‘Twas the night before , Claire was awake in her bed. Images of pretty packages danced through her head. She knew that Santa was coming, but couldn’t close her eyes. Kept up with the anticipation of her next surprise.

She was also kept up by the fear that Santa wouldn’t deliver, Christmas wasn’t Christmas without the primary giver. After a while her eyes soon got heavy, laying there cuddling her little brown teddy.

Her dreams brought her back to that colorfully wrapped box. What could possibly be in it? An iPod maybe? Better not be socks. Clothes and small toys certainly would not do. All she wanted was that iPod in the color of blue.

Get up, get up! It’s Christmas day! Santa finally came in his glistening sleigh! I’ll meet you downstairs. Just come on and hurry. So her parents jumped out of bed and left in a flurry.

When Claire got downstairs she saw the presents piled under the tree. Oh golly, she said. These all better be for me. She ripped into one, but her parents said wait. She didn’t listen, they were too late.

Most of the gifts were made up of clothes and a doll whose face looked quite timid. The present she desired wasn’t there and she became very livid. I can’t believe this is nothing but crap! He knew what I wanted, I sat on his lap!

Her parents looked at each other completely lost. If only she knew how much it all cost. Claire tossed the gifts aside without a care. That moment was something her mom couldn’t bare.

How could one child be so ungrateful? Claire’s behavior was certainly distasteful.

It seemed like their effort was just a waste. The true meaning of Christmas was lost in the haste.

Candy, decorations, and presents galore, but kids don’t care about family time anymore. They only think about what’s under the tree. Forget holiday spirit, just me me me. No more appreciation from kids these days, hidden away in an electronic haze.

What happened to sharing stories and holding loved ones so dear? Christmas is supposed to be a magical time of the year. Stop thinking about presents, who cares what you get? In the end wasting time will be your only regret.

- Chelsea Darling

A Tumblr Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house a creature was stirring, but it wasn't the mouse.

It was Cassidy, still awake and on tumblr, the last few hours had been a blur.

She was nestled and snug in her bed, but she was wide awake and looked like the dead.

She had been up for hours not wanting to sleep; the whole time she had not made a peep.

She heard a crash; the cat had knocked over the tree

This time makes it three!

She cleaned up the mess and checked the time.

She was surprised to see it was 3:39

It was too late now; her mother would be up soon.

If she went to bed now, she would sleep til’ noon

Instead she looked at the presents under the tree, and she stared and wondered what they could be?

She hoped and hoped it wouldn’t be socks.

She would rather have a big pile of rocks!

She picked up the package and shook it around; she heard her mom come in and dropped it to the ground.

- Cassidy Hannon

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” (A Visit from St. Nicholas by )

They were all too stuffed after eating so much meat,

And the owners were tired and beat.

Nothing compares to sleep after a long day,

His mother told not to, but Billy just couldn’t stay,

He stealthed down the stairs to not make a peep,

Then hid behind the tree to wait for the Christmas Creep.

His brain began dancing inside his head, what will he get?

“I must stay focused, I shan't forget!”

“I am not hunting a hippo, lion, or bear,

This is Santa Creep, a foe whose width does not compare.”

He could hear footsteps, “I must make haste!”

Without a weapon, he bit the creep and felt a taste,

“Ow! Why do you interrupt me? I only have presents to deliver!”

Billy only bit harder, “I will chop you, and serve my family your liver!”

But Santa teleported back to his sleigh with a pain in his buttox,

Billy saw his present, a small white box,

Inside held a salad and a letter,

“You should lay off the meat, it would make your health better.”

Billy threw it away and yelled “I’ll get you for sure Santa, next year!”

“I’ll make sure next year,” Santa thought “To be less near”.

- Julio Yokote

‘Twas the night before Christmas, I was coming home for the holidays.

I got off the plane still suffering from jet lag, I was in a haze.

All the red and green lights lit up NYC,

Everything was perfect, it would finally just be him and me.

My heart fluttered when I saw him.

I drowned in his eyes, but he taught me how to swim.

His smile put the life back into my world.

Simply, all I needed was him to call me his girl.

I ran to him, and he surrounded me with his embrace.

It has been over a year since I have seen the warmth in his face.

He was so ecstatic to see me, I felt so appreciated.

There was much comfort to know that nothing between he and I had faded.

He got down on one knee, right then and there. The wind and snow blew through the curls in my hair.

I didn’t even mind things moving at such a fast pace.

My heart held his love, while my hand held my suitcase.

Across my face was the most beautiful smile ever.

There was no way I would ever leave him, never.

He was everything I would ever need,

I couldn’t ask for a more perfect .

- Cindy Lam

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and the house smelled great

Everyone there knew they would gain their weight.

The assortment of hors d’oeuvres was very grand,

Each guest had food in their hands.

The house was packed with plenty of guests,

At this point, I knew I wouldn’t get much rest.

The party had started early in the night,

It is now close to midnight, and I was trying to stay awake with all my might.

The guests were dancing and the music was blaring,

The house was filled with conversation sharing.

I wanted peace, I wanted quiet,

But how could I sleep with all this riot?

My mother was in the kitchen, cooking up a storm,

My father was alone, avoiding the swarm.

My brother was flirting with a girl, I was at the toilet, ready to hurl.

I ate too much food and it made me sick,

I ran to the bathroom speedy quick.

When I was done, I was ready to go to bed,

But the party was still going, and I was suddenly filled with dread.

Now I was tired, miserable and sick,

And my mother started shouting “Jill! Come here quick!”

She wanted me to help her prepare more food,

But frankly, I wasn’t in the mood.

Then my mother told me to get ready to leave,

I’m sick! I want to stay home this Christmas Eve!

She made me get ready for ,

I didn’t want to go, so I said something crass.

“You’re going to church! No if’s, and’s, or but’s!”

“No!” I shouted as I ran to my room, and slammed the door shut.

My mother followed me to my room, and opened my door,

I was angry with her, so I almost swore.

“I’m not going to mass mother, I feel very ill.”

My mother walked out and said “Feel better Jill.”

Finally, I was alone, and got ready for bed,

My headache was worse and was pounding in my head.

The guests started leaving, and the house was now quiet,

I said “Thank God I can now sleep without all that riot!”

I got into bed and closed my eyes,

I finally fell asleep, hoping for morning to arrive. - Sierra Caruso and Emmi Freeman

Twas the night before Christmas, as I sat in my room.

All bundled in blankets, and lit by the moon.

Gramma sat by the fire, alone in her chair.

A book filled her hands, a glow on her hair.

I dashed down the steps, even skipping a few.

She was home from the hospital, and looked good as new.

With a grin on my face,

I hugged her so tight.

"They said you had died!" but that couldn't be right.

Right there it all shattered, my world fell apart.

Gramma's face disappeared, her hand on her heart.

Sweet incense filled the air, as heavy tears fell.

Mama squeezed her kerchief, and I said farewell.

Twas the night before Christmas, as everyone slept.

I sat alone in bed, and just wept and wept.

- Romany Snider