Bundle Day Saturday


I'ulillwlied SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR—No. 38 r>; Thurwfriy WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1069 •'ill l"ii«os—10 C'UIIIN Name Delia Badia Telethon Will Seek Foose Resij New Pool Manager Housing Plan Funds A Telethon will 'be initiated by the Westficld Service League, Methodist Joseph Delia Badia, Tormer West- Community Development Corpora- Women's Society o! Christian Serv- tion Sunday night in an eilfort to ice and Holy Trinity RC Church will From WHS Post fjeld High School swimming coach, Dr. Robert L. Foose will end his 22-yenr career ;is principal of West- lias been appointed manager of the raise about $25,000 still needed to assist at Sunday nigiht's Telethon, enable the organization to purchase Construction of new housing is field High School June 30. lie plans to luac-li Kraduutc classes in a mid- Westfield Memorial Pool for the land for a 22-unit housing develop- made difficult because land cost in west university this summer and will continue as an instructor of educa- poming season. He is currently a Okays Sewer ment in the Caeciola PI. area. Westfieid is too high to make con- tion subjects on the university level next year. teacher, at Summit High School, Residents with last names in the ventional low or moderate income Announcement of Dr. Foasc's resignation came as a considerable sur- Appointed to serve with Mr. Delia first part tf the alphabet will be housing feasible, die CDC feels. As piise to .•indents, faculty and others .JJadia as assistant pool managers contacted between the hours of 5 its solution, it is attempting to pro- Removal attending Tuesday's session of the are Walter Ctarkson and Richard and 8 p.m. Sunday, first date for a vide equity housing to overcome Town Council Tuesday night ap- Board of Education. Dr. Lillard E. Zimmar. Law, .superintendent of Weslfield Work on the pool is preceding as series of Telethons. The second call- "prohitiitive land costs" and "to proved an ordinance to vacate an ing session is scheduled for Sunday, show ttiat our community really abandoned sanitary sewer line in the public .schools, said he 'had received planned, according to Kenneth Lying, the letter of resignation Monday. chairman of the pool committee, May 4. ' cares for its poor." vicinity of Tamaques Park. The Because of the high cost of land The CDC estimates that it will cost tract is the site of Westfieid's first Names oi 4he institutions where with an early summer target date in Westfieid, the corporation is re- $57,000 to acquire land on Caeciola nursing home which is now under Dr. Foose will teach have not yet (or completion. quired to raise $90,000 for the initial PI. for 22 units and an additional onstmetion. Approval for the nurs- been revealed pending an announce- Mr, Delia Badia has had many lC phase of the housing project. On $23,000 to rehabilitate six units. Con- jug home was granted try the council ment of the Westfieid educator's ap- years of coaching experience and Monday it was reported that $66,210 struotion of 16 N objections were voiced at a No reason for Dr, Foose's resig- {pur years. He also served as assist- 0 m'ately 600 ipeople. The telephone gram. Additional amounts raised are hearing on the report of the Board nation had beon offered at the school ant pool manager at Eoho Lake drive will attempt to seek additional expected to provide the non-profit f Assessors for improvement ol a board meeting Tuesday giving rise Country Club (or five years. o support in donations or pledges. corporation with capital with Which section of Brightwood Ave. A sche- to a number of rumors for the de- Mir. Clarkson is track and cross Citizens and members of the West- to arrest blight by acquiring eddi cision. These were dispelled yester- country coach at jWestficki High dule of assessments against property day in an interview with the Leader WALTER CLARKSON field Jaycees, Junior Woman's Club, (Continued on page 2) owners along Lhe section was adopt- School, having taught here nine when Dr. Foose revealed JOSEPH DELLA BADIA ed. years and served as swimming his teaching plans. The university In a brief and poorly attended coach for three years. He formerly level teaching has been considered meeting, Town Council also awarded was manager of MinXkwaskin and for some time, Dr. Foose said, and 9 New, Current Directors contracts for gasoline, motor and he felt that if he were to take ad- Noroaliegan swim clubs. • fuel oil; authorized the treasurer to iMr. Zimmer, also on the high vantage of these 'opportunities, it issue If725,000 bond anticipation notes was now time to make the move. school faculty, has served as a for the municipal swimming pool: football and baseball coach and is To Be Named at Y Tuesday and refunded pool deposits to four ROBERT L. FOOSE In a letter from the high school a registered competitive swimming Nine local men will be elected to 'residents who are moving from the principal read in part at Tuesday's official. serve on the Westfieid YMCA board community. The bonds will foe pur- 'mealing of the board, he said A few openings for the new muni- of directors, and others will be chased by the Suburban Trust Co. To Set Memorial "Please accept my resignation as cipal pool remain, according to Mr. singularly 'honored at the 46th an- principal of Westfieid High School. Lyng. Residents who are interested nual meeting and dinner to be held Day Parade Plans After 22 years in that position and in joining may contact the Recrea- Tuesday, according to R. 'R. Bawett 36 years since I first accepted em- tion Commission at the 'Municipal Jr., president. The meeting will Sargent Declines The initial meeting of the West- payment as a teacher in Westfieid, Building. take place in the 'Y' banquet hall at field Memorial Day Committee will i i,ave found this a difficult decision 6:30 p.m. (following a reception at take place at 8 p.m. Wednesday at to make. 6 p.m. Youth are encouraged to join Third Full Term the American Legion Hall on North ..During >temi-re in Westfieid I Leaf Collection in the festivities at 8:30 p.m. as Ave., Chairman A. Bruce Conlin Jr. have experienced great .satisfaction guests of the Y to hear the "Sing As Councilman has announced. The committee is re- [rom working with t,ho flne young Dates Are Noted Out-Roselle" chorus in the main sponsible for Westfieid s observance people in the ,,o:nrnunjty, the pro- 'gymnasium. of this holiday. feasional staff that developed a A calendar showing area dates for Archer D. Sargent of 177 North Mie .town's spring leaf and garden Any local organization desiring to sound educational program, and ad- Those to be re-elected to the board Chestnut St., Ward 1 CouncilmanUie, Participate in this year's parade is ministrators and Board of Educa- refuse collection appears in section 1 of directors iricludc Mr Barrett, Will not. seek' -reelection to cordially invited to send a rcprcsen- tion y^ provide^-ev^ttftx^' i, page 4, of today's Leader. The president of Barrett and Grain Inc Town..'Council, according to a pickup begins Monday. . . .• '. RICHARD ,Inc., Realtors, president and chair- man of tiie «n>ct)IUve cttnmjtl«e; do not -wifh to be consid- on Wednesday, May 21 at the same ed with a school system -which earn- Oeongd R Brownetl, past president a candidate for rejection time and place. (Continued on page 2) of the Y ynd general counsel for ered as a ency Exec Heads Nvlionjt] Bulk Carriers line ; Charles from the First Ward," Mr. Sargent wrote. T Kirrow Jr , secretary, who ib at- Lf E M. HALE sociated with Provident Mutual Life GEORGE R: BROWNELL "Upon the expiration of my pres- Name New Teachers; Insurance Co. in Westtield; Lee ,M. ent term Dec. 31 of this year, I will UF Gifts Division Heal, manager of corporate financial have served a period of a little An officer witlh an advertising and services for Merck & Co. and mem- more than five years, having taken Give Grants, Leaves fund-raising firm, 'Ralph Wallace of ber of the Y finance committee; the place of an incumbent who Lions Celebrate Salary guides and employment menu,- Mrs. Sandra G. Perrin, 801 Dartmoor, will put his profes- and William R. Wilcox, also a mem- moved out of town, I have found it sional skills to work in his own com- ber of the finance commitee, who a most rewarding experience. Wow- provisions for teachers, nurses, cus- Grant sixth grade; Mrs. Elizabeth munity during next fall's United is assooiated with Mobile Oil Com- 45th Anniversary ever, I do not feel that I can>con- todians and office personnel; sabba- E. Skamenca, senior high math; Fund, according to Arthur C. Fried, pany with offices in New York. tinue to give to it the time which tical leaves and special grants; ap- Gary C. Bicknell, senior high Span- [t general chairman »f the 1969 cam- New members to be elected to Westfield Lions Club will celc- Serves. pointments and resignations were ish; Mrs. Denise E. Doyle, McKin- paign, Mr. Wallace iwill serve as tts 43th anniversary with a "One of the most gratifying things features of a meeting of -the Board ley, third grade; and Mrs. Nancy the 'board 'are: Albert R. Bobal, forate aboUlt servinl chairman of the major gifts divis- principal of Edison Junior High •at the Mountainside g to this Capacity is the of Education Tuesday night. L. Morrow, Grant fifth grade. ion. Friday Apr 18 Invited bish- deSMe of sincerity and profi- Resignations effective at the end Appointed to next year's staff School and member of the Westfieid Inn on Friday, Apr. "Mr. Wallace is typical of the Rotary Club; Kenneth H. Lyng, east- c oiency one finds in tine other elected o( the school year were accepted were Miss Maryann Boyle, Grant 'guests include Sfeyor James '5 as well as the town em- trom e'Snt teachers, while nine. School, $7,100; Mrs. Frances C. many residents »f Westfieid who ern sales 'manager for Wilson La- Moran and Everett J. Jackson, dis- live 'here but work out of town. Be- boratories Inc., chairman of the trict governor of >tfew Jersey Lions Payeesi.. One could not hope to be threthree^oe off whom are ppresentlr y em- Oevalon, Edison 'Latin and Spanish, associa cause they feel they want to contin- municipal pool committee and mem- Clubs. Also invited is E. R. Crow, a ted with a more Impressive ployed, were appointed. repjac^g ^ss (jdifjj^j j,j Long, ue the excellent social services af- ber of the Y physical department charte"•""*»r membe~-m,fc~r. ..,!,„„whos„e mommembershi»m.,.urp, groupe™tP-. ResignationResignationss werwere acacceptei d from $7,250. forded their families by the agen- committee; Glenn Maggio, staff has beeen continuous. "•It is hoped that the Town of West- Miss Jean Asmus, senior high Span- Also Mrs. Jo Ann Gainer, senior cies supported by the United Fund, member of the Newark public school field will continue to 'be as conser- ish; Miss Karin E. Beyerstedt, cle- high English, now replacing Mrs. they have supported five consecu- system, co-advisor to the Westfieid The Westfieid Lions Clut) was or- vatively financed as in the past and menta-ry art; Mrs. Margaret C. Audrey K. Borchardt, $8,300; Misa tive Fund efforts," Mr. Fried Said. Teen Canteen, and advisor to the ganized Jan. 1, 1024, with 28 mem- (Continued on page 3) Case, Lincoln fifth grade iretire- (Continued on page 2) "I am sure through the leadership Hi-Y Clubs; and John D. Robb, )ers, and its first president was Rev. of such coromunity^minded citizens New York Stock Exchange floor O. P. Barnhill; D. Wayne Seaman Such as Mr. Wallace, this trend will manager for the Hotan Mosle-tDallas served as secretary. Their present continue." Union Inc. and chief of Westlfield's WILLIAM R, WILCOX day counterparts are Bryan Camp- Unarm Longhouse, Y Indian Guides. bell and Robert Pearson. Mr. Wai'l'ace is senior vice presi- RALPH WALLACE dent and copy chief of Kennedy Sin- Those to be honored with service The Westfieid club, like other claire Inc.; an advertising and fund Teachers to Holf I'»V s<<"'ls 'ruin Troop 17:», will canvass the streets !„ uiek upi tli- uilrs. Church News Sec. 3-5 at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday <>l Teddys, and possibly two from Norlli C'aro- held Saturday, .Apr. 2fi, at 8:30 p.m. lonial Sports Center and Roots Con- lhe Weviiielil Tlirifl Shop has been operated hy Service League iiieiiilii-rs mr ,,,rr ,|.i jejirs. .Ml profits Collegians Sec 1—? Route 22. Una, in the Westfieid High School audi- fectionery. " toriuin. from sules are divided among local charities, and i,i addition, tile Mmp pro. ides nn upjiurtunity for thos.; Editorials Sec. 3—2 A few classmates'ha\e boon "lost" The cloncert is co-sponsored by the Admission is limited to Westfieid persons seeking iKir.cnins. Focus Sec. 3—3 Treasury Benefits and lihe committee •would appreciate Sec. 4—2 hearing from anyone knowing the Y's Men's Club of Westfieid and the residents and student, attending Currently f.n display ftn the parting lot side ,,f lhr. Made in America -we, ;„, ;,t(r;,rlite »mto flis- School News Indiana [diversify Akimni Cktk> of WesffickJ schools. Proper cr«ferT- Htxy fl-xWtmx M \UI,f, M.4¥ inttttsis fcals fat# timtdhrM-d anrf i,ti*n-j,Kl i,y Mrs. StJvkl ymtsHtl Scotch1 Flairis-'Farttfd See The Town of Wesffield wiM receive whereabouts of the fnltowing: IVTrs. • (Mrs, New Jersey, »i»f*U benefit their fate (V membetsbipi tards, }toaf7 f See. 4-4, 9, * $ts,m, its share- in fe*fc stock takes CWsfeWee "jlare foerrfielcf veil-ate am adMat^mp tttttds te- tards, etc;/ Mast fee ' Spattsl ,,<.*.,..„, &se, 4-6, 1 in imi, aecmdm to the iitikm €oafr Yte&i, tet ad*ess Uufoshv »fct ttm tut warn mjxbLb mv $*&«&, Mt%< tt«t*n K-rfr, ,w»* tt u. ihssake *„,,,,,,,,, Set', U4 %y Hm& d HaHaHon, tkstOa Liagg atri trances tmx< Am lot athtMUmu), to tituntjtth, e«)« wish tiof Stmt M#rt3 Ketia UauliUm, JtAa mtswt and MMtttm WtitU, wiwrnro.n H, TmmsnAY, Atom IO, MM i r U'Miiicrs WIM'C nppniiili'd Ini- paid Itv the'Imard, ami s|n nl'ir;i1inn.s for tlHIDVO. $!i, i(i; nssislimi, Cyril M.'Kulloii, $!(0fl: To Itv Elvvtwl m V Officials iiitr on Diiliith 1 1 YM Directors tilt rrnmiiuli'l' ol' Iliis scliuol .vt'iu , 1'iir :i|)i'cia) H''.'IIIIH mil Io cNrci' DciKii'Hm'iil 'IICIKIM jipprovffl (or hi-iirl roiiHi, icro.'is country, winler i 1 •• ,>.'• ••• • Navy Lieut, Leonard J, Uuditi, Tlu'.v arc MrH. Jaiu l H, l>iivi.s, rlo- I'nr niit.siili rmirscs ol' study, in dark •aiullKtok, Waller \,, Clarltson, 1 next yisir a! a foe of $700 v.iwU in- K'millmii'd from pnge 1) .son of Mr. mid 'Mrs, David Kiidin ol tvifiihiry in.sll'iiincnln! music, ;nuiii;il cxiini.scs, f-'abbnlii-al leave, ahm 1 uii : Senior lii^h wHhoul, .l<;ii|.',lis')i( J.'imns W. Taylor, ilnisti'c and mem- •Hi A Sandra C.'ir,, and husband of rato iil" $7,-11)5 indiulin^ $iW inih i.Hfi JVInry K. iHNirisli; DMillioiiinlios, Also iu'Mil •wi'o.slllnu coaeli, >K ber (if i|hi» lalcnuitiunal Conmiiltee •the farmer 'MISN Kiln K. llornslein MISN Ann I'l. McC'lnskcy, scnii»r A .siihiry SOIKMIUIP for nurses, with •Miss Dmnn 'II.fll; socinl .siiiclius, ;»ril); assi.slitnt, 'hoonv.i, $400; licnd n( Flushing, N.Y., is serving aboard Kn«M.sli, inintml rak» of $!I,7(HI; -and ol the VMCA; Clancy D. Conuell, a rartfo ol' $5,!l(»i) h> -lUiroltl II. Shill ($;in() — rir.Ht Homos- iwiinniinu coach, Charles ,1, 'Gant- Irejisuror ol the hoavd of trustees tlit» amphibious transport dock ship Mrs, .limn (J. Ouiieiinson, Uduswcli .SLMLMICC, \ ^i()[); ii«ud iitiskuthntl cfuicli, 1 wns dt ttM' only i; Noel A, Tnylor; and funnel" Y .stuff member, iand USS Duluth oil Hie •cnasl of Vielmttn, •IIHIHIC, ;HIIHKI| irak- 1 industrial arts, BJnrno TOIIIK'SLMI; rl P. Kiiltou, $050; i J>onaid li. Belcher, also *a member Crewmen vbei's of the ship rwenlly Salflwllcal leaves won grunt kuifuiaws, Tlioiiifis \A\ (.'twla; buai- Kiilton, $W)i nlhlctk1 Irniiu1)1. , of IIto iiwarti of trustees und chair- celebrated the ; y^nHiouk supe*> •ipvan of the eanipaiun planning' ctwn- lmuilntf on lite ship's flight deck. 1 i -f* li School |)h,vs'ical oduoalinn Mrs. Anno Gill, Mrs. -DmiiMK Hon- 1 1 v'i.sor. Krank X. Scott, $500; trea- niillc'f For the Y VM teadiui , ifoi -a full year's Also RoosevL«ltt Knfillsh, Miss. 1 ili.M'son, Alhorl illonry, iMrs. 'Iktli Aim ( Kiirci , SludiMil Activity Kuncl, ,Krod nu'iil Project in H)iH. Van Brunt, Mrs. Arlinu 'Myorsnn sliuiy at lhe University of lOvolyu C. 'IIMIIO; inallwmutiL's, Miss 2nkuluk, $(HK); and coordinator, Sat- and Mis.s KloiMc 'I'hom.son. lon. franklin J. 'McGnuLh, Franklin •Allii I-. l>i?tk«r: social slLidws, Kieli- urday Scumco proHnum, Noel A, Col, David B. (Kelly, supc-rinton- New Teachers Jourlh tfrado, was 'granted ia first ard P. Vtfit; seiouct!, 'Malt Kashu1}a Taylor. $750. v ))nticnl io sliuiy courses (.first semester-only); practical arts, thr main speaker. Mr. Fried, chair- (Continued from page 1) board adlornoy and 'Harold D. Zahlcr in reading .specialization at Wowairk [? iDrozdrfff Ofiral somosiorJ; Also iit Roosevelt, foot)l)all hpod man of the event, staled that rescr- Rnsalynn J). Jleeren, senior high cuslotiiiui of sehool inonoyw. Stale College. Bos, Georae T. Hig>gs. coach, WilHiim Odcnkirk, $750; i|s* •valions fop dinner may be made biology, presently replacing Mrs. sisi'anl.s Joseph V. l) to $300 Fruy, Colu'mbus 'fourth &nnde; Matt Stipends 'also wore approved for Kdison, head football coach, tMl-* directly in the ground without the JOHN D. HOUR ALBERT L. 1UHSAL. Also Miss Linda H. Rurr, senior depending on the years of experience Kaslmba, Hoosewll science; Marvin coaching and spuclnl assignments for chad Karnish, $500; os.sisliant,' Al need for a base. Two men, using m high biology, $7,100, additional po- and a $500 longevity increase is pi'o* G Man', Boosevcit history; Carol UIL> following: •Edward Tirono, $430; head basket- special equipment, can erect such ; silion; Dr. Ercel F. Webb, senior vidntl for tuaicliers with 20 or more A. -Mastroianni, Franklin second Westfield High School: Head foot- ball conch, Tirone, $525; wrestling; pole in 20 minutes. •high school iguidanee counselor, $12,- years of teaching in VVeslfieid. grade; Thomas J. 'Ryan, senior high ball coach, Gary W. Kehler, $1,600; Paul Infuso, $300; soccer, InfusO; 1150 additional position; and Mrs. The envploymenl provisions inchidu English; Harold iB, Shill, senior lil'fih assistant football coaclies Richard Deris B. Zoibal, Tnmaques kinder- ait interpretation of the steps, full studios; and Carol E. Tinchcr, A. Zimmer, $800; Albert F. Leonai, $300. ' garten, replacing Mrs. Hope ' family hoEpltalizaUon, -medical s»r- Roosevelt vocal music. Special $550; ond Peter D. Linra, $400; head Bids also were awarded Tuesday "100, TRANSFERRED? •'•nn^ wjjpn nwnrded 112 teachers -coach, Hobert A. Adriance, night for various supplies, HOMERICA, INC. will hel(, r. L you find your next home anywhere in the United States WITHOUT CHARGE.

OBJECTIVES: To help you find your next home with a mini- mum of effort, time and ex- pense. If you plan to move tc an unfamiliar city, or just to relocate near your present KENNETH H. LYNG home, HOMERICA, INC. will GLENN MAGGIO help you find the right house, In the right neighborhood, in Sargent Declines •»•- the new areal Foose Resigns (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 1) SCOPE: Operation throughout that a very minimum of reliance the United States enables ed a reputation for consistent excel* fence, will be placed upon federal and state •-/:•• Homer lea to furnish you with aid programs with respect to which detailed information on "I should like to express my ap- the ultimate cost to the taxpayer is houses which fit your require- preciation to the students, staff, sec- much greater than if the expendi- Ix - v. ments even before your first retaries, custodians, administrators, tures were initially footed by the members of the board, and parents visit to the new areal l with whom I have worked for the :•#, REMEMBER: Homerica works cooperation and support they have During his terms of office on the only for YOU! All of their afforded inc. It is with sincere re- Town Council, Mr. Sargent has serv- - *. efforts — research, reports and gret that I approach the termination ed OR numerous committees and was y - . advice — art exclusively on with West field High School." most recently chairman of the fin- »-••: behalf of the prospective ance committee. buyer. They have no connec- His resignation was accepted by tion with the seller. It is their the school board with "deep regret," responsibility to guard YOUR Dr. Foose is a nationally recog- interests. nized school administrator and has figured prominently in many nation- Telethon \

For further details, please call al educational associations. When tr"> •^ •-*,. $}hs. our Local representative, he first came to Wcstfield as a teach- (Continued from page 1) :K>I s %. tional property in the Cacciola Pi. *%-:'-. Pearsall and Frankenbach, er of English 'and journalism in \v* neighborhood as deteriorated hous- rUwtf^- Inc., 115 Elm St., Westfieid, 1933, the high sohcol was located in I.-J iag becomes vacant,! - -, . ., . " 'V 201-232-4700 or call yr Una Kim St. touUclms BOW used as ••&= •''''• direct the Franklin Sch&ol annex. Steps are being ' taken to avoid r s, a He is ths only principal to have substitution of a hew ghetto for'an i A' jftr- m It:* served in the new high school on old one, according to CDC officials, u. ± I *v. : f •WiT :m •v^.- Dorian Rd. and was instrumental in who say that over the past year a -•* plans lor bc'h Hit* original building Neighborhood Council has created a L &*m* and its addition. During his earlier sense of community and neighbor- -y^1 ICA teaching days. Dr, Foose initiated hood concern. In addition to recrea F1 VJ the high school 'newspaper, Hi's Eye. tional and educational activities, civ- •WYtrlT- His wife, Linda, teaches English ic and political awareness is being frv

in Edison Junior High School. developed, they reported. L'/-^ tfttA *ww r*.: The CDC 'feels that tho Neighbor- Pan-Am Bldg.-200 Park Ave, r'A 212.611-3111 hood Council will insist "that obnox- LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS ious neighbors do not disrupt the BRING RESULTS neighborhood's progress."

\*. ' "/v,w

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m SUTTS FROM $190, SFOKTCOATS FROM $115, SLACKS FROM $50 ASK ABOUT OUR FREE 90 DAY EXTENDED CHARGE PLAN 32.95 207 EAST BROAD STREET, WESTF1ELD 233-1171 <•nl.Hl 1—njj 1 r ^ OPUi MOtStoM Wtt-HHG UUVrl 7 OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 i > 207 t BROAD ST. WESTWELD i -?• Till: WKSTI'iiai) (N..I.) l.V.Mtl'.K. THURSDAY, Al'ltll, 10, IIH1I) I1 ii Hi* n ilil—We.slfMd Service Ijt>n#uo month- A d/iniv floor, fnbrlimlwl erf Alienation, Anxiety, Boredom Cause Film Benefit > ly niL'ctmK iit tlie Ixmio uf Mrs. Flnmh nickol h\VV,\, l'i COMING EVENTS It. Cory, « Kimluill dr., p.sycluuk'lie lighting for cluiifinn Tuesday Night 1:15 p.m. Thu Uii'd'.s Nual in 'IV Of Crisis, 80 Royal Youth Told 30, Muy Antique . Tin* floor will hist, for dt»-

'' -- ---. -,1 wides, \n ensy on tlui r 'been disil- Westt'iold A r«a Cumniitlec f o r Woman'.s Club, 1 p.m. winning the lusioned and fed up with things, such 'Human mights, "Bye Bye Bravor- 12—Westficld Service Loague, BUN- as racism and the inability to bring inran" is coming to the Itialito DLE DAY. ohnnge. In education tlic youtii and Theatre in -Wuslficld for a one night fight against stand, Tuesday. fPhe single perfor- 15—Music dupiipLinciit, Woman's adults are questioning ihat we are Club, 12:30 p.m. like machines, mance will 'begin at 8:45 p.m. Tick- ets arc available at the Town Book RECEIVING TI1K FIRST HONOUAHY MNMHEKSHIP in the rectmt- 14—Washington School PTA "Flight "The second Is anxiety. Ours Is a Store across the street from the Jill o Fashion," Shackamaxon the imports. world of rapid change—constant ly-orgiinlzed WcfiMVId Historical Snclcly is -lolin Henry Knizcc, f)5- theatre and if ram ihc 'theatre's box yenr-old native of WcslfiMd mid htmsili n cHlIector oi hlstorlcnl ineiiio- Country Chiib, 7:;W p.m. threat of annihilation. The youth are office. M—Intermediates, •Woman's Club. living in an uncertain world. It is a raliilia. Shown presenting the cerllficute (o Mr. Fruzri' am II. Emer- iSidney Lumot, one of today's most son Thomas and Charles I*. Haitey, former innyors of Westfield who 10—Ant duparliinenl, Woman's Club, world of rapid Change where every- 1 p.m. thing lias a number and computors inventive young -moviemakers, pro- were instrumental lit the society's birth, and Wcyinan O. Stecngnife, are taking over. We are living in an REV. WILLIAM H, GRAY duced a nd directed the offbeat right, first president of the Wcstiield Historical Society. il*—Fortnightly Group, Woman's impersonal society..This is why teen- comedy that stars George Segal. Club, 8:15 p.m. Steengrafe, principal of Wilson The action is staged at 60 locations agers are turning to drugs in hopes School, served as adult chairman. 17—Westfiela Service League board of finding themselves. Youth chairmen were Carol Clare around Now York City. The sites meeting at tlie home of Mrs. "The third cause is boredom. Our and Peter Torgersen. ranged firom Sheridan 'Square in the Missions Program Is Supported James F. Nelson, 421 Highland society has a great deal of time. swinging heart of Greenwich Village Ave., 1 p.m. Certificates in recognition of youtii to the pillared elegance of the Fifth We are giving men more time 17—Holy Tninity Mother's Guild leadership were presented by Dr. L. Avenue Public 'Library and (Brook- By Annual Church Antiques Show through modern technology. E. Law, superintendent of schools. luncheon and fashion show, "There are great opportunities for Certificates were given to 80 youth lyn's most fJavorsomu neighbor- Otrantioler, Milllxirn, 12 noon.

SGT. WILLIAM S. JACKSON JR. Amplifier - Receiver - Preamplifier FOR BOYS i THROUGH LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS ANY MAKE - ANY MODEL TRANSISTOR - TUBE FOR SUBSCRIBE NOW TO KIT - USED - NEW TESTED FREE Find out if you are still getting what you paid for. Bring your FOR GIRLS WESTFIELD LEADER equipment to be tested to: 50 ELM ST. STUART'S AUDIO —544 NORTH AVE. Ev Make an appointment with Bernie or Send to

Warren at AD 3-1111 and one hour Address Apt. No, THURSDAY-FRIDAY 11 A.M. TO 8 P.M. A Mclntosh field engineer, will check your amplifier regardless of age, condition, make or model, FREE of charge or of your time will solve your entire State. obligation. Kit owners — Bring in your kit amplifier for this free check up, too. Compare the performance of your ampli- fier with any other makes and models. Receive at NO charge, a professional evaluation graph showing the power of problem. Begin Subscription 19. your amplifier and the degree cf distortion your amplifier is allowing. There's no easier way to find out if you are still getting what you paid for. There's absolutely no charge or obligation for this test clinic service.

fa Check Enclosed - NAME TAPES SEWN ON FREE - Bill Me The Hnest in Recording and Playback Equipment AtkiSteoeta YEAR Westfield 544 NORTH AVENUE, E. / WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY 0709O / PHONE 232-0483 233 E, Broad St. • fa&: m to 9M Mo*. & to onu mmhi lit r

i I' If'*- f wrsTFin.n <\',.u , TinmsnAY, Armt io, •Mr. 'Wiilrous i.s .survived by his OBITUARIES wife, who lives in Jefferson, Mo.; Seek Donation* Library Adds two sons, William N. of South Plain- field ami liichard 1*\ of Mulle i Williiim ill. ard Tlirodorc 15. Monde; two dnuKblorK, Mrs, Joseph For YAF Fund Exploration Books Oreslln of Jvaku HluiT, 111., and Mrs. 1 Mi's. I's.sic (iruh'M Hc.'inl '!». win KUIKTIII services woiy 'held Tues- George Friuknutnu of Klvm'skU\ Chairman Charles; If. Ilrnndl an- Historical novul, ndventure, and til Wiili in .M. IJr.'ird (il UI7 day nllcriHion al Cray's Kunenil Calif.; a brother, Hollis, of Esse\, nounced Ihnl nh<» Itopublii-iiii citi exploration aru clestT.lplivo of sev- M.. (lit ;il llircli Homo for T!u*mlniv 11. Luerssun, (54, Conn.; throe sisters, Mrs. Cluii'k\s zons' Committee of Westfield has eral now hooks ul Mm Mountainside ;irs. She was :i terment was in Fairview Cemetery. Inlennenl will be in Fnirlawn who are attempting to stem I ho cur- 14!)7 and claimed it all for England. rent flood of violence agntnsl both ^("iilii.'i • DI Kfyylrmi' Stale Norm;il Husband of Mrs. Emily Slocum Comolery, Jefferson, (Me, Godfrey Mindon's "Charco Haiibor" persons and property on collide is a story of Captain Cook's first S( );i..'J Kiit/tnwn, l':i,( ;nnl Oickin- Uierssen, he was born In Wale-hung sun i ..•, Carlisle, |*n,, and :i and had lived here for 27 years. He campuses. 'Those efforts by YAF voyage lo Australia, (the Pacific r of ( 'hi Ome^i sorority. was employed ns :i clork for Gen- John T. Monzani merit the respect md support of all Islands, and a shipwreck. \Mho are concerned with the educa- Shv was ;i inomlmr of St. Paul's eral Aniline and Film Corp., Linden. To bo ihe first known European to .John T. Monzani, 4i). of Phiiiil'iuld, tion of their own children, now and see the expanse of the Hudson River t Innth, tin* Wt'stlh'ki Wn- Mr. Luerssen also leaves three formerly of Westfield, died Thurs- in the years to come," Mr. Brandt JN.IM'.S Chih, Wostrk'kl Bird Club JIIIL! sons, David T. d.f this place, .lames and to sail its length through land day In Beekman Hospital, New said. and water hitherto unexplored is Wi'.sl field Cardcn t'hib. Slip was a A. of TsL'lin and Army Pvl. William York, shortly after he was stricken YAF represents itO.OOO students or- (the story of adventure and exnlora- [(iinii'r U'.KIKT in the Berks County -J, '.stationed in San Antonio, Tex.; with an apparent 'heart attack. ganized into fiuO chapters around the dion of Henry Hudson and his ex- pulilic school sy.siein. two grandchildren: two sisters, Mrs, Mr. Monzani was born in Waler- Florence Slacker of Dunellen and country who are utilizing every edu- peditions in "Passage to the West" In iirldilinn lt> IKT husband, Mrs. bury, Conn., and was graduated cational weapon— speakers, books, •by Noel Gerson, .Manhattan Island r»c;ird is .survived by a daughter, Mrs. Raymond Adams of Middlo- from the Kent School and in 1941 I'idd, Muss. films, special reports and training was discovered and manfths were Mrs. David II. Henry II of Key];ja- from 'Princeton University. He serv- manuals—to counteract the radicals' spent in the snow and ice of the In lieu of flowers, the family re- vik, Iceland; a son, Robert CJrubet ed in Ihe U.S, Army in World War activities. YAF stages rallies, de- northern sea in a vain, attempt to quests donations to the Heart Fund. Heard of Asheville, N. C; a broth- II. He served in Europe as a lieu- bales, count erdemons'trations and looatu t h e "Northwest Passage.", er, Ilownrd D. Gruber o[ Quaker- tenant colonel of field artillery and organizes petition drives urging fa- Conflict 'with native peoples .land* town, Pa.; t\ .sister. Miss S. Marga- Mrs. C. C. Newman was military governor of western culties and student governments Lo among themselves including, mutiny rol Gruber of Baltimore. aid., nncl Czechoslovakia. take firm action against campus dis- with the losers being put adrift in six urandc'bildrcn. Services were held Tuesday morn- He joined Halsey, Stuart and Co., turbances. They have set up student the cold in an open boat tell the Funeral services will bo bold at ing in Gray's Funeral Home for Inc., investment bankers, in Now newspapers and organized cam- story of the frustrations, successes, 10 a.m. tomorrow at the Dooby Co- Mrs. Agnes M. Newman, 78, of 301) York and was associated with its paigns to elect responsible leader- and defeats of the explorers of any lonial Home, S56 Wostfiold Ave., Sycamore Ave., Scotch Plains, who corporate finance department for 11 ship to student governments. HARRY OSBORNE, (seated left) Union County Freeholder and guest speaker at the .recent nnnual meeting age. years. •with the Rev. Dr. John C. Linstey of died Thursday in Valley Hospital, YAF has already accomplished of the Business and Professional Council of Westfield is surrounded by the newly elected members of the Ridgcwood, after a 'brief illness. He then entered the institutional Council's Imard of trustees. Seated right: Martin W. Vinccntsen, chairman. Standing left to right: P. E. More insight into Me life and times St. Paul's Church officiating. Visit- much. AL the University of Indiana, of exploration is given in "LaSallc: ors may call at Ihe funeral home Her husband, Cornelius C. Newman, sales department of Kuhn, Loeb they were instrumental in defeating Pcterscn, Karl S. White, Clmrlcs iL. Harrington, Robert A. Schwarz, Rny O, Peck, Nancy F. Reynolds, Wil- 11 died Feb. 15. where he was made a general part- liam'D. Peek. Julian IV. Cmracna, also elected, was absent. The Life iand Times of an Explorer from u-5 and 7-if today. the radical SDS's candidate for stu- by John 'Upton Terrell. This story, In lieu of flowers, the family has •Born in Montreal, Canada, Mrs. ner in 1962 ^ and subsequently be- d(jnt president. Irl nUblic meetings came first vice president and a di- as well as ibeing filled with exteiting requested donations to the West field Newman lived in the Scotch Plains at San Francisco State, they praised have passed, his comrniltce has been adventure, is also a descriptive tour Resque Squad or the building funds area most of her life. rector. and supported S. I. Hayakawa, col- & P Council Seeks Solution unable U> •.obtain any-definite pro- of early America, its 'Vastness end of Overlook and Muhlenborg hospi- She was a member of the United Mr. Monzani was named president lege president, for his firm stand gram from the Town Council. ibeauty, its flora and fauna in un- tals. 'Methodist Church of Westfield. of the Plainfield Council two years against violence. Suit has been ini- . After hearing an address, on the spoiled settings. . Surviving arc a son, Austin C. of ago. He first was elected to the body tiated agailnst the trustees of Co- i'flterrelatiomslrip'between county and in 1965. He resigned the presidency To Downtown Parking Problem In "Stormy Voyage" (Robert S1I-. Carlisle, 'Mass.; a daughter, Mrs. lunvbia University for "breach of municipal governments • by ' Hairy venberg tells the story oif the Adven-. Mrs. Retta Hammoiid Shirley Andre of Waldwick, and six several months after his election af- contract" in failing to maintain or- Odbornc, Union eourcty-Freefhol'der, ter suffering a heart attack in Feb- tures of Charles iWilkes,,. a young Iraveside services will 'be held at grandchildren. der on the campus, thereby depriv- The first annual meeting of the the parking and traffic committee, the group .proceeded . wiith election ruary, 1967. U.S. navy Officer who lied an expe- 1:45 o'clock today at Fairview Cem- ing the serious student of his educa- membership of tJhe Business and •reported ttet tjhe committee met of members of Che board of trustees. (lition of research iand exploration He played an active role in civic, tional opportunities. Professional Council of Westfiel'd with representatives of the Town Elected' unanimously as {rupees etery for Mrs. Relta M. Hammond, Memorial Service social and educational organizations bliat was to completely circle thp wife of the late Alfred Hammond Mr. Brandt noted that YAF is well was held last week at the Mountain- Council last fall in an effort to in- were Karl S. White, Mr. Harrington here. and Wiillaam D. Peck for one year globe between 1838 jand 1S42, Al- Sr. For Mrs, Inglis suited to counter campus radicals side Inn, when MiarUin W. Vincent- duce the council to undertake some though the ships were luiseaworthy. He served as president of the Uni- since* YAF members are themselves sen , cli'airmia n, received reports realistic program to resolve the terms; P. E. Pfftensen, Julian W. A former resident ot 459 Westfiold A memorial service for Hvlrs. and some of the men unwilling. to ted Family and Children's Society, students on the campus who are di- from the various committees out- traffic and parking congestion in the Couzens and Robert A Seliwarz for Avo., Mrs. Hammond had lived for Margaret H. Inglis, who resided at obey, Wilks' Pacific charts .- were was a former trustee of the Hart- rectly involved in the daily activi- lining accomplishments during the downtown shopping areas. Mr. Har- two year terms; Mr. Vineentsen, the last year with a son, Alfred Jr., 857 Highland Ave., will be held at ridge School and 'had been a vestry- ties of the community. "Citizens of past year and plans for the future. rington stated tot it was "unfortu- Nancy F. Reynolds and Ray O. Peck still being used during World at East Shore Rd., Culvers Lake. 3 p.m. Sunday in the Chapel in the fa man at St. Paul's Episcopal Church West'field should be vitally interest- Charles Haroirigton, chairman of for three year terms. IX. A related biography-is that, of She died suddenly Sunday night at Parish House o[ The Presbyterian nate" tlvat a'lllTough several months ; in Westfield. ed in this sensible student group as David Farragut, "Anchor's AftViajy," Newton Memorial Hospital. Church, H40 Mountain Ave, Mrs. by Jean Lee Latham. A description Inglis died -Fefb. it and is survived •Mr. Monzani also was a member they try to preserve the very col- Horn in Philadelphia 81 years ago, T of the Princeton Club of Plainfield leges to which many of us wall wish of the Civil War (Battle of Mobile Mrs. Hammond 'bad been a practi- by her -husband, Robert JS . Inglis; B ay and .the famous quotation,-., her son, 'William Inglis of Chicago; and of the Plainfield Country Club. lo send our own children," Mr. New Officers At Suburban cal nurse. She was a member of the In New York Jiis memberships in- Brandt said and urged Westfielders "Damn the totpedos!" are irtclude'd Branchville Presbyterian Church, and a daughter, Mrs. Harry Corn- The Suburban Trust Company has in this early U.S. Navy story. "Hero wall of •Jtha-oa, 'N.Y. cluded the Bond Club of New York, to send donations to tihe Young Am- having recently transferred her the City Midday Club, the Univer- "announced the election of three new .of Two Seas" by Charles G. Muller The Rev. Dr. Frederick E. Chris- ericans for 'Freedom. "Although membership from the Presbyterian sity Club of New York and the New officers. Philip Q, Booth was elected is a biography written from, the tian will officiate at the service. YAF members donate freely of their Church of Westfield. She also had York Society of Security Analysts. assistant 'Vrce (president 'and invest- diary, logs, and official records oi own time and money, they area ment officer, and will be located at been a member of the Woman's He leaves his wife, Mrs. Joann another young naval officer before need of additional funds to carry on the Westifield office. He will be re- Club of Wosifield. Viall Monzani, a 'former president and during the War of 1612. Francis A. Watrous this essential work." sponsible for trust department and Surviving, in addition to her son, of the Plainfield Junior League, and 1 Donations may be sent directly to iBank portfolio investments. Each of these (books is about a tire a daughter, Mrs. Florence (Mor- Francis A. Watrous, 7G, formerly four daughters, Ann Brooks, Susan man of action who helped influence ris of Sarasota, Fla.; two sisters, of Westfield; died at the Augusta, YAF at 1221 Massachusetts Ave., N. 'Mr. Booth comes to Suburban Ashley, Louise Foster and Caroline W., Washington, D.C. 20005, or to the society of his day. • Mrs. Anna Rose of Camden and Me.. General Hospital Mar. 28. Born Viall Monzani. Trust .from (Montclair (National Mrs. Eva Wurst of Savannah, Ga.; in Old Lyme, Conn., Feb. 4, 1893, the RCC at P. 0. 'Box 415, Westfield Bank and Trust, Company and was The funeral took place in St. 07090, for forwarding to YAF. live grandchildren 'and eight great- Mr. Watrous was n resident of West- Paul's Episcopal Church here at 2 previously with Manufacturers Han- grandchildren. field until his retirement as an en- p.m. on 'Monday with the Very Rev. over Trust Company in New York. Annual Hydrant Funeral services are being hc\d gineer witty "Western Electric Co., Canon Richard J. Hardman officiat- 'Mr. Booth was (graduated from Rut- Kearny, alltr 34 years of service. at 11 a.m. this morning at Ihe Iliffc ing. - F* gers University in 1959 'and present- Funeral Home, 15(5 Main St., New- He was a member of the Tele- Jes in Verona, where he is a llushiing town, with the Rev. John Arnedt, phone Pioneers of America, a vet- frnewflber of the Verona Ambulance minister of the 'Branchville church, eran of World War I, a member of Burlon H. Monroe Unit. A native of Basking Ridge, The -annual i flushing of fire hy- officiating, prior to the Westfield the First Baptist Church of Jeffer- Mr. Booth is married.lo the former drants in communities, served by •Memorial services for Burlon H. services nncl interment at Fairview. son, Me., and a 50-year 'Mason, The following dispositions were Nancy Fehn of East Orange. The the Elizabeth town Water Co. began Monroe, 57, of 1057 Railway Ave., made in Westfield Court Thursday couple :has >two girls. this week, officials T;H\S. He was ;m monument. Its purchase warrants thought and guidance. in Holland, he moved to Fanwood adminisirator with Uu- Brown, f'rns-1 Federal, New York, All Other States ; from Westfield 15 years ago. ~.s * ' See what you buy. Visit the monument dealer who has a by & Company, Insurance Brokers, j Mr. Kerkum was employed with • Confidential All Year Round Service complete display, and who can design a Xew York, for over 40 years and re- the Tidewater Oil Company of New fired in IStBO. • By Appointment 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. personalized monument to harmonize with York before becoming an automotive its surroundings. He is survived by one son, John F. • Individual and Business engineer wilb American Baker Co- Hirsch Hi of New York City und two We have the experience. We have the com- operative, Inc. ol Teaneck. granddaughters. • Professional Accountants plete display. We specialize in fully guar- Surviving 'are his wife, Mrs. Jo- Funeral services were held at the • References Upon Request anteed Select feafre Granite Mor.jmenfs. h&n-ria U Kerkum; has father WiWiam . ftobert c. Near fu^ral ctiiMitti ->. K-eimm and his bttihet J.- H. yesterday motiving af WATCHUNG AGENCY OM 6-5505 L. L tAMMMO & SON Were* he-id $e$tetd&$ st i ^' &^_ 451 PARK AVCNUE (Cornet of WestfteM r/e iA 76% MOUNTAIN AVI , m titans, iMermfit was to | gf. And/eft's SCOTCH PLAINS 322 5602 **. X CetoeUry, Ctotttk, Spring Lake, officiated. sntiNontw i.D fio.> i.Tunrcn, Trnmsruv, APIUL IO, IOM



*• • ••'* : ' ,• APRIL 14th

or Everyone the Lincoln Display Shopping Bags otivenirs


GOME JOIN THE GOLDENWARE CLUB ALSO AVAILABLE IN Complete your set at a fraction of regular cost 5 PC. STAINLESS with each additional deposit of $25 or more.


WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS FOUNDED 1888 ihtt (N.J.) M-ADEK, TIIUHHIMY, APItll •5*8 •f.U!L!Lil!ll ?T vim immnl Park Hion1 on Ai>ril 1-1. Questers to Take Trip Mrs, U:\ny Wliitakcr imnouncod Itritlv Elect MnmbiM-s of two ntlwr IOIMI Rake-Hoe Guests thail tho second fjowor arran^inK Beauty of African Violets Displayed Charles Retfig The Colonial WesdfltOd Chapter of \n-H, Suit Hit"* i"i»*i Old Oiii' •worlwhofi for nil inemlburs, begin- ii'.slrr.s,' ;i mitiiMuil iiiWiJijlirs w)l- will t\vt'im\\mny Ilii^ni hy bus whir Hear Talk on ners tind ink'nun-dial-iss will btj h<*lr In Chapter's 16th Annual Show To Be Married loiV (iry/iniKittlon. will visil ilm ni I p.m. April 1(1 at tho YW. -;IYT.S Ilic Hint* J*l^r $ new iiatifHKil liDiidqiiiii Ici-.s in I^iiln- Dciails for n field trip were pre 1 of Wostfk'ld J. ('ousur , Mrs. AIIHM'L Dudl, Tin; [MiHJiKi'jnrnl of Miss Donn.'i (Iclpliin ,'incl lii.vloricil houses in Fail1- hir M !» a. scntcd by Mrs. Kuhwiit MurCluirg .Jr. Mrs. Mildred Flower Arranging wns winner of Lhe r«d rosette for Mi\s. Frederick S. Ileneli mid Mi.s. ii'ic Avitnwl \a riuirlu.s Connally im»#rmn clvairiuan. The trip will be niniiDtwrp to sweepstakes with Geotw: T. Hnnson. Second place Kelt id, .son ol Mr. ;inrl Mrs. Willinrn a vmli in May to llingwood Manor A largo widtoirec ill tho the second largest number of l>lut! wlnnors included Mrs. Frederick iK. HOMIH of DIM Wnodmere Dv'ivu, Slato Park. SPRING FURS meeting of the Bake & Hoe Garden for her s'pedmen plants ex- Pfeifpr imd Mrs. Miclmol T. has bowl uniHHinct'd by her parents. t'liii!) Wednesday at iliu YWOA heard (Hostess of the day Mrs. August hibited at the Kith annual African 'Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliiim J. Avcnul of 1 'Monti was assisted by Mrs. G. Stuaii Our little furs love to go everywhere, th centuries. 1 St. Luke's Women (Mr. Barr, cantor of Temple Siani Lingerie in Summit, has appeared in several Community Concert Membership Drive operatic roles, in musical comedies WESTFIEID OTHER STORES Bras To Have Benefit and in many of the nations leading supper clubs. He has also staged ELM & QUIMBY STS. IN CftANFOtftf. A For 1969-70 Season Begins Monday and directed many operas, musicals Girdles Fashions galore are promised at AD 2-6718 PLAINMID The 1909-1970 -WestfljeKi Commun- galls and Mrs. George Gross, who bhe third annual fashion show and and plays. ity Con^rt.rnombiership" drive was discussed plans for members to ap- dessert at 4 p.m. Sunday at McKin- Mr. Meyel, cantor of Temple Is- launched, Tuesday at a desfcert held pear in the window of Auster's on ley School, a benefit for St. Luke's rael, Sbaten Island, has sung over at the Westfield Women's Club. Ers- Bast Broad St. and bake telephone A.M.D. Zion Church "Women's Day 50 operatic roles and over 40 musi- kine B. Mayo,,president of tihe Com.subscriptions during fobs week of Rally. cal comedies in addition to guest mtiwity Conceit Association of West- Apr. 14 through 19. Those calling •Howard Banks of Howard Coif- appearances with several symphony weicomed campaign workers 232-8049 will be connected with a feuiis will narrate the show. Furs orchestras i n this country and &rjt& team • captains ©red thanked campaign worker in tilie show win- from Settles Custom Furrier, Plain- Europe. He served as the artistic Hem for participating in the 29th dow. •fiel'd will be modeled and hate by edminisbrabor of the Pacific Opera annual drive. • Company in San Francisco, has con- J Membership kiihs were distributed Mrs. Margaret Higgs. 1 ' • , r • , h. • I - * , ) •• .' •••. •; .• \, ••• • - i • Che direction of Mrs. William -Music will be. featured with a solo ducted opera and oratorio in Cali- ;'Mr; Mayo irttroOuced John Maz- Irwin. Mns. Holt, was in charge of by Mrs. Arthur Netibin^bam ansl a fornia, the Flushing tL.t.) Oratorio of New Yovi,- vtee#esident artfamgements for bhe aftenroon and dtiet by Mrs. William Northovor and Society and sewed as a member of eastern manager, of Community M&.'D. W. Belcher supervised the Mrs. Eugene Hams. Mrs. Nbrt'h- the managerial staff of the New Owwerts, a .divaaaon of Columbia arranging of spring flowers which over will also play the piano. Yiork Philharmonic. Artiste .Managemjecit- Inc. Mr. Maz-tjecwated the tables, Mrs. Margaret Morgan and Mrs, Proceeding the musical program ir«% 's{A>fce in \deteiit eth In- Edward Ewen, Lawrence Ford, M. Gross, J. V. Hacke/tt, H. L. Harrell, Bicliard Hartkopf, J. C. Ilaslam, W. Hansen, WilHam Holt, Miss K. Eliz- abeth Ittjga'lls, Mesdames William Irwin, John P, Kuttler, Joseph Lein- extra bach, E. B, Mayo, Joseph McGro- WJty, and E. F. MdBride. Alsq Miss Ella Mills, Mesd'amcs char Douglas Merrill, Fnank Newbort, J. O'Shaughnessy, J. Peterson, Antiiur i*otyk, Warren Prebluda, Donald ifeider, Bernard Reiter, G. Risoh, John Robin, Edgar Rail, and Gftan- rving Hudd. Also Mesdames Robert Schaniz, Joseph Schemfore, Walter Schlesdng- >,•;<:;

. * •,-'.' er, Henry Schneider, Miss Ivilly h • J Schmidt, Mesdames Charles Schramm, John Scott, Kenneth Wobbly feet

• • '-y..: •;'-'.': -^ ,rj. Stringer, D. F. Sweet, E. A, Tice, • . .• - • i. . / * 1 r -1 J • *' • 'i i IJ

1 George Toenes, Frederick Walters, - i •'* J n i "i • peed protection Henry Warner, Donald Way, J. L. ^Wobbly babies Whiteford and Robert Willson. .•'•' '.','iv! '• -'---. !•:•'''. .• .'':-'•'-•'•'•'.•'''- v •-'•<:-'• •••-:--^-:;-:-:--:- •-.•:-.:-::••<-:•:•: : •y^:->\\-y-:-< \-\--.-: '••:•:•'•'•••: •• • -•'•'.•'/.-'•''•'•-'• •i-i '•- •• v' •:• '•'••• ' ." •. need support Forfnightly Talk •--:-'• • -.w'- ,And the shoe The evening membership depart- 'that best helps ment of the Woman's Club of West- field will meet Wednesday at 8:15 your baby develop p.m. Herbert C. Woodland, principal :/.-• speaker at this guest night meeting, "the right kind of will speak on "Cutting and Polishing ;wafk is our Stride Gem Stones." Rite Firstie. We've been fitting baby feet lor years. We 'know first steps 'are too important not to be taken in for returning your .Stride Rite shoes. shirts on hangers! Complete Line of Orthopedic Shoo* DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED H4-0100-WX SIM (NO TOIU Wn K«p ACCURATE RECORDS of All Fittings . . . Iivneh A n inner for the Mail REMINDER CARDS fnmllF Children's Menu Provide FREE SIZE CHECKUPS RAIN OR SHINE, YOU'LL BEAT THE WEATHER IN Luncheon timmbf Au» 1894 "MAKE RANDAL'S A FAMILY AFFAIR" THIS MINI TRENCH. 5-13 $!/.00 Private V:\txt Facilities WESTFIELD. W. J. • 31 E. BROAD ST. MINIMUM PLAIN FIELD, N. J, • COIl. SOUTH A Cocktails Pally 82 ELM ST, • MM A nLI.NC.TOV AVE. Including' Sunday ADAMS 2-3680 • IHIITf • COR, TV. 7th A CLINTON Mnfn St.. < hflthflM Randal's $S§ CtAl mm 121 Qtfiitthy ft.v W*»ffi*fcf AD Opitn 0pm ttonit V/©d,y frh vtrtit 9 PM THE WESTFIET-D (N..T.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 1(1, Iflfll) Page 7 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT AUTOS FOR SALE HELP WANTED EGAt NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES My neighbors IIAMHI Al'l'lll) mil 11, [>li ni'U '(IH (MHIVK'ITR, 1127" eiiKlnt', 4-Hpnnd MALE ti n room, wl Hi BUIIJHT II' I I'll IIMllllHHilill, 1)111(1 Wit )l 1)1 J1C It top. I „ fiT AI-1'IH >NSi i I*. Hll>l on iirnl. Moor In vii'inily ¥:i!iIf0. Cnl! 787-lHll>9 after li:.'l() I'.M, p t utlv**— 1 i. CHARLES G. MEIERDIERCK, JR U1!, M^liI. Mini workii tit '.l it ithl ii! l PHmibliiK Supply, limit** 3-20-41. \vi Ui I JIHU riun ,;IJJ ASHIM'LI f lr»n i#i Wtvsl Ih'ld u'lll I r uf MAIM' I/. 22, Hiirltwi'lnid. JMoaB.' full Mr. Hliaw • hrlrJ mi Thursday, April J 7, lIHJii, 11MM 'riii;NlirOliDill» Wc-llMit con- [J u!,'|\\, \V.;"V.Vi? KYm'ur'V/iIr" HmiJ 1 KANANM-; Snrrnyati* u f 1 lu- HL UH 0-2140 IjeUvitun D A.M. utwl t 1 :it tliiN'#» t liiP'i y O'PIUI-IC IrJ HI* lift *• r- & ASSOCIATES, INC. llour(i 1 L I' Union, mi HSith rtay ! .°pn oin VJaa 08Haffn,-' G to irranKod. Cull Mr. Hellmrui, noon, jti tin olTiri' of I hi.' AHi Hi*.:la- March AJJ., ltt'l!*, upon tluj Ji fi P.M. 3-27-tf J 7JM & li{ KM, 4-3-St ^ - ' llori liMiit^il tit :in 1-:JUI Rnuul Htr^fM, lion of tin) un Realtors N'IIW ThJs nieul- f ilio f^ o or -mid MAN to run p Mi *V Ir; nil h'fl far \)it? jnij-fiuHtf of J1M4 AI-PHA nOMISO Splilftr, hi Imroby Blvon to 11»^ oriK]Itor» of "YOURS, MINE AND OURS" Hours li A.M. 1«> :i nii'iulliu; Krrt Inn ^ II ml Si-<:l h>ri \\ MI id tiisijuHH^d to I'XlilMt to tin1 «u I / - , now top and tin***, hnauti- 13 IM\1, Must *#r- i*r tli** Hinrl*M\ VullfJii inny h«? InHIMIIH-T JJ We M field |f u lid or nnth ur ITirinutlon Dm!, 3 children, t duR"—plnntitim* ful eoinllllan, Must «ne> to ap]>rfioiut4f, and Imvp ilr!vM M U'-'JUH*1. J\ ulcil run uf ahovi* Hlmw with t lii-tr claimH ninl di-nuindn a^nln?;! 'i P,AT. I Union County PrlnlliiH:, 2UH IK KK^NKTTT MATII1S, I lif i^siii h' uf HII id *IIMMMUS«'I1 wit li i n WALKING BRAND NEW I t ii cliilitrt'ii ami Htn^iini *\nix, SiTi'iHary ^1 x ni'Mi l liM I'rom t In* dfi I <• of SJ i'l FOUR BEDROOMS inr»l> OMkH 4-iinnr HiMlmi, SUJMT X8( ' i -:I-:M I^I*I*H JIO.OS urd^i , or liny will 1M- |"*»n-viT hi*rri'*l DISTANCE MI n roof \xH\x jit IIVLHI 4 IKII- uu1nniatlpp PS., U&ll, tfimd fOiulf- I1 ohi in-oni'.-lit inf; or rn^j v< ri nt;' tlic M U*v vnnlUnututi \n*rt urmuncr.s. Iluru Tall ii It i- r (1 P.M. 2.12*i;»78. ; 1 To elation, Bchoola and Choose your owft color scheme NOTKri: TO fllllUITOHS ,•.;< M]r i»Kahi: l I In- Mi lr:sr ril H-J . for this brick trimmed Colrmifil. Krlnt- uf M'KIO A. I'ANOiriK, K*h; M rcl ,I*ili fi AInr*'iu; hi. pinff, Dutch colonial — tlireo 11HIN Till!:MPII Spltllre <:nnvi-rLIhlo- 'ANY will Entrance hall, Inrffe living and iMd'H ftouth .sWlo in it S800 uiifur- lJnt Hiinnt \u tli-- onlf-r of MAItV C. M bedrooitift, two full bnllm, faenu- lttliGf.l rtMital with July l»st nponlim wliiLe, rcMl iui«l black interior, fiOOO fily youiiK ml- dlninff rooma, "eat In" kitchen, hillen, excfrllent condition. Call 23JJ- K.AXANM, Hiirmual*: of I In- flnunly D OMi Str^cl tlful modern kitchen, largo pan- Tmnelled family room, powder flftle. K for oHtulillKliof] T after 5:30 Union (bounty Krrl tory, KxeiM- ui" I iihMIP iiiiuh* uii tin- 1! iHt «l?iy of elled den, full also 0In|nff roorti, room, Two of tho four bedrooniH 4-3-41 *2r>.fl« "1 aaBure you, madam, If are twin HIZO. TWO full oeramlr Call PntrJnln Stewart: 0RC-11K0, lont »alary iltiritis train! n^ pe- ( ] i twenty-three fo6t living J KCONOMXR vah, l!iClr good (ion uf the ill) di-fHimitMl, us Admin- tile baths. Double ffara'ge, Pant 8:30 A.M. to fi 1 .MM Alomlay to riod witli oi*lK for Ih*1 the first lu know about It." P.S.; 2 year lease desirable. HLIPIC shift, rail in, WW, vory OUMH tnlH opportunity with ym. tln'lr ^laimn and d<- Kfliuol yi'iir liMiii-7D will ho r«'i'^lv^ii CHARLES 6. MEIERDIERCK, JR. h diln. Boat offer. 2S2*2ftl7 Potential $7,000 to fS,0O(J per in it mis auaiu^t tint i-^iate of said by I th Moan I ul iOdLh'ii t ton of t h«* ynnr. Car nerM^Hary, Ank Cor Mix monlliH from the Town ot Wt'KLth'ttl in llu* county ui & ASSOCIATES, INC. limit < K» one owher, TiB#fl0O Mrn. Viirffa. Call 232-CB3C for l;ili> of ^aid nnlfr, or thiry will be Ijtilon; *\o w JiMKf j'f in Hie Hoard I SOLD IT f 170(1. TH, 23:i-fll<)8 ur Realtors FOR SALE mll0H» fnun Konin, ;jo,n Kltn SLrfM>tt tin April LTJ, n IT 6 P.M. 1 lit? tlie lin;!!, uhtl UH'M O]XMM il and publicly . THROUGHTHE Wtfltfirlfl Wnittple lA*i\nK Mem*** THIS, 3-27-:it white- Trlumiili, R&H, rutiB Mary 1\ IJM Altlk Spp J 233-6639 WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA well, $fi50. Call 232-1C33. AilnilnlHtratr-Ix 1!; I ii I AI I*:*' CITJUII Supp WANT ADS 118 8. BROAD ST. WESTFIELD Choice of bindings—budget terms. REAL ESTATE Mfanl ^r MrOall, AUorni*yH B:«0 I>M Kuol OH For information call Il>:i5 DonUR 4-ttoor Rediin, toody Younp: man hptween a^e ef 24 & 40 \\\ Klin Strict SiH'f'Ifh'ut ioiiH and fondit Inn^ nt to ho rval rotate Hnh'Fiinaii. O[>portu* Murgurct Ahlf^Iil, Reg:, Mgr.v Rood, interior fair. inrOutlltiR- ninn- -iii( x. J. lilililiiiM" ni-iy lie oht allied frtmi Ihr AGXRS m. BARRY utilp, J37B. Call 23a-B227 V'tii*k-onil«, nlly to earn 15-2BM if able or will- IHiHimH:^ < HTic, IU*r* Mi S LEGAL NOTICES 2»3-201G 23S-S80S 10-19-tf ing- lo Mork linnl, Mairiril iiollejxi* WrwHIrld, N»w .JVTWJ\ t'nmi lflttl HA.Min.10H wag-on, 2fl,000 t Kraduate prel'nrriMK Kxperlent:^ In I'l iii.ii' \\i-» WilH pMSSi'll •Tl\ c/o BAI1UKT & CHAIN. INC., p aiumeier, $" Inside diameter, somt snows, reclining; neata, $lf>0 or host ( TruHli'<:H of t hr Held Al Din u rial tin* ri^h^ t to J nnyy or si , ;i |n I iHlDplCii Ity I lit* Ci i lin fil of I In' 70", some B6" long, Couia be usod offer. 2:*a-r>«r*S after (I P.M. Realtors, 2 Now VrovtdfmrM* Ht\.t i.w J«.M\sry on i n wholh e or in purl, to mukr a wj* I;0*H TI'IIWII i if WcsUii'lil ;i t :t nii'i'l inn' ld, N. J. 0701*2. Llhrary, W* st II* as rollers, or ae cor*«B for rug rol- 'V n^tj/lii tv , Anvi] l i r itHin by It^m and tr> wtiivc any in- UnTi-nf lii'hl April *, l!")!i. ling, ur dream up your own une 4-3-lf formullt li'H whMi doomed |H:*HI for LEE K. WARING V HMKf -FORll Country Squire wagon, n AlVMifH'ia.1 Library, Municipaiil l .K IV (\ VUKI':i.A.\'l), "U can have an many aa you want V8 tl ii PIi .^, 12fl l;::isl, llroail Street, tlio inl* lS-Sopt. 1, Mlrrolllniin^ roc- 1 * i •nick, mat, extra u'liDela. $485, Cull ' UK and itint alia t Ion of ciirpvtH for mus on ihv l\ Oltl>l\A\( i: TO \A(,VI'IJ AX •tn ^- vnu ' nm< look fit varioiiH loom IOMH through- iii*l Iihniry. forms f u rn lull '*<1 Uy the Ituiinl of MIAMIOM;I) SA.VITAKV smvmt out Ktale of Ko.w JoiHuy, We will Prnpo^al^ muHt be delivered at Cdticatiuli iiii(] hi ixi:i:«rilniire with .INK AM) IJHA1N KANKMKIVT •ain. Automobile HOHCUMI. W»J p:iy 1 SPRING SPECIAL HKVHOI,E'I\ 19G8 Bel Air wag'on, 1 Lhe i>]iL<:c and btion? tin* hour above tin foiullUoits of ljhliiiim. .OLATKH WiTIHV AM) OVKIl r ill cxpnn5ioH for 5 day weelc plus 127 V-8 enfflne. U&TI, P,S.( P.13.."air nentioiiod. Uy order of th< nf ,0'I'S t-\ AM) I-H, III.«<*K THO E. T. WILLIAMS LAMPS conditioned. Excellent condition. ttuto mlleaKG pliiB snlary of $ 1 Or Proposal fortiiH may be examined tlon. Town of Wcstiicld, d.unty of O\ Til 1*1 OI'l'KlAI, IWV MAP Ol'1 LOVT3L.Y 19GB SPLIT LKVKL CI-OSI-] BY WASHINGTON SCHOOU Your one stop lamp headquarters. S27flG. Call per. Aveok. AfUHt liave ix'ooti porHonul *r prnr^urod at tiic WoRtlleM Memo- I'nion, I'lli: TOWN Ol-1 UT.KTTirci.O, Lighting, fixtures —. Swagllghts, rer-ord for H<^••--•.• Westfleld, N. J. Tin? Hoard of Trust**M TACHED OARAGE, QUlBT STREET. QUICK POSSESSION. ANTIQUES OPPOHTUNITY Wisstiield Mcnnrirlnl I/ilirnry 232-2158 4-10-H Pees $7.20 Rear Entrance and Parkin* ANNDAt ANTIQUE SH0"W AND Man InteroBted in full time Monday- ULBf SISTERHOOD OF TEMPLK Friday position. Stock and receiving LEE K. WARING 9-12-tl ISRAEL, Cliffwoftcl St. and Martine olerk. Good job for night school RIALTOi Tin Ul^y—Barne Jam packed, Dine* We., Scotch Plains, N. J., April 14 student or young1 man wantiir and Cherry—priced fairly. 1-pc- cor- :nd 15, 1369. Monday and Tuesday, steady employment. Immediate Htoi^ EAST BROAD STREET WfcbTFIELD,NJ. Multiple Llatinv Member ner cupboards, wall, cleaned • off, 12 noon to 10 P.M. Dealers featuring- fliH^ount, friendly working- condl CRANFORD 15E. Broad St. from ? 125^ 2-pc $225. Cherry drop- "urniture, silver, antiqut jewelry tionH, and other employee benefits CRAMFORO 276-912O leaf tables, $40 or so; deacon's lut glass, china. 35 Norlh Ave. NOW THRU MONDAY benches* ~ $27. Washstands, cottag-e APPI^Y: AD 2-7402 TEA ROOM t PRBE PARKING AAPUFAtMM* bureaus, $22-$28. Early chests of Donation ?!....with this notice 90c Personnel Office Matinees Daily Easter Week drawers, cird tables, chairs, copper — TODAY THRU TIRSOAY Walter Echhurt .AD 2-70.14 coal hods, S27. Ijargest stock around always. Retail-wholesale. Open daily TEPPER'S Urnn Loll nil rigid u Barton Blftchtfiff AD 2-1615 Inc. Sunday, 12 to E P.M. Call adviBed PI a I n lie hi Slu-llry AVIniprN ...HE'S AH •weeltdayu Pumleye's Antiques, largre INSTRUCTION lfi*ter r^aAvfiini red building Route #15, Lafayette^ WK.STFIKIJJ boys wanted to dnllver EX-MARINE TURNED Sussex County, N. J. 3-20-4t nO'wsiiaperR from our curs. Imnii!- "Buona Sera, GUITAR d lately afler scliool Monday thru PREACHER.,. IN Private, LeMOBt — Modera MetkodA. Saturday. PJ^ 7-fifi01 after 7 P.M. PETERSON-RINGLE AGENCY *£O yoara |»r6fe«iiomil ftn4 teaching Mrs. Campbell" A WACKY AND Realtors — Isaurem Immediate r ex|ierl#nce. Call AD 3-Z880 for pre- HB\I,TOTl OKF1CK IlntlliiK Mi WONDERFUL TREE EXPI3HT CO. liminary »|itiiu*^ latervl#w* We have nn Immediate and urgent NiiK'K'CHttMl For Mn.- ENTERTAINMENT CENTER HALL EXPANDED RANCH. 12-12-ti eHteil in, anil capable of, eventually Wecktlnys 2 P.M., 7:40. 9:55 OVER ONE-HALF ACRE OF TREED GROUNDS. B. R. BENKE1"1\ teacher of ^iano, becoming a partner. Priority give' Snt. & Sun. FOR THE WHOLE FIVE TWIN-STZKD BEDROOMS. CERAMICS—Discount prices. Green- Latest methods, Classical and pop nlar\ Lessons in your home. 66 to it Hcensed man, but Interested h 1 P.AT., 3:15. fi:30, 7:45, LIVING ROOM w/WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE. ware, kilns, etainnt glazes, slip, anyone with the energy and detor- — STAHTS FAMILY! stilts, brushes, tools, bisque- wAre. Dorian Rd>, Weetfield. Call AD £-6396. FORMAL. DINING ROOM • 5 5-tf mhmtlnn to he successful in thif OVERSIZED SCIENCE KITCHEN Call 382-1936. 2-27-tf : fast moving- business. All replioe Charly 28 ft. PANELLED FAMILY ROOM w/BEAM ED CEILING, conflrtpntlal. Please phono for ap- sliding1 glass doora overlooking1 rear grounds WOOD CHIt^d for sale. Immediate ^CIBNTIFIC HYPNOSIS — Btop pointment. plus 30 ft. redwood deck for summer entertaining delivery. Sehmlede Tree Expert Co., ;moklng-i control weight FREE TQDWIX O, RDWAKUS, REAiTOIl X SEPARATE WORKSHOP & LAUNDUY—2 BATHS +2% BATHS FA 2-9109. 10-1-tf BROCHURE, 2S2-S648. lH*t±ti 112 Kim St. 23a-fift.fK ALL WALL, TO WALL CARPETING — 2 CAR GARAGE ¥_ MAY WE TELL YOU" MORE ! ! 1 fl sruttar, excellent condi- JS. tion; Mat tin turtlebaqk mandolin, HELP WANTED - • WALTER READE THEATRES $01,GOO. best offer 8Rfl-42ifi. WANTED ri MALE OR FEMALE CARPETS—Excellent condition, 10' GOOD PIANO wanted, Steinwfty or h 4 h n ri PETERSON-RINGLE AGENCY ither, grand or small atsse. Please ctraND x 15', Koldt matching" runner and lti;ilU;sn>iK\T stand, operator? U PI AfWFlP pads, $13G; 9'xl2%' ffreeh, $35. Call •all MArfcet 3-6B95 1-B-tf for jmrkH and snsick bar concesnion- PLAINFIELD Call 322-5800 any time 388-G1O3. tilre for ROIL' courKG. No invL^tmein — Rifles, shotguns, pistols, required. Apply Union County Parl :, clangers, etc. Modern or an- 1 (;ommls»iont Acme Ht,t Rllzahet WRHKDAVS 2 P.M. CLEARANCE top dollar. Will call at your iKVRXINUN OXK IMUIPOItMAWCF Huth C. Tnte ...... ,,>.. Iflfi-S. pje:.?zaff Bei^Ini? machines nev,er nvenionce, State and Federal 11- 0 A.M. to 4 P.? OM.V AT Ki1T» !».>!- Oall 48G-5B4O or 245-763, DorflM Elmo * -,,...t •'• •*• .'. t «<),.-, ,V.232-fK$il usei. t3uilt-in controls to make bUt- t. lift), 4:4^, T:fH>t J>t4r» torth61es,.SeW oM buttons,* bUrrd -fffeTrt Sflggaited lor GENERAL audiencai. URO PARK AVE...... V:.-,,;^ VSCOfCH PLAINS *'. *- u. *i\:u), nj;tot St;m •'Iressea, make fancy.*stJtches. 5 year r*r-r * EMPLOY. WANTED^* ,lBVABliF4 JBLIB ! guarantee. Reduced to $37.70 or collections __ h UHWtWAL $4.7 2 per month. Call warehouse 3 to display ^in Barrett & Craiii manager till 9 P.M. If toll call, call no., Realtors ^(43 Elm-St) 6ft|« cleaned, walls and wooil collect -CW-2'ftOO. •Inflows. Please call or writs Mrs. .vot-k cleaned, exterior painting, REAL ESTATE-RENT • • OFFICES FOR RENT • 'Tazel "VVardp 722^ Saunders Westfleld, AD 2-8913. - 9-24-eow i-'ully insured. AD 2-7392. 10-H)-tl WESTFIBLD, with secretarial serv- POUCH SCREEXS — one door 36" Wed., Thurs., Fri. 1:00, 7:00, wide, 5 panels, 36" wide, R panels 32" -y-V ice and private secretarial tele- Noon uaed sax and clarinet, for be- LANDSCAPING, llffht hauling and •&•& Sat., Sun. 1:00, 3 15 30 phone answering- available. Excel- wide. All 7 ft. high, $15. Call 233- Tinner. Reasonable. Call clean-up. Call 752-21i:i2. 3-27-ti CROSS COUNTY AtALTY lent For sales rep. or small business. 52GS». Monday 7:00, 9:( A.D 3-3701. 2-6-tf OPriCIi <;AL, clerk- Realtors PL'D LTC SALE typist/ permanent part time. hmi< ANOTHER HTRVTilNSON" PUBLIC or days can be arranged to suit, 854 BtAwntaln Avenue WESTFIELD BAbU; BMTTLW ESTATE. Thura. & TAX RETURNS Reliable former secretary \riwhe*. MONDAY EVE AT 8:15 ONLY APRIL 15 Corner E. Broad and Central PH.. April 10 &, 11, 10:00 A.M. to dlver-siflecT office work. Call 232- BENEFIT SHOW M»«Btfita»lie, New Jewey 07092 fi:00 P.M. 503 Unrlen PI., Cranfonl, 754D: ZOO-SOOO »q. fi. N. J. Complete contpnts HOUSE- • Federal, New Torkt All Other 28.1-5400 "Complete New nalldlngr HOLD GOODS & ANTIQUES. Se*» States "BYE BYE BRAVERMAN" Inntallntlon" Oomnlete T_ilst Ijiint Week's Rentier. • Complete All Year Round Service • LEGAL NOTICES • Brokers Protected H. E. Stevenson.— 233-5SI4. • By Appointment 9 A.M. « 6 P.M. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lulea nyron 212-MIT 3-2100 • Individual and Business Williams Real Estate Co. NOTICE TO CREDITORS STARTS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 ALL IN MOUNTAINSIDE » Profe-saiumil Accountants Estate of EDITH AIAKIAN CUR- 1-16-tf ALTENBURG-EUZABETH, N. J.• Confidential , TIS, also known as EDITH MAY Nominated for Academy Award Open Dally 'til 9, Snt. 'til 6 CURTIS and aa EDITH M. CURTIS, ALL IXCELLENT WATCHUNG AGENCY deceased. Best Aeter CUFF ROBERTSON PROFESSIONAL offices for rent. G HAMMOND ORGAN ti rooms. Tdeal for dent Int. Second PARK AVENUE Pursuant to the order of MARY C. as "CHARLY AU REQUIRING floor. Edere of town. Available late HEADQUARTERS f Corner of Wt-fttHeld Avenve) KANANE, Surrogate of the County spring". Write Box 27(1, care of SCOTCH PLAINS of Union* made on the 14th day oi All TUoHrtu — March A.D., 19(19, upon the applica- TOP REFERENCES Westfleld Leader, 50 Elm St., West- lVAHRIIOV'SB C SAIR 322-5003 field. 4-3-4t Mnken 1-23-121 tion of the undersigned, as Executoi & —Knnlie—Sohmer . . . . T^ of the estate of said deceased, notice 1'A.Y nETunNS professionally serv- ia hereby given to the creditors ol ueil. Call 233-0251. 2-6-9t said deceased to exhibit to the sub- Minimum 1-year lease: APARTMENTS-RENT scriber under oath or aft* irmatinn 4 bedroom, 2 Ms buth ranch at ALTENBURO PIANO HOUSE their claims and demands against HR06OITWSFU $385 a mcrith. IS, JerHey St., * N.J the estate of paid deceased within i CAMP TRUNKS at the LEADER STORE! six months from the date of sale; m 3 bedrooth brick Cape on al- SCOTCH PLAINS — Luxury fipart- BUSINESS order, or they will be forever barred JUUEMOREWS tOt ttYi acre at J425 a month. tnent, 4 spacious modern rooms, ga- — Freezer, 18 ft. up- from prosecuting or recovering Liu rase. Rural Hetting. $20U. Adults. ri&bt, 'g:ood condition but needs OPPORTUNITIES same against the subscriber. here's a terrific buy in Phone 3SD-543S. 4-10-tf freon, free; refrigerator, 14 cu, ft., Tack J. Camilla, $30: matching* club chairs, pr. $30; /SIttRftS OPPOHTtNITY Executoi ft all an fruit wood marble table, $25; MAV OH WOMAN Jack J. Cnmlllo, Attorney 2-year lease: two chuM n>rner desk «et with person from this area to 423 North Ave. West 3 bedroom Colonial at $300 a • STORE FOR RENT • matching hojulbnar*!, $1ft; X-ylece aervicp and collect from automatic WeatflehVN. J. month. BPvt ionul, $0: M'lrl's bike, $fi; twollHpensor.s. No experience needed... 3-20-4t Fees $2S.fiS umwsssr rhents, $4 nml $5; AF tr;«in Kct with ivo establish accounts for you. Oar, STORES (A)—One available 2000 s<\. switch, $12. rail 233-6452. ALL THB ABOVB ARK VN- LM, to lease or option of sale. Ample references and $985,00 to $1785,00 NOTICE TO parking. Owner—Carabao, Inc., 2317 ^asli capital necessary. 4 to 12 hours Estate of EUPKRMIA HOPE, rto- MIIIIMI FOOT LOCKERS SAM3—Saturday, Anril 13. veehly nets excellent monthly in- ceased. 1 LltMSHKD. IF VOL" NEKD A Chestnut St., San Francisco, Calif, Noon to fi P-IVf, 2fiti Kim ball Ave, ioine. Full time more. For local Pursuant to the nnlpr of JIAHY C- 1-23-tf 'entrance on i-awrence Ave.) interview, write, include telephone KANANE, SurrugatH of the County SltOtrf VBRM FURNISHED •umber, Eagle Industries, 4725 Rx- uf Union, rmulp r>n tlie 14th day dt elsibr V>lv<\., St. Louis Park, Minne- Marrh A.H., IS fin, upnn the npplicft- THE WOODBRIDGE" 11KNTAL, ASK US ABOl'T T^VIiV bf tls pnlnted iron; man'? sota. fiiWl (J. Mon of tin-* unrlprsignerl, as Ex^entor f t 1 PIIO^IE 0A0-4474 this excellent 3 bedroom ranch GARAGES FOR RENT lpsk; worn Orientaln; lady's ffolf nf th* ostjitf* of sfild rleceascMl, n^tirf/ with first floor family room, ; bureau; mahogany bookcase: is hereby ^"iven to tlie cr^tlitorB of IIIOL'TK 1 A ST. GKORGE AVE, cabinet; coffee table; bed- satrl decease*! to exhibit to the sub- nt Kurvt'tt«>'» Shopptne Center beautifully furnished, avail- SHVCIiR or double, suitable ror car thair; liiKSfi^e. Call AD S~ scriber under oath or affirmation able June, July and August storage, Vicinity of Holy Trinity. 0ti22 ovea and week-end, • LOST AND FOUND • their claims ami demands against ftt ?40" a month. Can 233-6047. "THE STAR" r the estate of sssild deceased within HIIVTTERS, $3 a pair; man's Schwlnn ,OST—Lung haired black cat, an-six months from tlie date of saul JULIK ,V bicycle, $25; old fashioned dining swers to name "Percy." Lost March orrt^r, or they will be forever barred Its? room rhnirs, $fi; washatand, $22; !7, vicinity Highland Ave. Family from prose cut ing or recovering the Utilities In all cases to be paid lnwn chairs, $3; heavy blond wood net 9 years, chlidrwrt brokenhearted. same against the subscriber. by tenant. For further informa- • VACATION PLACES • sdaas top end tables, cost $90 new Reward. Call AD 2-7686. Robert A. Hope, ,Tr, tion, call —each $25; Melodian desk, ?28; Execute larpre mahogany drop-leaf extension Beard & McOall, Attorneys BOX OfFlCE OPENS 6. SO SPACIOUS waterfront apartment table, $35. Cfi Elm Street LfCTRKT^N CAR HEATE«S Available by th« week. Book, boat ARCHIE'S RKSAM& SHOP WANTED Weatneld, N. J. slip, private beach, beautiful view. ttipnil 3-20-4t Fees CROSS COUNTY REALTY Barnegat Bay near. Bay Head. One , TV. J. DRACULA NOW AT .95 hour from Westfleld. Smaller apart- «47-114JI FEMALE NOTICF OP SF/TTI-PIMflNT 2S354O0 ment also available. Call 233-7366. 1t} in Ti NOTICE IS HEKEBV GIVEN, that HAS RISEI 13 HECKPTIOISIST - SECnFfTAHV for the first anrl final account of tlu ririctor'fi office in Elizabeth. Starting subpcriher, Suburban Trust Com FROM THE Sturdy Fibre with Tray Bret. A S«».t SUMMEft rent, Martha's Vineyard, SINGER immediately. EL, 2-101ti. pnny, ISxecutor under the laat will MB0YS 232-0078 furnished 2-bednmm cottage in and tofitamont of GRACE R, HATt- 4 ORIVE'lN Mrn. H*rnher Vineynrd Haven. $RO0 a month. Call SEWING MACHINE \rftsKiiv sniooi, TKACHKR for DUX, nlso known as HUArK RTOAVF SAYEfiVllU G 212-CMrcle (J-R340 or after fi :30 P.M. teaching 4 yr. olds in Summit co- HARDEN and GRACE TIAUDKX me a and< 1968 ZIG-ZAG ot)fjratlvo. Starting Soptembor- Writ*? 1 AD 2-4S58. 4-10-Ht r deceased, will be audite«tnpUl Lender, by the Surrog-alc, Mary C. Kananf. 12 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM! SAVE! userl, Huttojilioles, sews on but tons, 50 Rim St. and reported for settlement to the dnrns, rnonoteramp, overrasts, blind Union County Court—Prol-at^ Divi- hem drrspen, sews in zippers, and lfAini>nF3SSRH — Femalfl, part time. sion, on Friday, May £n:30 A.M., prevailing time. m**nt*>. 1083. Suburban Trust Company, Name Tapes Loundry Bags i YEAR TARTS >vn SEUVTCI3 _ Kxfoiito? JULIE ANDREWS SERVICES U NEED riiK;\\I\(J WOJIAX — 2 days a Datrd March 1R. 39«fp Duffle Bags Mess Kits $61.20 \vvo\TICK OP HEAHIVO and, & MODERNIZING JOHN CO.VNER ^nt of town call collert. Tn the Matter nf the A mil imtlnri o*" Frank Sinatra Ice F*>r All OeenMlonn STEPHEN KESTRM'.ArM, SK Dean Martin SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE ! SAVE! ^iTi-i nn (tperatnr for Sun- Tmlivirtually nnrl r\s iKitnrnl triiMril- Crushed, Dlocfe nnd Cubca "4FORTEXAS" r^-kSTEHISG AND PATCHES SPF3- FREE DELIVERY flays. A Inral frnlf rlnh. ft A.M, to ian nf JOM KKSTKNBAI'M, an in- CIAIJTY. ALL TYPES MASONRY 4 P.M. Pie,ISP full 23:i-5i>85. fant anrl PA PL KESTEXT!AP\1\ ;m AND REPINISHrNG. SELF EM- Call R03-1028 infant, and T.TT.T.TAN ^r. KESTKX- PLOYED AND INSURED. AD 3-2937. 1-16-tf HM;O FASTRflX Sen Skiff with 1!>^ CLKRK-TYPIHT BAUM, his \v\{t\ tn Chaim^ t Su-i r £i—y * ti 7S horscnon'or Kvinrtnl**, funvertil>le Vnung1 lady, w'onii typist, must he Nnnias: Find in tlif ^^ntt -v of HM BASEBALL HEADQUARTERS DBESSMAKING — Alterations. Rea- top with Mfilp cUT-tr i us ami many 'lost and acr-iiratp. Pleasant wnrk- A nnlication of STKPHKX KKST- sonable. Call 322-4280. 1-lfi-tf fytrr'p, .Must Sf*£\ S^ 50 nr >>f*^T uttVr. liwi; COIKI it ionw. Full [ !nit\ ft A.M. tf > FNBAUM, JR., to Chuni^e bis COMPLETE SELECTION MOVING & GENERAL f> )>,M. Call 2:l;NS4Ort. TOMORROW MIMRO6RAPH duplicators repaired WHOM TT MAY AT LOWEST PROS! and cleaned. Phone 756-1296. WAITIIKSS — Full or part time finys. TAKK XOTICK that Hi.- vinib-r- NIGHT TRUCKING Apply Jarvis Ton Itucm. ;"4 tChn Si.. si^n^d will apply to 1b e* Pnio' EXPERIENCED PAINTERS • PETS FOR SALE W o^t field. 4-10-tf County iv.nrt on tlw S'tli Hay • : TNTKRIOR-EXTERIOR April, 19\;$, at t*Mi oVinrk in tli*- H1GHTSTOWN HENRY P. TOWNSEXD llili wnnt'Ml, full p, i or forenoon, at tho ronrt ii->u-r in th- INSIREI) — REASONABLE rivr, ho uitifullv marknd kitten ALLIED VAN LINES 18 Vrs. — Will Elve reference* dtivH. (Mil 2:^-1072. 4-10-tf City of Klixjibeth, 'Sow Jcr'.-y, ]" r for unnd hom^, Flou^e trainprl. Wil a jndmii^nt autlioriziim- tb-ni T COUNTRY CLUB 241 NORTH AVE. AD 3-4404 CALL RVEM1VGS trlvr- shots. Cnll L'33-flr*9I> during ih r 322-1045 232-fl»21 fI,K.RK-TYPl^ r—We require a soc- fipwnme the nanus of PT^IUfrX 5-6-tf day. onrl mfmbpr i'<*v our lorn! sales on- 2-27-5t i KKSTY, spv., JON KI-:STY. I'.vrr Wt»it Mellor's Orch., Adm. MOVIIVO . yim:-f rinc< off iff* in (/;* rwoori. T-lsp°- KKRTY and T.TT.TJAX M. KI:>TV rio!ur-d p,\ri timo June KradufUP respcotiv^ly, and STBPHE.V KHSTY $1.55. Andy Wells-Set. Nite •Big or small jobs. Pianos, Applian- whtt is a bright hr^innrT a rul en n ces, PtftnttutG, 6tc. Free- estimfttes. TREE SURGEONS f -Jo& Mt/chtf.- Every Wed. tot PERSONALS hf-oomo full t im * i r: .Innr* will hr~ PTEPTTft tR3TKXr:AT'M. PH M T{B3TRN7!Af"\t 25 & west, $1,35, AU tO9 £. WESTFIELD fnn %%HHT co. ffiV'(a£fn^ tficM-hinf-s. Phon^ 7 •=? f* -10 f i ^ earrfert, tttrtittjg. for app^ififrn^nf. , Ahrfthnin, ftrUmtU, ft Ffrth it to tie or tfK-t'tntetittnce, ttiffimirig Morffv Tfrbptt AvenH^ Open 1'tti 900 P.M. * — On* a f/imierr.i 55fef ^ J*t Cetn * own tr&nspcsrtsLtiftit. H f Att(>tt*&irB tot Ai 6* 3'29-tt requited. Call 232-4J13, 3-21-4t Fees jnf. I i a THE WESTFIKLI* tiiig Thur.s- ) United Jewish Appeal of Sli!Vi!ii.s and 'llt'niian Pfmi, li]gli (he West field Area has completed averages; Thomas Polls for liltfli its third pbnsu, the annual "tele- yume mid .'Mulcolin 'lVil'foot for moat thon." Plans also have been com- improvement, pleted for the mercantile division Howlers on iHio honor roll for ihe and for Hie physicians' and clvn- 1 week wore; James West, JkiroUl Lists division solicitation. Stevtiihs, A. E. Ilubinsun, Ray Ua- As was the case for the two ini- visoii iind Free! Bedell. tial campaign events, the inaugural The film "MKill Buitk Open Golf gifts division dinner and Lho inter- Tournament" provided iby General mediate gifts division cocktail party, Motors was .shown to the J20 mem- there- was a noted increase in en- bers present. thusiasm oi" the. volunteers as well Birthday salutes were given to as those who were contacted during Harvey L. Mead Jr., John P. Loei- tho telethon. fJer, Nelson h. Brmuior, George II. David Kabakow, co-elm iiiuan of like and .John Guinther. the telethon, 'has estimated that EVKRYOMv'S KKADV TO (iO—After » full .vi-ar nf prrp;ir:ilion ami Frank Ernslbeiigor and Howard more bliun 500 families in the com- Gay beat the two year record of a complete .sell

