The Opinion Saint Peter’s College “Exceeding Excellence Since 1933” Section Reacts to Last Week’s THE PAUW WOW Article On Iraq Vol. LXXXI, No 4 Wednesday, October 22, 2008

“Speak Truth to Power” The Cornacchia Presidency: Revolutionary photo exhibit in Prudent, Strong, Ambitious O’Toole shows human suffering State of the College on his inauguration anniversary By David The issue of human rights is By Gary Young cycle, the impacts of rising one of great importance. There unemployment, etc. that will Vonderlinden have been many who have stood ast week, President be felt more next year. up to the face of injustice in their LCornacchia was kind It is not to say that we do defense of such rights. While they may not be as widely known enough to sit down with us for not have our own challenges, as most celebrities, their work is invaluable in regards to social an interview with the Pauw because we have already seen progress. These individuals are the subject of “Speak Truth Wow. Our idea was to get Dr. an impact on the college by the to Power,” a photo exhibit highlighting 51 of these individuals Cornacchia’s thoughts on his changing economic situation and their work. It first premiered at the Kennedy Center in first year as the president, to with regards to our evening 2000, and it has now made its way to Saint Peter’s College. find out what changes he has adult programs. Because The exhibit opened on October 1 at the O’Toole Library Art presided over, and to hear his companies are laying Gallery. thoughts about where Saint employees off, they The opening enjoyed a decent turnout and mostly faculty Peter’s College is going. are cutting tuition and staff attended the event. Those that did attend were served Q: How will the economy’s r e i m b u r s e m e n t refreshments as they observed the photographs displayed recent drop affect the college programs, and so throughout the gallery. Many appeared to be moved by the community? we have seen portraits, which fueled discussions throughout the evening. A: Like all institutions, a significant People remarked upon the great resolve found within the Saint Peter’s has an enrollment activists to do what they did and continue to do, even with dire endowment with a variety d r o p consequences often looming over their heads. “I think having of investments, which is a l r e a d y. exhibits like this is very important because it brings it to the managed by Smith Barney, I do not reality of everyday life of the students,” said Dr. Lega, one of part of Citi Corp, which is think it is the reception’s attendees. “Otherwise they think it happens to still fine. But you know, as something someone else out there. This personalizes it.” Dr. Lega teaches the market goes down, the the day psychology. value of our endowment is s t u d e n t s Organized in part by the Social Justice Program, the exhibit hurt as well. Because we have r e a l l y Photo by Juan Cardenas Mission and Ministry. I think brings to light only a few of the many activists who have devoted many types of investments, think about. But the adult that is a major accomplishment themselves almost entirely to the cause of alleviating human hits to the economy are not programs account for about for Saint Peter’s because we suffering all over the world. The photos, haunting black and reflected right away. Yes, our 40-45 % of our enrollment. So have had revolving doors in white portraits of these activists, portray a somberness that is endowment has gone down it is a significant part of Saint key leadership positions. This not without a sense of strength and hope. As these individuals somewhat but it has not Peter’s. is a long term investment in have themselves experienced inhumanity firsthand, it is a collapsed like the economy. Q: What do you feel has been stability and growth for the feeling they have genuinely earned. “I was just thrilled by the We are very diversified. your greatest accomplishment college. show,” said Dr. Brown of the Political Science Department and Q: What will be the impact so far? But I think one of the other Social Justice Program. “I feel uplifted and challenged by the on student loans? A: One thing is putting accomplishments is helping courage and witness of those that are featured.” A: Well, student loans together what I think is a to secure the financing for Among the activists featured are Elie Wiesel, the Romanian are pretty much done for the terrific leadership team here the physical improvements Holocaust survivor whose memoir, Night, is this year’s freshman year. Students usually borrow at the college: Dr.Yam, the around campus we have been reading, Desmond Tutu, the South African archbishop who for both semesters at the Academic Vice President, doing and will do over the fought against Apartheid, Sister Helen Prejean, the American beginning of the year. is my right-hand person. rest of the year. We have also anti-death penalty activist whose experiences served as the It is likely to have a bigger Mr. Payne as Vice President refinanced the entire college basis for the 1995 film Dead Man Walking, Zbigniew Bujak, the impact next year. That is for Finance, Mr. Fazio in debt with Capital One. That leader of the Solidarity underground in Poland during its years why we are planning for the Advancement, and of course, is a sign of their confidence in under communist rule, and Oscar Arias Sanchez, who worked impacts the economy will Dr. Poiani, and being able to the college and its future. to broker peace in Central America during the Cold War. have for the college next year. attract a new Jesuit, Father “The exhibit reminded me of the story in the Old Testament It will be next year’s loan Braden as Vice President for See Interview on Page 5 that reoccurs throughout history in many different forms about how the existence of a few good See Truth on Page 5 Puppets Make Splash at Roy Irving By Alex Rivero the crew at the Roy Irving Theater this past October 9th or over twenty years now, Arm-of-the- Addressing the issue of illegal immigration, FSea, a non-profit mask and puppet the Arm-of-the-Sea staff performed one of theater organization based in Saugerties, their keynote productions “La Cosecha.” It is NY, has been brilliantly fusing its fluid, a personal story in its portrayal of a Mexican innovative style of production with relevant man in search for better quality of life. It is also insight on historical, political, scientific, and a morally encompassing story. It depicts the environmental matters. inhumane process which coyotes, lucratively The group uses everyday items such paid individuals hired to bring immigrants as cardboard and paper maché to address onto US soil, routinely operate. Among the important topics through the scope of magical puppets and realism. By doing so, they successfully create props were rich, symbolic representations of hot-button actors in topics such as climate change, for instance, wolf masks in a way that powerfully steers away from portraying the predictable Beltway banter. In short, the coyotes and group succeeds in providing its audience with an American genuine entertainment and information in immigration way that can only be described as interactive h e l i c o p t e r and inspiringly imaginative. with sharp Photo courtesy of The College was able to see a first-hand teeth etched The exhibit aims to raise awareness of human suffering example of the Arm-of-the-Sea production See Puppets worldwide and to give strength and hope to the movement. team as it warmly welcomed and hosted on Page 5 Photo courtesy of Juan Cardenas Editorial Wednesday, October 22, 2008  The Pauw Wow Since 1933

