A meeting of the Botany Historical Trust will be held in the Mascot Library and George Hanna Memorial Museum 2 Hatfield Street, Mascot on Monday 3 May 2021 at 6:30 pm



Bayside Council respects the traditional custodians of the land, elders past, present and emerging, on which this meeting takes place, and acknowledges the Gadigal and Bidjigal Clans of the Eora Nation.



4 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 4.1 Minutes of the Botany Historical Trust Meeting - 1 February 2021 ...... 2

5 REPORTS 5.1 Planning Development & Compliance Matters ...... 6 5.2 Community History Collection Management Improvement Project ...... 8 5.3 President's Report ...... 11



Meredith Wallace General Manager


Botany Historical Trust 3/05/2021 Item No 4.1 Subject Minutes of the Botany Historical Trust Meeting - 1 February 2021 Report by Bobbi Mayne, Manager Customer Experience File F16/1038

Officer Recommendation

That the Minutes of the Botany Historical Trust meeting held on 1 February 2021 be confirmed as a true record of proceedings.


Anne Slattery, President Christopher Hanna, Vice President Robert Hanna, Secretary Richard Smolenski, Treasurer Clarence Jones, Committee Member Peter Orlovich, Committee Member

Also Present

Bobbi Mayne, Manager, Customer Experience Leonie Maher, Administrative Assistant, Customer Experience Alison Wishart, Community History Project Officer, Customer Experience Marta Gonzalez-Valdes, Coordinator Development Assessment, City Futures

The Chairperson opened the meeting in the Mascot Library and George Hana Memorial Museum, 2 Hatfield Street, Mascot at 6:30 pm.

1 Acknowledgement of Country

The Chairperson affirmed that respects the traditional custodians of the land, elders past, present and emerging, on which this meeting takes place, and acknowledges the Gadigal and Bidjigal Clans of the Eora Nation.

2 Apologies

The following apologies were received: Alice McCann, Senior Vice President Jacqueline Milledge, Committee Member Barbara Keeley, Committee Member Councillor, Scott Morrissey Councillor, Dorothy Rapisardi

Item 4.1 2 Botany Historical Trust 3/05/2021

3 Disclosures of Interest

There were no disclosures of interest.

4 Minutes of Previous Meetings

4.1 Minutes of the Botany Historical Trust Meeting - 2 November 2020

Committee Recommendation

That the Minutes of the Botany Historical Trust Meeting held on 2 November 2020 be confirmed as a true record of proceedings.

5 Reports

5.1 Planning Development & Compliance Matters

There was discussion regarding the DA lodged for 1060 Botany Road which was circulated to Botany Historical Trust Executive after the Agenda was published. The Coordinator Development Assessment advised that Council has requested further information from the developer on the proposal.

Dr Orlovich questioned what happens to heritage listings once they get demolished Marta responded they remain on the NSW Heritage Website.

Discussion ensued around old Botany records and archives of the Trust it was agreed these matter would be discussed later under Agenda Item 5.2.

Committee Recommendation

On the Motion of Dr Orlovich, seconded by the Secretary:

That the Committee notes the information provided about heritage related planning, development and compliance matters.

5.2 Community History Collection Management Improvement Project

The Manager Customer Experience introduced the Community History Project Officer, Alison Wishart who commences at Bayside Council on 3 February 2021. Alison has been appointed to lead the community history harmonisation project in consultation with key stakeholders. Deliverables include establishing a governance framework for Bayside’s community history archives and collections, conducting a full audit of community history archives and materials, and assessing and recommending accommodation and storage solutions for both physical and digital archives and materials.

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Alison provided the committee with a brief synopsis of her career and experience. Dr Orlovich responded that he was very impressed with the Community History Project Officer’s credentials. The Committee are very excited by the project and welcomed Alison.

Committee Recommendation

On the Motion of Dr Orlovich, seconded by the Treasurer:

1. That the Committee notes the Report.

2. That a progress report is provided to the next meeting of the Botany Historical Trust at the next meeting.

3. That the Botany Historical Trust Committee is engaged where appropriate to provide knowledge, feedback and support to the project.

5.3 Special Projects

The Manager Customer Experience updated the Committee on matters in relation to the renaming of Eastlakes Reserve to Jack Mundey Reserve and reported that the project team is convening this week to commence planning on the required works.

The Botany Historical Trust were pleased to hear that the project is progressing.

Committee Recommendation

On the Motion of The Treasurer Seconded by The Vice President

That the Committee notes the report.

5.4 President’s Report

The President’s Report was discussed.

Committee Recommendation

On the Motion of The Treasurer seconded by Mr Jones

1. That the Committee notes the Report.

2. That the Committee provide suggestions on future Community History projects and initiatives at the next Botany Historical Trust Committee meeting.