chairman with Mr. Kabakmv, com- Trailside (Nature and Science, in -the \*:\ . .•• • ^ i_ _ _ .:••.:•..-:•- '- \ "'.' '--'.\ .^'i:.•: ..- -.-. ^•,.,,.... iV._r ViVi Monday Night is a Sell-Out Vft'i • ir ii,'.','I*-,',',, ,', ii'ib.'/d mented on volunteer enthusiasm as Plains Girl Wins National Contest Watiohung Reservation, on Sunday • follows: "We had 50 energetic and at 2 p.m. Weiss, noting that about 500 jew- Five hundred tickets to the Wash- shire. Co-chairmen are Mrs. James enthusiastic people who kept the Miss Karen I. Van Pelt, daughter (Mr. Anderson was born in Edin- ington School PTA fashion show at McGann and Mrs. Walter Macrae; phones buzzing. Obviously we can't of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Van Pelt, elers from 25 states participated in burgh, Scotland, and lias been a publicity, Mrs. Daniel Gold; prizes, publicly thank all, but we are most Dogwood Dr., Scotch Plains, recent- Uhc segment of tihe contest entered resident of Madison ifor many years. 7:30 n.m. Monday -have ibeen sold Mi 'Mrs. Gunner Agosto and Mrs. R. J.grateful to the members of ORTly received her prize as winner in a Ho invents and molds scientific •-•- :•:-•- and a waiting list established should national sweepstokes contest spon- by Miss Van Pelt, said, "We are any not 'be used. Crosta; stamps, Mrs. Walter Doug- who served cake and coffee during •glass instruments, O1BA does not ii the four evenings of the telethon." sored by the American Gem Society extremely pleased that t/he prize patent Jiis inventions and freely pub- After a full years' preparation, the las and Mrs. John M'aroney; ads, was won by one of our local pa- •Mrs. R. Field and Mrs. Morris Klei- Members of ORT who participat- in "Seventeen," tihe magazine popu- lishes the details of his design. m PTA will present "Flight into Fash- lar with young women throughout trons." ion" at Sha'Ckamaxon Country Club. man; tickets, Mrs. John Bruckner; ed include Lina Brojdo, Decna Can- printing, Mrs. William Sheehan; hos- tor, Betsy Havcson and Jane Kess- America. Reared in Scotch Plains, Miss Van A new type of office vending sys- The "new concept in fashion shows The prize was a specially crafted, Pelt attended public schools there tem consists of centrally located in Lhis area" will feature designer tesses, Mrs. George Basco and Mrs, ler. Thomas Paterson; dressers, Mrs. In another aspect of lhe campaign, heart-shaped pendant set with 2G4before matriculating at Bethany Col- production pnd storage facilities costumes provided by Lufthansa diamonds and a glowing six milli- lege where she is a freshman. She with beverages directed to each SOMETHING German Air Lines and will include John Powers in charge; decorations, Adolph M. Gross, general chairman, meter cultured pearl. It was preIwpe- s to become an airline hostess floor in nickel stainless steel pipe- ?:-;->.•• tome by Geoffrey Beene, Oleg Cas- Mrs. Jerry iMoyer. announced completion of assign- ments of two additional committees. sented to Miss Van Pelt by Irving after graduation from college. lines. sini, Chester "Weinberg, Donald Weiss of Martin Jewelers, Westfield, Brooks and others. A commentator The mercantile division will be under the direction of Morris Kam- Which she designated as her jeweler NEW IS will be provided by Lufthansa. Regional Survey ler (Jeannette's Gift Shop), who will when she entered fche contest. The L I The evening will include a deluxe pendant was created especially for I! km buffet oi' hot 'and cold liora d'oeuvres be assisted by Saul Silberman (Mi- 11 lady's) and Sidney Spector (The ilhe contest by Jabel Inc., of Irving- m•:•-• and the chamce to win 'an all-expense Report Delayed ton. 3>aid trip to 'Holland for two for three Leader Store), Mr. Gross noted that COMING weeks. Travel arrangements 'will be these men had served last year and AIBhough she entered the contest . I A survey on expansion needs in bad done an outstanding jo-b. during a visit to Martin Jewelers made through Diners/Fugazy Trav- the Union County Regional High el Agency, 112 East Broad St. The The physicians and dentists divis- last year and was adjudged the na- School District has been delayed and tional winner last February, Miss Burijermeister of Amsterdam is is not expected to be received until ion will again be headed by Dr. sending a special letter or welcome Sheldon Glickman, president of theVan Pelt waited until her recent tho latter part of April, it was an- spring vacation from Bethany Col- to the winner of this prize. nounced today by A very Ward, Jewish Community Council. He will • be assisted by Dr. Herbert Paskow, lege, W. Va., to accept the prize The eulor scheme of the affair is president of the Board of Educa- personally from Weiss. pink and red, and girls will wear tion. Dr. Sanford Paskow, Dr. Sanford m Reiss and Dr. Harold Wasscrman. authentic Dutch costumes supplied Dr. Henry Rissetto, the board's m FIRST by the Netherlands National Tourist planning consultant, notified the Mr. Gross noted that the Wesificld Council. Each person attending will board Monday that printing diffi- Area Campaign goal of a 50 percent Resident Leads receive a favor from Holland in culties has delayed delivery of theincrease over last year remains a addition to other items. Prizes to befinal report. realistic objective. He urged all offered are a wig or fall worth $100 members of the community to give Hike on Sunday Tho report is expected to contain to the UJA so that humanitarian FEDERAL from Third Colony, two tickets to aa complete study of the regional mi Giant foot-ball game, a silver dish • needs in Israel can be met. Four hikes are planned for the district, including an evaluation of members and guests of the 'Union li from Stengel .pottary, an Edam present and future building require- cheese from Holland, an antique doll, County Hiking Club this weekend. ments. On Saturday, Gertrude and Walter Mi: jniIJ Mr*. Wither J. SIUTIIIIIN. formerly of S*'«lfli PlnltiM, iii-f living a floral arrangement from Vance, Ward said copies of the report will in Micir new home ill NfiS Dorlmi fid, Tlit'jr imrHitmcil this WeMHcltl a five Foot sandwich from Duke's, Wins Promotion Halstead, MiHUirn, will lead a six- uiiiHf|>l(- IINIIIIK' S'I-»IM IMIIII C. lleiiilci-Mitii tlmHluh J)iiiikvr & Hunker, be made public as soon as possible. mile ramble in the South Mountain ]ii tniiiNiu-tiim. beer trorn the 'Netherlands, He said the board plans to distribute John E. Bechtle, 20, son of Mr;Reservation. This group will meet, Henley shirts from the Field Club, the survey to the local Boards oE and Mrs. John J. Bcehtle, 945 South many gift certificates from local at the 'Elmdale picnic area, on Education in each of the six comAvt\- , was promoted to Army Pri- Brookside Drive, in the Reserva- stores and other prizes.. vate pay grade E-2 upon completion s«<;-^>'-#&^i munities in the district, the local tion at 10 a.m. •Models will 'be Miss EmWy Gar- administrators and libraries. oi basic combat training Mar. 6 at On Saturday afternoon, Miss Ir- •^••^.•r -»^1 gtiilo, Miss Amy Short and the Mes- Ft. Dix, N.J. ri*>; •; Dr. Fred B. Hagedorn, board •V-: Ja'mes Boggs, Gerald Burns, ma H. Heyer, Elizabeth, will lead a member from Berkeley Heights, and The promotion was awarded two six-mile ramble in the WaUchung R, Gibson, Bernard Godzinski, Dan- '^ the regional's representative to themonths earlier than is customary Reservation. This group will meet je! Gold, Kenneth Gyarmolhy, James constituent local boards of educa- under an Army policy providing in- at lhe parking area at the Trailside MansL'U, David Pearson, F. St. John tion in the district, has notified them centive for outstanding trainees. Nature and Science Center at 1:30 Ricluirdti, J. F. Kocliford and Frank by letter, that a previously sche- The promotion was based on liis p,m, Stillcbarger. duled meeting to discuss Dr. Risscore- s attained during range firing, On Sunday, Richard Hess, \VIor- Many Washington School parents setto's report, has 'been postponed. high score on the physical combat ristown, will lead a 12-mile hike kave worked on this affair. The It will be held one or two weeks proficiency test, military bearing known as the Stonetown Circular thairnian is Mrs. Joseph Shrop- after receipt of the survey, he said. and leadership potential. which will take in a trek over Wind- beam, Bear, Board, and Harrison Mountains plus a few lesser hills. U-- This group will meet at the Packa- nack-Wayne shopping center on Rt. 23 at 9 a.'in. Also on Sunday, Dwight Berreman,

Westfield, will lead a "City Slicker's ;-tt

'II ' n . i

Safari." The group -will meet at the ZttSWi•m front steps of New York City Hall :SJ- :---.' • -. .. .^_--• xifrsny- *-:•-•::«• b..» j-^- at 10 a.m., walk over the Brooklyn >& .:•-.--:-:'s- ;&? ^•tt-:::- •'."•- .-?',•.•>--1 ..- r*r-r.-:-:io r<;y.'<:*:- ••:*. Bridge along the Gowanus Canal, '.-• •>.-: '=• •

Eft*: '-.'••-:--''--\- ••fK'^ki. have lunch in Prospect Park, and rW mi: ;-:M hike through the flatlands to Coney •X: ;->v.-: ;•-:-!.•. v • ft, , .1 V.-. .•:•-. *&/

'".*•.'-''•.'' island, and return by sifhwyy. The -^^-'-'r-.:. -. -• ® ./•-.- •-! .'.• • •' .-*•-;• fc: -•- • -- .-. .-. .-. :-:-r-y- >y.'.- -:• hike -will take in a'jout 12 miles, ;•:•:- '.-.-.' '••! :-•:*

mm t-'-'l'lv :•'•:'•:'-' '','}»:<.*?' ,---'.- rV "/ *^ : For fmther information concern- *^?S$:S:>. ^r.3 ing the above hikes contact the Rec- m :'fc;:^ »» •-*:•:•":• r*:-. •.'-:• F.F . 'Wi •y^-: • reation Department of the Union ->.-- :-H::*«- - m County Pa: k Connmissiun. m pi- &X-V- •tv, m A Hathaway favorite- tf& :.3& v:-. ttfr F . w ..- '*?:-

j IT • L . • j.. m

•.'.<-:••-• ':»?:. Keesing To Have •.-. •.-':•-'-•. today's most "In" collar -'»v,-r--: ro-*: .:•.-.• -:•;-:;.:•.:- \

.•'.' •< :---:• •:- -y. •:>w: •••-:.'. '*•-*-'' o^-.^o The shirt is Hathaway's Golfer's Classic, A '•-'. 1 Photo Exhibit F •->! viS -K' I:**1 • •--,,• •>:• :-*> ••: -•--'. :• ::• ::-y.'..-- •:-, •-•> •:•:-f*'^'> •---'' big favorite because it feels nice and easy on. Fred Keesing, local photographer, *mt%-:-s-. And because it's made of good, cool cotton will have a one-man show beginning *•••- v> lisle. Cotton lisle has no heat-building syn- Friday at Swain's Art Store, 817 West Front St. Proceeds will be given thetic in it. to the Plainfield Humane Society. The "in" collar is Hathaway's high crew. Tho exhibit will continue from 9:30 It's shorter than a turtle, and higher than a to 5:30 daily and Thursdays until crew. And the reason men like It is that it looks ii p.m. through May 10. good and neat through the game. And under a Mr. Keesing, whose appealing pho- V tographs of cats and dogs have blazer or sport coat as well. saved the lives of more than a Stop in and stock up on this classic soon. thousand homeless pets, i.s a nutive Hathaway's new Spring colors are nothing of New York City, and a resident of West.fie-ld for a number of years. 'V short of great. $10.00 A graduate of the New York in- stitute of Photography, he has b<>en SAUDLER COST active as a pral'es.sionn] photogra- square pher .since 1952. In addition, his free lance work has led him into almost ckleJ. every phase of his art, including aerial, commercial, industrial, mag- Open Monday and Thursday lam make flock of azine and portrait photography. He 'fil 9 P.M. recently completed a two week sem- inar at Columbia University spon- Black Patent White sored by the American Newspaper Society.

r irtir •') i mr fffln.r.iyrf.r^ ,

HANOI CHARGE to- To Attend Drug Srniinar rn George P. Bizink of Wcslfield a Jacob fiiscn of Mountainside are two of the more than ioo members of the New Jersey Pharmaceutical Ev Broad St,, Westfield Association whey will ntU-n<} 8 Remi- Off (km ith\te(- Siwfctf & fair- AD 2-2900

.'; THE WKSTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 19R9 Src. g, Pitirn t Social And Club News of the Week in the Westfield Area

Bvlrollwd a riemoiislration of rm\-il cut- Lt. Edwin Oliver Richard E. Beck College Women ting l>y O'Connor's M;irlsot. Mrs. Alan C Fefzer Howard It. Tale of 720 Forest Ave- Weds WAVE Officer To Wed in July Set Date for nue will show the Travel Depart- Wed in Scotland ment pictures of her North Cane at IS p.m. April 2!). At Fort Meyer •Mr. and Mrs. .John F. Hurke af Annual Dinner Mi.s.s K'jthkvM Brawn, dmiydiier RuKutle have announced the engage- The College Woman'.s Club wel- af Mr. ,'inrl Mi:s. .1. Brown of CJkis- ment oi" their daughter, Oiiliherino comes guest reservations for the ;m- Kow, Scotland mid Ainu C. I-Vlzcr Miss Mary Sullivan, daughter of Frances, Lo Richard Edmund Beck Thc College Woman's Club of nuol art trip !o New York next son of Mrs. Guy Kotzer of Rosullo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan of of Freehold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wcs'tfiuld will present its scho- Thursday, April 17. A bus will leave AlburL C. Felzer of Scotch New Milford and Lt. Edwin Elaine Harold II. Bock of ii'd'i Fairacres ku'ihip recipients at its annual din- the Armory -at 8:45 a.m. and tlio diver, son of Mrs. Edwin Kendall group will tour I he Cloisters in thePlnins, woro nuirricd Hniurday, Mar. Ave. ner Tuesday, May 0, in the Crystal 22 in St., Ciiithljcrt tind Quoe-ns Cross CUver of 213 Edgewood Ave, and the Room of Snuffy's SLeak House, morning followed by lunch and a late Mr. Oliver, wore married Mar. Miss Burke was graduate from tour at the Mctroiwlitan Museum of Church, Gliisi^ow. Douglass QoLlogu with a bachelor's Scotch Plains. j of 22 in the Naval Chapel, Forit Meyer, A social hour at 0:30 will precede •Art. The bus will luave tihe Metro- Arlington, Va. A reception followed degree in history and holds a mas- politan for the return trip nt 3:U0.Scotch Pkiins-fiiiiuvood High ter's dujirue in education from Whee- the dinner at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are an the Officer's Gluib at tflie Navy available by contacting Mrs. Roger p.m. Reservations may be made by attended Parsons College, F lock Cohege, Boston. She teaches Iowa, lie is now serving wilili t'ho r.V.-S. Yard, Washington, D. C. •Brady, 2053 Arrow Head Lane, calling Mrs. William Selfridge, second grade at the La Grande Lenox Ave, United Status Navy in SeotfcuuJ. The bride, given in marriage by School, Scotch Plains. Scotch Plains or Mrs. Norman C. (her father, wore a dobted Swiss gown Webb, 1203 Maple Hill Road, before The couple will return to the Uni- Mr. Beck, an alumnus of Wesllield with an empire bodice, high neck- April 25Mi. ted States in OdoiM>r. Higili Sclfool and the University of line, full length sleeves and a ca- Mrs. Kenneth Holmes will discuss Plan KWU Weekend thedral train. J-Ier three-tier illusion Kansas, served Lwo years active du- biographies of Pear] Buck when the Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Slecsm-an of veil fell from a crown headpiece. ty in the U.S. Naval Reserve. He Accepted by College holds the rank of lieutenant in the Book Club meets at the home of 526 Tremomt Ave. are members of Miss Fabricra Townsetrd of Bloom- U.S. Navy Ready Reserves. A 1967 Mrs. Thomas Potts, 557 Hyslip Ave, the Kansas Weslcyan University par- —Pictro James N. Bassetl, son of Mr. and field was maid of honor. Brides- graduate of Seton Hall School of The International Groups ents committee which has planned maids were Mdss Deaixa Urban of MARY KEENEN Mrs. Robert S. Bassott of 319 Hy- Law, Mr. Beck is a member of the will meet at the following homes: •Parents Weekend at the campus in Arlington, Va.; Miss Donna Singer slip Ave.. has been accepted forad - Bar of the Supreme Court of the Group I, April 27, at 4 p.m. MrsSalin. a Apr. 2G, 27. Their daughter mission to Kmerson College, Boston, of Morris Plains and Miss Kendra- r r m Priscilla Keenen IlL'rL-lr ' '• j'j ^'-' State of New Jersey. He is engaged Vernon II. Salmon and her commit- Joa n is a sophomore at Hie college. He will major in drama. Jean Oliver, sister of tJhe bride- tee will hostess husband's night; MRS. WIMJIAM K. OLSON in tihe practice of law with Arnold giroom. Tanner, attorney, in Freehold. Group IH, England at Mrs. James (Pamela Joyce Jiiohter) Best man was Peter Sperry Vogt —Cliiaulc Studio Becomes Engaged A July 5th wedding is planned. Crawford's home; Group IV will of Bethesda, Md. Ushars were Ray- MRS. JOSEPH T. ZYTKO IU serve American Apr. Pamela Richter, mond Livingston Betrts Jr., Marie (Kathleen M. Zitch) 15 at Mrs. John F. JVfafooney's; Bedford Slater of Grecnbelit, Md. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Keenen To Wed Group V, April 16, hostesss is Mrs. and Riefrard Cole Searing of Wash- Jr. of 15 Stonoleifih Park announce Kathleen Zitch Edgar A.'Roll, Italian; Group VI William Olson ington, D.C., a cousin of the bride- the engagement of their daughter, will entertain husbands April 18 at groom. Mary Priseilla, to George Thomas Becomes Bride of the home of Mrs. George Mandakas; Exchange Vows Mrs. Oliver, a graduate of NewEgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Group VII will meet April 28, Span- Milord High School and Misericor- J. Egan of New Brunswick. jsh, home of Mrs. Herbert Shannon. 'Recent Grads will meet at 8:15 Miss Pamela Joyce Rfohter was dia College, Dallas, Penna., is an 'Miss Keenen was graduated from Joseph Zytko III officer in the Wave Dorps of theMount St. Mary's Academy, North this evening at the home of Mrs. married Saturday to William Kirk- Paul Turner, 310 Minisink Way to patrick Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs.United States Navy. Fla infield, and attended Cardinal Miss Kathleen M. Zitch, daughter Raymond A Olson of 1122 Railway II. Oliver, a graduate of Westfield Gushing College, Brookline, Mass. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Zitch of Ave. She is the daughter of Mr. andHigh School, received a B.A. degree She is in her junior year at Seton 745 Bclvidcrc Ave., and Joseph T. best man. James Kinsmel of Eaton- (Mrs. Richard C. Rdchter of Warren, in architecture from Oarnegie-Mel- Hall University, South Orange, ma- Zytko III, son of .Mr. and Mrstow. n and James Zifcoh, brother of formerly of Westfield. lon University, Pittsburgh, an M.A.joring in elementary education. Joseph Zyiko II of Has'brook Heights, the bride, were ushers. Matthew degree in architectural restoration The ceremony was conducted by Her fiance attended1 the Univer- were married Saturday afternoon in Zytko, the bridegroom's brother, Rev. Richard Smith at the Westfield from Columbia University and par- a double-ring ceremony by the Rev.was junior usher. ticipated in studies at tihe American sity of Dayfcon (Ohio) and will be Presbyterian Church. .graduated next year from St. Peter's Ace L. Tubbs in the Presbyterian Mrs. Zytko, an alumna of West- A reception followed at Echo Lake Academy of Rjome. Since graduating Church. A reception followed! at field High School, attended Harcum from Officer's Candidate School at College, Jersey City, where he is Country Club. a marketing major. He^ is an alum- the Wayne Manor, Wayne. Juniior College, Bryn Mawr, Pa., The bride, dressed in while Newport, R.I,, he has been stationed and was graduated from Katharine at the Navy Yard, Washington, D. C, nus of SI, Joseph's High School, The bride, who was given in mar- za appliqued with lace, had as her iMetuohen and a member of the riage by her father wore a custom- Gibbs Secretarial School, Montclair. For the Bride-To-Be honor at t enda in ts Mi ss B ea trie e Marine Reserves. made gown of silk organza and fcaf-She is employed by Merck & Go., Mould and Mrs. Robert Fdtzpatrick .Ra'hway. Twins' Moms Fling The bethrobhal, announced at a tfetta wit'h appliques of French im- of Kenilworth whose blue crepe em- Mr. Zytko, a graduate of Pennsyl- Wedding and Shower Gifts •dinner party at BaLtusrol Golf Club, ported lace, pearls and sequins. pire gowns had matching head- The annual "Spring Fling" of the vania Military College, Chester, Pa., was solemnized March 30 by the Similar appliques embellished the dresses. Suburban Mothers of Twins and CATHERINE FRANCES BURKE has completed one year of law school Salvatore Tagliareoi at Holy cathedral length train. Printed or Engraved Invitations Triplets Club was held Wednesday at St. John's University, Brooklyn, Similarly costumed in yellow Trinity Ohtirch. (Miss Pat Maydosz of Clark was gowns were fche bridesmaids Miss evening at the Cnanwtood in Gar- New York, where he anbtciJp'ates re- wood. It featured a Chinese Auction. maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Ann Stutsman of Indianapolis, Ind. Admitted to WPI (Miss Janet Ott of Montebir, a cou-turning to complete his law degree. Miss Robyn Keller of Union, a cou- Pre-nuptial parties were given for Brides! Be sure to register with Admission to Worcester Polytech- sin of the bride, and Miss Adrionne sin of the bride, and Miss Martha tated from Indiana University. Her Engaged Zytko, the bridegroom*s sister. Miss fche bride by Mrs. Joyce Taylor, Mrs. (Mould. lather is vice president of Nopo Di- nic Institute has been granted to Sandy Miller, Mrs. Blair Ohaus and Henry S. Siegel of 114 North Euclid (LoHrie Zitch, sister of the bride, our BRIDAL REGISTRY SERVICE 'Phillip Olson served as his broth- vision of Diamond Shamrotok Chem- was junior bridesmaid. Mrs. Sue Penos. er's best man. Ushers were Jeffry ical Co. Ave. for the entering class in Sep- tember, Reeton of Scotch Plains, Lloyd Clay Mr. Olson is now a private first

i (Even with the Surtax) ambuti a • i Fur Shop of Dlatinciloa If you have complete proof of all KAREN LYNN COLLETTE MADE TO ORDER READY TO WEAR medical deductions. All our charge Karen Collette RESTYLING REPAIRING customers have proof. Only a RELINING CLEANING Is Bride Elect charge customer will. THAT TIRED OLD COAT CAN START LIFE Mr. and Mrs. David K. Collette ANEW AS A FASHIONABLE "LITTLE FUR" of 18 Mohawk Trail have announced Free Estimates the engagement of their daughter, Karen Lynn, to Ronald Wesley Ku- 249 E. BROAD STREET • WESTFIELD • 232-3423 BOND PHARMACY -hrt, son of Mr. and1 Mrs. W. Kuhrt Opposite Rlalto Theatre Open Mondays 'til 9 200 E. BROAD ST. of Easton, Conn. The bride-elect is a graduate of WESTFIELD Westfield High School. She will be AD 2-5600 •graduated in June from Berkeley m Secretarial School, East Orange. v GIFT HEADQUARTERS Mr. Kuhrt is an alumnus of Stony Brook School, Stony Brook, N.Y. He is a senior at Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa. •.•j.-.-jum



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1 'J - " I;V'TV.',V. r'r'rl'-''- Misses let a Marcus nly broken quantities . . diamond consultant outstand" tell you 'how ip/eet ife \£ to reserve !fs really sweet when that dfamond is on her finger. But selecting the diamond is most Important. Our Diamond Consultant can help yoa it rieht and do it now. The Marcus diamond collection is really L in advance of; •;•••• -'-'i Priced from $275 to $1,500. Oval diamond shown $350.

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04 OUk tOT CM E TTTF WESTTrELT) (N..T.) LFAnflTt, TnunSTJAT, APRIL 10, TflfiO her of Hi(» Prime Minister's first Iheni clinics for the cure of traehfima Play to Be Sponsored By School, New Parish 1 HonoraryChairrnan in tind ol'liei1 di.scnses. in 11)53 she was Reillys Visit Art Show Aides St., Helen's, Hie new Catholic pnr- Players. n niL'inlx'r of a iHegnliun received r—- In 11)52, on n .stii'vey mission io Ish in We.slfielrl, and Clirislophiu- by I'reinier l>avid IUMI liuriou for Mrs. James K. Gunning Is piny To Address UJA Israel and North Africa as a mem- GucmtanamoBase Acmlnmy, 'WcM.fiold'.s Alontcsson a eonlcri'iice on Israol'.s economic dwiinnan for St. Helen's with Mrs, ber of u six-women committee, con- problems. Mr. nnd Mi-s. .John Roilly or KHO Luo .1. Kilzhunls in charge of tick- Women's Brunch ditions in Morocco were studied, und Mrs. BntiliHT, cliairnuui of ihe i.sinu Wny went to Cuba rwonlly, \ss For Thi! I'roswutiun" ets. ]Mi\s. .John Crilly, ciuiirman for il was found tihut IMA funds made bul they vvcrcji'l ahuard a 'lit H::m p.m. Tliur-silny. April 2\, til Natiuiiiil Women's Division of U.JA fhri>U)plit'f Academy, i.s lx?ing as.^i.s- •Mrs, C AJexundei* Brailore, hon- possible a variety of medical and from HMU to ISI52, lins recently re- piano. -Junior Nigh Krhool. and rehabilitation programs, among ;<'fi by Mrs. rcrtward A. Noi.\ Ti orary eliairman of Thi> Naliimul turned from a OIK'-WOHKIM .study mis- almanl Nie Unilod Fruil Ilils award winning ilrnm.-i is may he uhUiined by failing tin* Women's Division, will address a eion Io llie Ka.^lern Kumpwui coun- Company .ship, SS Fra Bertanga, nrorliiLrd l>y (he Community Mnco brunch April IT at Hit' Ouniticler, UJA Chairman tries. they made u brief slop at the U.S. lUillbuni. givL-ii by Westfiold Wwn- Naval Base al Uuantamwno Bay * - en's Community Division of United wliilu thu ship was unloading pro- Jewish Appeal. Nursery Educators visions. Mrs. Harold Judd and Mrs. Har- •During the tour, they visited many old Wasscmuui, co-ehairmuri of this To Hear Professor of I'he base's noinls of interest, Ja- cludin^ Lliu i)o\V"fnmou5 desaliniza- year's Community Division, have The annual spring meeting of New tion plant which tins been the sole .4 a Led that i\ good attendance is Jersey Association for Nursery Ed- source of water for the base since ucation will bo held Saturday morn- In addition to her posts witii tliu 1M4. The tour also included various n>5, April 11), iit the Unitarian recreational areas, the historic water United Jewish Appeal, Mrs. Brailove jhum-h, Cherry Hill Road, Prince- lias served on the board of directors cutotff site and the Northeast Gate, ton. where they viewed the border be- cf the American Friends of the He- Dr. Robert Fleming, professor of brew University and the national tween the Naval Base and Com- education 'at Virginia Common- W. CARL BURGER MIOIIAiEL LENSON •com:mttoi\of the Development Fund munist Cuba. vcaUh University, will explore the of the A'lheii Einstein College of Mr. and Mrs. Rcilly were guests lecLciue. o-)ic, "Keeping in Touch — Home, of the commander of (he oldest Hadassah Art Show to Feature School, Co:nmunity." Anne Hoppodt, Mrs. Brailove bus made a number U.S. overseas naval base, Rear irceLor of elcmclary education. Admiral and Mrs. J. B. Hildrcth, at i/I survey missions to Israel and T Guided Tours, Lectures, Workshop oliier count:ies. On her last visit \ .J. State Der.apt'ment of Education, their quarters overlooking Guan- ia 1!J35 she made a study of the will react. Bay. situation of the Jews in Morocco, There will be opportunity for par- Acquired Ihroiprh an agreement Mns. Jarome EosonWum, a co-or-1 Mrs. RosenMum notes tiiat a free If .1 *r. : Uu.rc.iia, a fid Israel. &IR was a ticipants to vlz .i the Nursery School Cu'ba in 1903, Llic base pro- dinolor of the Hiada^saJi Art Sh'ow balby si Ring service is avalllaijle mombar of the first UnJteJ Jewish . d lltxa'urs will be aval!F;'jle for v'A?s yoar-rcund training and sup- nnd Sale Apr. 19-22 at Temple Em- Monday and Tuesday' firom 1 to 4 •: i TLien ivnd pu.ic'.jase. No re- port faeiMiios for ships of the U.S. nnuel, ha-s announced the special Nm, A vahiaWe door prize will be Survey Mission to go to MRJS< s> A,LEXAKDER BRAILOVE | : ..,.(!-;tiiie in 1948, and aLso a mem- • ssrvtiions are required. Fleet. are sqhcduled for each " v"n io tlie lucky winner on Tues- Jay of the slh'ow. d\. y ni'^'bl., dcLwijs of which will be At 2:30 p.m., Sunday, Apr. 20, a | announced in tjie near future. lour will be conducted by W. Tho Champagne Preview Satur- Carl Burger, noted artist and teach- day nis'ht from 6 to 11 is open only sr. That evetimg at 8 p.m. Mirfiael to patrons, sponsors and invited Lenson, ant critic for Ntv/ark News, guests. Tho public m

CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE: 232-4800 To Present Film, FREE PARKING IN OUR LOT ON 132 ELMER STREET Talk by Librarian A double feature is planned by the N.J. Alumni Association of Middle- bury College far Thursday, Ajpr. 17, at 8 p.m. in Fellowship Hall of Mor* row Memorial Ohurdh, Maplewood, The program is open to the public and no reservations are necessary. The librarian of the Vermont col- lege, Dr. John MoKenna, will speiah on "The Widi&nSng Dimensions ol the College library" and a color film on Robert Frost, the poet, will b? shown. The Robert Frost film was pro- duced in 1961 for the U. S. Informa- tipn SgfVice #M] until recentily was limited bo showing in foreign ooun tries. It rfonws the late Mr. Frt>st on his Tanm in Ription, Vt. Dr, McKenma became Mlddflelbury librarian in 1964. A native of Otta- wa, Canada, he holds degrees from Queen's and McGill Universities. Be- fore joining the Middlebury staff, he held various posts at tihe University of Maine, Bowdoin and Colby Col- leges. He is vd'oe president and pres- ident-elect of the New England Li- brary Association. Alpha Gammas Plan Reunion Ifte New Jersey ChA> of A3|*a v- \ The social hour, will begin at 11:30 •ajm. wibh ltmidheoin served at 12:30. IMrs. Afobie T. Scudi of Morris Plains, chairman of the griadmate •Mstorv prosriam at Hunter Colle^ea awd fnculty memlber on The Student Association will spea-k on '"Hie Mul- tiple volution in .the Universities Today." Mrs. Scudi is also piresldent of Hunter College Protestant Asso- ciation and a memfber of the Bcu- menical Council of Higher Education of New York City. Mrs. Georgia Otis Ohlpman of Milliburn, one of the fraternity's fcnmders will be guest of honor. Mrs. Dennis 9hee1ian 6f Morris- town is general chairman. Her com- mitotee includes: Mrs. H. D. Blauvelt of Westifield; Mrs. Wilbra-m Welther of Upper Monitclair is in change of reservations. Alpha Gamma D^Ita founded in 1dy Mrs. G. Stuart 'Mr. «nd Mm. William ,J. Avenel of Our irttie furs love io go everywhere, Mrs. Homy retainer, lecturer and Violet show Friday and Saturday at In the InvUaLlon Class, Mrs. Adalr Rochester, N.Vf, author, spoak on the subject "Flow- Domwest, Mrs. AllmK G. Danker looking luxurious. No wonder they're and Mrs. Thaddcus A. the Masonic Temple. Alworth of Uie Jlappy Hours African Thn brido-olwt is the daughter (!i- Arrangements for Today's Liv- also of tliu kite Mrs. Julia Awnel. always where the fun is! A superla- 11 Winner of the sweepstakes award, Violet Society of Hawthorne received ing. a gold rosette and silver bowl for Uen blue ribbons out of eleven en- She was tfradmited from Nazareth tive collection. To See Candles Made the longest number of blue ribbons tries. College, Kocteter, N.Y. and is an •Mrs. Carl Zcia, nominating com- employee of Kaslmmi Kodak Com- 25 Years of Experience mRtce tilialmuin, road Lhc state Members of the Now Jersey Cen- was won by Mrs. Walter Hunt of 'llhcre were approximately 244 en- Island. tries in Uie horticulture classes. ]» pany, international Offices, Roches- IT'S NOW FUR STORAGE TIME of officers ivomiiiatedfor tral Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Map- T ter. 10B3-70. They are: President, Mrs, pa sorority and their gtiests will tra- Queen oi Show award, a In-color ule artistic and arrangement classes, rosette and tlie President's trophy, a Uhere were 23 large entries, 15 'Mr, Retlig received his B.A. de- .tames C. MeElroy; vice-president, vel to The Candle Barn in Warren REMODELING • MONOGRAMMING CLEANING "Mrs. Poier J. Hytiock; recording Lhis evening for a domonistrataon and siivor tray, was won by Mas, Glenn miniatures, five arrangements in Bi'ee from (JeUysburg College and secretary, Mrs. K. It. Christiansen; balk on candlomaklng. They will •B, Hudson of Westfield, a wcli-known niches made of ham cans and 9 •his U.S. doyree in mechanical en- itreasucur, Mrs. James R, Comp- meet first at 8 p.m. at Mrs. Alvin ex-hibitor of African violets, with her entries in dish gardens and bubble gineering from Penn Stale Univer- sity, Settles Custom Furrier Aon; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Fiamimc's, 157 Mountain View ltd., gorgeous plant "Chanticleer." A blue bowls iDavid E, Ober. Warren Town'Ship, and while rosette for runner-up to A fijlver hU fm. Ule bcsj. cnt is a project engineer in the PATRICIA DOROTHY PARKER Opposite Strand Theatre Queen was won by Mrs. Hunt with out of a tota{ of 52 jn lhc arlistjc paper sensiitizinK division of East- Plainfield to plant Tmtcd Frills Mrs. Hunt . „.._ arrangement classes, was won man Kodak Company, Kodak Park, 206 E. Front Street wifin her plant Uy Mrs_ lM|^,ael F Hughes. In the and is also a candidate for a mas- Donald Quirin 7S4-QQ67 "Bi. g •Blue. , ." . . ., , artistic classes, she won a green ter's degree in business administra- A special i tion at the University of Rochester. A special award of a gold and pur- \msQiiQ fw first lace wm hcr in. To Marry pie rosette, presented by the Na- t«rprciatlon of "Watchung Trails" Tho wedding will be August 24. tionial African Violet Society of Amer- and a purple rosette for the best )prtnj ica, for the best collection oF three The engagement of Miss Patricia arrangement with her interpretation To Be Bride registered plants scoring M or marc Dorothy Parker to Donald Philip of ' 'Let's Go Antiquing." Second Quirin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl •poisis eatih was won by Mrs. Hudson -place was token by Mrs. Brenner with her plants "Chanticleer," "An- Quirin of 204 Sinclair PL, has been Underscoring the fashion news of the with her interpretation of "Kitchen announced by her parents Mr. and gela" and "Tomfmie Lou." Mrs. Hud-Gadgets." fion also won the New Jersey Council Mrs, Samuel Parker of Memphis, moment is the downright loveliness <>£• Afrten Violet Clubs purple ro- the mimalure arrangements Terni. ^TiiVen'ior\''^forn^\fass' ^Herman Kienzle of Sta- A summer wedding is planned. of feminine lingerie. n Isla nd took firs L place for fche V - «erent named varieties of African ? i J . 'Miss Parker is a sophomore at Violets which need not be registered ibest under 5 inchesm h«ght. Lamfout'h College, Jackson, Tenn. Come pick a pretty peck from our so Jttit also scoring 90 or more points Other blue ribbon winners in the where her fiance is a junior. He is -•±_-i,,. These winning piairfa were artistic and arnangement classes a graduate of Westfield High School. wonderful collection. 'Touohe'" "Ijadies Aid'* and "Fie- were: Mrs. Edwin T, Benners, Mrs. st? J^lame. Mrs.' Bazley took second Marion Taylor and Herman Kienzle. place in this oiass with three blue Second place winners were Mrs. John eVe the lengths, iribbpn winners. N* Krousc and Mrs. J. Paul Fischer. Cantors to Sing Ir;s, 'Jahet T. Riemer of Kendall tBrucc A. Guinter received a blue the colors, the shapes Pftdc received a blue rosette and a ^rosette for the fine educational ex- At Arts Soiree membiersjiip for one year in the 'hibit and display. A blue rosette you want in mar- TTniori'pouhty Chapter af the African arid trophy was presented to Mrs. i Socitfty, Her exhibit consisted Hughes for her excellent portrayal The 3rd annual Subunban Sym- phony Guild Sunday Arts Soiree will velous easy-care )£. five ;apednien plants. She re- on; the stage of the show theme, L four blue rifefeons and one | "Something to Crow About." This be held at 7 p.m. Apr. 20 at Union College, Cranford, with Bernie Barr, fabrics. You'll demonstrated how a small chicken tenor, and Jan Meyel, bass-baritone, first place winners in the J coop could be converted into a green- DONNA MIARIIE AVENEL as guest artists in a concert of out- be enchanted. clesses were: Sirs. J, I house for raising America's No. standing vocal literature of the IGth- Mi*. Hudson, Mrs. 'house plant, fche African Violet. 20th centuries.

