Ie 26 septembre, 1983 Volume 23 Numero 2 September 26, 1983 $$$ YORK FIGHTS FOR FUNDS $$$

by: David H. Olivier The first name listed in the are that not only will university We especially cater to part-time sonable to expect the group of paid sponsors was that funding be reduced, but that students: university President government to halt its drive of of our own Association des penalties imposed against unlver- austerity in the education field. Last Wednesday, an adver­ Ian MacDonald estimates that Etudiants du College Glendon, .sities that expand too quickly York enrolls 25% of all part-time The economy is indeed picking tisement appeared in theToronto or better known to us anglo­ will be stiffened. At present, if a students in Ontario. itself up. Meanwhile, all the Star, directed towards the Ontario university grows in enrolment ~ phones as the G.C.S.U. When With the situation as it is universities can do is sit back, Government's Education Minis­ over a certain percentage, it today, perhaps it is not unrea- wait and hope. ter, Dr. and When questionned regarding does not receive any funding for the forthcoming policy of the those students over the high­ Ministry with regards to university this advertisment, V.P. External Jas Ahmad indicated that indeed water mark. This is precisely funding. The article was entitled what happened this yearto York "Do Ontario Universities Have a the G.C.S.U. .had endorsed the advertisement. He went to University: our growth limit was Future? Do Your Children Have 5%, and we exceeded it. There­ a Future in Them?". The adver­ remind us that twenty years_ ago, then Education Minister fore, we received no extra tisement went on to list facts money for those students over proving that Ontario universities Bill Davis had promised "a seat for every qualified student" in the 5% line. York's" blowing thei are the most poorly funded in whistle" on this policy is whatl Canada. They expressed fears places of higher education. has sparked the "war of words" I of increased demand for univer­ presently carried out in the sity placements from groups The issue is two-pronged: quality of education on the one media between York and Dr. new to the university environ­ Stephenson. ment: ethnic communities, part­ hand, addessibility to education time students, women, first­ on the other. The quality of generation university attenders education is reduced if students However, the worst fear of and adult students. The ad have reduced access to labs, YU FA is that this is only the first summed up by encouraging professors, libraries; if professors year of a"crisis period" as more those, who "believe that a are forced to teach more often and more students will try to university place should be and to larger classes; and if enter university. York is acutely available for every qualified overcrowding in general affected because it caters to a student" to write to their MPP or pervades the learning atmos­ unique clientele: many of our Dr. Stephenson, or to one of the phere. students are first-generation groups sponsoring the adver­ students, or students returning Dr. Bette Stephenson tisement. The fears expressed by Ahmad to university after an absence,

par: Leo Beaulieu & Michel convocation, Garigue stated, is­ Govin & Estria Hamilton CONVO'CA TION that of obtaining a degree after years of hard work and ded­ La convocation des etudiants ication, including' all the joys du mercredi 21 septembre, n'a and difficulties of being a '0. certes pas laisse d'indifferents. student. ,f.' The Principal continued to UnecEm9monieofficieliecreee say that as a scholar, one is toujours des remous et chacun expected to learn how to use laisse aller son imagination. La knowledge. The student should convocation faite par Ie college be prepared for growth in a Glendon a tous les nouveaux world that is constantly changing. etudiants n' a pas fait exception. He sees studying in a bilingual Les jours precedants, les college as beneficial. He believes commentaires allaient bon train. that education is a most important Plus d'une fois, la question instrument which is good for the cherchant a savoir ce qu'etait whole of our society, and cette convocation fut posee. the use of knowledge as Malheureusement les precisions important for the improvement demeuraient rares. Sans trop of the human condition. savoir pourquoi ou par curiosite, Before the ceremony started, les gens se sont deplaces en I talked to a few students ~t grand nombre, de gros points their first impressions ofGlenB. d'interrogation sur leurs vis­ Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, ineffabilis auctor veritatis... Denyse Maharaj, a first year ages. L..- -"'-- IPHOTO: Christian Martel student, liked the size of the ~~mpus: 'it's small', the grounds Nous savons qu'auparavant, and the way it's situated. Marie,; certaines rumeurs allaient gaie­ prononce par Ie chancelier de Convocation forthe admission -requirements were much a Spanish and French major, I'UniversiteYork ait ete compris , of new students; a way of higher, he and most of his h I h ment et laissaient entendre que contemporaries could not haveJ .. 'liked the' idea -t at a I er convocation etait" synonyme par les etudiants francophones introducing the students to the de premiere an nee. Et pourtant, ,faculty at Glendon College. gone to University. He told the courses are in thesame building: d'initiation. Farfelu?... Pas du 'it's convenient - parking, the tout. II n'y a rien de pire qu'une ils composaient une bonne Yvette Szmidt, the Dean of ,stUdents to "keep to the higher - library; there's lots of information partie de I'auditoire. ground and help to prove that fausse rumeur qui se propage. Students at Glendon College, my critics are wrong... be good about the courses.' Ce mercredi aux environs de Peut-etre que certains con­ was introduced by Jan Morrissey, students". When all is said and done, 13h30, quelques hypotheses sideront ce rituel comme une her assistant, who to everyone's Convocation for the Admission tombent a la seule vue de la perte de temps. Mais n'oublions surprise told the students that The President's belief is in an of New Students was a good disposition de la salle amanger pas ceux qui y ont investi the program would last for two overall system of government. idea and there was a fairly large du campus. beaucoup d'efforts pour I'organ­ hOljrs. Some students left. He sees York as 'a place of turnout. Many thanks to the isation. seriousness and alsoas a place M h II f th C II Un debut d'annee academique The ceremony started with a for fun. He sincerelyhopesThat ars a 0 e _0 ege. necessite une rencontre of­ L'idee entre autres d'amener speech given by President MacDonald. His main thrust was­ for first year students their time ficielle entre les etudiants, les Ie latin commetrait d'union des spent at the university-will the controversy over the 60% r be CONTENTS/ professeurs et I'administration langues familieres a Glendon, happy and fulfilling. de I'Universite, cela va desoi. provoQu-e-- ceitafnement une entrance requirement at York CONTENU Mais faire d'une telle r:encontre quelconque reaction. Mais, University. He claimed that he The message given by the un evenement "velour-rouge et reaction unanime ou pas, Ie did not like the idea that York President ofthe Student Union, . GCSU Report page 3 bleu~tapis" alors qu'il aurait pu "promittimus" tient et tant pis had to reject applicants because David Haines, was short, but he constituer une heure de lourds pour les absents. of improper funding by the was happy with the large turnout L'ACFO page 5 discours ennuyeux en habit de government. The President of students. NORTH page 5 bureau, merite bien ces quelques Souvent, c'est dans ce genre claimed that York is funded at a lignes. _ de manifestations officielles qu'it lower rate than other universities. The final message was given ENTERTAINMENT 6 se produit des faits plutot He talked of alumni who have by the Principal and Dean of the -- --- AROUND TOWN 6' Si les etudiants presents n'ont cocasses. Le podium installe accomplished much from attend­ College, Phillip Garigue. His pas tous porteune attention pour I'evenement comportait ingYorkUniversifY. He claimed ,main topic was educaHon, which INSUFFiCIENT Men--:i,age i exemplaire aux discours pre­ certains risques car Ie fameux that during his years as an he sees as the main SPANISH Anyone page 7 sentes, c'est qu'ils I'ont ete tapis bleu recouvrait une surface undergraduate at the University purpose for everyone at Glendon. d'avantage auxrituels d'une un peu plus grande que Ie ofToronto, the 60% requirement He is happy to receive them as DECLASSIFIEDS page 8 ceremonie qui ouvrait plus les podium lui-meme. La majorite was prevalent and that it has scholars at Glendon and sees yeux que les oreilles. Au de ceux qui ont utilise Ie micro been going on for years. He the students as entering into a depart, doutons que Ie discours lesavent mieux quequiconque. asserted that if the entrance sort of collective life. The final ~. , .'

