LINKS Project by Joseph Hedges
[email protected] Edit Assists by Melanie Montagna Ashcan Cover Design by George Sellas I THE WILDSTORM ORAL HISTORY PROJECT *NYCC Preview Edition* Thank you for checking out a sample chapter of the upcoming Oral History book of WildStorm Studios! Over the last 18 months, I have interviewed 74 creators associated with WildStorm- Writers, Artists, Colorists, Editors, and Executives. These interviews are all being carefully compiled and edited together so as to tell WildStorm’s history by the very creators that lived it. Most fans know of the beginnings of WildStorm via the creation of Image Comics, but what happened after those first million-seller books launched? You’ll find that out and more! If you like what you see, be sure to follow the progress of the project online and be ready for great tales of- *Rockstar tours and signings in the high-flying 90’s! *Secret Origin stories of WildStorm’s best creators! *Formation of the industry leading WildStorm FX colorists! *The early days and hijinks of WildStorm’s interns who would go on to become fan-favorite artists to this day! *Cliffhanger! America’s Best Comics! Heroes Reborn! *The sale of the studio to DC Comics! *Expanding to licensed properties and working on the DC MMO RPG! *Attempted reboots in the 2000s and the closing of the studio in 2010! II Chapter X: The End of the World 2007 saw the beginning of a new and ambitious status Quo for the WildStorm Universe of characters.