-21 6/1/2021 Atlanta Summit o Global Health: Race to Beat CoVID-19 Online Ramanan Laxminarayan, Economics & Policy, Center for Disease Dynamics; Paige Alexandar, The Carter Center; Caitlin Welsh, CSIS; Barron Segar, World Food Program USA; Tjada D'Oyen McKenna, Mercy Corps hppts://www.

6/1/2021 The XI Jimping Administration and Science & Technology: Online Chisako T Masuo, Kyushu University The international order transformed by his "Chinese Dream"

6/2/2021 PASONA N A The Future is Now: "Electric Vehicles" Online Dave Erb, Electric and Hybrid Electric Engineer

6/2/2021 Nishimura & Asahi NY Legal Forum IP arbitration: Recent Online Anne-Marie Doernenburg, Nishimura & Asahi, developments and arbitrability of IP disputes in civil law jurisdictions

6/2/2021 EU-Japan-US Int'l Digital Trust Workshop Online Satoru Tezuka et. al. Keio Cyber Security Research Center

6/2/2021 Enhancing Software Supply Chain Security: Workshop and Online Matthew Scholl, Call for Position Papers on Standards and Guidelines (NIST)

6/2/2021 Peru Polling Trends Ahead of June's Presidential Runoff Eurasia Group, 15th FI Alfredo Torres, 149 Fifth Ave.NY,NY10010

6/3/2021 Atlanta Summit on Global Health: Race to Beat COVID-19 Online Gayle Smith, US Dept, of State; J. Stephen Morrison, CSIS; Thomas Bollyky, Council on Foreign Relations; Stephanie Segal, CSIS

6/3/2021 OIST Artificial Intelligence in Pathology Online Faisal Mahmood, Harvard Medical School https://groups.oist.ip/giving/event/artificial-intelligence-pathology

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6/3/2021 First 100 Days-President Biden's Administration Citibank, 388 Greenwich Candida "Candi" P. Wolff St. 36th FI. NY NY 10013

6/3/2021 Cuba Transition: New Day or More of the Same? Council of the Americas Brian Latell 680 Park Ave. New York NY 10065

6/3/2021 see 3/17 meeting above; Maryland-Kanagawa Virtual online see list of speakers in 3/17 meeting Education Exchange.

6/7/2021 CSIS Event Invite: US Book Lauch for "China's Civilian Army: online Peter Martin, Bloomberg News; Bonnie Glaser, German Marshall Fund of the US The Making of Wolf Warrior Diplomacy" diplomacy

6/7-6/11 Select USA Virtual Summit 2021 Virtual Platform , President of US; and Gina Raimondo US Sec. Dept, of Commerce

6/8/2021 JCCI Board of Directors Meeting Online Masaaki Maeda, Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of NY

6/8/2021 SelectUSA Investment Summit, "Japan Session, Japanese Online Michael Bradmeier, Toray Plastics America; Mayor Mike Barhorst, Sydney, Ohio; Mayor Investment Dynamics in the US" Ben Stahler, Bellenfontaine, Ohio;

6/8/2021 4th Flealthcare Innovation Forum Webinar Eli Lilly Japan KK Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)

6/9/2021 Machines + Media 2021: Facing the Future—NYC Media Lab Online Steven Rosenbaum, Media Lab; Julie Samuels, Tech:NYC; Ben Sun, Primary Venuret Partners; Karen Bhatia, Tech at NYCEDC; Shreya Vaidyanathan, Bloombert; Andrew Milligen Associated Press; Cheryl Phillips, Big Local News; Gary Rogers, Sector Software; Karina Alexanya, Humanication; Savannah Thais, Princeton University; https://www.eventbrite.eom/e/machines-media-2021-fadng-the-future

6/9/2021 US Intellectual Property Overview by WIPO Japan office Webinar Tetsuya Ishihara, IP Division, JETRO