TemSeptember26, 1983 Page 1 ______.Fro You'll be in line for a$1000 scholarship! Get$1~2 bymail! Entertain beautifulpeople In your room. atmore can a C.AcQ ,. emal(erdo?

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ProTem Ie 26 seplembre 1983, Page 2~_- _ G.C.S.U. REPORT VACANT TAX BRAKES by David H. Olivier elections this year. Nominations by David H. Olivier Last Tuesday the GCSU held will soon be open for Speaker of by Wayne Beach its meeting in the Senate Cham­ Council, VP Academic, First bers, and over a period of more Year Representatives, and Fac­ than three hours, managed to ulty Council Representatives discuss everything on campus. " (all but the first are elected MOVING EXPENSES Below are the highlights of a positions; the position of Speaker long but productive evening. is a paid position). Minutes of all ost taxpayers are aware will be deductible where the tax­ meetings will be posted outside Mof the tax deduction for payer is disposing of his former The GCSU agreed to return the Student Union office. moving expenses. When you residence. (albeit temporarily) to the older move your home at the same Land Transfer Tax payable in square tables in the ODH. This Although only a dozen persons time as you changejobs or move Ontario by the purchaser of a is a result of dissatisfaction with attended, the Glendon Shiner­ your business and, as a result of $200,000 home would be $1,420 the round tables, which, although ama raised over $379, at an the move, your new home is at and legal fees might be as much elegant, resulted in less seating average of $31 per shiner. least 40 kilometers closer to as $1,000. The mover's bill, space, and forced many people Congratulations and thanks go your new work location than travelling expenses and the cost to eat in the JCR or outside (an out to the organizing committee your former home was, you can of temporary accommodation and Wayne Burnett, co-ordina­ deduct your moving expenses. could add up to a further $5,000. option which Old Man Winter Many taxpayers, however, are will soon remove). A poll will be tor. A total deduction of $20,000 not aware of the extensive would not be uncommon. Given The VP Academic, Daniel conducted, and whichevertable Student Security has received nature of the expenses which the magnitude ofthe deduction, Villeneuve has tendered comes o.ut on top will be the qualify for the deduction. The funding and will be posting the anybody thinking of moving resignation from the G.C.S.U., standard arrangement for the largest single expense is likely should consider changing jobs. position of co-ordinator. Reports to be the cost of selling the tax­ effective immediately. Citing a year. I Obviously the existence of the conflict with a job that he indicate that every person who payer's existing home. For moving expense deduction A fall carnival is under pro­ was a student security guard example, the real estate commis­ needed in order to pay tu ition duction. It will occur from Oct. won't be the major factor in the last year will be attempting to sion on the sale of a $200,000 decision, but it may be a signi­ and expenses, Villeneuve expres­ 14 to Oct. 21. This coincides move into the head spot this house in would be ficant factor. sed doubts that he would be with the Oct. 14-16 Homecoming year. $10,000 - $12,000 and legal fees capable of performing an accep­ Weekend at York and Glendon; would probably be in the range table job in his portfolio. He thus, the first weekend's activ­ The GCSU intends to put of $500. The cost of acquiring a Questions or comments can be hoped that his successor would ities are already taken care of. pressure on Residence Council new home will also be sub­ directed to Macmillan ofCanada pick up where he had left off in The week itself will be low-key, and Security to have lights stantial and the Tax Depart­ 164 Commander Blvd., ment concedes that these costs Agincourt, Ontario MIS 3C7. working towards more courses so as not to interfere with installed along the path in the being offered in French, and a classes. The headliner act will quad. The original proposal was programme of course evaluation be Belinda Metz, back again, rejected because itwould"spoil in tne Political Science depwt­ the scenery". The Council was courtesy of Rothman's (who are ment. picking up $1000 of Belinda's not happy with that argument. Slugs have high blood pressure Acting VP Academic $1600 tab, so we pay only The GCSU has been informed $600). The GCSU is also hoping Slugs have high blood pressure, amount of blood in the tube. Jas Ahmad expressed his regrets that the practice of blocking the at least when you comparethem With this device, the scientist over Villeveuve's departure, but to get (in conjunction with the set of doors to the ODH beside pub) Brian Rainey (although to their near relations, can determine the blood commented that it was "very the Proctor bulletin board ( a according to Dr. And're Duval pressure of a tiny creature fortunate he realized early on, this is only tentative; don't get practice followed for at least the your hopes too high). of Laval University In Quebec. weighing less than one-tenth ofa he wouId not have time to do an past two years) is in contraven­ Dr. Duval measured the gram. effective job (in his position)." The Glendon Grizzlies (our tion of fire regulations. How­ slugs' blood pressure with a Dr. Duval does not knowwhy Presently, Ahmad is engaged in esteemed soccer team) are to ever, those who