Newsletter of the Upper Canada Railway Society THIS MONTH

IN RAIL AND TRANSIT 3 SPRING SPEED Richard Carroll's analysis of train speeds In the spring timetables In Canada and the U.S. 4 CP'S RECYCLED BRIDGES Spans from CP's bridge at Empress, , NUMBER 522 - MAY 1993 are moved to Leacross, Saskatchewan. 5 ALBERTA GRAIN CAR ADVERTISING PUBLISHED BY Alberta town names on ALNX and ALPX Upper Canada Railway Society cylindrical hopper cars. RO. Box 122, Station A 6 , M5W IA2 RESEARCH AND REVIEWS UCRS EXCURSIONS THIS SUMMER RAILWAY ARCHAEOLOGY We've got a series of day trips and weekend EDITOR . . . Edmundston and the St. John Valley excursions from Toronto organised for your Pat Scrimgeour BOOKS Train Watcher's Guide enjoyment this summer. For more informa• 250 Queens Quay West #1607 12 tion, or to make a reservation on any of the Toronto, Ontario M5j 2N2 TRANSCONTINENTAL trips, please call Rick Eastman at CompuServe e-mail: 731 12,1037 (New) THE RAPIDO Deux-Montagnes line 416 494-3412. Reservations are required for all trips, as space is limited and arrangements THE PANORAMA New Skeena schedule CONTRIBUTING EDITORS MOTIVE POWER CP and CN repainting are made based on the number of people John Carter, Art Clowes, Scott Hasklll, IN TRANSIT Trolley coach specifications participating. Please let us know at least 10 Don McQueen, Sean Robitallle, VIA contract to AMP days ahead whether you plan to attend. Gray Scrimgeour, Chris Spinney, THE TRAIN SPOTTERS Special VIA trains Sunday, July 4 John Thompson, Gord Webster South Simcoe Railway and R.M.S. Segwun ON THE CALENDAR A day trip, leaving at 8:00 a.m. from Toronto , to the SSR, then to Graven- Friday, June 18 - UCRS Toronto meeting, Please send news and short contributions to hurst to for a four-hour cruise on the Segwun, 7:30 p.m., at the Toronto Board of Educa• the addresses shown with each news section. including dinner on the ship. After dinner and tion auditorium, 6th flooi; 155 College Articles and photos should be sent to the our return to Gravenhurst, we will stop by Street at McCaul. John Mellow will be editor at one of the above addresses. If you Washago for some train watching, then presenting scenes of Ontario railways and are using a computer, please use electronic return to Toronto. The price will approxi• stations in the 1960s and '70s. mall or send a WordPerfect or text file on an mately $80.00 - call Rick for details. Friday, June 25 - UCRS Hamilton meeting, IBM-compatible (S'/V or 3'A") disk, along with Friday, July 16, to Sunday, July 18 8:00 p.m., at the Hamilton Spectator audi• a printed copy. Parry Sound and Sudbury torium, 44 Frid Street, just off Main Street A railfan weekend following the CN and CP at Highway 403. The programme will be north to Sudbury, leaving Toronto on Friday recent news and members' current and Subscriptions to Rail and Transit are available evening. The exact itinerary will depend on historical slides. with membership in the Upper Canada Rail• your interests, but will definitely include the way Society. Membership dues are $29.(X) per Sunday, July 4 - Excursion to the South Canadian at Capreol, CN double-stack trains, year (12 Issues) for addresses In Canada, and Simcoe Railway and the R.M.S. Segwwi. the CP Sudbury and Caftier stations, and a $32.00 for addresses In the U.S. and overseas. Friday, July 16 - UCRS Toronto summer look at the Inco electric operations. Student memberships, for those 17 years or meeting, at the Metro Toronto Archives Saturday, July 31, to Monday, August 2 younger, are $ 19.00. Please send Inquiries and auditorium, Spadina Road at MacPherson, Pennsylvania and State changes of address to the address at the top just north of Dupont subway station. A weekend trip to northern Pennsylvania and of the page. Friday, July 16, to Sunday, July 18 - western New York. Included will be train- Sudbury railfan weekend excursion. watching on the Conrail and Norfolk South- Saturday, July 31, to Monday, August 2 - em main lines, an excursion on the Knox and UPPER CANADA RAILWAY SOCIETY Weekend excursion to northern Pennsylva• Kane, and possibly a tour of the GE locomo• DIRECTORS nia and western New York State. tive plant at Erie, Pennsylvania (still under Rick Eastman, President 494-3412 discussion). (,Note: Depending on the arrange• John Carter, VP - Services 690-6651 COVER PHOTO ments at GE and the interests of the partici• Pat Semple, VP-Administration WA3-9 i 23 pants, this trip could be changed to leave on Gordon Shaw, Corporate Secretary 889-6972 One of CP Rail System's newest pieces of the Friday or to be only a two-day trip.) Art Clowes 514 934-5549 equipment Is the Princess Superior, the for• Steve Danko 287-2844 mer Incan Superior, now refitted with a new More excursions are possible for later in the Al Maltland 921-4023 deck and In service between Vancouver and summer and later in the year. For instance, George Meek 532-5617 Nanalmo carrying trailers and railway cars. we may go to Windsor and back on VIA (we Pat Scrimgeour 260-5652 Here, the ship is seen near Pier A In didn't make it on May 22 and 23), while the Vancouver. -CP Rail System photo blue cars are still mnning. Where else are you interested in going as a group? Completed May 30, 1993

2 • Rail and Transit • May 1993 -Photo by Pat Scrimgeour

BY RICHARD CARROLL closely approaches the best-ever of 2 h 10 min established by the Hubo in 1976. Over the years, the most noteworthy accomplishments in • Further on Train 65, the establishment of a Simday-only stop passenger train schedules have usually taken place with the fall at Belleville brings the -Belleville run on that day down timetable change. But this year, some fine accelerations have to just 2 h 52 min (previous best, 3 h 01 min in 1987). Two fine been effected with the recent VIA and schedules. point-to-point sprints are also required by the new schedule: Dorval to Kingston, 166 rtules in 115 minutes for an 86.6 m.p.h. VIA Eastern average, and, on Sundays, Belleville to Port Hope, 50 imles in 34 • The 19 h 45 min fast run from Halifax to Montreal, already the minutes, an average of 88.2 m.p.h. These runs are especially best-ever, implemented last fall, has been significantly further commendable, because, unlike Trains 166 and 167, this train is reduced to 19 h 15 min. authorised for oitly 95 m.p.h., rather than 100. • The best time from to Montreal has been cut to • Finally, there are a number of other city-pair times in the 14 h 32 min from 14 h 58 min, and this established a new best- corridor which are at or near the all-time low point. Three ever time. It should be noted that the previous benchmark of examples: -Kingston, 1 h 45 min (best); Toronto- 14 h 40 min, established in 1967, was operated via Edmimdston, Belleville, 1 h 29 min (best); and Niagara Falls-Toronto, a route some 40 miles shorter than the present one. 1 h 50 min (the best was 1 h 45 min). • A further 35 minutes have been lopped off the Gaspe- Montreal nm, now just 15 h 55 min. Actually, the previous low Algoma Central of 16 h 30 min had originally been established in April 1962, and • The winter schedule on this line, which will resume in mid- required a change of train to the RDC waiting at Matapedia. October, features an 8 h 45 min southboimd nm for the 296-mile • The also has been accelerated throughout, and a trip from Hearst to Sault Ste. Marie, trimming 15 minutes off the couple of segments aren't far off the best-ever times: Montreal- previous standard. This average of 34 m.p.h. is pretty decent, Saint John is 12 h 51 min (best-ever, 12 h 35 min), and considering the number of stops and the condition of the line. Moncton-Saint John is 1 h 44 min (best-ever, 1 h 40 min). • One acceleration which did not happen this spring centres on Amtrak the Levis area. The stillbom bypassing of the Levis riverfront • A solid half-hour has been removed from the best time of the station would have saved about five miles and perhaps 15 between and Montreal. While this minutes to and from points east of Levis. 9 h 40 min run for the 381 miles could still be improved-upon, it brings the overall average speed up to just under 40 m.p.h. VIA Corridor • Between Detroit and Chicago, Train 353's 5 h 10 min timecard • In spite of the arrival of the trackwork season, two more is the best time yet advertised by Amtrak for the route, but minutes have been taken from the Montreal- City fast typical of the best runs operated by New York Central aroimd 30 run, bringing this to a new low of just 2 h 40 min. Although years ago. The fastest was a 4 h 20 min experimental "Aerotrain" some of the "hottesf' point-to-point intermediate dashes have nm in 1956, but this lasted less than three months. been eased-out slightly, the overall timings are excellent on this • Eleven minutes have been cut from the fast time between New route, which is largely single-track and which has more than its York and Atlantic City, and this is the best yet (at 2 h 25 min) share of curves. for the 144-mile route since service resumed in May 1989. • Between Montreal and Toronto, the fine 3 h 59 min times of • Amtrak was allowed for three months to operate the Swedish the Metropolis are preserved. But the most interesting X2000 demonstrator trainset at 135 m.p.h. between New York accelerations have taken place with the new schedule of and Washington, over those sections of track normally authorised westbound Train 65. Three minutes have been removed from the for 125 m.p.h. This, or course, marks a new all-time North Montreal-Kingston portion of the schedule, bringing it to just American high for top track speed in revenue service. • 2 h 13 min. This is the best time on this nm since 1977 and


