The Talent Accelerator


A cross-company UK initiative progressing Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic talent in the workplace through collaboration


THE NETWORK OF NETWORKS The Talent Accelerator


We actively seek and truly value the insights diverse talent brings to Morgan Stanley, and were delighted to help advance exceptional ethnically-diverse talent by sponsoring the Talent Accelerator 2020.

In line with our core value ‘Commit to Diversity and Inclusion’, supporting programmes like the Talent Accelerator complements our overall drive towards sustainable race inclusion, which we are progressing through our interactive Let’s Talk About Race sessions, our Future Generation scholarship, our senior leader Diversity Action Council, the breadth of our employee networks and public commitments as an early signatory of the UK Race at Work Charter.

2 The Talent Accelerator


4 Message from the consortium of Talent Accelerator partners

5 Letter from strategic partner Delta Alpha Psi

6 Letter from key partner The Executive Leadership Council

7 Introducing the Talent Accelerator

8 The shape of the Talent Accelerator 2020

11 An enhanced Talent Accelerator design

12 Impact of the Talent Accelerator: Content and learnings

14 Impact of the Talent Accelerator: Practical actions

16 The benefits of a targeted race and ethnicity leadership programme

18 The Talent Accelerator in a virtual format

20 Impact on career and progression

21 Recommendations for the Talent Accelerator

22 Thank you and next steps

24 The Talent Accelerator Class of 2020 Faculty


The Talent Accelerator


The year 2020 will be remembered as the year of seismic change following the devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, rapid change to remote working and organisational change in large institutions triggered by worldwide protests against racial injustice and inequity. On the latter point, business leaders are challenged to demonstrate to regulators, employees, investors and society at large that they are focused on eradicating unfair work practices and investing in, and delivering against, ambitious racial equity action plans. The cross-company Talent Accelerator is an example of a critical lever for transformational change.

So, what is game changing about the Talent Accelerator?

The unique design of the Talent Accelerator makes it powerful because it is evidence-based, involves a world-class multicultural faculty, includes perspectives from other organisations and sectors, and involves the active participation of the following key stakeholders in the workplace: Executive Sponsors, Line Managers, Employee Network Leaders, Human Resources, Talent Development and Diversity and Inclusion experts. Furthermore, the curriculum focuses on examining the implications of the lived experiences of ethnic minority professionals with an emphasis on performance, impact, influence and resilience when one is not a member of the dominant or privileged group.

Participants deeply and practically explore:

1. The power and opportunity arising from being a visible minority in today’s workplace. 2. Recognising and diffusing tensions arising from in-group/out-group dynamics. 3. Dealing with the challenges and pressures of leading from the position of a minority group. 4. Recovering from alienating experiences and leading courageous conversations. 5. Strategies, skills and behaviours to foster relationships of trust and enhance impact.

The Talent Accelerator is an example of an investment that generates dividends beyond one individual. It is a ground-breaking programme that challenges all key stakeholders in the company to learn about and positively deal with visible, invisible, implicit, explicit, formal and informal structures and practices that disproportionately affect the ability of ethnic minority middle managers to rise through the ranks into senior executive roles.

Many thanks to Dr Doyin Atewologun, Dr Fatima Tresh, Dr Manjari Prashar, Melanie Eusebe, Dawn Whyte, Tana Forte and Laura Aiken for their immense dedication and expertise which brought to life the Virtual Edition of the Talent Accelerator under extraordinarily difficult circumstances. A great deal of gratitude is owed to The Executive Leadership Council and Morgan Stanley for providing the underwriting for the Virtual Edition of the Talent Accelerator.

To the Class of 2020, we thank you for providing us with the inspiration and confidence to continue to run the programme in 2021. We wish you all the best in the years to come!

Sophie Chandauka Member, The Executive Leadership Council Chair, The Network of Networks – Race to Equity Chair and Executive Founder, the Black British Business Awards


The Talent Accelerator


Delta Alpha Psi uses the science of psychology to help businesses to get the best out of diversity. We combine an evidence-based approach with lived experience insights to create powerful, impactful and career-changing learning environments for minority and majority business leaders. As pioneers of the Inclusion Ecosystem© approach to transformational inclusive culture change, we have challenged the narrative that leadership development of ethnic minority professionals is the solution to underrepresentation. Instead, we drive the dialogue that it is the system that needs to change to fit the individual and not the individual that needs to change to fit the system. Our Inclusion Ecosystem© approach supports majority business leaders to catalyse change in the system whilst simultaneously equipping minority emerging business leaders to navigate such systems with authenticity.

The BBBAwards and Delta have a shared vision of a racially representative workforce at all echelons of business, and we are proud of our longstanding partnership to bring this shared vision to life. Our collaborative effort in producing The Middle Research provided the evidence required to implement solutions. One such solution is the Talent Accelerator, a programme that we have shaped and contributed to with the BBBAwards since the 2018 inaugural iteration.