6/9/2021 Jiji Top Seminar Online Maki Sugimoto, Okinaga Research Institute of Teikyo University

6/10-6/18 BIO Digital 2021 Online Jennifer Doudna, Nobel Laureat in Chemistry; Jennifer Plolmgren, Lanzatech; Sanjay Gupta, Chief Medical Correspondent, CNN

6/11/2021 Research and Development Seminar: Creation of a future Online Makoto Yano society through the integration of arts and sciences and security measures. (University of Electro-Communications)

6/11/2021 Virtual Investment Promotion Agency IPA Roundtable 2021 Online Select USA Investment Summit

6/14/2021 Final Roundtable on the NPRM on the Trademark Webinar David Gooder, Commissioner for Trademarks; Amy Cotton and Dan Vavonese Deputy Modernization Act by USPTO Commissioners for Trademark; Robert Lavache, Sr Trademark Legal Policy Advisor,

6/14-18 BIO Digital 2021 Webinar BIO

6/15/2021 CSIS Are China's Doors Still Open? The View from Europe Online Joerg Wuttke, BASF China

6/15/2021 Reception for New Ambassador of Mexico to the US Council of the Americas Esteban Moctezuma 680 Park Ave. New York

6/16/2021 Asia Undercurrent Webinar 1: Japan-US Relations Online Richard Fontaine, Center fo a New American Security; Valerie Niquet, Fondation pour la recherche strategique; Novukatsu Kanehara, Doshisha Univ. and Asia Group

6/16/2021 Co-hosted by Syscon, The Nippon Club,and JCCI: Online Tokusuke Akashi,SYSCOM GLOBAL Solutions Inc. NYSI Securitiy Force which is now required

6/17/2021 Paasona N A Executive Discussion Series 5, Sappoo USA Inc. Online Yoshiyuki Tomioka, SAPPORO USA INC.; Kenji Furushiro, Pasona N A, Inc.

6/17/2021 Direct Sales Expanding in the US E-Commerce Market online Saachie Hirayama JETRO New York

6/17/2021 Trend of D2D business in Ecoommerce market in US Webinar Sachie Flirayama https://www/

6/18/2021 Jiji Press Networking Event Online Asako Okai, United Nations Development Programm, Crisis Bureau

6/22/2021 PwC US Inbound Economic Insights Webcast Online Craig Stronberg and Zain Siddiqui of PwC Intelligence key=70eba559b4

6/22/2021 Japan Socety Annual Dinner Online Flenry R. Kravis, KKR; Joseph R. Perella, Japan Society and Perella Weinberg Partners: Naoko Yamazaki, JAXA; Caroline Kennedy, Former US Ambassador to Japan: Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, Government of Japan

6/22/2021 Digital Therapeutics and the Future of Medicine Webinar Tom Gibbs, Owen McCarthy, Jessica Shull, John Stamatopoulos, Maria Velissaris, Varun Ramdevan

6/23/2021 67th IPG Seminar, by JETRO New York Webinar Andrew F Young of Nolte, Lackenback, Siegel LLP

6/23/2021 The Consulate of Japan, Ms. Susan J. Onuma Ceremony Online Ambassador Kanji Yamanouchi, Consulate General of Japan, Gov. of Japan

6/24/2021 Nikkei Asia Webinar "China #1? Will the Middle Kingdom Online Lisa Curtis, Center for a New American Security; Pluang Jing, Beijing Language and Culture

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Replace the US as the World's leading Superpower?" University; Ken Moriyasu, Nikkei Asia US Editor webinar other?utm source=twitter&utm mediums fanpaRe post&utm campaiRn=LG webinar&utm content=webinar 20210624

6/24/2021 CSIS A Historical View of Regime Security and State Online Yuhua Wang, .; Jude Blanchette, CSIS, Capacity in China https://www.csis.orR/events/historical-view-reRime-securitv-and-state-capacity-china

