The American Legion Weekly [Volume 6, No. 12 (March 21, 1924)]
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IS IT WORTH A QUARTER TO YOU TO GET A BUDDY INTO THE LEGION I READ ABOUT THE "SHOOT TWO BITS" PLAN, PAGE 25 10c. a Copy MARCH 21, 1924 Vol. 6, No. 12 £3fe AMERICAN art of Match 3. 1879. Published weekly at New York. N- Y. Entered ma second das? matter March- 2J. 192U. at che Po*» Office at New York. N . Y und-r 1921. Price S2 the year. Acceptance for mailing at apecial rale ol pottas* proviaaa (or id Section 1103. Act of October 3. 1917. egtbomed March 31. Free Book about Baldness that Everyone Should Have Men and Women Who Are Losing Their Hair—Men Who Are Facing Baldness—Should Send at Once for My Free Book About a New Way to Grow Hair in 30 Days—Or No Cost! By ALOIS MERKE Founder of Famous Mcrkc Institute, Fifth Avenue, N. Y. After 17 years' experi- know. But I DO know that it has banished embodied In the treatment I now offer you on my encein treating baldness falling hair and dandruff for hundreds of ^^Z^°T^^^^^ —which included many others. I DO know it has given a new growth any home in which there is electricity, years in Heidelberg, of hair to people who had long ago given up Remember, I do not ask you to take any risk Paris,Berlin Geneyaanci hope. And so downright positive it ear, ( fm M J^TSSLff ROT'S other centers ot scientific do the same For you that 1 want you to try it thousands of others. If it can't do the same for you then the trial costs you nothing. I don't your research — I have dis- entirely at my risk —and if it FAILS to re- want °" covered a startling new store your hair, then I'll instantly and flft JtSfto^A^tSaoleTdge"' ^ way to promote hair gladly mail you a check refunding every growth. penny you have paid me. My new free Mail Coupon for Free Book the Merke Insti- I afford At booklet explains fully just how can . „ „ .„ -„ , , tut,. Fifth Avenue, New to absolutely GUARANTEE to grow new y , JJw v , T , York—which 1 founded—stage and social hair on your head—or the test is free. Send tion of ^any kind— the new 32-page book entitled, " celebrities have paid as high as $500 for the for it now. The New w ay t0 Make Hair Grow." This not only describes my treatment in detail but it is full of resultsrpsiilt« mv newnpw treatmenttrpqtmpnt hrniio-litDrought tnem.thpm my 77 . • I TVT helpful information on the hair, and contains all the 7 .„ ^^*U«J Yet now I have made it possible for every Ulltireiy INeW lVietnOa latest scientihe knowledge on hair culture. Already this vitally interesting shown thousands of one to avail themselves of my methods— , , . j.- , ... book has ± L My method entirely different from anything others the way to new hair And n0 matter how llgntnVht in tnurthfir ownnwn nomeshomes andind atntna COMros7 nf onlyfmhl L , OJ . singeing, you ever hearci of No massaging, no no thin your hair may be, no matter how many different a few Cents a day! "mange cures," no unnecessary fuss of any kind. treatments you have taken without results, it is sure My startling new book reveals the whole Yet <" esul ts arc usually noted with the very firgt to prove of deepest, interest to you. Mail the coupon few treatments, edition is exhaustCMl. oonrii nf m, ; mntKral ami l,nm l,im now, before the presentv limited secret Ot my method—and Shows HOW liun- ft|y mPthod proves that m a great many cases of dreds have already regained hair this new falling hair and baldness, the hair roots are NOT ALLIED MERKE INSTITUTES, INC. I found in many way. This book, which contains much help- dead, but merely DORMANT! Dept 223 512 Fifth Avenue, New York ~ ' ,. ' .J. „ ,, , . oases that through undernourishment, dandruff, etc., ^ ful information on the care of the hair, Will t | iesP starving roots had literally gone into a state no matter I INSTITUTES, INC. be sent you—entirely free — if you merely of "suspended animation." Yet how j ALLIED MERKE is 3sible in great Dept. Fifth Avenue, New York tllin thc nair may be ' '* now P° a 223, 512 mail the couponF I " number of oases to AWAKEN these dormant roots obligation j Please send me without cost or on my i and stimulate an entirely new growth of hair! I _ booklet describing «- TT f, J art a copy Qf tne new the MV UnUSUal Guarantee KNOW this to be true, fori do it every day Merke Institute Home Treatment. Ordinary measures failed to grow hair because | they did not penotrate to these dormant roots. To T l-nrair irr>n nrn sKptiral.ulfontinnl T \tni\w unt, j „ 1 know yOU ait know Name ' 1 yoU „, a kc » tree grow you « ould not rub "growing fluid" V«' whether Mr 'jijMrs.ra or mIsr)Miss) (State , have wasted tune and money on treatments on the leaves. Instead, you would treat the roots. ; And so It is with the hair. which, by their very nature, could NEVER |^uu"-ssA,iHre« In all the world there is only one method I know restorerp«tnrp yourvnnr nairrinir i\nAllnVhtrignt. iPprh-ir>«ernaps mv my about of r)erietrating direBt t0 the roots and stirnu. j ktate treatment cannot help you either. I don t feting them to new activity. Aud this method is I City ————— — MARCH 21. 1924 FACE 3 Every Time a Man Dropped AWoman Took His Place ~~ and Then ~ ~ Exciting Send No Money Smashing- 19§ To Get Them! Red Blooded 12 Books M, forAll Breath-Taking Tales of Adventure and Romance Don't you often wish for excitement that will in these twelve big bully books. Not a dull make you forget the hum-drum of common, moment in any chapter, a thrill on every page. every-day affairs? Don't you long for a thrill that will make your heart beat fast? You are Thrilling Exploits of Hardy ^ A Spawn of the k ">'' u Tuttle missing some of the most fascinating tales ever tl"n>-l? IIP* Hl\ i, Deaert—W.C. Adventurers " 5 v He prayed for the f> V * 7 written if you don't get this set of twelve, J>iylMr soul or a murdered mk, JjSfe, i Over 125,000 sets of these twelve gripping, 1 ' v ' man- then trimmed swift, mile-a-minute books that move with the 1 • ' the tdiiililerx at their fascinating books are to be found in the homes speed of a hurricane. to 1 ySreBK*^ / own shell game. And you don't need I ---,™ And what he didn't of people who enjoy real smashing red-blooded », / send a penny in advance to get them—more- tales, of the most fascinating days of American over you can keep them five days to decide for history. 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When the West, the Todhunter of the Smashing, red-blooded stories full of hand-to- Jim Southwest, the Frozen North were in the raw. sledge-hammer fists set hand conflicts, murderous steel knives, screams a dizzy pace, until Don't depend entirely on the dry pages of the of beautiful women, moans of defenseless men, Apache Valley average history for your knowledge of the inside Arthur Chapman blood-thirsty savages, two-gun fighters, fear- Cattle rustlers, night story of the homescekers who braved the hard- holdups, a yellow sheriff, less, loyal men and women in Piper's Glen, enemy's camp. ships and dangers of the prairie, the mountains, love In the Hell's Depot, Canyon of Green Death and Second Mate the frozen wastes and rivers, to get their prizes. H. Bedford- Jonea Apache Valley. 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