2641 Kennedy Blvd. n the vein of Mark Twain and Oscar Wilde, I find majority opinion singularly distasteful. Jersey City, NJ 07306 IWhenever something is accepted as common knowledge or everyone agrees someone (201) 761 - 7378 should do something, it is important to re-evaluate it. What needs to be re-evaluated is the “get out the vote” programs. What a ridiculous idea Editorial Board that undermines democracy. From ACORN using federal dollars to illegally register people to vote across the country and campaign staff bribing people to vote for one candidate, this idea Gary Young brings ignorant people to the polls. Call us elitist, but we do not rue the drop in voter turnout, Editor in Chief we embrace it. If you do not do the research about the issues or if you do not have any strong feelings about where this country should go, please, do not vote. You will see Madonna comparing the Republican Party to the Nazis, you will hear Bruce Justin Roberts Springsteen talk about Obama and the “American Promise,” you will hear Rev. James Manning Opinions Editors call Obama the “emissary of the Devil,” do not listen to any of them. Each has an agenda. Instead, take a look at an unbiased or at least bipartisan website like or Alex Rivero the Vote Smart Project. Read how each candidate has voted on the issues you find important. News Editor Do not vote because you think you might be a Democrat. Do no vote because you think you might be a Republican. Ask yourself how you would vote on the issues that matter, and pick Alexis Kallert the candidate that agrees with you. Read some literature about the issues and get a broader understanding. Arts Editor People will respond that we demand too much of our citizens; they are too busy working to pay attention to politics. What a disgusting and arrogant argument. People are too busy Mahmoud Awadallah so you should decide how they should vote. Democracy cannot survive if its citizens make Sports Editor excuses instead of educating themselves about the issues. We are not suggesting that everyone become a policy wonk, but we are suggesting that everyone read for a few hours. And if a Michael Massey few hours of reading and internet research once every four years is too much to ask, we are Managing Editor doomed. Turn off the TV a week before the election. Go on a MSNBC, CNN, and FOX NEWS Rozen Pradhan fast. Read the voting records for the candidates and think. That is all. If you cannot make a commitment to educate yourself about this election, do not vote. Democracy does not want or Maria Marinova need you. Copy Editors

Juan Cardenas Photography Editor

Frankie DeMichele Shishir Khadka Layout Editors

Paul Almonte, Ph.D. Advisor

The Pauw Wow is published twice every month except during the winter and summer breaks by students of St. Peter’s College. Letters and submissions can be emailed or dropped off at the Pauw Wow office. Some information has been provided by the Office of Public Affairs on 51 Glenwood Ave. Letters to the Editor must have the author’s name and e-mail to be considered for publication. All submissions become property of the Pauw Wow and will not be returned. The Pauw Wow reserves the right to make changes to any article. Opinions expressed in writers’ columns, letters to the Editor and advertisements are not necessarily the opinions of the Editorial Staff of the Pauw Wow.  Wednesday, October 22, 2008 Opinion “We Sacrifice the Intellect to God” Just Look at -Ignatius Loyola The Facts For Once by justin roberts it fails to explain the unexplainable? Expecting it to solve every problem and comfort us in trying times is BY Ed Hennessy e all live in the same world. kind of desperate and unfair. It is steal Iraqi oil. If it is, I find it very WEveryday, the sun rises and not solutions we are after, anyway; it curious how the War on Terror was sets. We all eat, drink, smile, get is escape from risk. How easily we have to respectfully disagree started in oil-poor Afghanistan, bored, and hate the Red Sox. The forget that we knew risk before reason Iwith the opinions expressed and after five years of occupation, closer we live to each other, the more and that reason is only one tool at our in Mr. Awadallah’s last column. the U.S. has yet to actually “steal” similarities we generally have. Yet, disposal, while risk is constant. Firstly, I could find no unbiased any oil from Iraq. Of course, in the on any given day, I can expect to see We have been spoiled by how organization claiming that the total future, the U.S. may use its leverage at least 60 people whose motives I find well reason has treated us and addicted number of Iraqis who have died over to lobby for U.S. Oil companies in completely unfathomable. They are the to the convenience it brings. Here is the course of the war and occupation oil production contracts with the faithful who draw pride and strength the point of departure. The faithful, exceeded several hundred Iraqi government, but as long as from the intensity and absurdity of realizing this, throw a tantrum. They thousands, with that figure being far the Iraqi government freely agrees at the high end of estimates. While to such an arrangement, I do not a single innocent death in war is believe it can fairly be characterized one too many, the statistics are pale as stealing. After all, I am unaware We come in individual packages, in comparison to the “1.2 million of any indigenous Iraqi energy Iraqis” Mr. Awadallah claims to company that could compete for an complete with accessories: my feelings, have been “murdered” by American oil contract with the multinational ‘‘ my body, my mind, my rights, and my ‘‘ soldiers. If American forces are giants already seeking contracts responsibilities. intentionally murdering Iraqis, then with the Iraqis. why have casualties among Iraqi Mr. Awadallah also claims that civilians dropped since the surge “as long as the occupation continues, their illusions. You think they would reject reason the way a jaded lover began? Shouldn’t they have sharply innocent Iraqis will lose their at least be a little self-conscious. who turns her back on love after a man increased along with the number lives.” This may be true, but this As the species with the betrays her. greatest capacity for reason, inquiry Of course, they need not comes naturally to us. With enough discard all of it. Maybe God has to step practice, the answers it yields can help in to tell us what the point of life is to us to make and understand decisions, make us feel better, but science is okay If American forces are intentionally survive, and also be intrinsically for building cars and making blenders. murdering Iraqis, then why have fulfilling. It is never enough though, Oddly enough, the contradictions casualties among Iraqi civilians dropped is it? Reason does a lot for us, but that work in their favor are rarely ‘‘ ‘‘ since the surge began? it cannot do everything. So it is not questioned. Remember, this applies to perfect. So f*** it. all of the faithful, secular and religious At least, that is what the alike. faithful seem to think. Better to discard If you doubt that, consider the of U.S. Soldiers deployed in Iraq? does not mean American soldiers it completely. After all, we humans environmentalist who demands that Does Mr. Awadallah seriously are wantonly murdering