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^l^'KKMTOCIEr’WHlCJw '* '.-•r'«'-‘^» ■■ J-.:. *_S !.-.. lilMLrtTBBA Tralh. FLEnUMSSBUlUi) FBIPAT MORWinfe, W0TBRBEB 4, 18a«. VOI« 1U..CI4.B,

■ibm tbe ponisi dtiM. JMWjgaatly,. he oe*«r ww : The meet nnaikahls &«t ie this b Boi deroowBtds, .drunkards, old gritBsi^4K« jirifi EiAAliy- WasUrtit toe child prerioes^otoeaeeideBt — tead»to-lifi»,«iid >>to the ihalFrestdeoTi^ cni L.he tniUMS, luit oiw vh« has. ptovod.hiBaalf evidently frotn some i Here is tbe moat fearfnl simplicity, and has rboscu to mdcnlify himself, toe aulher to bo wise, prodeal tod brave. • in kind'...... - =^TOB-6PECnLA-XPR>. Tif“ manifested toe inteUectusl powers com- doobtleaa within toe comprehension of emy of the ralentless system of pa^y mvo droTeitfest,'and*there was wo much nf toe msming we shaH I this pitet. tot ^ vaVT VnETABU BTUT. a toeiiildren of toatage, wlieteasoa iu European pauper.caovietoT berbetiao, Sneb criptMO, Bo^doea ho not know, tost, if^ en air of bonoesa about him to allow a recovery from, toe physical distoOity, it ex­ toe govenment eff Hehometaniam wber. Van'Bureo and bimself.tre olertcd. toe “So* oepewwyWJ end•"'* I"------'- he was not eooslaoay en- .ever il exists. Tbe Goverom^l of Prussia hibited extraordinary acutenessof perception furnace of party pe'rsccutioo, daring toe Such, KoBtiiefcius,weto« tonnsta which ____«re,elbeitUiey werepub- gag^ in it. is also despotic. The King makes the laws. and strength of toe reflective &euUiee. The next fouf yeba, will be “boated sevM Cq|. Joknaoa toeDspoheBDd WfWWbPywif ,4ihed in {wu>^ fiv el the time wbsa Lord The whWCT of 1836 came; but it here But wee made, tbey remain toe laws seAtimcDts were rcmaritably active and eos- tiroes l»«tarihan'iil las been wont to be etndhlale fdr-tbe PreeidcBCy. ' Ho ffied yit»u*w -wfoM, this tecQfd vea not prim­ a different aspect from that of iho preced­ ceptible. Tbo committgp on placing tlio till altered by certain and regular (bnralities, heateS^ Ddik X oII tbaoewspgpers, tbai ed." ing year. Psyraent became due, banks band upon the integumenU immediately cov- epd are to be expounded, applied and. enforc ­ did him justice, fcllovii^ toe dfelltoJ'tif support btm, including toe misa^e little truth aud ilie impulrM «fhis mvo0H But 8o eeith my Lord Coke, pnd e truer re- stopped ibeir discounts, paper laid over, ring the braih and requiring tbo child's ed by responsible agents. rhis-governmenl sheet at (H^etown to which liie word is toe.tMsestreiKiwtlterod.- Acho^nBu 'Werk bea not bees' made since his limot the unprccedciited circulatfon of 1835 lind to bo exercised by a process caU'Dgioto approaches much nearer to freedom than that toe iWeato of life, carry on lUo conffioj not come over toe Ccluoel's dreamt. -Jlwit . 1 will renture to My. But that is neither gradually ceased, and the eonfidaoce of activity o ind eniDllons, at once perceiv­ of Turkey, precisely because a more comph- cated maebinery intervenes between the so ­ only at partisans but with the meet bitter Bowt candidite few toe Vice . FntMeAy 4im nor there to my story, save that if it toe people eoased in too same ratio. Ma ­ ed tlw agitotion into which the brain bad vereign and toe anbject. ' and envenoraed party ferocity, and do they tnd upon tbe Vtn Buien ticket HigAr- were not for observelion, the foilovring r«- ny were the Long visages is the streets of been lUrown by toe mental effort. The per- lobations w«erapid and ofteotimei.vjolent. The ftoest monarchy in Europe islEnglaod, oot, rae and all, denouQca toe Whigs as foituaes tre identified wkh the fadn^-shfl ' «ofd wouVd neTerhavo been n»do Bangor, but S.ephoB Skidd, Esq. drove bis it being virtually a republic. But whoshall New Yorker. Their inicreats wnvM«H - In the year 1854, no men, oo the Pe- Different faculties were eaUed into a^ity, hardly iit to enjoy toe < as usual. analyse and explain its manifold complica- ■ SwhMou was more respected among his ac- by varying the kinds of subjects presented to I rights of cilixensEipf And, under such He knows if you reject Van fiawn, Sot many months sihce p client of mine tionb? CeitainlynoDeoftoeohildiencffvice toe mind of tbo child, and variations in the 08, ie it not the most consura- you must reject bun; an«lrf<»itMlrfiwthat,...... hwwiU qininttnrnr than Stephen Skidd of Bon- called and wished to know if k could col ­ agitation of toe brain, fuUowed toe change of ignorance whom she sends hero to man ­ mase impudence, the nml brawn-laced suffiir every paitizan dastarto.^.ev^.ii^ mor, HonsewrighL Ho was truly, nn cs- lect a dciiiand of 4iis against Stephen subject. The motions of the brain age qurs. audacity, oa ‘ the part of Cdl. Uhnson, to aing repUle of toctira to fling faia aitai8Bp< taolUe mem Fertbful, ihibc ^I, luad Skidd tor money lent. B the vibrations of a string when whine a^r the votes of tbe Whtga^ and «B toe man liiirtsd end &iendly,.hia neighbort were “Stfpben SkidiU won ’t ho pay youT ■ioleiitly struck, and at othertimes like the Extract from Col. R. M. Johnson's Spetch to sny, that he “docs not ro»s«ior sufficient, with the occasion- arthing in tM world! ” ipeak —the History of the \V«t,is his his­ great and tittle conflicts of part)* ‘*upoo the said enough to duam faslloa of its afiiw, ise of his iackplane and handsaw,, to “You surprise me! what hat be done ^ • ',gh life. tory. For forty years hi has been identified floor of the House of Reproientatives, cs> and-sileooe fitnaet a Hmyriad of odMiM' make him sery comfortably through with his 50,000. dollorsr s books of a similar nature. The agilatioi) with its interests, iu perils and iu hopes. pecially sStoce bis Dofbiaaii the year 1836, dawning upon tbothe sosame “Where dkl be geibis-monoy llmnt Ho corresponded exactly with a caw of Sir Asl- and distingaished by his ability in tbe cmin- out bis name among tbe yeas and nays pregnable as is your Candidate in aU tin upr^t St^hen Skidd, with all its p(i has always paid up well—he must have ley Coopci's, in which the brain being expo ­ cils of his country, ho has been yet more il- upon toe lonumerablo questions, that divi- quoluies of toe statesmaa uBd toe Kildier scboiDCS ond speculation, and stillond still the had someiLing. ” sed, sod the |>alieiit made to exercise his lustrioutly distinguished in the field. (lod toe two partioiparties during tha last Con. Ie at ie toe evidence of Up jackplane and bandsaw performed their “He got it by borrowing. He borrow- mind powerfully, the brain was actually pro- During the late war, ho w as longer gressi«sional session,cssion. In doing this, you superiority over bu opponent, it still km usoal offices. His was o sore and honest eO of one friend to pay another; and he ^0 service than any other Geuerat 1. findhhim to have voted in every, ay in eu hooves you io be up «Dd doing. Powmfisi way of gcling a livelihood, aSd he was has always paid punctually ; he. continued tlie skull, but which receded on the relaxa ­ be was perlisps oftner in action, than any ryinMsnce, with toe Tory party and again influencei—means you bare never dreaiM •aitsfied with it. Soon the sinning news to keep up his credi«,until bis friends found tion of thought. A caee of a similar kind of them, and never susuined a defeat. ” No matter what toe Turii ed ofi->.«il4 be. exerted by your enemies. bunted upon his car, that bis next door also occurred in this city some time since. A ihc Whigs. No mattor it difficult to get riiougli fur ihciiwctvos. Tbe couDtlosa millions of tbe Treasirqr meigbbew had made a thdunnd dollnrs in lady having been coofii.od in a Lunatic Asy­ have attempted to do^no matter whether Then, j)ut being able to borrow, be ol Oau \VooD^,OcllOihI83G. will be brought into conflict with toe &ew> rpecubtion. He thought of it. But the lum, for insanity, was visited one day by her their endeavors have been to destroy toe course, was nut able to pay, and now it ' ^ My Deab Sia i It is my intention to dom of elociione. There is now no Msir jackplane and handsaw kept on. Direct­ husband. Whilst he was in too room system of Internal Improvements, to de- ' icrtainedJbal be is wurae than nothing. bof.ro lbcj.rm^ alius to guard them from iho rapacity of n lyuotbarneiglibar made Gfloen hundred range and aoibilate toe currency, to justi­ “But did he make nothing by bis great ,bo otporioDit, , o.o.peO from tbo Joor, mid | bon m Novombor. .o ihm I m«ybo modem Casw.*Tltb sword hat beeabni* Mian. He thought more of ibis, but still fy the ufurpations and exiettd toe preroga ­ .priolios into be, hn.l»»a-.