3. That a General Meeting, inviting all Botany Historical Trust members, be organised later in the year subject to COVID-19 restrictions and the Agenda for the Meeting is to include a Community History Talk.

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4. That the Botany Historical Trust Executive Committee strongly rejects the complaints and allegations of racism and anti-inclusivity received from a community member; the Botany Historical Trust Committee acts ethically and in accordance with the Botany Historical Trust Constitution formally adopted by Bayside Council.

5. That the Botany Historical Trust Committee requests that Bayside Council’s Governance Unit investigate and review the complaints and allegations received about the Committee.

6. That the Governance Unit, with the General Manager, consider the most appropriate action, statutory or otherwise, and formally respond to the complainant on behalf of the Botany Historical Trust Executive.

6 General Business

6.1 General Members Meeting

The Treasurer asked the Committee if the General Members Meetings will be held as planned. The President responded that the General Meetings were suspended last year due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, now that COVID-19 restrictions appear to be easing, it is proposed to hold a General Meeting later in the year. The Botany Historical Trust Committee will work with Council to plan the meeting in compliance with COVID-19 requirements.

7 Next Meeting

That the next Botany Historical Trust Executive Committee meeting be held in the Mascot Library and George Hanna Memorial Museum, 2 Hatfield Street, Mascot at 6.30 pm on 3 May 2021.

The Chairperson closed the meeting at 8:30 pm.



Item 4.1 5

Botany Historical Trust 3/05/2021 Item No 5.1 Subject Planning Development & Compliance Matters Report by Bobbi Mayne, Manager Customer Experience File F16/1038


This report provides information regarding planning, development and compliance matters relating to heritage properties.

Officer Recommendation

That the Committee notes the information provided about heritage related planning, development and compliance matters.


The Following DAs were issued to the BHT for review since the last BHT Meeting. The committee was invited to make a submission on the proposal during the exhibition period.

Application Number DA-2021/43 Property Address 1439 Botany Road, Botany Property Title Lot 1, DP 937951 Applicant Mr J Spiteri Proposal Alterations and rear single storey additions to dwelling and new front fence.

Notification Period From 16 February 2021 on 2 March 2021 Status Determined for approval by Council (under delegation) on 23 March 2021

Application Number DA-2021/39 Property Address 952 Botany Road, Mascot Property Title Lot 1 DP 657249Lot 38 & Lot 39 Sec1 DP 4089 Applicant Hemmes Property Pty Limited Proposal Demolition of former bottle shop and adjacent garage to existing hotel and provide additional parking for a total of 16 cars. Notification Period From 24 February 2021 on 10 March 2021 Status Still under assessment.

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Application Number Da-2018/329/b Property Address 1445-1447 Botany Road, Botany Property Title Lot 1, DP 1082257 & Lot 1 DP 965554 Applicant Architects Becerra Proposal Modifications to remove window surrounds and sliding screens on north and south elevation and highlight windows on east elevation. Notification Period From 19 March 2021 to 4.30pm on 8 April 2021 Status The Section 4.55 modification likely to be signed off under delegation within the next 1-2 weeks. It comes off exhibition 8 April and does not meet the criteria for it to be reported to the Bayside Local Planning Panel (i.e. less than 10 unique submissions have been received).



Item 5.1 7

Botany Historical Trust 3/05/2021 Item No 5.2 Subject Community History Collection Management Improvement Project Report by Alison Wishart, Community History Project Officer File F16/1038


The Community History Project Officer will provide an update on the Community History Project.

Officer Recommendation

1. That the BHT Committee note the report. 2. That the BHT Committee confirm their feedback on Bayside’s Community History Policy and Guidelines.


The Community History (CH) and Archive Specialist, Alison Wishart commenced on 3 February 2021.

At the end of her 9th week in the role (8 April), the following has been achieved:

• Drafts of CH policy and guidelines have been prepared. Feedback has been received from Bayside Library Staff and State Library NSW. Feedback to be received from the BHT Executive Committee before the draft is presented to Bayside Council Executive.

• Onsite visits and meetings with Council and North Council local studies librarians occurred during March to see how the Council’s managed their collections. o Lane Cove Library uses the same cataloguing system as Bayside and Stanton Library (North Sydney) also manage a small museum collection. o Valuable insights and information was obtained from meeting with these Councils that will inform the project.

• A presentation about the audit project was provided to the NSW Local Studies Librarians network at their bi-annual meeting.

• Audit of collection materials has commenced at Mascot and Rockdale Libraries. o 8244 items sorted and audited at Mascot Library (mostly original photographs) from two of the nine vertical filing cabinets. o This could not have been achieved without the input and support of Customer Experience, Administration Officer, Leonie Maher.

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o 98 items audited and photographed at Rockdale Library (mostly artworks, maps and plans). Some re-housing and weeding is being done as part of the audit.

