Amanda Buys’ Spiritual Covering

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Isaac’s path to contend with Baal and restore the blessings 45 Gideon Contends With Baal 50


BAAL and Covenant: 53


Prophetic Message Through Chuck Pierce 63



Understanding the Search of Man trying to Reconnect with God through the Ages:

Plato gave his account of the lost land and introduced Atlantis to the Greek mind. In 1882 one of the most important books in the history of Atlantean research since Plato’s time was published: Atlantis: The Antedeluvian World was published by the US congressman Ignatius Donnelly.

Donnelly took up the mantle as “the father of Atlantology” in modern America. In his research, he concluded there was a large island in the Atlantic Ocean which was known to the ancient world as Atlantis. According to Donnelly:

 The description of Atlantis given by Plato is not a fable, but history.  Atlantis was the true sight of the Garden of Eden and all other mythical earthly paradises, and home to the first human civilization.  The gods and goddesses worshipped by the ancient Greeks, the Phoenicians, the Hindu’s and the Nordics were the kings, queens and heroes of Atlantis .  The children of Atlantis were the founders of Egypt, Mexico, America and Peru.  Egyptian and Peruvian are remnants of Atlantean sun worship .

He gave the Atlanteans credit for creating the Alphabet, medicine and nearly all the arts and sciences. There was no civilization that matched the beauty, elegance, sophistication or spiritual achievements of the island world.

Despite its very advanced science, Atlantis suffered a cataclysmic destruction in which the entire island sank with nearly all its inhabitants. However, a few lucky Atlanteans escaped in ships. These culture bearers spread throughout the world, telling the tale of their homeland that was like paradise. The leader of Atlantis was Atlas . He was the first -king and leader of the . Atlas we know was “the god who held the world upon his shoulders”.


The ancients would lift up their eyes to the heavenly bodies and suggested that earthly forms are copies of heavenly originals. From the heavens come the patterns and energies which rule human events.

Dualists have been trying throughout history to transform earth into heaven on earth. Then they studied the heavenly bodies like the sun, the moon, the stars and planets, deified them and worshipped them.

The word ‘ galaxy’ originated from the Greek word gala, which means mother’s milk. In numerous traditions, the four rivers of paradise (Eden, Thule or Tula) were characterized as four streams of milk from the four teats of the white, horned, milk-giving Moon Cow.

Egypt worshipped this Moon Cow as Hathors and depicted them as goddesses wearing two horns . Figures such as Isis were seen wearing the horns of Tula or Eden on their head.

HATHOR (Het-hert) Symbols: cow, lioness, falcon, cobra, hippopotamus, sistrum , musical instruments, drums, pregnant women, mirrors, cosmetics

The horned cow-goddess of love, she was also the of happiness , dance and music , and a protector of women. She is depicted as a cow , as a woman with the head of a cow, or as a woman with who wears the stylized cow-horns which hold in them the solar disk. Her symbols also included the papyrus reed, the snake and a rattle called a sistrum . Early in Egyptian mythology she was known has Horus ' mother (later Isis assumed this role). Proof of this is seen in her name, "Hathor" which means the "house of Horus ". As the mother of Horus, the queen of Egypt was identified with her. This is natural, as the queen was the mother of the Pharaoh, the living Horus. Isis was often shown with cow-horns like Hathor's on her head when the artist wanted to emphasize her role as the mother of Horus.

5 The ancient indigenous peoples

The ancient indigenous peoples of the world were carefully watching the paths of the Sun, Moon and stars, for these had not only a physical effect on them but also an emotional and spiritual influence.

By watching and communicating with these stars, the ancients believed they were honouring their ancestors.

The stars are the eyes of the deceased or the souls of the deceased.

Ancient Astronomical Tools

The first recorded calendar systems were based on simple sundials . A stick inserted in the ground would cast a shadow that moved with the Sun, reflecting its path and altitude.

Ancient people measured the length and recorded the direction of the shadow , comparing it to the shadows cast by the surrounding hills , mountains , rocks and trees . In fact, anything that protruded above sea or level ground created a shadow path they could follow.

Ancient astronomers used the horizon as the basis of their calculations. This line of contact between the earth, sea and sky created a circular profile of the world around them.

By repeatedly going to the same viewing point - whether it were a hill, rock or distant mountaintop - our ancestors could study the heavens and watch the Sun, Moon and stars rising and setting at different positions on the horizon throughout the course of the year. In this way they were able to connect the three points of reference required to plot an alignment (a straight line). The basic terms used in archaeo-astronomy for these three reference points are the fore-sight, rear-sight and the object , i.e. the Sun, Moon or star.

The Hopi Indians were masters of this science, and created their own horizon calendar to reflect these heavenly paths.

Discovering the Sun's position and path enabled ancient people to understand the cycles of the nature in the world that surrounded and supported them.

6 They became able to predict these cycles , knowing when rains would arrive, which conditions foretold floods and the patterns of winds, drought, heat, storms and cold.

They observed the migrating patterns of birds and animals , the growing, and flowering, fruiting and ebbing of plant life, and the movements of the ocean and understood that all these events were interconnected with the movements in the heavens.

This knowledge, they knew, was crucial to their survival, since they too were a part of these great heavenly cycles.

A basic understanding of the regular movements of the Sun, of the light and shadow it creates, has formed the foundation for all ancient calendar systems. However, each system is unique.

Some calendars formed the basis of mythological and cosmological belief systems, with stories that incorporated the heavenly cycles, Sun, Moon and stars, seasons and sacred dates.

Temples and shrines were established at key points all over the world to act as calendar reminders or marker stones , and to act as places of , ceremony and prayer .

These sites were always carefully selected by the priest, astronomer or .

Examples of such sites are - the Incan Temple of the Sun at Machu Picchu in the Peruvian Andes; - the Aztec and Mayan temples of Central America ; - the spiral and Solstice marker of the Native Indians at Chaco Canyon ; - the Hopi Indian horizon calendar; - Stonehenge and Avebury in England ; - the Great Pyramids of Egypt ;


- the temples of Babylon ; - the inscrutable statues of Easter Island ; - the countless Buddhist temples in Tibet ; - and the Mountain of the Sun in Japan .

Temples to the numerous Indian gods and goddesses were also carefully positioned, as were the places of worship of the Dogon people of North Africa . We all know how to tell the time from a sundial, by reading the shadow that pivots around the central gnomon and falls onto the circular dial.

Ancient sundials , which worked in a similar way, include - the bowl sundial of the ancient Greeks; - the pyramids of Egypt, with their internal passageways angled towards the of Orion; - and Stonehenge, with its great dolmens, which create a passage through which the light of sunrise and the stars passes at the Summer Solstice.

The ancient peoples who created these sacred stargazing and seasonal watchtowers all understood how the cycles of nature were interconnected with the greater cycles of the cosmos.

Each system may have been unique, but all paid homage to the indestructible link between all aspects of life . And so our ancestors built their temples to honour the power and forces of nature which united them all, weaving together their lives and the lives of their children with the great afterlife and rebirth into the next.

Sacred Landscapes

Sacred Mountains

Mountains have for centuries been scaled by people wanting to be in closer contact with the gods and the heavens. There is a literal logic to this because climbing a mountain brings one physically closer to the `gods' of the firmament - the Sun, Moon and stars.

Mountains around the world are home to some of humankind's most important sacred places - for example: - Japan's inscrutable Mount Fujiyama, - South Africa's Table Mountain, - Peru's Machu Picchu and - the Asian Himalayas, location of thousands of Buddhist temples.


And, according to Credo Mutwa, ancient people in southern Africa transported their sick to the top of mountains, where the air was purer and protected the ill against further infection and disease.

Within sacred texts throughout the ages, mountains have been portrayed as being holy places where heaven meets earth and where people can ascend to the `higher' realms and communicate with god.

Mountains were a symbol of eternity, purity, stability and ambition, a place where lived or manifested themselves, especially when their high peaks were covered by clouds.

Table Mountain was known to the Khoi as Hu-gais, meaning ‘veiled in clouds'. - received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai; - Christ ascended to Heaven from the Mount of Olives ; - in China the World Mountain, Kunlan, was a symbol of harmony and order and a dwelling place of immortals and of the Supreme Being; - Fujiyama in Japan is a sacred site of Shinto pilgrimage; - and Mount Tlaloc in Central Mexico was seen as a personification of the rain and fertility god.

Other sacred mountains include: - The Celtic White Mountain , - the Qaf of Islam and - Mount Meru , the Hindu World Mountain.

Mountains are often seen as being figuratively layered, representing stages of spiritual ascent . These stages of ascension are clearly seen in the stepped pyramids or ziggurats of Central America, Mesopotamia and Egypt.

According to Credo Mutwa, the tip of Africa is a sacred place where people first gained knowledge from god. We need to revisit the homes and pathways of these ancient beings to look for signs of their great spirit. We need to understand the honour and respect they held for the earth and sky.

Their monuments and temples have been fashioned from the rock they revered, built to honour their entire natural and spiritual world, while recording the path of the Sun and the light (life) and shadow (death) seen throughout the day. Their appreciation for their great protector, the nurturing mother earth, is clear.

They slept safely within her caves and rock shelters at night; they used her bountiful resources to gather their daily bread. And their appreciation for the Sun, the fire of life, is also evident.

The symbolic battle of the light and dark forces –

9 - of good and evil, - of the princes of light and princes of darkness, - of the yin and yang, - male and female – is a battle that rages still within us all as we search for a state of centeredness, of oneness with the world around us. For, like our forebears, we seek to better understand and “balance our light and dark sides.”

The Stairway to heaven: Exploring the geometry of step pyramids

The concept of slowly ascending the stairway to their god or the heavens is found in many religious texts. Pyramids or triangular shapes can be found in countless ancient temples and shrines around the world.

Many of them contain terraces and staircases .

For example, - the pyramids of Egypt contain chambers and passageways that are positioned to align with the stars of Orion; - the stepped outer walls of the ziggurat pyramids of and Babylon led to shrines perched on their summits; - similar steps scaled Central American temples such as the Pyramid of Kukulkan in the ancient Mayan city of Chitzen Itza where, on the day of the , the Sun creates a serpent that appears in shadow on the stone steps.

Over the centuries, the design of these holy shrines has fascinated humankind, and much has been written about their astronomical significance, their mathematically precise layout, and their strange magical properties .

All mountains may be seen to have a roughly step pyramidal structure, with the lower contours representing the lower steps and the higher contours the upper steps.

The steps you climb may not be regular; some may be steep and wide, others narrow and shallow; some may be approached from the east or west, and others from the north or south.

Rough and untouched by human hand, these natural steps lead from the lowest levels to the apex - the viewpoint from which all below is revealed.

10 The layout of the sacred mountain and stone shrines explored in southern Africa bears a striking resemblance to other ancient shrines globally.

Their geometry also conforms to the step pyramid - albeit in a less constructed, more natural form.

Geometrical marker stones and human rock profiles are carefully positioned on each pivotal corner and contour level, acting as guardians and sacred monuments placed to interact with and honour the heavenly movements of the Sun, Moon and stars and signify the spiritual steps of ascension.


Fertility cult roots go back to the early civilizations of man with fertility cults and the worship of the "Great Mother". Archaeological evidence points to the discovery of a number of " mother" figurines that have been excavated in cave dwellings throughout Europe and Asia.

These small female statues, typically carved in rock or bone, have exaggerated sexual features, no recognizable face, and some appear to be pregnant.

Nearly every ancient culture had some worship of the mystery of fertility and the rhythms of procreation, birth, and death . Most of these were handed down from generation to generation, in myth and story form as well as in song and ritual.

Not all of these fertility cults developed into full-fledged witchcraft, but many of them furnish the key elements of the current generational fertility cults.

Witchcraft is specifically forbidden by God as a detestable practice of the Canaanites that the Hebrew people were to reject. (Deuteronomy 18:9-14 ).

They did not reject the practice and the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel prophesied the coming destruction of their nation. They declared God's judgment on the Hebrew people and their leaders for their own practice of witchcraft

Fertility cult traditions are found in nearly every human culture from the ancient Egyptian, Indian, Sumerian, and Babylonian down to the present. Each tradition has its own pantheon of gods and goddesses with myths and stories about the conflicts between the deities for supremacy.

Ancient documents exist for some of these myths written in Hebrew, Greek, , and , most of which are available in English . Most of these traditions are preserved orally and taught in that form to each new generation.

The myths remain fluid and so can be adapted as necessary. A generational fertility cult circle will claim one or more of these traditions as being their own and assert that "their" line came pure and unadulterated from ancient times.

12 The reality appears to be that most of these groups have blended several of the ancient traditions, picking and choosing the deities to be worshipped from the various cultures. Basic Beliefs

The basis of fertility cults is the story of the eternal conflict between male and female for dominance, a story that has both a conflict between the gods and goddess and a conflict between human men and women.

Hatred of the opposing gender is assumed to be normal in relationship. Hatred of the opposite gender is indeed engendered. The dictum, "dominate or be dominated", assumes that every relationship between male and female is a battle for dominance .

The battle fought in the human arena is understood to influence the battle in the heavenly arena since the gods and goddess are perceived to be equal in power. Human efforts can swing the balance of power decisively in favor of one gender or the other.

At the heart of witchcraft is the worship of the mystery of fertility, specifically of the ability of the female to "give" life.

Included in that is all that is perceived to influence the female and her fertility, namely, the phases of the moon , the stars , " mother earth ", the gods , and primarily the " goddesses " who are perceived to be in control of everything, including the very creation of life itself.

The worship of "mother earth” is central to witchcraft since it is believed that everything came from her, is sustained by her, and will ultimately return to her.

(By "mother earth", generational fertility cults do not mean only the planet Earth, but also the vast “warehouse” of the souls of women and children who have endured unjust treatment by both men and the male deities.

These souls are perceived to be in the air surrounding the planet and the blood from their bodies is perceived to be covering the soil of the Earth crying aloud for justice to the female deities who will one day avenge their suffering and death.)

13 "Mother Earth" is to be appeased with human blood:  sacrificial - (“water mother earth with the blood she desires, the blood of male infants")  menstrual. (Menstrual blood is perceived by female witchcraft to be the "water that gives life.")

Since only the females can fulfill the second requirement themselves, the perception is that the female carries the "power" of witchcraft .

Male witches focus on that which "mother earth" needs to continue to be fertile, namely, water from "father sky", human blood and semen . Semen is perceived by male witchcraft to be "life giving water."

Sex and magic is the basis for all goddess-religions, including those of India, Egypt, Greece and pre-Christian Rome.

Also see Course 5 Advanced Training Lecture 4 The World of Arts, Drama and Music – Fertility Cults.


The Face of the Virgin:

She is the beautiful, erotic, sexual seductress, hunter of men and souls.

She dresses modestly or in white (like a virgin), or is totally promiscuous - only one side is hidden.

Aim: to seduce and kill, to suck dry financially using black magic to obtain her ends. She is the original 'gold digger’.

As a teenager she is the prostitute full of lust, who manipulates with her eyes and tears.

She surrounds herself with false Apostolic wolves, the hounds of hell who are controlled by the wolf goddess of Rome, Diana.

The dogs are sent out to hound, chase down, tire out and eventually capture and gnaw at those they take captive.

The Face of the Mother:

The older woman dressed in red, the “lady in Red ,” scarlet woman. Her festival is in Spring time. Through her harlotry she gets pregnant out of wedlock . She is a seductress, huntress and adulteress. She pretends to be loving and kind, protecting the baby but she is on the hunt.

She will abdicate her responsibilities at home because she cannot settle, she is on the hunt, prowling to seduce again.

15 As the 'many breasted one' she keeps men bewitched to her body and produces sexual compulsive disorders and orientation to the breasts – pornography.

She binds to her breast both her children and her husband so they cannot feed themselves.

She becomes the 'Ice queen' Queen of Winter, cold and frigid, cold blooded, emotionally callous, scheming and greedy, her lusts and demands never fulfilled.

She blows the hunting horn of war and marries the Frost King – king of Winter, so they make decisions and have children through frozen emotions.

The Face of the Grandmother the Crone:

This is the grandmother, the Hag, the Wise woman, the Crone. She is the Spirit of a Nun, the one of the religious order covered in black. She is very evil, the personification of Death, the gateway of Hades.

