V PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC V .. . 15 V I THE COMMISSION’STHE VI CONSIDERATIONS CONCLUSIONSAND 17 Alternatives for the Appearance Alternativesthe for AmericanofFalls the 17

Alternatives for Public Safety Public for Alternatives .. 20 VI1 RECOMMENDATIONS 28


Text of Reference Text of Letter Extending Referencc Membership of the Board and Working Committee Participating Agencies Persons Presenting Briefs or Submitting Statements


Plate Page

1 Map Fallsof Niagara ...... 11

2 Aerial View of NiagaraFalls ...... , . , . . . ,. 4 W inter SceneFalls 3 Winter American of the 5 S chematic Profile4 Schematic Fallsof American .. 6 A merican Falls Dewatered5 FallsAmerican ...... 12 6 Model of AmericanShowingFalls Present Talus Arrangement . . 18 7 Model of AmericanFallsShowing Substantial Talus Removal ...... 18

Photo Credits Title Page - Hydro Plate 2 - Power Authority of the State of

... 111



The have long been recognized as one of necessary topreserve or enhance the beauty ofthe the most spectacular natural phenomena in the world. AmericanFalls. Under such References the Commis- Theyare also asymbol of internationalamity and sionreports to both Governments on thefacts and cooperationbetween two nations sharing a vastwater circumstances of mattersreferred to it and its recom- system. The United States and Canada as guardians of mendations in no way bind either Government. theFalls have formore than 100 yearsundertaken studies and taken steps to preserve their beauty. Indeed, Specifically, the Commission was asked to investigate the Governments of the United States and Canada have andrecommend measures that are feasible and desir- recognized and affirmed by treaty, first in the Boundary ableto remove the talus which has collected at the Waters Treaty of 1909 and later in the 1950 Niagara base of theAmerican Falls, and to retard or prevent Treaty,a primary obligation to preserve andenhance futureerosion. The Commission was also askedto the scenic beauty of the Niagara Falls. recommend other measures which may be desirable or necessary to preserve orenhance the beauty of the In thescTreaties the two Governmentsalso recog- AmericanFalls and the allocation of thework and nized a common interest in developing the hydroelectric costs of constructionbetween the UnitedStates and potential of theNiagara River. Tt is importantto Canada.The Commission was asked tobear in mind emphasize that the relationship between these two con- the obligations of Canada and the United States con- cernshas remained clear; both countries have com- tained in theNiagara Treaty of 1950and the mutual mitted themselves to the goal of preserving the Falls as interests of thetwo countries in refrainingfrom mea- a natural wonder of international significance, while sures which might preserve or enhance one of the Falls at the same time utilizing its power for the benefit of to the detriment of the other. the citizens on both sides of the Boundary. By similarletters dated October 1 and 5, 1970, the This inquiry is a consequence of public concern that Governments of Canadaand the UnitedStates re- the accumulation of talus at the base of the American quested the Commission toextend its investigation Fallsmight make their appearance less appealing. beyondthe original terms of theReference so asto Three major rockfalls from the crest of theAmerican includeaspects of public safety atthe flanks of the Fallsoccurred in JanuaryI93 I, July1954 and De- AmcricanFalls and at the GoatIsland flank of the ccmber1959 depositing some 130,000 cubic yards of . The Commission wasiasked to deter- rock at thc foot of the American Falls, thus raising the mine if the immediate areas of the American Falls and height of the talus ovcr a largepart of theirwidth. of the GoatIsland flank of the HorseshoeFalls were Thercarc now about 280,000 cubicyards of talus at endangered by erosionand other geological processes, the base of the American Falls. and if so, whatmeasures are feasible and desirable in order to eliminatehazards to persons,property or to As a result of publicconcern, the United States Congress in 1965 authorized the Corps of Engineers to thc scenic beauty in the region. study the measures needed to preserve and enhance the Thecomplete text of the1967 Reference and the beauty of the Amcrican Falls. The results of this study 1970 extension are appendcd to this report. were madc available to the Commission. This report describes the physical setting of the Falls, The Commission’s involvement began on March 31, the activities of the Commission and its American Falls 1967, when the Governments of the United States and InternationalBoard during thc course of this inves- Canada, in accordance with Article IX of the Boundary tigation and the Commission’srationale for the con- WatersTrcaty of 1909, requested the Tnternational clusionsand recommendations that emerged. Joint Commission to investigate and report on measures



TheNiagara River flows northfrom Lake Erie to The attraction of the American Falls is not exclusive Lake Ontario for 33 miles. It forms the border between tothe summer months. In winterthe mist and spray western New York Statc and the Niagara Peninsula of convert the immediate area into a beautiful spectaclc of southernOntario. The total drop in theRiver is 326 ice andsnow. Massive ice formations build up on the feet. The long term average flow of the River is 202,000 talus in front of its vertical face. An ice bridgc forms cubicfeet per second (cfs). The meanmonthly flows in theMaid-of-the-Mist Pool. Its mass constantly have varied from 116,000 to 274,000 cfs. changes due to the accumulation and rclease of icc. See Plate 3. The Niagara Falls are located 19 miles downstream from Lake Erie. divides the River into two Originallythe Falls were located at the Niagara channels. It separates Niagara Falls into the Horseshoe Escarpment. They have retreated seven miles upstream Falls on the Canadian side of the River and the Ame- throughnatural erosion in the last12,000 years. This rican Falls on the United States side. The vertical drop is equivalent to five feetper year. About 700 years between the crest of the Falls and the Maid-of-the-Mist ago the receding Falls reached and passed Goat Island, Pool is 167 feet. Although far from the highest in the thus creating the American Falls. Since separating, the world, the Niagara Falls with their impressive breadth, Horseshoe Falls have carved their way nearly 3,000 feet theirimmense volume of waterand their thundering upstream, while the American Falls have receded only sound provide a spectacle of awe-inspiring grandeur for slightly from the gorge walls which were produced by over tcn million visitors annually. thecutting action of themain Falls. If therecession of theHorseshoe Falls continues at the present rate, TheAmerican Falls have a crest length of 1100 they will interceptthe American Channel above Goat feet. Except for some irregularities caused by rockfalls, Island in about2,000 years and permanently dewater a relatively uniform sheet of water falls over the crest. the American Falls. LunaIsland located in thecrest separates the smaller cataract, Bridal Veil Falls, from the main cataract. The Erosion and rockfalls are a natural process by which waterplunges about 100 feetonto the accumulated slopesbecome more stable. The strength of therock, talus and then violently cascades into the Maid-of-the- the nature of the rock defects, the horizontal and hydro- Mist Pool. static pressures and the absence or presence of a talus buttress, all affect the stability of a cliff. The top layer Abouta half-mile upstreamfrom the Falls is an of thebedrock at the American Falls is composed of IS-gatecontrol structure between the Canadian shore hard,erosion-resistant Lockport dolomite, about SO andTower Island. The structure maintains the water feetthick. Beneath this caprock is approximately 60 levels of Grass Island Pool while permitting the diver- feet of softerRochester shale. This is underlain by sions of water from the Pool for the power production variousinterbedded layers of limestones,dolomites, allowed by the 1950 Niagara Treaty. The intakes to the sandstonesand shales. Theenormous force of falling diversiontunnels leading to the Ontario Hydro power water erodes the softer, less resistant shales and sand- generatingplant are a third of a mileupstream from stones beneath, thus undermining the dolomite cap rock thc controlstructure; those leading tothe Power on thecrest. Ultimately the cap rock and shale may Authority of the State of New York plant are two miles failtogether, or the caprock itself mayfail when upstream. The control structure also assures an average undermined. See Plate 4. flow of 10,000 cfs intothe smaller channel along the United States shoreline. The water in this channel drops The flow at the Horseshoe Falls has been sufficient to fifty feetover a series of rockledges andscattered scourout a basinabout 200 feetbeneath the water boulders to the crest of the American Falls. Numerous surfaceat its base.The fallen rock is abradedinto islands subdividethe American Channel into several particlesand transported downstream. This process smaller channels. Sec Plate 2. preventsany visible talusaccumulation. Conversely,

