VOL. XXI. NEW YORK, SATUEDAY, APEIL 20, 1878. No. 627.

Pitblts^ied Weekly by stantial relief which wholesome legislation would their abilities, with this pressing aud imperative alfoi-d, the very fii-st preseutmeut of the subject subject of real estate taxation. Bj- the best of taxation iu tho State Legislature is m the authorities, the taxation of mortgages is recog­ shape of crude, bungling aud ill-digested devices, nized as a double taxation of real estate, and this TERJIS. such as the lueiisures upou which we are animad­ proposition is too simple to require demon­ ONE YEAR, in advance....SIO.OO. verting. stration. It is the highest injustice aud the Communications should be addressed to It is not easj- to clearlj' define the real object exemplary evil of our preseut laws that real sought to be attained by the promotei-s of this estate, tho least able to bear oppressive taxation, C. AV. SWEET, suspicious legislation. Many objects maj' be im­ is reallj- subjected to a double tax. If there is an honest and sincere purpose ou the part of our law Nos. 'MS AND 347 BROADWAY. agined aud assigned, aud the evil effects of the proposed measures inaj' be readilj' traced bj' makei-s to mitigate the evils w-hich now oppress those accustomed to -watch the operation of .such our real estate interests, especiallj- iu the matter BUNGLING LEGISLATION. laws. The least insight iuto the subject w-ill fur­ of mortgages, the w-aj- is reallj' plaiu and clear. When we recall tho alile and lucid expositions The bungling and abortive elforts which have nish an assured conviction that if the present which have beeu made of this subject during the been recentlj- made iu the State Legislature to proposed law finds a place upon the statute book, past fifteen j'ears, w-e are siniplj- amazed at tho compass the subject of mortgage legislation, it will afford uo real i-elief to the ownei-s of prop­ lack of inforinatiou at present displaj-ed by the whether for exemption or taxation it is diflicult ertj' nor to the owners of mortgages, while it will legislature. to discern, certainlj- constitute the verj- enibodi- be sure to entail upon the w-hole commiuiitj' con­ inent of legislative incapacity. A fortnight ago fusion, distraction aud serious hardship. Assum­ To remove this double tax ou real estate and we called attention to the manifold evils of a bill ing that in these measures a double object is con­ to lift in the most direct and effectual manner the which had then passed the Senate. We are templated, that of relieving the property owner burden of oppression from both property owner agreeablj^ disappointed in being able to congrat­ aud the mortgage owuer, or of providing the aud mortgage owner, wc merelj- require to have ulate our readers upon the defeat of that bill in the means of equating taxation between the two, it is the tax entirelj' taken off mortgages. Assembljr. Along with these glad tidings comes safe to say that thej' flj- flat iu the face of both of Probablj' three-quartei-s of the amount of exist­ the information that another bill of kindred im- these propositions. It is proposed to allow a ing mortgages are exempt bj- previous enact­ Iiorfc has been incubated iu the Waj's and Means mortgage debtor to deduct the amount of his ments, aud J'et the fact that the remaining por­ Committee of the Lower House. The relation of mortgage from the assessed valuation of his prop­ tion is held for taxation, that mortgages owned these two bills appears to be that of father and erty for taxation, aud to impose upou hira the by individuals resident iu this State are subject sou. The text of the later oue will be found in obligation of giving the authorities a clew to the to taxation whenever found, introduces au ele­ our newscolumu. A superficial examiuatiou of it owuer of the mortgage, so that if he happens to ment of uncertainty and disadvantage in the will convince those who have taken anj"^ interest be a resident of this State, he maj' be made to negotiation of mortgage loans w-hich has a ten­ iu the subject that, while some of the intricacies respond to the full amount of the tax upon his dency to throw them into the hands of moneyeil of the earlier bill have beeu removed, its greater mortgage. As a majority, probablj', of mortgages corporations aud non-resident lendei-s. Were the evils and absurdities*have beeu intensified and are held by mouej-ed institutions, which are al­ taxation of mortgages ouce removed, large vol­ perpetuated iu the new measure. Our best infor- ready exempt by law from taxation ou their umes of resident personal capital w-ould at once uiatiou leads us to believe that these measures mortgage investments, and as another propor­ seek these investments, aud the rate of interest at have had their origin principally, if not exclus- tion, uot a small one, are held bj- lenders residing which good mortgages w-ould be easilj' negotiable ivelj', among countrj' members, aud that their out of the State, it is more than likely that in would correspond with the i-ate of interest paid object is to relieve the farmei-s, who happen to practice the mortgage debtor will be debarred on gov. rnment bonds or anj- other prime un­ own mortgaged farms, from some few dollai-s of from availing himself of the exemption which taxed securities. taxation ivhich they find it iuconvenieut to bear. this law professes to graut. In this light it is It is uot onlj- with reference to this single mat­ As the organic law requires such legislation to simply a discrimination against the private lender ter of taxation of mortgages that legislative ac­ partake of a geuei-al character, the relief demand­ ou mortgage who happens to be a citizen of this tion is required. Sooner or later the w-hole sub­ ed bj' this rural coustitueucj' is likelj^ to impose State, and will certainlj', if the law is strictly ject of State aud municipal taxation must forciblj- upou the owners of landed interests iu cities enforced iu the interests of borrowei-s, drive our present itself to the minds of our law-makers, aud a peculiar aud excruciating burden. It passes own capitalists out of the mortgage market. imperiouslj- demand broad, comprehensive and comprehension how such vicious, partial aud per­ There is another provision, how-ever, in this law i-ational treatment. There is no subject at the plexing legislation can escape the condemnation which resembles the Irishman's famous post­ present moment that is more profouudl j- agitating of keen lawyers and business men iu the commit­ script to his letter, in w-hich, after writing it, ho the minds of the people cf tho entire countrj-, tees of the respective Houses. Such euac'.meuts announces his decision to uot send it. This other aud especiallj- of this State aud citj-. The de- arouse just suspicion as to the amount of wisdom section provides that an agreement may be made maud is outspoken aud clamorous for thorough which presides in our legislative councils. between the borrower and lender as to which ono reform of the wietched system of tax administra­ tion with whicii we have struggled, and by which If the country at this moment is suffering from shall bear the tax, or w-hether it shall be divided we have beeu cursed aud oppressed for so many one evil more than another, it is from uuwi.se, in­ between them iu au agreed proportion. The J-ears. Partial, piecemeal, bungling legislation trusive aud disturbing legislation. Ai a time, privilege of making such au agreement certainly will uot afford the desired relieL The subject wheu of all others, its business interests need does not require the authority or mandate of any must be taken bj- the roots and dealt with intel­ repose and exemption from irritating causes, they statute. In effect this section will defeat} the ligently, decisivelj- aud promptlj'. seem more than ever to be menaced with radical, operation of the whole law, or rather will so far special and ill-advised legislation. For five bitter suspend its action that the capitalist w-ill either J'ears the best business interests of the country, decline altogether to lend on mortgage, or else THE TAX ROLLS. mercantile aud , have writhed un­ will compel the borrower to pay the taxes as he It is the glorious privilege of Americau citizens der the agitation of the currency question iu is doing at present. To complete the farcical to be taxed. Foriuerlj- we rebelledlagamst tax­ Congress, aud now these same interests are shak­ character of this statute it would be only neces­ ation without representation, but now, having re­ en to their very centres by the prospect of a sary to add an additional section to the effect presentation, w-e are called U[K>U to bear content- complete over turning and reconstruction of the that this statute is intended for legislative pastime, edlj- the fullest measure of taxation. In what­ tariff laws. In our own State,'real estate inter­ and will probablj' have no application after all to ever respect our sj'stem of republican government ests, lying at the foundation of the whole social the relations of borrowers and lenders. may excel or fall short of European systems, it and mercantile fabric, have been burdened with a We are forced, however; to -welcome even such has certainlj' reached a point where it can chaL load of taxation piled mountain high; administer­ crude and bungling legislation as this, as the lenge comparison with the most absolute and ed under processes which are slowly strangling earnest of a desire on the part of our law makers despotic of the old governments in the matter of their very life. Instead of the permanent and sub­ to deal, if not intelligently then to the best of levying and collecting taxation. The annual pro- 336 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. duct of Federal, State, County and Town tax.i- that this method of levying taxes is highly proper purpose of escaping taxation. Taxes to bo tioii of the State of New- York is reckoned bj' ex- aud w-arrantable, since under this method real comfortablj' levied and unobstructivelj'- collected p-rtsat one hundred millions of dollars. This estate becomes merelj' the yard stick wlierebj' should be imposed arbitrarilj' and despoticallj- sum is probablj' below rather than above the the entire roll of taxation is fairlj-, uniformly nnd with au express provision that the reluct-int and actual ligures, and, as it stands, constitutes au equitably distributed throughout the conununitj-. recalcitrant tax-paj-er should have no opportu­ eiKiiiiKJiis drain upon the industrj' of the people. We are disposed to lament that w-e do uot possess nitj'of caviling, criticizing or jawing back, lie In New York Citj-, under the operatiou of au ob- the philosophical insight nece.s.sarj' to aiipreciate .should bo made to paj' or sulVer. Such a niethoil solet:' and fo.sstlized code, the burden of taxation the aptness of this brilliant theorj-, .and to adopt would facilitate the despatch of business and is levied UIKJU three principal objects: organized it as a conclusion, because tho iuventoi-s and pro- relieve underpaid and overworked oflicials from capital, real estate mortgages and real estate, and poundei-s of it reallj' seem to derive such placid the carping cares of oflice. Perhaps tho utter­ ui>oii these disiiroportionatelj', inequitablj- and satisfaction from its statement We have tried ance of the French king might somew-liere find a capriciouslj-. The sum of personal capital reached in vain to grapple with this deduction aud to trace response iu the present daj". " Kings are abHolute bj- taxation is too sniall to be taken iuto account its possible application in practical affairs. We lord.c, naturallj- possessing the entire and uncou- and of the amount assessed a large fraction fails are forced to conclude that the preseut sj'stem of troled disposal of all propertj' to be exercised for entirelj- of collection. levj-ing the w-hole sum of taxation upon one the general interests of the State."—Louis XIV. The unequal operation of tax.atioii in this citj- object, to wit: real estate, is cither not a felic­ Thee monarchical and media-val idca.s, how­ was scarcelj- felt or realized diiriug the flush itous illustnitiou of the beauties of this prin­ ever, will uot answer in this countrj'. Tax paj-- times of prosperitj". When rents were high and ciple, or else the principle itself is a delusion- ing is uot an agreeable dutj- to average humauitj- cosilj- collected, and w-hen the values of laud The New Yorksj-stem of ta.xation bears a stronger however coniplaisantlj- aud iironiptly New showed au annual, if not a monthly increase on resemblance to a trip-hammer which is slowlj- Yorkers maj- have been in the habit heretofore of , the real tax paj'ers of this city were pounding tlie life out of real estate. handing iu their checks. No one spends money cstopjied from making anj- complaint of unjust We have sought iu vain for some specific rem­ even for taxes more cheerfullj- than does tbe burdens. In fact the plausible doctrine of the edj' w-hich we could offer to om- tax-paj'ing read­ American citizen in prosperous times. But iu self-diirusion of taxation seemed under the cir- ers in the present exigency of their afair.', but hard and grinding times like these, necessary curastances to be also self demonstrating aud confess with regret that we have found uone short expenditures, such as the discharge of taxation, self-o]ierating. Then, indeed, the propertj- owuer of the total repeal' of th(J present tax la w-s aud become, iu the majoritj- of cases, veritable acts of enjoj'ed the unresisteii and unqualified preroga­ the enactment of new, intelligible and effective self-immolation aud self-abnegation. Taxes which tive of rcas.sessiiig upou his lessee or vendee the laws calculated to secure the equal distribution of were formerlj- light as feathers have at length full amount of assessed taxation. taxation. The present season is geuerallj' full of become oppressive and blighting, andapiilj' theiu- But circumstances have materially changed. anxious concern to about twenty thousand of our selves to the tax-paj-ers' bank account w-ith a The beautiful fabric of colossal real estate values citizens—those we mean who aro the actual tax- ravenous tooth. has tumbled in a wreck. Rents of propertj', paj-ers of the city—as the season in which tlie tax- These few reflections are indulged and inteuded alwaj's apt to be measured bj- the capabilities of rolls are opened for inspection, and the measure for the edification and comfort of that patient, tenants, are now- found to be scarcely sufficient of individual liabilitj- determined beyond anj- long suffering and greatlj' forbearing portion of to meet the expenses of mortgaged propertj-, and chance of evasion, reopening or commutation. our conununitj'—the tax-payers. Generally the net income derived from unmortgaged prop­ The rest of the commuuitj' plod on their waj- supposed to have no rights which ollicials or ertj-, when held in limited quantities, is totallj' rejoicing in the satisfj-ing conviction that citizens at large are called upou to recognize or inadequate to afford the means of livelihood for though the bloated pi-opertj--holdei-s give tlieir respect, w-e would fain undertake the task of be­ moderate families. And j-et taxation is undimin­ checks for taxes, they, the citizens at large, coming their champion and mouth-ijiece. AVe ished, being, in fact, higher than ever as regards through the operation of some inscrutable law, cannot blame them for besieging the office of the propertj- owners, for through some mj'sterious are the real and actual paj'ei-s of theso taxes. It tax commissioners. Ou tho contrarj-, wo would occult agencies aud curious transmutation of would suit our purijoso adminilily if we could urge all tax-payers, of high or low degree, to put figures the assessment of pei-sonal propertj', honestlj' adopt this forced and foregone conclu­ iu at lea-st one appearance during the season, at never above three hundred millions of dollars, has sion, for, in doing so, we might conspicuous]j-and that oflice of inquest, and there exercise the con­ fallen to two hundred millions; aud this reduc­ suddenlj- enlarge the audience to whicii we could stitutional right of scrutinizing aud verifj-ing tion, of one hundred millions, has been transferred address our lucubrations. A regard for honest the oflicial i-eturns of values displayed for inspec­ borlilj- to the item of real estate. This condition aud scientific statements, however, compels us to tion. of the tax rolls has beeu brought about iu the limit the scope of our reflections to those among The tax rolls are divided into two sorts—lists face of au average decline iu real estate values of our present readers who are actual tax-paj-ei-s— of personal propertj- and lists of reai propertj'. fortj- per cent, and when tho legitimate and the ones who are accustomed auuuallj' to draw PEUSoxAt PHOI'EHTY.—Under the preseut law, natural increment of taxable values bj- the an­ their checks for large or small amounts to the it is expected that everj' citizen w-ho ow-us a nexation of new wards, and bj- building improve­ order of the Receiver of Taxes, a process just dollar above his actual indebtedness wUl paj' an­ nieiits, scarcelj- auiounts, within the period w-e now that resembles iu too manj- cases a contribu­ nually a tax upou that sum to the city. Through aro considering, to fiftj- millions of dollars. tion to charity or au investment iu a mining the operation of special statutes, aud more par­ Meanwhile the banks are becoming restive scheme—utterlj' hopeless of any immediate or ticularlj' of legal adjudications, there are manj' under tlie pressure o. w-hat thej- esteem to be mi adequate return m this world. species of property which the tax commissioners uu< qual burden of taxation, and after fruitless The tax commissioners and sub-assessoi-s having are not allowed to assess, aud which no citizen efforts to get relieved of some portion of it, their heretofore completed their valuatious of real is expected to ijay taxes upou. In everj' case, ofiicers are now besieging the Legislature to remit and personal property, are now- supposed to all individual indebteduess, whether upon mort­ the t-ix altogether. In fact, a distinguished mer­ be exhibiting their performances to the curious gage, note or account, may be deducted from chant of this citj- sought aud obtained a seat in and inquiring gaze of taspayei-s for the ostensible capital iu estimating the amount of taxable per­ the Legislature, apparently w-ith the sole object purpose of equalizing and correcting these valua­ sonal proiierty. All debt insti-umentalities of the iu view of procuring legislation to effect the re­ tions. Tho basement and second story of the United States government, such as bonds, notes, mission of this tax. If this eft'ort should iu time brown stone building iu the park are uo%v daily certificates of deposit aud the bonds of other be successful, and organized effoi-ts, especially besieged by au anxious throng of taxpayers States are exempted. Goods consigned aud im­ when b.icked bj* large capital, usually ai-e suc- desirous of obtaining a forecast of the individual ported, goods manufactured out of the State, ces-sful in this country, the real estate ownerB in tax bills w-hich %vill become due aud payable in shipping registered in other States, personal this citj- m.aj- then be prepared to see their prop­ the Lall. This recurring spring exposure of the property located aud operated out of the State, ertj- aud a certaiu portion of the mortgages tax books is a most commendable device of besides monej' iu pocket, are .iiuong the items secured bj- it become tbe sole objects of taxation. govei-nment, not unlike the operation of slow recognized as exempt. All corporations, Withal, the present tax-law-s are declared to be lioLsoning or gradual strangulation, as it enables whether financial or commercial, unless expre.ss- so ambiguous and inexplicable as to defy the best the taxpaj-er fuUj- six mouths in advance of the ly exempt by law, are liable to taxation, and ability and ingenuitj' to construe and enforce day of reckoning to make his calculations of how busiuess capital aud all evidences of indebtedness them. Practicallj', taxation is levied in this city little or how much of his income from real estate other than those specified are regarded as taxa­ uot according to the letter of auy fixed and posi­ may be safely appropriated for his own enjoy­ ble. Notwithstinding the hue aud cry which has tive statute, but simply according to the will of ment or means of livelihood. It is, doubtless, a been raised over the impolicy of taxiug pei-sonal the oflicial administrators of the law. It so hap­ great annoyance to the tax commissioners and estate, there has really been so little disposition that these officials elect to fasten the major their sub-assessors to be compelled to meet and and energy manifested on the part of the com­ share, and may in time be compelled to fasten the vanquish or. repel the invading ho.st of tax-payers missioners to discover and levy upon this class of entire burden of taxation upon real estate and its madlj' bent upon overhauling valuations, asking property, that there is probably less irritable op­ cognate interest—mortgages. Facetiously, or se- pertinent and impertinent questions, and indulg­ pression and a greater degree of placid self- rioiLslj', it is difficult to tell which, we are assured ing in aU sorts of special |pleadings for the gratulation on the part of ovmers of personal THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 337

property, in i-espect to taxation, than among any what amount his property is assessed. He has there laid very uneven, which necessitated tbe con­ other class in the comuiuuity. It is commonly the right to claim that it shall be assessed for no tractors to go in deeper and make a sort of pocket alleged that there is a great deal of false swear­ more than it would ordinarily sell for. He can in the earth near Fifty-sixth street. He had to ing and dow-uright evasion practised in re­ confront the commissioners with proofs of such a blast a great deal with the steam drill, and still his gard to this tax. These aro hai-sh aud value; aud w-© doubt uot iu any given case the work was concluded before the time called for by the contract grating criticisms to make upon anj' cora- cotnniissioncrs might be compelled bj- legal pro­ His place has now been taken by ?Ir. John Banta, niuuitj', and if w-arranted bj' facts, thej' merelj' cess to establish these values upon the statutorj' master builder, of 294 AA'est Fourth street, who has go to ilhistnite a natural, nnd perhaps, basis. charge of the entire mason work, and now has an inmate i-epugnance to tax-paj'iug. There is Pro, ertj- ownei-s have also tho right to know- army of men on the ground all actively engaged in no limit to the power of tho tax commissioners that their properties ai-e rated or a.ssessed upon laying the four feet foundation wall, every inch of iu assessing this class of i)roperty, outside <^f the the same scale as other properties: that there which, so to speak, is being carefully looked after by items w-hich w-e have enumerated as exempt, and shall be uo inequalitj- or disproportion iu i-elativo Sir. Cooper. Mr. Bantu's experienced foreman. The the responsibilitj' or even crimiualitj- of evading A'aluatioiis. It would be a tedious process to work is done bj- the daj- aiul is progressing satis­ personal taxation, must rest with the individual make up aud present to the court a case based factorily lo the owner und archiiect. The front is tax-paj'er, after he has been called upon to re­ to be of riiiladelphia brick, to be furnished, by upou an\- alleged or actual disparities of valua­ Rowe & Denman, with Nova St:otia stone, .and also spond to a given a.ssessmeut bj' the coitiuiission- tion; and iu auj-specific case doubtless the com- terra cotta triinniings. Ulr. .James Gilli.s, foot of ers. There must certainly be eitlier great inef- niissioners might be able to defend themselves by AA'est: Fiflieth street, wili furiiLsh Ihis Xova Scotia ficencj' iu enforcing this tax, or else au incredi­ the looseness of the law. stone and also do the cutting, while the terra colla, ble facility for evading it. Instead of the beg- It is, how-ever, the moral and bouudeu dutj- of of which we have seen some fine specimens, will, garlj' total of two liundred millions, the the commissioners, and the inalienable right of probably he obtained from Hall & Sous, in Perth nssessinent under the preseut law might easilj- be the caxpaj-er to claim that these valuations shall Aiiiboj-, for whom Mr. P'raiik, in Murraj- street, is the general agent. The kilter contract has, brought to au amount between live hundred aud be placed upon au equitable level. No man a thousand millions of dollars. That it has uot however, not yet been cotu.-luded and may still be should be obliged to paj' taxes ou more than his cou.sidered open for tbe compelilion of others. been so enlarged is probablj' owing to the property is worth, or upon a greater relative val­ greater ea.se and directness w-ith which the tax As this building is to be entirelj- fireproof it will be uation than his neighbor. Therefore, after scru­ of interest lo tbe various firms interested in this par­ can be collected from real estate, and also to the tinizing the value of liis own propertj-, the tax- ticular line to be informed that the contract for this ali.solute terror of State taxation, that has per­ paj-er should endeavor to gain information re­ work has not yet been awarded, and will not be for a vaded the minds of successive commi.ssioners. It specting the valuatious of adjoining propertj- week or ten days. The delivery of the iron beains is not improbable that they have tacitlj- consent­ to see how he is relativeh' assessed. For the pur­ has been separalelj- arranged for ivith a Pennsylvania ed to the escupe of large sums of personal prop­ pose of securing a fair equalization of values firm, which took the contract at a very low figure, ertj-, rather than bj- including them justh* iu the there is probablj- no better means than for tn-x- but so far as tbe actual fireproof material is con­ total of valuations, to run the risk of rendering cerned the door for competition for this vast build­ paj-ei-s to band themselves together iu ward ing stands wide open. Both Mr. Schillinger's and .Air. the city liable for .anj- greater .^ihare of State u.ssociations. The united voice of the taxpaj'ers taxation. Beckwith's claims will be duly con.«idei-ed. .il.so in auy given ward could not fail to be heard aud Lj-ons & Bunn, who we underslaud, propo.se to call REAI. ESTATE.—The real estate ow-ner is coii- properlj' responded to by the commissioners. the architect's attentiou to their excellent com­ siiicuouslj' the one who furnishes the music w-hile position. the owner of personal property dances. The MR. CLARK'S MAMMOTH APARTMENT The ordinarj' carpenter work, such as iiiiie ivood consideratiou if true, and if uot true w-e hope it llooring and other ordinarj-matters perlainiiig there­ HOUSE. to, will be entrusted to Mr. Johu L. Hamilton, of will be speedily corrected, that ten-elevenths of The line of the Seventh avenue, for some reason or 350 AVest Twenlj'-seventb street who bears an excel­ the w-holo burden of taxation is le\-ied directly or other has heretofore not been a very popular localitj' lent reputatlou in the trade, but all the bard wood iiidirectlj' upon real estate, .suggests verj- apical- for important improvenieiits, but when prominent and trimmings will be attended lo at the works of tho ling reflections to real estato ownei-s. At a mod­ propertj' owners, like 3Ir. Clark, President of the Singer Manufacturing Companj- and will receive erate calculation the real estate of this city is Singer manufacturing Companj' have the foresight special care and supervision from Mr. Hamilton. estimated to be worth fifteen hundred millions of of taking advantage of the present low prices of In order to make the building thoroughly lire proof dollars. Probablj', if verj' accuratelj' valued, the material to erect handsome buildings there, the dark the two main stair-cases will be of iron. For this graud total would be found to be, even iu these cloud that has so long, and without anj' adequate iron work, as well as other, estimates have aiready reason, hung over that avenue will soon be dispelled. hard times, not less than two thou.sand millions of been received from the Corneirs, and also from the The iiiiprovemeut on which Mr. Clark hassethismind Excelsior foundry of G. R. Jackson's, Sons, -201 Centre doUai-s. But for obvious reason.s, to wit, the de­ is not by any means a. trivt.al one, and when the work street Mr. Burnett is also competing for this con sire to escape State taxation, the Commissioners is completed he will have the satisfaction of owning tract, which will also be decided now in a verj- few have seen fit to place the aggregate of real estate the most extensive apartment house in New York. days. valuation at nine hundred millions, which is The entire block, between Fifij'-fifth and Fiftj-- The two passenger elevators required for this buiSd- modestly claimed to represent a former ratio of sixth streets, swarms now with workingmen, laj-ing ings will be supplied by ihe firm of AV'm. E. Hale Se sixty per cent.; a present ratio of eighty-five per the foundation foran.as j-et, uuchristened apartment Co. cent. This a-ssessmeut of n ue hundred millions house that will have a frontage of two hundred feet iVs the rooms will all be nicelj' grouped, leaving is made up of itemized valuations of each sep­ on the avenue and one huiulred feet on each of the the family and privato aportments iu a more re­ arate piece of property in the citj-. If the aver- side streets. The building which is lo be erected in tired part of each suite, the question of veulilatioa tho Queen Anno style, wil! have no stores on the .Hge valuation of each piece was but Um thousand and steam heating becomes a verj- important one lower floor, and will be .six stories high, each story for this building. The contracts for steam lieating, dollars, there would necessarily be ninety thou­ to contain six suites of apariments, making thirty-six not yet given out, are open for competition, Messrs. sand pieces. The probabilities are that the num- > suites in tdl. Angell & Blake, Messrs. Gillis & Geoghegan, and AA'. ber of separate pieces of propertj' ranges consid­ The main and distinguishing feature of the plans H. AVarner,; of Leonard street, being the principal erably above one lumdred thousand. The chances prepared for this building bj' Sir. IL J. Hardenbergh, competitors. for disparities of valuation in enumerating in architect, of Ul Broadway, is that in true French There will be a flat and a peaked roof on the .separate parcels such a large bulk of propertj' sij-le, there will be a large court in the centre building, the former to be covered with slate, the Hat must be obvious. measuring :j5xl26 feet with an outlet on the block, so roof with cement and gravel. that each suite of rooms will have not only a good The entire builliiig will, when completed, not cost It has been admitted in published documents outlook on the street but also on the court, which Is to over 5:100,000, a small sum considering the vast ground that upou a special examination of the as.sessed be embellished with attractive flower beds This it cover-s, but everything will bo furnished in flrst- A'uluations of five hundred different pieces of great advantage of a court—that is to be a court, class stj-le and the architect and builder unite in a de­ property, located at different poiuts in the city, indeed—shows that our architects, if onlj-sufficient sire to erect a building that will not only be satisfac­ that disparities were found to exist, representing room is given them, are slowly coming up to the true tory and remunerative to the owner, but 0rnan1ent.1l French idea of apartment houses, so that all the to the City of New York. a range of from fortj'-five to one hundred and service for the building can come through this court three per cent, of actual values. More recentlj', leaving the main entrances for the exclusive use of in attempting^ to meet the charge of unequal val­ visitors. These main entrances are to be on the side TAXING MORTGAGES. uations, it was stated by one of the commissioners streets, leaving the entire Seventh avenue front in Tho following bill alTecting the subject of mort­ that these iiTeguIarities simply consisted in varia­ an unbroken line free to represent, what it really will gage taxation has been reported by the Conuuilteo tions of judgment; aud that as no two judgments be, an imposing structure. One half of the b'ock, of AA'aj-s and Means. ordinarily agree upon the valuation of real estate, however, will be the exact counterpart of the other, SECTION L—In all cases of mortgage upou real the sub-assessoi-s are not so much to blame. the whole forming together such a gigantic edifice as estate hereafter executed the mortgagor therein Gotbaniite eyes have not heretofore rested lupon, may have deducted from the assessed valuation fof The truth is there are notorious, palpable and except when contemplating either the AA'indsor or such real estate the amount of anj- such existing flagrant inequalities of valuation, which it be­ Fifth avenue hotels. unpaid lien thereon. But in all cases such mort­ hooves the taxpayer to examine in person. gagors so claiming such deduction shall state' iu The excavations for this mammoth apartment wntingand under oath to the assessor the amount Every owner of real estate should make it his j house have been completed by the contractor, John and terms and times of payment of such mortgage duty to examine the tax-books and find out at J>. Crimmins, with wonderful expedition. The rock lien, and the name and place of residence of the 338 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. mortgagee, his or her tnistee, guardian, or assignee, street, commencing 100 feet east of Madison avenue, 42d st (No. 540), s s, 455 w 10th av, three story or the corporate name or place of busiuess of anj' for $30,000. brick (stone front) dwelling, 19.7x98.9, to AnnaRocke (plaintiff). (Amountdue about comoration holding or ow-uing such mortgage lien; It is reported that Charles Fox has sold lo Samuel and thereupon such assessor shall assess upon such $8,500) 7,000 person or corporation so holding or owning snch Hammerslough the house and lot No. 44 East Fifty- 44th st n s, 2-25 e llth av, vacant, 175x100.5, to eighth street (25x65x100.5) for S-32,500. John F. James 15,035 mortgage lien the true aud full value thereof, 45th st(No. 546), ss, 175 e llth av, four-story provided such holder or owner shall re­ The transaction lately reported between Scholle brick dwelling (front) and one two storj' side, or such corporation shall have its place Bros, and Jacob Canijibell was an exchange of five brick stable and one one-story frame sta­ of busiuess within liis town or city; but if such own­ lots on the northwest corner of Sixth ovenue and ble in rear. 2S.'2xl00.2, to John F. James... 8,7m 45th St. 8 s, 203.2 e llth av, vacant 22.5x100.5, to er or holder shall reside or such "corporation shall Fifty-sixth street for ;house and lot, 32.') AVest have its principal ofiice of business elsewhere with­ .Tohn F. James 21,975 in the .State then such assessor shall immediately Fifty-seventh street (2.A.\70xl05.5), the equities being 54th st (No. 248). s s, 225 e 8th av, three-story transmit by mail a iiiemoraudum iu writing to the adjusted with cash. brick dw-elling, 25x100.5, to A. L. Loomis (plaintiff). (.'Amount due, about §17,2.501... 10.000 assc.'^sor of the town, citj' or ward where such An enormous business in sales under judicial de­ 59lh sc (No. 129). 11 s, 100 w Lexington av, three- holder or owner shall resfde or snch corpor.-ition cree will prohal.ly be !ran.sacled at the Exchange storv stone front dw-elling. 20x100 5, to A. shall have its place of business, showing the exist­ Mills : 11,950 ence of an amount secured to be paid bj- .such Salesroom next week. The advertised list is larger than we have ever before known, and the attention OSth st, s s, 2C0 e llth av. tw-o-story frame iiiortgagc lien, together with the name of the store and dwelling and iwo-story frame bolder or owner of the siune or the corporation of readers is invited to .such list'ininted in another dwelling In rear, 2.5x100.5, to .Tames Niblo. 2,000 owning tht; same, wheriupon the assessor, to whom column. Umler the heading of advertised sales, not 86tli st (No. 116.5), n s, ;i.50 w 3d av, flve-story Miih nicnior.iiuluni is transmitted, shall cause the judicial, will be found the .-innouiicement of the sale brick store and dwelling, 25x100, lo Bank for Savings (plaintiff;. (Amount due, ;-,iiiie to lie assessed upon his assessment roll to bj- the Executors of Louis Levj-, on Tuesday next, the holder, owner or corporation owning the same, about $12.975) 10,(KK) and siu-b assessor aUowing such iiiortgiige lien so of seven eligible private houses on AVest Twelfth. 95th st, ss. 1-25 w Boulevard, vacant, 25xl6-2.8x Twentj--fourth, '1 liirty-sixlh, Thirly-ninth and Forty- 2.5x162.0. lo AA-illiam Madden 1,3-25 to be deducted as aforesaid, whicii iiiaj- lie owned 103d st n s. 95 e 4th av. vacant llixliW.ll, to oiit-iidoof his district, shall also causi- ii like nieui- seventh streets, and two substantial dwellings on AVilliam H. Gebhard (plaintiff). (Amount i-raudniu to be sent b\- mail to the clerk of the citj- Bank street Favorable terms are offered to pur­ due about $:^,.500) 4,100 rr town where the holder or owner thereof resides chasers. lOltli st(No. 176), 8 s, 166.8 w 3d av, three-story or has a place of business, and upou the receipt stone front dwelling. 16.8x100.11. to Union tliircof. it shall be the duty of such clerk to deliver On April 20lh, at 4 P. M., at Comiiiercia! Exchange, Trust Co. of New York (Trustees and plaintiffs). (Amountdue aboul ?t->,2.50) the same to the assessor of his citj' or town, to be No. :3S9 Fulton .sheet, Brooklyn, Mr. J. Cole will sell 4,500 entered by him on the assessment roU as aforesaid. llOtli st (Nos. 62. 64 and Cii). s s. 1-29 w 4lli av, the houst; on the corner of St Mark's and Rogers three three-storj- brick dwellings, 4-2x100.11, 5 2.—It shall be lawful for tho parties to anj- avenues, and the five adjoining houses will be sold to Levi A. Lockwood (plainliff). (Amount mortgage described in the first section of this act without reservation, by order of IL B. Clallin. due about $6,925) to iii.ike and enter therein an agreement to the 112th st (No. 42-2), s s, 279.2 AV AV A, fi.ur-storj- 4,000 elTcct that the mortgagor will pay all taxes, both The number of plans tiled with the Superintend­ brick (stone front) dwelling. lO.rixlOO.ll, to ordinarj- and extraordinarj-, assessed upon such ent of the Department of Buildings during the week Julia A. Low (plaintiff). OVmount due mortgage in the town or cily where the mortgaged ending April 18. shows a decrease from the week about $.5,875) 5,000 promises an; situated, and in all cases iu which a preceding. The i stininted cost of llie buildings em­ 119tli st (No. 223). s s. 290 e 3d av, three-story mortgage shall contain such agreeinent the j)!-.)- dwelling. 15x100.10. to B-ineline Gallup visiona of this act shall not apply to ri'al estate so braced ill such plans nnnuiils to $103,025. and the (plainliff). (Anionnt due about $6.900) 3,000 iioteworihj- buildings lo be erected are two flve- 120lh st ss. 125 w Slh av, vacant 75x100.11. to mortgaged nor t.i ..^uch mortgage. John Donovan (a defendant). (Amount story brown stone dwellings on Fiftj-eighth street, due about $4,750) l,.50O bet\ve8), s s, -2118 e Madison av. three- The following are the .sales at the Exchange Sales­ slorv brick (sione front) dwelling, 18.^ 10(».ll. to Grace T. Turnbull (plaintiff). MARK KT RE VIE \V. room for the week ending April IS: (Amonnt due aboul S7,.57r») 5,900 Bleecker st (No. 152). s s. 23 e Thompson st, 147lh st n s. 6-25 e IOlh av. vacant, 75.v99.ll, REAL KSTATE MARKET. two threeslory brick buildings, 25x125, to to Eliitabeth T. Bradhiii-st (plaintiff). N.Tyler $13,000 (Amount due about $6,650) 2,000 A few sales, other than judicial, were held during Boulevard, n w cor 95th st, 75.6x100 1 I57th st s s. 300 e Av A. two-storv frame house the week at the Exchange Salesroom, among which 95th .st n s, 100 w Boulevard. 50x100.8 ! with plot of land .50xllK)x50.'c78.6xlOOxl74.7, 96th st s s, 125 w Boulevard, 25x100.8 | to E. M. Garner 3,3-25 were the following: .A. II. Midler & .Son sold the three- A'acant. j Av A. s e cor liOlh .st KX). 1x173. .. story brick house, with lease of lot (2-2x117.6), No. 463 to Thomas P. Medley (plaintiff). (Amount 69th st, s s, 22.-1 e Av A. 50x100.4.., ::;;;:( AA'est Twenly-tbird street for S'^.-WO. to AA'.C. Hodgkins; dueaboHi .$21.500) 20,.325 Jones* AA'oods Colosenm. to E. H. and AV. C. Schernierhorn (plain­ Mr. R. V. H.imetl sold a plot of land bounded by Chatham st, s s, -25 e Oliver st. building with lease of lot 25xl01.7x-25x 102.2 (ground rent tiff). (Amount due about $31.4011) 16,500 Le-ivis. Mangin, Fourth and Fifth streets, also a plot SOUO per annum), to AVilliam Remseii 1st av (Nos. 1987 to 1991). n w cor 1 !5i h st three bounded by Mangin. Fifth, Tompkins and Fourth (plainliff). (Amount due about S6,.'i00).... 0,000 four-storj- brick (stone front) stores and streets, .and eight lots on Tompkins street, extending Delancej- st s e cor Goerck st. 7.'>x75 1 dwellings, 60.x73 to New- York Life Ins. Co. Delancey st. s s, 75 e Goerck sl, 25x75 '^ (plaintiff). (Amonnt due about $-29,000)... 17,700 to Easl River, between Fonrlh and Fifth streets, for five story brick store'and tenement and ( Istav (No. 199.5), w s. 101.10 s lUitli st four- S150.000. E. H. l.udknv & Co., sold the house and lot two-story brick stables j .story brick (stone front) store and dw-elling, No. 152 Bleecker sln-el, (-r»:li5) for SIM.OOO, and B. P. to Hannah \A'. Andrews (admrx. and plain­ 20.X73, to New York Life In.s. Co. (plaintiff). (Amount due aViout $9.500) . Fairchild sold the proini.yes, Xo. V2f) East Fiftj--ninth tiff). (Amoiil dne; about $17.400) 14,342 5,000 Gold st (Xo. 102;, s ecor Frankfort st, six-story 3d av, vr s, 26.5 n 87th st threeslory building, slreet between Lexington and Fourth avenues, for brick store and tenement 2-2.10.\.'')4.n, to 25x80. to Hiram D.Peet(plaintiff). (Amount ?11,K0. P. A AVhite (a defendant). (Amount due, due about $7,5.50) 8,700 about Slfi.SlK)) 20,000 10th av (Nos. 721, 723 and 7-25), n e cor 49th st In partition profpeding.s. the e.slate of P. A\'. Engs John .st (No. 94). ss. 40.0 e Gold st four-story three fourstory brick (stone front) stores succeedeil in making an absolute sale of two of the brick warehouse, 20.3x33.0x19.10x40.9, to and uwelliugs. 75.5x75, lo New York Life Samuel Riker (plaintiff), (.\monnt due, Ins. Co. (plaintiff). (Amount due about parcels offend hy P. F. Myer, at fair price.-*. Mr. J, about $3,775) 8,;i9fi $:19,800) 40,7.50 P. St. John bought the ibree-story brick house and Lewi.s. nib. Mangin and 4th sis, 193.6x453x1 lOt Xo. 10-2 AVesl Foiiiti-enlli .street for S-i.'i.O.')!!, and I!l5.(i.x429.]0 Total S5 J 3,833 Dennis Burke botiulit the house and lot Ko. 110 AVest Mangin. Sth, Tompkins and 4ih sts, 193.3x i 9^ 201.8.\19:i.4.x2fll.3 \ Fourteenth strei-t for Siii,050. The remainder of the Tompkins st e s, bet 4th and Olh sis, 193.4x I BROOKLYN, N. Y. properly wa.s bid in for the account of the heirs. Ill..',xl99.\-F9.] I In the City of Brooklyn, Messi-s. I. F. Bissell. Jacob In about all the forclosure sales noted to be held to J. E. AVheeler l.'-)0,000 Cole and Cole Se Jlurphy. have made the following Stanton st (No. 1 l.i), s s, 80 e Norfolk st three- during the wei-k. the plaintiff in the action became story frame (brick front) dwelling. 20x50. sales for the week ending April 17: the purchaser. Bainbridge st, n s, 100 e Y'ates av, 40x100, to to J. Nelson Tappan (Chamberlain and Daniel Heyman. (Morts. $2,000.) $-2,100 Contracts have been recorded with the Register for plaintiff). (Amount due about SJ.975) 3,000 llth st (No. 102). s s, 63 w 6th av, tliree-storv Court st e R, 44 n President st, to plaintiff 5,000 Ihe sale of the iirenii.sr-s situated on the northwest brick store and dwelling, runs south 100 Dean st. No. 360, ss, 52.10 vr 4thav,-20x100, two- corner of .\miiy and Gneiie streets (2.')xn2.6), and No. stoi-j- and basement fraii.e house, to AVil­ thence west 3 thence south CO tlienee west liam Downs 2,400 -i'l Greeni.' .strei-t, to Peter Ilerche, Orange, N. J., for 10.6 thence north 106.0 to 14tli st thence Denton st, s w cor Bergen st 125.5x24.2xlSl.3x east 19.6 to beginning, to J. P. St. .lohn.... 25,050 2:1; Bergen st s s. 5.4 w- AVa.shington av, S:iti.:*0O, and for the .sale of the three-story brick 14th stiNo. 110), s s, 150 w6th av, threeslory dwelling Willi lot (2-2x80) No. 104 Rivington street 62.10x31.4x54.5 (triangle), to Margaret 11. brick (stone front) dwelling and factorj-, Lord (plaintiff) 11,500 for «!i,-2i)0. runs south 100 thence east 25 thence south Eckford st. w- s, 100 s Jleserole av, 25x100, to S. It is reported thai Ur. Main has sold his elegant 6.6 thence west .50 thence north 106.6 thence M. Orsborn 1,805 east 25 to begiuning. to Dennis Burke 20,050 Hudson st Nos. 212 and 214. 86.6 s Nassau st new house on Fifty-seventh street near Fifth avenue, 2.3d st (No. 463), n s. bet Oth and 10th avs. three- 42.8x80. to the Institution for the Savings to AA'. L. Cutting, for =00.000. The size of the lot is story brick house, wish lease of lot 22x of Merchants Clerks (plaintiffs) 3,600 (i'ixlOO.O) and the hou.se is 7.5 feet deep. O'Reilly 117.6, leased 1866, term 21 years, ground Montague st, s w cor Henry st 25x100, to Rach­ rent SI86 per annum, to AV. C. Hodgkins.. 8,.50O ael Skinner 13,950 Bros, have sold one of their houses on Forty-fifth 21th st(No. 22). s s, 100 w 4th av. Ihree-story President st n s, :?25e Smilh st 20x98, to Adelia street, near Madi.son avenue, to Chauncey M. Depew, brick dwelling. 20x98.9. to Daviil Banks A. Broonie 8,400 for Sl0,0f0. Henrj- J. Barbey has sold to Thomas Jle­ (plaintiff). (Amount due about $12,950)... 12,000 North 2d st No. 115, bet 2d and 3d sts, 25.x80, •25lh st (No. 1.5.->). 11 s. 189.7 e 7th av. four-story twostory brick engine Iiouse, to Peter JIanus. builder, two lots on the south side of Fifty- brick dwelling and three-storj- brick dwel Young 1,300 eighth slreet. eomnieiicing 2-25 feet west of Sixth ling in rear, 24.10x98.9, to Frederick Ban- South 4th Rt 8 w s. 44 e Sth st 22x90, to Jacob avenue, for S-21.000 each. Ira A. Doying has sold to field 1-1.200 Boerckel (plaintiff.) (Morts. $2.500) 2,900 27th st (No. ;{40), s s, 323.6 e flth av, three-story 7lh St. bet South 9th st and Division av, 2-3x80, Theodore M. AVehle. house and lot (20x55x100.5) on the briek (stone front) dwelling, 16.6x98.9. lo two-story brick engine house, to B. N. north side of Sixty-sixth street between Madison and Knickerbocker Life Ins. Co. (plaintiffi. Watts 1 80(» Fourih nvenues. forS24.liOii. (Amonnt due, about $7.925) 8,200 2-2d st, n s. 13.5.8 w Sth av, 17.10x100.2, to Alex­ 36lh st (No. 213), n .s. 34L6 e .