«.p.n.dn.ro 1 ibnppo.ntodi.otl. toll ovent. I cnootgrab tives of toe Executive, to conceal from the eo, which wm wielded to proteu them the jackplane and bandsaw did not stop. “That! that was only a six months bond* off with SO much rapidity, os to rcoder her, ify my wishes iii this respect til! late ir public oyo the frauds and speculations of from toe “Goths and the Huns.” Tbe The DOWS come to him that, anothcr'ncigh- He thought bo should bo able to sell ilic :iog5 overtaken quite im]>06Sii>la.imi>06sibla. || October,October. iuIn methe meanmeanlimo 1 take the lib- public swindlers, to ckiek from tbe natioo ’s trusty sentinel who used il with uarivaUed bor, toe reputation of whoso bruins was land at an advance. He was told so. Hie Dashing down the street she came to her' erty to express to my e gaze tlie corrupt doings of the pet banks, vigor, flaskiug dismay wherever toe bghw Boae of (be best, had made throe thousand ■peculating friends thought eo, end report formerirmcT residence, when rapidly. turning_ bur 1 you_____ as... far __as praclicubUpraclicu and as fiir cr ID withholtffrom the people all kuowl- ning of his eye fell upoa toe boats of yoMh dollars! From ihatmomenllhe jackplane ed toe story of hie having made a fortune. vehicle into thele yard, it was upset, and she j „,ay i„duco you to make of the corrupt and treinendoui hy sod corruptioD, bu avowed his deter* wa& 4nodsaw kept Sunday every day ' thrown bead liratfirst agaiagainst Uws wall of the ^ paslCivots After il had once got wind, thwe was no lotions il ■ miiution to retire fmoi foUticBl^. lift and toe week. Stephen Skidd was of cart house, by which herT skull was fractured.fractured, No , ,i,jng great difficulty in getting it of desirable votu has in ail cases gone with tlicire,just seek quiot in the oveoing of his boMrwl nwuld, and although he had a comforts other material affect, however, was produced , confidence, to app^l to them for dimensions. Skidd was reported to be ns cortaio as a shadow accompanies its days, amid toe grove# of Ashland. You pertioo of toia-WD^ goods, ho was not save toe complete r«lorauon of her mind to , ...... j,, worth 50XKX) dollars, buC I don ’t believe siibsioRce. Are the Whigs then to be must now be your own aeuiBelt. Your w obKhite dev<^ #hisworld's iifroclions, in all the six inonibs lie had a single uffes told by that miserable party-hack, that he opiKments have cbosen the cosily materials •s to deem an addition to his stock a thing “res'o “br'S,“/ for the bond. ” provinginsani- 1 ”'** *" ’‘r' “have*** ‘’ the «i>pu.»iat always, osa cousequpneo.^ lost their friendship and upprobation. i do gnvoly assured, thaq although be has ah laryoxperiroenu. DalluoTPenn* -mlBistars saysr “free cost." He, tlierc- toe come of thail ” lity is cafiecdcahecd by tbethe didisease or dertIcrango- 1 ao/ ronsiifi-p thr jtnr.cipfeii of party pdlitirt ays supported tbe messuree of their op- sytvania hashu lod themt in toe aaslaught. «M,may bo considered as now Ubonng “Oh, too most of ilint went to pay for meat of that organ. ; incoJcftl in t'lu lection, but even to such 1, and nqver a measure of theirs, he The jacobin electors of Maryland have tMder the speculative fovor. With the es- his bond; ami the hallunrc would not go We have noftfeen able to ctilargo further 1 » c V fnonrix uiid Yi'llow-ciiizciis will yet been unbiassed by party feelings!} joined in too shout down with the coosti* ^(stanca ol one of his neighbors he made C far to piiy his truvelling and other extrav' itject, nor to avail mtrsclves mure remember, that in sorving ihoni 1 lnuc Must he not, in putting forth such prelcn luiiun if it cqxiritea againiat the “hair appe> M operation by which he realized an hun- agnnt expeuscp.” minutely of Oio report ahovo roferrcil to. nrrrr yielded to parhj /.ding* or party ^ion?, excitetcito tho disgust of hishiB own friertriends rent of JneksAism.” They irwnd-W^ J0ddoltara. In another operation aooo The doii gs of the society aud the pajH- ’r* “But his business. You know it hnx coiuuUratiaiu, hut 1 have rurvccl iliei instead of gaining llie support of bis oppo- sulymnI chartonchu and contracts id thMrhnto •tier, he made filly deHtrrs. Poor Skidd it#dietiiiguisbed medical and sciei.lilic ineai- been said that be was constantly occupied lailhfully,»viiluiut respect to persons > ncuta t——-Lomxntffe Jotirnal. elmg^reciTing 'career, in dcfianceoT a provis btrs arc to bo presented to llio public. wu BOW completely upset. The fevor toe/iaxt season ” |H.liticii.' Whedicr I slwH jet the v.le of Ibeibd^alcuaslitutioibefud^-’...... •»—I— ' grew high upon him. If small sums could Ivonliicky, my iialivo S'alo or not, ji /’“He WHS coosLantly .occupied driving A very pleasant and intorcsling inci- state sb^ll |>ass a law tmpving theobllgBv be obtahied so easily why couM not largo Fromthe CumBirreialHerald, must know tii 1 it is nnf.iral that 1 shgii about doing nothing. I don ’. iie;ievu ho dent occurred at llie market-house, at tiun oToouiracta. ” When tbae thioipi.. ^tnm» be bad in the same way t Ho was fee! great yiixictv to gel a large volo in did five hundred dollars worth i>f husiiic.^s FOUBIG.N VOTEKfJ. fuesdoy evening, duriag thoilciivory of are doing, v. ill you, tbe people of BlP*mg (ho speculation from moroing till District wliidi I hivo served lor tiiiVy lucky, sleep upon your posts! Will jtoy the last year ” \Yc are beset by hordes of foreigners, Copt. Hi'xteb 'b speech, familiarly called Uis lossops wore taltcn at Uic years. 1 uppcii! ihercfore to that kind 1 told my friend that he knew more many of , llio scrapings of Euriqiean •Old Sandusky. ” Tho venerable Captain pride aud chivalry of this Union, euft Bangor House and tbe Exchange; nnd at ibeliuj whiili lus ever existed between bout Stephen Skidd lliuo 1, but S.cplicn prisons nnd paujwr houses, tiiany in describing a gallant and most perilloUB tho ritadcl of your liberties to b« nn^ laslbU mind become so filled wiih Town- iiiy cons.ihi -'ii^s nnd inyvolf Eveuso this niiglii muke another apcciiluliun nc.M ciuua and lirbulcnt barbarian*, who know affair al Sandusky, made particular incn- soiled wUltout ono great and comLinedefr shm,Numbers and Ranges, Unit I really nothing of our insHluiinr.s, and enre nodiing iruyble, ond bilivo mo tmlv anu t iuccrtlv, vcr. Tills lie thought was raiUcr a pour liiin of n Mr. Joint Mksk ub having acted fort lo'dcreut llie invader! Will you suf­ bdSve it woBfrequendy the case, as was for them, toynnd the jxnvcr to cmitrol them U. M.'JOHNSO.N. cunsulaliun, f-irilia ciiolcni and yellow fe­ iry courage and efficiency fer enlhraloden with gold, ” to enter your BSid,i^t W could not ho in a room wdicre Inr tliVir own bciieni. Tlui whole of these ■plcM-'-e rend this when conve ­ anotarrupt your soldiers! No, Nov ver must have iliidr limu first ntaiiosJof most eminonj danger. “Tho a 'msp of Mnino hung, but Rta flugor would sre from the Bfilirfi Empire; the first being nient to the ciiizetis of j-«mriroighborUoad. My knowlndgo of yuur rhsnAln., Mr. Skidd, bef-iro ho licc.vine xpcculutor, remnarylsot* our army, ”riuWtmicicoiftpucd tbo old inadvertantly point towards ii, whiiiover llio convicts and paupers of Knglainl, the forbids liio thought to dwell e sin.% IM>-- was a consiinit iiicciibcr of a cliun li, bui Follow-citixeir*, lie nboi e letter was nd- Cuptnie, “are scattered• far affe wwide, and mi^t bo the subject upon wlm h he : Mcond Ilia opjeased and ui.civilizeil.aud ihere- now _____, I do not think thut the spirit “I dresswl l-y Col. !l. M. J- linaoii to un iiiflii- I bavc ’ncvcr seen or heard of John Meek incnt on my mind. But vigilance «ad - cooveniag. At length it wns rep V dvg.adou Irish. Ib-w arc these people speculation ta hardly consistent wiili il uniial whig in hi* own Congressional Dis- from lyat day to thiB, but! w ill say of him uiuoD are still indispensable to your mw- - -*at Stephen Skidd lied made a groat spec kn-w any lUing of oiir inslitmioiis! In spirit of chrisliunity. SALA'ATCU. tbeirown coiuitry, they know nothing of •-•"t. '1‘liorc can he no d^ypuro about its that he was as brave and true hearted mn ulatioo. “How great T”was the inquiry, Bangor, tiept. 8. their own, except the ;iovvcc toopprcte. Coii- gctiuinciicsi't ihc Or’.giuu! iiianuscnirt is i lived upon the Rice of tho earth, I told you, to my lasq that iKs ageaft^r «TenihouMnddoUara 1” “Wliai.S epboa scquonllV their only ideas oT govcmncnl rc- the hands of-ihe Edtior* -of- the LexiugU tftrre’s Joftn Jtfrei standing directly cnmipliou weto Jtvery .where >b«to Skidd!” “Twentytooosnnd dollar* I”“filly There is notacoroerof your ttiute that they rroia-tkc Abw Forkhun. I ito to its severities, ami their own ideas of Observer, in niiidi pajior we find il. Iti lind you," c.xclaimcil a veico from the tooutand dollars! ” uiid some said “one eitber-bave not or are oot- penetminf. A R!?.MAWKAHLK CASK. libjtly rolaw to cxcmpli ’jii from aothority. toon, a genuine ducuniuit. crowd. As Old Sandusky tomed, too two hundred tbousosd doilarKr ’ -‘’Pun my wdM! With them giwommei.1 tu.d lytaniiy are sy- And now, fclio'.v-ciiixcn*, is it not inc They oneoT acornmittee apix.iiiled to invertigato nplcstin the world,and a (lolitical oppuncut, to beg his support and multiuse and to leave few oybs unwei toousond doUert! in the T.»m],rehenaion of uy body, of cbil- pray him to go about reading liio puling I wax informed by a letter nodved- SlWihcnrdeaf'mder. fiball I wlro- the phenomena connect^ with the ftacture with tm.—li- *utr, of tbwigBora who can understand our and tury dnevraent to-lba coomm- yesterday from Rusedvilla, tost the wh^ln of skull, and the cons^uebt ineAurtoA- • . . ----Mdlaws. floc6 to yodr acquaiotnnee Mr. Skiddl^.t hity ^Whal raeBBure of demMictuiton and Rivet coUQjhj has been '“reatwk* nU^tion. /I'ho subject « slitutionsia tha world, and therefore least Skidd. Thar gendotumt in to« ««tfia TtiaMTo.'wo# two years of age. .About two, Mrt Gliager, wsramtocr of iliein. to be . Ambfitoohas bficn^jpot ..inaptly, compa ­ who have furmshed uawtto tomo iff the ■ o of ordi wy mmas_ fW'Townnmd.iflMr.SIriddhKn**'* ’-.:^ *pam rui«rtoiiiiaiia.