FAMILY Senior Memories Senior Memories

My love for began at a very young They have made this experience so special to always being there. group of girls to become my sisters. We have age when I could barely walk. My dad has told every single player that has ever come through The first time I wanted to be a Ragin’ Cajun accomplished many special things and I will me of the countless times I hit him in the head this program. Thank you. was in 2005 when I was a junior in high school. never forget. You have all influenced me in so with a softball as he was lounging in his chair. Well now that it is my final year I want to It was at the Arizona/UL game at UL. My many ways that I could never forget. Thanks for I would send the ball sailing across my house make it count. Thanks to everyone for all the entire summer ball team went to this game. fighting for me and along side me day in and toward him as I shouted, “Play ball da da!” I great years. I am eternally grateful for this gift I remember thinking, “Wow, here is where day out, no matter if I was “Tigger or Eeyore.” continued on and as I got older I knew that and it could never be repaid. I want to play”! The girls on the team were To the coaches. . . Wow how to you put four mediocrity was not an option, I wanted to be so passionate about the game and the fans years of thanks into such little space? Thanks for great. My parents were committed to helping - Kelly Cormier were so supportive at UL and I can now say I believing in me, when I was not sure if I believed me chase my potential. Without them I would accomplished that goal. I am very passionate in myself. Thanks for helping me become the have never been presented the opportunity about my team and our ability to do great person I am today. Thanks for teaching me so to be a Ragin’ Cajun Softball player and I am It’s hard to believe that my softball career will things this year. many life lessons that will carry me a long way. thankful. be ending this year. I have played this sport my One of my most memorable experiences has Thanks for giving me chance after chance to From the first time I set foot on the UL whole life, and have so many memories from it. been going to the College World Series. This chase such an amazing dream. Thanks for the softball field, I knew it was the place for me. I I still remember my first trophy, my first pitching happened my Sophomore year and I will never opportunity of a lifetime to become one of have grown to love this city, although one lessons, the first time I clocked my parents with forget it. I am hoping this year we will return your family and for inviting me along this great cannot simply love a city, only the people in a fastball. I had no idea the joy that little yellow for my final season. I honestly do think we have journey. Coach Stef, thanks for always fighting which make it special and worthy of being ball would bring to my life. I still remember the talent and ability and of course some of for my “Tigger” side. Thanks for pushing me in loved. The first of those is UL softball fans. They my first day in Lafayette and how much I have the best coaches to get us there. Coach Mike school and encouraging me to be great. Thanks have shown my family and I more love and changed and grown since then. I have become and Coach Stef have truly been a Blessing to for looking out for me. Coach Mike, we all know friendship than I could have ever imagined. some one I would never have recognized me. They have taught me about the game and how much you love your slappers, so I thought I Secondly, my teammates, who have become before. I have stronger relationships with God, also many life lessons. I feel that going through would remind you on more time just how much my closest friends and they will forever be my family, and my friends. This town will always this experience as a player at UL has taught we love you too!!! Thanks for pushing me and my sisters. We have traveled on this journey be like a home to me, no matter where I am, and me strength and made my own expectations working so hard for each and everyone of us. together and those relationships have made I will always be a Ragin’ Cajun. exceed themselves. Thanks for believing in me and fighting for me the climb that much sweeter. And finally the I am so thankful for all that God has blessed As I reflect on my time at UL and enter my to succeed. We are truly blessed to be able to ones who have made the most impact on my me with. I have the most wonderful and final season as a Ragin’ Cajun, I think of all the fight along side someone with such a passion life since I have been at UL, my coaches: Coach supporting parents, whom made this journey adversity this team has overcome and I am and love for not only his players but also for this Mike and Coach Stef. Each year is filled with possible for me. Thank you Mom and Dad, for so proud of the accomplishments we have game. growth and uniqueness. It is their passion that all the support, encouragement, strength, and obtained. I am very proud to wear the Ragin’ To my family, I will start with I love all of you. drives them to teach us, selfish young girls, how unselfish love you have given me. Dad, thank Cajun uniform and will truly treasure my time as Thanks for supporting me to no end. Thanks for to think beyond ourselves; how to compete; you for the countless hours you spent catching a Cajun. Even after I am gone, I will continue to believing in me and continuing to be there day how to prepare; how to never give up; and me, all the sore thumbs, palm, and fingers love and support the team and all it represents. in and day out. how to never accept mediocrity. These are not when I did it right, and the sore feet, toes, and I have been Blessed to have been given the To my biggest fan--my dad. I can not even simply principles to win softball games, they legs when I didn’t quite get it. You have shown opportunity to play with some of the greatest begin to express just how much of an impact are to win at life. Stating them in words and me that we can do anything we set our mind athletes in the country. My advice to all the girls you have on me. You are my hero and even jargon does no justice to the significance these to. Momma Bear, thank you for all the times wanting to be a Cajun is to live your dream, do though I may not have said this back when it principles hold in my life. you came with me and Dad to that little field what it takes and never give up. was all taking place, thanks for all those long I truly believe that God has used Coach Mike in Brazoria, for chasing all those balls that didn’t I honestly can’t believe this is my Senior nights of lectures and late night practice days and Coach Stef to prepare me for the mission hit Dad, and for always being there, waiting year. The time has flown by and I continue to after school. Thanks for pushing me and never field. There is no situation I fear, and nothing for me when I needed you. Thank you both for build more memories that I will treasure for the giving up on me and teaching me that nothing I cannot handle because of the relentless giving me the opportunity to do whatever I rest of my life. To all the wonderful fans, Thank is impossible if I believe. I love you so much. teachings of those loving people. They taught wanted, and be everything I’ve wanted to be. you!! Without you, UL softball would not be the To the greatest person ever and my best me not to let anything overwhelm me, that My sister Amanda, thank you for being my same. You make our season time after time and friend--my mom. I am not sure where I would I may not be able to control the situation but sarcastic support. You’ve always been able to year after year. be or what I would be if I did not have such a I can control my attitude toward it—I can win make me laugh while at the same time giving Continue in your love and support of the great influence towards my life. Thanks for not with my mind. me the love and encouragement I’ve needed. game, it is greatly appreciated. To my family, missing a beat for anything I have ever been After a hitting session with Coach Mike I Thank you for all the times you came along to thanks for all the love and support you have a part of. Thanks for having such a big heart always tell him “I’ll thank you with hits in the softball tournaments and games, when you given me everyday, I LOVE YOU! and thanks for being my mediator. Thanks game” rather than telling him “thank you” right clearly had better things to do. After all, I only And finally to the coaches, Thank you for for everything you have done for me. You are then. I think it is appropriate thank them in the started playing softball because you did! Thank everything you have done for me, I really nothing short of amazing and I thank God every same way, for what they have taught me, by you for being someone I’m so proud to look up appreciate it. day for such a great family. I love you! competing in life. to. That sums it up, I love ya’ll! I thank God for blessing me with these My teammates, thank you for being such - Vallie Gaspard special people to give light in this dark world. wonderful family members and such a great - Jessica Dupont The Ragin’ Cajun softball program can be to support for me. The past four years have been this community what the Lotiefs are to my a great ride and it has been so much fun to Wow, I can’t believe it’s already my final year teammates and I. This season will be far from compete with all of you. Thank you for always It’s scary to think how fast the last four years here as a Cajun. I can still distinctly remember mediocre, we are committed to a higher having my back and letting me know you’re have flown by, but it is even scarier to think that the first day I put on the red and white uniform. standard and strive to be a light—we shall shine there. life away from softball and in the real world is It’s weird knowing that pretty soon I will wear brightly! Our fans, ya’ll are the greatest! I have never approaching even faster. The more I think about that jersey for the last time. You know, as a been to any other town with such supportive, the rest of my life the more I can thank Ragin’ freshman I was told by the seniors how quickly - Lana Bowers dedicated fans! I was welcomed right into this Cajun Softball and all that were involved. Being the four years would fly by, but I never quite family and it has been so wonderful getting to that I had not been playing softball for very understood until now. Looking back, I could know this support system, and I’m so grateful long before I came to college, I knew that I had not be more thankful for this experience. Wow, I can’t believe three years has gone by for the love and encouragement ya’ll have a lot to learn. What I did not know was that not Playing softball as a Cajun has been one of and that it is already my senior year. It seems showered this team with. Ya’ll are so very only did I need to learn about the game but also the most physically, mentally, and emotionally like just yesterday I was twelve years old going appreciated! about myself. Thanks to such a well rounded strenuous things I have ever done. And I thank watch the Cajuns play dreaming that one day I Our coaches, Coach Stef, Coach Mike, and and supportive program, I know I am ready and God everyday for giving me such a blessing. could wear that jersey. Coach Chris, thank you for this opportunity prepared for anything that may come my way Playing for Coach Mike, Coach Stef, and Coach Well that dream came true thanks to Coach ya’ll have given me. To be part of such a strong because the many gifts and lessons about life Chris was the most influential aspect of my Mike and Coach Stef. These past years on this program with so much to be proud of has been that I have received. Learning how to compete, career. Not only did they teach me things about team have been the best of my life. The girls such an amazing journey for me. Thank you for believe, accept failure, and strive through the game on a higher level, but they taught that I’ve got to play with are like sisters to me never giving up on me and thank you for giving adversity are only a few of the gifts that have me how to approach life in a more positive and I want to thank all of them for making this me the chance to be a Ragin’ Cajun, I have loved been taught to me in order to transform me and confident way. Yes it was hard, and yes it experience so special to me. They really are the this program and will continue to do so for the into the person I am today. Not in my wildest was difficult to learn, but the coaches gave me best group of people to ever touch my life. rest of my life. dream did I think that a small country girl like lessons to use in my future. Coach Mike is the I want to thank Coach Mike and Coach Stef me would have this kind of opportunity, but it best thing that could have happened to me as a for allowing me to follow my dream as a Ragin - Brittany Cuevas has been a dream come true. The World Series, young woman getting ready to go out into the Cajun. It means the world to me and I could being Conference Champs, beating LSU, the real world. This man has more fight and heart in never thank them enough. They have taught For the past 13 years softball has been a great atmosphere with great fans and support, him than anyone I’ve ever known, and he uses me so much, not only about softball, but about major part of my life. I remember spending and also having my family and friends around these qualities to attack not only opponents on life. Thank you so much. I also want to thank every summer from Friday through Sunday to watch me play a game that I love are only the field, but also obstacles in life. He gave me Coach Chris for all the help he has given me. He playing softball all day and sometimes even a few of the memories I will cherish the rest a confidence and determination that I never is a great coach and person. Thanks CC. all night. Out of all of my softball experiences, of my life. Thanks to Ragin’ Cajun softball for knew I had in me. He prepared me for life after My family also deserves a big thanks. I UL will be the most memorable and rewarding these memories and thanks for inviting me into softball. And because of that, I don’t fear the want to thank my parents for putting in all experience of my life. I have developed some of your home to be a part of such a remarkable struggles of the future at all. I crave them. those years of travel ball and missing all those the best friends and relationships that will last a experience. I’d like to thank my teammates throughout vacations they never got to go on because of life time. Thanks to the fans for being the greatest fans the years for never giving up on me. You me. Thank you for also for being my rock and I I am the daughter of Paul Dupont, and Brett in the world. Thanks for being so supportive, trusted me as a teammate and allowed me to love you both so much. I also want to thank my & Monica McCloud, They have been my support thanks for believing in us, and thanks for living fight for a championship with you everyday. I brother for being the best role model there ever system through all my years of playing softball. our dreams along side of us. We could not have truly appreciate that. You girls will ALWAYS be was. He has taught me so much. My grandmother and grandfathers were also done it with out each and every one of you. my sisters. Last but certainly not least, I want to thank a major support system for me. I would like to To my teammates, from the bottom of I’d like to thank the coaches. You gave me all the UL fans who are the best in the country. thank them all from the bottom of my heart for my heart I could not have asked for a better a chance when you had no reason to do so,