think they have sophisticated apparatus which the slugs' blood pressure is arranging the elections of course receive $100 (max) to pay for a a clear path to free admission to measures the differences in higher than that of snails and union reps. and in monitoring York van to take them to York dances and concerts will think electrical resistance in a hair­ clams. But blood pressure is the Faculty Council student North for their away games otherwise when the GCSU thin tube piercing the body ofa more important to slugs than to reps. elections. It will be during (four in all). The cost of renting stations its burliest bouncers to slug. The slug's blood pressure othersimilaranimals - they use these elections, held the minibus is split between the guard that door. drives its blood a certain it to support their bodies, since in mid-October, that a new VP GCSU, the Proctor Field House At this point(over three hours distance into the tube. The they have no outer shells or Academic will be elected; thus, ($50). andtheteam itself($1 per into the meeting), the GCSU tube's electrical resistance inner skeleton. . nominations for the post will player per game). went in camera, and discussed changes in proportion to the (Canadian Science News) soon be accepted. The positions of Chief Return­ all remaining matters behind ing Officer and Deputy Returning closed doors. The next meeting Officer are available for all is tomorrow (Tuesday). MUGABE SPEAKS by: Martha Pickett Addressing a crowd of ap­ stressed that this gap must 'Poverty anywhere', he warned, proximately 2000 in Convocation close as 'Mankind in the south 'threatens prosperity every­ RETIREMENT Hall, Dr. Mugabe, Prime Minister will not starve in peace.' where'. of the south African state As one step to be taken in PLANNING ofZimbabwe, stressed thetheme Closing the gap between these In closing, Dr. Mugabe ex­ of his current Canadian visit in nations, Mugabe proposed that pressed the gratitude felt by the by Paul Goldstein calling for renewed efforts in the money spent by the de­ Third World Nations towards; the quest for world peace. veloped nations on arms be Canada for its role in aiding Before addressing the question reallocated to the Third World' developing countries and urged of global stability, Dr. Mugabe Nations and that slowlY a new everyone to have a role in INFLATION AND described the efforts of his own economic order be establ ished. answering the'call ofthe south.' LOOKING AHEAD country to overcome its econo­ mic, social and political problems hat will the pattern of Let us assume that the in­ within a socialist framework. W inflation in Canada look flation rate will average 7.5% He asserted that the philo­ like in the future? Will it remain between now and the end ofthis sophy of this young socialist at the current level? Will it drop century. This would mean that government is based on a belief drastically as it has in the United the average rate of inflation in the dignity of man and,. thus, during the next 17 years would States in recent months? Are we an equality in the distribution of in for periods of chronic rapid be close to the rate we have inflation such as we have seen experienced in Canada during the fruits of collective social in Latin American countries? the last 17 years, i.e. 7.3%. What effort. Will we ever again witness would this mean in terms ofthe Recent initiatives taken to deflation in pri<;e levels in this cost ofgoods arid services in the carry out the philosophy have country as we saw during the year 2000? 'included an organized pro­ depression years? From 1901 to 1915,the rate of There is strong disagreement inflation, while not too steady gramme of repopulation of war­ among prominent economists from year to year, averaged shattered rural communities, about the causes and mecha­ 2.85%. with the assistance of primarily nisms of inflation and deflation. British aid, to the recent tune of The pattern of economic and AVERAGE ANNUAL RATES thirty million. pounds. M\,Igabe political events, both inter­ OF INFLATION IN CANADA FOR VARIOUS PERIODS stressed, however, that aid nationally and internally, seems received is not nearly enough in to be beyond the firm c,ontrol of 1901-1915 2.85% a country where 51'2 to 6 million anyone government or power 1916-1921 11.70% people out of a population of 8 block and is impossible to 1922-1930 nil predict. 1930-1935 -5.00% million are destitute peasants But one fact is sure beyond 1935-1940 1.60% on land that is not their own. a doubt.. We are now in the 1940-1946 2.50% Dr Mugabe poinledout that longest period of high inflation 1946-1952 7.80% the lack of funds available for since the beginning of the 1952-1966 1.30% the most basic of necessities in century. Only the high rate of 1966-1973 4.10% 11.7% induced by World War!, 1973-1983 9.60% the developing nations clearly during the period from 1916 to illustrates the obvious gap 1921, exceeded the average rate between Third World countries of 9.6% we have experienced and their counterparts, the during the last decade. Inflation Questions or comments can be developed nations. He stated during the last ten years has directed to Paul Goldstein, that the people of developed been four times as high as the Macmillan of Canada, 164 nations can easily afford not average for the period from Commander Blvd., Agincourt, only to eat but tobuy armaments, 1901 to 1973. Ontario MIS 3C7. but the people of the Third World can do n~ither. Dr. Mugabe