• Preparation of the AMAC House site for audit of materials is near completion. This includes clean-up of site and establishment of safe workspaces (e.g. installation of smoke alarms). The Audit will commence late April.

• One student-intern has commenced and two more have been recruited to assist in the project particularly with the audit process. These students are studying information management, specialising in libraries or archives, at CSU or UniSA.

• The attached diagram indicates that cataloguing and digitisation will be essential to improving access and preservation of the collection. This will be discuss further at the meeting.


Community History Collection ⇩

Item 5.2 9 Botany Historical Trust 3/05/2021

Item 5.2 – Attachment 1 10

Botany Historical Trust 3/05/2021 Item No 5.3 Subject President's Report Report by Bobbi Mayne, Manager Customer Experience File F16/1038


The President of the BHT, Anne Slattery provides a quarterly update to the BHT Executive Committee on key projects and actions.

Officer Recommendation

That the Committee notes the report.


We are now almost halfway through 2021 and COVID is still with us, though restrictions are far less, thankfully.

As far as the BHT is concerned, the most significant aspect since our last Meeting has been the ongoing, important work of Alison Wishart and the Community History Harmonisation Project.

The BHT also published its second Newsletter for the year. I want to record my thanks to the following Bayside Staff for their unwavering support, enthusiasm and professional assistance, in the production of our wonderful Newsletter – Bobbi Mayne, Leonie Maher, Kirsten Broderick, Ayesha Mira and Loris Armellini.

I would like to update the Executive on the following matters:

1. Complaints by former BHT Member

Following an intervention by the A/Manager Governance & Risk, the complainant has withdrawn all allegations against members of the committee. In an email it has been confirmed that the matter is now considered to be resolved.

There were four allegations made by the complainant, none of which were sustained in a review by Governance & Risk

I want to thank the relevant Bayside Staff for their prompt response to our request for assistance with this matter.

I would also like to remind BHT Executive Members of Council’s Code of Conduct (8 May 2019), as we are a Committee of Council and also of the expectations in the BHT Constitution (October 2018). These documents will be issued and discussed at the meeting.

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2. Community Grants

Matt Thistlethwaite, Federal Member for Kingsford Smith forwarded another Application for a Community Grant ($1,000 - $5,000). The closing date for applications was 19 April 2021.

As funding is required for the replacement of the interpretative signs on the Daceyville Memorial Trail, I took the opportunity of applying on behalf of the Trust.

Discussions did take place late last year with the Trust around the need to investigate replacing the signs and in fact Council’s Administrative Assistant, Leonie Maher had already arranged a quotation for their replacement which has been submitted with our grant application as well as photographs showing the weathering and general deterioration of the surfaces of the signs.

3. Enquiry from Cr Ed McDougall

Cr Ed McDougall contacted me about the possibility of re-naming Jellicoe Park to George Lundy Park, to honour the latter. George Lundy devoted decades to the local football community, especially the children of our area. I told Ed I would bring his suggestion to our Meeting but also said the name “Jellicoe” was historic if not heritage and that naming the actual fields would be preferable.

I move this matter be discussed in General Business and ask for a Seconder to the Motion.

4. “Christmas in July” Function and General Meeting

It was proposed at the last Executive Meeting that we have some sort of function for Members later this year and also a General Meeting, COVID permitting.

I move this matter be discussed in General Business and ask for a Seconder to the Motion.

5. Exhibitions

There are currently two Exhibitions in which both Members and the Executive might be interested: i. Strathfield Answers the Call 1914 – 1918 at the Strathfield Library and Innovation Hub, 23 April – 20 June 2021, curated by Jenny MacRitchie. ii. In Sickness and in Health (the evolution of St George Hospital since 1894 into a world- class teaching hospital), open until 11 July 2021.

Thank you to Leonie Maher for suggesting the latter. Both events might be suitable for an excursion on the same day.

6. Botany Bay Lock-up

I have written to both State MPs (Ron Hoenig and Michael Daley), to Federal MP, Matt Thistlethwaite and to GM, Meredith Wallace about the future of the old Botany Lock-up. Ron Hoenig, Matt Thistlethwaite and Meredith Wallace have been hugely supportive and Ron has written to Hon. Don Harwin, the relevant State Government Minister.

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I intended also to contact the Minister Harwin but for several reasons, I have not done so as yet. I believe Mr Hoenig is still awaiting a response from the Minister.

The GM proposed that Bayside Council seek an Interim State Heritage Order for the Botany Lock-up and I think this has happened, though I do not know the outcome.

Finally, I wish to advise the Executive that Dr Grunseit, the greatly loved and respected father of our much-valued Paula Grunseit, died about four weeks ago. Dr Grunseit was in his nineties and led a remarkable life. Paula now has her hands full finding permanent care for her elderly mother. I have sent a card to Paula on our behalf.



Item 5.3 13