2020 provided the opportunity for the BBBAwards and Delta to reconsider the approach to the Talent Accelerator. The programme plays a fundamental role in providing a psychologically safe, career-oriented peer support network and expert insights for minority ethnic professionals. Applying our expertise and experience in delivering transformational programmes for clients in a virtual environment with evidenced impact, we are proud to have brought our Inclusion Ecosystem© approach to design and deliver this 12-week Talent Accelerator programme.

The data, captured through the participants’ anecdotes, stories, feedback and evaluation, demonstrates the power of unpacking evidence-based insights and lived experience in a safe space. We hope to continue to capture the successes of the Class of 2020 as they identify untapped strengths, leverage their newly established networks and own their authentic leader identity.

Dr Doyin Atewologun Director Delta Alpha Psi

5 The Talent Accelerator The Talent Accelerator


The Executive Leadership Council (ELC) was founded in the US with a specific and enduring focus on building the talent pipeline of the next generation of Black business leaders. As The ELC membership expands globally, the organisation is strategically aligning itself with organisations that are committed to our agenda and the advancement of ethnic minorities, particularly in the UK. As The ELC’s new President and CEO, I look forward to our participation as the 2021 Key Partner of the Talent Accelerator, and am proud to continue investing into the UK’s Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic talent pool through our robust partnership and collaboration with the Black British Business Awards (BBBAwards).

We are particularly pleased to have supported the BBBAwards in its transition to the Talent Accelerator Virtual Edition. The Virtual Edition is a broader, more robust programme uniquely designed to develop delegates and strategically impact their ecosystem. We recognise the continued need for development, engagement and mentorship opportunities at this critical time when in-person networking is not possible. We commend the BBBAwards for making this important shift to ensure our pipeline continues to grow and be fostered.

The ELC remains uniquely positioned to provide a bridge for connecting emerging and established leaders globally. We look forward to engaging our UK members to enhance the progression of participants and support their continued development. We wish the Talent Accelerator Class of 2020 continued success, and look forward to meeting the Class of 2021!

Michael C. Hyter President and CEO The Executive Leadership Council

About The Executive Leadership Council Since our inception in 1986, The Executive Leadership Council (ELC) has been committed to increasing the number of Black executives as CEOs, in c-suites, on corporate boards and in global enterprises. Comprising over 800 current and former Black CEOs and senior executives at Fortune 1000 and Global 500 companies, The ELC works to build an inclusive business leadership pipeline, empowering leaders to make significant and impactful contributions to the global marketplace and their communities. Our purpose is to open channels of opportunity for the development of Black executives to positively impact business and our communities.

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In 2017 the Black British Business Awards (BBBAwards) published a report titled The Middle. The second edition was published in 2020. The Middle presented the results of an investigation into why Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (‘ethnic minority’) middle managers are under-represented in senior executive roles within large businesses operating in the UK, and made several recommendations as to what can be done about it. One The most empowering intervention recommended by the report was an ethnic minority- facilitator-led specific leadership and career advancement programme. development programme with tangible, actionable The Talent Accelerator is the programme that emerged from that outputs that I have recommendation. The first initiative of its kind spanning all sectors been on. in the UK, the Talent Accelerator blends personal and professional It was an uplifting growth, experiential learning and inspiration to deliver a game- realisation that we changing leadership and career advancement programme. need more courses like The programme brings talented ethnic minority future leaders this for companies to together to stimulate leadership through a collective group truly understand the differences for people journey in a way that no in-house programme can. of colour.

The first Talent Accelerator was held in 2018, with the second Empowering, in 2019. The 2019 programme drew on the learnings of the thought-provoking first, and specifically sought to embed the programme more and a real gift! thoroughly into the organisations from which participants What an exhilarating were drawn. It deliberately engaged and steered the active process of learning participation of key stakeholders in participating companies. and unlearning!

A great use of time In 2020 the programme built on this strength and also pivoted to to achieve a great become virtual, offering a rich and profound growth experience outcome in my career. despite the absence of in-person interaction. Drawing once again on the learnings of the prior year, the 2020 programme This was an eye- opening masterclass in addressed a larger cohort with a refined programme. navigating the personal and organisational This report is an important feedback mechanism. It offers obstacles to my insight into the Talent Accelerator programme, outlining its success as a minority achievements, the responses of the extraordinary cohort ethnic professional in a complex and who experienced it and the benefits to the organisations predominantly who participated. The report further recommends refinements White-majority to the programme. organisation.

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The 2020 Talent Accelerator included 65 delegates from 23 leading national and international companies. This represented an incredible increase in reach since 2019 and the inaugural programme of 2018, which saw 35 delegates from 20 companies and 27 delegates from 15 companies respectively attend the Talent Accelerator.

As with all aspects of work and life as we once knew it, the 2020 Talent Accelerator required a rethink of its execution in order to successfully fulfil its objectives in the midst of a global pandemic. We were determined to leverage the success and learnings of 2018 and 2019 and to utilise the unforeseen circumstances to create and deliver something bigger and better.

