Assistant Professor of Classics • in Yale University



!.. BELOCH, J. - Der italische Bund unter Roms Hegemonie - 1964 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Leipzig, 1880 2. TäUBLER, E. - Imperium Romanum I: Die Staatsverträge und Vertragsverhältnisse - 1964 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Leipzig, 1913 3. THÏELING, W. - Der Hellenismus in Klemafrica - 1964 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Leipzig, 1911 4. FRANCOTTE, H. - La polis grecque - 1964 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Paderborn, 1907 5. FRANCOTTE, H. - Mélanges de droit public grec - 1964 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Liège et Paris, 1910 6. FRANCOTTE, H. - Les finances des cités grecques - 1964 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Liège et Paris, 1909 7. MILLER CALHOUN, G. - Athenian Clubs in Politics and Litigation - 1964 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Austin, 1913 8. CANTARELLI, L. - La diócesi italiciana da Diocleziano alla fine dell'impero occidentale - 1964 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Roma, 1903 9. PIPPIDI, M. D. - Autour de Tibère - 1965 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Bucarest, 1944 10. DE SANCTIS, G. • Atthis - Storia della repubblica ateniese - 1964 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Torino, 1912 11. BELOCH, J. - Campanien - Í964 Ristampa anastatica deÜ'edizione Breslau, 1890 12. BERSANETTI, G. M. - Studi sull'lmperatore Massimino il Trace - 1965 Ristampa anastatica deÜ'edizione Roma, 1940 13. CREES, J. H. E. - The Reign of the Emperor Probus - 1965 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione London, 1911 14. KESSLER, J. - Isokrates xmd die panhellenische Idee - 1965 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Paderborn, 1911 15. CARDINALI, G. - Studi graccani - 1965 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Genova, 1912 16. REINHOLD, M. - Marcus Agrippa - A Biography - 1965 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione Genève, New York, 1933 17. CLAUSING, R. - The Roman Colonate - 1965 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione New York, 1925 18. PLATNAUER. M. - The Life and Reign of the Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus - 1965 Ristampa anastatica dell'edizione London, 1918 19. CICCOTTI, E. - Processo di Verre - 1965 Ristampa anastatica deÜ'edizione Milano, 1895 20. MILLER CALHOUN, G. - The Business Life of Ancient Athens - 1965 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Chicago, 1926 21. CALDERINI, A. - La manomissione dei Liberti in Grecia - 1965 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Milano, 1908 22. COLIN, G. - Rome et la Grèce - 1965 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Paris, 1905 23. THOMSEN, R. - The Italic Regions - 1966 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Copenhagen, 1947 24. PORALLA, P. - Prosopographie der Lakedaimonier - 1966 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Breslau, 1913 25. HAMPL, F. - Die griechischen Staatsverträge - 1966 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Leipzig, 1938 26. BRECCIA, E. - II diritto dinástico - 1966 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Roma, 1903 27. OLIVER E. H. - Roman Economic Conditions to the Close of the Republic - 1966 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Toronto, 1907 28. WELLES, C. B. - Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period - 1966 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione New Haven, 1934 29. FRACCARO, P. - Studi Varroniani - Í966 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Padova, 1907 30. JASHEMSKI, W. F. - The Origins and History of the Proconsular and the Propraetorian Imperium to 27. B.C. - 1966 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Chicago, 1950 31. HOWE, L. L. - The Pretorian Prefect from Commodus to Diocletian - 1966 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Chicago, 1942 32. GUIRAUD, P. - Les assemblées provinciales dans l'Empire Romain • 1966 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Paris, 1887 33. CHAPOT, V. - La frontière de l'Euphrate - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Paris, 1907 34. CHAPOT, V. - La flotte de Misène - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Paris, 1896 35. CHAPOT, V. - La province romaine proconsulaire d'Asie - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Paris, 1904 36. CASTIGLIONI, L. - Studi întomo aile storie ßlippiche di Giustino 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Napoli, 1925 37. MISPOULET, J. B. - La vie parlementaire à Rome sous la République 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Paris, 1899 38. HOMO, L. - Essai sur le rème