...:" '. . •> - St. Luke's Women !M>r. Barr, cantor of Teanple Siani Lingerie in Summit, has appeared in several Community Concert Membership Drive openatic roles, in musical comedies Bras To Have Benefit anxi in many of the nations leading For 1969-7Q Season Begins Monday supper clubs. He has also staged Fashions galore are promised at I and directed many operas, musicals Girdles i The 1W-197Q WestSeM Ctamun- galls and Mrs. Geonge Gross, who the third annual fashion sliow and and plays, ity Cono&ifc. memtesfoip ^rive was discussed plans ft>r members to ap- dessert at 4 p.m. Sunday at McKin- Mr. Meyel, cantor of Temple Is- Jmijriohed, Tuesday at a dessert; held pear in the window of Auster's on ley School, a benefit for St. Luke's r-acl, Staten Island, has sung over at the Westfafild Wamen^ Olub. Ers- East Broad St. and take telephone A.M.D, Zion Church Women's Day SO operate roles and over 40 musi- B. Mayo,,president oC.tiie Oom. Suiijscriptions 'during iibe week of Rally. cal comedies in addition to guest rminaty CJonceit Association of West- Apr, 14 through 19. Itae calling Howard Banks of Howard CoiE- appearances with several symphony welcomed oamp^ign workers 232-8049 will be connected wiiti a feirns will narrate the show. Furs orchestras i n this country and ai>d team • captains /and thanked campaign worker in the Show win- from Settles Custom Furrier, Plain- Europe. He served as the artistic t^rn for partldpaUng in Uie 29th dow. field will be modeled and hats by ladmimsfcrator of the Pacific Opera annual drive. • kits were distributed Mrs. Margaret Higgs. Company in Sasi Francisco, has con ducted opeira and oratorio in Call >'.Mr; Mteyo introduced 3ohri -Maz- t^ie directiabeth Inga'lis, Mesdames William Ir#in, John P. Kubte, Joseph Lein- extra bach, E. B, Mayo, Joseph McGro- «*rtyf and E. F. MdBrlde. Ailso Miss Ella Mills, Mesd'ames char Douglas Merrill, Fnank Newbert, J, O'Shaughnessy, J, Peterson, Antihur jf*otyk, Warren Prebi'uda, Donald l&idert Bernard Reiter, G. Risoh, John Robin, Edgar Rail, and Qftatt- xmg Rudd. Also Mesdames Robert Scfeantz, Joseph Schembre, Walter Schlesing- er» Henry Schneider, Miss Lilly Schmidt, Mesdames Charles Schramm, John Scott, Kenneth Wobbty feet Stringer, D. F. Sweet, E. A. Tice, George Toenes, Frederich Walteirs, peed protection Henry Warner, Donald Way, J. L. Wobbly babies Whiietford and Robert Willson. need support Fortnightly Talk And the shoe The evening membership depart- ttiat best helps ment of the Woman's Club o£ West- field will meet Wednesday at 8:15 your baby develop p.m. Herbert C. Woodland, principal right kind of speaker at this guest night meeting, will speak on "Cutting and Polishing walk our Stride Gem Stones." Rite Rrstie. We've been fitting baby feet ears. We knowfirst steps mnportant taken in returnin your Stride shoes. shirts on ers Compl e Line of Orthopedic Shoes DOCTOR PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATE!* FILLED



Opm .- _-•,. TV if I' (Sj.) t.r , APTUF. io, MHO *M»* of Mrs, .Tiimivs IVIk'hcl, Art-ln" Planned For Couples Club m Newcomers Elect i-hninnnn. II will he IwUl nl !l::i() ^ ;i.m. l''i'id:iy. April lit, ;it iho YW<'A. The dm plus Clul) or the Ptvshy- fin* Hie / She will have holp- Mrs. Bunting Tin.1 (tnl.v rcqiiiri'inciil ID join (his iiiui Church will IKJII! ;III "iiW-iii" iiifi ln-r ui Hie different labk's Mi'.-i. very active club i.s Wi'slfield resi- ncxl Kriduy utahl, Apr. lit, from II I twin II. Keidm, Mrs. Willinm Uin- dency of less limn tu'o ye:irs. 'I'liose tu Id p.m. in I lit? pnrisli hall. Ht'i'it'li, Mrs. Ci, A. liMinumm, and As President- inh't'csltMl niiiy I'oiiL'id. Mi'H. Michel Pints — Quarts — Fountain Good 1 Wcv. Holin Durway. (]]• Ilic VWi'A iin" lui'Mici- dckiils ami Tin proKmm will \ui one or nrl b i i wilh ;i pui'iHWo. Thmo will hv a i'i Mi rv .'ilintis. Sodas — Banana Splits —• Milk Shakes Mi:s. Robinson suggests Miat COII- Mrs. Itoht'il ftunliiTjf was insi.'illed 1 The Couples flel-T^ellier Com- Ihi'im and ImckffmuncJ nitwit! to pk«s planning Io nttend wear infor- last week as jircsidi'iit of Hit1 Wi\sl- l';niil hy. Finder pninliiiK, temper;) miMo<» will int'el Tuestkiy ill the mnl dolliing jincl bring .smocks. liolil Newcomers for llii.1 sprin^- iiiiiiiiiiiK. r'l.'iy and lorn iwipor wi IHIMIU of Mrs, C'liiHincey Plyluy. Un- APRIL SPECIALS - iimiiHM1 term, A past cliaii'mMn for lie MHIIM of I he niPtfiii available fo Refreshments will be served and iler Hip jjuidiiace al Hie new ohair- nativities :in

The Mountainside Garden Club will present Mrs. Myra Brooks in iher program "Arrangements — In- terpreting the Flower Show Sche- dule" at 1 p.m. Tuesday at its guest meeting at the First Methodist Church. Mrs. Brooks organized the first Judges' Council of New Jersey and served as chairman for three years.

e has lectured and conducted \-y-: hops in many states, and for tihe HontiicultuMl Society of Minne- ••y sota and at the WiUiamsiburg, Va. Garden Week program. m Mrs. Brooks has taught adult schools in Westifield, South Orange :«.m and East Orange, and Y'WCA and m church groups, Juniors and Girl Scouts. In addition to writing arti- cles for garden magazines and news- m papers,- Mrs. Brooks is the author of "Workbooks I, II and III," "The Maglic World of Flower Anrawglng" Go adventuring in 4 iand *New Horizons in Flower Ar- M •fik'Q rangement" with Jack and Mary Air Step's free Alice Roche, photographers. and easy casuals 'Refreshments after the program •v.. will be served by Mesdaines Fred 1 1 i • -.'••. -I J

E. Roscnstiehl, George A, Lewis, VA- Slip into one of these great Don G. Maxwell and E. Harold 1 -Z- '.'.• >J.v:^:

-Erdckson. Pouring at tea will be •:-:. casuals designed for your go- (Mrs. W. Oarl Winning and Mrs. :•:-:•:•.: iere life. Made of Courtland F. Denney. The club scholarship ticket for soft leather and sturdy two, to the dai*den Club of New y :••'-•:•' mm :•:•.-••?:•> Jersey's Flower School April 22 at ffi heels. They're the complement $8$ •the Short Hills Mall, has been ;<--• < you want for pants and awarded to Mrs. William H. Bonnet m pleated skirts. and Mrs. John B. G-anber. m. A joint workshop of the Mountain- side Garden Club and the Garden Club of Westfiel'd has been scheduled m :•-"-» for 9:30 a.m. April 22 at the home of Mrs. Harold L. Brooks, 311 Pros- pect St. Members will make minia- •«•;. ture flower arrangements.

1«." is &-••• '-- I



Writs or telephono for full Information K mm?, n* vw m-iumn Let FLEMINGTON create a "new you" this Spring in a high-styled "little | Alu tcbools In Boston, Providence fur"...a FLEMiNGTON designed cape, stole or jacket in Mink, Chinchilla, •M100 fark Ava., Ntw York 10017 See Air Step shoes Sindent iounn nvnllaltie Sable, Fox or many other luxurious furs will help you step out into ;!.,'; . \ • on the TONIGHT SHOW Springtime with new glamor...feel all the excitement of the season, knowing' . '• ; that a FLEMiNGTON "little fur" will make any outfit more feminine, more flattering! :'• : Choose from an unparalleled collection, fashioned especially by FLEMINGTON, leather refers to uppers and magnificently made by the finest fur craftsmen using only superb-quality, Complete Line of Orthopedic Shoes hand selected furs.. .at our famous rare value prices...from $69 to $2950. DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED Cakes For» lomtthlng fo b* ehorlihed and Round out your Springtime apparel st FLEMINGTON'S Town and Country Fashion .remembered. Let ui make your*- Center, where the variety of exciting new "in" fashions for every season, Whatever Amount of TIME, SKILL and PATIENCE Fnot only will If be beautiful to be- in virtually every fabric will make your wardrobe complete... cloth coats, is required we give it gladly and courteously hold but It will taste absolutely delicioui. Call suits, and ensembles that guarantee FLEMINGTON'S famous quality and Helen of savings... special "post-Easter" sale prices start as low as $38.


163 E. BROAD ST, AD 2-5163 flemington fuv company

OPiN MOMOAV tV6 Itl 9 town tins a1 ffte Wofftf's largesf Specrarftefe hi fine fats

* i rnr, wrr/mrm rvx> ITADKR, TrmmmAV, Armr, to,

fill Hie riilcrnafionn! Kxwnlivn Serv- | niil'lil fit !l o'clock !o (l.'ince lo Ihc Dr. Crawford Will Address Church Women Retired Executive ice Corps was sel up ID aid economic ! music1 ol Ii;iy llai'lon, Tin:. MK-ial 'Or, Dnvid I-ivinyslone (Vnwfonl, ;',rowlh and primU* enU'i'pi' in do- | eveniriK. which will include ;i .-*b»rl Princeton SnniiKi't'y. Me received flic silion, Dr. (.Vuwford win; si'civtnry 1 •dirvulor of Kludenl relations at Docltir of Humane I .oil ITS di'j'ree of Iho Princi'lun Si'tninary. He Iwts To Tell of Recent veiupinM couiiirics and enlists flu. • hii.sincH.s nieclin^ for ininiiiiatinii ol Princeton Theological Seininnry will from St. John's College in ;is,si>cia- hi'hl pasUiraU'.H f»i' over II yunrs nl si'i'vices of retired executive for tis- olliters, will .snhsHlule ior lin- reg- spunk on "Yrnir inmiunnUim ;uul liuu willi (';ilJiulic University. SI. Andrew','; JJi'<3.i»hyl


Bernardo bares some fancy footwork Villaser swerves with verve into summer Where mill your happy jeet take you? Bernardo goes from tropic isle to city with ease, Classic simplicity in every style heightened by dramatic Gay swingers for the casual life! touches. L. to R. a strikingly simple white thong, 12*00. Golden chains Multi-striped crinkled Fortrel and cotton, link the front of a brown thong, 15.00. Big toe encircling thong in ed A-line skirt with knife pleats, white, 12.85. Dual strapped thong with antiqued gold ornament, 17.95. p.rmelan, navy. o-]4. 17.00. Belted 45.00. Shoe Salon, Tapper* Street Floor, pants in natural canvas, front buttons Pfoinjield and Short Hills Mall 1€*OO. Mock turtlvneck knit top in stripe. S,M,L. G.OO.

Villager Corner, Tppper's Third Floor, Plainjield and Short Hills Mull 1 1 • • • * • » »


• •- • " ** T - • y... •<- - --• >(' r* •• - \k •<••? -F r - -• • \- ,'1* 'h- ' • , • ih • • • • ,.., , , , Rndirdny nitfhl In Uw liomos of Mrs. > t v Welcome Wagon Events Spvalwr Mrs. Fitzgerald . .. ' --.// \u/ • X< .'.V^.'Jvu • ••• •'•• ••• : • " Narcotics Subject To Interpret Christ's The WHnum: WiiK'in K ii f f (»B .Ijiinos Qiilim, (i5(i Hillcrcst Ave. nml Face for Bible Class sell [.',i-ou|) will nioi't, jit 10, Mrs. Hidmrd Siixh.v, 102 .Idtorwm imiifMTiiw nt MI'.H. Olio St'htmdk'r'y, Avfi. Mi\s. A. .). MoulMonit'iw will Heads Boro Club I' For Open Meeting "A Fituc Goings To \j\ki" is the V.a\ Prosper! SI. liosiess I ho board Moml'ay in her liillo of :i Uilk i« bo KIVCII ul 11 j).m. MountuiiiNifli*—Airs. Krnnt'i.s Kit/.- 1 home, JYIi\s. Ki"itli 'IVsslcr will i\s- 1 Tut'Htl'riy before Mu KHznboUi Nor- OIIUT Welcome WMM'M cvt'iiLs Mils ;ir;iii( ol Taimli'woml Lniu> WJIH in- Wee1; Ml1" CHUjflcS lu'lll^t' ,'»t i\ p.111. The ttrotftur WosIJteld Section of ton IJibJu Class of IJIH* Pj'Wibytepiun .siihliil yi'.slrnlny as presirti'iil of llui Llie Nulionul Council of Jewish Wom- Muiintaiiiisido NI'W(/OIIHIN nt u lunch- f.Miu-reh In Uiu I'^irisli House. Mem- en, is Kiwnsoring un open mooting burs and friend's are Invited. LUII nuvlii^ ill Sloml'lor's llesitmi- to promote an awareness and com- IMMI. Sliorl Ilill'.s. Shw succeeds Mrs, inuurity involvement 'Lowai-cls ilie John Polleran.0, an art toachor, Kdw.'inl Nuo. 'problem of narcotics among the will disi!ii.s.s liis intorpi'd-Mlon of the Wesffseld's Newest, Smartest Also inducted UTIV Mrs. Iticluml youth of today. lace of Christ. Devotions will be Kluilnum, vice piv-vident; Mrs. Kd- ?n by Mr.s. Hugo Locsdi. Collior, li'wi.suriM1; Mi'.s, Ned "The Long Way Buck" is the I1, recording .secretary; Mrs. llieme of Liho program to be licld at Gayest Boutique •rwin, corresponding stxrre- 12:30 pjm. Tuesday, April 15, at Tips for Blender Use .ury. Temple Emanu EL Tlic speakers, Tony Pbnno and Angus Best, pre- Operating do's and don't's for the Committee olmirnion for Mie term BlondiM* will be the einpiiasls of a .in* Mrs. KobciL VVyeoff, telephone; sently affiliated wilHi the New Jer- sey Regional Drug Abuse Agency, niuotina nt 1:15 p.m. Tuesday, spon- Mi's. MaUhi'w FitzGibbon, hostess; sored by tilie Union County Home *•'.-Mrs, John 0'Oonuell, membership; will discuss their problems and Idl SANDY SPRUNG aibout their rehabilitation. Economics Extension Service. Sug- Mrs. W. Texiis Jackson, decollation; : : : :r : : : ,V •"' i "• ' • ' '' - V " 'V-1':•'..• " "•" gestions will bo given on how to use Mrs, Frank Sohotit, civic; Mrs. Wil- parents of school students as a blender to prepare recipes other Keeping in Shape linni Parker, publicity; Mrs. C. fchan just beverages. Thorpe Thompson, .social; Mrs. well as community minded citizens arc urged to attend. James Domare.sE, hospitality; Mrs. MRS. SAMUEL J. LOUISE, left, president of Hie Woman's Club of The meeting will take place in the To Be Topic for Richard liarvie, child care; Mrs. Cooperative Extension Service Au- Wcstneld, was among the sponsors of (he ROYAL banquet last week. The program cliaInman of the James Root, bridge; Mrs. Kenneth imcoting is Mrs. Martin Katzen, Mrs. ditorium, 300 North Avenue E. Ad- Club Women Van Pelt, bulletin. She is shown with two of the youngsters honored, David Gowdy, vice Sanford R. Simon will preside. mission is free. The retiring hoard Ls planning a "Candy, Chocolate, Ice Dream Silver Tea lundhoon Monday in hon- president of (he senior class at Wes(field High School, and Cora Mae or of the incoming board at the and How to Lick 'em." This is the Zimmerman, a member of the Sub Juniors of the Woman's Club. The intriguing title of a talk which will homo of Mrs. Harold Giun, 1178 Foot bo given to the Woman's Club of Hill Way. The board dinner will be bnnquet, sponsored by the III-Y and Y-Tcens of Westfield, gives recog- Saturday nifihL at the Flagship, Un- Westfield at 1:15 p,m. Monday in nition to teen-age leaders of various town organizations. the lower lounge of The Masonic ion. There will be a post-dinner Reduced Prices Now Temple. cocktail party at the home of the 'Miss Sandy Sprung, former execu- retiring president, Mrs. Noe. tive coordinator of the Mrs. Ameri- The club said farewell to Mes- on • T ca 'contest, will illustrate 'her hum-danies George Scholos, Donald Tam- * orous program with colorful and in-bini, Robert Greeley, David Dilley formative posters and will discuss and John Palmer whose member- L.P. RECORD Furs, Repairs and Remodeling the art of finding the potential Mrs. ships have expired. Mrs. Everett Wixom announced America in every woman. She will Complement your tell how she lost 75 pounds, achieved drat there are still a few tickets without a struggle and with no sec- available for tine Ladies Matineo Spring outfit with a | The standout. A two-piecer ( SALE Theater Group to 'Canterbury ret formula by learning a new set lovely stole, cape, jacket of rules, Tales" on May 28. Anyone interest- that puts the focus on YOU. What the judges look for in choos- ed may contact Mrs. Sol Brodian. or boa. Come choose ing Mrs. America, will be revealed from our large collec- Wear it when you want to 'by the speaker who will recount her experiences with the winning Mrs. Why Women Work tion^ make an impression. Americas on their personal appear- ances throughout the United States To Be Topic for FUR STORAGE

.<• *»" A NEW RADIANT YOU! the public. Members are invited to Mr. McTamaney, a memiber of bring friends. the Student Bar Association, ranks Miss Bernice, a Trained first in his section. He received the **: Law Alumni Scholarship, the West •:- t Beautician, will give you Baptist Women Publishing Co. Award, and the Am- Boneless Chuck Roast 89c Ib. Iowa Bacon 69c Ib erican Jurisprudence Awards in lbs a complimentary beauty Name Missionary Pleading, Constitutional Law and Fresh Chopped Beef 3 $1.99 Spare Ribs . 69c Ib analysis. Torts. McTamaney, who majored in bio- As Speaker logy at Fordfoam College, has also toeen a past contributor to the Law Sirloin Steak 99c Ib. The Rev. Leo J. Gillespie Jr., mis- Review. He is married and has one ON HAND AT ALL TIMES sionary of the American Baptist child. Convention Foreign Mission Socie- Boneless Pork Roast . 89c I b. ties to Northeast India, will speak Beef Tenderloins • •next Thursday before the Woman's •Mission Society of the First Baptist How can Beef Liver . . . . 69c Ib. Church. The meeting will begin with Pork Tenderloins and Semi Handmade Wigs a luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Mr. Gillespie is literature director Christian Ass't Cold Cuts . . 89c Ib. Prime Strip Steaks «..„. *:i».»s t« ,7IMH> NQW $29.98 to $49.00 of the Council of Baptist Churches in Northeast India and since 1961 Science Turkeys live. $KUK» has been stationed at Gauhati in Meat . . 89c Ib. Capons • Mini Falls NOW $28.00 the province of Assam. He is a n B native of New Jersey, with a BA help you ? Italian Falls (lovely) ' " *"°° NOW $49.00 from Rutgers, a BD from Berkeley VEGETABLES - No. 303 CANS S&W Coffee 69c Ib. Baptist Divinity School of California, f ?. 1J14.DS to *1S.OS Chock Full O Nuts Coffee 2 lbs. 1.49 Wiglels "'* NOW $7.98-$14.98 and an MA degree in journalism from Syracuse University. He and Whatever your needs are, S. S. Pierce Green Beans, Daisys Crackers 29c i-oo $25.00 his wife, the former Charlotte Flet- v Italian Wiglets NQW cher, were appointed to overseas Cod can help you if you French or Cut 4for98c missionary service in 1958. They understand His laws. J&M SPECIALS have four children. Christian Science can give White Rose Peas 5 for $1.00 Wigs Cut, Set and Shaped To Your Head 'Miss Ellen Doughty will be in you this understanding. Dulany Chopped Spinach 19c These laws bring healing. charge of devotions. Luncheon will White Rose Succotash 5 for $1.00 Dulany Leaf Spinach 19c be served by Circle 3, Mrs. James They restore the body and Gormiy, leader. uplift the heart. You may Birdseye French Beans with Almonds 35c LEARN THE ART OF EYE AAAKE-UP learn how to apply these laws AND ITS MAGIC REWARDS in your own life, and prove Savarin Coffee lb.79c Chef Boyardee Lg. Cheese 39c them for yourself. Jr. League Names Stouffers Spinach Souffle 39c A good way io begin is to Savarin Coffee 2lbs.$1.45 come in and read this week's Stouffers Potato au Gratin 39c New Provisional Bible Les?on in the Christian False Eyelashes Provisional members of the Jun- Science Reading Room. It is Savarin Tea, box 48 59c Stouffers Noodles Romanoff 39c ior League of Elizabeth and Cran- there for you to use. ford will be honored at a tea this Sara Lee Lg. Coffee Cake 75c We fit them to you and give afternoon given by the new active CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Sara Lee Apple Danish . 75c members at the home of Mrs. Pride of Farm Peas 6 No'"" $1.00 you an eye make-up lesson Randal B. Etheridge, 100 W. Dudley READING ROOM Swanson Chicken TV Dinner 53c Ave. Diamond Label Niblets 5 "* 303 $1.00 The now provisional from West- Swanson Turkey TV Dinner ,53c 116 QUIMBY STREET All now only $3.00 field include Alusdumes John Auld, Ritfer Juice 2for69c Minute Maid Orange Juice, 6-oz 25c Gerald (i. Burns, Rarron Cash- WESTFIELD dollar, Krncst K. Fcdcrici, Jerry I. Mover, James M. Moore. William Monday thru Friday n. Walsh, Robert A. Watson, J. Robin Harris. Everett I>. Wixom, Hours: 10 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Anthony (I. Cimci, Sewall C Saw- noRmnn Saturdays: 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. yer III, David A, Hodges, Herbert COSMETICS F. Hoffman, and James L. Simp- SUPERMARKET Information concerning free HANOI-CHARGE TO Elm St., Westfield • 232-8732 son. public lectures, churcn serv- The provisional-; will hold their 856 MOUNTAIN AVI, Op&fi t>atty W AM, it, &30 PM4 Alow, 10 AM, io first meet tag April W 8& the ices- cihcJ Sc/ntfo/ School fa THE WESTflEU) fN,.T.) REAPER, THURSDAY, ATHtH, 10, 1M9 Yacht Club Ladies president of tlie Auxiliary, Is a mem . Juhson iidd.s Mini if I1tor<» arts I r of Hie Swimming Classes enough rcf Hi** oLlciid the nnmial spring luncheon Club of West field mul Ihu Sub-Juni- Offered by YWCA is Tij>-s for Tuts. This class is de* : Division ol Iht' ors eolleded $UMM Saiurdny for A fashion show, "Today's Vogue/ bridge and fashion SJHHV ai 12 noon signed to help walciproof Hie lour i A.s«>fiatiou Ui»ivi*r.sily Womuii the Kaster Seal Society. Members will hit presented at 4 p.m. Apr. 20 Tuesday at the Chant-ieler in Mill- "Got ready for summer" could he or live year old. Kach mother goes! I he Cummunily Center -will be held April H at I he burn. will make calls for tilie blond hank the nfotto of two Westfiold YWCA into fhe pool with her youn&sier and of the Weslifield-MouitoiHsidu Ghap- by Urn Mwthi-r's Club. iPashlons will be presented by Uie swimming courses, SHmiKisl.-ics and Is taught how to I each her child to Ifiill tJniversity, South tor of t:he American Ked Cross Tips for Tots, wliioh arc offered this .swim. I from Tree Expression What's Now Shop of MorrJslown. which will be held May 21 at the lslv:ition nntl roffen hour will .spring star-ling Monday. Mrs. A, If. LindJey Jr., instructor,: in New York "Uy will show Iho Mrs. John A. Hoflf of Highland Avc, Presbyterian Church. f •j*(M!(l in frmdom and flow of clothes bo fro m l»: 15-10 n.m. w i I )i Phe Slimtwstics program is forHolts ili'at in addition lo the regular' Mountainside brunch hosting the women who cun already swim but da.sscs a course is being offered for; '.villi hHJlian-t forms and |>;iLlern.s. /i will fualuru drosses, blousos, shirts, coffee hour. Tho morning .session would like to sMm by vigorously ex- children ages four or five who al- will be concerned with the nnnuaJ ready swim but would like to pass Umnixl and ai homo wear. ercising with kick boards, swimming meotiiwi and installation of officers. lengths, 4>wieticing strokes, etc. the Rod Cross swimming tests. 's partidpnUng in the show Uuicheon will be .served nl I Courses will be held Mondays at 10These children will be welcome in will be Howard Bunks of Houfird a.-m., Wednesdays ai 2 p.m. andthe advanced classes. Prerequisite Coiffours erf Pluinfiold. Settlos Cus- The aftornopn speaker will ba Thursdays at 10 a.m. for this is being able to swim the tom Furriers of PUiinlield, hats by The. Uoit. Kat;hnr(ne Klktis While, length of the pool. Mai'gaict of Kenwood whose topic will be "Four Years U. 'Mrs. Raymond Jobson, instructor, # says the classes have received such Tips for Tots classes will he of- and wiijs from BL*V'K lk-auly Sulon, Denmark." M' s. WhiLe was ni>poitU- k good word ? an enthusiastic response tilvat they fered for eigiht weeks and will be Wesli'ield. Hair styling will bo byed as Ambassador to Denmark by arc adding another session this held bolih mornings and afternoons Gerard House of Styles, PJainf-idd. President .Johnson in April of 1904 term. SUmnasUcs was a new course on Mondays and Wednesdays, and Roso Braxton is chairman of thu and served for over four yearg. last year and started with only one Tuesdays In the afternoon only. For fashion coimnideu. OUifr.s aiding i •She wus rocii>ient of tiie Grand mvlm suit (swim soot) 1. a garment designed for group. Requests have brought the information on class schedules the project are Eloise Gardner, bus- Cross of Order of the Onnnobrog program up to three groups. please contact line YWCA office. iness arrangements; Shirley Rush, bestowed U]>on her by His Miijesty swimming, 2. or sunning. 3. an adornment to the con-esponding secretary, and .loan King Froderik IX of Denmark. Mrs. birthday suit. 4. In one piece, or more briefly (how HariHS, fasliion and model coordina- White makes her home in Red strange, when two Is tor. Bank, actually more than one) in two pieces, 5. consid- er the swim dress, 8 fetching design that's more at the same time that it's less (skirt BOUTIQUE FASHIONS will be shown April 20 at a fashion show at attached to top, plus a the Westfield Community Center sponsored by the Mother's Club. The bikini pant). 6. in solids gown shown is frojn Free Expression in New York City. and-plaids, and prints and more. 7. Sizes~3 to + Aid Hospital Benefit Members are reminded to bring 13, 6 to 16. No one usable items for the spring clothing Ideas who swims, and espe- (Mrs. Ronald Weeker of Westfield collection. cially people who don't has been named chairman of the 'Hostess for the evening, Mrs. know how to swim, invitations committee for the April | Frank Momot, will be assisted by should be without - at 19 Starlight Ball of Memorial Gen- 'Mrs. Goorge P. Giigg, Mrs. George eral Hospital. Mrs. Martin Sherer W. Gish and Mrs. John A. Balagna. least one. of Mounifainside heads the pj'ognam committee. Pingry Moms Seek Co-sponsored by the Auxiliary to Funds for Library the Union County Osteopathic So- ciety and (he Volunteer Guild of Mrs. James P. Mitchell of West- the Union Township hospital, it will field is a member of the Pingry Sen- be held at The Manor, West Orange. ior Mothers' Committee which has begun its annual drive for school SEW TRIM AND SLIM. Slimnasties classes for women who swim, but wish library funds. This yearly effort pro- to slim down through water exercises are to start next week at the Officers to Be Chosen vides the principal source of monies Y*VCA. That the ladies enjoy the sessions 1$ evident by the fact that By Intermediates for books, recordings, and micro- there will be three classes offered this spring, ; films needed by the students. The Intermediate Women's Club Gifts of any amount are welcomed. 108 Quimby St., Westfield, N. J., Mon. & Fri, 'til 9 of Westfield will hold its annual bus- Many friends prefer to give specific Membens interested in the 9 iness meeting and election of officers books, recordings or microfilms, HANDICHARGE UNI-CARD CHARGE ACCOUNTS Boro Woman's Club Festival Ajpr. 29 at Trinity Be&rnwd at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in the club- compiled from a list made up by Church, No. PIairafie{dt are asfeed to house. the librarian, Mrs. Naomi Wright. Slate Presented contact Mrs. iMicljael Sgarro.

MountainsIde-^Mrs. Donald Han- Prospective Students cock as president heads the state of To Be Entertained , tfS officers for the eonrimg year pre- sented by £he nominating committee New Jersey alumjjae of of the Woman's Club of Mountain- Rliacon Woman's College in Lywh- side. . , burg, Va. will ertteitaUj prospecttYe 1 ^-aad^ thau ^mothet^ ^t.;:q r.Qfihet teytinees'me Mrs. To&piT Saturday .at* 10:30 in UN* D'AltrtU, Hirst vice president; Mns. lipme ol Mrs. J; David Wimberiy In Goorge D, Cbaddop, second vice president; Mn& Fnank Lombard, re- Chatham. cording secret a ry; Mrs. G eorge Six RandolpJiiM'acon students will Ramsey, corresponding secretary; meet the high school gh*ls and an- Mrs. R. J. Middlekauff, treasurer. swer their questions on the academ- * X There .will be nominations also from ic and social life of ihe college. the floor. iMrs. A. Hunter Long of Summit iMrs. Lewis Stnohmeyer will pre- is president of the Northern New \ • side at the club's meeting at 12:30Jersey, Alumnae Chapter. Among pm, Wednesday at the Mountain- those working with prospective stu- side Inn. Tom Mackin, TV critic and dents and high school counselors in columnist of the Newark Evening this area are Mrs. Albert W. Driver News, wi& be the speaker, and Mrs. Jerry A. Lott ol Westfield. Introducing FUGMANN ALWAYS RIADY TO SIRVI YOU I NF.W OFFICES • OARAGES A BULK OIL STORAGE PLANT t WATCHDOG HVHNB11 SERVICE! WALLAOI STERLING • EASY BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN For the woman whose home reflects a warm, • THUCKS KW'tVPED romantic tradition, a new sterling pattern WITH LOCKHEED graceful of form, lull of joy. Feticlana, COMI'I TKlt HEOISTKRI tha happy land, revisited today.

