Monthly Community Paper |
[email protected] | 206-501-2254 | Vol. 1 No. 10 November 2009 SEATTLE South Asian INDIA GIFTS GANDHI STATUE TO BELLEVUE Global IT nsideSpending Up Oct 17, Bellevue self-determination, and his quiet by 3.3%................. 02 The Gandhi Memorial Statue on i but determined leadership spoke the Plaza at the Downtown Bel- for those in the most humble cir- levue Library is a gift of the Gov- cumstances. Gandhi’s example, India - better growth ernment of India to the people of and affirmation of peace and jus- than US and China. 04 Bellevue as an act of friendship tice spoke—and still speaks—to and in recognition of the mutually all, here and abroad. Kids & Creativity.... 05 6th Annual Seattle beneficial ties of culture, commu- The City of Bellevue, KCLS and nity, trade, and economy that bind the Bellevue Library welcome Seattle South Asian Independent South us together. this generous gift. As an historical figure and wise teacher, Gandhi is Film Festival 2009...... This statue is a gift to all the known the world over, as a writer, ..............07, 10, 11, 19 Asian Film Festival, 2009 people of this region as a unify- thinker, and activist who earned 5 October 2009 Seattle: Indepen- ing symbol. Gandhi was a wise an honored and central place in dent South Asian Film Festival teacher who had a widespread, the archives of knowledge. As one (ISAFF), a celebration of the best positive impact around the globe. regional leader said, there is no independent films from the South His commitment to nonviolence more fitting place for this Gandhi Asian diaspora was organized by symbolized tolerance, justice, and (Continued on page 8) TASVEER, a grassroots, com- munity-based organization that is Gandhi Statue Gift- committed to bringing indepen- CREATIVITY & CONNECTIVITY FOR KIDS India to Bellevue..