For the 2020 Talent Accelerator Virtual Edition, we invited Delta Alpha Psi, leadership and inclusion consultancy, to be our delivery partners; to design and deliver a transformational cross-company programme in a virtual context. Delta Alpha Psi (‘Delta’) is a longstanding partner of the BBBAwards, with over five years of collaboration on The Middle Research, the Talent Accelerator and The Network of Networks (TNON). We welcomed the opportunity for Delta, as experts in leadership learning and training and inclusive culture change for racial equality and representation, to bring its unique expertise and industry insights to support us in re-envisioning the 2020 Talent Accelerator Virtual Edition.

In partnership, we designed and delivered a twelve-week programme of action-oriented leadership learning, tailored to the experience of minority ethnic professionals, to simultaneously navigate and disrupt barriers to equality and representation. To maximise engagement, learning and impact in the virtual environment, the cohort was split into three groups of 20 – 22 for workshops and smaller, intimate peer coaching groups of seven to eight delegates for Delta Circles.

Retaining our ethos of delivering with continuous refinement and enhancement, we introduced aspects of Delta’s Inclusion Ecosystem© design into the 2020 programme. Delta’s pioneering Inclusion Ecosystem© approach leverages the role that stakeholder groups across the ecosystem play in making sustainable, impactful change for greater diversity and inclusion. By adopting this approach, our commitment to increase engagement with each organisation’s ecosystem stakeholders was levelled up for 2020 with the introduction of workshops for:

⬤ Heads of D&I and HR for sponsor organisations ⬤ Managers of ethnic minority professionals on the programme ⬤ Executive Sponsors of ethnic minority professionals on the programme ⬤ Network leaders for sponsor organisations

8 The Talent Accelerator

Building on the demonstrable success of the ecosystem engagement, Delta provided key cross-company learnings for stakeholder groups grounded in evidence-based insights in order to:

⬤ Increase race confidence for heads of D&I and HR ⬤ Mitigate bias in high-performing teams for managers ⬤ Build and sustain trust in sponsorship relationships for Executive Sponsors ⬤ Explore change agency for Network Leaders

Sessions were designed to support ecosystem stakeholders to better understand their role in making change happen and to provide actions to take back to the workplace. Learning alongside minority ethnic delegates provided space for mutual understanding, relationship building and opportunities to collaborate for change.

Delegates found that learning alongside their managers helped to shine a light on the lived experience of ethnic minority professionals. The workshop provided a shared understanding which helped open up space for conversations about how to drive inclusive change within delegates’ teams and the wider business.

The session broadened their minds about some of the challenges faced by ethnically diverse individuals, and also about some of the opportunities to continue to overcome bias. It has allowed us to make this a part of our ongoing conversation.

It was useful to expose leaders to the reality of bias and its impact as these are usually glossed over internally.

The session was effective in identifying the elephant in the room. It was great to ‘out’ it, and thereby make way for more open and meaningful conversations.

For the first time we had an open discussion around race and how this can be perceived within my organisation. This broke down some of the barriers on what can be a taboo subject.

9 The Talent Accelerator

Delegates took away tangible benefits from learning alongside their Executive Sponsors. The workshop enabled both delegates and sponsors to clarify the role of sponsorship, unpack some of the roadblocks to effective sponsorship across difference, and gain insights into how to maximise the benefits of the sponsorship relationship through building trust.

After the workshop my relationship with my sponsor vastly improved and we had extremely positive conversations.

The workshop led to monthly one-to-ones where frank discussions can take place.

I already have a good relationship with my sponsor, but this has provided good strategies to ensure the benefits of the meetings are maximised.

We are now starting to have quite meaningful discussions about me and my career aspirations. In my last meeting, I asked for feedback which was very constructive.

It’s allowed me to develop a new side to the relationship I have with my Executive Sponsor, including building trust on a personal level. It’s also made me understand the access I have to someone in a senior position and how I can use this to drive my agenda and progression - knowing I have trust in my sponsor to take my points forward and create awareness.

I finally recognised that to make the most of the catch-up session, being open and honest is a must. I now feel that the initial barriers re seniority have been removed and as a result we can truly start having open conversations on any subject in a safe environment.

10 The Talent Accelerator


The events of 2020 shed light once again on the extent of racial inequality across all aspects of society. Whilst we celebrate a significant increase in the number of organisations willing to talk about and address issues of racial inequality in their workplaces, we know that the Talent Accelerator provides a safe space for ethnic minority professionals that is challenging to replicate. Therefore, for the 2020 programme we renewed our commitment to provide that safe space for ethnic minority professionals to openly share their lived experience, receive support and feedback from like-minded peers and experts in the field and acquire strategies to navigate the systems and structures at play in corporate organisations.

The synergies in the BBBAwards and Delta solution come from our mutual understanding and ethos that it is the system that must be navigated and not the individual that must be changed to fit the system. To design the Talent Accelerator 2020, Delta brought its extensive insights from academic and practitioner research with global organisations. Delta’s model of career capital for ethnic minority professionals shaped the design of the three-module programme to deliver an experience that explored and equipped participants with career capital for leadership success.

