Parish of Clewer

APCM 2020

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Sunday 25th October 2020

At St Andrews Church

Not earlier than 11.30am

At this meeting the Churchwardens, PCC members and Deanery Synod

Representatives are elected

Page 1/23 Agenda

Vestry Meeting

1. Opening Prayer 2. Apologies 3. Minutes of 2019 Vestry Meeting & APCM p3 4. Matters Arising 5. Election of Churchwardens

APCM 6. Reports 6.1 Electoral Roll p6 6.2 PCC Annual Report (incorporating Trustees Annual Report) p7 6.3 Finance Report (including accounts and Independent Examiner) p13 6.4 Fabric report (from Churchwarden – Verbal) 6.5 Deanery Synod Report p23 6.6 Incumbent’s verbal report (if any) 7. Election of PCC Members (3 x 3 year terms, 1 x 1 year term, 1 x 2 year term) 8. Election of Deanery Synod Members (2 x 3 year terms) 9. Any Other Business

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Page 2/23 Minutes of the 2019 APCM – 28th April 2019

The meeting was attended by 22 people.

Vestry meeting 1. The meeting was opened with a prayer. 2. Apologies – Apologies were received from Tom, Dennis, Grant, Viv and Joan 3. Minutes of 2018 meeting The minutes from the meeting on 29 April 2018 were agreed and signed by Revd Rosie. 4. Matters arising – Parish Giving Scheme; it was pointed out that you can decline to have the annual inflation increase applied to your giving. 5. Nomination of Churchwardens – Stuart Cockman was nominated as church warden by Mulle Price and seconded by Bob Lester. He was unanimously elected as churchwarden. Revd Rosie thanked Rob for his time and all his hard work as church warden. Rob and Sharon were given thank you gifts. APCM 6. Reports – a. Electoral Roll The electoral roll has been refreshed. The numbers are down from 79 to 67 but this does not affect our parish share. The report was accepted. b. PCC Annual Report All reports have been condensed into one report for the period 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018. Rob Taylor asked for comments. Revd Rosie mentioned that social media was not mentioned. More people are looking on-line and it is a good way of communicating and marketing events. Hazel Shaw is our marketing lead and she was thanked for her hard work. Bob Lester pointed out that attendance levels were not included this year. Rob confirmed that the average attendance is up. Bob also said that nothing has been done about the Rectors Board. Revd Rosie confirmed that the matter comes under the buildings committee and she will pick this up. Whilst we were talking Lesley Cross contacted a sign writer who will come and take a look this week to see if he can help. St Agnes is due to make a surplus and no money was given from St Andrews to St Agnes. Mulle Price asked about the website as it is still not functioning properly. Stuart Cockman is looking after this and is in touch with Dan from Befair Marketing who is slowly looking in to the problems. Revd Rosie thanked Rob for composing the report. c. Finance Report

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Page 3/23 There was a surplus of £33k last year, mainly due to bequests, and there was no draw down from endowment funds. We are not out of the woods in the long term but OK for the present. Giving was up last year and this will hopefully continue. Fees from weddings and baptisms were also up. Our charitable giving was to East/West (Mothering Sunday), The Homeless Project (Harvest), Crisis and Shelter Box (Christmas), The Children’s Society (Crib Service) and British Legion (Remembrance Day) Our parish share last year was what the deanery asked for. Our expenditure still exceeds income but St Agnes almost broke even. Restricted money was spent on the building and St Andrews is now water tight. Mrs Bird, the independent examiner, will no longer be able to look at the books for us so we will need to find someone new. Norman Iley asked if the legacies from Reg and Joyce could be used to improve the church for social activities as a kind of memorial to them. Revd Rosie said this was the intention and we could also get a plaque for them. d. Fabric Report There were lots of faculties last year but we have none open at the moment. Well done to Stuart Cockman. From this year we will also be responsible for St Agnes as the buildings will belong to the parish in May after the Diocesan Board of Finance meeting. However it will not be possible to sell the property in the short term. e. Deanery Synod Report No comments were made. f. Incumbent’s verbal report The PCC Awayday came up with a new vision statement which is Proclaiming Christ in the Clewer Community. Everyone at the meeting was happy with this. The PCC will be split in to three groups – Buildings, Finance and Community. Revd Rosie expressed her gratitude for the help she and her family received during the year. She realises that the car park at St Agnes and noticeboards for both churches are a priority. We must keep prayer at the centre of what we do. Revd Rosie thanked everyone for their time and effort and acknowledged how much we miss John and Heather Allbless. She thanked Stuart and Jane Cockman for their stalwart help and support. Thanks also went out to the flower arrangers, cleaners, coffee makers, welcomers, bell ringers, intercessors and readers, church yard tidy helpers, the treasurer and Heather (for a year of interesting music and for helping with children’s activities and care home visits. 7. Election of PCC Members

