G E O R G I A T E C H N I C A L N O T E 0 6 | 2 0 2 0 Reform of insolvency legislation The new insolvency law of 2020 by Dr Hans Janus Berlin/Tbilisi, November 2020 About the German Economic Team Financed by the Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy, the German Economic Team (GET) advises the governments of Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus and Uzbekistan on economic policy matters. Furthermore, GET covers specific topics in other countries, such as Armenia. Berlin Economics has been commissioned with the implementation of the consultancy. C O N T A C T Sebastian Staske, Project Manager Georgia
[email protected] German Economic Team c/o BE Berlin Economics GmbH Schillerstraße 59 10627 Berlin Tel: +49 30 / 20 61 34 64 0
[email protected] www.german-economic-team.com Our publications are available under https://www.german-economic-team.com/georgia. About the author Dr Hans Janus worked for more than 30 years for the Euler Hermes AG in the field of state Export Credit Guarantees of the Federal Republic of Germany and was member of the board from 1994 until 2014. From 2003 to 2005 he was President of the Berne Union, the leading association for the global export credit and investment insurance industry. Since 2015 he works as an independent lawyer and business consultant in Hamburg. Hans Janus is a financial expert for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. He is board member of the Ger- man-Russian Lawyers Association. From 2018 until 2020 Hans Janus has been a member of the Super- visory Board of Belarusbank, Minsk.