Methodology for the Inference of Gene Function from Phenotype Data Joao a Ascensao1,2†, Mary E Dolan1*†, David P Hill1 and Judith a Blake1

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Methodology for the Inference of Gene Function from Phenotype Data Joao a Ascensao1,2†, Mary E Dolan1*†, David P Hill1 and Judith a Blake1 Ascensao et al. BMC Bioinformatics (2014) 15:405 DOI 10.1186/s12859-014-0405-z METHODOLOGY ARTICLE Open Access Methodology for the inference of gene function from phenotype data Joao A Ascensao1,2†, Mary E Dolan1*†, David P Hill1 and Judith A Blake1 Abstract Background: Biomedical ontologies are increasingly instrumental in the advancement of biological research primarily through their use to efficiently consolidate large amounts of data into structured, accessible sets. However, ontology development and usage can be hampered by the segregation of knowledge by domain that occurs due to independent development and use of the ontologies. The ability to infer data associated with one ontology to data associated with another ontology would prove useful in expanding information content and scope. We here focus on relating two ontologies: the Gene Ontology (GO), which encodes canonical gene function, and the Mammalian Phenotype Ontology (MP), which describes non-canonical phenotypes, using statistical methods to suggest GO functional annotations from existing MP phenotype annotations. This work is in contrast to previous studies that have focused on inferring gene function from phenotype primarily through lexical or semantic similarity measures. Results: We have designed and tested a set of algorithms that represents a novel methodology to define rules for predicting gene function by examining the emergent structure and relationships between the gene functions and phenotypes rather than inspecting the terms semantically. The algorithms inspect relationships among multiple phenotype terms to deduce if there are cases where they all arise from a single gene function. We apply this methodology to data about genes in the laboratory mouse that are formally represented in the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) resource. From the data, 7444 rule instances were generated from five generalized rules, resulting in 4818 unique GO functional predictions for 1796 genes. Conclusions: We show that our method is capable of inferring high-quality functional annotations from curated phenotype data. As well as creating inferred annotations, our method has the potential to allow for the elucidation of unforeseen, biologically significant associations between gene function and phenotypes that would be overlooked by a semantics-based approach. Future work will include the implementation of the described algorithms for a variety of other model organism databases, taking full advantage of the abundance of available high quality curated data. Keywords: Gene ontology, Mammalian phenotype ontology, Function prediction, Ontology development Background biomedical literature, to create empirical connections be- Ahallmarkofmodernbiomedicalresearchisthegener- tween different aspects of biological data, that is to say, ation of increasingly large amounts of scientific data. Bio- annotations [2]; .e.g. biocurators annotate, or tag, biolo- medical ontologies have the potential to greatly accelerate gical entities (e.g. proteins, functional RNAs) with ontol- biomedical research by enhancing our ability to integrate ogy terms (capturing all relevant metadata as well). One of and access these data. A biomedical ontology is a resource the most widely used modern bio-ontologies is the Gene that represents a controlled set of terms for entities in a Ontology (GO), a resource that describes canonical gene particular biomedical domain and how those terms are functions in a computable species-independent manner so related to one another [1]. Biocurators are scientists who that they may be used for statistical analysis of gene sets review experimental data, primarily as reported in the or for comparative genomic analysis [3,4]. Another bio- ontology is the Mammalian Phenotype Ontology (MP) that * Correspondence: [email protected] provides an independently curated set of terms and rela- † Equal contributors tionships describing non-canonical phenotypes, primarily 1The Jackson Laboratory, 600 Main Street, Bar Harbor, ME, USA Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © 2014 Ascensao et al.; licensee BioMed Central. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Ascensao et al. BMC Bioinformatics (2014) 15:405 Page 2 of 15 in mouse models, and that is used to query the effects of ‘guilt-by-association’ methods: annotation co-occurrence genetic mutations [5]. pairs, knowledge-based annotation inference based on, Genes and alleles (genetic variants) of genes are anno- for example, protein-protein interactions or pathway tated respectively for both function and phenotype within term enrichment. Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) system, a compre- Our approach is strictly empirical and makes no as- hensive resource for genomic research of the laboratory sumptions about lexical matching, semantics, or ontology mouse [6]. Within the MGI curation workflow, different structure, except to infer annotations according to the subsets of biocurators separately process papers identified true-path rule. The rationale behind our approach is to for function (GO) and phenotype (MP) curation. As a re- make a simplifying assumption that in some cases ‘inter- sult, although papers may be selected for curation in esting’ biology could be missed by limiting the analysis to regards to both GO and MP, they are not processed simul- include an alignment of ontology structure or by attempt- taneously, leading to short-term temporal discrepancies in ing to compare the ‘meaning’ of phenotype versus GO overall curation coverage in MGI. Because scientific litera- terms. Using this simplified approach there is no under- ture is published much faster than biocurators can read lying assumption that ‘similar’ areas of the MPO and the and curate the papers, the development of methods to GO should correlate. Instead, we examine the feasibility of computationally infer annotations from one source to constructing rules based only on conjunctions and dis- another would greatly add and enhance curation effi- junctions of high-quality phenotype annotations made by ciency [7]. MGI curators to predict GO annotations. A crucial dif- Recent years have seen efforts to complement curated ference in our approach is that, where most empirical annotation data sets with text mined and association- methods group annotations based on gene entities, our rule mined predicted annotations. Broadly, text mining analysis is allele-specific, and therefore addresses the po- approaches use natural language processing methods to tential that a given set of varied phenotypes may be the alleviate the backlog of papers awaiting curation, while result of a single underlying genetic perturbation. Addi- association-rule mining uses curated annotation sets to tionally, mouse phenotypes can vary widely for different predict new annotations and to assess the validity of alleles of the same gene on different strain backgrounds. automated annotation methods [8-17]. It is worth noting Indeed, this is the reason for the detailed study of spon- that several of these same approaches have been used to taneous and targeted mutations in specific strains of the improve and expand the ontology structure and relation- laboratory mouse. Consider, for example, the phenotypes ships as well [18-21]. These efforts have been used both of three alleles of the mouse Pax3 gene. One spontaneous to predict additional annotations from curated annotations allele, Pax3Sp-d manifests phenotypes in many areas: em- in the same ontology and to predict across ontologies, bryogenesis, integument, limbs/digits/tail, mortality/aging, as we do here. nervous system, pigmentation. This allele is present in The prediction efforts mentioned above may include themousemodelforthehumandiseaseWaardenburg lexical matching [8], semantic similarity measures [9-11], Syndrome, Type 1; WS1 (OMIM:193500) [22,23]. An- ontology matching [18,19], and so-called ‘guilt-by-associ- other targeted allele, Pax3tm1Mrc manifests a different ation’ methods [12]; several efforts use a combination of set of phenotypes: craniofacial, growth/size, mortality/ these approaches [13]. Some prediction methods are pri- aging, muscle, nervous system, respiratory, skeleton, marily ontology based and others are annotation, or in- tumorigenesis, vision/eye. This allele is present in the stance, based. Our method uses an extension of ‘guilt- mouse model for another human disease Rhabdomyosar- by-association’ and is annotation based. coma 2; RMS2 (OMIM:268220) [24]. Yet another targeted Lexical matching methods, including text mining and allele, Pax3tm2.1Joe [25], is present in a mouse in which no text clustering, have been used to infer gene function abnormal phenotype is observed. from phenotype and vice versa. Semantic matching is In this work, we describe an original method to pre- facilitated by the use within the OBO community of equi- dict novel GO annotations for genes associated with valence axioms and logical definitions and by curated alleles that have existing MP annotations. We apply our inter-ontology links. Semantic similarity measures based derived set of rules to a set of papers
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