CONFIDENTIAL IttTtSLLIGiaiCE RUbEftRCH MEMO (Privately circulated to this financial , Contributors Of the Herald of Freedom) F L

NUHBBfi 4S (August 1971)

AN ORGANISATION FOH THt] PURPOSE of getting candidate Charles Evera elected of Klsaiesippi has recently been formed under the name of National Committee to Elect Charles Kvers Governor of Mississippi, PO Box 1^92 FBI* Station, New York, New Kork 10052. Charles ^vers has admitted that he had engaged in illegal policy numbers rackets, hed been a bootlegger of whiskey, and carried on sex affairs to the extent that he had three women pregnant at the same time. In addition, he admits that he operated houses of prostitution and had as many ae ten girls working for him at one time. He also haa admitted that he used to "roll" or pick the pockets of intoxicated men, stealing as much as J50 *- jlOO a night.

I Co-chCo-chairmea n of the National Committee are Sammy Davis, Jr., Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, J SenatoSenator Edward Kennedy, and Bishop Stephen G. Spottswood of the NAACF who has a long record of affiliation with Communist front*/ Among the members of the National Comnittee, we find the following Members of Congress* Herman Bsdillo, Shirley ChiGholm, William L. Clay, George W. Collins, John Conyers,Jr, Charles C* Diggs, Jr., Walter E. Fauntroy, August^aaF. Hawkins, Edward I- Koch, Ralph H, Metcalfe, Pftrrsn J. Mitchell, Robert Nix, Charles Rangel, William F. Ryan, James Scheuer* and Louie Stokes. •••#•*! From the Senate, in addition to Hubert Humphrey and Edward Kennedy, on the National . Committee are Birch Bay.h, George McGovem, and Adlai E. Stevenson, Ill- Other interesting names *,re ftoger Baldwin, whose Communist-front record fills ten pages; Ramsey Clark, who is joining leftwing organisations faster than anyone in the country; John Doar, who w&s haed of the Attorney General's Civil Rights division under Bobby Kennedy; Rev. Jesse L. J&okson of Operation Breadbasket and Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Kivie Kaplan, tha non-Negro president of the NAACP; Shirley MacLaine, member of the Hollywood rat pack; Burke Marshall, the first lawyer Teddy Kennedy telephoned after the accident resulting in the strange death of Nary Jo Kopechnej Paul O'Dwyer, perennial candidate for public office who has a long leftwing record and who used to be a gun-runner for Israel; Howard Samuels, vho hearts up the New York Off Treck Batting Commission; and Elrs. Edward ft. Warburg of the W&rburgs who helped finance: the Bolshevik revolution!

A fund-raising letter dated July 15» 1971 was sent to prospective contributors throughout the country. Recently three lawyers—former White House side Theodore Sorensoii] farmer NAACP General Counsel Robert L. Carter, and ADA official Josepn L* Rauh, Jr.—asked Attorney General John Kitchell to dispatch immediately sufficient numbers of federal registrars and observers to "supervise'• the coming elections in Mississippi* ••»• Charles Cve^s claims to have been nominated ae a candidate for governor of Mississippi by the legitimate Mississippi Democratic Party- Actually, he was selected by a group at Jackson State College made up primarily of members of what was known es the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, a leftwing group which treated scenes at the 196^ Democratic Convention in Atlantic City. Charles kVerSi who is mayor of Fayette, Pega 2 ' ••• •> Mississippi, hopes also to raise funde to promote 300 black candidates in Mississippi, on attempt for a black power takeover with militant blacks seizing control of the State of-Mississippi or as much of it as possible.

WE HAVH RECEIVED A NUMBER of requests for information concerning Leonard Boudin, the leftist lawyer retained by Haniel Ellsberg to defend him in connection with the theft of top secret documents in the "Pentagon Papers11 caee. Leonard B. Boudin was born in H*w Sork City On July 20, 1912 the son of Joseph Boudin and Clara Hessner. He graduated from GCNY in 1933 and received hie law degree from St. John's University in 193^. He married Jean Raisni&n on February 20, 1937 and they have two children^ Michael and Kathy. Boudin hae been a partner in the law firm of RabinowitE & Boudin in Nev York City since 1937- From 1955-36 he was attorney for the Mortgage Commission for the State of New York and from 19^3-^ he was an administrative assistant of the National War Labor Board. Boudin is a jnember of the American Arbitration Association, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, the London Institute of World Affaire, and the American Society of International Law.

Boudin'e wife is the sister^in^law of I.F. Stone, who publishes a widely weekly report, I* F- Stone is actually Isador Feinstein and he married Esther M. Roisman July 7, 1929. Stone is a former editor THE NATION and coluninist for the laftwing news- papers P.M.t H,Y. STABT and DAILY COMPASS,

Leonard Boudin has a long record of pro-Communist activities. Ha has been a member of the Board of Directors of the National Lawyers Guild (a Communist front) and an instructor at the (Communist) Jefferson School of Social Science* He was a charter t member and contributor to SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, a Communist quarterly publication. On March 5, l^l the DAILY WOHK^ft printed a full-page statement in defense of the Com- munist Party and among the signers was Leonard B, Boudin. Boudin was one of the defense lawyers for Judith Coploa in her espionage trial. He defended Dr- Benjamin Spock on. charges of conspiracy to counsel draft evasion; he also defended identified Communist Paul Hobeson, and w.a£ on the editorial board of the International Juridical Association Bulletin as well a& being a member of this elite Communist organization (as waj-e former Supreme Court Justices Abe Fortas and Arthur Goldberg). Goldberg,it will be recalled, took over Dr. Spock'e case after he has convicted and handled the successful appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court without a fee.

Boudin's wife Jean was a salaried employee of the federated Press, the official Com- munist news agency in the U, £J, for several years. Boudin's daughter Kathy was an SDS activist, member of the Weatherman faction and was named as a co»conspirator in the Chicago Conspiracy Trial. She was one of those who issued a Ueatherman call to destroy America from the inside by revolutionary struggle now. On October 10, 1969 Kathy Boudin wss arrested and charged with mob action and disorderly conduct in Chicago. She was indicted by a Cook County Grand Jury on December 19, 1969 and posted bond of ft20,000. She claimed to police that she vas unemployed; actually she ie an attorney, Kathy Boudin was previously arrested on August 20, 1966 for throwing stink bombs and on Septemher 29, 19&9 for destroying property. At present she is a fugitive and on the FBI's wanted list. Kathy Boudin was with Gathlyn Platt Wilkerson ±n the quarter-million-dollar house on West 11» Street in New tfork City at the time It exploded on March 6, 1970- It' developed that an EDS Weatherman bomb factory was In operation in the basement of the house, Miss Wilkerson and Miss Boudjn were observed running nude from the house after the explosion. Mies Boudin is- licensed to practice in New fork (as reported by the Illinois Grime Commission). Hisa Wilkerson had /previously been arrested in Washington, D, CWI , and Chicago and in 1967 was-in a. delegation, led by Dava Bellinger, that net with Communist Officials in Hanoi.

LITTLE OR NO PUBLICITY was received by two recant decisions and rulings issued by the U. S. Civil Service Commission, ihiring June of 3.971 the Commission issued rulings restoring Federal employees accused of immoral conduct to their jobs, Tb* rulings involved two women employees accused of being lesbians and sharing an apart- ment, and another woman employes charged with living with a man not her husband. The Commission's actions followed federal court rulings which have held government employees private lives should not be the basis for removal as long as their conduct is not notorious and doas not subject the government to the Rlare of adverse publicity, A noteworthy fuct about the Civil Service Commission's rulings is that they were Issued without courts having rendered decisions in these cases. Previously the Civil Service Commission restored employees only after having been ordered to do so by the courts. A ^Commission official interviews stated, "We're living in an entirely different world morally than the one we knew 10 or 15 years ago. And the government has to adjust tn the times. We don't encourage Immorality but the government can't polite the mjrals of its employees* other than to require that they do nothing publicly that would disgrace themselves and their employers." The end result of the U, S. Civil Service Commission rulings is that male homosexuals and lesbians can be employed by the U, S. Government as Federal employees end can engage in degenerate, immoral, or unnatural conduct as long as they are discreet. How this ruling will affect the evaluation of security risks was not made clear, but if the U, S. Civil Service Commission permits known homosexuals to work for the government even though they are subject to blackmail , and pressures* it is another indication that cur security standards are withering away,

EDITORS OF A NUMBER OF NEWSPAPERS in the U. S, have received a communication from the Information Department of the Htabassy of the United Soviet Socialist Republic, 1706—18* St., N.W,, Washington, D. C* 20009. ^e letters are signed by Etephan ROQOHOV, First Secretary of the USSR Embassy. The letter reads: "The Information Department of the Soviet Embassy issues pressreleases on timely subjects, including official documents of the Soviet Government. These can be sent to you as they come out if you will indicate your wish. "In addition, we are prepared to provide articles Written exclusively for your publication, if desired. These would deal with various facets of life in the Soviet Union, Che domestic and foreign policy of the Soviet Government, develop- ments in the arts, science, technology and the like. The material would he pre- pared by prominent Soviet publicists, authors* journalists and scientists. "Pleaee 1st us know if we can b* of assistance to you."

It ie apparent from this letter that the Soviet Union has individuals available to write articles exclusively for the use of a particular newspaper. How many editors and publishers have taken advantage of tha offer of the Soviet Embassy we don't know but from some of the articles and releases in the liberal press, it appears that some have taken advantage of the facilities made available by the'Soviet -tmbafisy.

ON JUN£ 1?, 1971 Congressman Honald M. Fraser of Minnesota, addressing the House of Representatives, stated: "I am associated with the Inter-American Association ftr Democracy and Freedom in New York City, Hr. Francis ft. Grant, secretary general of this orgianization, fist for many years devoted himself to exposing1 and protesting the activities of dictatorships in the Americas- The road he traveled has beep rocky* but be has continued his public efforts/' Congressman Fraser may be, as he states, a member of this subversive organization, but must be totally ignorant concerning its management since he refers to the secretary general of the organisation as hr. Francis ^. Grant and uses the word "he" several times- "Francis" Is a woman, not a loan, and is Mrs. Frances Grant- Por many years Mrs, Grant was confidential r secretary to the late Nikulas Conetantinovich Hoerich who operated a cult with headquarters on Riverside Drive in New ^ork City, ttoerich influenced VicE-President Henry Wallace to have the design on the dollar bill changed in 1935- The pyramid on tne dQllBr and the all^aeeing eye are not the Trinity and Jye of God ae claimed but something taken from the sect and symbolize the "New Order of the World" (Hovus Ordo 7 * Sedorum). Koerich was once arrested ae a Soviet agent and was suspected of being •*£ L9 a Luciferian and member of the Illuminati. Frances Grant was on the National Committee ^^ °f th^ American League for Peace and Democracy, cited by the Attorney General as Ccoifliuriiet and subversive. She wes on the Executive Committee of the Council for Pan-American Democracy, also cited by the Attorney kenerfll as Communist and subversive.

The Inter-American Association for Democracy and Freedon , located at 20 Wet *"0* St., #1 15 Neu YDrfc City, telephone BP 9-5B62* was organized in Havana, Cuba in 1950, Thi» organisation is anti-military end anti-rightwing "dietstorships" but pro-1'Democracies" of the left* and has had a powerful voice in influencing U. £. policy in oouth America- Among those Who have been on the U. &. CoinmittBe are: Koger Baldwin (over 100 Conuiiuniet-front affiliations); James Loeb* former Executive Director of ADA, farmer Jjnbassador to Peru and former member of the Executive Committee of the National Citiaens Political Action Committee (Communist front); John Herling, who was on the National Organizing Committee of the U» d. Congress Against War (Communist front) along ^ith William £J, Foster and other top Coiranunista; 0,' A. Knight* union leads* \iho was activ& in the National Council of Soviet-Am^ricen Friendship and other Communist fronts; Lfligi Antonini, top lebor leader affiliated with many Communist frontsi including Pan-American Democracy; Norrn&n Thomas, Socialist leader who once sponsored s banquet to honor the notorious Communist 3^11a Heeve Bloori Clarence Senior, former Secretary of the Socialist Partyj Clifford Forster (leeal adviser), an ACLU ^" ** counsel for over ten years, C ^> £ X Araon£ those participating at the founding of this organization in Hay of 19=0 weret r y JtomuTo Btjta^cpurS ttoii_nrcent of -\&\ Kremlin .a.n Latin .V.crica); Dr. fiaul Ros. of Cuba men in the U.N,); Juan Bosch of the itomtnicaniyepublic who was thrown out just before the Communist-takeover attempt; JOEG Figueresj Raul Leoni; ^alvator Allende, now Communist presiderit of Chile; Waldo Frank ajiri Arthur ri. Schlesinger, Jr. of the U.S. At a meeting in Caracas Venezuela in I960 the Inter-American Association for Democracy and tVeedom presented a "Distinguished Service Award" to Herbert Matthewe of the New York TIMiCS vho can claim equal credit with the Soviets for putting Castro into power and building a Coinmuiuet fortress £3 miles from our shores. Matthews had received e similar award from the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade who fought for the Communists in Spain* although his propaganda was not quite as successful at that tine*

•€ . Frank A. Capell* Editor The Herald of Freedom fcarephath, H. J. O&89D Civil Rights CHICAGO (A?)"- Some 1,500 largest protest group lo elvir rights demonstrators since demonstrations calling tot marched through a crowd oi open housing began in white some JJM jeering, rock-throw- Ing whirrs Sunday In an all- neighborhoods IB day* ago. j while nelghhorh«jj on Chica- Intense hostility Dared !• the go's Northwest Side. full half hour nf Uic march. Ffrecraekert exploded at Ihe Solid walls ol police protected Lho iniegratad band of mircitr* feet of policemen. Rocks and' as they took tbetr'demandj for bottles- rained on the marchers. open housing bacltlo the slreet*. Police squadrons charged the Oagjn aecUHroE Chtaga hecfclerfl. Several white persona for Ibe tWrd time. It was who refused lo obey police and fougtil back were clubbed and" thrown into police vans. A policemsn fired several Umes ahovn ihe head* of ihe mob. THAtLED BY WrtlTES Tbrn a summer rainstorm V look loe edge off Ihe violence. The marchers trudged on in the rain, trailed by bands oE hooting white leeri-agecs. They stopped twice Jn Ehe rain, for brief prayer vigits in • front ol two churches —one Ui~\ F x Lli2-an, the olher Roman Catho- lic ^ One of the marchers, a Catho- lic priest, stood on ihe steps ol St. Gedevieveh$ Raman Caiholie Church and said: HLWe pray we shall be forgiven tor the hard- ness ol heart that causes Mine of us lo treat other individuals at less than persons, and (fiat leads 6DEHB of us to prefer prejudice and dollars lo love and justice. Forgive those. wH pray, who break the city 1^* in fMUB*d In reeent refusirti to rent and sell housine on charges that white to all men." real estate Gnu sail and rest to As the marchers left the "bite person* hut not te N«- church, white lee* - agers screamed: "White power! Kill squad car equipped with lOJdl^pr Rks-- pprttidM By the erj at the nearly four the marchers, and a police offi- miles ol match, 2t white neck- cer warned heefclen lo iefs had been arrested and doz* Many of them refused. Others ou were injured. retreated, then came back to "God bless white bigots;'; display signs. One read, "Polish read lha slogan on one of. doiem power " of siena Ihat greeted She civJlj The neighborhood Is wedomi- demonstrators, inajstiy Homo Catholk. Manj

Gov. George C. Wa[iace o! Alt launta for tne nuns and niB and Ehe National States nho wa^ed *i\til [tie Rights Party. One knot cf coun- *Ienion5lratorBi carried g torsr Earlier In U»e day and

ty. It bore a red ughtning ho' serFlcrs pleaded wilh lE to aujMrimposcd on a ^H P»P , *^ °" "3* Streets ana ignore the Bis p Sit Is our reject lor one another, so let's n go out and act like Christians.'' . L Dr: Several ralrpa away —< on the Jr. Southwest Erde — mlnlElera and KING NOT PRESENT prleats Jn all-white Chicago King, who VBS hit wilh a rock lawi, commeriLAr an the mob ijurmg > demonstration on the attacks OQ civil rights marchers Southwest Side Fliday, dJd not and ihe stoning of Dr. King Fri- march Sunday. day. » 4 He was In Jacksonh Miss, at- 'Jt was flJnad demented tending trie aimual con^enrton cJ thing." said! the flev. Harry j the Southern Chn3tiaU Leader- Smim. paator of St. Elizabeth ship Conference, wbirh he K.-.i-^opal Chufch in his sermon. heads. "Tiie civil rights demonstra- Noting the large number ai fijrs are the heroes, and the maroher3h Bevel sluuied above white mah Ihe villains. Those tlie jeers of hecftlers; "Thle is 4 who have demonstrated against great indication QE the move' the marchers are not repre- '' menL We will not be inttmidab- sentative of our community fld by crowd* ami violence." "1 have not led a sheltered Ktog and'hia aldej have made life/' he cfctinuftj, "but I have Chicago Ihe pruiie northerj; tar- never heard such alth and vitu- peration as they (the mob) m- gat city in their esrapajgn to lh open housing and Jobs to N& tered. Daley* who Inlarwd niUm Is a Long,HotSummer In Chicago gnat hisloric day for Chicago" at ihe open housing summit meeting, says he does nut fear a

"I (Isn't think anyone will g« lo the polls and tote on this kind May Bring Long, Hot Winter of issue," said Daley, "Especial- ly when there are so manj Stn> porlant lilies cnnd'Hiting our NOTE - AfUrr its to suppnrt n[>en touting and lo 1 Ipeople " ong. hat sirrnmer. Chicago is educate then members along Tna first ahow of strennfh iilll an angry place- and Dr< these lines. among diSiati^fjed hnmeowners \fartin Luther King Jr is sWI —The Cnicago Conference on cam*' one week after Ihs up^n We ere not Mnyahere Religion ami Ra<^ will form a The daify indusiry," said When King postponed the civj] near being finished/' he says, separate and condniung Eidn-iing: agreement Some it .000 Jackson, "was approached he-; rights march to all-while Cicern white persons attended a meet- lut both Negrfleq and whiles arc rflion ID sci up programs necFs- cause !t is particularly vulnera- • impression of good Jai;h unhappy airf Ihft city may face my to achieve fair housing, i5 an . ing of prn{ttrty ownei groups blc Milk can't stand around It atler thu open housing ae;^- I from lEur SouLhu'EtI, Northwesl long hot winter. AN OPEN HOUSING has to bv snld. or the man suf- meat, a howl went lift irom By J.4V1KS K. DWYER *'"£ '•aid o[ ft* open (musing anrf Soutbprt't Sides fers a lost" some civil rights leaders. ON CANDIDATES CHICAGO IAPI - Chicago ' agreemenl "It wiJI affect lite A lad a long, hoi summer.-and it on all levels if H is thoroughly; "The piM^aiflh^E worked nut " betoayarand trpa- The chairman of [he meeting, vpry in? I] so far," said Donald said . Walter Douglas pifsidcnr of the may have a winlerh implemented. The middle class too. Negroes "ill finally have Ihe vke president ol a f the W&E Side j En^Jehi]] Civic Council, said don RnhjEison i pntiiifal [HndidHtes fttmld b* What came our ai opportunity lo buy houses—the ivhich agreed to Hre 44 1 calJed for annlln'r ] asked 10 tell Iheir views on whet summer Much iubi- ghettos WLH be dispersed and- >fegp««. oen. ' he called "forced h&n'iirig. " ttondcri dissent ami h.ite. Negroos in lower income areas li#nie people we've hiied have TOO FAR, TOO FAST and dko an agreement wiH be immensely affected, Burbeen no different lhan the gen- "Tlifn we'lL stsign worker^ to Rnb^nson. joudcl. nf )ielp the candidates we sup- wo strong men — Dr cafl't stop nifh ihe agree- era! run of applicants," Luiher King Jr. and p g pp, id Kinij-Il^ley agreement port." said Douglas. bfrause *e won't have rt' G. Hofraann, personnel Italian] J. Daley. Nnw comes,,™ housing overnight anvw*iy. We The audience booed allusions he time n-f (e?ling, lo see what fl, lo Daley and men!ions nl King. mim really been achieved. Ornur CaUareHa, a real es- the Hev. Jesse Jackson, now in the •ilums " result of Brcadbaskti Jr De- lale m«n a.nd a director nf tha heads a group catted nppr- King's nesf project is a graa^ The city has npi heen Ldl« En branch of the Illinois Aisociation ^1 B^aj Es- Brearibipsfceti "If Sanla roots movement lo dejn up ihe ^lum clearance. Nin« hundred organisation fmrned in Hogalu- lale Board q, said the Chicago aus don't come to the Negro slums and an assault on the acres uf blight have been sa. La , as a self-drtense force Real Estate Board, "said GIB Li Christmas, it's going to be a school ayslem. He haid he plans cleared at an investment of S4]3 against flic KuKlui Xlan-cnJi- uf Chicago down the ](•, hoc winter, too," to be In Clifeagii until the end of million In provide 32 000 A$3TU er.'t.d King for his nonviolent " bv being a. p^rty To The Whut ha* been achieved! since lUfiT. Ihen wilt move on tOEinpth- ments. fi f'st of B,*T|l families is ™ major ciiy. He dud not smgEe waiting conslrueliDn of more deacon vice Another sore poinl was Negroes and 2 5 milJlon ' «« his nest cily 1 ion e Ernest Thomas "King and I brought up at (hla meeting with in the SPrinE'* ^^ areas, not touched by (he Thp eradication nf the slum rcalli live In two different the mention ol Archbishop John an oprn nousini" "pen housing y. bmrev«rt can only he Talk drcsn'l solve any- P Cody, "pir^lual leader of Chi- a dent In the job irwslly political and King Fech done Vn .'^y King We Negror^ are nol cago's- iwo million Ftnrosn Cs(h- Fnr hi? L our freedom bv laikin? olios. Cody's name prompted But while dlsjtldeat boos from the audience and one Here is whal Kin; won groups bellmv and paw al speaker told the homeowners: —TJie city's Commission on Kinj?'^ njien housing agreement. "Until sanity returns to the put ^II man Rrlaimns v-iH Robert Lttras. h^9d of Chicago's pfi if the pastor docs nol con- ts rtaff to aid actively in setk- tignts leaders are ConGrcss of Elaciail Eo,ua|LtyF Is demn rigiialmn and mob vio- ng out violations of Chica-go's pleased because Chic«g Vnf-t flr if lie ^uppprts it- as tba •lien housing ordinance has a new supenntendent u- , briFkei pa^^e;, dn not euntr^b- —TV CMeJgo Jteal Estate led the march thai fi- ute ' acpnol^ • body of a Negro high bPhQAl to a nally wen* Lo C1C«Q Sepl. 4. He Board backed oiien housing, lvlli e h| He is JBIU« T Redmond. ' S^ school under the per- ]»i an amused cursing jroup uf provided it applies Tn cwers as m iVE> lrj3n Roars of approval rose from veil as brokers. «]IQ ottt schcol superintends! ]^ ^". planp . the crowd, many of whom were 5 methods are powerful, young tenement dwellers wrudi —The Chicago Housinc An' in Syossel, RY. hhi from an area uhew a nun wai "Fra sure the ne* admini^l manner? impeccable. "BtiL brought aut S.TlWl policemen and horilv wil! no longer htiild 50me su Nalipnal Guard^Tlen. siniifd dorme a civil rights Irslion will be mxh mor^ PP0«ers of lh« Ncgr& inairii Uttas. a 4?-year-ok1 mail han- said. "Fron. ^Jse-who-i. King calls Nery- ™fi ^tljces-.tlunk his methods dler at th« Chicago post office, King contends involvement of Cook County whal ] hear, Dr. RednW the clergy in marches has en- Public Aid will comes to Chicago w is a veteran of mAny civil rights hanced rpligion in Chicago. lo enabie him to arr-'ts and defines "black pow- 1 effort* to sepk 'he best housing In litical and economic have been around gardlesi ul location King aUovrert, "but where lbs -Thp neparimenl nl Urban September for to pay in the schnul i.vslem won't laki of civil rights 56 church bFVoniB*; involved, it Jfenewil AfireOd tn search for place without the movement." $2.4i>l in Jmo.', Inr gives religion a relevanee it thp h*$l avaiJahle (he Ncgr" should last year involving nced^ " fOT I MORE NEGRO PCPILS concentrate on him- displaced by Ntgro pup^s ill Summing up his sumraw in L SPLINTER GROUPS schools oulnumb«i whilc-=? Chlca» King aaja he has bankers affirmed ' fluence othe;^. Said Kmg ol the differences OGft tu 2n0,lHKl. lL (. Hep Roman C ^cor^rt "A one-round, victory in a IhsL Jhefr pottflf is >« provide Another aica in wlucb D- among civil nghts ftroups? Ba- 1 couai service without regard to *5 JIL, als gone t*c SJciflv the minement is tofie(h' ]f- round baltle. We ere no - any- lar toe er. There are. of cnuise. splin- wheie near being finished in race. of ter eroups- The vast Chrcago/' Lo Aiqalre Inio the ent has Stt rml nghts hack of chil rights group*, raised rej^rding cfiv ffUl ffnrk toflelh^r, Tlie dissi- Tl J)a5 hlirt il> 5;i[d plltin^'' in federally insured dents feel lEiey are not fietiing e rights group ( t demons, ra- piinugh attention and they know —Relgious representatives has opened hundredd s ol fe t« ]|(lflS t if Hiey attack the movement agreed to a program of edufai- Negroes in Chiwgo s -ln Ofdcr they will get at1entj"n " IM thw membetship flfl Ihe ft R"[ white the iVi'gro richra of an oncn fommimity. • clergymen use labor union lat fAk(,n ||lfl d 1 _ _ •—• v i - H I • rtii ^i mi njirin F mnn 9i iinunn 4b — _ ^ groupf argue ovpr tactic ;, white —The ChlcsBo Federation rf of negotiations backed u ^e, havc j-rappfi tnt 1 Spectators are alarmed Lahor jnd Indujstnal Linion bylhetf>™iofflbui|(!r*! .-.trilc4(l( the barrel. Whatever P Afraid,' said Council, arnd several financial .said Breadbasket ha haVe f^^ nia([e m Chicago," he p that the open clvii: orcanizations. pledged i brought more than $2 million i are housing aeretment will make .1 the hog term ftan rfnr ^ 5ny that cornea aJonfl. After But the of marchK ,„ m was proven when Dal- ,ame „ mf and sa[[|P ^

1 1 t people ^e have lo rent Hie. "Without tho * mrtretnnfi ! Ihc'.e marchers feet there would have been no. i ." Kmg said (heir hair in weeks TTieiP fears arE of Williani L Dansoo, a Dtmo- crat. told his followers to be- g of those "who Jiavc come Rumhlingi of ch&conleni werB

lhan 20 the big city oniyj.s. His changes for a fourih term nest year are m ths balEoee. THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL M0P.NIM3. A'PFtTL S, 1368 53 IQ CENTS KINfT IS National Guard Units t Are Recalled To City

Police Press Intensive Search For , »Youag TOutt Man — Curfew Returns

D'. M Irlln Luikr Kit* ni ililA "Imnly liter t I«L ril|hl byi tiillrf t'oi" i lnip?rJi nflf. Tht tivll niJil" Jtidtr id It] in Ihr rnwijrwy pi"lfnirSL J«*fh Hn^plHl ih^JL bj rhim"n ""rr i hlk[ iljnanM Trt. -' bU Jo»rr nj>l Si— li hr »Kfl In A iroinfl.lkioE B*kr*HlIbr lOniiri*hOIri ill* MulWtrJ Q™i *F Ills nun inlfnure mirhnnb ID fhr dt}'1} hiJlnij Jwj»n lmnjMI»lfPy. for i dirKtairrf IHKUUITI hvll *mnf tiliBDitn m*

rtd 4n li* Iff I "rj In* DTub» •Oiuiancr,! firm *hn r* »±| aranpM n t mill litd rmmt> scene. Tat fo nuwf |dH0l tail i.|j |p wpkl Jlf« maiHim. mere Hid • PftltliC *H I peed I Hi; ml Ihe g (bued fcf • *hiln HupJ-; • n1 •hit aftoU vrri thus firf lnl'H'" the l* r. Jtnj wmhnr T» A-Yrirold fluMI pmn *|nHf[ «DI[ p CbrlHiin LfiitnMp ftufamie li|d |*umrt to Mcrnphl* WHnndiy D «np pliai fi» • nuiHV* nffi-wlolc11' fl«TH>nlli»l*B on tri*ir rf iDt *!(/! rWkln j nraHihM Wr*- H h U d rt *ran ?i • p •rim W FMrrli C«irl Whac.He,Preached Against UIE pdkr (4 DM R Stills Voice Of Non-Violence "1 imL |l| bl* cillraii n' drcplp D*p»rTi6(iw. SUtlhy Gjunly ifcrHfri n iy hrlia igiainiT nm J&rJQ.rlifrmg'AiniH I fl< ~Snh Mijr__ 'inB'EBKTnn-'flapuP Chmrt In AU»nn i' i \t -.~i^ ••• 'V , Mar Ji& 'AU Uir /DUBlHf "bin n^c . rum »iKfi |( wu (HDUfftl lW ti^ *" Nlrf . Klnj mml. -1'-. ^™i Bnndi. Pntr uri Wnd][4d M "bo "Itoipfimr "lh Unf 11 • nDy if mi OHl Bufi JBflfl flili

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Bui lh| CH-gPi-Mnf IrJr "hit II If in TUrf u willf^ Lhr IhB bipjy w*kh I. IW « UiH hly mib *ir itand u "'tf L-.r:ljr alui In •noril b«• I- HI lili wlnnFnj « *6 r. IhH Kll i J< r*npd bn IMi Birjr. Jrtpph 1ntF1rtlendi. b*iL l('*rut fcn "fnB inMrmpfil* . Jn (ha mid h llo-nf «• OninluDu' V • n>rnl rtpi[JiT lrIr I t/i Soutif" i I P*

1 ]»™i«d l In i>* " JiBil iWri -•'»-" J Whdouf, "urilhtTr E™ 'T"iR In [»* hrai Jjir |1& L

Uxi -f^tV:/TI hq H Id *t( viul^ -.J^vld, ^WHd, H, nf .1EB • rul yM »nW*r mirch In "^InB nPlT»; , i dnj In fin- •HI Id be He hid nnJ^M (nun I IMiUI? C«H ^rckln j In

rj;nl IUFSWH il SL Unf.Fli __ " - S^nl -rrH liffi oi'un- j Yorli ilTFr irrlDui uut i In llirl±M.

ftB 10 THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL, MEMPHIS, FRIDAY MORNING, voter registration !tear gassing ind other via- King and hi1* followers!l«» that tumed the WK* Dr. King Slain By Sniper King Occupied once more to the tac- .General Alabama ciiy ifrfo a | bloody center oi racial antago- (Conllnired Frwi Page One) ncs of nonviolence that had nism. their cause effect ively Iw have kMwn. If * tite. A Negro woman StormCenter Inn previous occasions in (hat More tnrui 3.000tffc£roes in - fine had rented a room in in a Harlem store clLnlinE Kins — were arrested 1 :staie. 1 last feu days at -I18^_ during the fiflrly stages ol (lie Main, over the cafe. Hu Identi- And Criticise Were At Selma, focal point oE an months-long campaign, It was Ne^roe^

SUBJECT: Visit to Jackson by Hoeea Williams and Ralph Abernathy - Hoaea niilliaras, on the evening of May 31, 1970, talked to abcm liOO collage tge Negroes predominantly. Elo stressed continuance and full support of the boycott, rfllliame1 appearance was quite obviously a preliminary action to build up support for the event of the appearance of Ralph Abernathy on the evening of June 1 at the same place. was accompanied by Joe Harmionds, a Negro iisle in his twenties, a jneiiiber of the SCLC staff in Atlanta. William3 mentioned rather aspurpdly thflt Jxillan Bond and « Cackson would be coming to Jackson later. A collection was taken and reportedly there was taken about $500.00.

