MONDAY, 21, 2021 – 8:00 P.M.

With Skokie and the entire State of Illinois now in Phase 5 of the Restore Illinois plan and the lifting of restrictions on in-person gatherings, beginning on Monday, June 21, 2021, Skokie Village Board meetings will return to in-person in the Council Chambers at Skokie Village Hall, 5127 Oakton Street. Village Board meetings begin at 8 p.m. and will continue to be broadcast live on the Village’s YouTube channel as well as on SkokieVision cable television channels 17 (Comcast) and 25 (RCN). Meetings also are re-broadcast on the cable channels in the weeks following each meeting, and the videos are archived on the Village’s YouTube channel.

In keeping with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and the Illinois Department of Public Health, members of the public who wish to attend the meeting should be prepared to practice social distancing, and masks should be worn by any individuals who are not fully vaccinated.

Public comments still be submitted to [email protected]; comments received by 4:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting will be provided to the Village Board in advance of the meeting and will not be read aloud. Public comments also can be mailed or hand-delivered to Skokie Village Hall, 5127 Oakton Street, Skokie, Illinois, 60077, Attention: Village Manager’s Office or placed in the exterior drop box on the west side of Skokie Village Hall. Each Village Board meeting agenda includes time for public comments, and individuals wishing to speak on an issue will be allocated three minutes to address the Village Board.

1. Pledge of Allegiance led by Village Clerk Pramod C. Shah.

2. Call meeting to order and roll call.

3. Approve Consent Agenda.

* 4. Approve, as submitted, minutes of regular meeting held Monday, , 2021.

* 5. Approve Voucher List #3-FY22 of June 21, 2021.

6. Proclamations and Resolutions.

7. Recognition, Awards and Honorary Presentations.

8. Appointments, Reappointments and Resignations. A. Swearing in of the following personnel by Willard Evans, Jr., Chair of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners: Name Old Position New Position Ed (Will) Zahn Police Officer Police Sergeant

* B. Appointment Zoning Board of Appeals: Vijai Gupta

* C. Reappointments Sustainable Environmental Advisory Commission: Christopher Buccola, Andrew DeCanniere, Michael Gershbein, Lisa Gotkin, Olivia Mahoney, Emily Okallau, Robert Render and Charles Saxe as Commissioners; Jim McNelis as Vice Chair and Jennifer Grossman as Chair

589044v1 * D. Resignation Sustainable Environmental Advisory Commission: Vijai Gupta

9. Presentations and Reports.

10. Report of the Village Manager. A. Adoption of the FY2022 Budget, Water Rate and Refuse Fee. B. Chicago’s North Shore Convention & Visitors Bureau Agreement.

11. Report of the Corporation Counsel. FIRST READING: A. An ordinance amending Chapter 2, Article II, Sections 2-38 and 2-42, of the Skokie Village Code pertaining to the conducting of and attendance at public meetings via video and telephone conferencing. This item is on the agenda for first reading and will be on the 6, 2021 agenda for second reading and adoption.

12. Unfinished Business.

13. New Business.

14. Plan Commission.

15. Public Comment. (See information at top of page 1)

16. Adjournment.

______Items marked with an asterisk (*) indicate they are part of the Consent Agenda that contains routine items or items which have already been discussed by the Mayor and Board at a previous public meeting and require a second reading. Items on the Consent Agenda are passed in one vote at the beginning of the Board Meeting. Prior to the vote on the Consent Agenda, the Mayor will inquire if there is any matter which anyone wishes to remove from the Consent Agenda. If there is an item on the Consent Agenda which you wish to address, please inform the Mayor at that time you wish to remove it from the Consent Agenda.