Over the twelve-week virtual programme, delegates were guided through a structured and action-oriented learning programme with the following design and objectives:

⬤ Module One: Identify and overcome performance and career derailers ⬤ Module Two: Navigate person-centred opportunities for influence ⬤ Module Three: Own and shape emerging authentic leader identity

Alongside their ecosystem stakeholders, delegates also learnt to:

⬤ Mitigate bias for high-performing teams ⬤ Build and sustain trust in sponsorship relationships

The programme adopted a blended learning approach which leveraged multiple methodologies. Workshops were delivered in both plenary and small group break-out sessions. Delegates prepared for the intensive workshops by completing preparatory work ahead of each session, including psychometrics, assessments and reflections. Workshop learning was then embedded and transformed into personally relevant practical actions for change during the Delta Circles.

The workshops were practical and dealt with aspects of our day-to-day experiences, and the programme equipped us with tools on how to skilfully address them.

I learnt a lot and they armed me with information I could use in a proactive plan to manage my career.

11 The Talent Accelerator


To measure the impact of the programme, we conducted a rigorous pre- and post-programme survey evaluation with the delegates. Our objective was to measure learning as well as the acquisition of practical tools and strategies to apply at work. Overall, participants demonstrated significant improvement on every evaluation measure, from an understanding of how race plays out in professional contexts and self-awareness as an emerging leader to feeling equipped to address challenges and utilise opportunities. Changes were measured across all three core modules: performance, influence and impact.

MODULE ONE Performance - Identify and overcome performance and career derailers

By the end of the programme, delegates demonstrated improved performance through:

⬤ Increased understanding of how personal factors and race can play out to shape experiences of imposter syndrome and strategies to overcome performance derailers ⬤ Greater awareness of how race can play out in seeking and giving feedback and actions to create an optimal feedback environment

I’m now more conscious of imposter syndrome and how to manage it.

Imposter syndrome – the programme has made me realise that I am good enough.

As I feel that this is something that I have battled with my whole career (imposter syndrome or something similar), it allowed me to call it out and identify tools that will help me to get past it.

MODULE TWO Influence - Navigate person-centred opportunities for influence

By the end of the programme, the delegates demonstrated increased capacity for influence through:

⬤ Increased understanding of the role that race can play in political landscapes and greater comfort in navigating political stakeholders and environments effectively for career advancement

12 The Talent Accelerator

⬤ Greater self-awareness of personal conflict styles and tools to guide and shape conflict responses for more productive outcomes

Influence is an area that I underestimated yet it is, in my opinion, the most important skill when one rises up through senior levels in an organisation.

I always saw this as ‘playing the game’ but the session has opened my eyes to the importance of this.

I’m not someone who likes conflict, so it was useful to get tips for navigating it.

MODULE THREE Impact - Own and shape emerging authentic leader identity

By the end of the programme, the delegates enhanced their capacity for personal impact through:

⬤ Increased understanding of how contexts can constrain expressions of authenticity for minority ethnic professionals and skills to flex personal style and energy to counter this ⬤ Greater awareness of the role that visibility plays in crafting a leader identity and strategies to manage personal visibility for optimal impact

The concept of visibility reinforced the need to showcase my talents, to have an advocate in the room when I’m not there, and to ensure stakeholders engage with the actions I deliver.

I need to build my visibility within the organisation and the session helped me to understand why this is important.

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As part of the evaluation, delegates were asked to share their reflections on how practical the programme was for them in terms of converting newly acquired insights into practical actions for change in their careers. By the end of the programme, many delegates could already share numerous ways in which they were applying the programme learnings and all delegates had identified steps that they planned to implement.

With respect to acquiring strategies and skills to take back to work, participants reported:

On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate strategies and skills a 9.

I have picked up some very useful tips and strategies that I will definitely be using.

I have definitely acquired skills that I am already starting to apply in my day-to-day and I am also sharing with others at work.

This course has provided me with practical solutions and strategies to enhance my career progression. I will be reviewing the course learnings to be sure to implement them in my day-to-day working and to use them as a tool or discussion point in meetings and one- to-ones with managers.

I think the course was useful in helping me become more intentional about my career journey. The skills I learnt will certainly help me to do this and work towards my vision.

I have been able to put a clear plan together to help support me.

Those delegates already putting their learnings into action by the end of the programme shared the following:

I have been proactive in scheduling regular touchpoints with mentors and stakeholders. I am speaking openly about my ambitions, and asking for support where I need it. This action has supported me in getting a promotion because my sponsor and mentor were then able to advocate for me when I wasn’t in the room.

I have already started to change my mindset about my career. I am feeling emboldened by the skills I have gained and have a clearer mindset about how to navigate areas of my career which I wasn’t doing as much of before (conflict management, political structure). I’m being more deliberate and strategic about making myself visible

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to the people who matter within my organisation. I’m also regularly checking in with myself to make sure I don’t self-sabotage through behaviours relating to imposter syndrome.

I’m having more targeted discussions with my line manager and receiving constructive feedback. I have been trying to adapt my style to different situations so I don’t get locked in my default position.

Sharing what they plan to do differently going forward, delegates stated that they would start to:

Engage in organisational politics without fear of losing my authenticity.

Expose my work to more influencers.

Ask for timely constructive feedback.

Treat my career as a project with a plan.

Share the real nuggets of the Talent Accelerator with my colleagues so they can use these in their day-to-day activities.

