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k w top *> b & * L i-R p , •« « him from the-Has*** nioun- id* Some, wbe<*rfWP?V « * S S - SO^*T'lkrk^ )Mt *>-«; between rock* Uaft(«re inaectttiHe to fekkit*; whew _goods;are ,eon- 5 ' ^ ‘-4* m Sfcr/- *>}m i *•£**•*: -»• reyed and down mountain sJofes Sf«t 4 '4iut .turn S w ® k | and on ponies’ b a r U L ^ r r amj p L j »> m - r * Mm rijht across the # in jp t-> the WWr; *# **** * * * * * *''«** *-!M Uaot land in the * have •Sjljgr (l» «A|0l SdijiLi^ilhj l.4»ont Sb-«» iuafr ^ ntafef d««K *om- »wifrr'Trc . « Trans- raal and Southern Rh»ieto>a(.rannre OnirSH' » | Cap^aad Mr solotors ia the Trans­ iU?'ffts*M a^ K t-ttd iU w * vaal; I hare frequently eajoye-1 the ”aJr ^ kw e'^a u *!re Tn> ; hospita-’ily of chiefs WJWn.ufw, and alao takeu sheKei* r w r f piimi- t ,U ' r ' i I tfre home!.>urpd orera K 'W k >oin'u^..w a fft peopU?" “Oh m .* w t the M as a * Snl VfAitvo, tfie whket|ncr man, “the place U full of colowed people." " “Any . white* 7" Vh m a w yes, the place i-< full <\f white people lit& K W aMiM U M im I "What were they innjr?" whin IPWfij'riWfti weh' WwW y while man had a AoM of a « i*d IW. hoHm* hiAbetween »i in ai io w f r f I ■ I. and the Cre. bu J l l adrW. Jrtb r Jhtho ris(t oft . re were not ahofh A o is to go jepetii |()tB t y iii|twgfrMlti^flet k ' i luuv -j kleavour tu work twice as Tio then it seeon lhat it will pay uauy fcMjfi m wlule “man to Ir^it us we!l as a* * wagaa tbe camjawr. ,i \ i «e are not only serrireihle t > him paid I. fM« i8>4u*her- eo^e at«ta»t .i-f, Vr»S -ff L«se, but the presence of a f*w of It^itely. *k >j- ■, .*m us in tlxi next world may al* prore V ^ U C t m J useful to liiuu § tl#tf*- our

p! <*a; pscpivVS'-ri -.•» lire ,e a u w a r n e r . i .»•*• ^olbfj :

* 711% i, EGRWAltoV. ' " * V

o^r {toopjo TSALA SA BATHO. IANUARY !. 1W__

“ Itekaneio. T A w w A o m is W FIGAJU T A - f Lit r q u . £760.000. t _»| it ii wt-ll known that that is n*; Miloba Mr. Ckariie FHebnftl Oornn-'the only department which taxar JU loeittiU Mints! a Diroa k«] 0 na a bolela mniVnjIo 4g*foc spent the natives. and: wfce©. te. -fr* pro- ka dipolo!iki i u Frcixtala. Ke Iidi i u lUUidut ’■( a I each[, ene mokaba tlhobolo oaga Gene, the natjvaa pay the State fur tb« ra! Hertzog. O belaela gore a e benefit of a white Civil Servic*. AUfloa ka boaako kfl t riLp* •Fta. -sum bare.fa Parlamenlt e phathefa land a white Uod.SettJemen! •ora*-1 flryord to u j against! •Or. Wltllaau’ Pilk Pills. ko Ka pa ka kgocdi ertofia filfte- where in the naghboqrhooJ <>f wholeaale .robbery M_ be *«Dj h ■ * A r loa ana le balatedl ba ka ka no . „ MtlTM £»,000|000 uttrlinf. no&shang irof baiiaty* tiro ea tad the ftock owned. — ------, . . WOMEN'S PASSES. 'musho- Are 0 tsamaife thata •ad tb« prepoadefoaoe otlahield between (he whites and the The reason why we, cannot jet Fa o shokola, 'me madi mo Freistata, a fitlhela gore Ma- ___ __ either------iLuit . ol.. a. the A -Ifi,, Sorel; one cannot say Unt juru ga tlhole a batla Botha. Ba toe. I consider it by far the moat] itbe«f Boen iie .io simple as not to the coloured women of the "Kree" |a gagq a bopama kgotsa Stato-.freed Ironi iiie.i>i#*fiawrtd brtlk Hertzog /ela.. Ko aetretagl #eo«»Me regjey ant penwn who has ui»c without paying for the that tbe Bloemfonleia Mnniiipalityf alone dears well overv £1,000, thata gore go sa itekane* ana fe phutbego ea Mabnrailel the segregation question. And |l Iprivilege. wraebodf fr paying the !eng ga gago go diroa ke fitlheloa a a reag ia ' nch • logical segregation propor­ ntarier of thfir army o( teachers; year'from Women's pisses. InWO has never been any difficulty in, madi a gago a mashoe. U fiolba ale 4! fela; ’me le bao tion can amuse a Gorernmelit Coov- nor oft il be taM that they are tool ilo ea bone eoe e tladiroekel tnissioo, the abnwlity ol the whole ignorant to know who that aom* getting natives and coloured peoplej f'hounets* go itebateba bo- ianyesemane ewng M a W a W ;| body iy-.l,t»maaj>rr lhat,iflr- txed; tbe only trouble is to get fori tlhoko.. Pausa elelsaaepe-l One comniia; a pai*ed| [time back, they we|e vert id” ,iem t slight'-Benefit ’^f'their tax'.1 .u.ie.go fegeloa go knu*| Mabnni a Freistata .a mogopolo through here the other day with tl^ i* in hirrepok WtM( knd. a\l that our people ask for is luongoe fela, ba batlang Bo­ Inject of bringing the tpealioo to a , Jwjeetar • VVjiae^. .M W M I tliat while pepple,wbo wowve doles Choanewsena ko ikotloiola wfcjLtwtir* totoaDOOfitWW* fnlm these huge oootrihotions, and lea tiroayana, u timegile tha ga ba ba rnhie. 'Ko Heilbfb* itwoflU trrta that they also M tlte derks afi9 the typists who draw jmmala, kgotsa u lft mose-' eri|e!'gole pico ^ Mgburo ale floo bale 100 fela ba choleletw Batha « bold of the wrong end of thefitte. bgethtt and, ifaacj. ^alarjei from wir tax should [tlha, u setia teleco-dijo,’ We are told that they want to cre- jacocpiso the j?iv£f yiflVagd gi'» 2£L(toi®«- _ a native ait* a < n n e w t ^ ^ H ft t C ^ lA '” '7 RfcS SAViXtV Ins, if ndthmg el«, It least ,thj btnr borotd' bo sa' “ tween Boahof and Roopstadj where I the ,iehafatse.‘ O’ 'itoengoa, (*<>**«■ ipalo n*»- r the population is about 60 (^rtrHsntJ |0 > i jinipwa doaor.j-.itin - .:r-^ tihogo, arts le ditlfubi tsa white, and 50 fet eesTW M ft^ cfiluteh [mo diioropong.'grfwouta Manye- well-to-do fanners, declarini tbi :ilF. GENEBAt COl'JiCfl' go tlhatlhara marabo, kgo-1 semane eseng Mabnru. Ju a a Sow, there Is a well-known black tsa u choengoa ke mogadi- bett k Qm "Free” State, wbefe the] imable to pay school lees, ana after The Tiinskcian Territories'Cffllll- Piet Theron 0 kile a W le 'ptn>- l ia ihoot 93 per this they w lW kneel down and cil-a purely native concern,under] kego, u choanetse go leka Ihego ea Mabura ale 17 mo tlnng k and only 10.pat<*nt *hta»| Ik O k iriiM e ka^nggiven tjian an tiovernment supervitiyn reports al Dr. William’s Pink Pills. ,ea gagoe, ertle a wouta 8 eare ka (o tome cases. Why oot have the other opportmiity of cheating the sti-adyv1n«rme* v»f about £H0,0W] Botfw -g; nM«.ka Heftzog.- Ko' fntive are* there? The cbwm Corernmeot Peraonally, I do oot annwlly. ami each ywirttheir Her ' Mr! J. m' Hoopstad go no gole.pico ca[ kcarf proposal, with whish Data* I enue rx.ree^s , expepdiftwo. by.) -a V i tshima, Miboru ale-^ook koga-Hcwirik Rtnnott U creafi'iig the Seare«atior siua of from £6,000 to £7,0(10, mokoadi ITheton eoTia a neoa setnio saga lata, for ha>ing created a " Free " (loud cbews). This fs th# wx>rk of I CbnmdsBoo, wi'l end ia di hlegre- moncho. In-| mosbui Fisher mo bolaoding, Bon instead of separation. and f t, t Oak Opvemment fiUi a taxing ma only 36 Tfsoskeian Districts, as the I Fig»rila ona a baeielr Hertiog •KB hare the Cape Afrikan ier as a,|CMh«r whose doty it is to pump other territories,bare not,yet join4 | ndwe', are:— tetig, Advocate Esstlen a boele-l (mITef between the two. In Natal,, money oot of Um coloured coo- je Council. They suhxidise 44 Ke ne ke le la Botha. Kong ke gone erile fofoy, he ia told that scr-a.ntiOo h •inityM,'to protida Laid Buk'll: Ir­ ils, acbools, pay road parlies, buil.il lepodisi nya* go woutoa ga fitlheloa baga Her­ ■Jtant and be amiot buy rigation Schemes, and tat appoi^t- stud (amu, agricultural inmi'.utioos, ga tse di ro- tiog ba sia baga Bothe fela ka meots for the bone i\itlhabi tse di uueog gore go no go toeng • ba Dp Mow it U too Jatt and help| confiag to Dr. Viljoen tba pa^ie tax ;tba Goremment did with the pro ! •egang go kgabaganva ma* ibangpe ele matlereke, ba betse- ia tbe “ Free State, now imetuto .oepds of tbe dirwt a/oa a mekotla, Inin's burden, about which ft la In- laibo bap- Piconyan* tseo ks E gulliWy that house foil nf parlia people can run a little Parliament bokooa joa ditshika, mo- coot goa tit Co aledloe m u t t rtpediert to speak at jnefrnl, will mentarians 5Wallowed the inbm« of their own c-acrying out such lm appn' tion, for, ii a white -man paid portnnt and expensive underUkJujal k . BbataW It BJha, m pic0 Wlion will be known br itg proper shilling of that he was a ' ra the Basutoland (ioverament gadikega,' eo tlhatlhara name, f it : Robbery of tba deepaat ,M P°,nt*V kokoanoojfini ark** Go to WMBMburg, IrM a doing, maintajning their Adnunittrt- marapo. ditfnabi tsa nama, l » bokuk'uolsha. K t boltli K 'dye. Still, yon will agree (hal tba I tbe first fen natives you meet, each! lion »ith a very light and I (kwewment amid segwgito, or setoip6. go shoa ditokolo- thanolo gore tf. Theron re nt re one witl tell jou that at the end of nmuag.- to save money, What, in tie' lo, le matlhoko le ditlhabi rtmgrefile and aggregafe, without the month, the Baas or the Mi«n« name of heaven does the Union Ad- ' V s: 1' ■ w i* •nhjertlnc anybody to the xfflrelent­ tSa spsadi. Henaog. .kama Bolbi balfco ba will jpv#'Mm ‘a' note to the P*<» nuni^tration do nith the tax they gagoe ga ba tlhole ba mo in ing rraetty, which our people are Office, tell him to put his band inti collect under vai.ou* heads from the now piin); through mJer the tender his own pocket and boy the months AOmon'ii| kgo 0, kako Koloning'tse dingoe taro 17s., u sa duelele pose. go tlacoa batho bale 3oobab» his own precantioAs. 1 have often | daughters of the horse leedh They *> cot credit us . . utloanang le Hertwg, Jjb , thing we pay. bat they vri 1 show wondered if General Smut* always crym« "give, pve." dttagl) to convince yoo that the] intentional? credit | ■ ^ j wm ■ 0 1 1* " I ? 0!!010 ko oa r S (Te be CoMtnued). erefadilo d.retela g o b id i^ S blacks pay more than tkir White Transmler* with this huge; Merrim.iD. Lefa a ka aKam, and s jood deal of |tax, just to avoid the pain of aU®r-( people's shares Take for insUnosj nig something good ooneoming the ISIPO tSIH K V i JJga jaka - wotiercflanrii' bom tbe soaOeat rrovince of the Union. | na'lro tax payer, for if there is any- Advertise Hertzog ra b a k a k e T C b a T j last worked oot the fijilfa five tliig that the Ge-e*alhae nererdooe fears ago, and foond that the wkilt* i>'it to say a good word shoot the col YOUR V . - : s i s a . enellSogotaltoshoMo, -'ere (baa paying the Crowfi Coloat oared person. The wliile ladies of •rrnment a sum of £ I5,1(» ai Transvaal know these things bet­ Pmnm afid tba Native m-piy?> ter '{ban' General Smnls, fnr the PAULA t , a direct tax of SL&.0X. Thai National Coundi q{ ,ffl?iea Wakers . NOW ■ Kn tasliulti iruthlauo ebanUiui .nesU figures bare stexly been ou has decided ty ’k totjft' majbnly to ‘hokuqtfa ibiiakuU-nga i I’ii k riltel XA ®boi» elieeps, litaie aj«ge «ko Mad a dspshtkfl ~ • the increase can be 5!‘i»nd Irom •jika'Dr. William bua-fcefsn il.hua oettaele 15/- obt M Mwi pg ^a recent speirbas by Dr. VLjOOO—tb«| trator, askkg for a suba-ly froml In this PAPER Tai Koitoe ’‘ T b iu u B a t m ' '■ Frae" State Director of ^location, e Jubuhi (Hedsl) enl|e m lie showed tba white “ Fsas" Sit-] IribtK* j 0 ailik*. Jlblwio nopoki. artlaareryo. |^tpoiil increase U i torn Lhtl there wi tmkUHi " < "'Tour TRADE; JiftW TSALA EA MTHO, KmUAfcV 3, 1914.

Umteto ve Hlhlaba ne Mootrttoi, Mu b c, Ctle, P lu ljf. Mapikel*. baayanitclu^ kolento liiteto. Banna! Banna I I ON AN G Fa. ibinfeke biwcle bca|ui^okeIe- Kongrtsl. l*n£rnda» a» k« »^»«o o aa kna Plv..- • W'' M>dod>, rktii n l M niism U4 h^V jo iBifta ifBst impeadalo kaict agf- •*«»*»* «o*ije, Ndivumele ndipindele kulo- Wrtar.nb, ab«khir> I n l i l*pc«li nxlbali totlli In di tbaia-tkiti las B«b> . ./■ • mcimbi ungemU- Sasike u *^lik»r« »P>kn, AHr«a4 uwklopM kabanz^ kaba W ))iairr VS Wtto tk* yahn. DfTLRAaO, a RfW H R , KOLORO. k?wv m u < maba^ize imbizo yenkosi zako* mpalwrtil. KmliMt ncol' l>KrtiMibW •a 11 M Wlan( a ill * fitlbfli. 8in«iUU wttu, 0 Lrkoko, Stkhukhuni, aalta|a k*afif*pa i«iu: ,\U Tioba •M bUm»Ii i Rati 1. nUt>|»M.U Solomon Din'uMo, .'Ndebo, Ma- oknba baaakaklila loafj troti lodfe- K» rakin TkoU uq A IKS* A FRLA. |t fona t*a "• . pern* k«h*n'-Nokol«ii Kali CotfTtm T«tl j l «JI*1^ lefenko in iiirW u i toxina Zibii Mardanf, Maogati. ojaio litntrta iiibr^o ^kxtiktlt »w^a H> jakaurata. TI | NG lo itihophelcng La I. - • Pil»m»ot« 0 Lrkoko jr ir M U f O n jim feL tafqafeaiala sjaki; lomcimbi pbekire pambi "itiff, laza alayf >'ka» W o, kurfl kwaia Kt, endawenl yokubo- Wipke, oKik«k«io. m liooriUiwo, oj\.■, • ,-v pi ■■ »*di* V'fti.'^^yL a, kooke okn ffiba uluvo lonui oatiundu »bapa­ Mnni.n aMVUi «« *Mto’ ||tu» «%kf • WALTER H. ADA: j 1 hJM}ilA .»» ll b« Konftwl bafijima bfqoke- rpoWIx t|. Uaoiuao KU* K. "fVU axlfanayo tptfaal a^aj* '-ul-. Taa be ntoi|(o«. (Op» MlUPOfitU.. x «•* Hfek'iak*, Icla jmali *qkuya kwaboe N:*iU- . S>m»; n m »k>i •Jfnt’ iki. bek'’’So^o4ibd» i»fi z» Bien Roai, Kimberley. at ngetibheno.. fizinkoji ringe- C*M. 0 Cki*f Musko bow LrdMbwi. . ‘ *W». ., M»MS K«l* sez^ M*ba«a;‘iu Tyanuakn ntl» zTrcIc imihlaHa y»Dantn. U- to m Um » ku> \T«t*rl»r| :*>«kalfce}» iotdl^^hiw ■ yobukotwka koze iZjWi lontsuqduj liqine ogo- eoiitp**o)»r| ktt/« onkati n t > i Tola. mbalBBnw t* \* i V tlW ' 'twM krabs'MMUi^‘ mtftpVeraihUba, kuruneka lua- t a pMr&M. Vfoknuf at S'Uu> S«w i JSjca^aahalaa) n kawxa *w>, JitW*^*e ng^bapati bemi- .'.\ ’*~r- «i**fy«ajB*.‘a^W J nwAnni n k w i MepMl, ni(»»* ihkiul' O^BBBk*»krtl rmklth w» 'Mro' hlab*- Lomitto n»Uba avVnzt- SEKOLE S f SEGOLO SA TH J"0- ,'"^t''^,M.jfK-.«iM,bamiyilrai b — S''» ..i,.****•»«•*» »»•», itafclwa iluf'do nlelo yabastiido'opini ayinaku- rofc«iq»#S«. 11 irrifiW tpoaki ki b* namandU ku RulumcTc wo Uinopi iKanli )nkih«p« ttuoli ■■ -bBj*s Bjfatrj- G*{amk*tbi aaai Bensonvale, • ■ M|jba {hralaiuaiM; h i m eto nga- nako**, Pesbey; >i»*« m. kuM lonk^ ilUvo ii Hlekf «*»in*'a rgfJiu ankJablw* lu, t«tul* »r»U»t»*»lni y»wfl. M*jxqnkrW> , kwayi. kawnwaafto Okunvc IcmrW ybkabileWela a Tnbo akai»zJ>h*Tn o mtrnMln AiW Pestwya sinKtk»-nai- mign Jjyv •. Vf"mw*'r*>* U Nt*»|a. : K» or|f»»Vo mnqweno.w»kut»»a; umoya om- uV««a*)wwm »k»yA*f*^W* »ib 1> taingi ta Nk'» k -i> X* Mook»w4» ' ' r»Un»Bt». o R*p*. »• li*« ijijikwa aj'\»«y»oko Utah kola Udo hrttjy faiuiikUi, nr, Mangtrv. nabinye bayd e X|Ufto*. Q|«H M*|B *kl«' K*p.r ukuya kucaja lomtelo e W -jaaJ.oaa aaabk i Mkub r ♦ ^ ’ytk* ' '>*^ti- Palanwnte.' Kod»» ke b*bilich^y tic di nonofilens Isa e M«*to «• V. 1M - . K.M h ***** ' knmrii*g» nywe ziz'pina ;nkosi rzaziwayo t ifl ^n*al«tO^>k*li' (lihkinik y*|ia ^ago ndilm kaaiirsdiu loolr *it»rin N»l« laba Teabo ahWibj mociiabi k>. Makgooa lc;sa Bccoana. ngtt Rulumente ukuba z'pete le- ■<)ntW V li I* »j» 1 U. monlfc* uditra luaboUnga'i Baakiekla ofBgieqa. j \ : ^ ; j l W l ‘, fcv.k>' MfeW Itnflirti^' .‘•^•1*4* madciln ^ke 'r»wt*i betla. culronyi»w4 nltOVmHetjl'., {lakw lisiti tUyiqwtl*»».|« i C«afr*M. qmiwkt MhWR oymi#to w 4?, ,i s 'kfaak*1 i j & t ,‘#ak»- MfoHj Go nalemanno a mantlt amasha a Ba8etsanyacn nk£»i>ringar,ialongu e Kongresi lijVkskrkUM. B*<« b»i»« * iMso4n kfvaa Weak* |!ak»u :«.■’.■»■;* -hMUo‘ . *f'4«jk»fqik#U akukc k*’ aWatdUi h»si> Tlyop'7*. Ia*»k»l« jaanong, ' -X* Bknli) » tree 1#i Iwlti '' I'fia* u Akuknliiw* h M t. kwinto cj'mjtng'plointeto ’ilkXNad* Phefo ca^one ena le botshelo. •------^ v omlitoga akoyftw*' pgabnlumko' an « * '«•►!) ■ wjeaptaUlMf' agafflife^'fcktndli jfta 0. laliba I dbal. ~ ku jiit 5B s U * f «iboc ko. • Urokiiwa' ukubona Tjalikc yk BsaUnadi) kaitL" S , >\ .■ »a K >bi ci n i l: l ) k : L \U V -OR A Y. i •. : S ^ SM ttyukv ttdJolilf, kovuka trizwe'timanvane—ki»- Do«»r apkwakt. nts t(«u» ua> '* ' • J dliiili^Bk’bb^ odltM tfnbUKo ngem isidtngf czilumkwefti. ku- 'kBhlaal* a No-Kolrji, >|0 Jspl«ak-r Stkolc »e »c tla buloa gape ka FEBRUARY 2, 1914 dibene-abaptdhM’ne jnkosi. Na- lo, «aairmt i Cisrvlits y Con|r»t» "’ 4 ’'Wnh J°^Fa>V 1M4 !wofik»tn«ni Blo»irfo*Irin. >aa,,Js kartlMtq fBhlall. Tula. encube c»inl kWjngqHi >edolopu. im OSIT ECONOMIC Moruti Gen. H earer, ’ - ilUej, apo lorotetp ungaCu^urflisi qtOi . . y.ilf||SK fkti; SntAanlihi/ jgtnUl« ak»$okubuya nanlo'« isinlu esi- BiiimuG issocuTKm ikd Bensonvale, , ,w< „.{«niu«hkik»tym 1 ;.> '.■■> n rnnyama, eiimi kwetitili zuba- SNIlilflC MNI, LIIHTEB, ■•- fc v.. -tattpip* kaatata ibMjUundu-: ri.iundu sksMnj'Wt eitiva.” ' Ngonyulo e Xalaoga. HerscMe. jT ip i |ilosl*i nge freyi c tati ' • rffci'Hr. IfuifcBt • Pttoli, kuba jindle'i cquly^a ngayo '•'*' '*»'5*m'kiiflJre'M ".Mrrrt" j-«bo-' Unto ^nfijbapMi be^ Kongresi (N'flC T. M. R, Cali.) .lonrtdi Uiua Boildteta. " • ’ •» ,TWi i J«^»7iti^nil«t'Mk&y1 kultnjacg* »zlqnb»«« D t cwrsa yio d# I then Advertise in (lie B«o»s Mrik*, irtabiNkjp !onke Uizwr, kuyafuneka ukub» e Tu«n Hill e CiU. Ambrntaaa D E BATI.A batho ba ho * •Wt«B«h M»e ProUt*tl pwr ibc nokucai. Qami’i. $ko 'ne South Africa (agents), Le- yobubj’toRtmlfld e FrayL.Stati, dyengmiM. Matwi wix Muta, Tflnzi pmt«J kmlcfnefo ttJg«n«kukflo. ha ba ka o sebctn ’moho V ... J;K*i«knileko ’ ,.'^ Ktnj'-kb tivuyilfc jsakd^niipe- pa “ Umloipoi,,-l?mhla{wcjDe- Aqunti unikmk^in* ViP^* l«,nlbsct*tsi oo ba o ts’oe- , . .. t> MlD*Ul)lb»'|pi«jf Ik>H» WMbtiUftfM'- ngengqondo epo- ebojini| B guti ye’ny»E.'i> «kioolie okn: . JS E C IIV A sf^ m i SrXHO!>.‘ : > WlpamWei *kwreWi'-*k*K Hleyo ngaloffl#lint»L ma-; ba kohtko ammakalo otrka|a kak Dr.Ruhtw* awwakii »|la8»klyo, phirimaiu h acle ^ u W ba Oanwf«l okpjlkliBika Bban oaryi tary, South African Native •‘ ' :i<4miqi- kaati jawwl okate akntabooi. ngtfllehg. ...— - . . .; *Bb* keWuItlBri M^ inpl i*!*. ukudifeana ne qitiobini Uma KtJa • wgiUot. TalektaakaaJw-Umqtdiaeibr. ' HITOlll, HOIFOimi ud Thiii H:11. „ \ -fcu- * M H r »lk*- iilli makalhale i*;^a!o1^w p ^ "Mna Mkhaleli. adibeuairi^n MANAGER, _ !akttff MikuI«la,-o*kuihii! w»b««(*- pepeai yobapepdula k^aogepe Dkvpaalt ok?b Mli^Wba- Box 2667, pa; uquba Ut> **Vmlo®j(^f* “ hi Native “ Government Gazette " for the Union of S0-.1:1. ’ - M s •WWdl (luiilni n|*UMo faoetM uJano oluka'B 1 a Johannesburg n p el* boft * m boaa ibaru«u knbooa »onb iwieko sup^a RqL.. Africa. • »hh^U»7* ^ l | f oa ba Cngrcss ha fca.t'ekiba Dgokn|(odn ankhaleli wi*0 kvrka - ■ ' " Hod*i *;,knb« lik^ imohe’oa ka karaboe)ok«x# jt tiutdOi miw-hi ofatq h*»-ke- ba #y»mJaUtk« wak'oba *tbo a Vinm freah Subecriben. Write for particular* to ova leitoho babolo mereronjea it ft p1 Paluxnti* n*»lt»t»U>. SibuqiA- W JifaMB, na kab-nl ingabeodla kBTi mom-1 Yinyanlio ero»ftlw> le- Tntibiba uko Bgrjeadh j »a>o The Editor, 'a *. B«tel» look* uiiku *uj»eb«Btlpl fi yo Oyaulilwo kabatunywa beta Ea|anit«cai - Moaqtla in^itW Toti t Niilane nge»«b*-lok*|kirako --1------1 oo Df"-1 — -"^ -’ a j— *- ’ TSALtftt'BATHO, ' “ ■ kxM j b*ta fibttqirtafl*!* ' & J + Mdib»ni»o. AbatablOpe' beli amhtebo wiwo i Mr.Ubay^ . r-t BOX i i £ , KIMBERLEY. bakutindi ukujikwa yi NgiUne ekauta adaw jiabi; inf«koikok-fc ' ':'- 4 r r ^ eoqwencn! irabo, U i|m fc-n i- o— ------' . 1 1 &*.. I« « * »• yjlibala ukuii lamadoda imh'opr L^ Izigqio ■zeatkofwiao >iokaU It vfll lacttut yoor Native Trade. akieli''»wf .ngabaninawe.' n ja l AKliOLO a Batlbaao a Utko . m m >»l* bialiuada {l«aga ktt, nulpno jilo ill ta kUa rrkaor KgoJokaaai p ^ , Tig*b»t>bani tfilSipa^idi, iiyuiteUa,kBb* Bit iamb”? ®»b: altl.n|na plya-■ ■ "*k,ut‘ho * ‘■1 kuwoichek looteto. • * ptw*. Saiica e kubapati

lie V* " . jffi ikK-f* _TSACT M BATHO. lANUAftV £ fW~. JL Tbe Tsarevitch b u again ia Jared b«f ElJtCE IJONS.-ftid Innlnr. We cun speak with authority on the welfare of the weak,, they have con- of a fan,- ^nd has 'Ctala ea Eatlio.’troubles lunl tame our way, jnis- sMutiy mdoni out1 foOiiUp* bodi Holidays Sport', to be kept ^iwnjn in a rscambvnt fortunes we bate eiidfrofl, such ai in t h ^ n p ^ j p j y c ^ j jft, Vehlum*kBla. b Jnjnane J spheres, for tins guidance NATIVrS AT CXICXET. ■-lie trouble *7 uluiatrial war*, tnbu- 0.. -tlolota.'Molote. b .VramcxrtaNyaBirsria - f W«f>4 m T«4tfS Ue OraaH-foinet pres* otfr heartffelt thanks, and beg I^aabe, b Jumane _ ...... — ~ paper) .to bava to report tbe death 00 »:«>qb ttmJ_aitSct.es due to legis? to-assure them that many 7*ars Wu. XataiW, c Kltirt. b iLiviet — — . Manday-aftarnoosii' about I o'clock, at i..a'lj.wW >l -• dictated by the rool by before w* Mre able to do By Wire From Kroonstld. Klekerk. e Herman., h KlvW » > residence in Boarko Street, o _ deiuou ol colour prejudice—all those without , it. We cannot conclude tl belle, e Kiviet. b Kmrt . oittsen. Ur. Hendrik have been allotted to u* during toe without placing orf record' the h e ln J. Molnta, b Xibe -. ... put jear. Jivefi Jeremikh, tbe Harnalna. e C lur water, u^-^y,•.• . • ENGLISH, SRCOANA, MASIOMJS va. (K)U). i |W*eff nia oommission a* a reward ‘he Lands Act on any alien who m.ahnndm cr of the Master's pro Tbe Eccentric Cricket flub sont j#lt /V .Ciflturmf.-* .M hnana K ilt in tht SSSUTO AND JO S A lehs our wood unto us.’ • W4 can A'BICII IS TIIK TOPiircsT UETAI. tram Which left Kinilierley l» tbe La y fte rgen, .^ko^ad murdered two iiy Jaw icce.ye such wood ard watei uiKed. grace in tlieir' noble work Hloernf.tnlrin train on Wednesday aft iativtr*knd a wMte’iuan. 8ub*e^uently l®VEnSEHENTS TARIFF. only' provided they form part of out To all our friends, supporters, ai i to flay Kroooatad during Jh» X »M»«»r’i lieutenant. Tbi* qnMtisn driniH-ly «Htlr4 01 hoUdny*. 4*. iw lB rt^ i^ .W n m n , Rrtwta rations when ,w* -«»re' serf* in the ympithisers we wish a happy ne* .hr Kcln-lic (jrnuod oa C krid au Hi employ of 'such alien*. But it doe* half-prwe. , , .. ear end amelioration of these lad Kaiing I»»i. «br« the Kbrk Uoos .OSMlfATIOV. not opjfear tlrtt5the upprpKwr him­ .'.C. im Jujianac-I.urg, ralervd a ennb- Is, per indi ilMnMe Cflto’mri, He- self i r reaping -|M>/ satisfaction, for lifficullies. plenty of rain and better Og d.fr.1 ,t II,- lu i,!. ol (he GreoatHe SUB ROSA. . OMii^dsy„Dt^*ber B, the Bishop l^.u.lf-prioei O bis house-is ' ren t in twain. ' ~ X. ol Kiaiberlev. ^ ordination at St. :nops ii>r the people during the new Mr. Themn is very cruel Crprufc » Cturati; Tohaaaetbur*. Ths The Kiubrrtri tram con the 3 tin.e’hM been'i'ofully occupied -with R yr.jK u j»ll aad. th* Bev. Uarku. gftKOUNH AJ>VB«TI FVfRNTS. •ear. We are sorry to ,have- lacterf to bat tr*l. I hr g u e conaidcrate with hi* natne puppets. yain tU etn p li to reconcile himseli Huleta were ordained priesta. Ur. pecial prayers to offer on behalf 10 Pra*r'* ' tbf hoir--ler» had A e Iatt« J^ve been fooling ignor­ grjthhimself that he often forgot it ant natives with that canarit about Koiaelt has beM a djiacon for two years Sc teJrt rot.plrtcfr aodcr control. At and until a fftjr.anontli* ago was at uSM he scourge he fdrged for otii f tbe opresaor. All we wish for i»ca it a a. diBicnlt ta belien tbat'fhe s a t a r the Lands Act providing -the native* tntttuk. Tlie Rev, Mr. Uulska' has and if he does no t relent ip uitora «e» ball, for ia apite tun in bis persecution of our people cobk! lie with a l«Kyition in thj iluopstsd. fcetndeaoon-forHeffli jean, and waa at- a kb ill U the .to laugl •f the capital bovling eihibition ol _ ^ A ront* throughout th «» f'oor issues lack we asked how b) t^«, l'retona Native Mission, e see him swept off like the s may Gbd “ Otyfouprl their politic? •jiekerk and Uampic for tbe rniton, [owing were also ordained dea- Country I . ^ ha d bia partnership „ t^'KeV’ 1'. M.,Kbonkhobe was gos- M O L O M O 6 A B A T H O . 1 ^ism cracked Tjp’tt# lie aa anTTK WllenrJTe wiah them well. A t/trgf ana-Evn-bttnasiKg of dise-ae ifi-'oi.gst men and beasts, vith Ntahoko aboard brilliant crickef drekU H J ^ i - i ' U v ’ - t n varied form, rawing chrrr. fence ol the magnan^mitf. of the ilie eaiancipat on of coloured womer pretest Government and its Act, Tie ciriliised aatiuiH of the worW tag the -t&ll dean 01 rr the U in tbe ” Free" State, who are cot1 all Ur. Theton, Kinister for’/g r i' stantlj sent to prison: for refusin’ lie via barked on ■ ui*d c.rrer of Sebeie sa gago se ntse T H ’? E D IT O R . , julture, came, foiasrd last week to' be outraged by men. armed wit1 ir»m. tkr oiib rieing with tb* ottiei he fine art of tb« Knglitk ind publicly repudiated the canard. * ticket M W "'- .ttithoritv. and the rrpeal of th 1 • nil'll »ti* crr»t»r »lnr» of tlie Of course, although he edits ^ Jang? Native Land Plague, 1913. awataivd bis paid lrputatior P.O. Hot US. inn uf deotruetion. Althvoah tbwt ,ers, poor old ...... •*KIWBKRf,KT. Tbeee native pipers ceased pub'i re no actual asra la the coantrj at .ilnf up hb -oire of 132 with' t*a Jefleral Jabavu gropes pititlilly "it -ation during 1913. bui we are stii ar prrvut time tbere are rumoon of '» till ha >aa amartlr eatght off Sie- the dark. He neither speak* nor reads ?A 0 KATA StfrTEKANELA .itre tell the 'story. It is no lerk by Mhelle, aa o'd comrade. 10 ar. niierialtf ill that anforluaaU plt- Onich, the language of the party D1R1SA BICE BEANS. brough an. valour on pur part, a I Kamli,e, Laling ihe ^ ire at Si. jrhich rules South Africa, and lives rturalr, Swaziland. Wr know t «• w■*? r '- 'i " »u i much as tiirougb the liberality < •0 iin.re sieketa to fall. The riaUon >n bliss}ul ignorance of the ‘3amn ^dVcrlising firms throughout Sont »rro» the oontinjenieea that le. rlt reliered at being that rid of a moit Thusho«aHB5le Baens mo Ceala ea JGatbo. nivhiernoa foe. At S o'clock tbe home tble policies which Dutchmen -are- Africa, who stood by us when o- ar. and the manoeuvring tacti ten su n all oot for 981. and then tbi »n*lantly putting funrard against maemODg otlhe a sebete se natural cistoyiers, the nativ ie mean-apirited wblte nun, who he natives, inoluding Tengo Jaba- se roasboe-eg# *«na go ka KfMtiUKLEY, JAN. 3, 1914. peasants of the "Free” State an< •puonal kbilitle* are to ins.taatr peopl. iUis djubitul it «ir,c< mkhoeny^gp.a, latelang a liberality; and hope they will h '•ace, * ha* bf»B' the forerunners 0. I ocher, the K.C.C. crack bowlar, th< 3 Huah' ocaipation of this coun- rewarded with the eomtne cial si‘ ailed to pat in an appmrasca in Some people are hankering a ftti' S S W fO W p b e te u tlho- tr : • loction ot.liie while counnun- any a noli»^ ^ieing. canMd bj iboa. cess they deleave. It 11 doiibti ■ornlng, hut Kirin pi,ted a mot i 8.A. Party Minittry, with Mr. tiafn^se goi£ u batla Bile jtv m f reoeirea iiiA a irte licetice ho thinit for the bluud of tneir fello» eroua undentady. His Irat ball, if, even with the aid of commerc derriman as Premier. * "May Gb3 Beans, raoiemo. o seke o to do what they p ease with their people, wc alone could have si an, and who, in man) ii ?tancea, bieh was *uprrblj dr'irend. aimpb flllAlnn T.n . . .* _*__ cattered the wickets, and aeemed t «ve us from sucn a calamity; Mr M o tihbloa 1 /aUow-*ui)j«e s as was done vived wit'iout the aid of the p siaraisa aboth'i vineyard. At this Christma*- iva Xiekerk an a iu a of nerrea Hi ierrim an is.rendering us yeoman J* iritf tJu yssr of troubles, 1813. sebete* sB prielors and (.tnCf of the two E: Je we wonld like to remind all icond ban a as regard, d aa aa lbw. bo ervioe as the -Ministry's cmdid Takanyeng ti btng*r in doabt train d n ik d in Holland causing 1/ astral ties including the death of Mr.Van tlhogofigj kgotsa bosisi I'be Black Lions weat in a aecoat er Linden, son of die Prime Minister of q>o tUnio*eog>«A gale u me to aruid an ii.niogs defeat, lot land. Bat tbe- Michigan Stampede ne. i object they hardly attaiacd, a. which So persons (mostly children) ikutloa s gntlhols tl baU; k« hokols ..Wie, c Mballe, b Oijlmiaa ... _ 0 tlbalwwwale* ...' ... _ 1 ______„ Jeaaniont, t* Sir. Bird, a metaN'. «r H' Vn $ m nkt-l' 1 mmrra mk'ktlt bodila 'Mo ka nna ke ooeSela ka <0 ae diriaa »iolu*.l*. b Msmpie ... ______present M.C.C. team riiuiug tioal.i ayi.tjhoko a 91**4 *:*-. til* 4tt'*nh,bt lU me I® ooela pal* kt bs ke bonank n! bplelpa ka -,-ooe llbeila, b Gijimiaa _ _ ii\ et^niaa [f diishika f* (oOHalu. Ji’eM i* mstlb' ko 0 tlbe b H a Janong ks bodlle aentle hcla. Diilt-aW. Jn sifs, b Xiekerk _ _ Lady _ ------Solomon, widow of------\\ lata Si, 4 iil'ile hit Kiel* bs nns'la thata ffi •otlhehslsdihedOa. H e ks kloo •* ma te gakobls Hermanns, c Mampie, b Xiekark - t. Uehard Koleanw, who-recenUt unUer- botlba ba ba clioer.gosng ks mallboko a a cboanflflg U-rfugana, b Xitksrk — J - I, reat an.'operation for apptndlciU^* it t ngns It ■ to k* s bolsts* no koalong 1*. Kyaiaea U. not owt ______1 aaking vtty favourable piogre^ s.ys *-•«—SH*» di k> l\o LSfeidilnff kosls ta l-rig.K’ lf f(l« ;*iMelaenj.fl»ng » ii iwtihe ba‘ Total-. ------Lord Kitebaa.r kaa ro(apel!ej _ -1em6; kgotia fVaqaag Is iitit't'^’ tefli^l flrtftmle a i » Oboas n o ilr p w o rtk* eons SAC Kbtdivt ta tubmit to hi* will *a 6» ------t . . s"rusl* 's k'l dl Ih-kr ctllislielt 1 stlani ks :Iekai8.6d., BLACK L105S.—lat Innings, (toartioo of- religioa* endtwineaU in ■tiaa# W M f * t l # M |f •• ?'V “ ’. W " ‘ Egypt. Tbe “ ttoiy Vail" th.nka _ tUe Ic'taSi'sdriStltJI^a. Wifkero, b Kniet — — w —’ tfr-MO* h RdsfriN M• i H' • */#» ' l*I* »r-v - It1* B/C*/« ka botlolo et*ete ngo.ng prt*«e*-of a itroag BiHub bet hi tk* • J . * * * i0 k A * m £ bels k* p beuI* hstans ftgs cone, msbentlele ottotlha Mb)lie, at, b Kieriet,-, _ _ #t*«i. Y ^ r ^ - t> If lh .e k'>an>< go .*. Al'OH b*- -b*T, e —rtg .aa , b KiviA----- f*ewjnm i.'flh.rai:tvM«,rCJ; 1*0i,«iui& II..I lOW, ift,ti»ij t'apf T«Mj, »*•*»•. kn M A " 1 • 1 U>li*V>Br MiW •stlbare ** sa aegolo sa 5*hub». moki-tiho, le. Oijimiaa, b Juviet------, withdraw ku oppoaitioa w ■ H5MK-nr^i!^iw''l*'betfli:tJto .^..jia3 fc.... ^ > »->me<^ Va«t«AtlkMlHiAaaAV*MHk*«ia* 4L)«kllb6aM kfotat 0k ks'saLk.n roa»-' a.— r«. « v. Ui'UW, b Kiviet „ ' ‘I n ...... , , . -if MehlAaukulu, run N t. b Nib* ~ « le u fi,' tj Xyametcla _ _ _ _ Jautc. Redinan, *(.Prt; Koiaalo, st, ^ t b j - _ „ _ I al*.- or * aioaU f«r S*CCO HERB EXTRACT GO., lulling h.a iWoj-ter i IWawTc’C. S w T S t d i d t o M in th* nwWia witii hWW, at TWIStf* C i p c T o w a . i r . O .B o i 1092). bet »(oM M .j.-rU aMliod I |oo*l *!.'<• .-'.'tyj t i m i m u u 1 riitlAv Iqeh "fii^scbenzi. dueljple,- pd^teJa-'roMetsfc ' jr.Ti- *r dikoalo tsa kgalcololo gorc - 4 i'V : t*- «f t l l f v w ba ItlTO ^tiefeH ’a* Jfcai& f k W ’ '* Iqefd' t^ ^ je b e n z i aba Ngoaga o fitile 0 moaha diphatlha, etlarc motlha- v— kj«M4iPrc3s y-«° 0 simoioga le ditielo tsa tlhobi |Lshoetsa aba a tsa- ITLHAPEDl TSA \* j «< 't'Bitcii^HgqWwk#clokuba & ^«a#a% r#IAitan| |T ' fcotatJ^^TW^junsU c- ! BABEREKI. ama Kafils • n M K ub. .; ^?yakiratnk«htfun? Slavs’ D l i i ^ ' w»nfi K«tpi pdw ngcrr/151- *• : TV* ? ° ^ f e t> ^ 5 ^ a wona Hajfunwa mwla. Pakati " ^(CTgS:6xo*kuva1ceIe9ko- jf***:. kubakukoama'Iadiyaaku 135.OCOC NafaVkjrfaye aba

m i i W ^UP^2- ^K tko ama iMSfirii atile agqutywi wddwa.“klngango- f 5 • V ; kuba sebes

" R*A Kov St.—U Wr.Th: a N'.ihhaU ne Toliki y M-'fttn, Elii >lf. i ‘ Iin'o re co.i mo kcrekersg n Iholi.le ye vrfci cniib: i >' tillhcia ule ■ nam-inc e to;ia ea W W i ' t n t!hapO(!r, difcopcldist^!|gKwXtf Go'.ojid^ tko.isre •« e pppot^ .cj uluije a»k«b«wj 1 1 » ■»•*«- jSjituitspaa Min'e*es£t Mr^Lukas ; . -A+i . Kuho*ti!e »kpV.t r’--i -- Lobakeng, mollr.fif Mr. .5 Sul ^'Caffio^o'pKle f ” Dike me, ihcsiiivr.cu'jjtiuu^ljj eg, t f l 'vki. TB Clyut;v; -. ; a.4 liil)vilsb:l nKroi Lob'akcng, $ccoi icrc M trj oi'^> ln^u^r. *n 17. Ba cpcUId\ iiivkgqoa bo Jlissi* ki^o i/i^«viWc e le bu I b^tncvui > bale' ionc. Kijost cj roftsftjogoiae a »i U l» ninLpc'e niuroi La b; kc:;'-','Mvf' (ziuuiu an^;>,00p feel <*+*% . fcrcif'-LIccih’for.tv:V o t yo.'ii phi.- e Wit Dttp ^ ]|a«ncji e i'fyuco u,»se . l\tci,cuie>c 1? NIL i nu> k'wufa inukafr abvn rcfl;6^o biia la b jili. - 1 »sil« zo a' ujew N«;; L'. N. ^GANTICOE.

roa "Tsau

tt;*A KxMl£d*y

Ji^ttKw^Wt^Arwcu J|i SfTlOUN .. 4 . . t


-• . .jona. ..: -r hmmwr; « it8C 8°” '•!> •. oedtUag lo ntse lo ■’i i r

______.KM* In' |C3» y.fetle hiijaiiSi-

ban r* U alelHn Irtak*^ /ftjgnfc} that* r» thotWw t* IhrlnT*'W prti 1 * *Ww bo' *• Pjl^1 Aieit- — Itpa go re ikopfti* taela »* kgtti *ho le ta tHnUganjo, kt nifoa’ c* ma(ihtjro a Nibl J-ra. Rr fo&a no kAottong jt Belae oa Wa- tlb«kiW bake ke mafafit'ha 1 T » . U r gr) bn K>aVa t«a rona. wif? \take. Be bt ekltfea Itftbtgo j» Le rraa re ba fklelM/VaslahO, ■SoUo « • tb(>!ofr<)icotfcg I* Brt •et«W(t«, ike.fe.coelekjiMV, PoW. ♦w Jkk* JUr* a taala taa rona • .£•• •' Hlba ilt a4 o« ke pal* di tiMifale Blhadi.—A lo r^t 1 c^elelope1 loi kt naAt& ego lmgftf, f wojoc •• kortota? Fa goaue iak ri „ ^ek**J| le'a mo “ \G a M a lo ti '0 ofotfrsg o biotHi, i* lo!t if '*a«#e jnaiia mo IjrTateofl feft’k1'1'' -/ ‘ . .•ja cft^-W ttlW W *1 :YumI«;‘ I* £t!a6 e r i*ffto go ♦ «Ja ba irtanfc tiiaitiy® ‘ pbhnofo*. 7a elt Mo&hot’.i ga re aa Clie’eteea Iona fcg, grftoe •ka bashoeu fela. “cude. - - — • j .. *«e— t~. Forges, Langlaagte, Eb*aria.-*'Mo nakoog ea kgoe* •-fd Kiidwrt.-U rvftt* lm t*aa«a.j6«tbb. tidjle 1< Friu Ottman, mofataa Kk-W fe o ns .■nohaml 00 LiduiUere 0 bonjc bik kyradi he e n A ,« J W 'jana balei;—pek tent aa;baai- F U ; j^ - 6 2 . dir. fi4i te^hol. a . i. i 1 Siaaeig. Kemponi (se di Siamtag: KMEB 1.EY, JAN, J, 1^ 4- m«ae, rao^go w*ft> u ka*«s«- ke *«. nyana- Atto( kjotaifa'e. C hurti seatle. 1 3' - ' cm Rik-.ft. w 'W ii* Bgo»g» ximtm^oe-'gape. kknto,uokr thad* go to. ’ .Oi re itsa gore fa' eaale Wuotabi. - G 1 toe dinotahi di tla dika di leo ku EmreJio*. ga u le ' "p a'iapi-Wiisie jeao, boioeUe bo^{0' j j bo Ulaean* KgM» v tww«>- jk(| l„ rlytM '• fBitjoeW'a t i e , *' i(eo» tetWo * rtotihitthi K ja a a etc ga r iboe dmcttbi fela le mefogo e\ •« le nwiie «iVtaa#*.']a 1 - - ’ta'A ak aa" go ^ira jaka 1 raia ka o tlhann k* ka nwli^e. 0 na a ki. ditbepe t * eiwng dioioa e tl; ; 9^cb'o jaka PafUmratej djrila ka dika e aew-- Ngaka di &kabet»c k ) * t% u V* g Jpa ptiie tut*. MADUO: “ -«W*i :oi 'mo‘ ngoa^MH 6 o ' ' '.w ' ' " gb'feta." iSfc 'fcleli ka Pietermariuburg.—Maloba go Ko ga M lk.|t» g.. ghoV Jin Boi», ‘♦iiviUtti- a^a'fe ‘tfhigtUVfif, tai- no go phutbejtiloe murra ke baga imgt W*trbwr. Vvm ■ •artlaM a t ( * -bilelgeng not a* Colo- Ba U j^ go iteUla mabo- ? Nj^P* taa gagtf di ne t -ana fa t/a ^ ga n.oUo 0 most- J* •*» »kgu)i>. ■'•|fAa a i' tgoigeiig* o*o iblang, oaga Sauw 60 ittan| banc bo gc ■v* tbtitf ' twhApdi, Wa!oeUe‘, dihebo, (eka ma.'»uLe mo makgooeng. «»>. r. m. n«ikh<,u.-fi..itt. - h- likging ten d'tiro U taa papaJl, Mongo* ate: He J>bavu are mo- ** '“ >• "• n>M « • btilorag bofat. r-'- J tesAwW t*e (ft taecofBg''lie l|ol*o Uo Mgr-Haaro 0 tiame aka a — A, Crtriu'i tn fa -i-. faledioe ko Kookrasing a ee go e l'«lk*r Bith-si ba teifciii k U . 0^9!? .* >r6 ‘tjaotlbalerieoefi^ krtnHll^ iSi, >huihok>lela. Ba gaiia go utloa k'lo aa mmala, Ueo cotlhe kt tie toga WMatcana-uhegana « r ...... ± ho a 'na are: A re mapekeaefte? l» Uroti U Kjot^ R* ' aK^HlpSldl^ » di.B W ^Ipagetig o | «tj-: Mr. KkwUW,,. litlftcT f ra u 0 care Clbak ka ta t Le Jerefflia ka eal, totago Vito m c r ' i en bole'a fa Mucwna a kt Lake a -b|«W *»Il» Uk thito bmm-jmnO sniM i l l ' U a f agorefs tm Dikhutufiielo, a W ifka lefal«fcfi|fa ele go It iira. v . v . cgorags Aft leah<5(1o Fa tt U tlnalffganf* fapogeU mo 6«iW bf rn 4ut- 301n. go 351o.: Hlf.Peni klnch. a root re « nole ka madi, dlkjroag ka le bon^Me gqmpieno, Ufa »• bm iijiu win Mbe:i» !« . ti* rooa. dt rtkiiioa mo _gj 'j^n»' bOe 0 eteleait«e madi p«(e- j * bf* XfjM ij. a built ka ltbcuuta. .. , a t r-ona B o ^ o ba fatihe jen< b »«*■ ; -~*"-^.3Bln.T2r ...... Dikompohi—Tse dinise di rr 4 1013 Vflla^ C difiloepg ka. , ■ re kita .nafatshe (d:pola*i) nr *■*^7 N>'®»oii.-llm.u« Mir Rlrhtril "Tdioa go“reU' aetM a rona ka madi, « t »KbImi( It Mr onto t!» flanchnne l»*oK) ko Natala;d' ttt.bu4« ikal*. |h m i Ok lidiUf}. ga tlhdBgoaj tefiibo .tM di Mtlkogo utloa(*a (J (TnriHitfmr j^anong a ba itu go regiu wo Haachonf. — .. . ' bh< go Tsovog tnongoe eo o ka fcki U^i OUdrtoM 0 jtW J* King 0*onr» ian|' dlkfOtig tii'rona mo go m i. r.***- : * K».i« M«i niloU ka MiHhtvu, ko KoCHoa**>Mo(.'oana 0 jeW - f » mo!«) dikgong (U rofia'Te mk(K ■J*Ubt- ()•. ’ ten the>n<,“ b r re o tlomWotf U * • n>M re l i ' i 'tWloi fell fa fvie aparo Haw Kirnt Jothe. ka g*' S«ilr«.i. Pnwdrtt rf.; L Jn.b, _ bnlhaaka p» bereka b«ng b»o. vKn apara oaifi uio'v-levhole- I >tk» na »atlW bo (i.otwj —ws— *u4i w MWifU W v- V O Rrit'fiaflE” eIe£rii5Soti| If 4(nfW«« m EbrUm ka diptliltfi> 1C0 NTRA M^.iele.-Aitdnvon, kgooa j ■m re** f* t w r> mJ«o>i (alohe. ene gk rvbe i«pe mo leahoUc Jehann*i«borB,*r* k " W k» »■*•> «* •— =------ftu a m . ^ •• tF > isfeS o fe rJ iflwaaiieng." 'Kilo M, eo mo*rbo '(vH1 re#g Oi»ie Ki I • kgaigiflja ka U fm jfiffifr ka boxing koa Eng< an*. Bilatil, o teii mltigo mo maatjaa , . tlea| -*> gt> HbHanjra k* i Bo*inf.—Erde makgooa a*r ftlbedl e liopkana ke mabale ko ■ WW* jo'ftatearitoii’•* VjU WHtediepei, Bftn'en*. klrnoe tc abopbetM akfie^'ea rbqai.^nt iMtgoe, Jim Bormag t-idibal-. |fa tf t i tbo^ologe go' u(t, Ig ltw ie li m« l*« ko Hoep^ tale g ftlha a iKofla teng. , . tla ti^gg.aprago ja ■ % :.s*. kcoedk4 ter dik*i] . Jack Johnton —Dinonranetea leo«1e )t Wiubidu jaka Far* re erile vg a ik a aa Itfatehe it -Uaa6^-4b»*r~-Sgo«gr 4abemfka mfedflf Icmoccbof ta'tia o {elite, a mahataan* ^ . <"£2 a Gare Im fort, a amadi 0 rekje tbotodi a ^oli e t Boula a Wbta o.fto «a ba retelecrt k* go mbe- 2Sr^f2'.:»"5g: mk-detrt'WdlkgotBOffl^mo b* )fk ka mabole, re e* itie. • tka»!«‘M U a^ib«M k ...... S J W S J .. TSHIRELECONG, fruitetUa bi.HiA Kd India.—Dikfbekoa di kgf- tint U f« u e co^ Prtheergr e fit itbeMt k i UrwJw-bi’io«\a tlotk. r kiVnfbaJ« ^alkuil.wtiU bakgoetw. ‘irtl& b iffl mobtreting-saMmRM. • botidi Joi'-book, |o!»!jieeb cugapa d ibit . Mai eta a ll* - -. jx.. . { t »sn e>o(t« d* JiSjWifawnU^lK- n. , EoraJi*_la £ 'iw d » ftw '* * CHARLE: i l l frjl tg'«d'l i |a u ka C)m|fJt'agoo ko ga.Cot /a & vlllfO iI----:1!‘al' / ^ ,*! C. :m m m 'WBWHK 1 ■ - ' \J^iL - .-. :. JO ■ « lmiiil& ' TSALA EA BATHp,. FE.5RUAJRY - 3, 1914. •= GO BOTLHE BA BAEANG GO NYALA. > fV't. ’r ' • ...... '8* Reaaie tboto e nW oa duo t-a Homo, , - ‘ ft * - * i . ’ «*> # . Mekgabo ea Bltsadtjmecoalo ea koa teng, Bolosiri, Le Djkranse, Disheslie, Koforte tsa tshipi, Paka

i •••• tsa Mangentlemane Hutshe tsq;;Basadi Selika ee Maledi jalo-jalo.

lhligoliia Iffli ' • 1 *• le ?/- liktnli'fn «‘{l> \ V : ^ ’ Krlika<«L< 1 I.f J/., SI/6. 8/- Ic 3/6. : j^lcpl lfc» MciUlU iS 5 :r Ho/Ortl ' ••! M«'5KtfE OA Ko TEKO OA frAISSOOK. diT « . ' >1- Lanuyr r H»bfarvamit iMi t i* g*di«o. , 11 '•o mW ip

I*fHKMI’E TSA VAISSnOK. m>nk» r tkc. lr le deW k» 1/*, !/* '!p rt/# V f/!l.'; " " »* /

No. *230 llempt os N-irwiVi _L>il)'i'sc tsn Basadi tse di Kgabisicoeng ;• -• )»ka moflcchoa-ncltti Sj^O ' yi 1, 0 lo Dgoc fek iSs. 6d. to 43s. ' i . j . ,,y., Koala re tla go roraela Koalo lo DitlWtlhoa lo lo nang le dichoancho. Re Ntsha Di Trading Stamps.

■ j ABERDE1N & BUTT P tundsheet, blokipohthi.

K. 5

l a m i u a ~ p C A P E T O W N . ea KoniDODi ea ga

h W n k i Botlhe ba ba Batlang Tiro mo Di^ipoag Two ba L m Iii p Botu Apatt o& Cons! Mr, L> 8, GLOYER Lob&tii. Rabangoe ba kaka ea tela koa Dihekeng tsa Dikompo- nt mo Kimberley le oeaconsjield, jifaina a Metlha- tlhelole bo Menernere botlhe ke a

M**cus 8.ltl«Wijunto!*)* (I IIU{ {Ill ll •< »« *1 ip. Mine Compound) Floor Compound | B. CALLOW lu ll. FllMS.MUfcS, CCUIB. TWLUS, I^ftLivOsaiponiid} P. W ALDW Fkw Compound J Ofllolllpao I Mine Compound t c g HopLIY Surface Compound/ '*■ I, It VI t! S, ill' tilliilfik ' IW1IHU1E Vine Compound ] Svfact Canpoond > J SWANSON A 0 A f a o j Compound | J. SWANSOM Floor CowpOMd ) Workshops: Compound I s T W P ia t t m . m iif. mm?,''ifiiHiiw. i t i . _ Ceitral CHtuu Compound | W. J. RATTHAM U tla to u ui.lffi la dilfl cotlhe tse u ka di senka ko tfu'ng e e sa bolong •eBeerstousolidatod Mines gn tHiomama c.. ______■ (LIMITED.) £ i t • ' ditboto tsa Iona u.ite


■ ■ b iW n u MMoanzi kwczi Zitw ati zika K^ibiia banga di iim nirt i\ . In sa i Arenw taboo. .*rb \i'i'o !o « » dichoaart* Mr. L. S' CLOVER, Lobatsl. „ C. R. JOHNS, Maseru, rft>\obno, H'pisto!# l« Israiqo gi u 4 to n k e abanye bangasuke baue ngqo esangwi R. MULLER. ! Nbomponi e Kimbili nase Bekonsfili: Ama Mlo e e fe taij i r t f lip * olihf ' 71 c V a il nabapati bazo nanga ngasentla.


1/E njrap if a * Maakoae a MabediM*l Tlhako u» Uaepi Isa Hold IV Aut i - •**?! X - [ j t f A TLHAKO lu di FLURU. «* TLHAKO W 5 S ” WAX 31C--0*Opt *tW < * ^ 9s' loconsi co e ''Oa'j^'feng Mekoii, — ------r« itaorctorka^tsela tsallaotor,. A” 1

Mtu*i (a ,#U..t : 'I. :ii« :>itdlanpi:iu id. ii lil ka Imu. 1*. 111-in* nilit o im-uiln (Ok*.) ('nh'i/i 'M/ It ml.jjo gtfdi m k* ima. ;i«. I* u. -in* tu U>i« letiu. f i'in. Idling i»


■ i r " ■ : l« E « tm i(IE E O JiOCCLO 0* PRILJHI

M.Cuthbert&Geif ! ; f - l i m i t e d , • ; Ireat ' South I n i Boot, le rtlia ^

B« k* fro naea TlhaWi-t&tf-dislanenz Ha Tlhoatlk** * iso dlokocolocoene. MXtfiffc. fv«frla y I

i.i Icbdg.in i It Iycre-'c ' ! ! ea Pr r « s n » r I M , t , ■;n u» D Urf.po- • j M*>| jjl.J 1 ).I.IIjarli* lip iji»j;> U- f»f. sena' na kogo Box ^330. Capctfrvn.

i U g ; / HUI j IL y.iiikoic '*■ 7«nKt koa Moiikce.)

'" m w i M O l u Q f *

At o V 'sn rb S l. , FLORENCE ROAD •'

I , lit r ftlfcntiftft'ala U s o k M remi-le midi -.mVIh*'-- *• •** * 0 . .

are a m i v


y w u y : p >v 1 ; . . . . 1 H ?* ivertimg lour ■ “ Oii !ijn>> a FONAROV. O O V X ' S T A T ^

rA s eeM water h to a thinty soul so Is geod o n ftwa a far country.-Provrrte of Sotomon.",',: fitsbcjetekgilnha 01

. J s S l i y S f ii: : . r are' Incorporafeirr “ Tsala ea, Becoaoa, Kimberley and “ Motsualleoa Babatso,” Jobanncsboi^.