She is the necromancer, the one who whispers and mutters and calls up the spirits. She is full of craftiness, bitterness, rage and anger from her years of harlotry. Harlotry releases rage in the life of a person and rage out of control releases witchcraft. Out of the rage she uses conspiracy to kill, murder, mutilate and take revenge with evil intent.

She can manifest as a snapping dog, with snapping, biting words intended to wound deeply, because of the Spirit of Sodomy. She is false wisdom, false tongues, using the eyes of the owl and the nocturnal eyes of the dark.

She plots downfall of people and kings. She is Mother Time the Grim Reaper who comes to steal, kill and destroy at the time of the harvest.

She is the 'old woman,’ the harvested corn, the high level sorceress, drug mixer of poisons, medications and uses her cauldron to release her spells and toxic fumes.

The main focus of the worship of Diana is the womb, the fetus, then the baby for she wants the 'life.'

16 She is the guardian of the Altar of Molech who is her consort.

Her mandate is to kill all first born sons but also daughters. In bloodshed she joins with Molech and Death.

We can receive her mantle in the womb, passed through the DNA of our mothers or through impartation through the placenta at birth or as transference when we are children. She comes to claim each boy and girl.

She remains hidden and disguised in Freemasonry. She is the Rose of Death in Rosicrucianism.

She wears the gold cross of Rose Croix.


The Root of Baal Worship – Ham’s Rebellion towards God’s Delegated Authority – Noah: o God saved Noah's household because of Noah’s righteousness. o In God's plan Noah was the head of his household. God placed his family and the renewed earth under his authority. o One day Noah drinks wine, becomes drunk and is naked in his tent. o When Ham saw his father's nakedness he went out and told his brothers. o Ham did not see the value / purpose / seriousness of authority. Flesh loves to see authority exposed to shame so that it can be free from restrictions. o Ham saw the impropriety of his father, there was no sense of shame or sorrow. He also did not think of covering the matter. Instead he reacts with a spirit of rebellion . o Shem and Japheth go into the tent backward, they did turn their faces toward their father's shame and they covered him with a garment. o Noah's failure exposed Ham's rebellion, the test showed who was submissive and who was rebellious. o When Noah woke up from his drunkenness, he prophesied that the descendents of Ham would be cursed, that he would be a servant of servants to his brothers, i.e. the first slave in the was Ham. The phrase " shall be his servant" is used twice. Those who do not submit to authority will have to be slaves, being subject to authority. o Ham's descendents (those who rebel against authority) are made to be slaves for generation after generation. Ham’s generation brings forth the son Nimrod, such a rebel that he leads others to the sin of the tower of Babel. o We cannot serve God in a spirit of lawlessness. o Everyone who learns to serve the Lord must come face-to-face with authority.





18 Ham - exposes Noah's nakedness – he despises God's authority.

Nimrod comes from the bloodline of Ham - he rises up in direct rebellion against God!!

Nimrod builds the Tower of Babel and starts the worship of Baal - FERTILITY CULTS - WORSHIP OF THE SUN, MOON AND STARS.

19 In Babylon, Baal and Astarte worship was a fertility cult , and as we indicated earlier, Astarte was the goddess of the Sidonians that brought forth a Babylonian conception.

The symbol of this cult is the crescent moon and twelve stars above her head and paradoxically, as the goddess of virginity , also the symbol of the white dove .

The Cow and the

Cow and bull worship is the practice of fertility cults and harlotry . It encourages having a harem , and "not wanting to make covenant". This is Baal worship.

Freemasonry is worship of the Bull / Baal. The fertility cult at the very least is infidelity in the mind and in the thoughts , as well as in action . Baal is even using some devices for sexual perversion i.e. sex toys, etc.

In Genesis, Laban was the father of Rachel and Leah and a worshipper of the teraphim gods or idols of phallic worship that brought barrenness. In Genesis 30 the fertility cult is exposed by Leah taking her son’s mandrakes (love apples).

Genesis 30:14 “14 Now Reuben went at the time of wheat harvest and found some mandrakes (love apples) in the field and brought them to his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah, Give me, I pray you, some of your son’s mandrakes.”

We know that Rachel stole the teraphim gods from her father. Jacob, her husband, spoke a curse against the one who stole the teraphim gods not knowing it was Rachel.

She died giving birth to Benjamin. God is speaking to us very clearly from his Word to get rid of all forms of otherwise we will carry the consequences of our choices. God is calling us to burn up and destroy everything in our lives that belong to satan.

Acts 19:19 “19 And many of those who had practiced curious, magical arts collected their books and [throwing them, book after book, on the pile] burned them in the sight of everybody. When they counted the value of them, they found it amounted to 50,000 pieces of silver (about $9,300).”

20 Baal is Sun Worship and Moon Worship

Sun god (gold) Moon god (silver) - primarily male - primarily female

Osiris Isis Horns Astarte (bull's horns) Chemosh Asherah Molech Escalapus Diana Pluto Ishtar Jupiter Ashteroth

Deuteronomy 17:2, 3, 5 “2 If there is found among you within any of your towns which the Lord your God gives you a man or woman who does what is wicked in the sight of the Lord your God by transgressing His covenant, 3 Who has gone and served other gods and worshiped them, or the sun or moon or any of the host of the heavens, which I have forbidden , 5 Then you shall bring forth to your town’s gates that man or woman who has done that wicked thing and you shall stone that man or woman to death .”

The tragedy is that every nation and kingdom is bound by bull worship, sun and moon worship and worship of the phallic.

BAAL / Bull Worship comes with Horrific Consequences

The worship a spotted cow and the milk is used for communion.

Baal was the principal deity of the land. It was he who was in charge of the rain and the weather, and man's survival was dependent upon Baal's provision.

The cult of Baal celebrated annually his death and resurrection as a part of the Canaanite fertility rituals.

21 These ceremonies often included human sacrifice and temple prostitution. Baal means husband or lord. Unlike the Godly concept, he represents the totality of a broken covenant.

 He has cruel weapons such as:

- A lightning bolt

- horns to gore

- verbal cruelty,

- verbal intimidation,

- mental cruelty and

- mental torture.

Manifestations of the spirit of Baal: a) Nazi’s:

Hinduism and Buddhism are based on Baal bull worship.

Hitler visited India and Tibet, and was greatly influenced by and Buddhism.

He believed Germany was an "Aryan Race" - a race that was superior and a race that was pure. The Aryans were "nobles".

Hitler was declared the Hindu god Vishnu and preserver of purity of the Aryan race.

The symbol of Hitler's regime, the swastika goes back to the roots of Hinduism where the symbol is used on the threshold of doors in Hinduism. It represents also the destructive goddess Kali .


Jainism traces its roots to a succession of 24 Jinas (" those who overcome ", or conqueror) in ancient East India.

The cross represents the sun god or fire - Jainism.

The swastika still continues today to be an extensively used sign in Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism.

In Buddhism , a swastika represents resignation. In Jainism , it delineates their seventh saint, and the four arms are also used to remind the worshiper of the four possible places of rebirth; the animal or plant world, in Hell, on Earth, or in the spirit world.

To Hindus , the swastika with the arms bent to the left is called the sathio or sauvastika, which symbolizes night, magic, purity, and the destructive goddess Kali. In both Hinduism and Jainism, the swastika or sathio is used to mark the opening pages or their account books, thresholds, doors, and offerings.

The swastika was a symbol for the Aryan people, a name which, in Sanskrit means "noble".

Hitler’s Army:

The manifestation of the worship of the bull under the Hitler's army was cruelty, rape, humiliation and shame, taken into the concentration camps and murdered by the Baal warriors.

Mutilation and the genocide of a nation is the bigger picture of Baal that will rise with the Antichrist spirit.

Hitler also had a Secret Service of underground silence and secrecy. The lightening bolt of the false warrior will produce silence on the tongue.

When praying about being released from Baal worship through Nazism in your bloodline, remember to cut yourself free from the following:

• the spirit of Baal connected to Hitler. • the weapons of Baal and the lightning bolt of Baal. • the regalia of the black arm-bands of priest, king and death.

The Nazi spirit it must be broken off the church and its wicked belief of being a "pure Aryan race", when still bound by Baal. If you have Germanic roots or Indian roots, you have to deal with the Nazi spirit.

23 [See Prayers of Renunciations Ancient Roots and Religions for Hinduism, Buddhism, Nazism and Germanic Roots prayers] b) African people:

Shaka Zulu:

On the battlefield, he developed the now-famous "horns of the bull" formation (a two-pronged attack) to encircle his enemies.

Circumcision rituals:

The young men that all have to go through the circumcision ritual to be acknowledged as “a man” by their tribe and their culture, they go through a very rough ordeal.

The circumcision is done by the Sangoma appointed by the leaders of the tribe. The same knife is used on every young man and not sterilized at all. Straight after the cutting of the foreskin has taken place, the Sangoma will take a handful of cow dung and rub it onto the raw wound.

The Herero headdresses in Namibia:

The women from the Herero tribe go to great lengths to fold and shape the horns of a cow as a headdress which they proudly wear every day. This is part of the ancient roots of Africa coming from Egypt – the worship of Isis, the Moon cow goddess. c) Spain and Bull fighting

Bullfighting traces its roots to prehistoric bull worship and sacrifice . The killing of the sacred bull (tauromachy) is the essential central iconic act of Mithras , which was commemorated in the mithraeum wherever Roman soldiers were stationed.

Many of the oldest bullrings in Spain are located on the sites of, or adjacent to the locations of temples to Mithras .

24 Consequences for Worshipping Baal

Bull worship / phallic worship can take us into torment of the mind, sexual torment, obsessions, and tormenting burning lusts.

Baal, bull worship, in our family line takes us through open doors to homicide - suddenly, and without warning.

The god Baal (of war) and Queen of Heaven (of love) represented by Mars and Venus:

These two false gods represent the maximum degree of uncleanness, sexual immorality and OCCULT LUST.

In this fertility cult, fornication and adultery are encouraged and are even commanded while bi-sexuality, sodomy, lesbianism, harlotry, prostitution and transsexual activity and the duality of sexes are all part of the cult.

Devotees of this cult in Baal worship shaved off their hair, only leaving a crown on the top – (no whiskers or beard.)

The women involved in this wicked cult called themselves "Sacred" or "undefiled" women.

The sacrifice of chastity was commanded, and unnatural lusts were required.

[See: - Course 5, Lecture 4: The World of Arts, Drama and Music; - Harlotry – “Sacred Prostitution”; Available from Kanaan Ministries.]


God creates the world and universe and everything that is in it – the sun, moon, stars, trees, plants, etc.

He creates man to rule and to reign over everything that He has made on earth and gives His commandments to the people that He has created, one of them being that He is a jealous God and that He alone is to be worshipped.

Man constantly deviates from this path and instead chooses to worship the creation and not the Creator (Rom. 1).

Magic, Nature and Free Will:

We must attempt to grasp why it is that God gave man the ability to perform magic, and change the laws of nature which God Himself so desires. This situation is permitted in order to allow man the freedom to choose.

And just as the Almighty allows man to do all that he desires, so does God allow man to go against His will and change the decrees of nature via magic. God created both of these options.

Where is the line of separation drawn between the righteous who serve God and the wicked who worship foreign Gods?

The wicked exist above their god.

Gen. 41: And Pharaoh dreamed and, behold, he was standing above the Nile.”

But as for the righteous, their God exists above them, as it says: “And, behold, God was above him, and He said, I am God, the Lord of Abraham.

In other words, the wicked make use of their god for their own benefit, to gain what they need.

This is what is meant by “and behold he was standing above the Nile.” The righteous want to serve God lovingly for His sake, therefore, “And, behold, God was above him.”


1. God cleanses His with fire from Heaven:

Isaiah 6:5-7 “5 Then said I, Woe is me! For I am undone and ruined, because I am a man of unclean lips , and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts! 6 Then flew one of the seraphim [heavenly beings] to me, having a live coal in his hand which he had taken with tongs from off the altar; 7 And with it he touched my mouth and said, Behold, this has touched your lips; your iniquity and guilt are taken away, and your sin is completely atoned for and forgiven.”

2. God Himself provides a sacrifice to cleanse the nation – the red heifer in the Torah and the Blood of Jeshua.

Numbers 19:1-2 “1 AND THE Lord said to Moses and , 2 This is the ritual of the law which the Lord has commanded: Tell the Israelites to bring you a red heifer without spot , in which is no blemish, upon which a yoke has never come.”

Hebrews 9:13-14 “13 For if [the mere] sprinkling of unholy and defiled persons with blood of goats and bulls and with the ashes of a burnt heifer is sufficient for the purification of the body , 14 How much more surely shall the blood of Christ , Who by virtue of [His] eternal Spirit [His own preexistent divine personality] has offered Himself as an unblemished sacrifice to God, purify our consciences from dead works and lifeless observances to serve the [ever] living God?”

3. God provides prophets and priests with an Elijah anointing:

It is Time for our own Mount Carmel:

Elijah the prophet exposed the fertility god Baal, the god of rain, whose symbol was the bull.

Elijah had declared a judgement on the “god of rain” that there would be no rain on the region.

27 On Mount Carmel, Elijah said: “ How long will you halt between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him. But if Baal, then follow him .”

One altar was built for the god of Baal, and one for the God of Israel. Each altar had it’s own bull upon it.

1 Kings 18:38 “Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice and the wood and the stones and the dust, and also licked up the water that was in the trench.”

God’s fire consumed the bull which was the symbol of their god to prove who the REAL GOD was!

The spirit and power of Elijah must rise up to call down God’s fire in our temples (body, soul and spirit) to burn the altars of harlotry and to destroy the FERTILITY CULTS.

God judges this type of Occult Worship

Judges 2: 13-16 “13 And they forsook the Lord and served Baal [the god worshiped by the Canaanites] and the Ashtaroth [female deities such as Ashtoreth and Asherah]. 14 So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel , and He gave them into the power of plunderers who robbed them; and He sold them into the hands of their enemies round about, so that they could no longer stand before their foes. 15 Whenever they went out, the hand of the Lord was against them for evil as the Lord had said, and as the Lord had sworn to them; and they were bitterly distressed. 16 But the Lord raised up judges, who delivered them out of the hands of those who robbed them.”

Baal worship caused them to be:




The word angel in the Greek is ‘angelos ' which means “messenger ”.

The reality of angels is declared all the way throughout Scripture.

There are multitudes of scriptures that say there is an Angel of the Lord, who is a messenger, and apostolic sent one. He will only speak when and what the Lord commands him to speak.

Bible scholars have said The Angel of the Lord is the Lord Himself, or the Lord's representative or ambassador, but the Word is clear – we must not worship angels.

According to the Word of God we learn that angels are super-human beings.

Fascination and Worship of Angels opens the believer to the spirit of Divination

In many Fertility cults people worshipped creation, i.e. the stars and even declared them to be angels, instead of the Creator. The worship of these stars as angels was evidenced by the lighting candles to represent these so-called deities.

We are forbidden in the Word to worship angels. The lighting of candles as a religious act to release angels is part of the worship of angels since each candle represents a particular angel.

Candles were lit to ask for protection, to represent the angels which are called to protect the home.

The Virgin Mary is actually named as an Ascended Master i.e. someone who has fulfilled their reincarnation cycle and is now a supernatural being. Any worship of Mary fall in the same class of divination.

29 Action by the Body of Christ:

We need to be reminded again, all fascination and worship of stars, angels, etc. is divination.

2 Kings 17:16-17, 20-22 “16 And they forsook all the commandments of the Lord their God and made for themselves molten images, even two calves, and made an Asherah and worshiped all the [starry] hosts of the heavens and served Baal. 17 …used divination and enchantments and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking Him to anger.”

We must repent and cancel worship of the stars and hosts of heaven in our family line or else it will destroy us – body, soul and spirit.

The Mystery of Angels

We will look at the stars that God created and see the mystery that the occult has developed to equate the stars with angels.

1. The seven stars are the seven angels of God.

Revelation 1:20 “As to the hidden meaning (the mystery) of the seven stars which you saw on My right hand and the seven lampstands of gold: the seven stars are the seven angels (messengers) of the seven assemblies (churches) and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.”

The reason why we study the stars and the is to understand the “picture” language to see which stars are worshipped as the worship of demonic angels.

The occultists have taken this passage in Revelations 1 and have now identified different “stars” and different “constellations” to worship. These stars are now associated with symbols such as the “bull” and through persistent worship have created demonic forces, power and principalities.