FUEL OIL . '*-••• •• Becausa yog cherishfamily ties and We Arc IntereMed !• Intimate gatherings... because femininity Is Yonr Hcatl&c Problem your instinctive style. Feliciana Is especially for you, for life. "YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED INDIKNDENT ESSOHEAT DEALER" WESTFIKI.D you are cordially Invited Jk Sfiou/e/i o| Qt|te (ok With purchase of eight 4-piece place settings, mmmmsm to our spring and summer 8t no additional charge you will receive four wmsmm selected serving pieces and a cherry wood chsgl —total savings of (139.25, With purchase of twelve 4-piece sellings, we add three mora popular serving pieces to your gifts- total savings of $221.50. Offer ends June 30,1969. (Comparable savings with Service for Two or Four.) non ow

SPECIAL SAVINGS ON SOMETHING 14 POPULAR PATTERNS W WestfteM PLACE SETTINGS Saturday, April 12, at 11:00 a.m. OF NEW IS in the designer's room WALLACE STERL! Until Aprit 30, save when you buy 4,8 or 12 basic-4-piece place settings (place knife and fork, salad fork, teaspoon). SAVE $30 When you purchase 4 place settings rayon-amLsuk 275.00 SAVE $65 When you purchase 8rfface settings y. SAVE $100 When you purchase 12 place settings TO ridal Invitations Special Savings from January 1 - April 30,1969. W Gift Registry Offer applies to: Dawn Mist, Evening Mist, Grand Colonial, Meadow Rose, Michele, Rose Point, Royal Rose, Royal Safin, Rpmance of the Sea, Sir Christopher, Spanish Lace, Slradivari, Shenandoah and Grande Baroque, Ask about savings on Serving Piece Ensembles too! FIRST m ii

m -HJ- ^ Kma ERAL 'V- imt mtmi

am* ** mmm#m 0 'f I'ut'.f 8 Till'; WRSTl'M-Xh (N..T.) LHADFJt, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, J9R!) bridge, Alvin Steiuer, Harold Cluus- created by M-ns. John Bldszcsnk and ['fashions, Mrs. Cusimer sweepsiakes, Mus. Midiwc-l Kluce- Ull Siwabvr seu, Kalph W. Ivarlu. Mrs. William Dombrowski. lUiey lias!e.s.sL';s, Mrs. Hmwird Gillesipie wicz, Mrs. Paul Soliaag Jr., and Mrs. Chmsson is chairman of the STORKCORNER will tea lure- i\ flying enrpot, snake and Mrs. William Wislvbo-w; pro- Mi's. H. R. Canton'l; tobies, Mrs. Plainfield Maternities nominating committee presenting the charmer and harem girls in p ynnn, Mi's. Alphonae 0'Konfiki; r«- K-dwnrd Kaczlwi; table prizes, Mrs. -* -*• -* * -_ * * * ' - 1 shite. Other members of the com- -*^ Jfc. surrounding. ;. Ire.shiiiL'jil.s, Mrs. Thonuis t'aiey; Antfolo DUJwirtfio, i>ubl'iciity, Mrs. mittee are; Mcydanies Koburt Brit- Mr. iind Mrs, Daniel II. Horn of iLj blio committees arc: souvenirs, ^Mrs. .fames Mellcrk; Oharles ton, Brooke Gardiner, John Jwruzcl- aniiuuiici* the birth April ski, and Fred Monk-y. A nf their fi'i'st child, William Cliris- Make it with the Pantsuit The Uoui'd will present the pro-loplu'r ul Huiidt'i'don M edict) I Cen- posed item for Local Program lor ter. Mrs. Horn is the former Pe&iy (1 ltii»!»-7D: "Study and evaluate the Mon.son. dmijjhlor of Mr, and Mrs. From our collection of fashion-wise machinery of emninunicalion be- Wililam Monson of Clvndds Ford, pantsuits you can choose your favo- - •- tween all segments of I be communi- l\\., I'lirmcrly of Westfield. Mr. rite. For example: ty and the Wcstlield public school Horn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frnanlc system. Seo'pe: An inquiry into VV. Horn, former Westfield residents, methods by which Hoards of Kduea- now live in Warren, A lace tunic and pantsuit with belt tion and school administrators in tied front or back. $32. other communities as well as West- field reach and are reached by such groups as parents, leathers, stu- 1001 Nights Theme dents, minority groups and cultural- IN the in-colors . . . ly deprived. An inquiry into tne ef- For Lourdes Party fectiveness of lay advisory commiL- Red, White and Blue Lees and other standing citizen Mountainside-—"A Thousand and groups in promoting better schools One Nights" will be the* theme of and understanding." Red, white and blue scarf collar tops JERKY BKSSLER the 10th annual dessert, bridge and Reservations for the luncheon may a smock in white. Pants in matching fashion show sponsored by the Ros- YOU ENJOY EATING GOOD FOOD, NICELY be made by calling Mrs. Frank ary-Altar Society of Our Lady of stripes. Stunning for $20. Speaker Named Rug'g, 525 Lawrence Ave. Lourdes Church on the evenings of M'ay 13 and 14 for the benefit of bhc SERVED IN A PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE, For LWV Annual Parish Development Fund. A Celanese-Arnel fabric, Jerissa, with Travelogue Slated YOU WILL ENJOY THE SATELLITE! Mrs. Edward Keilly and Mi's. smock of red, white and blue and Luncheon Meeting Robert Korlenteus ane chairmen of slacks in white. A drip-dry love to For Clubwomen the party wlxioh wiU be held at 8 WHETHER IT BE BREAKFAST, see you through any occasion. $25. p.m. in the church auditorium Ros- "Aid to the Underdeveloped Coun- 'Mrs. William Overbay will present arians will model fashions presented LUNCH, DINNER OR JUST A BITE tries" is to be the subject of an il-a travelogue, 'In the Steps of Paul" by J'ane Smith of Westiield. Mrs. lustrated talk by Jerry Bossier at •when the travel department of theFrank Mills and Mi's. Eugene R/al> AFTER A SHOW OR DANCE. YOU WILL the annual meeting and luncheon of Woman's Club of Westfield meets •bilit are chairmen of the -raffle. the League of Women Voters of tomorrow at 1 p.m. Formal Ensembles Prizes include a trip to fche destina- • ALWAYS FIND JUST WHAT YOU ARE ' Westfield Tuesday at 12 noon at iMrs, Over.bay, chairman of the tion of your choice (value $500), a Formal Coats The Towers, Route 22. •international affairs department, Wollensak tape recorder and a P.ell LOOKING FOR AT THE SATELLITE. Evening Wear Mr. Bessler recently returned from will show color slides taken by her& HovveH Super 8 Movie Camera. widely traveled husband in , Cocktail Frocks six months in Libya where his Am- Tickets may be purchased from STOP IN, YOU'LL SEE! erican expertise was used by Libya's Palestine, , Lebanon, Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, the Dalmation coast Mrs. John McCarthy and Mrs. John Ministry of Industry. Prior lo this Sen on Jr. lie had spent six months in Singa- and Italy, Cruise Wear pore. Both of these assignments The members of the international Decorations will be designed and All Baking Is Done On The Premises Swim Suits were under the auspices of the In-affairs department will be guests. Bermuda Shorts ternational Executive Service Corps Mrs. Harold K. Denny will be in ENJOY GOOD FOOD AT which "Takes Americanism Over- charge of the tea preceding the hold its annual bridge benefit in the •••:• Sfacks • Sweaters ••>i seas" by utilizing the services of •meeting. Piccadilly Hotel, New York City, at Street Wear retired business executives. 1 p.m. Thursday, April 2A. Brunch Coats Prior to Mr. Bessler's address ASME Auxiliary Bridge This is the Auxiliary's major fund Day Dresses cocktails and lunch will be served. Benefit Is Scheduled •raising event. Proceeds help support A business meeting will follow the 'the scholarship funds and the Stu- At-Home Wear speaker i'oi* the purpose of electing The Metropolitan Section of the dent Loan Fund. Reservations chair- officers and approving the local pro- Woman's Auxiliary to the American man is Mrs. J. J. Moro-iin of Glen U.S. RT. 22 AT MILL LANE 233-0774 MOUNTAINSIDE gram of study for tha coing year. Society of Mechanical Engineers will Rock. Lingerie I The nominating committee wi 11 Leotards and propose the following slate of offi- Just Everything cers to serve for a two-year term, : except where otherwise specified: • You Need Second vice president' Mrs. Harry! Cordts; third vice president: Mrs. I Egon Week; treasurer, Mrs. Anton i Stasney; directors: Mesdames I. A FULL Newton Becker, Harold Breuninger,, SERVICE 38 Somerset St., Plainfield 755-6474 William Dover, Frederick Smith; BANK directors, one-year unexpired term: OPPOSITE TEPPERS Mesdames Ural Rnundtree, Jr. and Martin Simon; nominating commit- Open Thursday Evenings tee three to be elected; .Mesdames * r Brooke Gardiner, James Trow-

4 • (mneto

1 •• -


••/**!? II 10, passbook accounts I

%1 •111.

{ AWARD WINNING PLANT! t ••*.-•• A panel of nationally known drycleaner management exports spon- ,i,M t< if ^ sored by the American Drycleaner, the industry's leading trade maga- r i zine, has chosen Blue Ribbon Cleaners as one of the most modern and 7 efficient drycleaning and laundering operations in the nation. L1 •' '• w.\ 1/1 5-PIECE PLACE SETTING

•> * ii \y f per setting

with any incoming $3.00 order of clrycleaning and/or shirt laundering Beautiful Random Rose Design • *.-V- '•• - • •"• American Made Product of International Steel Now, with the convenience of this special "passbook" Luxury Stainless Steel • Heavy Guage account, you can earn the full 5% with quarterly interest payments and still add to your account at any time. GARMENTS FEATURES BROUGHT As you know, we have been Westfield's bank for IN BEFORE almost 60 years. Frankly, we need deposits to meet 12 NOON the continued need for local mortgages. Your Minimum Initial Investment Savings Account is also an investment SATURDAY Deposit $3,000 SERVICE ,TX in Westfield. on DRY CLEANING & SHIRT LAUNDERING You may make additional deposits of $500 at any NO EXTRA CH A R G E I AT REGULAR PRICES ONLY 10 time

BANK NATIONAL BANK Interest paid quarterly — DRIVE • IN GARWOOD WESTFIELD MOUNTAINSIDE STORE •: ' i 6 'A f/ifnl finnh ON ROUTE S7ORS HOURS 7 30 AM, W & PM (/, ( ftrnmuriii / irt- «t

I THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY. APRIL 10, 196D Sec. fl, Page ! Uw l>iii(l(Mi i»hm1. in October, itKili in HVti. 1 1 Will Tenco Elevates tin cn.pni'ily of i>l«nt inmiHtfLT-troJ - iVo nroawsmtf. Prior lo his recent Ti-ophio.s were won by Hie follow- promotion ho huld t.ln* position of In Piiuwoori Derby ing boys: Wolf, J, Mark Boyd; 2, Donald Mm; 3, Hubert Main. Bear, Evan A. Dickson ^'•ntTiil iimnayor—ctjfi'eo division. The anniKil J'inowood Durby for New Store Hours Mr. DU'lcson is nwirruxl to Uiu for- Cub Hcmil 177 was liolrl reufintly at I, ScoU Ma.slers; 2, John Jrwin; 3, Cwi« Mueller. Wcbios, 1, Harry Ir- A'born, president of T;>n- mer Ivy iiicir |::ick iiH-uti;],^ at the Mnuntiain- C o in in unity 1're.sibyteiiaj) wia; 2, Stephen Ilcoile. Cut Scout co, a division of The C'oen-C u 1 ;i llicky NuLson was the overall win- open WED. and FRI. Company in Linden, recently nn- Break-in ner. Three prizes were give out for nounced the promotion of IGvan A. The cluiinncn for the evening was best design, with •Richard Miller Dickson of 251 Tubtli* Pkwy, to viicc Da Sternnis of 1027 Sum-Aiian I.OWL1 and Alux Sza^bo. Den 8 first, Bryan Connelly second and 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.n president. mit Avu. imported a break-in nl his under tihu direction of Mrs. Szabo Billy Neil, third. Mr. Dickson joined Tenico, a divi- homo lo police early Thursday set up the display table for the pine- The next pack meeting will be sion, of The Coca-Cola Ltd., Garvada moI'ning. En1ranou wua guined by wood ea rs whidi the hoys in the other days —9:30 to 5:30 in May, 1957 and was transferred to Forcing a real' door. pack made with help of their Mh- held Apr. 25 at Uie church.

STANLEY MARCUS, president of Miircus Jewelers, is shown leaving from Kennedy Airport on Ills round the world trip. Stanley Marcus • On World Tour Ceniudes ago Marco Polo travel ed the known world, and inspired •men to an historic quest for the "•.treasures of the Indies." Today, Si'amey Marcus, Ills modern coun- terpart, liibenaUy searches the. globe to bring home its finest gems for yi,:; the people of this area, r Mr. Marcus, president of Marcus & Co., with one of five jewelers' shops in Westiield, left on a 50,000 mile safari Apr. 6. This will be the eignth time around the world for this knowledgeable traveler, a trip

•#-yx#-:&<::.-y>-\-V -• ' • '-• •.••••• -:••-'"•-• ^ '-.

1 1 1 pinpointed to the world's ntost fam ^.•••^•:;:;:;x:::-.-:,*' .; • :-••-• i ' :.';:;- "'. :. • •. ous jewel cenLers. First stop on the annual Marcus trip will be Tokyo, abhest a second home to Marcus, Who speaks Jap nese and is well acquainted with the world-famous pearl niiarJtetf' He ,wiil shop in Japan for pearls and coral wmdh is at present, according to this jewelry expert, "enjoying a ren- aissance of popularity after a num- 'ber of years in relative obscurity." • BangKok, headquarters for line sapphires and rubies, and Hong Kong, for jade and costume jewelry, iare next on the itinerary. •Also included on the itinerary are the Italian Trade Pair, Basle,1 Swit- zerland, Pforzheim, Idar-Oberstein, the Hanover Fair, Paris and a vis- it to the Spanish jewelry market. Westf ield Federal Now Lincoln

—J 1*1**^ • »

Westifletd Federal Savings,' the oldest financial institution in town, will oitficiiaJly change its name to Lincoln Federal Savings as of Mon day, it was announced today by Robert S. Messersmith, president. outdoor furniture Calling it a new name for an old friend, he said there would be 'an Fo.fding aluminum chairs, loungers, open house celebration all day Mon- day, and during the evening hours Wrought iron seating groups with at Lincoln Federal with refresh- choice of colorful upholstery fabrics. ments, special Lincoln displays, sou. ^w-1 venirs and gifts for savers at both Wrought iron umbrelfa tables offices. Founded in .1838, the institution has Three-piece cafe sets, glass or metal grown steadily over the years ta a mesh tops.Wrought iron dinette sets point where it now serves over 50,' 000 families in New Jersey and has Wicker porch furniture total assets of over $83 million, and two thriving offices in Wcetfield and Redwood picnic tables and Scotch Plains. seating groups In a letiter to customers Mr. sersmith said that the passage of Gliders, garden swings, time has brought progress and growth to the institution and thus wood benches the necessity for changes to meet future needs. Tlhe change actually is Hammocks, garden umbrellas in only one word, from Westfield to Lincoln Federal Savings. Replacement cushions, rain covers He said the rest remains the same: same officers, directors and sbaff; some addresses, same poli- for outdoor entertaining cies, services anld friendliness. The name of Lincoln was one of Grills, braziers, patio wagons many hundreds Which had been un- der consideration for some time by Weber keltles and hibachfs the board of directors and it re- Barbecue tools, food umbrellas mained a powerful contender as the list dwindled. Thermos jugs and ice chests The parallel between Abraham Lincoln and the 81 year old inetitu- Folding metal picnic tables tton now assuming his name is re- Barbecue mitts and aprons lated graphically in MesBersmitJh's letter. "It was from a modest beginning that Abe Lincoln rose to become one fawn and garden needs of our greatest presidents, and sym- bolically, bis likeness is found on Scott's turf builder and grass seed America's most modest unit of mon- ey. . , the penny. An'd part of his Wilkinson precision garden tools greatness stemmed from his con- Garden hose, lawn sprinklers, stant efforts to serve all of the peo- ple. lawn mowers, power and manual "Our business is people, service, outdoor living and enferfaining... and money, starting with the most lawn spreaders, garden gloves revered Lincoln penny. We began serving the people modestly in 1888 -and over the years our circle of colorful, comfortable furniture... Lawn & Leisure Center, Westfield service grew ever wider. Now we » • serve the financial needs of tens of thousands of families up and down the state and beyond. "Thus we needed a name more the delights arDecue cookery... suited to our growing scope of ser- vice . . . and what could be more fitting and symbolic than the name WESTFIELD of Lincoln! So today another Lin- an expanse luxuriant coln is born. Lincoln Federal Sav- ings, a modern symbol for the his- toric Westfieid Federal you have kn'own. "We look forward to continued plan it all now...our new Lawn & Leisur service to you and all the people,, in trite spirit of Limolft and b-srefc- fey ottt %i ye&f o(4 tratfttfotfs (A Center is op@n.,,1o fill y

Uttcoia ^••V '*•'*•-

I TTIF UTSTFTKU) r\\.M U^ADO, TTTtmflDAY, APIta 10, THE WESTF1ELD LEADER Life la The Suburbs By Al Smith •wmmmm Editor's Corner LWV Exhibit NATIONAL NEWSPAPER MY DEAR, X -HAVE BAD youl'h i.s <:Inimed to huvc \hn snvvy, knowledge, etc. far NEWS-— IN DOING My thill of dbeir j]iiionIH, and if one has ever tried to do Uie new mat" Now At Library TAXES I FIND I CAN'T or lit'op up with smiic of I In.1 •sdenUfiL1 jnnKun, yoii boiler believe It, The liids these days muy be able to a computer (even though l-hey On display in the main reading SUPPORT THE GOVERNMENT haw difficulty viUh adtflnu a .simple1 colum of Wguros) or predict Urn of- roam of Westfield Memorial Library AND A WIFE ON ONE k'clLs of radioactivity on Ihe nniniuc crop in Now Caledonia in the year Li UIG exhibit which has been assem- SALARY/ 2fl(K) A,D, t'but he rolnl'ly unaware of Ihe "HaHhy science" of pulling weeds bled by t:ho league of Women Vot- hi ('hi* bnokynrd). Her?on(1 CIUHM poHtRga paid at WoHtllcld, N. J. ers Of WestPield to note Hie 501ft an- I'utillHhed TlmrHiiiivH at \V»»wt tlchl, New Jersey, by the Wast* o Somehow Mierr's n'o text book guaranteed to instruct students in com- niversary of ihe national league, as tiolil l.c/niGr I'rlnilntr mid PIIIJIIHIIIIIK Cumpany. An Independent mon sonvsu. well as the 60Ui of the WesLitold Official Paper for the Town of Westlleid and Borough of \J Take a look al iTcetit area protests. In Westfield a small minority of •group. The Westfield league was or- Mount iilnHhlo, students decided to walk out of ftdhool one day, ostensibly io protest a eul HubHvriptlon: J4.0G per your In Rdvnnca. 56.00 out of county. ganized wiLhin months of the nation- EntubllHherl lftllO v in the budget. (It was a lovely spring day, and we ihinU most of them al body. Office: 60 Rim Street, WentllHld, N. J. 07090 couldn't care loss about 4'lie quality of education, but UIG "qumitily" that Activities of Uhe local group oro Tel. a«a-44»7 — 232-4408 was to bu oJTcred (hat day when they had expected the afternoon off and Member noted in clippings and photographs: Quality WppkllRM of Nf*w Jersey were denied tihe lwo-

L Tile latest of fclic student capers in the area, occurred last week in I' , ' scribes fflie local league's bringing THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1969 r Crartford when studenlts walked out in annoyance because they were not Margaret Songster here in 1926. given the day aflf to mourn the late President Elsenhower. (Most of them There la an election folder from the were babies when he began his first term, hone were alive during his year the Ideal group's first presi- Something Old — Something New World War II fame and we suspect same of tiliem eoutd not. list any of his dent, Mrs. Bolsita Hull Rockwell ran accomplishments. J We frankly doubt if any of the students (C5 wore re- for the NJf. Assembly. Something old is Weslfield heritage, its pre-Revolu- ported suspended for their actions) were about to shed tears and very few Many League publications ore dis- tionary beginnings, Indian lore and early history. additional oneis even about to watoh the ceremonies, scheduled for late played, lirtcludi ing "Tins -Is West- Something new is the formation of the Westfield His- afternoon after school hours, on television. field," aovetial on water and among ft seems unfortunate that a small minority of students, when offered press releases that are meant to iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipimiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the latest, national league booklets torical Society — an organization-* long overdue and education, protest because


Keeping your home in good condition is not an

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m* mm tittrw AM MOW AT A MCIAL LOW KATI THE wn.sTFiErn (N..T.> LEADER, TinmsnAv, APUIL in. im Girl Scout News • APPLIANCES AUTO DEALERS U Una tan 11 year for UK* fJIrl Scouls al Lincoln School as van lie .SIMMI by thefr many tuul wiriwl WESTFIELD MST A mom CAU MWAYICMft HUNOS «OMPf HKVK1 .lunior (1 i r 1 Scout Troop IMS of FORD A HANDY REFERENCE LIST OF RELIABLE LOCAL FIRMS Lincoln School concunlrntud on I lie STATION RADIO TV • K ITorii Own«n for folklore bodge. Thu girls ^ Ovor 36 YOUTH PAINTING e/irly American crcifls ;IIK! AND APPLIANCES BOWLING HEARING AIDS LAUNDRIES 1 Authorized SPORTING GOODS u n d gained experience in IN COTiOll TV making, embroidery, stencils unci ON DISPLAY AT OUIt HTORIQS rORD Sales Servlc* GOOD HEARING INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR COLONIAL drcals on tinware, pictures on WE SERVICE WHAT WH SELL STARTS AT THE SAMOSET LAUNDRY wood, iind block-printing on note- THUNDIORUIllD PAINTING COLOR TELEVISION Q B ALCON SERVICE, INC SPORTS CENTER paper. As a result, Liiey Iwid hotne- CLARK LANES EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP "Everything: for thO Sportsman" niade gifts for themselves, find they Headquarter! AD 2-3673 LOUNDRY — DRY CL.HANINO NO JOB TOO SMALL 319 North Avo. E. Westfleld "I)rlv8-In Servloa" INSURED Completd Equipment Fort also donated a largo stock of items 232-4660 Caflh amd Carry lo the gift shops of Overlook and North A-ve, plal*a*M LOUIS J. PINOLA • Golf OBI] I*lBlHfl«ld ft-SM* Muhlenberu Hospitals for sale for Central Ave. (Opp Qulrnby St.) 241-US58 • FlRhlns- BOWLING CENTER • Archery hospital benefit, • Tennli LINDEMAN BUICK CO. Snack Liar • Cocktail I Sound ELM RADIO & TV, INC. fiO MruitNwf uk Autonmtio • Hiding A study of folk stories and songs Alilw LAWN SERVICE • All other BporU wfls included also. One patrol pre- Headquiirtors for INC. him. ft U AHFIBNS SKI RENTALS Whirlpool — Kltchea Aid — Survlue For Bowling M. TOTTldN Badminton & Tennis Raoquet* sented an Indian "tall tale," a leg- HumlltoB H'l/H Cortlflrd Mciirliiff Aid Ai INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Roatrung- Authorized ! Iiuytlino Bowling; Instruction Guns, Ammunition and LlodHsea end and song at the recent Interna- WaBhem & Dryers BUICK by InaLruutoi-B HaLlHfiniUoii Gutirunlcod Hoover Vacuum Cleanora 110 Cpntrnl Avo. Wentfleld. LAWN-A-MAT PAINTING Dial 233-8420 tional hi-ficiliiering for all Westfleld RCA Color TV, RndloB. Eta BUICK and OPEL 381-4700 EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP Girl Scours. The girls who partici- 2:1:1-0-100 233-0939 Specializing lm 520 South Ave. W. Elm St. Sales and Service (118 I'nrk Avo. 1'lnlndcld Annual "Greenskeeper Care" NO JOB TOO SMALL (On the Circle) Westfle| pated iwore Laurie Hungerfond, 140 Central Ave. Clark 755-3327 INSURED •Nancy MacConnachie, Lisa Free- Parts — Repairs Program man, Barbara Bormann, Cherl SNOWDEN APPLIANCES CAR WASHING We Provide Tour Lawn with LOUIS J. PINOLA Salea & Service QUALITY USED CARS HEATING ft Lawn-A-Maglc .Fertilizer ., Nancy Ceccon, Carolyn « "Washers & Dryera » La\vn*A-Mag1c Grub Control SPORTS CENTER, INC Sahulka, and Heidi Crow, • Dishwashers & Disposal* AD 2-8484 CONTRACTORS ft Lawn-A-Maglc Seeds This troop is looking ahead to a • Vacuum Cleanero TOWNE ft Lawn-A-Magic Crab GrasB and Q. W. Hall R. W. Ha* • Hefrlgoratnrs & Freezers 4SW Sorth Ave. IS. Mr «l li*> Id Other Wood Controls "Faithful and Satisfac- spring party for the children of the Genuine Factory Partn CAR WASH PAINTS tory Service In WeBtfield Day Care Center as a culmination 2IW-O-118 Call 232-7030 North Ave. W. In Westfield Any time, any day, Incl. Sunday* for Over 30 Tears" of their interests in tilie various Clements Bros. For Free Estimate badges of cookinfi, sewing, hospital- One of Unlom TUDOR HARDWARE CO., INC.• Ski Rentals • Soa & Ski Clothla* ity, and storytelling, REILLY County'8 Moat LAWN-A-MAT • Spalding Footwear VAN'S Modern Inc. • Brunawlck-Balke Bowling Elqulp* Junior Troop 33i> of Lincoln School Oldsmobile Co. Cranford-Westfield Car Washes Heating Equipment DAVIS ment recently held a c o u r t of awards APPLIANCE CO. Authorised WAXING & • Complete Needs for Golf & Tennl* ceremony at which time hhe follow- Installed "Best by Test" • Racquets Rest rune on Premises SERVICE — INSTALLATION Oldsmobll* POLISHING 1 1 ing girls wore presented ttie skater 1AL.B1 • Fishing & Hunting Licenses. Issue* Salei A Svrrlc* Call 233-4050 LIMOUSINE SERVICE SATINTONE • Ice Skates Sharpened • Pool Tablet badge: Susan Arthur, Jayne Car- • KITCHEN AID Bfortk AT*, B. AD 9-TMH FUEL OIL and ney, Mary Ciacrcio, Heidi Fiegen- • HAMILTON Wutfteld, Kew Jerae? Next to Union County Road Dept SatinTon* PAINT* Dial 233-2442 'lxium, Joanne Fitzgerald, Holly • WHIRLPOOL •"UMUfMi 1216 South Ave., W. Westfield BURNER SERVICE * •_,_, 47 Elm St. WestfieW Hftdborg, Sharon Hedborg, Sandra • NORGH LASALLE - CADILLAC •HARDWARE Call 232-2200 •WALLPAPER Holland, Jenny Kahn, Pat King, Su- Amd Ma my Oth*» • GLASS •50 North Ave. E. Westfleld LIVERY SERVICE •KEYS TIRES san Klages, Barbara Mulholland, PROMPT SERVICE • DELICATESSENS iNancy Rusitano, Judy Singleton, •TOOLS RENTED Call 232-3726 AUGUSTINE - LIMOUSINES - Open Moii. A Frl. 'til 9 P.M. Wendy Thomson. Beth Tibbals, Ra- Serving: Westfleld & Vicinity HORTON'S cJit'l Talien and Nancy Veglite. The 17 E. Broad St. Westflelo MOTORS TOWNE INSULATION with Uniformed Chauffeur* 233-0250 405 South Ave. W. Westfleld same girls also earned their cyclist Authorised Cadillac Limousines DELICATESSEN For All Occasions Anywher* badge, Jn addition to the above INSULATION PROBLEMS? In or Out of the State CHRYSLER "The Open Door to Hospitality*' badges*, Anne Scully was awarded ARTISTS' SUPPLIES • IMPERIAL Call Frequent and Direct Servic* STORE the housekeeper, needlecraft, sew- • Choice Cold Cuts to all • PLYMOUTH ONE OF THE BEST ing and books badge, Karen Carle • VALIANT • Home made Salads Airports — Piers — Terminals Westfield • Frozen Foods TIRE DEALS received -the Gypsy and troop Males amd Bervlc* • Fancy Groceries Dial 232-1100 camper badge and Jayne Carney Headquarter* for "JHHP" JAMES RICCARDlM IN TOWN "Sandwiches Put Up to Takft Out" North & Central Ave.., Westfield BRAKES was awarded the water fun badge. FRONT END ALIGNMENT The girls are indebted to all those Dial 233-1098 Open Daily Including- Sundays FAINTS and WALWAFBIU SHOCK ABSORBERS EXHAUST SYSTEMS 576 North Ave. E. W«itfleld INTERIOR DECORATING mothers who 'helped 'them with | Call 232-8012 Weatherproofers Sine© 1928 WHEEL ALIGNMENT their badges; Mesdames Bakes, Insulation & Siding Work SERVICE 232-1300 1122 South Ave. W. Westfleld LUMBER Gimbel, Mulholland, Scully, Ciac- A Specialty Complete 343 South Ave. E., Wesrfield cio. Singleton, Veghte, -Klages, Art Supply WALLPAPER DEPARTMENT (Near Inspection Statiom) Call 276-3474 Kahn. Grumbacher Artiste' Materials • DRUG STORES 1 J. S, IRVING COMPANY Brushes • Oils WESTFIELD DODGE7 inc. Mat ling Address: 333 W. Broad St. Westfield Service projects, in addition to Canvas LUMBER A MILLTVORK TIFFANY DRUGS 251 E. 1st Ave., Rosells Of Every Description BOB MILLER TIRE CO. their badge work, have kept the r Dial 232-1600 girls busy in Junior Troop 41 t Lin- Dial 233-3462 AUTHORIZED Opei 7 Days a W««k For *Itl Central Ave. Went field FUEL OIL — OIL BURNER! Open Frl. eves 'til 9 P.M. AMBKJCAN coln School. Dodge Sales and Service From a turn, to 10 p.m. HARDWARE] — PAINTS U&ROYAL Sundays a«<3 Holiday! IieL and The girls made tissue paper car- INSURANCE | TIMS J FOREIGN" Wr%% Pick-Up mvd D«Uv«ry AI> ft-14M CABS nations which were presented to » AUTO BODY REPAIRS DODGE * DART •D S-22O* loatfc AT*. W. COMMUNITY each member of the faculty at the lilt Soatk AY*. W. W**tcfll« PIZZA annual homeroom reception. DODGE "Job-RAted" TRUCKS DAVIDSON & MARTIN CCP The girls also made "stain-glass" SEVELL'S INSURORS CHARGE! PLAN Dial 232-0075 DARBY'S DRUG STORE Representa- WHEEL BAIiANOIPTO like vases, which were made from AUTO BODY CO. tives for Don't Cook Tonite, Call BEAR WHEEL ALIGNMlHftT -an unlikely source . . . beer bot- BRAKB SERVICE) Body and Paint Shop 405 South Ave. W. Westfield •Auto Plan MEATS SHOCK ABSORBERS tles! These vases were filled with Phone: ADams 2-1!98 Glens FallB ALFONSO'S PIZZERIA Ins. Co.- paper [lowers and , and given MA • ALA • M.C.A. Road Aid YOUR 232-4080 Jiunrsiu, •as a bray Uec&ration to each recip- 24 Hour Snuth Av« w yjf/MlMT *Ins. Co, 322-4808 ' ient of Mobile Meals. During the • Ins. Co. of J&M Fender Repairs — Painting ROTCHFORD PONTIAC North Am. Featuring- Deltcloua 420 South Ave. W., Weitfleld holiday season they also sent each • Truck Painting; and Kepatr" INC. FENCES • Maryland Casualty Ina. Co. SUPER MARKET of these people a Christmas card. Authorized PONTIAC-TEMPEST PIZZA and HERO SANDWICHES 'Red baskets, which were woven Poreig-n Car Service • Ohio Casualty Ins. Co. Sales & Service • West American Ins. Co. Complete Quality Plea Delivered To Tour Door by the girls and filled with Christ- Calf 232-8887 Good Will Used Cars BARTELL'S FARM & GARDEN SUPPLIES, INC. Food Market Hot mas greens and colorful balls, were 433 North Ave. Call 232-7550 given to individuals whom the girls )20 Windsor Ave. Westfield Serving the Weatfleld Arsa WHALEN'S GARAGE WeNtfleld 254 E. Brand St. WcttfleM • Prime Meat—CUB torn Cut Berries have takon a personal interest in. • Hams Made Food Specialties 516 Park Ave. Scotch Plains Mrs. R. J. McNair, who is com- AUTO RADIATORS PAINT A BODT SHOP PEARSALL & • Freeh fruits and Vegetables pletely paralyzed and bedridden was 74 North Ave., Gnrwood 78D-18SO • Freeier Orders I recipient of one of these baskets, FRANKENBACH, INC as was also Mrs. H. Battles and her LIBERTY GLASS CO. 232-0402 SHOES-ORTHOPEDIC Authorised Dealer laughter, Mrs. O. Beefoee. The girls OF WESTFIELD Hound • Cedar 856 Mountain Ave. Claim a ft National Acooumtfl helped Mrs. Bartles celebrate her Auto Radiators Spilt Rail • Stockade Handled AWNINGS, SHADES Scott's Lawn Care Products ALL FORMS Mountain tide WHEEL ALIGNMENT 102 birthday in January by baking Repaired • Recored • Replaced Water-Softening Salt COBBLER SHOP ftB0 BALANCING SEBVICB Jier favorite pie, Dial 233-0407 YOUR ndeptndtHt OF Dial 388-1581-2 AGENT INSURANCE Specializing In Dial AD 3-0393 Mrs. Robert Day is aiding the M>4 South Aye. BJ, WcrtfieM Westfield Window Shop 277 Central Ave. Clark Insurant • MOVING & STORAGE MIIVII AD 3*0394 girls in making a lovely egg tree Bit 1933 Orthopedic Shoes which will toe presented to the t MAKERS 07 600 North Ave. East WeitfteU youngsters at the Westfield Day • FLOOR COVERINGS 232-4700 For Your Child AUTO DEALERS 23 Tears Experience Care Center for the Easter season. tu St. HENRY P. TOWNSEND CHATTIN I "If ii Doubt. Ask Tour Physlclfti" The girls who have participated BRUNT & WERTH, Inc. STORAGE Caivaa ft Alumimnm — Storage Fete VI pliant I, Prop. in all these projects are: Sara Cain, I/a W, R. Dolbier & Co. LAMPS & REPAIRS Cathy Frankenbach, Kim Hansen, Take Down & Re-haag Serrlc* MOVING & PACKING Canopies Rented LINOLEUM — FORMICA Dial 232-9030 iKathy Hoekenjos, Stacey Schrope, Custom-Made Ml North AT* W. iRobin Kandal, Sharon. Daugheriy, Venetian Blinds, Window Bhaaen SINK & COUNTER TOPS CATALINA LIGHTING 329 South Ave. W. We»tfield Aluminum Comb. Nancy Shunk, Mary Lou Jackson, Estimates & SamplM SHADES A VENETIAN BLINDS of WestOeld (Opp. Railroad Station) •Karen Kerstetter, Robin Pleninger, 232-3831 '•— All Famous Makei — HOVSB3 OF FINE LAMPS Sheryl Mueller, Peggy G-unza and AND LIGHTING FIXIUHBI If no answer, 761-8171 Dial 232-5958 Elyce Bavos. Alseo Cathy Jennings, 206 North Avi. W. Westfield • Fine BohemlftB OPTICIANS AN Maureen King, Julia Hanson, Judy 741 Central Av». Wesrfield Imported Sofield, Susan McNamara, Cynthis Crystal LINCOI Dally from 9 to 6 ChandelUr* Holland, Dorothy Bartles, Kathy amd otheri Mui, A Frl. Eves 'til » P,M. • Lampe of ROBERT F. DAY Cloughly, Susan Frankenbach, Peg- Distinction for gy O'Shaughnessy, Elise Millea and LINCOLN MERCURY BOOKS every purpou Prescription Optician Sara Strode, 301 SOUTH AVE , WESTFIELD N.J HYDE & ELLIS, Inc. • Large Selectlom call "AD" of Shades 8 Elm St. Westfleld • Lamp Mouftttaff GOODWIN MOTOR THE TOWN BOOK STORE • COMPLETE INSTALLATION Research Corp. BOOKS FOR AIAJ Dial 232-4223 FOR CORP. Paperbacks COMPETENT MECHANIC! m Cmr4m ALL NAME BRANDS 106 Central Ave. Westfield RAYMOND E. WHEELER MERCEDES BENZ • SUNBEAM Promotes Howe LINOLEUM • VINYL • TILES OPTICIANS IN THIS SPACE II. Gordon Howe of 11 !)5 Maple AUTHORIZED AS S-SftM • FORMICA WORK Sales anri Servic* e GIIMM Fitted Hill Rd. lia.s heen named a senior E. Broad It. WMtllll • AlumUum Storm Bash WILLIAMS LAMPS 754-3700 (Hear Eatraic* from Towrn • Preacriptloms P1U*« asociate of tiie patent programs of 130 W. Oth St. 754-3700 Plalnfleld 700 Central AT*- (BCU GT{*wm Bi) GOOD Research Corporation, New York (at Arlington Ave,) Lot) Dial 232-6700 Westfield 232-2158 City, one of the nation's oldest 1006 South Ave. W. Westfield CUSTOMER ENTRANCE AJTD PI«I» foundations for the advancement of PARKING IN REAR WILL KEEP science. Honri: Momd&jr 9:00 A.M. tc » PJf NORRIS CHEVROLET • Tour one-atop lamp headquarter* Daily: 9:ao A.M. Mr. Howe, who joined Research FUEL OIL • Refinlshlng-, rewiriaff aaa repair Corporation in 1933, will lead the of any lamp Dial 233-5512 REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. • Old lamps restored RESULTS group responsible for negotiating li- CHEVROLET • Victorian globes palmted to match 0 censes with business firms to bring 4$'•Dapendable, Friendly Servic* your base FOR QUICK Since 1926" • Lamp shades repaired or T*COT- inventions submitted by colleges, ^ MOBILKEAT ered YOUR Authorized Cok« | • Also CEH duplicate an? other sbftd« universities and other nonprofit in- BALES & SERVICE CO»1 HEATING O1L9 • Lighting Pixturea — Wllliamnburv stitutions into public use. BRiclge 6-0900 bronze and swag lig-hti WE REPLACE Major and Minor Repairi • We also install A graduate of Cornell University Large Selection of • NOT*** Ave. E. • Large gtock of repla^emeat vlatfl BROKEN FRAMES ADVERTISE in I!)47 with a bachelor's degree in Ueed Cars and Trucka LEHIGH OIL CO., INC. • Do-It-Tonrself lamp parts RESULTS Opea evenlng-g 6-9 chemical engineering, Mr. Howe was TJIVIBIOB of Joy Oil Co. •awarded his M.S. in industrial en- Dial 233-0220 FUKL OIL Central Ave, and North Ave, E« and NAME BEFORE gineering by Stevens Institute of BUHNER ? LAUNDRIES Technology in 3954. 4-*y Association for the Advancement of Service "We replacpiacee alanl typetyp s of t« OH Request SPACE Science and the Licensing Execu- VOLKSWAGEN CENTER £ssd Just bring In the pUcet of 011 Burner 15% brokem tives Society. A naval officer in Bale* — Service — Parta Cash * Carrr World War If, Mr. Howe served in