KIMBERX^iu ’SATURDAY, FIRIKGONG, JANUARY 10, 1914 2 $ ; •t • appoint * Board. Mnpoeed qf iiw dis^bji ies. At LyndhurstRoail Court, hb while superiors got all POLITICS vs. C1IKISTLVMTV. accomm xlalion was shockii^iy the credit I will -never forget one ■pOdjdiJ^adteAjnlgrt^ra^fj(ii'*V' At a time Vhen . leading memUr | ^ * * ' . ... ' tiaya ago, the school^ broke up and madeqhate, and the work was dene instance when he accompanied a " ' after troridhg thi&* month*, some fn three’ separate places hundreds white officer on the'track of some of the Oppociiioa can bravely re-. ^ • y u ^ r t ^ y & I G u r c j ^ t . • ' L I N E . of the teachers found'.the small pay of yardtr apart One of them burnt systematic thieves. IB s wbite su • sist the cffect of an «mardusfl|^y -ffi* roond moo^ jear to ptue.- in ,ffas nolavaublt, ana they had to. down fourteen days ago. and the perior left head quarters with a cut hold concerts duiing the week, and native,,committee is botween the and dried scheme in his pocket and Ms d e a lh ii^ -^ ^ 1^ * ^®|ti*-^eo»y. -TW AdWnistntrl6n «f * ’tsing for1; their money." If 1 lionu ()f dilemma. The members would not be persuided that th^}. v * i lo/.to-lyoo how.thej^ricaap .Of thi Bo^rd have for years paM. were following ^JjhJficT sh er- Sad Iw i: u««tfWr#(c e.ioSw" educa- been • bdggnig the Government for fcT^became convinced ' ’aoo,’the figures • wou.U, dazzle you. a 1 siim 'Of £5,000 to hougg^ftt they were on UtS 'wrong track, that one form of co “ “•■sisSPUWiaB■ port any prwpoial emanating from ft me s!3toc r'und, children wjafik-JCTrpcT scho^r. be left his white superior to return would be lo go to Parliament tu a v* . youo/fu.'fiiau ’ *r; ftui iiu i&bury iFund, ami many QthWa. _ objecdon to the Uoifi and clarge bim with insurbonlina- head-quarters, liowever absurd. He- jtjta « t Ulinc £21,000 on a buiilrigfot lupporter ■ of the prts^nt pensa «*•. “ r t f lion. Thus unfettered, the black Ion c,’v . We f|t«'bM £, If *—K—* ' ”1^tf*Wtu« for o4 whltf boys-at the rate ot £fc) officer ^n.lowed op^Ws oiwn fine, ment. I am j-arjuisel thal a/Gov-* M UU* Uu*pXS ____ i«ni!st Uiey wtao scholar. All the money wa- effected the arrest of the natives, e«»M t should hart the manly ernment who proloss Chrisliauit}', slUl.ativp.ltich magnates. wliu. vptcd' last session and the1 plaij' and the restoration of the goods. murage to lej'h a klackwldters that W ______J! fte^ d tn i' ajUe jRsir money ta tms city. Jit-, and spedGcaliims appnired. Bui When tbe criminal* were brought to could foist upoo tfte country a law day, m u m u u iftare .expressed they Vre got all that they and leavehnndre-is ol umu^ndvi' wlien the Board preparoJ to com justice, tbe white man wtiu i i< h has boea denoMdJhy^rery ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t u «i^i«ueu»wfl a iih e 'increase to endow schools, but they' *iir nevt>.' mence building qieraiioos. we * worked aeainst him—so tc «*y-| Christian denomination in the coun­ aouu .ddptfrota iiiedio aaipW - tfittk'of ft» childrea -uAheir-iUfCifci (old the'Provincial Uoumil will was crcdi.ed with the haul. On J-U ------•- " ------wiib tbeir present Gornaaent aid, jtu o e *gi£i»ut».oiir:*nd -remnwei] miaibg'iiihourers. During l'Jiii.tot a.low if until ail whito children arts another occasion, be tracel a white try. If these liships and other nin they u o a t'w * exjjd « an y Aore. las near«»(l*<t foget to Ui iwr peopl«*. clear across the boundary. Knowins l-ands Act are reaiiy llttrist’s se: . j — ~ J4J — ^ \ptnfa colottrid eJu-sdoif. tilv I do nnt’know who is m it fall be subjected to with 'eXtt*di:ion and if inlbieir deouncUdoi ion more eq-iubiy' aod'thota miiliofl dollars, n o t in d a ;iiig Hir* or is it just, that a man sitting i i warrants, and one thing and anotb they expressed what they believed bbetild be Ws* pandering to' tfii £U u K lW ^ M I l - l * f - 0)iUion ^rpn» ,iiiVaie..i|y Capetown, knonine nothi.ig about er. he decoyed bis jjuany hack lo be the tehris of theit rti|pW au Mi o^anu.a^M afcai'Ue itortt.- -If we had some ol lUoftv Kimberley’ or the su roun Hur cir ■ across the border; anested him pwpus de*.-.il!8 of one piu» iao^w£i i#kjp~*a*k# utw' «» this coniilfjr,; our v*lu i'um»lan(‘es. sliouul be pe rm'ttcd la o«n colony, and handed then tho angola in heaven would powl section. I U t Board should uw ^is •*»* ;oowuj j t u i 'u great,.u •abto time'.would'nt£ lie taken u;'' upset the'wfto recomme ma i<«s uf jt the ni-irest policcAiis;. soem to b« aggrieved at thc\*ay I*, p rep a re .to a*k.ri«k Muaidpal- in _ planning'ftor the tiiiiMion______of___ bar- 3 lioard composod of a set of fir.e When the criminal got sentenced, _ , which our part of tlas planet itiea to o tho recci'ing wLite poico drew all wiiiw------co^iriaare•- • *• •--- fai. '»■ to-understand W_ oorW labonr.' '•onscieitlious busi.ivss' men who tbe "* kudia." ^r, w.iuld you be is being misgoverned, and if tiieeoj wired tox-paytr w fftjk tt w n mon* luu grauuwe _iara i r / 'J ‘ •onsiiuie tho Kimlte ley Scbo-1 abnormal deaths mwa anyUdng. , iuateadi.of huiiAifrnew prions THE LOCAU HOSPITAL •ieve n*. that man's salary was Ihc 67 •- Iilitii:berifc ■ 'jioad-V Is it fair to a sexton »f! 'riuw.y awn «( live Bound* a presumaWy _ l|*y. Ifo^fWilTmHy' i hat* [>ay»- *nrmrbi monflrt ^'^'y<^'nfitteJ«Jmitry 's warning: “ i'UMuy if Jrn r r r r t e Hospital tauamouu i.ig /y;Ur- ’ uj; -way ul direct and iiiirect tai-i seems to be that i whilo man had i t Vb atato. OoTW MoT &Bion « r so of wady. When toJj.ji iiic.oat* lion towards the comfort of tbe re-tt better remain a crimi a', rather than will bear His voice liardon ot your clear profit or surplu* of nativ* > wander A m toe aafijeci, tt 'i s louglil) of the e mmtt i.y. There are aw- be descied by a colou *1 deleclive hoarts as in provocation.'' taation, the Govemment should tat not Oflif lor to* upteep of -tHd *19,000 per aannm vu tne a> vers on the Hoard, a.'vl they haj ro then the ad, of giving hir.i the mar kat least £10;00Q Luioa,. and Municipal 'M ninutra-. and appropria^d several tuou«ja». teller lel,u^ i> tbe I’mriarijl Cob' ive pound note at tho end ol oa:h In my travela I hive seen some of anntuiiy 10 Oooa that our people iw paying, evidently \hta-4 view J j i i e j^.,uvr put a few boreholes in too Native i. i* by law enlhleil to witMraw monthj I take iU was a'si cnt re- the most amazing/ appointmeutdj y w f - Hi our'own money'b.icr J tu'eitoo' •Inring the same linanrial year. mo. i:eralion of the remon*ranrc "Can-, Locations, whLe .ao. Uate> wia u . m “ d cad it a uuwnuH'ii. ■■y .otice volod for a specific pu; not vou see that ^e do rjol want maile by the Pubic Sendee Com uone, if our arm)- of agricultural * IHE W^EWjTOfUROL , tyrant Tim Hospital has been Ouiu, i>ose, when lo-tal authorities are you?" “ 1 j .mission, which now supervised 'tW exphrt*; for whose service* every- Like the above two e#mdlr; it good work, but otner .wspiuds a. prepare S fiovcmmont Semce o( Hie whole baa a o»ii^»ce ot ministerial aaa uoing simi.ar work wi.ii larger uv\ ,Council should be told that we Wa di hody has to pay, ,pared ono u erament subsidm' mid ..iiiidut » not a penmr of a'iybo:ly'8 money. Tbe Arabs sayj that there are iu«r; mon, including tt.J Capo, wbei 1 ay reyreaonialivus from six Sootn classei ol people in this wnrld. thoir number to inslruct non-turo- Aincau ui^hecfc'4 Oi ff''Cower- 'mjby‘thoutands-from llie‘ iiaii\i W’h wanl £5,000 of our own money compared somo of Ihjm wilh tho ^liatW u, except-wi,a. toey.givei. handed tb the Government every first there is the man who know, poau agriculturists, aad* tlu l one voce, whtM'alm ftici 'fiffiit ou equal not, and knows hot tliat ha kiyju's creditable appointments Ibat were .ocau, a*a;u*y‘e toe name nay over vbitmUiy 1 sui»8Cjiptio.,». l ii»m month in giod faith. anJ voted to •wM w b ^.,,.1 b, ratio, u ioine friends in4uia city, who lutvo ,us by the I’rotiucia! Council la 4 ' “ is a ftjql. «ay\ the Arahs. always made by tbe Sid Cape .Civil v^ahureai,' Xbo Muao- you mtat aroi'l| him. then there Se.ivce, now alfj islio^ l found aj< ,n* wm*!,!. ujr tooifcw aome ot toe,tjOp«;W- ^aiji. their tax regulariy to aiat itos- year, and if we cannot get that ^ital .fw n e a riy y .u tt. auu nive money, we want to know.why we is the man whi know* not and self exclaiming '' How are the migh­ Soni4<.iiU( oiiM U,prt4R W a r Mat »ctM& utift numiwra com- knows that he knows not He i.- aetcu* amga amoagw iw ny wprc- 10'1>ay"their own" dv.iiW-wiien 'a pay taxation. The Pruvinitl 6>u:t- ty lallon?" If l*revi^iai Coun«i.< 5 "olo«l«)l ! • » « « . " V bu of their fami y id «iCi!Une cil ran jnk iy its ••■ristem e by mo e simple, p u must educate him. Next Muiauvaa. At the toiueiwice wmcu there is the mail Vlw knows, and wore of any use besides refusiuji d i ' l ’ Jo far1 ye a r thi> i, i( ili.-y wel at Uw w wiro laat year, f i U t m , A 'I- MOUW, up ii- liouuu.ablf.' m '4a* than vot"jne the 00ar. paid o w 'm i o toe Htngilal, know* not thal tie knows: ho i> grauts for ooloured education, they j Mot ( - Iru u in H .wjwrven »• wun uto just recoi- m.M laim i of a highly aud. is still ’paying, uithosgn he-or respectable I*oJy like the Kimber­ asleep, you mtw *ake him up Ot 1 ihould i t least havAmsened Sr . Q «5*pe#4 - to toe So4 a.ists wi nis family haVe never Men to the ley School Biard. and then there'« tfie nun who knows, and knows that ho knows, thrir Province liiat’ ola usiKil &>• ■ Iwmiiry ’lal u.patiedts, a^UMre-i 1*}A us hope the bead-quarters o( i.'Jnst lixe hira^j.Wb ought not be » ‘ *■»**. W * lho Arabs- misrnn and saved o*w‘ serrire frrm i^ 1 *n®e n '***. *'‘f '•> S 5 \ . <5 5 « » the.APX). »iJ. as usual, take up must fcjtf# him. Bj be.:bettered with the, »cn4ji# the' nutter, and demand a reason possible deterioration'nnder Injori r*ent amhQii iej.belong totV t) fcourse the (jovommeot known rtn m tawMr nn^axui- should *Uo find oot for Ware Infor­ first cl*s». They |know not and notling about thoso thtQg>,'bQt they aidis^tioa; .worklafia t:6 - »- inc. all.' the hooi'*'" ''' ‘ ‘ • iin|.iafl!U»;hoot'’’ mation, who U meant by the"* Pro- know not thal (h

V»4 wom».i i - The ‘f^lwur ...... h r'.^ )T « <:>|!nrtl «c) 'hat he is the sod’of -his father, omdd.be Kamtea, when there js. nut are.knocfyl «n«less etefy ' us mpufu; f->r f iemth.ii drawn at > *i«W rtiuilj ii-S t. « (i,. a decent road in the Location-along ine should have been the jiay,,or fan.:'oal of running rai.wiy theyliai in the aid of Brit »i:iio« io b jlijn u n which the Doctor * n B to i^ p o iila to (?tl .aire'A iW t* U y a i ^ o t a h^Jdy carriages ja on? the Reef. When ish soldiers to.qoeO the revolt- an.1 am) u Ulbt 111. J » r ! r 5 n«* . ia;ing’ concern, ran exclusively 'on *»«, oaj ■ ’ ‘wfl the e fimi iaIi bo brought to jnJ- after pCrch^ng pwl*-i.h!n- ^ . ^ , ^ , 7 • « * bMi, olutc.,..!.'. utrceU and Brect'lTjw^atnps, and the human s\u'I of a fcflow .b^n? tion/M been aftmdkfnl w , a thenative ti a few Hcn3rod more la '.ij on water. m m , M , 7 |,;j* M ^ UJT ta Xto-w U» ta a ^ ‘ hut toth« * lBW may be ^mashed «ith impunjly; enumerate \ f w m m in­ should not, when geing to theJhepaut.-. r t i ll» «!il>!'/»ot'bulir»iH.Ti« dite theC.hmko.-ago a! thl1 mcvit of lyb affair* find the offi- •■rtw" »WV« ^*««<11teiik' ii» ^ would" * bOmvM ™ «f ™ " “ mnld lim iwttli hi i y s •payer'* expedse. on tlte pur- ■anbjlci to tlje same maker 17, dal* so oggrotfiod with ft* allain m i , « tu . So Joalj tho' Hilo, blood an«l mix «itli tbe rest of w s i Chief Did.ulus fann. if Iteena« i M & J k t « tu‘ who appears, to be h o of reforms, the cotrrriu Uy/ "Tha aolWtllW h*l rime) 6uf the fi£)) per ot.£aropea:u, as lo have' liot a' ■5 MA; f u ll ofHs'HeeWie?««b«-<»n^e^ : will devote lome attention to-these should undersliuid thal as long as. », utris-o breaker who put h HI minute to i^are for him. for \f ^ he nut the MjMttSfWjJ• Inequalities. Allention toultf alio this is a countty of whili aid manual labour, will hi.Ticc t > ft y fw * . fee o< fin i be'devoted to the intereiU pf the whito people *f*n\ «t t l ^ t o w t of l, ;«» \>n nol black, they can never suppress crime that they aro quit? right, and local andieoc^.it wfll ta1 w w y men'and women who edueats without thp Hjl of black Jeteclivw. Ihvjf own affairs, they' should ask £ • - ' - fcoarer* i*l Mlssioa i *oire jnVryncOV Vn- “ mi ua do w« And whon I gay b!*ok de'r ti're». I the Government to create o«h, dip diticme, to*M«.th*Knkil ot notour ______'we hivo to declare h«t b[H|n f r booming inocess.- T. .*wig n» do not nican the badly pall heaf- Ilstory d o n not record tha. ...._ regret that nothing is being their hands into ftafa? m b pockets, eaten of| Johannesburg rto makq flas* of «ceela In i ever mado a : tntfr.ii; dou for, thrm. r r r '. the same a i ft* biacki are doiag. ported 'b excellenl onlo:3e< to whfi polf^ cramtry great If Uto'paity wliich THE WMBERLEr SCHOOL M and are good for lia> else *— ! c i the prose-t administralion and finance h '" ’ * *-*•-1 'beyond conilvta|.wU fefcfc. 1 — , M bteosely ro'iMoai as the HATH SO* At TBtmOU |T B > Imoan moo wlih’in ib s 1 Boer* are creJittJ wilh bang, , they has madi Mi enJeJrooritjr leto rdi»v«,"whord»f,«|,#|)rionlcr*a onlorila.i3J.1 ll:cL':c Cc - '* n i^ ioflb d r wqnV) seaxch 'Tth^u««5(f'tw lor'I Not ’many iny* V* tbe difficnltyfa a maasaro, . . . . to bdro, but tb*'oanpaJon- I W e w eS ek' dfr Wnerous deallwi' that- are ta’ ing Uto# abort w to ra Au limL/ ■Board does not seem to meetm< w|th teotlv*o in-my mind who p W am o ^ * « tt|je' i ranks, ant the) in y enlhisiastic encoungemOnt fM n the C.I.D. fOr-yearar He wanfed is; tor tap O^re. JsbuTto U f s f the Goverrmnsnt,. Increases; to the some of the bost sensa'm al ar- 5.000000 inhah manly enough and hand tu» ^ 9 0 - ■ . ^ ae h eral ttlarlea ba^a beeh 'rtfut«»I resly into thUthis country, tpot many , a who are aeetM' - - »ad ft# tiro coknwd nadw whit* and black p prfaonar rton------behind ft*------im tt--- of inju*j! 5 { ^ ^ r U « . ; H&k-ammtoiim* > ' “ ‘life'-fttJ 1 , . i . & : - -J

JL t ^ A i a pa m iakua^v ts, m Banna! Banna I BONANG Fa, Idlulo sase Ternbu- IAPEIJM ■Malokottyaua, Wenkele eo month, eo no land. Huiung go V i . j Port Office ioe tiiboleloa.lto Roodepoort' f t I Cl |» NYALA M I S I K I SELALELONG SE PONDO LE CAPE OF GOOD .. efJ^fore.ng<)e. e meditse £30 HOPE. m6‘,terdDkbng ane a tlhatlhecoe Je -eo^niongoe. Ngaka e mo M ago abomola ka pekn go coa kt nionoto o ea k<« I’hugong. BILE-BEANS A GOLOLA tlhatsisitse £19 go sa setse e ngoe Faoeago Lc,oa kgoco a ea ko Diklemetig, Kei* go Oaa>iu,i)ei«a aparo ta mo teng. Jaanong 0 di ema*e^e metbale cotlle tse di Uuta-that* ta Buberaki. MMOGI OA NYAGA DILE If MHLELI0 bekekileyo wodurao 0 sekiiioa go ucoa madi ao.’’ .'- left n M batl* paka eotlhe u ka rek* B.UI, UOItUKduE, HEMPB, a fl SO II DITLUAHO, a HUfSHE, K0 L0 KO, kgouoengi* Uauna, fela l*e "Tsala’’ yabantu, ndivuniie- T:o:- , . , ae "to jelling u il« m liuLcU. le ndibekc abembalwa: (i)N di- . r ; . f Ga Mangoalo.—Go no go nale yayincoma into yoba i “ Tsala " Mifoko aga Mrs. H. F. namane e tona ea kemo ko ,ga B: rekiai Thoto BiN.VA FELA, gi gona ta (fendi le Baoa. seyingene komkulu c Tembuland, Papenfus, 29, Veiineiilen ■Pbuti roalotra., i i r r J.' Rachosa, — tlogoloana saga Chief Kgaraa, SEN EIRI o mu Lewenkeling, a ka go Segela fela no "Mlomo wa Bantu." Izinto Batla Fula Straat, Pretoria, a shupa saw Ciurf Kaam., jaka u raia. lL A n G lo ltlhuplieieng ka lusi mo ga zilungiswa kukupendulana kwa- gape thata e e gakgam,. ^ s f S , . T b t bantu. “ Imvo" ubuko bayo tsang ea Btle-Beans, go. Mangoajo ka kemo.ea. bana ba yodwa ibilungiie kwjibanye, fenya m ala a a tlhogo e bbne'ba bagolo.. Re ha'eldetsa' 3 W ALTER H. ADAM S th uta le d ikg o ele a g a n y a n e 'l)0ts*’el0 i° 6 1 E Q B - U IL D 1NGS. (O ppo61ie Post Office) kwabanye ibingeJonccdo. tsa m ala le seoece. M r . , ,^ 010' ,]Jar/ e tlel* le„ pu!a' De Beers Koad, Aimberley. nto, Mhleli, iiacc ngoiudiishe Iwale Native Lands A ct.'' Jmyo " ‘■ S S h ' i S J ; go koala, a r e M o s a d l Kgosi K^ama. Mr. Rachos? p ite i Hfaili le jlungile, abe wona oame eo nyaga di 62 0 bo- nyeise nKoanaimoana < mangdtttiagdfeii amanye amapepa esiti avilungile, N gisicoe ke mala a a kgoe- Ngoan^mangoane nyaia kgorao SEKOLE SESEG Q LO ^ w i i t o ekude kwatelela na*apcsh«-ya leaganyeng ka jara tse di di boele saieiig. ; f ^ 7 .^*pbucawa yaii le sedidi, go s^rega le ditihabi Ba Betiloe-Baroetsapa ba. bhiii a y i'ld il^ ^ ^ r iL ^ . tsa mmele tse di botU^kp; Maksooa; bale Dabedi ba bolailoe Bensonvale, Mzantsi Afrika amahlew^nga- G o tlholegile- iig aka diJe ke *cj metscko “ ct8c'*0 «<“Milrereke- «««■ Daba »nap»-«„ap mah'clo ayakukanyei* ukiiiuiiga tlhano tse di faphegileng “ Noto,“ ' Tsh«uh*- ' k? le bbili, kodwa yona "imv« ^f^t^gleloa ke go.gOrm^brf ni^o> M3 TIKOLOGONG EA HERSCHEL. jli.isc’i ngokuii ilun^ile ?i.bhili letseng ^ele^^^A axoe^ k'a Su wa, kutloalo ea itlhobogo gore gantsi aba a detse a ka Kguku kuko olunye udwikbe shoa. Ngaka ngoe eare ‘ JfooAffWed.': a.ifrili trVO W tU I HR louj iiu iwcstiulo sabu ivuiuu. 1 mosadi oame 0 tla choane^ A.oa - bhaleli b l«.va ke gore a neoe raogo-;, MakuU.— Banitj ba ftlajp’yese*( C mane bate, liabedt pa ^urugild' - • ii. ngutt kura ziyana nulcu^iu du 0 mpsha pele, ebe ele/1. 'J ichtf t,i itmgolo M i A a, Usq. mo South’ Afrika ba cua-lndia.lia-\ ndiyi-nzite ngcntia, yokweyeuiiu- gone fela 0 ka folaiig., Q JeutseMakuia.; .. (. la liiiuvo zaoaotu esiiwcui uipeJa; na a male' tlhogo e: e .ljp-,, 0 thujioi ke Ditlchera we di nonofilcng tsa -V kwaye mteto ka Ur. .*40.0Jii tlhoko. Loleme loa gag’oe - |lt|tGb{ui lit ifecdeiw. 1ki1.11 ayiud .“ w o t iu u .4 -a i t lo 1c makokopa, kelecpeea . ■ Morena Bishopo.-RlahopGort Browoe, -oa lumberley, 0 tla Viu iia.s ruamio a Uuliutoana ba diltoalo le bago Wgj.nand lauamadjda anjc k**i- dijo eotlhe lele e mo tlo- t"-VT'' " , ***“■«••«/. « na cetse ebile a choaneloa ke .bolul* mono *“ • ea go ziutv «cutia>o yetu; 8S*fe» e. Ke 'lokyu 1l1phuthegQ.ua Urticbe ko ; '• T go^choenya gaja.dijonya.- Go nail maiinq a mantle amtsha a feaietsanyant iutito ye ‘•Myo” ye eltii- Jmong. ».wwwui i- v tiwa - luhaiwe ngpwd, gangp« le g a p e .i^ ]h r T . R ,,w tucio ea gout sna le botshelo. kweNciuaiUna jftnteiw^oiuHt’ K rl 9firi?0'Wga% STBSHESi-sj i f i i i ' b i ie..L,AUV3G R Ey, 1«*V uumbuti' W ji^ V lf^ 1 2 £ !J ‘!tl ^nyca:jotu,e1 m p-m p|i)Q ^ go^kou- ^ntaUBia. a coga^a lapile asa Loaio- ™ gclco.e is ■. Jst ka ttBKUAKY 2 ,19 14 Dabeec Teuipiien^'Vu b^t^j.ij; edamJu'uka; "m ual lulia bUi* 70St.;hr- m lew we dijo tsa se&ti^olg. i -'•* tuoglie kuba ndinikeia iz.bJi^iui Koalelaog: j A | ;; zau. i . i ke iv ki| •'Jr- * Ke fa ke tla bala 'kaea ka •* outi W'J!bi).k.*u t YfcUi; u.u,Oali phbtHslio. tsa di gak^ama* tsang tse' di djrodng-’ ke M ordi Gto. Weaver, nm.ke'o eyiva lento iu'iwa ng^.- ‘ “ " S • - -• « MrC^lmingMaiuabiStoleiie .. . . DgokwakfrwuC.^l.,^ Bile-Beans. Ka . lia ka di kuG* Motnaga ka-4e*ie £jo 10 laetsa- re sale fong. Ka =»«° ‘olokeu.Mc. ^ikurM ®- Bensonvale, jilo ku)v tioKuti yiniba bonako morago ga mosadi 0i ^fKiumtinen, Herschel. nuig-c'.j v;c nguwe ‘ ip a ,. ej.xa R."; oame a sena go simolola toLabtm a.zjkumkela iz.no zttu go mctsa Bile-B.'ans, pipelo Uijoche.—Kgotla ^ijoche.—Kgotb jtt fe rtfc t a ili " iOiVO 'ii'C ea feta, a ikutloa a golole* tfIUi0erley.uuoerley le.le Uato. iseoa u Fe. Jab-vu ..guye ofaiitlc , L ij seglle mo tlhogouge° e„ lbo-- oruary 10. Di) you wish tor etlre early from Business ? »aba »iniDu, ngokuba ak-laui tltioko. Ke fa Bite-Beans R lU suUj oc.se u Nokuli-ji ekete di.baakanya mala'a "Dikole “ u,° di tla bnloa-'nne hVnvfftinff in. . . gagoe. gonac tlMbi eotlhe 1-er"cg0Dg l* 01 coarse you do I Then Advertise la (he a e N -i.u Liiids Act. Kaulam- .kubaikudcos kwejaba isa nna tsa nyelela ka iaids. uuikbuti Wuiuii.ke'O. “ \j- Tionokela, fa a ichokelela." Ditsala tsa motho di met hale Ga nka ga feta sebaka se ;neocdi._ Iseiiimo-im okang tc zipakainis^yo uyakjtot^w^, no- T se telele gore Bile-Beans a tse. ui tlhokoang Iw- enft' i.b .ju u j ukupakanyiswj.'1 U^Tsala ea ^atbo: n hod setse rare. Gom- / - > if ‘ • Kuyc yonke ieutu uiufu ka pieho mosadi oame-'are 0 •Mahuda feio.^-ilosadi oa . The Great Bl-llngnal Native Organ Rubu-dUa uic \CWukd njengfi itutloa a itekanetse,.:go uuia^adl.. oa U W le ko - £a» ■ „ j K dl Awane nB.ffa ekuxciHcui, kv.uwd feta kafaokije.aikflpi.ka (SECHUANA and S IX HUS A) teng ka 'diriyaganyaga.” » w «„. boiaoa Ue M rine a j , izin'.o zemisebenzi yake w a i t ( i u a , a ■<# coa,ei. Bile-Beans ka bonako dt ziyadulula; ujcugcze S. A. tSdlS1 « i pkinrna. «iriit Edited by the Corresponding Secre­ fen>;a maloetseioetsse a puosa a ca jo tula a Native is-i.unal U>i.gr<.bs. Na tary, South African Native E thantsintsi a a simoiogang .n^ic teta couhe 83. u , „ „ „ „ uihta iitu.ua letu nbuyu iuku ka .sebeteVmogudu kgono lo waa femiere, Le National Congress. Dr. Rubus.ua ftl hC., uaku Ur. mala a kguftleagana.1 Bile- “ icoalelang ro0 B a- t . J. Mquboli. luyatiiso iyafu- Beans ke cone-cone fa u t'uug a a senani dupun, ba ua tt.uiata oa 100a tel. botlhe. 1 ’ ’C : ^ ' ' ' , « ueka ji^i.we apa cu^biabcLi, patla iptlhare sa loloapa Maaaooa ga m „ ojipggi ututiaio )tiu ibe >e>c uyaoibVi* se se akaretsang. Di tsa- UMuuieia.- •/.,a . . Pibllihed ilmnltweonsly every 8ATDBDAY morning at ni. In gib iU pizu kweuwa nje: maisa lea bonolo, di seke Dgendlu ka ooiuyayi. A di gadike kgono ai ngoale ditih’ka tsa mmele jaka Uxulo Mhleii pgukuntyuDtya, . nnsiiEr, nm im TtyO U nunw dipile m segologolo. Mna ow ko weoene, K i T S I S H O ' ' ■ P p E I U L O E i m i l m Thabx Nchi A. J. MAQAGL Eo 0 A r* lop. dU^dpa * 0 N ttlre" Govirnment Gazetti ■ for the Union ef Souf1 u tela rare ,en»t»#u *n» |o bala u la- Cip* Town, leua tala tMjpn» na»\t ehelet'en . v A/rlal, «>«*> »uiogol • 1 «U." TltttjuihcM ksi 1/ * Adivrtise lu r.gotp Ufa n luxe 7/6 ka 'MJttnu't; Kpenra efletra « rata u ttbi uUiao Neifly er(fy P «t from North, South,. Bait and Wes’ *enktl«n|_» M inn frclli Subscribers, W tlll lot plflltMlaia to YOUR pilomoloa|a(MnoBmcIubiJ , ■ , tin Editor, - '*'*■ Oart itie jbre, a nawdj 0 rtkiltf "TaU" a 0 a Uilaoi a i ru« a* topgie TSAU m BATHO, SlPtt fiO lK T l NOE gore 0 a ucuiia, u „ g adimue m m lebala |0 a jKUttaa ko go aunna Mat/ . By* m , K iv n rR tB Y « , » a bala aba a 'uieiaW STC ff .MoruUaaiiyi a am^la-ea tu « , >< ■ ®Bgona TE u romitta madl e ii. « Uta m don ta , II will Increawysuf Native Trade, , N O W ■ .. iwrnaeaaet»ka«u^ «bTw mo* u lela, eta u hodun u » itfk., opt eo Rekiseou j ------a. morago«... f.u b j*ka s t Ktl makoib Btnalilano % lil*!nl bcku-|'i|a abaukbWDga i I’ink Pilla . a ckauiajtoae \in this PAPER z______s u s n i A (ivG ptSsiJ5 |lka Dr. ^iiluaa bat*'kopi*a Ibha« e Jubuln'1 (Medil) cotie ktttje 1 Ke eat TB oa otlhio IN T H E ii I increase ba rota wttbe. bipe go oala TWrmiw ribbon/e c iliK aiblanlanapos. South Africa Moagaate. Anuugoa atarooaSZtf (: Os a p H , i m ( > i m Rslu M tjtiti Your TRADE, 1 1 TSAtA BA BATHO, FfSMtAfcY n, W4. B j « 1 lIM lu jp M — Ngezuatu exingaxekiyo kulo - - -nor. v m*"** I" Banna b» ba « nyaka akakange aye kwi Komfa K ITSISftO go fftt^ela- Tsala W sa e 1 ' Anas^aba. yama Weiile, abesoloko engu- duelele pele reba rometse rrf'fiic migrjr ■ mntunjrwa kuj® fininyaka c 30 dikoala.twukgakfllola<5»rc •Jadlu'ayo agoko akazi ukuba i b ^ H 5 d3 ^ A « k a b e U Mx. Teago Jabaru uyiqube Palamente ybbu^WWle yaih Mlantsi. Afrik* Jwuqiekhlle to- J • ' I .ihatlMS «Htrt^«Otlha- enye yentlanganiiWana xakp tlhobi a shoetsa kSfatsa- toteto ' k»intlangano ebis. Ngoaga 0 fitile 0 mosbl kttQUo'dli ia & 'Jfo ln a o i:.' Lem- Dod>a»,"'1' * "•' e»''ibainff i 0 simologa levditoeto tsi ■> *&.■* lama . y iifo & ii' "'ytpepa l«Pf otffie a a T ie m a fM cfR e 6/aft' Bed Bhalu iyinako uktrwalesa anur - V Mr- Jabaru otuiizi ulati nga one. Babadi ba tcfd 'tss| lbpa gore n^baffl: b t-lp »itoba aeminyaka e 3s, ngokoi- pepa tlhola ba balca kbranfifta zenzo zalomteto uyituzinakana bonedt fedileng lea Tkcfr* ifcazi ngea^Vo Jama ■ B.byfu, peVie ba e nette.ditsa.e6ac .fctiramjraka- B^S eay#.'! lniniu-. mbcr 31,1913, ba gakololoa ufane azenze ngati uyayicaciia. ngqutdicjdse &A. R*cf» CotiJ ba lese go ri' cose tsa lofe- t o : W l ^b evf t ^ l^ ? !j!fW cini[a nkutl grcM: kutlwa iyi as 'rmlnyaka gore koranta, t ;,dueleloa, retlho .ka tsela.e-e.niMng ttbadMavitihd11 Imfo,” Akub»-, jalo .. fiagaecho xogang! izidenge azjlmm sele kwizintij ko pcle, ba romcle tcfo tsa oakali ukuba u MonKamcIi a*! Tshiamo ke tshiamo leta KMLA EA PIXEWIO. exingenanyaniao, eiiqga.xange mokusiieJela, .. ukuba ezo 1914. Madi ao ga batleloe lebanye moncho ka loan ,.£y Stis^ij /ranUi. ;o<-a t.-o Icwtiw t o " - ' xibeko,' nezlnglWkuze zibekq f t Alrican :Races ncobaoina. 'JabaVU Mtek .u>.k. l^ k ^ u lw e 1; I ^Icalp Jce jo bp romelang _e ice di neoang k f Temana 16 (p.) ea iogquutqutela 'yske-lnenli^flki eyiari^s. ^aextoqw'''^ ixratb. ______jll(ijjsnla..ft)a gust jo bo aMaloetse a I)Jio 3& 31 ‘Ktftoeag, I t i l leko zenxaso njalo-" Fa o shokola, 'ole madr Ngeauttn elipapa Um i Bhulu'tli ao 1^‘ iitaelo tse di ______^^libdkaltv'dM bei-' [atisaog, ga se jo bo due. a gago a bopama Jtgolfa 5 *piaetM3eioipipiatelMg..««i''i .. 4lini*lM»!fl)enaokaba k»*-' aog .badiri, ga se jo bo re^ aleraaj^^odujiwlesega ■x, tv*Ji “®?y»"< umzi, njenga- byflfcWa -aklba-.i* ngqojigkjuWiT* thata.^pfe.go aa tfekane* V roang eoo tloJ^.^jLSaaf^jalb' o tli kudala oko amVdodi (&AJR-) .ajtoMaubnjfn IndJeko' tang diertke le dipampiri 'cng ga g$go diroa kc T^:»bu- gckp -A Rs -! ang terena. Fa koranta. ’hounetsfe go itebateba bo- luko ngokuhamba indaoganiso. le ea Ion? 'me egatisioa :lhoko. Pa u sa eletsc sepe- lHayi ukungafani kwayo ne n rg & "f^ e io a * go khu- irnssm i ■ . ,v :a madi a makgooa a ma- Het&oeng l£i iCitsisHo ea 'ative National Congress xa'u choaneu seoa ko ikotlolola longameli Dubir^e^la ingxo- rcpkcle, go ka tlhabusa ka tfr6nyana, u tiimgilc taelo ea Motaodi No. 10, loyanjbini.^yaxeltra ka yokutumaWibWtmywi. (IW: lodW r 6kbb? ditlhong thata fa fiecoana tutuala, kgotsa u le mose- ityfeW fciu. ba ka reteleloa fela ke di- tlha, u "sensTVeleco^dijb, Sltaoa tnme boroko bo -u go , „ . ^*o»,»icAinko mntu fempe tsa go ba romela riehafatse, u choengoa ke wMaittdBj.tttldinlketaytt’- ukari- Im id lalc. koranta, e gatisicoe ka tlhogo, u na le ditlhabt ts^ if dije tharo raorago ga f W E thusho ea baeng. go tlhatlhara marabo, kgo­ tsa u choengoa ke mogayoyisw^-*i ‘Good Hearted we Jara motlhatlhobi s ...... ivela knyoyonk» u,&benga)!», u'Tbntiyena. SiM £etla dine di sc kake tsa « fca nna, moug elile at« ronagi tm. Jipubdng dile pedi bona nolramTa) '•ratiXnika' isiqfni- loli'rMnkini^lalo1 tj Wr- I.- B-.ri- odi rckisit>cng ka Nt tlfcaloskM ka maocoe, ’me r : , « i*dib»pilt:hoko gore di kanye londawQ.Jflbutolij(*Jcanti ot»!:Donb^nba ibola dimb'n! hoRulumente ogokwake watelela e^nliima.'i Tahi. wgo^ata! >e di mpate.ets.* go lesetsa J.^fagoBf pobisean 'iP la a tjrf okpkuba Iqmlungu I .IftT 'If d ; s4o^-1' '' ', '■ Rc gakolola babadi b? tiro eame. Godimogag'i fek I tlha'.thar, -va/apo, mala i r ,♦ngoetofk tl razi ukutolfka WMlcya kwi rona gore magente a dire UeClub iqinile ngati mgxame- irtic:tnc a mlntanyc,’me" lq ukuquba njenge M-C C. Pa- coc batho ba l>;t sa agin; mbili kaba le Eccentric ngati j;K no v'.ioc ijs'mi ke tlho- Kodwa ngo 1913 uzibonakalast- kfamdkny^ Wefil, Capctowp ba I a c :»\ r; !> i'»:r ki mt '0 e bo:tsu*gan^. Ka leka i le ukuba ululooa tahaba lukulu nelemo el: mcntsi go ala> . kumawabo- -Xeab'ik^nll rfu ’j f E L * dikomponing lo baeti ba ( ijrVntre 1? Kfmbili kwe- boela gae gape. Facie fa matlhoko a, ’me ka sex a zitrdawo zornbihi'' yencoraeka ka bona kgololcsigo go ngqiuima akub* abaMatmdu tigokungenakulibaleka. “iftenga kakulu fmihUbr-kan- baagi ba choanetse go ro­ i bobedic fiitlhfla ks leka Dr. W il­ ...... di kafOt ;angokuha bane mkolo ngambl: mela madi a bon: koan- liams I’ink P lls. Fr ekc it ernnye, xa abarahlppe btine n.ipfe; K«w mpkolo -ezi 130; emWe^likut* go Morulaganyi, korant? sena to di diri-fa Li sebj- ngenxa -yajonto d o Bhulu laro- *;1 Ttftai MHI.EL1 •fiifpjr.odiiu i—T». tsa bone ditle mo po«cnr kany:na,kaik;t i.a kgo'o |eh« tti gon ba din. nyanzela u -RWu|netrte-' at^bi 'eseg > e kana <«.jv ke b • makenze uateto wokuba urttsu- l! dl«U,|f«^i Jni(,wjn|ub« fela jaka boriti, di scka t«a ke coe eirpe/e 1: cone, ’me ndu anK»b»aatehia;--’5yctonjM v iWetu.Ve ndena ibtnialwa. Ndoti tsena ka bathu ba! ;r Koc. tsa nkalafa tota. K.a iiatla Elegi senangdioicule lmbeko ituba elingapewIuWrell £n£ kiin**4ig»neko lOnpinn »o- fckaba o^twoda aWe abakoyra; Fa lo genteloa lotlhe—lo- ke scke ke ikitse. Ka iku- dipodi, huja'mo,, nageng njtiuiu van o XaVitr Merrinun Sidiiyj tloa kele thita gape ke eo,kgoi Po. Umnunuana Sauer walnva* cndjnnianU ke ndipow lib* linyc kumi tlhe lo tla okelelsa m-> < ■m^ikaelelo i»-co mela olupango lubi kangfko . .ckanetse, ’me esale join reta^^rrtw r Ktfwohe^.M It^.faw J^aSaaTOHjj; ***. 2 * * “ nte tiro a sekc a 'ne e gt ga ise nke ke tlhole ke mbajageng eov-o.tla •kunga ta elo e. « e ashukune 'nluWncfnane eku uhil.pumiMii njrnHid. cywt loisetsa ko anta k.- c'i.v- . Mindill kirj»e—ntloko Tihoishp ikth i go opa kgotsa ic- "i1* cakbi, yaberanflJinyawuvirt^- tlhabi.” •* StepateiioBotekgotla !engoe je'le ruileog la umteto womdnwli., ovui^but ^pwe kwnwir^STbtllf (I.BcBj fmi*u- nelo. A mangoe magenie lule abahloloklzl WS™—reqi abo ' daj^ako 0|e jrili'bootlel* kubi tinxima- a ngobetsa mad!, o due* 4 naga mb teng-kgono go.bapi fc.rtotsc mongbei fa go wabas i m ezweftl. Dr. William^ Pink Pills tmlc* kg‘onti dilo din^f>4'KC di choanetjeni; go Xt|6, mjMela kuwc jronkc iraiwbttui di aladlc matlhoko a sc- jita yip4«cleli kubj yciuiwi ngcnlluiyo ngoaga otlbe ’me go sati. dip* ilibutshane. eiv^ofturkgoedi dile thaio morago Unendlelana yobziiqelda sepe koano kgat'sionj. nang go l^/oa a mekotla, gl kgttBhoeanelo e abO ashoedtaego ag» tinkl eo ko kuba njengoba sitshilo akaoa bokooa joa ditsluka, mo- - kulesa nakub’aja v lat^o il Ktl«a ulunctdo kayo vonkt le Romelang madi fela ko gc- tlhagare, go bopama. go rab . IW | bn /.« > ! (*•» going op in the Free ;;ir: f : ■..•/.’ ■ .W t ' that are far beyond the means of In Xosa tho 13 m* Kafir-Boar I that hit buanl1 n d 'fc^flpKeboald tleala ea. BatboJ Sta*] W attire rorgouen(•AntnHan Tnni/iff ionics. - W f r a W ft IBmBefley: “ He saw1 per credits tho " President" 1 be paid. But when it came to the by men, even though *;*■/ s-'V-’ peoplo living in hovels- in whfch a decent /owl would nrtsent being i n r:npWs Friend) I bey be eOMiwtth ntbority. A caged. He saw some lino houses no'ir' wonld cam from tbe police The Editor "Tsala ea Bat ho." with expensive pictures on tht wall screen i pro i' i it? the meeting un­ Fortunately the 8.A. Congress and decent furniture, surrounded bjr p m M 00 December .B h t n a % . i i a ^ * ' «~to1 j>revent\oonfu- dence in thi Circuit Court at‘King Bnchou, of Senwe, u d Uc .c M o l CiradatM. ^.\nr\i ' ■ There in room for a law to suppress ising agencies amopg the natives of William's Town,'sending an innocent Mm .Koptao Chweot, at SW>»ag.*TW 6. As for the thorough bredbiacS£ ------1 sub'-conlinent. . disturbances, but a line should be ’besides liberating ceeenooy took plac* is okiai bf free speech. The Public Meet­ ity of mistake, for black was-never bearing mistaken for white. Happy Yqjetidc The Late Mr, Thomas ings Bills is imbedfty run riot If P.O. Bol 1U. and Glad New Year to till Whitk _ J 0 : with its present legion of commis­ Moses Mbenna. KIMBERLEY. fo all. Black, and to all Coloured. p gap laws, tbey had better con­ Yours, Kimberley, No. a Location on Sunday The' bridegroe* wore the w il !WtW> Gaala ea JSatbo. fess their inability, resign, and ^ve K. HOGOLODI,1 *t' ^ 21st December 1913 of Mr. Tbomai Moses ! Bot in 1913, he has. proyjd. 4im-. rtyle ef wei&g 'eeit*^. M»ek Mbenna, a young and capable IB Assis­ Thaba Nchn, self'the arch-enemy of some one else a chance. And it is tant Teacher of St Matthew’s Mmifa ■■ ' -. O.F.S. School in hb ajrd year. Th* burial ser­ -When tbe Dutchman laid i figure* devoutly to be hoped that the high­ tiaat patent lrether boot*. The bottvo- vice endtbe wkto kUtfMia-MaT' tinue to use his rare talents in The Johannesburg train drew up youngest brother. The local Teachers when ‘the whileg occupy, ;l30 ji»fr> the . kaade ot the bruk, *o th*t th* ««4- Tbe Government has pub'isWd a fighting attempted limitations of pub­ made a subscription amongst thems;hres, at Kimberley on Tuesday morning at and with _ the proceeds thereof,a wreath feeti| ytch, * and on' ; aocpjwt j Bill to regulate public meetings.. We lic freedom, even at the risk of 10.45 a.m. Aboard her, wcro. Colonel was obtained in memory of their departed ^^ {tW 'W w m m e e l toiatrodace sivV William Crawford Gor];as, nho has brother, teitifwg. to tbe esteem in which HaW, prohibiting them fromJwyiag hate melancholy. cxpcriqi?£? oHj* remaining without a Knighthood. come down to Kimberley ia make a they held tlielr late fellow—teacher. The moro;'flt',thoj|4mp fipe authoriBini the eh'areh doore the aewly^irrttd pair Government's regulating', propmai- deceased Mr. Mbenna had been one of the, >neeii*l wrth;*hawe« df tlee.v V ,, . stody, of the dosed native ablest and; energetic natire teachers I III thbjw ( w^ito, peqJo wbp M d i« , and for once we find system which prevails on'the' have ever come across both educationally twnds on the’ two moreen tojfeuy to entire disagreement a*h 'the of the De Beers Co.. 1 as well ai ecclesiastically::where his thein'fiick fro^lhe'^fi^,, Jjfacti^ ss-^ ssra fflfssr«:.- Along the Colour Line Men who shake up the world are cheerfulnws ’ of disposition and kindliness inyjwjftoif 'i^peflto! and op, ghumV eoeda, Mr. Mn««»o<>i'M>rw». { -Cape Argui" In d is c ^ t b e often those you'd pass by in tbe of heart rfMr* ’gradually 'training him bracticaliy thdr‘o*n terms. Tliere many good /riends. • street and take to be ordinary j citi­ lever,was a mpre fitting oppor­ Public Meetings Bill ourfltfkFPor The los«>of'this young man is vc0 try aaya that such regula^-cumot zens who plod along in.(toilless. uch lamented by all ibosc with whom tunity for a black man to die I« On Dingaan's Eve, oik Editor at­ Colonel, Gorgas1 has revolutionised ^is - people. Mr. Sauer, told tb« Simnn KrachoM, brother . th* he came in contact, more especially by ,'foom.' was beeotaiagly an*x JT v + possibly harm peaccfnJiUfcihitanta. tended al St James'-Hall,-Beacons- the worid insomuch'as he'taoMnade his young school friends(scbool children). tforld that he would accede fo -this 41 Rev. Father J. C. Frazer, director of St. :amr > uchoolmuter, bin hfidreat being We were surprised lAeta! field, by invitation of the Kimborley it possible for others to roY&u$>nize outragcpus demand, and - wav-not ' ' ’ irtar-boara. " it But for /his work at I*ahama, Matthew’s Mission, states thus: *Mr. Mbe- long promising, But Tengn-Msvu arpA of the stamp of tlie "Cape and Beaconsfield branches of the was ,0oeyof the bes| and cleverest The chnrrb wafferowtled. oet»id* waa’ engineering genius of America J Ben.! I haVe ever secn,and as he qcver stirred in protest, and to-day, •till larger crowd cene U-de h*a*«i* Argus," could favour th’the popular, yeog and resulted in little 'clac than a big of God, I have no doubt, he would have room. An eqeip^e drawn by w it resting any Goovmmoit with the Mr. J. Smith-Fossis occupied the apn'ti law, which hounded native wid- dyke and trenches filled with dead been one of the best native Priests in *s. out of their homes, and scak •n a eoiteved th* bridal p*rty fn’aai^ power to muzzle the people’s months chair, and Mr. J. S. Lakey (conven­ South Africa." His . memory will long from .the ehnrchi . la boooor W ‘'Ida. bodies. That was the way the gen­ be cherished as that bf a brilliant tcacher, ■red them about the country. al w il That these powers are ius of De Lesscps went into the air. a good sportsman, and a good friend. St taoshter'. weddiag, tfce p ) it l CJiwtU. er) read the noticc convening the Janghtered -aom* 33 aainaV Ve thk^ And De, 1-essops, probably,Jinew - as Matthew’s Mission School; needs such a gore to be abused, is shown by tbe meeting, and moved a vote of sym­ man. She will Indeed be fortunate If,she 'llq has got a little cxcuse for this there was aboesdiag bn*p*ta'ity> ■ ' .V much about engineering as JM *"• ‘VrandehiU- ' .WILLIAM. B. KIBE. of our rulers, and knows nothing irn, nephews, and ^IfeA.' '.t’her the disturbed jost now because the na- SIR LIONEL AM) LADY PHILLIPS tbe malaria foe the FYenqhman. Gorgas did it Jor the Americans; at all: of what they think and-say^ tedding ceremony the bride'Vteh>nt»d • 6 m are organising an appeal to on the dastardly attempt upon his Ho has never met a single member Jie bridal rob* for hir «»eond drecc hence thdr success. Yet that's the rhieh aim wai ef whiU' ntia. -- Tbe His Majesty the King, against the life, and expressed the hope of the man you'd take to be a common ot tbo Qovemmcnt- or- a repre- sentafiro fronj: beaiVjuarters since wedding-cake wa* a tw»«teiM trifee- tyrannical provisions ol the Native two branches for his speedy re­ ritizon of your own with a seven Sub-Rosa, ioj, eornoanted by a whjte tewrr. wliirh eight roomed house in some of c the proclamation of the Native Land ■gain wai crowned with white flower*. 1913 covery. Lands Act, . General Botha, suburbs. > * Plague, 1913, and he was sulking 1 »*rit^ble»^m^.ia eonfeetwaerr* himself, is reported to have warned Tbe motion was received unani­ Mr. Tcngo Jabaru hold one. of in his tent as nobody-in King W i­ “ ifiio «h*ald h^ia.-to-cit the cak»:“ With him ‘came his assistants; Dr. his hole and corncr " me.'tings" liam's Town considered it worth rhe^JniSuinary, on,.Wing .appealed to. the natives of the Northern Dis­ mously. the whole audience stand Darling and Mabjor Noble. Mr. Queenstown district last month. This while telling him of Native catUe •id ,*1^a bride." ^uang. the bndf- tricts of “Ijlinsvaal against finemd^ Sam Evans, Managing Director \of politically blind loader, who leads th: in East London, bounded out pf their A— ’l-rdatiw, asked if itVa* not the - the Crown Minos, was also one of grazing areas by the Act, The first tether who akhald^rsf eat th* the project He told them' further ' Tbe Chairman then introduced mentally, blind natives ol Peddie for *»V, t^e miasionan- replied ‘ So, the party. the ministerial party cannot «poak be ever heard of the operation of that be wa* very soacMius fbr'thdrr Lecturer. He said Mr. I'laatje was if my weddlBg i y wife-cfll'the e al( »T- Mr. Kranris Oates, Chairman of or read Dutch. Ho-thus tkhow* tins law whs 'when he tned .to.bor: choogi hfr e » tW WM-pherat*- The* t one of the few coloured persons well-being, and woold soon visit of the De Beers Consolidated Mines nothing about the policy ol the rowi money1 oh latiiL soc.urity, jind bridegroom laid/* N«,-If h aot eti- them again to taa'.e their bvr, *ei. who devoted thar lives to the wel im the platform to welcome the Boers, which he pret?nds .to.-'ex­ waa told that tho law forbadq, iti laKl* for the farid*’* anther In eat it pound ; and it is only logical that -bet it Jaay ;be tha. Det£ ■Khad.".- if Iheir women can brow . fare of their pooplc and such men distinguished visitors. Colonel Sir To this all agreed. *Whftela.thakai|e('* David Harris, M.LA., aud Mr. P. bo should often treat his dupbs to For some reason or oilier, he lias 8ut the knife waS alow' ia euaing. IV a lar nausea, but they know theirr deserved the whole bearte-1 support Hirschom were other Directors pre­ wiW frabricalions conceraiig thisfcs not attended last year the Weslayan :be bridegroom'* r*UUre. Oten*. drew . of all coloured pooplc. lie knew Prime Minister, as well n tbe value sent Mr. I. Glimmer and Mr. which ncvei oxistid and whieJi can Conference, to wUch hc has been a aat. his pocket-knife-one th«w elab- of his extcndcl right band of fellow what a saniiire ii was for a work- P. Dickenson. Assistant General hardly come'into being as loag ogulat: delegate lot ’ thirty- years Jiate;pieces "f cntlrn *|lh a 'fcr»«.' the present Ministerial party rulss drives, i»" * Tht* was ti!o maeh for the , poiqt when he informed them that dent of the Native Congress, who visitors motored to the llotol Bel A Word About th* Meeting. tive Land -Act, at its Durban ses- pruprieter of the cutlery,' wli'peeked only the other day he beard Mrs. both knife and iasaft. Presratl? abm- visited the district a week later, grave.. It was held in Queenstown, but one -brouglit a taUe-kaife, a h^rat oae a run-of £26C, whi-rh at onre swell-. Plaaije saying Ifal the only time Ihe reporter entrained qt Queens­ With this tha bride Worked-« (he j town, passed Cathcart, and other: Poot* old Mr. Jabavu is 25 year* •ake. and ereataallj •aiiaiged to.h1*ih : .. - > i - ed the delegation fund to £1,000. she enjoys tbe company of her termediate telegraph stations, 1 liehind tlie times and he will realise, husband is wben he is laid up. MR. ARNOLD WYNNE, M.A. Mr. Dube planned a ten days' cam- did not wire the news-until four the effects of this law .only'S& year* Mr. Sol Plaatje then delivered his The most interesting visitor who days later, when lje r,\achc(l:,Kiiigi hence. -A^ for (he S.A.Ilaces Con' ftorj_o(iWw*ddUi(-rak* f i f d i S 21 \fiaign during the holiday; came to sec us during the htaidlys lecture entitled “ Along the Colour William’s 'Town,’ ISO miles aw;y^ .gress, hfl Rays it i*. 25 years old. Rand, and at the last minute he re­ was the gentleman jn our fitle t f t S S Whk^ But'.let 'us lam to "Imvo," for full It! does/npt' seem likely that tiw I Line." Tbe Lecture, which wo re­ is the torturer i.i English at tlie T ie bride U th* r m m i M A .r course, was illejil. an I we ar.’ tiM organ of the African Sodcty. He Loredale. The bridtgrooai i> the *ni * and, at tiie dose, the Lccturer re peace, goodwi'l and co-operation be- or Bapedi, and proniincnt Fingos of Chief Khama’s eld«t daaghter. .nd camc'to study native conditions in iwcop'the different races,' as th’ that Constables were statimcl in1 ceived a.i enthusiast: vote ol have nothwjlfc ddjwjtt-SL , wa* edaeabd by the. Loadoa -Jlhrio^ry person. lie came on Saturday best'way of uplifting and raising tho fte thoroughfare** leading to the thanks. Society, aad alao at-Morijah. Bwwte. morning, visiting the natives in the standard of living in Sooth Afrjr • • ' * • ' land. Lovcdale, aad Zoaaeblera. 1 *35 Square, to stop aaj natives going Compound*, and underground. In He urged upon ono and all to ear. Bui jdurt "wai his, 'year* A Ilei'iajficld Laly, Mrs. Palm, the afternoon, we took him for a 1911 there. If this is so, it i< easy b estly strive for this, sparing ntyc old,Congress in. ? At, that said that aas her birthday, and she walk rewnd No. II. Location,. ^nd Ifnlo its "Preadenl" .was marching T h e ^ M i.____ ... snrmise what would happen orgy 'tior expense to achieve'ij. Pi had aa g.»l a party ai she i* not he mado some important observa­ cecding, h6 rofewf to mailer) s* 'or some one to go'ind odit his pa- Church of England at Doorhfoo- the proposed, law passed la\t ,yjar. i ur Editor had to oblige. He went Chureh, Rustenbarg Districts and closed with tbe singing of the tween tjiis and other bodies whi Winburg calling a meeting to pro extra cash fi>r the predous* fluid i-Hng William's Town and back at been appointed Marriage Office s itst ajiiast tbe cjttntaut' imprison- National Anlbm J have “teen formed since .this c . from private water carts] al'price* saw tbe light, Jo years ajo, J s pwn expense, , only ^puV tipj ffr coloured petwqs,: x — TSALA Eit'EAfHO. i A a a s i : - 1 r

.0 W 0 IW IV S.- boe- r e.DI MrXl ______l«o* lie t lr body out, i*tW re batla batho ba bacU i *i b-k*-* Hjliwc a ka kgakololano tsa roqi co 0 tlhokang go diragatsa tieto e e ntsene .lo 0 tla nun ___[0 ga re ka^ kganele teleko ea Ijatho.' ThakV e»re byaea, r? nna le go ka oa tlhaioa ka i>eco tse di boleio^ .< mo • T . a jfflga jf-\ftlia lc KriiaW| hatla karabo e e lolamfcng jad- temaneng e, kafa maeaiong a. a kailocng mo go eone, tein' meet at filoJiiU ijg >iii. Win. Kobe Ntiiktna, ^ong,. e e reng "gago mot ho G ebong Temana 12 ea molao.0 p bolecoeng. Afooostifd' orntbo 13rd February wilfiti JlR K PautM KnamaUati e tla tUiola a Weko*." esepg jak> Qoncf. 1 wi fumana unnmo ngoknfori- ka Loabone ka mosho re tlogeli Taelo ea molaodi No. 8, Kitsisho ea Goromente din rnpi kldala *1 Free tiro, u tla sala u di ikgoelets* tej- No. 1748, I0II. e e mametlelecoeng ka Kitsisho ea \ I'koSfc (iimjilti* nuininti w»d» wv tetta tseo ts< gagu. Goroment Goromente No. 744,1912, le taelo ea Molaodi No. 10, M f.’ Cumming Masuabf left | nnila iipe pinnk. Kenyan* nftm— ga tlaledioa ke go ema ga ditc e e ntshicoeng ka Krtsisho e e hulareng. Tseo eotlhe Griquatown this week for Kuru dtebebMiwroflelele i roatritjulc- rene ka ana le chotofelo ea go k nun w^tere lie assumes' duty fboni, l*qeq«o»lwi cbnfnndinm be ’na a di tsamaisa ka bosesanyani di man.etlefoa di fetoloa ^qmpieno jaana aader ^jperintend;ot Purchase. Se se-chositseng Goromente be IttSM SM flBB ke gore1 fa badiri ba se Ik T ' MAMHTLELEJjO. The Criminal SessioO* of tlie tlhe ttrenetse di is*ng magala k • ’i - local Suprwne Court will sit «n f’ludeng ga nke di ’na gone, g I Mp baken^ sa kgOedi dile tharo. morago ga erava knkocnl* ix^lm clitjle r Burn*. «l» lsam»ea dipasenchere fell the IOth-Rjbruaryj ! ■ kgatisho$a taelo e mon^ moogoe femongoe oa naga feo frf ” \Ya>y yifninilii k» T*J®6 Han- moo he ke gore dimaene di tl t|«U ngenti*mhi |c»' Fiplan. Yinto- tlhoka magal» le dijo; jaanoni 0 boleloang mo Mplaong20,1911), eo go scnang tanka The MGC. ilit p b y in Kim­ ^ ^ e w e , ko Johannesburg ea gp dipa mO gagagoe, kgpno .mokoti 0 oka inang berley a|WMii*Uici<|wlane«West tsecoe kr regnsetsa. maik»elel on the I^th inat. >: • ' 1 dihutshane, 0 thrchoaneWa ke go ira tanka e e ntseng Mn lloi'i Xiillwe. m«'zil» wuloape, le.meetlo eotlhe e fokole. Tere jalo le maraka monageatf eo ea gag«e, aba a dire dilo ne cone di tla ’na di ts*m*e* k eotlhe ta .d i le»% eripgO dipa dihutshane. Lefa Rev. David G iv le o( UirA . % V'& 0^ } bosesanvane le k» bonofltlhotlhc E.,Chur«;b i V » ? S j ! » ivelwa Transefala le ko Freisetata ngoe ,ea polase 0 tla choaneloa ke go dira nrotseo ka kniM’iK XilikAu iziniiiu r-Mirinpo.- Kapa gone go sana le cholofel< matsapa a gagoe, jaka Mmusbo .0 tla bolela ka fa Imro.” gore bone ga fike ba coa. mafokung a Molao No. 2o oa 1911 (oa thusho ea go aga ditknka tse di dipang) le Molao 14 oa 1913. Yinina le ! • N'dJj^i Ji :• Moiti, P- Mosimanyana oora^Mo^ dilo tsa go ina dihutshane mo gagagoe, 0 tla •JIMhalnlfciJ-?S. 1 Mki dlenii 'A,' ^3 | choaneloa kc gore ere go feta kgoedi dilc tharo a sena H m < w ' M t -t'KTasi/irTJ-i- Hu.-.i. ni.ik»; a l i ] rulacanyi eoio salealoala umntu atate'unjawr, •♦'Iiambe, go coa mong. a dire tanka fsa ko ina tse di siarreng knliingile.;;'Okp sikutslm kn!>» l.'winlel*. ^,;YniD. Onto »man;e 0 fctile 0 letsc, a fitlhiloe beke sati.ixadisngav-.Naiicoi jU^uuiloksait*-u.Jkjijin.iiln kaaM* _o.JL M1»|h1'mi', J- maahanc. BariUi- ha--Lu- lc d.lo eotlhe tsa go dipa dihutshane mu go cone jaka field, sati xa sincokola nomhlobo \11k1 kite, no J. Rm ntela. there ka ba seo ba ile go bolccoc, clc gorj^: ^ ' wetu otik^ safum»na’udabaesibe Konferenscng ko Pincle, *ingaluqon,!i kakulile ngolwhlobo. I Srwid > w.Tnotraal Mr. Matsebe, mogogi, . , I. K» mongiie e ka nni el^V ile iwwgi n- di|ola>in£ dile poll Kohleliwc i>je kii> i kingaka ku. iykuili in'iW lH *"’.^ ‘ kg.humi |< l.nrg ei:e ii- <« 11 mliete ca Her- ~ S. V* n-lb» •■r* r% |.4attt m,.* kr wogw k* khim amabini ane porni rzi mminilmrg. i««b>;» >itp0lr|i l^fdko Swanepoel, Leeuwjumane, Mashoko, bahumagadi Ma- «!... k\ M* k< tank* e e dink'* k* «aoofr« [>•*•»■ co 0 zixenxe(£27]. He! Malesika-1 Ilev0.ui>up ‘ * kxHitoen* f« )e eoe a ajile rao ntlktw e agot r% polaae «> ngele ehuyela kuka Ru timer i : _w , . suabi, Pehla, Daau, ko ««i: tame ha k*e m«Mbope)e teOeloo go tlnakanela Unki eo; Imali yamakanda [Poll i?x] *«ro- jj«-Tiir1»'"]-Ce itDtmi«i[o Gwenpoint; S. Kawa, S. cheek port ba diragtdite taelo e. at> eiimbint nkonyak* } imali ye- E Sidziya, Lekgoathi, May ■indlu e Nancefield lishumi eline- nn h - •T^I».''(iDogoloo» 4. Fa beng ba polaae di\ pedi Koco in Mi fdang bnbedi di Upile aheieni eximbini, ngmyaiga z:- k* lan'ta fi im |w di ntlojingy le bana baga Motshumi.bo U r»U g< dn-M'.na tra i-t'din mny».-.. -v. U">n( t r f, ponti ezisixepxe ezin^tbeleni Itgto (W’mburg) le bophara jna pokn t^o bO «a f-te (|| .- *,oiki ezine,; ke ezrf ngonpl T ^ i (Bloemfontein.) 'M*1 ar» Ungo:'jo U- ka HWloanr ka M^Wi In . (.*»*' tanka e e e*«i 1!* ba Irkim ye Pasi zish«%ii I,ml;' 11- I r.iU *•(ellnjr hdma, Mbelle.Kokozela, * f." ha-din. nyanga, oko kdkuti ke yiponti g (11.* taek> t . , tuiWikii" ii»\jii 11 nii-Cluiche lew Smith. Nqarabela, Nika, enesheleni ezint n/cnyak*; eka Loliwe inu.Kjrokoya e '•*- nw. Wt*!!1 ^ l.uitoii, Jj»inong ftlarp Smouse. le botsala jo bo- kaottajoHimeki '/i-r-ilnp-iiyteoe* Elc tore monj oa 13^1 ilgoe.coo sn in g dinku lc field lishumi If llt ^ n iilii ... ^ . -o . ^jS f, telei- nggg, ^Botlhe baa lebogoa. ni ntlanu- ng«L dipodi, eo 0 sa letlenR dihutshane po hula mo nagens zipooti eziHtottfligc^J eo, kgono n-onR monftoe eon srnang m.ikaelelo a go nke ke le*a“ ' ebuy ^ no |o fi- relta dihutshane, kgot?*. g(r .Ittla dihutshane go hula Rulnmeoi lishumi el'ml.____ tlhoa 'otfga^Mrs; Leshoai rao nageng en, o tla gotolega too mafokung a taelo c. nti elineibeleni ezislbozo [£19 oa Bloemfontein. Bo ga- Eo 0 8s.J. 'Tatalomali.kf.k.wey^nj*. V. F « j * l * ze^knsale iponti eiisixenxMtti# ketse ele rurrboloetse joa 2. Masepllc kgono Leltgoila-len^oe jc le .ruileng ______i elinasheleni n ml H H i batho. Ba ikhutse ka ka- naga mo teng kgono go hap* le motse mongue,- fa g„ ngonyaka [£7 m U H e ! Vdf gisho, j sena tanka kgono dilo.dingne.tse di chnmetseng go —0— dip* dihutshane, ere go feta kpjedr dile lharo morago ,a Moruti Mt ga kgatisho e* taelo e abo a shoeditsc go aga tanka en Sail abat dita dilo eotlhe tse di lebaneng go dipa, ka mi- Wfil ...... _ tsapaa gagoe kafi'co 'tbHxilcling Mqiusho ka tc. g ijla, cze agcine imali motlhamongoe ba coge eke (kafa mafokung a iNTolao Nro. 30 c i 1911) e e tla d:n- % ngayo ngexesha sioang kc baagi ba motse 00. uwpb Iwijkc £ f n * . S ^ ;fcJra iW iir ■ 19010a TE , H. C. vaiT HBaRDEN,' ^ “ ape eo Reklscou; KgeslM Dlttmo. . wolidla, a|idle -.ijnrt?ngn kude t«!e. ba tla neo* roopgoe le kejje ea menagana ka ene lcube nibini." abe ’ yena tfltmwi' ‘ e palame ea phethegana • -.Kl iS L'tf ontsundu elele, >n;Kii^filiiliiil ■ :oto ja pcle- Mr. Ramni- j a tkaaiag aae U r a t e b u s, baa', • j § 1 1 3 v(»"> ukdguqa ngl lane a coa ko morago a "T fitlha a mo gata ka ea ga- Ke eoe T E M atUjj 0 Do not Delay ' I , . ■owati:-X\ goe le enc a mo oela godi- Saatkiftta: k n i u ^ ___ _ . Dr. Wllliami’ Medicine Oo, mo. Re ba eleletsa tsnidi- iiobo aiyabagxekr^oabaptna ( J<«|, ^il. OiP-.^ji Advertising,}< hoog Stmt, Capetown. lego. ■ m w .

f * £ £ ; ■ i i I m m a a t K u m i m .

