94 . . [ KELLY'S

Webb Frederick Pace, 2 Greenhin - Clerk to the Gnardians &:. Assessment Committee, Edwd. Clerks, Byreh & Oox, 2 North terraee, High street Wadams, 41 Port street, Bengew6~li ' Borongh petty gesSions are held 1l.tl the Town ban the first Treasurer, George Hog-arth, 56 Bti.dge street, 'Evesham & third tuesday ih every m.onth at 11 R.m J Medical Officers & Pnblic Vaccinators, l'st district,Anthony , PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Herbert Martin, EV'esham; 2nd district, .AIlan Lan­ . kester Haynes, Evesham; 3rd district, Horace Eyre Cemetery, George Ellis Garrard, clerk to the Haynes, Evesham; 4th district, Ferdinand Beadles, burial board, 2 Bridge street Broadway; 5th district, Charles Edward Hobbes Cottage Hospital,Briar Close lane,.AIlan Lankester HayDes, L.R.C.P.Edin. Bidford Anthony Herbert Martin M.R.C.S.Eng. John Samuel Relieving & Vaccination Officers & Collectors to the Guar­ Sla.ter M.R.C.S.Eng.Horace Eyre HayneiJ M.R.C.S.Eng. dians, B+oadway district, Robert Russell Smith, Bret­ &; R. :a:. Gilpin hR.C.P.Lond. hon. medical officers; J. forton; Evesham district, Edward Harry "adams, 47 Bracher, hon. treasurer; C. Burlingham, hon. sec.; Port ~treet, Bengeworth Miss A. Pumphrey, matl'OIJ, Superintemient Registrar, Edward Wadams, 41 Port st. ; County Court held monthly at the ';fown han. His Honor deputy,' William Girvin, Little Hampton Robert Wood Ipgham RA. judge; Thomas Cox. re­ Registrar of Births &; Deaths, Broadway sub-district,Robt. gistrar; Francis Wyatt :Oyer, high bailiff; Edward Jas. Russell Smith, ; deputy, John Rouse, Bret­ Stephens, clerk; office, 62 Bridge st. Solomon Richard­ fort{)n; Evesham sub-district, Edward Harry Wadams, son,s Wurkman's row, bailiff. The following is a list of 47 Port street, Bengeworth;. deputy, George Ernest places within the jurisdiction of the court :-Abbot's Nind, Swan terrace, Evesham Lench, Aldington, All Saints' (Evesham), Ashton-under­ Reg-istrar of Marriages for the Union, Edward Harry Hill (Gloucei>ter), , Aston-sub-Edge Wadams, 47 Port street, Bengeworth; de~JUty, George (Gloucester), , Bengeworth (Evesham), Black­ Ernest Nind, Swan terrace, Evesham minster, Bretforton,Broad Marston (Gloucester), Broad­ The Workhouse, at Little Hampton, on tll.~ eastern bank way, Childs Wickham (Gloucester), Church Honey­ of tfue Avon, is a brick building-, erected in 1837 at a bourne, , , Cow (Gloucester), Hampton, , Hinton-on-the­ cost of £2,395, &:. will hold 130 inm.ates: the Infirmary, a detached brick building in the Tear of the main block, Green (Gloucester), Littleton North, Littleton Middle, Littleton South, Lenchwick, Norton, , Peb­ erected in the year 1870, at a cost of £1,200, has 25 beds, with nurses' & surgeons' rooms: the detached worth (Gloucester), Radford, Rouse Lench, St. Law­ building, formerly used as a hospital for infectious rence (Evesham), Saintbury (Gloucester), , diseases, is now used for general purposes, all infectious Weston-sub-Edge (Gloucester), , Wil­ cases being sent to the Sanatorium at Bengeworth: in lersley (Gloucester) 1879-80 a. detached chapel was built for the use of the For Bankruptcy purposeS, this court is included in that inmates; it is in plan a simple parallelogram in the of Worcester, Luke JeSlson Sharp, Whitehall chambers, Early Decorated style, with an entrance at the west 20 Colmore row, Binningham, official receiver; Charles end: the east window & four chancel windows are Woollett & E. Cox, 45 Copenhagen street, Worcester, stained: the building was consecrated July 16th, 1880: assistant official receivers Rev. Charles Arthur Baker B.A. rector of Hinton, has County Police Station, High street; Supt. William Cope; been chaplain since 1880; Anthony Herbed Martin, Sergt. Joseph Henry Yarnold, & 5 constables medical .officer; William Girvin, master; Elizabeth Evesham Cemetery, Hampton, Geo. Lavender Eades, SI Merstowe green, clerk to the burial board; Jas. Grove, Girvin, matron curator & registrar School Attendance Com.m.ittee. Evesham Corporation Voluntary Fire Brigade, James Huband, captain; Howard White, lieut. & 10 firemen; Clerk, Edward Wadams, 41 Port street, Bengeworth engine house, Vine street, William Cope, supt. of pOlice, Attendance Officers, Edward HarrY' WadamSi, 47 Port st. hon. sec.; reorganised in 1895 Bengeworth; Robert Russell Smith, Bretforton

Evesham Institutef Market place, Henry Smith, seC' Evesham Joint Hospital Board, George Hunt esq. chair­ Evesham Rural District Council. . man; Thomas O:!x, clerk, 2 N