Meeting Paper For West Coast Tai Poutini Conservation Board


AUTHOR: Mark Davies

SUBJECT: Status Report for the Board for period ending 12 July 2017

DATE: 21 July 2017


This report provides information on activities throughout the West Coast since the May meeting of the West Coast Tai Poutini Conservation Board.

MARINE PLACE – South Westland has engaged a contractor from Canterbury University to carry out data entry and analysis with information gleaned from the survey of the Hautai Marine Reserve, which was carried out in March 2017. This work is well underway with data entry completed and updated into the database; and a Hautai report and a West Coast Regional report nearing completion.


The West Coast monitoring team completed possum monitoring in Arawhata and in the Whataroa valleys. The Arawhata was a post operational check of possum numbers to ensure the operation met its target of 5% or less RTC. Monitoring found an RTC of 3.6% in areas that were treated and therefore the operation met its targets. The Whataroa trend possum monitor found an RTC of 6.6%. The Whataroa has an aerial operational trigger level of 15% RTC and is expected to reach the trigger level by 2020.

Powelliphanta superba harveyi (Nationally Endangered) snail monitoring on MacKay Downs found live snail numbers to be there lowest since 1996 (at 0.48 snails/100m2) and well below the long-term snail recovery goal of 12 snails/100m2. Introduced predators such as possums and rats are thought to be the biggest threat to the snail. This survey found that while they contribute to this decline, most snail shells found were whole or with signs of weka predation. Powelliphanta “patrickensis” (Nationally Endangered) monitoring on the Denniston plateau found a decline in the absolute number of snails, but the trend was not significant due to the high variability in the dataset.

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 1 PLACE

Planning Resource Consents received, Concessions/Permissions, Management Plans

Two one-off concessions were completed for filming with a drone in Kahurangi National Park and still photography on the Heaphy Track.

Two District comments completed for collection and exportation of mosses, and another to collect and export grasses for fungi.

One affected party approval for a stand-off pad.

Visitor Management

Community Involvement/Initiatives The Karamea Area School are working with rangers to increase the biodiversity at the mouth of the Oparara River. The local farmer has donated a section of land which the school has fenced off and are planting to help create whitebait habitat. A nursery has been established at the school for the project. DOC has delivered several talks to the students on whitebait and geographical history of the area.

Species Management Ongoing trapping in all rivers of the Oparara whio security site is being completed by contractors and DOC staff. Trap line maintenance and weight testing has been completed in the Ugly river. Further trap line maintenance is scheduled in the coming months.

Animal Pest Control Recent rodent monitoring results have reduced the size of the proposed Battle for our Birds 2017 operation. Only the Heaphy and coastline will now be treated, due to insufficient rodent densities to warrant action, in other areas. Tracking tunnel lines for rodent monitoring were run in the Oparara area.

Oparara Goat Control, hunters spent 30 days hunting, from the Kohaihai to the Oparara Arch with 21 goats killed. Additional operations will revisit the site around August including pig control towards the Heaphy.

Heaphy Over recent years pig observations in the Heaphy River and coastal strips has increased. Pigs often predate snails and search the forest floor for worms causing vast damage by digging up large areas in a short space of time. Hunters will be deployed to search these sites.

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 2 Weed Pest Control • Aerial eucalyptus control in the Oparara basin. • Aerial pampas control along coastline between Kohaihai and rivers. • Gorse control at McCallums Mill road. • Ginger and Pampass control in Arapito. • Ginger control Kohaihai. • Pampas control Karamea Estuary. • Search for Old Mans beard Karamea bluff. • Marram grass control north Heaphy coastline.

Habitat Protection Nothing to report

Fire Nothing to report

Monitoring Nothing to report

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 3 KAWATIRI PLACE


RMA, Concessions/Permissions, Management Plans

A one-off concession was completed for filming with a drone.

Five District comments completed for guided MTB tours, filming with a drone, guided fly fishing, collection, export of beetles and weevils, and undertaking kea research.

Four affected party approvals for gold mining, coal mining, stream correction works, gravel extraction.

Visitor Management

Community Involvement/Initiatives Buller Conservation Volunteers spent a day undertaking historic maintenance at Denniston. Another day potting plants at the DOC nursery and planting 110 native species at the Tui Delica Reserve at Tauranga Bay. A day was also spent planting and releasing previously planted natives at the bays at Charleston to work in with the Corrections project.