innocent are greater than logic. We have needs. action be taken to fight climate change contend that American soldiers Iraqis. It should never be forgotten Expectations. Demands. Reason right now. She may not know what have intentionally killed over a that it was Al Qaeda in Iraq which cannot (or probably refuses, more that action should be, or how much million people who represented nearly plunged Iraq into a state of likely) to satisfy these, so why bother it would accomplish, or what exactly no threat to them or other Iraqis? civil war by intentionally targeting to satisfy the demands of reason? Just will happen if we fail to act. None of If so, this is a serious charge which Shia Arab civilians, and American chalk it all up to the fairytale of your that matters because she believes in requires tremendous evidence. On soldiers who have perished trying choice. A little bit of scripture here, the cause. If only she had given people the other hand, Mr. Awadallah may to prevent such sectarian attacks. a few ceremonies there; easy as you a reason why sacrificing their time and not believe there is such a thing Mr. Awadallah asks: “How dare please. This position is ludicrous, but money would benefit them, they might as morally permissible killing, so any American criticize the Iraqis only partly. listen. that an American soldier would be for resisting the plunder of their Reason does have limits. Really, what we need more unjustified in killing a member of al land and livelihoods?” If he is Murky areas exist where the issues than anything is clarity. For those of Qaeda in Iraq who was in the process referring the Iraqi insurgency, lose definition and everything you unfamiliar with this term, it is the of murdering Iraqi civilians. If this I dare because they have killed melts together. Beyond that, man is ability to see the world around you and is the case, I would fundamentally thousands of my fellow Americans capricious; we do not want everything accept it as real. People who possess it disagree with Mr. Awadallah over as well as thousands of their fellow explained. In fact, many of us would say things like, “I wish the world was the definition of “murder”, but I countrymen, often in particularly choose chaos over a predictable, like ______, but really it is what it is,” suppose I am digressing. In any gruesome ways. deterministic world. and also, “Experience, education, and case, the figure of 1.2 million Mr. I have no doubt that most Iraqis So, for those of you struggling accurate research tells me the world Awadallah cites cannot, as far as I want the United States to withdraw to keep score: We like reason when will be a better place if I do this, so I can tell, be substantiated. and I believe we should begin it helps us do what we want, but too will start doing it.” Another disagreement I have doing so. However, in my view, the much reason would tell us what to That last is most important. with Mr. Awadallah’s argument is tragedy in Iraq following the 2003 do, or rather it would tell us what we No more faiths that demand people in his insinuations regarding the invasion was caused principally by want to do (which we do not want). At obey for no reason! Change starts intentions of American forces in a lack of security. This allowed for the same time, we do not have enough with you. We come in individual Iraq. For example, he rightly cites the formation of violent nationalist reason to do everything we want. So, packages, complete with accessories: that during the invasion American and sectarian groups which we can do some things and not others; my feelings, my body, my mind, my troops defended oil production murdered thousands and wrought understand some things and not rights, and my responsibilities. With facilities at the expense of other havoc on Iraq’s infrastructure. It others. Confusing, huh? And really a rational understanding of the world, installations such as museums was not because American forces inconvenient. How can you decide I can decide what I want and figure which he claims is evidence of are malicious in their intentions what to do without knowing what will out the best way to make it happen; American economic imperialism. toward the Iraqi people. On the happen if you do it? no Saviors need apply. If my idea From a military standpoint, contrary, while I believe the United And here is where I find serves the interests of other rational however, the United States had States should not have gone to war common cause with the polluted…I people, they will join my initiative; only a limited number of soldiers to with Iraq, the actions of our military mean pious. This is where rationality no oppression necessary. This is how deploy, and certain priorities had to have been particularly selfless and ends. To try to take it any farther democracy should work: educated, be made. If this meant preventing noble in attempting to prevent without supporting evidence would partially rational people using the tool the destruction of the lifeblood of that country from descending into be, well, irrational. We humans are of reason to achieve shared ends. How the Iraqi economy, oil production the kind of chaos it is likely to fascinated by mysteries and we have is faith anything but an obstacle to (a tactic used by Saddam’s military be overcome by once American no shortage of them. Driven to work this? in the Gulf War) at the expense of forces leave. If I have in any way them out, we search for alternatives I urge everyone with a response museum security, I believe the U.S. misunderstood or mischaracterized when reason fails (often in moments to e-mail it to me. I only ask that the Military made the right decision. I the opinions of Mr. Awadallah, I where decisions must be made). believers identify themselves at the also disagree with his charge that apologize to him and to you the Despite this, what right do we outset. the ““War on Terror” is a cover to reader. have to feel betrayed by reason when [email protected] Opinion Wednesday, October 22, 2008  Vice Presidential Debate Let’s Stick to The Facts Palin Vs Biden BY Jacob Hayden liberation. The American people were deceived as to the reasons for going to ny radical fanatic can spout off war which is a fact I will not dispute. BY Paul Lazaro Aopinions and hold them as facts However, to say that we have not in order to sway people to his side. This liberated the people from a cruel and s everyone knows, I am on content, but in the eyes of the does not make the person justified, oppressive regime, guilty of atrocious Aprobably voting for John public Nixon’s sweaty forehead simply because they feel something war crimes and crimes against McCain this election year. I feel like made him seem insecure and even a is wrong. Whether a person supports humanity is just plain ignorance. In a he has the experience, judgment, and little scary. Thursday, Sarah looked the war or not, I feel like a factual report put out by Stanford University record of making real change to get cool, calm, and collected throughout representation is the only fair and in 2003, 600,000 documented civilian this country in the right direction. the entire debate, and when it came balanced way to approach a legitimate executions were reported during That being said, I am appalled at his to foreign policy there were no “I discussion on a subject. And anyone Saddam Hussein’s 24-year reign as selection of Sarah Palin as his Vice- can see Russia from my house,” who