36 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 37 Senior Memories Senior Memories

and for that I will forever be grateful. You opened up to me a Rogers, our trainer, didn’t think the same thing. The way Stefanie love y’all and thank you for always being there to push me. world that I never would have otherwise been able to be a part handled my injury right after it happened and through all of the MY FAMILY- Lindsay I want to thank you for helping me of, and it has given me more growth as a person than you will rehab enabled me to get back on the field and live my dream of through everything I have been through. What other sister ever know. I just hope I have made you proud over my four years playing in the WCWS. The care I continue to receive from her would pack up everything and move to Lafayette just to make here, because I owe you all my best. and her staff not only makes playing with injuries better, in some sure I took care of my business. Without you I probably wouldn’t I’d also like to thank Mr. Bobby for ALL you do for us…all the cases it makes it possible. be here and I want to thank you for that. I have never been good breakfasts you pick up, all the swings you video, and all of the Getting to play for people you are comfortable with is an with putting my feelings on paper but I want you to know that errands you run for us just so that we can be more comfortable. important thing for a player and last year having Coach Chris everything you did and still do for me is appreciated. Mom and I know that you think your efforts go unnoticed, but we all come to UL to coach with Coach Mike, Coach Stef and Coach Joy Dad…y’all have been great role models. I love you very much appreciate everything you do. You’re like our “team mom” on the was great for our program and for me. I am fortunate to have and I want to thank you for always believing in me. No matter road, haha, and we would not be able to be as successful without been around Coach Chris for a long time while playing summer what happens in life I know that y’all have prepared me to fight your help. ball and he has helped me become a better player. His values, hard and never give up. I can only dream of being an amazing I’d like to thank the fans. You truly are the best in the country. love for the game and work ethic make the Cajuns a better team. parent to my kids as you have been to me. I LOVE Y’ALL!!! You stick by us through thick and thin, through fall and spring, I will always remember the fun times we have had before games, through wins and losses, and that is something that means more taking infield, or even just hanging out during practice. Thank - Melissa Verde to us than you know. I will miss seeing you at the field. you for helping me in the 2 years that you have been here. And finally, I’d like to thank my family. You have had to deal I have a tendency to drive people a little crazy with the way with me missing many family gatherings, birthdays, weddings, I act at times. I started that process in the very beginning with etc., and you never complained because you knew this was Coach Stef. Where do I start? In the dugout screaming in her ear, something that meant the world to me. I’d like to thank my wearing the wrong stuff, not able to find my practice gear or not brother, Jansen, and my sister, Taylor, for dealing with the late on top of my school work, just to name a few. I seem to stay in Lana Bowers practices and long travel weekends when I’ve had to miss events trouble with her. Maybe trouble is a pretty strong word, but I do that were important to them. I’m so proud of all that both of keep her on her toes. The reality of it is that I would not be where I you have accomplished, and it means a lot to me to see you am if it weren’t for her. Making sure I took care of my school work supporting me when you can. I love you guys. I’d like to thank over the past four years was no small task and because of her my mom for always being the positive voice in my head when persistence in that regard I will forever be grateful. Her guidance I thought I couldn’t do it, and for cooking all those dinners has gone beyond that of coach and takes on that of a second for the team. You have no idea how much they will miss that mom. Just like moms, you don’t always appreciate the tough haha. And last but certainly not least, I’d like to thank my dad love in the moment they give it, but in retrospect you realize for starting such a burning passion inside of me for this game. and appreciate what they have done and how important it has Thank you for practicing with me no matter how tired you were been. I don’t want you to think that she is always hard on me from work. Thank you for coaching me for all those years when because believe me we do have lots of laughs and she helps me Kelly Cormier you taught me not only the fundamentals, but the importance of through my failures. As fast as she can push my buttons to get teamwork, respect, and sportsmanship. Thank you for coming to me going she also has a way of calming me down, steering my all those games, practices, and scrimmages. And thank you for mind in the right spot, helping my confidence and keeping me still pretending to practice dentistry when you really just follow focused on the right things during a game. When I got hurt and our team around the country. You have no idea how special it is didn’t know if I would get to play she helped keep me focused for me to see you in the stands and be able to hug you when the on what I could control and off of the things that I couldn’t. She game is through. helped me stay involved by making sure I was included even though I wasn’t playing. That was huge to me. Off the field - Courtney Trahan away from softball she has been there for me when I had trouble coping. The comfort she has given my parents by keeping them informed (sometimes I thought too much) and by taking care of Brittany Cuevas Technically softball started for me at an early age with an me has given me a true home away from home. Knowing I was upside down plunger as my first batting tee, but the first time I with family is something I could have only dreamed of and I have truly appreciated the love I could have for this game was when I it here because of her. Having Chelsea and Andrew around helps watched Coach Stef give a pitching lesson at my Little League in add to the family environment. Thank you for being there for Beaumont. After that day I knew I had found my real passion. I me. was watching her in amazement and knew then that I wanted to Coach Mike–I don’t know where to start. I can’t tell you how play serious softball. By the way, I couldn’t hit her then and still much respect I have for him. He has given me the opportunity can’t. She and her dad, Coach Chuck helped to introduce softball of a lifetime and has helped prepare me for anything I could in the Beaumont area as something more than a recreational possibly face both on and off the field. He continues to challenge sport. The 12U group in our Blast organization played against the way I think and respond. He has taught me so much about Coach Mike’s Reflection team and I got to play in one game for a respecting the game by the example he sets with both his work few innings when I was 8 and that started the era of him kicking ethic and his passion. He has allowed me to grow by challenging Jessica Dupont my butt. I was fortunate to have them influence and inspire me me not only when I succeed but also when I fail. The consistency then and 14 years later still have them be a part of my life both of his message has laid the foundation for UL softball and I am on and off the field. lucky to have the privilege of being part of it. He has taught me With a beginning inspired by Coach Stef and Coach Mike it’s that the lessons we learn don’t always come with a cheap price easy to understand why the place that I dreamed of playing was tag. The price we pay is usually in direct proportion to what we for the Ragin’ Cajuns. I used to come to Lafayette to watch the get out of it. I know I haven’t always accomplished what I set Cajuns play and dreamed of playing on their field. At the time out to do but the journey was no less exciting or rewarding. I had no idea what that would be like. As Coach Mike always There are times when I don’t think I can handle those failures says there is a love affair between the players and fans and it and he encourages me to get off of my butt and find a solution. is so inspiring. I have met so many people here and they have Taking the field with him as my mentor has been nothing short treated me like family and I don’t mean that in a casual way. They of incredible. I hope all of the countless hours of practice, him Vallie Gaspard are the kind of family that make you comfortable and are hard not allowing me to accept where I am as being good enough, on you, yet forgiving. The fans here believe in us and have an looking for the next solution after multiple failures, and his next undying support that any other program would be envious of. gimmick to fix something that is wrong with my swing is paying The players before me set the standard and I can only hope that off. I mean come on who would think to strap dowel rods to us I have come close to living up to their standard. and make us swing so we can see what we didn’t understand In my five years I have been fortunate to play next to a lot of from his simple explanation. I appreciate the endless hours of great players, some that have since moved on. It has happened prep that he does in order for us to just show up and work. Some so fast and now it is almost my turn to do the same. My successes of the things he has developed for our workouts are works of art. here can be attributed to what those players and my coaches did Seriously, there seems to be no end to what he will come up with to help me along the way. The upper class that was here when I to give us the best opportunity possible to be successful. When I came in as a freshman took me under their wing and made me tore my ACL he pushed me to work and get myself ready to play Courtney Trahan feel part of the team even when I didn’t play. When I struggled when many thought I was done. He believed in me and because they were there to help me overcome my fears and failures. My of that I played in the WCWS. He will always have a special place teammates have become far more than teammates to me and in my heart and be a part of whatever I accomplish. He has my family. They have shared their families with me, whether it always inspired me and I have no doubt that he will continue to was when I was down and someone took me home to eat or just do so long after my playing time is over at UL. to visit and have a few laughs. They have taught me about the MY TEAMMATES- I can’t even imagine this journey without culture and food from this area and I believe it has become a part them. These girls have become my best friends and my sisters. of whom I am. Thanks to Mr. Bobby I have made boudin one of They have pushed me to become a better athlete and better my main food groups. They have made being away from home person. When I am having a bad day and I feel like I can’t get less like being away from home. the job done I always have one of them in my ear telling me I came to UL to play softball and get an education and if you that I need to just stop freaking out relax and get the job done know me it started out a lot more about softball. Mr. Cottonham because they know I can do it. The family that I have come to Melissa Verde and Ms. Christy helped me develop a more balanced mind set know and love will always be a part of my life even when my and because of that I will get my degree. playing days are over. I look up to them and respect them for Throughout my softball career it seems that something everything that they sacrifice in order to get to play the game is always hurting, but I had never faced anything that could that we love. Thank you for the best 5 years of my life. We still compare to my torn ACL. A lot of people thought my year was have another long journey ahead of us but the end result will be over, but fortunately for me my coaches, doctor and Stefanie worth all the blood, sweat, and tears that we have put into it. I

36 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 37 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

l a n a bowers Sr. • 3L • 5-10 • catcher/ First Base • r/r c r o s b y , t e x a s • h u f f m a n -h a r g r a v e h s

First Team All-Sun Belt Conference (2008, 2009) ... Ended the 2006 regular season with a .523 batting average All-Sun Belt Tournament(2009) hitting 34-of-65 from the plate ... Picked up six doubles, six triples, two home runs and 19 RBI and also had 13 stolen bases ... Helped 2009 guide Huffman to the softball state playoffs in each of the past four Started all 58 games behind the plate for the Cajuns … Earned First seasons ... Also lettered in and ... Earned first Team All-Sun Belt accolades for the second straight season … Was team honors in volleyball in 2004 and 2005 and picked up first team named to the SBC All-Tournament team … Ranked second on the honors in basketball in 2003, 2004 and 2006 (didn’t play basketball team 14 doubles … Finished the year with a .253 batting average in junior year). and a .333 on-base percentage … Knocked in 36 RBI and recorded 25 runs … Posted a .996 fielding percentage, recording only two errors Personal in 521 chances … Led the Cajuns with 486 putouts … Was third on Born Nov. 11, 1987, in Houston ... Full name is Lana Nicole Bowers the squad with eight home runs … Hit two home runs against FAU in ... Daughter of Doyle, Jr., and Cheryl Bowers ... Has three older SBC Championship game … Went 3-for-3 with a double in 8-0 mercy- sisters – Alese, Amber and Jennifer ... Also has one younger sister, 6 rule win over Louisiana-Monroe (5/2/09). Tara ... Member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, National Art Honor Society and Chi Alpha... Coached several youth teams in her 2008 community ... Enjoys mission work. Ca r e e r Hi g h s Named First Team All-Sun Belt Conference ... Appeared in every game for the Cajuns starting in all but one game ... Boasted a .261 batting average with 55 hits on the year including At Ba t s 11 doubles, a triple and nine home runs ... 5, Five times Drove in 49 runs, while scoring 31 runs ... Last vs. UConn (2/20/09) Had a pair of hits, including a double, in the NCAA Baton Rouge Regional, scoring Ru n s two runs, driving in two RBI and adding a pair of walks ... Had three hits in the NCAA 3 vs. Louisiana Tech (2/9/08) Houston Super Regional including a three- run home run to propel the Cajuns to a 6-4 Hi t s game one victory ... Ranked in the top-5 3, Four times for the Cajuns in slugging percentage, Last at ULM (2/15/09) RBI, doubles, home runs, total bases, hit by pitch and sacrifice flies ... Had a .268 batting average in Sun Belt games only RBI with a pair of doubles and four home runs 4, Tw o times ... Finished her sophomore year ranked Last vs. Tennessee Tech (5/1/08) third in the Cajuns Top 5 for putouts in a season with 534 and total chances with 577 ... Had just one error in 577 chances Do u b l e s for a .998 fielding percentage ... Had 14 2, Tw o times multiple hit games and 14 multiple RBI Last vs. McNeese State games ... Had a pair of home runs in the (2/15/09) Cajuns’ win over Tennessee Tech, going 2-for-3 with two home runs, two runs scored and a season best four RBI ... Had Tr i pl e s three hits against Louisiana Tech, Southern 1, Tw o times Miss and McNeese State. Last vs. Middle Tennessee (4/1/09) 2007 Appeared in 60 games in 2007 as a true freshman, starting 50 games behind the Ho m e Ru n s plate for UL ... Threw out 14 of the 25 2, Tw o times batters who attempted to steal ... Had a Last vs. FAU (5/9/09) pinch hit grand slam home run against No. 14 Georgia on Feb. 9, in a 12-4 Cajuns win ... Also had a home run and three RBI in a To t a l Ba s e s 10-1 Cajuns victory over Western Kentucky 8, Tw o times on March 24, as she was 2-for-3 at the plate Last vs. FAU (5/9/09) ... Completed the season with six doubles, two homeruns and 19 RBI ... Also was a perfect 7-for-7 on stolen bases attempts. Wa l k s 3 vs. Providence (2/14/09) High School Four-year letterwinner in softball ... Earned St o l e n Ba s e s first team All-District honors in 2004, 2005 1, 12 times and 2006 ... Named to the Texas Sports Writers First Team All-State softball squad Last vs. ULM (5/9/09) in 2006 ... Also named First Team All-State by the Texas Girls Coaches Association