Reach out to others to build a wider networking group.

Be more confident in myself and not be afraid to be different. I have as much to add as my colleagues do.

Don’t just turn up, but be seen.

15 The Talent Accelerator


Traditional leadership programmes seldom speak to the lived experience of those in the minority. Content insights, activities and practical recommendations often overlook the role that race plays in shaping perceptions during interpersonal interactions and of leadership. What works for the majority does not always apply in the same way to the minority, not because minority leaders lead differently, but because minority ethnic leaders challenge entrenched assumptions of what leadership looks like.

Evidence shows that authenticity is fundamental to influential leadership. The Talent Accelerator is not designed to change the individual, but to equip the individual to find their authentic voice. This is facilitated through a process of unpacking past experiences, identifying individuals’ unique strengths and grappling with the dynamics of leading as a minority in a majority context. To do this, psychological safety and permission to talk freely and openly about experiences of inequality and discrimination are essential. The Talent Accelerator faculty provide this space through psychological contracting and exploration of the lived experience for minority ethnic professionals. Many of the Talent Accelerator delegates had never had the opportunity to discuss their past experiences and welcomed the opportunity to do so in a safe space with like-minded peers.

It was enriching and reassuring to learn alongside other talented Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic professionals who have similar aspirations to mine and who face similar obstacles.

It was great to openly discuss issues without needing a filter. It was refreshing to have honest discussions and receive constructive suggestions.

I really enjoyed sharing this experience and being able to speak freely about experiences which would not happen in an arena where normally I would be the only Black person.

Group understanding and cohesion established a deeper level of understanding of issues faced, an ability to talk without tailoring speech, and a space to share experiences and solutions.

You realise that your challenges are not unique to you. Everyone on the course had similar experiences, just in a different space. It helped to learn how others overcame challenges. It was valuable to build an external network.

16 The Talent Accelerator

Sharing highly personal, sensitive experiences must go hand in hand with psychological support and delegate empowerment. The Talent Accelerator does not just unpack career experiences, but provides opportunities for peers to coach one another through challenges and to explore practical actions recommended by experts in the field to address such challenges.

This part of the programme I loved. Especially my coaching group. We have become an accountability group.

On the one hand it was fantastic to be in a room with people that looked like me but on the other hand it confirmed that the struggle is real.

I just love this programme and how it is empowering the ethnic minority individuals in various industries. Kudos to all involved in making this happen.


17 The Talent Accelerator


We are all aware of the challenges of a virtual workplace. Blurred lines between work and home life, ‘Zoom fatigue’ and the absence of in-person interaction have created or exacerbated challenges for life conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. We carefully considered the design and delivery of the 2020 Talent Accelerator to ensure that the programme offered delegates a welcome and creative break from the stresses and repetitiveness of their constrained lives. Virtual delivery significantly increased our reach and offered opportunities for delegates to network with a wider range of cross-company peers, while the bite- size intensive workshops and Delta Circles provided a fun, engaging and energising programme that disrupted the monotony of work life during the pandemic in a productive way.

I was dubious about how an online programme could really change the course of my career, but I definitely see the enormous benefit at this stage in my career.

I have a better appreciation of the benefits of the virtual approach. Prolonged delivery gives more time to reflect on concepts taught.

I was pleasantly surprised that the Virtual Edition worked so well. I think it may even have worked better as there was time for reflection and to keep meeting with the same group over a longer period.

It was a well thought-out course. Even with the virtual sessions I used to look forward to the Monday afternoon meetings. We enjoyed the breakout sessions as they gave us the opportunity to connect with one another.

18 The Talent Accelerator

Educational Immersive Enlightening Important Refreshing Growth Life-changing Motivating Empowering Validating

Relevant Engaging Equipping Powerful Development Liberating Raw Impactful Warm Overdue Thought-out Fulfilling Informative Action plans Timely Crucial Helpful Revealing Opportunity Encouraging Fun Practical Thought-provoking Strategic Connections Well-organised Useful Rewarding Essential Exciting Proud Relevant

Uplifting Inspirational Motivational Insightful Game-changing

19 The Talent Accelerator


With the high calibre of talent put forward for the Talent Accelerator, it is no surprise that nomination is sometimes met with scepticism about the value that the programme can bring to delegates and whether it is worth the time investment by delegates and their organisations. Each year, any early scepticism is quickly transformed into recognition of the value of the programme and gratitude for the opportunity. 2020 was no exception.

I doubted why I was put forward for the programme, and also how beneficial it would be being run virtually. Of course, those perceptions changed instantly! I value myself and what I bring to my organisation.

I was curious and somewhat anxious about the programme at the beginning. Now I’m feeling empowered and grateful to have had the opportunity of the experience.

I thought it was going to be boring with endless presentations and lots of corporate speak. Of course, I was wrong. The programme was well organised. The facilitation was excellent and the cohort was great. I enjoyed every bit of it.

I definitely feel it was worth my time. Scepticism all gone!

The Talent Accelerator goes beyond providing an exceptional experience. Its aim is to equip delegates to take career-defining steps to accelerate their leadership progression. After completing the Talent Accelerator, all delegates reported that they would recommend the programme.