Iteverend R^lpn Abernathy arrived in Jackson at ebout 9:00 F, K., Monday «;une 1, 1970, He WHS taken directly to the i^asonic Teropla on Lynch Street where he apoke to an approximately 2,000 predominantly Negro audience. He was introduced by C» J« .Duckworth, President, Mississippi Teachers Association. Abernathy talked about one hour. He gave complete sseurauce that the ECLC supportB in it^ ent-lrety the boycott, the teachers' grievances, and the Jackson State students. He rendered several quoteff from Martin Luther King, and ht* named President Nixon, Vice President Agnev, Senator StenniB, and Senator E&Btlatid ae fo^r of the "top ten" racista in the country, Abernathy lndicatfld he would return to Jackson on Thuraaay, June U, 1970. Hu did not state the purpose, of his planned return, nor did he mention thn occasion for Financial needs of the SCLC here mentioned and a collection vag made. There were '"se/eral hundred" dollars collected though no pirticular figure was quoted. In addi- tion, there ver* a few pledge*. Reverend Abernsthy baa, according to source, supposed to have departed for Atlanta last night but FBI checks failed to show him as having departed even this morning, Joniie^uently, he UAA believed to be still in Jackson even though he was to be at a staff wetlng i» Atlanta today.


- 3 Jackson, Miss. June 11, 1970 '•r- : i On May 21, 1970, a meeting was held in Chicago, Illinois, j attended by members of SCLC and the group called Operation Bread- basket. Among those present were: •. j Jesse Jackson, Chicago, SCLC Leader •" . \ Rev. Jaiiles Wallace < Dorothy Cotton, SCLC Secretary from Atlanta , James Mays, Jackson, Mississippi R. P. Cgttonreadert SCLC, now in Starkville . !• Ma Houston, colored female minister in Chicago with SCLC Andrew Young of the Urban League and Reverend Abemathy of SCLC had been scheduled to appear but did not show up. There was a discussion as to the possibility of a permanent economic boycott to be conducted in Mississippi against all white merchants. Jesse Jackson stated that if they engaged in such a movement, they could not refer to it as a boycott. He suggested the name "Black Business Expansion," and suggested that they use phrases as "Select Buying1/ and "Buy Black." 'i During the discussion it was brought out that such a permanent economic boycott could not be made effective in Mississippi due to the lack of Negro owned businesses where Negroes could trade. After much discussion, it was decided not to enter into this program since it had a great chance of failure. Instead of instituting the permanent boycott, it was decided that SCLC would engage in attempting to have white merchants located • _ in or near predominately Negro areas to hire Negroes and place them in better than menial jobs. ij Operation Breadbasket is formed for the purpose of obtaining Federal funds to finance Negro owned businesses. It is said in Chicago that Jesse .Jackson owns a (90,000.00 house in an area called "Pill Hill." It is said to be furnished with several thousand dollars worth of furniture. However, he stays somewhere on 69th Street in Chicago, to maintain the appearance of living in the ghetto areas. Jackson is reportedly growing wealthy because of the money he obtains through his operation. He and his group obtain large sums from businesses which want their products placed in particular stores. He will go to a black owned manufacturer and obtain monthly sums of money in exchange for using pressure to have their merchandise put in chain store operation and others. He also receives fees for obtaining jobs for Negroes in positions where they would not normally be able to ••* get jobs. He uses other methods of raising money, such as putting an? merchandise shows aimed at the Negro population, and charging large sums of money for tho rental of merchandise display areas at these trade vhown, ,

H ;: Y . Page 2 Jackson, Mississippi . ^"~- • June 11, 1970

The main SCLC representing^ in Mississippi are fi. P. Corton- rgader^and Rev- Allan Johnsonv^The name McBride was mentioned as one ot their msin people, but it is not known who he is or where he is located. He is said to be setting up an office in Jackson, Mississippi, but it is not known to this writor- In Jackson, Mississippi, there have been many complaints hy Negroes over the increase in prices at certain Negro-owned stores during the recent fourteen day boycott. The Smiths Supermarkets on Valley STreet, and Jones Street, and Mayes Grocery on Utah Street reportedly raised their prices tvo or three cents per item and more ! in certain cases . >,

Percy Chapman and Nolan Tate of the NAACP are complaining j! about some of the youngsters printing literature and attempting to keep the fourteen day boycott going at the present time. The • • NAACP has received complaints from the New Deal Supermarket on Monument Street about this. Percy Chapman states that the NAACP la not backing any continuous boycott. A survey was made at Jackson State College. Rummer School is on now and it is said that the main trouble makers, whose names are not known,are noj at Summer School, These leaders are called "BJjLfrjj: ftriyocaftffs. ""^Thev are the ones who will step in wherever they think ttheh y can cause troublble wheh n an incideniid t occurs. It is the feeling that due to the large number of adults who are attend- ing Summer School, there will not be any trouble during the suntmer. It is believed they will attempt to stop any possible trouble. There is a lot of rumbling among the younger students, who aTe very dissatisfied with the college. Some of them have commented they believe the college should be destroyed. A survey was made of the various Civil Rights organizations and no programs or demonstrations are under discussion at the present time.

ThI IHFQIMATkOH OHniHlD MKIIH U GOHflMHTlH AHB RIB THJ VH « IMl GUINf OHJ.V, . L r MM .[I Whites Jeer, Stone Civil Rights Group. . | CHICAGO BY WHITES Hummer ralnaJorni • h die edge of I the tisJtoie. The nurchHj trudged m Ln fa bd

They Hflpp*d iwk* In UK rain, lor frleE prayer vigils in UE oE th i I ih*rar Urf atPEf l One u( fta marchers, a Jc prleit, stood on Hie steps of Zh'ureh «nd said; "We pray we •13 be forgiven for Uie pard- H of ne*" Oitt'wjMJ »;nt u to treat other Individuals as less than peiBom and thai some o£ LS i* peeler ze and 6aV,att U love . tlic*. Forgive ihosE, we praj. who brBat the dly law frl Tl ey /Hmed In r, refusing: M rait and iell on cntrgai thit to art meOr" ' reel esut« Hrtm «elj and «nt to As the niarchna 1* *hltH penom but not to NB- church, White tflen - pots. : "White pmwi Kill K police »uad car equipped jftiflf" with a londipeaker preceded •;-$•- a era! ol Hie nearly four the martliert ind • police offi- I march. 3r vhLto " cer wamed necUffi b> CQIMFH. lera had f^n ureited and Many of them i«Fu»dr OUen em were Jnjured. retrubd, then CIIDH back Eo "GHI [jleH whit* display ripu. DIM reid, read the slogan on one of power." of dans tfiat gredtfd. the dvll TTie neJahbttrtiood Ji predonL- ^mnan Catholic. Many res ervsd their ihirp&fl Gov. G«rga C Wallace ol Ale- tsuna for the num and prieiu and the NaUoital Statej Tho walked frith On P&«v. One knot of coun- ter flBmi»sujrai¥ carried B bBnner ieKfUifiert *i the flap oi y p and the National Sfttei RlgHU Par- al Sunday iervJcBi pleaded wllb •\. ty. It bore a red lightnin UtfSr people in Jtay cU Ou p id M a \ and ipmi the march- fla erj w,., led 1 One told bis of 0>fi CoHdinaLlng ' J have left la our of Community Organs- fs- *(o« r ona another, » JeE> Uu Rev. James ' out and ad like ChrfillanV1 Several rall*a avay — on On mthtf eat S:ie — minUUn and KING NOT PEtESENT pneats In jJl-^ritlle Chicago King, who was hit wilh a. roc.-. Lawn, caramentad on the mob 11 '• ' "• during i demonslreUoD on the /'•• attack! on civil rights Southwest Side Friday, did oM and Hie ol Dr. Huig atcrL Sunday. day He was In jachson. Mis?., fit- HMt was f lh* fififtiHl MnvflnU™ QE iflid Hie Rev. Han? Southern Chrialjan leader- . pastor i>f St ElbubeUi ship Conff[ertceh vi&ii hfl Einscopal Church Jn hd $crmon. h "Tne dvil rights temonslra- e Saige numtjer ol tori are Ihe oeroes. and ihe . Beve[ ahoufed above whjle jnob the villains. the Jeers tf heeWart: "Thii ii a *ho fave. dcmanilralKl grcaL jndjwtian oi [be move- die marchers are cot repre- •-- ' mtnt. Wa w|]t nfli tn sentative oj our community. ed by crowds ana "J hava noL led a Kl and'hti BldUhave madp. hl ltteh he conBmied. "but I ihc p lar- never heard fllUi and vrtu- • (tt fliy iQ [hair (tin nob^ ot- h lered."

/-fiO-/ f March Spokesman Vows To Ignore Any Court Ban A spokesman Tor ministers baching fte sanitation worltari •- strike said yesterday [hey witl dlEitganf any couil ordera which Hie dty may obtain to block; another nui march. The Rev. Samuel B. Kyles, pastor of Monumental Baptist Church, said such things as injunctions or peace bonda wmdd Siave no effect upon the maitk" Cily officials, according to reliable sources, continued yesterday to explore several legal avenues BwarJ keeping Dr. Marti:1, Luther King Jr. cr his ii ffro m lleading certain products will be de- march tfirongh the down- clared "olf limits intheghet- Own area, The new march to," He said merchants in tJw tentativey Is set for Friday. ghetto wilt be asked Eo remove these items from shelves and A march led hy the civil If they reJuse "they tmer- rights leader last Thuredy ex- chants) will be removed from ilodcd In rioting when young'lthe ghetto." iters attracted toy the march "I fon't see any reason why went on a widowtaeaking-(leading ^oft drink firm) jehouid steep eesy when 1.300 Meanwhtie. city olficlals|men are going hungry/' tald confirmed that the some the Rev. Mr. Jafkson. has been making over- tor several weeks to City mlrtlstsf said of Menmiila haspLtal employes. •5 for the American! nm^a and Knovrllle are being of State, County added to boycott dtle* of and Municipal Employes scLC'a Operation Ern.naJtnik*t (AFLCIO) have been lecruit. hj "redislriTiute the pain" of kng kitchen, la%ndry and Memoes TO merchants. employey s andli &w Wimpy, owner of City censed ptactkcal nurses, a hos- Wide TV Service at 2451 Park, '. source sud. and J. M- HutchSsofl. Meonphls Leader Sewing *nd is yesterday f^l^lance Co., ttll Madison, on tQ stop mass hat might en- i>eroiethe( 4ivu or property and tey to tirge tfiat the city urged member firma to spur the union A dues cheok- and training of the of [ and a signed caniradj. hani^ce unemployed, "But iE we g]ve in OP (fail A joint resolution u4iere a« you going to draw feet VBS Issued by the Mem- the line?" asked Councilman phis Area Chamber of Com- Wyeth Chandler. merce, Future MtmphLs Int. "Mr, Chandler." said Mr. and the " "we have just of Memphis. about reached the line as far as the small businessman Is Police Chief J. C. •aid yesterday wai the concerned — we are not big like Mr, at day for police since ^jchairman Downing) Piyor or liotlng. Fire De-i Mr. (COuncifroaQ Robert) records showed James. I had salesmen who here were three fkreaMonday had to go home

tion efforts lo sctlle the The. only disenting vote, camn from Council oiflnj^O.Patter- sond vrYo Eald the council and not mediators should take ac- tion to atttle (he strike. Officials of Dr. King's South- ern Christian Leadership inference announced that their leader's return to the city had been delayed untlL loda The Hev, Jesse Jackio SCLC staff memtBr, said . April 7, 1969 : ' "' '

lessee Jackson'Laces

inim boiri Uwr U* bmHitr u4"iD La Lbc Couib Die Ud (In l:m ii-m iw I'- "UJP "LiJ(l> Id btt*** Hi DUT ll i fnnn d .l-Fjl'tara-l C< WlUlB

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WTenls Bnlp""li vd ^ H»J i»r. |_idf HHm ., d-Mj H'r hidUDd dliD{hiLnu•IUI hli f j Lhkl DiEbatif IU «!drt flf iTTH""" *mpuHm-1 UD la Ui tlicn«" r hfmu rlitii In lUttod'^ D>la ur l 1 l diL, Juti ™ BertVpft L-^ > !• I flj ** iH.bWtibfU.Drf Lbe paiWuu. »• IhfliTDnillCDiU- H»*ltiE!» l ubl±lB LHBiWl-5 ib.ranD. IDJ nui;^'!™-'1*1"-*?™'!?!?-'" "•""* • LBUI IL 1-a>air> mraBttrt .Aur>r Lie ail Ibxr h* Nf« u bflBDi iD-ffP"*-b. UIL^KL? HMQ> W* HUD nl Koil inu] rnrt. ii nn(!G JDJ h>H tt| •Hfi.fl Vet HU^--;» IU OHJ nUflilln [- AnpKi ti^^^«F LM ul« mfi t^^> MJUBriKBf rbf npg"rri IMT.W tlrpJiif* b .••' Kt nr bli "Hi'UwKV umai-fg \|^ *Qj briqJr VIID flrWtp if* fji nu~rl- la* DILE dr^m, «u poElfnfHTmllDl WLpnatf ldHU'1 Pr. Riii piiiii* ard nil Hm.j Simu rtJs »jn JIU in-jid bl.rl aim i"id. ilafl nVrUi. pUUd lilt il Is mil IIIDKUV U.UI '. hi.

•. ,*llt'Wl- H* Vd Lnini fprtfJiB iluirr hi-*'""1 U* r^^l UbHDE OH Df [', U* J "J me. 'ILr Ud 1 pK& j KIIFWIUJ p^r prwr»ni nq m.1 mi aLl • u«pir ll n* Hf. MJ ^ 1 a ^ U UHl U> Elf EJ-JI b. •.u|il LE UH EI|DI b< iu up till 1 la Lv r-"- •ir CliH iUr,rEUi"i ui !?• "* l"mi N"[l+p« pfu -Ha nci mr im U.HIU Jv>! jod Uul ^Diri Mi It HIT* •fid&uku lUn! U I HIIDWIL (tHbrpp «"iainH i ud mi' vurlo mlKTat,. HmanrE lu •TUCKS Dlidl liidin • * fjiir1"1 IPJ" bvMlbfll blK «tjl 11 LlkfJ. raum. HUT. IMHU. IUAD* in LiB iU^H . w\a Himnir Dilir Ji in JIDI muK.. IT ibnlih - ur J * "•* «f •'t«d ibil Ix Bid ml i™i mm. .fna Un • ••ibtdlBf U elan- • irflpfl RHUU n Mi [un •! • In i <*3 jcui im. b* l-ps < ,Kmraja In >Q TpW, d TU maun bfc"Uf N Ttpt »iinl >UVK Ibi> l 'JlDnri c-nii=. jIhl iMj IHiM" Rebit «in mm |D- (unpiDlb n to] UJ( b- ib*41'.«flit m MB*" .M vbkf R t ••i • twigril br mlnHAl uM pWu"r riini a,m pitii ru ujftiD- er-nmstf rrtrhuii QUL hU p«Eir< milni i u4U- bui b vual nil tl UI nnud rcr. MF^ ^4 iEru™ ^'fc Ki> r iff J^r^pn .• •Mil PIIT Emidr la Av InU - j, j LBVdps InnH IL.IJH H*. ,i *.*- *<• Aim.jprmM ui biKl PO|0i |y i"_miLEi bill Iu Ur J'v-ddei^Hi yoj^i PII hih QiU u M it iiu Ian t*o i» TD»™ t»inn"» b i rwral uoinnltr •ortivp. s. PIIBPS p •unroll JI4 '"cvflf, r« uri. ~cvua Wd U Hoo nuk.iib " I IIUB,HB<4 ud (In Bi WI awd

fL^T nrl"N •" I>IBBV l^rliifl, LX U-E(l kJ>I UK Lu - I K ulD II 1 S^jlD Bldr ^ mi: ta mild iiq LH TiUllnl bliD n wflit Hv tuu Hi «u- r:ir &>ir Ii Jm an tin r*i lurt^nK". i tnwD IriUm rnVti ^4 • brdb nvdiSxi B' H • V-ir IP •'I'" ~Id Ull*T Hi" "HI mm bi Ar TOW tempted to enter, the maave bronze door* of Ike court &*UD£ shut. Warned that Ihcre could be no Poor People's Hoax demoDHrations inside the. buiWiag, prdteHon iprawted on the front Hep* chaming and tinging. At Su- preme Court officials and csmpaijm leaden nc- Though bogged down in an ocean of mud- at foiiiled over admining a delegQiioo to present gnev- "Resiiniection City," the Poor Peopfc'i continfenl js •Dces, a unall band of marchen tried to siorm not io mired down that it can't engage in a little windows oo the E*» Capitol Street tide of tbe build- violence. Lasi wetk wine *X) Indiana, Mexican- lug, "Hurling rocks through the wirtdowi of * file Americans and Negroes besieged the Supreme Court room," reported the Washington Ettaing Star, "the and newby areas foi more than seven hours- The band charged and a, woman derfc innde yclkd, purpose: tc- get the High Court tQ nvene ita finding 'They'rt commgin.'" .„ psTuiitiing the State of Washington to prohibit the UK of nets in salmon fishing. Several Rportedry |wnelralcd the room, but wen; forced out by police. SbortJy thefeafier, former SNCC Daring lhe pruts, Irn window* of tat S* prone Cowl btfUtaf were »«tbed wtth rack* I feader Kay Robinion and bis wife, both "disowned" *i# d|bt im* WCR ma4t. Two of the pv- by tbe leaders of the Poor People, lowered the flag »m taken ku jwlkc eatfrty had forcMy tri*d to half tfaf!. to lower MH American nafl» the pole In front «f the cowl. Ahenathy and Tflolia denied IhA lhe "poor people" had thrown raefci through the wtndowsh The day had begun with the Rev. Ralph David with T%dna iaibtlug tto Konca miy have been Atxrnithy, chief of rhe march, leading a Resurrec- by CTA tmnto bent on dbcrnlEtinc the tion .Otvconiinaent 10 a Senate bearing on load progtms and dispatching smaller grotrps to tbe Rsy- bura and Longworth office buildingt, Tbe Abcr- Then were more "noo-vioEen!,** "constructive' nachy people ihen joined about 100 Indians and 200 pcotestt all during tbe week. After wafting out Mexican Americans covering on the Supnine Monday on an Agriculture DepartTTKnt cafeteria bill Court, which is directly across the sued from the 1 of X&2&, Aoernaih> Tuc*day led « group U.S. Capitol. paydMTHb. On Wednesday, the Rev^ solffook some 150 to 200 people tD the As AbenuUhy, Henry Adams of lhe Tndian con- rrna. Hui lime the bill came to S292.21 and ^_Xpg|fff, well-knowwellknown son gave tbe manager 572, uying, "We'll pay the of the Sptnitb-qvaking gm^, rest when we CM. We're poor people you know."

On Thunday, the day the High Court wai Uormcd, several marchers Attempted to ciipa Indcpendenoc Avenue at First Street. S,E., during the rush hour. As puttee (riedto^GrujT. tb™1 h&%*1&ti£•wtii several of Ihe protestors begin swinging freely HI the men in uniform. Aa protestors were hauled, wty for disorderly conduce Abernathy heatedly called it "tht most flagrant abuse of pohoe autbority 1

On Friday the Washinglon Daily ftews repoiled this vignette: "A [U.S.] Park policeman slid be beard "ft* rapid report*1 like Bhoti from an.iiUfiniatWJP [he vicinity of Resurrection eariy today, bui BD m- vcfligaiion of the area luJioundipg the cunp^iic turned up nothing, Park police slid they did not take their investigation inside Reairrecticn City brauK Southern Christian Le&dennlp marshals will not al- low them inside/'

While the Poor People wen making it un- comfortable for much of WisNi^ion, the tarn- piign wti BUD umeddng leu than • tacam. So far, Congm has not cited into Afctmnll.j 's demands and the Poor Peov^ fenJers. themsri¥CB wttt encountering tome ftktlon from d»clli-m •nd would-tv dwell era of Retunwthin

_who a still, awaiting trial in con- an vmed mid on a county courthouse in New Mexico, protested hut wed; that "poor — white* were being pushed down, pushed out and discriminated •gainst and humiliated" and thai his Land claims were being subord- . to SCLC strategy. Hardy had AbemaUty begun to patch up the dispute *iiJi Tijcnn*h when 20 blacW miiiiants itMined Lhe Pitts Motor H«eU where Abemathy normally livei, to demand that the "Poor People's leader" live in the mud at Resurrection City with his fot lowerl AbcniiilJiy 't there at the- time, but the Rev. Andrcw_Ypuiig, executive vice president of SCLt"eBplutSJ ^ith a straight face thai "lor some reason, they resent the fact that we have our b«d- quarttri here in the motel, '£. ~ "