Career Stats Year Avg GP GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB ATT PO A E FLD% 2007 .219 60 50 151 13 33 6 0 2 19 45 .298 11 1 41 0 .274 1 3 7 7 316 31 6 .983 2008 .261 67 66 211 31 55 11 1 9 49 95 .450 12 6 47 0 .315 3 0 2 2 534 42 1 .998 2009 .253 58 58 174 25 44 14 1 8 36 84 .483 15 7 31 0 .333 2 0 3 4 486 33 2 .996 TOTAL .246 185 174 536 69 132 31 2 19 104 224 .418 38 14 119 0 .310 6 3 12 13 1336 106 9 .994

38 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 39 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

k e l l y cormier Sr. • 2L • 5-2 • Infield • l/r a b b e v i l l e , l o u i s i a n a • v e r m i l i o n c a t h o l i c h s

Sun Belt Conference Commissioner’s List (2007, 2008, 2009) 2007 NFCA All-America Scholar-Athlete (2007, 2008, 2009) Did not compete during the season, taking a redshirt.

2009 High School Saw action in 54 games with 36 starts at second base … Hit .224 for Lettered for four seasons in basketball, softball and track ... Stole the year with 19 hits … Was 4-for-6 on stolen bases … Registered first 22 bases as a freshman, 23 as a sophomore, 30 as a junior and had double of career against South Alabama (4/10) … Had a career-high 25 stolen bases as a senior in 2006 ... In 2005 was named to the All- five at bats against Troy (4/19) … Had a career-best three total bases District 8-A team and honorable mention All-State ... Earned repeat on two occasions at South Alabama and against Louisiana-Monroe All-District honors as a senior in 2006 ... Was directly selected to the at the Sun Belt Tournament. 2006 All-State team ... Had batting averages above .400 each season including a career-best .520 as a junior in 2005 ... Helped lead VCHS 2008 to softball district titles in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 ... Was twice a Played in 44 games total on the season and is primarily used as a member of the Base Ruth World Series All-Tournament team. 4 pinch runner ... Entered the game to pinch run in six of the Cajuns’ six NCAA Tournament games, including two World Series games, Personal scoring a pair of runs ... Earned 10 starts on the year in the absence of Born Jan. 28, 1988, in Kaplan, La ... .Full name is Kelly Renee’ Cormier Ca r e e r Hi g h s Melissa Verde who missed 13 games with an injury ... Earned her first ... Daughter of Ricky and Becky Cormier ... Has one older brother, collegiate start in the second game of a doubleheader with Western Blake ... Was a member of the Young Ragin’ Cajuns Club ... Graduated Kentucky ... In her first start, finished 2-for-3 with two runs scored Magna Cum Laude from Vermilion Catholic High School ... Plans to At Ba t s and a sacrifice bunt ... Registered 10 hits on the year with 16 runs pursue a career in the medical field. 5 vs. Troy (4/19/09) scored ... Despite being a slapper, had a triple to her credit ... Had a season-long five game hitting streak from Apr. 1 through Apr. 6 ... Had a career high three hits against FIU, finishing the game 3-for-4 Ru n s with three runs scored and a triple. 3, at FIU (4/5/08)

Hi t s 3, at FIU (4/5/08)

RBI 1, Five times Last vs. ULM (5/8/09)

Do u b l e s 1, at South Alabama (4/10/09)

Tr i pl e s 1, Two times Last vs. ULM (5/8/09)

To t a l Ba s e s 3, Two Times last vs. ULM (5/8/09)

Wa l k s 2 vs. Texas State (5/17/09)

St o l e n Ba s e s 1, Five times Last vs. Grambling (4/21/09)

Career Stats Year Avg GP GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB ATT PO A E FLD% 2008 .303 44 10 33 16 10 0 1 0 2 12 .364 3 1 4 0 .378 0 1 1 2 13 22 3 .921 2009 .224 54 36 85 25 19 1 1 0 3 22 .259 10 1 14 0 .313 0 4 4 6 36 65 6 .944 TOTAL .246 98 46 118 41 29 1 2 0 5 34 .288 13 2 18 0 .331 0 5 5 8 49 87 9 .938

38 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 39 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

b r i t t a n y cuevas Sr. • 3L • 5-10 • pitcher • r/r b r a z o r i a , t e x a s • b r a z o s w o o d h s

Sun Belt Conference Academic Honor Roll (2009) a 16-4 record in 2005 and was named the District 24-5A MVP each Sun Belt Conference Commissioner’s List (2007) year ... She was named to the 2005 NFCA/Louisville Slugger All-South Sun Belt Conference Freshman of the Year (2007) Central Region second team ... Named an EA Sports All-American her All-Sun Belt Conference (2007) senior season ... Posted a 23-4 record and 0.49 ERA while fanning 273 All-Louisiana (2007) batters as a senior ... Named to the 2006 NFCA/Louisville Slugger NFCA All-America Scholar Athlete (2008, 2009) All-South Central Region first team ... Also named to the 2006 NFCA/ Louisville Slugger All-American team as an honorable mention 2009 selection ... All-Brazoria County MVP in 2006 ... Member of the 2006 Made 18 appearances in the pitcher’s circle, notching a 7-1 record … TGCA 4A-5A East All-Star team. Tied a career-high of 12 strikeouts twice on the season, first against Grambling (4/21) then against Louisiana-Monroe (5/8) at the Sun Personal Belt Tournament … Helped combine for six shutouts on the year … Born Dec. 1, 1987, in Lake Jackson, Texas ... Full name is Brittany Threw a season-high 8.0 innings with 11 strikeouts versus Troy (5/19) Nicole Cuevas ... Daughter of Raymond and Terry Cuevas ... Has 10 … Struck out 81 batters while allowing just 17 walks in 66.0 innings one older sister, Amanda and a niece, Mia ... Member of Who’s Who pitched … Pitched a one-hitter en route to a 7-0 win over Grambling Among High School Student Athletes in 2004 and 2005. (4/21).

Ca r e e r b e s t s 2008 Saw limited action on the year due to injury ... Made 18 appearances Wi n s with 11 starts to her credit and five victories ... Fanned 81 batters in just 58.0 innings of work ... Struck out both batters she faced 31 - 2007 in the Women’s College World Series ... Made her first start of the postseason and first appearance since May 4, against No. 10 App e a r a n c e s Houston, turning in an inspiring performance ... Stymied the Cougars through the first five 46 - 2007 innings, allowing only two hits until running into trouble in the sixth ... Had a perfect game In n i n g s Pi t ch e d on Apr. 1 against Grambling, recording a 10.0 vs. South Alabama season-best 11 strikeouts in just five innings of work ... Combined for five shutouts on the (4/15/07) season ... Her only losses of the season came 9.0 vs. McNeese State (4/3/07) against No. 3 Texas A&M (L, 1-0), No. 7 Arizona 9.0 vs. Southern Miss (3/22/07) (L, 2-0) and No. 10 Houston (L, 6-3) ... Named 8.2 vs. Houston (5/18/07) Sun Belt Conference Pitcher of the Week (Mar. 24) ... Held the United States Olympic Team 8.0 vs. Troy (4/19/09) scoreless for eight innings in an exhibition 8.0 vs. Arizona State (3/16/07) game in Fullerton, Calif. on Mar. 20.

2007 St r i k e o u t s Led the Cajuns in all pitching categories as 12 vs. ULM, 6.0 IP (5/8/09) a true freshman on her way to being named 12 vs. Grambling, 5.0 IP the Sun Belt Conference Freshman of the (4/21/09) Year ... Posted a 31-11 record, and her 31 wins were the most by a freshman pitcher in the 12 vs. Nicholls, 6.0 IP (5/2/07) history of Ragin’ Cajuns softball ... Made 46 12 vs. Arizona St., 8.0 IP appearances in 2007, starting 44 games and (3/16/07) tossing 12 shutouts ... Led the team in ERA 12 vs. Nicholls, 7.0 IP (2/14/07) (1.99), wins (31), innings pitched (292.0) and strikeouts (303) ... Ranked in the top 10 in 11 vs. Troy, 8.0 IP (4/19/09) the country in wins ... Struck out 10 or more 11 vs. Grambling, 5.0 IP batters in seven games, striking out a season (4/1/08) high 12 on three separate occasions ... Cuevas had 12 K’s in wins against Nicholls State on 11 vs. South Alabama, 10.0 IP two occasions and had a dozen strikeouts (4/15/07) against No. 2 Arizona State in a 2-0 win in 11 vs. FAU, 7.0 IP (3/11/07) the Judi Garman Classic ... Started the 2007 10 vs. North Texas, 7.0 IP season with 11 consecutive wins, posting her first collegiate victory in an 8-0 shutout over (5/9/07) McNeese State on Feb. 9 ... Had two wins over College World Series participant No. 17 Baylor Sh u t o u t s and threw a two-hit shutout in a 5-0 win over Houston on April 18 ... Longest outing of the 12 times season came on April 15, in a 5-4 ten-inning Last at South Alabama - W, 3-0 win over South Alabama. (4/11/09) High School Lettered four seasons in softball ... Had a 0.67 ERA ERA in 136 1/3 innings as a junior in 2005 and 1.59 - 2009 a 0.32 ERA in 155 2/3 innings as a sophomore in 2004 ... Posted a 20-3 record in 2004 then

Career Stats Year ERA W L App GS CG SHO CBO SV IP H R ER BB SO 2B 3B HR BF B/Avg WP HBP BK SFA SHA 2007 1.99 31 11 46 44 36 10 3 0 292.0 223 102 83 92 303 32 4 28 1206 .209 13 13 0 3 29 2008 2.29 5 3 18 11 2 1 5 0 58.0 36 22 19 26 81 4 0 9 236 .176 5 2 0 0 3 2009 1.59 7 1 18 9 4 1 6 0 66.0 49 21 15 17 81 1 2 4 271 .201 1 4 0 0 6 TOTAL 1.97 43 15 82 64 42 12 14 0 416.0 308 145 117 135 465 37 6 41 1713 .203 19 19 0 3 38

40 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 41 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

j e s s i c a dupont Sr. • 2L • 5-8 • infield • r/r a l e x a n d r i a , l o u i s i a n a • p a r k v i e w b a p t i s t h s

2009 Personal Saw limited action for UL, playing in 30 games with 14 starts as the Born May 20, 1988, in Alexandria, La ... .Full name is Jessica Marie designated hitter … Recorded second home run of career with a solo Dupont ... Daughter of Paul Dupont and Brett and Monica McCloud shot against San Diego State (2/22) … Registered an RBI in seven ... Member of Who’s Who Among High School Student Athletes all different games. four years of high school ... Future career plans include pursuing a career in the medical field. 2008 Played in 31 games on the season, making 25 starts on the year ... Collected 10 hits on the season, with a home run and a pair of doubles ... Drove in seven runs on the season ... Had 16 walks on the year for a on-base percentage of .329 ... Had three multiple hit games with a pair of multiple RBI games ... Had a double and a home run against Nicholls State on Mar. 4 ... Also collected multiple hits against 27 Louisiana Tech and Southern Miss.

