Representation Theory and Number Theory in Connection with the Local Langlands Conjecture

Titles in This Series

Volume 1 Markov random fields and their 18 Fixed points and nonexpansive applications, Ross Kindermann and mappings, Robert C. Sine, Editor J. Laurie Snell 19 Proceedings of the Northwestern 2 Proceedings of the conference homotopy theory conference, on integration, topology, and Haynes R. Miller and Stewart B. geometry in linear spaces, Priddy, Editors William H. Graves. Editor 20 Low dimensional topology, 3 The closed graph and P-closed Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr .. Editor graph properties in general 21 Topological methods in nonlinear topology, T. R. Hamlett and functional analysis, S. P. Singh, L. L. Herrington S. Thomeier. and B. Watson. Editors 4 Problems of elastic stability and 22 Factorizations of b" ± 1, b = vibrations, Vadim Komkov, Editor 2,3,5,6,7,10, 5 Rational constructions of 11. 12 up to high powers, modules for simple Lie algebras. John Brillhart, D. H. Lehmer. George B. Seligman J. L. Selfridge, Bryant Tuckerman, and 6 Umbral calculus and Hopf algebras. S. S. Wagstaff. Jr. Robert Morris, Editor 23 Chapter 9 of Ramanujan's second 7 Complex contour integral notebook-Infinite series identities. representation of cardinal spline transformations. and evaluations, functions, Walter Schempp Bruce C. Berndt and Padmini T. Joshi 8 Ordered fields and real algebraic 24 Central extensions. Galois groups, geometry, D. W. Dubois and and ideal class groups of number T. Recio, Editors fields. A. Frohlich 9 Papers in algebra. analysis and 25 Value distribution theory and its statistics. R. lidl, Editor applications, Chung-Chun Yang, 10 Operator algebras and K-theory, Editor Ronald G. Douglas and Claude 26 Conference in modern analysis Schochet. Editors and probability, Richard Beals, 11 Plane ellipticity and related Anatole Beck, Alexandra Bellow,. and problems, Robert P. Gilbert, Editor Arshag Hajian. Editors 12 Symposium on algebraic topology In 27 Microlocal analysis, M. Salah honor of Jos~ Adem, Samuel Gitler. Baouendi, Richard Beals. and Editor linda Preiss Rothschild, Editors 13 Algebraists' homage: Papers in 28 Fluids and plasmas: geometry and ring theory and related topics. dynamics, Jerrold E. Marsden, Editor S. A. Amitsur, D. J. Saltman. and 29 Automated theorem proving. G. B. Seligman, Editors W. W. Bledsoe and Donald Loveland, 14 Lectures on Nielsen fixed point Editors theory. Boju Jiang 30 Mathematical applications of 15 Advanced analytic number theory. category theory, J. W. Gray, Editor Part 1: Ramification theoretic 31 Axiomatic set theory, James E. methods. Carlos J. Moreno Baumgartner. Oonald A. Martin, and 16 Complex representations of Saharon Shelah, Editors GL(2. K) for finite fields K. 32 Proceedings of the conference llya Piatetski-Shapiro on Banach algebras and several 17 Nonlinear partial differential complex variables, F. Greenleaf and equations. Joel A. Smoller. Editor D. Gulick. Editors Titles in This Series