The Buller Conservation Volunteers have undertaken to revegetate the headland at Tauranga Bay and make it predator-proof to enhance the little blue penguin habitat as well as creating additional habitat to help reintroduce lizards to the area. They spent two days cutting trap lines and placing 20 traps for a new trap network around the headland. They have planted over 300 native species and several tracks have been cut to create access for more planting and additional traps.

Corrections have been undertaking work at Charleston doing weed control and mowing the grass at the bays. They have ‘adopted’ the area and are regularly doing work to increase the recreational values of the bays.

Buller High School students spent two days with a ranger planting natives along the walkway, and learning about the recreational and biodiversity values of the Cape and Tauranga Bay.

Predator Free 2050 is gaining traction with rangers in direct contact with six individual groups who are setting up trap-lines around the District. There are twice that number of individuals operating on their own and rangers are slowly linking in with these.

Rangers are involved with the new MenzShed and members will be building traps for the Departmental trap library to be used for upcoming projects and encouraging their members to build their own traps.

SGS sponsored 20 new traps which were placed in a trap-line along the new Buller Cycle Club cycle-way from the Floating Basin to Kawatiri Beach Reserve.

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 4


Species Management Rangers planted Charleston gentian’s along Charleston coastline (75) and at the Tauranga bay security site (20), as part of the recovery programme.

Animal Pest Control

South Mokihinui Goat Control, DOC hunters spent 60 days hunting, from the Mountain Creek to the Upper headwaters with 105 goats killed, with aerial control removing additional goats.

Hunters reported at least 6 pairs of Blue Ducks were consistently observed in the Upper sections around Granite Creek, a Great Spot Kiwi was observed in the South Mokihinui Prescription area and other kiwis were heard calling at night.

The Department acknowledges the support of the Mokihinui Lyell Backcountry Trust, who also provide hunting effort in and around the Old Ghost Road track and margins. A total of 17 goats were killed by staff and volunteers and an additional 25 goats killed by aerial hunting.

Weed Pest Control Pampas grass control at Millerton. Escallonia, Rhododendron and Nardus strica control at Denniston.

Monitoring Nothing to report

Fire Nothing to report

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 5 PAPAROA PLACE

Planning Resource Consents received, Concessions/Permissions, Management Plans

One affected party approval for gravel extraction.

Visitor Management

Community Involvement/Initiatives Predator Free Truman (Truman Track and Hartmount Place) are active with 19 traps and have spurred other community members and business owners at Dolomite Point to start Predator Free Dolomite Point. Rangers have attended several meetings and assisted with creating the project. The traps will be built by the MenzShed in Westport and then put out and maintained by the community. They are creating a trap-line to protect the seabirds at Dolomite Point and then will look at expanding the traps towards the Paparoa mountains. Predator Free Dolomite Point are looking to showcase the new technologies from ZIP by using automated trap sensors.

Species Management Burrow survey and occupancy counts have been completed at three Westland petrel colonies, with Te Papa researchers and the West Coast Penguin Trust. The remaining colonies will be surveyed by departmental staff in summer.

Animal Pest Control

Paparoa National Park Planning for the Battle for our Birds 2017 North Paparoa operation is making good progress. As part of this process, 12 new tracking tunnels lines were installed and made operational at the Four mile, Mount Bovis and Pororari.

Punakaiki An assessment and collation of data from all past surveys and monitoring programmes has been untaken for targeted species e.g. Great spotted kiwi, Whio, Long-tailed bat etc. This work will guide future monitoring planning targets.

A two-day workshop was held at Charleston to review the 1992 West Coast Cave and Karst Management Strategy and Operational Guidelines. This is currently being re-written to bring it up to date with current information; a draft is expected to be completed within the next year. Attendees were primarily DOC staff and members of the NZ Speleological Society.

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 6 Weed Pest Control • Tradescantia control undertaken on the Coast Road at the Barrytown end of Croesus Track. • Gorse control in Bullock creek. • Gorse and blackberry control at CVNZ. • Wandering jew control at Nikau scenic reserve.

Habitat Protection Nothing to report

Monitoring Nothing to report

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 7 INANGAHUA PLACE

Planning Resource Consents received, Concessions/Permissions, Management Plans

District comments were completed for:

One access arrangement for alluvial gold mining

Three District comments completed for a grit shed in Lewis Pass, guided mountain biking, and an easement for a water pipe

Two affected party approvals for river protection works and an access arrangement on LINZ land for alluvial gold mining

Visitor Management • The Lake Christabel track has had a 5 year vegetation maintenance cut • Lake Christabel Hut and swing bridges have had maintenance work completed • Lake Daniell Hut water tank stand was replaced • Murray Creek bridge replacement is underway

Community Involvement/Initiatives Friends of community group have been repainting and restoring structures in the Waiuta township area and have completed over 150 hours of work over the last year.

