2.2.14 Minor Domestic Airport -

Airport Overview

Simikot Airport is an airport serving Simikot, headquarter of in . Given that road access in this region is poor, the airport facilitates much of the travel in the whole district.

The airport is located at an elevation of 9246 ft (2818m) above mean sea level. It has one runway which is 549m (1801 ft) in length. The runway has recently been improved and extended with more infrastructure being built.

The airport is air-linked with Nepalgunj and Surkhet. National airline operators provide scheduled flights to from Nepalgunj and Surkhet. The airport only operates from early morning to mid-day (06:00 – 12:30 hrs).

Airport Location and Contact

Country Nepal

Province or District Karnali Province, Humla

Nearest Town or City Simikot

Airport’s Complete Name Simikot Airport

Latitude 29°5816N

Longitude 081°4908E

Elevation (ft and m) 9747 ft / 2971 m



Managing Company or Airport Authority CAAN

Management Contact Person 977 -87680137, 977 -87680137

[email protected]

NGO and/or UN Presence at Airport? No



Runway Dimensions 650 m x 20 m

Runway Orientation 10/28

Runway Surface Bituminous Paved (Asphalt Concrete) Surface

Runway Condition Good

Airport Infrastructure Details


Passenger / Cargo Security Screening Yes, security personnel Runway Lighting No

Refueling Capacity No Ground Handling Services Limited

Air Traffic Control Yes Fire Fighting Equipment Limited

Weather Information Yes, but limited Aircraft Parking Space Parking available for 3 small aircraft

Navigation Aids Yes Perimeter Fencing Yes, but not properly maintained

Windsock Yes

Fuel Services Charges

Not available at this airport

Page 1 Royalties / Non Objection Fees (NOFs)

Link for further detail - Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal Simikot Airport

Link for list of ICAO and IATA Codes in Nepal

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