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Page 4/23 Rob Taylor, Vikki Bulbeck and Lesley Cross all have come to the end of their tenure. Vikki and Lesley were nominated again (Vikki by Rob and seconded by Andrew Webb, Lesley by Vikki and seconded by Rob) and everyone was happy for them to stay on. The PCC can nominate Rob to be the PCC Secretary. Jayne Hosmer is our nominated safeguarding officer and she was thanked for taking this on. 8. Any Other Business A question was raised about developing the inside of the church. The church has been measured by 3d scanners and we are waiting for the plans from the architect. Mulle pointed out that a lot of police alerts are coming through. Scams are on the increase and we need to look out for each other and be aware. Vikki told the meeting that we have 28 handbells which are being refurbished . There are duplicates which will be sold and we will be left with 20 bells. We can use them in church, at the care homes and at the Swan when it opens. Vikki would like the congregation to be involved and learn how to ring them.

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Page 5/23 Reports for 2019 (January - December)

Electoral Roll

I have to report that as at the date of the APCM, the Electoral Roll for St Andrews Clewer stood at 66 persons. This is a reduction on last year due to a number of bereavements.

Dennis Evans

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Proceedings of the PCC, and Activities of the Parish incorporating Trustees Annual Report


The report this year is going to be somewhat different. Because of the restrictions we are holding the meeting a lot later than normal, so it may seem somewhat odd that we are reporting on events in 2019 when we are nearly at the end of 2020! As with the report last year, all the reports from the various groups within the church that have been received have been combined into one all- encompassing church report. Many thanks to those who have contributed parts to the report and, with apologies, ‘reports may be edited for content or style.’

Aims and purposes

The PCC of the Parish of Clewer has the aim, as with the rest of the Church of “to promote the whole mission of the church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical.” We undertake this role in conjunction with the rector, Rev Rosie Webb. We are also specifically responsible for the maintenance of both St Andrew’s Church and St Agnes’ Church.

Objectives and activities

The PCC is committed to proclaiming Christ in Clewer, providing spiritual and pastoral care and serving the local community. The PCC has taken steps during the past year to move forward with community engagement and ensuring the future of the church in Clewer, for example the Advent Art Café and liaison with the re-opened Swan pub.

The PCC has met five times during the past year, along with five meetings of the Standing Committee.

As charity trustees, the PCC has “had regard” to the Charity Commission’s Public Benefit guidance when carrying out activities – in particular the guidance relating to charities for the advancement of religion. This “having regard” includes: • Being aware of the guidance • Taking it into account when making a decision to which the guidance is relevant • If we have decided to depart from the guidance, we must have good reason for doing so.

Achievements and performance

The work of the PCC falls into three main categories – Ministry, Pastoral and Buildings. Ministry aims to bring Christ to the people of Clewer and to proclaim Him in our community. Pastoral relates to supportive activities in the community and the Buildings category helps to ensure that there remains a church in Clewer. Underpinning these are several supporting areas.


The ministry team in 2019 was made up of Revd. Rosie along with Stuart and Jane Cockman.

The service provision is regularly reviewed to ensure that it is best serving the community.

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As Revd. Rosie was off work at the start of 2019, we were very glad to be able to welcome assistance from various other clergy to allow us to continue to hold a weekly Eucharist. Evening services during this period were lay-lead which enabled us to run our normal plan of services.

Following comments from the congregation, the Ordinary Time Eucharist was revised and simplified with the new format being adopted from September. In addition to this, a regular plan for when Baptisms take place in the 10.30 service has been adopted so baptisms will, in general be included in the All Age service.

Attendance at the main festivals of the year has been good, with 207 people attending Easter services and 352 at Christmas. There were 15 baptisms, including our first in the ! There were 5 weddings and 11 funerals (lower than last year due to Revd Rosie’s absence).

Ministry at the Care Homes continues in our four local homes. Our team of volunteers ensure that each care home has an act of worship at least monthly, and for the service at Winton House, Revd Alan from the URC now shares the alternate service. All the care homes received services for the major feast days Christmas, Easter along with Pentecost and Harvest services. Prayers and Bears attend and join in a quarterly service at Queens Court, where the residents enjoy singing along and playing with the little ones.

Prayers and Bears continues to be a weekly act of worship for our pre school families, graduation this year saw 4 going off to school and goodbye to 3 of our forces families as the regiment moved to Burford, Wilts, they will be greatly missed and we thank them for their time with us at St Andrews.


The team met 4 times during 2019. The team comprises Rev. Rosie, Jane Cockman, Dennis Evans, Jean George, Martin Chandler and Mulle Price.