-wWlBt leanin g oW-ef red-toohe .rod of.Ascoo. ..Wh^ il Boce Wpi'pis oT^our gtote, with* out Crit- .body crocked a whip over a bof.cr hone ’s the dnrinoia window of tbe three story brick takes poasessioe of toe human,soul, bhck.toanMrv^idd; Ho wwSRydrU« beutie Nm d-S. Green iftMisbed ftr-theFe .unflinchy ito balance and waapmcipiiatcd hcadltaig to tooU town —iwoniy miles, in from half to tots very coroidicalion. do they recede from j Johnson, can ilicy thus pass U over for a- . cry other feeling. Where that o too “powm toll bo,” bis »- pavemet bei^. Belera reaohlng V torw) qwartora of ah hour. ; H« most be dcspoiism. Fans govfljnmeuj^ are not toiwe ny otlier nsawa-tom because (hoy l^w it is, toort U DO pisum leftfor a single genei ve^^red into tbe trap yoor cncmipa have walk she struck ^inst Itm Iron nilii doiagan exteosivo_ business,...... Ho is at ! Sirlcwslk she struck where every man can a t acourding to hi#- to .be in perfect- . .keeping...... with bis imbecili­ ouB eiDolioD. Uniting the vmraciiy of th laid! If you would noq'ft to the Mill Dam or at Old Town oocc—- a- day- 'of too steps,. by which bor skull was mMi Shark with tbe stomach of the eslricb, it and defeat the mnnuden Who arc tspe^ft •’ - • ...... On removing heryto toe own pleosare; fur such go ty of intelloci, nis meanness of. spirit; -his at laast, when bo Is not gone to Portland hombly fr ______**^eithet are devours with equal facility both enemies you. You are equaL^nftic^ters ft the bouse sba was supposed by parent* and toe laxity of principle, and h'is desUtotioo of / character ami glory oflyewr Blaie-rfon. or BoetOT, which « about once nTort^Ut. . Dr. MoUv ....'goveromVnls toows where toe pfcasute all self-respect! and friouds. Long before this master paa- of ono is tbe sole regulator; for such gorora- 8100 bad entered Col. Jefansoo ’s heart, be will make equal efforts to pieMrvn ftiwt ^ Did’nt TOO tee him last year, who bad boen colled to ba.. ilirrecovorablg in- Ck. Johnson aays: “/ do not eotuider Frce govr ------*- mpaired. Youx ou an deaoeasaaMdeaoeadaaMhf«^ beftoafl'lloaut Wtet, not Mn SSidd. juiedi Dr., whohkihbd also bocn call- the primplesof party politke twsZiwdtn was always n are those wbm men ate prevented ftom Sttt^ Skidd, ttq.! Dio ’nl you sen him ed, felt daMtous to perform an aperatioe, aUsekeruw. ” Wbal impudence! What break a lance ” for hk “eld eom- n that fougM *U>d conqoerad atl^hcT^ iag barm toemto other, while at liberty to do m Middle-straetl P» man cot n'gtwter deasaing it poasible to procrestinate its dts^ matchlees effrontery! Was il not party ------Hit^iield... was ever raised to ) and tosThaiDM.. . Tbe Manyn.of (p,^. tad as the modes and Tbe aimptott govenuaent is' a despotism. not Ckd. J. solicited on party grounds to dpiad ft niarn, and every thing went U ^ 4^ passed BMstogtffths law, ap«#ttoqaetttoo of niri Me; Bkiddl«dbeanspp<;fandy •assirbehMievedtoatauchaeoiuaswould Gancnls. Wa did not want to sarva to- ton U toet whether k has been riototod or not. pre- Jr wife (ftwiaia iff itefc.i-at .* —lit____ nos WHK.. LodK ALorr^ —rwU-ktaltaB ^ TB ruru or KorrecKT. i.tguimriiti. a toly tieablmg 1

^ rZi^aSi «Sir. I hoU the ataiiT ■akr the effrelunewia lapna ingjae- MtaVr > 4, I8M. bythafolbtotog •rite DaknUik-iT Uk &hUm ^ the Nerth m ae higher Mapee^ tice. revived by the iqeeet MW tea the totor mme ^rtteto lemerkeby W.&BaCto tbaeitothe ge Hea en fraa Booth (Wi- deleded end deH Feaneyiveiua, egfeia Ac rtyle*» THket. J. P.Debytoi.C.M.f»nrikim.foW.OPeat w.OTe*7 edar nctioe of (he axtstiy. .m their hnd^ end poor forth the aug u c^amire of tbeopmicM atofo^- L.D. StochtM. then effeted the faHawmg WMWlteltotCiw«rbi>«owtrr. Tbea cn aeay of“ them,‘ for •h«n*«»-'' triinipb. They have iptinai a the Wm ■. HAmSMT, «ff OklM inp «f (hoee preaeto. wMeh w» iitoto"* ttvealfaereBarerpea; (bexcera otha* toe eleeiion, one Sate. (P« PDB vmn-manarT, or tecMwrerAm H uH« 1 I. .Ifoeitord, That we take the da^ Jfaiih>f. That we wa n» toetometo Wat. «b»b>s- whoa mottra mey ho hoeea ; but» whoa, which they nhnyt deinadi iqr e lea FKAlffCn CmAnUBB,«< X.Mhrtb iutaeBK in llw ev^ ef the next Preeidenttot deavoietomahnthewhica«joii7aPto»' ibeevre.1 wwrtday, -■»jorily thas they evercieiaedt tad, by the tog eouBty. BLleaet tox buefoe*. . btvafc 3mvh(ndr;3Kmena»aaiBar.^reii>w>i^ etoeten ~ato ee whiga end fnendiior the fiee WbAiiBtnnth in ------cUmorwhich they r.ieetolteepfbeirppir. £toctora/cr rte Stoto to forge. rTmVr*. 'nat tha Editore i ernna oed dalh, mod ay we era lo iaWTTiUiwi/TirT oaeBtoy, edbtoto for their ii. up, one »oeU euppote they bad carried HENRY DANIEL. whig ba letnamad to iaetrt tha pro- mi 4kunrri>W by bwabSi^ tetta t ” Mr. Gmagrt- »k® the Geo oral Bectioa, at which, in the ]ili]toiia(hu we wiOnm eemyeieitiee to PHILIP TRIPLETT. r^iapief tbiemeaengtothe —tnMrtm- right of CoBgiw 10 ietetfea eiih eieory next aoqth, they mey, m likely ea eat, DAVID S. PATTON, to premew and edvanet oMe ef their pep*. in ifae Die’riet of Coliiahta. b ellunoo koe the vote of that very Stole. Ob the EDWARD RUMSEY, ef Wauan Hann Ha neia nti aad^ OaiBCthe )iitt*v.hewaka|«in a* a such uMrfrreDce.be aye: “Difthi« ■ motton to Ifr Bette Ibey thM e> tfeeoereiMthaMy other Oenrael Offiea. RICHARD A. RUCKNEB, Gnanenu a I do fra neny of ay coaetiiiieau, 1 kai, aaefbo;.gi«al State (Ohio) whieb, W. P. BpTD. JF^ to we pahepe«ft»««eetwi.tto e^ *• BURR HARRISON. 2. Rftohed. That »ehare army «a^ to«c never eatortsiDcd but one ppoiuo. iy ooe abort week ago, wax poeilively and MARTIN BEAIT, a, Src'ry. «f itoa. end M*er aeaaiMd e defoet. daece in the petric«tom. ability end totagrit; enJ ibet it, fbnl even if the a unqu^idediy claimed by their bigbast , Whooe roiee ia thie rhehcaag (he M light exitts. whah^f deuht cbe^ty, there untbnrity, ee errtoh. for ibeoi. THO. P. WILSON, • \ of W.H.RUaxmoxand ^ Anwani} Whae eeceaa ere ibeaik Mn- quniion uf ptdiey exielieg, which We.invoke iheoppnnenii of the preaeM and we j , to tbe peopto of Oun—Gee. Tenee ttorvfhip eodidtoe wdadefoweof the people ’e aedWetef WM. K. WALL toMid Mil for legieleiiM oa ihe wbjeet.” mianifo, in every part of the country, to ROBERT WICKLIFFE, >. aei^rev e Gevenwr to (%io has reeeicad a majortty 1. h *e rmee of e brawiieg per««*«». Cab Col. Johneoooreay of hieappon- be firm, foiibrul aad tfosrlcM in lha die THOMAS METCALFE, af their audragte far the two hrgWeet offlcee to6,S95votee. Tbeaejacityfiwlhel,^ •wagatifT, uadar the donkof patriet* tbie in de­ charge of iheirdoiy ac' gs^ ciiaeoc. lo- BIARTIN P. MARSHALL, within tbe gift e free mod grateful paeple. htive and Cengwmiwwl etor Cfot ai to elill 4>ab ha foct»a badinia a the “power. nouncing the faiHitiee, who. nnien epaedi- •tead of tacking down inio the ehym be- JAMES F. BALLENGER. 3, Itosehto, That we bail wirt emotlOBa larger. Hr. Ewingto reetoetiontotheS Itolber Are they the eeeenie of eome ly put down hj tho tlroeg ene of the lew, oeeih their foot, let them took alufi, with ' ' gaegteet ROBERT P. LETCHfR. of pleaatqe and exultidou, tbe uniied and ate to the United Statti ia tfanan or ^ eo abened might of populer iadigne- MUM confidence in thenwelvar, bateg^et •amtha be aey ohaiu u «ee future tioa, will evoaoully rend thie Urnon ioto I ef tbe Wniee of Kw- rtir deni more in the beeeficience of a wiae To Tmx BBKun!—Ooce more we call Ma«“h. ... rf . tanl. » whicl. ..«)• I .J, ^ i. a. tioa to 1819 WM deetored. thronghout the aeoMtoaey eftho other. PU you teUwbet deart, ” If our laagnege coatatna etxeog- exoitanen by the • ' »» p.a«. will C.il » »k. .« I.,_ ..f B™ .«1 Istood to Porto Rich at tbe lima the brig hie. hietbetoeriaaiybonthyBieherd ar tangnage of depracation or idunfa any Alpiito toft the bland. The dcclaraiion of theiroppoftcnts at their defeats, let ihctn pan.part. »->nOn aea.nexi Mood... -v.aur -prexidM-wt------j ^ Jlsmirto. Tb.lThat we h.rtjhave e.w,every ixMoaiwean , ^ M. Jiteeea kiaKif to the high qalihee- woida ia whkh the iSbete af the abolilioa- not be depresaed by rraulta auch as tbo>e .«ar,«toil end ailicery.eftbe d uto ’eoBneia io Peoe«ylvania and New Jerse>‘, wHich election commencee, nod open ibe to,»joiee at lJ» ««>elt to tbe foil eteciiooa iu| •yilTbJailinge wereiliummate M General under whom he fought b the pubito lemd, I gi«e tip the queation. were fo refcea hf towl of ibe pidiiiciao. of that and tho two succeoding day* may ; n*igbbcriBg atatee. end at tbe proepeet wee Mnkeo ia the Belle of Coogree., be­ I ouuld ruraiih wber proofo of the friri- whodoaot auffer their nisbea to ouiruo depend the foie to tho empire. Liberty, j „bich is held forth, that in the prcsidMUal fore the eaembted lepraeeetolivee of the ty of thra charge against Mr. Orai^. ibeir judgment, virtue and patrfoism call loudly upon tho : ejection in Norember.iJhe rtom to mieniie, ^iti it we. baled' by the aeaairauue Lats »xo boouTAn met Sr*k^ — Thereto enoughhent, however, locoovince Wi.b the proper renJuiiun,and eninbi- rotors to rcoair to tho'i dls nod defeoube comiptioa and tyranny will be proaoeneed ' Mice ef the NeiMOel Lbgubture a e juet rotors to repair to tho'p dls and defeat »be 'W* ore indebted to Cupt. Tu«-ntf«-n every booeM and reflecting man of iia nod exeriiuor, the defeat of the spuilsmen iBacbio'iitona to e corrupt fnclkiu, wbcee constitution rmeued from the henda the fhip Emprqps,arrived yettenky ii aibote to your milire deaiituti<« to* Irtilh Borktof, the k deiDontirabiy within the power of their regard for iho welfare of tho coumry is to thcee who have so liwg pointed it. ing, frum M iliiga, which port he leR w rf KXkix, xoxnKUd ■>“™' * “f ".iTI''* '«■'»' P*- riluv have l^lared, that be bee baon Arkansas. Three. ^ .- .... icct staited m bisletwrto^ierrod U illiame* iven large pramiums have been ofiered to Be on your guard fellow-ciUzcns, the ^ with bis private diaracisr or his pobtieal rejical the distribution law, is now ^'•mmgf retirement, ami. (bat the Rhode IsUnd, ■ Four- bwin that desideniura. But it appears Van Burenites, i I doubt, 00 the days of i emrmr which can entitle him to their regard oaiag tho treasory loagitato the currency, by yime baa at Bbgih come, wlten hie weH-tri- th It tbe essays were based upon a wrong ^devoima to them and their internti •k. will Pk. M. .11 »n..f A..:' -r r-Ukkl..gratitnde. H,He i.is „an alien io feeling and priociplo, io radeavoring to prevent the B enemy in praetieetbia public Mead his wtuttW bn rewarded with the noblest return emission to sparks from the chitnoovs, in­ ; £. 