classon av. No. 335. bet Van Buren st and thouglit to point quite decidedly to increased call behind and supplies are held steadilj- on about the Greene av, 25x100, two-story and attic from the interior, and a very good trade on local ac­ former general range, witli the ordinary minor frame house, to Alletta M. Haviland 1,600 count, but rather the contray has been the result changes according to quality of stock handled terms, Mj'rtle av, s s. 25 w AA'ahvorth st 50x112, to J. thus tar, and dealers are disappointed. I-Lxport etc. T.Barnard 8,825 orders continue verj- good, and this tends to neuiral- The first charier of the sea.son from Albany was 4th av, e s, 40 s 15th st, 20x90, to Williani Bub- i-/e the jlow movement on oiher outlets. The fa.sbion the (ileiiwood, 130 tons, for Petersburgh, Va., with Jer (plaintiff) 2,000 is still to quote the position as steadj-, but it is onlj- sj-camore. at $3 per M. Other engagements are re­ nominally so, most dealei-s being willing to cut prices ported as follows: A Br. barque, -VU tons, from Total $76,240 somewhat, in order to secure customers. Some new Pensacola to a direct port United Kingdom, timber, » i»» « lists have been is-sued. the most important of which, .•i'3 15s.; an Am. schr, 37S tons, from Pensacola to maj- be noted as follows : Oporto, deals, .i'5 I.5.S.; an Am. s*iip, 991 tons, from BUILDING MATERIAL MARKET. St. John, N. B., to Liverpool, deals, .s. 6d.; a Br. ship, On strap and T hinges the discount is 60 and 10 per L076 tons, from .St John. N. B., to Liverpool, deals, BRICKS.—On Common Hards we find a less prom­ cent; table and back flaps. 45 and 10 per cent; nar­ 67s. Od., and AVhite Pine timber, 2:1s. 4d.: a Br. schr, ising market than last week. The demand has proven row- butts, 40 and 10 per cent.; reversible butts, 50 142 tons, from St. John, N. B., to Crookbaven for smaller from all sources, the few buyers who did ap­ and 10 per cent.; loose points and broad butts, 40 and orders to a port in Ireland, deals, 80s.; an Am. schr, pear were In an extremely indifferent mood, aud iu lO per cent Iron black, iron tinned rivets (in 197 tons, from St. .Iohu. N. B., to North Side Cuba, order to conclude sales it was uecessary to shade off of 51), and block and carriage rivets (in papers of C), lumber. S(»..50: a schr. 174 tons, hence to Jacksonville prices somewhat from former extremes, although and back with lumber, $7.50 for the round: a brig. 1-30 50 per cent discount; iron rivets in bulk, 40 per cent, M lumlier. from St Simons Island to New York, 5-5.-25; even this was not successful iu preventing an accu­ discount Terms : Cash within thirty dajs from date mulation, as the receipts have proven comparativelj' a schr. 2.'.(> tons, from Savannah to St John. N. B., of invoice. Atij- partj- purchasing and receiving resawed lumber, $•! and timber $8.50; two schrs. 125 free, and neither contractor or deafer would handle $-2.50.00 worth or more of iron rivets and burrs during and 194 toii-s, hence to Jacksonville and back w-ith stock in e.xcess of known wants, no matter how cheao the six nionlhs ending June :i0th or December 31st, lumber, $8 for the round; a schr. from Jacksonville it might appear. The average of quality, too, was shall be entitled to an additional discount of seven to New Y'ork, lumber, $6. one do. do. S5..'>0. one do. running somewhat higher, and this reduced competi­ and one-half per cent. do., $5, and a schr, 210 tons, from Cambridge, Md., to tion to secure the best lots. There is said to be some Tliomaston, timber, $3.73 \> ton. litlle delay in building operations, consequent upon LATH.—There has been no arrivals since our last, difficulty with workmen, but aside from this the con­ and without sales up to the present writing, the mar­ sumption is evidently below expectations. On Haver­ ket has a nominal position only. There does not ap- straws, $5.50 is about the top rate, aud on "Up Eear to be much demand, and most of the leading job- GENERAL LUMBER NOTES. River" $5.00. Some few lots came in from Long ers may be considered as out altogether, but here Island, and were worked off at a proportionate valu­ and there a buyer is to be found, anil a cargo or two THE WEST. ation. Pales littve also weakened ou price, and it could probably be niaced. The supposition is that The Liiml>er»u2«'sGazc have been made as low as $-2.00 per M. Fronts The demand for lumber conlinues active, and as have met with a moderatelj' aclive demand ouly on LIME.—There is nothing new on this niarket, of the .supply of logs for this sea,son's sawing may now local ae'couiit, and remain at about former rates, but special importance. At one time since our last, a be safelj-"calculated upon as a short one. manufae- some shipping orders have been filled on Croton, modorate accuuimulation afioat existed, put this ap­ turers are firm iu their demand for prices same as mostly for Florida. The export demand is said to be ipioted in our lla-st A number of sales have been less active. Stock goes forward still on old contract, pears to have been pretty much all worked off. and made during the week at prices ranging from $'>^7, but sellers are not altogether .satisfied with the terms there is little at little at present seeking sale. Prices $12((i>l.'l, and $-28. Some manufacturers w-lio have offered, and now move with greater caution. as before. State Lime nominallj-, steadj- and meeting cliofee lots hold ibeni at still higher figures, and we with a moderately active jobbing demand. have not much doubt that thej- will realize them. AA'e quote Pale, |} M., S2.00(g)S2.50; Hard.s,Up-rlvers, There has probably been more lumber sold here S-1.50®§5.00; IHaverstraw bay, S5.2.')(§)S5.50; favorite LUMBElt—Business still fails to make much head­ thus early this season to go to Chicago than there was brands. ^-@$5.75: Fronts, Croton—brown, $7; dark way and as a rule we find a slow market with if any­ during the whole ot the season of 1877. In fact the S3: red, $9; Philadelphia, $23®$27; Baltimore. S31@ thing a slight undertone of weakness on values in principal portion of the business this spring has been S:18.00. Yard prices, delivery included, S2((^3 higher some cases. It is found siniplj' impossible to excite transacted with Chicago lumber dealers. The Albany on ordinary and $5.00@S(}.00 on fronts. or hasten buyers in tlieir movements, the basis of all and other eastern dealers cannot ns j-et see their w-aj- demand being absolute necessity- and where supplies clear lo pay prices asked hy nianufactiirers in the CEMENT.—On Rosendale there is no change. A are commencing to turn in this direction, receivere valley. fair amount is distributed ou shipping orders to the are showing anxiety-, past experience having revealed The shipping season has fullj- opened and cargoes South and East, etc., but on local account demand is the dangers of attempting to carry too much of a stock are now- being loaded along the river. extremely moderate, and confined to verj- small re upon an unwilling market. Consumption, both The shingle trade is brisk and prices firm. tail parcels. Prices as before. Foreign is selling to local and at dependent points, has failed to increase Ijatli is iu good demand, with very- little in the some extent, and appears to be a little irregular on to the extent anticipated, and the foreign outlet market lo supply tbelnule. price, thougli quoted as before. Supplies are ample, is verj' uncertain, most exjiorters awaiting positive The drives are in the same condiiion as at our last and nearly 4,000 bbls. have come to hand this week, orders before taking supplies, with possiblj- the ex- report and the prospects are growing more unfavor­ about one-half respectively from England and the ceiition of one or two styles of hard woods, which ably day by day. Continent have an assured sale abroad. Under existing circum­ The Chicago correspondent of the Gazette writes: stances the extent of the new crop of logs is a matter A lively demand at firm prices has characterized DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS.-Spring trade thus of less general interest, and we find few of the trade the trade;during the past week. The price li.st is far, has been slow, and by no means satisfactorj-. who have given the subject much attention of late. firmlj- adhered to and the demand from territory Stock has gone out to some extent, but the orders Their main trouble is still to be found in the short crop heretofore supplied by this market is good, while were small and carefully drawn to the most positive of buyers, and it will require a decided and continuous from the far west and all points heretofore supplied consumptive necessity, and buyers, whose custom demand lo create apprehenson respecting fresh sup­ from the Mississippi the denmnd is heavj-. In fact I was desirable, could not be induced to go beyond plies. think at present prices here it is impossible for Missis- Local demand, in particular, has proven light but sippi River trade to compete. aiuLalso impossible for out of town calls now much beyond the average, and Easteni spruce has scarcely done as well as expect­ these prices to be muintaineil here long. even the usually good trade in hot bed sash has ed this Spring. At the opening there was a little up­ There have been a few arrivals of luinber, whicii dwindled niaterially. On a line of credit, with some­ ward Hurry, according to programme, but it proved of have gone direct to the j-ard docks. This has been what dubious collateral, a more extensive distribu­ short duration and the tone has since been rather bought to arrive and at private terms, as I hear of no tion could have been done, but manufacturers nro weak. Biij-ers liave been found for about all the llxe«l prices. The local demand for lumber is good, not seeking this line of custom. Prices have not stock offered, but they were hunted up in many ca.ses probably better than il has been at this season of and refused to operate, except upon comparatively year fora long time. The weather is now and has varied on the lists this spring, nut discounts are ar­ been for two months verj- propitious for building and ranged to suit circumstances. On the export de­ easy terms, except where settlemeiiis were offered on repairing purposes, and is being n-ell improved. mand, business moderate, but a quiet effort is being rather dubious paper. AVe quote at $12(^13.50 for i-aii- made to expand this outlet and a partner of one of dom. possibly $14.00 for choice lengths in small cargo, The Liiiu(«'rm«ii and Manufacturer haa the follow-- our principal manufacturing firms, is now in London and $14(1^15.00 for specials, the extreme for extra dilll- ing: superintending a branch house. The East India cult MixsEAPOi-i-s. MISS.. April 11. 1S7S. trade does not promise well., as yet and in this con­ AVhite Piue does not find much activity- toward any There is no reasonable cause of complaint either at nection, we give the following token from an article outlet. Home wants at the best are small and met the volume of trade or the prices realized, the re­ in an English journal, giving a description of houses slowly on the hand-to-mouth policy of luirchasiiig. ported shipments being nearly the same at Chicago .built In Sydney: and the shipping call fails to give sj-mptoms of en- and all western ports, with an upward tendency r ther couragiug revi\-al. Still holdei-s are inclined to a thnn downwanl. The following, from the Chicago The rooms are loftier than in England, and the prettj- steady tone in view of moderate and broken ajustments here, and no increase likelj- for some time Times of the 8tb, will give an idea of the situation doors hail from San Francisco, as every mail steamer there: , . , , brings some thousands of them; and the niarket is to come, especially of desirable grade. AVe quote at S15@17 per M. for AA'est India shipping boards; A bnsv week was experienced at the lumber yards, so glutted with them, that at the auctions where [email protected] for South American do; Sl5@10 for tbe sbip'ments. many of which were to points Vieyond they are sold in lots of about 100, they only fetch box boards: SI7 for do. wide and .sound; and the Mississippi river, bebig very large. The question about what the material would cost in Sydney and timber to oi-der at $30@40 per M. of the extent of the lumber supply during the sea.son there is a duty of 2s. per door upon them. Twoyears Y'ellow- Pine is reported as iiominallj' unchanged. just opening was tho subject most generally ago the lowest price realized at auction was 15s.. now Further deliveries have been made on contract, but discussed, and ns isalivaystheca.se in debates there it is 7s. AVe know that in San Francisco every build­ the fresh demand was not very active, the sales less. were two sides, one partj- prophesying an extra­ ing operative is now working for his bare board - but If anything than last week, and buyers unwilling to ordinary scarcity of lumber at this noint. and an ad­ as this is a state of things that cannot last they will exceed former rates. Exportei-s are ordering a little vance in prices to such figures as to greatly curtail soon desist from sending their doors here to be given stock for AVest Indies and South America, and an .sale.s. The other party argued that pUnty of luinber away at auctions, when of course it will pay to make occasional cargo for Europe, but appear to he raiher w-ould be received, os there have been extraordinary them m Sydney. careful on the latter outlet We ijiiotc random car­ efforts made at Green Bay and Michigan to secure GI..ASS.—Matters appear to be quite unsettled on goes at about $19^-22 per M.; ortlered cargoes, S22^t2l enough log.s. and that prices would rule low enough this market regarding values, and dealers nearly all do; green llooring boards, S21@2:i do; and drj- do. do. to enable everybody to buj' all the Inniber wanted. have a discount of their own. This, to some extent, S2:l(g24; Cargoes at the South, $Mif, w- s, 2-5x100, three- distant Kippewa. They saj' the snow is just about as per sq. foot, 28c. per lb; do. do., do. do., 16 oz. and stoi-y brick store and dwelliug. Emily M. scarce an article up there as it is with ourselves, but over 12 oz. per sq. foot. 30c. per lb.: do. do.. 10 and 12 ]\Iowbray (widow) to Oliver SlowbraA'. (K that the ice has heretofore been prettj- good. Some oz. per square foot, .3-2c. per lb.; do. do., fighter than part). April 12 .' 100 of the firms on the Temiscamingue Lake are reported 10 oz. per square foot 34c. per lb.; circles, less than to be doing some short drawing on bare ground, and 84 inches In diameter, 31c. per lb.; do. 84 inches diam Same propertj'. Oliver Mowbray to Emily we have also heard it stated that ploughing could ter and over, 34c. per lb.; segment and pattern M. Mowbi-ay. (Life interest }i part) have been successfully accomplished In some places sheets, 31c. per lb.; locomotive fire box sheets, 2Sc. April 12 100 up there about a month ago. This looks tough, cer­ per lb.: Sheathing Copper, over 12 oz., per square Bowery (No. 3S3), e s, 25 u 5th st, 24x100, four­ tainlj-. but we merelj- tell the story as relatetl to us. foot, 26c. per lb., and Bolt Copper, 28c. per pound. storj' brick storo and dwelling. David Mc­ BoFiwigeon (Ont.) fndejiendent says : IRON—Scotch Pig has met with about the usual trade Mullen to Johu McBride. (Morts. 821,000). The couiinuou.s labors of lumbermen, supplemented demand, for which the supplj- proved ample and of late J-ears bj- the co-operation of the Ontario Gov­ prices underwent no great change. AA'e quote at April 10 7.S2 ernment, have created in the north countrj- such a S-2:J@-20 per ton, according to brand and quantitj-. Blooiuuigdale road, e s, 28.11, n 105th st, •?*st number of water reservoirs, that drives of logs American Pig has continued to sell along slowlj-, aiid 27.11 X 94.4 X 25 X SL 10, vacant. (Foreclos.) and liniber can be brought down .almost independently onlj- in the small parcels wanted bj- dealers for their (Error.) John \V haleu to the Nassau Bauk. of the spring and summer rains. This j'ear the water regular consumption. Prices range as before, but April 4 1.50 stored up bj' means of dams will probablj' prove of are weak. AA'e quote at S18(g!19 for No. 1 per ton, the utmost value, for again we have a drj- spring fol­ Sl7(ga8 for No. 2 do, and Si6@§17 for Forge. Rails Broonie st (No. 200), u s, 50 e Norfolk st, 25x100. lowing a winter remarkable for its small fall of snow, in moderatelj' active demand, with the general tone Elizabetha wife of Joseph Jantzer to William and it is probable that throughout the countrj-, with of the market about steady. AA'e quote at S:i-2@35 for Fischer. April 13 nom the sole exception of the Gull River districts, there new iron, and S41((?43 for Steel at the mills. Old Caual st (No. .508), s w s, 01 u vr Greenwich st, will be eonsideralile numbers of logs hung up. From Rails, [email protected] per ton; scrap, [email protected]; the runs northwest 19 x southwest .57 x south 31 Ottawa we leani that a large portion of lost season's latter slow. Jlanufactured Iron in about the ordi­ X east 4 x northeast .S2 to beginning, three- cut will be left high and drj-. the water alreadj- hav­ narj- demand, with a steady- tone on values. Com­ ing pa.ssed its highest level. The head waters of the mon Merchant Bar can be had in round lots at storj' brick store nnd dwelling. Francis Wil­ Gull River are only .a few miles removed from the head 1.7c. and Refined at 1.9c., but for ten-ton lots der and Daniel T. Walden (Exrs. Johu D. waters of the Ottawa tributaries, and llie ring of the from store. 1.9c. and 2.1c. are respectivelj- Lewis, dec'd) to Philip Baj-er. ilpril 8 6,450 axe in Mr. l!i)j-d"s northern shanties can sometimes be insisted upon. Common sheet, 3c.. and best R. G. Cherrj" st (No. 130). ns, 164.3 e Catharine st, 25 heard bj-the men ai work on the lumber operations American, 4e. from store. LEAD—Domestic pig has xlOB.6x25.10x103.(5, five-storj- brick store aud on that great tiibutary of the Ottawa, the Madawaska. sold slowly, and prices graduallj' favored the buj-er, tenement. George Reichardt to George L. It is curious to note that while sanguine hopes are closing weak. AA'e quote at about 'i^{^'3%c. currency. entertained of successfullj- driving all the forest crop The manufactures of lead are quoted: Bar. 5yc; Balheimer. June 1, 1877 25,000 of the season down to the Trent, on the Madawaska. Pipe. 6c., and Sheet 6>ic.-less the usual discount Christie st (Nos. 191 and 19.^), w s, 150 s Stanton the men are already at work barking the IOJJS to pro­ to the trade; and Tin-lined Pipe, 15c. Block Tin st, .50.xl:;5, five-storj- brick factory. Johu P. tect them from the worm whilst lying in the woods Pine, 45c., on same terms. Tix—Pig remains in a Elmendorf and Albert H. Scofield to Guv R. until next spring. The shortage in the supplj- of verj- dull condition, as a rule,and prices weak. AA'e Pelton. (Mort. S!46,000.) Jan. '20 :.54,500 logs in the Central Canada district wfil be considera­ quote at 17(§il7Wc. for Banco, 14y,@lA%e. for Straits, ble, for not onlj' w-as there a large proportion of the 14?4@14%c. for English Refined, and 149j^l49dc. for Delancej'- st (No. 290), n s, 25 e Cannon st, 25x cut left in the woods owing to the want of snow, but do. common. Tin plates have sold pretty freelv, but 100, five-story brick store and tenement. n large percentage of those aciuallj- hauled lo water mostly under pressure to realize, and the tenclencv (Foreclos.) Hugh Donnelly to James Mack­ will be certain lo be hung up for want of water to was downward. Spelter is slow and uncertain, bul ori lin, Sr. April 10 14,600 drive. an average sale worth about 5\^(§:;,%c Sheet Zinc is East Broadway (No. 290), u s, 22.4 e Gouvei-neur dull and unchanged. We quote at 7%-@7.»4c. gold for st, 21.2x.50, three-storj' brick dwelliug. Char­ FOREIGN. foreign and 6^@!S%c. currency for domestic. The Timber Trades Journal as follows: lotte P. wife of Norman Abbott to Andrew Dovle. April9 8,000 LoxDOK, .March 29, 1878. AVe have to notice a considerable revival of actlvity NAILS.—Demand somewhat variable, but never Eldridge st (No. 174), e s, 1'28.2 u Rivington st, in the trade of London as far as a willingness to buj' very active, and no difflcultj- has been experienced in 24x8S.4, three-story brick dwelling. Charles is concerned, and during the lull of importation, goods meeting all calls. Indeed, evidences of a surplus Miller, Stamford, Conu., to Fredericka Bern- at the docks are moving off in an increasing ratio, stock are occasionally visible, and manufacturers en­ hard. (Mort. -SO.OCO.) April 15 10,000 whicii it is pleasant to see. AA'helher our remarks on deavor to counteract this bj- keeping production Fulton st, Nos. 195 aud 197, u s, 33.4x75x33.6x the sacrifices sonieMiues made at the public sales here down to about half quantity. We quote on a basis of 75, five-storj' stoue front w-arehouse and pro­ have brought our countrj- friends lo town in larger volume, in order to obtain a share of the good things $2.60 per keg for lOd. to OOd. pertj' at Newark, N. J. AA'illiam Phyfe to going, we cannot sav ; but we noticed increased gath­ OILS.—A good, steady jobbing trade doing for the Duncan, Albert, Mary M., Isabella, Lilla and erings oa these occasions latelj-, and a larger prepon­ season, and taking on ordinary assortment against Charles E. Phyfe. (Q.Cd March-25... ..5.000 derance of provincial buyers than usual, and by con­ Greene st (No. 2'23), w s, 92.8 n Amity st, runs"] sequence pr:ces are better sustained. .K bidder may which there is an ample amount of stock available. Supplies, however, are not weighty upon the niarket, north 20 x west 87.6 x south 10 x east 37.6 x give more than the price he had reckoned on if he has south IOx east 50 to beginning, three-storj' | occasion for the article, and find it is still as cheap as and sellers are prettj- firm as regards prices. AA'e any other buyer at the same sale has obtained it. quote Linseed oil at 59@61c. per gallon from crushers' brick store and dwelling ', Shippers abroad are watching the markets on this hands. Amity st (No. 31), u w cor Greene st, 2.5x92.8, side, and beginuing to make the most of such oppor­ four-story brick store aud dwelling, and No. tunities of effecting sales as present themselves, PAINTS.—Business fluctuates to some extent, one 221 Greene st, four-stoi-j' brick store aud which looks as if thej- fully comprehended the ten­ day prettj- quick and the next dull and unsatisfac­ dwelling , dency of trade on this side, and were disposed to sail torj', but after all, when the week comes around, with the stream. dealers find reasonably encouraging footings, and the Hannah D. wife of David Finn to Peter Herche, Orange, N. J. (Coutnict). April LIVERPOOL. March -27, 1878. general market is in fair shape. Prices about as be­ fore, though on some of the foreign grades the ten­ 10 ! $36,300 There is little if anj- change to note in the state of Goerck st, e s, 125 s Broome st, 25x100. Jacob our market since the last report, now a month ago. dencj- is toward greater firmness. All business, so.far as regards wholesale transactions, Geyer to Johann Bonnann. Feb. 21 nom is upon a very limited scale, and there appears to be PITCH.—Care continues to be shown by the aver­ Horatio st (No. 6), ss, 101 w Greenwich a\', 16.8 a great aversion ia the minds of importers against age buj-er, and operations run mainlj- to jobbing par­ x87.6, three-story brick dwelling. Edward entering into contracts for next year's supplies, w-hich cels. Supplies full enough to satisfy the outlet aud Short to Mary A. Taggart. (Morts. $4,.500). is owing not onlj- to the present bad condition of trade, keep terms about as before. AA'e quote at [email protected] March IiO 6,430 but to the uncertaintj- whieh exists from the compli­ for cily delivered. Horatio st (No. 8), s s, 117.8 vr Greenwich av, cated turn that poUtical matters may take. Hence comparatively few ships are being chartered, and SPIRITS TURPENTINE.-For small parcels,the in- 16.8x87.6, two-story brick dwelling. Francis those which have been engaged have been taken at quirj' has been fair and at a comparatively full run of Wilder aud Daniel T. Walden (Exi-s. John D. low- rates, especiallj- for Canadian ports, and very- few prices, jobbing dealers refusing concessions. Stocks Lewis, dec'd) to New York Caledonian Club. contracts have been closed at free-on-board prices are fairlj- under control and offered somewhat indif­ Aprils 5,700 unless at low ligures. AA'e maj- therefore expect that ferently. AVe quote at 'iiyjJa::iAe., according to quan­ Horatio st (No. 10), s s, 134.4 \v Greenwich av, the ensuing import season wiU bring a larger propor­ 16.8x87.6. twostorj' brick dwelliug. Isabella tion of Canadian goods upon the open market than titj- handled. has been the case for some years past. wife of John Gerrv, Sr., to New York Cale­ TAR.—Easy terms have been necessary, as a rule, donian Club. I MoVt. $3,000.) April 10.... 6,000 The same remarks in a general way apply to Baltic to secure customers, the demand proving moderate Jane st (No. 9), u s, 130.4 vv GreenAvich av, 25x shipments, and as most of the goods offered appear and indifferent beyond tho most imperative necessity. 87.6, four-storj- brick dwelling and three- to lie of qualities below first-class, it is lo be appre­ On the general range, however, about former figures hended that low prices will rule, while for good story brick dw-elling in rear. Francis Wilder brands and favorite dimensions lair prices may be are current AVe quote at $2.00®2.75 for Newberne and Daniel T. Walden (Exrs. J. D. Lewis) to relied upon. and Washington, and 82.12J^®2.37J

Perrv st (No. 126), s s, 164.3 w Greenw-jch st, 4Cth st (No. 46), s s, 325 e (ith av, •2'3-x9S.9, four­ 64tli st (No. US), s s, 10-3.6 e 4th av, 12.()X10U..5, 21.4x97.3x21.4x97.2, three-story brick dwell­ storj' stone front dwelling. Michael J. three-story stone front dwelling. Wiiliam F. ing. Henry Carlough to Frederick Kerchert. O'Reilly to Frank Curtis.s. (See 13lst st.) Croft to -Arthur J. Ridley. (Mort §7,500.) (Mort $3,000.) April 1 9.000 (Morts. $20,000.) April 16 50,000 April 10 11.500 Rivington st. No. 104, 22xS0, three-story brick 44thst (No. 29), ns, 23 w Madison av, 17.IOx OSth st, s s,;i25 w 10th av, 25x100.-5, two-story 1 dwelling. Michael Bauer to Pauline and S5.5. four-story brick dwelling. Webster frame dwelling 1 Alois Broiuuier. (Contract). April 9 9,200 Wagner, Palatine Bridge, N. Y., to Norman OSth .st, s s, 375 w lOthav, 50x100.-5, two frame f Rivington st (No. 253). s e cor Sheriff st, IS.Ox L. Wagner. -A.pril 1 gift dwellings, and two frame .stables in rear., j (K), two-story brick store aud dwelling. Denis 47ih st (No. 148 East), four-storj- stoue front Richard L. Leggett to Thonuis S. Ollive. Cornen, Tarport, Pa., to George W. Parsons. dwelling. The Union Dime Savings lust., (Mort. .«!1,.500.) Jau. 15 9,000 (Correction deed). (Mort $-2,000). March New York, to Cliarlotte A. Luqueer. (Con­ 7Ist .st, u s, 94 e 1st av, 19x102.2, four-story 22 6,2.50 tract) April 15 11,000 brick store and dwelling. Ernst U. Bernet Rivington st (No. 2.53), s e cor Sheriff st, IS.Ox 47tli st, u s, TO e Oth av, 30x75.4. John F. to Eliza wife of Randolph Guggenheimer. 00, two-storj' brick store and dwelling. Chandler to Emma Burdge. April 9 nom (Jilort 65,000.) April 5 9,000 George W. Parsons, Bradford, Pa., to Francis 47th st, n s. 70 e Oth av. 30x75.4. Emma 73d sfc (No. 161 East), n s, 2.^1.8 vr 3d av, lO.Sx Gallagher. (Mort §2,000). Mar. 29 5,000 Burdge to Henrietta wife of John F. Chand­ 102.2, three-story brick dwelling. Johu M. Stanton st, s s, 37.8 w Attornej'- st, runs west ler. 04 part). A iiril 9 nom Dwan aud Joseph AV'ard (Exrs. B. F. AA'ile I.s. 6 X soulh 63.4 x east 1{>.5 xnorth 0.10 x Same property. Emma Burdge (widow) to decVl.) to Leopold AVolf. (Mort. s.',,O0O.) east 2.6 x uorth 62.6 to beginning. Hermann Henrietta E. and Johu F. Jr., William H. April 5 7.0011 aud Charles Peters to Johaun KJocksieni. and Eliza aud Marj- Ann Chandler, {pi part). 75th st, s s, 240 w 2d av, -20x102.2. Heinrich R. (C. a. G.) nom April 9 uom Bauer to Oswald Schiiltze. (Correction deed.) Tlionipson st {Nos. 102 and 104), ses, 176 s vv 47th st (No. 439), n s, 356.3 e 10th av, 18.9x100.5, (Mort -*.S.0OO.) April 10 nom Prince st, 50x9.5, two three-storj- brick stores. four-story stone front dwelliug. Josejih M. 76th st n s, 273 e -Av -A, 25x102.2, vacant (Lease.) William C. Conner (late Sheriff) Stuart to Clara S. Duckworth. (Mort (Foreclos.) Jetfei-sou M. Levy to John P. to Moses Taylor. (Sheriff sale on executiou, ?7,000.) April 15 11,000 Schuchiuann. -4Lpril 10 '30^^ of len.se.) April 8 6,000 49th st, s s, 200 \v 1st av, 25x100.5. Randolph 7.Sth st, s s, I'Jfi.'J w 2d av, 18.9x102.2. Simon Vandewater st (probablj- No. 112), s s, runs as (xuggenheimer to Johanna wife of August L. Frank, San -4utonio, Texas, to Babette Gott- follows in deed : south along lot 114, 111 Nos.ser. (C. a G.) April 15 nom getren. (Morts. -i;5..500.) March-24. 7,:i00 feet X west 13.7 x northwest 43.10 x north 49th st, s w cor. Madisou av, 20xl00..5, vacant. Tf'th st (No. 131), n s, e 4th av, ll).Sxl02.2, along lot IIO, 03.5 to place of begiuning John Horspool to Charles Duggin. April thi-ue-storj' stoue frout dwelliug. Authouy (whicii omits oue coui-se or leaves no slreet 16 15,000 Mowbray to Peter Jackson. (Morts. *9,100.) front). Catharine Lyons (widow and Extrx. .50th st (No. 50S), s s, 150 w Kith av, 25xl00..5, (C. a. G.) March 1 6,-350 P. Lvons) to Patrick Higgins. (Mort. .•';5,0(K).) vacant lot. Robei-t Taggai-t to Ellen Powers. 7Stli st, 11 s, 75 w 4th «iv, 100x102.2, vacant April 10 .'.'. 9,100 April 10 3,000 (Foreclos.) ^Manuel A. Kui-sheedt to im Same property. Catharine Lj-ons (widow) to .50tli st (No. .532), s s, 400 w- 10th av, 2.5x100.5, Association for the Relief of Respectable i^oime. (Q.C.) April 10 nom live-story stone front dwelling aud five-storj- --Aged Indigent Females, New Vork Citj' Willett st, w- s, (Ki s Rivington .st, 18.6x50 ) brick dwelling in rear. Henry Wiener, (4 Cons., each .S4,6(X).) Jan. 28 is.-l40 0 Willett st, w s, 81.6s Rivington st, l.b'.6.x.50... f Philadelphia, to David Christie. Mar. 30.. 12,6-27 79th .st, s s, 75 w 4tli av, 50x10-2.2, vaci.nt John G. Weber to AA'illiaui R. Stewart. 51st st, n s, •i-2il e 3d av, 20x118, Lucretia C. Smith (Foreclos.) Manuel A. Kui-sheedt to nn (Morts. .^1-2,000.) Atiril 13 nom (widow-i, Manha-ssett, L. I. to Charles A. Asi^ciatiou for tbe Relief of Respectable '.hja mo propertj'. William R. Stewart to Ernes­ 13rown, Brooklyn. (Mort. -*.5,000.) March Aged Indigent Females, New York City. tine wife of John G. Weber, Brooklyn. 15 nom (2 Cons., e.ach .<5,600.1 Jan. 'I'i 11,200 (C. a. G.) April 13 nom 51st st (No. 410), s s, 91 e Ist av, lSxl00..5, thrce- 79th st, s s, 1-25 w Uh av, 2.5xllL'.2, vacant Warren st, u s, 100 vr of Church st, on Trinitj- storj- brick dwelling. Lazarus Min-/esheiiner (Foreclos.) IManuel A. Kur.sbeedt to an Church map, 25x100. Eugene R. Stevens to to P. Johu Rotliwell. April 15 6,500 Association lor the Relief of Respectable Eliza L. W. wifo of Bj-ani K. Stevens. 51st st (No. 31b), s s, 200 e .2d av, 18.9x70.5, two­ Aged Indigent Veiuales, New York Citj'. March 2 uom storj' brick dwelling. Mario L. G. wife of Jau. 2-8 ...6,100 '.Ith st (No. 415), u s, 200 e Ist av, •25.\92.3, William W. Thompson to Isaac Schneittacher. 79tli St. s s, IbO w Ith av, -25x102.2, vacant. brick dwelling. (Jliristoplier Sommer to (Mort §4..50().) April 10 7,150 (Foreclos.) JIanuel A. Kui-sheedt to an Christian Geuultig. (Mort Sli..501.).) April 58d st (No. 49), ns, 306 c Oth av, 16.6x10O.,5, four­ -•\.ssociation for the Relief of Respectable 12 Il,.5.50 storj- stone frout dwelling. Jacob B. Tall- Aged Indigent Feniules, New York City. llth st (No. 332), s s, 175 w- 1st av, 25x94.10, mon, Jamesburg, N. J. to Heury S. Dav. Jan. -28 5,800 five-storj' brick store aud tenement. James (Mort SlLOOO.l March 2S $22,.500 SOth st, s s, 115 w Madisou av, 25x102.'.', vaeaut Wiley (Recvr.) to Mai-y wife of John Martin. 53d .st (No. 47), u s, 3-2*2.6 e Oth av, 16.6x100.5, Michael L. Doyle to S. Vau Rensselaer Cru­ April 12 ". 375 four-storv stone frout rlwclliug. Jacob B. ger. (Morts. .?6,800.) April 13 7,-20O • .Same property. Diedrich J' to Marj- wife Tallman,' .Jamesburg, N. J. to Charles H. 84th st (Nos. 420, 422 and 4-24), s s, -200 e 1st av, of Johu Martiu. (Q. C.) April 11 nom Lowerre. .'Mort ?11,000.) March 29 ... 22,.500 100x102.2, Nos. -120 and 4-22, two two-story I7th st (No. 327), n s, *290 e 2d av, 22x92, three- .5-lth st, centre lino, s s, 419 e of centre line 1st brick dwelliugs: No. 424, three-story brick story brick dwelling. Belle F. w-ife of Wil­ av, 260.10 to centre .53d st, xeast 303.10 to dwelling. Thomas Glover to Dewitt H. liam V. King to Patrick Olvauj-. (Mort. East River x — following curves to centre 54th Parker. (Morts. $S,000.) April 13 lO.OCKi .^G, 000.) Apr i 115 13,000 st, X vv 373, one-story frame dwelling, one- S4th st (No. ;i".l). n s, 100 w 1st av, 20x10-2, ISth st, u s, 140 w Av A. 25x92. Gertrud Elias storj' brick factorj'- and brick shot tower. three-storj- stone front dwelling. (Fore­ (widow) to Caroline Katz. (Mort. i--7,000 aud Bradburj- C. Chetwood to Richard Smith clos.) Smith E. Lane to P. G. Hubert taxas 1877.) Aug. 21, 1877 nom Clark. (Foreclos.) -•ipril 10 37,000 A pr i I 13 ..o,to0 mhst (No. 161 AVest), u s, 425 w- 7th av, I.5x 55th st (No. 14), s s, 147.6 vr Madisou av, 22.6x 87th st n s, 49«.4 w :id av, 16..5x100.8. Sarab 62.10, three-story brick dwelling. JohnR. 100.5, four-storj- stone front dwelling. (Dwell­ M. Sheehan (widow) to Henry D. Han-is. Taylor to Sarah E. Taylor (widow). (Q. C.) ing aud furniture.) Franklin H. Kalblleisch (Morts. §5,.500.) April 2 nom April 11 200 to Mary A. Schenck. April 9 55,000 Olst st (No. 1370 Lexington av), u w- i-or Lex­ 24th st (No. 22), s s, 100 vr 4th av, 20x98.9, three- 56th st (No. 20), s s, 305 e 5th av, 20x100.5, four­ ington av. 130x100.8, four-story stone front story brick dwelling. (Foreclos.) Edward story stone front dwelling. Robert B. Lj-ud dwelling. Bernard aialouey to George Ehret. S. Dakin to David Banks 12,000 to Louisa M. Freeman. April U 33,000 (Contr. ct.) -•A.pril 11 -t',lW(» 25th st (No. 165), n s, 95e7thav, 20.2x78.9xl8.Sx 56th st (Nos. 137, 139 and 141), n s, 412.6 w Oth av, UOth st (No. 2^15 East), n s, 2:33.4 w •2d av, lO.S.x 78.9, five-story brick store and dwelling. 62.6x100.5, three five-story stone front flats. 100 11, three-story aud basement brick dwell­ Edward Fetzer to John M. Fetzer .and-Amelia James Stuart and John S. Aughiltree and ing Anna P. C. wife of Fi-aiiz F. Remmertz Pfletschinger. (X part.) April 12 2,500 Joseph and Robert W. Stuart to Anderson to Jane wife of Peter Yule. Mai-ch 26.. .4,500 26th st, n s, 235 e 3d av, 25x9». Edward Mul- Fowler. (Mort #64.000.) Oct. 1, 1875... 150,000 115th st, u s, 245 e 1st av, 2.5x.58.1x36x8.5.4, va­ vany to Mary Ann Callaghan, Wyckoff, N. J. 56th st (No. 1.58), s s, 125 e 7th av, 25x81.8x'2.5.1x cant (Foreclos.) George L. lugiaham to iApril 16 nom 83.8, tw-o story brick staWe. Clark Bell to Mary J. and Erastus H. Slunsou and Joseph .30th st (No. 239) n s, 190 w 2d av, 20x98.9, three- W. JenningsDemorest (Morts. .$7,.500, Taxes O. Browu (Exrs. J. Munson, dec'd). story brick dwelling. George AV. Wicker and Assessments, §562.78.) March 22 10.000 March 18 •;•-•-••••••••••''^ (Exr. H. Wicker) to Herman Loewenthal. 57th st,s s, 100 w Oth av, 25x101.2x25.2x104.5. n.5th st, s s, ISO w 4th av, 2.5x100.10, tw-o three- j\pril 15 8,800 Bridget Stafford (widow-) to Marie H. Olwell, story corrugated iron dwellings. James Same property. George W. and Thomas M. Brooklyn. (Q. C.) April 11 nom aicfrovvn to Edward Dugan. (Morts. .$5,300.) Wicker to same. (Q. C.) Api-il 11 nom 57th st (No. 40 East), s s, 173.6 e Madison av, April 12 5'W 33d st, s s, 120 vr 1st av, 20x98.9. Levi A. Kent, 17.9x100.5, four-story stone front dwellings. 117th st (No. 210), s s,120e 3d av 20xl00.1(). Newark, N. J., to Johnethan L. Dixon, Han­ Charles Duggin to Arthur T. Sullivan. (Morts. four-story brick dwelling. John J. McGuirk over, N. J. (Q.C.) April 4 600 Sl.5,000.) April 15 2-8,000 to The New York Life Ins. Co. (Foreclos.) •33d st (No. 30.5), n s, 120 w Sth av, 20x98.9, four- 5Sth st (No. 30), s s, 450 w Sth av, 25x100.5, four­ stoi-j' stone front dwelling. William T. Erick­ story stoue front dwelling. Thomas Mc­ April 12 •5,.500 son, Alexander H., and Margaret M. Horton Manus to George G. Williams. (Morts. 117th st, ss, 100 e 3d av,-20x100.10. John J. (Exi-s. A. H. Horton, dec'd) to Charles F. 25,000.) April 15 4.5,000 McGuirk to The New York Life Ins. Co_. Hitchings. April 15 15,750 58th st (Nol20),ss 201 w Lexington av, 19x100.5 (Foreclos.) April 12 M«' 34th st (No. 229), n s, 3-25 w 7th av, 25x98.9, three-story stone front dw-elling. -Adolph nsthst (No. 131), n s, 315 e 4th av, 25x100.11, three-story brick dwelliug. James L. Hut- Ulmanu to Edward Gutmanii. April 8.. 13,000 two-stoiy frame dwelliug. iForeclos.) George ton to Eliza A. Huttou (widow). (Q. C.) 60th st (No. 286), s s, 225 e 1 Ith av, 25x100.5, five- L. Ingraham to Mary J. and Erastus H. Mun­ Sept 2, 1874 gift story brick dwelling. (Foreclos.) George T. son and Joseph O. Brown (Exrs. J. Mnnson, 36th st, s s, 425 e llth av, 25x98.9, vacant. Curtis to Joseph L. K. Wood. Nov. 23... 12,500 dec'd). Ang- 1«, IS"!"** -'^* (Foreclos.) Germain Hauschel to Joseph P. 60th st (No. 105), n s, 40 e 4th av, 20x100.5, four­ 119th st (No. 222), s s, 290 e 3d av. 15x1 no. 10, Hale. April 11 1,000 story stone front dwellings. JEliza A. Graves three-story brick dwelling. (Foi-edo.--. i J. 38thst,ns, 125 e 5th av, 25x98.9 ] to Frederick Robitscher. (Mort §12,000.) Grant Sinclair to Emeline Gallup. April 39th st, ss, 125 e ,5th av,25x98.9 ! i!j 3,000 Cherry st, n s, 139.3 s Clinton st, 46.lx99.6x f AprU 4 83,000 46.1x99.11 : ) 62d st (No. 136), s s, 80 e Lexington av, 20x100.5, 120th st (No. 420), s s, 350.6 w Avenue A, 18.9x Edward D. Shipman (General Assignee) to four story stone front dwelling. Adolph 100.10, three-story brick dwelling. Hermann William H. Henry (Assignee in baukruptcy). Bernstein to Sarah T. Smiih (widow). Holzheim to Rachel wife of Adolph S. Elli­ April 15 nom (Mort $5,000.) April 15 16,000 son. (Morts. $7,000.) Aprils 7,500 ?M THE RfiAL ESTATE RECORD.

