RECORD of PROCEEDINGS 492 Minutes of REGULAR Meeting

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RECORD of PROCEEDINGS 492 Minutes of REGULAR Meeting RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 492 Minutes of REGULAR Meeting November 20, 2013 The Twinsburg City School District Board of Education met in REGULAR session on the above date at the Twinsburg Government Center in Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. The following board members were present: Mr. Andrews, Mr. Crosby (Vice-President), Mr. Shebeck, and Mr. Stuver. Absent was Mrs. Cain-Criswell (President). Recordings of the Board of Education meeting are made and kept at the Board Office. Video recordings and Board approved Minutes are available on the District’s web site. Mr. Crosby, Vice-President presiding. 13-394 Amend Agenda Mr. Stuver moved and Mr. Andrews seconded that the Twinsburg Board of Education approves an amendment to Agenda Item I-1 to add Erin Moore as a Substitute to the list of Certificated Staff Recommendations. Ayes: Mr. Andrews, Mr. Crosby, Mr. Shebeck and Mr. Stuver. The motion is approved. 13-395 Minutes Mr. Andrews moved and Mr. Shebeck seconded that the Twinsburg Board of Education approves the Minutes for the following meetings: Regular Meeting: November 06, 2013 Ayes: Mr. Andrews, Mr. Crosby, Mr. Shebeck and Mr. Stuver. The motion is approved. Mr. Stuver moved and Mr. Andrews seconded that the Twinsburg Board of Education adopt resolutions 13-396 to 13-398. 13-396 Employment That the Twinsburg Board of Education accepts the Certificated/Licensed Personnel and/or contract recommendations detailed in the attached Exhibit as per the dates, terms, and other applicable conditions specified, pending satisfactory ORC background check. The Curriculum rate is $23.37 per hour. Certificated Staff Recommendations November 20, 2013 CONTRACTS Name Bldg. Classification Effective Note(s) Checki, Elyse Wilcox Teacher 11/21/13 Reading Teacher, Bachelors, Step 0 Ferro, Jenni Wilcox Teacher Teacher to get paid for one (1) hour for CPR/First Aide training at curriculum rate of pay, $23.37 per hour. Kocsis, Sandra Bissell Teacher 12/02/13 Reading Teacher, Masters + 8, Step 5 Wertman, Brittney Bissell Teacher 11/25/13 Intervention Specialist, Bachelors, Step 5 Certificated Staff Recommendations November 20, 2013 SUBSTITUTES Name Certification/Licensure Effective Rate Johnson, Donna K-12 General Education (short term sub license) 11/21/13 $95 day Lipford, Terry Administrative Substitute, Elementary 11/21/13 $345/day Moore, Erin Preschool - Grade 3, Early Childhood 11/21/13 $95/day RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 493 Minutes of REGULAR Meeting November 20, 2013 Certificated Staff Recommendations November 20, 2013 LEAVES OF ABSENCE Name Position Bldg. Effective Days Note(s) Case, Jillayne Administrative Wilcox 10/25/13 60 Using Sick Leave concurrent Intern with FMLA Fedina, Laura Teacher Bissell/Dodge 11/07/13 128 Unpaid Parental Leave for the remainder of the 2013/2014 school year; returning at the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year. Villa, Lynn Principal Wilcox 11/21/13 21 Using Sick Leave concurrent with FMLA 13-397 Employment That the Twinsburg Board of Education accepts the Classified Personnel and/or contract recommendations detailed in the attached Exhibit as per the dates, terms, and other applicable conditions specified, pending satisfactory ORC background check. Classified Staff Recommendations November 20, 2013 CONTRACTS Name Bldg. Position Effective Note(s) Bender, Kathy Wilcox Instructional Instructional Assistant to get paid for one (1) hour Assistant for CPR/First Aide training at hourly rate of pay. Grow, Shanna Trans. Perm. Sub 11/21/13 Step 1, 4-6.5 hours per day; replaces Sara Bus Driver Barrows who became a regular bus driver effective 10/17/13. Classified Staff Recommendations November 20, 2013 SUBSTITUTES Name Skills Effective Rate Abrams, Carolyn Library Assistant 11/21/13 $7.85/hr. 13-398 Employment That the Twinsburg Board of Education accepts the Supplemental Contract recommendations detailed in the attached Exhibit as per the dates, terms, and other applicable conditions specified, pending satisfactory ORC background check – effective 2013-2014 school year. Extracurricular Contracts 2013 - 2014 Name Contract Building Effective % of Base Byrd, Anthony Girls’ Bowling Head Coach THS 2013-2014 5.00% Kirtley, Casey Interactive Video Production Advisor THS 2013/2014 4.00% Lepp, Alex Girls’ Basketball Volunteer Coach THS 2013-2014 0.00% Mole, Mark JV Wrestling Coach THS 2013-2014 0.77% Monteith, Wyatt Academic Challenge Advisor THS 2013-2014 4.00% Sanders, Dominique Boys’ Basketball Volunteer Coach THS 2013-2014 0.00% Schilling, Dana Wrestling Volunteer Coach THS 2013-2014 0.00% Willmott, Michelle MS Basketball Cheerleading Advisor RBC 2013-2014 0.69% Ayes: Mr. Andrews, Mr. Crosby, Mr. Shebeck and Mr. Stuver. The motions are approved. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 494 Minutes of REGULAR Meeting November 20, 2013 Mr. Shebeck moved and Mr. Andrews seconded that the Twinsburg Board of Education adopt resolutions 13-399 to 13-403. 13-399 Senior Students That the Twinsburg Board of Education approves Twinsburg High School (THS) Seniors Justin Applegate, Dy’mond Hempstead and Auzurae Little to exercise BOE Policy #5111/Optional Tuition Free Education (F) and remain a student at THS through the end of the 2013/2014 school year. 13-400 Deletion from Inventory That the Twinsburg Board of Education approves the attached list of items to be deleted from inventory. See pages 496-517 13-401 Donate Sick Days That the Twinsburg Board of Education approves the transfer of 40 hours of sick time from Roy Brewster to Cliff Ash. 13-402 Beachwood Schools That the Twinsburg Board of Education approves an Agreement for Admission of Tuition Pupils with the Beachwood Board of Education for educational purposes for the 2013- 2014 school year. Student will be enrolled in a respective special education program operated in accordance with the Operating Standards for Ohio’s Schools Serving Children with Disabilities; as sent to Board under separate cover. The tuition for the 2013-2014 school year is $56,130. This is a General Fund expense. 13-403 Solutions Behavioral Consulting That the Twinsburg Board of Education approves an Agreement for Behavioral Intervention Services with Solutions Behavioral Consulting to assist a student in the area of behavioral intervention services and to assist teachers and related staff in the area of behavioral interventional services; as sent to Board under separate cover. Total cost not to exceed $30,350. This is an IDEIA fund expense. Ayes: Mr. Andrews, Mr. Crosby, Mr. Shebeck and Mr. Stuver. The motions are approved. 13-404 Copier Lease Mr. Stuver moved and Mr. Shebeck seconded that the Twinsburg Board of Education approves an Agreement for leasing copiers and services for a period of five (5) years commencing December 27, 2013 with Toshiba Business Solutions, USA Inc., 7850 Hub Parkway, Cleveland, Ohio 44125. The dealer is certified by the Ohio Department of Administrative Services under contract 709600208-17; as sent to Board under separate cover. Ayes: Mr. Andrews, Mr. Crosby, Mr. Shebeck and Mr. Stuver. The motion is approved. 13-405 EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Shebeck moved and Mr. Andrews seconded that the Twinsburg Board of Education meet in Executive Session at 9:12 p.m. to prepare for negotiations with public employees, per Board of Education Policy #0166 (E) and to consider the appointment or employment of public employees and officials, per Board of Education Policy #0166 (A). RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 495 Minutes of REGULAR Meeting November 20, 2013 Ayes: Mr. Andrews, Mr. Crosby, Mr. Shebeck and Mr. Stuver. The Board Vice-President declared the motion approved. The Board reconvened from Executive Session at approximately 10:54 p.m. The following members were present: Mr. Andrews, Mr. Crosby, Mr. Shebeck and Mr. Stuver. 13-406 Adjournment Mr. Crosby moved and Mr. Shebeck seconded that the Twinsburg Board of Education adjourn at 10:55 p.m. Ayes: Mr. Andrews, Mr. Crosby, Mr. Shebeck and Mr. Stuver. The Board Vice-President declared the meeting adjourned. ______________________________ __________________________ Board President Treasurer RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 496 Minutes of REGULAR Meeting November 20, 2013 Title THS Author Barcode Call Number Pub SAT II. Biology E/M / by Claire Aldridge, Glenn E. Croston and the staff of Kaplan Inc Aldridge, Claire 34150015034245 378.1 ALD 2002 AP success government & politics / Margaret C. Moran, W. Frances Holder Moran, Margaret C 34150015034120 378.1 AP 2000 Master the AP European history test : teacher-tested strategies and techniques for scoring high / Nathan Barber Barber, Nathan 34150015033999 378.1 BAR 2003 Master the AP chemistry test : teacher-tested strategies and techniques for scoring high / Brett Barker Barker, Brett 34150015034161 378.1 BAR 2003 Master the AP U.S. history test : teacher-tested strategies and techniques for scoring high / John W. Crum Crum, John W 34150015034070 378.1 CRU 2001 AP success, physics B/C, 2002 : boost your score on the AP exams in physics B/C / John W. Dooley ... [et al.] Dooley, John W 34150015034096 378.1 DOO 2001 Master the AP biology test : teacher-tested strategies and techniques for scoring high / Dr. Richard F. Heller, Dr. Rachel Heller Heller, Richard F., Dr 34150015034260 378.1 HEL 2003 Master the AP calculus AB & BC tests : teacher -tested strategies and techniques for scoring high / W. Michael Kelley ; Mark Wilding, contributing author Kelley, W. Michael 34150015034286 378.1 KEL 2003 AP success English language & composition 2002 : test prep / Margaret C. Moran, W. Frances Holder Moran, Margaret 34150015034104 378.1 MOR 2000 Master the AP
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