As you know data protection restrictions prevent our reporting on individuals we have tried to help. Some have figured on the healing lists during the year, some not. We try to create meaningful contact with anyone who has asked for support, in their home or in a care home. We make good contact in the various care homes in the parish by providing services regularly and are always grateful for any help with this from congregation members. Christmas is predictably when a good atmosphere is created and it is a great privilege to be part of this.

Jayne Hosmer continues as our Safeguarding Officer and ensures people have completed the compulsory courses. We have yet to provide first aid training for all our helpers but some of them have trained in other organisations and are available to us. The first aid boxes are regularly checked by Vikki Bulbeck and Dennis Evans.

You may have noticed the increasing defibrillators in the town. Jean George took part in a course on how to work these, run for the general public. Dennis Evans, as a first responder, keeps us aware of the number of people living alone and relatively unsupported by council services.

We no longer recycle school uniforms as the Baby Bank have taken on this work. Also quite a few charity shops now sell uniform, particularly in the summer holidays.

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We have a purple dustbin in church for contributions to the Windsor Christian Action - Food Share and Homeless Project. Harvest giving supports the WCA Food Share, contributions are also year- round and always gratefully received. Several of the congregation volunteer for WCA activities, including the Winter Night shelter Project.

Inevitably a few of the people we have supported have died during the year, particularly elderly faithful church members, may they rest in peace.

The Rector is also a trustee of the Clewer Fuel Non Ecclesiastical Charity, and is able to provide financial support to people in the parish in need. An example of this is the charity supported a single parent family with school meals for a year, whilst the mother underwent treatment for cancer. Fruit and vegetables donated by the allotment holders were sold at church and the money supported our Harvest Festival charities.

During the year, the PCC has also supported Windsor Christian Aid. This money has formed part of the £13,169 which was sent from Windsor Christian Aid to the local Christian Aid office (based in Oxford). A main contribution from St Andrews was our Rectory Coffee Morning and Plant sale.


Details of the work done on our buildings and fabric can be found in the Churchwarden’s report further on in this pack.

It should be noted that, since 7 November 2019 it has been confirmed that St Agnes Church, the hall and cottage are part of the property of the Parish and the land has been registered in the name of the PCC.


The work of the PCC is not solely concentrated in the church and some of the external work by the Social and Fundraising Committee is vital to the continued operation of the parish.

Throughout the year, several social events were held including concerts and a harvest supper with antiques valuation. Unfortunately the event was not particularly well attended when compared with the quiz nights which have been run over previous years.

Clewer Green CE Aided First School has been linked with St Andrew’s for over two hundred years, being formed by Countess Mary Harcourt in 1806 and in the founding documents of 1815 a clear link is made between the Church and the School. The Harcourt Trust came in to being as a result, allowing a small income for the school on an annual basis, and has always had the Parish Priest as one of the Trustees. This is a tradition which continues to this day with Revd Rosie holding that position and therefore representing not only the Trust, but also the Parish, on the school Board of Governors, along with the church nominated school Governors, Lesley Cross and Jane Cockman. Revd Rosie stood in as Chair of Governors for the Autumn term.

Lesley is Governor with responsibility for Literacy and Jane covers Safeguarding, Revd Rosie is RE Governor and Well-being Governor. The school regularly visits St Andrews as part of their curriculum studies with the leavers service taking place in church each summer and this year the school returned

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Page 9/23 to church for Harvest festival. Rev Rosie also attends the school regularly to lead acts of worship weekly.

Another part of outreach, which can be heard by everyone round the church, are the bell ringers. Ringing took place for services, weddings and some funerals. Unfortunately, during the year some damage occurred to the number 3 bell, rendering it unringable for about three months until it was repaired under a guarantee from when it was last rehung. Quarter peals have been rung on a regular basis and an all-ladies peal was attempted which was unsuccessful this time, but will be re-attempted when possible.

St Andrews supports and has membership for CTW (Churches Together in Windsor) and Revd Rosie is a core member, this membership includes being part of WCA (Windsor Christian Action). We joined the other churches for a Pentecost Picnic in the Alexander Gardens, carols on the hill and various other activities. The Windsor Night Shelter was hosted at St Agnes on Saturday and Sunday nights from January to March. Whilst challenging, this was very rewarding for the volunteers involved.

The annual Remembrance Day service was held in the war memorial in the Pirate Park, supported by the local uniformed organisations, schools and the community. Our thanks go to the Community Wardens who support us in all these public occasions.

Rev. Rosie managed to get funding from the Deanery for the annual summer, Holiday at Home Week. The focus this year was on the creation story, each aspect was explored over the four days, including how to care for creation and our community. This year also featured visits from the Birds of Prey and a Reptile company. It was well attended by families of all ages, a was deemed a great success.