l-2nth .st (No. 444), s-s 125 w Avenue A, 10..Sx 3d av, n w cor. .50th st, 100.10x100, Nos. 818 KM). 11, two-storv stone front dwelliug... . Aalentine av, e s, .SO.xlOO, lot 5 map estate A. and 8-20, two two-storj' frame stores and Bassford. G eorge A. AA'"eeks to Mary J. Ryer, I'20lli st (No. 4-12),'s s, 141.8 w Avenue A. 16.S dwellings, aud No. 822, one-storv frame store, xlOO.l], two-story stone front dwelling. AVestehester. (C. a.G.) A pril 6 .....b and Nos. 8-24 and 826, two two-story brick W^aslnugtou av, e s, 100 South 12tli st, ,50x120 (Foreclo.s;) ^ stores and dwelling, and No. 1.57 SOth st, Andre Hinschberger to Mathieu Hinsch- Morris A. Tyng to Lucius Bradley (Exr. B, one-storj' brick .stable aud franie stables in berger. April 11 nom E. Clark. dccM). Ajuil 5 5,000 rear. Augustus F. Hollv to George Ehret l-2oih st (No. A-2-2). ss, :W1.9 w Av A, 18.9x100,11, Same property. Mathieu Hinschberger to Jose­ (Contract). April 10 5.5,1X10 phine wife of Andre Hin.schberger. April three-story brick dwelling. Beal Cockev 3d av (No. 14:i4), w s, 51.10 u Slst st, '25x93, to llann.-ih wife of Moses Michael. April II ...... jjou^ four-storj' brick .store and dwelling, aud two­ Interior lot, 90 s 1.50th .st and 112 w Mottav 1-^ 7,000 storj' brick stable in roar. (Foreclos.) Fred­ l-2:kl St. s s, 250 w- 1st av, 16.8x100.11. AVilliam 10x20. Mary A. wife of Malcom C. Turner erick AV. Loew to Gustav A. Flach. April to Grace A. wife of Charles J. Benedict. McGrath, Jr., to Charles Glazer. (Mort. . ,11 13,900 ?4,-5«0.) April 10 nom April 11 nom 3d .av, w .s, 75 u 120th st, 50x100, vacant i Road leading from Kingsbridge to AA''est 12.3d st s.«:,-266.8 w- 1st av, 16.8xl00.II, three- 120th st,u ecorSj'lvau pl, .50x100, vacant., f .st;4,500.) July 21, 1876 26,000 April 6 2000 April 10 exch 3d av, e s, 52.11 n 33d st, 2.5.1x81.1. Peter l-24th st (No. II.S), s s, 19S.4 e 4th av,16..SxI00.1I, Cooper to Isabella S. wife of Thomas E. LEASEHOLD CONA'EYANCES. two-story frame dwelling. Julia Jlonaglian Cooper. (Confirmation deed.) (Q. C) (widow) to Richard Neville. (Mort 5=1,200). „ April 10 nom Greene st, Nos. 47 and 49. (^ part.) Ann R. --^I'ril 11 2,000 3d av, w s, .59.3 u 36th st, 23x80. Timothy D. Howard (widow) (Individ, aud Extrx.) to 12.->tli .st (No. 2.5), n's, *2:i5 e oth av, 16.,8x99. II, Porter to Henry C. Kingsley, New Haven, Marcus L. and Andrew- De A'om.snej- 11,000 three-storj' stone front dwelling. Abrani B. Conn. (Mort. .$15,000.) March 30 nom 40th st. No. laS AVest Erastus E. Marcy to Jane A'au 1 )a.sen to Annie Cochran. (Mort §6,.500). 3dav (Nos. 1.535 to 1.543), e s, 26 s S7th st, 97.5x Leaycraft. May 1, 21 yeai-s, per year... 1,800 April 1 i;3„50O IOO, five five-story brick stores and dwellings. 4.Mlst s s, 166.4 e (ith av 20.8x100.5. Samuel I26ih.st (No. 40), ss, 89.6 e Madison av, 20.6x Abiahain C. Quackenbush to Patrick H AV. Andrews to Jes.se A. Marshall 4,000 '.(9.11, threc-.'itory stone front dwelling. McMaiiu.".-. (Contract) Dec. 15, 1877, taxes .55tli st, 11 s, 200 e Oth aA', 2il.>cl00..5. (Foredos.) Je.sse W. Powers to Jolm.son L. A'alentine. for 1S77 and 30000 Edward D. Gale to Levi Morris. April I..7,200 April 15 14.000 4th av, s w cor 130th st, 99.10x90, vacant Sth av. No. 123. Robert Borland to John Clark. l-2'.ilh st n s, lot 105 uiai. made by E. Smith, (Foreclos.) Johu E. Risley to Edward April 10 nom Dec. 10, lS;i::. 2.5-\99.11. Eliza A. Butler to Oppenheimer. -April 5 n ooO Sth av, ISO. 309. Robert Lippencott to H. B. Emily O.Bu;ler. Julv 16, LS77 109 Oth av (No. SO), e s, 45.6 u Waverly pl, 22.9x Cushmau nom 129th st, n s, bet Oth aud 7th av.s, 25x98.11. 80, three-story brick store and dwelling. Eliza Ann Butler to Emily Ogden Butler. Francis AA'ilder and Daniel T. AValden (Exrs. <•» . July 16, I.S77 100 J. D. Lewis, dec'd) to Alexander Rich. April 13(ith .st (No. 1.5), n .s, 198 e Sth .iv, 16x98.11, KINGS COUNTY, N. Y. three-.story stone front dwelling. Theodore ,.,,'^ • • 14,100 Ross to Marion A. Ballard. (Morts. -$8,200 4 s 6:id st, i-uns Bond st, w- s, 125 s AVarreu st, 25x75. (Fore­ south 18.4 X ea.st .55 x north to land T. Geartv Cedar st, n s, 75 e Tinton av, 25x100. Sarah clos.) Edmund Blaniey to Edgar M X ea-st iib.l X north 14.5 x w-est 120 to begin, C. wife of Marshall E. Curry to Johu J Cullen i^iKX) four-storj- stone front dwelling. Owen Gear­ Fagan. (C. a. G.) April 12 2.50 Bridge st, vr s, .50 s Plymouth st, 50x89.10 irreg. ty lo Augustus F. Hollj-. (Morts. $:«,000 ) High Bridge st, s e cor Claremont av, ].30x303x hs & Is. Heury Lutjens to Charles BruuiuK. , Aprill 14^000 100x249. Patrick H. Byrne to Lydia M (Mort. $8,000) nom Lexington av, s e cor 37th st, 1.54.10x100... 1 Fuller, Brooklyn. Feb. 16 nom Butier st, u s, .50 w Bond st, 37.6x100, h & 1. 37th st, s s, 100 e Lexington av, 80x98.9 I Southern Boulevard,u ecor 137thst, 11.5.6x.57 10 (Foreclos.) AA'illiam H. N.alis to Joseph B. 36tli st, n .s, 100 e Lexington av, 100x9.8.9... xlOOxl IS.S. vacant Jlichael H. Hagerty, Hoyt (Treasurer) 2,.50O 36th .st, n s, 2:>S e Lexington av, 1.5.6x98.9. .*." J James IL Mullarky and John McCann (Exrs Bergeu st, u s, 193.4 w Sth av, 20x100. John Tiiuothy D. Porter to Henry C. Kingsiej- Johu McConvill) to Chm-les P. Bowne. April Monas to Abrahmn Knox. (Mort. S3,000).5,500 New Haven, Conn. (Mort. S9,(K)0.) Marcii I-,-"-; -• 3,100 Broadway, s w cor Smith av, 75x100. Mai-tin - •^'.•••- •-•-•••• nom AAelch st, cor Depot st, ,30x100, jiart lots 17 Plage, New Lots, to Betji wife of Martin Al­ Lexington av (^o. ol7), u e cor4Sth st, 20x51.6, and 18, Ba.ssford propertJ^ Fordham. James brecht. (Mort $200) 2,600 three-storj- brick store and dwelling. Mar­ J. Phelan to AVilliam Fitzgerald. (Q C) Broome st, s s, 375 w Humboldt st, 2.5x99.3, garet Logan and Janies McC^oy to Charlotta , AprilO nom h&l. John Ilges to James Doig, Jr. (Mort HiustorL (Q. C.) (Mort -$9,600.) April 136th st, n s, 296 e Southern Boulevard, 25x100. , $^,000) r": : ..3,800 ^ l-'"': •• 10,750 Michael H. Hagerty, James H. Mullarkey and Bergeu st, s s, 108.4 w Hoytst, 16.8x100. (Fore­ I.K;xington av (Iso. 6.57), n e cor .5.5th .st, 20.5x.S0, John McCann (Exi-s. J. McCouvill) to Charles clos.) Albert Daggett to Georgo F. Martens, H. Doremus 400 New York 100 142d st, s s, 431.6 e Alexander av, 2.5x100. Butler st, n s, .320 e Bond st, 20x100. TliomsLs Anna wife of AVilliam Tracy, Brooklyn, to Stephen to Owen Nolan 700 Same propertj-. G. W. Hotchkiss to Bessie A' Caroluie A. Brewster, Prineetou, N. J Catin pl, s s, 117.1 e Bowne st, .50x125.2. H. DickiiLsou. (C. a. G.) Aug. 25, 1877....gift (Mort. .$1,000.) April 5 .50 Reune R. Randolph, Elizabeth, N. J., to Madi.son av (No. No. 9,57), e .s, 41.2 u 7.5tli st 1.50th st.ss, 112 w Mott av, 20x90. M.iry A. Maurice and Eliza Roche, Flatbusli 950 -20.4xi>5, four-story stone front dwelling' wife of Malcom C. Turner to Grace A. wife of Chestnut st, northerlj' cor Evergreen av, lOOx Charlotte A. wife of John H. Morriss to Charles J. Benedict April U 5 000 91.8x106.7x128.7. Hugh O'Brien to Edward Fanny L. Field, Brooklyn. (Mort .$14,000 ) 162d st, s ecor Morris aV; 200x297 to AA'illiam s't April 9 JSX75 Carney uom x200 to Morris av, x 297, FrankUn AA'' Churchst, ss, 75 w Smith st, 25x100. Joseph Lst av (No. .529), s w cor. 3lst st, 24.7x75, five- Gillej-, Bergeu Point, N. J., and Edward S. AV. Leslie, New Brighton, S. L, to Lewis Fink. storj- iron frout store and dwelling. Mary Gilley, Brooklyn, to Lloyd Aspinwall (Trus­ New York. (Q. C.) 3.5 wife of Nathaniel Burchill, I<^hkill to Samuel tee), (C. a.G.) Feb. 23 nom CUnton st, ses, 243.3 u e Degraw st, 2L2xj Evans, Jr., New Jersey. (Q. 0.1 (Mort Av A, w s. 75 n 1st st, 115x196.6 to Berrian av $16,000.) Aprils ...16,.500 xl 13x200. (Foreclos.) Hugh Donnelly to CUnton st, e s, 28.5.7 n Degraw st,2i.2xii2.6. j" 2d av (No, 2426), e s, 60,11 n 124th st, 20x80 Mary Anna AVright, New Rochelie. April Clinton st, ses, 349.1 n Degraw st, 21..5xl00.5 J three-story stoue front dwelling. Isaac ^13 4 300 Johu R. Brooks £0 Anion Buckley. (Morts Sei-ven (Assignee) to Edward Goodlieart College av, n w s, 100 s w Garden st, 25x100. ^mOOO) .....\..21,300 (Mort $4,000, taxes, &c.) Sept. IS, 1877. 45 Mary wife of AVilUam Hogg to AVilliam S Clinton st, w s, 00 n Luquer st, 20x70. Catharine 2d av (No. 2124), e s, 60.11 n 124th st, 20.x8o", AVilson. (Mort $2,000.) April 15,., 4,050 E. wife of George P. Kinue, New York, to tbree-storj- stone front dwelling. Edward Clinton av, n s, 275 AA'est 2d st, 25x200 to AVil­ to Henrietta Drake, New York. (Mort Goodheart to AA'illiam G. -is. (Mort lard av. Martha wife of Isaac Seckendorf $4,000)...... 7,500 $4,000. Aprilll 02,50 to John Duer. (C. a. G.) Feb. 15 275 Coles st, n s, 2.10.2 e Columbia st, 20x40. Robert 3d av w- s, 75 n 120th st, .50x100, vacant. ) Retreat av, 14S.4 from AVestehester av, 3..5x Merchant to-David and Alice Chaiters 975 l-20tli st, u -s, 20 e Sj'lvan pl, 20x100, vacant'.'.', f 37.6x—X.37, part lot 47 map East AVard, Mel­ Harry B. Philbrook, Jersey City, to Eliza AV. rose. Philipp Lambert to Louis Kraus. Jan. Conselyea st, s w cor Humboldt st, 75x60.9x Philbrook, Boston, Mass. April 12 10 000 10,1877 50 79.1x85.9. Christian Petersohn to Conrad Petersolm Q QQQ THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 343

Cuinberland st, e s, 170.10 s Myrtle av, 44x100. Herkimer st, s s, 92.3 e Bedford av, lll.8.x9'3.9x Ross st, SOS, 276 u e Bedford av, 22x100. John E. Cammej'er to Isador E. w-ife of C. 60x30.1x98.8. Frederick J. Matthew to Thomas Keunedj- to Mnry E. AA'ilde. Henry Mangels 9,000 Susanna E. C. wife of AValter C. Russell. (Q. C.) nom Cuinberland st, e s. 2-S7.3 n Mj'rtle av, 2.5x100. (Mort. $2,.500) 6,300 Ross st, s s, 275 w Marcj' av, 23x100. Mary Marj- H. Swords, Dutchess Co., N. Y., to Hicks st, w s, '.ISS.O n Degraw st, 19.6x97.6. Colver (widow) to Cornelia M. wife of Jeffer- Henry Pimlott .5,800 Harvej' B. Denison to Francis Bottome. sou'P. Smith. (Moris. $3,-30O) 5,.500 Clinton st, e s, 66.8n of centrelinel>et 3d pl and (Mort. $3,.500) 8,000 Sacket st (No. I.S6), s s, l'3-l.'J e Hicks st, I9..'Jx 4th pl, 16.8x66, h & 1. Peter Kelly, Louis Hopkins st, n s, 300 e Tompkins av, 25x100. 100. Jennie B. Campbell to Richard Mc- Bonert aud AA'illiaui Gilbride to Anson Bid- Lizzie Stagg to Frank Smith. New York. Gaiiu 3,.S0O dlaconi. (Mort. $2,:3.33) 4,.500 (Jlort. $2,-200) ..500 aud exch Sandford st, o s, 171.10 s Myrtle av, 40x100. Cuinberland st, e s, 397 u Lafayette nv, 25.xl00. Humboldt st, w s, 75 s Stagg st, 25x75, h & 1. AA'illiam H. Sanger, live, N. Y., to James David aud Albert G. Jones to Marj- C. Rob­ A'alentin Rubeck to George Lolller. (See Mon­ Pritchard ." 1,500 inson. (Mort. $3,000) 6,.500 teith st) (:Mort $600) 2,000 Skilh-nau st, u s, 125 w Ixirimer st, 25x100. Cuinberland st, e s, 95 u Greene av, 16.10x100 ) Hewes st, n w s, 100 u e Marcj' av, 60xS6. (Par­ Robert L. Cadwell to Abraham Y. Barberie, Cuinberland st, e s, 128.2 n Gi-eene av, 16. IOx Y tition.) Georgo L. Fo.x to Angus Ro.ss 3,750 Jr. (Morts. -$2.300.) 5,000 100 ) Same propertv. A. Ross to John Sunderland. South ElUotfc pl, w s, -3.5-1.6 s De Kalb av, l-3.6x IMary T. wife of Sj'Ivester J. Sherman to Ju­ ." L~'00 100, h Sc I. Bernard Fowler to Alonzo Mor­ lia E. Rose 20,000 Hewes st, n w s, 200 u e Marcj' av, 20x100. rell. (Mort $:5,0(iO) 7,000 Downing st, vr s, 169..5, s Gates av, 17.11x100.6, (Partition.) George L. Fo.x to Robert Mc- State st, u s, 208 w Nevins st. 17x39. Owen ll & 1, Patrick Ijiimbert aud James H. Ma­ A'oy 1,075 Swiffc, New York, to Sarali E. wifo of John son to Charles li. Roosa, Glens Falls 6,200 Hicks st, w- s, 2--J9.9 s Harri.son st, 16.8x97.6. E. Murraj'. (Correction deed.) (Q. C.L..uom Dean st, s s, 73.4 w Sth av, 20x100. AViUiam H. Samuel Noves to George P. Noyes. (Mort. Selierinerhorn .st, n o .s, 117.6 u w- Bond st, -35x Hcott, New- York, to Edward Kenna 1,500 .$3,000.)....'.... .542 100.9. Mary J., wife Daniel F. Hart, Balti­ Dodworth st, ses, 3-29.1 u e Broadway, 27x91.6. Jackson st, n s, 100 e Lorimer st, ."lO.xlOO. more, Md., to Johu H. Seal .5,710 Louise wife of AVilliam Esiuark to Henrj' I\Iarj- L. wife of John McCrea to Frederick Scbermerhorn st, u s, 343.1 e Clinton st, 17x94x Mann. (Mort $1,000) 1,500 Kreimeir ., 2,-250 16.7x94. Electus B. AA'ard t^,000) 13,500 ll Sc I. Patrick Ijainbert aud James H. Nason 45.7 X north 82 xwest '34.1 x north '3:13 x Smith st, e s, '32.1 u Balcheu pl, 2-2.1x73.1x21.10 to Charles M. Howell 5,800 east .S-5.5 to Clinton st, x south 105.8. M. F. x7l.l. (Foreclos.) -Albert Daggett to James Dowiungst, w s, 151.6 s Gates av, 17.11x101.6, and E. T. Hunt and W. B. Scott (Exrs. T. Bradj- .5,.525 ll & 1. Patrick Lambert and JamesH. Nason Hunt) to Mai-garet A. wife of Jolm F. Tal­ Smith st, w s, 18 s AA'arren st, 32.x75, h & I. to Augustus P. Heath 6,000 mage 34,000 Jaines Saxton, New York, to Christopher W. Ellery st, s s, 475 w foiupkins av, 7'2.4xl05.6x 1 Keap st, s s, KK) vr Marcj' av, 20x100. John O'Brien .' 6,250 79.3 : j Cregier lo Jaines B. Hopkins. (Mort. Uniou .st, u s, 100 w Hicks st, '35x100. Martiu Ellerj' st, s s, 375 w Tompkins av, 25xl61.9x f $5,000) 8,000 Shea to Michael Carej-. (Jlort .-$2,.50O) nom Lj-ncli sfc, n w s, 488.1, s w Marcy av, 16.3x100. A'an Buren st, s s, .'!05 e Sfc. James pl, 20.xl(H). Albert Daggett lo Edwin Cooper, New York. -Adaline wife of AValter P. Pitcher to Au- . Aim A. Scrj-mser to Richard S. Adams. (Foreclos.) 8-50 gusta %vife of Alexander T. Scheer. (Mort (Mort. $6,(100) 7,000 Eckford st, e s, 230 s e from centre Norman av, $1,6.50) 2,300 A'aret st, s s, 175 e Ewen st, 2.5x100. Jacob 16..SX100, h & 1. Morris R. Williams, Hemp­ Lmpier st, u .s, 70 e Clinton st, 20x100, li & 1. Geier to Francis C. Weber 3,600 stead, L. I. to Mart n Harnist, New York. Ella L. wi fe Cornelius E. Donnellon to Andrew- A'au Buren st, u s,305 e Reid av, runs north IOO (Mort $1,000) 2 1.50 Peters Johnson. (Mort. $800) ,-{,600 X west .55 X south 60 x southeiusfc 48.1 to A'au Fulton st, s s, 93 w Hoyt .st, 24.6x100, h & 'l. Macon sfc, s s, 180 e Howard av 20x100. Buren st, x easfc 21. AViUiam T. Mount to George Hudson to A\''iriiam Green 25,000 David P. Fachler to AVilliam JM. Cole. Clara L. Clarke. (Mort. $2,400.) 3,500 Forrest st, n s, IOO w AVashington st, 25x100. (Q. C.) nom AA'ithers st, s s, I.'iO e Graham av, 2.5x.S9.3x27.1 Rudolph Lipsius to Johu Schrack 2,.500 Macon-sfc, n s, 100 e Marcj-av, 20x100. (Fore- x99, h & 1. Jacob Ruckh to August Retz- Fort Greene pl, w s, 90 s Hanson pl, nms west (!los.) Albert Daggett to Charlotte S. Schenck, lalL (Mort. $1,000.) 2,800 88 X south 10 X west SO x .south 49.5 x north­ Bordentown, N. J 4,400 AA'arren st, s s, 165.5 w Bedford av, 20x100. east 4.5.2 x southeast '26 X east 92.7 to Fort aicDougall st, s s, 275 e Howard av, 2.5x100. (Foreclos.) Albert Daggett to Thon:as F. Greene pl, x north 60. James S. Bniinerd, Christian Gebhardt to Theodore and Catha­ CorneU '2,000 Garden City, to The Loug Island Railroail. rine Staff : .800 AA'olcott st, n s, 120 w Conover sfc, 20x100. John (Mort .$6,000) 10,000 Montieth st, s .=, 200 w Bremen st, 25x100, h&l. P'ai-rell, New York, to Thomas and Mary Fulton st, s s, 440 vr Albany av, 40x100, h & 1 George LolHertoA''alentiu aud Mai-ia Rubeck. Rourke aud James Rourke .500 AVilliam E. AViuslow to Horace O. Dotv.. 18,000 (See Humboldt st) 2,800 AVyckoff st, n s, '30 w Bond st, 18.4x50, h & 1. Fulton st, s w cor Bedford av, 219.8x-^ to Madison st, n s, 180 w Marcy av, 20x100, h & 1. Ella A. Palmer, Sin.; Sing, to Sarah Pet- Clove pl, X east to Bedford av, x north Catharine wife Ferdinand Sloat to Edward titt 1,400 104.3 B. Hore. (See Halsev st) (Mort -$.5,000).8.600 AA'ashington st, w s, 1.53 s Atlantic av, 25x100. Bedford av, e s, 80 u Herkimer st, 2()x6S.4x Macomb st u s, 14.5.9 w (ith nv, ,S;LxllO.LxS3.1x Thomas Feuton to John Lougblin .500 40xl2.7x.5x99.9 145.9. John A. Tucker to Frances wife of AA'illow st, e s, 50 s Clark st, 17.10x100.6. George Jeffei-sou St. s e cor Bedford av, 28.6xi43.7x Benjamin Banks 10.000 S. Litchfield and Charles Dickinson to George 43.6x142.4 McDonough st, n s, 205 w Tompkins av, (lOxlOO, L Murphy 1-5,000 AValton P. BeU; Now York, to Elizabeth'D, hs & Is. Eftingham H. Nichols|to Cordelia wifo AA'illoughby st, n w cor. Lawi-encest, 21.3x77.9, of Johu Broach. (Mort. $5,000) 14,000 h. Charles H. Burtis to -Annie, wife of John Navj- st, e s, 100 s Lafaj-ette st, .50x100. Georgo A'aughan. (See RECORD of last week) 7,.500 Dillon to Jdhn Clj'ne (5,6.50 AVyckolf sfc, n s. 2.58 w 'Sd av, ,,20x100. James Navy st (No. 71), AV S, 40 u Park av, 20x65. AV. Smith, Mauhasset, L. I. to Charles A. h & 1. Eliza Murphy (widow) to Susan C. Joseph Young to AA'illiam Quaj-Ie, New Brown. (Q. C.) nom „ Strain (iOOO York nom York st, n s, '36.3 e Garrison st, 34.7x:i5.x9.Sx Grand st, s s, 47.8 e 2d sl, 23.8x76, h&l. Aser Same propertj-. William Quaj-le to Ann ivife '24.6. Joseph Regan to The Tnustees Now or Ashur Bloch to Leon S. Keller. nom of Joseph Y'oung uom York and Brooklyn Bridge 6,000 South 2d st, s s, 150 w 3d st, 20x73. Charles Same property. Leon S. KeUer, New York, Same propertj-. AA'iUiam Quayle [to Joseph to Adele Bloch nom Joues (Assignee) to James Jackson, MilUug- Greene st. n s, 2-25 w Union av, 25x100. 'Foi-e- Young nom ton, N. J 5 clos.) Philip L. Balz, Jr., to Jacob Hager.3,257 Orange st, n e s, 128.6 s e Hicks st, "32x100, error. South 2d st, n s, 197.3 e 3d st, 18.9x100. Jnmes Gold st, w s, 135 s York st, 20x100. Rosanna Johu Law, Nyack, N. Y., to Lucetta B. RodweU lo AV^illiaui B. Skidmore. (Mort. A. AVallace (Individ, aud Extrx.) R. AVal­ Phelps. (Morts. $6,000) nom $4,000) .5,800 lace to Stanislaus Orlowski 2.500 Orange st, n e .s, 100 s e Hicks st, 28.9x100. South '3d st, s s, 80 w 3d st, '30x72. John Far­ Halsey st, s s, 20 e. Throop av 20x100. Ed­ Johu Law, Nyack, N. Y., to Edwin D. rington to Reuben C. Grover. (Mort. ward B. Hore to Catharine Sloat (Mort Phelps 7,800 $.5,.500) -5,9.50 $2,000.) (See Madisou st.) 5,000 Powers st, u s, SO e Leonard st, 20x80. George East 2d st, w s. 107.7 n Greenwood av, 2,5x168.9 Hewes st, ses, 187.6 u e Lee av, 20.10x100, h & x'35xl46.10. Mary Ann Tottou to Catharine L. A. Martin to Sarah E. wife of Charles wifo of James L. Johnson. (Q. C.) nom I. John Sunderland to Angus Ross 8,500 Haslom, Jr 3,(500 Hart sfc, n s, 240 e Tompkins av, 20x100, h & I. Same propertj". James L. Johnson to Marj- Ruth S. wife of Melville C. Baker, to AVil­ Prospect st, u w s, '3.50 n e Central av, '35x100. -Auu Tottou. (Q. C.) n'om liam H. Megie. (Mort $2,200) 4,000 Bernhard Schiudler to Fraucis J. Scliiud- 2d st, e s, '35 s North 10th sfc, 75x100. (Foreclos.) Hewes st, n w s, 160 n e Marcy av, 40x86. (Par­ ier 750 Albert Daggett to William H. Ten Eyck. tition.) Geoige L. Fox to Robert B. Fergu- Prince st (No. 106), w s, '325.1 n Myrtle av, nms (Exr. J. H. Vedder) '2,.500 „sou 2,.500 west 85 X south '34.8 x west 15 x north '34.8 x 2d st, u e cor North Oth, 100x100. (Foreclos.) Halsey st, n s, 175 w Tompkins av, 18.9x100. east 10 X north 25 x east 90 to Prince st, x Albert Daggett to Eliza Stratton and John (Foreclos.) Jeremiah A'oorhees to John south 25. S. L. A'anderveer, P. L. Rhodes, H. Hunt (Tnistees) 6,000 ,,Tan«j' 3^000 &c. (Exrs. J. Leake) to Jane Rhodes 3,'300 2d st, s s, 147.9 e Smith st, 20x90, h & 1. Emily Hamilton st, e s, .5'25 n Mj'rtle av, 16.8x100, h&l. Penn sfc, s e s, 106 s w Bedford av, 16x100, h & 1. A. Du Bois w-ife of Charles to Charles H. Anthonj' Comptou, Ji-., to Johu Angus. (Foreclos.) Gerard M. Stevens to John J. Lohf 4,000 (Mort $1,000) 3,.500 Andei-son '3,000 3d st, n s. 1-54.5 w 7th av, 21.6x90. Joseph Leo Hamilton st, w s, .53-3.8 ii Myrtle av, 20x80, h&l. to Southrick E. Hebberd. (Mort $5,000, Quincy st, n s, 141.8 e Yates av, 16.8x100, h&l. &c.) 8,000 (Foreclos.) Albert Daggett to Sai-ah E. ivife Augusta G. wife of Edward J. Vau Wagner, of Isaac 0. Hort u 3,500 3d st n s, 359 e Sth av, 22x90. Sidney A. En­ and Jacob M. Brown to Maurice J. Mariga. sign to Alva Broekway, Connecticut. (Mort. Hancock st, n s, 275 w Ralph av, .50x100. (Mort $2,500) 3,000 Robert Ramsey to Francis M. Lorette 1,000 $10,000 nom Herkimer st, s s, 300 w Utica a,v, 25x18.5.6. Rossst, n w s, 346.8 s w Bedford av, 18.8x100. South 4th st, s s, 121.3 e Oth st, 21.3x100. h&l. Eliza wife of Thomas F. Elwood to Mai-garet Mary S. wife of AVilliam M. Hawkins to Sai-ah E. AVheeler and AV. H. AVilkeyson (Exrs. The- Deleree. (Mort. $2,300) 2,500 E. wife of Chai-les Haslem, Jr. (Q. G.)—nom ressa L. Cadwell) to AVilUam Sherwood.. .7,000 Hewes st, n w s, ^0 n e Marcy av, 40x100. Same property. Sarah E. wife of Charles 4th st, s e cor. North Tth st, 30x100, h&l. (Partition). George L. Fox (Ref.) to Josiah Haslem. Jr., to George L. A. Martin (Foreclos.) Albert Daggett to Edward M. W. Wentworth .- .3,500 -. ;exch and 4,800 Rosenbaum, New York 13,650 344 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD.