3 the flow at theAmerican Falls is not sufficient to The twin cities of NiagaraFalls, New York with a abradeand transport much of thetalus accumulation population of 86,000 and NiagaraFalls, Ontario with or to erode the rock ledges at its base. a population of 67,000are situated on eitherside of the Niagara Falls. Their growth is due to the develop- The talus at thebase of theAmerican Falls will ment of hydroelectric power and the desire of the public change very slowly sincethc larger blocks are com- to view the beauty of the Falls. Ontario Hydro and the posed of durable Lockport dolomite. The softer shales Power Authority of New York State have built a large havebeen crodedand transported downstream. The hydroelectric complcx that utilizes most of the flow of talus extends upward to at least the base of the Lock- theNiagara River in excess of thewater reserved for port cap rock, providing some protection to the vertical scenic purposes by Treaty. The industries in both cities rockface. It is not certainwhether this process will are mainly oriented toward clcctrochcmical and electro- continueuntil the American Falls become entirely a metallurgical proccsscs. Tourism and its associated cascade or whether the pile of talus will slow down the commercialism area substantial economic benefit to process of natural erosion. the residents of the area. Over 75 million people livz Afterthorougha investigation Canadaand the within 300 miles of NiagaraFalls; mostly in large United States in the Niagara Treaty of 1950 agreed to metropolitanareas. reserve sufficient amounts of waterfor flow overthe In recognition of theimportance of theFalls as a Niagara Falls to preserve their scenic value. The Treaty great public resource, the Province of Ontario and the provided for a total minimum flow of 100,000 cfs over State of New York retained or acquired title to adjacent theHorseshoe and AmericanFalls during the daylight landsand converted them into two park systems. The hours of thetourist season, and a minimum flow of Niagara Frontier State Parks and Rccreation Commis- 50,000 cfs at all othertimes. All water in excess of sion administers all activities within theNew York Treatyrequirements is availablefor the generation of StateNiagara Reservation. The Niagara Reservation electricpower. occupies 139 acrcs of mainland and islandproperty.

Plate 3 Winter Scene of the American Falls SCHEMATICPROFILE OF AMERICANFALLS CRESTLINE I927+


45 0


40 0

WATERLEVELS (34f) NODIVERSION 1327') 100,000 C.F.S k""- '.(316') 50,000 C.FS



150 -

1 I I I I I I 0 IO0 20 0 300 400 500 600 HORIZONTALDISTANCE IN FEET

Plate 4 It includes thcnorthern flank of theAmerican Falls, catwalks from the base of the Goat Island flank to thc tho mainland adjacent to theRapids above the Falls, talus below the Bridal Vcil Falls. GoatIsland and thesmaller islands. In additionthere In Ontariothe admi- is the Robert Moses Parkway which consists of a State nisters Queen VictoriaPark and theentire Chain throughway and ;I narrow strip of parkland along part Reserve.They extend along the total Icngth of thc of the shoreline of the River. NiagaraRiver andencompass 3,000 acres. l'hc Table Seven vantagc points within the Niagara Reservation Rock ScenicTunnels and the Maid-of-the-Mist boat provideclose-up oblique views of the two Falls. Two tour permit ;I close-up vicw of the Horseshoe Falls. A areasare on ProspectPoint, one on LunaIsland and walkway along the top of the Gorgc providcs a frontal four on Goat Island. These include a pathway and stone andpanoramic vicw of theAmerican and Horseshoe steps fromthc foot of theObservation Tower to the Falls. talus unticrProspect Point and a series of wooden