An important outreach opportunity is the hire of the St Agnes Centre, and 2019 was a particularly good year here. We have had a range of bookings across a diverse selection of activities, including yoga and Pilates classes, diabetic programme clinics, Sikh martial arts seminars, and singing groups. The Upper Room has been let on a long-term basis to an artist to use as his studio since October. Whilst good for outreach, the St Agnes centre is also an income stream for the parish, and rental income raised £13,547.

This section cannot close without mention of the Christmas Market held on 23 November, which raised £1600 for church funds and encouraged a lot of people to come into the church.

Other Items

It should be noted that, since the resignation of Heather Allbless, the Parish has been operating with only one of two churchwardens. Until the APCM 2020, this was Rob Taylor, and afterwards was Stuart Cockman. The PCC has also been incomplete for most of the year with two vacancies being carried since the last APCM


In the opinion of the Council, we have complied with our duty under Section 5 of the Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016.

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Administrative Details

Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Charity name Clewer - Churches of St Andrew the Apostle and St Agnes

Other names charity is known by PCC Clewer, St Andrews and St Agnes

Registered charity number (if any)

Charity's principal address St Andrews Church

Mill Lane Windsor, Berkshire SL4 5JH

Names of the charity trustees who manage the charity Dates Name of person (or acted if not Trustee name Office (if any) body) entitled to for whole appoint trustee (if any) year Revd Rosemary Webb Rector Mr Stuart Cockman Churchwarden & PCC Member Mr Robert Taylor Churchwarden Jan – Apr Mr Martin Chandler PCC Member Deanery Synod Rep Mr Dennis Evans PCC Member Mrs Victoria Bulbeck PCC Member Mrs Anne-Marie Price PCC Member Deanery Synod Rep Ms Lesley Cross PCC Member Mr Thomas Plater PCC Member Mr Grant Castleden PCC Member Mrs Jean George PCC Member Mrs Sharon Robinson PCC Secretary (co- Jan – Apr opted) Mrs Maureen Feeley Co-opted PCC Member May – Dec

Mr Andrew Webb was the Honorary Treasurer Mrs Sharon Robinson was the PCC Secretary (Jan – May) Mr Robert Taylor-Ailes was the PCC Secretary (May – Dec)

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Andrew Webb and Robert Taylor-Ailes attend PCC but are not co-opted as Trustees

Structure, Governance and Management

Description of the charity’s trusts

Type of governing document Act of Parliament or measure How the charity is constituted Church of England/Act of Parliament

Trustee selection methods Appointed and/or elected by members of electoral roll.

Additional governance issues

The PCC has a number of policies in place to safeguard members including – Safeguarding (vulnerable adult, child protection), DBS checks, Cash Handling, Risk Management (financial), Investment, Reserves and Health & Safety.

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Page 12/23 Treasurer’s Finance report for the year ended 31 December 2019

The charity’s principle source of funds continues to be the giving of church members, together with the Gift Aid tax reclaim allowance. Additional regular sources of income are fees for weddings and funerals, service collections, rental income from St Agnes Cottage and income from the hiring of St Agnes Hall and Church.

The church’s funds fall into four distinct categories. Endowment funds – these are investment funds and are either Permanent (meaning the capital cannot be withdrawn without Charity Commission approval) and Expendable (meaning the capital can be withdrawn). They are designed to produce a regular income together with capital growth. General funds (or unrestricted funds)- these are the ‘bread and butter’ of the church and made up of any income received by the church which does not have a specific purpose or condition of expenditure on it at the time of receipt. These are the funds which are used to fund the day-to-day expenses of the church. Restricted funds- these are funds which have been given to the church with a stated purpose. They can only be spent for the specific purpose for which they were given. Designated Funds- these are funds which have been given to the church with no restriction as to what they can be spent on but for which the PCC has decided on a specific use. The PCC can also un-designate funds if, for example, the reason for the original designation no longer exits.

The parish recorded a deficit for the year with expenditure exceeding income by £9512.99. While this may be regarded as a good overall position to achieve it should be noted that our overspend on general funds amounted to £27,093.29 and it is only the (unrealised) gain on the Endowment Funds of £17,620.17 that has, on paper, reduced this deficit. The regular giving of members was greatly reduced in 2019 to only £25414 (down from £32335 in 2018) . One cause for the decline appears to be a result of stopping the Stewardship Envelope Scheme (in the hopes that people would sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme, which unfortunately did not happen). The decline in income received through the envelopes was not off-set by an increase in the amount received through the service collections. Other factors may also have had an effect and the envelope scheme will be reintroduced in 2020. The decline in planned giving has had a ‘knock-on’ effect to the level of Gift Aid we have been able to claim back from HMRC which fell by some £1200 in 2019 from the 2018 level. The amount of money received by way of donations also fell considerably in 2019 to some £4300 – a fall of some £10000 on 2018’s level. The income received from occasional services (weddings and funerals), fell some £2000 to £4431 as a result of fewer weddings and funerals being held at St Andrews. Interest receipts were up slightly at £3354 (2018 = £3217). Income from fundraising events fell from 2018 record with receipts for the year amounting to £2767. Fewer large scale fundraising events were held this year and proceeds from the Christmas Market were slightly lower in 2019, although still managing to bring in £1590. St Agnes showed increased income levels from rentals of halls and church contributing just under £12000. The cottage continues to provide a rental income of approx. £11400 per annum.