6/24/2021 TXF Global Trade Virtual 2021 Trade and Export Finance Merisa Lee-Gimpel, 1270 Ave of the Americas Suite 703, NY NY 10020

6/25/2021 Jiji Top Seminar Online Teruo Fuji, President, University of Tokyo

6/25/2021 Better Leveraging Companies IP for Maximum Business Webinar Agatha H. Liu of Hickman, Becker, Bingham, Ledesma LLP; Joe A. Agiato, PIUS Growth, by NEDO Silicon Valley

6/28/2021 CSIS the EU Defense Washington Forum Online Josep Borrell, EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy; Jonathan Finer, US Deputy National Security Advisor; Teija Tilikainen, European Center of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats; Christopher Robinson, US State Dept.; Jonatan Vseviov, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Gunnar Wiegand, European External Action Service; Mikko Huotari, Mercator Institute on China Studies; Laura Rosenberger US National Security Council; https://www.csis.orR/events/eu-defense-washinRton-forum

6/29/2021 CSIS the EU Defense Washington Forum Online Trine Bramsen, Minister of Defense Denmark; Harjit Sajjan, Minister of Defence, Canada; James DeHart US State Dept.; Joao Gomes Cravinho, Minister of Defense, Portugal; Vice Admiral Herve Blejean, EU Military Staff; Gen. Stephen Townsend, US Africa Command; Brig. Gen. Fernando Luis Gracia Herreiz, EU Training Mission Mali; Charles Fries, EU External Acion Service; Uros Lampret, Slovenian Ministry of Defense; James Mackey NATO;

6/29/2021 Beyond Silicon Valley Webinar Series: Utah's Ecosystem Online Kans Gopalpur Business Oregon Future Comm.; Shamil Kalkar Sila Inc.; event/post-3635.html Taro Fukuyama, Fond Inc.

6/30/2021 Chile: Financing the Transition in Energy and Infrastructure Proximo Proximo 1270 Ave of the Americas Suite 703, NY NY 10020

6/30/2021 CSIS Assessing the 2021 G7 Summit: The Sherpa Perspective Online Jonathan Black; UK Cabinet Office; and Daleep Singh, US Deputy Nat. Security Advisor https://www.csis.orR/events/assessinR-2021-R7-summit-sherpa-perspective

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Attachment D January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021

JETRO NEW YORK (Reg. #1643) Response to Item 14(a) Receipts-Monies:

During this six-month period, JETRO New York Received the following amount of money for general purposes from Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Tokyo, Japan

Attachment D


January $2,004,407 February $939,930

March $3,179,278

April $1,996,701

May $0

June $12,153

Total $8,132.469

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

JETRO New York (Registration No. 1643) Supplemental Statement (E) for the six-month period January 1 2021 to June 30 2021

Response to Item 15.(a)

During this 6-month period, JETRO New York disbursed or expended monies in connection with its activities on behalf of its foreign principal (JETRO Tokyo), and Kanagawa Prefectural Government as follows-

Month Item Purposes January 2021 Salaries $200,227 Office and Administrative Office rent $121,085 Expenses______Insurance and employee benefits $52,135 Housing Allowance $85,107 Telephone, facsimile, mail, courier and 5,019 other communications-related expenses

Equipment leasing and office supplies 5,111

Business travel $336 Outside service (Legal Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen& Loewy, Service) LLP, 515 Madison Ave. New York NY $49,662 10022

Mayer Brown, 1999 K St., NW., Washington DC 20006-1101

Outside services AALC, Limited Company, 1600 Wilson (Research&Consulting) $65,000 Blvd., Ste.820, Arlington, VA 22209

BIO Arts NYC Inc. 103 Second Ave., $4,800 #2D, New York, NY 10003

Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, 601 13th St., NW, Suite $10,000 1050N, Washington DC 20005 Center for Strategic & Int'l Studies (CSIS). 1616 Rhode Island Ave., NW $35,000 Washington DC 20036

