Post Office Box 831 Santa Barbara, CA 93102 LOS PADRES Phone: 805.617.4610 Email:
[email protected] FORESTWATCH Web: Protecting wildlife and wild places along California's Central Coast WILDERNESS & OHV LEGISLATION . FRAZIER MOUNTAIN PROTECTED . OJAI WILD! . CALIFORNIA WHITE FIR SKIING IN THE SESPE . STEELHEAD RECOVERY PLAN . OIL DRILLING STOPPED . KERN PRIMROSE SPHINX MOTH WINTER 2012 y rsar ive nn A Ojai th 5 Wild! Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper JOIN US! UPCOMING EVENTS Volunteer as Condor Film "Extra" Earth Day Festivals Volunteer Carrizo Defencing March 24 April 21-22 Ojai, SB, SLO May 5 Jeff Hobbs Michael Doliveck Michael A French film crew has contacted The season is upon us; Earth Day We thought 2011 would mark the end ForestWatch with an interest in film- festivals! Plan on stopping by the to our fence removal project, but we fifth anniversary Ojai Wild! March 31 ing a volunteer microtrash cleanup for ForestWatch booth at your local Earth recently learned about another stretch of Photo courtesy of Stephen Lee Carr an upcoming condor documentary. The Day to ask questions, look at maps, or fencing that needs to be pulled and have film will feature the San Diego Zoo simply say hello. this one last trip on the books for May 5. Safari Park, LA Zoo, various condor experts, scenery from Big Sur to Baja We'll be in Ojai at Oak Grove School Numbers are limited, so if interested California, and us! on Saturday April 21, Santa Barbara at please contact
[email protected] Alameda Park both April 21 & 22, and Contact
[email protected] to RSVP in San Luis Obispo at El Chorro Park Sunday April 22.