30 2. The Worship of the Creation, i.e. stars, is in fact the worship of demonic angels.

For example, stars of Orion are the demonic angels of satan representing the seven Churches of Satan.

3. Constellations

Constellations have been an important part of human society and folklore since the time humans lived in caves. The fascinating figures that we see in the night sky are so large and so beautiful that the ancients have felt a very strong urge to attach importance to them.

People have done this throughout the ages by creating interesting stories and legends in an attempt to explain where these large "pictures" in the sky came from. These stories, also known as mythology, “behind” the constellations can be as interesting as studying the constellations themselves.

There are currently eighty-eight figures in the sky that have been generally recognized as being "official" constellations by whoever it is that designates such things.

31 Constellation worship is much more than just idolatry of the stars. It is to join us to the Prince of Darkness.

A constellation is a grouping of stars and following the hierarchy set out by Paul in Ephesians 6, the occult worship has resulted in the creation of a demonic principality behind each of the constellations.

Freemasonry or or any work of the Leviathan religious spirit is linked to the angels of the stars that take their power from the stars of Orion, Acturus (Great Bear) and Little Bear of Acturus.

People that do not worship the God of Israel e.g. New Age Temples, Masonic Temples, Mormon Temples, etc. are agents on earth for the principality of darkness in the heavenlies represented by the demonic forces behind each constellation that has been worshipped..

4. The constellations represent Ascended Masters.

Ascended Master is the highest level of Tibetan belief. The seven stars are therefore a stronghold and guard of the Temples (the Constellation) . But it is more; it is also the spirit of the Ascended Master. The Spirit of the Ascended Master will take the family into bondage by iniquity.

The Constellations in the Word

The following scriptures are pertaining to the worship of the constellations, and star worship.

Job 38:31 “31 Can you bind the chains of [the cluster of stars called] Pleiades , or loose the cords of [the constellation] Orion ?”

Job 9:9 “9 Who made [the constellations] the Bear , Orion , and the [loose cluster] Pleiades , and the [vast starry] spaces of the south;”

The Seven Stars of satan:

The constellation of Orion, the constellation of the Bear (Arcturus) and the stars of the Pleiades all having seven major stars in the hand of the satan.

• Seven Stars • Man of War and False Lion King • Star of Sodom/Star of Hades

32 • Office of Sodom • The iron furnace • Hourglass of Sodom • The Evening Star or Black Star • The Commander in Chief • The Burning Lusts of the Dragon


Judges 5:20 “From the heavens the stars fought, from their courses they fought against Sisera. 25 Jael….Sisera asked for water, and she gave him milk; she brought him curds in a lordly dish. 26 ….and with the wooden hammer she smote Sisera, she smote his head, yes, she struck and pierced his temple.”


There are new winds of the Holy Spirit beginning to blow a fresh wind of repentance and deep brokenness.

The Holy Spirit reveals the wicked works of satan, and we are able to repent because of our overwhelming passion to worship the Lamb upon the Throne.

We will worship Him Who sits upon the Throne, singing: Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!

We will come back to our first love ... and with a passion for the Lamb

33 The Dragon’s Final Assault on the Body of Christ:

Revelation 12: 3-4 “Then another ominous sign (wonder) was seen in heaven: Behold, a huge, fiery-red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and seven kingly crowns (diadems) upon his heads. 4 His tail swept [across the sky] and dragged down a third of the stars and flung them to the earth. And the dragon stationed himself in front of the woman who was about to be delivered, so that he might devour her child as soon as she brought it forth.”

The Counter-Attack of the Body of Christ to the Tail of the Dragon

The moment the Church rises up to counter-attack, satan will release all his fallen angels to war against the Church to try to destroy it.

Firstly, Satan was thrown out of the Throne Room amongst the constellations. But now he is cast to the earth with the third of his demon angels, in exile.

Revelation 12:7, 9 “7 Then war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels went forth to battle with the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought. 9 And the huge dragon was cast down and out—that age-old serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, he who is the seducer (deceiver) of all humanity the world over; he was forced out and down to the earth, and his angels were flung out along with him.”

What is happening on the earth today is that all of the hosts of darkness are being set up on all four levels of the earth against the End-Time Church. God will release Michael and the angelic forces under him to lead the Church in conquering victory against the dragon / satan!

34 Our Defence Strategy

Revelation 12:11 “And they have overcome (conquered) him by means of the Blood of the Lamb and by the utterance of their testimony , for they did not love and cling to life even when faced with death [holding their lives cheap till they had to die for their witnessing].”

The defense strategy against the retaliation of the tail of the dragon is the Blood of Yeshua and obedience to His commandments.

Revelation 12:12, 15 “12Therefore be glad (exult), O heavens and you that dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in fierce anger (fury), because he knows that he has [only] a short time [left]! 15Then out of his mouth the serpent spouted forth water like a flood after the woman, that she might be carried off with the torrent.”

We must listen to what the Spirit is saying to His Church NOW!

We need to know that there is a mystery of the constellations, and a mystery of the seven stars of Revelation chapter 1.

Revelation 1:20 “As to the hidden meaning (the mystery) of the seven stars which you saw on My right hand and the seven lampstands of gold: the seven stars are the seven angels (messengers) of the seven assemblies (churches) and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.”

This mystery of the constellations is revealed as we study God’s Creation, He highlights the different faces of satan’s nature.

If we do not study God’s Word, we will not know that satan’s flood will come from his evil angels and we will not be ready for the battle.

Matthew 24:37 “As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.”



God speaks to Abraham – pagan worship, his family stays in a land where idol worship is rife – and tells him to leave .

Abraham goes in faith to a land he does not know to receive the “blessing” of the Covenant.

Gen. 13:14-17 “14 The Lord said to Abram after Lot had left him, Lift up now your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward; 15 For all the land which you see I will give to you and to your posterity forever. 16 And I will make your descendants like the dust of the earth, so that if a man could count the dust of the earth, then could your descendants also be counted. 17 Arise, walk through the land, the length of it and the breadth of it, for I will give it to you.”

Gen. 17:1-10 “1 WHEN ABRAM was ninety- nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, I am the Almighty God; walk and live habitually before Me and be perfect (blameless, wholehearted, complete). 2 And I will make My covenant (solemn pledge) between Me and you and will multiply you exceedingly. 3 Then Abram fell on his face, and God said to him, 4 As for Me, behold, My covenant (solemn pledge) is with you, and you shall be the father of many nations. 5 Nor shall your name any longer be Abram [high, exalted father]; but your name shall be Abraham [father of a multitude], for I have made you the father of many nations. 6 And I will make you exceedingly fruitful and I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. 7 And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting, solemn pledge, to be a God to you and to your posterity after you. 8 And I will give to you and to your posterity after you the land in which you are a stranger [going from place to place], all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting

36 possession; and I will be their God. 9 And God said to Abraham, As for you, you shall therefore keep My covenant, you and your descendants after you throughout their generations. 10 This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you and your posterity after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised.”

But Abraham has committed a sin: - he has dishounered the marriage covenant AND - he has dishounoured his wife. in relation to Pharaoh.

Gen. 12:12-13, 18 “12 So when the Egyptians see you, they will say, This is his wife; and they will kill me, but they will let you live. 13 Say, I beg of you, that you are my sister, so that it may go well with me for your sake and my life will be spared because of you. 18 And Pharaoh called Abram and said, What is this that you have done to me? Why did you not tell me that she was your wife?”

Abraham then goes and does it again!!

Abraham is in the land of Covenant and stayed at “Gerar” but the pagan tribe under king “Abimelech” dominates Abraham.

So, once again he: - dishonours his wife - dishounours the marriage covenant.

Gen. 20:2,5 “2 And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister. And Abimelech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah [into his harem]. 5 Did not the man tell me, She is my sister? And she herself said, He is my brother. In integrity of heart and innocency of hands I have done this.”

Abraham, a man of God, a righteous man – under Covenant – opens the door of Covenant to let the blessings seep away like water in the desert.


Isaac takes over the “leadership” of the nation of God and also the Covenantal blessings. Isaac stays in the land of Canaan / Israel his whole life!

But, Isaac has not yet taken dominion . - The Philistine’s rule - Pagan gods and idol worship rules.

The land is cursed (there is drought):

Gen. 26:1 “1 AND THERE was a famine in the land, other than the former famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to Gerar, to Abimelech king of the Philistines.”

Isaac goes to “Gerar”: - the same place as his father - he commits the same sin as his father.

Gen. 26:7 “7 And the men of the place asked him about his wife, and he said, She is my sister; for he was afraid to say, She is my wife—[thinking], Lest the men of the place should kill me for Rebekah, because she is attractive and is beautiful to look upon.”

The kingdom of darkness in the form of Baal reigns!


God has been speaking to intercessors internationally that He wants to start to transfer great wealth to His Kingdom for the Great Harvest.

With this prophetic word being released, the god of wealth who has been in control of the wealth of this world for many years, has awakened and stood up and is fighting the church so that this prophetic word will not come to pass.

The word “BAAL” of it self is not an evil word. It means lord/master/husband. God even calls Himself by that word when He introduces Himself as husband to Israel.

Baal also means COVENANT. Satan is a copy cat and has hijacked this name for himself because the word.

“Baal-berith”, another of his names, means "the lord of the covenant." The Hebrew word Baal actually means "husband" or "marriage." This spirit always attempted to cause Israel to "divorce" or break Covenant with God and "marry" or align with him. We believe that Baal is the strongman behind most covenant-breaking.

If he can deceive the people into worshipping him as their husband and he gives the promises to provide and protect them, then when they make covenant with him, he has the families under his power for generations!!

God has said He wants to transfer GREAT wealth into His Kingdom for the ENDTIME HARVEST and satan has been fighting that through this spirit, BAAL, because if that happens, you will see great change come very quickly.

Satan as BAAL.

He was the god of fertility – rain, harvest, prosperity, sustenance, etc. Baal means to possess or possessor. It also means to marry – it is a word for “husband”.

Baal means lord/master – “hamon” – lord of abundance/wealth The people looked to this god to provide for them, to be their husband. He was known as the war god – you protect me. He was known as the sun god – you give us warmth.

The spirit of Baal was warring against the people of God to try and stop the promise God had made to Abraham to send a Messiah to save the world.


The Philistines worshipped Baal by the name of DAGON. They were fighting against God’s people and trying to stop the destiny of the Israelites for many years.

Baal always goes after the next generation , trying to cut off the extension of God's Covenantal purposes.

He is a violent spirit and even required human sacrifice. Abortion is under Baal, as is the "cutting" of today's young generation (see 1 Kings 18:28 ), the vampire and Goth movements , and the death culture in general that has so invaded the youth across the world.

Baal is leading the fight to avert the great awakening planned for the young generation of today. Pray against and bind these efforts.


• Homosexuality The number one way that Baal worship was performed and kept in place was through male prostitution. • Pornography • abortion , • drugs , • child pornography, • child slavery, • mutilations, • cutting, • lust • Etc ….

Jer. 51:44 “44 And I will punish and execute judgment upon Bel (Baal) [the god] in Babylon and take out of his mouth what he has swallowed up [the sacred vessels and the people of Judah and elsewhere who were taken captive]. The nations will not flow any more to him. Yes, the wall of Babylon has fallen!”


What we learn in the Old Testament is that Baal swallowed up the following: 1. The children 2. Purity 3. Integrity 4. Health 5. All forms of fruitfulness – prosperity, wealth 6. The Muslim world 7. Etc…

This spirit brings GREAT confusion – that is what “swallowed up” means .

Is 3 “1 FOR BEHOLD, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, is taking away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff [every kind of prop], the whole stay of bread and the whole stay of water, 2 The mighty man and the man of war, the judge and the [professional] prophet, the one who foretells by divination and the old man, 3 The captain of fifty and the man of rank, the counselor and the expert craftsman and the skillful enchanter. 4 And I will make boys their princes, and with childishness shall they rule over them [with outrage instead of justice]. 5 And the people shall be oppressed, each one by another, and each one by his neighbor; the child shall behave himself proudly and with insolence against the old man, and the lowborn against the honorable [person of rank]… 10 Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their deeds. 11 Woe to the wicked! It shall be ill with them, for what their hands have done shall be done to them. 12 As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people, your leaders cause you to err, and they confuse (destroy and swallow up) the course of your paths. 13 The Lord stands up to contend, and stands to judge the peoples and His people. 14 The Lord enters into judgment with the elders of His people and their princes: For [by your exactions and oppressions you have robbed the people and ruined the country] you have devoured the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses…”

Isaiah 3 tells us that the Word of the Lord dries up and the prophets can’t hear from God.

God says in Jer. 51:44 that He is going to punish BAAL and make what he has swallowed, spit it up and give it back!!


Definitions of the word “SWALLOW UP”:

• It is symbolic of destruction or ruin • To make a way with or eat or swallow or gulp or overcome • Devour / devourer


God uses Isaac to show us this Truth – we need to deal with all idol worship / generational sin:

The Philistines worshipped Baal and they were big enemies of Israel because this spirit tried to oppose the purposes of God. God’s purposes for Israel were that the Messiah would come through the seed of Abraham.

God was getting ready to pass on the Covenant from Abraham to Isaac. God gives Isaac the promises and directly after that, God tells him to go to Gerar . Gerar means small, constrained or confined.

Gen 26:1-3 “1 AND THERE was a famine in the land, other than the former famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to Gerar, to Abimelech king of the Philistines. 2 And the Lord appeared to him and said, Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land of which I will tell you. 3 Dwell temporarily in this land, and I will be with you and will favor you with blessings; for to you and to your descendants I will give all these lands, and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father.”

Here at Gerar, Isaac does something that is very shameful; he tells the Philistines that Rebecca is his sister and not his wife out of a fear that they would kill him in order to marry her.

Where did Isaac get that?? His father!! Why did God tell him to go to Gerar when there was a famine there? He could have gone to Egypt where there was enough food but God said no, he had to stay there.

42 The reason was that this very same thing had happened to his father – Gen 20, 21. Both Philistine kings in the time of Abraham and in the time of Isaac were called Abimelech.

At Gerar both Abraham and Isaac sinned.

God was telling Isaac that although there was a generational blessing that was passed onto him by his father, Abraham, there was also a generational curse that needed to be dealt with before God could take him to the next level.

Isaac and the Philistines – Warring over provision – water rights.

God was trying to bring Isaac into his part of the Covenant – taking over the baton from Abraham. It is a very difficult time for him because there was famine in the land. God says to him not to go to Egypt. They were nomadic people and they would move around to survive. Egypt had food and was prospering, so Isaac was ready to go there, but God says no.

God was saying: “Look to Me. Don’t turn to your strength. Don’t turn to your own ability , common sense or even business sense.”

Fighting against Baal will be with supernatural power from God!

God told him to stay in Gerar which means: small and constrained.

1. Stay here in Gerar. 2. If you stay , even though there is great famine, I will bless you. 3. If you will walk with Me , I will multiply your descendants, and by your seed, all the nations of the earth will be blessed.

Isaac begins to realize that it is not about him – it is about the Covenant that God made with his father, Abraham.

When we rise up against this spirit of Baal and start to war him off our families, it is not just for ourselves that we are doing it – it is for the nations, many, many souls that will be saved from the bondage to this strongman Baal .


Before God could extend the blessing , the curse had to be dealt with .

God is speaking to us through this example in His Word that we cannot contend with Baal if there is anything in our lives that is aligned with him . God leads us to a place in our lives that is like Gerar – small and narrow, constricted – He puts the screws on us to be able to deal with certain things in our lives that belong to the enemy.

A trip to Gerar is where He deals with some iniquities in our lives – areas of compromise, unbelief, fear, hope deferred.

If we look at the reason why Abraham / Isaac lied about Sarah / Rebecca being his sister and not his wife, we see that the motivation behind his action was FEAR and UNBELIEF.

Gen 20:10-13 “10 And Abimelech said to Abraham, What did you see [in us] that [justified] you in doing such a thing as this? 11 And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely there is no reverence or fear of God at all in this place, and they will slay me because of my wife. 12 But truly, she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father but not of my mother; and she became my wife. 13 When God caused me to wander from my father’s house, I said to her, This kindness you can show me: at every place we stop, say of me, He is my brother.”

In some areas of his life he could trust God – he left his country by faith; but in this area he was moving in fear and unbelief.