de l'empereur Aurélien - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Pans, 1904 39. AYMARD, A. - Les assemblées de la confédération achaienne - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Bordeaux, 1938 40. FRACCARO, P. - Il processo degli Scipioni - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Pisa, 1911 41. FRACCARO, P. - Studi suU'età dei Gracchi - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Città di Casteîlo, 1914 42. BAKER. G. P. - Sulla the Fortunate - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione London, 1927 43. LOYEN, A. - Recherches historiques sur les panégyriques de Sidoine Apollinaire - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Paris, 1942 44. LIEBENAM, W. - Städteverwaltung im roemischen Kaiserreiche - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Leipzig, 1900 45. GROAG, E. - Hannibal als PoUtiker - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Wien, 1929 46. GSELL, S. - Essai sur le Règne de l'Empereur Domitien - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Paris, 1894 47. ZEILLER, J. - Les origines chrétiennes dans la province romaine de Dalmatie - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Paris, 1906 48. ZEILLBR, J. - Les origines chrétiennes dans les provinces danubien- nes de l'Empire Romain - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Paris, 1918 49. PABIA, P. - Sources de Tacite dans les Histoires et les Annales - 1967 RUtampa anastatica deU'edizione Paris, 1898 50. RADET, G. - La Lydie et le monde grec au temps de Mermnades (687-546) - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Paris, 1893 51. VON SCALA, R. - Die Staatsverträge des Altertums 1 - 1968 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Leipzig, 1898 52. ROSTOVTZEFF, M. - A Large Estate in Egypt in the third Centiu7 b.c. - 1967 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Madison, 1922 53. LAMBRECHTS, P. - La composition du Sénat Romain de Septmie Sévère a Dioclétien - 1968 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Budapest, 1938 54. CARDINALI, G. - Il regno di Pergamo - 1968 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Roma, 1906 55. HENDERSON, B. W. - The Life and Principate of the Emperor Nero 1968 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione London, 1905 56. HENDERSON, B. W. - The Life and Principate of the Emperor Ha- drian - 1968 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione London, 1923 57. HENDERSON, B. W. - Five Roman Emperors - 1968 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Cambridge, 1927 58. LACOUR-GAYET, G. - Antonin Le Pieux et son temps - 1968 Ristampa anastatica deU'edizione Paris, 1888 59. CHEESMAN G. L. - The Auxilia of the Roman Imperial Army - 1968. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione Oxford, 1914. 60. BELOCH J. - Die Bevoelkeruûg der griechisch-roemischen Welt - 1968. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione, 1886. 61. CLOCHE' P. - La restauration démocratique à Athènes - 1968. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione Paris, 1915. 62. CREES J. H. E. - Claudian as an Historical Authority - 1968. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione Cambridge, 1908. 63. FALLU DE LESSERT C. - Fastes des Provinces Africaines - 1969. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione Paris, 1896-1901. 64. POPE, H. - Non-Athenians in Attic Inscriptions - 1969. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione New York, 1935 65. POPE, H. - Foreiçiers in Attic Inscriptions - 1969. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione Philadelphia, 1947. 66. BONNER R. - Lawyers and Litigants in Ancient Athens - 1970. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione Chicago, 1927. 67. BONNER R. - Aspects of Athenians Democracy - 1970. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione Berkeley, Cal.. 1933. 68. LAQUEUR R. - Der jüdische Historiker Flavius Josephus - 1970. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione dessen, 1920. 69. LAQUEUR R. - Epigraphische Untersuchungen zu den Griechischen Volksbeschlüssen -1970. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione Berlin, 1927. 70. LAQUEUR R. - Quaestiones epigraphicae et papyrologicae selectae - 1970. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione Strassburg, 1904. 71. DUM G. - Entstehung und Entwicklimg des spartanischen Ephorats - 1970. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione Innsbruck, 1878. 72. FORQUET DE DORNE C. - Les Césars africains et syriens et l'anar- chie militaire - 1970. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione Angers, 1905. 73. BARBAGALLO, C. - Il problema délie origini di Roma - 1970. Ristampa anastatica delVedizione Milano, 1926. ROYAL CORRESPONDENCE IN THE