.South 4th st, s s, 121.3 e 6th st. 21.3x100, h&l. Pulton av, s w s. 15.11 n -w Navj- st, 2-2.6x96x Schenectadj' av, s e cor Douglass st, 240.7 to ) Roliert L. Cadwell to WilUam Sherman l'3xl02,3, h&l, Albert Daggett to Simeon D«^gi-aw st, xlSO.lO 1 (Q. Cl) nom Le-ster, New RocheUe 3,800 Schenectadj- av. s e cor Sackett st, 220,7 to f Sth st, e s, SO u Broadwaj', 21.6x75. (Foreclos.) Fulton av, s e cor, Shephard av, '35x100,6x46,3x Union st, x289.7 j Alliert Daggett to Daniel L. Jones. (Mort. 96.5, h&l. August and Albertine Happ to David McClure to The Mutual Life Ins. Co., $4,.570) nom AVUhelmiua Peterson. (Mort. $350) 400 NewYork 12,500 6tli st, s w s, 1T7.10 n w 6th av, 80x100, h&l. Flatbush av, s w s, 77.11 n w 3d a%', '35x61.Ixl9x SkUlman av, n s, 82 w Ewen st, 18x75, h&l. Leah A. Cariin to J. AA'm. Greenwood. (--\.ll I6.(ix6;LIL Stephen L, Vauderveer, Peter L, Louisa A. wife of Johu Lawrence to Marj' E. liens.) 2.50 Rhodes aud J, L. A'alentine (Exrs, J Leake) Fox 2,500 9th st, w- s, 210 s e bth av, '20x100. Johu T. to Jane Rhodes, Flatbush 2,800 Tomjikius av, s e cor Stockton st, 2.5x90. Mary Pearson, Plainfield, N. J, to Theodore AA', Greeue av, s s, 60 e Marcy av, 40x.50, Emma .Swim (widow) to George A. Swim '3,000 Todd... 7,000 V, wife of Charles Isbill' to Josephine Cerns, A^anderbilt av, w s, I46.S s Flushing av, 25x100. llth St. s s, 170 e 3d av, 18.9x100, h & 1. Fran­ (Mort, $4,000) 0,775 Johu Towniau or Toinan to Patrick Dalj'. cis O. HotchkLss to -Addison Bligh. (Mort. Greenpoint av, n s, 82 e Frauklin st. 48x95, also (Mort. .$.500.) 1,200 $1,.'JU0* 2,.500 strip on west side, 24 n of av, 2x71, h & 1. A^'anderbilt av, e s, 159.6 s De Kalb av, 18.9x85, !2lh St. s s, 486.10 w 4th av, 18x100. Mary E. James Frothingham to EUzabeth Ann Froth­ h & 1. Benjamin Linikeu to Catharine M. AA'right (widow) to Joseph D, AA'illis. ingham, (Morts. $6,400) 9,000 wife of John R. Gi-uinger 6,000 (Q. C) nom Gates av, s s, ,'575 w Tompkins av, 2S.xl00, h & 1. 2d av, u e cor Bay st 197.9x116x198x100, New H5tli st u s, Sir, w 3d av, 48x130. Frau'jis J. Henry C. Baldwin to John J. Mills 3,,500 Utrecht. Edward Kentto Frank AA'. Keut.noni Kirkbam to Ellen Borrowman) 5,000 Gates a'v, s s, 20 w Stuj'vesaut av, 55x80 ) 3d av, e s, 52.7 s Carroll st, '30xr6x'301x74. ITtii st, s w .s. 37! s e Tth av, 16x100.-3. Michael Stuj-vesant av, w s, SOs Gat^s av, 20.x'L7x-30.4x35.3. Joseph New York 350 Edward A'an Orden to WiUiam McAllister, T. Sanger to Julia A. Sanger— 150 bOth st, n w cor. 4th av, 100.2x85. (Foreclos.) Birmingham, Coun. (Mort. $4,000.) 8,000 Interior lot, 60.6 u Gates av aud 125 e Lewis av, Same to Joseph B. Bidgood 560 Marcy av, e s, 50 s Hart st, 50x100. (Foreclos.) 25x34.6x25x39.6. Annie E. A'au Dalsem, Beilford av, s w- cor. Taj-lor st, 20x90. (Fore­ Robert Merchant to John MoUenhauer 9,300 Southport, Conu., to Abram J. Limbeck—1,50 dos.) Albert Daggett to Marj' L, Johusou, Meeker av (No. 58), s s, 78 w Humboldfc sfc, 24x Lane iu Flatlands betAveen Main road and Livingston, Columbia Co,, N, Y 7,1'25 120. TiUie T. Emerson wife of Edward H. meadows, adj Catharine A. Hoyt, 25xl( 0. Bedford av, e s, 48 s Hex-kimer st, 18x90. to Aaron J. Stevens, New- York. (Morts. Catharine Ann wife of WUIiam H. Hoyt, Susanna E, C, wife of AValter C, Russell to $5,000.) (Ca, G,) 7,500 Canarsie, to AmeUa wife of B. B. Remsen... 100 Margaretta A, wife of Ralph Pomeroy, (Mort, Mj'rtle av, northerly cor. Bushwick av, runs Plot 0% acres lying between Schenectadj- and ?5,000) 7,250 northwest 41.9 x northeast 80.1 x uorthwest Troy avs, and extending from and across Central av, n e s ,50 n w Myrtle st, 50x100, h & 96.7 X east 101.3 to Charles pl, at point '221.7 Douglass st to Flatbush patent line, six 1, Herman and Diederich Poppe to -August northwest Mj'rtle av, x southeast 103.11 x blocks in length. Jennie McGraw, Ithica, Sedlmeir, (Mort, $2,000) 2,600 southw-est 67.2 x south 2.6 x soutlnvest 47.8 x N Y., to Jane P. McGraw, Ithica, N. Y. .22,000 Carlton av, e s, 48 n Atlantic av, 16,7x96.7. southeast 47.8 to Mj-rtle av, x w-est 63.3, also Southern or western division of Conej' Islaud. Oliver K. King, New York, to Martha wife Myrtle .av. n s 117.8 w- Charles pl, 15.9 x 49.9 Albert V. D, Lott to AA'iUiam A. Eugeman. of Ezra Baldwin 75 X 47.8 X 67.2. (Foreclos.) Albert Daggett to (AU title,) (C, a. G,) 45 Clermont av, w s, 3C6.5,Parkav, 18x100, h&l. Robert Benner, Long Island City 8,000 Strip iu Gravesend, 1 939-1,000 acres for rail­ Martiu Speer to Alfred M. AvereU. (Mort. Myrtle av, s s, 39.8 w Marcj' av, 17.8x75, h&l. road, Lucas J. and John L. Voorhies and $L

Same to Julia wife of AVilson B, Hunt. Heuz-j- Fisher, Thomas R., New RocheUe, to THE Michael, Hann Ah, w-ife of Closes, to Beal sfc (No.>164), s s, 130.5 w Jefferson st, 26.1x100. MUTCAi. LIFE INS. CO., New York. Bow­ Cockey, 120th sfc, P. M. Apj il 15, due Mav April 9, due May 1, ISSl, 6 per cent. 3,000 ery, e s, 108 n Houston st, 16.10x70.8. April I, 1881, 6 per cent 2,0lX) Austin, -Ambrose L.. to Isaac LockAvood. 15, due Juue 1, 1879, 6 per cent. 6,000 Ma.'isetfc Frank, fco Charies E. Gench. Con­ New av, ws, 147.5 n I4.5thst, 26.2x80. -AprU4, Ford, Sarah M., wife Heury J., to THK PEN- cord tiv, e s, 100 11 Grove st, SOx UK). April 2. notes. 200 SYLVAXiA CO. FOU INSURANCE, &C. (Trust(;e). 3 years. '300 Balheimer, George L., to George Reichardt. AVashingtou .av, s e s, 200 s w 12th sfc, 60x120. MiUer, John L., to Cornelius AVesterfield. Cherrj' st, n .s 164.3 e Catharine sfc, 2.5xl03.6x -April L 5 j-eai-s, 6 per cent. 2,000 10th av, vr s, 75.5 s 6Sth st, 25x100. -April IS, '3.5.10x103.(5. May-39, 1877, 6 years. 14,000 Gai-vej', John, to James Mulrj'. 4tli av, s e cor 3 J'ears. 1,000 Boone, Emma, to Alfred Bonnej', East Fishkill. 42d st, 7.5.2X.56.4 x aboufc 7(5.6x6.5. April 11,5 Morris, Louis G. (Exr. Emilj- Alorris), Ford- 130th st,« s, 4.50 AV Oth av, 24.6x99.11. April 10, yeai-s, (i per cent. 64,000 bam, to THE NEW YORK "LIKE IN.S. AND 3 years. 5,000 Sametosjune. Same property. -Aprilll, in­ TRU.ST Co. Elm st, Nos. 51 and ,53, and 117 Bonnann, Herman, fco John Bohlken. 79th st. stallments. 1,050 aud 119 AVorth st, being easterlj-cor Elm st n s, 90 w 3d av, 22x102.2, April 4, due July 1, Griessell, Johu, to Arj'eh AA'^idow & Orphan uud Worth st, .54x.':<5x.53xS7r (C4iveu to 1878. 4,000 Association. Houston sfe, s w cor Attornej- satisfy another Mort) --April 15. 15,000 Bowne, Charles P., to Michael H. Hagerfcy, st, 20x54. April 1, due Januarj', 18.s.-;. <> por Paddock, Frauces M., wife of Benjamin C, to .Tames H. JIullarky and John McCann (Exrs. cent. " 6.0(10 Dwight H. Olmstead, John M. Harlow and J. McCouville). Southern Boulevard and Graj-, John F., to Oliver D. Tavior, Fuiilicld Geo. C. aud Marj- E. Lucas (Exrs. N. T. 137th st P.M. April 1,3 J-ears. 2,000 Co.. Conu. ilulberrv sfc (No. 46), e s, 25x85. Pike). Madison av, e s, H8 u l-34th st, 22x85. Briant, Gerardus D., to Henry Hart, Saj-- -April 16, due July 1, 187S. . 678 Jan. 18. demand. 1,700 brook. Conn. AA'est st, u e cor North Moore Hard, Julia, wife of Melvin, to Courad Rose. Petrie. Heurj- A., to John A. Kellner. 12Ist st, st, 50x85. (3i Same to Marv A. Geissenliaiuer. 3d av, w s, 9.5. Aprilll, lyear. 2..500 Price, Levi, fcoSamue l Markewitz, 7th st, s s, 21.10 n 74th'sfc, 2L10.xf!2.6. April 12, 5 yeai-s, Harris, Siegmund and Albert, to THE HOME 173.10 e Av C, 22,8x'.Kt,10, April 15, 3 vears, 6 per cent. 5,UOO Lvs. Co. 17th sfc, s s, 250 o 4th av, 25x92. 15 per cent. " 2,0(X) Same to C'harles B. Geis.=;ouhaiuer. Same April 10, due January, 1.^79,6 per cent 10,000 Keckhart, Courad AV., to AVilliam B. Booruiu uropertv as last. AprU 12, 5 A'oars. 6 per Haveu.s, Jr.. .lames H., to .lohn Baier. .56tli st, and Francis O'Hara (Exrs. .L O'Hara. dec'd). cent ' " LUOO u .s, 175 w 9fch av, 25x109.5x25.2x100.2. April loth av, n wcor31sfc.st, 2-tHxlO(). -AprU 1.5, Same to Charles H. Housmau (Committee). 12, 1878, 3 months. 2,000 3 J-ears, 6 per cent. 4.UOO 3d av, w s, 43.S n74fch st, 33x6-3.6. April 12, Hubert, Philip G., Stamford, Conn., to John F. Rvan, ^Inry, to Owen Bj'nie. iSIadison st, ,5 J'ears, 6 per cent. S,,500 Sheafe. S4fch st, n s. P- M. -April 13, in.«;ta!l- ss, 25xl(«). (Lea.<:ehold.) April W, 3 yrs. -.',000 Same to same. 74th st, u s, (52.0 w3d av, 37.6x meuts. 5,000 Rothwell, P. John, to Lazarus Minze.sheimer. 70.8. .Ajnil 12, Syears,(5 per cent. 2,500 Jansen, Rudolph, to Siinou Herman. Ulthst, Slst P. M. April 1.5, S ypars, 6 per cent.-3,()0() Brodek, I^aac, to Melaucthoii AA'. Borland, u .s, 16'3.r. w Av A, 19.i;.iclUU,lL April 1. Rovvorth. William. .John W. and .loscfih G., to AA'aterford, Conn. 4fch av, u w cor 29th st. 4 mouths, note, SuO Charles E. Strong and Tbomas P. J. Goddard '33x40. April lb, duo Jau. 31, ISSO. 3,000 Jennett, Thomas, to Edward Traej' nud James (Trustees Kate S. F. Carter). Pearl st (No. Benedict, Gr.aee .A., wife of Charles J., to Russell. 7th av, n w cor 17th st, 4-Sx49,3x48x •i54i. s e s, 64..'J n e Fninkiiu sipiare, runs Chtu-les Archer (Guard.), Ea.stchcstcr. I.SOth 49.3. Auril 10, instalments. 25.000 southeast tiO to an alley, x south along .illej- st, s s, 112 w Mott .av, 20x90. April 11, 3 Kattenhorn, Herman H., to Tennis AA'. Quick 14x15. X norcliwest .59 to Pearl st, x uortH- J'ears, 2,500 and Benjamiu H. Howell, jBrooklvn (Exrs. ea.sfc along Pearl st 2-3.4. April 9, 5 vn?. 12,000 Cavanagh, Mary Ann, wife of James, to Silva- AV. P. MiUer). 61st st, s s, 2'33w'3dav, I9x Ruboustein, Israel, to E. Parmh', C. fi. AA'ard nus S. Townsend, Brooklj'u. 2d av, vr s, 74.1 l(i0.,5. April 5, due -April 1. ISSl, 6 per aud F. Billings (Trustees), Bayard st (No. n 31st st 16..5xl0(». April 13, due ]May 1, 1.^70, ceut. 4,750 •83), s s. April 12, 5 j'ears, 6 per cent 8,000 6 per cent 2,000 Same to same. Same property. April .5,3 yeai-s, Same to Newman Cowen. Same propertj-. Christie, David, to Henry Wiener, Philadel­ 6 per cent. 1.7.50 April 12, iustals. L.500 phia, Pa. aOfch st, s s. P. M. aiarch 3e, due Kellj', Thomas, to Matilda AA'". AA'hite (Trustee). Samb to same. Same propertj'. April 12, in­ April 11, 1S79. 11,000 Oth av, e s, 22.11 s 5-2d sfc, '32.5x79.6x-32.5x80.4. stallments. 1,0011 Cooper, Isabella S., wife of Thomas E., to TUK 3 years, 6 per ceut. 16,000 Same to Jacob and Louis Rubenstein. Same BOAA-EKT SAA'TXOS B.A..\-K. 3d av, e s, ,5'3.11 n Sam'e to same. 6th av, s e cor .52d .st, 2-3.11x IJi-opei-ty. April 1'3, 10 j'ears, 6 per cent. 6,000 33d st, 25.1x81.1. April 11, 1 j'ear, 6 per 80.4x-32.ILxSL4. -April 9. 3 years, 6 per Rvnn, Michnt^l, to John Schmitt, Brooklvn. ceut 9,000 ceut. , 22,0(J0 '49th St. s s. 75 w llth av, '35x75. April 11, 5 Cooper, Thomas E., to same. 3d av, e s. 18.5 u Kipling, Margaret, wife of James, to George J-ears. 5.000 35th st, 18,4x62.2. -April 11, 1 year, 6 per A. Briggs. LoriUai-d st, southerly cor Ford­ Sage, Gardner A,, Jr,, London, England, to] J. cent. 7,000 ham aud Pelham avs, 14(5.'3xl06xl47.1xl06. Heurj- Fowler. -All title to real and personal (Iknjcutt, John, Yonkers, to The Trustees of the AprU 10, 3 years. 2,000 estate of Richard P. Carman (dec'd). De­ Leake & AVatts Orphan House, New Yoi-k, King, Henrietta L. (ludivid. and Extrx. N. mand. 3,.500 AVashingtou st, w s, 43.9 s Desbrosses st, 65.7 Low), to Maturin Livingston, Hj'de Park. Sattler, Clani, wife of Nichoia.s, to Caroline xS4x65.7xS3.2. -April 13, due May 1, 1879, 6 Macdougal st (No. 8.5), w s. 98 s Bleecker st, Habel. (5th st, s s, 155.6 e Av B. 18.9x97. per cent 10,000 20x83.6. Feb. 28, 3 years. 6,000 (Leasehold.) -Jlpril 4, due Julj;, IS'JL 1,U()0 Carpenter, A\''iUiam C, to Harriet Gardiner. Kopke. James, to THE EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL Schlesinger, Abraham, to AVilliam R. Rose. 23d st (No. 42 East), s s, 175 w 4th av, 25x98.9. SAVINGS BANK, Sidlivan st. e s, 222 s Spring Houston st, u s, 71.2 w 1st av, 2l.8x.5(l.lx2-3.'3. (Leasehold). April 10. 5 days. I,;i50 st, 28x100. April 13. S,Ol)0 April H', ."> J-ears. 0 per cent. 3,500 Clj'de, Julia, wife of Robert .T.,to Charles S. Lawrence, -Annie T., wife of AValter B., Flush­ Simon, Miuu (svidow), and Kaufman Simon to Loper. ;77th st, s s, 132.6 e MaiUson av, 12.6x ing, L. L, to Harmon H. aud Frederick Frauklin H. Delnuo ct al. (Tnistees for 102.2. April 1,3 years. 1,,500 Nathan (Trustee.s). Beekman st, n s, ;!;L0 •Tohn .L-icob Astor, under will). Bleecker st, Cowdrej', Jane H,, wife of Nathaniel A., to w Water sfc, 615.8x2.5. April IL 1 year, 6 AVS, .5.5.11 n Barrow st I9.7x><0.9x 19.0x80.10. THK BOWERY SA\-. BANK. 29th st, s s, lOn per ceut. 5,(i00 AprU 11. 1 ye.ar, 6 per cent. S,.50o w 4th av, 20.10x9S.Ox'20.4x98.9. -April 11, Leaycraft, Jane, Troy, N. Y., to Erastus E. Stone, Jeannette, wife of Solomou, to 1 J'ear, 6 per cent. 10.000 Alarcy. 40th st (No 108 AA'est), s s, 150 w- 6th Cornucopit'i Lodge No. 10(5, I. O. O. F. Cox, Henrj' E., to Hjnniin Kahn. 35th st. s s, av, 25x98.9. P. M. (Lease.) -April 10, due Canal st (No. 195), n s, 25.x75. Feb. 12. 3 114 « 7th uv, lSx,50.7xl8.11x51.2. -April Fl, May 1, 1&S8. 19,919 years. 2,000 1 J-ear. 3,500 Levj', Meyer, to Meno Ehlers. 2d sfc, s s. Decker, Claru, wife of Peter P., to Hannah B, 187,11 e 1st av, -35x105.11. April 12, 3 yeaij?, Suliivau, ilortj', to Margaret -A.. Sloan. ]Morris Fains%vorth (Extrx. E. Farnsworth), Cliff 6 per cent, 10,000 av, s e cor 149th st. 26.7x100.3. -\pril 1'3, 1 st, -u e cor Jackson av, 21x75, April 10, Lippifcfc, Sarah, and Henrietta wife of AVilliam year. :>50 3 years. 2,400 Ketcham and Ann E, Cohn, to Albert C. Turner, Marj- -A., wife of Ma!com C, to Same to same. Cliff st, u s, 39 w Jackson av, Aubery (Committee), Brooklyn. 40th st, s s, Charles Archer (Guard.), Eastchester, N. Y. 18x7.5. April 10,2 yeans. 1,800 125 e 2d av, 50x98.9. April 13, 3 years, 6 per 1.50th st, s s, 1.32 w Mott av. 19.6x90. April Same to same. Cliff st, n s, .57 w Jack.son av, cent. 4,000 II, 3 years. 2,.500 18x7.5. April 10, 2 years. I.SOO Loewenthal, Herman, to George AA''. AA'icker Twigg, Honora, to David B. Scott. Mont­ Duggin, Charles, to John Horspool. Madison (Exr. H. AVicker). SOfch st. P. M. -April 15. gonierj'- st, w s. 65.3 s Henrj- sfc, 21,9x4(5. av, s vv cor 49fch sfe. P. M. April 16, 1 year, 5 years. 5,000 March 29, 3 j'ears. 1,000 6 per cent 12,000 Same to same. 30fch st. P. M. April 15, 3 Ehrig, Catharina, wife of Julian, to Emanuel Taggart, Roberfc, to Thomas Page. SOth st, s Fleischer. Mortgage on lease and i-earof lot J'ears. 1,800 s. 175 vr 10th av, 25x100.5. April 10, 1 No. 128 West Houston st, 25 feet square, Maj' Sarah (widow), and Jacob, Leopold and year. 1,000 April 11, 3 years, 300 Jennie May and Rosa-and Eliza Fleischhauer Tobias, Augusta (w-idow). New York, to Har­ Flach, Gustave A,, to Charles J, Fagan, 3d av. to Joseph Schwai-zschild and Ferdinand mon H. aud Frederick Nathan (Trustees). P.M. AprUll,oyears, ILOOO Sulzberger. 6th sfc, n s, n'3.1i e Ist av, 21. lUx 53d sfc, n s, 245 e Madison av, 20x100.5. iFreeraan, Louisa M., wife of Fraucis P., to THE 90.10. Dec. 20, 1 year. 10,000 April 10, due AprU 1,1S81, 6per cent. 10,000 Mtn-UAii LIFE IKS. CO., New York. 56th st, McGowan, Esther M., wife of John, to Mary Volk, Frederich L., to Guj- Culgin and AVil­ s s, 305 e Sth av, 20x100.5. April 11, due Melvin, Slst st (No. 20.5). n s, 100 e 3d av, liam S. Guerineau (Trustees. &c,). 38th Juue 1,1S79, 6 per cent 16,000 18x.5()x26.Sx.50,6, April 11, 1 year. 1,000 st, n s, 1.57 o 10th av, 2.5x98,9, April 10. 5 yeai-s, 6,000 "Fessler, Charles, to THE NKAA- YORK SAATNGS Murray, Matthew, to John Murtha, 54th BAKK. SSth st, n s, 150 e 9tU av, '3.5x98.9. st, s s, 235 w Sth av, .50x100,5. April 12, 1 Valentine, Johnson L., to Jesse AV. Pow-ers. April 15, due June 1, 1879, 6 per cent. 8,000 year. 3,500 126th st, s s, 89,6 e Madison av. P, JM. April 15, 5 years, 6 per cent. 9,00U Fetzer, John M., and Anielia wife of Fridolin Manchester, Harriet L„ wife of James, to THE Pfletschinger to Barbara. Schoenfeldt. 35th BANK FOB SAVIKGS, CITY NE-W YORK. 120th Volk, Friederieh L,. to John G. Fromm, .S8th st, n s, 95 e Tth av, 20.'2x78.9xl8.8x78.9. st, n s, 203 e •2d av, 23x100.10, April 13,1 year, st, n s, 1.57 e 10th av, '35x98.9, April 11.1 -AprU 12, due July 3,1881. 3,500 6 per cent. 4,000 year. 80t' 34G THE REAL ESTATE RECORD.

AViKid, James IL, and AVilliam T. Bailej' to Samp to Thomas Rushmore, Roslj'u, L. 1. Hebberd, Southrick E., to Joseph Lee. 3d st, Richard H. L. Townsend. 28th st, s s, 120 w Macomb st, n s, 162.4 vr 6th av, 16.7xll2..5x P, M. April 15, due May 1, 1882. 2,500 Madison av,-3,5x98.9. April 15, due Juue 16, 16.7x113.3. AprU I, 3 J-ears. 2,500 Hopkins, James B.. to John Cregier. Keap st, 1878. 600 Bogert, Heurj-, to AVilUam A. Tj-ler. Ocean s s, P, M, April 10, 3 yeai-s, 1,700 AA'iHxl, Jo.seph IJ. R., to THE EMIGRANT INDUS­ Parkwaj-, cor Caton pl. (Lease ) April 13, Honiung, Magdalena, to Samuel P. A''alentine TRIAL SAVINGS BANK. (K)th st, s s, 225 e 1 Ith due M.ay 1,1879. 800 and Charles Griffeu, '. Fultou st, n s, 2.56.3 e av, 75X1O0..5. April 10,1 year. 15,000 Churchill, Beatrice, wife of Thomas J., to Reid av, 51. "3x97.1x50x85.10. April 6, 1 AVright, Martha J., wife of Isaac E., to Abram Eleauor Allen aud Hariet St. B. Roberts. J'ear. 325 B. AVvckoir, Slercer Co., N. J. 120th st (No. 44th sfc, s w s, 1.50 s e 3d av, 50xl00.'3. April How-ell, Charles M., to Patrick Lambert and :«8 Ea.st), s s, 210 w 1st av, 20x100.11. April 10, 6 per cenfc, uofces. 400 James H. Mason. Downing st, w s. P. M. 13, instals. 7,500 Charfcers, David, to Robert Merchant. Coles April 10, 5 years, 6 per cent. 3,000 S;iiiie to same. r30th st (No. .340 East), s .s, 190 sfc, u s, 250.3 e Columbia sfc, 20x40. March 25, Johnson, -Andrew P., Ella L. wife of Corueiius w- 1st av, 20x100.11. April 13. insstals. 7,.500 3 j-eai-s. 485 E. DonneUou. Luquer st. P. M. April 15, AA'allace, Jano A., to Henrj- Harrison (Admr. Cheesman, George W., and AVUbur F. Os­ 2 years, 800 Jas% Harrison). JIadi.son st, s s, bet Gouver­ borne, Derbj', Conn., fco David H. Brown. Kelb, Stephan, to Jolm Timmes. Humboldt st, neur and Scammel sts, 3 lots. March 1, 5 Bedford av, w s, 176.2 s Hej-ward st, runs n e cor Bebevoise st, 25x100. April 1, 5 J-ears, 6 jier ceut. 3,432 west 94.1 X w-est 0.0 x south 100 to Lj-uch sfc, j-eare. 3,,500 AVbeatlev, Jennie (widow), to John R. Planteu, X east .55.11 to Bedford av, x nortii 59. Feb. Kellj-. Sarah E., wife of Peter R., fco Haunah Brookhn. 43d st, s s, 500 w Oth .av, '35x100.5. 1,5 J-ears. 10,000 Kellj'. Willoughby av, n w cor Spencer st. April 12, 3 ye.-ir.s. 5,(MJ0 Chessman, George AV. and AVilbur F. Osborne, 20x78. Jan. 8, 2 years. SOO AVillianis, Daniel, to G, Augu.sta Mack, llth Derbj', Conn., to David H. Brown. Bedfonl Kenna, Edward, to Edward Tatum. Dean st, av, n e cor STth st, 25,5x50, Feb. 20, I av, w- s, 138 s Hevward st, runs west 90 x s s. P. M. April 10, due April 1, 188:L 4,500 year, 1,000 we.st 2.11 X south 13.6 x west 20 x south 16.5 Same to AViUiam H. Scott, New York. Dean AVri;:ht, Eliza A,, wife of Alexander, to THK X west ISO X soutli 56.2 x south 34.6 to Wal- st, s s. (See Convoj-auces.) -April 10, 2 KMIGU.VNT IxnisTKiAL SAVINGS BA.NK. ialiout st, X east 28.5 to Lj-nch st, xeast 189.10 years. SOO Cbarles .it s s, 100 e AVaverley pl,'3ux9L 11. to Bedford av, x uorth 97. Feb. 1, 5 yrs. 5,.50O Kennedy, Jr., Charles, to Johu AV. AVormoll. April 10, I year. 4,500 Cook, Elizabeth M., to George P. Pay son. Manhattan av, w s, bet Calyer aud Meserole ZicRler, Beda, to Jacob C. AVickes. 4th st, e s, Hoyt sfc, w- s, 25 n Douglas sfc, 25x100. Dec. sts, indeft. (Lease.) Ajiril 6, 1 j-ear. 600 •db.lO n Perrv st, 17.11x50. AprU 10, 5 20, 5 yeai-s, 350 Ketchiun, Ira, to Robert T. Bunker. Cumber­ years. 4,000 Crouch, Edward A,, Brauford, Conn,, to Wil­ land st, w s, 3-30 n Lafaj'ette av, 20x100, April liam H, BeU, Newburgh, N. Y, Oth av, e s, 15, due May I, 1883, 2,000 65 s Baltic st, '30x99.7, April 4, due July 1, 5 Kramm, Sai-ah (widow), to Elizabeth and Susan KINGS COUNTY. N. Y. jears, 6 per cent, 5,000 J. AVooUey, Great Neck, L. I, 38th st, n s, Cauliirld, Hannah E, (widow), aud Cornelia 100 e 3d av, 16.8x100.2. April 13, 3 yrs. 800 APRIL II, 12, 1-3, 1.5, 16, 17. C, wife of Alexander Cook to George H, Kehoe, Miles, to Leonard A, Seaman, Man- AUeo, Joseph B., to Zaluion Bonnet, New Ro­ Granniss, Willow sfc, w- s, 1-35 u Pierrepout basset, L, I, Court st, w s, 40 s Church, 20x chelie, N. Y. Bergen st, u s, 76 e Bond st, st, 25x100, P. M. April 29, 187(5, due May 1, 80, April IS, 3 years, 1,000 24x4-5. April 8, 5 j-ears, 6 per cent. $4,000 I.S77. 7,000 Kreimeier, Frederick, to James Greene, Jack­ Same to same. Bond st, u e cor. Bergen st, Curran, John, New York, to Thomas Fagau. son st, u s, 100 e Lorimer st, 50x100. April 24.6x52. April 8, 5 j-ears, (5 per cent. 4,000 Oth av, w s. P, M,. AprU 13, 1 year, 1,000 13, 3 j'eai-s. I,'300 Same to same. Bond sl, e s, '24.0 n Bergeu st. Dearing, J, William,' to Martha E. Brook.s. Leutz, LUCJ-, wife of Chai-les, to John Hessel, '30.6x.53.(5. April 8, 5 j'eai-s, 6 per ceut. 3,600 Hicks st, w- s, 21 s Baltic st, 84x80. Mai-ch Boerum st, w- s, 310,9 s Com-t st, 37,6x100.4. Same to same. Bergen st, n s, 52 e Bond st, 30, due April 1, 1881. 2,300 (Bad error in this description, should be runs east 24 x north 45 x west 22.6 x south Dickey, Catharine, wife of Thomas H., to Marj' JSergeu st instead of Boerum st) April 15, 5 '30.6 X w-est 1.6 X south 24.6 to beginning. A., wife of Thompson Piuckuej-, Union st, years. 5,000 April 8, 5 j'eai-s, 6 per cent. 4,000 s s, 71.6 e Hicks st, 23.3x100. April 1,5 j-eare, Lenz, Franz, to Frederick Goebel. Sumpter st, Angus, John, to -Anthonj' Compton, Jr. Hamil­ first 3 J'ears 6 per ceut. 2,500 s s, 250 w Ralph av, 25x85.9x25x88.6. Api-U ton st, e s, .5-35 n Mj'rtle av, 16.8x100. -April Diehl, John, to -Adolph Becker. Leonard st, 13, due April 1, 1881. 300 ILS j'eai-s. 275 w s, 75 s Johusou av, 2.5x100. -AprU 0, due Loweree, James M., Red Bank, N. J., to Maria Angus,"John, to Anthonj' Compton, Jr. Ham­ April 1, 1883. .500 S. wife of Charles R. ElUs. Dean st, n s. ilton ,st, e s. P. M. AprU 11, 5 years. 1,000 Dobbin, Joseph, to Trustees of the Woodbury 343.9 w Hoyt st, 18.9x100. April 8, 3 yi-s. 3,500 Auerl>ach, Charles B., to Dorothea Kraushaar Jlethodist Episcopal Church, Queens Countv, Lange, AmeUaL., wife of Hem-j- AA'., to The (widow-). Schermerhom st, n s, 43.7 w Court L. I. Sth av, s e cor 22d st, 25x100. AprU 1, AA'^iUiamsburgh Savings Bank. Ralph av, s w st, '30x71. April 9, 5 j-ears, 6 per ceut. 4,000 3 J-ears, 6 per ceut. 1,.500 cor Madison st, 100x100. April 15, 1 yr. 2,000 Ailams. Richard S., to Ann A. Scrymser. Doherty, John H., to Aaron S. RiSbbins. Lex­ Lohf, Chai-les H., to The Rutgers Fire Ins. Co. A'an Buren st, s s, P, M. April 16, iustals, 600 ington av, u s. P. M, AprU 10, 2 j-ears. 2,,500 2d st, s s. P. M. Airil 15, 1 year. 3,250 B.auks, Fi-ances, wife of Benjamin, to John A, Dotj-. Horace 0^ to William E, AA'iuslow, Mangels. Isadora E., vr'ife of Claus H., to Ma­ Tucker, Macomb st, u s, 162,4 w 6th av, Fulton st, s s, P. M. AprU 9, 1 year. 9,000 tilda B. Lacey and John C. Davis (Exrs., &c. I6.7xll-3,.5xl6,7xli:5,3. -A.pril 1, 3 j'ears. 2,600 Same to same. Fulton st, s.s. P. M. April 9, F. Lacey, dec'd). Cumberland st, e s, 170.10 Same to .same. Macomb st, n s, 178.11 vr Oth 1 year, 6,000 s Mj'rtle av. 33x100. April 12. 3 years. 9,000 av, 16.7x111.7x16.7x11-3..5. April 1, 3 yrs. 2,(500 Desmcud, Timothj-, to W. B, Whituej', George Same to same. Cumberland st, e s, 192.10 s Bro-ich, Cordelia, wife of John, to Burr Perrj- D, McCreary and M, S, Kemmerrer. Uth Myrtle av, '32x100. April 12, 3 years. 9,000 (Exr. A. Perrj-, dec'd), Fairfield, Conn. st, northerly cor 8th av, 92,10x100. April 5, Martin, George L. A., to The AviUiamsburgh McDouough st, n s. P. M, April 15, 2 3 montha 624 Savings Bank. Ross st, n w s, 346.8 s w Bed­ years. 2,.500 Edmundstone, WiUiam F,, to Richard W, ford av, 18.9x100. April 13, 1 year. 3,400 Bauer, Johu, to Hermann H. Rugen. Uniou Howe, Monroe st, s s, 76 w Bedford av, 74x MUler, George, to John MUler. Tallman st, s s, ax, n e cor. Maujer st, '35x100. March 1, 5 100. AprU 11 1 month, 2,000 25 w Charies st. 25x47. Jan. 30, 1 year. 1,000 jears, 6 per cent 6,500 Fleckser, Peter M,, to Gustav Schlegei, Hop­ Mauee, Abraham, CentervUUe, N. J. and Belden, Geoi-ge H., to Marj' A. Harvej-, St, kins st, n s, ,549,2 eThroopav, 25x100; Ck;ntral Samuel C. Gifford, Brooklyn, to Chm'les Marks .av (No, 6-37), n s, 60 e Rogers av, 20x av, w s, extending from Grove st to Ralph st, Samuel. 26th st, s w s. 100 n w 3d av, ruus IOO, Slarch LS, 5 years, 3,000 200x100. AprU 4, Syears, 7,000 northwest 100 x southwest 100.2 x south­ Ben.son, Isaac, to Edward J, Child, 42d st, s s, Foster, Thomas, to Frederick and Margaretta east 119.10 x northeast 75 X northwest 19.11 P, M. -April 3. (InstnUment), 600 Bogen, Manhattan av, w s, 25 s Clay st, 25x X northeast 25,3 to beginningi March 26, Boeuinghaur, Reiuoldina, wife of Frederick F,, 100. April 11, 5 years, 6 per cent. 3,500 due AprU 1, 1881. 1,.500 to Michael and Margaretha Achtmann, Ford, Tei-ns Francis, to Louis A'^. Sone. Newell Molyneux, John, to Samuel Delaplaine (Exr. J. Hojikins st, n s, 3,50 w Throop av, '35x100, st, e s. 275 s Nassau av, 2Sxl00x47.3x—. Delaplaine, dec'd). Maujer st, s s, 125 w April 13, due April 1, 1883. 4,000 April 15, 1 year, 400 Lorimer st, 35x100. AprU 12, 3 j'ears. 700 Bostwick, Emma L., wife of Josephus B. to Frothingham, James, to Sainuel AV. Burtis. Murray, Sarah E,, wife of John E,, to AVUliam .Tohn Donovan, St Marks av, P. M, April Greenpoint av, n s, 82 e Frauklin st, nms H, Haydock. State sfc (No, 403), n s 208 w 15, 5 years. 3,000 north 24 x w-est 2 x north 71 x east 50 x south Nevins st, 17x39. AprU 16, due May 1, Same to same, Sfc, Marks av, P, M, April 15, 95 to Greenpoint av, x west 48 to beginning. 1882 1,400 5 years. 7,000 April 2,1 J'ear. 400 Moore, Deborah, wife of Frank, to Fi-micis Bradv, John, fco'Laurence Hurlburfc. Cumber­ Geale, Ellen, New York, to Edward Colgate McKenna, 26th st, n s, 100 e 4th av, 25x48,3x land st, w- s. 287,3 s Park av, 16x100. April and WiUiam A. Cauldw-ell (Exrs. EUz. Cauld- —x46,6, AprU 11, 5 years, 6 per cent. 300 12, due April I, 1881. 1,000 w-ell). Adams st. P. M. AprU 15, 3 years, Morton, John, to Benjamin and Harriet Albert- Brennan, Marj-, to WiUiam H. HoUis. Bain­ 6 per cent. 1,000 son (Exrs, T. W. Albertson, deed). Tiffany bridge st, s s, 255 w Hopkinson av, 20x100. Gormley, Jr., AVilliam, to Stephen C. WiUiams. pl, w s, 435 n Degraw st, 75x97.6, April 11, -April 15, 1 J-ear. 76 Franklin av, es, 90.1 n Lexington av, 20x80.7. due May 1, 1881, 6 per cent 6,000 Brevoort, Elizaljeth D., w-ife of James fco James April II, due Jan. 8, 1881. 800 Murphj', George I,, to the Mutual Life Ins, Co, D. Lj-nch, New York. Fulton st, s w cor. Green, AViUiam, to AVUliam R. Webster, Oys­ NewYork. AVillow st, e s. P.M. AprU 11, Betlford av, runs northwest 219.8 to land of ter Bay. Fulton st near Hoj't st. P. M, due June 1. 1879, 6 per cent. 8,000 Thomas B. Jackson, x southwesterlj', south- April 13, due May 1, 1881. 13,000 Messenger, Jidia, wife of Silas, to James easterlj- and southerlj' to Brevoort pl, x easfc Hager, Jacob, to Edward Clark. Greene st, n Naylor, Jr. Ocean av. w s, 50x100. April to Bedford av, x north 104.3 to beginning. s, 225 w' Uniou av, 25x100. March 1, 5 1, 1 year. 700 -April 5, 1 year. 4,*300 years. 2,500 NeiU, Sarah, to Jane Colder (Extrx, N, Golder, Brown, Charles "A., to Fedora C, Huntting. dec'd). North Oth st, n s, 125 e 3d st, 2,5x100, Harnist, Martin, New York, to AA'ilUam F. Cor- AprU 1, 3 years, 1,200 AVvckoff st, n s, .'3.58 vr :M av, 20x100. April with, Eckford st, e s, 195 s Norman av, 16,8 3, 3 years. 2,000 Same to Jmues Glassford, Same property. xlOO, April 13, 1 year. 300 AprU 1, instals, 700 Bvrne, George J., to Mary A. wife of AVilUam Haslem, Sarah E., -wife of Charles, to George Nelson, Laura, wifeof John J., toE. Sinnamon "E. Murphy, Flatbush. East 4th .st, w s, 180.8 L. A. Mai-tin, Powers st, n s, P, M, April Calvert. 41st st. s w s, 135 s e 1st av, 26x100.2. n Greenw-ood av, 50x100. April 12, 3 years. 250 10, 5 years, 3,000 AprU 1, due January 1, 1881. 350 Banks, Frances, wife of Benjamin, to Sarah Hick, John, to SUas A, UnderhUl. AValton st, Norris, Thomas H,, to Prances H, Shannon. Graeie. Macomb st, n s, 178.11 w 6th av, s s, 1,50 w Throop av, 25x100. April 10, 6 Lafayette av, s s, 108.6 e Franklin av, 16.6x 16.7x111.8x16.7x112.5. April 1, 3 years. 2,500 months. 250 100, AprU 1, 2 years. 1,600 THE REAL^ ESTATE"! RECORD. 347