CIC Innovation Communities, LLC, 1 Broadway, 14th FI, Cambridge, MA $13,550 02142

Continental Exhibitions, 805 3rd Ave., $5,550 15th FI, New York, NY 10022

Focus America Corporation, 31 South 1,914 St., #3N-2, Mount Vernon, NY 10550

Anthony Garreffi, 231 Rt. 6A, Unit 7. $1,366 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Month Item Purposes Hudson Institute, 1201 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 400, Washington DC $20,000 20004

Imageon Consulting, Inc 370 Lexington $1,200 Ave#2212, New York, NY 10168

Mira Design Corporation, 231 West 31st $714 St. #1012, NY, NY 19918

Nigagara Tortoise LLC, 913 Pico Blvd., $246 Santa Monica, CA 90405

Kyoko Noda, 31 Ocean Pway 5D, $246 Brooklyn, NY 11218

Ryan O'Shea, 1104 Meadowbrook Dr., $600 Canonsburg, PA 15317

PROSPECTIVALATAMINC. 1440 G St $2,500 NW, Washington DC 20005

T Inspire Consulting LLC, 128 Charlotte $1,000 Place, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

Sachie Takaku, 30 W 60th St., New York, NY 10023

Asako Ueno, 559 3rd St., Brooklyn, NY $308 11215

Venture Out LLC, 25 West 39th St., $39,050 14th FI, New York, NY 10018

Kelly Waldron, 1613 Long Shadow Lane, Georgetown, TX 78628

Washington Core, 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 730, Bethesda, MD $16,588 20814 Washington Research and Analysis, LLC, 1730 Rhode Island Ave., NW, Suite $4,200 715, Washington DC 20036

Teruko Weinberg Inc. 21241 S. Western i,000 Ave., Suitel50, Torrance, CA 90501

WIN Advisors, LLC, PO Box 101, $900 Slippery Rock, PA 16057


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Month Item Purposes Other miscellaneous expenses $1,288,921 TOTAL 2,044,119

February 2021 Salaries $231,406 Office and Administrative Office rent $128,148 Expenses Insurance and employee benefits $37,579 Housing Allowance $84,206 Telephone, facsimile, mail, courier and 1,537 other communications-related expenses Equipment leasing and office supplies ,571 Business travel $972 Outside service (Legal Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen& Loewy, $12,457.00 Service) LLP, 515 Madison Ave. New York NY 10022

Mayer Brown, 1999 K St., NW., 2,325 Washington DC 20006-1101

Outside services American Council for Capital Formation (Research&Consulting) (ACCF), 1001 Connecticut Ave., NW $40,000 Suite 620, Washington DC 20036

Axon Global Services, 10 G St., NE, $7,500 Washington DC 20002

BIO Arts NYC Inc., 103 Second Ave., $35,000 #2D, New York, NY 10003

Canvas Creative Group, 37 Allen St., $369 Cresskill, NJ 07626

CIC Innovation Communities, LLC, 1 Broadway, 14th FI, Cambridge, MA $61,725 02142 Energy Aspects Corp. 285 Fulton ST., Suite 47D, One World Trade Center, $19,598 New York, NY 10007

Focus America Corporation, 31 South $738 St., #3N-2, Mount Vernon, NY 10550

Anthony Garreffi, 231 Rt. 6A, Unit 7. 5,185 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675

GenAsia Growth Ventures,5335 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Ste 640, $30,000 Washington DC 20015

Global Policy Group, 1875 K Street, NW $7,000 4th Floor, Washington DC 20006


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Month Item Purposes

HC Solutions, Inc. 4962 El Camino 5,526 Real, Suite 206, Los Altos, CA 94022

International Technology and Trade Assoc., 1200 18th St., NW, Suite 1002, $21,000 Washington DC 20036