At week's end, things were Looking even bleaker for the marchers. Dr. Munay Giant, tbe District He*lth Officer, daimed Ihere wu "almost a total Lack" of ftanilvy facililiei al the site. A voluntary doctor warned that lhe danger of in epidemic of such diseases aa typhoid or dysentery was now run- ning^veryhigh." * But the mott important doctor. Dr. Abemathv, said the foul weaiher WouM not drive the poor away "We are prepared to Hay here in the run and mud." he daimed-ind Later left (or the Pitt* Hotel. December 3, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE 813471 and lO plan to atop nllo* thaE lor r ruibj gcnwvtJuna man Kh. In tbE Hurt yuan r.lntE tli^t rr.rrL1. JnetnlJI hiU oUit:?Uical«l DLKII ^E to n^erythliig el** la lbs fact mat ill-. i-II- -c-;i oil Lbc CVilciifin-brvneil project mnku everyuM frtl bUU Virtually called Opera':™ Prc*dfc»flk«t tmrt made Ibnl (•.riinrjc who niu]*i fclBOSlngfETlBbflt W and pilot pngrun IHt nw#t UnpmolYe deaaon- Lua a Miter aci»LiM A.LH tha[ MI.'•Jin.;: U JESSE JAETKEON A LEADER flEiaQuQ of tlftffc tcononUt and. political ilirtj-. It caussa bad breath, •[ PUW» ym» OESTlfJCU FOR GREATNESS p^iii Ib the llnlri-d Siaier. flrrudbiiikel"* cluthen to tlinh, and la often oHeu'lvr U OTY.inlxHbtlH'niLl. mcth^d^ air now being np- IWlUimukcra. °bc irpiritol trm majority of Mt McGOVEfttJ. Mrr president, po p)lMl »nd.HT Jnn>J|iri"' p-Sdjun Cm? nJull population I:'. luir! hi UUlJec- min t hiivc nut ID recent ycuts haa im- rnnpiiiE ii^m LOB An^tlep In .-• IIJJII ivh? anybody keeps onamoaJim pressed me more wLUi his cupacity for Till' prujec'/n ptljii.ijj SDILIJI alp Uh Cfpate VI.LI dun'i ha?e w E>B old ami aray to f» inquired it'sdecsnifj man me Reverend Jub^ I'jr blnclc'L anJ ti: ciifDii^rtRr Ukim Io utffcted Etfeiy athLBtle cmcn fcnoia thai Jesse JdCkiiiiii of Chicago He hes bten ul^ji mtd npernlD"M. BuycoHliiE, GI amoaln* tula pny^cm tfOclEHer unJ atantl un. d*w:rlbpd of the heir apparent !o Martin Uuttre&toTIt IB QnadCasUffa most paleiK- An lral*ri»l[np itLid; In a Pittsburgh btgU Luther Kin.' He combines Epirltual In- wi-ipon, TTip ctfTPCtlv^nesv iji I^LB lec>i(HqiLe *cncol taowe-J ttwt ren^iur clpuetle- slfht, polltJcuL shreWflDKBj and prac- n-u m^[ evident Jn n brcaKIbroujrn. victory bid H?-/ti fired* ave-raecs lowur IQ.'a. n fJCaJ Ootlmlsrii lit artniotremBrliLHblPwflF D«V tUfi liugt AJJtbtle, hi"i P.icLtli.- Tin D0(U- alwcutn l£mJ and i blglLer niimbar ot CpUnifei 10 tlcrea In to "rii -.! liH-.\ii I. rooar-E tDAD Recrnllp. he paftlclpaled In a- |inp and Bltbrr •tiidenl-i nmoBe.d becttUPe Hmy Tver* i tnierview -Kith the eriltors of > b'flCLjIl ITOLLld. fjlli- cniLSC<3j th£ A ft P mupin. or they bwpme aiupld hp»u^ tQep iiijiie. I Ast luiaiiiinaiJi eon- nlgned. a par! gLiiicnibleulnR loUa JOT Ulnc^B ecriotBd. You fan bave. II cither vty. sent that the Interview, published In the E-ud Ihe Q lain but Ion or DlacK proflinilH on Wa air d1 LEG Lining a habit Lfi lvlhal issue at Plu^boy, bt A A P ohelVi".. Ai Builner.* Wnk lEpurlnl ami altkealug. Inteili'geu *11h iKorli ana pl&r. 111 a HtQJ"s abdiil Oprnilion Brendbaiil. i ^. "Na- •. phifllcH] BlllSii. UlttBKJ a fWlBOn ft*] y. Ihr ArgnnCiaitlnn'O EDciTtH ^rtve rii- nn objection, " Com jm» and sa DM1. HHl I*nO8 Eo **i[af!j afiVnislw. It'i to bp printed In the a mt n,ird MJ U Rdera'jKid wliy u»^t hubn l* Eo Wfifrow But IM ClUtago aElll OroiJiUJ A i Pf jeprenmU Bcead^ [?IL:KI'IJB moct tlta.lB.tiMS rtelorji. lor It U To flODbt(kgri B iKiiotance ain-f be a tic lit L Hoat opopLc b [it?*1 Uinl iULCUnfi IH iu 111 !• .u -; DID Conviaui HIOH W"HT ms m-. 31: .. the Jjl^gtol jetlleuiL'rll w.'.h a •"• IL.J; I:L p but rel*ti™ijf (ow realize bov dead]? and JlrrAni^iT •p: l{-inii ILTIIQ KJSJC nlu^lr ell-j. and. «»L a pccecddnl ri r trtpLjlliifi nljr- hubLt H. P«cELiL|n you did DDV In A? IS niottEna rim t tne mutd^r of limdrhpiln ncgirtl riCbons atrriiEs IbC cou knoi? aou?E of Lbc "iiitgn fuu loaa-ned haia; M.irtLa Lirlbrc Ring, only aOa UIDII bu TW A t p p»ct w»j etpoclailp IteJ c&rtulbiy air mrt KHo-ra by the- gnllflrtti M s iifcoiy unr tn ih» bccA«FC—In aaaiElon Eo a ffuaranlee of o^c: puLHle ODE of your cbBllrim« ii ID lot? ihm ent poHIlon In IDS civil TDD JOUE 'dr blnO'B Dm! marketing ante blurU lUonnnElon buck homo. mn"^irht JPMHI Itmlj JUckrHiD. thr 27-frtI- prudut l&—Ihe enmpari? al^^ Stopping umoaJng lani arvaya eaeT. ai- oia «t|ng th^ f*tnl fllOl was flu-dl a.n(l ft ore- dcalgtiKl •-• aamre EJIPI Tlieir iie only *fl ntlHicn Am«il- Ilie fl^iibfi aiui In niB «THB. TTIB vary dfcj. U A Cl»lett|io City Council Ibd mmpany IB Hut thlrkl ng. (hi LELfl pCTBOIHl nifE-na AH laiEl. neUnltlvltj Aeml^nkn &W*Dllei] t>/ & 4 P , tfirce Jia?* Miy^T Rlrhnm IJ.i'.--, iaui a. DlllO^f tifcE la Tcrj wicfuirapaa H la ateo e-iet-LLtkca ammpt to awakon encouraplag Uml even ID* youngHlvra an nmnt m U»a pi'Jk fiH (o the tilirtrnra n^n OftteEn tot ^tlkltg Um mej^ Thr lalCM flguwra •UHDIIB h Dc King AGOCKI" To* Pevnend Joca- flmllnr nRreemtQla h&*L' bEcn nignndl wL!b Mojjaprra uia 'JiJl fr»rr Q[ them lire Hiul Hon.-n Ln from Mcinpnlfl iitJlOUL mnre tans Hill of all the m^jnr rood BU- inp I^lnp Iiiim * low ytom ino. 4 E Uio :a nEEend the wranany. h^ Hood up In tl-lbUtlOtt ln Uie ghfJo. IJniu "muni: Ifl -pi^tr-Jlil tost. 37 [H-JCIII ure •wltn Dr EtlnK» blood itna Tns HeTfijuud. Ja^kAMi crc^Kd an tven (inulsre; nun cup; 13-jiar-uia fcUOe.9 3 (WcevuE more, f[lE^JefwhlriB tMl Bpllng. Ira BHIUKHHS. TirnSa flmirpj un lOacr tfnia . "Hie 1*1L»1 [R on UQ handi he luiti.itrd thfl IlLlnola •Jiue Q[ k tc ynam apn. We've H^t H JOQB ni (mi ^Hw r/uiild noE dE-re v^lnan^d. aim JlOllCivlnp ibaE hunger la the OIL? ]mia "•J to p>, 6i»I we c^» uinnnfl &e«rim*r. I JITO ycflUnHiT.' I»UH UELIU U^fl bluck md •rtijl. pHK:r •tellov* tfiftl Mucatlonal pmrnuna nob H Tfl»I ipalurc iemonomifKl boUi Tbo mlil- BOI! led a •• i-Lr .' H> nil H Ibt ppVerEy Bit LH UISL nsf tie WntLonat PTA Q&VHI i lot IO da and U« Onunnllc flili umt of Illm.hi*. Rrieunc »iEb demoru.triLloha ui 4Jui1ama1U (EfLe I7n Haw L^O StlLfD (*pllol In SflrlnKlltfil The p;c- YOTl TUnct h» wrltbsi titab he JKO1UUU a B-nrc thla *iurWd co tlie ElUtuiH leprJotii™ »,IBM arent tdat u planned mE •! *J^fifllD- ? liut ytru. iDlch nhinu«| pmt la little IJkt KW lDrl« ItCTrtnn fcl u-Jn LUUIEC ELlift iiaa fh llEllfl Ule II BPflll Panther.- It WO la nnir^Tfl f undn 4'iu itsurHl m •» -Lm« Hi»t "nlirii«t r^t/jonE WELO ban wro Stw Yori ai^d CnlLfoxtttiL urn. mnUrK '' eilbi LU Uiclr Wflfnre paTOWDEB AC ani t«ly » Hi In tipornlLnn •fi.iiD-'ifrp'lg*'! thnt 1 m™t ptr?"»«Jvp bliicfc !mpai.L«[i'-' T " L tyj JnrtYJwii- flODi !bS A Icjiltr un ULK njllonsl HMnft" ulrin H'E ihe cupitoL ftyiLoio«r Inspired * bill J.'. k. i^n'fl parrOUUHli Ii llOUHibt? OVtt) UlUlfl lO prov|d» a^l»™>l UtneT) M Tit alL Of Ihn needy IE mHLfl an) dITr«rtdCH:? In diiiHTrn In tfn Bt»l* JiLH*j->a ulao r±^acled ilEuJa a L'IU 1 of HID ducUid baic 111 Wbc MLlh Uie pCUWrtl bla^K HVJrHl EJ -HI Dr KLriK'j wna. IMVJLITW. im Hl'-Tiiud Lr^tn* H piOJELliO Jtnfn thr 9laW lepKlUMbrP Vh pra- and Lung curai amonn Tall OH WailLLlipUui foe apClol juirjilii'-[L-T.1 Dan dwrcuMHi. An",(,o? Hi* mala population f-nhr.liMl out Ln HiTp«r*. "Dr KLUB; wsa niJil- •ir-cliL-o AtLnj.'^ but Jrur JZKBBUU WU l>.r.L EillOIiiLCLLla for tbE piKU. Thr- Illinois B^ncOT K wUdlu. tto»e^r, amoMmt la mil Cmri]:rirpn vmn ciincH^ed by Jvlgon aa lilt [lift, ajid ttoetr oT Eh* FuijB t. ailll Jn povfrly In Orcuvl I |c. South Jnffcson rails IHm-flir » "countrr nt^n'lnn nr iho I^KT FcnplM' Camp-nlj-n Uui He COIUCIDIB bla dorm-[LOIILC aprtc wltn beg"^ liy Hf. Hlrifi. nnfl more aro plan-, for WJnn to lie a DlUCnllC [O Mlii* BiTuinr efforts la otbt; ^Uln Deit fern- Yet D^ ilennltlon Lt ISQ'E H^nrup Irblihllcrt Hr Hl-tEililPd thfl UuLiEraLlf or llllnolii l*r one y«u- but dropped mLt ta Ko ni*litr nbM rtlb oElier ouuiuii LiitEnn e dOMJll IHMk nciybi^i; many niH7 H^r JaekBiift BLW^yB ai,L«ii(Li Uie ialnr- p]i- CUI fl LOf. 1 Cr j 1B6D Eo itl^ncl lie Afirlciiiiurnl and Teen- nlo.1 Oilligr i>f North Carolina In GiU'Qi- claT-rDDfDlBf XJlCifiLltLg: Of ^i ni'jn HjEid- COS ol th^ n-. pfoplfl bnn kn-t. TILC lr>: ILHI'II II IS bnn chiLtiKivi tltrtt la brcuiisc ol ttd"-Jl«lnFf Ui 1QQ4 Ibo Vt- brirn. B/IITI" If.e HT7.t bliwh: pdl-ln hod [nRfn ynvir. He vna an tionor 'Ji;Ltfl lllln JSJE. (HL-.LUhD Iba innKTH'E'iL^ai T*i;«i Indii3i7y ?p»nt 1390 million im n'i- lLITII; rhuCgruvr. Jta prcmirfi.. unit Hioml- U. TblCfl mtB liT ; U;. \- MK! |(pp«|] Ite fooimil t prtn'i] tl ,• re Idi^i Ln n fifM"|-wii-CBlOlL e ^iur Ir> B3I3 itilUEon it 7*1 pon*nl In- BUrL Ur^Hn^^l dill n|lhQi dcstLttUilru'l T mi ChIr.ifio'i ipjiith bhin: The Jobhy In tKr» jcnia Tun v>*>toxa ltiduatr? Allrr pldufiHou. JMIBUII lernl North tnrfltoi u HiiffL wiEn CRdlea displaying ily rtrillOiHt?eit*il mhat muuf j ruhl mfTCJiiintlBO. Mid Ebfl Bj'ja lEOrluin It- llf enn Ho H|tb a "nol&tag' ].rrHiLnn. ho ae^orM moalof Iba /*xren Jrcltulm n-IC la liiLtm wltti nleiia UiAt e*bort tlegu'Ji- i" 1-- 1.-^.1 civil rlgTita WOrfc. BUT. p Jrni'r t have to be (Jitrra In. We em Wng Eo bur t>l.u.lL pnMiLtrt and Or ft r fl^nt 1I«T ic nfuT U -nt amn It w Dc KIHK niDlBelf »hO j.rrvle?' Tin flj'l hjur of rJic tniv uan aic-p. W* fun C* Rtown up V/e cop vjted i" Gif.|«l ULUjfc by the IE. " . If nrrtBBajy w mn bt UK tnu a nurin civil rSghte drive In Cblngu In Pl rautiesEra unfl ccinrr Wi van b#i |o wli 30 BJlrT the lUfflAK Of 1966 and! npj*Jln«>l him bi tlie t)WFlnts« Fur trie wf^k—tJth« boy- wklft I*flH li^Ud HI or SHTIIC^ Ctoliomlc jnU]«E" In the caEM or S15472 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 3, 1963