Same to same. Lafayette av, s s, 91.6 e Frmik- Spem-. WiUiam C, to Florence J. Donohue. Ireland, Joseph N., and Avery T. Browu, liu av, 17x100, April 1, 3 yeai-s. I.SOO 17th st, s s, 403 e 7fch av, 16x100.3. P. M. Oct and Abraham Lockwood, to James Mul- Same to same, Lafayette av, s s, 75 e Franklin '30. 1876, due April 1, 1881. '320 ry. 34,(K)0 av, 16,6x100, April 1. 2 yeai-s, 1,600 Steele, Robert 'VV., to Carmou R. Hetfield. Krehbiel, Gustavus, to Michael Connollj'. 4,'3.50 O'Maia, Richard, to AVilliam Mulcahy, New Bond st (No. 4.5), e s, 60.9 n Schernierhorn st, Little, Theron N. (Ret), fco .L Nelson Tap- A'ork, Manhattan av, e s, 50 n Box st, 25x 20x75, AprU 5, 5 years, 2,000 pen, Chamberlain, New York. 1,027 IOO, Aprilll, 5 J-ears. 1,000 Same to Louise H, aud Johu A, K, Steele, Same to same. l ,2(HI Orlowski, Stanislaus, to George Orlow-ski. Gold Same propertj', April 5, due April 1, 18.^3, Martin, Marj-. to Frederick Schellhammer. 4,.5(K) st P. M, April 15, due May 1, 1881, 1,.500 (i per cent, 2,200 Morgan, Sarali A , to Robert Bonner. 1,5,000 Obei-steller, Elizabetha, wife of John A,, to Sweizer, John, Flatbush, to Eibe H, Steers, Muri-nj-, Robert, to Henry J, Armstrong, 7,000 The Equitable Life Assurance Soe, of the Clarkson st, s e cor Nostrand pl, 100x187.7x Nolte, Louise, wife of F, AV., to George United States. Adelphi st, e s, 109.5 n De 100x187.4. April!, 5 vear.-. '3,000 Schamberger. 2,000 Kalb av, 30x126.8; Adelphi st, e s, 79.5 n De Todd, Theodore AV,, N'ew York, to John F. Ol.vell, Marie H., wife~of James -A., to Kalb av, rmis east ,%,6 x south 5,1 x east 40 x Pearson, Plainfield, N. J. Oth st, s w s, P, George AV, Eggle.so, 610 north .5.1 x east 53 x north 48,3 x west 126,8 x M, April 10, due April 15, 1879, 3,000 Phelan, James J,, to Marie H,, wife of south 30 to beginning, April 16, due Dec. 1. Thomas, Fortune, to Swaue Autrop, Bergen James A. Olwell. 610 1.S78, 6 per cent 10,000 st, s s, 300 w Howard av, 25x127,9, April 13, Porter, Timothy D., to Heurj' C. Kingsley, O'Brieu, Christopher AV., to James Saxton, 3 J-ears. 350 New Haven (various assigns.) Smith st, w- s, P, M. April 1, 5 j-ears, 6 per Thoriie, Johu, to George S, Barton. Oakland Price, ConstanceB., to Cornelius L. Cooke, ceut, 5,000 st, e s, 2'30 s Norman av, 25x100. April 11,3 1.876. (5.S9 Paddock, Fi-auces M,, wife of Benjamiu C, to j-cm-s. 2(X) Rankeu, Robert CL, and Charles M. AVol­ Dwight H. Olmstead, John M, Harlow, Trisch or Drisch, Heinrich, to Daniel Bringolf. eott (Exrs.), to Charles M. AVoleott George C, aud Marj- E, Lucas (Exrs, N, T, Georgia av, w s, 125 n B.aj'av, 25x100. .-Vpril (Trustee). 7.(KK1 Pike, dec'd), Oth av, e s, 40 s Butler .st, 20x 1, 4 J ears. ' 250 Reuk, Ferdiuand, to Arnold Geisemaim. 6,WM) 84,7, Januarj- 18, demand, 1,720 Talmage, Mai-garet A., wife Johu F., to M. Satchell, Caroline J., wife of AValter A., PearsiUl, Johanna (widow), to Maurice Fit-/,- Furman Hunt, Edward T. Hunt and AVilliam to James Mulrj-. 30,000 gerald, 39th st, s s, 160 w 4th av, 20x100,2. B. Scotfc (Exrs. T. Hunt, dec'd). Joralemon Smyth, John P., Superintendent of Ins., April 10, due May 1, 1880. 2.50 sfc, Clinton sfc. P. M. Febrnarv 6, due April to Benjamin C. Hardeubrook. lS,.5tK) Peterson, AVilhelmina (widow). New Lots, to 1, 1.8.8:1,6 per cenfc. ' 34,000 Tiry'lor, Moses, to Moses Taylor and R. S. Gottfried Schultz, New York. Fulton av, The First 13aptist Church in PieiTcponfc sfc, Luiiueer (Exrs. J. B. Taylor). 14,4.50 Shepard av. P, M, April 1,5, 5j-cars, 300 Brookljni, to The Brooklj-n Savings Bauk. The Broadway Savings Inst, to Harriet P. Pfister, Adelbert, to Frederick Spiess, Throop Nassau st, s e cor Libertj- st, 75x100, April Brown. • 7,000 av, e s, 25 n AVhipple st, '35x90, April 10, 15, I year, 10,000 The Lebanon AVidow and Oqihan Soc, 5 J'ears. 700 A'au Brunt, Heurv, to Gilbert Thompson, 8th New York, to the Bnai Berith Benevolent Pfister, Adelbert, to Carl A, Mertz, Throo)i st, s s, 80 e Sth av, 9()x<.Hlx9Sx90, February 2, Soc, New York. 5,000 av, e s, 25 u AVhipple st, 25x90, April 1, 1878, due May 1, 1878. 3,000 The National Butchers' and Drovers' 5 j-eai-s, 2,000 A'aughan, Annie, wifo of John, to diaries H. Bank to Marcus Fleischhauer. 10,000 Pritchard, James, to AVilliam H, Sanger, Rye, Burtis, AVilloughbj' st, n w cor Lawrence st, The Union Dime Savings Inst, to Henry N, Y, Sandfordst, e .s, 151,10 s Myrtle av, 21,3.x77.9, P, M. April 10, 1 j'ear, 2,000 and Fretlerick Chauncej' (Trustees), 15,000 (50x100, March '23. 2 years, 1,,500 AVhite, Eliza A,, wife of Jonathan A,, Eliza­ Same to Johu G. Kurtz, 8,(HKl Roche, Maurice, to Michael Goss. l<5th st, u e s. beth, N, J,, to Daniel J, Noj'cs, Pacaav, w Same to Marj' Batchelet, ,5^000 197.10 se llthav, 41,3x100x39,11x100, April I, s, 1.50 u Broadwaj-, 100x100, AprU 6, install­ Same to Eloise L. La\vreuce, 9,.5()0 5 years. 2.000 ments. 300 Same to Caroline C, Bishop, 2,.50() Roper, Margaret A., Avife of James, to Darius AA'ilson, Alexander, Flatbush, to Robert Titus, Same to the Metroiwlitau Lifo Ins, Co. 5,000 Stevens, van Buren st, s s, 171 w- Frauklin Old AVestbury. L, I, Lawrence av, u s, 200 Same to the Metrop; litan Life Ins, Co, 5,.500 av, 18x96.6x18x96.4. April 10, 1 j'ear. 5.50 w- 3d st .50x100, April 10, due April 1, I.S8:L.500 UnderhUl, Abraham S, (Exr, J. U. Ferris, Rose, AA'iUiam, to Jose Gros, Morrisfcown, N. J. AVilson, George P., to Eleauor A, Cummings, dec'd), to Mary T, Parsons, 4,(K)0 Uuion sfc, s s, 83 e Columbia st, 20.6x100. Freeman st, ss, :i50 e Manhattan av, 25.xIOO. Same to Anna F,, w-ife of Augustus Taber. 7,150 April 13, 3 years. 400 April 1, Syears. 300 Same to same. 12,000 Rubeck, Valentin, to George Loffler. Montieth AVunschenmej-er, Frederick, and Maria E., A'on Post, Herman C, (Guard,), to Henry st, s s. P. M. April 11, due Julj' 1, wife of Peter Hartmau, to Silas Davis (Trus­ Maurer, uoin 1883, 1,200 tee). AValworth sfc, e s, 211.10 s Myrfcle av, Whituej-, AA'm,, and Thadeus A. Outer- Rheinfranck, Caroline C, to PhUip Hunkel, 25x200 fco Sandford st April i:,, 5 years. 2,,500 bridge (Admrs ), to Frauces M. Whitnej-.54,.500 3d av. n w s, ,50 n e 19th st, 2,5x100, Seiit 6, Young, Peter, to Joseph Young, Adams st, AVolcotfc, Charles M, (Trustee), to Esther D, due Nov. 1, 1879. 700 s s, 126.1 w Conev Island Plank road. .50.x Miiligan, 7,000 Rosenbaum, Edward M,, New York, to Joseph 100.8x50x100.5; Palmetto sfc, s s, 260 e Ham­ Woods, John, to James Begen. 1,099 Thorne, Richmond Co., New York. 4th st, burg sfc, 20x100 ()if part); Conej- Island av, w Same to same. i,ooo n e cor. North 7th st P. M. April 16, 1 s, 97.1 s Church av, .Sfl.;5xlOI.Lx.SOx9.5,2 (}4 year. 7,600 part); Coney Island Plank road, w s. 103,5 Rourke. Thomas and James, to John FarreU, s Adams st, 24.4x100 (}{ part). April 11. 1 NewYork. AValcott st, n s. P. M. April year. 4,.500 13, 5 years. 300 KINGS COUNTY. N. Y. Russell, Susanna E. C, wife of AA'alter C, to Margaret Hendrickson, Jamaica, L, I, APRIL II TO 17—INCLUSH'E. Herkimer st, s s, 92.3 e Bedford av. runs east Adair, Ann, George AV. White, and AVil­ 111.8 X south 92.9 x west 60 x west 20.1 x liam J, Sayres (Exrs. Robert Adair, west 10 X north 98.8 to beginning. April 10, dec'd) to David Barnett 3 years. 5,000 7(M) NEW YORK CITY. Same to same. :iOO Sunderland, John, to" Angus Ross. Hewes sfc, Alexander, AViUiam S, and C. Dunning u w s. P. M. April 15, 3 years. 4,200 APRIL 10 TO 1(5—INCLUSIVE. (Exr, J. Alexander), to South Brooklyu Schiudler, Bernhard, to Sophia Steck. Prospect Savings Inst, 1850, 4,000 st, n %v s, 250 n e Central av, 25x100. AprU 3, Banks, Jane A., New Brighton, to Emily Banks, same place. *,5,000 Amerman, Peter (Recvr,), to Ijconhard 1 J'ear. 200 Lesoine, Monroe (io,, Pa. 5,098 Shea, Martin, to Shaw, HinchcUffe & Penrose, Barry, Horace M. (-Admr. AV. F. Barry), to Horace M. Barrj' (Guard). 6..500 Bold, John, \''ineland, N. J,, to Catha­ Paterson, N. J. Summit st, s s, 107.6 e Hicks rine Becker. l,(MiO st, runs south 100 x easfc 17,6 x north ,50 x east Same to same, 6,500 Berthois, Auatole E. de, Paris, to Marga­ Burcham, Edward, to Alfred Burcham, 9,000 0,6 X north 50 to Summit st, x west 18 to Burcham Sarah, wife of Alfred, to Edward beginnifag. March 25, 1 year, note. 3,000 ret Barbour. 8,000 Best, AVm. J. (Recvr.), to George Stoue. 2,800 Burcham, 9,000 Shelly, John S,, Detroit, Mich,, and WUIiam Blomgvist', August, to Samuel F. Peters, BurcheU, Madeline T,, to Rosina Mestri, ,5.000 T,, Brooklyn, and AmandaM. Bean (widow), Chamberlain, Selah (Recvr,), to Michael J, Monsey, Rockland Co., to James Bailej', Loudon, Ontario. 800 Brown. J. Romaine, to -Annie E. Brown. 2,000 Collins, 463 South 3d st, n s, 63 w 6th st, 31x72, Mar, 31, Clark, Hanuah M,, wifo of AA'iUiam N,, 3 years. 3,000 Connell, E. Frauc&s to Henrj- J. Arm­ strong, uom New York, to AA'iUiam A'enviU, 400 Sheridan, Bernard, to Thomas S. Phelps, Mare Coruell, E. Francis, to Henry J. Arm­ Crosbj', AA'illiam B,, to Charles B. Jandon, Island, Cal. Schenck st, w s, 175 n Park av, strong, nom etal, nom 7.5x100. April 1, 3 years, installments, 1,000 Same to same. 6,000 Cuddj', Robert, to Thomas Ci-uttondeu, 300 Shea, Margaret, wife of Martin, to Tracy & Duffy, Jame-o. to Rachel McCauley. 1,000 Gulp, Catharine, to John A, Deadj'. 5,.50l Russell. Summit st. s s, 75 w Columbia st. East River Savings Institution to Maj-er Drew, John, to Johu D, A'au Siclen, 2U0 3Sx,50x37.6x35x12.6x25, April 5, secures credit Fincke, Charles, et al (Exr, -A, Mann), to up to 2,000 M. Schwartz (Guard,, &c.) 5,1.59 Exuer, Augusta, Brooklj'u, to Frauces F. Louis V. Sone, 20,000 Sherwood, WiUiam M,, to Robert L. Cadwell, Ford, John R, (Admr, AV. M. Ford, dec'il), South 4ch st, s s, 121.3 e 6th st, 31,3x100. Hitchcock, Morristown, N, J. 2,000 Faj', Patrick, to James Miu-phy, 4,000 to John K. Ford. '20,000 AprU 13, 3 years 3,000 Fry, Charles M. (Trustee L. AVells), to Siebert, Lizzie E., wife of Chai-les, to Sarah M. Fischer, William (Individ, and Admr.), to Joseph Schwarzschild and Ferdinand Frederick Schuchardt. James N. Plait Burnett. Ross st, n w s, 33.5.9 n e Bedford av, and Edward Leveritch (Exrs. C. A. 19.4x100. AprU 1, 5 j-ears, 6 per cent .5,000 Sulzberger, 4,000 Fleischhaur, Marcus, to Joseph Schwarz- Schuchardt). nom Smith, Edward F., and James Gibbons, to WU­ Ginter, Andrew, to John Mnerz, Iiam B. Chapman. Howard av, n e cor De­ schUd and Ferdinand Sulzberger, 9,500 650 Frank, Da-vid, to Benjamin AVestheimer, 5,000 Granniss, George H,, to Cornelia C. Cook. nom catur st, JOOxlOO. Feb. 7. 3 years 1,500 Hawlej-. Edgar W.. to Samuel W. Bar­ Snowden, Robert B.. to The Brooklyn Life Griebel, Annie, wife of Julius B,, to Guj' R, Pelton. 3,000 nuni, New Haven. Conn. 1,000 Ins. Co. St Mark's av, n s. P. M, April 13. Hudson, Thomas D., to Ga.. ton Ballard, Hohn, Carl, Brooklyn, to Henrj- AVeil, 1 year 6,000 Southbridge, Mass. 5,000 Spallholz, Friedrich, to Anton Golder. Hum­ Brooklyn. 4,000 Ilges, John, to Edw-in.F. Smith, BUcher- boldt 8t, w s, 50 n Debevoise st, 25x100. April . Hutchings, Waldo, to Janies D. .Fisch, town, Mass. 1,060 1, 5 years, 6 per cenfc. 400 Brooklyn. 545 Ilges, John, to Thomas Cruttendori. 1,400 348 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD.

Kellogg, Lulu D. and Charles D. (Exrs. H. Bell. Jennie M. 4 West 2Tth st.... J. T. Lynch. 150 Heal, J, .5SK. Division st L, Rosener. Fixt. 250 Banks. G. W. and 31. B. 15 West SOth st.... J. S. Hoefert W. 95 Pitt st... C. Schinipff. Fixt 1511 W. O, KeUogg, dec'd,), to Lulu D, Kel­ Dodge securitj- HDllich, Loui.'se. 5 Eldridge st....A. Hollicli. logg. 1,-WO Butz. Henrv. Greenpoint L. I... C. Mehrtens. FixUires. Same to same, 4,900 BissipKer. F. -'IOl Wesfc -iith st... G. Schmitt 1(55 Holljes. H. 113 South st....D. Hesselbrock. Kiuc, Evelina G. (Admrx.) to Alexander Bronk. G. W. & N. J. 29 West '2:id st ...G. C. Lease. Fixtures, &c. (R) 81 HI Hadden. ^^.WO Film A- Co. LOTI Huhn. C. • 139 West .5Slli st... .J. Huhn. Fixt 110 Kranz, Xavier, to William Ulmer, 2(X) Carville. C. 12 St. Marks pl....K. C. FeicUer. 'J,i;85 Haley tt Hindi m;ui. -237 Mercer st .. W. B. Carville, O. 1-2 St Marks pl....E. W. Feidler. 0,700 Totten. Carriages, Sic li«) Leary, James D,, to Carleton Hunt, Clapp, B. ;J3(1 Broome st... C. A. Brooke. l,-2Jl Howard. H. 517 7th av. ..W. H. H. t.:hilrts. (Guard), 3,.500 Clarlc. .1. E. Citv.... H. L. BriilKinan. 75 Horse. Ac. Leggett Richard L„ to Abraham Hatfield, 8,000 Dever, C. 307 WesHtith st . .u. Biadlej-. 2,0.50 John.soii & I'hler. .-45 Ve.sey st — W. J. Bartlett. Liebniann. S., Sons, to SUas Davis (Trustee DeGniff, M. .M. 105 East llllb St....E. Monisey. 15 Presses, ii:.c. .s.-,ii AV, B. Davis.) 300 DeG raff. M. M. 105 East lllth st.. ...S. P. DeWitt. 100 Joyce. Geo. N. City G. G. Jovce. Fixtures. 8, (ir.i I LKwffler. Henry, to Ralph AV. Kenj-ou (4 De La A'erprne. C. Citj- I. H. Lj-les. Fur­ Kenney, L. A. ViO West lib st....W. H. Hasl- -Assg'-s). "."SS niture. Fi.\lure.s. ings. Honses, Se. (R) :3,ti(ii) Doniianiiiima, F. 51 3tl av E. Downey (R) 2,000 Klien. A. City—O. Sebunian. Kixture.s. 1..5i)() Obenauer. John and Peter Zapp, to Math- De La Vergne. M. J. lOli East aisl sl.. J. 1-:. Kuapp. M. D. Cily—T. Strieh. Cipar Store. .-.i»(i ia.s Obenauer. 850 McPherson. •2>.A Krimiin, J. City ..J. Buro. Bakery Fixt I.IIK) Preston. Jr., Heurv to Henry Preston, Sr. 1,000 Fi'z.slmmons. E. 241 West "Wlh st H. .lellitl 500 Kavniiagli. J. 114 Clinton pl C. Merian. Re.ad Thomas to Helen D. Partridge (widow)'3,000 . Fisk. S. K. Ki--' We.st SOtli st....M. II. Hewins. -2.750 Coupi». &e. Ross. Louisa (Extrx. A. Leininger) to Margaret Hofers, \y. C. ivi Stanton st .^F. W. Banvick 125 Kehr. F. W. City ...G. Depken. Fixtiu-e.s. and Anton Almendiuger. i,,)oo Hoopcs. Lmus. City....LE. T,. Hoope.s. Fiirn^ i Kninin, G. W. 148 Ea.st 13.1 sl ...C. Stark. ture. Fixtures, :5.5()o Hor.ses, Sic Rottmann. Jolm to Frederick Spiess. 2,300 Herlitz. K. IOS East ••id st.... H >icliile. Kramer, Louis. -25!! West 4iHi sl M. Aloore. Samson, Marv L. to George F. Vett^r, ncHn K infr. D. H. 2« West 5rtli st... 51. Hettrick. .•!,5(!0 Horse, .^rc. Schneider, Martin (Guard.) to .Tohn M. Schneid- Ledwith. T. A. 240 We.st :,>id st. .IL Hrewester. Kurz & Volnier. Cily G. /ininseriiianii. pr S,000 Funiiture, Librarv, iltc. Itil Horse, Sic )i:, Seltx, Nicholas to Jo.'jeph Seitz. 300 Letzei.scr. F. 110 'West 5ltb st....J. W. Jiidil. 221 Laii/.ii. R. 139 Fnlton si K. D. Costale.s. Lyon. Dinaii. 215 We.st .-JOili st.. ..f.. H. Lyon. Priiitintc Fixtures. <,R) Slat«i-, Sarah A., to John H. Seal. 3.000 .-1,1100 :38,') Lyon. L..ali. IM 2.1 av....S. Well. 500 Lieb. Williain. Cily J. Weiner. Bakery Southard, Charles H. T. J., Richmond, Lent/., Sriphie. 107 Madison av M. .1. liren- Fixtures. (R) -.•()" Me., to AViUiam H. aud Charles H, RoL nan. (R. .-)IJ l..8 ;M av R. Liiikert. Fixt Tdn Stikeman. 1,(X*0 Marks. E. 511 West-2;M st....H. A. Spofad. (It) 1.000 Luesser. Cluirlolie. HU .\llen 81....J. Hoff­ Tbe Dime Savings Bank. Brookljm, to Cor­ Mattbia. C. W. 7G0 Broadwav... .F. M. Katz. .S.')0 mann. Fixtures. Uii) Morrisson, .L 310 East llth st....W.T. Ryer.soii. nelia wife of Alexander Cook. 10 000 i Morheim. C, H. 33 West KJtli st.... H. Scliile. ,-ir "•" ' Masterson, J.S. Cily....S. Woodward. (R) 10.7.50 Fixiures. (R; lilO The Equitable Life -Assurance Soc of Miller. W. W. and A. T. ViO Easi (52d .^^t.... A. Moynahan. P. 19 Park row R. Wilson. Fix­ United States to Edwin D. Phelps. 6,000: Sclimil. (i.-)0 iures, Furiiiture. &c. 1.000 The South Brooklvu Savings Inst, to Oliver. P. B. li:-Hester sl . H. Schile. 2.! McClure. E. P. & W. K. Cily....G. H. Mc­ Frederick J. Kingsbury, AVaterbury, rreston, 0. C.and C. M. 45 East20ib st..., A. M. Clure. Kixlures. (R) l,OUil Conu. 5,.50O Uiidei-liill. 2,.500 Moore & .-^laiiee. City. ...1-. C. Hotchkiss & Co. The Washin^fcon Life Ins. Co., New York, Pieper. A. Citv-—H. .Schreiber. Fi.\iinvs. Fixtures. (R) .5111 Furniture. &c. (R) l.Wii) Moon* it Manee. City. ..(i. C. Hotchkiss & ("o. to John Slorton 7,.500 Sherwood, J. H. 151 West <15th st, (.•liickeriiiK I'-ixliire.s.

Gehm, D. City.... A. Conrad. Horse, &c. 550 Miller. Henry. ;384, Myrtle av John Bulhvinkle. 1.5 Ackerman, John P.—German Sav­ Hebeler. George. 1069 1st av G. Ringler Se Co. Fixtures, &c. 100 ings Bank (D) 2,095 Saloon Fixturess. 250 McBride, Annie C. 98 Nas.sau .st. New York. .•J7 Hoefele, F. 237 East Oth st.... L, 'SVolL Fixt 300 —Andrew Peck. Printing Press, &c. 2,257 16 Abeel. fieorge, John H., Jr., and Jacobs. Jacob, 122 Sheriff st ... S. Jacobs. 3Iiller, Mrs. P. W. 219 De Graw st....H. P. Frederick H. — Artemns Saliler Butcher Fixtures. -300 Degraaf. Furniture. 650 (impld., &c.) 114 Jones & Graham. City P. P. Chapman. Muller, Aitbiir The Knickerbocker Ice Co. ll) Atkin.son, William H. — William Fixtures, &c. 902 Wagon. 30 Dibblee :i=50 Kidd, C. W. City....M. Bloch. Fixtures. 100 Xebel, Otto. Cor. Bedford and Lexington avs. 1(5 Archibald, Andrew-—L. M. Bates... V2'J Klein. A. City... O. Schuniau. Drug Fixt, ?.500 Adolph Zoru. Furniiure, &c. 30(J Leggat. A. "•W". 384 Caual St... .J. D. Townsend. Page. Rollo 0. 50 Douglass st Mr. Whitney. Ki Adams, Luther—Stephen Rogers... .50.") Fixtures. 1 Oi-gan. 173 17 Auld, Uavid M.—Janet Tilnev ft42 Phillips, P. 2:18 Monroe st.... J. PhilHps. Fixt "200 Page, Rollo O. 50 Douglass st W. F. Symonds. 17 Abbott, Edwin R.—Charles Knox.. s Blauvelt 11. 1. and Elizabeth A. 112 Gi-eene av & White. Horse and Coach. 400 31 — George S. B. Price. Furniture. fi5 Stein, .Adaiu. 2llKtaggsl .Sebastian Streeter. i:i Brown, John—T. D. Warren 1,090 31 Bogert Henry and Helen A. 7:1-2 Carroll st Fi.xtures. im 18 thesame thesame I,;>t2 01 Williani A, Tyler. Furniture. Lt»0 Stone. Merwin E—Barbara Van Etten. Horses 13 the same the same 732 9S Bolstridge, .Maggie. 18 Broome, st — Adaiu and Wagon. 300 1.5 Burke, Edward—W. .L Wood 109 03 Schulz. Furniture. Suling. Frederick, r.53 Washington st William 1.5 Blanchlield, Edw-ard F,—Teresa M, Brady. Mary E. '183 North 2d st... Rosa Stein. Mahlaiid. Horse. LM'C. 3-23 Sulzbach. Michael — Henry Bindrim. Wagon. McDivitt 1,085 OS Fixtures. 75 15 Bensel, AVilliam P,—Mechanics' and Brust Felix. 96 Jloore st Frank Brust Sew­ Sayre. Edward A. 401 Myrtle av Edward ing Machines. &c. 200 Carll. Drug Store. 4,000 Traders' Nat, Bauk of New York, 5,0.^9 00 Butz. Henry. 390 Manhattan nv Catharine School, Christopher. 17:33 Dean st Catlin, 15 Bell. E. T, (Recvr,, &c.)—C, C, Mehrtens. Furniture. *iOO Husthi & Backus. Horse, Wagon, &c. 50 Wakeley costs 247 02 Bell, Thomas. 608 Carroll st.....lohu Mullins. Tutschulte. Caroline F. 424 Classon av. and 27 15 Bliss, Henrv H.—William Gibson.. 17:i :il Furniture. 101 Quincj- st — Marx Maj'. BntcherShop, ic. 70Q 15 Blanchfield, Edward F. — J. K. Tomlinson, Kliza E. 27 Vandewa er st C. C. Benjiiniin. T. OBMiddagh st ...John Midlin.s. Averill 07o 02 Furniture. JO'J Child. Coach. 600 Brush, Mrs. M. 213 JIcDonough st. ...B. M. Cow- Tomlinson. Eliza E. 17,19 uud 21 \^andewater lb the same the same OTO (19 pertbwait Furniture. st — Beers Fro.st. Machinery, Sec 1,000 15 thesame thesame 547 89 Campbell. Archibald. 78 South 3d St....James Trail. Josephine. Cor. Broadwaj' and Jlarga­ 10 Bennett, Hazen W.—L. M. Bates 129 09 C Eadie. Piano. 13 retta St.... Silas A. Underhill. Fixiures. 65 IG Breivogel, George—H. W. Stehr .530 90 Chapman. John. Xorth IOth st Jacob F. Trau, Josephine. 1157 Myrtle av Henry Bob- 18 Brandt, Adam — Joseph (Jechsler Healej'. Tools, Fixtures, &c. 15,000 enhausen. Grocerj- Store. 800 Titus, Isaac C. & Co. 'Si Liberty st. NewYork costs l'2S 13 Decker, L. D. 248 South 1st st ...James S. 16 Bendall. Mark J,—F. R. Boerum.,. 173 Payue. Fixtures, &c. 1,500 — R. Hoe Se Co. Printing Press. &c. 1,68-3 61 Dorin, James. Taj-lor st, cor Wj-the av David Wells. Marj' A. 119 Henrj- st... Cliarlotte Angus. 17 Baker, L. F.—James Cousins 14S 33 Jones. Ale. 19 Furniture. 400 17 Bushnell, William—Jacob We.art... 850 01 Dieli-ick. Anthonj-. 129 Moore st Philipx) Winkel. Adam. 47 Tompkins av George 17 Baum, Abraham—Hezekiah Kohn., 1,7.';5 S2 Spatz. Horse. &c. 100 Seikenger. Lager Beer Saloou. 200 17 Bartels, Henry—Zimri West 195 49 Dunbar Se Carr. 121 Liberty st, New York R. Wolkerling, Henry. 152 Lorimer st Warren 17 Bui-net, Edw-ard E,—Henrv Bain­ Hoe. & Co. Printing Press. 411 Foote. Bakerj-. 200 Warner, Ella B. and Harriet X. Haight 124 bridge •; 1,51) 19 Fagan, Thomas H. 2:J7 Sackett st ...David B. IS Browning, Aaron—J, H. Rapp 270 Duiihain. Coach. :J50 Atlantic st William W. Rose (exr.) Fix. 3,160 46 Frankel. Diones. 755 Fulton st — George Zipp. Wetter, Havier, aud Henry Wohluss. 73 Fulton 11 Contrell, John—A. A. Brow-n.,costs 2,59 05 Fixtures,

12 DulTj-, John—William Qiiiuu 103 05 j 13 Hogan, John—James Wallace 264 94 15 Miner, Joshua D,—Mechanics' & 12 Diigan, Owen—W. M. Price •2i>3 911 5 Harris, Joseph—C, F, Wahlig 149 95 Traders' Nat, Bauk 1,32S 67 12 Hearing. Albert G.—Henrj' Nass... 4:1 40 I 15 Hatton, Patrick—Gardner Sniith,,, 113 48 15 the same tbe same ,,. 2,1.S5 51 13 Devoe, Edward—C. M. Decker 25 97 I ,- Her,shberger.Henr%-B, ILouisSied- 16 Myers, L, D.—A. J. Works •243 04 13 Doyle, William—Elizabeth Conahau 204 20 : '•' Hariug, William Y. D, f enbach ,, S50 22 16 Mangam, Darius R.—Fourth Nat i:; Davis, William W.—L. M. Bates..., 270 301 15 Heilland, Charles—Isaac Haller ISO 11 Bank 2,034 02 1" Donovan. Bartholomew — G, L, 15 Haight, Jacob aud Andrew-G. W. 17 Menck, Willitun (Exr.)—G. B. Law- Schuyler 71 81 I Brown 2,928 17 ton 1,679 45 15 Davis, William H.—J. B. Lewis 47 so! 16 Hoey, Johu — F. J. INIoisseu (As­ 17 the same the same 1,708 33 16 Datum, John, Jr.—Joseph Keel,... .SS 06 I signee) 96 31 17 the same the .same 1,.501 69 16 Doe. John—T. E. Studley 640 31 I 16 Hunt, Heury F.—F. W. Starr 915 41 17 the same the stime 1,516 65 16 Doj-le. Andrew- T.—Jeremiah De­ 16 Haller, Jacob—Frekerick Beiuss 70 34 17 Martin, Robert F.—Charles Knox.. 891-08 laney 167 .50 I 16 the same William Beud- 17 Murjihy, Ellon—Calveu Adolphe 676 94 16 Dooley, Eliza—J. L. Ciilbei-t 115 24 feldt 178 .59 17 Murphj', Hannah the same 1,007 79 16 Douglitv, Albert H.—Fourth Nat. 16 Herbert, John J.—F. S. Haas 397 .S9 17 Moltz, Frederick C—E, F. Wettig BauTc" 2,034 02 j 16 Hart Henry—H. B. Claflin 8>)2 87 (costs) 146 07 16 De Forest, Robert W.—Marietta II. 16 Howe, William F.—James Pui-s.selL I'22 65 17 Massey, Jane E, — A, S. Sullivan Stevens 94 79 i ,-. Hei-slibergei-,Harr3'B. I r,. TT >r • ,no .M (Public Admr, and Admr. of Sam­ 17 Denton, Benjamin L.—J. J. Hughes 84 OS ^^' Hariiig, \?illiam V. D. \ ^-H.-Morisou 498 22 uel Ma.sscj-).' 381 44 17 Dodge, Stephen A.—John Zimnier- 16 Hubert, Cornelia E. G. and Philiji 17 MulockjWilliaiu G.—J. H.Ackennau 179 77 mauu I,.SSO ,V,I G.—J. F. Sheafe (D) '2,431 10 IS Mahler, Moritz-S. P. Hyman .5:!0 48 17 thesame thesame I,-297 ",I3 17 Hicks, (Tuy—James Cousins 148 ;>! 18 IMartin, Patrick—Emeline Gallup. (D) 4,310 90 17 Davis, A. C—Hartholemew Conley. 89 99 17 llaudte, Herniau aud Charles- IS jMo.se.s, Simon—Union Stock Yanl 17 Dillon John (an infant)—Albert Ott. 73 ^K) Daniel Adams 436 '22 aud Market Co 2,481 69 17 Davison, William J.—H. B. Clallin. 409 45 17 Hunt, Josiah C—A. M. Collignon.. 278 80 IS 2Maj-er, Frederick W.—August Stein- 17 Doolittie, Philo E.—W. H. Lyon.... 107 OS 17 Henrettj-, William — George Gal­ bock 349 .89 17 Daveniiort .John L—Eben Miller... S05 OS lagher (Exr.) 309 60 18 Metzger, Charles F.—S. S. Ackcrlj-, IS Dtioley, J-Iliza—J. L. Mott Iron 17 Hamilton, .John—H. B. Claflin...... 409 45 Jr 128 63 Work-; 302 05 17 Hviuau, Elkin—Eleauor iMulligan., 87 99 15 Mattison, J. B.—Isaac Angleniau... 80 16 IS Dugan, Pliilip aud Eliza—Michael IS Hinck, Jacob—B. L. Hayden 79 05 12 McRoberts, William — First Nat 1 Jrophy .58 40 12 Is.aac, Lesser—Bank of the Metroi>- Bauk of Lebanon 617 14 1*^ thesame Marj-C. Brophy. (30 15 olis , .522 64 13 IMcDougall, Duncan—J. W. GoIT ... 94 29 18 the same Edwin Terrj- 58 54 12 Ihne, Henry—R. M. Hoe 87 37 16 McCnun, Thomas ami Jane W. 12 Eagleson, Alexmider—Michael Cur­ 15 Infeld, Charles—Jaines Gill .S75 97 (Exi-s.. &c.)—Joseph Kenworthj-., 2,202 75 lev 192 14 17 Irving, John (alias George and Johu 16 McLoughlin, Jame.s—J. J. (Parks,,, 11.5 09 13 Eddv. Robert IL—Merchants' Nat. Morton)—People of tbe State of 17 McCarrin, Patrick J,—F. P. Osborn. 365 87 Bank of Whitehall 226 II New- York 3,500 00 18 McKenna, Ilenrj' G. — Frederick 13 Eagan. John — S. H. Friedmann 15 Iv-ory, Thomas—Thom.as Bracken... 748 19 Link 48-1 14 costs 37 .58 11 Jatiuics, Henry H.—G. W. Moore... 1,330 .57 IS McCnrrj-, Patrick—Daniel Coleman. 1:13 .84 15 Elkins, George B.—Patrick Hanlon.. .3,S2S 90 16 Jackson, Abrabam—T. E. Studley.. 640 31 11 Nichols,'Williain S.—Joseph Agate, 4,281 21 17 Eih.ard; Prosiier — Jolm Zimmer- 16 Johu.son, Edward H. — Theodore 13 Nienaber, Georgo and Otto—F, L, luaiui I,'297 93 Clarkson 200 7S Scliniersahl 194 81 17 the same the same 1,SS9 59 IS Jarrat, Mi-s.—Johu Iseniiianu 65 92 13 Niebuhr, William F,—W, T. Hunt,. 694 37 17 Emerson, PMward H. — Standard 11 Kingsbury, Samuel N. and Johu A. 15 Nelson, Jaines—J, N, Warner 36 20 Ammonia Co S7 64 —Patrick Maginn L*29S 06 15 Norton, Patrick—Gardner Smith,,, 113 48 11 Fau-shawe, Kenry A.—H. R. Wil­ 11 tbe same C. H. Garden 717 83 16 Nnngezer, George H.—W, W, Un­ liams 1.0.36 04 11 the same the same 2,329 9S derhill . ?25 84 U Fuller, William J.—E. C. Hazard... 360 69 11 the same N. A. Seeley 1,333 .56 17 Netter, Albert and Gabriel—Henrj^ 1". Freel, Edward—James Elliott 1,'2S0 95 11 the same C. B. J>asseil 2,619 65 Mendel 9,-263 69 13 Funk, Edward (.A.dmr., &c.)—Abbj' 12 Kohustaunn, Leo — E. V. Kohn- 15 Ne.-^s, Frederick E. and George M.— S.Martin costs 131 00 staunn a51 79 Pt;ter Weidmau 129 39 i:*. Farle\-, Patrick—C. H. Heimburg... 145 28 12 Kraft, Johu — Manufacturei-s' & 12 O'Donnell, Jaines M, — Fifth Nat 15 Furgusou, John T.—Robert McCor­ Builders' Fire Ins. Co. 1,790 04 Bank of Pittsburgh 5,496 94 mick 130 20 12 Kenney, Patrick E.—Frank Rhomer 184 36 13 O'Connell, ^Jicholas-S, M, Baldwin 430 '•33 15 Foa-*, Levi G.—Ixiuis Sideubach... 8.50 22 12 Kupper, Fritz—H. B. Wheatcrroft .. 38 85 16 O'Sullivau, Sylvester, Jr.—D. H. 16 Fi-ankeuthaler, Fanny—r.#evy Cohen. 27 .50 13 Krumm, Gottlieb aud Catharine— Brooks 2.S4 29 16 Fouse, Levi G.—T. H. Morison 498 22 Fransizka Krapf 1,233 36 IS Ottemaun, Annie—W.H. Beadleston 579 00 17 Fa-s-sert, Charles—H. R. Kerr 465 42 16 Keyes, M. Louisa—John Money- 18 O'Connor, Richard — Daniel Mc- 17 Fitzpatrick, ^Eneas — George Gal­ penny 102 7;i Enernv 222 79 lagher (Exr.) 309 60 16 Kuhn, John—Stephen Rogei-s 505 65 11 Phillip-s.'Thomas J.—E. C. Hazard.. 360 69 IS Fink, Richiu-d—John Mue.ss 104 .50 17 Koch, August—Zimri West 195 49 12 Pecher, Henrj' A.—Margaretta L. IS Farley, Patrick—P. A. Wal.sh .5-24 45 17 Kellj-, Owen—Patrick Connoi- SI 86 Stilweil . 172 16 IS Kerri.s, Edw-ard S.—S. J. Aheru 264 65 IS Korper, Frederick—Patrick Lenane. 225 10 12 Procopiardi, Demosthenes—Lemon 18 the same the same 710 69 IS Kellj^, William—First Nat. Bauk... 2,275 3S Thomson 1,039 42 18 the same the .same 211 53 11 Law-rence, Daniel H.—Patrick Ma­ 12 Parker, E. Mitchner—Matilda Mc­ li Good, James W.—G. W. Moore. . 1,330 57 ginn .'.. 1,298 06 Master 219 40 12 Gregorscn, George J.—E, V, Kohu- II thesame C. H.Garden 717 83 15 Ferine, Anna E.—C. H. Hallock 637 S:} staunn - :!51 79 11 the same N. A. Seelej- 1,3:33 .56 15 Pitts, Mary B.—Philip Embury.. (D) 3,019 69 .., Gregory, Charles A, (Samuel Heth- 11 the same C. B. J^asell '2,619 65 16 Procopiardi. Demosthenes — C. D. '" Green, John E, C eringtou,,,, 956 30 thesame- -C, H. Gardeu, 2,329 98 Rousseau 1,019 93 13 Gluck, Solomou — W. G, Conner Lahr, Adam- W, H, Dannat, 925 05 16 the same Lemon Thompson 978 24 (Sheriff) costs IW 11 12 Lester, Louis aud Morri.s—Henry 16 the same B. W. Arnold 772 24 13 Gill, Thomas J.—People of the State Sweet ". 301 23 16 the same W. I. Negus 202 53 of New York 300 00 12 Laudauer, Courad—\Y, C. Conner 16 Place, Daniel N.—Gleu Cove Starch 15 (trifling, Horace B,—Edward Scher- (SherifT, &c.) 142 62 Manufacturing Co 3:15 96 rer costs 54 52 12 Leonard, W. Edgar—J. J. Townsend 100 '23 16 Petei-son, Williain H. — Morris 15 (ilines, George E,—M, K, Pelletreau 259 50 12 Lowenstein, Ascher—Herman Zweig 745 25 Langer 666 03 16 Greeue, Edward A,—Republic Fire 13 Lord, William R.—J. P. Sunder­ 16 thesame Bela Langer 456 03 Ins, Co costs 533 OS land 364 72 16 Putnam. Wilkins—Stephen Rogers. 505 Ob lt» G.aviu, Michael—Jobn McManus 126 84 15 Looram, Johu—David Jones 732 86 17 Porter, Williani—People of the State 16 G.-mo, James M, (Exr, &c.)—Joseph 16 Leslej-, Alexander M.—S, B White of New- York 4,000 00 Kenworthy 2,202 75 (Recvr,) (D) 16,866 75 17 Pobjay, Thomas W.-J. J. Hughes. 84 08 16 Graham, John—Stephen Rogei-s 505 (w 17 Levj-, Bertha-Johu Streib 261 39 17 Procopiadi, D.—A. S. Procopiadi... 1,616 94 17 Gonoude, Jmnes—People of the State 17 Lazare, Adolph H,—William King, 479 39 17 Perrin, Fred. M.—T. H. Greer 130 40 of New- York 3,500 00 17 Latting, "AValter S.—Standard Am­ IS Procopiardi, Demosthenes — E. D. 17 Ginsl)erg, Samuel—Hezekiah Kohn.. 1,7.55 82 monia Co 87 64 Fogg 1,049 20 IS Gurley, George B.—H. F. Averill... 197 34 11 Moran, Patrick — Thomas McCor­ 18 Procopiadi, Demosthenes — Phillips 11 Heuser, Christian—Julius Seligsberg 1,248 ;34 mack , 44 50 Phoenix (Trustee) 518 ,52 11 Hulett, Aleximder—Patrick Maginn I,-298 06 11 Mendelssohn, Theodore L,—Marga­ IS thesame thesame 351 99 11 the same C. H. Gardeu.,.. 717 83 ret Budd 335 73 18 the .same J, C, Hubbell.,, 933 36 11 thesame the same 2,3-29 98 70 83 12 Moran. Thomas—Joseph Maier l,0;iS 09 IS Quincj-, William IL—C, M, Pine.,. 11 the same N, E, Seeley l,:i:>J .56 12 Mej-er, Anna M,—Hermann Meyer, 12 Ramppen, Fraucis A. — Caroline 11 the same C, B, Lasell, 2,619 65 12 Miner, Joshua D.—Atlantic Giant 528 31 Rfimppen costs 5a5 48 12 Hillier, Joseph—Cathanue E. Payn­ Powder Co .576 25 13 Rhodes, Charles "W.—Cuba National tar (D) 443 46 12 the same the same 1,174 25 Bank 4,.5.56 78 12 H