Afterreceiving thcReference from the two Govern- theNiagara River thereby causing no change in the ments, thc Commission in August 1967 established the levels or flows of boundarywaters except a minor AmericanFalls International Board to undertakethe change in the level of the Maid-of-the-Mist Pool. necessarytechnical investigations andto advise the On October 30, 1968 the Commission recommended Commission on all matters it would have to consider in to the two Governments that it be authorized to undcr- responding to the Reference. The Board was composed take a broad environmental study of the Niagara area, of personsfrom the United States Army Corps of to be part of thestudies under the 1967Reference. Engineersand Environment Canada and an eminent The Governments havenot formally responded to the landscapearchitect from each country. Itwas the Commission’srequest. Commission’s view thata board of this composition would provide the necessary cxpertise and perspectives The dewatering program described above took place required to give properconsideration to the complex fromJune to November 1969. The study undertaken nature of the qucstions raised in the Reference from the during that time revealed areas of questionable stability, two Governments. On October 6, 1967 the Commission particularly in the vicinity of ProspectPoint. In the issued adirective to the Board outlining its responsi- Spring of 1970inspections showed that the cracks in bilities. thepavement at Luna Islandwere caused by rock movement.In addition new cracksand soil displace- Tnitial public hearings were held by the Commission menttook place at Terrapin Point adjacent to the on October 24, 1967 in Niagara Falls, New York and HorseshoeFalls. The Commissioninformed the Gov- the next day in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The purpose of ernments of these findings by letter on August 14, I970 thesehearings was to obtain the views of interested and in October of the sameyear the Governments public and private interests regarding the future of the extendedthe 1967 Reference to includepublic safety. American Falls and thereby assist the Commission and the Board in planningthe necessary studies. The sub- Tn November 1970 the Board submitted to the Com- stance of these hearings is discussed in Chapter V. mission a report entitled “Intrusions of Views of Nia- garaFalls” which reviewed the existing situationand On November6,1967 the Commission,on the drewattention to the proposalsfor high-rise buildings advice of its Board, recommended to both Governments whichwould constitute furtherintrusions. The com- thatthe American Falls be temporarily dewatered so missionendorsed this reportand forwarded it to the that the study could proceed in a timely and thorough two Governments in January of thenext year. In manner.At the same time the Commissionreported November1971 the Commission again addressed itself that the twoPowcr Entities had suggested that they to this matter and urged the Federal, State and Provin- could use the waterwhich normally flows overthe cial Governments to takeappropriate action to assure American Falls for power production. The Governments that authority for such building developments be with- agreed with the Commission and, on March 2 I, 1969, held until all the implications of such private intrusions implemented the recommendations by an exchange of on the Falls scene had been thoroughly studied. notes. The Commission visited the AmericanFalls four This additional water, diverted for the production of times during the course of the inquiry to see the Falls power,provided benefits to the PowerEntities and at underboth winter andsummer conditions. The Com- the same time generated funds which were used for the mission inspected the Falls while they were dewatered. invcstigation. It is important to note that the procedure Tt also observed five distinct talus arrangements on the also permitted the natural flow to be continued through workingmodel of the AmericanFalls. On both these

9 occasionsadetailed briefing waspresented by the The Commission at this time wishes to acknowledge Board. with gratitude the valuable assistance of those persons whoserved on the Board, their committeesand those In order to rcceivc public comment on the Board’s who otherwise participatcd in the investigation, and of interim report the Commission held a public hearing in the agencies and departments whosc cooperation made Niagara Falls, Ncw York on March 24, 1972. Similarly, theirparticipation possible. The membership of the a public hearing on March 4, 1975 was conducted by Board,the Working Committee and the participating the Commission to obtain comment on the Board’s final agencies is appended. report. The substance of these hearings is discussed in Chapter V.


The American Falls International Board’s compreheo- 46 core borings for a total of 4,882 feet, pressure and sive investigationfocused on theaesthetic aspects of tracer testing on the completed holes, facemapping the American Falls and the safety of the public viewing whichincluded topographic, stratigraphic and struc- areas. It includedextensive geologic and hydraulic tural studies, terrestrial photogrammetry of the face of studies as well as thorough feasibility and cost studies theAmerican Falls, mapping of rockfractures and of remedial measures such as stabilization of the rock joints, installation of piezometersto measure water structure and talus removal. The Board, with the Com- pressure in rockjoints, and the installation of instru- mission’s approval, formed a working committee com- ments to measure horizontal movement in the adjacent posed of engineers and landscape architects. rock mass. The massive amount of field data collected was compiled,analyzed, correlated and mapped to During the course of the study the Board submitted determinethe stratigraphy, structure, ground water two reports to the Commission. The report of Novem- conditions, modes of rock failure and rock stability. ber 1970 entitled “Intrusions on the Views of Niagara Falls” dealt with the increasing threat to the integrity of The talus studies consisted of an examination of the the spectaclefrom visible intrusionssuch as high-rise cobbles and boulders to determine their size, rock type structuresand recommended international and domes- andcondition. The talusblocks were photographed tic controls. The Board’s Interim Report of December and mapped. A seismicsurvey was madeto ascertain 197 I describedthe results of the investigations up to thedepth of thetalus. They found that the talus that time. In addition the Board submitted 16 progress accumulation is underlain by ledges of bedrock which reportsto the Commission. are up to 65 feet above the water level in the Maid-of- the-Mist Pool.The Board examined in detail the The completion of theBoard’s investigation was methods of removing all or part of the talus, estimated delayed by insufficient United States funding during the the cost and time required for a number of alternatives. course of the study. Also, the long period required for All costs were based on December 1973 price levels. the exchange of notesand subsequent approval for authorityto dewater the American Channel and use InApril of 1970cracks appeared in the asphalt the divertedwater for power generation delayed the pavement on LunaIsland. A report prepared by the geological field work in the Channel. U.S. Corps of Engineers concluded that the rupture in The cofferdamwas completed on June 12,1969. theoverburden and rock fractures represented the The Board took special measures so that the dewatering initial phases of a slope failure. Tt also concluded that would not have a lasting detrimental effect on aquatic failure resulted from the removal of the rock overhang life in theAmerican Falls Channel. The terrestrial at Luna and Goat Islands; not from the dewatering of vegetation on thesmall islands in theChannel was the American Falls or the exploration activities. protectedand irrigated. TheRochester shale on the facc of the American Falls was kept wet by sprinklers. The Commissionapproved the Board’splan to Precautionswere taken to protect the viewing public extend geological investigation to include the dry flank and the workers while the Channel was dewatered. The areasadjacent to the American Falls. As a result of cofferdam was removed on November25, 1969. The seriousconcern about possiblerockfalls that could area didnot suffer any irreparable ecologicaldamage, endangerthe public, the original Reference was ex- and was still aesthctically pleasing. See Plate 5. tended by the two Governments to cover public safety on theGoat Island flank of theHorseshoe Falls and While the American Falls were dewatered the Board in the vicinity of theAmerican Falls. TheBoard in- undertook a detailedgeologic exploration. It included stalled a safety warning system to ensure timely evacu-