We learn from the life of Abraham that you:

 Can have faith in some areas of your life but in other areas you are not able to trust God .

Maybe there is one or two areas of your life where you are holding back – you are moving in fear. The frightening thing what we see in the life of Abraham is that in this area of fear and unbelief, it caused him to sin but it was also passed onto his son, Isaac.

 If we deal with the iniquities we have inherited and other areas God shows us, then it will not only affect us but also our children and grand- children!! This will help them to get their full inheritance!!

 Will never get to a place where you are completely perfected in this life.

44 As we move into the next season of our life, we need to deal with whatever there is in our lives that will block the full flow of God’s anointing – attitudes, fears, unbelief, an area of disobedience that you have not yet moved into, etc.

Isaac’s path to contend with Baal and restore the blessings:

As soon as God has dealt with these areas, He begins renewing Covenant with Isaac; cut off the curse but moves forward with the blessings. Isaac begins to re-dig his father’s wells; what God started in the previous generation He continued with in the life of Isaac .

Every time Isaac started to re-dig the wells of his father, the Philistines motivated by Baal, tried to stop him . These battles were about wealth – to be exact, about water rights – whoever had the water would have the abundance, prosperity and the blessing! Baal, who is the god of wealth, did not want the Israelites to have the prosperity – he wanted the Philistines to have the wealth.

The First Well:

Gen 26:19-20 “19 Now Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and found there a well of living [spring] water. 20 And the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac’s herdsmen, saying, The water is ours. And he named the well Esek [contention] because they quarreled with him.”

When Isaac re-digs the first well and the Philistines try to stop him , he calls the well “Esek” – which means contention .

Isaac has to contend with Baal – this spirit says he will not give the well to Isaac.

What we learn from this lesson is that if we want to get to the next level of possessing the land, we will have to contend with Baal.

This spirit will contend with us for our nation, our families, our marriages, our businesses, our schools, our morals, etc. It will mean WAR!!

The money and the transfer of wealth are all about HARVEST!! Baal does not want the Covenant of the Lord to move forward to the next generation. He wants to stop it right here!

45 It will contend with you through your iniquities but if you deal with those you can then start re-digging the wells of blessings ; even when you get to that point, it will still try to stop you and you will have to learn to war against it!!

Is 49:24-26 “24 Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captives of the just be delivered? 25 For thus says the Lord: Even the captives of the mighty will be taken away, and the prey of the terrible will be delivered; for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will give safety to your children and ease them. 26 And I will make those who oppress you consume themselves [in mutually destructive wars], thus eating their own flesh; and they will be drunk with their own blood, as with sweet wine; and all flesh will know [with a knowledge grounded in personal experience] that I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”

The prey was God’s people and the mighty man is Baal and Babylon. Any place in your life where you have been under the control of this mighty man through poverty, lack, disease, family situations – God says the prey of the tyrant is going to be rescued, He will make Baal spit up what he swallowed, for: “I will contend with the one who contends with you, and I will give safety to your children and ease them!!”

If you make the decision that you are going to be a contender, you are going to be a “Jerabaal”, you are going to fight for your inheritance, you are going to fight for this generation, you are going to fight for what is right, you are going to go all the way in this battle and say: “I will not give to satan and his kingdom what is supposed to mine!!” If you will contend with him, God says He will contend with those who contend with you!!

God says: “It is not up to you to win this battle – it’s up to you to obey Me and say: I will contend! And if you contend, I will contend with those who contend with you and I will save your sons and daughters, and I will take the prey out of the mouth of the mighty one and give back to you what the enemy has stolen!!”

The Second Well

Gen. 26:21 “21 Then [his servants] dug another well, and they quarreled over that also; so he named it Sitnah [enmity].”

46 The Third Well

Gen 26:22 “22 And he moved away from there and dug another well, and for that one they did not quarrel. He named it Rehoboth [room], saying, For now the Lord has made room for us , and we shall be fruitful in the land .”

Rehoboth means “broad place”. We shall be fruitful in the land!!

The Fourth and Last Well – The Well of Covenant

Isaac makes a covenant with Abimelech and they departed from each other in peace.

Gen. 26:24-33 “24 And the Lord appeared to him the same night and said, I am the God of Abraham your father. Fear not, for I am with you and will favor you with blessings and multiply your descendants for the sake of My servant Abraham. 25 And [Isaac] built an altar there and c alled on the name of the Lord and pitched his tent there; and there Isaac’s servants were digging a well. 26 Then Abimelech went to him from Gerar with Ahuzzah, one of his friends, and Phicol, his army’s commander. 27 And Isaac said to them, Why have you come to me, seeing that you hate me and have sent me away from you? 28 They said, We saw that the Lord was certainly with you; so we said, Let there be now an oath between us [carrying a curse with it to befall the one who breaks it], even between you and us, and let us make a covenant with you 29 That you will do us no harm, inasmuch as we have not touched you and have done to you nothing but good and have sent you away in peace. You are now the blessed or favored of the Lord! 30 And he made them a [formal] dinner, and they ate and drank. 31 And they rose up early in the morning and took oaths [with a curse] with one another; and Isaac sent them on their way and they departed from him in peace. 32 That same day Isaac’s servants came and told him about the well they had dug, saying, We have found water! 33 And he named [the well] Shibah; therefore the name of the city is Beersheba [well of the oath] to this day.”

47 God wants us to extend His Covenant through Jesus Christ into the earth and reach out to all the unbelievers with His Love.


Lord, our faith is in You and You alone. Our faith is not in the world system of money, our faith is not in our job. You are Our Lord, our Provider.

Father, in this season, as we obey You and contend with this spirit, we are saying it will not rule our house or our city and eventually, it will not rule this nation! It’s going to spit up a generation of young people that have devoted themselves to Baal worship – they do not know it but in their perversion, in their cutting, in their rebellion, in their worship of idols, they are on a all-out excursion of worship to Baal.

We are saying we are not going to tolerate it any longer – we are calling for a great awakening and they are going to be snatched from the mouth of this spirit.

Abortion is going to end, the suicides are going to stop, the cutting is going to stop; cleansing is going to come; they are going to be delivered from drugs and alcohol, immorality. THIS IS GOING TO STOP!!

We are going to see hundreds of thousands come to You in this season!!

We care about all of them Lord! We are not going to let it happen – we are going to see You break through! You promised You would contend with us against this spirit!!

You have promised us miracles, Lord! We are contending for them!!

We are not going to be denied the miracles that You have promised us for this season, the signs, the wonders.

We just decree that this will be a place where many miracles will occur!! No enemy of the Spirit of God will keep us from our inheritance!!

Thank You, Father, that this is the season for the transfer of wealth from the kingdom of Baal into Your Kingdom!!

Baal can contend but the wells belong to us!! Covenant wells You have promised us – we are going to see them open up and we will have that broad place!!

48 You have made room for us and we will be fruitful in the land!!

We will see all that You promised to us!!

Lord, bring back the prodigals!! Break the strongholds!! Heal broken relationships!!

Break off all iniquities from our lives, in Jesus Name!!

Thank You Father!!

We ask all these things, in Jesus Name,



The people of God were under God’s judgment for Baal worship. They were under the control of a group of people called the Midianites .

Every year at harvest time the Midianites would come and steal their crops and take everything from them.

God was saying: “You are looking to this as the problem – your circumstances, your captivity, your lack but it is actually BAAL WORSHIP that is the problem.”

Gideon’s father was the keeper of the Baal altar in his backyard. He has built the shrine to Baal and Asherah in their backyard and the whole city was coming there to worship Baal.

God told Gideon to go to these altars and destroy them before He could use him to bring release to the people of Israel. He said to Gideon: “If you deal with Baal, I’ll deal with the Midianites.”

Gideon had to tear down the altars and then take the poles/idols that have been built to Asherah, use the wood that these idols were made of, to make the fire with for the sacrifice that he had to offer to God.

The destroying of the altar of Baal and Asherah was a prophetic act of breaking the marriage covenant with these spirits, declaring a divorce . Then he had to build an altar on top of the Baal altar and bring a sacrifice of two bulls - a young bull seven years old (The Bull was the symbol of Baal. Seven is the number of covenant.)

Gideon’s father gives him a new name: JERUBBAAL which means “He who contends with Baal.”



Father, we want to thank You for giving us another chance, another choice!

We repent for have married Baal and looking to him to provide and protect us, our families. Father, forgive us for worshipping these fertility cults. Forgive us for allowing Baal to swallow up all our wealth, prosperity, children, etc.

We now declare war on all that has held me and my family back, in Jesus Name!

Father, we come to You today in obedience to Your Word, that as we do this, You personally are going to begin to rebuke the devourer who has swallowed up our health, our provision, businesses, our young people – swallowed them up through abortion, sin, suicide, swallowed them up and twisted their minds to where they cut themselves, mutilate.

Lord, we declare right now, that bondages will be broken off our children, prodigals are going to begin to hear the Word of the Lord again!

Lord, break the confusion off of them and cause them to begin to see clearly and understand who You are and understand life.

Let them come to their senses like the prodigal son in Your Word! Break all confusion off of our offspring!! Bring Your Spirit of revelation to them!! Let them no longer walk in deception. Baal will no longer control them!!

We repent for giving ourselves to that spirit as a nation! For sacrificing our children in the ways that we have – sacrificing them to our work, greed, to abortion, convenience.

Father, give us a generation that will worship and serve You!! Revival is coming!! Come Lord, to our streets, our parks, schools.

We declare that this is a season where things are beginning to change!!

Father, You are our BAAL PERISIM – the God of Breakthrough!!

This is our season that we will come into breakthrough!! Health, finances, relationships.

We divorce every part of that spirit that has control us, brought impurity to us, stolen from us, we say, you are not our master any longer!!

51 You are not my Baal!! You are not my husband!! You do not control anything about my life any longer!!

God is the Strength of my life! God is the Source of my life! God is my Provider! God is my Deliver! God is the One who will break through for me!!

What has been stolen, Father, You will restore!! Restore hearts, restore emotions, restore finances!

You are the God of ideas, You are the God of innovations, You are the God of creativity, You are the God of wealth, You are Baal Hamon, You are the God of abundance! We take the very things that have oppressed us and we offer them as a sacrifice to You – take them, Lord, and turn them around and bring about our deliverance!

Break the power of Midian off of us!! Just as with Gideon, Lord You worked through a small army, only 300, showing that it is not by great numbers that You prevail, it’s by obedience and faith !

Lord, in a natural sense we may be weak, but in You we are strong! We offer to You our weakness, our fears, our unbelief, our confusion, LORD< WE GIVE IT TO YOU AND SAY YOU BE STRONG FOR US!!

You are my Husband, You are my Provider!!

The God of Fire is coming to consume the altar of Baal!! Answer by Fire, O God!!



Number 7 is the number more than any other number associated with Covenant .

In the Old Testament times while performing a covenant ceremony, they would offer during the ceremony 7 and/or swear allegiance 7 times.

For example: In a marriage ceremony the oaths were repeated 7 times. The bride walks 7 times around her husband.

When you swear an oath in a covenant ceremony , the word for swear or oath is the word derived from the number seven which literally means “TO SEVEN YOURSELF”.

BAAL and Covenant:

Baal says: “I want you to covenant with me. I want you to marry me and I will provide for you.”

The people would worship different gods because each god promised different provisions and protection. People would sacrifice to these gods when they wanted their favour.

The children of Israel also were influenced by this thinking . They would worship and also Baal because he promised them rain and harvest.

Many times in the Word, God tells His people: “Divorce Baal and break all covenantal allegiance with this spirit and SEVEN yourselves to Me. Come back into marriage covenant with Me and I will be your Provider, I will be your covering, I will be your Protector.”

God is calling us in this year 2007 to SEVEN ourselves to Him anew.

We must declare that we will not let any other influence control our lives. If we have been in covenant with the god of money and wealth we must break that and say: “Lord, I trust in no-one else but You. I am married to You and my allegiance is to You. I am in Covenant with You regarding my finances.”

53 If you are flirting with Baal in the area of pornography and immorality in any way, shape or form, you must divorce that spirit now!! Come into alignment with God. If you are a channel-surfer and you find yourself stopping at certain places where you shouldn’t be stopping because you enjoy the sensuality that’s there, you had better put that thing away and make up your mind that you are going to divorce yourself from the spirit of Baal NOW and SEVEN yourself completely to God and say: “I am married to You and NO other god!!” If you are prepared to do that this year, you will experience breakthroughs like never before!!


1. When we break all allegiances with Baal and SEVEN ourselves to the Lord we advance God’s Covenantal and Kingdom purposes in the earth .

The Kingdom of God is the rule of God. He rules all the earth and He is in charge of everything but He has to do a lot of it through you and me. • Is He King over your thought life ? • Is He King over your business ? • Is He King over your marriage ? • Is He King over what you watch ? • Have you brought His Kingdom into your house ?

2. When we divorce Baal and re-align with God, we will see generational advancement . God will touch the youth like never before!! In the 60/70’s during the Jesus Movement, the young people decided they wanted to do things their own way and did not want the fathers and the mothers involved. They did not have enough wisdom and there wasn’t a joining of the generations, it did not last. They began to make mistakes and get into false doctrines and heresies and God had to just shut it down after a few years.

What is amazing about this movement today is that young people are coming to Jesus and they are not saying: “We don’t want to listen to the moms and dads”, but they are crying out: “Would the mothers and the fathers show us how to do this!!”

They do not have an independent spirit like we had in the previous movement of God.

Fathers and mothers are saying: “We are not going to shut you down. We will help to steer you in the right direction and make sure that you burn at the right place!! If we see you burning at the wrong way , we will let you know !”

Children are crying out: “Put us upon your shoulders so we can see where to run!!”

55 3. Examples of the number 7 – Remarrying God !

a) When we study the Word on the city of Jericho we see the number 7 used many times: 7days, 7 times on the 7 th day march around the city, 7 th time around began a whole new series of seven’s; 7 Priests, rams-horn trumpets, the Jubilee years, 7X7;

The YEAR OF JUBILEE was the fiftieth year in the Jewish religious calendar as it followed the completed series of seven Sabbath years or 49 years (Lev. 25:1–8). It was heralded on the Day of Atonement by the sounding of “jubilee” (Heb. yobel), i.e., a “ram’s horn” or a trumpet made in the shape of a ram’s horn (Lev. 25:9; cf. 16:29–30). The year of jubilee provided Israel with a time of release and rest (Lev. 25:10– 12). Like the Sabbath years of rest, it was to be observed “to the Lord” with celebration and trust that God would provide food as He promised (Lev. 25:2–7, 11–12, 18–22). The release included the reversion of land to its original owners, cancellation of all debts, and freedom for all Israelites in servitude.

b) Elijah

When Elijah was confronting the prophets of Baal – the people repented and said: “Okay, we see now Baal couldn’t do anything. God is the One Who answered by fire. THE LORD HE IS GOD!!”

This was a divorcing of Baal and a remarrying of Yahweh!! Then Elijah went to the top of the mountain and prayed 7 times for the rain to return!!

God was saying: “Now that you have SEVENED yourself to Me and renewed your marriage vows , I can begin to bless you again ! Baal is not the rain god, I am!!”


When we divorce from Baal and marry the Lord , we conquer cities and take the land. We are extending God’s Kingdom rule into the hearts of people.

4. Reap the blessings . Transfer about wealth – it is all about the HARVEST !! We need the finances for the biggest harvest of all times to take place!!

God has people in His Kingdom that He has prepared through fires and storms, testing their hearts and motives, and that know what to do with the finances. They do not want to enrich themselves but understand the Heart of the Father for the end-time harvest.

5. We overthrow, drive out, and conquer the enemies of God .

6. Gather the spoils – PEOPLE!!

7. We need to make a sacrifice to get the Ark of the Covenant Back.

David bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to the people of Israel.

This is a passage on Covenant re-alignment . Israel had gone so far away from God, they did not even pay attention to the Ark of the Covenant any more which was the symbol of God’s presence in their midst.

This Ark of the Covenant represented Jesus and the cross, the Mercy Seat in Heaven, the Passover Lamb – they had not bothered with the Ark for 100 years.

David became King and moved his headquarters to Jerusalem. He was a worshipper and he wanted the ark to come back in the midst of the people of God. He wanted to worship God in the capital of the nation.