Shea, Martin ) ^r. g, Akiu.... 187 42 17 The New York Coustniction Co.— 11 Faushawe, Henry ' A.—H, R, AVii­ *'- Schnerr, Constant ) Erastus Corning 14,762 01 liams 1,036 40 11 Schlawe, Gustav—Heury Bick, Jr.. 192 &5 17 The Bethlehem Iron Co,—J. G, Sib­ 13 Felte, Henrj-—E, Kane .89 00 12 Scott, Eliza T,—J. W, DoPej-ster... 209 S2 bald , 1,-582 28 15 Furze, Henrj- aud AA''illiam—J, Ken­ 12 Schlosser, Jacob (Exr., &c.)—Libbie 18 The Maj-or, Aldermen, Sec.—George drick 46.3 10 M,Baker 1,119 25 Moore 7,604 26 16 Froelicb, George and Eliz-abeth— 12 thesame Sarah Mack 1,12132 12 Vogelbacber, William—David Hoyt, IOl 00 The United Confcctiouei-s Assot;... 1,,555 39 12 Shearman, Thomas—O, S, Carll,,,. .59 87 15 Valentine, John (J,—Caroliue J. 17 Frederick, Theoilore—C. H, Riei-soii 13 Server, Edw-ard A,—Cuba National Bridgmau (Aduir.x., &c) 152 28 (Exr,) ,.,, 1,386 4S Bank 4,556 78 15 the same the s3 44 ings 16,487 49 17 Handle, Herman and Cbarles—D 15 Sinclair, William C.—J, J. Wester­ 13 Williams, Charles—S. M. Baldwin.. 4:io '.^Ai Adams 436 12 velt 155 01 13 AVihl, Alfred—American Nat Bank 14,*253 39 17 Hartmau, William E. — C. D 16 Sh.arts, Theodore — John Money- 15 Wells, Benjainin F., Jr.—Edward Rowehl 511 .54 penny 102 73 Schei-rer costs .54 .52 18 Herrmann, George—J. AVoelir 1,407 .50 16 Spitzer, George W. aud Solomou— 15 Williams, Jacob—S. T. Hawley 178 16 17 Indig, Edward—Nat City Bank, Daniel Hess 227 73 16 AVelier, AVilliam—Leopold Strauss.. 129 71 Brookl J-n 81 ;5;; 16 Spitzer, Solomon—L. H, Caldwell.,. 217 8;^ 17 AViiliams, AVilhelmina—People of II Juquies, Henrj- H.—G. AV. Moore... i,:i:50 .57 17 Solomou, Emanuel—Joseph Merfeld 2,300 00 the State of New Y''ork 4,000 00 18 Jackson, Sarali aud Heiirj-—A. B. 17 Schieirelin, Bradliurst — Martha A. 17 AVilkesou. Berhuard — Frederick Embu 1-J' (Trustee) 471 .85 Fraucis (Extrx,, Sec) 251 65 Michel, 264 95 18 Joues, Catharine D.—J. Dikeman... 681 23 17 Stevenson, V. K.. Jr.—Julia Hj-- IS AVebb, Mary Y. H, — Mury E 11 Kui-st, Isiibella E. (Impld. &c.)—P. mans 231 88 AVhiting 2:33 19 A. Davis 702 43 IS Stonej', Henrj-—Emeline Gallup (D) 4,340 90 18 AVelcke, l>:d«-ard AV. and Robert A, 15 Kenuj-, Laurence — The United 18 Stephens, George W.—L. J. Salomon 23 11 —J, H, A^?u Kirk 40 92 States Trust Co. New York 3,7.3S 76 IS Shaw, Charles H.—Jacob Morch ,591 03 18 AVorks, Alfred J.—AV. H, Greeue... KKI 74 15 Kellj-, Peter H.—J. A. Eagleson 317 82 18 Szigetby, Alexander, Sr.—August 18 AVertlunm, Anton—E. A. Klein 139 6-1 15 Liustead, Jr. Johu E.—J. V. Aveut. 59 02 Steinbeck 115 25 12 Yost, George AV, N.—Andrew Al­ 16 Lechuga, S.—A. H. Moore • ISO 47 IS Szigethy, Franz the same 215 83 bright 608 03 17 Lent, Harrison H. (impld., &c.)—S. 18 Szigethj-, Alexander, Jr. the II Zingsem, Godfrej-N. and Raphael R. Ross 2ri8 50 same 244 67 —Margaret Budd 335 73 17 Levv, Bertha—J. Streib '261 39 13 Sniith, Addison P.—Alfred Law­ 12 Millett, Edward P.—C, E. Hueberer. 211 07 rence , 679 SS 13 McCormick, Johu (Imuld. &c.)—G. 17 Smith, .Tohn—Heui-j' Ferris 106 97 AV. Kidd : •2,'>7S 41 18 Smith, Spencer H,—Bailey Hascall, 6(5,517 SO KINGS COUNTY% N. Y. the same the same 2,-278 41 IS Smith, George W. aud Deborah A,— April, the .same the same 2,'278 41 S, J. Aheru 264 65 thesame tbe same 2,411.87 18 the sume the same 710 69 11 Abearue, Ida E,—N, Smith §321 .50 the .same the same 2,'278 41 18 the same the same 211 .53 11 Atwood, A. D.-J. Adams 296 49 the same the same 2,-278 41 11 Thurber, Horace K, and Francis B, 12 Bull, Hcm-y C.—H. Jilurr.-iy 66 49 the same the same 2,278 41 —A, A, Brown costs 259 05 12 Brown, Mrs. Slarj'—A. Thompson. 140 IS 15 Millard, Leffeits, A. Or\-iUe and 12 Taylor, George—R, M. Oberteuller. 40,-17 L 32 12 Burleigh, Mrs.—J. M. Hildreth, Jr.. 72 35 James L.—J. Cole 3:11 34 12 Taylor, James S, — Lemon Thom­ 13 Bow, William A.—S. Stern 791 (kS 16 Monsell, John A, (impld,, Sec)—S. J. son 1,039 42 13 Boj-lau, Marj- aud Michael J.—A. C. Bacon .5,-581 2S 12 Theis-/, Johu (Exr., cfcc.)—Libbie M. Hippennieyer 4,3.50 58 17 Maujer, Rose—T. McCue 123 (K Baker 1,119 25 13 Brown, Lemuel—M. McCue 1,079 79 17 McNulty, Lsjiac—H. T.e.slie 1,1-13 18 12 thesame Sarah Mack 1,1-21 32 15 Bland, Jolm B.—R. M. H. Deas 15 Nichols, AAMlIimu B. (Impld. &c.)— 12 Telford, Jolm M,—Mayer Baum... 82 21 (Trustee) 87 .'58 The John Hancock Mutual Life 13 Toniaszewski, Magdalena — Sophia 15 Bradlej-, James A. (Applt.) — A. Ins. Co 303 42 CKSO 17 Wacker 1.52 06 Churchill (Respdt.) 15 the same the .same 3,297 92 15 Torrey, James D,—G, W. Brown... *2,92S 17 15 Binns, James—A. G. AViUiams 396 58 15 the .same the same 4,297 92 16 Taylor, JamesS.—C. D. Rous.se.iu.. 1,019 93 16 Bendall, Mark J.—F. R. Boerum 173 61 15 the same the same 797 92 16 the same Lemou Thompson 978 '24 17 Bower, Samuel—J. Smith 65 93 15 797 92 270 46 the sjiuie tbe .same 16 the same B. W. Arnold— 772 24 17 Browning, Aaron—J. H. Rjipp 15 the same the same I,-297 92 16 the same W. I. Negus 202 53 17 Beattj-, Edw-artl—The Commercial 15 1,-547 92 550 49 the same the same 16 Tracy, Gilbert Golden — Sarah A. Bauk 15 the same- -the same I,4'.t7 92 Harrison 195 48 17 Bennett, George A.—11. B. Fiske... 143 53 15 the same- -the same.. I,•21)7 16 Thaiu, Mary T.—J. F. Sheafe...{D) 2,431 10 17 Barker, AVilliam aud Kate — G. 15 the sjune- -tbe same. l,i'A7 17 Tiirt, Alunsou IL—Iron Clad ^Mfg. Moonej' 81 53 15 Nolan. Thomas—The BrooklyuDailj- 817 62 IS Brasher, Philip—J. Sogelken 3'25 S4 Eagle 107 2.'^ 17 Taylor, J. S.—A. S. Procopiadi 1,616 94 12 Chapinau, Francis—O. Harned 701 83 12 Carpenter, J. O.—E. R. Coker..,,.. 87 :i5 17 Ness, J'rederick E. and George M.— 17 Titus George G.—I. & S. Bernhei­ P. AVeidman 1'29 39 mer 166 68 13 Coit, AVillimu A,—E. T, Backhouse, 1,431 64 IS Tifft, Alanson H.—Iron Clad Mfg. 13 Clausing, Alfred—E, Titus 158 72 10 Obrig, Helene—A. Graboo.skj- 3.50 5-1 Co 817 92 15 Carroll, James T,—R. Talbot 97 73 11 Olwell, Michael—J. M. Moore 471 '26 IS Taj-lor, James SpaiUding—Phillips 15 Coit, AVilliam A,—J, Hitz .. 323 20 15 O'Connell, Nichola.s—S. W. Baldwin 4'.',i) 33 Phoenix (Trustee) 351 99 15 ConneUj-, Jcseph—J. AV. Gedney... 112 62 15 Olwell, Michael—F, H, Leggett 331 49 IS the same the same 518 52 16 Carman, A. F.—M. Jlay 131 04 15 Otard, Josephine and Fi-iuik—The 18 the same—'- J. C. Hubbell... 9:5:^ 36 16 Catherwood, liobert B. — J, A, United States Trust Co. NewYork. 3,73S 76 IS Taylor, James S.- -E. D. Fogg 1,049 20 Reilly «« S5 IS Ottemuuu, Annie—AV. H. Beadles­ ton .579 00 18 the sanie- -First Nat. Bank 2,275 :i8 16 Camp, Joanna L,—G. L, Holden ,, 2:'^8 10 18 Tower, James M.—Warren CUemi- 17 Cleary, James—G, Copelaml 89 89 15 Popponhuseu. Adolph—F. Konig 1.5,7'24 .54 cal and Mfg. Co 250 69 17 Colgan, Elizabeth and Thomas A.— 15 Periue, Ann E.—C. H, Halleck 6:17 Sl 11 The Maj'or, Aldermen, &c.—Catha­ P,Embury l.IMO 07 15 Pitt, Charles \^ L,—C, F, A. Hiu­ rine Dimond (Atlmrx., Sec) .3,611 96 IS Cashow, George B,—AA'', Mackej',,,. 167 43 richs 301 92 16 Piue, Loiii.se E.—A. A. Pbelori 81 45 49 16 11 Dunning, Edward C—AV. C. Robin­ 12 the same Joseph Wehrle... son 3'.n 10 16 Reiner, Charles—G. Emmemiann., :5-->7 4:! 12 thesame Owen Moran 5,082 41 12 Delan, Louis P.—E. Pmtt (Assignee) *2'2n 03 10 Ramppen, Francis A,—C Ramppen .585 4.s 13 Ihe Mercantile and Statistical 13 Dugan, Owen-AV. M. Price 2:i;l 91 17 Rust, Millard P.—G. S. Diossy 253 :i8 17 Redfem, Thomas C,—E, Davis 76 75 Agency Assoc—F. R. Sherman... 6,395 50 13 Dw-j'er, Julia (Admrx., &c.)—D. B. Stearus 178 75 IS Roberts, Porteous B,—H, Griffen... 1,069 22 13 The Lake Sujierior Ship Canal R. R. IS Davis, AA'iUiam H.—J. B. Lewis 47 80 11 Schoemann, F, C—N. B. Abbott... 24 15 andli-onCo.—Amet-ican Nat. Bank 14,253 39 IS Duffy, Edward G. (Admr.) — A. P. 11 Schneider, Edwai-tls—W. Gorman,. 176 09 11 Soden, Thomas J, aud John G, 16 The Broadwaj' Stable Co. (limited) Goodnow^ 887 18 11 Ehlers, Nicholas (Impld., &c.)—E. (Applts.)—L.H. Dickinson (Respdt) 192 93 —Charles Bendow 279 60 Cooper 471 38 ,.-J Shea, Martin ) ^.r i, ,.1-., ,0-. ,.T 16 The Long Island R. R. Co.—J. A. 12 Egan, Lucj'—L. R. Hughes 230 94 1- Schnerr, Constant f ^' "• ^^"'- •' ^^' "^^ Clussman costs 137 41 15 Elkins, George B.—P. Hanlon 3,828 90 13 Speh, Ferdinmid (Applt.)—^J. Eschle- 17 Evening Mail Association—W. R. 15 Ehlei-s, Heury—E. Olseu (Extrx.)... 305 23 moim 61 84 Learn 301 95 352 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD.

Stockwell, Aden B. and Levi S.— Phillips, Samuel—The Maj-or, &c., of New 18New A'ork av, e s, 20n Atlanticav. 12x100. T. Fisher 333 98 York. (1878) 106 49 Charles Robins agt Henry J. Brown and A. Bhodes, William B.. George H. and Frank Q. AA'eeks Sawver, Edward J. aud Robert F.— C—Elizabeth M. Hudson. (1878) 598 96 .S.'W. Baldwin 430 33 Rodman, Carl—.Samson W. Rosenfels. (1878). 1.099 82 Spitzer, Solomon—B. Mai-sh 1,333 44 Rolliii.s, Aaron B—Manning, Bowman & Co. Sijca, Martin (Applt)—J. Keenan (1877) 143 29 (Resptlt) 204 44 Same same. (1878) 160 W BUILDINGS PROJECTED. St<^Kidard, James and Catharine—C. Same .same. (187.5) 3.040 13 H. Rierson (Exr.) 1,386 48 Rvan, John-George M. Weld. (1878) 1,135 .52 •Koome, William B.—.lo.seph Rilej-. (1871).. 194 41 Seedorff. Fraucis—C. H. Meller 116 75 Rogers, t--arah A.—Henry T. Cutter. (1877)..» 2-28 40 NEW YORK CITY. Schwartz, Leopold—T. W. McGow­ Reilly, Bernard—Benjamin F. Fellon. (187S) 950 12 an. Jr 519 05 Schirmer, Williani—.Mamiiug, Bowman & Plan 225—Morris st, n s, 101 e AVashington av, Smith, Stephen (Admr.)^AA'. Lock- Co. (1877) 143 29 one three-storj'^ brick store aud dwelling, 25.3 and wood 161.52 Same same. (1878) 160 01 Same same. (1875) 3,016 13 2.5x60 and 64, tiu rooL iron cornices; cost, §0,500; The sole acting Executor of Neil owner, Frederick Muller, Tremont station; archi­ Doughertv—James McDevitt etal. 4.'244 98 Sonnenberg. J.—Max Borger. (1877) 39 01 Simon. Kaufman—Judson G. AVorth. (1870) 78 74 tect, Theo. E. Thonuson: buildei-s, AV. R. Holder Toman, Patrick—W. Howard (KIO 07 Shepard. AV. A.-Samuel A. Way. (1874)..., 3l3 47 and Geo. E. Sherwood. The Admrx, «S;c.. Cornelius Dwj-er •Smythe, Henry-Joseph Merchant. (!878l,, 5-27 10 (dec'd.)-D, B. Stearns 178 75 Stanton, Lottie-John Morris. (1870) 92 79 Plan 2-26—Tw-elfth sfc (No. .343 AVest), one five- The Brooklj-u Elevated Railroad Co. Same same. (1875) 5;M 94 storj' brick shop and dwelling, 22x50, tin roof —J. AV, Adams '2,190 .89 Starin. John H.—AVilliam H. Rexter. (1877) 90 35 aud iron cornice; cost, $8,000; owner, Henry The Lj-ou Sc Fellow-s Manuf, Co, Same same. (1878) 137 45 AA'olfe, 3;38 AA'est 16th st; architect, Robert Mook; Same same. (1876) .3,56160 builder, Johu Lescher. (Ai'plts,) — Blak & Johnson Sherman, Mary A. — John Y. Schaefer. (Re-spdts,) 92 9S (1877) 409 00 Plan 2-27—Seventh av. No. 810, one four-story Taliinan, Clarence—P, H, Ahlers,,. 70 45 Sweet Henry—William O'Day. (1870) 231 82 Ohio stone store aud tenement, 2.5.1 x(>4; tin roof Talmage, Mary J,—F, G, Sammis,, 8-29 70 Todd.Andrew J.—Alexander Burns. (1878).. 89 65 aud iron cornice; cost, §10,000; owner, H. AV. Turton, Thomas—J, G, Sj-ms 1,143 44 Taggart Robert—Thomas AVilson. (1872)... 30 13 McMann. 1.54 E. 34th st; architect, J. M. Dunn; Tetcns, Mary Ann (Impld,, &c.)—E. Same Joel Hayden. (1876) £.58 90 builders, C. Callahan and Christie & Dykes. Same Thomas Wilson. (1872) .'10 13 Rorke .5,190 71 The Jlavor, Sec, of New York — Hiram Plan 2-28—Bauk st, No. 151. ono two-story brick The Admr. of Henrietta Smith Jeliffe. (1878) 172 90 stable,20x44: tiu roof; cost, $1,800: owuei-s, A. C. (dec'd)—\V. Lockwood 161 .52 Same M.H.Moore. (1878) 6,8.33 29 Kingslaud & Sou, .55 Broad st; builder, E. Soren- The Admrs. of Robert C. Young Same C. V. Hough. (1878) 130 80 son mid AV. Pepiier. (dec'd)—A. F, Goodnow 8S7 18 Same William S. Smilh. (1878) 731 68 A'ice. Thonuis C.—P, Lang 167 50 §Eqiiitable L fe Assurance Soc. of Uniled Plan 2-20—AA'ashington av, n s, 1,000 w Indepen­ AVright, James C,—A, Lazanskv lOS 51 States-Marx Hai-iis. (1873) 3,955 98 dence av, one oue-aud-one-halfstory brick stable, The Mayor, .Sc. of New York—Richard M. "36.6x25; slate roof: cost, §l,-300; owuer, A. E. AVilsev, William W.—M. L. AVilsey. 84 85 Upjohn. (1878) 141 CO WariL John E.—C. A. Easton 2,981 83 Putnam, Spuyten Duj-vil; architect and carpen­ Same Alfred J. Bloor. (1878) 169 37 ter, S, L. Berrian; ma.sons, Emerj- & Forsj-th. AValters, AVilliam M.—F. J. Cassidy. 100 07 Same Napoleon Le Bnui. (1878) 245-25 AViiliams, Charies—S. AV, Baldwin.. 430 33 The Board of Fire Commissioners of New Plan 230—Tenth av. No. 296 (rear), one one- AVoehr, Jacob F,—J, Maurice 134 17 A'ork-.Mbert P. Fuller etal. (1878) 43 30 .storj' brick aud glass factory, 18.xl2; tin roof; Williams. Sarah aud Thomas J.— AVheeler, William AA-,—-Valentine A, Sea­ co.sK §'2'25; owner, AVm. Kuen.stler, 305 10th av; man. (Pi76) ... 5.S0 81 builder, AA''. H. Pritchard. The Brooklyn Life Ins. Co .557 00 Wolf, Abraham-David Moses. (1878) 84 92 AA'addell, Jr., Hamilton—The Ken­ Plan 2;il—Fifty-fifth st, n s, 200 e 1st av, one dall Biscuit Co 539 OS two-storj' brick and brown stone stable, 25x5-1; AVilson, Johu T.—F. M. Emery * A'acated by order of Court + Secured on Appeal. tin roof and iron cornice; cost, $8,0(10: owner, (Extrx.) 1,323 84 t Released. § Reversed. 5 Satisfled by Execution. Peter Doelger, 55th st, cor. 1st av; architect, AA"". AA'illiams. AA'illiam H.—J. B. Lung.. 64 66 Jose: builder, John Goerlit/. AVeber, Joseph—J. Henn 2:^3 94 Plan 2:)-2—Fiftj--eiglith sfc, s s, 550 w 5th av, two AVall ice, John (.-Vdmr.)—A. F. Good­ now 887 18 live-storj- browu stone dwellings, 25x65; tiu roof Young, Maria (Admrx.) — A. F. MECHANICS' LIENS. and iron cornice; cost, ?3{),000; ow-ner, Thomas Goodnow 887 18 McJlanus, 709 Lexington av; architect, li. Mul- Young, Archibald—C. Young 4,6S8 .53 doon. NEAV YORK CITY. Plan 233—One Hundred nnd Thirty-first sfc, u s, April. 200 e Sth av, five three-story brown stone dwell­ * 13 Broadway, No. 440. e s. John J. Lawrence agt ings, 17.6x.50; gravel roof aud iron cornice; cost, J.J. Ribon and .\. H. Scofield SlOl SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. N. Y. §5,000; owner, Jno. Dugan, Jr.; architect and * 16 Broadwav. No. 440. e s. Watrous & AVilson agt builder, E. Davison. The Estate of Albert H. Scofield and Joseph A]n-il 11 to 17, inclusive. E. Ribon 588 "Plan 2:14—One Hundred and Twentj'-third sfc, .Vmistrong. Harriette C. B. and Frederick— 19 Elevenlh av. No. 788, e s. . George Hicin- u s, 74 e 1st av, ono one-storj' frame church, 2,5x Isiuic L. Miller. (1873) §5,043 10 bothem agt Joseph Livermore and William 70; tiu roof and wood cornice; cD.st, §1,200; own­ B.ates, Louis A.—William H. Wood. (1877).. 5,213 00 AVhite 128 er, E. Tilden Blodgett, 139 E, 7flth st; architect •Bunn. Martin A'.—Joseph Rilej". (1871) — 194 41 13 Fifty-first st ss. 85 w 1st av, 150x—. Henry and builder, G, R, Lee. BrvniN Pairick—Zachariah S. Oppenheimer. Steubing agt Frederick Schuck 385 "(lJi74) 430 59 15 Fiftv-sixth st, s s, about 100 w 4tU av. 75x—. Plan 2;35—Elton av, w s, 50 n Melrose sfc, one Beniiis. Matthew P.—Xat. Broadwaj- Bank. Williain Strieker agt Noble and John tw-o-storj' frame dwelling, 22x36 ; tiu roof and ylS7-2) L037 51 Lohberger. 9 wood cornice; cost, §2,200; owner, Th. Butler nrcmian, Matthew T.—James N. Scatchard. 16 Fifty-second st No. 6.50 West, s e cor 12th av, Elt •29-i OS 80x40. A. F. Blair, of Gavilt Paper Machine builder, B. F. Frisbie. Blinks. George—Einile Beneville. (1878) 89 SJ Co.. Philadelphia, agt James L. Reynolds— 6.82 Clarke. George—Henry Hilton. (1S77) 1,7.34 :i4 18 Fifty-third st, s w cor 7th av. 170x50..5. Joseph Plan 2,36—Thirtj'-fifth st, No. .53S AVest, one ^Church. Simeon E.—Pheni-v Ins. Co. (1878). 740 OS McGowan agt William Smilh & (3o. aud Ed­ five-storj- brick tenement, 25.x50; tin roof and l»e Noyelles, John L.—Alexander Bonuell. ward Livermore 170 iron cornice: cosfc, §8,.500; owuer, Charles Rohe (1S7JI 214 86 * 15 Pine st, Nos. 50 and 52, n s. Watrous & Wilson agt The Estate of Albert H. Scofield 1,230 & Bros., 264 AA'^. •o3d sfc; architects,Thom & AA'^ilson: I>eaii. Jonathan H.—Levi M. Bales. (1875).. •-til 4-2 buildei-s, J. A'ix aud C. Fessler. Dill. Herman—Samson W. Koseufels. (1878). 1,099 8i * Liens filed owing to death of Mr. A. H. Euiteiulorf. Parmenas-Levi M. Bates, (1875) •201 42 Scofleld. Plan 2.37—Fourth av, e s, 25 u 53d st, one four­ FIvnn, Cornelius—Jlanuiug, Bowman & Co, story brown stoue tenement, 25x.5S and 65; tin " (1S77) 143 29 roof and iron cornice; cost, §10,000; owner, B. Same same. (1878) 160 04 Haberstroh, 53d st near 4th av; architect, AA'. Same same. (1875) 3,046 13 Jo.se; mason, A. Ewald; carjieuter not selected. Goldsmith, George E. — Robert S. Holt. KINGS COUNTY, N. Y. (JSr-i) 375 25 Plan 2:«—Third av, w s, 300 n Morris st, one Gunsen. Joseph A.—John G- Smith. (1878). 633 86 April. two-story frame dwelling, 22x24; tiu roof aud Gould. Thomas—John Morris. (1870) 92 79 13 Sixth st s s. 177.10 w 6tli av. 80x100. Kenyon wood cornice; cost, §900; owner aud archiiect. Same same. (1875) 5-34 94 Se Newton agt Patrick and Leah A. Cariin... $156 John Clark, 3d av cor 147th st Hari, Joshua-G. W. T. Lord. (1877) 356 88 10 South Fifth st s s. 12.' w fith st 2-2.6.\80. Ed­ SHartnian. Isaac—Grotius S. Corwin. (1876) 477 43 ward Jb^Naiiiara agt Jaines Fleming 70 Plan 239—Forty-first st, No. 221, Easfc, ono four­ Horion. Alexander H.—The Warsaw Furni­ 13 Routh Ninlh st Nos. 219 and 221. n s?. abt 92 story brick tenement, 25x66; tin roof and iron ture Co. (1874) 2,612 1-2 w 7th av. 40x100. IL F. & W. Burroughs & cornice; cost, $10,000; owner, E. V. Hogan, 338 Haniilton.Thonias-LeviM. Bates. (1874).. 26143 Co. agt Johu H. and Bernard Gallagher 93 E. 23d sfc; archifcecfc aud mason, T. Shannon; car­ Jex, Josiah-Sarah E. Cornish. (1878) 978 14 13 South Ninth st, n s, abt 92 w 7ih st No. 21. Keenan. Patrick—Manning. Bowman & Co, William E. Chapman agt same 202 penter, not selected. (18771 143 IM 12 Madison st. n w cor Tompkins av, 50x100, C. Same same, (1875) 3,040 13 B. Keogh & Co. agt John D. and Mrs. Ellen Same same, (1878) 160 04 Heniiessy 104 Kane. Michael-George M, Weld, (1878>.,,. 1,135 52 12 Same property. Same agt same 495 BROOKLYN, N. Y. Kinsella. Susan—Thomas Betlrich, (1876).. 27 1)7 15 Rail h av, u w cor Hancock st 91.8x108.8. A. Kelly. Hiram B.—Levi 31. Bales. (1875) 261 42 W. Adams agt James H. and. P. W. Higgin­ Krausk> pf. Abraliam—Jobn G. Smilh. (1878) 63-J 86 son 531 Pridge st (No. 3,50), w s, bet, AVilloughby and Lewis. John L.—Jane L. Lewis. (1875) 4,410 72 15 Ralph av, n w cor Hancock st 75x200 to Jef- Myrtle av, one one-story shed, tin i-oof, 8x20; Marshall, Edmund C—Calvin S. Hammond. fersonst Eben D. Newman agt same — 650 owner, F. Moor: builder, R. P. C^rr. (1874) 48 35 18 Ralph av. n w cor Hancock st 91.8x103.8. Clinton st, w s, cor Sackett st.'seven three-story Mariin. Augustus—AVarsaw Furniture Co, Thomas Doran agt same 80 (1874) 2,612 12 13 Ralph av. n wcor Hancock sti91.8.v200 to Jef brown stone dwellings, 14,3x.55. tiu roof, w-ood Marshall, Edmund C—David Hays. (1873).. 648 67 ferson St. Eben D. Newman agt same and and iron cornices; owner, E. M. A'antassel, 376 Moulton, Rodman G.—Samuel A. AVuy. (1874) 253 47 Richard L. Leggett 650 Clinton st; architects, Perkins & Green; builders, McManns. Thomas- -Robert Goelet (1878).. 1,919 59 16 Ralph av, n w cor Hancock st, 91.8x100. Rabold & Tostevin, and Morris & Selover. Noble. William—Ira A. A Hen. (1876) 546 60 Keenan & Regan agt same as last 132 Olenick, Moses L.—Adolph Dessar. (1878).. 241 63 16 New York av, e s. 24.7 n Atlantic av, 12x100. Douglass st. s s. befc. 4th and 5th avs. one oue­ Oppenheimer, Caroline — Solomon Marx. Curran & Cooper agt Henry J. Brown and story frame dwelling, 20x30, gravel roof; owner, (1871) 728 02 Addle G. Weeks 526 Patrick Mangin; builder, Chas. Allen. THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 353