KSK Communications, 45 Beth Drive, 5,750 Fairfield, CT 06825

Kirsch Group, 21 East 32nd St, #2, $474 Brooklyn, NY 11226

Japan Solution Inc., 301 East 69th St., $3,640 #2F, New York, NY 10021

JOA Production NY, Inc., 7 Broad Ave., 5,000 #201 Palisades Park, NJ 07650

Midsight Consulting, LLC., 1805 Sunny Creek Cove, Suite 200, Vienna, VA $45,000 22182

Next Peak LLC, 147 West 22nd St., $40,000 Unit35 , New York, NY 10011

Kyoko Noda, 31 Ocean Pkway 5D, $308 Brooklyn, NY 11218

Noka Productions, Inc., 301 Sterling PL, $43,750 Unit2BM, Brooklyn, NY 11217

Ryan O'Shea, 1104 Meadowbrook Dr., $400 Canonsburg, PA 15317

Pacific Tech Bridge, LLC, 2300 $10,000 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201

PROSPECTIVA LATAM INC. 1440 G St $2,500 NW, Washington DC 20005

Rapidan Energy Advisors, LLC, 7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 750, Bethesda, $49,000 MD, 20814

RBL PartnersPPLC, 225 Broadway, $250 Suite 3005, New York, NY 10279

RWR Advisory Group, 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 250, Washington DC $31,250 20007


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Month Item Purposes Samuels Inti Associates,Inc. 1717 PA Ave., NW, Suite 430, Washington DC $55,000 20006

T Inspire Consulting LLC, 128 Charlotte $900 Place, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

Sachie Takaku, 30 W 60th St., New $492 York, NY 10023

Thiel Consulting, 116 John St., #1511, $10,000 New York, NY 10038

Timothy Sullivan, 280 Riverside Drive, $975 #2F, New York, NY 10025

Asako Ueno, 559 3rd St., Brooklyn, NY $11,281 11215

VentureOut LLC, 25 West 39th St., 14th $26,050 FI, NY, NY 10018

Washington Core, 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 730, Bethesda, MD $11,043 20814 Washington Research and Analysis, LLC, 1730 Rhode Island Ave., NW, Suite $4,200 715, Washington DC 20036

WIN Advisors, LLC, PO Box 101, $400 Slippery Rock, PA 16057

Other miscellaneous expenses $165,605 TOTAL $1,262,110

March2021 Salaries $222,237 Office and Administrative Office rent $121,729 Expenses Insurance and employee benefits $31,679 Housing Allowance $84,803 Telephone, facsimile, mail, courier and $5,022 other communications-related expenses

Equipment leasing and office supplies 1,737 Business travel $11,619 Outside service (Legal Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen& Loewy, Service) LLP, 515 Madison Ave. New York NY $16,184 10022

Mayer Brown, 1999 K St., NW., $78,482 Washington DC 20006-1101


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Month Item Purposes Outside services AALC, Limited Company, 1600 Wilson (Research&Consulting) $65,000 Blvd., Ste.820, Arlington, VA 22209

Action Media, Inc., 701 Brickell Ave., *,000 #1550, Miami, FL 33131

Agent N Plus, Inc. 642 East 14th St., $2,220 #%, New York, NY 10009

Armitage International, 2300 Coarendon $40,000 Blvd. Ste.601, Arlington, VA 22201

Atlantic Council of the United States, Inc. 1030 15th St., NW, 12th FI, $30,000 Washington DC 20005

Ballon Stoll Bader & Nadler P.C., 729 $1,500 7th Ave., #17, New York, NY 10019

Battle Group, 10111 Toms Court, $40,000 Fairfax, VA 22032

BIO Arts NYC Inc., 103 Second Ave., $33,100 #2D, New York, NY 10003

Canvas Creative Group, 37 Allen St., $16,508 Cresskill, NJ 07626

Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Ave., NW, $60,000 Washington DC

Center for Strategic & International Studies, 1616 Rhode Island Ave., NW, $251,112 Washington , DC 20036

Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, 601 13th St., NW, Suite $10,000 1050N, Washington DC 20005

Clark Chung, 78 Ridge St., #2C, New $12,582 York, NY 10002

CIC Innovation Communities, LLC, 1 Broadway, 14th FI, Cambridge, MA $134,615 02142

Climate Advisers Inc.1320 19th St., NW $120,000 Washington DC 20036


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Month Item Purposes

Columbia University, 615 W 131 St., 6th $40,000 FI, New York, NY 10027

Dozeen Ltd., 8 Orsman Road, London 5,000 N15QJ UK

DTB Associates LLP, 1700 PA Ave., NW, $40,000 Suite 200, Washington DC 20006

EJM Associates LLC, 900 17th St., Suite $20,000 1100, Washington DC 20006

Energy Aspects Corp. 285 Fulton St., Suite 4D, One World Trade Center, New $19,598 York, NY 10007

Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator, LLC, 301 West 57th St., Suite 10B, New $140,000 York, NY 10019

e-Rigs, Inc. 4800 Hampden Lane, Suite $50,000 200, Bethesda, MD 20814

Eurasia Group Ltd., 149 5th Ave., 15th $224,000 FI, New York, NY 10010

Evenflow Macro LLC, 2401 PA Ave., $30,000 NW, Suite 320, Washington DC 20037

FBC Sustainable Solutions LLC, 1133 $50,000 Broadway, Suite 1605, New York, NY

Focus America Corporation, 31 South 5,583 St., #3N-2, Mount Vernon, NY 10550

Future Media Group Inc, PO Box 21044, 5,000 New York, NY 10013

Anthony Garreffi, 231 Route 6A Unite 7, $803 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675

GenAsia Growth Ventures, 5335 Wisconsin Ave, NW, Suite $45,000 640,Washington DC

Global Policy Group, 1875 K Street, NW $7,000 4th Floor, Washington DC 20006


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Month Item Purposes

Global USA, Inc. 8203 Ventor Rd, Lake $30,000 Shore, MD, 21122

Hachikin Creative, 3505 31st St., Long 5,242 Island City, NY 11106

HC Language Solutions, Inc., 4962 El Camino Real, Suite 206, Los Altos CA, 5,476 94022

Henry L. Stimson Center, 1211 Connecticut Ave., nw, 8th FI, $60,000 Washington DC 20036

Sachie Hirayama Retail Strategies, 30 West 60th St., #10E, New York, NY 5,000 10103

Hudson Institute, 1201 PA Ave., NW, $20,000 Suite 400, Washington DC. 20004

ITTAInc, 1200 18th St., NW , Suite $146,700 1002, Washington DC 20036

Japan Society Inc., 222 East 47th St., $40,000 New York, NY 10017

Japan Solution Inc., 301 East 69th St, #2F, New York, NY 10021

KHW Research LLC, 4918 St.Elmo Ave., $30,000 #1409, Bethesda, MD 20814

Kumiko Jitsukawa, 505 Greenwich St., New York, NY 10013

JOA Produdction NY, Inc. 7 Broad Ave., 5,000 #201, Palisades Park, NJ 07650

Komolo, Inc. 6630 Aberton Drive, Suite $25,355 C, Elkridge, MD 21075

KSK Communications, 45 Beth Drive, ),420 Fairfield, CT 06825

Longbow Legal, 2150 South 1300 East $15,000 Suite 500, Salt Lake City, UT 84106


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Month Item Purposes

LPI Consulting, Inc. 1031 31sr St.NW, $30,000 Washington DC 20007

Marubine America Corp., 1717 PA Ave., $10,000 NW, Suite 375, Washington DC 20006

Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, 1000 Maine Ave., SW. Suite 400, Washington $28,194 DC

Midsight Consulting LLC, 1805 Sunny $45,000 Creek Cove, Ste 200, Vienna, VA 22182

