Research sites

Kemin district, Kyzyl Octyabrsky Aiyl 100 km from , 35 km from town, and 5 km from center Average t 0 at summer 20-25 0 C, on winter - -5-9 0C. Average rainfall 400-600 mm.

1 Kemin district, Kyzyl Octyabrsky Aiyl

There are 9 villages with population 3728 (827 households). Total land: 26320 hectares: 3201 ha irrigated lands, 393 rainfed, 11 ha gardens, 452 ha hayfield and 22656 ha rangelands. From south part this area surrounded mountains.

Kemin district, Kyzyl Octyabrsky Aiyl

There are 1124 heads of cattle (529 – milking cows), 204 horses, 3406 – sheep, 739 – goat, 77 pigs, 5100 – hens).

2 Kemin district, Kyzyl Octyabrsky Aiyl Ak-Beket village

93 km from Bishkek, 23 km from Tokmok town, and 5 km from Kemin district center

Number of households: 178

Kemin district, Kyzyl Octyabrsky Aiyl Ak-Beket village List of farmers: 1.Moldaliev Talat, 4 hectares of land (lucerne), 2 cows, 2 calves, 10 sheep. 2. Mambetaliev Joldosh, 3 hectares of land (lucerne), 3 cows, 3 calves, 6 sheep, 10 hens. 3.Rysbekov Shaken 5,1 hectares of land (lucerneand esparsette), 4 cows, 2 calves, 2 bulls, 26 sheep, 2 goats. 4. Moldoshev Askar, 0,85 hectares of land (lucerne), 1 cow, 1 calf, 10 sheep. 5. Abdraliev Choro, of 3,4 hectares of land (1,0 sugar beet, 1,5 barley, 1,0 lucernes. 6. Toktogonov Erkin of 20 sheep. 7 MoldoshevSashka. 10,0 hectares of land (barley, 1,0 sugar beet, 2,5 lucerne) of 5 cows, 2 heifers and 5 calves. 8 Toktomambetov Bekin. 6,0 hectares of land, 30 sheep, 10 goats. 9. Borgoev Tobokel, 6,0 hectares of land, 28 sheep, 3 cows. 10. ToktoganovKeldybek, 20 sheep

3 Kemin district, Kyzyl Octyabrsky Aiyl Ak-Beket village Pilot farm “Alymseyit” ƒ Has 310 ha of rangelands 25 ha of natural hayfields in “Jelkildek” tract. Recently he leased another 186 hectares of rangelands. There are 300 heads of fine-wooled and 200 heads of coarse-wooled sheep in the farm “Alimseyit”, two sheep-folds with the total area of 1,098 sq. m. From 91 heads of coarse-wooled sheep were given 93 lambs, including 7 twins, and 12 sheep was barren.

Chuy district, On Bir Jilga Ayil Okmotu

83 km from Bishkek, 13 km from Tokmok town. Average t 0 at summer 20-25 0 C, on winter - -5-9 0C. Average rainfall 400-600 mm.

4 Chuy district, On Bir Jilga Ayil Okmotu

There are 6 villages with population 5540 (1139 households). Total land: 15643 hectares: 4206 ha irrigated lands, 412 rainfed, 5 ha gardens, 165 ha hayfield and 10855 ha rangelands. From south part this area surrounded mountains.

Chuy district, On Bir Jilga Ayil Okmotu

ƒ There are 1666 heads of cattle (800 – milking cows), ƒ 441 horses, ƒ 4364 – sheep and goat, ƒ 13 pigs, ƒ 6938 – hens.

5 Chuy district, On Bir Jilga Ayil Okmotu Progress village ƒ There are population 2026 (421 households). List of the 5 interested farmers and their characteristics from village “Progress”, Chuy district: ƒ Esenaliev Tolobek, has 3 hectares of land, 110 hectares of pasture, 200 head of the coarse wool sheep. ƒ Esenaliev Altynbek has 3 hectares of land, 200 hectares of pasture, 200 head of the coarse wool sheep ƒ Tashbolotov Azimzhan has 10 hectares of land, 40 head of the sheep of the coarse wool sheep ƒ Asanaliev Baktybek has 6 hectares of land, 20 hectares of pasture, 30 head of the coarse wool sheep ƒ As hyrov Bakhtiyar has 3,6 hectares of land, 30 hectares of pasture, 20 head of the coarse wool sheep.

Chuy district, On Bir Jilga Ayil Okmotu Progress village Pilot farm “Kenesh” ƒ Farmer is Nurjan Abdymajitov ƒ Has 200 ha of rangelands 35 ha of natural hayfields. ƒ There are 200 heads of Awassi crossbred sheep and 170 heads of coarse-wooled sheep. ƒ 90 heads of cows ƒ 20 horses