2007 Did not compete during the season, taking a redshirt. Ca r e e r Hi g h s High School Earned numerous honors in her career – all-district catcher as a At Ba t s freshman, all-state utility as a sophomore and Class 3A state MVP as a junior and senior ... Named district MVP and was a first team All- 4, Three times State pitcher her senior season ... Ended her senior season hitting Last vs. Southern Miss (3/4/09) .490 with 10 home runs and 53 RBI ... Produced at the plate, driving home 42 runs as a sophomore and 34 runs as a junior ... Worked in the pitcher’s circle as a junior in 2005 and set the school record with Ru n s 20 strikeouts in a game against Winnfield in the state semifinals ... Helped lead PBHS to the 2005 Class 3A state title ... As a sophomore, 1, Three Times set the school record for most home runs in a season. Last vs. San Diego State (2/22/09)

Hi t s 2, Three times Last vs. Nicholls State (3/4/08)

RBI 2, Tw o times Last vs. Nicholls State (3/4/08)

Do u b l e s 1, Three times Last vs. Nicholls State (3/4/08)

Ho m e Ru n s 1, Tw o times Last vs. San Diego State (2/22/09)

To t a l Ba s e s 6 vs. Nicholls State (3/4/08)

Wa l k s 3 vs. Southern Miss (2/24/08)

Career Stats Year Avg GP GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB ATT PO A E FLD% 2008 .149 31 25 67 1 10 2 0 1 7 15 .224 16 2 24 1 .329 0 1 0 0 19 5 2 .923 2009 .191 30 14 47 2 9 1 0 1 7 13 .277 7 3 16 1 .328 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 1.000 TOTAL .167 61 39 114 3 19 3 0 2 14 28 .246 23 5 40 2 .329 1 1 0 0 22 5 2 .931

40 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 41 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

v a l l i e gaspard Sr. • 3L • 5-4 • outfield • l/r m a u r i c e , l o u i s i a n a • n o r t h v e r m i l i o n h s

Sun Belt Conference Academic Honor Roll (2007, 2008) 2007 All-Louisiana Honorable Mention (2009) Started 62 of the Cajuns 64 games in the outfield in 2007 ... Finished All-Sun Belt Conference (2008) fourth on the team with a .293 batting average ... Led the team with All-Louisiana (2008) six sacrifice bunts, 22 stolen base attempts, and 18 stolen bases ... Had more than one hit in seven UL games and was 3-for-3 at the 2009 plate against Tennessee-Martin in a Cajuns win on Feb. 24 ... Reached Started 56 games in the outfield for the Cajuns … Tabbed All- base on 10 consecutive plate appearances at the Northwestern Louisiana Honorable Mention by the Louisiana Sports Writers’ State Tournament ... Finished the season with 17 base on balls, two Association … Hit .331 for the season, scoring 35 runs … Was second doubles, and eight RBI ... Committed only one error in the Cajuns on the squad with 56 hits … As lead-off hitter, posted a .483 batting outfield on 74 chances for a .986 fielding percentage. average … Was 13-of-14 on stolen bases … Was second on the squad with seven sacrifice hits. High School Lettered in basketball, softball and track ... District champion in 14 2008 hurdles, 100 meters, 200 meters and 4x100 relay ... Was the NVHS Named First Team All-Sun Belt Conference ... Worked her way into leadoff hitter ... Set a school record with 26 stolen bases asa the starting line up and boasted a .404 batting average ... Had just sophomore ... Hit .441 with 22 stolen bases during her senior season 13 strikeouts in 151 official at bats and 173 total plate appearances ... Earned All-District honors in softball in 2004, 2005 and 2006 ... Ca r e e r Hi g h s ... Her batting average did not dip below .400 on the year after Named Vermilion Parish Outstanding Female Track Athlete in 2003 becoming an everyday starter on Mar. 11 ... One of five Cajuns to hit and 2004 ... Inducted into the NVHS Hall of Fame. .300 or better at the NCAA Baton Rouge Regional; Was 3-for-10 with At Ba t s five runs scored and three walks in regional action ... Had 61 base hits Personal on the year with 49 runs scored and 11 RBI ... Had a pair of extra base Born Nov. 20, 1987, in Lafayette ... Full name is Vallie Kaye Gaspard ... 5, Seven times hits as a slap hitter ... Fourth on the team with 18 multiple hit games, Daughter of Michael and Bonnie Gaspard ... Has two older brothers Last at North Texas (5/7/09) registering 13 games with two hits and five games with three hits ... – Neil Gaspard and Beau Broussard ... Member of the homecoming Scored two or more runs in a dozen games on the season, including court her junior and senior years ... Life Teen Care member ... Personal two multi-run games in the NCAA Baton Rouge Regional ... Boasted ambition is to become a nurse. Ru n s a pair of nine-game hitting streak on the year with 18 hits during the first streak ... Finished 13-for-15 in stolen base attempts with a perfect 3 vs. WKU (3/25/08) 7-for-7 stolen base percentage against Sun Belt Conference schools ... In Sun Belt games only, she batted .466 with 34 hits and a team- best 26 runs scored ... Both of her extra base hits came in conference Hi t s with eight of her 11 RBI coming against league foes. 3, Seven times Last vs. ULM (5/8/09)

RBI 2, Three times Last vs. Troy (4/18/09)

Do u b l e s 2 vs. Lipscomb (2/13/09)

Tr i pl e s 1 vs. Nicholls State (2/15/09)

To t a l Ba s e s 4, Four times Last vs. Lipscomb (2/13/09)

Wa l k s 2, Six times Last at ULM (5/2/09)

St o l e n Ba s e s 2, Five times Last vs. Troy (4/19/09)

Career Stats Year Avg GP GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB ATT PO A E FLD% 2007 .293 63 62 147 33 43 2 0 0 8 45 .306 17 3 44 0 .377 0 6 18 22 73 0 1 .986 2008 .404 65 47 151 49 61 2 0 0 11 63 .417 18 1 13 0 .471 0 3 13 15 5 0 2 .714 2009 .331 56 56 169 35 56 3 1 0 13 61 .361 14 0 21 0 .383 0 7 13 14 21 2 1 .958 TOTAL .343 184 165 467 117 160 7 1 0 32 169 .362 49 4 78 0 .410 0 16 44 51 99 2 4 .962

42 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 43 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

c o u r t n e y trahan Sr. • 3L • 5-6 • infield • r/r m a u r i c e , l o u i s i a n a • v e r m i l i o n c a t h o l i c h s

Sun Belt Conference Commissioner’s List (2007, 2008, 2009) NFCA All-America Scholar-Athlete (2007, 2008, 2009)

2009 Played in 52 games for the Cajuns, mostly as a pinch runner … Scored 18 runs on the season … Was 4-of-5 on stolen bases.

2008 Played in 61 games on the season ... Scored 30 runs on the season ... Perfect 8-for-8 in stolen base attempts ... Fourth on the team in stolen bases.

2007 19 Saw action in 61 games in her first season with the Cajuns – 59 games as a pinch runner and two games as a pinch hitter ... Scored 24 runs and stole seven bases for the Cajuns ... Served as UL’s number one pinch running option. Ca r e e r Hi g h s High School Played third base for Kim Guidry at VCHS ... Member of the all-district At Ba t s and all-state teams in 2003, 2004 and 2006 ... Sported a .600 batting average during her sophomore year ... Also played basketball and 2 at ULM (5/6/07) was an all-district performer in 2004 ... Member of Who’s Who Among American Students (both athletic and academic).

Ru n s Personal 1, 72 times Born April 25, 1988, in Kaplan, La ... .Full name is Courtney Cecile Trahan ... Daughter of David and Gwen Trahan ... Has one older sister, Last vs. FAU (5/9/09) Taylor ... Has one younger brother, Jansen ... Was the valedictorian of Vermilion Catholic’s Class of 2006 ... Wants to teach high school English after finishing her degree. Hi t s 1 vs. Nicholls State (3/4/08)

RBI 1 vs. Nicholls State (3/4/08)

To t a l Ba s e s 1 vs. Nicholls State (3/4/08)

St o l e n Ba s e s 1, 19 times Last at McNeese State (3/28/09)

Career Stats Year Avg GP GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB ATT PO A E FLD% 2007 .000 61 0 2 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 7 8 2 1 1 .750 2008 .500 61 0 2 30 1 0 0 0 1 1 .500 0 0 1 0 .500 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 .000 2009 .000 52 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 4 5 3 1 0 1.000 TOTAL .250 174 0 4 72 1 0 0 0 1 1 .250 0 0 2 0 .250 0 0 19 21 5 2 1 .875

42 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 43 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