HELLENISTIC PERIOD Ristampa anastatica delVedizione New Haven, 1934

Soc. Multigrafica - V.le Quattro Ventl • 52/a • Roma TO


M. I. ROSTOVTZEFF This Book is Affectionately

Dedicated. PREFACE

Xhe letters of the Idn|s of the Hdlenistic peiiod are interesting for their content and for their language. In both fields they are primary historical sources. They show the Hellenistic states as they actually functioned, their administrative and diplomatic dealings wim subjects and with oiSdals and occasionally with neighbors. They are not the products of historians \vriting for posterity and interested according to their bent in suppressing either the iawrable or the unfavorable aspects of their subject. Their authors were the principals themselves, concerned of course with presenting Öieir actions in a ^vorable Ught but occupied only with the execution of a particular design. They deal with details and they are avowedly biased, but their bias cannot extend to obscura- tion of the transaction. By showing the administration of details, they make it possible to see behind the generalities of political historians and to form a conception of the Hvins conditions wimin the Greco-oriental kingdoms of the heirs of Alexander. The language of the letters was the spoken language of the Helle- nistic courts. Their rhetoric is not the rhetoric of a historian with literary pretensions but the cultured speech of the educated class, adapted to tbe epistolary form. The period which they cover, the last three centuries B. C, saw the development of the Koine, the "common" Greek which superseded the old dialects and spread as the medium of communica- tion throughout the Mediterranean world and the Hellenized orient It arose as the language of the common people, soldiers and merchants. The aristocracy, both Macedonian and Greek, tended naturally to pre- serve the dialect in which it had been educated; for the former group as for a good part of the latter, this was the Uteiáry Attic of the fourth century. The royal letters show the progressive intrusion of "common" soimds and idioms into the court speech of the chancery, slowly in Per- garoum, more rapidly in Syria and Egypt, as the innovations of the people became gmdually accepted as good usage. The present collection includes only^ those royal letten which were inscribed on stone in or on islands in Asiatic waters. This limitation is based partly on principle, partly on convenience. It can I think be defended, although a definitive study of the subject will have to include also letters from other parts of the Hellenistic world as well as letters quoted in the writings of Josephus and oilier historians. With the latter, however, there arises in many cases the question of authentidty or of accurate transmission. The former, which include a few inscriptions fit>m Macedonia and Greece and a considerable body of inscriptions and pap>Tus texts fix>m Egypt, differ for the most part in one fundamental respect from the body of Asiatic letters. They are primarily administra** tive texts, addressed to state officials. They belong, in tiie main, to the field of business rather than of diplomacy. For these reasons, I have >^ PREFACE felt justified in postponing treatment of the other royaj letters to a future occasion, especially as the present texts, as treated, seemed to constitute a volume of suiiBciently large dimensions. The present study began as an investigation into the vocabulary of the letters. The material embodied in the Appendix comes, in lai^e part, from a dissertation accepted in 1928 by the Graduate School of Yale University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. That investigation showed that both the text and the interpretation of many letters would repay further study. The result has been an inversion of my original plan. The historical analysis of the letters has become the body of uie work and the linguistic material has been divided between the Introduction and the Appendix. My Investition of the letters was greatly facilitated by the opportu- nity of spending the academic year 1930/31 in travel. Due to the kmdness of Yale University in granting me a Sterling Fellowshh>, which was supplemented by some additional funds and by a Grant oithe American Council of Learned Societies, I was able to collate the text of such in- scriptions as are preserved in the museums of London, Oxford, Pans, Berlin, and Coi^tantinople, and to consult the collections of squeezes in the Academy at Berlin and in the Archaeological Institute at Vieima. I am indebted to the directors of all these institutions for their unfailing courtesy in affording me every facility for work. I wish to thank also Mr. H. B. Walters of the British Museum, Dr. W- von Jenny of the Mu- seum ftir Völkerkimde in Berlin, Professor J. Keil of Greifswald, and Drs. J. Zingerle, F. Miltner, and O. Gottwald of the Archaeological Insti- tute in Viexma for assisting me in procuring photographs of certain texts and for giving me permission to publish them herewith. The present work owes its origm to a suggestion of Professor M. I. Ro- stovtzeff, and the historical part h^ been written with his assistance and advice. My debt to him will be apparent to all who are familiar with his methods of investigation, and I can express only feebly my appreciation of the time and patience and learmng which he placed without reserve at my disposal. Professor A. M. Harmon supervised the writing of my dissertation and has read through the present msmu- cript. I sm indebted to him for numerous suggestions botii as to details and in general matters of treatment. His advice has been particularly valuable on points of grammar and style. I have in addition received assistance from a number of scholars, for which I am very grateful. Pro- fessors E. H. Sturtevant and F. J. Stephens of Yale University have contributed to points of Indo-European or Semitic philology. Professor Walter Petersen of the University of^Chicago has advised me on a question of Greek noun-formation. Mr. Edward T. Newell, President of the Ame- rican Numismatic Society, has pointed out evidence from the coins for the late Seleudd empire. Professor Adolf W^helm of Vienna, in addition to other kindnesses, devoted an entire afternoon with me to the restoration of the text of 9. M. Franz Curaont, and tiie late M. Maurice Holleaux, whom I never met pereonally but who showed the kindest interest in my project, made it possible for me to study in advance of publication the texts of 45 and 75. I am indebted also for valuable suggestions to Pro- PREFACE ix fessor Ulrich Wilcken of Berlin and to Professor £. R. Goodenoi^h of Yale. M. Louis Robert of the École des Hautes Études in Paris, and Dr. E. E. Bickermann of Berlin have read much of the work in proof, and I am deeply indebted to them for their criticism. May I m conclusion acknowledge the courtesy of my publishers, the Yale University Press of New Haven and the Kond^ov Institute of Prague. C.B.W. New Haven, Connecticut, TABLE OF CONTENTS








