THE SOCIAL RELATIONS OF IMPORTED USED ELECTRONICS MERCHANDISE IN LAGOS, NIGERIA BY ABEL AKINTOYE AKINTUNDE B.Sc. SOCIOLOGY (JOS) M.Sc. SOCIOLOGY (IBADAN) MATRICULATION NUMBER: 146359 A THESIS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY, SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES, IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN, IBADAN, NIGERIA SUPERVISOR: DR. A.O. OMOBOWALE FEBRUARY 2016 CERTIFICATION I certify that this work was carried out by ABEL AKINTOYE AKINTUNDE in the Department of Sociology, Faculty of the Social Sciences, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. …………………………… SUPERVISOR A.O. OMOBOWALE B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Ibadan) Senior Lecturer Department of Sociology, Faculty of the Social Sciences University of Ibadan, Ibadan ii DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to the Lord God Almighty for his benevolence, inspiration, love and faithfulness towards me from the commencement and completion of this work. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT If my pen is inked enough for thanks then my first gratitude is scripted to God the all wise and creator of the human intellect, who has with love guided my search for truth and knowledge till now. In his bosom I have thrived, by his grace I have survived and through his favor I have come this far. No might of mine nor strength at all could have brought this noble opportunity but God‘s infinite mercy and grace. I remain truly grateful to such true wisdom, inspiration and light. I give God credit for inspiring every single idea in this research from beginning to the end. I appreciate and treasure the blessing of ‗idea rush‘ spared me at the most needy phase of this research; this experience surely empowered the content and present success of this work beyond imagination.
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