11 Plate 5 AmericanFalls Dewatered ation in areas of possiblerock failures. Thedetailed frontal views reproduced by the modcl were carefully geological investigation was expandedto include these evaluated and photographed. areas. A survey of the Maid-of-the-Mist Pool and the Rivcr TheBoard investigated a wide range of alternative downstreamto the Whirlpool was undertakento map safety measures. ‘These included further instrumenta t’Ion the underwater topography. This information was used to detect possible rock movement, relocation of railings to locate possible sites for a control structure, areas for in the viewing areas,cantilevered viewing areas,mass thedisposal of talusand a suitable site for ratingthe rock stabilization, scaling of loose and fractured rock, Ashland Avenue gaugc. the installation of rock bolts, relocation of walkways and The Board investigated three methods that could be observation decks, and closing the lower viewing areas. used to remove the talus. They were a cablcway system Each alternative was evaluated with respect to improved between Canada and the United States, largc crancs on safety, viewing, appearance, the dcgrce of flexibility and and below the crest of theFalls, and a large rock reversibility, and the effect on tourism and costs. crusher in conjunction with a portableconveyor. The The Board found that realignment of the railings at talusdisposal would be either in thedeep portion of the viewing areas on Prospect Point, Goat Tsland and theMaid-of-the-Mist Pool or on land away fromthe Terrapin Point would increase the visitors’ safety from Falls. The Board found that themost practicablc way moderate size failures.This would permitclose-up of removing a significant amount of talus was a cable- viewing from Prospect Point and Goat Island, but not way with land disposal. from Terrapin Point. Short of excluding the public from the lower viewing areas, surface stabilization at Prospect TheBoard consideredthe significance of thewater Point and Goat Island combined with relocating existing levels of theMaid-of-the-Mist Pool as they affect the walkways would provide maximum safety for visitors. appearance of thetalus at the base of theAmerican Falls and shoreline of the Pool. They found that it was Inorder to evaluate thenumerous possibilities of possible to build a submerged weir in the lower Niagara preserving orenhancing the beauty of theAmerican River to raise the water level to levels that existed prior Falls, the Board formed a committee consisting of four to the diversion of water for hydroelectric power under landscape architects. Their assignment was to choose a the 1950 NiagaraTreaty. The estimatedcost of the permanentarrangement of talus that wouldhave the control structure was approximatcly 12 million dollars. most dramatic effect. The possibilities ranged from vir- The ice behaviour in the Pool was observed for three tually totaltalus removal to no removal at all. The wintersto ascertain the potential for ice jams.Unfor- Committeealso investigated measures to increase the tunately, the winters were not representative of extreme water level of the Maid-of-the-Mist Pool, and increase conditions that can be expected. the flow over the American Falls. It was found neces- sary to consider the interrelated combinations from the In cooperation with the International Niagara Board different viewing positions; the oblique views from the of Control, the flow overthe American Falls was Goat Island and Prospect Point flanks and the frontal reduced to 8,000 cfs and then increased to 15,000 cfs. view from the Canadian side of the Gorge. TheBoard noted that increased volume enrichedthe appearance of theAmerican Falls. However, it could Whilethe American Falls were dewateredthe talus impair the appearance of the Cascades and the Horse- and theface of theFalls were inspected and photo- shoe Falls when the total flow of the Niagara Falls is graphedto gain anappreciation of theirscale and reduced to 50,000 cfs. Thc Boardfound it would be character.The talus was mapped,boulders were feasible to excavatethe American Channelat theup- measured and the contours of the bedrock determined. streamend of Goat Island and installa gated control The talus depth rangcd from 25 to 50 feet. structureto maintain the current distribution of flows All this information was used to construct a realistic when the total flow over both Falls is reduced to 50,000 model of theAmerican Falls at a scale of 1/50th of cfs.Such construction would cost 8.3 million dollars its actual size. The modcl included most of the channel and requiredewatering the American Falls for onc above the Falls and a portion of the Maid-of-the-Mist season. Pool. The talus blocks were fabricated so as to permit Publicopinion was considered to bc cxtremelyre- partial or total removal. The turbulence, mist, illumina- levantthroughout all phases of the Board’s investiga- tion and volumc of water were closely duplicated. tion. Two public displays, describing the Falls and the The model,built by Ontario Hydro at their labora- Board’sactivities, were erected in the vicinity ofthe tory in Islington, Ontario, accuratelysimulated nume- Falls in eachcountry. They were popularand cduca- rous talusarrangements and proved to be an essential tionalattractions. The dewatering program received tool in appraisingtheir appearance. The oblique and national and international coverage. Ovcr 50 magazines

13 requested and were furnishcd with material for articles. nion. The participants were positive in the rejection of Presscoverage was continuous. For example, news changingthc natural appearance of theFalls and representatives were briefed and given a demonstration equally exprcssive in their concern about the commer- of thcmodel of the AmericanFalls. The subsequent cial appearance of Niagara Falls, New York and Nia- news coverage was factual and extensive. garaFalls, Ontario and further intrusions on the skyline. The Board was concernedwith the limited reaction obtained at the March 1972 Public Hearing, conducted Throughout the investigation the Boardrepeatedly by the Commission on the Board’s Interim Report. In and formally expressed their concern about the imme- an endeavour to obtain a greater public reaction to its diate environment of the Falls, the urban development, proposals,the Board distributed 220,000 brochures the viewing places and traffic conditions. based on the aesth.etic appendix of the Interim Report. Attached was a questionnaireon a prepaid postcard. The AmericanFalls International Board submitted Thebrochure receivedextensive coverage in themass their final report with seven appendices to the Interna- media.This publicity generated 70,000 replies; the tional Joint Commission late in 1974. Their final report prepaid postcards 5,000. is comprehensivea discussion of the investigation, findings andconclusions on the preservation and en- The Board also broughttogether fifteen prominent hancement of theAmerican Falls atNiagara. The environmentalplanners and landscape architects for a report is supported bydetailed appendices on aesthe- two-day seminar in June 1973. The group, after seeing tics, geology and rock mechanics, hydraulics, safety and the area firsthand and hearing presentations, discussed appearancc options, public involvement, environmental theaesthetic aspects and the appearance of the Falls. considerationsand documents related to the investiga- The seminar produced a remarkable unanimity of opi- tions.