rattles off opinions as if it were “president” of Iraq. Torture of political moments. On the other hand, Biden fact should be noted and ignored. prisoners was no stranger to the brutal seemed a little forceful and covered The last issue of the Pauw Wow regime. Perhaps the author should have his demeanor by commenting on contained an article entitled “Iraq… investigated one of the more horrendous how much he loved John McCain. Five Years Later…” This article is a interrogation techniques used by this Yes, she did say maverick a lot and prime example of a misinformed anti- regime where, to encourage one to reiterated her home town roots (much American inaccurately spouting off cooperate during questioning, a family to the dismay of you urban partisans in order to convince people of his member might be brought in and raped out there,) but that was part of the righteous cause. First, I would like in front of them. There is no doubt that plan. She showed America that she to address some “facts” is not as big of a buffoon as everyone mentioned in the article. in the media thinks she is, and took In the first paragraph, There are really three wars going on the title of non-Washington insider the author proclaims that in Iraq: the US versus terrorists, the US Photo courtesy of away from Chicago political machine 1.2 million Iraqis have ‘‘ versus Iraqi insurgents, and an Iraqi ‘‘ Barack Obama. been murdered. Where civil war. presidential running mate. How could Next, Palin made many references this statistic is coming John pander so low!?! Yes, picking to Joe Biden’s past quotes. Biden from, I do not know. her has re-energized the far right, but himself has stated that he would be According to the website Iraq Body these were people needing liberation who likes them anyway? Yes, picking honored to run with John McCain. Count, the to-date number of civilian from a terrorist who brutally seized and her has re-energized evangelicals, She also uncovered the misgivings Iraqis killed is anywhere from 88,000 to maintained control of Iraq. but who cares about them anyway? that Joe Biden has had about Barack 96,000 (by terrorists, US Soldiers, and Finally, allow me to enlighten the Palin is inexperienced, has favored Obama being commander in chief. insurgents). Other estimates have put it author as to what the reality of the Like Hillary and Bill, at around 150,000. Nevertheless, this violence in Iraq is. There are really Joe has been quoted comes nowhere near to the 1.2 million three wars going on in Iraq: the US as saying “Barack provided by our friend. versus terrorists, the US versus Iraqi I must remind the Political Science Obama is not ready There is also a claim about “dumping” insurgents, and an Iraqi civil war. Iraq majors out there that when it comes to to be president.” depleted uranium on Iraqi soil. This is has always been a turbulent region since ‘‘ appealing to the general population, it is John and Sarah a half-truth. The depleted uranium its inception after World War I, with not about what you say, but how you say ‘‘ made the most of that we are talking about is that used in three distinct ethnic regions combined what could have tank buster bullets shot from A-10’s (a into one territory. The reason why been a disastrous military aircraft). Yes, there have been Iraq seemed so stable before this war creationism over evolution, and situation. Palin could have cemented about 75 tons of these bullets used is because it was held together by the attends a church that actively everyone’s perception of her as an during the war. However, they are not monstrous regime headed by Saddam attempts to “convert” homosexuals inexperienced political stunt. And as harmful as some would lead you to Hussein. Now that we have liberated to heterosexuality. As far as my while I am pretty sure that McNasty believe, and a dust mask and washing Iraq from the terror of the former libertarian leanings are concerned, is kicking himself over not choosing your hands is enough to protect you regime; we have a responsibility to re- his pick for Vice president is killing economic brain Mitt Romney as his from contamination. If you would like stabilize the country in a healthy and me, but as far as the only vice- first mate to learn more about depleted uranium, democratic way before returning home presidential debate is concerned during this I encourage you to check out an article and allowing the Iraqis to flourish. Sarah Barracuda gets an A+. e c o n o m i c in the Christian Science Monitor on It may have been irresponsible to Now I know many of you political c r i s i s , that topic. enter Iraq in the first place, however, enthusiasts out there strongly Sarah Palin Those are really the only “facts” it would be reckless and detrimental disagree with my A+ grade, being showed us that are presented in the article; the to the region and the people to leave that Joe ILovetoPlagarize Biden T h u r s d a y rest is simply a rant about one man’s without completing our mission: to pretty much covered or outdid Palin that she feelings about what is going on in Iraq. bring stability and self-governance to on all points. And although this may can play a The author focuses on two specific Iraq. I will not deny the fact that war be true, I must remind the Political pretty mean themes. The first is that we have not crimes have been committed, by all Science majors out there that when s e c o n d liberated anyone. The second is that parties involved in Iraq, but the fact it comes to appealing to the general fiddle. we are fighting the Iraqis. The first of the matter is that it would be more population, it is not about what you is an outright delusion; the second is criminal to leave a country war-torn say, but how you say it. For example, Photo courtesy of another half truth. and broken after we vowed to liberate in 1960 Nixon clearly beat Kennedy First let us address the fact of it.  Wednesday, October 22, 2008 News Jesuit Spotlight: Mark DeStephano, S.J. By Jacob Hayden and Peaches Dela Paz r. Mark DeStephano, had a wonderful childhood out because it exemplifies how student. His students have is no surprise that he will be FS.J., had never heard blessed with parents who the Jesuits are welcoming, showed an unbounded spirit on sabbatical for the spring of the Jesuits until his high loved each other, a good understanding, loving, and in learning and it compels and summer semester in school language teacher, education, friends, and a accepting of human weakness. him to become more creative order to publish a book he who was educated by the strong relationship with the Over the past thirty years and in researching new ways has been researching for Jesuits, mentioned it to him Church. He felt a calling to to this day, he has felt the of teaching. To this day, Fr. the past decade, as well as his junior year. At that time, become a priest because he DeStephano knows fourteen three manuscripts, and his Fr. DeStephano was not sure was grateful for all of these languages and is in the process dissertation from Harvard about what he wanted to do blessings, and in gratitude, he of learning Vietnamese. about feudal relationships in after graduating. But in his wanted to serve God and share Throughout the years, he French and Spanish poetry. senior year of high school, he his blessings with others. has traveled extensively His advice to students attended his first retreat. This Father DeStephano was but his favorite place is comes