1. PALEOGRAPHY. A. The Alphabet xlvi B. Arrangement of the Text liii C. Punctuation and Diacritical Marks liii D. Abbreviation liv E. Syllable Division Uv F. Engravers* Mistakes Iv

2. SOUNDS. A. Vowels. a) Dialectic Differences Iv b) Elidon lix e) Crasis lix

B. Consonants. a) Dialectic Differences Ix b) Assimilation Ixii c) Nu Movable Ixiii

3. INFLECTIONS. A. Declension Ixiv B. Conjugation ^ ...... Ixvi OONIENIS

4. SYNTAX. A. Case 'IzñS B. Number hâ C. PZOOOUDS ...... w...... 3ñK D. Tlie Aitide ; In £. NnmeralB btx F. TheVob. •) Tense kz b) Fbàtt Moodt hzi cj Voice im 4) Tlie Infinitive faczñ $) The Particqde bom G. Pri^xisitioiis. èssô ., :...., , • hou fee bimi lEopd , .-...., boEm OUI ,...,.,,...,....,.,,,., bcñv feuS boiv peni bodv ÜW bsv Ar . ', bŒv dç Ixm JfQoç .-.•.... bacvñ wnd ,,., .,...-... boLviH bó . . .*. •...... ,,•-.. .. , bcDZ met . , . . lux MQ hopá BUÇ ....,.,,.....,.,,.,,..,, booo fannrao ...,...... ,....,,,,,, |ir^^ H. Conjunctions.