L Arthur IL- lilm. lljUif ID IflJl U itr »B« arrlOU£r Olid DOT iLmpi' IU Up [Kill re NOOYlOlMHO Hi bsr vyBa widDDHl. b» hudi beB»u To ms* nHth auilng ilia thai wltb Ttf*B\ ana bcr ]•« droppad opan. rlQolly. »bfl =ald, !• UiD moflt *0DBJblB WBJ to prvj™* •H* OUt 'WouM ymi JBOliyT Would you fllT cOannt COmUF" WDIH rnx-Lityl ailllUrj DppTrtBHH EW W*Tr • tiMl CU Hull "I.'-FD fl« If you ng.. TIL obarja tuy in«uU idcOHlDn at oE block*. by do* «o4 mium *LK Die dDDT A btU n d.,|'iLr Iu BAB ^u BJlU B PT*TBOT. DO JOU fhlnk while Miuxlcs l« ID « tpiM TClUA, «JWi dgU«i ta Wuca your JJUJMUJ IDAUO at Uia wBBlna u-iLi oil blork Arnarlca? EI TBB. itn a war. sometlmee IU j, a" brirQj d^crlbH-l Vbe numlua- HUl >nd Lfeeb tt su, uuBbloe ** 1 Uon WP h&J «in«*d dmlng ui lnWrrie* tUm. AotuB"F. on tboaa rare owmtom * wJii« "mj In TiDLc her ™ * alcp. 1° which tbe vlolanca. talea tn iil^l bar qpor H Iha future 'They can rtiiD—*od baiviKE tty M* nunn MJiei foimB To me. ilolBMfl u atoning a »4JV n BU' aha, onld. 'Dui ni die hfnr* t hr-, child or main talking • mother on coma back wllo tfcoli dirnn bnu md thali damn questions.' Wltil that, aba aTowly rolled blcL i.nri. "• i-Ji law remge La ft runJ BJM HBtlLJlR D7Q 7BHIS' RCrth it nil. MIL.L tor flat In tin &infll.-pot«M- n»Jut# ud the pibaie tbe -coiLnfr piMtfiai" vaurn« U>«i- •.•Lii.«-r.™ la flOMa,!!^ bunrcy in tin ™..-L •udlcnce fla.»s n« Hnt mf*t asm IJIUH.UO OTB- plore at iMietU tUfl mUltojil na>M numU n[ [tie •bundubt nttlion OEL Btltil. WbltC AmerU* QOH I've o?ar beard. »nd hip ora tola la It -;•-.• 1 muK undanHand that men •ctii Btoal QeTore "Thru Jacheoa w« Idiudimd and dealn hM annuid for mm; to BIB- tbry Blai™, Ui»t U theia la * C!KI« of a. pvltid bj ten mlautte hn -Ml* lQt*m»W him in reactions, and Wfl COItliot HWLUH4 that tn^bni eiprmnion xt ant* ELereo wii lullM wirti tapt topin ara goliii; to He unythiiif -••<- HK *en dr«sns4F ilkfl a Mad. black emparor, In the mood oE clocka A brLUbantly colored dlahLU. bell-bottom marKedly el^nv Ci» dealt of T. !• Uiero » point »v whWh you feel !- L:.'. nifl blgn-top countjy oboai. BHdogiflt King, ue Tim atll] rtabmltted. u Eh. would lie (unUBed^ Hmoioafl UOrTU b.U WTlttSU that X leader J. IT I saw that then wua fur othw npPCT nmblilfl. rwlKtie*. Mao" or f«l«TB, an. IO HODVlOltnoa' H "Uw OQfJ *»J W LI Em- ua w be bbero»d- r»a. win ™^tal jiuttae? nnd Jmdkaon. ^UAJlfltfl. For over UI -i.,ur. ba 1 POT many wblt« twapl UeJLkerqd •, pawfonaH aarmop lint dencrlbed JufKr^n W0 Will be t* li^ii'lo'riil BB II- LiiL-LrJ*jii of poteittUI CQ5 UJack mini plight ID wblte- *>rna, 1: can lie »nd a« vlolant u we munt ba. We ;'•!-• *u porlnrM by t oewi pi*- VOB ALLoriJ vitb *tieot talk, down-hone almg should not ahooaa vlolane* lint. bBofcUBf It tun or TTTJOIJ atvdmiEfl M Oarnril. Wbel HID and quotaHom fumi the Btbls—m+ •••• •*[- •i in niTnim»no wa^ of dtiling "Itb. pioD- you [tank nboul thalr UB» or •ntpooBV /•et IU Ore*t tn^n!; with HUI letriB. We "IBD. dn oo[ ba«« tbo miut»ry n- J#CHSOH. Buy didn't u4» thaat. ai&Bpt In BOUIM^ HI deal wit* toe "The »TDH4t WB* pun«UaT«I by plBIHJ "lid 1 Ulfl tymbOllQ »TIJ» OE WBIoiq^ |frviuj>i UIQ'. organ rLffo UmitKT ED * mrtbiD HOUOD'a bod- structure, "nieic * no wane In Aod. UimiVBiad them UUH: -JIOJ wan copnb!« lug at x good jiu knUiiHL. nn.lf"*ay Into ui wLCb a ii platol. Oar «ijcUmaEon»B arid Hr- of tbelr own military dehtfu*. 1 have> doubte pin flnl blsciu nnrt »•** j LI. WOUld 11* Hi" ui Itir TirdOEa Iu « "• About the enduring Du^au of m Hrhslque bting unoog Uianualvflfl, tia a, YIOIBDL BtraWgy. The flbehOf U« liulir IIKn of mllJtur defanfle. but I ftpprecliiic iB» I«1- OB MI* el Ui« rboli mofhbar^ BI»«11LV«U. k m^iMry atorladft 4meMa a*ver Pfledp M inipi HI-LL bieugbt such • iie»pei-iite I—*J< u> 'Ibbg 'l Can BH Lbc PndlMJ Lkful.' ba- actually oorae to. TJia lletitv t»o be 'I Hi1"! It.1 ba-nld. At^nu poUH InOLe off, the faier abut an sad tbe food . Another group U\H has aaaoned he p\ii3&a. cle&rly eiliBiBtad. aod n Wo tould be allmluttfl'l Ln -Hr u ft toobc Li the El» UIB 4ufllflnte W asy. T*». I'm tlirfl" utjdDa aien frn»BlnE tfifl J. Edgar Hoowar bu ujled 'tbe 1. rt * - An old wcmKQ.'h paltc f«IL«l tmC TU< «n railroad traCu to get ua ait tturfct among Ibe MBHA aouetulrt B""-P= FL^TWT- Dg jou Tnean to lmplf tHat IE lh Df iii'i. Lonl. Wa n*od bint Wn bud f >- \i>. n 11 did HILV-I' Lht miutaiy Maourosa, you bj tb» internal Bocurltj of tna united 3i»tai would wofl* ™*r BBBiDaL whIU AnurtcHUfl? Do you ¥tpp<"-t lie PflJMbeia? Ijn pert aympmattlc to tbi la nculely JxcusoFf. L ajn lust pomtlng out thfct Ibare ul poor baaiHi. He le a itxonp pragmatic CAB« OW HOHIID]BB.I». Tbny are tno l°gl«*l reaull ol thi I his yam T UD pnllodopblcally i»ginitit*d ta aonrlo- man'a brutaJ Lvitlon nf -MII- !.•. Tba n- rlmaae brougBt oo IBEIH beta.u« I tblnt it u inn cnnU°c •-!- nu about thaw 1* t°U Tbaj bava 1 1 not 3On»Ct » a*lurdaj K belpa prdfcL and auanin llEa It la * crw up wblta-ownwl BtoTBB. Tba Paomen urn *T IE IB iwjnon foi A pdrlAlDELflT lO tlva tUtmnUn to tk» p»n1»goiir for exam- NIDI lib, *Bclh». Irn«cad J«ua- Ara ple Just #* tbflre a** tat** in ibU world OrranBe for |UJHce. Juot u me Ku RJca ID on OOBO« lor JnJUBiUe. Tht g ti wlfh * d*"L4H lor lulling, ao must time be tlve dUEenoofl lieWorn pleHIng \ip m BUD ruilBb*i! Un HETUQ. Tba fOrOU Wltb K dfilm f?T tavil I ILJJ tMp Irom beLna brutalized and pLeklDf op ore*wit* PUTBOT Blokcly CMotidLBea Unl 1 tun to- Hijtbr tidtalltj1- iU f«f u Sir, of X &YUVVP*U Claavet. anone olnen. say tUn. nnlw Hooter* opLDLop B°«", 1 doQt think tbat His -whin m 6000 iwqjle In Urn own daelga E perBpcctlTO la relov»nt ••••tr. u com«* to th*1 rf wTHtn wan wbH*— to m killed Utnn«*LTf* le tflle «m ir- pntbiemB Ubfct an EivlnH Uil» *OOIDLJ—wblofa. stood hoJdlna band* •ad »f»jlof b*d ud inTOC»bla split ID OM black moveniEfltT le tmprlelng. whan y,cv &m»jder »n UIB good forth LD nw njf th» oldBBt, Bw*t mmlnf rlt- . NO The compbtltloa n> noDvlo- lnjonUBlon ha geta. Se cnt*lnly k,LL-i M wb>t i?nls of "h* H*U rtffhl* fltniffllB Tt« dFaat of not tomi from Btokoly or B- I'm tbhoKJog about and nLtu« about tnoaL 0* tn» u™ Vbn nntflrod Urn ttn'": . It HM&ina frooi AEoaflca'a tradl^[i>n< UiBt morfllng rouLd ba»s laTt wlHmut »b«l- It OHODB frfibi Uttla ^hfldran aaelna avwiX'i* Doae tne FBI ioep you nltig namo at Lb« deapUr Ural ««€DU » b» Lbelc moral proMami by UUlng. TJie Hl to normoiMG* fomei from tHa j., I-..,M, Voa. Ita inimltLaQ] Hmplna D* •fflictHiB the bitch liberation mLIJtnry draft, wltb la olna waela1 training "A 1.3 HWHIODM laMr, I bad B. p on how to Id-Ur The vouLun L. tb&L nonvlo- phoiir imd I UBDd to BpeoJl Wltb tlin aiflcrEiit but iDdallbla. uupzaaBlon or lam» la K (tfttn deOi^l u rafuwA » laut twl» > wB4k, Tie teraona be apote -..!••. impouE. i illd doft" of tBBi poLLofl requlna mwe TIBB nave Increased sLncn hU dutl But oaj- gltl of about 3o wbo wBfl * landtag bfl*x Tjlia. iblnE ibeyTe bcird o* sa; if thBf oam« coump tt»n dom agg»£alon. The pervarWd |IL ri d Shfl sUd \o b]mJ wltb. Boa M» of manliaoa conuc; Eroin (be barrel of uound. IU be H " '" 'P.' •' •ui. loud to 'Hainand, I Jun want &) 1*11 r>u JMHB Ohaai I want to odd tn»t T comlder ilr 1 1 -i 111 'i. w n it a-.. |i 1 people Irom ynir i'- -in to aJi of wa BlovlT nls«d Eid ll If jmif life werf blnueir to be «nt D[ tJi hMia nod Hid. Ifoll. U.'LLH JUIt A lot Of UEE couEd jvu U10 » B1"1' lo o\ir na&OEtU •Purity, Hit If E wm re*llj ImpotUnt to you. you'd tai* J4rac5Q^. Tt*. N«i»]HilBAn» dnoa wft de- aod outer surrelUEtneBi metboda1 pbE7 I'D BIT 1*1 Ht*d bgdj unfl mTLlD ma ma.nd tbal on* Ovtlip »n Bhflolut», ILH^' ^r'.nc thfl pctnelpleu oE denhKnty. Tbe bonie. H you* JDOTICLB njonLfl fli « QDB masJ «pmmllmant to pacin«n. Tbat old DotEon o[ doaBn't a«ount to uiyone, not Tor ma.' Sba waa IcttneHlaHlY Duvtrnd mid. brtaB la - dulr lilflT and ba.vlnf & man at*p to «j« AMmnar OrnEral and. In re*Jltr, b= •\.:i. Ob. RAYarand. TouTa (lut bBTlDf Ml 1 1-. ..'n what LB VHf urulj a. aaorei pc4l». pin. me. Tou iMai nuas 1L. You woalda'l QAIt WlHl * HUH QOflB not "pP ? Of mUlM. I It's OIL ml* aubJeQL of Bhuuve polUe powar 1 am going to do wbateTtr I mimt bn p.i I^J iciu U» mr iioii" ' lir 1o4kiBd at her wltb m of tb» min azid Ua fun. I prenob nomlotan^e mat me pBjitte™ an pntfound. No wblto lUrn axpraoBloiL t&at bn cvuldni qUU pra- bri:f.uda Ifa tbB bailor altarDAtlva. In thai HWinnLiialty In America ho^ a, mk^miLf of vnUt frcBD tuminp » A • tUll" asd BAld, JVii: hi "i.'. police, but black comntualtlaa in LOP' Hleyr tbare la no piiers^UTs. But pouce U Luully tutfupJad bj whllo pollc*. Tba pantnan IDII jour nu*fLZ44 r^ eonLLag wn Thi'i^Juv UiO BJHTHtJ^ to T/ai ILZUI nO nlflhl. T^tl h«r to Jo tome Bitn'.' She rmkad be awn ABI the nnHdoto if arc right lO B*y that the Wb|t4 pdlO* SiiOHifl He gotfen out, Jikst u the- Americana wire December 3, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SEN ATE S15473 right in •aylng. "Oat the u L' " W* or n*s0; wbltu oommit «m« cd blank in me Porth Is [a we afifUg, "Qet the Hiut feitj ao not Pfft Up al^lxTn iUBLfd mood. Hew in Pi-imgl Annt you r«J|T P»Jlng "•« tbe Uigi for a. mlllloD-doil^E- raBaom. you MPJ*JB litHf 1 •All* Uuw«Li wii 1 nal 'BIILS « Mid Ida p J«HHPK. !*• &mth™B No. wi doni wttor while hlue- zUtt*l bj blkcki I r D-- -, •OD» al UH hope* ^ r*U*d- We achieved tut TO *m"t want bite* bluecoale, tbe mealy >«E la tlu fUELOua *a1wl-4ll twla- Ic tfc* bus boyootf* Hid rt r We Oont "ant » fee policed by » flls BlKb »™ not oul tor • bJg Th* publK-Hflcomnu«l»tion and »ot- white authority, iron IT IBs igBDte a*a otit to etar >»r>- ^ad when b bllU wer« paned. V< ba^ent had of tHe aufJ"ffltj in Ulack. We're aojlng Out Ku blHk mnn ™'l Vford. bUI anfl • good auer«g m tho Woilh. Tte the black community alujuli pollee Itaelt; •ttorotf- ilreadT wounded uid pivb«b1y black naa aean Bom* pEOeifa, am HisB.uibcniylorUiepeLlfiBii&niaciinu from Uie njstem, tw RPBTUM more time his Bdvancemenc aotont compare with tfio III* bdOLB »[«*. Hot fIDIB Tit? ball, which U while* inside Uie |nl »jrtFinr wnere ne t oF »b][« aocletv. TtS vnnqm^ &I1«Q » ua. have ne^'or km (ympotlieCJa to PirUiir drntroyrd S? it Hie criminality le whllo bracks orebp elone wilb'un- If "nfl fhpBUlT BUPport* tfaa pOllCB Who op i" police ifla». i ™ ™|wclfcllr empL(i>msnt n* nfjd u< 3K aud 10 percent ID ol Btt» In Btia &DiiihJ Miem I grew up. MIUI blacH c^nmuniiMa. when th* vbiiB u i.- . Do you thinly IU aoms Tbfi pcllre wert an ftlMolute rmwrr. tbe^ ratt fra» 3D percent In iflM. It to. A&t ADt*JiC-H JB « polloe HlH? «BTO irOt nifiTly PoTOrcort OT CliC luw. TtFf tbnt reo^ulrsd matniTS aU J For Murk mu. it in Nobody ID Che law. Thtf touia do irayUilnB toep Bui the black uneUbpiojnwnt rata IB IH'IOCNI. the Waofc muuuDitr vJuVk had ens eipori- . bBcause tiu >irdeea anH tnc The most XTuJlmlMl ntL thosa wbo bavs enoe ir E'Lijr b&dt to Hfr[ead*eagl9 o*er a wers ttonJuebl? i&olut poifced Hara«fli but rimain unrnatrded. A cur jor no iDioo. or l» nrf a timple DO you h"v« any Tecollfi^lo black man In Chicago vlcb u nuatera l^aio tleiet. would dlDflTfte with that. Borne &onrrcntullcnB with the pohce «nrn> IBWI than a wh'M mm* uLCh a ^ bloat folfca fllMSim. bul tUlta brmuH OE BiiHOOl dlplom* ^O1 emit tell - man who ha? YOU WBie piullfi? been m eiuiegc that mm not oQucawd anon gfc thel* tack D! experience H thBp Just keep JjiiiiauiT I renLembe^ #1+% thtj u on Hilaa. they'll confront the reality BOOH to quallly for n. Jo& inni pH" whU* h.Lgn r Bet * Mflfc out bip^irjp aown the rroot door itCbOOi Inrpauta. If jou do. 7"— eaflB-iW b_lni. flnnMgt. The r*»"ty 'n lyjanny. and the ty- H you mdni anawei qulcUPT nn^ugK Vhea raot jniut be op|K4flfl. Whuther we ai* called And the ffortbwn bla^k 1B more- rfUBWawu • wu • HWJfl kid. ve'a run and hldn under bKkuae tha lndlflBn.™-e of white miaul "Ham Operation Breadttflahnt or BIACK PantfiBni or tne boi«e »t lh» iljbt of a police o»r. 1 in tbe Norm 1* mn-o vicious man the •UEBRB. ve know wljo fJie numr !•. V* on, Ukey Lurked ua tip Jt>r aune" b ho will gain em r. reedoni by being or tilfl South. The NorthOin Or f art open. Dbt EbB South Canrtlii*. became famokM f™ lockli* (--iiti.-nl emtriKEa In OI'DE vhen Uie be nleued Irom prUoa? tip b olack mafl for "rpcAI«4 syflbolHnB'i hs . TV. but Own BJfl probablr aomo CLOH and whiter IUt tbr money out of bfeo Btnrt^s BE A wblts o'oman »bou[ Khflllo lt> no cokncidfljwa h»t tnoae men WHO hano beer, en tuckm. WHOM 100 lert awiiy Aofll I ntnnraber KB t iivf i tare bun «i Twlfll*a toot they would art ice pjlmary la/ftsH Jn a riot nllaw« lo nanfl tttBund Ae aloes PTJTEOT. Pv?a AqgeiEH niaTOi 3am be QanafrtUB to all Othet men. bo in black the? were cbaiigiiia rlothea an the '..if. wltlto. ind • nippoBB thoj BJioaLd Dot italefl on tclBatnlon that he »tor« duraiBEH My Northnrn Trleada tpre cavwl b the maaa cnwlta Be Qa reinno«d from conQmnnent. thouflli 1 •jet • big fclok out or -hftt. but v would bom thAt gflnuiup rtliaDULUElon blanka rioted In Imitation ol the J Of tup awesome pultem of a-mthrm ^n Wbailor tbey n« on lolevlPon * dauiiEioiL But ;i:i BJ E^ •Ion tommuiilti 1» o mlony ot »l»li« Amer- ".Hit hi tliEIC had bwm nn talevlfllcnCP' t Hf own mmt Ol WatCa •uUnC ttig Orat bouts Of the aii'i IHO» d U« WltUn Ihat . didn't IDP p b* Ub«»led. BO HUouifl UidW of iHsra m iVBS. Ih^re would have oeen BO tore on our nli«ct HIQ by riot. Do T°I 'eel Chaff true' Ufl.v« JacK. Ilia ciiotoroetH wers UE W"ck. Iui4 It waa » oomruEi^blc pl&ie Jaok lined i-. Tbel'a aMmd The rlola are at the attlie ala^sm^fttci. bo . All of MJLV- wttn ua KTo> all the Time, and we'd ruD ot thfl unheiird. rtm rinCfcj are thf cummunlty nhnuld brruidn fat him One lay. f wdiE In and Xh& of hlart p&'&lo wno lnTe»t hard BKre win full or psopie, bi^i T «*• En a M& OH oanty enoie"—'tbry are door ElLORD b*lllUd hnny, UE End of n^rry & ilx-feat-osa I* aho«"nino boye, hciipllnl agw»y" ID. T uld. "Jui, i'm lite- T»fce car* they Orid that thay bnva almost no ehttra. no of me." Re tfldn't hear me, to I wh^Hed .- inTestm&nt, no fll^iaend In a W»-fHLl|on- while Amcn^i mid, bit ma nplnlnn Turn, a* wtHnifld uirund and my arm In hU ptopl« 'Phom no Pre"ldtntfl prcflr^ni hni f«afB of muck mini* an cumplaUl? he pat tnc pl»UJ against mr retensd. Bly gra^flaichtber haji 11 red --'-" llgbt <•' JUT »nd. kneadlna my Wurt BIDI In His r—ii-i. every piuident ftim IBM tol£0P , a^d the that blmifc PM#O[LH;H ibthiild . tald. "OoQdantii Id lh»n't you tee' Him lotfti LIH .' n dfd OE Bll lie rteponilbllllj Of an ncUinR mUn U- IB an u Afe u a baby In a promU. said anyTtlrie My ImprBsMon ol the toll the tmtb about hla pnln Jt iin'l 1Q hu blattt Qtant hoatLltly COOLH from tin power ot »^»lte« lo do aQB"Jiil»ly to e've the appearance fl Qnp- imd ^nitration &nd iflDiLon ol a &d-L a*aT wltb n rlgbl In wlLEn ha la hurling In tit* P^". WE tbe BheLLo Host ptnple buLdle tb»t ho*UUty oJ blacKu tna lj afceplfd tJ»B Immoral pole ol »hLit «LrbrlntDgl; well; anH U"(ae wfio don't. ta£° m-M v la prove titfit WE rrre nleHr decBnt It out oil tlu uear^ti l»ij*t—oLAer PtilTBOi. Are flilGQ eiprrlcairk roc rolke. nut mat wu oux fooUabneaa. Block D black OICD burl ottnc ill psrl or ih= HoutHBrn Heritage* folia aHUjncd ibat ptinrBoh «u going to help LH tb>t tDe punlitiinflnt li li * than them almpLy bctnutr it was the rliriT YM. but IHS frequfutly. and I to do. Wow we know mat pnnrBDb'a hurt A "till* man TTlfl pllce ''T Drr King !• tbs Eennoa lor the- ch.o ••••. le to pfopErty. not to pHrson* ITE muei r pUnrt VhlKj EB ton blgl" To Ulk The BLBnlflcaB» of his jTimom^nt cao bs 1 la a wnlW bou to la OH flrvd. AmJ ic •HS only n^iLiinL a floutham bnckaroimd. made- to do the HE ", thlnj. Tlolent pitufrn ogaLrBl whlS PJIHIT. It hoe been Alleged bT *"ne ob- BD t&ught UB thaE e1M U th» prflce—the i- to in^r« dAiLtn. BO me lav—a&y ^JU cmt ^t down, alt QD^TI un^1- L howover, Wiat °f rofe** Jisip *a nnd ounelveH In my nr-ir:. ha-BtrtBr. I nj**ti. ended Aia«loa.'a last ciiaBse to be **• on to* Simps1 cu«iU ft notnt kuD- mat Uie entin «j«ieBi ID » cmtiiptlMi UIVUEL(-] i% m iwt fcc w (ft daWnlne lrd. in IEUQO]> Tbe flftitfMjf* were To am, the mit belong to ovsrytnnAT: '•'• tba ohaiu« of rodamplloiL Tbtt-e axe iliu ]uit Bi v*ws BiinaBflEul rumor wtiHt roLka h"t to tJteDj, ffolDB tbfet the aartb bftlonge to tbem. The •maple being baTO vim EKV*H tflU 1 ehu od b cum to no o»rr riiiji nt' But wnll» earth Is th* tort ! pud DO mkD rnatea u^- tu» oountry, +frr"a*1 Ui may tfiev ttut, thrj werw thlnf tout ? Doit other. ttlne. Tbnr «D in*k> "rrap bat Bo: traUr h»Dfl wBtB Htal WBllnHlm) dn HOt m«U tD O*n*iU Bays tnut Hit lord ccBald tba earth j-cm»ft. Of toun> Btit no other ^,II,.U and everything tbereLn and E*TO mm, not maa eo tlw*ij UtaOt waitd* poilosmnn, prvil*»f*. Tbey tani mnn cannot Jl«t bj whlU man. dominion orar It and cre*l«d & NO «H«T BOUsrtl cOaOOB dOWU "0 aloce. TUflj come mm &tnifle« wl» bn*U and BUfDolent for sverjone to b* able to en rfis wrong Bids or e*ery DQ prc«pef. No* ti» eonaept of mi'v i-.itiit J<* 11 I\n.iJ-ra IIJII Uj Imnj. WhW- can ami man mcasy tbas tier out vpciuL F*t they onH UtUr live* emp» Tber* It Iwantr Cf ne*'* ha" obvlouslr bom dpatrof ad. and It MI Ul«t U • r^HlllOD, HIT .FJUVTYMIV* la Uielr taanng ln» n™rtbf*la of ot&« Hu- IB our oooeam M> nd AmorlcB, of umi uf hur UUudtrialwu mi tanlplng to rod it. tphetber mans. Whfct IB urUte 1" thai tcer* u p, 1Mt arraganiH and control of OotL^ '"aiiTt-i by Ht IB AbfOlai W VBBttiUlR. AdJ pfed -•' •f deptn In thalr protest, la tenu of the that the Tood ^e^on:BB Mfl.ntbtp4op.ta, bUJ fill or rubber, gr B«U a JIMl CCOI ll fl real ufl Da yen tblnt fE-nnHft and iup- wd oha*mg rum. *D'T> (flX to afaouU tfn their food B**BT1 tne old «d« V* ipmd 1KH jar ho pin* U'lm oB tui JtOB^on I dun'L c ire bow He- people «*l m HU the. vwt o«a but <*ij »TT p food. •• lona V they g« ltr The- Ooverament wealth, K tBej a-'n le^Jtlfflat-Lj 1 per you co bad t&i bimgry »t luue v,«i thtj will Uta wbal LWddj nn buj tbe food, and pv* It pway ]• a l^i H ' - —"~**" eoldlera In 30 oounlrt*! around the bock ma of lba( IUDPB} ID r* in mi! gpa venldn oT ths preamt iDnddjuoJ* BIJJ-- wotHS, y« n BIWAJB talk about to* &UHJm Ta and food-ataiop progranu Or It (be Cblaw« rjinat. Ctuaa dof* not apea wltb Por- cu alvs tee poor enoush auJ—BT to &uj the ttudliLf! uiay cniiL tne paj food. t&enralTOfr fU bU tVD V*i AC iL'itJinn \-.V mti ilKnuHJifcEnwires YH, and flPBtituillj tin PUTHI, Miny ml0d>-c1«4 w>n- ™ think wlJ] nut bo umLl«dtoai«cbui^DH. thit Lhe poor would onEr buy ixux/i and. pir-i ij7 »£&••» p«flX* not (he 11 they had the- money. «Hrq UiflU awn *w&(*filQ mulH «mnmDllj la AraetlM La HI nailon, t vi cii m of ADIWI'VP o jACKBOlf I fltLflilfflEB UTDI4 With that &fl- or .to awb damacrKj; ber OWD bb>gk pwple. ID tlbn nr. aJL of our [.. hiuz ihi reekbig, nt-lnleii4d teoc- wvL to find, mwr «rf UUi: VLd. supply llbva Hfc** Hen fl l ot TTarleia or Chlugo'a Ooulb Bide i>i -it% vxat hers H JUVD oonaierHfti. poUQafel asd i,Ci] eount th* numbct of aloob&m wellarr PUFPOV. it mipht B*O» Wmpu«ui to WoVo. b«eb tio TloHm* ol aa znothon There wont m ranr. HfUB OLU J'Hl OAD m**» QlH kvHplnf UL- •ire flue repHTBtLwu Inm* Cbooa vrbo pie dd not la^ount For tali ol AnmrtOBv *n lEMll[raaflat Uifcl It. Bu^lnflM OWE* iu rvpu>UaDH. On i Tor •••- number o( >1fOholld. Nor an mon fun? BLATLDE UI. rJiDD for r?Hums **• fdvc UB BVCK bought bj IJJP bl>ck pnoc In a home where Lhe ohlldran HJ« eaOnR w»ll v'^et bKauae F Hid UT blrlna UB IDC ODIJ th* kowwt-pjflog. mait nw r>f dliKtar d Sfflc uri lnd«r | AI tb>r "* tLvagrj. a gun isn't laot«i upon BB to 0i 'hr aafHB work H as Imporlont cmmoodltr Hut I dent cew are paid M* for It. Tna ir the aoTKHctflPl wanla lo gin out Sood vuit » bur ii^ the Inatoad oF money. I! would bloM "fl? devloa It EtHUL for U *a rouHiL ow? ira i*p**fctlo[ij . Hi ?flij Blfople Por«]L Lie u| mu. Tb4 etaurcb la feian liable, &e- might oome up wltn, H LOHB •« It ii bv disegarted It* o*& moral i,: - somUfMnff- TTifl country IB pvodudns peratl°nn pud cooperatwl In and. rmul th»n it noodn. Tbera la Inowent ern la ***m mi OD dmlroylBg it W« fe nolflt PCdCtTr • Byftqn th*t lnduoDi men lo blow crop* mon n—1. nodlcJu. niaed Tr Do JfU arp*et Tisw la under wblle dthan I^J-^/I. '-•• ba-metl Hot only n-.a Ibe food belong to Che p'o UJltfii but far tne mm put, no pie but wia Indiutilal pnpflt BlBO betanp to Tnmi UDI tbe pie* 'i» the people. U the eiaptoytoa of 0*B**1 leo- tcm, ^oCIUDi tad rather than n Mrt left tOnLOTTOV. It would hirr Tfl BtO1>. v TiitA iti"j We Datlooa Ron If -lie entire i-mrt ot flltecl*"" d»fl A m»niJj feie nr*. nothing would vtop. Whufj •intern would allow ua to no- BO. Tb» Lf nuu If III -y w«E> ii nl. It ii.uld i: v«D fe BTC4.E a™ tbo lfeboret" not the bvw elo» w* UD lo baldg tomaUiln. •..•j. toitrd. UDlfylng tha tic BBpaxatei fend IIPO from Ine rub and direct One nrth ol avr nailan la amrrtna, yrt we t«MUM Utat tb« BeTOB, UboiTna. Hsiuw TSey tb> Uta capvlty to o»o>feed It. We dU[ dm ^ draUorlng tbe verb] •• we m :.i «ha i^uiiroL the aMeta ol cof ihnQ'i DomBthlnj: InflnlOly annmv micAit nvLiv It WD «peat l&l bliljgo OoJlfen Ec till unluna and cburcbee will Bl«.t. T^B no vondei tbnt America r.^r u Uie tbte you bul onlr 19 bJJIIra bi b«Ur act fnup n*ir L.niLr moral Un- mllll»ij Ln tbe worlQ to urotMt *a •bo nn Mlenl flow, or are innLraj now. patiti ADUTICB'J and la monBj. QM I* TOUT auperrtoh olaaa from i>eooJe wno b»for» Hi* uLLlrruile ouJlOim WOAt fDU FiL'E ^"l*^"*" would re&m apalna* It. Thrnv no haflo etm' 1 rD: I.IJ'I T" - "iU 1l» tnrr G--J U Blot among; the peojilEt of the borld; Ruadui v mnbip "IHe Aow7li*n Ideal 1H bm dilien BJBO'I mud at AmorlDaH bus WbJH to m prcflt fend minimum p*™™. Uwia driven. 6nt the nonUolllmt •EUOB« Anwlcti IH no ImputK bJ Bhan Ibe veollb. to iaU« vp weja la sonfllot rfth the- pwul Ita the aoTBTMnnoi a! Ute nnlced J*cx»n. Xb* Uun Hue marr fere A«a iHk rortuiuilo Whit mounti u thfl fliflww5l Km tft* oaei •aaia eo tb« Iroot DT tha buJdlog Well, I which lefuAea to ideqimtaly pral*« rhe poor. bltcb. Umj at * Mtf *htt founU aw t6o bUub thai do (be cr fJi" boarda ol Hllnwlura s,t OU and Pan, whkdi en^ouiage bleefca W go IPJEO d-.yL to : LT Uml mUertiJlam li DO Inside mud H«]C n ™* letfl DE fepirHiaJlHa. Well, monej aJn> on* o[ buy auWuipSII* but don'l «Jlov bhub ta in Xbe prnflbJil* manufeflure w« lived It* dlitrlDutlon fjt o»f». out any t a conoern December $, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SEN ATE 815475 PLITBOI. Can DlBCJU urTfiJil to tivy auto- to U^e- adequate llroa Tbej ne-j thm a family . bavn t&E right l thr mobile •BBDnlBB? of four In A luge cli - In Uie United Siawa In vhldi you will Bght and In w JACKBOH. Thflj flflftij^wlw irill land III tbe IU 3B9B imbzli™ (MM pm JB«I for [niiumuzfi y mane? to buy can* whuoi load* to m*].nt*auuifl. If UiBit'" what* UEcdi-cL then J*CB*O>r Of COUtoe T bBve tLiiLl light. I for t£ein only. TbflT oouia leo^u* Itts thiiLt •• what. UiBf afaould K«. must netrre tbe right to decide vhl^h ID bu*1 BflBndao. hut tbej «u.'t. tweeiup PUTKU. Wouldn't tbjs be cipflQ^ve. van ace JUBI And I would in* fight In B tn» present j^.n u> par that I thought wU un|uBt. Vnr would PLUT^QT. Aran'l tnera ao-•'•' ••"* fuUSLL thrlr I^IL '. Vietnam [B a strp t*ch InH slavery foe olatfct stations, lor eiampta, BILU only mrn bluet lng ana houilna n«*dj. I woulil BDH into barmruim for whites. The coud 10 rtdlO HtttliOnB. UOlL Of thn BtS.tlOBB thHl a» ttiBt [hi!* B low pit Lout* JLet'n ffolibte ]RIL nni oil*a oecri the road to dteddin beamed. Wfud the- hlacfc community and MHUI7 men.- Q and hi. Jrano Urn^lU. Lr play black mniK us while owned. We oas'l It »nd Bay UiB.t the cut would oe 20 bllUcill B—havn; JoBrnr 1 jfl[ KC mn.i".r nrLi) I m ™>nTinned tlui 1 t* "HI thfl Vl*t O*ng. Iir» I l| h canoplraoy E^ Jloep la EEHMD weto "DouL to spvid on ih* Of blB^fte 1IB.PH; d In VHInam tLng wllh on« anoHiar on • m* It In Era tJkao a thlrt oJ tne J^IT- bepn TEw Bljir>J fiJTUJt. T>o you ntiD Hint lie "B t&rte tbo Oo.-emnnn< UIUrJB± A ble^fc. miD «n bf, ? lo act. It 1* r*r|B]nJT not H^LUE to Ho *a on It'n .L re°"lnHon [or hjnj to go from one L JllSt by OOflllullLUg nur B/ppfltilna. to lJ.n own. Tho Imfaalanoe o' SaulhiBrn » day to tnreo OometlmH X mnn the hlai-fci deteralne. Ihe dEreanuu o* she American |D tnr Coiktfr*** HBB im to Important an Id locked a«*y from Inlormation CbM eoeoemj. If Matt, people In 30 cLtt» paid 1 ainnillmnmuBly. "amml Mnlcm. you will b«lDf Jioand i.i. be duped. Into flghtlng; In Snuth toot IBIL ovn In ttifl Slack community unleen by nwn wim puoUi' for apartDeid, II Am*jl^» told .n 1 • . These men—eucb u Mental JtJpcnr do It We (erCUnl; nje™ down them HhootlDr you BunranH*d ui a rranchl/e hsre next year LL Loafl. JkLale Wnttten uid RKtiifd our Dooilnlcnn bruLhem I aii uierluil jn>d n*h} us flitiuc* I'" Of* would have no the blach nun'e burd«i Tne act lies of Domlnlcuu llnBfl up iHttlnat a *all etudes W* can arfeal then bugla of truth li.thmt, the MaOa u piobablj better ahile black CFH held guna on Ebem. But by •fthiln.iiiiB our patronage mid fepnuoDbHl III the QDvOnuiient than. blocliB this la not Menus* ol ignorBjieo'but because ttfl ByftTani iniEomd of epdlrrlQiT It Iff. And J uTiiL'-H.ui oth«r npe^ial'lnieieat ol cultural EuUoeatlou and Improjmr mlu- Pi-"vhorr Gin tide reaLL^ voDl? An,! if BQ, ^ronpi ure wfll l«keu cue of. Ttia KHiatlcui why bua'E It bum dene alrt-i3: '• on tbe agriculture comoUtttn la ptrtlcuiarl^ PUTBDT. LiBiooLm X oncB pp . H hun'c bern aeae biwiH «re the If B*nfl obfiervera Into ihe Bopbkotiealad Eooufli to He It. TTila lonttuwniH to me beoau» ol tJie million! ot 1 doilejB: mat aie £vea &w&j Lo fonTJeinen bliic^ community to detormlnB |[ IB: •. |»p TbmE VB bBvOn ! Li'i' n i^nrJ," i'i im*m~i* wDa doat SJ.:H., while tnlldien ate wure being treated huroBnn?. l>o you DUB* BUC IE VUl r<:IUTllJ be rfnac HOW. *tOEvUlg. OMllCttflt Ellib With tne HIILLI. that's a practical Irlr; J .r|. are oieaiilnkng m dc» It. &1«f± psoiilo pur- J^CKttOji. Only [or Bymbollf pui-po-en: ih* about 3* H 40 LHULoa dollim' ' aBUonsl breakfnat p-oi-r in !"•.'-- **ch vw. Wt Jvjna»Dt Uie BffPinj IbOiiouUiB of pewplB twt* [tod VT dt*»n't Iia7fl any po»et Hful 11 nubject pfodt la muiy inductnea. Jlmerfm 09- be lumpy. II the tnnUiMa cue 10 ihe American veto on oui toopMttlloo nli>i hi: -.. Wouldn't riercl^lnjt til* \tr.t> uul we *&UJ Magao IS* eaeralu .ir ptrro to SOW children a wees In or 1&000 In Eon J7^*nciBcor wl ta Inelr p BO enLhanBflilnff m the UA thai- H $310 SUduntrtM thut l.ik of rr» utt'.s wbaL could IJIOB; WOUld rafr*lii Iron] doinfl BOT by un/»li hiring bo aolnK U ihej nad the J 1 douot It And Ihn countrlci tTial gvJapt oJ«ct product*, by eip*ct 10 pToHn.r( iVmerEcB. inW 1 ]n¥«Unflnts In Hie ghetto To cor- I : uiv.v 1C JTOI weir tJifl major ol a rafl- humanely w»h lie btaoH mlnurltT- wim Ehe piuflH U«D out M It. city, what would T°U do? the tountrtej. ol flJrSca—are thenuclven to" Than ui ui aiuJogeuH million in H. 1 would deciare tne pom rum- dependrnt on Amerlca'a trade uid /innnclel The tUMB people Have Dot In • *t*'j* t>t Knu^HHJ and dflal Ud lo mm to E-ntegonlro her Tt i» not In me we a*n deUnoise nlvo jnTa B Uie iniEiiifjiijinent raH, (ne high aior- enllflhletied UlC-ID.Cerent or those COUntrlr- In lpBQ. It v*B |tn 6au(b &ldP or Ch1o«o i*te nm Uio hlfli tb. raw I vould J ,et up rnedlrJnB t«iie an the pitreeM. end to rlae up In lnd lBT.ntton when n.B m nho- LhU luraed In tbD row thnt raaflfl Join embanau tOe PedBril ahd. «ial* go^wDinMilfl up Ln Dnirn^t m WatU. becauiB ^ don: EclUlody PnnTUflnt. T&B neropnpcrB all BBJil into openLDg up their food vorrUwuufl r n'fu'.'. INelr BKtentlRl MlattOnnhlp wHHX BM DiLin h|4 ••"'X BRBlh «IDt would declaie wii i-, qtacius «nd hunger I it odd mart™ of the World Butt. w]Hi hui Coot County Enachlaer but i»oald enlarje all rJi* nit? d^ortmflnH EJiat BOT. 9olb MBltortn. and Dr King i* >u D\KH. Tlie gh-lf*. huweiec, Teed and heal people. The w«f».'P iff »U tfie to mobllL« a world'WlQe tonacienui Tol*d In LU own sell-lat«retit. It people would be aUended to before any new racism bolirr Ihey weie BtlUHK drunn baa enn Totad for block poLLtra&nj -t/hn ait pif COVL""M £tr EnonumenU or BtaaiuniB wore Do jt.u ehaie the view ol BOJOB thai Built. I would Force tne Oo^ejoniKn1 to call murdera waj? pBit o[ a plan tu deprive c»ut me Had anal QijarO. lo avi. ndLlj the ol theLr- rcadrrn? Vrh," doH the- gheaTo vut* >o lo- •IVP-IW Not a single einbaraLe py. BecBU» lt> no uny to Which molfB thB but JfB clear thai u we have moved closer the poor: Ujey h"e no recourse. On diiaater Br»a Theie'B no io America's nerve ccntor. cloear to a pn«tioR Day. th» prfJ'U r • •IIIL'. I.- raom Important than any JicKAorc- I«t JU Just t uj- that. "-leUtam la • •: • nc mlnemi jrHurcm tQat i"" >iot • roLcnuLL war. It la a iu ID wUco HLB J«7KBVW I tblnt •.-,, :.TLMmitances w«re ^uLBint*™. SIBJA poor •» paying wllh thoJr U?M to pro- Tsry suBpfclOLiB. AB you inow, I nns. with PI.H.TDOT. Wnat rorm would that tect Ui inyesBnenta of a BOIBJI. urti ehte Dr. King Bbeb tho Hs>a*ln'i huUet wu ftred Fhna«LAaiaa Invwcraenta Biro threpitflnHl &T We UDED ULklna vlth OporatloQ flread- Hanoi basket' oiuslc fllMtior, fi*fl flrancC. aDout A Hutnntetil bDDual for tfifl next day's tsJjy. |Jr AbOr- upoa the •onenuaEsti DW PL*TBoFr Whatever lntereure >n U*Jna y. Andy Toniw. JannH Beret *nd B«- of Ibe mnount rf munuT poopla BctuMIr oe«l •erred m Vietnam, dpa you tilnt ui>t you. Lee no™ my nw. Wben Dt King wu S15476 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— SENATE December 8, 1969 1 •not, 1 hit B« pnnilld, along Wllll tbl ,Hi the WBE Maybe X OQgbl !•» 1l±m H>pen sti montha on bEack oloera Wi Bcmmbted Wqaid the atepa whsce n-nu-i.i * h» *ald. But (tea b> ivi hni 'one. TJiaVa a raolltj wa muet wban be continued, hit voice w tia noe and I lookeC back ovwmy nhoulder, Span DOWF mere la na LIVII HgfeEa ^ InaUH I IH lAlUa tfial mm nlHrtfl •«• "But we>e goni Wo ftr W burs tlon of any consequence that Tuntflmu going » bfl 5ri-J I ew BO mnnj pull, u- tom- There ware dark day fln n of the ait-lne, and blk lae from the direction of tie shot Omt T »O- tn Belma and Arming ham. We've eome too l-iiftlly lft?ew up my hoade. tfclnkJns tb»t t*ie pt anoV bud c*n*o from one of tnnn and lt»t Then ho gbaoaed. "B»ln. "But Tpn BUlk N &CT-C ncoepte HIT money, and! rt I wag roLaa "• ^ ii-]f J roo. men vm by tbe aLvMon Ln the nenntrj- us. But we get more block mane? Hundrtfla or poLIoo In t&B area, aome Jumping I ought to just foot. And. when I get out of Chicago tAaa am otber ci-i1 n^bU (0AB l^i lUll •fdOTO the BhOt bad OWPB flO-fl to the paint rf death, pn-hapa vie 'mil hftv* hu E'w BOHCU nut oT me bloclt A turn to Full them that the buiin ™i Tmn B Buuiinlt moellrn; ui blaGkfl Uajbfl tbat that Taj. "•."i.n bflng m twTi-r • Hut than h* P5J,TBOI. Wh»E EtotB MIC tullllt Ol Whit* Sow, tfte^al*! Lbat Ray wa> In— urrrr.fH] » po»ol?e the *rguraent In hta "1"^ participation m ih4 [teHanbtp &f Srffsdlwa- UW kl|)Br —1m Sfll( dODT lO- 111* "TO be aoLii, "t ve arm where we've goE Vt BOJ kel Mid •tbor propanu ? We are golug to fight the good flgEi we i--^ ment With tbt »(UH 6a»loj b«n -'• f.v, V« aTeanirigii It. We need and all ULoae police in ttio uu, the- uauol amg aoing to liberate ou: DrotDnn and raise up b> Mnoumm i» tfcbnlea] and fl- during an tmniVCf 1B a Boutberii town tba poor. WeTe not enlnn to tufn around- or wnix In the elvU rifbU -uufd be for • flLrm t.. go off lt« B»pe toe It'n aLI verT clear to rue now' And I Oi-c Dbl W* eHOUH rub OUT uwn Dr Ring at that Moment waa aa- aure ai be light* and traffic UP Mult, Sbivt, where tbe r Whltve Aould apend TJiol r total !• I: waa E!I o'clock In the afternoon. had evBi been of the ultimate Tlctory of hie moraoieiil Oiw you've t»*a to Ihc maun- Hb*»f4na V<"< Amertea. the- boalwt tin* fi* (nfflc. wd. ft PU colUd folia need ataneone U (wi ha»# b*aa tnrajhl » ft bait. Bui BO r4nm tol^top, It UOMU'C mntEor II Junes B>rj Bn; U m the bu"ir« waiting HIT you. JK» nt ttny-r^ gulcg to went oH. Lnflbr •un'k sMppad won fl»i BS- w b* pualjT«d t/j UieU" oaped tbrougti downtown UempbJiL The dln- PLATBOY. DO you ahore Dr Elng'a rnirnT 1 Waltei aufler from nJghUMn* iM lrr«loiul uuice- Ue aubeeqo*ntlT nwalad tndLcktM to jBdaon In my atrougm momenU, I bava aiuletr. Whoa a bbm lamtly DUJTM onto a m» that ha flldnl do tt by hlmaeU and that in doubta-. I'm even able to lose those vbo hi ahjeet. the "liiEo girt" EU« not magl- tm mij hare bid Ami very njghlf plaotd ptrte^uie cue. TTiere munt be mmf ImpTBaiiateo: by a black boy. Tt-m dnLp- Sut, a! eoune. aaainfl Dr. fflnfli Ulltn IhA' i fimtpilllFiJ to redirjnjrtl'in. UB unrnJ. But irUHt do tot aUux IB PKHQdur to pnni U t6e raota of Amer- tbflugb. LE^ pftlnfuln TT^e tttt^r"LiLti\o LD finininiion«lon wltb Eflacta la lean Lca'B vlolobt BUUd^tLflr*—kP •tmO»pheM iC wa WILL de«EroT ouriolyet—"01 So nt-W «Mte TolKr. rauH which you conform or in trokon. ID walcb fools," aa Dr. Klitu aVU vnoo. TTfl and our huDiBoity, cyaa though out akin you tats youF aubordlnata place1 IQ Uie Li- and JaauB reached a- BpLrllual atate that Jib' •> 4»lci[*nt and our hair gren diutrlal Ekknamb; of are destrojed. the self Dr Kloj did not rapreiect " a dJfTarent PLAIBOT. Wfc>t do you MUnfc &r King men That'a what made people 1O75 . Way LB there a = „,..! be d 'l-ip If ht veca blm ao- much. Bv% what anally happens to Btudleeand J*C*»CH IV Klw wotiSa ItlU ba tbe extraordinary men U wh»t Jaupponed i.- . TbB io-c>|l«d Mitoral a»#ement wllb CB* pioblHD at PpOtnfi • if* r Jeaufl. Wa admire tbam Emt we dou*E follow la aimpi. bjing m i-i. Uut i nu,y aot kauw toflj; Us wnuTfl HTJU be raJuJoa U« them, and fuullj *e kill them because thsy who I un peTchok^loidly and bUton™*] ,. of madlcal curt !*• c«erj6oflF. ol » ' Decorae euch • itin si U U«. but En. rot qolnf to be derlnDd by unplopumE e«o0cnijr Ha would atlU b> fumi. la WDBE \T.I, - I'j't* M-J jQQfler. I want to am h avare tnat wa nmsi BeLLIe Cor win wonJd I Look) UhBt Umt pieofure OEJ OU* us tt, anpprnai aui bBBUtrj now we wmnt to ., |lir lv.b tj^j g,, umnj Mm r HO man Etta *BJ. 3Ul Lt ••* Dr KlDff conailenco la BO (rent LtiBt-lt cu be rtlLeroa who cro&*«l UM TrMtUtf. wbo m* - only bj murder. witb tin oomforCi-bLe. ateteo-typed •tuiaat Drtftk «E:-•<•* man k but our L -i i- period from 19» U» 10M. ana tbaE loo •u domluatM bf ALi eouioc* md m wrote tngt Dc. King left Chicago' "••TM* flut Ola new eaphante oa UA opposed lo nui piflTloiu nuH dudllty a! for example, becauaa ht nsalfl not aMB eeeau Lo lead » »me pubinn »i us Ronj. la *i>IC* d< UH DBBd Eor cupaaded .^i - den. Dr. flJag DU ai itirprlw for • Lot . QtoiBj conarluuaneac ajid 1 irblEoa vbo ami cannBd LOeniHEvfi miQ gun ahfn ID dissipate tl1' portunltiBi for blocfcn m munJ mlir«?. a B tbtt NaflTHI Wl rDkllf ULfHTlOr blgb-*0UPd.loa °Ut JiJ-p nrir rr-alu- number of •trlt^« iu> luSiutnL ItA you- by black ll Ld who Ha- vu intelligent, martl. flloguenl *nd cou- Do yoa tEUnX that Dr. Klue WBB t« at -uwlr Pchoola TAgeOUfl. Thfl riUll-l**t nrf hU •Hmu*QCC Wtl with nJi* moral ralber UISII ibe upecUof the civil rlfhU movament ? BO ErapottaiU thfl 1*4* ol It In UK-^ VblHfl b* W f down a arboel ID ge Ui Hi*] with S«™ u» ft rftUjLni pQJB . NoJ I tJilaB thai even u reooatlr Lc King «aa cutrecEJv analTJji^ tilt -•. i..s-,h. | tm.DK ao HHIOTJ pUijt « large more Imponaat ?M ma "»r be Awd up to ••of .•! • poople'i gmth. The wljll* nun whll* nUlUry powar U> the SOUOL. Dr. u the ufi44 t^ cb-RngQ UH bvxc^4 of tO4 bifrCt QWIr T"QU ^Quldn^ J m nrr- rj b]ACi *«* *W*y rulr hlrtory becut* Lt WU oi_e IL:'"1.I ui LDa cop'i MUf #lictr lolUa unEtu you LmprninJ whlt« folke more wa; for him la —n.-. "I o. wilbout 4 e jftlt wiiji In ^k[ be difq^od the j n: ctii DE Klsfr nod lo make ihe morament K"t rr*p«it for nepflrfllc4 flora OUT p«at ^J filllf 11 and wpota BHUI frorCe From U. Be ^u milinff Ip it* pnwDt. u m nnf lo die foe blftak people, uid SP"lJy did OIH. I think th»t •« an ] of lined to Loav n on how much miugi hat miiselvoe oa a people oaly Ho not on BOJD( •-•'-'-/ LIJ'.unlalooiac or in u--.- old. bora aa aleve* and mailiip Eoward ol Bmo"«a*L Influenos r 1 ™rtefl out Uia pn clTLIImtlnw « tun. »Dn 019. Uuu; el Dr. Kinm rrienili and nl unj blacH Jemlcja ami hlH conecm w»* to nmci buM iDDmbeia aotd thftt »r oatLanal polity. THa strategy >u al- L QluinB ».ifl MVI We BBMltKl Inn, do m WuD^ngitni Weauae of Ine ra Fonn a foolLCIon or conadanefl oe- ooppvr and nold. Rr ui to know of ft Hi". Tfie flnal docJaloa true hU Ha ••- blkdc ftpmntunltr and h aegnunt tut* u to know -J,'.- wt on l»ot forward tbe while- r^n ...if An l^ue had U be too. great destiny. going UUdUffU ft OPUl Umf and he < •E one H>T Ebe IH (HIT D4*UJU0 h, ouE mot*! Jlne». bacuue Uk# FL"TBQT. It'a the Idea ol 4ntluBlf«l] niB"h a1.Lend H» WU dV|M""'|[ tbf4 community will splLE -n tfce b**l* ol that botaere many wnlU people. loj ui'd And)1 Tounf trlafl to EelL aim fcja.LMt imnioTkl. liberal iRnln group* don'L ba»Bpealal MJax. Eflftt tbUigB fan nolajr W «et Without Lbat whtie Ualp, tbere I • » ehuoce And DF Klnjj Uld And|-F "Don'l i»y i tot <>- to h»T* an imptfll no n&UoouJ polh- L But they dor and Uic BcnoolH r*c- wben Won la oo p**«. cha*. Oi. KIOB nm JJ point oiiL umi ttiem '--• sueb. If you are- UL IBUIan ln r to the right and om Pi«ldec[ la ii not a blnrH e^lleB" the nouutij for instance, yovi til"EorT courioe will corer December S, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE S15477 ibr miJU» bl-Urr or *>—iy Root and ftad. It la out relevant to OH blicfc p^niii—mc. Haft, u4 tt*y -IT «™* L,=J a* Inilfaei King, taat TOU ID* aUre *B4 toW !*•* ba ««Jr,rrj-ii«. IBA l."r v ftTLOiJil b* Witt (A* flfT3iroi(? K aa ftblac k loader WdarT Vim bui Bbd. omploTDlj nnftppAllBg flc Jhr^'nv ] ttJDl tlM r]TLlt-Jll?IIi !• J whlta in—UminiiJil i BhTwt Utn_nfl <>r all Iba IOHHI we uf hu fear of black JDHL tD4 wtUI« lam Etud But Urn f*rt M Out Hw Uid bLuck poepE* on laoUnf lor U ddHdtlBA wbltej womao. Tht • hit* wo^ [iffC li«n ;*« IBI anci Tiuni Lhe i 12M onlr «' J H E r.. ih ri r re- ma bad to •plrttbUIr kill bbsolf. Fee ft vblte immmun a* t» •*>!« pr™ •and' And a wtpqer H ivunii wto ma- WOZJWL to m Jim DrDVE ftUd Dot ttUnfe Of Umn pamj* Ua Irorj blndc fmm. PM J^L^e W!"LIE* *J_I_I^ p^1^. Tbo Urn 14 an ftCUbHUiD D\kle DUUk Unit t£e siunpfn. krms wa«e e*mmy D»vir Heart he p dc*3 wHtln bar Mng. Su de- "la. Tia I»IIPJ* mimilner nmn Into • Al» U (lull (« d rim f »1(n ( flHU"«lf, bufnuro TFIILIJ UBD ••anted A tbi>t wa?. But whm tb* IUU uu J riirlll.LlLiliT JWCBUB* "Hie H-i'-P" sr* bigger osulditt er-i-n talk to whl^e •iKt bMtnt tben. Be to Jwt taking J1-* 1-JIIB mi '.''ULUJL; Afra up. •nontlna bla maUoublp wIBi ola i iip^ of ftoe * O«rdom. 1 ii' ;• dmu and i""H"g UMCH bLnd- Bitu I Ala ffttUfacUnqi Horn tb> T n'.hl'-ir ttT'U rnlTUiljjrr ]13Vr bHQ ID II P¥T- do ft TV •dm*. Iln twa t&flt e*«T W»ei T -r\\-a* pullan fctmoi. 1* tfiwj over-ldentl- In 'I'llu^Ms tp]bA Ut unpis. He CCTild Imk jr*ra havs *«rsci to dlmlnlBt Lfao bD{ponftii« feba. even thonoh Homa art 4«pf nricmt ™ In Llw ••;•-- and teJl him h* =** of aemal »alM"r.Si X-JI 1 JJ.L mplaa 'JBTH wim ihelr pAfttrdpfttlon. Jec*]* RoMEuni ln>t showed Icat even to.e aunt bm- ft aura fxlpp-llng Eotm oE nCLftd. Todftj, low buebtlt la LV4S. Tn iflflS, blub daml- ipeHtnCB 0011M ba orercome iBLograted. koto tiu Ideology of His ft«fl*. ITw vtirv af . TfflH obvtLHwly flOn't fttftfl* WiDl I jald that Ibe a(ivr>l lupeot la WHO fait Eb»t Mnlnjlm. lU ft boouisa o^tn If MIUAI rtnaMBia . Uslcolat nodi bwnnn HE mtir^i. oupilftllam would atul IBirt we'd ba iJjilna o»i« tmtlrt la ipona If p*«£6 ftf»c blD trLpa to liie KHT Gut require anuitt |d«hl^7 m order -to maintain hu ft knock For tlULJtE nflr men oE tDm. . irbLle men oE war «naHDue to tnnre. bT »].!•••• tU •lftvWnaatrt ftjUUIW U.nT of eatn alaci pointed op tie TOtlllty wllJ o&ve a «adj au[npls of larerlon ID eTdtiBlveLr wnllc- Cl n^fi tenna who zt Berrc •* •io7*«- Rijiji" 1B aa lot- • contract tn Ua1a»lin. JU.nL iu.n ft blOcf mftn tfi lUueZlCft'l dODWaUc f^Lr.lljJ \!I\ I ftl SOI. TI OJ- WiDlC-J •« £fv« T.i- ir.-Ji BTFEJ flnd. • btscH womaB it -tffti V fonlgo iBidDlnllim; « in ui Co algn ibin Lbe wblU 607a I wu triad to Btab Dr. KLne. HPO»; la nrt al- to txpimt ftu4 aafllftve ft psople because nut ITn nlliC IBatM ECDCEUIJ tlilOi j good. Just id irbltfl a oat ILIWILJI I> H naiB br«D dBOnHl Urn iDfeTiOr I uri DIM? blHt boj" cant iSmd U In-* We. fcnamiEd tnal lMson U Heau rr^-enn it not buUi upon nnoUonn: II la bull'. Ibfl fun at LnB laclory lo try » EIB4» It City. xhEn icblU AppalBdbliuxu abarad Ui beDavlor pottonu tlmt ore dmignea to 7ri;n .-i vun, lfoie lndH«l'o or the mil 1 vp-Lth 115 ihlln Bomo blftcka 00 D were Mfting 'His ITui L-. i\ia UB nut of ft profit. ",'l- tfl¥« In HPdEtl IB UIB ffc)t that IB An 1 i; wu fi black WVOBQ who aUutad m JDU L'l'uk. fta lome cE ma]OT-[flkgufl baHbnll, -i—n do, Ukat capHallDn iiTII ha^e U C* or Adun Pomll't trouble". In order to CPU "t|nm? Uftct eueutlDB or 1 Pm*f. IT & black PL4TBOT. Tae ronsannia BOLDRB wJilt* llb- . It Iv Entile fm UB lo tblok abVot trujB la Lbat Adam FovelE dnerved hie Eate— riclmi: M»at 1B shown tolmMlf to be A •an Lbat be. was a hindrance K tQe civil mat Beems oeyond our ^1 -in : ' '"L i-iniTiV bf.11 get IL ilict at rl^JiU movemeat. Do you d!*dgre*7 to iLjrti- M We are nrhtlng to ena . Wltal ODBS tbe-E mun7 la -•.< K.-.I>M. Ab»oluW1y. FLrR oE oil. ADd te apt "hllo InBJIftpir Ui« mcitJTl iLnigbt. u h^kd OT UtB Bonn Tll«a bQV tOOlB lhej"iP ftlWnjrabUc g (LrtS? fciuomlmi and X-lmi CMIIIHIMW . Adum. Pnw qulrea powrrr Thn cMl Hghta movemeDt la a ID. *naLE>, I. wl^tc rciirL an jnalm hcV lifetime elnrsgle for power. A flifco •*!& Il •LI -jTSfl irapcralbir ^cr pwMing avei 4? ple«* impi.'.'nt. bo matter bow courteous and aumb. If uprctcH lo l-i'— > bJacfc OIBP^ bal Qf alBnJflcaiil *cn;ial JrelnlaQm;—man man DO elude man. tm jnallcr Jisw Hl?hl? quaU- pl-Ba»nt ltOtlDJ hfl Ifl. IB tOJd lO WBJt IP tJie anj otlm oE JUJI vjrtucij* coDflBBUCB H IL-- ? »R lobby. But If you bora power, jou can t» Dod. ID aUaw«f la pys ordoia it IL vhlte d But Adam ID even DI«B Htipor"ntr for a num. I? ft fehltc b«llpl»iflr Uko Eddie blH<£ fdJCB*. U ft iltfl« OE VlUte m ] LUIcmt" bnoTiHtb Ubn^fl ]ulto runnlbg H aremjiBntn fiometbloy hflpprnri lo mj dad In flown jottr few and tTifl? will npflU tbi door Her?. Taantore. Wu lVa thai LLllbtXftLe* LblB. Be W&3 foe jou. AB I aald narllFr, VE are fiulng to flc* frinlcfl la errri punrer on the big corpora' But JackJ* RcblDflOD vftB Otrj »• f^riutca Bad. iilrmii TTiuniu*iid TlJ hill. LiUly Ui--- tUlcd It BUfftttDCO. B« VftB to Bpr*K W b|i nJl-bll?k rcBlmBnt Ilram. Wn nre ^Ing »° *° " tbm ibe :*- r lrupplE7 nlffE=t." Whpi ftAlowUi Left Totfl at«-!