-- I;:W Pro Tem September 26. 1983 Page 3 CO-REDACTRICES EN CHEF SPORTS EDITORS PRODUCTION CONTRIBUTORS Susan A. Kerr Vince Ball Larry Marler Leo Beaulieu Le 26 sept. 1983 Louise Farrell Sonia Serrano Laurie Fullbrook Michele Breton Simone Hayhurst Michel Fradette REDACTEUR FRANCAIS REDACTEUR DE LA PHOTO Sept. 26, 1983 Sandy Spagnuolo Lynn Grant Bernard Asselin Christian Martel Lisa KarnelTing-'­ TYPESETTERS PRO TElVI NEWS EDITOR Elizabeth McCallister David Smookler Janet McKinlay David H. Olivier Ruth Bradley John Maxwell Greg Jacobs ENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Martha Pickett Vol. 23 No2 Patti Seguin Paul Sheperd Melanie Mulhall Suzanne Wallace Diana Williamson Jl:ldy Hahn Cheyenne Lee

ACADEMIC AFFLICTION MAL SCOLASTIQUE 3 am in the morning, the day before that thirty Trois heures du matin, un travail de trente pages a page essay is due the brutal realities ofacademiadrag rendre Ie lendemain, la dure realite de la vie univer· our battered grey matter through treacherous sitaire fait subir a notre matiere grise deja en literary abuse, leaving pleasant memories of the compote de terribles abus litteraires, reIeguant aux party a few days before forgotten. Should we be oubliettes les bons souvenirs de la partie d'i1 y a thanking our professors or ourselves for this sadistic quelque jours. A qui de nos profeseurs ou de nous· method of attaining knowledge? Neither. memes doit-on donner Ie credit de cette methode sadomasochiste d'acquerir une education? Ni l'un ni Let me introduce the star in this mini-melodrama­ l'autre. procrastination. Permettez-moi de vous presenter la vedette de cette mini procrastination melodramatique. We have all felt its carress on one occassion or Nous avons tous entendu a un moment ou un autre another and naively followed straight to that two son appel irresistible et suivi naivement pour une hour "coffee break" or one hour "quick telephone "pause cafe" de deux heures ou un "petit coup de call". telephone d'une heure... en vitesse". Keele campus offers credit courses to aid students Le campus de la rue Keele offre des cours a credit in adjusting to the tight schedules of academia and pour aider les etudiants a s'ajuster a leurs emplois du its hidden dangers. Why do we have none such credit temps charges et a prevenir les pieges qui s'y courses? The lone fighting unit even vaguely cachent. Pourquoi n'en est·i1 pas ainsi a Glendon? prepared to battle this academic affliction is our own Notre unique arme mobilisable, quoique Counselling & Career Centre, which valiantly offers inadequatement preparee a combattre ce mal their exam anxiety and essay writing workshops 'scolastique', est Ie centre de counselling et de y~ar after year. But its time we students took a stand carrieres, qui chaque annee offre vaillamment ses against this moral parasite of academic life! ateliers de preparation aux examens et de redaction de travaux. Le temps est venu pour nous, etudiants, Turn, off that television. Unplug that phone. The de lutter contre ce parasite intellectuel de la vie terrors of procrastination creep in stealthly, and universitaire! become albatrosses none of us need. For the first year Fermez Ie televiseur! Debranchez Ie telephone! Le students and veterans of academia the warning is tourments de la procrastination s'infiltrent repeated - BEWARE!! sournoisement et deviennent des bequilles dont nous n'avons pas besoin. Etudiants de premiere annee et veterans de l'universite, l'avertissement retentit de Lettres aux Redactrices nouveau: DANGER!! "'ea~_se_n<:l.I~.!tersto Pr~Te_m: first floor, Glendon Hall, by Wednesday noon. S.V.P., envoyer vos lettres au bureau de Pro Tem: situe au premier plancher de Glendon Hall, avant mercredi midi. Pro Tem est I'hebdomadaire independant du College Gle~d~n. Lorsque fonde en 1962, il etait Ie journal etudiant Professionalism? says that Orientation Week past two weeks. Secondly, ab­ de.1 univerSite York. Pro Tem cherche a rester autonome should be monopolized by first­ solutely nothing was written ~t mdepe:ndant de I'administration de I'universite et de I association etudiante tout en restant attentif aux deux. To the Editors: year students? It is a great time about Shinerama. Wasn't this Tous les textes restent I'unique responsabilite de la redaction to meet new and old friends; part of Orientation week? sauf indication contraire. Nos bureaux sont dans Glendo~ I am quite surprised at the whether they are first or fourth­ Shinerama was undoubtedly Hall. Telephone: 487·6133. Tirage:5,OOO numeros distribues lack of professionalism shown year students makes no differ­ the most worthwhile event that a Glendon et au campus de York. by this paper in omitting a ence. occurred, but for some reason summary ofthe events that took Pro Tem is the independent weekly news service of There was one other small you chose not to mention it, Glendon College. Founded in 1962 as the original student place during Orientation Week which was very disappointing to for the unilingual anglophone omission that the author made. publication of York University, it striyes to be autonomous Orientation Week does not see. Independent of university administration and studeni students. Glendon may be a governme~t, but responsive to both. All copy is the sole bilingual college, but that does revolve around dances alone. Finally, to give credit where it respOnslbllltv of the editorial staff, unless otherwise indicated. not mean that all the students There were quite a few events is due, Iwould liketo congratulate Offices are located in the Glendon Mansion. Telephone: which did not serve alcohol and the GCSU for a job well done. 487·6133. Circulation: 5,000 inclUding Glendon and main are fluent in French or can campus. handle reading the article. As thus were open to all students. This has been the best Orien­ one of the many unilingual I would like to thank David tation that Glendon students students attending the college Haines, our Student Union have experienced in a long time. . (there are about 1300 in all), I President, Ken Bujold, our V.P. find it quite disappointing not to Cultural, and all the other Veeps N. Willison LA NOUVELLE VOITURE DE M. GARIGUE??· be able to find out how successfuI and Student Senators for the Shame onus the various activities were. I am fine job they did in making this not asking for translations of all year's Orientation Week a suc­ I was under the impression the articles but I believe cess. that there was no room for bigotry at Glendon College- it's Orientation Week is important Charles Kellen to all members of the Glendon too completely at odds with student body, not just the everything we represent. franc0p,hones, I don't believe it So, when perusing the Opin­ professional to take out past Orientation iorama in your first issue, I was grievances on this year's students startled to see a comment (jack of francophone particTba­ To the Editors: printed which is offensive to the tion) by omitting an article in Last Monday, September 19th, French members of our com­ English on such an important the first Pro Tem of the school munity. Shame on you, Chuck event. I hope this will not repeat _year came out. When it arrived I Daley, for saying such a thing, itself in the future. eagerly scanned through it, even in jest, but greater shame I With regards to your editorial, looking for anything that was by far upon you, Pro Tem, for I have had the pleasure of written about the Orientation haVing the insensitivity to print attending Glendon for the past events that we just finished it. two years, and I have not seen enjoying. Finding only half a I suppose you thought it was such awell-organized Orientation page about it disappointed me cute, but humour is one of the Week. It is true that the dances for two reasons. Firstly, the deadliest weapons in the arsenal which were held served liquor article was written only in of bigotry, because it's the (and although I am no alcoholic, French. For something as hardest to fight. Please let's I think a beer or a drink is nice to important as Orient(l~ion week I stop this kind of 'joke', because have when you are hot), but it is do believe that it should be in the end, it hurts all of us. And not the short-sightedness of the covered in both French and that's NOT funny. GCSU that is responsible for English. Being an anglophone Tara Ballance the regulations that stipulate in the unilingual stream here at you must be nineteen to drink. Glendon, I was very upset at not EDITORS' NOTE: Paul Bunyon was a M. GARIGUE'S NEW CAR?? If you don't like it, complain to being able to read about all the 'figure in American, not French folklore, Bill Davis. And anyhow, _who -- events that occurred in these according to Encyclopedia Britannica