Iwo . . . fasxñ 5AOç -...•...... -.«,...... !••••" Antitheses ....1...... I^niîî I. Paurtídes .,...... ,,...•,,,., 1TíTI?IFH Negatives .-.., , buuîv ¿ Word Order boaav 5. VOCABULARY . bow

6. SUMMARY. A. &OQie Elenients ...... :,,..,' xcm CONTENTS îtiîî

B Elements Derived from the Old Dialects, 1. ^onic xcvii 2. Attic .... i . xcviii 3. AeoUc or Doric xcviU C. Barbarisms xcvîii

TEXTS.1 1. Letter of Anfígónus to Scepsis. 311 B. C 3 2. Letter of Antigonus to Eresus. About 306 B. C 12 3/4. Letters of Antigonus to Teos. About 303 B. C 15 5. Letter of Seleucus I to Miletus. 288/7 B. G 33 6. Letter of to Priene. About 285 B. C 40 7. Letter of Lysimachus to Samos. 283/2 B. C. 46 8. Letter of a Hellenistic king to Priene. 3rd cent. B. C 52 9. Letter of Seleucus I and Antiochus to an official. 281 B. C . . 54 10—12. Letters of Antiochus I to Meleager. About 275 B. C. . . . 60 13. Letter of Meleager to Ilium. About 275 B. C 69 14. Letter of Ptolemy n to Miletus. About 261 B. C 71 15. Letter of Antiochus 11 to Erythrae, After 261 B. C 78 16. Letter of Eumenes to the army. About 260 B. C 85 17. Letter of Antiochus II (?) to . About 255 B.C 88 IS. Letter of Antiochus II to Metrophanes. 254/3 Bi C...... 89 19. Letter of Metrophanes to Nicomachus. 254/3 B- C 101 20. Report of a hyparch. 254/3 B. C 102 21. Letter of Ptolemy 11 to Cos. Before 250 B. C. . . 104 22. Letter of Seleucus II-tQ Miletus, About 246 B. C 105 23. Letter of Eumenes to Pergamum. Before 245 B. C 110 24. Letter of Altalus I (?) to an official 115 25. Letter of Ziaelas to Cos. About 240 B. C 118 26. Letter of Seleucus 11 (?) to Cos. About 240 B. C. 125 27. Letter of Ptolemy III to Cos. About 240 B. C 129 28. Letter of Attains I (?) to Cos, About 240 B. C . 131 29. Letter of Attains I (?) to Mylasa. 228—223 B- C 133 30. Letter of Ptolemy IV (?) to an official. Late 3rd cent. B. C. . . 136 31. Letter of Antiochus III to Magnesia. About 205 B. C 141 32. Letter of Antiochus the son to Magnesia. About 205 É. C. . . . 142 33. Letter of Ptolemy IV to Magnesia. About 205 B. C 143 34. Letter of Attains I to Magnesia. About 205 B. C 144 >) For the remains of a letter of Antigonus to Mytilene see Introd., p. xxxviii, n. 6. xiv CONTENTS