8 upon your cnndidaies, (* In all anTT-roc* thereby increase tbedistrwand panic tfoo*- « ^uLcea roeeire. Tbe war-doge are stead to procuring ibuir oxiingutshmcot Gen. Harrison and . ^ --rt AGAINST im. VA.N BLREX. out tbe enuntry. Tbe next thing which w« nliiqinl thn hell-bouads to foetkm are whether emitted or no. Inc lewe”—and the sUme to a thoueand Mr- Gabriel Winter, a ptaater near - ^V. banc* are poored out upoB tbe “old hero, ” lOBville, ia this state, beiog oa the wJto, acemdiag to Col. Juhiuon himeelf, horrienne or upper deck of ■ slcemboat,. plot to keep fifty niiUimis in the bapda to Vm «WM kmgur in netive eerviee ibaa any during ihe time ibai rparkes were emitedl K.nimkj-, . . FJ1.«. V.... well aware of the reck-. Boren and tbe Regewty to • IfrJi.ina, • • Nine. * --- :— .Lof ibe ago —hear it ye freely on all sides, observed Ibst th.> by conreymg the es­ , : country honcwably and faithfully. Whilst —lae ftiand to toe lTrr< and tiA friend to bis «aauge tn tbe whole wvot, ts well as to tha trim b^- whuee preepeets are daily very sorry to beliuve ib.it ibev have bog- cape or superabui^d-int ateam by pipe, or ged ’eitber one Of the other __and we still j your fellow citizens in other slates are wWe cDuiry; end that we despisetbe• dforte- • tothiacity. —A', r. Ater. hrightntag iu the sunlight to popular fovur otherwise into the cbioineys, at a conveni- dpofmlar justice. With such a beet them tieenttf-Jite electoral votes. And, ] flocking to their standard and support, will of Richard M. Johnson end bis adherents lo ••fil e « distance over the boilers or fire. The aaoicBd for and such a cause to sumaia, spvrks are iostantly extinguished by tbe as for vbe reniaiDing ten States, the chan- : desert ihenil No, no, you never; render him odiooatothepeopleofKeoineky,^ . * «»«.Gea.fldiT*ffBwl8I3 —IiisSSyoo;* as* you net preparing to defeat the meeb- V ipur alone, and palpsMy so should that M]exrtrt|k.HkOk, f..kT. Extrtib.k,okrikakkkck.ik»n"kI»““i»P"-i""‘oqtbeir'a^,w”ll«i>;*f^ (he 36d» to this ox«, and throw to the winds indaaa to tbeea, wuh whom you bare npor be condhttsed in an aqueous form. ,k„, „.k,htax Xkk ti««]x u. do.oui (h. - t'- 1»t 1» i- «. xbolitikkirt tk. ; “taTT-rk lfc]l bnl]»..l, ,llk«,k. not osM ewiuBBB tntanntf The day is IJj sucreeded in every trial made oa all. vain regrets and oecdlcss apprcbch- : skms! !‘hn daviofthB election solely to the r-cry ie laieed —your Ih J eagines used in ginning his coiloo, and I active, vigilaai, and uoiied. m iking his sugar, aad baa Csketi out a pat- ^causc'of tba coontry-.' Thctwoxi^t'oeHi; Aeiehed tbe plan >if their po- ait Gir ills invcaiiua. TUCaodSpmt.^l liga. 13wir Kooti are out. X* - !i ...... • T..._. ! «*>ngthe•ing tner through the roounUinooape«*oni;,h„re . recent vicUwies.fP*a*T and IIami - T^eprnr^aaddiroovery a re a pplieahly spirit abModt an ti-iiiasunt and Wbigs^and : wc trust-iciU, in. Jha noiuing coolest, f of Kentoeky, ax in the fai g hmt degree di#-j ear. Poor Peirv 4--he- has- g o ne lo tho alike to high aad low pressure engtnee to •II ckh... oppaod lo ibk .Irtkiko of Mr. „„ cor„,pi„. .ob k.i«klk. to Cfoeaeg toB . But the teaanla to the fog Van Buren, are rjllying to the rescue to graeeftii to a candidBU te tbe ufiiceto Vice | bouse appoimed for all the living; but Har- s:eamfanets, to hKniButives mi rail raads,'or o receive tbe reward to hnoBis are the wont materials for ibeir t< steam CBsinae however used.—iVew llie apathy or disinsio . Ptt.ld.kt of th. Ckit.d'st.lt.. Ok. .hoirikkk —vktli.i arte if ibcy an once put oa ibeir guard. Ofiaut Samiard. exhibited in the easternsattern part to i1the Stato, PaXMXt.VAJ ■Tb. Ottllkk t.»~x|,,.d-.kd.k.k.^.^^.^p Uoaeft ibemseives, they an alow in eue- at the kuocloctiuo, has predocod a icnri- te"» fow ««*« we readily admH. are not _ Trim OelBcSkuM WEg. bilMy to paWie iaiesosle, that ia working: fovomMa ae-wo an ticipa twl. We. boweverj^ wooden. There is no foult findii^; ibe believe, the Vooites are rather premature io ' BURVEY THE BATTLE FIELD, gsisM bin, ie wboUy enwortby any cffice dificrenccs, if any, are, fiw (he present. ’ Tbe “tableamay bq^ni- ^Been' wlw presided at the ILill on that b (be ranks to cnery party, there coeuSdeaee at onr beads. jnjoua occasioo, hove moet to (hem dceewf- eravcos end o , wbo abriahal tbe 1 td kt«o them rtaibrtrjo, tb.k,kd IkSl,^ 0. Jfostoesd. That we eoaeider tbepre- ed to ibe etleat tomli. Among tbnee wtpi first blast, ead waver under the firel rude atae ecatera m tbe aCMO. to earcenany, yel lire, are »CeL Job TbompKo. aad rk.^«ldM -k- .c?- frt—I./ f.-.-,. ^ tktrtkl Ih. ."kt -«h lb.|«,«.pJO_ ^ that we deeto it tbe do^ to every Free- Dr.isr. Jueijuei B.o. S-sthcrlaad.Q-stncriaaa. ” Theyiney wero 4^ that vktory onsurcs. I Vice Presidena - at Hat gtorious frstival. Tbm I^toiwn (Penaxylranial CmuiBr,, eadeagerod: Let I to w«.fc likefreeamn cdoaciaastotbeir rigfato t Whigs, cart ifceir ej.et.Brouad them; and tb^ will find (bet akhaugh the >.ikilik,h>lb.q£Tki«k-kk,lkrC.».)~khk>lnl>,>.ikUI.»n.thaiggrMv Th. fodarLuiBgtm oo the IBlbtotamApriL there will be iaiml but e amelltobimptore to-day, aad we have aammacee CfoloMy hea been baey wiih tbiegenlla-^ ‘ - n£/(PeiHmylvaBfo)haefolieiW aad foiatod by dw way, tbe Flag of the mejority, if eny, io favor to the Yaa B«>-' lUi tbe importance to tbe atn*gle ia duly maaV'aemn. Lm ae eaa how it wilffi nu candidaiee. Every persoo knows that, ^ ^ „ 10. Mresfard. ruatwe pledge enradvra Mtduc.!!/_ Nolrni! Tbouqmoo .ml maod the tost. It has boea pvodaim CDOstituiino ia yet eefr, and a gh irio ua tri-. ia tbe apirit to tbe brefuing reaotatiea. lo Sooibcrland were to tbe wmph yet awaiie ih/ brave and the reao- General Hameoa ia miteh atinager in ev. | irt-rtiee of bia -----— e aad bertaeeiies, fiw the tost ery pert of ibe Sate than thiTCuogre*. ^ .-wo muatbs, that Mr. Gnagor.io aa abofi- lute. aioaaJ cmidkfotee were; and the remiU in *«-fod ta h« apecml keepiag. Perty iageoaiiy, proverbialy What roal caara m their for doobt er November will show, we have do doabt, ifo hn broughi agaiam l him hot thie ipeadencvr Is not ibe field can I Coanl 1813 will BOW uaite opoa llarriaon. ewi yoor fogioi^ aad JOB will find afl saft. frM dm Vaniiira are Ob Friday tbe 2Eth nil. tbe yoe^ wbige rwreto Fleming eoaaqr. ^u|a. Tbaebeige,ImiBat.iaaeanMi ibdr enitotious. Tbe ta^ nay annee Tub Ara.aefisi)pp(^,(bemi«. ema> orf >hnitd harl forever tram joareen- Year haaner jet straamtia pride aad sc- to Flemiog bad a meniag ta eigmuse dom- 11. Astowd, That tbough wextoee act ibe late war. A DEMOCRATOF U19, tuned opeu tbera, aad theic joy changed fifiMBoaav nmn, who woe provod to bo earity. Vietorj is within yoor grasp. B^vra fin efiectiv* cxertiea et aad previeas .by to. Soutowerk, Oct. 18,1836- - •Billy to teotefooG^iriatrelvoo. Rh Bo it yonr espeoal ansr Yirginiaas, to be Wtiweeraiivetoetm. ^Imametieg.wearo ef abriby to eeverol ef bev eietor eseeUra ie V.8. Grartk Aad tkm foaguage ia heU to ae ia pri- STpMihle toeoocaivo to CMerimo »lho tho fiat oa the wascb towu, the last in the ioformed, (far we were not pros a rt eaoelvee,) Keatoeky.to meet ber ia tbe ceatrat for tbe IM eatokfoa to meal ^ groatof than diteh. The eyca to y vata latien from aimaot every county ia Itao fliau. Let every etoi-Yea fibwee waa weD iitraded, ead if we a ■jimrisfsprMf"HbefitmMflBileya Ko- The togiatotare toTeiamsro bee tora ' ukiomno^r —batiwiilaot " ' ry where is upaai yon. Tour exaaople ie aieoadjiy tba Govenor. aad aosmbtod at tbe bea ...... TCiBker.wewiD kmU-mrt toe Uenimm Qdut will be era fasend, they mo faSy awake totfaeim- by hm Bide, mto eiwdetoitoiaad ttet we wiB NitoriBs'eatbefidtortmrt. Tbert^to rfby IBARIamjaaty^D. J.Gm. ; thw epacial sio r ■ to take mto eoaeidenK. portoaeeto toeeeiBmpwdtotbeirt aot be faiadBaat ia the seee. twntoa wrprffiumi/ of pamii* an Act ms- caNe ba ia vaial b the pride to fri We iasect toair 1 riiiti tort BMP These betog edepted. W. K Bette efl toeeWagtoa pseparfoaetimariratotba 8tma( (byagsMt b-^>slbriU overt Oraa The eqjea to tbe d Mil far Ihameslv teri|aaiaffieaatrtBto- thefoitofatoc whiek weeefaquad ia roeatoe CheTrae msiii portina of (be aai^ 4 the tbnfr to Greadira aa faawer anii pipe iBiiliirftoalbBtedatetra. TbeLa: OkT. 980. 1896. *ipoiatad oe beheT to tbe yeaag wkiga to itohnmi wa. wbAm eey.decid. wBtoW ^ttelwBletoe meek ffirtealty erdekrae, that it ia qtole “ea. Ie HMti etoa abort ead impetfato riemi^. ta draft aa eddreaa to the wkige of lb•iBe^ “tbeigtortfeSl. ” Sette oi^ padieufa*' —AT r dm A Ay. netoraamestiagrftoeyeaagwbigetoFIma- Ftomiayoa to. bi| iirtidri of tbe T&m buckled ea i» a helbr Bouee. - - toNe. T-rk cMl wowforiheptuof A petiliM wae psw fci fre eleet^;^kbk have already Auaewbearawot • wea brtd tom evcaiaf it De. ^ etoctme. ead toet mto c kuaiUt-ioi.rt .unapilra Vompmm fiw fre itiiHnfi to token pbec, •tok 9Wk to amaur^ rtwm to nraakphoig. ;. iTy'W, F. Boyd Ee^ pewertaappomt ieh ewnieitti wModfodtoitoebBir, r.endi.SL C*tn|C^iittoain>etoueeeU bomnb m spi'ipp "I..