*#* I'jfl that theT ware ttsr* to «nin»a oE tJit Ehctt^ »re •« nlphnnpd off Hiaeh*]]. JalB Bccuniii IFII&I knonleag* about DiThi Ifte War. thaf Uiey irete out » botber by ouffildft group; Hlpbt am oJ^oK «iter- TUPLDlng Duee, plWhlDH, tULDDf ana Qelalag ftiij wnura: Ihuy verc to know theEr place, mluaHnB emiipiiilea don't even Rut the OOPI- iriil *HU him. It J.Li ft oult of a p**t la othur i-ocae. IE vaa UL rlpht for nif EalUer trncla cu kill Hie H'letto'B iaU Bur tn^tfl go- ing |c cdnogo TF a building gQCi Up In Iba bn^cbuU mlud i" ikaK LLL . life la «rve America, but be wu [•iAinor YULF vein lU bp iByiQg tbBt •UFF a algga[-£i» then Adam Powell 6lnch cnmmiiiiji^ =TY« soinfl tn tniLld Lt, "1 bi.Li FL ILI-IFI :.i OOCUB, Jie tnn'l d^Wn Lbr hdlia r>[ ConpCB* Wllh L ,1 And we^e E°LnR to BIOD nnyono else t- •••• It IE we CATI'I nl Into thew con- fl: jK Cte jnowl oj ymma &]«**—ln- "Omen on h!» mm. Jilat UiD UULIU^EUUa dUQ- iuUi. th*y"IC DOl gOlnj Ed pt JDU—IB 11 '-rr ..' It griTE UK grullllciiilnU. TTip ri^ptttl OT milt Qiif iujlgbbiKbgodii. will •«•*[ br lMi . But olhec BeLgabocnoodi dont . WE have changea; 1 doa'L know . Tbn-t Btory tniiub™ Hf • tfce strong •bcuf, Lhf Ltmu- Whlta Wcirlj iLlll trie 1 ',J aap«t oE rnclsm floCh MaUxUm A and Mltlr nfi^Jnta «n;rairdlnfl to trf at tode njt hibBLii^c an. CJeaver beve *ipj-(Bfl^U Elubotftt* Beparatloa Thty try to OBcnmB pnrt of oa wDlcM. *HB[ H JUC 1* pm La which wtilin- filial fvaru air iltrf 1B traditionally rallM the Amer:?in of oonOileiwe 1H to white I alia BD a [uurtPimiot"! CIHBO Ol rnfc bnlrrf. no pot Of dEdttUct TTIB cCuati; 1B BD Hied VJ b!-jJt Jnciudn I flear that rnil^lOE-pot BtUfT a -,. ,;rLo gaming ejid bowing and acting UD- AlUlnUBh B" IB B rrLj-lal jot. itfla all T can my la ibat w/n burca't been •ure nl thnnittvH ihai nbfn wBlin raret of pHlui]L« and racial hatred, Dieltea WH'^I been jetting buroed on i"n S15475 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December S, 1969 bottom ol r EILPTI Hud ui IB Kboo-1. he cant fix tne w-in^ 1- im- houae. Ehnt th?f CUT nil Bemrsif rmtf mdrpendem ab«. not ran a fliaohlns. can't L»r a mick Kroupa, -whiln we are asperate Etna tfepnid- FLUMH Weien't you lnipi»Mrd by tbn Acdi rur rofbtlonal U«inlDf should apply filH We WinE t'. r .u'r.L the \|| i[ «|«m«DH binding ii a Bflentlnc KbftTHneAtf U thoev Vh" are aJnadj mantnf • of our 11°al: Iba BChOOl fnuirds -' • ch'i:ch- *cm(j(«. TbB Oily tblng tbH moon anot LiliuA buBliwflfl. We hfllpod Iniauaa * 1 for ue waa turn my itomnct, I "U In bli-ck man'a bikBlnbM rrtm (13 fan to #ifla.MG r*. IhB lnlnillflHUeg. Ill* POLICE. TUn i. HIT r 1 groups aie s*pnrite and control EhenTKl'flB* before tne launcn. It WH about II ID four months. But ne «ou1tf n t Bro* vlU] It bill they IT* B!pttr»|fl find control Un U Well o In the najllnie. It Jmd n He had to pull bl« buBturu bw* down to Tbat 1* » colnnlttf *ltuailon Ana Ihe alum* Khllct-iloL ELClt Bn OUUIOUML NO Ihe ilze of hit mind: r.r ha4 Eo f«e[ ihe tf 111 e*lal u lone M t°s dlnnlbla continue to tor, no runnldB water Thwa waa money, count It In lili bandaL He could" t Him a pioQt on Aero. Afl LD uiyatitDr wi n- botener'H papn o°«r uio npiice flihcra there huidie JI Balance aheet. couldni wrtle HOEM 1'i.n m must fight for our LnJnpsntfsncfl. BJiould nave Iwen HIIUHHW*. The abiifX *aa fur mnriLlflB capital bafin his ncalpU cams In. That man can't jo to Harvard BuaLn«« PIATHJT. S-jt Dr King one* flaM n,ftt nts rompocary loaJdenoe for > [nnily of fom and Urn WBJ to "hrc** crwfl the my- » that they actually paid iuit Eor U. If Uny bn4n't School—but If EhB SDH.1I nuainem AdnUn- u LI I in tittiy ifi nre wonlO te no KpaiatQ blarir fin. u It. the; wouldn't haye bnn "ifnwnd i»Ei^lnn V>a PtealdrnFr H|&on wen serloua. to wor* til* boirteE- Tbor lreie all hungrp. EOHreM In an opeiaEloa Hehd 6tMt for the and vnlia oommunitlta Hum you foranBm 1 thnt goal? The ilil* bodbea *ire bicaml «nd. dl«ol^nwf blaot entrepreneur. Tbe way It la now. a flart with EnlfluE Has to cbo«* lo woM in JACIEBOH No flu' we [ccoum?* ,j,ai B mu foi Ami tbey euffrrcO Iram wenna Tbla wu (Wtt OJ BbB. UL&CH COmmunl*? millE 'Ln.- fnUDd i!nie lor thcH pFopJe. ffhni 1 !•• i- hor- tha Etcurlty or a big white company. And hla lapped BplHL flnTll neroc pioduoa anything 00 . - aTOUJld ItStlf. Be ofRft tthft]c vflnt Bndar Lhoy Itai'e to- mo-ve on and Umy done In theae mu, nn«rt ow httTo no^hBro- to go. That Sunda; iii;' t oE lu own BIBCU bunlna&ea, on the- other handr 1 •re a atep on the rum b> fivedom. Black ldfi mll«iij«B aeeurltji tbe moon wiklk. in mj mind: " «jer I could see tn bavfl tbfl right [o ronfJOl II tnwe poor, bnifctn piopla talking f&ur mllea prwliic(4 if tt tt*2wi5um« W*H« EQE where wa simo*e. ^c »ho.ild tiro have the nanU Jump around. Bich •lap wbltfl EolkB decide Eo m»ic jor UJ. CooBLimp- public right to r""1''"' V • "• '" !n« puHIo arena toot Met enough memry to Eccd tB»L family Uon L«d* Eo falncH, tut production lc»dfl the war oEber people da A hud should tor 100 yeurt. to 1'i-fiJ;iii A proQucer is free to mats deol- choose wbe» tL4 *«n« En ]'•<• b.v*n on' bis Amsrlffc itu apent 5T blULon ••LiDif buE a maa who onlj oonaumea 1* a Income, or t&e '<••••- Ehat • H."IT T cloae iftS? for- the ego gratification of prOoner mhcae decisions m made h> othen. ID U» Jo&. or bHsuaa Lhen'a a mod school n>w m H11 "• e7=ryon« eOu One lenlfi of '•: !,r.:T Brendbaaletfl alnA if fulfilled, b* BjuuJld nat ba iBFUMdi DKBUHt that was epent Jn the nuit pcifoil to ln>dB- ll*nlj Eo creaM joore niiadle-claa il J '••••-- ba afraid or tt* hunary. Tn* mjcbolc&rcil Uo you EilQt then -will L>* BTrong out by whit* blgulfl HT of Of EhU naUon I* tovHled T-y ULB lact dUrislona MEweeit bliifc miiidle and by poll£« WtlBO J>« i«[Linig Hurt tht mm »IIM» «P» MB a-ellen bj put- tool: Una a- Dim on » de*d melt »*nild noi feeil the trODI tha B-h i-l k.V HIE opeu-houjinfr !•"• allghteat B*nae o[ BocaopLEBhrnEnE fioul ' iv . I tfaflt thlftt WO W1U hH¥e "Ig- •noia hufliane taaS of toBdlns bbngry [wopiB. olaai dlflalonfl. 140 matter how J10 «*», the Diack wim can nnly I* still BfBTCfallon In Fuiur Ara ^ou encourBaed &y M« U •• Ctucaao. bJhct* HIM p*n*nt of the popu' ouy a bouse -where he wanEa to; be U BTUI on (ETI fMrttnt of tbc ].JL.]"-„•>. abouL blaeB eapSBaHam? subject to the wbUd oi an/ white poncniLiu 11 laUon, but tu«y ll jf^itmn Nn>t EBI-J oniob. It la a klmit«d IUIIH TUft I* Inhuman and n who doeent Hi* hie looka; be la ntlll fo4n£ Urpet Tor to be tried, tf accused, at a crime, hj a Ju"T az« niuapcd! In apu njHrtt, SOLCTa Poor PfloplH' CampniEiL pmpw • H>T Din fl-hlcB aonpeert And tbfl" fa^U bind vhOi oan't AJToi It an parHuf decent eOcKfibtlO biB* !CT Oil p*OpJ« I*. ftjCfi him firmly *lth hl« ae»t1tul* Tnofher. For the »pn« In thej :iv* We nra iUm talking about raUlof tbA leTel of dla- P"TTOT. How do TOU [«l about tha young away Irran Ui» of tb« com- nllT for mi mtn. TJic olffBranro b*4.*«n Dt. mlllEiiat'H derlalve notion that every Black "re JleS an tm- King and ME if H«J 1B Che fllffm« ful blact ID an Uncle Tom? ASH l«n to play In IWI o-wji Oltb IL ,.hn;.lLrl and a potltlclan. I dont" JPCSSOH I QilDi Ifa Ubpoctant to b« Ihe Gnvpnmcnl baa pLui* for the UUve to who Tjncle Tf,,, ^ piyJe In uDdBiflUffad. dl-equlpyw] ht*pH"J". 1 »nd. O°*-yflarHJlds wb>o were OAPeSopnient ot Ul» tH»Hk 4uh«c tbe white man In ordu to pf-mlti* for bis PH*LBIQH of tbs potential Wu* biulneuaaiaa chllflien. He'H not a rnnw rrho al^a anmnd Kbodl. let Uu iri-j-Li'rr L LII tbe children and IH fsllun to flixelop prop-aana to belp Incompetent WB bm-re nc obote* about BcbonMi thlnklnf up ways to burt black Mtd nwplmJfc beriiT public aobDIty I" Tbere'fl noiblnB wrooa mil* a denied 111 Vlwa • nblie mother d«ld*o W ri_'Y.JI Wblte- DuBnflBBmec object who grn™ up In B, •hB^k'wlEli en dnnundk ..L the ground* tbat bJaeU don't wanting h rnhi tunno. The fob« we onte mum beCfLUC* tl«r ntL jhtX.ihOod dO«at dvncr°e ri'.ertiiflant oooBlderatlonH that picketed: 10 a^t an jn™ being derided, u aexrn (bi nndfl or ber chlTdiftn. tho broker aren't fliMndrt #1*01.. nhlUn. (fnc)B Tnm Jotfl. flul Ehe Wacfc bovrfftofile a ufci nur Mbflie Ohe would lit* to ILTD- WIITII »uU wry cloaff to the foote. If rot no other a bluk molbe: rm;e< that problem, »H* JuKhjw Hie QovMunioDt aldfl whlEfl OIL"I- 1 loaaiin Ebon tin tic', that In the colonial f»tfs ^becs Bifl out UP*—*nd mbarn etu DWM Oil I-Tii Hear- In the lieu ID whWh Utef are mdiiD(rerc4. ^t subaldlze* aMInea eyttHiu, he cant gel loo far. BlaeU don't MB'I. TU -whlM rofumunHliA ttiere in moae Lo white aoolety fc* JOJ. fulOHmmt. 3«NJ pngplo pt" Bquajo aUle; m Ibn and raLUoMa. It H» up tAii"* u pi^teot toitlle biulneaaea from cheap foicLan Irapoti*. good miinlo 01 taaiy niEaiB Tboy mope Eo gtt tlK« Fk« 30.000 pBOplfl in each oquan a-ntj Imm bod school" EUIQ aptiFtmenle where Tbs o^ercTondlng uroducea bent aaa par- mm 1» endaBgered aa a bufllnpea- ••: IIIR lUbBiandarQ education, Ehe tnuli Inn't ccllf^tM Tn^j ann't moving *en»d peopL«. They ue madD to niSer to n»»y Erom black" but crom EbB rats. mucO pain fiat UICT ifl'1 --' need to con' and Ebe Gcrmnm-int- &himW bv ofTnrlB( tecb- IATVB thEm»l*ea or tbclr nilebborbmda. eo and aflTlaorj ierrliH to FLATBOT Art jou eaftng that tdmh'B no Inej dodde W d«trO7. Tn«^ BIO UtQ un- . wt«E kind of Jllfcf —until tbey not. JICKBOH. Titwft »n ^m* baalr arean —heie . "0/t m&Jorlty O-F •l-T'- -rli . have the blaoK DusLnaHEnin oa usv GoinHaiBni among bLuBe nn» EIIBE 1B prt oB bT a oertaln in tlo« Me In ihflr W*M or help Due IB reanotllLy atuU» thnt will ts'l peJf-rlghtfloii"ng». a competltlDii for being . Why' k m-Lii If liii Idea la- eouna Aaolber, of the. blackest But we m\m ncvet forget tn»t Hat Turner °iaa middle clau. aa mie PrrJ*[- Thete kids tin-** m; mful lot of . In cup't^L wblnUi should bn le-nt BC- 1a foi baling America. Tbrlr «pu1- Eo tin wmn$nf* it * builne« ld*v lcl DauB B ind Dr. Tf tag—uCt OHH Stohelr Ofmnlcbftal. We =.n le afrlct DOEIOTU at «hnl glacHylng Ignorance and. poTsrtj. That ullf or applying fnr • job. if.o/ tn "* b™i "Sal" If a black man came •01 (mpi-j'e Ihc lives o4 block peopiB. Blln«r deprLTAd nr dlWrrnzlnaTed up TBIEJJ mo Wra for the next genMa.EloQ"B PIJIBOY, Do you msttm wltt JSUDS radl- «nae of r«entEDHat U Beutn. Xeioi!. ne profabLT conldut gul UIB monej (•£• vbofeel that blacks T^O ara v*lmiHV • and Ifa pxt m zp»ttr* or Om* lo. devDlop It. Nextr the •oyerwuHE »bould IHd tbe a«nomy wlfl become new ot«a In ITI'- up en tnenurt^ea ud UUB betp I>ITTI got JiU loot En the market's Uoor. Ui- ooepwat* tatPhlMot tfanj of theu AUeBdT H»VB. |f *> ttat tb» blHk man un »t least hate a fall want t^ enaH • new TBlue . Tnla H ono me* In irblob. Operation JdiHj °ft»1 about UntiWi futura. Ihat will produea a feneratlon of December $r 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— SENATE S15479 Tbe rich tpUt Bboiit (u JIJwnbA B-M Ton U ltHf IB rmtum ndil prtds AH Olrldad tin* and lailfl protection*, wbUfl Ibr poor I Hi > BbK* miLQ ^jl » Wd* ln*U« *JMT- DQt >D snort etop (UHoJm d about ateat BDQ blood '"IT. nlue ay-flea m perverted. *rt T would 9UJKI» DBUaPBl Of itJ PIATBO*. But Ian I wetTare a form or. ELDP* th*t Vl'f D Uv hlBaC BHfl E^b a Jui. ID dalbH nUHlni bj our Um for TJte poor? X CODip»ne Eil»t Ifl Otlt 01 tile KULltTLQ. «nd tblTb OH tRTii m» A titri- JinxfBh. Ae It now •turd*, wel'ue 1A B dii-tlil COiv,pLr^. he *U( eTjpinlMi in A aQkOJl trirJion iu IJoil ol poor blnct itlHT" fonn of humiliation. It La •'••BWUIDB and 1 tn«t IH u conoeioftd mm baete ™iu*i M 11 p Uon uaa nvoDe*" ^ welfatt** re« JB = ith d»r«Dt *agei lute** venue "biw n .L 'Df Kinif ram ILTL;^ M-r. ha<0 pri™-:: V..-I- LbD murt Uuv eannafftefl tb* TUIDH* BODM furfl reclplaDn bBTB DO prlney Bud w; be n .- materiel TOE in UDJUC& unl ol the boTTotn diH JLU t two ntta bchrt any Hmo "f dap o» night. Their moot tb» HlJon COUld prrn.-LL.-r tbB IXIDpaBT 1MB nil T"~"*******lcn. WIT* ma a .:jrli"ip rf *• [•stallmirililpo ean be called taW pccdnclDB ff»d" tiat wltt belp and h«Z pt* tti'iir froafl In by people who aio indlBerenl te. . TDPtwu tbe DegUiDljig CnoMad ot abmUig tin poor. Una na- pit. Ttie dCtllOUB and rieTOUBaflpec K O« our or ennieuni-fl reatlT new. "n* 1^ ^ o™- tion haa to •Tnicr*rt»nal thnt IBu -PDlfair economy «e LuUsreJah-d. We pioduee men . fnc ]UBL ons nr>aip!e. I*. Abac i«JpleQl la a product of ths pu?ecM d oui food kfld fl'jHilBe—*llfl BUfi" Oew Cbtvoi d O eronomy. The uiukllled black man wboae weJmvetQr capacity to • are mate people J ]gb ba> been kwt te tecliDolory loflnj- nil in.ll.* and dlncM* thm any otbei II It were- our omi P«D>«, be ]olned •hortly by the ouIIELed white man in U,e hEr-tory of the *or1d. mfl tr. HI! Jewel T«* ui crtber wboee lot will be loot TO toe oext techno- peopte than an; o-H'i nation ID tin ben C>Lironiit, tubla prf-r-!^ «(• '""i Bwy of in* nrM. Ho ORB aU*:l> our PLITBOT Iiul do "7"u ItUlT Utuik been fr»l By technology, to buTH I-»T mKatn 01 vuhlDr ma- io [uion 4 cKAtLvc roleL or we Foe the** men n AD Lgg * OMDT the wblte poor en going ED !••-= ]."-T JACEBOHOu.r Inloatlona* 1B lU prtorLlhK fdullenge m*v of Jtb- Operas »1- u having voAed tinrt mtl-r Lo nnd thenv- tion Breadbufeet TUB TjurtnempeP do help. JKHWIK. Tba WTLIW ptujr have alwa?" d ID poverty by U> PflBne i*»rb- - fla uamaln are Owamvl frc-ir- trl-tnn dlBtr*Kt«d froni dorusdlnv tiielr ri hrvrr pcmp>Kt*.ve oae ILM, W> xlcb and i«''CLf Uio ghetto. Wt derefop . *ni-F"*a noofiflin] nuorD d? tbat will preeerTe Um '• [iin^X <*I*JH>B; •* trj En n-ah It our «m- on Hi" nwBgar pueblo dirt ti FKIBIP- Brrt •nunnn UYHJ not dDDDaf them ae paay *• murn u u» o^iHtr. We enonirage th* fiUnnltt BUQ^T Cnm[iiJj-a. vt welfare hi*. • dialog bel'U>iq mnliir and rmplnff >Dd poor whin™ toot and Iliey fllgcalsd i""ii-i Were you enoouraged b*r Preel' Wft *nm*l *•**••* l>"JTtl'''|>a-nrv j ». Tn B&M 3t 1^,11-B. lUlnole, a wV» DUD dent Zdion*! n^ wDtfora propoBBlaT nBmrd Hlcri KOdTDiBed a MiDnmBrtLm oT JKCIWU. I v-u Umamighlj OLaaountv^L 1 afde the- gnetto •" w-Lt *" Wl tTUi\ 1 »T bunpFr ma-Tuneri. tb- VioMn hr> tuna ohll- ilr.^n end •DJka A** and til fbina of dpj waULied Klinn the nlehl be d-rtlve»d Hut JKM6P T.-^ L-I Die lfl»» J-ii-1 IHL lai»r > wee* but toll nBi mai* *jjpmi^Ji io wel'u« Milre«4. Hj anjor w»e tcntpml iHho^iuM WOT*—a em of real &oul power, only b? my JacredulIlT at U.e LmnunUty whan black! t*C toe integrity Be KID* out > feed hl» fsnrlly or a^eo *o put B Bhack ov"-" their beans. UE. Slab BH4 DU runtlT fm of bU HIM Job He lied lor noOIl? an hour slaU and aid OD* aootow OTR ttiinwule ol um Jicn t e°en oiacK a amllB. ?• ixked the nUlB*. WDM tbe moA recent VcttD-; RtgnH l**en in Hy •!•«• felb Tlwy ilmM squall**, 1 aod It was th* r-rrfl tifoe ED DIB SID, ha amid, eouctrj *! think uf him ae a graat (L LLTLHILL- Bill IH PHVBdn bimrk ft I »biirji fan" -rr. found lailan, bm we- weren't tooled. Benlnd all ti» tbty wtm[ »bl* bi ODEI n-.iiri-m r.u that ho felt bar itrm rf Befluntr Tneie «TT* a Sot I""" **T HICBV-a OOl TtWH WHO |u.Ti tboiD DroiDlarv Lt me IIDBIB raft thai Ae tAeEr prodactH mymgr*. WhtCw "rr< mOEIhl- •UU are, going to retain nontrtJ of mon toj ft« iDElr Dew pobUuL poww. On lop of ha-*en't ™»ll?rf T*-rt ^"* *aey don't oj Uie HIUSL program, WV--r, the HUM bad tn-,1, Oforge Wmaea prtrsntwl tbem Oom to Buffer alone, thai • mm"!** tin pom. Ehlaok peopLe cci.iMr. 1 rote. «ffarL Ciy the- poor dan U ttn> oolj IT'TT TjDLted ID a 1mm Hlrunnff, we ran fora* flii COllldD't rkd.* ID * ftrODt Of B DUB. eoVlflD-t ;irt i- ™dlttEJ*lBUtlo»i of WBIID. ID Am*" •»- CUTDB fr*MIL Uiy pnblie Ttat«T EoBDf4n, PUT HOT. XEw I0oa of '"i •=•". bot or cculdnt nso o> end TAea bnaglit T adbera lo ti» ldealn olmjit- •1.,:, •. nnd a irflBtrlfcutlon of welfuH'Clla- OteiD to CbtTSff^. V.'n nt Hrrnrtliuil-'ii lhr?i —lh»t bamii could limn ib'f a«il the flT'W"' 1*1 fSTtlle'j At*icr1ca BfiiHi]* IB WP' 1 es opaa OOI-JH ] CDICKRD. We wen wbH show tbctr h • ~"T.i 'T ana grant to the p*Or Q flltl wltn tliBl Ei-oid bv BUowlog atewp*opla tfielr bade n^Sta BH human belnge. d.. LblB OUt of a nut 01 '>COpl«lH»d.~ To. i&otrol ural dUmbuH UJ> [nod. rathor Funrn TTIB whJtD Inswer miaUo vinov 1* mT tlrL-1 ,,1 bl40l Hull IHll> Ul|jl than leUlnp pnaple at IIHIUH the? an UT- hm aD A UBClUDBl DfBLfl. lnR "me truth, nt H-oune, 1B tt»t thla luNKoUoi" quite rucM alwut II* to welfwu m UIT lona for t&cae tbey tt DUD oJ UiD punt fCVa ul wH^n -uvUhdm bi iocs "dirty r wBlWa mn UvU—vba nuibum- operating In a aophlBtli»te4 loo Lazy t> vort Wnat i your bor ttem—will uBuiT ffiBlr p]«* Jn VKIIT OT mriDlliin for me rub. while the- poor U°" II thej evez WID aEonjn Tconomle inU poUI- Ln n crude itate of dMsi The -v-i !• uhat ULB poor i c - J po»*cT th* hardeH aod b«e JU V^L>-^ dma an We . Tb« pmbiOID hOrt IB AH O» 3\cttntyf-. "nii people m thle MrirtT who duuie cotton king. emM^.Jir.' nliirt a nnee*--corner hae set UL lor ilw- • In tin- btad oorantuDlIy police und Ih" miliimrs uiil whi?re tin n-]r-i of da&lc eapltalLHai «*Dbavb oeenlflrt on toooftea. and power over 4M Tii"* po^r BtorH4:neper, for eiamplB, rtKT nevw -i UIBJI It 1» [Q nup- gDr. ™nLnm *I11 Ion 1U bfhJd Cur rich men'i HOUR N*I ni»tr* auppurUd Tbe rt the finfn induBtry I dt*ot teox OH Eb« fODSClOimieBB Of EElC wflltC pom eJx»nt that The Suit of r Inirrmiale rLf|ZJiwj"y proEniP', none of "•roloh i ^.-in .7 lln • ,. honi' Llv think, en DE tM-nrfia rhOBt who caul Wloid m C«r. bt BD qns to oubeiaiHng QLB rtco. an4 QLO. ttui Iheit'B BOLDR to tfl » moTeniflot perrfini hdnrttl^ ADABOH*. Tbetn wnnldn't w»re aumfiJ^.vwjUB rougbt by fte nr too bi rfU Imlude vblMa. blade, b* B irueltlnjj i-fiu-.*-, -^Mh'.ji aovernmeni •noe of welfare motJicre. u"t by fto jirldMtf #nd lpdl»na' help Til* IlKE "1 inrflBn and Inelndn f'i~ Oil Olam Hah who -ta t* ^ll-fto Tne mid Jit 1 11™* ID Araerlos mlUi Lte fa dolliuB, b(H It ! laeiitobld H cur gocd COWFhinl'H Hnd ItiHr depfeUiO BflOTPanoer ttfl doeea't H» poor ha*o to lnvp«t thrfr bvea iall-nfcMr the alrllDH aaH lUrpHnf, the power 31*480 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE December J, 1369 PliTHT. If II P0«lblD ID ntH« family on r, "lid tbati UUft It II-J moi»i dlaiUty ana, Dy contrast wltii aie funda prcrLOea by weLfai*r Manj elDim "JinlB ulort Habb af cv'e »t»t* of Immoral!tyd we Bpp«ar to be 1% int piQQMHP *r* Bound. WB& •gqiUEvat apd raoral HupnmaDlBta. n« b\a4f. Biipi^biflnH J^CKWIM IM me put rt IBUa war: if t S*V» TO' tbird. pntoDB Ln hratb—HQod, PLAIBDT. Tbe war In BLafra eeemj every you Hi ^m lor * DIMJ, jnbu la all raaaaadup , bwfclUv white loll* bit u tvulal aa anj othrr wiu- Blart Ufa what juuT* r*D* to g"* En **t. I bled, to withdraw hn It Tbi ISai* ibflDiB to D* H chtap to bla^b. =« j.<. ty W«H nil ^DQl null] 1 dllemmaa of fate and deaOi. •ay It Ei to whiles In Oil* country. »nfl. oondnnflitloa, eBuiun^r. nmj and BlalrnnB urc ; »d ola;. Doctors caU it plm whmi peo- IHUMH ire me same for all men. But uur with white mtv's wenpona. THef plo «IA dent fet ntmiMH tomJ eat thing* rfl]aELoDflblpr baaed upon dlUonad U|fotO»- ttoD peddled bf *bm folka wto Mjenrt me are OgntlDf a war that la bautf on a "bit-? mat hast the onWfEUAv or ram. i m a mBli'fl dlriBjoq. of ".I—•: n njid tM CPiUie Q[ mother gl?e hnr nhiw. ««IHn« »nd onlcra for at nUi«n. hu b«9a p"T7en«d. What aj« Lbr t4}choLoBLcal and tfafl dirtilnn ^M im enrUW •conomLc n»Jln- via BOLD bra oil to «ftk»I oa tin*. l«ll«jzi. The nor It an unloriunaU abetra- a wbEte mother wt* four Hd^_one of pnicw between wnlU and blaekr If H:L; f-lon und tbe elgns of wblte DiMdllng u-a * boy, bad Joitfliolh. OB diUk Ul ths everywhere ID It nUlk UM family ww allotted Ullty tOwarH Jewa. La wagto. mi Unfl klda play wtto- Tin ^u frill aolvra, u fllP'w from ATMea bmnEbt OPST •nd hrfpleaa, >m (be nuhter m BJitl-Semltlam oSnslatent with your nSalm of to Burr the IUHH and waitb of »-, i u- people^ morU Hiipranacy? Etc «oEtrv lamllj looked til and I FOB and a pnivjuciLUk] war or ofleuig out ilBverr IH BHHL a* B tf»T woMld never have a moment * that we are mlafllonajTBt tent Inan Africa En the Orat place, theie vere Jo*. I eaa iindfnhiiA ""hy Aa? mliffM f**l by Dod U »i°a th» Humiii Tece Wbo «ln .H of blKt »nH'6"HLIIiin'. tivit v-f.?. living aa HhBf UTW VU tbe met U !• a position » «IOH to tHe Pentagon, and the» eump-lea =m bknni oat or r.L. Hurt Hum 1B a WHDf on lie welfare allot- the greatest tbrMt to the wnini HUUBH? praponlon by the Hachsv' UDIOO. which meat but DO feUie* QQ flu foni er t£* food Who else Uld> poULLun » UtmaUy redirect bf JieCttd br tb> dLaBtminbtLon of fear. Ifore (AM or -He eroum oC bBflMf » family set tho moet pcWBrful epmomy on raiVjf Vbu HiBolncanUy! thonfb. I dm*t uunk joa can Buffer 1b UurafllOnt welfare fuodi K» «lae In Uie tf^Jd LH ID (He DOorDy^ klUiJiea charaeEeilEe bLodu u kBH.-B**BlM» We ha*B mr—iflallj/ damaging lo b»M~ Eighty p* and hlk ubDolroom? Wo me. perikaps. the baan obHBodi mtD in* n™- u Ohrlit rent at tlu Ivefn deroKvP dmtna Uia three mil, rJm.c Broap In th« world Ihal ban Hut HUT h&litlomUp Tiiti 4M jew nenEbB tbiijrJIVvf'y InTir* MrUi >nd tfu tie po»" t^ rsdu*« the flwtloT ol whltn [• Can god 14 me blnck DLorainenl nai nut tfcree yean « Itf*. Toe mtnd- Amertoa. T4ettber CILI.JI nn? muelb Dnr blatke. i^fui Ee coofront abUdfen, HID aannct got eaoueU to o"t. Prance nor £agland omjld Oo It I CIJ.L : |i>4 th> aouthwn while power Hructuie, foe white AUb b> Si" "oe aoy aimaUoo. u? if which w WASP BopUBt ana Why donl welfare Bxpaleau nu Uu>ht mu that whlt« peopi? J#WB |*Pfl ILi p*»^ iUppMt both provide idnqufct* nupporL» •n "plilEaallr ubpoteat, hj and large, he- and! mui*], and » n-1 klnahlp developed JWBKUT. WeUms nlJataiBbta Und U be FHIM all tn»)"»e isally pnaui#j a a lot « But once t].a movemeot moped North and about OB* third Of th» TTiinlmpJ atukdMld Of and ***rlen# ana a lot of aaatn. ta> problem wu danned. not Juet In Imm ilollnr-1 bj flit Oe°fl[fliMQt. In "t'H a aweeplng isndemnatloD. ol HKlal ngresBUon but In term of eco- , Tbv YHWB and OaDfDmla Ala THI. you ear th ul Eh> late P^rrnm Ttomaa. nomic ooloDiallnn, the Jew lx-jiiri to be IB- tbU tnoafer approprlaaeii in oul to Qoipe OTjfl if many raenr nu aplrltuallj ve*i»d »4 Landlom and Bhopomet. Qt . rear* and f<*d prteaa art hlgfeei coune, he !• more ODnqHeiuma tbAD the la poor MM -nan in ipffldJc^l"" Aioan. aa o. he waa L.THIHIT a spiritual :jioiuld Una mnera. Th« point ldentlTf bia eUuUo background. And he b Have leu. "ma mult or HUB deprivation I* !• tbat anab • man 1> am upwwntatlce of ILIMJ .T1..IB itmllln: B Ei aucb noler ID ttiat file Htd obUd goev to ncJiogl wnbgiit the "Ulto Ainerlcan cmtiwe. m fact, te a Jew than rfltQec a bnaklaHt ttaiW MTord Imttt «t arbool >nd ondaij lojei tbat EmQluekp humane wblU •ToWftaat or a DaUtolle. brc&uaa. unllto cannot look forward, to a d-wnt aappw i4 people are forced to play la IndlQn&v? of *bat ihr othen, tbe Jaw Immediately idontUH nJpliE. Hta liiinfp* la auen a fllalrn^on Utat Itn trying W Pay. Hlao* aocletf rUmm to wltu suffering. fan f IHJI. noS*£t#d to lUTB All Of AHfl be lBd by 1U propbeEer while •odnLy br Itt . Tbe nun of hlRb«R HUtribUltj In A« black* b&vD EIUBIHHI, Uie Jew bu baen pine* nUn fartber and. dxlet/ nnd thenwlfea: MboOliog tttaa thcie oi W«rhar and riiopkHinr, and there ID KIJVOL HB ba» aa i-—]uat e> h|oob miut r«oel. America !• bk« b«i u ^neyltable friction. But I tnlnk no Here Imieiii. no Ben» of pnrpova or known rwt for her capacity to lor* Mid beal tht und of tbe blaoka U mfr* one rf Ulli- LlLi. Bo la p&p*Lcn:;y "tffiKtr am bk but for her rapacity to organLw and till. than of anH-BamUin. Har oonUrapiwlna and pmnablj Am*rlca nae •"" orlitocratu. military deonl- oaiiDDt nffunl to be and-people; no lie dooan.1 a« ™u™i ™™. tJcat of *^"i. American, mm |ud£~e Anisvlrt* who Uie ptople are, mey must bo FLITBOT Earlier, you referred »tie doml- frj Ibelr we*Jth, |ud£~e intl-evll I mink the Jewi «bo »r» mod DUIOA of praraariaiial aporU bf Uaak power, nov by ooaMinefl about ontl-ScmlHim. nowerer, Thai docCDt at then- loiomjenc r ahcvia heap In mind th*t LUcta haie yfft JUit whr Ui ld*k nf looking for radol net eitloltDd JflVi *fuH. To broome eqd*i H bwned knpablUB •" the JevlaH ctunmunltr— white folke *9iihl be » benmne part rf Ui etorBP, oadBv food. Rbroa Tfae Lump. »II Uia't aurprUlEig IH^t greatest tmdltlon of klllLnr In tag hjatory •! nnd mi ooouioiiar M»ak rnutjj whu toe ld Jewish community, like moat other*, hae a ojm™i nil pOaarEf. &irt Lll» lmpOTld?it c Jeft and a riant wing—Btune a-ho operate In for Um djjnUonnoB at blaok rtbleCH t> tl»t TH«t mlelit voupidi to vane nW a tradition of Juance nod other* who ••ly jite a bi^tBUt OTerrtatenn'iii but Ilka B tbat LnLUiu,.-L, Bather tban devalap a •( ia ax« veil mnA tQiwe *Aio olan'V—dlr*nt«l Of W^k Hupremaej. •UtlaJE cjCipLsc pM-h»pi It aught to e-fruJ tbonv^ tttreidftttlvtici bcoauie tte flcld I dent knonv vbU It amwde lUe. *ofba of ijqii ruietgy Jt ependi oomplUqtnB was own open to tbem tttfcQ uifalAer. Uore but I know wlat tbe mctrd -will ffidluats. about black anH-SenUliiin. en the Jewlab *l»*fc* Mri lo be boxen beoaiue Lbere wi* U no eyldem^ of Afrtr* merchants who are kaom to ho npidtepB no point In trying W be a bookkeeper er A . of ber earl; advanced and tend, to pull the ropumaon of the JEW- A bltcl man vboaD cv ene!a*l*B other nation^ Li II 'LLTJI I'lJ IJ Flit? ^^^^1 baro bad (TWEit opUkid« ur haw dot b«n me a^gitmvm In war. Puitoi. Jan. nlora with IrUh, Itallnu wouldni atvD been vabied by nol even born la America. We did not BiotH- aof* otbec Immigrant poupa. are often aehwoL IK made more wm ETT him I!. 3 to BO to w&t foi1 our ]"ua-|JTflrdl'» )mtln. up aa an example that The hum!*, If be • ballpli>rDE. ana » mlnUmi* naa but ther* have bwn VHI ol ln^naUi» w>avl were Industrious tnuugh, could emulate. Tbe It va> ac unjltoly tint htfd b»Te a ralr «satost uo. Tbe profound men In mti culture premliB la Ifcat thuao sionpf wen peer ana have been block:—CTedefiek DimgliiH, tot ei* Uved In ghattoB hut were able to ovrtiotnr A pBUplBtKLt I*rt of the white Bjopte. wbo was more perbiJieiit Lhaq Un- 1b4t ejrp*Men^o and ](iln the American ninln- of tn« bruk man u that h* nma ooln on U» BUb;ect of tlaqory and u, <- ttn^pip. WbT hasn't that bappauod to OIB,CI;«7 jump* bifftw than vbltei. Bol Oon it [Qiuiklnd. And the wu*atf«r Mr JicBBSfJ. F"lretr tbooe Broppt came here fta* bave eEalmfrd n^entJj In HlHlaSpi>l <*B HsOifBr Evbi. not JJm voluntarily and were kliVByk ccet. we came inert ifltT]*] i T are ReneO E d.UTfl«n&B* bo- Bastland. In New T"orkr UBlcota IU iwrtJ^ here Inmuimctlp and ire eUll not wEOIe and clack Will Ola neir arldnifB ntnl, nut *fo»«a flookflfoUor, wno Qhd not !..t free, E HE other Immigrant groups M* wonen the relaEloiuhJp htn«a whkte and nn aye when he apptOTea tbe WBIIBJ-, nii.- BJid could lew tfi*It Identity and "ner^e with 6JKB.T ^JB one wbo orlefl out for peuo in the woild Uie msfurllT when it TIU neoieiary! with a JACIUOH. II won't affect ua. Ttt black man aad meant It waimttnewfiltv Ividar, Prenl- tew technical nKIII* or a decent edueatlon. baa nerer cndM Lo ovllnv tUnt Uiu* in denl JohnHd^ » waa t&e bUck leader. Dr II wu • •bnpie matter Tor Uiem to brban •IfTsieBWfc tsai'j a enile mani nrobJeDL Dnrinf lh» put IB T^V. Dr Ab«- prejudice. Tbelr fhmihat aim not destroyed Our uiuni w* ttri tan)«. Out s±(T« and j baa |H«D mm reEeiuit uiBb uij >od tbelr aenae of hlatniDai ooottnallj waa dri^n l are "Jit .num. Mfti] American PiMiaenf fllinij 6a?o etrlrU tfi preaened- Moat LKLpPrHntiy, -Jctj did not December S, 19G9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S154S1 anlto '-tj tnnirjidfrtu color .ilfma oT tbe "M »ppOf eU wLign Dr. KlDf tnlrLfl iBnee- IB bsflcallj a tc whit* moo- out thfl tf|»tnaro vu. H« bad alj (h» poup. It* midaiBiandBoLe Oint re- m»ir*ki*UT, tnm •" a eoiupincs m bold jou »"I4 aaH m: NoreE jria^ a Hrpr TT.IC In your lUe. Bu4 an down. We vm •nrtaved. upi locked Into winner, «n lutBroaUnial ividm. a Bdioi •what appeal can uw rbujcb have tor > c?n- plantations, u in an BOW looked lo» mLd a Fb, Q- But blV& laid. bQ bad % IN; loai ar^yoar-oLa Ufl fi«u tbe D r Wl America. Eudllj rtle-Vfd HIT : # e a prtaoHTn and ittuuid . The bt&ck. H*Liirch la p ID 1M6, it wan f i' =« Hfi1- LI fiaa provided a hero* been In ]*U tor Jon T«r» and were l«t out It baa flimlihEd &ur irtBDUl " load ruin ur a mine eo go to ths pnlElan, uirn It w«> all n?n- And. church, OLL the olHet band, ellv. There «u no atteQipt to Help Us over- oJi*r Msnphl*. -wben SCt-C^ Jaroea Christ rn.r IOV« nor :te :>..ycbndOfilC*l r.p e«onomLg liOld- tir. ^laffl cnatempt Jot hood Ood ka rer^ nick, btrt; Ihe Qod •" Ju>- OT BIPLJUJ MftSJ1 bl/ nilQCt b« was *«ifbed by >hD tlce nod llhmrty !. alDifflit uoneautent. o tali] Dr. King VQUEd tlaplCT le unlvereni, but the American or tao&s woo did. m»V had to ar DttlUMs—brwmt Invisible AIHI. OB June* ?ul Ray d HIM b1eh than the 0004 In Ralph Elllflon wrOie. become bidden, for it • ILL>.I H llrrlit batrad OUt "par*, pm Ct^Uri!lif»: Utd >hen i^artllbB cmL i..a loo dangerous U aunt noii npj B"?el ^Ivn pointed cut tn« InrQy til BBJ love gaea ou[ air wludon. ir Ame identltyL ui.a'a lujthoo) Fo DULOI ethnic, g m HMftlu JunUfle by •OfiTlflClae ' CWO- had a true Qod fnnificHiiiintii tbe? could group wa» foced by • hostile wblU society wa»t*r fur a biluea-doliar Uect pOpoet i church gn Sunday uiU rtildd their tn»t #ant#d to caatrat» It bom pbyntoally But blacks «alfl hi »o« cra*y. Then Tc4 Ken- Tbe QitUEry. and jBjmbaiifllimUT aald that Blrnant IU5 should be lu^il U t' tr.Lii.iJ I :i nr.-1 ?,ln ILQH Ul the PUT MOT Then -wdap-a blirt rallltence lfl Jij< atotber ^Ubdt w« BgaJiMt oapl- actual Uuhlag « ChclM IT jmi law* paobie. a guest lo tuurrect Hint asnbc-wl- ; ,1 punlDhmmt. Tbe blaCK «raununllf Lfn- you nli[ not degtn.T them in war; IT Jou Jtcitj ot. One tblrik Ibat I l:u'^ to BB.V dnjijiraij dt« TuHr a* * great man 4 ]un- line d»pTi. jnu will flleWbUte ttu gc^da of j?H h L off IB Uiat thEre'a nothing lo b-. li i; i^eft tLoe Who dLdH't Bwonn* ylUdlctlyfi m. tt»e JBCS tbe eertb tbat Ihe fut&D pnwlded, M tQM ir..m ifae wails men'n ldtn of manhood. An or pei"ioal Hmgndf TQIi |B • paLafvl Indt- peonie wt^l be. T?j and bau>6d xbal In the American r^n 1.1 Identities bT "1" weapon f^Tlon of our valf-DfinHrjipt. VB mil—- atcp JnU| ] LatnHty WlUa. BIB WB» a pnfTlUD fOT of what he controls. AinerlcMi «an m ob- Looking 1^ dutes to vaUOn^ out feadiag tbe tniftg*s. clotnlne tha nsted ud •eaand; Uiaf a» fl7f|Unci1 °T making money mat pogfc *ltiiln lot botutv "™1 Si •' 1 Hi; oompany Co tbe lonely. tbev cant c*en Bpnnd. ti.kij la c turn m aUd PEJTBOT. III the put, «ODB erltlu haie emptlnew &T tbe soul. feal manh™>d mould own «e Cbuatlanltv1 u an lmpedlmeoB to be defined by tbe t£hhty re beLp and to Deal. with Dr. Klua'pi humlTUy. mau be liberation, blacb won euppoied W bj an eihtinlon of the 1: by E^ovlodge aimwi»lciiar and jml"Te b«n 1 ouitjji to get lurii r*waid la tloKlng 11* pnwrt over Igrujroiife. R«al man' "- mualonle mpulaefl. Do r°u •*• Hd you coOB&lmaJy p. CbilotlBJiLlv? breaking 4B bomle oT lavery. . M? [ellgioua pbUosopby con h- Do you nn.'i ilLrir atlr Dr. King WBJ not up In 4D old Boutnezn ttcrj about h» aod •udftci,™B, two mrniritt Qofl Tarmer *ai moat concerned J. Only r";i-V Manj of 1* have Eor j rtii, bowerr about hln duty to O-rf. Be- utendtd church 1bU[IUllZ«<| •In'^IJ Una b*hmVB 19*4 tltvTd. Jj fat me. T aa •a my abtUVCe na a QBT i:"' * orb&l 111* P(Wa In the Bf IOC- Kctal analyst t I town* HO lllufltojn oT HIB neks^bor .•/•!•<• ^.n-njed church communltlrf. »e miut npnt coir own U to proclaim H&JKJ. KI and never paid BJIJ attenHmi to Qify maintain thfl .li^e in- to bUUI UP OrokaH Aeoita. I tun HtiiaiB. Tee Qm farmer wu )« 1 B. Ttirj PJ* EIIII lu »ne *J PDOJUDJI TB (J mr oflaipini»ii* a living; the Bemud Tamier «na getting and H« "Ir*1S to ca^Trtnt- titm. Tj.-i b 4 In public Ills In «bU Tlolrm t Jie horvrat frnjci»lot the tame sin. torm oE »lATrfy. The elnve paTcnologj would make each LOng'Tana* plim* U a tbe firat faimer Bald La en a HIIOU* Intel tnnt ^rapa toe blue* (ML 1 dnn't underatvidr 1'n been It fttti lw*D dnmiffled lnio Tilnrlfl Ibat to Hum pnd dolna m? duty Tor CHjfl. eod pj« ine c«aK*H and pioduMn and ae anj HIB noJp. T go to chureh •anb daj. tat 1 Mil mlgftt n&7» you. think: HJH you maj tm Butronnrlouel y get aheH at all You nr-i-r lake oare ol fOUT rr' in .is OWBE* ffaflUlJist^'i CatT«na t? rellpoua oollBaUou*. yet rOuTo jettliip all J4DKBON. IwBPttoHie I've the bounty Wflat un I doing -wi&agT' Tli" g 1* I^LI- of a dnnie oreators—BQ old L J mania a Ifcbof atorj. Homns TO a wJum «itb ---IL . Hut • ™n nmt be WLIIIIIE u? an teoCmd fduinw Bcnwo^d. "1 qcn't liiow wnm Im Fael !•: :-ii: be a*-jt\f&r<5 em/ti 300 lor ]iut1?e Deato. 1« op TntBtapable loallty. UlkUtg to Qofl aU tm time- for. He Trom the jwaniiL Etna afnm*t And men die dallp. but good deeda live fm- Imou DdythlnB ^"1 fermlnei. Thla WIE 3outnsin "ramooiT- A Dier. An BAQB^dn bellrvn that you a,n kill dMP't pruduie 4inpJJiJnp when He had man. Doolel 1'LIB WUUMM. VU tie tbe dnajn tv killing the dramex; tbat IK OB It ail to Klmflelf - That* toe wbole tJilng. nrat i^BDi^beart tiirEflon. Tbere an many, Qoq. made It but nAa baa to BQ out ULQ tfo uLdiy '"nr- ciamptH. but ttn polm It PLATBOT Would j(m ipeclHL It black* o.*Pnr Knew BOnjt thEm. It vu gc to leave *1tti black IF. you . in our tatervlevf with Dc Ki: g Uie liang-n of fin aid. he "old tli» ajma or V«. Don't Bo^d. Ocrrn. Dtmt «|" remoTlnE me butleiB ot amitB and tnLnnJiig bUm* bumblei. around with your Mo. Picket. Oo U la HUH B Drtd MuDne blpoV* Tor wblt* dlBBenilaatlng tde aeatJwe poUUoph; P.T.A. ffl«ilip. right lor bJEbei vagH. If I aoLLvloLeocB and total ihLcflratlDn of tb« tti«r dmlt. U TommM Bmltfl nlo tonlfibt Bpd jnu waka up t™no«iowj an mio fimencan 1"». HOT much and JaJtD CuiXm bad t rice EouotFow and tbe moat or It. tii IhmB chnng&d amen both bieke toeU reconU for the JM-nnter FI_,IBUT. You've been quite nA »In* •'•• t.i.-L Pour dub. and i',e DUD VOTD held on » block tula 1 t-nf ™lfl nitb a lorm oT »n«ai|a. and KJLTE* BU Iba JmJa» vm blatt •lu nlfli Bomo verj dBblliMtlng Uruflee. Tat p«o(iie vouldQ'l bflllDfelE—wHtf aal the Sou hatdlj itr 'ij) m prur BctL.iu,-!. rarely Boctol tflgiegatlon. Blidl irere Bui 1* [I: n "in a white tmdf and OGo«t0n|Jy drive youririf towurt » tian numnn and. we>» not allowed to b4 D? proDldn Ac [or our ID public- We v«e "born" and j ipi-f up tl r-i; aoui—aod I jv s.nnt. Becauae T have a eenea of g our goal IBB to. be racoGm±ed u mea Tbot tb*b In botn nrrfv— to 0007 wOlte qbat bBB W be done, it 1* DOE drlie wafl nimad at er*EHmg a moral »)j- atj)™, Tnafa wbj at C^eraOoB fl or dtath ao mUC*t B> It !• Iba ajing Ba(WjflBe»P EkHQ chE-OT OUT HopJkH KUfl "Sav« Broadbifltet [PCD11DB&, WQLfJl Bf^ rrMplJ fleed Eor ]unljce. Fortuip* bom laCe motivate tbB Soul oT America." I ttunfc; Hut one. oT bkHd In reiiElon. vn bare a band and a Oat- bie. ainnrllabeouBly. I un feel that I have l*> the rcmtti for impo-UcntB Azoong Olnck» pal ODDIF and conacloiiBif try to captur* tU« minil m? »ort! la an appMneed time I pould , aurt Um jeoBon for Un appeal ct. rto- rbjtlun oT our pflopte . I-- thot ^t aever b«lotlona[bH"l fnun a Bptntual Noutce lit at ELH been v^re VJB dJclnt ULOW tbea ttin* Amer- nb«n jou addnH a tiyjpt oooflw^QoB? •--' me- Ice Uial Eeaeoc. 1 bai« no ica would bomb A poopl" !•* ple«« *j»d nlOe JfcciuoH cerlalnly. I BID •rtklng «m- oholre but ffl keap OD dilTLiig. Tou •rtOi Me OH^^aoni In nulec la preaen* bar 1 '"- not UKMBBfUl1 |O rvUglOD. 031JUpUgtL vole the «iEigy necewar? to tonlrej»t Sn«iidal Iuvn*MnenB We dldo't know Uiht the Northam Uberal baa bett"" UiBTCJ ttlBtL b)0 But I i-"i: fi T.iief UL, BODL unleu sou ore eplrltuallj osnaumca. bj people iHailze Ui=™ Own arlfbwxl. j beflUi uu ne&d -or llbeiation. imt Ebat lu BM)«J Hull Connor but t£at ale t«Ji flflirlM with a Cbanl tftal nre, "I UD not a muflBXilo HOBII to bB DO me UiMoughly twlj.i And we didn't thrn UID ftpltaim* vbo ' •:i'b—.:jf- it alto H7eF "I mar J* poor aud oie &>oi» naprcra o* jm3 a H-L-.-I frl«e of "OoDimuuiBt" "TBie I may 1* un weUnrer hut I Am amnetxxlitr B,tt«h«d to hnvlng the pnvttesn "n lead, but* black proplo liave W leazn UtPt lh*/ none ft tbe agony Dtec geu publicity. Df- on tbe aHUmunent tt«gm while wv vere bnve rtgb.|fl ] u*i bfcaun thD/tc all*er 1U r?"»* WU cunei&B float record pwple •tarring In the BtreeU pt K» -"Qp putting UrtmMl**fl doqa bacou^ tumlnE 1° their JHO» »t nlgbt Vila eddMtiup of *nu* bu lad 10 a of on l£ 'Luc.-cl iflfBtlofitj cump]«L The oian li u tbe Southern Chrlfl:- or n"—^ Our Hret concern now la not S15482 CONGRJSSIONAL RECORD — SENATE $> nulj H Is Vid Afe*rf**"< body. We a» Jin JEM la «r >™T~i'—**+ btoana nY It tnmfpy. Wt*o ih— HHd &• Vovt el (IMPS Conridcr ttw following «c*mr4« pn- bill, by a «ilz]-flB who front sad UH to tala hfc aliaw off. l.ow t^rsoot <4io iH? at can, aqHfiiftliy pnacrlptlui nui A* BusbH wvrt buano* w«» not IxrrAliv 4IWH !«• HpavKJ ptftti^ p^nfafl cut tin toanj «- B. HI* BJ*» T»e« aflairu thi ibP •4.09r TbU mm UiJV. HUIHI tand pfnoot EOoBlpd valltUa u HUO > otartUi off UmL Bl*c* ppcpl* fcxliy •» awmtblT i"ffi«tt or ftl»AA on ft •ad JQIUI fiudty, tvaiar elUao I-OJIIUUJLIO.-. burning; tin tldn 1* crfT adr qw. T*c •ba bulda, but tbts nil Hop ioa It* li * Cuia ry.'.irr.h .m i.y Actlofl. Now, 1DC_ aald rtHHt ll an* ID ft r™j»&U14* pfr*U ii IDUI ul ftlbf^ft fur modiblr TAIW Dill Turn*. t^U 00 ptoflftat" of »J1 aMoJ]J BI^JITB b&» an TU« MfiJJW lou K«JK> In *i«npH<*c ftt* Of tlEldDT •3L00O. TJuBS flgUTH will no limfrR O-IIWT-- wltn tb» "tll» H IbUEaT. ElEnar H"B V* pi'n? Vt Uvti or taa LD pv ' * tood. t^t gaa elettnaty, Iti - t*JOh l&t tcfiClal pOVMtl UB« *«L tlh Ltlt Li-n In BUlBfl to tUfl- TT"i glmKo cr*rLt^ phUOU tai T.inlr.lruoz ca. TlJa WldOV U 1< nut b*0 A a*Hfirylng <* a BBBTIU Qn#. it yHJi oE "pr Mifl tfbea I chllid ftt IKT bC"ne his given on ban* naoura*—Un nb3 Vftl Up Ml i hd.ctcs [AilUlZig tlU ttUB OH by do mucb, wBn *oj "CUe UH boun. «• adglBatrr •fltcdultd lo b* I read la Hit white JOBBB no» bl*ck WhLcv B. Total lacuna I10SJW tH« UciV- in LU* *rt'KOf. Tflctnn1 Foi[ aa tbe UBrn- *»f* paymaaL elrea •>(• m-limiL^ IHH.H. Un dUplFiHd UH suiniinl Wnlte 1 put dm rtfttJu "i nit* ar» Ua9.i6 w *fa* llita in gpg bu food. tBftl, p* JooBVJly start «u iaJnywd OD U»t f li fliemtntod, Tftrt li rot tto« tb* 1 iravd tilt abort ai:tmiL-i le ntODt Ifl TSJT tOE"***-: ™* NUff, •lUE [••]ufcjl^ui^. ^O |A7 1*1 Elf'", ii-i^o hu- munbrdlaU au^w )iwt U7ri !*•» feUoi l>iV Bin, I (nuUnd puiriiwit » jnu «pnHT batb&d TTUU. AdAlticroal cbaJn BUU b*d to bo «r- Ita Inlnj in AntbnH OPuM*; tn* U ba*a TnrtiiMi m IB AHng It* ttting •• tbe Ud » n*w wftur pump. Saw IQOK at tlrfi i U» i-ii mo-_ • 111) la Ebn HreaU; fa 1M17 tt eooomisd 9CLC ]lldl h .; flB*o* Menu e« puHUi< II roUdly.- Alabama. Oo o» TtsMrO&FB UHtlnfl wan too at » •srHn a la tbat • mmintnjH.1 pibtlnalJfcDj ID tfu pa»t of Information adRuaa rosdunod Lr S«i. If *h.B d»» tut y* DUE owaomlc eJorta. Ttrofl[b tba mil' ID an eSort Lo DMUB "fraauootg of bar mil, in « oar D»EIMI*I HCTUHDJ it and lorMmai'. n~ FU l^ULaDoa lo (* bnV dJWHEL Ce »U btf poopH1 tiuiQ g to tb> n»tlobfl "•• ft (lip "fin ilBlS HbLEdTSD IS ft pl«*d for TOUT ewtlnuenl afl Oil UM mnn [Mil U AM UfllOTJ Help. id thai bwtng* wOnJd W n= «Dip[r« tfiat. enBLHTd MOIUM ill nald JP>WI la Mtmr QnuRy. but no dU» ptmr aad mlgld of UHJ could not cCUD A IfDretHLtaUTB of O0HU imioonl BT«H1 Uul dU«aB«L fi*r ipttt- 1F$B wu on hand, and be made a point nhicb the Committee on Agins iiu on* phafilzed 1)1 tla recent doenmanta dcallii-: WUlla IKOQETJ a With tba KOmmlH of ifi]rfl Tool, point (• [a Jaauaiy, wlUi as Milii^mu il' 3ECUHITT—V is Ihlt reiitemEnl irLcdmS DTOhlems do incraaH IB Jinuarj of 1073. pnvl~ Mr. WTLLIAMa of Ktrw Jener. Mr. aot affect the eldtrl? alone. Ail Piwlflent, wllhln e, matMir of -Ji.jiji nan & suke in nv be mod? durtna this Uunuu fieloie I terer w tie action WH wul Take WllEb 37.4 pcrcmt if tbD &LCAU CouaCT ^ .|j ijj-ir i L,n ob*j (u »qa 40 poTfiU nader 36 rnl?ine 1 Li ijH»pJiia! ii>o mtwim i la iwc*ldti*iii(i proHiiiv W -H' mtfldlo will t» Ifi pM»nt- 3t mJd*l OiH o H>1 WAf* WWD Sabtcuct tM i.uS- lDoreve Q! 10 p and no rita of Ibt BsoaH vUl mippcirt In inSn^niJiii bentfth p cm>an. It IB lotpccUnl lo Tbe Senate Stwdot Commttt** oa Ag- aat only pgpijl»llQa puwUi but 1U Iiie tAfl received mall fima bundreds of tfie nUsht H>] Un fllascly la ol j DRIOTU who saj thai thla pre- Mr. Praslflent the problem* of the el- rlu la ilio oc«U J( would oHer an relief at alL It vonld derly In Ocean Cuiu.ty aiay Vaiy Bola*- tut even vver th? to^L'Oi-Uukra Ifl- pbat from tuctleruB (BCHI by thoo* MID '-'I uJiof Of Uancb^l«[ Cf«H4 tliH bivf occurred iljit*UielMt •aid rJiat IE HIHB Of th*t SvDBtQi a lncieualn Qeneflta. live In Gfinlfkl cJU« or la remote rural A mucb mor« realistic program is at- But thHG » A «etnon effect: dea- fered In £. d i HO. pbich would ralft &»^f- aniMUfl!c LIHUTH:. flu 30 percent In JfintiBrya&lBnoHTer 20 The aEalement iseiicd br Uie repre- !tt> alu **td tbat «cEloa m Baa. psicent in Jsnuerr '9^^ It wrmld also: sentatlvet of Ocean County College pia~ tail could be t&fem quietly and raise minimum benefit* Iran (W to HID video a direct and informative evaluation br JML 1,1&15, pointing ID room ooD" oper » 2-year p*rtftdb «Atablldi an alito- of preaairea tbat have had their elTect pay lncTHJta aa an indttM^L >Q U> mnUc orat-of-living adjiifctment upon tm? elderly fn Ocean. Coimtj. I ask 1 a« Cong™* ™n act when [t TBLII to ju^iiL and liberalise median: unanlraom consent thai tnL& state- r l mniirannH Uealt wltfl pJftdnf life How]. do we need i*Jonn of our ment and \Vo newspaiwr nrflclee de- Hfic rcectni; bfl reptlnled in TJie into & p[«s of piopflrlr and shen social security covpraao? Tha aiu*er W Unt reart? iHHimna poab Iha that quesUon is provided In -.ho leuas to add new and u&tiu3 informa- beyond tnHr irUiratgil Jn- •• uia «mmit.[« care and m tion lo our naUona] dialog on the need h#art u "inJorma- lor sac!*! BO-untr intreMea. tlML ae6»loxi&" vrhlch I am conduc I^n K on Tnere beina no objection, the ifjie- nnd ME It Sft'uMftjf mornLngB in fev JHBSF- ment and mtlclGB wore ordered to be tc ffo laid ctolUl HMI waul Wat or atlteu Ti LL Janet recent meeting loot place La printed In Ihp RECOBD. aa Oiey irt mi(i wbat taita tnej paid »ncn River, Ocean Cuuntf, N J Tlie;^, ZPty wet* worifinj: btmnne. u on* man w^rt. an* lafcteil uU ;> u-i bur«.~ bold of the em± inBui of d et tiir b.ebrduE?d montKLj hike peraooa vta B« the BdvuotagH of In -'-rl'i— T> pa^nidira Tap »! rttirtmejiL thtftt. Eut although the cli- BlTfBRTS mate IB SOfCI and tne iLrrcimdlnpE fl]#*J- EJ^JD the fcnt, rlrfnff C«ta and C*he^ m^blrm.' art eutUiB mto reOremenl lnc^nie. Men and 7H0 Jsncy BEale Huralna HOHLB AjaKlatloa &ad BEHD.(ILP(1 111 of 'be NHW J*rs*j M*llca! women who had saved all for a to San. Rumty ynflorfBy in find that praterta? I4i», A. Wttllanu AU.lf.nry COUDQlE WJfl t^ rnffftfJonarj1 JACKSON Jesse Jackson: One Leader Among Many