35. Letter of Theodorus and Amynander to Teos. 205—201 B. C. . 152 36. Letter of Antiochus III to Anaximbrotus. 204 B. C. 156 37. Letter of Anaximbrotus to Dionytas. 204 B. C *. . . 163 38. Letter of Antiochus III to Amyzon, 203 B. C 165 39. Letter of Antiochus III to the army. About 203 B. C 169 40. Letter of an official (?) to Amyzon. End of 3rd cent. B. C. . . 171 41. Letter of Antiodius III to Tralles. About 201 B. C 172 42. Letter of Antiochus III to Ilium. Early 2nd cent. B.C. . ... 175 43. Letter of Antiochus III to a city. Early 2nd cent. B.C 177 44. Letter of Antiochus III to an official. 189 B. C 179 45. Letter of Seleucus IV to Seleucia in Pieria. 186 B. C 186 46. Letter of an Attalid king (?) to Priene. 2nd cent. B. C 188 47. Letter of Attalus to an official. 185 B. C. . 190 48. Letter of Eumenes II to Temnus 194 49. Letter of Eumenes II toa Carian city. 182 B. G 197 50. Letter of Eumenes II to Cos. 182 B.C 202 51. Letter of an Attalid king to military cleruchs. 2nd cent. B. C. , 205 52. Letter of Eumenes 11 to the Ionian League. 167/6 B. G. ... 209 53. Letter of Eumenes II to the Guild of Dionysiac Artists at Teos. . 219 54. Letter of Attalus to Amlada. About 160 B. G. . 237 55/56. Letters of Eumenes 11 to the priest of Cybele at Pessinus. About 163 B. C 242 57—59. Letters of Attalus to the priest of Cybele. Before 158 B. C, . 243 60/61. Letters of Attalus II to the priest of Cybele, After 158 B. G. . 244 62. Letter of Attalus n (?) to Ilium 253 63. Letter of Orophem^ to^riene. About 157 B, C 255 64. Letter of a Hellenistic king to Nysa. 2nd cent. B, C, . . . . . 26Ö 65. Letterof Attalus II to Athenaeus. 142 B. G 265 66. Letter of Attalus III to Cyzicus. 135 B. C 266 67. Letterof Attalus III to Pergamum. 135 B. C 267 68. Letter of Attalus III to Hieracome in Lydia. After 138 B. C. . . 273 69. Letter of Attalus III to Hieracome in Caria. After 138 B. G. . . 276 70. Letter of a king Antiochus to Euphemus, inclosing a memo- randum from the royal journal. Late 2nd cent. B. C.(?) . . . 280 71. Letter of Antiochus VIII (or IX) to Ptolemy IX Alexander. 109B.C. ,...... ,. . 289 72. Letterof Antiochus VIII (or IX) to Seleucia in Pieria. 109 B. C. 290 73/74. Letters of Mithridates to Leonippus. 88/7 B. C. , ' : . . . . 294 75) Letter of Artaban III to Seleucia on the Eulaeus (Susa,). A. D. 21 29^ CONTENTS tv


INDICES. I. Gods and Goddesses 379 II. Religious Sites, Associations, and Festivals 379 III. Kings and Dynasts and their Families . 379 IV. Other Persons 380 V. Geographical Terms 381 VI. Months 382 VII. Greek Words 383

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Facing page I. Letter of Lysimachus to Priene (6,11. í—19) 41 II. Letter of Seleucus I and Antiochus to Sopater (9) 55 III. Letters relating to Aristodicides of Assns (10—13) ..... 60 IV. Letter of Antiochus 11 to Erythrae (15,11. Ï—26) 78 V. Letter of Antiochus II (?) to Ephesus (17) 88 VI. Letter of Antiochus III to Amyzon (38) 165 VII. Letter of Antiochus III to the army (39) 169 VIII. Letter of Antiochus III on the appointment of a chief- priest at Daphne (44) 180 IX. Letterof Eumenes Ilto Attis (56,11. 3—12) 242 X. Lettersof Attalus II to Attis (57—59) 243 XL Letterof Attains II to Attis (61) 245 XII. Letter of Orophemes to Priene (63) 256 LIST OF WORKS CITED BY ABBREVIATED TITLE

Histories, Hisiorieai Studies, asd Books cf General R^eretwe»