Henrj- sfc, n w cor Cranberrj' st, five four-story i Broadway. No. 1249, extensions, 17.8 and 2-3x28 Third av. No. 02, raised one story; cost, §600; brick flats, 20 and 21x52, tin roof, wood cornices; I and .30; co.st, §—: ow-ner, 0. L. Jones: architects owner and carjjenter, T. Rykert. owner, John Lauliarr: architect, M, J, Marrill: ! and carpentei-s, AA'. H. & C. Geduej'. Third av, No. 94, raised one story; cosfc, : buildei-s, Hartt & Boyd, Broome st. No. 2-24, raised one-storj', extensions, owner, James Brown: builders, Sanderson & Herkimer st, s s, 160 e Bedford av, two three- i 19.2x17, front alterations; cost. §1,600; owner, J. Mooi-e. storv brown stone dwellings, 20x42, tin roof, i Roesner: architect, C. Sturtzkober: builder, J. Thii-d av. No. 90. raised oue storj', extension MOod cornices; owner, architect and builder, S. Rnff. 17.4 and 11.4x27: interior alterations: cost, .*3,.500; E. C Russell, 55S Gi-and av. Canal sfc, Nos. 106 and IOS, cor Forsj-th .st, raised owner, Exrs. T. SneH; architect and builder not Hopkins st, Nos, 251 aud 253, two three-storj' one-storj'. tin roof, iron coi-nices, extensions 24.9 selected. framestoresand dwelling, '25x50, tin roof; owner, x40.10nnd 3L10, fronts rebuilt &c.; cost, §1.5,000: Third av. No. I4:>1, extensions 2.5x.50, &c.; cost, architect and builder, Geo, LolHer, 14-1 B'loyd st, owner, Geo. Raab; builder, AVm. E. AA^'aring. §2,500: owner, Gustav A. Flach; architect, John Jelferson st, s s, 100 e Franklin av, one three- Canal st. No. 376, extensions, 1^x14; cost §900; jlclntj-re; builder. John Cook. storj- browu stone dwelling, 16,9x48, gravel roof, owner, H. H. Camman; builders, J. H. Decker A'esej- st. No. 104, and 93 Barclaj' st, raised one wood cornices; owuer aud builder Pidgeon & Ben­ and P. Harner. storj'. Sec: cost, §6,000; owner, S. H. aud Chas. nett, 247 Nostrand av; architect. A, liill. Cedar st, Nos. 147 and 149, front alteration; Everitt; architects, G. W. La. Bau & Son. .lelFei-sou sfc, u s, befc. Evergreen aud Central cost, §1.000; owner, AA'. Frothingham; architect, AA'ashington av, e s, 200 s I65th st, raised half avs, two three-storj' frame dwellings, '20x40, tin Muldoon; builders, J. J. Jones and S. Joj-ce. storj'; cost, §S00; owner, Freedman; archi­ roof; owner, Chas. Threshman: builder. Henrj- Chatham st, Nos. 60, 62 and 64, extensions, 16.9 tect and carpenter, Louis Falk: mason, C. Eisle. Loelller. x7..'', interior alterations, Sec; cost, §1,'200; owner, Leonard st. No. 6S9, w s, 95 s Calj-er sfc, one S, A', Hofl'man; architect, Jno, B. Snook; builder throe-story frame store and dwelling, 21x.53, uot selected, MISCELLANEOUS. gravel roof; owner John Fleck, on premises; Clinton st. No, 90 and 96. rear, rejiair damage "architect, F. AA'eber; builders, B. Berrj' aud J. bj' fire; cost, .S2,.500: owner, B, AA'elteck; archi­ Schnoering. tect, AV. Graul. SPECIAL NOTICES. Zyiontieth st. No. 20, one one-storj' frame shop, Fifty-fourth st. No. 412 AVesfc, raised oue-storj-, Inr ure your Plate Glass at the " Lloyd's," No. 113 15x20: ow-ner, Charles Rebeck, 20 Montieth st: extensions, 22x4; cost §1.3C0; ow-ner, C. A. Stuart; Broadway. 1 he underivriters have combined assets carpenter, George Lofller. architect, Chas. AA'right. of over §750.000. They insure Plate Glass Windows Oaklaud st, w s, 75 n Dupont st, one oue-stoi-y Fifty-fifth st. No. 3.57 AA'est, raised oue-storj-; and Doors against breakage bj- accident Good se­ frame shop, 16.X.36; owner and builder, Thomas cost. §I..500; owner, L. Morris: architect aud curity. Prompt payment of losses. Low rates. Stewart, on premises. builder, AA'm. 7hornton. Prospect st, n e cor Adams st, two four-storj* ! Fourth av. No. 420, extensions 19x27; cosfc, §600: brick stores and flats, 20 and 31.4x48, tiu roof, wood i owners, Mathews &; Gerken; architect and car­ PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF AL­ cornices; owuer, Henrj- Taeukam, Flatbush. L. penter, N. L. AA'eeks. DERMEN, AFFECTING REAL ESTATE, 1.: architect, M. J. Morrill; builders, J. D. Ander­ Greenwich av. No. 30, front alteration: cost, * Under the different headings indicates that a res­ son and AA'm. I..aug. §500; owner, Daniel Mapes; architect and carpen­ olution has been introduced, and referred to the ap­ Ralph st, bet. Irving and Knickerbocker avs, ter, G. C. Moore: mason, H. M. Reynolds. one two storj' frame shop, 21x18: owner, Mi-s. H, propriate comiuittee. t Indicates that the resolution Greenwich ax. No. 85, front alteration; cost, has passed, and been sent to the JIayor for approval. Bower; builder, D, H, Bower, §266; owner. Mrs. AA'alton: architect and carpen­ Sandfonl st, Ncs, 151 and 153, oue two-storj' ter, Julius Schloaser. NEW YORK, April 10, 1878. brick factorj', 40x35, gravel roof, brick cornice; Greenw-ich av. No. 120. front alteration; co.st, REOlfLATINO, GRADIXO, ETC. owner, James Pritchard, 149 Sandford st; archi­ §200; owner, Marj- B. Taylor: architect, F. J, Slst St, bet Boulevard and Riverside drive.* tect, Edward A'an Voorhis; builder, P. Kenian, Kellj-; buildei-s, P.'Doi-nan and AA', J, Crawford. Fourth st, w s, '24 n South Oth st, one four-storj' I^awrence st, s s, 115 e Broadway, raised one- brick store and tenement, 2-2x69 aud .55, tin roof, 130th st bet Oth and 7th avs, Croton.f storj'. front alteration; cost, §1,990: owner, Mrs, lilth St. bet inth and llth avs. Croton.f wood and iron cornices; owner, Mre. Rebecka A. AA', Kehoe; architect and mason, C, A, Cowen; 13lth st, bet Lincoln and Willis avs Croton.f K. Alton, 114 South 2d st; architect, John J. carpenter, J, C. Poole. Clyde; builder, C. L. Johnsou. Ludlow sfc, No. 10, raised half-story; cost. §600; North Seventh st, u s, abt 150 w Uuion st, one 108th St. bet 4th and Madison avs, Belgian.* owuer, Dora Nathan; architect and carpenter, G. 65tli st, bet 1st and 3d avs.t three-storj- frame tenement, 22x38, tin roof: Schaplej-. owner, J. Breslin; architect, .John Daniels; SIDEWALKS FI.AOr;ED. Mulberrj' st. No, .52, front alfcerafcion: cosfc. S-'^OO; mason, AA'. P. Brazill; carpenter, J. Daniels. Horatio -st. from 10th to 13lh av.-v owner, Mary O'Connor; ai-chitect, AV, Bradlej-: Jane st, from IOlh to ISth av.* Tenth st, n s. 200 e 6fch av, sixteen twostory builder, Jno. O'Connor. browu stone dwelliugs, 18.9x45, tiu roof, ircn AA'est st, bet Bethuneand AA'cst 12th sts.* Park av. No. 8.5, extension 8x10: cost, §1,200, cornices; owner, J. J. Allen, Montague st: archi- FENCING VACANT LOTS. tett Mr. Moi-se; builder, Sheehy & Co. owner.R. AA'. Stuart; builders, J. Bogert and J. C. Koe & Co. 83d St. s s. and 82d st, n s, and 5tli av, e s, bet 82d and Nineteenth sfc. No. 185, near 4th av, one two­ a3d sts.t storj' frame dwelling. 18.9x36.3, tin roof: owner, South St. No. 26, interior and front alterations; 77th st, ns, bet Island 2d avs.f P. Shauuessj', l.'<3 19th st; architects, Parlitt Bros. co.st, .•';2,000; lessee, S, S. Dale: builders, Baxter «•» & Mc\''oy, Bedford av, n -w cor Morton st, one fonr-story | BUSINESS CHANGES. brick dwelling, 2.5x50, tiu and slate roof, iron Snlfolk st, Nos. 45, 47 aud 40, repairing damage bj' fire; cosfc, §300: ageufc, Mr. Ennis; builder, D. Schedule of Assets and Liabilities filed by Assignees cornices; owuer, AA'm. McL. Fiske, Division av, for the week ending April 18 : near 4th st; architect, AA'. H. Gayler: bniiders, N, Hanson, W. Sc F. Lamb, Jr., aud M. Gill. Spring sfc, n w cor Thompson st, interior and Nominal Real. Liabilties. Assets. ••Assets. Flushing av. No. 780, one one-story frame shed, foundations altered; cost, §3.50; agent. H, H. Kobbe & Ball, 87 Leonard 15x16, tin roof; ow-uer, J. Bauer Sc Bro., .594 Cammann; builders, Mr. Decker and J. C. Klett, street §198,953 §170,486 §51,992 Broadwaj-; builder, P. L. Engelhardt Seventh st. No. 110 East, raised half story: tin Youngs, Sniith & Co., 78 Soulh street 350,713 474,900 Lexington av, s s, 275 w Reid av, three three- roof and iron cornice: cost, §700; o-wner, .39.481 story brick dwellings, 16.8x4'l, tin roof, wood Disbecker; architect, E. Haight; builders, Haight ASSIGNMENTS—BENEFIT CREDITORS. cornices: owner, architect and builder, John & Monnia. April. Seventh st. No. 134, extension 24.0x36; tiu roof; Creiger, 212 Keep st ^^Ss,\frL!i'° Solomon J. Lesen. cost, §1,100; le.'jsee, Kari Stark; builders, J. Lang Park av. s s, 75 w Ryerson st, one tw-o-storj- brick stable, 18x18, tin roof ; owner, Jno. Reese, and P. Stilgenbauer. '= Kn'Xrdi^g s. ['« A'^'-t ^- Searles. Park av, cor Ryerson st: buildei-s, T. Baker and Sixth av,No. 172, frontand interior alterations; 16 Hanson, William B., toCharles Hayman, J. E. AViUiams. cost, §-3,000: owner, James J, Morrison; archi­ 16 Simon, Edward S„ to Maximilian Morgenthau. tect, A. M. McKean; builder, J. L. Hamilton. Taylor, James S. )t„r.». i..-/-> o » Reid av, n w cor Macon st, one three-storj- 17 Pfocopiadi. Demosthenes *°<£'j^.'^lf ^- Sa^ce and fniine dwelliug, 25x46, tin roof; owuer, Anna M. Twelfth st. No, 229 AA'est, cor Greenwich av, (James S. Taylor & Co.) ) Samuel Raynor. Cramer, 43 Irving pl; architect, Th. Englehardt; raised one storj': cost, §I,.500: owner, James AVat­ Miller, John | son; builder, J. Lawson. 18 Miller. William Vto AVilliam E. Uptegrove. buildei-s, N. Gi-assmahu aud Ph. Engelhardt. (P. Miller's Sons) j Reid av, w s, 50 n DeKalb av, one one-story Twelfth st. No. 277 AA'est, i-aised two storie.s, 18 Horris, John T.. to Michael T. Daly. frame coal yard, gravel roof; ownere, Fairbanks tiu aud slate roof and iron coi-nice, extension 20x 19 Chase, George K., to Sylvenus Ferris. & Crow; architect and buflder Wm. Middleton, 9 and 2: cost, §1,000; owner, James Crumley; VOLUNTARY BASKRUPTCT. architect, AV. E. Bishop. Peters. Charles and Edward J., referred to Reg. Twentj'-third sfc, No. .320 AVest, extension 22x Dayton. 13, &c.; cost. §3,000; o^vner, Jose Angarica; Gary. Spencer C. referred to Reg. Ketchum. ALTERATIONS, N. Y. Williams, AVm. T., referred to Reg. Little. architect. A, M, McKean; builder, J, L, Hamil­ Lawrence. Isaac S., referred to Reg. Dayton. Av A. No. 269, front alteration; cost, $260; ton, Barker. Israel A., referred to Reg. Allen. owner, John TJh-ich; buildei-s, M. McMullen and Thirty-first st. No, 103 East, interior alterations, Willis. Thomas, referred to Reg. Dwight T. Sanders. McDonald, Alexander, referred to Reg. Ketchum. put up brick front; cost, .§2,000; owner, Newman Munson, Albert L.. referred to Reg. Little Av B, No. 95, extensions, 20x20, front altera­ Stich; architect, Roberfc Mook: builder, Peter Van Brimmer. Joshua, referred to Reg. Fitch. tion; cost, §5,000; owner and carpenter, A. Sei- Loonam. Adams, Weslej- F., referred to Reg. Dayton. Magnus, Sainuel A., referred to Reg. Allen. bald. Thirtj'-first st. No, 229 East, extension "11.6x14; Behning, Henry, referred to Reg. Dwight Boweiy. No. 22, front alteration; cost, §600; cos , S'225: owner, Amy E. Buck; builders, Rob­ GUI. James, referred to Reg. Ketchum. inson & Wallace. Graham, Michael, referred to Reg. Little. ow-uer, James Smith; architect, J. M. Dunn; Lozier. Abraham W., referred to Reg. Fitch. builder not selected. Thirty-eighth st. No. 4.53 West, front altera­ Bowery, No. 238, front alteration, cellar opened, tions; cost. §175; owner, James T. Keegan; S Pete?*"" ^- [ ^'^"^ to Reg. Dayton. &c.; cost, §3,000; owner, M. Firm. builder, J. Springsteed and C. Kusperfc. Rich, Solomon, referred to Reg. Allen. 354 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD.

Fellows, Charles IL j Third av (Nos. 2051 and 20.53), e s, 48.11 n 112th st, Fifty-seventh st (No, 411), n s, 112 w 9tli av. 21,.5x Forster. Robert -referred to Reg. Dwight. 52x100, two flve-story brick stores and dwellings, 100.5, four-story stone front dwelling, by C. Hay.>i. Cbarles B. ) bj- AA'm. Kennelly. (1st mort.; amount due, J. Lj-on. (1st mort; amount due, about Murjihy. Owen, referred to Reg. Ketchum. about S:i0.a.5(») 23 §15,2-25) Jaeger, William G. W., referred to Reg. Little. Eighth av, w s. 77,2 n 8-2d st, 7,5x100 -| One Hundred and Fifth st s s, 100 e 2d av, 50x1 Eighty third st, s s, 100 w 8tli av, 67.9x102.8x57.1 ! 100.11 I I.VVOLr.N-TARV BANKRUPTCY. xlO-2.2 I One Hundred and Fifth st s s, 200 e 2d av, 25x ,'- A'acant J 100.11 I HiilL'k£t^''[-f--d^o«''e-Fitch. by A. H. Muller & Son. (1st mort; amount due, A'acant. j Kain. Abraham and Jloritz. referred to Keg. Daj-tou. about S.-J1,850) 23 bj- Gerard Betts. (1st mort; amount due, about Bramhall. Edivard J., referred to Reg. Allen. Eleventh av, lot 4 on map easterlj- part of prop­ §2,750) erty Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 371 One Hundred and Fifth st, s s, 150 e 2d av, 50x1 DISCHARGES IN BANKRUPTCY. from north boundarj- of lands belonging to 100.11 ! .lohnson. Chas. A. Shepherd Knapp, 100x267 One Hundred and Fifth st, s s, iSo e 2d av. 25x ( Hermance. J.icob. Elevenlh av, lot 12 on same map. 414 north 100.11 I Williams, Edward. from northerlj- boundarj- of Shepherd A'acant j Kingman. Elbridge A. Kiiapp's lands. 100x172.6 bj- Gerard Betts. (1st morts.; amount due, Kaymond. .Vbner L. by John H. Draper. (1st inort; amount due, about $2,750) De I'onlova. Gonzalo. about S 1.5.650) 23 Second av. s e cor I05lh st. 50.11x100, vacant, bj- Leggett Abraham H. Frankliu av. part of lot 81 on map of Jlorrisania. Gerard Betts. (1st mort.; amount due about Young. David. adj lands of AVm. Pye and Benj. Phillips. 51x296 S:i,550) x.5:ix275, by R. A'. Harnett. (1st mort; amount Second av, e s, 50.11 s 105ih st, 50x100, vacant, bj^ «•(.- due, abount §2,650) 23 Gerard Betts. (1st mort.; amount due, about Jackson av, s w cor liJOlh st 2,50x76.4x73.9.v250...1 §•2.975) ADVERTISED SALES NOT JUDICIAL. Jackson av, w s, 250 s 150th st, 75x73 Palisade av, e s, .3:36 s River av, 182x— to River av, ExEci-TORS' SALE OF Jack.son av, w s, 325 s 156lh st, Il.s.4xl0:j.2x49 9 bj- A, H, Muller Se Son, (Amount due, about VALUABLE LMPROA-ED PROPERTA', x73 §:i, 975) Jackson av, e s, 100 s Cedar st, 75.4x175 River av, s e cor Palisade av, 390xl50x.364xl68, by H'.r W.-sl I7lh Street, 216 West 39th Street. 215 AVest Jackson av, w s, 100 n Cedar st 130.10.v8-4.8xl37 A. H. Muller & Son. (Amount due, about :'.i;tli Sii-..et. -.115 West 24lh Street, 78 AA'cst 12tli Slreet, x^5.2 S:M'25) :i-J anil 21 Bank Street, Jaekson av. e s. 100 s 156th st, runs south 150 Second av (No. 781) w s, 75.5 s 47th st. 25x100, thence east 87.6 thence north 75 thence east flve-storj' brick store and tenement, by R. V. On Tuesday. April -il. at 12 M.. 87.0 to Concord av, thence north 75 thence Harnett (1st mort; amount due, abt $4,700)... AT KXCIIA.VGE SALESROOM, 111 BROADWAY, west 175 10 place of beginning J Mott stes, 90s Bleeckerst 18.3x62.8 " By order of the bj- Wm. O. Hoffman 23 Molt st e 8, 126 6 s Bleecker st 18.3x63.6 Morse av, n e cor 167th st 166.10x167.2x150x224.11, Molt st e s, 144.9 s Bleecker st 30.6x63.6 ExF.ci-TOHs OF Louis LEVY, deceased. by E. H. Ludlow & Co. (Partition sale) .' 23 Mott st, e s, 108.3 s Bleecker st, I8.3x63xl8.3x One half of the purchase monej- maj- remain on Bloomingdale road, southerlj- cor 129th st, 32.2 x 6-2.8 I bond and mort gage for three j-e.ars at six per cent. 106.7 X east 50 x northeast ;J7.3 to 129th st x west Nos. 308 to 316, five four-storj- brick stores and I For jiarticulars, address L. J. & I. Phillips. Auc­ 119.0, by A. J. Bleecker & Son. (1st mort; tenements and three five-storj- brick tene­ tioneers. 4 Pine Street, or M. S. iS I. S. Isaacs, Attor- amount due. about §,5.500) ai ments in rear j iifvs. '2Vi Broadway. Twenty-fifth st (No. 318), s s, 2.50 e 2d av, '25x9.S.'9', bj- J. M. Miller. (1st and 2d morts.; amount «•> five-storj- brick dwelling, and three story frame' due, about §-25.-200) dwelHngin rear, by. H. AV. Coates. (3d mort., Thirlj'-fiflb st (No. 215), n s, 123.8 w 7th av, 23.8x ADA'-ERTISED LEGAL SALES. about §5,675) 24 98.9. tbree-storj- brick dwelling and three-story REFKREES' SALES TO BE HELD AT THK EXCHANGE Sixtj-sixth St. n s, 1'25 e 5tli av. 175x100.5, vacant, brick dwelling in rear, by R. V. Harnett (1st by James M. Miller. (1st mort; amountdue, mort; amount due. about §6.975) SALESROOM. Ill BROADWAY. about §91,000) 24 Lexington av (No. 450), w s, 40.5 s 45th st, 20x80, April One Hundred and Fifth st (No. 217). n s, 182.11 e '3d four-story stone front dwelling, bj- Scott & Twenty-six-th st (No. 443). n s, 444.7 w Oth av, 28.ic av, 17.1x100.11, two-.story frame dwelling, by P. Mj-ers. (1st mort: amount due, about §13,525). !is.9, live storj- brick store and dwelling, bj- R. F. M J-er. (1st mort; amount due, about $-2,700). 24 Fifth av (No, 121), e s, 91,6 n PJlh st 22.6x100, four­ A'. Harnett." ('2d mort.: amount due. about One Hundred and Seventeenth st. ss, 200 e yth av, story stone front dwelling, by A. J, Bleecker & S16.60 bv K. IL Ludlow & Co. (Partition sale) 23 24 60.1x68.1 ) Fifty-third sl (No. 67). n s, 119 e Cth av, 22x100,. 5 Tenth av (No. 760), e s, 50.5 s 5-3dst 2,5x75,'five^ 'oy James C. Eadie. at 45 Broadway, E. D 24 four-storj' stone front dwelliii!.', by L. .1. story brick store and tenement by Bernard Oth av, s w cor St. Johns pl, 25x100. by Philip L. Phillips. (1st mort.: amount due, about Smyth. (Purchase money mort; amount due S-^^^•-•^5) 23 Balz, Jr. (Ref.). at County Court House 24 about $.5.0-25) ' 2-1 Greene st n s, 50 e Oakland st 25x100 "i Fifty nfih st (No. 242), s s, --i^ll e 8lh av, 18.9 x i/. Tenth av (No. 756), e s, 100,5 s 52d st, 25x75 ' five- Pacific st n s, 200 w Underhill av, 20x100 block, three .story stone front dwelling, bv cT storj- brick store and teneinent, by R, V, Hiiniett Carroll st a s, 62.6 w Utica av, 121.10x200x-- J. Lvon. (2d mort.; §5,660) '.... 23 (Purchase money mort; amount due, about .SIxty-firstsllNo. 99). n s. 215 w 9lh av, -20x100, ?j5,625) 24 President s't, s"s,'80 e''Hicks'.s't','20.\86'"".'.'..'..'.'.'. ^ four-storj- stone front dwelling, bj- R. A*^. A'an Stoll st, s w s, 20 e of property of Tlie' 'New Hancock st u s. 450 e Reid av, 117.9x100 Harnelt. (1st mort.; amount due, about York & Hariem R.-R., 179x100x185x100, by G. H Sli'.7-2:)) 23 Duffield st (No. 58), w a, 243.1 u Tillary st 19.4x Scott (1st mort; amount due. about §9.700),,,' 2-t 100,3 Eight j--second st n s. 100 w 9ih av, runs west 1-25 Croton st, n s, 300 w loth av, 25x90 1 by I, F, Bissell, at 3-25 Washington st 25 X north 59.5 x southeast .50.2 x nortii 148.10 to One Hundred and Fiftieth st n s. 250' w'g'th'av V Baltic st 11 s, 275 w Buffalo av, 2,5x127,9. by J, H. 8:J<1 sl. X east 5i I X soulh 131.3 x ea.st •i5.9 to a 25x98, two-storj- frame dwelling ' \ Lockwood (Ref.), at Countj- Court House 25 point dislani north from point of beginning 79 by J. JI. Miller. (Partition sale) 25 JIacon st s s, 100 w Yates av. 20x100 1 X soulh 79 to 82<1 st, place of beginning, vacant, Thirty-sixth st (No. 359), n s, 141.8 e Oth av. 16 8.x98 0 JIacon st, s w cor Yates av. 20x100 v bj- Scolt & Myers. (Ist mort; amount due, three-story brick dwelling, by B. P. Fairchild' Macon st, n s, 315 w Lewis av. -20x100 j .about SI 1..5O0) ai (1st mort; amount due. about $.5,600).. .. '25 by J. Cole, at Commercial Exchange 25 One Himdred and Tenth st. s s. ItO e 5th av, 25x Thirty-ninth st (No.s. 415 and 417), n s, 200 w'9th 39th st, cor 2d av, 24 lots on map of Deleplainel 100.11. vacant bj- Wm. Kennellj-. (1st morl.; av, 50x98.9, two six-story brick stores and tene­ property , j amount due, about S5,955) 23 ments, by WO, Hofrmaii. (lst mort.; amount One Hundred and Eighteeiiih st, s s, 175 w 5th l JIacomb st, n e s 150 s e 5th av. 175x10:1,6 y due, about §-28,100) 25 5th av. s e s, 29.8 n e 13th st 20,4x72,10 | av,4Lvl00,n I Forty-eighlh st(No. 206). s s, 95 e 3d av,' iOxl'tJO 5 Webster pl, n w a, 210.4 n e Middle st 18.3x99... J One Hundred and Seventeenth st n s, 116,8 w !• three-story stone front dwelling, by Louis .5lh av. 46.3x100.11 by I. F. Bissell, at 325 Washington st 96 JI®^"^':-on.^^^^^''*'''^- ^^ years 5 months, from Nostrand av. w s. 125 n w Willoughby av, 25x100.' Vacant. J Nov., 1869; ground rent. $200 per year.) (mort Taylor st s s, 219.8 w AVythe av. 15x100 by Scott & Myers 23 ou lease; amountdue, about §10,950).. . 25 JIacon st s s. 220 w Yates av. 20x100 Riverside park, e s. extdg from ll-2th to 113th st. Fifty-fourth st (No. :iS7), n s. 222 w 1st av, 22xl()(j '5 McDonough st, n s, 453 e Tompkins av, 2Lxl20... and being about 40 feet deep on 112th st, and fourstory briek store and dwelling, and three- McDonough st, n s, 516 e Tompkins av, 21x200 to About 90 on 113th st by V, K. Stevenson, Jr. story frame dwelling in rear, by James M. Macon st (1st mort -, amount due, about $7,100) 83 Miller. (1st mort.; amount due, about $8,600)., 25 by J. Cole, at Commercial Exchange 28


Grand st s s. 150 e 7th st 25x77, by J. C. Eadie, at Rivington st. s s, 25.2 w Orchard st, 25x50. Chris­ Gates av, s s. 150 e Stuyvesant av, 18.9x110. •15 Broadway, E. D 26 tian Koch agt Aloyse Wendling; alt'j*, Henry F. The New- York Fire Ins. Co. agt Mary C. Baker; Court st (No. 259 and No. 15 Butler st). e s, 2.3.5 n Lippold 16 atfys. Scudder & Carter 15 Butler st, by AV. Cole, at 379 Fulton st. (As­ 61st st s s, 115 w 4th av, 20x100.5. East River Stuyvesant av. s e cor Hancock st. 100x100. signee's sale) 26 Sav. Inst, agt Charles Appleby; att'y. J. AV. C. Joshua H. Suydam agt Samuel L. Jlontague; 3d St. 8 e s. 50 n e North 9th st 2-5x100 I Levi4idge 10 att'y. Frederic L. Jloulthrop 15 Huntington st n s, 144.3 vr Court st 22..3xl00 f ISUth.st, n s. 275e 10th av, 7.5.X99.11. Union Tru.st Kent av. e s. 125 n Jlyrtle av. 25x200. Harrison bj- J. Cole, at Commercial Exchange , 37 Co. agt William D. Voorhis; att'y, Charles E. Hall (exr.) agt Annie Edgeworth: atf j-s, Arthur, Gates av, n s, 131.3 vr Ralph av, 18.9x100 I AVhitehead 17 Phelps, Knevals Se Itansom 15 Division st s s. 48.1 e Rodney st *-'0x69.2 f 127lh st n s, 22.8.6 e 5th av, 37.6x100.4. Edgar Throop av, n e cor Gerry st, 20,9x77.6. John by J. C. Eadie. at 45 Broadwaj-. E. D 27 Williams agl Abraham A'an Orden; atl'j-, Jlenzo Rueger agt Hermann Jagle; atfj-, Jlax (Jiiiiicy st s s. i:)3.4 w Rein av, 16.8x100, by F. T. Diefendorf 17 Brill i.-, Johnson (Ref.), at City Hall 27 28th st s s, 150 w IOth av, 2ox98.9. Sarali E. Nassau st, n .s, 75 w Navy st. 25x75. Peter H. Kegan agt Henry Weir; ait'ys. Lockwood & Sheridan agt Mary A. Brysoii; atfy, AA'illiam H. Crosby 17 Greene 15 2-2d st s s, 389.5^ vr 5ih av. 25.4x98.9. Meredith Adams st. e s, 286 9 s Concord st 19.4.x95. Eugene FORECLOSURE SUITS. Howland agt George T. Curtis; alt'j-s, A'arnuiu G. Blackford agt William B. Seaw-ood; atfy, & Harrison 17 .V. B. Capwell 16 NEWYORK. April Chatham st, n s, ,50 e Tryon row, 25x.80 1 South 2d St. II e s, 1-25 n w IOlh st 25x95. John 5lh av and 126th st n vr cor, 74.11x160. Henrj- O. Centre st, s s, 93.:? e Tyron row. 30.9x72.5 /- (vttslree (exr.) agt James Forster; atfj-, A. W. Silleck agt .lohn Murraj-; att'j-, Sainuel Riker... 11 Dey and Church sis. s w cor. 7.6x75.1 j Lowerre 16 PJ^Ith sl. n s, 213.7 w 5th av, 17.10x99.11. AVilliam A. James N. Piatt agt A. NisbetLee; att'y, John 3d st n s, ;1.59 e Slh av, 22.\9n. John Castree (exr.) Cauldwell agt Thomas H. Lee; alt'j-s, Deane & JI. Bowers 17 agt Sidnej-A. Ensign: all-j-. .V. W. Lowerre 16 Chamberlain 11 Van Siclen av, w s, 250 s Fullon av, 50x100. Baxter st. No. .14. Annie Schmilzer agt Louis (•» Charles Davison agt JIarj- E. Compton: aifj-, Hershfleld; att'ys, Jackson & Henrj-.." 11 LIS PENDENS. H. Hagner 16 Carlisle and Greenwich sts, n wcor. ,58.10.v2-2. Tho KING.S COC.NTV. .Vjiril Jefferson Insurance Co. agt Henrj- J. Mever; South Oxforfl st e s. .167.10 u Atlantic av. 50x100. RECORDED LEASES. ati'y, R. P. Lee 11 The Jlutual Life Iiis.Co.. New A'ork. agt William 81sl St. II s, 675 w 3d av, 25.xlf2.2. Owen Bj-rne agt NEW- YORK. Per Year Edsall; atfys. Dixoii & Farnam 10 Broadway. No. 9-27,1st lloor: Annias Gibson to Marv J. Jloonev; att'j-. Edward McCahill 11 Soulh 3d st, s e corStli st. 25x.52. Theoilore -A. Wooster st vr s, 173.6 u Bleecker st, 21.6x110. Jlu­ John J. Jlitcheil and Abram H. Seixas; Hopping agt Edwin Ferrj-: att'j-i', Fisher, Hurd M ay 1. 1878. 5 years §4.,500 and ,5,000 tual Life Ins. Co. agt AA''illiam E. Cornell; atfj-s, &AoU/. 10 I li.xon & Farnam 11 Bowerj-, No. 2s:}. parlor and upper floors; Soutii Portlandt av, e s, 200 s Hanson pl, 70x8.5. Jlyer Finn to Jlinna anil Henry Gunther; 35tli st, s s, -225 w '3d av, -l.''x98.9. Jane Humes agt The Germania Life Ins. Co. agt Marie C. .-V. Michael Gehegan; att'j-, Sterne Chittenden 11 Jlay 1,5 years 2.500 Schw-edler; atfys, Solomon & Burke 10 Canal st. No, 409: Josephine B, Yates to 80lli st, II s, 250 w :kl av. 75xl(H). New York tife Ins. South 1st st n s, &5.9 w land w-idow Turner, 21.,5xUKl. Co. agt Charles Irving; att'v. Henry A. Bogert.. 11 Solomon S. l^eillj-; May 1. 5 .vears 1 ,'200 Eli-/.abelh Koehler agt MatddaSiratham (extrx): Christopher st n s. bet WasbinKton and Wee­ 8-.'d st, s s, 120.8-}^ w -id av, i9.0?4xl02.^2. Bowery alfy, Henry S. Bellows 10 hawken st.s, -2-2x95.3: A'. A'an Zandt to Savings Bank agt Cornelius Killeen; att'j-s, Nor­ 19lh st n e s. 165.7 s e 5th av, 15.7x100.2. Jno. P. William Bradford and Frank JIcDonald; wood Se ( oggesliall 11 C>'Neill (recvr.) agt Thomas JlcCormiek etal.; 10 J-ears 600 (ioerck st, e s, 1-25 s Broome st, 25x100. Jacob atf ys, Wingate & Cullen 10 Schtnitzer agt Edward Giippentrog; att'j-. John Delancej- st. No. 20. house: George Duden- 19th St. nes, 181.3 s e .5th av, 1.5.7x100.2. Same hofl'er to Johanna A. Delhlefesen; 5 years 2,000 C. Clegg 11 agt same n -2d avand 10-2d sts ecor l(K).llx.325. Benjamin F. Union .square. No. 4. store floor; Eliza Kellin- IOth st nes, 196.10 s e Sthav. 1.5.7x100.2. Same ger to A. Heller Si Bro.; Jlav 1, 1878, 5 Dunning agl Henrj- W. Knoeppel 11 agt same n Henrj- st and East Broadwaj-, see mort lib. l,:W:l. years 2,000 19th st, n e s. 212.6 s e Sth av. 1.5.7x100.2. Same AA'all st No. 62. flrst floor; John Stew-art Jr.. p. 116. Levi B. Lockwood agt Catharine K. agt same 11 Lincoln: ati'ys, Liickwood & Crosby 11 to Henrj- W. Johnson and James Law-son, 19lh st n e s, 228.1 s e Slh uv, 15.7x100.2. Same agt Jr.; 5 years from 1873 6,000 Ist av and 31st st, s w cor. 25x75. Samson Wells agt same 11 Nathaniel Burchell; alfy. John C. Clegg 11 Same propertj-; renewal of lease from JIaj- 1, 19lh st, n e s, -243.9 s e Sth av, 15.7x100.2. Same agt 1878, for 2 years, and assignment of J. Law- 7«lli st s s. 3-18 e Av A, 434x108.9. German Savings same n son, Jr, share for 750 Bank agt Haiiiliii Babcock; att'y, Sigismuud PJth st, 11 e s, 259.4 s e 5th av, 15.7x100.2. Same agt Wooster st Nos. 108. 110. 112 and 114, fourth Kaufmann 12 same 11 floor; Bruner& Jloore to AV, H, H, Rogers .50th st, n s, 2:15 e 1st av. 20xl00..5. The Marine Soci­ Braxton st, southerly cor7tli av, 97.10x8:1. Same &Co.: 5J/(j'i'ars 3.750 ety agt J. Jlilton Ferry; att'ys, Butler Stillnian agt same 11 We.st Houston st. No. 128 (rear), fronting on & Hubbard 12 Court St. northerly cor Hamilton av. runs north­ Sullivan st abt'2.5.\25; Cordes & Thole to Oth av e s. '25.3 n irevth st 25.8x100. Jlutual Life west 294 to Jlill st, X east 167.8 to Court st, x south Catharina Ehrig: Jlay 1, 1878, 6 j-ears ... 120 Ins. (Jo ogt Ann Riley; att'y, O. H. Palmer 12 101,7, The Rutgers Fire Iiis. Co. agt Jennie E. 2.3dst(No. 42E.). s .s. 175 w 4th av. 2.5x98.9; 47th St. n s. 500 w 8th av. 25x100.4!^. German Sav­ JlcNamee; atfys. Peet Se Opdyke 11 Harriet wife of Thomas Gardiner. Jr.. to ings Bank agt The Tumverein School, &c, of Raymond st. vr s, 55 s -Myrtle av. 25x100. The Dime AA'illiam C. Carpenter; April 15. 17 years, Bloomingdale; att'j-, S. Kaufmann 12 Savings Bank agt Daniel Suliivau; atf j-, J. L. 0 months 1.800, •2,'i>0 and 2,500 Grand and Pitt sis, s w- cor, 57x34.9 { Jlarcellus ii 44th st No. .3-37 AVest; Hemy R. Jlount to Division st junction of Grand and Pitt sts } The Buckingham Hotel, Coney Island, al.so Cum­ Herman Kellerborg; JInj-1, 1875, 5 j-ears.. 4.50 Sarah A'. Le Count agt Wm A'. Le Count; att'y berland st. No. 315, e s. 55 n '-reene av. •20.x75. •ISth st Nos. 113and 115 East, hotel; James E. Lewis Hurst 12 Edmund K. Willels agt JIargt. J. B. Brooks (ac­ Coutant (exr.) to August Schmidt; 5 yrs.. 800 Hoffman st, e s, see mort Westchester Co. lib. 511, tion to sel aside deed); att-y.s, A'ernon & Hill... II 49th st, No. 140 East, front house and rear p. 22. Westchester Fire Ins. Co. agt John Grady; Stuyvesant av, e s. IOO s Halsey sl, 100x100. Jane factorv; John H. Anderej-a lo AA'eigle & ait'y, Silas D. Gifford 12 Y. C.Cooper etal. (exi-s.) agt Nelson J. Botsford; Ihl: Jlay 1,3 J-ears 1.950 5.'d st, n s. 114 e Sth av, 14x100.5. The Manhattan atf J-, I. O. Jliller 11 SOth st, Nos. 2-'18 and 240 AA'est; Sarah C. SavingsInslitutiouagt Eugene E. McLean;att'ys Plot at New- Utrecht, near Bath road. adj. C. I.jatt Currj- lo John J. Fagan; JIaj- 1. 3 years.. 25 Fellows. Hoyt & Schell.... 12 250 along said road x 9:iO. Long Island Savings OOlh st No. 112 East, bet Lexington and Zd Norfolk st w s, 150 s Rivington st, 25x100. The Bank agt Robert Criswell: atfj-, J. C. Perry II avs; Jlarx Held to Adolph AVimpfheirner; Bowery Savings Bank agt Jacob Shradj-; att'j-s, Stuyvesant av, s w cor Pulaski st, 25x100. JIaria Jlay 1, 1.S78, 3 years i,.30O Norwood Se Coggeshall 12 JL Stetson agt Temperance K. Weldeii; atfj-. Av C, No. 24; F.lizabeth Dicenta to George 5lli av and .5-2d st, n w cor, 100.4x175 i K. Buxton 11 Fuehrer; Jlay 1, 5 years 1,200 Sth av and 5:id st, s w cor. 100.4x175 f Bartlett st, lot 518 P. A. Delmonico prop. Susan­ Lexington av. No. 189: Caroline A. Corwine I Walter Edwards agt Jlargaret \W. Boardmuii; nah Guiliaunie et al. (exrs.) agt Christian lo Thomas and Rosalie D. Davis; May 1, att'ys. Edwards & Odell 13 Scliniidt; atf J-, S. A. Underbill 11 1876, 5 years 1,100 IOlh av, w s, 75 s .56lli st, 50x100. The Citizens In- Clinton st e s. 2tX).ll n Degraw st 21.2x11-2.6. 2d av>No. 871. store floor and front basement; sui-ance C.'o. agt Selina Hutchins: ait'j-s. Fel­ Marj' Kimberlj- agt John Rankin (trustee); Jocob Boertlein to AVilliam H. Andrew-; lows. Hoyt &Schell 13 atfys. Judah, Dickinson & Goldschmidt 12 Jlarch 18.1 year 720 52d st, n s, 3lX) e 12th av, 2.^x85, Knickerbocker Hancock st, s s, 20 e Howard av, -20x80. error. Slh av. No. 309;;Marcissa B. Blakesley toiRob- Life Ins. Co. agt Henry C. Baker; att-y.s. John­ Felix Effraj- agt Henrj-Grasmau; atf j-s, Fisher, ert Lippencott; Jliiy 1,1.S77, 6 years 1,400 son. Cantine & Deming. 13 Hurd&A'oltz 12 5-2d st n s, :«5 e 12th av, '25x85. Same ngt same... 13 Dean st, n s, 1-25 e Buffalo av, 25x107.2. Lackey 5-2d st n s. :150 e 12th av, 25x85. Same agt same... 13 JIcDermott agt Bessj- Rooney; atfj-, John 31st st, ss,'245 w Istav.'20x93,9, Emigrant Indus­ Aitken 12 N, Y7~STATE- trial Savings Bank agt Henry Schutte; att'y, A'aret st, s s, IOO e Ewen st 50x100. Louise A. James A, Olwell 13 Alker (e.xtrx.) agt Mathias Goedel; atf j-s, S. F. NOTE.—The arrangement of the Conveyances 49ih st, s s, 2,50 w Oth av, 2,5x100,5, Phebe Pearsall, & F. H. Cowdrey 12 Mortgages and Judgments in these lists, is as follows (trustee, &c) agt Nelson Clements; att'y, Lexington av, s s, .305 e Franklin av. 20x100. The The jirst name in the Conveyances, is the Grantor: in Henry AV. Clark 13 JIanhattan Fire Ins. Co. agt Charlotte Wendel- Mortgages, the Mortgagor; in Judgments, the Judg­ 131th st s s, 279 w Willow av. 2,5x100. Port Jlorris ken; att'j-s. Butler, Stillman & Uubbanl 12 ment debtor. Land and Improvement Co. agt Charles Stone- Lewis av, w s, 60 s A'an Bureii st. 20.xl00. Hubert bridge; att'y. Thomas L. Ogden.,, 13 Giroux agt Amarda M. Rollins; atfy, E. H. D UTCHESS COUNTY. 1st av, w s, 26.8 s 8l8t st 25x75. Gershom B. Weed Strickland 12 RKAL ESTATE MORTGAGES. agt John C. Overhiser; att'y. Thomas L. Ogden. 13 Jlarcy av, w s. 40 n Monroe st. 20xS5. The JIanhat­ Adriance. John P. -T. V. AV. Brinkerhoff, East 23d st, s s, 150 p Sth av. 25x98.9. Adelaide JI. Bell tan Life Ins. Co. agt Francis AA'ood: atfys, Fishkill §1.000 agt JIaggie Hurd; att'j-s, Jloore, Hand & Bonnej* 15 Butler. Stillman & Hubbard 13 Burns. AViUiam—J. S. Bird. Poughkeepsie 500 Denman st.n s. 100 w Jlorris av, .50x118.5. John Portland av. e s, 179.4 n Park av, 16.8x100. Wil­ Brown. Samuel—A. AV. Corlies. Beekman 2,000 Clark agt Thomas Lahy; att'y. Smith William­ liam R. Hunter agt David Aubrej-; att'j-, Jos. Eighmil. G, D,—B. Haight Poughkeepsie 1,500 son 15 JI. Greenwood 13 Ellswi rth, Henry and Phebe—E, Jliller, Beek­ :id av and 96th st s ecor. 25.2x100. Wm. G. Brown­ Portland av, e s, 146 n Park nv, 16.8x100. Helen man 600 ing agt Nicholas J. O'Connell; att'j', Williain W. JL Hunter agt David Aubrey; att'j-, Jos. JI. Hustis, H, H,—AV, H, Rogers, Fishkill Tend­ Brow-ning 15 Greenwood : 13 ing to secure endorsements JIangIn st. No. 57. Jacob A. Jlischenfelder agt Hart st s .s, 200 e Tompkins av, lOOxlOO. James Howell. J, JL—L L. Looker. Matteawan 1,100 Franz Freund: att'y, Ernst C, F, Gasteyger 15 P. Rappelj-ea agt Sarah Jones: atfy, J. Law­ Ivorj-. JIarj-—A. Du Bois, Fishkill Landing 250 tOih st, s s, 350 w 6th av, 25xl00.4><. Andrew rence Jlarcellus 13 Law.son, William 1,-0. A. Jlillard, New Ham­ Ewald agt James Martin; att'y. James M. North 1st st, s 8, 117.6 e 7th st 17.6x100. Harmon burgh i,4P0 Fisk 16 Loomis agt George L. Balheimer; atfy, Henrj- Ros-sell. Wyman—W. H. Arnold et al.. Pawling. KHI 9Slh St. s s. 150 e 5th av, '25x100,11, George JL Hagner 13 Sornborger, Philander—E. Hu.sted. Northeast... 3,(i00 Jliller agt S. Howard Howes; att'ys. Miller & Dean st, s s. 216.8 w Nevins st, 21.8x100. The Wing, C. A., JI. A. and T. I.—E. AVing, AA'ashing­ Peckhani 16 Brooklyu Life Ins. Co. agt Susan A. Nojes; ton 2,680 98tli St. s s, 275 e Sth av, 25x100.11. Same agt atf y, Augustus Ford 15 AVhalen. Jlichael—JI. JI. Cutler et al., AA'ashing­ same 16 FrankUn av. n w cor Butler st, 104.9x100. The ton 1,800 98th st s s, 125 e Sth av, 25x100.11. Same agt Brooklyn Life Ins. Co. agt Horace M. Taber; CHATTET^ atORTRAOES. same .' 16 atfy. Augustus Iford 15 Beigel, Jloneka, Poughkeepsie—F. Kopf, horses, 8th av, e s. 25.11 n 117th st 75x100. Stephen D. Franklin av, ws, 104.9 n Butler at l(^i.9xl00. The wagons and beer kegs 1,300 Marshall agt Benjamin Lehmaier; att'ys. Miller Brooklyn Life Ins. Co. agt Horace M. Taber; Coleman, Henry. Poughkeepsie—A. King and & Peckham 16 att'y, Augustus Ford 15 ano., furniture 953 356 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD,