TWO years ago ihi* weekh on the and by outrage a! continued coming radicalized. Though slill a mi' I bleak balcony of the Lorraine Motel while racism, rhe movements leaders minify, mose -v ho lean toward the Pan' in Memphis, black America lost us great- are pursuing prqgrcs1. on many highly thcr concept of waging a class struggle, est modern-day leader. In the death of .ipccialiECd fr^nl1, \lnrt lhan in The sometimes in alliance with while rev- Martin Luiber King Ir.h the entire na- p-mt, rhe d'.sault on inequalily, Ihe use olutionaries, lo ovetihrow the present tion also lost a pan of its conscience of brack pride and power, is (uklng capitalistic system arc gaining attention —a very human scale by which to weigh place OJI the local community level. —much of it repressive. The probable re- its commitment, to racial justice. Be- The lack of national voices makes [he hull of '-hi-- thtec-way ^plit, cunTcndi wiLdeced whites dedicated to nonviolence decibel level of black protest seem low- Hamilton, li that the civil n^hi-, action woetdeced lo whom they could now re- er Acrually, Ibe many local voices have will continue lo "center in Ihe local com- late when (hey thought—as they did per- been speaking loudly, but white Amer- munities and noE at the nalional level haps all loo rarely—about blflct*. For ica has no! always been listening. in ihe neii few yean.1* a [irfLL\ bracks reacted with inevitable rage as well a$ sorrow, and agoniKd For black leaders, all three courses over ihck lack of leadership. pose list?, A relura lo purely passive, This new localism diawg much nf its conventional protest would denroy the Today most blacks and thoughtful strength from thr :nti-nsc feeliaga and morale and Ihnjsl of the black move- whim have accepted the fad that lead- aroused energy of an increasingly J^:- ment Black nationalism, if canicd|o«L- ership on the magnitude of a Martin Lu- livlst and impatienl generation of black tremes, could lead lo separatist schemes iher King is uncommon in any race or youth iitt EDUCATION). It also co- and policies which are unrealistic for an 11% minority that must live with lime, ih;-, realization has contributed incides wrlti a philosopbicaL and prag- H ro a new mood among the blacks who matic fragmentation of ihe entice black whites. As far 'revnluuon," il is clearly now farm rhe vanguard of the mess movement. As analyzed by Cttaiies V impossible, and ([responsible talk about dnvc for lacial progress. They are an' Hamilton, professor of political science &, however justified ihe anger that grier than everh more impatient with •..> at Columbia Universiry, there is shaip prompts il, can be dangerous because it cialh economic and political servitude, disagieemenE amon| the traditional ip- may mislead blacks about ihe extent of and even more determined, to revolu- [cg[alionislsh besC v.mbolirtd by King their power and may serve to confirm tionize race relations and acluevE full and the N.A.A.C.P.'s Roy Wilfcuu; ihe whites in fear andrepression. Th e most equality in Amencan society. Although black nationalists* ol whom COPE'S Roy hopeful siiategy thus seem* to be the de- blacks were never in full agreement Inna and US~s Aon ^arenga. are lead- termined use of political organization with all of King's tactics, they now ing spokesmen; and the Marxist-orient- and economic pressure lhat have been look less longingly for any single- man ed revolutionaries, represenfed by the used countless times before within Ihe lo provide a sense ol unify that, how- Black Panlnersr In Hamilton's view, the US. system. This strategy can make ever uplifting, must necessarily be an if- lntegradonisig have ducovered inac Htcic fuEl use of black nationalism to build lusion when ippked io a people who classic lechitiquea of progress through pride and spirit. arc J' diverse as any other in their rel- the courts, the Congress and the Fed- ents, interests, intellect and philosophies. eral Government are no longer as ef- The current impact of the black ea- fective as previously. The nationalists, [ groups is mi*ed. Severely crip- who appeal to black pride and push pled by most of (heir leaders' having The black movement today is frac- for black studiesh local control of their lionafized. Many blacks would argue comrnunilies and black political and eco- been, killed. JBiL'd ur propelled into «t- •hat il always has been, hut thai (he .on- nomic power, are gaining: strength. At fle. the Black Panthers face mounting dilion is now more readily recognized •he same lime more blacks are be- financial and organizational problems. by all blacks 9s a positive asset- Strong- h Yel their very difficulties with the taw ly linked by a fierce pride in :hcir very have drawn sympathy from many fei-