i t Wad Coelclo-Pele.—Go- nale naga u Jte f babt ne ba ngoe e t tshelelang mo matletsp. >. BICHER 5- ttetieng kfa Ipjba le le kaoki »■ Ke strekMg la-Owltihoorn hah s s s i r "W gase khtaio* Me'ilUeelelo. Ko gone terene ene; e buloa teng •a Makgooa mono! mooongoaga eatla eare ka Kre* fct go ntiloeng' »Jf#dialoa Fela ke aemese ba palama ba ea Kapa m b fela. Ticl eane ekete ;b«a tafaaba. Kht MonUianyi o a ______•a'teik e ijld pfi-pele ke Friend (Taala ea Sooth Afrika), pbafa tsa boncne ba losika ba ba bokanyana ee gttisioantgaqgoa Ka moicgoal o®enis Mul< ruiloeog. Dilerao tsa mabeleja M a ka kgoedi dile tharo ka sekgeoa, mecokovle dijalo tie Kapa...... iny ona a choeroe ke dingoe moo goOhe ke mo g« ^ a rjp ljfrk i Lokejaheneag loa N a IL a c i n nsa.mo go bpitshegang Magisetrata kp goo Taoana baf» btfta«Kmteb* j$a;I*& ^fli£ itlbMtirtt&bg. Ka koaneng tse di agUoetu ka fa Zarn-ftikrOrtpbimofc^ng i’j iztri 'ii«nv S 3 & K . G U ! : metlhalanyana eotlne«a bp loetse ka gone, joo fa dilb tse dingoe cotlhe di retelt- “ Ga Malotlhakaria. Kadi le bana ka Mr. Advocate Long, M X.A.yJ coe^o bolHooei ke MraLMtl- Gatoelekauje leintse le emetr ekete sa dikoto ^ nnang ko 2tfl ntlha ngoe ea Kapa mo Pi mme ele batho ba ba Road, Salt River. raenteng o dule oa go coa me .... .1 . , . , -o'*”' -7- -t-v ..1 ^ maaepale madi mangoe faganyi mo korfSfSng e tonatoi " ^ dile I, ea Engelane, Lorfon “ Timei a metM, mme di] w a w i r t - , iji^oiogio^mai Babepekil Babep^d,!! ing,‘p 5 f,_ — *1t n w e d r ,j ? t w i x f a x i l * * 9 ,* — o ^ c p 3 T)vC| F ir. ko JohaBBeabH : - ~rj*/v. mo dibakeag 'I • '"-wHMMttftl So te iMJvpirtaganjreng s Tsie.—Ga goWMepe se tshe- VftO kt e* M . K a ip ia ltl Isa gale tsa B m u i : lang raonate mo n^latsing ano. Obdl* tttliiOl a irag orc Mase.lana otlhe a lebaganye c t t t go: W tx' Ih a tss Ga- cm mongoe le moogod mosbotli le Rtmjfottfeiri ftorth, *heretlh>ng. moshotloa. Jaana.tsie e fofa la Randfontein, Bloemfontein.'(® a r - iM '-jjoM ■ bolbeise bo Freisetata. Kala lefatsbe k iholofela, ba mmonUha, omelctseng ka gone ga re itst Hafifyontein South, Stubbt Randfontei-' gor« e batlang tens ka go aena k m se se ka jtoang ke rootho ff m k \ a aOio It* >SX$<< g. k .“Bpsigo x(na ;a'sa ■1 & k _____ lefaele ke tsie- Kampo e ja mah v y - "■ Forges, Langlaagte, *jliM :athulto^#'ka ckotelo, ga re itea. A /visa gagoe d ire dLtuka & di ba rotang fort tff u3« i « moleTo. Ka kgoedi dile 9 Ko Meroineng—Leuba ga le go bereka. Ka lea dbasela M rile diio di sele. I U n a Sitw a j, K ta a ii t « 41 Slaaeag: Becasaka ■la ngaka dile pedi, He rile le begale ngogola mme faele monoagoaga mo kgaogoof Charasatle. •• •a ngoaga ene ele dineelelo. Le UatSiega lefatahe fa. dipala dj timolola go. na ka kgoedi ei 1*' Januari, gonne/'^tre lefatsbe H nyoriloe ke \cflk ja nyaga dill pedi. Metse alM jolroa le a a naoang- Mofoa TCafort ga re itw gore a o bona metse a a tajdij dir ka makgooa a aepW'imo »e- iei^ieneng one* a rora'kajerem M A D U O :M f ka ditenli k^ Khaba, gaufi Id 3 m Bloemfontein, alaburu jaanooa ba huduga ba Ie tshabela ko kfn a « i» ika.tMnnaoe Ttel* ngoeea-qtaelago Bucoana, go 4 t^ajhoriyan; ntlha-' rifejftSqp-"- - :£— *iu- ngoaga a anie ebile go cha to. i t l l i a ^ ' mekole. le gcr'babi!' a k r*’alafa]tHnao tsa g*goe map mflta ea pikinikiof. k^ Holing centric CC.) ea mono e thubakile j^jf^etsatM'ka Zatn- bo Black Liona i a Johannesburg jelngoe ja betoa k« meUe. Dilekaw ik gS'tsaraaea'cheretWeh ta It Btahija ea hetolenc ngik* ««b» ka tsela e'e tlhabifcng ditlhong, go e fokptsega, jnarophi Magauta a dirfle 1)1 fela ka 2 UWMKOt. . Enle b» fa too Udit* folela ruri. innings coopedi ba Teeraane ba ira 383 ka inninfc ele ngoe fela. aboi-gtfa l doela ko dU* a-oel* Oa r^t>K4 ta’ tlhoja re boni Go coa fong bafa ko Kroonstad M*h* * a dna. 0 fitOuloe |q> motlbala oa boloetse fa W ipi.—Ki Kre«eme* go fipogile ka Ni*e J4ra le gone ba senyi. ^sa)(j j^lo.'’ . Zaip-Buk o Ba ira 194 ka Innings ele ngoe, i v 30in. go 351b.: Hlf-Penf klnch. ***» J}° «pw»g. «• bo|a«a batho >n'S* bale l^e^raooj-oe n»roa Heer tan lea rekoa mo ?6': bo 'ra* fela; Kroonstad a ir? 128 ka dm' Linden, tlhogo ea mmubo 01 mawenk^le botlhf, le bare- innings dile pedi. Ka Matlhaco . 36l».:>. U< t«g (Holland).—Tkoemiite di thon. kisi ba ditlhare ka Is. 6d. ba ne ba tshameka ma Bloem­ * k® Napka ta bolm Mataliaoe ale fontein, kong le teng ba re';is.'9d.' ka pitsana. Lq senya. Bo' Meiwpchere tne ele K» Jobanneabarf go ihtle mafelo’ itfseng mo go bo nkeco ba > 42li.: 2s, 6d. ale matikao ka Kiwnme, o'todngot Mr. l.Bud-Mbellelf A R. Masbo- moW&bart kg*bo di aota tboto a ' ba-Mnang thusho le ditlolo ko. £€,000. Mo (fare ga diuhenyagekr1 ttfcyi-mahuTanyana tse di inoootlbera a bale, dinUa ta .fcft flke)t?ng jpachoenyego a l i e Matieotaedi tbdlasjeag ka Kras-- letlalo, di a he gore a re- Ko nan ga «hoa makgoioknlo a hatfcp. tele bogolo go fodisioa. —Vkihoe a m»poto a dir»j[e(M Midrigaa. Rrile banyioa bale banUi, KONTRAKA. ha 0e.detftaienf a Kriaaea tre Morena Jon^ban 0 dirile boloaf- e tletaei moloj mon^oe a KITSISHO. Kresemese ka^; monnaoe Peeta tlbagi fa kgoreng jpe i “ Lo ihetaf," Molapo. Gatoe Peeta okile a ntekart o *k» feia.<. Brile go Mog6a lotlhana le, ^n*roa Jonathane, gore ke muka bath* ba bobagtu- Setsome, Peeta are ngoana Uitje mo dikg)rifOag,ta di iologkng ko Bilan j? konnUmo kgoedinj eno lo mogolooe orile a aga motse fela a pmof^le go a bofelong joa ngaga f tla tla go mo tsena mo ganong. Jonathane are Peeta a lefe, a Jo-tkoa. Mrxena oo mongoeobeile maiboae a fohanf Bmdi; h» bkngoij ^ n a are ke ene 0 rumocoeng. b* **l* bo hoapitalenf’ gt n itaegen oroloei e eT-l» nwanz kgarebe ngoej Erile fa di cOelela' Jonathaae a go tl» Uhelt bala kaf. M*)ta|’ m*. fe fca ^ rtxuelang paloe ntiii a tntina roma; mophato ko goora Peeta d w »» dlngrtwr A ' bofoloog' j« are ba ee go gapa kgomo tsa a baamoKfli bab»-aha le m»3i abode tW !» W a » m.k»k« >» a bola'a ;agoe cotlhe, ba di Rapa dile ctfte.-43»^efiA «iaana b^Ae ha go a Vo bofelong j » ’'rtp)ag i." ekgolo. Ba A ,g o bolela .ko go (ae 41 ha orplo|ihy*ri» ca *eWert'«'nrtc. ''E Mmdahong. mak£0M are gate Ub^taig, g* di ulloHoe jafca Ua tkt*wa e * golo ko go Griffiths. - Le mo Bosbotho Krisemese ea jo fleica.'g^go.-: Q^»e ko nil* (j*i. t il , 00 5d3o; vtm ypjW -itlfJ B pc»kxi; ^rnoogp# la ajoogoe ea o monoogoaga ene e na'e raahutsa- na, batimane erile ba sapa ko rJU niz fir* romabnl maina a baanogedl baba Hlotsee6nfenMeiCuea inoetsa .Sj.’I.i' TSHIRELECONG, M AFEK im tm i 1*1* 10 o tla amoptla komnta fela a choaroi'ke raijfc »oa a'Tjctoa ke a doela. F» laabooi* j«o le Jielata metse, ba tU-gov mosfmane-•mane 0 W, le tio btrekeng sa M &btkdl$, iefoetflpMkAgblo^'g(lohilho Dgoagao tla* auogel* an e duele okaefnggomogoga. Erife------fa w . ngo*ga otlbe. Fi rra^pe areeqftlta mo Dtshang 0 joo k eke aa ' ; ' A kgomo dia bopama. to f I ] fl l^ etlabo ele mrlato a gago* ’

& i tSAIA EA BATHO, FEBRUARY’ TO W GO BOTLHE BA BAEANG GO NYALA. f. Renalo m oto e ntBl ©a cxno tc.a kamo,

Mekgatio'ea pism ifjnecoalo ea koa teng, Bolosiri, Le Dikranse, Disheshe, Roforte tsa tshipi, Paka

tm Mangentlemane Huishe tsa Basadi Selika ee M aledi jalo-jalo.

Pibuhu.a kIwli */-. rh«u 1/-. l/8.s ] ilimhn tit di k gi-l< 11 r 1/-. I/<• J*J/- ______h• lika t l«*0

hanuiii mnl.c<»ko» **n;>lo >|P. ?/&• W- ■ t di k.mu « ♦ k|i»b«i«)enn I* dita 1 iagedimo. Felt k»4/ ll »• 42/- Iru Dile tjediBgoa S/6.8/11,8/6. le 8/11. Melgabuho e» mthnta of tlhe. DIHEMPE TSA NAINSOOK. ra»mk« r b ^ t a ^ S U del«»f ka 1/6, 1/9, if-, S/6 to l/Il.

No. 4180 Hetnpe n» Niiartko Dihntse tsa Rasadi tse di Kgabisicoeng ■, j»ka moMhoMcbo ?/6 OJE 2/i 1 e Is ngoe fel». 18s. 6d. to 43s, Koala re tla go romela Koalo lo Dltlhoatlhoa lo lo'nang le ilchoancho, Re Ntsha Dl Trading Stamps



B»ber«ld Botlle bTba Butfang Tiro j m Dikepong tteo U F I A H 0 S n t w . M & n t S oft M * i Mr. L.8, flLOTOl, Lobatii uLBi-LiLiJ—J j — a ^ s s s , Rabangoe ba ka ka ea fela koa Dihekeng tsa Dikompo- 0 8 S A H S . nr n o K im berleijle neaconsfield, ufaina a Metlha-

tlhelo le bo Menectiere botlhe ke a ' JM"

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(LIMITED.} & « ' f t ~ ' j K - r r . tsa loni cotlUe IZIKWATIJE flJClilFONI Zllw « « E-DAYIMANL Ditlok&na, latlole, Dlko&dl, Otpbda,

Boute atoaftma umiaomi kw?ri Zin ra ti rikaMgibin baagr DIJolo, dl Gramatono. Ba tla t M i l l

bni|'iArente i i d o o , Kataloio t e dichoancho. ^ * • > S Lobatsi. / * C. R. JOHNS, Maseru, DttHoboio, P'pistolo le laraiqo ja " ' — — — —— — *> : Bonfo da n ye Im yhsvke have ngqo esangwt ~ R. MULLER. Nkompom, e Kim M i na*e Bekonsfili: Ama Kilo i I Ii tug U!tll I (1(1 lUbt. ■ azo nnhapaU bato nauga ngasentla.

0 0 A w B Fa n Bftla loaioa ea Nete I- s 2 jg 0 -g J! a « .2 « ^ E - , > *5 o o v % s' liB tO -TSE Dt S* EtNG.68fM.Il. o c‘ iS i ‘ “ a 2 ^ 1 1 <0 - I ** 6i s S E-5 ^ H - l E BOKA'tlMitr CO £5>| £ « - c g| S M . SJ « ^ c S S J< « 04 <4-> (BLACKUWS, DKTOITSPAN ROAD. N—I am g i 'r« ti c £ «© . 5 u CQ 0H « 8 5s ftytfl dlfeta Miitiorae. Mibedi Tlhako tu Piepl im ' Hold < 0- W 3 2 o o as 0 2 s i s sj5« 2 f t CO m TtHAXO UidiFUmU. S | 3 i! t ' S " . u JO ■ XUtAKO (w dl cton IK SBLf. H ii* i m ja ;n § ^ I | = - = r » Plncti»l'“! <1 Wm j* i i i I s t. U 8 I 'M lih f t m t a j a - b a t h o ;

Uhlala enempahla elubgileyo, entle ya llivK E I!H t, iMME»E «AS5((TW«(». Iwfcaffl eo e batla Bibertkfc" pflro eotlhe e mo pepcncnenj. Ga go (eng Mekoti. Ebiza araanar.iaula nge -■to theogelo* tarDiUela tsa Maolo. NGUBO, IMPAHLA,

IFUNELETE, IPRINTI, m IPAHLA YEKUNXIBi - if V1.1 i rg; parde 1 w: bi faji ;b»li Bafone Isali &L'. M 'm sU u i aslui itei tiaela ir.Cs naisa-iixelo. - 4* .

W .M .G uthbert& C o* * j. LIMITED. I _ T h flw&l t w i l t f a l Rflflt lo rfih u rtl

Tlhak) Uo dialaneng ka Tin» i m m aftoooioooeoc. " “ Wil

T IM * *■ Btbanki *n ecfl iloti k» ~ TBaka Mb B r a t» Mtfcobu | > nm tfc«# co nmol .1* ka Hhato taa R^n»«n< U to SmoIo If Tihipi ka TlkMtlkai

IT. U tdl r u acid, iimberltr


i-a iib .y ir.n /ii. MO BA.VKENG a KMNA. ' / .ui ii*nkd« * k « Mklikoe.) Baika ea Koloni le ai Poloki e i Ko noooi ea Africu Ltd » Enalf polokelo e edibtcoeng Rancho fela. TLOITO loUo S" mi.. U«» me f» lo ilb o k a k » ;l» , kq»V N |*D(5 lokodonmn lot rum lo lo Ik lo bilflnWn? OOTiiKW W l Riinka *, 0 u awolu!» iw uolo.» J/- (Mk wig ue ub.nn) Ida ele ip let* iu<> lam rqi' loto^^jmonu*. / ke isdiA 8* mu le*^4oiii: luaUwubo too 'lAcalti.K lo> pulokdo, m.vl o uoe a* uinu »afi „.4:iiik M ie Uub pwlelo I** treokila nuvli i 'U-.-o.

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- .u M « Ji.VH\lSiM l ; j 1 n ' l i - M i - y v - & mhidpiit, u .ai'au il u iiL, "*“■ j .... 4HsiftnnE M M a: a m t I LO^kil/.V fctLO I f . I - .: "I . HIPAKA' t^.di L /' slmoLla ka ^2 to*. .Mosc BO, le Mortv jbout V « / > \ A ko di koanateiccor. ' Nnete fela, gago tsiecu AsJuiisfts. lour bitoitm_ tjjjito isJ* 1 ; a f o w i o v ,; ,• 3 * . "Jaka actae a txkfidi ao mod* "A* wutt h u i thlmy onyoriloen* mafoko a x mooate i S | •oai to b goal ncwa from i far bdbejelekpkaU a nt» fda Jala" m m . :oud|r*r Proverbs of Sotoaoo." "eJnltl.i PEonrs

Willi whichinre^incorporated: Tsala ea Becoana, " Kimberley and “ Motsuaile oa Babatso," Johannesburg.


Natives and Religion.jig oe to escort me to the village poured out its lifs blood upon th* aa* of reveria.lsad you where God ia. i lipous practices. Bat ba thinks pro­ 1 w* crossed hii courtyard, I crod ground. Tbs carcase waa that tended it to lead you—into a dearer an-1 founder thought* thu. tb»a of fear. Aijd Kadi a Siameng ke ------a unusual structure. It > u a dressed and cooked upon the gravi, and derstanding of the Ureat Father’s heart! i» even the -nailer details of k>a daily CUSTOHS U D CE8ES0HIES ijmple afclr* bat I hid never be- every member of the tribe took a little ) ,r -—__ . , . nch a. atrifctVre in a native BTIDEKCE OF THE m u m a L Iffi ^ ‘ J T S S t T ! H ^ Itekanelo. of tha sacrilcial meat, and asked tke SENSE. to h|B u,, u ja ra l hat i ^ t i e i k lEatukt m tho se w atlfc,’;:1I -l“ “ -• ■pirit . of the Chief not to forget hia - _ the place where they him doubt the reality PRACTISEDuirncc THEM.men ™ “ ° 11 * rhildren, and to aend them rain. After I confess to you that I thould have worshipped the spirit! of their ancestor., the sacrilcial meal, tha horns, hide, gives op mission work long ago if 1 had of the spiritual. Take bat that they did not talk to white men Maloetse ale Manlsi a Diroa ke d l the'Her. W. WILLOUGHBY, V*m * ..and every scrsp of the animal found ’ among the Africans sor~ de*th. for instance. Is there anythin? X m - ) WOut'.sech thing., because white men remained uneaten, was burnt with ceremonies as these. If sll the mors natural to you than sickness or Madi 1 sa Itekaielaog, 'ice a laughed. -Chief.” wid L "uloo’t take pon the grsve. Only th* sshes re- thoughts of God. and all the (orao with death- But to th* African. *icko«ws The Bar. Wi WploSjhhj 'jf Tip* Pf-for a white maa of that eort. If it msined. Then the tribe chanted a which th^ clothe them, were a* I woold snd death conm direct from the $ pant- I M , hasbeen apendia* • ft*'daft ia AUlloa ka booako ke K*acred to you. it 1, of interert to prayer for rein. "And." continued my hare thsaa be, there would be world. When he fall* sick, or hit fnend HuaDerWy, and has gofa frttn her* to a*« I never laugh at that which informant, * we had hardly reached for th* aork that 1 *m doing. And If dies, his ftrat thought is to discover from Dr. Willians' Piik Pills. Bloemfontein to attend. aa necslive *»«ed or helpful to anotbfr soul.'P home when the rain poured down-an they had Bo forms of worship-well, the Unseen powers what it is that has meeting ia oaaatctioe wtb th. preosra- •h^f it me.w He mid it ws. not then abundance of rain.* could go on teaching painting to people offended them. In bis thinking, sia i* tiooa lor the united wwaionirj coif re- arranged forSarjrshipl but that he I It would be easy to tpeak for hoar, insensitive to beaoty. or ceremonial rather than stoeal, it i* true. ram to be M d ia M il < Be ietaraa to Tould hare- it prepar^l before I'called on the religions customs of the Bantu lutes I But here we In But he Will b* at ooc# anxious to make Fa 0 shokola, 'me madi Kimbrriey oa Thursday, os hia « j badi ’ ‘ jouraef in the following •tribes. These custom* vary in detail, as ritusl «f sn sncient fsith-pot reparation - to the tavisibl* for th* «n to Ti|*r XlooT. Ur. Willoughby, who. . . jld then tell me all abont the tribee do, but s genersl likenet* jpitiable superstition. It ia an encour­ thst has hem committid. No* you may i gago a bopama kgoisa while ia Kimberley, ha* ben stayiag J t lie was true to his prom prevails throughout. All through aging sign of th* pusaesaiou J a splrl- My tl all very cl 4le mashoe, go damclcscga The shrine wsi a priruitii with Dr. Xatkdow, preached oa 'tfaa* Afrie|, for iutsnce, sowing 1 iping tnal‘ tease. It it proof that the Af- will n uarrel about the phrase. thata gore gosa itckanc- day evening at tae Kunberiey Preabyter- oof on poles. There acre n are not mere secular employi ,.{s awfra of a spiritual world. It though I will venture ti iaa Churcu: “ Oa the' relation «f a ar kind, but the space beneath the roof may not be begun till the sr,pre.adole>oeat prophecy of the devo­ leogga gago po.diroa ke heathen Baa t» Uod." founding hi* re- >aa carefully smeared aith clsy and have | been performed and the Chief's tion thst ahall, in riper auoboud. I fDldi a gago a mashoe. U . a v ia on Aril xviL, 3 : " What there­ ww-daag. In the centre of the spsce, lavished upon the Living Christ. I a fore ye worship ia ignorance, thn art 1 there was a circle, with a clay "rlj? of :i h maceration of seed, aa’ it not offended at ita infantile form, for -en sill insegftwm* rude kiad of spe*ch rhouneise go itebateba bo- /orth unto you." The Bermon doc owed about four Inches in larignt. The circle i* performed in Makalaka villages. Ths >** that the form* ntrt be mfanti uther th*n rem*m peituanently silent tljioko. I*a a sa elctse sepe- the fa ta l attitode and relationship at. Mtaloed three smooth,’ black pebbles Chief Hie* a dsy for this ceremony. Hi. presence. tttBh the 'river-bed. and a moniinntna when the race ii in its spiritusl cbil< the Batin toward* what are eoamuolj Earlj in the morning, each woman who nf M lc go fegeloa go khu- bath, ahich waa stuck i^tp tte ^ground tiood. The years juveaility will pa called ^atir*. aoprrstitiooa. The-rev. owrfsl a garden makes her way to the away, and it is ours to wait and to woi All these at range (eligivu* rustoaa. cboane u sena ku ikotlolola arend gentleman said:— 1 — to overhang them. The number * Chiefs plsce. carrying her basket of but the uu-killed eipeessioas of i- i s, the chief said, varies io the d for tbs maturity tlial it cumin:. ka tironyana, u timegile My b it glimpse of African rel.gioa seed'The Chiefs medicine man has 1 aay to wait snd tn work, lor rare sswls. Vnd whst sre our eipi fereot tribes, according to the number already consecrated some seed by me­ sioa.' low know the eft-told story of mmala, kgotsa u le mose- -** in MC, on the if their ancestor*; but bis tribe has juster and more sympathet e attitode to­ Zanzibar to TJjiji. thod* that it it his business to know. ward* tbs non-Christisn religions Sir Jmhus Hetnold*. bow in the hry^ley -hree, and each ia railed by the name The Chief places a handfut of this con­ of hi. fame so ms-use 01—pli—ented b.m tlha, u sena kelcco-dijo, (loony part of the fomt, aot far Iron >1 one of the founders of the tribe. With world mult not be used a* a cr. the coaet, we came upon aa old day secrated teed in the woman't basket, lethartf or lack of interest I upon the excellence of h.a painting, and mme boroko bo sa go the mosimama I had long been familiar. and ahe mixes it with the ue wbo had seen visions of beaoty that rooking-pot, pegged down by tta-rood; It is a small bush thut is n*ed aa a more reasonable tn s«y that the oehafatse, u choengoa ke aide. It ra. avidently placed tolufoiiy. she brought from home. In some tribes religion of a tribe ts the best for it, made his best work te*m piwr. replied. sprinkler of holy water 111.nil th* puri- the hoe is also contecrated ” Alas, sir, I can but do ihetrhce met* tlhogo, u na le ditllubi tsa aad far • purpeee. Bat what could Uk station ceremonies of the llecbuana. Its son’s work; in some tribe*, indeed thl than It would hr In male a -im Uir • - purpose be? Nose of ment of its education, or hygiene, skstches ’“ It is ever so. He who hat go tlhatlhara marabo, kgo­ eery name is connected aith,the root of ho* i> nlmost sacred, and to strike a esime neare-t tiud knows best thst he has rust what had happened there) bat they the ■ordjfor “ rightrotwteM"; and I dog with it would be sacrilege, agriculture, or tommeree Sneh tsa u choengoa ke mogadi- attitude towsrds any pliax- of hi hot touched th* skirts of Hit garments. aaid that.aoaaetking eril hadorowrred, have hrard native Christian^ say thnl soman proces'd* from the Chief's court­ • ''that median* bad been plated then ,.to life i« eminently out of harmony Ile who-e forms of worship are fullest kego, u choaneis; go leka the paeMt* "Purge nle ,with hv»«op.' yard direct to her garden, hoes «p s and most mmplete will be ths very last propitiate., the spirit that hU-«au«d, «te^, should be 'translate^,';,Purge me the aindern intelle.'tnnl mavimrnt. Dr. William’s Pink Pills. little patch of ground, and sow* it with to |i»k with hsrd eyes upon cruder ef­ ' the calamity; aad that the ped hat km with nKMimama," ett. i, jj j l the chief the newly conaerratrd seed from her the attitude of a certain ancient figged down orer tbemedicifa'to pro- said it was planted over the «tone*. not who js sometimes pictured as -itting forts. or to speak of thim with a faittei Mr. J. M. basket. Then she returns to her home, tongue. When the time of foil *atisfsc. because of.ita use in the puriflcat never lifting her eye* from the ground hit throne below high-wstrr mark, V 1 tbhima, X little farther 00, _ _ ------. .’eremonies. but because it *«« the ’orbidding the tide tn sdvance, tion eotaes to u*- the time when we shall ir letting her teeth lie seen-sn be like Him, becsuse se shall see Hlh where tWkpalls dfretgidf aad hen then .-red bush of his tribe; and that I shu lion which I tske to mean th sit her pathetic or smosing. aceordii mokoadi eo lnd othrr tree* planted in the' >hri mutt walk demurely, a* becom .’he viewpoint from which it i» regarded. *S lie is- ft * mure than likely that tks most irhned expression nf Uod that wi nioncho. In- ^ Jwdxhbpurlne village*. A»-» mat tpgsyeil is .religiout work. JnlLcsn only assauie that tl ndwe, are:— fait. I fount lke-'iti(i|toaonn -tree •Very elaborate 'and int»re*tl(ff c#V*- bsve jit managed lo'msk* will seem but •ie shrine of the very in i tribe' that nonies are connected also with the lie- a orude «htic*t#nW_Uejrert realjtt “ Ke ne kc le If Uixt i's aiijry with t!iA .Mnaii for-hit th L /w fa ’ w*re Jken Antares'kicked I aisitrd. The chief rxplaim-d, also; in tinning of the harvest—"the_ bitw f of lou^h of tt .hallow ne.. of the 4epdcisi_aya- op a little dart apoa the Map a* they mswer to my questions, th. .he year." us they call it. No respect­ cter of his •le |s spot where ‘hip. "Three times a year.” the tribes in a closely related group. For cepturies past the parochial frnm "we worship at this shrine—,:t f Ile clambered up upon your dipnleng ^o diw gore i>* Iaa death. Aad the adding of It would take loo Ibng to describe this that men in their littlenm were s> *iul excitedly (.rrsentnl yoa with a g to the Imp ia akin to ning of the reaping, ceremony fully. All Ires are extin­ proud to build around their own small tlnaseloe ke go tlhatlhara hunting. and of the jihikli- of paper that he had csiteted with if ia the pretence'of Up an- guished throughout (the villege. A new preserves have been steadily disappear, l-marks; ard yuu took it with a ing season. And if there is an epidemir trc is laid with ceremonial care in the marapo. Litihabi isc- di in;* Trihal and national boundary {lad face What it this? Hava yoa >r other calamity, we may have a special place ot assembly, add kindled by meant are felt to be out of place in the larger segang go kgabagan.va ma- la the rillagea of Ceatral Afrit* we •errice. The' tribe assembles in thi if the ancient Ii re-sticks. Brandi from letter' Well, tl at is air* affair* of human life. They have of youi No*, let me resd it 'M gciia dine di se kake tsa foand toy-but*. with little courtyards jarly morning—men, women, and child this Are are taken to the courtyards of to go down in philosophv. in poetry of eaeared ground around them. These ren (but not women who huve been mar­ the members of theitribe. In desr dsdd.e, I love you ever so mach — Ucalosioa ka manco**, ’tpc science snd in cducst on. snd ther lnd you sere going to nad more, bi huta are sac red to the Spirit* of the ried into the tribe); and we come t( redence, snd with them new Ires are certsinly no room tor them in ma' tsa nna bot>hokr> j . ; *, Dead. I remember asking a medicine, this shrine in order of prrrcdenre, ench •verywhere kindled. It it the great to- the little toddler interrupted yoa i of religion. In these domains of human e*;irt 1; "It is r. dssMie nun about them. Be lind -arrrina 3 little of the Sne»t *f the cisl service of th* yesr-a service that activity, every nation and tril he di mpi.te!eist the Uayamwexi country, aad was a eery meal-that which ij made from the heart lay* etres* upon ftmily relationships, p' otograpb! I mrde i BotM to contribute and to receive r pencil, snd I made it tiro ea me. Gt di*.». ^.i v . real friend of Mine. But for his *ym- of the KaSr-corn. Thl chief pours especially the relationship of husband able to do. The modern tlhatlhara mara p<>, maTl:* pathy aad kindness, the loag restlen be described as a 1 ing-so great, that ii takes the whole o| ptni.os'aph of sou. da fa matlhoko a, ’me ka seKa ~i_^ed- I explained that I had .heard ind* each on* kneels cration of the first fruit* lo the •< humanity to explore Him "That w< ■any things about them, and aaated to tli* stooes and laps up of the family and the^tribe. all myself; mother I* nl lea bona kk>«lolts^go go without them should not be made per , and I drased it!" hear the trath from him. He took me little of the beer and meal that hat But nouie object-to ih* word "1 fert." fiitlhela ke leka l)r. W il­ orer'to the beta, aad gate me pemiauon been poured upon the stone^ and again cration” in this connection: Ihe^ >rge appeals to the spirits. Then we go I am always rnitons of the few penpb Now, ho. did 0. f*el thia. to Ifok into one of thep. It i- rurelj thst it would be more correct Were you wild t'-st tour little son - M.ule' liams Pink P.lls. Lr .c Ke home.” The prayers, to the Chief said, “ msgic” and '"charmi." My friends, in the world who are able tn remain per needlaaa to aay that I l«ok^J into it aith petually young. With mist of us II tisve dared to can. sera go di cirisa I s ire addressed to the ancestral spirits oue race will never understand another ' much reecrete as it it takes nmsideiable effort to live ovei Not at all: The t I--S <-‘»l plea* d yu« - cafhedraL . l t waa. Just in the third person (ss Bantu pray en by exaggerating its peculiarities. Anti­ kauyar.a, ka ijd.t! tlwaya.are). and are aimpk requests for again the days of childhood. But let u< most was the discovery that while vm nil the hats pathy snd tare aim are not roadt that sere .1 work. |.roviding for the i;-t|. •»c0j e kana ccr kt i game, or rain, or protection according will lead you to the jbeart of another try for a minute or two. Do you re­ that' (be people lived ia. member the first field* that you ev.i • aa in ways that I wa> impos* It, to the occasion of the service. Be said mtn; the rosd there ia! called sympsthy. cfc’ck i'e/c lic o n o ,t - taiaW * aoodco stool that had evidently ‘here ia no special formula of prayar. gathered daisies in? Or the first glen 11m t.. und*rstand h* was thin* in; * aeea mach arrrice. a elay .piK «?«1 « If these ceremonies were connected with you, and trying • xpre^ wi: 1 un tsa nkulafa tota. Ka buna Ile explained, too, in answer to my in- the Anglican Church (ind the conatcra. that ever greeted roar little feet with little tobacco.*-and what was apparent I., luiries, that they knew of the Great ita mysterious lights and shadows > Brt. a';tlled Ingsrs, tlat id you Now ttat ii where th* Ifrleai fc ia w.Tt U " lluf kit »• *° ly, they reported tu the most sa­ ink you wit* tha very person who spirits. Tbe unacen i» »a real to him up'tn the^Arad-ay wall*. Who I haws- inarVa of llial alectloa, cred nrvioa.that they knew. A black Dr. Williams’ Pink Fills: bwght her another doll, a little lets ■a th* seen it to you. Inde-d. Ue first rrade sketch was prtsrf tlaat lU n i selected from t!:e tribal herds— X CHIEF HID ANCESTOR WDMWP, ridiculous in appearance, and wba-were spirits that thron? around b.m art tlere was »t. inward vision, and thrt the di rekisioa kc di-ap.*»htr- | waa eisitUr fa’ eM ehief near the •Dims), without b'emitW amuted rather than tronbled khan' the important thair bis neijhbonr, trsce ot toioifr. And very early in cMldsnnl WSS dominated by a desire t' kere le bo ramawe-kxfc, aoarcea of the Shaali liim ecire years •till prsfoffed (ha familiar.antiflji. You thotch they hulk very larje in a expnss tbe divine p.earnce; tlsongb it , m, a srr,— — ------taoruiag they |ed tha Oat to the laid; " It s*iU uot'lhnyi bo tl.o doll; munity where everybody knows at -tsa di ka romtl . U. aad IM year* of ap. at far a* 1 grav- of Molhib). who is rwartjed aa the but it will alaryt V the mother-hearti* ereqrthlac about everyone. The w*wl* U’Tlnbg.'u.i0! grrit^Ucktocfaic^lK"' D r. \\ illUDlS’ M ttik llv -1 . AiSr . iM« twversv h-under of the tribe. He laid “ the Ard ttr* wiien you look upon your ilitl* of hi* life, both in IJI ancial relatwuslitpi ikOL . tCon ' ' ' » Long------^ Street,------c. ’ p. Hon with him ta hil kal. I atfali lsBve|whole trih» was Ultra,* but I do not graudtfiu in hit mother1! arms, you know and In its individual experience, is d> ^ J * r t . A * lfa . tfa«srto«y take th.t UUrally. At sunrise, with why he was preceded by th* doll. "A tsraiaed fay th* sanctiona of hi* ta- jTown, ka 3s. 3d. bAu I >, •iLeuA fricaa aaarf lacks (aahta Hth* people crowding goind, tha bull tru little child shall lead them.” Why llgiou. Fear, ao doubt, playa - kgotsa bct)olo tse di iha- S f £ a i f h i- fa* tha|—sde ta land upon the grav^ and was not let the Miff little- b.ad that avan importoat part than love, which l™ _ _ 1 * 7 1 U Ml; >ud*>* elom teuad j m to p i ia a m- h i M t It Ua aliwkuj kia n .1 jU ro 175., u w duelele^osej .... : V / i O a M t f TSALA EA BATHO, JANUARY 17, W I S ' * ii'-t iV iM u Emva koko u Mongameli Dube i i . o 'V A m anqaku. uc»mange ukutydela abase U lluisang Rautenunge Kresmesi, ate u Ru- lumenie makangenzi zintlanga- ■OT-.i Bitlhdko. Huyr ukungafani ne South niso ebaleni le Matike; kanti Rvnlbsamr *-** *•.♦*■ -w ~- African Native National Con­ akukabiko mteto obagunyazisa - n u l S f ri-4 y > i gress l\X a u Mongaraeli Dube ilkutintela intlanganiso, babeka o n o O T D E - - ‘ vroyccela ingxowa yokutumela namapolisa kuzo zonke izitalata abatuny#a e Kapa ukuyakuba ezifcinga' em«rilcftni ukntiritela -^cvoiOJtfiMASHOE^ nencasb ngalomteto uyi “ ntsho-' abantu ukuba'b'angayi kulo'ntla- ■Mw on ntsho yeutsliabalalo." Wanikwa nganiso. Ukuba oku Uuyinyani- £lI0. Xeshikweni u Ruluraente s0 abantu banokuqorda indicia Mrikflifc leOneoa Fodiaiba ngokwake cnga kateleleli isicclo ayakuba yiyo u Rului. cnte xa lo sabo wabacela inxowa ukuze "TuinKumlomo ’’ upapashwa na- v ; . ; . ; ■■■ bawusc lomcimbi Pesheya. Kwi- mhlanje ade wapumcleliswa e .•.ituba senyanga ezine encedwa Palamente.' «--«U6»V'r -.’jsssesste* No. 2047.] nangu Mnumzana Sau\ Msane, Ksyipepa leveki epclileyo,uE.T. simolotse.gp cho^r. •. nelmye iqela, babe nokuhlaDga- ule Qondani kakuhle kwinto ngbtf W 'kuttfku nya/a dile msa £1,000; ngoko yintoni urn* enje ngalomteto umlungu akoyi- K A L A E A sebenzi wale Cogress ye South Batla -Fila thA feejdi, fetirengf.gp swa ngabun zinamashwa- Xi wa- zimfama zintsundu ngcliyelenqe bitruTosii bo iina bo codeia oa ngu mongameli wcmicimbi pe[ego tsamaea ke be ke tc Native l.and Act, ebanika yabantsundn ncokubanzi, i Na­ abantsundu ukuba bahlale kwi; ■N ithw kfcre di tla phanve- tive National'Congress yamsuke- lokishi yase Hoopstad. Kuma- Kala ea Ditem \a yamcelit ukuba s.cite umteto ga.'i'^cie’teleloa ke go ’tia pepj amane adlulilcyo zibuzile Wise NatalS otintela ukuba 0- ukiibe lontoinokwenzeka njaning latslv*’;-mosepele - ole Hbch Pretoria, Deccmbj , I 9 I 5- J ntillndu angenzi nllangafliso xa tihoKb-:ka.ba ka reteleloa ugapambi kok'uba k'updisweisj- u Rulumcnte cngayifuni- Wa- qendu scsixenxe salomtcto, om- wucit? c Palamertte ngeveki ela- ke ijo'tsamaea. Ka mala- .. tintcla mpela 11 Rulumcnte ukuba ndelayo; Kodwa natiko namhla tsllatSWce ne ke nna'fela I f A thata tse*Jj enze inti clelohlobo. Nalo ipepa u Rulumcnte c.vmiwcnwczelisa 1110 jdiiiia teng.' Ka bua le Molao oa JWBVtse a Dilo tse df Ruiloeng, 1911 lama Xcsa le Sibhulu lase Qonce kulo lonke. diiig^ut dingo*1, ka ba ka & B! livelisa ubuxoki, njcngobungqina (Molao 14, 19111 ke/irfcha melao , ditaelo tse. ai besisa salo Rulumcnte ukoyo no Kwakona i Native_ National E senjrairfnadi ale mantsinro Donalang mo mrnetlelelong e e lafdpng. mteto wake; de tiMr- Theron n QongrCss yamcela' ukuba ama methushonyaneng le macH- - Mongameli wolimo wabonakala Frcistata niawaiiikv/o ituba loku- koajnfefij&na a a retele- Mang 1“ mwg eo 0 ttblang. coMsa utl&ig- kgono kwiveki epdileyo wakukanyda tenga umhlaba, wavuma ngol9I2 eootlhokang® diragatsa taelo ejfntsenc 0 tla wabala umteto wokuba ontsundu coengi'kc' go fokotsa di- ngokupandle obobumfeddele tiiiabif: nna le go ka oftlhaioa ka peco UK di bolelo;. g mo bungcnanyaniso- Na'kuba engu- Fceistita makatcngc umhlaba temaneng e, kffa maemong a a ailocng mo go eone, mhlcli' wcpepa le Sixoa lama komnyc ontsundu, mhlayimbi '‘ Ene'ele kgakololo ea Bhulu umnumzana Tengo ufam- yilonto washenxiswavo w>*nziwa C; ebong Temanl 12 ca molao o 0 MBlecbeng. umpati zitimcle. Isikundla sake tsala e e ntirileng gpre ke zcla ebumnyimeni. Akahako rekc' ^tfana ea Zam-Buk. Taelo ea molaodi ^ ' 8 . K p & o 'e a 'Goromentc ukusiteta nokusibala isi Bhulu, sutatyatwa ngumfi "'Mr. Sauer, sng ka Kitsisho ea ulwimi lwabalauli Mzantsi Afrika; waza no Sawa wc'nza umteto w.'- Ka ■brrnar-phodisho^tse di No. 1748, IQII, e e mametleli kuy;hl\vaycla yonke lonto kweli gakgatn3»3n«€ore ke be Goromentc No. flfc 191^ Fe'taj ea Molaodi. NO. 10, ekwasebumlamcni rtgenqubo ej'enziwa ngatna Bhulu ngoku- le; nyinyiweni; kiingangokuba ke coelelepele ka cone ka e e ntshicoeng ka Kijsisho ( < iulareng. Tsep«otlh£ c^seni nabantsundu ndowonye iptsijndu bczinye. izitili bafan« di mair.etleloa di fcfolo&'gtiij loaJaituw-ttbtM nayc_u Tcngo Jebavu', Kubufu- iase'Freislatc namhlanje aba-' tshariana betu asimfameVe Ic'an- jujco ,iil;uwutenga umhlaba. I f# ! * : ■ . gangokuba singabinako'“noKU'- •dlSffTUHUkU. - zile’sa inteto zabalauli abakokcla mhlayimbi balahlekisc izimisete " % . oktie a : J t . I Mo bakeng sa kgoi dile tharo morago ga zcljlizwe; . iljfyN CAN ISO YOMJIKqLO iMUhodisa. go chejega ia kgatisho ea taelo e mong igoe le mongoe oa naga (eo 0! i** W t WOKUPEU KONYAKA 1913. matii, :too-go diriloengiHe 1911), eo go scrrangratka gc|-tlji0,la5ftita g». Wjbtpme o-boleloang mo MJaong Inxaienye yabantu isnkeja 4 §lN0 l)E VAMAKOSIKAZI, ea go dipa mo gagagce, no mokoti o oka inang u’aulo Iwe'S. A. Party eno Mr. ene ere 1 mb mo'riorfriehg ^ dibutshane, p^la Oiioaneli ■ke go ira tanka e e ntseng Mrrrim'.irt oyongameleyo. Wa- XMAS DAY. oume‘ka dinyaga, monOatta ' jalo le markka mo nager ;o ea gigoe, aba a dire dilo nga u som Bawo anga6isindisn oaka 000.9 fetogile mma& . ' kwingosi eWuhlobo; u Mr-Mer- eotlhe tse di: lebanyeni jo dipa dihutsbane. Lefe Isihlalo;kakade sesika Mrs. M. o rupwn^ile ka t^da- xi-# riman .iisiniKda umschenzi oku- n ito n ix I ; naga eo ea gagoe eic ;e ee tletseng kgono ntlha liHflt'.Icyo njcngemhlobo wakom- P. J. Mzimba, epahlwemgu Mr MgakA c ngoe ea p61a » fl tla ch< leloa ke go dira tiro tseo ka ku!u; siflgenako uguyekela D. Mzimba was: Hewu, cko am; IS komitikazi a‘z6. zonke izipaluka matsapa a gagoc, :“l" ( Imusho o tla bolela ka fa ablilawo z ncuku ezinxibe.im- ,vi|jQSbt ;Vsp 'd| • file zegusha, njengomhlobo wake Nofldyolu Ntob, Fort Beaufort, mafokung-a-^Wfl iao-oa 1911. (oa-thusho. ea ..go Mixdo, Sneshcgu, Roxa, Gag.i, Ai'(diji/5a tsa'ba tsaUlhaUu,- 'g) le iMolao 14 oa 1913. u.yiuW;'.. Umnumzana Merrimni aga ditanka tse d| makazifincele clnxolweni -imini Oxwcter.i, Kwezana clisinga e ia-ko/mafuding. Ka'ba zStc- Ebcnccnako ukukulindcla Fort; Reaufcrt, Kwezana lase ka reteltloa ke go chok-tsi Mangle hrtngeo rka^anffttiorig klfoako ngoe HalaJ Tyume, Xesi, Ngobc. Tyu- R oko'xa ekokda iqela elihlaula l.ccogo., kgono seatla. L*» morago ga kgagamat cn molao ona, e f go senang sha, Zingcuka, Uxulti, njalo-nj;|lo ;rafu c^inclnane a*e apangeaba- niarorq. ngaka e gakolotss dilo tsa go in* di itshane: i flu> l -." “.fgafigoe, .p ' , 0 tla Konauoko^valo naDannabantsundu n'genxa ibi'yebalulekilcyo ngeyona nd'c choaneloa ke gore er< ;n feta kgoedrdil*tharo sena ^ , ;iScnkangala. la, efco nono-Bhala u Mrs. E ister '•{^aolcnna ka ikaelela go Galofa. Ivuliwe npeculo lesi^wi', go coa mong. a dire t ka tsa go ina i t di si: neng jffgapaya koko bahlukenc ngo- itka Zdm-Bukpele. Kefa No- 47 kwczindala, No. 343, kwe- kd sim’olola go ina -ntho /? le d.lo eotlhe tsa go ( pa aihutshane m§ go con jak j knngenamgebenzi- zintsha. Isiko uko umpati v;en- go bolecoe, ele gore: gxowa wendawo nganye cfike rribWtsing a a molelo ke ?pose amazwi ambaUva, kuculwc tsiias^ mothusho. Ka mo- abeko umtandazdi wayo. Ku'a- sl\:> ka- coga ke ikutloa L F» njongoc e ks n ; Umteto ne Ntlangajiiso kgono dipoiamoa U ndele ingxdo yonyaka, ibe ye botoka. Ke fa kc coelela ele eoci cn go iid ncomcltayo kaku!ukaziO?ekuko T pjle fea shone. Momala- lamagosa: Umvangeli C. N^c- ^ pnl«nniT el* ele f U Rulumcnte wetu usaquba lwane, Mfazo, N. Gaiela, T. Bdo tslngia,-iniatlhano Zam-Buk. kwanjengc siko lake, upapashc 5, Fa p» nale polafc | rniloug ka I rtele c!e ngoe fela, batlii sha, Bonani M?beqa. D, Maheqa, a gogi.rnaladu a a masboe, :o ozakuhgena kivi Palamc- We babedi fccnnj a hi frtin? j bedi, tahku e ngoe a e tla N-. %o|obe. S. Hoco, amanye c.t!xi,qa khumola le Kgoto Ickmbcng bae.r Jbe tU ele g ■ iipgadilje taelo e nte czayo; umteto wokutintda intlanganiso zabantu xa u Rulu- alike, ^ekupakati. Kucclwc u eo ka.niecoe. Mo sebaka- Nkosi K. Manakaza, ofumle Ik e rapogoe oselo . kliiro mentc angazitandi. Ofco kukuti 1 3. F» ntlba rgoe j isahlu'ko se 4 sika Mark, waza M 8 & sa wekc c ngoe IjJ'W .rooDRt* polfe eo xa abantu base WinbuK bebiia •bo « ka kkfin<\il Utjiungamolikazi wawasekela fumt'a monoana le sea- g e Dgoe ea pclaat co ka intlanganiso yokukalimela uku- ItcadiUx-n p. fa kwisahluko se 4 ku Makolosi. ^ ••^ P ctse rure.” . ' n i i ; mmc l« I Jo«a p> Ulnkanela tanka m banjwa kwahafazi babo abatu- Sakttbekela intloko intlanganiso E Zaai-Buk.kc sclo sa go nyclwa cntolongwcni ngu Rulu- cbecie »oa‘ U yamakosikazi ishushu imandi mcnte; atumele -ipolisa' Uyokuyi- lixcsha ati ubani avusdclckc fa ' Ke 4. Fa kcng (4 fi'ilye «!i'c tqK teonrfTje di'filing boWi di lajiili cita luntbnganiso. 1m rata tr> dona!»na ka jo dira mmopo mo unkeng e e eoci, fa ngeyonandlda abenqkutsbo u- )1/« ,?!W,.9TP1senapg seje- V)pbara joa ttp bo ra fete morgen clile .t.OOO. .Kgonc Sekuk" imiqo'idjso yokuba kuti Ebenezer litye loneedo Iwam n nyo mo maloctseng a bfplara bougot jo bo l i jttkjang te Mdaodl 'b.pten.o a i lomtctonyafunwazijtipajam^ndla- kifde kwalapa unam, unati, E\ye l.:talu_i^ ! » n » foiiisetM rure, dipodi, eo 0 S9iW » rP » nagene benzi aba tuba najungelo lokubi- ba lapo bubodwa yonke: indlu eojegono mong «n.; * "> ”S m»,kselclo a go intlanganiso zokub!unga yoba yimitombo, okekukuti siba iz^qwiti (strike), yaye sinomqwe- '-U'^tflo.chefcga ga nwdi rtka dihutsban- kgo.? ^ >'«• oihotshanc go hula sezinyembeyini zokuvuya no(cu n n kizi omknlq wokuba sityinc zitjicla-, E'fikupcla njcnfeabatatj \,Pa:sC6a.scpe gape s: mo nageng eo, o Ua fo fifc * ff° «• ukuba u Mnumzana Tengo woba bamariqiku sjiyc sizitt fcko.Q tl>™nangle2am-Buk. O ' linina kokukutungwa kwe- pipipi. l^atcta ineneka^i lase Eo 0 s 2 4 k*. R - ^ I'J ie lieng ba ditoro 2. Masepalc kgono Lekgotla Ieitg«X'Je ^ ruik*ng milomo kwenziwayo namhla- rtala, Mnvomeni, Ntoleni, Cttma- Kuyinto embi ngccala lil^a Rulu- boillwie.barekisii iam sle- naga mo teng kgon > go bapa^e motse m o n ^ r *a 6° kala, -Tiif» tam.srnqelisa umsp- ijnciitc ukuba avale irriilOmo ya- benzi wama Afrika, umseboniil i B a - ' - . sena tanka kgono dilo dingp^ tsc di choanets^flg ^?- iitazi nqo. ii Bi»ta, btzayj nokabn .V)»CliU"F u , u.i>j n»»gne h izitc.v.biso zakn yimfedelele Ute 0 choanang nae.j Xa tilxm'i eliprjm' litate njongc ctl C niic t-neJsl) m nr-' — ■— .ikifika ngeveki elandebyo u -uld.nvlw 13/; nlie n^unmrnkeli k' jilongjmeli Dube, abantu babo- Tuts EniTOIt “ Tttitii KA UiTtii Ke ene TE aa oiiha a V.Mjate w 'toifl & r i ] u <4 Do not Dduy nisa ukumtemba kwabo u Rulu- : mcntc ngokurola (i66 bayin.ke- Box 148, JviMr.KBLKT. Ssutli Africa !auMongaraeli Dube.efikey; za, I,ipepa olLiliicileka nea Xonn.w. Advertising Your Busineu ukuba ingxowa vokubena ibe Iikklki.k wij South Africa* Xat: l)i. Wiiliaau' ilidieiutOx, y £l,000, .N’aiiosaj, (Jq m u w , Reka ene fela, Ung .v'uv, i( A . - V Y:


I) BtmWAU. “ Ozigudisayo Enge Mongameli a Dnbe. MATHAUSANTA Banna! Banna! BObAb G Fa. Yey* I kwitavuka kusasa ba- n j a l # . ” tstaptlMa ra Undele utywala obunaraandla Ukeloma Ngo Nyalo Lwue r ' W enitle eo moni/e to mo The EDITOR Tula ra Bctko. SLEGGS' base'e kude' kuhlwe. I way ini Batenjini. Ifukung go tfba Foil Office ide ibatshisc. Nkoti Mhleli we pepa Lon rumele nam ke ndenze abemablnl ngoku- {JEAIUCHr (JUKE' Nkosi Mhleli we “ Tsala " nee* cela teranl kozibiza ngokuti nguttncedi J da undipe isitutyana, ungadinwa NOmfeli Wontsundu abe ennzlwingn- Mhleli we “ Mvo" usandukuva- Molrmo o fodiong tlhogo I- ' nu- f l IM f * NYALA M t M l t l MULfLONG ndim, 'hdibangwa lusizi ndiaan- mzi, baze nabarorozell bake a bati ngenxa kalisa umqweno wake wokuzigqa- kooako. I.6 k 2 6 pimthcl>na. yokuba kusitsho yena nati songqina ukuba • ?• . dukufika' »pa •* ndivela elizweni tsa, elunyulweni lwase Tembu- lie ka (pi Aoraoli k« pakt fo cm k’i'toow'to n e» koa PhoRotm ** nnjalo: make ndenjtnje k*:-Kuqila ndl- R OMEU POSTCARD KOGO elikude k*a' Ntshabalala. Kulo- buza kumbhalell oti emrenl u Dr.Rubusa. land olumelwe kwi Pondo lwase Fro ta ro ktpw 0 «a ko ftiktfmw.-. Iteka .if.. UaktwynwnifaroU»k»nyrw»’«faro uta nui wentsjzi ndisashiye inyaka- ku “Nlulu- Kapa ngu Dr. W. B. Rubusana. rneUi^ eotll e 1*0 di tlwu-Ltnu Urn lUbewkl- - M nyakayo Sisters Jolly Mary no nkolo"___ ,______. U Dr.'R. naye usafuna ukumela M a n a lai'e tak* mtllN a ka rek* IWRl'KUOKr-HKMPE. a BrotTiers Happy Jacks. no “Mrjabavu" njengorafeil, nOkade_ _ _ Iwela umzi Ontsudnu makatabate indawo a Batembu, waye esafuna uxhaso DITi.llAsfJ, a • Vorirailomoihenkokoyindlala jrake atsbo aziqinise ezindawo:— Malung; Iwabanyuli. Ngesizatu esaziwa . 0 1 ' V» ; kanti aba'nye'b'aifumana iponti Mica “DrRubusana" indawo make ndili ngu Mr. Jabavu yedwa, u Rubu­ nge ukuyipendula ngellti kobam ubude- -^ 'Rf reklaa ThotiiUa -fclN'NA *tii%li'le fSp. (£ l) ngeyefci, utywala buyihlute, nge nobumfama kumaxa oquba wona sana uxifuraana epikisan*. no abantwamf balale ngendlala.. A- ngoku eyona Vangeli kwi Ranenie mku- mwabo. Ngokungatandabuzeki- banye' riabaya. b'zimfumba e lu enjena kete, kuba lonke Ixtsha nbequ- yo lento ibuhlungu, inelishwa .too, Victoria Tl'obdsioifc SENEIRl o mo Leweiikeling, a' ki grt Segela fela mallkeni, kuba onina sebenama-' ba kupela kwi Indtpendanu zama Ribc ifike xa wonke ontsundu efuna jaka u ranr-ThA W G lo illhopheleng ka losi mo ga nye araadoda aqubisana nezifo odwa. kodwa namhla nplcminjaka nita> umdibano ingeyiyo iylnllukwsno. ■ •o.t &a >. tu Idlalejro uwahlanjanbele wonke kma< zokupgcola; ati esapila nje a- btelo, njcnga« Mrini Wapcrulu apo livi- Amawetu asentsuluogekweni e- wutye uravuza wesono utywala— yo ukoba akuko Mahlelo kooa:— Make nkulu okwelixeshs, ubdntu nesi- WALTER H. ADAMS utywala.—Sode .sibe Sisiz.we' ni- ndiboie ke teto eyikwenziw* nn "Mhleli milo esipilileyo site Tilambululu 8 IE0 E 8U1LDINOS. (OppMft* Pott Office) ** “ ‘unga nokumela nokukbisela simemelela uvtrio; ubungcatt^ nina toro xa tirazi uzokubekelwa iuba liT ‘ •" " • • esisiqalekiso* sabulala abatwa; ___ _ N b f a y ______nokusebenza kunye kubantu De Beers Road, Kiaiberley. .bawutengisa umhlaba wabo ganeko esingati saiive ngunui. {Cuba bonke ngokukodwa kwabarela 0. BOSS, efatyi: zotywal?. Kauye e mna Baled inene andaiinto ngaptndle emfuntweni bacingekka njenge kokufuna imali jrokuti ndiokvena Into nkokeli nabacebisi eluntwini. Slin Street e Kimberley jcwalra elite iie ingaie ibonakale nokutetigixa CYCLE DF.AI.Eii, sasa, wofika sebe. lindelo i Dra- Imvo, Ngajnya ndira ndada mlooyeni Pantsi kweztmeko siziv* sinya- • gOn bayitukctise bati yUnyushu) wokuba u “Rubouna" awaliyile *ama nzelekile ukubonaksllu usizi (Opposite T«nn Hall.) SEKOLE SESEGOLOSA THUTO kanti yinamba. : | Mfengu" ucalula - izinre. Kuba eatinil olukulu lokuba u Mr. Jabavu azi- B E A C O N S F I t L D . “■Onward . Christian Soldiers kawutyandeke. Andazi ukuba umntu » miscle ukuvusa ijantlukwano yi Mfengu leya siiono, nokuba ngu Mxo- marching ap to war,” silwp no sa, nokuba ngu Mtembo, Nonnutu, jkuba kubanyuli abantsundu base Ba­ . tywala ngendlcla ezimbinil tl) bayilontO abanokubinra n^enyt tejllela, tenjini. Akuko sizatu silyulu ongaba ke akafuni ukuba abinre ngduwr Bensonvale, Intshumayelo- (2) Ukuncedisa siveliswe ngu Mr. Jabavu, sakuzi- Direkisloa diathuloa. Tse di ntte tie abafundisi ab»zama ukuba um- sake makaxele apapisht ukuba makiitiwe, tetelela ngelinyatelo alenzileyo ngumnanUi kuyekwe ukutiwa ukuze vaxi di thata. Di rekoa molato; ba konunta •’ teto wotywala ubeko. Zintloni umzi wonke ngokubanzi^Mna ndlfufoana siqonda ukuba ziko exinye iziqi- ba a fokoledioa. . ezi kubantwana baka Ham. Uti umangaliso omkutn ukuli i ngata ezinabavoti tbaninzi nga- MO TIKOLOGONG EA HERSCHEL. wakudibana nobhelukazi olupaya Unocalulo asike alonlele . _ pandle kwaba.—Tembn, angezi- D R O S S , ndilshoyo ndiubo kuba nguye owaqala olurapumb ngati yi dayimani. gqatse kuzo ngemfanelo nembeko (Late McFayiik.vI ucalulo ngesiknmbuzo ‘Sama Mfengu* sipaula ukuba ufuna ukubuguqa ... uzimisele kuba ongu sokadala. avail makakumbute imihla yobukoboka CYCLF. DEAI.F.K. Yol "She is chasing lambs to bawo pantsi kwama "Xo«a“. u Dr, Rubusana. € Mr. Jabavu . the pound.’’ KuUho umntu ofuna “umauyano" No- uti u Gqira wapumelela nge voti BEACONSFIELD. Mookaincdi: uiruti GEO. fVEA VKR . Uve: “ H e! aubuti kea go itse, tandaza csiti “Uze ungazikumbuli.izooo epantsi ngenxa yokw*hlulel«n» . o mphi tiki ke rekr sherry." a- Zobawo butu" namhla n^uye oti miziku- kwabamhlope, ekubon»kal» ke njulwe kuba nokuba yayiko lonto, bonke ukubs abamhlope babe c*Unye. Iirher e& Slagolu ■ - IS. R E A D , Eiq, kazange akubone nasebukweni abo bafa sedoteta no “Mdali wabo* kwa- imiko zingsmfulatela u Gqira. bezinja. Utywala raasilwe nabo, kona ppela lonto kuba o Bawo bazeka ‘ttsala ca Eatbo. buhlazisa ubuntu betu. amaMfengukazi kungaseko nto ifana na. Njengoko abavoti abaninzi inga- leyo ayivusayo yena. Kuteni ke bamhlepe kunabantsundu kunge- 0 thusioa ke Ditichere tse di nonofilcng. tsa Uxolo ngesituba. asuke Amaxosa acinga into emayenziwe nzeka u Gqira oyiswe. Ukoyiswa Makgooa le ;sa Bccoana. a S. S.)—SOKADALA. ngawo adibana agqiba kwelokuba malcaci- (The People’s Friend) “Ngompolofeti"*’ ■ ipolofcti u NtsutanaNuikana" asuke kwake kuyakuvelisa ingozi kudu- ie akumbule izinto awaziietayo abooe mo luka Mr. Jabavu kwezasembu- Go nale manno a baithutoana ba dikoalo le ba go __ Miyapule imiyaleloyomntukaTlzo’ sweni, u L» Land Act. Noko ke lonto ayin*- jaanong. . , J'HELI we “ Tsala" odumileyo, vahlala ilumeza emehlweni nakwizenzo wfborg.] zommu:—Into mna njentongazi nto ofu­ nto nifti kuba ngamahUleko lawo. Phefo ea gone ena le botshclo. Ndlvumele ndifake abembftlwa Head-Office: 0 »n« of Skanm na ukuqonda nokufunda mabwuncede Imbonelo yalimadodt m*bini nantsi into indikataza—Ungotuki Umzl “umhleli we Mro" u “Mr.Jsbavu" Street ind Brett Strt< KitnberlcT. aqubanayo ngclixesha lembali STEISHEN’E s t K ) b i e a m ) l e l ) k : L A D Y G R E Y . kukuti kwesicaka saku sale nko- ne Lungu lase Batenjini u “Dr.Rubusana” kwano "Mr5o!.T.Plaatje , Umhleli wf yetu ngezombu-o, kwakutiwa zi- C«pe Town Office : (Vntnil Net mponi. Nantsi intoendikatazayo, Tsala ea Baino" kwanezlnye inkokcli ntsh»b» zcnqubel* yetu, uhlelc* \p xcj. I« i? Strew Sekolesese tin buloa gape ka FEBRU ARY 2, 1914 ndizakuxekwa nayinko»i endiko- Zomzi Onuundu eze Esigqebeni ukuze intsini menyo. lnkckelt ze'u Vree Stale AcWre**: P.O. Box HH. nie kuyo, njenqoko ndinikela tdzi waziswe ukuze uyc kuzitcU ngo- »ako. mazitate isifundo kulento, kub» tTiihoek, Kitnl*rley. umyalelo wizo nezinye izlcaka- kuko intsweia-mbeko kubakokeli Koalelang: Ndikatazwa yilento yale Bhili ba Simanga lento iyoyisa umzi csinguwo ibnmisiweyo, ekuyakuti ukuba ENGLISH, SECOAXA Sauer, asisiso iszwe sokuqa.a otiufanenam, kuba ndikumbula ngexa le “Colour Bat" lamadoda awela aza* ada iqubilezenze kurq-be ukub*ku- esoyiswa sesinye isizwe, ayiza- abuya emoya mnye agqiba kwelokuba beko umanyano lo'nmisa izinto- SESUTO AND XOSA. nge ibeko into enjengale yok»- aza kuzigqaua kwlzipaluka ezitilr, alinga Mnruti Geo. Weaver, cekiswa ngabahambiezweni lemt. ke amanye’ enye yoyika ngokwayo, kwaza ADVERTISEMENTS TARIFF. Bate kuqala abelungu kuko u akwabiko tyala ngalonto, kuba umntu Bensonvale, uyailra yena, xa anentaka akanakunya- 4a. per inch Siitftlr Oolomn, Heptats Tixo. namhlanje bati akako. nzclwa, vayingaziwa ke ngeloxa okokuba Lomhlaba wetu wenziwa izulu kuko abangafanelekanga, kuba bezinto SUB-ROSA. half-price. Herschel nesihoko, kuyacalulwa. Nali ke ezltile ndieela uknba ndifundiswc nangu- 8s. per inch DoulJe Column, Be- elam mns sidenge njengokuba u banina ngeztedawo ndixolele Mhleli ngo- Abalaull betu abasenaqkolrlo nakwe- peaU half-price. kutabata ituba elingaka ziko izinto ati yipina Into enomteto ngxpandle kokuba Sauer wapuma efumbate lomteto umntu ongabi nakunceda Ifuneke ipele ibe rabaxa u Ruluroente we Pondo lwase STANDING ADVEBT18EMF.NTS. wobukoboka e Palamente kunga Kapa upapashe umteto iopanga ulaulo mandimc NkosL Ndininqwenelela irnpu- Ia per inch per iiroe Single Oolouiu bhungiswanga natiktisi wanya- melelo ntrejuboentle kulo^nyaka mt»h: Iwe Divisional Councils twabaxekeka ku Do you wish tor etire early from Business ? Rolumente we Pondo. Pakati kwezinto S*. ~ « - - Doable Coloiuu zelwa kwayinto emnandi nase*i- yinto ufumbete irafu yeVila ^wbee-tax) J . V nkosini kuba nanri zite cwaka. JASJJJiGOJO, eti ibayisikili Irafiswe isheleni ezintlano (5s.) ikali emavile mabini ishumi elma- Yekani ke u "Moses,” into ka Wodehotue Street Agenta tbroughout th Of coarse yon do I Then Advertise in (he Dube, mssni ukulupolisa uko'o ntlanu (ISx) neponti entshumi /Cl kb.) Quetnstoim. inqwelo ngonyaka. Lento sisitintelo etn- lwake. I1 Moses akazange aka- sebenzini, abayakuti abantsundu cbekufo- C o u n try I tale zigolide zendlu ka Faro aku- neka betenge ikari ukunxami-i nokwenza Acotditci b» Mcn-|wnt» « hemv fika kusilwa umjeputa nomSira- tala ihambo yabo, bazanelisa ekuhambeni CKPABALELI.ED for ihe exteuw^t CealaeaBatbo. yeli ngati wanga ucitak»le, etc. ABANTSUNDU NAMASIKO. ngenyawo mhlayirabibakwtlf emahasbcni worn angekaraftselwa. 1 of Native trade! ’ Umnvuzowesibindisakesingum- A Large ana Ever-Imrrastng zekelo kumakolwa. Hamba Make ndibeklse amazwana kuni-mzi ______Peshcn kwe Kciba C iradatie*. •/' The Great Bi-lingnal Native OrgaD Moses wase mzantsi e Afrika. wakoweru ontiundu emanditi ukuwublza Into emM lamagogotya ayade bafanele ukutrnga i kari mkuhamba izwe wase Afrib. Irabangeli yalentsbono esi- labo elinemimango. Ami Freistata a- Atroatss; (SECHVANA and S1XHOSA) beleza, yekani i SAN.N. Con­ beka kuyo yintoninaf Andazi nokubatu ntsundu anenqubela ngelocala, kodwa amaciko etu ayalamkela elipepa; kuba gress ibambe iye lcusivela ku asukumangaliswa ukuva ukuba u Mooga- THE EDITOR, Kumkani. Ningoyiki ukuli aku- jakuba-bcki" 1JI_' " ' 1meli Jabavu ne Races Congress y il' Edited by the Corresponding Secre- ibe ngawo acazela abantu baki______benze isiqibo kwlnto yokuba ikukonto “ lu d t ea Balk}." ti akuvikunccda nto. Iqalo >esi ntsnndu. Make ndiqale ngokwenjenje. inokuba ntle yelungelb nempato emit Xosfctiti: ‘‘Isjziba siviwa ngo- Ekuwelenl umlambo inkawu kufuneki kwabantsundu, kunerafu epindiweyo kwi P.O. Rox US. tarn, South African Nativer don^olo." H^nba nkokeli yetu ...... i layo lokuwela ngemiti inga- kari uloluhlobo, csesilindeie ukufika kwr KIMBKKJ.KV. ______:le mko.ledada lokuwela ngo- ’Mro" sive ngentlanganiso\cnJe eyayhe sikunyule,.unyuli#e napezuezu- kudada kuba yotshona. Tina sizwe esi- National Gongress. v lwini. Senditshiloi bhota ke ntsundu silahle amaslko etu elui^ileyo, le Vrial ayidluli- Mhleli. angengawo awonyelbo na ngengawo se angecebanga na ESako senene isicaka. awokunqula iminyanya. Site sakufiklie- Iwa ilizwi Ilka Tixo zisizwe eslmhlope r • MTOMBENI. T. salamkela; ekubeni silamkele sisuke sase- Saka axelelwa lipepa lake le Vtv u- DOMESTIC NOTICES. No. I Bultfontein Mine Co., tilahla amaslko etu obuzwe, nawobuhla- kuba uMr. Jabavu ukokela i South Aftian Pihllsked slaiUaiMtsIy tttrj SiTUKDiT morning tl BeaconSfield, nga. Eyooa ' Branch ye Univenal Races Conmxs. endawtni yo Kanti tecwadi yomnyaka yofaigqibela ve IN ICKORIAM. maslko ka Qamata, Unirenal Races Congress epantsi bre- petelu jwannye Uizwe (abamhlopeA Futi ligama “Coloured Political Associations' OTBUUtT.WTCIWST^OOI, JOUIKtSBO^e, ligabadele tadnga rkuba awetu asisono; ixela ingqun*qutcla ezimbinl kuprla ou- Isaqwiti, (Strike.) awase mlungwini bubwn. yabake ngoko rantsi Africka ngo 191X / ( " AP.IV* 1 Mot'SE.—TK death took p’^c- mkawu izami nkodada-yatshona. Kwa- ikokelwe ngu Dr. Abdun>man or *>iA. 1 Colesberg an UKcaber t*lh. f : uno m blosifoitiii ud n tu Ma, kooa kauti Jack! you are a fool, ar Native National Cflngrea a ikikchve nro of laiah. beicred duld of Abraham__ Rulnneli odumise inyinyiweni ngoku- Jack ahleke kuba ntete isilungu; gev. L L Dube nnyiW umhleli walo- Zipborak Saonv. Colesberg. aged 8 citt abasebenzi abantsindu kwlmiaebeMJ tp w \i ^lilibala oebe lake } R.LP. yakwa toliwe, n>nhla uxamla tzlqamo Native “ Government Gazette H for the Union of South zoketo lwake; umsila qmhlqpe namhla -K trf MBFLLE.— At Stanqon Street, Kim.] tntlanganiso ye PwreB.-l’aW ^ M l Africa. wr^. nguwo ohlunguzelit* >nj», nelim lisoj “ ‘ ■ r f e B d ■ better, oo December 22, tqtj. of ngelwe linqwitl esimaiuutnnW': WWl ilqbolfe MOnO*eb* Thomu Smant 00 Mnumana fa trick le, beloved child of Iniah ngenxa yonuebeml we PondQWte nmrpl: Dunn, M.La-, Uungu lue Fordshorg and Maria Mbelle, aged I I 1 Nearly every Post from North, South, East and West hull awabiko pintil kferapenibel?lo »• llyekwenza inKf« (il'angarlnreai e Ho. Suffer. Halt iH U m it come «*« taulo olugxwem) kuyatandabuzeka uljuhi ______T —, Iwenl enkulu/jalapa Kimblll ojotfthU t6, o !6Uwe nfcBehtmba ng.-ziralnl. Lerandlel* yiyekenl, nqum»n«»ni qe*V kvemlyfb a/akutl n« Mn .nuana H. A brings fresh Subscribers. Write for particular* to huyo. Nifup uhulunp n>lgnlOK'r