1 WHEREAS, on , 2002, the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie 2 authorized an agreement for the Village of Skokie (hereinafter “Skokie”) to become a member of 3 the Chicago’s North Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau (hereinafter “CNSCVB”); and

4 WHEREAS, on , 2002, the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie 5 passed Village Ordinance Number 02-5-C-3079 increasing the tax on hotel and motel gross 6 receipts to fund participation in the CNSCVB; and

7 WHEREAS, Skokie entered into agreements with the CNSCVB, effective July 1, 2002, 8 July 1, 2005, July 1, 2008, July 1, 2011, July 1, 2015 and July 1, 2018. Skokie, together with 9 other municipalities, the North Shore Center for the Performing Arts in Skokie, Westfield Old 10 Orchard, the Skokie Chamber of Commerce, Skokie hotels and other Skokie businesses, has 11 participated in the CNSCVB as a means of increasing economic activity in the Village of Skokie; 12 and

13 WHEREAS, Skokie is a home rule municipality as provided in Article VII, Section 6, of the 14 Constitution of the State of Illinois and is acting under the authority granted to home rule 15 municipalities; and

16 WHEREAS, the Illinois Promotion Act, 20 ILCS 665/1, et seq., provides in 20 ILCS 665/13 17 that the corporate authorities of municipalities may promote the advantages of the area for tourism, 18 development and other activities and programs designed to stimulate employment, appropriate 19 funds, accept gifts and grants, and join with other municipalities, counties, and local promotion 20 groups for promotional activities and programs; and

21 WHEREAS, the Village Manager recommended to the Mayor and Board of Trustees that the 22 Village continue its membership in the CNSCVB and enter into a new one (1) year Agreement with 23 CNSCVB, to be effective on July 1, 2021, substantially in the form and substance of the copy 24 attached hereto and marked Exhibit “1”, subject to changes approved by the Village Manager or 25 designee and the Corporation Counsel of the Village of Skokie; and

26 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village 27 of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois that the one (1) year Agreement with the CNSCVB for membership 28 in the CNSCVB, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit “1”, or subject to changes 29 approved by the Corporation Counsel and Village Manager or designee, be and the same is hereby 30 approved.

31 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie, 32 Cook County, Illinois that the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the one (1) year Agreement 33 with the CNSCVB for membership in the CNSCVB, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked

Page 1 of 6 VOSDOCS-#589148 Resolution, Approving Agreement, Chicago's North Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau, 2021-2022 1 Exhibit “1”, subject to changes approved by the Corporation Counsel and Village Manager or 2 designee. 3 4 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie 5 hereby designate the Assistant Village Manager, Nicholas Wyatt, and the Marketing and 6 Communications Director, Ann E. Tennes, to serve as the Village of Skokie’s representatives on the 7 Board of Directors of the CNSCVB and designate either or both of them to represent the Village of 8 Skokie on the CNSCVB Executive Committee. The appointments in this paragraph are all for terms 9 expiring on , 2022 or until a successor is appointed to the position. PASSED this day of June, 2021.

Ayes: ______Village Clerk Nays: Absent: Approved by me this day of Attest: June, 2021.

Village Clerk Mayor, Village of Skokie

Page 2 of 6 VOSDOCS-#589148 Resolution, Approving Agreement, Chicago's North Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau, 2021-2022 Exhibit 1

1 2 AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF SKOKIE AND 3 CHICAGO’S NORTH SHORE CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU 4 5 6 THIS AGREEMENT made this 1st day of July 2021, between the Village of Skokie, an 7 Illinois municipal corporation (hereinafter “Skokie”) and Chicago’s North Shore Convention 8 and Visitors Bureau (hereinafter “Bureau”), an Illinois not-for-profit corporation that promotes 9 tourism in the north suburban Chicago area; and 10 11 WHEREAS, Skokie supported the creation of the Bureau in 2002, and continues to 12 support its efforts to promote tourism and conventions in the north suburban Chicago area; 13 and 14 15 WHEREAS, in recognition of the benefits of a convention and visitors bureau, Skokie 16 elects to utilize a portion of the tax revenue generated by the tax levied on the renting of 17 rooms by hotels and motels in Skokie to support the functions and activities of the Bureau; 18 and 19 20 WHEREAS, the Bureau is organized for the purpose of promoting the travel and 21 tourism industries of Evanston, Glencoe, Glenview, Northbrook, Prospect Heights, Skokie, 22 Wheeling and Winnetka and is responsible for new business development throughout the 23 area, including the conduct of marketing efforts to promote the area as a visitor destination; 24 and 25 26 WHEREAS, Skokie and the Bureau are desirous of entering into an agreement for the 27 purpose of establishing the rights, responsibilities and obligation of the parties; 28 29 NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto, in consideration of the mutual promises 30 contained herein, do hereby agree to the following terms and conditions: 31 32 1. The above stated recitals are restated and incorporated herein as if stated in 33 full. 34 35 2. Skokie will continue to designate the Bureau as its convention and visitors 36 bureau of record with the Illinois Bureau of Tourism during the term of this 37 Agreement. It is expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto, that 38 Skokie shall be a member of the Bureau, in return for the payment of the 39 contributions set forth in paragraph 3. 40 41 3. Skokie adopted an ordinance on May 6, 2002, pursuant to Article 8 of the Illinois 42 Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/8-3-14 (2002), increasing its base hotel-motel tax 43 from 3 to 3-1/2% of gross rental or lease charges, the collection of which shall 44 continue upon the execution by the parties of this Agreement.