The majority of the parish’s expenditure is the Parish Share payment to the Diocese, maintenance costs and Administration costs (Insurance, licences, Parish Administrator and Architects fees). Overall expenditure for 2019 was some £31000 lower than 2018 and this was largely due to a reduction in maintenance expenditure at both St Andrews and St Agnes. Generally, expenditure was controlled well and ended the year in line with budgeted levels. Payments in respect of the preparation work for re-designing the interior of St Andrews pushed the expenditure in the Management and Administration area over its budget by slightly less than £3000. Parish Share payments increased to £34,354 which was the full amount requested by the Deanery.

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Lent lunches were again held at St Agnes Hall and, while attendance varied each week, they helped raise funds for various charities (selected by the ‘team’ hosting each lunch).

Again, no drawdowns were made on our Endowment Funds in 2019, and, as previously mentioned the overall value increased by £17620.17 due to a good stock market performance over the year.

The reduced level of income (particularly that from the regular giving of church members) has meant that we have had to draw on the bequests which we were fortunate to receive in 2018. The use of these funds to fund the day-to-day running of the church means that money for improvements to the fabric of the church will have to be found from other sources. Fundraising, from ‘in house’ events such as concerts and the Christmas Market, along with grant applications will be a necessary source of income to help future growth.

The PCC are, as always, very grateful for everybody’s giving whether it be; financial, donations of gifts/refreshments, time given to help run events or time given to help keep the church and churchyard looking as good as it can.

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Parish of Clewer, Saint Andrew and St Agnes

Notes to the Financial Statements for the period ended 31 December 2019

Note 1. Accounting Policies

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 and the Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2005, together with applicable accounting standards and the Charities SORP and have been prepared on a receipts and payments basis.

The accounts include all transactions, assets and liabilities for which the PCC is responsible in law. They do not include the accounts of church groups that owe their affiliation to another body or those that are informal gatherings of church members.

Unrestricted funds represent the funds of the PCC that are not subject to any restrictions regarding their use and are freely available for application to the general purposes of the PCC including the day- to-day running of the church. Any funds which have been set aside by the PCC, for a particular purpose, are specified as designated, while still being unrestricted.

Voluntary income and capital sources

Church income (including Funds received via plate collections taken during church services, planned giving (whether made by bankers order or the envelope giving scheme), Income tax recoverable on Gift Aided donations, Grants and Legacies made to the PCC, and Fundraising activities) are recognised and accounted for when received into the PCC bank account.

Other income

Income received from sources other than voluntary sources is recognised when received into the PCC bank account.

Income from investments

Dividends and Interest entitlements are recognised when received into the PCC bank account.

Gains and/or losses on investments

Unrealised gains and/or losses are recognised upon revaluation of investments as at 31 December. Realised gains and/or losses are accounted for upon realisation of the investment.

Resources expended

Grants, donations and creditor payments are recognised when paid.

Page 16/23 Receipts and Payments schedule - Parish of Clewer churches of St Andrew and St Agnes For the period 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019 Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds 2019 2018 Incoming Resources

Incoming resources from donors 2a 25414.04 0.00 25414.04 32335.16 other voluntary incoming resources 2b 3438.33 1808.48 5246.81 85616.54 Incoming resources from operating activities of PCC objectives 2c 30621.46 1537.00 32158.46 29279.59 activities for generating funds 2d 2767.91 0.00 2767.91 4165.80 Income from Investments 2e 3126.25 228.46 0.00 3354.71 3217.32 Other income resources 2f 224.00 0.00 224.00 6973.20 SUB TOTAL - GROSS INCOMING RESOURCES (for AR) 65591.99 3573.94 0.00 69165.93 161587.61

Asset and Investment Sales Loans received 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sale of investments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUB TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

TOTAL RECEIPTS 65591.99 3573.94 0.00 69165.93 161587.61

Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds 2019 2018 Outgoing Resources

Costs of Generating Funds 3a 267.06 0.00 267.06 0.00 Grants 3b 0.00 1326.81 1326.81 1371.89 Activities directly relating to the work of the church 3c 60913.43 2287.00 63200.43 95324.22 Church Management and Administration3d 24796.79 0.00 24796.79 24862.15 TOTAL OUTGOING RESOURCES 85977.28 3613.81 0.00 89591.09 121558.26