CP Rail has replaced a wooden trestle at Leacross, Saskatchewan, branch line through this area. It was "redriven" in 1954, after a on the Tisdale Subdivision, with a new steel viaduct, built using fire. Normally, it would have been cheaper to rebuild the old sections of the deck from an abandoned deck plate girder bridge timber trestles ±an to build a steel bridge, but the cost was further south in Saskatchewan, on the Empress Subdivision. reduced considerably by using the recycled spans. "We are now getting otir original investment out of these EMPRESS spans," said Larry McKee, CP's engineer for the project. He In the early 1900s, the decided to build estimated that CP saved almost $170 000 per span by using the a secondary main line from Brooks, Alberta, to Swift Current, recycled ones. Saskatchewan. The railway's engineers chose the new route so as to offer several grade advantages over the original main line through Medicine Hat. The railway planned to use this line, completed in 1914, to take some of the traffic off its main line, which was struggling to cope with booming railway travel. The whole line was built to very high standards. One can see many long fills employed to reduce grades to the bare minimum along the line west to Brooks. The line crossed the South Saskatchewan River just inside Saskatchewan, near the provincial boimdary, east of Empress, Alberta. The bridge was curved, with the deck tilted to give superelevation to the rails at its south end. Just downstream of the bridge, the Red Deer River joins the South Saskatchewan, and the curve took the line through some low hills into the Red Deer River valley and on to Empress. Empress was a divisional point at the time, with a roimdhouse and complete servicing facilities. The depression of the 1930s, with its downturn in traffic, finished the idea of this line as a secondary main. Empress was closed out and the roundhouse demolished. Diesel locomotives and their more efficient hauling capabilities drove the final nail Activity on the Tisdale Subdivision more than adequately in the coffin. The Empress Subdivision was built to withstand the justified the $1.4-million budget for the project. The biggest constant pounding of heavy steam locomotives and high-density shipper on the line is CanAmera Foods, producers of canola oil traffic, but in the end it was only used for light branch line and canola meal, in nearby Nipawin. Among other customers on traffic. the line are the United Grain Growers, Saskatchewan Wheat In the 1980s, CPR applied to abandon the section of tracks Pool, and Continental Grain. essentially from the bridge west to Brooks. It was only allowed The six largest spatis on the Leacross bridge - each 23 to tear up the section around the bridge. metres long, each weighing 42 tonnes - were moved from As the Empress Subdivision had never served its intended Empress. Three smaller spans were shipped from three main-line role, and as the steel was well-preserved in the dry abandoned or partially abandoned subdivisions - the Teeswater climate, the 37 spans of the bridge were still virtually new, even Subdivision in southern Ontario, the Cardston Subdivision in though they were 78 years old. Alberta, and the Subdivision in Quebec. LEACROSS MORE RECYCLING CP's 38-year-old wooden trestle across the Leather River, at Mile Two other spans from the bridge on the Empress Subdivision 107.9 of the Tisdale Subdivision, was a costly, high-maintenance were shipped by rail to the Davenport Subdivision in Iowa on the structure with a 10 m.p.h. slow order for many years. The new Soo Line. 170-metre bridge rises 21 metres from the river bed on eight Two other spans were installed recently on the Shantz Spur reinforced concrete piers and two abutments. After a temporary in central Alberta, as part of a multi-million-dollar upgrade slow order is removed this year, speed over the new bridge will completed in September 1992, to accommodate a new bulk be at track speed, 40 m.p.h. sulphur movement to the West Coast. The most difficult part of the work was building the concrete The remaining spans have been stockpiled by the bridge site piers inside the trestles and beneath the old timber deck, while near Empress along with an additional 20 spans from smaller heavy grain trains rolled overhead daily. bridges on the same line. Eventually, all of these spans will be It took a 225-ton crane less than three days in early recycled, saving the railway millions of dollars. November 1992 to swing nine recycled steel spans into place, the final phase in a salvage and erection project that began in July, Sources: and after a final work block of six days, traffic started to roll • "Bridging the South Saskatchewan at Empress, Alberta," by again. Alex Campbell, Telegraph Lines, March 1993. The original Leacross bridge was built in 1924 by the • "Nine recycled steel spans used to rebuild the Leacross bridge," Mattitoba Northwestern Company of Canada to support its grain by John Timmins, CP Rail System News, February 1993.


ALNX 396304 AT JASPER 1 "Take an Alberta break . . . visit Manning." An Alberta hopper car on a westbound CN wheat train at Jasper, Alberta, on November 12, 1992. -Photo by Pat Scrimgeour

ALPX 628274 - Castor ALPX 628287 - Entwistle ALPX 628288 - Bruderheim ALPX 628296 - Sundance Beach ALPX 628300 - Crossfield ALPX 628318 - Bon Accord ALPX 628322 - Minburn ALPX 628322 - Waiparous ALPX 628360 - Galahad ALPX 628367 - Chauvin ALPX 628368 - Burdett ALPX 628389 - Gibbons ALPX 628407 - Wildwood ALPX 628429 - Lacombe ALPX 628433 - Warburg ALPX 628437 - Irvine ALPX 628438 - County of Lac Ste. Anne In the December 1992 issue of TVie Sand- ALPX 628119 - Botha ALPX 628439 - Czar house, Ed Sing has listed the Alberta grain ALPX 628133 - St. Albert ALPX 628462 - Viking cars with town advertising that he has seen. ALPX 628141 - Grand Centre ALPX 628150 - High Prairie ALPX 628473 - Valleyvlew I've been interested in watching for these any ALPX 628151 - Clive ALPX 628487 - Oyen time I could. For those that haven't seen ALPX 628166 - Cold Lake ALPX 628508 - Magrath them, a number of blue grain hoppers have ALPX 628166 - Peace River ALPX 628510 - Bonnyville bright yellow names of towns or areas of ALPX 628169 - Wetaskiwin ALPX 628516 - Veteran rural Alberta painted on. The ALPX 628000- ALPX 628182 - Standard 628522-series cars are used on CP Rail and ALPX 628186 - Sexsmith I've added a few to the list Ed compiled. Can the ALNX 396000-396479-series cars are ALPX 628202 - Bassano anyone add more? used on CN. ALPX 628211 - Coaldale I notice that in some cases more than one ALPX 628213 - Llagstaff car received the same town name. For Cars in service on CN lines ALPX 628217 - Minburn example, I have seen Castor as ALNX ALNX 396112 - Donnelly ALPX 628223 - Vulcan 396408, and in Ed's list. Castor is ALPX ALNX 396144 - Strathmore ALPX 628226 - Thorhild 628274. And Minburn and Wildwood appear ALNX 396302 - Big Valley ALPX 628244 - Trochu twice each on the list of ALPX cars. Many ALNX 396304 - Manning ALPX 628246 - Island Lake South cars also are still plain blue and have no ALNX 396367 - Alliance ALPX 628268 - Bondiss town name. -Cray Scrimgeour ALNX 396408 - Castor ALNX 396632 - Sexsmith

Cars in service on CP lines ALPX 628004 - Milo ALPX 628009 - Ross Haven ALPX 628011 - Champion ALPX 628022 - Tofield ALPX 628035 - Berwyn ALPX 628036 - Dids ALPX 628045 - Wildwood ALPX 628068 - EInora ALPX 628070 - Seba Beach ALPX 628074 - Milk River ALPX 628103 - Elk Point

CP TRAIN AT IRRICANA • A CP grain train on September 28, 1989, heading north from Calgary on the CN Three Hills Subdivision, just south of the connection at Irricana to the CP Langdon Subdivision. Power for the train is CP38-2s 3024, 3034, and 3052. -Photo by John Carter