57  Own flesh:

He started to bring back the Ark but they did not do it the way God said they must do it. They built a fancy new cart but God had said it was to be carried on the shoulders of people – God was painting a picture for us showing us that His presence is to be carried by people, not some box. That was just a picture of what He was going to do when we became His temple.

They had to put poles through the rings in the side of the Ark and four men, one at each corner, would carry the Ark.

David put it on a new cart and when the cart went over a bump in the road, the Ark slipped and Uzzah tried to steady it and he was killed instantly. God had said no-one can touch the Ark and live.

David was terrified of the Lord and he stopped the whole process for a period of a few months. They sent the Ark to somebody else’s’ house and left it there while David went to inquire of the Lord what he had done wrong.

 “How should we do this and do it God’s way ?”

He got the poles and all the people and all the worshippers ready.

Look at Psalm 24 – was it written for this occasion??

Ps 24 “1 THE EARTH is the Lord’s, and the fullness of it, the world and they who dwell in it. 2 For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the currents and the rivers. 3 Who shall go up into the mountain of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His Holy Place? 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted himself up to falsehood or to what is false, nor sworn deceitfully. 5 He shall receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 6 This is the generation [description] of those who seek Him [who inquire of and for Him and of necessity require Him], who seek Your face, [O God of] Jacob. Selah [pause, and think of that]! 7 Lift up your heads, O you gates; and be lifted up, you age-abiding doors, that the King of glory may come in. 8 Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.

58 9 Lift up your heads, O you gates; yes, lift them up, you age-abiding doors, that the King of glory may come in. 10 Who is [He then] this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah [pause, and think of that]!”

David got the priests to take hold of the poles , pick up the Ark, and then take only six steps and STOPPED . Then David offered sacrifices to the Lord. 7 rams and 7 bulls. What was he saying?? “We are SEVENING ourselves back to You, Lord!!”

“We want You back into the center of our lives , Lord!! We are going to do it Your way !!”

After the sacrifices were offered and God was worshipped, they waited until they KNEW God had accepted their offer before taking the SEVENTH step – WE ARE IN COVENANT WITH GOD AGAIN!!

What is God saying to us today through this story??

“If you want My presence and My Glory in your house, your work, your church, etc, separate yourself unto Me , come out from all alignment with any other spirit, any other god, and SEVEN yourself to Me and step into a new relationship with Me!!”

If we do it, the rain of His presence will come!!

We are filing for divorce from the spirit of Baal!! We are asking God for custody of this generation!! We are asking the Lord for a settlement that He would give us back everything that Baal has stolen – everything will be returned to us in Jesus Name!

59 Ps 50:4-5 “4 He calls to the heavens above and to the earth, that He may judge His people: 5 Gather together to Me My saints [those who have found grace in My sight], those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice .”

The Message Bible:

Ps 50:4-5 “He summons the heavens and earth as a jury , He’s taking His people to court : Round up my saints who swore on the Bible their loyalty to me.”

Get back:

Mal 3:10-12 “10 Bring all the tithes (the whole tenth of your income) into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now by it , says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. 11 And I will rebuke the devourer [insects and plagues] for your sakes and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground, neither shall your vine drop its fruit before the time in the field, says the Lord of hosts. 12 And all nations shall call you happy and blessed, for you shall be a land of delight, says the Lord of hosts.”

Our very giving can become an act of faith and as an act of war against this spirit, Baal.

In the summer of ‘67 the “summer of love”, a sexual revolution was released in this world. It was in that time when Baal was unleashed and given free reign.

This is now 40 years ago – a cycle in Biblical terms – a cycle of judgment in the wilderness. God is saying this cycle is now over!! You can come out of this if you want to come out – come back into Covenant with Me!!

60 Gideon

Judges 6:1-10 “1 BUT THE Israelites did evil in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord gave them into the hand of Midian for seven years. 2 And the hand of Midian prevailed against Israel. Because of Midian the Israelites made themselves the dens which are in the mountains and the caves and the strongholds. 3 For whenever Israel had sown their seed, the Midianites and the Amalekites and the people of the east came up against them. 4 They would encamp against them and destroy the crops as far as Gaza and leave no nourishment for Israel, and no ox or sheep or donkey. 5 For they came up with their and their tents, and they came like locusts for multitude; both they and their camels could not be counted. So they wasted the land as they entered it. 6 And Israel was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites, and the Israelites cried to the Lord. 7 And when they cried to the Lord because of Midian, 8 The Lord sent a prophet to the Israelites, who said to them, Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, I brought you up from Egypt and brought you forth out of the house of bondage. 9 And I delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of all who oppressed you, and drove them out from before you and gave you their land. 10 And I said to you, I am the Lord your God; fear not the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But you have not obeyed My voice.”

Israel was given into the hands of the Midianites for 7 years because they made covenant with Baal - this is covenental judgment.

They were living in dens and caves and had lost everything. The Midianites destroyed all their harvests and stole all their livestock.

Israel was brought VERY LOW!! They cried to the Lord and God sent a prophet to them. Gideon was chosen by the Lord to deliver the Israelites. He first had to deal with the sins of his father – he had to tear down the Baal and Asherah altars in his father’s backyard.

God gave them the victory and the Midianites were overthrown.

61 What happens when we divorce Baal and come back into Covenant with God?

1. It overthrows oppression and what has been stolen will be restored .

2. God will pour out His Spirit (Judges 6:34)

3. God is going to bring supernatural victory (Judges 7:9-21)

1 Sam 7:10 “10 As Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to attack Israel. But the Lord thundered with a great voice that day against the Philistines and threw them into confusion , and they were defeated before Israel.”

God is about to speak over His people and to rout His enemies.

4. Generational Blessings

Judges 8:28 “28 Thus was Midian subdued before the Israelites so that they lifted up their heads no more. And the land had peace and rest for forty years in the days of Gideon. ”

All God needs is a remnant to stand in the gap for the nation – to declare a divorce with Baal, repent of our sins, and re- covenant with the God of Israel, YAHWEH.


62 Freedom Church, Colorado Springs February 7, 2007 Prophetic Message Through Chuck Pierce

We are in a Divine season of war and that war will intensify in the coming years. This year which will go until we get to October 2007, is a year where God is restoring us so we are ready to move in . All 7’s are linked with fulfillment, rest and completion . Just because it is a year of seven doesn’t mean we get out of war, but it means the warfare shifts.

For Baal to stay in place, it must have a sexual empowerment linked into worship. It is a very religious force . I believe it is the structure that is ruling this nation and God has caused you here to start addressing that stronghold that rules this nation.

Matthew 1:17 “So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations .” (Fourteen means deliverance)

From David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations. From the captivity in Babylon until Jesus Christ came are fourteen generations.”

In other words, there was this vortex of time that came into alignment so that the Divine redemptive plan for man could invade the earth. I believe we are living in a time very much like this.

There are time sequences aligning beginning this year so that things that we’ve never been delivered out of, so that things that we have been under, all of a sudden, God is aligning time.

There were three generations of fourteen that aligned and then all of a sudden, the visitation of God came and the redemptive plan of man was released. We are in a very similar year this year.

In other words, there will be deliverances from things this year that we’ve never been delivered from. There will be breakthroughs this year from things we’ve longed to break through in that we’ve never broken through in. There will be rearrangement of our lives where our assignments in certain places have come to an end and we are reassigned for our beginning.

It is that type of Divine season we are living in. The thing with God’s people is we must expect and watch for these Divine alignments. That is the sort of year we are in. If you will expect that in your life, you will see those Divine alignments. Jesus could not have come the year prior or the year later. There was a Divine alignment of time. That’s what I don’t want us to miss this year.


Seven has a connotation of rest about it, but rest in the midst of war so that we are moving into and seeing this Divine alignment so we know how to advance forward in our life. The Lord began to speak to me and He began to say: “You have no idea what has been held up from you over the last 42 years, the last 28 years, the last 14 years and this year you need to ask for all of it to begin to be released .”

That is the type of year we are in. When you break a demonic force out of your environment, you have to immediately start asking God what has that spirit held off of us? What have we missed all this time? We’ve been warring under this structure, now the structure is exposed. What have we missed?

Say I want everything that has been held up. The Lord said to me to start decreeing the Divine recovery has come! This is a time of Divine recovery!

In other words, Divine recovery occurs when strategies linked with restoration start being released to you.

Recovery is different from restoration.

All of a sudden this is a year of recovery for us because we’ve been held captive just as they were held captive in Matthew under a structure of oppression but things aligned and all of a sudden the oppression couldn’t stay in place any longer .

What do we ask for now? How do we move forward now? We are in a place that we must move into Divine recovery.

We are being rooted in a new way to recover. It is like this year is the year of being replanted. We are a seed that has been replanted.

It is a year of coronation, year of sharpening, year of movement, and a year that we cut our way into our future. Even though we are still in a season of coming full circle, this is a season that God has placed a new weapon .

We shifted into the year 5767 in October 2006 . That meant that all of a sudden the Spirit of Truth was coming down to us. What we had been held in deception under, no longer could hold us in deception. You need to be saying: “God I am not going to settle for things that have been held up not to get loose this year.”

This is a different year of prayer for us. It is a different year of decree for us. It is a different year of alignment .

64 This is a year for us to look at the blueprint that God has for us . I feel like starting in October, He started reforming the foundation but now the details of the blueprint are coming into alignment.

• Have you defined your boundaries functionally and territorially? Where are you? What makes up the boundaries that you have functionally? God is defining our wars very carefully. God had boundaries for Abraham’s Covenant. How do they apply to you functionally in the industry you are a part of? How do they apply to you territorially?

• Communion . Do you know your strategy of seeking this year? How are you seeking God? How is He drawing you near to Him?

• Covenant . Are you in right agreement? If we do this in this year, prosperity will begin to flow in a whole new way. Covenant is vertical and then horizontal. Who are you in agreement with?

• Do you have building goals ? Not just physical, but building your family.

• Are you watching for satan’s strategy to change times and laws in your sphere of authority? If you define your sphere, you will be able to know when the devil tries to rearrange things on you.

• What sound is touching your inward being? What sounds are really moving you forward? At times you have to have war sounds and then sounds of majesty, harvest sounds, increase sounds to enter into increase. Are you building the altar for this year? We must build the altar for worship that connects us into the future.

• Firstfruits . Have you developed a strategy for giving? Proverbs 3 says if you will bring the first of what you have, all of your barns will be full. You’ve got to see the Word in light of where you are this year. Once He shows you what you have to give, you have to get to a place to release it. Then He will break through everything else for your life.

The world and the horoscopes have taken away our ability to discern time. That is all that was with horoscopes. God is redeeming our understanding of time. Every month is linked with a tribe. Check every month what you can call forth!

• How will your olive tree blossom? Seven is linked to the olive tree as well. How will you develop a plan so that you are connected fully with the next generation? We have to do The Call this year . (07.07.2007)

65 • Every month your roots will awaken to the Water of Life. When you deal with a root spirit that is controlling a territory, you move in and start shifting to begin to regain everything that spirit has held up. That is why every month is so Divinely ordained by God.

• Every month is linked with the body. There are going to be things down deep in us, words that the enemy has lodged down deep in us this year and from the past seasons, that the Lord says I am going to deliver you out of them. I am going to have them let go and come out of you. Words go down deep into your inward parts. Word curses that have held us from prospering, God wants to loose them off of us this year. This year it begins. This is a year of deliverance from word curses. Your entire system can get healed as you “down-load” what God has made available through His Word.

• Every month when you wake up every day, do it with a shout saying “My blessings are on the way.” That will pull those blessings that have been held up down into this atmospheric heaven. Once you are dealing with a principality structure, that structure has held up things that have never been released to us.

What happened here is you started hitting a root structure here and yet God has replanted you to re-root you.

The root is:

• What something is derived from. It is the beginning.

• Essential cause of anything. They are saying let’s go back to the original cause. You haven’t dealt with the root until you have hit the very cause of what gave that manifestation right.

• Linked with how you are established . When there are demonic forces, you have to war constantly just to remain trying to be established. This year you can be established for your future.

• It is used in determining one’s stability . If you are up and down, that means there is some root issue you want God to put His finger on because you are not stable the way the Lord would have you stable.

• Linked with how you prosper . This is a time where God is replanting, planting, pulling up and getting things back in place so we can prosper again. A tree that spreads out its root and connects with the water system that God is releasing begins to prosper greatly.

66 The divine recovery has begun. When you deal with a root, you then begin a recovery season.

Recovery :

• To recuperate or regain what has been lost or taken. You are regaining ground that has been held up from you.

• To regain your health or get well. We can begin to enter into a dimension of healing like we’ve never seen before.

• To return to a place of authority that was taken from you. This year we start seeing authority that had been diminished, regained by those that God would love to release that authority back upon again.

• To save yourself from falling, slipping or being betrayed. Recovery is a little different because if you go through and start again in a place like this, falling, slipping or even a time of betrayal, you can immediately regain your footing. We decree an anointing over us right now that we will not lose ground this year!!

• To regain or reclaim land or substances from waste. It is a time of reclaiming . You must speak forth that which you are trying to draw in. It is just as important this year that you begin to define things that you know have been held up from you and start decreeing that they will be released. Define the things that you know have never manifested.

• To retrieve a person from a bad state. You can go back and people who have been captured by the enemy, you can decree that they will be retrieved.

• To get back by judgment . It means sometimes a judgment must be released until the enemy lets go and gives back what needs to be given back. The Lord is going to show us judgments that He would have us speak into the air by the Spirit that will start a working in our midst that gives up what God wants released back into God’s Kingdom people.

• To return to a balance from weakness.

• To reclaim or demand or decree that restoration of a thing will begin. This is a time that we must decree what we know these spirits have held back from us. If we don’t develop those decrees, we won’t see those changes occur.

67 • To cover again. Where you have felt vulnerable, God is putting a new mantle upon you for your future. This year, the new covering begins to form. You have addressed a structure that has been holding this entire region captive, now a new covering begins to form. You put on a new mantle .


Ruth got to a point after her alignment with Naomi where Naomi said we have to make a shift now if we are going to inherit. Naomi told her “change your clothing and go lie down at the foot of Boaz.” This is a time where we take off the grief from the past season and what we’ve lost. That is over this year and submit to God in a new way and you can’t lose what God has for you in the future.


Zech. 3 , here the people have been in seventy years captivity, but God is ready to do something differently. In the midst of it, here’s this power principality shows up and begins to accuse Joshua the high priest . The Lord just steps in front of him and says “wait a minute, I know what they’ve done in the past. I know where they’ve been in the past, but this year I am doing something different. I am going to re-clothe Joshua. I am going to remove the iniquities from the garment of the past.” Divine recovery creates a garment without iniquity so the enemy cannot attach itself to you.


The Lord removes the stone then He removes the grave clothes and Lazarus comes forth. It creates a testimony of God’s glory. They wanted to kill Lazarus as much as they wanted to kill the Lord.

This is a time we must find our abiding place. God has a place for us that we can’t be touched nor pulled out from. That place has been held up from many of us and now God says “I have given you access. Come near Me.”


To make known the manifold multi-colored wisdom of God to the powers and principalities. Joseph’s coat Biblically represents the manifold wisdom of God. Not only have you begun to address this structure, you must not let go until the manifold wisdom of God has decreed to those powers and principalities we now have recovered all.

We have entered a season of Divine recovery. Get ready. You will be the frontrunners in seeing recovery occur. Father, I decree the Divine vortex of deliverance is now over our city. I decree it is swirling over our city in our region.


Lord we say everything that has been held up, things that we were not even aware that were held up, begin to awaken us and show us what now must be released.

Father, that everyone that is part of the Bride of Christ will begin to prosper in new ways. Father, we thank You that there has been a remnant that has withstood the ruling force of this nation.

I say now Lord, release strategies of recovery day after day after day. Lord, we loose them from the Heavenly place of blessing into this earth realm. Lord, we say recovery of revelation, recovery of finance, recovery and release of what God has here.

Father, we thank You that from this place this nation will begin to hear the strategies of recovery. If you have felt blocked or been in a war that has been unbearable, now is your time for release!!

Lord, I say new strength, new release is coming, new anointing is coming. Father, I decree a new release will now happen and Lord the Divine recovery of what has been held up will now begin to manifest.