Asset and investment purchases Loan repayments 6708.00 0.00 0.00 6708.00 5590.00 Purchase of investments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUB TOTAL 6708.00 0.00 0.00 6708.00 5590.00

TOTAL PAYMENTS 92685.28 3613.81 0.00 96299.09 127148.26

Net Incoming/(outgoing) resources -27093.29 -39.87 0.00 -27133.16 34439.35

Transfers between Funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Gains/(loses) on investments 0.00 0.00 17620.17 17620.17 -1330.23 (unrealised) prior year adjustment NET MOVEMENT OF FUNDS -27093.29 -39.87 17620.17 -9512.99 33109.12

Balances brought forward at 1 January 2019 62684.92 11269.85 94202.97 168157.74 135048.62 Balances carried forward at 31 December 2019 35591.63 11229.98 111823.14 158644.75 168157.74

Page 17/23 Statement of Assets and Liabilities Parish of Clewer PCC St Andrew and St Agnes for the year ended 31 December 2019 Restricted Endowment Note Unrestricted Funds Funds Funds Cash Funds Petty Cash 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 St Andrews, Current account (HSBC) 6 1,827.32 134.25 0.00 St Andrews, Deposit Account (HSBC) 6 29861.07 10652.92 0.00 St Agnes, Current Account (HSBC) 6 4546.05 0.00 0.00 Total cash funds 36234.44 10787.17 0.00

Restricted Endowment Unrestricted Funds Funds Funds Other monetary assets none

0.00 0.00 0.00

Historical Fund Cost current value Investment Assets 25 Parsonage Lane 5 Permanent Endowment 5632.72 40643.28 2 Devereaux Road 5 Expendable Endowment 75000.00 49375.38 62 Parsonage Lane 5 Permanent Endowment 721.22 13878.43 Henderson Trust 5 Permanent Endowment 335.07 7859.33 Francis Kirkman -Clewer Ecc. Charity 5 COIF fixed interest fund n/a 66.72

79241.75 111823.14

Historical current value Fund Cost (insurance) Assets owned for use St Agnes Chapel, St Leonards Road 4 Restricted not known £2,800,000.00 St Agnes Hall, St Leonards Road 4 Restricted not known 334 St Leonards Road, Windsor 4 Restricted not known £175,000.00

Fund Amount due Liabilities Loan - 2 7 unrestricted 26468.87 ongoing 7 7

Approved by:- Signed Name Date Trustee 1 Trustee 2

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2. Incoming Resources for period January -December 2019 Unrestricted Funds Captial Restricted Funds Special a) Incoming resourses from donors General Endowment Collections 2019 2018 Planned giving Stewardship envelopes 5259.26 5259.26 10165.94 Stewardship Bankers orders 10239.69 10239.69 10790.00 Income Tax recovered (Gift Aid) 5370.27 0.00 5370.27 6564.22 Collections - services 4544.82 4544.82 4815.00 25414.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 25414.04 32335.16 b) Other voluntary incoming resources Special Collections 703.06 703.06 2129.89 Donations/appeals 2188.38 1105.42 3293.80 13681.85 St Agnes 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 1320.00 Bequests/Legacies 249.95 0.00 249.95 68484.80 3438.33 0.00 1105.42 703.06 5246.81 85616.54 c) Incoming resources from operating activies to further PCC Objectives coffee 541.38 541.38 651.25 Fees 2894.00 1537.00 4431.00 6305.00 Lodge 3368.00 3368.00 3285.00 other inc. - Wall safe etc. 267.08 267.08 316.41 St Agnes 23551.00 23551.00 18721.93 30621.46 0.00 1537.00 0.00 32158.46 29279.59 d) Activities for generating funds Bazaars and other events 2767.91 0.00 2767.91 4165.80 St Agnes 0.00 0.00 0.00 2767.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 2767.91 4165.80 e) Income from investments Dividens/interest received 3126.25 228.46 3354.71 3217.32 3126.25 0.00 228.46 0.00 3354.71 3217.32 f) Other ordinary incoming resources Misc income/transfers 224.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 224.00 6973.20 St Agnes 0.00 0.00 0.00 224.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 224.00 6973.20