J. Beloch, Griediiseke GesdààOa. Vol. IV, 2»! ed., Beriin^L^iz^ 1925—27. H. Berv^ Dca Alexandenaeh (o^ pro^^grapiáséher OnasUi^. Mmrfch, IS26. E. R. Sevan, The Hoass qfSekaees. 2 vols., htmàaa, 1902. £. R. Bevan, A History ^ Egypt tmàer the Ptokmaie £^tta^ (Sir Flinders Pétrie, I&imy t^Eg^i, val TV). London, 1927. P. Boesch, QHOQÔSt Untsrsuehmgj^ir^aa^lie^ied^sdierFestff. t&a. ^eaàhïSGQ. A. Bouché-Leclercq, Histuire des Lagides, 4 vtds., Paris, 1903—7. A. Boncbé-Leclerq, Histoire des Séleaàdes, Paris, 1913/14. E. Breccia, R Diritto Dtmstieo neUe Monarebk dei Sueeessori d'Akssm&o hSo^ (G. Beloch, SixiM di Storia Antíea, IV). Rome, 1903. K. Buresch, Aus I^fdtea, ^grc^^asefi^^^c^thisehe BsU^fS^Oe. Mmûdi, 18^ Cambridge Ataient History, ed. J. B. Bury, S. A. Coo&, F. B. Adcoek, M. P. Charleswortti. C^bridge, 1924 to date. G. Cardinali, // Regno di Pergamo, (Belocb, Stadi, V). Rosne;, 19(fô. E. Cavaignac, Histoire ds PAaüguité, VoL IXI, Paris, 1914. D. Cohen, De Magistratibus Aegyptns externas Lagabnan Regtá Prooinâas adaâ^ ttisttantihm. *s Gcavenhage, no date. P. CoUomp, Reckerdtes sur la Ckancelierie et la Dîplomatiqas ébs Leudes (Pu- bHcoHons de ta Faculté des Lettres de fUraveràU de Strasbourg, XXIXJi. Stsass- bmg, 1926. G. Corradi, Studi EOerásáa. Tarin, 1^9. xviü LIST OF WORKS CITED

F. Cum ont, Fouilles de Dmra-Europos. Paris, 1926.

C. Daremberg, £. Saglio, Dtctionaire des Araiguités Grecques et Romaims. Paris, 1877—1919.

J, G. Droysen, Gesckickte des Hellenistmis. 6 vols., 2nd ed., Gotha, 1877/78.

E. Egger, Études Historiques sur les Traites Publics chez les Grecs et chez les Romains depuis Us Temps les plus anciens jusq*aux premiers Siècles de VÈre Chrétienne. Paris, 1866.

V. Ehrenberg, Der griechische und der hellenistische Staat (A. Gercke, E. Nor- den, Einleitung in die AUertumswissenschafi^ III, 3). Berlin-Leipzig, 1932.

F. X. Exler, Tfa Form of the Ancient Greek Letter^ A Study in Greek Epistolo- graphy. Diss. Catholic University of America, 1923.

W. Feldmann, Aaalecta Epigrapkica ad Htstoriam Synoecismorum et Sympolititman Graeeorum (Dissertationes Philologieae ArgentoratenseSt IX, pp. 97—238^. Strassburg, 1885.

W. S. Ferguson, H<í¿2e7i¿fíui4íA0i5,únHúíorúa¿£!f;a}f.Lcmdon—New York, 1911.

W. S. Ferguson, Greek Imperialism. London—^New York, 1913.

AV. S. Ferguson. Athenian Tribal Cycles in the Hellenistic Age. CaxabTÎà^efl9Z2.

M. Fritze, Die ersten Ptotemäer und Griechenland. Diss. Halle, 1917.

P. Haubold, De Rebus lUenäum. Diss. Ldpzig, 1888.

B. Haussoullier, Études sur l'Histoire de Milet et du Didymeion (Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes ÉtudeSf Sciences Historiques et PhilologigueSj 138). Paris, 1902.

B. Head, Historia J\íumorum; a Manual of Greek Mumismatics. New ed., Oxford, 1911.

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AnaioSan SíuiBes assented to Sir WUUam Mitebdl Rana

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