Rail and Transit • May 1993 • 5 H A1S[TD PREVIEWS

station, it has been restored and can be found at 514 est, rue Notre-Dame, on the south side. The CPR constructed its Place Viger station and hotel across the street, in the block between rue Notre-Dame and rue Saint- Antoine. This chateau-style structiue, designed by Bruce Price, built of brick and stone, rivals Windsor Station. It was opened in August 1898, and while downgraded in later years it continued to serve passenger trains imtil May 31, 1951. The building is officially located today at 700 est, rue Saint-Antoine and has been taken over and used for mimicipal office space. The third station, and again a spectacular one, is the CPR Just A. Ferronut's Park Avenue station, on the north side of Jean Talon at avenue du Pare. This building is of an Italian-Renaissance style and was Railway Archaeology opened on November 1, 1931. Today, this station sees more people running to catch trains than ever before - but the trains Art Clowes are underground. The west wing of the station is used as the 1625 ouest, boul. de Maisonneuve, Suite 1600 entrance to Pare station on Line 5 of the Metro. Montreal (Quebec) H3H 2N4 CompuServe electronic mail: 71172,3573 Travelling east Since last month, I have made two trips to New Brunswick, one mainly to chase trains and one mainly to pester the friendly Trains, trains, trains: where to go and what to look at this librarians. To me, it is a flip of a coin as to which is the more month? TWo weeks ago, I was photographing trains in lots of enjoyable; both can make my adrenalin flow. Sitting beside the fresh snow. Today, as I was wandering around the railway lines Pelletier Subdivision listening to Alcos chuff their way up the west of Saint-Henri, here in Montreal, it felt like I should be grade, then to be surprised by something like a GATX imit in the going for a swim in the . How things change. consist is great! But it is also great to find a news article in a Montreal stations library about the first locomotive in some town, or translating Last month, in my long-winded epistle on Montreal, I was library information into the location of a long-abandoned section wondering about the exact route that the of railway roadbed. of Canada used to get from their Pointe Saint-Charles station While there was chatter on the scanner, nothing seemed to across the Lachine Canal on the way to Toronto. A review of line up for convenient viewing on my schedule, as I had left early some land documents reveals that the land adjacent to the to be able to visit the Edmundston library. This is a library I Lachine Canal for the present route was purchased by the Grand hadn't previously visited because of their hours. Edmundston, in Trunk Railway of Canada in 1854. This indicates that the Grand addition to having been the northern terminal for the New Trunk's original main route alignment from Pointe Saint-Charles Brunswick Railway (CPR), a former divisional point on the still- across the Lachine Canal was the same as it is today. existing National Transcontinental Railway (CN), was also at the bottom of the "U" of the alignment of the former Temiscouata While this answers one question, it raises a couple more. Railway in its trek from Riviere-du-Loup, Quebec, to Connors, Where did the GTR cross the Montreal and Lachine? And why New Brunswick. was there the sizable station at St. Paul on the GTR branch of that name? We'll let the pot simmer on these and hope that While I wanted to see what the library had on railways answers will float to the surface. Today, this former GTR track in generally, my prime interest was in the Temiscouata Railway. My the area of the Lachine Canal is part of CNR's Montreal interest in this railway has been rekindled as the result of my subdivision and has about 60 trains a day passing over it. attending the rail enthusiasts' limcheons on Tliesdays here in Last month, I looked at the stations in a small segment of Montreal. One of the regular attendees is Anthony Clegg, and the the Montreal area, but as I try to learn more about the railways Temiscouata Railway is one of his favourites. of this province, I begin to realise that the Montreal area, and Edmundston and the Temiscouata Railway perhaps Quebec in general, still has a substantial number of older The Edmundston library didn't offer as much railway information stations in existence. as I expected, but unless it is different than most, it is worth a The best-known of Montreal's stations are now CN's Central, trip back to confirm what they may have hidden away. However, CP's Windsor, and the suburban commuter stations. While the I did find a photograph (reprinted on the opposite page) of the subject is a topic for a major article, here is a quick look at three three local railway stations as they app>eared about 1915, older stations to visit should you be in town. published in Edmiindston's Souvenir Album in the early 1920s. The oldest is the Dalhousie Square Station that was opened The Temiscouata station (centre) was interesting in that it was in December 1882. It was designed by Thomas C. Sorby, a a tall, single-storey frame structure with a very low-pitched consulting architect for the British Public Works and built just (nearly flat) hip roof. Its plain lines and trim remind me of inside (west of) the fortification walls of . As numerous New England stations. All three stations had add-on mentioned in last month's column, this station is famed as the canopies over the passenger platforms. departing point for the first passenger train to Port Moody, B.C. The NTR station (top) was a larger, simple, two-storey frame This station was also referred to as "Quebec Gate Barracks" building with a hip roof. A gable protruded from the roof in the depot. While it has been 95 years since it was last used as a

6 • Rail and Transit • May 1993 middle of the building on the track side to support the order footnotes. It states that No. 3 Mixed leaves Riviere-du-Loup after board. This station was on the east side of the tracks, probably the arrival of the ICR fi-om Saint John and very near the location of the present CN brick station. Halifax. It further states that St. Hilaire is opposite Frenchville, The station (bottom) was a single- Maine, connections by ferry across the St. John River; and that storey frame structiue with a gable roof and was located near the Glairs is opposite Fort Kent, Maine, connections by ferry across location of the present station on the west side of the CPR line. the St. John River, and one mile distance from ferry landing to The first railway into Edmundston had been the New Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Station. Brunswick Railway. The Tdmiscouata's 81-mile line fi-om Riviere- Grand Falls and the St. John River du-Loup reached Edmimdston about ten years later and was Grand Falls was the next library I visited. Here, the librarian, opened on January 1, 1889. At that time, Edmundston was only being interested in her town's past, dug deep. While Grand Falls, a village; it was not incorporated as a town until 1905. The like many communities, is just a way-point on the New Brunswick connection between the Tdmiscouata and the CPR was known as Railway and NTR lines, the library's vertical files had some Edmundston Junction. interesting railway tidbits, relating accoimts of an early horse- The Temiscouata Railway extension, some 31 miles powered railway and various problems and accidents regarding northwest along the St. John River to Connors, was opened on the railway bridge over the St. John River. October 1, 1891. The National H-anscontinental Railway was The horse-powered railway was built in 1838 for moving opened fi-om Moncton to Edmundston late in 1912 and on west sawn lumber from the mills near the falls to calmer water below to Estcourt, Qudbec, on May 1, 1913. the river gorge. The New Bnmswick Railway reached Grand Falls The aligrunent of the Tdmiscouata line for the 12 miles along in the fall of 1877 and it wasn't until 1912 that the National the St. John River from Edmundston to Baker Brook, where it "n-anscontinental opened through Grand Falls. and the NTR took different river vallejfs, had been a question in The files at the library reminded me of other modes of my mind. Since the Temiscouata was there first, I had expected transportation along the river. Prior to 1848, Edmundston was that it had followed the easier route along the edge of the river called Petit-Sault (Little Falls), whereas Grand Falls was called occupied today by the NTR, but it didn't. Maybe the surveyors, Grand-Sault. Both were obstacles to river navigation. While I so used to the hills, valleys, and curves between Riviere-du-Loup never had the pleasure of travelling by a steamboat on the St. and Edmundston, didn't know how else to lay out a line as they John Rivei; I can remember the last of them on the lower reaches headed for Connors. Maps from this trip showed the aligrunent of the river, as well as seeing a couple of their decaying hulks of the Tdmiscouata crossed to the east side of Highway 120, just near Saint John. I can also recall being shown some of the tow south of the Roman Catholic church in Saint-Hilaire and paths on the river banks along parts of the river. South of continued northward for about six miles to Baker Brook where Fredericton, numerous concrete wharves for river boats still exist. it had a diamond crossing with the NTR. An inspection revealed The first commercial traffic on the St. John River was the that many portions of the roadbed of this line, abandoned in towboat. These towboats were about 70 to 80 feet long and 1941, are still visible. Parts wander through farm yards where about eight feet wide. Tow-lines, some 200 feet long, were they have has become farm roads, and other parts form dividing attached to a mast about 12 feet high that was located in the lines between orchards and fields. centre of the boat. These lines were extended to shore where The June 29, 1908, timetable for the Temiscouata Railway horses, working in relays, pulled the towboat upstream. indicates that it had one passenger train and one mixed train, six Steam started to replace horse-power with the launching at days a week, in each direction, over the full 113 miles of its Saint John in April 1816 of the General Smyth. This steamboat at railway. Their timetable, in addition to the normal comments first made one trip a week between Saint John and Fredericton. about connecting trains, has some additional interesting More steamboats were added and by 1851, 50 000 people were carried fi-om Saint John to Fredericton. River steamboats first reached Grand Falls about 1847. In 1842, a steamboat named the Reindeer was laimched. It was special, since it was the first steam vessel in the world to be propelled by a compound steam engine, i.e., one in which high and low pressure steam were combined. While the boats lasted until 1945, they reached their peak in the latter part of the last centiuy just as the railways began regular service to the various communities. There are stories of the railways purchasing a number of the river boats and taking them out of service to reduce competition. River boat engineers were a source for early railways to get trained engineers.

Shrinking trackage The New Brunswick Railway Company's remaining trackage continues to shrink. The 65-mile portion from Perth-Andover south to Millville that was operated by Canadian Pacific's subsidiary, the Canadian Atlantic Railway, has been abandoned after the failure of a McCain's Foods appeal. While CAR hasn't removed the trackage, they have been quick in deactivating the crossing protection and paving over the crossings. One section of the NBR that remains in service is just north of Grand Falls. CP continues to switch the McCain's plan on the east side of the rivei; and connects with the CN at Cyr Jet. CP's