Total Incoming Resources 65591.99 0.00 2870.88 703.06 69165.93 161587.61

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3.Resources expended for period January -December 2019 unrestricted restricted 2019 2018 a) Costs of Generating Funds Costs of Stewardship 92.06 0.00 Costs of Fundraising 175.00 0 0.00 267.06 0.00 b) Grants Mission Giving 0.00 R Special Collections 1326.81 1371.89 1326.81 1371.89 c) Activities directly relating to work of church Diocesan Parish Share 34354.00 34000.00 Other Outreach expenses 543.96 134.00 Youth Groups 106.88 345.54 Church Maintenance 1516.05 0.00 28021.18 Churchyard Upkeep 37.00 0.00 36.00 R Fees payable to ODBF 0.00 1537.00 2131.00 Misc exps 698.37 642.30 Printing 1283.78 695.00 Music/bells 5970.00 97.31 7564.92 Church Supplies/expenses 1755.18 402.69 1840.38 Fees payable for services 322.83 0.00 Utilities 3402.19 3395.62 St Agnes 7973.94 250.00 13858.52 Clergy Expenses 153.59 275.37 Lodge expenses 2795.66 0.00 2384.39

63200.43 95324.22 d) Church Management & Administration Admin/Management exps 18033.75 15331.71 Insurance 4301.32 4207.99 Governance 125.00 100.00 transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00 St Agnes 2336.72 5222.45 24796.79 24862.15 At Agnes Centre loan repyments-2019 6708.00 5590 Total Resources expended 85977.28 3613.81 96299.09 127148.26

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Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2019

Note 4 Tangible Fixed Assets

The church has no title in land or buildings except for; the church of St Andrew the Apostle and the building at the western end of the churchyard, known as the lodge, (which fall within the catefory of consecrated land and buildings. As such their values are excluded from these financial statements by virtue of Section 96(2) of the Chariites Act 1993). The insurance value of which is £12,040,000. the chapel of St Agnes, the Church Hall and the cottage situated on a site in St Leonards Road, Windsor. The insurance values of which are; St Agnes chapel and St Agnes Hall combined value is £2,800,000, St Agnes Cottage is £175,000

Fixtures fittings and office equipment Church equipment has a notional value of zero based on the below stated accounting policies of cost and depreciation. The actual church equipment is listed in the Parish inventory (this includes antique silverware of which there has been no recent market valuation). Depreciation, where applicable, is calculated on straight line basis over four years. However, individual items with purchase price of £1000 or less are written down in the year of purchase.

5 Investments 2019 Historic Market Value Value 2018 £ £ £ 25 Parsonage Lane 5632.72 40643.28 34238.86 2 Devereaux Road 75000.00 49375.38 41594.98 62 Parsonage Lane 721.22 13878.43 11691.51 Henderson Trust 335.07 7859.33 6620.89

CCLA-Fixed Interest Securities Fund Income Shares 66.72 56.73 81689.01 111823.14 94202.97

The capital of the undermentioned endowment funds are perpetual and cannot be spent without approval from the Charity Commission. Capital is invested in CBF investment funds under the custody of the Oxford Diocesan Board of Finance. Income arising from these funds is allocated as follows:- 25 Parsonage Lane - sale proceeds to be used for any ecclesiastical purpose in the parish.

62 Parsonage Lane - sale proceeds to be used for a residence for a curate in the parish, provided that, if the PCC consider this unnecessary, then to be used for any ecclesiastical purpose within the meaning of the PCC (Powers) Measure 1956 affecting the parish or any part.

Henderson Trust - income to be applied for the general expenses of the church including the salary of an organist so long as the monument erected over the grave in the churchyard as a memorial to Henrietta Emily Cecil Henderson in maintaned.

The capital of the undermentioned endowment fund is expendable and can be spent upon approval of the PCC. Capital is invested in CBF investment funds under the custody of the PCC. Income arising from these funds is allocated as follows:- 2 Devereaux Road - to be used as an addition to church funds and not directly for the use of the Rector or Priest.

CCLA Investment management ltd 2019 2018 no. Shares held 3.95 3.95 CCLA-Fixed interest Securites Fund income shares value 66.72 56.73

6 Cash at Bank and in hand 2019 2018 £ £ Petty Cash 0 0 HSBC Bank plc - St Agnes current account 4546.05 2130.71 HSBC Bank plc -St Andrews current account 1961.57 6609.56 HSBC Bank plc - St Andrews deposit account 40513.99 65214.50 47021.61 73954.77

7 Liabilities 2019 2018 £ £ Long Term Liabilities (more than one year) St Agnes financial loan 2 19760.87 26416.88

Short Terms Liabilities (less than one year) St Agnes financial loan 2 6708.00 6708.00

Total Liabilities as at 31.12.2017 26468.87 33124.88

The long term liability relates to financing provided under loan 2 £39,000.00 taken out in December 2015, currently repayable with nil% interest charged £12,000 taken out in December 2016 with repayment deferred for at least three years and interest free.

The short term liability relates to the following 2020's repayments in respect of Loan 2

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8 Restricted 2019 2018 These are funds that have been donated to the church for a specific use and can only be £ £ used for the purpose secified by the donor.