TIME, APmL 6, 1970 jeaae Louis JACKSON, alias, Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, a Hegro male, born October fl, Ijlil, In Greenville, Fouth Carolina. He le 6' I*1 and weighs 220 pound?, tears a lustachp and often wears African style clothes, Reverend Jaokson resides at 57li8 South Klrabflrk Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. He is carried to Jacqueline Jackson, nee Davie. Kie/ have Ojlfl daughter, SantJta, ege 8, artf one eon, Jease II, age 5, and Jonathan Luther, age U. He ia the National Director of Operation Bread Basket, Southern Christian Leadership Conference [SCLZ) whic^i ia the econojnlc branch of SCLC, organi7fld for the purpoae of flxposin^, and correcting economic abuaea Buffered by Negroes and ghetto residents includ Ing alleged cliscrimiiratoi-y hiring practices toward

has been arrested leading nrarches and demonstrations. He vas arrested! in tb« Tall of 1P69 ^ifti they took over a construction site A the Chicago branch of the Unl 'ersity o? Illinois, He hup notT hovsver, been iJivTlved in any carrfpua disturbances as such. Jackson was an all around athlete In high school (all black) in Greenville, South Carolina, airf won an athletic scholarship from tho University of Illinois. He quit at Illjrjni* aft^r JUa freshmn year and secured a scholarship to "Jorth fti;ricultural and Techi,i.cii $tat€ Universlt/ (all black), in Greanat-gro, North ^

Later accQ(-it^-J J fo ndfltinn ftnf-nced scholiirsnip to blw-coDar g gather Hrary mek to check 4 Rev. Jesse Jackson Is Still violations of WHta HMIM con- trols on prkcea and wa£». And a group ot Sihtents rep- Preaching A Gospel Of Hope resenlbig 36 Chicago-area hlgi schools Is weridng to loosen the CHICAGO (AP| - PHM.QML Among those for PVSH that, be ssysh "tom* strangifllHti on Arcet gaoga on Jesse Louis Jackson Is still wre~~bemomtle presidential « on flie great issues of one the bladt community. pleaching a gospe! of tope, as hopefuls &a. facree HcCoverp day be did with evangelistic fervor \ of South Dakota and former "We deal In the political Jackson's master plan tor when he headed PUSH includes tbfl HeUing up of Sen, Eugene J. McCarthy ol economy, and we believe we've economic action task "He Plaited cut ol Breadbas- la well a got to go the political route. in New Yorit, Wa«i- We've got to engage In the poli- ket la December in d feud w^h the top bkdt politl:el leadnra 1 Ington And tbe West CoaA. He the Rev, Ralph D^ld Aftaraa- of the nation. tics of confronts ton/ 9ay^ the regiimal ceatera will ihi "Wtr&D'r"^ Ri'-v "GIFlIn While most of Jacsjon^s Satlier iDformatlon for PUSH^E LuUTar King Jr, a bead, of tfie "Tney aay I'm cnariBniaflc." •and 1 time—ajxi the time of his hevefforts to r^iirm prisons, d^vel Southern Christian Lesdenhip op alternatives lo wetfare, meet don't reject thai But to staff members—is spent In Conference^ that J m charismatic the neiaii of retorning war vet' Jackson loot: most of the that I am £omewtierE bpyand Washington or ttew Yort eon- erans and revive the orianized BreadbadHl Aatf with iiim ud everyone els* and assieses that .fronting the jntqultles of we!-JaCflr movement, created PUSH-PfOflte 1'm'eri the people who fallow tbls cltar- ' fare. Uw public school aystem "At some level tha probltma isrni an nli^ous and mystical and white politics, tha down' tn Sara Humanity. hP we're confronting are racial," and aren't taking home jpsdewcrt is being done Jackson says, "hut It's al» the started by King, and PUSH a™ He Abo attracted K lop blacfc by the little people. problem of exploitation In gen- aimed at practical gains lor potlllral wiuca-jonal and entw- A group of Uack houaewtvES eraU blaciffi. taJnment (l^Jrt* to PUSH'S within PL'SH is organizing a "It's not tha distance we Jacfcsm says PUSH ftrtsta boird of directors, u^Lch boycott of slum stores that the have to travel to «nd this ei- "because it serves and because tana as a Bounding board tor housewives say Hll b9d meat plojiation. It's the de^tuialidn. It deal* with peopled needs." hi* proposals. and vegetables or charge Inflat- Tths where we're going and tor But Jackson admits PUSH Ja?ka«i drew ap a platform ed prices. what" doesn't have Ehe money for all Another group—mostly the food, housing and jobs nmted: by blacks Tt» needs nt sayi PUSH serv« ar« ta touch spiritual as tangible "A movement can only give people two ftlaga—hope and ffliriUment;1 Jackson j-aya. "Of- ten you may never fulfill people's needs, but you keep Uwm hoping so they won't give up. "TTiete hope grows out of the that 11 happened to else and ran bappm to them ' i, iriu aweepi his fol- td their f«et with a of Uflck; pow*r and Bap- Sit thBologf. said the same about BreaiJbiiflfcet m the be dirixind i is

won by or- imalJ—H ff* niofe ]"f*l far tlscts In irtijia-cpwrced busl- iifflsei iod a temporary psit- ponement of itnta wsHare cols. emphisineil tton u ti Ul could

Hr, Richard fl. •Jnief of Campus Police University of Mississippi University, Mississippi 33677 Dear Chief;

1 Pursuant to request, made by Mr. Pulton ftitort I Rn providing herewith a resume on J.-jraa ftJrcund Groppi and Cenae Louis Jackson*

I would like to sugESBt that you pick up an April 6f 1970, Issue ft Tim*? Magsalne which la B special iasife and it carries a lengthy article entitled "BlacK America, 1970." This gives a complete atory on I'ease Jackson *3 "all as numerous other Negro Pleane do not hesitate to call upon us «t any tima we can be of assistance to you and your staff. Sincerely,

•A. l^ebb Burke Director S progremi thi ^o Rally

Chicago I jtfce,L required public ft lability Insurance and itjraty bond, crur

for «ach of th« 13 Htfcnrtirg coroutteea, each of thop« '.cemittim^ :,ind instruct

to the op*eifie n4t^T* of fci«

the coEBntttte

_; attwidanc

along; with" ^fc - KLng and

c«mitt*e a« for atoiii.-|0 ^twtt3;J

arrangan«nte to

r . y r i« on June 25, again at Liberty -2-

: outlining Note th*s iccor.j.afiyiiig ccjjy c* thet appeal lv-tsr Mii^ji 'rfi-

»ftnt to 1500 paaL&rs In the Chicago ar*a, requentJj,g fccth thai* flntncial support of, and phyaical >«rtii*i-P*tion in tho Chicago

h necond 3eltor to tb* ptmtora will be o9nt out vcftX^Mfsiting furUiar atipport and Baking #t>n**tionnn« a >uch aa n-TaiSiiadfiuW coordinating car. CArmvwT&M th«itb^lf church" to the

Jin Atlanta li»trlbut*a uoog W» 4

ir© being ma-;,

lean Friend:;

Of 10,000

p»per voi^ht vill

r^xl^ately 3* Mtfh by 8' in le-ngth- At least Iwo-Hiirds of the dem- nnfttrar"rs chose lo deiy the po- lice order and launched into a harfd-ctappfrTg verson of "Ain't Arrested At Capitol GynJia Ld Nol>ody 'Turn Me Around." WASHIM;TON Poor People's: encampment in — A Capitol Police Chief Jr M. welfare protest on LajiiioJ Hill WflSl Potomac parj;. and try to Powell annouocEd over a bull produced tte first avregts the provide a lorum to di horn that Ihe group was clearly Poor Pole's Campaign ; legislativili e and admin- in violation oi CTie Capitol laws. day. j,irative proposal!]" ft help "In spite yf this we have not Eighteen deiuosulraiors sing- solve some wait and tlie others reni->ir^d on Jurtlier arrests. Povrfll did and Ihe heginnmg.*' tlie sidewalk outside. the group bOoned Jackson Coniii'L^^an^ leaders an- At tlie start ol fl roundoi free- down the b%\. Tiouncedi the t.i-matLon of an un- Tne deinonstta("rs stopped official bipartisan group ol 3D dom songs by the Rroup outside, senators and repri?tL'iLialives la police informed Wiiey it is i lor p mealing m a committee provide ' a line of cr pcflpk's Campaign. anyone *toing » would be JT- for Shem by Rep- Richard L. Ot- Thp jfljnmilte? li hi-^ded by tingfr, D-N-Y. There, Jackson SPH Edward W Bn.pkc, R- Whe'n Wiley relayed tat in- jfd Wiley praised the denrau- MasS . with Sen. Philip A. Ha/I, formation to Hie crowd lie was _ strators for tlieir condiictr ItWchrh srd Rcpz charted C met with hw!s of derissnn and a , Wiley a nuOf need! tliai iite ThRgs, D-Midi. aifd Ogden K. Shout by «B demonstrator I [ Poor People Intend to H':vp M]Hs ReH, R-NY- nainccj i "tte sajig all lhe way across the i ujfder i-onslsjit "univifllGnt sur- men. Brooke ^nd country coming here. Vi'liy can't j veilliinee." Negroes. *e sing here?" "We're gom^ lo follnv him Eroflke said the euinimttee • hcitie at fi'ght, said Wiley. "If *jJL visit flesurreciioii City, UH of the National Welfare he lakes a vacation vce may Orjymzatton, said any- have to send people WL»I him one wno felt UVe singing and We want to expose him and ins didn't mind going y> jail *K vicious la*/' tree to do so. But first he made Earlier at Resurrection City, tf# gnmp divide Kself into those Jackson told the residents lhat who mlended to sins and those I poor people have it in their pow- er la shafce the nation's econo- did not. . _ . * my by boycotting merchants. ^.- - •- -/•-_

rVtand*r, 7. NATIONAL An Emerging Bfacfc f,eader Jesse Jackson Laces Economics With the Language of Religion