UKACH OKTHOIJOX GItKKK ORTHODOX CHL!Il€ll PIM-SUY'rUftlAN CIIUUCH Mil (ialUiwti Uil! ltd. Late Easter Celebration Sermon of the Week 1100 Itt-v. VvXttr M. Kali-Ills CHURCH SERVICES Su/iday: 10 a.m., Oitlios; 10:ifj Ki'v A. IS. ( i AlwuJl, tin's y«nr we arc celobrni-j .-rjtiinox. The* Kusiivrn O in., Sundiiy .School; 10-.p[) to il:4fi St. Uike A. M. R. Zimi Church *r-r fyrrt Cliurch .s(;rvU.'(w nl 11 and 7 :)• u wcf.'k than UwjjMluirHi, however, (»l>.sorv(\s lluj Htip- p.m.; Jiundny sdmul at U::H) a.m. m., nivinu Liturgy. A TIIOUfjIIT ON 'TURPOSK" FIRST MUTHODIST CHURCH ItEDEEMEK LUTHERAN \s of tho \\'i>:A, Itmni'in Calli- uliilion of -flu? First A mir.sL'iy i;i provided on Sunday ' (MIUKCIl OF iiud IJn>l(^liiiils," thi> \U'V. Council of Nicwi by whfeli i-A At The Plaza CHURCH morning. HClEN'ilHT J 1 Ministers; J i-U•r M. Kaidlis of Holy Trinily n! hi; (.'('iolH'uh'd hdlon or on did not L'omo lpo Uial nol observed by the WCHICI'H ('hurcli- "For the son df man Is not come io destroy men's Lives, but to wave them," class gvixda II. Rev. Philip H. Dletterlcb Friday, 8:30 p.m., Couples Olul). of .John on Wednesday morning ul TEJWI'MC l.SKAia, OK SCOTCH I Homeduy Kfi.vlor will be otwuiA^d on os tin; ri'ii.son lot* Ww H«re as in many portion's of scripture, it is wttreinoly evident thai man's Rev. Dale Forsman 10. A nursery is provided, fixed rl'.-ile in Mit; year by hnth ent dales of wlobralion," F\\ Kulel- lifo is Hie purpose for which flic came. Sunday, 8:30 a.m., Order of Mu- Sunday, 9:15 and M tun., all de- Un's; t>:45 a.m., Sunday school and Adult Bible Ktudy in the Hook >tl' 'J:m cliJluoDil Hi., Scotch Pluinu EasL and W«st, tin; Orliioiiox Oliuroli s Oh, tlie error of it all, when we fool sarvy for Clinsl, for Christ's sake. partments of the church school Timothy on Wudnc&xkiy tuid Thui\s- JII2U Cliilvvood Street still n'inaio.s Jmiliful to early liadi- "However, as loiifi a.s our iietirls Bible classes; 11 a.m., holy com- 1ion." His abuse is ]>eyond Uhal which wo would bare. The mills driven Into his meet; !):30 and XI a.m.,' worship munion wJH be celebrated at this duy cvBiiings at » in private Jioincs. Scolcli I'litliis an; touched by i<\w. reality that "Ncitlipr tho Eastern nor the West- 1 lumds; his feel, and-the piercing of our Lord's side makes one shiver. His services in the sanciuaiy, Dr. Clark service. The Rov. Eugene A. Reh-Locations may be reached by phon- Phone: 8D9-J830 (.•lnlsl aro.sL from dead, lienee deatli ern Church can ceie'bralo Easier be- groaning and agony are not received with .similar feeling, but in sorrow W. Hunt, senior minister, will winkel will ddliver the sermon at ing 233-4344. ibl>i .Simon Potok will conduct i.s (Icslmy'd l>y Iho lmpu of our re- fore the full moon of Use spring for ihim. The hanging in display upon a bigget is a dastardly spectacle and preach; 7; 15 p.m., senior staff meet- both services; 3 p.m., Wakher Ladies Missionary Society on services at H:'M) \).m. loinon-ow at , it duos not inaLler whan we hide our eyes from it. The blindness cuts oH our continuity with him; ing, Fellowship Room. Thunsday evening at 8. Mrs, liobert Temple Israel of Scotch Plains and ih.s celehrnted. It mul/tors league; 8 p.m., religious organiza- ; so we live in a woi-fld of sin and .share it. Monday, 8 p.m., junior depart- tions of Westfield meeting. Atwe ll will present the program on Funwood. Siibbath morning services CALVARY LUTHERAN HOW iL is celebrated!" However, he calls us away from the world, "He that como-h urfto me ment teachers' meeting, Room 209. Tuesday, 9:30 a. I will in iio wise cast out." He comes not to condemn but to save. His Tuesday, 8 p.m., social concerns 3:30 p.m., confinmation class grade Widtit is in charge of devotions. Mrs. aiiabbat and Saturday Kiddush will IDS Eastman St., Crnnford Saturday Night Movie cross is our cross; His agony is our agony; His insult is out insult; His commission. Room 209; 8:15 p.m.,7; 8 p.m., Sunday school teachers Elroy Feich and Mrs. Robert Pack- be Mrs. jL-rmne Ascli and Mrs. Her- Pastors; death is our death, and His resurrection Is our resurrection. The provision evening group, W.S.C.S., Fellowship meeting. er are the lwstesses for tlie evening. bert Steinlxsra. The Rev. Vrnold J. Doblq.jisi Suries Ends This Week is ihow WC look upon it. Ts His life an example Whidh we loo must experi- Room. The Rev. Gordon L. Huff ence? .. . Yas. Wednesday, 8 p^n. membership Tel. 276-2418 The final picture in the current f ST. PAUt'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH FIRST CONGREOATIONAL FANWOOD PRESBYTERIAN Saturday Nighi Movies series at Jn doing so we can learn from Him and share with ottos the beauti- and evangelism comwiission, Room CHURCH Saturday, 1:30 p.m., Girls Mission AH E. Broad St. CHURCH Club; Mrs. Archie McGhee, execu- First IJapiisl Cliurcli of Westifiold ful story of our lives, saved by the blood of Christ. Let this thought be 209. rhe Rev. Canon Richard •?. HardmdB 74 Marline Ave., South yours, ufoilethe spirit of Easfteris stilil upon you. Move deteranfnately, with Thursday, 10,, "Open Dia- 125 Elmer St. tive director of retarded children in will be shown Saturday at 8 p.m. The Rcr. John C. W. Kinsley Ministers: George L Hunt John K Millar The film series has presented pic- new life, awlay from His passion and toward your resurrection. logue," Fellowship Room. Ministers Union County will be tlie guest. 7 to The Rev Joseph S. Hwrlson L. R. Stanford tures of social ami philosophical im- Sunday, 9:30 and II o'clock wor- 10 p.m., Senior Teens and their The Rev. Hush Lirengood M. E. McCullouffh guests will attend a pool and portance and offered tin opportunity Today, 7 a.m., holy communion; Sunday, 9:30 and 11 a.m., morning ship services: Dr. George L. Hunt for those in attendance to discuss ity leaders appear to express their will preach on the topic "Our Nowparty at the WesLfiekl V. Grace Church Youth FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, 9:30 a.m., mothers' graup; 10 a.m.,worship in the sanctuary. The Rev. Sunday, 9 and 10:45 a.m., ser- the issues presented in tho pictures. evaluation of the kind of world we Image." "Church Day" for grades SCIENTIST 'Miss Heller's group; 12:45 p.m.Wfllar, d Bickett of the Plainfield Tlie April presentation features Hosts to Delegates live in and the reasons for it. Mrs. 4 and 5 of the church school. Nurs- vices of worship and Sunday church 422 E. Broad S(. Youth and Family Counselling Ser- Congregational Ohut'oli, will preacli Sidney Par tier and Claudie McNeil Thom'as Sherman lias directed One ery care i.s provided for children school: f) a.m., adult class meets in The young people of Grace Westfield, New Jersey vice meeting; 6 p.m., J.E.Y.C. at both services of worship, in an in the award-winning picture "A. 'play which includes in its oast Jam- under 3; l.i:'.l0 and 11 a.m., Church the lounge; 10:45 a.m., children un- Church, 1100 Boulevard, will be Sunday Services—11 A.M. teachers meeting. exchange* of pulpits. A coffee hour Raisin in the Sun." This film de- ie ffammar, Vicki Young, Susan School for nursery (3 years) through der three years are cared i'or in the hosts to delegated from other Ortho- Sunday School—11 A.M* will fottow each service. A toddlers picts .tihe life of a contemporary Chi- Grane, Diane Warren, Larry Berns, Friday, 6:30 p.m., Junior Epfaco- lut'h grade; Adult Bible study at babysitting nursery. dox Prpstiyftertian churches in the Nursery—11 A,M, Young Churchmen. and crib room is provided in tbe Monday, 7:15 p.m., Sunday cago Negro family and gheds light New Jeiisey PreSbjitery to a semi- Robert Molnbosh, (Neiland Smith, Wednesday Evening Testimony 9:30 in the Jounge; Senior High stu- Saturday, Couples' Clulb dinner parish house during both services. church school executive committee; and warmth on questions of race re- annual Machen League rally this P^ter Caber, Christopher Ttolbott, dy groups at 11 a.m.; 7 p.m., Youth Meetings—8:15 P.M. dance. 9:15 and 10:45 a.m., church school; 8 p.m., all committees meet in the lations in the United States. weekend; Oawl 'Miller, Linda Bleeke and "Are Sin, Disease* and Fellowship meeting; 7:30 p.m., Ju- Firsft Sunday after Easter, 7:45 7 p.m., "God's Not Dead, He's Bread education building. Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Weinke are in Wade Duyjn. The junior high-senior Real?" is the subject of this week's nior High Fellowship will view the The activities begin wilih a ban- a.m., holy communion; 8:45 a.m.,—An Evening of Celebration," will Tuesday, 10 a.m.. charity sewing, charge of the program. Mr. Wade -higli Oh'apel Ohoir Wilt sing at both Bible Lesson-fienmon to be heard film "The Parable" in Fellowship quet tomorrow night at 6:30 p.m., holy communioii arid sermon; 10 be the theme for a special meeting Duym will moderate the discussion services. Sunday in all Christian Science Hall. Mowed by tihe .main meeting at a.m. and 14:30 a.m., lesisons and of ttie Senior High Fellowship. The ( ECHO LAKE CHURCH OF CHRIST period following tlie film; light re- churches. Monday, J:30 a.m., mothers' dis- 8:15. Speaker wtll be William Kris- canals; 7 p.m., Ninth Grade Felllow- Rev. John Westerlrofif will return i'or E. Brottd St. at Springfield Ave. freshmenls wlfcl be served. pin who has inlt-lated «n inner city Unitarians to Hear A verse from Jofb, included in tihe his annual visit to tlie Fellowship to cussion group—lounge; 8 p.m., pri- Slip and Senior Episcopal Young mary teacliers—lounge. J. Paul Du Bois, Minister ministry in Philadelphia. He will be lesson, slates that God "will not af- Churchmen. load the celebration;' Mr. Wester- Westfield Congregation describing his work 'as it relates par- Musical Program __ict." A related passage from "Sci- hioff is on the staflf of tlie Division Tuesday, B p.m., church nominat- Dedicate Lounge Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., holy com- ing committee—4ounge; 8 p.m., nur- Sunday, <9:30 a.m., Bible school for ticularly bo the youfoh of the area. "The Paradox of Simplicity" is ence and Health witih Key to the munlion. of Christian Education of the United all ages; 10:30 a.m., worship ser- To Former Resident On Saturday morning, following a Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy Church of Christ (Philadelphia) and sery teachers—>MLss Cure-ton's of- the title of a musical program to be Evening prayer nightly at 6:30 vice; 6 p.m., youth activities; 7 A musk and arts lounge was ded- devotional period, the group will be presented before the Unitarian Fel- says: "The humble Nazarene over- is editor of Colloquy Magazine. All fice. p.m. Wednesday, 11:30 a.m., mid-week p.m., even-ing worship. (A nursery icated at the now Rutgers College a square dance. Later in the lowship of WesH-ield this Sunday by threw the supposition that sin, sick- young people are invited to attend. is provided at ail of the assemblies.; there will be a discussion ness , and d^ath have power. He worship in the chancel led by Rev. Center,, New Brtmev/iek, last week Tom Lewis and Ed Rao. Monday, 8 p.m., Westfield Glee Everyone welcome. honoring Paul Robcson. session on Che topic, "Alienated proved them powerless." THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Club, piatiton Auditorium. John P. Millar; 8 p.m., trustees Tom Lewis is co-editor of "Hi's IN WESTFIELD meet in Hie lounge; 8 p.m., pre- , 8 p.m., mid-week Bi- 'Robeson spent part of his early Youth." Eye," the West/field High School Tuesday, 7:45 p.m., Al Ateen, Coe All are welcome at First Ohureh 140 Mountain Avenue kindergarten a nd kiind'argaiiten We study. youth 'here and went on to cam Phi All young people, regardiess of newspaper. He plays guitar and Fellowship Rioom; 8 p.m., Al Anon, of Christ, Scientist, 422 East Broad Ministers teachers—conference room. , 9:45 a.m., ladies Bible Beta Kappa and All-American foot- vJhuroh affiliation, are cordially in- clarinet and writes songs and short St. Services begin at 11 a.m. classroom; 9 p.m., Al Anon Family class. ball honors at Rutgers before be- vited to attend any of the meetings. stories., He will enter Brawn Uni- Dr. Frederick E. Christian Group, Coe Fellowship Room. Thursday, 1 p.m., Women's Asso- Rev. Richard L. Smith ciation executive board—lounge; 8 rnday, 4-9 p.m., neighborhood coming a famous opera performer., For further informa/tion call the versity in September where he will workshops (with the assistance of ______Ma'Chen League president, Bill Cox, major in English or sociology. Rev. James D. Cofe p.m., seventh grade teachers—'Miss FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. M. Bolin Durway OUR LADY OF LOURDES Cureton's of/ice. the Camp Shiloh staff). | ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH at 233-1946. Ed Rao is a student at Wesbfield 559 Park Avenue 170 El in Street R. C. CHURCH Friday, 8:15 p.m., The CatacormV High and a successful "part-time Rev. Ace L. Tubbs COMMUNITY Scotch Plains, New Jersey Ministers "* 304 Central Ave., Mountainside ers hold a Chinese Auction in Fel- politician" (president of the Junior 233-0301 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. Joseph T. Hammond, Rev. William K. Cober Rev. Gerard J. McGarry, Pasto? lowship Mall. For reservations call Baptists Plan Special Class). His interests include singing Sunday, 9 and 10:45 a.m., church Meeting House Lane Rector Rev. Robert W. Thatcher school; 9 and 10:45 a.m., worship Assistants Mrs. Audrey Martin. Youth Sunday Program and acting. He is a member of his Thursday, 9 ajm., Nursery school Mountainside, New Jersey First Sunday after Easter, 8 a.m., services. Dr. Christian will preach Rev. Gerard Whelan holy eucharist; 10:15 a.m., morning school eh o'i r end the Metih'odist for Retarded Children (each week- Rev. Raymond Ajmack JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Minister: Youth Week will be observed at Church Ohoir and hopes to become on the topic "The God Wto Guides." prayer, sermon; church fidhool day); 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 5:30 p.m.,5:30 p.m., GoMen Age Club. ttectory—1221 Wyoming Di 1170 Old Rarilan Road, Clark The Rev. Elmer A. Talcott Jr. the 8:45 and 11 a.m. services of tihe a politician. Woman's Mission Society circles; 3 -tunday Masses—7 8, 6; 15, 10: M Westfield Congregation Minister to Youth: classes—Nursery I-Fifth; 9 a.m., First Baptist Ohurdh of, Westfiel'd The program will begin at 1Q:3O p.m., Afternoon Dungeon; Q p.m., and 12. John Seedorf, Presiding Minister Mr. William Culton church soliool class, sixtli grade; Apr. 13, A part of the service will a.m. at the*Wesfcfiield_YMCA. There building council. • . THE CATHQUO CHURCH.. 0W, • We«kaay.Masses-*:30, 7 anri^B ] Friday 7:25 p.-m., rrwi n\ s t r y Thursday,. 10 a.m., Christmas |:7:30 p.m.. Senior EYC. include tne presentation of a chan- Will be child care and religious edu- Saturday, D a.m., Board of Chris- THE HOLY TRlNFTY ^ Holiday Masses—6, 7, B, 10* anoschool; B;30 p.m., service meeting. \ Workshop. •Monday through Saturday, cel drama, "Tihe Human Condition" cation classes for tihe grades and tian Education: 8 p.m., Saturday Ht, Rev. Msgr. Charles B. Murphy B p.m. Sunday, 3 p.m., public talk en-I Sunday, 9:30 a.m., church school: ing prayer ft a.m. •by James Brock. The play is a com- coffee and conversation for the Night at the Movies. B.L.S., Pastor 1st Friday Masses—6:3fV /:15 tilled, "Distress on Earth Ac-corn-1 Adult class, Grades 5-8; 11 a.m., | Wednesday, 9:15 a.m., healing ser mittee hearing as various commun- adults after the service. Assistants Sunday, 8:45 and 11 a.m., morn- Novena—Our Lady of Miraculous pan IBs the Birth of the Kingdom in morning worship; church school: vice; 9:25 a.m., holy communion; Rev. Thomas E. Daly ing worship, You-tlh Sunday. Mem- Medal, Monday, 8 p.m. Heaven" given by C. Delnegro; 4:05 Grades 1-4, kindergarten, nursery, 10:30 a.m., Bible* class. Rev. Salvatore J. Tagllarenl bers of the Senior High Fellowship Penediction—Fridays 2:30 p.m p.m., Wa'tchLower study—4tit» title of cradle roll; 5 p.m., Eighth Grade Thursday, 6:45 p.m., aco under the dl' RADIO PROGRAMS reotion of Mrs. Donald E. Bleeke, High School - 233-0484 made at rectory two months in ad Tuesday, 8 p.m., the Bible study mothers; 12:30 p.m., United Presby- SAME DAY SERVICE director; 9:15 a.m., church school CCD Office — 233*7455 aid to be used during a question and terian Women's Luncheon for Send or THE BIBLE classes for children through Grade answer discussion will be, "Babylon Citizens of Mountainside. the Great Has Fallen! God's King- Wednesday, 3:15 p.m., Hearts and SPEAKS YO YOU 6; 10 a.m., church school classes for MOUNTAINSIDE CHAPEL WILLOW GROVE dom Rules!" Hands; 8 p.m., deacons meetings, Westfield Studios youth and adults; 5 p.m., church Highway 22 PKESBYTERIAN CHURCH Many look to marriage to find membership class; 6 p.m., Junior Robert B. Mi guard. Pastor 19fT( Karitnn Road happiness, later they may , Portrait and Commercial Photographers High Fellowship; 6 p.m., Senior Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Sunday Softool Scrtch Plains wender whether marriages High Fellowship; 8 p.m., Sunday for everyone (nursery); 11 a.m., Most long 121 CENTRAL AVENUE ADAM* 2-023* Hfv Julian Alm.indcr, Jr ore made in heaven after all! Night Group at the home of Mr. and morning worship (nursery); 6 p.m., Sunday, 9:30 and 11 a.m., wons-idp distance rates Mrs. C. Oscar Moronig, 1335 Outlook youvh groups; 7 p.m., evening wor- are cheaper But we can look beyond the service. The Rev. Robert T. Oassell faltering human sense of love Dr., Mountainside. ship. will speak. Church school fourth after 7 P.M. Monday, 8 p.m., business meeting (Monday, 1:30 p.m., Cottage pray^ through 12th grades at 9:30 and in- on weekdays to God and we can find a and Christian faith and work plan er group; 7 p.m., Pioneer Girls. fants through third grade at 11; 6:30 permanent basis for a join- and all day ing of hearts. Listen Sunday, presentation, Tuesday, 7 p.m., HI-B. A; 8 p.m., p.m., Junior, Middler and Senior on Saturdays Tuesday, 10 a.m., Senior Citizens Women's Missionary Society. Fellowships. April 13, to board; 3 p.m., Afternoon Dungeon; Wednesday, 8 p.m., prayer and Monday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Pres- and Sundays. 8 p.m., board o-f miss'Ion.- Bible study. byterial • meeting a-t First Presby- Call when "Preparing for terian Church, Railway. it's cheaper. Marriage." Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., morning pray- New Jersey Boll er; 10:30 a.m., adult Bible study— SUNDAY MORNING Gospel of Luke; 8 p.m., Tuesday WNEW-1130 Kc. - 6:45 A.M. SERVICES evening circle meeting. WERA- 1590 Kc. - 8:15 A.M. Wednesday, 4 p.m., Youth Club; WVNJ - 620 Ke. - 9:45 A.M. 7:30 p.m., Adult Prayer; 8:15 p.m., Adult Bible study—Gospel erf Luke.

Fellow BIBLICAL VIEWPOINT ••-.•',• • -.--"-••-• L . •• .--• -.''. "••• • .---• • .---•-• . .,-,•-,• " ./•_•• . .• . .•.. ,•••• .•"-'•:-•-':•:•-•••••' - •• '•• • '-.•'-'•'•m^-y.-Lm'.->'.-xjj5&& Everything Com« Back Through the ages the people of God have found jcy and encouragement in the truth of the resurrection. It Merchantfa s Laundered Just the is a thousand pities that it is often

'&" •'''•'•: Way You Like It celebrated only once a year. Actual- -^-^>i\-W>XV-V' • Gain additional customers ly there is nothing in the Bible to suggest an annual observance. The pattern there is to celebrate it oach lift* *Kd from newcomer's moving % "Lord's Day". Alexander MacLarcn l-r •>,? We get your entire laundry cleaner than you ever recognized this by an into your area. L could at home and finish each item to perfection. "Easter Hymn" in every Sabbath Tit In with AMBASSADOR Newcomer's Welcoming morning service. We need the joy- Service, We personally greet each newcomer and Try us and see! Ms acquaint them with your service, merchandise ous truth of Christ's triumph over and reputation. death to give hope and meaning and V*F: direction to our daily lives. For tihis •&*+kf •?.: V" '!• -^a WRITE OR PHONE FOR PARTICULARS IVORY DRY CLEANERS try celebrating it the first day of PHONE *&* each week! (WA -' mv&v v:l-r#'W.- % $m .-.'£-. AND LAUNDERERS wmmmi s~xttfo ™ J i-Jt'V . - *-» 233-0003 FIRE HIADQUARTERS *_.-,->i$*,tt?-y A- - -yy- ffl 1030 SOUTH AVE.r WEST--WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07090 16 PROSPECT ST. AD 2-5020

:•*& >J_K w; Robert Atwell

! Pastor COLON i*"*1 Grace Church 556 V/estfield Ave. © AD 3-0255 11(10 Bfnilev.ird A Funeral Home of homelike atmosphere, corrpfctely modern air conditioned, WESTFIELD STORES off-street Parking Facilities

OPEN MONDAY NIGHTS 'TIL boom witmt 218 Uatlh A/*, '//-/ Till-: IVUNTKItiM) (N..I.) I.KAIMUt. THUKSDAY, Al'ltll, 10, l»«0 lukc pliieo behind MIL» scenes us Marcus Jewelers well \V\UH-O n ni'otk'rn, fireproof walk-in wuill, imronpoRitiiitf Uio lat- est .safely rieview* antl precautions Mobile Mods Has "Half Birthday Gets "New Look" n\wt is hciiig installed Mr. Levy, Whii has hrai wllli Hie Today's Ki'iNili'.i1 tMii|iha,sis (Hi n Mareir.s or^aiii/alinn for over two ivluxc, eruptota lihe diver of appraicli which epitomizes the An os'Uibli.sihwl inslitulicm in . Marcus jmiint of view. "Our stocks 1 • . Woslfiuhl iivtiii for over Iviilf a mi-are always brwul in .scope. We feel

-i. . - lury, work is now under way lo CIT-iilKit in today*K market it is impor- iiki n new uncl marc ^piR'ion.s .setting tiin-t to ap|)oal to Mie young as well for Hie brilliant collection ol jewelry a.s tho mature1. Ami at Marcus there ami superb washes, gleaming sil- just isn't any Konumtion gap." He ver, crystal and china. continued, -'From teenagers to Mow than 500 square lect ol .space grandparents, cu.slomei\s 'have a wide choice, and we believe tlliey'Jl will hi? added I'd MIL* sales areia when I'lu! current work is completed. Lux- find our slrap oven more inviting urious are;) cupeling and handmade and pteaul to visit when our new paneling will complement the mood interior plans nre completed." of gracious customer service which tons long been n hallmark of the CYO to Present shop, UranVfrtiamtj the "boutique mood" whicili Is «o .significant in "Pinafore" Apr. 19, 20 con'tcnijrnraj*y retailing. The C.Y.O of Holy Trinity Church One of Uio liighHalitw of the "now" will present the Giulbert and Sulli- Marcus Jewelers will be the intro- van operetta 11.M.S. Pin-afore under duction at tlic Weslif'lold storo of a the direction of Mrs. Jean Mount at caniplotc Omega Studio and Waich U p.m. Saturday and Sunday eve- Service Department. According to nings, Apr. 19 and 20, in the Holy Albert W. Levy, manager ol' [flic Trinity High School auditorium. store, owners of these timepieces Load roles will be sung by Paul will have the advantage of full and Clark, Mark De Wan, Michael De expert service in this area right in Wan, John Gibbons, Barbara Gun- Westfield. ning,. AiJcen Savage and Sue Schmit. An interesting aspect of the cur-Tickets may be purchased at the MRS. BROWN, center, smiles as volunteers pack the hot dinner scheduled to be delivered to clients along rent impmvcjnenits at Marcus will door. with a cold supper. Mrs. Willard S. Mogalhacs, packer, and Mrs. Robert II. Tullis Jr., chairman of the day, J- -v—.- are both from Westfield. Mrs. Maftalhacs volunteered through the Woman's Club of Wcstfield. Mrs. Tullis MOBILE MEALS OF WESTFIELD is approaching a six-montli birthday. During those six months this com- volunteered her services through the Junior League of Plainfield. Volunteers manning this project represent munity service project has grown and flourished, and to those clients receiving the service it lias become virtually every church and community group in Westfield. Many others volunteered independently to work indispcnsiblc. Shown liere are several scenes of the operation based at the kitchen of the First Baptist with this group which delivers nourishing meals to the ill, elderly, and those unahle to obtain or prepare ad- Church, equate meals for themselves. Mrs. Russell Brown, director, watches as Mrs. Lillian Etheridge, cook, carves the roast scheduled for dinner. Also served with the roast beef were hash brown potatoes,, buttered spinach, fruit salad, French bread and butter, and jelly roll. Stamp Club to Hear Talk on Postal History TERMITES ^ The Westfield Stamp Club will meet on Wednesday, Apr. 23, at the - • t .'£as£j*> J i. Westfield Rescue Squad Building, IF YOU SEE

-^ i Spring St., at 8 p.m. Guests are .-.IT ' ' welcome, SWARMS OF INSECTS THAT SHED THEIR John Briggs of New York will be WINGS, LOOSE WINGS BETWEEN WIN- the guest speaker. Mr. Briggs id SERVICE RENTALS president of the Postal History So- DOWS AND STORM WINDOWS, DAMAGED ciety and will speak on the fascina- STEREO AIR-COND. tion of collecting postal history. BASEBOARDS, FLOORING, DOOR FRAMES, Awards for the Apr. 11 Westfield WALLPAPER BEING EATEN, RADIO PHONO Stamp Show will be presented dur- ing the evening. There will also be CALL A SPECIALIST FOR A COLOR T.V. a swapping session after the meet- ing. FREE WRITTEN ESTIMATE ALLSECT TERMITE CONTROL Guardian Service African Slide Program 101 FIFTH ST., PLAINFIELD 561-5525 For Arts Association FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE USE^ OUR TOLL-FREE NUMBER 127 CENTRAL AVE., WESTFIELD -Miss Barbara Adams of Fanwood will present a slide program entitled FROM ANY POINT IN NEW JERSEY: "The Flora and Fauna of Africa" at i 800-392-6808 232-6064 the monthly meeting of the Scotch Plains-Fanwoou Ants Association at fi p.m. tomorrow at the Fanwood Community Cemtcr. She will have for exhibit examples of African art in weaving, .painting, wood carving and dying. WEEKEND SPECIALS at Mountainside Paint & Hardware Through the Ford Foundation, Miss Adams taught science in sec- • 30" Parker Sweeper reg. $49.95 $£O ©5 ©Cyclone Spreader, reg. $25.95. . $1O OQ ondary school in Sierra Leone, West Africa, from 1962-66. She presently • White Marble Chips, %" or %", '" • Top Soil, weed free, ^ is a science teacher at Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School. A six 50 1b. bag 69c 80 lbs., reg. $2.19 ".69 VOLUNTEER JUMPER Mrs. Barney K. Strickland, left, checks tho thermal containers used to keep meals week trip last summer took her back * • * • both hot and cold with Mrs. Guy R. Byam, volunteer driver. Mrs. Strickland volunteered through the First to Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Ken- Baptist Church, while Mrs. Byam volunteered directly to Mobile Meals. Comments received from all volun- ya Africa. teers indicate they find this service particularly rewarding. While clients puy tor Mobile Meals, it would he 'Hostesses for the evening will be • Peat Moss • Hyper Humus Pine Bark • Redwood Bark impossible lo carry out such an intricate project without the aid of these dedicated volunteers. The Mobile Mrs, Flo Christiansen, Mrs. Roy- Meals committee salutes and congratulates them on the "half-birthday" of this community service project. Landers and Mrs. W. Mars. Guests • For Cement Work - Grouse Mix - Sand Mix in Ail Sizes are welcome. • Black Top Pafch for Driveways All Types of Salt for Water Softeners

J Do 3 Lawn Jobs At Once With..

h . •



WITH Ask your AGRICO Dealer to figure what you'd have to pay, NOW 2 BAGS buying each treatment separately. This wiU prove a big saving —besides the convenience of just one trip around tho kwn, in- 90 stead of two or three! AGRICO 1-2-3 stops crabgrass before "it FORS15 starts. At the same time it 3dUs root-eating insect gruba. AND 'REGULARLY $9.95 PER BAG HEATING WATER it provides your lawn with a generous supply of famous Two Bags of 1-2-3 Treat and AGRICO Grass Food-the best lawn fertilizer you can buyt Fttftd 5,000 squar« feet—* SAVE $4.00 These kids of mine may not important dollar that your fam- end up as Ail-Americans — ily spends. LAWNS GET HUNGRY, TOO » That's why — strictly on per- Just Iijce people! they're learning fast how easy LIMITED TIME OFFER formance—we're glad we heat ^That's because the soil that nourishes them b often low ir> it is to play any game . . . when essential plant fooda, 2 BAGS (Or Double Size) you knowthe score. Soon they'll our home with oil. We've Every living thing needs a balanced diet to thrive and dis- play its true beauty. Your lawn ia no exception. AGRICO GRASS FOOD learned from experience how Covers 10.000 square feet learn what you and I already AGRICO Grass Food contains all the essential ingredients, ?"Hi oil is besf — how safe, clean, combined in tiny pellets that bring quick, new health, vigor know —that everything in life is and rich deep-green color to a run-down, "tired Haded* easier and better when you are dependable for both house and lawn! Don't settle for less than AGRICOl Save' $100 hoi water heating. able to get top value out of every MOUNTAINSIDE PAINT & HARDWARE PAINT - GLASS - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES - PLUMBING SUPPLIES - KITCHENWARE 450 NORTH AVE. EAST • WESTFIELD, N. J. 07091 • 232-2200 GARDEN TOOLS - SEEDS - FERTILIZERS FUEL OIL a/id BUHNER SERVICE 860 Mountain Ave, MoUntttinsicte, H£A7iNG £QUtPM£NT IN STALLS & Ph&m 233-5655 run WRSTFirxn ^N..T.) L^APEH, TinmsnAV, APRIT, IO. IMIO fire. 1. Will Tigers for Role .loan Ni'U'coml), 'IVrry MIICMSIM, ami Schott Wins 24th Westiielder Has Lead in Players' l\vri Mii'huMi, Snrich Tlciins; Jerry In SaiVly Film Iliij4lii's mid Aiuumirie lJlnllip.s, \<\ui~ wood; Alien Slcinliadwr, Wi-y of life in a New Englund Players. s'how, which opened Tuesday at the fishing village bdforc the turn of the Jersey City Museum. Two years a safety advisor at Humble Oil & Re- A number or youn^stprs and looai The director, lleniie Itarr, is dou- fining Company's Bayway Refinery. century will be L'ouise Ventrella and U^oiuigcrs will brij^lilcn the stage for bling in bniss Uw lliis show. In ad- his painting "Dad's Police Kecord" •Produced by Fnitchey Associates of Charles Roessler. Headlining the "Carousel." These include Betsy dition to iH'intf dh'L'trt.or, eliorot^ra- won one of the lop prizes at tiho Cranford, the production has al- supporting cast will be such local Preuss of Fan wood as Julie's daugh- pher and musical director, this Chat- sonic show. ready been acclaimed by members favorites as Eddie Prestrid«e, Nan- ter Loui.^o and six more*, Chris Day, ham resident is conductor of the Mr. SchoU's most recent award is of the National Safety Council, and cy Lea Ryan, John GottsLein, Adele WesLTicld; Jill Roessler, Dunel'len; Players' seven piece orchestra. the 24llh he hms received since he it is a finalist in the American Film Williams and Helen Check. A suc- Chris Hiiffhos, Fanwood; Peter Ru- 'began exlhiibi'ting in June, 19G(>. A Festival, cessor to such previous Players suc- llieiiford, Lynn Arflost and Kimberly member of the Westficld Art Asso- cesses as "Brigadoon" or "Soulth Carter, Scotch Plains as the Snow S. RODGERS BENJAMIN ciation, the local artist specializes 'Prints of the film will be availa- : Pacific/' "Carousel" Is directed by children. Keogh lo Serve in reaMalic still lifes of old objects. 2 Lo organizations who are interest- Bernie Ban*. 4 The show will run through Apr. 26.ed in promoting tlie need for home Oilier youngsters in the cast are As Bank Advisor Predicts Style, safety among t'holr members. In- There will be three performances Olieryl Thiesing, Carolyn liynn, 1 Goett Wins Company quiries should be addressed to Wil- of "Carouse !," foniight, tomoirow , Glon, Cheryl and Diane Mone, Gary Frank T. Keogh of Westfiok! has liam J. Kerns, safety advisor at and Saturday at 8:40 p.m. in the Garrison, Nancy Preuss and Janet been elected to the KlizubcLh advis- Design Trends "Seal of Confidence" Humble Oil & Refining Company's ihigih school auditonitim. Players Prescott, Fanwood; Lindsey Cole ory board of tlie Summit and Eliza- IBuyway Refinery in Linden. president Joan Newcomb noted bhat and Nancy Argast, Scotch Plains; beth Trust Company, it was an- An area resident has been award- tickets for all three performances nounced this week by Gavin Spof- Baaed on the enormous response ed the "Seal of Confidence" certifi- David and Danny Check and Gina to the Flemington Fur Company's will be on sale at the door. She MacCauley, Plainfield; Lindy Sue ford, president. cation by tlie Allstate Insurance Regional to Offer went on to add there will be special annual Fashion Design Contest, S. Companies, according to New Jer- and Cindy Lou Nelson, North Plain- Mr. Kcogh is president of Ma]ws Rodgers Bcnjamlin, President, ex- half price student tickets for the field and Pain Roessler, Dunellen. & Sprowl-Robert Camplsell Co. Inc., sey Regional Manager A. Suiel Oceanography Course Thursday and Friday night perform- pressed his feelings that there Is a DONALD W. MAYER be presented on fall, Eddie puts his talents as a HIM M|||l officers of the Ttfaitside Museum As- Tuesday, Apr. 15; Wednesday, Apr. sociation wilt formally turn the 16, and Thursday, Apr. 17, at 4 p.m., •building and equipment over to the and on Wednesday, Apr. 16 at 8 p.m. MEN'S SHOP Union County Park Commission.. It must be noted tlrat, because the The Planetarium is housed 'in a Planetarium can only seat 55 peo- Play it cool. Keep in shape. In colonial-style wooden frame struc- ple at any one time, those who wish ture 30 feet by 36 feet, erected on a to attend a program must receive concrete foundation. The building a ticket from the Trailside office from the World Leader in Portable TV! has a wavy rough oak siding wihich only on the day a program is to be ey Baffles Slacks is similar to bhe main building at presented. Children' under eight Jmagine! the TrftUsidft complex. Beneaifeh the years of age will not be admitted to with Fortrel® and Permanent Press roof of bhe building is a hemispheri- the Planebanium ctanber. This New cal fiberglass dome, 20 feet in di- The Planetarium came about as ameter, upon which the skies will follows—'The Trailside Museum As- Bogey Baffle Slacks baffle just about anything that tries to put GENERAL ELECTRIC be projected. Temporary seating has soci'ation, a dedicated group of citi- them out of shape. Wrinkles, rain or 36 holes of golf. They're a been arranged for 55 youngsters or zens and clubs interested in preserv- 82-CH AN N EL, 12-INCH adults to view the Planetarium pro- ing nature in its various forms in cool, comfortable blend of Fortrel* polyester and Zantrelf rayon grams. llnkn Cpunty has donated to the J F l -The - instrument" produce' ifefc'T?W%mtis&ii>nT this pianetariifcn; Ji press that *tay?iput and a BattRol waistband PERSONAL PORTABLE the star patterns in the sky is a This group _'of-people worked' dill-' Novta Projection Planetarium. This gently over tlhe past several years that stays trim—no curl-over. Striped color-coordinated revers- Now Only instrument can be adapted to vari- to raise the funds for this project ous programs in the study of the and constructed tihe Planetarium ible cinch belt, cuffless bottoms. Finish that next round of golf skies above its. Tlie Planetarium over the past seven months. The will provide public recreation and Planetarium will be available to the in perfect shape. Come in today for Bogey Baffles education in the science of Astrono- over 500,000 people in Union County No Down my and will be useful in the study for various programs including as- Slacks in your choice of 10 colors, $16.00 Payment! of navigation. Various auxiliary pro- Easy Terms! tronomy, navigation, and the won- jectors make it possible for the ders of our universe. Programs will

Planetarium to be used for the study be arranged for all ages. v'' . • Smart to look at—conveniently portable with carrying handle. v • Dependable—Precision-Etched Circuitry eliminates wiring errors. .*>. • Picture quality kept constant in weak signal areas with Keyed •y AGO • Sharper, brighter, crisper picture with "Silver-Touch" Tandem Tuning System^—silver contacts conduct more signal . .. 47% Model M-150 SWH ROBBINS & ALLISON INC more than gold. tlS* dligoul picture • Unbeatable for economy. Gives peak performance with less 74 H Established 1912 power with new "Micro-Gun" /Sealed Beam Picture Tube. • New Solid State Rectifier cuts heat damage. ALLIED * LOCAL AND •M#-iC* « 1UV4I* ) UE1V1 LONG DISTANCE MOVING NEW! GENERAL ELECTRIC * STORAGE * PACKING SELF-CLEANING OVEN RANGE ^-. Tel. 276-0898

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h h • • • . L . | a", General Electric Ranges carry a one-year repair warranty against manufacturing defects on the entire ranga- 1- 'a" • V.' m •' •-- im FIRST WESTFIELD'S ONLY ammm £:%:••••'& G-E DEALER m 138 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES • •- FEDERAL 232-2700 - 01 143 E. BROAD SL OPP. POST OFFICE BROTHERS

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• _•_ r1 r'j" 233-2121 •w.mfc-l ttbtt iUt>U»P Open Monday & Friday Til 9 Daily 1o 6 TTTF wrsTFTKrn f\\.n T.FADTTC, TnrmsnAT, Artnt 10,

- I- -——W- Coup, He is n milivo of WeslfioUl April, Memiiei'5 from throughout (ho Mullon lo 'and n graduate of (looimdmvn Uni- .silale will he going by clyartei-ed bus Depl. vtT.sily School of Foreign Sorvitco with an overnight stiay in Washing- Westfie ool News and St. John's Universily School of ton. WHS News RtiriNiii i1 of i:he Now R. Mullen, n He is a Ainong i^lnnned acl-iviities on tbo Kclidir—Nnuivv < 5ri 1*1" York liar. Wi*slfield .Senior Hitfh School, Juis full sdiedulo are seeing Congress in X'cii appointed corponiU' personnel scsisioii, visits to PJil hdadquaiicrs, tlireclnr nl Cuemeiron Corpurniion, l;ho N'Mtionul Arcliives, nionuinents Girls Tracli I ional Gvm Show TAKH •und jiieniorials. A'teo planned are j visits to tlit* Simttanian Institute •. Mullen, 31, joins Ohometron To Yisil CoiigrcHR and Uie Wliile House, and as a cli- from KasLorn Airliiu\s Inc. where •ninx a semdniar with several N. J. Tomorrow Night at WHS he firld incroi'isiiigly responsible! po- A-L Iho last general meeting of die 'Hopublicans in the House of Repre- sitions in laibor relations and per-Westfield Teenage Republican Club sentatives. By Ellni Lewis compelilh'c marcming. "Marching is sonnel work. His prior background (TA'Rs) it was announced by elutir- WHS Ntiws II lire mi impurlan-t because it helps people Includes industrial relations experi- •iman Pyx'Jo Oldoriburj^er thai Lho Miss Oldenbunger reports that a Tumbling, n|>i>arauLs, U a 1 k a n I ™*k logoLher. It is also fun, crea- wwe with Sinclair Oil and Interna- New Joi'sey TA'Rs arc sponsoring a large contingent oJ Westfield TAiRs dancing, free exercises, ami ninrch-, tivo. and a good discipline factor/' tional Telephone and Telegraph trip to WaMiinglon, D. C, in jnid- will be making the trip. will IM? pcrfwnK'd tonnorrow slaleci Miss Victoria Mdosi. head of night in tlie Wesbfield Hitfli School the girls' physical education de- Girls' Gym Show bein^ held aL n partmcitf. p.m. in Iht* Varsity Gym. Before fine program begins, each GymruiKtie performances are be-squad will stand at attention while ing rehearsed under the guidance of thu judges inspect them for groom- Time to Plant Flowering Trees Miss Claire Schmidt, girls' physical ing. Then senior Ki'is Junes, presi- education teacher, and Miss Chris- dent of the Girls' Spurts Council, tine FjtzpabHck, student gym teach- will lead a total of 357 girls at once er, Thirty-S'ix girls will penfonn on by giving mass marching com- the parallel bars, the balance beam, mands. AfliM- Kris gives a com- the ropes, the Swedish vaulting box. mand, the girls will repeat the order NOW IN STOCK the horse, and the buck. Tumbling aloud and then perform the step. routines will be prese'ilcd to back- After Kris is finished, caoh pla- ground music. toon will march lo a specified area Balkan folk dances from Greece, in the gym and sit down. Miss Me- Serbia, and Macedonia will be perlos- i pre-arranges the order of per- Flowering Crabapple formed by 20 girls. "AH Balkan formance of the platoons, so that dances are done in line formation; similar routines do not appear one the variety comes from the stylistic after the other. The platoons, IN PRESENTING A CHECK for $1,000 to Mrs. Byron M. Vundt*rbilt, left, senior president of the Nation- movements within the line," stated ] however, will not know in which or- al society of the Children of the American Revolution, the Robert French Society becomes the first local Flowering Plum Mvs, Susan Crafts, physical educa- der they will perform until it is CAR society "in the United States to become a major benefactor of the National Museum Renovation Fund. tion teacher. The dances arc? being announced, Robert French Society's name will be inscribed on a brass plaque which will bo unveiled at a dedication rehearsed during class and after The gym teachers chose the com- ceremony later this year as part of the NSCAR's Diamond Jubilee ceremonies In Washington. school. •nanding officers, right guides, and Shown with Mrs. Vanderbilt arc Charles P. Bailey, outgoing president of the West Fields chapter,, SAR; Flowering Kwanzan Sophomores Beverly Beales and guidon hearers from each gym pe- Mrs. Malcolm McB. Panton, organizing president of the Robert French Society; Clarence C. Traxell, senior Jill Schneider and junior Nina riod. These three girls originated president of the Robert French Society; Louise Troxell, Robert French Society; and Amy Troxell, treasurer Klastorin will each perform free ex- the routines which the platoons Jiave of the Robert French Society. ercise routines of their own design. been rehearsing in gym class. Cherry "These are a sories of tumbling •Commanding officers are Carol moves and ballet steps put together t Bfcoomberg, Lois Post, Jacquie Har- remain in straight lines. This year Captain Haas Due to a piece of music and following a I ris, Janice Bamott, Jacqueline Shep- •the right guides are Nancy Duden- All-State Chorus floor .pattern," commented (Mrs. ard, Mary Lou Hely and Nancy Han- boste-1, Linda Elliot, Sue Sdhmit, Pa- Home from Vietnam Flowering Peach Crafts. ra:han. As the commanding officer tricia Hirsch, Judy Martin, Peggy Capt. Joseph R. Haas, U.S. Army, During the last part of the pro- gives the commands, the right Cieeolella and Kaflhy Keogft. Honors for Four gram, platoons of 48 girls from each guide's job is to act as a focal point was promoted to his present rank The guidon bearer carries the col- Apr. 6. Presently serving with the of the gym classes will take part in for the squad memfoens so that they ors of her particular squad -and By Nancy Griffin WHS News Bureau First Sisiral Bde in N'ha Trang, Viet- stands at attention while that pla- nam, Captain Haas has been work- toon performs. Etoxabeth Miller, Christine S c h m d d t, George ing in an Automatic Digital Message Jacqueline Campbell and Suzanne Charles, Keith Herrmann and EdSwitching Center (Autudin) s'ince Reynol ds are this yea r 's guidon R-ao, members of the Westfield High April 1968 and is due to rotate back bearers. School Vocal department, have been to the United Stia'tos this montti. He After eacfa squad performs, accepted for the 1969 New Jersey anu his wife, ttie former Suzanne members of the WHS facuLty will All-State Chorus. Kiser of BuckJbannon, W. Va., expect act as judges. Judges' decisions for Twenty students from WHS audi- to be stationed with the United MEEKER'S GARDEN CENTER the best platoons will be based on tioned for the chorus Mar. 29 atStates Computer System Command creativity, coordination, precision Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School at Ft. Belvoir, Via. 1100 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD and response to commands. An The try outs, consisting of both pre- awarti for grooming will come as a Captain Haas is a graduate of limdrtary and final auditions, test j WE DEUVER AD 2-8717 result ctf the inspection prior to the'Che student on his intonation, his Scotch Plaints Fianwood High School program. Awards wtil also be given ability to blend and hold his ownami he received Ins B.S. in 19G5 from OPEN DAILY 9-6 SUNDAYS 9-2 •to the bes t c omma ndi ng officer, part when singing .with others and West Virginia Wesleyian College. He right guide and guidon boarer. Win- his knowledge of the music. Each is the son of Mr. and Mils. Fred J. LOADS OF ROOM TO PARK FREE ners' names will be inscribed on student must stand before three Haas of Scotch Plains. plaques which hang in the girls' judges and sing scales, a solo line, gym. and part of a quartet, all of which Complete Insured Service During the judging period, mem- have been assigned in advance. In bers of the Varsity Olub, painited a test of tonal memory, he must al- with a solution of aluminum bronze so sing back a line of music which powder and corn oil, will pose in Iras been played for htm on a tape If'* only « fen mi nut on to tableaux poririaying specific themes. .•"eccrder. V "The boys will present a tableaux The diorus is comprised of 350 representing different aspects o' juniors and send'ors from high life: "war, peace, athletics," stated schools all over the state. This year *'. Art Mammon, boys" physical educa- •bhe chorus will be under the direc- tion instructor. The ideas of pre-tion of - Dale Smyith from West senting the tableaux came from Dr. > FANWOOD * Orange High School. Rehearsals will i * - The garden shnfi tcith the Dutch uutfhtiiU Leslie Judd of Springfield College, -be held throughout the fall, culmi- Mass., where similar tableauxs have Corner of Martina, orid South Avenues ^5 nating in the annual combined con- been included in their gym shows cert with the New Jersey AH-Sttate for the past few years. Orchestra in November at Conven- Better Lawns and Gardens tion Hall, Atlantic City. A repeat Begin at KRAUTTER'S More than 1,300 miles of piping performance will be held in Sym- are used to service the underground phony Hall, Newark, Open )aily and Sundays • FA ! 4545 mines of The International Nickel Company of Canada, Limited at its Ontario and Manitoba operations. Hurt in Crash Albert A. Scheller of 515 Cecilia Pi., Scotch Plains, sustained a cut •of the forehead Thursday night when you can rent a m his car struck a tree and pole on Sycamore St. Scheller was taken to Muhtenberg Hospital, Plainficld, by SUBURBAN TRUST the Rescue Squad where he was ad- ERM mitted and placed in the intensive care unit. COMPANY