STRIKE NEWS. found itself minus a fireman: on On Snnday^ihe Iraiw to ^ ^ 'u n i s Uitje m tiln bol'.iHng* MOLAO OA NTOA Sunday night. A stores clerk—ffOm Bloemfontein wore being' ran b f Siding, had to be built Capetown—happened to be * ‘ Kimberley. Among other menfljett ^"wert,.*CHully awaiting wedion. [KIMBERLEY "STAR/I and volunteered for tho job. of tbe staff, there was coosiderulti * L rP thoaght that thoso tmiidings All Quiet at Kimberley. talk of this consent to " blackleg " w 3ld Kaye been done dopaijmeot- — JM JtT flS . Tuesday. Last night it was expected there wort—is it was caned^anJi.^eif w and. the masons instead of be- >-•*- would be some attempt at " devel tbe request that local pen sB^idJ j^'V^trefiebe^ emplpj-eJ on them. •*' The Grst train despatched from oproeot" in tbe local yards. But perform such duty was staled Wife HtjwovW,; i| is rumoured that short- * T a Tm t / T E C fjU n .- A t Vierfontein, Braamfontcin, ,00 Friday morning, all was quiet and mysterious. Quite straining the loyalty of otherwm V ^ j t f ^W e rnen had received ' L 4 B '- Christmas Day,. 25th says a "S.A. News" special eorres ' a batch of the local police seemed lo pcacefufiy disposed men. M m it u m i^ December, 1913, the wife of Mr. pondcnt, was a freight train bound for liave taken a fancy lo tho Rtatior Genend de\ Wet was at Germispjn 'aeoiwlbat the bui.ci,ig or buildngs * Smata m i Lechui, of a son. the West Rand, despatched at about precincts as a place to tako thi on Saturday, taking various dii/po- w^frni^isiding Bhould bo erected by - '- torn ta H fth e n » ]i It met with a serious accj- fresh air. It was also noticcabh sitions of thi Burgher forces poor- lender;;which 1 believe i< at present M $ H ‘SIO A .-A t Vierfontein, m /A m u a t dcnt soon after leaving tho station. that some of the higher official?, ing in.to protect the Rand: (ietieraj don^ ^'Ttere ' is^^ - something•' mrttt i t GtdOnt ta S, on ' Saturday, 27th De­ According to tho official explana­ wore a studiously insouciant air “Botha’s '• ‘ son *was ...... in command O^js ^\c< 4 h )r ,in4:'deep abpttt' thii.' '' - cember. 1913, the wife of Mr- P- Still the night wore off peacefully QmtTT&wruU It M tli tion the train jumped the safety . J g S mon,.brin8 Montsioa, (formerley of Potchef- Tho Transvaal train came in a gooc' FederaHen ef Trade* Meeting. *7 ; ? Stftm ta Sittk AfrOta. [ points connecting the main Kno with stroom), of asoq. Jj the dead end siding. Tbe train was bit late. The General Council of the^ffpre, ...... held a very full" njeeting at 'lne running at a.good speed at tho time Tbo aUcmpt to blow up the bridg* & Monday, Mr.. Madeloy, U.LA., Trades Hall, Johannesburg, on ^af-' \I 7ANlteD.—At once for this and crashed into the “cul de sac” at Fourteen Streams had led t< the following: telegnim to tbe buffers with such force as to tear urday evening, when the following RBKA go lebany “ I Qffice a tyews Compositor. saddling of tho steed in hot hash jJofiannesbiirg headquarters: - , them from tbe ground. The engine 1 resolutions were unanimously adopt­ ditshireleco tse, i faphe- Must be a total abstainer. Apply, by some members of tho SA J .R •“ 'Slatement.jailwaymen, at . Capo TH E EDITOR, "Tsala ea Ba­ pitched into tho earth at an angle of They were despatched northwards t ed: likE e* , go kganela .hmhiego refused td partidpato in strilre un- - tho,"tlbxi43, Kimberler. 45 degrees or thereabouts, and lay That this Federation oxpresse* m mo teng, le * babalela guard ccrtain sections of tbe Knc I S 5; .^en •*•■■■« right.-Lenders. with her lender in the air, while:two as it was feared that the sapper 0! the utmost indignation at the dfo molad le polokego oorafe mo y. Federation taking pvor freight cars immediately following Sunday night might fed disposed graceful treatment generally accord­ oufelong raangoe j ed tbe workers when socking- re. Wm' to-night. Will follow:>. . yoqr. the locomotive was telescoped. The to repeat his performance some fcad' immediately*.. Gross libel to. remaining cars were undamaged. where else along tbe line. dress for tbeir grievances, also.al BREKA ele fc’Ufcjetto iS ala ea ffiatbo. unwarrantable and tyrannical con- can Capo]men,weak. Public meet­ oa Bogosile bal :»'bailor*- Happily tho driver and the fireman No Strike at Kimberley as yet ing 5,000 yesterday cnthusistk reso- of the ongine are unhurt Their ®s- dud of the Government in ruthlessly go babalela mo A rumour was current in town to­ Itftidn- passed condemning i;6qvern-. i polokego KIMBERLEY, JAN.17, 191*4. capo was wonderful, and it was al­ trampling under footh .tho.inhorej)! ea morafe lefa e day, that a.batch of 20 men had iMnf, demand release leaders/; - and > ka tsela together fortunate that the train was rights of tho people to free opinion, tie, le go tsa dikgato go struck at Kimberley. So far a;' stoppage of further retrenchment" of the freight variety. The mishap free speech, and free assembly, and „ . . . kganela dikhuduej THEiCQLORED MAN'S CHANCE. wo have been able to ascertain trenchment at Ultenhap. is officially described as a pure ac­ there is no truth in this rumour jus. and in, without reason, arresting and w kgoa e sa'Baakai ■ n imprisoning without trial, the recog- the “ Loco- Woks *’here- oa ^ec. molao 00 Jcoadi! IF ever the coloured man cident _ - at present We understand that a [ Mefaele Lijer news was received of thr^er aised spokesmen of organised la­ 1.1, fifteen 'lemporary" :tatda was iuolao oa gale, number of tbe running staff belt wished to demonstrate his other accidents to trains maimed by bour." . ■•A,v^ ald off, say# . the • "Urtmhaga. jaana ke t an informal meeting this morning, a: loyalty, now is his chance. non-strikers. If is stated that the That this Federation .expresses fimcs." One of these "tempbrttyV* _e ba ba a_ which no definite decision was conn mon ,has we underetand; three years To-day the Government damage caused in railway 'Vcci- lo. hdt a demand was expressed tha' itself in favour of a general strike gothusaGot sjrnco tp his credit. Several men finds its-hands pretty full denU" to-day amounts to about another general meeting should Ik support of the Railway and Bar­ 0 di dirisanj 25 000 bour Servants' demands." a w ' under order? for 'transfer to oka go £ , . The'strikers allege that called to deddo Ibe qpestioa:-ti with the demands of the ;-,“,Ihat a ballot of all the affiliated otW depots. ThrW: employees of di ntsl the East Rand accidents were due strike or not lo strike?-*1 k“ ■"’ *t white workers; and the unions bo taken for or ag­ thtf Stores Department, naively H. F. " etse di it to the drirers being men who do not Among the passengers by IK Defence Force, which, we ainst a strike, 4, ballot to be con- Maguire, A. P.^laguire and W.Palm, ba faphegilei know the line or do not understand train which left Park Station fo, duded by Tuesday night" wlB-are on the Cape Fixed EsUb- -• ke t k were told hy_;ts members, engines, while the misreading Kimberley shortly | befor^ noop ol C res well Apdnit Strike. .isnment and hate over. 1? year* iragatia was called into being by of signals is said to be the cause of Saturday, were Messrs. Francis Oak The "Sunday Post" stated that at service each to their credit, have ~balelang the existence of the native tho Braamfontcin smash.- A goods ind G. W. Compton. private meeting of tho Parliamen- boen given six wceks nccoe, that tshelot train with a number of coal thicks menace, is actively operat­ The Rand leaders of the strikers, lary Section of the Labour Party, tbeir services will be.V> W e r re- kgono k( immediately behind the tender had ing against white men. We who are how in gaol have been ar held on Saturday, Mr. Creswoll dc- T^ed. We understand that in tbe , rang kafa started out from Braamfontcin goods know that the Native and yard for Zoerasl. The line turns restod under the Peace Preservatioi iverod a strong speech, in wju'ch bn ovcnt of the, threp.-. employees Mme cr< Vet of 1902, which provides that i Jeprccatrd a general strike as falal eni&neratod being.gotjriiof, it wjil ditaelo dipe t Coloured people have real sharply lo tho loft soon after leaving person may be detained for a term ,DeK.n« ^ MrT to -.engage ojhem jn 1, lefaele ditopi and substantial grievances, Braamfontcin station and jojiH the to. the true interests of the workers. main line at a point probably not exceeding 21 days. It is no Mr. "Creswell was- stated..to haw tlyto'stetf, -Thpaft .«#{«* .were tak.'' no matluog because to satisfy the iioccssary to levy a charge. Ai en tip1 by,- U». Amalaamaled SHaiti ’ ba ikopj quarter of a mile distant. 11' was rccommcndol that the Goyemroaot clarnours of the forces that near tho point that tho dis*stenoc. of that time the detained should be approached t> batho lei !>erson may bo released., or a charge mebi aire-lnow ajraved against currod. Tho driver who hails from ilon ’wilh a-A'ievir-'Ut an- ' ” .tji^/'authpntics, the Go­ Mafeking, mistook, it i* alleged,.the must be formulated in the ordinary justmsqt: of r;iilwayme^4,3g^gy; pontsha ___ Wd®. «ODC Way. Bail has to be applied:/?; baseka vernment had often been main lino signal for his own. . TJic anees, batdUSrvitlour^ tastsi^oe >thi)M kokoano tee it'the Supreme Court fttffitw Year. It Is fdt that the s " d i otseflL Mefaele'RO ‘fh® forced to “ rob Peter to signals are closo to each other.’ The doniod. main line signal was off Attempted Arrest ef'Bala • =*! . It was repotlod on Sunday after; ■rfen should have ^tebn girtin tixn# ; tiro dipe' iattHanortg,' pay Paul," so that much nolao, «;aela.j?atfio main line train and the other signal The story of Iho attoapted . arrest poonthat the gien o( .Mafeking wjio cohsideralion and Woretimdto lobfr • botlhe _ oile b» scoa that was,du?to the colour- was at danger, so itis^]iega£||lfjBil of Mr. j. T. Bain, was ooe bf the cime_out oa stakoon Sunday.morn- rotmd for further eraplcftro^rit, ns tbe' ■ miiority t-balano1 . 1 ts«o 4cg«po. ed'workqr Wd bi?en hand­ is dear, however, is that the points sensational incidents of Saturday. lagt. returned to' work during the at; f^miliefs depenrf««t;iip , 1 kgbho khudftego the Government against The first whispers of the spread porters to help him to defy the law. afternoon. They wore very ordorl day, afternoon',' ft piAet of threot - tetefcflj tbe public road'which leads • lie gobi igsfa,idl.Ji»pi>atla- Ag, consequences; of- such of tho strike to the Salt Hirer Works the fact that he did avoid the dutch and the spet^^rjjj igpd^'j ladioa k ' ka/KO jt f if frng faction >al tho Trules Hall and fn adopfoi? as .thoso. passedT, ‘ Defence otloab , VJ, „ 'jbolaoa hope the1 latte*1 will now though the slriko there was bti!^ jdwur circles gonprally. It was-at a Trades Conn^ moeting.p^'Sijttipj. . bnil of;: C : partial, and confined to irrospon meeting in the rnoming at Braam- coning.’ No policcmaa, detective leno;di,beoafaOase favour when the smoke of tho Captown Railway meet]j Bain, speaking lal.or in the day U THURSDAY clthef a stick w • a.'*^Wn. Tho ing against a strike. <1 Molaa Ntoa, jaka “Martial has cleared apd order] is a " Sunday Timos " nun. said he re Strikers Trt'Ptey." IWee' men went dired to Ihe charge At Bloemfontehi. Law itsege, a dirisioa kf again restored. Let :no plied to the officers: " Have a little The (RHiniston strike committee. off!oe, and laid a Charge of assault badhabai baga Mohumagadi. Thore were all sorts of tale.*- sense, for Heavon's sako,"—referring anahgcJ a cricket match and sports against the patro'.. v r. . , coloured man he instigated No Orink for Some'Time. : - * . by the persuasive qualities about what was liappening at B!oem to the ugly demonstration which was- Tor the children, which took place fontein, and it seemed pretty cer­ likely if tho crowd became aroused. 1 ' Resident Magistrate of-Jo- MODI MO BOLOKA of our arch-enemy, the Monday imirni.ig and afternoon. 0^ tain that the situation there was As he said that, a body of’Dulch the local ground. A band was •hlnnesburg has- issual * ftiriher- o r-. ! KGOSI! * * lily-white Labourite (to somewhat acute. The Bloemfontein men, mostly bearded, surrounded attendance. A la.!io«' .coimuitU'e con­ det with' regard to the sale Of liquor . ,: Wiich supersede* tbe Order, to dose j join the strike, wow we train arrived in Kimberley yoster- him, and backed by Britishers, they sisting of wives and rcalivc.i E ntsfecoe ka' 's'anft le (lav, alright but it was guarded by clamoured to know .prodsely what jtrikors, has boon formed lo deal i ll; bars, hotels, boUle stores..apd understand why at (ts clut* until Tuesday. The new order Cekano w segolo M -Unione. ea recent Conference at Pre­ at least sji members of the’ IX' Mr. Bain was wanted for. Mr. Bain with cases of distress, fonco t'orco, fully equipped as for eventually siud to tho police, " You iMoed Monday, was that a^.llccose>l South Africa. ’Pretoria, ka '.tiatsi thanks Extended to Striker: toria the Labour Party a forlorn bopo chargo. Two were can find me al my office at about The organising officor nf. (lie Pre; (iwrniscs would bo daiel onlil fur- • jeso ja to 14 ja Fcrikgong, I914. threw out a sop in the on the engine, two in the guard's twelve o'clock/' and thereupon thci toria l*ublic Service S|icrial Con- Ib6r notice. Johanroslmrg and the ... shape of a resolution to van, and two more throughout the huge crowd, cheering tremendou Jy fables Corps! Mr. J. M. Trevor,, IWtf- wiil go thirstyuntii.Uie trouble • ts:«lVer. • — „• x r.u f GLADSTGfe, open their membership to train, As passengers on tho train, anil keeping hint light in their twist dcr to-day's date, writes t> tho Ad- Collision between Sifters and See- Molaodi*Golo colored people. There iS there wore two of the Bloemfontein moved off for the dty and the ing Secretary of (ho Amalgamated strikers—come presumably, with Trades Hall An arrival from the " r . clal*. .- 'it'., - ■ xrji»r • nothing in it. Presumably! Society* of Railways and Harbour faelo ea Tau-e'Tona-Mo- vjow to making the railway men of Rand states that tho police drew Servants: "I havo the honourto /Thire was a cerlaiu amount of. it i? a paper admission Kjmbprlpy spo the other side of their revolvers to awe tho crowd, fi|hting between tho special^ con- odi-Golo-mo-Kgofla. requosl you to convey to the mom- penned \0* the puposei ofj tho case, Apparently, however, the but that tho weapons were here of tho Strike Committee my strflps and some strUocs in 'tlie ‘ ‘ this strike. SticK to the Railway Authorities here do not from tho guardians of tbe law. gratitude and sincere tha iks for tlw tteJgh^our of tho Hotel Melropole, LOUIS BOTHA. think that tho present is at all a I’wtoria, on Unnday. This disorder: . .• Government might apd Can Poutim* be Deported? senses rendered by them in «$>’ Tlhogo ea.iyiptjj.lio suitable time for debating tho prin- Tbe question has arison as to ing to prosono order last mght", wa»: Suppressed, but tlio disturbance, ■*' mjnys -had to bo firmly handled. main! npf«»s pf a strike, And tho Blocm whether any of tho mon under ar- Ganger Makes DynamltarJs Bolt-,,. fontein visitors jrere given to under- can bo doportod without a A ganger of tho Railway report^,'i’ W w i'«as no resort to weapons, 8t4P.fl thafthcy hau !*c«cr be careful special Bill with retrospective pow luiving scon four whito men at Birr tile Special constables are not arm- pa toa ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Ditreke tse Molao fa their selection of a debating hall. era bdng passed by Parliament and chley, a small sVition lirhvew Oi-Olherwiee than with a big stick,, otacg mo go cone WE wish to acknowledge Ccrtainiy, jf (t>«£ aUemplH to use it is understood that tho Immigra Kaalfonlein and Zuurfontei 1.. Thfl thoso Cxcepted who have lo gua/d lion Act provides that only those 01 Mjii^tors' houses, and are . given with thanks the rec“ipt of any of the Railway proni*^ for ran olf. The ganger fmmf S tk« T i' a beautiful wall almanac such a puiposo, they Toqld find non-British birth. Who hive - dynami! dynunile ,UU M Prournsi ca Tra thomsolves in troubk conv|cte4 for spedfic offencos ia at'achcd. — r of ‘j IzWe Lakiti ’’ fr6m the three mon sku.ki.ig about tlio prem­ f The incident of |lie capinre of the their qwq cqtmtrfes can be so de Retrenchmenh at Kro:rjtaai^.i olip nws urf. Ebenezer Press Dundee, Bloemfontein Station-masler by the ported ty)dor lijfi Immigration Ad It can safely be sai J lint the,fttiU ises; The "excuse giyetf fiy these ‘ jfctoria. 1 .thatf they bolongel to tho Cl.tt Natal. We were scarcely wives of the strikers there was very Consequently, the deportation of any way Dopqtalent g0j.i a mystirloO* ■ksburir. 1 f <,Irtr wasfnol acc'e'ptiyl as licing good on- much magnified, and adorned with ot the men who have caused'the way Iheir labours lo jiar'ofin,. s(ip ' elbu aware that this missionary onfiroti'd they wore being hurried fCrugcrs dorp - .. incidents tor which a knowledge, on present trouble would depend oc ire tho mochai:i- aid lalwuftfj^ press was able/to turn out the ability, of the polio© to trace itihdrgc Office, wlien, fortun- .. Jydi^nburg larbcrtdn such artistic /printing for tlio part of the. meonlcurs, of that spare those enjoying fat saiarios, lo them convictions under the codes and so call It rolreachmont. sap the alo’.r, Sir TTiomss Watt was met troline'. l-itcli r,--\ 10m. which. merchants usually hustling official’s personality, W1S willj and identllod them. doubt responsible, U eertajnjy of tho country from which they 'Kroonstad Tliups.M.. F'‘ ' “;"J *a * ...... f Heidel send oversea. I Long Live .would add to the gaiety of nations carpo—Gfinvjclions for inch crimes sovo o'y foil tho Depai " Iz#e Lakiti,J” the cheap­ u todjtion, or ftcjilbg to public Ing knl.'o. i 1 tbo shape I *:;a H- to sco an adiposo station-mastor SlEGEjDN THUfiSlUi'.' ; Prtmensi ea t-eisdMat <■ est j$tive paper in South carried shoulder high by a batch of violenco-ond ovon then, it is doubt­ carpoato.s.. masons, ful whether men of British birth, femalos, but, unfortunately that pic­ ufc., and for • its si; lUs'a'tertioTi, fron^ p'-iit • Africa.! ’ j men bora In Eigtllnd or Scotland Vredefort. ft- *HeMbiw.« turesque i>menl seems to have more sovcre'.y tlian aVy' i nligo ororlooliag the Small' We also have to acknow- could bo sent back from tW« own- beflp a'figment of som?body's im­ rr, t?ie jj»|re!orit Chamber pf r paice witK.s hue of pojoi, From iPfintnft Works,publishers »og D?r the deporta 1 1 of distnrb- " ' .rsfiuisjj>' of the “ Victoria West capital Officially, there was go i n ­ wbcii th^ re'rencbme^ sc — floor .windows.pf the stantiation for that rumour. ore of l&wscd retrospec­ fod ..quoted.. ltccenfgt ;] Durban. ' Messenger/’ for which we tive 'pOwors; nod: i n »i b* k j j; •A'tijw . herihbonod men Fits should find Blomfoutinv ou. ■ al) iii’^C.raehi ■* “ I'fta the sills awl view-, foanda, Campcrdown. iu all probability, i Jird to its eons'.y re'renched (dit return thanks. happy hunting grou.i:l just now. surroundings -ijj % casual * •• C yk podi tniq for Bloemfontein retrespedive power*, ^acwunt ol *liort»|( 1SALA EA BATHO, JANUARY ir. tali B»lf a down hor»w, and about Al. :> nresent it is i A priraU Ulegnm retired la Kta- twenty m«n in uniform were tbe Strike Day by Day. b*rl*y yeaterday morning atatad that to!e occupants of. Small Street, and th* mechanic* war* on atrik* at .by-the: St^dor'e*' strike, because Premier Mine, Tran»»aal. tbey were tanging about under a tbs crews: of slips being unloaded INCIDENTS OF THE CAMPAIGN. verandah oot of tbe blsring ion. are themsdres tacking th*i steve­ Harry Millar, a Pretoria atrik* I two red Baft projecting from tbe dore work, assisted by a lew tnkwr and Social 1 at orator, waa arretted yes­ windows of tbe Trades Hall hung ed stevedores who have remained terday afternoon by tb* C.I.D., and IFANDESI! lazily from their pole*., Tbe Trades lOyaL It, is admitted, howwver, tha) lodged in gaol. HaS sentries dnarmed, so far as the work may be retarded kterpo. ooold be obeerved, wen standing There waa a gathering o( tbe col th* Secretary aad tbe I tecutira oa tbe walls at tin bark of tbe cored storedores on the Parade, this of the Amalgamated Society of tngineera IFANDISI EL1KUIU LIQALA nge boHdings, while in tbe streets, par- morning, K tbe number of 700 or *t* arretted in the Standard A read*. NJtMIUNJE ■ ties of typioal Boers could bo seen 8OO1.1 .. 1 the centre of Johanneabirg. matching about, contrasting strange­ Accepting suggestions to go to. ly with tbe more orthodox uniform tbe Tradaa Hall, they were there ad­ Uood* triiai were ran to Kltrk*l#rj, I. Koper, Labour candidate lor _ of tbe policemen, tfdmeted beads B»nd(n>it»in, V«rMsi|1o(, B*l(osr, 0«r- Prorincial Council for tha Johannesburg dressed, by Mr. Madefcy, who said dieiiion, haa tan arre*:eti Tha police 17th Jan* 1914, could aba be seta in several yanL mMton, ■nd Vitjoeaidrift. that a tboogh they were noo n numta of bnrgtwr troopa at 7o- behind tbe wholesale boo** border­ men, tlflir strike belied the c hanneaburg hate rounded up all aWSera ing on the Trades BalL TVratj-thre* m»n ef th* Sooth AM- He suggested they should go home ib Corpt left for th* Tr»m within eight an<1 jrougrT ‘.herj In fr.'o KWA Tbe preparation id tbe streets bad and after returning to tbe Pktade, b j lwt Bi|ht‘« trala. of th* Magiatrata'a o«ce, whara they ar evidently been noticed by the strik­ the crowd dispersed. being tearched for arma and dynamic*. ers at tbe windows. r«pftowB rBiWrtjmea oa rtrike It ii not anticipated by th* Tmtnr. that th* atrika will hate any immediate Soon after one o’clock, sharp . H.LA. “ RUH IS.” BBdfntooJ to hire takes their afain at «r tha haadi ol Mr. U M iy . perreptibl* elect on th* retenu*. Wh*t- military words of command began to « wanted for the etrike outlay will Z1TTEL & CO .Or. Ha^ar rushed tbe entrance to ring oot, and reinforcements of pol­ I b coatrait to W«da«daj. whan Salt rertd by the Indemnity Bill that ios began to mass in tbe vicinity the Docks this morning ia a motor R im ora left work, laat arraiBf there alwaya haa to ba paaaed iu connection tmve'fiaf ,-at a good speed. Tbe of tbe befesgtwred garrison, while •a* «ot t^» •liflMut drnoiutratmn. Ngamanani apantsi: a toretve-poondcr field gun was plac­ pooce Officer commandeering a cab, ed "in positioh in CommisjfJoet followed, and met Dr. Haggar's KilmnWnry hu held a larf» p% ■wtiBf. aad pawed a re*olutioa inp- l-Lokwe, BUozi, FzanKapinUl Zuuieaekizl, Heope Street, pointing up at tho window* motor .retaining from tbe vicinity portinf thf r>o»»rno»nt, aod oferin* ib tbe country dietri Zamanenekazi, he rape ZokilaU, Ikisd Naomklsi. of the Trades Ha3, nith a pile ol of the Mail Boat. The offioer stop­ ped tha refaide in which he proceed­ prartiral awiataar*. uiilee of KimWrley that t I-Vesifi Zaaaienckazi ZiqaleU 3d. sinyute. Zi- ammunition lying' on the ground ot the oity can hate nu cor ed to convey Dr. Hwggar to WaJe ite brtfklajeri hate not foai tshipile kanyc, *Wor to tbe parley outside the Streel.PoSoe Station. There Dr. r t aa reportfd The Swretarj their command, and tl Haggsr was cautioned that if be that bo replj * u reeetted from •hlch their canpaijn EZAMADODA: windows of the building, a party Th* burgher rummandoe* of foot po'Jce ruahsd the-Florence again entered tbe docks are* without pennitsioa, be would be Kable to . » l»r*e l-Bbolakwe, Hcmpe Bfaalakwe ZuftptaUI, i-Snll, Hotel causeway al the opposite cor­ TweatrJIee mfn of the Cape_____ bouaand were eeen it Fan Balyi, Indnlubatyi, Izihlingn, Zonke Zitotyiwe. ner of tbe'Hall as if looking for summary arrest Corp* left Capetonn for Johaapealmri imith and Kofyfontt . Bomebody. Ody to retire* moment bj th» SJI traia je^terdar, sader Cap- Malta and other public building* w IM1CAKO ye Flane>i ne Print Ifuoyanwa sisulu spa. *tia St. Let*r. placed at tb*ir di'poaal lor alreping later. “MAFUKUZELA” AT commodation. All th* chief road* Up Commissioner Street a strong From Pretoria, traina ran to Wit- patrolled. On Wednesday night IU men ZITTEL 4 CO fort* of pWn clothes men assembled THE STORM CENTRE. t« k . Raitrab*rf. Pieteraborf, UrMiaa, left JagerafonUm lor Bloemionte c outside the " hotel. After the Watorrat Soren. aad JahanoMbsrf. A Th* burghara are onder their old ec number of |oodi aad real traia* (are mandanta, and the aceoe* at the renlre* D utoitstian H oad parley already 7 reported, Major Hfah witlr at Ofrmiaton. rent of war time. It waa DonglM and his staff went round The Mine Natives. noticed that a number of Britiah are ^ I m BERLEK to the Small Street entrance of the The hfadqaarttra of tha Dafeere noti­ 1 the comraanitoea. and at Kolyfontein Hall and It'appeared’ as though tbo fy that the arreat waa rfftfted ;eat»r. 1 interesting incident occurred. Two strike leader# antf their pickets were L E A D E R S ’ A SSU RA N CE. day morninj nf Campbell, Latork. aad en-«ne an Englishmen, and the other Crairkahank. atrika Iradara in tk« Boer—who knew each other well, and TRANSVAAL ready to surrender without resist Replying to a question to-day, Oranja Free State. fought on dilerent aide* in the late war. Mherefere ko Jogers- ance. .Col Truter then joined the Mr. Pritchard, Director o f Native •er* recalling old time*, and the fart :l al JUDGE PRESIDENT AND ■Harking forte, and ahtml 100 plain Labour, said recruiting had not Tb» Capetown City Council, at a maet- rounded th* other in the hand. fontein. clothes miep made ready si various ia« yeaterday, paurd a reeolotion aap- Our informant added that one could native evidence. been'stopped so far. an abused of that idea the b«*ttrr. natia. ka wtaka aeo (aba ga badutgilo a few pWo clothes mbo,wea^:p>de. nashoe, thaka ea lawuma dieflnng ea natives deaired to co-operate hi. Fifty men ef at! eraja. In a court of law the evidenct Jarith .the Government in every Sub-R osa. ihubaka ea cboan **4, a a duelang the fortteW. ■ Wtef ,^-iPWff £* •« •' work at Breamfnatatn. of each man, irrespctive of colour ample of minutes, a police officer poaaiblsway. The members of Otbara ar* coming fn ifVtckly, babereki ba ithun ta an*; ba tbaha of his skin, must be carefully kageldo be photia mo aekaatau. Ka- appeared at .the main window. *be jtepotation would do all in The ballot of Railvar and IlarWui Onr rulers no longer lielieve in weighed and carifulljr consider- polm ibo a aetae al* pad a ba kpnela hanled down tho red flag anud their power to induce tbe natives Srrraata at Eaat I/indon waa yeatardai inything legislative unless it be ion ' No court of law, conlinutd kaditlhoboto a ba boittia ko ta^ ka’ , Aeerf .fromlthe few onlookers who jfi the mines to remain peace- Kafort cooe di loa ka mbeayioa ea onapteted, and a Hoar ad a maji.riti of a most drastic discription. his Lordship, " takes cognisance dipeke I* diihoban*. fere assembled on balconies in fully in the compounds and no* atrika. Tha poaition ia rn The Cape Administrator has of colour of a man.s skm in tlrely normal, and erarybody ii working eight of ttndmilding. .Tbe.Da«;»W •Hi* themtelres up iff the trouble. published a tall ordinance which considering the evidence «iven- MO TOROFONC. landed -wref-ia a!.kophy..!to 4 bt> Tbe fur.her a^urance was give" Tbe following paajanjar aartira wa> virtually removes con'rol from —" Pretoria News."______G i coga naaaaa * tonana ta loftreUbo inotbe -street, and «md, %. that if protection were afforded on reatarday :-»SJ0 a.m. to Witbunl he Divisional Councils and vests uo - Hum ba tboba mo ■attaag-oHI t «nce, S&men emeiged from the.JaH, against interference and poasibly ligtnfonteu ba lihabtla ka nageog ba ' nd Delifoa Bay. IM to Natal, I.M t in the administrator. Amongst robali mo maieng, bs lahaha gort babc- ’ marching.- into a bayonetted square intimidatioo by wh'te miners, no Mafrklnf, ».M to Ermelo, 1A.S to Pre- other things it provides for a NG0AGA 0 FEDILEI reki ba tla thoba bongo ba tla go ba of polic»: waiting-to rewire trouble need be antidpated, and to ! Cape (ria Foarteea wheel tax of 5s. on each bycicle, tlhaiela. Ba ba dikoioing ba tababela ko ImmedlateJy on their capitulation, provided also an adequate food 'treanul, IIM ^0 Capa aod Fra* State, Paummith., t$s. on each two-wheeled cart ANNA junon* »hafxt»»n« ditefo taa a p4rt)' 0f police went inside the supply were maintained. It to Natal, Sit to Pretoria. Thaka e ex* i rukutlha * ta rrna 800 ind f i tos. per annum on each Iona lo bala TSALA lo utloele kgono 900; babereki botlba mo metl*- HaUIo «earch the premises. Mr. Pritchard a**ured On* handred and tfty member* of rita waggon. This is simply a limi­ B mafoko a Mmuaho. > kigo, I* » ben* ba ta feta 7,000 The minute books: and. sundry deputation that taking tbe situa­ club* in th* Harriamltb di«trlct hart tation on industry and many Ditiro. Kol. Sir ttvid Harrfc, M J-A. 9 other documents found by-the tion over an the mines, the food mobiliaad for the gnardin; of th> latives who could be induced to ar E ka amogclox ka go rome'x utluile tod boko thata. K* maabanyan- aearch- party in the Trades U al supply in hand to-day was suf­ railway tin* and bridgn betw**n Rrthla- buy carts, lo accelerate and faci­ Ijx. Jan eotlhe, kgono *e*emant fa u - — * are faesal* ba timolola motlobo p were taken, over by. , the, pp'.ice. ficient to last for thirty days. Sto aad Van IHeenen. Tb* romcti* Ji. M. kogo -* •••« r° oreana le baWreAi. Ba nalo 1 reapondug rapidly to tha litate their movements, will con­ oolao ko Jagenfontda as gore fa The prisoners, were marched to The Director added that' the call. tend themselves with walking on THB EDITOR. Kgoatlhc a ta n p Mnbotho a taengo* Marshall Square, where it is stated Government were confident that foot or riding horses which are Tula ru Bat Ae. mo iteleng; ebil* go nal* attal* re *e grxlilcng u go cbuiaa tanna ba ba aelang they Will be dealt, with under Mar­ th; railways would cootinoe t i* tanderctood that white bricklayer* not yet taxed. P. O. Boi UJ. atrik* hara bad their demandi can- ditaamane ae M pinng u p Mokebiia. tial Law regulations. working, and that no fear of a KlMSRSLaY. Are ba diriloe ke go bin »s« ilae ere ba »h r age of food existed. led, and a Mi expected to retorn to Their nsiies a^e as work on Hosda|r, bnt they ar* dwirooi nale ngongorego ba ia e Ua pa-.a ba roaa Watsod,’ ft7 Mason. G: Walmsley, The deputation expressed their that ooapetant men among coloured The natives of the Trauskei loferetlbo lo lo aetlboga. pleasure at learning that socb need to buy carts to travel in Makgooa • bolalle hancbo tall It ba If. Wytlv Q- M0*3" 4 H-Hutchinson, bricklayere ahall participate la th* beoe- Tsa Bakoaledi, koenen jo. p rsjoa Makgooa al* ma- J. R. Kretzchmar, J. 1*. Anderson, complete precautions had been 8t* obtained. their undulating country. The J. J. Wars. J. T. Bain, J. C. Wilis- takes to rrotect the natives Free State natives are more pro­ BABEREKIM2SYALO. ■on, and A. Crawford. against themselves, as were Commaadaat Manta and three hon- gressive in that direction, but we exhibited io the prohibition . f red men bar* liean mobili ill not be surprised to hear The remainder of the prisoners aereral day*, and are awaiting order* (Vomlaganjri, " Tnalaoa Ilath >,") Mihomspelo. -Go bolsDoe moaadi were followers-or pickets. theaaleof pearl barley, golden at Vrybirg. Ererytbing ii quiet there. ..1st “ President" Jabavu and mongoe os Ukgoos rap* k" Johau- Tbe strike leaders who were ar­ syrui*. and similar ingredients Th* Farmeii*' Auociation on W*dne*day his Races Congress have passed HOBSXA. neaburg, Phapaaag fa pre f i hrme rested this afternoon have been com- were used in the manufacture night paaaed a atrong resolution aopport- a resolution to the effect that S'tMDyetat mifekontan* Ice gore Mlm Tatmoek o hobi'kw 3 1 mitted to"prison te, 81 days undV of . intoxicating drinks in the ing the Oufernroent in aoppreaaigg dia nothing could be better for the Tualeng «» Batho.1' Re mouhegara fa ntle es gnmp»n».> o tbs lVaCe t’reservalion Ordinance compouwda. On behalf of the well beinc and good Government koala ka ntlha ea go batla keako]nlci bolailos mo tlong boaigo. U eoe ga ef 1908. ’ deputation H was particularly In Johanneaborg yeotarday. thre* of the native population, then a mo ditaaleog ehong mak»n * nret/enc go itae op*, jaanosg oapo'iai a Johan- tesha eteng ba ba nr*Une nyalo ra AMAtOAMATiED. SOCIETY Of urged that it was undesirable er* fined CS. with the option of Ii double tax on such vehicles and neibnrg a nrn'ie dikfang feh : hanr* that *n unnecessary and ostenta­ we are only waiting on the arriv- thaotbe goune go thiotba ke go EMOWKftt day*' hard laboor, for nbttrncting the hare ha hoU^a ka Lekgeoa, ba btrgoa tious display of force should be " '» is their dutjy. Anather .1 of the " Imvo" to hear that latlhega. Re lekile pore rea nyn'e ^■sre Peooaaa. NAMfS OF ARRESTED OFFICIALS made aboot and especially with­ XI*. with tht option of such a meeting (?) was held in re tlhocne gaw gore res Dhobi in the compounds. That wonld tlhocoe ke hone bnrieUan* bs The names of the officials'of the ffiET&Srt?Pritchard Street to di*regard police Kiai WUIIm m u w * b!«».in|t c :r R~H*rir the Msloetaa.—Ka sh'aba thata motWt suggest to the n»tives that the measure and praying Sir Frederic Amalgamated Society of Kngioeer* order* to diaper**. boaba, ke gone ka m«v» re r ng fa Uak ea rona a a thata. Mr. John Government distrusted their de Waal to pass it straight away hatla tbowo mo mmhakei g a who were arrested immediately after Mokerai. ko Nokeog. s losla ebt>« a intentions, whereas the disposi­ njctaeng aeaba gore brnie, be. erile the Trades IM patty are: Town Additional martial law regulationa *et without anv consultation with holo'eloa ke rgoana. Ra ba eleletaa tion of the natives was to warm­ promulgated Aa the "tlaaette" te*tei ,ybody. bo Ua njala ba dira jnng ehi!« re Councillor G. B. Steer (Sscretary) prohibiting th* Poatmaater-Oeneri uhidilego ka bonako. S. Cuthbert, C. Wanlass, G. Waik- ly- reciproote tbe confidence ingatile moea he|a mo«e> **kreitere whic*’ the Government had re­ porta^ telegraphic, and telephonl Re tttaa re itahabs go «\ia n> t hibi er, W: McQuoen. 0. Younjt. •■rial* tranimitting any communiri posed in their loyahy. At one lime we »ere told by matlho a bstbo goon* h*rj re irahetoa McIntosh. A. Metcalfe, J. Taylor, a tkM in code, cypher, or any me**age ml- " Capa Arena’’ *art. '• n»th. his own Dapcr thal Mr. Jabavu re aetae ts st»c j»ka m.-rubi»i 0 t<*- cslajM to further the commlaaion of a lead the "South African Branch * C. McSeil. criminal martial law ofenre. nr preju­ macang boaigo fela motaliegare retang go emm diteresa k-< «: CAPE TOWN STEVE00RES' f* LEADER" MRSAKES dice th* pnbtie aatety. Official commu­ of the Universal Races Congress " tshabn dinoojaue. M»dimo a '«thnaa n ba akanje mathata aba a e; v STRIKE. nication a ar* excepted. Yet the 'atest year book of the In tahidiune le bewli l» Ions ink* buadi le bana hs babereki ba typographical union. Universal Rac*s Congress, under tichi mo Freirt«u. Banns > ' A si tike o! tJokrared stevedores, A Port Eliiabeth telegram itatei that Modimo a aetae a le kopantee ka nralo ■■’! — the heading - Coloured Political e boitahepo. Mmc lo re r»pcMile benksmo metlhsbeng a e n < i employed at Capetown Docks took Nia-UalH Stop ia Falirc. there i* nothing to report there la regarr Associations," rccords only two le dik^oog le metis fela l*a*e place this morning, tho number out ' tb* industrial altaatlon. All the gore le rona re be re taainae re booa such associations in South Africa tlang le tertna. Hstho ha ks 11 being variously estimated IUV' ■ are working aa if nothing was hap- banrana bs junoog o ka bu» Is ene . lag In th* country. Jtamonra that during I9 », viz., the A.P-O. led le booe fela jalo, ba tihals |s c • to 700. , , . • Leader publi«hrd on loa ba loa ihoetas 'me etlare mo r«u T b .: ' U . the local coal (apply ia in danger of by Dr. Abdurahman and the S. A 0 reng 0 ikrtleetaa modim os nyalo 0 • a tlang |e wrena. Goanar* These men are not employed by Thursday. »« fowft pages paper yet Unction are wholly unfounded. It |* Native National Congress hv bo ntk* a go raea are metae a bojolo- ke popasw mo go bone botibe. the Railway and Harbour Depart­ by Sand. and contains tbe follow stated that' a Capa agitator, prehnhlr Rev. J. L. Dube. Did the compil- ment, but by private s'evcdomti Fne ndice signed by the mmagcr Mr. Madeler, l< either ea roat* goto a ntehioa ks a maiha fa arislo 0 ri*!t Part Cllrabeth, ■*r forget his own branch 1 retae a bona lekau je lengoe. Olio, flffli ol whom the Capetown Steve­ •* Notice ix hereby given that the Pula.—E asle ks TiSiat mo rtre. doring Co., employing oOJ, jV to ‘ T n n ro a l Leader" is from this bakaalengoe! Babsdi bs “ Taala" re gakololeog t|he ka mogopolo k*ng m Reddersbsrg—aaba ta k?»n>a brtfldpal one a.1ected. Jhe ldrikcw ‘ ite -a Non-Union jjon.Union House."House.’ ' teuter'a Durban r$rr*ipondent tele­ A Progtessive Meeting.—Sir aeporo—le ko Heilbron. Mo m*fe|tv. nade no formal denwods but st ti • The "Tr*******!“ Transvaal leLeader" tte r pub­ graph* that ai there waa a poaaibilitt t.f ebong mt too s nyalo rona re tlbocoe the train coaeeying the outward Eng'liah Thomas Smsttl. Itlller of Iht nraneng a nsogoe s koos-koniila meeting at the Docks gate tWi m«u- lishes a notice this morning apo- opposilion. ,nd Mr. P.lnck Dun- ke bsroetaana. Modi mo 1 k nts •ail, which left at 7.1* oa Wcdn** lay oooofo ea go re araba. fels. . ing, it wt* steted they dcoml an IraNing fncthe smallness of its b||M. aot getting through, tb* Pri* mtmbtr for Fords- ienrewe of psy to 6s. per day n- c ' t- - L i . k it :a says, is(C tinedue to In State aathoeiHei brought It back ' h<„g srtll tddret, t public meet­ Bs bui bs mafoko to ke bs: atead of fro® **• ^ ^ ^ ^ i K * f - r t that th» workmen, while Maritxbarv. aad the mail, will I* ... _ ing in tbe City H A K “ .bt ',' v' SIMO.f THEPB, , present earned, an eight hoUrs'day.rMJj;^,,-,, they hvdnogrievanc hvd noerievanr*. patched by the Olourenter Ceitle, which m lbes6thlnlt*M.»t which Mr. AARON BAXAOAQ^ fc^rfgy to bs r half- „_(! they . owed gre-ler •tiled y**terday afUrnoon. It ii nnder. H A. Oliver snd olli-r local asse& sate:: rtood that th* mail teat*, departure No. I. Oompound, ti7iklsiV.MlNl.ibiu. V I. rice to the Federation of from Cipftm vfll w Map* t* anlt memben ttlll • !» A Baltfontein Mins, gnat ptfilical night l« eitpeclcd. TS A LA .. EA . BATH O ,. JA N U A R Y .17, . I9M-

r'* Renal© tnoto © ntsl ©a cllio taa kemo, ' ' " ■ «*:.‘ . v-: ..■■ •.} urf t|r Buzudijjnecoalo ea koa teng, Bolosiri, 'Le Dikranse, Disheshe, Koforte tsa tshipi/Paka tsa Mangentlemane\ Hirishe tsa Basadi Selika ee Maledi jalp-jqlo. ' . " ______' . v '1 v.

DftaUbtna tieli chcto 1/*, 1/3, I> 4 ' Dikawbn tiedi kgPccng 1/-, 1/6 _ h » /-

felika e ( b i x a J a jm 1/3.1 fi . 2/-, 2/6,3/-le 8/6.

Ka*miii o acilt«o k oa K ja dipolranyinc dekifka 1/6,<1/9/ 2/*, 2/6 -le l/ll. /* koteng. Nain- 6/6,6/11,8/6,’'9/6 le 10/S. Dikgcle 6/6 to ;nku o o gakvai No. 4230 Hempe oa Niansuka itmog.oo kgabts- Dihntse' tsa Basadi tse di Kgabisicoeng jaka moaechowicho 2/8 0 A 2/11 16/6 sa leBcngoe e lo ngoe fela. Jfela. i8s. 6d. to 42s,

Koala re tla go romela Koalo lo Ditlhoatlhoa lo lo nang le dichoancho. Re Ntsha Di Trading{Stamps. ABE R DEIN & BUTT 'H um id street, iloevfoiteii. K, Holler, c a p e t o w n :

Baliereki Botlla ba ba Eatlang Tiro mo Dikopon# T»eo ba PIANOS J.iflloR eo Bctsi Agerftem Cone': T*r. I - 8. GLOVER, Lobatsi Habauqoe ba ka ka ea lela Icon Dihekeng tsa Dikompo- 111 mo Kijiiberley le tseacoimfield, Maina a Metlha- t$islo l$ip\Metecnere botlhe'ke a {

^•gassszr1.}*-^ ssssasjw—" j i iin n |ui. u[i« ti«i in’, liiiij Floor Compound | B. GALLOW No. 2. Corapoand > P. W aldejc LllU. ~ PI11CS, CIC1B8, W iliTO To tlts, _ Floor CompoundJ o“i”i'spm,: w ^ a s - } «• *• ««» BTOHAKFS, IlS ltiL 1MH1.1M5 Weudton: Mine Compound | Flo * Compound | J. SWANSON Surface Compound > }. SWANSON , 7 -■ Floor Compound J V ■ - Workshops: Compound | STlDD PlATT R. M iillet's eras, 1 mms, iisn isi iniM iHM t. Central vuirnli < bull Ink-VinlMN StatioH Compound | W. J. RATTHAK n lima I MM, ; C a w T n n . U tlaffco ujlanlse fa[ dilo’ cctlhe (se u ka di senka ko tlung e e sa bolsng go tlhomama; e,

Sektmg ditto tsa I011& eotliii

Ditinkane, Hatlole, Dikoadl, Dlptuk,

Dljolo, dl eramaiono. Bt tla g o n n lt

Kataloeo e « diehoandio. • T e '

R. "MULLER,__ HUo 11 Ii tug mtlo i Kap* etthe,

^ t n i t o TSE ill SA EEKG GOPE IJ TL . . v E BONA MO GA. [$ffl.AWS; WrOITSPAN ROAD.

?a 8 ife4 Mashoojc a Jgfceflf Tlhako tsa Kacpi tsa Hold '«**«=■ ? « O tu di FLURUA

:u tsa Mekgabo jalo-jalo. . n a v

t s a l a e a b a t h o , J a n u a r y 17, 19)4.

Kafore. Ba bantse ba nna ba f Mafokonyana. salasala ke batgoctsi, ere ba• litlha mo ditcishrneng tse dingoe jaka bo Klcrksdoip le Brcyton, Roodepoort— Ka weke ea ntiha mcngala e rune bo karta gore le ca 1914 mon# metlobo e bolaile bone ba ngaloge, tcrene e tiamae bancho bale 1 MDLBMb 0 o G a is a n g ka bakgoctsi fela e sena karta. Ko Kapa gono go iketliloe ebile DlKGOL,OKOANE TSE. DI ba koaletse Goromente botlhe Losbekedi.— Pina ka ntlha CO Afte KO MOSEJA* gore lefa re ka ne rc nale dingo- eotlhe ngoe fela, ke leuba. Mo nRorego gankc rc tlogcla Goro­ mafelong a mangoe go ruUukile mente mo mashoeng rc tla' sefako se eete ga sena metse sa Mo tnagaeng aie mathau- tsamaisa gore ntoa ea gompieno jenya thata. Ko Bethane lcs..o- sante a mo toropong le ko fclc pelc re itse go'itoka. 1 godi je.lebokete le sentse tsela m^thoko, le >?.o gate lotsa- Erile ka Mantaga babereki ea terena maloba eaba ea tlhola bale 300 ko Gauteng ba bo ba e em« e sa fete. ba ba agileng ikone ko lena- ngaloRa. Terenc tee dintsintsi tsa teng tsa ema stopo, ga sala , dipolaseng, ba go tsama^a tse di cang Kapa Senkgane.— Makgooa a Johan­ lelela gore fa ba nesburg ale mabedi, Robert van fela ka dijnale bakgoctsi ba ko Kapa, makgoatlhc aba a ba der Berg le Johannes Jacobus itsa Bjle-Beans faj Harris, moogqe o bonye kgoedi l&'fitlttela ba nale bolelela gore To ka boela magae- no, mme lo itse gore fa lo kgoe- dileg eomongoe jara dile pedi > tlung ngoe le ba ntse ba rekisa bojaloa mo tsa tercne c tsentse mashole a a 'gakae eseke eba tsilcng go rc hula re ka lo shupc- Komponing. go fodisa maloe- (RANDFONTEIN MINES.) tsa. Kamaanete ga sala go tsa a mantsintsi a a tsa-1 tsamaea tcrcne tseo fela tsa Dipbofi.— Lefora lengoe le loang .ke sebete se * Kapa e e fetang ka Kimberley lc ,L iketleetsa go fofa go Toa Ege- kgoelejfganeng- le mala Fcrtini, jaka e e fetang ka peta go tla koano Kapa ka ero- huduegileng. Bile-Beans Bloemfontein lc Springfontein. pleine. Gape Ra sala go tsamaea terenc di diroa;mono South Afri-. tsa Natala ka bakgcetsi ba conc “Ga Malotlhakana.” ka goqe di tie di lekane ba naaiia lc ba Kapa .ub Blocm- Mr. Chamberlain—Kgosi cna tlholrgo ea rona ga di kake fontcinV Facie tse di kgocdi- esale e emela mctsc oa Birming- tsa lekana le setlharc sepe oang kc ma-Frcisctata fela jaka ham mo Parlemcntcng nynga tere.ie tsa bo Dclakobai, Rustcn- dile.37 jaanong:a flulc. Are 0 sa maloana mono South burg, Pictersburg lc tsee gofeta ka Breyton os Johannesburg. Mcngala ca ipua Maduo a Siameng, Komponi tse di siameng: Recoana ba .____ „ ___ j; co cnc ele mungoa b tlnisliorao^scbo- tcrtfe^(i:se kgoeleaganyenp le m'okeoetsl oa tcrene gore a b« oa wenkelej"Tsala ’’ e gatisioang ntshc ko Ermdo- Erile tcrcnc e Chaaroa Senile mo go cone, 0 secoe a shule mo lemala a a kooafatseiig, c tsena mo Brcyton, mcngala ca \ u i* . «5g<^ g»uti le. e.bat|oang ,ke motho co c buna RorJ- " fa bakgoctsi ba ka golo^kO'^rc fatan£ »n rudisa le ! usnegtltsa tsliilo ea dijo ^p fS- ba -seba-seta le malMg ke keleco ea conc aiokgoetsi, terena c kgoedioa Anierika.— Le koano MakeooV scmlc fela c chuchuma ka ina- a eme ka dinao; a dira melao e e le itfkanelo e e siameng. polisi mo teng c leba Bethal: gagmetseng gore Makula a seka jPtosading oa mptst Mapolisi a gopotsc go ea Johan­ MADUO: adu a tlhola a tseoim o Amerika'. " leng, ngbafia dc nesburg, erile ba litlha ko Bethil ~ :o :- ba cho^a terena e eme e eniela ___ ^ ngoana oa mose- ruri. Goromente o gakaditse Mexikd-rGo loloc ntoa c c 0 nnanyeng nafoko gape ka go ll»iyi !■ choa- botlhoko ka malatsi ale oiane %^afrr eo 0 felecocng kt r.i bactciedi-pelc ba mengala bo mono. . Batho ba ba :shuleng ba th at! le minogi ka go sc Mr. Poutsma, Sckrctarijeo mugolo i le fela:si, Is. 8a ki stiiH* retetse go balega ka ntata ea silege ga dijo mo malen? oa Konkrasi ea Baitcrcki ba bontsi. Go pegiloeV dlrukutlhi Tsela tsQ molelo, nimogo le d ile /. ' . le ^jbete’ Bile-Bcans kt bjetelcili - pelc ba bnnRos b.i 1 — .. molemo o’ o senang go trarke.'a ba choara a ba katela Dipolitiki— Khudcego Isa En lekartyedioa, go tsidifatss ka tarbnko. Bathogi ba Dimaghini Is. 8d. le 2s. ka shill yelane di feta tsa mono. Mafa- madi le go busa thata c cnc Tiro co e cakaditse patlio bale ratlhatlha a magolo a diriloc kc e latlhegilc ga dina molc- bantsi le,babcrcki ba ^angoe ba ntoaea Home Rule. Manycsc- kane. /)il:golokane dise di bane ba ikacletsc do ema le mane a rata go naca Irclanc Goromente jaanpng baj tlbanogilc itaolo, Prowensi ea Ulstcre e c ntsi tsa. kgolo Bilc-Beans bare Goromente a ntshi* badiri agiloeng ke Manyesemanc- di kile tsa lelcka nialoctsc bao ba lioncbabago'o.l Fa ba sa BA B0RO bogolo ko Belfast—ea gane bare ale mantsia anc a tla ma- rialo Goromente. a booola a choa- ga ba rate ma-Irishe a ba ira shoe.ka moo, he,go katoe ra ba ba bangoc gape.t Ba cboc- dilo tse Maburu a di irang Ma- ka ipaancte l a nale ngaka roc k i molao oa Transcfala 0 0 30in. go 35in.: Hlt-Peni klnch. nyesemarie mono. ietlang gcre motho jno^coe eo 0 mo tlung ngoe lc ngoe, fa cogeltng mmusbo 0 ka latlheloa nale|Bile-Beans. 3 6 l n . : 2s. Basadi.—Makgoeleaganyanc a mo teronkeng .a sa deka. Ke| many 's ko Enyelane a iroa ke molao 00 dlrccoeng Maburu ka basadi ba ba batlang diwouii. ntoa, gompieno 0 befsa Ibeng ba 4 2 i n .: 2 s . 6 ea gagoe. Erile ba mo srla EOLOETSE BO ANAMELA fa fatshe ba fitlheia a. shu'e a KONTRAKA. • _ .LE KO KAPA. komogile thamo le,lec0R0. i M It- — Stnlike.— Di gake’sc ka ntlha TERENE TSE H1NG0 E GA D) eotlhe Ie ko Kapa Iwagi ,.|f» - ^l^lIpLE DI 7SAMAEA. KITSISHO. matlo baJatlhtle ditrofnlr. bae ba botla kokeleco ea madi. babesi ka marotho hane, bft - 0 9 ° Juulucgile k.r bona- Sesemane, kgoedi dile 9, ngadile tiro ko Kapa jaanorg b'n koMi'i Isjtsing a a fctang koninta mo Icguciling cno loe okeledicoe go siame Rape- Rona TJiaka ca lulu reki ba scpc ro c :uno);cle |.'o cu Mclo/j; joa ngoajra »• tla jcle^_N:wr»Jara k.i Goromente ke rona re berekang bosigo.le o lliusn. Mnrcmr :a mongiH! o lieilc motshegarc, re opisioa tlhogo ke caff# 11H) raca bare go khu- ffsioffgo leleka balho ebe ere' cirol »i c i ilyreow:? kRarebc npce e metlhaia ea dikoko ele bene Ka ba ba nis^. ha lelckoa ba bu*c- le Ngwga. eonebasae itseng. mme re fa « k'1 rc n'iwling paloe ca man a dioe^ ipty r- «lit!roni{ Isa bone. neoe sepe. Re choanotse co ira a baamotrcfli b i hi sba le madi a btmc ... y— . - f - . straike sa rona ere urotho a rc Goromente trile kare: “ Ka itse k<> JlcMong Joa njioog-. K i koslela koalo lolo teleletelcle lo Lc ^ u c ilc komisj e c santkc c lomaragraga. fa losa n* W rctsc tlhot hcinisa dingonfiorcgo tsa ma ca fckfera e ntlc. F. lonS.1’- ^are a teleko ea batlio Re nale Magente fco sepe, kgono babadi ba basha. rc khujlo)ka3)on:.ko,cbc ere ba ba tla twajo raang ? Re romc’c pji’o'C lo busetse ko go mungoa lone a c fetang ea babangco ca bab-di, o' Ha se go lo ithm bololda. Lerona ne lia e njj) rOlc b.i busi.dioc mo dit&ouji Gcng jalo re ngala tiro re ire sa rona straike. bo e’c ea p>go. Oapc ko nt!o g\ TSHIRELECONG, MAFEKINQ, felS rollhS. rMashoe a simoloRilc oroloai |noii"o*i w mongrc co o m kajjofcsajiyanc ko Braamfontein GoronTenkaha a r.yatsa arc.ntla fomdoiu mftina a Iwamogcdi Im W>lm HUKUD U.le moStr^igsaOE. Moipolai.— Mte'li'oa I-e'kndiik«mi' fa meitfiaTa $ c fone eotlhe co ga hfdo 10 o tla nmoRcU kon,nta fela i r - 0 itbetae diaptro V* p«r»|ini mono RonH '(sietsf-: p p '5 fa tsat&i lc c tlwcle. Ka lulcnc'jto.lc dncltltn r - - Kimberley a taw roolclo*. S it M y . ^fhckojpea gn .po gole mashoe, hncacajar^gcne ,eIe 506 n'.o .tyosjao Ca « amcifcla asi o dude CHARLES HALL, & I'nicchOTg^jjinopa M balca ka «baka « nj^uga illhc. ; F» *liomc Jiptnc.—Tl*l» c ■ lotlbdo fljn iU ’ausantfc Ko Pretoria cane jeo le dut'.fc rtrtmnr.e lc tw o tla c i«biV 6«ruaiciitefTk«cKa£p ji.tHbo u tla coang • 1 A i W o n i i tlW ise m»-J*p«nc : jalo. Ke«.»eo, be," kute o’ttuor, ,» Muimo n I tuelo dijo kettle « lekctsec sheuec»ta

Uhlala enranpaMa hmgileyo, entle jra ► [ - r - — wai t* . ,„i:a jitj.-c jjp ■. Tiro eotffieie mo pepea^ncng, Ga go teng MttofU. MANENEKAZI,k L \ AIAN iNE NiBANTWANA. Ebtza amana i a age Go theogeloa ka Dttsela tsa Miote, v . * I IPAHLA, ' J _____ V t SHUZI. - . T i 71 ,‘Dingaka lwDitlbare ga di rakoa. , 1 —i cot Sefadbane 'go et Cnllinany le mh»»o ga “ *i FLANELETE, MPAHLA YEKUNXIBA. n tlqoUe'lttlapana. pasela e toaa. -bMujpgi v mr Yizaci ngapandle kvaba { fi abtti to tune iaali knti. ShonUtn sa le rakoa. . - - Niqinjjfle a in—wnna-fPTfth. .«k;, , ± PEIKA „ E D I ‘ Eang ko go A. J FLElSCftER. ii S I ...... co B ; Transfeldt & Co., Lobatst. b E u AGENTEliO MOG0LO 0A PRlEMIERiDIAMOND MINE, KOA TSHIRELECONG EA J f f l l I S W a ((ECHIIANALAND. ' g ~‘ C i OU'TITTpiRS. - W. M.Cuthbert&Co’j f MILLINERS & DRESSMAKERS C Schrueder, LIGHTED, \ I , ■ - BOKSBURG . Mogote oa 1913. ■ &GRMA!13Pity. M|0 SiE|G 11 Th Great South African Boot1 lerelm fe* ATOE p g a iy raogote ca di- Eo MawenKele Mabedi ■... .. i :' G nyaga-nyaga tse di fetan r Fa Hujfung ea Bs ks jfo naea Tlhako] Ue dlsl&neng ks /TlhoaUksa L O U IS C. JO F F E . Le mecofctsi care ga e ese cW 55 0 tss jl i okoooloeoenc. bone aog<*e o o choanang le DE BERRS R AD,\ y m o g ; V Gaufi lc .^teishenc, MOGOTT^oo o ka tsidifadioa Tlkafto taa Babereki go rimolola kt bofda ka \ V *r$ > TBake tu Bant tsa Makgabo go rimolola ka BEGLEY’S E Y eV CURE, 14, New Main Street, llhake to Mtltdi le disbu^ daolok'n . . * mw DICBINCHI B1R1 LE blHOP Qo lebagana le llcreke Makgooa Ilktko Ua Baiimaoe 1* Buitaana tu 8ekolo It Tahipi ka T lw~*tn| r 1 B ill. 'l ?- •: ‘ , 1 ’-ea Presfyterian • i d i okocoloooenj. “ SHU-KU;’ ji Au b e t lile m o lc , S tiJlatnu ii I gjftjjagg; -7—- TSAiGA;------,W Seitapa fdlaras|, TUU k IttWaMt ti M tl 111 It Itu e S e 0 Leke. 0 Bonolo. segela felaa Kafa kelecoeng MRS: DELPOORT, 0 Dirisioa kc Dikgosi te 'B a n li J.*S? “ b<*»- Mo Bihurulsbe MERPIMAN STREET^ M Cuthbert & Co Med, Im* ' m,ng0'? sorogtlang lhaka ea coang mo Djkompo- Fa Wenkele oa gaeno a (Old Ee Beers Reed, k in b u lt) u eng tumcdisioa thata lie ene- sr. Dutoitsian ttoad' Bm talev sena naeo laetsa SHU-KU ana ba gorogela rnoao ba sa coa gae, ba itapolqse ba ese ba kogo Box 133a CapetoTn. ^m cDikon.poEiSBaa* QTlhotlhoa 2/6, ka Pose j/. f rtfoang wilhoaili, ' Wi M . C 0 9 P E B. BA OLE MO JOHANNESBERGE 0 NO TLA tais'ele DIAJi______PAKA kCk£K fc)\ A LLllhA FE, , M9, BANKENG EA RONA. E O T L H I 1« dilo lie.eiarfnj; u (uc k » Mtfikeag le Zieroit k«* Madikoe.) w Banka «t lolcm i-le (pa Poloka ea Ko^uoni 1.1- : i

"... lere t o l 0 Onto le ia* t*ka k 'm leele thata; ebiie o teiw a-ftafi>gile tbata to Sell?' go ba ijetafr-DlTl.HARE.C'A ko leke methnnhd ca bone a e Enale pofoj/elo e edbeeoeng Bancho fela. MTLOKO lotlo go/f* bona me f» k> tibobgo katla, k^ k rp H E wise merchant is thi • -*x'x ‘h / . r v ‘ FIZ ir Cooper’s Green p i l l (Piling e e itaeng go tlbacoa mala) lctlojana I I } m lokotlony»Tia Iwrooa toIq tli lo'bolelelang GOTfiHEbga Baaka«. -A- man who carefully se­ 0 ka rimolola go boloka 5/- (Sheleng Ue tlhano) lefa e!e go f«a mo (da mo lects his Stock and then b.'H & 11a . Pectoral Balsam (Mole.no ua Digot^olt) is . le 2*. :M. botlolo Mmlong jakaorata. \ i \ seeks the best means tb Influenza Mixture [Molimo o».:gditlliacoa ntoli] o o tumifcng Re Uadim 8j, mo lekgolong toaUadisho mo lokoalang loa polokelo, mad iftgo o aane oa bona kafa oiaUng. TELL THE PUBETC o ^ i 00 0 PER," Botlolo o rimolola ka 2i. goea go 10*. Qa re bade polelo pele ge o be tla madi agaga what he has for sale Ho leke ka Moelst bongoe le boogoe jo bo go chocnyang, a ka go tlhaka- nytta mrtbnaho c e aiarooog thata mo Lewenkeleng ja gogoc H E U S E S : Dll! KA TLHOATLOA DI OKOCOLOCOEaG. mecoloniai Banking i Trost Co. el Africa, in , ffiT “ TSALA E l’BAtfO.” Babetli ba 2£our]aii Is 01 Mclemo ea gagoe e Thusa Thata. C im er SIMMOHDS &! MARKET STREETS, ■i A ?i r.o. BoxiiB4. * jQ lia n n d sb u rg : f ------T ...... ' v Ba ba tgileng kg*k*l» ere ba mo'koalela ka Pose ba> ramcle uadi botlolo T i ------f* — — — - tiroefagodi le Sakiripenstfoa Poee fa godittitf ' J l'r ke itain ha Ebile re na le I/eka!a koa lemming Street, BMLORAVIA. J k l S S ___ „ boon juctTLi T BAINES J l ^ “ p'fUa.-, L A L p T S A Botsala jo Jn?i^L.T0OTO W. IV. Cooper, T* tlhegoytla go Uebate- Ko goo iRa-THO*\jASaLEASK & Co., go nale bela mo Wenkelengea g * ^ * S 8 n $ £ g la methale-thale ea dikobo e e/bontle ^bo ese bo ko> bo gagoe go leba Post -Offi .e “ ““•““gdi KABELO: |,H U i G A U B .1 L K'EREKE' HA MAKGOOA, bonoe mo Matloasane. DikomereSfe go tloga ka 5/6 t Steishene. TLHO1VTI H0AHU1, ‘irio ^ IR l go ea £1. 2s. qd." Ga go tlhpatllioa e kalo e kile ea Bo/ STEPHEN M*0 LO* rLHOATLUOA t« feko U* ren W E S T E K T l m b e r l e y neeloa bareki ka moo he rcigo gakolola gore u relie P«o. DUX) di diw

Rr rekiaa Tboto Ua R^KKA fE^A, g i gon^ tm^amii; |e Baiiu. Mciparo coJ'he SEN EiRI o-foy iLewenkciJng/a ka go Segela fela lEAKAi it; di Set, jaka u ratf.' i l ANG lO’itlhopheleng ka losi ino ga simolola ka £2 10s. Baau lc B^aiH lc t a n go, Dilekanyo, Bothata, le- kodi koanatelecoe. Gti letug u a le WALTER, Hi AD^MS TLHAKO tsa di FL U R U £ Nnete fela, .{ago tsieco ew, Orolosl mo s ie g e b4 ?ldI::-.s’ !(^rpo»it« P6«tomoe)l, T LH A K O tse di choeu tse SEILE. tla u tibatebele. 0 * 3 Tsc-DinoholeUe dj khunou tsa Mekgabo jalo-jalo. rX'FONAROV. DUTOITSPi® ROAD.. «»9l^RaW )S»erIeyr- » Cot tbe ka tlhnof lhna^ ditleqg. M o « fi eo kibbeIlcx : ' ...