45 4. Notwithstanding paragraph 2 above, the annual contribution by Skokie to the 46 Bureau’s budget for the Bureau’s FY2022 shall be $62,364.

Page 3 of 6 VOSDOCS-#589148 Resolution, Approving Agreement, Chicago's North Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau, 2021-2022 1 2 5. The parties do further agree that Skokie shall not responsible for the payment of 3 any additional membership fees or charges to the Bureau, except for the 4 provisions set forth herein. 5 6 6. Skokie shall be entitled to appropriate inclusion with other municipalities that are 7 members of the Bureau in advertisements, promotional materials and 8 presentations developed by the Bureau at no additional charge. 9 10 7. Governance: 11 12 A. A Board of Directors shall govern the affairs and operations of the Bureau. 13 The composition of the Board of Directors shall be as follows: 14 Municipal Support Municipal Appts. Business Appts. Total Appts. Over $100,000 2 7 9 Between $60,000 - $99,999 1 4 5 Between $25,000 - $59,999 1 1 2 15 16 B. Two at-large members will be appointed by the Board according to the 17 terms established by the Board for at-large members. 18 19 C. Municipal members without hotels that contribute less than $25,000 can be 20 given one Board seat at the discretion of the Board of Directors. 21 22 D. The governmental members of the Board of Directors shall continue to be 23 appointed by respective Mayors or Village Presidents of each participating 24 municipality. The Board of Directors shall appoint the business members. 25 26 E. The Executive Committee shall continue to implement the policies of the 27 Board. One of the two Skokie governmental appointments shall serve on 28 the Executive Committee. If one of Skokie’s governmental appointments 29 serves as an officer, the second governmental appointment may also serve 30 on the Executive Committee at the Village’s sole discretion. This 31 appointment will be made in tandem with the annual nominating committee 32 process. 33 34 8. The Bureau expressly agrees to utilize the funds provided by Skokie only for 35 those purposes permitted by the applicable laws. 36 37 9. The Bureau is a legal entity separate and apart from Skokie and is not an agent 38 or a contractor of Skokie. The Bureau is solely responsible for its debts and 39 obligations and is responsible for the payment of all taxes, including but not 40 limited to payroll taxes, and all other obligations in relation to its employees or 41 operations. 42 43 10. The Bureau agrees to indemnify and hold Skokie harmless from any and all 44 claims, damages, lawsuits or obligations that may arise from or in connection

