CONFIDENTIAL IttTtSLLIGiaiCE RUbEftRCH MEMO (Privately circulated to this financial , Contributors Of the Herald of Freedom) F L NUHBBfi 4S (August 1971) AN ORGANISATION FOH THt] PURPOSE of getting candidate Charles Evera elected of Klsaiesippi has recently been formed under the name of National Committee to Elect Charles Kvers Governor of Mississippi, PO Box 1^92 FBI* Station, New York, New Kork 10052. Charles ^vers has admitted that he had engaged in illegal policy numbers rackets, hed been a bootlegger of whiskey, and carried on sex affairs to the extent that he had three women pregnant at the same time. In addition, he admits that he operated houses of prostitution and had as many ae ten girls working for him at one time. He also haa admitted that he used to "roll" or pick the pockets of intoxicated men, stealing as much as J50 *- jlOO a night. I Co-chCo-chairmea n of the National Committee are Sammy Davis, Jr., Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, J SenatoSenator Edward Kennedy, and Bishop Stephen G. Spottswood of the NAACF who has a long record of affiliation with Communist front*/ Among the members of the National Comnittee, we find the following Members of Congress* Herman Bsdillo, Shirley ChiGholm, William L. Clay, George W. Collins, John Conyers,Jr, Charles C* Diggs, Jr., Walter E. Fauntroy, August^aaF. Hawkins, Edward I- Koch, Ralph H, Metcalfe, Pftrrsn J. Mitchell, Robert Nix, Charles Rangel, William F. Ryan, James Scheuer* and Louie Stokes. •••#•*! From the Senate, in addition to Hubert Humphrey and Edward Kennedy, on the National . Committee are Birch Bay.h, George McGovem, and Adlai E. Stevenson, Ill- Other interesting names *,re ftoger Baldwin, whose Communist-front record fills ten pages; Ramsey Clark, who is joining leftwing organisations faster than anyone in the country; John Doar, who w&s haed of the Attorney General's Civil Rights division under Bobby Kennedy; Rev. Jesse L. J&okson of Operation Breadbasket and Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Kivie Kaplan, tha non-Negro president of the NAACP; Shirley MacLaine, member of the Hollywood rat pack; Burke Marshall, the first lawyer Teddy Kennedy telephoned after the accident resulting in the strange death of Nary Jo Kopechnej Paul O'Dwyer, perennial candidate for public office who has a long leftwing record and who used to be a gun-runner for Israel; Howard Samuels, vho hearts up the New York Off Treck Batting Commission; and Elrs. Edward ft. Warburg of the W&rburgs who helped finance: the Bolshevik revolution! A fund-raising letter dated July 15» 1971 was sent to prospective contributors throughout the country. Recently three lawyers—former White House side Theodore Sorensoii] farmer NAACP General Counsel Robert L. Carter, and ADA official Josepn L* Rauh, Jr.—asked Attorney General John Kitchell to dispatch immediately sufficient numbers of federal registrars and observers to "supervise'• the coming elections in Mississippi* ••»• Charles Cve^s claims to have been nominated ae a candidate for governor of Mississippi by the legitimate Mississippi Democratic Party- Actually, he was selected by a group at Jackson State College made up primarily of members of what was known es the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, a leftwing group which treated scenes at the 196^ Democratic Convention in Atlantic City. Charles kVerSi who is mayor of Fayette, Pega 2 ' ••• •> Mississippi, hopes also to raise funde to promote 300 black candidates in Mississippi, on attempt for a black power takeover with militant blacks seizing control of the State of-Mississippi or as much of it as possible. WE HAVH RECEIVED A NUMBER of requests for information concerning Leonard Boudin, the leftist lawyer retained by Haniel Ellsberg to defend him in connection with the theft of top secret documents in the "Pentagon Papers11 caee. Leonard B. Boudin was born in H*w Sork City On July 20, 1912 the son of Joseph Boudin and Clara Hessner. He graduated from GCNY in 1933 and received hie law degree from St. John's University in 193^. He married Jean Raisni&n on February 20, 1937 and they have two children^ Michael and Kathy. Boudin hae been a partner in the law firm of RabinowitE & Boudin in Nev York City since 1937- From 1955-36 he was attorney for the Mortgage Commission for the State of New York and from 19^3-^ he was an administrative assistant of the National War Labor Board. Boudin is a jnember of the American Arbitration Association, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, the London Institute of World Affaire, and the American Society of International Law. Boudin'e wife is the sister^in^law of I.F. Stone, who publishes a widely weekly report, I* F- Stone is actually Isador Feinstein and he married Esther M. Roisman July 7, 1929. Stone is a former editor THE NATION