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£JS*•:.-:£ CONTROL ECONOMICAL FIRE, THEFT AND OTHER LOSSES •w You can have your own safe deposit box at The OIL HEAT Suburban Trust Company for less than 2c a day! YOU NEED A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX IF YOU POSSESS— FREE ESTIMATE Your personal possessions are best protected from CONVENIENT TERMS destruction, loss, theft and prying eyes when you Armed Service Records Insurance Policies INC. put them in a Safe Deposit Box. They'll be easy to Bills of Sale ' Jewelry Phone AD 3-1492 Birth Certificates Legal Agreements WESTFIELD find when you need them ... all in one safe, sure J.SJRV1N4EK COMPANY. place. Stop in at Suburban today ... it will take Bonds Marriage Certificates •as SOUTH ftvc.wcar Contracts Mortgages AD 2-1492 onfy a few minutes to arrange for a Safe Deposit Diplomas Notes Ml SCOTCH PLAINS Building Headquarters" Box. You will be everlastingly glad you did! Deeds Receipts MJMIircK • MII.LWOKK • MASON'S Heirlooms Stocks >fATi;«IAI-S • II AltUWAIf i: AD 2-1492 FIJKI.S Income Tax Records Wills ROSELLE PARK YEARS CH 5-1492 ELIZABETH SERVICE EL 5-1492 Alcoholics Anonymous All Work Under Direction of Drinking Problem? TRUST COMPANY Write DR. ARTHUR S. WILLIAMS P.O.- Box 121, WwtfMA GHANtOtW * GAttWOOd * PLAINS Of p Om eA ihe pioneers fa ihh «cM*

t TIlIS WHNTWI'X!) l>;ls Jit flutters who i';iiii|>:iitf:i manner in Hit* Pkiin- IJMII* Si.sti rs Art ('onk'.sl. J*"ii\sl strawberry varieties," l>i'izc wiMit lu MJKS INiylii.s J.aiKk'ii, Eat. 1926 liire luMjiiii;^ pruifucc liui'Ithior fielfri lor ttii.ii. Sun. I-'mnk X. Mc- continued. "Bwl the fungus kept DCIOGI! in his bid for the Republi- n.U'c* H, of Cranford. Second priw? w-'is strawberries. puce with the new varieties, and Rabbits am bring ustjcl by plant can nomlnalion fur Governor in theawnrded to Mi-s.s l^lisalxMh 'I'aiinaeli, new forms of the fungus we called •June IJrmiivrit*s, Mrs. Arnold Y. age 7, of Wi.'slfk'id. 'I'liird prize \vi\a is'is iit the College of A^ri- 'races' appeared." u.anrzui. Union County Comipoign won by Mis.s Maryjum McC-luslu'y, nntl hJnvii'onnicnlal Science r I'lie n'senrchcrs believe WiaL Chaipnwin for McDermott fur Gover- afe 10, of We.slilicld. Ilunural^c men- cf Lhe SL.ilu University Lo help iden- quick idDiiLlflca'tion of the fungus is nor, announced this week. tion i'or ori^iiuilJly was ^iven lo itify varieties of a .soil fungus that the key lo conquering it. Tf a far- r Heating Oil Mr. McDonougii, a former Union Miss Bctili ULU'IIS, aK*' •». of Cranlord. strawberries. mer finds uut quickly enough what County Freeholder, wa.s first ducted iisdHe Varney, professor of strain of fungus is in his field, he On the Si'ime diiy, a y Lockheed caii... 233-4141 zoosporcs. The fungus infects the iSlelo. They fclit that rabbits might roots of strawtberry plants and kills be able to produce an anti-serum Trailer Overturns, Martin J. Green, Jr. of 542 Wash- BULK PLANT & OFFICE 2285 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIEID

ington Jr. has been promoted to ^—• (thorn as it moves up flu* food-atul- 'that would reaict with the juice of — • . waosite police headquarters. the 'races' of red stele in flasks and PRE-SEASON it is not." samples of the disease organisms, The driver, Bernard Mercer of lfF'0r a long time, the light was tout needed the anti-serums. madefungus solution which they in- The principal metallic components jected into rabbits. Ohio, .sustained a lacer- (carried on by developing new dis- The two researchers grew two of in the gun of color TV picture tubes ation of the left \vg and was taken "After we gave the rabbits a few are nickel stainless steel. The ma- injections and waited for them to to Overlook Hospital, Summit, by terial has low magnetic response, •the rescue scjuad for treatment and ffi vaitTflwiaFM nr i we.? build up anti-foodies against the fun- meaning less picture interference. gus, we hook a blood sample and examination. mmmmummmmm separated the serum which contains the aotRtodies," said Suenth. "When nui we mixed a drop oE anbi-serum DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING AREAS PAVED with the red stele juice and got a reaction," we knew that we had an PRESERVE OLD DRIVES and anti-serum which provided a general AREAS WITH COSMICOAT identification of the 'race' of the fungus we'd mixed with it" ASPHALT SEALER Dr. Varney and Suerbh have con- tinued to make this serum more specific so that it will provide more WAA. A. PARKHURST accurate identifi cation of the fun- CONTRACTOR gus. had developed serums Phone ADams 3-1738 Res. Mill Lane which react specifically with Races w.'jjy.::-:;.'.;;*:- -•••••- >:-:» •:-:•• • • • •:• • -:•:•:•:•:•;< M P. O. Box 334, Wesffieid Mountainside, N. J *?:£::£::•:::*:•>:•:•:•:•: •:•:':•:':•:•:': -:•:•:•:•:' fr:;-::- :•:•: •'•••••<•' . V. • 11V< • P -".'.i-l'l "."I "• "l-.-l'b "• ••••••"•'•:• •••*"• '- "r",•,»,". V-r'r.'fft 1 and 5 of tihe fungus. Both scien- tists presently are developing spe- Westinghouse cific anti-serums for each of t h e IDAIRE

ilick thIJt o^oiJobfo -;'--. +: Chrysler A sports car for people who have sults of this research should have international significance. The anti- better things to spend their money on serums will lead to a uniform sys- tem of clarification of the red stele f-w; than a sports car. virus, he predicted. He explained1 that the disease is common tJhrougih- If $6,000 sports cars were one of life's out the United States, Europe and necessities, a lot more people would buy England, but tlbat ea'oh country has them. its own system of classifying the prices start at Instead, they save their money to get 'races.' married. To buy a house. To send their kids, "We may someday be able bo identify the 'races1 of this disease * • -, •'•'.. to college. i 1 at Che intemiaitional level without the And it's the college kids who drive the usual risk of introducing a new form Prevent crabgrass sports cars. of the disease into our own state or This didn't seem quite sporting. So.Volks- icountry," he said. "Sending a harm- less anti^serum through the mall as you fertilize wagen came outwith the Karmann Ghia. will lead to progress both in classi- We havt a big selection of lie-name It looks like a $6,000 sports machine. ifLoatiion and research." If there was crabgrass in your neighbor- makers. Compact, decoratively de- (The body's an original Italian design.! But The research results have been hood last year, it will likely be back this signed air conditioners t* fit standard it carries a modest Volkswagen price tag. published. Work continues on the sash-type, casement, or horizontal $2,365.00.* •"" project although Dr. Varney flow is year, because its seeds are in the ground. sliding windows. Easy wall-mount on sabbatical leave at the Univer- But you can stop them before they get units, if you wish. Cooling; capaci- And that includes the 4-speed stick shift* sity of Wisconsin. ties ran go from 5000 to 33,QM BTU's, and front-wheel disc brakes. (They're not started in your lawn with HALTS PLUS. priced for savings! pa rt of an optional sports package. They're It sets up a barrier which stops crabgrass part of the car.) LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS seeds as they sprout. Full-fertilizes good The Ghia scrimps and saves on gas. You BRING RESULTS grass — and grubproofs your lawn for a 1 should get up to 28 mpg. And when it comes EUREKA EUREKA to service, it goes to a VW dealer. No full year — at the same time. All from a CANISTER Cordaway, Fan costly fune-ups. No temperamental parts Jarvis will single application. CANISTER to coddle. (We treat it like a Volkswagen VACUUM VACUUM because, underneath, that's what it is.) COPY Save $2 You might say the Karmann Ghia is for ANY ORIGINAL people who want everything for their 5,000 sq. ft. bag reg. 14.95 12.95 children. Powerful motor, At- Card retracts, stores Books, Charts, Letters, tachments included* automatically! With And just a little something for themselves. Also save $1 on 2,500 sq. ft. bag reg. 7.95 6.95 snap-on tool pak. Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Forms, etc., on our new • • CORONSTAT COPIER BARTERS FARM and • Sugg-ested retail price East Coast P.O/E,, local taxes and other dealer delivery charges, 1£ any, additional, White walls optional at extra coat. FOR 25e GARDEN SUPPLY, Inc. UNDERCOUNTER BUILT-IN EST. 1933 OPEN DALLY 8-6,'SAT. 8-5, SJN. 9-1 IIHIOI I'Oim VOLKSWAGEN II. 277 CENTRAL AVE. CLARK, N. 1124-1134 South Avenue, Plainfield 54 Elm St. 388-1581 Plainfield 6-74OO

Self-clean porcelain finish tub holds 17 table settings. Dual detergent dispenser, crystal-clear rinse. Rinse Only/Wash Dry. DA500 FREE 40-pc. Glassware Set lit T I'l Beautiful set of Anchor Nocking quality glassware given free with any Hotpoint dishwasher purchase.

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A MEMBER Why hide in the closet when you Phone in the color you want. OF Therefc a better way. want to be alone on the phone? Only 9(K a month for your own Speak out. Whisper softly. extension. Or for just pennies Get an Alone Phone. Share secrets. You can da it all a day rpafe,- groove wiih yodf m total privacy ofl yowrowfl own slim Triittfine*phone. It's T V & APPLIANCE Alone Phdnc Chomc ihe Aime ll out ol sight Mew Jersey Btti 123 Central Ave. (o 232M660 '.f* 4 WFSTFIPXD (W.T.I T.FAPfiR, , AV)Uh 10, VHi!) WOO Dobson Assigned Scotc To Army Branch ent al ate rans Crminvittiv inul has hold vnrious rm- 1 Mrs. Phillips Reeleded Head siiiniis wil'h llu Scolrh I'lains-Kan- Scolcli lMnlns—Cntiel, Robert Dob- WIHKI KtliK-jilion Association. She ro , a senior In Ihe rosorvu oMIew sidi's with IKT husband nt 11(17 J'urk- iiiiiK ci>r|> nt the Univcr.sily of Of 'PLi ins-Fan wood Foundation woml Di. Maine, has been assigned to the en- Mr, Hornby, o[ 2fi Homestend gineer branch or Itoe United Slates ; Scutch Plains—Mrs. P. Phil- iiiiiiiity-wiik1 drive for funds known Terr., who Jiolcls decrees from Army upon enti?i iny active duly fol- lips wn.s sclcclc'l for a sernml trrn iis "Dollars lor Scholars." which Princeton, Oxford and Columbia, is lowing graduation Juno ti. a> president of thu Scotch wns held (his year on Mai'. 29. associated wil'h Hie law firm of Inilkil braitc'h^nmon[,s ai'o Wharton, Stewart & Davis in Som-madu by Ihe department of (lie Ar- Jlitfh St'liool Mrs. Plnllijifl of 5fl Poplar Pi., Inc.. accord in» to mi ;in- erville. my based on the cadoL's academic Fiiiiwood, has been active in various major, civilian expert c ncea, per- nmincomonL ;i! hie group's monthly PTA's for a number of years, and meolintf i\\ Uio high school last week. sonal preferences, and needs of the was a founder of Ihe foundation. Army. Oilier officers named were Fred Ba- She has served with the local Youth ser, vico-prasidonl; Mrs. Philip Now iii Vielnam Cadet Dnbson is currently .serving Employment Service and is pres- 1 Stein, secrutury; and Robert W. ently scholarship chairman for the SCOTCH PLAINS — Sgt. Horace as tlu executive officer of the first Hornby, Lronsurer for a second Knmvood Scotch Plains Human iM. Westiht'ffok. son of Mr. and Mvs.battalion of the First Maine Cadet torm. Rights Council. Mr. Baser, who Horace Westbrook of 308 Pteimfidd Brigade. A dean's list student. Dob- .son is n fore.slry major and is a Founded to onlLst wider financial lives tit 2110 Gamble Rd., is a grad- Ave., is on duty at Nha Traug AB, uate of Slovens Institute and is pro-Vietnam. member uf the society of the Am- support for scholarship aid to grad- erican foresters and has been desig- uating seniors and graduates of the duction superintendent with Nation- Sergeant WestbrooK a security po- al Lead Co. He is a former member nated as a "Distinguished Military local high school, I be foundation, in liceman, is assigned to a unit of the Student." addition, encourages Ihe coordina- of the Scotch Plains-Fan wood Board Pacific Air Forces. Before his air- Upon entering active duty, cadet tion of scholarship programs pres- of Education, and a past president rival in Southeast Asia, he served ently administered by other local of the Association for Good Schools. Dohson will attend his branch with the 3201st Security Police school at Fort Belvoir, Va. groups in order 1o reduce duplica- Squadron, Eglin AFB, Flo. Mr, nml Mt% W .1, filaniinkl.H hnvv imi-rliiiNOri till* home from Mr. iinrt A graduate of City University of Cadet Dobson is 4ihe son of Mr. '•UI-M.'tieu* I,. A iin MwHen. NMVIIIMI nt niWB TiM-mre IM, Tills multiple tion of effort and to provide a more Thin proiH^rly lopnJnl n< Tl!l> New York, and a teacher in School The sergeant is a 1963 graduate and Mrs. Robert W. Dobson of 1420 liKJeif [IIO|MM*> wns *»ld (liroiiKh the uftlvv of WIllliuii At Clink, TII lfvlim- in lOlixailirilit Mi*1 I#ri>i»- lor, hy VhnvtoH W. Jtk IITIJ 31rM. Umywon II. Vln wild linw 1 equitable distribution of aid. The o£ Scotch Plains-Fanwood II igh vrty IVIIK tuilUl|ili*.IlKt4hil Hi* WfHltlflil llmiril nf lti-»M«irM unit One, Mrs. Stein served on the foun- Golf St. 1 foundation annually conducts a com-dation's Constitution and By-Laws School. fl ilo WIIM in^oiinti Ihe oil ire ol Aiuiii'y l'\ Kfy Short Ends Course

*-^— — —- ——• T 11 • . ' • v J • *' J " FREE Scotch Plains—Army Pvt. Wayne **£ 1 —* I ' • - • * *- OCLtVEFty PRESCRIPTIONS E. Short, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. •"TOUHTAIM COSMETIC* William E. Shont, 2041 Mountain Ave., completed nine weeks of ad- vanced infantry training Feb. 14 at *7^f>, . ; , ;/.*.AJ» Ft. Polk, La. His last week of train- S&r? ing was spent in guerrilla warfare exercises. During his guerrilla training, he lived under simulated Vietnam con dtlions for five days, fighting off night attacks and conducting raids on "enemy" villages. Be was taught methods of removing booby traps, Betting ambushes and avoiding en- emy ambushes. Other specialized training includ- ed small unit tactics, map reading, •land mine warfare, communications, 54 Elm Street and firing the M-1G rife, M-G0 ma- IS PARKING A PROBLEM? chine gun and the 3.5-indi rocket louncher. CALL Mrm Jiml 1UTHW P:uil Arrlitiniliimlt nre n«iv living In their nowliome at 7!M> Iviiivr^iM1^ Avr- Tlilrt iniiHIpltr Hwtcrf iiiMipcrty wun Kf>lil for More 'Plains-Fanwood Kilthleen iMJJInr by Caryl I.t^vis ul* IZinlv IleUP Int., Huiiltnr. IIttd Jlfrw. II. Tiifiinnjf Ituiivrnld of \VeNtlU«lil hnvi* movi'il into tiic-Ir ADams 3-0662-3-4 new Innnu nt Z:\n Hinclulr PI. wliK'li tlioy IMIIM'IIIIKIM) from 31 r* niul Mrs* Wnvrvn V. Nuiltlt, The Hule ol' this multiple Hninl /property WVH News Next Page Ifnhd by Mrn. Alun Bruce ConJIn for tin* *\XW* M V?«T4^M A 4-nbiieli, Itii!.. HeuUurH,

r" -r J Spring Leaf Collection Scheduled ^. 1 -> *-"- ' " " \,' " ' X " '

Mr. nml Mrw. Tj»wrf>nc" of Clnoinnntl, nr^ now lj In tliulr «4*iv Inline IIM^IKMI at 1)12 North Ave, which ihvy re- iiiii-i'himtMl from Mr. nml MVH, ltiiyinotul Scliiiulclerintiiin. Mule of this multiple HNIMI proiifHy wiin ne^otliit^a hy llfirluirn Murriiy throutfh the oft Ire ol C. II. SinIUit Jr., lt Mr. nnd Mm. Elver T. Penr*on c^f N*?w York ro^oiitly iiurcfeliANtBtl 017 Jjiwreut'c Ave/ from JHr- jiml 3Ii'Hi 'Priinlc *l. Kmllnu-er. TIIIH 11 wiift inuitiiil^ lintiMi and sold |iy II. Cluy FiirririWiM* C-jiIli-ry of The Hale \\I\H ne^otinted by Mr^ Jmlj Smith of the

- J j 1 ?^--.>-: -r.'^^^ri--^ - i-'-'.". -\- ^ ,^A'.;. --

Mr. nml Mrs. Ifnrrpy \. Gtmlon, former rrfildentM of nnffnlo, N. V., are now nt home nt 22 KXHPX IIil., fifittoh Plninn, vvhleli Ihcy piirchimed fr»m Mr. nnd MVH. UevUeit I'rofiihei-^. 'I'he HUle of thin multiple I luted prupprtj' wns negotiated liy Jtutfi V. Tnte tliroiiffh Petcr»on-nin*Ie Agenuy, Scotch Plitlnn. Dr. and Mr«. Peier A, fli>Hac

s M T WT F S 1 2 3 4 The Town Council has announced a spring leaf collection 5 program to begin Apr. 14. Plans are being made to pick up garden refuse type material such as leaves, shrubbery, brunches, grass and the like. No rocks, building debris* appli- |6 7 8 10 1! 12 ances or furniture will be accepted.

Residents are asked to separate branches from other re- 13 14 17 18 19 fuse and place all materials in (he street gutters at least the APR. \ \ \ \ X day bofon* collection is scheduled. Refuse should not be placed A A B B c in the street during or after the day collections are scheduled, 20 2! 22 23 24 25 26 as sweeping of the area will UP undertaken immediately after \ \ pick-up is made. r D D v 27 28 29 30 2 3 The town has IMM*H marked out into seven sections. The \ \ leaf collection will take place for a two day period only in 1 each section, roltactions will be made according to the area 5 6 7 8 9 10 map presented here, on the two days shown. Collections will F ttoi be /nsftfe

I rm tyj.) :n, TiirmsnAV, Arrm. w, us Don ?. his I 'Mr. K|>:;lnn hi an exefiilivc with ;iii!f in I he Now .ler.sey 50 Cii!)s Race :irlisi b, I Kiii|»ini I'einileiuii ri]iii|i;niy in Kdi- ilnrin-M Uu> MMitiMtiiV lerm • Philip RIIRI ! Min iinil cnnriiliy a J''ierlHi[(U'r of H rlniirnran ni ihe Unimi I'miH- nwoo VVlliio file |*ilHlW!HJii I Union Connly. llo .served as ;i l,i»ft- y Mental l!e;illh Board. for Derby Honors Derby was handler) by Assistant J i'libma.-'ier ,lohn l-'iilco. vSCOTCII PLAINS — Moro Ili.-ui arn and pcrsonnl devotion lo his Plan Convmiliee and jia-^i chairman 1 511 laieinntle ruciiu,' vuv* coin* AIC to Honor ohn.ii'u lask, liis interne concern for of il.s Cmindl L'oniniillec and Us Di- in n Pinewfjwl l)ci-l>y held hy Mm pi'dlV.ssion.'il chemist or engineer vision of iiulusirial ami 102 ill. its March mi'i'liiiK n*- IS as an individual and for his orisji- CheniLslry. fii al Park .lunior Iliijli School. Id Nii'lniiiii Air Base Joseph Sic war nalily ;iJJ(l «^iT;sivi' U-adiTShip. A'l K--AH Ki'sc-aixili !!;• ha.s servwl wiili dislinclion as inu Company, Mr. Stewail is a se-Tcni Keouuhan of i)i:n 1 look Inp Positions Open For 1 lioiior.s willi Mifime! Allen of Ufn PA NWOO I) Kirxl Lieul. Brenl Ii IMniiis — Joseph SUuv.'irJ., head of national commit Wu\s on pro-nior sialf advisor in the technology II. C:t!iIv\L>ll II, .son of Mr. and Mrs. I lej^iimal'ioiis, pen-.-von plans, sales division responsible lor the li-•1 ami Donald Powell of Hen 2 close 2017 fialhiKliiT Aviv, vA ICsso l{c- behind in sccniid and lhti*d j)latrcs | Hrc'm. iV Caki.veli Sr.. 21! Midway j uMiics and lht> employment and •M-cen-siiig of cliemieal products mid SLWOII anil Kiwinm»rintf Company respectively. Arm-and Ma.ssie of Don | Ave., has heen urntltmled from Ihe ' will receive Hit' tilth aumuil Junior uwilitm of tin? disadvunUiKcd. His processes. A company employee PHYSICAL THERAPISTS came in fourth, ti':iitiin.!( course ai CMiuiuito, AFIJ, scroll jiwiird »f Ilio New Jersey proven soiiMilific ami on^inoeriiu! since. i!M5, he rose to director of (he • aisiiilics aro rofleclr-d in his many Enjay coalings intermediates labo- ICiylri. .semifinalisl ribbons were III, Un- l.'.S. Air Force aircr;H'[ duiplcr, Ainoric:m liislilulc of mninU' o'Ticcr.s. iMieniisls, for his efforts in bi'halT pak'iits, pulfcilioii.s and ratory before as-sitming IiLs present I alien by Ronald DeWynguerl of 1 Lieutenant CulrfuHl. (rained to JKKFKKV F. HKOWNMW Full or Part Time of MIL iirlviinccnu-nl «f chi'inisiry as of rc> j^os it ion. He has 19 patents and ha.sDen 3. Clinch Picr.son of Den 5, v suj>ervisf of ek e- a profession. Mr. Slcw:ii*t lias been a leader in spoken frequently before technical HoiK'rL Fiihrenbolz of Den (!, Rffberl .society mctrlings in lihe U.S. Boucher of Don ft, .Ion N'agle, Den Irieal iU\d instnimenl sy.sleins, is Wins AF (li)inmission The AIC award will be pn-sonk'tl ninny committees on professional :>:'in;-,' assigned to Fleiku AB, Vki- v Hecenl winners of the New Jersey 3, Kielh Kills, Den 4; Wayne Sayer, nl. [ho Honor Scroll luncln im on activities in the American Chi'mical inirn, with a unit of Ihe Pacific Air FANVVOOD - .IclTrcy F. Brown- May 15 i\\ (ho IVUimotl Motor Hotel Stitiely. Ai present he i.s chairman AIC Honor Scroll Award include Webolo.s Den I; and David, low, son of Mr. :mri Mrs. Isaac Accredited school graduates only. 1 Prof. Oheve.s Wallk-g of Coiunnbin Wobelos l^en 2. A!l entries were h'oree.s. •in Saddle Brook cltirlnji Iho •Kith an- of Ih: AC'S (/ommiUco on Training The lieutenant, a I!M>3 ffradtnilp of Brownlow, II North Ave., lias been University's Chemistry Depart muni, the handiwork of the individual siiral meeting of tlu- nalionnl iu.sli- at:d em-ploy.!)^.! «(' DisadvaiUiv^ccl Scolcli Plains-Kanwood Hi^h School, eoiniiiissir.nerl a second HIHIUHMHI Max Tishler of West-field, vice pres- hoys according to specified .stan- iulc: I hero. Per.sor..-; pn;:i;olmfj .sunmu'r jobs and received his R.S. degroe in business in the Li.S. Air Force upon gnidu- ident for research at Merck, W. 0. dards of size and weight. Excellent working conditions in The Nmv Jersey AIC citation ac- tutorial assUanct: for students. He administration from The Citadel, •ation frcm Officer Training School Baker, vice president for research companying Hie award praises Mr. i.s also chairman of Hie society's In other awards, in Den 1, Timrharle.ston. S.C. and was com-(OTSJ at fxieldand AFH, Tex. at Bell Telephone Laboratories, and Stewart "for his omjwthy, cnHiusi- Pnil'e.vsion-Wicle Portable Pension O'Neil won the bear badge and a missioned there in liM»7 through the Lieutenant Brou'itlow, selected small fully accredited Rehabilitation 'F ' i "vrf*.- 0. A. Bailista, assistant director of gold and silver arrow; Tom Keou- Air F(n*ce Reserve Officc-rs Train- j for OTS throngh competitive exam- research at FMC Corp. •glian, gold arrow; and both Paul nig Corps program. ination, is being assigned to William The American Institute of Chem- Scrudalo and Frederic Taylor re- AFB, Ariz., for pilot training. Hospital, ists is primarily concerned with the ceived Use bear badge, a gold ar- The lieutenant, a graduate of chemist and chemical engineer as row and three silver arrows. Eric Has Vietnam Duty Scotch Piains-Fanwood High School, pi'ofi'syional persons. About GOO ofCohen of Den 3 was presented with received his B.A. degree in 19G8 Live in or out. its 6,000 members belong to the New •his bear badge. Five, members of SCOTCH PLAINS Airman 1/c from The Citadel, Charleston, S.C. Jersey Chapter. 'Den 0 were awarded their .wolf John P. Reiley. son of Mr. and 'badges: Robert -Palircirholz, John Mrs. John J. Reiley, 2005 Prospect Falico. David Gunzenhauscr, Marty SL, is on duty at Fleiku AB,-VieL- Epstein Heads Local Named Fraternity Maragnl, and Roberl Boucher. nam 1969 dancer Crusade Phone Miss Preitner Officers al Union Twelve Wchelo.s activity badges Airman Reiley, a general purpose were earned: James Gilgannon, vehicle repairman, is assigned to Scotch Plains—Free-hold ei Joromc r 233-3720 Scotch Plains—James J. Berner o -aplist and outdoorsman; Chris •a unit of the. Pacific Air forces. Be- Epstein of 3 Argyll Cl., has been ap- 2032 Church St., has been appointee" ll, artist; Gary Kaplan, artist, | fere his arrival in Vietnam, he serv- pointed local chairman for ihe 19U9 secretary of A-jpha Sigma Mu fra cMzen and scholar; and Wayne I ed sal Wheelus AB, Libya. Cancer Crusade by George J. For- temity at Union College, Cranforc Sayer, artist, geologist, showman. The airman, a I960 graduate of restl'r, Unron County Crusade chair- by Joseph J. Filop of North Piai sportsman and traveler — all mem- Union Catholic Hi?h School, al- man for the American Cancer So- Held, president. John P. R. Kucha bers of Wcbelos Den 1, Georgf '.ended Athens (Ala.) College. ciety. c*f 20J8 Westfield Avc, was appoint- ed serg-oanl^-t-arms. \0Tin: OP mmr.iiGV KLHCI'IOX * Jinu* Z. IftfSH, Notlv Is horohy First Want. Third District—lien School ihni i hi' Olstrirt \U*;\rt\ ni lii-j* isi r. Two MCIHIMTM of <;c!H>ral AKSCIU- \A'm'm Frunkim tfohrml Thlnl Ward, Fourth District—I-in, Aip'hd Sigma Mu is one of m'n: MiiiiH'iimi llirlttljni-, W<»»Uh-ifl, \, „!.! :UHI ivhf'linn in :i ml for the various hly, f>i»trir! 0-t\ PlrPt Wanl Fourth DlBtrlct—Mu coin School Kli-Hlon DiHirirts of tin- Tt*\VX OP ITM of Hoard of uiioHt-n nichnil Ktiilrilnjr Third Ward. Fifth District — Jef- fraternal organizations on the Un- In fOiiifMniily with tin* provlsimis WKSTl'MKIJi, wUl nifi^i in tin- 1 First Ward. Fifth District — Ben fersrm School ion College -cam-pirs. f>f un art i-nliih-ti -An Art to \UK- pl;u;p.M her^Inafu*!' dosl^'iiatofl on Mali* and Komal* lU»mber of tho jam In Franklin School Third Ward, Sixth District — Co* tin* datf-s -nmt hi'twiM'ti ilw hmwn ate Connnlttcc will bo **loi-tt»il hy First Ward. Sixth District—Muni- lumlms School Mr. Berner, son of Mr. and Mrs Slut IIM.'H of Sow *}vv**vy and the- hor^iniii'lor &vt forth, for Uio pur-the* Ut#i)uhltcan and Democratic i>ar- cipal Bulldinff Fourth Ward, First District—Me* Albeit S. Berner, and Mr, Kudvar ain<*rt«?nu'n(K ami supplunimttK IIHT*'* pose uf LunflUftitiK ii l*iiinary l?li*r- Second Ward, FlrHt District - Klnley Hchool ly wivt'n that riual- lion for th»' nomination and oh'Ctifin th-s, Orftnt Sclinol Fourth Ward, Second District —• son of Mr, and Mrs. Matthew J MUMI VOU-J-M nf said Town of Wi\st- of ticrHOtis to Uii- vi* rituiH offices Oiif t'mtiitHlman fivnn oiwh uf She four W» nls Peconrl Wurd, Second District - AJpKlnley School Kucbar, are majoring in busines; lii'Iil nm niri-nHy rt**dstOIUMI in nahl # Cirnnt School Pnurtli Ward, Third Diwirlrt—Son- Tnwn UIMUT lUv In \vx of NVw J«-r- Tin* hntirM and dutoK of said MiiU* an1 d rvninli o ll^nibor of the Sotond Ward. Third District — lor Hlffh School K<*>- ^nvi'i'nhiM' iH-rnuuhMit n*K'tstni- thin arc as follows: bounty < onimiUi o will bt* i*l**f*t*M! Washington School Pnurth WnrH, l-'ourth DLstrirt — •administration in Union College': Linn, may re-Kist^r wit It the Town f hy Uic Ui'puIH lean anrl 1 ><*mncr;U !<• 1'1'JIAIAItV DAY, Jl N13 ?>, 1!>fi** ar\t\ Ward, Fourth District — Senior Hiffh Soltonl day session. They are graduates o. *'h*rk of sahl Town o\' WoMtdHfl at iKtwi'fii the hours or 7 A.M. andpnrtitss I'rom vixch Klertlon fil^trfi't, Fourth WunJ, I^lfth Dlstrlot— Jef- j 1 IH> s:ii«S niTipr In MM* ,M unh-ipaSl T\M The places In the several dlatrUln Second Ward. Fifth District - ! I'erson Hchool. Scotch Plains Fanwood High School J'Uiltlin^, WVsiilfltt, Xow Jt*rspyt al Thft fnllowlnpr Is n list of Mu* G the Haiti Boards of Regtairx Wilson School The boundary lines of the differ- Scotch Plains. nny tlinv up lo nntl Iiit'ludinK ThurH- offices to be votort for at tlift said Election will meet are a^ fol- Third Ward. First District — Ma- ent districts are as shown on the th\yt April 24* V.H\U on which rtnU* IMiniary KliM'tlou: lows: following: map; the ro^ist.ration hooks will ho riosod First Ward, First District—Roose- sonic Temple until afU?r tho forlhroniiny: f'rhn.iry A *Snvernnr of the Rtato oC Nowvelt Junior High School Thin! Ward. Second JOY a VRKEbANH, oh'ctirm to ho hold on Tuesday, First Ward, Second District coln School Town CWH Howarxl Towle Named One Member °C fionoral Ai Roosevelt Junior Hi eh Softool Third Ward. Third District — Co- 4-1O-2t Crusade Head Here Fanwood-^Howard V, Towle of 63 Russell Rd,, was appointed local chairman for the 1969 Cancer Cru- sade it has been announced by George J. Forrester, Union County Crusade Chairman for the American Cancer Society. rrer's Mr, Towle is a Systems Analyst with New Jersey Bell Telephone /outers Company in Nowark. He is actively involved with the Fanwood Fire I »" » "- r* *~TA "Coiftfiany as a volunteer amTWas held the office of secretary and is 'currently president. He is past pres- 167 ELM ST. Til. 232-2400 ident off the Fanwood ftepufelicar. Club.