Page 4 of 6 VOSDOCS-#589148 Resolution, Approving Agreement, Chicago's North Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau, 2021-2022 1 with the conduct or activities of the Bureau or the Bureau’s officers, employees, 2 agents or contractors. 3 4 11. The Bureau shall have the sole right to determine the appropriate use of the 5 revenues provided by Skokie, provided, however, all revenues shall be used in 6 compliance with applicable law and the Bureau’s by-laws. 7 8 12. At any time, Skokie reserves the right to review agreements for any and all other 9 municipal members, regardless of the date the municipal member joins the 10 Bureau. Should any of the agreement terms be more favorable than those 11 afforded to Skokie in this Agreement, Skokie reserves the right, at its sole 12 discretion, to incorporate those terms into this Agreement. The effective date of 13 said terms will be at Skokie’s full discretion and may be retroactive to the date 14 the terms became effective for the other municipal member. 15 16 13. The Bureau will deliver to Skokie certified copies of its annual audit within sixty 17 (60) days of receipt by the Bureau. 18 19 14. The Bureau shall be responsible for a full and complete accounting of all 20 revenues contributed by Skokie and shall provide an accounting for all purposes 21 for which the said revenues were expended. 22 23 15. The Bureau does further expressly agree to provide Skokie copies of the annual 24 budget, program proposals, and goals and objectives for the coming year, prior 25 to the commencement of the Bureau’s fiscal year. 26 27 16. The Bureau will further report annually to Skokie, within ninety (90) days of the 28 end of the Bureau’s fiscal year, on the activities of the Bureau for the year and 29 the results of those activities in relation to the objectives and goals of the 30 Bureau. 31 32 17. Neither this Agreement, nor any interest or right of any of the parties hereto, 33 may be assigned, pledged or transferred in any manner without the prior 34 express written consent of the parties hereto. The Bureau may not delegate any 35 of its duties to a third party without the consent of Skokie. 36 37 18. The term of this Agreement is one (1) year commencing on July 1, 2021. Either 38 party may terminate this Agreement at any time, without cause, with sixty (60) 39 days prior written notice, as directed by formal action of the Board of Trustees of 40 the Village of Skokie, or by the formal action of the Board of Directors of the 41 Bureau, and by written notification to the other. Skokie’s membership in the 42 Bureau shall cease upon receipt of the termination notice by either party. 43 44 20. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to benefit the parties hereto, 45 and their respective successors and assigns. 46 47 48

Page 5 of 6 VOSDOCS-#589148 Resolution, Approving Agreement, Chicago's North Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau, 2021-2022 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed by the respective 2 parties hereto through their duly authorized officers, on the day and year first above written. 3

Village of Skokie Chicago’s North Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau

By ______By ______

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A MML: 6/21/21 1st Reading *7/6/21



1 WHEREAS, on 16, 2020, in order to promote social distancing as required in 2 response to the COVID-19 health emergency, Governor Pritzker signed Executive Order 3 No. 2020-07, (hereinafter “Order”) which in part allowed local governments and public 4 bodies relief from the Open Meetings Act requirements relating to in-person attendance at 5 public meetings and permitted elected officials to attend a public meeting electronically, by 6 either telephone or video or audio conferencing and to record their vote on properly noticed 7 action items; and 8 9 WHEREAS, the Order also allowed public bodies to conduct meetings 10 electronically, by either telephone or video or audio conferencing, without having to comply 11 with the physical quorum requirement or any limitations on board members’ electronic 12 participation for the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation, issued on or about 13 , 2020 by Governor Pritzker; and 14 15 WHEREAS, to comply with the nationally recognized practice of social distancing 16 during the COVID-19 emergency, the Mayor and Board of Trustees, upon the 17 recommendation of the Village of Skokie (hereinafter “Skokie”) Village Manager, Corporation 18 Counsel and Director of the Skokie Health Department, determined that all Skokie meetings, 19 including that of the Village Board, be held electronically, by either telephone or video or 20 audio conferencing and this was the practice for over 14 months; and 21 22 WHEREAS, in order to keep the public informed and engaged in Skokie governance, 23 for many years electronic meetings have been livestreamed to the public during real time and 24 also made available to the public on Skokie’s website subsequent to the meeting; and 25 26 WHEREAS, in order to allow public participation in the Skokie meetings during the 27 COVID-19 emergency and at the same time achieve the critical practice of social distancing 28 as required by the Village Public Health Department and Center for Disease Control’s 29 (hereinafter “CDC”), written comments or questions regarding any item on the published 30 agenda or presented as a public comment could be submitted in writing or by email and were 31 read at the meeting; and

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1 WHEREAS, at a special public meeting held on , 2020, the Village Manager 2 and the Corporation Counsel recommended to the Mayor and Board of Trustees that Chapter 3 2, Article II, Section 2-38 and 2-42 of the Village Code be temporarily suspended to avoid 4 what the CDC defined as dangerous in-person gatherings consistent with Governor Pritzker’s 5 Order; and

6 WHEREAS, for the fourteen months of the COVID emergency the Skokie Board 7 functioned effectively and clearly with Skokie residents, using remote electronic means to 8 conduct the business of this great Village and directed the affairs of the municipality without 9 problems or delays electronically, by either telephone or video or audio conferencing; and