threefold: to get the most was a retreat for those who energetic, passionate, and Beijing, China because of out of the diverse and small were interested in entering the genuine when talking about the loving and accepting community at Saint Peter’s, to Jesuits. Years later, his mother his life with the Jesuits. people. get to know the professors and would tell him that she knew His favorite memory as Since his arrival at Jesuits personally, and to find as soon as he came back that a Jesuit was, ironically Saint Peter’s College a religious faith. He hopes weekend, that he would join enough, almost leaving in 1995, he has that students become familiar the priesthood. them. During the first year taught 55 different with the Jesuit mission and to The Jesuits were not Fr. in the novitiate, he was classes, served in up take advantage of how open DeStephano’s only option after given leave to go home for to 28 committees, and professors are to building graduating. He had to weigh the Christmas holidays. became Department relationships with students. his decision carefully between Being so homesick and Chair of Classical and He encourages students to start joining the Jesuits or attending weary of the past few Modern Language. building a foundation for life, Princeton University on a full months, he decided that As the new advisor and stresses how important ride studying Arabic. After a he did not want to go back. of the Alpha Sigma it is in finding a religion to lengthy, two hour discussion However, the next day, Nu Honors Society of anchor your life during the with his vocation director, Fr. when his mother literally Jesuit Colleges, he wants tough times. Fr. DeStephano’s DeStephano turned Princeton kicked him out of the house to implement some departing words were: “Live down. The man who had to give the Jesuits a one year changes. Some of them a happy life, start now in offered him the scholarship trial, he returned. Upon his include a retreat, masses, college, if your life is not could not fathom why Fr. arrival back, he was greeted at Photo by Juan Cardenas and service activities happy, maybe you need to sit DeStephano would choose to the train station by all of his for members as well as down and take a look at that. join the Jesuits instead. But fellow Jesuits and at the front same fostering care. networking with alumni. He Why? And maybe you need to months later Fr. DeStephano door, the formation director His favorite parts of believes that intellect should make some adjustments and received a call from this same welcomed him back with a teaching are the students. Fr. go hand in hand with vocation here is the place to do it.” man, saying that he decided hug along with a huge corn DeStephano himself is filled and service. to become Catholic. beef sandwich. Out of all of with intellectual curiosity With his constant Growing up, Fr. DeStephano his memories, this one stands and sees himself as an eternal involvement on campus, it

Interview from Page 1 due to the lack of trying on everyone’s part. and making it a bit more flexible, which I think is It is about forty-two million dollars worth of bonds Q: What do you think about Saint Peter’s Core one thing I would like to see. There are different that we refinanced, acquired at different times for Curriculum? Some have suggested it be expanded ways to satisfy the various requirements in the core. different interest rates. This will eventually save the and some think it should be pared down. What do Typically, ours is fairly prescriptive, this course college six million dollars a year in interest costs. you think? will fulfill the core; that will fulfill it. With a lot of That will have a long term impact on the college’s A: The faculty, most deans, and presidents would institutions, you have a range of courses taken in financial stability. call the core curriculum of any college the third rail whatever combination that will satisfy the core. That [Young] Wow, that is a pretty significant of college politics. I do not know if you know that is the kind of thing I would like to see happen. achievement. expression, but it comes from federal budget politics. Whatever we do with the core, we want it to be very Yeah...that is pretty good (laughs) I would say. If somebody proposes to tamper with social security, strong in achieving the classic elements of a liberal The other thing though that I am really happy with it is called the third rail of American politics. You arts education—strong philosophy requirement, is the mood and feel of the college. I sense a lot touch social security and you get electrocuted, you strong history, certainly we need to have a strong of enthusiasm. I think we have had good success definitely can! math and science requirement, to name just a few of in recruiting student leaders. Notwithstanding So the Core is our third rail. You try to mess with the key elements. Again, I think its more about the some of the challenges we will face because of the the core then usually you are going to hear from a way we try to satisfy the requirements. economy, I think people are united and committed lot of people on either side. That does not meant I think we also need a lot more applied ethics in to the mission. I think we are ready to take off. you should not look at it at all or do anything about our core. Exactly how we would be able to do that, I Q: What has been your most significant failure? it, it is just that you have to be prepared for it. leave to the great minds in the faculty. But I think it A: I have no failings. (laughter...... ) I will My own views is that the core is in need of some is a real challenge we have today. On one hand, we be quite honest with you. At this point, it is the serious....examination, towards making it a bit can give courses in philosophy that provide a very fundraising. You know, we have got about 11 and leaner and perhaps a bit more appropriate for the strong theoretical or an abstract basis for ethics. We a half million dollars in pledges just for the Capital needs of students today. need more ethics on the practical side across the campaign. On one hand, I can look at it and say that Q: Expanding it? Or making it more career curriculum. is not so bad, you know. Some of that was when I focused? Again, we would like to thank Dr. Cornacchia for was interim president. A piece of it was collected A: I could tell you this: I do not expect, in my taking the time to talk to us and let the students under Father Loughran. But I thought we would be tenure as president, for the core to ever be made know what he thinks the future holds for Saint further along by now, maybe closer to 20 million at larger. It would take an awful lot of convincing. Most Peter’s College. this stage. But we are not quite there yet. It is not institutions are making their core more streamlined,