Rro Tem Ie 26 septembre 1983, Page 4 ----_ CONFERENCE de I'A.C.F.O. par: Bernard Asselin Entre autres pour la rencontre rengerait difficile I'acceptation (1) Cet article est Ie premier UNE COMMUNAUTE ACONSTITUER de cette annee, on y discutait a du fran9ais comme langue d'une serie de trois concernant I'interieur de differents ateliers: officielle. Le debat est lance... I'A C. F. O. (L'Association cana­ la culture, I'education, les (Aucune proposition ne fut dienne-franpaise de 1'0ntario). communications, les institutions deposee lors de la presentation lis traiteront respectivement de politiques et constitution, la d!J rapport des ateliers). la conference regionale tenue' sante en plus des services Concernant la sante et les Ie 18 septembre '83 au Centre sociaux et communautaires, services sociaux, iI fut question communautaire francophone de I'economie et Ie travail et enfin, de L' Accueil Medical Franco­ Toronto, du fonctionnement les sports et loisirs. phone qui desire que I'on fasse interne de celle-ci et enfin sur Dans Ie premier atelier (cul­ des pressions pour que celle-ci les problemes de structure qui ture), on y exprima une volonte obtienne les fonds necessaires necessita la creation d'une de rassemblement physique asa survie. On demanda aussi a commission d'etude creee en necessitant du cote des mecan­ I'AC. F.O. de faire une demande aoDt '82. A noter que cette ismes, de trouver un moyen de aupres des conseils scolaires commission consultera les fran­ permettre aux differents groupes afin de profiter de locaux gratuits cophones de Toronto Ie 14 francophones de Toronto de se pour la garderie les "Bouts de octobre '83. En vue de cette rencontrer. Ainsi, I'on mentionna Choux". qu'i1 faut permettre la culture consultation, I'A C. F. 0.-Toronto F_ntde_ a _._._'~----'-_._--'- Enfin, Ie dernier atelier fut I'IIpporb • ..-0 des lieux de rencontre. et C. O. F. T. M. organisent une 1a-J0dt6 I'occasion d'une reflexion sur. table ronde Ie 3 octobre 1983 a Du cote de I'education, on y les sports et loisirs lors de la 19h30 au Centre francophone. discuta la perspective du systeme presentation du rapport. Le Tous les organismes et individus actuel en mentionnant I'aspect porte-parole mentionna qu'il interesses sont invites aassister trop technologique et que les fallait rejoindre la population acette table ronde. parents ressentent un sentiment francophone par Ie biais de la d'impuissance: "Qui est respon­ Environ soixante personnes jeunesse qui agirait comme sable de quoi?" pierre angulaire. Cette population assistaient dimanche Ie 18 Peu de gens participerent a septembre '83 dernier, au jeune, vivante, identifiable une I'atelier sur les communications. moffvee'-~ congres regional annuel de fois se divertir en Malgre cette deception, I'on franr;Yclis, entrainerait les adultes I'AC.F.O. au Centre commu­ emit I'idee de creer un comite nautaire francophone. dans Ie courant. Pour se faire, il d'action pour poser des gestes faut valoriser I'activite familiale Cette assemblee -annuelle a positifs et agir sous forme de et creer des competitions pour but, par Ie biais de ses catalyseur, concernant la promo­ provinciales entre jeunes franco­ participants, de definir les tion des communications de phones. Meme Ie macrame, la activites ou dossiers du Conseil langue francaise. poterie pourrait devenir des regional pour I'annee qui vient 1. La communaute Franco­ et I'autonomie sous differentes Dans I' atelier "institutions fa90ns de se divertir dans. sa et d'elire des representant( e)s Ontarienne est composee de formes et ades degres variables.., politiques et constitution", on a 'langue. On en est venu a la qui siegeront au Conseil. Suite a personnes qui choisissent d'as­ II faut decider pour chaque discute des priorites de faire conclusion que Toronto avoca­ ce congres, les membres elus sumer leur identite Franco­ secteur d'activites, vers quel ' accepter par Ie gouvernement tion multi-cuturel, centre econo­ forment des com ites qu' ils (elles) Ontarienne, en reconnaissant pole tendront nos efforts. Ontarien la reconnaissance d'une mique doit primer et donner Ie jugent necessaires et se fixent qu'il s'agit d'une definition qu'on 3. Dans la poursuite de ces societe Franco-Ontarienne en poids atout Ie reste de 1'0ntario. des objectifs specifiques pour se donne soi-meme. Cette defin­ objectifs generaux, nous devons plus bien sur, de la langue Par la su ite, on passa a chaque dossier selon Ie mandat ition n'est pas unique ni exclu­ chercher areconcilier la vision fran9aise. On parle de plus I'efection de la presidente, Mme qui a ete qetermine. si\fe. de la communaute franco-ontar­ d'une strategie avenir, soit des Annie Dell et des directeurs Ce congres regional faisait ienne que nous adoptons avec decisions pilotes prises par pour Ie mandat avenir (Laurent partie d'une grande consultation 2. Les membres de cette les interets et les preoccupations I' A C. F. O. pour concentrer dans Gauvin, David Welch, Alain - dirigee par I'AC.F.O. provincial communaute minoritaire doivent de ceux et de celles qui adoptent la capitale provinciale les sieges Poirier, Maurice Jouenne, Pierre­ (il existe deux niveaux) en vue definir les rapports qu'ils sou­ 'une autre conception d'eux­ sociaux de tous les organismes Eddy Toussiant, Roger Leger, d'elaborer un plan de developpe­ haitent entretenir avec la major­ memes, d'elles-memes. Nous francophones, afin de mieux se Suzanne Legault, Leon Germain, ment global. Celle-ci avait emis ite. Deux types de rapport~ devons aussi respecter les points concerter et de faire reconnaitre Celine Boyer et David-Fran90is trois principes de base pour peuvent etre identifies:/e partage de vue propre aux differents la necessite des services en Dinning). . mieux se concerter et encadrer des institutions de la majorite groupes sociaux qui constituent langue fran9aise. En tout, il y a eu vingt-six les discussions. dans Ie respect de notre langue, notre communaute. II fut discute de la possibilite proprositions deposees dont de presenter un memoire a neuf adoptees et une irrecev­ Par: Lisa Kamerling8l SusanA. Kerr I'Assemblee Nationaledu Quebec able. Pour de plus amples OPINIORAMA leur mentionnant que la loi 101 informations, contactez M. Paul nuit a la languefran9aise en D'Aoust, agent de developpment Est-ce que vous considerezque l'institutionDo you think that the institution of Ontario par son refus du communantaire pour I'ACFO de laConvocationdes nouveaux etudiants Convocation of new students should bilinguisme. Cette meme loi regionale .du Toronto metropol­ devrait continuer a Glendon? continue at Glendon? itain (367-1950)