Fetter. A. L.. Poughkeepsie—J. Meldrum. dry Jlilligan, John, and Timothy Mongan—AV. H. Thesame thesame 202 goods, &c 1,0-21 Roberts, et al 122 Paten, Edward—Ann Smith :^80 Stephens, Peter T., et al.—Chauncey P. Shultis.. 6i7 BILI^ OF SALE. Jloneghan. James, and Patrick Meehan—Charles T. McCain 1,622 Sheelej-, Abram T.—Solomon A'ogel 200 Sherow. B. S-. Poughkeepsie—J. AA'. Barnhart, Jloore, John, and Thomas—Peter Bradj- 4-29 personal propertj- — 1.250 Predmore, Abram—John D. Swinton, et al 8:1 Thesame thesame 1,250 Titus, Charles T.—Chas. S. G. Tomb 117 JUDGMENTS. NEW JERSEY Adriance. John P.. East Fishkill-G. Holmes.... .5.59 SCHENECTADY. N. Y. Bayer, T. J.—P. L. Van AVagener 7'2l ESSEX COUNTY. N. J. Broivs. George E.. Poughkeepsie—Hudson River REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCES. Apr. i D. P. Assoc 71 Bimler, G. Q.—Jl.'JIeiuhardt Schenectadj- st, Sth REAL ESTATE CONA'E YANCES, Bradburj-. Tliomas C. Poughkeepsie same... 2:10 AVard §100 Baj-ley, Joseph—J, Baylej-, Jr.. East Orange nom Bradle.v. Ed ward—P. Shields 5.3 Flint. C. M.—E. and J. A. AA'aters, Glenville 2,500 Baj-lej-, Joseph; Jr.—Jl. E. Bayley, East Orange nom Chapnian. Francis—O. Harned and ano 791 Herrick. Nelson, et al.—C. J. Herrick. Duanes­ Coij-er, Ezra—I. H. Condit Caldwell fSuo Carson. George, Poughkeepsie—Hudson River burgh 1.400 Cunningham, Jlargerel—P. Cunningham, K. Agr. .t D. P. Assoc 71 Jlarx. Peter—J. Jlarx. Alb.iny st, Sth AVard 1.000 Kinnej-st 100 Eisel. George AA'., Poughkeepsie same . 71 Jlarx, Joseph—E. Jlarx, Albany .st, Sth AVard... 1,000 Condit, A. P.—C. F. Johnson, East Orange S.OiKl tJreen. 1. L. and C. B.. and James Finch and Palmer. H. and H., Jr. (as exrs., Ac.)—J. PickeU, Thesame AA', E. Howell, East Orange.. .. 1.000 H. B. Cudner, Hj-de Park, and John A. Liberty st 4th AA'ard 200 Condit L. A.—T Leyland. AVest Orange ...... 100 Bavlj". Poughkeepsie—The JlerGhanis' Nat Philips, Nancj-—F. A. Vedder, Paige st, Sth Conw-ay. John—T. A. Jobs. Adams st KKI Bank of Poughkeepsie 390 AA'ard ;J.50 Com.stock, G. AA'.—J. B. Brown. Soutii Orange.. 100 Herrick. Epliraim. Rhinebeck—J. AV. AVright.... 410 Pniyn, F. H., et al.—C. AA'. Philips. Niskjiyuna.. 1,800 Condit J. H.—P. E. Condit East Oratigo 2.(HI0 TIellerich. IL C. Jlalleawan-E. Pettigrove 165 Pru j-n, Jacob (as com., &c.)—C. AA'. Philips, Nis­ Dodd, H. JL—A. A. Condit East Orange 2,000 Hudson Biver Agricultural & Driving Park kayuna 2-25 De Camp, Nicholas—JI. J. Bottier, Montgom­ .A.s-soc, The—A. Vail 90 A'eeder. Sarah—C. F. A'eeder, Lafavette st, 4lh ery st 2..5-25 Hudson Kiver Agricultural & Driving Park AA'ard ". 3,000 Daly, JIarj--C. AA', A, Romer, Lafavette st 5,500 .\s.soc.. The, Poughkeepsie—T, G. Nichols... ,53 RE.\L ESTATE 310RTGAGES. Deenj', Jlorj--G, Jonies, Searing st ,S00 Iloblicb. Jlichael, Poughkeepsie—L. Beigel 77 Edgar, A. A.—JI. E, Lj-on, New st 2,.S50 Jones. C. .\., and H. AA', Nye—J, AV, Reynolds Hallenbeck, Jonas—J. Pickett. Liberty st, 4th Gilloglj-, John—H. Colyer. AA'arren st 700 and another 28 AA'ard 700 Greer, K. E.—C. Albej-, East Orange 5,600 Jack.son. Andrew—The Fishkill Sav Inst 97:1 Humphrej-, J. B., et al.—J. .S. Aernaiii, Duanes­ Gellick. Bridget—E. Jloran. P.irkhurst st :!-.;5 Lainone. AV. H.—First Nat Bank of Rhinebeck.. ViO burgh 1,000 Held, Peter—JL AVoberski. Barbara st nom Miller. John H.—John Schwartz 6:1 JIarleite. J. J.—J. Jloorhouse, Barrett st, 4th Hull, F. J.—C. E. Cow-ell, Fairmount av 800 Jlitcheil. J. G.. Poughkeepsie—The Jlerchants' AA'ard 500 Jobs. T. A.~G. Jlinchin. Adams st 1.2.50 Nat, Bank of Poughkeepsie 94 Jleinhart, Jlena—G. T. AA'atkins (as guard.), Kuicher. Lewis-Jl. Diewery. East Orange. ... 200 Perrv. AViUiam and A. JL, Poughkeepsie—G. JI. Schenect ndy st Sth AVard 225 Lent, John—M. R. Denman. Ricliards st noni .\llerton 1.105 Olmstead, A R.—J. Bradt ct al., cor College Lyon, JI. E.—F. N. A'on Embiirg, Thompson st. 70il Phillips. I^jwis, AA'appingers FaUs-J, Bennett. 122 Terrace and Amanda st 1,000 Jlacknet, C. AV.—C. AA'. Compton. South 8th st. 2.:.')0 Perrv. Willi:im. Poughkeepsie—Hudson River Phillips, C. AV.—F. H. and .1. Pruyn, Niskaj-una. 800 Jleers. G. AA'.—C. R. Fowler, Willinni st noin .\gr Sel). P. .\s,soc 124 Quackenbush, .1. H.-F. Quackenbush. Prince- JIurtlia. Joseph—F. Roeser. Jones st 5 Palmer. II. N , Poughkeepsie—J. Doolittie 2,151 tow-n 1,250 Jleger, Herm'on—I. Jatkowskv, Rankin st l,.50O The same G. JI. -AtcEckron 429 Rendell, Elizabeth—N. I. Scherniei-liorn, Rotter­ Phelps, T. S.—B. Sheridan. Irvington 3..500 Rfichardt. Paul, Poughkeepsie—Hudson River dam 1.50 Patrej-. I. H.—B. S. AVilliam.s. Orange 1.500 Agr. & D. P. Assoc 71 Sawyer, L. P.—C. JI. Stewart. Glenville 1,000 Prj-or. Jt.—F. Friderici, William st nom Sis.scock. Charles.!.—James Knapp 24 Pallez, Susan—The Ulster Co. Savings Inst, Jlarl- Tbe same the same 3,500 Carroll. Edw-ard—Samson L. Jloffatt 161 brough 3,000 Jletz, Frederick—J L. Dickerson, Clinton .5.000 Canfield. James—Sylvester JI. Be.ird 119 Persell, JIaria and AVm.-Geo. Chambers, AVa- Jletz, Emma—The State Bank Co.. Clinton 1,4,')0 Clarendon. Julia—Smilh & Rand Powder Co 4.371' wassing 500 Jlorton, Robert—A, C. AVhitehead. Lonibardj' st, 1,50C Clark, John —Sarah P, Lamoreaux 351 Post Peter K. Jr.—Henrj- J. Morris. Shandaken 4,500 Jlonahan. Philip—AA', Williams. Stone st lOO ri.^rk WUUam—Louisa E. Clark 282 Traver. Chas. L. and Jonathan H.—Robert O'Brian. Timothj--S. D. Bell, Jlontclair 400 CUrk, AVUliam—Catharine Clark .^56 l.auglu-an. Kingston 500 Reynolds. P. A.—A. Dodd, Orange 12.0(10 Clark, AVilliam JL—Andrew- J. Clark 481 Tricker. Ira—John M. Jlockey, Plattekill 500 Ruggles. L. A.—J. B. Tilford. Jr.. East Orange... 1,000 Clark, AVilliam JL—Henry F. Chadeayne 269 AA'illmolt, JIarj- C—James Ramslej-, Milton 600 Sandford. A. E.—E. A'an Emburg, Union av 500 Crisp, WiUiam H.—AViUiam J. Tuihill 109 JUDGJIENTS. Shaffer. JI. O.—BI. Sayre, East Orange 5.000 Downe.v, James—Andrew t'uff 40 Sheridan. Bernard—T. S. Phelps, Irvington 2,1X10 Fitcheii. Charles IL. and John H. Smith—Pat- Bond, Samuel D., Lloyd—Farmers Man. Nat Slowej', Henry—H. P. Jones. I2th av 275 rickGlcason 98 Bank. Poughkeepsie 3,254 Steller, John—L. Sell, Second st 800 Irwin. Lucy—James Knapp 24 Broadhead, AA'm. H. et al,—PhUip Lasher 50 Johnston. Samuel J.—H. B. Claflin 424 Hermance. Jacob, et al, —Jeremiah AA'aternian, 648 CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Jordan. AViUiam-Alexander AA'. JIattison 328 Halstead. Francis—John R, Hunt 718 Baldwin. S. H.. 787 Broad st—Fireman's Ins. June, AVUliam H.-William 0. Eager 257 Jones. James H.—Chas P. Sewart 580 Co., library 40O Livingston. Robert—Thomas Nelson 175 Low. Albert M., Elingston—L. E. Schoonmaker Bell. A. v.. 727 Broad st—E. A. Williamson, fur­ Miiligan, James E.—Amanda Shea 858 &Co 85 niture 3000 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 357

Collins, David, 773 Broad st—T. C. Hammond, Ruh. Bernhard—The Greenville Building* Loan Hilton. J. T.. and L. S. Jlenger. Paterson—M. books, &c 05 Assoc, Boj-onne, 10 yi-s 2,040 AA'olfendeii. 1 transit 2:55 Coolbougli. G. A\'., 91 8tli av-B. F. Croiu', furni­ Stohr, Adam—AV. Kip. J. Cily, lyr 1,500 Jlillerchip, Thonios, Poterson—JI. Ogden, bor ture 1,000 Taft T. W.~The Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co., fixtures, 1 nn Behrens. Frederick—J. Belirens, Jersej' Citj- 1,500 To Bridgeport l^fl ^ Cliasinar, Henrj- and Jlargaret (by exrs.)—J. Devlan, Barbara, Bayonne — T. Kirkwood, To New Haven 1 ^^t J 2° AVilliam, North Bergen 5,250 butcher shop 4.30 ToProvidence •".•;:;;••• { ^ I 'd'. Clark, C. G.—R. Grant, Jersey City 1,-500 Devlan, Barbara, Bavonne—S. K. I^ane, leose- To Pawtucket '' * i !;;^^' ' "•' Cro.ss, R. S.—Elizabeth Cole. .lersej- City 1,800 hold right, &c 3:J4 ToNorw-olk "'^"T^ Craig, .lames—Fannj- C. AA'niiams. Jersej- Citj-.. 5.000 Hoffman, AA'ilbelmina, Hoboken — C'hristina To Hartford .".'. ^: I ^, Davis. Jlary K.—P. Q. Hoagland, Jersej- City.... 3,200 Rush et at, candy store 124 To Jliddletown §J 0 ^ Dunning. B. F.—Isabella J. .AloUerj-. Bayonne... 2,500 AA'enige, Eleonore, Hobokeii~L, Dobbelschulz, To New London '... I'-Mi^S, Geerj-, Eiizabelh—F. AA'. Jackson, Hoboken 1,166 saloon 500 To Philadelphia *^ o nS Gobish, Susan R,—Peoples Gas Light Co., Jersey AA'ellbrock, Annie—Jleene A, Kretzmer, grocerj- and butcher shop 102 To Baltimore ® ~ 00 City nom To Richmond, Vo '.'-'.".•.•.•.•.•.• ® 2 50 Gordon, Letitia—P. Kiernan, Jersey City 6,200 JUDGMENTS, Halliard. Jlargaret (by sheriff)—Penelope A. The current quotations of the yards at the close Jlorris. Jersey Citj- 200 Coutj-, John—J, Jordan, costs 31 w-ere os follows: ^ '^'"^'^ IH.alstedd. T. K.—J. A'. Rightmire, Jersey City... 3,500 JIcNultj', Patrick—Ann JI, Gannon 1.742 Hill, AVilliam—JI, A. Loomis, Jersej- Citj' 1.500 Jlcllvain, R, B., et ol- P. H. Nugent 25 Pine, clear, S JI «jn »vi/» <-n/. Jones. John~-E. F. Jones, Jersey City 8,000. O'Sullivun, David—T. Donnelly- .50 Pine fourthly :g Jl .V"'" 1 *i? »;{ ^ I Jhiliony, Thomas—Jlory L. Coster. Jersey City, 75 Rogers, AA'. E.—A. Brown 411 Pine, selects,/M tl if(^ft" ^ .Nl oyer, Josejih-G. JIayer, Jersey City nom Taylor, N. D.-L Roy a:i5 Pine, goodbo.l%? M ::;.-:; fe' SS|:1C' ^ JIayer, Gustave—Lena JIayer, Jersej' City nom Vreeland. Cornelius, ond Denis Byrnes—R. AV. Pine, common box. t^ JI y> ^ft^ ^ SIcCarthy, AA'illiam—J, H, Dammennann, Jersey AVoodward 186 Pine. 10 inch plank, loch ..:...... '. ^'^ ^f^ °^ City .3,700 MECHANICS' LIENS. Pme, JO inch rilonk. culls, each. ' ' " ,^i „? Morrow, Isoac—J, B. AVilson, Jersej- Citj- 3,000 FarreU. John—J. D. Baldwin 407 Pine, 10 inch fioards, each.„:.... i^ ^l Ogden, W. B. (by exrs.)—E. Jaeckel, Jersey Gould, D. H.—J. D. A. Butler no Pine, 1() inch boards, culls, each .•.".'.• j^^* ^2 City 865 Smith. J. B.—Jlory Ford 48 '•--•• ' 22 (iC(rr/24 CO Ogden, Wm. B. (by exrs.)-Jennie Kemp, Jersej- AVellbrock, J. H.-P. H. Tiedemann 72 600 24 00((^'.r(j 00 Regon, WilUam—S. G. H. Wright, jersey (iity.. nom aJ0()fft24 00 Schunemann, C. H.—D. Ow-en, North Bergen... 150 PASSAIC COUNTY. N. J. •, m inch siding, common.'» Ji'.!!! 1; u wife 00 Sherman, John (by sheriff)—Jlary Jliller, Jersey Pine, 1 inch siding, selected. I? k yg ^Lio m City 100 PATERSON KEAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, Pine. 1 inch siding, common,\ U jZ ^%fi ^ Smitii, Philip—J. E. AA'alker. Harrison 300 Atkinson, Robert—R, AA'arren, southeast cor Spruce, boards, each . ^®^'' \0 Stern, Henrietta—A. O. Bliss, Harrison 3,000 Claj' ond Lewis sts, 3 years §800 Spruce, plank, 1 J, inch, each.... I':' h Tepe, H. M. (by sheriff)—E. Du Bois, West Ho­ Baer. Louisa and Frederic—R, Post, ses Ben­ Spnice, plonk. 2 inch, eoch .'."" X JL^ boken 1.550 son st, n N, AA', st 1 year i,500 Spruce, woll strips, eoch "• nS? 7~ Vreeland, N. G.-J. Dickson. Jersey City nom Brown, J, J,—J. C. Allen, e s Clark st 1 year..., 6,000 Hemlock, boards, each Tf J" A'reeland. George—J, H, A'reeland, Bayonne 3,000 Carlough, Jlary and AV, J,—AV, J, Pulis, u s Tj-- Hemlock, joist 4.\6. each ^ i~ AVonner, J. L. A.—J. C. A. AVanner. Hoboken... 1,000 lerst, n E. Cairollst, 1 j-ear 900 Hemlock, joist, 2J^x4, each n# f.'i AA'eaver, G. A.—Adiline Qurripel, Hoboken.. .. 4,5(K) Church, AV. E.—S. Takaki, s s High st, n Ascen­ Hemlock, woU strips, 2x4, each '" fn/T-: ,, AViiliams. Fanny C.—J. Craig, Jersej- City 4,000 sion st, Passaic. 3 j-eors 4.000 Black AVolnut,good, t^ M ['. rnffMnK J, Williamson, David (by sheriff)—J. Baker, Jersey Dean. S. R.—AV. BlundeU (1). e s JIain st; (2) e s Black AValnut H Jncli. ^ Sl .. " ^^^ ?H 100 Bridge st, 1 J-ear 2,800 Block AA'olnut. % inch. ^ M....'.'.'.".'..",' 70 OcM-'^u, nX AA'il.son, J. B.—Rececca AV. Jlorrow. Jersey City. 3.lK)0 Dunham, G. AV.—J. JI. Northrup, n s AA'ashing­ Sycomore, 1 inch, ?> M,:, 4o S^*' "» AVright S. G. H.—AVm. Regan, Jersey City nom ton pl, Passaic, 1 yeor 1,000 Sycamore, %inch,'.-p M ,.. i fi S^ m AVhite AVood, choirplonk, -p M, "^f^ ™ REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES. The same same .. 2,600 Fischer, Louis—R. Hoffmonn, s s Union st n AVhite AA'ood, 1 inch, ond thick. » Ji!" " 3.3 nrl^ m Benson. David—G. D. A'oorbis, Hoboken. 3 years 1.500 Jasper st. 4 years 800 AVhite AVood, %i,wh, :ff M.,., ..^.:. ;;• If, f^f-^ "0 Brennan, Ann—D. Garrity, Hoboken, 2 yrs .5-20 Halloran, Florence—M. Dater, w s Vine st, n Ash, good, ?«M .'. - . 35 0^m^ Braj'. T. E.—E. Doughertj-, J. Citj-. 2 yrs 3,000 Cedar st 3 years - 300 Asli, second quality, .^? M •.•;.•.'.• |i ^«'" 0" Brophy, Mary—S. Askroft. J. Citj'. 5 J-rs 500 Henry. David—P. R. George, e s JIain st, n Cherry, good. ^f» M ^)oM'^^ Sloterst 1 year 5,000 Cherry, common, t? M -^ 1^^ S^ Dingmau.paugall-Emnia Burdett, J. City, 2 yrs 1,500 Oak, good,-l? M .' ...::.• -T^Knm Demmert, Henrietta—Anna Syms, J. City, 5 yrs 3.000 Jacobus, W. R.—N. J. Doremus. lond in Little Falls T'p, 1 J-ear 500 Oak. secondquolity, ip M...... i ^^ ^. Ellis, Louisa—Minister. Elders, &c.. Ret- Prot Basswood, r# M. . — ' 7,^ »^ OO Dutch Church. J, City, 3 vrs 1,200 May, M. L—M. H. Doiikersley et al.. w s JIain Hu5he,s, Patrick—Mechanics' & Laborers' Sav­ st, 2 years. (Prior mort on same property Hickory. l^M 5« J2^ ^ ings Bank, J, City, lyr 1,000 for §1,000, cancelled April 13, 1878) 1,000 Mapie,ca,ioda,!t3M... .::::::: iKm Hope, Jacob—E. F. Hape, AVest Hoboken. 3 yrs. 600 McKiernon, Jlory--J. H. Goetschius, n s Ward Jones, E. F.—J. Jones, J. Citj-. 1 yr 4,(rfM st, n Hotel st, 3 yeors i,000 JIaple, American, IIM :'•• 1^, wf*^ m JCelly. Thomas—JI. Tlmmins, J. City, l yr 1.600 AVasuidge, Elizabeth--ii. B. Aj-crigg, e s Pros­ Chesnut^M 3S S^TX SS lAird, James -W. Meade. J. City, Aug., 1878.... 500 pect St. Passaic. 3 yeors 200 Shingles,shaved, pine, f M....;:;;;••• e Sf-*? "° Mallery. IsabeUa J.—B. F. Dunning. Bayonne, Shingles, shaved, *d quolity, » M. ^Im 3yTS 2.000 PATERSON CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Shingles, extra, sawed, pine, ^ Jl n^dim Nicod, Ferdinand—Julius Kayser, Hoboken, Albrecht, August, Acquackanonck T'p—AV. Shingles, clear, sawed, pine. ^ M..!!""' «> 5 nn 3yrs 300 Albrecht, horse. &c 50 Shingles, cedar. |? JI ...... T.. ^- o 29 Phelan. John—A. A, Lutkins. J. City, 5 yrs S,5V0 Hampele, AJbert Paterson — C. Scherding, Shingles. Hemlock, |? 31 .' § o iS Richert, FhUip—Louisa Kick, Hoboken, 1 yr.... 345 - stock, &c , 550 Lath, Hemlock, » Jt M?^ Lalh, spruce, ^ M ^ ]'li. Lath. pTne. U M •.•.•..•.•.•,•.•.: |^g 35S THE REAL EstATE RECokt),

MARKET QUOTATIONS. Unpolished Cylinder, Crown, and Common Window, Mape,«uU, 20 00® 25 00 Our flgures are based upon cargo or wholesole valu­ not exceeding IOx 15 in. sq., IJ^c; over that and not Maple.good «„ —, 45 00® 50 00 over 16x24, 2c.; over that ond not over 31 x 30. 2!4c.; ations ih the main. Due allowance must therefore Chestnut 45 00® 50 00 all over thot, 3c. ^ ID. be made for the natural additions on jobbing and Cypress. 1,1}<1. 2 and 2JiJ in 35 00® 40 00 retail parcels. AA'INDOW GL.tss, Prices Current per box of 50 Black Walnut, good to choice 80 00® 100 00 feet. BRICK. Cargo afloat Black AValnut % 75 00® 85 00 Pale ^JLS200 & 2 60 SINGLE. Black AValnut selected and seasoned 110 00® 150 00 Jersey @ Sizes. 1st. 2d. 3d, 4th. Black Walnut counters ^ ft. 1.5® 25 lA)ng Island @ 6x 8—10x15.. . $7 50 $6 75 §6 -25 85 75 Cherry, good ^Mft. 60 00® 80 00 Up-River 4 25 (^ 5 00 11x14—16x24.. . 8 50 7 75 725 6 50 AVhitewood, chair plank 60 00® 70 00 Haverstraw Bay, '2ds 5 '25 @ 5 ;i7l^ 18 X 2-2—20 X ;W.. . 10 75 9 75 8 75 7 75 Whitewood. inch 40 00® 50 00 Haverstraw B.ij-. Ists 5 50 @ 5 62^ 15 X :16—at .V :».. . 12 25 10 75 9 00 8 50 Whitewood, 5gin 30 00® 35 00 Favorite brands 5 75 @ 26x28—2.1 x:W.. . 13 00 11 50 9 75 9 00 Whitewood, % panels 35 00® 40 00 FROXTS, 26X .36—26x44.. . 14 50 13 25 10 75 9 50 Shingles, extra shaved pine,18in. ^ M 9 50® 10 00 Oroton—Brown 5 M, @ §7 00 26 X 46—:«) X 50.. . 15 00 14 00 11 25 10 50 Shingles, extra shaved pine, 16in.... 8 50® 9 50 Oroton—Dark @ 8 00 30x 5-2—:»x54.. . 16 00 14 ,50 12 00 Shingles, extra Sawed pine, ISin 7 00® 8 00 Oroton—Red (g> 9 00 30x56—:i4 x.56... . 17 25 15 50 13 50 Shingles, clear sawed pine, 18in 6 50® 7 50 T'hiladelphia 23 00(a 27 00 34x58—;34x 60... . IS '25 17 25 15 00 Shingles, cypress, ai X 6 20 00® 22 00 TrentOD .,,. 2100® 25 00 -36 X 60—10 X 60.. . 20 75 18 75 17 25 Shingles, cypress, 20 x 6 12 00® 15 00 Baltimo.e SlOO® 38 00 DOUBLE. YeUow pine dressed flooring. ¥ M ft 35 00® 45 00 A'ard prices 50c, per JI higher, or, w-iih deliverj- 6 X 8—10 X 15.. . 12 00 11 on 10 00 9 25 Yellow pine girders 30 00® 40 OO added, §2 per JI for Hard and 8:1 per JI for front llx 14—16x24... . 13 75 12 50 11 75 10 60 Locust posts, Sft ^ in. 18® 20 Brick. For deHverj- add §5 on Philadelphia and Tren­ 18 X 22—20x:i0.. . 17 25 15 75 14 00 Locust posts, 10ft ai@ 25 ton, and §6 on Baltimore, 15 X ;i6-24x:«).. . 19 75 17 25 14 50 Locust posts, 12ft 29® 34 26 X 28-21x36.. . 21 00 18 50 15 75 FIRE BRICK. ___ Chestnut posts ^ ft. 3® 31^ 26 X 36-'26x44.. . 23 25 21 25 17 25 Cargo rates 10 per cent. off. RedAVelsh. §35 00 (a 36 00 26 X 46-;MX50.. . '24 00 22 50 18 00 PAINTS AND OILS. Scotch 26 00 ® 30 00 30X 52-:i0x54.. . 25 75 2;i 25 19 25 Chalk.. ^ton §1 25 @ 2 50 American 25 00 (© 30 00 SOx 66—;MX56.. . 27 75 25 00 21 75 China clay ^ ton (currency) 18 00 ® SO 50 CEJIENT. 34 X 5S-;MX60.. . 29 25 27 75 '24 00 —— Whiting flOOtt 40 ® 60 Rosendale ^ bbl. § & 90 36 X 60—10x60... . .3:1 25 30 00 27 75 Portland, Saylor's American 2 65 ® Sizes above—§10 per box extra for everj- five inches Pons white, Eng. (gold)..^ lOOIb 1 70 ® 1 75 Portland (imported) 3 00 @ 3 40 An additioiiol 10 per cent will be charged for all Pans Avhif«, Americon 1 45 @ 165 Roman... 3 00 @ 3 40 gloss more thoii 40 inclies wide. All sizes above 52 2anc, white American, dry 5® (i'4 Keere's coarse 6 50 (gi 7 00 inches in length, and not making more than 81 inches Zinc, white, American, in oil. pure 6 ® 9 Keent«'s fine 10 50 (gi 11 00 wlil be charged in the 8J united inches' bracket Lead, white, Americon. dry 7M® 8 JIartin's coarse , 6 00 @ 6 50 Discounus, French—nominal. American—nomiuai. Lead, white. American, in oU pure 8J/.® 9 Martin'sflne 10 00 (& 11 00 GREENHOUSE, SKYLIGHT AND FLOOR GLASS. Leod, red, American 7W® 73^ Per squore foot net cash Litharge. American 7 ® 71? DOORS. AA'INDOAVS AND BLINDS. M nuted piote.... 18®20 Rough plate.. Ochre, French, drj- (gold) 1 35 ® 1 45 Ochre, m oil (currency) 6 ® 15 DooKs, RAISED PAKZLS, Two SIMS. 3-16 Fluled plate....20@22 ^ Rough plate.. .60@63 Venetian red,Eng'sh (gold) ^ cwt 1 70 @ 1 75 -2.0x6.0...... l^iu. § 75 ii Fluted plate '25®.-27 % Rough piote.. -0®75 YA Rough plate.... 2-i^j;i4 1 Rough piote.. „ Spanish brow-n, dry 1 @ 114 •2.6 X fi.O ..lii 1 05 Sbanish brown, in oil... 5 ® 6* 2.6x6.8 % Rough plate....38@40 1J4 Rough platel 30®1 35 .. II4 1 10 HALR—Duty tree. Vermilion, Am. Quicksilver (gold) 55 ® .5714 •2.8x6.8..,, . IH 1 15 Cattle ^ bushel of 7tt.. § (^ 0 10 Vennilion, Trieste (gold) 80 @ 85 DOORS, JIOULDED. Carmine. American, gold 4 75 ® 575 Goat (^ 0 Viy Size. lyin. Chrome, yellow, genuine, dry 12 ® 35 l^ia. IJiin. IRON. 2.0x5.0 §137 Chrome, yellow, in oil... 18 @ 28 2.6 X 6.5 1 69 2 14 Duty.—Bar, 1 to l^c. !g lb; Railroad, 70c. S 1001b Orange Jlineral English, gold 9y>@ 10 26x6.8 1 73 2 16 Boder and Piote, IJ^c. « tt; Sheet, Band, Hoop and Paris green, pure, dry 17 ~@ 30 2.6x6.10.... ., 1 76 2 '23 ^^°^' ''H,^ ^54c. ^ tt; Pig. §7 ¥ton; Polished Sheet Putty, pure ©m 2 ® 2U •2.6x7.0 180 2:i2 •3c. ^ tt; Galvanized, 2J^c. ^ tl>; Scrap Cast, $6 « ton; Sienna, raw (American) 8 ® *2.8x 6.S Scrap AA'rought, §8 ^ ton—all less 10 per cent. No Bar Sienna, burnt 7^(a 8 ISO 2:« 2 85 Iron to pay a less duty than 35 per cent, ad vol, 2.8x7.0 188 3 41 2 99 Sienna, burnt, in oil 10 ® 20 Pig, Scotch, Coltness ^ ton §-25 00® J 2.10x6.10... 1 99 2 51 3 46 Sienna, raw, in oil 11 ® -ir. Pig, Scotch, Gartsherrie —l^gi 3.0x7.0 207 2 71 3 33 Umber, burnt 434® 5 Pig, Scotch. Glengamock 23 50(a Umber, burnt in oil 9 ® 15 GLAZED WINDOWS. Pig. Scotch, EgUnton 22 50® Umber, raw..... gj^ 4 Dimen- 12 Lights. 8 LightLightss 4 Lights. Pig, Americon. No. 1 18 00(a Umber, raw, in od 10 ® 18 sionsof . • V . ' , , » . Pig. American, NO. 2 17 00® Black, lamp, coach — ® '20 windows. IWpl- iWcc. IK'CC. IWcc. l>{, & 2J^ 2.3 @ SLATE. Delivered at New York 2.10x5.10 1.93 r.oii 2.C:j 5;.30 2.32 5.55 Scroll 2.7 4.9 Ovals and half round 2 7 Purple rooflng slate . ^ square. $6 00 @ 87 00 cc. means counted checked—plow-ed and bored lor 3.8 Greenslate 6 00 ® 7 00 Band, 1 to 6in. x 3-16 to No. 12.. . . 2.5 weigilts. ® Redslate , 10 oO ® 1100 Horseshoe 34 Hot Bed Sash Glazed 3.0x6.0.... $2 1 Black slate, Pennsylvania (at Jer- Oi-rsiDE BLINDS. * Rods, % to ll-16in ' 2*2 4.3 seyCity) 5 GO ® 5 25 Per lineal foot, up to -2.10 w-ide $ (gl $0 Hoop, %x No. 22 tol & 1^^x13 & 14 2.8 5.91 Slate tiles, 1}^ in., rubbed, ^ sq. ft Per lineal foot, up to:}. 1 w-ide (g> Nail rod 6^ ® delivered 20 @ 25 Per lineal foot, up to 3.4 wide ® 0 Sheet Russia, as to assortm't (gold) 10>^@ Sheet, singles, doubles and trebles, SOLDERS. Per lineal foot, painted and trimmed.,. 0 40 ^ conimon 3« 4 go-^ $0 10 @50 11: INSIDE BUNDS, Sheet double-:and trebles,charcoal 5- .„ 5„,..^ No.2 , 9i^@ ,J5^ Per lineal foot 4 folds. Pine (g 0 50 Sheet, galvanized List 55(^45 per cent dia •HN PLATES.—Duty. 11-lOc. ^ tt. Per lineal foot, 4 folds. Ash or Chestnut © 9 80 Rails. American steel (currency) 41 00® 43 00 I. C. charcoal, 10114..¥ box (cur.) §6 50 ® §6 75 Per lin, ft,. 4 folds. Cherry or Butternut © 0 95 LATH—Cargo rate ^M 1 50® LC, coke. 10x14 5 25 ® 6 00 PerUnealfoot 4 folds. Black AA'olnut,.. ^ 115 LUIE. I, X, charcoal, 10x14 8 75 @ 8 87 AA'INDOW FRAMES. Rockland, common L C. charcoal, 14x20 6 50 @ 6 7 Up to 3.4 X 7.2, put together ® 2 30 Rocklond. finishing 1 00® LX, charcoal. 14x20..- 8 75 @ 9 00 ptat*i. common, cargo rate. .!$ bbl. % 70® FOPvElGN AVOODS-Duty free. 75 I.e. coke, 14x20 5 25 @ 6 00 State, finishing 1 00® L C. coke, teme, 14 X a). 5 53 @ 5 63 CEDAR, Ground L C. charcoal, teme. 14x20 5 75 ® 6 1216 Cuba ^ suiierflcial foot 0 8 (^ 0 13^ Add '25c. to above figures for yard rates. ZINC, Duty, sheet, $ B, 2ye. Mexican, smaU 0 8 @ 0 10 LUMBER•UMBER.. Sheet (gold) foreign 9 B. §0 f:ei%% 0 07."«i Mexican, large 21 (©0 Viy Prices for yard delivery, average run of stock. •* (currency) flome.stic 6 J^® 65I Florida ?9cubic foot 0 40 ©0 75 Allowance must be made on one side for speci con MAUOGANT, tracts, and on the other for extro selections. St Domingo, crotches, ordinory to Pine, very choice and ex. dry, 9 M ft §60 00® $70 00 good ^ superficial foot 0 20 ® 0 25 Pine, good...... 45 00® 53 00 "None Such." St. Domingo, crotches, fine 0 25 (^ 0 40 Pme, shipping box 18 00® 22 00 Self-Locking and Burglar St. Domingo, logs, small 0 5 ®0 8 Pine, common box 16 00® 17 00 St. Domingo, logs, large 0 8J^® 0 14 Pine, common box, 9g 13 50® 15 00 Proof Window Locks. Frontera, Mexican, lorge 0 9 ® 0 13^ Pine, ta ly plank, IW, IOin., dres'd ea. 40® 43 Frontera. Mexican, small 0 6 (g> 0 8 Pine, tally plank, 1 j|, 2d quality 35® 38 Cheapest and Best in the Other Jlexican 0 5 @ 0 13 Pine, tally planks, 1J4, culls 25® 28 Market Send 25 cents Honduros 0 5 ©0 13>^ Pine, tally boards, dressed, good .,., 30® 32 ROSEWOOD. Pine, tallj' boards, dressed, common. 25® 27 for sample. State and R'O Janerio, ordinorj'to good ^ lb 0 2 @ 0 3>^ Pine, tally boards, culls, dressed 2:1® 26 Bio Joneiro. good to fine 0 4 @0 8 Pine, strip boards, merchantable 17® 20 County Rights for sale. Bahia. ordinorv to good 0 1^© 0 3 Pine, strip boards, clear 25® 28 Bahia, good to fine 0 3f|® 0 7 Pine, strip plank, dressed, clear 35® 38 FRED. J. HOYT, Honduras per ton 10 00 (gSO 00 Spruce boards, dressed 22® 25 72& Broadway, N. Y S Uinwood 9 superficial foot 0 15 @ 0 35 Spruce plank, l^in.. dressed 25® 29 Tilipwond ^ a 0 4 @0 5 Spruce plank, 2in ... 35® 33 HURST & TREANOR, L gnumvitae, sraoU ^ ton 10 00 @20 00 Snruce waU strips i4