MAMtWMdMin, Books St Si -fStnermi Atdcr*. .RavOctB&WipBtS- *nEMAIKIlTO la tha Post OSen «*«* W*MCe>»li«mrr O^wlkM. Amctakt GsrmKBfc’s Umcdi ) OiMl P. of d» Prumt/iirt. OU. CH. J63R»5 AS, FleMiagidiDrg.enth* iMdag oTOb- ImJepewfcnce, «n^«l na niiures oanyt m sTXjrt anvuBT erm- Tba Oovareor and Comni*j»ier«do.Chief, ma regret, witoi—d a pwotke. nid» t 4* »fcit niHaff to Not^. Talaa, mogr*tbr, Voytgm. Trsvak, biulOMi wfH bd Gwj.kwl. SiDMio B AUn L atsdsu imni ^enhbsinan Tiviri effidal from Oaa. ftuk. tt haul Review., and tba Newa of the Day. VDMBrara ofV* this*»m Stata,, min. • **g Hugh Akxuidcr Umtgt Uader The Joemil oC P««i»en»“f Meed*?, eommantearieiia on tba si^jact rf the M.vm - I^,pralig gg rfai»rillhrta.id ^MMorthaamr.Mali^ timt Caj^ WT waaowof tbagwatobjeataaf ‘‘Wal- he. the following ^element, faoldiog ouf ({trrri^ to him. .Thlaia not tmlf* vioUlton lofMrtAadia«a2 JohnUghttbet . ordekOata^i^aagU&Mbd to imiwtsrii Guim»and Teal, tbe Owmiaiiooerf, who B disk Library,” * ’to make good reading B M : the here Ibet ween relior i. kbeot u be of thelUe law, irr^Uriri^uiar andano uomHitary,uamnivary, hitoui it0l n tha papat- *•' ''i imd fiaaa dataiaed and imprboaed id M^< ebaapar, and id bring literature loevary mah's Martha A Belt WiBiam Homw R is a tax upoe the State ia the ps^aiont of To alllhiM »ha tsar 4wh tbam widi awra., bad just am»ad io camp, making obtainadi door. ” Tjiatajiai ovfKtot^l auhta nceo BCCon>,Hiau«w.------ii-u^i. PRBean JaravaMattWO thatr patro«g»..tbey. pkhlgWt h.m#1toa (hat - WeJuuiftroMpn to Wiera 4a( at least .biveregtreo to book* wing*, and they have poMnge which *«r eacapa fiwn clca impri«D«eiH They Thoniw.CBoU __JobalCtt nno«tioa4^ Vt wirniing oa tbsdr.^W soma of the causes rf preasura are about The Jaw' Biaisisuatba AlBZICaaAlszicao lorve*force* v»a> «=ba •»at that ••••.«lioie flown tou> the.... ------Dttermoat , ______pan. of___ our____ va.1 con- Cbariea Moor in which tha HiKtary nmder aatlAetka. coaUMS itf tbd - . ... ___L. toon .L... to be removed. The Saoremry of iho linent. carrying wiciety to tba accloded, oc ­ tiia 5ih of ta.( axMiih, 1630—that Gen. ______hraagh the Adjbtoot GaoeraJ, Dilloa Bridges ' kmalaUMotoS , paiwr, k is oantaavdaM, aball be of a divoa* Tretnuiy hat exprasiad himaelf ready to cupation to tbejiurary, information to all. Tboinaa Mathewd Bkarohad bean nppoioied to the chief com* . regutatioa^mast be couiplied with. William BotU . aiSmi diw^.M 4at aU oay fiad ia.iM We now propose stilt further to reduce prices, and that acrange the disirtbutiou of the surplus rev- Abraham Bowman J R HeDow^ paraaal«rit,ameihmginatnKtivo,aniartain> Band of the anny, and Oao. Valencia (Soeacu■ of Astombly regtdating Militia cor- enue in any manoor consistent wiib the and render the aecea* to a*1iterary banquet eoad; that Brnra wa. lo havaiakoH up lii« inee, approved 23nd January, 1827. Basil Brawfliag Jamea UarfcweO moreU thanUJSII two lUHlfold acoMiui")accamiblni we"C gare IM~.uid teapundenee, approved «»iiu -a.-uaij, .. mw,law, wuivuwhich •fimi.shall WW.W.best —auhserve the------inter- William Hcln^n' MKb m.LhJ^|o| ‘‘*rooo'00'*.for Met- and23tdl)ec«mber. 1B3I.) OfficersuTevery EnoeHBnrna ‘'‘^^liliUfi^daeutinaU wilt nto^M tkx eats of Unde, and pmmota-ttnbtHty in the lioua to give in the quarto library a vol- UiriMel R Brown Lydia A Magowen wnorat and (Ini the reiomkin ^ Texas tmde, and pme------grade• will...... be held aceounuble,• -■ in-^forfuture,... attmtttos 6«m ffie Editera, ahfl.nbnftfl arid I weekly fur t»n> eents a day; and now Robert M Burriaa monev market. Tbit disposition be hiis viulatiun of the law. in this, as well as in be apand to d "#w»W soop nflar commenSB. propose to give a volume iti the same {leriod C CbkHeaNewooaba iDanuaaiao irotn ihetiqo oogioniog.■ ■ iw auvic any other duty enjoined' ' ' on them.the Judge Rirmatioaamong tho |M|>la. --— Col. Greco lafl the army in good health or leu than /aur ctnh a week, and to add u Clerk Cirenh C 3 and tiprito lipm ihe ti Bitn Hv ’el-. “Oan. dralta Will tan i*«*ed at present, abd some Advocalear or other Officers mritingilisto. a piquant scaKUring 16 ttie dish a fewcoiotam JahhCochran JohaPhillJMi T, ;aao( uniwi^iwn w already issued noil transmitted to distant of jioraoiis recommended to the Governorjrfor “ itaTSSiKt. BTriHWwS' Rusk had juai recorerad fruio severe illocsr. of sliort litterary manors, and a summary of William Cnia A M V Juba lytoM _____r, ara duiieafram ..kL.i.»k>iwhich tho Edil«»«ill placea,«acea,winwill nabe coooicnimnwu.countermanded. «It «=de- commiaaion., are apeciallj charged to w ibe newt and ovenU. of...the day.. Wa know Oao. Green and Gao. F. Hidhoo were Luther H Cowlm William Pan^ never shrink, and in tho diochdrgo af wki^t vollolva. on ibe depoaiie tranks bore, to poin by experiuDce and calculstiun^hat we can go out the name of each pertoD In fbll, Ud both in good beallh.—BaUreia. Tboa D Carpenter .RoIySPortw DBrirtog todortry and sBlto aMfilg tbaJiMy .L_ a______.1______k.. a plain legible hand. not to the ^creuiry the manner by which, •till verge enough for us tu aim-at ofiering to John Carpenter John L Patton I poMa^.aball beoxertdf^ Tbby H«aid.lhd in their opfnioo,ni(«,iha objects of the lilaw David C. Irvine, of Riebmond, Orlando Late nen Tcxas —lsfrosTAHT.-Wo increasing___isingli.literary appetite tW menf ------A A. ..------cTopinioM EliubethConotiat Robert Pried praaent jianaUtneforcoocMinew 01 opmaw nvenienily |cc»mplubod. Brawn of Frankfort, and N. L. FiaaeU. of copy below, the poaicriimo^^t^r^^iv- fuc^ which itcraves. VB erased-CO on tbe exeltiog political topicaof.lim Laxinglcn,>afe appointed Aida to the Goiu- Library, oow a. 'The Select Circulating John B Callahan Mi Rankins and their own shall 6a ftariaady Opr^ndt maader-io-chief, who will be obeyed and ro- We are able fa state,on unquestionable ever so great a favourite, will continue to v..;, I. at...rMt ihv, ..... -—------• 1) James Renaha# hat their coarse ia tWa napj^lbqrhVM. bar, 1836. The Independence is here •peoied accordingly. make its weekly visits, ami to be isaued ioa authority•ity —that the .aiilijoined- g ------information ^ever be «ha and•ggu bnaU.l« noMV proviawos;,/iv. W.VW-, sba.... was.. —- ebasod---- by By order of hw Exsellency. the Gorenor from'hebe NewNow York AmericntAmerifno is correct, form for binding and preservation, and iu two Heztean brigs, the Archivede. and Polly Dollinaon Tbomaa RawliogaS and by adfld ddfciws to.thd Si.Nmi price and form will xemaiD the umc. But 'file Mexicana-,:-... Minister,Ml..:.,..- Irefore the rolurn Richard Raaa of Dtheya, who da not ooineWa with M in Privilegio; and that 4000 Moxican. are P. DUPLEY, Ad/I.Ooil. Henry Oualap we shall, in the finrt weefcof January 18H7, of the President from TcbncMCe, consid ­ Michael DiUon Martha RobertM® opiaioh. • , . on the march for Texas* iuue a huge sheet of thu size of the largest , 1836. SI ered his^iission as tcnniniited, in ci.n.^ic Juhn Durmoa James Raakiaa TMThe Wniovt nio wuiaej^smuanmwill bo jitflOiabod WD17avaty Fridlg We givB below a list of ibo election ro- newspapers of America, hut on very su­ 8 quenco of the peraistance of tho Govern ­ JViNaltf ^tendem^. kUrgant Dunker at Two Dolton par umum. payable ; bofan turnaw faro* received, und rtgret being perior ps;>er. also (Hied with bouhs of the ' Jeremiah Spirai ment in tho order oncer which General rp.HE Fall and Winter Session of the B tbe oxpiratifltoif thide monthq Two Dpltort 'iapaewaaion af no mnra informuiion ou newest end mmU entertaining thoiigfa in their R Boarding school nnder tbe cere of the David Eariy 2 L D Stockton 3 sndFiRyoanto. if payed baton tbo gapiiw Guines cniered the Mexican terriiury. the subjoctjAwIng ro thevotes in the nnoy, laveral depaniDUUts of Nuvclx, Tales; Voy ­ Subscriber, will commraiccon Mor.day the Robert M Elliot D K Stockton 2 tkm of six inoBtka, and Tbtea Dolton will Hi. (iupiiriure, however, waa poaijMined ages, Travels, Ac., select in their character. dtCT not hiiviog come to bund, wo are un­ I7(A of Oc(o6rr >xttU The Principal in this Issac E< EBStockwaU J mvariahlybaehargadifpayiiidnlbattolarad at the requBst of iho Socieiary, until V'*" joined with reading eucli u usually rhuuWliil able 10 say who arc elected fur ilvs coun ­ School haa erected V and eommoJiooa JonatUan Elston JeramWhSStockton 2 until tba and of tha y«ar. , return of the PresidonS when flio nog. in-weekly newspaper. Uy --tliis------imitliud wu W, T, C&APMAN. ty, excepting Dr. B. T Arobof, 'ttflio ia bui ding, in which I expects to conduct a W W Early Joaiah Scott liims wero ronewed w iihuiit success. Sc-Sf--..; --jo accompliah...a great------togood; enih-ento W. H. 83IITR. eertoinly one of the rcpreseniivrs. Gen. jTerniancniviciii Femaleremuic 1.:-:hool of the higitest or ­ Geo U Stockton nnr Guros iai, bring unable to ubtnin the I| antini,ockeu of ttic ri.VM’l, Y. O.ARRISON. Daniel Gra^ Jaw Tmriey elociod Vico President. Bxu..n_. CtoiipfoiiMii/.mcaiDat J«JAtoaebaa«■ — IBrd Iimd • rcllilSnl cotominirni v, ihiit tho pul.!ie 1 prudont. atul to do in a marmcMhat the iimat Masemcounty. Ky.. Sept. 21,JS3fl. 49c James Crcbln John J Turner SENATORS...... fficiarinform«:ioaontliis|roptical..... shall ackrmwlt-dge “the power cl Henry Tiadala - aad Ebwasj ) AaBaaeoa, dBendante* In Cbsuwery A 8«norville,f-rCu.ofAu.^in&.Colorailo gui.j„ci____Nat. Cux. ecuic'iitralion can iiu Ijriher go. .^o IjooU Mu /m Taylor ;,„1E i^tkecaart Jeam Grimes, do. do. Wnshingion, , ...... which apprar* in Wahliu's Uoaiio Liiirary I'liomae Threlkeld tgftUa DTannev I "'‘H bo.f^ublitheil in the Omiiilius. whica will R fir.-ii the eiiiieue of Flemingsburg and , ^ Pbilipa Daniel TrailkiU tliat tbafd^doBto I are not Josinh Lester, da do. Miuadt Gonxales, Pyaw.ae>.« enftTt7 <’«)' Com per Inukel 37 I •’Sd. The news of tho week concontrated „ nrvrtvx [ Tbe farm to not in good repair. mS. JIfoaataoa.M«..,.oa. and others.other*. Cosmhiikaiih.C«ev4jltoan(». a<*• pe^yard Telegraph B.VP’S 24 j to a small coiDpass. but iu Mifficient aimnini A.5;SEX &i. ! Mr. Rmtkin. will shew the toad to miy gainst Leer Ro»a, aod other* Byfindntt, * t- r-kTO.__. Rope per ponnd 10 j ! to embrace a knowledge of the principal c- I. mutt be ooofcm^, Ib.t »Po.ln».l.r Tobacco per pound 23 It appearing to the latiafoctiM of the vents, political aud mtocalloneous. of Euroj>c « m uv jci.v. is occoskioally to be met with, who la not BaUcr per pound 14 I M. P. MAR8HAIX. court, that the defondanto,delBDdant*, Jbm M.m. Ropaa,Kopaa, and America. rOB REJ\T. ' • Van Bureft man. We received a letter The price will bo two dollar* lo clubs of Store house in Poplar Plainr, Sept. .