Moses & Singer LLP, 405 Lexington $4,250 Ave., New York, NY 10174

MSA Partners, LLC, 370 Lexington $36,000 Ave., #203, New York, NY 10017

Nalata Nalata, 2 Extra Place, New York, 5,437 NY 10003

Next Peak LLC, 147 West 22nd St., Unit $67,500 35, New York NY 10011

Nigara Tortoise LLC, 913 Pico Blvd., $3,690 Santa Monica, CA 90405

NY Mutual Trading, Inc., 77 Metro Way, $6,500 Secaucus, NJ 07094

Ryan O'Shea, 1104 Meadowbrook Dr., $2,250 Canonsburg, PA 15317

Pasona N A, Inc., 21515 Hawthorne $816 Blvd., #1100, Torraance, CA 90503

Prism Group, 1313 H St., NW, Suite 800 $60,000 E, Washington DC 20005

PROSPECTIVALATAMINC. 1440 G St 5,000 NW, Washington DC 20005

RBLPartners, PLLC, 225 Broadway, $250 Suite 3005, New York, NY 10279


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Month Item Purposes

Rhodium Group, LLC, 5 Columbus $40,000 Circle, New York, NY 10019

RWR Advisory Group, 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 250, Washington DC $81,250 20007

SolutionPort, Inc. (450 Lexington Ave., $3,250 4th FI, New York, NY 10017

SHIMOMURA& CO., CPAs 420 Lexington Ave Suite 2845, New York, $1,060 NY 10170

Timothy Sullivan, 280 Riverside Drive, $500 #2F, New York, NY 10025

The German Marshall Fund of the US, 1744 R St., NW, 9th FI, Washington DC $20,000 20001

The Howard Baker Forum, 901 K St., $40,000 NW, 9th FI, Washington DC 20001

The National Bureau of Asian Research, 1414 NE 42nd St., Suite 300, Seattle, $55,000 WA 98105

T Inspire Consulting LLC, 128 Charlotte $1,125 Place, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

Thiel Consulting, 116 John St., #1511, $19,862 New York, NY 10038

True World Foods, 24 Link Drive, $1,560 Rockleigh, NJ 07647

Asako Ueno, 559 3rd St., Brooklyn, NY $39,812 11215

Venture Out LLC, 25 West 39th St., $140,400 14th FI, New York, NY 10018

Kelly Waldron, 1613 Long Shadow Lane, Georgetown, TX 78628

Washington Core, 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 730, Bethesda, MD $76,810 20814 Washington Policy& Analysis Inc. 5335 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 950, $40,000 Washington DC 20015


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Month Item Purposes Washington Research and Analysis, LLC, 1730 Rhode Island Ave., NW, Suite $4,200 715, Washington DC 20036 Westerman, Hattori, Daniels, & Adrian LLP, 8500 Leesburg Pike, Suite 7500, $21,000 Tysons, VA 22182

WHITEBOX CRE Solutions LLC, 670 5,000 Prospect Place, Brooklyn, NY 11216

White & Case LLP, 701 13th St., NW, $35,000 #600, Washington DC. 20005

WIN Advisors, LLC, PO Box 101, $1,800 Slippery Rock, PA 16057

World Perspectives Inc., 1301 PA Ave., $20,000 NW. Suite 501, Washington DC 20004

HaraYoshida Accounting, 450 $250 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10017

Zinger Planning, 41-46, 46th St., $2,650 #6G,Sunnyside, NY 11104

Other miscellaneous expenses $286,526 TOTAL 5,725,648

April 2021 Salaries $205,841 Office and Administrative Office rent $116,133 Expenses______Insurance and employee benefits $91,132 Housing Allowance $90,704 Telephone, facsimile, mail, courier and $4,496 other communications-related expenses

Equipment leasing and office supplies $5,335

Business travel Outside service (Legal Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen& Loewy, Service) LLP, 515 Madison Ave. New York NY $13,604 10022