Volume 33 Contributions to group theory, 50 Random matrices and their Kenneth I. Appel, John G. Ratcliffe, applications, Joel E. Cohen, Harry and Paul E. Schupp, Editors Kesten, and Charles M. Newman, 34 Combinatorics and algebra, Editors Curtis Greene, Editor 51 Nonlinear problems in geometry, 35 Four-manifold theory, Cameron Dennis M. DeTurck, Editor Gordon and Robion Kirby, Editors 52 Geometry of normed linear 36 Group actions on manifolds, spaces, R. G. Bartle, N. T. Peck, Reinhard Schultz, Editor A. L. Peressini, and J. J. Uhl, Editors 37 Conference on algebraic topology 53 The Selberg trace formula and in honor of Peter Hilton, related topics, Dennis A. Hejhal, Renzo Piccinini and Denis Sjerve. Peter Sarnak, and Audrey Anne Terras, Editors Editors 54 Differential analysis and 38 Topics in complex analysis, infinite dimensional spaces, Dorothy Browne Shaffer. Editor Kondagunta Sundaresan and 39 Errett Bishop: Reflections Srinivasa Swaminathan, Editors on him and his research, 55 Applications of algebraic K-theory Murray Rosenblatt, Editor to algebraic geometry and 40 Integral bases for affine Lie algebras number theory, Spencer J. Bloch, and their universal enveloping R. Keith Dennis, Eric M. Friedlander, algebras, David Mitzman and Michael R. Stein, Editors 41 Particle systems, random 56 Multiparameter bifurcation theory, media and large deviations, Martin Golubitsky and John Richard Durrett, Editor Guckenheimer, Editors 42 Classical real analysis, Daniel 57 Combinatorics and ordered sets, Waterman. Editor Ivan Rival, Editor 43 Group actions on rings, Susan 58.1 The Lefschetz centennial Montgomery, Editor conference. Part 1: Proceedings 44 Combinatorial methods in on algebraic geometry, topology and algebraic geometry, D. Sundararaman, Editor John R. Harper and Richard 58.11 The Lefschetz centennial Mandelbaum. Editors conference. Part II: Proceedings on 45 Finite groups-coming of age, algebraic topology, S. Gitler, Editor John McKay, Editor 58.111 The Lefschetz centennial 46 Structure of the standard modules conference. Part Ill: Proceedings for the affine Lie algebra A~ 1 ), on differential equations, James Lepowsky and Mirko Prime A. Verjovsky, Editor 47 Linear algebra and its role in 59 Function estimates, J. S. Marron, systems theory, Richard A. Brualdi. Editor David H. Carlson, Biswa Nath Datta, 60 Nonstrictly hyperbolic conservation Charles R. Johnson. and Robert J. laws, Barbara Lee Keyfitz and Plemmons, Editors Herbert C. Kranzer, Editors 48 Analytic functions of one complex 61 Residues and traces of differential variable, Chung-chun Yang and forms via Hochschild homology, Chi-tai Chuang, Editors Joseph Lipman 49 Complex differential geometry and 62 Operator algebras and mathematical nonlinear differential equations, physics, Palle E. T. Jorgensen and Yum- Tong Siu, Editor Paul S. Muhly, Editors Titles in This Series

Volume 63 Integral geometry, Robert L. Bryant. 75 The finite calculus associated Victor Guillemin, Sigurdur Helgason, with Bessel functions, Frank M. and R. 0. Wells, Jr., Editors Cholewinski 64 The legacy of Sonya Kovalevskaya. 76 The structure of finite algebras, Linda Keen, Editor David C. Hobby and Ralph Mckenzie 65 logic and combinatorics, 77 Number theory and its applications Stephen G. Simpson, Editor in China, Wang Yuan. Yang 66 Free group rings, Narian Gupta Chung-chun. and Pan Chengbiao, Editors 67 Current trends in arithmetical algebraic geometry, Kenneth A. 78 Braids, Joan S. Birman and Anatoly Ribet. Editor Libgober. Editors 68 Differential geometry: The 79 Regular differential forms, interface between pure and applied Ernst Kunz and Rolf Waldi mathematics, Mladen Luksic. 80 Statistical inference from stochastic Clyde Martin, and William Shadwick. processes, N. U. Prabhu. Editor Editors 81 Hamiltonian dynamical systems, 69 Methods and applications of Kenneth R. Meyer and Donald G. mathematical logic, Walter A. Saari, Editors Carnielli and Luiz Paulo de Alcantara. 82 Classical groups and related topics, Editors Alexander J. Hahn, Donald G. James. 70 Index theory of elliptic operators, and Zhe-xian Wan, Editors foliations, and operator algebras, 83 Algebraic K-theory and algebraic Jerome Kaminker, Kenneth C. Millett, number theory, Michael R. Stein and and Claude Schochet, Editors R. Keith Dennis, Editors 71 Mathematics and general relativity, 84 Partition problems in topology, James A. Isenberg, Editor Stevo Todorcevic 72 Fixed point theory and its 85 theory, Bor-Luh Lin, applications, R. F. Brown, Editor Editor 73 Geometry of random motion, 86 and number Rick Durrett and Mark A. Pinsky, theory in connection with the Editors local langlands conjecture, 74 Geometry of group representations, J. Ritter, Editor William M. Goldman and Andy R. Magid, Editors Representation Theory and Number Theory in Connection with the Local Langlands Conjecture CoNTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS


Representation Theory and Number Theory in Connection with the Local Langlands Conjecture

Proceedings of a Conference held December 8-14, 1985 with support from Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, Bayerisches Staatsministerium fOr Unterricht und Kultus, and Gesellschaft der Freunde der Universitat Augsburg

J. Ritter Editor

American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island EDITORIAL BOARD

Irwin Kra, managing editor M. Salah Baouendi Jonathan Goodman Daniel M. Burns Gerald J. Janusz David Eisenbud Jan Mycielski

The Conference on Representation Theory and Number Theory in Connection with the Local Lang- lands Conjecture was held at the University of Augsburg, Augsburg, West on December 8-14, 1985 with support from Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, Bayerisches Staatsministerium tOr Unter- richt und Kultus, and Gesellschaft der Freunde der Universitat Augsburg.

1980 Mathematics Subject Classification ( 1985 Revision). Primary 11 S37, 11 840, 11 845, 20025, 22E50.

Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data Representation theory and number theory in connection with the local langlands conjecture: proceedings of a conference held December 8-14, 1985/with support from Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, Bayerisches Staatsministerium fOr Unterricht und Kultus, and Gesellschaft der Freunde der UniversitatfJ. Ritter, editor. p. cm.-(Contemporary mathematics, ISSN 0271-4132; v. 86) Papers from the Conference on Representation Theory and Number Theory in Connection with the Local Langlands Conjecture, held at the University of Augsburg, Augsburg, West Germany. Bibliography: p. ISBN 0-8218-5093-8 (alk. paper) 1. Algebraic number theory-Congresses. 2. Representations of groups-Congresses. I. Ritter, J. (JOrgen), 1943-. II. Conference on Representation Theory and Number Theory in Connection with the Local Langlands Conjecture (1985: University of Augsburg). Ill. Series. QA241.R44 1989 88-39030 5121.74-dc 19 CIP

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Copyright @1989 by the American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. The American Mathematical Society retains all rights except those granted to the United States Government Printed in the United States of America. The paper used in this book is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensure permanence and durability. €9 10 9 8 7 6 54 3 2 97 96 95 94 93 92 CONTENTS

Preface xi

Participants xiii

E. Becker, B. Killshammer: "The irreducible representation of the multiplicative group of a tame division algebra over a local field (following H. Koch and E.-W. Zink)." 1