•fcA* catd n lt f is M • iWnty ■oat io |s (ood acW. M* a far mm, country.—Frorert* ef 1 With which are incorporated : “ Tsala ea Becoani, Kttiberley and " Motsualle oa BaMso,” Johan

* I. i i. i .....— i i ni.' vote$ - N 0 . (56) KIMBERLEY, SATURDAY, FIRIKGONG, JANUARY 21 1914 (Registered «(

the printers found it impoasible to rwaa heart w to the sprits tut W* roint aot oarwlre* to bar* gestion died away, a.id Ihe rei way was clmaJ, and tb* scroti-ioers ea- (Money Goes! get out the publication in English ~ .< are »o» dirise. ■ad. bat * i do *** OOB* thing* a men Hied bad qoirtly to the haJi tbe room t* coOnt 'the vo'es. H »w i and Dutch by the 31st of October, Irttl* tnoro dearly, la th* old day. aea ru tut.Ury gam* of IW } trib»-iu Entrance was llii.i timo co. i ’ed t v k. Pilar, Editor of the " Kim- the date named in the Act." It has patron «■«. tf joe like-ie tU spirit V there wore many Ood*-«a*tno taken nearly three months, as the of tb. old rhief that | i M K hi its h* other* fala*; *ad tbat aoo- men in Ibe employment of the Rail­ E n v iig Star," was a;>poi t- •)luminary the 'ctoar da? report only came to hand recently. * K»nd»nnf«, and *•»• H a boo* Christua paopU bad to ahjar* tha fal*e way Department. Thi* second time ed reUim iij tffl'er, by the scrati.i '■T v 'r f wme at tbe interesting items The Irrigation Department might xl a n*m». irrof JiDf to Ifrir'B tbmk God tbat thi i bad alway* aorahipped of aslint, a mee'.iag tint, though eers. Th<^e lalter were M.-. L r 4 ' th* eye. in .the com- take a leaf ont of De Peers' books. If. witbor it*th aot |IM « ■ rob U>r beior* ther rsald worship the true Ood compantfcely small in number, war- Oolites, who repreiented the Rail­ We do not expect them to be in the trib. of bu rare. Tb#y railed bub god that Joaaa .tne te rereal. Ia tbe eld (airly fepftaantaKve of all frade way ofli'-ials who ar* not members happy position of finding their plant l>Ka 0«d Urr* all ara alike? 1 W r day* S*« .poke-cf f»l*e religioL*. W* ind machinery standing in their •aid BBftiM that Ood ha* ko far- base color to aao'aow that it i* poaaihV o( cmrlrtyces wax necuto-l. of the-^ma'^unateet S»i?«y. Mr. J. ___*y j« expended. rhomaa, who was chosen aa re wnry audit or public ae oooks at £l, but showing them at otuitM. I wonder if that i* tro»* t* epftoriat* a a*t«>OD without appeos \>t s^ain. thiigs we.i: a li. ha|- the full original coat price, without I remeabrr. jn rs a*o. tb*t my oU i*{ it* atteofkut tbrolofy. tbat Chn» ‘uranlly. There was very .iltl* prem ia!!'/* ol the lo a l branch »f * ttrange eccentricities ol lclojical tutor cam* to oor boa iuaity i* tbo. beautiful elder inter al on fn» generally brought tny depreciation, has naturally •peerh mal inc. •• *»* P^i .leJ oul hat So-ioty. aid a pressman who caused a remark by the Auditor- lrirtfn o«r Irrt babj. Wa hardly far* lusa (aally- which baa bat oa. ■a as rhos-wi as a Wort of ba a r'c i often afford food foi bin tiBM to pt hi* coat eg Man «v F*h«r. Wokood »ow tbat io *pit* -Jl tn s few words Ilia: a* IM tii.v s ) _ d p*rhap* some indigna General. It is proposed to revalue ■vei^bt TSe vo'es of both boxts the nominal £ 119,000 worth of storei prodawd oor tr»«»or». Bat I n«*d m ,r*a- dlTtmty o! taat* *ad kr. iwled* nen in the Travrai'. .itI Ihi- Fre. Jot it u not to these cunoui i 1913-14. of that: job Snow—at Irut thov sot baUt aad.f*rli»g. man ue brother- were jumbtsi u;i into nno heap l« Li that the public should iUte we.-e out. it w n th? duly o of joa do «bo ban bad-thnr Sr*t txbr. Ih» a bol* a or id orrr - brdthera wb» 1 'ore the count commenced. r to special attention, but We have kept the most serioua .ather’* naa* io God. bcir Kimberley fellow em.V-y e. matter for the last The Land doctor toot th* little *ie!p Ihem. Tl.i* was twri.eJ »i. Thu balo! showel t'» : a total of jO'tb* serious principles up ■itb i|::the control ol tiunce, thi Bank authorities have got them­ B*t mark. I aald brothers, aot equal. «me t hee y.ic. But other spc iker 229 voles tud been cast ont of a selves into a pretty mesa. On the lid: - Ab. WUk«*l.bj. Brotherhood da**.1 oot i*rolT* e.^o*llt). | of which in the work joo atll (tt mon theolotr cat of tba <>»* child a*)' M w*ll-fTO»u. anothe. ai ed lo see IV ne e. ily for rush ;io-ifible a u o > : ol 373, the tally of n Mr. Gurnpy aa Audi list March, 1913, they had £347,605 mg into a st iV (mm a piue'y set tri way otn.liy.*. in Kimbc:L-y* id to their credit, while £800,000 more tb»n Jnu erar m*n*crd to (rt oat of a*j ard, and *'third a mere b&ba; oa. “ d in which capacity lectum!” It i n i Im m1 among Mpendi- "it has found itself entangled a;u;«al ^iHfultaes. pr.teoioi esu.t was roceiveij ia i c.ice 0 ly position of serious embarrass ; into a real mother'• h««rt. Uat me rwmark was besrd, "Tba:. official year ia aiuly Ihe D. : .U-- before it was ment, all its available funds having motb*r aay faroorrt—'- a tra* .imberey for van.” ErileailT mother'. I mnn. Aak her. ami t ail. eo be oas dilf .'isiog. an is to its abi i ’ ti to- Jkhis amount. Ur. been exhausted, its account in the the; regard bun as tod he.-o's tne vrh? rrjrots tbe absaiic-j bank overdrawn, while the Treasurj ell you that the baa not. i u I Lai ah, : I'ii impressing the ot« all bar ehildreo alike. Wjteb her. freed 'trow the,huit. i a of tK it the lijlitiftg s, i it ain e na urgent liabilities .rawinginto ,.nd the tMUgkt J hi* pea,** *M Uan. itost lit once. •uuro bamfreds of * thousands of I alhalik*; m tn ly out. and whrlhit Cie wmi : a h*U tl a pntewt in entire and reslra.nt I pounds.” The Treasury has con­ S -o*eesea-i. la family *« lira, nine '•tlier p a -e« * -r.- n i .i m» • Tl.et some ui.m aft-C ______4 Briefly put, the :«-t Ui-k t« «'*rk ti pn-t') |m •Is araon$st s few Su*iely rne.i has beta fighting -against sented to suspend its claim for in lealthy, and cleter, aiilai plate is taken bt i„e -putt* < tf’S n.'K ott of tbe Accounting OfB terest payable by the 'I.and Bank. •eak. ailing, and se i.s to t\ In-tlier I Iw ba l-rt aim jlv e l *•**, yV> have charge of the spend- •he lore them *1] ah . .l<-11-: • lal in-in (mm a I oidj^a'ion to the iag of the monies voted by Parlia ly maturidg obligations b< Ju»n her life for an •>< i'*t) j ronmiaad to come out. •ome £ 129,000 to £150,000, "but.' •eat, Mem to think that if they r lor* hath t ia: ti w«s genera ly ta'.a.i at fiinl,; have «ot used all the money esti- iays the Auditor, "as the public riut there i* a «en^ revenue can claim to be an urgent sud t:i aiy caj*. a* far as we n .t ’ 4Mtad lor and voted under one ■take oul. there's uot much liv»jg; ktmilg, they are ait liberty to apply creditor, this practice amounts to IkaM asrpluses to deficits caused by in unauthorised advance to the iirw in Ihe local b'a r. h. Its o(.f- »d*M«tamat*s in other headings, or bank.” What were the different attention, you wi'l lud t. ial» scorned to have let. tha; grea:- lor other jpurpoaes -of which the Ministers who had charge of thit ik and brlpleu child is rse .«'♦ haJ keen thrust upo.i Its in a »i liM l M the department—not Par- iepartment doing to allow this de the mother's heart. She eai c’.cs n i boasanity. looking plorable situation to arise in six hey t-’ ve f.el f.om lltj burden. lament—claims to be the sanction Aild for a single boir r maje.ty and' peiftrlio Anyhow, lliu chwee o' a ;Lik*- l i • inf Mtbority. The Auditor Gen .nonthst -When Parliament meet> I Jill c > the motb«r tact* ol the aori'l ale ■ » l gii es a fiat of the sinners in this it is hoped that the matter will bt tb* oo* a lilies of tbe sorld. its umber.oy lou!»el very r*-iu >te at ilg fit T The Public Works De sifted to the bottom. On looking rest* In less I am u reo. i a.m. this monii i;. We 1. we aitj Mitmaat heads the list witn it the'statement of liabilities and ii*e it a* tbe dirkert thing a tout ■rohal'ly s aie-l theivljy the ri;oura isseta of the Bank, there appears to the Agricultural Depart­ riiet IS one rea«n why that inimitable •sic. their votes, and a i ol iud of inar.ul law. Fur - ment eomes next, with £6,563; the be some foundation for the charge parable of the prodigal mu baa crin v o' ut « it thank tlie l-.* ! it k m are: Asylums, Agricultural, hich has been levied against thi o*t It* charm for you. Is Uod Ilk. BdaH rion.Juitice. Magistrates,and lank: that instead of being a help .bat.’ Or do you oant mr to brliri. Ltad*. The Auditor-General'i re- .» the development of the hud b) :hat H* baa made mnething better ibai. A ta.ly wj c »lltl vtilcl M r b oo the subject a r e P a r t ol Ihe poorer fanner, it has degener* ilimself? Doa't throw bard aords a. syapatbise-a Ood tbat ba> feit tl ■0 Tt' nijht. ^ e ifcder-isBBe (i.e. over expendi- a gigMtic relief system U. j’f- ai-.thrapoaarpbism and tb. likr; ettreaiiy of human angutib. barm* ei ippoinlcd. ol tlio j* were uou existing bonds. The ad ind don't tell me that God i* nut like. trred iota tb* storm and touCiet ol ■ tutwt was provided by other bal id re, ro*c.‘Ui ires o. n mortgage reach the huge I know that Ood H better. Bal God olio is Utilise.t oo* witb th an®* in the hands of the Account­ he local Press. So that .ill pretau ing Offcer—which should not, how ...... two millions and a quarter. iw. tco. that tbe aother woold b No other personality i* larg •rer, have been usgd f6r .the pur rhe amounts advanced /or fencing 1 if tbi* element were takes oot b to gise adequate exrna*ion I ions siioud he ta!.on Jo .e uiyo>» p m *»4 retnaSaier by an over imount tq only £ 171,481; for the, ' heart. Sir Oliver Lodge ba* a*id: the rdigwaa yearnings ct Africa, or t perfectly indi<;iutablc ce.urn. The 4raft on the Pavmaster-’General.' erection of dipping tanks £430; i* aa iotenailcatica of th* higher le an adequate basis for its ind. box was then sea e l in the p.cscnce 2714. It is not pleasant reading. tbat we may infer ia the more advanced ndial aad tribal life. "The lathe Thi* overdraft did not show in the itensileatioa at if the scrulineo.s, and do,)o.ilJd i ’ fayaaater-General’s accounts, "ow­ from WUoa every fomily id heseen an tb* lower lie* behind aad beneath oa.' oa **rth i* named." The 'One 3id *0 t sale in o ie of the Rai.way o.fioes. ing to draft* for a greater sum be Aad again: “ Th* inference or dedoctma tag outstanding" at the time of the Father of aD. Who tt txer *11. an m l b>i wa» o,c e~ yc tei \ AKG01.0 a matibaoo a batho of th* attribute* of Deity, from ogb all, and ia a i." ' Tb* Go ii ? fui t ie bcie.i. n.tlinsi-j t hi t> tk rrk*»g Kgolokoan* audit Of course, in the caae of i NATIVES AND RELIGION. that which w* ran recf-jn-** as Father «f oor lord Jesus fhrist. private individual,, if he has man r • ' al-o are ilu ..Vpnsg " ' ||, . le ;ii.-1 ’ l i i C’ia n M J i Kbibiewtw Ln ga Dr,' ««d to save a few pounds in thi dediKtion it properly carried pul. In. >.rifc>'« household accounts, be woult .... . * VVil iaifls pek. b» ik wo* tnongoe le it i* io clo*e corre.pOMlenre a ilk i ' UF A." .-Oiuiacuccd upfjar to be entitled to spend it ii urthofi of physical aeieocr.* Save been cO'.ill.iQ.'J right throuj i oy'ivpj taNrsau e MHmedsI) mta.- M M bioscope tickets, or a few utterance like that *ncourag.-e m* «rtr* glasses of beer, but the prin Bj Rh. W. C. W ilin g . I i er Klmf. ■o take the parable a little farther. o midni’ h t The Iwx was I j be ■1 !e trbte ea eot^ ■ tilika red ue I* dpi* is i not, one lo be followed ii Tbo rrlljiou* ceremonle* of Africa ar> rb*t mother *b*ll be your Bother {uardod a I through that peri'id by the oase of public money. i* crude *• a child'* 6rit aketeb. Bol !h* moment. Too aball be tb* strong, wo ralway sj.va'ils, oie a Uuiou This concealment of overdrafts ii> bey are attemptid npte-noni of at .talaart ton, or the capable, arll-croi Bravo, K im berley. nan. and the ulr.ioi nw*rd rxpenruc- In a joieail* way. larger outstanding debits is nisi daughter. And th* little belple** oi ■nan. r>r. Willi.ru*’ Med id do C<\, .bey are ootaard. tuible >i|iu of m tne ailiog and th* deicient ooe. shi charged against three other depart MEET ON rjICO AY K GHT, Menu, via., the Forests, Defence, .naard, *p.ritnal (race. In that rain, b* your mother* child. It is earl Evc.7ii.i1g at (lie l.sia Su>K,f’. l»t,«rB. and Higher Education. We ar. naking ceremr uj. I ••cm to *ee an Afri/ losing day, and you arrange to go I o-e.ty q-i ml o. Iv • glad to hear that theso cues hav. an *oul mnfe-MOg that it relic* apot fnead 4 le lo been taken up by the Treasury, am •piiitoal I’oarer* that are not deaf ti I yoo catch * glimpse if iliman appeal*. That worship at tb. tired look io your mother'• eyes, as rains by the mci “ steps taken to prevent such trregu ■ide tlie Kimberev littri I andttie larities" in the future. A ■*» incestral anrine. when tbe bunting aea without a word yoo go to tb* ‘pool There was a c.o.vJ of big pro strange anomalies, not referred to ji. *i1i begin*. I* it not a priontite coafa» uid cancel tbe eopgeaeat. Yoo Snd portions asscmb c I out iie the ( V ’cc iig of tho mec i is seeiiud t( ion of fa:tb io tbe reality a»d raioo ol gre*ter je» tryi*« to lift that loa ■e strongly ■••■itisl it. It was oor previous summary, may bt if care, if ooly for a little while, from tie Rar al 8 o cluck on Tuesda worth quoting. A curious Trea lu^en guidance and contruff low'c.cr, cstab i thcl t'uit t .c Rlcem STOP PRESS 1 jroor mother’* heart. Aad she? It n'as knorn ;c ic.a.ly ths lurv decision in a circular dealing tha cjiuceration of the *.ed b ontein li to was a fiortijn ol the that Ue care of a i on». ’ Not a word. Bet a Kimber ey Ibi.nay 0 firials wcr witn the Natal public servant! *h* realise* your inteotioa ah* slip* ,\imberley sc.‘’.ion, a id that co .at*-, transferred to the permanent Unioi. iecc**arr to tho borreat _ 5oing to hold J’tjlhor ballot abou •el(^—th^J though Jb« .juietly away iato another room ft tbe strike, and their ranks wen jucntly a Kimbciley man con'd fair BIRTHS. establishment has resulted in thi Ibat you should see bee eyre. y be asked lo la’;e a trail to th.1 following state of affairs. "Thi ct to i^tellisint control, y swollen by tnemlien of th officers' concerned are under this de yet thin are higher latelligeocr* ia thy . I wowtar if God i* like that •eneral puba: who wcrj i ilcrcslc- Freo Stwie'ca;iital. Out evon-those | KCHUTI. — At Vie.foottin, aoim*o than thin* that are nxrelp bo. who were a^ainl a slti e eX;r s el vision given much better pensior. (.ik* that, ooly hrtrr. Hay we infer ia the pro’ rc.ii o! ofciti. «-• on Chriltni-.s" Day, as.h ind that tbey srie net onkindly tc hcmsclies as opposfrl lo such —irileges than the .officers of tht attribute of Deity from that wbieb Orcen.ber, 1913. the wife of Mr. . other Provinces." Again, tbou oho acek then •: That cetamoaj likost Ood withla tbe *o«l> 1 i One thine was no iccah o, the ah luty as t hat. It was a so acino* m the Bret fruit*. tM.| i* in it* way, a i Lrrhui, • f p »,n. foiog to the delay in regrading, maa. I can but Speak of Ood sence ol aay poraoi who secmo edged that nothing in t ie tut u«t 1 soo)e 6f the officers appointed to •xpress.iD of thank* f)J3, the wife yf Mr. P. ■mious salaries, with the r*»ult fonhip^ Vl^i hemw^es lull ol kiito.ctt. Volfr-i tar positions, ' Bilingualism is re heartl tbat are n r j iLar to Ood. trong helping tbe feeble, tbo aaturr a lik a .—Ko Xo. h. ixs>u«, Mpnsible for the following difficulty best lo, Jiold tbe meo!i ig on .h: Mai .ere rerordct! vri h .ill the tvtetuuiil- aatcbing over tbe defre.lrc, tho wise •u«nes* alleuda it npon a Par'.ia M •b January lit, 1914. m>4.n- Tm confusion of the accotmta aftei THE XELD. juiding tbk foolish, aod tb* vigorou- let Square. As a mailer of fact Uiion made it impossible to get protecting tbo weak? N'ae. *» oot tbe mjc i ig i.i the hill at tlat lime 'ncntary c'eition. and tlio officials mat{Hdi e*ga Mr. D.roti Maleks, out the Annual Reports for th' All fre-Th Afr'f'n re'le >« UKV«n». ifer Hi* appeosal from tb* fart tbat was nol reprexs.ila i.-e of Railwa; in charse of Iheir box, remained . years 1B10U and 1911-18 in th: -uii* a strong, though rude. ucb serric* alway* brings «!od at their post rig'it throujliout prescrib'd time. But by workma ' V.fierK'MlitT of tbe Pi'ise. Tbe Af '*flirials a! a:l. Tliere were prob •boadaatly iato the *erraM’a tool, Ihe day. * ■ \jU A N tE D .—At once for this after office hours (what a refresh ' •iean bflierea in taiupires. ogre*. ‘.bat it ia tho* tbat Gcd develop* Ibe ably more nan-:ail«ray ran iu al ing example for Government de „-Unmr*. jinan, pixi?*. efrr*-*piriU ot loo*t germ, of aaahood that Ut 4ir. :eu,latrce Jian tbo*e in'tlie scmce. Al midnight,’ a crowd had fore- »» OtBce • Newt Codpobltor. jtirtraents) the arrears were gradu, I'm «ild and t li aoodland: tut ereo Tbe ha] was sojtl em.i.ul. and entbe. ed out i le the Qua ds' Room, Must be a UUl abstainer. Apply, tbe*e, in bis Uioling. «re prreonal aant theref-germs that ally orertaken, and the suditend coat ta fall fruition. wbe.e the ba lot had been taien a;.d I HE EDI 1 0 8 , " Tsala e« l>4. rt^7orTois-ir5nSied~^within a powers and aot mere sagu* infi Oe Cceri Road was soon rrowdeil STjp« "H “ ^ Dtttirm* the wo:Jd if fit »k»r» it ifp ix Bat tbe J liu c i S^uait ing oa Uw 1144 Ml i W * ***• iboi" tfQx 1 ^ / Kuubale/, TSALA EA BATHO, JANUARY U , W 4 -

T u m e n tc kwa Komani. Yatjriva i Woddianse n£< 149 Ulahlekiso Ngentsho- J 1 oe Inning. 1 Ncmesj itvele Indwc t ) ± Amabala. If am “FISH \Voi)EHOUSE CUP/ Ndawo yok^ji’s. uraUiaio u'fe- L c, tumente a h ’-c wa^Trfitt^takable ngu Fatp- EOTLHE ; d i " t t e ; c x ' wewe3tth DecraMfcf?3- Deceml Koqub:- se. . f a — IFANDISI p jl^ U J C HW i p M W M E ^ S m H F S S ngobucrko- ncba ■B B • : farissui kaqjaf ...... ■ u ao u iH B K u r b F l ^ ■JrAfnca b Baccjj) ’ M 17th Jan. 1914, “ I L - „ m . x ' % m : . Som ilinbaliJile _____ Gnopu c inti b Macasa ilS mega u n ja m a (A. IDo clincinanc, leloknhlala ka m Noti^a b Jikwana . . 3 iuqnana) jdlile, Jilibaknsinra mhlaba esicengcni sokntsr en©-. KWA Oiipant b and c Macasa W3yed!ale& i Tark / i v i tumentc kuti n Rulumente xa e tanda ac*-. - ^ C S t ^ y ... Mzjcni b Sindilima epe<:!eyo, apo nsiz 'hikooa kuku- BatlaVFi-Ia esiskpvenga somhlaba ape K. Africa b Fniaman ba ikuko mpq-. pu,knse ecapola esiyaesc- ' R ? g : 'ration z: MdUnkjma n a out t , . a nza ifama, nesiya—^tnhlaba wa- - Jali b y ulamwi v * mahlati.nesiya—esikeliaivenkile,. . « tT ". Wale, nkweokw. - k * l Iw k a . , z ir r a & co Qiftffa fconcu*; ngend'< Ia okade uUtyalwa ngaro ‘ 1 \Z Fani C. Msbiyeni bMacaza Kwipini clihle st: Ida A »gqi- umhlaba *rbantn, OMke osobkO - r jk ' ” Extras kana, Kaleni, Nke -ca, Macasa. upantsi kwegama elingtgqaleki- — r*“ Bartman, Sindilii a, Msbiyeni, yo lobu Crown Land. In t o d iK j Ngamanani' apanti9^jfe$JJ flfc;;.. \ noFnbneni; kwi Jv. ,u>og yayimbi ... Total' • i nakala iteta nkuti ngumblaW ka - turabla vokuq « ti fcrati y i- I*Ukwe, B k n ij. EzaBgapaDtsi ZaiaaLtcckazi. liempe’ Rulumente anokwenza nantooina^ qiDeb- K je z ijv '.amente soba Z a m M m ftS .'W p c'Z O tlrta la , Iksnsf NatnssokisL* - Q -M r.«c«-a,:st^ ing s.. kuwo mhla atandoyo. Sgnjrt z sc Dortlrecfct "* 1 . Jjacaia b Gampa *0 N lendlela sow’umninzi onike ne»- l-V«iti.ZiB«KMlazi-Ziqalcla 3d: zinyose. - Zi tshipile kanye/- Bditman b Africa I? Owako umkjozi. dolopu ne veDkile- Zio'itti -J A ' * Kaleni b'G am pu: 3 nteto kwelase ba-TCTjrnf, M*e ' ' ' v EZAIADOBJrr™' — . j. .i- „ m. Gampu b'Quma 49 Mapondweni, zokuba amafanu^ ' . . . 7 .(STwi^sbcDgt} - acele kn, Rnhunwte nkob*-fc«wr«*rti6* .1 I-Blilaftre, jltm)>e'BknIokwe Zaagapajifsi.- i-Snti, • “ Msbiyeni b Quraa' 1® Legoejana le le kutshwc ifama apa Libalaluzi „ Batyi, icSclulatyi, fzihlangu, Zcnkc ZTtotyiwe. Saccsr 1) Qtma IM1CAK0 ye FuatH neJii'nt lf^Dyanwa sis-u'u sps. Nfcwanca b Africa Ditlhagala-Tlhagala Sindilima ;> Africa , beseke zade zenia isicdo st^iba ^ (Ngoragebeingo) E zinikwe amapepa eziqin.zilo Fu'umeni b Notivi zelali ezizipeteyo, knba amadlclo .vi -. iff Z1TTEL & CO Sgnjkn., 3 b Gainpu M ETLH A LA jEA.SETLHAKO naxa kucandwe amasimi. voda Fihla cot out . . - asengozini—azi Crcnrn Lands. * ’ -•» Dutoltspaja R oad Extras SE SE GAG AMETSENG. Nesosicelo silandnlwf. Ngama - : k w b e r l e V." vnso nase Mampoodweni ngo- ^ Total 177 kvandiswakve cweba Use Mxi- Setlhotsa saEDlokoa ke mvubu. Lomtetokenlipumzada- ’ , , TarkastacL2sd Innings U Z a m -B u k . C pakati ko Mbasbe no Mzimknla T- Africa b Mac3za elabelwe nambla, njengokolinja-„ SEKOLE SLSE60L0 SA THUTO Ja li'b Nk«ranca lo, Abantsundu. (?) K w iv u s o k a z i" * / ' Oliphant b Nkwanca Setlhako se se gaga- elikulu elinje aknnakuba kuba- '• • No;iya J> Xkwanca 1 ;t:et5eng sc kile sa ra^hi- mba natl ke ukuwela ko Mr. . Gampa ,0 X k « f z a Ruhusatia, abaya kucita lowo . .-fi Bensonvale, ■mola letlalo >mo legoeja- Pani b ■Nfcc3Js r • mteto, beteta ukuti makuhlalive . . NfzSijiii'b ' ,eng ea tja„ c-are papa ea I ngendlela ebesihleli ngayo kaka-. - • ^ MO TlKOLOCONG EA fiERSCfifcL. Africa s N/xJkarna. b N'ksanca , ausbu ear.e. ea simolola1 de ka vula ztbhuqc Umlungu ManqintcK? r.*- -ffebMacaza 10 nthoTt-.'ana,’’ go bua Mr. E.j T makawuzuzc kubantu abanlw-’ ^ - / ; H dl?flkiH B D tM if! - 1: Miles, P|*r^oom Read, ndu umblaba xa aii^ndlela to - *• ' f ' 1 , ’ Qaa» & w.v.i,; kuwufumana, nontsundu komhr-'f,‘ M u tli f/1-0 1Y1ZA t E'H Newlan^C f Kapa. “ Ene ngu. Iminyaka ^ngatnaiz si- ;/ ! .yim } e k ’ fcotlltnco5 thata, raba hlalelene nabelnngu jantsi’kwa- * *' ir'k jn lichen tn - I'lA L, Etq. Total - V-'23S eare1. ka -|ccoelela ka bo- lomteto wenkuWeko 'ydkudywr- •*• *$9T' ohaw, lej^cjana Ie lekoto danangombUbaihlpimRrWniba- .?>qs-T QuecssUj^cd^nniags. namhla sififingwe tina sayakul'a - V 0 thosioa ke Ditichere tse di nonofileng tsa •jan? 3a sfiriPftta go ruru*ja Banmaa c jali. A yingqulana nganeno kweJNciha, ''/-itntmtn Makgooa le tsa Bccoana. Goghuba : tstna. Ntho ezinye izizveczralMtndfefijtiwba - Kaleni c Gasr.pti K Xotiya a gauseJa Tixata, eaba eare Go nale manno a laithutoana La d ik o a lo It fcago Mshiycm b Gfinpu ziya kunyanzelwa' emakiwpeni 15- Macasa b Xotiya : ka sebakanyana ea simo- Omzantsi Afrika, ezinye zaba • '" 7 . betla- , ,, . Falmeni not x>ut ; loja "o cheretla. Maerr.o ngamakobokaczahlulonabafjesht i*,?*. k'ifam a zaboyise. Umntu' < * & ', Go nale manno a mantle amasha a Baseisanyan® rlr.d:!in?2 net '.*nt ao a kekela "ore ie riilapa- ngqondo unokuqiniscka ukaba’ i ''- Total ; jaanong. , , . , di fapeletscng kweminye ema SO jm in nk i fm o ‘ *'V ' <7 wickcts to bat) Phefo ea gone ena le botsheIo; ntho dibe di age di fetola- liyakuba lonke SeIiHrta: c Grand Total U7 ngoa. yNthoea kekela ea Free State apo knngaseko' mhla- Jj11 ■ ' • 27th Vi’c'lch'ysf verses Tarka- S T EIS H ENE sa Koloi ea molelo ke LADY GREY, b i w^npa kana ka 5r..eo o R ba wabantu, nase TrinsVaaVf"^,.t%'< ' : (i yatyiwi .'.V^datou^tBgc kupela isabelo sobantu seyizija* a* gekole se se tla buloa gape ka FEBRUARY 2, 1914 •27 runs nc-**clei». 0- od ea mphu- blulo. Singaxibali impinzana '* *ru' nya/i^c-£iyra thata. Goo zabatcngi e Tratre»aaL” ■ :.-.t ; ;.*i Koalelang: tn.' v. fong-gajlti'ikftfala gaa sha i obaspira t*l«d{ K UNGENE i.eb'EENTW N z i:iJi>ini3 b M jaapa- , ,. ifc alitetayo lalomteto. UtMa iziiitoV-»r*ie . i 'b i a '* L -•'Vo:ic !I« fitlheloa k« kg^lolts'go zobucopo-nje bake, kuba awko -t* .'' Oi course yon dQ 1 Then Advertise ia the Nltwjr.cac iv >i -> Nutf'-r.dare kjj'^iO.’r !c go konke isiqendu kumteto ka Sawa Phillips c N J*ijnl*e thuVcsa ga -iol;odi ja gaba esinika ontsundu mnhlab*.^;'^ J , .. .UL^p&une. 37 ez fereia-rtiri.-kaLa ka nna Ukuba beiiteta nomntu, ingengiT -j.. ^ fc'.t’potine *• J2 ie go ka itapolosa senile wo umsho'ogu, brs yakumbuza • >»•. ■> , ft$alaea$3atbo. Celo c K 'y i V I.ep tane « asalatise rsirqendu nbargeU.’^ jr^ A '-, r.oi ouf 1 19 bosigo, ele sa ntlha go feti- ukuba yena angabin. rnji!o k'imlungb. K-t wa tn ite - S lV s ’il ■ui>cc b FcH-H^rl Ka coe!tf[a-eeie ke ntse ke tenge kontsunda h ; i > . ( tary, South African Nativer sendee r an>! h ^ii.d:Iima 23 -iirisa Zam-|}uk go ts-imaea Sekuzinyanga ezmtlann sibu-' V -W legoejana jame ja folela National "Congress. ^ Keyi 1: Jshiyeni z!»a kwimimandla yonke ukuba j:lcr b Sindilima rure." . _ ukonana ontsundu otengisa no--. qeshisa umblaba—akaveli noko . . F. Key'Ceyl i> JC'-iteni iZa^i-Buk. co 0 fodisang Kaw c Zini b Ka'cfti Eo « amnye. ' -*•«<«.. ditPtiabi i« co baba.o senya PobMed slmnltaHeonsly every SiTURDAY ilub" no: out Ukuba ke um-Transkei unawo v ’^V: at 1 ^ 1 : b Msbiyeni bctihokb, .r mcdjsa lotlalo umblaba wokutengisa nokuqeshi- .i.v-*." jo le ncha je h iiekane- sa, yiftina ukura ebavrke abanto ;'uS* I ^niBBRLKY, POTCHEPST^OOS, JOHimSIW, tot-1 tscng. JCc; ere <$i m^emo bakowabo batshaba ale nempa- . * ka ikangoang ka ntaro- hia yabo nzenxa yalorrteto^ng*. - '* J '"S ^ ijp iii, maoto a a botlhoko, habixi ba«e kutenga m hliy'irbi PRKTORII,.BL081P0STEIH and TaiiiScIn, 1 yangtmsvs?. ; macto a a m?.shoe, ditlha- W oJth og j; > : ?ab: dinth« tsa makgalo- Kupela sisiqendu 2, 3, qo 4, v.. ■/ csingenakukanganyar.to ngazo,* . Native “ Government Gazette ” for the Union 0 / South T. Kfyi h k r^ s c a ; 9 'atsbr, go chetcga ga ntho, kuba zinyule ikomis.^ni engeka* 1 i borua’Sa, ntho tse di cher. Africa. gqibi umscbenzi wayu; csingazl.. — . ! tetlang, kutnku, _dip*.»di, tDgona TE - nokuba.-yoba nomsebenzi omble Nearly every Post from North, South, East jnd West 1 !cir.d-c ts.’. tlilo ja tlhogo, nombl kusinina; kodwa kn)rat.i> ••J ^ •I:p?isi, fcoshostf. jalo-plo. ope eo Rekiseoang nc'abiueka ukuba ubulungist jHi- ___ brings fresh Subscribers. Write for particulars to ^''I'n-B uko i:a bonoa mo neks vela pakati kwalamanyunv' hyezi eziziqendu sizikankanyile- The - Editor, Igo beng-Jc’diforp botibe ie 0 choanacg nae yo. ( . ; ■ -/- y ijbnrekisL ba ditlha re ka ' ‘ • -T S .iL A ta BATHO, \ 6 -s.o^. Ie 3s. 9 i pitsana. Ke ene TE oa ntlha 0 Kwasoloko ktiko ubwcfcP^7-^ BOX 143, KIMBERLEY. obupuma ngepepa le ,VtV btAjfhi , : v kulomteto ka Sawa kiiko InttaWb'' * ■. South Africa ezifike zimqlnise cntsundu-cto- It will increasr ";o:!r Native Trade. sweni, kodwa nanarahla ayln^ci^ » ' ‘ V Reka ne fela. isixelele nasinye isiqen.lu rtiqW •' v piKla tunblib* korittuado, ' V*;: . ISAtA EA BATHO, Mut'ARY u . M i biqeado 6.— SitjfiitBS ihmgelo b m u d U ka b k u u i b UGiYO LWA BASEBENZI. LVASE EATINJ1M MATHAUSANTA 5 trtfiwafuufa tn * ti akofudukela komnye ku- Tilraba,'aiTiia nlcklnrgn unokuba«)jalo.0 • umbi ati ngako kodwa nkuba No. 34.I [Jan. 6,1914. vavela otona Ism iwabaniu. Vki goangl mo mJiing a modiri Uiqen rre f^tate AddJma : P;0 . Bnx ipato, ukuba utle u rcnto wako- tsa mosepelepca terene, ral e iStfolaodi- Goto ocBhopatio ribbon je ailik*. riblaale cc peri. '' ta bskoweau, xa omnye wabo go ea ko 0 pa kontra- Wrihoek, Kimberiey; etaU v*»ba ebhala c Mveni tije- na agudule enze into fntle kune- P Afrika. ketseng tirotteng. Dr. Wijliam*’ Mcdicin* Co^ ENGU$KSECOANA, ngalonJ-Tn/iskei rsiti: Nokuba oe ycdonga, kanti kuzele incu- 1 Satasa unesihoso sorolita otshl- (b.) Lekgetho iengoe je Long Street, C*petowa- kutu . nentakumba nentambane SESUTO AND XOSA. aayo, trpa ma-Gcaleka »sifuni mmereki o ka ne a le [a tse ke di njbang ke kubbenela ku Tixo siyanela ngu- kulondlu, b*yebangassnako do- lo Satana, kolota GoAmente. T ^ a n a ea bonuB (2) oa ADVCRTISEjmKTS TARIFF. kuzib*Ieka ngoku. FoTaioAa Dikagelelo.jI9l2, ke K«akona Imvt iti: Umteto Dtio- (c.) Madi a tepho ngoe e 4*. per iticb 8tngW OoUmn. R»peaU tsatsi ja bu 3Q;a Sedi- half-pcio*k f- - . taia abelnngo fconje nabamajama. Am»kosi apina ke xa ataEtu e sa fetang £5 e e lefi- lothof ^December/,|iqi4, 1 KITSISHO Xodva iokoh’ito iqhalwr rriqmdn 11, b»zo bepatwa ngezindlela zibili- sicoeng k I Lekgotla je ioa ‘ ‘ . 8a. per inek OaabU Column, Re- wihmakaHia n huie nknba teascfo lenang 1J tbata ea go dueloall^Mno a ntlfe ca madi CA re lope dilo dile dinui mo babadini P«aU halir^ricb. • ; t sa igazi- Kuba abactu b;zo no­ (tla rare eoe ere u «mi go bala u U- nkopanga nn*k*fil* to n ftfo abelo. a a adimiloeng mo goftoromente STANDING ADVEfiTIPP.MENTS. kuba ute umntu okanye zbantu mo lefisJ fa Magise- ngn. SWke.lsjqwatall ankapjfre- go agclela raeleloanefc e kgao- laala eno tore e loaicli ca I*, pur inck pee iaiu* tnsirie Colnmo la: Igrife Wo mfcto Hjabnriwa trata crfo atlholang bafa, ubemi bemntu ibtiyaaa ganyang dipolase jse di mo eone e amofdc “Taala." Tlhoailhoikc ij, - ia » . - Itoiblc Oohitua afokaba.apnxtfcto vwibbbaphaD Mocoana a Ka dume- mametlelelong ea fhero e, le ka ngoap lefa re kare 7/6 In icxmane, taanfa, lSlS. Igtma alibngii jinU. abana xrbiro yi £2$ ce £50 ingle- lela gob faene eo ea malokasi a a lebagtAyeog naco, u r£a u reka fHa mu BgaaLhmgn. ko nga ptznlu. Makwerz^ka'e Mucoani e dueloe ke k«boeo ea ntlha e l madi ao e| ■cnkelciif co 0 run* lc kitaiiho mo A(rOnta ^bpougbout tho LcmRaWka obba'.« t “ Wveni ” or umhmgu ke ?zoktfLmana izigidi mophutni oa batho, a tla dueloa ke Bancw ba ba agi I ulenf u ba u mmolelela la u mle ka Country I ' m '-.* tata rioa into jrlttti arbrkva mganp- ngesigidi zokvsala zisoi dla unpo teflg mo malokatjg a a kai ba a np dumeleta ka go bona ina ja |>|oe mo Tialcns le tha- AarudrtH by Vfrrb*nt» a* bring tw«i mnjt Dooolo[4 ? 'oeng. loralunvu. K*nti ke wonke umse- lokoala pa loralO loa [i(K mo Banchung. rSTARAtEM.BD for «e«xtenaioo beLzi bnzima we mines wenziwa (d.) Molaoii (Motlhe) 0 JOLCKA (tie gore, a mmadi 0 rckile of Na«iVa-»W*1 •'1 nlpuantn omnyuM. Umba*« loto y*le kare fa Goromente a "T«la" * 0 * balain •; nue ga rc supole A large aad Boer-Increasing kukwaUta Bjomnw. qa, ia tnaktlero rra' gon 0 • ocuile, fa a « adimilt a xka * BAVHIUNDUU. inteo laka Ba«a>a. ktl>. a ddmela a letla Umlaut*. Gontshicoe sealla same It lcball go • buxita ko go mungoa cone, kadirao tse di sa ka sekano se olo sa Kopano era a e bala aba a ronela madi ko go km «r.M 1 I^vira Flkltl Kweliso Load feten|£2 goredi iroe ea South Afri mono Choanr Morulaganyi a aroogela ea (ago*. Ka •nmo kn Makes abo. lodra ni(a kau. (Pretoria) ka tsi Jeno ja t THE IDITOR, mo aafelong mangoe MU* madi • tla (O lata t» pov go Itlvanc* Makod **• k8d*» B|J------Ferikgong, 191, Kkosi Mble’iE k u te n i nqa ko tuifsAi atytta kna Aaaktti a a ka tshedisang bona tea Mbak* mum reatlrnj k Iu k c " Ittt* et Balia." mzi w .ft Dikeni ngokukfdwa kgoria m Ma, er* u hudaga u re ium, P.O. Bor US. kumalni-.gu e L'wo Lcmzi tibooe ba go tal* mongo f*la jaka bonh jo bo tiittBESLET. kwi Mve izimanga ezitatn itrttil". ttaig ka tom, Konma * cmaingka g. UNfcifi Kapok Mgijinia (cik tiwa ngnmhla'i ngapan bili kwi ■ s s x r (a d.c .nya. E ’ iaidldSku*--- > m*tm» Bong.w lebe lemhomba e She*hrgo,'Di Sababantm. K*oko k. tab* keni jikekV. b. U Mr. Kfiib? t S S . ab b a Anakati “----- 1— a f tlk«l* ai Mil*, l* toaa dt» ra- ci>oenya DOMESTICNOTICES. Ntahona G^lela ngonobhaliwe-' • M M k* rnotho re u III* aebe kmbon.hu e sf’^hfirn, Di- SSSS'-"'-' |agi*M. R* nta g* Itn babad. keni jike'e’e-—U Mr.- R G. Ma- tatliM, Gap* go *al* magtn.f : i.K MEMOR’kia. aho’oKu •nuiimtunywa weliao lo- icgonu 1 A tntnfo* * ka twwlj ma- mzi. - jntrakang Ba- S:«k» mw? i'idn't knkotwka. 1 man|M a ka rrk* me. MOt’SR-»T>ie M h toeV plae- at Siyile ,ent]ao^n'»weni okuy? pa bantsc ba .*bala b*£*ilu. Kawtitn- S Co’i-^btff on Dec*I*bet »«ih. iott Ipi eqi^a >ji-i'nTapi*o baler ti I ea ba adir of l*auh, belofed ckiM af Aknbamani Zipboiah Smotiw, Coioberf. tgM I zivo n.t^kati. Pte 'O'fin1' im bttley. on December 8, *9(5, of rgomfo aj^i.oti'e uhanga isitul; ga tem na e motlhaope a Uaria Billc. blond child at luiah kotcaca t*jo- Ejrcoa nto budl»n* *nd Marta MWUr, a|ed II •enkW ; nJwa ne liro lowzi. BnKbauim ubflile — a feta ponto dile nzibilno «iya k«« n.oatht Stftr UUt iiillrp ft ctm utt ftfalibejinre iziko Uka ‘‘ Nto.*' .SiKrt*iiko(C««*;i 4me le gone ga go ope ekareng ka XASHMAN Wesirivane okwa- ^ V . . „ *.hj fu i 0J»- lODL—At Calrtberg aa Otcember Bgoko.:> 0 ntseng jalo oa r >4.191}, Jokaai>e*Seit«U ro.be lored a adimileng mo child of jT JJanlrl and Jane Mogodi, Alice. : aged 6 monthi R.l.P. U to tori wka tctddfaay t o w n go mulgoagoe a pateledioa ka nt ta ea one gore a IJLA A TJR—At *kp«fanj.' Btacklri.Bl: r ■ Strtei,...... Ki*beel»>, « i * Jicu»ry.) oketst -dikgoedi lse o di 1913, Jokarm Gutrnber*. ^*te»«it rttW nl PAULA! ikont kileng, fa.ese go Solonnn >1-1 H i/.lfili Iliu ij., -.ged 16 a s S B f l s s dume e ene ka. esi go ira momklua'y. K.UK -— ^ jalo, gone a duoiela fa X a bIk m rfprpr. HtaU njtnge cabc. NraLu, km rawf---- pele jga motljianka oa WANTED. a tao d fli/- nbenf»«>a»Wi k |: jffittsa s& R s Goromente, eo o ikan- in this PAPER Ths Emroa " T a iu t i ftinro pafQui cmc. \ uAa Mhid. gckat/ut)! wVTSfir i SKialiiJjo tshang batho ba dikon- Box 1« . KraaraLsr. I traka, a ikannc jalo ka i '1l ' I* ^hooi. Vtntentid(Ca;«), a (judW IJpepa elabioiWw t%- NoajiJJk- nakoeona a neeloa madi ’it w ill increase jTudn «ct» iMndpa' .<&/ ka gone, pikadimo tse di JltMLBJt n S.ATB ktUOA iS ilIF I I t O f ia - C m f M •I it crcc to >*r. J GOODMAN, Secretary Your TRADE, "’ Mrs. Pankhiitit Spoke io 2,000 Madi a Siameng ke Go)d Coast xreri------,. The Strike “ 0ft" tolouted men and women in ______s two vetefani of. tha Chicago on November 4, urging them to work for the reforms Itekanelo. “ Land Question "—Chief Jones ilULDIM TIMES rEDERA- and Barrift.r Casely Hayford. the white women are In the. Southern Nigerian depu­ & 2i M s o a e m m ■ . c n r n i s . tation the able and distinguished . . . tKnjt: was'taken fur the 1st ale Maatsi s Diwi k : . , - Secretary o l , g j E ,b » Go***- S » * :- - ; : BCHUTl-At. ^fwr«fc«ri ment led a body of woitHies i i 2 UNCONDITIONAL susreniier. oa Christmas Day, 25th representative of the Nigeria! ____ Uiat JOB a n to far ouuuuUr. jewels.. .Mrs. Pankhurst .spolce *U(ioi-1a ‘ s * bfutliu — le . L very pointedly against segrega­ . December, 191 j,jb * wife of Mr. people. The fight has been by your prenoua poblM dadaraUoi u. tion of any kind. Dr. W iiiij' Hnk Pins. - Cechul, of a son.. against renegade , friends as well as against open foes, A “ De­ ~ r.sitK 2 ONTSIOA.—A t Vierfoatein, partmental Committee," Includ­ |M BatOUsg to rtriya old aor A small Negro Baptist church M oa Saturday, 27th De­ ing Mi1. Morel and sundry retired ■pf the Natm.il oawung libat proceeding* before ai idee emp'jjjNV in Wathen, on the Congo River cember. 1913, the wife of Mr. P. officials, has sat in London to tntoaL Oovarmma^ti a gago a ^bopama collect evidence. To the ordi­ ithis lUOMUIg in Africa, established fifty-two (fonueriey of Potchef- Mmgiy. and emphatleaMy thO-jJohamiMluv ale masho6, go dumelesega -, nary mind the West African tb* caargee of harth or improper' new outposts in one .year and ttrtom), of a <0*...... 'w'ssocilition, in onw> supjHjrfs I96 evangelists. thata gbr^ gosa itekane- Colonies wodd have appeared to agaiwt Isdian paaaiva reaUtert ;_jBlat»tjifithe employv«, ALKKjL—Ko No. II. Location, be the best spot, to obtain evi­ n. Bat aa job and jour friend, - itatfte ofpitsQon of building lengga gago go dirba ke dence, but iin spite of -repeated (folded not to appear baforaVtlH l'w.Slio-Pf »it mt « madi a gago a mashoe.' U . M ka Jamarj 18, 1114. mohn- CumoiMKiB. and lead trideace in iup- Mi^nEliza Davis, of Texas,' entreaties the Committee’s activ­ the federation occ.spied the'chair. ■agidi '«*» % ja rn tl Maleka, piirt 'of tbOK allegations, it aeema likely Tho following r. solution was arriv­ graduate of Seguiri College,.and fhounetie-go itebatefia bo- 11111 ■ 11 ■ « mrwtiiri <_ ities wert c.-nfined to London, tkat- U-eto will, be no chargee lot the al unsnimouslj i-*-'' That this combined Rev. James T. ‘Simpson, of PenS' tlhoko...-Pa u sa eletse sepp-,;. and it was tbe fortvmate> visit’ of CWinI«ftfe'-to invcatigate. Oovenj4 «»l mctatf. bt biUdilg,trade' r«n«M»K SjSvania,. a graduate - of the tbe deputation which enabled the •oalid rtfrtt Jhe oopaeqoeit "aheanco^oi tf le-^osfegeloa go khii- , ANTED.—At once for this lives agree* tnat’ .he strike ia declare • theological departmpnt-of Ro­ an opportonitj' t»-lehd rebattinf »rv ‘it unc In South Africa the “ natives, tgrijj oitMill'd Jnlu P°:“^ ®(■®,B< Mdt working agreemente would M* her husband. . Weaver was shot safely “ appeal to Caesar," and ahd'Indians are both in a state of tinhe to bo observed. “ K e n e k ele that on the Throne of the Empire v-condary puinknt.ielotirel; to tho wider by a policeman while attempting unrest. The question of “ Native at stake. If, thpreforf.. lpdi«9? to escape arrest a5 a chicken- f lepodisi nya- sat one wboW fc»rt>eip«ndcd Lands” is agitating the minds, to submit to the Commission onj JOflANNESBUBO, Jan. ff,\ with love for them,' and whose thief suspect. The court upheld '£atsediro- of the indigenes. Legislation is specifc chtrgd tn eonneettlrt- witti tie Tbe st*rm centro-Bflnoni-U paj,«, the law which says that under no hand would be ou,ts|retched to treatment of pnsaive resisters ami itrik- : bang monoa-: - proposed or suggested to parcel the penaltj in eo far that tho extension circumstances can a police offi­ j^vnsHAMA. o a o le - Qsit; ; •- protect them. The grandson of out the South African Colonios during th* twenj tMfWf, cf ‘out-of-doors to ten and opening bar* the.Great Queen hat beerl deduc­ it -vill not tlnnk'M iiactartr|C I (a do not apply. Sjndicalism bopelwslj cer shoot to kill a persontharged .’me go tsa- into “ Black and White ’’ areas { taka asj farther action jn ratptntijn of failed from tho moment Goromment with a misdemeanour. ed to a .nonrnily. hy>. a.Radical 1ft the latter of Which the native mae? mo letsididing 1c mo House of Commons majority. In the altegationj »|fiinit it and itl'ofitq*. decided lo meet fqree by foreo The will be excluded from the owner­ but it reserves its riglit to ask (he ttm- Federation of Trader, aflor tho July dipnleng ^0 dim gore k"». return the monopolist has been ' ship of land. It is feared that mission to inveotigate the occurrences emcutc, considered m-ir ma^dato wobld lei loose .on Afaca/andtJje hunt Coloured teachers in Washing­ tlhaseloe ke go tlhatlhara tbe “ Black’’ areas will be re­ which re»uUed in the |o«s of life at Ea- nplicit obedience. Tho result ton, D C , for the first tirie have for concessions is encouraged by perenia antf .Smipt f^fcotnbe. - -With marapo. Z)itlhabi 1st? di stricted to the barren and-unde­ fnlslfiM anticipations, and the ultimato tbe enacting of ordinances draft­ rt/erenco to jour prjjer fut^ tbe release effect is that the trades .organii-a|i been excluded from tbe lectures sirable portions * f the territory, segang go kgabaganya ma- 1 ed by tbe Gplupi*! l.'ffice, and of bona fide paaiiie resUjifiC1* sihUm thrown dtm- the Ktderntiiin. TliK to teachers in the Congregational while the “ Whites ’’ will appro­ getia dine di se kake tsa : forced by official majorities frijin ordmorj or compound gaols, tbe immediato e&act is shown by the Cburcl^, a church established by priate all the best lands. The Department of Jdstlee hod alreadj pre- scramblo for rejnjtatfment. Mauy mon through local Lep^latores to New Englanders and worshipped tftftlosioa ka mancoe, ’me South Africans are following the vio%-to tbe arrival of jonr letter taken have lost 'flieir vmjlloyrneht. Tire urn-' in by them. legalise the granting “ exclu­ steps for the release of the small-balance tinued improvemonl w the mining posi- tsa "rina botlhoko gore di • ' example of the West Africans, tion is reported to-day, lntormation from sive areas" to fay.tred appli­ and are sending a deputation to of these prisonar? kept in gsols. In rf- he di mpateletse go lesetsa • cants. Tbe lands air not grant­ gasd to the grievance* which ’rail have Randfonteln Central is that M more Englaqd to support their cUims tiro eame. Godirtio ga go ed. Oh, no I only the “ exclusive ,ummarised ot the end of jour letter. miners went down this morning, and before the Home Authorities. Government wilt, as alreadj stated, more surface hands art seeking employ­ tlhatlhara jnarapo,, m ala,,C . The deputation will have 0 ment. At Klelnfoiitein (Anglo-French ameane a tol)ekanyo,'mo V-. . . heartiest welcome and support. group) a start was mads this morning produce to anyone he pleases, rith 104 stamps, and tbe bius ars fjiT* Northern Grand Tem­ ebik ke choengoa ke tlho. • provided he bears the expense of (Signed), E. W. I- COROES.' f ore, Steady progress to normal cot gO tfboitshegang. Ka leka 1. carrying it beyond Ihe “exclusive ditions is assufed. Tho 5*P!| Mi"* ple, I.O.T.T, meterao ele mcntsi go ala- ' H area” within which tbe mono­ group report tbat everything- I •teadj.” E.R.P.M. reports ev«rjthin( fa matlhoko a, 'me ka »eKa polist grantee holds swayj Rights of Indians. reipnrk-iMj quid and running, well kSpbona kgolojesego go -« A ll the peoples of the West With »V tjojilSeld^ group It is rtported The pram! session of llie nljow- , African Colonies of Great Bri­ that, normal coutiitlou l;i>e boen ' assembled in tbo Hands Street Church fiiilhela ke leka Dr. W il­ MR. GANDHI AND THE ostablishnl. Tbe Neumann group (D.E. Miwon),oo the -Cth'lwil-op‘ to liams, Pink.Pills. J Erjleke tain are being perturbed by fears nounces satisfactory progress. Wo for their lands- To the African ; Locked Out" From tho Oth, with the Grand True Tem­ sena go di dirjsa 'ka seba-'1 ' j GOVERNMENT. going on.vcrj well” is tbe official rrply plar /Rev. Mr. le IJoni/ jn jie chair; the land is more than it isito the' '1 to au ini|Uiry made. h.- improvomont It teas attended by delegates irmfi tbe Jcanyana, ka jkutlog kgolo- . European of to-day. In Europe To-day. at Van Hyn lAlhu group) |s shown by ;e£ego e kana gop ke be to-day land is merely a posses­ Iho announcement tbsf both batteries Temples in the Northern DtitrtcM; sion in most cases, and in others RESISTERS' GRIEVANCES hod been restarted. At tho mines of the Tmnsvaal, and the Orange Free Jte coelelepe/e le cone, ’me - ‘ JohmiBpsbnrg Consolidate.! group the an appendage . of rank and RECAPITULATED. ‘ *ho rejurd their delihefstionj i i h*v^ tsa nkalafa totp, K*batla ': men are returning Jn increasing num Ing been exceptionally stKXoafql-.; _• wealth. In Africa the land is the FATE OF RAILWAY WAVERERS, tiers, and the men are being engaged ai Jte seke ke ikiiSe; K a flfui1 foundation o f. Jhe. whole social required:' Prom tho Goert group th' One of tie moat gratifying feattorc* tloa kelp,;thata j?ape, .*>■- s y a t ^ 'T fiV '•fim ily ’’ or •‘tri­ IMPORTANT CORRESPONDENCE. report is that, “ everything is going 0:1 it of the session vpas. Uro. Twayi’n (the itekanetse,,-,’me esale jolo.i. b al" tariff U’ tte bond which (all swfng,. »nrl Ot all our mines wi Treasurer) finsticial feporfj' whteli keeps 'tne' co ^ im ity together, BURTON’S ULTIMATUM TO havo all ftc Insu wc |r#nt.“ diowtd the liijtml^tiori, during ga ise nke -ke tlhole - u d the free possession of the •he past year, of a Hoary tjehij from ik{lca go opa kgotsa S3 ,!ir * ALL PRISONERS TO BE RELEASED IRRECONCiLABLES. land is the African’s best protect­ tvhii-h the Temjile is now free and tlhabi," 9 ion from bieing reduced to tc rf •showed the ?uhtt«ntial erei'it. halance PUET0H1A,| J»n. tL dom and wage-slavery. As lorg PRETOBU, /an. p. i.f over £ift. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills ;: as he -retains his fertile soil Thi* evening th* “ Pretoria -,fe»a” put>- Along the Colour Line |iibM « letter from Mr. (jandlii to the The Minister of llailwajs to-rioj ti After passing the inotions from the di alafile matlhoko a which yields him an easy and sued tbs (olio»ing notice to S.A.K. cm Vurious nuh.Temple* and nppViivinp of sufficient maintainance. the Secretary, of;-thtf- Interiir yetietiMy, -on nang go ba/oa a mekotla, the' India* qaestion, »n3^ 'n. ' £. ing independently than has ever not to reader the position, of Government j of wiring no members of l Negro up to raicti'e. The co­ Grand True Sopt, (Juvenile WorV); :o., Long Street, Cape been achieved by <*COtq*an0 . Gf.int Jfrtyvijpr.: pic,' S. ’Uoko- Sierra Leone “ Evclusive Areas " format ice in his possession. |fc' would ru»h of men to sign on is so gn> ,u„v ' a large p in of th* r- to | the section cf H .1 ,S| of vast extent are being granted far ratW refrain (llogether from raking not pov«ibb) lve rr^ster* they boitermakrrs hxl loliintluT tliei If. S. Poho. OUR NEW CATALOGUE The Land Question is vital to the |JfJ-'recent A 1 any r.-Valmeut of tion ,to return with'(he ethers, * ’j*{tractor, ‘who Cam* from New ' Grand True Oul.r Guiril Bro...... H*. M ' — • wrongs. Tlie -mpinsion of hoped that all mon will havo stgnod future status of tbe African in ..jOrleans with a few white work­ fuliijs. .;t 1 m UADT—s t fssl ffm m rv^assL his own country. On the deci­ passive resistance aliu eyries with it » by to.morrov morning. It is now , sion of the “ Land Question ’’ ance prisoners. He tWn, in th* letUr, .peeled thi' men, hired . . . coloored men It- v h . also -d ulled to establish Mnliou HU F$fa ska ntn«(- pr*yer/er tbe releasO of passive resist-1« full complement of workers all [addition, : The ,white l.i|inurert rots his position .as a free owner remple.i in Natal under the juris- sjujht: (D/the repeal of the t3 Sr»dM on Itcrulay morning. • |pomp]ain.cd,. bl^t weft: Jolil to d|cti»n of the Northern Grand and cultivator, or relagation to lax; K) the nurri*; serfdom to foreign capitalists. N.tTAl. RAILWAYS XORSI.tl. 'work wUh the colourctl.'n Temple, ' " ' UV" ■>'■■■ >■' ■* racapitBlste* the poi quit. " ; ; - i :^ " HUNDREDS OF ULUSTTlATlOe C»p« entry question, t) the Ora DURBAN. Jan. iB. .Vext the graad session vrill 6it ^t Koodfjiocrt; , '-t. . LMR’iDllNG FOR EVIR^'BOOY. State quisticn; aid ii) an a<»ura he normal trsln service a as retained To the West African Colonies tbo ending law* affecting ledi morning. The mon at tho Point Jcnas W. ThomaS, a N ^ro 0 THE this has been the great problem be administered justly with due record '.‘J 'ith one or two exceptions, rfc MarlUcrotiRh County, S.C., re­ of the year 1913. Gallantly they ,0 n>M * * H, fnrth., „ cently refused • $40,oco for his Direct Supply Stores have entered into the struggle for if tbo Hinder views ha submission with th( worll ^ ivrMwd lr „ bnl Moil*'.—Mr. A. D.^titlsla, eo 0 favour be will I* prepared to advise bu.thll Department state, that it is unahle 1,100-acre/arm. Thom.aabt gan r.O. MX 234, CAPE their rights- and the Scuthern eoaotrjinen in Sccord with the tenonr ,0 uk, M „ „nr,»^r „( lowtr.paid men farming with an old horse and sa bol;ng go loala ke sefuba, 0 mo Nigerian and Gold Coast depu­ thirty ccres of fsrm land which ° ■_** ! ■ I...... „ i *ho are offering thenwelve*’ for dnty, Hotpiula gtpo. Re mo delete tahi- tations to EngUpd have re: dered The * the InUnor replies „ therms no work fpr them while he rented for 1,400 pounds of *#ejjent Krviee to tbeir poun- t« th* Wt»r w (tb* epgmecri rnwij pot, cotton dilego'thata. TSAU EA BATHO, JANUARY 14, 1914! Sub-Rosa, tsala caJGatbo. Kereke ea Berleine. * f c U i . S c.cdcfa Maluthe.c e ntsc ko tCIMtJERLEY, JAN.17, 1914. PiD.eIe. ko Nokeng e Tshctlha. ka week. has been postponed on account of kgoedi fOQ, Gonogapht^hegile -The-Strike." 1 he dale of meetings nor « ~' = *=~' AarmMRfV^R. Rmiv; mshiti eo yet announctt.’ ’ " ...... - aK-Kukv^Kiiuber.W; -Revkr-G. fi. EOTLHE WeMphrl le G Ktihp, M.A.. Pnie'. Barolong le Muroa Rc\s<4: Arndt (Blocnjfontcia),C Rev.J and Mrs Arndt pawed. th»URh Klannl A . Kimberley on Thur* lay -returning home (Bcthane'. feclultz to Bloemfontein after atteddmginc S»jm°a_ . M uroka. tAdnlfchoop), C. w J of the Lutheran Church jU L l l \ th-'i (Spiyi|fontein) Gi . Station. no 3D (Beacorisfield), D. Juried Re tlhola i^amogela di- lt-fcI, R evrain Mkhale, ' m o r e koalo tse dingrfe di coa mo , (“ ' f t The members of the M.C.C. left Kits- > r...... 1______I.. Thcktsho, Koffyfontem; le P berleyon Thurseay for Bloemfontein. Dana, ba botsa kaga sae-.chnci Mokae, eoWhudugetseng 1NTLANGANIS0 FamadodaiejJl ne ” e e “ tekenoang ” ke ko Bucoana ngogolj, 0 rometse Amongst the passes in this y• ar’L Batlft F la riculalion Examinations is MusJiltce Ma- Barolongba(xt tatlanggpl1^ 03*0, kQ Sebodeng.a itok* Commemoration Hall, Ngokuhlwa sio, daughter of a Wesicyan Minister. go bopcla Kgr>si Samuel ' | |ot,|r' bcJe,a {** This is the first time since Miss iMiiraba simolotsc thuto ko g i Macbu. ko and Makijrane passed in i W t t a »nati­ Moroka ko Rhodesia. ve girl again passed the Cape Maine. Phitshanr, o tsenya Kerrke ea Ngolwesi Tatu, January 28 1914. Like the first two ML«.Masia also studied Ebile ga go botse ba ba Luthcrc ko dint&hing tsa Molrcr, atLovedale. ■r~;;xX* ngoaclang matlalo le baba ebile o na le sekole le klase ea V. baipobodi. Raemcdi ba diphu- Umcimbi: Umteto Wemihlaba itseng go ja raoretloa le thego ele bo Mr- A. R. Mashoko, Among (ke succesfal- _ . "H; tnebola, go botsa le ba ba A-"T Pienaar,...... Opperman, Peterson, jang ditlhapi jaka makgo- N. Mokae. YIZANI NONKEr Arndt, son (r( the Bloemfontein Lutheran N oa. i3;nna lo itse fa Chiel Go badiloe polclo ca ngoaga1 Missionary ofthatnancc. Samuel Moroka a coalecoe ke mookami, ea shupa fa mo ngoageng- ^o kolobcdicoe baeo ko ntle ke ’musho oa Frei- lo bale 174,;bana b ile 470, ga a- The Berlin Mission.-Accordingjjo the stata. Erile a tsamaea bo- Annual report -of the recentlAnglthe1 mogelon 128, go nale dikolo tsa labourers in this District include toGer- ntsintsi joa tlogela polase bana dile 26. Di nale matichere man Missionaries 5 Native Ministers and tsa bone ba*;a, ie Kgosi. a mashocu le a mancho ale 37, lc a large number of native Evangelists, pre- bana ba sekpfe bale I479. achers and teachers, scattered over 8 chief Maburu a sala a digapa; fa mission Stations and 40 oul-*tanons. !ia ne ba tsamaile le Kgosi Ko Baikhtiis ka go ntsc gffcte- During the year there were 174 adults anb E loa fa esale;Moorre Athenstaed a iroinfants baptisms and confirmations. (ba tlogela dilo tsa tionele tlo^a teng. jinong go nale nioru- Tliere arc 26 day schools with 37 teachers bam mo dip‘'bsen.) dipo* ti, Rev. Jurkat, ebile o bula seko- and 1479 chifflren attending the schools; KlTSIS+fO, laso t?e jaanong di jeoaoj le. ~ :k — ke Mabjru di ka bo di ba Bad.rr l.i bathusi b i Kercke ba Regret was expressed that Church thusa. Ga te tlhabe dins- ruta mo ditasing tse di kgolo dile Ccoirs, which formerly constituted ae att­ 3, tse di potlana dile 40. Efan- ractive feature in Lutheran Mbsion Chur- anc. Iiaroa Tshipinare It 'd i e reroa le nicrapdo t diroa lc chcs. shotr a weakening tendency. On C l)iroa Kichard ba rckisitst ko metsaneng ca butho ba.Kcre- PHUTHEGOEA BANA A MO tbe whole the Syr.od waa very useful and tee kp baruti lc bagogi. Lc .Ii- would appear , to show that the self- nafatshe a bone mo ma- government now vested in local congre­ kgoeng ba ea ko Bucoana kole tsa Sondaga di teng mo ma- gations, by the Beilin Committee, is keen felo-tg a mangoc. Dikoalo tsa Commemoration holo, ea Malay ty appreciated. le bo rrabo; gompieno ba Kcrekc di rckiioc thata ka Secoa- boi'.e ba tsile gae mo di- na lc Lt Scbuiu.Uuhu&a.U>«i»TOo Kampa, ka Loaboraro, maitsibooa "We do not run this paper for the bene­ thakong tsa ga Moroka It .ivr?pd<*ng ca Irgae, bogclo lo fit of our health, So please pay >our sub- faoana.orile ka leka ko go tocn« " Dilbrro." ; : scription forthwith to tlagoic- aba a tl.» go Gatfumcdi ba Becoan: ka S. SO, Jan S S TIang lotlhe, lo The Editor, T a kgomh^letse ntcr..pclo ca -..a ela mo thakong tsa ga Tsala eaB.ii ho ne ko ta!ta chonii. Bircrt lc Box 143. Kinibcrlty. joe. Gompieno lo leka j^i'gi lc bJei.infidi'ba'lcbogilof ile (/oakanya molao oa lefatshe le ■ eano ja go romela bathp that# k.i g*f-thusa baruti, le ka ko ga Motselekatsc; kga^ go lekola habobod-. lefa ba ba- ‘ '• '.1 $ kala le raaletno, kgakaU le ngoc ba !e bjehojkganyana mo thomo ea ko Enyelane. dithUtp, lo ba tlffea mo ga rong co. Dikoacrc ttse Kercke tsa l.uthcre di kile tsane di kga- ...... idT J.t*5 Ijpn^ mo eare bt eboeroe ba ka eorV jaatjomr ekete dia • on JO U Control Utpwr nnucr'MbltMiLa.vr, ke nala BaTsene mo lefcu- fokoia mo’ m’ fpfbng'3 tnaVigoe T. Leeuw, Menu. T. Diniso. H:1Set?$ for the M M & n k n tf Nat-ve rung ba bereke (gome hf«i docf oalga joo joa makau lc ba- Aff.tr* In <•' iTjakgooa ale, bosilo ke l>o- roets.in.1 110 k»;alcmcloa thata. c<-*i Pretoria, fjwn Krional ex ne g®'tshsbtuoanft'tlSla ea Ka |ili.itlalalo ea batho ba ko perionce Fcrimi «.i go tlljol; go na lepbu- nappy npi«ilinicnt. Alreadj a meet- leuha le losheke.di nto go .hego ten", babangoe ba ile in.” I Iiis tai« W “ “ l*1*, bone) mo gaFe ga bone go rtnec. ba msc'.ba fphaphatb’ th«pnil«>l'0>l“ " Km* k.« na’e im.choenyo ,le dipati- fela lc n( ka. Moncrc Muller ja- kegolsa melao le tluhete- nong kc cnc 0 tlbokomclang ba R lelo tse dingoe, rc di kgo- hcreki mo dikumponeng tsa ' iaLioM ‘ wuli Burgher Knnbcrlty le Beaconsli’cld, mafc- /hoUt’ all a slor, bnt ere na-ka mogodu. Fa /^aro- lo a ko nokeng a neccoe Monerc y fic t ’ Vrhen we My that 1 )0g baka bopelela ba ea W.md sch, mo gonj c diphctolo to patrol and keep*bite di d nisi. fctliM. are .the last per. KHodesia a ba tla tshela- " Ki x k Rev. IV ms M iihano 0 amogc- ' d; vrith tie libertj ka diphttduhudu is ; B?- jtjs as ■^alagadi? ’Mentla j.ana coe kc Sinode jaka moniti. coo d»lu» tlet-ieng, o ’ bciloe’ diatla ko 'Jo mogoloa Iona U. kg da Beaonsfidd ka Pha'ana (Octo­ . eei® r ., m u w v W “ • * * « " gadi Modimo o rile ba ite- ber' 26. Molao oa Ntoa. fengoe, eat a eare lefa. 6a' Native H B i» "*■ oatebele, ba tsaea sapo ja idioa go ira pico, Goromente tiatf Ittirlu (holofolo—di.kae gontpie- Lifaralllutlhj j i Bethaoe. peea bagoloane ba bone mo n^ent front nmclt atlJJW | ,! 11 > i i l l .7 ,;!: T j Fa mibls' ■ tereneng gcre ba ee Johannes- ! I': ;iS i» to? ’Mentla Bakgalagadi Senodc c itumctsi g i bolela fa V< I ' S'mo'o'anK «c kRangc kgolo ea Beth tnoeshoe- Hu'g ba ee go Inna k i bosi fa jbile ba ja ka Becoana. Fa bo™, k>(i brfiri to w it is- dimaene di * ere';a fela jaka i l l ) ' ' .i •iicoc ka kigisho ma kgocdini! ■nole'o h i Kapa ba rc Ihuti- On the firtt pape of tLt« wne Vi ro^phatlalala lotlhe etlarc ca July. Go no ?o tsile bamt: •netlheng le bab*reki ba tsela tscng ka teng ka go gina go tsa m< lelo ba hane ba ngadile . reprint from tlto D,| ? kaj pula tsa teng di sa ba omctac Genootskap, lc banna ikopanva lc mcngala ea Transe critid.ntoftbeUniinTh} tlasc rotlhe ebile Molao oa Ntoa oa r Kercke c ncha ko Jagcrsfontcin; sa Molao oa Ntoa ere go ea pele J l ij i\ 3iJ i si i r ; .hi ’n.entla Setori eaba ea etcloa ke bath>« ba hantsi repis'oi. le rona re tsene fa Hase Iinf.mtlbatlba i* le goto le ! il • ja stjule manyesemane a ga­ TO t!a go simolola tiro e e-sale e ditlhonsh.. tse d. bonytjeng ke J i-Ii!!! ii i *5 :i ,i .’i, ID ii tloBcloa ka nyaga tse di 30 tse di i-nc* ko S-nal.Street, Johsn «.Sarg. . goe a sale teng.' Ntla jaa- bstho ba bangoe ko mafdong * \f»kgo i a roajo'o a L'kok** la , |J3|Sic #*» >» S'"™"'"1 j -M d itiil Aa makgooa kea a itsetse- fetiV-ng. Nfiangrrcgaca Spring- ane ale fa tlase R i molao o Ko fortdn ke Kcrc.bitho.ba*rcke hahereki »ne a ko-)*« mo Tr^da oela ka marope a rona, e- Johannesburg Ra choaroa batho i ri infixing tn bin) tae di ene ele baftrgtf, Jjio sfeporoag. jaka cse tlala t’.haola malatv bile ke gone 9 laetaing ka jaanong fa t.fO e -fokttseea le kgn'o Erile go tlhooeoa M- lao ot . . Ele o- ntmo maia mag «ana, Ro Vti» ha phntha dijo ba ieo 'eh ten?. A na^a ^Qre a mangoc a coe batho ha fokodioa' k r boKitla'ria choeroe le marrna. B.eteiedi- »CLrittm»frl«s." -Ke l 'ltra le mo tikologong go sena batho futabe ba gam go cox le*a ko gae ko kgosi ng a t'e go pele ba bagolo ba t'uka ea •nanhn'e are ba ne, eatlt eare m tlh>- b* ba ka rereloans faes* fela ba babereki. bo-Mr. Creswell k- jak i mono, Le Maburu ha mo tirong tse di Ragamctscng. igo ha ehoaroang ga ona th tv ba Johannesburg, le M'- Boydell, oa tla c1 lebn-angoa le k*nmo ea phnln, Bwnhitab.iK', B. X. 1 * sa eaka eare Poulo a lele- Adj.nashoop, Moruti Schu'z, Durban, tokololo tsa Parlementc. vfaborn » koknana a^ivmyito Hilo lled>oeu,Jt»|4t:Sk«ow »«'!*»• koaimo Transfala bareba eoshoecoenc Ice motadi ngoageng ba choaroa ba ea go t'hat heloa «• hnne b nt|hs eotUi', ■ ilhomola A. Dttnywc, v-lt fifij W to Wi /J h ijiJlti ea.riae. Ba setse le bana, a bile a fitlha- ngaona'eo ’Motla- Ko Germiston erile tsatsi lenRoc leboga txpelonttragt di j» nidrtna a, ■ a mo ngoageng 0 «a coang go ditlbobolo le dia bile; ga roneoa Eo e gonpe fa'ba ne ba mo la thaka tea seka eaba ea itse Rore i»go rina mo t> ng gore a hol< le eoro feta. Ka moo ebil>- 0 Inpa chen- mavrolontiri a Maburu a jelenR- tetse manyesemane a ne a chr goreaatamclc tlam'efe l a a fa h\ n ineelo haa buloa le n’.lo ea '% tlacyphatla polase tsa gagoe ba tsena ka matlo >e mo mebt- i c tla thnh*l»» m^gndimo ?a ^na eo 0 ka mo disetsang bana leng.ba ola maRosana a motse mo mogogoronc tu*Io se a. ko Je remane. re di diMika taa 'one fela c>tllie . ichoketse gone fela ea gakala bo msyoro oa toropo U di knkoonra 1* di 1st ko mmn-' boUboketlbtk" »*. ^ rw iiw ® * I’huthego ea b; nit i e nycoe ka aba a ea go botsa magosana a (kocokcoenp Mfltlfc M n>«Uttc«l* re; fatshe jeno Ie ruioe inerapclo ea core hadiri ,b* kgo- dipbiriny na taa booe t*a illtil fKe’ mash'orbpo le majnta, ntoa gore go rilenR,—bone b’ aenoga. Mswolontiri ao ana a laoloti lotlbokoaboUib j". "O ' athalele go t*hotlh<-letsa txxosi sekisioang,—gatoe ‘‘ R ' re itse, ke Genl. K""» de la Rey. I eleng'Mocoana ene a seka jia magodimo mo banchun^ba motlhamongoe lo tlodile mo'ie lefatshe jeno. OipaTe ko Pretoria go ooa go foloa aba a bonoa a jaka mo go oa ntoa.’’ mogala oaba o* chech? ofui ea kgatisho ea p»mpir'nyana ea lone. oa ea Choane ga tla lefoko ko koranta e e gatiaaflg ke mik^oatlhe. NGOAGA 0 FEDlLE iD gona I E Pretoria marena ao a itse ro i!ji 'jiJUt “ 2 1 • .* » '/ FCampo lo bona Moroa Dincbo. Ra choaroa. Oa choaroa mango* gololea. Ba bangoe ba re ba kgatisho, ga choarr* montlaganji, ga ope eo Rekisepang Moroka a bolokiloe ke Ko Bucoana go latoloa kiileng bone e santse ele mag& ehosroa le hagstir, eo mongo* ehi'a ANNA-jaanong shafatiang din. ■1 Modimo a ba a cofala jaa­ Rev. HowattL~""'‘V„.. I ke tMtlhankii oa Qoromente, o ntiaa Iona lo bala TSAU lo utloele B mafoko a .Mmusho, a ksgo; le 0 choanang aac nong lo rata go shotla ka moruti oa London ko ga Fa weke e e fetileng e ea go mo k jstishong tie di k?olo taa Qoro* Ditlro. _ .. pnf»! ' _• Ngoaketse.—Go latoloa le fela'thaka ea itse gore ka ntlha •nente ko Choan*. ko baka taa melao le ditbero le k't«*bo taa Ooeotnenta W E ka aniogcloa, ka go rome1 eotlhe ro senyegile ca baa sale- Ke ene TE oa ittllu a Sckgoma a Lecholatheba, ootlhe di gatWoane teng. Bane b ill JS f 15*. Jara eotlhe/ kgono scsciranc fa Kgosi eo Tatiana cekile ea loa ke sepe. fda fa ese co ea go retuctse 7s. 6

