Aluminium Limited 1963 Annual Report. '.=
ALUMINIUM LIMITED 1963 ANNUAL REPORT. ., .'.=. t - , b>,>$ L', . -8 ;. -<.. , T _- :C.. q.tZ,?, , 4;. , .'a -, r ,.. .' ki. i: ALUMINUM IN TRANSPORTATION On land and sea, and in the air, noteworthy advances in the transportation industry have been made with the use of alumi- num. Aluminium Limited's participation in the development of many new applications in this field resulted from a modern sales approach based on economic studies, engineering knowledge and applied research. Some recent successful developments of tions in several countries are illustrated in color in the four-page centre se ALUMINIUM LIMITED 36TH ANNUAL REPORT for the year ending December 31,1963 Directors and Officers The Year 1963 at a Glance The President's Summary of Results Review of the Year 1963 Operations Markets and Sales Expenditures and Financing Research and Development Employees Source and Application of Funds Financial Statements Financial Statistics Principal Subsidiaries and Affiliates HEAD OPPICE: I, PLACE VILLE MARIE, MONTREAL, CANADA MAIL ADDRESS: P. 0. BOX 6090 On pourra se procurer le texte franqais de ce rapport annuel en s'adressant au secrktariat de la Compagnie, case postale 6090, Montrkal 3, Quhbec, Canada. IRECTORS OFFICERS FIELD-MARSHAL THE RT. HON. NATHANAEL V. DAVIS, President THE EARL ALEXANDER OF TUNIS, K.G. DANA T. BARTHOLOMEW, DANA T. BARTHOLOMEW Vice President and Chief Financial Officer FRASER W. BRUCE, Vice President FRASER W. BRUCE PAUL LAROQUE, DR. DONALD K. DAVID Vice President, Secretary and Legal Officer NATHANAEL V. DAVIS H. H. RICHARDSON, Vice President and Chief Technical Officer JAMES A. DULLEA M. P. WEIGEL, N. BAXTER JACKSON Vice President and Director of Operations DAVID M.
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