Rail and Transit • May 1993 • 7 single unit and are stored within the McCain's plant when they are not in use. CP/CAR has now received permission to abandon later this Books year the remaining 50 imles of its trackage between Mfllville and Fredericton including nine miles of the former Southampton THE TRAIN-WATCHER'S GUIDE Railway which, serves the paper mill at Nackawic. TO NORTH AMERICAN RAILROADS, Second Edition CP/CAR aren't the only ones abandoning trackage in jthe COMPILED BY GEORGE H. DRURY Maritimes. The NTA gave CN permission to abandon 11.90 miles Published by Kalmbach Publishing Company, 21027 Crossroads Qrcle, of its 12.4-imle-long Havelock Subdivision from Havelock south RO. Box 1612, Waukesha, Wisconsin, U.SA 53187. Price, $14.95, to Petitcodiac, New Brunswick, effective May 13, 1993. This was softbound, 288 pages. the remaining section of the 26-inile Elgin and Havelock Railway This is an updated edition of The Train-Watcher's Guide, that originally extended from Havelock via Petitcodiac (junction originally published in 1984. The author offers a brief history and with the Intercolonial Railway) southward another for another operations guide for more than 140 railways (and railroads) 13.8 imles to Elgin. The Elgin portion was opened in 1876 and throughout the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Included in the abandoned in the spring of 1955. The extension to Havelock was descriptions of each are a photograph, a thumbnail map of their opened on October 14, 1885. routes, as well as company addresses, locations of major shops CN has also filed a notice of intent that it will be fifing an and interchangepoints with other fines, as well as the main radio application to abandon 37.4 miles of its Chester Subdivision in frequencies used by the companies. The major Canadian railways Nova Scotia between Summit (Mile 4.9) and Stillwater Marsh are included, as are most of the regional railways, the exceptions (Mile 42.3). This section is part of the Halifax and South Western being the Goderich-Exeter and the Roberval-Saguenay. Soo Line Railway incorporated by William Mackenzie and Donald D. and Delaware and Hudson are included in the CP Rail System Mann in 1901. This Canadian Northern company opened the section as well as having their own sections. Major passenger 67.86 miles from Halifax to Mahone Junction, including the carriers are also included (GO Transit, STCUM, and VIA) and above section, on October 27, 1904. there are sections throughout the book which remark on steam Woodstock and Mid-Valley operations, labour, agreements, basic diesel spotting, transit The Woodstock, New Brunswick, library is always worth a visit, companies, etc. since for their size they have an extensive collection of historical I did notice a couple of small errors, and a very interesting documents. Also, the town is fortunate as newspapers have been contradiction (the book says that CP's Mount MacDonald tunnel published there since before the railways and are recorded on is the longest railroad tunnel in the western hemisphere and BbTs microfilm. This visit fotmd a researcher from Maine, who has former Great Northem line includes the two longest railroad spent a couple of years digging out information for a book he is tunnels in North America), but, generally; the book is very usable working on. Ffis project is the history of the area around tiie and informative, and is a valuable reference tool both in the original northern terminal of the Saint Andrews and Quebec Rail Library and on the road. —John Carter road at Richmond (Comer), a few miles west of Woodstock. So we spent two days comparing notes and discussing our personal INDUSTRIAL LOCOMOTIVES: postulates on the various railway and historical developments of A Catalogue of Industrial Locomotives and Short Unes the area as seen from our respective sides of the border. of and Territory The original intent of the SA&Q was to bypass Woodstock, BY MERVYN T. GREEN due to the problem of the grades to get down into the valley. Published by Pacific Coast Division, CRHA, RO. Box 1006, Station A, However 10 years after the opening of the line to Richmond; the Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2PI. Price, $20.00 plus $3.50 postage for 10-mile-long Woodstock Branch Railway was constructed from Canada, $6.00 for U.SA; 226 pages, cerlox binding. Debec to Woodstock. As described by Dave Hanson in the Thfe book is a compilation that is well described by its title and November 1991 Newsletter, this constmction made the five irules its further subtitle, "an all-time listing, including museums." It of railway from Debec to Richmond redundant and it would has been produced by photocopying dot-matrix printed text. appear that it was abandoned in the early 1870s, rather than There are about four dozen interesting black-and-white absorbing the cost to regauge the track. A trip to the Richmond illustrations. As you'd expect, most space is devoted to logging and Debec area lets one still trace the visible remains of and mining locomotives and companies. There are also sections embankments of this the long-abandoned railway. on construction companies, other commercial operations, The steep grades (always referred to as the steepest east of museums, terminals, and short fines (including BCER and the Rockies) and deep valleys made the a difficult job of getting WP&Y). —Gray Saimgeour the railway line down to river level. To assist with the New Books construction, a locomotive was brought to Woodstock by river • Canadian 1993 Rail Passenger Yearbook, by Douglas N. W. boat to enable work to proceed from both ends. It is articles fike Smith. A 60-page book exploring history and current events, with the following, which appeared in the August 3, 1867, issue of black-and-white and colour photography. The 1993 edition The Carleton Sentinel, that make historical research exciting. includes the , CPR's Great West Limited, "The first locomotive for the Woodstock Railroad is now en photos by Omer Lavallee, and an illustrated chronology of 1992. route for its destination, having reached Fredericton, where it Price, $17.40 (including GST and shipping) before June 30; was the observed of all observers. It would have been here before $21.70 after then. Write to Trackside Canada, P.O. Box 1369, this but for the unfortunate accident which occurred when Station B, Ottawa, Ontario KIP 5R4. getting it into the towboat at Fredericton." The locomotive did • Haliburton By Rail, by Taylor Wilkins. A softcovei; 132-page reach Woodstock and helped in the constmction, but what were book, with 12 maps and 155 pictures. Price, $15.00 (including the details of fhe accident in Fredericton? A reason to visit the postage and GST); available from Taylor Wnidns, R.R. #1, Fredericton library on fhe next trip. Minden, Ontario KOM 2K0. -Denis layior


riders to pay for the operating cost of the system. equipment and the provincial and federal • Reconstruction of existing railway bridges, governments pay for the running rights and where required. station fadHties. • Reconstruction of existing stations and —GO Transit, Toronto Star via Rex Rundle platforms. Work will soon begin on a new grade OTHER SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS separation at boulevard Grenet, Mile 7.0, GO has made some minor service adjust• Mont-Royal Subdivision, near Val Royal ^^TIRN CANADA ments on its Lakeshore service during the Station. Gord Webster weekday. The changes are as follows: The work scheduled to be completed this P.O. Box 17, Station H • The 06:53 eastbound train from Union Sta• year involves patching the roof in the tunnel, tion to Whitby departs five ininutes latei; Toronto, Ontario M4C 5H7 tunnel modifications for relocating signals, eliminating a delay to a westbound GO train CompuServe electronic mail: 72122,3353 dramage work along the line, reconstruction that now passes Durham Junction, jimction of station platforms, reballasting, and relay• between the GO and Kingston subdivisions, at GO TRANSIT ing rail. It is the intention to upgrade the the same time. SERVICE REDUCTIONS track structure this year and construct the • The first westbotmd morning train to stop GO Transit has confirmed the service cut• new track next year Completing the track at Exhibition Station is the 07:43 train from backs that were described in last month's Rail improvements first allows work to be per• Union Station. Two or three nunutes have and B-ansit, and the cuts will be effective formed on other grade-separations and been added to this train's time for arrival at Julys. The cutbacks in service are bridges with fewer disruptions to rail traffic. stations further to the west. summarised as follows: Indications are that the ballast trains may be • The 06:43 train from Union Station now • Barrie service (one train a day) cut back to pulled by the Z-l-a boxcabs. terminates at Oakville rather than Burlington. Bradford, saving $477 000. There is already To allow this year's work to be carried There is a westboimd express to Oakville a connecting bus from Bradford, and a new out, the line will be closed for a six-week from Union Station at 07:03, which con• coimecting express bus (faster than the train) period beginning the first weekend of July. tinues to Burlington. wiU be added from King City to Barrie. The line will also see service reductions the • A "train-bus" has been added from • Guelph service (one train a day) cut back three weekends preceding and following the Hamilton to BurHngton, then continuing on to Georgetown, saving $636 000. six-week shut-down period. to Toronto, one hour before the first east- • Lakeshore service cut back to Pickering and The following reductions in service are bound train on Simday mornings. Oakville in off-peak periods. Connecting being made between Montreal and Val-Royal buses will run Pickering—Whitby—— STCUM before the July shut down (service between Bowmanville and Oakville—Burlington- Deux-Montagnes and Val-Royal is not Hamilton. DEUX-MONTAGNES LINE UPGRADE affected): • Bus service between Richmond Hill, Mark- CN North America has published public • All trains on Satiuday May 22, between ham, and Scarborough Centre wiU be notice of its upgrading for STCUM and the Montreal and Val-Royal were cancelled. Quebec government of the Deux-Montagnes cancelled except for Train 965, departing line between Montreal Central Station and a • "Train-buses" between Union Station, Rich• Central Station at 00:15 and Train 966, de• point approximately three miles north of mond Hill, and Newmarket will be cancelled parting Val-Royal at 01:39. Deux-Montagnes. Work to be performed over except for the 19:40 departiue from Union • AH trains between Central Station and the next couple of years indudes: Station. The "train buses" are buses which Val-Royal were cancelled on Sunday, May 23, foUow the route of the GO train routes, and • Complete rehabilitation of the single main 1993. which operate firom Union Station and not track extending north from Val Royal yard in • On Monday May 24, which was operated the Metro Toronto Coach Terminal. the City of Saint-Laurent, Mile 0.0, Montfort with Sunday service due to the holiday, the • Other changes, to local transit service Subdivision, to approximately Mile 14.8, following trains were cancelled: Trains 985, operated or funded by GO, are described in Montfort Subdivision, in the dty of Deux- 986, 987, 988, 989, 990, and 991. The only the In TTansit section. Montagnes. service to run on this date were Trains 992, The cost savings in 1993 from these • Complete rehabilitation of the two main 993, and 994, which all operate after 19:00. cutbacks wfll total $6.5-inillion. Ridership tracks extending from Central Station, Mile • On May 30, June 6, and Jime 13 (Sun• figures for February 1993 showed an average 0.0, Mont-Royal Subdivision, in the City of days), Train 989, which departs Central weekday ridership of 95 240 train passengers Montreal to Val Royal yard in the City of Station at 10:45, and Train 990, which and 29 780 bus passengers. This is an Saint-Laurent, at approximately Mile 7.40, departs Deux-Montagnes at 11:45, will be increase of one percent firom 1992. Mont-Royal Subdivision. cancelled between Central Station and As a result of these cutbacks, a proposal • Miscellaneous track improvements in the Deux-Montagnes. has been resurrected for privately-run rail Central Station area at Mile 0.0, Montreal The new equipment from Bombardier is commuter service. The proposal, which was Subdivision. now scheduled to arrive in September 1994. tabled in 1990 as Canadian , • Additions and modifications to the signal COMMUTER EXPANSION UPDATE was killed when GO made extensions to system. The planned expansion of commuter railway replace in part discontinued VIA services. The • Grading and drainage work, including operations in and aroimd Montreal (see CCR proposal was finandaUy supported by extension or reconstruction of existing cul• February, March, and July 1992 Newsletters. Bombardier and many of the affected local verts as required. and January 1993 Rail and Bansif) have municipalities. The proposal calls for the • Reconstruction of the catenary electrical