Six monthsafter receipt of theReference from the at the hearing; eight were forwarded at a later date. Governments of the UnitedStates and Canada, the Commissionheld initial hearings in NiagaraFalls, While a few of thewitnesses felt thatsome of the New York on October 24, 1967and the next day in talus should be removed from the foot of the American Niagara Falls, Ontario. The purpose of these hearings Falls,most indicated that it shouldremain. The wit- was toprovide convenient opportunity for all persons nesseswere almost unanimous in agreeingwith the andorganizations, public and private, to express their Board that the Falls should not be artificially stabilized views on the questions raised in the Reference and to butrather that the natural processshould continue convey relevant information to the Commission. uninterrupted. Allwitnesses at the initialhearings agreed thatthe Withrespect to the safety aspects of the report, all studyreferred to the Commission was needed. Most witnesses who addressed the question felt strongly that statedor implied that they favouredremedial works measures should be undertaken to protect the safety of or other measures to preserve and restore the beauty of the viewing public. A statement on behalf of the State theAmerican Falls. At thesehearings the temporary of New York Parks Commission indicated that it was dewatering of the Falls to facilitatethe necessary in- satisfiedthat the safety programrecommended by the vestigations wasdiscussed. The prospect of this tem- Board offered adequate viewer protection. porary dewatering was viewed by several witnesses as a The Commission also receivedconsiderable testi- potentialand unique tourist attraction. Twenty-one monyfrom the Dircctor of Planningfor the City of submissions were made at these two hearings and two NiagaraFalls, New Yorkthat due recognitionwas were subsequently received. being given by the city to the problem of aesthetics in In March 1972, following publication and distribution the development of plans for urban development. of the Board’s Interim Report, the Commission held a publichearing in Niagara Falls, New York. The pur- In accordance with the Commission’s Rules of Pro- pose of the hearing was to provide an opportunity for cedure,notices of allfour public hearings were pub- all parties interested in the American Falls to comment lished in theCanada Gazette and the United States on thestudies to date and to make suggestions for FederalRegister and in newspapers in eachcountry. topics to be considered in the remainder of the study. Notices were also mailed to a great number of indivi- Onlyseven submissions were madeat this hearing; dualsand associations, the mass media, governmental three were subsequently received. agencies and elected representatives in the region. The topics suggestedincluded the undesirability of Statementswere made by electedrepresentatives dewatering the American Falls during seasons of freeze from both countries, officials from governmental agen- or thaw, the possible abandonment of the Ontario Power cies, stateand provincial organizations, business and Plant which is besidethe Maid-of-the-Mist Pool,the concernedindividuals. All those interested were given winter scene as a reason for leaving the talus as it is, opportunity to express their views orally or to present the aesthetic aspects of pollution, and the possibility of documentaryevidence. The names of thosewho testi- increasing the flow over the American Falls. fied at the hearings or submitted statements are set out in the Appendix. In all, 52 submissions were presented. Afterthe Board submitted its final reportto the Given the widespread interest in both countries in the Commission, a publichearing was conducted bythe preservation of‘ the Falls, the number of participants at Commission in Niagara Falls, New York on March 4, the public hearings was a disappointment to the Com- 1975.The purpose of this hearingwas to afford mission. opportunity for all interested individuals, organizations, and governmental agencies to comment on the Board’s Verbatimtranscripts of all hearingsand all written report and to offer related information which the Com- submissions made at or subsequent to the hearings are mission could consider in developing its own report to on file andavailable for examination at the offices of the t\ivo Governmcnts. Elevensubmissions were made the Commission in Ottawa and Washington.



During the Commission’s deliberations on the preserva- thewritten and oral testimony received at and sub- tion and enhancement of thebeauty of the American sequentto the public hearings, and supplementary Falls it has considered all of the reports by the Board, information obtained from various sources.


Throughout this inquirythe Commission has been reminder of man’srelationship with his ‘environment. faced with the basic question of whether it is desirable Indeed, this is the very essence of their attractiveness. to removethe accumulated talus and to stabilize the TheInternational Joint Commission believes that this American Falls by artificial measuresor to allow the basiccharacteristic of theAmerican Falls should be natural geologicprocess to continue. These are essen- maintained and that man should not interfere with the tially questions of acceptingor interfering with the natural process. This is the fundamental conclusion of natural process of change. this reportand the basic premise whichguided the Commission its consideration of alternatives for the TheFalls are one of themost significant natural in appearance of the Falls. phenomena in theworld. They serve as aconstant


Because of the accumulated talus, the American Falls of asubstantial amount of talus so as to expose the are now half waterfall and half cascade, in contrast to steppedbedrock strata down tothe Pool level, but the clear plunge of the Horseshoe Falls. Removal of all leavingtalus piles toprotect both flanks; and the or part of the talus would restore the Falls to an earlier removal of all talus.Plate 6 is aphotograph of the form and would increase the symmetry between the two working model showing the American Falls as they are Falls. A working model was constructed to ascertain if at present without any talus removed. Plate 7 shows all talus removal would enhance the beauty of the Ameri- talus removed from the central two-thirds of thebcd- can Falls. The model created a realistic perception of rock, flanked by considerable width of remaining talus. different talus arrangementsand facilitated the quali- tativeand objcctive evaluation of theappearance and If deemed desirable, the talus could be rcmoved by beauty of each arrangement. a cableway and transported to a disposal site at a cost of one to fifteen million dollars over a period of one or The talus arrangements considered in detail included: two seasons, the specific time and cost being dependent no removal;minimum removal recreating a condition on the amount to be removed. that existed prior to the 193 1 rockfall; removal of talus so that the water could fall directly on the uppermost The Commissionrecognizes that talus removal is a shelf of bedrock creating the maximum freefall; removal subjective matter. Whether such rcrnoval would add to

17 Platc 6 Modcl of the Amcrican Falls Showing Prcscnt Talus Arrangcmcnt

Platc 7 Modcl of thc American Falls Showing Substantial Talus Rcmoval or detract from the beauty of the spectacle is a matter build up to its presentproportions. Talus rcmoval of considerable conjecture. For example, arguments arc would also change the majesticwintcr appearance of made that the removal of talus couid improve the overall ice that now builds up on the huge blocks of rock. view without offence to the process philosophy. Without crest stabilization the process would continue and with The Commission concludes that while it is technically the talus removed the higher waterfall and the opcning feasible to remove the talus which has collected at the up of a visible expanse of water cascading into the pool base of the American Falls, it is not desirable to do So should givc adramatic impact to the scene. On the at the present time. other hand, manybelieve thatthe present appearance of theAmerican Falls is majestic and exceedingly The Commission bclievcs, however, that this question beautiful and that man can clo nothing to add to their naturalbeauty. could be appropriately re-examined after a study of the overall environment with a view to enhancement of the In addition,the removal of talus will expeditethe public enjoyment of the total Niagara Falls scene. Talus erosionprocess whereas the present piles of talus will removal, if it thensecms dcsirablc, could be given slow down the natural process and maintain the Amer- properpriority along with otherdesirable improv- icanFalls in essentially thesame condition as now ements, in theexpenditure of availablepublic funds. exists. Furthermore, talus removal is irreversibleand The question of talus removal may also receive public costly.It could take up to 500 yearsfor the talus to attention in the event of future major rockfalls.