It 9s here

Caloric Hardwick Tappan modern features uarantee


O W O I Offer bet h town mm^y

A. 'i

MAP or THE TOWN oE WESTFIELD UNION COUNTY Elizabethtown Gas JERSEY EtIZABETH I METUCHEN I PERTH ^IMBOY 1 HAHWAY I WESTFJEL0 One Elizabethtown Plara 145Z Main Street 1220 Martet street j 219 Central Avenue 1184 Elm Strwt WARDS AND ELECTION DISTRICTS CALL 2S9* DFC. 1953 fl THK WKKTFTKM) -1nrl!*rl 1'in inning by ranching first Atianlic Area Gymnastics C'JKUIIJH co:it"li ill" Union tJjil'li'olic i'oi Junior Varsity Mine Opens Season 1 In n li^hl pitching hatllr, llu; oi mi fi-rwr. Hill Sehniif lulvnnced shi|w at Kruuiio.d lliyli School Siitur- .season. ;, lwis ncct'jiU'd MK? spol na t.o Jim DDIILIIKM1 of Holy Woslifickl ni;;h ha.sobnll team UJSL Mt'Ojubt! lo M'.t'nnc! huso on u sawi- dny iiml doiuiiiaiud UIL> indivitlual its .Si'nson fipuiiiii:; HHJIH> lo SI. iL'i! biiill. MacCloskuy rcckcUKl a cimTiH'ULion, la ten evenks entered Trinity. UoJ'nro ^'oinii to LI.C, .Inhn With 21-1 Win Over St. Mary's hn.Uiin liiH ciKk'hiiiifi I'lirt'cr lindi.T Mnry'.s of Kli/ahc.Lh 1-0 last week. •ive inlo LLTJUM1 fu'ld, but out- iu throe divisions, the locals pit 1 1 Dou^hcr id Trinity. Tin Dwils li'v« otliiT Julius of lf!ie aeventeoii in Uw, top six. WesLI Snurip nullcl in the drive.* «i" l)ti.siiu\ss ck'iminds, week ayninsl S;)rini«*flcltl ;md Colnnia 1 ;iw;iin and Mo I Thorno drove them liad in Ihv Lop Llircc it) six 'l;-nj Ui-cwHtiM ended the jLj:nne an ll,y David Killer MoiTFitt had lo ^ivc up his L'nchintf wiu'e p(».slpon(.Ml due lo rain. I in with a Miitfk', Westfield picked of Uiie evenls, earning two cham- 1IL popped out to lliu second bn«e- IKKsition at Union Cnlliolic. He IIEUI •S:itiu*tl:iy I Ji!1 tlininoiulinen f:ict) Ken Rider's stellur pitching |x>r- up five mare runs in the liRh and pionships, Lwo seconds and four iraii. lioped lo coii'tinno his conohing, l)iit FjiwiitfKlmi at home. \,nyf yoiti* l:\\v •niKiiK'i' [ind t\ very nntonl, offense final innintj. St. Mary's picked up •Mv'cVlflskr.y was Mt-romcly effec- Ivil the WHS jiminr v:uri!y l>a.scib:ill U.C. princjpul HroUicir Vincent Da- Dcvil.s won Ihi.s ynme 3-1. Monday tive in his first uppi'tirn'mie. UQ thrir lime run in the fifth also. Tiio leading porionnur for West- li'iim to ;i ~H (f;>ciiini! gam« victory miam informed (Moffiit Muni \m MILS DrviJs Lr::vt»l In Spri'inil valkud only Kvi> balli'i'.s and struck Bt' f>f Itidor's pitching, noith- field wua Dunoan Urwvn computing over SI. !W.iry"s of filizalHit'li kisl would prefer n full tinK? tendicr as in ;m (••xlrt'int'ly crucial crinfnroi out lour. The lone run allowed was jr the infield nor lliu outfield handled in Hit; junior divLsion. Duncan earn- r week. .Mm Dt'llo-llnssn and .lim condh. • Unne. Most likely pitclrin^ ivynina unounisd. i\ chance and Kitchen; Calendar and ed third plncu all-araund honors 'Mal'fiLl will leave his coaching job WliusiUiii loci tliu offense, driving in the Ucwils will be Stevo Jupa, sttir Of AlaeCln-kcy's two hits only one Scott Lovdand got all fifteen put- while conipcting in only four of Llic to Jim Murray, who was Union pi tellers inv tlio Hnlldo^s, four runs each and scoring seven '\v:is well hit. Tlic first was Hurry outs, six events. Scores for all around arc Catholic's assistant coach under between them. Tuesday Ihe Devils tnavel lo Union. O'Cunnel's single. H was a hard hit Wcstfield will oppose Livingston figured from totals from .six events. iMoffUl for two yeans, Bodli men 1 WKSTKIKLD HIGH SPIUNTUKS coiii|u>ta iiffainst IMninfiold in last Ln.4 yw (ill!. diamondnifn lost to Westfield struck first blood as at home Saturday aL 2:00 and then In addition to his all-around honors, graduated From Si. Mary's ball which skipped past shortstop wci'k's rnin-scKiluMl North Ilurgvii Relays. Jim Luffman (Icl't) takes Union during the i-oyulnr season but David Scott opened tilie game with travel to Dayton Regional Monday Brown took the horizontal bar cham- Murray is from Spring XIill PIUipMhU's glove. Mollcn'hauer had the hnlou from Walter Brown and begins his sprint against Roger flofealed Hieai 2-1 in Ua> final yame a double to center. Delio-KLisso and Union Tuesday, Both games will pionships, placed third on parallel and Moffitit, before laundiin^ his the only other hit for St. Mary's, a Met'rny, stnte hurdle chain pi on. at the Union County Tournament. walked and Wheat on reached first boffin at 3:45. bars and floor exercise and earned coaclilng career, captained the bas- i'oul ball which was caught by a on an error, driving in Scott. Jeff second on sLili rings. ketball team at King's College. In Hie Si, Mary's fi.nne, the Devils' .strong wind and blown Mo fair ter- Stewart reached first on a fielder's Skeoter MacCloskey battled John ritory for a double, All II A second highlight of the meet Coach Doufllier is happy Lo have choke which failed to nip Dello- Scott, ir • I •I Lauffhery of St. Mary'.s in a dosn '4 :i was Bill Zimmerman's victory in Senior High Trackmen Place First John back at Holy Trinity and re- All II II Husso at the plate. Bill Bensky also ik-llu-KllHHO, 1Mb . ... * 3 piLching duel. Kach pitcher allowed Wlioahni, SB 5 4 the parallel bars. Although suffering gards him as an outstanding coach. 1 0 0 readied first on a fielder's choice Sti'\v;irt, :!b 4 4 2 a more two Hits. Kuhin'U, rf U 0 1 .1 0 from a bone disease in both knees With Dougher and Moffttit, the 0 0 scoring both Wheaton and Stewart. ... 1 nidi, HH 2 0 >. , 5 i team should be ready for next sea- The lone run. scored by St. Mary's 0 1 •1 which prevented any type of jarring In 2 Mile Relay At North Bergen lll'l 'jliUO,i ! C ;t1 0 Bensky Jailer scored and the Devils Mfiisky, 11) ,. i 4 omnc in the fourth inning. With one 0 0 or strain on his Jegs and, as a re- son with time to spare. Three of the Svlni.-U", Ih :t 0 1 led 5-0 in the top of the first. f rait, jir ....,.,.. 0 0 0 out, Bob Mollonhauer, last year's :i 0 0 ,r.u-oi>H. ^b . .r. „. 2 0 0 sult, caused Bill to eliminate his five starters tlhks past season will 11.'. M i 0 0 'Rider fanned the first Elizabeth Hubrouffli, rf ...... 1 tt 0 By Joe Sullivan Jackson is the leader in the long All-County second baseman, walked. r, J»b 0 0 be back for the *69-'7O season. They 0 Ciilk'ndar, c 3 0 II mount and dismount and substitute iltlUtoJi'J, 0 .batter and went on to strike out 14{-.nvcluml, c; 1 jump. are: junior Mike Spirko, a guard, Ben Candelino, the following batter, •*^ 0 2 tl less difficult moves, lie performed The WHS track team opened its more St. Mary's batters in the five HIder, p 2 who could be called upon for thegrounded back lo MacCloskey, who 0 die middle parts of his routine al- season by taking the two mile relay Kevin Kelly, Walter Brown, Steve ST. JUHY'!) inning contest. St. Mary's managed 31 13 team's pkymabing next season; forced Mollonbauer at second base. ST. MARY'S most flawlessly to earn the cham- title at the North Bergen Relays Thompson, and Fennell are the lead- AM It IE only four hits off of "Rider, whose All It II ing candidates in the 100 and 220.Jeff Wyszkowski, a 6'3" sophomore After Candelino stole second base, O'CJonnol, 21» 3 0 1 ^!n-<-lian lib . pionship in spite of a tremendous last week. The Devils will have their bstiiKheiy, p 2 0 1 (> 0 0 Mo] len luujor, HH 2 control was a little shakey as he Si'vwi^lt, 2b , 0 Jackson and John Garnebte will run center, who improved vastly the E. Sailor grounded to Devil second 0 1 0 1 scoring handicap. i'irst home dual meet Tuesday Onmlelliio, <; 2 1 0 brought four batters to full 3-2 I^oria, »s • • •'» A I 3 0 a the high hurdles and Thompson is last month of the season; and fresh- ibaiscrrtan Bruce Gillie. Gillie threw S;i.iicr, rf 2 I) 0 < I'xUvy, l'b .., 2 • 0 o All VVesUield gymnasts improved against Somerville at 4 p.m. . . , liotit, If '2 0 0 counts, walked four and hit one.I'astor, It) I I) l tops in the lows along with sophs man Joe Cullinan, the sharp-scoot- wild to M'acGloskcy, who was cover- 0 against Somerville at 4 p.m. Cran- Hiiiiimell, rf -1 0 0 .Mule, p ft on their showing in 19(58 with all ing forward, who earned himself a ing first. The error allowed Can- 0 0 However, he seemed to be able to I* < • t Don Kndblooli and Bruce Smith. I'ltniy, 1'f ...... 0 0 0 ford will visit Westfield Thursday. Kenny, l'b , 2 (I iboys moving up as many as two starting job last year and was thedelino to score from second. The 0 0 come back and strike the batter out 0 . ., 2 •111 ll Qliinitiii, v .... 0 0 KiLlimet, :tb . ., 0 and three places in individual event Mike Murray grabbed the lead team's high scorer. •next batter popped out to end the lit 2 with his curve after falling behind. 1' 0 0 Sfhnr, 3 b 0 0 0 f> 0 0 0 0—0 ft n standings. Although the record of with 150 yards to go in his leg at Tlie team will begin tryouts andinning. The Devils scored three runs in Tiiinerella, If . 1 0 Boys Baseball St. Mary's o n o 1 o o x—a 0 tine locals is excellent, the team iboth Ihe second and third innings. Wul-Iiice, If ... 2 0 the North Bergen meet. He gave official practice Nov. 1. The Devils had tftirce rallies, but i-ii, rf-p 1. 0 0 was without the services of Riclnard Dave Brown a thirty yard lead Starts April 19 2n the fourth, Bruce Oallendar and , cf ... |. .1, 1 0 0 all were stifled. In the first inning, Tourtellotte On AUeliie, cf Gofctlick, sidelined with an injury, (Rider reached base on errors. Scott 0 with his 2:03.5 for ihe half-mile. The Westfield Boy's Baseball Randy Richard-son walked and Rich ilD that very well could have added Dachshund Field Ursinus Team was then hit by a pitch to load the Brown held the lead as did DonLeague will launch its 17tli season Rabuck singled with no one out. WiiKirteld li 3 3 fi U 0 ]— 1 Saturday, Apr, 19 when the Major Riioliardson was caught stealing John Tourtelotte of Westfleld, a ble, driving in three runs. Wheaton Errors— Sheplmn, KeTia (2), Quin- Westfield places: Jr. Division: time was 2:00.3 and McQuade was and Minor Leagues will play a full sophomore at Ursinus College is ic;i. ivlllinieL On Sunday, April 20, the Dach- third base and Rabuck was eaugfat reached first as Dello-Russo was Doubles —S;-ott, ello-Russo (2) Parallel Bars; 2:05.0. Antahorman Paul Byrne held slate of games. This year a record trying to advance to second base on iback again this year as a pole Triple — Wht-jiton. Sund Club of New Jersey will spon- nailed at the plate on a ground ball, 1. Bill Zimmerman; off a challenge by Colonia and Mor-1400 boys will pftay on 100 teams in (a passed ball. vaulter on the fcrateksquad . RUI — Dello-Ruwso (4), Wheaton ristown's Paul Hoyt to run a 2:00.0, its annual AKC Iricensed Point PMeld shortstop to catcher. Stewart singled (•»), Stewart, Dome, Thorntj (3), 3. Duncan Brown; the six leagues. In the third inning with two out, Renwky (2), Rider (2), Pustor. The team was 8:11.5, More than Trial for dadhunds at the Central 5. 'Paul Phillips; Major League director Gene De- Richardson and Raibuck walked be- fifty schools participated. The dis- Jersey Beagle Club grounds, Ferry 6. Tom Hend'rickson; Bfcvss has announced tivat the season fore Tony Fittiipaldi grounded back 13-14, Qualifiers: tance medley team and sprint re- Road in 7. John Hendricksou; will open of nidi ally witih a ceremony to tine pitcher. L/aughery of St. More Sports Y Swimmers In Fred Conroy, Keith Deen, Pete lays did not place. to take place at Gumbert Park at Demarest, Tom Hull, Mike Keenan, 8. Scott Mason; Mary's was plagued by wildness, 9. Robert Picut; This year the Devils will be strong- 10 a.m. opening day. Town and LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS walking four in seven innings. He Mark Klinger, Bob Shanazarian, Joe League officials and the league's 41 Next Page Central Meet Wilson. Side Horse: est in the middle distances. In the BRING RESULTS struck out three. 3. Robert Picut; 440 Tom Fenncll and Byrne will try sponsors will be present as honored The YMCA Central Atlantic Area Relay Alternates: Horizontal Bar: (o gain points, Byrne was indoor guests. Boys representing each of Championship swimming meet is Wayne Hoffman, Dave Morgan, 1. Duncan Brown; .Group IV champ in the 880. McQuade •Ifae six leagues will attend. The cere- mony will be followed by an Ameri- scheduled for Saturday, at the Uni-Pete Ozimek. 3. Scott M'ason; and Tim Rub will help him in this can League game with the Red Sox versity of Maryland Poo], at College 15-17, Qualifiers: John Ackerson, 4. John Hendrickson; event. The Devils also have 'four Mike Brooker, Gordon Clark, Mike playing the Yankees. All players OUR 23rd ANNIVERSARY SALE Park, Maryland. 5. Tom Hendrickson; strong runners in the mile and tiwo Condrillo, Franz Haney, Jay Hof- and their parents are invited. Westffield Y swimmers who have Floor Exercise: mile, Brown, Murray, Hick Calvert, facker, Pete Meyers, Jeff Neubeit, •and Steve Coate. Brown holds the qualified for the participation, by Jon Perkowski, Geof Ramsden. 3. Duncan Brown; surviving the preliminary elimina- 4. Scott Mason. school record for the two mile. GOLF/BALL CENTER tion contests are (By age group): Relay Alternates: Greg Gerber, Still Rings: UKl'AIItS Roy Hull, Jim Wescoat. The Devils are also respectable HERE'S THE TIRE SALE YOU'VE WAITED FOR 9-10, Qualifiers: 2. Duncan Brown, iu the field events. Shot put has four . Tab Burnette, Chris Guzik, Gary Intermedtete Division: competitors in Rich Ley, Chuck \ Levitt, Ray McDaniel, Bill , Parallel Bars; Matt, Denny Lawson, and Bob Tom Weigley. Memorial Shoot 4, John McHug'h. Macaluso, Ley Lhrew 50 feet during Relay Alternates: Horizontal Bar: the winter. Senior Jcfl Griesemer is Glen SmiLti, Rob Naulty. Saturday at Park 5. John McHugh. shooting for the school record in the 11-32, Qualifiers: The 16th Annual Memorial shoot StiU Rings: javelin. He threw 188' OVfe" as a SERVICE junior. The record is 202'4'/a". Ma- Fred Bonner, Dave Butler, Scott at trap and skeet will be sponsored /. John McITugh. GOLF I'HIDK IiiHtnlled Douglas, Norm Swenson, Mark dii'd conducted by the Union County This was John's first year of com-caluso is [he top hand in the discuss. <;itii'K WOODS Vojnoska, Wayne Whitty. Park Commission at the trap and petition in this age group. Jack Wilson will hold down two Relay AHernates: skeet grounds, located in Lenape Senior Division: Horizontal Bar; spots in the jumping events, in addi- THE GOLF SHOP Kev. Crossin, Jay MacDonald, Joe Park, off Kenilworth Boulevard, 2. Reinbart Struzyna. tion to being the top pole vaultcr, U.'44 l'liiliilhld An-., Scotch Plains Perkowski, Todd Ruppert. Cranford, on Sunday, at 2:00 p.m. Still Rings: he is trying the "Fostoury flop" in 232-1748 4, Reimhart Struzyna. the high jump. Rich Bruder is an- TUPK. to SJI*. 8t»O A.M.-5 P.M. CIONCII Mon, Even. l>y Appointment ft was Reinfoart's first year of other top high jumper. Carleton competition as a senior. For a Complete Dinner and SAVE Essex Troop Show Or a Snack... Set For Next Month Prize lists and entry blanks for UUISLLI U Giant Submarines the annual Junior Essex Troop of Cavalry Horse Show are now avail- able, according to Francis Tirrell of 515 SOUTH AVE. (on Circle) 232-9781 OUR GOOD FOOD Scotch Plains. The largest fixture for junior riders in the nation will MAKES NEW FRIENDS take over the Troop Farm in Plea- sant Valley Way, West Orange, May WE WILL DEL1M FfiOM 7 TO 10 P.M. OSLY 2, 3 and 4. trade m P"c everyday After just one meal here, you're lovv Bonow Running OPEN 7 DAYS —9 A.M. TO 10 P.AA. you btif sure to become a stead/ custo- At Lehigh mer! Our taste-tempting dishes Senior Bob Bonow of Westfield is 2 Additional Parking Lots ... See Map are everyone's favorites! a 440 yard runner on Lehigh Uni- <&$& versity's track team which opened NOftTH AV&. BUY its season yesterday at Delaware University. Spec AND SAVE STATION •ignsd and SOUTH AVE. conttrucltid for today TrttlMa BlMhwdh TidnhM WMtmfc M. performance UI itriitlM m iHTWi 2*4 Tin MTIti d Ham, HiiNKfaii 1ltrPKHfnj? 1.30 A* 2;. ltm\j*t JSiM-r, SWIHS NO MONEY DOWN...MONTHS TO PAY...DRIVE IN TODAY! .1, sn:riAf(- ir. 1.30 .fin ' oi ihown ot FirwtoM Storfi, Cofnp«titfv«iy priud at Fir«ton* Dtaltrt end at all itrvict itaiion) displaying tht Firtitont If Lstfirhnij-s Iwi vi* it I hat t h*.1 first 4. srf'HIf.— 1M Thru ^7 l>fH«-uiiUnii«'fl pj T c]w*r t" ihniw 'L <-urv<; WK.S Wil- Hunt, S;ilnmIT 2M. S%\IHM Clin TaidToppe/u liam A. (t'nuily) ''uminiii^M in 1Ki;7. Tf, f'ciMkroni ami ,!»O rir Thr < 'iufin uuf i \l*'t\ Kiorkiii£i"tf \v*'n- •SO OPEN MON.f THURS. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. L'M- fi r^t a ll-j>r<»fVt*sion;-il t ciun arid • * • * • |1 7- TII rltry in ]fct*:» tlu-y pEuyc'd (M K**»I « wilh- TUES., WED., FRI. 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. With snug fitting elastic collar that rint a lf*ss. Tin* st;i ruktrrl ln\M of t h •• H. riirr*** .7.* .10 n.'iiHc, fir II .70 ,3K 1 IK Tumi Tish . , s;mn-- si'/f ;UMI wHtflil, still th' rul*% • ^ h • • r - • • » AW .45 'Mh Turin Vlsh, SATURDAY 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. IfK !U>loun;i ;IIMI i'\ HAND/CHARGE holds firmly to your foot through u-as julojitf-d in lS'rJ.. Thf lirst rRtr-li- .1)0 ,43 11, ft^kn^t Ile^'f ntifl .80 er's Mi;isk wits wnrn in 1S 7 Ti - Tli e IHII and C the busiest day. 1 w 1 I.7O 1 h rrr-.'st rik* rul* was pui nil lit* •t Tomailo, b<>nk>; hi I NST and tli»- fciur-tn* 11 1.00 M Support up-under-yourfoot - - • • - Am .is The IH'KR—Corned Hoof, Thr tinst tpwm hasM^n, we know ^^'•»«» ***** »"•• MM) ,5ft where you need it most. !lM Turkor 70 .81 EXTRA NARROW li"'tu"f-n Hi' K"?n-'kfrbuckery and the 15. Ttirkt-y A: Kullpfl H;im J.-15 -7-% Thf III rillJSS— Virginia N't- w ^ ork Xiiif. IU. Uon>t Jti rf ;infl ffnm, floiiHt Ho^r & WIDE HniJcfl If fi nt I,r> #7S At SnrTir AVKNI'K MriTDItS. ::•;:. 17. Pc-nerfini* IIINIIMI If a in Ilres- A v \i 1 f i. •SJ BROKiN IN FROM THE VERY FIRST STEP. i li iptTH I ra i j. li t ; IS. ,\ *• >*•[ I. i .s: TThe tai;—forrioH UV ;i rf I in- A HUTi- ) iji :i _\l r 't • »r^ i ii ufi ra nt Turk*--* anil S 1.70 XT of Westfield, Inc. off.ft"- • nt si Tin- UI l-:i-2\"—f'oriHMl or \ iriztnU* 11 Jim, S YOUR AUTHORIZED FIRESTONE DEALER t ;i r" in^p'-^'t ion WELL All Near Inspection Sitifiori Next to South . A&P ¥1/ Wi t< iityti , with \\al\-to- 343 South Av©v East 232-1 169 6, Broad it., Westftef d iff vf-nt'titiu1- h the frtitot trotti the TTIF, WIOTFTTCU) (N..T.) LKAPF-U, THURSDAY. AVU]L in, IHfifl OFF ANW i by John I. Day S( llvv on Duly isl, is ,n i|)i'mlii>r ni Hie J\i- Spring Sports Schedules Cowling Resull s AJr KurL'i'.1'. At aiitf KJIII£ AH his nrriviil in VitMninn, Im uHi U) I'^lin AMi, Ma, SENIOR HIGH Mny Lai*; Show S^l. Mii-li;ifl J, Si-iliT, son of Mr. Tlii? .soi^oant is a \lM\ ^nuli Computer 'I' M* 1—-Tiny ton w •- JMJIICS \.i TJ mix . > . , t 1^1 and Mrs. F. Kcilcr, 'ir>!) ol" W<\sl.rit'!(l Senior High School. [i uf J'j' Afoot JO ::7 Vur>- ViMJ« I 7 Z;ilj:jjr*wli v, I)* 14 Crove St. is on duty nt Piwin Hunt; 1 BASEHAIX •Minimi A WAV fl J JILs vviii:, Niincy. is I In. "And it nmkos a humming Hip|" M , * *1'i I Kinn/nk 'ill 4^i •ihiion i Ui.vii<; ;i tfivf* -uid raein^ vrrnrd I *N|intrl)ulili'H 1" , Vittnam. of Mr, nnd Mm. Merrill If. April • I'M i HUM HlKli A WAV 4 IK) Round" in Urn refrain of i\ pop* in Hit; planning of. hia rri« II >•' \U lii Hi1*-*'!! . . . 1 . ! ' R« 'fi4 Sellw, an ndniinlslraiivc ol Nurthlielil. 10— TIOMIC •Urn-. LlvliiKHtun noli M: :S•1(1 ulur son ftabou t nKttr'hmakinj? ," accurdin^ to John F- 1 'npn-illu piP.stMit time the eom- ^^—Uuv. TilvlllKHf oil IKH.MI-: 1 »(!!(; It. H'tViiHItimt, 2(MI-rr!J; ,(. ltn\v< j'UhiiH.Ji, jU'KiiMin.i IIOMW :i •Ifi u well-udvorliHfMl ioj f.'m jiroducu tin* p£?di^j"ec*f 24—ir? I IO,MR .'..Mi; It. (Vli-nniN, .'.I'li; (,'. Miuii-lln Currenily "making u hum- jariu^ j'ccnrd firifl other vitul Mill; M|, NMimnKV, JilJl. SAUNA J-1OMW 11 Fabettcs A NEW CONCEPT IN FITNHSS, HEALTH, AND RELAXATION A WA V June fioiind is a computer in Klsil intif-H on 1157,1100 V&. Thoj- Mny the Luxinf^ton, Ky. ItoHo:uTh iHJjrhbied.s, and it is beiiif? fed Mi- il M» rlict 7lM,i J" TOR MEM AND WOMEN 7 — druilp CllfMtllJldlKHhl Pin" lJp~Girf8 1 •JofforHon AWAY Center of The Jockey Club which additional data on uyery Thor- ,|nl!.v TruJIcy V,s AUTHENTIC FINNISH SAUNA BATHS G —Mtuhj <711:i,itijj111JiH 111-1 W I, jnay one day bo used by breeders oufchhied registenMl in thn TLS- SWEDISH MASSAGE S 1IOMR of Tiioroughbrods in the .selec- and Canada Binco 1927. "Soon ununmui i\i % \Vl) June even a Stakes winnor, but it will , .,-. .j Jtiiinliitnit, 2\-i—r»Jil; .Sully HOUSE OF SAUNA certainly save the breeder a imports or exports Thorough- One of rhe Fines! and Cleanest Httaltli Spa5 to be found anywhero AWAY April breds*" Kennedy said. All weekday at 3:-lG; great deal of time spent on pedi- Mfsli(illu ,, . 1,11/4 70 '/is 605 King George Rd., Fords, N. J. nicy KIMIIQH at 2:00 Ifi—Tliiih .way V KIMMM*: MINIMI UOHH, R13. 17—rf 'run fonl Early Birds Tel. 324-1515 GOLF H0M15 2G oll; A W1A Y Merchants Handicap April ti O""—O L ns (J'ark) AWAY W C'liwHinim r.ii r»7 1 G-HR.nh.vvay HOME Mny H—Dayton Regional A WAV .Tolly Ti'tHoy 'Ill 21—iPlainl'loia KOMJ3 ,1 — RnHPllG HiivriH I* & If 45 Kf-iTllinr-ilt :")lii£. TilH/j (i—'Itiiti \v:iy 24— Phiffpy J-TOMH HOM"J3 Tmvne l>*'li ..,.,,. 4\ 1 T.—lUitiuironl (TJillni(Te) AWA-lf Stuurtti t'linsl. C!o. II 28—Colonln AWAY 1U—-Scotch J'IIUUH (l';irU) Air (*IIII. . ., 41 -t(J Jto-ti'h fil ife ii\% Here comes lill—(Si-otch I'lii'iJiH (TGITII H'cXVI'lfl 4S MfKh Kcori.*: Nonnln Clark, 22.1, VJ—Gov. (Jjlvlngwton HOMI3 -111 May J2IIU A W A Y .Tm-'s \V;it(;r H»rI . . . itS •rniii Wmy, 'JUKI; Audit;/ KciLli, 27—Ljimluji (Soohl) AWA Y Arlhur Stcvcnn .... ?!"* LT2 I—Scotch Plains HOME ill IKII Sean's: AT. 1 Itiil UH, 20S; H. B—Hillside HOME H'HIIIII, ^:\"-2O4—(Mil; ,f. CiLponn, 2211; 8—Onuiford A. WAY June T. PiMii'ii, ^'); Cl. Ciivvnn^-rM', 21.*!; .T. 1;2—.Watch miff championships 2—R-osello Catholic HOME Cheerio, 21^; R. Ayrcs, 21'1; W. HOIJ- Slonchenge Baltusrol G—HIllBlde iiiHon HOP; .f. lit linns. liur>: H, Welch, w i* VV. Schuboi'L, aoo; .1. UiurunL, aaO. Novncf;k 39 ,10 lli—West Orange RAWAY All i at 3:4 5. Good Will Ambassador •20— :M in big half gallons £11—JMonlcJolr JdJOMai rriiii-LiriM 35 y,\ —Roaelle Catholic AWAY «Htfield I'Vu-d .. -17V. S3 June R.-rhar-fcr's DiMiffs 2—-CranfforAll uiatched s at 3:45, HOME May KolclifoM I'uiitJur: .0 47 Galuxy Diner G4 for New Jersey TENNIS i2—Watchung Hills AWAY I R. JCoeuecke, 501 6—Union, HJOMJD J. 50J. Aid Cancer Benefit April D—Gov. Livingston 1IO-M03 11—West Oranere HOaVTB It2—Suotch Plains AJWAY IVeighborhood Robert F. Ardrey of 1596 Radley 15—Summit HOME M—Summit HOME Ed., Henry Rohrs of 119 East Dud- IS—^Scotch Plain* HOM.R IS—John Adams Jr. AWAY Powell •. 5 21—Johnson Regional A.WAY 32—Plainfield AWAY G. Arnuto ley Ave., and Arthur Fried of 623 23—Hah way AWAY AT, 26—Plngry HOME '27—Civwiford HOMH Wiandelt Kensington Dr. are members of a 2-9—Rahway PGC Women Hold Correction y 29—Union AWAY AWAT F NeJson lit) committee planning a special gifts 37 4] May All meets at "3:4(5. Corbott .. dinner to benefit the Union County Opening Luncheon In the account'of the award din- Share 8fi 42 1—Crawford HOME ner for the YWOA Porpoise swim- unity of the American Cancer So- 6—'Mountain Lakes HOME iJ HOME The opening luncheon Of the Wed- ciety. The event will be held Apr. HIT GALLON 7—tilnden HOME ROOSEVELT JR. H.S. mere last week, the followaiig names KIchiiorn, Sr 30% 47V- 9—(Hillside AWAY nesday Ladies Golf Group- of theof recipients of ibest swimmer lh ftoorps: Depl:inquet 21S; 17 at the Winfield Scott Hotel, Eliz- 1.2—Cli r(stlan Bro thers AWAY BASEBALL (Plainfield Country Club was held at, 21211; Thiiirn, 21G; J, abeth. 14—(Columbia swards were inadvertently omitted: ^02 IB—Plainfield HO.ME April the club last week. Chairman Mrs. Susan Kitager. of the "A" team 10—Dayton Regional HOME F. X. Dwyer introduced golf pro Bob 21—G-ov. Living's ton AWAY and Nancy Hugger, Ann Knakora 23—Montclair 1G-—Rose-lie Catholic HOME Benning who reviewed the services 2li—County Tournament —Kenilwortii AWAY and Susan JobsDn of the "B". 2G—County Tournament —Union (Kjawamech) HOME of the golf shop and the rules of 29-^.State Tournament Princeton -Hillside HOME 3D—State Tournament Princeton golf. Repeats were heard from the — State Tournament Princeton May secretary, Mrs. G. Maxwell Morse; Slide Competition TRACK 2—Plalnfleld (Maxoti) HOME ithe treasurer, Mrs. Cornelius Hag- 5—HIllMido AWAY ere; sunshine committee, Mrs. Wai- PlairaPield Camera Club will April 8—JJ--lnde2i (McManus) HOME meet Tuesdiay at the Fanwood 10—Sootcsh Plains (Terril) AlWAY Mam F. Bott; and tournament chair- 12—St. Jo soph Relays Mont vale iG—Plainfleld (Maxon) AWAY Branch of Platofletd Trust Sbate Ii5—.SomervMle HOME 4:00 HOME man, Mrs, Clarence M. Chase. Mrs. 20—Gfoy, tiivingBton AWAY National Bank to view a Photogra- L7—Cranford HOME 3:45 23—Union (Kawameeh) HOME George Lyneh announced the dates 27—Scotch Plains (Park) SAVE 20% TO if V 19—Highland Park Relays phic Society of America cotor slide 29—iDiayton Regional for twilight golf. Scotch Plains Weekday grnnes at 3:45; Satur- competition. Those in Class A may One of the largest selections of M—'Rahway AAVAY 3:46 day'^ at 10:00. After tlhc luncheon, a fashion show, suibtmit tlhree Glides and those in 20—(Penn Relays featuring items available ait the golf Class B four glides. traditional shirts in the East. umpires need not be the father or shop, was introduced by the assis- The 30th annual exhibit of the Umpires Needed brother of a bt>y participating in tant golf pro, Ron Johnson. Models PMnfield Camera Club will take R«fl. 5.95 to 7.95 each fOf $1 it- With the the Boy's Base- the program. Nor is considerable were clufc memibers Mrs. Banuce pDace Apr. 21-i24 in the new ftlain- 32-36 Sleeve ball season less than two weeks u nvp i r i n g experience necessary. Malcolm, Mrs, Hanry A. RichaMl- •field Library. There will be a' se- away, Jim Fenbafcas, direotor of um-Adults or younig men over 16 years son, and Mrs. G. Maxwell Morse. ries of exMbitions and slide shows. f World's Lightest Scotch ever to be pires, h as issued a plea for volun- ai age who are willing to lend a FIELDCLUB teers to serve as mrnipires for thehand are urged to contact Mr. Fer- bottled in Scotland doming season. He • stressed that takes at 233-7830. 307 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD AP 3-0248 ,.._•.-<'. ,< - •. - - ^ u#r *^» < • •.' NfW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY BLENDED SCOTCH . 46 r THE JOS CARNLU ED, NEW TOHK, H V, C 1HI Summer With A Purpose !'«uZ," Sun., April 13-2 P.M. to 4 P.M. •t OREIN VALLIY RESTAURANT, \vaction of Rout* 3S •nrf 1013 Washington Avo., OMEN IROOK, N. I, ALL FAMILIES Keep the Investment in wMi boyi ag«i 9-15 Incluitv* are Invited . . . Buffot . * > 8IId« «•• • Uarn about our AdlvlHw In th« Snnic Highlands of th* Hudson, 55 .'I miUt north of N. Y. C. ALL AMERICA CAMP OF NYMA All iporti/ professional coaching • • • fop faellltlM ... 3 pools • • • Your Home on the "Up" Sidei opprovod study ova Ha bit • , • 4 and 8 mk MSIIOM* Evory boy • playtf. NYMA CAVALRY CAMP Export riding programs with lumping, drills, mounted trips on milti of woodland trails ... A horse for ev«ry boy. An asphalt paved driveway adds much value ACADEMIC SUMMER SESSION R«ifdtnt boyi, Orados 5 to 12. Accredited eounot for mako-up. Romadlal Math and Languag* skllli. Superior Faculty, Recreation. to your property—yet costs so little. Call us today CATALOGUES AVAILABLE Write or Callt NYMA ADMISSIONS DIPARTMIMT, 40 Campv* Drive, for an estimate at YOUR home. Cornwall-On-Hudfon, N. Y. I MM -

:&}<*'. >! i- ' I-

"1969 Membership" •tfi

i- WATCHUNG LAKE CLUB 'V.: The reasons are in Bolens WESTFIELD FANWOOD OVER '-.-. ^ - Difference Designed Features WATCHUNG, N. j. MOUNTAINSIDE - : .• •- .. ,-*••* r:- PLAINFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS 54 YEARS CRANFORD Two models, both with recoil start and Bolens A Private Family Swim Club exclusive center pivot steering >fc Dual speed GARWOOD CLARK range for two forward, two reverse speeds ^ Open Till Labor Day (Mode! 914) 5 hp, 14" inside turning radius, 28" Huiband and Wife . . . , $85.00 SERVICE cutting width %r (Model 915) 6 hp, 16" inside turning radius, 32" cut %r Attachments available Husband, Wife and One Child $100.00 for year 'round versatility Each Additional Child . . . $10.00 FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Initiation Fee, First Year . . $10.00

For additional information Call 467-0470 John H. McDonough, Pres.

SPECIAL! Residential and Industrial Paving

L .-::;*E-:*>K5<:M.:.:.y.',«. LEFT OVER UNITS FROM LAST YEAR L' I.'IL • • i • - WITH MOWER Driveways—Curbing — Parking Areas from $395.00

FORD TRACTOR Complete Baar Wheel and Frame Straightening • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING Wm. A. PARKHURST & SON GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING HrtAKR SERVICE — CARBIRKTOU & ESTABLISHED 1915 STORR TRACTOR CO. WHALEN'S GARAGE 102 MILL LANE MOUNTAINSIDE "fattr" 469 SOUTH AVE.V E, WESTFIELD 232-7000 400 W0BTM AVI 233-1738 I'm;.- K TMK WKSTKlFi.O (N.J.t I,i:AI)K», TIIIWSDAV, APRIL 10, 10IJ9 -• 4 ^ v - Kxliibil of Painlin^s Name Thompson Local Students Elected COIIIHIOII Injures Mrs. Exhibits Itv Blanche Holland Sorority Oflieei'H Two Loral Drivers Al MojiU'luir Hlale Oil paintings by Mrs. •Scotch I'IHIIIN—(Inmnin Siijma Ch Scotch Plains anw Itnhh \\ 1 Mrs. Janit'p Mct/.^i ]* ol' llulland of CrnnlVd are being Jrn- sst. Secretary Mtrorily al Union ('olh'Me, Ciiu in ;IM (H'i'U.lcnt. lust U'';i(!iH-siI-;iy nl- lured Lintil Apr, 11 al the Plainfield ha.s elected Mi.s« latittn ill. Uu.ssi i.s oiu.' (jf .si'vrrid M.A. cnntliflati'.s in Ici'iKion ;il Si. ]\I;irk'is inn! Simiii IMI- fiii« art.s whosu wwk will be fwi- on March 2\i \\w foiimliilinn con- Hassnian Aw;ir«l«* for Scholars1' — a Carl W. Thompson of Scotch limns Montclair State I'olleftc. The d'is- rt\si- pt'ct HI. wilih lior husband and three ty oi'jLfiiniKnlions, hiLsincsscs, and in-•parents live ;it it Shady Lane, re- ;i Sifinia Chi i.s om« of ninu bikoii IK Ovorlook llospllnl, Summit, Plains — Tho Scotch Summer, Ghost Town, The Pawn- clenl. organizations on the Union for Irnntomml of iH'nist.s find lnci'i'a- children. A yratlunLo of KufDalo Klate dividuals interested in donating .sep- ceived the Army (.'omniendiilion Me- broker, Bird's Eye View, Spring Univoivsity College, she Ivns InuffM in iPI;iifiH-K;iinvfi(ii«in(l high .school seniors and gi . S. Lisk, Mrs, Richard Luster, •the Citizens Advisory Committee to Summit Art Cantor, Art Centre of former M. Patricia Ryan of New- son of Mr. and Mrs. William Tron- ro-cluuted Vehicles. Jol)n L. Mohn and Mrs. A. J. Sy-•Uic Board of Education. t'he ranges, Wcvst'field Art Associa- ark, moved to Scotch Plains in lfXJfi. co Sr., 2658 Mountain Avo., was as- yci'tsen. Scholarship awards are tion, Plain-field Ant Association, and Tiiey have two children, John C,, 3,signed last month to the 32nd Artil- inade on the basis of financial Lieut. Wilkinson the Traiiside Art Show, winch she •and Grace Marie, 2. The Thompson lery near Tuy Hoa, Vietnam, as a it cod, sehokirefoip, character, serv- Iiulilule To Oiler headed up for many years. Her family resides on Newark Ave. cannoneer. ice, and pmiisc. Assigned lo Georgia work has also been on. display at the New Programs SCOTCH PLAINS - Charles H. Hall of Art Gallery in New York ...VOUZL BEDOUAXS/ttf£A0f City. Three additional two-year pro- Wilkinson IIII, son of Mr. and Mrs. Primarily a self-taught artist, AMBITIOUS grams will be offered in September C. H. Wilkinson Sr., 1271 Cooper 'Mi\s. Holland paints with her left at Union County Technical Institute, •Rd., has been commissioned a sec- hand. Her work is realistic and her • WOMAN 1776 RariLati Rd., Scotch Plains, it ond lieutenant upon completion of subjects are varied. i tu Iwirn finil was announced today by Dean Rich- the U.S. Air Force Reserve Officers tviu*h tin* MM'rrtN of pro 'Mrs. Holland is president of Aca- k ard Phillips. Training Corps program at Drake imikt'iii* 1iw>liiih|Hi K, Also demic Artists Inc., which is a di- TIM TO MOVE MI Imvc HIII ill I liiiKiiM-Ns of your Two of these, dental hygienist and University. IHVII. Cull <'Oll*>c< lot \ril Ht-IntuHli rect outgrowth of the former Trail- TWIN BELL IIHS-JtKlU or lrrlte, lnvl. medical labortory technician, will Lieutenant Wilkinson also received no. enlarge the existing paramedical de- side Show. She is a member of the his B.A. degree in business. WcsUield Art Association, Cranford partment which already houses den- The lieutenant is being assigned ALARM CLOCK tal assisting, medical assisting, and Creative Art Group, and the Scotch TOWNSENP VIVIANE WOODARD lo Warner Rabins AFB, G»a., forPlains-Fanavaod Art Aissociat'ion. F Small, Compact, Perfect for Traveling licensed practical nursing. The duty in a unit of the Air Force COSMETICS third program, electromechanical Logistics Command. You save a "whole" lot technology, supplements previously Konyha Commissioned riiin Kii-nr AVK., KOO.M t;m established courses in chemistry, Lieutenant Wilkinson is a 1964 of trouble"— when you Reg. $5.95 \i:\V YOIfK, XMW TOltK KHM7 delta processing, electronics, and graduate of Wayzata (Minn.) High At Fort Benning use our moving service. drafting. School. Scotch Plains — Paul P. Kony'ha Jr., 23, son of Dr. and Mrs. Paul P. We guarantee safe de- Reg. $1.39 Konyha, 2231 Edgewood Terr., was livery by expert moving commissioned an Army second lieu- tenant after graduating from the In- men ... fast service.. . ANACIN fantry Officer Candidate School, Ft. Benning, Gfl., Jan. 25. reasonable cost. Call us During the 23^week course, he was for a free estimate. trained in leadership, tactics of small infantry units and use oi in- fantry weapons. He also received instruction in map and aerial pho- tograph reading, guerrilla warfare and cuunterinsurgency operations. He received his B.A. degree in ALLIED economics in 1967 from Washington LOCSKU £* LONG DISTANCE /t&MA#*<7 ^ and Jefferson College, Washington, 2-41 NORTH AVE /%w,WESTFlELD AD2-4464 NIX-NAP Pa. He is a member of Phi Kappa ANTI FATIGUE & ALERTNESS TABLETS Psi fraternity. SAFE PROLONGED ACTION WHITEWALLS f

\ FULL 4-PLY NYGEN* CORD t(Nygen5 Is General's patented process nylon cord). IS YOUR LAWN WEARY?

You can easily tell. If blades look limp—have no vibrant, deep-green color—your lawn Is low in life- BREAK THE SMOKING HABIT y.v sustaining plant nutrition—it's tired. It'll get wearier, WITH too, unless you do something about it. Weeds will • NIKOBAN move in. Your lawn will fade away an front of your ' Reg. $2.98 eyes. AGHICO

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JATO SUPER-100 Ail Weather GOLF BALLS • Duralon cover for SPORTS JACKET

long, cut-free life r Special • Energized "PB" J price! center gives great L. BARTEU FARM BOULEVARD GARDEN CENTER KRAUTTER'S, INC distance • Perfect jacket for & GARDEN SUPPLY DRUG STORE, INC 604 Boulevard 265 South Ave. • Uttra-high-tonsion spor!s fjns. sturin 140 Central Ave. winding 3for $133 Kenilworth Fanwood [*i • Rainproof, Clark USE OUR REAR ENTRANCE FROM TOWN PARKING LOT Limit 1 Doz. Vinyl 1 doz. for $5.25 • In yefiow safety color Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat. Only NO CHARGES OR DELIVERIES ON SALE ITEMS MOUNTAINSIDE MEEKER'S GARDEN CENTER STEUERNAGEL'S NURSERY We reserve the right to limit quantities. PAINT & HARDWARE 1100 South Ave. West 240 Springfield Ave. 860 Mountain Ave. OVER 1 MILLION PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Wesffield Mountainside Westfieid at SOUTH AVE. & CSO55WAY PL., VVE5TFIELD 243 E. BROAD ST. (Next to Towne Car Wash) 233-77i0 OPPOSITE RIALTO THEATRE Open Daily 8 to 6; Mon. & Tlwrs. S to 9 p.m.; Sat. 8 fo 5 BUY FROM TUDOR HARDWARE BUY FROM CASH ONLY ON SALE ITcMS THESE AREA 405 South Ave. THESE AREA PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS v-vi-J •>*< DEALERS DEALERS Wesffield Phone tvw 2*6680