Rail and Transit • May 1993 • 9 TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILWAY AND TRANSIT NEWS been stalled by a dispute between the provin• The new expanded network will have 56 the project, imder the names MonTrain and cial and municipal governments over funding. stations on 275 kilometres of track along six Bonjour Montreal. Included in the MonTrain There is a shortfall of $5- to $6-million in the new routes: proposal by AMF is the use of monorails over projected annual operating budget. The • CP Adirondack Subdivision to Saint-Jean- the Champlain bridge to Brossard and along province wants the municipalities to be sur-Richelieu. Autoroute 15 to Laval. served by the new commuter routes to make • CP Adirondack Subdivision and Conrail The Quebec government has had the up this amount, but the municipalities want Montreal branch to Chateauguay. option to buy 80 single-level cars, now in the province to increase automobile registra• • CP Adirondack, Lachute, and Trois-Rivieres storage, from GO Transit extended until tion fees by $5.00 per year to make up the Subdivisions to . December 21, 1993. The province has report• money. All of the governments are in favour • CP Adirondack, Lachute, and Sainte-Agathe edly already paid $800 000 for these options of the planned expansion and hope that an Subdivisions to Saint-Jerome. and rights, plus $135 000 for storage and agreement can be reached. Quebec Transport • CN Saint-Hyacinthe Subdivision to Saint- security for the cars. -Tom Box via Internet Minister Sam Elkas expects that an agree• HUaire. ment with municipal authorities will be • CN Saint-Laurent and Joliette Subdivisions reached by the end of the spring session of to Charlemagne or Le Gardeur. ACR SAGA CONTINUES the legislature. He hopes to introduce a bill Existing commuter train routes to Rigaud The Ontario provincial government to establish a new regional transit authority and Deux-Montagnes would also be incorpor• armounced on April 30 that it is considering to operate the network during the fall sitting ated in the network. CN/AMF and CP have the purchase of all the track material, right- of the legislature. advanced separate proposals for their parts of of-way, buildings, and other properties owned by the Algoma Central Railway. In turn, the province would lease all of these to a private company. If the deal is completed, the lessee will not receive any financial aid from the government and will have to negotiate the purchase of rolling stock and motive power from the ACR. As well, employees would have to renegotiate all agreements with the new operator. The cost of the proposed provincial pur• chase is between $10- and $12-million. Wis• consin Central has had discussions with the province for the takeovei; but the employees of the ACR hope to organise an employee- owned company to ope;ate the railway, as the Wisconsin Central has said that up to 75 percent of the employees would lose their jobs if the WC took over. The ACR last received a government grant in December for $5.6-million to keep the railway operating until June. The prov• ince has given the ACR $27-million since 1986 to keep the railway operating. If negoti• ations with a potential operator are promis• ing, the province will continue to financially support the railway until the deal is complete and the necessary NTA approval is received for the transfer of the ACR. It is hoped that an agreement with an operator can be reached by the end of the year. If an agreement is not reached, the province will not support the railway beyond June 30 of this year. Late in May, the ACR announced it was laying off 250 employees. -Toronto Star via Rex Rundle

M STCUM AT WINDSOR STATION An STCUM commuter train for Dorion leaves CPR Windsor Station in the afternoon rush hour of July 7, 1992. The platforms will be moved further west, toward the camera, as part of the construction of the new Forum, and train service may be added on other lines If funding agreements can be reached. -Photofay Rjt Scrimgeour


running from Toronto to Montreal and Train served a Great Lakes Carbon Corporation 919 is an extra westbound train from Mont• plant at Mile 1.6 of the spur • CP has also CANADIAN NATIONAL real to Toronto. Since these trains are really officially filed its applications to abandon all DERAILMENT NEAR KINGSTON extras, they do not operate on any particular CAR trackage east of Sherbrooke, Quebec. Two empty auto racks, destined for Oshawa, days or at any particular time. On a recent CP has been granted NTA approval, on westbound CN Train 307 (the Dartmouth, weekend. Train 918 operated on May 14, on effective December 1993, to abandon the Nova Scotia, to Toronto auto train) derailed May 15, and as two sections on May 16. Fredericton Subdivision from Fredericton, at Collins Bay, Ontario, four imles west of the Train 916, a new auto trau, operating New Brunswick, to Fredericton Junction Kingston station, at 22:00 on May 13. One from Windso:^ Ontario, to Sainte-Therese, (21.2 miles), and the Gibson Subdivision derailed auto rack, CN 711931, ended up in Quebec, began operating to Sainte-Therfese from South Devon to Southampton (37 the south ditch against the pole line. on occasion since May 17 (see January and miles). Also included in the approval are the The Toronto Auxiliary powered with April Rail and Bansit). Until this time, the Minto and Southampton spurs. SD40-2S 5355 and 5358 (in the CN North train was only operating to Toronto and the NORTH BAY CO-PRODUCTION America paint) and Kershaw Hi-Rail crane traffic was being sent the remainder of the CN and CP made a joint presentation to 78836 were used to clean up the derailment, way on Train 519 because the traffic was not North Bay dty cormdl on March 4, unveOing and section crews from as far away as BeUe- heavy enough to operate a separate train. their plans for rationalisation of track viUe and were used to repair the The westbound counterpart, Train 915, has through the dty. CN will be removing its track. Several hundred feet of ties were been operating for over a month. splintered and short segments of rail were track in the city and wfll operate over CP. replaced. LAST TH&B EMPLOYEE RETIRES North Bay has been after the CP waterfront property for a number of years and was VIA trains were not delayed, operating The last employee on the books under the somewhat surprised when it was announced through the area on the north track at 09:00 Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway name that the railways would be using the CP line. the next morning, and freights first passed retired from the TH&B on March 4. Ken through at 13:00 later that day when the Sheppard was caretaker of the Himter Street —North Bay Nugget Station in Hamilton, the only employee left south track reopened. ALL trains were subject OTTAWA COMMUTER PROPOSAL in the building. Even though he has retired to a three-mile-long 20 m.p.h. slow order CP will be making a proposal by September from the TH&B, he will stiU be working at through the site. for a commuter rail service linking Gatineau the station, now employed by the consulting No trains were detouied and no cause for Airport and Ottawa International Airport. A firm in charge of converting the station to the the derailment has been released. Benches for CP spokesman said that a commuter service new GO Transit Hamilton terminal, opening viewing the derailment were provided in the between Ottawa and Gatineau will reduce the in 1994. The TH&B is a whoUy owned sub• adjacent elementary school field for local need for the construction of a new bridge sidiary of CP, and now only exists on paper. residents. —Eric Gagnon across the Ottawa Rivei; which is currently —Hamilton Spectator via T. Karakasis under consideration. NEW TIMETABLES CN issued timetables coinciding with the CONRAIL OPERATION INTO SAINT-LUC The proposed service would use leased change in time on April 25 for all regions in With the operation of Conrail run-through equipment, and would indude four to six Eastern Canada. Two versions of the Atlantic trains to the CN Taschereau Yard in Montreal stations, each costing approximately $1- Region timetable were issued, one in English (see Februaryfta;/ and Bansif), the operation mfllion. The service would operate from and the other in French, replacing the previ• of the Conrail trains operating to CP Saint- Gatinfeau Aiipoit, east of Gatineau station, on ous combined timetable. Luc Yard has been altered. CR trains to Saint- the Lachute Subdivision through Lemieux Luc now originate in Massena, New York, Island, onto the Eflwood Subdivision to ST CLAIR RIVER TUNNEL UPDATE departing at 09:00 and arriving at Saint-Luc Preswood and onto the Prescott Subdivision The NTA has approved CN's appKcations to around 15:15 daily. These trains formerly to the Ottawa International Airport at station convey 1.19 miles of track east from the originated in Selkirk, New York. name Uplands. This route also would serve international boundary to the St. Clair River Carleton University. — Ottciwo Gtizen Tunnel Company (see October Rail and Ban- TIMETABLE NEWS sif). This track will be named the Hobson CP has issued IFS Operating Bulletin No. 04, SHORTS Subdivision. • effective April 1,1993. The bulletin is printed The bunkhouse at Windsor Yard closed as in the same format as the timetables. CP has filed a complaint with the U.S. March 31, with crews staying at a local hotel. Previously bulletins were simply photocopied Interstate Commerce Commission, asking the • The CP is for sale again at pages of a computer printout, stapled commission to review the implications the an asking price of $1.35-iniflion. • The Que• together: This bulletin contains system and tunnel will have on the rail market to the bec government is going to- purchase the IFS special instructions. Spectra radio instruc• mid-western United States. The ports of New Sainte-Agathe Subdivision from Saint-Jerome tions, FRA regulations for operation in the York, Philadelphia and New Jersey are also to Mont-Lauiier (120 miles) for $3.5-million. U.S., revisions to the General Operating voicing their opposition to the tunnel, fearing The abandoned line wfll be made into a Instructions (Form CS 44), and revisions to that traffic wiU be diverted to Halifax. hiking/cycflng/sld/snowmachine trafl. • CP air brake and train handling rules. This buU- win be consolidating its car management U.S. President Clinton has signed an etin now supersedes the applicable sections in centres into one office in Winnipeg by Nov• executive order giving approval for construc• CAR Timetable 16, Quebec Division Time• ember or December of this year tion of the turmel on the U.S. side. table 27, and Algoma and Toronto Division Timetable 47. CANADIAN PACIFIC CANADA NEW TRAIN NUMBERS NTA APPLICATIONS AND DECISIONS RALLY TRAINS TO OTTAWA CP commenced the use of train numbers 918 CP has filed a notice of intent to abandon the A rally was held on Parliament Hfll in Ottawa and 919 on extra trains nmrdng between BerthierviUe Spru in Quebec. The Berthier- on May 15, organised by the Canadian Toronto and Montreal in the second week of ville Spur runs 2.1 miles south off fhe Trois- Labour Congress and its member unions, to May. Train 918 is an extra eastbound train Rivieres Subdivision from Mile 44.0. The spur show the government their dissatisfaction