Chuck O'Rourke Marilyn Thorne 3rd year, Political Science 4th year, Translation o I think without a doubt that it J'aivu laceremonieuneseule . '...... should continue. We need some fois, quand j'etais en deuxieme way of introducing the staff to an nee. Je trouvais dommage the students as a whole and que 9a n'existait pas pour nous Convocation is an easy way to avant. La Convocation donne do it. It's a good way to une idee aux nouveaux etudiants communicate Glendon's philos­ de ce que c'est qu'un campus ORTH ophy, the curriculum and the bilingue. Je trouvais bien Ie • school itself. Because it is so fa90n dont M. Garigue a parle- il • small and it is different, Glendon n'a pas traduit son discours does need some explaining to .anglais en fran9ais mais il a new stu·dents. parle les deux langues I'une apres I'autre. J'etais fiere de Vez Pajkovich faire partie d'un tel college. La 2nd year (1 st year Glendon), Convocation est une chose Economics (alias Rerum of the NORTH, unique Glendon et j'aimerais a Son of North, North ii-D, North how long our summers are ­ bien que 9a continue. I'd neverheard about Convoca­ and the Igloo of Doom, Nev(H one day. tion. I didn't know about it. I Say North Again, etc., etc., ad think it's good for first year nauseum.) Anyway, here goes. students right out of high school 'When I gofup-in the morning, - it orients them, gives them a I only had to put on one pair of feel for Glendon. The ceremony 'My Day in the Sun' long underwear, and I didn't ties in with the friendliness here When the average grade six even need my parka, it was so and gets people comfortable. it student returns to class on that warm. After breakfast (walrus should be continued. dreaded Tuesday, he or she again), I went out wltn tne knows (nay, fears) that essay huskies and watched the' snow topic that is certain to be melt. By mid-afternoon, I could assigned: namely,' How I Spent even see funny green stuff that Jill Forsythe My Summer.' This banal horror was hiding under the snow. 1st year nas been inflicted upon hordes Uncle Mukluk said that it was of innocent children. Now, (Ila, grass, but I wasn't to smoke this I thought Convocation was kind. After going to see ~he ice· interesting; a bit of tradition. I ha, ha)it's my turn to make you read my version. break up on the ocean, I went liked the hats! The bilingual back home and went to bed OPINIORAMA est une serie cfentrevues aspect is good, I felt accepted.. However, there will be one early because after it stopped You got to meet other first year "pontanes des etudia nts que appraftra dans Pro difference between my essay hebdomadairement snowing the next day, I would students and talk to professors and those of the anklebiters'. nave to help make the new afterward and that was good. OPINIORAMA isa n or> the- spot interview with While they have a whole two igloo.' The ceremony made me feel months' wOfth of summer to students that will be conducted weekly. Stay Well, what did you think of more at ease - I;d like to see it tuned... concoct out of, r have to make ntinued. do with only one day. Yup, that's July 18th? Not a bad day, eh?

. Pro Tem September 26, 1983 Page 5 ENTERTAINMENT------­ Cross Creek *********** Around Town *********** by: Diana Williamson Her New York sophistication publisher. Running out in the and reserve begin to break dark and pouring rain in a fit of by: Susan A. Kerr with its Walt Cross Creek, down when she becomes desperation, Rawlings realizes Disney-type characters and emeshed in the lives she sees that she has to write about MONDAY (26th) FRIDAY (30th) settings is not the most sophisti­ around her in her new home. things she loves - things that *Toronto Women's Bookstore Fire Sale­ "'''Finding Lesbian History"-An expand­ cated offering this year. But it Her neighbour, who promises to have meaning for her. This was Following last month's arson attack. the ed version of Frances Rooney's slide does strike- a chord - it is take her alligator hunting "real her triumph and her success in Bookstore celebrates the opening of Its show of images from the past. Discussion heartwarming. If you enjoy being temporary office with a sale of damaged soon", eventually shares a drop future writings. She had found will follow. Tickets $bat doOi or reserve at touched by a cinema experience books. 296 Brunswick Ave.(at BloOl). of moonshine (and more) with her secret to unlocking herself. 487-8b34. 8 pm. at 730 Bathurst St. ! I wasn't the only one wiping my Suite 201 922-8744. her. It leaves you wondering - can "'Smoke Damage: The story of the witch eyes) then I would say this is a The crunch comes when her you? Have you? 'Graham Parker-Concert Productions In­ hunts-A new play opens tonight at the good one for you. ternational presents this celebrated pop Nightwood Theatre. St. Paul Centre. 121 Gothic novel is rejected by the performer tonight at the EI Mocambo. Avenue Rd. 862-06b9 It is a theme which can never Tickets $11. call 698-BASS. 464 Spad il1a become cliched: triumph; triumph' Ave. SATURDAY (1st) over emptiness and confussion. "'Day of Action-Rally. demonstration. en­ Told in a light, airy manner, TUESDAY (27th) tertainment for a clloice on abortion. 1 pm. Cross Creek is a fairy tale 'Reading Series-Harbourfront launclls 'at Toronto City Halll Bay & Queen) that can happen in reality. the Greenpeace anthology. Whales: A "Alix Dobkin-The reknowned feminist Marjorie Rawling, the heroine, Celebration. edited by Greg Gatenby singer will perform at8 pm. in Innis Hall. 2 Contributor Margaret Atwood is expected was a struggling writer of the Sussex Drlat St. George). Tickets $7 in to attend. Free. 8:30 pm. York Quay 1920's trying to produce the advance. $8 at door. available from the Centre great american Gothic novel. Ryerson Women s Centre(b98-9838) 'Overseas Volunteers-Canadian Cross­ She was wealthy and had a roads International is holding 2 informa­ SUNDAY (2nd) handsome, successful husband. tion nights for those interested in volun­ "STUDY!!or go to tile semi-annual Old She throws it all away for the teer placement for4 t06 months in a Third Clothing Show & Sale from 11 am-b pm. swamplands of Florida. How World country. Free. 7:30 pm. at Cross­ $2. Palais Royale. 1601 Lakeshore Blvd. can she give up the" ideal" life? roads House. 31 Madison Ave. 7b7-7190. W 366-1310 This question opens the door WEDNESDAY (28th) and is where Cross Creek's m~rit shines t~rough. 'FeministArt-By Deidre Chisholm opens today and runs until Oct. 11. at Gallery Nine Forty. 940 Queen St. E. 466-8840 Commission de la Fonction Public Service Commission publique du Canada of Canada 'The Fallout Shelter-Against Cruise .+ Testing (ACT) presents a peace coffee­ house. Music byTish. Freddy M. and Andy Paterson. $2. 8 pm. at the New Trojan Horse. 179 Danforth Ave. 461-7003. To the THURSDAY(29th) "Sexism in Rock 'n RolI-A slide show by Class performer Alix Dobkin. Free. 7 pm. at· Ryerson Polytechnical Institute. I'm L72. of 1984 380 Victoria. 598-9838. As a university graduate, you have something of interest to offer us: your degree, plus a wish to succeed in a professional environment. As one of Canada's major employers, we, too, have something ofvalue to offer you: a respect for your academic achievement and a working milieu for your meaningful contribution. We usually follow the same hiring patterns as the private sector; our recruitment activities, however, are currently affected by a low rate of employee departures and shrinking departmental budgets. We will be interviewing some candidates for anticipated vacancies; in other cases, we will be assessing applications and placing them in inventory, for future consideration. We invite you to apply, ifyour degree i~ in one of the following areas: Administration Engineering Commerce Library Science Computer Science Mathematics/Statistics Economics The closing date for applications is 14 October 1983. The Financial Administration Test ofTechnical Knowledge will be held on 20 October 1983 at 19:00. Please ask your placement office about the exam location. Pick up your copy of the Careers Public Sentice Canada publications at your campus placement office or at an office of the Public Service Commission of Canada. Note: In light of the current reorganization within External Affairs Canada and the ongOing assessment by the department of its future personnel needs, there will be no Foreign Service Officer recruitment competition this year.