Historic • Re-piling of the Historic Barbers shop at Waiuta is underway.

Species Management

Surveys for threatened non-migratory galaxiid fish species undertaken in the Upper River and Caves Stream. Northern flathead galaxias and dwarf galaxias were recorded at several sites. Te Maruia Goat Control, Contract hunters spent 420 hours (42 days) hunting, the Station Creek area, with 77 goats 2 Red Deer, 1 Feral Pig and 4 Chamois killed. DOC aerial control succeeded in removing an additional 16 goats.

Lewis Goat Control, DOC hunters in May / June spent 50 days hunting, around the south side of State Highway 7 – . These efforts have not encountered any goat sign, further efforts this year will focus on the upper Jacksons headwaters and the northern faces of the Blue Grey River and Lake Christabel.

Te Maruia Stoat traps were checked in Te Maruia Waka Huia site - low numbers of stoats and rats were caught.

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 8 Weed Pest Control DoC weed control staff have undertaken annual Holly control in the Maruia Valley and Douglas Fir control in Caves Stream.

Search and control of crack willow was completed along the riparian margins of the Alfred River in the Lewis Pass reserve.

Fire Nothing to report

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 9 MAWHERA PLACE

Planning District comments were completed for:

Four access arrangement and annual work programme applications for alluvial gold mining were processed

13 District comments completed for aircraft landings, an easement for an access track to Ngai Tahu logging blocks, guided fishing, commercial eeling, three research and collection permits, gravel extraction, guided mountain biking, a WARO permit reissue, a permit for activity for NZ Defence Force and a one-off permit for filming

Three affected party approvals (RMA) for alluvial gold mining, an application to discharge waste fuel which was declined and construction of a slipway at Cobden Bridge/Bright St

Visitor Management • Tutaekuri hut has had general maintenance carried out • No other major work carried out since last update

Community Involvement/Initiatives Field trip with Kaniere School 18 students (5 y/o) +plus parents and teacher to learn about clean water and search for fish and invertebrates.

Historic • Jim Staton retired on 30th June after 52 years of service to NZ Forest Service & DOC. His service was acknowledged at send-off function in Hokitika on the same day. Jim will be returning in a few months to tidy up some Heritage assessments under a short-term contract. • Brunner Mine Site officially opened on the 1st July as ICON site • St Kilda track at Brunner Mine Site has been upgraded to bring it up to standard for the ICON site opening. • Brunner Mine Site walk has had improvements on the directional flow to bring it up to standard for the ICON site opening

Species Management The Paparoa Wildlife Trust have continued monitoring juvenile kiwi reared through their Operation Nest Egg programme in the Paparoa Range. Annual transmitter changes on these birds are nearly complete and they are doing well with at least two birds paired up with wild kiwi.

Animal Pest Control –

Waikiti / Haupiri Tahr Control, Contract hunters undertook a search in the known habitat area killing further 4 tahr, follow-up aerial control succeeded in destroying an additional 4 tahr (3 males, 1 female), from that encounter 4 other tahr were known to escape into the forest (2 females, 2 Juveniles).

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 10 Gloriavale Tahr Control, Contract hunters undertook a second search of the local area killing 2 tahr, follow-up aerial control is planned July / August.

The combined results 2016-2017 in the Waikiti / Haupiri and Gloriavale sites = 18 (male / female) tahr have been killed.

The figures below show the total kills to date for each site.

Waikiti / Haupiri (as at 28 June 2017) 22 males 11 Nanny’s 2 Kids 3 Juveniles Gloriavale (as at 28 June 2017) 6 males 5 Nanny’s 0 Kids 0 Juveniles

Roaring Meg Goat Control – Contract hunters undertook 14 days of Goat Control in the Roaring Meg and killed 48 goats, 1 Chamois and 1 Deer.

Paparoa Wildlife Trust continue to maintain their network of 1300+ stoat traps set across ~8000ha in the Roa/Blackball/Roaring Meg and Moonlight Valley’s. They continue to catch good numbers of stoats and rats. Monthly checks also undertaken on stoat traps in the Pike Valley by DoC crews.