J. Rohlfs: "Sequences of Eisenstein polynomials and arithmetic in local division algebras." 37

H. Jarden: "Koch •s classification of the primitive re- presentations of a Galois group of a local field." 51

H. Lorenz: "On the numerical local Langlands conjecture." 57

H. Opalka: "Ramification of Weil representations of 65 local Galois groups."

W. Willeu: "Representations of certain group extensions." 91

J. Brinkhuis: "Trace calulations." 101

G.R. Everest: "Root numbers - the tame case." 109

IC. Wingberg: "Representations of locally profinite groups." ll7

U. Jannsen: "The theorems of Bernstein and Zelevinskii." 127

S.H.J. Wilson: "Principal orders and congruence Ga~ sums." 139

J. Queyrut: "The functional equation £-factors" 159


M. Taylor: "Root numbers and the local Langlands con- jecture." 169

P. Kutzko: "On the exceptional representations of GLN." 177

L. Corwin: "Characters of representations of D 187 n

P. Sally,Jr.: "Matching and formal degrees for division algebras and GL over a p-adic field." 195 n

A. Frohlich: "Tame representations and base change." 207

C.J. Bushnell: "GauB sums and supercuspidal representations 215 of GL . " n

P. Gerardin, Wen-Ch 'ing Winnie Li: "Identiti~s on degree two 225 gamma factors."

A. May: "A conjecture on minimal K-types for GL 249 n over a p-adic field."

G. Henniart: "Preuve de la conjecture de Langlands locale numerique pour GL(n)."

References 261 PREFACE

The present volume reflects the contents of the talks given at the conference "Rep- resentation Theory and Number Theory in connection with the Local Langlands Conjec- ture" held at the University of Augsburg in December 1985*). The Langlands programme sums up those parts of mathematical research that belong to the representation theo- ry of reductive groups and to class field theory, the two topics being tied up by the vision that, roughly speaking, the irreducible representations of the general linear group may well serve as parameters for the description of all number fields. In the local situation, i.e. when the base field is a given p-adic field K and where we think of the extension theory of K being determined by the irreducible representations of the absolute Galois group GK of K , great progress has been achieved in establishing an arithmetic correspondence between the objects in ques- tion, that is, the supercuspidal representations of GL(n,K) or, equally well, the irreducible representations of the multiplicative group of a division algebra D that is central and of index n over K , and, on the other hand, those irreduc- ible representations of GK whose degrees divide n :

Howe-Corwin, Koch-Zink, and, with respect to the root numbers, Bushnell- Frohlich, have settled the so-called tame case, that is, when ptn • Henniart, Kutzko, and May have solved the case n = p • Deligne and Kazhdan have proved a matching theorem providing a one-to-one correspondence between the representation theory of GL(n,K) and Dx. Henniart, on the occasion of this conference, gave the proof of the numeri- cal Langlands conjecture.

Since no book or paper was available presenting the different methods used so far nor even collecting the results at our disposal, there seemed to be a need for a conference reflecting what has been done in this aerea. The programme of the confer- ence was divided into two parts:

(i) the representation theory of local division algebras and local Galois groups; the Langlands conjecture in the tame case (ii) new results - the case n = p ; the matching theorem; principal orders; tame Deligne representations; classification of representations of GL(n) ; the numerical Langlands conjecture.

*) The meeting was run by G. Michler (Essen) and the editor, it was made possible by the generous support of Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, of Bayerisches Staatsministerium fUr Unterricht und Kultus, and of Gesellschaft der Freunde der Universitat Augsburg; it took place in the Schwabenakademie Irsee near Augsburg.

xi xii PREFACE

The collection of talks in this volume gives a good account of what the state of affairs in the local Langlands programme is; we have only left out those talks which either were meant to merely provide concrete examples or the subject of which has by now appeared in the literature in detail, as for example the matching theo- rem in ] . Some of the conjectures stated in the talks have meanwhile been proved - we give the reference where the proof is going to be published.