Preserving the Amcrican Falls in their present state million dollars. Such a program would disrupt the local wouldrequire stabilization of therock masses. This scene and would create, on a grand scale, an artificial could be achieved by post tensioning the face and flanks waterfall in a formal park. It would interfere with the of the Falls by cables to hold the rock in place. Drain- geologicprocess and wouldbe contraryto the recent age tunnels behind the crest and gorge wall would be emphasison environmental values. necessary to relieve hydrostatic pressures. The Commissionconcludes that, while structural Stabilization of thecrest and adjacent flanks could solutions are available to arrest erosion at the crest of beaccomplished through structural means by a two- theAmerican Falls, the Falls should not be stabilized yearconstruction program at an estimatedcost of 26 by artificial means.


Consideration of thepreservation and enhancement Niagara at thattime. Within their narrow boundaries the of the beauty of the American Falls cannot be limited two Parks Commissions have created a splendid setting totheir physical aspects. Theappeal and fascination for the unique beauty of the Falls. of thc Falls mcan different things to differcnt peoplc. Their beauty is in the eye, the mind and the heart of The integrity of theNiagara Falls scene is now the beholder. threatened by the intrusion of viewing towers, high-rise buildings and commercial features. The protective park- The American Falls are not in an isolated vacuum. belt at ground level is no longer an effective method of Enhancement of the beauty of the American Falls is as achieving the original purpose of theParks. If un- dependent on the environment of the total scene as it is checked,the steady build-up of new construction on on theappearance of animmense volume of water theskyline will result in an artificial encirclement that plunging over the crest and violently cascading over the will overshadow and stifle the magnificence of the Falls. massive blocks of talus. Nearly one hundred years ago the Governments of New York and Ontario acknowl- The intrusionserected in onecountry degrade the edgedtheir responsibility forprotecting the scenic appearance of the Falls as seen from the other country. environment of NiagaraFalls. Parks Commissions in The mistakesmade on oneside of theInternational both countries were established to roll back the sordid Boundary are a blight on the panoramic view seen from conditionscaused by the commercial and industrial the other country. Both this Commission and its Amer- encroachmentsthat concealed the natural grandeur of icanFalls International Board have consistently ex-

19 pressed deep concern over the proposed developments The Commissionconcludes that a brodd environ- in each country that would intrude upon the framework mental study should be jointly carried out byCanada and setting of the Falls and destroy their magnificence. andthe United States to identify andgive priority to thosemeasures which would best enhance the total Sincepreserving the integrity of theNiagara Falls setting and beauty of the Niagara Falls area. scene isof mutual interest to both countries, it is desi- rable to establish an international consultative body to The Commission also considered two other measures set general guidelines development which could be for to preserve andenhance thc beauty of theAmerican used by cxisting agencies in both countries. The purpose Falls: increasing the flow over the American Falls; and of the guidelines would be to encourage moderation on raising theMaid-of-the-Mist Pool to the levels which changes to existing buildings and to prevent the appear- existed prior to the 1950 Niagara Treaty. ance of future intrusions on the skylines. In addition, the capacity of theNiagara Falls area Increasingthe volume of waterover the American to accommodate visitors is essential. The overall envi- Fallswould create adccper and more turbulent flow ronmental objective should be to eliminate as much as over the cliff face and talus slope. An enriched appear- possiblethc individual’s legitimateconcern over easy ance was observedboth on the workingmodel and acccss and egress, traffic difficulties and the problem of during a demonstration of increasing the divcrsion into getting suitablemeals and accommodation. These the American Falls Channel. There was no discernible conditionsbecome more acute with increasing visitor impairment in the appearance of the Horseshoe Falls or attendance and the size of the crowds. The Commission theCascades when the total flow overthe two Falls considers that this broader social aspect of the environ- was 100,000 cfs. However, there could be a noticeable mental conditions created by and for the viewing public detrimental effect on the appearance of Horseshoe Falls should, like theintrusions on the views of Niagara andthe Cascades when the total flowover both Falls Falls, be the subject of an intcrnational study. Niagara is reduced to 50,000 cfs. Dredging and a control Falls is aprime examplc of an internationalresourcc structure would be requircd. for the enjoyment and usc of the citizens of both Canada Restoring the level of theMaid-of-the-Mist Pool to and the United States and should be dealt with accor- aformer condition would submergeabout one-third dingly. of thepresent talus slopc. A controlstructure in the Theproposed study would dcvelopgcncral policies NiagaraGorge would be required to raise thewater for the future protection and development of the arca, lcvcl about 15 feet when 100,000 cfs is flowing ovcr the strengthcn cxisting internationalcollaboration, and two Falls and 25 feet when the total flow is 50,000 cfs. investigatc measurcs to provide a betterinterpretation The Commission is conccrncd that the structure would of thc Falls sccnc for visitors. haveadverse effects on iceflow throughthe Pool, on the formation and break-up of the scenic ice bridge, and The Commission is fully aware of thc difficulties on the appcarancc of thc Gorge. These possible adverse inherent in the development of coordinatedaction by effects coupled with the cost of the controlstructure the many parallel lcvcls of government in the Niagara outweigh the benefits thatmight bc achieved. Falls area. Thc Commission bclicvcs that the proposed study will assist in achieving this goal.