m e l i s s a verde Sr. • 3L • 5-5 • third base • l/r b e a u m o n t , t e x a s • m o n s i g n o r k e l l y c a t h o l i c h s First Team All-Sun Belt (2009) High School All-Sun Belt Conference Tournament (2008, 2009) Named to All-District and All-State team all four years ... As a junior, Louisiana Classics All-Tournament Team (2009) she posted a 19-2 record as a pitcher with a .485 batting average Mardi Gras Invitational Most Outstanding Player (2009) leading her team to the state finals ... Named All-District and All- Mardi Gras Invitational All-Tournament Team (2009) State all four years ... Had a career high school batting average above All-Louisiana (2007, 2008, 2009) .500 and her career high school winning percentage as a pitcher was above .800 ... District MVP three times ... Also played basketball 2009 ... Played summer for her father and the Blast Gold ... Went 21-2 in Was named Louisville Slugger/NFCA All-Region and First Team All- the pitching circle as a senior ... Capped off her senior season with Sun Belt after starting 58 games at third base … Was named to the District MVP and State MVP honors. SBC All-Tournament Team, the Louisiana Classics All-Tournament Team and earned Most Outstanding Player honors at the Mardi Gras Personal Invitational … Posted a .319 batting average on the year … On- Born March 16, 1987, in Houston, Texas ... Full name is Melissa base percentage ranked second on the team (.482) and slugging Courtney Verde ... Daughter of Robert and Diane Verde ... Has an older 16 percentage ranked third (.531) … Led team with six multiple RBI sister, Linsday ... Chose the same jersey number (16) that her father games … Drove in 61 runs to lead the conference … Ranked 13th in wore when he played college at Texas A&M ... Attended the the nation, averaging 1.05 RBI per game … Batting average ranked same high school as former Ragin’ Cajuns women’s basketball player Ca r e e r Hi g h s 10th in SBC during regular season (.333) … Had 12 multiple hit Erin Kacy. games … Was third on the squad with 51 hits, 10 doubles and eight home runs … Drew 49 walks, ranking her ninth in the nation with At Ba t s 0.89 walks per game … Hit a 10th-inning grand slam to lift UL over 5, Six times UConn at the Mardi Gras Invitational ... Began the season with 11 straight games without a strikeout – 47 plate appearances and struck Last vs. Louisiana Tech out only 15 times over 58 games and 220 plate appearances. (3/10/09) 2008 Ru n s Missed 13 games with an ACL injury, recovering to once again be 3, Six times a significant contributor and starter ... Had a .294 batting average on the season with 42 hits, including 10 doubles, a triple and seven vs. Nicholls State (3/4/09) home runs ... Had two doubles and five home runs, including a grand slam after returning to the lineup on Apr. 12 ... Boasted a .524 Hi t s slugging percentage with a .463 on-base percentage ... Led the team 4, Two times with 46 walks on the year, second on the Cajuns’ single-season walk list 15 walks shy of Lacey Bertucci who set the school record with 61 Last vs. Houston (4/18/07) free passes in 2007 ... Ranked 6th in the NCAA in walks per game ... Collected just one hit in the NCAA Baton Rouge Regional, but made RBI it count as she blasted a grand slam against #15 LSU; Led the team 6, Tw o times during the regional with a 1.000 slugging percentage, a .727 on-base Last vs. Houston (4/18/07) percentage and seven walks ... Added a solo home run in the NCAA Houston Super Regional ... Was named to the Sun Belt Conference All-Tournament Team, finishing the week with a .667 batting average Do u b l e s with six hits, including a pair of home runs and a double, five 2, Three times runs scored and a tournament-record eight RBI ... Boasted a 1.444 Last vs. Louisiana Tech (2/9/08) slugging percentage in the SBC Tournament ... Also drew five walks in the conference tournament for a on-base percentage of .786 ... Despite her injury, her batting average never dipped below .250 on Tr i pl e s the season. 1, Four times Last vs. Louisiana Tech 2007 (2/10/08) Completed her first season of action with the Cajuns with a.303 batting average, which was third on the team ... Tied for third on the team in runs scored with 34 ... Led the team with 15 doubles ... Was Ho m e Ru n s second in the Cajuns line-up with 109 total bases ... Led the team 2, Tw o times in at bats with 201 ... Third on the team with a slugging percentage Last vs. Houston (4/18/07) of .542 ... Third on the team with 61 hits ... Led the team with three triples ... Fifth on the Cajuns squad with a .389 on base percentage ... Her 49 RBI ranked second, while her nine homeruns tied for fourth ... o t a l a s e s T B Started all 64 games for the Cajuns at third base ... Had 12 multi-hit 10 v s . Houston (4/18/07) games ... Hit her first collegiate home run on Feb. 9, as the Cajuns defeated No. 14 Georgia, 12-4 ... Was a perfect 4-for-4 against Penn Wa l k s State in the Judi Garman Classic in a 6-5 Cajuns win ... Was also 4-for-4 with two home runs and six RBI in a 14-0 win over Houston on April 3, Five Times 18, in the second game of a doubleheader ... Also had a pair of home Last vs. Middle Tennessee runs and six RBI in a 3-for-4 performance against College World (3/31/09) Series participant No. 17 Baylor in a 10-2 Cajuns victory ... Also had three separate six-game hitting streaks during the season. St o l e n Ba s e s 2006 1, Five times Did not compete during the season, taking a redshirt. Last vs. Penn State (3/17/07)

Career Stats Year Avg GP GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB ATT PO A E FLD% 2007 .303 64 64 201 34 61 15 3 9 49 109 .542 26 4 20 0 .389 3 0 5 5 83 112 14 .933 2008 .294 54 54 143 31 42 10 1 7 42 75 .524 46 0 16 2 .463 1 0 0 0 50 84 5 .964 2009 .319 58 58 160 27 51 10 0 8 61 85 .531 49 6 15 2 .482 5 0 0 0 27 111 15 .902 TOTAL .306 176 176 504 92 154 35 4 24 152 269 .534 121 10 51 4 .443 9 0 5 5 160 307 34 .932

44 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 45 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

d o n n a bourgeois Jr. • 2L • 5-7 • pitcher • r/r l a f a y e t t e , l o u i s i a n a • t e u r l i n g s c a t h o l i c h s

Sun Belt Pitcher of the Year (2009) 2008 LSWA Pitcher of the Year (2009) Named Second Team All-Sun Belt Conference, Sun Belt Conference Louisville Slugger/NFCA Div. I All-Region (2009) Pitcher of the Week twice (Apr. 14 and Apr. 28) and Louisiana Classics Sun Belt All-Tournament Team (2009) All-Tournament Team ... Recorded a stellar season in her freshman All-Sun Belt Conference (2008, 2009) campaign, leading the Sun Belt Conference with a 0.97 earned run All-Louisiana (2008, 2009) average ... Ranked 8th in the nation in ERA and 38th in strikeouts per Louisiana Classics Most Outstanding Player (2009) seven innings ... Made 36 appearances with 21 starts, nine complete Louisiana Classics All-Tournament Team (2008, 2009) games and a pair of saves to her credit ... Second on the Cajuns’ Mardi Gras Invitational All-Tournament Team (2009) pitching staff in appearances, starts, innings pitched and strikeouts ... Sun Belt Conference Commissioner’s List (2009) Picked up a pair of wins in the NCAA Baton Rouge Regional with a win Sun Belt Conference Academic Honor Roll (2008) against East Carolina and #15 LSU, boasting a 1.11 ERA in two games Louisiana Freshman of the Year (2008) ... Boasted 16 wins on the season (16-4) with six Sun Belt Conference wins (6-2) ... Had three complete game shutouts to her credit with 21 2009 eight additional combined shutouts on the year ... Had four games Named Sun Belt Pitcher of the Year after leading the Cajuns with 30 on the year with double-digit strikeouts with a career high 12 Ks wins in 41 appearances … Ranked seventh in the nation in victories against ULM ... Had 11 strikeouts against South Alabama, with 10 … Earned SBC First Team Honors, Sun Belt All-Tournament team strikeouts against Grambling and Florida Atlantic ... In conference Ca r e e r b e s t s honors, was named Louisville Slugger/NFCA All-Region and was games only, she boasted a 0.87 ERA with 83 strikeouts in 64.2 innings named All-Louisiana Pitcher of the Year by the Louisiana Sports ... Had a nearly perfect record at home (8-1) in 13 appearances with Writers’ Association … Was named Sun Belt Pitcher of the Week four a 0.12 ERA allowing just four runs (three unearned runs) in 59-plus Wi n s times during the season … Ranked eighth in the nation with a 1.07 innings of work. ERA in 235.1 innings pitched, holding opponents to a .169 batting 30 - 2009 average … Went 13-3 in league play with a 1.01 ERA … Recorded a High School career-high 14 strikeouts on two occasions last year against McNeese Played softball at Teurlings Catholic High School in Lafayette ... Tossed State (4/7/09, 6.0 ip) and against Ole Miss (2/8/09, 10.0 ip) … Posted 177 innings allowing just 56 hits with a .59 earned run average ... App e a r a n c e s double-digit strikeouts in 12 games … Pitched 11 shutouts, ranking Collected 297 strikeouts while walking just 42 batters ... Offensively, 41 - 2009 14th in the nation … Ranked 16th in the nation with 297 strikeouts, boasted a .396 batting average with eight doubles, seven home runs allowing just 50 walks … Averaged 8.8 strikeouts per contest ... and 33 runs batted in ... Hit three home runs in one game against Strikeouts and ERA ranked second in the league ... Was named rival Comeaux High School ... Recorded 16 strikeouts in one game In n i n g s Pi t ch e d the Louisiana Classics Most Outstanding Player after finishing the and threw a no-hitter in the state championship game. tournament with a 0.32 ERA, 36 strikeouts, four wins and a save in five 10.0 vs. Ole Miss (2/8/09) appearances ... Was named to the 2009 Mardi Gras Invitational All- Personal 9.0 vs. Kentucky (2/20/09) Tournament team, posting three wins, while recording 30 strikeouts Born on February 27, 1989 in Lafayette ... Daughter of Peter and against Kentucky, UConn and San Diego State. Sewilla Bourgeois ... Has three older sisters, Melanie, Julia and Sarah 7.0, 17 times ... Plans to attend medical school after graduation and perform Last vs. Ole Miss (2/6/09) muscular research and practice physical medicine.

St r i k e o u t s 14 vs. McNeese State, 6.0 ip (4/7/09) 14 vs. Ole Miss, 10.0 ip (2/8/09) 13 vs. Ole Miss, 7.0 ip (2/6/09) 12 vs. Nicholls State, 7.0 ip (2/15/08) 12 vs. Southern Miss, 7.0 ip (3/4/08) 12 vs. ULM, 7.0 ip (5/2/09) 12 vs. ULM, 7.0 ip (5/3/08)

Sh u t o u t s 14 times Last vs. FIU - W, 8-0 (5/9/09)

ERA 0.93 - 2008

Career Stats Year ERA W L App GS CG SHO CBO SV IP H R ER BB SO 2B 3B HR BF B/Avg WP HBP BK SFA SHA 2008 0.93 16 5 36 21 9 3 8 2 15.1 106 33 20 34 177 11 2 2 607 .194 7 16 0 1 9 2009 1.07 30 9 41 36 28 11 5 1 235.1 144 57 36 50 297 14 1 4 934 .169 13 16 0 0 13 TOTAL 1.02 46 14 77 57 37 14 13 3 385.2 250 90 56 84 474 25 3 6 1541 .178 20 32 0 1 22

44 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 45 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

g a b r i e l e bridges Jr. • 2L • 6-0 • first base • r/r l a f i t t e , l o u i s i a n a • j o h n c u r t i s h s

First Team All-Louisiana (2009) High School Second Team All-Sun Belt (2009) Lettered in softball, volleyball and cheerleading at John Curtis High Sun Belt Conference Academic Honor Roll (2009) School ... Helped the Patriots to five consecutive state championships All-Sun Belt Conference Tournament (2008) in softball (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) ... Helped JCHS to the Louisiana Classics All-Tournament Team (2008) district championship in 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007 ... Named all- state in 2005, 2006 and 2007 ... Helped the Patriots volleyball team 2009 to the 2004 state playoffs ... Invited to the Junior Olympic trials in Started all 58 games at first base … Earned First Team All-Louisiana Chula Vista, Calif. accolades after leading the Sun Belt with 16 homers … Recorded 48 RBI with a .598 slugging percentage and a .279 batting average … Personal Hit .583 with runners in scoring position … Hit four home runs in a Born on December 1, 1988 in Marrero, La ... .Full name is Gabriele week (2/16) to earn Sun Belt Player of the week honors … Repeated Lauren Bridges ... Daughter of Don and May Bridges ... Has one the feat later in the season to claim the honor again (4/6) … Led the younger brother, Garrett ... Member of the National Honor Society ... 25 league with 107 total bases … Posted 11 multi-hit games and six Homecoming Queen ... Aspires to graduate with her Master’s degree multi-run performances … Had a season-high three hits, on three and work for Disney as a graphic designer. occasions … Tied a career-high of six RBI after hitting two home runs against Providence (2/14) … Drew four walks against San Diego Ca r e e r Hi g h s State … Was second on the squad with 444 putouts … Grabbed five stolen bases on six attempts. At Ba t s 2008 6, vs. UConn (2/20/09) One of just four players to start every game for the Ru n s Cajuns and the only freshman to start every game ... Hit 3, Two times .236 on the year with 46 hits, Last vs. McNeese State including seven doubles (2/15/09) and 11 home runs for a .441 slugging percentage ... Raised her batting average 63 points Hi t s to .242 after letting it dip 3, Five times as low as .179 on April 1 ... Last at North Texas (5/7/09) Ranked in the Cajuns top-5 in slugging percentage, RBI, home runs, total bases, walks RBI and hit by pitch ... Finished the 6, Tw o times NCAA Baton Rouge Regional Last vs. Providence (2/14/09) 3-for-10 with a double, three RBI; Was one of five Cajuns to finish the regional with Do u b l e s a .300 batting average or 2 v s . Troy (4/26/08) better ... Second on the team behind only All-American Holly Tankersley in home runs Tr i pl e s on the season ... Boasted 10 None multiple hit games on the year with 10 multiple RBI games Ho m e Ru n s ... Had a season high three hits against NCAA Regional 2, Tw o times participant Mississippi Valley Last vs. Providence (2/14/09) State and Western Kentucky ... Recorded four or more RBI in three separate games, o t a l a s e s T B boasting a team-best six runs 10 vs. Providence (2/14/09) batted in against IUPUI ... Had five RBI in a game against Wa l k s Western Kentucky at the Sun Belt Conference Tournament 4 vs. San Diego State (2/21/09) and four RBI against Mississippi Valley State ... St o l e n Ba s e s Named All-Tournament during the conference 2 vs. McNeese State (4/9/08) tournament finishing with a .462 batting average with six hits including a pair of home runs and a double ... Finished the SBC Tournament with a tournament-record eight RBI ... During the conference tournament, had a 1.000 slugging percentage.