Rail and Transit • May 1993 • II TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILWAY AND TRANSIT NEWS with free trade and the diminishing size of one time. The Princess Superior wfll make two the Canadian work force. More than 60 000 MA round trips daily between Vancouver and people attended the rally using himdreds of Nanaimo. —Victoria Times-Colonist, CP Rail chartered buses and three special trains. HOSPITAL TRAIN THROUGH CALGARY The three trains were a 12-car GO tram CP's "hospital train," with CPR 2-8-2 5468, from Oakville, a 12-car LRC train from passed through Calgary on the evening of Toronto, and a 14-car train of blue VIA cars April 29. It spent the night at Alyth Yard and from Windsor The trains arrived in Ottawa WESTIRN CAITADA left early in the morning of May 1 for Revel- between 10:30 and 11:30, and left between Gray Scrimgeour stoke. 15:45 and 17:00. For more details, see The #570-188 Douglas Street The train consisted of GP38-2 3127, diner Bain Spotters this month on Page 15. Victoria, B.C. V8V 2PI C. Magee-ADWK 01 (from the Tuscan Club DISPLAY TRAIN CompuServe electronic mail: 70614,3561 at Leaside, Ontario, heading for Lake Louise; VIA recently operated a display train of its March. Rail and Bansit), 5468 with its tender newly-refurbished stainless-steel equipmentto VIA RAIL CANADA CP 301419 (carrymg 5468's original communities in the east. The train operated NEW SKEENA SCHEDULE trailing-truck wheel and axle set), followed on April 23 and 24 and made stops in Camp- VIA has published a brochure to advertise its by five CP steel , numbered 434325, bellton, Bathurst, Newcastle, Moncton, and new daytime-only operation of the Skeena 434447, 434322, 434666, and 434341. Saint John, New Brunswick. It gave the area between Jasper and Prince Rupert, begirming The train was restricted to 20 m.p.h. residents a chance to see the new equipment in May 1994. The train would continue to running and would stop every 10 to 20 miles and "Easterly" service on the and the operate three days a week, but would stop for inspection and adjustment. No. 5468 Atlantic. overnight in Prince George. Operating costs seemed to be running well, but ADWX 01 The train was made up of of F40PH-2 would be reduced, as there would be no need was emitting a loud and regular "clunk" from 6434, sleeperB;ai'rManor-8307, coach 8138 for a sleeping car; and the number of passen• a few flat wheels. Corginally NYC 2919), Skyline 8506, diner gers could increase, because of the increased On the approach to Calgary near dusk on Acadian-8401, sleeper Chateau Closse- scenic views. The one-way price for next the 29th, the entourage was side-tracked at 8205, snARevelstoke Park-8711. summer is quoted as $125.00. Shepard due to some trackwork near Ogden. —Art Clowes and Moncton Times-Transcript T Westbound Eastbound a The care-givers to 5468 took advantage of the three-to-foru-hour stop to do a thorough 16:00 Su We Fr Jasper 13:30 oiflng, greasing, and adjusting. OTHER RAILWAY NEWS 22:00 Prince George Mo 77i Sa 06:00 Leaving Calgary a little before 07:00 the 08:00 Mo 777 So Prince George 20:00 RAILTEX: NOVA SCOTIA AND ONTARIO next day they had reached Banff by about 20:00 Prince Rupert Su We Fr 08:00 The NTA will be holding a pubKc hearing in noon. While the crew changed-olf there, Jime into the proposed RailTex purchase of CANADIAN NATIONAL some local employees took turns at having the CN Hopewell and Sydney subdivisions, their photos taken in the cab of 5468. between Truro and Sydney, Nova Scotia. DERAILMENT • The temporary diesel wheelset (from RailTex agreed to purchase the Hnes from CN On Thursday May 13, a CN train derailed M640 4744) under the firebox seemed to be last January for $20-inillion. The NXA must just inside the eastern boimdary of Jasper doing its job well. —Bob Sandusky reach a decision by July 27. RailTex proposes National Park. Six of the tram's 48 cars went to operate the Hnes imder the name Cape off the tracks. The cars had last carried BN-SOO DISPUTE Breton and Central . anhydrous ammonia but were empty when Burlington Northem has filed suit in Min• The Goderich-Exeter Railway had its first they derailed. There were no injuries, and no nesota to block CP Rail's Soo Line from anniversary on April 4 after taking over its fll effects were expected to the park pursuing arbitration proceedings against BN. lines from CN last year To celebrate its suc• environment. BN has been running CN trains between Duluth and Chicago, a portion of which cessful first yeap the railway held an open SHORTS house on April 21 at the Goderich station. includes track originaUy shared by the CB&Q The CN Saskatoon dispatching office is to Tours were given of the station and photo• and the Milwaukee Road. Soo, the successor move to Edmonton in late 1993. • CN wfll be graphs by local railway author Elizabeth to MILW, claims BN, the successor to CB&Q, filing an application to abandon the Water• Wfllmot were on display. violated the original 1902 agreement by not ways Subdivision in Alberta. It is proposed to asking Soo's permission first before running CANADIAN X2000 TOUR abandon from Mfle 276.0 (north of Lynton, the CN trains. BN claims it never gave Soo Asea Brown Boveri has confirmed that the Mile 274.4) to Waterways at Mfle 285.9. permission to operate under the old MILW Swedish X2000 high-speed train wiU be rights, nor CP to assume the rights from Soo. coming to Canada for a tour after the U.S. CANADIAN PACIFIC CP TAX DISPUTE tour is completed. Details of fhe Canadian PRINCESS SUPERIOR IN SERVICE CP Rail has won the first roimd in a battle display have not been finalised as the U.S. The truck-rail ferry Princess Superior of the CP with seven B.C. Indian bands (most of them tour schedule is constantly changing. It is Rail System Coastal Marine Operations was in the Eraser Valley) that want to tax rail hoped that Amtrak wfll extend the period of officially commissioned on Monday, May 3. flnes running through their reserves. Last time that the train is kept on the continent, The ship was built in 1974 by Burrard Dry- yeai; the seven B.C. bands sent assessment allowing for a longer Canadian tour As it docks and served rmtil last year imder the notices to the railway and to Unitel Com• stands now, however there is very little time name Incan Superior, on Lake Superior trans• munications. allotted for display in Canada. When the train porting forest products between Thunder Bay does come to Canada, ABB hopes to display and Superioi; Wisconsin. It has recently been The Federal Court of Appeal ruled against the train from Windsor to Ottawa and Mont• upgraded by changes that include the addi• a bid by the Indian bands to have the rafl- real. If time constrains the tour; the train wfll tion of a concrete deck that allows for a wa/s challenge to their tax assessments only be displayed in Toronto and Montreal. combined load of railway cars and traflers at thrown out of court. The ruling means a lower court wfll now hear CP's full challenge