Monitoring Beech seedfall monitoring and small mammal indexing work undertaken in the Roaring Meg.

Weed Pest Control Localised search and control for Ginger has been undertaken in and around Greymouth township. Control of Tradescantia at the entrance to Croesus Track in Barrytown and along the highway toward the Fourteen Mile, where it threatens to impact private property from within PCL. Some basal bark chemical application for crack / grey willow control was undertaken in the Paroa Wetlands. Annual pampas control programme for both aerial and ground was completed.

Habitat Protection Cobden Wetland - Inanga spawning was identified alongside artificially dug channels where the area has become a top-quality habitat for the species. Now that channel development is completed there has been a handover of the project to CASRA for ongoing weed control maintenance and planting by volunteers under their direction.

Fire Nothing to report

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 11 HOKITIKA PLACE

Planning Resource Consents received, Concessions/Permissions, Management Plans The District has received three resource consent applications two regarding gravel extraction. Fifteen concession applications have required Hokitika District input (with two being one-off permits) and two pre-application meetings have taken place. Research and collection permits for scientific research, guiding or event concessions featured the most within these applications. One variation for a mining access arrangement and 5 annual work programmes were also received.

Visitor Management • Undertaken ongoing maintenance work to front country tracks. Visitor numbers remain high at the Hokitika Gorge track during this winter. Completed upgrade work of muddy low-lying sections along the Mananui/Westland Wilderness Cycle Trail. Removed hazardous trees on the Lake Kaniere Walkway/Mountain Bike Track.

• Started construction work, replacing Scotty Cableway (Taipo River) with a new 3/wire bridge.

• The rec team have done a great job brining visitor assets (huts tracks structures) up to the required standard as outlined in the National Recreation Historic Performance Report.

Community Involvement/Initiatives Staff have been involved in a freshwater fieldtrip with Kaniere School at Dorothy Falls. The children learnt about what lives in the stream and found an eel. The District also have been involved in a Green Team meeting with other businesses in the Hokitika area to work together to make Hokitika more sustainable. The Team is planning initiatives to encourage or educate people on being more sustainable through a variety of channels. We have a page on Facebook, have run a movie educational event and have more events planned in the future.

Historic – • Ongoing work completed on the Kaniere Water Race Walkway, Mananui Walkway and Ross Historic Goldfields. • Building team carried maintenance work to Historic Cedar Flat Hut and Prices Flat Hut. • Plans are underway to bring the Mahinapua Creek Railway Bridge up to standard for pedestrian/cycle use as part of the Westland Wilderness Cycle Trail.

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 12 Species Management

Whio/Blue Duck In earlier reports it has been mentioned that Doc is in the process of creating captive whio for the Central Southern Alps Security site. This is progressing well and we are hopeful that three pairs have been formed thus far. The plan is to release their offspring into the wild instead of collecting and rearing wild clutches for release, which is a more expensive and time-consuming process. Later in July, we will be releasing spare birds that were part of the flock mating but did not form pairs back into the security site.

Animal Pest Control Northern Exclusion Zone 1 Tahr Control, no inspections undertaken this period

Weed Pest Control Nothing to report

Fire Nothing to report

Windblown Timber Nothing to report

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 13 TE WAHI POUNAMU PLACE

Planning – Resource Consents received, Regional and District Plans, Management Planning

Visitor Management Ongoing track maintenance has been completed on the following front country tracks: Harihari Coastal Walk, Wilberg Walk, Roberts Point, Callery Gorge, Sentinel Rock, Franz Josef Glacier Track, Ōkārito Trig, Pakihi Walk, Lake Matheson, Gillespie’s Beach, Moraine Walk, Minnehaha, Ship Creek, Lake Ellery and Wharekai te kou.

The toilets at Gillespie’s Beach are currently being upgraded and will provide a more pleasant visitor experience and better cater for the number of visitors to this site.

Ongoing land stability issues at Knights Point mean that the viewing platform that was closed has been removed and we will continue to monitor the stability of the site.

The interpretation panels on the Ōkārito Trig viewing platform are being updated and should be replaced in the next few months.

Middle Head Hut in the Moeraki catchment has had the open fire replaced with a multi fuel burner.

Work to improve the Fox Glacier Access by lowering the gradient of the final section is back underway now that visitor numbers are low, with several days of drilling and blasting rocks.

Community Involvement/Initiatives The track over Strutt Bluff in the Landsborough Valley has been cut and marked by Permolat Southland. A late entry into Seaweek due to tides, Don Neale and Rachel Norton led Haast School children and parents/helpers/whanau on an exploration of Ocean Beach, Jackson Bay/Okahu, learning how marine life survives in a changing environment.