Career Stats Year Avg GP GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB ATT PO A E FLD% 2008 .236 67 67 195 21 46 7 0 11 41 86 .441 22 6 56 0 .330 1 0 4 4 358 7 4 .989 2009 .279 58 58 179 37 50 9 0 16 48 107 .598 26 1 49 1 .372 1 0 5 6 444 5 9 .980 TOTAL .257 125 125 374 58 96 16 0 27 89 193 .516 48 7 105 1 .35 2 0 9 10 802 12 13 .984

46 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 47 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

a s h l e y brignac Jr. • 2L • 5-10 • pitcher • r/r r i v e r r i d g e , l o u i s i a n a • j o h n c u r t i s h s

CoSIDA Academic All- District (2009) gold medal ... Got the start in the gold medal game against Japan All State Sugar Bowl Female Corbett Award Winner (2008) and went 3.1 innings, allowing one unearned run on six hits while NFCA All-South Region (2008) walking one and striking out one ... Had a team-best 4-0 record in a Sun Belt Conference Pitcher of the Year (2008) team-high five games started in the World Championships ... Allowed All-Sun Belt Conference (2008) four runs, but just one earned run for a 0.25 ERA in a Team USA-high Sun Belt Conference Commissioner’s List (2008, 2009) 28.0 innings pitched ... Led the National team with 35 strikeouts ... In NFCA All-America Scholar Athlete (2008, 2009) 2007, recorded 25-0 record and struck out 421 batters, allowing just SBC Tournament Most Outstanding Player (2008) 14 hits and 13 walks in 159.2 innings ... Struck out 88 of 95 batters and Louisiana Classics All-Tournament Team (2008) pitched a perfect game, three no-hitters and a one-hitter in the state Female High School Athlete of the Decade (2009) tournament ... National Fastpitch Coaches’ Association (NFCA) All- American ... Named Times Picayune Athlete of the Year and Pitcher of 2009 the Year ... Named All-State Most Valuable Player and Miss Louisiana Saw limited action returning from an injury but made an impact, Softball ... Named Louisiana Softball Coaches Association Class 2A 00 nonetheless … After surrendering a pair of earned runs in her first Player of the Year ... Won Corbett Award as the All-State Sugar Bowl outing, she did not allowed an earned run in 59.1 consecutive innings Outstanding Female Amateur Athlete for Greater New Orleans area of work (10 appearances) ... Posted an 8-3 record in 14 appearances, ... Helped John Curtis to a 30-6-1 record (fifth consecutive state going the distance in nine contests with six shutouts … First two championship) in 2007 ... Career résumé/breadth of accomplishment: Ca r e e r b e s t s losses came in a pair of games in which the opposition scored an Career 122-4 record; Struck out 1,454 of 2,037 batters faced ... Led unearned run … Only allowed earned runs in two games … Boasted USA Softball Junior Women’s National Team to gold medal as the staff Wi n s a team and conference best 0.44 ERA, allowing no earned runs in Sun ace at the 2006 Pan Am Championship with a 10-0 record ... Gave up Belt Conference play ... Struck out 107 batters in 79.0 innings pitched one hit in six games in leading U18 Gold Voodoo club team to the 31 - 2008 … Held opponents to a meager .124 batting average … Fanned a Hall of Fame Classic Tournament title in Oklahoma City in July 2006 – career-best 16 batters in 3-2 win over Louisiana Tech (3/10) … Posted becoming the first team from Louisiana to ever win the tournament App e a r a n c e s four double-digit strikeout performances … Threw a five-inning, ... Three-Time Louisiana Softball Coaches Association (LSCA) Class 44 - 2008 one-hitter against FIU … Threw another one-hitter against Texas 2A Player of the Year; Two-time All-District and All-Metro MVP, State at the Waco Regional (6.0 ip) ... ERA was at 0.19 before final three-time All-District and All-Metro selection ... Two-time Gatorade game against Baylor at Waco Regional … Was named as the state’s Louisiana Softball Player of the Year ... Two-time Louisiana Sports In n i n g s Pi t ch e d top female amateur athlete by the All State Sugar Bowl’s Greater New Writers Association’s Farm-Bureau-Miss Softball selection ... Two-Time 11.0 at Southern Miss (2/24/08) Orleans Sports Hall of Fame for her performance in 2008. National Fastpitch Coaches’ Association (NFCA) All-American. 9.0 vs. WKU (3/22/09) 2008 Personal 8.2 vs. Iowa (3/1/08) Lived up to the hype in her rookie campaign, leading the Cajuns in Born on May 2, 1989 in Baton Rouge, La ... .Daughter of Joseph 8.0 vs. Texas A&M (3/8/08) wins, innings pitched, strikeouts, strikeouts looking, appearances, and Tammy Brignac ... Has an older brother, Joseph, and a younger 8.0 vs. Florida (5/29/09) starts and opponent batting average ... Named Second Team NFCA brother, Christopher ... Has a younger sister, Katie ... Co-valedictorian All-South Region, Sun Belt Conference Pitcher of the Year, First ... Member of the National Honor Society. Team All-Sun Belt Conference, Sun Belt Conference Tournament St r i k e o u t s Most Outstanding Player, Louisiana Classics All-Tournament Team ... 16 vs. Louisiana Tech, 7.0 ip Ranked in the NCAA in ERA, strikeouts per seven innings, victories (3/10/09) and hits allowed per seven innings ... Has a team best 31 wins in 15 vs. Florida, 8.0 ip (5/29/08) 44 appearances with three saves to her credit ... Led the team with 13 shutouts, three no hitters and a perfect game ... Fanned a UL 13 vs. Fresno State, 7.0 ip freshman record 327 batters in 228.1 innings of work ... Was 12-1 in (3/13/09) 15 appearances with a 1.54 ERA, four shutouts and 119 strikeouts in 13 at Louisiana Tech, 7.0 ip Sun Belt play ... Had seven wins and a save over ranked opponents – (2/10/08) Wins: Feb. 29 vs. #23 North Carolina (W, 7-1); Mar. 8 at #3 Texas A&M (W, 2-1); Apr. 30 at #9 Houston (W, 4-0); May 17 at #15 LSU (W, 9-4) - 13 vs. IUPUI, 5.0 ip (3/11/09) NCAA Baton Rouge Regional; May 23 at #10 Houston (W, 6-4) - NCAA 13 vs. FAU, 7.0 ip (4/16/08) Houston Super Regional; May 24 at #10 Houston (W, 4-0) - NCAA 13 vs. North Texas, 5.0 ip Houston Super Regional; May 29 vs. #1 Florida (W, 3-2) - Women’s (4/24/08) College World Series. Save: May 18 at #15 LSU (W, 6-3) - NCAA Baton Rouge Regional ... Had 17 games with double-digit strikeouts with 12 at Southern Miss, 11.0 ip a season-best 15 strikeouts in the Cajuns victory over #1 Florida in (2/24/09) the first game of the Women’s College World Series ... Had a string 12 vs. Middle Tennessee, 5.0 ip of 16 consecutive batters retired against Florida Atlantic and 10 (3/31/09) consecutive strikeouts against North Texas ... Four-time Sun Belt Conference Pitcher of the Week (Feb. 11; Mar. 20; Mar. 27; and Apr. 21) and two-time LSWA Pitcher of the Week (Feb. 27 and Mar. 18) Sh u t o u t s 19 times High School Last vs. Texas State - W, 5-0 Despite sitting out the start of the 2007 season recovering from minor knee surgery, recorded a flawless 0.00 ERA for the second consecutive (5/17/09) season and led John Curtis Christian School to their fifth straight state championship ... In the circle, she used her 72 mile per hour ERA fastball to record 21 shutouts, 21 no-hitters and seven perfect games 0.44 - 2009 ... Was equally dominating offensively, hitting .500 with six home runs and a slugging percentage of .869 ... Was also the staff ace on the USA Softball Junior Women’s National Team that won the 2006 Pan Am Championship with a 10-0 record ... Led the USA Softball Junior National team to the gold medal at the 2007 World Championships ... Compiled a 4-0 record in the World Championships, helping the USA Softball Junior National team to a perfect 10-0 record and the

Career Stats Year ERA W L App GS CG SHO CBO SV IP H R ER BB SO 2B 3B HR BF B/Avg WP HBP BK SFA SHA 2008 1.38 31 7 44 35 28 13 2 3 228.1 123 62 45 100 327 13 1 16 927 0.155 14 13 0 3 17 2009 0.44 8 3 14 13 9 6 2 0 79 34 12 5 24 107 3 0 3 307 0.124 3 4 0 0 5 TOTAL 1.14 39 10 58 48 37 19 4 3 307.1 157 74 50 124 434 16 1 19 1234 0.147 17 17 0 3 22

46 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 47 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

k a t i e smith Jr. • 2L • 5-6 • outfield • L/r r u s t o n , l o u i s i a n a • r u s t o n h s

