Field Trip Database (.Pdf)
LIBS Field Trips (Published 2/18/2012) An updated version may be available at PAGE 1 of 12 Plant list Date Location (as listed in newsletter) Leader Description Co sponsored by availability To see Arethusa bulbosa and Helianthemum dumosum in flower. A later-reported highlight: found a new 6/8/1986 Montauk Bob Zaremba population of Schizaea,which had not been seen on Long Island since about 1981. 7/13/1986 Sunken Forest, Fire Island 8/3/1986 North Fork and South Fork Joe Beitel Orchid tour (north and south fork) Canoe trip. Follow-up report: The most interesting aspect of this trip is in observing the rather small but continuous change in ecological zonation (that is, the transition from fresh to salt water) and the very tidal nature of the river. Among the plants seen were Chelone glabra, Lobelia cardinalis, Vernonia noveboracensis, Lilium superbum, Sagittaria latifolia, Peltandra virginica, Pluchea purpurascens, 9/13/1986 Caleb Smith State Park, Smithtown Jim Romansky Samolus parviflora, Mikania scandens, Acnida cannabina, Acorus calamus, Spartina cynosuroides and Scirpus validus. In addition we saw two species known historically from the area but now considered rare: Lilaeopsis chinensis and Hydrocotyle sp. Fern walk. Follow-up observation: Our fall trip to Smithtown located the second extant population of SB 10/26/1986 Caleb Smith State Park Joe Beitel Botrychium oneidense in New York State. (fern/allies only) 11/22/1986 Blydenburgh Park, Smithtown Ray Welch nature ramble 2/22/1987 Cathedral Pines east, Brookhaven Louise Harrison, Betty Winter twig identification. 5/16/1987 Montauk Point Joe Beitel collecting trip A walk in the Long Island wet pine barrens, looking for sedges (e.g.
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