12 • Rail and Transit • May 1993 TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILWAY AND TRANSIT NEWS to the bands' authority to tax the raflway SD40-2S TRANSFERRED TO D&H Edison. The units are Nos. 001, 002, 005, lines. The bands want CP to pay more than Ownership of seven CP SD40-2s was trans• 013, 015, and 016, built in 1970 and 1972. $200 000 annually. Natives consider the case ferred to the Bridge Line Division (D&H) on an important test of their recently-acquired February 9. The units involved were 5670, MANUFACTURERS taxation powers. At least eight more B.C. 5677, 5678, 5689, 5690, 5697, and 5698. GM DIESEL DIVISION bands and two in Alberta also want to tax D&H GP38s OVERHAULED/SCRAPPED GM Locomotive Group is continuing to build railway lines. —Toronto Stor vio Rex Rundle D&H GP38 7314 has been rela.-ed from SD60MS for Conrail. Recently buflt units, SHORTS overhaul at Ogden shops in Calgary and howevep have apparently been moving from CP will install CTC on the Maple Creek moved east to Montreal the week of May 17. London to La Grange for storage before Subdivisiorr, starting westward from Swift It is unconfirmed but suspected that the unit delivery to Conrafl later this year Current towards Medicine Hat later this year has been painted in CP Rail System candy- Norfolk Southern has ordered 50 DC- • CP wants to sell the Dunekn Subdivision apple red. • D&H GP38s 227 and 7316 have motored SD70s, 25 to be delivered in 1993, from Player to Simmie, plus fhe remaining been scrapped at Mandak Metals in Selkirk, and the remaining 25 to be delivered in portion of the Shamrock Subdivision from . The two units had been sent to 1994. Mak to McMahon, to Southern Rail Co-oper• Ogden late in 1992 for evaluation, but were Southern Pacific has placed an order with ative in Saskatchewan. deemed too expensive to repair GM for 25 GP60s, to be delivered between October 1993 and April 1994, and 25 SD70s, OTHER NEWS MLWs: THE DECLINE GOES ON to be delivered in June and July 1994. AH 4500- and 4700-series MLW units which ROBERTS BANK OPEN HOUSE —SP ifem from Gary G. McClain are currently equipped as leaders are having The Vancouver Port Corporation and West- via CompuServe TrainNet their event-recorders, reset safely controls, shore Terminals sponsored an open house and UBS equipment removed and wfll be ATEUER MONTREAL FACILITY called "Port Day '93" at Roberts Bank on relegated to B-cab status. Equipment removed Conrail outbid AMF for an NJ Transit con• Simday, May 16. There were bus tours of the from these units wfll be installed in Toronto- tract, by only a few dollars, a difference of coal-loading facilities at the port and exhibits assigned 5500-series SD40s. • M630 4556 0.3 percent. • VIA has awarded a contract to by cp CN, and tugboat company Seaspan and M636 4726 were retired on March 11. AMF to remanufacture 98 LRC cars and a International. contract to repair four diesel engines. • AMF CP brought SD40-2F 9000 and three SLUG COMPLETED won a contract from UP to repair two diesel double-stack cars. CN showed Dash 8-40CM After its conversion at Ogden from an engines. • AMF has submitted a bid to repair 2439 and had a crane truck there. Both SW900, Slug 6713 was sent to Toronto, 120 subway cars for MARIA (Atlanta). • units, of course, were in the new paint where it was assigned to work with GP9 AMF is preparing a bid for Maryland for schemes. There were three coal train nearby, 1602. After two weeks in Toronto, the pair seven locomotives, and is negotiating for not on display. A CN train pulled by SD60s was moved to Saint-Luc Yard in Montreal for repair contracts for Pakistan, Turkey, and 5533 and 5542 was composed of CP gon• further trials there. Tunisia. dolas on lease. The slug was not repainted into the new AMF" is rebuilding Kennecott Copper candy-apple red when its conversion was GP39-2 799, one of the units with the high completed, but instead remains as it was, in nose and cab for extra visibility. The unit was MOTIVEJ^WER action red. The engine stacks, bell, and horn shipped from Utah to Seattle on Ufl then to have been removed, and the cab windows CN at New Westminster via BN. have been blanked-out. It still has its head• r UJ —AMF "Paint to the Future" via Dave Suemes •J lights and fuel tank. -Gord Webster i-|i=j AMF - MORE ON THE TRONA UNITS 1 CN NORTH AMERICA Regarding the engines from AMF for Trona, as reported in the February Rail and Bansit: REPAINTING CONTINUES On Tuesday March 9, Nos. 3006, 3002, and John Carter The first GTW unit to be painted in the CN 3003 ran the train from Trona to Searles, 126 Willow Avenue North America paint scheme with the map is Calflbmia, the junction with the SH Nos. Toronto, Ontario M4E 3K3 ex-DP Sn40 5930. The unit is identicarto 3004 and 3005 were the switchers between CompuServe electronic mail: 72123,563 other CN. power painted in the new scheme Trona and the West End Plant. No. 3001 was with the exception of a small white "GTW" temporarily out of service with a short circuit CP RAIL SYSTEM on the battery box covers on the sides of the in the dynamic brakes. MORE B-UNITS OVERHAULED cab. The last unit to be painted in GTW blue A close look at the Trona units indicates Overhauls of the ex-NorfoUc Southern was GP38 6201. • CN 3567 may be the first that differences among the units lasted SD40-2S continue. As of May 21, eight of the M420 to be painted in the CN North America through the rebuilding process. For instance, 11 units have been released from Ogden. scheme, but it does not have the map. Inter• 3001 has its headlights on the nose, while Nos. 3253 and 3254 are the only two black mediate-horsepower units and switchers 3003 and 3004 have their headlights above units currently in service. • SD40-2 5415 apparently wfll not be receiving the map. the windshield; and all three of these have (formerly 670). is stiU the only one of the ex- LEASED POWER ON CN AND GTW theft horns placed differently. KCSs so far sent to Ogden for rebuilding. CN is currently leasing from National Raflway The Baldwin AS616s formerly at Trona RED BARN IN THE EAST Equipment former Chicago and North West- ran only between Trona and the West End SD40-2F 9001 was in the east briefly to em SD40S 869, 870, 872, 878, 882, 886, Plant, and leased SP power ran to Searles. return to GM Diesel Division for cab examin• 889, and 892. These units are used most Baldwin No. 52 was at Searles waiting for ation by GM and BurKngton Nomthem engin• often on Chicago—Toronto—Montreal Trains interchange, along with two boxcars of parts; eers with respect to the cab design of EN'S 391 and 392. • GTW has also leased six Nos. 53 and 54 were at Mojave waiting for order for 350 SD70s. SD40s for a one-year period from Detroit the others to catch up. -Rob Scrimgeour


comments and prices are a low-floor body a been formed by a former owner and has IN T new design of low-voltage systems, fire con• taken over the business. trol methods, and off-wire capabilities. AMF, the Canadian National unit operat• The specifications have been sent to ing the Pointe Saint-Charles shop in Mont• potential suppliers for their comments. Day• real, has annotmced that it is entering the ton was then planning to call for proposals bus market. AMF plans to introduce an inter• by April 1. If a contract is awarded by early city bus with a "bonded structure," an inno• stunme^ then a prototype could be com• vation new to North America. Scott Haskill pleted by August 1994 and delivery of the Ontario Bus Industries plaimed to have its 15-2520 Bloor Street West order by the end of 1996. -CLTA Forum first Orion VI low-floor bus ready for demon• Toronto, Ontario M6S IR8 strations this spring. The first plans for this WINDSOR: SERVICE TO TECUMSEH bus, two years ago, called for a diesel-electric Transit Windsor wants to find out if bus ONTARIO CITIES hybrid bus, with a constant-speed diesel service is needed to the town of Tecumseh. OTTAWA: RIDEAU STREET BUS MALL engine charging batteries that would power Over the next couple of months, people living The Rideau Street Mall, the downtown termi• traction motors on the rear axles. The latest in the town will be asked what they think. nus for most of OC Transpo's local routes, drawings of the Orion VI show it as a more There have been other surveys and bus ser• and those of the Societe de transport de conventional diesel-mechanical bus, but with vice provided in the past, but it hasn't been rOutaouais crossing the river from Hull, wiU the diesel engine mounted longitudinally at be rebuilt to four lanes and the road successful. Ed Renaud, the reeve of the town, the left rear of the bus, leaving a low floor reopened to auto traffic. The glass enclosures says things could be different this time through most of the bus. \hrious door and over the sidewalks wfll also be removed. around. Financially troubled Transit Windsor seating configurations would be available, Retail businesses on Rideau Street found is looking for ways of attracting new riders including a rear door behind the rear wheels. that the removal of auto traffic and the and increasing revenues. construction of the glass shelters reduced TORONTO REGION: GO TRANSIT CUTS their visibility and only the shops that tar• As part of its package of cuts in response to geted transit passengers maintained a good provincial subsidy reductions, GO Transit ROLL! OCK trade. The shelters also became a meeting plans to withdraw from the North Yonge place for groups of people that the merchants transit agreement under which it provides fotmd incompatible with their aspirations. local transit service on Yonge Street and Currently Rideau Street is three lanes Bayview Avenue between the TTC's Finch wide as it zig-zags through the mail, with subway station and Richmond Hfll. GO now two lanes for traffic and one (on alternating charges the same fares as Markham Transit, Don McQueen sides) for bus loading. Autos are permitted Vaughan Transit, and Richmond Hfll Transit, 38 Uoyd Manor Crescent oifly in the evening and on weekends. The and free transfers can be made between all London, Ontario N6H 3Z3 reconfig^ured mall wfll be four lanes wide, four services. On July 1, GO plans to raise with the two curb lanes reserved for buses. their fare from $1.25 to $1.50, and then to FREIGHT EQUIPMENT Approximately 32 000 passengers board or charge regular fare-by-distance GO rates CN CARS TO BE REBUILT alight from buses in the mail every day and beginning on January 1, 1994, when the Ten CN 50-6 double-door box cars that had another 40 000 travel through. —CUTA Forum agreement is dissolved. been retired and stored in Stratford's Buffalo GO Transit is also reducing by half the HAMILTON: TROLLEY COACHES Yard (named for the Buffalo and Lake Huron subsidy it pays to municipal transit systems The Hamilton Street Raflway was one of a Raflway) have had a reprieve. They were for fare integration, tmder which local transit group of transit agencies which developed shipped from Stratford to Moncton in Decem• is free when travefling to GO trams in the draft specifications for new trolley coaches. ber to be refurbished for another stint as a smaller cities. The specifications were written for the re• CN car Road numbers involved are: quirements of the Miami Valley Regional 556013 556171 556301 556372 556389 Transit Authority of Da)4on, Ohio, as they are BUS MANUFACTURERS 556153 556292 556305 556373 556459 taking the lead in procurement. Other CURRENT BUS ORDERS They were all part of a 500-car order agencies participating were the Southern Edmonton Transit has ordered 43 low-floor (556000-556499) from Hawker-Siddeley California Rapid Transit District of Los buses from New Flyer Industries for delivery Trenton, Nova Scotia, in 1966. Angeles (now the Los Angeles Metropolitan this spring. This is the largest single order for NEW CP ARTICUIATED HOPPER Transportation Authority), the Sacramento New Flyefs TUF low-floor model, and Ed• In late April, CP Rail System unveiled a new Regional Transit District, and the Massachu• monton's first order of new buses in more type of potash hopper car to be used in sets setts Bay Transportation Authority of . than ten years. of three. Each new car can cany an addi• The specifications call for a 40-foot-long, OC Transpo's 1993 order has gone to tional 11 tonnes of potash. Couplers have 102-inch-wide, non-artictflated body. SCRTD Nova Bus (the former MCT), for 40 Classics, been replaced by slackless drawbars; these and MBTA requested AC motors; SCRTD and to be delivered by the end of May. As with drawbars narrow the space between cars and SRTD requested a 750-volt power system their most-recent previous orders from New also reduce slack action. The cars also have (most, including Hamilton, Edmonton, Flyer and OBI, the buses will have full-size self-steering trucks. The cars were buflt by Toronto, and Vancouvei; are 600-volt); rear windows and roof-mounted Sutrak air National Steel Car of Hamilton. The demon• SCRTD requested a top speed of 58 m.p.h. conditioners. —Bus World stration unit was numbered CPLX130000, is and an automatic functional test system, NEW ENTRIES TO THE MARKET painted grey and is lettered for CP Rafl which would check major safety and operat• Paling Inc., a bus-repair company in System (with the flags) and Canpotex. ing components of the bus. Also listed as Hamilton, closed after having declared bank• options on which the agencies are seeking ruptcy. A new firm, Paflng Industries Ltd., has More rolling stock news on Page 15