Aux finissants de 1984 AT THEJACK DANIEL DISTILLERY, you En votre qualite de jeune uriiversitaire, vous possedez des atouts de marque: votre can taste for yourselfwhy our whiskey is so diplOme, ainsi que votre desir de vous realiser professionnellement. Nous avons, nous aussi, en tant que I'un des employeurs canadiens Ies plus importants, quelque chose a uncommonly smooth. vous offrir : un grand respect pour votre succes academique ainsi qu'un milieu de travail OU vous pourrez apporter une contribution appreciable. As soon as you sip the water we Notre politique d'embauche ressemble nonnalement acelie du secteur prive; a I'heure actuelle nos activites de recrutement sont toutefois soumises a des contraintes use, you can cell it's • budgetaires et a la diminution du taux de depart des employes. Nous desirons donc interviewer certains candidat(e)s pour des postes anticipes et dans d'autres cas, nous evaluerons les candidatures et les conserverons dans notre repertoire pour ~;!~;;~OWS'tr consideration ulterieure. "l: Nous recrutons des diplOmes d'universite dans les domaines suivants : Administration Genie Commerce Bibliotheconomie ;=:l~~d~ Infonnatique Mathematiques/Statistique lill~.. Economie I under the ground. ... . La date limite du concours est Ie 14 octobre 1983. L'examen de connaissances l,ron.,ree. from an underground spring. AtJack Daniel techniques en gestion des finances se tiendra Ie 20 octobre 1983 a 19h. Veuillez jDistille~, vous adresser avotre bureau de placement pour savoir ou auront lieu les we've used this iron-free examens. Iwater Since our founder settled here Procurez-vous Ies brochures Carrieres, Fonction publique Canada avotre bureau de placement ou aun bureau de la Commission de la Fonction publique in 1866. Once you try our whiskey, du Canada. we believe, you'll know why we Nota: En raison de la reorganisation qui s'effectue actuellement au sein du Ministere des Affaires exterieures et de I'evaluation que fait Ie ministere de ses besoins futurs en always.wiIl.. ..- . personnel, iI n'y aura pas de recrutement d'agents du Service exterieur cette annee. The Public Service ofCanada is an equal opportunity employer C d.+. 51. L""is SIlIr QI E,

Pro Tem Ie 26 septembre 1983: page 6 ------La Croisiere sur Ie "Mariposa Belle" Cruising the Mariposa Belle par Bernard Asselin by Elizabeth McCallister Plus de deux cents personnes As the grand finale to "LA CROISIERE se laisserent bercer sur Ie Orientation Week, the Glendon "Mariposa Belle", lors de la College Student Union exeo-· S'AMU5E" derniere soiree organisee pour utive planned a luxury cruise terminer la semaine d'orien­ aboard the Mariposa Belle last tation. Wednesday night. Malgre un temps assez frais To the sounds of "Anchors au clair de lune, ('on pouvait Aweigh", the boat left its pier for sentir la chaleur humaine se the four-hour cruise. The route degager des convives qui took merry-makers through the dansaient sur· Ie p<;>nt. .. !3t islands along the east shore of tentaient de maintenir leur Toronto, back to equilibre. Quelques uns avaient and finally to its dock on certes Ie pied marin aen croire Queen's Quay. leur performance sur la piste de The 555 DJ, Rod Weemark, danse. played music for revellers Le capitaine nous fit, voir un who danced all over the boat. magnifique paysage a travers The rolling of the vessel only les i1es de Toronto, ou ('on made the journey all the more oublie facilement la presence fun, as the men blamed the ship ...... de la metropole du Canada. for their lack of balance. ANCHORS AWEIGH! Bref sQrements, quelles Glendonites enjoyed the bar etudiants s'en retournerent a especially at" happy hour" when Glendon avec un excellent all drinks were half-price. In souvenir de ce decor enchan­ addition halfway through the All those who were lucky teur. cruise, free sandwiches were enough to have attended enjoyed served. themselves immensely.

ARE GLENDON MEN Granted the ratio ofwomen to the Glendon Choir enjoyed INSUFFICIENT? men here is usually high - but themselves and are looking this high? Judging from the forward to next week's session silvery tones of tenor and base in the theatre. See the notice by Judy Hahn eminating from the showers of board outside the Dean of Thursday last an old issue Wood and Hilliard residences Students office for more infor­ reared its ugly head - the there are certainly more fine mation. insufficient number of men on male voices to be had than this. Last year it was successfully Glendon Ca·mpus. At 4:00 P.M. argued that Glendon men are 18 chanteuses and a mere 4 sufficient. Masculine voices ­ chanteurs were gathered for All who attended the first be heard! (Women are welcome choir try-outs. practice of the renaissance of too!)

Radio Glendon I would like to take this time phone number and the hours (and Pro Tem's space) to do a you want (1 st and 2nd choice) few things. First thing is to and indicate if you have R.G. welcome you to Glendon, or experience. Write this info out back to Glendon, as the case and give it to Shadi, myself, or may be. As always, feel free to pin it on the bulletin board drop by Radio Glendon, we will inside the station. Immediately! be having an Open House in the There will be a DJ's meeting near future- watch Pro Tem's for ALL DJ's on Monday, October declassifieds for the date. 3rd. We're telling you now, We are still located upstairs in because attendance is VITAL. Glendon Hall, but we will be Again, Radio Glendon extends moving downstairs where the its ever-friendly hand. Hopefully art studio used to be- again, the we'll be making more appear­ date will be announced, be well ances in Pro Tem as time goes assured of that. There will be on, what with news about the several advantages to our new station, announcements, maybe location, including our own door even the odd record review or and a custom built station. R.G. personality profile. Now for some business: the We foresee a good year times for training for new DJ's ahead, and we appreciate your are in the Declassified section support. - please consult this if you are Keep those ears open. new to R.G. Now for you old DJ's: please, if you haven't Cheyenne Lee already, give us your name Manager, Radio Glendon

GComo estas ?