69 Renunciations For Babylon – Sarah Victor 1

Guide To The Prayers

Babylon in history is the fountainhead of all false in the Post-Flood world. All paganism, all idol worship, all mystery religions and secret societies have their roots in the Babylonian legends having to do with Nimrod, Semiramus, and Tammuz. [1][3]. These prayers of repentance and realignment work to remove all these false roots, remove the alignment with the Babylonian system, and to align us with God.

The Prayers Are Divided Into Sections

The first section deals with historical Babylon – it’s founding in rebellion and the might of the flesh.

The second section deals with the paganism and idolatry that originated in Babylon and spread into every human culture with a different face.

The third and longest section is about Babylon in biblical history.

We particularly focus on the time that God used Babylon as an instrument of justice against Judah for specific sins that Judah committed – in particular, the sin of idolatry. This is also the subject of the longest book in the Bible – Jeremiah. Therefore, in these prayers, we have focused some attention on this chapter in the history of His people.

God used page after page in Jeremiah to detail the sins that Judah did to cause the brutal hand of Babylon to come upon both the land and the people. In these pages, He has also poured His heart out in great distress and anguish at the suffering when this judgment came upon His beloved people and His pain at the destruction of the defiled land.

We see very familiar echoes of this suffering in our lives, our families, our nation and the world around us. The same judgment is still active in our world today – one has only to look at the wars in the world – young men cut down in their prime, the numerous tragedies of death and destruction that play out in every family.

God has the same anguish today when He sees our suffering today, as He did those centuries ago when His people suffered the consequences of their iniquity.

1 Prayer taken from

70 Amidst his plaint, God also pleads with His people to return to Him, to repent and be restored. We heed His voice in Jeremiah, confessing our sins and those of our ancestors, pleading with Him to restore us, our families, our nation and our land.

We cannot resist the cry of His heart in Jeremiah calling us to the passion and intimacy of our first love for Him. Time and time again in Jeremiah He examines our hearts very closely, searching our motives, our attitudes, our thoughts…. He reassures us about His plans for our lives, for our restoration.

The versions of the Bible used in these prayers are King James, New King James, Message and New Living Translation.

The fourth section deals with the continuation of the Babylonian system in history until the present time and the mixing of Babylon with the church.

We add a section to pray for the virtues needed to move with great authority and wisdom in the midst of Babylon as Daniel did. Daniel was called Beloved by God. He was honored by every Babylonian king without ever compromising his integrity. He was used as the instrument of deliverance for God’s people.

These prayers are best used together with the prayer booklet ‘Prayers For Generational Deliverance’ which is available from the Aslan’s Place Store both as a downloadable E-book and as a booklet that can be mailed to you.

Basic Renunciations

Heavenly Father, I ask you to forgive me and all members of my ancestral line for the sin of stubbornness which is as idolatry and the sin of rebellion which is as witchcraft.

Lord, forgive us for trusting in man and for making man-made things, philosophies, inventions and technologies our idols and for trusting them. You are our strength. Help us to enter into Your rest.

Forgive us for the creation of all pagan practices and associations with the Babylonian System.

71 Rise of Babylon

Nimrod And The Founding Of Babylon

Heavenly Father, I ask you to forgive me and all members of my ancestral line for the spirit of rebellion that was in Nimrod who set himself to oppose You and led a revolt against You. [1][2][16]

On behalf of my ancestors I repent and renounce the tyranny and despotism that Nimrod practiced and for the evil of the empire that he established. [5] We repent for the lust for power that the empire was founded on. [9] We repent for the hunting of the souls of men that Nimrod did. [5] We repent for the trading of the souls of men in Babylon. Forgive us for this spirit of rebellion that that the city of Babel or Babylon was founded in and which has contaminated the land of Shinar (Mesopotamia) to this day.

72 Tower Of Babel

Heavenly Father, I ask you to forgive me and all members of my ancestral line for all the beliefs and attitudes that caused the building of the religious ziggurat which was the Tower of Babel. [9]

We repent for the arrogance and presumption that holds that men could by themselves build the gateway to God. [2]

We repent for the astral worship and astrology practiced at the tower of Babel. [6]

We repent for the fear that the people lived in that they would be scattered abroad living in isolated communities where they would be exposed to danger and be unknown and without honor and standing in their community. [6]

We repent for this fear that led them to build this religious tower so that they could ‘make a name for themselves’ . We repent for using the power of religion to share the glory of God and to make a name for ourselves and to try to control our lives and our future. [6] We repent for this spirit of Babylon which uses religious authority to gain earthly power and prestige. [6]

We repent for our self-will, the arrogance that would make us believe that we could accomplish anything that we wanted on our own without You. [6]

Lord, help us not to avoid but to embrace the risks of establishing new frontiers, to be fruitful and replenish the earth, to bring Your dominion to bear in places where there had not been any before, to fulfill the destinies that You have for our lives. [15]

We repent for rebellion, pride, self-will and self-exaltation that lead us to want to ‘make a name for ourselves’ instead of partnering with You to pursue the magnificent birthright and destiny that You have given to us.

Babylon, City of Man

Lord we repent for being aligned with Babylon, the City of Man. Please help us to be citizens of and aligned with the City of God - New Jerusalem. [2]

Lord, help us to enter into Your inheritance for us by faith, looking for a city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is You.

73 Babylonian Idolatry

Nimrod Or

Lord, we repent for the state religion that Nimrod established, which deified and worshiped the emperor (Nimrod). We repent for the worship of Satan and his , star-worship. [9]

We repent for the worship of Nimrod as connected to the planet Jupiter, as in Greece, as Jupiter in Rome [25]

Lord, we repent for the worship of Nimrod as Marduk or ‘Bull Calf of the Sun’ – god of magic and incantations, [24] god of the agricultural people. [26]

We repent for the worship of this entity as the god associated with the planet Mars [9] as the patron deity of the city of Babylon, also known as Bel or ‘lord’ [25] , as the ‘bull of ’ and the bull called , steed of the Hindu God . [20]

We repent for the worship of this entity as the ‘’ and for the symbol of the crescent moon as symbolized by the horns of the bull. [25] [20]

We repent for the worship of the bull in Egypt as , embodiment of and later of . [20]

We repent for the worship of the bull in Greece as the ‘Bull of ’, the . [20]

We repent for the worship of Nimrod as Ninus in Babylon, Kronos - ‘The Bull- Horned One’ or Saturn in Rome, Zeus in Greece, Osiris in Egypt, in Chaldea. We repent for his representation as Hercules or Atlas in Greece. [1]


We repent for the worship of Semiramis, wife of Nimrod, queen of Babylon. [1]

We repent for the worship of the Queen of Heaven, Ammas or Mother of the gods, Ge or Gaia the Earth goddess, as the Madonna in Italy, Juno, Cybele or Rhea in Rome, Athena, Minerva or in Greece, Shing Moo or Ma Tsoopo in China, Astarte or Ashtoreth in Phoenicia. [1]

We repent for the worship of Semiramis as Aphrodite of Greece, Venus of Rome, Vesta or Terra of Rome [1]

74 Mystery Babylon

We repent for the worship of the unholy trinity in the Babylonian mysteries – Nimrod, his consort Semiramis and their posthumous son Tammuz (proclaimed as the reincarnation of Nimrod). We repent for all the paganism and idol worship that had their roots in the legends having to do with Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz. [1]

We repent for the worship of Semiramis and Tammuz as Semiramis and Tammuz of Babylon Ashtoreth and Tammuz of Phoenicia Isis and Horus of Egypt Aphrodite and Eros of Greece Venus and Cupid of Rome Cybele and Deoius of Asia Parvati and Iswara of India Madonna and Child in various cultures [1][2]

We repent for the system of Mysteries of Babylon that was set up when this false worship went underground in Babylon at the time when Nimrod was killed. We repent for the intended purpose – that of glorification of the dead Nimrod. We repent for the sacrifices to the dead that this worship involved. [1]

We repent for the ritual of the lamenting his early death at the summer solstice. [1]

We repent for the use of seals of secrecies, oaths, initiation ceremonies and magic used to continue this idolatry in secret. We repent for the spreading of this secret mystery religion through the earth. [1]

We repent for Freemasonry which was founded on the Mysteries of the Egyptian Isis, the goddess-mother, wife of Osiris [1]

We repent for all other mystery and false religions that we or our ancestors have practiced, such as Satanism, Luciferianism, Illuminati, Gnosticism, the Knights Templar, Rosicrucianism, Theosophical Society, New World Order, New Age and Lucid Trust.

Lord, please disconnect us from all these false cults and would You please connect all these links back to You.

75 Tammuz

Lord, on behalf of ourselves and our ancestors, we repent for the worship of Tammuz, posthumous son of Semiramis, who was claimed to be Nimrod resurrected. We repent for the false legend that he was the promised ‘seed of the woman’ who would deliver mankind. [1]

We repent for the association of the worship of Tammuz with the winter solstice (about Dec 22) when the days are the shortest and for the legend that the winter solstice is the sun dying and being reborn. [2]

We repent for the burning of the yule log on the winter solstice , replacing it with a trimmed tree the next morning to represent his resurrection. We repent for the continuing of this pagan tradition during celebrations [2]

We repent for the worship of Tammuz as the Sun God and as the Assyrian fertility deity

We repent for the worship of Tammuz as Horus in Egypt, Bacchus in Rome, Adonis in Greece, Baal-berith or Lord of the Covenant and as Vishnu in India. [1]

76 Astral Religions – Moon God

Lord, we repent for the worship of all heavenly bodies – the Sun, the Moon and the Planets and for the association of false gods with planets.

We repent for the development of astrology, which focuses on a study of the , which originated in Babylon. We repent for trying to find and manipulate our destiny by locating the section of the sky that we were born under. We repent for the association of astrology with demonism or Satanism in that Satan and his hosts are being worshipped in the guise of signs or planets. [27]

Forgive us for the worship of the Moon God of the Chaldees, the god of nomadic people. Forgive us for using the Crescent Moon as the symbol of the Moon God and for establishing the lunar calendar around this ungodly worship. [4]

Forgive us for worshipping the black meteorite stone as the Ka’aba, for calling the moon god the Lord of the Ka’aba and for its worship and the worship of 360 other idols. [4]

Forgive us for the worship of the Moon God as Sin in Syria and as Al-Ilah in Arabia. [4]

Forgive us for the establishment of Islam as a religion built around the worship of the Moon God Al-lah. Forgive us for the establishment of cities such as Jericho or Beth-Yerah (House of the Moon God) around this false worship of the Moon God. [4]

Forgive us for the establishment of centers of worship of the Moon God at Ur and Harran and building temples to this god throughout Babylonia and Assyria. [19]

Lord, please disconnect us from the principalities of the land of Babylon including all astral worship and worship of the moon.

Lord, would you deliver us from all curses of insanity (lunacy) that have come upon us as a result of the worship of the moon (Luna). Forgive us for all rituals and practices associated with the different cycles of the moon, including rituals done at new moon, full moon and all shape-shifting. [28]

Astral Religions – Sun God

We repent for all worship of the sun and sun deities as Helios or Titan and Apollo in Greece, Shamash or Tammuz in Mesopotamia at Sippar and Larsa, the Germanic Sol, the Vedantic Surya and Adityas, the Incan Inti and Aztec Huitzilopochtli, the Egyptian , Amaterasu in Japan, the Slavic Dazhbog. [29]

77 Serpent

We repent for the use of the symbol of the snake, serpent or dragon that is associated with Nimrod/Marduk. [25] We repent for all worship of snakes, use of snakes in rituals, worship of deities associated with snakes.

We repent for the use of the caduceus or Rod of Asclepius (Greek god of medicine and healing) or the winged staff with two snakes wrapped around it, the ancient astrological symbol of commerce associated with the Greek god Hermes as the symbol of medicine based upon the astrological principles of using the planets and stars to heal the sick. [21]

We repent for all worship of Asclepius, Chiron, Hermes and all association of these false deities with the practice of medicine. We repent for the use of magic and hermetic arts in the practice of medicine. [17]

We repent for the worship of other false deities associated with the snake such as Poseidon, Hydra and Triton, Gorgons and Medusa (Greek), Shiva, Naga (India), Auslavis in Lithuania, the Rainbow Serpent of the Aboriginal People of Australia, the Minoan Snake Goddess, Zombi in West Africa and Haiti, Degei in Fiji [30]

Lord, please disconnect us from all these snake deities. Lord, please disconnect us from Leviathan, the sea monster. Lord please disconnect us from the ancient serpent, the dragon.

Other Mesopotamian False Gods [11]

We repent for the worship of An, the god of heaven (Pan-Mesopotamian) at the E’anna temple at Uruk.

We repent for the worship of Enlil, the god of the air and storms (Pan- Mesopotamian) associated with the planet Jupiter at the E’kur temple in Nippur.

We repent for the worship of (Pan-Mesopotamian), the god of water and fertile earth associated with the planet Mercury, at the E’abzu temple.

We repent for the worship of Eridu or Ea, the god of magic, wisdom and intelligence.

We repent for the worship of Ki or Nirhursag, the mother-goddess representing the earth (Sumerian), at the E’saggila temple at Kish

We repent for the worship of Ashur (Assyrian), the sky god, the main god of Assyria at Assur.

78 We repent for the worship of Ninlil or Nillina, the goddess of the air, the south wind, and wife of Enlil (Sumerian) at the E’kur Temple in Nippur.

We repent for the worship of Nergal, god of death, associated with the planet Mars, son of Enlil and Ninlil.

We repent for the worship of Inanna (Ishtar), the goddess of love and war (Sumerian), associated with the planet Venus, at the E’anna temple at Uruk.

We repent for the worship of Marduk, son of Ea, the god of light, the main god of Babylon (Babylonian) at the E’saggila temple in Babylon.

We repent for the worship of Nanna or Suen (Sumerian) or Sin (Akkadian) god of the moon at the E’hursag temple of Ur and Harran

We repent for the worship of Utu (Sumerian), Tutu (Akkadian) or Shamash (Akkadian) God of the sun at the E’barbara temple of Sipparand in Babylonia.

We repent for the worship of Ninurta (Sumerian Lord Plough associated with the planet Saturn) at the E’Girsu temple at Lagash.

79 Babylon In The Bible

Seduction Of Babylon

Heavenly Father, on behalf of my ancestors and myself, I repent for coveting the things of Babylon or the world system and being seduced by the things of the world into disobeying Your commandments and going against Your ways.

On behalf of myself and my ancestors who are part of the Babylonian system, I repent for the seductive spirit of Babylon and for seducing Your people away from You.

Mixing With Babylon

We repent for allowing our lands and our possessions to be occupied by the people of Babylon and for the intermingling of God’s people with the people of Babylon. While this judgment against us was just retribution for our idolatry, Father, please forgive us and restore unto us our lands and our identity and heritage as Your people.

On behalf of our Babylonian ancestors, we repent for occupation of the land of Israel and for compromising the identity and values of your people.

Legitimacy From Babylon

We repent for trying to find our legitimacy by displaying to the world the power, wealth, influence, gifts, talents and treasures that You gave us and for using them in the world when they were meant to be dedicated to You and used in Your service

We repent that we found our legitimacy in looking for admiration and favor from the world instead of deriving our legitimacy from our relationship with You. Lord we repent that when you tried us to know what was in our hearts, You found us wanting. We pray that You may align our hearts with Your heart.

On behalf of our ancestors we repent that we brought curses into our generational lines so that generational blessings and treasures were stolen from our families and our generational lines were cut off without male heirs . Lord, please restore to us these generational lines and treasures.

On behalf of the Babylon world system, we repent for coveting the treasures given to Your people and for stealing them.

80 Oppression By Babylon

On behalf of our ancestors from Babylon, we repent for the attack against Jerusalem , the City of God, its siege, the subsequent famine, the murder and the carrying away of Your people to Babylon, for the blinding and murder of the royal line among Your people, for the enslavement of Your people.

On behalf of the Babylon system, we repent for the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem , the destruction of the pillars of brass, the brazen sea and the stealing of the brass from which they were made. We repent for the stealing of the vessels of the house of the Lord and for placing them in the temples of Babylon.

Judgment Against Babylon

Lord, we pray for our own deliverance from Babylon and the deliverance of many peoples from this system before Your weapons arise against Babylon to destroy it for the final time.

On behalf of ourselves and our ancestors from Babylon we humble ourselves before you, pray, seek your face and repent of our wicked ways, our evil, our iniquity, our pride, arrogance and haughtiness. We pray that You may not destroy our land but that You may heal it and restore it.