Imm Twa ••* pile*. IT -•!!•*» nq frc Dr bli «"V ^nn. Pi Li • lugt nun El" " !•!• H mi ire pifHd own MH ckrrp mi hdh Bin. *u «M Hi bin nvrr IIIE binsfj mir nrrb i dL rSihu 'mm ib ir>mo

nt >i. rir.iT! .prrafim Iran IT* ^^.m link « IK am: in—Ill I Pullk TEI (5 CJ urn up, h'. k •irri >nd ••tu.r. .M m jT CHJMF f hum- Jin nrfl 1*1 Ilim [HID IL b H'iclc'j |rj ndi Hsc'irJ tr |I|-'|3 'irHUEl f** rUKlluTl U H-J.l "U la pipi iri^ii aJY|ti«ru •£,,f^fl tj dirt ATrloiri cir». Urw in™ Ihc FUm si] ar ur Bill li ccurivg pf j poo. u LJ* in iiiii^ lann mm. iif rri 3r. 1*1 r-r..^ ftH TUnuL lers L-. idr ir rmptirt HJ 6l*d4 In (•!(• Oin^l "Jii pMrriiQiB. 1 Ud Wuriri r«*i no" Lbr bi.1 nriiii B| inhH i| muuni a Da. 114V •*••"• «IE

1 • Fl|M •" HnU*. ^| Ii • Dl nnr ilnM ~i 4r f if» hliry •hi" K/rtr! in MfiEfbli Ml flu] bbKuiEi ir* mar. >* p»pi 'i vua Iiuc liokiio. T rnP to -m-m . m bif k m ui «uni inurrjuiU Whrr. np-H puj 1 ilm £»T iBirn n*l i*«n PqnnM B- in ror IK iniL rtnrfnil± aivrhiTC*T,L of BUt± ruiumudli IL vd rtrjin pi frnm irin f- tnub ^j puollr

anr irri Tfl IIJWD Bli (hril fp • pin »h.ii- irmic'ii rj pin IIJ Hn'r nfn'm Ii—In VH Build up

iop4Df U* V"* i"" «IQB iii yiirm." HE InHH"- ipium." n |,li troiKJnln •HE in Hi p 1*6 •""•lid «H>j| riuiri Brw 1*1 infra to Iij hli -lei ifnulfl-r in] in. "An- m l~ W> urn n« iiu |un Tbtr IJTI |m Blnli in !•*•" J'ur. bilii Ulil. IBIHTT. • Dull nan*. • iBt II* F»r Ur Juta "ID- IBD rjndi nF Eid>i- |ini UF] iuy. > iliHb mnif (pmruiq (i lull T=4t in (be Ri |HO4 U 4T the n»» dlptfiiVi u IUHIKH T^*B1E don't U->11 "UL nr, " i in EL a- piirMi Uffirthu Hr Lhr ifrju "Hfl "nflh" LU] ill In "^ •« .u .HIE ^_ . K&1 >i4 ttidcd rliri H lDr 4T|ITIIIIO IL|DU Or* ol [hr . - — -— —' "Ho H O< riF*i f-n Mrs pQr|!c|par£f i±Ul I Itprfrrrfi* IQTrdtrnn r-J Hinr mid ]Dd i Jinimr La i ' Mhjpiriicy" bj >nr he ^ I Ml "P^r- j. BI4, DopbL *1 Lr, ihl.J, glTU LM DCpHir rn± Jbf u,-hr vniih or I-^F jqd['r-"1J»fll±H nr • r 1* Idr *• « » HT*.>^ > l-r p" '^ ^'.r nnl vl"h ^f nrnl Ibc Hqfi| (TrJlfl • I' pf TTwrr ill Bt Hod 1" Ilir ron i " Ur B-MJITj IzLn ID LM P-UOJ ilr»fr» nl IN ik-ii\ BiOr, ""J Hj— Kb inB "U BtU*a ilul ihir^ |j Ur. mi fmlUi 'liicn. 1: «H taLUt Ii^iri niiniriblii la 4irur cullrBTi Lxl Jir mf rra,D7? «• l^iU tf^ d!^ •Lib 1B llol. Hlln IT In* E«* iHCr nf nwalifJ ^« I" I'i I IUOI ind ±Urr il'llil(hl" B.:!. In Oiirnn. uji Ht »P » Our iH in Ur {H bi nCIt "Oil Jrt Ii U FE |«I to • 1" luur If "* "• r fiiu> IBlnfi i" Bill fl*m." hr (in if* D"r 3Jirm P Ii a mn" "«• OJIIL -HHC mr iriwi^i DTJI" iJi-ii VE B||| nl lie! ptV* 1° Lai*il1• el""" u' ri'Ebn r nun' J ! Iml^nnpu IS* l"> K UuUrU. if I* rrri" rfoplLfIi and b liij B»r* imnl ft li4L -oici iHniiuriirii ID HE ~*Ihr r pi*LV» rtUUr O* rDrtOTtLr ml* w U-.Lri iri'taiUru I im B> u- rlir hiK""^ d"ITi F'l I^B (lul Umpt' Eli kq ur d-r Pnffe^j. T»< •f LEUrlrlJOi •• h 44 inl JJHir ™ *d DH flut 1: Wromu iflinplti'M « ^vt tntf, la •>,, i^aQp m Lbr ram lad Ear Will Un ipr^p ,«^| luod, Ml °Hfn u4 ITIE Dnl Vra* f* unHH u IH IEIII IF7> IWI. H uh idC ml!"] fhr Ui« In UK :iilbB? gf "••» Aiarnti Lnc mrm rUgQL Ln In Anflkn « nTt ob IH —it JM PTd D^U l bl lL IEIJ Sr mtpiSni to n t* Ulllr- Cryrut •*> P>o"rt *l* Nm "W U>rn Wi f\*i*f Toll bn l>n cf 4li< J mtrt 1 urn.riL cj-nn pr. nm itbirr u^j LEm rnMi L ir (Urn flwp IU ! Dbruli PU^c luQ. wnHj Tf jr4 Bit-.-, piniBci. Be i|Li-U. "ifld HQMI ipc4i gp ii U uia ilni Tu Hrn Ml ur rEitl(1i-i "lit •HldLi ("^nB Li m El± BrtE ID 1 aiLnl E br-jj •Ql ifP^ qicAuEh. inn u Lb- I°>E Hr Mi ir«r. ii Iw «- iSirrTilLrirl lu |U im Uiu la 111 iHuift Lu till nr **!". iliniv THL'JII In Hronit. [•jir JIIIE ;hjrjB dliDi'l orri*' • r-j d IT Tin TUlnr In P\ In* FUJI ruod." i^ <•!-. If I la IM I^F n'liglur, Lu mn a JJI Kldum "I ru LH pi t

cue • HTHH |-r-vl mlfl|r:iiii'J]r—iul Inrij VDI IT«II cui 'Vou IDD» lO ci3 *i>» inr C •V UUvrrj Ur "Uiu Lu n« 1>r "hire ram : uEiivAillt |4iiiia CH lun-Knii eur. p rdm in] i^iuif bi Ib «ikniln( ibr*-l Iliil bc-a* (* *n If dv DKLOI U mmuii prt In EI*.L rdi «u hi u.bU H riliBi TTKT NI. Ur JKhafa'i mHi IL irir nil:'' In mil up CD 1 La ••* jn«D' n Ml JintDon rcKb *if lor r>ni« luttfrfU pU "Hb BLD B nri m lu T^. BEY iir 3irt»* »itfi Is -0;rii iva r^nl rntrirkMTrj riilixiilli Ifj nr Mi fijfi£a>fcmn\ irmM Rr Jit* 1E lu Vnn ^* dn |o Hi" mm; IJIT La ITr Did! :mn- •irb EjiiLti EMMli, Ji "HIT iMUrr Mb- |i. ±-jclLrl IPI IBD lUv Ml ndfd is-L (, is T« im ncTL ibwt LW Kiln; "riirt for mi P»H <• i him Ti£U[]3 1 riUii^l H tltrff- ia u rpJ-rf. uf Tnt Mad In Iflfl^ |b flMFll 1ST "1 ' UII '"P »rj PI" bwt (a lap Tif^ L4 t-n Un «« lus^inii ud IBc PET HI '"rite. jJ- p in Uir. •TD"' in pu". "hit vb iw.ntS V bop rrr"i bum llirt IT* pruoUiVi. -TEIL bliiL pi>rjr >u Urfii u, ifU rdrlnc ur mrir^n- dusinfl™ ii'ivii M-ii -"ui ^«lr. UBI^P Hn biriirt p>u •Tl r* bul H »UE1 ml wnvJ." :imp"ilrJ mmM Hmfi irud BE IIT«J UJL «* Mr. J*rJidL i "•or* *rafU »rr* hfrVr ^ mq. Dn> If U I^jllrm ""i IBOH -JB m hli rliii. (n|r-4 m undEmlnfl inc prW I Una n f »r^ 1*** m "^""LOI BJI r'ti H»taemr«i Bj iftf bur*"" IHU'L |tr punni nil luatr Dm u a* flf- Id «>• H I' I" JifMifl'i HJV. rtiltu. TTin irrtt±in"ft. nil rt- IQ. • rrtfil unlTmh] "^raj'DB rt lia 1"D lunn or t-m? m 6* K -coulJ It* ruulLi. nf I*H. i° *""*nl^ Jr pir.Uk Him it " h* fcirdirf In- [3 pubrK Jiug lirism *>?>;]•< iDJi UIBE DIE. rjul •=&ti*0 "I* MUJCLTT, HI cirr-' Mil If JlfT * The np*rir» irs J»mi*-"'i U j u;(. -UK baron Kd (hr ^UH. tofM'Jn 1- 11°vLh *Ui H»p:p] ..H- n fnr l£m In inln Hi a"i=i L" tutu* ivifd u4 Jin •'^niariE" Tbr k-t 1 t*'« iuhl>nfit • Ln°*n lrjIDa i U 1 J ili« •M "mrm^l* ihJI-i iM^rjIOTKb Hint ]if •" IM • IfloHH1 r'HiTi^ii U1U1 Ii. Tit ir:-.-tf Snim LP •run HH !»•»; fliB Inp iriiri ID (be ivn

.•In-" ' Weekly Report

23 - 2$, 1910 Fulton Tutor, Investigator Monday - March 23: Staricville - The Negroes are boycotting a few of the stores in Starkville. Saturday they had gone picketing in front of about four stores. Chief Josey does not believe the boycott will amount to much. There have not bean any other incidents. The sheriff's office nor the police department believe the Negroes can get much going. The older Negroes will not have anything to do with the picketing, etc.

They are in the process of forming a private school. According to the chief, they have enough signatures to start. Houston - Chief Davis reports no activity in Houston and does not anticipate any. Tuesday - March 2lu Ripley - The sheriff's department reports no activity in Ripley or Tippah County, Tippah County has had complete integration the Full school year and has not had any serious trouble. New Albany - Sheriff Gaines reports everything quiet in Union County, I talked with Chief Inspector Stringer at the Highway Patrol Station and received a report of every- thing quiet in the district. tafednesday - March ?5: Oxford - Talked with Deputy Sheriff Phillips who reported the sheriff in the hospital and because of this they had put the trial of John C. BrittaiHj Jr* (legal aid attorney) off. Brittain is charged with practicing law in the State of Mississippi without a license. Phillips reports there have not been any serious incidents in any of the schools, Si- closed is some correspondence between Chief Burrow and the Illinois Crirne Commission. Thought yon might want to get this subject's name on file. Chief FoperniJc asked the writer to get all information possible on Father Groppi and Jesse Jackson. This was referred to Director Burke by telephone. Popernik gave the writer information on a neeting held in Jackson but the writer learned that Director Burke was the source of the information to the University! therefor*, will not go into detail on meeting. Chief Popernik was well pleased with the report Director Burke gave hi™ on Fannie Lou Hamer. He expressed appreciation for the Sovereignty Commission. He states the Commission is the only organisation that keeps a file on the militant groups in Mississippi. Thursday, March 26i Holly Springs - the sheriff's department and the police department report everything very quiet in Holly Springs and Marshall County. The Superintendent, of Education reports aa aerioua incidents in the schools lately. New Albany - Talked with Inspector Waycaster and Investigator Dan Davis at Highway Patrol Station and received a report of everything quiet in the district. Friday, March 37: Grenada - The sheriff's office and the police department report things are quiet in Grenada and Grenada County, They are using some of the churches as private schools and also have reopened Gore Springs old school building as a private school. Gore Springs school has been closed for awhile. Pittaboro - Sheriff Ellard does not anticipate any trouble in Cslhoun County.

Fulton Tutor, Investigator Jackson, Mfissippi March 27, 1970

This report contains information gathered on a trip made by several Civil Rights workers from Mississippi, when they went to Washington, D, C- to attend the funeral of Ralph E. Featherstone. Featherstqne died with another man March 9, 1970, when a bomb ex- ploded in their car in Bell-Air, Maryland, Featherstone was a close associate of H. Rap Brown,

Among those from Mississippi vho made the trip were James Mays, R. L. Bolden, Jesse Harris and McArthur Gotten. Several days were spent in both Washington and Philadelphia, ,

Almost all of the people at the various meetings were associated with SNCC* With one exception, all of the people met or contacted were negro. No white people were involved in any of the meetings or conversations except one.

It was learned that there is one prime source of monetary financing which supports SNCC> JFhis is a white female from Chicago named Lucy Mont gome ry^she is reputedly a millionaire and was Teferred to as a revolutionist, Her husband is said to be a lawyer for criminals and Vbcketeers, in the Chicago, Illinois areas. She was present at the funeral and at the subsequent meetings She appeared to be between 45 and 50 years of age, and was attired in a very expensive looking mink coat. She gave the appearance of wealth. She was identified as the person who paid all of the ex- penses for the people to travel4around the country to attend the funeral- People were present from Pennsylvania, Detroit, Michigan, Chicago, Mississippi, and several other areas.

Several lengthy discussions were held where plans for the next several months, concerning SNCC, were discussed. Cleve Sellers., executive secretary for SNCC, was the apparent leader to whom everyone looked, H. Rap Brown was no-where to be seen and was said to be "keeping cool11.

Cleve Sellers commented that their organization was going to center their activities in the northern cities. As this time they have written off the south insofar as they have been unable to get enough public support in that area. They feel that they can do more good in the northern cities.

One activity they discussed involved Chicago, Sellers plans to meet with Jesse Jacksop^of SCLC, in Chicago, within the near future. Sftdt recognizes Jesse Jacltson'1 s following and leadership ability. They want to work out a plan with Jackson to make de- mands on the Chicago City Council on the them* Of supplying food for the hungry. They want to prove to the city that hunger exists in Chicago- They expect to demand that money be given their organization in order to buy and distribute food products to the alleged hungry citizens, including other minority races. If their demands are not met, they will as they put it, take the food.

Sellers wants to work out a plan with Jesse Jackson to divide the various areas of Chicago in which they will work. The feeling appears to be that major demonstrations and turmoil could be the result this comming stinimer, and that the excuse for those activities will be justified by the failure of the city administration to meet the demands soon to be made. Chicago and Washington, D. C, were the main areas mentioned for SNCC activities. Comments were specifically made naming Washington, D. C, as a target for burning. BillWhiteman, SNCC leader from Detroit, urged the SNCC members to "cool it tor now11 and give the F.B.I, every opportunity to apprehend those responsible for killing Featherstone, He said th#f they would take care of the responsible persons in their own way. Concerning the bombing where Featherstone was killed, nothing was heard from anyone to indicate that they believed Featherstone and his companion were transporting the bomb them- selves. They believe it was deliberately planted to kill H. Rap Brown who was knoWto use that particular car, There is an organization in Chicago called the United Black _F_ront who operate like the Mafia. They sell "protection- to black businesses in Chicago. They have been exposed by ft negro radio executive or announcer who refused to In summary it does not appear that SNCC will be very active in Mississippi for the next several months. Ralph Fwthgrstone and William Payne were killed by a bo#b placed in the cat- they were driving. These murders tooK place on a highway leading out of Bel-Air, Maryland, We understand the reason for Ralph and William being in Bel-Air tfS(i- speciflcally co arrange for the entry of H» Rap Brown into that city* Rap was duo to stand trial In Bel-Air for alleged charges of arson and inciting to riot and we know from past experience the danger of .sssassi- nation of Black leadership Is ever present- Ralph and William were very concerned and took upon themselves the heavy responsibility for arrang- ing a safe entry into the city of Bel-Air, Maryland for Rap- Borrowing a car on the evening of March 9th, Ralph and William drove to Bel-Air to survey the situation. At 11:50 p»m- that evening, wh£le on the highway leaving Bel-Air, tha car exploded, shredding It int{> a thousand pieces killing Ralph and William instantly. William was

torn beyond recognition- -•f .,? We believe that the bomb was intended for H* Rap Brown, r ha •i : . - - i1 It Is significant to note that the car that was driven and destroy- ed had been used, over the past five years, throughout the Black belt of th£ South. The car was well known to State and Federal authorles. Ralph and William's presence in Bel-Air was almost certainly known* A bomb i?) planted at some point during the night under the right front seat of car- ?t* Ralph Featherstone, rrsnager of the Drum & Spear Bookstore, before corriing to Washington, D,C» had worked in some of the most dangerous areas i intfrs South: NeshOba County in Mississippi where the three murders took place in 1964^ Lowndes and Wilcox counties in Alabama, and the city of -2-

in south west Mississippi- During this period of work a lasting friendship developed between him and H» Rap Brcwn. In his work In the South Ralph has seen many Black people killed, a number of those killed were brothers and sisters who were known personally by

i him. II, Pride Orientation Bulletin - No. I


At py 45 p.m., Monday night, a bomb exploded in a car ca rry ing RaIph Feat her sto ne, age 30, a close friend of H, Rap Brown, and an un- identified companion. Both men kl I led : The Investigation had barely started before the police announced that the explosive 'evice was carried on the floor of the car, implying that this was with the full knowledge of the occupants. However.,_ tne state poI ice havg been un- able to give us....:acts...that, support their charges. xhe -jjto was headed south on U.S. Route I, awnv from the Bei-Air area and toward Wast-Hgton, D.C We l3il*ve the truth of this tragic Incident has been purposefulIv withheld. Many of us here at PrTde knew Brother Feathers tone and *e do not be that he» nor the brother wlthj him was carrying an expfosive device. 3ecaus> of contradictory statements fn the press and contradictory apTnlons of state and city offIcials who ore not trained In fnvestigating ex- plosTves, we take the position that thts Is just another example of black oeople beTng murdered and the truth being of ro concern to those whose Job ft Ts to un- cover the truth. Wa ar^ actively attempting to get more information! and wMI present other bulletins Involving the case. We are also trying to get In touch with Brother H, Rat, Rroun, who has not been seen by Ms lawyer or fami ty since Monday evening.

Featherstetie: Dedicated to Mack people'

Ki'nh Er Fenihpriiape, W, 6JB A-«( if, wilh hirn when lie *ent W Bel Air- ont of rhe two men hilled in a bias! ihat Miss Johnwn said Mr, Fealheirtone. a Tfppf ii their car W bJi$ near the Btl Air. D.C. native, was an out^taniifnE baskei- Md , courthouse where H. Rap Brown is ball pfayer i&r both. Roosevelt High and on O.dl, was described today as bein^ •. C. Teachers Co]leger "wially iedkflWd in trie b\nc\ peopJe." tie walked In Alabama, Georgia and Mr FpaihersTom- was graduated irom Mississippi going door to door, trying to rl c. i •zchtt't College witfi a B.S. degrep register Negroes ai lo^al polls. Miss •:, June. 1963 and was a ypeMi correc- JOhnSOn Edid. !ionl';r m iht Disliici school system f'oin "He ^as lolally cormsiitted to h?s peo- January io June, 19&1. when he •"ert ple.," Mii^ Johnson Said "He gave Dp =Quih as a SNCC progfjin direcnjr- hl^ luCralLvC |Qb as a iF^cher For aubsi*- H:^ farlicr, Jaoie? Ftifliersione, d iBnce Day Oo-tf South." T51> iftrS-^r nw, said loday ti? had noi Sh? -iaid Mr. Ff a [Tier^lOnf, whirre been in^imed or all derails surrounding hrnthpr. Jamfi. |i deputy direclnr of |hp hi* vm'% dfflfh. "1 went lo Bel Air This Mayor'^ Vnulh ProfiramR, Unil, v.a% morning and ihe liody had ⅇi laken l^ "dedicated to M^KI'1? acrion." She said BFimnfue. 1 u'enc lo Baltimore and raw III? medical examiner and idtfnniied ihP rhe Drum and Siw^if Bonlc SHire. ivhich. body." Mr FfialhFrifunE ^aid. He Sdid Mr. f-ca rhe [stone had managed since hii. qon had been engaged m civil fithts IdSf summei. *JS "arjother posili^c ilep work fcr tome lime. in ihe eduf alion ot black people Co which he was dedicated." Karen Johnson, of Prfa>, T»n:ri i foi- "I don't believe he had explosives, whh mer'choofmale oT Mr Fealheistone's at him," she said. "He wasn't like thai. Ronipuplt HiRh, ImUy said ihe "can'I Thai woJld have been Mupid, jnd Palph heJie^e" her Friend had (aken explosives PRIDE ORIEN «TON DEPT. RALPH FEATHERSTONE ONE MORE MARTYR Blast Victim Regarded as Top Rights Organizer

Htlptd to Register Secntary in the Dftp Sooth hrS.N,C.C.ia'60'i

1 fly CHARLAYNE HUNTER •o terrlrocy In Amorica. Ralph E- Fealhers|i>ne. £ 31- TJtB former official dtihe-' Jewish made in -A SNCC ng Committee who vtas thai jttdckrd! ZiuniSm and ac n a djmaincEe JiJast Monday Jews of corarnLttinl at- nij-ht, wes regarded! as ons of agafnsl Arab^. Mr. he best arpjinizeni in [lie CI"JI Rights m&vCiuFnt during the denied (hat Ihr Derip South voter was an; campaign;; Of the pjrly hut ^poke for the tl in defending the As a field secreta n/ for ihe when ic came under fnjinizatjOn uud^r Jolin t^ewlS by Jewish and civlE rierrts [s [Irst rUafrnjati, Mr. Feather- toop was active m civil nj»ftts Mast of the Jew- campaLgrlS ihrOUgrfnut tfw SupprrrleES of SNCC With- South Bui the linancijl and H»Oral i hirm ihp most the limp. inn within Ihe mavem Oxford. Ohio, whert_a victim of (he lalal 1 in West Poinlb Miss, •oalltion of ccvil rlclit then, he had warded as preparing jtucfrn the lii.iitajrer ot the Drum and from all OvCr the rftc for ?he MasifiSiippt Summer IT, a hookatorc in PfOjCtt. thar J= awned by n funner tiv4hfight5 wurkers. , conrrftQarins Ui in .and. setlirfS *ip H.L|JUi-..'L. in. Mr. T-VJCherSlunp, a by (he Council «f 1 dark-ikmned niia oJ ial. 'li'uriiL 41 rid Hcighi and IjuiJd, was by fri*nds Jnd asso ar the AivaiiLcment ^ Co I-1 He remami-.L in (he a.s - "si^l-Rpokcn man People. Efie se.uthein|irin>ijgh. JJiree ant but one who wa.5 andiyiicai ant Confer- thnnfih the «roup dimio- f

Mr. fho with Jt. SNCC Mrs. Lillie JOREis, a 71-year- mg ComraiCtec. The prnjtrj w^' Old riildenl a( NcshoQa Cnun' to be the most ]iia^-;|je vultr - FeatTjerstonp'd more con- l>, Mississippi, &jid Ih^t. I'-'htn- lilies with ihe $v*r Mr. Fenthcrstoiie camF> hi laken m the Jfwp SOLEIK. Mtshoba (Jaunty, "he made Mr. Keathtrs[ trio to an ' cultural home my," she PhiladeJphi3r MI»s.P in tune. - y-.|trday that hJarh pp 9fi4r dunni; ihr wetk ihaMn ll





On May 21, 1970, a meeting was held in Chicago, Illinois, attended-by members of SCLC and the group called Operation Bread- basket.'r Amone those present were:

Jesse Jackson, Chicago, SCLC Leader Rev. James Wallace Dorothy Cotton, SCLC Secretary from Atlanta James Mays, Jackson, Mississippi R. D. Cottonreader, SCLC, now in Starkville Ma Houston, colored female minister in Chicago with SCLC Andrew Young of the Urban League and Reverend Abernathy of SCLC had been scheduled to appear but did not show up*

There was a discussion as to the possibility of a permanent economic boycott to be conducted in Mississippi against all white merchants. Jesse Jackson stated that if they engaged in such a movement, they could not refer to it as a boycott. He suggested the name "Black Business Expansion," and suggested that they use phrases as "Select Buying'/ and "Buy BlacJc,"

During the discussion it was brought out that such a permanent economic boycott could not be made effective in Mississippi due to the lack Of Negro owned businesses where Negroes could trade.

After much discussion, it was decided not to enter into this program since it had a great chance of failure.

Instead of Instituting the permanent boycott, it was decided that SCLC would engage in attempting to have white merchants located in or near predominately Negro areas to hire Negroes and place them In better than menial jobs.

Operation Breadbasket is formed foT the purpose of obtaining Federal funds to finance Negro owned businesses. It is said in Chicago that Jess_e_ Jackson owns a $90,000.00 house in an area called "Pill Hill." It is said to be furnished with several thousand dollars worth of furniture. However, he stays somewhere on 69th Street in Chicago, to maintain the appearance of living in the ghetto areas.

Jackson is reportedly growing wealthy because of the money he obtains through his operation, He and his group obtain large sums from businesses which want their products placed in particular stores. He will go to a black owned manufacturer and obtain monthly sums of money in exchange for using pressure to have their merchandise put in chain store operation and others. He also receives fees fot Obtaining jobs for Negroes in positions where they would not normally be able to get jobs. He uses other methods of raising money, such as putting on: merchandise shows aimed at the Negro population, and charging large ' sums of money for the rental of merchandise display areas at these trade shows,


Page Z

Jackson, Mississippi June 11, 1970

The main SCLC representiyes. in Mississippi are R. p. Cotton- re_ader^and R_ev» AUan JohnsonT^The name HcBride was mentioned as ^ne~oT their" main"people, but it is not known who ho is or Where he is located. He is said to be setting up an office in Jackson, Mississippi, but it is not known to this writer.

In Jackson, Mississippi, there have been many complaints by Negroes over the increase in prices at certain Negro-owned stores during the recent fourteen day boycott. The Smiths Supermarkets on Valley Street, and Jones Street, and Hayes Grocery on Utah Street reportedly raised their prices two or three cents per item and more in certain cases.

Percy Chapman and Nolan Tate of the NAACP are complaining about some of the youngsters printing literature and attempting to keep the fourteen day boycott going at the present time. The NAACP has received complaints from the New Deal Supermarket on Monument Street about this. Percy Chapman states that the NAACP is not backing any continuous boycott,

A survey was made at Jackson State College. Summer School is on now and it is said that the main trouble makerst whose names are not known,are V£S at Summer School. These leaders are called "Black Advocates. 'vyThey are the ones who will step in wherever they think they can cause trouble when an incident occurs. It is the feeling that due to the large number of adults who are attend- ing Summer Schoolt there will not be any trouble during the summer. It is believed they will attempt to stop any possible trouble- There is a lot of rumbling among the younger studentst who are very dissatisfied with the college. Some of them have commented they believe the college should be destroyed.

A survey was made of the various Civil Rights organisations and no programs Or demonstrations are under discussion at tbe present time.



.ev I "Since the Time hus ly apjjroval rA tta.' Jjtfson broite ttuE-flbai I eznniA any Ungtr SOLC board to operala |' SouUiera Christian L-^-c..,,.P , to Be at black ,' Saturday and re-l^ii It Is nol myi as national dirrxior c to in fee- w,iy i>ri end I tonsHter GO days' uoiinc arm of lha avil rLghis"^ fl eco- or ga niiatioo. I b« ral by 'ray lfi*w DI nomic g the bljcfc com-1 "My arfion b a complete and| ict hereby ii?nink my' , Elacl Exrrn In l*H duTliulE iireafc ^tLh the KGLC"'re fcii* liri Htrnd of tiip . mure ihjn »W.(pOfl Jor EQIIL iackscidj wbo has ben ^ t^pcttv-a Dec, 17." SCLC. l^ait year [he embroiled in a dispute ^'irfi (he QIEO toH • rally lie la $11.™*, WOE vo^i'fd. This yp^r'i lo- He -ilw repiflTod ti-n-.i tiir j.n- ft to defeat1 lias not been laiiuiaiPd. are board ef thp SOJC-S C6I- Operation Rreadbfiili"! was in li>Gfi '^Ji^i iba Fate King Jr brought Lhe SCLC t« dltago- Jackson n W35 its firit h pLani lor die irmmenl O lomi i .'- n~ ,.,.'i, *,,.,' , _h_ < his a&nn apart- in tutiidi me Bladk «pre slain, from civil ri^httt n Dre a Tnr bO daya »i'b p; in cn:i4ii!cU n lo continue SC1.C oflsials h^d sccuied bim ' •> i nf "Veneald vHflatiojis ai or-j led La&t June, the Lr-S *ji«dpl(iie ac an .Conn ruled titdL the or "be "ere [ormed atL*d pfuptrly in fl In 4iini}U[K]tii! his 3 place rai lhe. Ln fl Idrfir^in to Dr an ]ndcp«nieiil r 5CLC p April 157] CJU