Truth from Page 1 Puppets from Page 1 onto its front nose. persons in some way balances the evil and passivity of the majority at moments of “The way in which the show was performed was very creative, crisis or need,” said Dr. Mansheim of the Urban Studies Department. especially with the colorful puppets,” commented senior Doris Mena. Speak Truth to Power takes both its name and its subject matter from the book by Kerry “It took a major issue in the US and personalized it so that everyone Kennedy Cuomo, daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy. The exhibit’s photos were taken could understand it.” by Eddie Adams, who was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his most famous photograph, The productions “address what really matters in our society in a that of the execution of Nguyen Van Lem, a Viet Cong prisoner, at the hands of General way that is creative, thought provoking, uplifting, and which calls Nguyen Ngoc Loan on February 1, 1968 in Saigon. Both the book and the exhibit are forth our full humanity,” said Dr. Anna Brown of the political science coupled with a play by Ariel Dorfman, a Chilean who served as cultural advisor to department. Arm-of-the-Sea receives its funding from the NY State President Salvador Allende before Allende was overthrown in 1973 in a coup led by Council on the Arts, the Hudson River Foundation, the Catskill General Augusto Pinochet. The play, titled Speak Truth to Power: Voices from Beyond Watershed Corporation, the NYS Department of Environmental the Dark, is made up of the words and experiences of the very same activists featured in Conservation, and individual donors. Mainly, however, the this exhibit. It was first performed at the exhibit’s opening in 2000 by actors such as Alec organization relies on performance fees to balance their budget. The Baldwin, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Alfre Woodward, Kevin Kline, and John Malkovich. crew can be found all along the eastern half of the country, performing The exhibit will run until October 30. Hopefully, those who take the time to visit will in parades, cultural centers, and schools, among other places. come away knowing that although the world is a harsh place, there are those willing to For more information, please visit their website: http://www. put themselves in harm’s way in order to make it better. Variety Wednesday, October 22, 2008  John Grim, Cooking with Tom ello Food Lovers! We meet once again. Even though By Carmin Aguiles Hthis week’s recipe may seem rather complicated, it is actually easier than the stir fry. It has the “set it and forget” feel John Grim had very recently retired as a successful writer of sorts. Grim wrote of late night infomercials. I like to put some cheese between instruction manuals for thirty some odd years. It was something he quite literally fell into. the bacon and chicken frankly because I really like cheese. It Newly out of grad school, a young and eager Grim carried a gray folder filled with also oozes out onto the potatoes and onions which gives it a exactly a dozen crisp copies of his rather impressive resume. John was on the hunt for a rich taste. Everything cooks at the same time, and you just career. It was quite miraculous that he had managed to secure twelve job interviews in a have to clean one pan at the end. And just as a general tip, single day. bacon makes everything taste better. So, if you make something The marathon began promptly at 7:16am. Nearing 2:18pm, six interviews down, as without a recipe or you want to make any boring food taste Grim ran down a spiraling staircase, he lost his footing. Up went the gray folder with the really good, just add bacon and nothing can go wrong. details of John’s skills, academic accomplishments, prior work experience, etc. Quickly he collected his scatter selves and ran to his seventh interview of the day. All went well, as to be expected. However, during interview #10 John came to the grim realization he had only two resumes left. A single bead of sweat escaped his forehead, as he relinquished one of them to Walter Cove. For there rest of the interview John’s mind sought to solve the mysterious disappearance of resume #12. What happened is as follows; at 2:18am after tripping over his own feet on the 34th step of the spiraling staircase in the lobby of the Quest building on 89th street, resume # 12 floated down the stairs, landing on the desk of a Mr. Orson Made, who after reading it came to the irrational conclusion that it was heaven sent.

To be continued on the next edition of the Pauw Wow. Crossword and Sudoku Bacon wrapped Chicken with Potatoes Ingredients · 4 pieces of chicken, preferably two chicken breasts cut ACROSS DOWN in half 1. System of beliefs 1. Cliff · about 6-8 pieces of bacon The first person to deliver a 6. Wainscot 2. Sexually naughty · 1 onion 10. Lyric poems 3. Ancient Biblical · 5-6 potatoes successfully completed crossword 14. Detection device kingdom · Salt, pepper, and other seasonings puzzle to Gary Young will receive 15. Dry 4. Repair by sewing -First, wash and cut the potatoes into bite size pieces and 16. Bun 5. Elaborate throw them in a pot of boiling water, allowing them to cook $25 cold hard cash! 17. Fruit of the oak 6. A pub sport until soft tree 7. Wild African sheep -While the potatoes are boiling, prep and season the chicken 18. Deceptive ma- 8. A thin flat circular with whatever seasonings you like, I prefer salt, pepper, and We are serious neuver plate thyme. 19. Pelvic bones 9. City in south cen- -Next, wrap each piece of chicken with at least one piece of 20. Tumbling tral Ukraine bacon so that most of the chicken is wrapped by the bacon. 22. Gunk 10. Creator -Next, slice the onions into big pieces. I like to cut the onion 23. It is (poetic) 11. Painful grief in half and chop it so you end up with large half circles. 24. Garments of the 12. Poet T.S. _____ - Next, place the chopped onions into a large cooking pan torso 13. Smacks 21. Mud that has been oiled with either cooking spray or vegetable/olive 26. A morsel of corn or clay deposited by oil. 30. Secure or fasten a river - Now place the bacon wrapped chicken on top of the 32. Shivering fit 25. Anagram of onions 33. Tall woody plant “Hail” -After that, take the boiled potatoes out of the water and 35. Needs 26. Cabbage place them all around the bacon wrapped chicken. Add some 39. Yearns 27. Psyches salt and pepper as desired. 41. Forelimb 28. Small person - Put this entire tray into an oven preheated at 400 degrees 42. Make amends 29. Intermediary and let cook for 25 minutes. By this point, the bacon should 43. Sword 30. Gills on a mollusk look cooked and the potatoes should be golden brown. After 44. Types of hats 31. Used to make 25 minutes, allow the dish to sit outside for 5 or 10 minutes so 46. Smell rope that juices get absorbed by the chicken. 47. Armored weapons 34. An instrument of Buon Appetite!!! 49. Expose to the air torture 51. Dog 36. Closing section of 54. Not at either end a musical composi- 55. Capital of West- tion ern Samoa 37. Nautical mile 56. Absurd (speed) 63. Accord 38. Withered 64. An empty space 40. Glance over 45. 