Lord deliver us from the curses of being hunted down, being sheep without a shepherd, being pierced, cut down and killed in war , our children dashed to death, our homes sacked, our wives raped, our young men shot down, our babies murdered, our children shown no compassion.

Please remove from our lands, houses and lives all ungodly wild beasts of the desert and islands, doleful, howling creatures, owls, ostriches, satyrs and dragons.

On behalf of ourselves and our ancestors, we repent for the predator spirit – for oppressing other people and riding rough-shod over those weaker than ourselves whom we were supposed to encourage, defend and lead. We repent for the victim spirit – for passivity or lack of courage that allow predators to oppress us and for not walking in our destiny to possess our birthright.

Lord, please break the staff of the wicked and the scepter of the unrighteous rulers, those who struck Your people with endless blows of rage and those who held nations in their angry grip with unrelenting tyranny.

Lord, would You bring rest into our lands and lives and upon the whole earth. May the earth break forth into singing and the trees rejoice.

81 We repent for all ungodly self-exaltation, pride and rebellion against You. Lord, please remove the wilderness and destruction from our lives and please open the house of the prisoners.

Lord, please remove from our lands, houses and lives the bittern, the porcupine or hedgehog, the pools or swamps of water and the broom of destruction. Lord, please remove the serpent’s root, the viper or adder and the fruit which is the fiery, flying serpent.

Lord, we repent for not taking care of the poor and needy as you have charged us to. We pray that you may help us to feed the poor and find a place for the needy to lie down. We pray that you may help us to build our foundations on Zion which you have founded.

We repent for the idolatry of Babylon and for the graven images of its heathen gods. . Forgive us for showing no mercy and for laying the yoke heavily upon the elderly. We repent for multitudes of sorceries, abundance of enchantments, for allowing wisdom and knowledge to pervert us, for seeking ungodly counsel from astrologers, stargazers, monthly prognosticators.

Lord, lead us out of Babylon and lead us by the way that we should go. Help us to heed your commandments so that our peace is as a river and our righteousness like waves of the sea.

Deliverance From Babylon – Sabbath Rest

On behalf of myself and my ancestors, Lord I repent for not entering into and staying in the Sabbath rest that you have ordained for us. Not following your principles of the Sabbath rest have brought judgment upon us in the form of periods of captivity to the Babylonian world system according to the times that we have not entered into Your rest.

Lord, we repent for not entering into Your rest because of unbelief. We repent for hardening our hearts against Your voice. We repent for trusting our own works. Help us not to labor doing our own works but to labor to enter into Your rest. Help us to take advantage of the special, appointed times that You have sanctified for us to draw close to You.

Lord, we come to You for your rest. We take Your yoke upon us and would learn of You. You are meek and lowly in heart and we shall find rest unto our souls. Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light.

82 Deliverance From Babylon – Forsaking God

Lord, on behalf of ourselves and our ancestors, we repent for desecrating the land by burning incense in it to other gods - by exalting ideas and philosophies from the imaginations of man. [13] We repent for worshipping the works of our own hands - celebrating humanism by exalting ourselves and turning to ourselves as the solution to our problems.

Lord, we hear the cry of Your heart, the abandonment and rejection in Your voice as You cry out to us, “I remember you – the kindness of your youth, the love of your betrothal, when you went after Me in the wilderness.”

Lord, we repent for losing our first love for You for drifting from you, walking after falsehood and emptiness so that we have ourselves become barren and fruitless like the things we followed. . We repent for not acknowledging Your provision for us in hardship and danger. We repent for defiling the fruitful land that You gave us – for corrupting the inheritance and heritage that You gave us.

We repent for being priests who do not seek You any more. We repent for being religion experts who do not know you. We repent for being authority figures who defy You and Your ways. We repent for being false prophets who prophesied by the spirit of Baal and chased empty dreams and schemes.

We repent for trading our glory - You - for things which can never satisfy us.

Forgive us Lord for forsaking You – the fountain of living waters. Forgive us for hewing broken cisterns that can hold no water.

Lord, deliver us from slavery and from being plundered. Lord, please restore the fruitfulness of our land and please rebuild the ruined places in our cities. We brought this on ourselves when we forsook You.

Forgive us for seeking allies, partnerships and making covenants with powers that you did not mean for us to ally ourselves with.

Deliver us from the shame, evil and bitterness that have come into our lives because we abandoned you and did not fear You. We repent for forsaking You Lord.

83 Deliverance From Babylon – Spiritual Harlotry

Lord, would You please forgive us and our ancestors for idolatry, pagan worship, the use of phallic symbols in public places, and sex-and-fertility rites performed on high places and in groves. We have become degenerate and defiled; paganism is mixed into our lives today. Forgive us for worshipping Baal, and for allowing that spirit to control our land.

Forgive us for spiritual harlotry – becoming available to any and every drive and force around us. This has happened because our heart drifted from You into degeneracy. [13]

Lord, we have exalted man-made idols – our science and technology, our political and social systems, our media programming, looking to them for our origins, for our parenting. Please forgive us.

Forgive us Lord for not responding to Your parental discipline. Forgive us for getting rid of the prophets and voice that You sent us.

Lord, we are stained with the blood of the innocent and the poor. Please forgive us. Forgive us for questioning the judgment that has come upon us without acknowledging the sins that we and our ancestors have done.

Lord, please forgive us our spiritual harlotry which has polluted the land. Lord, would You now send the showers that have been withheld from the land? Would You send us the latter or spring rains? . Lord, we repent and turn to You with our whole heart.

Lord, we hear Your passionate cry to us to return to You because we are married to You. We acknowledge our iniquity – that we have transgressed against You and not obeyed Your voice, have participated in ritual religious prostitution in the groves of the pagan gods and have scattered our ways to strangers in spiritual whoredom.

Lord, would You give us shepherd-rulers according to Your heart who will feed us with knowledge and understanding. We repent for following the unrighteous desires and images in our hearts.

Lord, we repent for the perversion of our ways. We repent for forgetting You. Lord, we return to You as wayward children. Lord, would You heal our wayward, wandering hearts. We come to You – You are the Lord our God and You alone are our salvation.

Lord, shame and dishonor have been the fruit of the labor of our fathers - their possessions, sons and daughters were squandered on a delusion. Lord, would You remove this shame and waste from our generational line.


Lord, we put away our idols and our sin paraphernalia. We want to live in truth, justice and righteousness and we glory in You.

Lord, we plow up the hard ground of our hearts. We stop sowing good seed among thorns. We circumcise ourselves to You and we take away the foreskins of our heart. Lord, we wash our hearts from wickedness and stop harboring devious and malignant designs within us.

Lord, please would You remove the bitter taste of our punishment which pierces our hearts. Lord, our heart cries out aloud in anguish - we writhe in pain. The enemy comes in battle against us. Waves of destruction roll over us, our houses and our land until we lie in complete desolation. Our shelters are gone. Lord – how long will we have to see battle? Deliver us Lord!

We acknowledge that we do not know You, that we do not yet have understanding, that we are clever enough at doing wrong but have no idea how to do right! Now our fertile fields have become a wilderness and our land is ruined. We cry and groan – the anguish of a woman in labor, the cry of the daughter of Zion reaching out for help – from the murderers! Deliver us Lord – we cry to You.

Deliverance From Babylon – Corruption

Lord, forgive us and our ancestors for not being just and honest , for refusing to be corrected by you and refusing to be corrected, being hard-hearted and refusing to return to You. Forgive our leaders for not knowing Your ways and Your judgment, but throwing off Your yoke and breaking free of all restraint. Forgive us and our ancestors for taking part in prostitution and for committing adultery.

Forgive us for betraying you, for ignoring Your word to us and refusing to heed Your warnings. Now, the destroyer has consumed the food of our harvest, our sons and daughters and all our possessions. The insurance and defenses in which we trusted have not protected us!

Lord, forgive us for having eyes and not seeing, for having ears and not hearing You. Help us to hear you with our hearts.

Lord, we will walk in righteous fear of You - who have created order and boundaries for nature and for man. Forgive us for having a defiant and rebellious heart. Our iniquities have shut up the autumn and the spring rains. We have missed the appointed weeks of the harvest and our sins have withheld good things from us.

85 Forgive us for setting traps for unsuspecting victims, for stuffing our houses with ill-gotten gain from exploitation, for not looking after the orphans and the needy. Forgive us for being lying prophets and ruler-priests who rule by our own power with an iron hand. Forgive us for tolerating such.

Deliverance From Babylon – Corporate Evil

Lord, forgive us and our ancestors - our cities are full of brutality, bursting with violence and are full of grieving and wounded people.

Forgive us for covetousness – for going after the dishonest dollar - prophets and priests and everyone in between – for twisting words and doctoring truth. Your people are broken and shattered - forgive us for being shepherds who put Band- Aids on them and do not heal the hurt of Your people. Forgive us for not being ashamed of our actions.

Forgive us for not stopping at the crossroads and seeing, for not asking for the ancient paths, for not seeking the good way and for refusing to walk in it – we could have found rest for our souls if we had done so.

When you set watchmen over us, we refused to listen to them when they sounded the alarm. Forgive us Lord.

Lord, we have reaped catastrophe and disaster in our lives - the fruit of our own schemes because we have ignored everything You said and treated Your teaching with contempt. And now, under attack, we are paralyzed with fear and terror – death is on the prowl. Lord, please forgive us.

Lord, we heed Your call to Your church to clean up our act – the way we live, the things we do, to start treating each other with justice - so that you can will dwell in our churches and places of worship. Forgive us for our religious games and rituals [13]

Forgive us for exploiting aliens, transients, the homeless, orphans and widows. Lord, there is blood on our hands from oppression and injustice in our systems. Forgive us for stealing, committing adultery, lying, burning incense to Baal and following other gods whom we do not discern to be evil. Lord, we have no license to go on with this sacrilege and defile Your places of worship.

Lord, forgive us for ignoring You when You spoke to us and for not answering when You called us.

Forgive us and our ancestors for offering sacrifices and burnt offerings to the Queen of Heaven and drink offerings to other idols just to hurt You God. We are deeply sorry, Lord, indeed we have hurt ourselves – exposing ourselves to

86 shame and ridicule. And now Your anger has come upon everything in our country – people, animals, trees and crops. Please heal us and redeem us.

Forgive us for not obeying You, for following the stubborn desires of our evil hearts, going backward instead of forward and for not listening to Your servants the prophets.

Lord, forgive us for setting up obscene god-images in the very temple that was built to honor You, defiling it. Forgive us for building pagan shrines and altars in high places, for burning our sons and daughters and babies alive in the fire – a perversion of all that You are. This has reaped death in our lives – abandoned corpses fed on by birds and animals.

Lord, would You forgive us and restore the voices of laughter, joy and merriment and gladness that were stilled by these curses – the voices of the bridegroom and the bride.

Lord, we repent for loving, serving, following, seeking and worshipping the sun, the moon, the stars and all the host of heaven. Lord this is what has brought on us the curse of wishing that we were dead rather than alive. Lord, please forgive us and deliver us.

Lord, forgive us for staying on our self-destructive path and not turning back when we discover we are on the wrong road. We repent for perpetual back- sliding, stubbornly holding on to our illusions, refusing to change direction. You listen carefully to us and do not hear one of us speaking truth or expressing regret. Everyone is following his own course banging his head against a brick wall. Lord, please forgive us.

Lord, forgive us for not knowing the appointed times or the rule and the judgment of the Lord. Forgive us for thinking that we know the score – that we are the proud owners of Your revelation. This has gotten us stuck in illusion. Forgive us for being religious experts who have taken Your people for a ride. Forgive us for being know-it-alls whom You will unmask if we do not repent.

Lord, thus we have reaped curses of homelessness and loss of our spouses. Lord would you please forgive and restore our families and our spouses, our homes and our possessions to us. Please restore fruitfulness to our work and our lives. Lord would You please remove the cup of poison from our lives. Lord, would You please remove serpents, cockatrices, vipers and adders from among us.

Lord, our grief seems beyond healing. Our hearts are broken as we weep and cry to You, “Have You abandoned us Lord? Are You no longer in our midst?” We have provoked Your anger with our worthless idols and gods. Lord, You hurt

87 when we hurt. We find no medicine or physician or healing for our wounds. Forgive us Lord, and restore our health!

Forgive us for refusing to stand up for the truth, for advancing from one evil to the next, ignorant of You. Forgive us for deceiving and defrauding our neighbors and spreading malicious gossip about them behind their backs. Our tongues are poison arrows and deadly lies stream from our mouth.

Lord, please restore us, our cities, our pastures and grazing grounds, our livestock and wildlife. Please remove the dragons and desolation from our midst. We repent that we abandoned Your instructions, refused to obey You but stubbornly lived any way we wanted to and took up with Baal gods whom we thought would give us what we wanted – following the ancestral iniquity by doing so.

Lord, would You please remove the consequences - the wormwood and the gall – the bitterness and poison from us. Would you gather us again from all the places where we have been scattered and remove the sword that is chasing us in an everlasting curse.

Lord would You remove the spirit of death that has crept in through our windows, entered our mansions, killed off the flower of our youth and our children?

Lord, we repent for bragging about our cleverness, our exploits and our riches. We glory in this – that we understand and know You – that You are the Lord who exercises loving-kindness, judgment and righteousness in the earth.

Lord, we repent for trying to read our future in the stars. We repent for following futile customs of cutting down trees and decorating them with silver and gold. Lord we have be come stupid and foolish by worshipping stupid and foolish things. Please forgive us.

Lord, our wounds are severe and our grief is great. Our sickness is incurable. We are homeless and have lost our children. Forgive us and help us. Forgive us for being shepherds who have lost sensitivity and did not ask You for counsel. Therefore we are not prospering and our flock is scattered. Lord, please would You restore us.

Lord, we acknowledge that we cannot run our own lives – we don’t have what it takes to plan our own course. Correct us with mercy and judgment.

88 Deliverance From Babylon – Covenant Breaking

Lord, we repent for forgetting Your covenants with us and breaking the terms of our covenants with You. The terms said that our obedience would fulfill the terms of the covenant – that You would be our God even as we would be Your people and that You would give us this fertile and lush land. Forgive us for going back to the iniquities of our fathers who paid no attention to You but did whatever they wanted to, whenever they wanted to do it.

Forgive us for setting up altars everywhere to burn incense to the sex god Baal which has degraded us. Lord, You rebuke us for doing this and then coming to worship You in Your house, making promises and devising pious programs. Forgive us Lord.

Lord, we acknowledge that you judge righteously and test the mind and the heart, examining and cross-examining our actions and motives. We plead our case before You.

Lord we repent that Your name is on our lips but our minds and hearts are far from You. We acknowledge that You see us and try our hearts toward You.

Lord, the land mourns, the grass and herbs have withered; the wildlife and birds are dying off because of the evil in the land. We repent and turn toward You and ask You to heal our land and restore our plants and animals.

Lord, we hear the cry of Your heart as You suffer anguish over having to abandon Your people, surrender us - the dearest ones of Your heart to our enemies, over having to treat us harshly because of our rebellion against You – we, Your promised heritage, turning against You.

We repent for being shepherd-rulers who have destroyed Your vineyard, trampled Your vines turning its beauty into a barren wilderness and an empty wasteland. We hear the ache of Your heart as You hear the mournful cry of the desolate land and barren hilltops that no one cares about. We repent for not being good stewards of Your land. Please deliver us from the destroying armies and from Your sword.

Lord, we have planted wheat and are harvesting thorns. We have worn ourselves out. We are harvesting a crop of shame because of Your fierce anger. Lord please forgive us and restore us

Forgive all those of us nations who reached out for the possession that you have given to Your people Israel.

89 Help us nations to diligently learn the ways of Your people and to pray to You to undo the time when we taught Your people to pray to Baal. Lord, build us in the midst of Your people Israel.

Lord we repent that we have refused to listen to You and stubbornly do only what we want to do and chase after all kinds of gods to serve them and worship them. This is why we are falling apart. Lord, please restore us. Help us to cling to You so that we can be Your people, Your pride and Your glory - an honor to Your name.

Lord, we have become senseless in the anguish and throes of the judgment that has come upon us. We humble ourselves and give You glory. Please turn the dense darkness and the shadow of death back into light in our lives. We repent for our pride.

Lord, please remove the pangs of anguish from us. Forgive us for forgetting You and trusting in falsehood. Forgive our adulteries, our lust, the lewdness of our harlotry on the hills and in the fields. Would You make us clean?