10 WHEREAS, Skokie has a preference to hold its Board meetings with its elected 11 officials gathered in-person for public discourse and to record their votes but also recognizes 12 that participation electronically, by either telephone or video or audio conferencing has been 13 demonstrated to be valuable, reliable and sustainable method for elected officials to 14 participate in Skokie Board meetings and not in anyway violative of the Open Meetings Act; 15 and 16 17 WHEREAS, on , 2020, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law Public 18 Act 101-0640, making permanent changes to the Open Meetings Act to provide for elected 19 officials to participate electronically by either telephone or video or audio conferencing as 20 proven to be useful during COVID; and 21 22 WHEREAS, the temporary changes to the Skokie Code are due to expire with the 23 ending of Governor Pritzker’s Emergency Order, and the Code lacks relevant provisions to 24 adopt and implement Public Act 101-0640 for participation in Skokie meetings electronically, 25 by either telephone or video or audio conferencing; and 26 27 WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel and the Village Manager recommended to the 28 Mayor and Board of Trustees that Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2-38 and 2-42 of the Skokie 29 Village Code be amended to permanently provide for electronic participation in Village Board 30 meetings with several conditions; and

31 WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees at a public meeting duly held on June 32 21, 2021, concurred in the aforesaid recommendation of the Corporation Counsel and the 33 Village Manager; and

34 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the 35 Village of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois;

36 Section 1: That the portion of Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2-38 of the Skokie 37 Village Code highlighted below be and the same is hereby amended in the manner 38 hereinafter indicated. The new material is highlighted in bold and the material to be deleted 39 is highlighted and stricken through.


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1 …

2 Sec. 2-38. Quorum and majority vote.

3 (a) A quorum of the Mayor and Board of Trustees shall consist of a majority of the 4 entire Board of Trustees. Any 4 of the 7 members of the Board of Trustees shall 5 constitute a quorum. A quorum shall be necessary to transact the business of the 6 Board of Trustees. Except as described in paragraph (b) below, or where 7 Illinois State statute allowance has been made for suspension of this 8 requirement due to public health concerns as described in the Open 9 Meetings Act, Mmembers of the Board of Trustees shall only be considered in 10 attendance at a meeting if such member is physically present. Attendance by 11 electronic means at a meeting of the Board of Trustees is hereby prohibited.

12 (b) A majority vote of the Board of Trustees, unless otherwise stated, shall consist of 13 not less than 4 members. A majority vote shall be required to adopt any 14 ordinance or resolution or take affirmative action on any motion, the nature of 15 which is other than procedural.

16 (c) Attendance by a member or members of the Mayor and Board of Trustees 17 other than by physical presence is permissible if a quorum of the members 18 of the Village Board is physically present at the Village Board meeting and a 19 majority of the Mayor and Board of Trustees concur to allow a Trustee or the 20 Mayor to attend the meeting by other means if the Trustee or Mayor is 21 prevented from physically attending because of: (i) personal illness or 22 disability; (ii) employment purposes or the business of the public body; or 23 (iii) a family or other emergency. Attending by other means shall be 24 electronically by either telephone or video or audio conferencing or any 25 similar communications. If a Trustee or the Mayor seeks to attend a Village 26 Board meeting by other means, the Trustee or Mayor must notify the Mayor 27 and/or the Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting unless advance 28 notice is impractical. A vote to permit a Village Board member to attend 29 electronically pursuant to this Section may be taken at any Village Board 30 meeting prior to the anticipated meeting date which is the subject of the 31 request or at the beginning of that meeting. 32 …

33 Section 2: That Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2-42 of the Skokie Village Code be and 34 the same is hereby amended in the manner hereinafter indicated. The new material is 35 highlighted in bold and the material to be deleted is highlighted and stricken through.

36 …

37 Sec. 2-42. Meetings to be open to public.

38 All meetings of the Mayor and Board of Trustees shall be open to the public except 39 as provided by ordinance or statute., or in the event of a State of Illinois issued disaster 40 declaration relating to public health concerns if public attendance is not feasible due 41 to the disaster.

42 Section 3: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its 43 passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. 44

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ADOPTED this day of July, 2021.

Ayes: Nays: Village Clerk Absent:

Attested and filed in my office Approved by me this day of this day of July, 2021; July, 2021. and published in pamphlet form according to law from July , 2021 to July , 2021. Mayor, Village of Skokie

Village Clerk 1

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