“KJ, 1836. A. Ball and Elisa kts *ifo,..Lo^>M Ro^ Now Orleans. Oct. 1. aiMiana Maryluary Roper,nu|wr, ore not iababitanta wof thisu >i« from toch a one on Sunday inoraing. nveauoso..-..-....v.vfive subscriber* where thO paper------is furwarded- Si., bcloligirg lo the date of Wiilisui I------17al7l eoamonwealUi.de they baviag failed to eatef ,Amoa,.Ainoa, wnaiwl«l wouiuwould you give ..us...... to helpv.,. you CoUO* toooesddrcss.ooe address. ToclubsToclubsofiwo.iiidividu.tlK, of iwo.iiidividu.tlK pearc ,iec’d. being the anmo rccapied by: eif g-OTW .FT amr. V I___ _M.i sl;.! 13ol4 their appearance herein agreeably to taw to lay your lean and skinny finger upon Sugar five dollars; single mail subscriber., throe Jeati, jn corjiiiiction with H. T. [ Rf OFFER for sale, on accommodating 40n42 and the rule* of this eoorti On ootioa oT XtoUaee* dollars. The discount on uiicurreul mouey p^.-irce. * J terms, a Farm, containing 100 aervta, fcJtifflT IIo say. ilto ordrietfithstanl will be charged lo the roiniitcr; the low price .j.^jg rale i^g- 2 miles below the mouth of Fox creek, -Sir:uBir; lamaPoaiomaro«uii*o.«i»,»M-.,ud I will send Tohaeeo Store liDiise hat _ Jkoydo appear on or before tbe fiiel day Flour per barrel $9,50fll0 snrt,„peri6rpaiicrabeoluU-lyrraliibilpaymg I. anai excellent eonoting-room-.-wHixIgmg on i,iektngiektng riviriver end in Ptoulag county. of tba neat March term td Uitt court, tai Pqrk adiecouot.adioeount. «, room i ailaiitf a ware hoiiro. Tint farm haslias s good log dwelling hoiiee and IV «H — ------eary buildup on it. alining tbe answeiansw|^ toetbe coiBpJBiaauicomplaiaanl'e s inuihill, lb#uisawwe------wu,»■ IMi V.UOnnoMS. V.iiwi...... cd;ni^1v. iibv application to the SiibMriber. Wo hoard yestenhiy, from a prelfy good Whiekey per gal 44n4a L. D. STbCKTON«e.f.e.c. sod the proprietor has redeemed oil hie pludg- Terms will be made known on application Bagging 29«30 Sept. 16.1836. 48*2». Murce. that the Mexican Envoy bad made Tn^Tij I ce i.i a gciicr.'ils public fedio,forthe small sum mentioned above. rrg^IIE■ *11^ iimlorsigiied IVre*iiectfully informs the passports. AdmioiStoior.dM. J3^i«foato. FsflTsW lOK I'putlic,..mM;- lhalhcihst lie ImsIll's eslahlishod himaelf m ir tMishouWfrroveto be inioj^w■0 ahlli I Addrose, pest paid. AUA.M \V.W-0IE. In Cbaiicery. ■gr tnvc a farm for Bale, cunriait g uf 130 ' 46 Ca/pouicr street. Phihiielphia. m tho alwve named businevs% the town of This day came the Complainant byCoMH he in greet dangoi of a war with Mexico, ^gratTE undersigned ha* pitTchMcd tnr! H ft-rcsirfhnH. It is well improved.fine ­ Flemidgsbnrg.- • wbete• • •be - i*- will...... uall B Unyard, house, dec. lalo lUa ;irn;icriy of ' rjl, aod It appearing to- tbe aatiribetiea ef thtm TThir.!,which r»wfew roiildcould Drovepr-»vo moro didisaster- ly wuu-red, ai;d Lrs a gc«d /'rdiBrd. aud a times 4> projiercd to execute promptly, all theum CourtVVUI3 Ibstturn, tbe,.TO defondantVVTOIIW—M-Uliam•• ' Dedril mu tojjur commorde. Wiih every thing JsiiiesHirrisofi.rtec'd.sitoaujii at the ea»t plenty cif limber <-n it. It is silustod on tbe orderaAn his tine. He ha* engaged Mr. end Ilf Fla'iiiingsburg. wricra-lie lPtaTirrmT-'-fRr^tI-R--*nbtrribcr» tavc■ jiisljust roco*tcaauurocoited and is'not an inhaBrtant of thi*CoRiiDUDwiwt>, at M«kcon »urpari, io every .on, Mosico head wolcrv of Milt Crrrk.m FlenitiTgciour 8amu» Wayne as foreman in his sbopi Mr. and he having foiled to enter his appearaaeo tlT h-c-Tied bimeeli; and uOU-coMy. m lb*. M a re tuMt-CX«llung_a"’.®“ *«; dlers nut a v>itnuri«llt. j„jjgjtion to l.hcrr fornior sinek. nmks-ii ihcir Court; It is therefor* on motion ef the com- bosiuewi wiili regularity and j»er*ev«rance. nioDlhfi. Pcf»e«ii.mwill be deliyerert on_iiie |,. . ^ Water atreet. tho UnVedUnveti Smic*;Binics, imdlinu aao» fori«r vw ■ Ills shop iv on Water street, a lew door* [ital to siiy in the ceunty; plainanl* ordered that unlcee he doe* opptor He will give cash for hideaand good ton bark. irrs, uay ui v.«.wi/.'i ..w.,,. abofnt" postilcoco around h'dr i below the Market square, Laing the aamfl re- here cm er before the firet day of lb*' next Ail order* in bis line shall bo pramjiUy wiirbe void upo liberaUernisasthey 's- ..'■i”";:;','” w.. u.. y.:., .ipply to Francis T. Hord, cenllv occupied by the Maaw*. Waynes. aecuroi liqf fro®. ,1“I**."' bo hurobased-lltcsvhere. WauWl^ Jeanv, Term, and file hia oiwwef, plea or demurrer XBd eanri'nlly attended to. \ UU |H11MW»>« ------myseif M-ibe premues- Uehopei to moritaad rawfvo A due riiare .. ------f.------1 .BTOi Feathers, lot to the complalnaht'a bHIi tboTUie aaM wiN --^uafter. ------• - ...... - -. WILLIAM GAIL. ------WlLLLiJM MILLER. • Io atwh a war Mexico ban every thing which they will give tbo highest prices in bolaFeb aaco!irwiiea.aiiailfofo-alU»Tto^^ - Nov. 4. 1S33. 3-*f- Juno 3d. 18.76. of M. WILUAM8. ^togain widnoibing to toac; the United diiwly. and it is fortber oMared SogJ. 23.1830. rthn ofdtf 6e ioaertad ia'kBBie ;siate. every thing to lose, sodnuihinglfl !%EW COODS. n“^.rLlV„,.VDREWS. •’mier. thit a eo[^ of tl UiiaeMB- rR'HB wbecribet* having again aawxitot* FT'IIE partnership in the practice of law pin • *>"*" gW —Y.Amer- October 7. 1838. _____ A CARD. ■ ed ihemaelvw in the roarcsDiae boei- R whch haa for eotita time heretofore ox- monweelth for two tnmnna aoccowirwy. NOTICE...... Uied between the underaigned; ia dissolved to tJSERT. TVbat wilt atroh pllifiil and eipyalt, 3.J.AvAr S umraCdSM tTkrby«r^ ’Unnw.r. bv the New York papers of mm c*noan annoitoccennorfiicc to Uieirllieir irwnoafriend* -anddo tii-tba 'traaa Billy BALLARD |iavingaoWhi*entH» by mwual coneetrt.' 1 biecoorae is token as Jbo. A. TURNER, Jf.,D.r. 'itmdhV Hwitbarthero mere is domi non»u.o-.alwtomebt —of the puMh» rormeymrmcv market there,ihorc, Uitbut aortmutaortment of ware* and inerchandiie heratofora belonging the ciralatotance of tbe death of our late selve* after havinggiven currency to toe re* •on the conirarv, ihal it b bBtmmiog mure ^TATE of Kebtucky, Batfi ClMnit, *n. ' to A. E. Bsllard; A'Co. and intending to de- nonfftomnvgvw ««•) that I muida^Jay IS Julylenn, 1886. WnxTXR »wiia» Vev.re. *h.Cortm.rc»l AA.mum . q( Sniubl* for the pr^l an^pprw oldert.t son.eon. GeorgeGoorge TrouerTrotter ETa»Evan*, a~and burnt«^ — (to tbe oa»«rJaekaoB F. ttn|*re, dine bosineas wisbet towind op aod (lo tbe oaduTJirJtekaoRF.Ra|*re,3aE^ aiWJtiay aficfuoon anyst , whWiI they' expect to oShr nn liberal JOHN *. CAVAN. I tto ,b.i. «rRi. rf “I'l * : hlnidp io myslH’------«une I invito the attonlion of their ■T^ prcMuro in the moneyjoney tnarket on- uinna. Thay inviia the atieniion oi me.r l.rf, d. Co, Tti. i. -.tenir.": •» n.crf, .11 Oct. 21, I5M. ...t^bisfiporp^ .nvere. end we regret to add fttonda and tho uubric in pneral. to caU wd n divera bouse* or .j - ’ ^^^^1 yp*.. aAvnr#. HDu mi TATE ol ivcniucxy, ricnuug .....w-.., ISillyj hoe recently been in divera bouse* of eb^nrere. «nry»o ^„ii„^«M«odiiv.exainio# Oieir gooda.aa they expect to IhD.. in4«bl.a lo R co»»n., Ibu i—ri. QTATE of , /bltMW*. 3ii\.«wwvy. and i. now doing bBiioera In - - *" tfiAi tkere------r twgwriu to crpecled. Those wlw cannot Orj set. September■ • •term. - 1836. aS—twhsii— this Vic Thia day eama tbe eeni^Bairt by eeunavl T' ju,*. not been indaeputoBts to imrchotors. 'l lieir aasort- iQ Daniel tnere «»*euu* • TTv.______a C ibto time pay in cash are request^ to call Tbi »»d»»*« ud it appeariag to tbe aato ltawB of tbe lent le iH.»* .iiM.i,.*,.,.*, V -. Te“e7e “rilaWhe rompiete. c-nsisting of •ndueuleibeiraccoonu smnv more. Wo do “•*' - ^ W;",5 ci C.TW»„ A Jo«. P. Mctca ., ,kr..d..». Tberep- Frenebs Eogliab, iBdla, mmd A. E. BlALLARD,...... to CO. iuppearingtotheaatisfaottonofthccourt. eotoMroiat wurid c« affwd a ^«Hel m ,OmerU€m OomIb. Flemingsburg. Oet.7. 1680 that tbe daremlaot, Erasmus Cayw^ «• ______hi#-r.______atonoe,™ alwdyet hArt All kind* of country pnoliwe will ba t^ea not an inhabitant of this commonwcaitt, ano -inaiirmtneJ 'v-«^ ■ ______aggnaaMy totawaBdth•lll)•uA|H■ ______1....,^ Vm-mmmIb Dtf oiKtoh liteimloricaa be having raitedtoentefraircdtoentBfblaappewwo-^ro. hlsappewancaber*. eaDrt| h if tbltefoiB 0* anoUoB of llSiMii- RJAVING purchoaed ^ inin agreeably to law and tho role* of thJa court: fa; T: EVANS. plainant. ordered,d, OiMtbat ttaleHttatam be doee eyiiMr H^^Bvruire-*Osortinant "•of agood#,------*---jnit rrjtoort**• ^ uaQb uiouonumtion oiof methe Coraptoinant, -It------la ordered. , ithefliMdayerthanextMBi, Th., Mi^ ""''.““"‘‘J'lj-'S if™ c u l.Ave aincned and are reany ______,____Jtoto.towmv ham on or bafora ana aad solleit a eoaliiraance —------G. M. Sfcklm. U.™ «»"-J “J ^",'-■7 tli.tunln.il. dua.iTO" bTOtmucM.™ Su.U.TO-.,.,d«,., idea, or demorrer to to4 PVmn tie Ann IW fi^reo. H. t K. M-. BIRHOP. t.«llc.rychn|.- Tbe, mvi. tii.ir lend. j,, ,|„ „.,i Much t.n» rf thi. Oet.7,16a5. B»plaiBBiita'bUl.tbatIbtMi»eaiUbatohe:Dpl.iilul.'UU,thhtth.i Od. BS. 1836. B-lf There t* vet m reiser in iho laoe.y ud th. cmmuuoU, U Iu,., tioJl Aid —uid TO».t Iho >*• ■... -E.,l.-wwth i3.to«i«1 rfTO „TOftTOd,Mi«t3.WU<»th«TOM coofoeeed, wd toe ma««re therein ‘daenM«TO' mine .for -ihem«lve*-oonuu«.v------thU tbo ^,,m.„,j,„f„,„urTO.dTOi»Nlu«-that tbo Ul>.r and eboTM tfeS dBoO. Meudlnwlmaoeonilnglr andend it itie &riWfliriW orderedordmed tbotibBt ia TO....,«arket, —and- wo------are sorry,_ to add TAILORIiTO. ouality of the fio^a will tecdmnifnd them, ^ order be aww tod- ■niey have in 6l« *»«« «»» T^««,d.c.W. N, S. AHBRBVVS. ly oecapied by 1.' a 5iocifos,cf...A A OBNToflhaLexiagtonrira.Lifoaad BOBwealtb for two angntba aacceaeiv^. 