7 6 f r / L A E A 8 ATH0 , JAN UARY 14, 1914. GO BOTLHE BA BAEANG GO NYALA. Renale tnoto 7 3 S duo tea^kamo, ea Basadtjmecoalo ea koa teng, Bolosiri, Le Dikranse, Dishethe, Roforte tsa tshipi, Paka tsa Mangentlemane Butshetsa Basadi Selika ee Maledi jakrjalo. -

Koala re tla go romela Koalo lo Oitlhoatlboa lo lo nang le dichoancho, Ntsha Di Trading Stamps. ABER D E1 N & BUTT liin ro street, iloeifiiteim. EeBeers Consolidated Mines B. Mrfier, t Unllt*a CAPE TOWN r (Ketlobo ea Kompoai ea ga M e b isa .) R , ' Satefci Botlhe baTjaBatlang Tiro jho Dikepong Two fc* J T I A M U O ; I.aeloa iro Bot«a Agenteoa Cone: I'r . 1 . 8. GLOVES, lotataL | q - Rahtmgee-ba ka ka ea tela Icon Dihekeng tsa Dtkompo- m mo Kimberley le neacoTisfield, jtlaina a Metlha- tlhelo le bo Menecnere botlhe ke •

De Beef^rRock Shaft Compound I w n GLASS Bnltfoaldn: Stable Compound / w *'a M ill!; {fll:ililll IKi|JifoW Umbcriey: Mine Compound] . Floor Oxopouod | E. GALLOW No. 2. Compound / P WAID El i,Uil. fUI«£, CiClKE, cesiil& »IU1M| Dutoitspaa: Mine Compooad I r K H Floor Compound I Surface Compound/ U * H w u rr eioims. »J SwANSON Floor Compound J Workshops : Compooad 1 S Tffl) P iatt w£,[ kuiH, iiiuisv iin fflfi, it « Cestral 0 9 Stxtloi °* o m i | W. J.Katiham 11 tla, to u.lstlse (a^dilo'ccilfct IseC d la i i scuba ko thug e e sa to liig •eBcers Consolidated lilies gt tlkoiama e.’_ (LIM ITED .} ',! • ■’ *, dithoto t u loiia eotlki IZIKWAT1 ZE NK0MH0N1 ZIRa muIDJGA B-MIflLUH D iM u e , Hatlole, D M , Diphtla, Bonke iiah n a nmidoenzi 's.mzi Zinrati likaHgiW a ban-? D i j i M Gramiione. Ba Ua g o f u tla tuzai Arente zattoo . ■ / Ealaluto t e dicboancho. Mr. L. S GLOVER, UkttsL ^ „ C. R. JOHNS, M asai j ------o Bonke obanj/e bangasiike bai/e ngqo esangwi R. MULLER. Nkompum, e Kimbili nase Bekonsfili : Ama s a Kll« c't It tuS m tlo i K in S ’ vtzkx"

a I V o , J »•;= o ' c i * ! o g s j o

O n. « e> ADVERTISE | 2 E s i ' ijcH EsEE*^ C/3 - £ V da * a .SB H—I i 5 J. Pi -- - IN TBE w > 55 u « l £ S 3 “ o I S o w i a ' o z ■“ rN O t * (TsrUi ea Batbo. C/3 m l i /J It w i l l PAY YOU. F- 5 ■5 o ® 2. 0 I 'ISALAEA BATHO, JANUARY U. mm. LOFEKETLHO LO* 5TMEKE Tsa Bakoaledi, Bokooa jo bo Ngo- dieang. Ti’"-!" t v; mo G u ; jj'tlOnf i (Morulaganyi," TsaU ea Bitho.’ Jo&jO. T u ko UtHtwiu di oolo* Ju M*;or Cowm a i k6 M ifik rx fi t!a* v Gcnl. tioo* <1; U Rejr, cu Dicolotl*. MORENA, Goromtnic 0 Uclsr Koalti ngoe go (bus) BILE-BEANS TSA LELEKA Ntumelela go tsenya go diu moisc. t lU lcbilcbi gore Hijo Mirnm Group di wka Iu r-koi kc bihumi frla, ebong raafokonyana a mo "Tsalengra DrTLHABI LE MALOETSE. diponc. iliitguig, Ir dik> Iw di msrng jalo Batho.” Keea sholofela bontsi di r»kor ka v:!rkano-gOrt,1e t^lhOnunegt; bo badile mo kprmtene dile, i bone. Bartkisi le bone ba tU ‘ “ E ka nna ngoaga bo- i gore ba «rb ba godisa diilhoa- dintsi kaga modiro oa pco ea co tlola vlelano. Tbaka ca I baruti mo St. Cyprian’s Church, tshelo joame bo tlhomola mivenkele ngoe e ilhailhosiue ibei- Johannesburg, ka i i December, pelo," go bua\ Mr. J. H. magiU a a jang Iv fid. ko Johannesburg, 1913. Tirelo c limologile k? II Raath (raoroa H.). oa ba a biletu ;» od. ka legciv, Erile a.m. Santlha ga diroa mopelelo Go-ommte a di ullocla abo a komotrra diforaga isa maga!a ite di llang ka koloi ka Sefela sa 112 Secoana. le lela Boomplaats, Vredefort, O.F.S., “ ke ditlhaselo tsa ea motelo di neeloa Komiti e gore e t of m n mk letlole le legolo ja kertke eng* rekivi Iu halfokronA, kgettr ea magala. Cyprian’s go lrtsa kgaitsadia tlhogo, gaumakoc, le mo- Mo go dioviscng baiho le Goroocnte Moruti. dikoadikoe. Ke ne ke nale „>reabaannc a leieiele kefa babereki botlhe le ba mrtlobo ba ka llogela ditiro Ke fa ba booa Morena Arch­ kutloalo e e boshnla thata ba tla go ema le bibereki bi sepon deacon oa Choane a lere ba ba mo ganong, ka dipaka 1< Ekabo ele bothata bo tele ka mabogo beioang fa pele ga Morena Bis­ Goromente anne a tletae fela kontle ga hop. Aba a rabisa dipoco- dipaka ke utloa tlhaib tse bone. Boihata jo bo ngoe gape ke ta Banrho ba ba ntv ba hiroa ka raatsapa a (RANDFONTEIN M IN © : di botlhoko mo sehubeng Morago kefa re bona Mr. Khon- magolo jaanong ba buleloa ha ea magae, khobe a fologa a ea koa bonnong fa gatp. ga magetla le mo fa bo-Ease ba bone ba ngadile tiro ba ja Letdni “ A o! ra nna ,r?. tlaka- magaufenga diphio. Ka badiri ba vporo. sela gore 0 Jla lereng nyaa fitlha moshou fitlhele ke kooa- a kliubama sentle a Rimolola ka KO BLOEMFONTEIN. lencoe le le phepa; a le cooa; mo- fetoe ebile ke.choeroe kc santlhokoe gore ke seka “Ga Malotlhakana.” simane.oa Mokgoro. Kereke..ea thata 1 duma abu a fitlha mo bafelong, ka ba: Ka eletsa-go fitlhola. Bo mi ra bonf fa ma-Chache ale thata Ka ikutloa ke lapile, ke steiahene ka terg ba phutha ihakanjane golelarotUne. huduegile ke ngodiegile, untseng ere e thusi Goromeete ba coaretse fa tli‘ 1 ^0 tlogela babereki. le e« tiro I gore ere lefa nka noa di- : e ikopanjran le ma kgoitlhc a a dv ikgelola dikeU tlhare tse ke di tlhakanye- leng. Ba ba ba choara le Sieithene Mav Morago ga a ba nna ba 1 Bloemfontein tu mo rapela ba mo bane ba Boti >ne fa pele ga dicoeng ke dingaka tse di gore le ene a tlogde Steshene IlhoU. ______Morena,_ __ba r'jerilo fa Mr. farologanyeng, ka seka ka Diterrna cone ga ese di ke di $ m m \ ! £A8mKii i Khonkhobe a ema fafatsbe abo a ba ka utloa botoka joa sepe gonne di kgooli oa ke bak*o*u ba tCapa apere setipa ta Motiakone asa fetelenacoko Johinncsburg. Terena choane le bpbangoe ba bararo. Ke ne ke dule mo ti- e emcng feta ke e e kilc ca enu Erile a coa fooga diroa mopelelo, rong kgoedi eotlhe, ke fa Maseru, ka eooc e kgoedi oa ke m. setata T%e di eang Johannesburg . ... TIRO ke eo mo Komponing tsa gale tsa Becoana : aba a setse morago goea koa ke shoetsa go leka Bile- ko Bloemsontrin di poto'oga kafa Kim­ palong, Moniti eo mongoe a Beans, ke send go bala ka berley gonne babereki ba Kimberlejr bone motshegeletsa buka a e thubaka nale Gormenle. Tiro et Randfontein North, Robinson Randfontein, efangiU. Erile fa ke moleba ka ga cone mo bukanyaneng. lie mo Mangaung, ga nna Ditlhabi tsa fokotsega feta pasenchere fela e e fetelang Gau' fitlhela a tlhomola pelo khutsa- ng, lefa lc eone e kite ea tlhoka go et Randfontein South. Stubbs Randfontein, nyana, ka fitlhela ekete gaanye thata ke digopinyana tsa gonne e idioa go ttamaea bosigo, e ebile a le kanafc'i moslmaryana ntlha tse di seng di nene, tiamacang jaka gale fela ke e fetang Porges Langlaagte. oa 18 years ka ebile a sen:* ditc- Kimberley. Bothata jaanong ele gore eaba eare ka tsatsi je le go coa ko Pretoria go tla mo Johann­ du. Oue a ulloioa ke motho ale esburg tcrenc ga di eo, koa mojakong oa Kereke. Go latelang ka ikutloa ke le coa foo abo a jh u sa Morena botoka thata. Ke fa kc KA L0 AB0 BEDI. Maduo a Siameng. Komponi tse dl siameng: Recoaoi ba Bishop, go-aba-Selalelo moeo tla coelelapele ka Bile- iu e e coang Mangjung bao oneng a beoa le bone. Ra Beans,eaba eare ka bonako kgecdi oa kc b o Inspectere Choaroa Sentle. bona-Jo peovea Baperesita, mo- eiu go huUrela Mangaung ka dueloa ke go utloa tttimela na|a gort- f» terai* Bo Pambili In Bala:si. Is. ud Id gfiifi. beoang f# aMlogetse dilo tsec Bile-Beans di fodisa ka o . uomac dijo ei nke di lek^tui. — 1 eotlhe'. I honako le go fodisetsa rure Uiaka eUlc Uiawu- le e du«»c sr»toc 1 A coelefl lel|ft.fceT. Francis M. mogadikego, mothugo oa _i*e. Moo go lindnile k»g> «• Khonkhow rp vvtimologa koa moeote, go tlhoka boroko. lonjpii ka Ta Itanclm Iu » 1 crvk* I* ______otsa'ecoe koa goora Bathusi k Binisshini Is. 9(3. le 2g. ka shii Thaba N« pelo uba-uba, tlhogo, gau- * akgooa a U)mp» g* mu tiro. Diton MonnakgdW.rErile morago ga t«e dingoe ia di ra rekisa dij •, W» dintoa tsa’ Barolong abo ale mo makoe, go kooafala, to f^ n m h»rekn Go coa; -IS fa a tla BABORO choenyego otlhe a sebete Kapa 0 gaiisitse mo|»o 0 tuwii 1 0 1 Bloemfontein, mme aba a. rata le a mala. Bile-Beans di buka1 thata, go bdnala g^iyj boruti ([a rinjologan" ka ng<»ga 0* U li. ene eatse ele pied ea gagoe Ene ka bonoa mo go barekisi Wakgethokgetlio a mmnrne * tb 30in. go 35in.: Hlf-Peni klnch. ele Choir mb Kerekeng: *a St. ba ditoro botlhe le barekisi phi mi Joa go sale fela lckg«ho ji Patrick ebile ele secoerer.- mo go ba melemo ka is. 6d. le lik» <4 lc dip law. K*r< tig* I* 3 6 ln .: 2s. opeleng. ng* Iiki KokMiinir ca K'pa e t>» 3s. 9d. letlojana. duela lekgelbo ja I ■'•s. »a ngf"!T*. en> Ka ngoag* oa 1893 ke fa a tla koloi c dncle £1 Ha ka n^oipa. mono Gaqteng a fitlhela Rev. ba.seki nv lokara cone di fa 42in.: 2s. (id. C. B. Shaw a tsalani le ene j ta- nna di "hieh mak^elho a di ntsc di a nong a fitlhela Kereke e tsena ka dncla gale. HotbaU jo ek^e go idioa Sezulu, puo tse dingoe di seo. batliogo reka di«o|oi. Rev. Khonkhobe a kopa tporuti gore bone Becoana le Mathosa ba fioe sebaka le puo tsa bone di Hitabeko.—Ko Johanne»bnrn pr diristoe. mme moruti a dumc'a. irtkiaio* -luta je le hndilene KONTRAKA. f a Kefa ba#6iipolola a engaparela Lionel Pbillipa. K<> Jacrerafonuin thata-thata Mokgoro. Matha- aekiaioa Lekgooa tr»t«J le h*»>ai ■ r * ■ kana a mangoe ba lapa ene a sala Moshothn. P.dati co ra Moihntho ke bare ga Ba utloe Setebe'e- Mo­ KITSISHO. ecneedinleng ntm e» JagrrafonU'n rago a igola a tsege'sa ditlalasi ka «rk« « « f*til>ne. fio «ho|ile k* di-ShOnt?ga, a sena seb?.ka a Woeoaa* alo esi le njj»k» « l-^k^n berek'a mo Ttakgreng ei'ure ba Ohnpn ca n?*k' fk"ta e rmif.ta lekancfca gagoe ba ea go tsa Sesemanc, kgoedi dile 9, mafok"1 alBecoana a jp>r* MraVxbo meka. epe abo a sena 'ebaka 0 Balang koranta mo kgocding 0 Kolailoe ke go ei'tlo* le go rag>n k* dirile tiroefbo-Katikise *1 years amogefe go et bofelong jb* ngoaga * tla Ijekgoo*, Moabotlo aholen'j ki mono.keifkeng eno. gompieno ke Morena eo mongoe 0 beile Daniel Moleii. Haah"tli > ba bang* kereke p. lona-tona- Ebile ele b a rana go abnpa. Mo r* »a itaene molisa ok kereke a ikanytgile oroloa e e tla neoane kgarebe up* le Ngoaga. p rr jaanong ba B«n-lanf k* ,naf' k- thata.-. tyajo^.a a beoa moruti eo ka re romelang paloe nt»i ea maina fa k ini,elscni»cui«ij l‘lf* mogolo le. i^^osetere b i mo r - btamoeedi ba ba tha le madi a boor ketse dilo c .llhe tsa kereke. go ea ko bofelong joa ngoag 1. l£e Phuthego ea Sr.. Cyprian' ntsha t i 7s. 9d. core, e rekelc orolosinyana ea aelefcra e nt'e. Re nale Magente ko Moruti Khonkhobe dikobo. Bj- mang ? Re romele palo disa ba' kereke ba dirile thata bo e fetang ea Imbangne ea babadi, r tl:i Messrs.' Mht.tfca le S. Motgeledi ka go phutha niadi mo balbung; bo ele ea gag". Gape k» ntle p TSH1RELEC0NG, M A PEKING, le Mrs A/efuze a ba Ihusa. Mme oroloai mongoe lo mongoe eo 0 re re nale TcKSgo 'e kgolo ekete romelant maina a baamegtd: la batba Moruti 0 ka Dira jaka ane a dira HU KUDU, le no Strekenq sa MADIR OE. fa e s» rise ele Mokatikise bale 10 0 tla imogtl* konnta fela ata ' A KGOLO a mutlliauo a batl o nonofe go {et* t iUe fa boruti ese e tlueie. Fa Ittht ae jto lc dnelttt i be ba tla rckang Kgolokoant gore a ilumeaiie ene k* esi ele ngoaga 0 tla e amqrela asa e duele i di Khibicoana t"» ga Dr, gore * itrmrdise' fhuthego t CHARLES HALL, «baka«a ngaga cUle. Fa »bcrcc Williams pele, ba t|a neoa mongct li mo thuse.- Dumeltng. b*b»di Ncho»ielerg m*f«ki » mttelcle jeo le duilKKfimtne Iciae 0 tla e mongoe Ubxzna i nlle (^odal) mu> o le lente ea eot,e «a aUika n J tat Agente.. th«t». atnogcla kgoedi dile tlatcro. fa 1* Oalcna, dueleUc kgordi Ue t.nc le ene fi'.a pear. rti-.tJPHAKNES MHETOA. jalo. Ke eo, be, “ knle chstuc,'' to c\ sa Inlcug koranta oa M Twla” ka Dr. Williama' Medicine Ctx, 10, Sherwell Street, 1914 eCaho tie molato ta Loaj Street, Capetown. Johannesburg,-^; 1; *91+

.CAOJi M e TIC-' ■ ; IP t+MnJ < ■ ' 1 ■ ■■■' ' , f i- ( f « s ■ ./ ’’ I " 1' , K s TSALA EA BATHO, JANUARY 24, - 1914. — tP-...- ...... a a f a - - - p i,sm fe i(l#ran.slJ3a[)8iam end fin in g (§ 0 , , f it e l. H. A. OLIVER c o . T ? r p i le PEMQRU, SEI1MELA 8E PiGOLOGAmo "CtlLlIiK” Uhlalaonempahla elangiloyo, entle ya MANENEKAZ1, AMANENE NABANTWANA. '/.- l Komponl ee e batla Babereki., Tiro cotlhe e mo pepeneneng. Ga go teng Mekoti. Ebira. amanani alula nge Co theogeloa ka Ditsela tsa Maoto. NGIBO, 1MPAHLA, IZIHLANGU ne SHUZI. r r ~ r r M A I Y T T n Halfobooo ka letiaUi t B iliiii: Xokopane 4d. I Dikgnc, Diagaka le Diribare ga £ nkoa. W l A l / U U Boro Jdka fata, la, ka monrnt mbs • motah I Teiena (jo co* Sefulhint ra « CnlEnan; le mtago g» di IFLANELETE, IPRINTI, ne MPAHLA YEKUNXIBi B H k> fata, 81. b moeima go bon lefika. | rekoe. n a tlqotse letUpom. pwla e ton. Letiug ka m Yinct ngapanile kwaba gajrt akatl bafuoe iitall kutl Sbootagagale rekoe. Nkjiniteke ukuba iakunh(cgi:ela iccunisa-mielo.


W. Nl.Cuthbert&Co*, Mogoteoa 1913, M C Schraeder, LIMITED, M O S E G I A i Great Soatk African But hrd m d

ATOE 0 gaise mogote oa di- Eo Mawenkele Mabedi G nyaga-nyaga tse di fetang Pa Hukung ea Ba km go naoa Tlhako] tse dlslanenff ka Tlhoatlktt CHOAO LOUIS C. JOFFE. tm dl okooolocoenr. Le mecofetsi eare gae ese ekee 55 DE BEERS ROAD, bone mogote o o choanang le o M O G A MOGOTE 00 0 ka tsidifadioa Gaufi le Steishene, Babereki go simolola k | m bofela ka tea Ban* bn Makgabo go gjmolola ka 14, New Main Street, In Maladi le disbuae go riaolola ka DICHINCHI BIRI LE DIHOP Go lebagana le Kereke Makgooa Baaimana le Biaetaaoa t*a 8ekolo le lahlpl ka “ SHU-KU BIRI. ea Presbyterian Kadi okooolooooi. K4\kO. Au betlalem olc, ba Matlho a a Fokolang. ------TSAiGA— l k « k IttkUWt h tal ll tk It Semapa ’ Marase, 0 Leke. 0 Bonolo. . MRS. DELPOORT, Igo segela felaa Kafu kelecoeng I M Cnthbert & Co Limited, 0 Dlrisioa ke Dikgosl le Barnti MERFIMAN STREET. jxhaka ea coang mo Dikompo- Fa Wenkele oa gaeno a s S i - w a s (Old De Beers Read, Kimkulty heng tumedisioa thata ke ene. 37, Datdtsian aoad. ffimleriir sena naeo laetsa SHU-KU acoagae.baftaSSS'Kfi kogo Box 1330. CapetoTn. 7C P'komponen*, marebale Tlhotlhoa 2/6, ka Pose j/. ga a dueloe sepe. • . Se se rekoang ka UhWiyy,' f i f ' oleng go gaisa t u 'Kijnfferfil PA OLE MO JOBANNESBERGE 0 NO T U W ,l COOPER. eotlheke D IA P A R Q 1 MO B4NKENG EA RONA. I***, T8A BfeTHAtf ^ ' MOSEKIS A DLTLhARE, T L H E le dilo tse, e k i;e p i« (lc k « Mifikmc le Zeenut ke. Ibdikoe.) ea gae ua ea nacol,, Banka ea Kolonl le ea Poloka.ea Ko^Doui B A T w f ea Africa, Ltd. sss1miHAKs - <>*>0 to Sell? ■ .^oc s KoioBcjfuj " OHM I. bea»i» la M o ee ec leek lb»u. oMIe o ■ l.»«*il< liat. EnaU polokelo e edirecoeng Bancho fela. go ba baakaojetsa DITLHAHB. A ko leke mcthnabo ea bone e e uU»ng dimashoc. IjTW RQ loU ogo n bona me fa lo tlhokago katla, koate 'P H E wise merchant is the C o o p e r's G re e n P H I (Piltas ■ « “*»? « ° “'■* H kag kkoaknjaca lo* rooa k lo tU k> bolelelang GOTLBE bga Danka e. A- man who carefully se­ ro>RENCE'.|kl»S Talere. 0 ka Aoolola go boloka 5/- (Sbeleng tee Uhano) lefa ele go feta mo fela melects his Stock and then H & na KIMBERLEY. P e c to ra l B alsam (Molemo oa Uigntlhola) la. fid., le 2s. 9d. botlolo bkoakag jaka orata. seeks the best means to Be te^fiaa 3j mo lekgolong mateadisbo mo lokoatang loa polokelo, mad Influenza Mixture [Molemo oa go tlhacoa madi] o o tnmikng igigo o kaae oa booa kafa oiaUng. TELL THE PUBLIC thaUthata oagn COOPER, Bctlolo o simolola ka 2a. gcea go 108. «• re balk poWo pele ge o baUa madi agago. what he has for sale. Mo leko ka bolcctse bongoe le bongoe jo bo go ebeenjang, a ka go tlbaka- nvctea melhuslio o e aiamong tliala mo Lewenkeleng ja g»goe H E USES: KA TLH0ATL0A DI OKOCOLOCOBfcO. fiibeta bi UojitloJHj TkCiliilii K iU if tT n sld . it Atrkfl,LI4.. I T T '1 TSALA E i Mclento ea gagoe e Thusa Thata. Cimer SUIOHDS & IABKET STREETS, M Box 1184, JoHanneaburff. ““"ripm wwBiiie.h-a! Ba ba agileng kgakala ere ba mo koalela ka 1'oae bu reincle madi botlolo » aa, ^ ^ le Sekuripense oa Poee fa godioco MISS tjoto h o m i, t a , , „ r i Ebile re na le Lekala koa llcmming Street, BMLGRAVIA.

bow KIM „ p k8tsta C JUb> but* ko hfakhiili ti * * « * « KVUO K OIKOJIERESE LALETSA* Botsala jo mei: d. TOW T8»W l*e W. N. Hooper, tlhe go tla go itebate- 1 1,1 T a o w Ko goo Ra-THOMAS LEASK & Co., go nale bela mo Wenkeleng ( methale-thale ea dikobo e e bontle bo ese bo ko bo TBA STLO, It u > n K T iU l. u , « gagoe go leba Post Offic KABHLO :!i LE H i. GALT. IE KEREKE EA MAKGOOA, bonoe mo Matloasane. Dikomerese go tloga ka 5/6 ea Steishene. go ea £i. 2s. 6d. Ga go tlhoatlhoa e kalo e kile ea Bo STEPHEN MOTO ilrLHOiTl h o a t LUOA Iin^j.1, tea. n&ko^ i*h Ua eon & W EST END. T' lm Serley neeloa bareki ka moo he re go gakolola gore u reke pieno. DILO dl dtroA ka bo 008 KE le RICHARD MNGU- HERE le, ka NOKOFO. 8 komerese tsa gago tcng: Messrs. Thomas Leask & Co. N I ba tla lo shupetsa. arc o di bapise le komerese dingoe lefa di coa kae fa Re nale thoto e Ntsi ea Ke ea KAE ie KAE mo ke UdjorM ele ka madi, bophara, boimaga go epe e tla lekanang Dik ibo le Diaparo. S«» IIATO IK ELE ke Ko, SIOU naco. Se dumelc sc u se utloelang. Ikise fela ko ga Gape re ka lo baakanye- i m n l n i ! 8 & 1E 0AEh ■*” Messrs. THOMAS LEASK & CO., Klerksdorp, u ip >• KOMAM VIEW. F. oitylo, p 0 Banna! Banna! BOftAhG Fa. a sentle ka dilo tse di 88. BLOEUPONTEIN, O.FA / nek ka matlho! maatlametlo tsa kemo, fa lo Itlhagaiiclc di E SE di rekisioe collhe! batla.tsa hyalo. W enkcle eo montlc. eo mo Le marobalo lo ka H ulling go lebu Fo il Office Thomas Leask & Co 'ooha. K lerksdorp, TRANSVAAL, Mo ga e. i. oifER Fa u co go nvaia kgotsa n ee sela lelo iw miss badness S fT O O . Rekn p> *li< ni(i!;t kn paka go coa k1* mnnoto o ea Loo Pliogong: II, Florence Road Kimberley. Fa u ea "n l,*'ma n cn ko Diklcmcng, Iteka g<> leakanjctaa apuro ta mctlwk ec.tll e tne di thata-tbata U» Babereki. ie . Lefa u aa balle paka fotlhe u ka reka RAKI, BORUKHOE, II EM PR, D1TLIIAK.0, a HUTSHE, KOI.OHO, kgono eng sa Banna, fela Fa n Bp tla H hoatloa ea Nete sc u se batlang u tla ae litlhela. TLHKO TSEDISAEENG GOPEUTL Ue rcLuu Thoto ua BANNA FiiCA, ga gona tsa Rasadi le liana. E BONA MO GA. ei Gago - - r - 'e O A ^ — . ' : 2 Meaparo eollbi SEN EIRI o mo Lewenkding, a ka go Segela fela BLACKLAWS, DUTOITSPAN ROAD. IPA KAfUe dl Segiloeng di jaka u rata. TLAN G lo itlhopheleng ka losi mo ga D simolola ka £ i ios. Mose- Ea Banna le Bacadl la B u i E nyaga difcta Mashomc a Mabedi Tlhako tsa Baepi tsa Hold go, Dilekanyo, Bothata, le Moro- K Fast kodi koanatelecoe. Go lebagana le WALTER H. ADAMS TLHAKO tsa di FLURU. Nnete fela, gago tsieco epe, Orolosl mo ' SIEOE BUILDINGS. (Oppoelte Post Office) TLHAKO ise di choeu tse SEUJL tla u tibatebele. Ttc Dinchp ie Ue di khunou tsa Mekgabo ialo-jalo. 3 . FONAROV. DUTOITSPAN ROAD. - De Beers Road, Kimberley. ka CoUbc tiboflUboatsc diUeof. ( Moiegi eo Mogolo, KIMBEKLEY •■;-. : .. .. . ).•..._.:7 ‘ • ■ • ‘ . c 'iiliiij -. ::-t - , i l ' i ■ . ——— 1,1 Jl I— ■( •■Mi,'. • ' i s t-.& * • m M»» i w a u i t . ,.-n » rU it*/»? - - * W O Ttre TPIENB. m - i©Vt STATI DZF a w - i s w U a fttw ttc lt are tacorporated: "Tsala ea Becoaaa," Kimberley aid “ Motsaalleoa BaktM," Maaacsbar*. 01,


Hr.tiii.y-i i ...... -^ o r.rr Do you wish to Retire Early, from Business? wftY.:-. * O f course You Do! ^ ?>'• . fcTC^l WR*T M t— I Wabantu.” ; .: 7 - : 1 ‘ r :' ■ ’■ -*■’ ) 1 z $ iw a u jisctd .... Then A D V E R T IS E in the ■ ■ ssci?:," .■ , r 7rVj '’fp u tisw • i v r t i ‘ 1 ■ •» --rt Ji)»p 1.4 £afc:I ©< Gbe people's 3rten6. toala ea JBatbo

ifl-f —— a • ...... 1------• a g a n a a The Great BMingiud Native Onrtn ; *. ’3’f.A . U d l b a o l M 1 (SECHUANA and XOSA.) ~ TSALA EA BECOANA, Kimberley. "v*?S —it?- - • • jin. * n o Edited by the Corresponding Secretary. South African Native National Com;rest. ";;V S V.- MOTSUALLE OA BABATS’O, Johannesburg, At,tnytr*~i^r-r-y :. «T ...... * * » ■»» «» %j»r •■..-V1";; \ . • ! *" Published tinroltaneoiul; every Saturday K « r . ir ~ *» AlftfltfJCsS&iie* ' LIPUMA NGANXANYE, NGAYO YONKE lMIGQi/IELO, r - y , iU — ...... ~ ”W K:mmberley, PatdKblraaa, jiliiaW Thut .IVttoi v .

Iloemionleia & Thaka'Acini, y f . t ! Johannesburg,

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Box 14). Kimberley. IXABISO 3D. It will in crease yaur NATIVE TRADE. O M N tt 1 5 1. flfONMM. ' V- - -

Linika Zonke Indab* Ngapandle Koloyiko

labhalelwa ngu Nobhala jikelele we South African Native National This is Tim© You Congress. - 'V&S—* ADYERTISE I Arente ziyafuneka kuzo zonke indawo.

thalefyni, Nitumele Intlauio ku ■ ; ;• ) . v’l ' ” ' ■ " Your . - *V; , \ ‘ " ■ • “• 11? ■ "TSA LA EA BATHO," BOX 143, KIMBERLEY, 1 . ;• • . v , • T E A M i •'ST-‘v w w t u v I Mil: ; **** • r ‘ Sal Kala ea Tiro t

Mbik'Wana, Sarah Anm ngoceo'o tlhomiloeng ke Msiin.irfi, Any Hlhel Mngqibisa, Angelina ■ ene gore a a amogele. Mtcmbu, Mabel Mokae. Kate kulnmbweland pakati e Afrika. >jw sepe s f ka go; Mvambo, America m ■ ■ «■*.. sivakalisa tun- N 0.34.J Mxalisa, Caroline betn, madingiilfeiam ukuba sibooe uku- iJRK lulpdraiil 5 eo moncho fa ele ka ntata o i 1 ______jafimeka esebenxa * itsisioa go nna polelo Ngcume, Mina no ea kadi'1,0 tse di diriloeng B :h , Ebenezer Nkonyeni, Paulina - iyore ezi 16 kude kuye kweziyi u ea pontshm T m r zo yonke ifflihla evekini nange K a liemanaer _ s > a s > a t a — — i ~ ® * k s s g £ Tona Molaodi-Golo a kga- modiredi mongoe oa Na­ I Ga^anaJTveniorr Qongqo,cHen ...... tlhegile ka thata tse 0 di Shosha, Mildred ukuba bonke n'gabnnye aibatn- tive Affairs a tlhbmaini- meW LzJgijl® u m M y a a b neeloangJte^ Shupinyaneng,...... - Maria kgono Mbcte, Wesley Sicam, Miriam bacela ukuba bonke bamkde lcr Molao oa Badin dipase tsa iMocoanaTgore —MoiolnrMtrk*. 1912 (Act , ,, • HJpo Mo; melela phimolo tta Molao coana 0 a amdgcchsicde. < .a Lento isiluimbaz* ngeqaku ebe- 240a Melao ea Badiri ba lise mveni J«nakaridi Dgabantu Bancho, 0 0 ntsbicoengjta 3.,Motho mongoe eo 0 nftflnmMnb* Kitsisho ea Goromentfcrio. dt{ang ^atjim o di^ele KvabO •JffJBIJSl __ , a ban ye 1988 oa Ngoanatsela 30, eseng tse di kailoeng-fa, 0 tla bo ale mob to. Veldtman, Robert lisimo sika mnu­ 1911, jaka e mametlelecoe Xotyeni, Elisha mzana Tengo Jabavu ngoknbe- ka kitsisho ca Goromente George, Evelica Kutnapepa ambalwa agqitileyo kiselele kwintshontsho yentsha- - No. 1523 ea Ngoanatsela 4, Kakaxa, Eleanor sikankanye Imbumbu eyadibana balalo ka 1913; kanti okokndana. 1911 le peo mo mannong a Kumalo, F'rances kumandla wakwa Komani, pantsi akutlnteli ukuba bangatnmeU K ITSISHO TSA GO- Ncwana, Treasty kolongamelo luka Mnumzanakaridi...... kwi Mvo. — Sicinga • ukuba * cone, ajaa taelo-*; ' efi Nqana.Laura , Tengo Jabavu, -umntu omdala u mnumzana Jabava woUU - *’ n B^ tlelelorig>ng e e fe-lc c NyaUr” ■ isifuido'tlrababahlobo banetlizi- tsisho e. noba yoentle; jyeke elisiko lake lid*— Skosana* CoStSnM ’ lifikaftantni^n^ft^eTifficilele tiisa^olokusoloko ebaleka mhia- ^ MAMETLELELO. TJieroKo 20 Xotyeni, Emily zimiso, mhlayimbi ngxelo ya- yimbi lokuzicingela xa^ahhike- ngqungqutela imenywe kakuhle, neyo nomnye ngezimvo. a|K) wabekwa kona kwisitulo 24. E lla nfla mtjlpo SECOND YEAR JUNlOR-PiT. mongoe le mongoe eo 0 & T.me h+h <-, 'ifowga soEu mongam^TT yi vuHT eulnti. Akumangaliso ukuba abaxasi phuthang babereki ka fa Ezinyanisweni ukokela into e- bake ababemshiya ngababinina 0 n kejml iiy aka^Usixelela ilase ga molao 0 gore erjtg •Jujgotifl Jit }i*4\JLl J i lc 'loth - j ngabatatu namhla bamshiya T imbumbi-^kft! yokugqi- ngamashumi amabini namane. ese a ba k( ntrake, a ba gangcant liny,1tl'ih: Snili, i bel;j_stymexeshabela styinexesha Klemlnyaka 1 25 adime madi jajna, a a K n m < o , ^ ross -aa Mu ihaso le wotsbi jresi- s S S W i w ’A A. tiw k'tnnququzcleli oshushu, o^a- choanetseng ^o shucoa' *a phalp i' i> htmtlc ; ih'aHrh1 fv pharologano mo kontra- Boti. Roianna Races Congress ngo 1911 xa wa- kuti asitumele abatati pepa aba- st. Uuhu.L. y St. Georgr. j Mpinda, Agnes keng:— yeccla-ltfgxowa. awati yena no- cinzi kule kwaU yokiujala.ito Konii&r.he i g , (kdil/ng- et. Siwisa, Ida kuba lipepa lake wabizaiS.A- 1914. Okwangoku ngati ibhaso (a.) Madi a ditshenyegelo South Ajrioi. 1 roiierc-Gfitt- Branch pe Univarsal Races Con- liyakufunyanw*"hg 1 Mnumzana gfesi ? Noko ke yindaba yaT” ------r a • Upo. tsa mosepclejca tfrj^cj Second Grade- olo Oi 1 hopt A leyo. go ea ko 0 ba kontra- ta South Aj'ika. Bikitsha, Nathaniel yabc abanye babhatalele unyaka ketseng.tiro tcng: Dlanga, Somtiel ... .. , 0 1913 t -A.P.O.’ yaba ne wonke, okokukuti ishumi elina- Gaciila, I-apga . ntlanu (I5s./V - > c i l ’j-J (b.) Lekgetho ien£o3 ' V t t o ? 0 ££8 i i ' ; Giyost?, - < Komfa. Abatunywa bapoposhwa mmereki 0 ka ne a le A thata tscTcc cineoang ke • Hlaba. Menzie - ; ' ' ngoluhlu, nepepa lemali eseleyo yabonisa £400. Akazaogo knbe- Innnuapa N- D. M»sikc kolota Gorotnefot&j np, K Tamanui «rai Jjwaro (0 oa Koko, Samson’ /rfcdefort 0 J 5 . in»ndela ^lofao^H 'D’ b ^ W fr. .fjifc,- ke Mabece, Job alee- • Scope leni k o i February (c.) Madia tefisho ngoe e tlhima tsatsi^s lx» 30 ja Sedi- Mahcam, Albert W X l t r i * - nlcsi.betn sihasize nkuba esa fetang £j-e’ Motleleng, Peter sicoeng ke Lekgotla. Ngo 1913 i S.A.N N- Congrese «Hrfquba nj*tuj£_'1Ntte- 'Wtwisha, Alfred a ezimbini ezueleyo, le nang lc thata ea go dueling kab< ntlha ea madi Mvambo, Jameson (eyonganyelwe ngu: Mr.i ~ “ a a adimilccnp mo Goromenle nomhidi wetu engu Nal f a o is i rnako ukntumela abatati mo lefisa, fa M a g i^ ri Mzizi, Pitfn'C pepa abam shumi matatu na Kanrfidda'Tntldaanc e e kfjao- Nckele, Clifford yaba nentlangano ezimbini. A - trata eo 0 atlholang 8 mane ne ma'i z*bo ngo February ganyant: dipolase ise di mo Nyoka, Wice makulu abantsundui.. Mocoana a xa dume- marnetielclong ei thcro e. le babeko. Ihqubo neii] lo, nifumane i ihaso. Nantso ke Phethlu. Isaac itshanisf! lela gore faene eo ea pi'alokasi a 9*lci>i|giy>yeng naco, Qinga. Edward bonakala kwibishicilelo saba- Mucoana e dueloe ke kalio co c.i ntlha ca madi ao e Sebina, Mazebe utSDndu sase mzmtji Afrika mophuthi oa batho, a tla duc'oa ke.Bamho ba ba agi- i ’iyobe. Isaiah- nakumapepa abamhlope anjenge leng mo maldkasing a a kai- Somngesi, Sidney ^ .Pfetpria News, Sunday Times, Intlanganiso Yenkosi ba a mo dumelela ka loeng. Yawa, ElijaH* ^*'^111901 Band Daily Mail, De Transvaler. lokoalo. T Bekwa. Martha ... Emikele. _ _ _ (d.) Molaodi (Motlhe) 0 MODIMO BOLOKA Mabope, Lilian • ,r. Irniv, ‘ njcngcpepa elingel'lo kare fa Goromentc a KGOSI. Mhlomi, Lydia EDIKEST. , ,r\- r%rf Mkosk Ewelina • , ~ elaSantsundu.- helingenako uku- a dume'a a letla Go utiliicoe ka seatla T;amc le shicilela izinto ezililungelo laba- Uti obekocu aba nto takovctu bajran. MJsWlik'a. Eliiab dhl quba bonka scntsipo. Ingqottnra, Nxn- kadimo tse. di sa ka sekano se segolo sa Kojiano Mtyobile, Winnie ' ntsundu. Ukuzc kufaiiele >mihla- kwcbcncDiir mnvr umblaba injeiTrraly feteng£2 goredi iroe ea South Afrik , >no Choane Siyobr, Dora ti ye Miv mayixolwe ngebala jravo j r j t 18|$. itizvi brkofunrta lilinyr, mo mafelong mangoe (Pretoria jeno ja 8 Sdgobile. Louisa les bhjlu elinzulu; kantike aba- koJva iiqinn:ki!t okobita Ingqinfawa fo- Fcrikgor lesi be -l/;v abazinto ngabantsu- na yajramr l.«in*qondo ka DjmWeaiTO a a ka tshedisang bona Swaartbooi, Crroline umfo oralva. vajiq-.boda kwakadal: 00- nd.i,. tunga. jiub,hulv abazi luto m an ge ake atrte nokoteu'. ngajt* te ba - mmereki kgona GLADSTONE, E lawo kutiwa mabawabhedeshe) Treaty !(Imnim«l«anoy Him Lomn kna bana. ba rrag'oe-ti^ba is____ Molaoili-Golo. FIRST YE A R JUMOR F.T k iba umh'eli wabo akasazi ngo May 1912 lasinpn kwi Home Secrf- tshedisioang ke cne. >*.’•» • bbtWip zontnmdu, sienco- moncho (^Mir-eJUrt Kakazi. Sat u 1 j- Kiise, EIHotl ko Kobonik kwi Pepa Ic'T saV .aW a molato o . y Mabcle. Ed tt «l oyalitata. AbikoJwe kwi *Mto( madi a o a adii Kaubeke into otztti ; Mabiise'a, 1 Itoaus Kwiveki epelileya sivakalise go mungoagflfe-a pdt< Magaba, Piet * kwa tikulandu!a kwabanye aba ka ntata ea one gore a| Maholwana, Nathaniel jo nizema pofu abateteir Sfuna ol Mati;a. Ethclbert ntsundu bclase Dikeni, et: /«tv okets? dikgotdi ise 0 di «D gona TE bebengamagnsa kwimbumba Ja- ikontrakileng, fa csc go Mbawo, A‘ndcr