65. Coconut meat Ketch 66. Reflected sound 48. State of anxiety 67. Anagram of 50. Evokes “Neat” 51. Short cloaks 68. Something that 52. Rapidly happens 53. Alcove 69. Fortune teller 54. The golden touch 70. Backtalk 57. A very small 71. Detect amount 58. Loud noises 59. Adoration 60. Not closed 61. Vases Tom Cleary at work Photo by Frank DeMIchele 62. Satisfy  Wednesday, October 22, 2008 Arts Cute’s Album Hits Stores Enter Madonna, Live at Catchy pop-rock tunes galore included with purchase Madison Square Garden By Martha Varela coming out while jumping rope. By Alexis Kallert knack for out of the ordinary lyrics. For “She’s Not Me,” four dancers After listening to the third track, appeared dressed in well-known I’ll admit that I did not want to listen Whenever Madonna releases a outfits from past “eras” of her career, ute Is What We Aim For burst to the album any further. Not because new album and goes on another tour, including the “Like a Virgin” VMA Conto the in 2006 with I did not like it, because I knew I had the critics and detractors come out wedding dress and the Marilyn The Same Old Blood Rush found my favorite track on Rotation. and say the same things: “Madonna Monroe/“Material Girl” pink gown. with a New “Navigate Me” is a highly sexual song, is no longer relevant,” “She is not as The third act’s Gypsy theme was Touch, a with lyrics that are reminiscent of good as she used to be,” and, perhaps drastically different from the rest of pop-infused the band circa 2006. most distressingly of all, “She is too the concert. I fear that the change of album with “Safe Ride” old and should just quit.” Somehow, pace may have actually dragged the extremely is a it is fine for male musicians and show down a bit. Although a folk- q u i r k y bands much older than her to keep dance version of “La Isla Bonita” was l y r i c s . performing, but, in Madonna’s case fun and spirited, actually having T w o (and many other female artists), she the folk band take over for a minute y e a r s should hang up her leotard and retire was not the best idea. When she l a t e r , to spare herself the embarrassment. performed “Miles Away” some of the The fact that her tours sell out and background videos looked like grainy her fans continue to buy her records old National Geographic travelogues. does not seem to matter. And as much as I liked the idea of That is funny, because, when I an acoustic “You Must Love Me,” the very went to see her at Madison Square ballad from Evita, it was nothing more Garden on October 7, I saw a huge than a missed opportunity. Madonna sweet crowd of people who I assume like has done slow songs on tours before; l o v e her enough to pay as much as $350 “Live to Tell” was incredibly moving b a l l a d a seat (myself included). I do not when performed on the last tour. a n d regret a penny of it, and, from what Of course, no Madonna tour one of I could see, the delighted audience is complete without a little bit the best that shared my experience did not of controversy. Between each act tracks on either. I saw Madonna in concert there was a brief interlude while the album. for the first time in 2001 for her they prepared for the next part. T h o u g h Drowned World Tour. Since then, The third interlude before act four Album Cover courtesy of it sounds I have had the good fortune to see featured a political video-montage. d e s p i t e similar to all three of her tours including the Among the images of atrocities and all the rumors and “The Fourth latest, the Sticky and Sweet Tour in disasters, both Hitler and Kim Jong- drama that have surrounded Drink Instinct” support of her most recent album, Il were featured—followed by Mike them, the band is back with their from the band’s “Hard Candy.” Love her or hate her, Huckabee and John McCain. The sophomore release Rotation. f i r s t album, this say what you will about Madonna, audience responded with resounding Rotation definitely shows a more song’s message is drastically but the woman knows how to put on boos and then cheered excitedly mature . While different, and a much better one for that a show. when Barack Obama the first album portrays lead singer matter. Hackiyan sings in the chorus, Most of the set list “For a few was shown among the Shaant Hacikyan’s obvious irritation “I’ll be your safe ride home when you was from Hard Candy, likes of the Dalai Lama with the opposite sex, Rotation shows a call me. I’ll be everything and more but she did perform incredible, bliss- and Bill Clinton. deeper and an even softer side of him. when you call my name.” a few classics like ful minutes, The concert The album opens up with the first For the most part the band succeeds “Into the Groove” picked up again for single “Practice Makes Perfect.” Though in making a good album, but, there are and “Borderline.” At somewhere the fourth and final starting off slow in the beginning, the some misses on Rotation. For example, all times, enormous between club act. The futuristic song picks up right at the chorus, as “Hollywood” sounds nothing like the screens spanning club-themed act Hackiyan despondently sings “I’ve band has ever done. The track combines the stage and over ecstasy and included another become what a mother wouldn’t want trumpets, reggae beats, a brief rap from the mini-stage at the religious ec- video duet, this in a son, and I have done a few things Hackiyan, and politically charged end of the catwalk time with Justin I regret, but practice makes perfect.” lyrics. It is an eclectic song that does displayed images stasy, we were Timberlake for “4 Though not a song I would pick as not seem to fit into the overall picture to accompany all uplifted and Minutes.” While the first single, it definitely shows the of the album. the music and stopping to do an effort the band has made to progress its Overall, Rotation is a solid album. the overall united under the impromptu version sound. It definitely shows the growth of Cute production— Church of of “I Love New The next track, “Doctor,” opens Is What We Aim For without straying costumes, dancing, York,” she vowed up with the lines “I’m like a rookie too far from the band’s signature sound. and visuals—was Madonna.” to kick Sarah Palin’s paramedic to a siren, praying for an Check the album out if you’re into fun impressive, full of behind, and later said, accident,” showing that the band still and catchy pop-rock tunes! excitement, and nearly “This is the sound of has a non-stop energy. I still think, of all Sarah Palin’s husband’s snowmobile the tours I’ve been to, Drowned when it won’t start!” and produced World and Confessions had the best harsh-sounding feedback with her production, but she does something guitar. The show closed with “Give completely different each time, and it 2 Me,” and the words Game Over each tour has something unique and appeared on-screen until the lights outstanding of its own. came on. There were four acts, each with For me, the highlight was toward a different theme. The first two acts the end when Madonna performed were the most colorful and liveliest an intense, rave-style version of of the entire show as a whole. I don’t “Like a Prayer.” While she sang, the know how she does it. At 50, she screens behind her displayed various matched the dancers half her age with quotes from religious texts, such as the same vivacity. Who’s old now? “From the light we have come and to The first act was a mix of flapper- it we shall return.” The crowd really dominatrix and urban, opening with came to life and let go for this one; “Candy Shop” where she fittingly thousands were dancing in their made her first appearance while places, clapping and waving their sitting on a throne. Both Pharrell and arms to the beat. For a few incredible, Kanye West appeared on the screens blissful minutes, somewhere between Photo courtesy of to “duet” with her for some of the club ecstasy and religious ecstasy, we This band returns with their sophomore release, “Rotation.” A songs off Hard Candy. were all uplifted and united under more mature version of Cute Is What We Aim For progresses their The second act was Old School the Church of Madonna. sound and reveals their soft side. 80s hip-hop New York with Madonna Yes, she still has it. Long live the Arts Wednesday, October 22, 2008  Performance at local cathedral leads coalition for a Music for Democracy more sustainable future through political action.