4 mWCMenleu aiaie 'R •ubh « wprKedanied ataia uf affim. ••^ -‘^1 he hta located himaelf at riem- Marine iMtUMoaCothpaiqr.iaprapar* Flemingsborg, .dpnl 14.1686, Bqd. 13,1838, dSJJm Mm wfan■ ‘have ------otHkma■“** of dolian-— •••in prop-• , i^'rg wbera.___ka hfl Intjimta inwnd. la to earrvhn cartyhu mra*rag^ tj^optp’ g» iHir^tonoftofHaprommeaterlv tbe tanorlMbnainaam raaiuomiwww la IMNUEY tore,macaumrr,goooawaree wAmeo-iro.- JJHX.A.THRaklttJr. O.C.8.C.6. jtUemey 1 M Mugdxurg. Krutucky.^ jpr^ oR jm, c—flji*fWj "T V*7O0U> grat^ly ackuowladga Ito di*arfeveryito«^ JBiOK8«««»«f JaIy».IB86. itSm wtoI «3AkD All ktoi^ lamaeaeB ee miT TO J. eksra cf the puWic ,-inmag*. ^ ThT-MLni Wl>.( jgV»W« ■« il-ow He baa mad* airaniamanto to raoaraa ra- o,,^tte*,I!hil.d SUTO. Th.t«1t» «rTbe—Th. afcTrf^ guUriythotowrtPhitaiWpUnr^^ ™™.1SS£'S2 bae______ba» leawed, to the TO»tli » Jo •••0 "f M*V?So~- -_ . w| when Bet ahaeat nn* oTtbihidlia-lII h.2TOdHltbTOl UNO Mh. ebop to ooa dnoca arm <£.Dr. J. B. iTOiutio.rftli.hahMtit3.wTO,, Mere reev iM«^ eMiaptoa by %WIb TtEdiUTOuJ nis •>*»« “ "» SSriSae sSS:-ready to attand^l-exH*. BBd 8toehyeB7Hi^ tmm \ TOOC.JIJ.J “ll"f"*f2- "sstTi-W-s-™ (fopt. 30, IB95. BTO- *0. »»• ^ uUMck-jottroUiaa. Tto Ort. 28, 1836. . «M(e>it cvneMo, nre •&ct.4J . BOOKB P6B4811&D r Ji A - VUMiUtmU ■bw. ryiaE ^lumdiA Mtitmage as^»dsd4n p-^ Uprai^ . ' ^ . .Ji PbiladetphtffiatBrdityOianicr.iBA ■ KBUCI the oditon to ewnmenco tha fwhliCTBan, on- ter theahove title, of a qaarto edition of thmr 1. ' Afcvy y Am*, vitb » waf. pefteijwunal. to long known as tbe largagi n^tffcBE leiDarittUB and deep^ int PjtgyWew wriPtbo United Staios,with a Crttfoear TWESTY-8IX THOtJBAlND X nc TtU ban bean codectad 6aai all hrated Huferg ViCeatac^, oU t SflBeC&lBSKSr TbenswfkMQoanent- BULWER NOTELB. the hot aoM which the pabUe and psivus fy iWinud of feniAiog their reatem with 'wami^eanBmtajEjrwi Utoariae of dtis caantzyAffasd. The aata- hers win enbcaoe mai^ neeat cases ed exclosiretT by the London Animal w|)n. Ua VHANCiS eBANeER. ter, and lecowse b^ been had eccaaiotiaUy lomafwacrlpUwT ..... not be pmcoced. el, a new aelectMO of about It is beliered that the oallectim supplies avarr. . They ai^paUMtod inaemi-mABlh- lEkttUnfar cfce«M(eat lorc«. ^ P«|^ amge, with bmk and a striking deficiency in the liWair of the ly luimbem, each of sshidi contain one cpat* i>fetework,*itotitUpBgaandcov«r. Thn lAwyer, Physician, Bid general reader. Scoffttk 3 vola. wkh enu. HENRY DANIEL, wbtoe series waibseoi^sd ineight nmn- To members of the Bar the pobliaber need CooPt Fosragrv, 2 vois. with cou. PHILIP TIUPLEITV , hardly reeosunend it. aa Uiey mast know hs ben, and wiU be fe^i'iabed to Sobacribera at tf fWUa, wRh toe exuawdinary low price of ihrve doDan THOMAS METCALFE, worth, bat to the general reader, who may feemtspieee. bemsded aato, iu character, the publishers and filto eenU, payable in adraaoe. Th^ DAVID S. PATTON. JUmoUo lti*mUini,^ vpls. withcuu. . riety' iff...... topics u. *dhitoapub- ■gyi tbem.thatit will befcend, whencom- w ill be sent by man, qptvfelly pwked, to any EDWARD RUMSEY, OoXtncr'j TVurei*, with cats. Ue jonmal. GivingG fell accuonU of sales, part of toe United State#dr Canada. pleSd, a robme of the nMBti«mtwe and ex- UnitedState* Sengaer, a sclectioB of papa- ^CHARD A. BUCKNER, news of tbe {ate< dates. - Tfo-tt coiplett sen te iar ScM^ u snog by c«' ' It is poMisbed at the few price of fS.— Ihffferr, payahto to otesuee, hi 'directing V.\LL, which they kucw to be falac, a bon not a hope p^UmaderSelkirk,with cuU. tooueand peoi4e, scalier^ in aU parts of the Thc.puUicstioii of toe hbove, was rcnm- ROBERT WICKUFFE. of escape is held out to them; the ‘•Circum- Also, for sale.alai^ asaortment of School country, from Maine loFUirida, end from the Blantial Evidence' ’ cases, of which there art nienced ia Jody. , and SUsuellooeeon bocks, which will be sold sea hord to the lakea. The paper has been MARTIN P. MARSHALL, fire, would make oa think Otherwise- It is in January next, another repnbticalkii of at the iwblisher's wholesale prices. Countrv DOW so long esUbliftied as to sender it too . .me cefebrated modern Novelirt wiU tako JAMES F. BALLENGER, a aabyeet that may well make ooe ponder up­ dcslen ate respcctfelly iovited to caU and welllcDowi: to require an extended prtopee- place, eitocr-^antt, Oopx»,laviso. or more ROTORT P. LETCHER. on the law which demands life for life. (^amioe fortheowelvee. lus; the publishefsr'tnjrefcrv.will do Do more ; The pubUcatiA was cooimciKod in Julr, other of equal repute. It is dctermlhed by g--"‘ Also, constancy on band, and for sale, an than rcfertolbctwo hadiag'daily political the present Publisher, that the Ameriren \ and tbe namben are issued semi-inaothly, extensive amortaent dfsuperfine and com ­ papers iff oppoaiu pol It its. The PeoBtylva- PuUtc shall be fera'isbed with tlie most bean- WILLIAM UEMIY HAnaiSON\AVirrmiuk7birtl>: each number ecoUmiog 120 pa^ each, mon iouer and cap paper, map and bank folio nian tsya —-The Saturday .Courier is the prialed on fine white paper of the size of tbe Hfel.rjid at tbe same tims cheap, editioB of . YI m rai fir 4'vipm tbe DTCUntio»*r IbtapendeiHXrt port. Enameled and ivory surface blaok largest and one of the best ibiiiiiy nowspe- Novelists extant. . ' Marryatt Novels, and will bn complete in TiMtoMdor W•«bis(tol^ Jeffer>oDudH«diaoB--47«Mdlo^wboalllewwMe- cardaofeverysiie.cokirandquality. Print­ pe» in llie Union: ” tW rther, Ute Inquirer OJr A few enpiea iff Marryatt are -yekfer wmlrolMd to office, ud ooder wboM 070 bo dwffitxged his ^ with October, —making a rulume of 000 closely ing Ink of aU quaiitfes and colors and %iiy Courier, says, -it is the lar| printed octavo peges. The numbers wilt be sale at I'hree Dollars. ffiithfulM ud obUitj: J. A.JA.MESfcC’O..Typeand «ter»- jonmal puUished in Philadelphts. and on* of sent by mail to aoy p L. A. GODRY, ifeUfelisr. ’ TWbwtberin Mms of the Teocrsblo Shelby*. >e Feunders, keep on band a fell assortment Jhe very best in the United Suica. ” Tbe felly packed. Terma $2for tbe complete PNiLXMmwa. Dm Hm of Tippocame ud the Tfawaesl Type, and every artjclo necessary to fur­ New York Stor says —-We know oTnotbk« work, or three copies fer five dollars. ‘!1w6aUut Uederuf the KooteckieM in the Ute wv. ead under whcM Buner nish a complete printing office. Stereotyping^ more libera] on the part of edikwffi and no ■■■ AWDEPARTMENTTOTHECIN- It is worthy of remark, that a similar work they elnys nsAhad to Victory end to GI017: of Books, PampUeU, Bank Cheeks. Notts, to draw out too dor­ ■ ff CINNATI COLLEGE.—The exer- ia publisbed in London at about 75 eenU A GoMrei. who, ie ffie bte war, fonsht inotee ra|tegeUr batUea than any otbtf . Cards. eVU, Blanks, tec. 4e. Storiotype mant talCDts cf our country than their im- ciee of tbie department will be icsnaed to tiuiubcr, and contains only about 70 smaU who oerer was defeated/ blocks made to ordir. Second handed Print­ exsapled liberality in offeringlitoiaxypteea. toe fintMtodayiaMmreBberoexmteeto- ffiMdecimo pages. This edition will coat but A MatBsmao, whow wise, just and' eaceeasfo) adniniatrUMn of the Narthwarteni ing and Standing PresMe and Type for mde The Albany Mercury of March 16th 1880, tione four montoa. 40 cents a number, and contains 120 large cheap. Old type received in exchange at Territory—Tilory —and whoseirtwee liberal ■ad Wilighteiied-TOwa. whilst oSeaatorwt Cea gw . ay^Tbe Hatorday Courier is decidedly too The Law Faculty wiU eooairtr«ff fear P»- brUe Pnsideriey of the Uffited States. Address nine ecBU per poon^ atehis fiuaee and q< feMOfs. vii: Joan C. Waiewr, Tntontr L. A GODEY, Cincinnati, Sept. 17. ISM. this or any other ixiintry, and its valua-is WxLUB. JoaxPB 8. Baanx*, sad Enwxnn iOO fToleW WreW, PkU daly appreciated by too public, if we may- D. Mxgsnton, Esquires. Fopulur If-Vrfc. judge from its vast eirculatioo, which ex­ Tha.LaelSftswQl«fobnec Nalfeea] and down. The old jockey looks ratbas- qnter, ceeds 25,000per.week!, IttcoelepU an Botwcr'sNovelsaDd Saturday Ne«s,for $5 HINTON AM KNAPP»ffi agreeably varied, and each nwnber aUttJetelLaw.Equay fh* »—liall a w.. rOUnCAi. »*CE CO0«BB.-IHa(»i Law of Pt^eny, &ad:find Perrenal, TRACK. A ^ turn to tbe right and left, awaggenog Do. do, and Celebrated Trials, for $5 HISTORY or THE UNITED STATES. th ■n^i^, Sketch.Bookr and Lady's fMdicaled Criminalminal Law.Law, and PracUc^Tlading and Evidence. .iJI -™» dr." 8>lg«t vlowo and beat the Grey on Lady'sBook,Saturday News, and Sketch ^ ragmvmgr. j\ it* enterpritingentcrDritin:r proprieton,1 Measre. Wi Moot Courts and exi Book, for .. ^ ' nm awTaV-rt Gnat spiMt and high bettiog ^backers of tbe pony cosfen, as rTMIE History and topography iff the U. j waan te Ci.*ax, of Philadelphia, to repnb- quant. Satordsy News. Sketch Bote: and Cel»- A. StaM of North America, from tbe ear- I iisli in iU eulumas, in the eeurse of a year, .D^reeswiU be ooc brated Trials, for ^ trim o. Ik. lUt 1.tk. b*.l.nol .itj hn«I ™ Ikf t'd" Ua. U»ho».; .kil. Ik. n.lk- lieat period to toe present Utae, —eompris- several of'tbe moot interesting new works MMff toe Uw Fa- ' pkiT AiiKk:H».*. H. »in am lU. k»p-m kkad. Uii.I k.m b, ..jii* «.rite MarryaU ’s Novels and Lady's Bote, fiw go ing Politiem] and Biographical History.Geo- ^ that issue frorntbo British ptres; white culty. sad h> stadeat caa be a candidala for Or a remittance of $5WiU pay for Bol. grapby, Geology, Min ’ ~ ' ... ■ ik;, .