EI proposito prioritatio de Any way you like it­ este espacio es compenetrar al on the rocks, with 'Hablemos' maximo el ambito interuniversi­ orange juice or por Jorge, Pedro y Cesar tario. your favourite mix­ Concientes de la gran cantidad Debido al creciente interes Southern Comfort is de estu"diantes que siguen manifestado por los estudiantes the one and only! diversos cursos de e.soanol, hacia el estudio del espanol hemos organizado talleres­ tanto en Glendon como en York, ateliers' - con el fin de prestar PROTEM nos ha cedido un asistencia en el estudio del espacio semanal como medio espano!. de comunicacioil y, sobre todo, de expresion hispana. Tu ayuda es primordial para el buen funcionamiento de esta Los temas a tratar en columna. Hablemos' son ilimitados y Southern Comfort tastes downright friendly. cuaiqufer sugerencla 0 critica rNo sean timidos! L1amenos. tels: 487-2663 and 482-8455 es, por sl!puesto, bienvenida. Send' for a free Recipe Guide: Southern Comfort Corporation. P.O. Box 775, Place Bonaventure, Montreal, Quebec H5A 1E1

______Pro Tem September 26,1983 page 7 SPORTS DECLASSIFIED There is still room left in the Glendon Campus. Come out The Centennial Committee of Amnesty International GlendonCollegeandCan­ instructional classes held at the and support your college. The the Engineering Institute of Group 133 presents a screen­ dian Parents lor French Field House. Courses include Glendon Recreation Department Canada is presently organizing ing of the film: 'Prisoner of (Ontario) will sponsor a con­ Karate, JUdo, Aquafitness, Scuba, will need help running the meet. a contest for postage stamp Conscience, followed by this ference dealing with bilingual Squash, Strength Training, T'ai If you are interested please designs to help celebrate the year's first. general meeting on university education for anglo­ Chi, fencing, Jazz Dance and contact either Peter Jensen or upcoming Centennial Year of Wed., Sept.28, 1983 at3:15 PM phones in Ontario, at Glendon more. Apply at the Field House Cathy Clarke at 487-6150 or the EIC in 1987. The Committee in Room 204. campus, Sept.30-0ct. 1. office. Enroll now! 487-6151. proposes to make these designs Fee $40. Contact Ann available to the Canadian Stamp William Morris Society of Montgomery (487-6211) or Women's Squash Open House Please note the following Advisory Committee as inspira­ . Canada will launch is fall Kathryn Manzer (487-6136). and Round Robin: Oct. 3 important dates: tion towards the final designs of series of programs with a lec­ Men's Squash Open House and ture by K. Corey Keeble on ATTENTION NEW DJ's Women's Volleyball Interest one, two or three stamps that we Round Robin: Oct. 4 hope will be officially accepted William Morris Stained Glass on for RADIo GLENDON! .meeting- Wed. Sept. 28, 4:00 All levels welcome! Come out Thursday, September 22. ,P.M. by the Minister: " Anyone who filled out an and meet new squash partners. The lecture will be given free to' application to do a show, but Men's andWomen's Basketball: The theme for the Centennial Information on the squash ladder everyone at 8 pm in Room 179 who does not have experience, Interest meeting: Oct. 5, 3:00pm Stamp Contest is" Engineering: will be made available that at University College, the Uni­ the training periods are: Monday, at the Field House, Conference The Next Hundred Years". Five night. Meet you at the squash versity of Toronto. Sept. 26th from 4-6 p. m. & Room. Inter-College leagues prizes will be awarded with a courts at 6:00pm. Bring your' Wednesday, September 28th, will start the 1st week of total value of over $5,000., as SCHOLARSHIP racquet and join the fun! from 3-4 p. m. November. well as free passes to the EIC Applications "are now available You have this training Men's and Women's Inter-Col­ Centennial Convention in Mon­ in the Dean of Students Office must before you get air time. lege Cross Country Run: Glen­ treal. for about 1000 scholarships don. For the first time Glendon Anyone wishing to enter this available to all B+ or better EMPLOYMENT is hosting the Inter-College contest is asked to send a copy students. Including Visa Rill Foods is now accepting Championship. Runners from of their Curriculum vitae or their Students applications for the positions of all the colleges at York will be biographical notes, and between BOURSES cashiers and servers. For more five and ten photographs or competing for the individual Les formulaires de demande information contact Manager titles and theteam championship. slides showing examples of pour les etudiants qui ont une Theresa Mitri at 487-6192. The race starts at 5:00 P. M. and their graphic work, to the moyenne de B't' ou mieux, y EMPLOIS the route will cover most of the following address: compris les etudiants avec visa, E.1. C. Centennial Postage sont maintenant desponibles au Rill Foods accepterai des YORK UNIVERSITY Stamp Contest bureau de la Doyenne des maintenant des formules de offered. Atfeast one club "dive demande pour les postes de SCUBA CLUB trip" will be planned, and there E.I.C. Building etudiants. 2050, Mansfield Street, caissiere de serveur( euse). Pour An exciting idea! On Thurs­ will be parties and awards. plus de renseignements, con­ day nights those of us who are For those of you who have not Suite 700 A resume workshop will be Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1Z2. conducted on Friday, Sept. 30th tacter la gerante, Theresa Mitri, interested in diving will be been diving"lor a long time"a 487-6192. meeting to learn more about the "Review Course" will be offered. c/o Gordon Mcivor at10 am in York Hall, rm 341. sport and its future. Meet new And thrilling films of the under­ Please sign up in the Career BILINGUAL buddies, plan future trips, and water world will be shown. All CVs must be received by Centre in Glendon Hall, rm 116. TELEPHONE come to enjoy yourselves in the Come and join us for our first the E.I.C. before midnight, Scrip for sale at discount INTERVIEWERS way that only divers know how. social-organizational meetings October 31 st, 1983 prices. You can save well over needed for temporary work onThurs., October6, at 7:30 pm 7% by contacting Sue at 487­ downtown from October 7th Lectures and demonstrations in the Glendon Field House. The Radical Front for 6226 (after 7 pm). until November 30th. Fluency have already been planned in The membership fee of $25.00 Student Apathy meeting, in Canadian French and English . ~ Underwater Photography, includes a "York University originally scheduled for Sept. Typewraer - manual a must. Archaeology, Physiology, and Scuba Club" T shirt with the 28 at 3:00 p.m. in the J.C.R., has Smith-Corona for sale, $35. hou rs: 9-5 or 1-9 Marine Biology. The future of Diver Logo, and a door prize will been tentaviely cancelled. All Contact Lisa at 487-6133 (or pay: $6 - $7. per hour Commercial Diving and practice be presented. Find out what those uninterested may contact leave a message and your please call Donnamarie Baker in Rescue Diving will also be we're all about! Max at 533-9594. name). at 925-3284

THE 1983-84CANAD~ STUDENTLO S PROG to the Canada Student ant chang~s ffect nment of canada hamad nt, are now ill e· . The G~e~ These changes, ap? student aid authonty Loans c. aDS to part-t m Your. provIDCI • Guarant~ed 10 d applicafon fa S . InformatIon anD art of or through the .e ts (telephone toll-fr ority. • Increased week;! played borrowers Information avail Canada Employment • Interest relief a the Secretary of State. Information ~d. Centre, lending IDS _ (telephone ~ll-free,.l ble t of the Secretary of State. • specialrelief for ~sainsti contact your lending -800 "(telephone toll-free, 1· . ENTLOANSPROGRAM THE CANADA S MENTINYOU . AN ENT IN CANADA ANINVE

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JProtem Ie 26 septembre 1983, Page 8 _