By Stephanie Danis of progressive musicians, Radio and Jim Dean of their fans, and the music Democracy for America, one n a bright, beautiful, and community at large.” of the largest political action Ouncharacteristically The event kicked off at 4:30 committees in the nation. warm fall day, I made my way p.m. on a Sunday afternoon, The panel was unfortunately to St. Raphael’s Cathedral with an artist’s reception for cut from the event as the on West 41st Street and 10th ticket-buyers, who spent $500 musical performances ran Avenue in Manhattan. The a ticket on a VIP level and over schedule. Croatian Roman Catholic $1,000 a ticket at the sponsor- The afternoon was Church basement was taken level. The event also released enjoyable. It was rewarding to over for the “Be the Change, tickets for $55 a pair for the see that many people do care a Music for Democracy” fund performance only, as part about current politics and raising event. Music for of an “Economic Stimulus that many are enthusiastic Democracy is described on package.” about the coming election. their website as, “a grassroots At around 5:00 p.m. Israeli But I wonder how an event coalition of musicians, artist Dan Reed took the like “Be the Change” actually Photo courtesy of industry professionals, and stage and played a short, 15- gets kids to vote? I did not Graham Nash performs to support candidates running music fans who are united minute set. After Dan Reed, see this event working well for federal office. by the belief that America popularized Indie rock and as a way to promote voting needs a new kind of politics roll band “Vampire Weekend” as much as I felt it was an about Music for Democracy to move forward toward a graced the stage. Their set was event that rewarded those check out their website at if you want to get involved more peaceful, economically met with much enthusiasm who already do vote. If www.musicfordemocracy. behind the political scenes. robust, and environmentally from both young Indie fans you want to know more org or check out www. sustainable future.” The goal and their parents. Folk of Music for Democracy is, “to favorites Crosby and Nash support candidates for federal played a stirring three-song office and facilitate public set that transformed itself awareness of campaigns from a mesmerizing quiet set that advance the agenda to an inspirational anthem. At the end of the night, Crosby and Nash invited the members of “Vampire Weekend” to close out the event with a rendition of their hippie-classic “Teach Your Children,” where they invited members of the audience to sing along. The fund raiser also held a silent auction, where they auctioned off an acoustic guitar along with other prized items. The event had scheduled a panel that was to focus on Photo courtesy of talks about music and politics made by David Vampire Weekend facilitates public awareness of the campaign that advances the Bender of Air America Poster by music for democracy agenda of progressive musicians, their fans and the music industry. Calendar OCTOBER November Wed 22 Sat 1 Open Mic/Poetry Night/Rap battle (Pavonia Room) 8pm - 10 pm Annual CROP Walk (McIntyre Lounge (entire) - Dinneen Hall - 1st floor) Thurs 23 8:30am Halloween bake Sale (Quad) 12 pm Sun 2 Fri 24 Alumni Memorial Mass 10am - 12pm “The Montserrat” –Ignatian Silent Retreat Student Senate General Meeting (Degnan Conference Room - Saint Peter Sat 25 Hall - 1st floor) 7pm Family Weekend 2008 Mon 3 Ballstars Junior College Men’s Basketball Showcase (RLC) 11 am to 8 pm Speaker Series (Pope Lecture Hall - Pope Hall - 1st floor) 11:50am - 1pm Mon 27 Coffee House (Pavonia Room - Dinneen Hall - Base Level) 8pm - 10pm First day of Priority Registration for Spring 2009 CAS/SBA students Tues 4 Out to NYC: Visiting Madame Tussauds Wax Museum 3pm to 8 pm S.E.B. Movie Night (Pope Lecture Hall - Pope Hall - 1st floor) 8pm Speaker Series (Pope Lecture Hall - Pope Hall - 1st floor) 11:50 am to 1 pm Wed 5 Coffee House (Pavonia Room - Dinneen Hall - Base Level) 8pm to 10 pm Identity Theft (Pope Lecture Hall - Pope Hall - 1st floor) 12pm - 12:50pm Tues 28 Dating 101 (McIntyre Lounge - Sect. A - Dinneen Hall - 1st floor) 7:30pm - 10pm Keeping alive the tradition previously known Wed 29 as Fall Fest, SPC Family Weekend features 2011 Bake Sale (Quadrangle] 12pm - 1pm two days of fun activities for SPC students and Madame Tussauds Wax Museum Sign Ups (Quadrangle) 12pm - 1pm employees, and their families. Student Senate General Meeting (Degnan Conference Room - Saint Peter Hall - 1st floor) 7pm Thurs 30 25th Annual Fall Career Fair Today Guarini Lecture Series 11am - 12:30pm 9am - 1pm McIntyre Lounge Dia De Los Muertos (Quadrangle) 7pm - 9pm Over thirty-five employers representing the corporate, government, and non-profit sectors are scheduled to attend.