Sun Belt Conference Academic Honor Roll (2008, 2009) Regional, she was second on the team, hitting .444, going 4-for-9 All-Louisiana Honorable Mention (2009) with a pair of runs scored, a walk and an RBI ... Had a .400 batting Second Team All-Sun Belt (2009) average in Sun Belt Conference play ... Posted 16 multiple hit games Louisiana Classics All-Tournament Team (2009) to her credit with a season-high three hits against No. 23 North Mardi Gras Invitational All-Tournament Team (2009) Carolina and Middle Tennessee ... Reached base safely in 52 of the 65 All-Louisiana (2008) games she has played, collecting hits in 43 of those games. All-NFCA Leadoff Classic Tournament (2008) Louisiana Classics All-Tournament Team (2008) High School Played softball at Ruston High School ... Had a .467 batting average in 2009 her senior year with a .537 on-base percentage and a .610 slugging Started 43 games on the year, seeing action at second base, right percentage ... In her final season at RHS, had 105 at bats, with 49 runs, field and as the designated hitter … Ranked third in the Sun Belt with 49 hits, five doubles, two triples, two home runs and 11 runs batted a .393 batting average … Collected 48 hits with 39 runs … Went in ... Tallied 64 total bases with 15 walks and 22 stolen bases. 20 25-for-28 on stolen bases … Posted a .515 batting average in Sun Belt Games … Had 14 multiple hit games including a season-best Personal performance against Western Kentucky, going 3-for-4 with two runs Born on July 31, 1989 in Monroe, La ... .Full name is Kaitlin Scott Smith Ca r e e r Hi g h s scored (3/21) … Scored multiple runs in nine contests, including a ... Daughter of Rocky and Veronica Williams and Joey Smith ... Has season-high three against Providence (2/14) and Middle Tennessee two younger sisters, Kelby and Kendall. (3/31) … Led the Cajuns with a .516 on base percentage … As leadoff At Ba t s batter, tallied a .515 batting average. 5, Tw o times 2008 Last vs. Kentucky (2/20/09) The speedy slapper has been in the top five on the team in batting average throughout the year ... Boasted a .370 batting average Ru n s and has not let her batting average dip below .370 on the season ... Ranked in the top-5 among Cajuns in batting average, on base 3, Two times percentage, runs scored, hits, sacrifice bunts and stolen bases ... Led Last vs. Middle Tennessee the team with eight sacrifice bunts and 20 stolen bases ... Had 60 hits (3/31/09) on the year with 19 walks for a .440 on base percentage ... Scored 39 runs on the season while driving in nine ... In the NCAA Baton Rouge

Hi t s 3, Three times Last vs. Western Kentucky (3/21/09)

RBI 1, 12 times Last vs. Middle Tennessee (4/1/09)

Do u b l e s 1, vs. Nebraska (2/29/08)

To t a l Ba s e s 3, Four times Last vs. Western Kentucky (3/21/09)

Wa l k s 3, Two Times vs. Tulsa (3/17/09)

St o l e n Ba s e s 3, Three times Last vs. FIU (4/5/09)

Career Stats Year Avg GP GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB ATT PO A E FLD% 2008 .370 65 65 162 39 60 1 0 0 9 61 .377 19 1 26 0 .440 0 8 20 21 58 2 1 .984 2009 .393 43 43 122 39 48 0 0 0 3 48 .393 28 3 15 0 .516 0 4 25 28 26 18 6 .880 TOTAL .380 108 108 284 78 108 1 0 0 12 109 .384 47 4 41 0 .475 0 12 45 49 84 20 7 .937

48 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

c h r i s t i orgeron So. • 1L • 5-11 • utility • r/r n e w o r l e a n s , l o u i s i a n a • m t . c a r m e l h s

Sun Belt Conference Freshman of the Year (2009) 2008 First Team All-Louisiana (2009) Did not compete during the season, taking a redshirt. Sun Belt Tournament Most Outstanding Player (2009) Second Team All-Sunbelt (2009) High School Sun Belt Conference Academic Honor Roll (2009) Multi-sport athlete who lettered in softball, soccer and swimming at Sun Belt Conference Commissioner’s List (2008) Mount Carmel Academy ... Helped the Cubs to the state playoffs in NFCA All-America Scholar-Athlete (2008) 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 in softball; 2004, 2005, 2006 in soccer; and 2004 in swimming ... Won the district championship in softball 2009 in 2006 and 2007 ... Soccer state champions in 2005 and district Posted a stellar freshman year earning Sun Belt Freshman of the Year champions in 2005 and 2006 ... All-District selection for softball from honors … Claimed the Sun Belt Tournament Most Outstanding Player 2005-07 ... Two-time All-State pick in 2006 and 2007 ... 2006 All-Metro honor … Named First Team All-Louisiana … Garnered Second Team Player of the Year ... Two-time All-Metro selection (2006, 2007) ... All- All-Sun Belt Honors … Earned back-to-back Sun Belt Player of the State soccer selection in 2006 and All-District selection in 2005 and 12 Week honors (4/20 and 4/27) … Played in 55 games with 52 starts, 2006 ... Posted a .423 career batting average with 141 hits including seeing time at second base, right field and as the designated hitter 45 doubles, 18 triples, 21 home runs, 131 RBI and 31 stolen bases. … Batted .312 on the season with 10 home runs and 37 RBI … Led Ca r e e r Hi g h s the Cajuns with a .611 slugging percentage … Recorded multiple Personal hits in 13 games and multiple RBI in eight games … In conference Born on June 3, 1989 in New Orleans, La ... .Full name is Christine play, hit seven home runs with a .714 slugging percentage … Posted Marie Orgeron ... Daughter of Allen and Teresa Orgeron ... Has an At Ba t s six RBI against Troy after recording two homers, including a grand older brother, Allen, Jr ... .Member of the Honor Roll ... Plans to be a 4, 12 times slam (4/18-19) … Hit two doubles in SBC Championship game over nurse upon graduation. Last vs. Florida Atlantic (5/9/09) Florida Atlantic (5/9).

Ru n s 2, Five times Last at North Texas (4/25/09)

Hi t s 3, Four times Last vs. Florida Atlantic (5/9/09) RBI 6 vs. Troy (4/18/09)

Do u b l e s 2, Tw o times Last vs. Florida Atlantic (5/9/09)

Tr i pl e s 1 vs. Fresno State (5/13/09)

Ho m e Ru n s 2 vs. Troy (4/18/09)

To t a l Ba s e s 10 vs. Troy (4/18/09)

Wa l k s 2, Two times Last vs. FIU (5/8/09)

St o l e n Ba s e s 1, two times Last vs. ULM (5/6/09)

Career Stats Year Avg GP GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB ATT PO A E FLD% 2009 .312 55 52 157 23 49 15 1 10 37 96 .611 19 0 36 0 .382 2 0 2 2 22 16 2 .950 TOTAL .312 55 52 157 23 49 15 1 10 37 96 .611 19 0 36 0 .382 2 0 2 2 22 16 2 .950

2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 49 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s e r i k k a murphy So. • 1L • 5-4 • outfield • l/l v i c t o r i a , t e x a s • m e m o r i a l h s 2009 Saw significant action as a true freshman, playing in 54 games … Earned 29 starts at DH (13) and in the outfield (16) … Was a perfect 13- for-13 on stolen bases … Hit .292 in 96 at bats with two doubles and two triples … Registered 19 runs … Reached base safely with a .310 on base percentage … Batted .316 in the leadoff spot… Successfully advanced runners 53.4 percent of the time in 58 opportunities.

High School Lettered in softball (four years), basketball (two years) and power lifting (four years) at Memorial High School ... Led the Vipers to the District Championship (2005-08) ... Helped MHS to the state playoffs from 2005-08, advancing to the quarterfinals in 2006-07 ... Named All-State, All-District, District MVP, State Newcomer of the Year and All-Academic team ... State Champion in power lifting ... As a 13 freshman, batted .447, with 17 RBI, 16 stolen bases and eight triples ... As a sophomore, batted .463, with 26 runs, 38 hits, 22 RBI, five triples, At Ba t s Tr i pl e s C three home runs and 26 stolen bases ... Batted .591 with 65 hits (110 5 vs. Troy (4/19/09) 1, Tw o times A Last vs. v s . FIU (4/4/09) at bats), 37 runs, 17 RBI, two doubles, two home runs, six walks, 74 Ru n s R 2, Two times Ho m e Ru n s stolen bases and .610 on-base percentage. E Last at North Texas 2, Tw o times E (4/26/09) Last vs. FAU (5/9/09) Personal R Hi t s To t a l Ba s e s Born on May 3, 1990 in Victoria, Texas ... Full name is Erikka Murphy 3 vs. La. Tech 4, Tw o times ... Daughter of Eric and Roslyn Murphy ... Has a younger brother, (3/10/09) Last vs. FAU (5/9/09) H Bernard, and a younger sister, Eboni ... Sophomore class president RBI Wa l k s and member of HOSA. I 2 v s . FIU (4/4/09) 1, Three Times Last at North Texas G Do u b l e s H 1, Two Times (4/26/09) Last vs. La. Tech S (3/10/09) Career Stats Year Avg GP GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB ATT PO A E FLD% 2009 .292 54 29 96 19 28 2 2 0 9 34 .354 3 0 24 0 .310 1 0 13 13 5 0 2 .714 TOTAL .292 54 29 96 19 28 2 2 0 9 34 .354 3 0 24 0 .310 1 0 13 13 5 0 2 .714

a s h l e y Ray So. • 1L • 5-6 • utility • r/r arnaudville , l o u i s i a n a • b e a u c h e n e h s 2009 Saw limited action as a role player in 23 games with two starts in right field … Posted 20 at bats, seven runs, two doubles and two RBI … Had a .333 batting average as a pinch hitter.

High School Lettered in softball, volleyball and track at Beau Chene High School ... Helped the Gators to the state playoffs for four consecutive years, finishing as the runner-up each season ... Led BCHS to a 26-4 record as a freshman ... Named First Team All-District 2005-08, All-State 2006- 08 and All-District Most Valuable Player ... Also dubbed Parish MVP , First Team All-Parish 2005-08 and All-Acadiana 2005-08 ... Never hit below .500 in all four years of high school ... Helped the Beau Chene volleyball team to the playoffs for two years.

3 Personal Born on March 28, 1990 in Lafayette ... Full name is Ashley Elizabeth C At Ba t s Do u b l e s 3 vs. Ole Miss 1, Two Times Ray ... Daughter of Jeff and Naomi Ray ... Has a older sister, Amanda ... A (2/6/09) Last at North Texas Member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Beta Club. (5/7/09) R Ru n s E 1, Seven times To t a l Ba s e s E Last at ULM 2, Tw o times (5/2/09) Last at North Texas R (5/7/09) Hi t s 1, Four Times Wa l k s H Last at North Texas 1 vs. Ole Miss (2/6/09) I (5/7/09) G RBI 1, Two Times H Last at North Texas S (5/7/09)

Career Stats Year Avg GP GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB ATT PO A E FLD% 2009 .200 23 2 20 7 4 2 0 0 2 6 .300 1 0 6 0 .238 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1.000 TOTAL .200 23 2 20 7 4 2 0 0 2 6 .300 1 0 6 0 .238 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1.000

50 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 51 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

p a i g e cormier so. • 1l • 5-5 • infield • r/r c a r e n c r o , l o u i s i a n a • t e u r l i n g s c a t h o l i c h s Sun Belt Conference Academic Honor Roll (2008) from 2003 through 2007 ... Named all-state for two years and was a four-time all-district selection ... Academic All-State selection ... Helped 2009 Teurlings to the state playoffs in volleyball in 2006. Played in 13 games mostly as a pinch runner … Scored one run in 9-0 win over New Mexico in the Judi Garman Classic (3/15). Personal Born on January 30, 1989 in Lafayette ... Full name is Paige Elizabeth 2008 Cormier ... Daughter of Laura and George Cormier ... Has three older Did not compete during the season, taking a redshirt. brothers, Marc, Chad and Ryan; one younger brother, Troy; and a older sister, Shayla ... Member of the Honor Roll. High School Lettered in both softball and volleyball at Teurlings Catholic High School ... Played second base, pitcher and outfielder for the Rebels ... Helped 31 Teurlings to the district championship for five years ... Helped the Rebels to a state title and two state runner-up finishes ... Made state playoffs

t a r y n broussard so. • tr • 5-10 • infield • l/l l a k e j a c k s o n , t e x a s • t e x a s a&m 2009 (at Texas A&M) Personal Played in 38 games, starting 33, for the Aggies last season at first base and Full name is Taryn Bren Broussard … Was born on Oct. 9, 1989 ... outfield ... Posted a 1.000 fielding percentage in 158 chances … batted Daughter of Troy and Starr Broussard of Lake Jackson, Texas ... Has a sister, .221 with 2 homers and 16 RBI … Recorded a .302 slugging percentage Tanah (16) ... Named Who’s Who in the Junior Class at Brazoswood High with 26 total bases in 86 at bats … Scored six runs. School ... Member of academic all-district team ... Plans to work in the professional sports field. High School A two-year letterwinner at Brazoswood High School ... Received first-team all-district, first-team all-county and offensive player of the year awards ... Selected to the all-star team and then chosen to play in the All-American game at the Sparkler Tournament in Westminster, Colo., in 2006 ... 2004 Home Run Derby Champion at the Colorado Fireworks Tournament ... Also played volleyball for two years ... Played for Texas Connection Gold 9 for three years coached by Sandra Mader and Amy Schmaltz and was named team captain.