⬤ 100% of delegates were somewhat or very likely to recommend the programme to a friend or colleague ⬤ 100% of delegates were somewhat or very likely to recommend the programme to their organisation

A truly inspirational and empowering journey which has led me to drive my own career destiny.

I have definitely walked away from the course feeling more empowered and have a ‘fire in my belly’ to make things happen.

I have gained lots of strategies that I am implementing now, including increasing visibility, dealing with conflict and managing my internal stakeholders. The insights I gained will be useful as I continue with my career trajectory.

This was a really valuable experience which came at the perfect time for me personally.

The most high-value experience of my professional career to date!

20 The Talent Accelerator


Delivering a ground-breaking programme is an iterative process. Each year the Talent Accelerator uses analysis and feedback to identify refinements that will enhance delegates’ experience and career growth and will ensure that the investment by delegates, organisations and sponsors achieves ever more honed and impactful outcomes. These are the recommendations which emerged from the 2020 Talent Accelerator Virtual Edition that have helped to shape and colour the 2021 edition. A review of these enhancements will be included in the 2021 Talent Accelerator repot.

1 User-friendly portal

Many of the Talent Accelerator delegates connected through the online portal, which also provided key information on preparatory work, evaluation and resources. Following the first iteration of the Talent Accelerator Virtual Edition, we implemented improvements in the usability and navigation of the platform and created more opportunities for cohort interaction in a virtual space.

I think the layout could be improved. It took a bit of working out initially as to how to navigate around the site.

2 Ecosystem engagement - more learnings

We have applied key learnings from 2018 and 2019 to engage each organisation’s ecosystem for maximum impact. The difference in experience for delegates with and without proactive engagement of an ecosystem of stakeholders is noteworthy. Whilst we provide insights and resources, such as the Starter Pack with Stakeholder Toolkit, for our participating organisations, we rely heavily on the in-house commitment of each participating company to ensure that their delegates are fully supported on the journey. Feedback suggests that the in-house experience could be improved for some of our delegates, and we encourage participating organisations to connect with their delegates to understand how and what they can improve next time around.

We could benefit from more emphasis from the organisers on how to pick the right executive sponsor, how important manager buy-in is, and so on. It would be beneficial to have a more robust set-up for each participant in order to truly get the most from this programme in the longer term.

Require the D&I/HR team to work with the sponsor, manager and delegate to disseminate lessons learnt within the organisation.

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We also recognise that, while the ecosystem workshops had phenomenal impact for a short time with each participating group, delegates felt that prolonged learning for different groups would lead to deeper, longer-term change. We acknowledge that greater learning opportunities will lead to improved outcomes and we commit to continuous review of the programme design to provide the best possible experience for all ecosystem groups within the constraints of a cross- company programme design.

Include managers more in the learning portion of our training.

Perhaps offer additional sessions for the sponsors and/or head of D&I.

3 Connecting with alumni and opportunity to meet

The virtual delivery has not prevented us from planning networking opportunities among the cohort and with our alumni. Delegates expressed their hopes for in-person events and opportunities to connect with other alumni. We are committed to building a cross-company community of minority ethnic future leaders. The 2020 Talent Accelerator delegates will become part of this community and will receive ongoing invitations to both virtual and in-person learning and networking sessions.

Post-COVID all of the cohorts could attend an event where we can look back and discuss in person the journey we have been on and how the Talent Accelerator assisted us on our way.

I hope we find a way to continue the conversation and stay connected to the network of brilliant participants and tutors.

It would be useful to bring everyone together for a face-to-face, informal social event.


The Talent Accelerator


The Talent Accelerator Virtual Edition benefitted from the extraordinary cohort of 2020, who engaged so willingly and constructively with our carefully designed twelve-week programme, and we have no doubt that the organisations who entrusted us with their future leaders will continue to reap the benefits of their investment as they grow and develop their increasingly inclusive and diverse leadership teams. The Talent Accelerator continues to deliver on an important premise, which is that a cross-organisation ethnic minority-specific leadership and career advancement programme is a critical pathway towards ensuring that ethnic minority managers enjoy higher representation in senior executive roles within large businesses operating in the UK.

Our thanks go to all who contributed in their various ways, including our focused and committed sponsors and partners, our remarkable faculty, the organisations who nominated their talent to participate in the programme, and of course the brave individual delegates who stepped up with great courage to take the next step in their bright careers.