‘l’hc Commission bclicvcs that ;I problem of public timely evacuation in the event of signiticant rockmove- safety exists in the immctliatcareas of the American mcnt. Falls and in the Goat Island flank of the Horseshoe Falls. Evidcncc dcvclopecl in the course of the inquiry The Commission rcjccts the conccpt of massiveworks suggeatcd that thc problem was so urgentthat steps ai Niagara Falls. While suchworks might verywell be were taken to restrict cntry to several viewing arcas. appropriak to otherproblcms in otherareas. their Some safety warning systems were installctl to permitconstruction at the Falls wo~~ldbe contraryto the philo-

20 sophy of allowing the natural evolution of the Falls to bility for visitor safety rests with ParkAuthorities of continue,through the process of erosion. In addition, the State of New York. Testimony at thc public hearing the cost of suchworks would be prohibitive and they in March 1975 by the RegionalAdministrator of the would createfuture cnvironmcntal problems as the NewYork State Park Commission indicated that the Gorge wall deteriorates, leavingthe unsightly evidence Park Authorities arc satisfied that the suggested safety of theworks. program offers adequate vicwcr protcction. The history of the American Falls indicates that the The safetyprogram would cost an cstimatcd 2.8 major rockfalls occurat the crests. Rockfalls at the milliondollars andtake one year to complete. It is flanks havebccn small in comparisonwith the crest important to notethat additional studies may be failures.However, available records indicate that four required by the responsible agencies to more fully dcfine rockfalls have resultcd in injury anddcath. In 1907a thedetails of some of themeasures for public safety, man was struck on thc head and seriously injured while such as the precise alignment of the railings. standingnear the Cave-of-the-Winds walk at the base In addition to these measures, a program of periodic of LunaIsland. In 1917a rockfall near the Whirlpool surveillance and mapping and photographing of surface Rapids Bridgepushed acar from the Gorge Trolley cracks and othcr features to record progressive rock or Linesinto the River, killing several tourists. A second soil movement would be effective in identifying potential mishapat the Cave-of-the-Winds in 1972 killed two failureareas. The initial investmentfor surveillance is peopleand injured three others.A major rockfall in cstimatcd at about seventy thousand dollars, with annual 1956above Schocllkopf Power Plantdestroyed much cost thereafter of about ten thousanddollars. of the plant, resulted in the death of one plant operator and led to the abandonment of the plant. Also, in May 1967one hundred tons of soil and rock fell fromthe The Commission concludes thatthe two flanks of cliff at Prospect Point. Some of the material landed on theAmerican Falls andthe Goat Island flankof the the Souvenir building below, but no injuries resulted. Horseshoe Falls aresufficiently unstable to warrant The Commissionbelieves thatthe frequency and remedial action. With respect to the allocation ofthe severity of suchaccidents could be reduced by the workand cost of construction, the Commission con- program suggested by the Board. The program includes: cludes that, since no works except the measuresfor new railing alignments in theupper viewing areas; an safety of the viewing public are required under the 1967 expanded safety warningsystem; surface stabilization; Reference and since these costs are to be allocated to andrelocation of lowcr footpaths. While the Corn.- the United States under the terms of the 1970 extension missionrecognizcs that suchimprovements would not ofthe Reference, the cost of allworks recommended provide absolutc protection against sudden rock or soil in this report will be allocated to the United States. failure, it bclicves that theywould provide a safer environmentfor visitors viewing the Falls whilenot The Commission further concludes that a statistically significantly interferingwith their enjoyment of the minor element of risk fromunpredictable rock move- view or requiring massive works. ment will remain and must be accepted by the viewing The Commission fully appreciates that the responsi- public.




In rcsponscto thc Refcrcnce dated March 31, 1967 5. A study be jointly conducted as soon as practicable andthe cxtcnsion of the original Reference,dated by the United States and Canada to examine the full October1970, from the Governments of theUnited range of possibilities of preserving and enhancing the States and Canada, thc International Joint Commission NiagaraFalls asan international scenicwonder, recommends that: recognizingnot only the “jewel” of theFalls, but alsothe surrounding “setting” in whichthey are placed. Thestudy should give considerationto the 1. No measures be undertaken at this time to remove economic impact and the necessary institutional ar- the talus which has collected at the baseof the Amer- rangements which might be affected. ican Falls and to retard or prevent future erosion. 6. The two Governments discourage the local jurisdic- tions from undertaking or permitting future develop- 2. The AmericanFalls not be stabilized by artificial means. ments that would detract from the visual enjoyment of the Niagara Falls.

3. Noother major measuresbe taken at thistime to preserve andenhance the beauty of theAmerican Signed this 23rd day of July 1975 as the International Falls. JointCommission’s report to the Governments of the UnitedStates andCanada on the measures necessary to prcscrvc or enhance the beautyof the Amcrican Falls 4. As a minimum the measures for safety of the public, atNiagara and onthe public safcty measuresat the outlinedearlier in Chapter VI, shouldbe imple- Ranks of theAmerican Falls and at the Goat Island mented. flank of the Horseshoe Falls.


7&<$7?Henry P. mith I11 Keith A. Henry

Charles R. Ross Victor L. Smith



On March 3 1, 1967, the Secretary of State for External Affairs for the Government of Canada, and the Secre- tary of State for the Government of the United States sent the following Reference to the International Joint Commission, through similar letters addressed respect- ively to the Canadian and United States Sections of the Commission:

TheGovernments of the U.S.A. and of Canadahave Atthe same time, the Commission is askedto bear in agreedtorequest the International Joint Commission, mindthe obligations of Canadaand the United States pursuant to Article IX of the Boundary Waters Treaty of contained in theNiagara Treaty of 1950and the mutual 1909, to investigateand report upon measures necessary interest of thetwo countries in refrainingfrom measures to preserve orenhance the beauty of theAmerican Falls whichmight preserve orenhance one of the Falls to the atNiagara. The Commission is specifically requested to detriment of the other. investigateand recommend: For the purpose of assisting the Commission in its inves- 1) what measures are feasible and desirable tigation and otherwise in the performance of its duties un- (a) to effect theremoval of thetalus which has der this Reference, the two Governments will upon request collected at the base of the American Falls; and makeavailable to the Commission the services of engi- (h) to retard or prevent future erosion; neersand other specially qualified personnel of theirgov- ernmental agencies and such information and technical data 2) othermeasures which may be desirable or necessary as may have been acquired or as may be acquired by them to preserve orenhance the beauty of theAmerican during the coul-seof the investigation. Falls: The Commission is requested to submit its report to the 3) theallocation, as betweentheUnited States and two Governmentsas as may be practicable, Canada, of the work and costs of construction.