Mikube l.ifo u l. a b u » ! [-CALENDER YE zikona endiceU i Bandla ('em- tawope, kuyaruyeicJaukanty m a t h a u s \n ta mittee) 'ike lizame ukufuna Ie-in*ontsonda. URP.rimbadii utc Ifc- ■> i^jtl :k4u X u t f . .« ^ikOLO ka 2914. nkatazo ukuba ivela oina. «ai*a«n«0," “ tL u 9* m s. w M d ix M i L j 8 LEG0 S' wo. ndibe n j cinga ndafumana | ^lope lemuuxuuL. u^kuba abantwana aabarunyetwc baxoduki badutyalwa. Intsuku nga 5a nalunditva iajranm esisixenxe NJenjokatu una-bbulu kakada (Ocso- KWA loko ebanranmela abantsunda namhla ba* Zivulwa Ngoinvulo 13th (7 months qha. Md andaxi ac* akaaeitWutaao> J (000(000 nteta kwa- kuba yey^m ingqondo na; nga- 100, Victoria Road, Woodstock. A pril, Zivalwe Ngolwe- ti kvancMiusa tmikou ya^alaltka eaikwa- kumhi kuryaka udluleyo nge tiai pof« inyokonyoko «yvjimbile. 0 TLA AMOGELASAMPOLE. sihlanu 19th June. xeiha lezlsu ze gazi iseshoni yo* Abe—dolopu lisabayilt. A a H b t h arnjuka esihla ntrtK«mfu I etitabtvm. IITTEi * CO kuqala yaba nyanga ntatu zava- Nakuba iqela clikutu tahe—Son talijla- UKwata Vesitata, Iwa. bahlaula abantwana roota- tyulve linpxobanta, kooa latWmento ndatu. Intsuku nga 54. Mzi wakowrtu ndictla ukuba • W f f - ...... - — Ngamanani apSntsi : zcninga katazeki, ndipumza 0- yeti ytnaii,b Zivulwa Ngomvulo 13th JUtapa aay B, BOSS, July, Zivalwe Ngolwesi- wam umpefumlo- Ivike naio lunyenUxxaoa. I-Lokwe, Blaozi, Ezangapantsi Zamanenekazi, Hempe Nced sani ukuba ngaba niya- Zamanenekazi, Htmpe Zokolala, Ikausi Namasokisi. CYCLEDEAI.EH, hlanu 25th Septemb-r. yiqonda, mna ndite nkungwini • UYttltf Zamanenekazi Ziqalela 3d. zinyuse. Zi- noxola bazalwana. ( Opposite Toitn Hall.) - tshipile kaiye, I-Kwati Vesine. Okad'ebona, BEACONSFIELD. J. B. M. PAULA I EZAMADODA: intsuku nga 49. Harrismith. Zivulwa Ngolwesibini l-Bbnlnkwe, Hempe Bhulokwe Zangapantsi, i-Soti, XA ubona eliprpa. liUte njengt Cebo, 6th October, Zivalwe Balyl, Indnlubatyi, Iziblanga, Zonke Zitotyiwe. Di rtkbioa diathntaa. Tse di ntle tse Ngolwesihlanu nth De­ Dtatscle IS/, abe ngomamkrli ko : 1MICAKO ye Flioeli oe Print Ifuoyanva sisulu apa. di thata. Di rekoa motato; ba kontant* INGXELO KA NOULI E a fokoledioa. cember. Thi Editob “ Tm u u Batho " VRVBLRG. 3 3 . ROSS, Ngomnyaka ka 1915 Zi­ Box US, Khuxbut. CO vulwa Ngomvulo 18th (Late McFaydex.) Li pep* eli»hidlelw» ngu KoihaLa- Z , T T E L *• January. D utoltsua.il R oad CYCLE DEALER. Umnumzana Mason ubonis JiKxt.iLz *k south .Vruux N atiti inxe'.o yerafu ze lokishi. Upaule atiokal CnxniiML KIMBERLEY. BEACONSFIELD. ukuba kupela yi i t tOs. (esaseley Kube; zima ukufumana nto kwaba ISAZISO. ye emigodini. Ufune nrgunya kjkuba aqrshe abelungu ukuze baxote abanamatyala. U Mr. de SEKOLE SESEGOLOSA THUTO ‘tlaala ea IBatbo. Beer u'andule ukuba lonto yena DlYAZISA ngentombazana no Or du Plessia abanpeze bazi- yase N’tsikizini, King Wil (The People's Friend) N kat.iza ngayo n. se Btingeni. wa- h w O %J. b i . t d w J liamstovn. ebendiyifilish> ukuba teta ukuti ingaauke iShekiiwe Bensonvale, Ku’iwa itshate nonyana ka Ten- kwalKMiitetp b„q- ndc elona cebo [Will uliicti art iucoqw»i«l “ T>*1* go Jabavu. ngo December 1913 inokwmziwa lokuKCina kakuhle Akuv*kalanga kufilisliwj kwa ido'opu. SOwiTHOyi MO TIKOLOCONG EA HERSCHEL. ra lJecu.ni," HiratarWT: aod- • os' ot Ziir Buk if you >o kt«p •• Motraalit o« I'abatfu. Johan yo lelisoka njenge siko, kuvakale ukui>hata rjr; kanti czam inko tn r ik.a Wal 'jy. T km ia oothinj nemborjt.] o bezintand*tu. u Taa It jk ( y quickly sooUiibi II rad-Office: Comer of Shannon Fnti n*o Fe^mary lo ndiz^ku atJ betluif antorvoand.soJriddini Jfjtrhn.tdi: xirtilt (-tO. IVHA fEJi Street ami Brett Sinn. KimUrW. filisha enye. izinto N gezinto, lk« Ikia ul p'.aipl*! rubM. rt.i sort*, A - ■ . Capr Ti'Wn Oilier : Central Xm> N'dirn, je »Umt itrhiag tkit-diMa*. ’/Jctlre to E tA L , Etq Agtitry. 1.w f •[Ibusica ke Ditiihcic tse di nonofileng tsa VTaih<*k, KimherieJ. j- - i.r't-al Uilia -f aad Makgooa le ;sa Becoana. K n i W.lliamMcwn, ENGLISH, SECOANA, Th. / Go nale manno a laithutcar.a la dikcalo le ba go 7 : l : 1914. SESUTO AND XOSA. betla. 'Go nale manno a mantle amasha a Basetsanyane ADVERTISEMENTS TARIFF. Inqubo ye Mfundo. kufikc ui njo e Vryburf lu- jaanong. • >,. • t*. per inch Ringl? Oolnmn, Repeat* anj jtumke. luieU ukutsha Y>\*\ .'•oPhefojea gone ena le botshelo. half-price. aroeni ngumlilo wange ca- •?£>TCISH£NE sa Koloi ea moleloke LA D Y GREY. ii*. |«rr inch Double Oolomn. J> NKOil MHLELI we Tsala. Ativakali bisusa tomlilo, |*al# baK-prioe. Ndiknbela okokuba ubhrnurz' 1 lon.Hu wayeyiqbiiselve §etoie sese lla buloa gape ka'FEBRU A RY 2, 1914 8TANDIX0 AUYF.RTWBJIENTH. i’vo Iwam malunua neo f ntlu I*, u f inch per iawc Smele Colon.a E Dikeni 'lovcdalcl nase Nx< - Koalelang: Cirlumi kwrbe Healdtownl kiti ngam:i nyc am; xr>hd uuirtu . be nei|ho qtiORva ukunreila isizwe takow^ Moruti Geo. Weaver, Agents throughout th« ho, ugani? Kuha abantu b-ko wrtu ■ a nr Mfo somfixan •, lokczi Kw.-lifik^ti kuVik.ila ukubalela lukulu Bensonvale, Country 1 fttnela isihlalo esipambili n, aba- rkuboaaluU ukuba ayuunp kamainya ■ SISA Accredit*-! by Mercb.nU M heiof nyr, ufike selequqrzelela ukufu­ oliwc opjk.ti Iwc l^okbOuM ne Sonier- CNPARALELLED foe theeiMonoo Herschel. mana igama eling pambili e!r- vrt tail u/.kurvjunyanjijwa; nppandle Ko nakoln amahlann ebutaini of Native trade I rz-kalisa obuzwe nempilo yakr kokuba anuiui uutwe kwe tinye m—ti- bekoqab abaukotenga i Pink I’UU A Largf ana Ever-Incrtaslng Nakuba kunjak) ndiyayazi inn zika Dr. Williams ban kopiwi ibhao Circulation. yokuba inyinga tnhlaumbi urn Do yoa wish tor etire early from Business ? hlonyane zinto rz orayo, kani •lubula (Medal) eote kunje n« i ■■ 4 Addrers : ziluncedo kwabazulayo: Nfasen'la kwe LlvtnfStone umrwebi ribbon jt «|ik . aihlanle oe [-*i. Mzi wakowetu nditeta ngalr nfenkotso worn—Crike vablaielwa lishu- 01 course yon do 1 Then Advertise in tbe Dr. Wijliama' M*didw Co. THE EDITOR, mizi roibini ingasentla, ngokoba mi eltrunllan-j lenfonyaou; umdla neio- " Isddtea Batho. yimithombo yemfucdo apa e nfuboakc.kwi \hlyeka amatambo olwa b ’i'K Mrm. CaiffUMu. Afrika, ngako oko inteto yam P.O. Box MS. nloyibbekiu knyo—ndaye ndi- G sala ca JB atbo.' KIMBERLEY. sa*i ukuba ihand'a le bhunsr.' N'r^lBhlira komjqibelo I Toi Hu* elilondoloza lemizi liyakut.ta vav vjtaha tu nipimlllo, K«aki k«de ukundivisisa. np.sat4pv.-ahj kJjulrtra j bioscope. NGOAGA 0 FEDILE The Great Bi-Iingual Native Organ I MFUNDO IHAMBA KANZIMA- DOMESTIC NOTICES. N’sexesha lik i Dr- Lai «ham la­ ‘ fJS (SECHUANA and SIXHOSA) I mnum?:-naru Kelly, ongumhloli met ANNA Jaanon* shafatsang umntw KuxrVa <*z}ku ihubha kuk ■ aa angeoe uviwo luka Rulumente Lord Nrathcona. Isikulu sasei OGODL-At Cotesberf on December ati kviminyaka emitaitl, emint 24.1913. Johannes Settshiro. belored Kamada. t y r PRETORIA, BLOEIPOJTffll nti Thabi M apu'ne'ele udidi olupambili (ho child Of J. Daniel and Jane Mocodi, —:o:— :ur new oata aged 6 months. RJJP. Doors, t.jalo njalo. NakaLkunjr ukuba ufuna ukuvisisa kaupula- Aha base Pito!i babu-' I k M Native * Government Gazette” for the Union of South HLAATJE.—At “ Mpafana." BUckfriar pule isandi saroadodana apume ye'e emselierzini. !.CW UAPT- m ri» m NfMk a Street, Kittberley. On * Jjraary. esandleni zika Mr. Baker e Nxu- ■ ml;'-'- Africa. 191 j, Jotann Gutcnberf. belored .hidof a — MmHou ika Ptf* BrUiif. kvebe, zika Mr. Davis, Emgwaii, Solomon and Elizabeth Plaatje, a*td Inquho vakwa loliwe ihuve ya- Nearly every Post from North, South, East and West months I day. RJJ*. zika Sumgxada e Dikeni, njalo- jalo. Ndibhala r.js kuko aba­ pola ku'o lotke rlenyinyiweni, brines fresh Subscribers. Write for particulars to ntwana abagqibe iminyaka eminr uninzi lubuyele etnsebcuziai. HUNDREDS OF ILLUSTRATIONS WANTED. mh'attmbi emihlma kwezizikolo- ; VERYTHtNC FOR EVERYBOOY. bengtra brpumrlale ka Standard 2 £ ; ii: . The Editor, , - THE III. nimh'a ndibhala njc balinge ; TSAU ea BATHO,; R the Dutch Reformed Mi«ion amax esha amatatn. amanr benge- Direct Supply Stores ...' ’... • , ‘ . . Box M3, KIMBERLEY. PSchool, Vejuentad (Cape), a Quali- na kupuroele]kupumelela ku Standard V. For r.a 101 as4, rouit. fled Teacher load as PrincipaL Apply ititshala iqulunge -mntwana j t will Increase your Native Trade, *■ .tooMioMr. J. GOODMAN, S ra a irr | n j.k * J B | . . . J ii u a g

■ f e w ; fS A LA PA MttfO, jftflM tt 5!, m

Krlstu—unyana ka Tixo—anga- ing t v woo a. Cape seat Seala C i W b o . zange alandelwe ngdboi~nke As far as we know Mr. abantu- Eyona nto ebalulekile- Barlow’s history should yo ile: akuzange kubeko ikon- KJMCERLEY.JA.V ji, 1914, gret apa e Afrika engangale, place him entirely beypn.i idibanise zonke izizvre- Kulo- suspicion; and the soie been made possible bjl the Arthington Fund, left by; the and he had told the. aud e- w nyaka upelileyo-icite £78 nga. reason why Mr. Botha /and nothing that they, had not al­ SOUTH AFRICAN NATIVE; batunwa e Kapa. nezinye imali not he) represents Bloem­ the Lond.in j ^alc. Robcrt Arthmfiton to « w For a who! Ideveiopmems in the- mission ready read in the new»papm,; e Pitoli nakweminye imicimbi; Missionary Society has had one NATIONAL CONGRESS. fontein in the Union Par­ ‘ field.—" Northern News." He would, .hpw/yfr,. m(.ve ihat kodwa ayikatshoni. Yenze iwa- ,of its foreign secretaries—Mr. Dr. Rttbuiana'reOfive'V hesry ka ngoku lokutumela abatunywa liament js his too out- spoken championship of F . H. Hawkins, formerly engaged vote ot thank* for hV ?peecH, Isebe lase Kimbili le Congress ini nxa kutetwa ngenkosi, as a solicitor with a large com- there was a long padW. and n*> ayilange ibeko ikongres enenko- lidibene e Holweni Ngolwesitatu, the rights of His Majesty? ^ rc ia lp ra c tic e - in South Africa seconder was forthcoming.,'Mf< 7$ li ezingangololuhlobo- ujtuyiku- Dr. Rubusana Address­ a Mr, S.T. Plfatje eseslfclalweM. Coloured subjects m the| and • Madagascar.- wHis , duties John Payn then rose and said talela. Kudala zisenziwa ikon- Unobhala ufiiride irairirfi ilka 19 Orange “ Free "State. • have included the study cf the gres inkosi zingabiko, kodwa he desired to move a.yQte af 00/ November, 191-3.' zamkelwa. U conditions at the mission stations es his While Electors. kule yetu ziyeza ngobuninzi, dence in Dr.‘Rubiiil*l{i^T:lw ‘ ' ' *'• Mr. Dioiso uhlokonvse umpopo- Can the same be said of ,f the society in thes; countries, Doctor,ha^Tisjjed'aii instrument ' " sbo worelwaao -no Chairman ngangohlobo lokokuba kuko isi- n order to report on Ihe coordi­ qhulo sokokuba ababafana tale his critics! when we see White Men and Women more or document in which he had ngokulahlekelwa. lusana Iwake nation of methods and the referred't^’ h ii One Fpeiker's) Kongres ba'ata inkosi ezingazi- the ruin of the No.them than htli-fill Ihe Hill u Gutenberg, osandikuhhubbt, Natives, the devastated extension of a forward policy. brother as anunknown (awyi r ” waxaswa ngu Messrs Ncede no nto ngezinto zombuso hazifake Many imi-ortant problems Dambili. Ke tina siti ezonkosi who was.** wet-iiirteiriby anoth­ Jomine.— U Mr. Plaatje wayibu- homes and poor impover­ came before Mr. Hawkins and, zizo ezingamandla ale Kongres And only Three Votes no Conli- er lawyer, and he thought Hlefe ' lela intlangamso- ished widows hounded out later, the Rev. W . b. Houghton, references were hiihlf '-'BlifcVi^ Kwanekwc ingxoxo malunga Ukuba abatunywa bayaya Engi- of Edgbaston, who joined him lani barakukctwa zezonkosi k - of t^l*h by the Native deace. ging to his -brother who haa nobheno olubhekiselclc < Lands Act of last year; an in South Africa. To a represent­ never referred 'in’ SWh eppro- nye nabameli abavda kwitidawo ative of the "Westminster KUMTETO WOMHLABA. ngendawo... AsisoyiVi tina isiqu Act that was warmly sup­ I Terriltrial Afara.] brious terms to Dr.: Rubusana. Gazette" Mr. Hawkios pointed There was another pause and U Mr- Ncede wati ingalihlazo In, kuba kumajilala eko. Ubu- ported by the “ Cape out the great racial difficulties then Mr. Klette rose and with* leuti bantsundu base Kimbili mandi laic Kongres bobu: U Dr- Rubusma, representative Times" in the face of the presented by the claims of Boer drcw -hls tiiijt i^ a n d seconded ukuba singa songa izandto kusili- kuba----- ■- ifikelwc------sisihclegu- .. apa. . ofTembuIand in the Provincial combined protests of all and Briton, Native and Indian, the''motion erf-Mr. Payn. On wa imfazwc cngaka zczinye«Kimbilj okanye a Bloemfontein in South Africa. He recognises Council, in accordance with his izindlu czintsunda. Injongo y.. siqinjsekile ukuba «* c Kr.onnstad.Kroonstad. Missionaay bodies, of the {oublishtfd itinerary addressed a being put to the vote three hands also the aUempt on the part of went a9 in.favour of ib& lomteto yeyukokuba ontsundu t Pietmflritzburg, e Kapa, njalo- coloured people them­ meeting at Umtata on Monday those in amhority to preserve confidence moTion and tie meST angabina kaya, ahe ngu no njalo, .intambo zibanjiwe kwezo- selves and of European good-relations with the natives. evening to report upon his ing broke up wbile Dr. Rubusaoa Twalimpahlana ongcn.1nd.1w > d iwo, malunga ncnkokeli asazi stewardship and solicit the suf­ friends, including Mr. Bar- In Northern Rhodesia especially was proposing a vote c,f thanks njengomtwa- I Transfali yon a ■gomso Jcodwa okwangoku ikon- Mr. Hawkins found Jhat th* frage of the electors at the forth­ t s ise .zapdlcui .ezilungilcyo. low; to see the havoc to the Mayor for presiding. seyiqubile, masiyenze eyetu naii wrought amongst Native Chartered Company was en­ coming election. Despite the inxowa apa e Kimbili yokunced> U President Dut>c ukc wafakwa fact- that it was boisterous people and their posses­ deavouring through it« officers ubheno. Ndishukamisa l>nt. tn'oiiKWi-iHv-ngokutctcicla aba- jo treat the N- tivcs . fair.y. night the public turned ont In —kwadunywa. •sundu,»!Jii5fg9.kji .akoyiki uku- sions by that tyrannical •‘There is a good type of magis­ force to hear what Dr. Rubusana Basutoland U Mr. T. Diniso ute amapepa measure, in a manner trate in Northern Rhodesia,” »aid hatUosay and the large Town ndaba axela okokuba ey--s< l»t'angapiso iyaltfe ngomtamla- Mr. Hawkins. “ Several young Hall was hnore than halHilled ) ngu Mf,‘.JumaJ>c. ( ‘ NEVER previously sive Association. Transfali ikolcki seyffikile ewa dated with British rule in Cambridge men are in these with Europeans, the front scats ccommodating a number of keni liCHUTl. — At Vierfonteii into consideration the previous uya bhadula akan* ■ dawo; eny Times” ’ editorials when Ocnton Thompson, the son of years. It was not a fighting sessions,' the- A lsotiatioi was ^. on Christinas Day, 25th speech, there was little or no incwadi ivela kuirkAiweokwase that Draconian Act was Ihe BisV.p of Sodor and Man, well attended. . A good OQtntpr •) cembcr, 1CI s, th-> wife of Mr. egotism in it, but it was a dis- 'Iransfali naye uti ume'we k>-' who is Magistrate there. North­ of new members was Irtso0 eh- Li-chui, of <* son. forced through Parliament kushenxa ekupden to February, ern Rhodesia is different from passioned and carefully compil­ rolled. Fronr the’ memb»)s that His only regret that we S&Uthern Rhodesia because of ed account of what had been kuba engafnnuknbi-* iKicika. 0 610 were admitted one leariji-itblt NT A —vj: Vierfontein, recall is the,"Cape Jimes” ’ '.ho fact that there rou would done. It might almost be said Singatinina ukusoana izantll* ,x$ .; Olf *Satordati;; 27(J) De- the -Asspcitttion is attracting abahlobo.betu bezimbadu tbad'i lament that the tncasuw hakiEnelis . law, and it writs that the speech consisted of the attention'^ theftiitlic''^ . i;ember. io n, the > if«o fM rt P- preambles of the various Ordin­ elixweni lakowabo ? was not sufficiently (If^tic. •tweb better lhan the Adminis- The suspicions w ^ h ‘ ^ re *-'i: •“ Konlsina, iforinerlfty.;Of 1,’otphef- •trrtipn of j istice in Southern ances with a little general ih- Mr. Paul Meh'omakulu ikiil»ze ityoom), of a son. Presij|mably'he want*d tfi" formation added by the speaker. casfoo.it-fron»itKVbirtti['iirough *Jafi \ ngditi ezizibeno kuda*a zi(*-nziw.i eppT(?" tyrannical,provisityiWjo hi ^^fhrM i-hout Northern Rhd- In co.idudiug, the speaker said kodwa zingabina mpumelelo- 1 AliEKA.— KoXnMI. 1/nation, •ho looked upon extended so as to-put Ihe lesia'Ofie recognises the power that' he went down to for fighting against'chfcftainslfip siposo sikwinkokeli ezi, azikatali M ka January U V 19U. moliu- Capo To*n well knowing (bat nkudibana nsnkosi kanti p Pala- Cape Native widow's to the of' pax Britannicum. I was are dying away, and >'*"s inagadi oe-^a Mr. Horuti Maleka. there was a prejudice against some cold-blooded rout entertained in the course of my gradually .falling on the BasiitoVV : ‘ meiite azamkclwa intcto czinga'- njroaua oa moWnhk.' ' ' [ravels hv K^sembr, who is Chief him on account of his colour hambiyo oenkosi. Yilontonentla- that has been inflicted by the I.undi tribe, who i« tie but he was determined not to After the opening .'prelimfc-';^; ’' nganiso zase kaya apa zingavu- A N TED .-A t‘ once for this the Act upoh. their' 1>ro- head of 15,000 pw ple. Fifteen force the pace and the result aties the meeting discus.sed very! ml kulimga-uninzi Iw-ib-ntu Office a News Compositor thers and sisters of the’ years betore the Ch irlered •vas thathe had the confidence conciscly some of th? su b je «jv 'v >’ aluhambi nale Congress. Nenda- W Must be 01ohil abstainer. Apply. Company obtain'd control of the - greM more conscientiously than he The Association p.isped . amadoda ayotuka lendaba, kunga hard labour in “ Free " things in stamping out sleeping did, then he had • iioi dejection KIMBERLEY, JAN.31, J9»4- ti iqala namhianjft. Kanti kudala State prisons, because they sickness from its borders. a..d md he only hoped the fight for isaaazwa emapepeni, Onke a- objected to being outraged last year there was only onr the seat wou’d be a clean one be obstructed by making any - , mapepa ontsundu kudala ebulela case. They are benevolen' He would have-liked'to have laws or regulations aggjnst them.”- v imizarao eyenziwa yi Congress, THE LIESBEEK CONSTI­ in the public streets by despots in these matters, but, done more, but it had to be rer ' .ThO Association nvde sam e^-i Vwayc namapepa azinishaba zo- TUENCY. males armed with author- after all, the natives have ac membrred *haf the Provincial amendtaiil it* tetter that*. mzi ontsundu kudala evakalisa quiesced. They have moved the Counc I w is a new institution, was submitted to, and

■ j i n / ] / i/n o . vnvnV n. icii. vcre made iir tJie members of the natives residing at Hove’fjaad * far I. tSe. present, information Executive Committee. Ground to remove from such was eoocernvd, they w Malokonyana. I Madi a S iam en g J beyond tha burden of th* Union. tsala ea Kaw . A deputation was jent to the ground on or before the Resident Commissioner to ask February, 1914." ' This Mr. lattice Maun: 'T hat ia. Itekcnelo. - him to elect one o f the members passed unanimously. ■airs been daporttd?" KIMBERLEY. JAN. Jl. 19H. Kgotla ja Morafe.—Parlentente • of tiie Association fcr a vacant Calonal Trutar: " Y««. my Ltrd." baooe maabanc. •eat in' the Council-and also to Mr. Jintlea Maien: -You ar* prttll- Malociseali namsi « acquaint him' inth thd proceed* Correspondence. ally Mrtaln?" S.A. Native Ntlional iags of the Association.—“ Mo- Calonil Tnittr: “ Abiolutaly certain, bol* Show ea dilodtlo. e e Midi a sa j ItckaueUng, me ^ my lard." Congress. chochonono.” ' (The Editor, “ Teal* e» BathV) jaka o ckileng ea ona mo Kimberfey Alalioa ka booik* ke i f f - = ^ a ^ ^ a p 9r ' Advocate I .area then aaiit that as kid­ ka 1891 Mo pal«og Tan « Too* • NATIVE LANDS ACT, 1018. napping had been eatabliahed. he aub- Kala ea Kimberley ea Konkrasi ea tla tlinaioa ke Oeol. llotba la matooa Dr. Wlffluu' Pink Pills. mitted he coold no* make application Btncho e kopane mo Holong ka Loabo- Mr. SanI Msane. Dub Sis. attach the official, concerned for raro, Mr^ol.T.Plaatje ale motetulong. mangoe. tempt of Court, aa three of the peti- Tlhingocn Mdile diminiuhe tu phutego j 1 * ' f"^ •. \ Kindly permit me tbe “ Nfoanataela, 19,1913 eaba MriXniso 0 Caliuburg.—Kafa Ira ha le g *ke- Fa oshokola, ’me midi '* j we of yoor columns to direct the •rt down for heanof in that Court thi* oletaa woutu ea matihcdisho mo We print elsewhere a letter attention of all tbe mem­ wain*. Morulaginyi ka Imho lot ngoana __ taonK ka teng mono rbilo btdiri ba a gago 4 bopama kgotsa . from Mr. Msane, ,the organiser ber* of tha Beoorda CommiUrt to the gagor. A sekeloa ke Mr.Ncede, a tladioa dilamaneiti ga I* tlhole be di in , Mr. Juatiee Weaaeli Mid >uch appli- ale mashoe, go dumelesega ke Mr.Jutnine. Moruliganyi a leboga matao a tlhaela. for the South African. ;N»|ive resolution of the last Congre* which it.on could be Bade, and regretted that matiheduho ao. National Congress, which speaks mda aa follon thau gore go sa itekane- he had not the information before him Ke fa go tsenoa mo mafokung a Molao leng ga gago go diroa ke ? for itself, fie has conducted a “ That a Commiuee ba formed to oa the previous day. at it ha had he most succesful campaign collect­ would certainly hate granted the order. oa MOLAO OA MAFATSHE I^konattbole Itugoe le hojaila k|0- madi a gago a mashoe.. U ’ prefaro an appeal to the Imperial sana ea mapoliai kn Kmgeradorp e ing information..and. funds to furher application by Mr. Lucaa Mr.Ncede are c kanna ditlhong fa motre rhounetse go itebateba bo- Government against the Native 00 karu ka oa Kimberley ekare Bancho santae e I us le te|ef- no. 1' contest the .Native Lands Act, Land* Act; 1913, and that said tlut tha Miniater ot JiMtjce. ^mister ol tlhoko. Pa u saeletse sepe-. Defence, Miaialer of Interior be called ba choere, ntoa ee thata jaana oa mena Knight eo nqa are oa thtuetaa le ene 1913. H is fftbpaiu) was sudden­ diatla fela. Maikaelelo a,molao 0 kc gore Committee be empowered to ipoa to produce tbe petitioner* "U a tlnajoa, ke la ramolal a n-tolola u ie go fegeloa go khin ly disturbed-by the recent Rail­ collect papera, report*, reference*, Kafore e se ka ea ba ea naa le legae, e ne 'Mhdrawn en the ground that the Court e hiroa fela mo tieleni e ntse e kibere piatolo a iphalalanra ditlhaa. choane u sena ko ikotloloUt way Strike-und the proclamation and all informal* n and anthori- lad no jurisdiction beyond the border* Of Martial Law ; but it is not in thotoana jaka moroa. l e rona mono ka tironyana, u timegile tie* necessary to rapport tlie case of tbe Tran*Taal. Kimberley ire ire koleke ea nna jaka es Mr. Msan«‘s..nature to carry a for The Native* of Sooth Africa.” Alter further argument Mr. Juitic, mafatshe * mangoc a setie a phomeletse, Rtnmpi.— Mutae oa kgona je le tlko­ mmala, kgotsa u le most? drooping head. When nothing Weeieta aaid it Uovernuieut wanted lo re tlatac letlole ja moscpele 01 barongoa. la le ulmka-ihokana le IJfCuaua ba ha tlha, u sena keleco-dijo, Circulars containing tlie above Ga dungoa. could be dope in the Transvaal (one aad d« an lUegel act nu Court bapileng najo ntlha ea Kndnvaoe. mme boroko bo sa go owing to the .disturbed state of resolution hare been sent to the Id atop it. If they looked up three Mr.T.DlNjSt) are koranta di bolela fa ko gatoe motac oo jone o ihe> ka Tehipi. the country, he .slipped over to members of the orieinal Committee, I and reftued them the right* of citl-Traiuefala go tettc go kolckiloc sckete ta nehafatse, u choengoa ke Swaziland,, won (he confidence ‘ to other gentlemen *in« added, i to appeal to the Court at Durban,■liponto e ka nna ditlhong fa re »a tliki- tlhogo, u na lediiihabi tsa ind aa it ia propuecd to call a special ■aa not a valid act ou the part 01 reje. lauba—Kafa lea a le g*ketaeng ot the Imperial Authorities there, thr Uoremment. It Uovernmeut chow go tlhatlhara marabo, kgu- had 6everaf.successful interviews netting of the Coupns* m»*. might Mr.THOMAS LEEUW are le en* 0 ka tenit ebile tshajoa Rora terena e tlaua (IhagishocagaMr.Ncele. Are ke e coahc Cookboott e ea Somtaet East tsa u choengoa ke mogadi- with the Swazi Chiefs, and got 1 request all-thcne who LaVe not yetthey were rmpontible to the cituene oi loantlhx ke utloa a1 i but aa assurance that Malunge, the confotmed to the term* thereof, to 'Unity. ■nafoko a senna a a kalo, ke e tla nma ke go tlhoka ajetie, kego-utrhoaoeue go leka Prince Regent; would attend the their note* or contribution* k k t n itse fa ele tebji. Kc gone ke Dr. william's Pink Pills. without delay ai time ia fleeting. : ke amogela lokoalo lo ttoa ko go ntta- National Congress next month STILL SINGING "THE RED eo kene ke mo ctette ko Traniefals l^tadiane gu iorenile ka gore ditiro di wngoa ke ba ga tse di ro- £40 in caik^with promises i: s n i k F lea d e r s JOUANNESBl'KU, Jan. I eteledipele. Parlamtnte ja e tlhokornr- pocket cfrnxire.ttr follow. le mafoko a a senang kgoti; mme care ba Seretae. -Taou Holo fa Roah^fo . bang m..noa DEPORTED. In view of the sailing of the li tloga ba tintibetse ba Hogci* dikgoji ko Mr. J. VITSHAMa flg Q| e 0 $ j^ from Dnrbau this morniug »itb *w»c kc krtbu ka *0 muba. morago. Ke thone te lefa Kongreue gila maabiui va biomwpo, Labour leaderi on board, the authorities bldloa go sa timg balho bale bantsintsi . tsa. A Bombshell 1 gate periuirMou tor tha facts ill connec­ motseng 0 0 kanakana Va ga ba dume- -V- macs mo letddiding ii Maitland Hall Park, tion aith tho deportation to be made e naeo le mafoko ga lo itie go a phu- m g Ip ti public. Tbe chance* ar* that could the thololela batho. Mr. Kelly.—Mole idi o. dikolo ko dipnleng t portion of tlie bangoe ekete ba choga mafoko ana ncoa segang go Itgabaganya rv'~ This i^ ii.n a m e of the dis- on board. It ia understood that they javney, that Irom th* aort to Doom- a sa bolo go beoa fa oele ga dichaba. tinguished ; Anglo-Indian who tiara b>« deported. Tha party couit- Ion tern Railway Station, m the police Koranta tsa Bancho ga di bolo go baka Bloemhof.- Morulaginyi oi pam| k c T edits the“ Cape Times" andoq* ted of Wataoa {Pmidrat cf tha Trade* vaa, not a toul would have ki«wt tiro ea fCongrcsa,fela jaka dikoranta tuba <• Makgooa, " Digrera New*,*' moon, tlhalosioa ka ma icof, *.ac" of the three South-African reci­ Federation), Poutatna (General Secretary thing aboot the Government‘a big ba ba rona di ragaka tiro ea Kongren. omo diualeng e*nle o romioy koa tsa nna botlhoko gore di /, pient* ^ ,J fe # ? T e a r Honbots, at the Kailaaj aad 11 arbour SmaaU' except th* oScials who csrrie. mme ntekane go sa nale banna bangoe ba Matloaanoe; kgetac «»iae . tatne. Sriftj). Bain (Sacrrtarj of Trad™ F«d- through, till Ihe Vmgeni was well out ba ditedu ba ba a a Itteng. Ba gana go be di mpaUletse go lesetsa this yean , w e ‘ are sorry'- we to sea. In sbort, the whole of tl bala dikoranta bare go tihameka ka Molato o re akabat'iue ka lef. pM. r rat ion). Ma»n. Cra.tord. Wi « night ascertained, not a sit>| ame ane a toliekanye, rme ‘ ia writing relative lo TO nna a phutboa ke bo Mr. Mune, bo Dr. Parkon his knighthood. Our More 'last mida*’ a atronj < ^ a tt and President Dube le ho Mr. Msimang, ebile ke choengoa ke tlSo-v arrirtd hare at midai|ht !a*t nijht Thr pasted, and all tbe a Retraeke.—>Se pakebvs koa Italy. people jre , at prefcfeftfc’groaning mad* and perfected ■ iaanong go letiloc fela Kongrrxt e l . '.j I'iuchere di dirile mn.i ke ka nt*u ca go e boitshegang. Ka Icka^ £ under, the drastifc'^ffects of the- trait r a run do*n to tha l’oint aloa*- e tlhopna batttmaisi ba ba f a n ; ie tide the Cm*ml. a»d the depoitm wr»» a n ,| fn buelela ko motcja. 'n tvgano ngoe fa gart uh laukatsedi. melemo ele mcutsi : ala- distinpished services he render The d CttVM « ba ackole lit eme le ditichere taa pvt i* board. It ia brlirnd the ahip hold thenuelvo _____0 tsikintse lo r e Ko *ti cj fa matlhoko a, ’me k.i seKa "f ed thp Botha Government; pre­ •ill not tench at any plan anti] the n laid ti hone ka gonne eekule ga te tacne. Leksla c ntshe dinampiri lu go lo.i.tJ ka bona kgoluLs-thmg tepane se. Fa ke ria o karc a ^ipampiri ke scke ke ikitse. Ka iku* tive* and the:cold-blouded pro­ jbout the untfertaking tul he an tsa koleke di coc kabonako, nako ca fcta.j mm were«uamoncd, uian) ol thru troni Vrjbnrg—lna|#kterc oa Lokei- hibition of cattle to eat wild Mafoko a nccloa KomitL •hen- o b >leletae Mot pale fi Beo*na tloa kele thata rape ke' SCPRKMB COURT JUDGE SIR. their beda, at a lew minute bclore the Mr. Plaatje 0 libogile banna ba bi itekanetse, 'me esali jolo grass'wheri Ihey have a black departura ol tit* traia. It i> under- ratang dipico, are oatla a ithutc thata n o ba dudae madi a bone utlhe a 1912 go owner, 'irafr the b«t thing for ttood that a| the laat minate they were go conc. Lefa ba bangoe bare ga bal AVtT. ring told to,bring nothing but an sepe. dilo eotlhe di ntse jaip Le Kresete, moroa Modimo, erile a tsile go boloka kgoedi ca March, aba a lope thau ea tlhabi.” sants and the appeals of Mis­ -PKETOR'h. Jan. Sk. coat and a i«u of handcuft with him. gn lelcka ba ba *m dueleng. v ate pale In the Supreme Court of the Trana- Martial law being rigorously in force, batho ba mo gana. Kana Kongress rone sionaries otjlbeiii jbehajf. ,w\s as raal thia morning, before Jnalire* We*- curious sightseers were not expected tu ingf Se se tlhomameng ke are kKftw ea teleko ke e e ka aka- Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills noteworthyos'it vs unprecedent­ gore ga di bolo go lekoa dikopano mme .ile ka tlhsgish > etga Mr. de nang go ba/oa a mekotla, an the police van told only too pi Ka 1913 e roraetse barongoa ko Kapa ka certafn pbiitWirtV’with-the -rid _ A. Cruafort. fL-B. Waterstoa. A. £78, ca dira tiro lie dingoe ko Pre’oris Beer. bokooa joa ditshika, nto- the few people within hearing that Cape administration, but this Wataon, W. II. Morgan,. IJtingtt “ ka madi a sele, le jaanong ebile e phuthi- - w - tlhagare, go bopama, go,-. «waf the first tim* we have ever and Mackerrell. now incarcerated nothing big Vas ia ths wind. le madi ale tiuntsi a go romela batho ko gaol, that they, ahould not be dcporttd moseja. Fa bare dikgoii. Ke bogolo- Mo lebakanyaneng te * fetileng re gadikega, ” go tlhatlin seen it upheld Ly /enyipg ~oa South Africa. - golo di iroa ga gona epe e kile ea nna I* lietae babadi ba ronaoreloai ea aeldara marapo, ditlnabi tsa nama, natives the right to occtipv land Mr. Local eta ted in the course of dikgosi tsa meraferafe jaka e. Gs go e e tla taroang ke mongoe eo o ka re setoipe. go shua ditok. lo- except as whitem^nls hjJs* and application . that, affidavit* had been morafe 0 0 seong mo go eone, le dikgosi romelang palo e e fetaug ea baamotfedi St. Cyprian's English tu Bancho ke cone di e tiisang, lefa go if tbit kind ol support entitled Wade that the prtitionm had bM ar­ ba koranta ba ba duelaug. Oa jtana lo, le matlhoko le ditlhabi ooo''to^> 'knighthood, it ill be­ rested daring the recent at nke, aad ka rongoa ko Enyelane barongoa ba tla that at 1 9 aJn. on the JTth January Church School, Kim- tlkocoa ke cone dikgosi, mmogo le • ket« oniluai eo e tla taaoa ka Mr. tsa sesadi. come* any lover of justice to petitioners were conveyed fn’Bi tl« j» 4. baemedi ba raetse. Bothata Jo Konkrasi I). J. Sgojo, oa (iocenato»n. he ene, applaud when the natiJN) ppople placed aaJsr pri*n>cort io tne train, ke gore lefa e ka tlhageloake tshenyego ii eteletaeag pele ka maina ale *1. Dr. Williams’ Hnk Fills are stillgrbaning under k. But aad were Wing.t*n*>ved lo aa Bnkaown ^ ' (ierley. mo Kimberley ie ko Bloemfontein, lo itse gore ko Makeleketla le ko Maritr- Bcnui joa one ke ba ba duetaeog di rekisioa ke di-apo:hc- if that kind of labourer is *lso Petitkmera feared they burg le ko Kapa ba santse ba gagamadits* ngoaga otlhe. (la jaana o lateloa k» kere le bo ramawe ike/^,' worthy of hrs' hire, where does it be' deported forthwith from the P.T. EXAMINATIONS. Mr. Dube, Prcaidenie oa eone. o kile a Jir. Masik*. oa VreWort, Re tla l» >a ot South Africa. They urged kgotsa di ka romel a ko Tengo Jabavu come in? His teronko ka go buelela Bancho, le re bolela fa hufeloog jwt kgoedi goo services ^though more mean^ were such arm t and depcrtatioa waa '* jaana ga boife go choaroa. go Dr. Williams’ Medicine legal aad an order aaa aaked calli THIRD YEAR. Phuth'go ea coaloa kt thapelo ke Mr. utninkgffdi eo e taamaea jany mOffrstlf dttiying, for while Dr. upon the Minuter of Jostice, Director Z. Jumaoe. Main* a tla bal * fa go feta kgoedi r Co., Long Street, C ^ v Park drew the line at his peo­ of IViaoBS. or any other person, to show Michael R. van Reenen. March. Ha ba ga taeaig <«ota« fa ba Town, ka 3s. 3d. b»>t!oi pled'rights, ‘‘ General’’ Tengo why petition.ra should aot be ia- i/M iriam Nosisi Hay. n>mn*e maina ale thorn# ba amogrl. kgotsa Botlolo tse di this- / sacrificed the interests of his own * set st liberty, and an fnter- again,t their deportation frwn Martha Monakali Skota. •• Tula ba aa e duele.' Le oena p taro I7s^ u sa duelele pos^ kith and H nio the service of the GaJV’ SI iaago. Teatai leogoe le lengoe le aanco* ko Knyana. Kgi> >a :-The General Purposes Com- Solomon R Matshaya. tscne dichoanelo tsa Makgooa lengoe tent le Iktrik Makgooa. ebile a I* ___ the other prieonew were hoRolo 0 Transefala. 0 ile te- ntae le liana fda go auaoloh atae----- rokla hutm. Are maaho* aoaumnoa mitteereported as,follows: being siallarly treated. Ebenezer Elijah Mkuli. kgono ngoaga. *• l< ntlha ea Grafoxovn are diiots'Odi Undef-dnte the 8th January, Mr. Justice W.wela pointed out ronkonR kgoedi 1* halnfo gotoc o go phinoloa gor* fatsir je.w Turner Bolani Kosani. koadlle koranta c e t>hot Buheen. Messrs:' ’Wc&vinfl & Weavjnd, »nnte tbe Ovveniaett wa* going W do ditseng batho go mkutlha. Ma- aay thing illegal, or was going lo k bsther Ntsiko. A HANBVHW0.EMK, K^tf-MoAkime'L adviss'd th^Ethe- Council' wac gisctratn arc o rekegeU Parle clthcas, aad ae«l them away except bj Martha Alexander. mente fela a sa mo nee h-»rJ etlhamwior.Ulaih* -1 succWfcfuHn the pros*cution virtue c l son* Act of Parllaaent bahedl ti*' ’»i!o» bo *.~a>i.< undertaken under the Native lebere. Re sho'ofela fa Mr. A HanJ 2od fj Xadltwrl re f> bs-la go i ' C'U . 'Ailti-r. e At thi* *»a*e Mr. Justice W e^ s pee. Creswellatla dumela gompieno Locations Bye Law s; the Court reived Colonel Trwtef. C«s*mi*doner of Cutting Out for S. African Schools toa ka who ua etiUunka. Police, in Coarl. and called hia into Chief Jeremiah Sioka . of Marittburi fa Kapa a eaisa Johannesburg ka holding that the accused being puaed through here on hit way home by natives shou'd reside in a Loca­ tao'o e e siameng. Lilian Burnett, RA., TM-. r H I - 1- w & p -ri” . Bo'Dr. Haggar le Mr. Madeley Kilnerton Institute, tion, and tha* snph title as th*' tic*.Maaon, m d. ke aa* Control Officer, The Diamond FieldaNative Tcachen ko Kapa ba rukutlha jaka ene ga M d to’whnt is known as “Hove’s For nf the WitWaterwraad. Ha did aot h»Tt rectircd new recraiu in the pcrxont ba choaroa. PRETORIA Gnund," was not such- title as know exactly A n petitioners were at 0f Mr.MotIh>bi formeriy of Worcester, Mr. Bordell, tokololo oa Parle- »»■ A Copy will ba tent oa receipt o( a the moment. The Governor of tbe (aot Mlak Mqoboli diugMer of the Wesleyan entitled them to reside there. menu, oa koko btbenki U «« o T h e f therefore rscomaionded n o O . M to haW th s . *en to aa M inatarrfttat«-eaadM lw M StotM Poetal Order fcr 19 UWlHri Advertising Mlcc ke icrml tpn *" u n i t 'O t f were p i i f f • ko N«*lie ( . ® m m u M m go ft c- u^io 3EQ> e titMl ea CUIO tsa Icamo, liekgubo M b Hath mecealo ett koa teng, Bolosiri, Le Dikranse,' Diskeske, koforte tsa tskipi, Palca tsa Mangentlemane Hvtshetsa BasadiSelika eeMaledijalo-jalo, ~ "

Iil a i» l i ia b t li ( t « u 1/-. 1/8. h »/- I ikiiih til di kgUfcng I/-* Jic M- hVLa »•!<«* «* -M " >/s- }/-. 2/6, */•k 8/6.

St>P'>> ' 2/-, 2/6, 61- k 5/C- Ka OUj-;- -rlvilv » MOSEaK OA KO TENG OA KA1X800K, dfeL I* di Iiiiirg < a 1 < eja'o 1/6. 2/6, */• e di kgnte e e kgabiaicctm) le dita a ia godima Feb k» 4/11 » * * /- Go nale taedingoe ape S/C, 2/11,8/6, |e S/ll. Mtkgabuho n ncboU ot tlhe. OIHEMPE TSA NAINSOOK, m*n>koe r ba mnagadi le dtltif k> 1/6, 1/9, 2/-, 2/6 le l/l 1. Dit3>ak« t» tbk> ]» dipctWDjant 6/6, 6/11, 8/6. 9/6 It 10/6. Na 42S0 Dihatse tsa Hasadi tse di Kgabisicocng; jaka moMchoa-ncho 2/6 OJi. 2/11 Claogoeffh. i8s . 6d . t o 42s,

Koala re tla go romela Koalo lo Ditlhoatlhoa lo lo nang le dichoancho, Re Ntsho Di Trading Stamps.

______ABERDEIN & BUTT mirLiHD street, blob pontun, BrBeers Consolidated Mines K, Holler, T . l m i t n . CAPE TOWINW ca Komponi ea ga Babareki Botlhe ha ha butlang Tim ilu Dik«pong Taeo U PIANOS L aa lot fO Botsa * gpBto o> C o n a : M r, L. S . GLOVER, Lob&tai- Rabangoe ba ka ka ea tela koa Dihekeng tsa Dikompo- 0BGMS. m mo Kimherley le ueaconsfield, Maina a Metlha-r tlhelo le bo Menecnere botlhe t e a : it 'd

: £ s S g s L . } i * ~ « - J M H iit lull! W;tt «»[• U a k rlfT : Mine Compound! Floor Compound | B. GALLOW No. 2. Compound > P. tt aldex Llttl. n u ts, tM M fU m iS. HoiuSi t • Floor Compound I D*Wbpu: 8 5 2 7 5 L } * * " - " biobim, ik ih u n til m i h i ims j - r : Mint Confound I Flo* Compound |J . SWANSON Surface Compound >J SWAK50H Floor Compound J Woitshops; Compound | S TBO FlATT GDsC[ M111S, flild i’ n m v i T b . H . C o tn l | W. J. RATTHAM Ii tla, lo ii lantse ln[dilo[ m lltetsej u ka di senba ko tlung e t sa bolsng DeBeei s tousolidated Mines go tlfccnama e.L (LIMITED.) r - . . V t u 101)1 N i l v -— = — IZIKWAT1 ZE N K 0:.n'0N I ZIKa mulSJGA E-DAVImANi. D i t t o s ,! Hatlole,'; Diko&fi, Diphak, Boakoabituna n;ns o 02i ksr a ZLwati zika H^ibisa banca Dijolo, di Gr&m&lono. B& til g o tu tla I t t l i i - 8LM ziboo . Kataloao e t diehoantAo. , Mr. L. S' GLOVER, Lobatsl „ C. I>. JOHNS. Ha-soru. Inrun# gi — ------U i Bonke aluv’je bavgnn'ikc b u y n g p csangwi Kkcvipo:1'. e Kimbiii ni.ie BebmtftU: Ama R. MULLER, a?, <7baxMi Ihizo na..ga ngjsentta Ntlo i l l« tang aaOi > I

I t 5 ^ O o 2 ! , ADVERTISE 1 2 ' - e iS £ £ -I <0 m ■ m 3 a If (fl o § 2 J. - ■ i s - g a - ^ w U y ii ( - 2 2 ai z + -» M IN TIE ■og gc W « 2 4, c 0 M X 2 u . “83 Si ; « c ; PQ 2 « ea I c - a w 3 = , - •- o 2 u U S o e H 2 £ i u .. .. . © o z c e z a P- tteala ca JBatbo. (/) a z 5 -i . 33 w „ ~ g ^ £ 2 ' o H = 1 1 J ' a «;j,£ tt » X O ■ = r - it will PAY YOU. OS 8 <« ! • s i l a ? 2


thale, di Iicuicoe tsa ea golo reWsits* m-fenedil«*7 ftshimo Tlhogoe e Botlhoko le latlheloa ko Teemanjeng gom-1«*« iu«r>we e nale mlo) ka £4,53a pieno go setse dipooa fela. I " - — JlWlttwadikoe. gompiwH>.[a~o_«a_inor.|.{ooron.,, terene • nw'gAft nna a f.’ pv.n? dipale, mekgoro e metse leileile £3. Stubbs Rancffiritln. " 7 Ka bonako mo- ke.t,sileng go lefa ka rone. Bare i fena- go simolola ke rona baagi lebalemi banag i i i S , 7 k S S K I L H ” M ke di.pt! i Pore/ex Lunglaagte. J ka cone ka bona fa ke Lcuba 'e It re r o 'o M c t a M •* « * • . b“ ! u J " rt b ,,le bonyeietlharesese fitemo- mtthalctbale eotlhe'ele. Bokhu- lipeni ise di kalokalo. Mashe* tlaetla rina eng ka 'gobo ihemo lenyana a a seng mantsi a ka falelaite' Pele ica, itlho- dudoa ki dipeni, eseng £34a tlhcbtfmd'fiipelong, 16 go gae khutle gop9-| Uefa 'okoalo M aduo a S ia m c n " i i-iiipnui tse di siameng : licoaiia'M loame.lq ka akango'a ke batho Mer.igo ga kgang e telele Mrs. ocoa. ke'vtfhogo le sedidi bale ihome fela fke'e Smith) ntla D y d e n a bitsa nvtp^lisi le ba- t i n ;1 wn Stntle. tsa &lca tsa . tlhola di bo ke sa koalela lefela. shupi are ba te go boia fa nchoafa^Mr go-tlliatlolo- mophuthi oa lekgftho a gana BABA BA BABEDI. Ickgctho ja gagce, aba a raea I J.T n ; gaiu,VSfilc l e ntse ke Koranta ea beburu ca OudK monna oa krra rre a kgoctsc ba choaretse^ -pcle ka Bile- hoorn eare: Ekare fatshe ja ron, boe'e gae. I'akgethisi ba tloga Beans fear simolola go nna le tla siama, bahumi >e bahuma ha tshaba g 'rc go tla tloga go le bgijpkorjo bo siameng negi ba seka ba ntsifala. Ra 'na tsena maf ratlhatlha a sele gape mo i^aatwjnyaneng, eaba rotlhe mo tseleng e c fa garei fa go utloala gbabrdi. Balang g p ." Gape// Re tla Gompieno re sa btu ka batcreki shoetsa leng ? Are *' ga ke kg.v B A B 0 HO —^ ^ •bepg.iba jiitiro bo- ba basho«u- Ga cona nako ea t*»ale Ufa lo ka shoetsi isago.’’ _____jafekisi bi ditlhare go tshameka le bone. Molao oa Kefa mi kgethisi o jmongoe a ka 15.6d. le 3s. 9d.‘ Ntoa 0 setse 0 gagamadicoc ko tsenya lecogo mo Icgctsing a 30in. fo 35in.: lllf-Peni klnch. mafatshing a mingle a Trarse ntsha 6d eo o t" ae'anp, ba mo fafa, Freisetata le Natala." Onw neeia rasiti. a con a tkamaea ba 36ia.: 2s. 0 choanetse go ga amadioa mo sala ba M H U TSA. Unioncng eot'he. Roha beng ba lefatshe j i rona je le ratrgang re I2i;;.: 2s. Oil. be re na'e boitume’o so Fon' fa MAUNGO A GO NGALA DITIRO. baseryi bao bangte ba bone b htiloa b n sh?a koint1' Q.< tli.to f i Trm».lf>li. Sir.fkr »e ga mautloeli boilh 'ko. Ke b..b. .lng(l»,T mwhf e' > » ‘ >a Sot:th Afi ka. kr bal ? b? s’k.' M kir, -| 'li ■ « h lel«Vn’ l » ravifw loa bathe. Ba tfi'r go r • f.^ny- • W 'U r th" jn lorn molfmo « jaka dinoga tse di enp hmg 1> In? I* to Rnv-I»n«. k i Ameri*’* e jaka d ita t:n \ Ga ba s - v ^ An '•*! «. ,0 1 fi*i '« i li i>p' . KONTRAKA. maruo le dil^cto ts> rora co>i, b mI'Uc i^ i c't> fa Jir-tli-tlh K In senya j."g )!o seno.i ba w m •ink i • rt' iiU'» b ih • M K melelo ea S outh lemriUco r na m-noff'1'' k-e k 'n ’npV-pT V* e* r 0 ea rona laa e todis?. M ■> t'o o- hi, i n<. ja n< IV mulo. R*nni| * Africa. ■ rona k ' go l a llhasda re ba , •- r. k j kn ini lVWn*w khumolc. Kiml'i’i '» ‘•"i' it " ro'onei fo eit'l* Koranta ea Johannesburg i.a n^adi'e »’ l i » a tomane, kgt Mr. Sydney Smith, oa Vryburg, Seburu eone eare: Rea go ut'oa ^hnjwng Ma. .\f»kf“,e bona babogologolo’ ba re bolclela ka hiitli. tiro k" loliamicaUifg le Kim-1 nonofonvana ea goka b? tlhase\a WrVy ba hing'e ta p^ama dik* , mecoetsana e ene e elcla ; gom- ere u ntse ure 0 loa > nabo 0 bone ha ca ‘ • Aii«'.mli •, fo utHiira botlho­ Re n a le Magente ko *mo rifclacoana eo e fetogile .^.iaka.lare Ijolelcla ka diphula le ene Jaanong a ntahjna se ko go l«na Mi-kcoat|he a rikenen*) inong le bone kop in(,n mut*.”) Kiio^ili a bogologqto a tlrgela maagoj Jtse diftedi coe tlhoutjl^ nj«na ,e e io tl«s’-- ( ;‘i* TSHIRl'JJ.ECONG, MAFEKING, •O t8 nallt mongoia. Bontsi -Joare molato 0 mogolo kc,jtyelccce a Tlhoatlhoa ea Wafa tl»« k* 'di itia barek*. Bo kgo^ bale lekgiJn hi nlnliilic llioloi.Mna ■ HUKUDUJe mobtrpkengsa-MADfROE dikgo* ko, Bucoam.Jc mo di* ‘ mg gois* ko’Tshirelecong. (s h e .— - - M Iwne ue di aanaog go trra ' • di kooal* t l ntlo ba tin U p- r fiiii 'fa [ga Becoana ba bagologolo ba gqj^olelela.lkele______Smith), .ba...... G ooile j>das^ dingoe, lefa godimo ®a di t!hofet«.t«>a *h». Ko .eiiju k'Makgooa’ ii «*« 'a ilc ksre maishonyan;*,' ,a ,e*m* llenonijto W et* Itkpolo. J.‘> e ea o e na lhata, jaanong fa rekisioa ke MakgooaJ ene- ekcf«' kustmp,- h« haugoe KnyUne b« * ;?7 CHARLES' $$.£, pula eabo — .. hn'ii!oe» Amorik". Bilebantai ntmao ba sale ba tla ga go tlhole■■ * go.na mungoa madi ona a budulelse. i bhie|» t*e<« ke M -' -'n a are a lefa ele thothi. Fa esale go Mo strekeng sa Oudtshoorn go Agente. •nine!* k i ftrielw I'a IV^mifr Ml le 1 ' btili'a meilo bo,ea Teemane, ga rekiloe dipolase dingoe ka tlhoi To era KtiV'>liin\ muhnm* a'niaie a ,5 rengoa di fora'galoraga tsa di- tlhoa Ise di sisimosang mmele ca Australia., ; jfppVoj IlftrK’ Ic gone kgong’ tsfr di ’sfcnang palo tsa Polase eapa Mr. ?cho»than kHmlita e ti'fiye, ■,m,.k roailt ale . . • rordoa.ko Nibi Rose- Mo stre­ (Matjesrivicr) e e nang le morgen mantl a taheli lenitie a ea go kvJa- •" keng aa Fohudi go nale mafelo a dile 7 tie di lengoang Ie dile 137 botibw k ' faUben? le ajle gonae, ^ M e ene ele dikg. a tsa makala tse di sa Itngoeog e sa coa go i> { 4 -A • ' ' j V . ' , 7 C nvjt ea) g» c t'bolfl t ottcfcla, ) j j methalc- [Ckoi III t r m Mr. TcrbUnche. • ** » MJsh* W ..H fi3T JA W »aaia Wiiii ,‘jSjij| imll #J III!IFKi i; SI.JAJTOART W -'■ : riJlefj o s o^oiIlT '■ 'ttfu yr v ,— — JT l^l^mie"(§PQfts^<3aD ki«fD0ft0 IiJi»ing@® 1 * ^ & s;kZS.-

tfflo“ClLINAN” Uhlala enempahla elungileyo, entle ya aU EH BU ZI, « H tE » E lUBAHTWAK*. m e M U BakereU,, Tiro Mtlke e no pepeneneng. Ga go teng Mekoti, Ebiza amanani alula nge Go theogeloa ka Ditsela tsa Maoto. ^ \ 1 NCUBO, 1MPAULA, — IZ1BLANGU it^BllZI. < _____ka iftaatf i Balairi i Kokopane id. le Didkar^ ga dirako*. . 1 ' lFLANELETE, intlK H , K MPAHLA VEKUNXIBA. M k» fa n , lo, ka m ount mb* e moUh (B lot) coa-S^etlhan* go ea fWfinan; le mhago ga £ M : k f a ta , i t ka a o s u go bon lefika. d (TqoUa leilapana, paoela e tcea. Leting ka 1 ■ Yiaiinppawile tBiba gaji; abati balci e teal’l haJ. nlw sko v-,----- Nigfaujtko. nfaha whiaittti^ria inomiq-ttulo. j fj , * :• •• '• .'*8, na |e Kcrek<. Makgooa m ako taa Baamane la Baioteaa taa Sekolo U Xahlpi ka TUaaUWa taadi okoooloooenj. “SHU-KU/ N i l . ea Presbyterian Ijlifllw i t W ahit. ______i Aa betla Iemolc, ------T S A 'G A ------lk« k IkkUMi t l Losi b 111 U lt**«div Semapa 'M araae, 0 Leke. 0 Bonolo. M RS. D ELPO O RT, felaa Kafa kelecoeng 0 Dirisioa k« DilRosi It Bsrnti tCDK 1 msn^ w 1 W M Cuthbert & Co Limited, Fa Wenkele oa gaeno a; MERFtMAN STREET. |n ,a|ja ea coang mo Dikompo- 37. Dutoitscm lioad. ffimterlsT ($ U De r u n Road, Ktabwfcyjneng tumedisioa thata ke “ * sena naeo laetsa SHU-KU kogo Box 133a Capfeto-vn. QTlhotlhoa 2/6, ka Pose j/. W J. COOPER. CA OLE MO JOHANNESBERGE 0 NO TLA MO BANKENG EA RONA. ^ P Q R E K IS 1 A DLTLhARE, What (u* jtoa Maflkang le Zeerort Icoa Madikoe.) ea gae oa ea naco.-: , Banka ea Xoloni lo ea Poloka ea Ko~ppoai ea Africa, . Ltd. ^{'v " *10 S i! O ntte k Becoana ka’ J^ka KMi'iede thata, ebiWo oetoo a lemcgile tbata go ba baafcfcnyeta DITLH A R E. A ko leke mctbnaho ea bone a e •e ediKttrng Bancho fela. $ „ raerehaiwis the otaang dimaahoe. ' . Coeper’k Gr«*n P 1U (Piling e « >t«Dg g° l,liac0* mala) letlojana lu g lo h .lo n f.m r r a lo k lU Itrlole M , U 10 n : e^ O 0iaK0 T I,H S * .n b b kokk . A man who carefully se-. PL6 Rft.vct' M ad — . I- Talare. ' - ' O k . t o o l * E» l»W » II■ (8k,te| to H. rt p Irl. w lects -his-Stock aad then 11 & Ha KoijERLEY. r w t o r n l B a ls a m (Molemo oa Digotlhola) la. Gd., le 2a. 9d. botlolo hfebatoag jant irM,* «• • V f.* ■„ ■ seeks the best means to NK« “ «lu. S| *o Wgoloog ^ ^ Influenxa M ixture [Holemo oa go tlbicoa madi] o o tnmileng ;o o tu x oa bona kafa otatang. TELL THE PUBLIC COOPER, Bctlolo o timolola ka 2a. goca go lOo. fla re batic polelo pele geobatla madi a^o. what he has for sale. Mo l«k« ka boloeUe boogoe le boogoe jo bo go ohocnjang, a ka go tlbaka- njctaa methrabo e e riamcng thata mo Lewcnkcleng ja gagoe H E USES: KA TLHOATLOA DI OKOCOLOCOEflG. TfeeColooluiBaiklnq (TrustCo. ol Africa,LM„ The u TSALA ! i BATHO. abeti 1* IfeJelodi Is bj Mdemo ea gagoe e Thusa Thata. Ctrncf SinOKDS & MARKET STREETS, r.o B o x 1134, j obanneabur*. k tut) e fa godi 9l ba ifilcng kgakak m ba moTt'oalela ka l’ose ba remclc madi botlok o.dmyaga file r. nj ke itsn ba le Sckispenae on Potc fa godimo MISS «*olet«i b*n» *oti h KbiSe te na lc Lekala koa Bemming Street, BML0 HAV1A. T l ’LET3KXG.

MKOMERESE L A LE T S A Botsala 'jo f . III. Cooper, tlhe go th go itebator di thot° Ko goo Ra-THOMAS LEASK & Co., go nale bela mo W enkeleng^ raethale-thaleea dikobo ee bontle bo esc bo ko bo gagopgo leba Posi Office $&&8, BLOEMFONTEIN, OJJS, maatlametlo tsa kemo, fa lo Itlhtiganele di-ESE di rekisioc colllw! batla tsa nyalo. W tnkele eo montlc co mo Le marobalo lo ka /{•lun g go leba Pott O/ficc Thomas Leask & Co *,ona• Mo ga r" f l I t l SILALELOMS Klerksdorp, TRANSVAAL. . H i. 01TEK .. 11SS BARKESS/“■- A 0 6 ' Beks go iboaola.ia paka go cd* fcc mcnoto o ra koa Phogong. II, Floreaq Cwd KtebCTtey. F* o fa go Lena kjpno 0 ea ko'Diklemeng, Bek eo laakanjetsa aporo Ua > tae di thaU-tbata Ua Ralh^i. Ke em ffeqWo IW s n e Ja A 're ta io tfle e ka rtka'BAKI, BOKl'KHOE. HRMI’E, a DlTLHAKOTW-HlJTBhE, KOLORO, kgono mg oa Banna, feia Fa u B?tia Tlhoatlhoa ea NeteG Fitlhile Kanse. m u k batlang o tla ae fitlhela. * te Bancho, < UUKOTSEDISAEENCOOPEUn TU rebaa Tho^o taa BAKNA FELA, ga gona (Aa Paiadi lc Rana. E BONA MO U . e i 6 ago ------OA ------SENE1R I o roo Lewenkeling, a ka go Segela fela BLACKLAWS, DUTOITSPAN ROAD. Mapiro eotlhe IPA KA i tse di Segiloepg di: :5*k&u rata. T LA N G lo itlhopheleng ka losi mo ga D simdola ka f t ios.7 Mosc- E> Bmm le Bmdi Ii Bui E nyaga difeta Mashome a Mabedi Tlhako tsa Baepi tsa Hold go, Dilekanyo, BothaU, le Moro- K Fast • - ko di koanatelocoe. Go lebajau I, WALTER H. ADAMS T LH A K O tsa di FL.URU. * ' ' * N o rte -fe ll,.; gago tsieco -cpe, O n W n 8IBGR BUILDINGS. (Opposite Post Office) TLH A KO tse di choeu tse SEILE. 4la u ubatebeie. Tse Dincho'«tae dj khunou tsa Mekgabo jalo-jalo. Di PONABOV. D UTO ITSPAN ROAD. p» Peers Road, Kimberley. U4U* Uho^tto^je ditlen^. M

- . ■ > .0 ■ o i i i * ' , „ _ •a*fl >'i S-.; iwfeajjp.wKsrj v;..‘, ' (■ V.:::'v.;v ;r; • ' ■ g t o ij ® r"t „■ ri'i-.iitf-ir-r ■

B l ) V T - ''5 T A T * D C F !