14 • Rail and Transit • May 1993 TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILWAY AND TRANSIT NEWS THEJfeiagSPOTTERS ROLLING STOCK CONTINUED Sean Robitaille 371 Wakefield Place MYSTERY SOLVED Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 6P3 Last month we asked about a freight car repair shop in Hamilton, Ontario, near the TH&B Aberdeen Yard. The company is CTK RaU Car Company and has been in operation SPECIAL TRAINS TO THE RALLY IN OTTAWA ! April 15 for nearly six years. CTK employes six people, Earl Roberts/Pat Scrimgeour/Chris Spinney/Dave Stremes and uses a Trackmoblle to move cars about. Oakville-Ottawa-Oalcvillo Train 440/447 for Canadian Auto Workers -FCRS Tempo Jr. GO equipment - F59PH, 12 double-deck coaches, F59PH 541-2205-2114-2151-2310-2329-2213-2438-2308-2012-2410-2243-521 PASSENGER EQUIPMENT • Deadhead equipment scheduled to depart Willowbrook at approximately 04:15 CONTRACT AWARDED FOR REBUILDS • Scheduled to depart OakviUe at 05:00 VIA announced on May 5 that AMF has won • Observed at Toronto Union Station, Track 13; stopped briefly at 05:26 the contract for its "HEP H" programme to • Observed at , Track 5; arrived at 10:30 rebuild second-hand stainless-steel passenger • Observed at Ottawa Station; departed at approximately 17:10 equipment for service in southwestern • Observed at Archefs Road, Mile 258.6, Kingston Subdivision, at 20:30 Ontario. AMF will rebuild 33 cars over the • Scheduled to pass Toronto Union Station at 22:00 next two years at a cost of $43.4-milLion. • Scheduled to arrive in OakviUe at 22:30 When they are complete, the new cars will Toronto—Ottawa—Toronto Train 240/247 for Metropolitan Toronto Labour Council allow the retirement of the blue and yellow VIA equipment - LRC unit, 12 , LRC coaches, LRC unit cars now used west of Toronto. AMF has 6902-3348-3303-3318-3355-3335-3369-3352-3317-3306-3353-3474-3454-6907 aheady completed 129 of 157 cars for VIAs • Observed at Toronto Union Station, Track 1; departed at 06:52 transcontinental services. -Toronto Star • Observed at Ottawa Station, Track 2; arrived at 11:00 • Observed at Ottawa Station; departed at approximately 15:55 VIA'S BLUE AND YELLOW FLEET • Observed at Archer's Road, Mile 258.6, Kingston Subdivision, at 18:30 There are now only 99 cars left in the ex-CN • Scheduled to arrive in Toronto at 19:50 blue fleet. Currently assigned to southwestern Ontario are eight steam generator units, 19 Windsor-Ottawa-Windsor Train 340/347 for Canadian Auto Workers cafd-coaches, 28 coaches, and all seven of the VIA equipment - 2 F40PH-2s, 8 EM coaches, 6 EM snack-bar coaches fleet of club-gaUeys, for a total of 62 cars. 6425-6453-5558-3251-5627-3203-5616-3237-5448-3219-5500-5584-3248-5471-5537-3208 Club Galleys: • Deadhead equipment scheduled to depart Toronto Maintenance Centre at 20:00 on May 14 650-Oub St Denis 660-Empire Oub • Observed departing Toronto Union Station, Track 10, at 22:05 651 -Club Richelieu 658-Boufevard Oub • Scheduled to leave Windsor at 02:45 on May 15 653 - Club 659-York ClubjClub York • Observed at Toronto Union Station, Track 7; arrived at 07:25, left at 07:42 654-SL James's Club • Observed at Ottawa Station, Track 3; arrived at 12:00 Cafe-Coaches: • Observed at Ottawa Station; departed at approximately 16:40 3200 3203 3208 3219 3237 3246 3251 • Observed at CN Grafton, Mile 256.1, Kingston Subdivision, at 19:45 3201 3204 3212 3220 3240 3248 3252 • Scheduled to arrive in Toronto .at 21:00 and depart at 21:15 3202 3207 3218 3222 3244 • Scheduled to arrive in Windsor at 01:15 on May 16 Coaches: • Deadhead equipment scheduled to arrive at Toronto Maintenance Centre at 07:30 5446 5499 5511 5531 5576 5584 5616 MONTREAL-KINGSTON March 14 .Eric Gagnon 5448 5500 5517 5537 5578 5585 5621 The day after the so-called "Storm of the Century" hit Montreal, Sunday, March 14, my family 5458 5504 5522 5558 5581 5586 5627 and I travelled from Montreal to Kingston. While waiting at Central Station, we heard that 5471 5509 5529 5560 5583 5590 5646 Train 11 from Halifax had arrived through the blizzard three hours late. Steam Generator Units: We began our trip from Montreal at 12:15 aboard Train 65, with a consist of F40PH-2 15452 1546! 15470 15473 6419, five LRC cars, and F40PH-2 6444 facing rearward on the tail end. We saw four 15458 15462 15472 15478 mtermodal trains and one general freight at Turcot. GP9s 7067 and 7073, the latter in the new CN North America switcher scheme, were switching there. BACK COVER - TOP At Dorval, we passed CP crane 414219, three flat cars, and caboose 422991 tied up for the A view looking toward downtown Calgary of weekend. An eastbound STCUM commuter train was at Valois behind FP7 1301. We ploughed a westbound LRT train on the Northeast line, through snowdrifts, travelling at less than 30 m.p.h., and required one-and-a-half hours to reach Coteau Jet., where our speed increased considerably. There, we passed two westbotmd near Franklin Station. Calgary Transit 2077 is CN Laser trains in the siding, headed by 9661-9633-9634 and 9549-9476-9541. the trailing car, nearest the camera. We hit many more drifts on the way to Brockville. Train 45 from Ottawa had been waiting -Photo by Ted Wickson, May 21, 1985 for us there for two hours, having been halted by trouble with its engine, 6423. When we BACK COVER - BOTTOM passed the train at the station, the front knuckle of 6423 was being changed. Train 42, with Before service reductions, VIA often leased 6405 and five cars, was in the siding waiting for us to clear It was running one hoiu late. After equipment on busy weekends. Here, 30 minutes, Train 45 was coupled to the rear of our train, facing 6444 on the tail-end, and we GO Transit F40PH 515 is seen leading a train proceeded west. We met Train 64 east of Kingston. It was also running one hour late. of GO equipment on Toronto—Windsor Otu arrival at Kingston was two hours late, at 16:30. This unusual consist of one engine, Train 73, climbing the hill at Dundas. five coaches, two engines, and six coaches then continued on to Toronto. —Photo by Chris Spinney, December 20, 1980

Rail and Transit • May 1993^ 15