Isle of Arran

A short ferry journey away, from the town of , on the south west coast of is the beautiful Island of Arran. Arran is said to be “Scotland in miniture” and it certainly offers much to those who venture to it’s shores. The ferry arrives at where a choice is offered – turn left and the road will take you through the seaside towns of and and on round the south of the island to or turn right and follow the winding road north around the bay, past through the pictureque villages of Corrie and and then upwards through Glen Sannnox to .

Nestling between the trees and the beach, at the north end of Sannox village, just where the road begins to climb, is Sannox Church. It was built in the early 1800s by the Christian families who lived in the clachans of Glen Sannox. A number of years later, many of the same families were cleared from their homes in the Glen and made the arduious journey across the Atlantic to settle in . The little church continued to be used as a place of worship for over a century and a half but laterly fell into disrepair and was put up for sale.

In February 2012 a newly formed Scottish Christian charity purchased the site, which included the church and attached manse and an accomodation building called Dundarroch Cottage and it became Sannox Christian Centre. The charity has approved plans to restore and refurbish the existing buildings and develop new ones on the site. This will create space for prayer and worship, education, creative arts, music, and other activities. It is an ongoing task which will take many years to accomplish butthe renovation of Dundarroch Cottage is already almost complete.

The Centre is based on the principles and values of the early Celtic Saints who brought Christianity to Scotland. The three inter related principles are, The Cave – a place for personal devotion to God the Father, The Refectory – a place of social interaction, community and hospitality in the unity of The Spirit and The Road – obedience to Christ’s calling to take His message of forgiveness and salvation wherever we go. All activities at the Centre work around a daily Rhythm of Prayer, morning, noon and evening.Sannox Christian Centre is a place of rest and restoration, of prayer and worship and in Celtic Christian tradition, a thin place where God touches and changes lives.

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