B n o moea* “ Ai foU. ra m i j t a a thWy o npwiteeif mafoko'» Loot lo h food n c o from « fit NMitJc It k fita U i wse feta Wof t h h f i p n r s f h i e p . [country.—Trwrrrt* of S^aaoa.*

.Ufe With which »rt incorporated ! “ Tsala ea lecoaia, ’’ Kimberley and “ Motsuallcoa Babalso." Je ln iiu h m f. Hus st’.ag.-. j a . 0 \ A$% ./A3\ •.: - v

.. k:6:id .. >1 KIMBERLEY, SATURDAY, FIRIKGONG, F E B R U A R Y 7 , 1914 . fm r n ^ - nm r r r tession of me, I «ould atep out of m» [ d»* rone tha^iifr »* * n Sorrell, and t tarned net ta got-i*. : Story. province as nurse aud urge l)r. 1‘ail i I lu'.aiauy ukc o ie « ny own child child's n^me is Ro-coe. He nill be] Madi a Siaracng ke to call in furtbtr med-cal advice «nh nich:'*- a very ri-h man if he live*. Thr Mi kamapelo, Two P a iti.) out. a moment's -delay. Litt e I'ner, •t m-uj n h child,” she nej is all hit. Diets you, Hi I llekanelo. when 4n>te well( was attended b* * eac* couldn't keep «p this hno»- .V rfu r- -. (A&Rt*Mi Reserved.) i the\* words I nearly Ko Mafikeng go boleloa very faithful old servant, wlicm ' * | thete servant*. Evtrythiftg ia hrl is o*»U your stepson." > . t . : i | l l i I ...... I ' t i n nashoc mangoe a a sisi- called Nani. In all 'he world, he luvel j treat foe the child, (at Dr. La'ir 88 '' hr tepiied; "yes, yes, mosang mrnele. Kgosi S ' SU E SORSELL'S PATIEKT. N*nj neat'best to hit latho, and I lore h . WVn ta the trustee. Ur mlttr**s 'kn cM M di i u llckradtrf, r.t occurred to me now that I might a!? 1 a* ead «f kin. I tftink M taa uiinyana, moroa Tshe* DY PAUl. UROt HART. wife died, sbe left him I lafiot ka tio o c U ke 1) leave the Sleeping boy in her rat? f rare. I ba\e berrl > fatbet to him. him, poor dear, }tt*t t* (Dir r v gare (inonna co mogolo oa Author of “The Orchid Room," "Lit- for a short time while 1 put on xy Hut let us change the suhjeet, Sybil. to pnlccr W bay." I r. W illli»»s' f nl Pills. ti kgoila ko goo Ra-l'ihidi tleW ife llMter.” " Ih e Meduine bonnet and cloak and went to see Dt. ' Lidy,;' .'“ rrwti the Hand ol tiie Yoo will Lecp n> yeur irtd , you will "And IT the lay thoeM dl*. Nma, ic uiocumcdi co o tscnang Hunter," “ I.is Mascot,", Ac. Paul, giving the woman explicit -ii- m -irr me, »-on’t yoo?” I aaid, *'t* iM a wowd ta« ow e; ■ rectiont -what to do in case the cfci' l dikacke iu ilhoafvlo), » Ifow I did long to get OB' of hi! Fa o shokola, 'n.c niad. PART I. . iwakened, I left tbe room on tip toe, ' chotroe. Dikoalo iharo room, but I was caught now like a i»io a h p;.n',a lj,u is . My na&m i* Nurje Son ell. I have dressed quickly, and ten' oat of tbe Kaaa gaM a a I tit di coaag Nlatikeng di mouse in a trap. My own prayer was shoe, Own many year* in my ptoiesrion, t*»l •it m. j,u (lu^lisc^t that Michael shtu'd rot find me bid re bolelela matlhotlhapclo tad can truly say that in m» time I diaamt «( ttaimaat*: i at** w-r*» I hi-ta j;t>!C j;o sa ilc la iK Dr. Paul wat a great man in his ing M>ind ’he scieen, and Dr. I aur 40. Ga dia tlhophega tt« t mtt all sor.j and conditions o! W Itk y a n . k n w M tw a ia l po diloa kl way. I hare nothing whatever to say enc» and ihe wnman he called ^vbti ketc di koadiloc ke batho men, women, aad ttfldren. Above all againtt him,. He was simply, in my ‘ di a a m a rh u v . I •Virg kne :o each other in anotatr .n chugile Gape go utloala ttunfl, t lit'" hssi cursing children, opinion, a little p«st his work. Thete I ’* *• I I.i.i.i cist ^ti ilcl alt lia 11 and thete n^ver v is a child ,«ho so ril h ta choc roc bar6ctsana completely toot my fancy ia little .l,ok<. I'a u sa cm >c scr.i- km . t a f t t M M < k - I ! „ « „ ur „ r r , * ix.it: na bed i bo Maria Sei- Pear Laurence—Peleikint, i t mo*< it was one of these I should not * 1 tn Q , I M . M ^ b n i . 1 1 * K<> It* (.0 khu ^lunio le Ida. Mana feople tailed him. - f > i u tiMtia kuiko.lolola like to cill to little Peter Laurence's I “W kw" ' ,hc «nd.::ons" ir.oroadia Mr. T. Sei- He * u the only child of a dortor hedtide. -It teemed t* me simply ; u id - "I will ntarry aojioor mt«. «Tt ^ i ------i a iiroii)«.i.a, u tin cgn* ^ncniu, oa polase ca Para- who had for many years siren up ontrageous that the cause of the haem­ What his ___ n ala, Isa n Ic n i6t lce, aad Who lived in a large too lew lot me t Koiung, cbilc o kiic a ucha • which occurred at interval*, rendering I itnmeil atrly si pped out of the rn*»a I ^ tjtiiry if Dr Paul were within wat an­ i.v k<>, u n a ic ( iill h a b i t> i luinyaKa mo bekolcng saga > ,* 1i'% »«al*r and >*reAtatfM)d '.causing swered'in the affirmative. diere I had orcilwad rrr•marlu »hn* I * . iiltallliara rr.ari.bo, k^v [.'■> roka. Loa boitio re * gboi jJnl of aoxiety U> th rfd h ilrf iiry’’buiy wjth his paHents ' f**«:me a < !crto ia awful poasifcu^ I ■ ti i hot itj.ua kr n ^ ;.d t- j u c i m , " Mid the maa who op^nW LuUeU-eta Q m em ; was ia realif. I inonye ko Blocmtontein ro. it (-husm isc Itl • Dfc Paul w j a'slofr, fat did gentle the door for m e-and he-. knew cue 1 'h'V'foir. only J>r- L.uicncw'a ana- \ _V> tltklallt'k 1’u k I lilt. jgitic ilse^ore a o fetetse ' vap> * h t bad' alt'endrd the Laurence quite *ell, for-1 happened-to be one rouM net he Liar j m aa. Haras a o a r * m> sat was hia n iw M ia it. V/Wt ■* aar* ko UttceatMfc. Fcle go shole faU jr [or years, , and knew Pcttr'a of Dri Paul’s fawurite nurses—"bot . M r J . M la.aioetuna kogo Kalthe- ttfcuttrilon, aa he expressed it, '.jus* •if yotl will step into tbe little ante­ What h’d his roman. S; bit. te a* | Alter a wmm, | wMi " a m * ^,'T>* V i I b it i m a a> though it were an open mip,” but with the Mattel j ga e. Erile aie malatsi chamber ju t off the waiting-room, I n.okortll <1 eftn. Dr. Paul cou!d aot account foe all its Irautv. I hated her appax- | al w n n . aa* a a ■ mat I w—o inr.bedi mo phupung nca will lei him iraov as aoon at possible ii.omlu. Ii. the haemorrhage. that you have arrived.” ante for a'l i’* ■:egar.r». There a a j arutt, ra^a iatinyana, rragoe a • i -blood. I must confess that Ham » ! »»'•••♦ i,a olt •> wat scantily furnished, and was evi­ N'ana. wSen I e..tei « obs p law at I » > • *>'■ *'”« • " • » •*■- ...«> kgoathisa a lala a elela pealed over the cate." 'me go is. dently little used. A door, howevet, room, cool now. for tar -an Md tpaaa I ** '* n aoi aba a bhoa, jaanong .. N ot there M W l.V *» tweeter child from thia reora led into tbe dining­ off it, wh't* tb* cliila was if>*«. **»' I Li'tamg «a >• *«, .w . ara ni'i IcltiiJiiln.^ k a tha*Peter. Ho wat about icvcn ’cars ported hy pillow-, i m plava* leahir I "StiH.'' I an«*nHl. ab iir. n*aka hu kivuiuitng eaic room, where Dr. Paul's . patients .ipi.it hk v till ti 1,1 ic k ■ • Dtiiaiiot; it. u.hcttao ke vi? -,dl' ag^,; ajifi. .partiyilailr biigh', in- usually awaited their torn to go to eith.tometei hot-r>. n ftk ai* . L e e r -le w * «» ue. i.aotme* a - ...•btit/i kc gcrtll.aiili»i ' W t a s ! « w ‘u®M«d no tte him* 1 nodced now that the <'oor cnve htd l*r«iighi b>ai tar aat M a a I I a»». Xm*ei. Nani, t n u t i w ...otolong; jaai.a n,u tbhc* '■ ja n rt ir ftM ie e«ce«^v».\ Hit father and shut it, for I have a great dislike enre did i»t r » r tb* « M a I w a I aaat ais aoney a |* a t i l * . k - K K" kk,al/o|,ai.. teiaaed demoted to him, and. had con- Ming ia po.au ga gona even to appear to eavetdrop, »licn, toy; and tk t'ta v tt ta o w a a t i MBIda w t k ,siia tln.c in ac kake .l j | ■ etle. Go (.hi (roc ic banaa . ititoUd' him*»lf at an only, *t* >« to my aitoniihment, it wat epenrd, pie ty eyes aad the geanc, wa M B | " a a . aa.- A* aaia. I ho.. Aioa ka u.ar.vor, 'ir.t the UlBet? at the boy’* night nursa. and two people entered the Jjttle, room of hit'Y.-ic* a*en heaalg, |H B | ,-la e a aal a«aia«* m • te - i ale latcdi thutKi ,k : i e tgfd, to-Dr. Paul, " I will .A t.tia Irt.ilhokti juit i.i where I wa$ waiting for the jdqetor. 'o^* wert D tr'Lau;enie •o:i, lea,'1 ba Ml > i -i.i: a tulAkab\C, ’li.v. than with anjrejj. ilie, and as I a* and * lady of about thirty .years of I aaa mm aaa a 1 (iqpaxhtrrtly a’i> idi» piio, there it • •lit. hv. 1'i.OCI.gua Id titu JlATHAU^NTA T o: laiah *' said >M Haaa. " * • 1 sm*ar Uaa aaa a n .i ' 1 ga reuon why f ihould not i ay awake ..it i>t,ilshct,ai.g. Ka Ic k . • M>/iflar« |'l|,aar>..| ft IM d aa anaccountable and ttrong .te m to Wcomfcify. F.!», PettiUnt, r^ i'd i't tout* his taa, araaaak 1 1 ***** ,,f- r *“ “ iversion ta Dr. Laarence. knowirg -.Mx-d h m alt I could la m . " i I Warn tta ma - — i iirlcn.o cic n.ki.Ul goiaK SLIGCC,' a t boy:" Will you have (tie or a that 1 f a t taking the initiative wit • NV llBngrv.•• said reteila a i aal I •* mm te aw m . im, a inailliuko a, 'n.c ka'VV* itra'jgw tb look alter fOu at n:ght?” regard to the rhild't case, apd al«. a i-i.i.a kgwiuitSvgo g, ]|LA liAllk (jt'LE- The m:n-repl.ed m that low, something thich I could not defi e a: Hg then, ia ane po.itwa aad « ta • ■ **• aaa u u « M, faint voice whiih'arcft flinte* day by .i.ihcica kc leka br. W i)- the moptcnt, but *hich I now believr 1'iutVl. then suddenly paiaag th t* I "Wa taa aat aaa— t. km.»n n lettaa.g I liko U ton*' da; that he would rather, far ra:her, s ii.s. i ink K ils h rili »t I. r. ko. a,a •* • t , ..ta.i,tuiM. to have been the prompting of l*;u have daddy than anyone else, and it -.ay ;» tltungb the. wa* aaa. I • xriia gi» ui cirisa ka ul.a-, vidence, caused me. to take *ke!;es "Sana.-' I u i. vosaealt. **a« paa I *a taa aaaa* m m . . i koktlA ICSI-i.Mlfi kt.CO Mvtr occurred to Dr. Paul to interfere. behind - the taeen. Dr. Lawen-e. ^anyan.i, ka ikutlua kgolu*| JfofC hat been a great deal writ- thinking b'rmtelf alone, shot 'he dooi. dte>sing lootar vbt-go c kana gt.rt* kc U ten a nil |!.Qugh< from time tb' time and then turned to the lady. Sh- rb-rtd It < arith regard to ihe importance af a ..e (otlck^c/c ie com, 'tu 1 had caught a glimpse A h»i Ute. h»r k sitting and glaa Lurte’t work. I have mytelf heard sj nkolata tota. Ka bail, which was handsome after | reran ih» ard m t’^ag. (Joctars say: "It it true that I give my ,t btkc ke ikilse. Ka un tort. She wit dressed aim"*' •* * \»T.*a ae mio tkt «)W laa-1 eaa wo. W" orders, hut she carries thetn girl, in white embroider'd : * <1 .ioa ktle *hata *ga,c ki Now to a certain tiient 'his i» true, icx^i I W J .be dear kmatft* that 11 « »ht-he wore, tied looseU iwindiixtnd h i .h> I... - ,. 0 be -ue (••■ot.ed h» mf Krat fa-1 mm t.- ■ .itkai.clic, ’n'.t tsale juic . ^ hot aot altogether, for, beyond douh', !.|i.ed hy m t « tit g a - 1 ------* cloak af piak Lihen* »a»ia. 0-. h'- te-t. y |< t» ^ - • ,a ise like kejj lihole kt "1 \ . 'i n I m V ti&ieei^ if I had h*d tbe complete control of h eal,the had a little t«*»e of v»tv | 'V f i t *, „» »mi aj fiWli," ||aga.- aaa • little Peter tau«nce I woeld have had atka go t^a kgotsa i>r| 0 TLA AkOChLi SAktOUL « wight/at well at a day nuiw for him, email hat, composco entirely of t- I Uaid "Yoo aie * i itefka 1Mb Ptmt, | * * ♦-*•■ ihabi. rose*. Her dreii wat very e l- j i md 1 have called 1* scmecne and I taw at once that s'.e aal 1 t h*s« had hia./ill n btai* M , _ Dr. Williams' Pink :Pills| t h t (S tee kim besides that rather soit of woman ih c a > man mgl. •i alaiile matlht ko n irptif i-M P#*P1, Pff r»ul. Sill, to i and «»a.' • it» Mila bat ai* | M f«k i — - a 0(iiji|]r jose hi» bean to. Ii h^d a»ui T n ; / -■ai.g ko l-a/oa a mt-ki t.a, oceijned ip me up ip ih|> • a I “a are." w d kina*. a. jay M*»« & power, and »ll ■ ' W s' • •okooa joa oitshika, n.u-l that Dr. Laur*nce was ih ek.ng ^l r. rr w»» my mat irmaew. j an »aa. >nar »nt« « — \ might b-vh have been 4“ (ihagaie, go bt'panta. gO| 1). BOSS, marrying again; bat when I u o li’t "Aa angel; no e*s. Had cf, .uaw... a t »tc*ted b;l (nr tn acc'de-.t, j go sh* a ditoM )rw| (Of ft silt Tn, • HtllJ ■atieat f.v vitne -The ihemo; hit h'afl. WJ \ana lc.kl.l t|ucci. “ M oia |' meter Usd :ite» ^ *hco' «*hty-ftve u |iu, le matlhoko Ic dulhkbi. B t A C O N S F IL L D . “ VV fl. .he taid. in an :m^a’ er,t .h* married Dr. ^.aulenref" ibe la | (a tLe-i’-ayf, tn d .it n ,h r « * rsa =.eradi. vo're, “ luke .yoo any neet to: m •" maikej. "Iler ma^*n n me, «o ;* t | dUR.v':; ' M i'd keep tht turn. "No g"»d news." he i-pli d. n » mean?" « i-*PUgh hiptJ>hat. child gra*i «e-Ut ’ Xo. tht v-T< «1 « tf b * |di rtkistoa- ke dt-apo he Di ...... rtkiuoa dia tbinltloa, Tm di ■ tae ak? 5»»« a* wu- 'H * f ; * Which thamt. t a » r aaaag r kare le bo ramanenkt/t. jdUkata. Direkoaaalate; ha koatacta *f*h. then." said Nan a. "yo* ka*e . f . w l i ' t'.e M''r ‘•(j v> »Ke». m ^ki. » ■i'*' i ■ k’k [kgotsa di ka romeloa ko raUledwa. bi nd to i t roV ir me •'wind that out ?'* ‘Right mamn -me one I pnat la * •R-taTM M 'wH-M go Dr. William*’ Merficinc ^TrtagcVbe' f a ’',, K»e. and | vchs. ' Yes," t »a d. "W .v a a d 't evu an tba sole » iu tb' amat," taa x>. n o m a , • k . V to .v-eH -tnd .b. d arv a t hr \ « *rr tuu h nighi nuisc. l Left fiom m-? Dr. l.-*:enrj -it the Dinks, pruudlr "It aevai wngbi lea- Co., Long Street, Care dale McFavpw.) - ■ - '» felt .,«"iVv.,il. U dfertr (T jito t'* *"i** .rhcr.- \V..at %ts hit la* *a a pound, aa’ I'll btit*a I’ve Mb Town, ka 3s. 3d. botlolo, C rets Di ALSi, I f * h. It I -v< b* said, ab u l>. T U X iV r’. n a v i" « twenty thuaaaa' uam* naee I bee. Ikgolsa botlolo tse di tha- fhc boy get» i*si) m r N» , "I aa> lo 4 M t I* NtV* l t d H U Jrariao i. Aa' 1 Mrm tMOTtl • f i t u •• dude le poiCaj lUCtMRUH / ^ T O t t E A BATHO, FfcBRU/RY f, m

ukuyilungisa ngomteto otshaba* bendiwasebenrisile adli|ufly» e- t«ala (; ''. [bo, I Palameote. lalise uninzi Iwabantsunda nem* nkundla okutintela uRulumente pahla zabo—ayikalungi nango- angabagxoti.benga tetanga ema- k * V — * ~* '"' tmm -"-ih'ar.a 0 L a d Glad­ " • ... tyaleni ngendlela efanelekileyo. KIllM -H I.Y. I hit. 7. ic-4. j stone uvu'e i PaU-nente v a ti: Namhlanje idibane kwapantsi Ke ngoku tebengapandle ko* Moogameii nani manene endln kwesipitipiti ezik»nganywe ngo iaulo Iwale nkundla. enkulu. Mhlali-pambili n«*ii ma- Lord Gladstone- Noko esiti i USAPO. 5 ,'> u A si.^.nkela in­ nene endlu ye Assembly: Kulu- Palamente izakufutshaoiswa, ituba lokuba bapofe, Intombi zika Pootima nazo i' c«'a. 1 czishushu malu- myo kurn nkrmamkela ekuhuye- Boise nkundleni yamrtyala, zo- Oga nonyulo Iwase Batenji- leni kvenn kvimfaneio ebezibe- amagxagxa ezi trayiki •RV: S m S < uk. n.b.w i uiuva okoltjqili i.ekutiwa u Ntengo kaja- kwe inyamekveni ienu- Ukosu seleDgapaya kela kumdibano »enu opelileyok inkokeli zabo zibiwe ngu Rulu- J U n a M ^ f r i b ipai------kwisiti 'enkoliseio? iminya- knfakol titu egqitileyo. Si5 ukuba abababhali liyalila ha elona xesha labo Bgalaa . ■ J p k o T i i ■ ------,—iiek'leyo,%(hiiw. inke AmaVi’ airo nezi(^K>_^wo iT E A C H E R S ’ to ToHm areiM m ^ gflfcpepat • atnr^sfttta eiifanelekileyobfiiyakabahince* Viscount____.1 Gladstone, THZJ/JxTbkHoloea #/t ngabo'bbVike Jji._tui.ui-. abati 1 . ■ maka- do 1 kucaciseni izinto ezmqabile- Lekgotla ja Sekoena > le Uotle- zigqatse nabo bati maka- yo ezisijongilr yo- gcoig tkata ja Senatla si Senile, ‘ Tge'ituba ligqitileyo nmzantsi ° The following candidate* hare ig$atie u Ntengo. satiified tSif Superindeat of Edu- ^ ’ Knigkt Grand Cross oa Mo- lyulo luliwa nge nteto 'AKAXO LI- cation jn tte-NttiTC .Teac^m'. . X f hat0 0 0 himiteng tkata ea bo- m fjjlkw a naagoitla- zagqabukela Jrtrifa: ^iam m atloi helil ip c December St. Michael le St. Geergf iisa etikwasepiraleai. . strifes zastf ____ , ______ficki* lift, and will reaire certificates KomisoTsTe - t-GodOeng ea Lamadoda omabini siya- Rantini, nase Natal akwakunye burg, ofune umteto w e [la s s'* as statedt*’ ' ■ nabasebenzi lakwa loHwe kulo lonke elenyinyiwenfriije- Second Gr a d e Ck r t if ic a t e . South Africa, Goronere-Gene- wazi) yabe ukuba unyulo benyinyiveni. Tmeko yabange- ngelowo use Freistate. Kum- Candidate Training School, r&UTMatdi-GJoiah&MO bejuliwa n ngosiba (pen) la ukuba lrabizwe amaqakamba nyaka opeljleyp Jpmfo wanyanxe- besingakolwayb- ukuba u ' ase Ngilani azokuloadoloza into ea South Afrika. la i Palamente eruba enze unfte- r f li'// T o tal Ma rk s 1340 M kJabauu jiaye uyakuzi- yoknngabiko mbeko kvelase to wemihlaba onjengalowo use Chandek J. Mkize, UmpumuloQtf gqatsa kuba ubiciko nobu- Rautini ngo July ooei»i«ya-N** CharUrJrMpnai— + * 874 yokunaba kwe strike knba- lalise abakuti belase Transivali Walter A. Tsbabalala „ 821 A thata tse ke di n w n g ke chule bake bupelela elus ibe- ngeleke ukuba ngo January 13 ni—hayi kefapo akanamli- nase Natala- Sidney Goldstbne, Adam* 812 R Temana ea boram (2) oa makumifwe kulolonke elinyinyi Ipepa lama Bhulu I«se Qonce, Frank Mazibuko, Umpumulo 812 Molao o r D ik a rW "' ngani, kodwa kona ekube- weni um'eto we mfazwe- elibhalwa nge Siiosa, alikapezi Stevep Mpan^a „ n 807 tlhoma tsatsi ja bo 30 j 1 Sedi- t LamalugiseV-o nalamaxape- ni apendule noktiba yimi- ukuncoma le'yontshomsnO j o Hamilton Makanyar Adams 798 mothoU (DeceroJx-r/. IQI4. 1“ buzwtna embalwa entlan- tshu okulungiswa kwemikosi Kejrter no Grobler; namhlanje Leonard G -G u afU iipjm ulo 771 gore k e 'jio e tsatsi je go ganisweni—ligwala e'inge- iyabuleleka. Ku'ulelwa loraa- silindele ukuba lincome u Keyter Mamet S. Ndimabde, Adams 728 dueloang kabo a ntlha ea madi doda ate wona akuva ubizo luka namsebenzi. Ubukalipa ugesixosa ngokusipata kwake Margaret Mqwebu . „ 719 a a adimiloeng mo go Goromente Rulumente ashiya imisebenzi :zinto ezibhekiselele kontsundu. Evelina B. Mloi ’ ., 692 go agelela meleloane e e kgao- bakesingati bufana nobe- yawo asabela. Ngabnqubo imi- THIRD GRADE CKRTIFtCTE. ganyang dipolase tse di mo ngonyama, yona naxa wa- kosi yenyinyiwer.i itintele zonke mametleleloog ea thero e, le mbi ike ibaleke nomfazi, c izipitipiti nokupala'a kwegazi jOTAL I 32S malokasi a a lebaganyeng naco, nakubeni idume ngokuka- obekuzakubako. Amanyatelo Inkokeli Ezise Manzini l 3ods G. E l(^ V»rip^nlo 801 k , waka wayibona izidla im- bezimaxnngn. Kgilaoe n.eoqanawa ekutiwa nguI Koni G. Msimanj?i’’’ s f ' 736 Emva- kwenkatazo zika July , , , _ „ .1 Emmanuel M adU alaJ ; 707. MODIMO BOLOKA pofu kwezanduH zase Ku- nar.a enamanye amantom- abadebisi bam bate makwenyu- Xa .Jikele npando ke Kapa, 0 Mr^ Solomon A. Nyembt',, ^701 . KGOSI. Iwe i Komishoni yo Jaji ababiui. Crtawell barp*e enje .nqanawa oknb.. Alice Bejp; Adams ^ baxana, w a y is u k e la baprcotc indicia esifake ngjyo tsnb*. kodw}b»uh^ pkntai kub. Agrinctte Kambuk ’ « 690 Go ntshicoe ka seath same le w a y i g x 0 ( a ngengu- T nmkosi wa Pesheya kwinkatazo c " Ungeniwawwowndlule. BaU Portwcue Kumalo ' M 683 ka sekaoo se.segolo sa Knpano bo yegusha. Yabaleka, aza zetu,, uendlela abaqube ngayo MienliuideU omqabi .o “ Uagtni1 Minah S. Ntuli, Umpumulo 678 ea Sooth Afrika mono .Choane amantombazana eza Kuyi- ngetiaoBo zibo ukudamhisa le- Bknta.kolit.outo ••■ratal OTUIt- M inilm Ntihiogil^ ■Ad.ins M (Pretoria) ka -tsalsi jeiio ja 8 nCnaz3. •i, osoko ■ktoilopgtlo bkngctM Mkou A. Luhlongwanr, Ferikgorig, 1914- tala lonyama yempofu Ubugqina ababuqokeleleyo agoduka nayo. Amadoda «W lo e g u n ra i J»k« bcoptMOt Urttaumulo 674 GLADSTONE, kwanegxelo yabo iyakonekwa ->buol< batuije i»bo. Uti S>matl D Shopioj.m n* apika ati amantombazana ISXhibi kwenu. Kuna ukuze ku- bibo,. Ix-bnWu. Edettdale 671 Molaodi-Gol ayaposisa, bada bangqini- pole eyabafrraleliwe ingiushu- Rhoda Nhlela. Umpamlo 653 ngxustte'tdanyula i Komishoni Ka taelo ea Tan e Tona Mo- swa ngumkondo-unjaloke Jonah Knnene, Adams 662 laodi-Golo mo Kgotla. •fc *

P.T. Examinations, 0 Tshedile ka Mashi Lovedale Missionary S A - NATIVE NAIMNAL CMWMSS. Cape of Good Hope. le Soda. Institution. PNIEL MISSION SCHOOL NYAGA DILB u A TSHELA NORMAL DEPARTMENT. Apt Kiayala Nahaatsaoda. KA T S E L A 1! E NGOMOLANG REV. C. KUHN M A P *W au PELO. , frtawfcifci » a Jaaaa» J7tl> ipapasha myaano agofcaaakyo o n nxi Ust of Passts. Ebeneter Buio. baaaalangu e h b a o M ababhalwe kwi- Ditlhaselo tse di Boitshegang VTTSISHO e d ka^k-jaana go Dikgosi le Marena nimandla etik eaonyalo lw* Poodo Iwe Jeremiah Gaba. * t»pa, lmbtalo leayaka odhdikyo, amrni tsa Gaumakoe tsa Shoedioa ke Joseph Hermanus. 1^ otlhea South Afrika fa Congrrss e tla kopana Itaae Kondleka. Bile*Beans. Jonah Libata. ko , t9-" * - 1 -u ’®' Aimoneus Lubisi. ]ftte c r£r:SE WOliain Kasi, (I« Grade). John Malilola. SECOND TEAR. Maloetse a a boitshegang n ManhiA. Jedidiah Maiaaiv*. a g s n s t « = e, Richard K h _ __ santlhoKoe, tlhogo le Enoch Mbatsha. NA«C£FlfctD10CftTI0N, a, Rebecca Mweli, Leak sedidi a tie a fodisedioe Albert Mdult * •obhalolaka 1903. rure ke Bile-Beans fa me- Pet r Mesa. tjotianneaburcl, FIRST YEAR. Attwell Mgudlwa. UHLASCA tgoj thale eotlhe ea ditlhare tse Reginald Mkofi. . \ . Jacobus Gumbo, Betbuel Bleki, Daniel George Mocahtag. ' . Abe-Lun^u 114450 i j i ^ j Pknaar, Martha Matsebe. di iloaecoeng e tlholegile. Isaiah Mosala. Se se shucoa ke temogo ea Philemon Mpandf. K a 2 7 , 1 9 1 4 , i E E S s S '& Milton Mpulu. mm - AaaJIfenga yifa ^ ga Mr. C. Johnstone, oa 8, TIGER KLOOF NATIVE William Mtyeku. * MJ44 Rosmead Avenue, Clare­ Andrew Ngiumaa. Go akanya dikgato tsa bofelo ka M O H O OA MOS mont, Cape, are:—" Ka Joseph Njikalena. « « - • » « I.XJD Ii) INSTITUTION. Don Payi MAFA'I'SHE le go tlhopa Barumioa ba Enyelane Ama-Tsiuim 67 16 nyaga dile 12 ke ne ke Maasorp Pitoyi. fa phuthejo e bona go lebanye. REV. W. C WILLOUGHBY. PaisarAL Flglan Qallnga. Bebooke Ijy M I5W39 tlhasecoe kc kgaphasego Joel Sangqu. Kuninii ofcatetwayo pakati w tse di bokete tsa gaumakoe Meachach Sangqu. VW Ditto Collhe tn Koa iti di cjottKtsi jo tli le dk kwe Palamente, ngmgori eyakatako di nale ditlhabi tse di bo- Chariton September. ka Poodo Iwe Kapa ngmia j t vote zatu- Mannisseh Setlogrlo. gale fa garc ga magetla. Raphael Teeba. Polelo ea Cone le Wkahelo.' ; i v ntioodn, ziginye ezataaUopc. Kadi Allie Toko. — - •-— ■ e ;uqo Ditlhaselo tse di ne di tie FIRST YEAR JUNIOR PUPIL Isaac Twayi. " • ' L DURE, president akamhi di nne weke eotlhe ere ka Elhel Bolosha. Jons Virginia Bot toman, i?Wi fyakula ngokucoiDekayo/ Ngo 1903 Cabyo, Brnlley ...... 2nd Grai baka seo kebe Ke boga Cecilia de Bruin. . S0 (.. T. P L U T J E , Secretary eyima-lndia Am J99 kodwa oamhlanjc yi Haai, Jacobus John...... 1st . pogo e c chosang. Ka Johanna Dotwana. (First Cradt.) ifiTS.'- Mika. Kolisile ...... 2nd „ Jikicwi GugwinL Era bf tali nami-Slam*e an Mokma, Mokgabo ...... 2nd . monokela ka nna ka kooa- Miriam Jbnaa. r IS449. aaenyako Taya, Moses Sejakolodi 1st „ falela pele. ke reteleloa ke Catherine Joubert.* I* kakuhL Kwisipataka H Pondo Iwe SECOND YEAR. Sinnah Kweia Capa inanTlabavoti abamhlope alignquki; go ja dijo tse di thata, ke Amelia Mafanga ngo 1903 ibiyi 84^ e-IOQ, namhlanje yi SECOND C«ADK. tshela fela bogolo ka mashi Lilian Magwaca Si4e-ioa Kokane, Dikokwe; Moforosi, Israel le soda. Ke ne ke bogisioa Henrieita Magiba.* Sijikele ekaqwaliseleni ______Seepik; Moaimane, GocnolvganR; No- Natalia Mgodlwa J i - tlanga kwiziqiagata K Kapa nezipalaka. ht’^anga, Qement Peter; Sinuka, Chep- ke tlhogo e e bogaleje mo Grace Mhlambiao 1 •(>«’ * Apo aaanar —' - Siwella; Tyamrashe, Saifred Xeno- Georgina Monakali meshong ke coga ke sa Emma Mpapela lOTUtfiCA itekanele le loleme loaka Deborah Mpondo THIRD YEAR. Sophia Mroleli South African Native Xoifannl Congress Ali-Lowa SECOtfD GtAPE. lolemakoapa. Ditlhaselo Johanna Mtamieli tsa sedidi, tsitsibogo tse di Gertrude Mruii 579 Diyo, Gabatinwe; Masetl, Edwin bert; Sebaelse, Locav Agnes Ngrangca utluisang botlhoko tsa di- Sara Ntshona. PUYAZISW A Awmifrosi namanene uhiba’embumba W 7 4734 labe di dikologa fa pele ga Edilh Pama * yodihana e • " . ■ Z. ------1 — Evelina Qabaka Aau-Lawa matlho ame le mohuhuco o Ama-Tshayina RORIJA INSTITUTION o boleta, eotlhe tseo ele tse Srrovo Y ia e . Eyonanto ipaalekayo ngezmgxelo ka- di nkisang ko tlasetlase. Pa'lle Pulube NANCEFIELD LOCATION Thrbeile Coaile THIRD YEAR JUNIOR P.T. Lefa kene kc latela dikga- Simeon Fihla.* Jonaiuiestourg. ' behle nge 3,500 lat Gershom Jali 2ND GEADE. kololo tsa dingaka, ke noa yatangrmhlope m ditlhare thata, ka seka ka Philip Kopo NGE Osin Rebetniah Koili Tennyson Kuze Tlohang Letak ba ka bona kgololo e Edward Madalane Mart James Motsatae tlhomameng mogo sepe. Ernest Madingoane Panics Isaac Phororo David Mahuma Z 7 , “ Ditsala tsa ntaela go Gibson Maneli FEBRFARY 19U Apa Napaya. Samuel Simooe Seele oside Enoae Tbabane metsa Bile-Beans, eare mo­ William Mayeza NJineli Mb- Nehemiab Abner Chabane lelong tsa bone k i simo- Harvey MJedelyani taba namanye amakosi amabrai. matyrl- - Jo%epl Mlundzt ukuba kuyabonakala. Amalungu e Komiti ayacelwa la etoe Matatkk. Umeir* zonke inko»i Adoro Kokome lola go di metsa. Kene ke Mkata Fhilbert Ernest Makosbolo Eleanor Monaheng eze nengxelo zawo kunye neminikelo. nganiswc ni eyakota se Mrimknla ngom- Laatre Mofutsana di meditse malatsinyanj Richard Moralu hla we 16 ku February, nknioaa ngomteto Joseph Gratitude Mo'apo fela fa tlhogo a simolola Griffiths Moirsieloa JOHS L DUBE. wrmihbba yitantsradu; baMmgaae — Eaftne Mareka Motlemekoane Elias Mpapela tatuoywa ta * Naiala, balm go kokobela eba e feta. Simon Mqubuli President. ukuturoela abataajwa e Ngilanr. Archibald Malobela Qatnalsi Keleco eariie ea dijo ea Ehenezer Mshunipeli Amos Abiel Ramooli boea kflba ka simolola go Soldmon Ntiya SOL T PLAATJE. Jacobus Seri pe Harvey Mlwazi Secretary. robala sentle bcsigo, erile Eli Narc PASSED IN THE WRITTEN PART Innes Ndunge 0 Hr. Vac Strum, we Nlhoantao Ho«l fa ke ntse ke cceletse ka Albert Njikelana ONLY umangalelwe rokaidkw yaaatyata. ago Jacques Ntobongwmi. kweegHa ntywala ngeralaai kwatantsa Bile-Beans pholo eame ea Wilson Ax. Bati Cleopas Xabanisi odu abatalu. Faira kokapirotsra ofai- nna ea tlhabologa. Mala Eleanor Bengu tala, enwaangaktwa afa Saak Daniel fchalema ‘Ssala ca Batho. Ephraim Malahleha ame le sebete tsa cosioa Kathleen Fowler TSISHu la ; wadi Hra £300, ofc*BT Susan January w t a n nzinu. U Mr. I Wikea Finease Matlanyane tsa balsa ira tiro ea cone Sepion Mofolo Damaris Khokolo Arelopedik) dile dint u mo bahadina H— i n p ltlwa. cttenik; ngoko I f jaka gale. Le maikutk Francis Kiviet I The People's Friendi riityata liaaionytwe. Jeremiah Tsoene Mosala ' Ida rare ene err u wna go bala u la- Fci^oc Moshabe ame a a ngodiegileng a Eleanor Luaiti Heibert Nason Mmbabesha Epheti Mabutu sa tsala eno gore < romele • h«lct« ea Gladys Naqashu C Francr rntaana ei» Eleaacr Let boko Z. Saorali shupoioga. Ditlhaselo tsa ne eaatogele"Tsala." Tlhoat’.lioa kc 15.- [With whidi are iocorprealrf “ T»ala t'bfna imimiki emitanc Mishael Tsiu Etbel Masho'ogu gaumakoe tsa fokotsega Agnes Matodlana ka rgoaga lefa rtVan } « It Humane; ea Becrara." Km.bertrr ; and. eaixetile e Angers kwelase TnnKT. l o- Trinnah Mduli “ Mig.«. ». Kl> of passed the Senior P.T. Eumina- Spttrgron Mzln ba; Irtb N'toborgwana, SliSUTO AND XOSA. on. He atadied priralely. sho e e tlhomameng ea Cotta Nlthona. jovph Nlotu. se madi e lla go laia ka po*r gi- gaumakoe, pipelo, motha- Kaiser Nziweni, Kliier Qama. actaka re u sr rrkiWng u ba wt Mary de Kork, Henrietta Gngwini, ADVERTISEMENTS UWFF. A painful feature al Tiger Kloof Inst* mu, mogadikego, mala, lela. ert u kudaga u re Hsiae. Amelia Mahola, Gertrude Ntauntaa, ta. par im b Siit^t *^e«H it at ion is the death of Kolisile Maku. motabogo, ditlhabi mo Josiah Hongo,* A'bert Mefubetviana ’ mors§e Ms taka tixh ja l< KITSISHO. t for the First Year Junior P.T. k-.ljctras « pp»r, kora, ta « 'rrtna^a>> ination, went home to King Wil. mokotleng, maloetse a ba- a». f»r iw l lk -b k l U i ^ Ke- I own for the summer vacation aadsadi. le dikgoeleaganyane *• i»aa».«aa •* u -*j*- soon after his amral home. The |«ak hal( (!<«•:"» *° " W ^ o W f U radon School -Mr. Satchel visited ba ditoro ka is. 6d. le l-UakaagO^ I* $• '*■1 oci4o«i e e Ua d.x>- or k i^ l* pT»’ r ■e Race Coarse Camp School daring the ,tW > tlM . fUpr r** i '\!» Waa*" n two days. We arc informed that Ibe l« aagetxe. A mangw a ka rvvria »•* AxO:tt« Ch^u^hout *&"• f ka rr nmwUng f ib f »Ni n Bans is h i did very well. • faaanxvtili b* ba aba k madi a bme 1SAZIS0. di a gaf»«eona,a mangoe a U n U o e Country I p> «a k» bofelong joa ngoog1. <& Mr. and Mrs. Janes Tyamashe of Tiger I T U S ® cokskaoaea kkria taratiai. Fare am V v Usa* Kloof who spent their vacation in th« a k aKVtiri nlf'rtne Vrann n rona a ta 'NI A RA l.U IW kr ikacs.»«>« grukfinyam *• aefcfat e BlJe. E ' Fields retarned to their datkl r r r r v * - ? ; DlYAZISA ngentorabanna a'V*t<4- of Natiw tr-V I ll« taeoa e maog 1 Ef rwnele palo e N . yasi’Ntiikiiini. King Wil- I I** ana Eut e fetang ea babaogoe ea babadi,p •*« Mr. J. N. Tulwana, Teacher at Ti^er A + txSbtis) liamstown. ebendiyifilishi- ukuba C frml.iHim. Boof spent two days in Kimberley . 00 b o * o p t >. kutiwa Itshate nonyaoa ka Ten- his way from the coast to duty. go Jabavu. ngo December 191J. AP»P o^c- F* A** Ci tiin CUftrS. African ScM s bare fa ta ka’na ta shnpetia lefatshe jeole diktat icatnane It <■* o tla e gore Bakreate n ba utloane etlabo ele go Ndim, 17 Lilian But n-tt, B.A., tlbotlbelitsa thuto eaga Mohaaete mo intfda kpordi dik Ikatrir. fa * p*«ftmng, ka eooe e sen! dikilela tn bo- M0CES SIGQALA, in this PAPER Ma WeaekaMraaik Se^W ’ ■* Kilnrrton Institi te, morafe. Fa talho ta dmnetae mo go Tranwfala. Ren. JonatUa !'o 0. mi. dualeth kgwdi tat UK le rue f ’» etM ka tatealcagoa fela botlhe. Kgang C.K UpHako. htrea M 'b a b . PRETORIA. Bmd!zenl, Meaart. L RVbrile A. Tahwrw-. ^ )alo. Ks «>. k " kale ojaa*,'- eoetlare kgotaa eta a ea go atlbogako U will increase A Copy will ta sent on receipt of 1 Engtana. Ra Matanta le manyeaemanej K j„ g W illlim stow n , aa bakng fcwnta a - T - h " ka oatal Order** * jd, KPt t9 Ibe abore " I 2J ill I9lf Y m TR A DE- I **5* 1 -L 4 J » f f 1 A MPO. mi/t'Atlf ?,.l<)li forthwith, no rfoubuh'rf w. jjd cd without trial,*’ w as fcased on W ell, I don 't like th is business In Memoriam. Ka Ntlha. Cotlhe. N M ir ii the Bouse. be «n imm ediate c r p f inlereit- his liellef that the Government of teaching niggers to nse ferti- iag, actions in the Supreme had lieen trying to catch George liters and grow turnips and po- Courts of rife Transvaal. Hence Kendall, with a view of his de- tatoes to take the food out of our We ire indebted to tb e’ D.F. Adv»- . Wqb&fc*; monilagaojr^* Bloan- tj*er " for inserting this note wbxi TUKDAf, FEBRUARY 3. it. is .very necessary that the portation. Last sessioc, he children’s mouths. It’s the mis: hof gatoe om • bn* muhoe ks brought several kind »e*a*tJ o t o p a ­ mashoropo * aoe a stniela ka stratke. House should settle the question urged, the Speaker had allowed sionaries that put them up to tt. thy to Mr. and Mrs. Sol, Plaatl* o f tbe Indimoity Bill first. ' an emergency motion relating to You’re an inconsistent old has been especially encouraging in their ^fc^OCWT (Wednesday) iwue - —ra — , the removal of cattle from an humbug, Brown. Just now you bereaTement.' They have for 16 years Phokoan*.—Mono go i g « t e U i. fc to h e jo in e d 00 th* Indemnity been members of the Order of Benedict, infectecj.district. Surely such a were grumbling bee-use the mis- lene. M l, the fall text-of which was Sir Thomas Smartt regarded and ibis ts their first such shock, but the motion as his should have been sionary wouldn’t let them work comforting messages of coodolence hare drcslsted among members this Genl. Sniuts' proposal to snaffle allowed. Here he suddenly —now you’re grousing because helped them to bear tbe affliction. Tlhapim^—1h . Fouri* j«mnn? ke m t n ia t . Tbe clauses, which Thursdays, as formine a very drifted away to administer an Besides those from relative* m he shows them how to do it pro­ te ngalc* ea Goromente ko Taang. •Maly provide indemnity, are bad precedent indeed, and he elaborately sarcastic kdure to perly. Don’t you see, or won’t came from Hon. W. P. Schreiner, tC , ReV. F. M. Gow, P. E, Mt half so interesting as the suggested an amendment, to Mr. Merriman, who merely open­ you see, that progress on the part w h id i the Minister readily Cape Town, Dr. A. H. Watkins, MJ-A- Diphofi.—I«nl Kitchener ooa , leagthy Preamble, which ex­ ed his .eyes in bewildered as­ of the black means progiess all Oliphantskop, Messrs. W. Allan King, p i a t e in detail the circumstances agreed, granting Thursday as a tonishment. Returning to his round? Native Commissioner of Pretoria. Vere pahme empleia* maloba ke E«tp to. osder whicb Martial Law came Government day for such time muttons, he invited the aitention Why shouldn’t thev stick to Stent, Editor of the Pretoria J .8 . Oo .fnf* g* kgwi e g.. re gakoloU Algie (Town Clerk of Mafikeat/.S.C »o bo-proclaimed. and then acts only as the Bill remain befcre the of the House to the singular their mealies and things ? W tMcunoalieAaVoa^ilt 1 for*, forth tha general terms of the House. Mr. Creswdl after a jibe Cronwright Schreiner, De Aar, Mr. and parallel of 1901, whert rM£'A- S If you farmers, with all your Mrs. Jas. Smith, Grcenpoint, Nurse G. erile indinodimo g« m»rn b* bang.w Indicia** agaiast tbe nine de- at the Opposition, applied him­ du Plessis was allowed to move civilisation and technical know­ Mbongwe, Lovedale Hospital. Tbe Pre­ b* boos tetetel*. 1U mo ra n b»r>. pertad Syndicalists, whose self with extreme bitterness to the adjournment to discuss the ledge and machinery, can’t beat sident, S. A. Native National Congirss “ fa go le monatcnafe ji*n» 11 latlang ••mas are neatly printed ia * Genl- Smuts, and implored the danger.to which he was subjed- the wily savage atjrour own and Mrs. Dube, Rev. R. Twala and Mrs. jaanong ?’’ are, - ke Nila leftUhe.’* —hadale to the Bill. They are Government, if it had any de­ Twala. Mr. and Mrs. S. Makgatho, Pre- ed under the operation of Martial game, it is time you shut up shop tnria. Rev. P. K. Motijine, Chief Nyokoog dutiad' ia brief, with having cency left, to disown General Law, although a debate was at and went somewhere else. Thaba ’Nchu, Chief Lekoko. Chief Silas Tonolo.—Uakgou* a ntae a akanj* c m tad unrest among tbe wag e- Smuts’ adion in refusing to that tjme in progress on the Don’t stay here whining because Mol ema, Mr. and Mrs. P. t l Moshueshue. go *g* nx*inja o o ooang Eqj»Un t t i i n and *fameoted strife allow the petition to be read whole question of Martial Law the missionaries encourage tbe - M.J. Moshoeta,- Maturing, Mr. and o ea For*. Gooptcnn gn ale fagti between them and their em ploy­ “ The Government's character,' ____ lamabas Samson, Mr. Chas. Dube, aod its administration. Mr. Cres- natives to use the soil properly. Principal of Ohlange Industrial School, fa gare, mme maikaelel- ke*i phony ’ es; with inciting the wage- he said, **is gone beyond well’s arguments met with no Carter, you’re a nigger-lover I. Durban, Tbe Beaconsfiield Branch of the lefatohe ka k« Uaaa ga leutle U e • cwaers to cease work unlawfully demption, but they will at all vocal support in the House, and No, sir, but I like fair play all Native Cengren, and also the Kimberley go co* fel* ko Fora. Ban kep? « • events be able to avoid the most m i salaarfully to a c t; and there­ when a division was challenged, round, and some of you chaps Branch. . ..S ' ntaen# jaloeth ja bo mdenoe hal- by caosing " tbe publib disturb­ disgraceful culmination of a long the Labour members voted once make me tired because you are 1C. F« go ka direga ebe*le giire m • ance* which have resulted from series of disgraceful acts.” more in 'a minority of sijt. Mr- not prepared to give it. Now is bakeng u go kgahmi.ra hc*Ue b soch unrest, strife and unlawful There seemed,! indeed, to be Merriman, it may be remarked, there anything else you wapt to Ma Wesele. abapa metae fa gndituo, jaanong b act*, and cessation of work.' some feeling in the House that it walked Out of the House just chuck of your chest. tla le buhnmdaka urene. The Preamhle. dwells oa tbe would have been wiser to allow before the division was taken, You can’t deny that the mis­ great danger to persons and the pdition to be reajl. Mr. 1 and there were a good many sionaries teach the kaffir he’s as Sinode ea Kimberley le Bloem­ Merriman thought so anyhow, Bujalo*. -Bare ka ngoaga ale property, and the general detri­ absentees on the Government good as a white man ? fontein e simolotse gompieno, ment and loss to the community but before stating his views, Mr. ngoe fela Manjeaemtne k<> Eorelaoe a benches, including Genl. Hert- That old chesnut I Now, look 3rd Feb- 1914, ka 4 p.m.. baruti cused bj tbe scheduled nine, Merriman rapped Mr. Creswell do* bo meVnne bale ttil ba iliponlo. zog and most of his following. here, Brown, I’ll uail you down. botlhe bale gone. Morago ga . aid declares them to have be­ over the knuckles for " his nasty gae ganc lehoma le nuloette di gana " Cape Times." Have you ever met anyone who sefe'a le thapelo ke Rev. C. a b it of making insinuations.” go fn|p<**a k" EnjeUae, ebile ba di come ndesirable- residents of has ever heard, or do you know Mbete, Moniti A. P. Pitso a bala the U tS o k . H eace " It h a d been It only alienates sympathy,” uhabela ko mafatahing * ; anyone who has ever beard a Pesaleme ea 104. Mookami-golo ' fouad expedient by the Gorern- said Mr. Memman in a spirit of single missionary teach that (Rev. W. Pescod) erile a bula meatpa cause all of them to be kindly criticism. “ That's our idea ? Now, have you, or have phuthego, mo gare ga puo ea Ko Eajekni go m!e JJajuta a!e removed from the Union.’’ Hence, business," snapped Mr. Creswell, De Missionaries Spoil gagoe are ke na le boitumdo jo 244,89;. also, they are to be “ deemed who h as a singlarly unfortunate you not ? But that’s what everybody bogolo thata go to bu'ela diatla <». rrJCC— permanently to be undesirable w ay of snarling even at those the Natives ? says. Carter. ' tsa kamogelo mo phuthegong e, Dwitere.—0*toe fa go tlbabano* (•habitants of the Union." who are trying to help him. Mr. An»w< r me straight. I Have ebile ke itumeU thata go amoge- Kaiaara oa Jeremane 0 ka ah* ntoi a Merriman thought tt a misfortuns la Moruti D. T . Matsepe mo ,naaho|e ale 5^ 00,000. that the petition had not been SOME TRUTHS ABOUT you f 1 There is an unprecedented de­ When you put it like tnat.l'm sinodengea rona. Mookami-go­ read He recalled his own ex■ THE MATTER IN DIALOGUE mand for tickets < i admission perience in the House of Com­ bound to say “ No.” lo a coelela ka gore se segoto ke Atmria.—Kajatra Franca o* U.- FORM. Exactly I And so every man thapelo, thapeto ke eone thata ea fbr tomorrow’s d?ba(e, when mons. when, with Mr. Sauer, he jeremane a bgtlltthatMai 0 boaitae I've asked says. You m«y take GesL Smuts will lay beforr tbe begged leave to plead at the bar kereke; go batlega re lo batho nyaga dile 6i. Di r«a Uaga Setoria it from me that it's a delusion ba ba rapelang ka gale. * Mo Hoose and the c >untry a full on behalf of certain Cape people (By HOMO, in the " Times of and a lie, and don't you trot it eutmaent of the crse far the who had got into trouble during thaelong re gakotogeloa m iilu- Natal.”). out any more or let anyone else Cererament, and th • case for the the War. The petition wa* rabelo a rona go Modimo ie mo- do so. No missionary is such a ^ • - 6 l 3 i r i o kxaoeooe ga dapertation of Po tsma and his "contemptuously rejected,” and tho. Mo godimo g* rona ren* fool as to teach his blacks that le cogoesa lapeng le cboaroe ‘IhaUbelo* dilaeni £ e 108,877 ko colleagues. A v-ry prolonged Mr. Merriman thought it Anyone would thjnk you were they're the equal of the white sa feleng. Dilo tse di diroang Eogelane. \ i , j • debate is antidp.te -1 on the| grave injustice and an evil pre­ a parson, Carter f aeoood reading of the Bill. The man, though, maybe, it wouldn't ke batho dia gakgamatu> ka cedent.'’ He found, howtver, Not I, but, I tell ^ou Labour memlieri have expressed hurt them muph if they were a thata le bonako ja cona. ’me tha­ D ita ^ ta* moiekr Ue ditaamaaMn? another precedent, that of 1739, wouldn’t hurt some of us if Ice Harasho o a 'lK p w o f* di ka their intentkm of delaying its bit belter In their moral* than pelo e koa godimo ga cotlhe- when W alpole declared war on did go to church on a Sunday. uh°®lgango* feia di ka ira made progress at every stage, and if some whites! What else Banna ba Modimo ba bogologolo Spain as the result of the elo­ Have you got anything else h*le8,000. .j i . inferences are to be drawn from quent pleading at the bar of the there ? ’s ene ele banna ba thapdo le lefo- against this missionary- man / Why don't they send out their ko ja Modim* ’Nang barapedi. tbe uncommonly nasty tamper House Of Commons of Captain Yes, he's got too soft a hiiln I •ir’ft to servipe j ; Erile ka maab»nyane baruti Uotofcan— Ea 1903 motokara ei Mr. Creswell showed this ;.fter- Jeqkiofr. 'I he gallant Captain Has he ? Well, look^ htrr, Who said the missionaries kepekn Eogelane enellee>w fela ■••n, tbe Hoose is likely to be daimed to have been cruelly babo ba phoere tjikereke tsa would you like lo change jobs ka 1013'dine dile u e di h ia * ^ flke arena of some unpleasantly tortured by the Spaniards, and were to be scrvpnl twinerf far Kroonstad- aeosational scenes befcr* th* for a month ? the general public ? (The italics 4th Feb—Sinode ea tsena ka for proof he brought his ear in a Bill k through. It is rather a are ours, but Car« r should have 9.15 a.m. Morago ga thapelo le bottle for the inspedlon of the I shouldn’t mind.;What should Potdiefatroom—j|« io go cboerw remarkable fact that the Senate House. We shall have nothing I have to do ? said Labour Agents instead of palo ea thulaganyo ea Choeco -nagonna a maihoie le Makgooa 1 should have adjourned until the quite so sensational if or when servant trainersf TSALAj And tsa maabane, ga tsena tlhatlhobo mo toropoog e* «ooir*hri gatne ikh. This means, presiimbly, You’d have to preach If o or boy much have you and 1 contri­ ea baruti ba ba mo tekong. Pele Mr. Percy Vere Star,t appears at three times on a Sunday, and b* dot* dithoto taa Gohxnente ot that the Government has 00 hope buted towards fteif fund* fhat w< ga tsena ea ga Mcruti Z. R. Ma- the bar, but he might be able to three times in the week, and Imperiale. Ko eteng mapeliai gt bo)o o t passing the measure through shodd didate what thoy j*ho«ld habqqe poo $l)oe[saqg monongo- produce a few tattered remnants lead) Scripture in the day-school g* thaea pbiri ka Uwto ea Gorooenle tb e Assem bly for a full fi 1; lig h t do or .shouldn't do? And, aga a kgabaganya (ent^e thata. of tbe Red PL'g. of some of the and boss up tf|* bonders, and - entae jeo* akabo. T S e Ise x that Genl. Sift-ns has another thing, until the people ‘ 0 tla beoa diitla ke Konferense telegrams which were never deli­ visit your branch sphools , onee flam ed Wednesdays and rhurs- the towns and you in the country monongaoga. vered, and about which Mr. a quarter, and write reports) and d*ys as Government days until are prepared to tajfe better fare Baruti ba ba dhophiloeng Madeley made such bitter com­ keep fourteen sets of accounts. t t e BiH is disposed of by tbe of your servant-girls you won't ea ko Konferenseng ke bo Rev. Ga «0 MoUfMopc. Mweprtl mon«o. plaints (bis afternoon. Then you’d have to be at the o pitaog ca ukipi (uaia^ ■* a rau go lower House means rraniutly persuade the mifsionaijes to G. B. Liphuko, le Rev. S R Ma- beck and call of every black in gamiha m a t a aoila arr: Ga «o na Mo­ (hat the discussions will cont'nue send iheir girl* out, to *mice. suabi. Fa ba ka kgordetRega gc the countryside. You must take no ka gonae fa ke o boot ka aailbo. from day to day, Tuesdays only Mr. Hull suddenly rose, evi­ It seems to me Jcu likd these ee -bo Revs- S K. Ramailane le Kl fa moaepali iuc moogoe a a*aiaba out tfi.eif tpelh, and treat their excepted. It may be s-tpposed dently impressed by Mr- Merri- miisionaries. j $,H.Jozi. art:Y»lo mooni kr onu l« mu ga k, lo- siomacl?-ache, and (end (hem ■ de,hau na le ithatocanjro, kafoonele that most members will ba hcJfti- man’s speech, and pointed out Id o l The bulk of thfm ire your t90ls, and listen fo their Ditokololo 22.89a Kokeco 403 eona nna ga ke e booe ka autlha.—‘Mnu- ly sick < f th e Indem nity Bill jm t that if the Minister’s motion, hard vorkjpg phaps, doing work pa—Taeta." troubles-* 7-324. ••493 Mitral Law by the l.me the civing the Indemnity Bill prece­ that nrpds to be rfone tfi*t ye Tse diqana 4,433, r 1.027 -, ■ measure is read a third lime and dence on Thursday.were adopted, Oh 1 I say! I ’m not tasi ng wouldn’t touch wjih the end of a Le lla»lo na lulako tsaga*uuU ll • off to th Senate; Mr. Creswcll’s motion, tl at coun­ any. barge;pole.—“ liwe Lakiti." Ba ba batlang go tsena bt.ruti tshaa ka kooltrere 11 jalo, m ar go itaa ba ,|lh;tllhojoa, ebong bo Jere­ Ii thatafalB, gore iota le aetii a si it ' ' sel be.heard jt ih e Bar. would Steady on,. I've not finished. lire-atpe. drop off the paper- Accordingly miah Kgnmari, Z. Nyokong, N. n There wert jmpre preliminary You'd have to write their letters, S. Motshumi, P- J. Nikiwe. Erilt •fefrjaiilid' this afternoon in re- he introduced a further amend­ and dress their sores, and bury ment, which would at least give O u r Information morago g* tlhatlhobo ea tlho ,f. .. .fa fn e e -t? the deportation#. No their dead, and christen their Uhomisho ua amoge>oa boo bane farmer had prayers been read Mr. CresWell precedence over the babies. Then you'd need to hear Government for the Thursday. B u reau . me ba Upkia |(oa Konfcrcnseng v . t^in toi»Ct*swell was up' witn a all sorts vf complaints and cri­ Baruti ba ba botlanj ba, bo L PAUUI : - ' "pythkm . It was a petition from “ Wedon't," he eip'ainci1, "com­ ticisms from your Wgbours mit ourselves to voting for the Bokako, J. Somaza, A- Tlalelsi Hr. Advocate Perry Vere Stent, about yourself and your work; leM- Moshugi. b* kgabagantv motion when it is introduced.’’ you'd have to live 0.1 about half We have received for review yidg that leave be granted to ngoaga. mcng-e- le niudgoe in. XA ubuna eHj^jv, ILu, o j^ ^ The amendment, Curiously your present income, and not be one copy of the * African World E1 to plead before the Bar of mophatong oa p’ goe- the House on behalf of (he de­ 1, led to no discussion, allowed to supplement it, and Annual ' (J(mas Number).* It is niumde Iuben,M.na:.|r H ko; was put' to the House, .as usual neatly aqd artistically ported men. “I move that the keep smiling all the time. (A sa Ua' Thk En 1 th* - r*ti„ ^4 UiTBo u J'r7®pRlHoe be re»d,"said Mr. Cres- :hough the Ministerialists shout­ got up- We have jilso received P. K M. You s*em to know a lot about Box 113. K iiiia iu r , W*a. “ A t an unopposed mo- ed -N o ." the Opposition, the it,. Carter. Vol. II. ” Farmers Labourites, aad some of the un­ Annual and S. A. Farm Doctor,’’ JfcW ' ^aid- Mfr Speaker. "Any !.!pep«i C&bnUaa -rrn .V Mrs C B t.i|i,'uko ni G.-'i Kri.«^w*8(H-ni kr«Hu« 'Cirrvg a close eye on: General Smuts on tbe Ministerial benches, Itrtse bi -. li Vo Tlnbi \ ’c still hear, a lot of men talking post. A ha’ndv reference bok ■ tKeMlnistCThalf turned bjs bead shouted “ Aye.'' Three times i> V LiDhukn lo ka |ia ‘n fo li«: " Up jumped Mr. Menta, tbe chief much was be in doubt as to the but dunag the last three years pes wi'l appear aft-r a ca rrf. I’ve been poking my nose in»o examination of both these books FreisJ ut. I.K^i Moruii & Whip of tbe Sooth African verdict- At last he gave his ekotcng. Party. "Iobject," he said, and opinion to the “ Ayes.” and the things, and at every mission We wisb-to acknowledge with th* reading of Mr. P. V. Stent's amendment was agreed to. A station I’ve been I've made en. thanks tbe following purifications prayer muvt be postponed till sharp downward twitch of Genl. quiries, outside and in, and now ra W -vIr ea u N’O JAOA 0 FED1L5 Thursday. O n th a t day Mr. Srau.'shand betrayed the Minis­ ' know what I'm talking about. received from t'e G >vrnmeni . Rev. R T# :o; gaeo Creswdl gave ootioe to move bo tseot kt 8 -v. ^ M >r; 6-January, lc Kirooa I. ngoe kb Pretoria le ipolaile ka aa a G •vernajeirt

• * *1 I ^ m

-n t*


_ ~ 1 S M * , n m \ m t, 1914. 1 TW 0 iVCOOPEB ‘Gsala ea Satbo MOREKIS1 OA DITLHARE. I The People's^Friend)

. , (U koa Mafikcng le Zcenat koa Madigoe). tWiih which arc incorporated ” T»alk ea Becoana," Kimbcrler s and- Ontee le Becoana ka baka m «e Icelc lhaU, cbilo 0 acUc a lemogile that* “ MoUualle oa Babauo, Johan go ha baakaujeUa DITLHARE. A ko leko mdhiuhoea bune e f nc*burg.] ' nuhang di maahoe. Hiad-Onice: Corner of Shannon Cooper’s Green PHI (Pilling eeiUeng 50 tlhncoa. mala) letlojaDB Street and BreU Street, Kimberley. Talete (la.6

V. N. Cooper Agents thougrhout.the C ou n try! GAUFI LH KEREKE EA MAGOOA. Accreditol br MerchanU aa being I'KPARALELLED for the eitenaion W e s t E n a , Kimberley of Native trade I A Large ana Ever-Increasing 8ABESEKI ! BABEHEKI \ ! Banna 1' Banna, BONANG ta l Circulation. Address : TIRO ke eo mo Kompocicg tsa gale Isa Becoana: TYenkele to Woutii eo mu ;t h e e d it o r , Hukung %o M u rost Office “ Tsala ea Batho!' Randfontein North. Robinson Randfontein, P.O. Box M3, Randfontein Sovth, Widths Randfontein, <1 «0 KIMBERLEY. n I | l NYAIA MfltlSfl I SELALELONG, Purges Lnnglaagte.

Beka go ihomota ka peka goooa ka moooto 0 e» ko .Phogong. Fa u « go Lema kgono a ea ko Diklemene, Reka eobaakanocUa aparu Advertise Ua methale eotlhe tae di tbata-taata ua Bakrtki Maduo a Siameng, Kemponi tse di siam eng: Cecoana ba Lefaaabatle paka eotlhe a ka rtka BAKI, BORUKIIOK. 11 EM PE, YOUR DITLHAKO, a HUT8HE, KOLORO, kgono’ eng «a liatma, fela Cliirarua Sentle. . ae u sc batlaog u tla le fitlhela. B f i w i e s s Be rekiia Thoto tea Banna fela, ga gona ua Baaadi lc Barm • NOW SEN£IRI 0 mo Lewenkeleng, a ka go segela fela jaka u rata.,. TLAN G lo itlhopheleng ka losi mo ga in this PAPER MADUO: WALTER H. ADAMS it will increase SIEGE BUILDINGS, /Opposite Post Office). ! M D t Beers Redd, KIMBERLEY. Your TRADE. Bo Pan;bili le Baiaisi. k fid ka gfiifi. [S.- Sec. 7.? A O CHOENGOA KE Bathiisi ba Diiua&li,:i Is. 9d. le 2s. ka shili SEHUBA, MARGOAHO KGOTSA ! ' M O M E C O ? B A B 0 RO t '»• ekane o choedgna t i botlhoko Joa msikgoafia 1 Sehuba, Momtco, kgoua inhikrln, le Ifhuraa o )j» legolo, go gotlhola. Sebuba, dlilbabl mo KM ra«*;tlei»' Is. (xikutuayane jo# raoea. Is 30in. go 35io.: I'alM inila Icib. - .'mMlhoVo otIHs hsla a 8ebuba. makgoaho. kgotsa i*o*lec<>,'ro.nal#,ra«leaiooo»iam«ng tluita belu. .B tinir1 BAOCO HERB .EXTRACT. 'Me mkars 36in : 2s. 4 2 i n .: 2 s. 6d.

____ batho mmogo 1s dl address t»a bons ___ _ ke bstho ba hatas jeno ba ba hodbiootng ks 8ACC0 HERB EXTRACT, nunc ba re romela . makualo a dl M oro tsa, boor. ‘ 8AOCO HERB !; EXTRACT, e dlriloo k f dltlliars Ue di.'eploang monoTtJoath Afrloa rams nonofo a shone a go bodl'i niatlhoko otlhs ks • kgakgamataang. Ba f bobodi botlhe ba'akbUs ka go utloa gore botlhoko !: joa mon^eo ke jm t bo holaag pels, Is go gotlhola , KONTRAKA. . pi fiok10k tsegf, Uege, motho antas moea ssntle hela otlhola di so t asntls hsla mo sehubeng I cme ua di irang botlhoko jo. kalaho ea 0 HERB EXTRACT e eoa mo kioong ea tlh/'!»r « ' t>-t tho gore ss nns thuaho ea batho. *M" re ka„ iuite batho ba rona ba hatso jeno gore /ieplm.hHlanyani■lanrana ia shons se w.lellh^, wohoana' / Is .omala o lo• o - bjuaug —------... oo Hbaka g* » .. J . . . 1 go gaC;j go hela jaka re gatMtje mo lokoalong Iso Sesemane, kjoedi dile 9, m-n» -e ki |j romela dl tlhalosho Us dtagua ba lo ii **’Ja. .. ’ S J.niub Mar! *<■«« Scl»*l, M . ««»*, Dtt‘ 0^tapola sow ga kena go hoU ka gonna v a. '•*3 ^ 'v.-.; ■- . '' k»ni>'Jt« «'■» k fie betlhoko tliafhe^a,-kejtfaks totlhoU thau heU ks ne le kedltlhaW mo tehubeng, Is ina mawtleng. Dlngaka di ns dl rs ka nala botlh"ki jva makgoaho, mms dltokololo cotlhs hsla t*arimrVoiraedinedht»e jalorur'.k* nckeacUs . . . Re nale Magente ko k ' heif :oe k» eMo'ielo rur» gonns ka malaUi a mangus ke os ks paMoa Is ks gO uamaea ka mlha phokolo s snsng s le mo gonna mme janong k» TSHIRELECONG, MAFEKING, HVKUDU. le mo btreken j sa M ADIK OE.

Z u w V t h W * kabotWosUngus b.U mm. ha o is( CHARLES HALL, loTnllhelewr la gaeno re ka go romsU on* koaaUs go tsho ea pojs, «J)maSamSaahins koanA gobeng baahona«bong The ACCO HBRB EXTRACT CO..Th«eiK Bnlldlap- <10 Loopae^ > ,1 fee* Street*, Cap* T*w«. P-0. Box io$j, T . - ~ Agente., SAMWW BA NPHO>-So

Silas T MOLEMA and Solomon T PLAATJE Papers

PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2012


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