Deliverance From Babylon – Suffering

Lord, we find no water - our vessels are empty and we are ashamed and don’t know what to do. The ground is parched and there is no rain or grass in the land. Our farmers are troubled and our animals suffer. Lord, our wickedness has caught up with us. We repeatedly sin against You. Lord, please help us for the sake of your own reputation. You are our hope in times of trouble.

Save us Lord.

Lord, forgive us for wandering this way and that, never giving a thought to where we were going. Lord, please deliver us from war, famine and disease. Lord, we know that you weep for us – night and day, your tears overflowing because we are battered and bruised, hopelessly and cruelly wounded. Our fields are killing fields, strewn with corpses, our cities overflow with starving bodies. Forgive us for being preachers and priests who go about our business as if nothing has happened.

Lord, we confess our wickedness and that of our ancestors too. Lord, please do not abandon us. Please remember us and Your covenant with us. We pray for rain and wait for Your help.

Lord, our judgment has been assigned to us in four ways – death, war, famine and slavery. Four forms of destruction have been appointed for us – death in war, our corpses dragged by dogs, our bodies devoured by birds and by animals. Lord, deliver us from these judgments and destructions which came upon us because we forsook You.


Lord, You have let the winds scatter us like leaves - our children are dead or lost. You have made sure that we have lost everything since nothing makes us change. You have created more widows among us than grains of sand on the ocean beaches. At noon, our mothers get the news of their sons killed in action – sudden anguish for the mothers at all the terrible deaths. They have been disgraced and humiliated.

Lord, we are being cursed by men whom we have not harmed. Our wealth and our treasures have been plundered because of our sins. Remember us and visit us and take vengeance on our persecutors on our behalf.

Your words are to us our joy and our heart’s delight for we are called by Your name. Lord deliver us from our perpetual pain and incurable wounds which do not heal. We return to you – restore us. You have taken Your protection and peace away from us – Your loyal love and Your compassion.

Lord would you restore to our land and our house smiles, laughter, celebration, the voice of the bridegroom and the bride?

Lord, forgive our fathers who left You, walked off and never looked back, for following other gods, worshipping them and for not keeping Your law. Forgive us for doing worse than our fathers and for stubbornly doing whatever we want to, whenever you want to and refusing to pay attention to You.

Deliver us from the fishermen and hunters who hunt us down. Lord, You watch us closely and our iniquities are not hidden from You. You are our strength and stronghold, our safe retreat when trouble comes.

Our fathers lived on lies, useless illusions and left us a foolish heritage.

Lord, our sin is inscribed with an iron chisel with the point of a diamond – engraved on our granite hearts and upon the horns of our altars. Lord, even the children in our generational line worship at the pagan altars, the idolatrous Asherah sex-and-religion groves by the green trees upon the high hills.

Therefore the treasures of the mountains in the field – the high places have become plunder. We have lost our heritage and served our enemies in strange lands and have you’re your anger blaze with an everlasting fire. Lord, forgive us and restore us.

Lord, we repent for trusting in man, and for relying on human strength and ingenuity, for humanism, for turning our hearts away from You. Lord, by doing so, we have become like the heath in the desert with no hope for the future but living in the barren wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land.

91 Lord, we will trust in you and put our hope in You. By doing this, we shall be as trees planted by the waters, spreading our roots by the river, not bothered by the heat or long months of drought but bearing fruit every season.

Lord, we know that the heart is naturally hopelessly wicked and deceitful – a puzzle that no one can figure out. But You Lord, search the heart, examine the mind and motives, giving us rewards according to our actions.

We repent for ill-gotten riches which soon leave us. It is because we have forsaken You, the fountain of living waters that we now dwell in shame. Lord, heal us and we shall truly be healed. Save us and we shall truly be saved, for our praises are for You alone.

Lord, we repent for forgetting You, for burning incense to worthless ideas and gods, stumbled off the ancient highways and walk in muddy path instead. Our land has become desolate – a monument to our stupidity.

We repent for filling the land with the blood of the innocent, for building the high places of Baal, and Ashtaroth, for sacrificing our children as burnt offerings to these unholy gods as was done in the valley of Hinnom.

Please take away the curses from us of the desolation of our cities, of the curse of being an object of derision, scorn and ridicule. Please take away from us their plagues, siege by our enemies, distress, famine, death. Father, we are broken as a potter’s vessel which has no hope of being repaired. Please remove our defilement and the defilement of our land. Please let the atoning Blood of Jesus make us whole again.

We repent that we have hardened our necks as stubborn and unbroken oxen and refused to take your yoke upon us and refused to hear Your words. Thus did the yoke of Babylon come upon us. Please remove from us the yoke of Babylon and place Your yoke upon us - for Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light.

Lord we repent for persecution of all the prophets that have warned us about our sins and our punishment by Babylon. Please deliver us from the resulting curse of being a danger to ourselves and to everyone around us thereby causing the death of our friends.

Lord, please restore our cities, our produce, our precious things and our treasures which have been plundered and taken by Babylon or the world.

Lord, we pray for the restoration and rebuilding of the house of God and the restoration of the vessels of the house of God. We pray that the gold and silver of Babylon and the freewill offering of Your people may be offered willingly for the rebuilding of the house of God.

92 Please forgive us for false prophecies. Deliver us from the curses of death and captivity.

Lord, we repent for our sins and pray that we may never put ourselves in a position where You are fighting against us. . Deliver us from the curses of pestilence, the sword and famine. Deliver us from the hand of our enemy who seeks our life and kills us without pity or mercy.

Help us to seek You for deliverance from judgment and curses and not to try to deliver ourselves. Let the defilement of ourselves and our land be burned with Your Holy Fire.

Lord, forgive us for not executing judgment and righteousness , not delivering the oppressed, doing wrong, doing violence against strangers, the fatherless and the widows and shedding innocent blood.

Lord, we ask that You will come and rule us from the throne of David.

Lord we ask that You would remove the curses of desolation and waste that have come upon us, our families and our city. We ask that You would take away our barrenness.

Lord forgive us for forsaking our covenant with You, for worshipping other gods and serving them. Forgive us for building our houses by unrighteousness, our chambers by wrong, for using our neighbor’s service without wages and for not giving him recompense for his work.

Forgive us for making our own plans to build our houses and ignoring your plans for our lives.

Help us to judge the cause of the poor and needy so that by doing this, we may truly know You and it may be well with us

Lord, forgive us for not judging the cause of the poor and needy for using our eyes and our hearts for covetousness, for shedding innocent blood, for oppression and violence.

Forgive us for refusing to hear your voice when you speak to us in our prosperity. Forgive us for not obeying your voice.

Deliver us from the hand of those that seek our lives and from the hand of those whose face we fear.

93 Deliverance From Babylon – False Prophets

Forgive us and all the members of our generational line who have not been your faithful pastors but have destroyed and scattered the sheep of Your pasture and have driven them away and have not visited them.

We pray that you will bring us, Your sheep back to our folds and make us fruitful and increase, to be without fear, dismay and lack. Please set up your shepherds over us. Let your judgment and justice be executed in the earth.

Please help us to be shepherds who will feed Your sheep and cause them not to fear, be dismayed or be lacking.

Lord, we pray for righteous government to be set over us, who will reign in prosperity over us and execute judgment and justice in the earth.

Lord, we listen to Your holy words. We repent for listening to the false words of the false prophets. We repent for committing adultery, for being faithless to You, for being idolater-adulterers who have brought curses on our land so that it has become a barren wasteland.

On behalf of ourselves and all members in our generational line, we repent for being ungodly prophets and priests who have brought curses on the land by our false oaths, who have caused the pleasant places of the land to dry up. We repent for desecrating Your house by our evil course and by our ungodly power. We repent for treading slippery paths in darkness.

We repent for the being prophets who have prophesied by Baal, caused Your people to go astray, committed adultery, walked in lies, strengthened the hands of the evildoers and for never previously repenting for our wickedness, for teaching people empty and futile teachings and filling them with vain hopes, speaking visions of our own minds and not from the mouth of the Lord.

We repent for prophesying peace to those who despise You and Your word and who do not obey You but walk stubbornly according to the imagination of their own heart.

Forgive us for not standing in the counsel of the Lord, for not perceiving and hearing Your Word, for not marking Your Word and obeying it.

Forgive us for going forth as prophets when you have not sent us and for prophesying when You have not spoken to us.

As prophets, we should have stood in Your counsel, caused Your people to hear Your words and turned Your people from their evil ways and the evil of their doings. Forgive us for not doing so.


Forgive us for prophesying lies out of the deceit of our own heart. Forgive us for causing Your people to forget Your name by telling people of dreams that were not from You, for imitating the phrases of the true prophets, for prophesying false dreams and causing Your people to err by our lies and by our recklessness when You did not send us

Forgive us for being a burden to Your people and for not helping them at all and for perverting the words of the living God, of the Lord of hosts, our God For those of us and our generational line that were so deceived, Lord, forgive us for listening to the words of the false prophets and for being led astray by them. Lord, please remove the curses of everlasting reproach and perpetual shame that these iniquities have brought upon us.

Deliverance From Babylonian - Oppression

Lord, please set Your eyes upon us for good, bring us into our land and into our inheritance, build us up and plant us. Give us a heart to know You – that You are the Lord and that we are Your people. We return unto You with our whole hearts.

Please remove from us the curses of the sword, the famine and the pestilence.

Forgive us for not listening to or obeying the Words of Your servants the true prophets, for not turning from our evil ways, from the evil or our doings and dwelling in the land and inheritance that You have given to us. Forgive us for going after other gods to serve them and worship them and provoking You to anger with the words of our hands to our own hurt.

Please remove the destruction, the desolation, the scorn and shame that have come upon us. Please restore to us the voice of mirth, the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the bride, the sound of the millstones and the light of the candle. Please remove the barrenness of our land. Please take away the sword and the wine cup of Your fury. Please deliver us from our oppression.

Marriage of the Church and the World

Pontifex Maximus

Lord, we repent for the transfer of the system of Babylonian paganism with the High Priest’s title of Pontifex Maximus from Babylon to the head of the church at Rome, [12] We repent for the mixing of paganism with the church. [3]

Please remove the destruction, the desolation, the scorn and shame that have come upon us. Please restore to us the voice of mirth, the voice of gladness, the voice of the Bride and the Voice of the Bridegroom.

95 Appendix (Dutch Sheets)

Baal-hamon , one of Baal’s names, means “the lord of wealth or abundance.” Chuck Pierce believes, and I agree, that this is the principality warring against the great transfer of wealth to the church. You must war against this spirit to see your inheritance released. Claim Jeremiah 51:44 (Bel in this verse is Baal).

Baal-berith , another of his names, means “the lord of the covenant.” The Hebrew word Baal actually means “husband” or “marriage.” This spirit always attempted to cause Israel to “divorce” or break covenant with God and “marry” or align with him. Consistent with this, in so many ways America has broken covenant with God and married Baal. This is, I believe, the strongman behind most covenant-breaking.

Baal is the strongman behind sexual perversion. Homosexuality was and is one of his big strongholds. I believe all of the sexual sin and perversion in America is, to one degree or another, under Baal’s orchestration. You will continue to see God expose leaders in the church who aligned themselves with this spirit. Pray for the church to be cleansed and for Baal’s hold on America in this area to be broken.

Baal always goes after the next generation, trying to cut off the extension of God’s covenantal purposes. He is a violent spirit and even required human sacrifice.

Abortion is under Baal, as is the “cutting” of today’s young generation (see 1 Kings 18:28), the vampire and Goth movement, and the death culture in general that has so invaded America. Baal is leading the fight to avert the great awakening planned for the young generation of Americans today. Pray against and bind these efforts.

Witchcraft and occult spirits in general operate under Baal. So does Jezebel.

In part one of his series, Prophet Dutch Sheets teaches about breaking the power of the Jezebel Baal connection in 2007. The name Baal itself means master or lord, rule, possesses or marry. This name was also a name for marriage, husband in marriage or Beulah.

When we enter into a wrong relationship, the spirit of Baal desires to align people in a covenant relationship that will give it access to them, give it permission to take over ownership of them and their possessions.

96 Baal was the primary spirit associated with Babylon or Iraq. We are feeling the back lash in America because we are on the turf of Babylon in Iraq. We cannot defeat this spirit in Iraq with flesh and blood. We have a stale mate now because we are being slapped around by the spirit of Babylon in Iraq.

There is the cataclysmic war in the heavens now because this spirit trying intensely to hold it's ground not only in Iraq but also in America. Baal was also the God of fertility, war, provision, wealth, the sun, rain, crops and vegetation in general.

Remember God told Elijah to decree a 3 1/2 year drought to indicate that their god, Baal, was inactivated. Only repentance would break the famine that was in the land because of Baal worship.

Baal was also working together with Asherah, mother of Baal, and god of passion and the sea. They are probably responsible for much of the poverty, perversion, cutting, mutilation and violence that is increasing now.

Jeremiah 51:44 says "I will punish Baal and Babylon and make what he has swallowed come out of his mouth."

Before we can partner together in prayer to make him give up what he has eaten up or devoured, this god of wealth that we have worshipped, we must repent of the perversion, greed and pride that we have allowed this spirit to manifest. We have been married to Baal and Jezebel, rebelling against God. We have not seen the great transfer of wealth because we have given this spirit access to hold wealth back

According to Dutch Sheets, The Word of the Lord for 2007 is that we have come to a point where we can choose to break the back of Jezebel and Baal over our country and make them give up what they have consumed. Jeremiah 19:5 said they had offered their children as a sacrifice to Baal and Moloch and we have given this spirit access to our seed, to abort our babies, to sacrifice our children for materialism.

To breakdown Jezebel and Baal will enable us to take our kids back - not just our wealth.

We need to set up corporate prayer meetings to pray in unity against Baal (cutting, mutilation, eating disorders, perversion, male prostitution and other harlotries.) When this spirit is weakened, you will see these manifestations weaken as well.

Our poverty and health problems will finally motivate us to come against Baal and Jezebel. We will begin to walk in the miracle anointing to believe God for supernatural provision, healing, creative miracles and restoration.


As we come together in the power of agreement to deal with this Jezebel and Baal spirit, God will begin to move in the opposite spirit, will redeem the time and cause us to catch up. While Baal claimed to be the god of fertility, it is actually the spirit behind lack, robbing, stealing and destruction. As the east coast and west coast prophetic intercessors unite to come against Baal and Jezebel, we can overcome their strongholds.

These spirits have warred against the Word of the Lord and have also raised up false prophets. They war against the purposes of God by warring against the Words given by true prophets.

Prophets have discerned demonic spirits but most of the body of Christ has been so resistant to the prophets that they have lost their own discernment and have been blinded. They have literally chosen to shut down the power of the prophetic anointing to protect them.

As we listen to the prophets and the Word of the Lord for 2007, we will be able to decree the Word of the Lord and win. The release of wealth will be transferred to Kingdom people.

As we win Muslims to Christ, they will give their wealth to the Kingdom of God instead of the stronghold of Baal. Actually, most of the transfer of wealth back into the hands of the righteous may come from the Middle East.

Our visions will become visible, our creativity will increase, and provision to accomplish the purposes of God will be enabled by millions of dollars coming back into the Kingdom of God.

The war in the Middle East is a prophetic sign of what God is doing in the Spirit as we war with Babylon. God overthrows the spirit of Baal (Jeremiah 51:44) and make it regurgitate what it has stolen from us. We will see our children come back to Christ.

Exodus 7:12 Aaron's rods swallowed up their rods and God's authority will swallow up Baal and devour him. 2 Sam. 5 God said He is the master of breakthrough - "Baal Perizim" - I am God over Baal.

Gideon won a battle with only 300 men after he tore down the altar of Baal and the Asherah pole that was built in Gideon's backyard by Gideon's father.

He had been raised up by a Baal worshipper. Gideon's house had been under the rule of Baal Judges 6:25-26 and God required him to build an altar to Jehovah God.

98 Then God said to use the wood that had belonged to Baal and Asherah was to be used to burn a sacrifice to God. That which was used to cause your destruction will now be used for your deliverance. God said to take a 7 year old bull (7 the number of covenant) and divorce Baal and marry Me.

Instead of our kids being the sacrifice, as we covenant with God, Baal becomes the sacrifice.