m e g a n granger so. • tr • 5-9 • infield • r/r s t . martinville , l o u i s i a n a • l o u i s i a n a t e c h Sun Belt Conference Academic Honor Roll (2009) first base, third base and outfield for the Rebels ... Helped lead Teurlings Catholic to four straight district titles and the 2007 Louisiana Class 3A 2009 state championships ... Also helped the Rebels to the state runner-up title Did not compete during the season, taking a redshirt. in Class 3A as a junior ... Registered a .482 batting average with 11 home runs and 39 RBI as a senior ... Named First Team All-District three straight 2008 (at Louisiana Tech) years ... Named All-State and All-Acadiana Parish as a junior and senior Saw action in 12 games, making four starts ... Made two starts at shortstop, ... Played basketball for three years in high school ... Named Academic one at catcher and one at designated player ... Registered a .167 batting All-State in both basketball and softball as a senior ... Played travel ball average with three hits in 18 at bats ... Scored three runs ... Was successful for the Louisiana Rebels. on her only steal attempt of the season ... Recorded the first two hits of her collegiate career in a loss to Jacksonville State (March 1). Personal Born on February 1, 1989 in Lafayette ... Full name is Megan Renee 29 High School Granger ... Daughter of Renee and Percy Granger ... Has one brother, Lettered four years at Teurlings Catholic High School ... Played shortstop, Brandon ... Has a twin sister Mandy who also plays collegiate softball.

c a l l i e philen Fr. • RS • 6-0 • utility • r/r b o y c e , l o u i s i a n a • a l e x a n d r i a s e n i o r h s 2009 Personal Did not compete during the season, taking a redshirt. Born on November 14, 1989 in Alexandria, La ... .Full name is Callie Renee Philen ... Daughter of Janet Philen and Ray Philen, Jr ... .Has two brothers, High School Riley and Brady. Lettered in softball for four years at Alexandria Senior High School ... Helped the Trojans to a pair of district playoff appearances ... Led ASHS to a quarterfinalist finish in the state playoffs as a junior and a senior ... Named All-District three times, All-Cenla twice and All-State once ... 17 Batted .487 as a junior.

50 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 51 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

p a i g e cavallin Fr. • HS • 5-9 • pitcher • r/r l a f a y e t t e , l o u i s i a n a • b e a u c h e n e h s High School Personal Was a four-year letterwinner at Beau Chene in softball and volleyball and Born on November 29, 1990 in Clear Lake City, Texas … Full name is Paige earned two letters in basketball … Played first base, pitcher and outfield Hayley Cavallin … Daughter of David Cavallin and Michelle Maxwell. for the Gators … Team was crowned parish champions from 2006-09 … In 2007, helped lead team to state quarterfinals after claiming the bi- district and regional championships …Won the bi-district championship in 2006 and 2009 … Was named all-district and all-parish first basemen in 2007 … Tabbed as all-district, all-parish and all-state pitcher in 2008 28 and 2009 … Earned all-district honors in volleyball all four years.

b r i a n n a cherry Fr. • hs • 5-10 • outfield • r/r p e t a l , mississippi • p e t a l h s High School being named top rebounder and best defensive player in basketball … Lettered in softball, basketball and volleyball … Played first base, second Was high school teammates with current Cajun Nerissa Myers. base, third base, right field, centerfield, left field and pitcher onthe softball team and shooting guard, forward and center for the basketball team .. Helped PHS to State Runner-Up, South State Runner-Up and Personal District Champions in fastpitch softball … Was Co-District Champion Born on December 7, 1990 in Tampa, Fla. … Full name is Brianna Nikelle in basketball and District Champions in volleyball … Was a member of Cherry … Daughter of Kimberly G. Cherry … Has a younger brother, the 2006 Fastpitch South State Runner-Up, 2005 Fastpitch State Runner- Micah, and a younger sister, Ciarra. Up and Slowpitch State Champions in softball in 2006 … Earned All- American honors in basketball for three years … Named All-District for four years in fastpitch softball and All-District for three years in slowpitch softball … Tabbed All-Tournament Team and All-District for basketball 23 … Boasted most RBI, most doubles and most improved in softball, while

s a r a h draheim Fr. • HS • 6-0 • catcher • r/r f l o w e r m o u n d , t e x a s • m a r c u s h s High School Personal Played softball and basketball at Marcus High School in Flower Mound, Born on August 8, 1991 in Renton, Wash. … Full name is Sarah Louise Texas … Helped the Marauders win the district championship in both Drahiem … Daughter of Stephanie and Don Draheim … Has two older softball and basketball as a sophomore and senior … Led MHS to brothers, Blake and Aaron, and an older sister, Rachelle. the State Semifinals as a sophomore … Team was a regional finalist in 2009 …. Named District 6-5A Catcher of the Year as a sophomore, junior and senior … Tabbed Marcus High School Most Offensive Player as a sophomore, MHS Most Valuable Player as a junior and MHS Most Defensive Player as a senior … In 2007, hit a walk-off home run to send 24 Marcus to state championships for first time in school’s history.

j e n n i f e r martin Fr. • HS • 5-7 • infield • r/r l a f a y e t t e , l o u i s i a n a • s t . t h o m a s m o r e h s High School Personal Played softball and basketball at St. Thomas More in Lafayette …. Played Born on April 4, 1991 in Lafayette, La. … Full name is Jennifer Nicole both pitcher and shortstop for the Cougars’ softball team .. Helped the Martin … Daughter of John and Lisa Martin … Has three sisters, Cougars to the 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 District Championship and Monique, Candace and Kylie. led STM to the 4-A State Championship in 2007 and 2009 … Helped STM to an 85-25 (.773) record in three seasons … She was also named First Team All-District selection from 2006-09; First Team All-Acadiana in 2007 and 2008; and First Team All-State in 2007 and 2009 and All-State 22 Honorable Mention in 2008.

52 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 53 Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s Pl a y e r Pr o f i l e s

n e r i s s a myers Fr. • HS • 5-5 • infield • r/l p e t a l , mississippi • p e t a l h s High School Personal Like current teammate Brianna Cherry, played fastpitch and slowpitch Born on November 26, 1990 in Petal, Miss. … Full name is Nerissa softball, along with basketball at Petal High School … Was a State Manantria Myers … Daughter of Suzette and Aron Bajoie… Has two Runner-Up, South State Runner-Up and District Champions in fastpitch younger brothers Necota and Aron, Jr. softball … Was Co-District Champion in basketball … Helped Petal High School to runner-up finishes at the 2006 Fastpitch South State and 2005 Fastpitch State tournaments … Was Slowpitch State Champions in softball in 2006 leading PHS to a 31-1 record … Named Slowpitch Player of the Year as a junior … Tabbed All-State Fastpitch in 2008 and All- District in 2006 and 2007, while being named All-District and All-State Slowpitch as a sophomore and a junior … Was All-District in basketball as a junior and the PHS Scholar Athlete in 2007 and 2008 and Scholar 15 Athlete Fastpitch in 2006 and 2008 … Hit for the cycle in the Slowpitch State Championship.

b r i t n i soria Fr. • HS • 5-6 • INFIELD • r/r f t . w o r t h , t e x a s • s a g i n a w h s High School team and was named Second Team All-District as a sophomore in Lettered in both softball and tennis at Saginaw High School in Fort … As a versatile athlete, won three State Titles and a National Title in Worth, Texas … Was all over the field, playing shortstop, centerfield, Taekwondo. third base and catcher for the Rough Riders … Led SHS to back-to-back District Championship in 2008 and 2009 … Helped Saginaw to the State Personal Playoffs in 2008 ... Earned First Team All-State Honors in 2009 … Was Born January 28, 1991 in Fort Worth, Texas … Daughter of Frank and named Newcomer of the Year as a sophomore and Offensive Player of Stephanie Soria … Has three younger brothers, Frank, Nathaniel and the Year as a junior … Tabbed First Team All-District in 2007 and 2008, Ezekiel, and one younger sister, Rebeca. while earning Second Team Super Teams accolades in 2007 and 2008 … Hit a game-winning, walk-off home run against Crowley in the Bi- District Championship game . At the conclusion of her junior year, held the Rough Riders school record for home runs, on-base percentage and 7 stolen bases … Was the first girl on the Saginaw High School tennis

j e n s e n tydelski Fr. • HS • 5-3 • outfield • r/l p e a r l a n d , t e x a s • p e a r l a n d h s High School percentage … Led all of Texas with 76 hits and led all 5A high schools Played all three outfield positions at Pearland High School in Pearland, with 42 stolen bases … Named All-District in 2008 and 2009 and was Texas … Helped the Oilers to the 2007 and 2009 District Championship tabbed Freshman Most Valuable Player in 2006 … Earned the Oiler Pride … Captured the Region III Championships in 2009 en route to the Award in 2008 while hitting over .300 with 15 stolen bases. 5A State Runner-up … Were Regional Finalists in 2006 and Regional Quarterfinalists in 2007 and 2008 … Earned All-State First Team honors Personal from the TGCA and TSWA … Named 2009 All-Greater Houston Player of Born on Feb. 2, 1991 in Houston, Texas … Full name is Jensen Rochelle the year honors as well as All-Brazoria County Player of the year, earning Tydelski … Daughter of Greg and Betty Tydelski … Has one older a post on the 5A Finals All-Tournament Team … Picked up All-America brother, Matt, and one older sister, Heather. Honors as a 2009 EA Sports Outfielder, 2009 NFCA Outfielder and 2009 NFCA All-Region Outfielder … Helped PHS to a 126-34 (.788) overall record in four seasons and a No. 16 ranking by USA Today/ NFCA High 5 School poll her senior season … Hit .522 in 2009 with a .545 on-base

m e g a n waterman Fr. • HS • 5-7 • UTILITY • r/r a s h b u r n , v i r g i n i a • b r o a d r u n h s High School Personal Played her first three seasons of high school softball at Monsignor Kelly Born June 25, 1991 in Fairfax, Va. … Daughter of Douglas and Thersea High School in Beaumont, Texas before transferring to Broad Run High Waterman … Has two brothers, Tim and Joey, and two sisters, Jane and School in Ashburn, Va. for senior season … At Broad Run, helped the Melinda. Spartans claim the district, region and state championships in 2009 … Prior to Virginia, helped Monsignor Kelly to Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools 6A State Championship in 2008 … Advanced to the State Tournament in 2008 and the Regionals in 2007 ... Led the Monsignor Kelly Bulldogs to a 27-6 (.818) overall record in 2008, hitting .410 with eight doubles, a home run, 26 RBI … Was tabbed All-District and All-State in 2006 and 2007 and named to the All-State Tournament Team in 2008 ... Was the Monsignor Kelly Offensive MVP in 2006 and 8 Player with the Most Heart in 2007 … Named to the All-Southeast Texas Softball team from 2006-08.

52 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 2010 Lo u i s i a n a So f t b a ll • w w w .Ra g i n Ca j u n s .c o m 53