Mayer Brown, 1999 K St., NW., 5,505 Washington DC 20006-1101

Global Policy Group, 1875 K Street, NW $7,000 4th Floor, Washington DC 20006

Michael Best & Friedrich LLP Attorneys at Law, 1000 Maine Ave SW, Suite 400 5,000 Washington DC 20024


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Month Item Purposes

Oracle America, Inc. 500 Oracle $25,695 Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065

Rsponsive Translation Services, 655 Jersey Ave., Ste 1, Jersey City, NJ $450 07302-2015 Other miscellaneous expenses $303,604 TOTAL $878,499

May 2021 Salaries $203,199 Office and Administrative Office rent $121,093 Expenses______Insurance and employee benefits $41,005 Housing Allowance $90,474 Telephone, facsimile, mail, courier and 1,021 other communications-related expenses

Equipment leasing and office supplies $5,027

Business travel 2,410 Outside service (Legal Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen& Loewy, Service) LLP, 515 Madison Ave. New York NY $16,370 10022

Mayer Brown, 1999 K St., NW., Washington DC 20006-1101

Joshua Kuriantzick, 206 Hawthorne Rd, $7,000 Outside services Baltimore, MD 21210 (Research&Consulting)

Ryan O'Shea , 1104 Meadowborrk Ddr., $1,400 Canonsburg, PA 15317

PROSPECTIVALATAMINC. 1440 G St $2,500 NW, Washington DC 20005

THEIL Consulting, 116 John St., #1511, $15,563 New York, NY 10038

Asako Ueno, 559 3rd St., Brooklyn, NY $492 11215

Washington Core, 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 730, Bethesda, MD $26,004 20814 Washington Research & Analysis, 1730 Rhode Island Ave., NW, # 715, $4,200 Washington DC 20036 Other miscellaneous expenses $126,432 TOTAL $667,190


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Month Item Purposes June 2021 Salaries $242,362 Office and Administrative Office rent $115,714 Expenses______Insurance and employee benefits $41,107 Housing Allowance $87,859 Telephone, facsimile, mail, courier and 5,078 other communications-related expenses

Equipment leasing and office supplies $1,375

Business travel $12,789 Outside services (Legal Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen& Loewy, Service) LLP, 515 Madison Ave. New York NY 10022 Mayer Brown, 1999 K St., NW., $4,842 Washington DC 20006-1101

Outside services CIC Innovation Communities, LLC, 1 (Research&Consulting) Broadway, 14th FI, Cambridge, MA $4,550 02142

Dun & Bradstreet, PO Box 75434, 1,537 Chicago, IL 60675

Global USA, Inc. 8203 Ventnor Road, $15,000 Lake Shore, MD 21122

Ryan O'Shea , 1104 Meadowborrk Ddr., $1,850 Canonsburg, PA 15317

Pacific Tech Bridge LLC, 2200 $10,000 Claarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201

ITTAInc, 1200 18th St., NW , Suite $2,500 1002, Washington DC 20036

Red Door Offices Corp., 1608 Union St., $25,270 #2B, Brooklyn, NY 11213

Seafood Expo North America, 121 Free $39,550 Street, Portland, ME 04101

Shoppe LLC, 233 West 26th St., #8E, $62,500 NY, NY 10001

T Inspire Consulting LLC, 128 Charlotte $312 Place Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

Asako Ueno, 559 3rd St., Brooklyn, NY 5,927 11215


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM

Month Item Purposes Washington Core, 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 730, Bethesda, MD $31,524 20814 Washington Research & Analysis, 1730 Rhode Island Ave., NW 715, Washington $4,200 DC 20036

WIN Advisors, LLC, PP Box 101, $400 Slippery Rock, PA 16057

Zinger Planning, 41-46, 46th St., $1,770 #6G,Sunnyside, NY 11104

Other miscellaneous expenses $188,286

TOTAL $913,302

TOTAL ), 490,868


Received bv NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2021 9:18:03 AM