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Dr Doyin Atewologun Sophie Chandauka Melanie Eusebe

CHARTERED BUSINESS GLOBAL COO SHARED SERVICES AND CO-FOUNDER AND CHAIR, PSYCHOLOGIST AND DIRECTOR, BANKING OPERATIONS, MORGAN BBBAWARDS AND DIRECTOR, DELTA ALPHA PSI STANLEY STRATEGY AND CONSULTING, ACCENTURE Dr Doyin Atewologun, a Chartered Sophie Chandauka is Global Business Psychologist, is one COO of Morgan Stanley’s Shared Melanie Eusebe is an of the UK’s foremost experts Services and Banking Operations. entrepreneur, a board trustee on leadership, diversity and Prior to that, she was EMEA COO and a business strategist with intersectionality. Doyin is an of Morgan Stanley’s Legal and over 20 years’ experience as evidence-based consultant, Compliance Division. Previously, a management consultant. In award-winning researcher and as Head of Group Treasury her role as Director, Strategy a regular voice in the media. (Legal) at Virgin Money, she led and Consulting at Accenture, Her clients include FTSE 100 execution of corporate finance she focuses on growth and companies, United Nations activity, including a lead role engagement strategies for some agencies, legal and other on the flotation of Virgin Money of the world’s biggest brands professional services firms, and other deals in excess of £13 and largest organisations. A and the UK civil service. Doyin billion. Prior to this, she was a committed teacher, Melanie is a is also Director of Delta Alpha Senior Associate at global firm professor in the field of leadership Psi, a leadership and diversity Baker McKenzie, advising clients and management at a leading consultancy that draws on the such as Nike, The Body Shop business school and also has discipline of psychology to help and Alliance Boots. Sophie is her own on-line business school. organisations achieve the best a Strategic Advisor to Morgan Alongside her leading role in from diversity. Doyin is Director Stanley’s African and Caribbean the BBBAwards, Melanie was of the Gender, Leadership and Business Alliance, a member of Executive Producer for the Women Inclusion Centre at Cranfield The Executive Leadership Council of the World (WoW) Festival, a School of Management, UK and (ELC), Ambassador and Head global gender equality festival a Visiting Fellow at the Lagos of Race Equity Strategy for the involving over two million women Business School, Nigeria and 30% Club, a Rotary International from 50 cities on five continents. the University of Pretoria, South Paul Harris Fellow, Chair and Recognised by the Queen for Africa. Doyin is the lead academic Executive Founder of the Black her contribution, Melanie has advisor for the UK government- British Business Awards and been profiled as one of the most backed Parker Review of ethnicity chair of The Network of Networks influential women in business and on FTSE 100 boards and has – Race to Equity. She has the creative industries in the UK. published widely in academic featured in publications including peer-reviewed and trade journals Management Today, Brummell, on leadership and diversity. She the and Sunday co-authored a review of the Times and is a recipient of many effectiveness of unconscious business awards. Sophie has bias training for the Equality and served on several philanthropic Human Rights Commission. Doyin boards, including , is past Deputy Chair of the British founded by the Duke of Sussex, Psychology Society’s Diversity then Prince Harry, to support and Inclusion at Work Group, a children affected by HIV/AIDS collaboration of academic and in Africa. In 2018 she practitioner members committed was recognised by HM to implementing evidence-based Queen Elizabeth II for her approaches to optimise positive exemplary contribution to the outcomes in diverse workspaces. Commonwealth.

24 The Talent Accelerator

Dr Fatima Tresh Salma Ismail Alison Mackay

HEAD OF PROGRAMME DESIGN COACH AND FACILITATOR, COACH, AND LEAD FACILITATOR, DELTA ALPHA PSI DELTA ALPHA PSI DELTA ALPHA PSI Salma Ismail is a Delta Alison Mackay is an executive Dr Fatima Tresh is an evidence- Alpha Psi coach and an coach and consultant based practitioner who is accomplished global facilitator specialising in leadership and passionate about improving and trainer. Her specialisms organisational development, diversity in talent pipelines include programme design, as well as inclusive talent and leadership teams through unconscious bias/leveraging management. Alison has global inclusive culture change. difference, psychometric testing and cross-cultural experience, Fatima leads on large-scale with feedback, executive/ having worked with clients in client research and the design performance coaching and Europe and North America, and implementation of Delta’s leadership and management with multiple-sector experience pioneering and impactful development. Salma has including professional services, Inclusion Ecosystem© change extensive experience working law, media and the civil programmes across sectors, with corporate, public and service. Alison has worked on including professional and charitable clients across the multiple diversity and inclusion financial services, legal, media globe. Salma has a track projects and brings both depth and public sectors, in order to record of success in facilitating and nuance to her work in address issues of retention and sustained behavioural change racial and gender equity in representation across race. She in organisations, unlocking fixed organisations. Alison draws on effectively facilitates sensitive mindsets and using a range her facilitation and coaching conversations on race and of innovative approaches and skills to create inclusive and inclusion at work by creating interventions. Salma has an psychologically safe spaces, psychologically safe spaces to MSc in International Business enabling her clients to unpack experiences that can and a first class BA (Hons) understand their challenges, be used to guide meaningful in Business. Professionally, gain clarity of perspective change. Fatima completed her Salma is a licensed practitioner and make meaningful PhD in Psychology at the Centre of numerous psychometric changes to achieve desired for the Study of Group Processes, instruments. She is certified outcomes. Alison is certified University of Kent, and is a by the British Psychological in psychometric assessments Visiting Fellow of Cranfield School Society (BPS) at Level A including MBTI, 16PF and Strong of Management. She applies and B Occupational Testing Interest Inventory, Swift Analysis her expertise in leadership (psychometrics) and is a Aptitude and the Thomas to support minority ethnic registered BPS European Test Kilmann Conflict Instrument. professionals in reaching their User – Work and organisational potential and business leaders Assessments (EFPA). to challenge traditional ways of thinking about what potential looks like. Fatima is co-author of a review of the effectiveness of unconscious bias training for the Equality and Human Rights Commission, and a review of reporting on ethnic diversity at board level in the FTSE 350 for the Financial Reporting Council and 2020 Parker Review.