„d ha hate. rin. -.11«« ih. te, teal of h«-MIa Th. ,te rf graphy, Geology, auneraiogy, Znoiogy and ! not tail to give it a pennaasiit interest a degre e who shall aet h ;ea stud fed law at - Mooiri k onlike a Hoot ter or a Duck- wito a Topographical description oftbe Cities scribers as desire to have their trambers Tbe price of tic^ fer ail the exeretsn * it. however, to he rv.de by a celebrated jockey * ‘J«- He rides haiebadied, sits on hie horse Towm, Seaports, Pphlie Edifices, Canals, bound, they bare detemioed on imoing an will bo $C0, for a single PnfeMar. $15: m finm Tenneitos, Old Hfekory, which itopires *«J-r»>ittle. He It is a ‘Fort ’ tost ‘The Columbian______etc. etc, edited by Joka Nomard Biakm, A. editioo of the Courier in the qoarto form, each oaKpartefem advance. The prfee af gitwi eM>a4^ aoMV-tbe Noithen sports- ^ howeror a knowing leer, as be casU h'is Restorative for Hearing ’ prepared by .V., with addiitoos and correctionsby Samu«rrwbichwiU render it mocb more convenient board in CiDciwwti rengesfrom $2 50 to $5. men. Tbe knowing onos of that regkm *,0 «y« W* “ hie quid every now and then Dr. BROWN, has cured mort penou 0/ te A'lu/Vi,—printed for and published by : for reading when it is bound in a volume, and Office stndents can be aceommodated U too Wkinghim atgreat odds, againat the field. cwwd of eountrymen Dw/arw. in various parts of toe U. 8. (as Robert Reul, Baltimore, Md. ! thus creatlv enhance iU value. ” offices of cither iff toe professors, but this ’’ Keabeo^isihBTeiinetoceOrey.aihoiooghl*^ c^hunw, as he walks ro^ the , ibo certificates in his poaMMion wfll toowl Tbe work will be printed in two volumes, will be aaopanto charge. qearto, and cot THE aUARTO EDITION. _ bred nag of great spirit and soppotod bottom.!" ’''***- “he northeni knowing ooot pretend ; than all other mode#combined (that the pro- <1 in twenty partsr each Under the titleof the ruii.ADSLrttu Mia. The princitml text books will be as fidfevra, was formerly under toe training of toe old Tip-:rtbey t«U him.-he is | prietor ever hterd off.) and when it isconsi- l^-YaUcLi».\Yheatoa on tbe Low of Na- celebraied jockey telkn named. «dHickory, •pavined ’—‘|*ew behind and troU before ”— | deted that sucb saUefactory proof can be giv- «My cenU ■o “r">U commence toe publieation of toe ti^, the Commentaries of UUckstooo and hnt-having kicked ban on several ocensioos his tail has been drew m.’ He nys en of iu efficacy, and tu perfectly safe mode parts are already issued from toe press and ' xwarded toe prisd Kete,8tory on Equity, Cruise on Real Pro ­ as bo wto carrying bifli down, hm can wa#>•“ ^lo entter be rides don't make ; of application, together with the important the cnibusiasni which prevails where toc'®^ $100, written by Miss l/cslic, editor of perty, Cbitty or Howe on Practice, Gould or ------r.------1 a _a .s----- »to Kiadeihook.^ riw puoey ‘feel small and look mean ’ befewe | fact, that very few who need a packan work has been introduced, to obtain copies of' Vendid Annual, the Token, and anther (5 it, is a fair erittrioo to 'judge of iu mcriu ’ - ®*" Sketches and other valuable coo- Stoteieo on Pleading, Surkie or Roscoe oa Tha two already matioasd were trained on' the BROW fells, then call him a Ur- -vials)-.-v r.i,fail ..to effectJV . a core, and. compared^ with aU. ” The publisher it in posscMion of notices from »ribotioas to American Uteroture. A ferge Evidniee, Cbiuy 00 Coutraeu. Phillips on the seam coatre. and an Kid to be very spite- toe object in view, toe cost only Five Dollars, several literary genUemen of high standing '"»•*«'"f P°«”i *=c., offered Insurance, Bayiey on Bilb, Pal^ or Liver­ ■ M towards cMb oth». There will bo some' I*. IS surprising any sbonld neglect the use of in this country,expressiveof their cotnmen- '»««npet>t‘on for toe $500 premiums, will more on Agency, and Abbott oa !fot|iping. htod passM between toese two towarffs ton THB SLANDERS'REFUTED! It—or thirty causes of DexfeeM noted in his dxtioa of tile work. ' *dd value and interest to the succeeding nam- It ia desirable that those siodento. whopao. ooBttoweMern point of the eonne daring toe EUCCTmu, axxp rum—a ^d tot* rox Book; toe six ftdiowing are tbe most frequent, Alto__nan bo bad to order from toe pabHab- *dso be enriched by a story poM to enter the Uw b'clwo), sl.ould bo pro- first hast. Old Hkkoey pretewfe to say he Tn* uXKo! and are labelled thus: er, MALTE BRl'N’S GEOGRAPHY, end Miss Sedgw ick, author of Kojie Leslie, Kot at toe eommencemcnl of tlo excrcisM. WiU h* dfetanced! We shaU see! HaxUBOA, at aiaetoea ywprs o/itge, re­ (A.) Where it ariseeftom taking cold and SIR WALTER SCOTT’S WORKS ’coro- Thcl.inwoods. tec. wlioaetalenu have been J C WRIGHT, lafi.hanaCfeHt,eotoK Tiw»i»noe,an ceived a eonnuiwioo from WxsiuiKnvui. thereby producing a variety of aounds, such eUtengeref fine metal and bottom. He pleie.eitherhoond orinpartatosuiisnbwrri- ""d extensively >fpprecialed, both T WALKER. ^ In July of that year, bo received the as toe buxxibg of insects, a rnab of air thro' has bean to read oat for some yean until bis crevice, and at times as the soimd of Bells, bere. JOHN BIRCH. JatiU “ ’’®r® abroad. J 8 BEMIAM, ■ thanks of Gen. Watkb , in a baule with mans and tail are maOed with biWn. also like a disUat wattr&li, (of toisdescrip- Aog.24,1636. ^ ’ Tf/isapprovbdFAMTL^-EWSPAPER E D MANSFIHd ; l|| toe Indiana, and was appomted hit Aid-de- isst/ictly Dciitrsl in r^igtdua and political la to be road by an awkward eoantryman tioa a peraott 83 years of age ia cured, July7, 18M. Campl TIlRSKETCHBOOKOFCHARACrER:' mrt^, and the un«« (featefrentha psople.) These two laUer tber 40 yean deaf mute improved. eiicsmataKK hare been toe eaose of great In 17D4 he was sppeinted Stwreiary rf (B.) Wberetfaereisatcnmiooerfeloees ______Notice. E furwaru aU peiu 'IterrIaaK wag toe-sA stoeh'mg-gewry , tha Nucto-WeatemTeiziloty.^ WAasuse- -ix-tfae Ear, tod..**. tnaeMihilito-ef.toe ifroni trading bet many good jn^ do not bKitate tb my. TOS! Nerves. TVMbraeotoed fe that ha WiU .make tbe bte-taU foot it hand- in bis 3^ year he was elected to Coa- (C.) Where it arisK rram loflammatorr ■M^y to hretItoD. gresK. Diseases of any kind: eansing a gathering in. He eomw «pen toa toif in tot finest style He was afterwards appointed Gevenor anddiachargarremtheEar. 55sS£=S-;3S not to ib, .0.. 00k. cooiHlril .^MsUe^htod and tail right up. and moves of iDdisoa, by r*o. iKmasoii! (D.) Where it arieee from a vicdait .... off at toe tap of toe drum, like an army with In 1811 —he defeated toe form ef In- ciiMiontff Air, as by diatearging of eaanoa »-ri------Us is bunt like a catUe, ” and of diana-uadet -Ttvainwrto, aad faiaed: ton or otoerwiK,. whereby Uw Nervea hare fa*. ham Vi^alb stoc(. He has little , The principal objectoftho preoeat eoi- 1 other interesting and totehl foaturCa, lUda, ictory of 7%ppt. . ec»tmaB«.ha(hishackers feteto his wind here a healthy seeretion cf W'ax, lection, is to snpplyapleasirgvariety of toat ‘di*taoce,4-c., forming a complete Allas for 8epi.28.1886. 4B-2 In 1813I8l3-he—he was appoiiuad Uajor-Gs*. “pE.rwfc .««hetoPK to omke op for any dtecieoey on had ceaaed, and pndneed as nopleasant dry- kind of incident, white, hy exhibiting the i gmieral useful iofor£«lfeh, bandxocifeiy axe- by toe patrwiic Madbmev ! ie tte toot spare, kteatoiag iscwtainoflUdTip, nsM therein, as often ocean in agod marreRous m circmnatance. and toe catreor- i cuted. and each diet inrt map on a laige qaarto . TEBas.OFPVlU.lCAXIOH. betoffi no reshte. He guK righttered to year be defeated tbe British in vario (F.) Whero the a eiree are dteilitcti dinaiy in character, diqffaya Uw oeaaaionailaheat, at aa axpeam white notoing bat the to* tod «r toe heat, let who wUI be before cftiatere —e-id wen toe viclcry of /Wt indelicate femafea and others. waywardiMM of ««*nti and Nafteqafint enri-=^deadid pat renag e white for six yoere past h WiU Meiga /—In Septoffiber be invaded Cnae- He has proof of the eflkaey of his Medi- ouatHwration upon toe human mind- Uwaold|bas been oo generoKiy extended to toom, «nhffiao^tot.toaaMtte tfwsettote Utt Britite item te care dise^ steite proof _be weald„ beoady—^ toprovetoat.indopeodeiatlyor— r - ~ M.rj w iiacvmere Icouldwamnl. ZTuTt*"'^ Ibg etos hit’ by Ufis raw untnined in toghv-«i>d onnhe5tb of Oct. defeated t uhe a pfeasore in showing to toe aflieted entertainment, a knowledge of reoiaikaUc ' TERMa. fertsia necereaiy to emreet the jodgment.j ____ ted Mi Such things have been them, and wtnibe Yktety^Aenoteaf toekfeKsds, ^sailing at bis reeitence, c< The PhtiailteihKBatateqrf]iteMix feA^ . nou.xaa, pey*^«M dotohifon. and wffiV dote ijaio. AB wdj 1ft wte,tAte tb« War, again elected to ”***^ ^’^***'i O.T, n my at present is, that whoever beat*>0ld Old CongnseCi —uaHenreseatarive. Editors of Ne It this adver. nsly. Tbcj In w« electad to ( tHement and fbrw^ toe paper 3 montte, w jateeyt are e aleof the Uaitod Stares. ahaU he eatiUed to a pateage (for their own esUfflW proi^ly whu is, wo moat ptKere the best fine while popor of toe sanre riK ao He walks it inSrstj In 1826 —he wan app Keorthat of a friend) at toe ^of aaid saae tfvfe. sad ail ack utoe ^knowledge of what maybe; and too in- toe New York Albme, wiU bo pot at pro- toSoaih Aaarka. And and maaffis are tosre. IVGsTaritegnmmof RwmaiatotastodtoaMeertifieato, assy fofnmtioom only tote acquired by an atten-lrioefy .d,»kfei apprehend and dtever Mid negro to the aa- darelyiaa. or to L. W.Aadrewo to whoal tefifiteffitoi to seU her. if tee te fooad vaaiiffiCtepoL K. H« ffi IX tooK iadebtad to MeDmO ■ iffto* Aato of Ky-rMd if she te takea tm a^byteebKwi^ —hi wiU make «rM teyou mifr* JL Camphte Witt eailvd tt*«lB,a»adS et Bm 8tten of Kcuatey. 1 wOl gin fir WattoalAwntl^ III OMUite«-M>r *H« eaa aao w«h aae str/ s^ hftatemai r*teKB,aaMaia Cnra mnoc ^JteWby toeataraaCihat hawiUdis.lh* mffy wM ymMh; bkI $m «___ ow^iir to rhSTh^rtS*^ Areaawtoaew reake it aaeoreary ttat ate- i>i^toawriAifayKfeiK,KditmKt |iKi thaa^kmftai wA teiightaith* tsiaapfi lifaaal wJ^**" wilMi her. ^ am« t|j|bi«i$«taiaffi lp>i»bM.**MKatoph>sira^LMte»n«^^^ ,a 4s»,1836. 7 4L8te i mi. siKSiKae- •Hf ri