J. Ritter, Augsburg, April 1987 List of participants

M. Lorenz, MPI E. Becker, Dortmund D. Manderscheid, Iowa J. Brinkhuis, Rotterdam J. Martinet, Bordeaux C.Bushnell, London B.H. Matzat, Karlsruhe J.W.S. Cassels, Cambridge L. McCulloh, Urbana Ph. Cassou-Nogues, Bordeaux/Harvard G. Michler, Essen L. Corwin, New Brunswick C. Moreno, New York G.-M. Cram, Augsburg A. Moy, Seattle C. Deninger, Regensburg J. Neukirch, Regensburg G. Everest, Norwich H. Opolka, Gottingen A. Frohlich, London J. Queyrut, Bordeaux P. Gerardin, Paris C. Riehm, Hamilton W.-D. Geyer, Erlangen J. Ritter, Augstiurg G. Henniart, Paris J. Rohlfs, Eichstiltt G. Hie, Aachen P. Sally, K. Hoechsmann, Vancouver/Augsburg Chicago Schertz, U. Jannsen, Regensburg R. Augsburg Taylor, Cambridge M. Jarden, Tel Aviv M. Willems, Mainz W. Jehne, Koln w. Wilson, Durham R. Knorr, Essen s. K. Wingberg, Regensburg W. Kohnen, Augsburg Wen-Ch'ing Winnie Li, Pennsylvania B. Killshammer, Dortmund

Ph. Kutzko, Iowa


[1] J. Arthur, L. Clozel: Exposes au Seminaire sur la formule des traces; I.A.S., Princeton, 1984. (2] E. Artin, J. Tate: Class field theory; Benjamin, Reading, Mass., 1974. [3] J. Bernstein, P. Deligne, D. Kazhdan, M.-F. Vigneras: Representations des algebres centrales simples p-adiques, in: Representations des Groupes Reductifs sur un Corps Local; Hermann, Paris, 1984, 33- 117. [4] I. N. Bern~tein, A. V. Zelevinskii: Representations of the group GL(n,F) where F is a local non-archimedean field; Russian Math. Surveys 31 (1976), 1-68 (transl. from Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 31, no. 3 (1976), 5-: 70). (5] I. N. Bern~tein, A. V. Zelevinskii: Induced representations of reductive p-adic groups I; Ann. Scient. ENS lQ (1977), 441 - 472. (6] A. Borel: Admissible representations of a semisimple group over a local field with vectors fixed under an Iwahori subgroup; Inv. Math. 35 (1976), 233 - 259. [7] R. Brauer: On primitive projective groups, in: Contributions to Algebra, ed. by H. Bass, P. J. Cassidy, J. Kovacic; Ac. Press, 1977, 63- 82. [8] J. Buhler: Icosahedral Galois representations; Lecture Notes in Mathematics 654, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1978. [9] C. J. Bushnell: Hereditary orders, Gauss sums and supercuspidal representa- tions of GLN ; J. fUr Reine und Angew. Math. (10] C. J. Bushnell: Oral communication to A. Moy. [11] C. J. Bushnell, A. Frohlich: Gauss sums and p-adic division algebras; Lecture Notes in Mathematics 987 Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1983. [12] C. J. Bushnell, A. Frohlich: Non-abelian congruence Gauss sums and p-adic simple algebras; Proc. London Math. Soc. (3), 50 (1985), 207- 264. [13] H. Carayol: Representation supercuspidal de GLn ; C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie A, 288 (1979), 17 - 20. (14] H. Carayol: Representations cuspidales du groupe lineaires; Ann. Sci. ENS 21 (1984), 191 - 225. (15] P. Cartier: Representations of p-adic groups: A survey; Proceedings of Sympo- sia in Pure Math. Vol.]l (1979), part 1, 111- 155. (16] L. Clozel: Exposes au cours Peccot; College de France, Paris, 1984. (17] L. Clozel: Manuscrit, 1985. (18] L. Corwin: Representations of division algebras over local fields; Advances in Math • .l] (1974), 259 - 267. [19] L. Corwin: Representations of division algebras over local fields II; Pacific Journ. Math. ~. ( 1982), 49 - 10. (20] L. Corwin, R. Howe: Computing Characters of Tamely Ramified Division Algebras; Pac. J. Math. 73 (1977), 461 - 477. [21] L. Corwin, A. Moy, P. J. Sally Jr.: Degrees and formal degrees for division algebras and GLn over a local field. To appear in Pacific J. Math.


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