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Margaret Ochieng Ikenna Iroche Dr Manjari Prashar


Margaret Ochieng is a Business Ikenna Iroche is an executive Dr Manjari Prashar is an Psychologist, a researcher, coach with significant experience executive coach and Senior a leadership development in all levels of business. He has a Management Consultant in specialist, an inspirational BSc in Economics gained at LSE. inclusion and diversity. Manjari speaker and a training Alongside coaching, Ikenna has delivers coaching, consulting facilitator with a wide range been an executive recruiter for and training throughout of cross-sector, cross-cultural over twenty years, working with Europe, North America and career experience. Margaret corporate clients and individuals India and has worked with currently leads multiple work across a range of industry organisations in the Middle streams at Delta Alpha Psi sectors around the world. As East and the Far East. Manjari including client relations, an executive recruiter, Ikenna believes that intercultural training design and facilitation is highly skilled at determining competencies and inclusive with a focus on leadership, an individual’s strengths very leadership styles are absolute equality and diversity in the quickly and establishing where necessities for executives in the workplace. Margaret has and how those strengths can global context of organisations. previously worked in aviation, best be leveraged for personal Manjari has worked as a non-profit, education and growth and success. This coach on the award-winning most recently organisational experience led organically into Linklaters Women’s Leadership psychology. She is a member of Ikenna’s work as an executive Programme and with HSBC as the British Psychological Society coach. Alongside this work, part of Cranfield’s Customised and a certified psychometrician Ikenna has participated in a Executive Development group. experienced in designing and number of high-level sporting Manjari’s clients include applying a range of talent events and spent 15 years as a leaders in global organisations development tools that enable semi-professional rugby player. such as Capgemini, Orange organisations to attract, retain He maintains that his sporting Business Services and Sogeti. and develop the best talent in career is integral to his approach In her PhD (Cranfield School of the market. as an executive coach, drawing Management), Manjari focused strong links between the on developing a culturally leadership required in high level inclusive approach to women’s sport and the leadership needed career advancement, drawing in the equally competitive on her diverse experience as corporate environment. As a commercial account manager well as working with CEOs at Scotia bank and as a and managers, he coaches communications consultant individuals to accelerate career at Massachusetts Institute of trajectories through faster Technology (MIT). Manjari is promotions and to manage also a Visiting Fellow at Cranfield job interviews. He advises on School of Management’s Centre contract negotiations. for Gender, Leadership and Inclusion.

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Dawn Whyte Laura Aiken

HEAD OF ADVANCEMENT CONSULTANT AND STRATEGY AND EXECUTION, INCLUSION SPECIALIST, TALENT ACCELERATOR LEAD, THE BBBAWARDS THE BBBAWARDS Laura Aiken is a Consultant and Dawn Whyte is the Head of Inclusion specialist who partners Advancement Strategy and with clients on strategy and Execution and leads the Talent programming to build cultures of Accelerator management and resilience, inclusion and well- delivery for the BBBAwards. In being. After a ten-year career in her role, she is responsible for the engineering and construction, product ownership, planning and Laura founded Thrive Leadership successful end-to-end delivery in 2020 to help companies help of the Talent Accelerator as well their people thrive. Laura has as the BBBAwards’ portfolio worked and led teams on several focused on talent development multibillion-dollar engineering and progression. Dawn has and construction projects in led the strategic execution of the oil and gas industry, has in-house Diversity and Inclusion led DEI programming including programmes within financial strategic planning, inclusive services, legal and higher leadership, ally engagement, education, including an EMEA- and business resource groups and US-wide D&I programme for for over 50,000 employees, and recent graduates and targeted facilitated resiliency training development initiatives for middle for a construction workforce managers and employee network of over 6,000 people. Laura is leaders. Dawn has collaborated a registered yoga teacher and with in-house client teams to leads transformational retreats create new D&I-focused offerings around the world, where she to promote deeper partnerships brings her knowledge and with current and new clients. experience in mindfulness Passionate about the next practices to develop holistic and generation of professionals, Dawn integrative solutions that help actively mentors students and leaders build self-awareness, recent graduates on strategic empathy and resilience. Laura career planning, network has a Master of Engineering mapping and leadership. in Chemical Engineering, is a Chartered member of the Institute of Chemical Engineers and a registered Professional Engineer (Texas).

27 © The Black British Business Awards Limited

First published April 2021

All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

The Black British Business Awards Limited Company number 10057028 Registered number 10057028

Registered address: 1 Coldbath Square EC1R 5HL

Authors: Dr Doyin Atewologun, Sophie Chandauka, Dr Fatima Tresh. Edited by Orenna Krut Designed by Emma Chadwick Printed by Trio Offset


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