Haast ROAR campsite inspections were taken out on the Jerry, Hackett and Awarua roar blocks.

Michael McMillan is now officially part of the Community Team in South Westland. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge on native plants, experience in conservation management and a deep-seeded passion for working with volunteer groups.

The Tatare Stream Cycle and Walking Track extension from the Medical Centre to the local Primary School is effectively complete. The final top gravel is in place and all that remains to be installed are gates or bollards at the track entrances. A final walk-through with Franz Josef Community Council representatives was carried out on 8 July 2017.

The La Fontaine Stream Restoration Project has succeeded in finishing off the first two milestones: the creation of an access track and the stock-proofing of an adjoining fence. First instalment of DOC Community Funds to be released soon.

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 14

RMA, Concessions/Permissions, Management Plans:

Processed 2 one-off filming permits and in the midst of processing 1 additional one-off permit.

Completed 7 site visits (include bach inspections, grazing inspections and possible concession variations) and District Comments for 4 research and collection applications, 2 aircraft applications, 1 guided application, 3 hunting applications and 5 grazing renewals.

Held two pre-application discussions.


Regular maintenance work was undertaken on the Ōkārito Pack Track, Callery Suspension Bridge, the Harihari Coastal Walk, Hendes Hut and Gallery, Gillespie’s Beach Cemetery and Miners Tunnel. The Haast-Paringa Cattle track has been an ongoing mission for the summer, with the track now 95% scrub-cut.

Work to stabilise the Landsborough Valley Rangers Hut was undertaken in May, with new piles and bracing being a focus.

Species Management – Rowi - 80 adults are now being monitored for the upcoming ONE season. The first nest has been detected and the first egg will be lifted on July 10th. A number of birds with failed transmitters have been re-caught, and some new previously un-known birds are now being monitored, ensuring a good mix of new genetics.

A rowi was found dead on the North Okarito road, having been hit by a car.

Haast tokoeka Transmitter changes have been completed in anticipation of the breeding season. Most birds will be monitored in situ, however there are 10 birds outside of the Haast sanctuary who will be monitored for ONE.

Orokonui ecosanctuary, which is a kohanga kiwi site, has detected a tokoeka chick on their trail cameras, which is the first confirmed breeding in the sanctuary.


A kea was found in Whataroa by a local farmer, which subsequently died at Massey Wildbase. It was found to have been shot with a slug gun. As it was likely to have been shot and flown onto the farm where it was found, it is difficult to know where it had come from.

Weed Pest Control A trial to determine the effectiveness of a new herbicide AquatholK to treat the aquatic weed Lagarosiphon was conducted in Lake Ianthe. The results will be carefully monitored over the next few months. This trial will allow an assessment of the feasibility of continuing treatment or if eradication is possible.

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 15 Animal Pest Control The ZIP aerial 1080 eradication trial has completed the first two pre-feed operations of phase one of the trial. Upon the application of the first toxic cereal pellets, which is imminent, phase one will be complete; with an intensive monitoring regime already commenced. Phase two; comprising a further two pre-feed operations followed by a second toxic operation will be carried out. Phase two’s operations will be followed by continued monitoring to determine functional extinction of targeted species (possums and rats).

We have currently deployed 860 A24 traps within the Haast Tokoeka Sanctuary to enhance the 910 DOC200 that were deployed late last year. We are waiting for some additional tracks, to be cut, to infill some gaps and extend the network. Once these tracks have been completed we would expect to have a network of 1200 A24 traps. We are also looking at the option of putting in a 10km track on the true left of the Waiatoto which would add another 100 A24 traps to the network. We have just completed the first round of trap checks since the A24 trap deployment. Several mice and rats were observed under the A24 traps in addition to some stoats caught in the DOC200 traps. High numbers of kills are not expected to be recorded under the A24 traps as carcases may be scavenged.

Goat / Tahr Control No Goat control undertaken this period No Tahr control undertaken in Management Unit 2 due to ballot hunters

Visitor Centre Statistics Haast Visitor Centre Numbers May 2017 to June 2017: 7393 vs 7169 visitors for the same period last year Franz Josef Visitor Centre Numbers May 2017 to June 2017:

RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Board notes the information in this report.

Mark Davies Director, Operations Western South Island

DOCCM-3086168 - Status Report July 2017 16