and coluninist for the laftwing news- papers P.M.t H,Y. STABT and DAILY COMPASS, Leonard Boudin has a long record of pro-Communist activities. Ha has been a member of the Board of Directors of the National Lawyers Guild (a Communist front) and an instructor at the (Communist) Jefferson School of Social Science* He was a charter t member and contributor to SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, a Communist quarterly publication. On March 5, l^l the DAILY WOHK^ft printed a full-page statement in defense of the Com- munist Party and among the signers was Leonard B, Boudin. Boudin was one of the defense lawyers for Judith Coploa in her espionage trial. He defended Dr- Benjamin Spock on. charges of conspiracy to counsel draft evasion; he also defended identified Communist Paul Hobeson, and w.a£ on the editorial board of the International Juridical Association Bulletin as well a& being a member of this elite Communist organization (as waj-e former Supreme Court Justices Abe Fortas and Arthur Goldberg). Goldberg,it will be recalled, took over Dr. Spock'e case after he has convicted and handled the successful appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court without a fee. Boudin's wife Jean was a salaried employee of the federated Press, the official Com- munist news agency in the U, £J, for several years. Boudin's daughter Kathy was an SDS activist, member of the Weatherman faction and was named as a co»conspirator in the Chicago Conspiracy Trial. She was one of those who issued a Ueatherman call to destroy America from the inside by revolutionary struggle now. On October 10, 1969 Kathy Boudin wss arrested and charged with mob action and disorderly conduct in Chicago. She was indicted by a Cook County Grand Jury on December 19, 1969 and posted bond of ft20,000. She claimed to police that she vas unemployed; actually she ie an attorney, Kathy Boudin was previously arrested on August 20, 1966 for throwing stink bombs and on Septemher 29, 19&9 for destroying property. At present she is a fugitive and on the FBI's wanted list. Kathy Boudin was with Gathlyn Platt Wilkerson ±n the quarter-million-dollar house on West 11» Street in New tfork City at the time It exploded on March 6, 1970- It' developed that an EDS Weatherman bomb factory was In operation in the basement of the house, Miss Wilkerson and Miss Boudjn were observed running nude from the house after the explosion. Mies Boudin is- licensed to practice in New fork (as reported by the Illinois Grime Commission). Hisa Wilkerson had /previously been arrested in Washington, D, CWI Pittsburgh, and Chicago and in 1967 was-in a. delegation, led by Dava Bellinger, that net with Communist Officials in Hanoi. LITTLE OR NO PUBLICITY was received by two recant decisions and rulings issued by the U. S. Civil Service Commission, ihiring June of 3.971 the Commission issued rulings restoring Federal employees accused of immoral conduct to their jobs, Tb* rulings involved two women employees accused of being lesbians and sharing an apart- ment, and another woman employes charged with living with a man not her husband. The Commission's actions followed federal court rulings which have held government employees private lives should not be the basis for removal as long as their conduct is not notorious and doas not subject the government to the Rlare of adverse publicity, A noteworthy fuct about the Civil Service Commission's rulings is that they were Issued without courts having rendered decisions in these cases. Previously the Civil Service Commission restored employees only after having been ordered to do so by the courts. A ^Commission official interviews stated, "We're living in an entirely different world morally than the one we knew 10 or 15 years ago. And the government has to adjust tn the times. We don't encourage Immorality but the government can't polite the mjrals of its employees* other than to require that they do nothing publicly that would disgrace themselves and their employers." The end result of the U, S. Civil Service Commission rulings is that male homosexuals and lesbians can be employed by the U, S. Government as Federal employees end can engage in degenerate, immoral, or unnatural conduct as long as they are discreet. How this ruling will affect the evaluation of security risks was not made clear, but if the U, S. Civil Service Commission permits known homosexuals to work for the government even though they are subject to blackmail , and pressures* it is another indication that cur security standards are withering away, EDITORS OF A NUMBER OF NEWSPAPERS in the U. S, have received a communication from the Information Department of the Htabassy of the United Soviet Socialist Republic, 1706—18* St., N.W,, Washington, D. C* 20009.
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