OnOctober 1 andOctober 5, 1970, the Secretary of State for External Affairs for the Government of Cana- da, and the Secretary of Statefor the Government of the UnitedStates extended the original Reference to the InternationalJoint Commission, through identical lettersaddressed to the Canadianand UnitedStates Sections of the Commission:

The Governments of Canada and the United States have At the same time the Commission is asked to determine agreedpursuant to Article IX of theBoundary Waters thespecific costs involved in the carrying out of the work Treaty of 1909 to request that the International Joint Com- and construction under this extension to the 1967 Reference missionextend its investigation of measuresnecessary to and to includethese costs in the costs that it willbe allo- preserve orenhance the beauty of theAmerican Falls at cating to theUnited States under the terms of the1967 Niagarawhich it hasbeen conducting pursuant to the Reference as extended by this Reference. Reference of thetwo governments dated March 31. 1967 to the following questions: The Governments will continue to make available to the Commissionthe services of individuals to serve on the I) Arethe immediate areas of theAmerican Falls and existingAmerican Falls InternationalBoard for purposes of theGoat Island Flank of theHorseshoe Falls of thisadditional inquiry. as setforth in theReference endangered by thepossibility of erosionand other dated March 3 I, 1967. geological conditions. The Commission is requested to submit its report to the 2) If so, what nleasuresare feasible and desirable to two Governments as soon as may be practicable. protectthese areas in orderto eliminate any hazard to persons or property or to thescenic beauty in the region.


TheBoard established a Working Committee with Commission approval. When thc Board'sreport \vas submitted to theComnlission the membership of the Working Committee consisted of thc following:

(/tri/(d Stul(,.\ Col. B. C. Hughes.District Engineer. Buffalo District litrirtd .S~~I/C.Y.S(~~iotr U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Brig. Gen.W. 0. Bixhus. Division hgineer,North CentralDivision, IJ.S. Army Corps of Engineers, K. R. Hopkins, Regional Director. Niagara Frontier Chairman StatePark Commission G. Eckbo.Chairman. Department of L.andscape I). Carruth,Kane. Carruth k O'Brien. P.C.. Architecture,University of California LandscapeArchitects & Consulting Engineel-s

C(ltI~ldt1 c~ltrll~liutlScc.tir)tl N.H. James, Director, Water Planning Kc Management N. P. Persoage,Water Planning & ManagementBranch. Branch,Inland Waters Directorate, Environment Environment Canada Canada. Chairman D.R. Wilson, General Manager. Ningx,: Parks H. S. M. C~ver,Consulting Landscape Architect, Ottawa Commission, Niagara Falls, Ontar-io J. E. Secord,Landscape Architect, St. Catharines, Ontario fo,.tlrc,l. Uotrrtl ('htrir.~lllvl K. A.Rowscll, Engineering Progrant Branch, Ctlrlfltltl Utlitcvl Stutcs Canada Department of Public Works T.Patterson M. Brig. Gen. R. T. Dodge J.McLeod D. Brig. Gen. M.R. Tarbox Brig. Gen. W. W. Watkin, Jr. F'ortvor WorXirIg Comr,li/trc M1~rnho.s Col. W. G. Stewart Culludtl Utlited Stu/rs Maj. Gen. E. Graves, Jr. B. E. RussellA.Col. L. Wright C.McGregorA. A. B. Williams M. T. Gray G. D. Clark Col. R. S. Hansen Col. R. I-. Moore


Valuableand coopcrative assistance was provided by the following agencies:

It1 the Utritc~dStutcs United States Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers Power Authority of the State of New York Niagara Frontier State Park Commission

111 Cumdu Environment Canada Department of Public Works Ontario Hydro Niagara Parks Commission


Where witnesses testified at both hearings in 1967 only March 4, 1975 at Niagara Fulls, Nrw York one appearance is recorded hereunder. Mrs.M. L. Reeves,Niagara Group, Sierra Club, Eggerts- ville, New York Dr.W. Englebrecht, New York Archaeological Council, Octohcr 24, 1967 at Nia,yartl Fulls, New York Amherst, New York Representative Henry Smith, U.S. Congress M. J. Dixon. Sudbury, Ontario V. Sumner Carroll, State Assembly New York Harvey .N;Albond, Director of Planning, Niagara Falls, GregoryJ. Pope, State Assembly New York New ,%York His Honour Mayor E. Dent Lackey, Mayor of Niagara Keith R. Hopkins, Niagara Frontier State Park Falls, N.Y. Commission, Niagara Falls, New York Arthur Williams, General Manager, Niagara Mark Latham, Thorold, Ontario Frontier State Park Commission JohnMacLeod, Rockwood, Ontario WilliamLatham, for W. S. Chapin,General Manager, PowerAuthority State of NewYork Ralph Barnes, Erie Government WalterSchulmeister, Director, Niagara County Industrial Subsequent to theabove public hearings the Com- andPlanning Commission missionreceived submissions from those listed Dr.Frank J. Dobrovolney,President, Niagara Area hereunder: Chapter,American Association of Retired Persons Charles M. Offenhauer, Niagara Falls Area Chamber of After the Octohcr 1967 Hcarirrgs Commerce Frank LeBlond, President of Maid-of-the-Mist Steamship Thomas G. Berrigan, Editor-in-Chief, Niagara Falls Gazette Company, Niagara Falls, Ontario Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce. Niagara Falls, Octohcr 25, 1967 at Niugara Fulls, Ontario Ontario. His Worship F. Miller, Mayor of Niagara Falls, Ontario Carl Huggins, City Manager, Niagara Falls, Ontario After thc March 1972 Hearitlg Ross Kenzie, Manager, Niagara Falls Convention Bureau James N. Allen, Chairman, Niagara Parks Commission, M. T. Gray, Niagara Parks Commission Ontario M. L. MacDonald, Q.C., Counsel for Hydro Electric William H. Wendel, Carborundum Company, Power Commission of Ontario Niagata Falls, New York BlakeRobertson, Niagara Falls, Ontario Great Lakes Laboratory, State University College, Buffalo, New York March 24, 1972 at Niagara Falls, New York ConradH. Eidt, Regional Municipality of Niagara, After the March 1975 Hcaritrg St.Catharines, Ontario H. M.Doyle, San Carlos,California Keith R. Hopkins, Regional Director, Niagara Falls State Ralph E. Braddon, Cleveland, Ohio Park Commission, Niagara Falls, New York Glenn C. Forrester, Youngstown, New York Stan Spisiak, New York State Conservation Council, Mariorie F. Williams.City Historian, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, New York Nkw York NormanR. Mitchinson, Committee of aThousand, ThomasKelchner. Willian~sport. Pennsylvania Niagara Falls, Ontario Jack D. Paxton, Urbana, Illkois Derek M. Foulds, Ontario Hydro, Toronto, Ontario Michael G. Marsh, Roslyn Heights, New York R.W. Rodman, City Engineer, Niagara Falls, Ontario Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Valiela, North Falmouth, Massachusetts