Special Collections 134.25 758.00 Fees 0.00 0.00

E/F income - Henderson Trust 214.35 income recived from Henderson Trust Endowment Fund Churchyard - Fund No.1 566.68 566.68 to be used for any work carried out in and/or to the Churchyard of St Andrews Clewer Building fund (previously Roof/Spire restoration fund) - Fund No. 3 8047.24 7441.82 for the restoration, redecoration, rennovation and improvement of the fabric of the church and lodge St Agnes Fund - Fund No. 4 0.00 250.00 for any use for the Church of St Agnes and/or the Hall St Andrews Festival Fund - Fund No. 5 0.00 0.00 for any purpose in connection with the Festival Weekend at St Andrews St Andrews Organ Fund - Fund No.6 0.00 0.00 for the repair/improvement to St Andrews organ Shingle (tower) Fund - Fund No.7 989.00 989.00 for the purchase of new shingles for recladding the tower Churchyard Wall Fund - Fund No. 8 1000.00 1000.00 for the repair/rennovation of the churchyard wall Altar Frontal Fund - Fund No. 9 50.00 50.00 for the purchase of new altar frontals for St Andrews church

10787.17 11269.85

9 Unrestricted 2019 2018 The are the churches general funds which have been donated without restrictions and are £ £ used for the day-to-day expenses of the church.

General Funds St Andrews 26234.72 51768.21 St Agnes 4546.05 1880.71 30780.77 53648.92

10 Designated These are funds whcih were originaly unrestricted when donated but which the PCC has 2019 2018 has decided to ringfence for a particular purpose. They can be transferred back to unrestricted £ £ funds at any time.

St Andrews projects Heating Survey 2160.00 2160.00 Re-ordering plans/costs 2650.86 6876.00

4810.86 9036.00

11 Transactions with members of the PCC and related parties

1) one member of the PCC received reimbursement amounting to £146.96 in respect of reimbursement for expenses incurred in respect of parish activities (Mr S Cockman). 2) The Rector (Rev Rosie Webb) received expenses totalling £710.34

12 Employees

The PCC had one employee (Parish Administrator) during the accounting period for which these statements cover. There are no benefits in kind available to PCC employees

Page 22/23 and Windsor Deanery Synod Annual report for 2019

The Maidenhead and Windsor Deanery comprises 14 parishes and benefices. The Deanery Synod comprises all the clergy in the deanery and Lay Representatives elected by their respective parishes for a period of three years. Elections were last held in 2017, and 2020 APCMs will need to elect or re- elect parish representatives. There are currently 73 members of the Synod.

The Deanery Synod met informally on Thursday 11th April 2019 at Altwood School, Maidenhead to say goodbye to Bishop Andrew Proud, Bishop of Reading. A buffet meal was enjoyed by those present and several representatives from the Deanery recounted some of the occasions they had shared with Bishop Andrew and gave thanks for his work and contributions to our Deanery.

There were two formal meetings of the Synod during 2019, both focusing on the ’s Common Vision of being a Christ-like church for the sake of God’s world:

Tuesday 4th June 2019 at All Saints, :

• Members of our own Deanery introduced and explained aspects of the diocese’s Common Vision, including the seven working groups to provide resources to help individual parishes relating to certain areas. More details about common vision and these working groups are available on the diocese’s website. The Synod watched a talk by Bishop Steven encouraging us to be courageous. • Jim Tucker was elected as the new Deanery Lay Chair. John Sykes stepped down after being elected Diocesan Lay Chair. • The Synod was alerted to a consultation relating to term limits for Deanery Synod members.

Thursday 3rd October 2019 at St Peter’s, Furze Platt:

• Andrew Anderson-Gear, Director of Mission at the Diocese of Oxford, gave a presentation about and explanation of the new Parish Planning Tool which has been produced to support the mission of individual churches to become more Christ-like. The Synod was given a chance to look at the tool and ask questions. • Details of how the deanery is planning to manage the parish share increase for 2020 were shared.

Thanks to hard work by parishes and their generosity, the Deanery paid its parish share of £ 986,103 for 2019 in full and on time. Deanery Share reserve stands at £ 54,165 and some of this will be used to delay part of the 3.89% increase requested from our Deanery for 2020. (The overall increase in the diocese for 2020 stands at 1.75%; we anticipate a significantly reduced increase for our Deanery for 2021.)

The Deanery is currently looking for a new treasurer and would welcome interest from someone with suitable skills in this area.

Parish inspections on behalf of the Archdeacon were carried out by the Deanery during the year, as part of an ongoing three-yearly cycle. The Deanery also engaged with various parishes, considering how best to support them, both pastorally and financially.

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